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BC’s Only Bilingual Newspaper Since 1996.
1996 qoN Cpx vflf ibRitsL kolMbIaf df pihlf do-BfsLIaf aKLbfr
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A new secondary school project in the fast-growing Sooke School District will bring more new student seats for families.
“As more people choose to make British Columbia their home, we’re investing in schools to welcome new students,” said Rachna Singh, Minister of Education and Child Care. “That’s why we’re taking action by supporting new secondary school projects in one of the fastest-growing school districts in the province.”
With this announcement, planning for additional student seats at a new Langford secondary school can start.
“More than 10 years ago, I started advocating for two new schools in the Westshore, and I’m now proud to be an MLA delivering an investment to begin planning for a new high school in Langford,” said Ravi Parmar, MLA for Langford-Juan de Fuca. “The creation of a new, modern school for students to live, play and grow is going to benefit Langford for generations to come.”
Over the past seven years, government has provided approximately $270 million to create approximately 2,660 new student seats in the Sooke School District. This includes the new Pexsisen Elementary, Centre Mountain Lellum Middle school, an addition to Royal Bay Secondary and SĆIȺNEW SṮEȽIṮḴEȽ Elementary, and a 480-seat school with on-site child care, which is under construction.
“We will continue to ensure that all students have the opportunity to thrive and grow in safe, modern
spaces. This is why we will keep building and enhancing schools in the Sooke School District and throughout B.C.” said Mitzi Dean, Minister of State for Child Care. “We will continue to invest in the Langford school community.”
Additionally, earlier this year the Province announced it will provide $11.84 million for a full replacement of Port Renfrew Elementary as part of government’s seismic mitigation program.
The Province has also provided funding for prefabricated additions to two elementary schools in the Sooke School District. Expected to be built by fall 2024, the additions to David Cameron Elementary and Ruth King Elementary will add 190 seats to each school.
“In recent years, our experiences in school construction and design have underscored the vital importance of community engagement, particularly in shaping secondary sites,” said Amanda Dowhy, board chair, Sooke School District. “We are dedicated to collaborating closely with our community partners to ensure that our proposal reflects the collective aspirations and makes the most efficient use of the land and resources we have. Together, we strive to create a secondary school that not only caters to the needs of today’s students but also inspires and serves future generations.”
Since September 2017, the B.C. government has provided more than $4 billion for new and improved schools, and land purchases for future
Punjabi Editor
Advertising Executive
Graphic Designer
Administration Assistant
schools, throughout the province. This has resulted in 25,000 new student spaces and 35,000 seismically safer seats at B.C. schools.
Budget 2024 includes $3.75 billion for school capital projects over the next three years, including new and expanded schools, seismic upgrades and replacements, and land purchases for future schools.
Quick Facts: “Supported to begin planning” means government is supporting the school district to
proceed with developing a business case for a new secondary school. When finalized, the business case, which will detail the scope, schedule and budget for the project, will be brought forward to government for final funding approval.
Depending on the scale of a project, a finalized business case takes eight months on average.
Following funding approval, the project proceeds to design and construction.
Gurdeep Singh Grewal
Paramjit Singh Kanda
Ekam Banipal
Gurmeen Banipal, Manvir Kaur Jawanda
Gurjeet Kaur Muhar
Gurneet Sidhu
kvI gurdfs rfm aflm sfihq sBf kYnyzf vwloN awTvF iCmfhI sfihqk sMmyln aqy pusqk lok arpx smfgm
srI : dwby- kucly lokF dI gwl krn vfly aqy mnuwKI brfbrI dy hfmI lok kvI gurdfs rfm aflm sfihq sBf kYnyzf vwloN awTvF iCmfhI sfihiqk sMmyln aqy pusqk lok arpx smfgm, gurU nfnk gurduafrf sfihb srI siQq sInIar sYNtr ivKy AuqÈfh nfl krvfieaf igaf. ies sfihq sBf vwloN hr sfl meI mhIny aqy akqUbr mhIny dy dUjy aYqvfrF nUM 'lok kvI gurdfs rfm aflm' aqy 'AuwGy gËlgo AulPq bfjvf' dI Xfd nUM smripq sfihqk smfgm krvfey jFdy hn. ies vfr sfihq sBf kYnyzf vwloN, awTvyN iCmfhI sfihqk sMmyln mOky ipRMsIpl mlUk cMd klyr dI pusqk 'skfeItryn tU vftr PrMt' lok aripq kIqI geI. lyKk ipRMsIpl klyr ny pRogrfm dy afrMB ivwc mrhUm Èfier zf[ surjIq pfqr nUM iewk imMt df mOn rwKidaF hoieaF ÈrDFjlI Byt kIqI aqy mgroN afpxI ikqfb smyq, lok kvI gurdfs rfm aflm sfihq sBf dy mnorQF 'qy cfnxf pfieaf.
smfgm dy muwK bulfry zf[ gurivMdr isMG ny lok kvI gurdfs rfm aflm aqy ikqfb bfry bolidaF ikhf ik mhfn sfihqkfr smfj dy vwK- vwK vrgF 'c sFJ sQfipq krdy hn aqy smyN dI hkUmq nUM cuxOqI idMdy hn, iesy kfrn hI Auh 'lok ilKfrI' bxdy hn, jdik srkfrF nfl imljul ky clx vfly 'srkfrI ilKfrI' hI ho skdy hn, 'lok ilKfrI' nhIN. AuhnF ipRMsIpl mlUk cMd klyr vwloN ilKI ikqfb ivcly aihm pihlUaF 'qy KuwlI crcf kIqI aqy ikqfb
dIaF ivlwKxqfvF ibafn kIqIaF. ikqfb dy nF 'skfeItryn tU vftr PrMt' bfry Ausqfd gËlgo ndIm prmfr ny ivcfr sFJy kIqy. BuipMdr isMG mwlI ny 'lyKkF nUM afpxIaF ilKqF 'qy Kry Auqrn' df hlUxf idwqf.
pMjfbI bolI 'qy mfx mihsUs kridaF rmnI klyr ny ipqf jI dI ikqfb ivwc afpxy lyKF dy Èfml hox nUM vzBfg dwisaf. hornF bulfiraF aqy hfËr ÈKsIaqF ivwc hrcMd isMG igwl jnrl skwqr sInIar sYNtr, pRo[ dyivMdr isMG, mnjIq isMG mwlf, drÈn isMG atvfl, gurmIq isMG klkt, rUp lfl gzU, surIly gfiek cmkOr isMG syKo, ibkrm, kY jIq mihrf, myGnfQ koiÈl, bIbI mfieaf rfxI, mndIp, hrjIq kOr, Xuvrfj, jYsIkf, kflm nvIs rfijMdr isMG pMDyr, vxjfrf nomYz klYkÈnË dy sMsQfpk rfj isMG BMzfl, dys prdys tfeImË dy muwK sMpfdk suKivMdr isMG cohlf, qyjvIr isMG sMDU iswK cYnl, lyiKkf bIbI dyivMdr kOr jOhl, dyivMdr kOr klsI, zf pfl isMG iblgf, surjIq isMG igwl, surjIq isMG bfT, kYmrn guVf, dlIp isMG igwl, mf mlkIq isMG, ÊËlgo nirMdr isMG bfhIaf , iÈMgfrf isMG sMDU aqy joigMdr kOr sMDU smyq BrvIN igxqI ivwc sroqy Èfiml sn. aKIr ivwc, sInIar sYNtr dy pRDfn hrpfl isMG brfV ny sfiraF df DMnvfd kIqf. lok kvI gurdfs rfm aflm sfihq sBf df ieh pusqk irlIË sfihqk smfgm
XfdgfrI ho inbiVaf.
lok kvI gurdfs nfl aflm sihq sBf dy pusqk irlIË smfroh mOky dIaF qsvIrF.
Unit #24 - 3275 McCallum Road Abbotsford B.C. V2S 3M7 (Across from Air Care)
kyNdrI pMjfbI lyKk sBf vwloN zf: surjIq pfqr
leI kIqf ÈrDFjlI smfroh
rUipMdr Kihrf rUpI (srHI) kyNdrI pMjfbI lyKk sBf AuwqrI amrIkf dI mfisk bYTk 11 meI,2024 idn Èincrvfr nUM bfad dupihr 12:30 vjy isinar syNtr srHI ivKy hoeI. ijs ivwc sfihqkfr aqy pwqrkfr s:amrIk isMG ZINzsf dI bfl sfihq dI pusqk lok arpx kIqI geI . smfgm dI pRDfngI pRDfn ipRqpfl igwl vwloN kIqI geI . styj dI kfrvfeI skwqr plivMdr isMG rMDfvf vwloN bfÉUbI inBfeI geI . pRDfngI mMzl ivwc pRDfn ipRqpfl igwl, plivMdr isMG rMDfvf, amrIk isMG ZINzsf aqy crn isMG suÈoiBq hoey.
Èok mqy ivwc iewk pMjfbI sfihq jgq dI bhuq duKdfiek Ébr , zf: surjIq pfqr dI acfnk mOq qy sBf dy smUh mYNbrF , hfËr sroiqaF vwloN KVHy hoky mhfn kvI
aqy zfktr mohn jIq nUM ÈrDFjlI ByNt kIqI geI . awj df sfrf smfgm aqy kvI drbfr zf: surjIq pfqr aqy mhfn kvI iÈv kumfr btflvI dI Xfd aqy mF idvs nUM smripq irhf. kuJ bulfiraF qoN bfad pRDfngI mMzl, borz ,lyKk, sBf dy mYNbr aqy Éfs mihmfnF dI BrpUr hfËrI ivwc lyKk amrIk isMG ZINzsf dI pusqk df lok arpx kIqf igaf . pRDfn ipRqpfl igwl vwloN lyKk dI pusqk bfry prcf piVHaf igaf. AuprMq pwqrkfr amrIk isMG ny afpxI pusqk aqy afpxy bfry sMKyp rUp ivwc jfxkfrI sFJI kIqI . sB sQfnk lyKkF vwloN zf: surjIq pfqr nUM kuJ ÈbdF nfl ÈrDFjlI aqy mhfn kvI iÈv kumfr btflvI nUM Xfd kIqf igaf. mF idvs nUM smripq kivqfvF vI sFJIaF kIqIaF geIaF.
klyr kfript Prns klIinMg
Abbotsford/Mission hosted the 2nd Annual Hope in the Valley Luncheon on Wednesday, April 24th at Cascade Community Church. The luncheon brought together 142 guests to celebrate the practical and compassionate care given to thousands in need – 365 days a year. Bob Singleton, well known as the voice of the Abbotsford Airshow for many years, hosted the event as MC. $6,300 was raised supporting the programs and services offered at The Salvation Army’s Centre of Hope.
"As we reflect on our Hope in the Valley Luncheon, we are thrilled with its success and extend heartfelt thanks to everyone who sponsored, donated, volunteered, and participated. The incredible generosity of Abbotsford and Mission never ceases to amaze us. We look forward to seeing you all again at our third annual event”, stated Rob Studiman, Community Ministries Director – Centre of Hope.
The event highlighted messages of hope and resilience. Keynote speaker Pastor Al Breitkreuz shared his message “The Humanity of Justice”. The Hero for Hope award was presented to Peter whose life generates hope in others because of his example of overcoming adversity. The inaugural Community Hero for Hope Award – Business was awarded to the team at Aggressive Auto Towing for hosting the Tow
Truck Toy Run for the past 6 years, bringing joy to hundreds of Angel Tree Families.
Guests enjoyed a performance by the Mountain Elementary School Choir, a Silent Auction, and a delicious luncheon prepared by Chef Reg and his team.
A special thank you to the generosity of: Sponsors: 107.1 Country, The Abbotsford News, Globe Printers, Gulf & Fraser, Supporters: Cole Studiman, Robert Senft and Dave Sidhu, Luncheon Donors: Cobs Bread HighStreet, Lepps Bakery & Delicatessen, Silent Auction Donors: Abbotsford Airshow, Abbotsford Agrifair, Abbotsford Canucks, Abbotsford Downtown Business, Association, Best Western Plus Regency Inn & Conference Centre, Ledgeview Golf Club, The Keg, Tourism Abbotsford., Volunteer Team: Noreen, Karen, Damian, Dao, Cathy, Toni and Brenda.
The Salvation Army is an international Christian organization that began its work in Canada in 1882 and has grown to become one of the largest providers of social services in the country. Working in 56 communities in B.C., 400 communities across Canada and more than 130 countries around the world, we provide practical, compassionate support to meet basic human needs. SalvationArmy.ca.
Rising Tide agreement will mean more certainty, stability for workers in Haida Gwaii. The BC Federation of Labour congratulated the Haida Nation and the British Columbia government as Bill 25, the Haida
Nation Recognition Amendment Act, officially became law late yesterday.
“This agreement is the result of two decades of work, and it’s a welcome step towards reconciliation in BC,”
Unit# 3 - 32700 George Ferguson Way
BC V2T 4V6
said BCFED President Sussanne Skidmore. “By recognizing Haida’s Aboriginal title throughout Haida Gwaii, this agreement helps ensure a future of opportunity and dignity for Indigenous and non-Indigenous communities alike.”
The act formally recognizes Haida Nation’s Aboriginal title throughout Haida Gwaii and enacts the Gaayhllxid • Gíihlagalgang Rising Tide Haida Title Lands Agreement.
“The Rising Tide agreement is a crucial piece of BC’s Reconciliation work. And it will mean long-needed
stability and certainty for workers and their families in Haida Gwaii,” said Skidmore. “They can count on clear, unambiguous protection of private property, and stability for the municipal and provincial services they rely on.”
That certainty is key to ensuring sustainable long-term jobs in the local economy, she added.
Earlier this month, the officers of the BC Federation of Labour voted unanimously to endorse the Haida Title Lands Agreement.
The City of Abbotsford is excited to present its signature Canada Day event celebrating our community and country at Abbotsford Exhibition Park on July 1. This year’s event is being produced by Tourism Abbotsford, in partnership with the City, and promises to be a fun and entertaining all- ages celebration.
The daylong event will feature a parade, family festival, live community entertainment, multicultural themed food trucks and more. Tourism Abbotsford is working with local artists and community partners to put together a fun, high-energy program, thanks in part to funding provided by the Government of Canada.
The celebration will begin with the annual parade down South Fraser Way and will be followed by a free family festival at Abbotsford Exhibition Park with interactive play zones and activities, mini golf, tractor rides and more. The event will also feature the Dogwood Pacesetters dog show, live performances, a community showcase and, weather permitting, a fireworks show finale at dusk.
