Michael de Jong Balances Budget Three Years in a Row!
Balanced Budget 2015 maintains discipline, supports economic growth and job creation
he B.C. government’s third consecutive balanced budget builds toward a stronger and more diversified economy and delivers additional support to British Columbians who are most in need, Finance Minister Michael de Jong announced. Balanced Budget 2015 forecasts a surplus of $879 million in 2014-15, with further surpluses forecast in all three years of the fiscal plan: $284 million in 2015-16 $376 million in 2016-17
ning provides room for $399 million in 2017-18 modest investments that strengthen and encourage The fiscal discipline that growth in key economic has achieved balanced sectors, sustain core public budgets three years run- services, and make life a
little easier for families economic growth across and those in need. the province. Key measures include: Budget 2015 invests new funding over three years • Continued tax credto support and strengthen its and $6.3 million
in new base-budget funding to support B.C.’s mining industry, to continue imcont’d on page 2
PAGE 2 cont’d from front cover
provements to permitting and regulatory oversight including increased mine inspections. •
$25 million over three years to implement the new Water Sustainability Act, which will be in force in 2016. Transitional incentives over three years to encourage the B.C. cement industry to adopt cleaner fuels and further lower emission intensity.
The Patrika
Friday, February 20th, 2015
beginning in 2015-16. Also available starting this year is the Training and Education Savings grant - a one-time payment of $1,200 for every child resident in B.C. who was born since January 1, 2007. As many as 40,000 children may be eligible every year, once they turn six. The budget reaffirms the B.C. government’s commitment to health care with an increase of almost $3 billion to the Ministry of Health over three years. Additional funding will support hospice services for children and adults. The Province also intends to provide up to $12.5 million to the Canadian Cancer Society towards establishing a world-class cancer prevention centre in Vancouver.
Extending the Interactive Digital Media tax credit to 2018 and expanding the Digital Animation or Balanced Budget Shoes: Continuing a BC Visual Effects (DAVE) tax credit to include postproduction film activities to help keep B.C.’s film parliamentary tradition, Finance Minister Michael de Kindergarten to Grade 12 education will receive adJong picked up his Budget 2015 shoes. The minister ditional funding of $564 million over three years as and video game industries healthy. has had the same shoes repaired at Olde Towne government meets its funding commitments for collecShoe Repair for the past three years. • Helping ensure BC businesses can take advantage tive agreements negotiated in this sector — including of Canada’s access to the renminbi financial market. a 33% increase to the Learning Improvement Fund. • $20 million in additional funding for income as• Partnering with the marine shipping industry to Budget 2015 will also invest $10.7 billion in new capisistance programs. re-establish the International Maritime Centre to tal projects over the coming three years, helping deliver help attract more shipping companies and their • $5 million to enhance the B.C. tax reduction credit, core services and create jobs across B.C. Investments allowing individuals to earn more than $19,000 over the coming three years include: head offices to Vancouver. a year before paying any provincial income tax. Effective September 1, 2015, child support payments • $2.1 billion in post-secondary education, skills and will be fully exempted from income assistance calcu- • $3 million for a new children’s fitness equipment trades training capital spending, including: Emily tax credit, allowing families to claim up to $250 a lations. This translates into an additional $32 million Carr University of Art + Design Campus; replaceyear for equipment costs; this is in addition to the over three years for some of the neediest children and ment of trades buildings at Okanagan College; existing $500 children’s fitness and arts tax credit. families in the province. This change will benefit aprenewal and replacement of the trades facility at proximately 5,400 children in 3,200 families who cur- Approximately 180,000 families will begin receiving Camosun College; new facility for the Vancouver rently receive income and disability assistance. Community College and British Columbia Institute the B.C. Early Childhood Tax Benefit starting April of Technology for heavy-duty/commercial trans1, 2015. It provides up to $660 a year for each child Budget 2015 also provides: portation trades programs; trades facility at the under the age of six, to help with the cost of child care. Nicola Valley Institute of Technology; and funding • $106 million in additional funding over three years The cost of this program will be $146 million annually for Community Living B.C. cont’d on page 18
Bharathi Sandhu, BBA Financial Advisor
Raymond James Ltd. Suite 200-2881 Garden Street, Abbotsford BC V2T 4X1 604-855-0654 | Bharathi.Sandhu@raymondjames.ca www.olympiabenefits.com/bharathisandhu
Member - Canadian Investor Protection Fund.
Friday, February 20th, 2015
The Patrika
The Patrika
Friday, February 20th, 2015
kYnyzIanF dy mfx df pRqIk kYnyzf df kOmI JMzf aWj qoN 50 sfl (15 PrvrI 1965 nUM) pihlF kYnyzf dysL dy vrqmfn kOmI JMzy nMU pUry dysL dIaF hvfvF aqy iPjLfvF ivWc lihrfAux df mfx snmfn pRfpq hoieaf qy iksy nOjvfn ny JMzy nUM lihrfAuNdy vyK afpxIaF BfvnfvF df iejLhfr ies qrHF kIqf-
AnHF nuM nobl ienfm nflL snmfinaf igaf| iesy smyN imsr srkfr ny kYnyzIan amn POj (pIs kIipMg imltrI) bfry ieqrfjL kIqf ik ies POj pfs afpxy dyLs df JMzf hI nhIN hY| ieh vI
‘JuWl myry JMizaf, qYnMNU mYN nIvF hox nI dyxf| JuWl myry JMizaf , JulyLgf qMU qF jvfnF dy idlF ivWc lihr afvygI, sLhIdF dI khfxI idlF nUM iKWc pfvygI| zfhuxgy CfqIaF awgy julm nUM hox nhIN dyxf|’ BfvyN hr sfl 15 PrvrI kYnyzIan kOmI JMzy dy idvs vjoN mnfieaf jFdf hY pr ies mhfn aqy pivwqr idvs nUM smrmipq kOmI CuWtI nhIN aYlfnI jFdI| iPr vI ies idvs ‘qy pUry kYnyzf ivwc lok kOmI mfx mihsUs krdy hn| sPYd (icWtI) pWtI Auwqy JMzy ivckfr mypl lIP njLr afAuNidaF hI sInf mfx nflL Br jFdf hY| pUry dysL dy hr Kyqr dy lok, POjI, iKzfrI, klfkfr, srkfrI aqy gYr srkfrI sMsQfvF dy aiDkfrI kOmI aqy kOmFqrI smfgmF ivwc mYpl dy pWqy vflLy JMzy nUM slfmI dy ky dysL dy kOmI snmfn nUM akfsL dIaF bulMdIaF qy phMucfAuNdy hn|do lfl pwtIaF ivcw icWtI pWtI qy Aukiraf lfl rMg df ‘kOmI ruWK’ mYpl lIP df pWqf kYnyzf dI kudrq dI mnuWK leI dyx nUM mUrqImfn krdf hY| ieh kYnyzIan kudrq aqy vfqfvrx nUM pRxfey hoey lokF df pRmfx hY| BfvyN 1868 ivWc mypl lIP EntYrIE aqy ikAUbk dy “kort afP afrmj” AuWqy af igaf sI, ies nUM ies qrHF ikhf jf skdf hY ik mypl lIP vflyL JMzy dI ieiqhfisk pihcfx qF bx cuWkI sI pr ies nUM aiDkfrq rUp ivWc mfnqf nhIN sI imlI| afpxy dysL df JMzf nf hox krky 1956 ivwc svyjL nihr dy sMkt dy leI hWl krn dI kYnyzf dy pRDfn mMqrI lYstr pIarsn vWloN inBfey ieiqhfisk rol dI bhuq sLlfGf qF hoeI aqy Aus dy ies rol nUM pRvfn kridaF,
cyqy rhy ik dUjI sMsfr jMg smyN kYnyzf vfsqy ieMglYNz dI pfrlImYNt ny ‘rYz ien sfeIn’ nUM JMzy vjoN vriqaf sI aqy XUnIan jYk dI aWDpcWDI Poto vflL JMzf hI kYnyzf df kOmI JMzf sI| ies qoN bfad kYnyzf dy kOmI JMzy leI muihMm cWlI| vrqmfn JMzy nUM pRvfn krn leI vwzI bihs hoeI| vylLy dy pRDfn mMqrI nvyN JMzy nUM hr kImq qy lfgU krn leI jLor dy irhf sI jdoN ivroDI pfrtI df afgU aqy sfbkf pRDfn mMNqrI jOhn zfeIiPnbykr ny ies df ivroD kIqf sI| hr dysL dI pihcfx ies dy afpxy kOmI JMzy qoN huMdI hY| JMzf hI hY jo bfkIaF nflLoN vWKrf rUp idMdf hY| pUrI dunIaF dy 196 dysLF dy vWK-vWK JMizaF ivWcoN bhuq sfry dysLF dy JMizaF ivWc Dfrimk icMnH hn| 64 dysLF ivwc iesfeI Drm dy icMnH vflLy aqy 33 dysLF dy JMizaf ivwc ieslfm Drm dy aqy 5 dysLF dy JMizaf ivwc ihMdU aqy buWD Drm dy icMnH imlLdy hn| JMizaf df afgfjL lWgBWg 4000 sfl pihlF hoieaf dWisaf jFdf hY| kYnyzf dy JMzy ivwc kudrq rfxI vwloN dysL nUM idwqI ivlWKx aqy inrflI dyx nYsLnl trHI (kOmI ruWK) mypl dy pWqy df icMn aMikq hY| pMjfbI pWiqRkf adfrf smUh kYnyzIanF nUM ies mhfn dysL dy pivwqr JMzy dy pUrI aWDI sdI dy sLfnfmwqy sPl jIvn ‘qy vDfeI dyx df PrjL adf krn ‘qy mfx mihsUs krdf hY|
aYbtsPorz qoN isWDIaF PlfeItF trFto nMU aYbtsPorz df kONmfqrI eyar port PryjLr vYlI dI afriQkqf dI mjLbUqI dI kuMjI hY. iesdf lgfqfr ivsQfr jfrI hY. ieQoN hr sfl lgBWg aWDf imlIan musfiPr sPr krdy hn. hux ieQoN rojLfnf vYst jYWt dI PlfeIt aYzimMtn nMU jfvygI aqy trFto nMU isWDI PlfeIt afvy- jfvygI. aYbtsPorz dI eyarport aQfrtI dy cyarmYn dy anusfr eyar kYnyzf sumr sIjLn dOrfn ieWQoN hYimltn, kYlgrI aqy trFto pIarsn leI isWDIaF syvfvF hr rojL idWqIaF jfxgIaF. PAGE 4
Friday, February 20th, 2015
The Patrika
The Canadian National Flag: A Symbol of Pride for Canadians Translated by: Dr H S Aulakh, CTTIC/STIBC-Certified Translator
years ago, that is, on 15th February, 1965, the present Canadian national flag was unfurled/hoisted for the first time in the Canadian atmosphere. And a certain youth, on seeing the flag flying, expressed his sentiments as follows: “Fly, O my flag! I won’t let thee fly low. When thou fly’st, A wave will sweep over young hearts – with the story of martyrs fascinating them – boldly face the odds, not allowing cruelty to be perpetrated!!” Although 15th February is celebrated each year as the Canadian National Flag Day, this sanctified and momentous day is not declared a national holiday! However, people exhibit national pride on this day throughout Canada. We feel proud as soon as we see the maple leaf between the two red stripes on the white background. Throughout the country, people from all walks of life: army men, sportspersons, artists, executives from the public or private organizations raise the national honour to the skies during the national and international conferences by saluting the flag picturing the maple leaf. The red leaf of “The National Tree”, maple, embodies the nature’s gift to man. This is evident from the people, dedicated to the Canadian nature and atmosphere.
that the maple leaf had certainly got its historical identity already, but it had not yet received official recognition. In 1956, the historic role played by the then Prime Minister of Canada, Lester Pearson, in resolving the Suez Canal crisis was greatly eulogized, and in recognition of this, he was honoured with the Nobel Prize. But at the same time, the Egyptian government registered an objection about the Canadian Peace-Keeping Force, observing that this army had no national flag. It may be worthwhile to mention that during the World War II, the British parliament had used the “Red Ensign” as the flag for Canada, and the Union Jack was considered the only national flag for Canada. Whereas the contemporary prime minster was stressing to adopt the new flag at all costs, the Opposition Party leader and ex-Prime Minster, John Diefenbaker opposed it. A country is identified by its national flag. It is the flag alone that sets a country apart. Most of the national flags of 196 countries feature religious symbols. Christian symbols are featured on the flags of 64 countries. Islamic symbols are featured on the flags of 33 countries, and symbols of Hinduism and Buddhism are featured on the flags of 5 countries. The flags are said to have originated 4,000 years ago. On the flag of Canada is featured the leaf of the nature’s unique gift to Canada, the national tree, maple.
The Punjabi Patrika feels extremely proud, felicitating all Canadians on the Although the maple leaf had been fea- successful completion of half a century tured on the Coat of Arms of Ontario as of honourable life by the sanctified nawell as of Quebec in 1868, we can say tional flag of this great country.
The Patrika
Friday, February 20th, 2015
Premier appoints Parliamentary Secretary for Independent Schools VICTORIA – Abbotsford-Mission MLA Simon Gibson will serve as Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Education for Independent Schools, Premier Christy Clark announced. “Simon has been a strong representative for the people of Abbotsford-Mission, and his abilities will be put to good use in this new role,” said Premier Christy Clark. “I’m pleased to have him join-
ing our excellent team of parliamentary secretaries, advocating for independent schools throughout B.C.” Gibson’s mandate forms an important part of government’s commitment to further strengthen British Columbia’s K-12 education system, building on worldclass learning outcomes and ensuring access to quality education for students and families in every community.
Abbotsford weaves Aboriginal culture into second agreement
fter two years of dedicated consultation and dialogue, the Abbotsford school district signed their second Aboriginal Education Enhancement Agreement today. The district’s longstanding Aboriginal Advisory Committee includes representation from the Sumas First Nation, Matsqui First Nation, Stó:lō Nation, the Fraser Valley Metis Association and the Fraser Valley Aboriginal Children and Families Services Society. The committee is focused on holistic student development – academically, culturally and spiritually. An Aboriginal Education Enhancement Agreement is a commitment by school districts, local Aboriginal communities, and the Ministry of Education, to work together to support Aboriginal student success. District programs place emphasis on supporting student’s individual needs. Grade one students receive literacy kits to help them read at home and every middle and secondary school has a dedicated Aboriginal support staffer. In support of the agreement, family gatherings are held regularly at the local Aboriginal centre. Over dinner, families experience a non-threatening space to talk about their children’s academic success. They can also access health screenings, immunizations and library services – all provided by community partners. Abbotsford is the third most ethnically diverse community in Canada. The Sumas and Matsqui First Nations communities both fall within the dis-
trict’s catchment area. The district also recognizes the Stó:lō people, placing special emphasis on Halqemeylem language education. In the past five years, the six-year completion rate for Aboriginal students in Abbotsford has increased from 61% in 2009-10 to 75% in 2013-14. The provincial six-year completion rate has climbed to a record high of 62%. Quotes: Peter Fassbender, Minister of Education – “Abbotsford’s second agreement not only strengthens the positive work they’ve accomplished in the past, but emphasizes their commitment to Aboriginal language and culture for years to come.” Cindy Schafer, Abbotsford board chair – “ Abbotsford school district has achieved some encouraging results as a consequence of our first Aboriginal Enhancement Agreement. Our Aboriginal students perform considerably higher than the provincial average for school completion, and we have realized positive gains in reading achievement, sense of belonging, and cultural pride. This is no doubt the result of the work of our dedicated staff, and the strength of the partnerships we have fostered with our Aboriginal communities. We remain committed to even greater levels of achievement, and the goals within this new agreement will provide a roadmap for the continued success of Aboriginal students in our district.”
Friday, February 20th, 2015
The Patrika
Air Canada rouge Announces a New Service from Abbotsford International Airport
bbotsford International Airport (YXX), one of Fraser Valley’s key economic generators, continues to expand along with the region it serves. With nearly half-a-million passengers already passing through YXX every year, the airport will see even more activity with the addition of an extra daily WestJet Encore flight to Edmonton and the return of direct seasonal service on Air Canada rouge to Toronto.
Ontario, Hamilton is a convenient departure and arrival point for tourists and visiting friends and relatives. This makes it a market ideally-suited for Air Canada rouge with its competitive cost structure,” said Benjamin Smith, President of Passenger Airlines, Air Canada. “Since it was launched a year-and-a-half ago, Air Canada rouge has proven popular with leisure travelers in the transborder and international markets. We are now selectively deploying it on a limited number of new domestic routes, such as Toronto-Abbotsford, as part of our strategy for sustainable, profitable growth and to complement our successful mainline domestic network.”
Air Canada announced it will launch this summer new, year round Air Canada rouge services between Hamilton and Calgary and seasonal service between Toronto Pearson and Abbotsford. The non-stop, daily flights will give Canadian travelers more competitively-priced options when Dave Holmberg, Abbotsford Airport flying within Canada. Authority Chair: “Air Canada rouge is a welcome addition to our airport com“Air Canada is very pleased to offer its customers additional options at munity. The new service will definitely compelling fares for travel in Canada. enhance the ease and convenience for our guests. We are looking forward to Located in the heart of the popu- working with Air Canada to establish lous Golden Horseshoe of Southern a longterm partnership.
“Mayor Henry Braun, City of Abbotsford: “This is great news for the City. The airport is one of our main economic drivers and is a key factor in making us a regional hub for transportation and investment. This enhanced service opens up many opportunities for increased business and tourism and I am pleased to see Air Canada’s confidence in our community. I offer them a warm welcome to Abbotsford International!”
Parm Sidhu, Airport General Manager, said the relationship with WestJet remains a key asset. “It has been a partnership for 18 years and the partnership is very strong,” he said. “It’s probably one of the strongest airport-airline relationships out there.” We have a world class aviation community at YXX, “As the region grows, there’s going to be more opportunities for people to fly out of here or work for one of our amazing partners,” Sidhu said. “It’s a regional asset.”
The Patrika
Friday, February 20th, 2015
amrIkI kMpnIaF nhIN cfhuMdIaF dvfeIaF dIaF kImqF ‘qy kMtrol pI[ zI[ sLrmf
dI Aus dI afriQkqf ‘c vfDf huMdf sI, pr hux iewk zflr afriQkqf sMsfr dy sB qoN sLkqIsLflI dy vfdy leI Aus nUM cfr zflr df lokqMqr amrIkf aqy sMsfr dy krjLf lYxf pY irhf hY. sB qoN vwzy lokqMqr Bfrq, ienHF dovF dysLF dy Auc nyqfvF ivcfly ies pirpyK ‘c amrIkf qy Bfrq nvIN idwlI ‘c lgBg 90 imMt afpxy ltk rhy mhwqvpUrn leI afriQk mfmilaF ‘qy ivcfr afriQk mwuidaF nUM sulJfAux df vtFdrf hoieaf. ieh mIitMg Xqn kr rhy hn. do aijhy muwdy aijhy smyN ‘c hoeI hY, jdoN sfry hn, jo amrIkf aqy Bfrq dovF sMsfr dI afriQkqf zgmgf rhI nUM vwK-vwK ZMg nfl pRBfivq hY. ies smyN sMsfr dI jI zI pI krdy hn. pihlF mwudf dvfeIaf aOsqn 2[5 PLIsdI dy vfDy dI dr dIaF kImqF df hY. amrIkf dIaF nfl vD rhI hY aqy sMsfr dI arQ dvfeIaf bxfAux vflIaF kMpnIaF ivvsQf mMdI dy dOr ‘coN lMG rhI dI ‘lfbI’ amrIkI rfsLtrpqI hY. amrIkf nUM Cwz ky iksy vI dysL brfk Ebfmf aqy pRDfn mMqrI dI afriQk siQqI AuqsLfhjnk nirMdr modI dy iDafn ‘c ilafAux nhIN hY. leI afpxf eyjMzf bxfAux ‘c lwgI hoeI hY. ieh kMpnIaF cfhuMdIaF sB qoN icMqfjnk gwl ieh hY ik hn ik Bfrq ‘c vpfr krn leI cIn, ijs df sMsfr dI afriQkqf AunHF leI pRikirafvF qy kfnUMn ‘c sB qoN vwzf Xogdfn hY, Aus dI nrm hox. ivsLysL qOr ‘qy AunHF df vI afriQk siQqI ies smyN TIk jLor dvfeIaF dIaF kImqF ‘qy hY. nhIN hY. sMsfr dI afriQkqf ‘c cIn df Xogdfn 33 PIsdI hY aqy dvfeIaF bxfAux vflIaf amrIkI amrIkf df Xogdfn 20 PIsdI hY. kMpnIaF Bfrq dI sMbMDq rYgUlytrI cIn dI hflq ies leI icMqfjnk aQfrtI nfl dvfeIaF dIaF kImqF hY ik Aus ‘qy krjLy df BFr vDdf bfry pUry sMprk ‘c hn, ikAuNik hI jf irhf hY. pihlF jdoN cIn iewk Bfrq ‘c dvfeIaF dIaF kImqF zflr krjLf lYNdf sI qF iewk zflr Gwt hox kfrn amrIkI kMpnIaF
dy lfB ‘qy asr pY irhf hY. ieh kMpnIaF rfsLtrpqI brfk Ebfmf ‘qy ies mfmly ‘c dbfa pf rhIaf hn. Bfrq ‘c dvfeIaf dIaF kImqF rYgUlytrI aQfrtI vwloN inrDfirq kIqIaF jFdIaf hn, jd ik amrIkf ‘c kMpnIaF afpxy afp kImqF inrDfrq krdIaf hn. hfl hI ‘c XUnfeIitz styt ieMtrnYsLnl tryz kimsLn ny ieh ivcfr jLfhr kIqf sI ik BFrq ‘c kImqF ‘qy kMtrol kfrn amrIkI dvfeIaf bxfAux vflIaF kMpnIaF ‘qy BYVf pRBfv pY irhf hY. Bfrq dI ‘nYsLnl PfrmfistIkl pRfeIisMg aQfrtI (aYn[ pI[ pI[ ey[) ny hfl hI ‘c 52 dvfeIaF nUM asYNsLIal mYzIsn (jIvn rwiKak) dy aDIn ilaf ky AunHF dIaF kImqf inrDfrq kIqIaF sn. amrIkn aqy dUjIaF ivdysLI kMpnIaF nUM zr hY ik Bfrq dy aYn[ pI[ pI[ ey[ aijhI hI iewk hor sUcI iqafr kr rhI hY. ies qrHF ieh kMpnIaF rfsLtrpqI Ebfmf dI Bfrq Xfqrf df pUrf lfB AuTfAux df Xqn kr rhIaF hn.
bxfAux vflIaF kMpnIaF amrIkf ‘c kMm kr rhIaF hn, AunHF nUM amrIkf dI rYgUlytrI aQfrtI dy sKq kfnUMnF df sfhmxf krnf pY irhf hY. amrIkf dI PfeIjLr aYbot lYbortrIjL, mrk aYNz kMpnI, mfeInl iglYNz, vYkstr, alrgn afid dvfeIaF bxfAux vflIaF kuJ vwzIaF kMpnIaF ies smyN Bfrq ‘c kMm kr rhIaF hn. ies qoN pihlF jdoN pRDfn mMqrI nirMdr modI ipCly sfl sqMbr ‘c amrIkf dI Xfqrf ‘qy gey sn qF AudoN ieh kMpnIaF aYn pI pI ey rfhIN 100 dvfeIaF ‘qy lgfey gey kMtrol dI vfpsI leI jLor pf rhIaF sn. hux aYn pI pI ey sfrIaF jIvn rwiKak dvfeIaF nUM pRfeIs kMtrol aDIn ilafAuxf cfhuMdI hY.
amrIkn dvfeI kMpnIaF leI ieh jfxnf jLrUrI hY ik Bfrq df ‘PfrmfistIkl AudXog’ qyjLI nfl vD irhf hY. ies AudXog qoN 40 iblIan zflr df mflIaf pRfpq ho irhf hY, ijs ‘coN 15 iblIan zflr dI brfmd ho rhI hY. ies Xfd rhy ik Bfrq dIaF jo dvfeIaF AudXog ‘c 20,000 qoN vI vwD
iekfeIaF kMm kr rhIaF hn, jo aqy AudoN ies nUM iewk vwzf tIcf do kroV 90 lwK lokF nUM rojLgfr mMinaf igaf sI, pr modI srkfr ny kFgrs dy tIcy qoN pMj guxF pRdfn kr rhIaF hn. vwD sOr AUrjf Auqpfdn df tIcf dUjf mhwqvpUrn muwdf nfguirk rwiKaf hY aqy awT sfl dI bjfey pRmfxU sihXog smJOqy df hY, jo pMj sfl ‘c vI ies nUM pUrf krn sfl 2008 qoN ltk irhf hY aqy df Aus df ierfdf hY. ieh AumId kIqI jf rhI hY ik ieh muwdf vI hux sulJf ilaf jfvygf. ipClI kFgrs srkfr ny 20 ieh mwudf Bfrq dy ibjlI Auqpfdn gIgfvft ibjlI Auqpfdn dy nfl sMbMDq hY. modI srkfr ny tIcy nUM pUrf krn leI lgBg afpxy sLFsnkfl dy Cy mhIinaF dy 19 iblIan dy invysL df anumfn aMdr-aMdr hI ibjlI dy Auqpfdn lgfieaf sI pr modI srkfr ny qF nUM vDfAux leI iewk bhuq vwzf ies tIcy nUM pMj guxf vDf idwqf hY, joKm Biraf tIcf rwiKaf hY. ijs df iswDf mqlb ieh hoieaf srkfr ny agly pMj sflF ‘c ik afpxy tIcy nUM hfsl krn leI Bfv sfl 2019 qwk sOr AUrjf qoN ipClI srkfr ny jo invysL krnf 100 gIgfvft (iewk lwK mYgfvft) sI, Aus dy leI Aus ny awT sfl df ibjlI df Auqpfdn krn df tIcf smF rwiKaf sI, pr modI srkfr Enf hI invysL iewk sfl ‘c hI rwiKaf hY . hux qwk asIN dysL ‘c krygI. sOr AUrjf qoN isrPL 2[6 gIgfvft qwk hI ibjlI df Auqpfdn kr Bfrq iewk grIb dysL aqy ies rhy hF. ipClI kFgrs srkfr ny pirpyK ‘c ieh bhuq jLrUrI hY sOr AUrjf qoN 20 gIgfvft ibjlI ik dvfeIaF dIaF kImqF ijMnIaF Auqpfdn df tIc sfl 2020 qwk Gwt ho skx, Enf hI cMgf hovygf, df rwiKaf sI aqy bfad ‘c ies ikAuNik afm afdmI nUM Bfrq ‘c nUM vDf ky sfl 2022 qwk kr hYlQ kyar dy mfmly ‘c amrIkI idwqf igaf. Aus smyN ieh ibjlI nfgirkF vFg koeI hor shfieqf Auqpfdn vfDf awT guxf qwk df sI nhIN imldI hY.
The Patrika
Friday, February 20th, 2015
sLok smfcfr bVy duKI ihrdy nfl sUicq kIqf jFdf hY ik mfqf mlkIaq kOr DflIvfl supqnI svrgI s: gurpfl isMG DflIvfl, ipClf ipMz nUrpurf, nyVy hlvfrf, ijLlHf luiDafxf, jo 1994 qoN aYbtsPorz ivKy rih rhy sn, pRmfqmf vloN bKsLI 81 sfl Aumr Bog ky 12 PrvrI, 2015 idn vIrvfr nMU svrg isDfr gey hn. Auh afpxy ipCy Biraf pUrf pirvfr CWz gey hn. AunHF df aMiqm sskfr PryjLr irvr kimAUintI kRYmytorIam susfirtI, 2061 irvr sfeIz roz aYbtsPorz ivKy 21 PrvrI idn sLincrvfr nMU dupihr 12 vjy hovygf aqy Ausy idn dupihr 2 vjy AunHF nimq rWKy gey sihj pfT df Bog aqy aMiqm ardfs gurduafrf klgIDr drbfr, aYbtsPorz ivKy hovygI. pirvfr nfl duWK sFJf krn leI sMprk kro: hrdyv isMG DflIvfl (dybI): 778-552-5361
sLok smfcfr bVy duKI ihrdy nfl sUicq kIqf jFdf hY ik srdfrnI amr kOr BWtI supqnI svrgI s: ipafrf isMG BWtI, ipClf ipMz ktfxf, ijLlHf jlMDr, jo ik ipCly 22 sflF qoN aYbtsPorz ivKy rih rhy sn, pRmfqmf vloN bKsLI Aumr Bog ky akfl clfxf gey hn. AunHF df aMiqm sskfr PryjLr irvr kimAUintI kRYmytorIam susfirtI, 2061 irvr sfeIz roz aYbtsPorz ivKy 22 PrvrI idn aYqvfr nMU dupihr 12 vjy hovygf aqy Ausy idn dupihr 1:30 vjy AunHF nimq rWKy gey pfT df Bog aqy aMiqm ardfs gurduafrf bfbf bMdf isMG bhfdr, 31631, sfAUQ PryjLr vya, aYbtsPorz ivKy hovygI. pirvfr nfl duWK sFJf krn leI sMprk kro: BgvMq isMG BWtI: 604-744-3746, 604-300-1213
Love! Love! Love! PechaKucha 5! A paradigm of heartfelt passion was shared at the Fraser Valley’s 5th PechaKucha. Hosted by UFV’s Graphic + Digital Design students, The Reach, and Jelly Digital Marketing at UFV’s Abbotsford campus, this vibrant sold-out event was thought provoking and visually captivating. 16 outstanding speakers and an exhibition of bold student work inspired rave reviews from the more than 160 guests! Authenticity resonated amongst the speakers. Their paths of discovery enabled unexpected connections that were life changing. We left feeling that anything is possible in the Fraser Valley! Event photos by Imroze Deol, UFV GDD Student:
The Patrika
Friday, February 20th, 2015
Friday, February 20th, 2015
The Patrika
The Patrika
Friday, February 20th, 2015
inroeIaF kdrF kImqF nUM pRnfieaF AutflF vflf ZfzI pirvfr smrflf ijLlHf luiDafxf nyVy Etflf ipMz dy pRIqm isMG dy ZFzI jQy dI kfPI cVHq rhI hY. pRIqm isMG dy vwzy Brf muKiqafr isMG aqy jorf isMG pirvfrk ZfzI jwQy dy rudn bxy. AunHF dy ZfzI jwQy ivc sfrMgI mfstr crn isMG rOxI nUM 1996 ivc gOlz mYzl imilaf sI. iqMn BrfvF nMU ZfzI klf ivrfsq ivw c hI imlI sI. AunHF dy vz-vzyry vI gfAuNdy huMdy sn. so pRIqm isMG dy ZfzI jwQy ny pyNzU aKfiVaF qy Dfrimk dIvfnF ivwc afpxI klf dy cMgy jOhr ivKfey. BfvyN smyN dy bdlx nfl ies gfAux dI pRQf kuJ mwDm pY geI hY pr swqrivaF qoN pihlF dy smyN ivwc ieh afpxy pUry jobn ‘qy sI. ies jwQy ny 2003 ivwc hjUrf isMG dI ilKI hIr dIaF klIaF dIaf do zI[vI[zIaF mfrikt ivwc ilaFdIaF hn ajy vI purfxy gfAux dy sLONkIn bVI idlcspI nfl suxdy hn. pR I qm isM G df 2005 ivc idhfNq ho igaf sI aqy
ilKqF aqy gfiekI vl ruJfn kYnyzf ivwc vI Ausny TykydfrF vD irhf hY. dIaF vYnF dI zrfievrI kIqI. jorf isMG df jnm ipqf ieMdr isMG aqy mfqf gurnfm kOr dy gRih ivKy 1942 nUM hoieaf. pRfiemrI ivwidaf Ausny ipMz Autfl ivKy hI pVI aqy mY i tR k 1959 ivc smrflf hfier sYkMzrI skUl smrflf qoN kIqI. 1960 ivc Auh ptny trwkF dy kfrobfr leI cilaf igaf. 1962 ivwc Ausdf ivafh hrcrn kOr nfl ho igaf. Ausdy iqMn lVkIaF aqy iewk lVkf hY. 1963 ivc ptny qoN vfps af ky zrfievrI df ikwqf apxf ilaf aqy 1965 qoN 1969 ilbVf trFsport ‘c bs zrfeIvrI kIqI. muKiqafr isMG ipMz hI rihMdf hY pr jorf isMG 2002 ivwc afpxI puwqrI dy swdy ‘qy kYnyzf af igaf. ies qrHF jwQf ibKr igaf. jorf isMG aYbtsPorz ivKy rih irhf hY. bIqy idnI Ausny pMjfbI pwiqRkf dy mihmfn kvI hfkm isMG sfgr nfl
iml ky bfbf bMdf isMG bhfdr gurU Gr aYbtsPorz ivKy iewk Dfrimk smfgm dOrfn kvIsLr klf dy jOhr pRgtfey.
vFg nf qF lok lwcr gfiekI nUM suxdy sn aqy nf hI gfiek gfAuNdy sn, koeI vI lyKk lwcr ilKx qoN guryjL krdf huMdf sI. pr hux iPr kuJ lwcrqf qoN pMjfbI pwiqRkf dy pRqIinD nfl lok muwK moV gey hn. sfPLgwlbfq kridaF jorf isMG ny suQrIaF cMgIafN smfijk aqy dwisaf ik sfzy vyly awjkwlH mnwuKI kdrF kImqF vflIaF
1970 ivwc Autflf pirvfr ny smrfl, goibMdgVH aqy KMnf trwk XUnIan ivwc afpxIaF gwzIaF pfeIaF. jorf isMG jMqf trwk XUnIan smrflf 1986 ivwc srb sMmqI nfl pRDfn cuixaf igaf. jo kYnyzf afAux qwk 2002 qwk pRDfn irhf.
jQy df afgU pRIqm isMG ipMz dI koafpRyitv sosfietI df pRDfn aqy ipMz df srpMc vI irhf smrflf dy eyrIey ivc ies afkrsLk aqy inroeIaF kdrF kImqF nUM pRnfey pirvfr dI Gr Gr crcf hMdI hY.
qIs mfr KF dy qIr pihlF kuWty akflIaF Bfjpf vfly, roNdy- ipWtdy vYx ijhf pfeI jFdy. iPr sI kuWty iProjLpur kFgrsIey, Qfxy ivwc isLkfieq sI lfeI jFdy. muV ky Gyry akflI akflIaF ny eI, pWgF isr qoN iKwcI- iKcfeI jFdy. Prk rWKx prfey nhIN afpxy df, jo vI lWBdf, pkV iCqrfeI jFdy. pihlF iZWz dI BuWK akflIaF dI, afpo ivc lVfAuNdI sI dfl ipWCy. hux hY nIq dI BuWK akflIaF dI, lVdy rihMdy ny luWt dy mfl ipWCy.
