February 27th, 2015

Page 1

UFV women’s hoopsters net $3,800 in Shoot for the Cure fundraiser See story on Page 7

SCHOOLS AND UNIVERSITIES ACROSS BC STEP UP TO SHUT DOWN BULLYING Students from UFV’s Social Work Student Association joined forces to raise awareness about bullying on Pink Shirt Day.


The Patrika

Friday, February 27th, 2015


Abbotsford’s realtors and bankers met with Jatinder Sidhu regarding their support for the upcoming federal election

ipCly idnI hoeI mIitMg ivWc aYbtsPorz dy rIaltrF aqy bYNk dy numfieMidaF vWloN jiqMdr (jqI) isWDU nUM afAux vflLIaF lok sBf coxF ivwc pUrf sihXog dyx df aYlfn kIqf igaf

Bharathi Sandhu, BBA Financial Advisor

Raymond James Ltd. Suite 200-2881 Garden Street, Abbotsford BC V2T 4X1 604-855-0654 | Bharathi.Sandhu@raymondjames.ca www.olympiabenefits.com/bharathisandhu

Member - Canadian Investor Protection Fund.


Friday, February 27th, 2015

The Patrika 




The Patrika

Friday, February 27th, 2015


kOmFqrI mF-bolI idvs 21 PrvrI hr sfl kOmFqrI mF-bolI idvs pUrI dunIafN ivwc mnfieaf jFdf hY. ieh idn mF-bolI ‘qy afpxy swiBafcfr pRqI aQfh ipafr df sUck hY. ies idn dI mhwqqf ies afDfr Aupr KVHI hoeI hY ik sfnUM afpxI mFbolI pRqI suihrdqf kfiem rwKx leI sQfpqI qy inwjI ihwqF nMU prHy krky mfq-BfsLf pRqI moh qy vPfdfrI pflxI cfhIdI hY. sfzy leI ies idn dI aihmIaq hor vwD jFdI hY jdoN sfzI mF-bolI qy swiBafcfr Aupr lgfqfr hmly ho rhy hox. aijhy smyN mF-bolI dI mhwqqf jfxnI hor vI jLrUrI ho jFdI hY. ies bfry gMBIr crcf krn qoN pihlF kOmFqrI mF-bolI idvs ipwCy pey afDfr nUM smJxf jLrUrI hY. ieh gwl iblkuwl shI hY ik BfsLf bcfAux dI gwl Aus mulk ivwc huMdI hY ijwQy hukmrfnF dI BfsLf qy lokF dI BfsLf vwKo-vwKrIaF hox. swqf ‘qy kfbjL jmfq apxf swiBafcfr qy afpxI BfsLf lokF Aupr Qopx leI lokF dI BfsLf ‘qy iqwKy hmly krdI hY. ieh cfhy bfhrI qOr ‘qy hovy BfvyN aMdrUnI. eyhI Gtnf bMglfdysL ivwc vfprI. bMglf dysL Aupr jdoN swqfDfrI jmfq ny hmlf kIqf qF bMgflIaF ny ies ivrwuD mujLfhrf kIqf. 21 PrvrI 1952 nUM Zfkf ivKy bMgflI lok afpxI mF-bolI dy hwk leI srkfr ivruwD ros pRdrsLn kr rhysn. AunHF nMU pulIs vwloN kfPI DmkIaF idwqIaF geIaF ik Auh ieh pRdrsLn KLqm krn. pr lok afpxI BfsLf leI jfnF vfrn leI vI iqafr sn. pulIs dI AunHF dI ijLwd awgy pysL nf geI qy AunHF ‘qy goLlI clfeI geI. ies ivwc mujLfhrfkfrIaF dI agvfeI krn vfly afgU brkq slfm, rPLIk

qy jbfr afid sLhId ho gey. ienHF sLhIdF dI sLhfdq df idn ieiqhfs ivwc trinMg puafieMt sfbq hoieaf. ies ny mfq-BfsLf nfl ipafr krn dI lokF aMdr icxg pYdf kIqI. ieh idn hr mfq BfsLf leI ipafr krn vfly lokF leI pRyrnfmeI hY. ies idn dI sfriQkqf df asl mMqv smJdy hoey mF-bolI pRqI lokF dy mnF ivwc moh pYdf krn leI do pwKF qoN iDafn dyxf bxdf hY. pihlF ieh hY ik lokF dI gulfm mfniskqf nUM bdilaf jfvy. ies leI lokfN nUM cyqMn krnf pvygf ik jykr asIN afjLfd ijLMdgI ijAUxf cfhuMdy hF qF afjLfd ivcfrF df hoxf jLrUrI hY qF hI asIN afpxy hfv Bfv ibnF iksy rukfvt jF bMidsL qoN dUijaF sfhmxy pysL kr skIey. ieh sB kuJ mfq-BfsLf ivwc hI sMBv ho pfvygf. mfq-BfsLf dI mnuwKI jIvn dy ivkfs ivwc aihm dyx hY. ieh iblkuwl durwsq hY ik BfsLf mnuwK dIaF mhwqvpUrn kfZF ivwcoN iewk hY. ieh lok jIvn df mfiDam hY qy mnuwK df smfjk ivrsf vI. BfsLf nMU mnuwK afpxy smfjk vfqfvrn ivwcoN isKdf hY. BfsLLf sdkf hI asIN mnuwK hF. hr BfsLf dI DunI, Aus dI sMsikRqI, smfj aqy ieiqhfs muqfbk GVI jFdI hY. bwcy dI sLKsLIaq dy srvpwKI ivkfs leI mfq-BfsLf df ivsLysL sQfn hY. ies kOmFqrI idvs dI ieh sfrQkqf hY ik asIN afpxI mF-bolI dy hwk ivwc afvfjL AuTfeIey ieh qF hI sMBv hY jykr aDIngI vflI jLihnIaq nUM cyqMn krn leI sfihqsBfvF, lyKk sBfvF qy mF-bolI dy ipafry hor vI awgy afAux.

pMjfbIE ! mF-bolI dy mfx-snmfn leI AuTo pMjfbI BfsLf pMjfbIaF dI pCfx hY. pMjfbIaF dI ho N d pM j fbI BfsL f krky hY . pM j fb df ieiqhfs keI iksm dy iemiqhfnF ivw c o N lMiGaf hY. bhuq sfry hmlfvr afey AunHF ny sfzy swiBafcfr nUM mDoilaf pr mF bolI nfl ipafr krn vfly lokF ny afpxy ivrsy qy BfsLf nUM bcfeI rwiKaf. qurk, muglF dy afAux nfl ieslfmI swiBafcfr ny afpxy pYr psfry pr pMjfbI swiBafcfr aqy BfsLf afpxI hoNd ‘qy ijAuNdy rhy. ieh gwl qF jLrUr rhI hY ik pMjfbI mF-bolI kdy rfj dI BfsLf nhIN bxI BfvyN ieh lokF dI BfsLf rhI hY. rfj dI BfsLf hukmrfnF dI BfsLf rhI hY. nfQF jogIaF, gurUaF, sUPIaF, ikwsfkfrF afid ny pMjfbI mF bolI dy ivkfs ivwc pUrf Xogdfn pfieaf ijs krky pRmwuK sfihq dI rcnf vI mF-bolI ivwc hoeI. mhfrfjf rxjIq isMG dy drbfr ivwc srkfrI BfsLf PLfrsI sI, BfvyN lokF dI BfsLf pMjfbI rhI. ieh gwl TIk hY ik hmlfvr kOm dy hfkmF dI ieh cfl hMudI hY Auh aDIn lokF nUM mfnisk aqy bOiDk pwDr ‘qy nkfrf kr idWqf. jd Bfrq aMgryjLF dI bsqI bixaf. afpxy ivwq-ihwqF dI pUrqI krdy hoey aMgryjLF ny BfrqIaF ivwcoN aijhy kirMdy pYdf kIqy, ijnHF nUM aMgryjLI BfsLf rfhIN iswiKaf dy ky sImq Bfv klrk dI nOkrI qwk rwKxf sI. ies leI AunHF ny lokF dI jLihnIaq ivwc aDIngI df sMklp pYdf kr idwqf, dUjy pfsy aMgryjLI BfsLf df ivkfs krky sfzI mF-bolI nUM Tys phuMcfeI geI.