Applications are now being accepted for parade entries and community showcase booths. Organizations and individuals can apply for these activities at www.abbotsford.ca/ canadaday. This webpage will also have a complete schedule of the day’s events along with an activities map, entertainment schedule and more information closer to the event.
Adrian Dix, Minister of Health, has issued the following statement in recognition of Paramedic Services Week, May 19-25, 2024: “Paramedics in B.C. are the unsung heroes of our communities. When you are in a tough spot, they are the ones who come running, ready to help.
“This week, we want to shine a spotlight on these incredible individuals – the ones who pour their hearts and souls into providing emergency medical care in every community across B.C.”
“I am thankful to our paramedics, our dispatchers, and our leadership team at BC Emergency Health Services for their exemplary work every day. We know every day is a tough and challenging day. You faced the COVID-19 pandemic, extreme weather events, overdose publichealth emergency, and through it all, you have been exceptional, determined, committed and professional. “Paramedics are a fundamental part of our emergency health services, ensuring medical care and transportation for people in need 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
“This year’s theme is help us, help you, and we are reaffirming investments into our emergency health services by expanding training programs, creating new incentives and increasing our workforce. In alignment with B.C.’s Health Human Resources Strategy and the Allied Health Strategic Plan, approximately $2 million has been channelled into the expansion of paramedic programs. “Training opportunities are aimed at helping students in the primarycare paramedic certificate program
and emergency medical responders access advanced training. By increasing the number of paramedics and by expanding the scope of emergency medical assistance that can be provided to patients, people can receive a greater standard of emergency health services when they need it.
“This is also the 50th anniversary of the BC Emergency Health Services (BCEHS) and it is an opportunity to reflect on how far we have come. Since 2017, spending in emergency health services increased by more than $475 million, reaching close to $1 billion in 2023-24. This increased spending has been enabled through targeted provincial investments in increased BCEHS staffing, training and mental-health supports, as well as investments to improve equitable access to ambulance services in B.C.
“To improve ambulance services, the Province, BCEHS and CUPE 873/ Ambulance Paramedic of BC came together, working to strengthen the workforce, while ensuring they have the support they need, add more ambulances, improve response times and better support rural and remote communities.
“Together, we are transforming BCEHS – taking action and listening to the needs of paramedics, so we can make changes that best support them, and in turn, allowing them to focus on their patients. “Today, I encourage all people across the province to join me in gratefully acknowledging the monumental contributions of paramedics and their care for people across B.C.”
jy qusIN dMd lvfAuxy hn jF iPr lgvfey hn
dMd purfxy hn aqy nvyN lvfAuxy hn
quhfzy lvfey dMd iZqly hn jF tuwt gey hn
blrfj nfl apfieMtmYNt bxfE aqy Kfxf
cMgI qrHF KfE
jy quhfzy sfry dMd nhIN inkly pr Kfxf TIk
qrHF nhIN Kf huMdf qF blrfj nUM imlo ieh quhfzI syvf leI srI ivwc hn.
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iPr kdoN imlygf PulkfrIaF leI smF| bfkI bcI-KucI ksr bdldy Ëmfny ny pUrI kr idwqI pr asIN Èfied iËafdf hI avysly hF aqy afpxy ivrsy nUM sFBx leI koeI vI iksy vI qrHF vI iËMmyvfrI nhIN idKfAuNdy qy gurdfs mfn dy ieh bol swc jfpdy hn : PulkfrI isrÌ prMprfgq klf nhIN hY; ieh pMjfb dy jËbfq, ipafr, rMg, swiBafcfr qy prMprfvF dI khfxI hY. PulkfrI dI sfrQkqf awj vI Gwt nhIN hoeI hY aqy pMjfb ivwc hox vfly sfry ivafhF, jnm, iqAuhfrF qy rsmF df ainwKVvF aMg bxI hoeI hY. pr smyN dy ihsfb nfl bhuq sfry ielfikaF ’c ieh lop ho cwukI hY. PulkfrI awj kwlH ijvyN buJfrq bx ky gIqF afid ivc hI smo ky rih geI hY. awj iksy ny PulkfrI dyKxI hovy qF ajfieb GrF ivc jF ivafh
ÈfdIaF mOky mYirj pYilsF aqy swiBafcfrk pRogrfm krn vfilaF dI styjF qy PwulkfrI dI Jlk iml skdI hY.
jykr asIN khIey ik sfzIaF pMjfbxF ny PulkfrI nUM pUrI qrF ivsfr idwqf hY qF ies ivwc koeI aiqkQnI nhIN hY. PulkfrI
kZfeI Bfrq qy pfiksqfn dy pMjfb Kyqr qoN iewk rvfieqI kZfeI qknIk hY. ‘PulkfrI’
Èbd df arQ hY ‘PuwlF df kMm’ aqy kZfeI dI ieh ÈYlI guMJldfr PuwlF dy nmUinaF dI ivÈyÈqf vfly iesdy jIvMq qy rMgIn izËfeIn leI jfxI jFdI hY. PulkfrI dI kZfeI aksr ÈflF, dupwitaF (skfrÌF) aqy hor kwpiVaF ’qy kIqI jFdI hY, aqy ieh ies Kyqr ivwc swiBafcfrk aqy pRqIkfqmk mhwqv rwKdI hY. qknIk ivc afm qOr ’qy PYbirk dy ipCly pfsy zrn stIc dI vrqoN Èfml huMdI hY, ijs nfl sfhmxy vfly pfsy iewk ivlwKx idwK bx jFdI hY.
jdoN iksy swj-ivafhI df mfhI Aus vwl Gwt qvwjoN idMdf hY qF AusdI nfr afpxy swjx nUM inhorf mfr ky bVy guwsy aqy ipafr nfl smJfAuNdI hY aqy afpxy suhwpx qy Auwqy leI PulkfrI df vfsqf vI idMdI hY. nfl hI AunHF lokF df cyqf vI krvfAuNdI hY jo ik sfrI Aumr aOrq df sfQ nf lwB sky qy lokF vwl dyK ky JuridaF hI Aumr ibqf idwqI, sohxI sunwKI muitafr qyrI, Auwqy sUhI
PulkfrI keI rMnF nUM JUrdy ho gey buwZy, qUM mUrKf mnoN ivsfrI. pMjfb dIaF aOrqF vwloN
PulkfrI klf df aiBafs kIqf jFdf sI.
drwÉq dI surwiKaf vflI CF ivc iKwcIaF
crKVIaF ’qy bYT ky, pMjfb Br dy ipMzF aqy Coty ksibaF dIaF aOrqF aksr dupwitaF, ÈflF jF hor kwpiVaF ’qy Èfndfr ‘PulkfrI’ PuwlF dI kZfeI krn ivwc ruwJIaF rihMdIaF sn. ieh klf pUry pMjfb ivc pRcilq sI jo 1947 dI vMz qoN bfad vMzI
geI sI. ies leI hux Bfrq aqy pfiksqfn dovF dyÈF ivc PulkfrI df aiBafs kIqf jFdf hY. PulkfrI dIaF qfrF dohF dyÈF dy swiBafcfrk irÈqy nUM joVdIaF hn. aOrqF kwpiVaF ’qy Èfndfr kZfeI krdy lok gIq gfAuNdIaF sn.
PulkfrI nUM isrÌ klf nhIN mMinaf jFdf, ieh iewk lVkI df afpxI mF nfl Bfvnfqmk bMDn vI sI. ijsny Ausdy leI PulkfrI buxfeI sI. jdoN koeI kuVI, aOrq, pqnI jF mF bx jFdI sI qF Aus leI PulkfrI dupwtf, Èfl jF kwpVy df suMdr tukVf bxfieaf jFdf sI pr awj kwlH qF Èfied ienHF gwlF vfry supny ivc vI nhIN socdf.
kZfeI df rUp: PulkfrI kZfeI df prMprfgq rUp hY jo pMjfb qoN AupjI hY. ieh PuwlF dy afkfr (Pul-akfrI) ivc anuvfd krdf hY, hflFik pYtrn hux PuwlF qwk sIimq nhIN sn. PulkfrI bfry sB qoN ajIb gwl ieh hY ik nmUny kwpVy dy Êlq pfsy (moty pfsy) ’qy bxfey gey hn. kZfeI dy ies rUp nUM ies anusfr qOr ’qy ÈRyxIbwD kIqf jf skdf hY: bfÊ: ijvyN ik qusIN jfxdy hovogy ik pihlF hI bfÊ df arQ hY bfg. ies leI bfÊ ivc, pUrf aDfr kwpVf PuwlF nfl Biraf huMdf hY, kZfeI dy kMm dI Gxqf ieMnI iËafdf huMdI hY ik kMm afpxy afp ivc iewk PYbirk bx jFdf hY. ies df nqIjf vDyry smF lYx vflf aqy mihMgf huMdf hY. bfvn bfÊ: bfvn bfÊ iewk kwpVy Auwqy 52 vwK-vwK pYtrnF vflf moËyk hY. iesdI vrqoN pyÈyvr kZfeI krn vfly afpxI pRiqBf df pRdrÈn krn leI krdy sn. aÌsos ik awj PulkfrI qy bfÊ bIqy smyN dI gwl bx ky rih gey hn ijs bfry iksy qrHF Brm BulyKf nhIN hY. asIN afpxy ivrsy aqy swiBafcfr qoN hOlIhOlI dUr hoeI jf rhy hF ijs dy asIN Éud iËMmyvfr hF ikAuNik DIaF-puwq qF asIN ËmInF-jfiedfdF gihxy, jF vyc vwt ky pRdysIN qor idwqy aqy mF-bfp sfrf pirvfr krËy dIaF ikÈqF Auqfrdf hI buwZf ho jFdf| iPr kdoN imlygf PulkfrIaF leI smF| bfkI bcI-KucI ksr bdldy Ëmfny ny pUrI kr idwqI pr asIN Èfied iËafdf hI avysly hF aqy afpxy ivrsy nUM sFBx leI koeI vI iksy vI qrHF vI iËMmyvfrI nhIN idKfAuNdy qy gurdfs mfn dy ieh bol swc jfpdy hn : ‘Gwgry vI gey PulkfrIaF vI geIaF, kMnF ivc koklU qy vflIaF vI geIaF[[[[.sfnUM ieh Xqn krny cfhIdy hn ik sfzy ivrsy dI pCfx PulkfrI nUM hmyÈf leI afpxf aMg bxf ky rwKIey| ieh sfzy sFJy hMbly nfl hI sMBv.
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• sI[afr[ey irvIAUjL
• ibjins plYinMg
‘sr, mYN quhfzy nfl ibqfey smyN bfry ikqfb ilK irhF[[[pMj sfl pfqr nfl[[[.’pfqr sfihb kol dÌqr bYTy mYN jkdy ijhy afiKaf qF Auh muskrf pey,‘Xfr, ikqy jwj vflI nf krIN[[[qyrIaF ÈrfrqF bVIaF ipafrIaF[[[.’ Auh hws pey. ‘sr, ‘jwj df ardlI’ leI qF qusIN ÉUbsUrq itwpxI kIqI hoeI aY, ikqfb df ÈMgfr bxI hoeI[[[.’
‘sr, mYN quhfzy nfl ibqfey smyN bfry ikqfb ilK irhF[[[pMj sfl pfqr nfl[[[.’pfqr sfihb kol dÌqr bYTy mYN jkdy ijhy afiKaf qF Auh muskrf pey,‘Xfr, ikqy jwj vflI nf krIN[[[qyrIaF ÈrfrqF bVIaF ipafrIaF[[[.’ Auh hws pey. ‘sr, ‘jwj df ardlI’ leI qF qusIN ÉUbsUrq itwpxI kIqI hoeI aY, ikqfb df ÈMgfr bxI hoeI[[[.’ pfqr sfihb nUM mYN dÌqr smyN ‘sr’ afKdf. dÌqroN bfhr ‘aMkl jI’ qy iksy Éfs smyN ‘pfqr sfihb’ afKdf. kdy-kdy qF Pon roË vFg hI hoxf. ieAuN lwgxf ijvyN dUjy pfsy Pon Awuwqy ‘kivqf’ inwkIaF-inwkIaF gwlF kr rhI hY. Auh DImI cfl cldy, lwgxf ik kivqf
qur rhI hY kfivkqf BrI kdmIN[[[ AunHF df
BfÈx inrf BfÈx hI nhIN sgoN kivqf ijhf
hI huMdf sI.
pfqr sfihb nUM pMj sflF qoN vI vDyry df smF bhuq krIb qoN dyKx df suBfg imilaf. bhuq QfeIN sÌr krn df smF vI imilaf. mYN AunHF sfry inwky-inwky plF nUM afpxI iek Éfs not buwk Auwqy not krdf rihMdf.
jd pfqr sfihb duafly AudfsI jF icMqf mMzrfAuNdI, qF Auh iewk lMmyrf ijhf hAukf iKwcdy. QoVHf socdy. swjy hwQ dI AuNgl iksy sfijMdy dI AuNgl vFg hrkq krn lwgdI. Auh afpxf Pon KolHdy, kuÈ lwBdy qy iPr Pon rwK idMdy. lYptfp vFg bYg mMgdy. kdy afeI pYz KolHdy. myË Auwpr pey kfÊËF dI lwdfplwdI ijhI krdy. kfÊË nf lwBdf,‘pqf nhIN ikwqy rwK ho igaf[[[mYN afp rwiKaf sI
Xfr[[[ hYQy eI ikqy hoxf.’
mYN AunHF dy lfgy Kloqf AunHF dy hfv-Bfv mn dI icwp ivc syv krdf rihMdf. guafcI vsq lwB jFdI. Auh pRsMn ho ky afKdy, ‘kÈmIr nUM kih afpF nUM lYmn tI dyvy.’
Auh lYmn tI dy ÈOkIn sn. kdI-kdI kOÌI
df kwp[[[ blYk vflI. mYN afiKaf,‘sr, ijs nUM bI[pI[ vgYrf hY, kOÌI qF puwqF ipwtI
bI[pI[ nUM hor cwkdI aY[[[.’ ‘kÈmIr, jy mYN kOPI mMgF, qd vI nf idaf kr.’ ieh kÈmIr cMd zf[ aYwm[aYws[rMDfvf df cpVfsI huMdf sI, hux syvf mukq ho ky vI pfqr sfihq dI syvf ivc hfiËr sI. kdy-kdy kwp rwKdf cuwkdf kÈmIr rMDfvf jI dI koeI alokfrI ijhI gwl suxf jFdf, uAuh kMn lf kyy iDafn nfl suxdy, ijvyN ikqy ilKxI hovy.
pfqr sfihb dIaF bdfmI rMgIaF inwkIaFinwkIaF zfierIaF mYnUM bVIaF ipafrIaFipafrIaF lgdIaF. AunHF nUM vyK ky mYN sqfrF dI mfrikt ’coN Auho ijhIaF do zfierIaF
ÉrId ilafieaf, mihMgIaF afeIaF. klf
Bvn vwl qurdy afAuNdy dy myry mUMhoN inkilaf suBfivk hI,‘kmilaf pfqr sfihb dIaF zfierIaF vrgIaF zfierIaF qF lwB leIaF ny pr pfqr sfihb dI klfqimk iÉafl AuzfrI ikwQoN lwB ky ilafeyNgf?