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„Ù⁄ Á‚°πÙ: gov.bc.ca/transportation PAGE 12
The Patrika
Friday, February 20th, 2015
ajfieb icqrkfr
pR i sWD pM j fbI sL f ier ajfieb icqrkfr df jnm luiDafxf ijLlHy dy pRisWD ipMz GvWdI ivc 18 PrvrI, 1924 nMU hoieaf. Aus nMU Dfrimk poQIaF aqy sfKIaF pVHidaF sfihqk cytk lWgI sI. AunHF nMU ividafrQI jIvn ivc kivqf ilKV dy nflnfl icWqrklf df sLONk vI irhf ijhVf bfad ivc Au n H F dy ru j L g fr df sbWb vI bixaf. ividafrQI jIvn ivc hI AunHF ny AurdU jLubfn dI qflIm vI hfsl kIqI aqy AurdU ivc sLfierI vI kIqI.
ajfieb icqrkfr ny pMjfbI sfihq jgq ivc keI pusqkF dI isrjxf kIqI ijnHF ivcoN ‘dumyl’ (1946), ‘BulyKy’ (1949), ‘sWjrI pYV’ (1955), ‘sUrjmuKIaf’ (1955), ‘cfr XuWg coxvIN kivqf’ (1958), ‘mnuWK bIqI’ (1960), ‘afvfjLF dy rMg’ (1976), jLKmI iKLafl df ichrf’ (1980), ‘ngLmy dy ilbfs’ (1995), ‘afbsLfr’ (1988), ‘sfihr: KfbF df sLihjLfdf’, ‘pMjfbI icqrkfr’ (1995), ‘supinaF df tfpU’ (1998) aqy ‘myrI sfihqk svY- jIvnI’ ivsLysL qOr ‘qy pRisWQ ho e IaF. keI pu s qkF dUjIaF jLubfnF ivc anuvfd vI hoeIaF. Au n H F ny pM j fbI gL j L l nMU pMjfbI ivc mkbUl krn ivc ieiqhfsk Xogdfn pfieaf. sfihr luiDafxvI ny ajfieb
icqrkfr dI pMjLbI gLjLlgoeI qoN muqfisr ho ky iliKaf sI ik aWj jd pMjfbI jLubfn ivc cMgI gLjLl kihx vfly tfvy N - tfvy N hI njL r afAu N d y hn, ajfieb icqrkfr df nFa gLjLl kihx vfly sLfierF ivcoN inhfieq iehqrfm nfl lYx dy kfibl hY. ikRsLn adIb vloN AunHF nMU KLry aqy sWcy sony nfl qsLbIh idWqI geI sI. ajfieb icqrkfr ny pMjfbI ivc bWicaF leI vI bhuq imafrI sfihq dI isrjxf kIqI. AunHF dIaF ilKIaF geIaF pRisWD pMjfbI bfl pusqkF ivc ‘kfxy igWdV df ivafh’, ‘JFsI dI rfxI’, ‘buWD dI khfxI’, ‘GuWgI’, ‘ieWk sI icVI’, ‘ieWk sI btyrf’, ‘jfdU df sMK’, ‘mhFBfrq dI khfxI’, ‘rfmfiex dI khfxI’ aqy ‘ibWlI mfsI’, ‘ku k VU M ku V U M ’ , ‘kUMjF dI zfr’, ‘iqqlI’,
rfm srUp axKI ‘suxo suxfvF’, ‘jMgl dI khfxI’, ‘bglf Bgq’, ‘jfdU dI bMsI’, ‘sonf ‘qy srfp’, ‘Ko q y ‘qy GoVy dI lVfeI’, ‘qMqr nIqI’ vrgIaF pusqkF dy nFa igxfey jf skdy hn. AunHF df bfl sfihq vI dUjIaF BfsLfvF ivc anuvfd hoieaf. AunHF vloN pRoVH aqy bfl sfihq KyqrF ivc pfey vzmuWly Xogdfn leI pihlF sLRomxI pMjfbI kvI aqy iPr sLRomxI pMjfbI bfl sfihq lyKk purskfr pRfpq hoieaf. hWk dI pRfpqI leI AunHF df ieh isLar bhuq mkbUl hoieaf sI: PuWlF lWdI zfl nMU hY ijs qrHF KLfrF dI loV. hWk dI rfKI leI hY AuvyN qlvfrF dI loV. pMjfbI mF- bolI df ieh hrmn- ipafrf adIb 2 julfeI, 2012 dI rfq nMU luiDafxf ivKy vPLfq pf igaf.
pRiswD nfvlkfr rfm srUp axKI df jnm ieMdr rfm dy Gr mfqf soDF dI kwu KoN 28 agsq 1932 nUM ipMz DOlf (brnflf) ivKy hoieaf. AunHF afpxf sfihqk sPL r kivqf nfl sL u r U kIqf. 1957-58 ivw c ‘mtk cfnxf’ aqy ‘kxk dI khfxI’ kfiv-sMgRih vI pRkfiLsLq hoey. 250 qoN vwD khfxIaF ilKx vfly rfm srU p axKI horF dI nfvlkfr dy qOr ‘qy pCfx ‘koTy KVk isM G ’ nfl ho e I. iesy nfvl nUM sfihq akfdmI df pu r skfr imilaf. pMjfbI sfihq dI JolI 16 nfvl, 14 khfxI sMgRih aqy keUI vfrqk pusqkF pfAux vfly axKI dy nfvl ‘pRqfpI’ ,’duwly
dI Zfb’ , ‘jLmInf vfly’ , ‘bws hor nhIN’ afid sfihqk hlikaf ivw c crcf df ivsLf rhy hn. ipMzF bfry AunHF dI ikqfb ‘hwzI bYTy ipMz’ aqy imRqk dosqF bfry ilKI pusqk ‘moey imwqrf dI sLnfKLq’ vI kfPI crcf ‘c hn. axKI jI AuWGy nfvlkfr hox dy nfl cMgy kflm nvIs vI sn. pMjfbI dy cricq aKLbfrF ‘c AunF dy kflm Cpdy hn. lyKk dosqF dIaF pqnIaF bfry AunHF df cricq kflm ‘mYN qF bolFgI’ ny kfPLI nfmxf Kwitaf. mYnUM axKI horF ny kfPLI vfr sfihqk smfgmF ‘qy imlx df mOkf vI imilaf aqy AunHF vwloN surU kIqy qRYmfisk ‘khfxI pMjfb’ dI pRPuwlqf leI cMdy ktf ky brnflf ivKy AunHF dy Gr jf ky KuwlHIaF gwlF krn df smF vI. khfxI pMjfb dI pRkfsLnf 1993 qoN sLurU hoeI sI, axKI dI ‘suwqf nfg’ cricq khfxI ‘qy
iewk vrHf pihlF sLfier amrdIp igwl vwloN tY l IiPL l m df inrmfx vI kIqf jf cuwkf hY. ‘kwcf Dfgf’, ‘mnuwK dI mOq’, ‘tIsI df by r ’, ‘aw D f afdmI’, ‘ikDr jfvF’, ‘imwtI dI jfq’, ‘icwtI kbUqrI’ afid khfxIaF dIaf ikqfbF hn. ‘mlHy JfVIaF’ sfihqk svYjIvnI qoN axKI dy jIvn aqy sfihq bfry ivsQfr ‘c jfixaf jf skdf hY . sfihq akfdmI dy purskfr qoN ielfvf BfsLf ivBfg vwloN vI rfm srUp axKI nUM iqMn vfr snmfinaf jf cwuikaf hY jd ik BfrqI klf pRIsLd, krqfr isM G DflIvfl purskfr vI AunHF dI JolI pey . axKI ho r F dIaF bhuq sfrIaF khfxIaF ihM d I ivw c anu v fd ho cwukIaF hn. mfx vflI gwl ieh hY ik axKI nUM ihMdI sfihq sMsfr ivc vI Enf hI jfixaf jFdf hY ijM n f pM j fbI ivw c .
idlcsp gw l ieh hY ik axKI dy nfvlF df kfrj Ky q r mfnsf qy ies dy afly-duafly dy ipMz rhy hn. khfxIkfr gurcrn cfhl BIKI axKI dy nyVly imwqrF ‘c sLfiml sI, ijs krky axKI horI sfzy nvXuwg sfihq klf mM c BIKI vwloN krvfey jFdy rfqrI khfxI drbfr ‘c vI ikMny hI vrHy hfjLrI Brdy rhy. bkO l sL F ier gu r pR I q, rfm srUp axKI imwtI nfl juiVaf aijhf lyKk hoieaf hY, ijs dy pfqrF dI BfsLf inrol mlveI rhI hY. axKI ny afpxy nfvlF ivwc pyNzU smfj dI twut-Bwj aqy irsLiqaF ivwc afey inGfr nUM bfKLUbI icqiraf hY. 5 vrHy pihlF 15 PrvrI 2010 nUM afpxy nfvl nUM aMiqm CohF idMidaF BfvyN AunHF df idhFq ho igaf pr sfihqk dunIaF ivwc AunHF dI dyx nUM kdy vI BulfAuxf aOKf hY.
The Patrika
British Columbia tops the health charts
ranks third in the world for health performance behind only Switzerland and Sweden, and is ranked the number one province in Canada, according to The Conference Board of Canada’s report card on health released today. British Columbia was also the only province in the country to receive an A score overall. “This ranking reflects the high priority government places on the health and quality of life of British Columbians,” said Health Minister Terry Lake. “We have achieved this ranking while maintaining among the lowest per capita healthcare spending. This recognition is not a reason for us to slow down our work or settle for the status quo, but rather an opportunity to build on our successes.” British Columbians have a life expectancy of 82.2
Friday, February 20th, 2015
years, which ranks among the longest in the world. Out of 11 report card indicators used to measure health performance, B.C. scored four A grades in life expectancy; premature mortality; selfreported health status; and mortality due to cancer. Six B grades were scored in infant mortality; mortality due to heart disease and stroke; self-reported mental health; mortality due to respiratory disease; mortality due to providing health care to diseases of the nervous than some other provinces, system; and suicides. and other countries, in that High grades in life expec- government and doctors tancy, premature mortality work closely as partners to and infant mortality reflect benefit patient care,” said not only the health of in- Dr. Bill Cavers, president dividuals, but also that of of Doctors of BC. “More B.C.’s overall health system than a decade ago, B.C. and the socio-economic doctors and government health and well-being of invested in a collaborative the province. In particular, approach on issues of coninfant mortality rates are cern to patients, the doctors cited by many health ex- who provide the care, and perts as a “sentinel indicator the health-care system that of population health and the makes it all happen, and well-being of a society.” it is gratifying to see this “B.C. has a fundamen- investment contributing to tally different approach such positive results. We
look forward to continuing this collaboration.” The lowest grade B.C. received was a single C in mortality due to diabetes, and yet B.C. has the lowest diabetes prevalence rate in Canada. The report also indicates British Columbians have such high health outcomes because of their healthier lifestyle choices, such as particularly low daily smoking and drinking rates and the highest population percentage that is physically active during their leisure
time, along with the lowest but also in slowing the rise obesity rate in Canada. of chronic diseases, such as obesity, heart disease and “The BC Healthy Living cancer,” added Lake. “We Alliance is pleased to see continue to build on this the health of British Cowork with a renewed focus lumbians ranked so highly on a patient-centred, highamong other provinces and performing and sustainable countries,” said Mary Colhealth-care system, as outlins, director of the BC Healthy Living Alliance lined in ‘Setting Priorities Secretariat. “Certainly the for the B.C. Health System.’ active role that the Govern- Setting Priories has become ment of B.C. has taken, the health ministry’s road whether with ActNowBC map to support the health or more recently Healthy and well-being of British Families BC, has been in- Columbians with a healthstrumental in moving Brit- care system that is responish Columbians to healthier sive and effective.” lifestyles and better health. In ”How Canada Performs: However, we don’t want to A Report Card on Canada,” be complacent. As the Con- The Conference Board evalference Board of Canada uates the country, its provreport points out, rising inces and territories, and 15 rates of chronic diseases ne- peer countries to provide cessitate a continued focus an assessment on how well on disease prevention and Canada is meeting its goal health promotion.” of creating a high and sus“Significant promotion of a tainable quality of life for healthy lifestyle through our all Canadians. Health is one Healthy Families BC strat- of six performance areas egy has resulted in not only reviewed; others include maintaining and improving economy, education and the the health of individuals, environment.
Friday, February 20th, 2015
The Patrika
BC Celebrates the Lunar New Year Minister Responsible for Multiculturalism Teresa Wat issued the following statement. “It gives me great pleasure to wish the Chinese community and all people of British Columbia a happy Lunar New Year in the Year of the Ram. “The Lunar New Year is an important Chinese traditional holiday, highlighting family, fresh starts and seasonal renewal. It is a time of celebration and preparation for the New Year, and an ushering of good fortune into the lives of our neighbours and friends.
“The advisory council is working with Chinese-Canadian communities and other key partners to ensure legacy projects are successfully implemented. There’s a lot of work taking place on the projects and I am looking forward to celebrating and marking their many milestones. “Recently, we invited the public to participate in a project that will lead to the registration of 10 historic places that have significance to B.C.’s Chinese community and reflect the development and history of the province.
“Due to enthusiastic response and many inquiries, on LIAC’s and Heritage BC’s recommendation, we have extended the deadline for 10 days to March 2. Please take the time to nominate a place you’d like recognized. You will find information on the nomina“For decades, generations tion process on the Heritage of hard-working ChineseBC website. Canadians have helped make our province the di- “LIAC is also working in verse and innovative place collaboration with the Unithat it is today. As we look versity of Victoria and the forward to the New Year, BC Museums Association we also look to work with to undertake a provincial the Chinese-Canadian com- inventory of Chinese-Camunity to address historical nadian artifacts in local and wrongs and create a mean- regional museums. ingful legacy for all British “As well, government is Columbians. producing a book to cel“In October 2014 we cre- ebrate the contributions of ated the Legacy Initiatives Chinese-British ColumAdvisory Council (LIAC) bians to the diversity and to advise government on prosperity of the province. how to implement recom- A contract has now been mendations in the Chinese awarded to research, write Historical Wrongs Consul- and produce this Celebration Book, with the LIAC tation Final Report. “The Ram signifies energy and inspiration, which is very appropriate as our province directs its energy to attract new investment, diversify our markets and weather the global economic storm.
serving in an advisory role concerning the selection of themes and profiles of notable Chinese-British Columbians. “Information on LIAC and the legacy projects can be found on the EmbraceBC website. “Cultural diversity and increased participation and engagement by all cultures are vitally important to create a strong and vibrant social and economic future for British Columbia. “Our premier, Christy Clark, has been leading B.C. with vision and prudence. She has always said we can’t spend our children’s and grandchildren’s money and leave them with our debt. “Again, with the budget announced yesterday, this is our government’s third consecutive balanced budget that respects good fiscal managements and is building towards a stronger, more diversified economy. “I am honoured and privileged to be entrusted by you to be your Minister of Multiculturalism. Multiculturalism in B.C. must serve the greater good of all British Columbians. I welcome your input and by continuing to work together, we will build a stronger B.C. “As we look forward to the Lunar New Year, I say Gung Hay Fat Choy or Gong Xi Fa Cai – wishing you and your family joy, good health, peace and prosperity.”
Premier’s Lunar New Year greeting “Here at home, British Columbians of Asian heritage enrich our communities with their contributions “In a troubled world, Brit- – making our province a ish Columbia remains a better, brighter place each safe harbour of prosperity day. and opportunity. “Let me wish you and “Working together, we are your family a very happy, growing a diverse econo- healthy and prosperous my, and building on our Year of the Goat. strong cultural and commercial relationships in the “Kung Hei Fat Choi and Asia-Pacific region. Gong Xi Fa Cai.” “As we move from the Year of the Horse into the Year of the Goat, we have much to be grateful for.
Premier Christy Clark has issued the following greeting to all British Columbians celebrating the Lunar New Year:
The Patrika
smkflI JroKy ‘coN
“modI dI Kqrnfk KfmosLI”
amrIkI rfsLtrpqI brfk Ebfmf vwlo ihMdusqfn ivwc Dfrimk asihxsLIlqf df muwdf cuwkx qoN bfad, hux dI ‘inAU Xfrk tfeImjL’ ny pRDfn mMqrI nirMdr modI dI nukqfcInI kridaF bhuq jordfr sMpfdkI Cfipaf hY, ijs ivwc aKLbfr ny BfrqI pRDfn mMqrI dI cwupI nUM mulk ivwc iPLrkU GtnfvF dy iewk islisly bfry “KLqrnfk KLfmosLI” krfr idwqf hY.
ihMsf bfry pRDfn mMqrI nirMdr modI dy cwup nf qoVn nUM ikvyN ilaf jfvy? ijs bMdy nUM ihMdusqfn dy sLihrIaF dI numfieMdgI krn aqy AunHF dI surwiKaf krn leI cuixaf igaf sI Aus ny eIsfeI pUjf-sQfnF Aupr hmilaF bfry koeI pRqIkrm hI nhIN idKfieaf. nf hI Auh eIsfeIaF aqy muslmfnF dy vwzI qfdfd ‘c ihMdUvfd nUM apxfAux dy msly nUM muKLfqb hoieaf hY ijnHF dI bFh mroV ky jF pYsy df lfrf lf ky Drm bdlfieaf igaf. aYsI prysLfn krn vflI asihxsLLIlqf bfry sRImfn modI dI lgfqfr KLfmosLI qoN ieh pRBfv imldf hY ik jF qF Auh ihMdU rfsLtrvfdI swjy pwKIaF ‘qy kfbU pfAux qoN asmrwQ hY jF kfbU pfAuxf hI nhIN cfhuMdf. huxy ijhy ihMdusqfn ivc keI igrjFGrF nUM jlfieaf igaf aqy BMn-qoV kIqI geI hY. ipCly dsMbr ivwc, pUrbI idwlI dy syNt sYbystIan igrjfGr nUM awg lwgI sI. igrjfGr dy pfdrI ny dwisaf sI ik awg ‘qy kfbU pY jfx ipwCoN imwtI dy qyl dI bdbU afeI sI. somvfr nUM nvIN idwlI dy syNt alPys igrjfGr ivwc huVdMg mcfieaf igaf. aijhf krn vfly AuWQoN rsmF
“inAU Xfrk tfeImjL’ dy sMpfdkI ny igrjLfGrF Aupr qfjLf hmilaF aqy Gr-vfpsI jF Drm-bdlI dIaF irportF igxfeIaF hn aqy ies sfl mfrc mhIny aXuwiDaf ivwc Drm-bdlI dy pRsqfivq pRogrfm leI ivsLv ihMdU pRIsLd vI[aYWc[pI ‘qy AuNgl Drdy hoey iliKaf hY ik ieh DVf “awg nfl Kyz irhf hY.” qy nfl hI iliKaf hY ik “aYsI prysLfn krn vflI asLihxsLIlqf bfry sRImfn modI dI lgfqfr KfmosLI qoN ieh pRBfv imldf hY ik jF qF Auh ihMdU rfsLtrvfdI swjy pwKIaF ‘qy kfbU pfAux qoN asmrwQ hY jF kfbU pfAuxf hI nhIN cfhuMdf.” ihMdusqfn dIaF Dfrimk GwtigxqIaF dy iKLlfPL vD rhI
leI kIqy jfx vfly brqn cwuk ky lY gey, jdik ngdI nfl Bry gWilaF nUM CUihaF qk nhIN igaf. hmilaF qoN cukMny ihMdusqfn dy kYQoilk ibsLp sMmyln ny hkUmq nUM ihMdusqfn dy DrminrpwKqf Kfsy nUM bulMd krn aqy iewQoN dy eIsfeIaF nMU ieh XkIn idvfAux leI jLor pfieaf hY ik afpxy hI mulk ivwc Auh ‘shI slfmq aqy mihPLUjL’ hn. jnqk pYmfny qy Drm-bdlIaF vI icMqf df ivsLf hn. ipCly dsMbr ivwc, afgrf ivwc 200 dy krIb muslmfn Drm bdl ky ihMdUvfd ‘c sLfml ho gey sn. jnvrI ivwc, pwCmI bMgfl ivwc 100 eIsfeIaF ny “dubfr Drm bdl ky” ihMdUvfd nUM apxfieaf. ivsLv ihMdU pRIsLd (vI[aYc[pI[) aqy rfsLtrIX soiem syvk sMG (afr aYWs aYWs) vrgy kwtVpMQI ihMdu rfsLtrvfdI DiVaF ny “Gr vfpsI” vI Aus muihMm nUM hmfieq dyx ‘c koeI luk-lukoa nhIN rwiKaf jo gLYr-ihMdUaF nUM afpxy Gyry ivwc “dubfrf moV ilafAux” leI AulIkI geI hY. 80 PLIsdI qoN vwD ihMdusqfnI ihMdU hn, pr vI[aYWc[pI df pRvIn qogVIaf kih irhf hY ik Aus dI jQybMdI
df tIcf ies mulk nUM 100 PLIsdI ihMdU bxfAux df hY. ies df ieko-iek qrIkf iehI hY ik Dfrimk GwtigxqIaf nUM akIdy dI afjLfdI dyx qoN nFh kr idwqI jfvy. irportF ieh hn ik vI[aYWc[pI[ ies mhIny aXuwiDaf ivwc 3000 muslmfnF dI jnqk pYmfny ‘qy Drm-bdlI krfAux dI ivAuNq bxf rhI hY. AuQy 1992 ‘c ihMdU PsfdIaF vwloN bfbrI msijd Zfhy jfx ny pUry ihMdusqfn ivwc ihMdUaF aqy muslmfnF drimafn Psfd BVkfa idwqy sn, ijnHF ivwc 2000 qoN Aupr lokF nUM jfnF guafAuxIaF peIaF sn. vI[aYWc[pI jfxdI hY ik ieh awg nfl Kyz rhI hY. sRImfn modI ny ihMdusqfn dy ivkfs dy purjLor eyjMzy ‘qy cwlx df vfadf kIqf hY. pr ijvyN ipCly mhIny rfsLtrpqI Ebfmf ny nvIN idwlI ivwc afpxI qkrIr ivwc ikhf sI “jy ihMdusqfn Dfrimk akIidaF dy afDfr ‘qy tukVytukVy hox qoN bicaf rihMdf hY iPr vI ieh kfmXfb hovygf.” sRImfn modI nUM Dfrimk asihxsLIlqf bfry afpxI boilaF vflI KLfmosLI qoVnI cfhIdI hY.
Friday, February 20th, 2015
Ebfmf vwloN amrIkf ivwc Dfrimk qy nslI ihMsf df ivroD iqMn muslmfnF dI hwiqaf kIqy jfx ivruwD aYP[bI[afeI[ jLflmfnf vqIrf krfr ny jFc sLurU kIqI hY. 46 sflf kryg stIPn ihwks AuWqy vfisLLMgtn AuWqrI kYrolInf pihly drjy dy aprfD dy dosL ivc bIqy hPqy iqMn muslmfnF lfey gey hn. pulIs df kihxf dy kql nUM ‘iGnfAuxy’ qy hY ik Aus ny iqMn pIVqF nUM jLflmfnf’ krfr idMidaF lMmy smyN qoN pfrikMg dy cly amrIkI rfsLtrpqI brfk Ebfmf ny mulk ivwc DFrimk afAuNdy ivvfd leI mfr idwqf qy nslI ihMsf ivruwD jLordfr jdik imRqkF dy Gr vfilaF sLbdF ivwc iPkrmMdI pRgt df kihxf hY ik AunHF nUM AunHF kIqI hY. Ebfmf ny iewk ibafn dy Drm krky ieh ihMsf JwlxI ivwc ikhf ik amrIkf ivwc peI. iksy nUM vI ies krky insLfnf nhIN bxfieaf jfxf cfhIdf ik Auh kOx hn, iks qrHF dI AuhnF dI idwK hY qy AunHF df pfT pUjf df ZMg kI hY? Ebfmf qy sRImqI imsLyl Ebfmf ny imRqkF dy nyVilaF nfl duwK vI pRgt kIqf. rfsLtrpqI ny dwisaf ik XUsr muhMmd awbU slfh, zIh sLYzI brkq qy rjLl muhMmd awbU slfh dI cYpl ihwl AuqrI kYrolInf ivwc “jLflmfnf qy iGnOxy ZMg” nfl hwiqafvF
jFc dy nfl-nfl aYP[bI[afeI[ ieh vI qYa kr rhI hY ikqy sMGI kfnUMn dI AulMGxf qF nhIN kIqI geI. Ebfmf ny ikhf ik ijs qrHF iqMnF inrdosLF dIaF aMiqm rsmF vyly vwzI igxqI lok duwK ‘c sLrIk hoey sn, Aus qoN ieh spwsLt huMdf hY ik asI sfry amrIkI iewk pirvfr hF. Ebfmf ny ikhf ik jdoN vI sfzy ivwcoN koeI smyN qoN pihlF hI cilaf jFdf hY qF nyVly hI jfxdy hn ik AunHF df kI hfl huMdf hY.
The Patrika
Friday, February 20th, 2015
zYnmfrk vI dihsLqgrdI df isLkfr kopnhygn zYnmfrk ivwc kopnhygn dI pulIs ny ikhf hY ik ies df mMnxf hY ik zYnmfrk dI rfjDfnI ivwc aPsrF vwloN mfiraf igaf bMdf hI do mfrU hmilaF leI ijLMmyvfr sI. ienHF hmilaF ny amnpUrvk vwsdy rfjDfnI vfly ies sLihr ivwc qrQwlI mcf idwqI sI. ieh hmly pYirs ivwc iewk aKLbfr dy dPqr ‘qy hoey hmilaF qoN mhIny qoN QoVHf vwD smyN mgroN hoey hn. pYirs hmly ivc 17 lok mfry gey sn qy zYnmfrk dy pRDfn mMqrI hYly QorinMg ny ienHf NnUM ‘dihsLq dy Kbq dI kfrvfeI’ ikhf sI. qrjmfn anusfr ienHF hmilaF leI ijLMmyvfr smJy jf rhy bMdy nUM AudoN golIaF mfr ky mfr idwqf igaf sI, jdoN Aus ny rylvy stysLn AuWqy pulIs ‘qy hmlf kIqf sI. ies qoN pihlF ‘ieslfm aqy bolx dI afjLfdI’ ‘qy kwlH hoeI iewk
ivcfr-crcf ‘c hoey hmly ivc iewk 55 sflf ivakqI mfiraf igaf sI. ies crcf ivwc svIzn df Au h kfrtU i nst vI sL F ml sI, jo pYgMbr hjLrq muhMmd dy kfrtUn bxfAux kfrn ivvfdF ‘c iGiraf hoieaf hY. dUjy hmly ivwc awj svyry iewk XhUdI mfiraf igaf sI qy do pu l Is aPL s r kopnhygn dy mwuK igrjfGr dy bfhr jKLmI ho gey sn.
bxfAux vflf lfrs ivlks vI bulfiraf ivwc sLumfr sI. iek hiQafrbMd ivakqI ny ies dOrfn ieQy aMnHyvfh PfieirMg kridaF iewk afdmI dI jfn lY leI sI qy iew k XhU d I nO j vfn ky N d rI kopnhygn ivwc igrjy dy bfhr mfiraf igaf sI. dovyN hmilaf ivwc pMj pulIs krmI jKLmI ho gey sn. dovyN GtnfvF mgroN hmlfvr Prfr ho igaf sI qy Aus msLkUk dy mfry jfx nfl pulIs nUM QoVHf skUn torbyn moiel gfrz jYWnsn ny imilaf hY. pRYs kfnPrMs ivwc dwisaf ik AunHF df mMnxf hY ik dovyN QfeIN sLihr nfl lwgdy nyrYbro ivwc PfieirM g krn vflf ivakqI svyry suvwKqy ieh PfieirMg hoeI, hI norYbro stysLn ‘qy PFieirMg ijwQy pulIs iewk isrnfvy ‘qy njLr ivwc mfiraf igaf hY. zYnmfrk rwK rhI sI. pulIs anusfr vIizE dI DrqI ‘qy hoey aijhy pihly ingrfnI qoN ieh vI sfbq huMdf hY hmilaF nUM amrIkf ny ‘inMdxXog’ ik dovoN QfeIN PfieirMg krn vflf ikhf hY. dunIaF Br vwloN ies dI hI stysLn ‘qy mfiraf igaf pr inMdf kIqI jf rhI hY . kopnhygn ieh qYa krnf hfly bfkI hY ik dy iewk swiBafcfrk kyNdr ivwc Auh iekwlf hI sfrf kuJ kr irhf kwlH bolx dI afjfdI bfry crcf sI. ies Gtnf mgroN 10 lwK dI hoeI sI, ijs ivwc pYgMbr hjLrq afbfdI vfly sLihr ‘c rfq Br muhMmd dy ivvfdgRsq kfrtUn KOPL irhf sI.
imAuNsIpltIaF aqy kONslF dIaF coxF df rfjsIkrn smfj ‘c vMzIaF aqy ihMsf dI jVH pMjfb ivwc agly hPLqy hox jf rhIaF ngr kONslF aqy ngr ingmF dIaF coxF nf kyvl isafsI pfrtIaF blik afm lokF ivwc vI ksLIdgI pYdf krn df kfrn bx rhIaF hn. sUby dI mwuK ivroDI isafsI pfrtI kFgrs ny ijwQy swqfDfrI iDr AuWqy DwkysLfhI dy dosL lfey hn, AuWQy hukmrfn gwTjoV ivwc BfeIvfl sRLomxI akflI dl aqy Bfjpf ivckfr vI qlKLI vDI hY. qrnqfrn, btflf, nzflf, pTfnkot, muhflI aqy nkodr smyq keI sLihrF ivc hfkm-gwTjoV dy AumIdvfr afhmo-sfhmxy hn, ijs qoN ieh spwsLt ho igaf hY ik gwTjoV ivwc vI sB awCf nhIN hY. coxF leI nfmjLdgIaF pwqrF dy dfKLly, pVqfl aqy vfpsI qk dy muwZly pVa ivc keI sLihrF ivwc lVfeIJgiVaF qoN ielfvf golI cwlx dIaF GtnfvF vfpr cuwkIaF hn. coxF dy mfmly ivwc hmysLf hI sLFqmeI rihx vfly pMjfb ivc aijhIaF GtnfvF vfprnIaF ijwQy mMdBfgIaf hn, AuWQy amn-kfnUMn dI siQqI AuWqy vI pRsLnicMn lfAuNdIaF hn. sUby aMdr lokF kol vwzI mfqrf ivwc hiQafr hox kfrn ienHF coxF dOrfn mfVIaF GtnfvF vfprn df KLdsLf bixaf hoieaf hY. pMjfb ivwc ngr kONslF aqy ngr ingmF dIaF coxF pihlF hI do sfl pCV ky ho rhIaF hn aqy Auh vI hfeIkort dy hukmF ‘qy ho rhIaF hn. sLihrI sMsQfvF dIaf coxF do sfl lyt krfAux dI ijLMmyvfrI qoN hfkm iDr Bwj nhIN skdI. iewk pfsy srkfr jmhUrIaq aqy ivkfs dy dfavy kr rhI hY pr dUjy pfsy ies ny lokF nUM afpxy sLihrF aqy ngrF dy ivkfs leI jmhUrI ZMg nfl numfieMdy cuxn dy aiDkfr qoN do sflF leI ivrvy krky rwiKaf hY. srkfr ies sMivDfnk AulMGxf dy dosL qoN mukq nhIN ho skdI. coxF pCVn kfrn sLihrF aqy ksibaF df ivkfs burI qrHF pRBfivq
hoieaf. iehI kfrn hY ik awj sUby dy lgpg sfry vwzy-Coty sLihrF aqy ksibaF dy lok pIx vflf sfP pfxI, sIvryj, sfPL-sPLfeI aqy rosLnI afid ijhIaF buinafdI shUlqF qoN vI ivrvy hn. lokF dy cuxy hoey numfieMidaF dy nf hox kfrn aPsrsLfhI ny lokF dIaF smwisafvF nUM gOilaf nhIN hY aqy Auh mfVIaF hflqF ivwc jIvn ijAUx leI mjbUr hn. AuNj ienHF sLihrI coxF ivc ijwQy lVfeI-JgVy aqy ihMsf df nF-pwKI vrqfrf KLqrnfk jfpdf hY, AuWQy aPsos vflI gwl ieh hY ik cox pRcfr ivwcoN lokF dIaF smwisafvF aqy muwdy vI gfieb ivKfeI dy rhy hn. isafsI pfrtIaF aqy rsUKLvfnF dI loVoN vwD dKLlaMdfjLI kfrn lokF nUM drpysL smwisafvF driknfr ho rhIaF hn. pfrtIaF ieh coxf lV qF pfrtI dy cox insLfn ‘qy rhIaF hn pr sLihrF qy ingmF dy ivkfs leI afpxf koeI cox mnorQ pwqr jfrI nhIN kr rhIaF. ies qoN jfpdf hY ik Auh ieh coxF ienHF sMsQfvF AuWqy kyvl kbjLy dI Bfvnf aDIn hI lV rhIaF hn nf ik ienHF dy ivkfs leI. iesy vrqfry krky hI qlKLI aqy zr df mfhOLl pYdf hoieaf hY. jmhUrIaq qy sihrI ivkfs leI ieh jLrUrI hY ik ienHF sMsQfvF dIaf coxF pfrtI pwDr aqy pfrtI cox insLfn dI bjfie sQfnk muwidaF qihq hI lVIaF jfx. AuNj vI sLihrI sMsQfvF sMivDfink kfrjF ijvyN ik kfnUMn bxfAux leI nhIN, blik hyTly pwDr ‘qy ivkfs dI lIh ‘qy ilafAux leI aiDkfrq huMdIaF hn. ies leI ienHF dIaF coxF pfrtI pwDr ‘qy lVnf lok ihwq ivc nhIN jfpdf. cox kimsLn ny BfvyN cox jLfbqf jfrI kIqf hoieaf hY pr ieh aml ivwc ikDry vI lfgU hoieaf ivKfeI nhIN dy irhf. mOjUdf siQqI ivwc ienHF coxF dOrfn pYsy aqy nisLaf dI vrqoN dIaf sMBfvnfvF qoN vI ienkfr nhIN kIqf jf skdf.
