Energiser 5 kl abbyy

Page 1




page A

The sounds of English, phonetic alphabet



Numbers: cardinal






Subject pronouns, possessive adjectives and possessive pronouns, interrogative pronouns



Present simple of be



Nouns, the definite article. Possessive's, possessives with of



Simple sentence. It's ... There is ... There are Prepositions of place



Countable and uncountable nouns with


some/any, much/many UNITS


Comparison of adjectives



Have got


Mixed practice



Verbs: do, have to. Verb phrases



Present simple



Adverbs of manner



Frequency adverbs



Object pronouns









Comparison of adverbs



Prepositions of place and movement



Present participle. Love/like/hate + verb + a'ng



Present continuous



Must/ mustn't


Mixed practice



Ordinal numbers, dates, years



Past simple of be



Past simple


Past continuous


Mixed practice



Going to future








Mixed practice








REVISION 4 Punctuation


The sounds of English, phonetic alphabet THE SOUNDS OF ENGLISH - ЗВУКОВЕТЕ B АНГЛИИСКИЯ ЕЗИК Всеки език има своя собствена звукова система. В английския език има редица звукове, които не сьидествуват в българския. Освен това броят на звуковете е значително по-голям о т броя на буквите в азбуката. За полесно усвояване на английското произношение си служим със система о т условни знаци, наречени фонетични знаци.


ae back /Ьаек/

sit /sit/

Л shut /jAt/

happy /haepi/

a: far /fa:/

D hot /hot/ hall/ho:l/

3 reader /riids/


book /Ьок/

3 : girl /дз:1/

Li: spoon /spu:n/

e neck /пек/

Watch it! Английските гласни се различават о т българските не само по начина на произнасяне, но и по своята дължина. В английския език се разграничават къси и дълги гласни. Във фонетичната азбука дължината на звука се бележи със знака : . Дължината на гласните трябва да се спазва, тъй като тя има смислоразличително значение, например; ship /Jip/ - кораб

sheep /Ji.-р/ - овца

full /ful/ - пълен

fool /fu:l/ - глупак

Двугласни ei

play /plei/


how /hau/


hair /Ьез/


fine /fain/


no /П9о/


here /hi9/


boy /boi/


poor /ро9/

Тенденцията през последните години е този двугласен звук да се произнася /о:/

Полугласни j

yes /jes/


week /wi:k/

Consonants - Съгласни беззвучни


p pen /pen/

b bed /bed/

m many /nieni/

B thing /011]/

6 that /5aet/


note /п9о1/


tea /ti:/

d door /do:/


sing /sii]/

k kick/kik/

g good /god/


right /ran/


look /1ок/


his /tiiz/


some /s9m/



four /fo:/

V very /veri/


shut /Jai/

tj chair /tjeg/

3 pleasure /рюзз/

nose /п9ог/

ds John /d3on/


ID Match the words to the sounds. sit, it

not, door

water, girl

put, blue

apple, mum, card, number,

key, eat

song, want

cassette, bird

spoon, you

come, bar, man, half, bank

is, seat

four, ball

teacher, world

good, cook


Л :/










...я Т ...


Write the phonetic transcript.


1/ /ei/


lo il



rain / .......rein....... /

cry / ......................../

boy / ......................../

house / ......................../

nose / ......................../

play / ......................../

m y / ......................../

toy / ......................../


rose / ......................../

table / ......................../

nine / ......................../

noisy / ......................../

how / ......................../

phone / ......................../

3/ /оз/



poor / ......................../

bear / ......................../

here / ......................../

sure / ......................../

hair / ......................../

dear / ......................../

to u r/......................../

where / ......................../

real / ......................../

IB Write three words which start with these sounds. Two sounds have no matches. Which are they? date, park, telephone, lemon, calculator, mouse, harmony, basketball, taxi, there, jeans, supermarket, normal, zip, bank, that, macaroni, photograph, banana, three, circle, zombie, video, sport, television, jeep, shock, lamp, galaxy, chips, channel, number, chocolate, garage, jackpot, football, shaker, vase, pizza, fact, guitar, lemonade, hot dog, computer, cassette, hamburger, rose, dance, robot, zebra, show, disco, theatre, metal, nectar, this, volleyball, pilot, theory, radio /Р/ .................................................................................

/Ь /..............



Id l.d a fe .



/ д / ........



/V /

/s /


/ z / ..........

/е / .....................................................

/5/ ...............

/ I / ..............................................................

/ ч / ............

/з / ..............................................................

/ds/ ----

/ч/ ............................................................................................... / 1/






/ щ / ..................................

/п/ .................................................................................


Числителните имена о т 0 до 12 са прости думи. 0

- zero

1 - one 2 - two

3 - three

5 - five

7 - seven

9 - nine

11 - eleven

4 - four

6 - six

8 - eight

10 - ten

12 - twelve

Числителните имена om 13 go 19 ce образуват като се прибави наставката -teen към числата о т 3 до 9. При някои о т тях се променя и коренът. 13 - thirteen

15 - fifteen

17 - seventeen

14 - fourteen

16 - sixteen

18 - eighteen

19 - nineteen

Числителните om 20 go 90 ce образуват c наставката -ty. При някои om тях също се променя коренът. 20 - twenty

40 - forty

30 - thirty

50 - fifty

Между десетиц ите u единиците се 21 - twenty-one

22 - twenty-two

60 - sixty

80 - eighty

70 - seventy

90 - ninety

пише mupe. 35 - thirty-five

48 - forty-eight

Числителните om 100 go 900 ce образуват om единиците + hundred. 100 - one (a) hundred

400 - four hundred

700 - seven hundred

200 - two hundred

500 - five hundred

800 - eight hundred

300 - three hundred

600 - six hundred

900 - nine hundred

След с т о т и ц и т е се поставя съюзът and. 104 - one hundred and four 215 - two hundred and fifteen

376 - three hundred and seventy-six

Числителните om 1000 go 9000 ce образуват om единиците + thousand. 1000 - one (a) thousand

2000 - two thousand

1253 - one thousand two hundred and fifty-three 6749 - six thousand seven hundred and forty-nine 1 000 000 - one million 2 000 000 - two million

3000 - three thousand

PRACTICE l i Q Find the numbers.

Match the numbers to the words.

13 3 16


1 teniehrt -

.......... th irteen .

2 leeenv



3 tytenw



4 thyitr



5 vetlew



6 neo



7 wto



8 rtehe



twenty three

l i S Put the numbers into the correct order. ten, fifty, twenty, eighty, thirty, forty, sixty, ninety, seventy, a hundred ten, ....................................................................................................................................

l i Q Write the numbers.

Arrange the numbers in two columns.

a) 4 0 ....................

b) 8 0 ...........................

c) 18....................

d) 14...........................

e) 60....................

f) 15...........................

g) 70....................

h) 16...........................

i) 90......................

j) 19...........................

- teen


IIE I Write the numbers as words. a) 78

c) 45

b) 67

d) 61

seventy-eight............................................ g) 758

h) 102

i) 516

j) 625

k) 7316

I) 1589


Write the answers.

1 twenty-two 4- thirty =


4 a thousand -i- sixty ^

2 a hundred - sixty =

5 ten -b five = ............

3 twelve - one = ............

6 nine -t- four =


e) 54

I Nouns 1 THE INDEFINITE ARTICLE a/an - СЪЩЕСТВИТЕЛНО ИМЕ: членуване - неопределителен член > В английския език има неопределителен член а/ап. Той произлиза о т числителното one (един), нап­ ример: а woman (една жена). Употребява се само с броими същ ествителни нарицателни имена в единствено число. Той не може да се употребява със същ ествителни нарицателни имена в мно­ жествено число, както и със същ ествителни собствени имена. Неопределителният член сто и пред с ъ щ е ств и те л н о то , към ко е то се отнася. Той има две форми; а и an. а се употребява пред думи, ко и то започват със съгласна или полугласна: а book, а house, а window an се употребява пред думи, ко и то започват с гласна или с "нямо h": an apple, an hour > Ако с ъ щ е ств и те л н о то е употребено с прилагателно или друго определение, членът с т о и пред прилагателното или определението; а red pencil > Неопределителният член се употребява в следните случаи: Here is a photo of his band. - ко гато се използва със значение one (един) It's a hamburger. - ко гато се посочва един п р едм ет о т даден вид

SINGULAR AND PLURAL NOUNS - ЕДИНСТВЕНО И МНОЖЕСТВЕНО ЧИСЛО > Множественото число в английския език се образува като към същ ествителното в единствено число се прибави окончанието -(e)s, което се произнася: /я/ - след беззвучна съгласна р, t, к, f, 0: maps, hats /z/ - след звучна съгласна Ь, d, g, v, 5 и гласна: beds, dogs, days /iz/ - след съскави звукове /s/, /J/, /tj/, /d^/: brushes, kisses > Когато същ ествителното завъризва на съскав звук, след който има "нямо е“, в множествено число се прибавя -s, а когато няма "нямо е", се прибавя -es. horse - horses rose - roses box - boxes class - classes Правопис > Когато същ ествителното завършва на съгласна+у, у се променя на i U тогава се прибавя окончанието -es:body - bodies > Когато същ ествителното завършва на гласна+у, у не се променя: boy - boys > Когато същ ествителното завършва на съгласна+о, прибавяме окончанието -es: potato - potatoes tomato - tomatoes Изключения: piano - pianos, photo - photos > Когато същ ествителното завършва на гласна+о, прибавяме окончанието -s; radio - radios > Някои съществителни образуват множествено число неправилно: man - men child - children woman - women person - people > Някои съществителни им ат една u съща форма за единствено и за множествено число: sheep - sheep > Някои съществителни се употребяват само в множествено число: trousers - панталони glasses - очила news - новини clothes - дрехи > Някои се употребяват само в единствено число: information - информация money - пари > Някои се употребяват и за единствено и за множествено число: fruit - плод/плодове fish - риба > Когато тези съществителни приемат формата за множествено число (fruits, fishes), тогава имаме предвид различни видове (плодове, риба).


IID Write the words in the correct list. desk, omelette, car, ambulance, chair, table, envelope, computer, apple, radio, piano, orange, video, egg, T-shirt, postcard, elephant, magazine a:


an: .....................................................................................................................................................................................

ле 1 2 3 4 5 6

Complete with a or an. Are you ..tt.. student? It's ........ photo. It 's ...........old photo. This i s ........ fantastic idea. It's ........ aeroplane. It 's ...........big aeroplane. Vesko is n 't........ English name. This i s .........umbrella. It's ...........beautiful umbrella.



/ penguin

I S S Write the sentences.

................ .........................................

2 3 4 5

................................................. ................................................ ,./)^.dQg,is_an_animal._










dog / elephant-

animal cow


liB Write the plural of these nouns. a) drum ........ drum s..........

e) person.........

i) m a n .............. ...........................


b) e y e .......................................

f) city

j) computer

n) day

c) child .................................

g) guitar...........

k) name ....................................

o) tomato .

d) box......................................

h) hamburger


p) photo





IIS Label the pictures. one chair

- ...............

one book

- ...............

one video

- ...............

one watch

- ...............

two chairs

one butterfly - ............... one key

- ...............

one horse

- ...............

IIS Complete the table. face, woman, strawberry, brush, class, man, banana, tree, bus, country, toy, glass, story, lady, child -s -es -ies irregular nouns


woman .... .

Subject pronouns, possessive adjectives and possessive pronouns, interrogative pronouns Singular

SUBJECT PRONOUNS - ЛИЧНИ МЕСТОИМЕНИЯ Личните местоимения служат за подлог 6 изречението.

you he she it

I а т Bulgarian. They are friends.

аз mu moQ тя mo

we Hue you вие they me


Possessive adjectives

Possessive pronouns

П р и те ж а те л н и те местоимения 6 английския език и м а т две различни форми. Едн ата е ко гато п р и те ж а те л н о то местоимение се употребява к а то прилагателно и с т о и пред съ сц ествителн ото име (possessive adjectives), a другата - сам остоятелна, ко гато п р и те ж а те л н о то местоимение замества съидествително то име

my your his her its our your their

mine yours his hers

(possessive pronouns). This is my book. This book is mine. This is my computer and that's yours.

ours yours theirs

INTERROGATIVE PRONOUNS - ВЪПРОСИТЕЛНИ МЕСТОИМЕНИЯ Въпросителни местоимения са: who - кой, коя, кое, кои - за хора what - какво - за предм ети; какъв, каква, какво, какви whose - чий, чия, чие, чии which - кой, коя, кое, кои ( о т няколко)

where - къде when - кога how - kak why - защо

> C who ce numa за подлог (хора), a c what ce numa за подлог (п р ед м е т): Who's that boy? He's my brother.

What's this? It's my guitar.

Who are they? They are my friends. What are these? They are Tom's CDs. > C what ce numa за допълнение:

What's your father's job?

What time is it?

> W hatce употребява също npeg съществително име със значение какъв, каква, какво, какви: What colour are her eyes? > Whose може ga ce употреби със същ ествителното, към което се отнася: Whose bike is this?

или отделно om него:

Whose is this bike?

> Which винаги предполага избор между няколко хора или предмети: Which bag is yours? > C where ce numa за о б с т о я т е л с т в о т о къде се извърщва д е й с тв и е то : Where's the bag?

Where are you from?

> C when ce numa за о б с т о я т е л с т в о т о кога се извърщва д е й с тв и е то : When's your birthday? > С how се numa за о б с т о я т е л с т в о т о как се извърщва д е й с тв и е то : How do you spell it? > How образува няколко въпросителни фрази: - how + 'be' (am/is/are) - как съм/си/е

How are you?

- how old - на колко години си

How old are you?

- how many/ how much - колко (какво количество) - how often - колко често

How many friends have you got? (за броими)

How much water is there? (за неброими) How often do you read books?

> C why ce numa за причината за извърщване на д е й с т в и е т о : Why isn't he here? О тго ворът на този въпрос обикновено започва с because: Because he is at school.


Write the subject pronoun. Isabel

Complete the table.

Subject f>ronouns

Possessive adjectives





My guitar


Tom and Dave


Mel and I


you and your sister


My CDs


i l S Complete the sentences with a subject pronoun or a possessive adjective. 1

name's Tom and

from Poland.


name's Mel and ..............'s from Great Britain.


names are Tom and Mel and ..............are students.

4 The Bulgarian flag isn't white and g re e n ...............'s white, green and red. 5 Isabel's a new student. I s ..............from Argentina? 6 Tom isn't from Great Britain,..............'s from Poland. 7 Mel's British but 8 'Hi,

mum and dad are from Trinidad...............names are Esther and Louis.

names are Tom and Mel a n d ..............'re students at this school.'

9 'Is Brazil in Europe?' 'N o ...............isn't.' Complete the table. Possessive adjectives

Possessive pronouns


mine yours his

Rewrite each sentence. Do not change the meaning. 1 Is this your bike? . Is this, bike .yours?........................................................... 2 Excuse me, but this is my seat. 3

I think this is his book.


It's her turn.

her its



5 This is my camera and that's your camera. 6

Is that their house?

-^0 Complete the questions with the interrogative pronouns. 1

...W .h ere........ 's Isabel? She's at school.


.............................'s Dave? He's Tom's friend.


.............................'s your favourite colour? It's black.


.............................people are there in the band? Five.


.............................are you at school today? Because there's an exam.


.............................are you? Fine, thanks.


.............................is your car? The Fiat.


.............................is the concert? It's today.


.............................is the concert? It's in the school hall.


.............................old are you? I'm eleven.

Present simple of be




I’m (am) you’re (are) he’s/she’s/it’s (is) we’re/they’ re (are)

I’m not (am not) you aren’t (are not) he/she/it isn’t (is not) we/they aren’t (are not)

Am I A m I n o t...? Yes, I am./No, I’m not. Are you ...? Aren't you ...? Yes, you are./No, you aren’t. Is he/she'/it...? Isn't he/she'/it...? Are we/they ...? Aren't we/they ...? IV/7-questions

Гт from Bulgaria. She isn ’t from Poland.

Are you from Bulgaria?

Negative questions Short answers

Aren't you from Poland?

What’s his name? Where are you from?

PRESENT SIMPLE OF be - СЕГАШНО ВРЕМЕ HA ГЛАГОЛА сьм Глаголът to be се употребява, за да дадем информация за нещо/някого или да го опишем.

Positive - положителна форма Глаголът to be (съм) има т р и форми за сегашно Време - а т , is, are: I am eieven. Mel is nice. Her parents are teachers. Вм есто пълната форма, ч е сто употребяваме к р а т к а т а : I ат =Гт You are = You're She is = She's

We are = We're

I'm (I am) from Buigaria.

