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Nº 279
Depósito legal B-993-1968 issn (papel) 0211-7975 issn (internet) 2013-6102 Editada por Publisher
Dirección General General Managing JORDI BALAGUÉ • jordi@publica.es JOAN LLUÍS BALAGUÉ • joanlluis@publica.es Ecuador, 75, entlo. - 08029 Barcelona (Spain) Tel. +34 933 215 045 / 046 - Fax +34 933 221 972 E-mail: publica@publica.es www.publica.es
Sumario / Content
Director de la Publicación Editor JORDI BALAGUÉ • jordi@publica.es Redactor Jefe Editor in Chief MIGUEL ROIG • miguel@publica.es Diseño y Maquetación Design & Layout ISABEL FERNÁNDEZ • isabelf@publica.es Publicidad Advertising RAIMON CASTELLS • raimon@publica.es Facturación y Contabilidad Billing and Accounting MAR MIGUEL • mar@publica.es Distribución y Suscripciones Distribution and Subscriptions suscripciones@publica.es
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Gamanatura, Trovador, Risart, Monesal, Casual Textil / Naf-Naf, Nicoleta, Carrara / Virginia Co, Tèxtil Tarragó, Desigual, Monesal...
Portal Web / Website Registro anual / Yearly registration: 38 euros Impresión Printing Comgrafic - Barcelona
Reservados todos los derechos, se prohíbe la reproducción total o parcial por ningún medio, electrónico o mecánico, de los contenidos de este número sin previa autorización expresa por escrito. TEXTILES PARA EL HOGAR no se identifica necesariamente con las opiniones y conceptos expresados por los colaboradores y personas entrevistadas, que son de la exclusiva responsabilidad del autor. “La Editorial a los efectos previstos en el artículo 32.1 párrafo segundo del vigente TRLPI, se opone expresamente a que cualquiera de las páginas de esta obra o partes de ella sean utilizadas para la realización de resúmenes de prensa. Cualquier forma de reproducción, distribución, comunicación pública o transformación de esta obra solo puede ser realizada con la autorización de sus titulares, salvo excepción prevista por la ley. Diríjase a CEDRO (Centro Español de Derechos Reprográficos) si necesita fotocopiar o escanear algún fragmento de esta obra (www.conlicencia.com; 91 702 19 70 / 93 272 04 47)”.
Disponible también para Available also for
... en / in... 8 Nuevas propuestas New proposals
II. DECORACIÓN / DECORATION 2016 Hispano Tex, Revert, Wind, Ontario Fabrics, Rioma, BC Fabrics, Textil Casa Moda, Visatex, Gonzaga Export, Sandra Adrubau, Saum und Viebahn, Vescom, Polontex, Artica, Belmartí, Pepitablanca, Englisch Dekor, Rasch, Dickson, Gancedo, Nodus, Misha... ... en / in... 16 Novedades para decoración New products for furnishing HILATURAS ARNAU 31 Calidad y sostenibilidad Quality and sustainability
III. FERIAS / TRADE FAIRS 46 Hábitat 2016 inicia su promoción tras superar los 65.000 visitantes este año Hábitat 2016 starts its promotion campaign after receiving over 65,000 visitors this year 43 Hometex Amsterdam 2015 44 Homi presenta al mundo el estilo de vivir Homi presents Lifestyles to the world 42 Index International Design Exhibition 50 MosBuild 2015: Visitor numbers remain strong despite economic crisis 48 R+T 2015: More exhibitors attracted more visitors
En este número…
In this issue…
En este número de Textiles para el Hogar ofrecemos nuestras secciones habituales de esta edición del año: páginas dedicadas por un lado al baño, interior y exterior y, por otro, a la decoración, tomado este término en el sentido más amplio que podamos imaginar. No se pierdan la colaboración de Toni Prat, que de nuevo contiene interesantes reflexiones sobre el mundo del comercio. Y más cosas, por supuesto. Pasen y vean y lean. ¡Hasta el próximo número!
This issue of Textiles para el Hogar contains the usual sections published in the magazine at this time of year. You'll find information on bathrooms, indoors and outdoors as well as decoration, giving the widest imaginable interpretation to the term. Don't miss Toni Prat's contribution, which contains some interesting observations on the world of trade! And much more, naturally. So come in, take a look and have a read. See you next time!
IV. Y MÁS... / AND MORE COMERCIO / COMMERCE 38 ¡Ponga una pantalla táctil en su tienda! Put a touch screen in your store! ENTORNO / ENVIRONMENT 28 Los trabajadores españoles solicitan mayor confort en sus oficinas Spanish workers demand more comfort in their offices ENTREVISTA / INTERVIEW 40 Máximo Solaz, director de Home Textiles Premium by Textilhogar Máximo Solaz, Director of Home Textiles Premium by Textilhogar MAQUINARIA / MACHINERY 36 Crear confianza y asegurar ventajas competitivas: el caso de Brückner y Matesa Creating confidence - Securing competitive advantages: the case of Brückner and Matesa 52 NOTICIAS / NEWS
ÍNDICE DE ANUNCIANTES INDEX OF ADVERTISERS OPINIÓN / OPINION 34 ¿Cuál es el retorno de la I+D+i? Measuring the Impact of Innovation? Paco Corma 26 Antilogía de la evolución...??? 27 Antilog of evolution...??? Toni Prat PERSAX 32 Consejos para ahorrar energía Advices to save energy costs 65 TARJETAS DE SUSCRIPCIÓN SUBSCRIPTION FORMS
EVTEKS 2015 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25 GUÍA DEL COMPRADOR BUYER’S GUIDE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .63 HOME TEXTILES PREMIUM TEXTILHOGAR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19 HOMETEX AMSTERDAM . . . . . .Interior portada / Inside cover ITMA 2015 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3 PUBLICA, S.L. . . . . . . . . . . .Interior contraportada / Inside back cover RISART . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 RISART - MICOLOR . . . . . . . . . . .Contraportada / Back cover TEXTIL CASA MODA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14
Nuevas propuestas New proposals
GAMANATURA www.gamanatura.com
GAMANATURA www.gamanatura.com
NICOLETA www.moretextilegroup.com
Morning Glory Jade (Pip Studio). Toalla de playa 100x180 cm. 100x180 cm beach towel.
Morning Glory Pink (Pip Studio). Toallas de baテアo de 70x140 y 50x100 cm. 70x140 and 50x100 cm bath towels.
Colecciテウn de toallas de baテアo 2015. 2015 bath towels collection.
8 | Textiles para el Hogar 279
RISART www.risart.net
RISART www.risart.net
RISART www.risart.net
Wi-Fi. Toalla de playa de 100x180 cm, 420 g/m2. Beach towel. 100x180 cm, 420 g/m2.
Sitges. Toalla de playa de rizo de una cara hammam, 360 g/m2 (doble Jacquard). Beach towel. One side hammam terry towel, 360 g/m2 (double Jacquard).
Alguer. Toalla de playa de rizo de una cara hammam, 300 g/m2 (Jacquard). Beach towel. One side hammam terry towel, 300 g/m2 (Jacquard).
Heimtextil 2015: un baño... de color Los cuartos de baño del futuro tendrán más colorido que nunca, si nos atenemos a la oferta de los expositores en Heimtextil de este año. Las toallas de algunos de los fabricantes estaban disponibles en más de 40 tonos diferentes. Las gamas incluyen tonos luminosos con un aire mediterráneo, como el azul cielo, el amarillo dorado, el rojo frambuesa, el mandarina y el turquesa, o bien, tonos orientales como el azul noche o el cobre, el azul petróleo o el verde jade. Para el baño femenino hay textiles en rosa pálido, gris claro, celadón y lila claro, a menudo decorados con cristales Swarovski. Allí donde los dibujos son más gráficos y masculinos se utilizan el gris, el azul noche, el antracita y el negro, tonos que se suelen aclarar ligeramente al mezclarse con blanco o con greige. También son muy populares los diseños con rayas, cuadros, adornos barrocos abstraídos, cachemira, motivos decorativos del kílim, imitaciones informales de pieles de animales salvajes, o cenefas bordadas. También sirven de inspiración los lenguajes formales de grandes pintores como Gustav Klimt. En ninguna colección pueden faltar los albornoces: de rizo, de algodón con forro de rizo, de terciopelo nicky o (una tendencia que entra con fuerza) de piqué de estructura robusta. Últimamente, los juegos de sauna para hombre y mujer se ofrecen en un gran número de colores atractivos, en largos hasta la rodilla o hasta la pantorrilla para mujer. Actualmente se desarrollan y se utilizan nuevas fibras con una mayor capacidad de absorción del agua y tiempos de secado más cortos. El material obtenido con este tipo de fibras ofrece, entre otras ventajas, una mayor sensación de confort en los albornoces. Algunos fabricantes ofrecen además vasos para cepillos de dientes, jaboneras, pequeñas papeleras o cortinas de ducha en los mismos colores o con los mismos motivos que las toallas.
Heimtextil 2015: Bright and colourful ideas for the bathroom Bathrooms of the future are becoming more colourful than they have ever been before – if we are to believe the range on offer from Heimtextil exhibitors. Some of them are selling hand towels in no fewer than 40 different shades. Colourways include bright, luminous tones with a Mediterranean feel, such as azure blue, egg-yolk yellow, raspberry red, mandarin and turquoise. Or oriental colours such as midnight blue and copper, petrol and jade green. For a more feminine bathroom there are textiles in pale pink, light grey, celadon, pale lilac, not infrequently set off with Swarovski crystals. Where patterns are intended to appear bolder and more masculine, grey, midnight blue, anthracite or black are used – colours which are then mostly subtly lightened with a mix of white or greige. Stripes, checks and abstracted baroque ornamentation, oriental paisley designs, kelim-style decoration, cool-looking, imitation wild-animal skins and edgings continue to be popular as design motifs. Alternatively, designers also take their inspiration from the imagery of the great painters like Gustav Klimt. Bathrobes are part of almost all collections. They are made from terry towelling, cotton with a towelling lining, from velour or –a definite new trend– from highly textured honeycomb piqué. Both women’s and men’s ‘sauna kilts’ have recently come to be offered in a large number of attractive colours, for women in both knee-length and calf-length versions. New fibres have been developed and are now being used, to give better water-absorption and more rapid drying. The lighter material that can be made with such fibres means that the bathrobes made from them are more comfortable to wear. Several manufacturers are also offering additional accessories such as toothbrush mugs, soap dishes, small waste bins, as well as shower curtains in the same colours or with the same patterns as their towels and towelling wear.
Textiles para el Hogar 279 | 9
RISART www.risart.net
RISART www.risart.net
RISART www.risart.net
Palm. Toalla de playa de 100x180 cm, 420 g/m2. Beach towel. 100x180 cm, 420 g/m2.
Palm. Toalla de playa de 100x180 cm, 420 g/m2. Beach towel. 100x180 cm, 420 g/m2.
Skyline. Toalla de playa de 100x180 cm, 420 g/m2. Beach towel. 100x180 cm, 420 g/m2.
NICOLETA www.moretextilegroup.com
TROVADOR www.trovador.es
TROVADOR www.trovador.es
Colección de toallas de baño 2015. 2015 bath towels collection.
Ref. 979 Marine. Toalla de terciopelo Jacquard, 100% algodón, 400 g/m2. 90x170 cm. Color único. Jacquard velvet towel, 100% cotton, 400 g/m2. 90x170 cm, unique colour.
Ref. 989 Cachemir. Toalla pareo de hilo tintado con flecos, 100% algodón, 300 g/m2. 90x175 cm, Color 1-morado. Pareo style dyed yarn towel, with fringes; 100% cotton, 300 g/m2. 90x175 cm, colour 1-purple.
10 | Textiles para el Hogar 279
MONESAL www.hierba.net
Blog. DESIGUAL www.desigual.com
MONESAL www.hierba.net
TÈXTIL TARRAGÓ www.textiltarrago.com
Minions. Toalla de playa. Beach towel. TÈXTIL TARRAGÓ www.textiltarrago.com
Beach. DESIGUAL www.desigual.com
Disney. Frozen. Toalla de playa. Beach towel.
Textiles para el Hogar 279 | 11
NAF-NAF / CASUAL TEXTIL www.grupobcf.com / www.casualtextil.com
Casual beach towel. Gama de colores. Colour range.
NAF-NAF / CASUAL TEXTIL www.grupobcf.com / www.casualtextil.com
Casual beach towel.
CARRARA www.mirabellocarrara.it
CARRARA www.mirabellocarrara.it
DESIGUAL www.desigual.com
Oberon. Distribución en España: Distributed in Spain by Virginia Co, Distribuciones (www.virginiaco.es).
Astoria. Distribución en España: Distributed in Spain by Virginia Co, Distribuciones (www.virginiaco.es).
12 | Textiles para el Hogar 279
DESIGUAL www.desigual.com
TÈXTIL TARRAGÓ www.textiltarrago.com
TÈXTIL TARRAGÓ www.textiltarrago.com
FC Barcelona. Toalla de playa. Beach towel.
FC Barcelona. Toalla de playa. Beach towel.
MONESAL www.hierba.net
MONESAL www.hierba.net
MONESAL www.hierba.net
Textiles para el Hogar 279 | 13
Novedades para decoración New products for furnishing
HISPANO TEX www.hispanotex.com
HISPANO TEX www.hispanotex.com
REVERT www.revert.es
Tabasco. Marrón. Brown.
Tiling. Azul. Blue.
16 | Textiles para el Hogar 279
DICKSON www.dickson-constant.com
GANCEDO www.gancedo.com
GANCEDO www.gancedo.com
Vélum / Natté. Colección de lona Área. Área duck cloth collection.
Rails. Colección Greovelvets. Geovelvets collection.
Babilonia. Colección Ciudadela. Ciudadela collection.
GANCEDO www.gancedo.com
NODUS www.nodusrug.it
NODUS www.nodusrug.it
Varios diseños de la colección Ciudadela. Several patterns from the Ciudadela collection.
Proyecto Erbamatta. Alfombra Tarasacco diseñada por Lorenzo Palmeri y anudada a mano. Erbamattaproject. Tarasacco rug, designed by Lorenzo Palmeri and handknotted.
Transcicence. Diseño: Minale-Maeda Design: Minale-Maeda.
Textiles para el Hogar 279 | 17
Heimtextil 2015: nuevos vestidos para sillones y sofás
Heimtextil 2015: New looks for armchairs and sofas
Las tapicerías se presentaron en Frankfurt con un aspecto rejuvenecido, en colores más frescos y con dibujos más interesantes. Incluso en los dibujos más tradicionales pudieron verse combinaciones atrevidas de colores, como turquesa y rosado o negro y amarillo. La combinación de hilos mates y brillantes proporciona encanto y un toque especial incluso a los tejidos lisos o en varios tonos de un mismo color. Casi todas las telas poseen superficies estructuradas, desde canalés finos hasta exuberantes tejidos botonosos. Las nuevas técnicas de tejido y de construcciones de hilos permiten crear dibujos muy sofisticados y hasta ahora impensables. Cada vez más colecciones ofrecen telas a juego entre sí, tanto en sus colores como en sus dibujos. De este modo pueden utilizarse para diferentes muebles de un mismo grupo de asientos, o también para cojines a juego. La combinación de elementos se convierte así en un divertido juego. Hoy en día son muchas las tapicerías que se pueden lavar y son fáciles de conservar en buen estado. Asimismo, las telas de exterior para balcones, terrazas o jardines son tan acogedoras y decorativas que se pueden utilizar tanto en exteriores como en interiores.
There was a sense of rejuvenation in the presentations of upholstery fabrics in Frankfurt: they appeared in fresher colours and with more interesting patterns. Even for traditional patterns, suppliers are risking unusual colour combinations, such as turquoise with dusky pink or black with yellow. Through a combination of matte and shiny yarns, both plain and tone-on-tone weaves acquire a certain wit and a special note. Almost all fabrics have textured surfaces – from fine ribs to luxuriant slubs. New weaving techniques and yarns enable highly sophisticated and hitherto unimaginable opportunities for patterning. Offered in more and more collections are fabrics that are matched in terms of patterns as well as colours. They can therefore be used for various different items in the same seating area or for coordinated sofa cushions. Combining them, therefore, becomes an amusing pleasure. Many upholstery fabrics these days are easy-care and washable. Outdoor fabrics for the balcony, terrace and garden have, these days, become so cosy and decorative that they can happily be used both inside and outside.
WIND EXCLUSIVE DESIGN www.wind.be ONTARIO FABRICS www.ontariofabrics.com
WIND EXCLUSIVE DESIGN www.wind.be ONTARIO FABRICS www.ontariofabrics.com
Caribbean Collection. Bordado principal: Barbados, base de lino. Visillos a juego: Trinidad y Aruba Main embroidery: Barbados, linen base. Sheer windows curtains: Trinidad and Aruba.
Festival Collection. Bordado: Blues. Rayas: Twist. Base de poliéster/algodón. Embroidery: Blues. Stripes: Twist. Polyester/cotton base.
18 | Textiles para el Hogar 279
REVERT www.revert.es
Detalle malva. Detail mauve. RIOMA www.rioma.com
Lacca. Colección que viste el hogar con una moderna línea de pañería inspirada en las más antiguas tradiciones. This collection dresses the home in a modern line of drapery inspired by ancient traditions.
WIND EXCLUSIVE DESIGN www.wind.be ONTARIO FABRICS www.ontariofabrics.com
WIND EXCLUSIVE DESIGN www.wind.be ONTARIO FABRICS www.ontariofabrics.com
WIND EXCLUSIVE DESIGN www.wind.be ONTARIO FABRICS www.ontariofabrics.com
RIOMA www.rioma.com
ENGLISCH DEKOR www.englisch.at ONTARIO FABRICS www.ontariofabrics.com
ENGLISCH DEKOR www.englisch.at ONTARIO FABRICS www.ontariofabrics.com
Paraíso. Colección de modernos florales y diseños abstractos. Vibrant modern floral designs printed on a soft velvet.
Chesterfield. Polipiel de tacto muy suave. Very soft touch polyleather.
Chesterfield. Polipiel de tacto muy suave. Very soft touch polyleather.
TEXTIL CASA MODA www.casamoda.es
TEXTIL CASA MODA www.casamoda.es
TEXTIL CASA MODA www.casamoda.es
20 | Textiles para el Hogar 279
VISATEX www.visatex.com
VISATEX www.visatex.com
GONZAGA EXPORT www.gonzaga.es
Lambada; Bachata.
Tallo + coord.
GONZAGA EXPORT www.gonzaga.es
SANDRA ADRUBAU www.sandraadrubauhome.com
SANDRA ADRUBAU www.sandraadrubauhome.com
América - Karina.
Textiles para el Hogar 279 | 21
SAUM UND VIEBAHN www.saum-und-viebahn.de ONTARIO FABRICS www.ontariofabrics.com
SAUM UND VIEBAHN www.saum-und-viebahn.de ONTARIO FABRICS www.ontariofabrics.com
VESCOM www.vescom.com
Summer. Estampado sobre lino. Print on linen.
Milla. Bordado sobre lino. Embroidered on linen.
Balta. Tapicería textil. Textile upholstery.
POLONTEX www.polontex.com.pl
POLONTEX www.polontex.com.pl
ARTICA TEXTILE, S.L. www.artica-textile.com
Diseños Jacquard (no es estampación digital) en calidad Gobelin de alta resolución en chenilla de calidad. Jacquard designs (it’s not digital print) in HD Gobelin quality in quality chenille.
