Mesa Verde CC - February Newsletter 2017

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Love and Music V A L E N T I N E ’ S



TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 14 6:00 PM TO 10:00 PM Bring your sweetheart to the CluB for a romantiC dinner and live musiC. enjoy passed appetizers followed By a four-Course dinner and live musiC By Blue smoke, who will Be playing musiC from the 50’s, 60’s, 70’s, and 80’s. $ 85 per person 48-hour CanCellation poliCy Complimentary ChildCare (please make a reservation with tisha) dress: dressy, jaCket and tie reCommended for gentlemen main dining room is Closed for dinner

reservations for dinner and ChildCare Can Be made online or By Calling memBer serviCes. 1 |

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full menu is availaBle online for viewing.


General Manager M E S A V E RD E C OUNT RY C LUB 3000 Clubhouse Rd., Costa Mesa, CA 92626 (714) 549-0377 - Tel.

B oard


D i rectors

Roger Goulette, President Rob Stratton, Vice President Todd Brisco, Secretary Ken Noble, Treasurer Steve Check Michael Kelso Ken King Paul Lunsford Doug Sturgess

S ta f f G eneral M anager C ontroller

J eremy S amson

(714) 617-3311 P atr i c i a S m i t h

(714) 617-3312

A sst . C ontroller

Q u i ana R amos

(714) 617-3318

M ember R elat i ons M gr . F& B D i rector E x ecut i ve C h e f C ater i ng /S oc i al E vents H ead G ol f P ro H ead T enn i s P ro

K ate B all

(714) 617-3316 D av i d D onnelly

(714) 617-3348 C h r i s C h un

(714) 617-3324 N i cole C app

(714) 617-3326 T om S argent

(714) 617-3331 R andy M yers

(714) 617-3344

C ourse S uper i ntendant

R obert G luck

(714) 617-3963


I would first like to welcome all of the new members who have joined the Club over the last year. It has been great to see you enjoying everything that Mesa Verde has to offer. Over the holidays, the Club was abuzz about Chef Chris’ winter menus and our many events. The team continues to work toward delivering a diverse set of offerings that will attract various demographics and taste buds. Thank you to those families who have supported the dining programs and innovative events like Sushi Sundays, the Beer vs. Wine Dinner and Culinary Classes. We hope you join us for our Valentine's Day celebration, Wine Dinner, and Wild Game Dinner. If you have ideas for new events, please share them with us. The bigger buzz around the Club pertains to our Master Plan initiatives. We just hosted a Town Hall Meeting and prior to that, we presented the plan to three focus groups comprised of over 80 Members and our respective committees. The feedback we received helped us develop a more comprehensive plan that will be sent out for Member approval in the next month. Yes, the plan is aggressive and has many elements, but we need your support NOW. We have had a lot of successes in the last few years, and this positive momentum will be carried forward to larger, strategic projects. The private club industry is more competitive than ever. Nearly every club in the area is making significant enhancements, but arguably none of them have the opportunities that we have at Mesa Verde. If we invest soundly into our operation, we will give ourselves a competitive advantage for decades to come and see a significant increase in value. If the proposed renovations are approved, we will become a full-service country club with a competitive price structure, outstanding facilities, gracious staff, wonderful programming and most importantly, a warm and approachable membership. The club industry has changed, so it is no longer about isolating one amenity and ignoring the rest. Concentrating our efforts on golf, tennis or dining is a thing of the past. Today, a great club needs to become a lifestyle destination. In order for us to attract the “new member,” who is looking for a multi-use facility for his or her entire family, and retain current members, it is critical that we recognize the needs and wants of today’s changing membership. This is done by setting new heights, creating innovative amenities and improving service while upholding traditions and building upon the past. Thank you for your ongoing support.

F ac i l i t i es M a i nt . D i r . J e f f M enc h i nger

(714) 617-3335

Course Hotline

(714) 549-5961

w w w.m esaverdec c.c om




SHORT SHOTS With spring just around the corner, it’s time to start thinking about the club’s golf activities. We have one championship, the men’s President’s Cup, underway, but the bulk of those activities and tournaments start in the spring.

