Thank you for reading the first edition of collection for the year. We wanted to begin 2020 by expanding our horizons and pushing expectations, so we’ve created this
mini edit
of collection. for you to enjoy. This edition
is exclusively digital, as we wanted all of our readers to have access to this magazine in the safest way possible. Due to the current health situation, our offices are closed to the public, for the time being, with the majority of our staff working from home. While this isn’t ideal, we know it’s for the safety of our community and the Landmark family. While our offices are temporarily closed, the Landmark team is available for all of your real estate and vacation rental needs and can be reached during normal work hours: Monday - Friday, 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Sam Lupas co-founded Landmark on principles of family and community. Today, we continue to value the people who make up our towns. We value their health and wellbeing, especially during this time, and we feel a greater need to do our part to serve. All of us at Landmark are reaching out to our friends, family, and anyone who may need a helping hand, or even just a kind word. We are committed to working together to support you and your safety while abiding by all local, state and federal regulations, and we ask you to join us in doing the same. Let this time be a way to find a renewed since of community and comradery. The beautiful stronghold that we have in the face of adversity is knowing we can rely on our neighbor. During this time, you can always reach us at, or call us at 828-482-1380. Stay well, stay safe, stay positive.
carol wilson
General Manager and Broker-in-Charge
mini edit
get in touch today 828-482-1380 All real estate advertised herein is subject to the federal Fair Housing Act, which makes it illegal to advertise "any preference, limitation, or discrimination because of race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status, or national origin, or intention to make such preference, limitation or discrimination."
2 | www.landmark
collection. mini edit editor and c r e at i v e d i r e c t i o n
mary whitten warner copy editors
angie gilbert k a i t ly n c o c h r a n photography contributors
bernard coulson carolina aerials k a i t ly n c o c h r a n mary whitten warner sadie whitehead content contributors
carol wilson dogwood trust k a i t ly n c o c h r a n l e v e rag e g lo ba l pa rt n e r s mary whitten warner t h e pa r k o n m a i n h ot e l o u r pa rt n e r s
l e v e rag e g lo ba l pa rt n e r s royal shell t h e pa r k o n m a i n h ot e l collection. is owned and published by landmark realty group collection.
mini edit
6 m a r k e t u p d at e
8 p l at e a u m a p
an update from sam lupas on the dogwood t r u st ’s response on covid-19
4 | ta ble o f content s
74 c e l e b r at i n g
landmark’s fifth office
the owner’s
handbook with l a n d m a r k r e a lt y
g r o u p ’ s va c at i o n r e n ta l s
properties 14
premier lots
l a k e t o x away
38 s a p p h i r e va l l e y
52 burlingame
56 cashiers
76 glenville
112 elsewhere
110 t h e r e n ta l s t e a m
the brokers-in-charge
134 the sales team
139 t h e s ta f f
mini edit
- t o - d at e
c o m pa r i s o n
january 1st - march 23rd
total transactions
landmark r e a lt y group
listing-side total volume
selling-side total volume
total transactional amount
total transactions
total transactional amount
6 | market update
highlands cashiers mls
* this information was provided by highlands-cashiers board of realtors. a l l stat s a re p u l l e d f ro m t h e e n t i re m l s ’s act i v i t y and sales from 1/1/19 - 3/23/19 and 1/1/20 - 3/23/20.
landmark r e a lt y group
total transactions
listing-side total volume
selling-side total volume
total transactional amount
total transactions
total transactional amount
mini edit
Cedar Ridge Estates
Big Sheepcliff
Cedar Creek Lake Woods Cedar Creek Racquet Club
Hickory Knoll
Trillium Laurel Ledge RD
Stonefly & Silver Slip Falls
Chattooga Cliffs
Timber Ridge
Holly Berry Estates
Cullasaja Club
Wildcat Cliffs Country Club
Botanical Gardens
Highlands Falls Country Club
Whiteside Forest RD
Highlands Cove
Pinchot Stillmont & Continental Cliffs
Little Sheepcliff
Pinnacle Ridge
Bridge Creek
Zachary’ Gap
Bee Tree Ridge
Stillpoint Tater Knob
The Lake Club Summer Hill
Big Ridge
Lakeside Circle
Laurel Falls
Whiteside Cliffs
High Meadow
Found F
Longview Ridge
Lake Toxa Estate
Bald Rock The Divide
Falcon Ridge TOW
Holly Forest
The Preserve at Rock Creek
Five Stone
onesome Lake Valley Pine Forest & Spring Forest Round Hill CH
Deer Run
Country Club of Sapphire Valley
Whisper Lake
Sapphire Lake
Cedar Ridge
Twin Falls
High Hampton Arrowhead Chattooga Club
lina aro Falls hC out ater To S hitew &W
Wade Hampton Golf Club
T RD RES49 frank
cashiers office allen road · po box 2829 cashiers, nc 28717
highlands office 225 main street · po box 2765 highlands, nc 28741 highway 107 south office 341 highway 107 south cashiers, nc 28717
sapphire office 19387 rosman highway · po box 173 sapphire, nc 28774 us 64 at highway 107 office 17 highway 64 east · po box 3007 cashiers, nc 28717 828-482-1380 www.l andm arkrg . co m/o ff i c es
mini edit
u p d at e
response on covid-19 as many of you may know, sam lupas, landmark’s cofounder, has long been involved in the health and welfare of our community - most recently with the highlands-cashiers hospital and now the dogwood trust which is invested in the welfare of the citizens of western north carolina. so far, they have invested approximately $30 MILLION in equipment and projects connected with the covid-19 crisis in western north carolina. the dogwood trust has ordered
