Table of Contents
Commodore’s Message
Board of Directors
Auxiliary Officers & Board of Directors
Cruise Committee
Entertainment Committee
Facilities Planning Committee
Finance Committee
Harbor Committee
House Committee
Membership Committee
Nominating Committee
Race Council
Race Development Committee
Youth Sailing Committee
Historical Committee
Club Communications
Eight Bells Committee
Staff Commodores
Auxiliary Past Presidents
Management and Staff
Management and Staff
Calendar of Events
Commodore’s Message
What is the Wheelhouse? Aboard a ship, the wheelhouse is the navigation center. From here, the Watch keeps the ship on course and operating smoothly. The Watch at the San Francisco Yacht Club is the team of member-volunteers and professional staff who steer her safely though the shoals of programs and daily operations. The Wheelhouse is dedicated to them. As you leaf through these pages, you will become more aware of the number of people who make up our Watch. Each member of the team is dedicated to one goal: to maintain the distinctive value of San Francisco Yacht Club membership across the wide range of our programs and member experiences. I hope you will keep the Wheelhouse handy throughout the year to use as a resource to put names to faces. When you see these faces around the club, feel free to offer your constructive input and to thank them for all their efforts on your behalf. If you would like to be part of our Watch, the Club is always on the lookout for new committee members and volunteers. I encourage you to contact any of the Committee Chairs, Auxiliary Co-Presidents or the Flag Officers to let them know how you would like to become involved. Let’s continue the great tradition of The San Francisco Yacht Club experience! My sincere thanks to the Watch!
Suzie Moore, Commodore
Board of Directors
Suzie Moore Commodore Ed Lynch Vice Commodore
Jerry Eaton Rear Commodore
Left to right: Tina Lundh, Jr. S/C Bill Melbostad, Secretary Dan Buckstaff, Paul Rosenlund, Vice Commodore Ed Lynch, Laurence Bekins, Commodore Suzie Moore, Stu Reilly, Rear Commodore Jerry Eaton, Mike Brilliant and Treasurer Don Jesberg. 2
Auxiliary Officers & Board of Directors
Helen Reilly Co-President
Marily Rimmer Co-President
Back row: P/P Elizabeth Merrill, Eugenia Jesberg, Co-President Helen Reilly, Honorary Member Bryan Moore, CoPresident Marily Rimmer, Paige Brooks and Carol Anderson. Front row: Kim Lynch, Secretary Emily Heller, Vice President Julie Zanze, Treasurer Jolynn Hardiman, Stephanie Stroub and Connie Lewis. Also serving: Annie Mendenhall.
Cruise Committee
Left to right: Harold Kleiderman, Andrea Finn, Shawn Wideman and Chair Jib Martens. Also serving: Mike Mellon, Rob Schmidt, Bill Stark and Bill Thomas.
Entertainment Committee
Left to right: Mimi Blakeslee, Chair Stephanie Stroub, P/P Elizabeth Merrill, Kim Lynch, Tina Kleinjan Setzer and P/P Christina Decker. Also serving: Kari Cusack and Angie Lackey-Olson. 4
Facilities Planning Committee
Left to Right: Charles Pick, Rear Commodore Jerry Eaton, Vice Commodore and Chair Ed Lynch, Bryan Moore, Commodore Suzie Moore, Mike Brilliant and Tony Guzzardo. Also serving: JB Ferrarone, S/C Bob Heller and Paul Rosenlund.
Finance Committee
Back row: Controller Earl Davis, Andy Fromm, Bo McCrum, Treasurer Don Jesberg, John Kerslake, Mike Brilliant and Bob Brant. Front row: George Brewster, Madeline Morey, Anne Scully and Frank Tulp. 5
Harbor Committee
Left to right: Jr. S/C Bill Melbostad, Commodore Suzie Moore, S/C Jim Robinson, Charles Froeb, Hank Easom, Chair David Cobb, Steve Stroub, Chris Lacey and Harbor Master Kevin Tentis. Also serving: Matt Frymier.
Rich Wideman Port Captain
House Committee
Left to right: Chair Paul Rosenlund, P/P Helen Reilly, Peter Engler, P/P Marily Rimmer and Jason Datchler. Also serving: S/C John Swain and Tina Lundh. 6
Membership Committee
Left to right: Matt Cromar, Jennifer Dailey, Laurence Bekins, Chair Stu Reilly, Bill Wallace, Skip McCormack, Randy Smith, S/C Ted Gazulis and Nick Gibbens. Also serving: Michelle Mourani.
P/P Elizabeth Merrill New Member Liaison
Nominating Committee
Left to right: S/C Kyle Elliott, S/C Tad Lacey, S/C Bill Smith, Madeline Morey, Matt Cromar, S/C Jim Robinson and John Kerslake. 7
Race Council
Left to right: Tristan Ruhland, Shannon Cantwell, Alex Rothenberg, Madeline Morey, Tom Roberts, Chair Nancy DeMauro, Jeff Zarwell, Stephanie Stroub, Anne Scully, Director of Sailing Forrest Gay and Race Office Administrator Lisa Turner. Also serving: Brent Crawford and Ashley Perrin.