- inMdr GuigafxvI
PrvrI 2024 df mhInf sI. pMjfb afrts kONsl zf[ mihMdr isMG rMDfvf klf Auqsv mnf ky htI. mYN jnvrI mhIny mhfrÈtr dI vrDf XUnIvristI ’coN sfl bfad vfps klf Bvn af juafien kIqf pfqr jI kol bqOr mIzIaf aiDkfrI. pfqr jI AunHIN idnIN cuwp-cuwp sn. Pon Auqy vI Gwt gwl krdy. myrI juafieinMg icwTI df koeI juafb nhIN. mYN vI cuwp ho igaf.
pqf lwigaf ik AunHF dy afly-duafly ivcrx vfilaF kuJ sfihqk mhFrQIaF dI ieh dyx hY. so, myrI myl-mulfkfq nf ho skI. lok gIq Xfd af irhY, jy mYN jfxdI jwgy ny mr jfxf, iek dy do jMmdI jwigaf[[[ qur pRdys igAuN bUhf vwijaf[[[ jy mYN jfxdf huMdf ik pfqr sfihb ny ieAuN hI qur jfxf hY, mYN ruwisaF nUM mnf lYNdf. hux mn Jurdf nf ik Auh rUTy hI cly gey. ‘pMj sfl pfqr nfl’ mËmUn roË ilKdf hF qy awKrF nfl AunHF dIaF gwlF kridaF rox lwgdf hF.
• Irrigation Installation
• Post Pounding
• Drip and Sprinkler Systems
• Ditch Digging and Cleaning
• Farm Drains
• waste water treatment
The Province is securing a better future for B.C.’s forests and communities by taking better care of more oldgrowth forests, supporting local jobs and building a more sustainable and resilient forestry industry.
Released on Tuesday, May 21, 2024, the B.C. government’s update reports on work underway in response to the 14 recommendations made by an independent panel in a 2020 review of B.C.’s old forests. It also outlines next steps as the Province and First Nations, alongside the forestry sector, workers and communities, take action to better care for forests, provide stability for B.C.’s forestry communities, and address challenges associated with climate change and wildfires.
Key progress includes: establishing the $1-billion Tripartite Framework Agreement on Nature Conservation (the Nature Agreement); making sure forestry communities get more local jobs for every tree harvested, including by boosting made-in-B.C. wood manufacturing; and improving the work on the ground through better mapping, data and knowledge sharing.
Additionally, through Forest Landscape Plans (FLPs) the Province is ensuring local values drive decisions on the landbase, including those related to forest resilience, wildfire prevention, economic development and community well-being. Nine FLPs are underway, with more to be announced in the future. FLPs will be developed in partnership with First Nations, and through engagement with communities and people affected, local knowledge and values can be incorporated into the management of entire ecosystems.
The Province has made significant progress on the 14 recommendations from the old-growth strategic review (A New Future for Old Forests), with the understanding that it will take years to achieve the full intent of some of the recommendations. First Nations, local governments, people and businesses in B.C. will be essential partners in this work.
Further updates on progress will continue as government builds on the strides taken with First Nations partners and industry.
(NC) Travelling can be a thrilling adventure, but you don’t always need to leave your home to explore the world around you. If you can’t make it to your dream destination this year, here are four ideas to experience new destinations from the comfort of your own home.
Cook it up
One of the best ways to get to know a place is through its food. So, for a creative way to expand your horizons, choose a recipe from your dream locale. You may have to buy some new ingredients, but there are endless amounts of free recipes online. There’s sure to be one you can enjoy, no matter your cooking skills. Your
library may also have some fresh cookbooks for you to try out.
Fuel the fantasy
Once you’ve enjoyed your meal, maybe get cozy on the couch with a movie or television series set in another place, from a Canadian independent film to a hit series from overseas. Embracing entertainment with a serious sense of place can be transporting. Audiobooks, podcasts and local music let you experience places in an intimate way. And books offer that power too, so pore through your library’s collection for your favourite genre set in a new-to-you place.
Whether it’s a history lecture, a language lesson or an art workshop, take a virtual course for a deep dive on just about any place. Massive open online courses, known as MOOCs, are free and wide-ranging, so see what you can find. Many museums and historic sites, including many across Canada, also offer immersive virtual guided tours on their websites or through Google Arts and Culture exhibits if you can’t make it in person.
Get historical
History provides some context for why things are the way they are today and helps you understand a place better, even if you haven’t been there (yet). And it doesn’t have to be boring or expensive. For example, you can immerse yourself in a creative non-fiction option like Parks Canada’s ReCollections podcast with episodes on some of the most significant historic sites in Canada from coast to coast, such as the Fortress of Louisbourg in Nova Scotia or Dawson City, Yukon. You can find it wherever you get podcasts or at parks.canada.ca/recollections.
Families, seniors and Indigenous people will soon have access to more than 325 new below-market rental homes with construction underway on a development in Port Moody.
“With the building of these 328 below-market homes, more people in the community will have access to homes within their reach, bringing more peace of mind and stability in their lives,” said Ravi Kahlon, B.C. Minister of Housing. “We know that the housing shortage is taking a toll on many people in Port Moody and throughout B.C., and these homes will provide relief to people so they can thrive in the community they call home.”
The Creek at 296 Angela Dr. will provide 328 below-market, affordable rental homes as part of a larger multiphase, 23-acre development coming to Port Moody called Portwood. The construction of The Creek marks the first phase of the project to proceed in partnership with Edgar Development, with more buildings containing market-rental and market housing on the way.
The Creek will consist of three sixstorey apartment buildings featuring a mix of one-, two- and three-bedroom homes on a five-acre land. More than 75% of these will be two-bedroom homes that will be accessible to families. Sixty-six of these homes will also be fully accessible and 166 will be adaptable. All rental rates will be below the market rates and will be determined closer to the opening of the buildings.
“The peace of mind that comes with having a secure and stable home is invaluable,” said Ken Hardie, MP for Fleetwood-Port Kells, on behalf of Sean Fraser, federal Minister of Housing, Infrastructure and Communities. “This is why the federal government is glad to support the creation of these 328 new units, which will provide families, seniors and Indigenous Peoples in Port Moody with affordable and quality housing. Everyone deserves a safe place to call home, and through the National Housing Strategy, we are committed to making that a reality for all Canadians.”
Portwood is Port Moody's first master-planned development since 2004, which will feature amenities such as child care, parks, and walking and bike paths that will be available to the community.
The affordable-housing portion of the project is a partnership between the Province, through BC Housing, the federal government, through the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation, Edgar Development, the City of Port Moody, M’akola Housing Society and the Entre Nous Femmes Housing Society.
The homes will be operated by M’akola Housing Society in partnership with Entre Nous Femmes Housing Society.
“Many people in Port Moody are struggling to find places to live that fairly match their budget and meet their needs, and we have to find
ways to build these homes as soon as possible,” said Rick Glumac, MLA for Port Moody-Coquitlam. “That's why it’s great to see that belowmarket homes were prioritized and are being built in the early phase of this development.”
Completion of The Creek is expected in late 2026. Residents will be selected through the M’akola Housing Society and Entre Nous Femmes Housing Society application process in unison with the BC Housing Registry. Supported by Edgar Development, previous residents were provided the option to relocate to existing vacant homes on the Portwood site and return to the new development when it’s complete.
This project is part of a $19-billion housing investment by the B.C. government. Since 2017, the Province has nearly 78,000 homes delivered or underway, including 389 in Port Moody.
Quick Facts: The Province, through BC Housing, is contributing a Deepening Affordability grant of
$10.6 million and an Investment in Housing Innovation grant of $2.3 million.
The federal government, through Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation, is contributing $19.9 million in funding from the BC Housing Priorities Initiative and $16.4 million in forgivable loan.
Edgar Development contributed the land valued at $28.5 million to BC Housing’s Provincial Rental Housing Corporation, securing the project for affordable housing through its rezoning application to the City of Port Moody.
The City of Port Moody is contributing more than $560,000 in waived fees.
Edgar Development’s Portwood redevelopment will take place over the next 15-20 years, transforming the site into a master-planned, wellserved community with an innovative mix of housing, including affordable housing, market rental and strata, two new city parks, child care and neighbourhood retail.
kuafltI bOzI aqy pyNt rIpyar syvfvF Prym vrk aqy XUnIbOzI rIpyars pUrIaF pYNt jObs (sOilzs, mYtfolks, trfeIkots, kuaYzkots) afeI.sI.bI.sI klym aqy prfeIvyt klym hYNnzlz promptlI muPq aYstImyts kstm pyNt kmplIt rIstorysLn kstm kfr afzIE/ vIzIE sfrIaF puKqF syvfvF ijLMdgI Br leI ilKqI grMtI smrwQ aqy dosqfnf syvfvF OPEN MONDAY TO FRIDAY 8 AM TO 6PM & SATURDAY 9AM TO 1 PM
sfrIaF ieMnsoLrYNs kMpnIaF nUM vI kvr krdy hF.
anykF bImfrIafˆ dy shI ielfj leI hux sfzy koloˆ nvIˆ Koj nfl iqafr kIqIafˆ dvfeIafˆ lY skogy.
* mfeIgRyn. * joVfˆ dy drd. * koeI vI aMdrUnI bImfrI. * iksy vI qrHfˆ dI ienPYkÈn. * gRihsqI jIvn sbMDI smwisafvfˆ.
* AudfsI aqy Gbrfht rog. * cmVI dy rog.
* ikwl muhfsy, iÌnsIafˆ afid. * Qfierfz.
syvf, isdk qy sfihq df vgdf diraf zf[ dIvfn isMG kflypfxI
zf[ dIvfn isMG iewk mhfn kvI aqy kQnIkrnI df sUrf sI. AunHF ny afpxIaF sfihqk rcnfvF rfhI rMg, nsl, jfq-pfq qy CUqCfq dIaF vMzF dI inKyDI kr ky afpsI sdBfvnf aqy sFJIvflqf Aupr Ëor idwqf. Auh pMjfbIaq df muwdeI, afËfdI df afÈk aqy mfnvvfdI pYgMbr sI. zf[ dIvfn isMG dy nF nfl kflypfxI df qKwls vI AunHF dI aMzymfn inkobfr tfpUaF ivKy kIqI inÈkfm syvf df hI Pl hY.
sfihq, zf[ dIvfn isMG dI afqmf aqy rUh dI Kurfk sI. AunHF df jnm 22 meI 1897 nUM ipMz glHotIaf Éurd (gurU kIaf), iËlHf isaflkot (hux pfiksqfn) ivKy ipqf suMdr isMG aqy mfqf ieMdr kOr dy Gr hoieaf. afp ny imzl dI pVHfeI skfc imÈn skUl zskf, iËlHf isaflkot qoN kIqI aqy mYitRk 1915 ’c Éflsf hfeI skUl isaflkot qoN pfs krn AuprMq zfktrI dI pVHfeI leI mYzIkl kflj afgrf ivc dfÉlf lY ilaf.
gurduafrf sfihb dI sQfpnf zf[ kflypfxI dy idl aMdr afËfdI leI qVP sI. Aus smyN afm lokF ivc sMboDn krnf mnHf sI. ies leI AunHF duafrf 1937 c iek gurduafrf sfihb dI sQfpnf kIqI geI qF jo ies srb-sFJy asQfn ’qy avfm aMdr pRym-ipafr pYdf kIqf jf sky. ies asQfn dI kmytI ’c sfry DrmF dy lok Èfml kIqy gey. ies gurduafrf sfihb ivc pMjfbI, ihMdI, qfiml, bMgflI, AurdU aqy aMgryËI BfÈf iswKx df pRbMD kIqf igaf. iewQy iek ikqfb Gr bxfieaf ijs ivwc bhuq sfrIaF BfÈfvF dy 36 roËfnf, hPqfvfrI qy mhFvfrI aÉbfr mMgvfey jFdy sn. gurduafry ivwc skUl KolHy ijwQy AurdU, pMjfbI, ihMdI mdrfsI aqy bMgflI pVfeI jFdI sI. lfiebRyrI KolI qy iPr anykF iksm dy rsfly qy aÉbfr mMgvfey jFdy sI. nvF gurduafrf kyvl gurduafrf hI nhIN, sgoN AunHF bhupwKI gqIivDIaF df kyNdr sI ijnHF df AudyÈ mnuwK df srbpwKI ivkfs sI. awj ies gurduafrf sfihb df nfm afp dy nfm ’qy hI rwiKaf igaf hY.
asI nvyN zYNtl kyar plYn vfly mrIjL lY rhy hF.