PPE ( p e r s o n a l
i s n o w s l o w ly r e c e i v i n g ):
p r o t e c t i v e e q u i p m e n t ) a n d v e n t i l at o r s
this is to supplement the less than
C o v i d -19
that are located in wnc
t e s t k i t s f o r t h e l o c a l h e a lt h d e pa rt m e n t s
for more information on the dogwood trust, please visit
“We do not have the capacity to care for our full-time residents should the Plateau fail to contain the virus which looks highly unlikely at the time of writing (March 31). We love our part-time residents and I know you love us, but we are basically closed for business - no golf courses, restaurants for take-out only, all events have been postponed. I respectfully ask that travel to the Plateau wait until we are open for business again which, with your help, will be sooner rather than later.” Sam Lupas, Co-Founder of Landmark Realty Group
1 0 | the dogw oo d tr u st ’s res p on s e on covi d - 19
w h at
our life at home start a book swap by mail with friends, mail one book to a friend and they mail one back to you exercise - finally dust-off those weights in the corner green thumb? get a kickstart to your summer garden refresh from going stir-crazy by taking a walk or going on a hike with the dog keep social with friends and family over video chat, or go old-fashioned and start a letter writing group for some family fun, have the kids work on a talent show and then video call with their friends for a newage style talent show. be sure to record so you can send all the fun to the grandparents! think ahead, plan your next vacation get crafty, spend this time learning how to knit or paint get out the popcorn and watch a theater-at-home movie or stream broadway shows finally listen to that podcast or audio book you’ve been meaning to get to ask us to put you in touch with a feng shui expert to teach you how to rearrange the living room join the fun and share how you stay at home with the hashtag #landmarkathome like us on facebook @landmarkrealtygroup and follow us on instagram @landmark_realty_group
1 2 | welcome
stay in touch on
the blog
mini edit
welcome to
Rooted in rich history and a reputation for being the perfect southern summer destination, Highlands has been well-loved by visiting families for generations. No matter what time of year, you’ll find exquisite cuisine, upscale shopping and views that will take your breath away. This quaint mountain town might charm you into staying forever.
1 4 | hi gh lands
mini edit
b r u s h y fa c e r o a d brushy face mls# 91772 | $1,795,000
Forever views with quality construction and finishes. Master bedroom suite on main and three bedroom suites upstairs. Lower level recreation room, bonus room, and office. 4 bedrooms 5.5 bathrooms 2.06 acres
1 6 | hi gh lands
split rail row
sagee mountain mls# 91442 | $1,750,000 Large, updated family home immaculately maintained. Vast open living spaces, soaring ceilings and massive stone fireplace. Unbelievable long and short range views. 4 bedrooms 5.5 bathrooms 3.63 acres
mini edit
oak lane
highlands in-town mls# 92416 | $1,125,000 Trail to town. Only a 10 minute path to downtown Highlands. This spacious home features a full apartment and over 1,300 square feet of decking for outdoor enjoyment. 5 bedrooms 3.5 bathrooms 0.54 acres
1 8 | hi gh lands
crescent trail
cullasaja country club mls# 92380 | $825,000 A real gem, with an impressive unique design, offering incredible details including the beautiful masonry work. 4 bedrooms 4.5 bathrooms 0.77 acres
mini edit
b o w e ry r o a d
sagee mountain mls# 92491 | $650,000 Great home with open loft and an art studio with skylights! Room to build additional guest cottages. 2 bedrooms 2 bathrooms 0.36 acres
2 0 | hi gh lands
shelby circle
shelby place mls# 92684 $469,000 3 bedrooms 2.5 bathrooms 0.15 acres
magnolia drive
wildcat cliffs country club mls# 93199 $385,000 2 bedrooms 3 bathrooms 0.36 acres
fallen leaf lane
shortoff bluffs mls# 92003 $310,000 3 bedrooms 2 bathrooms 1.07 acres
mini edit
how-to charcuterie
with landmark
w r i t t e n b y : k a i t ly n c o c h r a n p h o to g r a p h y b y : k a i t ly n c o c h r a n a n d m a ry w h i t t e n wa r n e r k i t c h e n f e at u r e d : l a n d m a r k va c at i o n ’ s b u c k b e r ry r e n ta l
C h a r c u t e r i e [ s h a h r - k o o - t u h – r e e ] h a s b e c o m e t h e l at e s t c u l i n a ry e n t e r ta i n m e n t t r e n d ; y o u ’ l l f i n d t h e m o n m e n u s e v e ry w h e r e . I t ’ s n o s u r p r i s e w h y — C h a r c u t e r i e b o a r d s a r e e a s y to s h a r e , a n d h av e s o m e t h i n g f o r e v e ry o n e to n i b b l e o n w h i l e y o u m i x a n d m i n g l e at a pa r t y o r o u t to d i n n e r . So
w h e r e d o y o u s ta r t ?
broke it down step-by-step for
y o u s o y o u c a n c r e at e t h i s c u r at e d a n d y u m m y m a s t e r p i e c e with ease.
2 2 | ho w -to ch arcut er i e
to v i e w t h i s r e n ta l g o to :
w w w . l a n d m a r k va c at i o n s . c o m
and search by property name
(buckberry) collection.
mini edit
step one
but first, cheese The
biggest rule of charcuterie:
S ta r t
y o u r l a r g e r i t e m s , o r t h e i t e m s t h at ta k e u p t h e m o s t s pa c e , a n d w o r k y o u r way to t h e smallest. cheese. on the
T h i s i s w h y w e l i k e to s ta r t w i t h t h e C h o o s e a b o u t 3-4 c h e e s e s , d e p e n d i n g s i z e o f y o u r b o a r d . N o r m a l ly , w e
recommend choosing two soft cheeses and two h a r d c h e e s e s , b u t w e d e c i d e d to m i x i t u p .
w e n t w i t h a s o f t b r i e , g o at c h e e s e , a n d s o m e c r u m b l e d f e ta f o r t e x t u r e .