You're (You are) welcome.

Mel's (Mel is) from Manchester.

We're (We are) students.

Negative - отр и ц ателн а форма За ga образуваме о т р и ц а те л н а та форма, прибавяме ч асти ч ката not (n't). I'm not from Manchester.

She isn't sixteen.

We aren't students.

Questions - Въпросителна форма За ga образуваме въпросителната форма, разменяме м е с т а т а на подлога и глагола: She is from Bulgaria. — >■Is she from Bulgaria?

Negative questions - Въпросително-отрицателна форма За ga образуваме въпросително-отрицателната форма, преместваме глагола заедно с ч асти ч ката not. She isn't from Bulgaria. — ► Isn't she from Bulgaria?

Wh-questions - специални Въпроси За ga образуваме специален въпрос с въпросителна дума или фраза, започваме с нея What's his name? Where are you from?

Short answers - kpamku omzoBopu Ч есто даваме kpamku отговори: Are you a student? Yes, I am./No, I'm not.

Watch it! B положителните отговори не използваме к р а т к и т е форми: Are you a student? Yes, I am. Yes, I'm.

PRACTICE 1 Щ Complete the sentences with am, is or are. 1 Manchester , . , . й ... a city in England.

4 Му frien d s..............great.

2 I ............. OK.

5 W e ..............students.

3 Y o u .............

6 Green


his favourite colour.

IB Write the words in the correct order and complete with the short form of am, is or are. 1 from / Argentina / I

..I'm .fro m .A rg en tin a .......................................................................................................

not / singers / th e y ........................................................................................................................................................... in / England / a / Manchester / city ....................................................................................................................... colour / favourite / not / black / my


we / students ..................................................................................................................................................................... I / American / not


nosy / they .......................................................................................................................................................................... 8

a / student / she / not / new



we / Britain / from / not


10 not / you / musician / a


l i B Write true sentences. 1

^^0 Complete the conversation with the correct form of to be.

My eyes are yellow.

My..eyes.arein,'.t.ye.Uo.w.. They'.re.,,,. 1

My parents are from Britain. Meet Ant and Dec!


My dad is called Sting.


Ant and Dec ^ ..a re .. Britain’s favourite TV presenters! in our chatroom now!! They"

t < ANT > Hi! My name


My mum is sixteen.


David McPartiin (Anti). My favourite thing ...........my Newcastie United shirt. < DEC > I ® ...........Declan Joseph Oliver


My school is in London.

ij Donneiiy (Dec!). What ® ......... your

Peony Susie Bobbie Carrots AJ Tom Jo Emma Jack

questions? < ROSE > Where ^ ...........you from? < DEC > We ® ...........from Newcasfie upon Tyne


Manchester is in Argentina.

(it ® ......... a city in England). < ROSE > What ........... your favourite colours? < ANT > Black and white (Newcastle's colours).


I'm a teacher.

< ROSE > Are you good friends? < ANT > Yes, we < ROSE > How old

........... you?

< DEC > You’re very nosy! I



........... 84 and Anf


ilDComplete the sentences with a, an or the. 1 There's . . . Đ´ . . . . CD i n ..............drawer.


T h e re 's..............book on the desk.


Turn o f f ..............television.


Mary i s ..............doctor a t ................local hospital.


W here's..............book w ith ................answers?


Miss Wilson i s .............. English teacher.

I I B Complete the sentences. 1 Tomasz is ... name in Polish. (Tom)

Jqmqsz h Tg m [s n a m e ^


... name is Merlin, (the dog)


The computer is in ... room, (the children)


... parents are from Trinidad. (Mel Williams)...............................................................


... names are Britney Spears and Beyonce. (my favourite singers)


Mel is ... manager. (Tom and Dave)


Put ' into the correct place. Then write the words in the correct list.

's = is

possessive's Tom's

1 This is Tom s bag. 2

Isabels parents are Argentinian.


Wheres my mobile?


Theres a computer on my desk.


Mels friends are Tom, Mickey, Dave and Isabel.


Those CDs are Mickeys.


Are these Tori ns keys?


Veskos Steves friend.


Thats Toms guitar.

10 Whats your dog called? I I Q Write true sentences. Use possessives with of. 1 this / map / Bulgaria

This. IS.a .map. .of. Bulgaria................................................ 2

colour / flag / white, green and red Black Sea


capital city / Bulgaria / Sofia


top / Mount Vitosha / Cherni Vrah


name / sea / Black Sea

IIS Write the phrases. Use possessives with o f 1 door/ room 2

the door o f the room...................

leg / c h a ir................................ ............................................

3 wheel / car 4

roof / h o u se.......................................................................

Simple sentence. It's ... There i s ... There a re ... Prepositions of place SIMPLE SENTENCE: main parts; the subject - ПРОСТО ИЗРЕЧЕНИЕ: главни части; подлог > Главните части на изречението са подлог и сказуемо. > Подлогът (the subject) отговаря на въпроса who (кой?) за хора и what (какво?, що?) за предм ети. Най ч е сто подлогът се изразява със същ ествително име или местоимение: Му mum is a teacher. She is a teacher.

IMPERSONAL STRUCTURES - БЕЗЛИЧНИ КОНСТРУКЦИИ > It се употребява к а то подлог в безлични изрази и изречения: It is cold. > Безличните има (there is, there are) u няма (there isn't, there aren't) ce уп о тр еб ява т, за ga кажем, че има или няма нещо/някого някъде. Единствено число (is) се употребява, ко гато се говори за един пред­ м е т , а множествено число (are) - ко гато се говори за повече предм ети. Positive - п о л о ж и тел н а ф орм а It is spring. There is a chair in the room. There are chairs in the room. Вм есто пълната форма, ч е сто употребяваме к р а т к а т а : It is = It's There is = There's HO There are няма кратка форма.


Negative - о т р и ц а т е л н а ф орм а За ga образуваме о тр и ц а те л н а та форма, прибавяме ч а сти ч ка та not (n't): It isn't spring. There isn't a chair in the room. There aren't chairs in the room. Q uestions - в ъ п р о си те л н а форма За ga образуваме въпросителната форма, преместваме глагола: It is spring.—►Is it spring? There is a chair in the room. —► Is there a chair in the room? There are chairs in the room. —► Are there chairs in the room? Negative questions - в ъ п р о с и т е л н о -о т р и ц а т е л н а ф орм а За ga образуваме въпросително-отрицателната форма, преместваме глагола, заедно с частичката not: It isn't spring.—►Isn't it spring? There isn't a chair in the room.—►Isn't there a chair in the room? There aren't chairs in the room.—►Aren't there chairs in the room? l/l//7-questions - специални въпроси За ga образуваме специален въпрос с въпросителна дума или фраза, започваме с нея: What season is it? What is there in the room? Short an sw ers - kpam ku о т го в о р и Ч есто даваме kpamku отговори: Is it spring? Yes, it is./No, it isn't. Is there a chair in the room? Yes, there is./No, there isn't. Are there chairs in the room? Yes, there are./No, there aren't. W atch it! Когато подлогът има определителен член или показателно/притеж ателно местоимение, не можем да употребим конструкция there is: The boy is in the room.

PREPOSITIONS OF PLACE - ПРЕДЛОЗИ ЗА МЯСТО > Предлозите с т о я т обикновено пред същ ествително име или друга дума, която има функция на същ ествително име. > Повечето английски предлози и м ат по няколко значения, които понякога не се покриват със значенията на даден български предлог. > Предлозите за м ясто означават къде се намира даден предмет или човек. Най-често срещаните са: in - 6 on - на, върху under - nog behind - зад

He is in the room, The posters are on the wall, The bag is under the desk, The blackboard is behind the teacher's table.

The desk is next to the window. The teacher is in front of the blackboard. The window is on the left. on the left - отляво on the right - отдясно The door is on the right. next to - go in front of - npeg

PRACTICE . i D Answer the questions.

3 Is it cold?

1 What time is it?

S Look at the picture. Complete the description with the words in the box. there is ^

there are

there isn't

there aren't

There.is,,... a teacher in the picture, and 2............................. eleven

students. ^

desks and chairs, but .............................

computer and ^............................. CD player. ®.............................books, but 7

mobiles. ®

but ^


door in this picture,


Look at the picture. Complete the questions. Then give short answers.

1 . .Is... there a cupboard?

.................... .No^. .there .isn't,.................................................

2 ........ there boys? ........................................................................................................................ 3 ........ there drawers? 4 ........ there a bin? 5 ........ there a woman?

IB Match the questions to the correct answers. 1 What's on the desk?

a) No, there aren't.

2 How many drawers are there?

b) Next to the desk.

3 Are there posters on the wall?

c) Four.

4 Is there a bed in the room? 5 Where's the wastebin? IB

‘ d) There's a computer, e) No, there isn't.

Circle the correct preposition.

My favourite room in my house is my bedroom. It is very big. There is one bed ^if^on the centre of the room. There is a small table ^ under/next to it. The TV is ^ in/in front of the bed. There are bookshelves ^ on/behind the right, 5 next to/in a desk. All my CDs are ^ behind/in the drawer. There are posters

under/on the walls and my computer

is ®in front of/in the window. That's my favourite place. In winter, my bedroom is very warm.

Countable and uncountable nouns with some!any, muchlmany

INDEFINITE PRONOUNS: some/any, much/many - НЕОП PEДЕЛИТЕЛИ И МЕСТОИМЕНИЯ > Some (някой, някоя, някое, някои; някакъв, някаква, някакво, някакви; малко) означава неопределен брой или количество о т нещо. Употребява се заедно с броими (countable) и неброими (uncountable) същ ествителни или сам остоятелно, ко гато напълно ги замества. Some се употребява обикновено в положителни разказни изречения. Ч есто т о не се превежда. > Any се употребява със същ ото значение на some, но в отр иц ателн и и въпросителни изречения. В о тр и ц а те л н и те изречения т о се превежда к а т о никакъв, никаква, никакво, никакви. Във въпросителните изречения се превежда к а т о някакъв, някаква, някакво, някакви.

> Much (много) определя или замества неброими същ ествителни във въпросителни и отр иц ателн и изречения. Използва се винаги с единствено число на глагола. There isn't much cola in the bottle. Is there much cola in the bottle? > Many (много) определя или замества броими същ ествителни във въпросителни и отр ицателни изречения. Използва се винаги с множествено число на глагола. There aren't many students in the classroom. Are there many students in the classroom? > 3a ga попитам е за количество, използваме: How much + неброими същ ествителни How much cola is there in the bottle? How many + броими същ ествителни How many students are there in the classroom?

Singular Countable

Plural There are some children. Are there any children? There aren't any children.


There's some water. Is there any water? There isn't any water.

PRACTICE choose the wrong word in the group of countable and uncountable nouns. 1



(m o n ^






















Write the words in the correct list.

ThereГ«/are some orange juice.

apple book bottle bread CD cheese

Are there any/some chocolate bars?

coffee egg gold juice milk money

There's a/som e cheese.

orange silver student sugar time water

There isn't any!som e water.

ho w m uch?

There is!are some eggs. There aren't/isn't any milk. There's a/some bottle of juice. Is there som e/any salt? Is there a/some bowl of sugar?

Choose the correct word. can hear the teacher well. There \sv!v'rnucWmany noise in the classroom. There's a traffic jam. Are there much/many cars in the street? We can't make coffee. There isn't much/many water in the coffee machine. Mickey can't buy the CD. There isn't much/many money in his wallet. There's a bookshelf in my room. There aren't much/many books on it. You can't copy the book. There isn't much/many paper in the copier. My homework isn't very difficult. There aren't much/many new words in it. 8 Isabel is very happy. Are there much/many friends at her party? 9 This is a new house. Are there much/many rooms in it? 10 We're latel Let's take a taxi. There isn't much/many time left.

Complete the conversation. Mum

Hi, Isabel. I'm hungry! What's in the fridge?


Well, there's \ , spm e., cheese, 1think.


Are there ^...................eggs?


Mmm, 1think so ... yes, there are.


How ^ ...................?


Eggs? I think there are four.


^.............................milk is there?


About half a litre.


Good. We can make lunch.


What do you want to drink?


Is there ^ ...................cola?


No, there isn't. But there's ®...................orange juice, and there ^........................mineral water, too.



how m any?



Comparison of adjectives

COMPARISON OF ADJECTIVES - СРАВНЕНИЕ HA ПРИЛАГАТЕЛНИ ИМЕНА О бразуване > Прилагателните имена 6 английския език се с те п е н у в а т по два начина: 1) чрез прибавяне на н аста в к ата -ег за сравнителна степ ен и -est за превъзходна степен; 2) чрез наречието more за сравнителна степ ен и most за превъзходна степ ен , ко и то се п о с та в я т пред прилагателното име. > С н а с та в к и те -ег и -est се с те п е н у в а т всички едносрични прилагателни и двусричните, ко ито завърсиват на -у; long - longer - longest happy - happier - happiest Правопис > Когато прилагателното завършва на -е, т о о тп ада пред окончанието: large - larger - largest > Когато прилагателното завършва на една съгласна, предхождана о т гласна, съгласната се удвоява: big - bigger - biggest > Когато прилагателното завършва на съгласна + у, у се променя в i: prettV - prettier - prettiest > Повечето двусрични u всички многосрични прилагателни се с те п е н у в а т с пом ощ та на наречията more, most: famous - more famous - most famous W atch it! Някои прилагателни се с те п е н у в а т неправилно, m.e. ф о рм ите за т р и т е степени са различни: good - better - the best bad - worse - the worst Уп о треб а > За ga кажем, че един п р едм ет или човек притежава дадено качество в по-голяма степ ен о т друг, се употребява сравнителна степ ен на прилагателното и съюзът than: John is older than Sandy. Cars are more expensive than bikes. > 3a ga сравним един п р е д м ет или човек с няколко или много други, се използва превъзходната степ ен . Тя се употребява обикновено с определителен член the. This is the largest room in the house.

PRACTICE ID Make sentences with the comparative form of the adjectives in the brackets. 1 giraffes/lions (tall)

4 horses/goats (big)

Giraffes are tatter than tipns 2 whales/elephants (heavy)

5 dogs/sheep (interesting)

3 tigers/cats (loud)


Russia/ Bulgaria (large)

PRACTICE I I B Read the dialogue. Then compare city and country life. Use and/but to link your statements.

City and country Anna

I like city life. Shopping's easy. There aren't many shops in the country.


That's true. But the houses are cheap in the country. And it's quiet because there isn't traffic noise. Life is fast and noisy in the city. City life isn't for mel


What about public transport? The bus services are bad in the country. In the city, visiting friends is easy, because there's a good public transport system.


But I like the quiet life and I think it's good for the children. They can play outside and the air is good.


Yes, you are right about that.






Shopping.^, easisir.ia the. .dty.b.ut. the. ho.us.es.ar.e.cheaper.in.the. eouatry..


Write the correct form of the superlative.

1 Vasiiena has got the longest hair in our class, (long)

5 What's y o u r.............................mark in English? (high)

2 February is

6 Is December 21

month of the year, (short)

3 This exercise is

7 Do you want to s e e ...................house in the city? (old)

in the book, (difficult)

8 W h o 's........................ player in the team? (good)

4 These jeans a r e ........................ in the shop, (expensive)

IB 1

........................ day of the year? (short)

The best and the w orst What do you think?


The, worst,p,et, is a, sn a k e ,,

............The best,pet h, a, d o g ,,

2 TV programme


3 song at the moment


4 place to go on holiday


5 magazine


6 actor/actress


IB Write a description in the left column. Use the personality adjectives from the box. Then write the name of the person who best corresponds to that description in the right column. 1 friendly 2 unfriendly 3 confident 4 quiet 5 noisy 6 shy 7 sad 8 interesting 9 intelligent 10 happy Description


the friendliest person 1 know



Description 6













зв Positive

Have got



Negative questions

Short answers

I’ve/you’ve got Yes, I have./No, I haven’t. l/you haven’t got Have l/you got...? ,— o „ ..... Haven't l/you got...? . he’s/she’s/it’s got he/she/it hasn’t got Has he/she/it got...? Hasn't he/she/it got...? Yes, you have./No, you haven’t we’ve/they’ve got we/they haven’t got Have we/they got...? Haven't we/they got...? Yes, he has./No, he hasn’t. He’s got blue eyes. She hasn’t got blond hair.

Has he got a beard? Hasn ‘t he got a beard?

Wh- questions What colour eyes has he got? What sort of hair has she got?

