July 18th, 2014

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Punjabi Patrika 

Friday, July 18th, 2014






Punjabi Patrika

Friday, July 18th, 2014



Local Students Shine in National Skills Competition

MLAs Michael de Jong, Simon Gibson and Darryl Plecas would like to congratulate to Elijah Baluyan and Karmyn Chretien from Robert Bateman Secondary on winning the silver medal at the Skills Canada National Competition for their work in 2D Character Computer Animation and Patty Chomseng and Monica Sivongsa from Rick Hansen Secondary for winning Bronze in 3D Character Computer Animation. The competition was held in Toronto from June 4 – 7.

· Skills/Compétences Canada was founded in 1989 as a na- · More than 78% of jobs will require some form of posttional not-for-profit organization. secondary education, and 43% will needs skilled trades and technical workers. · By 2022, B.C. is expecting one million job openings in B.C created by retirements and our growing economy.

“These students have proven that they can compete at the national level and make British Columbia proud,” said Abbotsford South MLA Darryl Plecas. “I am certain of their success in the future, no matter what their chosen field might be.” The Skills Canada National Competition is the only Olympic-style, multi-trade and technology event of its kind for students and apprentices in the country. The event took place at the International Centre in Toronto where 60 different assigned projects were showcased in major skilled trade and technology categories. The 500 competitors from all provinces and territories were evaluated by independent judges from the respective industry sectors. Their decisions were based on industry standards and established work practices, using specific criteria such as quality of work, safety, cleanliness, skill level and creativity. Quick Facts: · Each year Skills Canada British Columbia works with more than 12,000 B.C. students.



Punjabi Patrika 

Friday, July 18th, 2014

ÕËé¶âÅ ÒÚ ÇðÇëÀ±ÜÆÁź çÆ ÇÃÔå çíÅñ ìÅð¶ éÆåÆ ëËâðñ Õ¯ðà òñ¯º ðµç

bIqy idnIN PYzrl adflq ny 2012 ivwc istIjLniswp aqy ieMmIgrysLn mihkmy dy Aus PYsly sbMDI srkfr nUM JfVF pfeIaF ijs qihq kYnyzf vfly iriPAUjIaF dy ishq sMBfl lfB bMd kr idwqy gey sn. PYzrl srkfr df qrk sI ik jykr kYnyzf ivwc tUirjLm (sYr spfty leI) afAux vfly ivakqIaF nUM ishq lfB hfsl nhIN hn aqy prmfnYNt rYjLIzYNtF nMU iqMn mhIny bfad hI Auh lfB imldy hn qF iriPAUjIaF nUM pihly idn qoN hI lfB ikAuN idwqy jfx. srkfr ny surwiKaq mulkF qoN afAux vfly AuhnF lokF dy ishq lfB AuWkf bMd kr idwqy hn ijnHF dy iriPAUjI klym PylH ho jFdy hn. PYzrl srkfr muqfibk aijhf krn nfl srkfr pMj sflF ivwc 100 imlIan zflr dI bwcq krygI.

ibmfrI df sLurUafq ielfj nhIN huMdf qf Auh gMBIr bx jFdI hY ijs AuWqy bfad ivwc bhuq ijafdf Krc afAuNdf hY. srkfr ny muwZly ishq lfB bMd kIqy sn ijs df Bfv hY ik iriPAUjIaF dIaF gMBIr ibmfrIaF df ielfj hfly vI kIqf jFdf hY. qIjf nuksfn ieh huMdf hY ik jdoN koeI grBvqI iriPAUjI aOrq bwcy nUM jnm idMdI hY qF Auh kYnyzIan istIjLn bx jFdf hY. bhuq kysF ivwc iriPAUjI grBvqI mfvF bwcf jMmx leI hspqfl nhIN jFdIaF ikAuNik AuhnF kol hspqfl ivwc bwcf pYdf krn leI ZfeI iqMn hjLfr zflr nhIN huMdy. ies kfrn bhuq bwcy apfhj, Gwt ivksq, idmfgI nuksF vfly aqy hor ishq smwisafvF lY ky jnmdy hn ijs df iswDf nuksfn kYnyzIan smfj nUM huMdf hY.

srkfr dy aijhy qrk nUM hfsohIxf krfr dyNdy hoey adflq ny ikhf ik iriPAUjIaF dy ishq lfB bMd krnf gYrsMivDfnk hox qoN ielfvf iriPAUjIaF pRqI ‘jfbrfnf aqy asfDfrn’ aOiKafeI pYdf krn vflf vqIrf hY. cyqy rhy ik srkfr dy ies PYsly df ijwQy AuntfrIE smyq lgBg sfry pRoivMsF ny ivroD kIqf sI, Aus dy nfl kYnyzIan zfktrjL Pfr iriPAUjI kyar kYnyzIan aYsosIeysLn Pfr iriPAUjI lfaierjL aqy jsits Pfr iclzrn aYNz XUQ afid gruwpF ny vI vwzy pwDr AuWqy ivroD kIqf sI. srkfr dy ies mMdBfgI PYsly nUM adflq ivwc cuxOqI vI idwqI geI ijs dy iswty vjoN adflq ny ies nUM gYrsMivDfnk krfr idwqf hY.

iehnF kwtF dI sB qoN vwzI smwisaf ieh sI ik mnuwKI sMvydnsLIlqf df Gfx huMdf sI. mnuwKI hwkF dI rKvflI leI KVy hox vfly kYnyzf ivwc hjLfrF lokF dy buinafdI ishq aiDkfrF dI AulMGxf hoxI arMB hoeI. ies krky hI mfxXog jwj ny afpxy PYsly ivwc ikhf hY ik srkfr mfsUm bwicaF dy jIvn nfl aijhf iKlvfV kr rhI hY ijs nfl kYnyzIan lokF dI aMqr-afqmf JMjoVI jFdI hY aqy kYnyzIan jn-jIvn ivwc pfey jFdy slIky dy mUMh AuWqy kflK PyrI jf rhI hY. adflq muqfbk ieh ktOqIaF kYnyzIan cfrtr afP rfeIts dI Dfrf 12 dI vI AulMGxf krdIaF hn.

iriPAUjIaF dy ishq lfBF nUM kwt lfey jfx qoN bfad keI aiDaYn kIqy gey. iehnF aiDaYnF ny sfbq kIqf ik iriPAUjIaF dy ishq lfB kwt krky srkfr ny kYnyzf vfsIaF nUM keI iksm dIaF CUq dIaF ibmfrIaF lwgx leI rfh Kol idwqf hY. bhuq sfry iriPAUjI gMBIr iksm dIaF CUq dIaF ibmfrIaF qoN pIVq huMdy hn ijhnF df ielfj nf hox kfrn ieh ibmfrIaF dy kYnyzf ivwc PYlx df zr bixaf rihMdf hY. dUjf jdoN iksy iriPAUjI dI

PYzrl srkfr adflq dy ies PYsly nUM cuxOqI dyx dI gwl kr rhI hY. ies sbMDI istIjLniswp aqy ieMmIgrysLn mMqrI ikRs alYgjYNzr kfPI sKq iksm dy ibafn dy rhy hn. srkfrF dy mMqrI PYsly krn dy smrwQ ho skdy hn lyikMn jLrUrI nhIN ik sfry PYsly shI vI hox. iriPAUjIaF dy ishq lfB bMd krnf shI PYslf nhIN hY ijs qoN srkfr nUM ‘mYN nf mfnU’ vflI ijwd krn nfloN sbk iswKx dI loV hY. cMgf hovygf jykr srkfr ies PYsly nUM suprIm kort ivwc cuxOqI nf dyvy.

Çìµñ ÃÆ BD ðÅÔƺ ç¯ÔðÆ éÅ×ÇðÕåÅ êzåÆ ÇòåÕðÅ Áå¶ ÁÇéÁź istIjLniswp aqy iemIgrysLn mMqrI ikRs alYgjYNLzr df afKxf hY ik kYnyzIan istIjLnisLwp hfsl krnf iewk shUlq/irafieq (privilege) hY nf ik hwk. ies Dfrnf nUM muwK rwK ky PYzrl srkfr ny ipCly idnIN ibwl sI 24 pfs kIqf ijs nUM sLfhI Purmfn vI iml cuwkf hY. ibwl sI 24 qihq istIjLniswp aqy ieMmIgrysLn mMqrI nUM ieh aiDkfr hn ik ivdysLF ivwc dysL Droh jF awiqvfd dy kysF ivwc sLfml dohrI nfgirkqf vfly kYnyzIanF dI istIjLniswp Kqm kr skdf hY. ies dy nfl ieh ibwl iewk hor aiq Kqrnfk siQqI pY d f krdf hY . ieh knU M n isrP Au h nF ivkaqIaF dI istIjLniswp leI Kqrf nhIN ijnHF ny kudrqI rlyvyN (naturalization) rfhIN kYnyzIan istIjLnisLwp hfsl kIqI hY aqy afpxy jwdI mulk dI vI istIjLniswp rwKx df PYslf kIqf hY, sgoN kYnyzf dy jMmy jfey kYnyzIan ies knUMn dI mfr Qwly af skdy hn. ies dI iewk imsfl kfPI hovygI. imsr aqy keI hor aijhy mulk aijhy hn jo afpxy nfgirkF vwloN iksy hor mulk dI nfgirkqf hfsl krn qoN bfad AuhnF dy ivdysLF ivwc pYdf hoey bwicaF nUM vI Kudb-Kud dohrI nfgirkqf dyNdy hn. ies vfsqy koeI


arjLI dyx dI vI loV nhIN. so kYnyzf ivwc pYdf hoey Auh keI lok ies kfnUMn df isLkfr ho skdy hn ijnHF nUM sLfied ieh pqf vI nf hovy ik Auh iksy dUjy mulk dy istIjLn vI hn. al jjLIrf dy kYnyzIan pwqrkfr muhMmd PfhmI AuWqy imsr dy vihsLI iksm dy injLfm ny mulk Droh dy kys bxf ky jylH ivwc suwt idwqf. kYnyzf srkfr Aus dI irhfeI leI koisLsF vI kr rhI hY aqy Aus nUM ieh vI afKxf pY irhf hY ik muhMmd ivruwD ibl sI 24 nUM nhIN vriqaf jfvygf. ies df arQ hoieaf ik ibgfny mulkF ivwc jfiejL kMm krn gey kYnyzIanF nUM ieh kfnUMn qihq kdy vI dohrI mfr pY skdI hY. kYnyzIan istIjLniswp nUM do vrgF ivwc vMz ky PYzrl srkfr iewk iksm nfl ivqkry Bry smfj dI AusfrI kr rhI hY. iewk Auh istIjLn jo AuWc vrg dy hn aqy dUjy ijnHF nUM iksy vI idn iksy vI bhfny jlfvqn kIqf jf skdf hY. sLihrI hwkF leI kMm krdy kuwJ vkIlF aqy sMsQfvF vwloN ies knUMn nUM asMivDfnk aYlfn krn leI PYzrl kort ivwc cuxOqI idwqI geI hY. cMgf hovygf ik srkfr Kud hI ies knUMn ivwc qbdIlI krky kYnyzIan istIjLnisLwp nUM mjLbUq bxfvy.

Punjabi Patrika

Friday, July 18th, 2014



íÅðåÆÁź òÅÃå¶ ÕËé¶âÅ çÅ éòź ÒÕËé-êñÃÒ òÆ÷Å ÇÃÃàî

AuhnF muqfbk ijhnF mulfjLmF kol “uncommon knowledge” (afsfDfrn igafn) hY, AuhnF nUM hI ieMtrf kMpnI vIjLf idwqf jfvygf. BfrqI afeI[ tI[ sYktr df iglf hY ik kYnyzf ny ieh pRIBfsLf nhIN idwqI ik afKr nUM “uncommon knowledge” kI blf hY. kOx lok iks Xogqf aqy anuBv nfl ies qihq vIjLf lY skdy hn ies BMblBUsy kfrn nvIN pflsI dy hoNd ivwc afAux qoN bfad iksy BfrqI nUM ies pflsI qihq vIjLf nhIN imilaf hY. BfrqI afeI[ tI[ kMpnIaF dy ihwqF leI kMm krdI sMsQf NASCOM (nfskfm) vwloN ies sbMDI ikRs alYgjYNzr nfl Aus dy Bfrq dOry dOrfn gwl kIqy jfx dI sMBfvnf sI. ikAuNik Bfrq ivwcoN vwzI igxqI ivwc afeI[ tI[ pRoPYsLnl QoVy smyN dIaF pUry ivsLv ivwcoN kYnyzf GuMmx iPrn afAux vfly tOp ds jObF leI kYnyzf Byjy jFdy hn, srkfr nUM ies pfsy mulkF ivwcoN Bfrq dy lok iewk hn. 2013 ivwc kYnyzf iDafn dyx dI loV hY. ny 1 lwK 30 hjLfr BfrqIaF nUM ivjLtr vIjy jfrI kIqy ieMmIgrysLn mMqrI vwloN Bfrq ivwc (stfrt awp vIjLf) aqy 14,000 BfrqI ividafrQI kYnyzf ivwc pVHn afey. df vI jLor sLor nfl prcfr kIqf jf irhf hY lyikMn iksy mulk ivwcoN aYnI vwzI qfdfd ivwc lokF df kYnyzf ies dI kfrj pRxflI bfry shI jfxkfrI dI Gft kfrn afAuxf ivAupfrk pwKoN suLB sLgn hY. kYn+pflsI lfgU keI BulyKy pfey jf rhy hn. stfrt ap vIjLf cMgy krn ipwCy kYnyzf srkfr df ieh mihsUs krnf vI hY ibjns vfly lokF leI kYnyzf dI prmfnYNt rYjLIzYNs ik jykr ivakqI pihlF af ky vfps afpxy mulk prq lYx df sOKf qrIkf ho skdf hY. ies vfsqy Xog hox cuwkf hY qF Auh BivwK ivwc vI vfps clf jfvygf. Bfv leI arjLIkrqf kol lYvl 5 qwk dI aMgryjLI df ieh ik vIjLf Prfz nhIN hovygf. vYsy vI hr afAux vflf igafn, sYkMzrI skUl qoN AuWpr dI ivwidaf qoN ielfvf ivakqI itktF, cIjLF vsqF dI KrIddfrI aqy hor iewk cMgf ibjnsL afeIzIaf hoxf cfhIdf hY. ieh KricaF rfhIN kYnyzf dI afriQkqf ivwc Xogdfn pfAuNdf ibjns afeIzIaf aYnf jbrdsq hovy ik kYnyzf df hY. kYnyzf ny pihlF ies pRxflI nUM cIn aqy mYksIko koeI vYnr kMpItyilst Aus ibjns afeIzIaf ivwc 2 afid mulkF leI vI cflU kIqf hoieaf hY. Bfrq dy vwK lwK zflr lfAux dI hfmI Brdf hovy jF koeI mnjLUr vwK 10 sLihrF ivwc kYnyzf dy aijhy vIjLf sYNtr hn sudf kYnyzIan eyNjl afrgynfeIjysLn kYnyzIan eygl ijhnF ivwc ies pflsI qihq arjLI idwqI jf skygI. jQybMdI 75,000 zflr invysL krn df vfadf kry. ies dy Ault kuJ mfVy anuBv vI hn. ies sfl jUn kYnyzf srkfr afs krdI hY ik ivsLv dy Xog aqy inpuMn ivwc kYnyzf vwloN vIjLf jfrI krn sbMDI kIqIaF geIaF ibjns iKaflF vfly lok ies kYtgrI qihq kYnyzf af qbdIlIaF Bfrq dIaF Kfs krky ‘afeI tI’ kMpnIaF ky ivAupfr nUM mjbUq krn ivwc shfeI hoxgy. istIjLniswp aqy ieMmIgrysLn mMqrI ikRs alYgjYNzr ny afpxy Bfrq dOry dOrfn nvIN idwlI ivKy Bfrq qoN kYnyzf afAux vfly XfqrIaF leI vIjLf pRbMD nUM srl aqy asrdfr bxfAux vflI nvIN nIqI df aYlfn kIqf hY. kYn nfmk ieh nIqI Bfrq qoN pVHfeI, ivAupfr jF sYr spfty AuWqy afAux vfly AuhnF lokF leI hY jo pihlF iksy smyN kYnyzf af ky vfps jf cuwky hn. nvIN nIqI qihq aplIkYNt nUM shI dsqfvyjL arjLI nfl lfAux dI sUrq ivwc pMj idn ivwc vIjLf idwqf jfieaf krygf. idlcsp gwl ieh hY ik kYn+pflsI qihq Auh lok vI arjLI dy skxgy ijhVy ipCly ds sflF ivwc iksy vyly bysLwk kYnyzf nhIN afey lyikMn amrIkf af ky vfps jf cuwky hn.

ivwc vwzy pwDr AuWqy ros pfieaf jf irhf sI. huMdf ieh hY ik jykr iksy kMpnI ny afpxy mulfjLm nUM kYnyzf Kfs kMm vfsqy Byjxf huMdf hY qF Auh Intra-Company Transfer (ICT) (ieMtrf kMpnI tRFsPr) vIjLf qihq afAuNdy hn. 9 jUn nUM kYnyzf ny jo qbdIlIaF kIqIaF

kYnyzf vwloN cuwky jf rhy ieh sfry kdm suafgqXog hn. AumId kIqI jfxI cfhIdI hY ik agly sflF ivwc iehnF pRogrfmF sdkf Bfrq smyq ivsLv dy vwKo vwKry mulkF dy lokF df kYnyzf afAuxf aqy kYnyzf af ky ivAupfr krnf sOKf ho jfvygf.



Punjabi Patrika 


t’s that special time of year again… flu season! Influenza virus is spread via tiny droplets in the air from the coughs or sneezes of an infected person. These invisible droplets can be inhaled, land on you or on surfaces you touch – so defend yourself with frequent hand washing. Also good protection – stimulate your immune system with vaccination. The flu shot can reduce your risk of flu by up to 80%.

Friday, July 18th, 2014

tant is often the recommended medication. Watch out for multi-ingredient packages that can lead to overdosing or treating symptoms that aren’t there. Talk to your pharmacist about interactions with other medications or conditions. In this case, the K.I.S.S. principle often holds true! It is difficult to watch your child suffer with a cold and not have a lot of medication options. Time to get back to basics: chicken soup is a worthwhile standby. Sore throats respond to honey/lemon & warm water or frozen dairy treats. Feed a fever with plenty of fluids. Congestion can be alleviated with a vaporizer/ humidifier or saline nasal spray & aspirator. And mentholated ointment can just feel good.

Many of us don’t make a concerted effort to wash our hands effectively – but thorough hand washing is key to reducing the spread of many illnesses (not just the flu). But, just what is “effective?” Wet your hands and wrists. Lather with soap on all surfaces – backs of hands, knuckles, between fingers and under nails – for at least 15 seconds. Rinse thoroughly and Our pharmacists have many tips for mandry with disposable paper towels. Now, aging the uncomfortable symptoms of that’s clean! colds and flus – and most of them are just You just want to breathe – but those phar- as good for adults as they are for kids! macy shelves are cluttered with colourful Article Provided by Gladwin Pharmacy, boxes all claiming to be best! For simple See advertisement on this page . nasal stuffiness due to colds, a deconges-


Punjabi Patrika

Friday, July 18th, 2014



Audited Public Accounts Confirms Balanced Budget


aintaining fiscal discipline and controlling spending helped government balance the budget and post a modest surplus of $353 million last fiscal despite lower than forecast revenues, Minister of Finance Michael de Jong announced today with the release of the 2013-14 Public Accounts.

Self-supported debt increased more than $2 billion. The increase in self-supported debt was $239 million lower than forecast in Budget Update 2013 as a result of lower capital requirements for BC Hydro and the Transportation Investment Corporation. British Columbia continues to maintain a strong credit rating with all four major credit rating agencies. Standard and Poor’s; Moody’s Investors Services; and Fitch Ratings Inc. have affirmed the province’s rating at Triple-A. Dominion Bond Rating Service has affirmed the province at a rating of AA (high).

Government revenues were $511 million lower than forecast in Budget Update 2013, primarily due to a drop in taxation revenues and lower-than-anticipated earnings for self-supported Crown corporations. Even with the decline in revenues, government increased spending on health by $360 million and education Online versions of the public accounts by $299 million compared to 2012-13. and related documents can be found at the following link: http://www.fin.gov. By maintaining spending controls in- bc.ca/ocg/pa/13_14/pa13_14.htm cluding a hiring freeze and restrictions on discretionary spending government Unaudited Public Accounts supplemencontinued to bend down the spending tary data sets including salary informacurve in 2013-14. Overall government tion, travel expenses and payments to spending was $561 million less than suppliers are available on the Data B.C. forecast in Budget Update 2013 and total website at: www.data.gov.bc.ca program spending increased by only 0.4 per cent over the previous year. Government invested $3.2 billion in capital projects throughout British Columbia such as schools, roads, public transit and hospitals. This included $1 billion in B.C.’s transportation network; over $980 million to build, upgrade and modernize K-12 and post-secondary schools; and $690 million for health facilities. Projects included improvements to Highway 97 as part of the Cariboo Connector Program; replacement of Belmont Secondary school in Langford; and replacement of the Lakes District Hospital in Burns Lake. British Columbia’s ratio of taxpayer supported debt to GDP, a key measure of af- Quotes: fordability, ended the year at 18.2% – one Minister of Finance Michael de Jong − of the lowest in Canada and below the 18.4% forecast in Budget Update 2013. “Being fiscally vigilant has meant making some tough choices in order to get Total financial statement debt increased B.C. back to balanced budgets. With by $4.0 billion to $60.8 billion as gov- the support of B.C. taxpayers, we have ernment continued to invest in capital managed to hold the line on spending and projects. This includes an increase in deliver a modest surplus while protecting taxpayer-supported debt of $2.9 billion the public services that are so important to finance capital infrastructure and sup- to British Columbians.” port working capital requirements for programs and services. The increase in “We remain on track to balance the taxpayer-supported debt was $1.6 billion budget, but ongoing challenges in global lower than forecast in Budget Update and domestic economies mean we must 2013 primarily due to a $1.1 billion continue to exercise discipline and susreduction in borrowing for operating tain our commitment that we will not purposes and a $371 million reduction spend more money than taxpayers send to government.” in capital requirements.


Punjabi Patrika


asIN afpxy bwicaF nUM bcpn qoN vwKvwK gRMQF df hvflf dy ky nrk svrg, puMn pfp, agly ipCly jnm qy afqmf prmfqmf dIaF DfrnfvF bfry dwsxf sLurU kr idMdy hF. aksr hI ikhf jFdf hY ik ijs jIv jF mnuwK ny ipCly jnm dOrfn cMgy kMm kIqy sn, Auh mnuwKI jUn jF cMgy Gr pYdf hoieaf hY. sfnUM ies jnm ivwc vI cMgy krm krny cfhIdy hn. aijhf nf krn vfly lokF nUM curfsI lwK jUnF dy gyV ivwc pYxf pvygf. mfVy lokF nUM nrk qy cMgy lokF nUM svrg dI QF imlygI. asIN nf afpxy ivwcoN iksy ny afpxf ipClf jnm vyiKaf hY aqy nf aglf jnm vyKx dI koeI AumId hY. sfzy kol vDIaf ZMg nfl ijAux aqy mfxn leI isrP mOjUdf jIvn hY. iPr ikAuN nf mrn ipwCoN svrg dyKx dI klpnf Cwz ky mOjUdf jIvn dOrfn hI DrqI nUM svrg bxfAux dy Xqn krIey. asl ivwc DrqI, sUrj prvfr dy sfry gRihaF nfloN vwKrf aqy anoKf gRih hY. sUrj qoN ies dI Kfs dUrI krky hI ies `qy jIvn sMBv hY. anyk gYsF, pfxI Kixj pdfrQ aqy


Friday, July 18th, 2014


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kudrqI inafmqF isrP ies dy ihwsy hI afeIaF hn. dUjy gRihaF dI hflq dyK ky qF DrqI nUM svrg hI ikhf jf skdf hY, pr aPsos imwQF aqy BivwKbfxIaF ny ies nUM svrg mMnx hI nhIN idwqf jF sfnUM DrqI dy svrg hox df aihsfs hI nhIN hoieaf. sfnUM purfxIaF DfrnfvF aqy rvfieqF nUM bgYr iksy qrk dy mMndy rihx leI afK ky isrP aglf jIvn sMvfrn dy rsqy qorI rwiKaf igaf hY. mnuwKI ieiqhfs Drm dy nF `qy ho e IaF lVfeIaF nfl Biraf ipaf hY. DrmF nUM pUrI mfnvqf nUM ipafr dI lVI `c proNidaF ies dI BlfeI dy Xqn krny cfhIdy sn, pr aijhf ho nhIN sikaf. mnuwKqf nUM ipafr dI lVI `c proNidaF ies dI BlfeI dy Xqn krny cfhIdy sn, pr aijhf ho nhIN sikaf. mnuwKqf nUM krm kFzF `c AulJf ky Aus df jIvn nrk bxf idwqf igaf. sdIaF qoN gulfmF vrgI ijLMdgI bsr krdy lokF nUM AunHF dI bdqr siQqI df kfrn prmfqmf dI mrjLI dws ky bgfvq krn qoN rokI rwiKaf igaf hY. rfjnIqI ny pUrI mnuwKqf nUM vMz ky

muwTI Br isafsqdfnF df pwK pUiraf hY. isafsqdfnF ny jfq, Drm, BfsLf, rMg aqy nsl dy pwqy suwt ky koJI Kyz nUM ‘lok syvf’ df nF dy rwiKaf hY. bhuqy aKOqI Dfrimk afgU, isafsqdfnF dy mohry bx cuwky hn. dovF ny sfdgI, inmrqf aqy blIdfn df PlsPf iqafg ky cmk-dmk, loB-lflc aqy nfbrsLfhI nUM afpxf afdrsL bxf ilaf hY. dunIaF dy kroVF lok awj vI BwuKy nMgy, byGry aqy bImfrIaF nfl jUJdy hoey jfnF guaf rhy hn, pr Dfrimk afgU aqy isafsqdfn byihsfbI dOlq AuWqy nfg vFg kuMzlI mfrI bYTy hn. ienHF ny ajy qwk DrqI `qy PYlIaF alfmqF nUM dUr krn bfry socxf munfisb nhIN smiJaf. sfzIaF loVF aqy iewCfvF ny vI sfnUM svrg dyKx qoN vFJy krI rwiKaf hY. asIN cwl aqy acwl jfiedfdF iekwTIaF krn dI dOV `c vrqmfn nUM Bulf bYTy hF. amIr dysLF ny afpsI DONs jmfAux leI anykF mfrU hiQafr bxf rwKy hn. hiQafrF dI aMnI dOV pUrI DrqI nUM sLmsLfn ivwc qbdIl krn dI idLsf vwl vDdI jf rhI hY.

DrqI nUM svrg bxfeI rwKx jF ijAuNdy jIa svrg dyKx leI mnuwK hox dy nfqy sfzI ijMmyvfrI bxdI hY ik sfnUM cMgIaF afdqF, cMgIaF DfrnfvF aqy cMgy ivcfrF nUM apxfAuxf pvygf. sL u r U a fq afpxy prvfr qo N krnI pvygI. sfnUM sfzy idmfg ivwcoN Byd Bfv aqy qMgidlI nUM kwZxf pvygf. sfnUM afpxy glI muhwly aqy aFZ guaFZ ivwc imwqrqfpUrvk rihky iek dUjy dI KusLI gmI `c sLrIk hoxf pvygf. byshfrf, loVvMdF, dwby-kucly lokF aqy aOrqF dy jIvn pwDr nUM suDfrn leI AunHF leI iswiKaf, ishq shUlqF, Bojn aqy afsfrf pRdfn krn leI sfriQk XqnF dI bVI loV hY. ies leI sfnUM afpxy koloN qn mn aqy Dn df sihXog dyxf pvygf.

drsLn isMG sfzy leI prmfqmf dI pUjf dy sfmfn hoxf cfhIdf hY. aiDkfrF dI vrqoN aqy hor vDyry mMg dy nfl krqwv nhIN ivsfrny cfhIdy. sfnUM kudrq nfl iKlvfV krn vflIaf, mnuwKqf leI Gfqk aqy anYiqk ikirafvF nUM rokxf pvygf. kudrqI sMquln bxfeI rwKx leI jMglI jIvF aqy bnspqI nUM sMBfldy hoey hvf, imwtI aqy pfxI dI svwsqf bxfeI rwKIey. isrP vwzy-vwzy mkfn Ausfr ky rihx lwg jfx nfl gwl nhIN bxnI. sfnUM sfzy ihrdy vI ivsLfl krny pYxgy. PuwlF dI qrHF dUijaF nUM KusL rwKx dI koisLsL krIey aqy KusLbU bx ky PYl jfeIey. muskrfAux dy nfl-nfl idloN vI KusL hoeIey. dunIaF nUM ijwqx dy supny lYx nfloN afpxy afp nUM ijwqx qurIey. iPr sfnUM dUr Dfrimk sQfn `qy jf ky jF mOq qoN ipwCoN svrg dyKx dI AuzIk krn dI jLrUrq nhIN pvygI. sfnUM ienHF awKF nfl hI iesy jnm, hr smyN, sfzy aMdr bfhr aqy cfr cuPyry svrg hI njLr afvygf.

sfnUM prmfqmf nUM hr iensfn, jIv, QF aqy kudrq ivwcoN hr smyN dyKx dI koisLsL krnI pvygI nf ik isrP Dfrimk sQfnF afgU a F, gR M Q F jF iksy ivsLysL nsl ivwcoN. hwkF leI jUJxf sfzf mnorQ aqy prfieaf hwk Kohxf aDrm hoxf cfhIdf hY. afpxI Xogqf aqy hunr muqfbk kMm krnf ‘iehI jg imWTf aglf iks ny izWTf’

Friday, July 18th, 2014

nOjvfn pIVHI iksy dysL, smfj df vzmuwlf srmfieaf huMdI hY. aksr ikhf jfˆdf hY ik dysL, smfj aqy pirvfr df Bfr ienHfˆ dy kMiDafˆ `qy hY. ienHfˆ ny hux dyÈ dI vfgzor sMBflxI hY. sfnUM ieh vI pqf hY ik iehI smfˆ huMdf hY, jdoN AunHfˆ ivwc kuJ kr skx dI ihMmq huMdI hY, jËbf huMdf hY. jvfnI Auh avsQf huMdI hY, jdoN kuJ nvfˆ krn df cfa huMdf hY. iDafn nfl socIey qfˆ hr nOjvfn pIVHI afpxI pihlI pIVHI nfloN vwKrI rhI hY. hr nOjvfn df afpxI Aumr ivwc afpxy vwizafˆ nfl qkrfr irhf hY. ieh Bfvyˆ cuwp-cupIqf irhf ho skdf hY jfˆ iPr bol-cfl-Zfl rfhIN vI sfhmxy afieaf ho skdf hY. hr pIVHI dI soc ivwc kuJ afpxf nvfˆ, kuJ vwKrfpx huMdf hY. ies scfeI dy bfvjUd, mfˆ-ipE nOjvfnfˆ nUM AunHfˆ dy vqIry sbMDI kosdy hn. drasl mfpy, AunHfˆ dy idRÈtIkox qoN nf qfˆ socdy hn qy nf hI smJdy hn, sgoN afpxf idRÈtIkox AunHfˆ AuWpr Qopx dI koiÈÈ krdy hn, ijs nfl tkrfa pYdf huMdf hY. bwcf sLurU ivwc mfˆ aqy pirvfr dy hor mYˆbrfˆ nfl rldf-imldf hY. Aus dy aMg-sMg sB qoN vwD mfpy hI huMdy hn. bwcy nUM pYr-pYr `qy mihsUs huMdf hY ik ienHfˆ nUM ikMnf igafn hY.

Punjabi Patrika 

ÜòÅé Ô¯ ðÔ¶ èÆÁź-ê°µå

myry hr suafl df juafb ienHfˆ kol hY. iPr jdoN Auh skUl jfˆdf hY qfˆ aiDafpkfˆ kol Aus dy bhuq sfry suaflfˆ df juafb huMdf hY. iPr Aus nUM aiDafpk bVI aihm ÈKsIaq jfpx lwg jfˆdy hn. jdoN ienHfˆ lokfˆ qoN Aus nUM smwisafvfˆ df hwl nhIN lwBdf qfˆ Aus df Brm tuwt jfˆdf hY.