22 | Textiles para el Hogar 279
BELMARTÍ www.belmarti.es
BELMARTÍ www.belmarti.es
Manhattan. Funda de sofa Jacquard elástica. Jacquard stretch sofa slipcover.
Singapur. Funda de sofa Jacquard elástica. Jacquard stretch sofa slipcover.
ENGLISCH DEKOR www.englisch.at ONTARIO FABRICS www.ontariofabrics.com
ENGLISCH DEKOR www.englisch.at ONTARIO FABRICS www.ontariofabrics.com
Lana Shetland. Telas tapiceras ignífugas y acústicas. Shetland wool. Upholstery fabrics, flame retardant and acoustic.
Lana III. Telas tapiceras ignífugas y acústicas. Wool III. Upholstery fabrics, flame retardant and acoustic.
PEPITABLANCA wwww.pepitablanca.blogspot.com.es
Croacia. Cojines de tejidos de fibras naturales, 100% sostenibles y de alta calidad. Cushions made with natural fibre fabrics, 100% sustainable and of high quality. B&C FABRICS www.grupobcf.com
Digital print.
Textiles para el Hogar 279 | 23
B&C FABRICS www.grupobcf.com
Shibori. RASCH TEXTIL www.raschtextil.de ONTARIO FABRICS www.ontariofabrics.com
Colección Voyage. Sri Lanka. Voyage collection. Sri Lanka.
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RASCH TEXTIL www.raschtextil.de ONTARIO FABRICS www.ontariofabrics.com
MISHA www.mi-sha.net
Colección Voyage. Caura. Voyage collection. Caura.
Papel pintado fabricado a mano. Handmade wallpaper.
DICKSON www.dickson-constant.com
DICKSON www.dickson-constant.com
Expansión. Colección de lona Área. Área duck cloth collection.
Purple Rain. Colección de lona Área. Área duck cloth collection.
Antilogía de la evolución...??? Toni Prat
No ha sido una decisión fácil convertir un título nacido como aseverativo en interrogativo profundo y además carente de mi completa convicción. Hablando del mundo que nos rodea, acerca de las actividades comerciales internacionales cabe comentar el ciclo de variaciones que ha ido experimentando y que ahora parece poderse cerrar pero produciéndonos una serie de traumas que en pocos años hemos tenido que asimilar. Primero nos sorprendió la aparición y pujanza del mundo oriental, produciendo artículos “a muy bajo” precio, que eran importados y distribuidos aquí por grandes empresas también de aquí, al pequeño comercio desde sus mismas sedes nacionales. El paso siguiente fue ir directamente a los fabricantes de estos países de artículos baratos y hacerles hacer modelos concretos con diseños propios de cada cadena de tiendas o de gran almacén para ser vendidos muchos de ellos con el “made in…” propio del lugar de venta. Pero a la vista de que Europa ofrecía ciertas facilidades para implantarse como empresa a los potenciales importadores oriundos de los países manufactureros, la cosa cambió y éstos montaron sus establecimientos aquí para aprovecharse del negocio de los importadores también, distribuyendo al principio a tiendas de ambiente oriental. No muchos años más tarde la picaresca abogó a favor de los comerciantes y centrales de compras, que se organizaron para comprar artículos de bajo coste y mezclarlos con los genuinos para establecer una política de precios, de descuento y ofertas que inicialmente consiguieron dar el pego. Pero la experiencia enseña y viendo que los productos de “precio económico” tenían mejor aceptación si eran vendidos en nuestros comercios convencionales “de toda la vida”,
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a los empresarios extranjeros exportadores se les ha ocurrido que lo mejor podría ser comprar “tiendas clásicas” del país al que quieren vender sus artículos, contratando a sus propietarios de siempre y de esta manera vender productos de “procedencia lejana”, mejor valorados y con más prestigio, ya que en estos momentos cuesta diferenciar el origen de ciertos fabricados. El Sr. A o B o C que les ha atendido a lo largo de los tiempos, seguiría siendo su hombre de confianza, pero con una oferta significativamente cambiada. Uno se preguntará: ¿Cómo es que pueden comprar tan fácilmente esos negocios? Pues la razón es que la infraestructura que venían soportando hasta ahora no era rentable, ni tampoco los sueldos, ni los horarios. Hemos tenido que cambiar muchas maneras de hacer por imposición absolutista… “o aquests goigs o no cantar” (vamos, o lo tomas o lo dejas). Para comprobar todo esto de la forma más explícita solo hay que darse un paseo por la ciudad y uno podrá corroborar fácilmente que los bares orientales van medrando poco a poco y que los propietarios o camareros de los bares y restaurantes de siempre son gente de lugares muy distantes, con características peculiares que los identifican, que han venido a establecerse aquí y que además han aprendido que si siguen nuestras costumbres y se adaptan a nuestra idiosincrasia sus negocios funcionan mucho mejor. Es curioso constatar cómo algunas de las mejores “tortillas españolas” están cocinadas, servidas y cobradas por personas que hasta hace poco nunca habían oído hablar de este plato. Con este tipo de nuevos ciudadanos, los horarios se han disparatado hasta tal punto de que se encuentran establecimientos abiertos en días festivos, lo que sin duda alguna condiciona a los demás, ya que comercios y cadenas aumentan el número de horas a trabajar y… a un precio “oriental” también, que obviamente facilita y da alas a los infinitos recortes que se nos están imponiendo.
Concepto: Toni Prat. Realización: Pepe Serrano.
Lo peor del caso, creo yo, es la división que todo esto está propiciando entre “pobres y ricos”. Mientras que en unas calles se acusa notablemente este empobrecimiento, en otras no muy distantes uno puede adquirir prendas veinticinco veces más caras en tiendas de un lujo extraordinario, con grandes cantidades, de luz, hilo musical, puertas abiertas hasta en invierno, guardias de seguridad, etc. Como acabamos de analizar, la rueda de la evolución no para nunca, quién sabe si algún día volverá “la tienda del Sr. José” con personal profesional capaz de dar las explicaciones técnicas de los tejidos según sus especificaciones a los cuidados que lo requieran. ¿Acaso no se están montando otra vez las tiendas de ultramarinos que parecía que habían desaparecido para siempre del centro de las ciudades…? Toni Prat es el gerente de Risart. antonipratoriols@josoc.cat
Si desea comentar los poemas visuales puede dirigirse a poemesvisuals.com
Antilog of evolution...??? Toni Prat
Concept: Toni Prat. Performed by Pepe Serrano.
It wasn’t an easy decision to change a title which started out as assertive into a deep question, which also lacks my full conviction. When it come to the world around us and international trading activities, it is worth noting that the cycle now seems to be coming to a close, but not without having to accept a series of traumas over the last few years. First we were surprised by the appearance and strength of the eastern market, where they produced ‘very low price’ goods, which were imported and distributed here by large companies to small businesses from the same national headquarters. The next step was to go directly to manufacturers in these countries to purchase cheap items which were manufactured to order with specific designs for each chain of stores or department store and be sold and labelled as “made in” with their countries of origin. However, because Europe gave incentives for potential importers to set up their businesses as potential importers to manufacturing countries, things changed and they established businesses here to take advantage of the import business, initially distributing their products through oriental-themed shops. It wasn’t too long before the subterfuge worked in favour of traders and purchasing centres, which got together to buy low cost items and mix them with
genuine products to establish a pricing, discounting and offer policy which was initially a success. However, we learn from experience, and as it became clear that “cheap” products were more popular when sold in our conventional, traditional stores, to foreign export companies, they decided that their best course of action would be to buy up “traditional stores” in the country where they want to sell their items, employing the existing owners and selling products of “faraway origin” with higher prices and more prestige, because by now it is different to tell between the origin of certain products. Consumers will continue to put their trust in the storekeepers who have been serving them through the years, although the products they offer are significantly different. So, you ask yourself, how they can buy up these businesses so easily? The reason is that the infrastructure that these businesses had been working with was not profitable, nor were the salaries and nor were the business hours. We have been absolutely forced to change numerous ways of doing things.... It’s a question of “take it or leave it”! If you want more evidence of all this, all you need to do is take a walk through your town and you’ll quickly see how, little by little, oriental bars are taking root and that the owners and waiters of the bars and restaurants are people from very different places, with peculiar characteristics that identify them, who have come to live here and have learned that if they follow our customs
and adapt to our ideosyncracies their busineses will operate a whole lot better. It is interesting to note that some of the best “Spanish omelettes” are cooked, served and charged for by people who had never even heard of this dish not long ago. With this type of new citizens, opening hours have increased to the point that businesses open on public holidays, which puts pressure on their neighbours, because businesses and chain store increase the number of working hours and... at an ‘oriental’ price too, which obviously facilitates and makes way for the never-ending cuts being forced on us. I believe that the worst result is the divide that this is creating between “rich and poor”. While this impoverishment is very visible in some streets, in other, nearby streets you can buy garments that cost 25 times as much in amazingly luxurious streets, with full of light, piped music where the doors are wide open, even in winter, with security guards, etc. As I have said, the wheels of progress never stop turning. Who knows whether some day “Don José’s” store will be back with professional staff capable of giving technical explanations of the fabric and the specific care the garments require. Haven’t you noticed that the corner shops that seemed to have disappeared from city centres are beginning to pop up again? Toni Prat is the manager of Risart. antonipratoriols@josoc.cat
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Los trabajadores españoles solicitan mayor confort en sus oficinas El informe Human Spaces (www.humanspaces.com), en el cual han participado 7.600 trabajadores de 16 países, forma parte del estudio del impacto global de la biofilia en el lugar de trabajo desarrollado por Interface y dirigido por el profesor Sir Cary Cooper y la Organisational Psychologist. El estudio relaciona los niveles de productividad con el bienestar de los trabajadores en sus oficinas.
Spanish workers demand more comfort in their offices The Human Spaces study (www.humanspaces.com), of 7,600 office workers, from 16 countries, report into The Global Impact of Biophilic Design in the Workplace commissioned by Interface and led by Professor Sir Cary Cooper and Organisational Psychologist. Global study connects levels of employee productivity and well-being to office design.
El informe forma parte del Proyecto Human Spaces de Interface, una web hub que actúa como espacio de encuentro y diálogo entre profesionales del sector y usuarios generales que busca ofrecer fuentes de información de calidad y una perspectiva global acerca de la biofilia (efecto que produce en las personas la incorporación de elementos naturales) en las oficinas. La campaña Human Spaces, lanzada en septiembre de 2014, también incluye una gama de producto especialmente diseñada para potenciar un entorno biofílico en las oficinas, Human Nature. El objetivo principal de este proyecto es concienciar sobre los beneficios de implementar la presencia o simulación de elementos naturales en los espacios de trabajo ya que fomenta una actitud más positiva entre los empleados, mejora su productividad y potencia la creatividad del equipo humano. Los nuevos datos del estudio revelados a primeros de abril demuestran la relación que se establece entre el confort y bienestar en el lugar de trabajo y la actitud y productividad de los empleados que lo ocupan. Muestra de ello
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es que los empleados de oficinas en EMEA que trabajan en ambientes con elementos naturales presentan un 15% más de bienestar, son un 6% más productivos y un 15% más creativos. Si analizamos los datos obtenidos en España, el diseño de la oficina es también determinante para nuestros trabajadores, ya que un 22% de los encuestados afirmó que, sin lugar a dudas, el ambiente físico y diseño de la oficina podría repercutir en su decisión de aceptar un empleo. La falta de elementos naturales en la oficina acentúa el estrés en los empleados Un 36% de los empleados españoles encuestados afirma no disponer de luz natural en su ambiente laboral, así como también lo confirma un 42% de los trabajadores en EMEA, quienes también señalan en un 55% de los casos que tampoco disponen de plantas naturales en su lugar de trabajo.
El espacio de trabajo está estrechamente relacionado con la productividad
vistas al mar (18%), un jardín exterior (15%) y los colores neutros (14%).
Sobre el espacio de trabajo, una cuarta parte (25%) de los trabajadores españoles afirma sentirse más productiva en su propia mesa y en un despacho personal, mientras que el 48% de los encuestados dice sentirse más productivo y cómodo en una oficina abierta y compartida con el resto de sus compañeros. Este dato se confronta con los resultados obtenidos en la muestra analizada de los trabajadores de EMEA, cuando en un 39% de los casos aseguran preferir trabajar en una oficina o despacho personal no compartido.
Hacia la urbanización global
Por otro lado, en el ranking de los elementos más buscados para el confort en el lugar de trabajo, destaca en primer lugar la luz natural (59%), seguida por la tranquilidad (19%), las
Al comentar los resultados de la investigación, Sir Cary Cooper apunta: “Además de permitir a las organizaciones establecer vínculos entre los espacios físicos y la productividad de sus
Asimismo, los datos demuestran que el 87% de los encuestados españoles trabaja en un entorno urbano (centro de la ciudad, barrios y área metropolitana) y pasa de 30 a 39 horas a la semana en la oficina, frente al 82% de los trabajadores en EMEA que también tiene sus oficinas en la ciudad. Sin embargo y en ambos casos, los entrevistados han presentado una inherente afinidad a los elementos que reflejan naturaleza en su lugar de trabajo.
trabajadores, el estudio arroja luz sobre uno de los retos de la vida moderna, la capacidad de hacer frente a la urbanización y a la pérdida de conexión con los espacios naturales.” También Chip DeGrace, director Ejecutivo Creativo de Interface, se refiere a la importancia en el diseño de las oficinas: “Lo que podemos identificar con claridad es que es necesaria una evolución continua de la oficina tradicional, y parece que la población mundial es cada vez más consciente del entorno
Un 36% de los empleados españoles encuestados afirma no disponer de luz natural en su ambiente laboral
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that a 42% of EMEA workers, and globally a 55% have no live plants in their workspace. Work space linked to productivity In terms of working space, nearly a quarter part (25%) of Spanish workers said they would feel most productive at their own desk in a solitary office, while 48% of respondents would feel most productive and comfortable in an open plan office and shared with the rest of co-workers. The preference for solo working space is reflected in EMEA with 39% of office workers feeling most productive in a solitary office. On the other side, on the ranking of the most searched elements to workplace comfort, natural light is on the top (59%), followed by quiet working space (19%), view of the sea (18%), live indoor plants (15%) and bright colours (14%). Global urbanisation
A 36% of Spanish workers have no natural light in their working environment
que les rodea y de cómo les afecta. Podemos ver además que el trabajo en ambientes con elementos naturales, como vegetación o luz solar, conducen a un mayor nivel de productividad y bienestar, lo cual es muy importante para los negocios en términos de responsabilidad de los empleados”.
The report belongs to Human Spaces Project of Interface, a hub website that work like a meeting point and dialogue between professionals and general users that search to offer a quality source and a global perspective about Biophilia in the offices. The Human Spaces campaign, reached on September 2014, also includes a product ranges specially designed to strengthen a
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biophilical environment in the offices, Human Nature. The main point of this project is to make aware about the benefits of the implementation of the presence or simulation of natural elements in the workplace because it encourages workers to take a positive attitude, improve their productivity and power the human team creativity. The 2015 report concludes the relation established between the comfort and the welfare in the workplace and the attitude and the employees productivity. As a sign of these conclusion, the employees of the EMEA offices with natural elements on their workplace have a 15% more of welfare, are 6% more productive and 15% more creative.
The data demonstrates that 87% of Spanish office workers surveyed are based in an urban environment (city centre, city suburb, town and downtown) and the largest proportion spend between 30 - 39 hours per week in the office. In comparison slightly less (82%) EMEA office workers surveyed are based in an urban environment. Both the global and EMEA Human Spaces research found that, despite city dominated lives, workers have an inherent affinity to elements that reflect nature. Commenting on the research findings, Sir Cary Cooper, said: “As well as enabling organisations to make links between their physical spaces and the performance of their people, this study throws light on one of the defining challenges of modern life - our ability to cope with urbanisation and loss of connection with green spaces.”
Lack of natural elements linked to increase levels of employee stress
Commenting on what the research findings could mean for design in the office space, Chip DeGrace, Executive Creative Director at Interface, said: “What we can clearly identify is that there needs to be an ongoing evolution of the traditional office space, and it seems that as a global population, we are becoming ever more cognisant of our surroundings and how they impact us. We can see that working in environments with natural elements, such as greenery and sunlight, leads to a higher level of well-being and productivity, which is an important consideration for any business in terms of responsibility to its employees.”
A 36% of Spanish workers have no natural light in their working environment, in the same way
In the Spanish data, the office design is also determining for the Spanish workers, a 22% of the survey respondents confirm that with no doubts, the office environment and design could effect on the decision of admit a new job.
Calidad y sostenibilidad Quality and Sustainability Hilaturas Arnau, empresa especialista en la fabricación de hilos en hilatura de carda, apuesta por su implicación en la sostenibilidad ambiental, lanzando al mercado una gama completa de hilados fabricados a partir de materias 100% recicladas y destinados a cubrir la demanda que existe de productos social y ambientalmente responsables.
proveedores de hilaturas Arnau son de la UE. La empresa ha conseguido desarrollar hilos que cambian su aspecto a partir de un estímulo externo (luz, temperatura, rayos UV…). La gama consta de una novedosa línea de hilos: fotocrómicos, luminiscentes, termocrómicos, hidrófugos, repelentes de mosquitos, bactericidas…
Los hilados Arnau, hechos con fibras naturales y recicladas, se utilizan en la producción de tejidos técnicos, de moda y decoracíón. El sello de garantía de Hilaturas Arnau está proporcionado por EcocertTextile, una marca que certifica que en toda la trazabilidad del producto, éste ha sido fabricado en centros de producción donde se respeta el entorno y los derechos universales de los trabajadores. Los
Hilaturas Arnau is an environmentally sustainable company dedicated to the manufacture of carded spinning yarns. It has launched a full range of yarns made from 100% recycled materials, destined to cover the demand for social and environmentally responsible products.
Hilaturas Arnau produces yarns for fashion, technical and furniture fabrics made from natural and recycled materials. Hilaturas Arnau’s warranty seal is provided by Ecocert Textile. This certification body ensures product traceability; the entire production takes place in manufacturing facilities where environmental and universal rights of workers are respected. Hilaturas Arnau’s suppliers are from the EU. The company has developed yarns that change their appearance due to external stimulus: light, temperature, UV radiation and so on, giving birth to a new line of yarns: photochromic, luminescent, thermochromic, water repellent, mosquito repellent, antibacterial... www.hilaturasarnau.com
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Consejos para ahorrar energía Persax Grupo, especialista en el sector de las persianas y fabricante de elementos de cerramiento desde 1976, brinda algunos consejos para conseguir un ahorro óptimo al tiempo que protegemos nuestro hogar de las bajas temperaturas y se respeta el ambiente.