PRESENT SIMPLE OF have got - СЕГАШНО ВРЕМЕ HA ГЛАГОЛА имам > Глаголът have got (имам) се употребява: - за да опишем нещо или някого: I have got short hair. The house has got many rooms. - за ga опишем с е м е й с тв о то cu: I have got a brother and two sisters. - за ga кажем, че нещо принадлежи на някого: I have got a computer. Positive - п о л о ж и тел н а ф орм а Глаголът have got има две форми за сегашно време: have и has. I have got five cousins. Mel has got a big family. В м есто пълната форма ч е сто употребяваме к р а т к а т а : I have got = I've got She has got = She's got

We have got = We've got

Negative - о т р и ц а т е л н а форма За ga образуваме о тр и ц а те л н а та форма, прибавяме ч асти ч ката not (n't): have not got = haven't got has not got = hasn't got I haven't got a brother. She hasn't got long hair. Q uestions - В ъ п р о си тел н а форма За ga образуваме въпросителната форма, преместваме глагола have: Не has got a beard. — > Has he got a beard? Negative questions - В ъ п р о с и те л н о -о тр и ц а т е л н а ф орм а За ga образуваме въпросително-отрицателната форма, преместваме have, заедно с ч асти ч ката not: Не hasn't got a beard. — ► Hasn't he got a beard? W/j-questions - специални Въпроси За ga образуваме специален въпрос с въпросителна дума или фраза, започваме с нея: What colour eyes has he got? What sort of hair has she got? Short answ ers - kpam ku omzoBopu Ч есто даваме kpamku отговори:

Have you got a sister? Yes, I have./No, I haven't.

W atch it! При к р а т к и т е отговори не употребяваме got: Have you got a sister? Yes, I have.

Yes, I have got.

При к р а т к и т е отговори не употребяваме к р а т к и т е форми (I've, you've, he's, she's, it's, we've, they've): Have you got a sister? Yes, I have. Yes, I 've.-

PRACTICE ! D Correct the sentences. Write true sentences. 1 Pavarotti's got blond hair. .............N o, he_hasn't, H e'j,g o t 2 Will Smith's got blond hair. 3 Lisa Kudrow's got curly hair......................................................................................... 4 Yoda's got blue eyes. 5 Dr Evil's got hair.


PRACTICE IIS Complete the sentences with the positive (+) or negative (-) form of have got. 1 We .h a y e n 'tg o t.......... any chocolate. (-)

4 The students............................................ a new teacher. (+)

2 1 ............................................ a dog. (-)

5 Isabel ............................................ any sisters. (-)

3 My frien d .......................................a computer in

6 You ............................................ an English lesson today. (-)

her room. (+) Put the words in the correct order. 1 he/brown/hair/got/has/?

..............Hqs he got brown

2 hair/got/curly/she's/. 3 hasn't/beard/got/he/a/. 4 hair/have/got/short/they/? 5 eyes/haven't/they/blue/got/. 6 black/got/l've/hair/. 7 long/we/got/hair/haven't/............................................................................

IB Look at the pictures and complete the conversation. Then answer the question. Suzy

^ Hqs^ your dad ^,,g o t,,, curly hair?


No, he ^.............


Oh. ^............... he ^................ glasses?


Yes, he has.


What's Maria's dad called? He's called


choose one of the men from exercise 4. Write his name h e re :...........Now write a description:




Choose the correct words: is or has.


Harrvfgyhas got short.

2 Jane is/has got attractive.


Is she/Has she got brown eyes?

4 He hasn't got/isn't friendly.


Sam is/has got glasses.

6 Marie isn't/hasn't got slim.


Complete the text with the correct form of have got

There are five people in my family: my parents, Mike and Anne, my brother Liam, my sister Lisa and, of course, me. My father is tall and ^.h a s got ^short black hair. He ^ .............................beard, but he ^............................... a moustache. My mother ^............................. short brown hair and blue eyes. She ^............................. glasses. Liam and I ®.............................blond hair, but Lisa ^............................... brown hair. We ®............................... blue eyes and we are slim. Liam and Lisa ^.............................glasses but I

............................... ...

Mixed practice (Units 1-3)

ID Choose the correct word.

Ш Complete the sentences with a/an/the or some!any.

1 a or some a ) .......q .........tree

b ) ........................tea

c ) .................. apples

d ) ...................... dog

1 There is .som e butter a n d ........ eggs o n ...........table. 2 ...................flowers are lovely. 3 Let's m a k e ...................cookies for

e ) ...................money


4 Birds can fly i n ...................sky.

2 a or som e or any

5 There i s ............. pencil and

a) Isabel hasn't got Шапу sister.

6 Is th e re ...................bread i n ..................... cupboard?

b) We haven't got a/any homework for today.

7 There is n 't...................salt i n ..................... soup.

c) Have you got a/any pen?

8 Is th e re ..............address book in ................mobile?

d) Are there some/anv good restaurants in this town?

IIS Write a possessive adjective or a possessive

e) Can I ask you a/some question please?

pronoun in each space.

f) We have got some/anv sandwiches for lunch.

1 They've got two children. , Their, names are Kate and Anna.

3 much or many

2 This bag is Maria's. It's name's Vasilena and mine is Simona.

a) How ,т и ф ... time have we got?

d) You can't have a bath. There is n 't...................hot water.



b) Are th e re ...................shops in this town? c) He is unfriendly. He hasn't g o t...................friends.

pens i n ...........bag.


This is my boyfriend's house. It's


I I Q Write the questions to these answers. 1 .How many penyqre there, on the .table? ....... There are four pens on the table.

^ a or an or the

2 ....................................................................................

a) Have you gotia/the bike? b) Excuse me, is there a/the cinema near here? c) Steve's house is at a/the end of a/the street. d) An/The Amazon is one of a/the longest rivers in a/the world.

I'm from Varna. 3 Varna is in Bulgaria.

That's Isabel.

e) It's a/an old house on a/the small island. f) There's a/an person in a/the garden.

I'm fine, thanks.

These are three oranges and a banana,

IIS Complete the question words from column A with the phrases from column B. Then answer the questions. A


1 What 2 Where 3 When

a) is pizza your favourite food? \

b) is your best friend? ^ c) is in your bag?

4 Why

d) is Big Ben?

5 Who

e) are you?

6 How many

f) is your birthday?

7 How old

g) sisters have you got?


S Mixed practice (Units 1-3) m

Write the comparative or the superlative form of the adjectives.

Hi, I’m a student at Ivan Vazov Secondary School. It is (big) \.t.h.?..biggest_ school In the city. My (good) 2 ............. friend is called Sylvia. She Is (popular) 3 ................................. girl in the school. She is (young) ^................ than I am. In fact, she’s (young) s .................. student in the class. She is an excellent student, but I am (good) ^................ at sports than she Is. I am (tall) 7................... and (fit) ^..................... and I’ve got (good) 9 .................. tennis serve in the whole school.

l i S Put the conversation into the correct order. a) Mickey

Liam. And that's my big sister, Teresa. And look, this is her baby Emma.

b) Isabel

What's he called?

c) Isabel

Yes, three. And a cat!

d) Mickey

Patricia and Joe. My little sister Maria isn't there, but that's my brother.


e) Isabel

She's beautiful. Are you her uncle?


f) Mickey

Yes, it is. This is my mum and this is my dad.

g) Isabel

Is this your family, Mickey? /

h) Isabel

What are their names?

i) Mickey

Yes, I am. Have you got any brothers and sisters?

Write the comparative or the superlative form of the adjectives. 1 It's (cold).<:p/der...today than yesterday. 2 It's (cold) ..................................day of the year. 3 Their house is (big)............................. than our house. 4 My room is (warm) ..................................in the house. 5 This skirt is (exp ensive).............................in the shop. 6 Who's (intelligent)...................................................................... person you know? 7 Today's news is (bad) ........................than yesterday's.

\ m Complete the conversation. Adam

' __ (WhaHs_ypur sbter c M


My sister? She's called Becky. 2

.................? ?


I haven't got any sisters, but I've got a brother.




He's called Steve.


^ ..................................................................?


He's twelve.




He's tall, slim and he's got brown eyes.

i m Write is, has or p (possessive's).



1 Isabel's from Argentina.


Yes, he has. He's got a girlfriend called Jenny.

8 This is (good) .......................................day of my life! 9 This sofa is (old) ................................. than I am. 10 Her magazine is (interesting) than yours. 11 He's (happy) ................................................. now. 12 She's got (good) ..................................voice than all the other singers.

2 She's got long hair. 3 Tom's dog is friendly. 4 Mickey's cute. 5 He's good at football. 6 Tom's got a new guitar. 7 Dave's drums are new. 8 He's in a band.


Check the text and correct the mistakes. Bobby's a boy in my class. He got thirteen. His nicknames 'Jumbo'. He tall and slim and he is hair black. His friendly and happy. Is intelligent but he not good at school. In class he be noisy. He's TV programme favourite are Star Academy. His got a dog Dalmatian. What his name? Sharo, of course!

> Според службата си 6 изречението глаголите са: - сам остоятелни - т е и м а т свое собствено значение и м о га т сам остоятелно да изразяват действие или състояние и да б ъ д а т сказуемо в изречението. - спомагателни - т е служат за образуване на глаголни времена, при ко ето губят со б стве н о то си значение. Такива глаголи са: be; do; have; shall (should); will (would). - модални - me също н ям ат пълно сам остоятелно значение и не м о га т сам остоятелно да служат за сказуемо. У п о тр е б яв ат се с друг глагол и изразяват о тн о ш е н и е то на подлога към глаголното действие. Такива глаголи са сап; must; may, ought, have to, should, might. Освен т я х к а т о модални глаголи се уп о тр еб я в а т и някои спомагателни глаголи.

> К а то сам о сто ятелен глагол do се спряга във всички времена и със значение правя. Върша. > Глаголът do има две форми за сегашно време: do и does l/You/We/They do this every day. He/She/lt does this every day. > О тр и ц а те л н а та му форма е do not (don't), a за 3 л.ед.ч.- does not (doesn't). > Kamo спомагателен глагол do се употребява за образуване на въпросителна и отр иц ателн а форма на модалния глагол have to, на сегашно п р о сто (Present simple) u минало п ро сто (Past simple) време, kakmo u за образуване на о тр и ц а те л н а та форма на повелителното наклонение (Imperatives).

> Глаголът have to изразява задължение/необходимост: I have to study English. a в отр и ц ателн а форма - липса на необходимост: You don't have to do this, it's not necessary. Positive - положителна форма В положителна форма have to се спряга к а то сам остоятелен глагол и став а has to в 3 л.ед.ч.: I /you/we/they have to wear a uniform. He/she has to wear a uniform. Negative - о тр и ц а те л н а форма В отр и ц ателн а форма също се спряга к а то сам остоятелен глагол (със спомагателния глагол do+not= don't, does+not=doesn't). О тр и ц а те л н а та форма се употребява, ко гато нещо не е необходимо: We don't have to wear a uniform. She's very rich, so she doesn't have to work. Questions - въпросителна форма Във въпросителна форма също се спряга к а т о сам остоятелен глагол (със спомагателния глагол do/does, ко й то се поставя о тп р е д ). We have to wear a uniform. ---- Do we have to wear a uniform? She has to work. ---- >■Does she have to work? Negative questions - въпросително-отриц ателна форма За ga образуваме въпросително-отрицателната форма, преместваме спомагателния глагол do заедно с ч асти ч ката not: We don't have to wear a uniform .---- >■ Don't we have to wear a uniform? She doesn't have to w o rk .---- ► Doesn't she have to work? l/l//i-questions - специални въпроси За ga образуваме специален въпрос с въпросителна дума или фраза, започваме с нея: What does she have to wear? Short answers - kpamku о тго во р и Ч есто даваме kpamku отговори: Do you have to go? Yes, I do./No, I don't. Does she have to work? Yes, she does./No, she doesn't. Watch it! he/she/it has to ... HO he/she/it doesn't have to ... . Does he/she/it have to ... ?

VERB PHRASES: have, do, make - ГЛАГОЛНИ фРАЗИ > За съвременния английски език са характерни фразеологични глаголни съчетания к а то : have breakfast/lunch/dinner - закусвам/обядвам/Вечерям do the washing/the hoovering - пера/чистя c прахосмукачката make the bed - оправям леглото

PRACTICE ,:^D Complete the sentences with the correct form of have to. 1 2 3 4 5

Mickey ,,,,h a s.tQ ........ do the washing-up. The doctor says I .............................go to the gym. The dog is ill. W e .............................call a doctor. Mum's job is really hard. Sometimes s h e .............................work at the weekends. Sorry, I can't come to the party. I .............................to study for tomorrow's exam.

6 H e .......................................to tidy the room before his mum sees it! I I B Complete the sentences with the correct form of have to/don't have to and the verb in the brackets. 1 2 3 4 5

Isabel lives near the school. She (not/take) have.ta.take.................................a bus. They (not/wear) special clothes for this restaurant - jeans are fine. 1 (go) to the supermarket - the fridge is empty. You (not/make) a lot of noise with this loud music. He's unemployed. He (get) .....................................................................................a job. He (not/worry) .....................................................................................- he's better than Tom! We (not/start) .....................................................................................again. This is not the right road. We (go) .....................................................................................this way. This machine doesn't work. You (p re s s )..................................................................................... this button.

6 7 8 9

10 Hurry up! We (be) .................................................................................. home at ten o'clock.

Ш 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Look at this list of chores. Write questions and give short answers. your mother/do the washing-up (-I-) Poe5yoMt.07pther,haye to ,d o Jh e washing-up?, ,Y es,,^ ,ed o ,e s,,,,, your sister/feed the cat (- ь ).......................................................................................................................................................................... you/clean the floor (-) your father/cook the dinner (-) your brother/put the rubbish out (-b) you and your brother/ tidy the room (-b) you/make the bed (-t-)....................................................................................................................................................................................

8 your brother and your sister/hoover the carpet (-)

IQComplete the conversation. Choose from the box. a) Do you have to stay at school all day? b) No, of course not. c) We don't have to do lots of tests or exams. d) Do girls have to wear skirts? e) We have lessons on Saturday morning. f) Yes we do. g) We don't have to go to school on Saturday.

Sam Nat Sam Nat Sam Nat Sam Nat Sam Nat Sam Nat

Nat, do you like your new school? Well, not always! Why not? Lots of reasons! We have to wear boring clothes.

Sam James Sam James Sam James Sam James

What about you, James? Do you like school? Yes, 1 do. Really? Why? Well, ^ ... Lucky you. ®... Oh no. I usually go out and buy a sandwich. Do you have to wear a uniform? Uniform? ^ ... I wear jeans every day.

\ ..d .. Yes, they do. It's not fair. Do you have to do lots of homework? ^ , ,, Hours and hours. Do you have to work at weekends too? Yes, we do. ^ . Are there any good things? Yes, there are. ^ Hooray!!

Present simple



l/You work. We/They He . She ! works. It ' / work at night. Sarah works a lot.

l/You l/you don't Do work? We/They work. we/they He Does j she j work? She doesn't work. ‘ it * It I don't work at night. Do they work at night? she doesn’t smoke. Does she live with her family?



Negative questions



l/you work? we/they


j she j work?

* it * Don‘t they work at night? Doesn’t sh e .... ?

Short answers

Yes, I do./No, I don’t. Yes, he does./No, he doesn’t. Wh- questions Where do you work? What time do you get up? Why does she kill vampires?

PRESENT SIMPLE TENSE - СЕГАШНО ПРОСТО ВРЕМЕ > Сегашно п р о сто бреме (Present simple) се употребява за изразяване на: 1. Обичайно, поВтаряидо се действие в н а сто я щ е то : I get up at seven every day. 2. Постоянно състояние или действие, характерно за подлога: I live in New York. Do you like pasta? 3. Събития no програма, разписание: The plane leaves at ten. 4. Общоизвестни ф акти u истини: The earth goes round the sun. Positive - положителна форма Сегащно пр о сто време се образува о т основната форма на глагола. Окончание има само в 3 л.ед.ч. -(e)s: l/you/we/they start work at nine.

He/she starts work at nine.