5 Years Variable
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The Patrika
PAGE 18 cont’d from page 2
for new equipment to modernize and increase capacity to support in-demand priority programs. •
$1.6 billion in K-12 education investments, including: Centennial Secondary, Coquitlam; Oak Bay Secondary, Oak Bay; Kitsilano Secondary, Vancouver; Wellington Secondary, Nanaimo; and Clayton North Secondary, Surrey.
$2.9 billion in transportation investments, including: Evergreen Line Rapid Transit, Coquitlam; Cariboo Connector; Hwy. 1: Mountain Hwy. Interchange, North Vancouver.
$2.7 billion in health infrastructure, including: Children and Women’s Hospital - Phase 1 and 2, Vancouver; North Island Hospitals, Comox Valley and Campbell River; Interior Heart and Surgical Centre, Kelowna.
Minister of Finance Michael de Jong “Budget 2015 helps make life a little easier for families and those in need. Starting in September, parents receiving both income and disability assistance and child support payments from a non-custodial parent will be able to keep every dollar they receive in child support over and above what they receive in assistance.”
Friday, February 20th, 2015
Sikhs Serve Shelters Across Canada for One Billiion Rising
or the third year in a row, the World Sikh Organization of Canada joined with Sikh communities across Canada to take part in the One Billion Rising movement by providing care packages, treats and baked goods to over 1000 women and children in shelters in Vancouver, Calgary, Toronto and Montreal. Each package was accompanied by Valentine’s cards prepared by Sikh children and students from local Khalsa schools and gurdwaras. One Billion Rising began as a call to action based on the staggering statistic that 1 in 3 women on the planet will be beaten or raped during her lifetime. With the world population at 7 billion, this adds up to more than one billion women and girls. This initiative was launched by the WSO in 2013 in Vancouver and has subsequently spread across Canada. In Surrey, volunteers gathered at the Singh Sabha Gurdwara to put together packages. The volunteers were visited by Hon. Tim Uppal, Minister of State for Multiculturalism. Minister Uppal met with WSO’s Vice President for British Columbia, Jasbir Kaur Randhawa and congratulated her on the initiative. In discussions on current issues affecting the Sikh community in Canada and internationally, Minister Uppal revealed that he recently had the opportunity to meet with French President François
Hollande and raise the issue of restrictions In Montreal, local Sikh children helped on the turban in France. make Valentines cards at the Gurdwara Sahib Greater Montreal (DDO). Children WSO BC Vice-President Jasbir Kaur said, at the Gurdwara’s weekly class each made “once again, this year’s event was a great two cards and asked questions about abuse success and we had the opportunity to serve and bullying and why people must go to hundreds of women in a difficult situation shelters. The cards were accompanied by on Valentine’s Day. We’d like to thank practical items such as soap and personal Minister Uppal for his support and also care items which were delivered to two RED FM and Khalsa Bakery for helping local shelters. us put the event together.” Montreal ChildrenWSO President Dr. Amritpal Singh Shergill said, “we are thankful for all the support we have received in making this year’s event another great success. It is inspiring to see how this initiative has received support from Sikhs across the country and is playing a role in educating about the issue of violence against women and making it a topic of discussion in local communities. Valentine’s Day may not be a Sikh celebration but we are glad that this initiative is able to bring some happiness to those who are going through a difficult Toronto VolunteersIn Toronto, cupcakes time and need to know that someone is and Valentine’s cards were delivered to thinking of them.” women’s shelters in Peel. The cards were made by students at the Khalsa Montessori The World Sikh Organization of Canada School in Brampton. This year, the WSO (WSO) is a non-profit organization with was joined by members of the youth group a mandate to promote and protect the Nach Balliye in preparing the packages. interests of Canadian Sikhs, as well as to Nach Balliye has spearheaded innovative promote and advocate for the protection of initiatives such as Lori for Her and the human rights for all individuals, irrespecPink Ladoos Campaign to empower and tive of race, religion, gender, ethnicity, and celebrate women in the community. social and economic status Calgary VolunteersIn Calgary, WSO in partnership with the Dashmesh Culture Centre were able to deliver care packages to the YCWA which operates several shelters across Calgary. WSO Vice President for Alberta Tejinder Singh Sidhu said, “this event is important not just for the individuals we help, but also in raising awareness about violence against women in the community. This event has been very warmly received by the Sikh community and we intend to grow and expand it next year.”
Friday, February 20th, 2015
The Patrika
RAITT PRESENTS FLAG TO TIGER JEET SINGH Recognizing the Contributions of Outstanding Canadians
sacred symbol that represents our identity, culture and beliefs,” said Lisa Raitt, Member of Parliament for Halton. “As part of commemorating this occasion, the Prime Minister has commissioned 50 flags to be awarded to individuals across the country who best embody our shared Canadian identity.”
On behalf of Prime Minister Stephen Harper, Lisa Raitt presented Tiger Jeet Singh with a commemorative Canadian flag in recognition of his outstanding contributions to our community and to Canada.
Tiger Jeet Singh was nominated not only for his accomplishments in sport, rather, as well as his vast humanitarian and philanthropic activities. As a founder of the Tiger Jeet Singh Foundation, he raises awareness and funds to support hospitals and schools in the region. Raitt made the presentation on behalf of the Prime Minister to Singh on Flag Day in front of the school in Milton that bears his name.
“Though made famous through one of the toughest sports, he remains most gracious, charitable and humble in his heart,” continued Raitt. “On behalf of Prime Minister Stephen Harper, I am pleased to present you with this flag that “Today marks the 50th anniversary cel- represents the spirit of our nation, one ebration of the Canadian flag, our most that is proud, strong and free.”
The Patrika
Friday, February 20th, 2015
kurd aOrqF dI dlyrI qy bhfdrI nUM slfm! ierfk dIaF kurd aOrqF dI bhfdrI aqy dlyrI, Audfrqf nUM dyK skdy hF ik ikvyN ieh bhfdr qy dlyr aOrqF musilm awqvfdI sMgTn afeI[ aYs[ afeI[ aYs[ nfl lV rhIaF hn. kurd POj ‘c lgBg 15000 qoN ijLafdf aOrqF sLfml hn, jo bhfdrI qy inzrqf dy nfl-nfl XuwD kusLlqf ‘c vI mrdF nfloN iksy qrHF Gwt nhIN. kurd mihlf sYinkF df KOP ieMnf hY ik afeI[ aYs[ afeI[ aYs[ dy awqvfdI mUMh luko ky Bwjx nUM mjbUr ho jFdy hn. afeI[ aYs[ afeI[ aYs[ dy awqvfdIaF dI ieslfimk Dfrnf hY ik mihlF sYinkF hwQoN mrn ‘qy AunHF nUM svrg nhIN imlygf. ies soc hyT Auh iksy vI hflq ‘c kurd mihlf sYinkF df sPfieaf krn dI koisLsL krdy hn, pr afeI[ aYs[ afeI[ aYs[ dy awqvfdI sMgTnf dI smwisaf ieh hY ik kurd mihlf sY i nk vI kmjL o r nhIN . du n IaF dIaF lokqMqrI sMsQfvF nUM vI kurd mihlf sYinkF dI dlyrI, bhfdrI qy smrpx dI Bfvnf ‘qy mfx krnf cfhIdf hY, AunHF nUM slfm krnf cfhIdf hY. kurd nf isrP afeI[
qy afpxy ielfky ‘coN AunHF nM KdyV idwqf. ies qoN ibnF kurd POj ny afpxy ielfky dI surwiKaf krn qoN ielfvf kurd POj hornF ielfikaF ‘coN vI afeI[ aYs[ afeI[ aYs[ nUM afpxI swiBaqf qy sMsikRqI leI KdyVn leI kurbfnI dy rhI hY. kurd vwKrI pCfx rwKdy hn, jd ik qfnfsLfh swdfm hUsYn nUM ieh afeI[ aYs[ afeI[ aYs[ suMnI gwl psMd nhIN sI. Aus dI POj aqy aw q vfdI sM g Tn hY . ierfk dI puils dy awiqafcfr vI kurdF nUM ijLafdf afbfdI sLIaf muslmfnF dI kfbUU nhIN kr sky qF rsfiexk hY, jd ik kurd iek ivsLysL ielfky hiQafrF dI vrqo N kIqI geI. qy iewk ivsLysL pCfx vflI afbfdI rsfiexk hiQafrF dy hmly ‘c hY. sLIaf muslmfn vI afeI[ aYs[ pMj lwK qoN vwD kurd mfry gey sn. afeI[ aYs[ nfl lV rhy hn, pr ies hmly dy dosL ‘c swdfm husYn AunHF ‘c kurdF vrgI bhfdrI qy dy Brf nUM amrIkI POj dy kMtrol smrpx dI Bfvnf nhIN hY. afeI[ vflI ierfk srkfr ny PFsI cfiVHaf aYs[ afeI[ aYs[ vrgy KqiraF qy sI. suMnI musilm afbfdI qy kurd ihMsk ruJfx nUM rokx leI ieslfm musilm afbfdI dovy iek dUjy nfl dy hornF smUhF ‘c eykqf qy qflmyl bhuq nPrq krdy hn. dI loV hY, pr ierfk df sLIaf jy kurd nf KVy huMdy qF afeI[ aYs[ BfeIcfrf kurdF dy glbf mMnx afeI[ aYs[ nUM rokxf musLikl sI, nUM iqafr nhIN. jy sLIaf musilm ikAuNik ierfk dI mOjUdf POj pUrI afbfdI kurdF nfl KVI ho jFdI qF qrHF tRyNz nhIN qy Aus ‘c sprpx kurd ielfky dy bfhrly KyqrF ‘coN vI Bfvnf dI Gft hY. ierfk dI kOmI afeI[ aYs[ afeI[ aYs[ dy pYr AuKfVy POj ny qF afeI[ aYs[ afeI[ aYs[ jf skdy sn. afeI[ aYs[ afeI[ awgy hiQafr suwt idwqy sn, pr aYs[ dy sB qoN vwD insLfny ‘qy sLIaf kurdF dI sUbfeI POj ny afeI[ aYs[ muslmfn hn. Auh ies leI ikAuNik afeI[ aYs[ nUM awgy vDx qoN roikaf swdfm husYn df jo hsLr hoieaf , Aus aYs[ afeI[ aYs[ nfl lV rhy hn, sgoN ierfk ‘c vI qfnfsLfhI awgy kurd kdy vI isr JukfAux leI iqafr nhIN hoey sn.
dy lfeI afeI[ aYs[ afeI[ aYs[ dy awj pUrI dunIaF ‘c afeI[ aYs[ awqvfdI sLIaf BfeIcfry nUM ijLMmyvfr afeI[ aYs[ vwloN lVn leI nOjvfn mMndy hn. kuVIaF muMzy sIrIaf qy ierfk jf dujy pfsy kurd ieslfm df hF pwKI rhy hn. jfxy axjfxy musilm muMzy aks pysL krdy rhy hn qy Auh iksy kuVIaF afeI[ aYs[ afeI[ aYs[ dy vI mfmly ‘c kwtV nhIN. kurd Audfr jfl ‘c Ps rhy hn. Bfrq smyq qy ihMsf ivroDI hn. Auh afpxI XUrp qy amrIkf dy hjLfrF nOjvfn jfn mfl qy swiBaqf dI rfKI leI muMzy kuVIaF sIrIaf qy ierfk ‘c jf hI hiQafr cuwkdy hn. ieslfimk ky lV rhy hn, pr lokqMqrI dunIaf dysLF ‘c ijwQy kuVIaF dI iswiKaf AunHF nUM afeI[ aYs[ afeI[ aYs[ aqy kuVIaF nuM jMg dI isKlfeI dyx ‘c sLfml hox qoN rokx ‘c nfkfm ‘qy pfbMdI hY, AuQy hI kurd afbfdI hY. kurd aOrqF dI imsfl afeI[ aijhf nhIN socdI. aYs[ afeI[ aYs[ dI mfniskqf arb, ilbnfn, kqr, eIrfn vrgy nUM jLmIndojL krn ‘c shfeI ho drjnF musilm dysLF ‘c aOrqF nUM skdI hY. gwzI clfAux, KyzF ‘c ihwsf lYx, jnqk QfvF ‘qy mrdF vrgf vqIrf ijLkrXog hY ik afeI[ aYs[ afeI[ krn dI mnfhI hY. ieMnf hI nhIN, aYs[ vrgI mfniskqf df sB qoN POj ‘c vI koeiI aOrq sLfml nhIN ho vwD isLkfr aOrqF huMdIaF hn. jy skdI. ies dy Ault kurd kuVIaF kurd aOrqF vFg bfkI musilm dysLF lVkIaF muMizaF vFg iswiKaf hfsl dIaF aOrqF vI afeI[ aYs[ afeI[ kr skdIaF hn, KyzF ‘c ihwsf aYs[ ivruwD zt jfx qF XkInI qOr lY skdIaF hn, jIns, pYNt sLrt pihn ky bfjLfr jf skdIaF hn, ‘qy awqvfdI sMgTn isr nhIN cwuk puils qy POj ‘c sLfml ho skdIaF skxgy. amrIkf, XUrp qy Bfrq hn, isafsq ‘c ihwsf lY skdIaF vrgy lokqMqrI dysLF nUM bhfdr hn, kurd kuVIaF nUM afpxy jIvn kurd aOrqF dI shfieqf, AunHF dI df hryk PYslf lYx dI afjLfdI hY. bhfdrI df snmfn krnf cfhIdf hY.
The Patrika
Friday, February 20th, 2015
awqvfdI srgrmIaF ‘c cfrj aOtvf dy iqMn ivakqI rImFz ‘qy Etfvf: awqvfdI gqIivDIaF ivwc sLfiml hox dy mfmly ivwc cfrj kIqy gey Etfvf dy iqMn ivakqIaF dy kys ivwc adflq vwloN mfrc mhIny dy mwD qwk irmFz dy idwqI geI hY. juVvy Brf aYsLtn aqy kfrlOs lfrmONz aqy sulImfn muhMmd vIrvfr nUM vwK-vwK vIzIE ilMks rfhIN Etfvf jwj sfhmxy pysL hoey.
jfxkfrI nhIN iml skI hY ik byl leI suxvfeI kdoN kIqI jfvygI.
pROsIikAUtr rOz sonlIa ny dwisaf ik hfly AuhnF kol iehnF dosLIaF vwloN byl dI arjLI afAuxI bfkI hY. ies dOrfn 21 sfl dy muhMmd leI lV rhy kfAuNsl rIpRIjLYitMg vkIl zwg bfEm vwloN ies kys qoN afpxf nF vfps lY ilaf ies kys dI aglI suxvfeI 9 mfrc nUM hovygI, igaf hY aqy iek hor vkIl ilE rUjomfno vwloN ijwQy iehnF dy vkIl aqy pROsIikAUtr vwloN ies kys dI PfeIl lY leI geI hY. jwj nfl iewk bMd kmry ivwc mulfkfq kIqI muhMmd AuWqy awqvfdI gqIivDIaF ivwc sLfiml jfvygI. ies dy nfl hI iehnF iqMny ivakqIE hox aqy lfrmONz BrfvF nfl rl ky dihsLqI nUM 16 mfrc qwk adflq ivwc hfjLr nf hox dy kfrvfeI nUM aMjfm dyx dI iqafrI krn dy dosL afdysL vI jfrI hoey hn. ies bfry hfly koeI lgfey gey hn.
puiqn vwloN Xukryn nfl sIjL Pfier df aYlfn imMsk:vIrvfr nUM rUsI rfsLtrpqI vlfdImIr ies lVfeI dOrfn eIst ‘c siQq srkfr vwloN puiqn vwlON Xukryn nfl cwldI af rhI lVfeI inXMiqRq kIqf jf irhf iewk sLihr dybflqsyv nUM rok lgfAuNidaF sIs-PLfier df aYlfn kIqf. lVfeI df kyNdr irhf hY, Xukryn aqy pRo-rUsIaF pr ieh svfl hfly vI ijAuN df iqAuN KVf hY vwloN iewk dUjy ‘qy dfbf kfiem rwKx leI ies sLihr nUM kfbU krn dIaF koisLsLF kIqIaF ik Xukryn aqy pRo-rUsIaF vwloN afpxIaF mMgF jFdIaF rhIaF hn. pRo-rUsIaF dI Xojnf ies AuWqy koeI sihmqI bx skI hY jF nhIN. QF qy XuukrynI synf nUM Gyrn dI hY. pUiqn ny pUiqn vwloN mIzIaf sfhmxy ieh aYlfn kIqf ikhf ik irbYlIanjL vwloN XukrynI sYnf nUM igaf ik ieh sIs-Pfier aYqvfr qoN lfgU afqm-smrpx leI jLor pfieaf jf irhf hY hovygf. iesdy nfl hI AuhnF ieh vI dwisaf aqy XukrynI PLOj ies leI rfjLI nhIN hY. ik Auh aqy XukrynI rfsLtrpqI pYtro porosLYNko hfl dI GVI aYqvfr qoN ies sIs-PLfier nM vwloN ies mfmly ivwc keI aihm pwKF ‘qy lfgU kIqf jfvygf aqy ieh hfly spwsLt nhIN hY ik ieh sIs-PLfier ikMny smyN qwk jfrI rhygf. asihmqI jqfeI geI hY.
The Patrika
Friday, February 20th, 2015
Friday, February 20th, 2015
The Patrika
BC Chamber welcomes balanced B.C. budget with targeted initiatives
hambers of Commerce from across the province congratulate the B.C. government for tabling a third consecutive balanced budget that combines continued fiscal discipline, including a specific focus on operating debt repayment, along with a number of targeted initiatives to support economic growth.
“During this time of on-going global economic uncertainty, it is important for government to continue to live within its means while finding affordable ways to drive our medium and longterm economic prosperity by enhancing our competitiveness and productivity,” said John Winter, president and CEO of the BC Chamber of Commerce. “While not a flashy budget, government’s strong fiscal management is providing additional fiscal flexibility for future years. This flexibility is needed to help address top-tier challenges facing business – notably further skills development, tax competitiveness and other productivity issues.” Budget 2015 forecasts an $879 million
surplus for 2014/15, with a further surplus of $284 million in 2015/16. Budget 2015 includes an $800 million payment toward operating debt reduction. Budget 2015 also includes several modest initiatives that will support on-going economic development across the province, including: an extension to the BC Interactive Digital Media and the Mining FlowThrough Share tax credit measures, the expansion of the Digital Animation or Visual Effects tax credit to include post-production activities, a three-year extension of the BC Training Tax Credit, and an increase to the Small Business Venture Capital tax credit.
help grow the economy,” said Welte. “British Columbians can take pride that we are the only jurisdictions in Canada to balance our budget and are seeing the benefit as government puts part of projected surpluses towards paying off our operating debt.” The BC Chamber is the largest and most broadly-based business organization in the province. Representing more than 125 Chambers of Commerce and 36,000 businesses of every
size, sector and region of the province, the BC Chamber of Commerce is “The Voice of Business in BC. The Abbotsford Chamber of Commerce is a membership driven organization comprised of partnership with the business community, our mission is to represent, serve and connect our members to build and sustain a thriving business community in Abbotsford.
Abbotsford Chamber President Mike Welte was in Victoria for the budget presentation and commented, “the Chamber has consistently called on government to balance its books and we are pleased to see this on-going commitment to fiscal discipline. Budget 2015 does that by continuing to control spending while making modest investments into measures to
The Patrika
Friday, February 20th, 2015
afm afdmI pfrtI leI cuxOqI hn lokF dIaF AumIdF
XogyNdr Xfdv
cMd ‘qy pihlF kdm rwKdy smyN nIl afrmstrFg ny ikhf sI, ‘iewk mnuwK leI ieh iewk Cotf kdm hY pr mnwuKqf leI lMmI Cfl hY. tI[vI[ qy idwlI ivDfn sBf coxF dy nqIjy vyKidaf mYnUM vfr-vfr ieh kQn Xfd af irhf sI . bs sfnUM ies nUM AultfAux dI loV hY. idwlI dy cox nqIjy afm afdmI pfrtI vrgy bflk leI iewk vwzI Cfl hn, pr dysL dI rfjnIqI bdlx dy sfzy supny dI idsLf ivwc iewk Cotf ijhf kdm Br hI hn. ipCly iqMn-cfr hPLiqaF qoN ieh aihsfs zUMGf ho irhf sI ik idwlI ivwc hvf nhIN hnyrI cwl rhI hY. jdoN mYN ieh gwl kihMdf sI qF lok ies nUM cox pRcfr smJdy sn. asIN bfkfiedf srvyKx krvfieaf aqy Aus dy nqIjy pYRs kfnPrMs krky jnqk vI kIqy. mYN ikhf sI ik afm afdmI pfrtI nUM 51 sItF imlx dI sMBfvnf hY aqy ieh aMkVf 57 qwk jf skdf hY. sB ny soicaf ik mYN afpxI purfxI kmfeI nUM isafsI pRcfr leI Krc kr irhf hF. sfnUM asl ivc jfpdf hI nhIN ik koeI nyqf swc vI bol skdf hY. KLYr nqIjy qF Aus qoN vI pfr inkl gey. afpxI BivwKbfxI gLlq inklx dI eynI KusLI sLfied kdy vI nhIN hoeI. ieh iek ieiqhfsk ijwq hY. isrPL ijwq dy Prk dI vjHf krky nhIN, qfimlnfzU ivc sLfied iewk-do vfr aijhI ijwq hoeI sI, jdoN ivroDI iDr qkrIbn KLqm ho geI sI. jLfhr hY ik aijhI ijwq isrPL iksy iewk vrg jF BfeIcfry dI hmfieq nfl nhIN imldI. sLuru ivwc afm afdmI pfrtI nUM gLrIbF, imhnqksLF aqy
JuwgI JONpVI vfilaF qoN ijLafdf smrQn imilaf. pr coxF df idn afAuNidaF-afAuNidaF mwD vrg aqy KusLhfl qbkf vI afm afdmI pfrtI vwl Juikaf. jo vot nhIN vI dy sikaf Aus ny duaf idwqI. afm qOr ‘qy coxfvI ivsLlysLx ivc ‘lok Pqvf’ sLbd dI durvrqoN huMdI hY. pr jy coxF ivwc kdy lok Pqvf njLr afieaf qF Auh ienHF coxF ivc njLr afieaf hY. ieh ijwq ies leI vI ieiqhfsk hY ik isrPL 10 mhIny pihlF sfrIaF sItF hfrn aqy 14 PLIsdI votF nfl pCVx qoN bfad sLfied koeI pfrtI ieMj kdy vfpsI nhIN kr skI. krnftk ivc 1985 ivwc rfm ikRsLn hygVy ny ieh kmfl kIqf sI pr awj dI imsfl dy sfhmxy Auh ijwq vI iPwkI pY geI hY. jLfhr hY ik aijhI vwzI sPlqf qoN vwzy nqIjy kwZy jfxgy. modI lihr dy KLqm hox aqy dysL dI rfjnIqI pltx dIaF gwlF sLurU ho geIaF hn. pr ijwq dI ies GVI ivwc vwzIaF-vwzIaF gwlF qoN bcxf cfhIdf hY. ies ivwc koeI sLwk nhIN ik ipCly sfl Br qoN dysL ivwc Bfjpf dy asvmyD Xwug dy dOVdy GoVy nUM iewk Cokry ny rok ilaf hY. aijWq modI df iqlsm tuwtf hY. KLud pRDfn mMqrI ny nfhwk hI ijvyN coxF nUM afpxI nwk df svfl bxf ilaf hY, jLfhr hY ik AunHF dy vwkfr ‘qy iCwty qF pYxgy. iPr vI ieh nhINN ikhf jf skdf ik modI Xuwg KLqm ho igaf hY. pRDfn mMqrI pihly iewk do sfl hrmn ipafry rihMdy hn . ajy vI dysL dI jnqf ny nirMdr modI nUM Kfrj nhIN kIqf hY. rwQ nUM Twl qF peI hY pr pUrI qrHF ruikaf nhIN hY. ibhfr aqy AuWqr pRdysL ivc afm afdmI pfrtI vrgf bdl pysL kIqy ibnF Bfjpf dI hfr dI BivwKbfxI bhuq nfsmJI hovygI. ies ijwq nfl Bfjpf df jyqU rwQ ruikaf hovy jF nf GwtoGWt iewk cIjL jLrUr hoeI hY, rfjnIqI ivwc afs df dIpk iPr jgmgf AuWiTaf hY. awj qoN iqMn sfl pihlF dysL dy
lokF ny iewk AumId bMnI sI. nyqfvF nUM rfjF aqy afpxyafp nUM byvws prjf mMnx vflI prjf ny afpxy-afp ‘c Brosf krnf isiwKaf sI. ies Brosy df pRqIk bxI sI afm afdmI pfrtI. AumId vwzI sI aqy pfrtI CotI. sMBfvnf vwzI sI aqy sfzIaF smrQfvF CotIaF. idwlI dIaF ipClIaF coxF ivw ieh sMBfvnf acfnk vwzI ho geI aqy lok sBf coxF ivwc qF ijvyN ieh dIpk buJ igaf. drasl buiJaf nhIN sI pr rfjnIqI qoN pihlI vfr AumId bMNnHx vfly lokF nUM jfipaf ijvyN ieh afs buJ geI hovy. awj ieh afs df dIpk muV jgmgf AuWiTaf hY. ijwq dy josL ivc ieh socxf Buwl hovygI ik Ah afs swc ho geI hY. afm afdmI pfrtI ijs aM d o l n qoN pYdf hoeI hY, Aus df tIcf isrPL idwlI dIaF coxF ijwqxf nhIN sI. ieh isrPL kFgrs ivro D jF Bfjpf ivro D jF iPr kFgrs-Bfjpf ivroD df pRgtfvf nhIN hY. ieh aMdoln dysL dI swqf sQfpqI dy iKlfPL afm afdmI dI afvfjL hY . lokqMqr ivwc qMqr hyT dwby lokF dI pukfr hY. coxF ijwq ky isafsI bdl dyxf ies df iewko -iewk mksd nhIN ho skdf. ies aMdoln dI KfihsL dysL Br ivwc bdlvIN rfjnIqI sQfpq krn qoN Gwt nhIN ho skdI. ieh kMm sOKf nhIN hY. dysL dy kony-kony ivwc afKrI iensfn qwk phuMcxf rfqo-rfq nhIN ho skdf. ies leI lwKF nOjvfnF nUM rfjnIqI dy Xuwg Drm nfl juVnf pvygf. hr ipMz, hr mhu w l y ivw c afdrsL v fd dI sLkqI joVnI pvygI. ies kMm ivwc hVbVI jF bVbolfpx Gfqk ho skdf hY. ikhf jfdf hY ik cMn ‘qy gurUqvI iKwc Gwt hox kfrn kdm hlky pY N d y hn aqy pu l fV XfqrI sUt-bUt pf ky afpxy kdm itkfeI rwKdy hn. awj ies ijwq ivwc aijhf hI hlkfpx mihsUs ho skdf hY. pr lokF dIaF AumIdF dy boJ qoN Bfrf ies dunIaf ivwc koeI vjLn nhIN hY.
The Patrika
Friday, February 20th, 2015
akflI - bI[jy[pI[ srkfr leI socx df smF pMjfb dy lokF nUM ipCly sfl dy Auh idn Xfd hn, jdoN afm afdmI pfrtI ny pfrlImYNt leI ies rfj qoN cfr sItF ijwqIaF sn qy Aus nfl akflIBfjpf gwTjoV nUM eynI Gbrfht hoeI sI ik mMqrIaF dy kfPLLly Coty hox lwg pey sn. Kfs pwK izptI muwK mMqrI suKbIr isMG bfdl dy kfPly dIaF gwzIaF Gtx aqy Aus vwloN keI QF ieh afKfx dI sI ik asIN qF afp vI sfdf rfjNnIqI krn dy pwK ivc hF, eysy leI kfPly Coty krn df PYslf lY ilaf hY. bfad ivwc iPr Auho rMg vyKx nUM imlx lwg ipaf sI. keI kuJ inXmF qoN bfhrF vI hoeI jf irhf sI. dUsrI gwl Aus cox ivc pMjfb ivc ryq-bwjrI dI Aus blYk dI crcf vflI sI, ijs dy nfl pMjfb dy iewk sInIar mMqrI df nFa iswDy qOr AuWqy juVdf sI. lgBg sfry dirafvF ivwc ryq dIaf KwzF inXmF nUM AulMG ky KurcIaF jf rhIaF sn aqy kxk ijMny mihMgy Bfa ryq ivk rhI sI. ijhVf koeI afpxI loV vfsqy vI trflI lYx jFdf, Aus koloN srkfrI prcI kwtx dI QF gYrsrkfrI prcI Dwky nfl kwtI jFdI sI aqy ieho ijhIaF prcIaF leI lokF nUM afm kr ky sVkF AuWqy KVy hfkm iDr nfl juVy hoey guMzy jLlIl vI krdy sn. coxF lMGdy sfr Bfjpf dy kuJ afgUaF ny ies gwl dI crcf CyVI qF akflI dl df ‘zurlI tolf’ igxy jFdy kuJ mMqrIaf ny AunHF dy iKlfPL cFdmfrI afrMB idwqI sI. bfad ivwc ieh mfmlf eynf viDaf sI ik pMjfb srkfr dy pwDr AuWqy kYbint mIitMgF ivwc vI PYsly lYxy pey sn, pr ieh isrPL PYsly hI sn, aml ivwc prnflf EQy df EQy irhf JUTy dlIl kIqy jf rhy hn. akflI dl dy afgUaF dI sInfjLorI df iewk sbUq ieh sI ik cIPL pfrlImYNtrI sYktrI ivrsf isMG isMG vltohf ny ivDfn sBf ivwc ihwk Tok ky kih idwqf ik mYN aiqvfdI sF, awqvfdI hF qy awqvfdI rhFgf. mwuK mMqrI ny afpxy Aus ivDfiek nUM JfiVaF nhIN sI qy Bfjpf dy mMqrI vI jdoN AuWT ky ies bfry ivroD krn lwgy qF Pyr hI Aus nUM muafPI mMgx nUM ikhf igaf sI. ipCly idnF ivwc keI QFeI JgVy hox aqy bMdy mfry jfx dIaF KLbrF afeIaF hn,ijnHF ivc afm krky akflI dl dy afgU qy vrkr dosLI inkldy rhy hn. kuJ QFeI Auh afpo ivwc golI clfAux qwk vI cly jFdy rhy hn qy AunHF ny afpxI BfeIvfl pfrtI Bfjpf dy vrkrF nUM qrnqfrn ivwc awgy lf ilaf. pRsLfsn afm krky akflI dl dI mdd kFgrs jF iksy vI hor
pfrtI dy mfmly ivwc krdf hY, pr jdoN BfeIvfl pfrtI nfl pycf pY jfvy, iPr vI pRsLfsn bhuqy QFeI afpxy pRsLfskI PrjL smJx dI QF akflI dl dy jQydfrF vflf ivhfr krn lwg jFdf hY. sfP aks vfly aPsr Kuwzy lfey pey hn qy jy kdy iksy QF PIlz ivc lfey jFdy hn qF akflI afgU AunHF dI bdlI krvf dyNdy hn. motf mfl kmfAux vfilaF dI DfV aPsrI mOjF mfxdI hY. kuafrIaF kuVIaF nUM ivDvf pYnsLnF qy kflI dfVHI vfly lokF nUM buZfpf pYnsLn lwgx dI gwl keI QF inklI hY, pr kfrvfeI ies leI nhIN huMdI ik ieh kMm krn vfly akflI dl dy afgUaF nfl sFJ vfly lok huMdy hn. srkfr iksy nym-kfnUMn df iKafl kIqy qoN bgLYr irafsqI ZMg nfl cwl rhI jfpdI hY. lok ieh sB gwlF vyKdy hn. ipCly sfl pfrlImYNt coxF ivwc jdoN dysL dy lokF ny nirMdr modI dI agvfeI hyT BFjpf nUM votF pf ky mOkf idwqf sI qF ies leI nhIN idwqf sI ik Bfjpf koeI cMgI isafsI pfrtI hY, sgoN ies leI awgy kIqf sI ik hor koeI bdl nhIN sI. ijwdF lok EdoN dysL vfsqy bdl lwBdy sn, EdF dI soc ies vkq pMjfb dy lokF dy mnF ivc vI BrdI jf rhI hY. kFgrs pfrtI dy lIzr aYNvNy kwCF vjfeI jFdy hn ik idwlI ivwc Bfjpf-akflI gwTjoV dI hfr ho geI qy modI-rwQ ruk igaf hY. ies rwQ dy rukx df kFgrs nUM lfB nhIN hox vflf. lfB dI afs Auh pfrtI kr skdI hY, ijhVI lokF ivwc jFdI aqy AunHF dy dwuK smJdI hovy aqy Auh Kud dfgI hox vwloN bcI hoeI hovy. kFgrs pfrtI lokF ivwc jFdI nhIN qy purfxy dfg ies df ipwCf nhIN Cwzdy. lok ies vyly koeI ieho ijhf nvF bdl cfhuMdy hn, ijhVF ienHF pRvfnq iDrF mukfbly AunHF dI soc dI qrjmfnI krn leI ZukvF jfpdf hovy. idwlI vI iesy soc df pRgtfvf hoieaf hY. pMjfb ivwc akflI-Bfjpf gwTjoV ivwc ahidaF dI hfBV eynI bfhlI hY ik sLLihrF ivwc ho rhIaF kONsl coxF ivwc vI iewk-iewk vfrz leI lVnmrn qwk jf rhy hn. qrnqfrn dy ivwc ijhVI golI idwlI dy cox nqIjy afAuNidaF dOrfn cwlI hY, Auh iesy df pRgtfvf hY. iewk mMqrI ieh dosL lf irhf hY ik Aus df Brf qy sfQIaF AuWqy golI izptI mwuK mMqrI dI sLih AuWqy clfeI geI hY. iewko kYbint ivwc rih ky ies qrHF df ByV ho irhf hY. ieh rfjnIqI dy mfVy lwCx hn. akflI -Bfjpf vfly ienHF cfilaF AuWqy rhy qF eyQy vI idwlI duhrfeI jf skdI hY.