First up, we have our annual Spring Beginning Ladies’ Clinics. These clinics will begin Tuesday, March 7, at 10 a.m. There will be six clinics total with four in March and two in April after the spring aeration projects. One hundred thirty-six of you signed up for the President’s Cup. That’s a club record. At last count, there were 195 single-digit index players on the roster. The Al Wells Four-Ball Match Play begins March 4. This one typically draws between 70 and 80 teams.

The Senior Club Championship, one of the club’s major tournaments, will be held March 18, when the minimum age changes to 55, and March 19. The reason for the modification is 55 is the starting age for SCGA and USGA senior championships and is generally accepted as the starting point for senior amateur golf. Professional events typically start at age 50. Begin thinking about a friend or business associate you would like to host during the first men’s MemberGuest Day of the year, March 22. If you know someone who might be interested in joining the club, bring him along. After all, that's the real purpose behind Member-Guest Days and why we keep the entry fee to a minimum.

At this year's WGA Ladies’ Club Championship March 7, 9 and 10, Madelaine Campbell looks to add her club-record ninth trophy to her impressive resume.

Team plays are all underway or just beginning. Our Thursday and Saturday teams will be playing into March due to some rainouts. The Silver Seniors – the defending champs – start in late February and play until May. Our division-winning ladies’ team hosts its home matches from March to May.

Our first couples’ event of the season. Spring Guys & Dolls, will take place Sunday, March 12, the same day we set our clocks forward.

May brings the granddaddy of all club events, the men’s Club Championship. Ryan Gale will try to become the first Mesa Verdian to win six men’s titles.

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We've moved the annual Couples’ Member-Guest Day to May from its July date. Look for that tournament to be a little more casual than usual. The Bell Cup, one of Orange County’s premier member-guest events, will be held the first week of June. The committee is already hard at work planning and preparing. If you get nervous playing in competitions, the only way to get over that is to play in tournaments. Planning for competition will also help you organize your practice sessions. You’ll have something to shoot for when you head out to the range or practice greens. There is nothing to tournament play when you… Golf Your Ball, Tom


Ladies' Clinics We will be holding our annual complimentary Spring Ladies Clinics again this March-April. The clinics are targeted for beginning ladies. We hope those of you who don’t play but would like to give it a try will sign up. We will also welcome any of our previous clinic “graduates” many of whom have become regular players at the club. The clinics will be approximately an hour each and held on Tuesday mornings at 10:00 on the following dates: March 7, 14, 21, 28 and April 11 and 18 Give the Golf Shop a call or send an email to me at Priority will be given to new golfers. There is a limit to participants.


This winter has delivered more rain than expected. As of January 20, we've had just below 10 inches of rainfall, which is more than double our total rainfall last winter. Although the rain has limited access to the course at times, the benefits of the rain far outweigh the inconvenience it may cause. Rainwater is the purest form of irrigation and is highly beneficial to our soil, especially since we've battled extreme drought the past five years. Soil is the most influential component to the growth and maintenance of healthy plants, in our case turfgrass and trees. Without the winter rain, undesirable characteristics that naturally exist in our irrigation water and soil,

such as elevated pH and sodium levels, accumulate and negatively impact the health of our turfgrass and trees. Thus, turf managers rely heavily on winter rain to help leach and rejuvenate the soil. I like to call it “hitting the reset button.”

won't permanently correct our soil deficiencies, but it will give us a head start to a successful season as we enter the long, dry summer. Just take a look around, and you'll notice the most consistent turf coverage that we've had in quite some time.

Our latest soil tests have already shown a significant decrease in our soil pH and sodium levels, the two issues that presented the greatest challenges for us last summer. Although some beneficial

"...the benefits of the rain far outweigh the inconvenience it may cause". elements may be leached from the soil, it's always easier to replenish soil than it is to cleanse soil. The rain w w w.m esaverdec c.c om



FROM THE RED TEES by: Kristine Morris A New Tournament Experience

The New Year has certainly started off with a bang……. or should I say wet! The rain is needed but it has put a crimp in my golf game. With team play right around the corner, I need to be playing, practicing and honing of my skills. Keep your eyes open for emails regarding practice rounds - team play starts in March. Sally Holstein is the WGA captain this year with Gina Beale as co-captain.