sMn 1947 nUM sfzy dysL nUM rsmI qOr ‘qy BfvyN afjL f dI imlI. pr sfzI mfniskqf ivw c aDIngI df sMklp Kqm nhIN hoieaf sgoN pRqwK pRgt ho irhf hY. jdoN Gr ivwc bwcy nUM gYr-rsmI iswiKaf idwqI jFdI hY qF ieh ihMdI jF aMgryjLI BfsLf ivwc hI bwicaF nfl boilaf jFdf hY. ijvyN Auprly vrg qy Auprly mwD vrg ivwc ijLafdfqr bwicaF nfl aMgryjLI bolx df ruJfn hY. hyTly mwD vrg qy ipMzF ivwc rihMdy ijLafdf lok vI afpxy bwicaF nfl ihMdI ivwc gwl krnf vDyry psMd krdy hn. AunHF nMU aijhf krnf qF cMgf lwgdf hY ikAuNik Auh afpxy jIvn pwDr nUM ies qrHF krky AuWcf smJdy hn. Auh afpxI mF-bolI pMjfbI nUM dysI krfr idMdy hn iewQoN sfzI mfniskqf swqf dI aDIngI pRvfn krdI hY. kyNdrI swqf ivwc ihMdI df bolbflf qy sfmrfjI pRBfv krky aMgryjI df bolbflf afm dyKx nUM imldf hY. asIN ieh gwl Bwul cwuky hF ik ijhVIaF kOmF afpxy bwicaF nUM muWZlI iswiKaf afpxI mfq-BfsLf ivwc nhIN idMdIaF Auh rfjsI qOr ‘qy BfvyN afjLfd hox pr bOiDk qy afqimk qOr ‘qy aslI arQF ivwc Auh kdy vI suqMqr nhIN ho skdIaF. asIN dyKdy hF ik PrFs, jfpfn, rUs, jrmnI, ietlI aqy cIn afid dysLF dIaF ikMnIaF AudfhrnF sfzy sfhmxy hn ijnHF ivwc mwuZlI iswiKaf hI nhIN sgoN hr qrHF dI AucyrI isWiKaf vI mfq- BfsLf ivWc idWqI jFdI hY. so, pMjfbIE afpxI mF- bolI dy mfx snmfn leI AuWTo!

The Patrika

Friday, February 27th, 2015



The International Mother Language Day

Translated by: Dr H S Aulakh CTTIC/STIBC-Certified Translator

21st February is observed every year as the International Mother Language Day all over the world. This day symbolizes one’s infinite love for one’s mother language and culture. The significance of this day is based on the fact that in order to maintain cordiality for our mother language, we ought to nurture our love and fidelity toward it by deflecting from our establishment and personal interests. This day becomes more important for us when our mother language and culture are being continuously attacked. At such a time, it becomes even more imperative to know the importance of the mother language. Before going more seriously into this topic, it is necessary to understand the basis of the International Mother Language Day.

It is absolutely correct to state that talking about saving the mother language begins in a country where the rulers and the ruled have different languages. The ruling class launches relentless attacks on people in order to impose its culture and language upon them. It could be either overt or covert. Just a similar thing happened in Bangladesh. When the ruling class attacked the Bangladesh, the Bangalis demonstrated their opposition. On 21st February, 1952, in favour of their mother language, the Bengalis were demonstrating their protest against the government. The police threatened them with dire consequences if they did not end their demonstration. But the people were ready even to lay down their lives for their language. The police was, therefore, helpless vis-a-vis their adamance, and so they were fired at. As such, the demonstrators’ leaders, Barkat Salam, Rafique, and Jabbar got killed. The martyrdom day of these martyrs proved a turning point in history. It generated,

among the people, a spark of love for the mother language. This day is inspirational to every mother language lover. Understanding the real objective of the significance of this day, attention needs to be paid to two aspects in order to create popular fondness of the mother language. First, people’s slave mentality be changed. For this, people will have to be made aware that if we want to lead a free life, we must be given to free thinking. Only then can we express ourselves to others without any impediment or constraint. But all this will be possible in the mother language only. The mother language has made a significant contribution to the development of human life. There is no denying the fact that language is one of man’s important inventions. To people, it is the medium of life, and man’s social heritage, too. Man learns the language from his environment. Because of the language alone, we are humans. Melody or rhythm of every language, and its culture are shaped according the society and history. Mother language occupies a special spot in the all-round development of a child’s personality. The significance of the International Mother Language Day is that we ought to raise our voice in favour of the mother language. This is possible only if literature councils, writers’ councils, and mother language lovers, too, move forward in this direction. Finally, let us all firmly and solemnly resolve to observe 21st February every year as the International Mother Language Day so as to promote unity in linguistic and cultural diversity in the multi-cultural society that Canada is!




The Patrika 

Friday, February 27th, 2015

The Patrika

Friday, February 27th, 2015 cont’d from front cover There are many statistics with which measure the impact of the University of the Fraser Valley women’s basketball team this season, but one stat they’re particularly proud of is the final fundraising total from their recent Shoot for the Cure event. The Cascades hosted a dinner and silent auction at Finnegan’s Pub & Grill on Thursday, Jan. 22, and the following evening’s home game vs. UBC Okanagan was designated their Shoot for the Cure night where they sold pink T-shirts and


 wristbands and solicited direct donations from fans. Feather Bryce, a local breast cancer survivor, gave powerful speeches at the dinner and at halftime of the women’s basketball game the next day, sharing her experiences battling the disease. It was all in support of the B.C./Yukon chapter of the Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation, and the Cascades’ charitable efforts generated over $3,800 for breast cancer research. Hailey Kendall, a secondyear UFV guard who co-

ordinated the fundraiser this year, was pleased with the end result. She said it was encouraging that even though the Friday, Jan. 23 game was the designated Shoot for the Cure night, fans continued to donate at Saturday’s game as well. “I was kind of shocked by that – that people were still donating and raising awareness,” Kendall enthused. “It was a really fun atmosphere, and people were getting the message that we were trying to get across. “I thought it went really well. A lot of people came out and had a good time.”

The Shoot for the Cure campaign was launched in 2007 by the CIS Women’s Basketball Coaches Association and has proven an overwhelming success, bringing in over $760,000 in donations in its first seven

years (not including the current 2014-15 season). This season, for the fourth year in a row, all 47 CIS women’s basketball schools are participating. The Cascades women’s basketball

team begins its playoff run this weekend, taking on the Regina Cougars in a bestof-three first-round series. Games are scheduled for Friday (6 p.m.), Saturday (6 p.m.) and Sunday (2 p.m., if necessary).


The Patrika


Friday, February 27th, 2015


quhfzy svflF dy jvfb jdoN koeI ivakqI AubfsI lYNdf hY qF Aus nUM dyKky hI dUsry nUM AubfsI ikAuN af jFdI hY? ieh mfnisk pRBfv krky huMdf hY. idmfg nUM AubfsI lYx df cyqf af jFdf hY. sfnUM sOx qoN pihlF AubfsIaF ikAuN afAuNdIaF hn qy nfl hI awKF ivwcoN pfxI ikAuN afAux lwg jFdf hY, ies df kI kfrn hY? mnuwK nUM AubfsI afAuxf afksIjn dI Gft df sUck hY. ies rfhIN mnuwK afpxIafN afksIjn loVF dI pUrqI krdf hY. AubfsI lYx smyN cVHI nINd kfrn awKF bMd huMdIaF hn, ies qrHF keI ivakqIaF dIaF awKF ‘coN pfxI vI inkl afAuNdf hY. sfzI swjI aqy KwbI awK ikAuN PrkdI hY. ijLafdfqr aOrqF df ivcfr huMdf hY ik swjI awK PrkxI mfVI qy jd ik KwbI awK PrkxI cMgI smJI jFdI hY ies ipwCy kI ivigafnk kfrn hY? sfzIaF awKF dy vwD Prkx df kfrn awK ivc jF idmfg ivwc koeI mfmUlI


nuks ho skdf hY, keI vfr awK afpxy ivwc peI hoeI iksy CotI-motI rukfvt nUM dUr krn leI aijhf krdI hY aqy keI vfrI awK qy idmfg dy qfl-myl ivc koeI rukfvt KVHI ho jfdI hY. kI lUx vflI cfh pIx nfl gly dI ienPYksLn TIk ho jFdI hY? gly dI ienPYksLn df kfrn vfiers huMdf hY. lUx vflI cfh pIx nfl QoVHy smyN leI vfiers Gwt ho jFdy hn aqy glf sfPL ho jFdf hY. BuwK mfrn vflI koeI dvfeI hY ijs nfl Bwu K nf lwgy. jy hY qF iesdf nfm kI hY? kI koeI ieMjx bgYr qyl qoN lMby smyN leI cwl skdf hY? sfzf jvfb hY nhIN. iesy qrHF mnwuKI srIr vI iewk ieMjx hY. ies ivwc jmHf hoeI crbI nfl kuJ smF kMm qF cwl skdf hY pr sdIvI nhIN. ies leI BwuK mfrnf glq hY. AuNJ imhdy nUM jfm krn vflIaF bhuq sfrIaF dvfeIaf jo nuksfndfiek hn bfjLfr ivwc AuplwbD hn.

iCwk afAuNdy smyN awKF KuwlIaF ikAu nhIN rihMdIaF? iCWk afAx df kfrn nwk ivwc jF gly ivwc pYdf hoeI iksy rukfvt nUM hvf dI qyjL gqI nfl dUr krnf huMdf hY. ies leI mnwuK ny ijs sQfn qoN hvf jLor nfl lMGfAuxI huMdI hY, nUM Cwz ky bfkI hvf bfhr inklx dy sQfnF nUM bMd krnf pYNdf hY. sfzy dMdF aqy jfVHF ivwc toey (Kwzy) ikAuN pY jFdy hn? sfzy dMdF ivwc bYktIrIaf pYdf ho jFdf hY jo lgfqfr sfzy dMdF nUM KFdf rihMdf hY ies kfrn dMdF ivwc KwzF pY jFdIaF hn. keI vfr sfzy srIr df koeI aMg jF ihwsf Prkx (kMbx) ikAUN lwg pYNdf hY? srIr dy ihwsy dy Prkx df kfrn idmfgI huMdf hY ikAuNik sfzy sfry aMgF df kMtrol idmfg hI krdf hY ies leI idmfgI pRbMD ivwc asQfeI mfmUlI gVbV aMgF nUM PVkx lf idMdI hY.