Произношение Окончанието -s се произнася: /s/ след беззвучна съгласна: works /w3:ks/ /z/ след звучна съгласна или гласна: reads /riidz/, plays /pleiz/ /iz/ след съскащ звук: catches /k^tjiz/ Правопис При образуване на положителната форма на глагола в 3 л.ед.ч., ко гато глаголът завърщва на ss, sh, ch, х, о, добавяме -es: I watch - he watches I go - he goes a ко гато завършва на съгласна ^-y, добавяме -ies: I cry - he cries I study - she studies Negative - о тр и ц а те л н а форма За ga образуваме о т р и ц а те л н а та форма, прибавяме спомагателния глагол do U ч асти ч ката not (don't), a за 3 л.ед.ч. - does not (doesn't), a главния глагол остава в инфинитив: l/you/we/they don't have breakfast. He/she doesn't have breakfast. Questions - въпросителна форма Въпросителната форма образуваме с пом ощ та на спомагателния глагол do (does), ко й то поставяме о тп р ед , а главния глагол остава в инфинитив: l/you/we/they work a lo t.---- *■Do l/you/we/they work a lot? He/she walks to work. ---- >■Does he/she walk to work? Negative questions - въпросително-отриц ателна форма Въпросително-отрицателната форма образуваме с пом ощ та на спомагателния глагол do/does +not (don't/doesn't), ко й то поставяме о тп р ед , а главният глагол о става в инфинитив: l/you/we/they work a lo t .---- ► Don't l/you/we/they work a lot? He/she walks to w o rk .---- > Doesn't he/she walk to work? l/l^fi-questions - специални въпроси За ga образуваме специален въпрос с въпросителна дума или фраза, започваме с нея: Where do you work? What time does he get up? Short answers - kpamku о тго во р и Ч есто даваме kpamku отговори: Do you work? Yes, I do./No, I don't. Does he work? Yes, he does./No, he doesn't.


ID Write the form of the verbs for the present simple 3''^^ person, singular. 1 live


2 watch 3 go


4 sav


5 give

9 cook

13 see

6 do

10 pass

14 read

7 work

11 start

8 tidv

12 finish

Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. Then turn to the negative,



1 You .........play..........football, (play) ........................................................................Yo.udo.n'tplqy.foptbaLi. 1

My dad

in Sofia, (work) .......................................................................................................................

3 My friends

to rap music, (listen).............................................................................................................

4 My mum and I

lunch at 12.30. (have) ........................................................................................

5 I ........................a new computer, (want) 6 Our cat


on my bed. (sleep)


I I B Write the questions and give short answers. 1 you / go to school? .......................................... Do.yo.u.go.to..school?.....................................

....Y^y.I.dQ ...

2 you / get up at six o'clock? 3 your mother / go to work? 4 your friends / like football? 5 your English teacher / give you a lot of hom ework?..................................................................................................

I I B Complete the chart with the correct times for your daily routine. Write sentences about your and your partner's day. Use linkers and/but.

get up have breakfast go to school start school finish school go home do homework watch TV go to bed Any other activities?

My day

My partner’s day



I get up a t seven o'clock but M ich el gets up a t eight.

PRACTICE I S Complete with the correct form of the verbs.

Series of the week

Angela Saturday 11 pm, BBC2

NEW! ★ ★ ★ ★ ★

In series one of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Buffy ' (work) works, with a character called Angel. Angel 2 (liv e ).............................in Sunnydale, but he ^ (not go) .......................... to college and he ^ (not work) ........................... He's a vampire - the only good vampire in the world. He ^ (like)

Buffy and she ®

(like) ........................Angel. He ^ (not go) .......................... out in the morning or afternoon because he ^ (not lik e )........................the light - it ^ (kill) ..........................vampires. He only

( g o ).......................... out at


IIS Correct the sentences. Write true sentences. 1 Angel lives in Los Angeles...................He.dqes.filt.Uye.in.LQyAngel^i,.H^.Uy?f.in.Sunny.dci^^^^ 2 He goes to college and he works............................................................................................................................ 3 He goes out in the morning because he likes the light............................................................................... I I B Answer the questions. Give short answers. 1 Does Angel live in Los Angeles? ........ N o,,he,dQ esn',t, 2 Does he work? .................................................................................. 3 Does he go to college?.................................................................. 4 Does he like Buffy? ....................................................................... 5 Does he go out at night? .............................................................

IIS Write the questions, then write the answers. 1 where/Angel/live?..........................Where, do,eyAngel,U yel,

,He Lives, .if). Sunnydale,,

2 When/Angel/go out?........................................................................... 3 What/he/not like/?


4 Who/he/like?..........................................................................................

l i S Complete the text with the correct form of the verbs in the box. is

have got



don't work



don't like


Petar Ivanov ' .......Uye.s..... with his family in a small town near Plovdiv. He ^ ................................... twelve and he ^.............................two sisters, Ani and Maria. His father ^............................... in a bank. He ^............................... the manager. His mother ®..................................in a hospital in the morning, but she ^.....................................in the afternoon. Petar ^..................................sport but he ®.................................... playing computer games. He ..................................to the gym on Sundays. His sisters

............................... football and he

............................... sport, they

............................... chatting and

shopping. In the summer, Petar and his family 14.............................to visit his grandparents who near the sea.


Adverbs of manner ADVERBS OF MANNER - НАРЕЧИЯ ЗА НАЧИН > Наречията за начин поясняват глаголното действие. Те описват начина, по ко й то се извършва д е й с тв и е то : We walk slowly. Те се образуват о т прилагателни с н а ста в к а та -1у: quick - quickly loud -loudly bad - badly careful - carefully Watch it! > Прилагателни, koumo завършват на -у, променят у в I: happy - happily > Някои наречия и м а т същ ата форма, ка кто с ъ о т в е т н о т о прилагателно, или се образуват неправилно: She is a fast runner. She runs fast. fast - fast 1 work hard. hard - hard 1 am a hard worker. My mum is a good cook. My mum cooks well. good - well late - late 1 am late. 1 arrive late.

IID Make adverbs from these adjectives. slowly






1 polite

5 crazy



2 loud

6 hungry

10 hard

3 quiet

7 angn/

11 good

4 bad

8 busy

12 la te ........................

IIS change the adjectives in the box into adverbs. Then use them to complete the sentences. loud



1 She sings that song






good (2)



2 He sp e aks.......................................... 3 He drives v e ry .......................................... 4 Please come to the p arty....................................... so that we can spend more time together. 5 He's very nervous. He replies v e ry ....................................... ... 6 The film starts at 7.00. Don't a rrive.......................................... 7 He has to stu d y....................................... for his driving test. 8 The doctor is busy. You have to w a it....................................... .. 9 Manchester United is a great team. They play v e ry ....................................... ... 10 Please read the instructions....................................... ... 11 She is French but she speaks English v e ry ....................................... ..


Mickey's marks aren't very good at school. He has to do something to improve them. 1 work / hard .........................................H e h qytp w p^ h q rd .............................. 2 listen to the teacher / careful 3 do homework / regular 4 take school / serious 5 behave / good / in c la s s .............................................................................................

Frequency adverbs

FREQUENCY ADVERBS - НАРЕЧИЯ ЗА ЧЕСТОТА > Наречията за ч е с т о т а се уп о тр еб ява т с п р о с т и т е времена U показват колко ч е сто се извършва дадено действие: I always have breakfast at 7:30. We usually walk to school. > B изречения със глагола be me се п о с т а в я т след него: They are sometimes unfriendly. > B изречения c всички останали глаголи me се п о с т а в я т между подлога и сказуемото: They never walk to school. > За наречията за ч е с т о т а задаваме въпрос с How often? How often do you walk to school? Watch it! Има u някои фрази, koumo показват колко ч е сто се извършва дадено действие (опее а week, twice a week, three times a week). Te ce п о с т а в я т в края на изречението: I visit my grandparents twice a week. I practise my English three times a week.











PRACTICE I I D Match the frequency adverbs to the sentences.


1 always ^

1 Vasi/play tennis?

a) Steve takes the dog for a walk five times a week. 2 usually ^ b ) Vasi takes the dog for a walk every day. 3 often c) Moni takes the dog for a walk three times a week. 4 sometimes d) I haven't got a dog. 5 never e) Vesko takes the dog for a walk at the weekends.

m Put the adverbs in the correct place in the sentence. 1 We go to the cinema, (often)

We. .often, go. to.the. e.ine.m.Q,.............................

How. often, do.es. Vasi. p.lay. .tennis.?........ 2 You/go to the gym? 3 your teacher/give you homework? 4 your friends/listen to music? 5 she/arrive late?


Write sentences with frequency adverbs. Use the words from the box or your own ideas. be friendly be happy be rude go shopping go to bed late listen to folk music cook work a lot

2 They go home at four o'clock, (usually) 3 She's friendly, (always) 4 My father cooks, (never)

Write questions with 'How often.

I My friend My parents

5 My uncle is late, (often)

My teacher I

6 I watch TV in the evening, (usually) 7 She goes to a cafe, (never)

My friend My parents My teacher

Object pronouns

OBJECT PRONOUNS > Личните местоимения в косвен падеж {object pronouns) служат за пряко и непряко допълнение в изречението.

Give me this book.

Subject pronouns

Object pronouns

1 you he she it we they

me you him her it us them

Give this book to me.

DIRECT AND INDIRECT OBJECT - ПРЯКО И НЕПРЯКО ДОПЪЛНЕНИЕ > Прякото допълнение (direct object) отговаря на Въпросите w hat? (какво?, що?) и w ho? (кого?). Обикновено т о с то и непосредствено след сказуемото и се изразява със същ ествително име или местоимение (object pronoun). I like rock music. I like it. Do you know Marie? Do you know her? > Непряко допълнение (indirect object). Някои глаголи к а то give, bring, send, offer, show, tell, teach ce уп о тр еб я ва т освен c пряко допълнение u c непряко. To отговаря на въпроса whom? (на кого?) и показва към кого е насочено д е й с тв и е то . То обикновено предхожда прякото допълнение. непряко допълнение (/О) пряко допълнение (DO) на кого? - на мен какво? що? - книгата Give me the book. Watch it! Kozamo прякото допълнение е местоимение, mo винаги предхожда непрякото, а прякото се предхожда о т to: 10 DO the book. Give me 10 DO me. Give the book to



Complete the sentences. Replace the underlined words with an object pronoun.

Complete the table. Subject pronouns

Object pronouns

1 You and vour friends are very friendly. I lik e ................. 2 1 like my friends and they lik e .................


3 My girlfriend Vasi lives next to you. Do you kn o w ...................? 4 Mum, these jeans are horrible. 1don't want to w e a r.................. ...


5 You're very rude. 1 don't understand...................... him

6 My friend Vesko is a great musician. Do you kn o w ...................? 7 This song is cool. Do you want to listen t o ...................?


8 We often go to the park. Would you like to come with ........................? it

9 I don't like pizza. Do you w a n t...................? 10 1 like Kylie Minogue. Do you lik e ...................?


11 That's my mobile! Give them

t o .............., please!

12 Vesko's my friend. 1want to sit next t o ......................

Can! can't Positive



Short answers

l/You He/She/lt can sing. We/They

l/You He/She/lt can’t sing. We/They

l/you Can he/she/it sing? Can't we/they

Yes, I can./No, 1can’t, Yes, you can./No, you can’t.

Mickey can sing.

Tom can’t sing.

Can you sing? Can ‘tyou sing?

Wh- questions What can they do? Who can dance?




> Глаголът can изразява способност ga се изВъризи неидо: I сап sing. > Употребяваме сап и за да изразим молба:

Сап you help me, please?

Positive - положителна форма Глаголът can има една и съща форма за всички лица в сегашно време:

I сап sing.

Mel can sing.

Negative - о тр и ц а те л н а форма За ga образуваме о т р и ц а те л н а та форма, прибавяме ч а сти ч ка та not - cannot (can't): Tom can't sing. Questions - въпросителна форма За ga образуваме въпросителната форма, преместваме глагола сап:

Mel сап sing.— ► Сап Mel sing?

Negative questions - въпросително-отриц ателна форма За ga образуваме въпросително-отрицателната форма, преместваме глагола сап, заедно с ч асти ч ката not: Tom can't sing. — ► Can't Tom sing? IV/i-questions - специални въпроси За ga образуваме специален въпрос с въпросителна дума или фраза, започваме с нея: What сап they do? Who can dance? Short answers - kpamku о тго во р и Ч есто даваме kpamku отговори: Can you sing?

Yes, I can./No, I can't.

PRACTICE D Complete the table with information from the article. Here's Koko This is a photo of Koko with her friend. Dr Patterson. Koko is a gorilla. Dr Patterson is her teacher. She wants to answer the question: 'Can gorillas talk to people?' Koko can't speak but she can make signs with her hands. Koko can use 1,000 signs. She can say 'drink', 'apple', 'cat, 'love', for example. Koko can understand 2,000 words and signs. Koko can't type but sometimes she chats on a website. Dr Patterson translates Koko's signs and types them onto the website for her. Koko isn't human, but she's intelligent and has got feelings. She can smile and laugh. She can also remember things. Can gorillas really talk to people? Koko can. Koko can m ake signs with h er hands

Koko can't


Look at the table. Then complete the conversation. Interviewer Vesko, \ can

Com e and jo in our band! An audition checklist j


sing dance play instruments friendly confident

and I have singing lessons, too.


Interviewer We need a new singer for our band. ^..............you dance?

Vesko V


you sing?

! I'm a terrible dancer! But I ^............. practise!


Interviewer Oh, that's a pity. ®..............you play instruments?


V (drums) V



. I®

play the drums.

Interviewer of people?


, but I'm sometimes embarrassed on stage,

Vesko Interviewer 12

see you're not very confident but you work on that.

S Correct the mistakes. One sentence is correct. 1 You can play the piano?

.........C an .you.play.th e.pian p?..

2 1 can't to sing. 3 Can Moni speak English? 4 Do you can drive a car? 5 Steve cans ride a bike. 1^0 You've got an interview at Melton Children's Camp for a holiday job. First, check the activities. Write the questions and give short answers.

melton International Children’s Camp H o lid a y -jo b a b ility c h e cklist

flQ C->


(fu se a computer

( type

1 Can you use a com puter? Yes, I ca n ,/ No ^ ~7



C speak English

(/ sp e ak tw o

o th e r la n g u a g e s

C sing C run 1 km C play football



( f p M the piano

C play the guitar

' В Н К В М Н ^ ] В [ в 1 |В ^ Н


C p la y chess C d ra w



C stand on your hands

13 ___ 1A

S Now look at the key and count the coloured dots. What job can you do?

juejSjSSG sslubS pue syods e o qof = # A|U!G|/\| jaujGjjgjus UB g qof = # A|U!B|/\| juBjsissG ЗЗЩ0 ue v qor = • A|U|Gpj

^SJno|03 рзщлл Aa>|


IMPERATIVES - ПОВЕЛИТЕЛНО НАКЛОНЕНИЕ > Повелителното наклонение се употребява, за да дадем команда или инструкция. То има само една форма - за 2 л.ед. и мн.ч. Тя се покрива с основната форма (инфинитива) на глагола (без to): Come here! Sit down, please. > О тр и ц а те л н а та форма се образува с помосцта на о т р и ц а те л н а та форма на спомагателния глагол do - do not (don't) u инфинитива на главния глагол: Don't shout! Don't be rude!


ID Complete the instructions for each picture. Use the verbs from the box. do


don't move


touch (3)

' . . . М я у ?. your ears but

your eyes and




your eyes.

your nose.

two fingers.

your feet.

your eyes and

one eye.

this with your fingers.

m Write the instructions. Use the verbs from the box. close

come {+) Sit









on your chair.

(-) 1 _D pn 't open.......... the door.


the window.


...........................sandwiches in class.


your homework.


.......................... my computer.


your books on your desks.

4 ....................................... during the lesson.


to school on time.

5 ....................................... noisy.


I B Write 4 positive and 4 negative instructions for your home robot. clean


the piano.


to the neighbours.


the window.


the door to strangers.


my computer.


the rubbish in the bin.


the cat.



the kitchen.

I I B Complete the sentences. 1 . C o m e ,. here. I want to talk to you. 2 Sssh. B ....................................... quiet! 3 R....................................... the text and a ....................................... the questions. 4 Please w on the paper.

your name

5 D .........................


6 G

home - it's late.

Comparison of adverbs COMPARISON OF ADVERBS - СРАВНЕНИЕ HA НАРЕЧИЯ > Наречията c н а с та в к а та -ly се с те п е н у в а т чрез more за сравнителна степ ен и most за превъзходна степ ен , ко и то се п о с т а в я т пред наречието: carefully - more carefully - most carefully Watch it! Някои наречия и м а т неправилни форми за степенуване: well - better - best badly - worse - worst fast - faster - fastest > 3a ga кажем, че един п р едм ет или човек извъризва дадено действие в по-голяма степ ен о т друг, се употребява сравнителна степ ен на наречието и съюзът than: Mel writes more carefully than Isabel. > 3a ga сравним д е й с т в и е т о на един п р е д м ет или човек с няколко или много други, се използва превъзходната степ ен . Тя се употребява обикновено с определителен член the: Mel writes the most carefully of all.