suBfsL cMdr dy nyVly sfQI afjLfdI GulftIey dI drdnfk dfsqfn afjfd ihMd POj dy muwKI nyqf jI suBfsL cMdr bos dy njLdIkI afjLfdI GulftIey bfbf guridafl isMG df jnm 1 jnvrI 1922 nUM mihl klF dI DrqI ‘qy nfnky Gr hoieaf, ijwQy ienHF ny afpxy bcpn qy jvfnI df afnMd mfixaf. AunHF dy jwdI ipMz Boqnf(brnflf) hY. bfbf guridafl isMG dy ipqf swjx isMG sfl 1927 ‘c mlysLIaf ‘c pI[ zbilAU[ dI nOkrI krn cly gey sn. Aus vkq bfbf guridafl isMG dI Aumr isrPL 5 sfl sI. bfbf guridafl isMG sfl 1937 ‘c afpxy ipqf kol mlysLIaf phuMc ky AuWQy motr gwzI clfAux dI nOkrI krn lwg pey. mlysLIaf ‘c nOkrI krdy ryizE suxn dy sLOkI bfbf guridafl isMG nyq jI dI qkrIr qoN Bfvuk ho ky aMgryjLf nUM Bfrq ‘coN kwZx leI afpxI nOkrI nUM Cwz ky, afpxI jwdI-pusLqI jLmIn-jfiedfd afjLfd ihMd POj nUM idMdy hoey afjLfdI dI lihr ‘c kwud pey. Aus smyN df AuqsLfh hI awj bfbf guridafl isMG nUM ijAUx leI mjLbUr kr irhf hY. nf koeI jLmIn-jfiedfd nf afpxf Gr. afpxI ijLMdgI bsr kr rhy afjLfdI GulftIey dy bfvjUd bwicaF df pyt pflx leI idwlI tYksI clfAuxI peI. iPr sfl 1960 qoN 1993 qwk pRfeIvyt bws ‘qy zrfeIvrI kIqI. jdNo ibrD srIr zrfeIvrI krn qoN asmrwQ ho igaf qF sMgrUr bws awzy ‘qy hfkr df kMm kIqf. jdoN bfbf guridafl isMG afjLfdI dI lihr ‘c sLFml hoey, Aus vkq mlysLIaf ‘c cMgI nOkrI kr rhy sn. suBfsL cMdr bos dI ryzIE ‘qy qkrIr sux ky Bfvuk ho ky Auh afjLfd ihMd POj ‘c bqOr zrfievr nMbr 34328 BrqI ho gey. Aus smyN bfbf guridafl isMG dI Aumr 20 ku sfl dI sI. bfbf guridafl isMG nUM afjLfd ihMd POj vwloN 4 mYzl idwqy gey. bhuqf smF nyqf jI nfl isMgfpur aqy mlysLIaf dI DrqI ‘qy rihMidaF afjLfd ihMd POj ‘c bgYr qnKfh qoN dysL afjLfd krvfAux leI kMm kIqf.
kr idwqI. aMgryjLF ny nyqf jI nUM kfl koTVI ‘c njLrbMd kr idwqf pr Auh Bys bdl ky Bwjx ivwc sPl ho gey qy jrmn phuMc gey. nyqf jI jrmn qNo afjLfd ihMd POj dI kmFz sFBx leI sfl 1943 ‘c mlysLIaf afey. bfbf guridafl isMG sfl 1945 qk nyqf jI dI gwzI clfAuNdy rhy. bgLfvq aijhIaf kfrvfeIaF krky sfl 1945 ivwc aMgryjLF ny bfbf gu r idafl isM G aqy ho r sfQIaF nU M igR P L q fr kr ilaf. igR P L q fr krky sfiraF nU M pihlF isM g fpu r ivwc iPr idwlI lfl ikly aMdr kYd rwiKaf igaf. sB AuWqy kys cwilaf qy jvfhr lfl nihrU ny ies kys dI vkflq kIqI. nyqf jI suBfsL cMdr bos aMgryjLF dy hwQ nhIN lwgy, Auh AuWQoN inkl gey sn. sfrI POjL nUM aMgryjLF ny bMdI bxf ilaf sI. jfpfn srkfr ibRitsL aMgryjLF qoN nyqf jI suBfsL cMdr bos nMU CupfAuNdy hoey iewk ivsLysL jhfjL rfhIN jfpfn lY geI. bfkI df jIvn nyqf jI ny AuWQy bsLr kIqf. nyqf jI ny afpxf pUrf jIvn Boigaf. ijhVf nyqf jI df jhfjL hfdsf ivKfieaf igaf, Auh pUrf JUT sI, asl ivwc nyqf jI nUM CupfAux leI ieh zrfmf ricaf sI ikAuNik ieMglYNz dI PLOj nyqf jI nMU mfrnf cfhuMdI sI, jfpfn ny ikhf ik hvfeI hfdsy ‘c nyqf jI suBfsLL cMdr bos mr gey. Aus vkq jnrl sLfh ny ikhf ik invfjL nfl myry hwQ sV gey. pr sfzI srkfr ajy qwk nyqf jI dI mOq df koeI pRmfx-pwqr nhIN dy skI. sgoN jnqf nUM BulyKy ‘c rwK rhI hY. afjLfd ihMd POj df hYWz afiPLs bYNkfk ivwc solHfpurI kYNp sI. nyqf jI nfl gMnmYn s: sLmsyr isMG (huisLafrpur) qy bfbf guridafl isMG hmysLf suBfsL cMdr bos dy nfl rihMdy sn.
dysL dI afjLfdI ‘c ihwsf pfAux vfly bfbf guridafl isMG nUM AudoN bhuq jlIl hoxf ipaf, jdoN afjLfdI qoN bfad Bfrq srkfr ny afjLfd ihMd POj nMU POjL mMnx qoN ienkfr kr idwqf nyqf jI suBfsL cMdr bos ny Bfrq ivwc sI, kyvl ieMnf hI nhI sgoN aiqvfdI jwj df ahudf iqafg ky aMgryjLF nUM qWk ikhf igaf. ies dysL Bgq nMU mulk ivwcoN kwZx leI bgfvq sLurU dysL afjLfd hox qoN bfad sfl 1947
qoN lY ky 1996 qwk koeI pYnsLn jF Bwqf nhIN idwqf igaf. jdoN srkfr vwloN bfbf guridafl isMG nUM pYnsLn dyx qoN korf ienkfr iml igaf qF bfbf guridafl isMG ny iewk irwt nMbr 12350 sfl 1996 ‘c mfxXog pMjfb aYNz hirafxf hfeIkort ivwc dfier kIqI. kfnUMnI PLYslf bfbf guridafl isMG dy hwk ivwc ho igaf. hfeIkort ny Bfrq srkfr nUM hukm jfrI kIqf ik bfbf guridafl isMG nUM pYnsLn idwqI jfvy. pYnsLn sLurU hox qoN bfad bfbf guridafl isMG ny jdoN iPr 1998 ‘c iewk irwt bkfieaf lYx leI hfeIkort drjL kIqI qF kort ny pihlF lfgU pYnsLn vI bMd kr idwqI qF bfbf guridafl isMG ny suprIm kort ivwc 05-09-2001 nUM irwt pfeI qF mfxXog suprIm kort ny sfl 1996 qoN Bfrq srkfr nUM bfbf guridafl isMG nUM bkfieaf dyx leI kih idwqf. bfbf guridafl isMG df nF mfxXog suprIm kort ivwc dysL BgqF dI sUcI ‘c 282 nMbr ‘qy drjL hY. srkfr dy rvweIey qoN nfrfjL bfbf guridafl isMG kihMdy hn ik dysL qF afjLfd ho igaf, pr sfzy dysL dI srkfr ny jo sfnUM jLlIl kIqf, Auh asIN kdy nhIN Buwl skdy. srkfr sfnUM isrPL sfl ‘c do vfr 15 agsq aqy 26 jnvrI nMU Xfd krdI hY. AuNJ sfzI koeI sfr nhIN lYNdI. awj qwk isrPL sMgrUr dy zI[sI ny iewk vfr myry Gr af ky myry kol bYT ky gwlbfq kIqI hY. koeI aPsr jf nyqf awj qwk myrf hfl-cfl pwuCx nhIN afieaf. iewk tuwty-Puwty Gr jo hr vkq izMgU-izMgU krdf hY, ivwc afpxI ijLMdgI bsLr rk rhy nyqf jI dy nyVly sfQI bfbf guridafl isMG dIaF hux dovyN lwqF jvfb dy geIaF hn,. cwl iPr nhIN skdy. sfrf idn Gr dy iewk Coty ijhy kmry ivwc grmI-srdI sihMdy hoey aKLbfr qy ryzIE suxdy smF lMGfAudy hn. aPLsos sfzIaF srkfrF dysL BgqF nfl ieho ijhf GtIaf vqIrf krky jLlIl kr rhIaF hn. sgoN srkfrF nUM cfhIdf hY ik kOm dy hIiraF nUM sFBy qy AunHF nUM bxdf mfxsiqkfr idwqf jfvy.
XukrynI POLjF nUM isKlfeI dyx leI kYnyzf iqafr hY- jysn kYnI Etfvf: dysL dy nvyN izPLYNs minstr jYsn kYnI vwloN buwDvfr nUM kYnyzIan PLOjIaF leI iewk rfh KolHdy hoey ieh aYlfn kIqf ik kYnyzf srkfr ieslfimk styt iKlfLPL sMgiTq qOr ‘qy clfeI jf rhI muihMm aDIn XukrynI PLOjIaF nUM isKlfeI dyx leI rfjLI hY. AuhnF kYnyzIan PLOjIaF nUM amrIkf PLOjIaF nfl rl ky XukrynI
PLOj nUM tRyn krn dI gwl afKI. mIzIaf nfl gwlbfq dOrfn jysn kYnI kYnyzI ny pRDfn mMqrI stIPLNn hfrpr dI gwl df hvflf idMdy hoey ikhf ik jdoN eIstrn Xukryn ivc rUsI dKlaMdfjLI nUM rokx dI hovy qF asIN hr hIly shfieqf leI iqafr hF. ies ivcoN vI XukrynI PLOjIaF nUM tRyinMg dyx df kMm vDyry mhwqvpUrn
hY. AuhnF ikhf ik jykr aijhf mOkf imldf hY ik asIN iehnF PLOjIaF nUM tRyn kr skdy hF qF sfnUM awgy vD ky ieh kMm krn dI loV hY. pr iesdy nfl hI AuhnF ieh vI spwsLt kIqf hY ik ies mfmly ivwc hfly koeI aMiqm PLYslf suxfieaf nhIN igaf hY.
The Patrika
Friday, February 20th, 2015
Pedestrian passes away two weeks after Education Minister Peter Fassbender’s statement on Safer Internet Day an accident On January 24, Richard Rude, 67 was walking near the MacDougall Ave. While crossing Montrose Ave. he was hit by a pickup truck. He sustained some minor
injuries but was very much stressed. He was taken to the Abbotsford hospital. His condition deteriorated there and he died. Police are investigating the collision.
On February 9 Minister of Education Peter Fassbender issued the following statement in recognition of Safer Internet Day.
“Tomorrow is Safer Internet Day and this year’s theme is: Let’s create a better internet together. With this in mind I am proud to say that we have some phenomenal students in B.C who are will remain on a steady course toward a already doing wonderful job in this strong economy which delivers prosperity for the future generations. Previous achievements of the government were also touted in the speech--- arriving at an agreement with public sector teachers who have been on strike for quite bitter Kenneth Courtney Breckenridge, 49 was recently from Abbotsford prison. He was a long time. convicted for assault, assault with a weapon, sexual assault causing bodily harm, forcible confinement and failing to abide by court orders. Abbotsford has warned is not a women’s issue – it’s an issue for the public to be vigilant about him as he all of us in B.C. The Violence Free BC strategy is our roadmap to creating a province where each of us does our part, working together, to keep women safe from harm.” The government will also launch a public-awareness campaign in Premier Christy Clark says that if the near future. referendum about transit expansion
Throne speech sets course to grow diverse economy In her speech from the throne on 10th February, Lt.-Gov. Judith Guichon outlined the government’s agenda of creating jobs and opportunities throughout B.C. By focussing on key sectors of the economy and further growing British Columbia’s trading relationships in the Asia-Pacific region, the government
Police warns public to be vigilant about released violent offender
Premier initiates anti-violence campaign On 6th February Premier Christy Clark stopped in at the main Surrey RCMP detachment and announced that $3 million would go toward program aimed at ending violence against women. This fund is to be taken out of the total of $16 million Civil forfeiture collected through seized assets from the proceeds of crime. Premier said,” Violence against women
respect. “ This group of students is engaged in Erase Bullying Program. They are creating B.C.’s first provincial social media guidelines to provide direction for students, parents and educators on how to use social media ethically and responsibly. Safer Internet Day is a reminder that, through our collective leadership and courage we can create a better internet together.”
is likely to commit similar crimes again. Cons. Ian MacDonald said Breckenridge‘s victims have often been his domestic or common-law partners. He is described to be six foot tall, weighing 175 pounds and has brown hair and blue eyes.
Property tax may increase if Transit referendum fails: Premier
would be one of the options available to them if the referendum fails,” she said. fails. Mayors may be forced to increase She herself is going to vote ‘yes’. Mayors property tax. “They have always had the are reported to be confident of the success ability to raise money for transit through of the referendum raising property taxes and I suppose that
Air Canada plane had to make unscheduled landing in Alaska A Boeing 787 Air Canada Dreamliner en route to Narita, Japan made an emergency landing in Anchorage, Alaska after it was 5.5 hours in flight on 10 Feb night. Air Canada spokesman Peter Fitz-
patrick says that this happened after the pilot noted some problem in one of the engines. A new aircraft was dispatched and the passengers were on their way to Narita on Wednesday morning.
Home Invasion on Victoria Street On Friday, February 13, 2015 at 10:30 am the Abbotsford Police responded to a reported home invasion robbery in the 2600 block of Victoria Street. Patrol Division officers arrived and located two injured women on scene. Both were transported to hospital for treatment of injuries sustained when suspects entered the residence. The APD’s Major Crime Unit is leading the investigation and is being assisted by Forensic Identification Unit members and Patrol resources. Anyone with information about this incident should call the Abbotsford Police Department at 604-859-5225, text us at 222973 (abbypd), or call Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-8477.
The Patrika
Friday, February 20th, 2015
B.C. exempts child support for families on assistance The Government of B.C. will make child-support payments fully exempt for families receiving income and disability assistance, which translates to an additional $32 million over the next three years for these families.
of Accessibility 2024. The consultations began in December 2014 and will continue to Feb. 28, 2015. More information on how to participate in the consultation is available through the Accessibility 2024 site at: http:// www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/topic.page?id B.C. is the first province to fully =00A38B94734844319100670077 exempt child-support payments 421DEA for families receiving income and disability assistance, which is ex- Government will continue to provide pected to benefit about 5,400 children resources to help families who are throughout the province. The new receiving income and disability asfamily-maintenance exemption does sistance pursue child support orders not include spousal support. if they wish to do so. The change follows consultations with families receiving income and disability assistance, as well as the disability and poverty community. To date, the Ministry of Social Development and Social Innovation has received close to 200 submissions, and a family maintenance exemption has been the number-one priority asked for by stakeholders.
The changes are effective Sept. 1, 2015, which will give the government time to put the necessary regulatory and administrative changes in place.
Government committed to consult on family-maintenance payments as part
The Patrika
aYbtsPorz puils dy 17 aPsrF ivruwD pVqfl kIqy jfx dy hukm puils sLkfieq kimsLnr dy dPqr vwloN aYlfn kIqf igaf hY ik Aus vwloN aYbtsPorz puils dy 17 aPsrF ivruwD jFc-pVqfl krn dy hukm jfrI kIqy gey hn| ieMnHF aPsrF ivruwD iBRsLtfcfr, dgLf aqy izAUtI dI axgihlI dy dosL hn| dPqr df kihxf hY ik ieh jFc-pVqfl meI 2013 ivc igRPqfr kIqy gey ikRstfPr inklsn nfmI aPsr ivruwD kIqI pVqfl qoN AugmI hY| 2005 qoN aYbtPorz puils nfl kMm krdy af rhy ies aPsr nU M bgY r qnKfh muawql kIqf igaf sI| vYnkUvr puils ivBfg nUM ies dI pVqfl krn leI afiKaf
igaf sI| Aus pVqfl dOrfn 16 hor aPsrF ivruwD vI durfcfr dy dosL sfhmxy afey sn| ieMnHF dosLF ivc asdflqI aPsrF sfhmxy glq ibafn dyx dy dosL vI hn| hux 17 aPsrF ivruD jFc inAU vYstimMstr puils ivBfg vwloN kIqI jf rhI hY | afr sI aYM pI aqy zYltf puiols ivBfg vI shfioeqf kr irhf hY | kimsLnr dy dPqr df kihxf hY ik pVqfl krn vfilaF nUM loVINdy dsqfvyjLF ivco N bhu q hI Gw t dsqfvy j L pRfpq hoey hn| pVqfl jfrI hY aqy mukMml hox ‘qy pbilk dI jfxkfrI ihq nsLr kIqI jfvygI|
17 sflf kuVI ‘qy Curf bfjLI dy dosL ipCly aYqvfr AuwqrI swrHI ivKy iek 17 sflf lVky CurfbfjLI df isLkfr ho igaf | ieh mMdBfgI Gtnf tOM ibMnI pfrk ivc vfprI dwsI jFdI hY | jdoN Auh AuQy tihl irhf sI qF iqMn nOjvfn Aus kol afey| ikhf jf irhf hY AunHF iqMnF ivcoN 17 sflf kuVI ny Aus lVky Auqy Cury nfl hmlf kr idwqf aqy Aus nUM jLKmI kr idwqf| BfvyN Aus kuVI dI Aumr 17 sfl dI hox
krky Aus df nfm nsLr nhIN kIqf igaf prMqU Aus Auwqy mfrU hmlf krn aqy hiQafr rwKx dy dosL lfey gey hn| swrHI afr aYM pI Aus dy do sfQIaF dI Bfl kr rhI hY | kiQq hmlf krn vflI kuVI nUM igRPqfrI mgroN Cwz idwqf igaf prMqU meI ivc Aus nUM adflq ivc pysL ho ky afropF df sfhmxf krnf pvygf|
aYbtsPorz invfsI ny do kfmuk jurm krn df dosL kbUilaf 31 sflf aYNzirA iQEzor zYins nUM mfrc mhIny kfmuk Dwkf krn aqy kMipAUtr rfhIN iek bwcy nUM kfmuk qrIky nfl luBfAux dy kiQq aprfD krn dy dosL kfrn igRPqfr kIqf igaf sI| hux Aus ny aYbtsPorz dI kcihrI ivc
Auprokq jurm krn dy dosL nUM pRvfn kr ilaf| 5 meI nUM hox vflI pysLI ivc Aus nUM sjLf dyx dI aqy mnoivigafnk irport pysL kIqI jfvygIL| Aus vwloN ieh kiQQ jurm 2009 aqy 2009 ivckfr kIqy gey sn|
cMdrmI sfl dy mOky pRImIar vwloN mubfrkbfd bI sI mfnXog pRImIar ikRstI klfrk ny cM d rmI sfl mnf rhy bI sI invfsIaF nU M sL u B kfmnfvF pysL kIqIaF hn| AuMnHF ikhf,” jdoN asIN GoVy dy sfl qoN bwkreI sfl vwl srkdy hF qF bhuq kuJ aYs hY ijs leI sfnUM sLkrgujLfr hox dI loV hY| icMqf-gRwsq dunIaF ivc bI sI Ku s L h flI aqy avsrF BrpU r surwiKaq sQfn hY | iekwTy iml ky kMm kridaF , asIN vMnsuvMnI iekfno m I vjo N ivkfs kr rhy
hF aqy eysLIaf-pYisiPk ielfky ivc afpxy blvfn swiBafcfrk aqy vxjI sbMDF nUM hor qkVy kr rhy hF| iewQy eysLIan ivrsy vfly bI sI invfsI afpxy Xogdfn duafrf smuwcy BfeIcfry nUM vDIaf bxf rhy hn ijs krky sUbf idn pRqI idn hor cMgf aqy Aujlf bx irhf hY| mYN quhfzy leI aqy quhfzy pirvfr leI goyt XIar dIaF sLuwB kfmnfvF Byt krdI hF|” “ Kung Hei Fat Choi and Gong XIO Fa Cai.”
jOn PrlFg ivruwD cwl irhf mukwdmf Kfrj vYnkUvr EilMipks dy sfbkf sI eI E jOn PrlFg ivruwD dfier kIqy gey mukwdmy ivc grys vYst nfmI aOrq ny jOn PrlFg ‘qy dosL lgfieaf sI ik 2013 ivc PrlFg ny Aus nfl AudoN kfmuk Cy V CfV kIqI sI jdo N PrlFg Aus df ijMm tIcr sI| skUl dy irkfrz dI GoK pVqfl krn mgroN bI sI suprIm kort dI mfnXog jwj imrIam gRfpr ny
vYst df mukwdmf Kfrj kridaF ikhf ik vYst qF Aus vwloN dwsy smyN dOrfn Aus skUl dI ividafrQI hI nhIN sI| ies krky Aus vwloN lgfey dosL inrmUl hn| vrxnXog hY ik BfvyN ieh mukwdmf Kfrj ho igaf hY prMqU ajy vI PrlFg ivruwD aijhy mukwdmy cwl rhy hn | AuNj PrlFg vwloN AunHF mukwdimaF nUM vI JUTf grdfinaf igaf hY|
vYnkUvr tfpU ivKy mfipaF nUM hfkI Kyz vyKx qoN vrijaf vYnkUvr tfpU ivKy 15-18 sfl dy hfkI iKzfrIaF dy pMj mfipaF nUM Kyz mYdfn ivc afAux qoN ies krky vrijaf igaf ikAuNik AuMnHF mfipaF ny ivroDI tIm dy iKzfrIaF nfl gflI gloc kIqf| hfkI aYsosIeysLn dy pRDfn ijmM hMPrI df kihxf hY ik mfipaF df aijhf
Friday, February 20th, 2015
stYnly pfrk dy ruwKF ‘qy BUMz/bINzy pfrk bo r z df kihxf hY ik stYnly pfrk ivc BUMz/bINzy vyKy gey hn jo iewQy dy bUitaF nUM Krfb kr skdy hn| AuMnHF ikhf ik GrF dy lfnF ivc hI aijhy kIiVaF nUM rokxf jF Kqm krn aOKf ho jFdf hY pr jy stYnly pfrk iojhI ivsLfl QF ‘qy hmlfvr ho gey qF ieMnHF nUM Kqm krnf hor vI aOKf ho jfvygf| mYnjr bRfien kuien df kihxf hY ik BUMzf/bINizaf qoN bcx df iek ZMg qF ieh hY ik Gf Cotf rwiKaf jfvy, sfP aqy iswlHf rwiKaf jfvy| nymftoz nfmI mkOVy
1960 dy dhfky ivwc gory pirvfrF ivwc sLfiml kIqy afidvfsIaF vwloN kYnyzf srkfr iKlfPL apIl
vqIrf sihxXog nhIN | AuMnHF ikhf ik jy mfipaF nUM ieAuN krn dI afigaf dy idwqI jfvy qF KyzF df cwlxf musLkl hI nhIN sgoN asMBv ho jfvygf| drsLkF jF iKzfrIaF dy mfipaF nUM Kyz df anMd lYxf Etfvf: 1960 dy dhfky ivw c cfhIdf hY , Kyz ivc iksy vI qrF ijnHF afidvfsI pirvfrF nUM gory df dKl dyxf jfiejL nhIN| pirvfrF ivwc sLfml kr ilaf igaf sI, AuhnF hI afidvfsIaf vwloN hux afpxy nfl hoey Dwky aqy sFsikR q k Gfx dy ivro D ivc kYnyzIan srkfr iKlfPL apIl ny inrfsLf pRgt kridaF ikhf drj kIqI geI hY. lgBg 1200 ik skUl borzF dI hor shfieqf pirvfrF vwloN afpxy nfl hoey krn dI QF AuMnHF nUM afpxy bwjtF ies sFsikRqk Dwky dy iKlfPL sskYcvn ivKy klfs aYksLan ivc $29 imlIan dI ktOqI krn lfasUt PLfeIl kIqf igaf hY aqy leI ikhf igaf hY| jOn horgn ny srkfr qoN ies Gfty leI muafvjLy ieh vI ikhf ik mwDvrg dy lokF dI mMg kIqI geI hY. dI axdyKI kIqI geI hY aqy DnI 1960 qo N 1980 dy drimafn lokF nUM tYks CotF dyxf bhuq hjLfrF hI afidvfsI bwicaF nUM mMdBfgf hY| AuhnF dy GrF qoN ilaf ky cfeIlz
bI sI bwjt dy srplws vrqoN cMgyry ZMg nfl hoxI cfhIdI hY- aflockF dI itwpxI bI sI dy KjLfnf mMqrI mfeIk zI jONg vwloN pysL kIqy gey srplws bwjt dI aflocnf kridaF ivroDI iDr dy ny q f jO n ho r gn aqy hor aflockF df kihxf hY ik srplws rfsLI nUM bI sI dy krjLy dI adfiegI krn dI QF lo k BlfeI dIaF syvfvF vfsqy vrqxf cfhIdf hY| iesy qrF bI sI tIcrjL PYzrysLn dy muKI ijm afeIkr
vYlPLyar sriviss duafrf hornF pirvfrF hvfly kIqf igaf sI. iehnF ivwcoN kuJ nUM amrIkI pirvfrF ivc vI idwqf igaf sI. Auqsfihq ho ky asIN ieh dUsrf aijhf iehnF bwicaf ivc mOjUd smJOqf kIqf hY| sfnUM ies gwl ‘qy pihly klcr nUM KLqm krn dy sMqusLtI hY ik sfzy skUl eyrIey AudysL nfl kIqf igaf sI. dy mULlvfsI ividafrQI sUby dy aijhy ividafrQIaF nfloN pVHfeI apIl krn vfilaF ivwc sLfiml dy hr pwK ivc awgy hn| ieMnHF cMgy 52 sfl dy zy i vz nF dy iew k isitwaF df ishrf skUlF dy cMgy aiDafpkF isr bwJdf hY| asIN ies idsLf ivc vDyry AuqsLfh nfl kMm krdy rhFgy qF jo ieMnHF vrgF dy bwicaF nUM cMgI qoN cMgI isiKaf mFtrIal: kY n y z Ian pY s y i PL k idwqI jf sky|” rylvy ivwc kMm krn vfly lgpg 3300 lokomoitv ieMjInIarjL aqy hor tRyn vrkrF dI XUnIan vwlo kMpnI nUM hVqfl df noits idwqf igaf hY. kYnyzf ryl kfnPrMs XUnIan dy mYNbrF vwlNo ieh spwsLt kIqf igaf hY ik jykr sLinwcrvfr ies qrF ies kfrporysLn vwloN rfq qwk AuhnF dIaF mMgF nUM nf ies tYks qoN hox vflI afmdn mMinaf igaf qF kYnyz pYsyiPLk nUM bfry lgfey anumfn glq sfbq lokomoitv ieMjInIarjL, kMzktrF, ho rhy hn| iPr vI afs kIqI jf tRynmYnjL aqy XfrzmYnjL vwloN pUry rhIO hY ik 2050 qwk ies pRojYkt kYnyzf ivwc hVqfl df sfhmxf dy $3[6 iblIan dy Krcy pUry ho krnf pvygf. jfxgy| kfrporysLn df anumfn hY ik afAux vfly sflF ivc ies ibRwjy XUnIan dy pRDfn zUgls iPLnsn dy tRYiPk ivc vfDf hovygf ijs ny mMglvfr nUM iewk ieMtrivAU nfl afmdn vI vDygI| dO r fn ikhf ik, “ asIN ieh
aYbtsPorz skUl borz vwloN mUl vfsIaF dy swiBafcfr aqy pVHfeI nUM bVHfvf mUl vfsIaF dy nyqfvF nfl do sflF qoN cwl rhy slfh msLvry mgroN aYbtsPorz skULl izsitRkt vwloN dUsr iekrfrnfmy ‘qy hsqfKr kIqy gey hn| ies iekrfrnfm rfhIN borz vwloN ieMnHF mUlvfsI BfeIcfiraF nfl iml ky ieMnHF dy ividafrQIaF dI pVHfeI leI Aucycy Xqn krn dI vcnbwDqf durfeI geI hY| ies bfry borz dI muKI isMzI sLYPr ny ikhf,” sfzy pihly smJOqy dy bhuq cMgy iswty inkly hn| AuMnHF qoN
port mfn dy tol tYks qoN afmdn Gt rhI hY port mfn ibRwj dy tol tYks qoN bc ky dUsry pulF rfhI jfx vfly zRfeIvrF dI igxqI lgfqfr vD rhI hY | iswty vjoN ies pRojYkt df pRbMd krn vflI tRFsportrysLn ienvYsmYNt kfrporysLn dI afmdn Gt rhI hY| nvyN bwjt ivc ieh Gftf 2015 ivc $100 imlIan aqy 2017 qwk $106 imlIan ho jfx dI sLMkf pRgtfeI geI hY|
bItl nUM Kf jFdy hn prMqU keI hYktyarF ivc PYly ies ivsLfl pfrk ivc Gfh nUM ishqmMd rwKx sOKf nhIN ikAuNik iewQy isMcfeI df koeI vwzf sfDn nhIN| iPr vI pfrk borz vwloN bdlvyN pRbMDF df jfiejLf ilaf jf irhf hY| AuMnHF ieh vI ikhf ik ijhVf nuksfn ho cuwkf hY , Aus nUM TIk krn dy Aupfv kIqy jf rhy hn| kuien ny ieh vI ikhf ik loar mynlYNz dy hornF pfrkF nUM aijhy bItl/BUMzF qoN bcfAux dy Xqn krny cfhIdy hn|
ivakqI ny dwisaf ik AusnUM pMj sfl dI Aumr ivwc mYnItobf ivKy afpxy GroN alwg krky mInsotf ivKy iewk Gr ivc ilaFdf igaf sI. iek ho r ivakqI ny do s L lgfieaf ik AuhnF nUM nOkrF dI loV sI, kMm krn vfilaF dI loV sI, sPfeI krn vfilaF dI loV sI, qy ieh sB AuhnF nUM kfnUMnI rUp ivwc cfhIdy sn. Ausny dwisaf ik AusnUM Gr sfPL krn, kMm krn aqy loV pYx ‘qy afpxf guwsf Auqfrn dI Kfqr kwutx leI vriqaf jFdf irhf hY. aijhy hI keI apIlkrqf hn, ijnHF nM bhuq inwkI Aumr ivwc afpxy GridaF qoN alwg krky aijhf jIvn ijAUx leI mjbUr kIqf igaf. iehnF lo k f vw l o N afpxy nfl hoey ies Dwky df jvfb mMigaf igaf hY, aqy ieh mMg kIqI geI hY ik iehnF sflF dOrfn AuhnF dI sMsikRqI aqy AuhnF dy swiBafcfr df jo Gfx hoieaf hY, Ausdf vI muafvjLf idwqf jfvy.
XUnIan vloN kYnyzIan pYsiPLk nUM idqf igaf hVqfl df noits iblkuwl spwsLt kr dyxf cfhuMdy hF ik zYWzlfeIn dy idwqI geI hY aqy ies qo pihlF asIN iksy iswty ‘qy puwjxf cfhuMdy hF. asIN ieh nhIN cfhuMdy ik iksy vI krmcfrI nUM hVqfl ‘qy jfxf pvy.” XUnIan mYNbrF vwloN ies hPLqy sI[pI[nY g o s L I ey t rjL nU M imlky afpxI gw l sfhmxy rw K x df Xqn ikqf igaf sI. ieh mIitMg buwDvfr qwk awgy pf idwqI geI sI. iPLnsn ny ikhf ik kMpnI AuhnF nfl ies agRImYNt nUM isry cVfAux dy rOa ivwc idKfeI nhIN dy rhI. XUnIan vloN ieh mMg rwKI geI hY ik ryl krmcfrIaF nUM 10 GMitaF dy kMm qoN bfad bRyk idwqI jfvy.
Friday, February 20th, 2015
The Patrika
The Patrika
Friday, February 20th, 2015
brYNptn vloN pYnaYm KyzF dI myjLbfnI XUkryn bfry kYnyzf amrIkf dy nfl hY-jysn kYnI nf krn qy PYzrl srkfr inrfsL Etfvf, Etfvf vwloN afpxI hfeI ies sMbMD ivwc sFJI kIqI geI
kYnyzf pulIs ny vYlyntfeIn idvs ‘qy golIbfrI dI Gtnf tflI muitafr sxy iqMn jxy igRPqfr: iek nOjvfn imRqk imilaf
mFtrIal, hYlIPYks ivwc vY l y n tfeIn dy idn kY n y z f dI pulIs ny iewk mfVI Gtnf tfl idw q I ikAu N i k go l IbfrI krn inkly iewk hiQafrbMd joVy ny horF nUM mfrn dI sfijsL rcI sI pr KudkusLI kr gey.
igaf. pulIs ny cOQf msLkUk iewk 17 sflf lVky tMzly kol hfrbUr siQq Gr ivcoN kwlH dyr nfl kfbU kr ilaf sI. vIrvfr dI svyr nUM ‘vwzy hiQafrF nfl juVy Kqry” bfry pihlI vfr jfxkfrI imlI sI. pulIs Pyr cOks ho geI qy Kqry dI sUh lY leI. iKwqy dI “gMBIr GtnfvF nfl nijwTx vflI tIm” itMbrlIaf vfly nOjvfn dI mOq dI jFc kr rhI hY. ieh ksbf nOvf skOsLIaf sUby dy duryzy pyNzU Kyqr ‘c hYlIPYks dy bfhrvfr pYNdf hY.
novf skosLIaf ivc rfiel kYnyzIan mfAUNitz pulIs (afr[sI[aYm[pI[) ny dwisaf ik pyNzU ielfky itMbrlIaf dy iewk 19 sflf lVky ny amrIkf dy sLihr jnyvf dI 23 sflf muitafr nfl hYlIPYks ivwc ikDry PfieirMg krn dI sfijsL rcI sI. ies afr[sI[aY m [pI[ dy aisstY t ivwc do hor lok vI kiQq qOr ‘qy kimsLnr birafn brYzn ny pRYs sfml hn. kfnPrMs ivwc dwisaf ik ieh ieko AuNj ies nUM dihsLqgrdI nfl ijhy iKaflF vfly lokF df iewk juVI Gtnf vjoN nhIN dyiKaf jf gruwp sI, jo iGnoxy gunfh krn irhf. afr[sI[aY m [pI dy iew k mgroN afpxI jfnF vI dyx ‘qy ibafn anusfr ienHF dI hiQafrF AuqfrU sn. aiDkfrI anusfr ieh qwk phuMc sI qy ienHF df ierfdf gunfh aiqvfd nfl sbMDq nhIN 14 PrvrI nMU hYlIPYks Kyqr ivc sI. AunHF dwisaf ik hmly dI Auh iksy jnqk sQfn ‘qy jf ky lokF nUM QF cuxI geI sI, ijwQy vDyry lokF nUM PfieirMg ‘c mfrn df ierfdf sI mfiraf jf sky pr pulIs ny sQfn qy ipwCoN afp mr jfxf sI. pulIs df Kulfsf nhIN kIqf. sIbIsI dI dy dwsx anusfr itMbrlIaf vflf irport anusfr pulIs ny iewk lVkf kwlH svyry suvwKqy Gr ivwc sQfn ‘qy hmly dI icqfvnI idwqI miraf imilaf. amrIkI muitafr sI. pulIs muqfbk sfry msLkUkF nUM nUM iewk hor 20 sflf lVky nfl PV ky Kqrf tfl idwqf igaf hY. koeI Gtnf vfprn qoN pihlF hI afr[sI[aYm[pI[ ies jFc ivc hor hYlIPYks stYnPIlz ieMtrnYsLnl iksy dI Bfl nhIN kr rhI. Dn qy eyarport qoN igRPqfr kr ilaf hiQafr brfmd kr ley gey hn.