afp jI dy kfiv sMgRih vgdy pfxI 1938 ivwc iewkvMjf kivqfvF nfl pRkfiÈq hoieaf. ienHF kivqfvF ivwc zf[ dIvfn isMG kflypfxI ny smfj dIaF qMgidl socF ivwc jkVy bMdy sfhmxy ivÈflqf aqy KuwlH df sMklp pyÈ kIqf. ies qrHF hI dUjf kfiv
sMgRih aMiqm lihrF afp jI dI lfsfnI
Èhfdq qoN lgBg vIh vrHy bfad 1964 ’c pRkfiÈq hoieaf ijs ivwc 37 BfvpUrq kivqfvf nfl mfnvvfdI guxf nUM pRxfey zf[ dIvfn isMG jI dI anUTI kfiv-rcnf pRiqBf sfzy sfhmxy AuBr ky afAudI hY. milHaF dy byr 1986 ivwc pRkfiÈq hoieaf, ies ivwc
67 kivqfvF Èfiml hn. ienHF 67 kivqfvF nUM ipCly pRkfiÈq kivqfvF nfl imlf ky AunHF dIaF kul kivqfvF dI igxqI 155 ho jFdI hY. AunHF dIaF rcnfvF aflocnfqmk XQfrQvfdI sfihq-idRÈtI nfl BrpUr hY. hnyrI kivqf ivwc AunHF ny afAux vflIaF BivwKI cuxOqIaF aqy smwisaf nUM klmbMd kIqf sI, ies kivqf ivwc kIqI BivwKbfxI dUjI aflmI jMg smyN swc sfibq hoeI qy ieh mMnxf pvygf ik AunHF dy ieh bol vrqmfn smyN vI pRsMigk hn. Auh smfj ivwc vfpr rhy vrqfiraF nUM nyVy qoN mihsUs kr rhy sn, lE pVo aqy ivcfro : hnyrI af rhI hY, hnyrI! awj, Blky, prsoN, koeI nf aVygf ies dy sfhvyN, jo aVygf, so JVygf, jo atkygf, so Bwjygf, jo AuwTygf, so izwgygf[[[. afpxy vfrqk lGU lyKF ivwc Aus ny jIvn dy anykF pwKF Aupr gwl kridaF cMigafeI, smrpx aqy cyqnqf dI jo syD idwqI hY Auh iewk afdrÈ smfj dI isrjxf ivwc mhwqvpUrx BUimk inBfAudy hn. AunHF df ieh mMnxf sI ik kQnI aqy krnI ivwc koeI ivroDfBfs nhIN hoxf cfhIdf aqy lok ihq kfrj sdfcfrI cyqnf rfhI hI kIqy jf skdy hn. ies qrHF lyK rcnf ivwc afpxI pRiqBf df lohf mnfAuidaF myrf jIvn-myry gIq aqy sih sMcfr rfhI pMjfbI sfihq BfvpUrq hfËrI lgvfeI. afp jI kivqf aqy vfrqk ivwc afpxI ivlwKx pCfx isrjx ivwc kfmXfb rhy. pMj-afbF dI DrqI qoN hËfrF mIl dUr kflypfxIaF dI DrqI bYTy vI Auh afpxIaF rcnfvF pMjfb ivwc pRkfiÈq huMdy vwK-vwK pMjfbI pwqrF ivwc Byjdy rihMdy. pRIqm, aMimRq, kvI, PulvfVI, ilKfrI, koml sMsfr, dyÈ drpx, rxjIq ngfrf, pRIqlVI aqy pMj diraf ivwc zfktr jI dIaF rcnfvF pfTkF nUM pVHn nUM imldIaF rihMdIaF sn. zf[ kflypfxI dy XqnF sdkf hI port blyar dy srkfrI skUlF ’c pMjfbI BfÈf lfgU ho skI. afp ikhf krdy sn ik pMjfbI ’c vwD qoN vwD aÉbfr aqy ryzIE styÈn hoxy cfhIdy hn qF ik vwD qoN vwD lok ienHF nUM pVH-sux ky dunIaf ivc kI-kI GtnfkRm ho irhf hY, Aus bfry igafn pRfpq kr skx. afp pMjfbI BfÈf nUM pRPuwilq krn leI vI inrMqr kfrj krdy rhy. port blyar ivwc iek pMjfbI iltRyrI susfietI vI bxfeI ikAuik sfihq zf[ dIvfn isMG dIaF rgF ivwc sI. sUbf isMG ilKdf hY ik sB - jgjIq isMG gxyÈpur
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qoN ipafrI cIË zfktr sfihb nUM qfiml, ihMdI, AurdU, pMjfbI aqy qylgU dy skUl sn.
afp pUrx rUp ivwc guriswK rihxI-bihxI dy DfrnI sn. gurbfxI df afp jI ny zUMGf aiDaYn kIqf hoieaf sI. Auh ilKdy sn ik prcfr gwlF nhIN huMdy. zf[ dIvfn isMG kflypfxI ny jo iliKaf Auh kmfieaf vI. jpujI aqy jfp sfihb qy suKmnI sfihb bfxIaF AunHF nUM ËbfnI kMT sn.
1942 ’c afp kflypfxIaF dy tfpU ivKy hoNd ’c afeI BfrqI suqMqrqf lIg dy pRDfn cuxy gey. dUjI sMsfr jMg dOrfn jfpfnIaF df aMzymfn-inkobfr tfpU ’qy kbËf ho igaf. zf[ dIvfn isMG ‘kflypfxI’ ny jfpfnI ÌOjF dy Ëulm ivruwD afvfË bulMd kIqI ijs df iswtf ieh inkilaf ik 23 akqUbr 1943 nUM afp jI dI igRPqfrI dy hukm jfrI ho gey. AunHF nUM jfpfnIaF dI jsUsI krn dy JUTy kys ’c Psf ky kYd kr ilaf igaf.
jfpfnIaF ny AunHF nUM jylH ’c 82 idnF qk aish aqy aikh qsIhy idwqy. ies sB qoN bfad vI jd zfktr sfihb nf zoly qF AunHF dIaF lwqF cOVIaF krky stIl dI kursI qy ibTf ky hyTF awg bfl ky ijAUNdy jIa mfs
nUM awg nfl sfiVaf igaf pr AunHF ny iPr vI jfpfnIaF dI eIn nf mMnI. aMq qyrf Bfxf
mITf lfgy, nfm pdfrQ nfnk mfgy gurbfxI
dy mhFvfk Aupr cwlidaF mfGI vfly idn
jpfnI julmo-isqm dy ivruwD avfË bulMd krdy hoey iswK ÈhIdF dI rvfieq anusfr
kflypfxIaF dI DrqI qy Èhfdq pRfpq kr gey.
smkflI lyKkF nfl hoieaf myl: 1919 ’c afp rfvlipMzI ivKy srkfrI nOkrI krn
lwgy, ies smyN qwk afp jI df ivafh ieMdr kOr jI nfl ho cuwikaf sI. ies dOrfn lfhOr
PyrI smyN AunHF df myl pRiswD sfihqkfr
DnIrfm cfiqRk, hIrf isMG drd, crn isMG
ÈhId, mOlf bKÈ kuÈqf aqy pRo: pUrn isMG nfl hoieaf. ienHF sB dI sMgq nfl afp dIaF sfihqk rucIaF nUM hor bl imilaf. rfvlipMzI qoN bfad afp bMnU, kohft aqy vËIrsqfn ivKy vI zfktrI syvfvF idMdy rhy. zfktrI syvfvF inBfAux dy nfÜ-nfÜ
AunHF aMdr sfihq rcnf dIaF krUMblF vI
Puwt rhIaF sn. 1922 ’c afp dI bdlI
lfhOr qoN rmxIk sQfn zgÈeI ho geI. ijwQy dy kudrqI vfqfvrn ny afp jI dy kvI mn ’qy bhuq zUMGf pRBfv pfieaf.
kvI dIaF pRiswD kfiv rcnfvF
AunHF dy kfiv-sMgRih ‘vgdy pfxI’ ,‘aMiqm lihrF’ aqy milHaF dy byr bVy hI pRiswD hoey. afp jI dIaF kivqfvF smfijk, afriQk, Dfrimk aqy rfjnIqk cyqnf dy ivÈy nfl sbMDq hn. afp ny vI pRo: pUrn isMG vFg CMdfbMdI qoN mukq kivqf rcx dI prMprf nUM agFh qoiraf. ‘vgdy pfxI’ AunHF dI iek aijhI Èfhkfr rcnf hY ijs df pMjfbI sfihq ’c afpxf iek invyklf sQfn hY :pfxI vgdy hI rihx, ik vgdy suMhdy ny, KVoNdy buwsdy ny, ik pfxI vgdy hI rihx. ijMdF imlIaF hI rihx, ik imlIaF jINdIaF ny, ivCiVaF mrdIaF ny, ik ijMdF imlIaF hI rihx.
AunHF dI kivqf ivwc smfijk, mfnvvfdI aqy rfjnIqk pwK idRÈtmfn ho AuwTdy hn. swc dy rfhI afpxy mfrg qy aizwg qy azol
inrMqr qurdy rihMdy hn. afpxI kivqf kYdI ivwc Auh ies bfbq ilKdy hn : akl dI iKVkI KulHI hY, swc dy rfh nUM ijMdrf nhIN. ieMny rfh KulHy ies ipMjry dy, Cuwt skdI myrI ijMdVI ies kYdoN. afp mhfqmf gFDI dy aihMsf dy isDFq qoN vI bhuq iËafdf pRBfivq sn. zgÈeI ivKy hI iek jlsy dOrfn afp ny ipRMs afP vylË dy vwzy puwqr dy Bfrq dOry df bfeIkft krn df swdf idwqf. brqfnvI sfmrfj dy ivroD ivc bolx kfrn AunHF ’qy mukwdmf drj kIqf igaf pr koeI gvfh nf imlx krn Auh bfiewËq brI ho gey pr Auh aMgryË srkfr dIaF awKF ’c rVkx lwg pey sn. ies leI afp dI bdlI rMgUn-brmf ivKy kr idwqI geI aqy iPr iewQoN hI 1925 ivwc aMzymfn tfpU dy zMzs pvfieMt ivKy zfktr vjoN syvfvF inBfAux leI qfienfq kr idwqf igaf. ies qoN bfad AunHF nUM 20 akqUbr 1927 nUM sYlUlr jylH dy hspqfl df cfrj idwqf igaf. idwqf igaf.
keI swiBafcfrk pRymI pMjfb dI lop hoeI klf nUM sMBflx df Xqn kr rhy hn| bcpn ivc kuVIaF bhuqf smF guwzIaF ptoilaF nfl KyzdIaF sn. mobfeIl Xuwg ’c hux ieh KyzF lop ho geIaF hn| bwcy afpxy swiBafcfr qoN hI nhIN ho rhy sgoN mfipaF qoN vI dUr ho rhy hn. zf[ divMdr kOr Zwt ny pMjfb dI klf guwzIaF-ptoly nUM hI sMBflx df Xqn nhIN kIqf sgoN ienHF dI shfieqf nfl pMjfb dy siBafcfr nUM sfkfr krn df sPl Xqn kIqf hY.
pMjfbI imhnqI, ihMmqI aqy Éqry shyVn leI hmyÈf iqafr rihMdy hn. jdoN vI ienHF nUM iksy nvIN QF jfx df mOkf imldf hY qF
Auh AuQy jfx leI sB qoN awgy huMdy hn pr bdly hflfq ’c pMjfbI hOlI-hOlI ikrq qoN dUr ho rhy hn. qknIkI kMm ijvyN ik luhfrf, qrKfx, plMbr, rfj imsqrI afid kMm vI hOlI-hOlI ienHF hI sMBfl ley hn. pMjfb dy ienHF ikwiqaF dy afpxy qOr-qrIky qy dsqkfrI lop ho gey hn. ividaf dy vpfrIaF ny QF-QF aMgRyËI skUl KolH ley hn. bwcy afpxI mF-bolI, afpxy ieiqhfs, swiBafcfr qy rsmo-irvfjF qoN dUr ho gey
hn. bfËfr kwpiVaF, ibjlI AupkrnF
PrnIcr afid nfl Br gey. ipMzF ivc
sfry Gr pwky ho gey, ibjlI af geI, pfxI dIaF tUtIaF lwg geIaF. GrF ivc cwkI, cuwlHy, crKy, kroÈIey, islfeIaF afid lop ho geIaF. mMjy, pIhVIaF, mUVy, drIaF, PulkfrIaF, iCkU, guwzIaF-ptoly sBokuJ bIqy dIaF khfxIaF qwk hI sImq ho gey. ivrsf sMBfl dy Xqn
kuJ pMjfbI ipafiraF ny afpo-afpxI pwDr
Auqy pMjfbI ivrsy dI sFB-sMBfl dy Xqn
kIqy hn. ienHF ivc sB qoN Auqy nfm zf[
mihMdr isMG rMDfvf df afAuNdf hY. AunHF
pMjfb aYgrIklcrl XUnIvristI ivKy
iek ajfieb Gr dI AusfrI krvfeI ijs
’c purfxy pMjfb dI iek Jlk idKfAux
df Xqn kIqf hY. AunHF pMjfb dy lok gIq
iekwTy krvfey, lok-klfvF qy klfkfrF nUM
AuqÈfihq kIqf. pMjfb df mfx cUpx vfly
aMbF dIaF iksmF iekwTIaF krky lop hox
qoN bcfieaf. rvfieqI ruwKF qy PlF vfly
bUitaF dI sMBfl kIqI.
guwzIaF-ptoly dI klf
keI swiBafcfrk pRymI pMjfb dI lop hoeI
klf nUM sMBflx df Xqn kr rhy hn| bcpn ivc kuVIaF bhuqf smF guwzIaF ptoilaF nfl KyzdIaF sn. mobfeIl Xuwg ’c hux ieh KyzF lop ho geIaF hn| bwcy afpxy swiBafcfr qoN hI nhIN ho rhy sgoN mfipaF qoN vI dUr ho rhy hn. zf[ divMdr kOr Zwt ny pMjfb dI klf guwzIaF-ptoly nUM hI sMBflx df Xqn nhIN kIqf sgoN ienHF dI shfieqf nfl pMjfb dy siBafcfr nUM sfkfr krn df sPl Xqn kIqf hY. ienHF guwzIaF-guwizaF nUM lIrF nfl bxf sohxIaF suMdr puÈfkF pvfeIaF jFdIaF |Auh guwzy guwzIaF df ivafh rcfAuNdIaF, gIq gfAuNidaF qy hor rsmF krdIaF jIvn jfc qy Gr pirvfrF bfry jfxkfr bxdIaF sn. divMdr kOr df
afKxf hY ik pitaflf lVkIaF dy srkfrI
kflj ’c pVHidaF ÈRImqI jIky iZwloN qy mYzm zyËI afhlUvflIaf ny zOl myikMg leI bhuq
AuqÈfihq kIqf|
lok-nfc dI pyÈkfrI
ÉUbsUrq guwzIaF rfhIN lop hoey pMjfbI
ivrsy nUM suafxIaF dI klf, lok nfc,
pRIq khfxIaF afid nUM pyÈ krn df sPl Xqn kIqf hY. pMjfb klf pirÈd ny zf[ divMdr kOr vloN iqafr ienHF klf-ikRqF nUM pRdrÈnI rUp ’c pMjfbIaF dy rUbrU kIqf hY. zf[ divMdr kOr Zwt ny lgn, imhnq qy pRiqBf nfl pMjfbI lok klf dI suMdrqf nUM sMBfilaf qy inÉfiraf hY. zf[ inrml jOVf anusfr lIrF dIaF guwzIaF bxf ky mnpsMd dy nYx nkÈ GV ky, mnpsMd dy pihrfvy nfl iÈMgfr ky, AunHF rfhIN mn dI gwl krnf lok klf dI ÉUbsUrq vMngI hY| lKivMdr jOhl df mMnxf hY ik aOrq mn dI bfl avsQfvF nUM sfkfr krdIaF adBuwq klf ikRqF hn guwzIaF-ptoly. ienHF rfhIN sUÉm BfvI aOrqF afpxy vlvilaF nUM afkfr dyNdIaF supny sjfAuNdIaF hn. divMdr kOr afpxy hmsÌr jsmyr isMG Zwt dy sihXog nfl guwzIaF iqafr kr rhI hY| ipCly idnIN pMjfb KyqIbfVI XUnIvristI ivKy lgfeI AunHF dI pRdrÈnI nUM huMgfrf imilaf| aijhIaF AuqÈfhI rUhF nvIN pIVHI nUM afpxy ivrsy nfl joVn ’c vI aihm Xogdfn pfAuNdIaF hn . -zf[ rxjIq isMG, 94170-87328
aYbtsPorz (gurdIp isMG gryvfl)
kYnyzf dy kOmI tYlIivXn cYnl ‘istI tI
vI’ qy pRsfirq hoey aMgryjLI irafltI
sLoa ‘kYnyzf’jL gOt tylYNt’ sIjLn 4
mukfbilaF’c ibRitsL kolMbIaf sUby dy
sLihr imsLn invfsI pMjfbI mUl df 20
sflf AuWBr irhf aMgryjLI gfiek eIsLfn
sobqI tOp 3 cuixaf igaf hY. 19 mfrc qoN
14 meI qwk cwly ies irafltI sLoa ivwc
kYnyzf Br’coN 14 pRqIXogIaF ny ihwsf ilaf ijMnf ivwc eIsLfn sobqI iewko iewk pMjfbI hY.