ID Complete the table. well



more terribly

IB the best

Write the comparative.

1 Jim works well. (Ben)

Ben works, better

2 Ann dances wonderfully. (Jane)

worse the most quietly fast quickly

3 Sam sings badly. (Tim)


4 Tom runs fast. (Mickey)


5 Mum drives carefully. (Dad)


6 Isabel reads quickly. (Mel)



Look at the table. Compare the abilities of Vasi, Moni, Vesko and Steve. Use the adverbs in the box. Write as many sentences as you can.

Vasi swim speak English sing dance run






/ // /



/ // /





/ // /


/ // /







/// /

М о т .ш п .swi_m bpttffi'.thw . Vas.L.Vesko.can.s,wi.rn,the .best.Qf a.lL.


Prepositions of place and movement

PREPOSITIONS OF PLACE AND MOVEMENT - ПРЕДЛОЗИ ЗА МЯСТО И ПОСОКА > Предлозите за м ясто показват местонахож дението на даден п р едм ет или о б е кт. Те се уп о тр еб я ва т с глагола be: The post office is next to the art gallery, opposite (is) opposite (the) - (e/ce намира) срещу next to (is) next to (the) - (e/ce намира) go between (is) between (the)and (the) - (e/ce намира) между on the left/on the right (is) on the left/on the right (of the) - (e/ce намира) отляво/отдясно (на)

> Предлозите за посока показват посоката, о т ко ято или към ко ято нещо се движи. Те се уп о тр еб я в а т с глаголи, ко и то означават движение: come, до, walk, run, turn u други: Come out of the station and turn right. Then walk along the Strand. off into out of through across along left/right

(get) off (the bus) - слизам от (автобуса) (go) into (the shop) - Влизам B (магазина) (come) out of (the tube) - излизам от (метрото) (walk) through the park - минавам през (парка) (walk) across (the street) - пресичам (улицата) (walk) along (the street) - ходя no (улицата) (turn) left/right - завивам наляво/надясно


IfDLook at the map of Hamilton Street and use the prepositions to complete the sentences on the left


1 The chemist's is


on the right

next to

opposite............the police station.

2 The post office is

the art gallery.

3 The theatre i s ..................................the tube station and the baker's. 4 The police station is

of the baker's.

5 The museum i s ..................................of the art gallery.

PRACTICE I I B Look at the map of Cambridge and match the directions with the places in the box. Start at King's College. a) b) c) d)

ADC Theatre Bus Station University Arms Hotel Tourist Information Centre

1 Walk along Trumpington Street and then turn left into Pembroke Street. Go along that street and Downing Street. Turn right at the end, then first left. It's on the corner, on your right, c 2 Cross King's Parade and go along Bene't Street and Wheeler Street. Now, turn right into Corn Exchange Street and then left into Downing Street. Walk along to the end and turn left into St Andrew's Street. Take the first right into Emmanuel Street. Drummer Street is at the end.

J ljl


гтттл гттттщ


‘tlmnniA »

» , Atrial

. fii^ ! * I С0ГР1Ж ill.. whippif


3 Go left along King's Parade and go past the market square. Turn right along Green Street, then go left. Take the first turning on the right, and then the first turning on the left. It's on your left. 4 Cross King's Parade and go along Bene't Street and into Wheeler Street It's on your left. Write directions from the bus station to these places. 1 The cinema

2 The library

3 King's College

4 The market square








Airlitrology AiitMrvprJogif



' '


ин * \





Present participle. Love!like!hate + verb + -ing

PRESENT PARTICIPLE - СЕГАШНО ПРИЧАСТИЕ > Сегаш ното причастие служи за образуване на продължителните времена. П р и ч асти ето е нелична форма на глагола. То се образува к а т о се прибави н аста в к ата -ing към инфинитива: read - reading play - playing Правопис При образуване на сегаш ното причастие на глагола, ко гато ин ф и ни тивъ т на глагола завършва на нямо е, т о о тп ада пред н а ста в к а та -ing: come - combing write - writhing Когато ин ф и ни тивът завършва на съгласна, пред ко ято има ударена кратка гласна, съгласната се удвоява пред н а ста в к а та -ing: sit - sitting run - running

Love/like/hate + verb + -ing > B българския език та зи форма не съществува, а се превежда с да - форма: I love playing computer games. - Обичам да играя на компЬтърни игри. Не likes swimming. - Харесва му да плува. She hates shopping. - Тя мрази да пазарува. Positive - положителна форма В положителна форма глаголите love, like, hate се спрягат к а т о сам остоятелен глагол U взем ат окончание -s в 3 л.ед.ч.: I /you/we/they love playing computer games. He/she likes swimming. Negative - о тр и ц а те л н а форма В о тр и ц ателн а форма също се спрягат к а т о сам остоятелен глагол (със спомагателния глагол do/does + not = don't, doesn't); I don't love playing computer games. He doesn't like swimming. Questions - въпросителна форма Във въпросителна форма също се спрягат к а т о сам остоятелен глагол (със спомагателния глагол do/ does, koQmo се поставя о тп р е д ): I love playing computer games. --- ► Do you love playing computer games? He likes sw im m ing.-----► Does he like swimming? Negative questions - въпросително-отриц ателна форма За ga образуваме въпросително-отрицателната форма, преместваме спомагателния глагол do/does, заедно с ч асти ч ката not: You don't love playing computer g am es.----->- Don't you love playing computer games? He doesn't like swimming. -----*• Doesn't he like swimming? l/l/h-questions - специални въпроси За ga образуваме специален въпрос с въпросителна дума или фраза, започваме с нея: What does he like doing? Short answers - kpamku о тго во р и Ч есто даваме kpamku отговори: Do you like playing computer games? Yes, I do./No, I don't. Does he like swimming? Yes, he does./No, he doesn't. Watch it! He/She/lt likes playing.


He/She/lt doesn't like playing.

Does he/she/it like playing?

PRACTICE ававввв^ ^ ^^ ^ в^ ^н вваш ваввввввш ш ш н вввв^ ^^ ^ в

ID Write the -in g \o m

of these verbs and put them in the right column.

have, watch, come, run, study, listen, live, play, swim, shop, sing, dance, drive, make reading



I I B Read the conversation and underline the phrases which contain love/like/hate + verb + -ing. Moni

What do you like doing in your free time?


I like visiting my friends. I love going to a friend's house and talking or listening to music.


You girls! All you do is talk! I hate staying at home. 1 really like going to the cinema or going out with friends.


Yeah, 1 like going out too but I like staying at home too. 1 like watching DVDs and playing computer games.


Really? I love playing computer games! I like playing sports - I like playing football or just running or cycling.


OK, Moni. Let's go back to my house and play my new Lara Croft computer game.


You boys can run around the park for a couple of hours!


Make sentences.

1 l/like/swim.

. !.

sw im m ing,......................................................................................................

2 she/not like/cook.


3 they/love/play/football?


4 he/hate/get up/early in the morning?


5 she/like/go out/with friends.


1 Ш Complete the table with what you like ( / ) and don't like (X) and what your friend likes and doesn't like. Then write sentences. Use and/but

listening to music playing computer games watching DVDs reading playing football tidying my room doing homework


your friend



/ like listening to music but my friend doesn't.

Present continuous Negative

Positive I’m You’re He’s/She’s/lt’s We’re/They’re


Short answers

I’m not . ,. You aren’t watching.

H/e’re watching Mickey’s new skateboard trick.

Am l/Am 1not Yes, I am./No, I’m not. Yes, you are./ watching. Are/Aren't you watching? No, you aren’t. ^ Is/lsn't he/she We/They aren’t Are/Aren't we/they Wh- questions We aren’t watching.

Are you watching? Aren't you watching?

What are they watching? Who is doing a new skateboard trick?

THE VERB be - ГЛАГОЛЪТ сьм > Kamo сам о сто ятелен глагол be се спряга във всички времена и със значение съм, бъда. - Има т р и форми за сегашно време: а т , is, are (/ am, you are, he is, she is, it is, we are, they are) - О т р и ц а те л н а та му форма се образува с ч а с ти ц а та not след него: а т not, isn't, aren't - Въпросителната форма се образува с инверсия {ат I, are you, is he, is she, is it, are we, are they) > Kamo спомагателен глагол ф орм ите за сегашно време на be се уп о тр еб я в а т за образуване на сегашно продължително време {Present continuous).

PRESENT CONTINUOUS TENSE - СЕГАШНО ПРОДЪЛЖИТЕЛНО ВРЕМЕ > Сегашно продължително време (Present continuous) се употребява за изразяване на: - Действие, ко е то се извършва в м ом ента на говоренето: We're watching TV now. - Действие или състояние, свързано със сравнително кратък период о т време, включващ U м ом ента на говоренето: I live in Sofia, but I'm living in Varna now. Positive - положителна форма Образува се с пом ощ та на форм ата за сегашно време на спомагателния глагол be (am, is, are) u сегаш ното причастие на главния глагол: We're watching TV now. Negative - о тр и ц а те л н а форма За ga образуваме о т р и ц а те л н а та форма, към спомагателния глагол be прибавяме и ч асти ч ката not: We aren't watching TV. Questions - въпросителна форма Въпросителната форма образуваме к а то прем естим спомагателния глагол be: We are watching TV. — ► Are we watching TV? Negative questions - въпросително-отриц ателна форма Въпросително-отрицателната форма образуваме к а то прем естим спомагателния глагол be заедно с ч асти ч ката not: We aren't watching TV. — >■ Aren't we watching TV? WAi-questions - специални въпроси За ga образуваме специален въпрос с въпросителна дума или фраза, започваме с нея: What are they watching? Short answers - kpamku о тго во р и Ч есто даваме kpamku отговори: Are you watching? Yes, I am./No, I'm not.

PRACTICE Read and match the pictures to the correct descriptions. Underline the present continuous forms in each paragraph. In this picture, Jennifer is singing at a concert in New York. The song is This is Me, her hit song from 2002. ' 6

M e e llh e S ta rs : J e n n if e r L o p e z

Jennifer is usually in front of the cameras - but she's behind them in this picture! - she's speaking the part of Azteca for the film Antz. 2 ............. Here she is in another film. This time, she's talking to Matthew McConaughey. The film's name? The Wedding Pianner. ^.......... How does Jennifer stay so slim? The answer's here - she's dancing and keeping fit (and looking great!) in this picture.


Complete the sentences with the present continuous form of the verbs.

Complete the sentences with the negative form of the verbs in the present continuous.

J Mum and Dad ..ppe, watching. TV. (watch)

J Sara .isn't living, in Italy at the moment. She's living in France.

2 1......................................... my homework, (do)

2 You

3 A n n a ......................................the piano, (play)

3 I ............................................to you. I'm talking on the phone!

4 W e ........................................ the car. (wash)

4 W e ..................................... to school today! We're going on holiday.

5 You

5 D a n ......................................... a bath. He's having a shower.

H E!

my T-shirt! (wear)

to me. You're listening to your CD player!

Look at the picture and correct the sentences.

1 He's playing the piano. /Ve

isn't ptqying the piano, He's .playing the guitar,

2 She's playing the guitar. 3 She's standing at the piano. 4 They're talking.

110 Write the questions and give short answers.

fyygur teacher.tqlking.ngw? ...................... Yeg. he is...

1 (your teacher/talk) now?

2 (your friends/listen to the teacher) at the m om ent?..................................................... 3 (your dad/cook) dinner now? .................................................................................................. 4 (you/watch) TV at the m oment?............................................................................................. 110 Write the sentences in the correct word order. 1 homework/doing/are/your/you/?

.................Are you. dpirigyq.ur hgrnewg.rk?

2 the/at/moment/mum/your/doing/what/is/?.................................................................... 3 you/wearing/T-shirt/a/are/?....................................................................................................... 4 doing/teacher/the/what/is/? 5 sitting/where/you/are/?



6 listening/you/to/music/are/? ..................................................................................................

M ust! mustn't

l/You He/She/lt We/They



Positive must go.

They must use their sticks.

I/You He/She/lt We/They

l/you he/she/it we/they

mustn’t go.

They mustn’t touch the puck.

Short answers Yes, I must./No, I mustn’t. go?

Must they touch the puck? M ustn’t they touch the puck?

Wh- questions What mustn't they touch?

MODALS OF OBLIGATION: must/mustn't > Глаголът m ust изразява задължение/необходимост ga се избърши нещо: a 6 о тр и ц ателн и изречения - забрана: We mustn't talk in class.

I must go.

Positive - положителна форма Глаголът must има една u съида форма за Всички лица 6 сегашно Време: I must go. He must listen to the teacher. Negative - о тр и ц а те л н а форма За ga образуваме о тр и ц а те л н а та форма, прибавяме ч а сти ч ка та not - must not (mustn't): We mustn't talk in class. Questions - Въпросителна форма За ga образуваме Въпросителната форма, преместваме глагола must: I must g o .--- >- Must you go? Negative questions - Въпросително-отрицателна форма За ga образуваме Въпросително-отрицателната форма, преместваме глагола must, заедно с ч асти ч ката not: We mustn't talk in class. ----- >■Mustn't we talk in class? Wh-questions - специални Въпроси За ga образуваме специален Въпрос с Въпросителна дума или фраза, започваме с нея: What mustn't we do? Short answers - kpamku omzoBopu Ч есто даваме kpamku отговори: Must you go? Yes, I must./No, I mustn't.

PRACTICE 1 Щ Write m ust or m ustn't School rules 1 Students


be in class by 8.45 am.

4 Students the school.

bring pets into

wear school uniform

5 Students or playground.

smoke in the school

2 Students inside the school.

run in school.

6 Students during lessons.

chew gum

3 Students


Complete each sentence with m ust ar\d a verb from the box. study








1 You m u stje m e m b e r,, to take your passport.

5 Please stop. Y o u ....................................... your test now.


6 He's my best friend. I .......................................him to my birthday party.

to Tom's e-mail.

3 Harry Potter is a wonderful film. You it. 4


harder for the exam.

7 I've got a problem with the car. Y o u ....................................... and help me. 8 W e ........................to the stadium early to get a good seat.


Complete each sentence with m ustn't and a verb from the box. make






talk play

1 You .m u ftn '.t.ta Lk,,, on the phone for hours.

5 Y o u .................................. loudly in the library.

2 You ..................................on your book.

6 Y o u ..................................a noise in the cinema.

3 You..................................so rude.

7 C hildren..................................with matches.

4 You

8 Y o u .................................. in a petrol station.


your calculator at the exam.

Look at the signs. Use must or mustn't and a verb from the box to complete the sentences.



D f|a "



stop 3 You here between 8 a.m. and 7 p.m.

1 You m u stn 't dtivp. at over 80 km/h.

2 You

[ 8a.m.■ 7 p.m. ) 4 Y o u .............................at this sign.




Correct the sentences. 5 Students run must not.

1 You mustn't to eat in the library. Yqu.

m t. m .the. librnry.-....

2 1 must write this in my notebook?

6 Now must you wash your hands.

3 You must not to walk here.

7 She eat mustn't sandwiches in class.


Write 2 positive and 2 negative rules for your school, the library and the cinema. Choose from the box or use your own ideas. buy a ticket

use your mobile phone

talk loudly



your school 1




the library 1




the cinema 1 .................




be very quiet

make a noise

be late


Mixed practice (Units 4-7)

IDRead the notes about Nick's life. Then write an article about his life. Name age Family 6.30 7.00

Nick Walbridge 14

Life as a big brother N.ick S?U. HP. .Hf. .6 :3 0 , a nd

mum, dad, 6 sisters (ages 1-12) get up make breakfast for family breakfast


7.30 8.00 8.30-3.30


4.00-6.00 6.30 7.30-8.30 8.30-10.00 10.00

help parents school homework dinner play with baby sister TV bed

I I B Complete the sentences with do, does, don't or doesn't 1 We ,,do,nt, _ live in California.

6 W h ere.............................her parents work?

2 What tim e ........................you have breakfast?


3 ........................Tom play the piano?

8 My parents............................. like watching TV.

you like Star Warsl

4 In Britain, children...................go to school on Sunday.

9 What tim e ............................... the lesson start?

5 ........................ Isabel's family live in Britain?

10 My little brother...................go to school. He's only four.


Sharon is a violin player. Read the information about her typical day and complete the interview. Interviewer: Tell us about your day, Sharon. First, when ' ....... .do. .у<?.ц.g s t.цр... Sharon:

At nine o'clock.

Interviewer: Lucky you! Sharon:

Yes, I do. I have coffee and toast.

Interviewer: ^........................................................... after breakfast? Sharon:

I practise. I play the violin.