BfrqI smfj ivwc pirvfrk mfhOl hI ies qrHfˆ df Ausfiraf igaf hY ik bwcy dy mn aMdr pihlfˆ qoN zr aqy iJjk pYdf kr idwqI jfˆdI hY ijs krky bwcf mfˆ-ipE awgy afpxy suafl rwKx qoN zrdf hY. asl ivwc asIN afpxy hI kMm ivwc lwgy rihMdy hfˆ qy kdy ieh suxn aqy smJx dI koiÈÈ hI nhIN krdy ik bwcf kI kihxf cfhuMdf hY. bwcy dI gwl smJx aqy iPr Aus nUM smJfAux dI bjfey, asIN Aus nUM iJVk idMdy hfˆ ijs kfrn bwcy aqy mfqf-ipqf ivwc dUrI vDx lwg pYˆdI hY. jdoN bwcf quhfzy qoN iksy cIË dI mMg krdf hY qfˆ qusIN Aus nUM Auh lY ky dyx dy kfbl ho qfˆ jldI lY dyvo, nhIN qfˆ Aus nUM cMgI qrHfˆ mjbUrI smJfE qfˆ ik bwcf smJ jfvy ik ies dy ipwCy iewk kfrn hY. jy bwcy nUM kih idwqf jfˆdf hY ik lY dyvfˆgy, iPr mMgx `qy iPr kih idwqf jfˆdf hY lY dyvfˆgy, ies qrHfˆ hOlI-hOlI qusIN afpxy bwcy df ivÈvfs guaf idMdy ho. Auh quhfzIafˆ gwlfˆ AuWpr ivÈvfs krnf bMd kr idMdf hY.

buwDI dy ivkfs aDIn mfˆ-ipE Aus dy afdrÈ huMdy hn. iPr ieh afdrÈ aiDafpk vrg `qy jf itkdf hY. awgoN jy aiDafpk vI Aus nUM jdoN shI syD pRdfn nhIN krdf, Aus dy suaflfˆ df juafb nhIN idMdf qfˆ Aus dy kol koeI afdrÈ nhIN rih jfˆdf qy iPr Auh klipq afdrÈ bxfAuNdf hY. klipq afdrÈ df afpxf Kqrf huMdf hY. jy ieh duinafvI hovy ijvyˆ iPlmI hIro qfˆ Auh Aus vfˆg ivcrnf cfhuMdf hY aqy afpxy-afp nUM Ausy nfˆ nfl bulfieaf jfxf cfhuMdf hY jo Aus leI hor Kqrnfk sfbq huMdf hY. jdoN sfry afdrÈ dogly aqy KoKly jfpdy hn qfˆ AudoN mIzIaf afdrÈ pyÈ krdf hY jfˆ kih lvo ik afpxI mrËI df afdrÈ Qopdf hY qy iPr Aus rfhIN afpxI ivcfrDfrf PYlfAuNdf hY. ieh ivcfrDfrf suMdrqf mukfbilafˆ dI, rfqo-rfq amIr hox afid dI ho skdI hY. ies dy hfnIkfrk pRBfvfˆ qoN asIN sfry BlI-Bfˆq jfxU hfˆ. iewQy bwcf ksUrvfr nhIN huMdf, jy koeI ksUrvfr huMdy hn, pihlfˆ mfˆ-bfp, iPr aiDafpk aqy Aus qoN bfad mIzIaf. pCfx sMkt ivwc iGiraf bwcf jy shI idÈf hfsl nhIN krygf qfˆ inÈicq hI burIafˆ afdqfˆ aqy kMm ies nUM afpxI igRPq ivwc lY lYxgy. bwcf ies Aumr ivwc Aus curfhy `qy KVHf huMdf hY ijs nUM Puslf ky iksy pfsy vI

PAGE 9 suKpRIq kOr iljfieaf jf skdf hY. jdoN nOjvfn suafljuafb krdf hY qfˆ hr koeI Aus nUM afpxy ZMg nfl PuslfAuNdf hY qy afpxy jfl ivwc PsfAux dI koiÈÈ krdf hY, ijvyˆ niÈafˆ dy vpfrI Aus nUM afpxI dunIafˆ ivKfAuNdy hn. jy bwcf kuJ nhIN suxdf jfˆ sfrIafˆ qfkqfˆ iekwTIafˆ ho jfˆdIafˆ hn qfˆ Auh mfnisk rogI ho skdf hY. ajoky nOjvfnfˆ nOjvfnfˆ ivwc qrk hY, jigafsU vI hn Bfvyˆ prpwk nhIN. Auh ikMqU-pRMqU krnf cfhuMdy hn qy afpxy blbUqy kuJ krn df dm rwKdy hn. Auh afpxI pCfx bxfAux dy iewCuk hn. AunHfˆ ivwc ihMmq vI hY qy nvfˆpx vI. ieh sfry gux iewk rfh lwBxf cfhuMdy hn. ieh rfh iks ny idKfAuxf hY qfˆ pihlf PrË mfˆ-ipE df hY jo Aus dy sB qoN nyVy huMdy hn. aiDafpk dI BUimkf vI mhwqvpUrn hY ikAuNik Gr qoN bfad bwcy df bhqf rfbqf aiDafpkfˆ nfl huMdf hY. AuhI asl ivwc rfh idKfAux vfly hn pr Auh Kud ies ivvsQf df iÈkfr ho ky Btk gey lwgdy hn. bwicafˆ dy sMpUrn ivkfs leI AunHfˆ dy hfx dy bxnf ËrUrI hY. ies leI aiDafpk aqy mfˆ-bfp nUM AunHfˆ leI cMgy afdrÈ bxnf cfhIdf hY qfˆ ik Auh shI syD lY ky awgy vD skx aqy iËMdgI ivwc kuJ kr skx.


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Friday, July 18th, 2014


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Friday, July 18th, 2014

Punjabi Patrika 



Punjabi Patrika


Friday, July 18th, 2014


鱧Զº éÆ å±§º æµÕÆ, Ûµâ ÚðÖÅ å¶ Þ¯Á ÚµÕÆ

mnuwK df swcf suwcf afcfr swiBafcfr hY. pMjfb aqy pwKI Aus vyly vrqx dIaF vsqF sn. ieh df swiBafcfr iek amIr aqy ijAuNdf jfgdf Aus vyly dI gwl hY jdoN ajy pMjfb ivwc aMgryjLI rfj nhIN sI afieaf. GrylU vrqoN dIaF awjkwlH ienHF vsqF dI QF msInF ny lY leI hY. hwQ cwkI dI QF msLInF nfl afty dI ipsfeI sLurU ho geI aqy crKf hwQIN kwqx dI QF hux msLInI kqfeI imwlF hoNd ivwc hn, pwKI dI QF ibjlI nfl cwlx vfly pwiKaF aqy hwQIN cftI `c mDfxI pfAux dI QF hux msLInF nfl duwD irVikaf jFdf hY.

swiBafcfr hY. pMjfbI swiBafcfr ipMzF ivwc hI jnimaf aqy ivksq hoieaf hY. pMjfb dI bhuqI vsoN ipMzF ivwc hI vsdI sI. ies leI ies dy swiBafcfr dy jnm nUM pyNzU DrqI hI mMinaf igaf hY. hr ipMz ivwc vwK vwK DrmF, jfqF aqy goqF dy lok rc-imc ky vsdy sn. AunHF dI rihxI bihxI, rIqI-irvfj, kfr-ivhfr aqy KfxpIx dy qOr qrIky bhuqf krky ieko ijhy hI sn. ijvyN hr iek Gr ivwc cwkI, crKf, cftI mDfxI

kwiqaf krdIaF sn ijs nUM iqRMJx ikhf jFdf hY. iPr vI GrF dIaF bjurg aOrqF cwuly cONky dy kMm qoN ivhly ho ky crKf kwqdIaF sn. sfzy swiBafcfr ivwc awj vI crKy df ijLkr gIqF ivwc huMdf rihMdf hY. koeI aijhf gIqkfr jF gvweIaf nhIN ijs ny pMjfbI styj qy crKy df gIq nf gfieaf hovy. BfvyN crKf hux ajfieb GrF df isLMgfr bxky rih igaf hY pr sfzy sfihq ivwc ajy vI ieh pRDfn hY:-kuJ vMngIaF

awj dy ivigafnk aqy msLInI Xuwg ivwc ‘crKf cMnx df kwqF pRIqF nfl’ qyjL rPqfr nfl jIvn dI dOV ivwc ‘myrf crKf iqRMJxF df srdfr nI mfey’ mfzrn mnuwK afpxy purfxy ishqvMd ‘jogI AuWqr phfVoN afieaf crKy dI gUMj suxky’ swiBafcfr nUM Buwldf jf irhf hY. nvIN pIVI nUM ‘lokF BfvyN mor kUkdf, cIky crKf ibsLnIey qyrf’ ‘cwk crKf glI dy ivwc zfhuMdIaF ijMnF nUM loV ies swiBafcfr dI jfxkfrI dyx leI pMjfbI imwqrF dI’ swiBafcfrk myilaF qy Kyz myilaF qy aksr ‘hwQIN pUxIaF Zfk `qy crKf lMmI glI kwqx sMjIdf soc dy svfmI purfxy aOjfrF, sMdF aqy cwlI’ GrylU vrqoN vflIaF vsqF dI numfiesL jLrUr krdy hn. bIqy idnIN aYbtsPorz ivKy sLfn-ey‘awg lwgy crKy nUM inwq myry hwzF nUM Kfvy’ Kflsf Kyz myly dOrfn iek CotI ijhI numfiesL ‘hr crKy dy gyVy Xfd afvy imwqrF dI’ lgfeI geI ijs ivwc cwkI, crKf, cftI mDfxI ‘qMd qyiraF duwKF dy pfvF, lokF BfvyN mYN kwqdI’ qoN ielfvf cftI gfgr, CMny qy glfs idKfey gey. ‘AuWQy lY cwl crKf myrf ijwQy qyry hl vgdy’ pMjfbI pwiqRkf vwloN ies dIaF kuJ JlkF pfTkF leI pysL kr rhy hn. ‘crKf myrf rOxf-BOxf ivwc sony dIaF myKF mF nUM Xfd krF jd crKy vwl vyKF’ crKf pMjfb dy hr Gr df ainKVvF aMg huMdf sI, muitafrF crKy qy kwqy hoey sUq qoN hI afpxIaF ‘mF myrI ny crKf idwqf, pIVI dy dy qUM swsy drIaF Kys aqy hor dfj df sfmfn iqafr krdIaF sfrI rfq kwiqaF krUM kwiqaf krUM qyrI rUM swsy.’ huMdIaF sn aqy muitafrF iekwTIaF ho ky crKf nUMhy nI qUM QwkI Cwz crKf qy Joa cwkI.

Granular Calcium with Nutrisorb Root Enhancer Novacal II contains Nutrisorb, a registered natural fertilizer additive that stimulates root and plant growth and nutrient absorption. Enhanced root activity throughout the plant life cycle leads to more extraction of nutrients which results in higher quality crop and increased yields.


Novacal II Granular Calcium features 28% calcium and 19% sulphur, whereas regular gypsum has only 20% Ca. Novacal II is more economical than standard gypsum with 40% availability within two weeks of application. Its solubility makes it an effective calcium source, even when top-dressed. For more information, visit www.tlhort.com today or call us at 1-800-661-4559.

Punjabi Patrika July 2014 Novacal.indd PAGE 12


7/11/2014 8:11:41 AM

Friday, July 18th, 2014

Punjabi Patrika 


ÇìzÕà çî¶ñé sfl 2009 ivwc afriQk sMkt nfl jUJ rhy mulkF-bRfjLIl, rUs, Bfrq, cIn aqy dwKxI aPrIkf dy nfvF dy pihly awKrF nfl ienHF mulkF vwloN ibRks sMgTn dI sQfpnf kIqI geI sI. ieh pMjy mulk iewk aijhf sLkqIsLflI sMgTn bxfAuNdy hn jo ivsLv dy BUgoilk Kyqr df aMdfjLn 26 PIsdI, afbfdI df 43 PIsdI, kOmFqrI vpfr df 17 PIsdI aqy KrId sLkqI pwKoN kuwl GrylU Auqpfd df 25 PIsdI ihwsf hn. ibRks mulkF df arQcfrf kOmFqrI afriQk mMdI dy bfvjUd qyjLI nfl ivkfs krdf irhf hY. bRfjLIl aqy rUs ivsLv dy sB qoN vwzy qyl Auqpfdk mulk hn. cIn aqy Bfrq dunIaF dy sB qoN vwD AUrjf AupBogI mulk hn jdoN ik dwKxI aPrIkf hfly vI aPrIkI dysLF ivwcoN mohrI hY. sLurUafrqI dOr ivwc ‘ibRksL’ vwK-vwK mwuidaF AuWqy ivcfr-vtFdrf krn qwk hI sImq sI pr ipCly sfl mfrc ivwc hoey zrbn sMmyln qoN bfad smFbwD aqy nqIjfmuKI eyjMzy qYa krn, ivsLysL krky afriQk Kyqr ivwc suDfrF leI kdm puwty gey. sLurUafqI sflF ivwc rUs aqy cIn ibRksL df iesqymfl sMsfrk pwDr `qy rfjnIqk rUp ivwc krnf cfhuMdy sn. AunHF nUM AumId sI ik iqMn mhFdIpF ivwc PYly ieh vwzy dysL pwCmI dysLF Kfskr amrIkf df jLrUrq pYx `qy

PMz dI kfiemI sbMDI suJf nUM aMiqm rUp dyx modI ies mOky df lfB rUsI rfsLtrpqI df Xqn krngy ijs leI 100 iblIan vlfdImIr pU i qn aqy cInI rfsL t rpqI zflr iekwTf krn df pRsqfv hY qF jo musLkl ijMnipMg nfl mulfkfq krn ihwq lYxgy. ieh afriQk pRsiQqIaF ivwc mYNbr mulkF dI dovyN nyqf ies sfl Bfrq df dOrf kr skdy hn aqy modI ies mOky df lfB duvwly dOiraf dy shfieqf krn smyN aMqrrfsLtrI mudrfkosL eyjMzy inrDfrq krn leI lY skdy hn. modI vFg AunHF AuWqy sKq sLrqF nf lfeIaF jfx. dI ies Xfqrf dy kuJ hor lfB vI imlxgy. afpsI BfgIdfr vfly ies PMz ivwc cIn df rosyP (bRfjLIlI rfsLtrpqI) ny igafrF dwKxI ipCly sfl zrbn sMmyln ivwc ibRks nyqfvF Xogdfn 41 iblIan zflr, Bfrq, rUs aqy amrIkI dysLF dy nyqfvF nUM vI ies sMmyln ny isDFqk rUp ivwc sLurUafqI qOr qy 50 bRfjLIl df 18-18 iblIan zflr aqy dwKxI ivwc swidaf hY aqy ies nfl AunHF sfiraF nUM iblIan zflr dI pUMjI vfly bhupwKI bYNk aPrIkf df Xogdfn 5 iblIan zflr hovygf. imlx df vI mOkf iml jfvygf. dI sQfpnf dI sihmqI idwqI sI. ieh bYNk ivkfssLIl mulkF nMU buinafdI ZFcy aqy ivkfs XojnfvF leI rkm AuDfr dyvygf. afriQk qOr `qy sMpMn mulk cIn aqy rUs bYNk dy vwzy ihwsydfr bxn Kfqr ijLafdf rkm dyx dI koisLsL ivwc sn pr Bfrq smyq bfkI iqMnF mulkF ny ies df ivroD kIqf qy hux ies gwl `qy sihmqI bxI hY ik hr dysL ies ivwc ds iblIan zflr df ihwsf pfvygf. ies qrHF hr mulk dI ies ivwc brfbr ihwsydfrI hovygI. mukfblf kr skxgy pr Bfrq, bRfjLIl aqy dyKxI aPrIkf spsLt sn ik asl lfB afriQk smJOqy krn ivwc hY ijnHF dy Tos nqIjy inklx. sfl 2012 ivwc cOQy ibRks sMmyln dI myjLbfnI smyN Bfrq ny iewk nvyN ivkfs bYNk df ivcfr sfhmxy rwiKaf sI. ies nUM amrIkf, XUrp aqy jpfn dy dbdby vfly ivsLv bYNk aqy afeI[ aYm[ aYP[ df ivklp sQfipq krn vjoN dyiKaf igaf.

ibRks sMmyln ivwc modI hor cfr dysLF nfl iml ky ibRks bYNk nfl sbMDq hor muwidaF nUM inrDfrq kr skdy hn, ijvyN ik ieh bYNk ikwQy sQfipq hovy, lYx-dyx dI nIqI kI hovy aqy iks dysL df pRqIinD ies df pRDfn bxy. ibRks nyqf zrbn sMmyln ivwc AuWBry irjLrv




Punjabi Patrika 

Friday, July 18th, 2014

Punjabi Patrika

Friday, July 18th, 2014


Ministry boosts safety and enforcement on Highway 5A


s part of the B.C. government’s focus on highway safety, a new Commercial Vehicle Safety and Enforcement (CVSE) pullout has opened on Highway 5A to further improve safety for all motorists. Located approximately 12 kilometres south of Kamloops, the southbound pullout provides a hub for enforcement and inspections. The $950,000 pullout was completed at the end of May by Dawson Construction Limited.

which range from 60 to 90 km per hour, with 50 km per hour in Merritt and Kamloops municipal boundaries. The speed limits have been reviewed and were found to be appropriate for this stretch of roadway. Quotes:

BC Ambulance Service today celebrated 40 years of caring for British Columbia families. “Congratulations to BC Emergency Health Services and BC Ambulance Service on such an impressive accomplishment,” said Health Minister Terry Lake. “Forty years ago, an ambulance was primarily used as a method of transport, but now BC Ambulance Service essentially sends mobile health care right to a patient’s side using highly trained paramedics, efficient dispatchers and state-of-the-art equipment – a major advancement for patient care.”

Minister of Transportation and InfraThe year was 1974, a time when disco structure Todd Stone –

“Highway 5A has seen a significant safety transformation since 2008, with increased enforcement levels and many road safety improvements. As a result, we are seeing a 60% reduction in the number of accidents involving commercial trucks, and a 60% reduction in speeding violations by truck operators. We will remain vigilant along this important highway, to further improve safety for commercial operators, local drivers and tourists visiting the southern interior.”

This is in addition to other safety improvements along this corridor. Over the last year, the ministry has installed two LED curve warning signs near Nicola Lake and eight LED caution signs at Dropping Water curves. Numerous safety upgrades have been made since 2008, including 53 km of resurfacing, 150 meters of concrete roadside barrier and 43 km of centre Fraser-Nicola MLA Jackie Tegart– line rumble strips. “As a local resident, I know there are To further boost safety on Highway many people who live and work in 5A, the ministry increased CVSE this region who use Highway 5A on enforcement last summer. CVSE a daily basis. That is why the safety patrols were increased to 20 days per improvements that have been made month (up from 15 days per month) are so important. This latest investand a CVSE unmarked vehicle was ment continues to make a positive designated to the southern interior, difference for all drivers along this dispatched to Highway 5A as a prior- corridor.” ity route.

Key Facts:

Statistics show that this continued focus on safety and enforcement is working. Over the last five years, the number of serious crashes involving commercial trucks on Highway 5A has dropped by approximately 60%, when compared to the five year period before that. Over the last three years, the number of speeding violation tickets issued to commercial truck operators has dropped by more than 60%.

The ministry has invested $13.6 million on Highway 5A improvements since 2001 to improve safety for all motorists.

Following the release of the Rural Highway Safety and Speed Review, the speed limits on Highway 5A will remain the same as they are now,

CVSE officers have the authority to issue violation tickets to truck operators that are speeding and to remove any unsafe vehicles from the road.


ruled the dance floor, bell bottoms were in vogue and B.C.’s first patients were transported in ambulances that resembled station wagons. This year also marked an important milestone for B.C.’s health care system: the first year of operations for Canada’s first provincewide ambulance service.

“The dispatchers who receive the initial call, the paramedics who arrive on scene, and the many support staff who help make this care possible are all committed to providing high-quality emergency medical services,” said Carl Roy, president and chief executive officer, Provincial Health Services Authority and president of BC Emergency Health

Services. “Our patients regularly praise our staff’s dedication and compassion, which is what patients remember most about their experience and what BCAS strives to achieve on every call.” Forty years ago, BC Ambulance Service’s main focus was on patient transportation. Today, the care and treatment provided by paramedics and dispatchers begins right from the initial 9-1-1 call, and is rooted in innovation. Through an integrated, provincial system, BC Ambulance Service is able to provide seamless pre-hospital care and inter-facility transfer service to patients from all corners of British Columbia.

“Words cannot describe the gratitude I have for BC Ambulance Service’s paramedics and dispatchers,” said Norman Ford, a patient helped by BC Ambulance Service. “Six years ago, a very special paramedic, Ole Olsen, saved my life. Not a day goes by that I don’t think about him and the other crew members who provided care. The BC Ambulance Service has not only allowed me to continue spending time with my precious family, but has also inspired my six-year-old granddaughter to become a paramedic.”

Nearly 1,000 vehicles per day use this corridor, with commercial trucks accounting for approximately 35% of daily traffic. Throughout the province, CVSE officers conduct more than 30,000 vehicle inspections every year.



Punjabi Patrika 

Friday, July 18th, 2014

î¯çÆ ÃðÕÅð çÅ êñ¶áÅ ìÜà-Ö°µñ· ×ÂÆ ã¯ñ çÆ ê¯ñ

modI srkfr dy plyTy afm bjt dy Zol KuwlHx nfl afm lokF dIaF ‘awCy idn’ afAux dIaF AumIdF AuWqy kuJ hwd qwk pfxI iPr igaf jfpdf hY. kyNdrI ivwq mMqrI arux jyqlI duafrf sMsd ivwc pysL kIqy gey afm bjt ivwc afm lokF dI jUn suDfrn vflf koeI Tos pRsqfv njLr nhIN pY irhf. bjt qjvIjLF kfrporyt aqy inwjI Kyqr dy ivkfs vwl vDyry soiDq jfpdIaF hn. bjt ivwc BfvyN iswDy qOr `qy afm lokF AuWpr koeI tYks lwigaf idKfeI nhIN dy irhf pr 17,94,892 kroV dy kuwl bjt dIaF pRfpqIaF aqy Krcy ivwc 5,31,177 kroV rupey df aMqr hY ijs nUM pUrf krn leI jF srkfr lokF `qy tYks lfvygI jF krjf cuwkygI. dovyN siQqIaF ivwc mulk dI afm jnqf AuWqy boJ pYxf suBfivk hY.

‘nOjvfn Bfrq’ dy vwzI igxqI ivwc byrujLgfrF leI bjt ivwc nf koeI byrujLgfrI Bwqy df ijLkr hY aqy nf hI AunHF dy ivhly hwQF nUM rujLgfr/svY-rujLgfr jF kMm dyx dIaF bhuqIaF XojnfvF hn pr bjurgF nUM iqMn lwK dI afmdn qwk tYks qoN Cot jLrUr dy idwqI hY. nOkrI pysLf aqy mwD vrg dy lokF nUM luBfAux vflIaF kuJ qjvIjLF vI ies bjt df ihwsf bxIaF ivKfeI dy rhIaF hn. tYks-rihq afmdn dI sImf do lwK qoN vDf ky ZfeI lwK, 80-sI qihq tYks Cot dI sImf iewk lwK qoN zyZ lwK, iswiKaf sYWs ivwc vfDf nf krn aqy mkfn krjLy dy ivafj AuWqy 2 lwK qwk tYks Cot dyx dIaF qjvIjLF muljLmF aqy mwD vrgI lokF nUM rfhq dyx vflIaF hn. ienHF vrgF nUM bjt qjvIjLF ivwc pMj lwK rupey qwk dI afmdn qwk tYks dI Cot dI afs sI pr pUrI nhIN ho skI. ivdysLF qoN 45,000 qwk df smfn ilafAux `qy tYks ivwc Cot, kMipAUtr, rMgdfr tI[ vI[ mobfeIl ayq ielYktrfink vsqF ssqIaF krn, dvfeIaF, stIl dy brqn, Kfx vfly qyl aqy sfbx afid vsqF

ssqIaF hox nfl mwD vrg smyq afm lokF nUM kuJ akfdmIaF bxfey jfx df pRsqfv sLlfGfXog hY. ies qoN ielfvf spys imsLn nUM AuqsLfihq krn dI rfhq iml skdI hY. qjvIjL vI kOmI mfx vflI hY. qMbfkU, gutkf, pfn ivwq mMqrI ny Bfjpf dy cox mnorQ pwqrF dIaF kuJ msflf aqy isgrtF afid ijhy pdfrQF AuWqy tYks mwdF nUM afm bjt df ihwsf bxfieaf hY. gMgf inrml vDfAuxf hF-pwKI kdm hY ikAuNik ies nfl ishq Xojnf, ndIaF nUM joVn df pRsqfv, XuwD aqy puils leI hfnIkfrk ienHF vsqF dI vrqoN GtygI. aOrqF mYmorIalF qoN ielfvf ieiqhfsk qy Dfrimk sQfnF dI BlfeI leI kuJ kdmF df bjt ivwc ijLkr hY dy ivkfs leI PMzF dI ivvsQf Bfjpf mfrkf ivkfs pr ieh kfPI nhIN khy jf skdy. nIqI df sMkyq hY. pMj tUirst srkt bxfAux, 8500 iklomItr nYsLnl hfeIvy, nvyN eyarport srkfrI bYNkF dy sLyar vycxy aqy nvyN prfjYktF aqy bMdrgfhF, 100 smfrt aqy swq snaqI sLihr ivwc inwjI BfeIvflI dy sMkyq jnqk ihwqF nUM Zfa vsfAux, 20 lwK dI afbfdI vfly sLihrF `c mYtro lfAux aqy inwjIkrn nUM AuqsLfihq krn vfly hn. clfAux, pMj nvyN afeI[ afeI[ tI[ qy pMj nvyN afeI[ sbiszIaF ivwc ktOqI vI lok ivroDI kdmF vwl afeI[ aYm[ cfr nvyN eymjL ieMstIicAUt, 12 srkfrI sMkyq krdI hY. ivsLysL afriQk jonF dI muV sQfpqI mYzIkl kflj aqy 100 sLihrF dy ivkfs leI bjt dI qjvIjL kfrporyt jgq nUM KusLhfl krn dI nIqI ivwc pysL qjvIjLF sLlfGfXog hn pr ieh sB kuJ jfpdI hY. rwiKaf aqy bImy smyq keI KyqrF ivwc Drfql `qy kdoN afvygf, ieh qF smF hI dwsygf. ieh ivdysLI iswDy pMUjI invysL dI qjvIjL vI jnqk Kyqr qjvIjLF hfl dI GVI ‘mn bihlfAux leI iKafl nUM Zfa lfAux vflI hY. jnqk Kyqr dIaF bYNkF nUM pUrI qrHF vpfrk lIhF `qy qorn dI qjvIjL vI lok awCf hY’ vflI gwl hI jfpdIaF hn. pwKI nhIN khI jf skdI. aijhf krn nfl ienHF afpxy puriKaF dy nF `qy XojnfvF clfAux ivwc duafrf clfeIaF jf rhIaF smfj BlfeI skImF dy Bfjpf vI kFgrs dy pYr icMnHF `qy cwldI njLr af pRBfivq hox qoN ienkfr nhIN kIqf jf skdf. bjt rhI hY. bjt ivwc ipMzF nUM sLihrF vrgIaF shUlqF ivwc 58,425 kroV rupey dy awpinvysL df imiQaf leI isafmf pRsfd muKrjI imsLn, dIn idafl igaf tIcf vI jnqk ihwq ivwc nhIN ikhf jf skdf. AupfiDaf gRfm jXoqI Xojnf clfAux, mdn mohn mulk nUM jLrUrq jnqk Kyqr ivwc hor vDyry pUMjI mflvIaf dy nF `qy iswiKaf Xojnf clfAux aqy invysL dI hY nf ik inwjI Kyqr dI dKlaMdfjLI srdfr ptyl dy nF AuWqy eykqf smfrk bxfAux dI vDfAux dI. qjvIjL bjt df ihwsf hn. musilm BfeIcfry nUM KusL krn leI bjt ivwc mdrwisaF dy afDuinkIkrn leI 200 kroV rupey rwKy gey hn. ihjrq krky afey ksLmIrIaF dy muV vsyby leI 500 kroV dI kIqI geI ivvsQf vI AuWicq hY. iqlMgfnf ivwc jMgbMdI dI kOmfˆqrI apIl dy bfvjUd iesrfeIl hfrtIklcr XUnIvristI, bMglOr aqy PrIdfbfd aqy PlsqIn drimafn qyË huMdI jf rhI jMg ivÈv ivw c bfieEtY W k klstrjL aqy mnIpu r ivw c ÈfˆqI leI Kqrf bxdI jf rhI hY. iesrfeIl ny gfËf Kyz XUnIvristI aqy sfry sUibaF ivwc kOmI Kyz pwtI AuWqy hvfeI hmilafˆ qoN bfad ËmInI kfrvfeI vI sLurU kr idwqI hY. aYqvfr nUM iesrfeIl dy lVfkU jhfËfˆ ny gfËf pwtI dy lgpg 200 itkfixafˆ AuWqy hmly kIqy hn. iesrfeIl srkfr df kihxf hY ik PlsqInI dihÈqgrdfˆ ny ies smyˆ dOrfn 130 rfkt dfgy hn. Auh afpxy dyÈ dI surwiKaf leI dihÈqgrdfˆ dy iTkfixafˆ AuWqy hmly kr irhf hY. zr dy mfry hËfrfˆ lok byGr ho ky aqy XU[ aYn[ E[ dy iewk kYˆp ivwc pnfh lY rhy hn.

mulk dI afriQkqf dI muwK DurI iksfnI aqy mjLdUrF dI hflq suDfrn df sMkyq vI ies bjt qoN nhIN iml rhy. bjt ivwc KyqI sYktr dy ivkfs aqy iksfnF-mjLdUrF dI BlfeI leI Tos XojnfvF dI axhoNd rVkdI hY. KyqI iviBMnqf, PslF dy lfhyvMd Bfa, iksfn krjLy aqy KudkusLIaF dy muwdy bjt qjvIjL ivwcoN gfieb hn. isMcfeI XojnfvF leI mfmUlI pUMjI df AupbMD iksfnF nUM sMqusLt nhIN kr skdf. izjItl ieMzIaf pRogrfm qihq bROzbYNz shUlq dyx qoN ielfvf ipMzF dy ivkfs leI bjt ivwc koeI Tos Xojnf dI ivvsQf nf krky ‘pyNzU Bfrq’ nUM awKoN-proKy krn dI koisLsL kIqI geI hY. bjt ivwc srhwdI ielfikaF dy ivkfs leI ingUxI rkm dI ivvsQf hY pr isvfey iewk afeI[ afeI[ aYm[ qoN pMjfb leI koeI ivsyLsL AuplbDI vflI Xojnf df bjt ivwc ijLkr nhIN hY. mulk dy lokF nUM modI srkfr dy plyTy afm bjt qoN kfPI rfhq dI afs sI pr AunHF dIaF AumIdF nUM bUr nhIN ipaf jfpdf. bjt qjvIjF nfl nf hI mihMgfeI GtxI hY aqy nf hI byrujLgfrI. ies sMdrB ivwc afm bjt nUM nf hI ivkfsmuKI aqy nf hI lok-pwKI ikhf jf skdf hY. iehI kfrn hY ik sfrIaF ivroDI pfrtIaF ny ies nUM inrfsLfjnk grdfinaf hY jdoN ik Bfjpf anusfr ies ivwc sB vrgF df iKafl rwiKaf igaf hY ijs nfl mulk dI lIhoN lwQI arQivvsQf muV ptVI AuWqy af jfvygI.

ÇÂÃðÅÂÆñ-ëñÃåÆé ï°µè ÖåðéÅÕ î¯ó Òå¶ awzy bxfAux qoN ielfvf hn aqy hspqflfˆ ivwc hiQafr Cupf rwKy hn. PlsqIn dy rfÈtrpqI mihmUd abfs ny XU[ aYn[ E[ dy skwqr jnrl bfn kI mUn dy ivÈyÈ dUq nUM iewk aiDkfrq pwqr sONp ky mMg kIqI hY ik gfËf pwtI ivwc ho rhI ihMsf dy mwdynËr PlsqIn rfj nUM XU[ aYn[ E[ aMqr rfÈtrI surwiKaf isstm qihq lY ilaf jfvy. Prfˆs dy ivdyÈ mMqrI ny qurMq jMgbMdI dI apIl kIqI hY. sMsfr ivwc Kud nUM jmhUrIaq aqy mnuwKI aiDkfrfˆ dy rfKy dy qOr AuWqy pyÈ krn vflf amrIkf ienHfˆ hmilafˆ pRqI KfmoÈ hY. Aus ny Kud vI glq qwQfˆ nUM dunIafˆ sfhmxy pRcfr ky ierfk AuWqy hmlf kIqf aqy XU[ aYn[ E[ aqy sMsfr lok rfie nUM nËraMdfË kIqf sI. iesrfeIl nUM vI arb dyÈfˆ dy iKlfP amrIkf df pUrI qrHfˆ QfpVf hY. ieh pihlI kfrvfeI nhIN blik hr mfmly ivwc qfkqvr dyÈ XU[ aYn[ E[ vrgI sMsQf dI axdyKI kr rhy hn. iehI kfrn hY ik iesrfeIl vI sMsfr BfeIcfry dI rfie dI koeI pRvfh nhIN kr irhf hY.

dUjy pfsy gfËf pwtI AuWqy kfbË hmfs nfˆ dI PlsqInI suMnI ieslfimk afrgynfeIËyÈn ny iesrfeIl dy iKlfP jMg jfrI rwKI hoeI hY. gfËf pwtI AuWqy hmfs nfˆ dI PlsqInI suMnI ieslfimk afrgynfeIËyÈn df rfj hY. PlsqIn dI sMsd dIafˆ sMn 2006 ivwc hoeIafˆ coxfˆ ivwc hmfs nUM bhumwq hfsl hoieaf sI. amrIkf, kYnyzf aqy XUrpI dyÈfˆ ny hmfs nUM dihÈqgrq jQybMdI aYlfn ky ies nUM mfnqf dyx qoN ienkfr kr idwqf sI jdoN ik rUs aqy cIn smyq dUjy sMsfr jMg ivwc pRmfxU bMbfˆ nfl hoeI qbfhI qoN keI dyÈfˆ ny ies nUM dihÈqgrd nhIN mMinaf sI. bfad jMg dy iKlfPL lok rfie AuWBr ky sfhmxy afeI ieh JgVf iesrfeIl dI hoNd qoN vI purfxf hY. meI sI ijs dy iswty vjoN sMsfr pwDr AuWqy 24 akqUbr 1945 nUM XU[ aYn[ E[ df gTn kIqf igaf sI. ies 1948 ivwc iewk afËfd dyÈ bx jfx df aYlfn krn ivwc mnuwKI aiDkfr, isafsI hwk aqy aMqr rfÈtrI qoN bfad iesrfeIl ny amrIkf dI Cqr Cfieaf hyT sfry ivvfdfˆ bfry gMBIr ivcfr crcf qoN bfad qknIkI aqy POjI pwK qoN vwzI qfkq hfsl kIqI hY. PYsly kIqy gey sn pr ies sMsQf AuWqy vI sMsfr amrIkf dy hI pd-icMnfˆ AuWqy cwldy hoey iesrfeIl ny dy qfkqvr dyÈfˆ df kbËf brkrfr irhf. ienHfˆ ivÈv BfeIcfry aqy sMXukq rfÈtr sMG (XU[aYn[E[) pMj dyÈfˆ nUM awj vI vIto pfvr hfsl hY. XU[ aYn[ vrgI sMsQf dI vI pRvfh nhIN kIqI. hux vI aflmI E[ nUM clfAux leI koeI suqMqr rUp ivwc bjt df BfeIcfrf lgfqfr iesrfeIl aqy hmfs nUM jMgbMdI pRRbMD nf hox kfrn ieh amrIkf dy muqfibk cwlx dI apIl kr irhf hY. iesrfeIl dy pRDfn mMqrI leI mjbUr ho jfˆdI hY. sMsfr BfeIcfry dI srgrm ny isvlIanfˆ dI mOq AuWqy Èok pRgt krky hmfs pihlkdmI hI iPlhfl iesrfeIl nUM hmly krn qoN AuWqy PlsqInI lokfˆ nUM mnuwKI Zfl vwjoN iesqymfl rok skdI hY. ies qoN ielfvf XU[ aYn[ E[ df jmhUrI krn df doÈ lgfieaf hY pr nfl hI isvlIanfˆ afDfr AuWqy punrgTn krn aqy vIto pfvr Kqm aqy msijdfˆ AuWqy hmilafˆ nUM vI jfieË krfr dy krky sfry dyÈfˆ nUM brfbr dy aiDkfrfˆ dI afvfË idwqf hY. AunHfˆ ikhf ik hmfs dy dihÈqgrdfˆ ny AuTfAux leI dUjy dyÈfˆ nfl iml ky Bfrq nUM mohrI msijdfˆ ivwc pnfh lY rwKI hY, isvl Kyqrfˆ ivwc rol inBfAuxf cfhIdf hY.