eIsLfn nUM bcpn qoN aMgryjLI gIq gfAux df sLOk hY. KusLI vflI gwl ieh hY ik sLoa dOrfn jdoN eIsLfn afpxy gIq dI pysLkfrI krn vfsqy styjL qy phuMicaf qF sLoa dy iewk aMgryjL jwj ny Aus nUM Aus dy klcr bfry puwiCaf qF eIsLfn ny mfx nfl ikhf ik mYN pMjfbI hF qF drsLkF nfl KcfKc Biraf hfl qfVHIaF nfl gUMj AuiTaf.mMfrc 2022’c eIsLfn sobqI
ny amrIkf dI iPlm ngrI hflIvuwz ivKy hoey amrIkn afeIzl tYlIivXn tYlyNt sLoa ivwc golzn itkt pRfpq kIqI sI. vYnkUvr dI pMjfbx vkIl nUM imilaf ‘iekuafltrI qy zfievrstI avfrz’
kYnyzf’c ieiqhfs rcx vflIaF 2 vkIl pMjfbxF
aYbtsPorz (gurdIp isMG gryvfl) sMn 1970 dy
dhfky’c Bfrq qoN prvfs krky kYnyzf afey qy koly
dI Kfx ivwc nOkrI krn vfly pfl sLrmf ny ieh kdy
nI sI soicaf ik Aus dIaF 4 DIaF coN iewk DI inwkI
sLrmf kYnyzf ivwc pMjfbIaF dy sunihrI ieiqhfs dy
pMinaF qy afpxf nF drjL krvfeygI. inwkI sLrmf
ny XUnIvristI afP albrtf qoN kfnUMn dI pVHfeI
krn Aupr 2005’c vYnkUvr ivKy vkflq krnI sLurU
kr idwqI qy 2011’c hoeIaF vYnkUvr ngrpfilkf
dIaF coxF ivwc pfrk borz dI kimsLnr cuxI geI pr 2014’c Auh kONslr dI cox hfr geI. 2020’c hoeIaF ibRitsL kolMbIaf ivDfn sBf coxF ivwc inwkI sLrmf aYn[zI[pI dI itkt qy vYnkUvr hysitMg qoN pihlI vfr ivDfiek cuxI geI qy dsMbr 2022’c muwK mMqrI zyivz eIbI ny inwkI sLrmf nUM sUby dI atfrnI jnrl bxfieaf. ies AuWc ahudy qy phuMcx vflI Auh pihlI BfrqI hI nhIN sgoN pihlI dwKxI eysLIafeI aOrq hY. sMn 1869’c hoNd’d afeI lfa susfietI afP ibRitsL kolMbIaf dy 155 sflF dy ieiqhfs ivwc ieh pihlI vfr hY ik sInIar pMjfbx vkIl jIvn DflIvfl nUM sfl 2024 leI lfa susfietI afP ibRitsL kolMbIaf df pRDfn cuixaf igaf hY. jIvn DflIvfl vI ies vkfrI ahudy qy phuMcx vflI pihlI dwKxI eysLIafeI aOrq hY.
aYbtsPorz (gurdIp isMG gryvfl) kYnyzf’c vkIlF dI pRmuwK sMsQf kYnyzIan bfr aYsosIeysLn ibRitsL kolMbIaf vloN vYnkUvr dI sInIar pMjfbx vkIl anIqf atvfl nUM ‘iekuafltrI qy zfievrstI avfrz 2024’ dy ky snmfinq kIqf hY. kYnyzIan bfr aYsosIeysLn ibRitsL kolMbIaf vloN vwK-vwK sLRyxIaF ivwc ieh vkfrI snmfn sUby dy 3 vkIlF nUM idwqf igaf hY ijMnf ivwc anIqf atvfl ieh snmfn pRfpq krn vflI iewko iewk pMjfbx vkIl hY. sMsQf vloN ieh snmfn AunHf vkIlF nUM idwqf jFdf hY ijMnHf ny vkflq dy nfl smfj syvf ivwc vI aihm Xogdfn pfieaf hovy. aYzvokyt anIqf atvfl ny sMn 2006’c vkflq krnI sLurU kIqI sI. sfAUQ eysLIan lIgl klIink dI sMsQfpk anIqf atvfl sfAUQ eysLIan bfr aYsosoeysLn ibRitsL kolMbIaf dI pRDfn rih cuwkI hY qy hux Auh sfAUQ eysLIan bfr aYsosIeysLn AuWqrI amrIkf dI zfierYktr vjoN syvfvF inBf rhI hY.
(ircmMz- blvMq isMG sMGyVf) 15 meI, idn vIrvfr bI[sI[ lOtrI kfrporyÈn aqy ircmMz irvr rOk ksIno dy aiDkfrIaF ny eyÈIan hYrItyj mhInF ircmMz ksIno ivKy mnfieaf. ies Kfs mOky Aupr lOtrI kfrporyÈn ny iek cInI susfietI aqy ircmMz mltIklcrl kimAUintI srivsj nUM pMj pMj hjfr zflr dy cYk idwqy. ieh ienfm iehnF nUM kimAUintI dIaF syvfvF bdly iwdwqy gey. ircmMz mltIklcrl kimAUintI srivsj susfietI ipCly 40 sflF qoN ircmMz dI kimAUintI ivc nvyN afey ieMmIgrYMtF aqy hor loVvMd lokF dI syvf kr rhI hY. dfs(blvMq isMG sMGyVf) ny BI kfPI smF ies susfietI dy pRDfn vjoN syvf inBfeI hY. ies mOky bfkI swjxF dy nfl mYnUM BI Èfiml ho ky aqy susfietI leI ies ÈuB avsr ivc ihwsf lYx dI bhuq KuÈI hoeI. qsvIr ivc myry nfl kuJ ircmMz multIklcrl kimAUintIY srivsj dy pRqIinwDI aqy lOtrI kfrporyÈn dy aqy ksIno dy aiDkfrI BI hn. ieh mOkf sfzy sB leI Bhuq hI KuÈI df mOkf sI.
Who doesn’t love feeling pampered and looking their best? All humans, every age, do well with self-care regimens in place. This is one reason why Cottage Worthington Pavilion, Abbotsford, is revolutionizing how care homes provide dignity and style to residents.
Research has found that a person’s appearance is integral to their mental health and even with or without mobility issues older adults benefit from personal grooming services, be that a nail trim or haircut. The new salon at Cottage Worthington offers residents much needed services, including a renewed sense of confidence, without leaving
their home a place of comfort and safety. One of the residents described how they “love the flowers on the walls and the bright and open space”.
Thanks to funding from Fraser Valley Health Care Foundation the salon is a cut above the rest in providing a positive resource for enhancing patient care. And the residents could not be more thrilled, “I like the salon, it’s really classy. Nice and bright”.
Funding for projects such as this has helped improve the hospital experience for older adults and helps enhance our capacity to provide excellence in health care for those residing in the Fraser Valley. To support projects like this one please contact Dr. Jassal directly at: Lakhbir.Jassal@fraserhealth.ca
The Fraser Valley Health Care Foundation raises funds for vital equipment and programs funded or endorsed by the Fraser Health Authority. They serve the communities of Abbotsford, Mission, Chilliwack, Hope, Agassiz and Harrison Hot Springs.
Visit fvhcf.ca, Call 604 851 4890, Email info@fvhcf.ca
We’re a local Abbotsford, British Columbia florist delivering courteous, professional service and the highest quality flowers in Abbotsford. We pride ourselves in an inviting shop. Our experienced designers can create floral arrangements that will complement any occasion and meet your budget and style expectations as well. We also offer daily delivery to all local funeral homes and hospitals.
Life came full circle for Davinder Singh Jassal, who was born in Jagraon, India on May 18, 1940, and passed May 18, 2024, at the age of 84. He settled in Vancouver in 1972, where he started to grow roots for his family. He was a devoted husband to late Amarjit Kaur Jassal and a caring father to Sukhminder Rattan, Avtar Jassal, and Harinder Jassal and a welcoming father in law to Darshan, Sanjina and Harbinder. He was an adoring and proud grandfather to Parveen, Raiya, Jiya, Priya, Asha, Esha, Aria, Kareena, and Armaan. He will be missed by many around the world.
Funeral service Riverside Funeral Home May 26th at 2pm
Antim Ardaas to follow at Akali Singh Gurdwara
Any further information, please contact 604-240-6259 or 604-720-7772
gurU nfnk
muiVaf kd sI!
(zf[ gurivMdr isMG)
muwkIaf AuzIkF
phuMcy knyzf byby-bfpU
nUMh-puwq qoN vDyry cfa
poqy-poqI isdk isMG aqy isÌq kOr nUM
bËurg sYlfnI joVy nfl
bwicaF dIaF GuMmIaF muÌqo-muÌq
kYnyzf idhfVy dIaF KuÈIaF
kYnyzf plys dI afiqÈbfjI
bfl-mnF aMdr Auqsukqf
icrF df supnf hoieaf pUrf
'vYnkUvr df Pfier vrks' dyKx df.
smuMdr qoN lY ky sVkF qwk
bOrfz ienlYwt qoN lY ky kYnyzf plys qwk
idsdI hY Élkq hI Élkq
kI bËurg kI juafn
cOhI idÈfvIN TfTF mfrdI lukfeI acfnk bfpU dy nËrIN ipaf
kYnyzf plys dI sVk 'qy lwigaf
rMg-brMgf XfdgfrI icMn
Auqsukqf nfl puwiCaf poqy nUM, ''isdk isaF, mwlf!
QF-QF 'qy ieh qsvIrF ikAuN ny lwgIaF?''
gOrvmeI ivrsy qy ieiqhfs qoN
aiBwj nhIN sI isdk isMG
dfdy nUM lwigaf dwsx,
''AuMÖ qF knyzf plys hY ieh QF
pr hux ies nUM iml igaf hY iewk hor nF
'kfmfgftfmfrU 1914 : gurU nfnk jhfË'
sfry icqr ibafn kr rhy ny
gurU nfnk jhfË df ieiqhfs
kol KVI isdk kOr
sux rhI sI vfrqflfp
lwgI ibafn krn
afpxy mn dy aihsfs,
''sfhmxy dsdI hY Auh QF
ijwQoN moiVaf igaf sI
gurU nfnk jhfË
do mhIny kYdI bxf ky rwKy
sfzy bfby, bIbIaF qy vIr
ies DrqI 'qy kdm nf rwKx idwqy
nslvfdI gorI srkfr
BuwiKaF-iqhfieaF musfiPrF
iPr vI isdkoN nf mMnI hfr
cVHdI klf 'c nfm iDafAuNdy
AuwcI sur ivwc dohy gfAuNdy, ''nfnk nfm jhfË hY
cVy su Auqry pfr
jo ÈrDf kr syvdy
gur pfr Auqfrnhfr''
hoieaf byiensfPI vflf
PYslf afiKr
kYnyzf qoN jbrI moVy
gurU nfnk jhfË dy musfiPr
ieh iviQaf ibafnidaF
bflVI df gj Br afieaf
pr ÊdrI bfibaF vFg
nf mn zoilaf, nf bol kMby
awKF 'coN izwgy do anmol moqI
agly hI pl POlfd bx ky
bdl gey jYkfiraF ivwc
dohF inwkIaF ijMdF nUM
dfdI ny Guwitaf buwkl 'c
cuMimaf afpxI hQylI 'qy izwgy
moqIaF nUM
qy qwikaf dohF bflF vwl
iDafn Diraf 'TMzy burj' df qy qwikaf 'dfdI qy lflF' vwl
qwikaf afkfÈ vwl
qwikaf ieiqhfs vwl
qy pfqÈfhI dfavy nfl
mUMhoN ieAuN Aucfiraf ;
''knyizA gurU nfnk jhfË
muiVaf kd sI!
kd vfps gey ny
bfby dy DIaF puwqr!
kd hfkm rok sikaf hY
prvfinaF df kfiÌlf!
sB iewQy hI qF hY!
sB afpxf hI qF hY!
hvf afpxI, smuMdr afpxf
DrqI afpxI, aMbr afpxf
asIN knyzf dy, knyzf afpxf!''