Advices to save energy costs Persax, a specialist in the shutter and closing industry since 1976, offers your some advices to get a better energy saving and protecting your home from low winter temperatures while preserving the environment. Cuando las temperaturas bajan y llega el frío, la calefacción se hace casi imprescindible. El recibo de la luz supone en la actualidad el 47% del gasto de energía en el hogar, y las mayores pérdidas energéticas se producen a través de la ventana, la persiana o el cajón de ésta, fachadas, cubiertas, etc. Son los puntos más vulnerables, ya que permiten la entrada de corrientes de aire, calentamiento del cristal y aumento de la humedad. Persax lanza varios consejos para poder mantener la estancia cálida aprovechando la luz natural y evitando perder el máximo de energía. 1. Contar con un buen aislamiento puede evitar hasta un 50% de fugas de calor. El calor
puede escaparse a través de ventanas y acristalamientos, marcos y molduras de puertas y ventanas, y cajetines de persianas, pero también a través de tuberías y conductos, chimeneas y similares. Entre el 25 y el 30% de la energía que se produce en los hogares se destina a cubrir lo que se pierde por las ventanas. Para contar con un buen aislamiento hay que atender al cajón de persiana, como el Cajón Energy de Persax, una de las opciones con mejores coeficientes de aislamiento del mercado; a la lama de la persiana (las de aluminio perfilado rellenas de poliuretano son las recomendadas para mejorar el aislamiento, en especial los modelos de alta densidad),
y a las posibles filtraciones que puedan darse. La mejor opción es contar con un motor como sistema ideal de accionamiento para subir y bajar la persiana. 2. Bajar las persianas puede ahorrar la mitad de la energía que se pierde por las fugas de las ventanas. Hoy el Código Técnico de Edificación obliga a tener doble vidrio en las ventanas, pero lo habitual es encontrar vidrios normales por los que se escapa una enorme cantidad de calor de los radiadores, sobre todo porque estos suelen encontrarse debajo de las ventanas. En España se tiene por costumbre abrir y cerrar las ventanas para ventilar y dejar las persianas subidas durante todo el día. Sin embargo, si se cierran las persianas cuando no se está en la estancia, se puede llegar a ahorrar prácticamente la mitad de la energía que se pierde por derroche de calefacción y a la misma vez permite emitir menos CO2, ya que evita esas fugas de calor. 3. Utilizar adecuadamente los elementos de protección solar (persianas, cortinas y estores) permite la reducción de entre el 30% y el 50% del consumo eléctrico en la climatización de las estancias, según el estudio realizado por el Centro de Fomento de la Investigación Sostenible de la Universidad de Minnesota. Con un simple gesto como abrir o cerrar una persiana se puede modificar la temperatura de la estancia en varios grados, y tener un mayor confort acústico, porque atenúa la entrada de ruidos desde el
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best option is the use of motorization as a driving system to raise and lower the shutters. 2. Lowering the rolling shutters may suppose half energy saving. Nowadays the Technical Building Code requires to use double glazed windows, but usually we find them single glazed. 3. Windows let a huge amount of heat from radiators go trough because they are mainly placed under the windows. In Spain it is usual to open the windows open for ventilation. However, if the rolling shutters remain closed we will save 50% the heat costs and CO2 emissions will be reduced
exterior. Hay que subir a tope las persianas y estores en las principales horas de sol, para así aprovechar el calor de esta fuente natural de energía. Por la noche, lo contrario: bajar bien las persianas y estores y toldos, para evitar que el calor salga y se produzcan corrientes de aire en el interior. 4. Si no se está en casa en todo el día, la mejor opción es motorizar las persianas, estores o cortinas de interior y toldos, y así se podrá automatizar este proceso, incluso controlarlo desde cualquier lugar. En invierno, las persianas se cierran automáticamente al anochecer para mantener la casa aislada del frío exterior. Así se puede ahorrar hasta un 10% en calefacción. 5. Considerar la orientación de la vivienda para poder aprovechar bien las horas de luz, para conseguir climatizar la estancia con el calor natural del sol. 6. Utilizar colores claros en los estores y cortinas de interior, ya que dejan pasar la luz en mayor cantidad que los oscuros. 7. Desenchufar lo que no se use, ya que cualquier aparato eléctrico enchufado a la corriente, gasta. 8. Utilizar los electrodomésticos de forma adecuada: poner la lavadora a carga completa, usar la secadora solo cuando llueva... 9. Graduar el termostato a 20 °C al poner la calefacción, ya que cada grado de más representa alrededor de un 7% más de consumo de energía.
10. Utilizar bombillas de bajo consumo. Gastan aproximadamente un 75% menos y duran hasta 8 veces más. Con una bombilla fluorescente compacta de 20 W se obtiene la misma luz que con una bombilla corriente de 100 W, y se ahorra un 80% de energía.
When temperature goes down and begins to get cold inside the rooms, the heating systems become necessary. Nowadays the electricity bill supposes 47% of energy costs at home. The most important energy losses are due to the enclosing solutions, windows, rolling shutters, boxes and façades are the most vulnerable points responsible for air leaks, the heating of window panes and the increase of humidity. Persax gives some tips about how to take advantages of sunlight to keep the rooms warm and to avoid energy losses. 1. To have a good insulation can prevent 50% energy leaks. Heat can escape not only through windows and glazings, frames and mouldings or boxes but also through pipes, ducts and chimneys. Between a 25% and 30% of energy produced at home is used to cover heat losses through the windows. This is the reason why we should pay special attention to boxes, Persax Energy Box counts with the highest thermal insulation coefficient in the market; shutters, the profiled aluminium slats filled with polyurethane foam help to improve thermal insulation specially high density models; and to air leaks that may occur the
4. The right use of sun protection elements such as shutters, blinds and screens allows saving a 30-50% of energy costs according to Minnesota University Sustainable Research Center. The rising and lowering of rolling shutters may reduce the temperature inside a room in several degrees and diminish the noises from outside. To rise completely all the rolling shutters and screens at sunlight allows a good use of that natural source of energy. On the other hand, closing the shutters firmly at night avoids leaks from inside and the entrance of air flows. 5. If you are not staying at home all day, the best option is the motorization of rolling shutters, screens and awnings. Home motion allows remote control. During the Winter, shutters are automatically closed to keep the house insulated from outside cold, this means a 10% saving on heating costs. 6. To know the house position allows to warm up the rooms taking advantage of sun heat during the day. 7. Make use of light colors fabrics in your screens and curtains because they usually let the light go inside easily that dark colors. 8. Unplug all the electric appliances that your are not going to use, they mean energy consumption. 9. Make a right use of household appliances, full charge washing machine, use the dryer only in rainy days... 10. Adjust the heating system so it stays within a range of 20 °C. Each grade added represents 75% more energy consumption. 11. Energy-efficient light bulbs spend 75% less energy and last up to 8 times more. A 20 W bulb produces same light that a 100 W one with a 80% reduction in energy. www.persax.com
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¿Cuál es el retorno de la I+D+i? Paco Corma, experto en innovación y EFQM, director General de QPT S.L.
La innovación se presenta como la palanca que permitirá salir de la crisis tanto a las empresas como al país. Es un mantra presente en todo momento pero es difícil cuantificar su impacto real en los resultados de las empresas. Si las compañías no tienen claro cuánto valor pueden captar con su esfuerzo en innovación, lo más probable es que no innoven tanto como debieran. ¿Cómo averiguar el valor que aporta?
Tradicionalmente la investigación sobre innovación se ha centrado en las ganancias de productividad
en I+D+i y la medición de la productividad laboral y la productividad total de los factores, y no en relacionar estos esfuerzos con los resultados de la empresa. Por otra parte un cálculo erróneo del coste de capital o pasar por alto las economías de escala en la medición pueden ocultar la relación entre la innovación y la productividad o el aumento en los márgenes. En el estudio se calcula el aumento de los márgenes mediante una técnica que identifica la elasticidad de los insumos respecto a la producción (cuánto aumenta esta última al incrementar los primeros), para luego compararla con la cuota del coste de los insumos en los ingresos, lo que permite medir el aumento de los márgenes. El trabajo se aplica a 3.400 pymes y 1.200 grandes empresas y a lo largo de 18 años. Resultados
En el trabajo “Innovation and Markups: Firm Level Evidence” (http://goo.gl/9KRvmB) se investiga el tema a escala micro. Los autores analizan la relación que existe entre la innovación de proceso y la de producto y la creación de valor a través del incremento de márgenes que puede conseguir la empresa después de innovar. Tradicionalmente la investigación sobre innovación se ha centrado en las ganancias de productividad, es decir, los vínculos entre el gasto
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• La innovación de producto tiene un impacto ampliamente positivo en los precios y el aumento de los márgenes. Es lógico que las empresas que incorporan nuevos diseños o funcionalidades esperen vender sus productos a un precio más elevado. • Un hallazgo no tan evidente fue que la innovación de proceso también suele aumentar los márgenes. Este tipo de innovación reduce los costes y los precios
normalmente se ajustan para reflejar esa reducción, pero solo en parte, ya que las empresas también suelen aprovechar para ampliar los márgenes. • Los autores observaron que, de media, los márgenes aumentaban un 2,8% tras una innovación de proceso y un 3,9% tras una innovación de producto. • Los mayores incrementos correspondían a la industria química. También los de los sectores editorial y de alimentación y bebidas fueron altos. Los que mostraron incrementos más modestos durante el periodo estudiado fueron los productos textiles, de cuero y de madera, así como la maquinaria de oficina. • En la mayoría de los casos, el incremento de los márgenes y los beneficios se consiguió con innovaciones de producto, tanto de diseño como funcionales, y con la introducción de nueva maquinaria, una innovación de proceso. • Las empresas que parecen beneficiarse más de la innovación de producto son las más pequeñas. Estos hallazgos permiten comprender mejor el impacto de la innovación de proceso y de producto en las empresas. ¿Podemos evaluar el beneficio que aporta la I+D+i a nuestras empresas concretas?
Measuring the Impact of Innovation? Paco Corma Expert in innovation and EFQM; General Manager of QPT S.L.
Innovation is lauded as the crucial element that will enable companies and the country to emerge from the crisis. It is a mantra that plays in the background at all times, but it is difficult to quantify the real impact in companies’ results.
in revenue, making it possible to infer a measure for firm-specific price markups.
If firms can’t grasp how much value they can expect to capture from their innovation efforts, then there’s good reason to believe that they’re not innovating as much as they could or should be. How can we quantify the value captured?
Innovation and Markups: Firm Level Evidence (http://goo.gl/9KRvmB) explores the theme on a micro scale. The authors explore the relationship that exists between product/process innovation and value capture through the markups a firm is able to extract after innovating. Historically, research on innovation has focused on productivity gains, in other words, it looks at the links between R&D spending, and measures of labour and total factor productivity, instead of linking these efforts to the firm’s bottom line. Meanwhile, wrongly accounting for capital costs, or ignoring returns to scale in the measurement, can obscure relationships between innovation and productivity or price markups. The authors try to bolster existing methodology for calculating markups by using a technique to identify the output elasticity of inputs (how much output increases as inputs increase) and then comparing it with the share of input costs
The authors studied an 18-year dataset of 3,400 SMEs and 1,200 large corporations.
• The study confirmed that product innovation has a broadly positive impact on prices and markups. Naturally, companies that incorporate new functionalities or new designs into their products expect to be able to sell their products at a higher price.
Gains from markups were found to occur most with design- and function-based product innovation, and with process innovation from the introduction of new machinery. • Smaller firms seem to benefit most from product innovation. These findings offer valuable insights for managers and policy makers to inform major investment decisions in innovation going forward. Can we evaluate the benefit of R&D+i to our specific companies?
• Somewhat unexpectedly, it was seen that firms tend to capture some returns to process innovation through higher markups. While process innovation reduces costs, prices are adjusted to reflect some part of this cost reduction. But overall, firms tend to capture some returns to process innovation through higher markups. The authors found markups to be 2.8% higher after process innovation, and 3.9% higher following product innovation. • The highest markups were found in the chemical industry. High markups were also reported in the publishing sector, as well as the food and beverage industry. Sectors such as textiles, leather products, wood products and office machinery charged the lowest markups over the period studied.
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Crear confianza y asegurar ventajas competitivas: el caso de Brückner y Matesa Desde hace 65 años Brückner está considerado como líder en la producción de máquinas y sistemas de líneas para acabar y recubrir textiles, textiles planos técnicos, no-tejidos y otros materiales planiformes. Todas las máquinas se producen exclusivamente en Alemania y el centro tecnológico en el sede principal en Leonberg, cerca de Stuttgart, ofrece suficientes posibilidades para ensayos con tejidos y para desarrollar nuevos productos.
Creating Confidence - Securing Competitive Advantages: the case of Brückner and Matesa For 65 years Brückner is known as worldwide leader in the production of machinery and line systems for the finishing and coating of textiles, woven technical fabric, nonwovens and other planiform materials. All machines are manufactured exclusively in Brückner’s own site in Germany and the technology center at the headquarters in Leonberg near Stuttgart offers large and sufficiently possibilities for tests with the customer’s products and for the development of new products.
Matesa Tekstil San. ve Tic. A.S. se estableció en 1989 en Kahramanmaras y hoy día es una de las mayores compañías textiles de Turquía. Matesa emplea en total a unas 2.500 personas y se divide en cuatro secciones: 1. Hilatura con una capacidad de producción de 100 toneladas diarias de hilo. 2. Producción de género de punto con unas 150 tricotosas circulares y algunas ramas y secadores de relajación. 3. Producción de tejido plano con aproximadamente 200 telares para la fabricación de tela de gabardina, velour y tejido para camisas. 4. Producción de tejido plano con aproximadamente 200 telares y líneas de acabado para la producción de Denim. La filosofía de Matesa se basa en claros principios: máxima calidad, servicio rápido y fiabilidad gracias a un parque de máquinas modernas que siempre está al nivel de la técnica. Una buena razón por la que Matesa compra desde 2001 máquinas Brückner. Recientemente ha puesto en marcha otra línea Brückner: un secador de relajación del tipo RX3 con tres pasajes del tejido y un concepto de energía innovador integrado. Galip Calik, fundador y director General de Matesa, ha tenido la amabilidad de estar a nuestra disposición para una entrevista. En ella el Sr. Calik pasa revista a los 25 años de la historia de la compañía. Está orgulloso de que Matesa sea hoy día una de las 10 mejores compañías textiles de Turquía y, en general, una de las mejores 400 compañías de Turquía. – Sr. Calik, ¿cuándo compraron la primera máquina Brückner? – La primera máquina Brückner, una rama de seis zonas, la compramos en 2001 y sigue funcionando perfectamente. El concepto de la alimentación de aire alternando en cada media zona nos ha convencido. Hemos constatado que la distribución de la temperatura por el ancho total del tejido es absolutamente homogéneo, algo esencial para nuestros productos de alta calidad. Por ello hemos comprado en años sucesivos siempre otras ramas de Brückner.
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– Hasta hoy han tenido secadores de relajación de otros productores en su planta. ¿Por qué han comprado ahora un secador de relajación de Brückner? – El concepto innovador del nuevo secador de tres pasajes ha sido simplemente convincente. Es una idea excelente calentar y presecar el tejido en el primer pasaje mediante el aire de escape del segundo y del tercer pasaje del tejido. No se necesita energía térmica adicional para ello. Hoy día sabemos que particularmente los gastos de energía representan una porción extremadamente grande de los gastos de producción total y este concepto del secador parte exactamente de este punto.
Galip Calik, fundador y director General de Matesa. Galip Calik, founder and managing director of Matesa.
– ¿Cuál es la capacidad de producción de la máquina? – La máquina trabaja desde hace algo más de un año. Dependiendo del tipo de tejido producimos hasta 20 toneladas diarias y alcanzamos muy buenos valores de encogimiento residual. Pero mucho más importante para nosotros son los valores específicos de energía, como por ejemplo los m3 por kg tejido. Y estos son claramente mejores con Brückner comparado con otros productores. El consumo de energía de los secadores de relajación de Brückner está de un 15 a un 30% por debajo del consumo de la máquinas de otras marcas. – Hace algunos años los mayores clientes no tenían idea alguna de este parámetro. Casi nadie era capaz de indicar espontánea-
mente los precios para 1 m3 de gas, 1 kWh de corriente, 1 kg de carbón o 1 l de fueloil. Hoy día estos valores están presentes en casi todas las empresas. Brückner se dedica ya desde muchos años intensivamente a este tema y por ello sus máquinas funcionan hoy muy eficientemente y con un consumo de energía optimizado. En todos los desarrollos y mejoramientos la cuestión del consumo de energía optimizado tiene prioridad absoluta. – Esto se corresponde también con la filosofía de empresa de Matesa. La reducción de los gastos de energía es una de las medidas más importantes en ella. La presión sobre los precios al vender los productos de Matesa es ya hoy muy grande y los gastos de energía están creciendo. Para ser competitivos en este aspecto hay que empezar en este punto y Brückner es para ello el socio óptimo. – ¿Qué más les convenció de Brückner? – Brückner es una empresa familiar dirigida por el propietario y produce exclusivamente en Alemania. Ello nos da confianza y es muy importante para nosotros en nuestro negocio. También el hecho de tener continuamente contacto con Brückner nos complace mucho. Antes o después de la compra de una máquina es o bien Brückner mismo o su agente Inter Tekstil quienes tienen contacto conmigo o con mis empleados técnicos. Esto es también un criterio importante para nosotros. Vemos en Brückner no solo un proveedor de máquinas, sino también un socio que nos acompaña ya desde hace muchos años.
Secador de relajación de tres pasajes Brückner Power-Relax RX3 en Matesa. Brückner Power-Relax 3 relaxation dryer at Matesa.
– The innovative concept of the new three-passage dryer was simply convincing. It is an absolutely perfect idea to heat and pre-dry the fabric in the first fabric passage with exhaust air from the second and third fabric passage. This requires no additional thermal energy. Today we know that particularly the energy costs are an extremely high portion of the overall production cost and this dryer concept starts exactly at this point. – And which is the production capacity of the machine?
Matesa Tekstil San. ve Tic. A.S. has been established in 1989 in Kahramanmaras and is now one of the biggest textile companies in Turkey. In total Matesa has 2,500 employees and is divided into four production sites: 1. Spinning mill with a daily production capacity of 100 tons of yarn. 2. Production site for knitted fabric with approx. 150 circular knitting machines and several stenters and relaxation dryers. 3. Production site for woven fabrics with approx. 200 looms for gabardine, velours and shirting. 4. Production site for denim with approx. 200 looms and finishing lines. Matesa’s philosophy is based on clear principles: top quality, fast service and highest reliability provided by a modern machinery which is always state-of-the-art. This is one of the reasons why Matesa buys Brückner machines since 2001. Just recently a Brückner line has been set into operation - a relaxation dryer of the RX3 type with three fabric passages and an integrated innovative energy concept.
– The machine is in production since approximately one year. Depending on the type of fabric we are producing up to 20 t per day and we achieve very good residual shrinkage values. But much more important is the specific energy consumption such as m3 of gas per kg of fabric. This is clearly better with Brückner than with other suppliers. The energy consumption of Brückner’s relaxation dryer is –depending on the process– by 15-30 % lower than the results of the other dryer producers. – Some years ago most customers had absolutely no feeling for this parameter. Almost nobody was able to tell instantly the prices for one cubic meter of gas, on kilowatt-hour of power, one kilogram coal or one litre of oil. Today all of these prices are omnipresent for almost all companies. Brückner deals intensively with this topic already for many years and therefore our machines are working efficiently and with optimized energy consumption. This subject has top priority for all of new developments and enhancements.
Galip Calik, founder and Director of Matesa made himself available for an interview in which he looks back on the 25 years of the company’s history. He is proud that Matesa is today one of the top 10 Turkish textile companies and one of the top 400 companies in Turkey in general.
– This corresponds with our company’s philosophy. The reduction of our energy costs is one of the most important measures in our company. The pricing pressure in the sales of our products is already today extremely high and the energy costs are increasing. If we want to remain competitive in the future, we have to start at this point and for this Brückner is the optimal partner.