DnuKvf df tIkf lgvfieaf nhIN qF imMtF ivwc jYh-jFdI ho jU. ieh DnuwKvfh kI hY? afdmI dI swt df afkfsL dI ibjlI nfl kI sMbMD hY? DnwuKvfh iek ibmfrI hY ijhVI iewk vfiers nfl PYldI hY. ies ivwc srIr DnuC vFg afkV jFdf hY aqy bMdy dI mOq ho jFdI hY. srIrk jLKLmF ivwc ieh vfiers ijLafdf hmlf krdf hY. DnuwKvfh df tIkf DnuwKvfh dI ibmfrI hox qoN rokdf hY. ies ibmfrI df ibjlI cmkx nfl koeI sMbMD nhIN huMdf. myrf rfq nUM swuqy pey df ipsLfb inkl jFdf hY aqy mYnUM pqf iblkul nhIN lwgdf? sfzf mn srIr df nF sOx vflf aMg hY, jdoN sfzf msfnf ipsLfb nfl Br jFdf hY qF mn ies nUM KflI krn df hukm idMdf hY. bhuqIaF hflqF ‘c qF ivakqI bfQrUm ivwc jf ky msfny nUM KflI krn df Xqn krdy hn. pr quhfzI siQqI ivwc ieh kMm qusIN ibsqry ‘qy hI kr idMdy ho. so, Xqn kro ik rfq nUM sOx qoN

pihlF Gwt qoN Gwt pfxI pIqf jfvy. mn ivwc vfr-vfr qih kr lvo ik jdoN vI myrf msfnf Br jfvygf, mYN bfQrUm ivwc jf ky ipsLfb krFgf, ies qrHF qusI idRV iewCf sLkqI nfl ies smwisaf ‘qy kfbU pf skdy ho. keI afdmIaF jF aOrqF dy PulvihrI ho jFdI hY, iesdf kfrn qusIN kI smJdy ho? afdmIaF jF iesqrIaf nUM PulvihrI hox df kfrn ienHF dIaF gMRQIaF vloN cmVI dy iewk ipgfimMt mYlfinn dI pYdfiesL Gtf dyxI jF bMd kr dyxf huMdf hY. ijs dI kmI nfl PulvihrI nF dI bImfrI ho jFdI hY. srIr nUM grmIaF ‘c jy grmI lwg jfvy qF vI srIr df qfpmfn vDdf hY . jy k r srdI ivw c TM Z kfrn nmonIaf ho jfvy qF vI srIr df qfp vDdf ikAuN hY. Gtdf ikAuN nhIN. srdIaF ivwc qy hr iksm dy buKfr ivwc TMZ ikAuN lwgdI hY? asl ivwc buKfr srIr dy rwiKaf pRbMD dy vwD ikirafsLILl hox df hI nF hY.

Friday, February 27th, 2015

aMgryjLI aMqrfsLtrI BfsLf hY aqy y mulk dI kyNdr srkfr dI dPLqrI BfsLf vI. ies df bhuq mhwqv hY. ies nUM pVHn qoN ibnF sfzI sKLsLIaq ivwc cmk nhIN af skdI. iPr vI ies nUM mfqBfsL f df sQfn nhIN idw q f jf skdf pr sfzy bhuqy pMjfbI lok ies nUM mfq-BfsLf qoN vwD qrjIh idMdy hn. Auh bVy ctKfry lY ky ieh BfsLf boldy hn aqy bolx vyly aMgryjLI vFg hI mUMh qy moZy ihlfAuNdy hn. iehI lok jdoN kdy afpxy GWt pVHy-ilKy pMjfbIaF nfl pMjfbI ivwc gwlbfq krdy hn qF ienHF dI pMjfbI EprIEprI, bihkI-bihkI, KusLk aqy KurdrI jfpdI hY. Auh aMgryjLI jF ihMdI numf pMjfbI boldy hn. ieh lok afpxI mF bolI vI shI aMdfjL aq lYa ivwc nhIN bol skdy . afpxI hI bo l I bo l x lwigafN ienHF nUM sfh cVH jFdf hY. awDy qoN vwD aMgryjLI, ihMdI jF AurdU dy lPLjL bol ky Auh afpxI mF bolI ivwc gwlbfq krn jogy hu M d y hn. aijhI hflq sfzI sLihrI mwD aqy AuWc sRLyxI dI hY.

The Patrika



ivwidaf qy mfq-BfsLf

ienHF lokF ny afpxI hI mF-bolI nUM KL q f krn ‘qy Au n H F nU M skU l o N mqryey pwuqrF vFg mno ivsfiraf kwZx dI icqfvnI vI idwqI jFdI hY. sfzy pMjfbI ies icqfvnI nUM hoieaf hY. kbUl krky jurmfny dI nObq hI pMjfb skUl iswiKaf borz nfl nhIN afAux idMdy. asIN afpxy sM b M i Dq skU l F nU M pihlI qo N bwicaF dy aKOqI krIar KLfqr lfjL L m I pM j fbI pVfAu x I pY N d I koeI smJOqf nhIN krnf cfhuMdy qy hY. ienHF skUlF ivwc ijLafdfqr nf hI ies sMbMDI koeI KLqrf mwul inmn mwD sLRyxI aqy grIbF dy hI lYxf cfhuMdy hF. bwcy pVHdy hn. Auprly vrgF dy lok pMjfbI qoN bcx leI afpxy sUbf srkfr ny BfvyN pMjfbI sUbf bwicaF nUM idwlI borz dI mfnqf bxn mgroN hI pMjfbI nUM rfj BfsLf vfly skUlF ivwc pVfAuNdy hn. aYlfinaf hoieaf hY pr sfzI ienHF skUlF ivwc pVHf ky Auh aPsrsLfhI qy nyqf pMjfbI pVHnf afpxy afp nUM surKrU mihsUs PjLUl smJdy hn. ies leI Auh krdy hn. sfzy awDy pMjfbI qF ies nUM rfj BfsLf mMnx qoN iewk afpxI mF bo l I nfl jmFdrU qrHf ienkfrI hn. bhuqy gLYrhI rwusy hoey hn. Auh pMjfbI nUM iswK pMjfbI ies nUM dUjI BfsLf anpVH-gvfrF dI bolI kih ky vjoN pVHnf hI kfPLI smJdy hn. nkfr idMdy hn. Auh nhIN cfhuMdy pMjfbI mF-bolI dI qrfsdI hY ik ik AunHF dy hoxhfr bwcy pMjfbI bol ies nUM ies dy dulfiraF ny DrmF ky afpxy afp nUM CuitafAux. Auh hvfly kr idwqf hY. pMjfbI ihMdU qy idloN cfhuMdy hn ik AunHF dy bwcy muslmfn ies nUM iqlFjlI dy ky ihMdI jF aMgryjLI ies qrHF bolx ihMdI qy AurdU nUM apxf cwuky hn ijvyN Auh AunHfN dIaF mF bolIaF pr ijnHF dI afqmf hfly ijLMdf hY, ho x . ijhVy ividafrQI idw l I Auh Drm nUM pfsy krky mF-bolI nUM borz vfly skUlF ivwc pMjfbI gly lf rhy hn. pUrbI qy pwCmI boldy PVy jfx, AunHF nUM jurmfnf pMjfb dovF ivwc awjkwlH mF-bolI kIqf jFdf hY qy bhuqI vfr ieh


dI inwGI god ivwc bYTx dI Bfvnf Aujfgr ho rhI hY.