Friday, July 18th, 2014

Punjabi Patrika 


Øðź ç¶ Çܧçð¶ ÃÅⶠìÜ°ð× mnuwKI jIvn dy iqMn Bfg hn bcpn, jvfnI qy buZfpf. kudrq dy ies cwkr anusfr mnuwK ienHfˆ nUM iËMdgI ivwc bdlbdl ky kyvl iewk vfr hI hMZfAuNdf hY. jvfnI ivwc Auh axBol bIqy bcpn df pCqfvf krdf rihMdf hY. jvfnI afspfs qoN byKbr afvyg qurI jfˆdI hY. qIjI avsQf ivwc iksy Èfier df kQn sO PIsdI swcf iswD ho jfˆdf hY, ‘voh jvfnI dyKI jo jf kr nhIN afqI, voh buZfpf dyKf jo af kr nhIN jfqf`. buZfpy dy afAux dI koeI Kfs Aumr nhIN inÈicq kIqI jf skdI. agyqy jfˆ pCyqy jdoN mnuwK dy krm ieMdry (aMg) kMm krn qoN kuJ ku iZwly pYx lwgdy hn qfˆ buZfpf sLurU ho jfˆdf hY. mnuwK ny pRqwK jfˆ apRqwK rUp ivwc ijnHfˆ nUM sKq imhnq kr ky pfilaf huMdf hY, AunHfˆ nUM cfhIdf hY ik Auh Aus dI sMBfl krn qy afKrI smyˆ qwk afpxI ieh iËMmyvfrI hws ky qndyhI nfl inBfAux pr ajoky Xuwg ivwc ies dy iblkul Ault ho irhf hY. ijhVy bwcy bjurgfˆ ny roËfnf, AunHfˆ dy kwd imx-imx ky vwzy kIqy huMdy hn, AuhI AunHfˆ nUM Cotf smJx lwgdy hn. Auh ieh Buwl jfˆdy hn ik sfzI Aumr vwizafˆ qoN Gwt hY qy akl vI AunHfˆ qoN vwD nhIN. Auh afpxI sUJ-bUJ nUM AunHfˆ qoN keI guxfˆ vwD hox df

kmry ivwc qfVy huMdy hn. AunHfˆ nUM pirvfr dIafˆ gqIivDIafˆ df Borf-Br vI pqf nhIN huMdf. hflfˆ ik ajoky smfj dIafˆ ipClIafˆ Gtnfvfˆ, purfxy irÈqydfrfˆ qy imwqrfˆ-swjxfˆ dI AunHfˆ kol vwD jfxkfrI iksy smyˆ bjurgfˆ df rohb-dfbf ieMnf huMdf huMdI hY. Auh jvfnfˆ qoN vwD idmfgI ÈkqI sI ik Aus dy sfhmxy Gr dy sB Coty-vwzy rwKdy huMdy hn. jIa kuskdy nhIN sn huMdy. ipCly kuJ dhfikafˆ qwk pirvfr df sB qoN vwzI Aumr awj qfˆ puwqfˆ dy ivafh huMidafˆ hI AunHfˆ `qy df bMdf Gr dy pRvyÈ duafr `qy KUMzf jfˆ nUMhfˆ df rfj ho jfˆdf hY. sB kuJ kmfAuxzfˆg lY ky bYT jfˆdf sI. gYr-bMdf qfˆ kI bxfAux vflf hfÈIey vwl Dwk idwqf jfˆdf koeI nyVy qoN nyVy df irÈqydfr vI bjurg hY. Èihrfˆ ivwc kdy Gr df krqf-Drqf nUM siq sRI akfl bulf ky pihlfˆ Aus kol irhf bjurg ipCly kmry ivwc PflqU vsq bYT ky Aus dI qy sB dI qMdrusqI puwC ky smJ ky inrijMd kbfV dI qrHfˆ suwt idwqf aqy afpxI qy afpxy Gr dI rfËI-KuÈI jfˆdf hY. Aus dy Coty ijhy kmry ivwc hvf sfˆJI kr ky hI awgy jf skdf sI. vkqI dy afAux-jfx leI koeI drvfËf, iKVkI qOr `qy ipMz df koeI purÈ afAux df kfrn jfˆ roÈndfn nhIN huMdf. idn-rfq hnyrf jfˆ kMm sbMDI gwl krky AuWQoN hI vfps ho hI Aus df sfQI huMdf hY. stor khI jfˆdI jfˆdf sI. Gr dy muKI kol afpxy pirvfr ies koTVI ivwc Aus nUM ‘stor` kr idwqf dI sfrI jfxkfrI huMdI sI. Auh sfry twbr jfˆdf hY. Aus dy KMGx qoN hI pqf lwgdf df sfˆJf idmfg huMdf sI qy dUjy mYˆbr Gr hY ik ies koTVI ivwc koeI hY. pirvfr dIafˆ lwqfˆ, bfhvfˆ qy hor aMg. svyry-Èfm nfl sbMDq KuÈI-gmI dI Aus nUM iBxk qpdy cuwlHy dI pihlI rotI bjurg nUM pyÈ nhIN pYx idwqI jfˆdI. keI pycIdf msly Aus qoN luko ley jfˆdy hn. CotI qy sfDfrn kIqI jfˆdI sI qy bfad ivwc sfrf twbr Gtnf nUM vI gupq rwKx leI Aus dy kmry Kfˆdf sI. nUM bfhroN kuMzf lf idwqf jfˆdf hY jfˆ afpxf awj AuhI vwzy, ipMzfˆ ivwc Gr dy ipCly kmrf aMdroN bMd kr ilaf jfˆdf hY. hflfˆ pfsy bxy qUVI vfly koTy jfˆ psUafˆ vfly ik aijhI smwisaf dy hwl leI Aus kol Brm pfldy hn. bhuqy qfˆ jvfnI dy joÈ ivwc afpxy mfipafˆ nUM ieh kihMdy vyKysuxy gey hn, “sfzy buVHy-buVHI nUM nf awj qwk akl afeI hY qy nf hI afAuxI hY.``

sUJ qy qjrbf sB qoN vwD huMdf hY. afm qOr `qy Gr df vfDU kbfV vI bjurg dI mMjI hyT jfˆ afly-duafly suwt idwqf jfˆdf hY ijvyˆ Auh vI Aus df sfQI hovy. bjurgfˆ nUM AuWQy hI pfxI df iewk Cotf ijhf GVf qy kdy vI nf sfP kIqf hoieaf mYlf-kucYlf kwp jfˆ iglfs dy idwqf jfˆdf hY. srIrk qOr `qy hIxf hox kfrn Auh kuJ kihx qoN asmrwQ huMdy hn. AunHfˆ dI jfiedfd nUM DoKy jfˆ Dwky nfl afpxy nfˆ krvf lYx dIafˆ KLbrfˆ vI roËfnf hI aKLbfrfˆ ivwc pVHn nUM imldIafˆ hn. bjurg Grfˆ df ijMdrf huMdy hn. qusIN AunHfˆ dy bYiTafˆ AunHfˆ nUM puwC ky ikqy vI cly jfE, Auh kuJ nhIN kihxgy blik quhfzy jfx qoN bfad Gr df pUrf iDafn rwKxgy. ies leI ikqy bfhr jfx qoN pihlfˆ AunHfˆ nUM sUicq krn `c quhfzI vI BlfeI hY. awj pIVHI-pfVy dy nfˆ hyT AunHfˆ nUM roilaf jf irhf hY. Auh quhfzy leI isrdrdI nhIN, pirvfr df muwZ hn. AunHfˆ nUM Gr df muKI hI qslIm kro. ies qrHfˆ kr ky qfˆ vyKo quhfzf Gr-pirvfr KuÈIafˆ KyiVafˆ nfl Br jfvygf.




Punjabi Patrika 

Friday, July 18th, 2014

Provincial health officer releases annual report on HIV

oday, the provincial health officer Dr. Perry Kendall released an annual report that examines the complex epidemic of HIV among gay and bisexual men in B.C. “While many communities in British Columbia are seeing a dramatic decline in HIV infections thanks to harm reduction and prevention programs, and advancements in diagnosis and treatment, the sub-population of gay and bisexual men is not experiencing this reduction,” said Kendall. “The aim of these recommendations is to renew the focus on prevention and treatment of HIV in this population, better address underlying causes of this epidemic, and work together to create meaningful decreases in HIV incidence and prevalence.” This provincial health officer’s annual report titled “HIV, Stigma and Society: Tackling a Complex Epidemic and Renewing HIV Prevention for Gay and Bisexual Men in British Columbia” highlights the disproportionate number of new diagnoses among gay and bisexual men in B.C., and the lack of substantial improvements over the last 10 years compared to other exposure groups. In 2011, this group made up 57% of new HIV


infections and 45% of all people report will improve the overall health known to be living with HIV in B.C. of gay and bisexual men, including a reduction in HIV infections.” “This report recognizes that HIV is a complex issue, and to prevent infec- To better understand the HIV epidemtions we need to shift our focus to the ic among gay and bisexual men, and underlying drivers of the epidemic in renew related prevention initiatives, our society, including the continued this report examines a series of drivstigma related to both HIV and sexual ers of the HIV epidemic within this orientation,” said Dr. Mark Gilbert, population. Some of these include: physician epidemiologist at BC Cen- awareness of HIV status, access to tre for Disease Control and co-author appropriate health-care, HIV treatof the report. “This information and ment, systemic challenges to HIV the recommendations provide a clear prevention, marginalization, stigma, path to reduce HIV infection among racism, sexual network patterns, gay and bisexual men in B.C.” sexually transmitted infections, and sexual behaviour. The report shows that some subpopulations among gay and bisexual While many personal variables affect men experience additional vulner- whether HIV transmission ultimately ability based on age, ethnicity, and occurs between two people, these geographic location. For example, drivers can only be fully understood over the past ten years, there has been by also considering the impacts of a steady increase among HIV diag- the broader community and societal noses among gay and bisexual men influences. born between 1980 and 1999, while the highest number of new diagnoses “As someone who has devoted much still occurs among those men born of my professional life to helping raise awareness and reduce stigma between 1960 and 1979. surrounding HIV, I welcome a re“HIV infections have been reduced newed focus on those affected in the in some of the worst affected areas gay community,” said Jesse Brown, within Vancouver Coastal Health,” executive director for YouthCO. said Dr. Patricia Daly, chief medical “Supporting inclusive sexual health health officer for Vancouver Coastal and harm reduction education and Health. ”The recommendations in this services for young gay men will help

us achieve our collective goal of an As part of the Healthy Minds, Healthy People 10-year plan, develop a stratAIDS-free generation in B.C.” egy to better meet gay and bisexual The report includes 15 recommenda- men’s health care needs related to tions from the advisory groups that mental health and problematic subwere involved in the development stance use. of this report. The provincial health officer endorses all of these recom- Ensure that prosecutorial guidelines incorporate the best available evimendations. dence on HIV transmission risk, and The provincial health officer also that prosecutorial decisions regardoffers six priority recommendations ing criminal charges for possible for immediate action to reduce the transmission of HIV are based on an epidemic of HIV among gay and assessment of whether the desired bisexual men in B.C. including: social outcome (prevention of HIV transmission) could be achieved in The development of a comprehensive the absence of prosecution. provincial health strategy for gay and bisexual men that addresses the Support or initiate monitoring and drivers of poor health status, includ- research to identify changes in the ing HIV. population of gay and bisexual men, address gaps in understanding, and The collaboration of the Ministries of evaluate intervention programs, Health and Education, regional health targets and approaches for impleauthorities, provincial education partmenting and expanding promising ners and other key stakeholders on strategies for HIV prevention. the development of a comprehensive sexual and reproductive health educa- The report was developed in partnertion strategy for B.C. ship with the BC Centre for Disease Control with input from two advisory Using the From Hope to Health groups that included gay and bisexual framework to develop a strategy to men and related service providers and improve and expand access to timely organizations. HIV and sexually transmitted infection diagnosis, treatment and support The report can be viewed at: www. health.gov.bc.ca/pho/reports for gay and bisexual men.

Friday, July 18th, 2014


ecently, I had an opportunity to attend my nephew’s wedding in France. My cousin and his family have lived in a suburb of Paris for more than thirty years. It was my second visit. Paris is a beautiful city. It is not only one of the leading tourist destinations but also a business and cultural centre. This capital city of France is a global hub of fashion and an international capital of style. It is one of the world’s topmost tourist attractions. There is so much to see and do. Paris is home to some of the world famous tourist attractions. These include the Eiffel Tower, the Louvre, Notre Dame de Paris, Arc de Triomphe and Champs –Elysees etc... Each of these attractions is unique. Paris is also known as the City of Light. The view of Paris and its surroundings from atop the Eiffel Tower is mind blowing. The

Punjabi Patrika 

Punjabis Flourishing in Europe

Napoleonic era architecture is also gapore/Malaysia and Australia etc. very impressive. However, since 1970s a lot of them also chose Europe. Consequently, Like the rest of Europe, France is there are now mini Punjabs almost also becoming multicultural at a fast in every European country. At my pace. On the streets, market places nephew’s wedding in Paris there were and the parks, cultural diversity is friends and relatives from almost evvery evident. Though issues like ery European country ranging from the religious head coverings are still Greece to Germany to Italy to Spain lingering on, yet the changing demoto Holland to England. Nearly all of graphics are visible everywhere. As them have gone through very difficult a matter of fact, not only France, but times. However, they never gave up. all of Europe seems to be undergoing Due to their hard work, perseverance a major shift in demographics. The and resilience, most of them are fairly disappearing national boundaries well settled in the countries of their in Europe have made movement of choice. people from one country to the other very easy. As a matter fact, the whole Wherever Punjabis, especially Sikhs, world, including Europe, is becoming have gone, one of their top priorities more like a global village now. has been to come to-gather and build a gurdwara. Like their fellow Sikhs More than a hundred years ago, our around the globe, the Sikh community pioneers ventured out to countries in Europe has also built very spacious like Canada, USA, Panama, Singurdwaras in their neighborhoods. I understand in and around Paris alone there are a number of very impressive gurdwaras. This is a credit to the pioneering spirit of Punjabis. They


have not only retained but also promoted Punjabi language and culture wherever they have settled. It was very encouraging to see the young people, most of them second generation, speak very good Punjabi in addition to the language of the European countries in which they were born and grew up. Some of them are also fairly fluent in English as well. Thus, most of our European youth is fluent in at least three and in some cases four languages. Furthermore, they are proud of their Punjabi heritage. Young people like them are the future leaders and ambassadors of Punjabi language and culture at the international level. This is something that all of us, no matter where we live, can be rightly proud of. Balwant Sanghera (Balwant Sanghera is a retired School Psychologist and Community Activist)


Punjabi Patrika


ipCly hPqy CpI XU[ aYn[ E[ dI ieh irport hYrfnI vflI sI ik pfiksqfn qoN lokF dy kfPly hux aPgfinsqfn vwl jf rhy hn. koeI pY N q I sfl pihlF aPgfinsqfn qoN ieho ijhy kfPly pfiksqfn nUM afAuNdy vyKy gey sn. ijhVy lok EdoN aPgfinsqfn qoN afey sn, AunHF ivwcoN koeI vI ieh nhIN sI kihMdf ik AunHF AuWqy koeI julm kIqf igaf hY, sgoN Auh ieh hI kih rhy sn ik rUs dy kfmryzF dI hmfieq vflI srkfr bx geI hY qy hux Aus dysL ivwc ieslfm nUM Kqrf hY. ieslfm qF iPr vI kfiem irhf sI, Kqm nhIN sI hoieaf. Auh lok amrIkI iDr dy iesLfry AuWqy pfiksqfn dy prcfr dy pRBfv hyT eyDr afey sn qy smF bdly qoN Auh afpxy dysL nUM muV vI gey. hux ijhVy lok pfiksqfn qoN kfPly bMnH ky EDr jf rhy hn, AunHF dy mUMhoN ieh suixaf jf irhf hY ik AunHF dI jfn nUM Kqrf hox kfrn AuWT qury hn, ikAuNik pfiksqfn aMdr keI iDrF afpo ivwc lVdIaF hox krky pqf nhIN ik iks nUM kdoN kOx mfr dyvygf?


Friday, July 18th, 2014


À°ñචìźà ìð¶ñÆ é§±

ies bdlI hoeI siQqI qoN pihlF pfiksqfn dy hflfq lgfqfr ivgVdy rhy qy sMsfr Br dy dysL ies vrqfry nUM hYrfnI nfl vyKdy rhy. POj aqy smuMdrI POj dy muwK dPqrF Au W qy vI aqy pu i ls dy tryinMg sYNtr AuWqy vI dihsLqgrdF ny hmlf kr ky keI lok mfry aqy srkfr ies dy ivru w D lVn jF cuwp rihx ivwcoN PYslf nhIN sI kr skI. aMq nUM ieh krnf ipaf. iPr POjF ny aPgfinsqfn dy bfrzr nfl lwgdIaF phfVIaF ivwc jf ky muinafdI krfeI ik lok afpxy Gr Cwz ky surwiKaq QfvF vwl cly jfx, ikAuNik eyQy hux jMg hox vflI hY. lok AuWT ky qury qF awgy AuWqrI vjLIirsqfn aqy mIrfn sLfh dy ielfikaF ivwc dihsLqgrdF qy POj ivcfly lVfeI huMdI vyK ky muhfrF aPgfinsqfn vwl nUM moVn dy leI mjLbUr ho gey. su w k rvfr nU M pfiksqfn dI PO j ny ieh aYlfn kIqf hY ik Aus ny dihsLqgrdF koloN mIrfn sLfh df Kyqr KflI krvf ilaf hY qy ies dOrfn keI lok mfry gey hn. ijs jMg ipwCoN ieh Kyqr KflI krvfieaf

igaf, Aus ivwc tYNk qy qopF hI nhIN, hvfeI POj dy bMbfr vI zfhuxy pey sn. dihsLqgrdF ny vI bfkfiedf POj vFg lVfeI lVI sI. afKr nUM Bwjx leI mjbUr hoey dihsLqgrdF AuWqy jdoN pfiksqfnI POj inrxfiek hmlf krn vflI sI qF iewk Gtnf vfpr geI. amrIkf dy zrox jhfjF ny acfnk hmlf qyjL kr idwqf. iewk hmlf zrox jhfjLF ny Aus awzy AuWqy vI kIqf sI, ijs ivwc luky bYTy dihsLqgrdF dy kmFzr sMsfr Br dy vwK-vwK dysLF ivwc cwl rhy KUn-Krfby dIaF goNdF guMddy sn. amrIkf dI POj df dfavf sI ik ies awzy ivwc dihsLqgrdF dy kuJ nfmI kmFzr mfry gey hn, pr pfiksqfnI PO j dy kmFzrF df kihxf hY ik zrox hmly nfl amrIkf ny AunHF dI Kyz Krfb kr idwqI hY. afKr ieh Kyz kI sI? keI lok ieh kihMdy ik pfiksqfn dI POj dihsLqgrdF dy iewk Kfs DVy ivruwD jMg lVdI hoeI vI kuJ hor DiVaF nUM pnfh dyeI jFdI sI, qF ik amrIkf aqy Bfrq dy ivruwD vrq sky. dUsry pfsy pfiksqfn dI POj ieh kihMdI hY ik Auh BfrU dihsLqgrd DiVaF nUM Bjf ky ienHF

lokF nUM bYiTaF nUM acfnk Gyr ky seId Aus dI pRDFngI kry qF keI bfad ivwc hmlf krnf aqy Kfqmf svfl AuWTxy lfjLmI hn. Esfmf ibn kr dyxf cfhuMdI sI. lfdyn nUM pfiksqfn srkfr afp pnfh dy ky amrIkf dy nfl Aus nUM ijhVI gwl pfiksqfn dI POj kihMdI lwBx lwgI rhI sI qy jdoN mfiraf hY, ies nUM nf amrIkf vfly mMndy igaf qF ieh jFc nhIN sI krvfeI hn qy nf hI Aus dysL dy aMdr koeI XkIn kr skdf hY. ies df kfrn ik sfzI awK qoN bc ky Auh EQy pfiksqfnI POj df do mUMhFpx hY. rihMdf ikvyN irhf, sgoN ieh krvfeI Aus dI hmysLf qoN lVfeI df ivKfvf sI ik amrIkf vfly sfQoN corI ieh krky AunHF swpF nUM ijLMdf rwKx dI kfrvfeI ikvyN kr gey? hfiPjL phuMc rhI hY, ijnHF dy ivruwD jMg seId df hfeI kort dI bfr dy lVn dI loV dy bhfny Auh amrIkf sYmInfr dI pRDfngI krnf vI bhuq qoN hiQafr qy zflr lY ky sky. ieh kuJ kih irhf hY, ijs nUM iDafn ivwc rwKdy hoey sMsfr dI slfmqI cfhux hux vI ho irhf hY. vfly dysLF nUM pfiksqfn dI nvfjL bIqy hPqy dy iewk idn lfhOr hfeI sLrIP srkfr nUM puwCxf cfhIdf hY kort ivwc vkIlF df iewk sYmInfr ik sLrIP sfihb, pfiksqfn ivwc hoieaf qF Aus dI pRDFngI leI iksy ieh kI hoeI jf irhf hY? jwj jF iksy mMqrI jF iksy dUq nUM nhIN swidaf igaf. ieh mfx hfiPjL bIqy idnI Bfrq dy iek aKbfr df sfeId nUM bKisLaf igaf, ijs nUM aYzItr jo bI jy pI df smrQk hY isrP Bfrq hI dihsLqgrd nhIN hfiPj sdIk nMU imilaf hY. ies bfry kihM d f, amrIkI srkfr ny vI BfrqI pfrlImYNt ivc bhuq crcf Aus AuWqy bhuq vwzf ienfm rwiKaf ho rhI hY aqy srkfr nMU sPfeIaF hoieaf hY. pfiksqfn dI iewk pRmwuK dyxIaF pY rhIaF hn. Ausny ksLmIr hfeI kort dI bfr sYmInfr krvfvy bfry pfiksqfn dy aKbfr zfn nMU qy muMbeI dy dihsLqgrd hmly df idWqI ieMtrivAU ivc jo kuJ afiKaf pfiksqfn srkfr vwloN adflq ivwc Aus qy BfrqIaF ny bhuq ieqrfjL grdfinaf muwK sfijsL krqf hfiPjL jqfieaf hY.

Punjabi Patrika

Friday, July 18th, 2014



îñÅñÅ AHò¶º ìðæ ⶠ`å¶ ÇñìðàÆ îËâñ éÅñ ÃéîÅÇéå

afpxy hfx dIafˆ ku V Iafˆ nfl Kyzfˆ KyzdI 14 virHafˆ dI bflVI Aumr ivwc aiqvfdIafˆ nfl afZf lfAux vflI pfiksqfn dI bhfdr lVkI mlflf XUsPjeI afpxI Aumr dy 17 vrHy pfr krky 18vyˆ vrHy `c pYr DrygI. aiqvfdIafˆ nfl lohf lYx kfrn sMGrÈ aqy sfhs dI imsfl bxI mlflf ny pUrI dunIafˆ dy nOjvfnfˆ Kfs kr ky lVkIafˆ nUM pVHn aqy awgy vDx dI isrP agvfeI hI nhIN kIqI sgoN AunHfˆ leI iswiKaf dI alK vI jgf idwqI. iPlfzyiliPaf ivwc ‘ilbtrI mYzl` pRfpq krn vflI Auh pihlI CotI Aumr dI lVkI hY. jdoN bMdUkDfrI qfilbfnIafˆ ny bws `c cVH ky lVkIafˆ nUM ieh puwiCaf sI, ‘qu h fzy ivw c o N mlflf kO x hY?` ies qoN pihlfˆ ik qfilbfn hor lVkIafˆ nUM golI df inÈfnf bxfAuNdy qfˆ ies bhfdr lVkI ny Kud afpxf nfˆ lY ky ikhf sI, ‘mYˆ, hfˆ mlflf.`

ienHfˆ suxidafˆ AunHfˆ mlflf AuWqy golIafˆ dI buCfV kr idwqI. ienHfˆ kfier jhfdIafˆ qoN hor AumId vI kIqI jf skdI sI. mlflf dy isr

ivwc golIafˆ vwjx kfrn Auh sKq ËKmI ho geI sI. ielfj leI Aus nUM ieMglYˆz Byijaf igaf sI, ijwQy Auh qMdrusq ho ky ienHIN idnIN afpxI pVHfeI kr rhI hY.

mlflf kihMdI hY, ‘aiqvfdIafˆ nUM lwigaf sI ik Auh myrI muihMm nUM rok dyxgy, myrf supnf qoV dyxgy pr aijhf nhIN hoieaf, hfˆ, myrI kmËorI, zr, inrfÈf sB mr gey vI imilaf hY. ieMglYˆz dI iewk aqy ÈkqI, sfhs, idRVHqf df jnm kMpnI ny meI 2013 ivwc mlflf hoieaf.` dI khfxI ‘afeI[ aYm[ mlflf` ies qoN bfad mlflf awgy aqy Cfpx df 30 lwK zflr (lgpg mfx-snmfn Aus dy ipwCy dOVn 15 kroV) ivwc iekrfr kIqf. lwgy. pfiksqfn df rfÈtrI ÈfˆqI afqm kQf dy rUp ivwc CpI ies purskfr aqy aMqrrfÈtrI bfl pusqk bfry mlflf df kihxf sI, ÈfˆqI purskfr Aus dI JolI pey. ‘ieh khfxI myrI iekwlI dI nhIN XUro sMsd duafrf ivcfrk suqMqrqf sgoN ieh qfˆ AunHfˆ 61 lwK lVkIafˆ leI Aus nUM sfKfrP purskfr dI khfxI hY, jo iswiKaf dIafˆ idwqf igaf. ies purskfr bwicafˆ sfQxfˆ nf bxn kfrn anpVH rih dI iswiKaf leI sMGrÈ ivwc aihm geIafˆ.` BUimkf inBfAux vfly nUM idwqf jfˆdf 12 julfeI 1997 nUM jnmI mlflf hY. ies qrHfˆ hor vI vwK-vwK dyÈfˆ pfiksqfn dy svfq iËlHy dy isMgorf vwloN mlflf nUM mfx-snmfn idwqy Èihr dI ividafrQx sI qy 12 gey. sfl dI Aumr ivwc Auh qihrIkmlflf dI brfˆizMg df Pfiedf ey-qfilbfn Èfsn dy awiqafcfrfˆ ivÈv bfËfr dIafˆ kMpnIafˆ nUM bfry ilKx lwg peI sI. isMgorf

Èihr AuWqy qfilbfn df kbËf sI. svfq GftI ivwc qfilbfn ny Prmfn jfrI kridafˆ lVkIafˆ dI isrP pVHfeI AuWqy pfbMdI hI nhIN lfeI sI, sgoN lVkIafˆ leI tI[ vI[ dyKxf vrijq kr idwqf. ies qoN ielfvf lVkIafˆ nUM imAUijk suxn dy nfl-nfl bfhr Kyzx AuWqy vI pfbMdI lgf idwqI sI. hornfˆ anykfˆ lVkIafˆ nfl mlflf vI ies df iÈkfr hoeI. Aus ny afpxI zfierI ËrIey nf isrP afpxy Kyqr dy lokfˆ nUM jfgrUk kIqf sgoN qfilbfn ivruwD AunHfˆ nUM KVHf vI kIqf. mlflf ny 11 sfl dI Aumr ivwc zfierI ilKxI sLurU kIqI sI. sfl 2009 bI[ bI[ sI[ dy AurdU pRogrfm leI ‘gul mkeI` nfl mlflf Cf geI. ies ivwc Aus ny iliKaf sI, ‘awj skUl df afKrI idn sI, ies leI asIN mYdfn ivwc kuJ iËafdf dyr qwk Kyzx df PYslf kIqf. myrf mMnxf sI ik iewk idn skUl ËrUr KuwlHygf pr jfx smyˆ mYˆ skUl dI iemfrq nUM ies qrHfˆ qwikaf, ijvyˆ mYˆ iewQy Pyr kdy nhIN afvfˆgI.`

ies ivwc Aus ny iËkr kIqf sI ik tI[ vI[ dyKx `qy pfbMdI kfrn Auh afpxf psMdIdf BfrqI sIrIal ‘rfjf kI afeygI bfrfq` nhIN dyK skdI sI.` ies qoN bfad sfl 2009 ivwc inAUXfrk tfeImË ny mlflf AuWqy iewk iPlm bxfeI sI jo qfilbfn vwloN lVkIafˆ dI iswiKaf AuWqy lfeI pfbMdI `qy afDfirq sI. ies iPlm ivwc mlflf Puwt-Puwt ky roeI sI ikAuNik Auh pVH-ilK ky zfktr bxnf locdI sI pr qfilbfnIafˆ ny skUl bMd hI nhIN krvfey, sgoN Zfh hI idwqy sn. sfl 2009 ivwc AunHfˆ Ìrmfn jfrI kIqf sI ik 15 jnvrI qoN bfad iewk vI lVkI skUl nhIN jfvygI, jo Pqvy dI AulMGxf krygI, Auh mOq leI Kud iËMmyvfr hovygI. afKr mlflf nUM mfr-mukfAux vfly afp ies jhfn qoN kUc kr gey, jdoN ik mlflf pihlfˆ nfloN hor sfhsI, bhfdr, idRVH ierfdy vflI ho geI. julm nfl tfkrf krn leI mlflf vrgIafˆ bhfdr DIafˆ dI loV hY.



Punjabi Patrika 

Friday, July 18th, 2014

B.C. welcomes new flight simulator training centre to Victoria Statement by Shirley Bond, Minister of Jobs, Tourism and Skills Training

gateway for the industry. British Columbia’s aerospace and defence sector is recognized worldwide for delivering highly special“Pacific Sky Aviation and Viking ized products and services.” Air are investing in B.C. and in the “Aerospace is part of the Transportafuture with their state-of-the-art Twin tion sector in the BC Jobs Plan. The Otter simulator training centre at the strategies in the BC Jobs Plan leverVictoria International Airport. This age B.C.’s advantages in eight key is great news for the local economy industry sectors to enable job creation and it means 20 new jobs for the area. and maintain investor confidence. In “The Asia Pacific region is expected B.C., we are protecting our economy to see major growth in aircraft sales from global economic uncertainty and flight traffic in the coming through low taxes for families and years and B.C. is a major hub for business, controlled spending and the aerospace sector. In fact, we balancing our budget, and our Skills are a preferred North American for Jobs Blueprint.” B.C.’s Minister of Jobs, Tourism and Skills Training and Minister Responsible for Labour Shirley Bond has released the following statement today to congratulate Pacific Sky Aviation Inc. and Viking Air Limited on their announcement of a new training centre at the Victoria International Airport:

Continuation of the Envision Financial Concert in the Park Series welcomes Deception to the Kariton Gallery Stage

On July 26 from 6PM to 8PM, the Envision Financial Concert in the Park Series is proud to present Deception at the Kariton Art Gallery stage in Mill Lake Park (2387 Ware Street) in Abbotsford. Deception is an electric blues band based out of Abbotsford, B.C. and is the only ‘true to the blues’ group in the city. The band was started by guitarist/vocalist Art Panchishin in 1990. It has seen a few changes over the years with the current members being: Bob Peters, keyboard and Hammond organ, Charles Mauviel, bass and vocals and Randy Mathers, drums and vocals. For more information about the Envision Financial Concert in the Park Series, including the full concert schedule, please contact the Abbotsford Arts Council at 604.852.9358 or info@abbotsfordartscouncil.com, or visit us online at abbotsfordartscouncil.org. PAGE 22

Punjabi Patrika

Friday, July 18th, 2014



Passages: Cultural Legacies and Echoes of the Komagata Maru At Museum of Vancouver

By Mandeep Wirk On the evening of July 6, I attended a Museum of Vancouver event co-presented with the Indian Summer Arts Society, 'Passages: Cultural Legacies and Echoes of the Komagata Maru.' This extraordinary multimedia performance involving music, visual art, and poetry engaging

cartoons and archival photos of the Komagata Maru ship and it's passengers. Neelamjit Dhillon on alto saxophone, bansuri and tabla, Chris Gestrin on piano, Andre Lachance on double bass and Dan Gaucher on drumset. The Neelamjit Dhillon Quartet has been playing together for 10 years. Earlier I heard Neelamjit who is a Ph.D. Candidate in Jazz Music at the California Institute of the Arts present at the Surrey Art Gallery's Disfiguring Identity Symposium. Neelamjit emphasized that his new jazz musical compositions are not a 'fusion' of American jazz with Indian classical music because that implies a 'melting' of simple elements. Rather Neelamjit

Poets from left, Renee Saklikar, Phinder Dulai and Priscilla Uppal with narratives of memory and remembrance around the 100 year old story of the voyage of the Komagata Maru continues to have repercussions up to today. Naveen Girn (cultural researcher and community engagement specialist) introduced the poets and the Neelamjit Dhillon Quartet to the audience. He pointed out that these brilliant artists will try to fill the silence and the gaps in the archives of the Komagata Maru episode. Mr. Girn astutely noted that people assume that the 'truth' lies in the archive at the museum or library; however, the archive can only go so far and then artists must step in with all their creativity and analytical skills and build the archive through storytelling. Renowned poets Phinder Dulai, Priscilla Uppal and Renee Saklikar read soulful poems to the sound of new jazz music composed by musician Neelamjit Dhillon and performed by his band accompanied by visual art depicting xenophobic newspaper

explained that his music is an 'intersectionality' of American jazz and Indian classical music which creates a new form of music altogether. Neelamjit further explained how he is exploring the intersectionality of Sikhism, Indian classical music, and jazz using improvisation and technology to reflectively create music with a unique worldview that socially engages effectively with multidimensional issues of racism and discrimination. I purchased Neelamjit Dhillon Quartet's CD 'Komagata Maru' and am listening to it as I write this article. I love Neelamjit's Komagata Maru music because it is heartfelt and full of soul and very moving. The first composition called 'Gurdit Singh: Courage in the Face of Opposition' explores the dualist ideas of courage and doubt that this visionary giant must have faced in challenging Canada's colour bar in 1914, by bringing 376 Indian passengers on the SS Komagata Maru to Vancouver from Hong Kong in defiance

of the continuous journey regulation designed to keep Indian people out of Canada. In the second composition called 'Crossing the Pacific', Neelamjit examines the hopes and dreams the passengers had of starting a new life in Canada, using raga. In total, there are 9 beautiful compositions that examine key events of the Komagata Maru episode from the psychological perspective of those involved. Kudos to Neelamjit Dhillon for composing this awesome Komagata Maru album. Neelamjit credits Professor and famous cinematographer Ali Kazimi for inspiring this musical work. Ali Kazimi has dedicated 20 years of his life to uncovering the hidden history of the Komagata Maru resulting in his award winning documentary 'Continuous Journey' and his critically acclaimed book 'Undesirables: White Canada and the Komagata Maru (2011)'. Renee Saklikar who lost her Aunt and Uncle on Air India Flight 182 that exploded off the Irish coast on June 23, 1985 pointed out that of the 329 people who lost their lives, 82 were children under the age of 13 years. Ms. Saklikar read a poem called 'Exhibit #1' from her docu-poetry book, "Children of air India: un/authorized exhibits and interjections." This heart-breaking poem remembers the individual loss of a sister within the public trauma of the Air India tragedy. She discussed her extensive research into the Air India archive in preparation for writing the poems. Ms. Saklikar used her imagination to weave together fragments of passengers life before boarding the plane, news reports and forensic records to create a poem that is an emotional collage of both fact and fiction.The poems are lyrical elegies blessing the dead while at the same time praying for those they left behind. Although a lot has been reported about the Air India disaster, it like the Komagata Maru has not permeated the national conscious/psyche yet - I think mainly because of prevailing racism in mainstream Canadian society as well as other factors (inadequate Social Studies curriculum, inadequate or lack of much needed widespread anti-racism public education workshops to

cont’d on page 31


Punjabi Patrika



“bwly!” GIly ny AuhnUM suxf ky afiKaf, “ieh qF bylIE inwky df vI Auqlf pwt lwgdI aY! pihlF eI cflF KyzdI aY.” “hux ho gfhF,” gyby ny inwky nUM Pyr agFh DwkidaF afiKaf, ‘ik iswDy eI isMg PsfeIey? mgroN nf Pyr kfto aFgUM icr-icr krdf iPrIN.” “huMh! jdoN Ps-gy Ptkx kyhf, Qozy vws pey aYN jmdUqF dy, jo mrjLI aY kro.” inwky ny afpxI qy afpxI vhutI dI by-bsI rlf imlf ky afiKaf.