Bonus: To
give it a unique flair, drizzle black
currant jam, honey, or fig spread
go crazy
for some fig) over a few of the cheeses.
2 4 | ho w -to ch arcut er i e
step two
cracker placement W h at ’ s
cheese without crackers?
c r a c k e r s n e x t to w h e r e v e r t h e r e i s c h e e s e ,
a n d l i k e t h e c h e e s e , y o u ’ l l wa n t to c h o o s e a va r i e t y o f c r a c k e r s . more
recommend choosing
c r a c k e r s to n o t ta k e away f r o m
t h e m o r e f l avo r f u l i t e m s o n t h e b o a r d .
a to a s t e d b a g u e t t e , i f y o u wa n t e d to d o
something different.
B o n u s : T ry
a n d m at c h t h e s h a p e s o f y o u r
c h e e s e to y o u r c r a c k e r s .
h av e c h e e s e s i n a t r i a n g l e s h a p e , g e t c r a c k e r s t h at w i l l c o m p l i m e n t t h at s h a p e o f c h e e s e .
mini edit
step three p l a c e y o u r m e at s
y o u ’ l l wa n t to a d d c u r e d m e at s to t h e
H av i n g
at l e a s t t w o d i f f e r e n t k i n d s
o f m e at i s g o o d to s ta r t , b u t y o u c a n a lway s add more.
a n d p r o s c i u t to a r e t h e m o s t
p o p u l a r , w h i c h i s w h at w e w e n t w i t h . t h i n k o u t s i d e t h e b o x f o r t h i s , to o .
You Fold
can the
m e at s i n c r e at i v e way s , m a k e s h a p e s , a n d h av e fun with it!
Bonus: If
y o u a d o p t a v e g e ta r i a n / v e g a n
l i f e s t y l e , y o u c a n m a k e a d a p tat i o n s f o r t h i s step.
T ry
2 6 | ho w -to ch arcut er i e
r e p l a c i n g t h e m e at s w i t h va r i o u s
nuts like almonds and macadamias.
step four accoutrements This
i s w h e r e y o u c a n r e a l ly m i x i t u p !
i t ’ s t i m e to f i l l u p t h e e m p t y s pa c e s o f
your board with
a c c o u t r e m e n t s t h at y o u m i g h t s e e o n a
charcuterie board are olives, grapes, and
pickles. to o .
B o n u s : T ry
a n d h o n e y f i t i n t h i s c at e g o ry ,
chose a fig spread and red currant
j a m f o r o u r b o a r d a n d i t wa s p e r f e c t .
a n d c h o o s e i t e m s t h at s ta n d o u t
on the board, different types of fruits can make the board colorful and sweet.
M ay b e
get out an old china tea cup for your jams or olives?
c r e at i v e , a n d h av e f u n .
mini edit
enjoy step five,
2 8 | ho w -to ch arcut er i e
Bo nus: S h are.
Or not.
mini edit
3 0 | l ake toxaway
welcome to lake
t o x away The prestigous and private Lake Toxaway is adored by everyone who lives there. As the first man-made lake to be created in the Appalachian mountains, Lake Toxaway prides itself on balancing luxury, country club amenities with a beautiful lake setting. This community has something for those who like to go explore the mountains, or observe them from the comforts of home.
mini edit
summit ridge road
lake toxaway estates mls# 92183 / 3559046 | $3,999,900 This magnificent home’s panoramic 210˚ views spans over three lakes and two states, in almost every room. Enjoy the luxury of having ± 3,000 square feet of deck space, an elevator that services all three levels, and a fifth bedroom with a kitchenette. This home is handicap accessible. 5 bedrooms 4.5 bathrooms 2.93 acres 3 2 | l ake toxaway
mini edit
3 4 | l ake toxaway
t o x away d r i v e
lake toxaway estates mls# 91079 / 3513620 | $2,995,000 This contemporary masterpiece features plentiful high-end finishes, some of which are the radiant floors throughout, active solar system, and masonry heater. Enjoy the sauna, yoga room, endless pool, and deeded lake access to Lake Toxaway. 4 bedrooms 4.5 bathrooms 16.25 acres
mini edit
h aw k m o u n ta i n r o a d
lake toxaway estates mls# 88304 / 3390310 | $995,000 Beautiful post-and-beam home with lake and mountain views. Covered outdoor dining, open floor plan and large family room. 4 bedrooms 3.5 bathrooms 1.68 acres
3 6 | l ake toxaway
lakeside drive
lake toxaway estates mls# 88896 / 3412842 | $499,900 4 bedrooms | 4.5 bathrooms | 2.16 acres
to x away p o i n t
lake toxaway estates - the point mls# 92687 / 3503552 | $379,000 2 bedrooms | 2 bathrooms | 0.10 acres
mini edit
welcome to sapphire
A true hidden gem of the Blue Ridge Mountains, the Sapphire community lives up to its name. Sitting a stone’s throw from Cashiers and full of opportunity for outdoor adventure. Visit eleven different stunning waterfalls, or head to Sapphire Valley Ski Resort in the winter months to make fun memories in the mountains with the ones you love most.
