Indigenous networks at the margins of development

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Feminización y pedagogías feministas. Museos interactivos, ferias de ciencia y comunidades de software libre en el sur global


Perspectivas antropológicas sobre la Amazonia contemporánea





This work is based on research and advocacy with the people of two multiethnic indigenous resguardos located at the outskirts of the Colombian towns of Leticia and Puerto Nariño. Through an analysis of the relationship between development institutions and indigenous people, the book examines the dynamics of social praxis in contexts where development is debated, enforced, and subverted, and it does so in a dialogue with the critical perspective of post-development, and the critiques woven by indigenous people on the basis of their experiences, world-views, and embodied perceptions of well-being. In spite of being the postulate of development “the improvement of the people’s quality of life,” indigenous people express the feeling that their life quality has become worse as development projects proceed, and they see themselves as both physically and spiritually ill. While they become increasingly involved in the development apparatus, they strive to resist the implicit beliefs of development as well as its practical workings. In a situation of crisis, which pervades, as a virus, the human, social, and cosmic bodies, indigenous people endeavor to cure the pathogenic energy of development through the strengthening of cultural meanings and the weaving of intercultural alliances. For the supra-ethnic ensemble known as People of the Center, this twofold process is articulated through the ritual consumption of coca and tobacco. This work asks why this philosophical and ritual system is able to resonate in an indigenous multicultural context, and how it generates schemas for political agency that intertwine in a powerful way healing, dissent, and the consolidation of intercultural networks.

Indigenous Networks at the Margins of Development GIOVANNA MICARELLI

GIOVANNA MICARELLI Associate professor of anthropology at the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Bogotá, and researcher at the Center for Social Studies, University of Coimbra, directed by Prof. Boaventura de Sousa Santos. She has worked in the Amazon since 1995, with the Conibo Shipibo of the Ucayali region in Perú, the Tikuna of the Amacayacu river, and the indigenous peoples belonging to the supra-ethnic ensemble People of the Center at the periphery of the Colombian town of Leticia. Beside her research on indigenous critical engagements with development and modernity, she has worked on social-environmental understandings in the construction and defense of the territory, and on native modes of knowing – indigenous epistemologies - particularly embodied knowledge. Envisioning ethnographic methods as a horizontal exchange with indigenous intellectuals and communities, she has been engaged in different indigenous processes of cultural reaffirmation and self-determination.

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