Format: Partners’ four ball net match play

We still need volunteers…..particularly for our Guys and Dolls Tournaments and our Couples MemberGuest, even if you just want to help! Please let any WGA Board member know if you are interested, we would love to hear from you.

Field: 16 Teams. If there are more than 16 teams then an extra round will be played. Flights: Teams will be divided into four-team brackets determined by partners’ combined handicaps Handicaps: Play will be to current handicaps throughout the time period. If a players’ handicaps goes up from one round to the next then that shall be that individual’s handicap. There is a 12 stroke handicap differential between partners. Closing sign-up is Tuesday, February 21. Match Schedule: Each round of matches must be completed according to the following schedule:

ROUND START COMPLETE Round 1 March 1 April 2 Round 2 April 11 May 28 Round 3 May 30 June 30 Round 4 July 1 July 30 Round 5 (If needed) August 1 August 31

If two opponent teams cannot agree to a match date, the result of the match shall be determined by a coin flip. Exception: If the committee determines that one team did not make a good faith effort to schedule the match then it shall forfeit the match. There will be no match date extensions including for reasons of injury or emergency. If one partner cannot play a match during the scheduled period it is expected that the other partner shall play the match alone. If one team cannot schedule a match, that team should forfeit to the other.

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In January Meeting Day in January was a little wet but most managed to finish 18 holes and then enjoy a delicious lunch. Our golf format was 2 Better Balls and the winners were: 1st Place: Diane Williamson, Mary Rhorer, Cara Campeau and Elizabeth Roberts 2nd Place: Vicky Johnson, Sharon Stellrecht, Gunnel Cole 3rd Place: Kim Izzi and Cindy Hardgrave 4th Place: Alicia Waterhouse, Maggie Choice, Linda Coppock and Eileen McCloskey


Congratulations go to Rhochelle Wiktorski for being December’s Most Improved Golfer of the Month. Her index went from 30.0 to 28.3. Well done!

Tuesday, February 7 - Assigned Tee Times Tuesday, February 14 - 8:15 a.m. Shotgun Equal, Gross and Net Prizes February Handicap Deadline to sign up is Tuesday, January 31st


The WGA Winter Eclectic will be played on February 7 and 14 with a rain date of February 17. This tournament is always fun and it looks like we are going to have a big field. Play well and enjoy yourself! February Meeting Day will be held on the 14 (Happy Valentine’s Day to all!). February 14th also happens to be the second day of our Winter Eclectic. We will have an 8:15 a.m. Shotgun, followed by lunch, the meeting and then awards. If you aren't playing in the tournament, you may sign up on-line or in the Pro Shop to play behind the field. Our President's Cup Tournament will begin in March. The format will be Partners net match play, single elimination. This is a flighted tournament and we will be divided into brackets. Matches will be played over a 4 to 5 month period as players will arranged their own matches with their opponents within the allotted time. Look for the poster in the Ladies' Lounge as well as information sheets with more details. Find your partner now and sign-up! Club Championship paly dates are March 7, 9 and 10 for the Championship flight and March 7 and 10 for other flights. If needed, the rain date will be March 14. The format is aggregate stroke play. Madelaine Campbell is our current club champion. Look for the poster in the Ladies' Locker Room and sign-up to play.