3 8 | s apph i re
mini edit
4 0 | s apph i re
cow rock trail
lonesome valley mls# 92877 | $3,250,000 No detail was overlooked in this one-ofa-kind custom home, situated to have spectacular views of Laurel Knob. Four stacked stone fireplaces (2 indoor / 2 outdoor), chef’s kitchen and hot tub. 4 bedrooms 4.5 bathrooms 2.40 acres
mini edit
w h i s p e r w i n d s c o u rt whisper lake mls# 91629 | $1,300,000
Features oak floors, hickory cabinets, dock, water feature, double garage, and lakefront and mountain views. Offered with wonderful handmade furnishings with plenty of room! 4 bedrooms 5.5 bathrooms 1.58 acres
4 2 | s apph i re
deer crest drive
the crest mls# 91565 | $989,000 Soaring ceilings and an over sized stone fireplace catch your attention as you enter the home. Incredible views of Little Hogback and the valley. Must see to appreciate. 4 bedrooms 3.5 bathrooms 1.75 acres
mini edit
t w i n fa l l s c o u rt bald rock mls# 89993 | $959,000
3 bedrooms | 3.5 bathrooms | 0.98 acres
c h i n q u a p i n c o u rt holly forest mls# 92728 | $799,000
4 bedrooms | 4.5 bathrooms | 0.91 acres
4 4 | s apph i re
t r ay s i s l a n d r o a d
holly forest mls# 91249 | $720,000 4 bedrooms | 5.5 bathrooms | 0.83 acres
rock ledge road
sapphire high mls# 92167 | $675,000 4 bedrooms | 4 bathrooms | 3.04 acres
mini edit
laurel creek lane golf club estates mls# 91724 | $665,000
4 bedrooms | 6 bathrooms | 0.93 acres
laurel creek lane golf club estates mls# 92583 | $649,000
3 bedrooms | 3 full and 2 half bathrooms | 0.81 acres
4 6 | s apph i re
back nine lane
golf club estates mls# 90489 | $590,000 4 bedrooms | 4.5 bathrooms | 1.18 acres
birdnest road
holly forest mls# 91948 | $565,000 4 bedrooms | 3 bathrooms | 0.29 acres
mini edit
blackberry trail
holly forest mls# 92595 $429,000 3 bedrooms 2.5 bathrooms 0.55 acres
black oak drive
holly forest mls# 90563 $399,900 3 bedrooms 2.5 bathrooms 0.57 acres
upper whitewater road
whisper lake mls# 93038 $389,900 3 bedrooms 3 bathrooms 0.56 acres
4 8 | s apph i re
woodward trail
round hill estates mls# 92310 $362,500 5 bedrooms 3 bathrooms 1.69 acres
country club estates drive
country club estates mls# 92743 $335,000 3 bedrooms 2 bathrooms 1.10 acres
eagle ridge road , unit
eagle ridge condominiums mls# 90440 $229,000 2 bedrooms 2.5 bathrooms n/a acres
mini edit
eagle ridge road , unit
eagle ridge condominiums mls# 90932 $219,000 2 bedrooms 2 bathrooms 0.01 acres
69-7 c
dogwood knob lane
hilltop mls# 90761 $106,500 2 bedrooms 2 bathrooms n/a acres
overlook drive , unit
5-3 a
hilltop mls# 90728 $104,000 3 bedrooms 2 bathrooms 0.01 acres
5 0 | s apph i re
$100,000 listings
dogwood knob lane , unit
on the rocks
mountain club
mls# 91937
mls# 90250
1 bedroom
3 bedrooms
1.5 bathrooms
3.5 bathrooms
n/a acres
8 weeks / year ownership
scotch highlands loop
407 overlook drive, bldg 5, unit 3c
the mountain club
mls# 91802
mls# 92266
3 bedrooms
1 bedroom
2 bathrooms
1.5 bathrooms
8 weeks / year ownership
n/a acres
mini edit
welcome to
This elevated, tight-knit, golf course community is nestled along the Horsepasture River and spans over 500 acres, complete with a mountain backdrop. Fishing in the river and golf on the pristine 18-hole course remain favorite activities of residents here. Burlingame has a full-service country club, however, it’s not required to join if you own property here. 5 2 | b urli ngame
b e av e r d a m r o a d
burlingame mls# 91866 | $1,400,000 Mountain & golf course views. 1/4 stone FP’s is on large porch with automatic retractable screens. Living area opens to chef’s kitchen. Adjoining 2.28 acre lot available for purchase. 4 bedrooms 5 bathrooms 1.18 acres
mini edit
rushing springs lane
burlingame mls# 93137 $597,500 3 bedrooms 3.5 bathrooms 0.98 acres
running fox road
burlingame mls# 92633 $478,900 3 bedrooms 3 bathrooms 0.56 acres
winding creek road
burlingame mls# 92482 $425,000 3 bedrooms 3 bathrooms 0.80 acres
5 4 | b urli ngame
upper whitewater road
burlingame mls# 92484 $330,000 2 bedrooms 3 bathrooms 0.87 acres
upper whitewater road
burlingame mls# 92377 $310,000 3 bedrooms 2 bathrooms 0.69 acres
69 river park villas drive, unit 69b burlingame mls# 91934 $283,500 2 bedrooms 2 bathrooms 0.01 acres
mini edit
welcome to cashiers
Founded on the crossroads of Highways 107 and 64, “Casherz” has evolved into a popular tourist destination over the years, and it’s easy to see why. Cashiers has something for the waterfall chaser, the day hiker and the shopping enthusiast. This small village comes to life in the warmer months, as visitors arrive to enjoy all that the mountains have to offer.
