What Are Your Options When Faced with an Unplanned Pregnancy?

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What Are Your Options When Faced with an Unplanned Pregnancy? Being the care provider and sole guardian of a child is a tremendous responsibility. It’s a neverending duty. It’s also a rewarding experience. You will play a major role in shaping the person they grow up to be. You are not only their parent, but also their support system in every way imaginable. Some men and women may find themselves becoming parents unexpectedly. An unplanned pregnancy can change everything. It is a difficult situation to be in, but if you find yourself in this scenario—you’re not alone. Many couples that were not planning on having children yet, if at all, embrace the pregnancy as a “happy accident” and go on to raise their child together. Other times, especially when the mother is very young, emotional and financial pressures make the idea of raising a child seem impossible. The important thing to know is that you have options.

Financial Assistance Children are expensive. There’s no simpler way to put it. On average, a middle-class family in the US spends about $225,000 on shelter and food as well as other necessities over the course of a child’s life up until they turn 18. According to a study conducted by Forbes, families that earn an average of $90k a year will spend even more.

That amount of money is daunting, especially to a teenage mother, which is why many young birth mothers choose to place their babies for adoption. This is a very difficult decision to make, but often times it is the most responsible when budgets are tight.

However, there are organizations to help young parents who want to raise their children on their own. Young adult parents aged 16 to 18 are given an allowance on a weekly or bi-weekly basis. This money will help with expenses such as rent, baby food and diapers. There are organizations all over who are ready and willing to work with single parents, teenage parents, or parents facing adversities. They help make it possible for those struggling financially to have a family. It’s imperative for new parents to conduct research and discover all the resources available in and around their adoption community. These young adults receive the financial aid when they have a child who depends on them to provide. There are several regulations and standards that must be met in order to receive such funds. Needless to say it is but one of the many assets available.

Take Advantage of Your Resources For young adults expecting a child, a baby means big changes in nearly every aspect of life. One major alteration will be the way you spend and save money. Now that a child has been brought into the family, there is one more mouth to feed. There’s the possibility of college in the distant future. Cost of living is much higher than it used to be in most parts of the country. Therefore it is incredibly important that young adults build healthy spending and saving habits. There are resources to assist parents with payment planning and budgeting. Programs will vary in the way they distribute money. Some may range in weekly allowances to bi-weekly allowances. Therefore, it is crucial to handle the funds appropriately.

If you an ineligible to receive financial assistance from an assistance program, set up an appointment with your bank to go over money saving strategies. This may also be a good time to talk to someone at an adoption agency. Many adoption agencies offer birth mother services, which can include free prenatal care for the mother and baby. Because these agencies want the mother to make the best decision for herself and her baby, mothers can take advantage of these resources and support services regardless of whether they have decided to place their child for adoption. Residential Care Children with physical needs or learning disabilities may require a little more care and attention. This care can be financially burdensome as well as time consuming. In many cases, parents find

themselves struggling to provide appropriate childcare necessary to keep their child developing and growing at a healthy speed. You want to provide all the love and support for your child that you can. You want to accommodate them in any way that will allow them to live a normal life, just as any other child would. Without the proper education or background knowledge it may be difficult to provide that type of guidance and nurture your child’s needs. However, it is possible to request and obtain disability support for services your child might need. The Guaranteed Childcare Assistance Payment (GCAP) can be requested to help pay for childcare if the child is five years old or younger.

In many cases like these, parents consider long-term residential care. The extra set of hands will prove to serve both the child and parents. You’ll be receiving help from a registered nurse with experience and background knowledge for caring for children with disabilities. It’s crucial to know that often times there are waitlists, but that shouldn’t discourage you as a parent, to do what’s best for your child. For a young woman facing an unplanned pregnancy there’s good news. Today there are many more options available than there were in generations past. Do your research and find out

what’s best for you. Seek out other young parents, contact organizations that offer financial assistance, talk to adoption agencies and build a support network. With the support of those who care and you and your baby, you will find the right path for both of you. Placing a child for adoption is an important decision that requires careful consideration. Are you contemplating this loving option? Do you have any idea about how or where to start? Action Adoption at Providence Place of Texas can help. We will guide you through the process while making sure all your questions are answered. Contact us today to learn more.

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