Tuesday, March 7 Thursday, March 9 Friday, March 10 Ladies will play to their full handicaps as of March 1 Prizes will be awarded following play on Friday, March 10 All Flights will play from the Red Tees. Anyone can play in The Championship Flight Ladies with a single-digit index must play in the Champtionship Flight Sign-up in the Ladies’ Locker Room Sign-ups close on Tuesday, February 28 ___________ Championship Flight Stroke Play - Gross Flight 54-Hole Tournament March 7, 9, & 10 Rain Date: Tuesday, March 14 __________ All Other Flights Stroke Play - Equal Gross & Net 36-Hole Tournament March 7 & 10 Rain Date: Tuesday, March 14

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Please welcome Kate Ball, our new Member Relations Manager. As a graduate of Worchester College in England, armed with a degree in Hospitality and Leisure Management, Kate comes to us with a wealth of knowledge of the hospitality industry. Born and raised in Kidderminster England, Kate moved to the United States in 1998 and began her career at Beverly Hills Country Club where she progressed quickly due to her ability to provide an exceptional level of concierge service with a British flair that was all her own. In search of a community more conducive to her families lifestyle, Kate migrated south from L.A. to Orange County where she then began her career as the Membership Director for the Balboa Bay Club. Once again, she was able to established exemplary relationships with members and guests that were on a level second to none.

Outside of her professional life, Kate is a mother of three and resides in Huntington Beach with her children and husband. Her hobbies include surfing, riding horses and following the English Premier League. Kate has a passion for providing a first class experience and is thrilled to be part of our team at Mesa Verde Country Club. Please join us in welcoming her to the Club and feel free to reach out to her with your membership questions. She is looking forward to meeting our members! WELCOME TO THE CLUB

NEW MEMBER Barbara Klein Social Sponsored by Mario Curti & William Bird

PROSPECTI VE MEMBER COCKTI AL R ECEPTION FIRST TUESDAY OF EVERY MONTH FROM 6:00 PM TO 7:00 PM Mesa Verde Country Club cordially invites you, to bring a friend, colleague or family member who is interested in membership, to a cocktail reception on the first Tuesday of each month. This event will be a great opportunity for you to show off your Club and share your membership experiences with prospective members while enjoying complimentary cocktails and hors d’oeuvres. The Membership Committee and Management team will be on hand to answer any of your guest's questions and provide tours of the Club. RSVP to Member Services at (714) 549-0377 Tuesday, February 7 Tuesday, March 7 Tuesday, April 4 Tuesday, May 2

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Valentine's Tennis Social TENNIS: STRENGTHEN YOUR GAME RANDY MYERS Head Tennis Professional

Tennis is more demanding of your body than most people think. The sport combines muscular strength with aerobic flexibility and endurance. Obviously any form of exercise you do will be good for you, but many people who want to get stronger make the mistake of going from one machine to another at the gym without a plan. If you want to get stronger, try targeting the following muscle groups together. For example: Monday: chest and triceps, Wednesday: back and biceps, and Friday: legs and shoulders. Each day, you work on just two muscle groups that are compatible with one another. Do five exercises that targetone muscle group and five different exercises that target the other. For each exercise, you should do three sets of 8 to 12 repetitions. Your workout will take 30 to 40 minutes to complete, but you'll become much stronger quickly! Give it a try and see what happens.

Saturday, February 11, 2017 9:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Bring a partner or come solo, either way you'll enjoy a morning tennis tournament followed by lunch. $30 per person includes the tournament & lunch $18 per person lunch only Sign-up in the Tennis Pro Shop

Lunch Menu Shaved Beet Salad Petite Mixed Greens, Dried Cherries, Toasted Cashews, Rose Vinaigrette Entrees Roasted Pork Loin Farro Risotto, Crispy Broccolini, Green Peppercorn Jus or West Coast Shrimp Sticky Rice, Bacon Dressing Dessert Mango and Green Tea Mochi


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Some people believe the cocktail movement in America started in New Orleans around the mid-1800’s with the Sazerac, a drink made with cognac or rye whiskey, absinthe, bitters and sugar. Soon after that, the term “mixoligist” appeared in print and by 1862 the first cocktail recipe book was published. This early bartending movement produced classics like the Manhattan, the Old Fashioned and the Jack Rose, which Ernest Hemingway made popular. That momentum had hit a wall known as the Volstead Act, or prohibition. Even after the prohibition law was repealed, the cocktail movement continued to languish with the Great Depression and WWII. As we moved into an automated society, our food and beverage were becoming marketed and packaged by the industrial complex, we were consuming what was being sold and given to us. It started an awakening in the 1960’s. As leisure travel increased in the 1960’s and 70’s, Americans began to desire the flavors and experiences they found abroad. This led to a few bartending pioneers to start new trends, most notably the Rainbow Room in New York during the 1980's. All of this has led us to today,