5 6 | cash i ers
mini edit
5 8 | cash i ers
Magnificent estate home in the prestigious Mountaintop Golf and Lake Club. Complete with six bedroom suites in the main home, and an additional caretakers apartment over the garage, there is plenty of room for family and guests. The grand foyer features a wrought iron spiral staircase and leads you into the large great room with vaulted ceilings, wood-burning fireplace, and wet bar. Adjacent to the great room is an additional sitting room off of the kitchen with its own fireplace, providing an excellent gathering space for dinner guests. The gourmet kitchen features a Thermador professional dual-fuel range and a built-in SubZero refrigerator. With a breakfast far, eat-in kitchen, and formal dining room, you can accommodate a wide variety of culinary occasions. The main level also includes a state-of-the-art theater, office, fitness room, laundry, and a grand master bedroom suite complete with separate his/hers baths and its own private fireplace. An elevator ride takes you to the lower level of the home which features four additional bedroom suites, a second living room with stone fireplace, as well as its own kitchen and laundry room. The upper level of the home offers a sixth bedroom suite, along with a private sitting area with kitchenette. Enjoy beautiful views of Whiteside Mountain from almost every room. The attached threebay garage also offers a separate caretakers apartment with its own private entrance.
7 bedrooms 8 full baths 2 half baths 2.02 acres
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6 0 | cash i ers
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In addition to the expansive interior living space, this estate offers over 3,500 square feet of outdoor living spaces including both covered/open decks and screened/ open-air porches. And of course, membership into Mountaintop includes the world-class Tom Fazio golf course, the Lake Club at Lake Glenville, spa facilities, Outdoor Pursuits programs, Activity Center, tennis courts, pool and fitness complex, and full-time member services to assist you in any way when you are home in the mountains. Please call us today for more information or a private tour.
6 2 | cash i ers
mini edit
6 4 | cash i ers
burl lane
mountaintop mls# 91041 | $2,849,000 Brand new construction with plenty of room for family and friends! Enjoy all of the wonderful amenities of Mountaintop Golf and Lake Club from your brand new home on the golf course. 5 bedrooms 5.5 bathrooms 0.49 acres
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treasurewood road little sheepcliff mls# 90461 | $1,985,000
Inside the gated community of Little Sheepcliff lies this beautifully designed home, built by John Lupoli. Enjoy gigantic southern facing views from all rooms and porches. 4 bedrooms 5.5 bathrooms 5.81 acres
6 6 | cash i ers
c h at t o o g a r i d g e t r a i l
chattooga ridge mls# 91840 | $1,595,000 Panoramic view with a sophisticate in-town lifestyle, Chattooga Ridge offers the ease of in-town, one level living with elevator access. *Photos are of Chattooga Ridge amenities. 3 bedrooms 3 bathrooms 0.05 acres
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c h at t o o g a r i d g e t r a i l chattooga ridge mls# 91836 | $1,530,000
Panoramic view with a sophisticate in-town lifestyle, Chattooga Ridge offers the ease of in-town, one level living with elevator access. *Top photo is of Chattooga Ridge amenities. 3 bedrooms 3 bathrooms 0.05 acres
6 8 | cash i ers
wa n d e r i n g r i d g e
cedar ridge estates mls# 92532 | $995,000 4 bedrooms | 5.5 bathrooms | 3.23 acres
cashiers lake road
cashiers in-town mls# 92586 | $989,000 4 bedrooms | 3.5 bathrooms | 1.14 acres
mini edit
azalea lane stillmont
mls# 90771 | $865,000 4 bedrooms | 4.5 bathrooms | 1.15 acres
azalea lane stillmont
mls# 91514 | $439,000 3 bedrooms | 2.5 bathrooms | 2.04 acres
7 0 | cash i ers
crimson view lane
the forest mls# 91472 | $425,000 3 bedrooms | 3.5 bathrooms | 1.82 acres
racquet club drive
cedar creek club mls# 89311 | $375,000 2 bedrooms | 2 bathrooms | 1.20 acres
mini edit
lake shore drive
waterfall cove mls# 91027 $345,000 2 bedrooms 3 bathrooms 1.04 acres
dominion road
the forest mls# 92819 $340,000 2 bedrooms 3 bathrooms 0.94 acres
76 a
first tee trail
trillium links and lake club mls# 92141 $289,900 2 bedrooms 2 bathrooms n/a acres
7 2 | cash i ers
828-482-1380 ¡
mini edit
“Opening my own office and rebranding my building under the Landmark brand was the logical next step for me,” said Keven. “I love houses and I love working with clients to help them find their place in the mountains. As an architect and designer my skills and experience both add a certain value to the real estate services I provide to my buyers and sellers.” 7 4 | celebrati ng lan d m ar k ’s f i ft h off i c e
“Congratulations and best wishes, Keven, on your Grand Opening!”
said Carol Wilson, Landmark’s General Manager, to newest Broker-in-Charge, Keven Hawkins. Landmark Realty Group is excited announce the opening of a fifth office on the Highlands-Cashiers Plateau. Keven has been with Landmark Realty Group since June 2019, but has been deeply rooted in Cashiers his whole life.
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7 6 | glenvi lle
welcome to
glenville On a beautiful, winding 8-mile drive from Cashiers, you’ll find the Glenville community, built around the highest man-made lake east of Mississippi at over 3,500 feet elevation. With 26 miles of shoreline, locals and visitors alike keep themselves busy with fishing and water sports in the summer time, and enjoy its quiet solitude in the winter.