'ijs DrqI 'qy boihQ afieaf
Auh Drq asfzI hoeI ieh boihQ siqgur nfnk df moV nf sikaf koeI'
ÊËlF lyKF vflI krky isrjnqf, bolI df siqkfr bxfieaf pfqr ny.
dyÈ ivdyÈF ivwc pMjfbI df sUrj , afr bxfieaf pfr bxfieaf pfqr ny .
ies dy isr qy klgI lf ky isrjn dI,
pMjfbI nUM srdfr bxfieaf pfqr ny .
sfihq sBfvF qy ilKqF dI Ëurrq nfl ,
ikrqF nUM hwkdfr bxfieaf pfqr ny .
afkfÈ bfxI qy dUrdrÈn dI pRiqBf,
pRiqÈTf nUM dmdfr bxfieaf pfqr ny .
mF bolI dI rj rj syvf kIqI hY , iewk swcf ikrdfr bxfieaf pfqr ny .
mrmsprÈI gËlF gIqF dy rfhIN, gfiekF nUM Plkfr bxfieaf pfqr ny .
sfihq dI JolI ivwc pf ky poQIaF, iewk sohxf Auphfr bxfieaf pfqr ny .
buxqI lY ky nvXuwg dy hflfqF dI , vwKrf swiBafcfr bxfieaf pfqr ny.
blivMdr bflm gurdfspur
AuNkfr ngr gurdfspur pMjfb
mo[ – 98156-25409
dUsry dy ihq ’c ijhVy Drm neIN huMdy.
ÈrqIaf AuhnHF ’c jIAuNdy jrm neIN huMdy.
JUT bolx nfl irÈqy tuwt jFdy ny,
dUrIaF dy nfl irÈqy Kqm neIN huMdy.
Pul jdoN qoVogy pMgy pYxyN hI pYxyN,
kMizaf dy nfl vrnf ËÉm neIN huMdy.
iËMdgI ivc dUijaF dy kMm vIN afAu,
Kud leI jIxf vIN jIxf krm neIN huMdy.
duÈmxf nUM sIny lf ky vyK lAu byÈk, pwQrF dy idl kdI vI nrm neIN huMdy.
iks qrHF pYNdIaF qnfvF cIr ky sInf,
zor qy guwzI ’c bhuqy Brm neIN huMdy.
QoVH idl dy afdmI guwsy ’c af jFdy.
blivMdr bflm gurdfspur
Akfr ngr gurdfspur pMjfb
mobfiel 98 156 25409
sfihq df gulËfr bxfieaf pfqr ny .
iewk vwKrf sMsfr bxfieaf pfqr ny.
isrjx vflI ÈkqI BgqI Aus ivwc sI ,
ibMbf df ikrdfr bxfieaf pfqr ny
ikRqIqv qy ivakqIqv dy Puwl lY ky,
sFJF vflf hfr bxfieaf pfqr ny.
BfÈf vfly afDuink gihxy pf pf ky ,
dulhn df iÈMgfr bxfieaf pfqr ny.
bflm awKr jnnI rfhIN cux cux ky ,
ÈbdF df BMzfr bxfieaf pfqr ny .
cmkdy hIry kdI vI grm neIN huMdy,
Pyr kI hoAu ,vyKFgy ,kr lvFgy iPr.
eys msly ivc ivdyÈI nrm neIN huMdy,
bflmf ijMnHF ’c apxfpx nhIN huMdf.
ÊËl dy Auh iÈar kdI vI prm neIN huMdy.
oracleproper tygroup.com
(NC) It’s time to celebrate the fathers – and those who play the role of father figure, like grandads, awesome uncles and other inspiring folks – in our lives. Whether yours is the techie type, a sensitive soul or the guy who already has it all, our Father’s Day gift guide has you covered.
For the techie: A drone can be a popular gift for anyone who’s fascinated by the latest technology, loves their toys and tools, or wants to try aerial photography. It’s a rapidly growing hobby. Just know that there are important things Dad must know before flying one. Does it need to be registered? How far away must it stay from bystanders, other aircraft, emergency sites and restricted areas? Transport Canada’s drone safety webpages can answer these questions and get you and your Dad up to speed on the rules.
For the Dad who has everything
This Father’s Day, why not treat your Dad to some quality one-on-one time?
Dive into a fun DIY project together or head outdoors for a refreshing hike. And, if you encounter poison ivy or tick bites on your outdoor excursion, a stop at a nearby pharmacy can provide quick and easy relief. In Ontario, pharmacies like Rexall offer diagnosis and treatment for nearly 20 minor illnesses like these.
For the sentimental father
Lots of parents love to see their kids dressed up and looking good. So, maybe indulge them a little by getting all dolled up for your Father’s Day celebrations. To preserve the moment, consider surprising your dad with a family photograph of everyone in their finest. If you don’t have suitable attire, a quick shop at a store like Tip Top can have you owning a stylesavvy suit in no time, for less than the price of a one-time suit rental.
vsIaq aqy jfiedfd dI plYinMg
sfrIaF notrI syvfvF
asl kfpIaF qsdIk krnf
jIvn prmfqmf dI anmol dfq hY. mnuwKI
jIvn anmol dy nfl hI durlwB vI hY.
sB qoN sRyÈt qn, qn aMdr soc, smJ dI smrQf, sfry jIvF ’coN kyvl mnuwK dy ihwsy afeI hY. mnuwKI jIvn leI iksy jIv dI cox Aus dy vwzy BfgF df pRqIk hY. ieh pUrn afnMd df avsr hY ikAuik prmfqmf ny Éfs ikrpf kr ky bKiÈaf hY.
jIvn prmfqmf dI anmol dfq hY. mnuwKI
jIvn anmol dy nfl hI durlwB vI hY. sB qoN sRyÈt qn, qn aMdr soc, smJ dI smrQf, sfry jIvF ’coN kyvl mnuwK dy ihwsy afeI hY. mnuwKI jIvn leI iksy jIv dI cox Aus dy vwzy BfgF df pRqIk hY. ieh pUrn afnMd df avsr hY ikAuik prmfqmf ny Éfs ikrpf kr ky bKiÈaf hY. pr ies afnMd df anuBv ikAu nhIN huMdf. hr mnuwK iksy nf iksy pwKoN duKI hY. sfiraF dy duwK dy afpo afpxy kfrn hn pr iewk smfnqf hY ik sfry duKI hn qy afpxy hflfq bdlxf cfhuMdy hn. duwK df anuBv mn krdf hY. duwK df mUl mn aMdr hI hY. duwK df sbMD drasl mn nfl hI hY. mn duwK mihsUs hI nhIN krdf, duwK df jnk vI hY. hr mnuwK dy mn aMdr koeI nf koeI qUÌfn cwl irhf hY. iksy nUM kuJ cfhIdy iksy nUM kuJ. ieh mMg lflsf qoN jnm lYNdI hY. awj dy pdfrQvfdI Xug ivwc byihsfb sfmfn bfËfr aMdr mOjUd hY ijs nUM vycx leI nklI loVF df mfhOl bxfieaf jf irhf hY. mnuwK Aus nklI loV dI pUrqI leI Éfs qOr ’qy qF ivafkul ho AuwTdf hY jdoN
afpxy guaFZI, imwqr, sbMDI jF iksy hor jfx pCfx vfly kol koeI pdfrQ vyK lYNdf hY. mn aMdr ikAuik eIrKf hY, ÈrIky vflI hoV dI Bfvnf hY, dUjy dI loV nUM Auh afpxI loV bxf lYNdf hY. mfieaf, ivkfrF dy JwKV ivwc afpxy afp dI pCfx hI ivsr geI hY. afpxIaF loVF, afpxI smrQf, afpxIaF idlcspIaF axdyKIaF kr idwqIaF jFdIaF hn. afp afpxI iËMdgI df nfiek bxn dI QF iksy hor dy supny AuDfr lY ley jFdy hn. sfrI dunIaf aMdr kmobyÈ ieho idRÈ cwl irhf hY. hr koeI iksy dUjy dy jUqy aMdr afpxy pYr rwKx df mOkf qlfÈ irhf hY. mn Btk irhf hY. qxfAu hY, Auqfvlfpn hY, klyÈ hY, sMqfp hY dUijaF dI brfbrI krn df AunHF qoN awgy vDx df. mn itkygf hI nhIN qF suwK, afnMd ikvyN pRfpq hovygf. ndI df pfxI jdoN ÈFq huMdf hY qF hI Aus dy aMdr dI gihrfeI, Aus dy ql df pqf lwgdf hY.
jqn kro hT nhIN: mn nUM ÈFq krn leI
afpxy afp nUM pCfx ky svIkfr krn dI
loV hY. prmfqmf ny jo bKiÈaf hY jo BivwK
ivwc bÉÈx jf irhf hY mfqr Aus ’qy hI
mnuwK df hwk bxdf hY. byÈwk ies leI
Auwdm krnf pYNdf hY pr ies dI pRyrxf vI
prmfqmf hI idMdf hY. prmfqmf hI kfrj
pUry krdf hY. mnuwK afpxIaF loVF afpxI
smrwQf qy Xogqf muqfbk qYa kry qy AunHF dI pUrqI leI jqn kry. Aus nUM jqn qy hT ivwc Ìrk krnf afAuxf cfhIdf. jqn
afpxI smrwQf, guxF anusfr kIqy jFdy hn
. jdoN dUjy dI rIs krn leI jF eIrKf ivwc
Br ky jqn kIqf jfvy Auh hT bx jFdf
hY. hT nfl kIqy Auwdm iËafdf inhPl hI
jFdy hn ikAuik Auh aÈFq mn nfl kIqy
gey huMdy hn. hT nfl pRfpqI ho vI jfvy pr mn sihj nf hox kfrn mnuwK pUrn afnMd
mfnx qoN dUr hI rihMdf hY. jo jUqf Aus leI
bixaf hI nhIN Auh pRfpq ho vI jfvy pr
cfl ivgfV idMdf hY. aijhy lok bhuq iml jfxgy ijnHF afpxI Xogqf qoN vwD, dMd PMd nfl mn cfihaf hfsl qF kr ilaf pr
Auh pRfpqIaF hI AunHF dy duwKF df kfrn
bxIaF. kuJ pRfpq krnf iËafdf kiTn nhIN pr Auh pRfpqI jIvn ’c suwK, afnMd vI ilafvy ieh ËrUrI nhIN hY. bVy vwzy
ivKfeI idMdy hn Auh icMqf, rogF nfl iGry hoey hn. mnuwK nUM dUijaF dIaF pRfpqIaF ivKfeI idMdIaF hn pr AunHF ny pRfpqIaF dI kI kImq cukfeI hY, kI awgy cukfAux vfly
hn ieh nhIN idwsdf. dUijaF dI sPlqf qoN
pRyrxf leI jf skdI, Aus leI afpxy aMdr
gux ivkisq kIqy jf skdy hn pr inTwlI rIs afqmGfqI huMdI hY.
mirafdf hI isrjdI hY sihj avsQf
srovr ndI nhIN bx skdf, ndI sfgr nhIN
bx skdI, sfgr afkfÈ nhIN bx skdf.
srovr qd qwk hI srovr hY, ndI qd qwk hI ndI hY jdoN qwk Aus dy iknfry bMny hoey hn. mirafdf rUp iknfry hI mnuwK dy jIvn
ivwc sihj dI avsQf isrjdy hn. jIvn
dI mirafdf hY ik jo kuJ pRfpq hoieaf hY
Aus nUM sMBfl ky sMjo ky rwiKaf jfvy. jIvn ivwc vwzf jF Cotf hoxf koeI mfany nhIN rwKdf. jo mnuwK nUM pRfpq hY Aus dI sucwjI
- zf[ siqMdr pfl isMG
vrqoN Aus nUM suMdr bxf idMdI hY. jIvn ivwc mhwqf suMdrqf dI hY. smF hovy, sbMD hovy, pdfrQ hovy, Aus nUM ÉUbsUrq bxf dyxf mnuwK dy hwQ ivwc hY. rwb ny inwkI ijhI iqqlI bxfeI pr Aus dy pMKF ivwc vMn suvMny rMg
Br ky Aus nUM ÉUbsUrq bxf idwqf. loV hY afpxy aMdr Cupy ÉËfny coN pRym, sMjm, sMqoK dy rMg kwZ ky jIvn nUM ÉUbsUrq bxfAux dIaF ÉuÈIaF mnuwK dy nyVy-qyVy hI vws rhIaF hn. AunHF dI pCfx kr BfvnfvF dy rMg BridaF hI afnMd dy somy vrH pYxgy. sUrj qoN iswKo sihjqf df gur: aMimRq vyly AuwT ky sUrj df Auwgxf vyKxf mn aMdr afs Br idMdf hY. sUrj ny ieh idRÈ afp kudrq df sB qoN mnorm idRÈ bxf idwqf hY ikAuik Aus dy Auwgx ivwc sihj hY, iql mfqr vI ivafkulqf nhIN hY. sUrj df sihj hI Aus nUM kdoN dupihr dy isÉr qwk pujf idMdf hY pqf hI nhIN lwgdf. Aus df zuwbxf vI sihj dI sRyÈt imsfl hY. ibnF iksy inrfÈf, ibnf iksy pRqIkrm sUrj cihlkdmI kridaF afkfÈ dy dUjy Cor ’qy puwj ky alop ho jFdf hY . Aus dy Auwgx ivwc vI sihj hY qy zuwbx ivwc vI. ieho kfrn hY ik lokF nUM sUrj df Auwgxf vI mnmohk lwgdf hY qy zuwbxf vI mnuwK df amIr jF ÊrIb hoxf Aus dy krmF df Pl ikhf jf skdf hY pr Aus df suKI jF duKI hoxf Aus dI afpxI jIvn idRÈtI df Pl hY. iËMdgI nUM hVH df jl nf bxn idAu. sihj rho qF iewk idn afp hI Aus isÉr ’qy puwj jfvogy jo prmfqmf ny quhfzy leI nIaq kIqf hoieaf hY. sfgr ivwc imlx leI sihj pRvfh bxo.
kFqf dyvI dI BrjfeI inrmlf dyvI ny dwisaf ik kFqf ivc iewk gux hY ik ijhVI kZfeI ies ny iewk vfr dyK leI qF Ausy qrHF dI kZfeI kr lYNdI hY,BfvyN Auh kroÈIey dI kZfeI hovy jF kysmYNt dI cfdrF dI| kotIaF,svYtr vI bux lYNdI hY qy sjfvtI smfn vI iqafr kr lYNdI hY.
idivaFg kFqf dyvI pirvfr ’qy vËn bxn dI QF AunHF df afriQk shfrf bx ky kMm kr rhI hY. jI hF, ipMz GnOlf dI jMmpl 34 sflf kFqf dyvI nUM 9 mhIny dI Aumr ’c hI polIA hox nfl Aus dI iewk lwq kmËor ho geI, ijs nfl qurnf-iPrnf aOKf ho igaf| kFqf ny afpxI muwZlI pVHfeI pRfiemrI qwk hI kIqI hY pr Aus dy ichry ’qy koeI
nmoÈI nhIN,Auh rwb dI rËf ivc ijAux nUM
hI afpxI iksmq mMndI hY| kFqf afpxy
Gr ’c hI islfeI-kZfeI df kMm krdI hY
aqy afpxI BrjfeI nfl ibAUtI pfrlr dy kMm ivc vI hwQ vMzfAuNdI hY.