– Mr. Calik, when did you buy the first Brückner machine?
– What else did convince you with Brückner?
– We bought the first Brückner machine, a stenter with six zones, in 2001 and until today it is still operating perfectly. The concept of the halfzone-wise air circulation convinced us. We found that the temperature distribution across the complete fabric width is absolutely uniform and this is essential for our high-quality products. For this reason we bought in the following years many other Brückner stenters.
– Brückner is a family business run by its proprietor and produces exclusively in Germany. This gives us confidence which is very important for us in our business life. And the fact that we are continuously in contact suits us. No matter if before or after the purchase of a line, either Brückner itself keeps in touch with us or my technical staff or their representative in Turkey Inter Tekstil. This is also an important criterion for us. For us Brückner is not only the supplier of our machines but also a partner which should accompany us over the years.
– Up to now you had only relaxation dryers made by other producers in your factory. What made you now buy a Brückner relaxation dryer?
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¡Ponga una pantalla táctil en su tienda! Según un estudio Digital Signage de IAB Spain, la compra en establecimientos aumenta más del doble a través de pantallas táctiles.
IAB Spain, la Asociación de la publicidad, el marketing y la comunicación digital en España, ha presentado el III Estudio Anual de Digital Signage (cartelería exterior digital), elaborado junto con la empresa asociada VIKO y en colaboración con Playthe.net realizado con el objetivo de analizar este sector en España. Las pantallas digitales ya son ampliamente conocidas por el usuario, pero todavía no las percibe como un nuevo entorno unificado. Las estaciones y aeropuertos, junto con los centros comerciales, son los lugares donde más se recuerda haber visto una pantalla digital, seguidas a amplia distancia por los comercios. El 66% de los usuarios ha utilizado alguna vez una pantalla digital para obtener información, influyendo este proceder en su decisión de compra y generando interacción con la marca. Las pantallas digitales transmiten modernidad e innovación, información adicional y actualizada, son prácticas y útiles, originales, llaman la atención, son entretenidas, transmiten calidad del producto, hacen la experiencia más agradable, permiten la interactividad y son ecológicas... ¿qué más se les puede pedir?
¿qué más se les puede pedir?
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Además, una marca que se anuncia en una pantalla digital resulta más moderna e innovadora, mejora su imagen, hace que aumente su recuerdo de marca, resulta más cercana al consumidor, se preocupa por responder con más precisión, se compromete con el entorno e incentiva más la compra. Se ha doblado el número de gente que compra a través de pantallas táctiles y los productos más comprados son billetes de metro o tren, seguidos de restaurantes de comida rápida y entradas para espectáculos. La experiencia fue positiva para la mayoría de los usuarios, que también admiten que van a repetir. Mientras esperan en una tienda a que puedan atenderles, la mayoría de los usuarios utilizaría pantallas táctiles para ver información de productos, aclarar dudas, consultar el catálogo completo on line o, incluso, realizar una compra. Lo más valorado por los usuarios es que los establecimientos ofrezcan una pantalla táctil con un catálogo interactivo o que el escaparate sea digital. El Digital Signage ha consolidado su presencia y eficacia como canal de comunicación con los consumidores, su evolución en imparable y, sin duda, va a ser uno de los aceleradores del crecimiento del negocio de publicidad y comunicación digital en España. En un futuro inmediato será un protagonista cada vez de mayor peso en las estrategias de marketing de las marcas con unos consumidores que demandan contenidos más útiles, creativos y formatos que les permitan interactuar.
Put a touch screen in your store! According to the Digital Signage study conducted by IAB Spain, stores with touch screens sell twice as much as stores without them.
Advertising, marketing and digital communication association IAB Spain has presented the 3rd Annual Digital Signage Report, prepared in collaboration with associated company VIKO and with Playthe. net. The report contains an analysis of this sector in Spain. Digital touch screens are now highly familiar among users but they are still not perceived as a new, unified environment. Stations and airports as well as shopping centres are the places where people say they remember having seen a digital screen, followed, good distance behind, by stores. A total of 66% of users have used touch screens to obtain information at some time or another, influencing their shopping decisions and generating interaction with the brand. Digital screens give an image of modernity and innovation, additional, up-to-date information and they are practical, original, eye-catching, entertaining and transmit a high quality image of the product for more pleasant experiences, they are a means of interaction and are eco-friendly... Who could ask for anything more? Brands that advertise on digital screens look more modern and innovative. These screens improve their image and boost brand recall, bringing brands closer to consumers by taking care to respond more precisely. They are perceived as committed to the environment which is an incentive to buy. The number of people who buy using touch screens has doubled and the most frequently
Who could ask for anything more?
purchased products are underground and train tickets, followed by fast food restaurants and show tickets. The experience is a good one for most users, who also say they will do it again. While waiting to be served in a shop, most users use the time to look up information about products on touch screens, get answers to questions, view the complete online catalogue and, sometimes, make purchases. What users appreciate most is that these stores have a touch screen with an interactive catalogue or what could also be called a digital shop window. Digital signage has become an established and efficient way of communicating with consumers, its progress is unstoppable and there is no doubt that it will one of the driving forces behind growth in the advertising and digital consumption business in Spain. In the near future it will be a leader with growing weight in marketing strategies for brands with consumers who want more useful and creative content and formats which allow them to interact.
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Máximo Solaz, director de Home Textiles Premium by Textilhogar Madrid albergará un nuevo acontecimiento dedicado a los textiles para el hogar de calidad. Hablamos de ello con su director, Máximo Solaz.
Máximo Solaz, Director of Home Textiles Premium by Textilhogar Madrid to host a new event for the quality home textile sector. We talk to its manager, Máximo Solaz.
¿Por qué surge una iniciativa como Home Textiles Premium by Textilhogar? La muestra nace, indiscutiblemente, de una necesidad que nos transmiten los propios operadores del sector: empresarios y asociaciones sectoriales. Era necesario recuperar un salón propio para el sector de carácter nacional, diferenciado de otras manifestaciones feriales y con una identidad propia, en el que el protagonista fuera el producto, la novedad, la tendencia y, por supuesto, las marcas. En este sentido, bajo la experiencia de una marca histórica como Textilhogar y el contacto constante con asociaciones como Ateval, se decidió dar respuesta a esta inquietud. Y para ello se optó por un nuevo formato de feria exclusiva, con una selección de marcas y una orientación Premium que otorgue una mayor calidad tanto al producto expuesto como al perfil de visitante. De ahí nace Home Textiles Premium by Textilhogar. ¿Qué papel tienen en este proyecto asociaciones como Ateval? Ateval es el interlocutor con el que vamos de la mano en este proyecto. Como no podía ser de otra manera y como así ha sido históricamente, La alianza Feria Valencia y sectores empresariales son la razón de ser de manifestaciones feriales y de negocio como éste. Pero no sólo Ateval-Home Textiles from Spain, sino también contamos con organismos claves
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para el sector como Aitex. En este sentido, Home Textiles Premium by Textilhogar es la feria referente del sector y en el que se va a poder ver lo mejor de nuestra industria y nuestra creatividad. En este espíritu integrador también hemos contado con el sector textilhogar portugués, que también se ha mostrado muy interesado en una muestra con vocación internacional como Home Textiles Premium by Textilhogar. Por ello también tenemos como socios y colaboradores a las principales asociaciones sectoriales de Portugal. ¿Por qué Madrid? Pues precisamente por su centralidad, su capacidad de atracción de expositores y compradores de toda la península ibérica y porque, sencillamente, así nos lo habían pedido los propios sectores implicados. Al fin y al cabo, Feria Valencia es una entidad de servicio y no sólo un recinto concreto. Tenemos la experiencia de ya casi cien años organizando ferias, en Valencia o allá donde se nos requiera. Madrid, en este sentido, es una ciudad en el que ya tenemos la experiencia en la organización de ferias. Y precisamente se escogió un escenario como la Real Fábrica de Tapices donde Feria Valencia ya cuenta con la experiencia de la organización de una feria también relacionada con el textil y la moda como Día Mágico by FIMI, que se celebra anualmente y, por cierto, con mucho éxito.
Además, la Real Fábrica de Tapices posee una vinculación histórica con el sector textilhogar que se ajusta a las necesidades del proyecto y permite una presentación de producto más sofisticada. Hasta la fecha, el sector textilhogar estaba representado en encuentros también de Feria Valencia como Feria Hábitat Valencia. Con Home Textiles Premium by Textilhogar ¿significa que va a desaparecer este sector en el escaparate de Hábitat?
En absoluto. Fíjese, lo que provoca Home Textiles Premium by Textilhogar es que el sector, como tal, tenga anualmente una cita personalizada y propia, donde atender sus canales de comercialización y presentar sus novedades. Eso no significa que muchas marcas y empresas de los distintos subsectores que conforman el ámbito de los textiles para el hogar puedan abordar otros certámenes. Hábitat, en este sentido, es un escenario en el que se abren muchas sinergias en el entorno del interiorismo y decoración, con sectores como el mueble, iluminación, cerámica, baño, cocina, madera, etc y que es muy interesante para firmas que apuesten por operar en segmentos como el contract o que decidan diversificar sus mercados. ¿Cuál ha sido la respuesta de las empresas del sector? Una feria que nace por y para dar respuesta a las necesidades de las propias empresas está obligada a responder con éxito. Y así está siendo. En estos momentos estamos dando a conocer todos los detalles de la próxima edición de Home Textiles Premium by Textilhogar y estamos obteniendo una gran respuesta, especialmente, de las grandes firmas del sector, que nos transmiten, sinceramente, su satisfacción por encontrar, de nuevo, un espacio propio en el ámbito ferial. Mire, le voy a dar un dato. En estos momentos ya hemos superado el 60% de los objetivos de comercialización, lo que significa que la respuesta, efectivamente, está siendo muy positiva. ¿Qué objetivos se proponen? Home Textiles Premium by Textilhogar es una feria con una filosofía de calidad y selección Premium de su escaparate. Y por ello nuestros objetivos no son tanto cuantitativos como cualitativos. Queremos ayudar al sector de la mano de todos los profesionales que creen en el futuro del textil en nuestro país.
How does an initiative such as Home Textiles Premium by Textilhogar arise? There is no question that this event arises from a need that is transmitted to us by the operators of the sector themselves: entrepreneurs and associations
of the industry. This was the need to recover an event of its own for this national sector with its own identity and different from other trade fairs, in which the main players are the products, novelties, trends, and naturally the brands. Making use of the experience of a historic brand such as Textilhogar and continuous contact with associations such as Ateval, the decision was made to address this concern. To do so a new exclusive fair format was adopted with a selection of brands and a Premium orientation to give top quality both to the product exhibited and to the profile of the visitor. This was the origin of Home Textiles Premium by Textilhogar. What role is played in this project by associations such as Ateval? Ateval is the interlocutor that accompanies us in this project. As could hardly be otherwise owing to tradition, the alliance between the Valencia Fair and business sectors are the raison d’être of trade fairs and business events such as this one. Apart from Ateval-Home Textiles from Spain, we also have the participation of key entities for the sector such as Aitex. Home Textiles Premium by Textilhogar is the fair of reference in the sector that will be the best showcase for our industry and our creativity. This integrating spirit extends to the Portuguese home textiles sector, which was very interested in a trade fair with an international vocation such as Home Textiles Premium by Textilhogar. We therefore also have partners and collaborators from the main industrial associations of Portugal. Why Madrid? Precisely because of its central location and its capacity to attract exhibitors and purchasers from all over the Iberian Peninsula, and simply because the sectors involved have requested it. At the end of the day the Valencia Fair is a service entity and not merely a specific enclosure. We have had almost a century’s experience in organising trade fairs in Valencia or wherever they may be needed. Moreover, we are already experienced in the organisation of trade fairs in Madrid and we have chosen precisely the venue of the Royal Carpet Factory (Real Fábrica de Tapices) where the Valencia Fair already organises the textile and fashion fair that is Día Mágico by FIMI, which is held annually and is a great success.
Moreover, the Royal Carpet Factory has historical links with the home textiles sector in keeping with the needs of the project and allows a more sophisticated product presentation. To date the home textiles sector has been represented in other Valencia Fair events such as Feria Hábitat Valencia. With Home Textiles Premium by Textilhogar, does this mean that this sector will disappear from the Habitat showcase? Not al all. Consider that what generates Home Textiles Premium by Textilhogar is that the sector as such has its own personalised event for its marketing channels and for presenting its novelties. This does not mean that many brands and companies from the various subsectors that make up the field of home textiles cannot take on other events. Hábitat is a scenario in which many synergies are opening up in the sector of interior design and decoration, with sectors such as furniture, lighting, ceramics, the bathroom, the kitchen, wood etc. This is very interesting for firms that put their faith in operations in segments such as that of Contract or which decide to diversify their markets. How have the companies in the sector responded? A fair that originates in response to the requirements of the companies themselves must needs be a success. This is what is happening. We are now revealing all the details of the next edition of Home Textiles Premium by Textilhogar and we are obtaining an enthusiastic response, in particular from the major firms of the sector, which are very satisfied to recover a space of their own at the fair. We have now fulfilled 60% of the marketing objectives, which means that in effect the response is very positive. What are the proposed objectives? Home Textiles Premium by Textilhogar is a trade fair with a philosophy of quality and the Premium selection of its showcase. For this reason our objectives are more qualitative than quantitative. We want to help the sector by using all the professionals who believe in the future of textiles in Spain. www.textilhogar.com
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Index International Design Exhibition
Index International Design Exhibition (Dubai, 18-21 de mayo 2015), ya en su vigésimo quinto año, sigue creciendo y adaptándose a las demandas de las industrias del diseño y la arquitectura de la región. Index 2015 constará de 8 áreas y tres nuevos subsectores, que cubrirán conjuntamente toda la gama de productos y servicios para satisfacer las necesidades del diseño, equipamiento y rehabilitación de viviendas, espacios comerciales y colectivos. Los sectores son: decoración, mobiliario, baño y cocina, iluminación, productos para exterior, detall (antes InRetail) y textiles. Nuevo en 2015 • Index artisan - Nuevo subsector de Index furnishing dedicado a la artesanía, con un extenso abanico de técnicas y productos de diseño, étnicos y modernos. • Index contemporary collection - Nuevo subsector de Index furniture, dedicado al mobiliario contemporáneo.
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• Index sleep - Nuevo subsector de Index textiles, centrado en colchones, camas y sus accesorios. La entrada es gratuita para los profesionales, que se pueden registrar previamente en www. indexexhibition.com/register para acceder rápidamente a la feria.
include: furnishings, furniture, kitchen & bathroom, lighting, objects, outdoor living, retail (formerly InRetail), and textiles. New for 2015 • Index artisan - a brand new sub-sector of Index furnishings, celebrating craftsmanship; displaying a variety of designer, ethnic and modern handmade crafts and objet d’art. • Index contemporary collection - a new subsector of Index furniture, providing a focus on contemporary furniture design.
Index International Design Exhibition (Dubai, 18-21 May 2015), now in its 25th year, continues to grow and adapt inline with the demands of the region’s architecture and design industries. Index 2015 presents 8 dedicated product sectors, along with three new sub-sectors; all of which cover the entire spectrum of products and services required for the design, fit-out, or upgrade of residential, retail, and hospitality spaces. Index’s product sectors
• Index sleep - a new sub-sector of Index textiles, focusing on mattresses, bedding, and related accessories. Entry is FREE for trade-professionals. Preregister online at www.indexexhibition.com/ register to fast-track into the event. www.indexexhibition.com
Hometex Amsterdam 2015 Representative home-textile industry moves to Amsterdam with best known sector leaders on September 2015.
Pyramids Group, a leading fair organizer in Middle East and Europe, is ready to welcome the industry leaders between the dates 21-23 September 2015 at the Rai Convention Center in Amsterdam. Providing an excellent platform for the international trade, Hometex Amsterdam International Trade Fair will be meeting point for the experts, designers, specialists, innovators and global market leaders of the industry. Visitors will find their right business partner among the worldwide exhibitors and visitors. They will enjoy the trade opportunities of the B2B meetings between the exhibitors and visitors from Europe, Middle East, Russian Federation and USA and meet buyer delegations to be hosted by the Dutch Government with a special program at the fair. You can get ready for Hometex Amsterdam to get the extensive insight on the current status
and future trends concerning Home & Textile. The fair is the only international home & textile trade event of its kind in The Netherlands. It will be one of the most well-known trade events of The Netherlands where the manufacturers and businessholders are associated with the fields of home & textiles. The participants will have the opportunity to meet with potential clients and to explore both international and domestic markets. With all types of home decoration products available at one time, in one place, this is a very good opportunity for suppliers to showcase their current ranges, launch new products and meet those allimportant customers – both current and new. Hometex Amsterdam will facilitate lots of visitors and exhibitors who will participate in this show and get current information about the sustainable and high quality textile.
Taking place at a key time for buyers, this trade fair is where the industry comes to do business. On exhibition... Curtains & Tulles; Bed Linen & Blankets; Furniture & Upholstery; Kitchen textiles; Bathroom products; Carpets; Wallcoverings; Solar protective materials; Design; Technology; Services; Contract; Raw materials & Textile inputs; Trade Publications. Profile of visitors Importers; Exporters; Manufacturers; Wholesalers & Distributors; Agents; Buying offices; Department stores; Chain and Specialty stores; Design & Lifestyle stores; Interior designers; Media. www.hometexamsterdam.nl
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Homi presenta al mundo el estilo de vivir Se acerca una nueva cita con HOMI, el Salón de los Estilos de Vida que narra las intuiciones del diseño y la belleza para el hogar y la persona.
Homi presents Lifestyles to the world Just around the corner is a new engagement with HOMI -the Lifestyles Exhibition- which describes the new concepts of design and beauty for home and personal care. Listo para la cuarta edición, programada en fieramilano del 12 al 15 de septiembre de 2015, HOMI Settembre se celebrará durante la Expo 2015, la Exposición Universal que tendrá lugar en Milán de mayo a octubre y que creará nuevas y concretas oportunidades para todos los profesionales de HOMI. En particular, las empresas por una parte y los compradores por otra, podrán disfrutar del sistema de Matching que la Feria de Milán ha creado junto con la Expo, PWC y Promos para potenciar las reuniones de negocios durante los 6 meses de la exposición universal, canalizando a las delegaciones industriales de los países participantes. Todo esto constituirá también un estímulo para que las empresas ofrezcan al visitante nuevas ideas y productos sorprendentes. En cuanto a la propuesta expositiva, HOMI Settembre confirma la peculiar subdivisión de sus sectores en satélites: Living Habits, Home Wellness, Fragrances & Personale Care, Fashion & Jewels, Gifts & Events, Garden & Outdoor, kid Style, Home Textiles, Hobby & Work. Dedicados a categorías y experiencias específicas, los satélites se integran entre sí dando vida a propuestas inéditas y subrayando el carácter innovador de HOMI y sus espacios, pensados para traducir el concepto de HOMI en una experiencia concreta, gracias a ambientaciones de fuerte impacto emocional. Junto a los satélites, el salón ofrece también preciadas secciones temáticas como HOMI
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Sperimenta y HOMI Special dedicadas a la experimentación con proyectos y propuestas de jóvenes diseñadores y artistas donde descubrir propuestas innovadoras e interesantes reinterpretaciones. Con la misma filosofía, pero cada vez más vanguardistas y creativas, son las áreas dedicadas a los jóvenes y a los talentos emergentes que en HOMI tienen la posibilidad de exponer y recibir premios a sus propuestas. En HOMI también tienen cabida exposiciones e iniciativas que compaginan el diseño y la artesanía artística, la investigación y la tradición con el concepto del “saber hacer” manual, aplicado a la innovación de técnicas y mate-
riales: una riqueza verdaderamente única para HOMI. Y luego, entre laboratorios y talleres, las propuestas de “Tienda encuentro”, que brinda nuevas ocasiones para el intercambio de ideas y el encuentro y la mezcla de estilos, en particular para el sector de la Mesa y la Cocina, mientras que el área de “La Magnífica Forma”, que se inspira en la comparación entre el diseño y el patrimonio artístico italiano, narra un estilo de vida italiano con fórmulas inéditas. Luego está Homisphere, el concepto de HOMI que declina los nuevos estilos de vida en las expresiones de la enogastronomía, la hospitalidad y el contract. Al estar dirigido a
un segmento de mercado que busca el gusto, el confort, el diseño y la exclusividad, Homisphere diseña nuevos formatos para ofrecérselos al visitante con el gusto y la elegancia del made in Italy. Pero HOMI no es solo una ocasión de encuentro durante las ediciones que se celebran en Italia, es también un proyecto amplio e internacional que encuentra su expresión en el extranjero. La primera edición estadounidense de HOMI se celebrará del 16 al 19 de mayo de 2015 en Nueva York, coincidiendo con la ICFF (International Contemporary Furniture Fair), uno de los salones más importantes de Norteamérica en el sector del mobiliario y la decoración del hogar, mientras que en Moscú, del 14 al 17 de octubre de 2015, se celebrará la segunda edición de Homi Russia.
