2 minute read
The Sanguinaires islands and the beach of Capo di Feno
On the occidental coastline of the island, between the gulfs of Valinco and Sagone, the gulf of Ajaccio is located. Large of 15 kilometers, it is limited by the progress of the sea with Capo di Muro at the south and the peak of La Parata north side, extended by the archipel of the Sanguinaires. Ranked Grand Site de France since 2017, the archipel is composed of four rocky islands, with a dark color due to its magmatic origin. Haven of peace specially for biodiversity, its flora is rich of 150 rare and endemic species, some of them being only present in this particular area of Corsica. At the heart of this luxurious greenery, seabird colonies nest and fly peacefully. White-eyed and Audoin gulls as well as black-headed gulls are listed among the several species. This natural and exceptional site is well-known for its sunsets, and could have been urbanized at the end of the 50’s. Thankfully, this wild land has been preserved, being bought by the General Council of Corsica in 1973.
Mezu mare, the biggest island of the constellation, where it is possible to dock, has an eventful past. In its famous book « Letters from my windmill (Lettres de mon moulin) - », Alphonse Daudet mentions that proof of life has been recognized, dated from the 16th century, at the same time a Genoese tower was built where the current lighthouse is. By a decree of Napoleon, a lazaretto has also been built on this little windswept island. Only its ruins are left. It is in this building that the coral merchants made a quarantine after their fishing travels on the coasts of Barbarie. At that time, epidemics of plague and cholera remained terrible scourges that had to be stopped. Further north, taking the pathway of the customs, is it possible to dive into a refreshing and cristalline water at the cove of Minaccia, that is commonly called Capo di Feno.

Haven of peace specially for biodiversity, its flora is rich of 150 rare and endemic species, some of them being only present in this particular area of Corsica.
Text & Photos : Sébastien Leroy