EntorIE dI mYzIkl kMpnI ny kuJ mYrIjLuafnf dvfeIaF vfps mMgvfeIaF torFto: hYlQ kYnyzf ny dwisaf hY ik AuntfrIE dI iewk mYzIkl mYrIjLuafnf kMpnI vloN afpxIaF kuJ dvfeIaF vfps mMgvfeIaF jf rhIaF hn, ikAuNik ieh dvfeIaF lybl ‘qy idwqI geI jfxkfrI nfloN vDyry qyjL hn. hYlQ kYnyzf ny dwisaf ik Nyce N’ EZ dy nF hyT ivkx vflI dvfeI ivwc tI[aYc[sI dI mfqrf 9[07 PL I sdI ho x I cfhIdI hY jdoN ik jFc aiDkfrIaF nUM ies ivc 13[7 PLIsdI nflNo vI vDyry tI[aYc[sI[ pRfpq hoieaf hY. hYlQ kYnyz f aqy pIs nYc url pRfzkt donF nUM hI hux qwk ies dvfeI dI vrqoN kfrn hox vflI iksy vI pRkfr dI prysLfnI dI jfxkfrI hfly nhIN imlI hY. pr hY l Q kY n y z f ny ieh sM B fvnf jqfeI hY ik tI[aYc[sI[ dI ieMnI
ijLafdf mfqrf hox kfrn bhuq gM B Ir isw t y sfhmxy af skdy hn. pr vfps mMgvfeIaF geIaF dvfeIaF ivc vI ieh mfqrf ieMnI ijLafdf drj nhIN kIqI geI hY. hfl dI GVI surwiKaf nUM iDafn ivc rwKdy hoey dvfeIaf nUM vfps mMgvf ky priKaf jf irhf hY, ijs nfl BivwK ivc ies dvfeI nfl iksy nUM koeI hfnI nf puwj sky. pIs nYcurljL pRojYkt vwloN lokF nUM lOt nMbr 12-NAE-003-14 qoN 12-NAE-003-14-A. ivwc bxIaF dvfeIaF dI vrqoN krn qoN roikaf igaf hY. ijnHF kol ies lOt ivcly dvfeI mOjUd hY Auh pIs nYcUrljL pRojYkt kol dvfeI vfps krky AusdI QF shI dvfeI lY skdy hn.
brYNptn - pYn aYm KyzF df koeI hn. ienH F Ky z F df Au d GftnI vI eIvYNt brYNptn vloN afXoijq smfroh torFto dy rOjr sYNtr ivc nhIN kIqf jf irhf. ies leI hoxgy. PYzrl srkfr inrfsL hY. imsIsfgf dy hrsLI sYNtr ivc dunIaf ivwc qIjy nMbr qy vwzIaF jUzo, tykvFzo, kusLqIaF, golbfl, KyzF ivwc pYnaYm 2015 dIaF pfvrilPitMg aqy vIhlcyar KyzF hn aqy ieh torFto ielfky rwgbI dy eIvyNt krvfey jfxgy. dIaF 16 imAU N s pY l tIaF vlo N brYNptn AudGftnI smfroh leI 30 vwKrIaF QfvF Aupr 10 qoN tfrc rIlya ivwc ihwsf lvygf. 16 julfeI drimafn afXoijq ies Plym nUM 3000 tfrcbIar kIqIaF jf rhIaF hn. ienH F 41 idnF leI lY ky pYnaYm ivwc bhuqIaF QfvF torFto ivwc KyzF dy AudGftnI smfroh qwk hoxgIaF. ienHF KyzF qoN bfad phuMcfAuxgy. 7 agsq qoN lY ky 15 agsq qwk pYrfpYn KyzF krvfeIaF jf gosl ny ikhf ik brYNptn ny iksy vI cIjL leI ibwz nhIN kIqI pr rhIaF hn. brYNptn dy keI styzIam aYsy brYNptn ienHF KyzF uleI sMBfvI hn ijnHF ivc QoVHf bhuq suDfr sLihr mMinaf jf irhf sI pr jUn krky ienH f Ky z F leI iqafr 2012 ivwc istI kONsl vloN sFJy kIqf jf skdf sI. pYnaYm vloN qor ‘qy ies gwl df PYslf kIqf KyzF krvfAux vfsqy iewk bjt igaf ik brYNptn afriQk kfrxF iqafr kIqf jFdf hY aqy ies df dy rihMidaF ienHF KyzF dy iksy vI 56 PLIsdI Bfg PYzrl srkfr Bfg nMU afXoijq krn leI afpxI muhweIaf krvfAuNdI hY aqy bfkI bolI nhIN dyvygf. istI vloN jF pRfeIvyt sYktr vloN Kyz mMqrI bwl gosl ny ikhf ik iekwTf kIqf jFdf hY. AunHF ikhf ik brYNptn myrf sLihr hY aqy ieh ies qrHF dy iqafr kIqIaF geIaF QfvF nUM aMqr rfsLtrI KyzF leI dunIaF dy ibhqrIn sLihrF ivwcoN vriqaf jf skdf hY. iewk hY. AunHF ikhf ik Aus vkq dI myar dPLqr vloN imly pwqr nfl gosl ny dwisaf ik kYsI kYNbl AunHF nMU bVI inrfsLF hoeI sI ik ivKy 2013 ivwc pYn aYm kwp mYn brYNptn pYnaYm Kyzf dI myjLbfnI PIlz hfkI eIvyNt vyly sfry sLihr nhIN kr irhf. dy hotl aqy rYstorYNt Br gey sn. ies nfl istI nUM afriQk lyitn amrIkf, sfAUQ amrIkf, pwKoN kfPI hulfrf imldf hY. kYrIbIan aqy nfrQ amrIkf dy 41 dysLF qoN 7000 dy krIb kYnyzf ny 1967 aqy 1999 ivc aYQlIt pYn amYrIkn KyzF ivc ivnIpYWg aqy mYnItobf ivc pYn ihwsf lYx leI phuMc rhy hn. amrIkn KyzF afXoijq kIqIaF EntfrIE ivwc ies pRkfr dIaF sn aqy torFto vfsqy ieh pihlf KyzF pihlI vfr hox jf rhIaF mOkf hY.
kYnyzIan pwqrkfr PfhmI nUM imsrI adflq ny idwqI jLmfnq irhfeI kfiero: iewk sfl nfloN vI vDyry smF imsr dI jylH ivc kwtx vflf kYnyzIan pwqrkfr muhMmd PfhmI afpxI afjfdI dy iewk kdm hor nyVy af igaf hY. vIrvfr nUM imsr dI adflq vwloN PLfhmI nUM byl ‘qy irhfa krn df afdysL jfrI kIqf igaf hY. hflFik 40 sfl dy ies pwqrkfr nUM pUrI qrHF irhfeI nhIN imlI hY pr, ies axikafsy sPLlqf nfl PLfhmI aqy Ausdy pirvfrk mYNbrF dy nfl-nfl Aus dI afjLfdI dy smrQn ivwc lVn vfly sfry hI sMgTnF nUM rfhq mihsUs hoeI. PLfhmI AuWqy muV mukwdmf sLurU kIqy jfx qoN bfad imsr dy iewk jwj hsn PLrId ny PLfhmI aqy Ausdy sih krmI nUM byl idwqy jfx df PLYslf suxfieaf. ies kfrvfeI qo bfad aglI suxvfeI leI kys 23 PLrvrI qwk awgy pf idwqf igaf hY.
ies PLYsly qoN bfad afpxI KusLI df iejLhfr kridaF PLfhmI dy Brf afidl PLfhmI ny dwisaf ik , “asIN sfry hI bhuq KusL hF, ivsLysL qOr ‘qy ipCly 14 mhIinaF qoN jylH kwt rhy afpxy Brf nUM bfhr dyK ky sfnUM sB nUM bhuq KusLI ho rhI hY. ipCly smyN dOrfn ijnHF musLklF df sfhmxf myry Brf nUM krnf ipaf hY aqy ijs drd qoN Auh lMiGaf hY, byl ‘qy imlI irhfeI nfl ies drd ivwc kuJ rfhq imlI hY.”
rYjLolysln sYtylfeIt ‘rfzfrYst 2’ rfhIN iKwcIaF jfx vflIaF qsvIrF XukrynIan PLOjF nMU dyx dI gwl afKI geI hY. ieh sYtylfeIt idn ivc do vfr Xukryn AuWqoN gujLrygI, ijs nfl jLmIn ‘qy idn aqy rfq smyN hox vflIaF gqIivDIaF bfry ivsQfr nfl jfxkfrI pRfpq ho jfvygI. ies jfxkfrI nfl XukrynI PLOj leI siQqI df jfiejLf lYx ivc afsfnI hovygI aqy Auh afpxIaF XojnfvF nUM vDyry stIkqf nfl lfgU kr skxgy. ieh sYtylfeIt imltrI hfrzvyarjL nUM lwBx ivwc bhuq hI stIk hY. irtfierz krnl aFdry dupueI vwlON mIzIaF nfl
jfxkfrI anusfr ieh Xojnf bhuq hI PfiedymMd sfbq ho skdI hY. ikAuNik vrqmfn smyN ivwc Xukryn aqy dihsL q grdF ivcfly cw l irhf sIs PLfier ikMnI dyr qwk jfrI rhygf ies bfry koeI aMdfjLf nhIN lgf skdf hY. PLrFs, jrmnI aqy Xukryn dy lIzr imMsk ivKy iekwTy hoey sn. AunHF dI ieh imlxI lVfeI nMU KLqm krn leI jLrUrI nukiqaF nUM ivcfrn dy AudysL nfl rwKI geI sI. ies sMbMD ivwc Etfvf ivKy nvyN bxy izPLYNs minstr ny ibafn idMidaf ikhf ik jykr amrIkf Xukryn nUM hiQafrF dI splfeI krnI bMd kr idMdf hY qF kYnyzf vI ieMJ hI krygf.
ENtfrIE pI[sI[ coxF leI jOn byarz ny ikRstIn ielIat dI kIqI hmfieq Etfvf: sfbkf ivdysL mMqrI jOn byarz vwloN AutfrIE pRogYisv kMjLrvyitv coxF leI KVy hox vfly iqMn AumIdvfrF ivcoN ikRstIn eIlIat nUM aYNzOrs kIqf igaf. AuhnF afpxI rfey idMidaf ikhf ik ielIat ivc lIzr bxn leI sfry jLrUrI gux mOjUd hn. Auh AuNtfrIE nUM shI idsLf ivwc awgy iljfx leI iewk kfbl lIzr vjoN AuBr ky sfhmxy af skdI hn. AuhnF ieh vI ikhf
ik eIlIat iewklOqI tOrI kYNzIzyt hn, jo 2018 ivwc hox vflIaF pRoivMsLIal ielYksLnjL ivwc ijwq hfsl krygI. byarz eIlIat df smrQn krn vfly 23vyN pfrlImYNt mYNbr hn. iehnF coxF ivc KVn vfly iqMn AumIdvfrF eIlIat, pYitRk bRfAUn aqy mONt mYknOtn ivwc hux qwk bhuq hI brIk aMqr sfhmxy af sikaf.
pIarsn eyarport qoN brfmd hoeI 5 iklo kokIn imsIsfgf : kYnyzf bfrzr srivs eyjMsI vwloN ieh jfxkfrI idwqI geI hY ik Au h nF vw l o N to r Fto pIarsn hvfeI awzy qoN lgBg 5 iklo kokIn brfmd kIqI geI hY. ieh kokIn kYrybIan qoN afeI iek PlfeIt ivc afeI hY. pRfpq hoeI jfxkfrI anusfr izAUtI ‘qy mOjUd aiDkfrIaF vwloN 8 PrvrI nUM syNt mfrtIn qoN afeI iewk PLlfeIt ivwc afey smfn ivcoN iewk bYg nUM jFc leI alwg kIqf igaf. aiDkfrIaF nUM ies bYg dI
jFc dOrfn cfr pYk imly, ijnHF ivwc mOjUd pdfrQ nUM jFcx qoN bfad ieh jfxkfrI imlI hY ik ieh pdfrQ jo ies bYg ivwc luko ky rwiKaf igaf sI, ieh kOkIn hY. ieh pYk pIl rIjnl pulIs hvfly kr idwqy gey hn aqy puils vwloN ies mfmly ivwc aglyrI jFc afrMB idwqI geI hY. hfl dI GVI ies kokIn nfl sMbMDq iksy vI hor jfxkfrI nUM jnqk nhI kIqf igaf hY.
eyar PLors cIPL tOm lOsn hoxgy irtfier Etfvf: imltrI bRfs ivwc kuJ bhuq hI mhwqvpUrn PLYsly ley jfx vfly hn, ijnHF ivc eyar PL o r s dy hY W z dI irtfiermY N t aqy prsonYl bRFc nUM clfAux leI PLst vUmr dI prmosLn df PLYslf vI sLfiml hY. dysL dy AuWc imltrI kmFzr, jY n rl tO m lOsn vwloN aprmOsLnjL sMbMDI keI mhwqvpUrn PLYsly ley gey hn, ijnHF nUM agly afAux vfly mhIinaF dOrfn aml ivwc ilaFdf jfvygf.
AuhnF ieh vI ikhf ik, “sfnUM pUry iensfPL dI loV hY aqy sfzI ieh mMg hY ik PLfhmI ‘qy lwgy ieh JUT ieljLfm vfps lY ley jfx.” pirvfr vwloN hfly vI kYnyzf srkfr nMU ies mfmly ivc pUrf jLor lgfAux dI apIl kIqI iehnF PYsilaF ivcoN sB qoN vwzf PLYslf lYPLnInYNt jYnrl eIvfn jf rhI hY.
blfAuNdIN, jo do sfl pihlF hI eyar PLors dy hYWz bxy hn, dI ivdfiegI df hY. blONdIn iewk PLfietr pfielt rhy hn aqy iesdy nfl hI Auh ivvfdgRsq aYPL-35 pRogrfm dy muwK cYNpIan rhy hn. AuhnF dI QF myjr jYnrl mfeIk huwz lYxgy, ijnHF nUM bfad ivw c prmo t krky ilAU t nY n t jYnrl bxf idwqf jfvygf. aijhy hI keI mhwqvpUrn PLYsly awgy afAux vfly mhIinaF ivwc ley jfxy hn, ijnHF dy afDfr ‘qy dysL dI surwiKaf iekfeI nMU iek nvIN muhfr imlygI.
The Patrika
Friday, February 20th, 2015
Statement to the Media from Mayor Henry Braun, Chair Abbotsford Police Board
he Office of the Police Complaint Commissioner issued a media statement earlier today (February 18, 2015) in relation to an ongoing investigation involving serious allegations against members of the Abbotsford Police Department. The Abbotsford Police Board is aware of this investigation and has been regularly apprised of the progress of the investigation by Chief Constable, Bob Rich and his management team. The Board supports a thorough investigation of this important matter and has complete faith in the Office of the Police Complaint Commissioner in bringing this investigation to resolution.
The Board has the utmost confidence in the Abbotsford Police Department and cautions the public drawing any conclusion before this matter has been resolved and the facts released. Quote “It is important to remember that this investigation began with APD officers who brought forward the alleged wrongdoing by Constable Nicholson,” said Abbotsford Mayor and Police Board Chair, Henry Braun. “I believe that this fact alone speaks volumes about the integrity of the Abbotsford Police Department. This is an ongoing investigation and we need to wait for the full facts to be known before the Board considers any response or action.”
CBSA charges four B.C. residents in national steroid smuggling operation
n January 29, 2015 the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) Criminal Investigations Section laid charges against four B.C. men in relation to an anabolic steroid smuggling and distribution ring. These are the latest charges in a two year investigation that spanned across The investigation named Project Juice the nation from Halifax, Nova Scotia started in 2012 after steroids were intercepted in multiple postal seizures to Victoria, British Columbia. at the CBSA Vancouver and Greater Gautam Mohan Srivastava, of SaanToronto International Mail centres, ich, B.C. has been charged with seven and at the Vancouver International Air counts including: smuggling and possession of unlawfully imported goods Cargo Centre. under the Customs Act; importation, trafficking, possession for the purpose of trafficking (two counts), and production under the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act.
Early in the investigation, in 2012, Greg Austin Doucette of Halifax, Nova Scotia was charged with offences under Customs Act and Controlled Drugs and Substances Act. In 2015, Winnipeg, William Joel Baturin, of Sechelt B.C., Manitoba resident Jason Mark EggSimon James Baturin of Vancouver leston pled guilty to one count of smugB.C., and Hubert Moses Sims of gling pursuant to the Customs Act. Burnaby, B.C. have been charged with four counts including: possession of Over 5,600 vials, 150,000 tablets, unlawfully imported goods under the approximately 2.7 litres of prepared Customs Act; and trafficking, posses- steroids, over 50 kilograms of pure sion for the purpose of trafficking, and raw powders and $21,000 where seized production under the Controlled Drugs during the investigation in British and Substances Act. Columbia.
The Patrika
Friday, February 20th, 2015
ihwlx lwgIaF gwdIaF
supny sfkfr dy
igafn isMG kotlI vYnkUvr
jnm idn
jIvn isMG rfmpurI
kyvl isMG inrdosL
mrhUm sMq rfm ‘AudfsI’
qKqF gwdIaF vfilE, kMn dy suxo afvfË .
hwk swc df sfQ dy ky swc nUM AuBfr dy.
ijs Gfty df afey sfl hI,
mfry gey imwqrF dy ipMz dIey vfey,
ihwlx lwgIaF gwdIaF, ihwl rhy hux rfj .
krky inqfrf mYl df kUVf nfkfr dy.
jsNLn mnfAuNdy rihMdy.
KYr-suwK df sunyhVf ilaf.
vwjxy hux nf eys QF, jbr Ëulm dy sfË .
sdIaF qoN jI irhf hYN hnyry dI afV ivc.
hux qF swc inaF dy, isr qy sjxf qfj .
AusnUM kwt ky kyk asIN hF,
nv sUJ nv idRsLtI sMg mnmuKqf hfr dy.
bYTx gy hux qKq qy, prjf dy ihwqkfr .
hY siq dy sUrjF dI inrvYr rOsLnI.
sfP krngy lok hux, gMd qy iBRÈtfcfr . ----kIqy ies QF lotUaF, ikrqI lhU luhfn . irÈvq vZHI Kf ilaf, kursI df eImfn . hr QF buVHkx cODrI, irÈvqKor ÈYqfn .
pRkfsL pRym BfvI jwg qy psfr dy. virHaF qoN jMg bfjF bihkfey ny afvfs. jldy jgq nUM pRym dI brKF sI Tfrdy. mlby qy KMzrF dy ZyrF ‘c jIx lok
jnm mubfirk kihMdy.
Es mF df bixaf kI, ‘aFdrF dI awg’ jIhdI, geI ksqUrIaF iKMzf?
ijAuN ijAuN bwcf vDdf AusdI aAuD hY GtdI jFdI
Bfr Auhdy bfpU df nIN, kuwbI hoeI kMz AuWqoN,
mF puwqr nuM vyK vyK ky,
iksy ny vMzfieaf sI ik nf?
PuwlI nhIN smFdI .
suxINdf sI BYx AuhdI, sFB ky sugMDIaF nUM jfxf hY sI Epry grF.
kr nvAusfrI amn dI supny sfkfr dy
vfhvf jgq rcYqf qUM ieh,
ZihMdI dsLf nUM cVHdI klf vwl pRyr ky
kYsf Kyl rcfieaf
AuhnUM ikMnf ku ey qIaF df nI cfa?
CuhrF mCuhrF qfeIN mmqf ipafr dy.
qyrf Byq agMmI myrI,
mfry gey imwqrF dI…
jLrf ‘coN imtf dy sfrIaF BrmF kurIqIaF
smJ jLrf nf afieaf.
TwgI corI hyrf PyrI, do nMbrI QF QF kfr .
AujVy cmn nUM muV ky Psl-ey-bhfr dy.
Aumr iqjOrI ivwcoN mnPLI,
axK ËmIrF vycIaF, ivkrI ny ikrdfr .
bdlf dy krky AuWdm jIvn dI hr vrsL.
sfh inq huMdy jfvx.
dyÈ kOm dI gwl nf, Èrm nf swc afcfr .
prdUsLnI inGfr nUM cyqn inKfr dy.
niÈaF sB suVHfk ley, DIaF puwq juafn . AuWT qury hux lok sB, dyÈ df krn suDfr . afpxI mOqy mrygf, hux kUV qy iBRÈtfcfr . ------
bfhroN idwsy cfnxf, idl ivc Gor aMDfr .
lok ny mMgdy amn ÈFqI, rotI qy ruËgfr .
jgfE swc nUM ik hr gurU Gr rosLnI hovy.
kihMdy iml ky krFgy, hux dUr iBRÈtfcfr .
isMcfro ipafr df aMimRq jLbF hr cfsxI hovy.
bxo aMimRq bxo aMimRq ik aMimRqsr hI bx jfE,
jIhdf vIr awj KwtI cuMnI nf ilafieaf,
rfTF dI hvylI mUhroN lMGxf KMGUrf mfr (ikqy) Buwly qF nIN Esdy Brf. gIqF dy ksfeI ikqy, Es dI mfsLUk koloN
ies Gfty nUM KFdy lokI.
gfxy qF nIN rhy sI gvf.
KusLIaF ikvyN mnfvx.
Es dy muhFdry df ipMz dI jvfnI AuWqy,
idn duinafvI kMm ivwc lMGdf,
ciVHaf jF nhIN koeI pfh.
suWiqaf rfq ivhfvy.
mfry gey imwqrF dI…
ik sBdf mn nIvF aqy AuWqm socxI hovy.
hIrf jnm amolk eydF
lgfE ipafr dy bUty jo vMzx ipafr dIaF mihkF,
BMg dy BfVy jfvy.
ikMnf ku sI julmF df qfa?
sLYK jI qobf dy twutxoN vI zrI jFdy ny, kOVf Guwt krky ipaflf vI BrI jFdy ny.
iewk rMgly cmn dy vfgUM hr iewk dI ijLMdgI hovy.
ijAu pwqxF qo lMGy pfxI,
dws myry vIrny qoN ikhVI gwl puwCdy sI,
KLqm ho jfvx ByKI bfixaF qy Brm dy cwkr,
kdy nf afAuNdy muVky.
swQ ivwc puwTf ltkf.
afp af jFdy ny inwq vfhjL dy pj mYKfny, sfzy isr isPq df ieljLfm DrI jFdy ny.
iKlI hr jf pRBU pRgfs dI hI cfnxI hovy.
byVI pUr iqRMJxI kuVIaF,
aml kr skIey sfry gurU bfxI dy arQF ‘qy
muV nf bYTx juVky.
ijMnF qrnf hY Auh CwlF `c qrI jFdy ny, qy hmfqV ny ik kMZy ‘qy zrI jFdy ny.
ik sfzI krnI kihxI ‘coN JlkdI sfdgI hovy.
mrhUm drsLn isMG ‘afvfrf’
mOlvI jI dI koeI sfdf-idlI qF vyKo, kbr ivwc pYr ny, hUrF ‘qy mrI jFdy ny. rwb rwuisaf qF ikafmq qF koeI afeI nf, kMm XfrF dy qF EdF hI srI jFdy ny. csikaF pwty `c avfrf jI bVy kFty ny, pINdy vI jFdy ny qobf vI krI jFdy ny.
asIN msnUeI idK mykawp idKfvy qoN mukq rhIey, asfzI rUh inmrlqf qy siq dI afrsI hovy. ik sfnMU jfc gorfpx invn dI aYsI af jfvy, KumfrI nfm dI msqI sdf sfnuUM cVHI hovy. asIN insLkfm syvf nUM hmysLf pihl dy skIey,
ipMz dy ksfeIKfny koloN jdoN lMGI sI qUM,
julmF dy hONsly `c, ipMz idaF cODrIaF, KfDf hoxf rwj ky kVfh. mfry gey imwqrF dI…
bYT iksy nhIN rihxf ieh hY, jgq msfiPr Kfnf.
suxINdf ey ‘kfgjLF dy sLyr’ AuhnUM kihMdy sfnUM,
af gey sdVy jfxf pYxf,
‘ikrnF df kfPlf’ PVf.
clxf nhIN bhfnf. kr “inrdosL” smyN nUM sPlf,
Auhdy bolF ivwcoN jo sugMDIaF qUM cUsIaF ny, hfVy myry bolF nUM Cuhf. nUVy hoey aMgF ny nIN, iqwKIaF sMgInF mUhry,
Bly leI kOm imwlq dy srPL ieh ijLMdgI hovy.
kMm nykI dy krky.
qy jIvy sfh sfh myrf sdf afdrsLvfdI bxy,
amr rhNygf ivwc idlF dy,
mfry gey imwqrF dy ipMz dIey vfey,
jgq-duwK nUM invfrn dI pivwqr afsLkI hovy.
nhIN mryNgf mrky.
KYr suwK df sunyhVf ilaf.
kIqf sI mukfblf ik nF?
The Patrika
Friday, February 20th, 2015
asF qF jobn ruwqy mrnf
mfnsrovr mrhUm aMimRqf pRIqm
mrhUm isLv kumfr ‘btflvI’ asF qF jobn ruwqy mrnf qur jfxf asF Bry Brfey ihjLr qyry dI kr iprkrmf asF qF jobn ruwqy mrnf jobn ruwqy jo vI mrdf Puwl bxy jF qfrf jobn ruwqy afisLk mrdy jF koeI krmF vflf jF Auh mrn, ik ijnHF ilKfey ihjLr DuroN ivwc krmF ihjLr quhfzf asF mubfirk nfl bihsLqIN KVnf asF qF jobn ruwqy mrnf! swjx jI Blf iks leI jIxf sfzy ijhF inkrmF sUqk ruwq qoN,
inwq lwijaf dIaF jMmx-pIVF axcfihaF vI jrnf inwq iksy dyh ivwc
idl df mfn srovr Biraf
zoly nf jLmIr joDy iensfn dI.
pfxI pIx CMB dy kMZy
buiraF kMmF qoN hr vyly zrdf,
lwQI ijvyN bhfr vy.
KudkusLI kdy nhIN grIb krdf.
ikrnF ijAuN mOlI dIaF lVIaF modI dy ivwc guMdx lwgI rfq koeI muitafr vy.
imwtI dI pirkrmf pr jy imwtI vI mr jfey qF jIAu ky kI krnf? asF qF jobn ruwqy mrnf
krky idhfVI pfly pirvfr nUM,
mYN bu`J irhw dIvw qUM myrI murwd nw kr[ qUM vhw ky hMJU myry leI brbwd nw kr[ qUM socW dI prvwz ‘c mYnUM Xwd krky, rwq ^wbW dI jwnI idl Swd nw kr[ p`qJV ‘c s`uky ibRK ny k`l mr jwxw, nwl kosy swhW dy pwxI Awbwd nw kr[ hr Xug ArSoN tu`t ky bs lIk bixAw hW. iqiRSnw lIk hY imAwdI bs Xwd nw kr[ lyKW ivc nhIN mMizl qyrI dw mYnUM imlxw, qUM rwqW dy jugnUM hmrwhI nUM Xwd nw kr[
DrqI dy ies sflU df
Xogdfn pfAuNdf hY ijMnf ku srdf,
pr lihMdf jfey lMgfr vy.
KudkusI kdy nhIN grIb krdf.
by nkwb ho ky iek vwr Awpxw ru^ ivKw, A`j i&r mYnUM iek vwrI nOSwd qW kr[
pfly Gr, DI jF pwuq ivafhuMdf ey,
ieSk hkIkI dI sux nw ieSk mzwjI dI, r`bI ieSk ‘c KVw mzwjI ivvwd nw kr[
Bolf iesLk DUV df jfdU, ryq QlF ivwc cMbf iKiVaf cux cux geIaF hfr vy. awj AuzIkF jLKmI hoeIaF nf koeI qyrI vfj suxINdI nf koeI nvIN nuhfr vy.
hr vfrI pMz krjLf AuTfAuNdf ey. sfrI hI Aumr hY ivafj Brdf, KudkusLI kdy nhIN grIb krdf.
idl df mfnsrovr Biraf awKIAuN suwcy moqI cugdI
hAUmY qy kroD rwKy mnoN mfr ky.
ieh hMsF dI zfr vy
isdk eImfndfrI gux Dfr ky.
qwk jwg jnxI df hfl vy jgjIq kOr iZwlvF
ijAuN mClI pkVI jfl vy.
iek dUjy dI
vMzdf KusLI hY sfry sMsfr nUM.
Auh byvws hoeI kUkdI,
mr ky krIey
axKF dy puWq
sqsrGIaF mihMdI Golx
asF qF jobn ruwqy mrnf
Pyr hMZfeIey sLrmF
KudkusLI kdy nhIN grIb krdf.
rfhvF ny awj kysr DUVy
qwk jwg jnxI df hfl vy.
jMmxoN pihlF aOD hMZfeIey
ivrsy dy ivwc krjLf hY imldf.
smJy ikrq pUjf Bgvfn dI,
inwq qfrf bx cVHnf
grB jUn ivwc mrnf
bMdf hY mhfn beI dlyr idl df,
ijAuN hMsF dI zfr vy.
awj afKF nfnk pIr nUM,
pey sB jwg qfeIN
mYN bu`J irhw dIvw
jI[ aYs[ igwl rxsINh ky
qyrIaF XfdF eIkx afeIaF
Puwl bx iKVnf
swjx jI,
krjLy ‘c jMmy krjLy ‘c mrdf,
jobn ruwq qwk ijnHF hMZfeIaF sLrmF
ikqy koml klIaF lUh igaf, ikqy hvsI idE df syk vy. DI-BYx nf mfvF jfxdy, ieh nfr prfeI dyK vy. nisLaF dI nHyrI qoVdI,
axK sfzI Zfl hY, sLyrF vrgI cfl hY hWsx sfzI cfl ‘qy, morF dI mjfl kI axKF Kfqr mfr deIey, Tokr qKqF qfjF nMU KrId skx jLmIr sfzy, mohrF dI mjLl kI imhnq, lgn, Brosf sfnMU, idWqy mfilk ny ikWdF hox nf pUrIaF, loVF dI mjfl kI sfzI lMkf ZfeI ey, Gr dy ByqIaF ny afpixaF qoN mry hF, horF dI mjfl kI kulvIr AuzfeIey guWzIaF, dyK ky ruKL hvfvF dy CuWt jfx asfzy hWQF ‘coN, zorF dI mjfl kI
Dn qy jLmInF vfly kfier idl dy. mOq gl lf ky kYhy imwtI ‘c imldy amIr Borf vI qklIPF nhIN jrdf,
gwl BuipMdr koml qpf rhI nf ikDry, BrfvF dI gwl. Gr-Gr huMdI, QfvF dI gwl. afpixaF nfl DoKf krI jFdy,
sfzf koeI nf drd vMzFvdf,
ikwQy jf ky hux, aflHxf pfeIey,
qy nf koeI lYNdf sfr vy.
icVIaF vI krn, iKjfvF dI gwl.
qy iliKE klmF vfilE[
Gtdf jFdf ey, moh idno-idn,
beI mrdF leI asIs hY,
mMijLlF qoN Btkf dyx, moVF dI mjLl kI
KudkusLI kdy nhIN grIb krdf.
kOx suxdf ey, kfvF dI gwl.
jfey ijMd inmfxI bIq vy.
auh l`Bxw nw ‘c mMdr msIqIN qy ‘duAwry, AYvyN n`k rgV ky dyv izMdgI brbwd nw kr[
rsqy sfzy rok lYx, roVF dI mjLl kI
sdf vPfdfrI df iDafn Drdf,
inwq sDrF vfly hfr vy
nrkF df jIvn jINidaF
auh Awp kwzI knUMn qy jlwd hY E dyv, C`f boly ieSk dy k`nI &irAwd nw kr[
kulbIr isMG zfnsIvfl
krdf nf koeI, duafvF dI gwl. buZfpy vyly aOKf hoxf bMidaF,
muV jfxf asF Bry Brfey
qy gflHF aOrq jfq nUM.
kiraf nf kr, iewCfvF dI gwl.
ihjLr qyry dI kr iprkrmf
kuwKF qoN kbrF kIqIaF,
bs EhI rwb nUM pfAuNdY ‘koml’
asF qF jobn ruwqy mrnf!
mfrn leI DI dI dfq nUM.
pwly bMnHdf jo, mfvF dI gwl.
