Magacin u Kraljevića Marka (MKM) u Beogradu deluje od 1. juna 2007. godine kao kulturni centar vaninstitucionalne produkcije u oblasti kulture i savremene umetnosti, ali je njegov pravni status ostao neregulisan i posle 10 godina zbog neispunjenih obećanja gradskih vlasti da će taj godinama nekorišćeni prostor u potpunosti prepustiti nezavisnoj sceni, što su duže vremena zagovarale organizacije okupljene oko platforme Druga scena. Ambiciozno najavljen kao model za otvaranje sličnih prostora u Beogradu i Srbiji, MKM je 2007. godine otvoren kao alternativni kulturni centar za pripremu i prezentaciju izložbenih, scenskih, tribinskih, filmskih, edukativnih i drugih programa nezavisne kulture. Kao formalno-pra-
Magacin u Kraljevića Marka (MKM) (Warehouse in Kraljevića Marka Street) in Belgrade has worked since the 1st of June 2007 as a cultural centre of the non-institutional production in the field of culture and contemporary art, but the legal status of this space, unused for years, remained unregulated even after 10 years because of the unfulfilled promises of the city authorities that they would give it over to the independent scene, as was advocated for a long time by organizations gathered around the Druga scena (Other Scene) platform. Announced ambitiously, as a model to open similar spaces in Belgrade and Serbia, MKM was opened in 2007 as an alternative cultural centre for the preparation and presenta-
vni administrator prostora u ime vlasnika - Grada, određen je Dom omladine Beograda, koji je na osnovu javnog konkursa odabrao šest organizacija koje bi koristile MKM u periodu od dve godine (Stanica – servis za savremeni ples, Teorija koja hoda – TkH, nKA – nezavisna kulturna asocijacija, ProArtOrg, Rende i Ugovori sa odabranim organizacijama nikada nisu potpisani; već na početku je izostalo obećano renoviranje kancelarijskog prostora u potkrovlju, a sprečen je i pokušaj samoupravnog programskog odbora organizacija da realizuje konkurs za izbor programa srodnih udruženja za 2007. U pokušaju da ponovo pokrenu pitanje MKM, organizacije koje deluju u njemu organizovale su u
tion of the exhibition, theatrical, discussion, film, educational and other programmes of independent culture. The Belgrade Youth Centre, chosen to be the formal legal administrator of the space on behalf of the owner – the City, selected, at an open competition, six organizations that would use MKM for a period of two years (Stanica (Station) - Service for Contemporary Dance, Teorija koja hoda (Walking Theory) – TkH, nKA – Independent Cultural Association, ProArtOrg, Rende and The contracts with the selected organizations have never been signed; the renovation of the office space in the attic, promised in the beginning, was not done, and the attempt of the Organization’s Self-Managing
junu 2008. godine regionalnu konferenciju “Samit nesvrstanih CK”, posvećenu nezavisnim kulturnim centrima na prostoru ex-YU. Iako su i tom prilikom predstavnici gradskih vlasti ponovili obećanja i najavili otvaranje novih prostora za nezavisnu kulturnu scenu, nikakav pomak se nije desio. Status quo je prekinut krajem 2014. godine, kada je Dom omladine Beograda naložio organizacijama u MKM-u da se isele. To je sprečila Asocijacija Nezavisna kulturna scena Srbije (NKSS) koja od tada vodi MKM na osnovu novog modela, koji je ustanovljen posle javne rasprave, a zasnovan je na principu otvorenog kalendara i deljenja resursa. Još jedan pokušaj izbacivanja organizacija i zatvaranja MKM sprečen je kra
Programme Council to carry out a competition for the selection of programmes of the related associations for 2007 was prevented. In an attempt to raise the question of MKM again, the organizations that work there organized the regional conference Summit of the Non-Aligned CK in June 2008, dedicated to independent cultural centres on the territory of ex-Yugoslavia. Although the representatives of the city authorities repeated their promises on that occasion, too, and announced the opening of new spaces for independent cultural scene, there was no progress whatsoever. The status quo was changed in late 2014, when the Belgrade Youth Centre ordered the organizations in MKM to move out. This
jem 2016. godine, zahvaljujući brzoj reakciji NKSS i podršci mnogobrojnih umetnika, kulturnih radnika, javnih ličnosti i građana.