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over 30 years of inventing, reinventing and crafting some new takes on old classics. Today’s mixoligist is looking at their creations much like a chef looks to their culinary masterpieces – by using fresh made ingredients such as house-made syrups and mixes, adding fresh ingredients to flavor spirits, barreling liquors and using fresh herbs, such as rosemary and thyme, to enhance the flavors of their creations. Bartender Eric Perrella is honing his craft by attending BarSmarts, a program dedicated to furthering the education of craft cocktail mastery. Try one of his libations and let him know what you think.




1 1/2 oz. Four Roses Bourbon

2 oz. Nolet's Gin

1 1/2 oz. Hendrick's Gin

1/2 oz. Luxardo Maraschino Liquor

1 1/2 oz. Fever Tree Ginger Beer

1/2 oz. Averna Liquor

Dash Fee Brothers Lemon Bitters

1/2 oz. House-made Rosemary Syrup

Dash Orange Bitters

Half squeeze Lime

Served with a Big Whiskey Rock and Garnished with an Orange Peel and Luxardo Cherry

1/4 oz. House-made Syrup 1/2 oz. Chambord Float

3/4 oz. Fresh Grapefruit 1/4 oz. Lemon Squeeze Dash Angostura Bitters Smoked Rosemary Garnish w w w.m esaverdec c.c om





TACO TUESDAY EVERY TUESDAY 5:00 PM TO 8:00 PM $19.95 All you can eat Taco & Tostada Bar


Each week, Chef Chris will be creating three new Street Tacos!

The Main Bar is the perfect place to enjoy a cold beverage at the end of the week. Featuring a complimentary appetizer buffet and $5 Craft Cocktails.

Rice, Beans and Chips, Salsa and Guacamole. Includes a beer or Margarita as well!


* Due to Valentine's Day, there will be no Taco Tuesday on February 14.


6:00 PM TO 9:00 PM

in the Main Dining Room Featuring: Feb. 3 Cliff Miller Feb. 10 Cornelius Feb. 17 Cliff Miller Feb. 24 Matthew Akiona


$16 per person Complimentary (If you stay for dinner) February 2 - Italy February 9 - Washington & Oregon February 16 - Old World Wines February 23 - Sonoma

PASTA NIGHT EVERY WEDNESDAY 5:00 PM TO 8:00 PM $16.95 Adults Pasta Bar $10 Kids Pasta Bar Includes salad, pizza, chef 's hot entree, hot vegetables and pasta bar with all the fixin's including an assortment of vegetables, bacon, seafood, chicken, sausage, and more.

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Join Miss Monica for



February 1 Fun Painting with cotton balls February 8 Hanging heart pom pom decoration February 15 Concoct some ooey gooey super sparkly slime! February 22 Popcorn and movie night! Crafts and activities are complimentary for children ages 3 years and older. Please make reservations online or with Tisha.

Now that February is upon us, the Kitchen team can start looking forward to early spring type produce. It is a unique time of the year for vegetables, and with the recent heavy rains, we can certainly hope that all the local farms from San Diego to Temecula Valley and up the Central Coast will be flourishing. I cannot wait to see what products we will be using on our many specials and menu items. I will also be bringing in Meyer’s all natural prime rib every Friday and Sunday in February for you meat lovers. Check out this recipe of my Chimichurri that we use as a condiment for all sorts of things. It goes especially well with meat. CHIMICHURRI ½ Cup Minced Parsley ½ Cup Minced Oregano ½ Minced Jalapeno(Or the whole thing if you like spicy) ½ Cup White Wine Vinegar 4ea Minced Garlic Cloves 1 Tablespoon Chili Powder ¾ Cup Extra Virgin Olive Oil 1 Teaspoon Salt Simply combine all ingredients and wisk together. Store in a jar and keep refrigerated up to a month. Enjoy!