The Patrika
Friday, February 20th, 2015
The Patrika
Friday, February 20th, 2015
Pwgx (kuMB) sMkRFqI
joiqS, Eqy Eqy 604-832-7859 kro
myK- sQfn bdlx nfl suwK imly. dusLmx kmLjLor hox. acfnk Dn-lfB df Xog hY. nyqr aqy isr-pIVf hovy. pqnI-ksLt. kfrobfr Twp rhy. PrvrI 21, 22; mfrc 2, 3, 12, 13 asLuwB hn.
ibRK- ibmfrI df zr hY. gwusy ivwc vfDf hovy. sMqfn pwK qoN icMqf. asPl Xojnf. gupq icMqf. kfrobfr TIk rhy. PrvrI 23, 24; mfrc 4, 5 asLuwB hn. 3 imQun- kwPL-vfXU ivkfr hovy. Dn lfB ho ky ivsLysL Krc hovy. nvIN Xojnf aqy suKdfiek Xfqrf qoN lfB hovy. kfrobfr ivwc pRgqI hovy. PrvrI 25, 26; mfrc 6, 7, 8 asLuwB hn. 4 krk- ishq TIk rhy. afriQk pujLIsn kmjLor hovy. inwjI-jn suwK. pqnI aqy sMqfn dI icMqf. kfrobfr ivc bdlfv df ivcfr. mhIny dy aMq ivc acfnk Krc ivwc vfDf hovy. PrvrI 20, 27, 28; mfrc 1, 9, 10, 11 asLuwB hn. 5 isMG- buKfr kfrn prysLfnI hovy. acfnk AuWqm lfB dy hflfq bxn. inwjI lokF df sihXog imly. imwqr nfl axbx hovy. dusLmx kmjLor. kfrobfr TIk rhy. PrvrI 21, 22; mfrc 2, 3, 12, 13 asLuwB hn. 6 kMinaf- kfrobfr AuWqm rhy. inwjI lokF nfl axbx. pqnI-pwK qoN icMqf. Dn-lfB hovy, pr PjUl Krc vI hovy. hONslf bixaf rhy. PrvrI 23, 24; mfrc 4, 5 asLuwB hn. 7 qulf- Audv ivkfr. gupq icMqf. byiewjLqI df zr. Dn-hfnI hovy. Xfqrf ivwc ksLt. kfrobfr TIk rhy. afmdn nfloN Krc ijLafdf hovy. PrvrI 25, 26; mfrc 6, 7, 8 asLuwB hn. 8 ibRsLick- ishq Krfb hovy. inwjI jn ksLt. kfrobfr vfsqy krjLf AuTfxf pvy. dusLmx pRQl. kfrobfr ivwc ivsLysL suDfr dI Xojnf bxy. PrvrI 20, 27, 28; mfrc 1, 9, 10 asLuwB hn. 9 Dn- smF kuJ AulJxF vflf hY. imwqr bMDU qoN shfieqf imly. Xojnf qoN lfB. BfeIvflI qy kfrobfr ivwc DoKf hovy. afriQk sMkt bxy. PrvrI 21, 22; mfrc 2, 3, 12, 13 asLuwB hn. 10 mkr- sLnI cMdr dI pujIsLn. mfnisk AulJxF ivc vfDf krygI. BfeI-bMDU nfl myl hovy. Drm-krm ivwc rucI. kfrobfr TIk rhy. PrvrI 23, 24; mfrc 4, 5 asLuwB hn. 11 kuMB- Dn aqy sQfeI sMpdf df lfB hovy. inwjI lokF bfry icMqf rhy. pqnI-pwK qoN mdd imly. kfrobfr ivc kuJ qbdIlI hovy. PrvrI 25, 26; mfrc 6, 7, 8 asLuwB hn. 12 mIn- sLnI aqy bRihspq dI idRsLtI sLwuB kfrjF ivwc rucI bxfey. Dn- dOlq aqy KusLhflI rhy. inwjI lokF nfl ivgfV hovy. pqnI-suwK. kfrobfr TIk rhy. PrvrI 20, 27, 28; mfrc 1, 9, 10, 11 asLuwB hn.
This week is excellent for you and somebody else to work on future plans or to organise something that you want to do together. This can include travel. Most things will go your way. Others will be willing to come under your influence or to accept your guidance. Keep things within reasonable bounds to maintain control.
It might pay to consider what might be better to let go of so as to make things more stable in some way. This could include trying too hard to please somebody else. Don’t be tempted to spend money on impulse. Instead, carefully consider the long- term benefit – if it is not there you could quickly feel you have wasted your money.
You could realise this week that there is a lot to learn about personal commitment – it may not be what you anticipated. There will be expectations from others that can place you under pressure. Part of this can be deciding exactly what you do want to pursue. Involvement in a group might become more appealing than standing alone.
Time spent gathering information or reviewing facts connected to an outcome you have in mind, will be time well spent. Getting the smaller details in place or coming to final conclusions as to the structure to follow will result in a sense of security about it all. Commitment needs to have the right foundations in place to succeed.
Discussion about your own priorities with somebody else might lead you to presume they are following along the same lines. This is not necessarily the case and you might have to challenge them in some way to discover this, as they can be secretive. Focus on what you will enjoy planning and putting into place yourself long term.
You can reach an interesting stage with others through talking about their involvement or assistance in situations you want to get organised. They may be hard to pin down. There is something to need to learn about this. It may be as simple as them not having the level of interest in you that you initially presumed.
Someone else can realise that it is to their benefit to come your way rather than insisting on theirs. However, they will still not relinquish control completely – they will expect you to do the compromising. You need to instigate serious discussion – they will respond when they know it is important to you. Don’t accept otherwise.
You need to focus on the details in some way – it is part of keeping your eye on the ball. This will be to do with other people and very likely not knowing exactly where you stand with them or what their true position is. They intend to keep this secret. They want you to express what is important to you. Don’t attempt to exaggerate.
Personal commitment to something both creative and enjoyable can bring much pleasure, though it may mean more work than you first realised. Your big test will be to pace things your way. Others will be involved and if you are not careful they can inject too many distractions that can dissolve any foundations you established.
You need to seriously look at commitments you should cut back on so that you have the energy and time to get a good groundwork in place for what it necessary to get done. This can include anything around the home but it can mean any situations that are an important part of your existence. You have the consistency to succeed.
You should feel strong of mind and this will encourage you to put your thoughts and ideas forward, particularly when it comes to friends or any group situation that involves you. This is not about money so don’t let anything along these lines create distractions. From now to mid March is an important decision making time for you.
You will be highly tuned in this week while at the same time put under pressure to view things in a practical light rather than allowing your imagination to take over. Involved in this can be the need to make a commitment. Be aware that this will put limits on already existing situations rather than being able to add it all in together.
The Patrika
Friday, February 20th, 2015
kfrporyt iPrkfpRsqI nUM krfrf jvfb qskIn ‘ivkfs’ dy DMdukfry ‘c afp dI hUMJfPyr ijwq , lok cyqnf dI purfxI pY cuwkI isafsq vwl suwitaf iewk guMJldfr svfl hY. ‘afp’ dI ies ijwq nfl bsqIvfdI arfjnIqI df isKr dupihrf Zlx vwl ho qu i raf jfpdf hY . ‘nvy N lok nvyN ivcfrF’dI isafsq kr rhy hn, ijs nfl Dn dI bjfey ivcfr aqy Aus dy sMcfr df bolbflf vD irhf hY. ieh svfl ‘sfzy’ sO sfl dy ieiqhfs nUM vI hY jo ieh kihMdf af irhf hY ik lokF nUM cyqn vrgvfr huMdI hY aqy Auh Aus jmfq nfl tkrfa ‘coN pYdf huMdI hY jo AuhnF sB jmfqF dy dmn df kfrn huMdI hY jo hfkm jmfqF dI aDIngI ‘c hyTF qoN hyTF dmn vwl qurIaF jFdIaF hn, Bfv lok cyqnf ieiqhfs ‘c smfj afriQk siQqIaF df ivroD ivkfsI iswtf huMdI hY. ieh iksy df Kfny ‘c vfVy nhIN jf skdI. jy ies nUM sOKy sLbdF ‘c kihxf hovy qF afm afdmI pfrtI dI ijwq afm bMdy dy svY-ivsLvfs dI ijwq hY, jo sLfied ieh smJx vwl ahuilaf hoieaf hY ik Auh Gor dmn dy ies mfhOl ‘c eykqfbwD ho ky hI ieiqhfs df phIaf moV skdf hY. ies afqm-ivsLvfs dI iewk afpxI lVI hY, pr ijs df ieiqhfs simaF ‘c bhuq Cotf hY, Bfv ies svY-ivsLvfs df pihlf mIl-pwQr idwlI ‘c iewk kuVI nfl gYNgryp aqy
Aus dy kql dy iKLlfPL afp muhfrI BIV df sVkF ‘qy af ky aMdoln krnf aqy afpxIaF sLrqF nUM mMnvf lYxf sI. ieh eykqf aqy sMGrsL ny AuhnF nUM pihlF afqm-ivsLvfs idwqf. dUsrf aMnf hjLfry dy aMdoln ny , ijs dI ‘jy q U ’ inrfsL f ‘coN ‘afm afdmI pfrtI’ df AudY hoieaf. qIsrf afqm ivsLvfs ipClIaF idwlI coxF ‘c afp dI acMBfjnk ijwq, cOQF ‘nmo nmo’ dy KVkdy twlF ‘c pMjfb aMdr vhIrF Gwq ky hfkm pfrtIaF dy ivruwD ‘c afpxy afqm ivsLvfs ny drj krfAuxf ik sfzy ihwq qu h fzy mnisL a F dy ivro D I hn. hux idwlI ivwc qkrIbn 96 PLIsdI ijwq lok cyqnf dy afpxy svY-ivsLvfs vwl puwitaf iewk kRFqIkfrI kdm hY, BfvyN ik afm afdmI pfrtI keI jmfqF df sFJf mMc hY, pr hfkm jmfq nfl sMGrsL dy drimafn ieh iekwTIaF hoeIaF jmfqF iksy sFJy ihwq leI afpxf rUp bdldIaF jfxgIaF. ijvyN kyjrIvfl dI awj vflI soc Auh nhIN jo cfr sfl pihlF iBRsLtfcfr iKLlfPL afdrsLvfdI rfh sI. ies qMqr dy sfPL-suQry qrIky nfl cwlx dI iewCf Aus df aqy Aus dy sfQIaF df mMqv sI, jo smyN dy vfsqivk phfV nfl Kih Kih ky pl-pl bdldf jf irhf hY. AuhnF ny iek pwk kr ilaf jfpdf hY ik Auh, Auh nhIN krngy jo AuhnF dI iewCf hY. Auh, Auh krngy jo lokF dI iewCf hY. jmfqI sMGrsL ‘c dmn df boJ Jwldy awk cwuky lokF dI
iewCF nUM bOiDk syD dyxf hI lIzrisLp df hunr huMdf hY. ies ijwq dy POrI kfrn qF hor vI hn, ijs ‘c mwDmfrgI kFgrs df swqf dy sIn qoN alop ho jfx df rfh PVnf, ijs nfl GWt-igxqIaF, dilqF df inafsrf ho jfxf aqy ky v l kfrpo r y t pw K I iPrkfpRsq afr aYWs[ aYWs[/ bI[ jy[ pI[ juMzlI df kyNdr nUM mwl ky ihMdUqv vwl rfkt dI qor quridaF, ieiqhfs nUM awT sO sfl ipwCy iljfx leI gIqF qoN AupdysL lYxf. sfdgI nUM ipafr krn vflI ihMdusqfnI jnqf dy sfhmxy modI df lwKF rupey dy cfr-cfr sUt iewk idn ‘c bdlxf, Aubfmf df AuWc vrg leI mfiraf BfrqI gOVf jo jnqf nMU pMj sO kroV ‘c ipaf aqy ijs ny sfrI BfrqI sMivDfnk pRMprf dIaf DwjIaF Auzfa idwqIaF. aimq sLfh df muslmfnF nUM KLOPjLdf krdf ihMdUqvvfdI kUV pRcfr. ‘nmo ivkfs’ dy rfky t dy hfdsfgRsq ho jfx nfl rfj kr rhI iDr dy aMdrlI inrfsLf. bhuq sfry POrI kfrn hn, jo iehnF dimq jmfqF dy sMGrsL nfl afx imly sn aqy iewk ivsPot nfl pRgt ho e y hn jy mo d I dy sL b d duhrfa idwqy jfx ik ‘jo idwlI kihqI hY voh dysL kihqf hY’ qF Auh idn dUr nhIN jdoN kfrporyt pwKI iPrkfpRsqI qfkqF lok cyqnf dy hVH ‘c hVH jfxgIaF. afp dI ijwq pIVq bMdy dy afqm-ivsLvfs dI ijwq hY aqy kI ies dy agly gyV dI pCfx pMjfb krygf?
lok-luBfAU nIqIaF aqy pRDfn mMqrI modI pRDfn mMqrI nirMdr modI ny iewk smfgm ivwc boldy hoey itwpxI kIqI hY ik ijnHF dy kol ibjlI hI hY nhIN, Auh muuPq ibjlI dyx dy aYlfn krI jf rhy hn. mIzIey ny ies itwpxI qoN ieh pRBfv ilaf hY ik pRDfn mMqrI modI ny isrPL iewk idn pihlF idwlI ivwc bxfeI geI afm afdmI pfrtI dI srkfr vwl insLfnf syiDaf hY. ieh pRBfv TIk vI hY. pRDfn mMqrI modI qoN ies srkfr leI sLuB kfmnfvF dI afs vI rwKxI TIk nhIN sI, pr ieh itwpxI isrPL idwlI ivwc bxI Aus nvIN srkfr AuWqy nhIN, smuwcy dysL dIaF srkfrF AuWqy lfgU ho skdI hY. mfmlf isrPL ibjlI muPq dyx df nhIN, AunHF bhuq sfrIaF lok-luBfAU skImF df hY, ijnHF df lfB qF koeI ho nhIN irhf, pr votF AuWqy awK rwK ky clfeIaF jf rhIaF hn. ies Kyz dI sLurUafq iPLlmF qoN rfjnIqI ivwc afey nMdmUrI qfirk rfmfrfE ny kIqI sI, ijs ny aFDrf pRdysL ‘c nvIN pfrtI bxf ky EQy coxF ivwc do rupey iklo cfvl dyx dy nfhry nfl pihlI cox ijwqI sI. iPr jdoN Auh muwK mMqrI bx igaf, ies AuWqy aml krn leI KLjLfny ivwc pYsy nhIN sn. kyNdr srkfr qoN mMgy qF Aus ny ienkfr kr idwqf. rfmfrfE ny iesy ienkfr nUM aFDrf pRdysL nfl ivqkry df mwudf bxf ilaf aqy aglI cox ivwc lokF koloN ieh kih ky votF lY igaf ik kyNdr qoN rfj dy lokF nUM shUlqF dyx jogy pYsy lYxy hn. Aus df ieh PfrmUlf Aus ipwCoN keI hor rfj srkfrF ny vriqaf, ijnHF
ivwc pRDfn mMqrI nirMdr modI dI pfrtI Bfjpf dy kuJ muwK mMqrI vI sLfml sn. CwqIsgV ivc Aus dI pfrtI ny hI hr iewk Gr leI iewk gF dyx dy nfhry nfl votF mMgIaF sn. ijnHF nUM gFvF idwqIaF sn, AunHF awgy vyc idwqIaF sn. ijs kfrn modI sfihb ivroDIaF nUM BMzdy hn, AunHF gwlF vwloN pihlF Bfjpf srkfrF nUM qF rokx. pM j fb ivw c akflI dl dI agvfeI vflI srkfr ivwc pR D fn mM q rI dI pfrtI vI sLfml hY qy ies srkfr dIaF lok-luBfAU skImF vI KjLfny nUM KflI KVkdI gfgr bxf cwukIaF hn. Bfjpf lIzr ienHF gwlF df ivroD nhIN krdy, sgoN cox sBfvF ivwc ienHF skImF df ijLkr kr ky lokF qoN votF mMgdy hn. jdoN pRkfsL isMG bfdl dI qIsrI srkfr ny ieh nfhrf idwqf ik hr iksfn nUM ibjlI muPq dyxI hY, EdoN Bfjpf lIzrF ny ieh ieqrfjL kIqf sI ik iksfnF dI sOK dy bhfny asl ivwc akflI dl ny afpxy vo t rF df iKL a fl kIqf hY, sfzy sLihrI votrF dI loV nhI smJI. aglI vfrI bfdl sfihb ny sLihrF ivwcoN cuMgIaF vI htf idwqIaF. ies dy nqIjy vjoN sLihrF kONslF qy ngr ingmF leI pYsy dI QoVH dI smwisaf af geI aqy AunHF leI KLrcy df jugfV krn leI rfj srkfr dy KLjfny ivwcoN pYsy dyx vflI nvIN rIq cwl peI. Bfjpf dI lIzrisLp nUM ies AuWqy ieqrfjL nhIN sI, ikAuNik Aus nUM vI votF iml skdIaF sn.
ipClIaF coxF qoN pihlF mwuK mM q rI bfdl dI srkfr ny ijhVIaF keI skImF dy aYlfn kIqy qy aml vI kIqy, AunHF ivwc iewk ieh sI ik skUlF ivwc pVHdIaF bwcIaF nUM sfeIkl muPq idwqy jfxgy. sfeIkl dI tokrI AuWqy muwK mMqrI bfdl dI Poto aqy iswK ieiqhfs dI siqkfrq sLKsLIaq mfeI BFgo df nFa sfeIkl dy cYn kvr ‘qy lf ky ieh sfeIkl vMzy gey qy votF lY leIaF. hux Auho sfeIkl AunHF ivwcoN qIsrf ihw s f ku V IaF ko l vI nhIN . gLrIbI mfry lokF ny CwqIsgVH dy lokF vwloN gfvF vyc dyx vFg sfeIkl awgy vyc ky pYsy vwt ley hn. ijhVy lokF ny muPq dy Auh sfeIkl KLrIdy hn, AunHF ny muwK mMqrI dy Poto vflI tokrI lfh idwqI qy sfeIkl dI vrqoN krI jFdy hn, ijs dy cyn kvr AuWqy awj vI mfeI Bfgo df nFa iliKaf hY. pRDFn mMqrI nirMdr modI dI ieh gwl gLlq nhIN jfpdI ik pihlF ibjlI df pR b M D kr lYxf cfhIdf hY, muPq dy aYlfn ipwCoN kIqy jf skdy hn, pr jdoN Auh ieh itwpxI kr rhy sn, EQy ieh shUlqF dyx vfly Bfjpf gwTjoV dy lok vI hfjLr sn. ies qrHF ieh gwl idwlI dy mwuK mMqrI ivruwD nhIN rhI, sgoN AunHF dy afpxy rfjsI koVmy ivruwD vI brfbr df asr krn vflI ho skdI hY. AunHF nUM cfhIdf hY ik Auh sfry lIzrF nUM lok-luBfAU skImF dy aYlfn krI jfx qoN rokx df sunyhf dyx. ies mfmly ivwc rfjsI pwKoN cux ky insLfny nhIN PuMzy jf skdy.
kMipAUtr aqy Pon dI sFJI aYp zrOpbfks zrOpbfks iewk aijhf (klfAUz) itkfxf hY ijs ‘qy PotoaF, dsqfvyjL, vIizE aqy PfeIlF nUM sFiBaf jf skdf hY. zrOpbfks ivwc sLfml kIqI hryk cIjL afpxy-afp quhfzy kMipAUtr, smfrt Pon jF zrOp bfks vYWbsfeIt ‘qy njLr afAux lwgdI hY. afm vrqoNkfr leI zrOp bfks iewk aijhf POlzr hY ijwQy loVINdI PfeIl, Polzr jF aYplIkysLn nUM zrYg krky zrOp kIqf jf skdf hY. afpxy kMipAUtr rfhIN zrOp bfks ivwc syv kIqIaF PfeIlF jF aYplIkysLnF nUM mobfeIl ‘qy dyiKaf jF zfAUnloz kIqf jf skdf hY. zrOp bfks dI dPLqrI qOr ‘qy sLurUafq 2008 ivwc hoeI.
zrOpbfks rfhIN PfeIlF, PotoaF aqy PolzrF afid nUM sFJf kIqf jf skdf hY. awj dunIaf Br ivwc lgpg 3 lwK lok zrOp bfks dI vrqoN kr rhy hn. zrOpbfks kMipAUtr aqy mobfeIl PonF df iewk afn-lfeIn sFJf itkfxf hY ijwQy zYtf nUM cVHfieaf aqy pRfpq kIqf jf skdf hY. zrOpbfks ivMzojL, mYk, lfieinks, aYNzrfiez afid EpryitMg isstm ‘qy vriqaf jf skdf hY. smfrt Pon aqy kMipAUtr leI zrOpbfks zfAUnloz krn leI kRmvfr play.google.com & dorpbox.com dI vrqoN kIqI jf skdI hY.
The Patrika
Friday, February 20th, 2015
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The Patrika
Will Kangana play Aamir
Wil Someone Tell The Truth About Ranbir Kapoor and Katrina Kaif?
News has it that actress Kangana Ranaut is all set to join Nitesh Tewari's 'Dangal's cast, which already has Aamir Khan in the lead role. While Aamir plays wrestler Mahavir Singh Phogat (played by Aamir), on whom the movie is based, Kangana is said to have been roped in to play his daughter Geeta Phogat, who is the first woman wrestler of India and has won many accolades such as the Bronze medal at the 2012 Summer Olympics.
Shahid Kapoor gets five million followers on Twitter Actor Shahid Kapoor, who is busy gathering awards for his performance in 'Haider', has another reason to rejoice now. The actor has reached five million followers on Twitter. On his Facebook page Shahid posted, "500 k thank u." Along with this he posted a picture posing with his five fingers. On the work front, the actor will be next seen in films like'Shaandaar', 'Farzi', 'Udta Punjab' and 'Mr.Chaloo'.Sure the actor's performance is finally being praised by the industry and his fans alike.
Kriti opts out of Sanon Singh Is Bling Pretty actress Kriti Sanon, who made her big screen debut with Heropanti, is apparently in demand .As the news goes, Kriti was signed for Singh Is Bling opposite Akshay Kumar, the shooting for which was supposed to take off in February. However, due to a few changes in the script, Akshay and director Prabhu Deva delayed the shooting. Because Kriti had also given dates to Rohit Shetty's next starring Shah Rukh Khan and Varun Dhawan, the actress had to opt out of Singh Is Bling. Reportedly Amy Jackson has now replaced Kriti in the movie.
Friday, February 20th, 2015
Recently, Ranbir Kapoor told a leading daily that he and Kat are not engaged and he has not reached that place in his life. Rumour has it that this may have been Katrina’s ploy behind RK’s quotes! A source says, “Katrina doesn’t want all the focus to shift from her career to personal life and therefore wants to be talked about because of her films and not her relationship with Ranbir. Apparently, that’s the reason why she asked her beau to not openly admit about their engagement.” However, we have also learnt that Katrina had earlier signed a threefilm deal with Disney India, (one of them being Abhishek Kapoor’s the production house. Reason be- commit bulk dates to new film Fitoor.) But apparently she has ing: She’ll be settling down with projects. Will the truth just come returned the signing amount to Ranbir soon and won’t be able to out already?
Ayushmann is a huge fan of Kumar Sanu
Ayushmann Khurrana is a huge fan of Kumar Sanu. He has grown up listening to Kumar Sanu’s songs and has always admired his voice. His all time favourite songs are sung by Kumar Sanu and he especially loves songs from the film Aashiqui sung by the singer.Ayushmann himself is a singer and and he has always looked up to Kumar Sanu.In his next film, YRF’s Dum Laga Ke Haisha, Ayushmann’s on screen character has resemblances with him. His character too is a fan of Kumar Sanu.Kumar Sanu, who has been less active in Bollywood in the recent past, is going to be heard singing two songs in Dum Laga Ke Haisha. This is very special for Ayushmann as his favourite singer has lent his voice for songs in his film. The trailer of the film has garnered a lot of appreciation for a different concept. Dum Laga Ke Haisha also stars debutante Bhumi Pednekar in the lead role
The Patrika
Friday, February 20th, 2015
Canada Post pushes envelop to issue Canada’s first fabric stamp
dhf Abbotsford
Two new stamps celebrate 50th anniversary of Canada’s flag
on short notice by a young amateur seamstress, Joan O’Malley, who was asked by her father, a senior civil servant, to sew Pushing the boundaries of stamp produc- prototypes during Canada’s flag debate. tion, Canada Post has created Canada’s Her prototype flags helped bring Canada first fabric stamp as a fitting celebration closer to the maple leaf. of the 50th anniversary of the Canadian flag, a symbol cherished at home and Canada Post’s tributes to the flag were widely recognized and respected abroad. designed by Kosta Tsetsekas, a veteran stamp designer at Signals, a Vancouver Denominated at $5, the innovative stamp design firm. He and the printer, Canadian uses a satin rayon fabric and special ink Bank Note, collaborated on the painstakto create a durable and spectacular image. ing production details of the fabric stamp. Canada Post is also issuing a celebratory A series of tests refined the application of PermanentTM rate stamp that showcases the ink on the fabric and ensured the die an undulating flag with a blue sky and cutting would be precise. The result of “50” in the background. this extensive planning is a consistently “Our flag is a symbol that resonates with stunning production run that showcases Canadians the world over,” says the Hon- the flag on fabric. ourable Lisa Raitt, Minister of Transport, responsible for Canada Post. “When we see our flag at home, it reminds us of our freedoms and values, and when we see it abroad, it reminds us of home.” “The flag has become part of the fabric of our lives,” says Deepak Chopra, President and CEO of Canada Post. “As these stamps travel far and wide, they will be a fitting tribute.” The flag was flown in public for the first time on February 15, 1965, at an inaugural ceremony before a crowd of thousands on Parliament Hill. It was immediately and enthusiastically embraced – but it had been borne of emotional debate. The first version had been sewn
About the stamps Canada Post is issuing two stamps to celebrate the anniversary of the flag. Canada’s first fabric stamp, printed on a satin rayon fabric, is a self-adhesive $5 stamp that measures 100 mm by 50 mm and is available as a souvenir sheet or affixed to an Official First Day Cover (OFDC) cancelled in Ottawa. One thousand limited edition uncut press sheets, signed by the original seamstress, Joan O’Malley, are also available to mark the occasion. In addition, a Permanent self-adhesive commemorative stamp that measures 40 mm by 32 mm is also available in booklets of 10 or affixed to an OFDC, also cancelled in Ottawa, ON.
Seizure of contraband at Fraser Valley Institution A b b o t s f o r d , B r i t i s h vent drugs from enterColumbia – Correctional ing its institutions. These Service Canada tools include ion scanners and drug-detector dogs to n February 12, search buildings, personal 2015, at 4:00 p.m., as a result of the property, inmates and visivigilance of staff mem- tors.
bers, a package containing contraband was seized at Fraser Valley Institution, a multi-level security federal institution. The contraband seized included drugs and tobacco. The total estimated institutional value of this seizure is $6000.
The Correctional Service of Canada (CSC) uses a number of tools to pre-
visitors, inmates and staff members working at CSC institutions.
The toll-free number, 1 866 780 3784, helps ensure that the information shared is protected and that The police have been noti- callers remain anonymous. fied and the institution is CSC is strengthening meainvestigating. sures to prevent contraCSC has set up a telephone band from entering its tip line for all federal in- institutions in order to help stitutions to receive ad- ensure a safe and secure ditional information about environment for everyone. activities relating to secu- CSC also works in partnerrity at CSC institutions. ship with the police to take These activities may be action against those who related to drug use or traf- attempt to introduce conficking that may threaten traband into correctional the safety and security of institutions.
Free Health Screenings Please join us for a health fair where you will have an opportunity to learn about healthy living, local health resources as well as the importance of prevention and early diagnosis. Also, there will be many health screenings, presentations and educational resources available.
For more information please call 604 217 2299 or email rimple.mohindra@abbotsfordcommunityservices.com Visit us at www.abbotsfordcommunityservices.com
Friday, February 20,2015 3.30pm - 6.30pm Apollo Athletic Club 3600 Townline Road, Abbotsford BC V2T 5W8 PAGE 39
The Patrika
idwlI cox nqIijaF dy hor rfjF ‘qy pYxgy pRBfv idwlI ivDfn sBf coxF ivc afm afdmI pfrtI dI hUMJf Pyr ijwq dy mulk dI kOmI aqy sUbf pwDr dI isafsq Auqy dUrdrsI pRBfv pYx dIaF sMBfvnfvF hn. dys dI swqf ‘qy kfbjL Bfjpf aqy svf sO sfl purfxI kOmI pfrtI kFgrs dI kyvl do sfl purfxI pfrtI hwQoN hoeI nmosLI BrpUr hfr ijwQy hYrfnIjnk vrqfrf hY, AuWQy ies nUM mulk dI isafsq ivwc iewk nvIN rfjnIqI dI afht mMinaf jf irhf hY. ienHF cox nqIijaF ivwcoN ieh knsoa suxfeI dy rhI hY ik lok hux JUTy vfaidaF, dfaivaF aqy lfiraF vflI isafsq qoN awk cuwky hn. AunHF nUM pirvfrvfdI isafsq jF lwCydfr BfsLxF vfly nyqf hux Brmf nhIN skdy. jyqU sMBfvnfvF pYdf krn leI ikrn bydI nUM pfrtI ivwc sLfml krky muwK mMqrI dy ahudy dI AumIdvfr aYlfnx dy Bfjpf nyqfvF dy qfnfsLfhI afdysLF nUM driknfr krky pfrtI dy smrQkF ny ieh sMdysL idwqf hY ik vrkrF nUM njLraMdfj krnf mihMgf pY skdf hY. ienHF coxF ivwc afm afdmI pfrtI dy sfDfrn AumIdvfrF vwloN Bfjpf qy kFgrs dy kroVpqI AumIdvfrF nUM icwq kr dyx ny ieh vI spwsLt kr idwqf hY ik kyvl Dn aqy bfhUbl dy afsry coxF ijwqx dy idn vI puwgdy jf rhy hn. afm afdmI nUM hux ieh AumId bwJI hY ik sfPL-suQrI qy lok-pwKI rfjnIqI nfl Gwt pYsy Krc ky vI swqf dI dihlIjL qwk phuMicaf jf skdf hY. pihlF qF ieh jfpx lwg ipaf sI ik BfrqI jmhUrIaq DnkubyrF, bfhUblIaF, dfgLIaF aqy kuJ isafsI GrfixaF dI jfgIr bxdI jf rhI hY. ienHF cox nqIijaF ny ies imwQ nUM qoiVaf hY.