“asIN sfrf ieMqjLfm krky ilafey aYN qfeI. afh vyK AuhdI mUMh-ivKfeI.” GIly ny mUky dy lV bwDy lwzU ivKf ky afiKaf, qy nfl hI inwky dI DOx PV ky AuhnUM agFh DwkidaF boilaf, “qy afh sI “cMgf Pyr pfsy ho jf!” GIly Auhdf GwugU….” ny kUhxI mfr ky AuhnUM pry “rfq df ksOdf!” ipwCoN bVf kridaF ikhf, hI hOlI ijhI gyby ny gwl pUrI kr idwqI. Auh sfry aMdr “aYvyN nf hux Pfny aFgUM Ps lMG gey. vrFzy ivwc pIVHI ky ivcfly KVo.” Pyr Aus AuWcI AuW qy bYTI, inwky dI vhutI sfrI afvfjL mfr ky inwky dI cuMnI AuWqy gotf lfeI jFdI mF nUM afiKaf, “qfeI Blf sI. AuhnF nUM afAuNidaF vyK mYN eI iehnF sfiraF qoN Cotf ky Aus cuMnI goizaF ivwc Guwt nf?” leI qy AuWDr ipwT krky GuMz “hux qF puwq sfry eI Coty hor lMmf kridaF guwCf-muwCf EN!” Auhny awgoN hws ky juafb ho ky bih geI. idwqf. pr Pyr kuJ soc ky


bolI, “hYN qF qUM hI sfiraF qoN Cotf, AUN hY QozI sfiraF dI do-do cfr cfr mhIinaF dI eI ivwQ. inwkf mfAUN myrf, QoQoN sfiraF qoN eIN vwzf.” “ht jo pfsy Eie kqIVvfiDaf! pihlF Coty idAur dI vfrI aY.” kihMidaF GIlf tpUsI mfr ky inwky dI vhutI dy mUhry jf Kloqf. inwky dI vhutI ny GuMz ivwcoN dI AuhnUM rqf ku vyK ilaf qy hor vDyry guwCf-muwCf ho geI. GIlf hOlI dyxy Auhdy awgy bih igaf qy lwzUaF vflf mUkf Auhdy sfhmxy Dr ky boilaf, “afh PVo mo q IaF afilE afvdI njLr qy prgt ho-jo! jo koeI afkV-PfkV kIqI qF qyry Ksm df Gm-twtU bxf ky ivhVy `c GukfeI iPrFgy. mgroN cfhy pYrIN hwQ lfeIN asIN nhIN Cwzxf.” AuhdI gwl sux ky inwky dI vhutI dI mwlojLorI hfsI inkl geI. pr dUhrI cuMnI dy GuMz

ivwc mUMh cMgI qrHF kwisaf hox ky bolI, “bfeI BfbI df mUMh krky iksy nUM pqf nf lwigaf. vyKxf? lY QonUM mYN ivKfvF…!” qy Aus iKV-iKV krky hwsdI AuNJ nf Auh bolI nf ihwlI. ny awK-plkfry ivwc inwky dI “inwikaf, hux iehnUM smJf vhutI df isroN dupwtf iKwc lY jy smJfeIdf qF, nhIN Pyr idwqf. Auhdf awDf isr nMgf asIN hux afvdI jwt-ivwidaf ho igaf. vrqFgy.” gyby ny afiKaf qy Auh vI GIly dy kol jf Kloqf. “nf nI kuVIey cOV nf kr.” inwky dI mF ny AuhnUM iJVikaf, “huMh!” inwky ny dMdIaF kwZIaF pr Auh cuMnI nUM iek hJokf qy afpxI mF vwl JfqI mfr ky ho r mfiraf qy Py r ivhVy hOlI-hOlI corF vFg, kfhlIivwc jf ky hwsdI-hwsdI igwDf kfhlI boilaf, “cwkdy, pfAux lwg peI. cwkdy, hux nhIN eyhnF jmF ny KihVf Cwzxf. ieh sfry inwky dI vhutI sMÕ nfl lMzr-kuwqy iekwTy hoey aY.” dUhrI-qIhrI ho geI. jdoN “ieh vyK vwzf srIP! vIh iek hwQ nfl cuMnI iKwc ky vfrI kftI iJAUrI qoN juwqIaF Auh tyZI huMidaF, muV GuMz KfDIaF sfzy sfhmxy, Py r kwZx lwgI qF Auhdy ichry df qF ikqy lukx nUM QF vI nhIN Kwbf pfsf mgr KVoqy jgsIr iQafAu N d f hu M d f.” GIly ny nUM idws igaf. ieMJ eI ijvyN inwky nUM icVfAux dy mfry bhuq ibjlI ilsLkI hovy. jgsIr hO l I ijhI afiKaf. inw k f df sfrf srIr suMn ho igaf. ‘huMh-huMh’ kridaF kwcI eyzf cOVf, gorf mwQf, eyzI ijhI hfsI hwsx lwg ipaf, suhxI awK eyzIaF lMmIaF pr jvfb Au h nU M ko e I nf iJMmxIaF, Aus kdy nhIN sn ahuiVaf. EdoN eI bfhroN inwky vyKIaF. qIvIN ivwc eyzI koeI dI BYx nwsI afeI qy kol af iKwc huMdI hY, ieh jgsIr nUM

Friday, July 18th, 2014

awj pqf lwgf. Auh AuWQy KVfKVoqf ijvyN kIilaf igaf. awKF awgy hnyrf ijhf afAux lwg ipaf. “bws Jlkfrf eI ipaf bylIE, drsLn qF cMgUM hoey nhIN aYvyN Kycl eI geI.” GIly ny iZwlI ijhI afvfjL ivwc ivaMg nfl afiKaf qy AuWT ky KVf ho igaf. inwky dI vhutI ny GuMz iKwc ky Pory ivwc mUMh Zwk ilaf sI. “lY puwqf, ikMnf ku icr!” inwky dI mF ny afiKaf, “afh do-cfr mhIny nvIN-nvIN aY, cfhy Bory `c vVI rhy, Pyr qF swuK nfl, Qozy GrIN eIN kmOxy aY ivafh sfhy.” “jdoN kmfAU vyKI jfAU, hux qF kyrF sfhbxI bxI bYTI aY.” gyby ny ikhf qy AuhdI gwl pUrI kridaF GIlf boilaf: “inwky sfhb dI mym aY BfeI, koeI mKOl aY!” qy Auh sfry hwsdy-hsfAuNdy bfhr nUM qur pey, pr jgsIr

Punjabi Patrika

Friday, July 18th, 2014

nUM Kul ky hfsI nf afeI. Auhdy aMdroN ijvyN kuJ ihwl igaf sI. Auhdy pYr ieMJ iQVk gey sn, ijvyN Bucfl af igaf hovy. nIvIN pfeI AuhnF dy nfl qF quiraf afieaf, pr ieMJ ijvyN Auhdy aAusfx mfry gey hox. Aus idn ipwCoN jgsIr keI idn GIly qy gyby nfl Kul ky nf boilaf. aMdry-aMdr ijvyN Auhdy koeI Koh ijhI pYNdI rihMdI. rfq nUM nINd nf afAuNdI. kMm krn nUM jIa nf krdf, sfrf idn Auh afpxy Kyq’ vflI tfhlI hyT ipaf rihMdf. cOQy ku idn gyby ny AuhnUM bfho N PV ky pu w i Caf: “kI gwl Eie vwizaf mjnMUaF, horUM-qorUM eI hoieaf iPrdF, ijvyN mF mrI huMdI aY?” jgsIr ny hw s x df Xqn kIqf, pr Auhdy aMdroN hfsI nf afeI.


AuhqoN agFh kdm puwitaf jFdf nf ipCFh. keI vfr glI dy moV `qy jf ky, dUroN hI bUhy vwl JfqI mfr ky muV afAuNdf. Pyr pMjF-swqF idnF ivwc hI Auhdf mn eyzf amoV ho igaf ik Auh inwky ky Gry jf ky iksy nf iksy bhfny AuhdI mF nfl gwlF krn lwg pYNdf, nfly BfvyN AuhnUM ieMJ vI lwgdf rihMdf ik AuhI ieh corI PVI jFdI sI. ibnF kMm qoN, koeI Pokf bhfnf bxf ky iksy dy Gr jfxf AuhnUM bVI EprI gwl lwgdI sI. iek-do vfr qF Auh isrP eyho puwC ky muV afAuNdf irhf, “qfeI inwkf ikwQy aY?” AuhnUM pqf huMdf sI ik inwkf ikwQy aY. qy inwky qfeIN kMm vI koeI nhIN sI huMdf. jdoN inwky dI mF puwCdI, ‘ikAuN puwq koeI kMm sI?’ qF Auh nIvIN pf ky afK idMdf, “hF!” pr afp hI AuhnUM eys JUTI cfl AuWqy sLrm ijhI afAuNdI qy Pyr keI keI idn inwky dy Gr nf jFdf.


ÃðÕÅð Çòç¶ôÆ ÁÅð÷Æ òðÕð êz¯×ðÅî ÒÚ Çòô¶ô Û¯à ç¶ä ñÂÆ ÇåÁÅð-ÜËÃé ÕËéÆ kYlgrI-PYzirl srkfr afrjLI ivdysLI vrkr pRogrfm (tI[ aYP[ zblXU[ pI[) ivwc kIqIaF sKq qbdIlIaF `c ivsLysL Cot dyx leI iqafr hY qy ies sbMDI rfjF nUM jfxkfrI dy idwqI geI hY. ieh pRgtfvf rujLgfr mMqrI jYsn kYnI ny jfrI iewk ibafn ivwc kIqf hY. kYnI ny rfjF dy rujLgfr mMqrIaF nfl bIqy idn mIitMg kIqI, ijs ivwc afrjLI ivdysLI vrkr pRogrfm bfry ivcfrF kIqIaF geIaF. ies sfl jUn mhIny ivwc kYnI ny afrjLI ivdysLI vrkr pRogrfm sbMDI inXmF ivwc kuJ qbdIlIaF kIqIaF sn qy inXmF nUM sKq bxfieaf sI. AunHF duafrf kIqIaF ienHF

qbdIlIaF df mksd AunHF kMpnIaF dI mnmfnI nUM rokxf sI jo kYnyzIanF nUM kMm dyx dI bjfey ivdysLI vrkrF nUM Gwt qnKfh AuWpr kMm qy rwK lYNdIaF sn. mIitMg ivwc kYnI ny rfjF nUM Brosf idwqf ik srkfr dI nvIN nIqI lckdfr hovygI. AunHF ikhf ik jo Kyqr mukMml rujLgfr dy tIcy dy nyVy hn, AunHF ivwc iZwl idwqI jf skdI hY. mIitMg ivwc kYnI ny spwsLt kIqf ik afrjLI ivdysLI vrkr pRogrfm ivwc CotF dy bfvjUd ies pRogrfm df mMqv pUrf krn ivwc koeI iZwl nhIN afAux idwqI jfvygI.

“aYvyN keI idnF dy kusL hwzpYr jy duKI jFdy aY, hor qF muklfvy nUM inwky dI vhutI koeI gwl nhIN.” Auhny AuWqoN BfnI, mhInf ku rhI. eys muskrFidaF JUT boilaf. mhIny ivwc Auh ikMny vfrI “ikAuN bMdy cfrdF!” gyby ny AuhnF dy Gr igaf, pr sfry moV kIqf, “corF qoN glIaF Xqn lf ky vI Auhdf sfrf guwJIaF? ijhVI ibmfrI rMg-rUp kdy rwj ky nf vyK imw q rf qY n U M lw g I aY , ieh sikaf. kdy kMm krdI df jfn lY ky CwzdI huMdI aY, jy rqf ku ichrf ids pYNdf, kdy bc skdf qF bc jf nhIN kUhxI qfeIN nMgI bFh qy kdy qF Auho gwl hoAU-aky buwZV pMjybF ivwc guMdy mlUk pYr, mihM qy Xfr pcfDf, Bwjxy pr kdy-kdfeIN Auhdy rUp Bwj lY nhIN KfDf eI KfDf.” dy pey ieh ilsLkfry Auhdy EdoN qF jgsIr ny hws ky aMdr GuMz-cukfeI vfly idn gwl tfl idwqI, pr QoVHy idnF dIaF vhIaF lIkF nU M ho r mgroN eI AuhnUM gyby dI gwl gUVHIaF kr idMdy. jdoN nIvIN swcI lwgx lwg peI. idno- pf ky Gr nUM prqdf qF Auhdy idn Auh inZfl rihx lwg aMdr BfnI dy nYx-nksLF df ipaf sI. awgy vFg nf Auh pUrf akfr AuWGVdf afAuNdf. Guldf, nf Kyzdf, nf muMizaF ppIsIaF vrgIaF muskFdIaF nfl rl ky hwsdf, sfrf AuhdIaF buwlIaf, iqwKIaF, idn guMm-suMm hoieaf quiraf motIaF sLfh-kflIaF awKF, akfdsLI dy cMn ijwzf mwQf, iPrdf. iqwKf nwk, lMmI-DOx ieMJ ijvyN hO l I-hO l I Au h nU M sL w k ho x AuhdI prqwK murq Auhdy lwg ipaf ik AuhnUM swcIN koeI aMdr AuWkrI geI hovy. keI ibmfrI lwgI sI. vfr glI ivwcoN quiraF jFidaF Pyr jgsIr dy aMdroN koeI AuhnUM ieMJ BulyKf pYNdf ijvyN aijhf Au b fl Au W iTaf ik BfnI Auhdy mgr qurI afAuNdI AuhnUM Auh rok nf sikaf. hovy. Auh KVo ky ipwCy qwkdf, afnI-bhfnIN inw k y ky Gr pr Pyr afpy eI Audfs ijhf awgoN dI lMGx lwg ipaf. pr ho ky, EprI ijhI muskfn hoTF AuhnF dy bUhy kol jf ky ijvyN `qy ilaf ky qur pYNdf. (cldf) AuhnUM skqf mfr jFdf. nf


Punjabi Patrika


Friday, July 18th, 2014


ivs`KI Eqy K`lsy dy jnm idn dI l@K l@K vD`eI hovy

af¤kf rfhf FrdCtrYPq ¤dpP¡fqAd DtDprBPq 2061 irvrsfeIz roz, aYbtsPorz, bI[sI[

susfietI smuWcI kimAUintI nfl jfxkfrI sFJI kridaF bhuq sMqusLtI mihsUs kr rhI hY ik afpxI kimAUintI df iPAUnrl hom aYbtsPorz ivKy 17 nvMbr, 2013 qoN cflU ho cuWikaf hY. srivs buWk krfAux vfsqy qusIN iPAUnrl hom nfl 24 GMty sWqy idn 604-746-3040 qy sMprk kr skdy ho.

d`nI s@jx dy n`m ieh AuhnF pRIvfrF dy nfm hn ijnHF dy nfm iPAunrl hom dI aYNtrI ivwc mUhrlI kMD qy Aukry jfxgy. ies ivwc lfeIP mYNbrisLp jF pRI-nIz kntrYkt vfsqy idwqI geI rkm sLfml nhIN. Khalsa Credit Union Wadhawan Family

$250,000 $100,000

Khalsa Diwan Society of Abbotsford


Buttar Gurdeep S & Parmjit K


Gill Nachhatar S (Nash)


Sidhu Jatinder Singh (Jati)


Raiwal Balbir Singh Sivia Nirmal Singh Sidhu Hardev Singh Ranjit Singh Hardip Singh Kehlar Bruce & Georgina Gill Sukhi (Mid Valley and Charlesworth Insurance) Binning Jasvir Singh

$25,000 $25,000 $25,000 $25,000 $25,000 $25,000

Baldev, Harnek, Sukhdev & Ajmer Singh Seikhon $21,000 Bhogal Family (Aldergrove & Mission) $15,000 Mission Gur Sikh Society $13,000 Gian`s Sweet Shop & Jagraon Enterprises $12,000 Sharma Darshan Kumar $11,000 Khangura Balbir S (Khangura Engineering) $11,000 Gurudwara Kalgidhar Darbar Sahib $11,000 Greenland Growers Nursery (Dhami) $10,100 Dr. Malwinder S. Dhami $10,100 Dhillon Harbans Singh $10,100 Saini Gurbax Singh s/o Kartar Singh $10,013 Brar Bant Singh $10,000 Abby Pharmacy $10,000 Toor Garry & Bam Sidhu $10,000 Thandi Sucha S $10,000 Thandi Gurdev S. & Sons $10,000 Sidhu Kinder & Associates $10,000 Sidhu Chamkaur S(Alamwala) $10,000 Sangha Norm S. $10,000 Sandhu Sachiar Kaur $10,000 Randhawa Harbhajan S s/o Bhan Singh $10,000

Minhas Satpal S (Satkul Development)$10,000 Manku Jasbir S $10,000 Kooner Nachhattar S (Surrey) $10,000 Heer Manmohan Singh $10,000 Gill Mohinder S & Gurdev S $10,000 Gill Baljinder S (Fraser Cedar) $10,000 Dhillon Malkiat Singh $10,000 Dhaliwal Shamsher $10,000 Brar Davinder Singh & Amarjit Singh $10,000 Banwait Jasbir Singh $10,000 Alamwala Sarwan S & Family $10,000 Tiwana Garry Dhaliwal Baljit Singh Parhar Onkar Singh (Jashin Enterprises) Dr. Rajinder S. Bhatti Dr. Sukhdev S. Gill Sidhu Kartar S (Mahean walla) Brar Gurnaik S Bhullar Baljeet S (Ramgarh) Romana Gurpiar S Purewal Kamalprit S Minhas Manjit Singh Mann Baljinder S Lally Tarlochan Singh (Dunamis Farms) Kular Harmel S Westberry Farms Waqat Enterises Varing Garry Toor Sadhu Singh Tiwana Parminder Singh Thind Parmjit S. Thind Hardial Singh (High Class Homes) Swaich Ekbal Singh Sood Romesh Sohi Manjit Singh Sivia Agarvir Singh Singh Satpal Singh Jiwan (Moga) Sidhu Terry (Notary Public) Sidhu Surjit K (RPR Farms) Sidhu Kulwinder S Sidhu Harbhajan K Sidhu Gogi Singh (Kanaka Creek)

$7,151 $7,111 $7,000 $7,000 $7,000 $5,250 $5,200 $5,100 $5,100 $5,100 $5,100 $5,100 $5,100 $5,100 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000

Sidhu Dalip S. Giani Sidhu Andy & Pritam (Punjabi Patrika) Sekhon Sikander S & Jasvir S Saran Mehar S Sanghera Makhan Singh Sangha Sukhdev S Sandhu Surjit S (SD Farms) Sandhu Sukhwinder S Sandhu Ajit Singh Randhawa Rattan S (G & R Growers) Randhawa Ranjit S Phangura Tarsem S Oberoi Bhupinder Singh Neger Balwant S Neger Bhajan K Narang Gurmail Singh Narang Gurbux Singh Nanuwa Santokh S Maskeen Development Ltd. (Surrey) Marshal Pharmacy Mann Palwinder (Superstar Roofing) Mander Jeet (Sarbjeet), Balbir S Malhi Shaminder Singh Mahil Tarvain S Mahil Darshan S Lickman Food & Fuel Limited Lanji Dildar Singh Kular Harminder Kaur Kooner Kewal Singh Kooner Balraj S Khattar Ajit S Khaira Bakhshish S Judge Param Singh J’s Pizza (SFW) Heer Jarnail Singh Hayer Harbhajan S Hayer Gurmit S Harbor Trucking Grewal Surinderpal S Grewal Rajvir Singh Aldergrove Grewal Rajinder Singh Grewal Harbans Singh Grewal Davinderpal S Gladwin Pharmacy Gill Swaran S (Dhudike) Gill Surinder S. (Dhudike) Gill Satvir Singh (Sat) Gill Ravinder S (Robbie) Gill Pritam S (Karyal)

$5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000

Gill Nazar Singh Gill Nashattar S Gill Mukhtiar Singh (Aldergrove) Gill Makhan & Jaswinder Gill Jaswinder (Jas) Singh (Electrician) Gill Jarnail S. Gill Baldev S Gill Balbir Singh (Librarian) Gill Moe & Jagdish K Gill Gursewak Singh Garden Grove Nursary Aldergrove Garcha Sukhdev Singh G Mann Trucking Fraser Valley Hindu Society Dr. Shavinder S. Gill Dr. Ron Brar Dr. Manjinder S.Saini Dr. Harjit S. Lail Dr. Gagan Grover Dr. Alok Sood Dr P. K. Sidhu & Jesse Sidhu Dhillon Jagdish K Dhillon Baaga S. Dhesi Malkiat Singh & Daljit Singh Dhami Narang & Co. Dhaliwal Gurmeet Singh Mission Deol Harinder Singh Country Lumber Chohan Zora S. Cheema Manjit S ( York Home Design) Cheema Kaviraj S Cedar Park Pharmacy Butter Farms Brar Shabnam Singh Brar Lakhvinder (Bagi) Singh Brar Gurnaib Singh Brar Gurbhej Singh (MGB Enterprise) Braich Sher S. & Surinder K Blueridge Pharmacy Bhattal Zora S. Bhatti Opinder S Bathe Raj Bangar Raghbir Singh Bandesha Hari Bains Patvinder Singh Bains Baljinder Singh Alamwala Jasvir (Jessie) Atwal Balraj S

$5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000

Gwto-Gwt 5000 zflr dfn dy ky qusIN ies susfietI dy sQfeI mYNbr bx skdy ho. ieh mYNbrisLp pIVHI dr pIVHI clygI| ienHF pRIvfrF dy nfm iPAunrl hom dI aYNtrI ivwc mUhrlI kMD qy Aukry jfxgy. ieh nfm hmysLf vfsqy kMD AuWpr dfnIaF dI Xfd duafAuNdy rihxgy. nfm Aukrx dI afKrI qrIk 30 sqMbr, 2014 qWk vDf idWqI geI hY. ies qoN bfad vfly dfnIaF dy nfm ies kMD Aupr nhIN ikqy hor ilKy jfxgy. nfm Aukrn dIaF iqMn sLRYxIaF hn.

1[ 5000[00 qoN AuWpr

2[ 10,000[00 qoN AuWpr

3[ 25,000[00 qoN AuWpr

jldI qoN jldI dfn dy ky susfietI dy mYNbr bxo. dfn idWqI geI rkm dI tYks dI rsId vI idWqI jfvygI.

hor jfxkfrI leI iPAUnrl hom df Pon nMbr: 604[746[3040

Ô¯ð ÜÅäÕÅðÆ ñÂÆ ÁÅê Ô¶á ÇñÖ¶ ë¯é» Óå¶ Ã¹ÃÅÇÂàÆ ç¶ ì¯ðâ ÁÅø âÅÇÂðËÕàð÷ éÅñ ÿêðÕ Õð ÃÕç¶ Ô¯Í êÅñ òèÅòé (Paul Wadhawan) F@D-C@H-FBCD ×°ðéËì ÇÃ³Ø ìðÅó (Gurnaib S. Brar) F@D-C@I-AHAH ìñÇܳçð ÇÃ³Ø ì˺à (Baljinder S. Bains) F@D-H@G-AIIE ÃéÆ ×ð¶òÅñ (Sonny Grewal) F@D-EAB-CDE@ ×°ðîÆå ÇÃ³Ø èÅñÆòÅñ (Gurmeet S. Dhaliwal) F@D-EEF-HIDI îéÜÆå ÇÃ³Ø Ã¯ÔÆ (Manjit S. Sohi) GGH HGH G@F@ îéÜÆå ÇÃ³Ø ÇîéÔÅà (Manjit S. Minhas) F@D-FDD-AADB çðôé Õ°îÅð ôðîÅ (Darshan K. Sharma) F@D-C@H-EC@A iji(Dr. Rajinder Singh Bhatti) Eqyqii(Nash Gill)


Friday, July 18th, 2014

Punjabi Patrika 



Punjabi Patrika


Friday, July 18th, 2014


ÃðÕÅð ÁÇèÁÅêÕź Òå¶ Õ¯ÂÆ ÃîÞ½åÅ ìÆ ÃÆ çÆÁź ܧ×ñÆ Áµ×ź 鱧 ì°ÞÅÀ°ä ÇéÀ±àé éÅðæ âËñàÅ ðÅÂÆÇâ§× 寺 Çëð ñÂÆ úéà¯ðÆú 寺 ÃÔÅÇÂåÅ î§×äÆ êÂÆ å¯º ÇܧéÆ ÇÃî÷ ÁËé âÆ êÆ À°îÆçòÅð éÔƺ á¯Ã¶×Æ - Çòµå î§åðÆ 15 julfeI nUM bI sI dy ivwq mMqrI mfeIk zI jONg ny ikhf ik hVqfl kr rhy aiDafpkF nUM ieh afs nhIN rwKxI cfhIdI ik nvF skUlI vrHf arMB hox qoN pihlF srkfr skUlI kMm Twp hox dy zr qoN koeI PYslf aiDafpkF Aupr TosygI| AuMnHF df qrk hY ik ies qrF dy Tosy pihly PYsly sPl nhIN rhy| bI sI tI aYP dI hVqfl kfrn srkfr nUM jUn dy afKrI do hPiqaF ivc $12 imlIan pRqI idn dI bwcq hoeI sI pRMqU ieh bwcq ividafrQIaF dI pVHfeI dI kImq qfr ky hoeI hY| bVy duwK dI gwl hY

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bI sI dy bhuq sfry jMglF dy iBfank awgF dI lpyt ivc af jfx krky EntorIE qoN 21 Pfier PfeItr mMgvfAux pey hn| ieh Pfier PfeItr kYmlUp dy ielfky ivc lwgIaF awgF nUM buJfAux leI mMgvfey gey hn| ipCly idnIN rYwz zIar krIk ivc lwgI awg dy bI sI vwl nUM vDx df Kqrf bixaf hoieaf hY| ieh awg ny 3800 hYktyarnUM afpxI lpyt ivc

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Friday, July 18th, 2014

Punjabi Patrika 



Punjabi Patrika




Open fires Banned in most of Coastal Fire Centre

ffective at noon on July 17, 2014, all open burning (including campfires, Category 2 open fires and Category 3 open fires) are prohibited in all areas of the Coastal Fire Centre except the “fog zone” and Haida Gwaii. This step is being taken to help prevent human-caused wildfires and protect public safety. The fire danger rating is currently “high” throughout most of the Coastal Fire Centre, with scattered pockets of “extreme”. This prohibition will remain in place until Oct. 15, 2014, or until the public is notified that it has been rescinded. A map of the areas affected by the prohibition is available online at: http://bit.ly/1yov78I

This prohibition covers all BC Parks, Crown lands and private lands, but does not apply within the boundaries of local governments that have forest fire prevention bylaws and are serviced by fire departments. Please check with local governments for any other restrictions before lighting a fire. With the current trend of warm and dry weather, as well as lightning-caused wildfires in the region, human-caused wildfires can divert critical resources and crews needed to fight naturally occurring wildfires.

The Coastal Fire Centre covers the area west of the height of land on the Coast Mountain Range from the U.S.-Canada border at Manning Park, including South Tweedsmuir Park in the north, the Sunshine Coast, the Lower Mainland, all of Vancouver Island, the Gulf This prohibition applies to campfires and Islands and Haida Gwaii. open burning of any size or description, including fires with a burn registration number Anyone found in contravention of an open and industrial burning. The use of fireworks, fire prohibition may be issued a ticket for $345 or, if convicted in court, may be fined burning barrels, tiki torches and sky lanterns up to $100,000 and sentenced to one year in is also not permitted. jail. If the contravention causes or contributes The prohibition does not apply to CSA-rated to a wildfire, the person may be subject to a or ULC-rated cooking stoves that use gas, penalty of up to $10,000 and be ordered to propane or briquettes, or to a portable camp- pay all firefighting and associated costs. fire apparatus that uses briquettes, liquid or To report a wildfire or unattended campfire, gaseous fuel, as long as the height of the call 1 800 663-5555 toll-free or *5555 on a cellphone. flame is less than 15 centimetres.


Friday, July 18th, 2014

Tips to beat the Heat

hile warm weather is pleasant and eagerly anticipated in British Columbia, hot temperatures can be dangerous. Everyone is at risk of heat related illness, but in particular, children, seniors and people with chronic health conditions are more vulnerable. There are a variety of mild to severe symptoms linked with heat-related illness, including thirst, dizziness, confusion, weakness, fainting, collapsing and even death. Medical Health Officers are reminding residents to take precautions to protect themselves from the heat, including: 1. Stay hydrated Drink cool beverages (preferably water) irrespective of your activity intake. Don’t wait until you are thirsty.

Avoid tiring work or exercise in the heat. If you must exercise, drink two to four glasses of non-alcoholic fluids each hour. Limit outdoor activity during the day to early morning and evening. NEVER leave children or pets alone in a parked car. Temperatures can rise to 52°C (125°F) within 20 minutes in an enclosed vehicle when the outside temperature is 34°C (93°F). Leaving the car windows slightly open or “cracked” will not keep the inside of the vehicle at a safe temperature.

If your doctor generally limits the amount of fluid you drink or has you on water pills, ask about increasing 3. Check in on others the amount of water you can drink People living alone are at high risk while the weather is hot. of severe heat related illness. Check 2. Keep cool regularly on older people, those who Spend at least several hours every day are unable to leave their homes and in an air-conditioned facility (such as anyone who may not be spending at a shopping centre, library, community least several hours every day in air conditioned places for signs of heatcentre or restaurant). related illness. Use public splash pools, water parks or pools, or take a cool bath or shower. Ask whether people know how to prevent heat-related illness and are At current temperatures, fans alone doing the same. are not effective. Applying cool water mist or wet towels to your body If they are unwell, move them to a prior to sitting in front of a fan is a cool shady spot, help them get hydrated and call for medical assistance quick way to cool off. if required. Dress for the weather by wearing loose, light-weight clothing. Protect 4. Get informed. yourself from the sun by wearing a Listen to local news and weather wide-brimmed hat and sunglasses. channels. Keep your home cool. Open win- For more information on heat-related dows, close shades, use an air condi- illness, call HealthLink BC at 8-1-1. tioner and prepare meals that do not Contact your local government to find require an oven. out what services (such as air condiAvoid sunburn, stay in the shade or tioned buildings and public splash use sunscreen with SPF 30 or more. parks) are available in your area.


Punjabi Patrika

Friday, July 18th, 2014



Conservative Cuts to Refugee Health Care


have caused widespread confusion among doctors who now have to ascertain what “kind” of refugee a patient is before deciding whether or not they can be treated. Doctors ought to spend their time helping people, not navigating a complex maze On July 4th, the Federal Court of government red tape. agreed and ruled that denying In addition to being cruel, docrefugees access to health care tors pointed out that denying amounted to “cruel and unusual” refugees access to primary care

feel discriminated against because of their country of origin.

poses a danger to public health, endangers lives and, as the Federal Court mentioned, will not save the federal government any money.

Canada should be a place where a refugee can find safety and a fair chance at becoming a productive citizen. If the Conservatives shared that vision, they would drop their appeal of the Federal Court’s decision and let some of our society’s most vulnerable people have access to the health care they need.

wo years ago, the Conservative government began denying many refugees access to health care, a move that Liberals have vigorously opposed for its cruelty and for the danger it poses to both refugees and to public health.

treatment. The court struck down the Conservatives’ cuts but, predictably, the government announced that it would challenge the ruling.

Another refugee spoke of how the stigma of being a refugee never really goes away; that they constantly feel the need to defend themselves against that stigma, and that they often feel unwanted and wonder how a country like Canada could treat refugees this way.