Bring your sweetheart to the Club for a romantic dinner and live music by Blue Smoke, who will be playing music from the 50's, 60's, 70's, and 80's.

Come by the Club every Friday and Sunday in the month of February and Buffet dinner is available from enjoy a tender, Meyer's All Natural Prime 4:30 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. and Bingo from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Rib cooked to perfection.

Enjoy passed appetizers followed by a four-course dinner which includes Caviar and Crab, Duck Confit Panini, Fig and Olives, Sous Vide Pork Tenderloin, Filet Oscar and a sampling of petite cakes.

12 oz. Cut of Prime Rib paired with Mashed Yukon Potatoes, Baby Carrots, Au Jus, and Creamy Horseradish. Limited Availability.

$85 Per Person; Full menu is available online for viewing. Dress: Dressy. Jacket and tie recommended for gentlemen. 48-hour cancellation policy. Reservations can be made online or by calling Member Services.

WILD GAME POP UP RESTAURANT SATURDAY, MARCH 4 6:00 PM TO 10:00 PM Mark your calendar for this one day only Wild Game Pop Up Restaurant event in the Member's Grill. Chef Chris and his team have pulled out all the stops for your enjoyment of this very unique and delicious, a la carte menu featuring boar, rabbit, alligator, bird, elk, and buffalo - Oh my! There will also be entertainment and signature cocktails. Seating is limited. Full menu is available online for viewing. Complimentary childcare. Please make a reservation with Tisha. 48-hour cancellation policy. Dress: Club Casual - Jackets suggested for gentlemen. Reservations can be made online or by calling Member Services.

South of the Border

4:30 PM TO 9:00 PM

Bingo is back! Bring the entire family and enjoy an evening of friendly competition and fun.

We will have prizes for adults and kids. Dress code: Country club casual. Make your reservations before March 12 and receive an extra pack of Bingo cards.


Bingo & Buffet: $35 Adults $20 Kids 6-12 years old SUNDAY, MARCH 5 SEATINGS ON THE HALF HOUR $10 Kids 5 & under FROM 9:00 AM TO 1:00 PM Bingo only: $10 $19.95 PER PERSON Reservations can be made online Gather your family and friends and come or by calling Member Services. by the Club to enjoy this festive south of Please indicate your dining the border theme Sunday brunch. reservation when making your We will have a live Mariachi Band to Bingo reservation. set the tone while you enjoy Mexican Pastries, Chilaquiles, Machaca Omelette and more while sipping on $5 bottomless Mimosas or Champagne. Menu available online. Reservations can be made online or by calling Member Services.

ROCK 'N SUSHI SATURDAY, MARCH 18 6:00 PM TO 10:00 PM Complimentary Childcare (please make a reservation with Tisha). 48-hour cancellation policy. Dress code: Casual - Fun but dress nice. DJ, Dancing & Karaoke $59 per person includes a complimentary Saketini or Japanese Beer. Reservations can be made online or by calling member Services.

NEW BEER CHILI NACHOS! Something new and delicious has found its way on our Mesa Verde menu! Beer Chili Nachos with Tortilla Chips, House Chili, Cheese Sauce, Thai Chilies, Scallions, and Chimichuri Sauce. For those looking for the perfect pairing combination, Chef suggests an ice cold Red Hook long Hammer IPA. Nachos are available all day in the Lounge, Dining Room, and Member's Grill. w w w.m esaverdec c.c om