gwlbfq kridaF kFqf dyvI ny ikhf ik Aus
ny ipMz ivc hI iewk dukfn ’qy islfeI df
kMm iswiKaf aqy iPr Gry pihlF afpxy aqy
iPr pirvfr dy kwpVy islfeI krn lwgI|
hOlI-hOlI kZfeI df kMm vI iswK ilaf qy
hux AusnUM ijhVI mrËI iksm dI kZfeI
krn leI af jfvy, Auh bVy arfm nfl
kr lYNdI hF.
kFqf ies vyly afpxy kMm ’c ieMnI mfihr
hY ik ipMz dIaF kuVIaF Aus kol kMm iswKx
leI afAuNdIaF hn| kFqf dyvI ny ikhf ik
ipCly smyN ivc Aus nUM iËlHf pRÈfsn vwloN bYtrI vflI trfeI sfeIkl idwqI sI ijs nfl Auh GnOlI qwk islfeI-kZfeI leI
loVINdf smfn ÉrId ky ilafAuNdI hY qy Brf
dy bwicaF nUM vI skUl Cwz ky afAuNdI hF.
ipMzF ’c islfeI-kZfeI dy pYsy Gwt imldy hn|
kFqf ny ikhf,‘ mYnUM mfx hY ik jo kuJ vI hwQIN
kMm krky kmfAuNdI hF, Aus nfl pirvfr nUM afriQk shfrf iml jFdf hY ikAuNik awj dy smyN ivc mihMgfeI eynI hY ik jykr sfry kmfAuxgy qF hI Gr df guËfrf huMdf hY, myrI BfbI vI ibAUtI pfrlr ’qy islfeIkZfeI df kMm krdy hn .’ kFqf dyvI ny
-lKvIr KfbVf
ikhf ik sfnUM rwb dI rËf ivc rihxf iswK lYxf cfhIdf hY ikAuNik jo Auh krdf sfzy cMgy leI hI krdf hY. kFqf ny dwisaf ik ies kMm nfl Auh iqMn qoN cfr hËfr rupey qwk kmf lYNdI hY. kdy ihMmq nhIN hfrI
kFqf dyvI dI BrjfeI inrmlf dyvI ny dwisaf ik kFqf ivc iewk gux hY ik ijhVI kZfeI ies ny iewk vfr dyK leI qF Ausy qrHF dI kZfeI kr lYNdI hY,BfvyN Auh kroÈIey dI kZfeI hovy jF kysmYNt dI cfdrF dI| kotIaF,svYtr vI bux lYNdI hY qy sjfvtI smfn vI iqafr kr lYNdI hY. ies qrHF kFqf dyvI df jIvn AunHF lokF leI pRyrnfmeI hY jo duwK vyyly inrfÈ ho jFdy hn .
The 2024 luxury Lincoln Navigator full-size SUV brings more signature features and standard technology for those who want only the very best. The Navigator is massive, and imposing - long, tall, and wide and just oozes class with the giant chrome grille with the illuminated centre crest. At night, the Lincoln does it party trick with it puddle lights projecting the Lincoln logo on the ground when you approach. High level luxury and technology is standard on the Navigator. However, while most large size SUVS rely on a V8, the Lincoln Navigator is powered by a technologically sophisticated Ford Ecoboost 450bhp 3.5-litre twinturbo V6 engine, mated to a 0-speed auto transmission as found in Ford’s high-performance Raptor pickup. In its highly tuned state, the V6 is more than adequate. All Canadian Navigators are equipped with all-wheel drive.
We tested a fully loaded $97,000 Navigator Reserve model equipped with a plethora of options: including the $2,500 monochrome package comprising illuminated grille, monochrome badges, and an Embrace head up display. Also added was the luxury package with perfect position seats, the 20 speaker Revel audio system, and other added options came to
$10,000, making for a heady final price of $104, 625 plus $2150 destination and delivery .
Interior wise, the Navigator offers an incredibly sumptuous cabin where no detail has been spared in the pursuit of perfection. Overhead, a panoramic sunroof lets in the light, and at night color selectable ambient lighting illuminates the cabin for glorious effect. It is a cabin, trimmed in high quality materials, with all occupant touch points covered in the most beautiful soft premium leather. The front seats are well bolstered and super comfortable with 30- way adjustment plus auto heating and cooling.
Technology wise Ford’s infotainment interface works via a 10-inch touchscreen with dedicated Lincoln graphics. It all works seamlessly, while a pushbutton gear selector frees up front the console. Safety features such as auto high-beam headlights, blind-spot detection, pre-collision assist, forward collision warning, pedestrian detection and more are courtesy of Lincoln’s Co-Pilot360. The Co-Pilot 360 suite of tech also can unlock and start the car remotely, connecting with the Lincoln Concierge system. Lincoln’s Phone as a Key system also allows owners to use their phone as a key, instead of using a traditional key fob to unlock and start the car. With all seats in place, there’s a useful 546 L trunk. Fold the second row and cargo capacity expands to
2,925 L, this increases even more when the power-folding third row is flipped down.
When just about every one of the Navigators competitors carry V8 power the Lincoln changes conventional thinking with a twinturbocharged 3.5L V6 borrowed from Ford’s high-performance F-150 Raptor pickup – with 450 hp and 510 lb-ft of torque it certainly does not make the Navigator a slouch. The smooth efficient 10-speed automatic transmission makes sure the Navigator never feels stressed with turbo torque available from an early 3,000 rpm. The Navigator’s driver selectable drive mode’s feature “Slippery mode ” for well - slippery conditions and ‘Excite’ offering more spirited sporty driving as the steering firms up a bit, and the transmission and throttle get more aggressive mapping. Normal mode is the default and errs on the side of providing a smooth comfortable ride. Conserve mode tempers fuel economy at the expense of performance at highway speeds.
On the highway, almost no noise enters the Navigators well insulated cabin. Not much to complain about, handling and steering is benign as to be expected so don’t expect sporty reflexes. Over most surfaces the Lincoln
rides smoothly, but with the 22- inch wheels you will feel impacts on severe rough roads and potholes. The Lincoln is best driven on the highway and wide urban streets, not the congested inner city where its size and bulk become obvious. Still, the on- board 360-degree cameras and the self- parking feature will help. The optional heavy-duty tow package enables the Navi to haul up to 3,765 kg (8,300 lb). Fuel economy is just about right, but it is no fuel sipper.
To sum up, the 2024 Lincoln Navigator Reserve SUV offers the best of everything from its dedicated concierge service that offers everything from free servicing with pick up and drop off to the premium luxurious cabin that’s cossetting in a way nothing else on the road is. The fantastic cabin and equipment levels – plus options make this luxury SUV amongst the very best you can buy. Highly recommended.
2024 Lincoln Navigator Reserve Base Price: $96,500. Price, with options as tested $107,000 plus $2,150 destination and delivery. More info at www.Lincoln.ca
New members of B.C.’s Climate Solutions Council will support the Province’s work to transition to a clean economy with good, sustainable jobs for British Columbians.
“After another year of unprecedented climate impacts and the worst wildfire season in B.C.’s history, we know we need to accelerate our work taking action on climate change,” said George Heyman, Minister of Environment and Climate Change Strategy. “We also know that B.C.’s economy is strong and diversified, not despite climate action, but because of climate action. The combined knowledge of the Climate Solutions Council is an important part of our work to find a path forward to a cleaner future for all of us. We welcome aboard our new members and appreciate our outgoing members’ contribution to our progress and transparency with British Columbians.”
The Climate Solutions Council provides advice to government on its work to meet climate goals and build a cleaner economy, mitigating climate risk and supporting sustainable economic development. New members are selected through a rigorous evaluation process, and bring a wide range of expertise from different regions and sectors. This includes First Nations, environmental organizations, industry, business, academia, labour, local government and youth.
New council members are:
Denni Clement, climate-action peer network lead for the Coastal First Nations Great Bear Initiative; Linda Coady, president and CEO, Council of Forest Industries;
Ashley Duncan, president, BC Insulators Union;
Mahmudur Fatmi, assistant professor in civil engineering, University of British Columbia Okanagan;
Matt Horne, manager of climate mitigation, City of Vancouver;
Madeleine McPherson, assistant professor in civil engineering and associate director of the Institute for Integrated Energy Systems at the University of Victoria;
Nangkilslas, Trent Moraes, deputy chief councillor, Skidegate Band Council; and
Freya Phillips, senior energy specialist at the Regional District of Kootenay Boundary.
“By reviewing CleanBC policies, we can identify effective, equitable, and efficient climate solutions,” said Nancy Olewiler, co-chair of the Climate Solutions Council. “Understanding the policies’ impacts on reducing B.C.'s greenhouse gas emissions and increasing climate resilience will help contribute to a sustainable future for people, companies and our communities across the province.”
B.C. continues to lead on climate action, with the CleanBC Roadmap to 2030, one of the strongest climate action plans In North America. The road map outlines a comprehensive strategy to reduce emissions by 40% and create jobs in the clean economy, preparing B.C. for a changing climate. Progress is published in the annual Climate Change Accountability Report.
Queensborough Middle School (QMS) in New Westminster has been a good model for Punjabi. For many years, the Punjabi classes there have been flourishing at a fast pace. This has been possible only with the support and co-operation of the school board, district administration, school administration, staff, students and parents of QMS. However, the teachers make a big difference in this regard. On behalf of Punjabi Language Education Association (PLEA) I would like to commend the teachers, especially Mr. Deep Sangra, who has made the success of the Punjabi program at QMS one of his top priorities. For many years, Mr. Sangra has made the celebration of Vaisakhi as one of his top priorities.
This year, QMS celebrated Vaisakhi and Creation of the Khalsa on Wednesday, May 15, 2024, with a great deal of enthusiasm. Since early morning, the entire school was buzzing with excitement. Students were welcoming and greeting guests at the main school entrance. Few minutes before the start time, teachers ushered in their students to the gym. Vice Principal Sukh Rai gave a brief outline of the Vaisakhi festival and creation of the Khalsa Panth in 1699 in Anandpur Sahib by the tenth and last Guru of Sikh faith, Guru Gobind Singh ji. and the huge strides the Punjabi community has made in Canada for more than 125 years. He then called upon the two student MCs, to conduct the program. The Punjabi class students did an excel-
lent job in displaying their skills and expertise in the Punjabi folk dance Bhangra and brief speeches in Punjabi and English about Vaisakhi and creation of the Khalsa. On behalf of Punjabi Language Education Association (PLEA) it was an honour for me to congratulate the students, staff and parents for putting on this celebration. Later, staff, parents and invited guests enjoyed socialization and light refreshments provided by Gurdwara Sukh Sagar and parents. QMS Principal Joun Lakakkis concluded the assembly by thanking his staff, students and parents for making the Vaisakhi celebration very enjoyable.
Incidentally, Vaisakhi, named after Vaisakh, second month of the Punjabi calendar, signifies beginning of the harvesting season in Northern India. Also, on this day in 1699 Guru Gobind Singh ji created the Khalsa Panth. Now Vaisakhi has become an international celebration as the South Asian community in general and Sikhs in particular are well settled in many countries around the globe. In Canada, to its credit, the month of April has been declared as the Sikh Heritage Month. Similarly, in the U.S. Vaisakhi Day is now known as the Sikh Heritage Day. In this context, it was great to see the students at QMS put on an impressive celebration of Vaisakhi.
Happy Vaisakhi! Balwant Sanghera, President, Punjabi Language Education Association (PLEA)
BC aujlagee@shaw.ca
kYnyzIan pI afr jWt iswK Aumr 37 sfl kWd 5’7 ibnF bWcy qo qlfksLudf, afpxf Gr qy vDIaF nOkrI kr rhy lVky vfsqy pirvfirk lVkI dI loV hY. ibnF bwcy qo qlfksLudf lVkI qy vI ivcfr kIqf jf
skdf hY
sMprk kro : 604-832-3013
jwt isWK igWl lVkf Aumr 33 sfl kWd 6 Puwt, ielYktrIsLn vrk prmt (Applied for PR ) leI pI afr jF vrk prmt vflI lVkI dI loV hY. lVkf nisLaF qoN rihq aqy sfAU suBfa df hY.
sMprk kro: 604-300-6362 604-621-0315
ivjLtr vIjy qy kYnyzf afeI jwt iswK iswDU Aumr 28 sfl kwd 5.5 B.C.A, B.ed, Computer Science izplomf holzr lVkI vfsqy kYnyzIan istIjLn jF pI afr
I Harpreet Singh s/o Jagraj Singh holder of Indian Passport No. L6982373, V.P.O
Chouke, Teh- Maur, Bathinda Punjab 151103 and presently residing at 117-32633 Simon Ave Abbotsford, B.C, V2T 0G9 do hereby change my name from Harpreet Singh to Harpreet Singh Jattana with immediate effect.
I Ramandeep Kaur Mann w/o Harpreet Singh holder of Indian Passport No. L7480067, V.P.O Chouke, Teh- Maur, Bathinda Punjab 151103 and presently residing at 117-32633 Simon Ave Abbotsford, B.C, V2T 0G9 do hereby change my name from Ramandeep Kaur Mann to Ramandeep Kaur Jattana with immediate effect.
(NC) According to research from Royal Bank of Canada, 75 per cent of Canadians say they are more concerned about fraud than ever before, and it suggests they have good reason. With the use of new technology and an increase in fraudsters coaching their victims, criminals are employing a new level of sophistication to their scams. As awareness is the first step in reducing your risk, here are three fraud trends to look out for this year.
Impersonation scams: Criminals often pretend to be trusted sources, like government officials, bank staff, law enforcement or even a family member to trick you into providing money or confidential information. Now fraudsters are using voice cloning and computermanipulated images or videos, making impersonation scams even harder to detect. As this type of scam continues to evolve, it’s important to keep your guard up. Some experts recommend using a short and generic voicemail to deter robo-callers from capturing your name or voice and having a personal password to use with loved ones to verify you’re speaking to the right person.
Social engineering scams: These scams usually increase during times of econom-
ic challenge when people may be more vulnerable and fall for promises of easy money. They happen when fraudsters use details they may already know about you to manipulate your emotions and get you to share confidential information. That’s why it’s important to be cautious about what you share online, and never feel pressured to respond. If you receive an unsolicited call, email or text asking for money or your information, hang up or delete it.