was prevented by the Association of Independent Cultural Scene of Serbia (NKSS), which has since been in charge of MKM, based on a new model, established after a public discussion, and applying the principle of open calendars and sharing resources. Another attempt of throwing the organizations out and closing MKM was prevented at the end of 2016, thanks to the quick reaction of the NKSS and the support of numerous artists, cultural workers, public figures and citizens.
Kompleks kulturnog
The complex of the MKM
Otvoreni kalendar
Open Calendar
centra MKM u
Cultural Centre at
Kraljevića Marka 4, 6 i 8
Kraljevića Marka 4, 6 and 8
Kompleks kulturnog centra MKM sastoji se od nekoliko prostora u ulici Kraljevića Marka pod brojevima 4, 6 i 8 u Savamali – istorijskom gradskom jezgru na levoj obali Save. Prostori su u različitom stanju funkcionalnosti, s obzirom da gradske vlasti nisu realizovale obećanja o renoviranju celog kompleksa. Od početka 2015. godine prostor MKM održavaju organizacije koje u njemu deluju.
The Complex of the MKM Cultural Centre consists of several premises in Kraljevića Marka Street, at numbers 4, 6 and 8 in Savamala – the historical town centre on the left bank of the Sava. The spaces are in different states of functionality, given that the city authorities have not kept their promises to renovate the entire complex. Since the beginning of 2015, the space of MKM has been maintained by the organizations that work there.
Osnovna funkcija Magacina je da kroz korišćenje prostora obezbedi podršku organizacijama i pojedincima za programe kulture i mladih, realizaciju događaja iz svih disciplina savremene kulture i umetnosti (izložbe, pozorišne i plesne predstave, savremeni cirkus, koncerti, predavanja, javne tribine i drugo). Magacin se koristi i za produkciju, probe, umetničke rezidencije, radionice, seminare, obuke, sastanke… Resursi se koriste po principu otvorenog kalendara, a prema unapred predviđenim uslovima korišćenja. Otvoreni kalendar predstavlja programsku onlajn platformu koja obezbeđuje jednake šanse za ustupanje termina svim potencijalnim korisnicima. Termini se raspoređuju u dogovoru svih zainteresovanih.
The main function of Magacin is to provide (through the use of its space) support to organizations and individuals for culture and youth programmes, the realization of events in all disciplines of contemporary art and culture (exhibitions, theatre and dance performances, contemporary circus, concerts, lectures, public debates, etc.). Magacin is used for production, rehearsals, art residencies, workshops, seminars, training, meetings... The resources are used on the principle of an open calendar, according to previously established conditions. Open Calendar is an online software platform that provides equal opportunities for the allocation of time to all potential users. The users negotiate about the dates and times.
Magacin u Kraljevića Marka 4
Magacin u Kraljevića Marka 4
Magacin u Kraljevića Marka 4
MKM u Kraljevića Marka 4 obuhvata prostor površine 2.000 m2, uključujući prizemlje, podrum i potkrovlje/tavan. U prizemlju su Centralni prostor, Ilegalni bioskop, Plesna sala i kancelarijski prostor.