jFdf hY . Au h ivw i dak sPL r dIaF zUMGfeIaF aqy AucfeIaF qoN mrhUm ho jFdy hn. Auh nf hMsF qy dunIaF Br dy iswiKaf sLfsqrI nf hI kfgF ivwc sLumfr huMdy hn. qy ivdvfn BlIBFq jfxdy hn ik mfq-BfsL f df ko e I bdl AunHF df afqimk ivkfs aDUrf, nhIN. ies dI mhfnqf nUM koeI kwcf qy ipliplf rih jFdf hY. swiBak kOm njLraMdfjL nhIN sKLsLIaq ivcly jmFdrU nuks nUM krdI. dunIaf Br dy ivksq dUr krnf lgpg asMBv huMdf hY. rfsLtr afpxy bwicaF nUM sdIaF sfzy pMjfbI lok AunI dyr ivkfs qoN mfq-BfsLf rfhIN ivwidaf pRdfn qy Ku s L h flI dIaF mM i jL lF sr kr rhy hn. jy ivwidaf df afDfr nhIN kr skdy, ijMnI dyr AunHF mfq-BfsLf hovy qF AucyrI ivwidaf dI muZlI pVHfeI mF-bolI nhIN gRihx krnI afsfn ho jFdI hY. hovygI. mfq BfsLf sfzy ivwidaf dy pwCmI mulkF ny iesy krky hI sPr nUM suKflf qy surIlf bxfAux ivigafn qy qknflojI dy KyqrF ivwc shfeI huMdI hY. ivsLv ivwc ivwc byp nfh ivkfs kIqf hY . lgpg qyrF kroV pMjfbI vsdy ienHF hI rfsLtrF dy ivigafnIaF hn. jy k r Au h sfry mF-bo l I qy ivdvfnF ny nobyl purskfr nUM gly lf lYx qF dunIaf ivwc pRfpq krky afpxy mulkF df mfx pMjfbIaF dI bwly-bwly hoo jfvygI. vDfieaf hY. afE, ieh sbk vI afpF pwCmI ijhVy bdiksmq lok, mfq BfsLf mulkF koloN iswKIey. jy jIvn dy nU M ipw T dy ky dU j IaF pR c w l q bfkI KyqrF ivc asIN AunHF dI ivdy s L I BfsL f vF rfhIN ivw i daf awKF mIt ky rIs krn ivwc PLKr gRihx krdy hn, Auuh asl ivwc mihsUs krdy hF qF sfnUM vI ieh koeI Tos qy sLlfGfXog pRfpqI gur gRihx krnf cfhIdf hY ik nhI kr skdy. AunHF df mfnisk mF-bolI sfzI ivwidaf df lfjLmI qy bOiDk ivkfs aDUrf hI rih aDfr hoxI cfhIdI hY.




The Patrika 

Friday, February 27th, 2015

Friday, February 27th, 2015

The Patrika 



The Patrika


Friday, February 27th, 2015


imsLn-mqsLkueI PryjLr kYnIEn PYzirl rfeIizMg

ilvjoq isMG gryvfl knjLrvyitv AumIdvfrI vfsqy mYdfn ‘c imsLn-mqskueI PryjLr kYnIEn PYzirl rfeIizMg dI nOmInysLn dI BfvyN ajy pwkI qfrIK df pqf nhIN hY iPr vI knjL r vy i tv pfrtI dI AumIdvfrI dI cox leI keI AumIdvfrF ny muihMm sLurU kr idwqI hY. AumIdvfr pfrtI leI mYNbrisLp vI BrqI kr rhy hn aqy afpo afpxI hmfieq leI vI knvYisMg kr rhy hn. AuqsLfhI nOjvfn ilvjoq isMG gryvfl vI josL KrosL nfl mYdfn ivwc kwud ipaf hY. ilvjoq isMG , gurmMq gryvfl aqy nInf gryvfl df hoxhfr spuwqr hY. gurmMq gryvfl iqM n vfr kY n y z f dI pfrlImY N t df mYNbr rih cuwkf hY aq AusdI supqnI vrqmfn pfrlImYNt ivc knjLrvyitv pfrtI dI pfrlImYNt mYNbr hY. BfvyN ilvjoq isMG gryvfl nUM isafsq ivrfsq ivc hI imlI hY iPr vI ilvjoq isMG apxI Xogqf aqy hfsl ivwidaf dy afDfr ‘qy rfjnIqk Kyqr ivwc sLfml hox df hwkdfr hY ikAuNik Ausny arQ ivigafn aqy rfjnIqk ivigafn Bfv ieknfimks aqy pulItIkl


ivisL a F ivc gR y j U e y s L n hfsl kIqI hY aqy kIqI vI sMsfr Br ivwc pRiswD lMzn skUl afPL ieknfimks qoN 2012 ivwc. aYm[aYs[sI pbilk mY n y j mY N t , ieknfimks aYNz gvrnYs Kyqr ‘c ies skUl ivc kOmFqrI ividafrQI dfKlf lYNdy hn. qkVf kMpItIsLn hY dfKly vfsqy. eyQy ieh dwsxf vI bxdf hY ik ies skUl dy 16 ividafrQIaF ny nobl prfeIjL pRfpq kIqf hY aqy sMsfr Br dy 44 mhfn nyqf dysLF dy pRDfn jF pRDfn mMqrI rhy hn ijnHF ivwc amrIkf dy pRDfn rhy john afPL kYnyzI, Bfrq dy sMivDfn dy inrmfqf zf: aMbydkr , kYnyzf dy pIar ielIaft trUzo sLfml hn. ilvjoq isMG ny 2002 ivwc kYnyzf dy pRDfn mMqrI hfrpr dy dPLqr ivwc bqOr kimAunIkysLn strYtjr dy kMm kIqf. nvMbr 1985 ivc ilvjoq isMG df jnm pwCmI

2012 ivc lMzn skUl afPL ieknfimks df pRfeIs vftr hfAUs kUpr (pI[ zbilXU[ sI[) Prm nfl pRojYkt kIqf. PrvrI 2014 ivwc Ausny aYbts istI nfl kMm kIqf.

aPrIkf dy dysL lfiebyrIaf ivwc hoieaf jdoN Auh Cy sfl df sI qfN mfipaF nfl 1991 ivc kYnyzf dy bI[ sI[ rfj dy pMjfbIaF dI sMGxI vsoN vfly AuGy sLihr srI ivKy af igaf. pRfiemrI ivwidaf Ausny kUgr krIk srI ivKy pRfpq kIqI qy gRyjUeysLn 2003 ivwc ipRMs mfrgryt sYkMzrI skUl srI qoN hfsl kIqI. bYculr afPL afrts (bI[ey) pulItIkl sfieMs klfs vn afnrjL sfeImn PryjLr XUnIvristI qoN pfs kIqI.

ilvjoq isMG gryvfl 1995 qoN hI jdoN Auh ajy tIneyjLr hI sI, rfjnIqI ivwc ruicq ho igaf. Ausny hux qwk Cy PYzirl coxF dOrfn kMm kIqf. 2003 ivwc ilvjoq gryvfl ny kMnjLrvyitv pfrtI dI lIzrisLp cox dOrfn hfrpr vfsqy kMm kIqf. 2004 ivc pRYsinMg mYinMg dI lIzrisLp cox ivwc Bfg ilaf. iesdf Bfv hY ik Auh afpxy jIvn dy sLurUafqI dOr qoN hI knjLrvyitv pfrtI nfl juiVaf hoieaf hY aqy pfrtI leI AusdIaF srgrmIaF hor iksy nfloN vI ipwCy nhIN hn.

ieMtrnYsLnl puulItIkl iekfnmI (rfjnIqk afriQkqf ) klfs ivwc tOp stYNz kIqf.

ilvjoq gryvfl dUraMdysLI soc df suafmI hY. Auh bI[sI dI afriQkqf leI aYbtsPorz nUM gyt vya afPL

aYbtsPorz df ruqbf pRdfn krdf hY. aYbtsPorz jo ik Bfrq qoN bfhr dunIaF Br dy vwzy-vwzy sLihrF ivwc pMjfbIaF dI vsoN dy pRqIsLq anupfq anusfr pMjvNy sQfn ‘qy hY. BfvyN gurmMq gryvfl ny vI afpxI Xogqf nfl kYnyzf pfrlImYNt ivwc pfey Xogdfn df iswkf mMnvfieaf hoieaf hY. iPr vI afs kIqI jFdI hY ik ieh nOjvfn ijsny rfjnIqk afriQkqf dy ivsLy ‘qy vzmwulI jfxkfrI aqy igafn hfsl kIqf hY. ies qoN afs kIqI jf skdI hY ik BivwK ivwc ieh AuqsLfhI nOjvfn kuJ kr ivKfeygf. ‘hoxhfr ivrvf ky ickny ickny pfq’ dI khfvq anusfr afiKaf jf skdf hY ik BfvyN hux gurmMq gryvfl df spuwqr hox krky AusdI pihcfx hY pr BivwK ivc ieh vI sMBfvnf hY ik gurmMq dI pihcfx aqy pRvfngI df pRqIk ilvjoq gryvfl hovy! lok ieMJ ikhf krn gurmMq gryvfl ilvjoq gryvfl dy ipqf jI hn.