Identifying a health issue early on helps to prevent a worsening of the condition, which can eventually lead to an emergency room visit for treatment. Unfortunately, this is the single most expensive way to provide John McCallum, MP health care. (Markham—Unionville) It was the stories from former Liberal Critic for Citizenship refugees, however, which were Members of the medical com- the most heartbreaking. One for- and Immigration, munity explained how the cuts mer refugee explained how they Multiculturalism, Seniors In the wake of that announcement, my colleagues Kirsty Duncan, Dr. Jane Philpot, and I held a roundtable in Toronto with 25 community stakeholders, in order to hear firsthand how these cruel and unusual changes to the Federal Interim Health Program have affected the lives of refugees.

cont’d from page 23 support the policy of Canadian multiculturalism, inadequate values education, insufficient intercultural socialization amongst others..). The worst aviation terrorist act in Canadian history Air India Flight 182 and the Komagata Maru episode in Canadian immigration history remain largely South Asian stories to this day. Ms. Saklikar emphasized that Air India Flight 182 (and I would like to add Komagata Maru incidence) are asking us the same questions " What does it mean to be Canadian.? What does it mean to be a human being?" Ms. Saklikar also explained in another poem how names like Komagata Maru amongst many others in world history continue to release 'vibrations' that travel from the past right into the present time. I was deeply moved to the core of my being by Renee Saklikar's recitation. You can visit Renee at thecanadaproject.wordpress. com and read her ongoing poem chronicle of her life from India to Canada exploring issues of race, ethnicity, and identity amongst others. Priscilla Uppal read 3 poems explaining that though none

relate directly to the Komagata Maru episode, they all involve notions of historical trauma, achievement and issues of power - and ask us the same question "Who should accept responsibility for what?" I was very touched with Ms. Uppal's new millennium translation of an olde Anglo-Saxon poem called The Wanderer (940 AD). This striking poem is written from the wanderer's perspective and tells us that he has done his duty and gone to war with his Lord - but the battle has been lost including the Lord himself. All his fellow soldiers are dead too - he is the only survivor. Now he becomes a wanderer with no comrades talking to himself as he rides alone. As Priscilla read the poem, I could feel the sense of homelessness in the heart of the wanderer. One line says "The individual always wants prosperity" - this was true in 940AD and true for our Komagata Maru passengers in 1914 and true today for all humanity in 2014. Another poignant line screams out, "Where have all the Gods gone?" Afterwards I had a chance to chat with the poet herself at the reception. Ms. Uppal explained that the Komagata Maru passengers like

Neelamjit Dhillon Quartet the wanderer must have also felt abandoned by everyone including God during their 2 month ordeal aboard the ship with dwindling food and water supplies and their dreams of starting a new life in Canada dashed. Priscilla Uppal is a dynamic poet and teaches Creative Writing at York University. Phinder Dulai is a Surreybased poet who has a new book of poetry 'dream/arteries' commemorating the centennial anniversary of the Komagata Maru episode coming out this fall. Phinder pointed out that the SS Komagata Maru was previously known as the SS

Stubbenhuk and had successfully brought white immigrants from Europe to Ellis Island and Montreal. As the Komagata Maru, the ship's passengers were brown-skinned Indians and were denied entry to Canada because they were regarded as 'undesirables' by the Canadian immigration authority of that time which wanted to keep the country for whites only. I was very moved by Phinder Dulai's recitation of his poem 'To the 4 Clergy' written in the voice of Mewa Singh. I walk the 4 corners of life where there are 3 absences. My name is wrought in the language of solitude.

In chatting with the poet himself, I asked him to tell me more about this intriguing poem. Phinder explained that Mewa Singh is an anomaly and is invisible in the archive; however, Mewa Singh means a great deal to the Sikh community who considers him a martyr. Just look at all the Mewa Singh tattoos on the arms of our young men. Phinder went onto say that his intention was to animate the motivation of Mewa Singh to assassinate Immigration Inspector William Hopkinson. At his trial, Mewa Singh asked to speak to 4 clergy saying he would explain to them why he killed Hopkinson, but his request was denied. Phinder explained that the 3 absences felt by Mewa Singh in his Canadian life are village, family and community. Mewa Singh feels lonely cornered by life's circumstances. He was found guilty and hung. The nature of Mewa Singh's life and death made him a martyr for Sikhs in Canada. Phinder Dulai has 2 books of poetry: Ragas from the Periphery and Basmati Brown for you to enjoy.

the evening by thanking our 8 brilliant artists for their creativity and social engagement with the Komagata Maru story. Indeed it was a soul stirring evening for both the artists and the audience members. Towards the end, the visuals showed pictures of famous civil right leaders like Martin Luther King, Frederick Douglas, Malcolm X, Nelson Mandela amongst others. The Komagata Maru passengers and Gurdit Singh are our civil rights leaders and we should always remember their courage in challenging the colour bar in Canada. Afterwards we had a chance to mix with the artists over delicious vegetarian food donated by Guru Nanak Dairy. This reception was held in the same room housing the exhibition Unmoored: Vancouver's Voyage of the Komagata Maru (closing August 18). This enlightening exhibition is guest curated by Naveen Girn and is well worth a visit to see rare artifacts and documents associated with the Komagata Maru story.

On July 23rd, the Museum of Vancouver is holding a historical walking tour of the The Artistic Director of the Komagata Maru episode (please Indian Summer Festival Sirish see museumofvancouver.ca for Rao exhuberantly closed off more details).


Punjabi Patrika


Friday, July 18th, 2014


ÁËé. âÆ. êÆ. òñ¯º $A.AG ÇîñÆÁé ׯñÆìÅðÆ ÒÚ ÁÇèÁÅêÕ çÆ î½å, B Ô¯ð ÷ÖîÆ mMglvfr iqMn QfvF bfhrvfr golI lwgx kfrn jLKmI ç¶ ÔðÜÅé¶ ìÅð¶ ÁêÆñ Õðé çÅ ëËÃñÅ toqyrhoFtoe-IbIqygolIbfrI ivwc iek 31 ho gey hn. sLwkI ivakqIaF ny ÕËéâ ¶ Å ÒÚ ì¶ð÷ ° ×ÅðÆ çÆ çð G.E ëÆÃçÆ aO t vf-kY n y z f ivw c jU n mhIny dy awD qwk dy aMkiVaF muqfbk byrujLgfrI dI dr ivwc irkfrz vfDf ho igaf hY. jUn dy awD ivckfr ieh dr 7[1 PIsdI sI, jo hux vD ky 7[5 PIsdI qy phuMc geI hY. ies dy kfrn AuntfrIE ivwc bhuq sfry lokF nUM rujLgfr guafAuxy pey hn. hflF ik kOmI aMkiVaF pwKoN rujLgfr guafAux vfilaF dI igxqI Gwt hY, pr AuntfrIE ivwc ieh aMkVf bhuq qyjLI nfl viDaf hY. byrujLgfrI df ijLafdfqr isLkfr nOjvfn lokI ho rhy hn. afriQk Kyqr dy mfhrF

muqfbk meI ivwc rujLgfr vDx df grfP jUn qoN bfad ruk igaf aqy lokF nUM byrujLgfrI df sfhmxf krnf ipaf. ipCly 12 mhIinaF dy aMkiVaF muuqfbk kOmI pwDr qy 72 hjLfr dy krIb nvyN rujLgfr pYdf hox kfrn byrujLgfrI ivwc kmI afAux lwg peI sI. hflF ik pfrt tfeIm kMm krn vfilaF nUM hI ijLafdfqr rujLgfr imly hn.

torFto-myar Porz dy Brf zg Porz dy gYrfj, ijs ivwc AuhnF dI kfr KVHI sI, dI bIqI rfq iKVkI qoV idwqI geI. sRI zg Porz ny ies nUM nslvfdI kfrvfeI mMinaf hY, ikAuNik isrP AuhnF dy hI vhIkl nUM insLfnf bxfieaf igaf. AuhnF ibnF koeI sbUq idwqy ieljLfm lgfieaf ik ieh AuhnF dI iKlfPq krn vfly lokF dI

sLrfrq ho skdI hY. zg Porz ny ieh vI dosL lgfieaf ik kuJ lokI AuhnF dy iKlfP pRdrsLn kr rhy hn sMBv hY ik AuhnF ny gwusf kwiZaf hovy. AuhnF ikhf ik sfzI glI ivwc hor vI lokF dy vhIkl hn aqy gYrfj vI hn, iPr myry gYrfj nUM ikAuN insLfnf bxfieaf igaf.

hfl dy aMkiVaF muqfbk isrP albrtf hI aijhf sUbf hY, ijwQy rujLgfr vDy hn, bfkI sfry sUibaF ivw c ru j L g fr pw K o N nkfrfqmk asr dyiKaf igaf hY.

â× ë¯ðâ ç¶ ×ðÅ÷ ç¶ ôÆô¶ í§é¶, éÃñòÅçÆ ÕÅðòÅÂÆ

Etvf-aYn[ zI[ pI[ ny $1[17 imlIan dy myilMg hrjfny bfry apIl krn df PYsld kIqf hY ikAuNik pfrtI nUM lwgdf hY ik ieh jurmfny vflf PYslf ivqkry vflf PYslf hY. aYn[ zI[ pI[ ny 3 julfeI nUM mFtrlIal dI PYzrl kort ivwc noits idwqf hY. noits anusfr PrI pfrlImfnI myilMg isstm rfhIN aYn[ zI[ pI[ dy aYm[ pIjL vwloN 1[8 imlIan icwTIaF Byjx `qy ieMtrnl iekfnmI borz dy hrjfny vfly

PYsly `qy juzIsLl njrsfnI hoxI sfl ivakqI dI mOq ho geI, cfhIdI hY. jd ik do hor gMBIr hflq ivwc jLKmI hn. torFto skUl borz dy Xfd rhy ik jUn ivwc ieMtrnl bulfry sLYrI XvfrtjL mfltjL ny iekfnmI borz ny 23 aYn[ zI[ dwisaf ik mfiraf igaf ivakqI pI[ aYm[ pIjL nUM afpxIaF 26 abisLr hfsn cfrls aYc[ bYst rfeIizM g F ivw c 1[8 imlIan aYNz lfryNs hfeIts imzl skUl inwjI icwTIaF PrI pfrlImfnI df aiDafpk sI. AuhnF ikhf ik myilMg rfhIN Byjx `qy aYm[ pIjL Auh iek cMgf iensfn sI. puils nUM $36,000 zfk Krcf vfps aiDkfrI itm kRonI ny dwisaf ik krn aqy kYnyzf post dy KricaF hfsn aqy do hor pIVq ijhnF dI leI $1[17 imlIan df hrjfnf Aumr 22 sfl aqy iek lVkI dI suxfieaf sI. ies 7 mYNbrI borz Aumr 18 sfl hY, PlYimMgtn roz, ivwc cfr kMsrvyitv do aYn[ zI[ nyVy lfryNs aYvyinAU vYst ielfky pI[ aqy iek ilbrl mYNbr hY. ivwc iek apfrtmYNt kMplYks dy

srI-‘inAU t n-nfrQ zY l tf’ hlkf qoN mOjUdf mYNbr pfrlImYNt ijMnI ismjL nUM inAU zYmokryitk pfrtI (aYn[ zI[ pI[) ny dubfrf itkt dy ky afpxf AumIdvfr aYlfn idwqf hY. hflF ik coxF ivwc ajy kfPI mhIny pey hn pr bhuq hI idlcsp ies cox hlky vfsqy isafsI srgrmIaF arM B ho cuwkIaF hn. dwsx Xog hY ik purfxy ‘inAUtn-nfrQ zYltf’ hlky nUM qoV ky iek nvF hlkf bxfieaf igaf hY, ijs nUM ‘srI-inAUtn’

df nFa idwqf igaf hY. ies hlky ivw c pM j fbIaF dI bhu i gxqI ho x kfrn lgBg sfrIaF hI pfrtIaF vwloN DVwlydfr pMjfbI AumIdvfr KVHfey jfx dI afs hY. ilbrl pfrtI vwloN vkIl rxdIp isMG srfey aqy sfbkf mYNbr pfrlImYNt suwK DflIvfl Aukq hlky qoN AumIdvfrI hfsl krn leI jLor-ajLmfeI kr rhy hn. srI nfrQ hlky qoN aYn[ zI[ pI[ ny jsbIr isMG sMDU nUM AumIdvfr bxfieaf hY.

ÇéÀ±àé éÅðæ âËñàÅ ðÅÂÆÇâ§× 寺 Çëð à¯ðź௠ÕËé¶âÅ çÅ ç±ÜÅ îÇÔ§×Å ôÇÔð nyzf dy vwzy sLihrF ivwcoN afieaf hY aqy kYlgrI 125vyN 寺 ÇܧéÆ ÇÃî÷ ÁËé âÆ êÆ À°îÆçòÅð tovYrnkUFtov-rkYhfly vI rihx pwKoN sB qoN drjy qy hY. mrsrjL ieh aMkVy

bwrvW AMqr-rwStrI ivlKx Çñìðñ ÃðÕÅð òµñ¯º ØÅචòÅñÅ ìÜà ÔÆ ê¶ô ilbrl srkfr aqy ilbrl srkfr nUM icMqf hY ik ies suMdrqw mukwblw “ivSv pMjwbx” tomOrjFtoUdf-ipClI ilbrl srkfr ivckfr bjt dy AuWqy afm jnqf dI rfey

s~iBAwcwrk s~Q pMjwb dy AM q r-rwStrI cy A rmY n srdwr jsmyr isMG F~t ipCly do mhIny qoN ApxI AmrIkw qy kYnyfw dI in~JI XwqrW qy hn jo ipCly idnI vYnkovr ivKy qsrIP ilAwey qW s~Q dI kYnyfw iekweI vloN Kws mIitMg sdI geI[ ies moky bolidAW srdwr F~t ny ikhw ik kuJ ivSy s kwrxW krky “ims vlrf pMjwbx” mkwblw jo ipCly swl AwXoijq nhIN sI krvwieAw jw sikAw ies swl pihlW nwlo vI KUbsUrq AMdwz ivc pyS kIqw jw irhw hY ijs ivc hornW dySW qoN ielwvw kYnyfw dy vYnkovr, torMto Awid zonW dIAW cuxIAW jw cukIAW muitAwrW vI ihsw lY rhIAW hn . ies mukwbly dy sQwn qy imqI bwry jldI hI AYlwn kr idqw jwvygw [ ies smyN siBAwcwrk s~Q kYnf y w iekweI


dy pRDwn srdwr kuldIp igl ny srdwr F~t dw inGw suAwgq kridAW ivSv mukwbly leI v~D cV ky ihsw lYx dw vwAdw kIqw [ srdwr mohn isMG igl ny kYnyfw iekweI dIAW srgrmIAW dy nwl nwl kYnyfw ivc swihqk qy siBAwcwrk srgrmIAW bwry vI jwxkwrI idqI . srdwr ipRqpwl igl ny pMjwb, pMjwbI qy pMjwbIAq leI s~Q vloN AMqr-rwStrI pDr qy kIqIAW jw rhIAW srgrmIAW dI pRSMsw kIqI . ies smyN ims kYnyfw pMjwbx vYnkovr mukwbly dI jyqU bIbw jwsmIn johl, bIbw lvlIn purbw, mYfm rwj johl, fwktr bldyv isMG cMdI, blijMdr isM G cImW, gu r bcn F~t, idljIq ptvwrI qy jsvIr jsI Awid sKsIAqW hwzr sn ,

iehnF df vhIkl Gyiraf aqy golIaF clf idwqIaF. pIVqF dy keI golIaF lwgIaF. ies ielfky ivwc nyVy hI puils pYtroilMg kr rhI sI, ijs ny afvfjL sux ky pIVqF qwk phuMc kIqI. hfsn dI hspqfl ivwc kuJ dyr bfad mOq ho geI, jd ik dUjy dovyN gMBIr hflq ivwc hn, pr jfn bc geI. ijs QF qy ieh vfrdfq hoeI, AuWQy kuJ lokF ny dwisaf ik nOjvfn zI[ jy[ df kMm krdf sI aqy lVkI Aus dI dosq hY. puils nUM dosLIaF dI Bfl hY.

bhuq vwzf aMqr af cuwkf hY, pr ies dy bfvjUd vI pysL kIqy jfx vflf bjt lgBg AuhI hovygf, jo ies srkfr ny ipClI ivDfn sBf ivwc srkfr bcfAux dy leI pysL kIqf sI. ies bjt nUM ivroDI pfrtIaF nkfr cuwkIaF hn, pr hux ivroDI pfrtIaF dI jLrUrq nhIN, pr ies dy bfvjUd ilbrl srkfr jnqf ivwc afpxI sfK kfiem rwKx leI iesy bjt qy kMm krdI njLr afvygI. hflF ik sUby dIaF ivwq eyjMsIaF ny ivwqI ivvsQf pwKoN icMqf pRgt kIqI hY aqy suJf afey hn ik pihlF srkfr bjt bYlYNs krn vwl iDafn dyvy, pr ilbrl srkfr pihlF hI sMkyq dy cuwkI hY ik Auh bjtI Gfty dI icMqf nhIN krngy, blik ivkfs XojnfvF nUM qrjIh dyxygy.

skfrfqmk hY, ies krky ies ivwc qbdIlI nhIN kIqI jf skdI. bjtI Gfty aqy KricaF ivwc vfDy nUM kfbU krn leI srkfr pihlF hI srkfrI sMpqIaF vycx df mn bxf cwukI hY. ivwq mMqrI cfrls sUsf df kihxf hY ik AuhnF nUM bjtI Gfty dI icMqf hY, pr ies dy ivklp mOjUd hn. sfnUM jldbfjLI nhIN krnI cfhIdI, blik jnqk ihwq dyKxy hoxgy.

ies vkq sUby dy bjt ivwc 19[4 iblIan zflr df bjtI Gftf sfhmxy hY, pr agly iek dhfky ivwc 130 iblIan buinafdI ZFcy ivwc Krcx qoN ielfvf pbilk trFsport pRfjYktF smyq hor XojnfvF 10 sflf hn, ies krky srkfr dy kol smF hovygf ik Auh hflF ik srkfr ipCly bjt ivwc iehnF XojnfvF qy kMm kuJ Tihr qbdIlIaF kr skdI hY , pr ky arMB kr skdI hY.

mihMgf sLihr hY, jd ik torFto df ruqbf lgfqfr dUjy mihMgy sLihr vjoN cilaf af irhf hY. torFto smyq mONtrIal aqy kYlgrI vI aijhy sLihr hn, ijwQy rihxf mihMgf pYNdf hY. ies bfry mrsrjL dI 2014 dI irport muqfbk hflF ik kYnyzf dy sLihrF ny ivsLv Br dy sLihrF dy mukfbly KrcIly hox pwKoN kuJ injLfq pfeI hY, ikAuNik kYnyzf df zflr kuJ iZwlf ipaf hY . inAU X frk kY n y z f dy sfry sL i hrF dy mu k fbly mihM g f hY . dunIaF dy 96 aihm sLihrF ivwc vYnkUvr df drjf 32vF hY aqy torFto 101vyN nMbr qy, jo ipCly sfl mukfbly ipwCoN afieaf hY. mONtrIal 123vyN qoN 28 aMk hyTF

afm aijhIaF 200 vsqF dIaF kImqF dy afDfr qy qih krdI hY, ijhVIaF afm hI vrqoN ivwc afAuNdIaF hn, ies ivwc Gr, trFsport, Bojn pdfrQ, kwpVy hfAUsholz vsqF aqy mnorMjn dy sfDn afid sLfml hn.

dunIaF dy sB qoN mihMgy sLihrF ivwc aMgolf df lUaFzf sB qoN mihMgf sLihr pfieaf igaf hY. ies dy nfl hI cfz df aY n zjmInf vI mihM g f sL i hr hY . XUrpIan aqy eysLIan sLihrF ivwcoN hFgkFg qIjy sQfn qy hY. ijAUirK vI pMjvyN qoN qIjy sQfn qy af igaf hY aqy jnyvf df drjf CyvF hY. tokIE cOQy qoN swqvyN sQfn qy af igaf hY.

ÕËé¶âÅ òµñ¯º ÁîðÆÕÅ ÒÚ Çéò¶ô

nYsLnl aYsosIeysLn afP rIaltrjL ny ikhf ik mfrc 2014 nUM Kqm hoey sfl ivwc jLmIn-jfiedfd ivwc 22 arb zflr dy invysL dy nfl cIn dy lok sB qoN awgy rhy. cIn mgroN

13[8 arb zflr invysL nfl kYnyzf dUjy sQfn `qy hY. ies dOrfn brqfnIaf aqy Bfrq dy lokF ny amrIkf dI jLmIn-jfiedfd ivwc 5[8 arb zflr df invysL kIqf hY, jd ik mYksIko 4[5 arb zflr dy invysL nfl coQy sQfn `qy irhf. irport muqfbk BfrqI KrIddfrF ny afeI[ tI[ kMpnIaF dy itkfixaF vfly sUibaF ijvyN kYlyPornIaf, inAUXfrk aqy nfrQ kYrylInf nUM qrjIh idwqI hY.

aOtvf-kYnyzf dy sfry vwzy sLihrF ivwc GrF dIaF kImqF ivwc jUn dy mhIny 4[5 PIsdI vfDf drj kIqf igaf hY. ieh vfDf ipCly sfl dy jUn mhIny dI binsbq hoieaf hY. hfl hI ivwc jfrI kIqy nYsLnl bYNk hfAUisLMg pRfeIs srvyKx muqfbk meI ivwc hfAUisMg vfDf dr 4[6 PIsdI jI, jd ik jUn ivwc ieh hor vwD geI hY. GrF

dIaF kImqF ivwc ijLafdfqr vfDf Coty GrF ivwc hoieaf hY. idhfqI ielfikaF ivwc vI rhfiesLI QfvF dIaF kImqF ivwc vfDf drj kIqf igaf hY. kYnyzf dy bfkI sLihrF mukfbly kYlgrI ivwc sB qoN vwD vfDf 8[1 PIsdI drj kIqf igaf, jd ik hYimlsn ivwc 7[3 PIsdI aqy torFto aqy vYnkUvr ivwc 6[1 PIsdI dy krIb irhf hY.

vfisLMgtn- amrIkI irhfiesL bfjL f r ivw c nrmI df Pfiedf Au T fAu N i daF BfrqIaF ny bIqy sfl dOrfn AuWQy jLmIn-jfiedfd ivwc 5[8 arb zflr df invysL kIqf hY.

Øðź çÆÁź ÕÆîåź òµâ¶ ôÇÔðź ÇòµÚ òèÆÁź

Friday, July 18th, 2014

Punjabi Patrika



s: Bfg isMG mfngVH, cyarmYn ijLlHf pRIsLd luiDafxf inWjI tUr ‘qy kYnyzf afey hoey hn. aYbtsPorz ivKy Auh 11 agsq qk Tihrxgy AunHF nfl 604-832-2576’qy sMprk kIqf jf skdf hY.

Õé¶âÅ Õµê ÇòµÚ¯º ÁËìàÃë¯ðâ ç¶ êÇÔñòÅéź ÇÜµå¶ îËâñ bIqy idnIN torFto sLihr dI bhuq hI msLhUr golP XUnIvristI ivKy knyzf kwp ijwqx leI anykF hI pihlvfnF ny bhuq AuqsLfh nfl Bfg ilaf. ijs ivwc gurU goibMd isMG rYsLilMg klwb aYbtsPorz dy do pihlvfnF ny klwb vfsqy do mYzl pRfpq kIqy. pvn iKMzf ny 110 iklo Bfr vrg ivwc islvr mYzl ijwiqaf qy insLfn rMDfvf ny 100 iklo vrg ivwc brfAuNj mYzl ijwiqaf.

ÃðÆð çÅé îÔź çÅé

mYnUM Xfd hY ijs idn asIN dovyˆ pqI-pqnI mrn AuprMq srIr dfn krn df Pfrm Br ky afey qfˆ afpxy aMdr iewk ajIb ijhI KuÈI mihsUs kr rhy sI. zfktr sfihb ny iewk qsdIkÈudf hlPIaf ibafn dI kfpI aqy Poto mMgI sI. Aus hlPIaf ibafn `qy asIN dovfˆ ny afpxI sihmqI nfl dsqKq kIqy sn. sfzf Pon nMbr not kr ilaf igaf sI. hPqy ku bfad Gr Pon afieaf aqy asIN jf ky rijstryÈn kfrz lY afey ijs AuWpr sfzf nfˆ, Poto aqy Gr df pqf iliKaf hoieaf sI.

ÕËé¶âÅ Õµê ǧâÆÁÅ Õñµì é¶ ÇܵÇåÁÅ kYnyzf kWp PIlz hfkI klwb vwloN 11 qoN 13 julfeI qwk krvfey gey iqMn rojLf kYnyzf kwp hfkI Kyz myly ivwc ies sfl vI hfkI pRymIaF dI BrvIN hfjLrI dyKx nUM imlI. ‘vYst kost ikMgjL” aqy ‘ieMzIaf klwb’ drimafn hoey PfeInl mukfbly ivwc pihly hfP ivwc ieMzIaf klwb dy iKzfrI 5-2 dI lIz lY ky BfrU rhy, prMqU mYc dy aKIrly imMtF dOrfn vYst kost dy iKzfrIaF ny gol Auqfr ky mYc brfbrI `qy ilaf KVHf kIqf. afKr pYnltI sLUt afAUt rfhIN rOck mukfbly ivwc ieMzIaf klwb dI tIm jyqU rhI. srI qoN mYNbr pfrlImYNt ijMnI isMmjL, bI[ sI[ dy AuWc iswiKaf mMqrI amrIk ivrk, AuWGy kfrobfrI dljIq iQMd aqy primMdr iQMd ny jyqU iKzfrIaF nUM ienfm vMzy. srI dy pRiswD tmMnvs hfkI mYdfn ivwc huMdy idlcsp mukfbilaF nUM dyKx leI Bfrq qoN vI sfbkf AulMpIan iKzfrI Aucycy qOr `qy kYnyzf phuMcdy rhy hn. ies kOmFqrI tUrnfmYNt sdkf kYnyzf ivwc PIlz hfkI idno-idn hrmn ipafrI huMdI jf rhI hY. ies vfr jyqU tImF nUM kuwl 15 hjLfr zflr dy ngd ienfm idwqy gey. 5100 zflr df pihlf jyqU ienfm ieMzIaf klwb dy ihwsy afieaf. Kyz myly dy aKIrly idn sLfm nUM pMjfbI gfiek pMmI bfeI ny rMgfrMg pRogrfm pysL kIqf.

bhuq sfry lok pYsy dy rUp ivwc dfn krdy hn pr bhuqI vfr aijhy puMn-dfn krky sfzy mn aMdr hMkfr pYdf ho jfˆdf hY. lokfˆ dI vfh-vfh Kwt ky asIN mfx ivwc isr AuWcf kr ky qurdy hfˆ pr mrn AuprMq srIr dfn krky sfzy aMdr kdy hMkfr pYdf nhIN ho skdf ikAuNik aijhf dfn mrn AuprMq huMdf hY. AudoN pRfxI ies dunIafˆ qoN jf cuwkf huMdf hY. hfˆ, quhfzy Gr vfilafˆ nUM bhuq KuÈI hovygI ik quhfzf srIr sfVn dI Qfˆ dfn krky keI lokfˆ df Blf hovygf. aijhI KuÈI df anuBv sfnUM AudoN hoieaf sI jdoN asIN afpxy ipqf jI dy mrn AuprMq AunHfˆ dIafˆ awKfˆ dfn kIqIafˆ sI. bfad ivwc sfnUM pqf lwgf sI ik AunHfˆ dIafˆ awKfˆ nfl do afdmIafˆ nUM iewk-iewk awK dy ky AunHfˆ dI hnyrI dunIafˆ ruÈnfeI geI sI. zYzI dI mOq df duwK AunHfˆ vwloN dfn kIqIafˆ awKfˆ ny iksy hwd qwk Gtf idwqf sI.

lKbIr kOr

jdoN asIN srIr dfn krn bfry PYslf kIqf sI, asIN ies bfry kuJ nhIN jfxdy sI. asIN izAUtI qoN CuwtI lY ky mYzIkl kflj aMimRqsr dy Aus ivBfg ivwc phuMc gey sI ijwQy srIr dfn kIqf jfˆdf hY. puwCdy-puCfAuNdy asIN sbMDq zfktr dy dPqr ivwc phuMc gey sI. Aus idn zfktr sfihb CuwtI `qy sn pr dUjy zfktrfˆ ny sfnUM bhuq sihXog idwqf. kMipAUtr ivwcoN Pfrm kwZ ky idwqf jo asIN Brnf sI. AuWQy sfnUM kfPI jfxkfrI imlI sI ik sfzy srIr dy bhuq sfry aMg loVvMdfˆ nUM dy ky kImqI jfnfˆ bcfeIafˆ jf skdIafˆ hn ijvyˆ gurdy, idl, imhdf afid aMg dUjy ivakqIafˆ nUM idwqy jf skdy hn. iewQoN qwk ik sfzI cmVI nUM PrIË krky rwK ilaf jfˆdf hY. jdoN kdy iksy df srIr sV jfvy qfˆ ieh cmVI AuWQy vrqoN ivwc af skdI hY. murdf srIr mYzIkl dI pVHfeI krn vfilafˆ dy vI kMm afAuNdf hY. jy srIr nUM nf sfiVaf jfvy aqy dfn kr idwqf jfvy qfˆ kImqI aMg mnuwKfˆ dy kMm af skdy hn. asIN suixaf krdy sI mnuwK nfloN qfˆ psLU hI cMgy hn ijnHfˆ dy mrn AuprMq AunHfˆ dy cMm dIafˆ juwqIafˆ bxdIafˆ hn. AunHfˆ kfrn keI lokfˆ nUM rotI-roËI imldI hY. keI jIvfˆ nUM Bojn imldf hY. iewk bMdf hI hY jo mr ky iksy kMm nhIN afAuNdf. hux sfnUM igafn iml igaf hY ik bMdf vI mr ky keIafˆ df jIvn bcf skdf hY. jy Aus nUM sfiVaf nf jfvy qfˆ Auh keIafˆ Grfˆ dIafˆ KuÈIafˆ vfps ilaf skdf hY.



Punjabi Patrika 

Friday, July 18th, 2014

Enhanced worker safety goal of WorkSafeBC Review and Action Plan


he B.C. government is acting to further strengthen worker safety, build a worldclass inspection and investigations regime at WorkSafeBC, and ensure increasing dust mitigation compliance in sawmills and other wood manufacturing operations by accepting all 43 recommendations in the WorkSafeBC Review and Action Plan released today. Minister of Jobs, Tourism and Skills Training and Minister Responsible for Labour Shirley Bond made the commitment in releasing the 192-page Action Plan prepared by WorkSafeBC administrator Gordon Macatee as a part of his six-point mandate announced by the minister on April 14, 2014.

“Action will be taken immediately on key recommendations around worker safety. There are other recommendations that will take some time to fully implement because they require consultations, legislation, or policy changes at WorkSafeBC,” Bond said. “The board of WorkSafeBC has assured me they have accepted the Action Plan and will immediately begin implementing all recommendations pertaining to them. As well, government will implement those items requiring action on its part. We will have regular, public reporting on progress.” Bond said that key recommendations for immediate action include: Move forward with the development of occupational health and safety policies to specify reason-


able steps for employers, workers, and supervisors me they are working with mills and as necessary to take to address combustible dust hazards. penalizing them to ensure compliance and that follow up inspections are already planned and The Memorandums of Understanding with Police will be made regularly.” Services and the Memorandum of Understanding with the Criminal Justice Branch should be signed. Bond said that a number of recommendations in the Action Plan will address the issue of invesImplement the sustained compliance plan for tigations at WorkSafeBC leading to successful sawmills as outlined in the report. prosecutions. Develop a plan for ongoing inspection of other “To ensure the possibility of successful prosecuwood product manufacturers and pellet mills by tions, the Action Plan includes a number of steps WorkSafeBC Prevention Officers, with approprito be taken, including the MOUs, improved ate enforcement efforts to bring this sector into communications, major case management, and a sustained compliance. model with two distinct units for investigations,” “I expect continued aggressive action by Work- Bond said. SafeBC on sustained compliance at sawmills and other wood product manufacturers to enhance The Action Plan also reports out on the subsafety for workers,” Bond said in response to the stantially completed statuses for two other key Phase 4 combustible dust initiative inspection initiatives involving WorkSafeBC – implementresults. “While we have seen continued improve- ing recommendations from the Babine Explosion ment, mill operators need to achieve better compli- Investigation Report (Dyble Report) and the ance and the Action Plan will ensure that occurs.” 90-day Action Plan on sawmill safety (detailed in Backgrounders). Phase 4 of WorkSafeBC’s inspection of sawmills done in accordance with the combustible dust “The families impacted by both the Babine and initiative showed 84% of sawmills now in compli- Lakeland incidents have been through so much,” ance, up from 58% compliance in Phase 3. Other Bond added. “As I committed to them when Mr. wood manufacturing operations (pressed board Macatee was appointed, this Action Plan addresses manufacturing, pellet mills, and oriented strand the pressing need to both restore confidence in board manufacturing) had a 40% compliance rate. WorkSafeBC investigations and to make sure workers and families never again face circum“WorkSafeBC assured me that they did not wait stances like those at Babine and Lakeland.” for the Action Plan report to start dealing with low compliance rates at other wood manufactur- The search for a new CEO to succeed the retired ing operations,” Bond said. “WorkSafeBC told head of WorkSafeBC and lead the implementation

of changes at the Crown Agency starts immediately. Until the search concludes the board will be acting on Mr. Macatee’s recommendation that chief operating officer Diana Miles be appointed interim president and CEO. The Action Plan’s recommendations are focussed on building a world-class inspection and investigations regime at WorkSafeBC, and ensuring increasing dust mitigation compliance in sawmills and other wood manufacturing operations. The Review and Action Plan found no reason for changes to the overall workers compensation model in B.C.

“In my research putting this Action Plan together, both industry and labour in B.C. were clear that any changes at WorkSafeBC should focus on the inspection and investigations regime,” Macatee said. “The world-class tools I have proposed are intended to avoid tragic situations in future by dealing with health and safety risks earlier and more firmly.” Although Macatee will return to his previous role as BC Ferry Commissioner, he will continue to oversee the implementation of his recommendations at WorkSafeBC.

“I have asked Mr. Macatee to stay on as a Special Advisor at WorkSafeBC to monitor and ensure oversight of progress on the recommendations,” Bond added. “WorkSafeBC’s board has agreed to appoint him to this role and his first task is delivering an implementation plan for today’s recommendations with specific timelines.”

Punjabi Patrika

Friday, July 18th, 2014



Indian Summer Festival Opening Gala Party Great Success

Clearbrook Library Manager Hilary Russel (left) at festival

By Mandeep Wirk On the evening of July 3rd, I attended the opening gala of the Indian Summer Festival at the Dr. Sun Yat-Sen Classical Chinese Garden. As I moved around this magical garden, I enjoyed a culinary tour of China, Thailand, Japan and India curated by famous restauranteur Vikram Vij. Nibbling on scrumptious tid-bits, I ran into old friends and made new friends. All the food was delicious and

my favourite was Vij's chickpea fritter served with 3 multicoloured sauces (red, green and white) topped with crunchy noodles. I also liked Bao Bei's marinated eggplant and delicately seasoned steamed chicken washed down with chai from Cafe Kathmandu. For dessert, the kulfi ice-cream from Bella Gelateria was heavenly and their matcha ice-cream took me back to my time in Japan. Music was in the air and it

was great to chat with friends on this perfect summer day. I attended a number of events at this Indian Summer Festival and learnt a lot from profound thinkers, writers, artists and musicians. Kudos to founding directors Sirish Rao and Laura Byspalko for br ing ing th is truly wonderful summer festival to Vancouver for everyone to enjoy. Thank-you so much Laura and Sirish.