THE MENU Course 1 Oyster Trio Kushi, Kumai, Kumamoto Gels and Spheres Beer: Samuel Smith Organic Apricot Beer Wine: Mud House, Sauvignon Blanc, Marlborough, NZ 2013 Course 2 Chicken Oysters Green Curry, Root Veggies Beer: Samuel Smith Nut Brown Ale Wine: SA Prum ‘Luminance’ Riesling, Mosel, GR 2013 Course 3 Head Cheese and Pig Ears Lingonberry Mustard Baby Rocket Beer: Samuel Smith Taddy Porter Wine: Davis Bynum ‘Jane’s Vineyard’ Pinot Noir, Russian River Valley, Sonoma County 2014 Course 4 Wild Boar Ribs Sweet Potato, Huckleberry BBQ Sauce Mustard Greens Beer: Samuel Smith Organic Pale Ale Wine: The Federalist, Zinfandel, Dry Creek Valley, CA 2014 Course 5 Fried Strawberry Mochi Chamomile Dipping Sauce, Melon Beer: Samuel Smith Organic Apple Cider Wine: Freixenet Mia Sparkling Moscato Rose, Spain

BEER VS. WINE DINNER Last month, our Chef accepted the challenge of creating the ultimate pairing menu for our members at the Beer Vs. Wine Dinner. Their objective, to find the five courses of perfect flavor combinations to satisfy both the wine and the beer loving enthusiasts. Needless to say, they did not disappoint! Joined by Southern Wine and Spirits and Samuel Smith, our members experienced an exciting, educational and delicious event. So beer or wine, which was the evening’s big winner? The verdict may still be out, but our bet is on those who were able to partake in this tasty evening.

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ADULT CULINARY GIRL'S NIGHT OUT; SLIGHTLY ITALIAN Good food, good wine, and great friends! What wasn't there to love about our January Culinary Class - Girl's Night Out; Slightly Italian event? The Ladies of Mesa Verde gathered their girlfriends and enjoyed preparing a meal that would make any Italian grandmother proud! After a brief meet and greet with Chef Chris and his culinary team, it was time to lace up the aprons and get cooking. Our Chefs demonstrated cooking techniques, along with some tricks of the trade for the ladies as they prepared Crispy Prosciutto Wrapped Shrimp, Olive Tapenade with Ciabatta Crostini, Brie Stuffed Chicken with Balsamic Reduction. Delizioso! THE MENU Crispy Prosciutto Wrapped Shrimp Olive Tapenade with Ciabatta Crostini Brie Stuffed Chicken with Balsamic Reduction

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JANUARY SPEAKER SERIES EVENT WITH BILL BURKE Excitement and adventure! Our January 18 Speaker Series Event featuring Bill Burke was a thrilling experience, to say the least. Bill, who is the oldest American to successfully climb Mt. Everest and the only person after the age of 60 to climb the highest peak on every continent, entertained our Mesa Verde crowd with exciting stories of his adventures in climbing, and what it takes to complete a journey of this nature successfully.

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KIDS NIGHT OUT Join Miss Monica every Wednesday from 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. for an evening of games, crafts, and fun. See page 11 for further details and a full list our February activities!

KIDS CULINARY YOU BE THE BAKER! Last month, the kid's of Mesa Verde Country Club came out to show off their amazing skills during our Kids Culinary - You Be The Baker event. Thank you to all who took part and, for allowing us to have a great time with you! MENU Parmesan Crusted Chicken Cheese Stuffed Tomatoes and Butter Cookies

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BURGERS & TRIVIA! FUN. COMPETETIVE. DELICIOUS! Just a few words to sum up our January Burgers & Trivia event hosted by Jimmy Loram. Those in attendance enjoyed a delicious burger bar, which included beef, turkey, salmon and veggie burgers, and a plethora of delicious toppings like crispy bacon, grilled pineapple, avocado, jalapenos, onion rings, and other favorite traditional toppings. Jimmy's trivia questions and lighthearted (and sometimes cheesy) jokes, entertained the crowd, and the ever-changing leaderboard kept teams on the edge of their seats with the anticipation of seeing who would go home with the 'W.' Although there seem to be a couple of answers still out for debate, no one would deny that a great time was had by all who attended.

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In Loving Memory Mrs. MaryLee Sharp Peacefully passed away on January 26 with her family in attendance. No flowers please, contributions made to Alzheimer's Orange County.