The Patrika

Friday, February 27th, 2015


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srpMcI qoN muwK mMqrI qwk skUl qoN aqy bI[ ey[ srkfrI kflj lfhOr qoN pfs kIqI. iPr kfnUMn dI izgrI ivwc dfKlf lY ilaf, pr ipqf dI mOq qoN bfad pVHfeI awD ivckfr hI CwzxI peI qy KyqIbfVI df kMm krn lwg pey. dovyN Brf PLOj ivwc hox krky jLmIn dI sFB sMBfl vflf hor koeI nhIN sI. byaMq isMG kflj dI Putbfl dI tIm dy mYNbr vI sn. AunHF df ivafh 7 aprYl 1941 nUM luiDafxf ijLlHy dy svwdI ipMz dI bIbI jsvMq kOr nfl hoieaf. sfl 1947 ivwc dysL dI vMz smyN AunHF df pirvfr ipqf dy PLOj ivwc nOkrI krn krky imMtgumrI ijLlHy dy AukfVf nyVy cwk 43 aYl[ ivwc rih irhf sI. jdoN Auh kfPly dy nfl pfiksqfn qoN Bfrq af rhy sn qF kuJ sLrfrqI lokF ny kfPLly ‘qy hmlf kr idwqf. AudoN AunHF dI Aumr 23 sfl sI. afp ny kfPLly dI rwiKaf leI bMdUk cwuk ky llkfiraf aqy hmlfvrF nUM mjbUrI vws Bwjxf ipaf. pMjfb dy mrhUm muwK mMqrI byaMq isMG bfry AunHF dy rfjsI muKLfilPL BfvyN kuJ vI kihx, pr ieh iek hkIkq hY ik aiqvfd dy kfly idnF bfad sUby ivwc amn-cYn dI vfpsI iewk pRsLfsLk qy rfjsI nyqf vjoN byaMq isMG dI dlyrI dI dyx sI. ipMz dy srpMc qoN pMjfb dy mwuK mMqrI dy ahudy qwk phuMcx vfly srdfr byaMq isMG df jnm 19 PrvrI 1924 nUM kYptn hjLUrf isMG qy mfqf sfihb kOr dy Gr luiDafxf ijLlHy dy ipMz iblfspur ivKy hoieaf. AunHF dy ipqf PLOj ivwc AuWc aPsr sn. AunHF dy dovyN Brf bcn isMG aqy Bjn isMG vI PLOj ivwc syvf inBf rhy sn. AunHF dIaF iqMn BYxF bIbI Bjn kOr, bcn kOr aqy rfijMdr kOr, AunHF idnF ivwc pVHIaF ilKIaF sn. byaMq isMG ny afpxI muwZlI pVHfeI ipMz dy

koisLsLF nfl Auh kFgrs pfrtI ivwc sLfml ho gey aqy sfl 1977 qoN 80 qk ijLlHf kFgrs kmytI idhfqI luiDafxf dy mIq pRDfn rhy. pMjfb ivDfn sBf ivc ivroDI iDr kFgrs pfrtI dy jnrl skwqr bxy. Aus smyN blrfm jfKV ivroDI iDr dy lIzr sn. 1980 ivwc AunHF nUM pMjfb pRdysL kFgrs df jnrl skwqr bxfieaf igaf. drbfrf isMG dI vjLfrq smyN 1980 ivc Auh mfl, muVvsybf aqy lok inrmfx mMqrI rhy. mfrc 1986 ivc afp nUM pMjfb pRdysL kFgrs df pRDfn bxfieaf igaf aqy 9 sfl ies dy pRDfn rhy. afp 1969, 72, 77 aqy 80 ivwc pfiel hlky qoN ivDfnkfr rhy. PrvrI 1992 ivwc Auh jlMDr CfAuxI hlky qoN cuxy gey qy pMjfb dy mwuK mMqrI bxy. muwK mMqrI

Aujfgr isMG huMidaF afp nUM pMjfb ivwc sLFqI sQfpq krn aqy pMjfb nUM muV ivkfs dIaF lIhF ‘qy ilafAux df vI ishrf jFdf hY. kFgrs pfrtI dIaF syvfvF nUM mwuK rwKidaF afp nUM kul ihMd kFgrs kmytI dI vrikMg kmytI aqy anusLfsnI kmytI df mYNbr bxfieaf igaf. muwK mMqrI huMidaf AunHF grIbF, dwby kucly, pCVIaf sLRyxIaF, anusUicq jfqIaF aqy iksfnF dy ihwqF ‘qy pihrf idwqf. AunHF isafsq nUM Zfl nhIN bxfieaf sgoN sfrIaF pfrtIaF df sihXog lY ky sdBfvnf df mfhOl pYdf kIqf. sfrIaF pfrtIaF dy dwuK suwK aqy hr smfgm ivwc jFdy rhy. AunHf nUM 31 agsq 1995 nUM pMjfb isvl skwqryq dy sfhmxy mnwuKI bMb rfhIN sdf dI nINd suaf idwqf igaf sI.

vMz qoN bfad ipMz af ky AunHF ny KyqIbfVI krn dy nfl hI smfj dI syvf df kfrj sLurU kr idwqf. AunHF nUM 1950 ivwc srbsMmqI nfl iblfspur df srpMc cux ilaf igaf. Aus smyN afp akflI dl nfl sbMDq sn. 1960 ivwc AunHF nUM blfk sMmqI dorfhf df cyarmYn cux ilaf igaf aqy 1963 ivwc AunHF sYNtrl koafpRyitv bYNk luiDafxf dy zfierYktr cuxy gey. AunHF ijLLlHf pRIsLd pitaflf dy mYNbr vI rhy. Aus smyN pfiel qihsIl pitaflf ijLlHy ivwc huMdI sI. jdoN 1969 ivwc AunHF nUM akflI dl ny itkt nf idwqI qF Auh bqOr afjLfd AumIdvfr cox lVy aqy kFgrs pfrtI dI hmfieq nfl igafn isMG rfVyvflf nUM hrf ky pMjfb ivDfn sBf dy pihlI vfr pfiel hlky qoN mYNbr bxy. sMq hjLfrf isMG dIaF

Exceptional Quality Blueberry Nursery Stock

BLUEBERRY PLANTS Sidhu Growers is British Columbia's leading quality blueberry nursery. At Sidhu Growers, we grow healthy, disease free, virus indexed and true-toname Blueberry plants. We specialize in growing blueberry plants and have 20 plus years of experience in the blueberry business.

  virus indexing Â? Â? Â? Â? Â? Â? Â? Â? Â? Â?  ­ Â? € Â? Â? Â? Â? Â? Â? Â? Â?

We are the only authorized nursery in Canada to sell Reka, a northern blueberry variety and have documentation from where the variety originated from, which is New Zealand, and have proof of it. Make sure when purchasing Reka you ask to see the signed authorization from New Zealand. Being the only authorized nursery to sell Reka we can provide you with this.

� ‚ �‚ � � � ƒ � ƒ � „ � � … … � � ‚ „ ‚� † € ƒ � ƒ … † � � � ‚ � „ „ � � �† ‚ … … � „ „ � … � � �

When purchasing blueberry plants, buy from a reputable blueberry nursery that specializes in growing blueberry plants. Ask to see virus testing documentation. Make sure plants are produced from cuttings. Plants produced from tissue culture or cuttings taken from tissue culture plants tend to be difficult to machine harvest and require more pruning.

€ � � � � † „� „ � � � � � „ � � † … † �† … ‡ „ ˆ � � � � � …� � � � � � � � � ‰ Š† � � ‹� � � � ‰

We are committed to provide you with only the best blueberry plants available and guarantee it.