Interviewer: When do you have lunch? 9 .0 0 am

get up


’ -30

have breakfast (coffee and toast)





have lunch


..................................After lunch I ^....................................

Interviewer: Do you work in the afternoon? Sharon:

®....................................... I collect the children from school at ^...................Then 1cook dinner for the family.

[5 Л 2 .0 0 pm

take the dog for a walk

Interviewer: s


collect the children from school


4 .0 0 :

r ilo o

cook for children and husbond


We all eat together at ^............................., then the children or ''

eat dinner with fam ily

Interviewer: Do you work in the evenings?

TV and homework


9 .0 0 - 1 .0 0 am

play in a restaurant

Interviewer: Wow! And what time

2 .0 0 am

go to bed

< 6 .0 0


it e o o

.............................1 .......................... in a restaurant. 13


About two o'clock.


Щ Mixed practice (Units 4-7) i i a Answer the questions. Use a frequency adverb or a phrase. 1 How often do you help at honne?


2 How often do your parents help you with your homework?........ 3 How often do you go out with your friends?


4 How often do you read a book?


5 How often do you text a friend?


6 How often do you enter a chatroom?


IB Circle the correct pronoun. 1 Do you want to come to the gym with we/dl

5 My dad's in a wheelchair. I often help he/him.

2 I don't like classical music. Do you like it/itsl

6 Vasi's parents are on holiday but she/her is at home.

3 I don't often see my grandparents because they/them live in the country.

7 When you see Desi, give she/her my telephone number, please.

4 1wish you/your good luck!


Correct the mistakes. his Vesko and best friends, Steve, Moni and Vasi

Ш Use the verbs from the box and write sentences. love


are from Bulgaria. Vesko is in a band. His is a

1 (dance)

drummer. Steve's a great football fan. His likes

2 (watch/TV)

playing football, too. Vasi likes school. She favourite subject is Literature. Moni an artist. She's pictures are wonderful. Vesko, Moni, Vasi and Steve often




/ love dancing. .

3 (eat/pizza) 4 (study/English) 5 (go/school)

chat on the internet with them friends.



IIB Put the verbs in brackets into Present simple or Present continuous. Denis is a postman and Ani is a secretary. They ^live) ,liye She ^(like) 5(drive)

in the country. Ani ^ (w ork)........................in an office.

her job. Denis ^ (like) .............................his job too because he has a lot of free time. He a van to deliver letters and parcels. At the moment, they ^(relax) ....................................... at the

seaside with Denis's brother, George. They ^ (chat)........................and ^(eat) ............................... their dinner. George 9 (eat)

a big pizza. He ^°(talk) .................................. to Denis and Ani about his job. He ''(w ork) in a sports shop, but he '^(not/like) .............................it. He ’^(start) ............................... work at 8:30 and

he '^(finish) ..................................at 6:00 every day. His girlfriend isn't with them because she '^(study) ............................... at home for an important exam.

IIB Answer the questions about Denis, Ani and George. 1 Why does Denis like his job?


2 What is George eating?


3 Where does Ani work?


4 What is she doing at the moment?


5 What time does George start work?


6 What is his girlfriend doing?


Ordinal numbers, dates, years

ORDINAL NUMBERS - РЕДНИ ЧИСЛИТЕЛНИ ИМЕНА > Редните числителни пърВи, Втори, трети са различни о т с ъ о т в е т н и т е бройни: one - first two - second three - third > Редните числителни om 4 go 19 ce образуват om бройните + н аста в к ата -th. При някои om т я х се променя и коренът: four - fourth eight - eighth twelve - twelfth sixteen - sixteenth thirteen - thirteenth seventeen - seventeenth five - fifth nine - ninth fourteen - fourteenth eighteen - eighteenth six - sixth ten - tenth nineteen - nineteenth seven - seventh eleven - eleventh fifteen - fifteenth > Към числителните om 20 go 90 също ce поставя н а ста в к а та -th, но npeg нея -ty ce променя в -tie: twentieth fortieth sixtieth eightieth thirtieth fiftieth seventieth ninetieth > Към числителните сто, хиляда, милион се поставя н аста в к ата -th: hundredth thousandth millionth

DATES, YEARS - ДАТИ, ГОДИНИ > Когато четиризначните числа означават година, т е обикновено се ч е т а т к а т о две двузначни числа: 1867 - eighteen sixty-seven 1985 - nineteen eighty-five HO 1900 - nineteen hundred * 1905 - nineteen hundred and five (nineteen oh five) 2000 - two thousand * 2006 - two thousand and six > Когато ce означават gamu c цифри, след цифрата се пише н а ста в к а та на р едното числително. Годината е винаги бройно, а не редно число: Nov. 2nd, 1998 - November the second (the second of November) nineteen ninety-eight > Думата година не се употребява при означаването на gamu. Тя се употребява само в изрази ка то : during the y e a r ... in the y e a r ...

PRACTICE ID Write the ordinal numbers as words. a) 2^^ se c o n d ....... e) 15 th

b) 3^d

c) 7 th


f) 18‘h

h) 44‘h

i) 50th

j) 99‘h

g) 2 1 st ,, k) 200*h

IIS Write these years as words. a) 1836 . . . . eighteen.thktyrSM .......

b) 1876

d) 2003

e) 2040

f) 1506,

IIS Write the years. a) eighteen twenty-one .t.S^.I.

b) nineteen thirtv-two

c) seventeen hundred and eight

d) two thousand and nine

e) fourteen sixty-four

f) eight hundred and sixty-five , ,,

l i B Write the dates as words. a) 4.07.1985

the ./burf/b.

b) 30.04.1789


c) 1.01 . 2000


d) 15.09. 2006 ................................................................................... e) 22 . 02 . 2222


IIS Answer the questions. was born o n ..................................

1 When were you born?


2 When was your dad born?

My dad was born on

3 When was your mum born?

My mum was born on


4 When was your brother/sister born? My brother/sister was born o n .............................. 5 When was your friend born?

My friend was born o n ............................................................

IIS Complete the calendar. Write the dates in the correct places. 3 your birthday

1 New Year's Day

2 New Year's Eve

4 important days for your country

5 the first day of the long school holidays

JANUARY / st Ja n u a ry - N ew Year's Day






Past simple of be




Short answers

I was you were he/she/it was we/they were

I wasn’t you weren’t he/she/it wasn’t we/they weren’t

Was/Wasn’t I ...? Were/Weren’t y o u ...? Was/Wasn’t h e/she/it...? Were/Weren’t w e/they...?

Yes, I was./No, 1wasn’t. Yes, you were./No, you weren’t.

Our friends were there.

You weren’t there.

Were you there? Weren’t you there?

Who was there? Where were you?

Wh- questions

PAST SIMPLE TENSE OF be - МИНАЛО ВРЕМЕ HA ГЛАГОЛА съм > Глагольгл be 6 минало време се употребява, за да дадем информация за нещо/някого или да го опишем в миналото: We were friends. Positive - положителна форма Глаголът be има две форми за минало време: was, were. I/He/She/It was there. We/You/They were there. Negative - о тр и ц а те л н а форма За ga образуваме о т р и ц а те л н а та форма, прибавяме ч асти ч ката not - was not (wasn't), were not (weren't): I wasn't there. Our friends weren't there. Questions - Въпросителна форма За ga образуваме въпросителната форма, преместваме глагола was, were: I was there. ^ Was I there? Negative questions - Въпросително-отрицателна форма За ga образуваме Въпросително-отрицателната форма, преместваме глагола was/were заедно с ч асти ч ката not: Our friends weren't there. -----► Weren't our friends there? l/l/fi<|uestions - специални Въпроси За ga образуваме специален въпрос с въпросителна дума или фраза, започваме с нея: Who was there? Where were you? Short answers - kpamku omzoBopu Ч есто даваме kpamku отговори: Were you there? Yes, I was./No, I wasn't. Were our friends there? Yes, they were./No, they weren't.

PAST SIMPLE OF REGULAR AND IRREGULAR VERBS > Според начина, no koQmo образуват ф орм ата cu за минало време (The Past simple), глаголите в английския език се делят на правилни (regular) и неправилни (irregular). Regular verbs - праВилни глаголи ПраВилни са те зи глаголи, ч и е то минало време се образува к а то се прибави н аста в к ата -ed към основната форма: work - worked play - played Правопис Когато основната форма завършва на нямо е, т о изпада пред н аста в к ата -ed: live - lived like - liked hate - hated Когато основната форма завършва на съгласна + у , у се изменя в i пред н а ста в к а та -ed: hurry - hurried cry - cried Когато основната форма завършва на гласна + у , у остава непроменено: piay - played Когато основната форма завършва на съгласна, пред ко ято има ударена кратка гласна, съгласната се удвоява пред н аста в к ата -ed: stop - stopped Произношение Н а ста в ка та - ed се ч е те : /t/ - след беззвучна съгласна /d/ - след звучна съгласна или гласна /id/ - след d u t

worked /waikt/ played /pleid/ wanted /wontid/

Irregular verbs - непраВилни глаголи Неправилни са те зи глаголи, ч и ето минало време се образува к а то се променя кореновата гласна или окончанието, без да има точно правило - т е трябва да се заучат: до - went come - came * Виж та б л и ц а та с неправилните глаголи на страница 65.

PRACTICE IID Fill in the gaps with и/as, were or wasn't, weren't. blah!

b l^ DiniH I n t e r n e t B u d d i e s

<Moni> <Vesko> <Moni> <Vesko> <Moni> <Vesko> <Moni> <Vesko> <Moni> <Vesko> <Moni> <Vesko> <Moni> i <Vesko>



Hi Vesko! © 10 Users Moni! W h ere''.... you yesterday? Why ^......................... you at school? I'm ill. I have a flu. How ^............... it yesterday? ..................the lessons interesting? ;-) Penny No, they ^ . And I ®............... late for school again. Ms Petrova ^ .................. very angry. Anyway, yesterday ®......................... Steve’s birthday. Really?®......................... there a party? vesko Of course, there ... .................... Jo " ...................Vasi there? Anna Yes, she . Everybody ............ invited. zack Oh, I’m so sorry I ............ there. ..................it fun? Yeah! It a great party. Steve ................so happy! And we ..................so noisy! Steve’s parents there? No, they . Well, get better because the School Football Cup’s next week, remember? I remember. I can't miss it! Now I must go to bed. Bye. Bye.

I I B Correct the statements. 1 Vesko was here this morning, (afternoon) N.q, . he. m m '.t.b.ere. .thh. morning,, fi.e. w m .here. .t.hh.afte.r.npo.n, 2 It was a good film, (awful)


3 My parents were at home yesterday, (at work) ............................................................................................................................... 4 You and your friends were at the cinema last night, (at the concert)

IIS Write the past tense of these verbs. Then put them in the right column. stay, drop, cry, start, clean, chop, enjoy, enter, want, phone, transfer, employ, like worry, change, live, decide, prefer, marry happen-happened

play -played




5tay - stayed

IB Complete the table of irregular verbs. become

^becam e



brought 3

make 10

learnt 5

meet 12

bought 7

give 14

go 4 have 6 win

saw 9 came 11 thought 13 got

Past simple Positive regular verbs

Positive irregular verbs

l/you worked , he/she/it listened he/she/it we/they we/they People listened to rock’n’roll music.



Short answers

l/you l/You Did/ help? Yes, I did./ No, I didn’t, He/She/lt didn't help. Qjdn't he/she/it have? did./No, he didn’t. yve/They didn't have. we/they

Wh- questions

People had hopes People didn’t have for the future. much food.

Did people help each other? Didn’t people help each other?

What music did people listen to? When did the Berlin Wall come down?

PAST SIMPLE TENSE - МИНАЛО ПРОСТО ВРЕМЕ > Минало npocnno бреме (Past simple) се упоппребява за изразяване на: - Дейсппвие, извършено в даден м о м ент или определен период о т време в миналото, ко ето няма връзка с н асто я щ е то . М о м е н тъ т се изразява с наречия или фрази (time phrases) като yesterday, last week, last year, last month, on the second o f January, five years ago, on Wednesday u т .н .: I met her last week. - Обичайно п о в тар я щ о то се действие в миналото: Last year we often went to the cinema. - Действие или състояние, ко е то е било характерно за подлога в миналото: In the 50s people listened to rock'n'roll music. - Общоизвестни ф акти u истини, koumo се о т н а с я т за миналото: Dinosaurs ate grass and leaves. Positive - положителна форма Минало п р о сто време се образува с миналото време на глагола (правилен или неправилен): I worked last night. He went to the cinema last night. Negative - о тр и ц а те л н а форма За ga образуваме о т р и ц а те л н а та форма, прибавяме форм ата за минало време на спомагателния глагол do - did u ч а сти ч ка та not (didn't), a главният глагол остава в инфинитив: I didn't work last night. He didn't go to the cinema last night. Questions - въпросителна форма Въпросителната форма образуваме с пом ощ та на форм ата за минало време на спомагателния глагол do - did, a главният глагол остава в инфинитив: I worked last night. — > Did you work last night? He went to the cinema last night. — ► Did he go to the cinema last night? Negative questions - Въпросително-отрицателна форма Въпросително-отрицателната форма образуваме с пом ощ та на спомагателния глагол do - did +not (didn't): I didn't work last night.---- ► Didn't you work last night? He didn't go to the cinema last n ig h t.---- > Didn't he go to the cinema last night? l/l//?-questions - специални Въпроси За ga образуваме специален въпрос с въпросителна дума или фраза, започваме с нея: What did you do last night? Where did he go last night? Short answers - kpamku о тго во р и Ч есто даваме kpamku отговори:

Did you work last night? Yes, I did./No, I didn't.

Watch it! При образуване на о тр и ц ателн а u въпросителна форма главният глагол е в инфинитив: worked didn't work did you work? went didn't go did he go?


ID Complete the letter in the past simple. Hi George! How are you? I hope your summer ^(not be)

foo boring.

Our holiday in England ^(be)............. fantastic! We ^ (s e e )............... lots o f interesting places. First, we ^(go)............ to London for three days. I ^ (love)............. the city, and the people ^ (b e ).............. very friendly. In London we 7 (walk).................all around the city, and ^(visit)..............tots o f famous places. Then we ^(rent)....................... a van. It ^°(be).................enormous! We ” (eat).............. and ^^(drink)............... in it! My favourite place the Stonehenge. I ^^( want)............. to go to Manchester, but Mum ^^(say)................... that it far. We

(fin ish ).....................our trip back in London, and we


(be)................... too

(take)..................the plane home from there. We

^^(arrive).................home yesterday. Where ^°(be).................you? What did you

(do) ?

Write Toni

I B Remember what you did last week. Fill in the diary and then write sentences. Use the verbs in the box or your own ideas. study go visit phone finish play work buy be On M on day,/ studied, at,Alice)s, house.. Monday

study a t A lice's house

Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Read about Mark Hamill. Fill in the gaps with the correct from of the verbs. Do you know this man? (Yes, you do!) The American actor Mark Hamill (be) ' yy,gs, born in 1951. When he (be) ^..............a child, he (live) ^...................in the USA and then (move) ^..................... to Japan. He (go) ^.....................to a Japanese High School and then (study) ®........................at an American drama college. Millions of people know him 6’ ^ because he (be) ^........................Luke Skywalker in the first three Star И/а/5films. In 1976 he (injure) ^...................his face in a car accident - but doctors (make) ^.......................... him a new nose! They (change) the story in the second Star WarsiWm {The Empire Strikes Back, 1980) to explain his new face!

IB Read again and correct the sentences. 1 Mark Hamill was born in 1961. H,e, was.n,',t ho.r.n ,ip, 1, Я 6 fi.?. yvas.b.Qrn.ip..t.95.b 2 When he was a child he lived in Australia.


Ask questions about Mark Hamill.

1 When/born W.hpp. .WPS. he. bo.r.n,?,................................... 2 Where/live

3 He went to a High School in Jamaica . 3 Where/go to school 4 He studied at an American music college. 4 When/have a car accident 5 He was Darth Vader in the first three Star Wars films. 6 hie injured his hand in a car accident. 7 Doctors made him a new finger.

5 What/injure in the car accident 6 What/doctors do


Past continuous


1was You were He/She/lt was We/They were



Short answers

1wasn’t Was/Wasn't 1 Yes, 1was./No, 1wasn’t. You weren’t hiHina Were/Weren'tyou hiHina? Yes, you were./No, you hiding. He/She/lt wasn’t Was/Wasn't he/she/it weren t. We/They weren’t Were/Weren't we/they Wh- questions

They were hiding.

He wasn’t hiding.

Was he hiding? Wasn’t he hiding?

What was he watching?