Centralni prostor Centralni prostor koristi se za izložbe, tribine, konferencije, radionice, prezentaciju manjih formi produkcije izvođačkih umetnosti i druge programe. Ilegalni bioskop Prostor Ilegalnog bioskopa nazvan je prema najdugovečnijem programu koji se realizuje u MKM od 2007. godine, u organizaciji Teorije koja hoda (TkH), a zamišljen je kao otvoreni (samo)edukativni projekat razmene i kontekstualizacije autorskih, dokumentarnih, aktivističkih, queer, anarhističkih i drugih marginalizovanih i teško dostupnih filmova. Filmove mogu da predlože svi zainteresovani, ali sa obavezom da o njima govore, čime se briše čvrsta granica urednika i publike. Plesna sala Plesna sala je jedini prostor u Beogradu koji mogu da koriste akteri savremene plesne scene i drugih formi izvođačkih umetnosti. Kancelarijski prostor Kancelarijski prostor čine četiri sobe koje koriste organizacije koje deluju u Magacinu za rad i sastanke. Prvobitno je bio zamišljen kao javni prostor za biblioteku, medijateku i sl, ali je pretvoren u kancelarijski zbog toga što prostor u potkrovlju MKM, koji su gradske
vlasti inicijalno namenile za rad organizacija, nije do sada renoviran i stavljen u funkciju. Podrumski prostor Podrumski prostor prostire se na istoj površini kao Centralni, a od otvaranja MKM praktično je nefunkcionalan zbog nerešenog problema kanalizacione i vodovodne mreže. Tavanski prostor Tavanski prostor, površine 274 m2, prvobitno je bio namenjen za kancelarijski rad organizacija koje deluju u Magacinu. Ostao je nefunkcionalan, jer gradske vlasti nisu ispunile obećanje o njegovom renoviranju i sanaciji.
MKM at 4 Kraljevića Marka Street covers the area of 2,000 m2, including the ground floor, cellar and attic/loft. The ground floor consists of the Central Space, Illegal Cinema, Dance Hall and office space.
Central Space The Central Space is used for exhibitions, forums, conferences, workshops, presentation of smaller forms of performing arts productions and other programs. Illegal cinema The name of the space was given after the longest-lasting programme in MKM, carried out since 2007, organized by Walking Theory (TkH), and conceived as an open (self-) educative exchange and contextualization project of auteur, documentary, activist, queer, anarchist and other marginalized and not easily available films. All the interested people can propose the titles, but they are obliged to speak about the film, which blurs the dividing line between the editors and audience. Dance Hall The Dance Hall is the only place in Belgrade that can be used by actors of the contemporary dance scene and other forms of performing arts. Office space The office space consists of four rooms used by the organizations working in Magacin for their activities and meetings. It was initially designed as a public space for a library, media library, etc., but it was turned into the office
space because the space in the attic of MKM, envisaged by the city authorities for that purpose, has not yet been renovated and put into function. Cellar Space The Cellar Space covers the area equal to that of the Central Space, and it has been practically non-functional since the opening of MKM, due to the unresolved problem of sewerage and water supply network. Attic Space The Attic Space, measuring 274 m2, originally planned for offices for the organizations working in Magacin, remained non-functional, because the city authorities have not kept their promise to renovate and improve sanitary conditions.
Magacin u Kraljevića Marka 6
Magacin u Kraljevića Marka 6
Magacin u Kraljevića Marka 6
Kao i veći deo ostatka kompleksa KC Magacin, prostor površine 350 m2 u Kraljevića Marka 6 je deo bivšeg skladišnog prostora izdavačke kuće Nolit. MKM6 je jedan od dva magacinska podruma i jedini je koji je u upotrebi. MKM6 i MKM4 se nalaze jedan nasuprot drugom i na taj način formiraju mali potez zatvorenog javnog prostora i neformalno unutrašnje dvorište Magacina. Prostor MKM6 se koristi kao otvorena radionica sa alatima za proizvodnju skulptura, instalacija, interaktivnih mašina, scenografija, rekvizita, modela i prototipa, kao i za tehničku edukaciju i samoedukaciju. Neki od stalnih korisnika MKM6 su program “Praksa makerspace” Karkatag kolektiva, ZMUC radionica, biciklističke grupe i drugi. U okviru programa “Praksa”, od 2015. godine je svoje ideje koncipiralo, projektovalo i realizovalo više od 200 umetnika, arhitekata, studenata i mladih. Pored toga, MKM6 funkcioniše kao privremeni depo organizacija koje koriste MKM4 i kao baza za njegovo održavanje.