Friday, February 20th, 2015
hox dy nfl-nfl isafsI qOr ‘qy vI cyqMn ho rhy hn. swqfDfrI pfrtI dIaF sMprdfiek, mUlvfdI aqy kfrporyt pwKI nIqIaF ivruwD lokf ny ienHF coxF rfhIN spwsLt Pqvf idwqf hY. iksfnF aqy mjLdUrF qoN ielfvf mwD vrg ny vI Bfjpf dIaF lok-ivroDI nIqIaF ivruwD vot dy ky Aus nUM ieh nIqIaF iqafgx df hokf idwqf hY. ienHF coxF dOrfn afm afdmI pfrtI ny cox pRcfr dy ZMg-qrIikaF aqy rxnIqI ivwc vI nvF pRXog krky iewk nvIN syD idwqI hY. ies duafrf Bfjpf aqy kFgrs vFg vwzIaF cox rYlIaF duafrf lokF ‘qy pRBfv pfAux df rfh Cwz ky muhwlf aqy nuwkV sBfvF rfhI votrF qwk phuMc krky sPLlqf pRfpq krn ny coxF ijwqx df iewk nvF rfh idKfieaf hY. nFh-pwKI isafsq nUM hF-pwKI isafsq duafrf nkfr ky lok mnF ivwc QF bxf lYxI ienHF coxF df iewk hor sfrQk pihlU hY.
ienHF nIqIgq pRBfvF qoN ielfvf afm afdmI pfrtI (afp) dI ijwq df iesy sfl dy aMq ivc hox vflIaF ibhfr ivDfn sBf coxF aqy do sfl bfad hox vflIaF pMjfb ivDfn sBf coxF AuWqy vI asr aMdfjL hox qoN ienkfr nhIN kIqf jf skdf. ibhfr ivwc Bfjpf vwloN KyzI jf rhI mOkfpRsqI vflI isafsq aqy lflU pRsLfd Xfdv qy inqIsL kumfr dy byasUly isafsI gTjoV qoN awky lok koeI nvF rfh aKLiqafr kr skdy hn. iesy qrHF pMjfb ivwc kFgrs aqy swqfDFrI iDr akflI-Bfjpf gwTjoV dIaF lok-ivroDI nIqIaF qy kMmF dy sqfey lok vwKry bdl df rfh cux skdy hn. pMjfb dy DUrI ivDfn sBf hlky dI ijLmnI cox AuWqy vI idwlI cox idwlI ivDfn sBf coxF dy nqIijaF ny ieh vI drsf nqIijaF df iswDf pRBfv pYx dI sMBfvnf rwd nhIN idwqf hY ik lok afpxy hwkF dI pRfpqI leI idRV kIqI jf skdI.
modI dI sMquln rihq ivdysL nIqI ipCly sflf ivwc Bfrq dI ivdysL nIqI dI kdI isPq huMdI vI vyKI hY qy kdI ies dI nukqfcInI huMdI vI, pr koeI nIqI huMdI sI. hux koeI nIqI nhIN jfp rhI. ieMj lwgdf hY ik iewk bMdf svyry AuWT ky ijhVI koeI gwl nhIN krn nUM Aus df idl krdf hY, Auh krI jf irhf hY qy Auh Bfrq dI ivdysL nIqI bx jFdI hY. hflfq kuJ eydF df hI pRgtfvf krdy hn. Bfrq dy pRDfn mMqrI ny cIn dy rfsLtrpqI sLI ijnipMg nUM gujrfq dI sYr krvfeI. EQy Auh sLLI ijLnipMg nUM pING dy JUty vI idMdy rhy. agly hPLqy hwdF AuWqy ryVkf pY igaf. iPr pRDfn mMqrI dI pfrtI cIn dy iKLlfPL ibafnbfjLI krn lwg peI, hflFik cIn vfly jvfbI ibafnF dy rfh pYx dI QF ieho kihMdy rhy ik cfr idn dI gwl hY, iPr sB TIk ho jfvygf. jdo amrIkI rfsLtrpqI brfk Ebfmf afpxf Bfrq dOrf krky vfps cly gey qF iewk hPLqf vI lMGy ibnF BFrq dI ivdysL mMqrI susLmf svrfj nUM cIn Byj idwqf igaf. kuJ lok ieh itwpxIaF krn lwg pey ik cIn nfl hflfq TIk-Tfk hn, iKwcoqfx vflf pRBfv sLfied amrIkf dy rfsLtrpqI nUM ieh dwsx leI sI ik asIN cIn nfl nfrfjL hF. ieh pRBfv nIqI dI kicafeI nfl bixaf sI. iPr amrIkI rfsLtrpqI dy vfps jFdy sfr ijvyN dysL dI ivdysL sYktrI nUM bdl idwqf igaf, Aus qoN vI keI crcy cwly, ijnHF bfry srkfr afpxy dysL dy lokF dI qswlI nhIN krvf skI.
df hY. pRDfn mMqrI nirMdr modI ny sMbMD suDfrn leI pihl kr idwqI hY. pihlF sMbMD qoVn vyly vI Auh kfhly sn. EdoN Auh Bfrq dy lokF nUM ieh dwsxf cfhuMdy sn ik mYN ipClI mnmohn isMG srkfr nfloN pfiksqfn vwl vwD sKLq hF. ivdysL sYktrI pwDr dI gwlbfq dI pRikiraf ies krky hoeI sI ik pfiksqfn dy hfeI kimsLnr ny ksLmIr dy vwKvfdI lIzrF nfl mIitMg lfeI sI. hux gwlbfq sLurU krn lwgy sn. Bfrq dy lokF nUM ieho ijhf nvF kuJ nhIN ids irhf. ijs nUM gwlbfq df afDfr bxfieaf jf sky.
pfiksqfn vwl nIqI nvyN pRDfn mMqrI ny pihly idnoN hI koeI bfhlI gMBIrqf vflI nhIN rwKI. coxF ivwc pfiksqfn vwl sKLq hox dy BFsLx kIqy sn. ijwq gey qF shuM-cwuk smfgm leI pfiksqfn dy pRDFn mMqrI nvfjL srIPL nUM axikafisaf swdf dy ky sfrI dunIaF nUM hYrfn kr idwqf. eyQy afey nvfjL sLrIPL df pUrf mfx-qfx kIqf aqy jfx vyly Aus dI mfqf leI iewk sLfl AucycI dy idwqI. awgoN Aus ny vI pRDfn mMqrI modI dI mfqf jI leI sfVHI Byj idwqI qF bVI nyVqf df pRBfv bx igaf. ieh pRBfv do mhIny vI nf irhf. XU[ aYWn[ E[ ivwc iewk dUsry ivrwuD BfsLx kr afey. sMbMD isrPL dUrI vfly nf rih ky cUMZIaF vwZx qwk phuMc gey. ies qoN vI vwD qmfsLf agly mhIny nypfl ivwc kr ilaf. sfrk smfgm ivwc dovyN pRDfn mMqrIaF ny afpo ivwc nf hwQ imlfey qy nfl awK imlfeI. iewk dUsry nUM afAuNdf vyK ky mUMh awgy hux mfmlf pfiksqfn nfl sMbMDF aKLbfr vI krdy rhy, pr agly
idn dupihr qwk iewk dUsry df hwQ PV ky Poto iKcvfAux qwk phuMc gey. iPr dovyN dysLF dy ivdysL sYktrI pwDr dI gwlbfq sLurU krn df aYlfn ho igaf, ijs ivwc ksLmIrI vwKvfdIaf nfl pfiksqfnI hfeI kimsLnr dI mIitMg df aiVwkf ipaf qy gwlbfq rok idwqI. ies khfxI ivwc Auh prpwkqf nhIN ids rhI, ijhVI do dysLF ivcfly afpsI sMbMDF ivwc cfhIdI hY. kdI bhuq ijLafdf nyV aqy kdI eynf dUr jfx df pRBfv dyxf ik nyVy afAux dI guMjLfiesL Kqm ho geI jfpx lwg pvy, ieh koeI nIqI nhIN huMdI. ivdysL sYktrI pwDr dI mIitMg jdoN rwd kIqI sI qF ijhVI gwloN kIqI sI, Aus dy bfry pfiksqfn dI srkfr hux vI sfPL nhIN hY. EQy dysL nUM srkfr nhIN clf rhI, KuPLIaf eyjMsI clfAuNdI hY aqy Aus ny ksLmIrI vwKvfdI afguaF nfl afpxy sMbMD Esy qrHF dy rwKxy hn, ijs qrHF dy Auh bIqy cflI sflF qoN rwKdI af rhI hY. kwlH nMU iPr Auh ksLmIrI vwKvfdI afgUaF nfl gwl krn lwgy qF kI gwlbfq qoVn df aYlfn kr idwqf jfvygf? ieh gwl pihlF soc lYxI bxdI hY. isrPL socx qoN awgy vD ky pfiksqfn nfl vI gwl kr lYxI cfhIdI hY, qF ik lokF ivwc gwlbfq bfry AuqsLfh pYdf krn dy bfad afKrI vkq qoVn dI koeI nObq nf af sky. dovF dysLF dy sMbMD suDrny cfhIdy hn qy ieh hr BfrqI dI iewCf hY. jLrUrq ies gwl dI hY ik ies sMbMD ivwc nIqI kuJ sMquln hovy, ijs nUM nIqI mMinaf jf sky.
akflI-Bfjpf ‘c Gmsfn idwlI ivDfn sBf dIaF coxF ivc hfr df mUMh dyKx dy bfad vI pMjfb ivwc akflI-Bfjpf ny koeI sbk nhIN iswiKaf, AunHF ivwc afpsI jMg hor qyjL huMdI jf rhI hY. pihlF ieh AumId kIqI jf rhI sI ik idwlI ivwc Jtkf lwgx dy bfad dovF pfrtIaF drimafn jMg ruk jfvygI, pr qrnqfrn ivc kYbint mMqrI ainl josLI dy Brf ‘qy hoey hmly dy bfad mfmlf hor grmf igaf hY. idwlI ivwc vI akflI afgUaf ny hfr leI Bfjpf nUM ijLMmyvfr Tihrf idwqf hY ijs ny zyrf swcf sOdf qoN smrQn ilaf, ijs kfrn iswK BfeIcfry vwloN BfjpfakflI dl nUM Cwz ky afm afdmI pfrtI (afp) df smrQn kr idwqf igaf.
idwlI ivwc dovF pfrtIaF ivcfly jMg sLurU ho hI cuwkI hY, pMjfb ivc vI dovF pfrtIaf drimafn iqwKI jMg cwl rhI hY. dUjy pfsy ngr kONsl coxF cwl rhIaF hn. ies jMg df asr coxF ‘qy kI hovygf, ies df pqf nqIjy afAux dy bfad cwlygf. idwlI ivwc hfr nfl inrfsy akflI aqy BfjpfeIaF ivcfly hux nyVly BivwK ivwc jMgbMdI hox dy afsfr Gwt idKfeI dy rhy hn. akflI agvfeI ieh mMn ky cwl rhI hY ik iPlhfl Aus nMU Bfjpf vwloN sUby ivwc koeI Kqrf nhIN hY ikAuNik Bfjpf dI Kud sLrmnfk hfr idwlI ivwc hoeI hY.
nf sUby ivc akflI srkfr qoN Bfjpf vwloN smrQn vfps ilaf jfvygf. akflI agvfeI afpxy vwloN GbrfeI hoeI idKfeI dy rhI hY. Aus df iDafn ngr kONsl coxF nUM ijwqx vwl lwg igaf hY. ienHF coxF ipwCoN akflI afpxI qfkq DUrI Aup cox ivwc Jokxf cfhuMdy hn, pr Bfjpf afgUaF df mMnxf hY ik ienHF coxF hox qwk dovF pfrtIaF drimafn Gmfsfn cwldf rhygf qy iewk dUjy iKlfPL dosL lwgdy rihxgy. BfjpfeI idwlI ivwc hoeI hfr dy bfad pMjfb ivwc afpxy vot bYNk nUM lY ky kuJ cOkMny ho gey hn. swqfDFrI akflI dl df BfeIvfl hox dy kfrn srkfr ivroDI lihr df Bfjpf lIzrisLp pMjfb mfmly KfimafjLf afKr Bfjpf nUM vI ivc jldbfjLI nhIN krygI aqy Bugqxf pvygf.
The Patrika
Friday, February 20th, 2015
Ausqfd sLfier sI dIpk jYqoeI dIpk jYqoeI pMjfbI jgq df aijhf mfx mwqf hsqfKr hY ijs ibnF pMjfbI sLfierI df ijLkr isry nhIN lwg skdf. pMjfbI sLfierI aMdr bfbf bohV vrgI hYsIaq sI AunHF dI. PLkIrfnf suBfa vflf aYsf pRqIbwD sLfier ijs ny pMjfbI gLjL l dy Kyqr ivwc smirwDI pRdfn krn leI Aumr df bhuq kImqI smF lf idwqf. pUry isrV aqy idRVqf nfl rwjvIN imhnq kIqI, ijs dy iswty vjo pMjfbI ivwc hornF BfsLfvF dy mukfbly dI gLjLl ilKI jfx lwgI. dIpk jYqoeI ny pMjfbI jLubfn dy AunHF inMdkF df mUMh bMd kr idwqf ijhVy kihMdy sn ik ‘pMjfbI ivwc gLjLl? ieh qF ho hI nhIN skdf.’ AunHF ny AunHF pMjfbI sLfierF dIaF vI awKF KolH idwqIaf ijhVy afp mMnI bYTy sn ik arbI PLfrsI dI ieh isnPL pMjfbI ivwc sUq nhIN bYTdI. dIpk jYqoeI hurF ny ieh drsf idwqf ik pMjfbI gMvfrF dI BfsLf nhIN.
dIpk jYqoeI ny ijwQy afp pMjfbI gLjLl df mfx vDfieaf AuWQy afpxI loa sdkf hor anykF icrfg bfly ijhVy hux imafrI gLjLl dI rcnf krky afpxf Xogdfn pf rhy hn. Auh afpxy sLfigrdF nUM qrfsLx ivwc vI bVI imhnq krdy sn. zfk rfhIN ieslfh leI afeIaF rcnfvF dy sfry nuks dUr krdy, AunHF nuksF bfry afpxy sLfigrdF nUM icwTIaF rfhIN smJfAuNdy vI. AunHF dy sLfigrdF df Gyrf vsIh hY. Auh aksr ikhf krdy sI: ‘ijs nUM vI koeI sLwk hY pVqfl kr lvy, vwzf jnfby dfgL qoN dIpk skUl hY.’ afpxy mfx mwqy adbI sPLr dOrfn AunHF anykF pusqkF dI rcnf kIqI ijnHF ivwc mhFkfiv ‘mflf ikAuN qlvfr bxI’, njLm sMgRih ‘sfzf ivrsf sfzf dysL’, pMj gLjLl sMgRih ‘dIpk dI loa’, ‘gLjLl dI adf’, ‘gLjLl df bFkpn’ qy qklIPL qF jr pihlF’, gIq sMgRih ‘afh lY mfey sFB kuMjIaF’ qF Cp sky pr keI ikqfbF dy KrVy brsfqF ivc koTy dI Cwq coa jfx krky brbfd ho gey. gLjLl dy rUp-ivDfn bfry AunHF dI ikqfb ‘gLjLl kI hY’ nvyN sLfierF df mfrg drsLn krdI rhygI. ies qoN ielfvf AunHF sMsikRq dy mhFkfiv ‘iskMd gupq’ df pMjfbI ivwc anuvfd vI kIqf.
pr ieh dwuK dI gwl hY ik pMjfbI jLubfn nUM aYnIaF afhlf iKLdmq dyx vflf ieh mhfn sLfier ijLMdgI Br qMgdsqI df isLkfr irhf. afpxf suinafrpuxy df jLwdI pusLqI ikwqf Cwz ky pMjfbI gLjLl nUM mkbUl bxfAux ivwc juty rhy dIpk jYqoeI ny sfrI Aumr do kmiraF vfly Gr ivc gujLfr idwqI ijhVI aMqly smyN qF iblkuwl Kolf hI bx igaf sI. qMgdsqI df aflm ieh sI ik keI keI idn Gr cwulHf nf blxf qy PfkfksLI dI nObq af jfxI. ibjlI df ibwl nf Biraf jFdf qF kunYksLn kwitaf jFdf. pr AunHF afpxI KuddfrI ‘qy aFc nhIN afAux idwqI. afraYsaYs dy kfrjkrqf dy rUp ivwc sfbkf pRDfn mMqrI atl ibhfrI vfjpfeI nfl iewko mMc qy kivqfvF pVHdy rhy. dIpk jYqoeI ny AunHF awgy vI kdy hwQ nhIN PYlfieaf: kdy ijLkr cwlxf qF inhorf mfrdy, ‘AuhnUM ikhVf idsdf nhIN jy kuJ dIpk jYqoeI hurF ny bhuq nfmxf BfvyN gLjLl dy shfieqf krnI huMdI qF kr idMdf.’ Auh aksr Kyqr ivc Kwitaf pr sLuru ivwc AunHF ny bhuq sfry ieh vI afKdy: aflHf imafrI gIq vI isrjy. ienHF gIqF nUM Aus vyly iCwQf peIdY aksr XfrF dy kol ro ky, dy nfmvr PLnkfrF ny gfieaf. ‘sfkf cFdnI cONk’, ‘jnm sfKI sRI guru nfnk dyv jI’, ‘afh lY mfey hr drd afpxy idl df rwKdY mYN qF luko ky. sFB kuMjIaF’[[[[[[, ‘juwqI lgdI hfxIaF myry[[[[‘ aqy ‘gwl soc ky krI qUM jLYldfrf[[[[[‘ vrgy gIq srkfr ny aMqly smyN AunHF dI iewk lwK rupey nfl awj vI hrmn ipafry hn. bhuq Gwt lokF nMU pqf mdd kIqI. srkfrI rvweIey bfry Auh iewk sLyar hovygf ik dIpk jYqoeI ny khfxI qy nftk vI ilKy. kihMdy sn: 18 aprYl 1925 vfly idn nfBf irafsq qihq afAuNdI ‘jYqo mMzI’ ivKy s: ieMdr isMG dy Gr jdoN iewk bwcf pYdf hoieaf ijs nUM nF idwqf igaf gurcrn isMG. AudoN qF iksy nUM icwq-cyqf vI nhIN hoxf ik ieh bflk iksy idn aYnf vwzf sLfier bxygf ik dunIaf awsL-awsL kr AuWTygI pr aijhf hoieaf, gurcrn isMG ny ‘dIpk jYqoeI’ nF nfl pMjfbI gIqkfrI qy gLjLl dy Kyqr ivwc aimwt pUrny pfey. asl ivwc dIpk sfihb ny afpxI kfivpRiqBf df Jlkfrf bcpn ivwc hI dyxf sLurU kr idwqf sI. Auh qIjI jmfq ivwc pVHdy sn, jdoN AunHF afpxy qoN dUr cly iewk imwqr nUM kfiv-icwTI ilKI. mgroN sLfierI dy gur iswKx leI AunHf jnfb mujrm dsUhI sfihb nUM bfkfiedf Ausqfd Dfrn kIqf. nIJ qy rIJL lf ky sLfierI dIaF bfrIkIaF smJIaF.
ivdysLI stUzYNt leI kYnyzf ivc pwkf hoxf sOKf nhIN torFto, kYnyzf ‘c kMjLrvyitv srkfr afpxy bhumq dy jLor nfl afey idn mnmrjLI dy kfnUMn bxf rhI hY. afvfs ZFcy ivwc hfl hI ivwc lfgU hoey kfnUMn qihq dysL dIaF vristIaF qoN izgrIaF pRfpq ivdysLI pfiVHaF nUM prmfnYNt rYjLIzYNsI (pI[afr[) hfsl krn ‘c idwkqF afAux lwgIaF hn. sUqrF muqfbk pihlI jnvrI qoN lfgU hoieaf nvF kfnUMn ienHF ivdysLI ividafrQIaF nUM kYnyizafeI shUlq pRdfn nhIN krdf. aMkiVaF muqfbk ipCly sfl mulk dIaF vristIaF ‘c iqMn lwK dy krIb ivdysLI pfVHy dfKl hoey hn. nvyN kfnUMn aMdr kYnyizafeI adfry qoN izgrI jF izplomf pRfpq ividafrQIaF nUM ‘inpuMn kfimaF dy (pUl) gruwp ‘c hI rwK ilaf jFdf hY ijwQoN awgy afvfs mihkmf prmfnYNt rYjLIzYNsI (pI[afr[) vfsqy drKfsqI cuxdf hY. ies qoN pihlF ienHF ividafrQIaF nMU inpuMnqf sLRyxI qoN alwg rwiKaf jFdf sI. srkfr df dfavf hY ik ies ‘aYkspRYs aYNtrI’ pUl rfhIN drKfsqI inbyVy leI Gwt smF lwgygf. mihkmy ny hux qwk ies pUl ivcoN do gruwp pI[ afr[ leI swdy
Furniture Mfg. Ltd.
hn aqy ieh cox puafieMt isstm rfhIN huMdI hY. lybr mfrkIt asYsmYNt (jo dwsdI hY ik kMm leI kYnyizafeI kfmf nhIN) dy 600 puafieMt hn aqy 600 puafieMt pVHfeI qy Aumr leI hn. afvfs vkIlF muqfbk ividafrQI ies aYkspRYs aYNtrI dy cwkr ‘c Psy hn. mulk aMdr kMm bfry Gwt qjrby vfly bMdy leI kYnyizafeI kfmy dI axhoNd sfbq krnf aOKf hY. hflFik ieh ividafrQI sUbfeI nOimnI pRogrfm qihq pI[ afr[ leI drKfsq dy skdy hn, pr AunHF dI sUbfeI kYtygrI ‘c afAuxf afsfn nhIN hY. AuntfrIE dy nfimnI pRogrfm dIaF 2500 asfmIaF ijLafdfqr ivdysLI pfVHy hI pUrdy hn. sUqrF anusfr anykF grYjUeyt bwicaF ny nvyN kfnUMn lfgU hox qoN pihlF arjLIaF BrIaF, pr bhuiqaF dIaF arjLIaF ieh kih ky moV idwqIaF ik qjrbf sLRyxI df 8000 arjIaF df kotf Br cuwkf hY. hux ienHF sfiraF nUM nvyN isirEN arjLIaF dyxIaF pYxgIaF. srkfr dIaF ieh nIqIaF ivdysLI ividafrQIaF leI musIbq bx rhIaF hn.
sfnUM PrnIcr PYktrI ivwc kMm krn vfilaF dI loV hY.
ijvyN: • msLIn Eprytr,pRI-sYNzr,pyNtr (styn qy lYkur spryar ) • PrnIcr jVn dy mfhr hox • qnKfh Xogqf qy qjLrby anusfr aqy sfry Bwqy aqy kvryjL imlygI.
hor jfxkfrI leI pfl jF prl nUM PLon kr skdy ho jF afp afky imlo.
PLon nMbr: 604-855-0309 aYzrYs hyTF iliKaf hY. Canadian Furniture Mfg. Ltd. 30552 Progressive Way, Abbotsford
AunHF df iewk mfqr khfxI sMgRih ‘BulyKf pY igaf’ ienfm Esy nUM hY srkfr idMdI, aqy nftk ‘kOlF’ aqy ‘smF jLrUr afvygf’ vI jo sLfier JolI cwuk srkfr df hY. pRkfsLq hoey. dIpk hurIN dwsdy hn ik iewk mihPLl ivwc AurdU dy iksy sLfier ny pMjfbI jLubfn bfry GtIaf itwpxI kridaF ikhf ik pMjfbI ivc isrLPL gflHF hI kwZIaF jf skdIaF hn, sLfierI nhIN kIqI jf skdI.’ ieh qfanf dIpk AunHF df sInf cIr igaf qy iesy dI tIs lY ky AunHF pMjfbI ivc gLjLl nUM mkbUlIaq idvfAux df qhweIaf kr ilaf aqy pMjfbI puKLqf gLjLlF dI isrjxf krky sfbq kr idwqf ik pMjfbI ivc sLfierI ho skdI hY. iesy krky AunHF nUM pMjfbI sLfierI (gLjLl) df bfbf bohV afK ky vizafieaf jFdf. AunHF sLfierI nUM sLugl vjoN nhIN imsLn vjoN ilaf. Auh kihMdy huMdy sn:
dIpk df adbI jgq ivwc vwzf mukfm sI jo AunHF dy jfx mgroN vI kfiem hY. AunHF nUM afpxI PLnI kfblIaq ‘qy mfx sI, pr hMkfr nhIN sI. AunHF dy sLyar ies gwl dI gvfhI Brdy hn:
‘adb dy afisLkF nUM hosL af jfvy qdy dIpk,
sLfierI df lt lt bldf ieh dIpk 12 PrvrI 2005 nUM ijsmfnI qOr ‘qy BfvyN buJ igaf pr AuhdI sLfierI Aus nUM sdIvI jgdf rwKygI.
klm rwq ivc zubo ky hY gLjLl ilKxI peI sfnUM.’
‘dIpk’ dy bfry puwiCaY? qF mYN khFgf sfPL sLfier burf jLrUr hY; bMdf burf nhIN. jF qyry sLfierfnf PLn dI hY jLrUr dunIaf kfiel, qYnUM dIpkf muhfrq nf qF sI-nf hY-nf hoAU.
The Patrika
Friday, February 20th, 2015
Employment cont’d
Workers Needed
Employment Workers Wanted
Employment cont’d
kfimaF dI loV
Berry farm workers required to plant, prune, weed, irrigate, harvest and sort blueberries and related farm duties. $10.49/hr; min. 4050 hrs. per week Starting mid May through Nov. 2015. Job location - Five River Farms, 2296 - 240 street, Langley, BC. No formal education/work experience is required. Fax resume to 604-534-0319, email johal.45@hotmail.com or contact Parminder Johal at 604825-1308.
sfnUM nrsrI ivWc kMm krn vfsqy lVky aqy lVkIaF dI qurMq loV hY| 5 tn trwk clfAux leI vI zrfievr dI vI lo V hY | Po n : 604-3089626
Workers Wanted
kfimaF dI loV
Farm Workers required for 8 months starting May & June. Duties include harvesting berries & vegetables, weed & maintain crops, prune & tie berries, as well as other general farm duties. Wage $10.49 per hour, 45 to 60 hours per week. Fax resume to 604-850-7597. Townline Growers Ltd, 340 Townline Rd, Abbotsford, BC V2T 6C9.
aYbtsPorz dI zrfeIvfl kMpnI nUM kfimaF dI loV hY aqy aYbtsPorz qoN rfeIz df pRbMD hovygf| nvyN kf my vI aplfeI kr skdy hn| qnKffh qjLrby anusfr $13 qoN $17 qWk idWqI jfvygI| hor jfxkfrI leI Pon kro: 778-552-0842
kfimaF dI loV nrsrI, Pfrm aqy grIn hfAUs leI kfimaF dI loV hY| rfeIz df pUrf pRbMD hovygf| kMm GMitaF df hovygf| hor jfxkfrI leI Pon kro: 604855-1065 jF 604-556-8686
Workers Needed Mount Lehman Fruit Growers, 28349, 0 Ave, Abbotsford, BC, requires workers for 8 months starting April 1, 2015. Duties include planting, weeding, pruning, harvesting of berries as well as other general farm work duties. Should be able to work with farm machinery and be able to work in cold and wet conditions. Wages $10.49 per hour, 40 to 50 hours per week. Fax resume to 604-8539625 or Call: 604-807-4170
kfimaF dI loV pI[bI[aYn nrsrI nUM kfimaF dI qurMq loV hY| trYktr aqy trWk zrfievr dI vI loV hY| cMgI qnKfh idwqI jfvygI| Pon: 604-832-8381 jF 604-850-5465
Workers Wanted Berry farm workers required to plant, prune, weed, irrigate, harvest and sort blueberries and related farm duties. $10.49/hr; min. 40 hrs. per week Starting late March through October 2015. Fax resume to 604-744-2699, Sumas Valley Berry Farm Ltd., 2825 Interprovincial Hwy., Abbotsford, BC or email davedeol81@gmail.com
Arjuna Berry Farms Ltd. requires workers for 6 months starting May 01, 2015. Duties include weighing, sorting, picking and packing fresh berries. Other general farm labour is needed as well. Wages are $10.50/hr 40-50hrs/week. Fax Resume to 604-852-3979 or email to info@arjunaberries.com or apply in person at 32320 Huntingdon Rd, Abbotsford.
kfimaF dI loV aY b tsPo r z dI lo k l zrfeIvfl kMpnI nUM kfimaF dI qurMq loV hY| nvyN kfimaF nUM $14 pRqI GMtf aqy qjLrbykfr nUM qjLrby anusfr| hor jfxkfrI leI Pon kro: 778-5526269
kfimaF dI loV sfnUM PryimMg kMpnI leI kfimaF dI loV hY| nvyN vrkrF nUM $13 pRqI GMtf aqy tryinMg vI idWqI jf skdI hY| aYbtsPorz aqy srHI qoN rfeIz df pRbMD hY| Pon: 604-825-0763
Matrimonial kMinaf dI loV 22 sflf, 6 PuWt kWd, suinafr isWK, kMipAUtr ieMjnIar (bI[tYk) lVky leI kYnyzIan istIjn jF iemIgRFt lVkI dI loV hY| hor jfxkfrI leI Pon kro: 778-878-0352 jF 604615-4771
zfeIinMg tybl ivkfAU
cMgI hflq ivWc 4 kursIaF vflLf zfeIinMg tybl ivkfAU hY| kImq General Farm workers required $150, hor jfxkfrI leI Pon kro: on a berry farm in Abbotford, 778-908-2880 BC. Duties include harvesting, cultivation, sorting fruit, spraying, For Sale irrigation, lifting berry containers, House for Sale packing, pruning, tying as well other general farm work duties. Must 5 Bedroom Rental House on a be productive. Should be able to huge lot in Central Abbotsford. The work with farm machinery and be lot is 10,296 sq ft, perfect size to able to work in difficult weather build a big dream house. There is condition. Experience preferred. currently an old rental house on zrfeIvr dI loV 40-70 hrs/week. Up to 14 month the property rented out at $1600 a kYnyzf ivwc cWlx leI sfnUM klfs term. Beginning June 15, 2015. month. House is located on Grant 1 zrfeIvr dI loV hY, 1 sfl df $10.49/hr. Fax resume to 604-850- Street, Abbotsford BC. Motivated to sell asking $390,000. For more qjLrbf hoxf jrUrI hY| Pon: 7787612 or mail to Kahlon Farms Ltd. info Call 604-807-7218. 908-4422 262 Columbia St. Abbotsford, BC V2T 5X6.
Help Wanted
Employment cont’d
For Sale cont’d Lots for Sale Two lots available in desireable West Abbotsford (station homes). 6000 sf lot is priced at $270,000 plus GST and 7000 sf is priced at $275,000 plus GST. Please call Jasbir @778-549-7276 or Bhagwan @604-823-4492
lftF ivkfAU
pWCmI (vY s t) aY b tsPo r z ivw c 2 vDIaf lftF ivkfAU hn| 6000 skueyar PuWt lft $270,000 + jI[aYs[tI[ aqy 7000 skueyar PuWt lft $275+jI[aYs[tI[| hor jfxkfrI leI Pon kro: jsbIr: 778-5497276 jF Bgvfn: 604-823-4492
Services isvl 101.7 EYP.EYm. h I Eqy somv`r nUM 4-5 vjy S`m q@k E`pxI E`v`j surjIq klsI n`l| Noor Appliances Repair / Tent Rental $25 Service Charge
Epl`ieMs irpyEr Epl`ieMs
Friday, February 20th, 2015
The Patrika
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Abby Plumbing Heating and Gas Fitting Ltd.
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(Manpreet) 604-751-3536 PAGE 43
The Patrika
Friday, February 20th, 2015
akbr df pul bnfm ptyl df buwq surjn isMG cImf aKLbfrF ivwc crcf hY ik gujrfq srkfr ny srdfr ptyl df 182 mItr AuWcf buwq bxfAux df PYLslf ilaf hY. ieh buwq dunIaF df sB qoN AuWcf bwuq hovygf ijs AuWpr qkrIbn 3000 kroV rupey KLrc afvygf. ies qoN pihlf AuWqr pRdysL dI sfbkf muwK mM q rI mfieafvqI ny vI
hjLfrF kroV rupey hfQIaF dy buwq bnfAux AuWpr KLrc kr idwqy sn. akbr bfdsLfh dy rfj dOrfn kuJ aihlkfrF ny jmnf ndI dy kMZy iewk vw z I msijd bxfAu x dI Xojnf bxfeI. msijd leI jgHf dI cox krn vfsqy sfry srkfrI drbfrI, muwK slfhkfr smyq jmnf dy kMZy jMglI Kyqr ivwc iekwTy
hoey. bfdsLfh nUM vI jgHf psMd krn leI bulfieaf igaf aqy muwK slfhkfr ny msijd df nksLf smJf ky pRvfngI lY leI. sLfm dy smyN akbr sfdy kw p iVaF ivw c iekw l f hI jmnf ndI dy kMZy sYr krn clf igaf. ndI dy iknfry ‘qy iewk aOrq lwkVF dI pMz lY ky KVHI sI. Aus df Gr ndI
dy prly pfsy sI. ndI pfr krn leI iksLqI lYxI pYNdI sI pr Aus idn mlfh CyqI clf igaf sI. AuWDr sUrj zu w b irhf sI. aO r q Gr leI qrlo-mwCI ho rhI sI aqy mlfh nUM gflHF kwZ rhI sI. Aus aOrq dI hflq vyK ky akbr nUM qrs af igaf aqy Aus ny ikhf ik mYN qYnUM iksLqI rfhIN ndI pfr krvf
idMdf hY. ies qrHF akbr ny aOrq smyq iksLqI pfxI ivwc TwlH leI qy cwpU nfl iksLqI clfAux lwg ipaf. jdoN iksLqI ndI dy ivckfr phuMcI qF pfxI dI Dfr qyLjL hox kfrn iksLqI zolx lwg peI. Auh aOrq jo lVfkU suBfa dI sI, ny akbr dy mUMh ‘qy vwt ky cpyV mfrI qy ikhf, “byvkUP! jy qYnUM iksL q I clfAu x I nhIN sI afAuNdI qF qUM ieh pfxI ivwc TylHI ikAuN. qUM mYnUMN zobxf hY?” ikvyN nf ikvyN akbr ny sMBfldy-sMBfldy iksLqI kMZy lf idwqI. vfps af ky Au s ny afpxy drbfrIaF dI bYTk bulfeI ijs ivwc muwK slfhkfr vI sLfiml sI. akbr ny Aus nuM kol bu lfieaf qy vw t ky iew k cpyV Aus dy mUMh ‘qy mfrI aqy ikhf , “ieh Auh cpyV hY jo mYN afpxy mUMh ‘qy Kf ky afieaf hF. loV qF iewQy ndI ‘qy lokF dy lMGx leI pul bxfAux dI hY pr qusI mYnUM msijd bxfAux dI slfh dy rhy ho.”
nhIN vyiKaf. ikhf jFdf hY ik bwcy dysL df BivwK huMdy hn. ienHF bwicaF dI qrsXog hflq qoN sihjy hI aMdfjf lwg skdf hY ik dysL df BivwK ikho ijhf hovygf.
nO j vfn vrg by r u j L g frI df isLkfr hY. Aus nUM cfry pfsy inrfsLf qy BivwK hnyrf idws irhf hY. Auh jF qF nisLaF dy lV lwg irhf hY jF aprfD jgq dI jkV ivc af irhf hY. kroVF mjLdUr hwz BMnvIN imhnq krn dy bfvjUd do vyly rwjvIN rotI nhIN Kf skdy . mihM g feI ny afm afdmI df kcUmr kwiZaf hoieaf hY. srkfrI hspqflF ivwc zfktrF dI Gft hY . mrIjL F leI dvfeIaF nhIN hn. skUlF ivwc aiDafpk nhIN hn. bhuq sfry ielfikaF ivwc ndIaF ‘qy pul nf hox kfrn pVH n vfly bw c y pY d l jf iksLqI rfhIN ndI pfr krky skUl jFdy hn. brsfq dy idnF ivwc ieh lFGf vI bMd ho jFdf hY. sfzI afbfdI jo ik sfrIaF alfmqF dI mF Bfrq ivwc ies vyly kroVF hY, DVf-DV vD rhI hY. lokF kol isr Zwkx leI iksy nyqf jF srkfr kol Cwq nhIN hY. Auh Duwp, mINh, ies bfry koeI nIqI nhIN hY. TM Z qy hny r I ivw c ikvy N idn-rfqF kwtdy hn, iues srdfr pty l sfzy mu l k df aihsfs eyar kMzIsn dy inrmfqf sn. Auh iewk dPLqrF qy koTIaF ivwc bYTy swcy rfsLtrvfdI qy mhfn sfzy isafsqdfnF, nIqIvfnF ny q f sn. Au n H F df ijM n f qy aPLsrsLfhI nUM nhIN ho siqkfr kIqf jfvy Qo V H f skdf. dy s L ivw c lgpg hY. AunHF dy buwq dysL qy sUby 40 kroV lokF dy GrF ivWc dI rfjDfnI ivwc curfihaF pKfny nhIN hn. mulk dI ‘qy lfey jfxy cfhIdy hn. awiDEN vwD afbfdI nUM pIx srdfr ptyl df vwzf bwuq vflf pfxI AuplwbD nhI hY. lfAux nfl AunHF dI mhfnqf aOrqF keI-keI iklomItr nUM, jo pihlF hI bhuq hY qo N pfxI lY ky afAu N d IaF koeI PLrk nhIN pvygf. loV hn.kroVF bwcy BuwKmrI df hY srdfr pty l dI so c isLkfr hn. gLrIb bwcy ‘qy pihrf dyx dI. akbr ZfibaF, hotlF, PYktrIaF, bfdsLfh ny qF mUMh ‘qy cpyV gMdIaF vrksLfpF ivwc kMm Kf ky lok BlfeI dy kMmF nUM krn leI mjbUr hn. bhuq qrjIh dyx df sbk iswK sfry bwcy gMd-mMd ivwc lIrF ilaf sI pr sLfied sfzIaF qy ilPLfPy cugdy idKfeI idMdy srkfrF, sfDnF qo N vFJy hn. kroVF bwicaF nUM ieh kroVF BfrqIaF qoN lokqMqrI nhIN pqf ik bcpn kI huMdf QwpV Kfx qoN bfad aijhf hY? AunHF kdy skUl df mUMh sbk iswKxgIaF.
