Dedicated to Andrea Diobelli. In this time of uncertainty, hardship and loss, we look to the symbol of the lotus flower to give us solace and hope. The Lotus – newest collection by Candice Mckay. It perfectly blends avantgarde ideas and ready-to-wear execution.
The concept The lotus flower has a life cycle unlike any other plant. Throughout the night it is hidden underwater, in complete darkness, with roots latched deep in the mud. When the sun rises, so too does the lotus, miraculously re-blooming, sparklingly clean. This process associates the flower with rebirth and spiritual enlightenment. The lotus represents the act of rising above challenges and moving towards the light of wisdom. This daily process of life, death and reemergence symbolises regeneration and rebirth. It is a perfect analogy for the human condition. Even when it has it’s roots buried in the cold stagnant water, the lotus produces the most beautiful flower. The flower represents our ability to come from a place of suffering into the light. Like the lotus rises through the water to the light, we too can rise up from difficulty and reconnect to the light that surrounds us. It is a symbol that shows that no matter where you start off in life or what you’re currently going through, that you have the ability to rise above, overcome all negativity and find bliss as you emerge from your struggles.
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