Francisco Contreras, a long-time employee of the Turf Department, is both highly dedicated and highly skilled. In fact, Francisco is one of our most versatile employees and is able to tackle any task on the golf course. We're grateful to Francisco for giving 100% effort to Mesa Verde CC every day.

Did you know that the pool at Mesa Verde Country Club is heated year round for your enjoyment? Come on by and enjoy a morning, afternoon, or evening workout or to simply relax and unwind.

DRESS CODE CORNER With it being the cold and football season, please remember that hoodies, sweatshirts, T-shirts and logo’d attire are listed as unacceptable. Appropriate sweaters, however, are acceptable. This applies to all six years and older. Please refer to the Clubhouse page on the website to view the full Dress Code Policy. w w w.m esaverdec c.c om










1 2 3 4 9 and Wine Pasta Night Kid's Night Out 5:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.



7 Taco Tuesday WGA Winter Eclectic Prospective Member Cocktail Reception

8 Pasta Night Kids’ Night Out 5:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.

Thursday 9 & Lunch 9:30 a.m.

Tapas y Vino 5:00 p.m. - 6:30 p.m.


Thursday 9 & Lunch 9:30 a.m.

Tapas y Vino 5:00 p.m. - 6:30 p.m.

2:30 p.m.

Happy Hour 4:45 p.m. - 6:30 p.m. Live Entertainment

10 9 and Wine 2:30 p.m.


Happy Hour 4:45 p.m. - 6:30 p.m. Live Entertainment

9 and Wine 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Taco Tuesday

WGA Meeting Day/ Winter Eclectic 8:15 a.m. Shotgun Valentine's Day Dinner 6:00 p.m. - 10:00 p.m.

Pasta Night Kids’ Night Out 5:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.

Thursday 9 & Lunch 9:30 a.m.

Tapas y Vino 5:00 p.m. - 6:30 p.m.

2:30 p.m.

Happy Hour 4:45 p.m. - 6:30 p.m. Live Entertainment

19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Pasta Night 9 and Wine President's Day Holiday Schedule

Taco Tuesday WGA Guest Day 8:15 a.m. Shotgun

Kids’ Night Out 5:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. Silver Seniors 9:00 a.m. Shotgun

Thursday 9 & Lunch 9:30 a.m.

Tapas y Vino 5:00 p.m. - 6:30 p.m.

2:30 p.m.

Happy Hour 4:45 p.m. - 6:30 p.m. Live Entertainment

26 27 28 Taco Tuesday








1 2 3 4 9 and Wine Pasta Night Kids Night Out 5:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.

5 Sunday Brunch 9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.



8 Pasta Night

Taco Tuesday

Kids’ Night Out 5:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.

Thursday 9 & Lunch 9:30 a.m.

Tapas y Vino 5:00 p.m. - 6:30 p.m.


Thursday 9 & Lunch 9:30 a.m.

Tapas y Vino 5:00 p.m. - 6:30 p.m.

2:30 p.m.

Happy Hour 4:45 p.m. - 6:30 p.m.

Pop-up Restaurant 6:00 p.m. - 10:00 p.m.

Live Entertainment 9 and Wine 10 2:30 p.m.


Happy Hour 4:45 p.m. - 6:30 p.m. Live Entertainment

St. Patrick's Day 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Taco Tuesday

Pasta Night Kids’ Night Out 5:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.

Thursday 9 & Lunch 9:30 a.m.

Tapas y Vino 5:00 p.m. - 6:30 p.m.

9 and Wine - 2:30 p.m. Happy Hour 4:45 p.m. - 6:30 p.m.

Rock 'N Sushi 6:00 p.m. - 10:00 p.m.

Live Entertainment

19 20 21 22 23 24 25 9 and Wine Pasta Night Taco Tuesday

Kids’ Night Out 6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.

Thursday 9 & Lunch 9:30 a.m.

Tapas y Vino 5:00 p.m. - 6:30 p.m.

2:30 p.m.

Happy Hour 4:45 p.m. - 6:30 p.m. Live Entertainment

26 27 28 29 30 31 Family Bingo 4:30 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.

Taco Tuesday

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