The Patrika
Friday, February 20th, 2015
kI aOrq afjLfd hY? awj dy Xuwg ivwc aOrq ny BfvyN AuWcI pVHfeI vI kr leI hovy pr Auh afjLfd nhIN hY? Aus dy afjLfd iKLafl, kOm qy dysL leI Kqrnfk smJy jFdy hn. iehI kfrn hY ik sfzIaF DIaF, AuWc iswiKaf pRfpq krky vI afjLfd qOr ‘qy nhIN rih skdIaF. pihlF AunHF nUM afpxy mF-bfp dI gulfmI sihxI pYNdI hY qy iPr ivafh AuprMq Auh sfrI Aumr afpxy pqI dI gulfmI shfrdIaF hn. bVy QoVHy pqI
aijhy hoxgy, jo afpxI pqnI dI afjLfdI nUM jfiejL krfr dy skx. kI aOrq jF koeI kuVI ivafh Au p rM q iksy pu r fxy dosq, sfQI jF shylI nUM KLq ilK skdI hY jF iksy ho r mrd nfl afpxy ivcfr sFJy kr skdI hY. iewQoN qIk ik lyKk aOrq vI aijhf krn qoN guryjL krdI hY. ivafh AuprMq, aOrq afpxy pirvfr qy pqI qIk sImq ho ky rih jFdI hY. ieMj lwgdf hY ik ijvyN Aus nUM
iksy Bory ivwc bMd kr idwqf igaf hovy. hor qF hor, ies mulk ivwc ijhVy muMzy-kuVIaF, pRym-ivafh krvf ky ijLMdgI gujLfrn dy ieCwuk hn, AunHF nUM aijhf krn dI afigaf nhIN idwqI jFdI. jy koeI vDyry afjLfdI psMd muMzf jF kuVI aijhf kr lYx, iPr jF qF Aus nUM mfr idwqf jFdf hY jF AunHF nfloN sbMD qoV ley jFdy hn. aOrq dI afjLfdI qo ieh Bfv nf ilaf jfvy ik ieh afcrx
buZfpy ‘c juafn hox df aihsfs sMqoK isMG Bfxf
hryk afdmI dy mn ‘c buZfpy df zr huMdf hY. Aumr vDx nfl srIr QoVHf kmjLor qF huMdf rihMdf hY pr mn aqy afqmf dI koeI Aumr nhIN. mn nUM buZfpy ivwc srl, AuqsLfhI aqy ruJyivaF ‘c srgrm rwK ky afpxy mulk, smfj aqy swiBafcfr dy inrmfx ivwc XfdgfrI Xogdfn pfieaf jf skdf hY. buZfpy ivwc afpxI lMmI Aumr dy qjribaF ‘coN Kud hI Pfiedf AuTfieaf jf skdf hY aqy hornF nUM vI awgy vDx qy qrwkIaF krn leI hONslf aPjfeI kIqI jf skdI hY. lMmI Aumr Bogx leI pihlI sLrq ieh hY ik asIN iksy nf iksy isrjxfqmk kMm ‘c ruJy rhIey. jIvn ivwc vfprn vfly hr hflfq df cVHdIaF klF ‘c rih ky mukfblf krn leI iqafr rihxf cfhIdf hY. sfzy rojLfnf dy ruJyvyN inXmq hoxy cfhIdy hn aqy sfnMU kudrqI mfhOl ‘c ivcridaF jIvn bqIq krnf cfhIdf hY. afKrI aqy jLrUrI sLrq ieh hY ik sfzf Kfx-pIx sfdf, pcxXog aqy sMquilq hovy. ruJyvyN aqy asUl hI afdmI nUM KusLI aqy msqI pRdfn krdy hn. keI bMdy Kf-pI vI cMgf lYNdy hn, Gu M m dy - iPrdy vI hn, sfrf idn KflI bYTy guaFZIaF nfl pwuTIaF-iswDIaf gwlF vI krdy hn pr aijhy bMdy iksy rcnfqmk kMm krn dy Xog ikAuN nhI huMdy? gwl ieh huMdI
hY ik srIrk qOr ‘qy qF ieh bMdy qMdrusq huMdy hn pr mfnisk rUp qoN afpxy-afp nU M aY n f aXo g smJx lw g pYNdy hn ik koeI kMm kr hI nhIN skdy. afdmI dy ju afn rihx df Byq Aus dy mn ivwc huMdf hY. iKjLfb afid lfAux aqy bfhrI qVk-BVk nfl afdmI juafn nhIN bx skdf. juafnI hwtIaf ‘qy nhIN imldI. juafnI qF anuBv aqy aihsfs dI gwl hY. jd qwk afdmI df mn juafn hY, buZfpf nyVy vI nhIN Ptk skdf. jo lok pRsMnqf aqy sihxsLIlqf nUM afpxy jIvn df jLLrUrI ihwsf bxf lYNdy hn, Auh kdy buwZy nhIN ho skdy. juafnI Aumr Br AunHF df sfQ inBfAuNdI hY. Auh lok buZfpy ivw c vI ju a fnI df BrpU r afnMd mfx skdy hn. afdmI mOilk rUp ivwc smfijk pR f xI hY . ies df Bfv ieh hY ik Auh Kud dy ivcfrF nfl hI nhIN, afspfs dy lo k F dy ivcfrF qo N vI pRBfivq huMdf hY. aflfduaflf, prMprfvF aqy sMgq afid sfrIaF gwlF mhwqvpUrn hn. ienHF nUM njLraMdfjL nhIN krnf cfhIdf. ieh gwl iDafn ivwc rwKxI cfhIdI hY ik asIN dUijaF qoN anykF gwlF iswK skdy hF, kuJ lok sfrI ijLMdgI kuJ nf kuJ iswKdy rihMdy hn jF nvIaF-nvIaF gwlF bVy jLos KrosL nfl iswKx leI Auqsuk rihMdy hn. inrMqr
dI igrfvt hY, sgoN Auh iewk inzr, pVHI ilKI qy KUbsUrq hsqI vI bx skdI hY. sfzy ies mrd-pR D fn smfj ny aOrq nUM iewk vsqU bxf ky rwK idwqf hY jdoNik Auh vsqU nhIN hY, blik iewk jIivq pRfxI hY. sLYNpU, sfbx qoN lY ky lgpg hr cIjL ‘qy aOrq dI Poto Cfpx df kI mqlb? purfxy smyN qoN hI aOrq, gulfmI BugqdI afeI hY qy awj vI Bugq rhI hY. jy Aus dy kol kuJ afjLfd iKLafl vI af jfx qF Auh AunHF iKLaflF nUM jLfhr nhIN kr skdI, blik Gut-Gut ky AunHF iKaflF nUM mfr idwqf jFdf hY.ieMj aOrq, afpxI afjLfd hsqI nf bxf skdI hY qy nf hI afjLfd hsqI bx ky jIa skdI hY.
kuJ nf kuJ iswKx df Bfv hY afdmI df inrMqr afqimk ivkfs. ijw Q y sfnU M Ku d ‘c koeI kmjLorI njLr afvy, AuWQy dUijaF qoN sLkqI pRfpq kr jy asIN mrd pRDfn smfj ivwc lYxI cfhIdI hY. aOrq dy afjLfd hox jf aOrq dUijaF nflo sMprk qoV lYx dI afjLfdI df svfl KVHf vI df arQ hY jIvn dy ivkfs kr leIey qF ies iKafl nUM df iknfrf kr lYxf. ienHF hI KLqrnfk iKafl smJ ilaf jfvygf pr svflF df svfl gwlF df iswDf asr afdmI dy ieh hY ik pVH-ilK ky koeI ivakqIqv ivkfs ‘qy pYNdf hY. lVkI afpxy iKaflF nUM jLfhr prspr ivcfrF df afdfnpRdfn bMd ho jfx nfl afdmI df idmfg vI iewk qrHF sVHFd nfl Br jFdf hY . sw j xFimwqrF qoN dUrI bxf ky rwKx aqy iekwly bYTy-bYTy hmysLf afpxI mOq bfry socdy rihx krky afdmI buwZf ho jFdf hY.
ajIq isMG cMdn nf kr sky jF AunHF iKLaflF nUM hn. ijwQoN qIk cMgy iensfn afp hI mfr dyvy qF ieh ikMnf bxn df suafl hY, hr muMzy ku sfrQk hY? qy kuVI nuM cMgy iensfn bxnf iewk afjLfd mulk ivwc aOrq cfhIdf hY. ieh mulk dI qrwkI nUM afpxy iKLafl jLfhr krn leI vI jLrUrI hY. ijLMdgI ivwc dI pUrI KuwlH hoxI cfhIdI hY. jy AuWcf afdrsL qy AuWcf afcrx Auh iksy sBf jF susfietI ivc apxfAux, hr dysL vfsI df jf ky BfsLx dyxf cfhy qF Aus nUM pihlf PrjL hY, Auh BfvyN muMzf pUrI KuwlH hoxI cfhIdI hY. Gr hovy jF kuVI. ieh vI sMBv hY dI cfrdIvfrI ivwc rihMidaF ik jy asI afpxIaF DIaF nUM Aus nUM pUrI afjLfdI mihsUs afjLfd iKafl pRgt krn aqy hoxI cfhIdI hY. Auh afpxy pqI lfgU krn dI KuwlH dy skIey qF dI jIvn sfQx jLrUr hY pr Auh iewk cMgy dysL df inrmfx Aus dI gulfm nhIN. hoxf ieh kr skx? awj jy sfzy dysL cfhIdf hY ik pqI-pqnI dovyN ‘c grIbI df kohV, nisLaf dy rl ky pirvfr dI ibhqrI leI pRkop qy aMnHI luwt-Kswut mwcI kMm krn aqy afpxI afjLfdI hoeI hY, Aus nUM nvyN jmfny dI vI kfiem rwKx. pqI qy pqnI pVHI-ilKI aOrq dUr krn ivc ivwcoN iksy dI vI afjLfdI nUM shfeI ho skdI hY. kucl dyxf TIk nhIN hY. iKLafl hr iensfn dy vwKry huMdy hn aOrq dI afjLfdI bfry pRiswD aqy AunHF vwKry iKLaflF kfrn lyiKkf vrjInIaf vuwlP ny TIk hI sfry iensfn vwKry-vwKry hI iliKaf hY ik hr aOrq kol hn. afpxy Gr aMdr iewk afpxf jy iksy pMCI dy KMB kwt idwqy jfx inwjI kmrf jrUr hoxf cfhIdf qF Auh asmfn ‘c AuzfrIaF hY, ijwQy Auh inwT ky afjLfdI nhIN Br skdf. iewk gulfm nfl bYT sky, sfh lY sky qy aOrq nfloN pMCI cMgy hn jo afpxI aMdrlI afvfjL nUM KflI afjLfd rih ky ijMdgI gujLfrdy vrikaF ‘qy aMikq kr sky.
rfq nU M sO x vy l y ies gw l df iKafl rw K o ik mn ‘c ikwDry buwZf ho jfx df cor qF nhIN lukf ky bYTf hoieaf. jy bYTf hY qF Bjf idAu. qusIN afpxy pRsMnicwq aqy AuqsLfh BrpUr ivcfrF nfl aijhf kr skdy ho. buZfpy vwl Dwkx vfly inrfsLf Bry ivcfrF nUM hmysLf leI iqafg ky hwsdymu s krfAu N d y ho e y jIvn df afnMd mfxn leI sMklp lE. afdmI nUM cfhIdf hY ik afpxIaF ijLMmyvfrIaF nUM smJy aqy AunHF df pflx kry. ijhVy bMdy ihwqkfrI kMmF ‘c lwg rihMdy hn, AunHF nUM afpxy jIvn ivwc kdy pCqfvf nhIN huMdf. inrMqr afpxy kMmF ivwc lwgy rihx vfly afdmI nUM aYnf smF hI nhIN imldf ik Auh bykfr dIaF gwlF bfry socy.
The Patrika
Friday, February 20th, 2015
Everything’s awesome including the price #ourlittlesecret
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The Patrika
Friday, February 20th, 2015
The Future for Farmers is Bright Positive Outlook Seen for Coming Years After coming off of a record year, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada is expecting farm incomes to remain high for Canadian farmers in 2015. The 2015 Canadian Agricultural Outlook was released today, pointing to a strong future for the agricultural sector. The report provides an overview of the current situation in Canadian agriculture and some of the key longer term drivers that will influence the growth of the sector. Growing strength in the cattle and hog industry, strong crop sales resulting from high carry-in grain and oilseed stocks despite softening grain prices, and relatively stable input costs produced a record farm income in 2014 and will continue to sustain the agricultural economy in 2015. Quick facts Canadian Agricultural Outlook Highlights: •
Average net worth per farm is expected to set new records of $2.0 million in 2014 and $2.1 million in 2015.
Farm-level net operating income in 2014 is forecast to be $78,139, also an all-time high.
Aggregate net cash income for 2014 is expected to reach $14.0 billion, 10% above the 2013 record.
For 2015, the preliminary forecasts suggest that farm incomes will remain historically high at $13.0 billion.
The cattle and hog sectors enjoyed record prices in 2014 due to low North American supplies, and weakening feed grain prices also contributed to higher incomes. Although total livestock receipts will not change significantly in 2015, cattle receipts will continue to benefit from tight markets and higher prices.
Exceptional market incomes over the past several years have contributed to lower program payments in 2014 and 2015 compared to previous years.
Quotes “The future for Canadian agriculture remains positive. Our Government will continue to work with industry to strengthen agricultural research and innovation, break down trade barriers, open new markets and enable producers to improve their incomes, support their families, and grow the Canadian economy.” - Agriculture Minister Gerry Ritz
Harper Government teaches Chilliwack at-risk youth to lead Federally-funded crime prevention pro- Quick Facts gram to improve resiliency skills and The Pacific Community Resources Society decrease violence will deliver the project, in partnership with the Today, Mark Strahl, Member of Parliament for Chilliwack – Fraser Canyon, on behalf of the Honourable Steven Blaney, Canada’s Minister of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness, announced $1.85 million in federal funding for the crime prevention project Learning to Lead, which will help nearly 200 at-risk youth in Chilliwack, British Columbia. This project is designed to help young people by providing them with opportunities to improve self-worth and communication skills through participating in positive and structured community and recreational activities. Learning to Lead is based on the Leadership and Resiliency Program model, which enhances youths’ internal strengths and resiliency, thereby preventing involvement in substance abuse and violence.
local RCMP detachment, School District 33, the Chilliwack Lake Camp and members of the local community, to nearly 200 Chilliwack youth, aged 12 to 17, who are involved in, or at risk of becoming involved in, substance abuse and violence. Evidence-based models supported by the Crime Prevention Action Fund help youth make smart choices through the provision of community-based educational, cultural, sport and vocational opportunities.
Since the creation of the Crime Prevention Action Fund in 2008, $178.1 million in funding has been approved for 214 projects in communities across Canada. Learning to Lead will receive $1.85 million in federal funding over five years. From April 2013 to March 2014, the Government of Canada invested in 101 communitybased crime prevention programs through the National Crime prevention Strategy, directly impacting more than 22,000 at-risk youth.
The Patrika
Friday, February 20th, 2015
The Patrika
Friday February 20th, 2015
First Time Abbotsford Home Buyers & RRSPs Purchasing Your first Home? RRSPs Can Help! Did you know that, as a first time homebuyer there is a federal program in place to assist you with the purchase of your first home? Under the Canadian federal government’s Home Buyer’s Plan, you can use up to $20,000 in RRSP savings ($40,000 per couple) to help finance the down payment on your first home. The great news is that you actually have 15 years to pay back your RRSPs penalty free. This timeframe will give you plenty of time to get settled into your new home. To qualify, your RRSP funds must be deposited for at least 90 days prior to the purchase of your new home. By working with a qualified agent like myself, I will help ensure that the required home purchasing documentation is completed
with you. Prior to withdrawing any RRSP funds, you will need a home purchase contract. Alternatively, if you have $20,000 in savings and these funds are not located in an RRSP, you may want to utilize the Home Buyer’s Plan to its maximum advantage. You could consider transferring your savings into an RRSP, and then withdrawing them through the Home Buyers Plan to receive the tax benefits. Not ready to buy for another few years? Consider the benefits of utilizing a Tax Free Savings Account. With a maximum contribution of $ 5000.00 per year, you can save for your future real estate investment. The great advantage of a Tax Free Savings Account is that you can withdraw anytime without penalty and most importantly its tax free! Before you cont’d on page R3
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Friday February 20th, 2015
Friday February 20th, 2015 cont’d from page R1
make your financial decision, remember to always ask advice from an expert such as your financial advisor, lawyer and or tax specialist. These professionals can help determine which approach is best suitable for your financial situation. CMHC - helping with the Canadian dream Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC), plays a major role in Canada’s housing industry. As a home buyer you can take advantage of the numerous resources available including home research services, market evaluations, and access to affordable financing options. Programs include; aboriginal housing, residential rehabilitation, adaptation for senior’s housing needs, public and private partnerships, in addition to available grants and awards. CMHC makes it easier for Canadians to obtain a home by providing mortgage loan insurance. For many people, especially first time home buyers, saving for a down payment is a challenge. When a home buyer has 20% or less of the purchase price to put down, a lender requires mortgage insurance for protection against any payment defaults. CMHC provides this insurance for you the home
The Patrika buyer, to limit the lenders’ risk. The lender will then agree to finance up to 95% of the purchase price of your new home. You can then purchase a property with as little as 5% down! For example, if the cost of the home is $250,000, you only need a down payment of $12,500.
This allows you to become a homeowner, even if you don’t have a large down payment put aside. You just need to meet the following conditions and home ownership can be within your reach: • The home must be located in Canada and considered your principal residence. •You must have a down payment of at least 5% of the purchase price. •Your home-related expenses must not exceed 32% of gross household income which may include utilities, property taxes and condo fees if applicable. • Your total monthly debt load must not exceed 40% of gross monthly household income. Debt such as personal loans, car payments and credit cards would need to be factored into this percentage. • You must be able to pay closing costs equal to at least 1.5% of the purchase price. Closing costs may include lawyers’ fees, GST, land transfers and more.
The Patrika
Friday February 20th, 2015
Friday February 20th, 2015
The Patrika
The Patrika
Friday February 20th, 2015
Friday February 20th, 2015
n an ideal world, every party in a transaction would be fairly represented. When it comes to real estate, however, this may not be the case. The seller and buyer, depending upon the type of agreement with the Real Estate Professional, may not be represented equally. Many people believe that the agent they are working with automatically represents them and their interests. Yet, without specific disclosures this
The Patrika
The benefits of buyer agency is not true. Unless otherwise stated, the agent represents the seller in transactions for the sale of a home. This agent, as part of his or her fiduciary duty, must ensure his loyalty protects the seller’s position throughout the entire process. This is true of the “listing agent” who puts the home up for sale, and the agent who finds the buyer. The agent – who helps the buyer find the right home – works for the seller as a “sub-
agent” of the listing agent. With this system, all agents are legally bound to represent the seller. The buyer has no representation. Example 1: You respond to a home advertised in a newspaper, a home magazine, or the Internet. The agent is friendly and informative. He or she tells you what you believe to be everything about the house. However, the agent represents the seller, not you.
Example 2: You are working with an agent who shows you 10 homes in a weekend. He buys you lunch twice. You tell him your two children. However, he does not offer Buyer Agency. As you feel comfortable with this person, you easily offer personal information. However, without Buyer Agency, this Real Estate Professional is really representing the 10 sellers. cont’d on page R8
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Any information you reveal to the agent must be relayed to the sellers. As this Real Estate Professional represents the seller, he or she cannot reveal certain things to you, as the buyer: • The reason for selling (unless the seller specifically authorizes it) • Any concessions, in price or otherwise, that the seller may be willing to give up.
• Any conversations between the agent and the seller • Any information that could be detrimental to the seller, or give you, the buyer, an advantage. This would include a CMA (Comparable Market Analysis) that could put the seller at a disadvantage. Buyer’s agency ensures you get the best deal In recent years changes to the real estate industry have been made to allow for a more equitable arrangement. Buyers are not alone. In fact, with a Real Estate Professional working on behalf of a buyer, as a buyer’s agent, a buyer receives a full range of pro-
fessional services. A buyer’s agent commits to a home buyer and provides undivided, confidential representation. This real estate professional has the tools, knowledge, industry connections, negotiating skills and seasoned experience to work for you. Many people lack these essential skills to ensure you do not pay too much for a home. How does a buyer’s agent help you? A buyer’s agent must work in a professional, ethical manner, ensuring the purchaser is treated with care, confidentiality, full disclosure and accurate accounting. A buyer’s agent will also show the buyer available homes, point out the property’s features, provide financing information and submit the offer to purchase. If a Buyer’s Agency agreement is struck between you and the Agent, it is you, rather than the seller, who has the representation from the Agent with whom you are working. Working under the agreements of Buyer Agency, you get the following benefits:
Friday February 20th, 2015
Reasonable care and skill
The agent must act in accordance with the lawful instructions of the principle (buyer)
• Determining and advising the buyer of a reasonable purchase price
Disclosure of all material factors such as:
• Discovering any facts that would affect the purchase of the home, and advising the buyer
• Seller’s financial condition • Properties true worth • Strengths and weaknesses of the property • Commissions split with other brokers • Legal effects of important contract provisions • Information about property value trends that may influence your decision about a certain area • CMA information. A buyer’s agent can develop a Comparable Market Analysis, revealing at what price similar properties in the area have listed for and sold for.
• Existence of other offers
The real estate agent must act in the best interest of the buyer.
• Relationship between agent and other parties
• Ensuring all details and facts of the sale are correct • Ensuring all money handled between parties is accounted for Most importantly, you can ask a buyer’s agent for advice and assistance in setting your offer price and structuring other terms of your offer. What’s more, you’ll have peace of mind knowing an advocate is working on your behalf to help you buy at the best possible terms. The important thing is to understand your options, so that you don’t unintentionally accept less representation than you want. When you are looking to make the biggest investment of your life, it is not hard to understand why it is important to be represented exclusively.
The Patrika
Friday February 20th, 2015
An Overview of Home Mortgages
ost people who purchase a home require some financial assistance. That is, they require someone to lend them sufficient funds to cover the price of a home. Most often, this financial arrangement is handled through a bank or other institution through a MORTGAGE. A mortgage is a legally binding agreement that states a certain party (mortgagor) lends money to another party (mortgagee). The mortgagee agrees to pay back the money at a certain rate, plus interest, over a certain time period. There are two parts to this financial agreement: principal and interest. Principal is the actual amount borrowed. Interest is the lender’s fee you are charged for borrowing. You also have to determine the amortization period (the length of time it will take to completely pay off the mortgage) and the term, or length of time each mortgage agreement guarantees the interest rate. When you are considering a mortgage, you have many options to consider such as type of
mortgage (closed, open, high ratio, vendor take back, convertible), payment schedule (weekly, bi-weekly, monthly) amortization period. Before you sign any documents, shop at several institutions and compare rates and features. You could save, or lose thousands of dollars when the terms, interest rates and payment schedules are not working in your favor. These items are negotiable. Mortgage amount When interest rates are lower, your monthly payments are lower, so you might qualify for a larger mortgage. However, the larger the mortgage, the more you will pay in interest over the length of the mortgage. Your home will cost you more. If you can afford a bit more, without sacrificing your lifestyle, this will greatly contribute to reducing your financial obligation. Down payment To qualify for a conventional mortgage, you need a down payment of 25% of the purchase price. The mortgage cannot exceed 75% of the appraised value.
If you have less than the 25%, you may qualify for a high ratio mortgage. If you qualify, you can purchase a home with a minimum 5% down payment through CMHC (Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation). Insurance, for an additional 0.5% to 2.75% of the mortgage amount, is mandatory with a high ratio mortgage. The house price may also be capped. See article in this series.
mortgage, here are some areas to consider: Competitive interest rates. Check out all options and interest rates. Sometimes, flexible features may cost more. 90-day rate guarantee. You will be protected
against rising interest rates while allowing you to take advantage of falling rates. Flexible payment options. With these areas, you can tailor the mortgage to your lifestyle. Discuss payment frequency and lump-sum
payment options. Can you skip a payment in special circumstances or double-up on your payments? Closing costs: Be sure you have a clear understanding of the fees involved.
Get pre-approved prior to home shopping House hunting takes a great deal of time and energy. And that is even with pre-approval. Before you start shopping for your dream home, go to the bank. Talk to the lending officer and review your mortgage options. Fill out the necessary paperwork (which only takes a few minutes), and you will know within a matter of days whether you are approved for a mortgage, and for how much. You will know what you can spend on a home before you start looking, you will be protected against interest rate increases, and most importantly, you will be well prepared to make an immediate offer on a home you like. A seller is more likely to consider an offer free and clear of encumbrances. With preapproval, you are showing you are serious and ready to buy. With this simple and FREE service, you will eliminate problems down the road. When you are shopping for a pre-approved
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The Patrika
Friday February 20th, 2015
Choosing the Mortgage That’s Right For You When you are buying a home, the type of mortgage you choose, the down payment, the amortization period and even the payments make a difference. To get you started, here is a review of the most common types of mortgages. Assumable mortgage By assuming the existing mortgage, you may be able to save on the usual mortgage fees such as appraisal and CMHC fees. You will save time, since you do not have to negotiate to arrange financing from another lender and the existing mortgage on the home may be less than the current market rates. Alberta is the only province in Canada which allows for as assumable mortgage. You simply apply cash that has already been paid toward the mortgage and resume payments. Some institutions may require you to qualify. Vendor take back With a VTB, the vendor also becomes a lender, holding all or some of the mortgage. Sometimes the vendor will offer this loan at lower than bank rates.
Conventional mortgages With a conventional mortgage, you need a minimum down payment of at least 25% of the purchase price. These mortgages have the lowest carrying costs and do not have to be insured against default. You are responsible for a property appraisal and legal fees registering the mortgage and completing the purchase Low down payment insured mortgage Low down payment mortgages - with down payments as low as 5% - must be insured to cover potential default of payment and their carrying costs. Therefore, this mortgage is higher than a conventional mortgage as they include the insurance premium. Low down payment mortgages are often referred to as National Housing Act (NHA) or High Ratio mortgages. Both Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation [CMHC] or GE Capital Mortgage Insurance Company (Canada) [GE] offers default insurance. You are responsible for appraisal and legal fees and the application fee for the insurance.
Closed, open & convertible mortgages With a closed mortgage, the interest rate is locked in for the full term of the mortgage. You must pay a fee to renegotiate the interest rate or pay off the balance before the end of the term. Closed mortgages are the most effective when interest rates may be rising and for people who are not moving in the short term. First time home buyers find them especially appealing, as mortgage payments are established for a set time frame. The interest rate for closed mortgages may be lower than for open mortgages. These mortgages are available in terms from six months to 25 years. Flexibility is a prime advantage of an open mortgage. They can be repaid either in part or in full at any time, without incurring any additional costs. This mortgage, however, is generally available for a term of six months or one year. Interest rates for open mortgages may be higher than for closed mortgages because of the added flexibility.
In these two situations, you could save a tremendous amount on interest costs: 1) when you’re planning to sell your home soon without buying another and you speculate that interest rates are falling 2) when you think you may be able to pay down a considerable portion of your mortgage debt in the near future. A convertible mortgage is a fixed-rate mortgage that provides the same security as a closed mortgage. It can also be converted to a longer, closed mortgage at any time without cost. Fixed or variable? With a fixed-rate mortgage, the interest rate is locked in for the full term of the mortgage. Buyers know the payment amount throughout the entire term. Fixed-rate mortgages could be either open (could be paid off at any time without costs) or closed (costs apply if paid off prior to maturity). With a variable-rate mortgage (sometimes referred to as a floating mortgage), mortgage payments are set for a term of
one to two years or longer although interest rates may vary during this time. If interest rates go down, more of the payment is applied to reduce the principal. If rates go up, more of the payment is applied to interest payment. Variable-rate mortgages may be open or closed. With a variable rate mortgage a buyer has the flexibility to maximize upon falling interest rates and to convert to a fixed-rate mortgage at any time. If you suspect interest rates will rise, you may want to lock in your fixed rate for a long time. If you speculate that interest rates are headed downward, a shorter time may be a good choice. Prior to signing any mortgage document, you will want to ensure you understand the conditions, terms, payment schedules and consequences of non-payment. Also be sure that your lawyer, accountant and even your Real Estate Professional has reviewed the documents so you are protected against any surprises.
How to avoid the most common buyer errors Shopping for a new home is an emotional experience. It is also time consuming and comes with a myriad of details. Some buyers, however, get caught up in the excitement of buying a new home and tend to overlook some items. Their home purchase turns into an expensive process. These errors generally fall into three areas: •
Paying too much
Losing a dream home to another buyer
Buying the wrong home
When you have a systematic plan before you shop, you will be sure to avoid these costly errors. Here are some tips on making the most of your home purchase:
Bidding without sufficient information What price do you offer a seller? Is the seller’s asking price too high? Is it a deal? Without research on the market and comparable homes, you could lose thousands of dollars. Before you make that offer, be sure you have researched the market. A Real Estate Professional can offer an unbiased opinion on the value of a home, based on market conditions, condition of the home and neighborhood. Without knowledge of the market, your offer could be too much. Or worse, you could miss out on a great buying opportunity. Buying a mismatched home
What do you need and want in a home? Sounds simple. Yet, clearly identifying your needs and bringing an objective view to home shopping leaves you in a better position. Sometimes, home buyers buy a home that is too large or too small. Perhaps they did not consider the drive to work, the distance to school, or the many repair jobs waiting for completion. Plan ahead. Use your needs list as a guideline for every home you view.
are no liens, debts, undisclosed owners, leases or easements.
Unclear title
For $300 - $500 a professional inspector will conduct a thorough inspection of the home. This way, you will have an idea of the cost of future repairs. Make the final contract subject to a favourable report.
Before you sign any document, be sure the property you are considering is free of all encumbrances. As part of their services, a Real Estate Professional can supply you with a copy of the title to ensure there
Outdated survey Before the purchase is completed, an updated survey is essential. This report will indicate boundaries and structural changes (additions to the house, a new swimming pool, neighbour’s new fence which is extending a boundary line, etc.). Unexpected repairs
Shopping without pre-approval
It only takes a few hours to get mortgage pre-approval. When you are shopping for a home, this gives you more power. A seller is more likely to consider an offer from a serious buyer. Remember additional costs Besides the funds for the purchase of a home, you’ll need funds for items such as loan fees, insurance, legal fees, surveys, inspections, etc. Rushing the closing Before you sign, ensure that all documentation clearly reflects your understanding and conditions of the transaction. Has anything been forgotten? Don’t rush. You could lose money, financing or even the sale.
Friday February 20th, 2015
The Patrika
The Patrika
Friday February 20th, 2015
Understanding the offer Prior to showing your home, and after a thorough evaluation with a Real Estate Professional, you should have the following: a realistic idea of the price, how low you will settle, what conditions you will accept; and what terms would be agreeable. With this information, you are prepared. When an offer is presented, you will be able to compare it to your initial guidelines. Your Real Estate Professional will evaluate these offers and, hopefully, arrive at one that comes closest to your objectives. At the same time, however, your Real Estate Professional will likely exercise some leveraging power with any other negotiable items. A Real Estate Professional works on your behalf, considering all the factors, you as a buyer, and the seller, to work at an agreement that is satisfactory for both parties. It comes down to persuasion and negotiation. Your Real Estate Professional has specialized training in this important area. Evaluating the offer When you have found the home you want, you will need to make a formal written offer. This is called an “offer to purchase.” This is a legally binding document which should be completed with due care and diligence. This document outlines what you, the buyer will give (a combination of price and terms) to the seller in exchange for the home. It is highly recommended that a lawyer or real estate agent prepare the offer on your behalf. This will reduce any financial or time errors. Review the document before signing. If there is anything you do not understand, be sure to ask for clarification. Once signed, the document is binding and you could face consequences upon default. An interested buyer will present an offer to your Real Estate Professional through his or her agent. Your agent will discuss the offer with you, ensuring you understand all aspects. The offer should clearly outline all terms, conditions and details of the sale including: •
Buyer information. Seller information. This includes items (for both parties) such as name, legal and civic address of the property to be purchased.
The purchase price.
Inclusions in the purchase price (e.g. appliances, carpeting, fixtures, etc.) related to the original listing. List any additions or exclusions. Be sure there are no liens or payment dates due on these items
Detailed financial information: deposit amount, refund of interest on deposit, down payment and mortgage, etc.
Closing date for the sale of the property
If you are assuming the seller’s mortgage, complete details of this obligation. If the mortgage is not being assumed, the owner needs to provide supporting documents, to show clear title (free of all encumbrances). Existing mortgages must be discharged with sale proceeds on closing.
Possession date
Any Conditions to sale, such as satisfactory home inspection, mortgage approval; sale of an existing home, etc.)
Any work/obligations to be completed by seller between the closing date and the date of occupancy (e.g. repairs, painting, leaving the premises)
Offer time frame. This is the period for which the offer is valid. The offer either expires or is up for re-negotiation on that date. A Real Property Report is mandatory by the financial institution for mortgage approval and by the lawyer or notary for transfer of ownership. This certificate indicates outdoor improvements, from the date of construction, such as decks, patios or pools.
Net proceeds Keep in mind that the purchase price is not the final price you will receive. That is because you will have additional fees to cover from the sale of the home including: •
real estate agent
bank (for the balance of your mortgage and for any prepayment or discharge penalties)
taxes (if there are any outstanding)
You and your agent should thoroughly review every detail. If there is anything you do not understand, ask! Before you accept and sign the offer, it is a good idea to have your lawyer review the offer. This way, you can be confident nothing has been missed, everything is legally accurate, and your interests are protected. Offer strategies You could handle the offer in several ways, according to your timing and needs. If you are not attached to the home you want to buy, you could try and present a very low offer. This offer is considerably lower than the asking price. However, a low offer may be successful if the seller is desperate to sell. The seller could present a counter offer. Alternatively, the seller might turn down your offer completely and refuse to sell the home to you. Your Real Estate Professional can offer some
professional guidance on presenting a fair and reasonable offer. When you have fallen in love with a home, and you really want the home, you could present your best offer. This offer leaves no negotiating room, but if the market is hot, it is an offer that will attract attention. Your Real Estate Professional can advise you on the best way of making an offer that is fair and reasonable, without indicating to the seller that you are desperate. Why pay more than necessary. In a seller’s market, perhaps you may want to pitch a price, along with the multiple offers probably on the table. This often happens when there is a bidding war for the property. You could up the offer, or walk away from the home. An offer can be conditional or firm When your offer is firm, then you are telling the seller you are willing to purchase the home without any conditions. Upon acceptance of the offer, you have purchased the home. This is a legally binding agreement. Upon default, if you are unable to close, you could lose your deposit and face legal consequences. Be sure to confirm your financial matters prior to signing any documents.
A conditional offer includes stipulations on the purchase. These could revolve around a home inspection, financing, or sale of your existing home. If any of these conditions are not met then the home is not sold. The deposit A sum of money, usually no larger than 3-5% of the purchase price, shows that you are serious about purchasing the home. This amount will be applied against the purchase of the home when the sale closes. From offer to acceptance Upon reviewing your offer, the seller can accept it as is, reject it or return with a counter offer. A counter could be in regards to price, conditions, closing date or other variables. The offers will continue between the seller and the buyer, until both parties have come to some agreement, or one party stops the negotiations. Once the offer meets with your approval, you will want to secure the transaction with a deposit. This indicates your intention to proceed with the purchase. When you have accepted the offer, you will proceed through the closing details until you move in. The next article in this series explains the closing procedures.