HOMI is now in its fourth engagement at fieramilano, running from 12 to 15 September 2015, it falls during Expo 2015, the World’s Fair being hosted in Milan from May to October and whose venue is just around the corner from Fiera Milano. Expo, whose themes include “the language of hospitality”, becomes yet another opportunity for HOMI professionals who want to make contact with new international buyers. This is partly thanks to Expo Business Matching, a web
platform of business meetings, created especially to encourage and facilitate the globalisation of the companies during the six months of Expo. Speaking of the collections on display, HOMI Settembre confirms the unique division of product categories within its pavilions into satellites: Living Habits, Home Wellness, Fragrances & Personal Care, Fashion & Jewels, Gifts & Events, Garden & Outdoor, kid Style, Home Textiles, Hobby & Work.
Also, between the workshops and seminars, HOMI offer -in the area “Negozio Incontro”further opportunities for exchange, dialogue and blending of styles, in particular for the Tableware and Kitchenware segments. The “La Magnifica Forma” area, is instead inspired by the commingling of design and the artistic heritage, illustrating the unique style of Italian living through brand new formulas.
Dedicated to specific categories and experiences, the satellites are combined to give life to brand new concepts that underscore the innovative nature of HOMI and its spaces, thanks to emotionally charged settings.
Finally, HOMISPHERE is the HOMI concept that defines the new lifestyles through food and wine, hospitality and contract. Turning to a market segment in search of taste, comfort, design and exclusivity, HOMISPHERE launches new formats to bring to the visitor with the taste and elegance typical of Italian style.
Alongside the satellites, the show offers category sections such as HOMI Sperimenta and HOMI Special dedicated to research and experimentation with ideas and concepts by young designers and artists, as a place to discover innovative new ideas and exciting revivals.
HOMI is more than just an opportunity to meet during the editions held in Italy (in January and September); it is also an extensive international project hosted abroad.
With the same philosophy, but bolstering the avant-garde side of creativity, HOMI also includes areas dedicated to young people and emerging talents, who will have the opportunity to debut their skills and see their ideas rewarded during the show. There is also space at HOMI for shows and initiatives that combine design and artistic craftsmanship, research and tradition, together with the concept of manual “expertise” applied to advanced techniques and materials: a truly unique, invaluable feature of HOMI
The Lifestyles Exhibition debuted in Russia last October, during the Moscow Design Week where it played host to one hundred companies and more than 8,000 visitors. After this success, it will be held again in Moscow from 14 to 17 October 2015, while the first American edition of HOMI is fast approaching, scheduled from 16 to 19 May 2015 in New York, concurrent with ICFF (International Contemporary Furniture Fair) one of the most important events in North America in home décor and accessories. www.homimilano.com
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Hábitat 2016 inicia su promoción tras superar los 65.000 visitantes este año Feria Hábitat Valencia ha iniciado los preparativos de su próxima edición, que será del 1 al 5 de febrero de 2016, de nuevo junto a Cevisama y Fimma Maderalia.
Los cuatro salones reeditarán la fórmula ‘Nos Vemos en Valencia’, iniciativa que aglutina desde hace dos ediciones la celebración en Feria Valencia de ferias líderes en el ámbito del interiorismo, arquitectura y diseño junto a un nutrido programa de actos en la ciudad de Valencia.
ño, mantener reuniones de trabajo con firmas internacionales interesadas en participar en la próxima Hábitat Valencia. Andrés Gil, nuevo director En Milán la delegación de Hábitat Valencia estuvo ya encabezada por el nuevo director del salón, Andrés Gil-Nogués (en la foto), que sustituye a Máximo Solaz al frente del mismo. Después de tres ediciones, Solaz pasa a ocuparse de la puesta en marcha de la nueva muestra Home Textiles Premium, que se celebrará del 17 al 19 de septiembre en Madrid bajo la organización de Feria Valencia.
Hábitat, en este sentido, vuelve a apostar por las sinergias en torno a un concepto de feria ‘premium’ en la que exponen marcas nacionales e internacionales seleccionadas y que atrae la visita de profesionales y compradores de calidad del ámbito del interiorismo, contract y tiendas de nivel. Los resultados de la última edición, celebrada en febrero, avalan el éxito de este modelo. Según los datos oficiales, Feria Hábitat Valencia recibió la visita de 65.694 profesionales de 94 países, de los cuales 25.551 fueron visitantes propios, 36.523 procedentes en tránsito desde Cevisama y 3.620 desde Maderalia Selección. Del análisis de estos datos destaca el incremento del 3,3% registrado en visitantes propios respecto a la edición de 2014, lo que ratifica la sensación de mayor negocio y afluencia de visitantes que apuntaban los expositores al cierre de la última edición.
Los resultados de la última edición, celebrada en febrero, avalan el éxito de este modelo.
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En cuanto al perfil de visitante, Hábitat ha logrado volver a atraer la atención del sector del comercio y la distribución nacional de muebles, que ha aumentó cuatro puntos su presencia en la feria respecto a la edición del 2014 hasta alcanzar el 28% del total de visitantes. Además, Hábitat ha consolidado su posicionamiento en el segmento contract con un 20% de visitantes profesionales correspondientes al ámbito de los estudios de arquitectura e interiorismo. Recientemente un equipo técnico de Feria Hábitat Valencia se desplazó a Milán para, en el marco de la Semana Internacional del Dise-
Por su parte, Gil-Nogués (Valencia, 1980) ha llegado a Feria Hábitat Valencia después de su experiencia en la dirección de encuentros de Feria Valencia como el Salón Internacional de la Franquicia, el Salón Inmobiliario Urbe o Fiesta y Boda. Diplomado en Comercio Internacional por la Universidad de Valencia y Master en dirección Comercial y Marketing por la escuela de Negocios Lluís Vives, ha desarrollado su carrera profesional en diferentes sectores como el industrial, distribución, comercio y hostelería antes de iniciar su trayectoria profesional en 2008 en Feria Valencia. El nuevo director de Feria Hábitat Valencia, ha fijado como principal objetivo para la cita del próximo año “reforzar el posicionamiento de Hábitat como una plataforma de negocio clave para las principales firmas y marcas del sector. El crecimiento del 20% en oferta de este año y la recuperación del comprador nacional son, sin duda, un buen punto de partida para 2016”. www.feriahabitatvalencia.com
Hábitat 2016 starts its promotion campaign after receiving over 65,000 visitors this year Feria Hábitat Valencia has got to work on preparing the next edition and has already set the future dates: from February 1 to 5 2016. It will concur once again with Cevisama and Fimma Maderalia.
These four events are going to reuse the formula “See You in Valencia”, an initiative which in the previous two editions held in Feria Valencia brought together leading fairs in interior design, architecture and design, along with an extensive programme of events in the city of Valencia In this sense, Hábitat is relying once again on synergies revolving around the concept of a ‘premium’ fair, where selected national and international brands that attract the visit of quality professionals and buyers from the world of interior design, contract and upmarket stores will be showing their wares. Results from the previous edition held in February support the success of this model. According to official statistics, Feria Hábitat Valencia was visited by 65,694 professionals from 94 countries, of which 25,551 were visitors to Hábitat itself, 36,523 were from Cevisama and 3,620 from Maderalia Selección. An analysis of this information highlights an increase of 3.3% in visitors to the main fair itself compared with the previous year, which confirms the perception of more business and influx of people that was hinted at by exhibitors at the closure of the previous edition. With regard to the profile of visitors, Hábitat has managed to reclaim the attention of commerce and distribution in the national furniture sector, which is four points up on presence at the fair compared with the 2014 edition, reaching 28% of the total number of visitors. Moreover, Hábitat has consolidated its position in the contract segment with 20% of professional visitors coming from architecture and interior design studies. Along these lines, a team of technicians from Feria Hábitat Valencia visited Milan on occasion of its International Design Week, to hold different work meetings with international firms interested in participating in the next edition in Valencia.
Andrés Gil, new director In Milan, the delegation from Hábitat Valencia was led by the new events director, Andrés Gil-Nogués (in the photo on the other page), who takes over from Máximo Solaz. After three editions Solaz has moved over to the newly created event, –Home Textiles Premium–, which will be held from September 17 to 19 in Madrid and is organised by Feria Valencia. Andrés Gil-Nogués (Valencia, 1980) has arrived at Feria Hábitat Valencia after his experience in managing events at Feria Valencia, such as the International Franchise Fair, Urbe - the Real Estate Fair, or the Wedding Fair with a Diploma in International Trade from the University of Valencia, and a Master’s Degree in Trade Management and Marketing from Lluís Vives Business School. He has spent his professional career working in different sectors such as industry, distribution, trade and hotel and catering
Results from the previous edition held in February support the success of this model. before embarking on his professional career in Feria Valencia in 2008. The new director of Feria Hábitat Valencia’s main goal for the coming year is “to strengthen Hábitat as a key business platform for the main companies and brands from the sector. A 20% growth in this year’s offer and recovery of national buyers are undoubtedly a good starting point for 2016.” www.feriahabitatvalencia.com
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R+T 2015: More exhibitors attracted more visitors The leading world trade fair for roller shutters, doors/gate and sun protection (Stuttgart, 24 to 28 February 2015) established a new record again. This was not only clearly indicated by the increased number of exhibitors and visitors, but also by the varied events in the accompanying programme.
Established contents were supplemented by new special shows, forums and further information events which proved very popular and were actually fully booked up on many occasions. This was also true of the congresses. Visitors crowded onto the, at times, impressive exhibition stands during the five days. The 50th anniversary of R+T was therefore a genuine reason to celebrate. Positive feedback from exhibitors and visitors
Photos: Messe Stuttgart.
“I didn’t see anything else at the trade fair because I was unable to leave our stand,” said Lars Rippstein, Managing Director of Dickson Constant GmbH, in regard to the huge crowds of visitors on his stand. He therefore reflected the positive basic mood in the exhibition halls. R+T again demonstrated its global importance by attracting 60,000 visitors - over 50% of whom came from abroad. They travelled from 122 countries in order to obtain information, in particular, on innovations in the areas of roller shutters, doors/ gates and sun protection systems. Over half of the visitors were planning investments amounting to several thousand Euros or more. The quality of the discussions was therefore very high. Industry barometer in tune with the times The main industry topics at this year’s R+T were energy efficiency, comfort and safety. The continuing trend towards networking was obvious in nearly every exhibition hall. A large number of exhibitors presented products which can be integrated in intelligent building control systems. It was also clearly evident that visitors were interested in this topic - they flocked to the stands in large numbers. There was high demand for operating options via a
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smartphone and other mobile devices, as well as location-independent querying and control of programmed scenarios. Increasing networking of individual trades attracted more new professional groups to R+T this year. They included, for example, window
manufacturers, facility managers, energy consultants, electricians and property managers. “The increase in our target groups is proof of our status as a trendsetter and innovation hub. We showed once again that R+T has its finger directly on the pulse of the industry,” enthused Sebastian Schmid, R+T Project Manager.
Accompanying programme featuring numerous highlights
on their stand. Many of these architects and planners had accepted the invitation to attend the international congress “Front Shell Frame – Façades 2015” as part of the event series “The Art of Planning“, which continued its success after the first-class première at R+T 2012: the speakers this year included Kim Herforth Nielsen (3XN), Matthias Schuler (Transsolar), Oliver Thill (Atelier Kempe Thill), Martin Rauch (Lehm Ton Erde), Daniel Pfanner (Bollinger+Grohmann), Dr. Henk Jonkers (Delft Technical University) and Matthias Rippmann (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zurich).
The events in the accompanying programme offered a wide range of information. For example, the Gentner Forum “The networked house”, which made its début at R+T 2015, examined the topic of building information from the perspective of both building users and planners. Trade fair visitors and exhibitors were also able to acquire information in the new Electrical Practitioners’ Forum on safety inspection of electrotechnical components and, thus, on the minimisation of the liability risk for installation companies. With its focus on doors and gates, the Doors/ Gates Forum of the National Federation of Door and Gate Manufacturers (BVT) featured up-to-date information on safety, maintenance, energy efficiency, norms and standards in this area. In particular, large numbers of door and gate manufacturers, technicians and installers make use of this platform to exchange technical information and experiences. The exhibitors were full of praise for the initiation of the “Property Industry Planners” Meeting”. As part of this meeting, interested planners and architects were taken on a tour of exhibition stands specially selected for them. The Cooperation Exchange, which helped decision-makers from all over the world to forge new contacts, also proved to be successful. Transfer of know-how regarding roller shutters and sun protection The special show “More than light and shade”, which was organised by ift Rosenheim, also attracted large crowds. The focal points of this event were technical parameters and the requirements relating to sun protection, anti-dazzle protection, daylight systems and doors/gates.
providing maximum comfort rounded off the events on the topic of sun protection. The best of the best The winners of the R+T Innovation Prize, who were chosen by an expert jury one day before the start of the trade fair, attracted a great deal of interest. Throughout the duration of the trade fair a poster show provided information on the prize winners who were selected in a total of 8 categories. Many visitors made use of the opportunity to have the innovations personally explained or even demonstrated to them.
The special show was ideally complemented by the RS update of the Federal Association for Manufacturers of Roller Shutters and Sun Protection (BVRS), which specifically underpinned information for daily practice with the latest information on technology, law, IT and vocational training.
Due regard was paid to young talents in the roller shutter and Venetian blind manufacturing industry. Selected pieces of work by apprentices and master craftsmen were presented in the special show “Young Talents”. The highlight here was the presentation of the certificates of merit to the participants by Joey Kelly, the well-known extreme sportsman and entrepreneur.
The Association of Solar Protection Cleaners also staged a talk on suitable methods for cleaning sun protection equipment. During this event the participants had the opportunity to experience a live demonstration of innovative cleaning systems.
Around 3.000 architects acknowledged the importance of R+T as a source of information and inspiration
The English-language ES-SO Workshop on external and internal sun protection solutions
The exhibitors were especially pleased with the higher number of architects and planners
The German Interior Designers’ Day (GID Day), which was held for the first time this year, was also highly praised. The architecture debate on interior rooms brought together at R+T 2015 architects, interior architects, interior designers and many other experts in the fields of planning, building and research. Renowned experts gave talks during the congress on trends and developments in interior design. They included Karim Rashid, Sou Fujimoto (Sou Fujimoto Architects), Enrique Sobejano (Nieto Sobejano Arquitectos, shown in one of the photos), Peter Deluse (deluse architects) and J. Mayer H. Think global – meet R+T worldwide The international R+T trade fairs in Shanghai, Istanbul and Melbourne were presented in the R+T International Forum, which was established especially for this purpose. The news that Messe Stuttgart will become involved in South America for the first time in 2016 and close this gap in its trade fair portfolio with the launch of R+T South America met with great approval. “We definitely drew some positive initial conclusions regarding R+T 2015, which was special in many ways, said Sebastian Schmid. “The whole world came to Stuttgart. We are still very close to the industry and therefore managed to set new records. The trade fair in 2015 was again characterised by exciting discussions and an intensive transfer of technical know-how. We again succeeded in offering an exchange of information at a record level for which R+T is known throughout the world and appreciated accordingly.” The next R+T will be held from 27 February to 3 March 2018. www.rt-expo.com
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MosBuild 2015: Visitor numbers remain strong despite economic crisis MosBuild, Russia’s largest trade exhibition for the building & interiors industry celebrated its 21st anniversary edition last month, at Moscow‘s central exhibition venue, Expocentre Fairgrounds.
The event, split into a two-week format, MosBuild Design & Décor (31st March - 3rd April) and MosBuild Building & Architecture (14-17 April) covered the entire spectrum of building and interiors products and welcomed 1,517 exhibitors from 41 countries in a combined area of over 90,000 sqm.
The Deputy Head of the Department of Urban Planning, Mr Oleg V. Ryndin who highlighted MosBuild as an essential event in the industry’s calendar: ‘The results of the exhibition are very important for the construction industry. We appreciate the role that MosBuild plays in furthering the Russian construction industry.’
The exhibition was opened by a number of VIP’s from the Russian Federation, including,
Due to the current economic climate in Russia, expectations on the show were not as high as
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previous years but total attendance figures of 86,141 industry professionals seemed to dispel most concerns. Daniele Baldini from the export division of exhibiting Wall Décor company Portofino, commented: ‘We left Italy with a negative impression due to the problems with the Russian market but we are really happy and pleasantly surprised by what we have found.’
Total attendance figures of 86,141 industry professionals seemed to dispel most concerns.