�€ � � � � �„ … � � … � �

We offer: • Expert Consulting • Competitive Pricing • Exceptional Quality Stock • A Wide Selection of Varieties • Complete Customer Satisfaction

Â? ÂŒ Â? ‰ Â? Â? † € Â? € „ Â… ÂŒ ÂŽ ‘­Â’ “”• –——”

• •  • • � •

For Further Information or to Place an Order Please Call:

Kam or Harry: (604) 853-1775

32787 Townshipline, Abbotsford, B.C. PAGE 13


The Patrika

Friday, February 27th, 2015




re you a senior and looking to make new friends? With Abbotsford having a large diverse, senior population sometimes people may find it hard to find new activities. Abbotsford Community Services offers many programs that help seniors connect with each other and much more. At ACS Seniors Program & Services, they have 11 different programs that assist people in daily living. Two of the most popular programs are: Lunch with the Bunch and Meals on Wheels. AnneMarie Sjoden has been volunteering with both programs for the past year and has found this to be a rewarding experience. With the Lunch with the Bunch, Sjoden heads to the ACS for 8am to prepare soup and dessert for seniors, who start arriving at 10am and onward. The average amount of guests that attend are about 40 and there is still plenty of room for more. The gathering is concluded around 1pm, leaving people with many smiles and much to talk about. The Meals on Wheels program, Sjoden would coordinate arranging the meals with her team that are needed to be delivered in Abbotsford area, which takes a few hours each day. She also adjusts meals for dietary needs on requests. In total, the program would deliver about 40 meals to door steps each day. Charles & Eda Christian have been coming to LWTB, since March of 1996, after they saw an advertisement in the local newspaper. They have only missed one Monday, since they started coming. Charles said: “We value the love and the friendship that has grown over the years. Bingo and music is what we both enjoy the most. With me being blind there have been so many people there to help me with, whatever, my needs are. We have felt right at home all these years. When we first moved to this community, we didn’t know very many people and where we could go to make new friends, until we read the advertisement. “ Dorothy Matherson, who will be celebrating her second year in the summer with LWTB said: I’m really


thankful, and I really enjoy being with the group. The best thing is getting a ride to and from ACS. If it wasn’t for that convenience and kindness I would be able to be here.” Nancy Deba, who is the Seniors Meal Coordinator said: “Lunch with the bunch is about 20 years old and a program that is designed for people that want to make new friends. Our volunteers help drive those that need a ride for a $1.50 on Mondays each way with lunch only being $6.50 and live music on the last Monday of the month. I also run the Meals on Wheels program, which has been running for 40 years. We started back in 1973 and deliver meals 5 days a week in Abbotsford. It’s a hot meal with at a small cost of $7.50, we also have a frozen menu available at a cost $ 7.00. These meals are delivered straight to your door and it’s not just for seniors, it’s available for anyone having a hard time making meals.” These programs are all operated by volunteers, which are the heart and soul in making this a success and they are looking for more to join and in making our community more inclusive. We all have friends or family, who may need assistance when it comes to aging. Be part of a positive experience with our local seniors. For more information, please contact Nancy at (604) 870 3764.

Ken Herar can be reached at kenherar@gmail.com or view his blog at http://kenherar.blogspot.com

The Patrika

Friday, February 27th, 2015



Prospera Credit Union to Sponsor Canada Day 2015

nce again this year, Prospera Credit Union has stepped up as the Naming Sponsor of Abbotsford’s Canada Day Celebrations, holding that title now for many years, announced Mayor Henry Braun. “Sponsors and community partnerships are behind the success of Abbotsford’s Canada Day Celebrations, and we thank Prospera for continually giving back to the community each year,” said Braun. “Prospera has always shown a high level of dedication and commitment to our city and to Canada Day, and they truly are an amazing corporate partner.” This year’s Canada Day 2015 Celebrations presented by Prospera Credit Union, will be full of new attractions, entertainers and activities geared for the entire family. “Canada Day is by far the largest family oriented celebration we have here in Abbotsford and the way so

many diverse groups come together to make it a success is a wonderful reminder of the kind of community we live in,” said Bruce Howell, President and CEO of Prospera Credit Union. “As a credit union, we’ve been part of this amazing place for nearly 70 years and we’re proud to help bring everyone together to celebrate not just our nation’s birthday, but also the spirit that keeps our community strong.”


sLok smfcfr bVy duKI ihrdy nfl sUicq kIqf jFdf hY ik s: pivWqr isMG sLfhI ipClf ipMz srhflf mUMzIaf, ijLlHf huisLafrpur, pRmfqmf vloN bKsLI Aumr Bog ky 23 PrvrI, 2015 nMU svrg isDfr gey hn. AunHF df aMiqm sskfr PryjLr irvr kimAUintI kRYmytorIam susfirtI, 2061 irvr sfeIz roz aYbtsPorz ivKy 01 mfrc idn aYqvfr nMU dupihr 12 vjy hovygf aqy aMiqm ardfs Ausy idn dupihr 2 vjy gurduafrf Kflsf dIvfn , aYbtsPorz ivKy hovygI. pirvfr nfl duWK sFJf krn leI sMprk kro: gurnfm isMG sLfhI: 604855-0759, 604-897-5582 suirMdr isMG iZWloN: 604-807-7218

Applications will open for the Canada Day Parade beginning the week of March 2, 2015. Parade floats can register online at www.abbotsford. ca/canadaday. Many great events are planned throughout the day including a parade down South Fraser Way, free family fun at Exhibition Park, entertainment, fireworks and much more. Further details on the events for the day will be available soon at www. abbotsford.ca/canadaday.


The Patrika


Friday, February 27th, 2015


pMjfbI hI Kqm kr rhy ny afpxI BfsLf nUM pMjfbI sfnUM dunIaF dy hr ihwsy ivwc iml jFdy hn, pr ijLafdfqr qF kYnyzf, amrIkf qy XUrp ivc hn aqy hux afstrylIaf, inAUjLILlYNz ivwc vI bhuqy BfrqI pMjfbI jf vsy hn. pfiksqfnI pMjfbI pfiksqfn ivwc vI aqy bfhr vI hn. Bfrq dy lgpg sfry sUibaF ivc pMjfbI mOjUd hn. sfnUM qy sfzIaF keI sMsQfvF nUM , bfhr vsdy pMjfbIaF bfry ieh iPkr sqfAuNdf rihMdf hY ik AunHF dy bwcy awgoN pMjfbI BfsLf, pMjfbI swiBafcfr Buwl jfxgy qy AunHF sMbMDI kfnPrMsF ivwc ieh sMsf jqfAuNdy rihMdy hF. TIk hY, sfnUM bfhrilaF dI sMqfn nUM afpxy ipCokV nfl joVI rwKx leI socvfn hoxf cfhIdf hY. pr asIN kdoN qwk ieh krdy rhFgy? AunHF dy bwcy ijs mfhOl ivwc ivcrdy hn, ijnHF lokF nfl AunHF ny myl-jol rwKxf hY, afKr AunHF dI susfietI ivwc hI smf jfxf hY. clo AunHF df iPkr kr lvo, pr sB qoN pihlF qy sB qoN vwzf iPkr qF afpxy pMjfb dy pMjfbIaF bfry hI krn dI loV hY. pMjfb ivwcoN, ies dI hyTlI qoN


AuqlI qwk dI mwD-vrgI jnqf df pMjfbI BfsLf nfloN moh guafc irhf hY. ieh lok ikwDr nUM jf rhy hn, hyT ilKIaF kuJ swcIaF gwlF Aus dI iek Audfhrn hn. sfl 1996 dI gwl hY. mY ropV qoN aMimRqsr jf irhf sI qF rsqy ivwc iewk aOrq nvF sLihr qoN bws ‘qy cVHI. Aus dy nfl iqMn ku sfl dI bwcI vI sI. myry vwl vyK ky Auh aOrq afpxy bwcy nUM kihx lwgI, bytf, Xy aMkl myry tIcr Qy, ien ko ivsL kro. Auh bwcI myry kol af ky bYT geI qy ipafrIaF ipafrIaF gwlF krn lwgI. mYN pMjfbI ivwc gwl krdf qy Auh awgoN ihMdI ivwc Auqr idMdI. ihMdI ivwc bol ky Auh kuJ pwuCdI qy mYN pMjfbI ivwc jvfb idMdf. Aus dI mF ny Aus nMU kol bulf ilaf, bytf aMkl ko qMg mq kro, ab ieDr af jfE ‘qy bytI ny awgoN kI juafb idwqf? mMmI mYN afp ky pfs nhIN afAuNgI. Xy aMkl dfdI jYsf bolqy muJy awCy lwgqy hY. dfdI ihMdI nhIN sI bol skdI hoxI. mYN soc irhf sI ik mF bolI qF hux dfdI bolI bxdI jf rhI hY.

my r I klo n I ivw c bhu q y pM j fbI XUnIvristI ‘coN syvfmukq pRoPYsr rihMdy hn. sfrI Aumr pMjfbI df hI KFdy rhy hn. iewk idn iewk pRoPYsr myry awgy awgy jf irhf sI qy afpxy pooqry nfl ihMdI ivwc gwlf kr irhf sI. mYN ikhf, srdfr sfihb, kI quhfzy bwcy nUM pMjfbI nhIN afAuNdI? qy Auh Jwt boilaf, “afAuNdI af, ikAuN nhIN afAuNdI’ qy iPr afpxy bwcy nUM sMboDn krky kihx lwgf, “bytf, aMkl ko pMjfbI bol ky idKfE. pMjfb srkfr ny aMgryjLI skUlF ivwc pihlI qoN pMjfbI lfjLmI kr idwqI hY. keI skUlF nUM mjLbUrn ieh krnf pY irhf hY. iewk skUl dy bfhroN lMGidaF myry kMnF ivwc pMjfbI pVHf rhI iewk aiDafpkf dI afvfjL peI, bwco, ilKo kwky ko kMnf kf kwky ko kMnf kf, kfkf. TIk sy ilKnf, jYsy mYN borz py ilK rhI hUM, pMjfbI dI jmfq ivwc vI pMjfbI nhIN? qusIN pMjfbI nUM alop huMidaF kdoN qwk bcf lvogy? skUlF ivwc aiDafpk ihMdI boldy hn, GrF ivc mfpy.