Race Development Committee
Left to right: Dan Buckstaff, Director of Sailing Forrest Gay, Madeline Morey, Cameron McCloskey, Chair Angie LackeyOlson, Tom Kassberg, Race Office Administrator Lisa Turner and Jeff Holder. Also serving: Alison Russell and Stephanie Wondolleck. 8
Youth Sailing Committee
Left to right: Melissa Feagin Purdy, Gaby Isaacson, Matthew Sessions, Bianca Green, Director of Sailing Forrest Gay, Carol Holder, Chair Patty Young, Youth Sailing Director Justine O’Connor, Tod Moody and Shawn Bennettt. Also serving: Dan Buckstaff and Mike McMullen.
Historical Committee
Back row: Deirdre Owen, Jane Frost, S/C & Chair Ken Frost Jr., Robin Moore, P/P Mimi Cornelius and Diane Schroeder. Front row: Fritze James, Midge Moore and Ruth Wosser. Also serving: Ellie Ballard and P/P Cissy Kirrane. 9
Jr. S/C Bill Melbostad and S/C Wendy Miller
Club Communications
Editor Evelyne Swinscoe-Byer and Assistant Editor P/P Mimi Cornelius
Eight Bells Committee
Jay Hooker and S/C Jim Robinson 10
Staff Commodores
Back row: Ray Lent, Randy Ferguson, Scott Noble, Don Harvey, Jim Robinson, John Scarborough, Carl Lewis, Tom Decker, Bill Smith and Tim McGowan. Front Row: Bob Heller, Wendy Miller, Bill Melbostad, Tad Lacey and Ken Frost Jr. Also served: Jack Air, Tom Carnes, Evan Dailey, Kyle Elliott, Ted Gazulis, Bob Griswold, Ken Jesmore, Bob Kahn, Jerry Leth, Ray Lynch, Gary Sheppard, John Swain, Ed Thomson, Dinny Waters and Mitch Wilk.
Auxiliary Past Presidents
Left to right: Lori Fromm, Christina Decker, Ilene Medovich, Ann Welch, Carol Jesmore, Lisa Harris, Marily Rimmer, Elizabeth Merrill, Mimi Cornelius, Melissa Tulp and Helen Reilly. Also served: Robin Allen, Alisa Bekins, Linda Bergeron, Dorothy Bitter, Marilyn Bradley, Mary Ann Christensen, Joanne Dailey, Pat Duggan, Lorraine Ferrarese, Joan Harter, Jean Horner, Noelle Kamanski, Cissy Kirrane, Leslie Mathews, Naomi McGinn, Jan Pinkston, Sally Secor, Claire Slaymaker, Janice Still, Sheila VanPelt, Jane Watts and Nancy Wells. 11
Management and Staff
Club Communications Evelyne Swinscoe-Byer, General Manager Steve DePetro and Catering Manager Amanda Ackerman.
Front Office Team: Supervisor Barbara Loy and Patti Covell.
Accounting Team: Bookkeeper/ Membership Jamie Averill and Controller Earl Davis.
Race & Youth Team: Youth Sailing Director Justine O’Connor, Head Coach Jackson Benvenutti, Director of Sailing Forrest Gay and Race Office Administrator Lisa Turner.
Harbor/Maintenance/Housekeeping Team: Harbor Master & Facilities Manager Kevin Tentis, Patrick Mendenhall, John Wallace, Manuel Velo Herrera, Miguel Orellana-Lara and Eugena Mountjoy-Walker. 12
Management and Staff
Bar Team: Rey Acio, Amir Takesh, Bar Manager Phil Atchison and Annie Brenner.
Dining Room Team: Gaspar Maldonado, James Vincent, Brandon Steiner, Dining Room Manager Mul Hadisuryo, Ricardo Samayoa, Juan Maldonado, Raul Bautista, Food & Beverage Manager Nico Zimmerman and Sammy Cervantes.
Galley Team: Oscar Marin, Juan Sorto, Larry Lam, Jordan Williams, Pia Mangahas, Executive Chef Reny Madrid, George Ramirez, Jorge Maldonado, Nestor Marin and Alex Mendieta. 13
MARCH 10 14 21
2015 Calendar of Events
Belvedere Cove Foundation Youth Fundraiser St. Patrick’s Day Dinner Father/Daughter Dinner Dance
APRIL 5 26
Easter Party/Brunch Buffet Opening Day on The Bay
MAY 10 25 30
Mother’s Day Brunch Buffet Memorial Day BBQ Mother/Son Dinner Dance
No Events
JULY 4 18
4th July BBQ Wine & Food Extravaganza
Chili Challenge
SEPTEMBER 7 Labor Day BBQ 12 Boot, Scoot, Boogie Western Party 24 Auxiliary Annual Fundraiser
OCTOBER 7 14 24
Dream Boat Series Dream Boat Series Halloween Family Party
NOVEMBER 7 Commodores’ Ball 19 Auxiliary Annual Meeting/Luncheon 26 Thanksgiving
DECEMBER 3 5 11 13 31
Get Lit Members’ Annual Meeting Holiday Gala Dinner Dance Santa Family Holiday Party/Brunch New Year’s Eve Dinner 14