Welcoming both returning and first time exhibitors alike the show highlighted its continued relevance in the market, returning exhibitor Christina Cerqueira, from the export department of Portuguese bathroom specialist OLI, observed, ‘Despite the current economic climate in Russia we always knew we would exhibit at MosBuild 2015, we have invested a lot of time in Russia, we intend to stay and weather it out’. The show’s 21st edition reconfirmed its relevance in the market but also its status as an international event by welcoming 14 national groups from Belgium, Hungary, Germany, Greece, Spain, Italy, China, Korea, Malaysia, Portugal, Slovakia, Taiwan, Finland and the Czech Republic. The event also attracted an array of internationally respected brands from many different industries. There was also an increase in first time exhibitors from outside of Europe, hoping to seize opportunities arising from the sanctions and trade restrictions currently in place between Russia and Europe. Leading Iranian ceramics
company SINA Tile, were one such company, their International Marketing Manager, Reza Geransayeh noted, ‘At present Russia is under very heavy sanctions from Europe and the USA, we thought this highlighted and opportunity for us. Russia is the biggest country in the world and the market presents huge opportunities.’ Running alongside the exhibition, and an extra tool for attracting quality visitors was the MosBuild business programme, which focused on the most relevant topics in the building and interiors industry. Highlights included the e3Awards and Forum. Focusing on ecology, energy conservation and efficiency the e3 awards recognised companies with high eco standards and presented them with an e3label to display on their products. The awards were accompanied by an e3Forum, seminars centred on the current environmental issues in Russia and energy efficiency in construction and architecture. • MosBuild Design & Décor (31 March – 03 April 2015): Wall Décor; Paints & Coatings;
Flooring; Ceramics: Bathrooms; Pool, Sauna & Spa; Doors & Locks; Decotex; Decorative Lighting. • MosBuild Building & Architecture (14 – 17 April 2015): Building Materials & Equipment; Technoceramica; Hardware & Tools; Country Construction; Finishing Materials; Stonex; Architectural Lighting & Electrics; Windows & Façades; Gates & Automation. Present during both exhibition weeks, the International Press Zone displayed industry publications from countries such as Italy, Spain, UK, Germany, Taiwan, France, Iran and Russia and was available to exhibitors and visitors alike. MosBuild 2016 will take place from 5th to 8th April 2016 at Expocentre Fairgrounds and mark the return to the one-week exhibition format, ensuring that all building & interiors sectors are located during one time period, under one roof. www.mosbuild.com
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Calendario ferial Anotamos a continuación los próximos salones relacionados de un modo u otro con los textiles para la casa. Textiles para el Hogar no se responsabiliza de posibles cambios de fecha, suspensiones y omisiones que puedan darse en esta lista. Trade fair calendar The provisional trade fair calendar for the next months is included below. Textiles para el Hogar takes no responsibility for any changes in date, suspensions or omissions of those on this list. - Texprocess (Frankfurt): 4-7 de mayo (www.texprocess.com) - Techtextil (Frankfurt): 4-7 de mayo (www.techtextil.messefrankfurt.com) - DecorExpo (Bakú): 5-7 de mayo (www.elanexpo.net) - Homi (Nueva York): 16-19 de mayo (www.homimilano.com)
Domotex asia/China floor 2015 attracts record visitor turnout Domotex asia/Chinafloor has put in a strong performance, consolidating its position as the Asia-Pacific region’s biggest trade fair for carpets and floor coverings. This year’s show was staged from 24 to 26 March at the Shanghai New International Exhibition Center (SNIEC) in China, one of the world’s most dynamic markets for floor coverings. It attracted a record 46,115 visitors (2014: 42,386), featured 1,275 exhibitors from 38 nations, and occupied 140,000 m of gross display space spread across 12 exhibition halls. It was the strongest Domotex asia/Chinafloor ever. The international importance of the show was evident from that fact 289 of the 1,275 exhibitors came from outside China. Among their number were companies like Balta, Oriental Weavers, Alsorayi, Armstrong, Gerflor, Krono Flooring, Kronotex, Beaulieu, Egger, Berry Alloc and Witex. There were also national pavilions from Afghanistan, Belgium, Germany, India, Iran, the Netherlands, Nepal, Pakistan and the USA. About a quarter (11,374) of the visitors came from places other than China - principally from other countries in Asia. Impressively, over 60% of the exhibition space was rebooked on the spot for next year - a sure sign of exhibitor satisfaction with the fair and the business opportunities it opened up. This year, the InnovAction Flooring platform once again enabled exhibitors to profile their product innovations online to pre-registered visitors ahead of the show. 18,706 visitors used the platform’s online feedback system to vote for their 10 favorite products in each of three categories: parquet and laminate flooring, carpets, and resilient floor coverings. The top 10 in the carpets category were: Weihai Shanhua, Weihai
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- Surtex (Nueva York): 17-19 de mayo (www.surtex.com) - 84th IWTO Congress (Zhangjiagang): 18-20 de mayo (www.iwto.org) - Index (Dubai): 18-21 de mayo (www.indexexhibition.com) - XXI EVTEKS (Estambul): 19-23 de mayo (www.cnrevteks.com) - Domotex Turkey (Gaziantep): 25-28 de mayo (www.domotexturkey.com/en) - NY NOW, the Market for Home + Lifestyle (New York): 15-19 de agosto (www.nynow.com) - Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles – Autumn Edition (Shanghai): 26 - 28 de agosto (www.intertextilehome.com) - Maison & Objet (París): 4-8 de septiembre (www.maison-objet.com) - VII MoOD (Bruselas): 8-10 de septiembre (www.moodbrussels.com) - Homi (Milán): 12-15 de septiembre (www.homimilano.com) - I Home Textiles Premium (Madrid): 17-19 de septiembre (www.textilhogar.com) - Hometex Amsterdam (Amsterdam): 21-23 de septiembre (www.hometexamsterdam.nl).
Haima, Suzhou Duolaiyun, Wuxi Fuxing, Zhejiang Xingyue, Beijing Yingtaihongye, Nantong Homedec Weiya, Low&Bonar, Smart and Newspec. And the winners in the resilient floor covering category were: Gerflor, Novalis, Armstrong, Tarkett, New Tech, Changzhou Liberty, Flooring Industries, National Flagship, Zhejiang Sunflower and Guangzhou Tongxin. An expert jury assessed the products profiled by these companies and selected the seven best for inclusion in the InnovAction Flooring Center - a dedicated on-site display area at Domotex asia/Chinafloor. The seven winning products this year were “Back to Nature with Bamboo” by Dasso Industrial Group, “Source-Nature” by Weihai Shanhua Carpet Group, “Aurora” by Newspec, “Carol Land” by Suzhou Duolaiyun Houseware, “BIO +STYListic” by Gerflor, “Symphony in Colors” by Novalis Innovative Flooring, and “Infinity” by Star-living. Domotex asia/Chinafloor 2015 hosted the second GreenStep Asia Awards. The Awards, a joint initiative between the show’s organizers and the US trade journal Floor Covering Weekly, honor manufacturers who have undertaken initiatives that demonstrate exemplary commitment to sustainability and environmental protection. The winners are selected by an expert jury made up of representatives of some of the most influential associations and media organizations in the flooring industry. This year, Shan Dong Li Fang Jie won the Green Product Category with an “Environment-friendly Floor Cleaning Membrane”, Weihai Shanhua and Zhejiang Sunflower jointly won the Green Process Category, and Novalis Innovative Flooring took top honors in both the Green Promotion and Green Pinnacle categories. Honorable Mentions went to Wuxi Huacan and Dalian Huade in the Green Product Category, Beaulieu Asia in the Green Process category, and Polyflor (represented
by Shanghai Linkstrong) in the Green Pinnacle category. Another major highlight of the various on-site forums and special events held in conjunction with this year’s Domotex asia/Chinafloor was the 2015 China International WPC Development Forum. WPC stands for wood-plastic composites - a class of new materials that now rank among the most sought-after products in the global flooring industry. The forum attracted around 200 attendees (buyers and manufacturers) from over ten countries. Highlights included presentations on the latest developments in WPC by Bryan Fairbanks, Executive Director of Trex, and Takeyasu Kikuchi, CEO of WPC Corporation. Other special events included the Wooden Integrated Products Area - a new showcase on wooden products for interior home furnishing that made its debut this year; the Floor Heating Installation Show; the Handmade Carpet Salon; and the Sports Experience Arena. www.dacf.cn
Clariant releases ColorForward Interiors 2016: new materials appeal to broader fiber audience
(Photo: Clariant.)
Clariant, a specialist in specialty chemicals, has released ColorForward® Interiors 2016, the third annual trend and color forecasting guide for the fiber and textile market. This year’s edition was expanded to reach a wider range of textile yarn and filament producers, including those serving the carpeting, upholstery, automotive, and interior decoration sectors. This unique creative tool from Clariant ColorWorks® defines four trends that can be expected to attract consumer attention in the next few years and creates a color palette that can help marketers tap into the emotions behind those cultural currents. For the first time, the ColorForward Interiors portfolio includes not only pompons made of polypropylene (PP) and polyamide (PA) fibers, but also “wrap cards” with polyester fiber samples. The polyester fibers are produced as air-textured yarn (ATY), which is also commonly known by the old DuPont trademark, Taslan. ATY yarn is commonly used in the automotive industry and also in furniture upholstery and clothing. The pompons are made from bulk continuous filaments (BCF) to create a texture that is favored for carpeting made in Europe, the Middle East and North America. All fibers in ColorForwardInteriors 2016 are dope dyed or spin dyed using Clariant masterbatches (color concentrates) to impart color to the yarn. “Each year we have released ColorForward Interiors, we have received valuable feedback about how we can enhance the value for our customers,” explains Francis Baud, Global Head of Marketing – Fibers for Clariant Masterbatches. “By adding wrap cards with polyester yarn, we are now able to show our colors in a form that will be very familiar to a broad spectrum of fabric producers, designers and interior decorators. At the same time, we have retained the pompons, which are very popular in the carpet industry.” ColorForward Interiors is derived from Clariant’s groundbreaking ColorForward program, now celebrating its 10-year anniversary. ColorForward springs from the minds and experience of color, design, marketing and polymer experts, representing multiple creative industries from all over the world. Each edition presents four global societal trends that can be expected to influence consumer behavior. The international team then selects different colors or color combinations that evoke an emotional response related to each trend. Trends identified for 2016 include: • Liquid Minds… this theme springs from the idea that people have reached a point where slow evolutionary change has to give way to revolutionary innovation; where they walk away from the comforting embrace of nostalgia, trust their instincts, look at the world through new eyes, and take bold risks that open up new insights and great leaps of innovation. One of the colors in Liquid Minds is an aqua blue called Be Water. It was inspired by martial artist and actor Bruce Lee who said “Be like water making its way through cracks. Do not be assertive, but adjust to the object, and you shall find a way around or through it. If nothing within you stays rigid, outward things will disclose themselves.” • Oh, my go(l)d… an unapologetic acknowledgement that excess can lead to unique pleasures, whether one is a super-rich celebrity or a fan who follows them through social media, “people” magazines and reality TV. Like it or not, outlandish, gaudy baubles and outrageous behavior is “in”. These colors are classy and brash, all at the same time. Don’t Touch My Jelly Shot! is a lime green, and gold, naturally, is called You Cannot Afford Me. • Love… is spelled with a Wi-Fi symbol inside the ‘o’ to represent the ways in which technology and human life have merged. Immersed in the cloud, wirelessly connected sensors track personal health and
even create new connections between people. We access medical information, monitor vital signs and depend on devices to help carry out even the simplest of tasks. Technology has become an invisible, yet caring, family member. The colors in this palette are warm and comforting, ranging from the soft, brown Teddycare, to a bluish grey silver called Invisible Attraction and a coral pink named Cora(l)zon. • Work It Girl… this theme points to a new kind of feminism that ignores stereotypes about what is feminine and what it means to be empowered. It is about having the freedom to be what you want to be. Women today don’t feel the same need to limit themselves the way they used to. The power of the Internet and all those other social connections are giving women a stronger voice and they are using it to create new definitions of what it means to be female. The colors in this grouping range from a flaming red/orange called Kiss My…, the cheekiness of The Bush Is Back, a brand-new multicolor effect that encapsulates tiny fibers of pink and black in a transparent matrix, and also a soft, transparent pink to affirm that you no longer have to be embarrassed to show your femininity. There are five colors representing each trend and they are reproduced in a total of 20 pompons. There are also four wrap cards, with each card holding fibers of all five colors of the four trend groups. “Fabrics and carpeting are usually made up of fibers of many different colors,” says Alessandro Pozzati, Industrial Designer, ColorWorks Europe/IMEA, Merate, Italy. “The wrap cards show designers a visible combination of colors so it is possible to see how the different hues of each palette might work together. This same mix-and-match effect can be achieved by grouping the pompons.” “The fiber and textiles market is very diverse,” points out ColorWorks designer, Judith van Vliet, “and there are ideas and colors in ColorForward Interiors to provide inspiration for any of the sectors. For instance, the new neutral shades in the Liquid Minds palette and the warm, soft colors of Love probably will appeal to automotive fabric designers who may not have considered these shades before. On the other hand, brighter colors with electric hints – likeDon’t Touch My Jelly Shot! in Oh, My Go(l) d – can liven up sport goods. Really, there is something here for everyone.”
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Palacio de Justicia de Zaragoza: transparencia con la firma de Mermet Los conocimientos y habilidades de Mermet en términos de protección solar han recibido un nuevo beneplácito. La empresa francesa, especialsita en el diseño de tejidos a base de fibra de vidrio, equipa una nueva instalación española de prestigio: el Palacio de Justicia de Zaragoza. Esta realización exigía comodidad térmica y visual, por lo que fue muy natural la elección del tejido de doble cara S2 1%. Antiguos espacios construidos para la Exposición Universal de 2008 en Zaragoza, convertidos después en “Ciudad de la Justicia de Zaragoza”, agrupan actualmente todos los juzgados y otros servicios judiciales de la ciudad. En esta región muy soleada y con una fachada 100% acristalada en todo su perímetro, el edificio exigía una protección solar eficaz. El S2 1% es un tejido que garantiza transparencia y domina el deslumbramiento. Seleccionado por el arquitecto Sergio Sebastián, este tejido de doble cara se ha revelado rápidamente como la solución a la vista de sus ventajas: - dominio del deslumbramiento: gracias a la cara interior (oscura), el tejido filtra hasta el 93% de la radiación luminosa (Tv = 7%) - calidad de su transparencia: la visión hacia el exterior se optimiza gracias a la tecnología
de tejido de doble cara al tiempo que se garantiza la intimidad de los ocupantes durante la jornada, - prestaciones energéticas: gracias a su cara reflectante orientada hacia el lado del acristalamiento (claro), el tejido rechaza hasta el 74 % de la energía solar en función del acristalamiento, para limitar el consumo eléctrico derivado de la climatización, favoreciendo la aportación de luz natural para disminuir la utilización de luz artificial. Todo ello especialmente adaptado a aplicaciones de grandes dimensiones. El tejido S2 1% ha sido elegido en la obra: - para equipar 1.500 estores interiores de enrollado manual y de gran altura con mecanismo de cadenillas, confeccionados e instalados en 7.800 m2 por el fabricante de estores Rieldecor S.L., - con color 0201 Blanco grisáceo (hay siete colores disponibles) por su sobriedad y mejor armonía con la carpintería metálica de la fachada y que aporta tranquilidad y calidad de vida a los espacios interiores. Realizados a base de fibras de vidrio, material natural químicamente inerte y abundante, y con recubrimiento de PVC, los tejidos Sunscreen® de Mermet se distinguen por: • su ausencia garantizada de sustancias peligrosas, olores y metales pesados (certificados Oeko-Tex y Greenguard® sobre la calidad del aire interior)
Sanitized innova en tejidos y recubrimientos para uso exterior Una novedad de la empresa suiza Sanitized AG, especializada en la función higiénica antimicrobiana y protección de los materiales, evita la pérdida de rendimiento de los equipamientos textiles, incluso si están expuestos a fuerte irradiación solar. El producto Sanitized® TH 1213 se puede utilizar en tejidos y revestimientos de polímeros, y ofrece
Innovación de Sanitized para tejidos y recubrimientos para uso exterior: protección antimoho resistente a los rayos ultravioletas con Sanitized® TH 12-13. A Sanitized Innovation for Textiles and Coatings in Outdoor Use - UV-resistant mildew protection with Sanitized® TH 12-13. (Photo: Sanitized AG, PR013.)
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• su clasificación frente al fuego M1 que responde a las exigencias de seguridad y salud de las instalaciones abiertas al público • su excelente resistencia mecánica y buena estabilidad dimensional • el hecho que no se deforman con las variaciones de temperatura y son adecuados para aplicaciones de grandes dimensiones así como para entornos marinos • su baja potencia calorífica superior para limitar la energía emitida en caso de incendio • su excelente protección contra el calor y el deslumbramiento, con una mejor utilización de la luz natural • los ahorros de energía (climatización/calefacción/iluminación artificial) que ofrecen • su perfecta planaridad, corte neto para una presentación estética perfecta • la aplicación del reciclaje de residuos en productos ecodiseñados.
una protección duradera contra el moho, además es resistente a los rayos ultravioletas. Hay una gran cantidad de productos que protegen los tejidos que se usan en exteriores de las influencias ambientales como el sol, el viento y la lluvia. Sin embargo, según la experiencia de los usuarios y por lo que se ha observado en el mercado, la función de protección no se presta de manera permanente. La intensidad de la irradiación perjudica mucho las funciones incorporadas. Las posibles consecuencias son la fatiga prematura del material y la aparición de las antiestéticas manchas del moho. Sanitized AG, empresa pionera suiza, presenta una nueva tecnología que garantiza protección eficaz contra el moho y, por primera vez, resistencia a los rayos ultravioleta. Sanitized TH 12-13 actúa contra la colonización de los microorganismos que destruyen los materiales. Tiene mucha estabilidad térmica, se puede utilizar en las formas de aplicación habituales y se adecua perfectamente para sistemas de revestimiento acuosos. Se puede utilizar con las matrices de polímeros habituales. Los productos que más se benefician de la protección contra el moho resistente a los rayos ultravioletas que ofrece Sanitized TH 12-13 son los que tienen como función principal la protección solar, es decir, lonas, tiendas de campaña, toldos, sombrillas y paraguas, tejidos para arquitectura, así como los tejidos revestidos. Se trata de un producto que también convence cuando hay mucha humedad del aire y lluvias continuas. Naturalmente, Sanitized utiliza en este innovador desarrollo una sustancia activa antimicrobiana comprobada, registrada e inocua (registro RPB).
Domando el sol de Zaragoza, Mermet demuestra una vez más sus conocimientos y habilidades internacionalmente reconocidos. Zaragoza law courts: transparency unmistakably by Mermet The know-how of Mermet in the field of solar protection has once again been confirmed. The French company, market leader in the design of fiberglass-based fabrics, is fitting out a new prestigious site in Spain, the law courts (Palacio de Justicia) in Zaragoza. A project that requires both thermal and visual comfort; so the double-sided S2 1% fabric was the obvious choice. The former Spanish pavilion at the 2008 Universal Exhibition held in Zaragoza, subsequently converted into a court complex, now provides a home for all the judges of the region. With its 100% glass façade around the entire perimeter, this sun-bathed area requires effective solar protection. The S2 1%, a fabric that ensures both transparency and glare control. Selected by the architect Sergio Sebastian, this very dense double-sided fabric quickly emerged as the right solution thanks to its benefits: - Excellent glare control: the interior (darker) side of the fabric filters 93% of the sun’s rays (Tv = 7%)
ww- The quality of its transparency: vision to the outside is optimised thanks to the double-sided weave technology, while maintaining the privacy of occupants during the day - Its energy performance: as a result of its reflective (lighter) side turned towards the glass, depending on the quality of the glass the fabric reflects back up to 74% of the sun’s energy, thereby reducing electricity consumption for air conditioning while enhancing natural light to reduce the use of artificial lighting. Especially well-suited to large-dimension applications, the S2 1% fabric was selected for this project: - To equip 1,500 manual, high-fit and chainoperated roller blinds, produced and installed over 7,800 m2 by the blind manufacturer, Rieldecor S. L. - In 0201 White Grey (there are 7 available colours) for its subtle effect and to best fit in with the metalwork of the façade, bringing calmness and quality of life to the interior spaces. Consisting of glass fibre -a natural, abundant and chemically inert material, coated with PVC- Mermet’s Sunscreen® fabrics stand out thanks to: • The guaranteed absence of hazardous substances, odour or heavy metals (Oeko-Tex and Greenguard® certification for the quality of interior air); • M1 fire classification, meeting the health & safety requirements of public buildings;
Esta innovación ya ha sido galardonada con el premio ITMA future materials award. Sanitized AG es una empresa suiza, especialista en función higiénica y protección de materiales en tejidos y plásticos. Realiza trabajos pioneros desde hace más de 60 años en este sector y se ha centrado en las necesidades individuales de higiene. Además de productos efectivos, también ofrece servicios que abordan cuestiones técnicas y de márketing, variados servicios de pruebas y estrategias generales en cuestiones de marcas y licencias. Solo utiliza sustancias activas antimicrobianas registradas e investigadas científicamente, sometidas a procedimientos rigurosos reconocidos a escala internacional para evaluar los riesgos para las personas y el entorno. Sanitized innovation for textiles and coatings in outdoor use A new development from Swiss Sanitized AG, specialist in antimicrobial hygiene function and material protection, prevents loss of performance in textile treatments even under aggressive insolation. The product, Sanitized® TH 12-13, which can be used on textiles and for polymer coatings, offers long-lasting, UV-resistant protection against mildew. A large number of treatments are available to protect textiles in outdoor use against environmental influences such as sun, wind and rain. However, user experiences and market observations show that the protective functions do not last in the long term. Sunlight intensity massively impairs the functions applied, with possible consequences such as premature material fatigue and unsightly stains caused by mildew infestation.