mfipaF nUM pwuCo qF Auh skUl df bhfnf lgf idMdy hn ik jI skUl ivwc ihMdI bolxf iswKdy hn, ieh nhIN kihMdy ik asI hI pMjfbI nUM hyj smJdy hF. vYsy keI skUl bwicafN nUM pMjfbI bolx qoN mnHf vI krdy hn. keI sfl pihlF myrI bytI pitafly dy mfzrn skUl ivwc pVHdI qF iewk idn Aus dI iewk jmfqx ny Aus nUM ikhf, arI pMjfbI mwq bolf kro, mYzm ko pqf cwl gXf qoN zFtyNgy. ieh ijhVy afpxy afp nUM bhuqf piVHaf iliKaf jF ivksq smJdy hn, vfsqv ivwc ieh anpVH hn. iehnF ny nf kdI afpxy ivrsy nfl juiVaf sfihq piVHaf hY qy nf hI afpxf ieiqhfs piVHaf hY ikAuNik nf ieh pMjfbI dy aKLbfr/rsfly pVHn qy nf hI ikqfbF, qF iPr ieh pVHy ilKy kfhdy hoey? afpxy afp nUM pMjfbI aKvfAuNidaF vI sLfied iehnF nUM sLrm afAuNdI hY, qfhIE qF ieh pMjfbI nhIN boldy. aijhy mfipaF vfsqy myrI gujLfirsL hY ik bfhr jo mrjLI ibmfrI PYl geI hY Gr ivc qF bwicaF nUM pMjfbI bulvf skdy ho? myrf iewk jvfeI lYPtInYNt

zf[ivdvfn isMG sonI krnl hY qy Auh BfvyN puxy rhy jF jblpur, Aus dy bwcy Gr ivwc sLuwD pMjfbI boldy hn. myrIaF poqrIaF pitafly ivwc rihMdIaF skUl dIaF aiDafpkfvF nfl BFvyN ihMdI bolx, pr Gr ivc pMjfbI hI boldIaF hn, koeI AunHF nUM nhIN rokdf. ihMdI iswKxI koeI mfVI gwl nhIN. ijMnIaF BfsLfvF mrjLI iswKo, Aus nfl igafn vDdf hI hY. pr afpxy pRFq ivwc qF afpsI gwl bfq dOrfn afpxI mF bolI nUM hI qrjIh idE. ieh jo ruJfn vD irhf hY, pMjfbI bolI leI bVf hI Kqrnfk hY. qusI khoNgy ik pMjfbI bhuq lok boldy qF hn. srkfrI skUlF ivwc pMjfbI hI qF hY. iPr kfhdf iPkr? pr ieh aKOqI AuWc vrg dy lok ikAuN nf pMjfbI bolx/pVHn nUM nPLrq krdy hn. asIN aMgryjLI ivrwuD boldy rihMdy hF. pr mYN smJdf hF ik pMjfbI nUM aMgryjLI qoN eynf Kqrf nhIN ijMnf ik ihMdI qoN hY. sfzI nvIN kyNdr srkfr ieiqhfs df qF rfsLtrIkrn kr rhI hY. sfnUM zr hY ik ikqy pMjfbI BFsLf nfl vI ieMj nf ho jfvy.

The Patrika

Friday, February 27th, 2015



igafnI krqfr isMG jIvn Br iswK kOm dy ihwqF leI sMGrsLsLIl rihx vflIaF mhfn sKLsLIaqF vwloN igafnI krqfr isMG nM rfjnIqI dy Kyqr ivc iswK kOm df idmfg ikhf jFdf hY. afp df jnm 22 PrvrI, 1902 eI: nMU pwCmI pMjfb dy lfielpur ijLlyH dy cwk nM(JMg brFc) ivwc s: Bgq isMG dy Gr mfeI jIE jI kuwKoN hoieaf. Kihrf jwt ipCokV vflf afp df pirvfr mUl rUp ivwc aMimRqsr ijLlHy dy nfgoky ipMz df rihx vflf sI, pr nihr inklx nfl sFdlbfr(pfiksqfn) df ielfkf jdoN afbfd hox lwgf qF 19vIN sdI dy aMq ivwc igafnI jI df pirvfr lfielpur clf igaf. cwk nM: 41 dy Kflsf skUl ivwc dfKlf lY ky dsvIN pfs kIqI. iPr Kflsf kflj, aMimRqsr ivwc dfKLlf ilaf pr ibmfr ho jfx kfrn aYP[ey[ qoN awgy nf pVH sky. Dfrimk rucI hox krky ‘igafnI’ sLbd afp nfl pwky qOr ‘qy juV igaf. rfjnIqI vwl nUM Jukfa df kfrn ijLilHaF vfly bfg df KUnI sfkf sI. 1924 eI: ivwc afp nUM lfielpur ijLlHy dy sLRomxI akflI jQy df ijLlHf jnrl skwqr inXukq kIqf igaf. iesy sfl jYqo dy morcy ivwc jf rhy jQy df svfgq krn dy dosL ivwc igRPLqfr krky 6 mhIny leI jylH Byijaf igaf. 1926 eI: ivwc sRomxI kmytI dy mYNbr aqy agly sfl kfrjkfrnI kmytI dy mYNbr cuxy gey. 30 akqUbr, 1928 nUM sfeImn kimsLn df lfhOr stysLn ‘qy ivroD kIqf. 1930-31 ivwc nf-PurmfnI aMdoln ivc Bfg lYx krky iewk sfl dI kYd kwtxI peI. 1937 ivwc smMudrI jVHFvflf hlky qoN ivDfiek cuxy gey. 1943 eI: ivwc afp ny ‘afjfd pMjfb’ bxfAux df ivcfr pysL kIqf. dysL dI vMz ipwCoN pUrbI pMjfb dI ivDfn sBf ivwc kFgrs ivwc sLfiml hox df PLYslf kIqf. gopI cMd Bfrgv aqy BIm sYn swcr dy mMqrI mMzl ‘c mfl qy ivkfs mMqrI vjoN sLfml hoey. swcr PfrmUly aDIn pMjfb dy pMjfbI aqy ihMdI boldy ielfikaF dI insLfndyhI dy afDfr ‘qy pMjfb qy hirafxf dIaF sImfvF insLicq hoeIaF. 1952 eI: ivwc BfvyN afp ivDfn sBfeI

cox hfr gey pr pMjfb ivDfn kONs dy mYNbr bxfey gey. pYpsU dy pMjfb ivwc sLfml hox qoN ipwCoN 1956 eI: ivwc muV gurduafrf aYkt ivwc soD krvfeI. 1957 eI: ivwc muV pMjfb dy ivDfiek cuxy gey aqy kYroN mMqrI mMz ivc mfl qy KyqIbfVI mMqrI vjoN sLfiml hoey. 1962 eI: ivc muV ivDfiek cuxy gey. 16 apRYl, 1967 ivwc kFgrs pfrtI Cwz idwqI. ies qoN ipwCoN ishq Krfb hox krky rfjnIqI ivwc srgrm nf rih sky. swcy arQF ivwc Auh drvysL isafsqdfn sn, sfrI ijLMdgI nf ahuidaF ipwCy Bwjy nf hI koeI jfiedfd bxfeI. 10 jUn, 1974 eI: nUM afp rfijMdrf hspqfl pitaflf ivKy sdIvI ivCoVf dy gey. pMjfbI XUnIvristI pitaflf aqy KyqIbfVI XUnIvristI luiDafxf dI sQfpnf ivwc inBfeI BUimkf pMjfb vfsI kdy nhIN Buwl skdy.