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Punjabi Patrika


ê§ÜÅì çÆ ÜòÅéƶº

ñ¯Õ ×Æå ÃÅòä ÁÅÇÂÁÅ AudIaF ksuMBIaF colIaF, sux mfey myrIey.

sLmsyLr ‘sMDU’

rMg rMg ky Byj ik sfvx afieaf. kIkx ByjF colIaF, sux DIey myrIey,

kMq nUM pfnIaF cIrIaF, sux jfnI myiraf.

tIrI soc sdf hI mDoldI jvfnI nUM gMdI rfjnIqI sdf roldI jvfnI nUM cMgy pfsy lwg jfey qF pfsf pltf dyvy mfVy pfsy lwg dysL grk krf dvy hws ky qy awgy ho ky mrn jvfnIaF vwzy-vwzy kMm sfry krn jvfnIaF cYnlF `qy kfhnUM iPryN buwkdI jvfnIeyN moiZaF qoN kfhnUM iPryN QuwkdI jvfnIeyN Ko nf hux hosL nI pMjfb dI jvfnIeyN

qUM Gr vgdf af ik sfvx afieaf. kIkx afvF gorIey, sux jfn myrIey. rfh ivwc sUkdy nfg ik sfvx afieaf. nfgF nUM pfnIaF ptfrIaF sux jfnI myiraf. qUM Gr vgdf af, ik sfvx afieaf.

pMjfb dI jvfnI dIaF DuMmF dUr-dUr sI EdoN sfzy muMizaF `c vwKrf srUr sI hux qF jvfnI iPr pwKy vFgUM zoldI ijhVf dey mwq AuhnUM avf-qvf boldI nisLaF qoN ibnF aYb hor vI ny lf ley ryp qy kql kMm inwq dy bxf ley bwcIaF qF kI hux buwZIaF vI roNdIaF awKIaF `coN awQrU ny lhU dy Auh coNdIaF Ko nf hux hosL nI pMjfb dI jvfnIeyN

kIkx afvF gorIey, sux jfn myrIey. rfh ivwc gjdy sLyr ik sfvx afieaf. sLyrF nUM pfnIaF ipMjry sux jfnI myiraf. qUM Gr Jbdy af ik sfvx afieaf. kIkx afvF gorIey, sux jfn myrIey. rfh ivwc vgdy diraf ik sfvx afieaf. dirafvF ivwc pfnIaF byVIaF sux jfnI myiraf.

bfbl kursI bYiTaf vy DIaF ikAuN idwqIaF dUr, sfvx afieaf.

aYvyN sI BylyKf qyrI jwg ivwc sLfn aF qyrI krqUq qoN Auh sfry jfxI-jfx aF ietlI kYnyzf inwq huMdy ny kql jI mfPIey dI AWuQy ijhVy boNdy ny Psl jI koTIaF kfrF dI ckfcOND ivwc af geI JUT idaF cfnxF `c Tyzy nI qUM Kf geI rfjsI smfjI qfxy-bfxy qYnUM Twigaf qUM ikvyN geI TwgI qYnUM pqf vI nf lwigaf kr kuJ hosL nI pMjfb dI jvfnIeyN ho nf mdhosL nI pMjfb dI jvfnIeyN

sux vy vIrf rfijaf,


BYxF ikAuN idwqIaF dUr, sfvx afieaf.

AuWcVy AuWcVy cONqVy cVH KVI AuzIkF rfh, sfvx afieaf. af vy vIrf myiraf. ivhVy ivwc QMm gzf, sfvx afieaf. rwqy vy cIry vfilaf BYxF nUM hUty dvf, sfvx afieaf. PAGE 36

subfh-subfh awj cfr-cuPyry CfeIaF ikAuN prCfeIaF? mOsm dy ipMzy `qy lfsF sog dIaF iks pfeIaF? iPr Audfsy mfrUQl ivwc mOq BtkdI iPrdI ruwKF dy isr Juk gey iksrF nhIN KLbr iksy dI mUrq ivwc hI rMg guafcy lIkF iks curfeIaF? mOsm dy ipMzy… nf koeI pMCI gutky awj qF nf hI Bry AuzfrI bwdlF `coN vI pfxI suwk gey Bur geI DrqI sfrI kx kx ryqf ivwc Klfa dy BfAuNdf vFg sudfeIaF mOsm dy ipMzy… nf rfhF dI imwtI afpxI nf pYrF dI Coh nf qwkxI `coN imly muhwbq nf bolF `coN moh ikhVI mfr hvf nUM vwgI ikhVI vg geI rfhIaF mOsm dy ipMzy… aMbr dI cuMnI `qy cmkx qyry rMg dy qfry mYN qyry rfhF df pihrU hr koeI Tokr mfry qyrf sfieaf vI guMm hoieaf ZUMzF ikvyN gvfhIaF? mOsm dy ipMzy `qy lfsF sog dIaF iks pfeIaF?

õÇíÁÅÚÅð gurmyl bIroky bVf sohxf sLbd hY- swiBafcfr arQ rwKdf rMg ibrMgyamrIkf dy inAUXfrk sLihr “vfl strIt” df swiBafcfr lhU pI grIbF df iZwz vDfAU swiBafcfr . amrIkn POjF cVHdIaF jd BulyKy ivwc huMdIaF ik ibgfny mulKF df bdl dyxf asIN swiBafcfr . nMgIaF lwqF, awD kwjIaF CfqIaF kfrporysLnF smfn vyc vyc bxfieaf PYsLn df swiBafcfr . kflLIaF gulfm aOrqF dy mMmy cuMG- cuMG plLy bhuq sfry amIr gory ieh sI mjbUr swiBafcfr . jvfn kuVI dIaF CfqIaF AuWqy iliKaf jo gIq mF bolI nUM gflLF kwZx brobr ieh kMjr sMgIq swiBafcfr . ivhVy vflIaf dyK aOrqF muwCF ‘qy hwQ Pyry puwq lMbVF df ieh hY luwcf, kmInf swiBafcfr . hwk mMgx gey axKI, dlyr puwq jo srkfrI msLInrI dy kfql phIey lqfV gey AuhnF nUM rNodIaF rih geIaF mfvF ieh hY kfql swiBafcfr . Puwt-pfQF AuWqy vsyrf kUVy dy ZyrF ivwcoN ijLMdgI lwBxf vflLF ivwc jUaF df vsyrf awg AuWglLygf iewk idn ieh swiBafcfr .

AsI AYvyN r`uJy rhy

pMj syr ipMnIaF pf ky, mfey myrIey. vIr myry nUM Byj sfvx afieaf.

ÛÅÂÆÁź ÇÕÀ°º êðÛÅÂÆÁź? lKivMdr jOhl

pMjfb dI jvfnI ivwc bVI hI mVk sI dUr-dUr qwk iehdI suxINdI gVHk sI Ko nf hux hosL nI pMjfb dI jvfnIeyN ho nf mdhosL nI pMjfb dI jvfnIeyN

qyrf vyKx vflf dUr ik sfvx afieaf.

qUM bMdI kol af ik sfvx afieaf.

Friday, July 18th, 2014


lKivMdr kOr ‘lwkI’ mYN Puwl BfldI iPrdI hF myrI ijMd sUlF dI syj. mYN Kfb bIjdI iPrdI hF pr Drq nhIN jLrKyjL. iewk isKr dupihrf jobn df AuWqoN ihjLrF dI awg qyjL. jo qpdI rUh srsLfr kry myrf mihrm rwbf Byj.

bldyv isMG sIhrw AsIN AYvyN ru`Jy rhy ‘c svwZq sI[ EdHI hr iek Zu&qgU ‘c bZwvq sI[

mYN mr geI ivwc iebfdq dy EhnUM Borf nf koeI hyj. mYN KusLIEN bysLwk swKxI hF pr gmF nfl lbryjL. mYN kfiel rUhF dI ‘lwkI’ mYnUM ijsmF qoN prhyjL

XugW qoN ivKwey aus ^wb bVy rWgly, qdy pweI AsW ieSk ‘c Shwdq sI[

dosq qyrI hr Adw ‘c iek rmz sI, Aqy qyrI hr iek g`l ‘c vkwlq sI[

ikhw iksy idl dirAw smuMdroN fUMGy, audyH leI ieh ikqwbW ‘c khwvq sI[

qUM iemiqhwn hr iek moV qy lYNdw irhw, mYN qW qyrI hr iek rzw ‘c slwmq sI[

mYN ikhw hrS q`k aufIkWgw qYnUM, EnyH ikhw ieh BYVI qyry ‘c Awdq sI[

qUM ikhw auh su`pnw sI Bu`l jw dyv, pr mYnUM imlI su`pinAW ‘c rwhq sI[

mYN ijDr vI igAw rhW bxwauNdw igAw, pr hr fgr audHy Gr ‘c smwpq sI[

bu`q^wny jo bYTw auh qW AMnHw sI dyv, bykwr kIqI ausdy Gr ‘c iebwdq sI[

Punjabi Patrika

Friday, July 18th, 2014

ê±ðé ÇÃ§Ø ÇçÁÅñ jIvn isMG ‘rfmpurI’

mjwsm drd mMdI df, mhwbq df sI qUM puqlf qUM cfnx df munfrf sI myrI imwlq leI pUrn qyrI insLfkm syvf dI gvfhI dyNdy gurU mMdr keI QfeIN Piqh pfeI keI kfrj hoey pUrn qUM dfnf sI qUM afkl sI, qUM piVHaF df kdrdfn sI knyzf dI jLmIn qy sI qUM cMn puMinaF df sMpUrn Eh DMn mF bfp hY sn qUM ijnHF ny jMimaf jfieaf sI qyrI insLkfm syvf BgqI dI, qUM sI Bgq-pUrn keI ibrly, keI tfty iskMdr, kYrUM keI afey keI mOky dy nfl imldy, mrd-kfml, mrd-pUrn dlfsy qyry sYaF ivjLtrF dy kMm sOry ny qUM ihMmq hOsly df somf sI, axQwk mhF pUrn ipAu, kpUr, krqfr isMG ijhy ies bfg dy Pl sI qUM Ausy bfg dI iek imwTVI mihkfr sI pUrn qyrI hsqI dy cfnx dI ajy qF loV sI sfnUM hnyry Dox leI sfzy qUM iek cmkfr sI pUrn qyry aMg, sfkF, imwqrF, dosqF leI sLok meI sdmf ijnHF imwqrF leI qUM msqIaF df jfm sI pUrn pMzIey, klosI, BwtI ijhy bhuq Audfs ny iPr awj qUM ijnHF dy idlF leI KusLIaF df pYgfm sI pUrn kdy eI afAuNdf jwg qy cMn solF klF sMpUrn qUM sI kQnI df sMpUrn qUM sI krnI df sMpUrn qyrI ies Kfs brsI qy qYnUM sLrDFjlI arpq srB gfiek eysLIan vwloN hY ‘jIvn’ vloN smrpq

ñ¯Õ ÃÚÅÂÆÁź kulvIr isMG ‘zfnsIvfl’

iZwz nUM kuwitaF BwuK nI mrdI, brmI kuwitaF swp




ivAMg kI lYxw pVHweIAW qoN.. gurdIS kOr gryvwl

åÆà îÅð Öź ç¶ åÆð idwlI ivwcoN jF modI dI ryl inklI, hr QF lwgI iPr hox ivcfr bylI.

kyvl isMG inrdoÈ

QfpI ijwdF Blvfn koeI mfrdf eI, AuhIE ijhf sI sfrf prcfr bylI. dfavy kIqy ik bwjt qoN vyiKE jI, vDdI gwzI dI jfxI rPqfr bylI. built vFg ieh dOVdI jfAU iswDI,

kI lYxw pVHweIAW qoN, bx ky swD aufweIey mOjW[ kI......

vihMdy cÈmyˆ nfloˆ ijhVf tuwt ky iewk Qfˆ KVH jfˆdf hY .

ie`k colw suAw leIey, gl mwlw pw leIey[ BgvW, ic`tw, nIlw, koeI rMg cVHw leIey[ ip`Cy l`g jwxgIAW, Awpy sMgqW dIAW POjW

Auh jl inrml rihMdf nhIEˆ, sVdf sVdf sV jfˆdfˆ hY .

ifgrI dI loV nhIN, BgqW dI QoVH nhIN[ r`j myvy Kwvx nUM, koeI krnw EhV nhIN[ koeI pu`Cdw nhIN eyQy, ik mYN ikhVy r`b nUM KojW

jIvn dy ivwc Tokr Kf ky, iswK sB kuC anpVH jfˆdf hY .

EhIE Qfl ivwc rotI qy dfl bylI.

bol inry aMigafry Aus dy, klm Es dI Ëihr AuwgldI,

-------lfrf lfieaf sI ijwdF pMjfbIaF nUM,

jd cyly Awvxgy, icmty KVkwvxgy[ qy gw gw ky mihmw, sMgq Brmwvxgy[ mwieAw nUM CohW nw, qy mwieAwDwrI ho jW ikhVI g`fI cwhIey, iks mulk Pyrw pweIey[ sMgqW dI SrDw hY, jI AsIN icMqw ikauN lweIey[ nw iPkr kmweIAW dw, r`K ky bWh srHwxy sON jW

igafn ivrfsq nhI iksy dI, nf hI koeI islybs ies df,

mjHbI nÌrq vflf PnIar ijs bMdy nUM lV jfˆdf hY . kOx, kI, ikwQy, kdoˆ, ikAuˆ ? aflm ies ivc AulJy rihMdy,

sPr gfhU ieh CflF nUM mfr bylI. afey bjt qoN imly keI hor vfady, Brnf iZwz nf vfaidaF nfl bylI. ipCly bwjt dI jfpdf bwjt kfpI,

qkVy gwPy dI keIaF nUM Jfk hY sI. hux qF afh qy aOh sB imlx vflf, crcf hoeI sB hI TIk-Tfk hY sI.

AuhI igafnI pRym dy ijhVf awKr ZfeI pVH jfˆdf hY .

ho rhI bwjt dI sIgI AuzIk eydF,

ieh lIfr vyKxgy, Ju`k m`Qy tykxgy[ nw ihMmq kuskx dI, jd sMgqW vyKxgy[ Asmwny cVH jwvW, jy mYN bIbIAW dw hI ho jW

pRym glI dy nym anoKy, krnf pvy smrpn pihlfˆ,

afieaf mUhry qF lokF nUM ieMJ lwgf,

ieh rwj hY votW dw, votW qy notW dw[ ‘dIS’ Byq nw Ku`lH jwvy, id`l vwlIAW KotW dw[ jnqw A`gy ip`Cy, cwhy coxW iv`c Klo jW kI.......

hvf dy qwqy JAuˆky vrgf iËMdgI dy ivwc ÈKs koeI af,

ijs ny isr nUM qÜI itkfieaf Aus df lVdf DV jfˆdf hY .

afpxy sfry doÈ iksy inrdoÈ dy isr qy mV jfˆdf hY .

POjx ijvyN AuzIk rhI zfk hY sI.

kIqf igaf ijAuN koeI mjLfk hY sI. CFtI hoeI jLmIn sB peI rih geI, imilaf pYkyj nf hspqfl imilaf. agly sflF leI Blf kI lok socx, jdoN hwk nhIN pihlVy sfl imilaf.

Çå§é ÃÚÅÂÆÁź mulK rfj ‘pRymI’ golyvflf

hfisaF bfJoN buwlH nI sjdy, koky bfJoN nwk TUMhyN sdf hI zMg mfrdy, Pukry mfrn gwp

mnuwK nUM iek vfr imldy, mF ipAu, husn, jvfnI

igwdV luk ky cIk mfrdy, mfry Prftf swp

sdf idl ivwc rwKo, dieaf, iKmf, inmrqf

gYrF ‘qy ivsLvfsL nf krIey, afpixaF qy sLwk

kdy CotI nf smJo, dusLmx, krjLf, ibmfrI

nsLf, klysL qy byieqbfrI, Gr nUM idMdy pwt

AuzIk nhIN krdy, vkq, mOq, gfhk

mMigaF kdy vI mOq nI imldI, nf hI imldy hwk

vwK vwK huMdf hY, rUp, suBfa, Bfg

pYisaF dy nfl sfh nI imldy, muwl nI imldI pwq

dusLmx Brf bxfvy, jr, jn, jLmIn

nIhF bfJoN kMD nI KVdI, bfJ CqIrF Cwq

mnuwK nUM jlIl krdy, corI, cuglI, JUT

Kf Kf TokrF KVnF afAuNdf, Dwky Kf Kf mwq

pVdf cfhuMdIaF hn, Kfxf, dOlq, aOrq

mrnf aqy ijAuxf rwb ny, rwKy afpxy hwQ

hmysLf Xfdf rwKo, PrjL, mOq, scfeI

isivaF ivwc qyrI rfK AuzygI, nf kr bMidaF awq

AudysL qoN rok ky rwKo, guwsf, lflc, bdclxI

sdf hI kOVy lwgdy loko, dfrU, imrc qy swc

dUjf nhIN curf skdf, akl, ivwidaf, hunr

ijLMdgI dy ivwc tuwtdy rihMdy, idl, qfrf qy kwc

gm ivwc iGry rihMdy, inkMmy, vihmI, eIrKflU

pYsy hwQoN mrdIaF bYNkF, krjLy hwQoN jwt

vfps nf afAux, qIr kmfn `coN,

Gr vfly nUM Jfk mfrdI, Gr vflI nUM sLwk

gwl jubfn `coN, afqmf srIr `coN

awKIaF ivwcoN hMJU tpkx, jd idl nUM lwgdI swt

qyrF gwlF igafn dIaF, pRymI ilK suxfey

‘zfnsIvflIaf’ Jwlxy aOKy, jd afpxy dyvx Pwt

isafixaF kwZy qwq, jo smJy Pl pfey




Punjabi Patrika 

Friday, July 18th, 2014

Punjabi Patrika

Friday, July 18th, 2014



svx(krk) 60746084 joiqS, Eqy  Eqy 604-832-7859 kro





myK-sLnI-mMgl df iewk rfsLI ivwc hoxf ksLtdfiek hY. vfhn qoN swt lwgx df zr hY. sLnImMgl df dfn kIqf jfvy. Dn-lfB ho ky hfnI hovy. inwjI lokF nfl ivgfV. mhIny dy aKIr ivwc srkfr-pwK qoN BY rhy. julfeI 17, 18, 26, 27, 28; agsq 5, 6, 13, 14, 15 asLuwB hn.

 

ibRK-ishq kmjLor hovy. sMpqI-ivvfd AulJx, injI lokF nfl axbx hovy. vYrI jLorfvr hox. nvIN Xojnf qoN lfB hovy. mhIny dy aMq ivwc cMgy lokF qoN lfB hovy. julfeI 19, 20, 29, 30; agsq 7, 8, 15, 16 asLuwB hn.



imQn-pyt Krfb rhy. awKF aqy isrdrd hovy. issL aqy spuwqr pfsoN shfieqf imly. kfrobfr ivwc imwqr dI mdd nfl lfB hovy. nvyN AudXog dI Xojnf bxy. julfeI 21, 22, 23, 31; agsq 1, 2, 9, 10 asLuwB hn.



krk-blwz-pRYsLr dI isLkfieq rhy. awKF ivwc qklIP hovy. PjUl Krc hovy. bMDU-sihXog, XojnfvF asPl, pr kfrobfr ivwc pRgqI dy Xog hn. julfeI 16, 24, 25,; agsq 3, 4, 11, 12 asLuwB hn.



isMG-swt lwgx df zr hY. Dn-lfB hovy. inwjI-jn suwK pRfpq hovy. sMqfn-pwK qoN asLFqI hovy. cMgy lokF nfl myl, afmdn nfloN Krc ijLafdf hovy. julfeI 17, 18, 26, 27, 28; agsq 5, 6, 13, 14, 15 asLuwB hn.



kMinaf-ishq TIk rhy. Dn-lfB hovy. Brf nUM ksLt, imwqr nfl axbx. iesqrI-suwK, kfrobfr ivwc nuksfn aqy qbdIlI afvy. mhIny dy aKIr ivwc krjLf isr cVHy. julfeI 19, 20, 29, 30; agsq 7, 8, 15, 16 asLuwB hn.

7  qulf-mn asLFq rhy. gupq icMqf, GrylU-JMJt, pqnI-pwK qoN shfieqf imly. ivroDI blsLflI, srkfrI-pwK qoN BY. mhIny dy aKIr ivwc krjLy qoN mukqI vfsqy sMpqI vycx df ivcfr. julfeI 21, 22, 23, 31; agsq 1, 2, 9, 10 asLuwB hn.



ibRsick-gupq icMqf, Dn lfB ho ky hfnI hovy. inwjI-jn ksLt, sMqfn pwK qoN suwK pRfpq hovy. mhIny dy aKIr ivwc asLuwB smfcfr imly. julfeI 16, 24, 25; agsq 3, 4, 11, 12 asLuwB hn.



Dn-pyt ivwc KrfbI. imwqr bMDU nfl myl. sMqfn pwK sLuwB. nvIN Xojnf bxy. srIr dy lwk qoN hyTly Bfr ivwc swt df zr. BfeIvflI qoN hfnI df Xog. julfeI 17, 18, 26, 27, 28; agsq 5, 6, 13, 14, 15 asLuwB hn.

10  mkr-axjfqy dusLmx qoN hfnI BY. afriQk lfB, mhIny dy mwD ivwc ivsLysL Krc. nvIN Xojnf bxy. pqnI-pwK qoN icMqf, kfrobfr TIk. julfeI 19, 29, 29, 30; agsq 7, 8, 15, 16 asLuwB hn.

A release of pressure will occur this week that has affected your Horoscope since December. You will be prepared to take risks and if these are measured, you can do well over the next year. Much will depend on how you have been putting things in place since June last year. Don’t just jump, especially in situations that involve others, as you are not in a good position to predict their true position, so wait.

Any sense of having felt unappreciated since December will cease this week. Matters involving others reach a turning point, from now to mid September and whether you like it or not, you will know where you stand. New directions at home or within the family are now beginning in your Horoscope and will develop over the next year. These are likely to prove

Hopefully you have made more money than you have spent since June last year though temptations could have been hard to resist since December. Your Horoscope shows a busy 12 months ahead. This week will demand you begin to analyse your position in a forensic manner. It is wise to continue this until mid September so as to get good habits in place for proper time management.

Your Horoscope has just moved into the second stage of a new 12-year cycle that started with your birthday last year. You need to focus on new approaches you want to take with finances during the next year. You can earn more but you could also spend more. There is much to think about re your personal position this week. Any romantic situations that have been at a standstill can begin to unfold.

The New Moon in your sign this week joins Jupiter that has just moved into your own sign, creating the beginning of a new 12year cycle in your Horoscope. That sense of waiting is disappearing. You know you can no longer drift – begin this week and continue to mid September, to take action towards establishing a good foundation based on self-discipline. With this in place, success will be assured.

You will need a lot of patience during the next 12 months as your Horoscope goes through a winding up stage of a present 12year cycle. There will be things to let to of. Learn to listen to your inner voice. Greater clarity of mind can begin to develop this week as you move on from having to worry about finances. Put energy into learning or gathering as much information as possible from now to mid September.

At last Mars moves on from your sign this week, where it has been since December, creating all sorts of hold-ups and difficulties. That sense of stalemate that has lingered in your Horoscope all this time will be gone. There are new beginnings involving friends, groups of people, recommendations from who you know that can have an uplifting effect for the next 12 months, making you much happier.

Mars, your ruling planet, will cease the frustrating holding back sensation you have been experiencing since December. It moves into your own sign in your Horoscope this week, creating the beginning of a new 2-year cycle. With this, your confidence and energy will pick up. At the same time you have new opportunities to gain greater recognition of your skills over the next year by being seriously committed.

Your ruling planet Jupiter has put you out of sync for the last year but its recent change in your Horoscope and link to the New Moon this week begins a cycle that gives you much to look forward to over the next year. There will still be those with a hidden agenda and this you need to be careful about from now to mid September. Connected to this can be lurking jealousies of their own making. Protect yourself.

Something has started to alter in your Horoscope in relation to the way you control the response that has developed with others over the last 12 months. This has likely broken down the level of commitment you should have had towards other things since December. You will feel it is time to take action this week in getting priorities in order. Serious work on this to mid September will pay dividends.

You can look forward to a better 12 month period ahead that can very well begin to head in new directions this week when it comes to others and their appreciation of your efforts. You will no longer feel invisible. With this, your general sense well being can improve too. Your Horoscope indicates important changes with work or commitments from now to mid September. Confidently pursue what you want.

You need to pay attention to your health over the next 12 months. You can easily gain weight in this time so start now to be mindful of those extras you don’t really need. Take notice of any inkling this week that brings subtle messages about perhaps the need to exercise more. Your Horoscope moves to an important phase from now to mid September, encouraging you to seriously look at long term goals.

11  kuMB-acfnk Dn-lfB hovygf. inwjI-jn sihXog. AudXog aqy Xojnf qoN hfnI. ivroDI iDr kmjLor. mhIny dy aKIr ivwc ivsLysL hfnI df zr. julfeI 21, 22, 23, 31; agsq 1, 2, 9, 10 asLuwB hn.



mIn-sQfn-bdlx df Xog, rfj-pwK qoN zr. imwqr pfsoN afriQk lfB hovy. sMqfn-ksLt. kfrobfr ivwc pRgqI dy Xog bxn, julfeI 16, 24, 25; agsq 3, 4, 11, 12 asLuwB hn.

beneficial and can have more fun attached.



Punjabi Patrika

Friday, July 18th, 2014


ñË ÜÅ ÛµñÆÁź...òÅñ¶ ÚźçÆ ðÅî òñÆê°ðƶ 鱧 򦌦 ÕðÇçÁź vIhvIN sdI df swqvfˆ qy awTvfˆ dhfkf lok gfiekI df sunihrI Xuwg irhf hY. ies smyˆ dOrfn bhuq sfry nvyˆ qy purfxy gfiekfˆ ny gfiekI dy Kyqr ivwc afpxf Xogdfn pfieaf hY. iesy smyˆ dOrfn dogfixafˆ dI iprq peI. dogfxy gfAux vflIafˆ ienHfˆ joVIafˆ ivwcoN cfˆdI rfm qy ÈfˆqI Èrmf dI joVI sroiqafˆ ivwc bhuq mkbUl hoeI. cfˆdI rfm df jnm 1937 ivwc ipMz cflI cwk (jnUbI) iËlHf srgoDf (hux pfiksqfn) ivwc ipqf ÈrDf rfm aqy mfqf DMndyeI dy Gr hoieaf. cfˆdI rfm dy do Brf PkIr cMd qy hrI cMd vI gfAux df ÈOk rwKdy sn. PkIr cMd algoËy vjfAuNdf sI. ipMz dy imzl skUl qoN cfˆdI rfm ny cOQI jmfq qwk pVHfeI kIqI. sMn sMqflI dI vMz dIafˆ qwqIafˆ lUafˆ nUM sihMdf hoieaf pirvfr luiDafxy kYˆp ivwc af igaf qy AunHfˆ nUM nyVly ipMz vlIpur ËmIn alft hoeI aqy iPr AunHfˆ ny AuWQy hI pwkI irhfieÈ kr leI. eyDr pMjfbI dI pVHfeI hox kfrn Auh pVHfeI jfrI nf rwK sikaf ikAuNik EDr cOQI qwk AurdU piVHaf sI. bcpn qoN gfAux df lwigaf avwlf ÈOk afpxf rMg ivKfAux lwgf. ies rMg nUM inKfrn leI iksy rihbr dI loV sI. Aus nUM rihbr imly jnfb jsvMq BMvrf dy gur BfeI hridl pRqfp. AunHfˆ dI rihnumfeI sdkf iewk anGV pwQr vzmuwlf hIrf ho inwbiVaf.

iewQy sMqfˆ aqy afpxy Èfigrdfˆ dy kihx `qy Aus ny dubfrf jIvn dI gwzI nUM roVn df Xqn kIqf. sMn 1982 ivwc Aus ny pUnm nfˆ dI iewk lVkI nfl ivafh krvfieaf pr ieh ivafh bhuqf kfmXfb nf ho sikaf. jldI hI dovyˆ afpxy-afpxy rfh pY gey. Aus dI afKrI irkfrizMg 1986 ivwc bsMq cwZf (idwlI) nfl hoeI. ieh iewk eI[ pI[ irkfrz sI ‘Kwty imwTy jfmnUM`. hux cfˆdI rfm dy hwQoN vylf inkl cuwkf sI. Aus dy pwly kyvl pCqfvf hI rih igaf sI. ipCly ds sfl cfˆdI rfm eyDr-EDr afpxy Èfigrdfˆ aqy chyiqafˆ kol idn ktI krdf irhf. jdoN kdy nÈy df bhuqf syvn kr lYˆdf sI (ijs nUM Auh rUh dI Kurfk kihMdf sI) qfˆ bImfr ho jfˆdf sI. keI vfrI iËafdf bImfr hox kfrn zfktrfˆ dy kihx `qy Auh dfrU pIxI Cwz vI idMdf pr bhuqf smfˆ afpxy vfady `qy kfiem nf rihMdf.

cfˆdI rfm ny ieMdrjIq hsnpurI, sfjn rfeykotI, dyv QrIky vfly dy gIqfˆ qoN ibnfˆ bhuq sfry gIq afpxy ilKy hoey gfey hn. gIqkfrI ivwc Aus ny sfjn rfeykotI nUM afpxf Ausqfd Dfiraf. Aus dy afpxy ilKy gIqfˆ dI bolI lihMdI pRBfv vflI TyT hY. sfd-murfdy iviÈafˆ vfly ieh gIq afm ibMbfˆalMkfrfˆ nfl sjfey hoey hn. Aus dI gfien ÈYlI dI ivÈyÈqf ieh hY ik afvfË Aus dy Dur aMdroN inkldI 1958 ivwc pwQr dy aYl[ pI[ qivafˆ ivwc pihlI hY aqy Auh gIq dy bolfˆ nfl iewk sur hoieaf pRqIq vfr cfˆdI rfm dI afvfË nUM bMd kIqf igaf. gIq huMdf hY. Aus df ‘af…af…af…` df alfp Aus nUM dy bol sn: dUijafˆ qoN vKirafAuNdf hY, ijs nfl Aus dI invyklI ‘rMg coa ky prfˆq ivwc pY igaf, pCfx bxI. qUMbI smrft Xmlf jI dI bxfeI qUMbI Duwp `c pkfeIafˆ rotIafˆ` nUM Aus ny vwKrI sur ivwc vjfieaf, ijs nUM bfad ivwc bhuq sfry gfiekfˆ ny apxfieaf. ‘hfVH vI lMiGaf sfAux vI lMiGaf, lMG geIafˆ brsfqfˆ`

Aus dy kuJ bhuq mkbUl rhy gIqfˆ dy muKVy hn-

ieh lok gIq lokfˆ ivwc eyny hrmn ipafry hoey ik kMpnI vfly cfˆdI rfm dy awgy-ipwCy iPrn lwgy. ienHfˆ idnfˆ ivwc hI Aus df myl gfiekI df ÈOk rwKx vflI mnImfjry dI iewk kuVI ÈfˆqI Èrmf nfl hoieaf. dovyˆ iewk dUjy vwl iKwcy gey aqy iewk dUjy dy nyVy afAuNdy gey. aKIr keI smfijk muÈklfˆ dy bfvjUd iewk-dUjy dy ho gey. iesy vrHy hI Bfv 1960-61 ivwc ies joVI vwloN ‘lY jf CwlIafˆ BuMnf ilafeIN dfxy, vy imwqrf dUr idaf` dogfxf irkfrz hoieaf jo awj vI hr pMjfbI df mnBfAuNdf gIq hY.

Dfrimk gIq ‘gurU dsmyÈ ipafry, qyry hn coË inafry` ‘srhMd dIey dIvfry nI, qUM ieh kI kIqy kfry nI.` ‘dsmyÈ puwqrfˆ idaf dfnIafˆ, DMn qyrIafˆ kurbfnIafˆ` ‘Drm dyÈ dI Kfqr puwqr vfry ny`

iesy smyˆ dOrfn hI afkfÈbfxI jlMDr vfilafˆ ny vI Aus nUM irkfrz krnf sLurU kr idwqf. hym rfj Èrmf dI inrdyÈnf hyT cfˆdI rfm dy do gIq irkfrz hoey, ijMnfˆ ivwcoN iewk sI- ‘sfzy ipMz afjf imwqrf, qYnUM ipMz df svrg ivKfvfˆ`. lgpg zyZ dhfkf ieh joVI gfiekI dy aMbr `qy CfeI rhI. sYˆkiVafˆ dI igxqI ivwc ienHfˆ dy dogfxy qy solo gIqfˆ dy qvy aYc[ aYm[ vI[ kMpnI ny irkfrz kIqy. pyˆzU aKfiVafˆ rfhIN ieh joVI afm lokfˆ dy idlfˆ dI DVkx bx geI. pYsf mINh vfˆg vrn lwgf. kihMdy ny ik pYsf qfˆ cMigafˆ-cMigafˆ dy idmfg Pyr idMdf hY qy keI burfeIafˆ afpxy nfl lY afAuNdf hY. ies qrHfˆ cfˆdI rfm, lfl prI `qy kuJ iËafdf hI moihq ho igaf. Aus ny iËMdgI nUM Kfx pIx qy mOj AuzfAux qwk hI sImq kr ilaf. jy ÈfˆqI smJfAux df Xqn krdI qfˆ afpsI nok-Jok vD jfˆdI qy keI vfr nObq ies qoN awgy qwk vI clI jfˆdI. sMn 1977 ivwc ÈfˆqI ies jhfn nUM sdf leI alivdf kih geI. duwKfˆ df phfV cfˆdI rfm `qy izwg ipaf aqy Auh sdf leI ies dy hyTfˆ db igaf. Auh luiDafxy qoN ËIry dy nyVy cUhV cwk ipMz sMqfˆ dy zyry clf igaf aqy AuWQy kQf kIrqn ivwc afpxf smfˆ guËfrn lwgf.


solo gIq ‘muMizafˆ df idl moh ilaf, AuWqy lY ky dupwtf kfly rMg df` ‘nf jfh brmf nUM lyK jfxgy nfly` ‘vy qUM ipMz df muMzy qy mYˆ Èihr dI kuVI` ‘GuMz kwZ ky iPrIN muitafry, nI CiVafˆ dI nËr burI` ‘rMg coa ky prfˆq ivwc pY igaf, Duwp `c pkfeIafˆ rotIafˆ` ‘nwk dI jVH pwt lI, pf ky lONg bygfnf` ‘vy qUM bx ky kbUqr cInf, Gr sfzy pf lY aflHxf` ÈfˆqI Èrmf nfl dogfxy ‘qyrf lY ky muklfvf jfvfˆgy` ‘rotI hIr ny pkfeI, AuT Kf muMizaf` ‘itktfˆ do lY leIN, ijwQy cwlyˆgf, cwlUMgI nfl qyry` ‘swgI Puwl ilafeIN vy ËrUr, jy qUM cwilaf nOkrI` ‘sws cMdrI iphfvy cwkIafˆ, vy Zolf awz ho jf` nÈy dy vDyry syvn kr ky hOlI-hOlI Aus dI ishq kmËor huMdI geI. aKIr 1996 dI jnvrI mhIny dI iewk TMZI XK rfq nUM Aus dy vjUd `coN BOr AuzfrI mfr igaf. Auh Bfvyˆ awj srIrk qOr `qy mOjUd nhIN pr qivafˆ ivclI Aus dI afvfË amr hY.