• Excellent mechanical resistance and good dimensional stability • No deformation caused by temperature variations, suitable for large-dimension applications and marine environments • Low gross calorific value, providing low energy emissions in the event of a fire • Excellent protection against heat and glare with enhanced exploitation of natural light • Energy savings (air conditioning, heating, artificial lighting) • Perfect flatness and a precise cut, producing a faultless aesthetic finish • Waste recycling of eco-designed products. By mastering the Zaragoza sun, Mermet once again demonstrates its internationally recognised expertise. www.sunscreenmermet.com
Swiss pioneer Sanitized AG presents a new technology that, for the first time, assures a UV-resistant, outstanding anti-mildew effect. Sanitized TH 12-13 counteracts destructive infestation by micro-organisms. It is highly temperature-resistant, can be used in conventional application methods and is suitable for aqueous coating systems. Sanitized TH 12-13 can be used in standard polymer matrices. Products whose primary function is sun-protection, such as tarpaulins, tents, awnings, parasols and umbrellas, architectural textiles, as well as coated textiles, will benefit from a UV-resistant, anti-mildew treatment using Sanitized TH 12-13, a product that is still convincing even under high air humidity and persistent rain. Naturally, this new product is subject to the Sanitized AG standard of using only registered (BPR registration) and safety-tested antimicrobial active ingredients. This product innovation has already won the ITMA future materials award. Sanitized AG is a specialist producer of antimicrobial hygiene function and material protection for textiles and plastics. For over 60 years, the company has been undertaking pioneering work in this field and has focused in individual hygiene concepts. In addition to effective products, the range of services also includes advice on marketing and technical issues, diverse testing services, as well as a well-founded brand and license concept. Sanitized AG only uses scientifically researched and registered antimicrobial active ingredients that have undergone strictest risk assessments for people and the environment in internationally recognized procedures. www.sanitized.com
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Persax lanza la persiana Bioclim orientable Persax Grupo, especialista en el sector de las persianas y el cerramiento, dedicada a la fabricación de elementos de protección solar y seguridad, lanza la persiana Bioclim orientable, una solución para conservar la intimidad sin renunciar a la correcta ventilación y paso de luz al interior. La utilización correcta de soluciones de control solar, como persianas, celosías, estores y toldos constituyen un elemento viable para el control de la luz en cualquier tipo de estancia, protegernos del sol y frío, y por tanto reducir el consumo de energía y minimizar el uso de climatizadores en el hogar, ya que se puede reducir la temperatura ambiente en unos 9 °C en verano, tal y como se extrae del estudio realizado por el Centro de Fomento de la Investigación Sostenible de la Universidad de Minnesota. Además, permiten una reducción de entre el 30% y el 50% del consumo eléctrico en la climatización de las estancias. “Si se suben al máximo las persianas cuando se den las principales horas de sol se aprovecha el calor de esta fuente natural de energía, y por la noche hay que hacer justo lo contrario, bajar bien las persianas para evitar que el calor se salga y se produzcan corrientes de aire en el interior. O bien automatizar estos procesos por si no estamos en casa o no existe la posibilidad del accionamiento manual”, explica Beatriz Ochoa, directora de marketing de Persax Grupo. Con el sistema Bioclim Orientable se puede ir un paso más allá, y “no es necesario abrir
al completo la persiana para permitir el paso de luz o tener una buena ventilación”, asegura la directora de marketing de Persax Grupo. Además, gracias a sus lamas abatibles permite un mayor control y protección ante el exterior y las condiciones meteorológicas, regulando el paso de luz, e impidiendo que la lluvia o el viento accedan al interior de la vivienda. El nuevo sistema Bioclim Orientable tiene como principal característica sus lamas microperforadas que permiten el paso de luz cuando la persiana se encuentra en una “posición intermedia”, consiguiendo mayor luminosidad de la estancia y siempre sin perder intimidad. Pero además de intimidad ganamos en protección. El material del que están hechas las lamas de este modelo, a base de aluminio de extrusión, aporta un plus de seguridad al producto. Este sistema permite además, una correcta ventilación del interior de la estancia sin necesidad de levantar la persiana completamente. Ello hace viable poder dejar las persianas en una posición intermedia durante el tiempo que no se está en el hogar sin renunciar a la ventilación del hogar. Otra de las grandes ventajas de sus lamas microperforadas es que da servicio de mosquitera, sirviendo como filtro al impedir la entrada de insectos, al tiempo que permite la entrada de aire. Además, el nuevo sistema Bioclim orientable incluye una goma en el mecanismo de las lamas que silencia el cierre y aumenta la estanquidad, con el que se alarga la vida útil de la persiana y aumenta el confort. La familia Bioclim se compone de dos sistemas, la persiana Bioclim orientable y la Bioclim Block 45, que conserva las características autoblocantes de la Blockalum 45. Persax launches the adjustable Bioclim rolling shutter Persax, a specialist in the shutter and closing industry and also in the manufacturing of sun protection elements, launches the adjustable Bioclim, the best solution to allow ventilation and the entering of light while keeping privacy inside. The right use of sun control elements such as rolling shutters and screens, louvers and awnings allows the control of light in any room as well as offers protection against sun and cold while reducing energy consumption and minimize the use of cooling systems at home. According to Minnesota University Sustainable Research Center, these elements let the temperatures go down about 10 °C in summer and allow saving a 30-50% of energy costs. “To rise completely all the rolling shutters
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at sunlight may it possible a good use of that natural source of energy. On the other hand, closing the shutters firmly at night avoids inside leaks and the entrance of air flows”, explains Beatriz Ochoa, Persax Marketing responsible. “Home automation is the best option when you are not at home”, she adds. Adjustable Bioclim goes a step forward because “it is no longer necessary to raise the shutter completely to allow the entering of light or for a good ventilation” explains Ochoa. The adjustable slats make it possible a greater control and protection against weather conditions so they regulate the entry of light and prevent rain or wind from going into the room. One of the main features of Bioclim are the microperforated slats that allow the circulation of air and the entry of light in a middle ground position while keeping privacy. Bioclim do not only provide privacy but also a greater protection.Their extruded aluminium slats add an extra protection to the product. This system also allows a proper circulation of air without raising the rolling shutter completely, thus we can leave it in an intermediate position while we are not at home. Another major advantage is that their microperforated slats make it possible to be used as a mosquito net preventing insects from coming into the room. The new Adjustable Bioclim adds a sealing rubber in the slat mechanism that increases the sealing to water and closing thus improving comfort and the useful life of product. The Bioclim family consists of two systems, Adjustable Bioclim and Bioclim Block 45 with the same selfblocking features as Blockalum 45. www.persax.com
Innovations Award for Outlast Outlast Technologies, a specialist for temperature regulating phase change materials (PCMs), has received the Top Innovation Award for its cuttingedge filling material Outlast® Universe, a blend of the climate regulating Outlast® viscose fibers and downs. FabricLink Network (FLN) has announced its Top 10 Textile Innovation Award winners, recognized for producing exceptional textile-based materials and technologies that were launched in the past year and are commercially available. The awards, presented by the Tarzana, Californiabased trade group, honors both companies and researchers in categories such as innovative manufacturing and production technologies, novel insulation solutions and advancements in textiles for a variety of markets. Outlast is honored to be included in FabricLink’s list of Top 10 Textile Innovations of 2014-2015. Amongst other selected companies like 3M™ Thinsulate™ and Schoeller for their new textile developments, Outlast Technologies was recognized for its most recent development of phase-change material viscose fibers blended with down, “Universe”. This mixture creates a filling material that provides both temperature regulation and natural loftiness; great for use in outerwear apparel and accessories. The Outlast® fibers react to changes in skin temperature and environment – continuously absorbing,
storing and releasing excess heat. In warm climates, the Outlast® fibers absorb excess heat and as the climate cools, those fibers release stored heat back to you – working to proactively manage your temperature. While incorporating “Universe” into a product offers added value and performance, it can also reduce the costs compared to using 100% down material. The down adds advantages of loft while the PCM regulates Outlast® technology works your climate comfort – resulting in a light dynamically and proactively filling materials that keeps you warm while manages heat while controlling the production reducing overheating and sweating. Outlast is proud of the new award for its of moisture before it begins. proactive PCM technology. Contrary to other technologies that are merely transporting sweat Outlast® technology is not a wicking technology. Outlast® technology proactively manages the skin temperature while controlling the production of moisture before it begins. That’s the Outlast® difference. And the user will feel this difference also in comfort and hygiene. Outlast® technology was originally developed for NASA to protect astronauts from temperature fluctuations in space. Outlast® technology utilizes phase change materials (PCM) that absorb, store and release heat for optimal thermal comfort. Outlast® technology is comparable to ice in a drink; as it changes from solid to liquid, it absorbs heat and cools the drink, keeping that drink at the desired temperature for a longer period of time. Outlast® phase change materials work in the same way. The PCMs have the capacity to absorb, store and release excess heat. This gives any product containing Outlast® technology the ability to continually regulate the skin’s microclimate. As the skin gets hot, the heat is absorbed, and as it cools, that heat is released. Outlast® technology is not wicking technology, which manages moisture by reacting to your sweat and pulling it away from the skin. Outlast® technology will proactively manage heat while controlling the production of moisture before it begins. The benefits of Outlast® products at a glance: • Absorbs excess body heat • Manages moisture • Reduces overheating • Reduces chilling • Reduces perspiration • Continuously adapts to thermal changes. www.outlast.com
Nueva web de Tavolanco Tavolanco comunica que su nueva web www.tavolanco.com ya está operativa e invita a la navegación por ella para conocer las nuevas colecciones y productos de la firma. Tavolanco: new website Tavolanco is happy to inform you that their new website www.tavolanco. com is already available. They invite clients and friends to visit it and see the new collections and products. www.tavolanco.com
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Mimaki presentará sus soluciones en la FESPA 2015… y XL aniversario Mimaki, uno de los principales fabricantes de impresoras de inyección de tinta de gran formato y máquinas de corte, presentará su colección más reciente de soluciones de producción textil, incluida una selección de soluciones de impresión plana y rotativa a alta velocidad en el salón FESPA 2015, que tendrá lugar en Colonia (Alemania) del 18 al 22 de mayo de 2015. “Observamos dos tendencias de crecimiento claves para los métodos de producción digital: la producción textil -no hablamos de rotulación textil, sino de moda y tejidos para el hogar- y un volumen creciente de impresión UV usando impresoras planas y rotativas de alta velocidad”, comenta Mike Horsten, director de Marketing EMEA de Mimaki Europe. “La impresión UV está abriendo nuevos mercados con una mayor calidad y unos costes de producción más bajos, y los diseñadores textiles están descubriendo las ventajas que brindan el diseño y la impresión textil digital. La tecnología se está poniendo al servicio a la imaginación, y son tiempos apasionantes”, prosigue. “La FESPA es una cita de primer nivel en el calendario de Mimaki, y nuestro stand será el más grande e impactante hasta la fecha. Allí ofreceremos ideas y herramientas a los visitantes que les permitan aprovechar toda su creatividad.” Entre las soluciones de Mimaki orientadas al sector textil que podrán verse en la feria cabe citar: - Mimaki TS500-1800, ideal para tejidos de tapicería, ropa deportiva, camisetas y ropa - Mimaki TX500-1800, para imprimir sobre algodón, poliéster y otros tejidos - Mimaki JV300-130/160, impresora de sublimación ideal para múltiples aplicaciones, desde marketing textil hasta moda - Soluciones especializadas para la impresión ITMA 2015 online visitor registration open: early bird rates for registrants ITMA 2015, the world’s largest textile and garment manufacturing technology showcase, is expected to draw a visitorship of over 100,000 from around the world. To encourage early registration, special rates are available to visitors who order their badge online (www.itma.com) from now until 15 October. The early bird badge rates are 80 EUR for an 8-day badge and 40 EUR for a 1-day badge. Ms Eileen Ng, Executive Director of MP Expositions, the organiser of ITMA 2015, said: “We would like to encourage our visitors to plan
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látex para papel pintado, con impresión a seis tintas, incluyendo naranja y verde. También se podrán ver en la feria la impresora plana LED Mimaki JFX200-2513, que imprime sobre una amplia gama de soportes, desde acrílico hasta metal, madera y piedra; las impresoras/máquinas de corte integradas Mimaki CJV150 y Mimaki CJV300 para distintas aplicaciones, desde pancartas y adhesivos hasta lienzos, y las impresoras planas LED UJF3042/UJF-6042, que ofrecen innumerables capacidades de producción, especialmente con la opción kebab para imprimir sobre productos cilíndricos. Asimismo, la incorporación más reciente a la gama de productos Mimaki también estará presente en la feria trabajando a plena capacidad: el equipo de corte compacto CFL-605RT. Permite cortar y hender los soportes, y proporciona diseños de gran calidad de manera rentable, fluida y rápida. Esta solución fue presentada en Cosmopack, donde tuvo buenas críticas. “Como se puede ver”, añade Horsten, “nuestro stand en la FESPA tendrá algo para cubrir todas las necesidades, y nuestra promesa a los visitantes es que pueden dejar volar su imaginación y Mimaki muy probablemente pueda ayudarles a cumplir sus deseos. El sector vive un momento apasionante, y estamos encantados de poder compartir todas estas novedades con los asistentes al salón”. Mimaki no se limitará a mostrar sus productos y soluciones en la feria, sino que la empresa está inmersa en la comunidad de la FESPA. Así, Mimaki participará en el proyecto FESPA Print Inspiration Rally, en el que un bus escolar americano se ha transformado en una caravana funcional, con pancartas y tejidos impresos por Mimaki. La iniciativa combina tecnologías de impresión punteras de distintas marcas con el objetivo de inspirar aplicaciones de impresión creativa para el diseño de interiores. Horsten opina: “Predicamos con el
ejemplo imprimiendo; así de fácil. Uno puede hacer las promesas que quiera, pero en última instancia, hay que cumplirlas. Cuando conocimos esta iniciativa, comprendimos lo interesante que sería poder mostrar lo que realmente podemos hacer. Esperamos que el público opine lo mismo y visite nuestro stand o, por lo menos, sea más consciente del impacto que tiene la impresión en su vida diaria”. La FESPA es como una caja de bombones. Con motivo de su 40.º aniversario, Mimaki celebrará un acto para partners “Sweet 40th” el 18 de mayo en la fábrica de chocolate Lindt. “Mimaki y Lindt son dos fabricantes de productos apasionantes. Creímos que su fábrica de chocolate sería el lugar ideal para demostrar cómo la inversión continua en I+D permite degustar el sabor dulce del éxito.” Mimaki es uno de los principales fabricantes de impresoras de inyección de tinta de gran formato y máquinas de corte para el mercado gráfico, textil/vestuario e industrial. Ofrece una gama completa de productos para cada sector de especialización, que incluye equipos, programas y consumibles como la tinta y las cuchillas de corte. Mimaki destaca por la innovación, calidad y fiabilidad de sus productos, basados en la tecnología de inyección de tinta con base agua, látex, disolvente y de secado UV. A fin de atender el máximo número de aplicaciones del
their trip early and purchase their ITMA 2015 badge online now to avoid long queues at the registration areas. The early bird rates are up to 50% lower than the onsite rates.” Visitors who require a visa to enter Italy can request an invitation letter when they order their badge. The letter can be used as a supporting document for their visa application. In addition, visitors are advised to book their accommodation early. They may contact the ITMA 2015 official travel agent, Ventana Group, for assistance. With several months to the exhibition opening, interest from the global textile and garment industry is strong, and many group enquiries have been received already from associations and travel agents from various parts of the world.
Currently, some 140 trade and professional associations have lent their support to ITMA 2015. Supporting associations will be able to enjoy special group rates. Interested associations can register their interest to join as a supporting association by emailing visitor@itma.com. An extensive promotion programme is underway to promote the exhibition to textile and garment manufacturers, fashion brands and retailers, as well as research and educational institutions. Ms Maria Avery, Secretary General of CEMATEX, the European Committee of Textile Machinery Manufacturers, which owns ITMA, said: “As a global platform, ITMA attracts the captains of the industry. Our organising partner, MP Expositions, has planned a global campaign
Mimaki, a global industry leader and manufacturer of wide-format inkjet printers and cutting plotters, will showcase its latest collection of textile production solutions including a selection of flatbed and roll-to-roll high speed printing solutions at FESPA 2015, that will take place in Cologne, Germany, from May 18 to 22, 2015. “We see two key growth trends for digital production methodologies: textile production - not soft signage, but fashion and home textiles - and an increasing volume of UV printing with both flatbed and rollto-roll high speed printers,” explains Mike Horsten, General Manager Marketing EMEA at Mimaki Europe. “UV printing is opening new markets with better quality and lower production costs and textile designers are discovering the benefits that digital textile design and printing offer. Technology is catching up with imagination, and it’s a very exciting time,” he continues. “FESPA is a major show on the Mimaki calendar; and our stand will be as big, bold and bright as ever, offering visitors ideas and tools that will allow them to stretch their creativity.” Mimaki textile-focused solutions on display at the show include: - Mimaki TS500-1800, ideal for furnishing fabrics as well as sportswear, T-shirts and apparel - Mimaki TX500-1800, for printing on cotton, polyester-based materials, and other fabrics; - Mimaki JV300-130/160, a dye sub printer suitable for everything from garment marketing to fashion - Specialized solutions for latex print for wallpaper with six-colour printing including orange and green.