PAST CONTINUOUS TENSE - МИНАЛО ПРОДЪЛЖИТЕЛНО ВРЕМЕ > Минало продължително време (Past continuous) се употребява за изразяване на действие, ко ето се е извършвало в даден м о м ент или кратък период в миналото. Този м о м ент може да се изрази с наречие или фраза, а може да бъде и подчинено о б сто я те л ств е н о изречение за време (въведено с when), ко е то обикновено е в минало п р о сто време (past simple): He was watching TV at 9 o'clock yesterday. I was having a shower when he called. Positive - положителна форма Минало продължително време се образува с пом ощ та на форм ата за минало време на спомагателния глагол be - was, were u сегаш ното причастие на главния глагол: I /He/She/lt was hiding. We/You/They were hiding. Negative - о тр и ц а те л н а форма За ga образуваме о т р и ц а те л н а та форма, към спомагателния глагол be прибавяме и ч асти ч ката not (wasn't, weren't): I wasn't hiding. They weren't hiding. Questions - Въпросителна форма Въпросителната форма образуваме к а то преместим спомагателния глагол: I was hid in g .--- *■Was I hiding? They were hiding. ---- *- Were they hiding? Negative questions - В ъпросително-отрицателна форма Въпросително-отрицателната форма образуваме к а т о преместим спомагателния глагол, заедно с ч асти ч ката not: I wasn't hiding.---- ► Wasn't I hiding? They weren't hiding.---- ► Weren't they hiding? W/i4]uestions - специални Въпроси За ga образуваме специален въпрос с въпросителна дума или фраза, започваме с нея: What were they watching? Short answers - kpamku omzoBopu Ч есто даваме kpamku отговори: Were you hiding?

Yes, I was./No, I wasn't.


!IDPut the verbs in the brackets into the past continuous. 1 It was a lovely day. The sun (shine) ..w a i.ih m n g ... and the birds (sing) were,singing,,,.. 2 Sorry, could you repeat that? I (not listen) .................................. .. 3 You had a car accident because you (not lo o k )..................................at the road. 4 The children (still/p lay).................................. in the park when it started to rain. 5 I couldn't come with you last night because I (study) .................................. late.

I I B Personally speaking; 'What were you doing .7 Answer the question. 1 at seven o'clock this morning

.I.Шi.Ь.ay.^rlg.b reakfast,...................................................................

2 on Saturday afternoon


3 this time yesterday


4 half an hour ago


5 at 10 o'clock yesterday morning 6 at 8 o'clock yesterday evening


I I S Use the notes of Steve's diary to answer the questions. i

April Saturday


• & am have breakfast a t home .

9 am take the dog for a walk in the park

• 11 am visit Moni in hospital

1 what was Steve doing at 8:10 am? ,At 1.0, am .he, was .hayi.ng breakfast ,qt .hom e,........ 2 What was he doing at 9:05 am?


3 Was he visiting Moni in the hospital at 11:10 am?


4 Who was he having lunch with at 1:05 pm?

• 1 pm have lunch with my grandparents • 5 pm go shopping with Mum • 8> pm watch a DVD with Vesko

5 What was he doing at 3:20 pm? 6 Was he watching a DVD with his parents at 8:15 pm?

I I B Write the questions in the past continuous. Then white the answers. 1 Dad/washing the car

.......... W.hat. was. .Dad. doing?................... he .was. washwg.th.e.oar,.

2 your friends/listen to music 3 Tom/chat on the internet 4 you/practise for the contest 5 your cat/sleep on your bed


Past continuous or past simple? Complete the sentences with the correct form.

1 Tom ....was. ta lk in g .......to Mel in a cafe when h e ............saw..................... Isabel, (talk/see) 2 1 ...................................................... in the park when I ...................................................... a police siren, (jog/hear) 3 When w e ...................................................... at the airport, mum and d a d .........................................................for us. (arrive/wait) 4 When I ...................................................... the classroom, the c la s s .........................................................a test, (enter/do) 5 I ...................................................... home when i t .........................................................to rain, (go/start)

z § s

7 J

Mixed practice (Units 8-9)

I I D Complete the text with the verbs in the present simple, present continuous or past simple. Hi! My name ^(be) 'y Denis Hristov. I

b e ) ........................thirteen, and I

^ (g o )...................to Ivan Vazov Secondary School in Sofia. Sofia ^ (be) ........................the capital of Bulgaria. My family ^ (c o m e )..........................to Sofia when I ®( b e ) ........................ten. Before that we ^ (have) a house in a small village. My sister and I ®( b e ) ...................born there. When I ^ (s ta rt)........................school here in Sofia, I



unhappy. The other students '' (laugh) ........................at my accent, and I

(f e e l)........................terrible. But the situation gradually

........................, and now everything I

( b e ) .........................much better.

(have got) ........................lots of friends and I

a lot of progress at school. At the moment I entrance exam. I School. But I



(m a k e ).......................... (study) ........................for my

to go to the English Language

(not lik e )........................exams! I usually

(play) ........................sports, but the teachers ^’ (give) .......................... us a lot of work this year! I I B Look at the notes. Then write about Keanu Reeves.

:r e n \ tn \ " w :d tS p .a c e s ( A .s V a r ,a , . S ; r s S o U n Canada ana USA school when 17 „ to Believe', 1985) . made first film in Canada ( Dream . went to Hollywood 1986

, . le f t

• made lots of films

Reloaded’ ,

* ™ o t an'd •ThtMaft^^Revolotions', 2003 On Sydney, Australia) . lives in Los Angeles K'smu. Resvei wm. bom. , , . .

Щ Mixed practice (Units 8-9) 110Past simple or past continuous. 1 When mum (enter)

e n tered ,,, the room, I (read), w a s ,r id in g ,,, a magazine.

2 When I (leave) ............................................ for school, my little sister (s le e p ).............................................. ... 3 Vesko (write)

an e-mail when Moni (p h o n e )............................................ ...

4 When 1 (lo o k )............................................ through the window, it (r a in ).............................................. outside. 5 We (w a tch )............................................ a film when somebody (k n o ck )...............................................at the door. 6 When Tom (see) ....................................... Isabel, she (talk) ...............................................to Mickey. 7 We (d riv e )............................................ home when we ( s e e ) ...............................................a car accident. I I Q Complete the story with the past simple or past continuous form of the verbs in the box. hear(2) phone run(2) chase start to snow

be(2) walk take (out)

stop(3) shake

look(2) cry

com e(2) can



Last night I \ w e n t, to my friend's house for a chat. 1 ^ .................................. back home when it ^ ................................. It dark and cold. I ^ .................................. under a street light and ® .....................................at my watch. It ..................................9 o'clock. Suddenly I ^ .................................... a girl shouting. I ^ .................................... to where the voice ..................................... 1 " .................................. a girl. She .................................... and two men her. I ..................................my mobile and .....................................the police. The men ..................................me and ........................................ Then they .................................. away. The girl ' 5 ..................................too. At this moment a police car .................................... by the corner. The poor girl was so scared! She ..................................and .................................... and she .................................... not say a word ... The When did it happen? Quiz. Write the questions. Then check the key and answer the questions. a) Columbus/go to America? (1392/1492/1592) ,Whe,r) did Coium bus ^q ,tg, A m e rica ? , _hie .went, to ,A m erica,in, fourteen ninety-tw o.........

b) Alexander Bell/invent the telephone? (1876/1896/1916)

c) the Wright brothers/fly the first aeroplane? (1893/1903/1913)

d) Roald Amundsen/become the first man at the South Pole? (1 9 1 1/1922/1933)

e) the first man/fly in space? (1941/1951/1961)

f) the Beatles/make their first record? (1 9 4 2 / 19 6 2 / 1982)

g) Tolkien/write The Lord of the Rings? (1953/1973/1993)

h) the Berlin Wall/come down? (1979/1989/1999)



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(e :Ao>|

Going to future Positive



I’m You’re going to He’s/She’s/lt’s start. We’re/They’re

I’m not going You aren’t He/She/lt isn’t to arrive. We/They aren’t

Am l/Am 1not Are/Aren't you Is/lsn't he/she/it Are/Aren't we/they

We’re going to start in five minutes.

Mickey isn’t going to arrive at seven o ’clock.

Are you going to meet him? What time are you isn't he going to arrive on time? going to meet him?

Short answers

going to se e ... ?

Yes, I am./No, I’m not. Yes, he is./No, he isn’t, Wh- questions

FUTURE TENSE - БЪДЕЩЕ ВРЕМЕ > В английския език бъдещи действия се изразяват по различни начини в зависимост о т то в а дали т е са планирани или се говори за т я х к а то за нещо, ко е то е е с те с тв е н о да се случи. Д вата основни начина са: Бъдеи^е време с going to (going to future) u Бъдеще Време c w ill (will future).

Going to FUTURE - БЪДЕЩЕ ВРЕМЕ C going to > Бъдеще Време c going to ce употребява за изразяване на планове и намерения да се извърщи нещо в бъдеще:

Vasi is going to write an articie on schooi life in Britain.

Positive - положителна форма Образува се с пом ощ та на форм ата за сегащно време на спомагателния глагол be (am, is, are) + going to + инфинитиВ на глаВния глагол: I'm going to do a computer design course. We are going to meet some friends. Negative - о тр и ц а те л н а форма За ga образуваме о тр и ц а те л н а та форма, към спомагателния глагол be прибавяме и ч асти ч ката not (am not, isn't, aren't): I'm not going to do a computer design course. We aren't going to meet some friends. Questions - Въпросителна форма Въпросителната форма образуваме к а то преместим спомагателния глагол be: Vasi is going to write an article on school life in Britain. Is Vasi going to write an article on school life in Britain? Negative questions - В ъпросително-отрицателна форма Въпросително-отрицателната форма образуваме к а то преместим спомагателния глагол be, заедно с ч асти ч ката not: We aren't going to watch TV. — ►Aren't we going to watch TV? Wfi<|uestions - специални Въпроси За ga образуваме специален въпрос с въпросителна дума или фраза, започваме с нея: What are you going to do next summer? Short answers - kpamku отгоВори Ч есто даваме kpamku отговори: Are you going to meet him tomorrow?

Yes, I am./No, I'm not.


Amber and Rosa


yes-Mexico and Australia


Go to college/ university

yes-college and study drama

yes-to study business

Get a job

Yes, after college. 1want to be an actor.

yes-work for a big business in London.

Get married


yes-but later

110 Complete the text with going to and the correct form of the verbs.


:? П Write about George's plans when he leaves school.

A lot of my friends ’ (stay) nre going to.stay at

1 George is . going to trayel^ to Mexico and Australia.

school next year, but I'm not. I ^ (not/get).....................

2 H e ........................................................... to college.

.......................................a job - I ^ (g o )......................................

3 H e ........................................................... drama.

.................................................. to Art college. What ^ (1/do) then? I don't know!

4 After college, h e ..................................a job as an actor. 5 He ................................................. married.


4 0 Now write a conversation with Amber and Rosa.

My dad is a teacher. He ^ (sta rt)............................................. a new job next month, so we ^ (m o v e )........................


' Am.y.QU.going to...........................travel?


No, we ^ ...........................................................


^ ................................................. go/college?

........ get/job?

friends every day. I want to be a doctor so I ®(study) school. ^ (h e /b e ).................................................my teacher? No, he isn't - thank goodness!

Amber/Rosa You

e-mails and text messages to my old ....................................................... science at my dad's new

Amber/Rosa You

away from here. I ^ (s e n d ).......................




Complete the conversations. Use going to and the correct form of the verbs.

IIS Put the words into the correct order.

a) Harry

to my party tomorrow? (come)

1 to/cousins/on/Saturday/are/my/going/visit/us/. M ycousiny are .going to. visit us. on .Saturday............


My cousins 2 ............................................................ us, so I don't know, (visit)

2 my/party/you/to/come/are/to/tomorrow/going/7 b)


3 she/us/going/to/come/isn't/with/.

We into town. Do you want to come? (go)

Dan 4 not/going/to/play/tennis/we're/.

No thanks. 1^ ............................................................ my homework, (finish)

c) Sid 5 afternoon/rm/to/finish/this/my/going/homework/.

6 are/your/you/to/where/meet/friends/going/?

Hi, Marti. ^(you) .Are.you going.to.com e.

Where ^(y o u )............................................................ your friends? (meet)


They 2 (n o t )............................................................... here, we're going to meet in town, (come)

в Positive 1 You He/She/lt We/They

Will Ш их е Negative

willCll) see him tomorrow.

I’ll see him tomorrow. Aliens will contact us.

1 You He/She/lt We/They

Questions will not (won’t) see him tomorrow.

It won’t be very cold tomorrow.

Short answers

1 Will Won’t

You He/She/lt We/They

see him tomorrow?

Yes, they will./ No, they won’t,

Wh- questions

W ill^ on’t they be small, green and friendly?

Where will we go for our holidays?

Will FUTURE - БЪДЕЩЕ ВРЕМЕ C will > Бъдеще бреме c will ce употребява за изразяване на: - Действие, ко ето ще се извърщи в даден м о м ент или период о т време в бъдещ ето: ГИ see him tomorrow. - Прогнози, предположения: It will rain tomorrow. Aliens will contact us. Positive - положителна форма Образува се с пом ощ та на спомагателния глагол will (ч есто използваме к р а т к а т а положителна форма на will - 'II ) и инфинитива на главния глагол за всички лица: It will be very cold tomorrow. — ► It'll be very cold tomorrow. Negative - о тр и ц а те л н а форма За ga образуваме о т р и ц а те л н а та форма, към спомагателния глагол will прибавяме и ч асти ч ката not - will not (won't): It won't be very cold tomorrow. Questions - въпросителна форма Въпросителната форма образуваме к а то преместим спомагателния глагол will: It'll be very cold tomorrow. — ► Will it be very cold tomorrow? Negative questions - въпросително-отриц ателна форма Въпросително-отрицателната форма образуваме к а т о преместим спомагателния глагол will, заедно с ч асти ч ката not: It won't be very cold tomorrow. —►Won't it be very cold tomorrow? Wh-questions - специални въпроси За ga образуваме специален въпрос с въпросителна дума или фраза, започваме с нея: When will it be very cold? Short answers - kpamku о тго во р и Ч есто даваме kpamku отговори: Will it be very cold tomorrow? Yes, it will./No, it won't.


ID Put the words into the correct order. 1 the/win/tomorrow/we1l/match/. We'll win the m atch tomorrow.

Complete the sentences with will, V/ or won't and the verbs in the box. be (x2)







2 see/probably/later/you/we'll/. 3 won't/that/film/like/she/. 4 will/they/when/ready/be/? 5 you/phone/probably/tomorrow/he'II/. 6 famous/day/Mickey/be/will/one/? 7 tomorrow/be/l/at/school/won't/8 June/school/we/in/will/finish/?

1 She is a great singer - she ,,'lL b e ,, a star one day. 2 That's a great film - y o u .......................................it. 3 My brother's very intelligent. I think he to university. 4 ................................ Mo ......................... an Oscar one day? 5 I don't like blood. I ....................................... a doctor! 6 Is he a good tennis player? h e .......................................the competition? 7 She doesn't like vegetables. S h e ....................................... tomatoes. 8 you your grandparents on holiday?


IIS Complete the conversation with the phrases below. I'll be in another country I will be very fit 1won't have a car Will you have a job We won't live We'll have two children

I I Q Put the questions into the correct order. Then write the answers. Use will, 'II or won't. 1 you/cook/dinner tonight? Will you, cook ,dLnner,tg,rxight?............................... Yes,,,I, w ill............................................................................ 2 what time/you/go to bed tonight?

Abbi Liam

Abbi Liam Abbi Liam Abbi Liam


Where will you be in ten years' time? What do you think? Well, 1 like travelling and I want to learn Spanish, so I think ' J 41 b e M .m o th e r country, - maybe Spain or Mexico.

2 ’” ’''’’.'....................................... ? Yes, I will. I'll have a brilliant job. Will you be married? Oh yes. ^................................................................. - a boy and a girl - and they'll be really cute. What will your life be like? ^.................................................................in a city - our house will be in a beautiful place near the sea. ^.......................................... , I'll ride a bike, and ®................................................. because I'll go running every day. What a great life!!

3 you/have/lots of homework tomorrow?

4 how old/you/be/on your next birthday?

5 you/study English next year?

6 when/you/leave/school?

IIS Did somebody really say that? Read the predictions and guess the real ones. Then check your answers. 1 ‘We don’t think the Beatles will do anything.


Guitar groups are on their way out.’ 2 ‘The Titanic will never sink.’ 3 ‘No one will want to hear actors’ voices.’ 4 ‘Einstein will never succeed.’ 5 ‘No one will ever want a computer at home.’ 6 ‘Television won’t be important in your lifetime or mine.’