As the majority of the complex of the Magacin Cultural Centre, the space measuring 350 m2 at Kraljevića Marka 6 is part of the former warehouse space of the Nolit Publishing House. MKM6 is one of two cellar spaces and the only one in use. MKM6 and MKM4 are located opposite each other, thus forming a small stretch of closed public space and an informal interior courtyard. The space of MKM6 is used as an open workshop with tools for the production of sculptures, installations, interactive machines, settings, props, models and prototypes, as well as for technical education and self-education. Some regular users of MKM6 are the Karkatag Collective’s Practice Makerspace programme, ZMUC Workshop, cycling groups and others. Since 2015 more than 200 artists, architects, students and young people have conceived, designed and implemented their ideas within the programme Praksa (Practice). In addition, MKM6 functions as a temporary depot for the organizations that use MKM4 and as a basis for the maintenance of that space.
Magacin u Kraljevića Marka 8
Magacin u Kraljevića Marka 8
Magacin u Kraljevića Marka 8
Prostor u Kraljevića Marka 8, površine 128 m2, takođe je 2007. namenjen organizacijama koje deluju u MKM, ali ga je 2013. godine Dom omladine ustupio na korišćenje Gete institutu za realizaciju projekta “Urban inkubator”, uz mogućnost produženja ugovora. Gete institut se obavezao da dovede prostor u upotrebno stanje, odnosno obavi adaptaciju, te da pokriva troškove struje, interneta i održavanja. Ugovor je istekao krajem 2016, kada se korisnici MKM vraćaju i u taj prostor. Od tada ovaj prostor funkcioniše pod dva nova entiteta, kao Ostavinska galerija i kao Bike kitchen.
The space at 8 Kraljevića Marka Street, covering the area of 128 m2, was also intended for the organizations working in MKM in 2007, but in 2013 the Youth Centre gave it to the Goethe Institute for the project Urban Incubator, with the possibility to extend the contract. The Goethe Institute had the obligation to get the space in good condition, i.e., renovate it, and to cover the costs of electricity, Internet connection and maintenance. The contract expired at the end of 2016, and then the users of MKM returned to that space, too. Since then, this space has functioned as two new entities, as Ostavinska galerija (Inheritance Gallery) and Bike Kitchen.
Ostavinska galerija Ostavinska galerija dostupna je za izložbe, performanse, projekcije, ali i konkursne formate koje pokreće otvorena radna grupa Ostavinske. Galerija ima i biblioteku umetničkih izdanja, dostupnu svim zainteresovanima. Bike kitchen Bike kitchen, mesto za besplatnu popravku bicikala, gde svako može da nauči i popravi svoj bicikl uz pomoć volontera i besplatnu upotrebu alata. Cilj je da ljudi nauče da popravljaju bicikle sami i da se time omasovi biciklistički saobraćaj.
Ostavinska galerija Ostavinska galerija is available for exhibitions, performances, screenings, but also for open call formats, run by the Ostavinska’s open work group. The gallery has a library of art publications, available to all the interested users. Bike kitchen Bike Kitchen is a free bicycle service, where anyone can learn how to repair their bike (or have it repaired) with the help of volunteers and free use of the tools. The goal is to teach people to repair their own bikes, and thus get more bicycle users.
Kulturni centar Magacin u Kraljevića Marka Beograd, 2017. / Belgrade 2017 Izdavač / Publisher: Asocijacija Nezavisna kulturna scena Srbije (NKSS) Autori / Authors: Luka Knežević-Strika, Iva Čukić, Ana Dimitrijević, Vesna Milosavljević Dizajn / Layout design: Mane Radmanović Fotografije / Photograhs: Arhiva organizacija koje deluju u MKM Archives of the organizations working at MKM Autor tlocrta / Ground plan drawing: Aleksandar Popović Prevod na engleski / Translation into English: Vesna Strika Štampa / Printed by: Standard2, Beograd / Belgrade Tiraž / Number of copies: 300