Observations of public participation and community Shenzhen, China PSU - China Innovations in Urbanization Summer 2013 Pamela N. Phan, MURP 2014
CAUPD - Shenzhen Branch
Roadmap ❏ Brief context of PP in China ❏ Projects observed ❏ My reflections
Public Participation in China
➢ Shenzhen ranked neutrally in categories of public service satisfaction, government citizen participation, information transparency, government efficacy, and government trust. ➢ Generally negative views in Chinese first tier cities, and in the Pearl River Delta and the south ➢ Eastern cities near the Yangtze River - economic development AND service orientation as a combination ➢ Respond to rapid urbanization and growing inequality ➢ Strong ethic of civil service (Building a Service Oriented Government - Lessons, Challenges, and Prospects, Ed. Wu Wei, Nanyang Center for Public Administration)
China Urbanizations Project
Qingyuan City - Urbanizations Project ➢ Guangzhou metro ➢ Development patterns connected to migration ➢ County, district, local, and business leaders
Gaozhou City - Urbanizations Project ➢ Agricultural small town ➢ Rural urbanization ➢ Model for mountain development ➢ Interviews
Quality of Life - Urban Villages Study ➢ ➢ ➢ ➢
5,000 surveys Basic services Satisfaction? 90 percent response rate