Also on display will be the Mimaki JFX2002513 LED flatbed printer that prints on a wide range of substrates from acrylics to metal, wood and stone; the Mimaki CJV150 and Mimaki CJV300 integrated printer/cutters for a wide range of applications from signage to banners, stickers and canvas prints; and the UJF-3042 / UJF-6042 LED flatbed printers that offer unlimited production capabilities, particularly with its kebab option printing on cylindrical shapes. Also, the newest member of the Mimaki product family will be running at full speed at the show: the CFL-605RT compact flatbed cutter. It offers both creasing and cutting and enables operations to create and deliver high quality, cost-effective designs - smoothly and quickly. This solution was debuted at Cosmopack receiving rave reviews. “As you can see,” Horsten adds, “our FESPA stand will have something for everyone, and we promise that visitors can let their imaginations run wild and we can likely keep right up with them. It’s a promising time to be in the industry, and we are enthusiastic to be able to share all of these capabilities with show attendees.” Mimaki isn’t just exhibiting at the show; the company is immersed in the FESPA community. Mimaki will be participating in the FESPA Print Inspiration Rally project where an American school bus has been radically transformed into a functional camper with the banners and textiles produced by Mimaki. The initiative combines cutting edge print techniques from different market-leading brands with the aim of inspiring creative print applications for interior design. Horsten elaborates, “We print what we preach, it’s as simple as that. You can claim all you want, but at the end of the day, you have to deliver. When we heard about this initiative, we understood how cool it would be to show what we can actually produce. We hope observers will feel the same way and visit our stand or, at least, become more aware of the impact of print in their daily lives.”
In observance of its 40th anniversary, Mimaki will be hosting a Sweet 40th partner event on May 18th at the Lindt chocolate factory. Horsten explains, “Mimaki and Lindt - two leading producers of exciting goods! We felt that the Lindt chocolate factory was the perfect place to demonstrate how continuous research and development drives the sweet taste of success.” Mimaki is a leading manufacturer of wideformat inkjet printers and cutting machines for the sign/graphics, industrial and textile/apparel markets. Mimaki develops the complete product range for each group; hardware, software and the associated consumable items, such as inks and cutting blades. Mimaki excels in offering innovative, high quality and high reliability products, based upon its aqueous, latex, solvent and UV-curable inkjet technology. In order to meet a wide range of applications in the market, Mimaki pursues the development of advanced on-demand digital printing solutions.
to bring these industry leaders to source sustainable technologies and other solutions, as well as to share knowledge, exchange ideas and network at various conferences and seminars.” The promotions include a series of roadshows which will be held in the textile hubs of South Asia, China, Central Asia, Central and South America, and Europe over the next few months, including several presentations and meetings in India from 9 to 17 March 2015. Held from 12 to 19 November at the Fiera Milano Rho in Milan, Italy, ITMA 2015 is a mega showcase of end-to-end solutions for the entire textile and garment making chain. To date, it has attracted 1,500 exhibitors from 47 economies. Check he exhibitor list on www.itma.com.
The European Committee of Textile Machinery Manufacturers (CEMATEX, www.cematex. com) comprises national textile machinery associations from Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and the United Kingdom. It is the owner of ITMA and ITMA ASIA. Considered the ‘Olympics’ of textile machinery exhibitions, ITMA has a 64-year history of displaying the latest in machinery and software for every single work process of textile making. It is held every four years in Europe. Established in Singapore in 1987, MP Expositions (www.mpinetwork.com) is a subsidiary of MP International Pte Ltd, a professional exhibition and conference organiser.
To date, MP has organised and managed over 2,000 major national, regional and international events, including the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) 2009 Leaders’ Week. It is the organiser of ITMA 2011 and 2015, and ITMA ASIA 2001 and 2005. It is also coorganiser of the ITMA ASIA+CITME shows 2008, 2010, 2012 and 2014. A member of the Pico group, MP International is headquartered in Singapore with a global footprint across Asia and Europe. MP’s success with various partners is a testimony of its ability to identify opportunities and maximise the rewards for winwin partnerships.
mercado, Mimaki desarrolla soluciones de impresión digital avanzadas y a demanda. Mimaki will showcase solutions at FESPA 2015… and 40th anniversary
Textiles para el Hogar 279 | 59
Uster: Safeguarding investments, protecting profitability Every spinning mill needs to invest to maintain its competitive edge. Keeping pace with latest technology is paramount - but too much emphasis on the actual production machines can also be risky, especially if the spinner fails to protect a new investment adequately. Expensive production machinery such as cards and spinning frames can easily be damaged, for example, by metal pieces caught up in the fibers. The resulting impact in terms of downtime and substandard yarn quality can be disastrous - and costly. Reliable detection and removal of metallic fragments with the Uster® JossiI Metal Shield is a sure way to safeguard both capital investments and profitable production of quality yarn. Imagine this scenario, a typical one in many spinning mills. The mill manager notices irregularities in nep values when lab-testing samples with the Uster® AFIS PRO 2. With a nep level 50% higher than expected, it’s likely that the fault originated at the carding machine.
Loepfe: monitoring of all finest knots, filamentation, fluff, smallest thick places or capillary breaks on running threads In order to monitor an individual thread for finest knots, fluff, filamentation, smallest thick places or even capillary breaks, Loepfe’s Falcon-i sensor is installed, e.g., before or after a weft feeder. The thread can be monitored by using sensitivity levels, to be set manually or automatically. Automatic mode determines the sensitivity level itself. The sensor is insensitive to vibrations which can be extremely disturbing, especially with laser measuring devices, and which could cause false stops. When contamination is severe, the sensor can also be installed «upside down» which allows most reliable and constant
There is even a strong suspicion that damaged card clothing is the cause. The quality alert sets off a chain of events: the cards are stopped and inspected; the damaged component is identified; spare parts are ordered from the service agent, and a repair is carried out. The machine is restarted and production is back to normal - albeit with a total bill for this single incident amounting to some USD 10,000. And that’s only part of the story… In this example, the problem in the card was caused by a metal piece being transported and forwarded with the cotton tufts. It could have caused some damage in earlier processes, but in this case it was the carding machine which came off worst, with some of the fine and preciselyaligned teeth of the clothing being damaged or broken off entirely. This kind of incident is most often seen in spinning mills which choose to target investments largely at production-related equipment. It’s a policy which doesn’t find room for systems to detect and eliminate metal pieces in the cotton. Yet, when production machines are damaged, it’s
monitoring. The thread is guided virtually contact-free through the optical measuring field by yarn guides before and after the sensor and a stop is triggered for defined faults. The color of the thread to be monitored also has no influence on measurement reliability. It is therefore possible to monitor the latest hightech materials,e.g. carbon, without problems with Falcon-i. Monofilaments, multifilaments as well as spun yarns in any material composition can be processed. Conductive materials can also be processed without restriction. The housing of the sensor is made from shielding material so that any existing static or electromagnetic fields will not affect measurement reliability. The Falcon-i sensor is microprocessor-controlled and therefore provides many options for connection to evaluation modules. The latest
dTex 470: fluff.
dTex 470: filamentation.
dTex 1100: filamentation.
dTex 1100: filamentation.
dTex 860: stretch fault.
dTex 1100: filamentation.
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clear that efficiency and quality also suffer - two of the most important business success factors for both productivity and profitability! How do these metal pieces actually get into the mill in the first place, and where do they come from? They could be screws, nuts, travelers, pieces of wire or metallic bale strapping, even parts of old or badly-maintained machinery. They might find their way into the cotton in various manners: at loading and transport of the seed cotton; in the gin; or even in the spinning mill itself. Anything carelessly dropped on the floor in these situations could be swept up and entangled with the cotton - even in the tidiest of mill environments. In fact, no matter how or where it happens, metal pieces must not get into raw cotton being processed for yarn. A spinning mill contains far too many high-speed, high-precision and expensive machines to put any at risk of damage. Carding machines are obviously in this category, as are both coarse and fine cleaners. The best protection method available to a mill is to install an instrument for metal detection and
findings and experience flow into the design work of our software engineers. Adaptations of the software and individual adaptations to customer requirements can therefore be easily implemented through software upgrades of already available sensors. Loepfe is today global leader in manufacturing optical yarn clearers for automatic winding machines. Many years of experience in this field enabled the development of the new optical Falcon-i sensor. Technical support and spare parts availability, even many years after purchasing the sensors, are a matter of course for Loepfe. Loepfe’s new yarn defect sensor Falcon-i is not only complementing the various available knotless weaving concepts, but can be used in many different processes down the textile production chain - wherever an individual yarn monitoring should ensure quality. www.loepfe.com
elimination shortly after the bale opener. A daily average of 10 to 20 metal pieces is taken out of the yarn production process in this way, but the figure can sometimes reach up to 50. That means the instrument’s diverter mechanism opens as many as 50 times a day, each time sending the raw material stream containing the detected metal piece safely along a side channel for disposal. Spinners are, of course, aware that this kind of procedure leads to wasted raw material. With conventional instruments of this type, the diverter opens for three seconds at each detection - so a total of 90 s per day with 30 incidents. This produces 20 kg of wasted cotton, worth at least USD 24 today. The Uster® Jossi Metal Shield, however, has a number of exclusive technical advantages which would, in the same example, result in only 2 kg of waste, at a cost of USD 2.40. A key feature is its use of inductive sensors, which not only detect the metal piece but, at the same time, measure its mass and speed. Based on this, the opening time of the diverter is adapted, in a range from 0.2 to 3 s. Since only one in 30
metal pieces requires the diverter to open for the full 3 s, the shorter total opening time and the ensuing savings improve the mill’s profitability. Thanks to this feature, known as Speedsense, the Uster® Jossi Metal Shield typically brings a cost reduction of more than USD 7,000 per year in practical examples. Going back to our initial scenario, with the mill manager checking lab test results, we might take the story on a little further. After one day, in an ideal case, the damaged carding machine would be fixed - and maybe cost of the repair and the production downtime during this time would soon be forgotten. However, what should not be forgotten here is that the production now certainly contains some off-quality yarn. During all the time the damaged card was running, there were continuous irregularities with neps and short fiber content, while yarn evenness was also negatively influenced. Further on at the winding room, where yarn clearers monitor 100% of production, the spinning mill’s overall efficiency and profitability would have been hit again, with every clearer cut adding to the cost.
An investment to protect investments, the Uster® Jossi Metal Shield safeguards vital production machines - with the extra insurance for mill efficiency and profitability to defend tight margins in the volatile business environment.
Nueva sede del ICEX en Madrid
dientes de la Secretaría de Estado de Comercio dedicadas a la internacionalización. ICEX refuerza así su compromiso con la mejora continua y la eficiencia en la prestación de servicios para el impulso de la competitividad de las empresas españolas en el exterior y la atracción de inversiones extranjeras a España.
Paseo de la Castellana, 278 since 6 April 2015. The move has meant moving from five locations in Madrid to a single building in the city, which is also housing the companies España Expansión Exterior and, in the same venue, all the institutions and companies dependent on the Secretary of State for Trade involved in internationalisation. This has enabled ICEX fulfil its commitment to continuous improvement and efficient services to drive competitiveness of Spanish companies abroad and attract foreign investors to Spain.
Desde el 6 de abril de 2015, ICEX España Exportación e Inversiones tiene nueva sede en Madrid, concretamente en Paseo de la Castellana, 278. Este cambio ha permitido reunir en un edificio las cinco ubicaciones con las que la entidad contaba en la capital española, además de dar cabida en las dependencias a las sociedades España Expansión Exterior y Cofides y englobar, en un mismo espacio físico, a todas las instituciones y sociedades depen-
MoOD acquires Indigo Brussels Home Edition As of 1 April 2015, and following many years of intensive cooperation, Textirama vzw, the fair organisation of MoOD- Meet only Original Designs, has taken over Indigo Brussels Home Edition from Première Vision S.A. To Textirama vzw, this acquisition is a new step in the strategic positioning of MoOD - Meet only Original Designs. This has not been done purely from a strategic standpoint – MoOD and Indigo Brussels have been sister exhibitions for 10 years and have been inseparable. The take-over was also at the request of visitors and exhibitors, who view the synergy as one of the reasons to visit Brussels. Over 100
New ICEX headquarters in Madrid ICEX España Exportación e Inversiones has been operating from its new headquarters in
faithful exhibitors and new studios are again preparing themselves to introduce their new collections in September. Organisers wish all exhibitors and visitors of Indigo Brussels Home Edition a warm welcome on board and proudly
introduce their new website to all of them. MoOD - Meet only Original Designs is organized by Textirama vzw/asbl. www.indigobrussels.com
Textiles para el Hogar 279 | 61
Fe de erratas En la página 38 de nuestro número anterior citamos de manera equivocada el nombre de la firma Elastic Confort, uno de los expositores que participaron en Heimtextil 2015. Pedimos disculpas a los lectores y a dicha empresa por el desliz. Statement of errors On page 38 of our previous edition we misused the name of the company Elastic Confort, one of the exhibitors taking part in Heimtextil 2015. We would like to apologise to readers and to the company for the slipup.
Velfont cuida tu descanso con la gama antiácaros Velfont presenta nuevos productos de la línea antiácaros, pensada para personas con problemas de alergia y para quienes valoran un descanso higiénico y saludable. Los ácaros son pequeños arácnidos imperceptibles a simple vista que viven en colchones, almohadas y edredones y que se alimentan de las escamas de la piel muerta. Sus excrementos pueden causar alergias respiratorias. Velfont aporta un descanso saludable gracias al tratamiento Acarsan® libre de ácaros, testado y garantizado científicamente. Los productos antiácaros, en los que Velfont es especialista, están recomendados por el centro especializado en el diagnóstico y tratamiento de patologías alérgicas Al·lergo Centre. Velfont amplía su gama con nuevos productos y todos ellos llevan tratamiento antiácaros Acarsan® resistente a los lavados: • Protector colchón antiácaros impermeable: confeccionado con tejido de punto 100% algodón y una base de poliuretano impermeable. Antialérgico, antifúngico y antibacteriano, como novedad en el mercado español incluye platabandas laterales impermeables. • Almohada Visconube antiácaros: almohada viscoelástica con núcleo de poliuretano de alta densidad de suave adaptación, con doble funda de microfibra poliéster gofrada de tacto seda con cremallera. • Topper/sobrecolchón antiácaros: acolchado de tacto seda. El acolchado interior incrementa el confort aliviando la presión sobre los puntos de contacto con nuestro cuerpo y logrando un mejor descanso. Es una prenda ideal para dar un extra de confort al colchón. La línea antiácaros está compuesta por una amplia gama de productos: funda de colchón, protector de colchón, sábana bajera, cubrecolchón, funda de almohada, almohadas y edredón nórdico. Velamen, fundada en 1971 y situada en Barcelona, es una empresa especialista en confección y comercialización de artículos textiles para el hogar. Sus productos se distribuyen bajo la marca Velfont. Gracias al alto grado de especialización y a la amplia gama de pro-
ductos, estos satisfacen las necesidades de los clientes más exigentes, ofreciendo un cuidado integral del descanso. Velfont sigue creciendo gracias a las más avanzadas tecnologías textiles y a la innovación, que le permite adelantarse a las necesidades del mercado favoreciendo el consumo de ropa de hogar de alta calidad. Velfont offers you better rest with its anti-dustmite range Velfont has added new products to its anti-dustmite range, a collection specifically designed for people with allergies and those who like resting in hygienic, healthy conditions. Mites are tiny arachnids which are invisible to the naked eye but which live in mattresses, pillows and duvets. They feed on dead skin flakes and their drops can cause respiratory allergies. Velfont allows users to sleep healthily and dustmite free with its Acarsan® treatment, with scientifically tested, guaranteed products. The antidustmite range of products by Velfont is recommended by the Al·lergo Centre, which specialises in the diagnosis and treatment of allergies. Velfont has added new products to the range, all of them featuring the Acarsan® wash resistant anti-dustmite treatment: • Impermeable anti-dustmite mattress protector: manufactured in 100% pure cotton with an impermeable polyurethane base. Antiallergic, antifungal and antibacterial, this new product on the market includes impermeable cushioned borders. • Visconube anti-dustmite pillow: memory foam pillow with high density polyurethane soft core, double embossed polyester microfibre sleeve silk touch fabric and zipper. • Anti-dustmite mattress topper: with padded silk touch fabric. Padded inside for greater comfort, relieving pressure in the points of contact with the body for better rest. Ideal for making your mattress more comfortable. The anti-dustmite range comprises numerous products: mattress cover, mattress protector, bottom sheet, bedspread, pillow cover, pillows and duvet. Velamen S.A., was founded in Barcelona (Spain) in 1971, It is a company specialised in the manufacture and commercialisation of home textiles. Its products are distributed under the Velfont brand name. With a high level of specialisation and extensive range of products, the firm fulfils the requirements of its clients, providing them a comprehensive bedding care. Velfont is continuing to grow with the most advanced technologies, textiles and innovation, staying ahead of market needs and encouraging consumption of high quality bedding. www.velfont.com
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Polígono Industrial I-4 (Parcela 25) Apdo. 101 - 03330 Crevillent (Alicante) Tels. +34 966 68 15 29 / 965 41 07 41 Fax +34 965 40 49 09 E-mail: hispania@alfombrashispania.com alfombrashispania.com
Pol. Ind. La Pedresa, nave 5 · E-46860 ALBAIDA (Valencia) Tel. +34 96 290 12 12 · Fax +34 96 290 06 49 E-mail: info@candidopenalba.com www.candidopenalba.com
I N N OVAC I O N E S T E X T I L E S P L A S . L . Ca r re r d e l s Te l e r s , 5 5 - 5 7 – P. O. B ox 4 1 3 4 6 8 7 0 O n t i nye n t ( Va l e n c i a ) S p a i n Te l . + 3 4 – 9 6 – 2 9 1 5 6 1 8 Fax . + 3 4 – 9 6 – 2 9 1 5 2 1 3 E - m a i l : . i n fo @ e s-te l a . co m E - m a i l ex p o r t : t pv @ e s-te l a . co m w w w. e s-te l a . co m
••• • •
Inés Ballester
Camí Beniati, 4 - Apdo. 70 - 46860 ALBAIDA (Valencia) - www.belnou.com Tel. +34 962 900 990 - Fax +34 962 900 048 - E-mail: belnou@belnou.com
•• www.polo-polo.es
Almohadas, edredones nórdicos, cubrecolchones, fundas de almohadas y colchón, colchones y bases. www.mash.com.es
PRODUCTOS KOL, S.L. Pol. Ind. de Rocaforte, s/n - 31400 Sangüesa - Navarra - Tel. 948 430 200 - 900 200 203 - Fax 948 430 444
RAFSOL, S.L. Pol. Ind. IP4 - Passeig de L’Havana nº14 46890 AGULLENT (Valencia) - Spain Tel. +34 96 290 76 00 - Fax +34 96 290 78 66 E-mail: rafsol@rafsol.com www.rafsol.com Dirección postal: P.O. Box/Apdo. 142 - 46870 ONTINYENT (Valencia) - Spain
Glamour • Feeling • Boldrons
• ••
• • ••
TEXHABITAT, S.L. - Rbla. Davallades, 5 - 08500 VIC (Barcelona, Spain) - Tel. +34 93 380 36 31 - Fax +34 93 181 59 97 - E-mail: risart@risart.net - www.risart.net
• •• • • •
Lit. Modesto Martínez Casanova, 1 • 46870 ONTINYENT (Valencia) Telf. +34 96 291 60 86 • Fax +34 96 291 63 90 E-mail: atn.cliente@texmora.com www.texmora.com
C.Trovador, S.L.
Dr. Nicasio Benlloch, 68 46015 VALENCIA (España) Toallas: Telf. +34 96 349 50 33 Fax +34 96 347 55 18 E-mail: info@trovador.es
• •• ••
UNIVERSAL XXI, S.L. Ctra. de la Estación, s/n • Pol. IP4 • Apartado 35 • 03330 Crevillente (Alicante) España • Tel. +34 96 540 02 50 • Fax +34 96 540 02 66 • E-mail: universalxxi@unifam.es
• e-mail: comercial@velamen.com www.velamen.com
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