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chimney pond road lake glenville mls# 92312 | $5,750,000
This extremely rare offering on Lake Glenville is available for the first time from founding lake family. 18.8Âą acres with over 700 feet of lake frontage located on the east side of the lake. The property includes an existing three bedroom, two bathroom cottage. 3 bedrooms 2 bathrooms 18.80 acres 7 8 | glenvi lle
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glenville school road hwy 107n mls# 92811 | $1,950,000
Enter through the private gate to this unique 69.5Âą acre estate tract with two cottages. Also offered as 2 smaller parcels. Remarkable views of Lake Glenville & mountains beyond. 5 bedrooms 7 bathrooms 69.50Âą acres
8 0 | glenvi lle
big ridge road
big ridge mls# 91686 | $1,145,000 Sprawling estate perfect for a family retreat. Beautifully landscaped water feature, 20Âą acres, open meadows, & amazing long-range mountain vistas. Mountain serenity at its finest! 3 bedrooms 3 bathrooms 19.96 acres
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high meadow road chestnut ridge mls# 91848 | $895,000
Custom home with high ceilings, beautiful hard wood floors, large kitchen, office space with big mountain views. 4 bedrooms 3.5 bathrooms 4.53 acres
8 2 | glenvi lle
e u c a ly p t u s d r i v e
mountain waterfall estates mls# 92353 | $789,000 Beautiful wood and stonework abound in this mountain estate with modern touches. Lots of living space for families. 3 bedrooms 3.5 bathrooms 2.06 acres
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trillium ridge road trillium links and lake club mls# 92590 | $759,000
3 bedrooms | 3.5 bathrooms | 2.04 acres
w o o d s m o u n ta i n r o a d the point mls# 92899 | $750,000
3 bedrooms | 3 bathrooms | 0.51 acres
8 4 | glenvi lle
lilium lane
trillium links and lake club mls# 92596 | $739,000 3 bedrooms | 3.5 bathrooms | 0.72 acres
silent meadows drive
silent meadows mls# 91951 | $695,000 3 bedrooms | 2 bathrooms | 5.58 acres
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glen laurel circle
glen laurel mls# 90852 $497,500 4 bedrooms 4 bathrooms 0.67 acres
buggy barn road
cullowhee mls# 92299 $319,000 2 bedrooms 3 bathrooms 2.22 acres
lakeside circle drive
glenville mls# 91880 $255,000 2 bedrooms 3 bathrooms 1 acre
8 6 | glenvi lle
wheatstone drive
lakeview heights mls# 92620 $219,900 4 bedrooms 3 bathrooms 0.62 acres
milestone place
pine creek mls# 92692 $149,000 2 bedrooms 2 bathrooms 1.01 acres
archway drive
cullowhee mls# 92891 $144,999 2 bedrooms 2 bathrooms 0.67 acres
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8 8 | glenvi lle
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cashiers office 49 frank allen road · po box 2829 cashiers, nc 28717 highlands office 225 main street · po box 2765 highlands, nc 28741 highway 107 south office 341 highway 107 south cashiers, nc 28717
sapphire office 19387 rosman highway · po box 173 sapphire, nc 28774 us 64 at highway 107 office 17 highway 64 east · po box 3007 cashiers, nc 28717 828-743-9234 www.l andm arkvacat i o n s . co m
9 0 | the o w ner ’s h and book · w w w.lan d m ar k vacat io ns. co m
THE LANDMARK EXPERIENCE Landmark Realty Group’s vacation rentals program is managed by a team with extensive knowledge about renting luxury homes and condos. A Landmark vacation rental property receives the best care and service. As a part of the R&L Carriers family, our advertising reaches throughout Southwest Florida, by ways of Royal Shell Vacations and Golden Ocala Golf & Equestrian Club, and Wilimington, Ohio, by ways of The World Equestrian Center. This connection enables all of our companies to capitalize on the shared feeder markets each location offers, securing a larger reach for potential income. Our self-published magazine, collection., advertises each rental and is distributed throughout Cashiers, Highlands, Lake Glenville, Lake Toxaway, Sapphire Valley, Southwest Florida, and both of World Equestrian Center’s facilities, Wilmington, Ohio (The World Equestrian Center) and Ocala, Florida (Golden Ocala). collection.
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SETTING UP A RENTAL SCHEDULE: The most important thing to note about setting up your rental schedule: We ask that you schedule your time at the property as far out in advance as possible, and we recommend a year out, if possible. Once a rental goes live online, guests have the opportunity to book immediately, without speaking to our staff. We are happy to talk with you more about what your schedule looks like and your plans for staying at the property so that we can maximize your rental income, while still giving you the time there that you desire. LENGTHS OF STAY: It is up to the owner of the property to choose a minimum night stay requirement for their property. MAXIMIZING YOUR RENTAL INCOME: At the end of the day, you want the maximum amount of income that your property can bring in. This is our ultimate goal for you, too. That is why we set the rates for your property, and adjust them accordingly by the season. Our seasoned reservation staff can best increase your income when given the flexibility to set rates based on each reservation individually.
9 4 | the o w ner ’s h and book ¡ w w w.lan d m ar k vacat io ns. co m
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DOG FRIENDLY OR NOT DOG FRIENDLY? As a company, Landmark Realty Group is a pet friendly company. That being said, it is each owner’s preference as to whether or not their property is pet friendly (dogs only). Allowing dogs is recommended as it broadens your pool of potential guests and maximizes your income, but this is ultimately up to you as the owner. A non-refundable pet fee is added to each reservation, and is treated as rental income. A portion of the pet fee, dogs only, is used to pay the higher cleaning fee. DAMAGE VS. COST OF DOING BUSINESS: Landmark Vacation Rentals experiences very little intentional damage and have yet to experience anything that is beyond repair to its original condition. That being said, accidents happen. Landmark Vacation Rentals’ policy is to charge each guest a security damage waiver in lieu of a cash security deposit. Messes like spilled wine on the carpet are incidents that Landmark will clean at no extra cost to the owner. However, normal wear and tear that comes with any property, rental or private, come at the owners’ expense. We are happy to meet with you to discuss the specifics of this policy.