Punjabi Patrika

Friday, July 18th, 2014



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Punjabi Patrika


Friday, July 18th, 2014



A 35kg gown Anushka Sharma

Independence Day and Bajirao Singham will return, this time as the new Deputy Commissioner of Police, Mumbai. Ajay Devgn will reprise his role as a supercop from blockbuster director Rohit Shetty's Singham (2011). The sequel, Singham Returns, will see him battling villainous forces and even some political parties to eradicate the menace of black money . The movie's trailer will be launched today . Says a source associated with the film, “The issue of black money is in the news now more than ever. So, the audience will easily connect with it.“ Primarily due to its dynamic and heroic portrayal of the men in khaki, cinegoers had listed Singham among the most popular films of recent times. The hit jodi of Ajay and Rohit, who are also collaborating as producers, hopes to repeat their success story with this film that releases August 15.

A n u s h k a Sharma will be seen playing the role of a jazz singer in the upcoming flick ‘Bombay Velvet’ and for her entry song in the film, the actress will be wearing a gown weighing 35 Kg. Niharika Bhasin Khan has designed the gown and she says that it took two and half hours for the actress to wear the gown. Well, we are just thinking whether how so thin Anushka managed a 35kg gown. ‘Bombay Velvet’ also star Ranbir Kapor, Karan Johar and Raveena Tandon. It is slated to release on 27th Nov 2014.

Will Nargis Fakhri ever prove herself as an actress?

Nargis Fakhri made her debut in Bollywood in the year 2011 with the film ‘Rockstar’. She looked beautiful in the film, but got negative reviews for her acting in the movie. Her second release as an actress was ‘Madras Cafe’. She played the role of a British journalist in the film. She got positive response for her performance, but unfortunately didn’t have a good screen space. Even in her third film ‘Main Tera Hero’, she was just used as glam doll. Currently, she doesn’t have any Bollywood film in hand as an actress; she will be next seen in an item song in the film ‘Kick’. Nargis had previously done an item song in the film ‘Phata Poster Nikhla Hero’ and she had done that superbly well. While, her contemporaries are ruling the box-office and are also proving themselves as an actress, Nargis is quite behind. We are just thinking whether Nargis will ever prove herself as an actress or she will only be known as a glam doll.

Meet the lyricist behind Hangover and Jumme Ki Raat Kick's romantic track, Hangover, which has been sung by Salman Khan and is climbing the charts, has been penned by lyricist, Kumaar. He has also written the lyrics for Jumme Ki Raat, which has become the most downloaded track.Kumaar says, It's a great pleasure to work in a Sajid Nadiadwala film. Since my first track, Ishq Tera Tadpave till the latest number, “I“ve always believed in the importance of phonetics of the words that I choose for my songs. Interestingly, it was with Tujhe Bhula Diya in Anjaana Anjaani that he gained entry into the Nadiadwala production. His other wellknown songs include Baby Doll, Main Tera Hero, Pink Lips, Dilliwaali Girlfriend and Soniyo.


Priyanka Chopra to sing a song in ‘Mary Kom’ Well, we all know that Priyanka Chopra is a great singer. Her singles ‘In My City’, ‘Feeling So Exotic’ and ‘I Can’t Make You Love Me’ are quite famous among the music lovers. And now, the actress will be soon singing a Hindi song in her upcoming flick ‘Mary Kom’. Priyanka confirmed this on twitter, while having a Q & A (question and answer) with her fans. One of her fans asked her, “When are you going to start singing in Hindi Movies?? Going to Do that as well??” The actress replied ‘Yup! #MaryKom.” Priyanka let us tell you that we were eagerly waiting to listen to your voice in a Hindi movie and now we are keen to hear the song from ‘Mary Kom’

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Friday, July 18th, 2014



Punjabi Patrika


ď °ď ?ď Şď ď ˘ď ‰ď€ ď °ď €ď Šď ąď ’ď Ťď

Ă ĂŹÂą ĂŹĂ—çĂ…çÆ ùÅçœÊ ĂĽÂŻÂş ò¾è Ă–ĂĽĂ°ĂŠĂ…Ă• awqvfd dI dunIaF `c afeI[ aYs[ afeI[ aqy abU bgdfdI isrP iewk nvF nF hI nhIN hY, sgoN ieh KUMKfr aqy iBafnk ihMsf df dUjf rUp vI hY. ies dI jyhfdI ihMsf/awqvfd isrP sLIaf musilm BfeIcfry dy ivruwD nhIN hY, sgoN amrIkf-XUrp, iesrfeIl aqy Bfrq vI ies dI ihMsk mfniskqf dy dfiery ivwc afAuNdy hn. al kfiedf-qfilbfn, lfdyn aqy muwlf Aumr vFg hI abU bgdfdI aqy afeI[ aYs[ afeI[ pUrI dunIaF ivwc ieslfm df JMzf bulMd krn dI jyhfdI-ihMsk mfniskqf df pRqIk hY.

Friday, July 18th, 2014

ivsLnUM gupq

aYs[ afeI[ aYs[ dy KqiraF qoN ikvyN bcfieaf jfvy, dy smrQn vfly kimAUinst sLfsk njIbAulf nUM rwiKaf jf skdf. lMmy sMGrsL aqy lMmy dOr dI ies `qy gMBIr icMqn aqy kfrvfeIpUrn PYsly dI sLryafm PFsI `qy ltkf idwqf sI. ihMsf leI vwzy pwDr `qy afriQk shfieqf aqy mfrU loV hY. hiQafrF shfieqf aqy mfrU hiQafrF dI loV huMdI hY. abU bgdfdI ny vI qfilbfn dy nksLy kdm `qy abU bgdfdI isrP ierfk ivwc suMnI ieslfimk cwlidaF swdfm husYn nUM PFsI dI sjLf suxfAux swdfm husYn dy pqn qoN bfad ierfk `c puils aqy swqf kfiem nhIN krnf cfhuMdf, XUrp aqy BfrqI vfly jwj nUM sLryafm PFsI `qy ltkfieaf hY. abU POjI ivvsQf df vI pqn ho igaf sI, ijs `qy swdfm vI ies dy insLfny `qy hn. abU bgdfdI ny al bgdfdI df mfstr mfeINz kOx hY, abU bgdfdI nUM husYn dI Cfp sI. amrIkf ny nvyN isirAuN ierfk kfiedf-qfilbfn dy isDFq aqy tIcy nUM nf isrP ikwQoN aqy ikhVy AudysLF nfl smrQn idwqf jf irhf ivwc puils POjI ivvsQf bxfAux dI koisLsL kIqI apxfieaf hY, sgoN dunIaF sfhmxy afpxy mjbI- hY? abU bgdfdI dI ihMsk aqy jyhfdI mfniskqf sI. ierfk dI sLIaf soc vflI srkfr ny puils POjI jyhfd dy tIcy aqy ieslfimk isDFq nUM hfsl krn kfrn amrIkf, XUrp, iesrfeIl aqy Bfrq vrgy ivvsQf nUM mjLbUq aqy jLrUrI tryinMgF nfl mfhr leI iewk Kqrnfk, ihMsk aqy jyhfdI ichry df dysLF sfhmxy ikhVIaF ikhVIaF cuxOqIaF KVIaF bxfAux leI koeI Kfs Xqn nhIN kIqy, ijs dy iswty tRylr idKfieaf hY. Aus dI soc TIk Ausy qrHF dI hY, vjoN ierfk dI puils POjI ivvsQf ivwc jyhfdIafeI[ aYs[ afeI[ aYs[ dy srgxy abU bgdfdI bfry jo sLurUafqI dOr `c qfilbfn dI aPgfinsqfn ivwc hoxgIaF? awWITH qvfdI mfniskqf EXvflI bgfvq nUM kMtrol krn dI ikhf jFdf hY ik Auh lfdyn qoN vI ijLafdf Kqrnfk, sI. aPgfinsqfn dI swqf hfsl krn qoN pihlF hI amrIkf-XUrp dy hjLfrf musilm nOjvfn ikvyN aqy qfkq hI nhIN sI. jy ierfk dI puils POjI ivvsQf FURNITU ihMsk aqy ieslfimk sLrIaq df hmfieqI hY. qfilbfn ny AuWQoN dy rfsLtrpqI aqy sovIaq sMG ikhVI mfniskqf nfl afeI[ aYs[ afeI[ aYs aqy mjLbUq huMdI qF XkInI qOr `qy ikhf jf skdf hY ik dunIaF dI sLFqI aqy lokqMqr nUM abU bgdfdI-afeI[ Auh abU negotiabl bgdfdI df afsfn isLkfr nf bxdI. abU abU bgdfdI nfl iml ky ierfk `c lV rhy hn? Wages • Helpers dy jyhfdIaF ny ierfkI puils aqy POjIaF kI suMnI musilm dysL abU bgdfdI aqy afeI[ aYs[ bgdfdI Full Extended nU M gfjrF, mU lIaF vFg kwitaf. • Pre-Sanders afeI[ aYs[ nUM mflI aqy POjI shfieqf dy rhy hn? vision car gwl jo sfhmxy afeI hY, Auh • Finish Assemblers abU bgdfdI vI al kfiedf dI hI Aupj hY. abU sB qoN Kqrnfk Call amrIkf, XU r p aqy Bfrq nfl sbMDq hY. abU bgdfdI pihlF al kfiedf df dihsL qgrd sI, ijs • Machine Operators 6 aYs[ afeI[ aYs[ dy jhfdIaF Canadian bgdfdI aqy afeI[ bfry ikhf jFdf hY ik Auh lfdyn aqy al Sprayers jvfhrI Furniture Mfg. Ltd. or a • Lacquer/Stain ivwc iewk iqhfeI aijhy hn, jo amrIkI, XUrpI dy iswDy sMprk ivwc sI. Auh aPgfinsqfn aqy aqy BfrqI nfgirk hn. amrIkf, XUrp aqy pfiksqfn `c vI al kfiedf-qfilbfn vwloN lV ijvyN: Bfrq dy musilm nOjvfn ierfk jf ky abU bgdfdI cuwkf hY. ierfk `qy amrIkI kbjLy qoN bfad al aqy afeI[ aYs[ afeI[ aYs[ dy dihsLqgrd ikvyN • msLIn Eprytr,pRI-sYNzr,pyNtr (styn qy lYkur spryar ) kfiedf ny Aus nUM ierfk `c afpxf muwK dihsLqgrd bxy? afKr ienHF dysLF dIaF KuPIaF eyjMsIaF • PrnIcr jVn dy mfhr hox bxfieaf sI. ny afpxy musilm nOjvfnF nUM dihsLqgrdI • qnKfh Xogqf qy qjLrby anusfr aqy sfry Bwqy aqy kvryjL imlygI. ikhf jFdf hY ik abU bgdfdI al kfiedf df muwK leI ierfk, sIrIaf jfx qoN roikaf ikAuN nhIN? srgxf bxnf cfhuMdf sI. al kfiedf df muKI nf Bfrq dy ikMn ymusilm nOjvfn ierfk aqy sIrIaf hor jfxkfrI leI pfl jF prl nUM PLon kr skdy ho jF afp afky imlo. bx skx krky Aus ny afpxy afp nUM al kfiedf `c ieslfmI jMg lV rhy hn, ieh qF pUrI qrHF PLon nMbr: 604-855-0309 aYzrYs hyTF iliKaf hY. nfloN awz krky afpxf vwKrf awqvfdI sMgTn afeI[ spwsLt nhIN hY, iPr vI KLbrF dwsdIaF hn ik sYNkVy aYs[ afeI[ aYs[ bxf ilaf aqy sLurUafq ivwc Aus musilm nOjvfn sIrIaf qy ierfk ivwc jyhfdI ihMsf Canadian Furniture Mfg. Ltd. ny afeI[ aYs[ afeI[ aYs[ nUM afriQk aqy jyhfdI `c sLfml hn. 30552 Progressive Way, Abbotsford mfniskqf nfl BrpUr bxfAux leI luwt Koh, kql ijwQoN qwk amrIkf aqy XUrp dI musilm afbfdI aqy aqy iPrOqI vrgy aprfDk DMdy apxfey. musilm nOjvfnF dI gwl hY, nf isrP ierfk `c,


sfnUM PrnIcr PYktrI ivwc kMm krn vfilaF dI loV hY.

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sgoN aPgfinsqfn, iPlsqIn aqy sIrIaf `c vI ieh hjLfrF dI igxqI `c mOjUd hn. lMmy smyN qoN ieh mMQn cwl irhf hY ik musilm nOjvfnF nUM awqvfdI sMgTnF qoN dUr ikvyN rwiKaf jfvy. amrIkf ny ies dy leI msijdF aqy musilm afbfdI drimafn ingrfnI qMqr vI ivkisq kIqf hY, iPr vI amrIkf ivsLv mIzIaf dI iewk irport `c dfavf kIqf afpxy musilm nfgirkF nUM aPgfinsqfn, ierfk igaf hY ik afeI[ aYs[ afeI[ aYs[ kol 20 hjLfr aqy sIrIaf `c dihsLqgrd bxn qoN rokx `c kroV rupey qoN vI ijLafdf dI jfiedfd hY, jo Aus ny nfkfm irhf hY. luwt Koh, kqlF, zkYqI aqy iPrOqI nfl bxfeI hY. musilm suMnI dysL aiswDy qOr `qy abU bgdfdI aqy qyl dy KUhF dI mfeIinMg, qyl dI inkfsI aqy gYs afeI[ aYs[ afeI[ aYs[ dI qfkq dy ipwCy KVy hn. kwZx ivwc lwgIaF kMpnIaF qoN afbU bgdfdI ny zt afKr AunHF nUM hiQafr aqy golf bfrUd ikwQoN iml ky rkm vsUlI. qyl gYs dy kfrobfr ivwc lwgIaF irhf hY? ierfk aqy sIrIaf `c jy abU bgdfdI aqy kMpnIaF kol Aus nUM iPrOqI dyx qoN ielfvf hor koeI afeI[ aYs[ afeI[ aYs[ vrgI mfniskqf ijwq pRfpq cfrf nhIN sI. krdI hY qF Aus df nqIjf isrP sLIaf bhulqf vflf ivsLv mIzIaf dI iewk irport ivwc dfavf kIqf igaf hY ik afeI[ aYs[ afeI[ aYs[ kol 20 hjLfr kroV rupey qoN vI ijLafdf dI jfiedfd hY, jo Aus ny luwt Koh, kqlF, zkYqI aqy iPrOqI vrgy aprfDk DMdy apxfey.

abU bgdfdI dI soc sI ik ibnF jfiedfd/somy dysL eIrfn hI nhIN Bugqygf, sgoN Bfrq, iesrfeIl, jutfieaF lMmy smyN qwk dihsLqgrdI nUM jfrI nhIN amrIkf, XUrp nUM vI Bugqxf pvygf.

Punjabi Patrika

Friday, July 18th, 2014

íÅðåÆ ðÅÜéÆåÆ ÒÚ Çò×Åó BfrqI rfjnIqI nUM ijMnf vI suDfrn df Xqn kIqf jFdf, EnI ieh hor qoN hor ivgVdI jFdI hY. hYrfnI dI gwl ieh ik ijhVIaF pfrtIaF ies dy ivgfV dI gwl krdIaF ny, AunHF dy ivwc sfry ivgfV dy kItfxU kurblkurbl krdy iPrdy ny. Auh afpxf Gr kdy sfP nhIN krdIaF. rfjnIqI df sB qoN vwzf rog ieh hY ik iewQy hr koeI dUsiraF dy nuks kwZ skdf, afpxy ivhVy ivwc JfqI mfrn dI loV koeI smJdf hI nhIN. sMq isMG mskIn ny ikhf sI ik Bfrq dy lokF ny akl nUM kUVf smJ rwiKaf, afpxy Gr qF koeI vI nhIN rwKxI cfhuMdf qy hr koeI dUsiraF awgy ZyrI krn lwgf rihMdf. Bfrq dI rfjnIqI df muwK lwCx vI ieho ijhf suxINdf. ijMnf ku ivgfV asIN ies pRbMD ivwc vyK rhy hF, ieh sfrf sfzy rfjsI lIzrF dI eysy afdq dy kfrn hY. jdoN kdI srkfr bdl jFdI hY, lok ieh socx lwg jFdy ny ik hux dysL dI rfjnIqI ivwc vI vwzf bdlfE af jfxf! eydF df kuJ nhIN vfprdf! kfrn ies df ieh ik kwlH df kFgrs df lIzr jgdMibkf pfl awj Esy Bfjpf df pfrlImYNt mYNbr bx jFdf, ijs Bfjpf dI srkfr Aultf ky kdI Auh iqMn idnF leI AuWqr pRdysL df muwK mMqrI bixaf sI. Bfjpf df gujrfq ivwc muwK mMqrI rih cuwkf sLMkr isMG vGylf hux kFgrs df afgU hY. ieh PfrmUlf keIaF AuWqy lfgU hY!



pfrtIaF Cwz ky dUsrI pfrtI ivwc jfx df ZMg ijs afgU dI akl ivwc af igaf, smJ lvo ik BfrqI rfjnIqI ivwc afpxy jogI QF bxf igaf. kuJ lIzrF ivwc ieh gux swtF Kf ky afAuNdf, pr ijhVf iksy lIzr dy Gr jMmdf, Auh bhuqI vfrI dunIaF AuWqy afAux lwgf sfry gux nfl hI ilafAuNdf. gwl iPr gVbV ijhI hoeI jFdI hY ik koeI lIzrI dy gux nfl lY ky vI pYdf ho skdf. iewk vfrI sfeIkflojI dy pRoPYsr dy Gr puwqr jMm ipaf sI, Auh muMzy nUM vyKx leI afieaf qF iqMn pYkyt nfl lY afieaf, bIvI nUM kihx lwgf: kfky dI mfniskqf vyKxI hY ik ieh vwzf ho ky kI bxygf? iewk notF dI gwTI hY, dUsrI pUjf-pfT dI Dfrimk ikqfb aqy qIsrI pYikMg ivwc sLqrMj dI Kyz df sfmfn hY. jy ies ny notF dI gwTI cuwkI qF kfrobfrI bxygf, pUjf-pfT dI ikqfb cuwk leI qF bVf Dfrimk hovygf, jy ies ny sqrMjL dI Kyz dy smfn df pYkyt cuwk ilaf qF smJ lY ik qyrf puwqr vwzf ho ky bhuq mMinaf hoieaf ivdvfn bxygf. smfn jdoN kfky dy awgy rwiKaf, Aus ny hOlI ijhI bFhF GumfeIaF qy iqMny pYkyt afpxy vwl nUM iKwc ley. pRoPYsr cIikaf, ‘byVf grk, qyrf puwqr qF vwzf ho ky isafsI afgU bxn vflf.’


Punjabi Patrika





kfimaF dI loV

nsLy Cwzx leI

nrsrI, Pfrm aqy grIn hfAUs leI kfimaF dI loV hY| rfeIz df pUrf pRbMD hovygf| kMm GMitaF df hovygf| hor jfxkfrI leI Pon kro: 604855-1065 jF 604-556-8686

jy qusIN sLrfb jF zrWg dy kfrn musIbq ivWc ho, aqy Cwzx leI mWdd dy cfhvfn ho qF jOhn nUM Pon kro: 604-859-8244 jF 778-7791337 jF jjt.fvu@gmail.com

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ikcn hYlpr dI loV imsLn ivWc pIjy ‘qy kMm krn leI ikcn hYlpr aqy zilvrI zrfievr dI loV hY| hor jfxkrI leI Pon kro: 778-242-2696

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jF Pon: 604-755-7976 jF eI-myl: victoryesl1@gmail.com

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klfs 1 zrfievr dI loV hY| amrIkf jf skdf hovy, 30 sYNt pRqI mIl tIm nflL, mYzIkl aqy hor shUlqF (bYnIiPts)| Pon: 604-309-5303 jF 206-790-2125

kfimaF dI loV lokl zrfeIvfl borizMg kMpnI nUM kfimaF dI loV hY| cMgI qnKfh aqy rfeIz df pRbMD hY| hor jfxkfrI leI Pon kro: 778-552-1747

        

kfimaF dI loV aYbtsPorz ivWc rsbyrI aqy bilAUbyrI qoVn aqy byrI msLIn qy kMm krn vfilLaF dI vI loV hY| kMm dy cfhvfn hI Pon krn: 604807-3240

k`iE  loV P`r i@ M kr v`l k`iE  lo hY MMiE d hovg` y EYbtsPor imSEYlfrgRoEq s qo r`I d pR hY kl` v`l fr`iev   lo hY Po6-375

Matrimonial Xog vr dI loV kYnyzIan ieMmIgRFt jWt isWK lVkI, 34 sflf, kwd 5’7” qlfksULdf leI lVky dI loV hY| vrk primt jF ivjLtr ‘qy vI ivcfr kIqI jf skdI hY, mflvy aqy bI[sI[ nUM pihl| Pon: 778982-0389 jF 604-807-0986


Noor Appliances Repair / Tent Rental $25 Service Charge Epl`ieMs irpyEr Epl`ieMs       

Friday, July 18th, 2014

Friday, July 18th, 2014

Punjabi Patrika


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(Manpreet) 604-751-3536 PAGE 47

Punjabi Patrika


sInIar Bfjpf lIzr arux jyqlI ny jdoN aMimRqsr qoN pfrlImYNt cox lVI sI qF pMjfb dy muwK mMqrI pRkfsL isMG bfdl ny ikhf sI ik jyqlI ny ijwq ky Bfrq df izptI pRDfn mMqrI bxnf hY qy KjL f nf mM q rflf vI iesy nU M imlxf hY . aw D I gwl swcI hox nfl lokF nUM afs bw J geI. lo k ieh soc bYTy ik aMimRqsr df dohqf hox krky arux jyqlI


Friday, July 18th, 2014


Õ¶ºçð òµñ ÞÅÕä çÆ æź ê§ÜÅì êËðź ÇÃð Öñ¯ò¶ hu x pM j fb vfsqy vfhvf qkVf pYkyj dyx df pRbMD kr dyvygf. pMjfb dy muwK mM q rI izptI mu w K mM q rI aqy KjLfnf mMqrI rojL ieh gwl kihMdy rhy ik idwlI jf ky gwl asIN kr leI hY, sfnUM Plfxy pRfjYkt iml gey hn. Bfrq dy sB qoN vwzy hspqfl afl ieMzIaf ieMstIicAUt afP mYzIkl sfieMisjL (eyms) dy brfbr ru q by df iew k hspqfl

imlx dI gwl qF eynI pwkI ivroD vI nhIN kr skdy, mMnI geI sI ik Aus leI ikAuNik kyNdrI srkfr ivwc Au h vI sL f ml hn. ieh jLmIn vI cux leI sI. siQqI AunHF ny afp hI pYdf hux jdoN bwjt sfhmxy kIqI hY. rfjsI pwKoN ieh afieaf hY, nf Aus ivwc gwl pihlF hI socxI cfhIdI pMjfb leI pYkyj hY qy nf sI ik pMjfb ivwc KVy pYr hI eyms hspqfl pMjfb koeI rfjsI dMgl nhIN hoxf nUM idwqf igaf hY, sgoN ieh aqy ijhVy rfjF ivwc ivDfn dUsry cfr rfjF nUM vMz idwqy sBf coxF hox vflIaF hn, gey hn. pMjfb dy muwK mMqrI pihly sfl AunHF df iDafn qy AunHF dy sfQIaF leI ies krnf pYxf hY. BfrqI jnqf df pwK pUrnf vI aOKf hY, pr pfrtI vfilaF dI awK ies

vyly iqMn rfjF AuWqy lwgI hY. Auh isv sYnf nfl juV ky jF Aus qoN ibnF vI mhfrfsLtr AuWqy kbjLf krn df mn bxfeI bYTy hn qy pfrlImYNt dIaF aTqflI sItF dy nfl Auh AuWqr pRdysL qoN bfad dUsrf vwzf rfj hY. hirafxf rfjDfnI idwlI dy nfl lwgdf hY. ies ivwc AunHF ny kdI bM s I lfl aqy kdI Em pRkfsL cOtflf nfl rl ky coxF lVIaF aqy kdI awgy nhIN af sky. hux BrqIaF ivwc hyrfPyrI dy kys ivwc Em pRkfsL cOtfly nUM kYd dI sjLf kfrn AunHF nUM afpxy leI mYdfn ivhlf jfp irhf hY. JfrKMz ivwc vI Au n H f nU M ies vfr qkVI afs hY. ies krky ijnHF nUM hflfq dI smJ hY, Auh sfry ivsLlysLxkfr pihlF hI ieh kih rhy sn ik ies vfr dy bwjt ivwcoN sB qoN vwD ihwsf ienHF rfjF nUM imlxf hY qy Auh iml jfx nfl gwl swcI sfbq ho geI hY.

gwTjoV dI eyQy vI srkfr sI qy bfdl sfihb mu w K mMqrI sn. rfjsI gwTjoV hu M d y ho e y vI ky N d r ivw c rfj krn vfilaF nUM kOmI rfjnIqI dI afpxI lo V anusfr cwlxf pYNdf hY.

dUsrf pwK ieh hY ik kFgrs vfly ies gwl leI akflI afgUaF nUM icVfAux df Xqn krn lwg pey hn. AunHF df aijhf krnf vI glq hY. jdoN AunHF dI srkfr huMdI sI, pMjfb nUM bhuqf kuJ EdoN vI nhIN sI imilaf qy keI pRfjYkt pCV gey sn. ies gwl nUM akflI afgU AunHF dy ivruwD vI eydF hI vrqdy rhy sn. Prk isrP ieh hY ik EdoN akflI ieh kihMdy sn ik kFgrs pMjfb nfl Dw k f krdI hY , hu x ieh vI nhIN kih skdy. ivcfry BfeIbMdF hwQoN mfr Kf bYTy hn. ieh crcy bVI vfr cwly hn ik jdoN kyNdr qy pMjfb ivwc iewko rfjsI gwTjoV dI srkfr hovy, pMjfb df Blf EdoN huMdf hY aqy awgoNipwCoN ruk jFdf hY. qjrby ny ies nUM glq sfbq kIqf hY. vfjpfeI dI srkfr dy huMidaF pMjfb dIaF shUlqF kwt ky ihmfcl pRdysL nUM idwqy jfx nfl pMjfb nUM EdoN nuksfn hoieaf sI, jdoN Esy

pRDfn mMqrI nirMdr modI ny TIk ikhf hY ik jy lok scmuwc ieh soc rhy hn ik ‘awCy idn afny vfly hYN’, qF AunHF nUM ienHF idnF leI kuJ aOK vI JwlxI pvygI. ieh aOK pMjfb nUM vI JwlxI pY skdI hY. jdoN ieh kMm krnf ho v y , mM q rIaF qo N sLurU krnf pvygf. ies vyly pMjfb srkfr mMdf dOr hMZf rhI hY, pr ies dOr ivwc vI mMqrIaF leI lgjLrI kfrF lYx leI pYsf Krcx df PYslf kr ilaf hY. lgjLrI kfrF mMqrIaF nUM rfj dI hflq suDrI qoN idwqIaF jf skdIaF hn. ijhVI hflq bxI hoeI hY, Aus ivwc ies srkfr nUM PjUl KrcI rok ky ivkfs dy kMmF vwl iDafn dyx dI sB qoN vwD jLrUrq hY. iksy QF iewk lwK rupey dI grFt dy ky nINh pwQr rwKx leI jdoN cflI-cflI kfrF df kfPlf jFdf hY qF Auh PjUl KrcI huMdI hY. pMjfb nUM sMjIdgI nfl cwlxf pvygf.

ijhVf pwK pMjfb ivwc rfjnIqI krn vfly akflI aqy kFgrsI dovyN nhIN soc rhy, Auh ieh hY ik ibgfnI Jfk AuWqy bhuqy kdm nhIN puwty jf skdy. hmysLf kyNdr vfilaF koloN kuJ nf kuJ mM g x lw g y rihx dI QF pMjfb dI afpxI afriQkqf nUM pwky pYrIN krn leI ijhVf jLor lfieaf jfxf TIk rhygf, Auh ienHF dovF iDrF ivwcoN koeI nhIN lf rhI. pMjfb ivwc vsIilaF dI Gft nhIN. Gft isrP ies gwl dI hY ik XojnfbMdI qoN ibnF Krc hoeI jFdy hn. pfs kIqy pRfjYkt rih jFdy hn qy ipMzF ivwc sMgq drsLnF mOky BfjI dy pqfisaF vFg cYk vMz idwqy jFdy hn.

Punjabi Patrika

Friday, July 18th, 2014

vxjfrf Èbd Bfvyˆ vxj qoN bixaf hY ijvyˆ sOdf qoN sOdfgr pr pMjfbI lokkfiv isrjx vfilafˆ ny afpxy ies ‘mhfˆkfiv` ivwc vMgfˆ df vxj krn vfly Bfv vMgfˆ vycx vfly nUM vxjfrf ikhf hY. lok gIqfˆ ivwc vxjfry nfl juVy anykfˆ aihsfsfˆ df pRgtfvf imldf hY. pMjfbI lok-kfiv dI KUbI hY ik ies ivwc inwkI ijhI sUeI qoN lY ky prbq qwk df iËkr kIqf igaf hY, iesy leI ies aQfh-amuwk sUcI ivwc vxjfrf jfˆ vMgfˆ vI awKoN-proKy nhIN kIqIafˆ geIafˆ. ipCly simafˆ ivwc ieh vxjfrf pyˆzU smfj ivwc bhuq mhwqv rwKdf sI. cfvfˆ qy swDrfˆ nfl Bry mnfˆ vflIafˆ muitafrfˆ leI ieh ivÈyÈ iKwc rwKdf ikAuNik AunHfˆ nUM nf Èihr-bfËfr ivwc jfx dI bhuqI KuwlH huMdI sI qy nf bhuqf hfr-iÈMgfr krn dI. afpxIafˆ rIJfˆ dI pUrqI krn leI vxjfrf AunHfˆ vfsqy awCf-Kfsf vsIlf ho inwbVdf. vxjfrf afm idnfˆ `c qfˆ Gwt-vwD hI afAuNdf pr qIafˆ jfˆ krUey (krvf cOQ) dy vrqfˆ nUM ieh ËrUr ipMz ivwc hokf idMdf iPrdf- ‘cUVIafˆ cVHf lE BfeI cUVIafˆ…`. ieh hokf sux ky kuVIafˆ-kwqrIafˆ Jwt glI-ivhVy ivwc af jfˆdIafˆ. ipMzfˆ ivwc ieh vrqfrf vI sI ik ipMz dIafˆ nUMhfˆ, qIafˆ dy igwDy ivwc jfˆ pINGfˆ JUtx nhIN sn jfˆdIafˆ. Èfied iesy sMdrB ivwc ieh lMmI bolI rcI geI hY: “af vxjfiraf bih vxjfiraf, ikwQy ku qyrf Gr vy ipMz dIafˆ kuVIafˆ ivwc igwDy dy, ikAuN iPrdfˆ dr-dr vy cfVH blOrI vMgfˆ myry, qyrI JolI dyvfˆ Br vy BIVI vMg bcf ky cfVHIN, mYˆ jfAUNgI mr vy myrf AuWzy zorIaf, mihlfˆ vfly Gr vy…`` vwzy ipMzfˆ ivwc keI-keI vxjfry vMgfˆ vycx afAuNdy pr Coty ipMzfˆ ivwc hr qIj-iqAuhfr mOky iewk-do vxjfry hI afAuNdy. ienHfˆ vxjfirafˆ dI ipMz dIafˆ kuVIafˆ-buVHIafˆ nfl mfvfˆ-BYxfˆ vflI sfˆJ bxI huMdI. bhuqf krky ienHfˆ nUM ‘cUVIafˆ vflf BfeI` hI ikhf jfˆdf. kfPI smfˆ pihlfˆ vxjfry pYdl hI qury iPrdy qy iksy cfdr ivwc vMgfˆ bMnH ky ipwT `qy lmkfeI iPrdy. mYˆ vxjfirafˆ df cfdr dI gwTVI vflf Ëmfnf qfˆ supny mfqr hI dyiKaf hY pr sfeIkl vflf vxjfrf mYnUM kdy nhIN Buwldf. Aus ny rwsIafˆ ivwc pro ky rMg-brMgIafˆ vMgfˆ, guwCy bxf ky sfeIkl dy hYˆzl nfl tMgIafˆ huMdIafˆ aqy kuJ lwCy sfeIkl dy ivcly zMzy (Prym) nfl vI tMgy huMdy. ienHfˆ ivwc lfl, hrIafˆ, pIlIafˆ, kflIafˆ, blOrI,




ÈrbqI, vwtfˆ vflIafˆ qy lihrIeydfr afid kwc dIafˆ vMgfˆ huMdIafˆ. keI vMgfˆ AuWqy sunihrI mInfkfrI kIqI huMdI jo kuVIafˆ bVy cfa nfl cVHfAuNdIafˆ. Bfvyˆ bfad ivwc plfsitk vrgIafˆ PlYksI dIafˆ cUVIafˆ vI afAux lwgIafˆ pr kwc dIafˆ cUVIafˆ dI idwK bhuq sohxI huMdI. kwc dIafˆ cUVIafˆ vxjfrf hI cVHfAuNdf. ies ivwc vI muhfrq dI loV huMdI. keI vfr vMgfˆ cVHfAux vflI dI vIxI qfˆ pqlI ijhI huMdI pr Aus dy hwQ ivwc kMGI huMdI, Bfv hwQ dIafˆ hwzIafˆ lckdfr nf huMdIafˆ. vxjfrf BIVI ijhI vMg vI sihj nfl cVHf idMdf. vMgfˆ cVHfAux vyly vMg df tuwt jfxf suhfg leI mfVf Ègn smiJaf jfˆdf qy klfeI ivwc iqVkI hoeI vMg pfAux nUM Brf leI asLuB smiJaf jfˆdf. kuVIafˆ ienHfˆ gwlfˆ dI bVI ivcfr krdIafˆ pr ieh inry-pury vihm hI huMdy. ivafhIafˆ kuVIafˆ dI vIxI ivwc vxjfrf iewk-iewk vMg vfDU pfAuNdf qy Aus df koeI pYsfDylf nf lYˆdf. ieh Aus vwloN sLuBkfmnf jfˆ asIs dI pRqIk huMdI. keI vfr kuafrIafˆ kuVIafˆ vI mwlo-mwlI iewkiewk cUVI vwD lY lYˆdIafˆ.