Victim involvement in scams: In the past, third parties stole your information, made purchases or took your money. This type of fraud was easier to detect. As banks and other institutions have increased security and detection measures, criminals are using additional fraud tactics. They now coach their victims to participate in scams. After gaining their trust, fraudsters pressure, threaten or trick people into lying to loved ones or financial advisors or persuade victims to get involved in a money scheme, investment or contest. Victims unknowingly become part of scams when they authorize the transaction or activity, making these scams tougher to spot. That’s why it’s important to stay vigilant. Pause, ask questions and resist the temptation to act in the moment.
gixq dI jmfq qoN Gwt nhIN huMdIaF sn purfxIaF KyzF
- sMdIp kumfr
purfxy simaF ’c ipMzF dIaF glIaF, pwqIaF, muhwilaF ’c afm qOr ’qy bwcy inwkIaF-inwkIaF KyzF Kyzdy, rOlf pfAuNdy hwsdy idKfeI idMdy sn. rl ky KyzIaF jFdIaF KyzF ijwQy bwicaF nUM afnMd, ÉuÈI qy imlvrqn dI Bfvnf nfl BrdIaF sn, AuwQy hI iksy gixq dI jmfq qoN Gwt nhIN huMdIaF sn.
gixq dIaF muwZlIaF ikirafvF
klI-jotf KyzidaF inwky-inwky bwcy CotI Aumry hI ijsq qy tFk sMiKafvF nUM sihjy smJ lYNdy sn. qfÈ dy pwiqaF nUM vMzxf, iPr vMz ky igxqI pUrI krnI, sIp lfAuxI afid ’c 52 qy 100 qk dI igxqI sihjy hI bol jFdy qy joVGtfE kr jFdy sI. do Puwt df zMzf qy pMj ieMc dI guwlI nfl Kyzdy bwcy jdoN zMzy nfl guwlI nUM dUr suwtdy sn qF
AuhdI dUrI nUM zMizaF nfl imxnf, mfpx qy igxqI krn dy aiBafs ’c aihm Xogdfn pfAuNdf sI. bfad ’c jdoN ikRkt df ruJfn viDaf qF ਓvr igxnf, skor Xfd rwKxf, ikMnIaF dOVF rih geIaF afid Xfd rwKxf joV-GtfE dI muwZlI iswiKaf df aiBafs rUp hI sI. ikMnIaF hI gixq dIaF muwZlIaF ikirafvF glIaF-muhwilaF ’c KyzidaFKyzidaF pUrIaF ho jFdIaF sn. mobfeIl ’qy ibqfAux lwgy smF
qknflojI dy dOr ’c jdoN tIvI qy mobfeIl ny afpxI jgHf bxf leI qF sfzIaF purfxIaF KyzF dI QF Éqm hoxI ÈurU ho geI. glIaF ’c rl-iml Kyzdy, AuwcI-AuwcI rOlf pfAuNdy, hwsdy-Kyzdy bwcy hOlI-hOlI kmiraF ’c bMd iekwly bihbih mobfeIl ’qy smF ibqfAux lwg pey. muwZlf gixq, imlvrqn qy rl ky hwsxf-Kyzxf guMm ho igaf. isrÌ doÈ mobfeIl jF tIvI df nhIN sgoN ksUr hY vrqoN dy srUp df ik asIN iksy sfDn nUM ikvyN vrqdy hF, shI AupXog krdy hF jF iPr ies df durAupXog krdy hF. purfxy simaF vflf idwqf jfvy mfhOl ËrUrq hY ik dubfrf bwicaF nUM AuhI purfxy simaF vflf mfhOl idwqf jfvy. mobfeIl Pon dI vrqoN qoN dUr kIqf jfvy qF jo bwcy rl-iml ky ishq vrDk KyzF Kyzx qy KyzdyKyzdy sihjy hI bhuq kuJ iswK jfx. skUl iswiKaf ivBfg bwicaF nUM smrwQ krn leI pihlkdmI kr irhf hY qy nfl hI aiDafpk vI purËor Xqn kr ky bwicaF dI iswiKaf ’c guxfqimk suDfr ilafAux leI axQwk imhnq kr rhy hn. jy mfpy vI sfQ dyx qy bwicaF nUM mobfeIl qoN dUr kr ky pVHn qy awKF nUM Kf rhIaF mobfeIl gymF nUM Kyzx dI jgHf glIaF ’c KyzIaF jFdIaF hfsy BrpUr KyzF Kyzx leI pRyirq krn, qF hI bwicaF dI ishq qy iswiKaf dovF ’c kRFqIkfrI pirvrqn dyKx nUM imlxgy.
kI qusIN jfxdy ho ik quhfzy isr dy Auwpr hI ikAuN mMzrfAuNdI hY
mwCrF dI tolI, jykr nhIN qF iewQy jfxo ies dy 4 kfrn
ijvyN hI Gr dy bfhr jF ikqy rfq huMdI hY, mwCrF dI POj quhfzy isr dy Auwpr mMzrfAux lg jFdI hY. ies nUM dyK ky aksr ieh svfl mn ivc afAuNdf hY ik mwCr isr dy Auwpr ikAuN GuMmdy hn? jykr ieh svfl quhfzy idmfg 'c GuMmdf rihMdf hY qF ies lyK ivc asIN quhfnUM dwsFgy ik mwCr hmyÈf quhfzy isr dy Auwpr ikAuN GuMmdy rihMdy hn?
lfeIPstfeIl zYsk, nvIN idwlI : grmIaF dI afmd dy nfl hI mwCrF dI Brmfr aksr vD jFdI hY. idn cVHdy hI mwCrF df afqMk ÈurU ho jFdf hY. iehI kfrn hY ik ies mOsm 'c mwCrF dy kwtx nfl zyNgU, ickngunIaf qy mlyrIaf vrgIaF keI jfnlyvf ibmfrIaF dy kys vwD jFdy hn. aijhy 'c lok aksr ienHF ibmfrIaF qoN bcx leI mwCrF qoN bcx dI slfh idMdy hn pr jykr qusIN kdy ÊOr kIqf hY qF dyiKaf hovygf ik qusIN Èfm nUM bfhr qusIN ijwQy vI jfE, mwCr kdy vI quhfzf ipwCf nhIN Cwzdy.
ijvyN hI Gr dy bfhr jF ikqy rfq huMdI hY, mwCrF dI POj quhfzy isr dy Auwpr mMzrfAux lg jFdI hY. ies nUM dyK ky aksr ieh svfl mn ivc afAuNdf hY ik mwCr isr dy
Auwpr ikAuN GuMmdy hn? jykr ieh svfl quhfzy idmfg 'c
GuMmdf rihMdf hY qF ies lyK ivc asIN quhfnUM dwsFgy ik
mwCr hmyÈf quhfzy isr dy Auwpr ikAuN GuMmdy rihMdy hn?
isr Auwpr Auwzdy hn mfdf mwCr
isrÌ mwCr hI nhIN, keI hor kIVy-mkOVy vI isr dy Auwpr
GuMmxf psMd krdy hn. ies dy ipwCy kfrn dI gwl krIey qF mwCr quhfzy isr dy afly-duafly iek Kfs kfrn nfl Auwzdy hn. ivigafnIaF df mMnxf hY ik sfzy isr 'qy Auwzx vflf mwCr PImyl huMdf hY, jo quhfzy isr 'qy mMzrfAuxf psMd krdf hY.
kfrbn zfeI afksfeIz hY psMd
hux qusIN jfxdy ho ik isr dy Auwpr Auwzx vfly mwCr mfdf huMdy hn. ieh mwCr kfrbn zfeI afksfeIz nUM bhuq psMd krdy hn. aijhI siQqI 'c jdoN vI qusIN kfrbn zfeIafksfeIz Cwzdy ho, mfdf mwCr ies dI gMD nfl afkriÈq ho jFdy hn qy isr Auwpr mMzrfAux lwgdy hn.
psInf vI hY kfrn
mwCrF dy isr Auwpr GuMmx df iek kfrn psInf vI hY. asl ivc mwCrF nUM mnuwKI srIr 'coN inklx vfly psIny dI bdbU psMd huMdI hY. aijhy 'c jdoN vI qusIN psIny 'c iBwjy bfhr inkldy ho qF mwCrF df tolf quhfzy isr 'qy
mMzrfAuxf ÈurU kr idMdf hY. jYl dI gMD vwl huMdy hn afkriÈq
ienHIN idnIN hyar jYwl lgfAux df ruJfn vI kfPI vD igaf
hY. mwCr ies hyar jYwl dI KuÈbU nUM psMd krdy hn, jo
AunHF nUM afkriÈq krdf hY aqy quhfzy isr dy afly-duafly GuMmxf ÈurU kr idMdy hn.
grmI dI mfr qoN bcx leI pINdy ho GVy df pfxI qF ienHF qrIikaF nfl rwKo sÌfeI df iDafn
grmI df kihr vwD irhf hY. aijhy 'c sfry lok ipafs buJfAux leI TMZf pfxI pIxf psMd krdy hn, ijnHF 'coN kuJ lok lok Pirwj df pfxI pINdy hn qy kuJ lok GVy 'coN pfxI pINdy hn. Pirwj dy pfxI nfloN GVy df pfxI keI qrIikaF nfl vDyry PfiedymMd huMdf hY.
lfeIPstfeIl zYsk, nvIN idwlI : grmI df kihr vwD irhf hY. aijhy 'c sfry lok ipafs buJfAux leI TMZf pfxI pIxf psMd krdy hn, ijnHF 'coN kuJ lok lok Pirwj df pfxI pINdy hn qy kuJ lok GVy 'coN pfxI pINdy hn. Pirwj dy pfxI nfloN GVy df pfxI keI qrIikaF nfl vDyry PfiedymMd huMdf hY. pr jy asIN ies dI sÌfeI roËfnf nhIN krdy qF ieh sfnUM keI ibmfrIaF df iÈkfr bxf skdf hY. pfxI nfl Bry GVy ' c jdoN pfxI Gwt ho jFdf hY qF dubfrf Br lYNdf hY. aijhf lgfqfr krdy rihx nfl qy GVy dI sÌfeI nf krn nfl Aus ivc keI qrHF dy bYktIrIaf pYdf ho jFdy hn. ijs kfrn ies df pfxI pIx qoN bfad qusIN ibmfr ho skdy ho. inXmq sPfeI nf hox kfrn DUV qy imwtI dy kx dy nfl-nfl GVy jF GVy dy aMdr kfeI iekwTI ho jFdI hY, ijs nfl sfzI ishq 'qy mfVf asr pYNdf hY. ies leI jy qusIN vI grmIaF 'c GVy df pfxI pINdy ho qF quhfnUM ies dI sPfeI df Kfs iDafn rwKxf cfhIdf hY. pfxI 'c iBAuN ky kro sÌfeI
jdoN vI qusIN nvF GVf Gr ilafAuNdy ho, Aus nUM iek idn leI pfxI ivc zubo ky rwKo. ies qoN bfad ies nUM cMgI qrHF Do lE qy iPr pIx vfly pfxI nfl Br lE. aijhf krn nfl GVy df pfxI cMgI qrHF TMZf huMdf hY.
roËfnf sPfeI hY ËrUrI
hr roË GVy ivwcoN sfrf pfxI kwZ ky grm pfxI nfl sfÌ kro. ies nfl GVy aMdr pYdf hox vfly kItfxU nÈt ho jFdy hn.
sPfeI leI isrky dI kro vrqoN
isrkf bYktIrIaf nUM jldI Éqm kr idMdf hY. aijhy 'c isrky 'c pfxI imlf ky GVy nUM sfP krn nfl ies 'c mOjUd kItfxU nÈt ho jFdy hn. ies leI mhIny 'c GwtoGwt iek jF do vfr ies nUM isrky nfl sfP kro. ies nfl sPfeI krn nfl GVy jF jwg qoN afAux vflI bdbU vI dUr ho jFdI hY.
aMdroN sfÌ krn leI burÈ dI kro vrqoN
GVy nUM aMdroN sfÌ krn leI lMby burÈ dI vrqoN kro. ies nfl ienHF imwtI dy brqnF dy aMdrly ihwsy nUM cMgI qrHF sfÌ kIqf jfvygf.
sPfeI leI byikMg sozf vrqoN
GVy nUM sfÌ krn leI kOlI ivc iek cmc byikMg sozf, iek cwmc sPYd isrkf aqy QoVHf ijhf nmk imlf ky GVy nUM sfÌ kro.
-Harjinder Sodhi -Seema Anand5 pfrt df sIrIj
20 2 4 vrksLfp zyts meI 7 / meI 1 4 / meI 22 / jUn 4 / jUn 1 7
vrksLfp 4
hIt pMp vfry mhwqvpUrn jfxkfrI
jUn 4, 2024
BCIT, brnbI kYNps 3700 ivilMgtn aYvinAU, brnbI
vrksLfp 5
ieMtIgryitz zIjLfeIn bxfAux dI pRikiraf
jUn 17, 2024
bYst vYstrn 32281 lohIz hfeIvya, imsLn
svyr 8:00 qoN diphr 12 vjy qwk nfsLqf: svyry 7:30 vjy
jfxkfrI aqy rYijstrysLn leI
ies ivafpk vrkÈfp sIrIjL ivwc Kojy gey
buinafdI, ËrUrI aqy AuwBr rhy iviÈaF vfry iswiKaf pRfpq krn nflL BC aYnrjI stYp koz dy afpxy igafn nUM vDfE.
iks nUM ieh vrksLfp ‘qy afAuxf cfhIdf hY
iks nUM ieh vrksLfp ‘qy afAuxf cfhIdf hY iblzr, afrkItYkt, izËfeInr, iblizMg ieMspYktr, AUrjf slfhkfr, Tykydfr, rIal astyt eyjMt, aqy Auwc-kfrguËfrI
iblizMg isstm pRikirafvF aqy vDIaf aiBafsF ivwc idlcspI rwKx vfilLaF leI Auicq hY.
jF abbotsford.ca/buildingworkshop ‘qy jfE
kYnyzf zya pryz dIaF aYplIkysLnF KuwlH cuwkIaF hn
kYnyzf zya pryz 1 julfeI 2024 nUM svyry 11:00 vjy ÈurU hovygI aqy borkuien stRIt qoN sLurU ho ky sfAUQ PryËr vya vwl jfvygI aqy moiet zrfeIv 'qy WJ moiet sYkMzrI skUl ivKy smfpq hovygI.
awj hI rYijstr kro: tourismabbotsford.ca/parade-application/
kMm vfly vrkrF dI loV hY. Friday, May 24th, 2024