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The furniture throughout the home should coincide with how many people the property can sleep. 1 00 | th e ow ner ’s h a n d book ¡ w w w.lan d m ar k vacat io ns. co m
AS A GENERAL RULE: Each bedroom should sleep at least two people. This can be set up in a few different ways. Ideally, the master bedroom should have a king size bed, and the guest bedrooms should have a queen or two twins. A comfortable sofa sleeper can maximize the amount of people a property can sleep as well.
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DINING AND LIVING ROOM: The dining room table should be able to accommodate the number of people the property can sleep. The living room should also provide seating that would accommodate the number of people the property can sleep, along with tables and lamps.
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BEDROOM FURNISHINGS: The bedroom furnishings should be as follows: • Nightstand(s) and dresser(s) with storage • 1 reading lamp per nightstand • 20+ wooden or plastic hangers in closets BEDDING: Comforters, duvets, etc., are the preference of the owner and should be of good quality and stain-free. A checklist of what you need for your bedding are as follows: • King, queen, and full beds need four standard size pillows each • Twin beds need two standard size pillows • Each bed should have a mattress and box spring encasement to guard against stains, moisture or bugs
1 04 | th e ow ner ’s h a n d book · w w w.lan d m ar k vacat io ns. co m
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LINEN PROGRAM Landmark’s Linen program has many benefits. It is free to the owner of the property, and it allows the cleaning process to go much faster, as the housekeepers don’t have to stay at the house longer to wait on laundry. It also saves from unnecessary wear-and-tear on the owner’s washers and dryers. The linen program provides for your home: • Bedding: fitted sheet, flat sheet, pillowcases, and one blanket • Kitchen: hand towels, dish cloths, potholders • Bathrooms: bath towels, hand towels, washcloths, bathmat **All linens provided by the linen program are owned by Landmark Vacation Rentals Housekeepers arrive to clean the house with a fresh linen kit. The used linens are taken from the homes and laundered offsite, at a professional facility. The flat sheets and pillowcases are ironed to look nice for guests. WINDOW COVERINGS: • All windows, french doors and sliding glass doors are recommended to be outfitted with window coverings (blinds / curtains) in good working order • Blackout lining in bedrooms with shades or curtains is recommended
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ELECTRONICS: • All electronics should be current. Feel free to ask about this if you are unsure about your electronics • The living room and master bedroom should have complete TV service (cable, satellite, or live tv streaming services) • Smart TVs are recommended • All other bedrooms should have a TV and Blu-Ray DVD player • Wall mounted televisions should have an electric and cable outlet behind it to conceal as many cords as possible • TV provider is owner preference, but it is recommended to have an extensive package that covers national and sports programming INTERNET AND PHONE: • Wireless internet is required at each property. Bundling phone and cable packages are often a great way to save money We recommend finding packages that offer unlimited domestic and/or long distance service. This is optional, but beneficial for everyone.
1 08 | th e ow ner ’s h a n d book · w w w.lan d m ar k vacat io ns. co m
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meet our
va c at i o n
r e n ta l s
mandi cantrell
christine kaminsky
rental / operations manager
director of client relations
1 10 | th e landmark vacat i on ren tals t eam
check out
our next issue for
a l l o f o u r va c at i o n r e n ta l s or go to
w w w . l a n d m a r k va c t i o n s . c o m
bill smith
b r i t ta n y m a c e
director of housekeeping & maintenance
d av i d m o r g a n
linda barden
maintenance & housekeeping technician
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fjord road
indian camp mountain ¡ rosman mls# 92793 / 3586584 | $830,000 Spectacular Timber Frame home built in 2004, sourced from Mill Creek, and post and beam. Only 16 miles to Brevard and 35 miles to Asheville. 3 bedrooms 3 full and 1 half bathrooms 12.67 acres
1 12 | elsew h ere
i n d i a n c a m p m o u n ta i n r o a d
indian camp mountain ¡ rosman mls# 92187 / 3554703 | $679,000 4 bedrooms | 3 full and 2 half bathrooms | 6.06 acres
b a k e r av e n u e
west asheville ¡ asheville mls# 92565 | $550,000 4 bedrooms | 2.5 bathrooms | 0.18 acres
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There is something to be said about the satisfaction of finding the perfect piece of land on which to build your dream home. No matter what your passion is, there are mountain properties that will provide intown convenience, lake access, seclusion and everywhere in between. Discover your land today with Landmark Realty Group!