vMgfˆ qy vxjfry ipMzfˆ ivwcoN lop hI kr idwqy hn. ienHfˆ cUVIafˆ ivwc stIl, rbV, blYk mYtl aqy hor aijhIafˆ Dfqfˆ dIafˆ cUVIafˆ huMdIafˆ hn ijnHfˆ dy tuwtx-Puwtx df koeI zr nhIN huMdf. ienHfˆ cUVIafˆ nUM iksy vxjfry qoN cVHvfAux dI vI loV nhIN huMdI, kuVIafˆ jfˆ aOrqfˆ afp hI afpxI vIxI ivwc pf lYˆdIafˆ hn. qrHfˆ-qrHfˆ dy kVy qy vMgfˆ ijnHfˆ ivwc moqI jf ng jVy huMdy hn, awj afm imldy hn. hfQI dMd qy lfK dIafˆ cUVIafˆ kwc dIafˆ cUVIafˆ nfloN kImqI huMdIafˆ jo ivafh-ÈfdI mOky hI KrIdIafˆ jfˆdIafˆ hn. awj kyvl kwc dIafˆ do-cfr rMgfˆ vflIafˆ hI nhIN blik hr sUt-sfVI nfl imldy-juldy rMg dIafˆ cUVIafˆ pihnx df irvfj hY. ipCly smyˆ dIafˆ kuVIafˆ-kwqrIafˆ vflI rIJ nhIN blik idKfvy dI Bfvnf nfl cmk-dmk vflIafˆ vMgfˆ pihnx df ruJfn hY. ipCly smyˆ dy vxjfry ijMnIafˆ vMgfˆ qfˆ awj dI ÈOkIn nfrI dy Gr ivwc hI mOjUd huMdIafˆ hn. iewk smfˆ aijhf vI sI ik pMj-swq rupey dIafˆ vMgfˆ vwzf puafVf pf idMdIafˆ ijs df vrxn lok gIq ivwc hY:

Auh sfˆJfˆ vfly smyˆ sn. glI-muhwly ivwc ijs dy dr jfˆ izAuZI ivwc cUVIafˆ vflf bYTf huMdf, AuWQy qfeI-cfcI jfˆ dfdI aMmf ny sfrIafˆ kuVIafˆ dy cUVIafˆ cVHvf dyxIafˆ. DIafˆ-BYxfˆ sB dIafˆ sfˆJIafˆ vflI Bfvnf mnfˆ `qy BfrU huMdI. vxjfry nUM cfh qy lwsI qoN ibnfˆ rotI vI KuafeI jfˆdI. cUVIafˆ cVHf ky kuVIafˆ df cfa nf cuwikaf jfˆdf ikAuNik pyˆzU BfeIcfry ivwc kuafrI qfˆ kI blik ivafhI-vrI DI df vI pyky Gr af ky koeI hfr-iÈMgfr krnf cMgf nhIN sI smiJaf jfˆdf. bs, lY-dy ky ieh cUVIafˆ jfˆ mfVI-motI nhuM pflÈ (nyl pfilÈ) hI kuVIafˆ lf-pf lYˆdIafˆ. ajoky smyˆ nf ipMzfˆ ivwc vxjfry idsdy hn qy nf koeI kihMdI hY:

glI glI vxjfrf iPrdf, hfk mfr ilaf nI bulf

“af igaf vxjfrf nI cVHf lY BfbI cUVIafˆ`` vrqmfn smyˆ qfˆ anykfˆ qrHfˆ dIafˆ vMgfˆ bfËfr ivwc imldIafˆ hn. kwc dIafˆ cUVIafˆ df ruJfn roËfnf iËMdgI ivwcoN mnPI ho cuwikaf hY. awj dI aOrq vihm-Brm qoN bfhr inkl afeI hY pr iÈMgfr-rs awj vI kfiem hY. awj koeI muitafr vxjfry nUM nhIN AuzIkdI, nf hI duwD irVkdIafˆ Aus dIafˆ guMdvIafˆ klfeIafˆ ivwc vMgfˆ df Cxkftf pYˆdf hY qy nf hI kwc dIafˆ vMgfˆ dy Cxkfty dy nfl KIvI hoeI Auh gfAuNdI iPrdI hY: “lOZy vyly mfhIey afAuxf mMn pkfvfˆ kxk df aMdr jfvfˆ bfhr jfvfˆ lfl cUVf Cxkdf`` awj-kwlH bfËfr ivwc bhuq iksm dIafˆ cUVIafˆ imldIafˆ hn ijnHfˆ ny kwc dIafˆ

Blf jI mYnUM qyrI shuM, hfk mfr ilaf nI bulf

prmjIq kOr srihMd

ikhf jfˆdf, ieh bMd vI huMdI qy KuwlHI vI. ies dy isirafˆ `qy Èyr dy mUMh bxy huMdy hn. ieh srdfrI gihxf smiJaf jfˆdf hY. sony dy bMd vI bfhfˆ ivwc pfey jfˆdy, ieh vI sfdy qy jVfAU huMdy. asl ivwc purfxy smyˆ aqy awj vI Bfry qy kImqI gihxy AuWc vrg dIafˆ aOrqfˆ nUM hI nsIb huMdy hn. gjry vrgf iewk gihxf prIbMd huMdf qy ies nUM sony dy GuMgrUafˆ dy pMj jfˆ swq guwCy lwgy huMdy. afm Grfˆ dIafˆ aOrqfˆ nUM qfˆ blOrI, kwc dy gjry hI juVdy. awj dy AuWc Grfixafˆ dIafˆ nUMhfˆ-DIafˆ purfxy smyˆ dy gihxy nhIN blik zfiemMz jVy, vfeIt golz dy, ryzIam vfly jfˆ hor ng qy moqIafˆ jVy kVy-cUVIafˆ pihndIafˆ hn. ipCly smyˆ kuVI dy ivafh mOky nfnky Aus leI pwky mycy dIafˆ kwc dIafˆ lfl-hrIafˆ cUVIafˆ lY ky afAuNdy pr awj kuVI mnmrËI df cUVf KrId lYˆdI hY aqy nfnky ivwq muqfbk Aus dy pYsy dy idMdy hn. nfnky afp vI cUVf lY afAuNdy hn, cUVf kyvl lfl rMg df hfQI dMd df hI nhIN bixaf huMdf blik ivafˆhdV kuVI dy sUt jfˆ lihMgy dy rMg nfl imldy rMg df huMdf hY. cUVy ivwc vI qrHfˆ qrHfˆ dy ng-moqI afid jVy huMdy hn. pitaflf qy aMimRqsr df cUVf bfËfr mwlo-mwlI dyKx vfilafˆ df mn moh lYˆdy hn. shury geI koeI nvIN ivafhI DI, mfipafˆ nUM idlbrI idMdI hY:

rfh ivwc bYTy jI Twg vxjfry`` ijwQy vMgfˆ-vxjfirafˆ df iËkr KuÈIafˆ, KyiVafˆ df mfhOl isrjdf hY, AuWQy kdy ieh vMgfˆ Gor AudfsI vI pYdf kr idMdIafˆ hn. jdoN iksy aBfgI muitafr df suhfg AuWjV jfˆdf hY, keI Drmfˆ ivwc Aus dIafˆ vMgfˆ qoVIafˆ jfˆdIafˆ hn. iewk rsm ieh vI hY ik jfx vfly dI aMiqm ardfs qoN bfad pyikafˆ vwloN afpxI DI nUM kwc dIafˆ cUVIafˆ pihnfeIafˆ jfˆdIafˆ hn. aOrq dI iËMdgI ivwc cUVIafˆ df bVf mhwqv hY, Bfvyˆ KuÈI hovy Bfvyˆ gmI. nvjMmy bwcy dI klfeI ivwc inwkI ijhI kflI cUVI pfeI jfˆdI hY qy ikhf jfˆdf hY ik ieh bwcy nUM ‘nËr` qoN bcf ky rwKdI hY pr ieh vI pyˆzU jfˆ sfzIafˆ mfvfˆ-dfdIafˆ dy afpy GVy totky hn jo arQhIx hn.

sws nUM nf puwiCaf, nxd nUM nf puwiCaf, “sohxf-sohxf cUVf AuWqy bMdfˆ dI ËMjIr vxjfrf pyˆzU suafxIafˆ leI cwldf iPrdf bfËfr huMdf. Aus ny sfeIkl vMgfˆ qfˆ leIafˆ mYˆ cVHf afiKE myry mfipafˆ nUM nf dy kYrIar `qy iewk lohy df trMk rwK hoieE idlgIr`` bfhroN qfˆ afieaf hwsdf Kyzdf, ky sfeIkl dI iksy purfxI itAUb nfl mjbU r Iafˆ qy Qu V fˆ dy mU M h afeI ko e I bMinHaf huMdf. Aus ivwc hfr-iÈMgfr df BfbIafˆ ny idwqf isKf muitafr afpxI vydnf kihMdI hY: inwkf-motf sfmfn huMdf. nhuM-pfilÈ cuwk ky prYxI Auhny vMgfˆ AuWqy mfrI, dIafˆ ÈIÈIafˆ, kuVIafˆ hwQo-hwQI cuwk “bIbf iewk nf vycIN lYˆdIafˆ. ies qoN ielfvf ibMdI-surKI, vMgfˆ qfˆ kIqIafˆ Pnfh vy qUM hwQfˆ dy gjry loa (kfjl) dIafˆ zwbIafˆ, CotIafˆcug-cug toty mYˆ JolI ivwc pfey, Co t Iafˆ su r my d fnIafˆ ivw c pIisaf cVHdI juafnI nUM pf igaf JgVy`` surmf aqy zlIafˆ vflf surmf vI huMdf. pyikafˆ df puwCdI afˆ rfh prdys jfˆdy gwBrU dI nfr Aus nUM vxjfry kol ipwql dIafˆ aMgUTIafˆ, kfˆty vfsqy pfAuNdI hY: qy kilwp afid vI huMdy. vflfˆ `c lfAux cuwk ky QfLlI BfbI kol jfˆdf kihMdf, vflIafˆ kflIafˆ sUeIafˆ dy pwiqafˆ qoN “mYˆ kwqfˆgI inwkVf bIbf rotIafˆ qfˆ dyvIN nI pkf ibnfˆ dMdfsf (swk) vI huMdf. DIafˆ-BYxfˆ vy qUM bYT hMZfeIN mfipafˆ dI Èrm mMnidafˆ dmVI df swk Bfbo dIafˆ pwkIafˆ bQyrf icr KfDIafˆ, vy lfl, dmfˆ idaf loBIaf KrIdxoN iJjkdIafˆ. muitafrfˆ dIafˆ prdys nf jfeIˆ…`` vhutI dIafˆ pwkIafˆ Kfh rIJfˆ pUrn vflf qkrIbn sfrf kuJ vxjfry kol huMdf qy ieh gwl vI arQ awgoN gwBrU kihMdf hY: pIV ky GoVf vhutI kol jfˆdf cwl, rwKdI hY ik rIJfˆ huMdIafˆ hI QoVHIafˆ “mrdfˆ dI KwtI cUVy Cxkx bfhIN pMjfˆ dIafˆ cUVIafˆ cVHf ijhIafˆ sn. iksy vxjfry dy lwkV dy trMk dy Zwkx ivwc ÈIÈf jiVaf huMdf. qUM bih pIVHy gorIey, pMj nhIN lYxy pMjfh vI nhIN lYxy, ieh trMk, awlHV muitafrfˆ qy nvIafˆ myrIafˆ dUr blfeIN`` ivafhIafˆ leI KuÈIafˆ df KËfnf huMdy. jfh Bfbo dIafˆ pwkIafˆ Kfh…`` lok-kfiv ieiqhfs vfˆg hr kfl dy ieh vMgfˆ qy gjry, kMÕx-kMÕxIafˆ cUVIafˆ, kMÕxIafˆ, pycfˆ vfly gjry, vrqfry nUM ibafn krdf hY. aqIq hY lok-kfiv df vI iÈMgfr hn. twpy ivwc bfËUbMd afid qoN ibnfˆ iewk gihxy df jfˆ vrqmfn, kflf-bfËfrI qy TwgI-TorI kMÕx nfl gwl krdI koeI nwZI idl nfˆ bfhI huMdf jo do ieMc dy krIb cOVf afpxf rMg idKfAuNdI hI hY: dI idlgIrI ibafn krdI kihMdI hY: huMdf hY aqy ies nfl suwcy moqIafˆ dIafˆ lVIafˆ ltkdIafˆ huMdIafˆ. ies “isKr dupihry isMG jI kVf nf pfieE “sony idaf vy kMgxf, nUM vI GVI cUVI vfˆg pyc lwgy huMdy qfˆ rfh ivwc bYTy jI Twg vxjfry swjxfˆ ny bUhf Zo ilaf, jo afsfnI nfl bfˆh ivwc pfieaf jf sky. motI gulfeIdfr cUVI nUM kMÕx isKr dupihry isMG jI bMnf nf twipE hux glI ivwcoN kI lMGxf,``




Punjabi Patrika 

Friday, July 18th, 2014

Friday, July 18th, 2014

Punjabi Patrika 





Punjabi Patrika 

Friday, July 18th, 2014



Punjabi Patrika 

Friday July 18th, 2014

Friday July 18th, 2014

Punjabi Patrika 





Punjabi Patrika 

Friday July 18th, 2014

Friday July 18th, 2014

Punjabi Patrika



jykr qusIN Gr, Pwrm jW kmrSIAl pRwprtI KrIdxI jW vycxI hovy q

ÇêÁÅðÅ ÇÃ§Ø çÅåŠ鱧 ïÅç ÕðÇçÁź hfs ivaMg df bfdÈfh ipafrf isMG dfqf iewk iËMdfidl iensfn sI. Aus df jnm 15 julfeI 1910 nUM mfqf afqm kOr aqy ipqf rfm isMG dy Gr ipMz dfqf Bwt, qihsIl gujrKfn, iËlHf rfvlipMzI (pfiksqfn) ivKy hoieaf. Aus df bcpn df nfˆ pRdumx isMG sI. muwZly idnfˆ ivwc Aus ny ipafrf isMG ‘pRdumx` dy nfˆ hyT vI kivqf ilKI pr CyqI hI ipMz (dfqf) df nfˆ qKwls vjoN ilKxf sLurU kr idwqf.

ivwc Aus ny lfhOr ivKy nYÈnl buwk Èfp dI sQfpnf kIqI sI, ijs nUM 1950 ivwc idwlI ivwc muV qoN sLurU kIqf igaf. nYÈnl pRYs afP ieMzIaf dI sLurUafq vI iesy sfl kIqI geI. Aus dI pihlI pusqk anuvfd dy rUp ivwc ‘mfˆgvy KMB` sMn 1941 ivwc CpI. ies qoN bfad Aus df lyKn sPr aijhf sLurU hoieaf, jo Aus dy jIvn dy aMq 15 jnvrI 2004 qwk nfl iniBaf. Aus dIafˆ pMjfbI, ihMdI aqy aMgryËI ivwc pRkfÈq pusqkfˆ dI igxqI lgpg Aus dy jIvn-sPr ijMnI hI hY, ijs ivwc hfs ivaMg, jIvnIafˆ, ieiqhfs, sPrnfmf, anuvfd, afm vfkPI, sMpfdn aqy bfl-sfihq ijhIafˆ vMngIafˆ Èfml hn.

ipafrf isMG dfqf ny igafnI aqy ieMtrmIzIeyt dI ivwidaf pMjfb XUnIvristI lfhOr qoN (194445) pRfpq kIqI. bIbI sqvMq kOr nfl ivafh hox ipwCoN Aus dy Gr cfr bwicafˆ rfimMdr kOr, rfijMdr isMG, mnjIq kOr aqy prmjIq isMG pusqkfˆ qoN ielfvf ipafrf isMG dfqf ny afpxy ny jnm ilaf. jIvn ivwc do mfisk-pwqr vI sLurU kIqy. pihlf Aus ny kuwl vkqI styjI kvI, lyKk aqy pRkfÈk ‘sPlqf` dy nfˆ hyT aqy dUjf ‘nvfˆ sfihq` dy nfˆ vjoN inrbfh kIqf. pihlfˆ-pihlfˆ Aus ny styjfˆ hyT. Aus dIafˆ ilKqfˆ sbMDI smyˆ-smyˆ iviBMn AuWqy aqy gurpurbfˆ smyˆ gurduafirafˆ ivwc jf ky lyKkfˆ vwloN pusqkfˆ/Koj pusqkfˆ vI pRkfiÈq kivqfvfˆ pVHnIafˆ sLurU kIqIafˆ. Aus smyˆ dy pRiswD hoeIafˆ hn. rsfilafˆ ‘pRIqm` aqy ‘pRIq sYink` ivwc Aus dIafˆ dfqf nUM Aus dIafˆ sfihqk rcnfvfˆ bdly bhuq kivqfvfˆ CpdIafˆ rhIafˆ. sfrIafˆ srkfrI qy gYr-srkfrI sMsQfvfˆ vwloN snmfnq aqy pursikRq kIqf igaf. sMn 1938-39 ivwc Aus df sMprk gurbKÈ isMG pRIqlVI dy mfzl tfAUn lfhOr qoN Cpdy ipafrf isMG dfqf nUM Aus dy smkflIafˆ/ipClyry prcy ‘pRIqlVI` nfl hoieaf. sMn 1940 ivwc lyKkfˆ vwloN vwK-vwK lkbfˆ ijvyˆ hfs ivaMg df Auh pRIqlVI dy pRkfÈn Gr pRIqngr df mYnyjr ÈihËfdf, hfsrsIaf ‘hfs ivaMg df bfdÈfh`, bixaf aqy insbq roz lfhOr bRfˆc KolHI. 18 ‘hfs ivaMg df Èfh svfr` hfs ivaMg df bfbf jnvrI 1948 nUM Auh pwky qOr `qy idwlI af visaf. bohV, hfs ivaMg df pMjvfˆ vyd afid nfl Xfd pRIqngr Èfp dI sQfpnf kIqI. pihlfˆ sMn 1946 kIqf hY.


KULDIP SALL 778•552•1454 kuldIp isMG s`l

Email: YourOwnRealtor@gmail.com








Beautiful home 7 bedrooms, 5 bathrooms, 4079 sqft. home on 7067 sqft lot, in Bear Creek Green Timber area. Heritage French doors & Italian finished entrance & family room ceiling. Close to transit, both levels of schools, hospital & shopping.

Beautiful 3 storey 4 bedrooms, 4 bathrooms townhouse includes granite countertops, laminate flooring, stainless appliances, 2" wide blinds, 9' ceiling, Jacuzzi tub, Close to High Street Mall, bus stop.




2 storey, 4 Bedrooms, 3 full bathrooms, new roof, new carpet, new paint, new sundeck fully renovated, close to High Street Mall, close to Kalgidarh Gurdwara, easy access to Freeway. For more information please call Kuldip Sall Southern Dr, West Abbotsford


* 4 Bedrooms, 3 Baths * Fully Renovated * Basement Suite


Investors Alert! Beautiful 2 bedroom 1 ensuite bathroom, very clean & spacious. Currently rented. Excellent building and perfect location with easy Mt Lehman Rd, highway and airport access. Just steps from the new High Street shopping Mall. Underground parking space.

West Abbotsford


PRICE REDUCED $439,900 5 bedroom, 3 full bath walkout/DAYLIGHT * 5 Bedrooms * 3 Storey suite in West Abbotsford, 2645 * 4 Bathrooms * Close to High Street Mall basement sqft sweet home on 5900 sqft lot, open

5839 sqft lot in Aberdeen, close to park, school and bus stop. Legal suite allowed.

Investors Alert! Still like new featuring 1 bdrm, 1 den can use as bdrm 1 full bath, granite countertops throughout & secured underground parking. Close to High Street Mall & other shopping center. convenient location with easy access to Mt. Lehman & Highway.

floor plan with rec room/theater with walkout separate patio door from the basement. Close to High Street Mall, schools & easy access to freeway.









Punjabi Patrika 

Friday July 18th, 2014

Friday July 18th, 2014

Punjabi Patrika 





Punjabi Patrika 

Friday July 18th, 2014

Friday July 18th, 2014

Punjabi Patrika 




Punjabi Patrika

BC Summer Games Week proclaimed


ommunity, Sport and Cultural Development Minister Coralee Oakes issued the following statement today in recognition of BC Summer Games Week – July 14-20, 2014:

representing Canada were BC Games alumni, including silver medallist Kelsey Serwa (Ski Cross) and gold medallist Josh Dueck (Para-Alpine). These athletes and many others are living proof of the success of Brit“This year’s BC Summer Games are ish Columbia’s sport development being held in Nanaimo and are ex- system. pected to attract up to 3,200 athletes, “The BC Games reach beyond the coaches and officials from throughout scope of athletic competition. They the province. have a direct impact on host com“B.C.’s emerging high performance munities, often leaving a legacy of athletes are a source of pride and in- new or upgraded facilities, trained spiration for all British Columbians, volunteers and a projected economic and for many, the BC Games are a boost of as much as $2.6 million. stepping stone to national and inter“The Government of British Conational events. lumbia is committed to promoting “Carol Huynh, Brent Hayden and sport participation at every level and Donovan Tildesley are just a few for every age, ability, interest and BC Games alumni who continue to demographic. With targeted sport inspire young British Columbians to programming investments of more achieve athletic excellence. than $1 billion since 2001, and over “At the Sochi 2014 Games, 18 of $50 million this year alone, we are the Olympians and Paralympians building a stronger, healthier B.C.”

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bfbU isMG mfn dI Aumr by È w k sw q vy ˆ dhfky dy nyVy puwj geI hY pr Aus aMdrlf gIqkfr hfly vI pUry jobn `qy hY. ‘mfn mrfVHfˆ vflf` nfˆ bwcybuwZy dy iËhn ivwc vwsdf hY. sfl 1964 qoN Auh pMjfbI gIqkfrI dy aMbr `qy Au z frIafˆ lf irhf hY. bjurg-nOjvfn, sB mfn dy gIqfˆ dy ÈYdfeI hn. pU r I iËM d gI ivw c kdy vI Auh iksy gvweIey kol zfierI lY ky nhIN igaf. Auh afpxy gIqfˆ dy mUMh mMgy pYsy lYˆdf hY aqy gfAux vfly hws ky idMdy vI hn. pMjfb aqy iewQoN dy lok jIvn dI qsvIr Aus dy gIqfˆ ivwc sfP vyKI jf skdI hY. Auh iksy vwzy drd nUM vI rumfˆitk gIq ivwc pyÈ kridafˆ kmfl kr jfˆdf hY. boJl qÈbIhfˆ qy Èbdfˆ qoN Aus nUM guryË hY sgoN lokfˆ dI BfÈf ivwc Auh afpxI gwl aCoply ijhy afK jfˆdf hY. aMgryËI jfˆ ihMdI dy Èbd Aus ny afpxI ÈYlI ivc bhuqy nhIN afAux idwqy pr AurdU jfˆ PfrsI dy alPfËfˆ nUM pMjfbI nfl imlf ky Kyzx dI jugq df Auh iKzfrI hY. Aus dI muhfrq ieh vI hY ik Aus ny hrcrn gryvfl, suirMdr kOr, muhMmd sdIk-rxjIq kOr dy Ëmfny ivwc pyˆzU iËMdgI dI qrËmfnI krdy sYˆkVy dogfxy vI ilKy aqy suKivMdr, mihMdr kpUr leI iewk vwKrI ÈYlI dy ÈihrI BfÈf vrgy gIqfˆ nUM vI ihwt kIqf. kdy idlÈfd aKqr dI afvfË ivwc ‘nwcIN sfzy nfl` df iswkf clfieaf aqy hux krIb 14 sflfˆ qoN hrBjn mfn dy kwd nUM brkrfr rwKx ivwc bqOr gIqkfr BUimkf inBfa irhf hY. Aus ny ‘gwl muwkI nf swjx nfl myrI`, ‘sfnUM pRdysIafˆ nUM Xfd krky` vrgy Audfs qy Audryvyˆ Bry imwTy-imwTy gIq vI ilKy. smyˆ df hfxI Auh hmyÈf bx ky cwilaf hY. Aus df pihlf gIq hrcrn gryvfl qy suirMdr kOr dI afvfË ivwc irkfrz hoieaf sI ‘af igaf vxjfrf nI cVHf lY BfbI cUVIafˆ`. ies gIq dy pRvfn hox qoN bfad qivafˆ dy Xuwg ivwc keI vfr aijhf huMdf sI ik sfl ivwc 90 PIsdI gIq mfn dy hI irlIË huMdy sn. afm qOr `qy jdoN koeI gIqkfr ihwt ho jfˆdf hY qfˆ Aus dI ivroDqf vI lfËmI huMdI rhI hY pr bfbU isMG mfn afpxy pMjfh sfl dy sPr ivwc hmyÈf aflocnf qoN bicaf irhf hY. keI vfr Aus ny nfËuk iviÈafˆ nUM vI hwQ pfieaf pr Aus nUM hwd ivwc rih ky smyt ivKfieaf. sfl 1984 qoN Auh bhuqf vkq muMbeI rihMdf hY. XfrIafˆ pfAux dy nfl Aus nUM inBfAux df bVf ÈOk hY. Aus ny iËMdgI ivwc vDyry TMZIafˆ Cfvfˆ df hI luqP ilaf qy kVkdI Duwp nfl Aus df mwQf Gwt hI lwigaf hY. ies


Friday July 18th, 2014


vI bVI aOVdI hY.

krky Aus dy gIqfˆ ivwc Kfs iksm dI sihjqf qy imTfs hY. bqOr iensfn Auh bVf ipafrf qy Bfvuk bMdf hY. Auh dwsdf hY ik Aus ny kdy vI KfxpIx `qy koeI pfbMdI nhIN lfeI. ÈO k In Au h aw q drjy df hY aqy kdy vI iksy ny Aus dI dfVHI ivwc DOlf nhIN vyiKaf hoxf. aYnf hI nhIN mfn nUM gwl

keI lok afKdy hn ik bfbU isMG mfn ny afpxy purfxy gIqfˆ ivwc jrdf, dfrU qy hor niÈafˆ nUM bVHfvf idwqf. ies dy jvfb ivwc Auh afKdf hY ik Aus ny jo vI vyiKaf, Aus nUM afpxI lyKxI ivwc pro idwqf. purfxy simafˆ ivwc aijhy pfqr qy ivÈy imldy sn qy gIqfˆ ivwc vI sn. sfihq Auh bhuq pVHdf hY aqy KLbrfˆ qoN ibnfˆ tYlIivËn kdy nhIN vyKdf. jdoN vI Auh koeI aYlbm irkfrz krdf hY qfˆ Aus dI smuwcI dyK-ryK Kud krdf hY. Aus ny dwisaf ik Auh iewk-awDf gIq iksy nUM dy ky rfËI nhIN ikAuNik Auh pUrI typ afpxy ZMg nfl krn df hfmI hY. iksy vI kYist jfˆ aYlbm leI smwgrI cuxn vyly mfn nUM kdy isr nhIN Kurkxf ipaf qy aksr Auh do GMitaf qNo Gwt smyˆ ivc hI sfrf kMm smyt idMdf hY. Aus ny hfly qwk koeI Èfigrd nhIN bxfieaf. AuNJ gIqkfr lKivMdr mfn AunHfˆ dy sikafˆ ivwcoN hY. sMgIq Kyqr dy gIqkfrfˆ ivwcoN Aus ny kdy vI iksy df pRBfv nhIN kbUilaf. isrP gurdyv isMG mfn qy dIdfr sMDU Aus nUM ËrUr iksy vyly cMgy lwgdy rhy hn. bfbU isMG mfn df kihxf hY ik iksy vI gIqkfr df asl ichrf Aus dI ikqfb pVH ky hI vyiKaf jf skdf hY, nf ik Aus dy gIqfˆ nUM gfiek dI afvfË ivwc sux ky. Auh pMj dhfikafˆ qoN lgfqfr afpxIafˆ kivqfvfˆ qy gIqfˆ dIafˆ ikqfbfˆ Cpvf irhf hY. ihMdI gIq ilKx vwl Aus df ruJfn nhIN bixaf, Bfvyˆ Aus nUM anyk ihMdI iPlmfˆ leI mOky imly. gIqkfrI qoN ielfvf bfbU isMG mfn ny pMjfbI iPlmfˆ ivwc vI hwQ aËmfieaf hY. kdy ‘rfxo` vrgIafˆ XfdgfrI iPlmfˆ bxfAux qoN bfad ipwCy ijhy Aus ny ‘hfxI` iPlm df inrmfx kIqf. ies qoN ielfvf ‘jI afieaf nUM` qoN lY ky hrBjn dIafˆ qmfm iPlmfˆ ivwc Auh afpxI srgrm BUimkf adf krdf irhf hY. ajoky pMjfbI isnymy bfry Aus df kihxf hY ik ieh hux lMmf smfˆ nhIN cwlygf ikAuNik gYr pyÈyvr lok ies nUM vpfr smJ ky GoVf dwbI jf rhy hn. Aus ny dwisaf ik pMjfbI isnymy nUM ishqmMd mnorMjn dy sfDn vjoN sQfpq krn dy Xqn Auh afKrI sfh qwk krdf rhygf.

Punjabi Patrika

Friday July 18th, 2014


Õæé ô¶Ö ÃÅÁçÆ



iewk kutIaf ivwc do PkIrfˆ df vsybf sI. TMZ dy idn sn. iewk PkIr ny sfQI PkIr dI kMblI curf leI aqy Aus nUM vyc ky pYsy Krc kr ley. kMblI df mslf kfËI kol jf puwjf. cor PkIr dI ÈnfKq ho geI. kfËI ny hukm idwqf, “cor PkIr dy dovyˆ hwQ kwt idwqy jfx.`` kMblI dy asl mflk nUM jdoN sfQI PkIr nUM hoeI sËf bfry pqf lwgf qfˆ Auh kfËI nUM arËoeI krn lwgf, “PkIr nUM eyzI sËf nf idE, mYˆ afpxI kMblI Aus nUM bKÈI.`` kfËI ieh sux ky awg-bbUlf ho igaf aqy kihx lwgf, “qyrI isPfrÈ dy bfvjUd mYˆ ÈrHf dy iKlfP cor nUM ikvyˆ muafP kr idafˆ?`` PkIr ny ikhf, “qusIN jo afKdy ho TIk hY pr corI krnf aYnf vwzf jurm nhIN ik bdly ivwc afdmI dy dovyˆ hwQ kwt dyx dI sËf dy idwqI jfvy.`` kfËI ny PkIr dI gwl sux ky dUjy PkIr nUM Cwz qfˆ idwqf pr Aus dI inMdf kridafˆ ikhf, “sfrI dunIafˆ nUM ieh gwl bVI burI lwgI hovygI ik iewk PkIr ny afpxy sfQI PkIr dI cIË corI kr leI.`` PkIr kfËI dI gwl sux kihx lwgf, “mflk! dosqfˆ dy Gr hUMJf Pyrn qy duÈmx df drvfËf KVkfAux qoN sMkoc krnf cfhIdf hY. musIbq vyly swjx-imwqrfˆ dI puÈfk lfh lYxI cfhIdI hY qy duÈmx dI Kwl.``

×°µÃ¶ çÆ íÅòéÅ mnuwK dy suBfa ivwc kfm, kroD, loB, moh aqy hMkfr pMj qrHfˆ dy ivkfr mMny gey hn. Drm ienHfˆ `qy kfbU krn dI gwl krdf hY qfˆ jo mnuwK sulJy ZMg nfl rih sky. jy kudrq mnuwK ivwc ienHfˆ pMjy ivkfrfˆ nUM nf pfAuNdI qfˆ kI mnuwK murdf hI nf ho jfˆdf. kfm dI Bfvnf aglIafˆ pIVHIafˆ nUM jnm dyx ivwc shfeI huMdI hY. kroD mnuwK nUM afpxf ivroD pRgt krn ivwc shfeI huMdf hY. loB lflsf hY pr jy sfvDfnI nfl vficaf jfvy qfˆ ieh AuqÈfh bxdf hY. mnuwK nUM kuJ krn leI Auqyijq hoxf ËrUrI hY. ibnfˆ lflsf dy mnuwK kuJ nhIN kr skdf. moh jwg df mUl hY. jy moh dIafˆ qMdfˆ nf hox qfˆ smfj juV ky nf rih skdf. hMkfr hYsIaq nfl quawlk rwKdf lwgdf hY.

ivkfs leI vrq skdf hY. ivigafn anusfr kroD jfˆ guwsf mnuwK ivwc iewk kudrqI pRqIkrm hY. jdoN asIN iksy hmly, byiewËqI, DoKf jfˆ pRyÈfnI df sfhmxf krdy hfˆ qfˆ guwsf afAuNdf hY. hmly df sfhmxf krn leI ieh shfeI huMdf hY. srIr ivwc aYzrYiln nfˆ df hfrmon huMdf hY ijhVf idl dI DVkn vDfAuNdf hY aqy srIr nUM lVn dI smrwQf idMdf hY pr siQqIafˆ muqfbk ies nUM shI ZMg nfl nijwTxf bVf ËrUrI hY qfˆ jo guwsy dy mfVy nqIijafˆ qoN bicaf jf sky. jy guwsf Ëfhr nhIN huMdf qfˆ vI bVf iBafnk iswD huMdf hY. isafxy kihMdy hn ik guwsf pIxf cMgf nhIN huMdf. jy guwsf pIvogy qfˆ AudfsI, AunINdrf aqy KUn df dbfa vwD Gwt jfˆ koeI hor mfnisk ivkfr pYdf ho jfvygf. guwsy ivwc af ky bwjr glqI krnI rogfˆ nUM mnuwK dy imwqr kih ky mMnx pCqfvy vflI gwl ho skdI hY. ies leI nfl Èfied kfPI qklIP hovygI pr jy guwsy nUM AusfrU ZMg nfl vrqxf bVf ËrUrI iemfndfrI nfl gwl nUM smiJaf jfvy qfˆ hY. iblkul Auvyˆ ijvyˆ dirafvfˆ dy pfxIafˆ Èfied sihmqI bxdI mihsUs hovygI. ienHfˆ nUM zYm bxf ky ibjlI pYdf kIqI jfˆdI hY aqy pMjy ivkfrfˆ ivwc hI mnuwK dI hoNd KVHI hY. pfxI isMjfeI leI vriqaf jfˆdf hY. guwsy ies nfl ieh joVnf inrsMdyh lfhyvMd nUM dbfAux dI bjfie Aus nUM gwlbfq rfhIN hY ik ieh Bfvnfvfˆ jy loVINdI sImf ivwc Èfˆq krn ivwc mdd imlygI aqy srIrk rihMdIafˆ hn qfˆ mnuwK ienHfˆ nUM afpxy qy mfnisk qOr `qy nuksfn nhIN hovygf. PAGE R11


Punjabi Patrika

Friday July 18th, 2014




vfijb kImq aqy qsWlIbKs kMm



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