- u e u js S

JOJIDJ , , r 4 4 1.

7 ‘American people will never want to sit and watch TV.’ 8 ‘Aeroplanes are impossible.’ 9 ‘Radio has no future.’ 10 ‘I think the world will need about five computers.’

IIS Write 6 predictions about your life. Use will, 'II or won't

........... .. . ^




MODALS OF POSSIBILITY: may > Глаголът may ce употребява за изразяВане на: Даване на позволение в положителна форма и учтива молба във въпросителна форма: - May I borrow your pen, Mr. Smith? - Certainly you may. В ер о ятн о ст, предположение: People may live in space colonies in the future.

CERTAINTY/POSSIBILITY, IMPOSSIBILITY: will/may, won't > Koaamo изказваме предположения за бъдещ ето, използваме will, m ay или w o n 't според то в а доколко сигурно е, че нещо ще се случи: - използваме will, за да кажем какво със сигурност сце се случи; - използваме may, за да кажем какво е Вероятно да се случи; - използваме won't, за да кажем какво със сигурност няма да се случи. > May има една и съща форма за всички лица, а за образуване на о тр и ц а те л н а та форма добавяме ч асти ч ката not: l/You may (not) come. He/She/lt may (not) come. We/They may (not) come.

PRACTICE l i D Complete the sentences with may/may not and the verbs in the brackets. 1 They (not/come)_^ m ay not com e.......... at six. They're always late. 2 He (n o t/w in )............................................ the competition because he didn't practise much. 3 She's so angry with me. She (not/speak) ............................................ to me again. 4 Please, wait for me for a few minutes. I (be)

a little late.

5 This evening I'm going to meet Ani. We (go)

to the cinema or we (have)

a pizza.

6 'What are you going to do this evening?' Well, I (w a tc h )............................................ TV or I (re a d ).......................................... my new magazine. 1 Ш Use the prompts and write sentences about tomorrow.

will certainly happen 1

1/ be late for school


It/be/a sunny day


We/have/pizza for dinner


There/be a good film on TV


I/ go to bed early

/ w ill

will certainly not happen

b e la te f o r s c h o o l.

I w o n 't b e la t e fo r s c h o o l.

not'sure^ I m a y b e la t e fo r sc h o o l.

6 I/ visit my grandparents l^ B Complete the sentences with w ill or may. 1 It's Wednesday today. Tomorrow

w i l l ...................be


2 It's cloudy this morning. I t ........................................................... rain this afternoon, but I'm not sure. 3 I called the police. They

come in a minute.

4 He didn't sleep last night. H e ................................................. feel tired today. 5 I bought a present for my friend, but I'm not sure about it. H e ................................................. not like it.


Mixed practice (Unit 10)

.DComplete the sentences with the correct form of will, won't or be going A; You are practising the piano every day. B: Yes, I 'mgQ.ingtjQ........ make some records in a real studio. 2 A: I haven't got any money. B: Don't worry. 1 ...................................................... pay. 3 A: Hello. Can I speak to Mr Smith, please. B: Just a moment. I ................................................................ put you through. 4 A; Hi, Ani, ........................................................

go to Steve's patty this Saturday?

B: Of course, I .............................................. A:

go on a school exchange visit to London?

B: Yes, I ...................................................... live with an English family for a month. A: Close the window, please. B:



A: What's the weather forecast for tomorrow? B; It

be sunny and hot.

8 A: Did you phone Moni? B: No, 1forgot, but I ................................................. call her now. 9 A: What tim e ................................................. meet your friends? B: At 4 o'clock.

10 A: Come to my house this evening. W e ................................................. listen to some music and play computer games. B; Cool, I ...................................................... come at 8 o'clock. 11 A: Do you want to come with us? B: I'm not sure. I ...................................................... think about it and tell you later. ' 6 Complete the sentences with will, won't or may (according to your opinion) and the verbs from the box. be






1 People will live, for 150 years in the future. 2 T h e re ................................................. another World War. 3 Scientists............................................ life on other planets. 4 A meteor............................................ the Earth and life......... 5 We

in robot-controlled cars.

6 We

only e-books.


Mixed practice (Unit 10)

Quiz Time


How confident are you? Try our test, and find out. What are you going to do?


★ a)

Perform in it.


Offer to help with the music.


Go and watch.




Look at the quiz and complete the questions. Choose from the box.


A popular teacher is going to ieave


There’s going to be a show at your


Your cousin is going to have a party


Your friends are going to go clubbing


You’re going to start a new school

schooi next week. schooi.

, What are you going to do? a)

Go round all the classes and organise a present for her.


Write a ‘thank you' letter.


Say ‘thank you and goodbye’ to her quietly.



at the weekend. next month.

[ 2 I Answer the questions. What are you going to do?


next Saturday.


Nothing - what’s the problem?


Take some chocolates on your first day.


Feel sick.


Say you’re ill and stay at home.

......................... You want to go, but you


Check your answers. Do you agree?

Mostly ‘a ’s Wow! You’re certainly confident! You wi!l never be at the back of the queue. Err... maybe you have to learn to step back sometimes?

^ o n ’t know any of his friends. What are you going to do?



Go, of course, and enjoy it.


Ask a friend to go with you.


Go, but stay next to your cousin

Well done! You're confident but you're not a pain. You’ll be successful and popular all your life.

all evening. d)

Nothing - stay at home.


You don’t want to go -

you hate that kind of thing. What are you

Mostly ‘c’s Hmmm . . . are you a bit shy? You have to be a bit braver - or people won’t notice you. Go on, you can do Itll

going to do? a)

Don’t go, of course!


Suggest something different,


Go and have a horrible time.


Say you’ll go, then be ill.

Mostly ‘d’s Oh dear, you are very shy. Hey, there’s a world out there, and It’s waiting for you. Go on, go for it now, or you’ll always be sorry.

Pronunciation. Punctuation UNIT 1 PRONUNCIATION: word stress - УДАРЕНИЕ B МНОГОСРИЧНИ ДУМИ > Много om английските думи са едносрични. Те е с те с тв е н о и м а т едно ударение. В дВусричните и многосричните думи може да има едно или повече ударения. Ударението пада обикновено върху коренната сричка. За нагледност ударението може да се отбележи с големи т о ч ки за ударена сричка U малки т о ч ки за неударена сричка.

• shy

• sad

• • friendly

• • • confident

PUNCTUATION: capital letters - ПРАВОПИС: главни букви > Главни букви използваме в следните случаи: - 6 началото на изречението; She's а new student. - собствени имена: Isabel, Tom - имена на държави, националности, градове, улици, реки:

Bulgaria, Bulgarian, Sofia, Vitosha Street, Maritsa river - I (аз) винаги се пише с главна буква. - имена на песни, заглавия на книги и филми: Gladiator, L o rd o f th e Rings

UNIT 2 PRONUNCIATION: / 1/, /i:/ > / 1/ - mo3U звук прилича на българското u, но по-скоро се произнася к а т о междинен звук между българското и и е: this it Isabel > /i:/- то зи звук напомня на българското ий: these three key

UNIT 3 PRONUNCIATION: /0/, AV Тези два звука не се срещ ат в българския език. > /В/ - при изговарянето на то зи звук поставяме езика между зъбите и се опитвам е да произнесем т :




> /б/ - npu изговарянето на то зи звук поставяме езика между зъбите и се опитвам е да произнесем д:

brother father


PUNCTUATION: Linkers and, but - СЪЮЗИ: u, а/но, обаче Изреченията б ив ат п р о сти и сложни. > П р о с т о т о изречение може да има само едно сказуемо:

She's tall.

She's slim.

He's intelligent.

He isn't good at school.

> Сложното изречение се състои om две или повече п р о с ти изречения, к о и т о се съединяват направо или със съюзи или съюзни думи. При сложните съчинителни изречения използваме: - съюза and (и, а) - за свързване на сходни твърдения: She's tall and she's slim. - съюза but ( ho, обаче) - за свързване на противоположни твърдения:

He's intelligent but he isn't good at school.

UNIT 4 PRONUNCIATION: /s/. /z/, /iz / > /s/ = българското c > /z/ = българското з > /iz/ = българското из

works goes finishes

gets up runs studies

Pronunciation. Punctuation UNIT 5 PRONUNCIATION: /з/ > /з/ - то з и звук напомня на българския звук ъ. ToQ е един о т наО-често срещ аните звуци в английския език. ТоО никога не носи ударение.

3 * 3




PUNCTUATION > Изречението винаги започва с главна буква. > В края на изречението се поставя препинателен знак: - точка . за разказно изречение: There are twenty students in my class. - въпросителен знак ? за въпросително изречение: Do you do a lot of homework? - удивителен знак ! за възклицателно изречение: Look out! - запетайка , поставяме, ко га то изброяваме: We play football, meet friends or do our homework.

UNIT 6 PRONUNCIATION: /з/, /ае/. /а:/ то з и звук напомня на българския звук ъ: Не сап sing. > /аг/ ■ то в а е междинен звук между българското е и а. П р и го т в е т е се да каж ете е, но каж ете а:

> /а/

Yes, we can. то зи звук напомня на българското а, но е по-гърлен и по-дълъг:

> /а:/

They can't sing.

UNIT 8 PRONUNCIATION: weak and strong forms - УДАРЕНИЕ B ИЗРЕЧЕНИЕТО > He всички думи в изречението се изговарят с еднаква сила, защ о то не всички са еднакво важни. Дум ите, ко и т о носят смисъла на изречението, се изговарят с ударение, а служебните думи - обикновено без ударение. > Ударение в изречението носят съ щ е стви те л н и те и прилагателните имена, са м о стояте л н и те глаголи, числит е л н и т е имена, показателните и въ просителните местоимения. > Членът, предлозите, съюзите, спомагателните глаголи и останалите местоимения обикновено не носят ударение.

Where were you?

I was there.

> Ho ко га то спомагателните глаголи са в о тр ицателна форма или се уп о тр е б я ва т самостоятелно (в кр а тки отго во ри), т е обикновено получават ударение.

Не wasn't there.


We were!


PRONUNCIATION: intonation models - ИНТОНАЦИЯ HA ИЗРЕЧЕНИЕТО > Всеки език има свои характерни мелодии, с к о и т о се изразяват различни нюанси на мисълта. Тази мелодия се нарича интонация. > При говорене някои части на изречението се изговарят с по-висок т о н , други с по-нисък. В английския език има два основни интонационни модела. Те се различават главно по начина на завъртване: - низходяща интонация - гласът спада в срая на изречението; - възходяща интонация - гласът се издига в края на изречението. > За нагледност интон а цията може да се отбележи с големи и малки т о ч к и или стрелки. С т о ч к и т е се бележат ударените и неударените срички, а със стрелка се означава последната ударена сричка, при ко я то гласът или спада надолу, или се издига нагоре.

I was working.

Was he sleeping?

UNIT 10 PRONUNCIATION: sim ilar sounds B английския език се разграничават къси и дълги гласни. Във ф онетичната азбука дължината на звука се бележи със знака : . Дължината на гласните трябва да се спазва, т ъ й к а т о т я има смислоразличително значение, например: /i/ ship /Jip/ - кораб /i:/ sheep /Jiip/ - овца Освен то в а сходно се произнасят някои гласни звукове с двугласни. За т я х н о т о произнощение също трябва да се внимава, т ъ й к а т о т о също има смислоразличително значение, например: /о/ cost /kost/ /зи/ coast /ksust/ - бряг

Table of irregular verbs Infinitive

Past simple


Past simple

become break buy catch come cost do drink drive eat fall feel find fly forget get give go have hear hit hold

became broke bought caught came cost did drank drove ate fell felt found flew forgot got gave went had heard hit held

know leave lose make meet pay put run say see sit speak spend sweep take teach tell think wake (up) wear win write

knew left lost made met paid put ran said saw sat spoke spent swept took taught told thought woke (up) wore won wrote

© С т и й в Е л с у ъ р т , Д ж им Роуз, 2 0 0 6 © ТреВър Д а н т ъ н - худ о ж н и к на гр аф и ч н и я д и за й н , 2 0 0 6 © ТреВър Д а н т ъ н - худ о ж н и к на и л ю с т р а ц и и т е , 2 0 0 6 © Г а р е т Боудъ н ~ ф о т о г р а ф , 2 0 0 6 © Pearson E d u c a tio n Lim ite d 2 0 0 6 , Всички п р ав а запазен и ISBN 978-1-4058-6286-8

Energy for Bulgaria Английски език - Граматическа т е т р а д к а за 5 клас Pearson Education Limited E d in b u rg h G a te А в т о р и - Cm uQ B Е л с у ъ р т , Д ж им Роуз Р е д а к т о р и п р е в о д на б ъ л гар ски - Елена С т а р е В а Худож ни к на д и за й н а - Тр евъ р Д а н т ъ н Худож ни к на и л ю с т р а ц и и т е - Тр евъ р Д а н т ъ н ф о т о г р а ф - Г а р е т Боудън

H a rlo w Essex C M 2 0 2JE E n g la n d a n d A sso ciate d C o m p a n ie s th ro u g h o u t th e W o rld

"С.А.Н.-ПРО" ООД, Варна

К о р е к т о р - Ем илия Н и колаева

И зк л ю ч и те л е н п р е д с т а в и т е л

П р е д п е ч а т н а п о д г о т о в к а - С в е т л а н а Коева


Пиърсън едюкейшън - ЛОНГМАН за България

Ц е н т р а л е н о ф и с - Вар на А н гли й ска. И зд ан и е I за Бъ лгар ия, 2 0 0 6 .

ул. "Янкул В о й в о д а " 30

Д опълнено издани е, 2013.

т е л . 052 / 6 0 0 516, ф акс 05 2 / 655 50 4

ф о р м а т 6 0 x 9 0 / 8 . П е ч а т н и коли 8.

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П е ч а т н и ц а „Техн о и н ж ен ер и н г A B C", Варна


For Ви1догю

en erg y fo r Bulgaria e учебен комплект no английски език за учениците о т прогимназиалния е т а п на основната образователна степен В българското училище. the S"" grade е разработен В

А в то р и те СтийВ Елсуърт U Джим Роуз по Време на техен семинар В България

с ъ о т в е т с т в и е с изискванията на н о в ата учебна програма на МОН по английски език за 5 клас. Надгражда усвоените знания U умения, придобити о т учениците В началния е т а п и създава необходимите навици и с тр а т е ги и за учене. en ergy For Bulgaria е изцяло съобразен с изискванията на О б щ ата европейска езикова рамка (CEF). Поддържа висока м оти вац и я за изучаване на езика чрез и н те р е сн и и увлекателни съвременни т е м и , р а б о т а по п р о е к т , песни. Развива речниковия запас на уч ен и ц и те чрез контролирана с и с те м а , с ъ в е т и за по-еф ективно запомняне (M e m o ry Tips) u уникални стр а н и ц и за допълнително пр актикуване на н о в а т а лексика (M e m o ry Gym s). Учи ги как да п и ш а т чрез специално р азр аб отен и съ в е т и

За допълнително] четене на то в а ниво препоръчваме Penguin Readers - Level 1

(W riting Tips) u планирани стъ пка-п о-стъ п ка различни видове писмени задачи (W riting Gym s).

О У ч еб н и ят ком плект е с ясна и удобно разпределена с т р у к т у р а , следваща п о с л е д о в а т е л н о с т т а на у ч е б н о то съдържание.


Изгражда у в е р е н о ст в у св о е н и те о т уч е н и ц и те грам атически с т р у к т у р и чрез функционалното им п р ед став ян е и п р акти куване в реални ж и тей ски ситуац ии. Осигурява и н те гр и р а н о обучение по английски език в о б щ а т а

Lon gm an

обр азователна училищна програма.


И зчерпателна м н огостеп ен на с и с те м а за т е с т в а н е ,


самооценка и о б е к ти в н о оценяване на п о с т и г н а т и т е р е з у л т а т и според о б р а з о в а те л н и те с т а н д а р т и .

Компоненти Q Учебник (с включен английско-български речник) □ Учебна т е т р а д к а (с гр ам ати ч ески , лексикален Най-подходящ речник Longman Elementary Dictionary

U ком уникативен справочник)

О Грам атическа т е т р а д к а □ М етод и ческо р ъ ководство (с Годишно разпределение на учебния м атер и ал )

О Учебно аудио CD Q Т е с т о в е (за формално оценяване в два в а р и а н та А и Б)

О Т е с т о в о аудио CD P E A R S O N



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М о е т о езиково пор тф оли о (б езпл атн о о т www.longm an-bulgaria.com )

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