1 14 | premi er lots + lan d
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1 16 | premi er lots + lan d
big ridge road
big ridge mls# 92826 | $2,627,000 This is a one of a kind mountain property. Spanning 77.27 acres of woodland, open rolling meadows, trout ponds, streams and views of the Blue Ridge mountain range at both sunrise and sunset glenville, north carolina lot number: n/a 77.27 acres
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easter lane
waterchase mls# 90011 | $2,000,000 Last undeveloped point on Lake Glenville is on the main body and boasts 2.20 acres with over 1,600 feet of lake frontage and views from three sides. The perfect site to build your dream home. glenville, north carolina lot number: 5 2.20 acres
1 18 | premi er lots + lan d
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ps -8 rev panther summit road lake toxaway estates mls# 81790 | $1,999,000 Spectacular parcel on Panthertail Mtn ridge w/ flat area for large home. The approx. 240Ëš view encompasses Toxaway Mtn, the length of Lake Toxaway & Blue Ridge Mtns. Installed well. lake toxaway, north carolina lot number: ps-8 revised 9.096 acres
1 20 | premi er lots + lan d
preston road
high hampton mls# 89622 | $1,750,000 One-of-a-kind 19.31 acre estate tract located in the historic High Hampton community with gentle topography and long-range mountain views. Just three minutes from the Crossroads! cashiers, north carolina lot number: n/a 19.31 acres
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h i g h way
107 n
cashiers mls# 89716 | $1,599,999 If you are searching for a large parcel very close to town - this is it! Almost 80 acres ready for your imagination. Large road frontage. Unrestricted for whatever you wish to create! cashiers, north carolina lot number: 0 79.28 acres
1 22 | premi er lots + lan d
n o rt o n r o a d
norton road mls# 90490 | $1,450,000 Beautiful large estate tract in one of the best locations in the Norton Community. 50+/acres with a stream, lovely pond and pasture setting, garden spot, and mountain views. cashiers, north carolina lot number: n/a 49.88 acres
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m o u n ta i n m e a d o w l a n e pinchot mls# 91575 | $1,295,000
Gently rolling 14+/- acres with pastoral and mountain views. Mountaintop membership is available with this property. cashiers, north carolina lot number: 37 13.92 acres
1 24 | premi er lots + lan d
lone chimney drive
pinchot mls# 92544 | $795,000 cashiers, north carolina | lot number: 26 | 3.03 acres
s to n e b r i d g e way
stonebridge mls# 91140 | $775,000 cullowhee, north carolina | lot number: 6 | 1.41 acres
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e 21 high mountain drive
mountaintop mls# 79008 $645,000 cashiers, north carolina lot number: e21 2.36 acres
old cave lane
summer hill mls# 91362 $620,000 cullowhee, north carolina lot number: 11 1.19 acres
tbd lake vista drive
shoal mountain mls# 92641 $599,000 glenville, north carolina lot number: n/a 11.97 acres
1 26 | premi er lots + lan d
stonebridge way
stonebridge mls# 79373 $595,000 glenville, north carolina lot number: 1 4.39 acres
e 10 stove pipe court
mountaintop mls# 92403 $585,000 cashiers, north carolina lot number: e10 1.37 acres
mountain meadow lane
pinchot mls# 91244 $479,000 cashiers, north carolina lot number: 38 5.56 acres
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birchwood drive
wildcat cliffs country club mls# 87984 $400,000 highlands, north carolina lot number: 0 8.49 acres
wayside lane
glenshore mls# 88410 $399,000 cullowhee, north carolina lot number: 60 1.26 acres
tbd stillmont circle
stillmont mls# 90028 $365,000 cashiers, north carolina lot number: tbd 2.99 acres
1 28 | premi er lots + lan d
view all of our lot
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commercial The Highlands-Cashiers Plateau is a wonderful place to start a new business or bring an existing business to a mountain location. Landmark Realty Group has strong partnerships with the Cashiers Area Chamber of Commerce as well as the Highlands Chamber of Commerce. Let us help you find your perfect commercial location.
1 30 | commerci al
209 - 309
h o s p i ta l d r i v e
highlands mls# 92012 | price on request highlands, north carolina
64 e
cashiers in-town mls# 91841 | $330,000 cashiers, north carolina | lot number: n/a | 1 acre
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carol wilson general manger ¡ broker-in-charge
1 32 | th e landmark t eam ¡ w w w.lan d m ar k rg .com /ag e n t s
meet our
carl romberg
elisa morehouse
highlands office
sapphire office
k e v e n h aw k i n s
ron hensley
highway 107 south office
cashiers office
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the brokers of
barbara fisher
bill tibbetts
sapphire office
cashiers office
bob radigan
brian renfro
highlands office
highlands office
c a r o l wat k i n s
carole lufburrow
sapphire office
highlands office
1 34 | th e landmark t eam ¡ w w w.lan d m ar k rg .com
call us
today at
c h r i s t i n e f u ry l o n g
c l i f g o t t wa l s
cashiers office
highlands office
cole fuhrman
d av i d l e v i n e
highlands office
highlands office
d av i d j o n e s
d e b b y h at t l e r
cashiers office
cashiers office
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the brokers of
d e b r a wat s o n
d i c k h at t l e r
cashiers office
cashiers office
doug helms
h o l ly f a l l s
highlands office
sapphire office
jodi moore
k a r e n s u l l i va n
sapphire office
cashiers office
1 36 | th e landmark t eam ¡ w w w.lan d m ar k rg .com
call us
today at
k at h r y n h a n s e n
k ay j e n k i n s
cashiers office
sapphire office
k e n ta f t
kristen hitchcock
sapphire office
cashiers office
leckie rives
l e s l e y h o wa r d
sapphire office
cashiers office
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the brokers of
mark rosenthal
pa m n e l l i s
highlands office
highlands office
rick creel
roger blackwell
cashiers office
cashiers office
s a m l u pa s
sheila owens
co-founder ¡ cashiers office
cashiers office
1 38 | th e landmark t eam ¡ w w w.lan d m ar k rg .com
call us
today at
t k h e at l e y
t o n ya h e n s l e y
sapphrie office
cashiers office
s ta f f
cashiers office manager angie gilbert
marketing assistant kaitlyn cochran
highlands office manager dale gordon
marketing director mary whitten warner
burlingame office manager betsy harrell
broker’s not pictured ann cooper cashiers office
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m o u n ta i n l i f e p r o p e rt i e s o f
douglas treadwell team leader
dan doughty
h e at h e r b a l l
john sheehan
k e l ly r a m s ay
1 40 | th e landmark t eam ¡ w w w.lan d m ar k rg .com