The Patrika


Friday, February 27th, 2015


Rick Hansen Secondary to be Re-invented as Science and Business School


t’s never been done before in British Columbia. A new direction in education will be launched with a school of science and business at Rick Hansen Secondary School in Abbotsford, BC in the fall of 2015. “This is new. This is innovative. It will be very exciting for our students and their career pursuits,” says Abbotsford Board of Education Chair Cindy Schafer. “This initiative also supports a key element of our district Strategic Plan, namely flexibility and access to programs and services.” At its February 24 public meeting, the board approved launching the new science and business programs at Rick Hansen, with initial start-up in September 2015. This will result in a dynamically different education experience for students. The new approach is two-

fold. First, the emphasis of the programs will be toward the goal of professional careers in business, science and medicine as well as preparing students for success in university studies. Second, the daily approach to learning will be transformed. “We’re definitely talking about post-secondary and professional career aspirations here,” explains David deWit, school principal. “But to achieve this, we’re approaching daily learning experiences from a very different angle. We’re leading the way in BC with this approach.” This new way of classroom learning will be more reflective of life in the work world. It’s centered around what educators call “problem based learning”. “With this approach, students learn through experience,” continues deWit. “They learn by trying things, by solving prob-

lems presented to them. And they do so in teams and across multiple disciplines, which is more reflective of what they’ll be faced with in their careers. It’s very engaging for students, and very practical.” Will they learn the basics? “Of course,” says deWit. “Graduates must have strong math and language skills. And it’s also important to understand that even if you’re focus of interest isn’t science or business, Rick Hansen Secondary is a great place for you to thrive.” The school will still emphasize language, arts, sports and social sciences for example, but in a much more integrated manner. While all students can attend, the overarching theme is science and business.

botsford district superintendent Kevin Godden. “We’re just leading the way with this program and other initiatives like our ExploZone experiential classroom. With the community in mind, we’ve had input from staff, students and parents as we’ve reimagined Rick Hansen Secondary.” Principal deWit and his team will be making presentations to parents, business and science community partners and the public in the coming weeks. There will be opportunities to provide more information and to help families make arrangements for enrollment. And preparations are well underway to welcome

students to the first phase of the new science and business school in fall 2015. Beginning in September, grade 9 students will have a full immersion experience in the program. But the new approach to classroom learning, and the vital atmosphere at the school will impact Grade 10-12 students as well. Throughout the 2016-2018 years, as the (2015-16) grade 9 students progress, the entire cohort of students will be immersed in the full spectrum of science and business programming. Students from within the Rick Hansen Secondary School catchment will be given first option to en-

roll. But enrollment in this unique program will not be exclusively limited to catchment students. “We expect that as students experience this new program and dynamic way of learning that there will be a high level of interest,” says deWit. “Our aim is to make it available to as many students as we have room for in the coming years.” “If you want to see where 21st Century learning is headed,” says board chair Schafer, “keep watching what’s unfolding at Rick Hansen Secondary. We are excited to see what our students will achieve given this amazing learning opportunity.”

“Education delivery in BC is moving in the direction of problem based learning,” explains Ab-



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The Patrika

Friday, February 27th, 2015



Support Dry Grad campaign funds local celebrations


ritish Columbians are invited to support local dry graduation celebrations by donating at participating BC Liquor Stores throughout the province. All donations collected between now and March 31, 2015, will help fund alcohol-free events and activities for graduating high school students in their communities.

Quotes: Attorney General and Minister of Justice Suzanne Anton – “Our government is committed to keeping alcohol out of the hands of minors – and the Liquor Distribution Branch, through its social responsibility programs, plays an integral role when it comes to delivering on that commitment. The Support Dry Grad campaign is an important public safety initiative, with government, school districts, parents, teachers and customers working together and doing their part to keep our grads safe while they celebrate their success.”

Contributions by BC Liquor Store customers and employees add to funds raised by parents, students and teachers for alcoholfree graduation celebrations. Each BC Liquor Store gives a small token of appreciation to customers who contribute $1 or BC Liquor Distribution more to the Support Dry Branch general manager and CEO Blain Lawson – Grad campaign. Mo re than 270 high schools in 56 school districts are participating in this year’s campaign. All Support Dry Grad donations raised by BC Liquor Stores go directly to the school district in that area or to the Federation of Independent Schools, which in turn provides the funding to the local grad committees.

“On behalf of BC Liquor Stores, I would like to congratulate the class of 2015 for reaching one of life’s major milestones. I hope customers will join

us and show this year’s graduates how life’s biggest achievements can be celebrated responsibly by making a donation to the Support Dry Grad campaign.” Quick Facts: •

The first Support Dry Grad campaign was held in 2001 and is at the core of the BC Liquor Distribution Branch’s corporate social responsibility program – the primary focus of which is helping to keep alcohol out of the hands of minors.

This year, 56 school districts and the Federation of Independent Schools are participating in the campaign.

100% of the donations collected are distributed to over 270 high schools hosting Dry Grad events.

Last year, the month-long fundraiser generated over $500,000. These funds helped more than 52,000 B.C. high school graduates throughout the province celebrate with alcoholfree events and activities, such as carnivals and fortune tellers, and provided party favours, including temporary tattoos. For more than a decade, the Support Dry Grad campaign in BC Liquor Stores has been an integral part of the Liquor Distribution Branch’s efforts to prevent underage drinking and promote zero consumption by minors. Since its inception, the campaign has raised more than $5.4 million.



The Patrika 

Friday, February 27th, 2015

dsqfvyjLF dI corI df mwudf pYtrolIam mMqrfly nfl sMbMDq dsqfvyjL corI hox dy mfmly dIaF prqF KuwlHx qoN ieh sfPL ho igaf hY ik mulk ivwc iBRsLtfcfr dIaF jVHF hyTF qoN Aupr qk zUMGIaF PYl cuwkIaF hn. ies mfmly ivwc igRPLqfr kIqy gey pYtrolIam mMqrfly dy keI krmcfrIaF aqy iewk sfbkf pwqrkfr qoN ielfvf dysL dIaF pMj pRmwuK kMpnIaF irlfieMs ieMzstrIjL ilmitz, jubIlIat aYnrjI, irlfieMs eyzIeyjI, aYsfr aqy kyrnjL ieMzIaf dy sInIar aiDkfrI sLfml hn. kuJ aKLbfrI irportF


anusfr modI srkfr dy iewk mMqrI aqy iewk hor mMqrI dy dfmfd smyq keI AuWc aiDkfrIaF dy vI ies kFz nfl qfr juVy hoey hn. igRPqfr ivakqIaf koloN brfmd hoey dsqfvyjLF ivwc pYtrolIam mMqrfly dI mfisk irport, AUrjf muuwl inrDfrx krn aqy hor nIqIgq mfmilaF sMbMDI jfxkfrIaF qoN ielfvf ivwq mMqrI dy bjt BfsLx nfl juVy kuJ pMny aqy pRDfn mMqrI dy mwuK skwqr inrpyNdr imsLrf dI iewk icwT I vI sLfml hY. hux qwk hoey Kulfsy anusfr igRPqfr ivakqI jfalI cfbIaF

nfl rfq nUM dsqfvyjL corI krdy sn aqy awgy afpxy afkfvF nUM BfrI rkmF ievjLfny vjoN lY ky idMdy hn. ies kys ivwc PVy gey sfbkf pwqrkfr sLFqnUM sYkIaf vwloN kIqf igaf ieh dfavf ik Auh mMqrfly ivwc ho rhy 10 hjLfr kroV rupey dy Gutfly nUM byprd kr irhf sI; hor vI hYrfnIjnk hY. pulIs ny BfvyN ies mfmly nfl sMbMDq lgpg iewk drjn ivakqIafN nUM igRPLqfr krky aihm dsqfvyjLF dI corI df prdfPLfs kIqf hY, pr ies nfl hor bhuq sfry svfl KVHy ho gey hn. ieh jfxn dI jLrUrq hY ik igRPqfr kIqy gey ivakqI dsqfvyjLF dI corI iks nMU lfB phuMcfAux leI kr rhy hn. Auh kOx ivakqI jF adfry hn, ijhVy BfrI rkmF dy ky ienHF qoN dsqfvyjL corI krvfAuNdy rhy hn. aqy Auh aijhf ikAuN krvfAuNdy sn? ienHF svflF dy asl jvfb qf BfvyN pUrI jFc pVqfl bfad hI sfhmxy afAuxgy, pr ies kys ivwc igRPqfr mulk dIaF pMj nfmI kMpnIaf dy AuWc aiDkfrIaF dI sLmUlIaq qoN ienHF kMpnIaF df ies kFz nfl sMbMD hox qoN ienkfr nhIN kIqf jf skdf. AuNj vI, ieh dsqfvyjL iksy afm ivakqI dy kMm afAux vfly nhIN hn, blik pYtrolIam kfrjF nfl juVy kfrobfrIaF leI hI AupXogI ho

skdy hn. jykr aijhf iswD ho jFdf hY qF ieh kFz, vwzy AudXogpqIaF leI KLqrnfk sfbq ho skdf hY. idwlI pulIs vwloN qPLqIsL ajy buinafdI pVfa ivc hY, iesy leI dosLIaF iKLlfPL ajy bhuqIaF sKLq DfrfvF nhIN lfeIaF geIaF, iPr vI, jo kuJ hux qwk sfhmxy afieaf hY, Aus qo ieh pRBfv bxdf hY ik srkfrI dsqfvyjL afsfnI nfl hfsl kIqy jf skdy hn. srkfrI dsqfvyjL corI krn aqy krvfAux df sfzy mu l k ivc ieh ko e I pihlf mfmlf nhIN hY. ies qwQ qoN vI munkr nhI hoieaf jf skdf ik aijhy kfzF ivwc vwzy AudXogpqIaF aqy AuWc aiDkfrIaF dI aihm BUimkf huMdI hY. rfzIaf typ kFz aqy 2jI spYktrm Gutflf ienHF lokF dI imlIBugq vfly anYiqk kfrjF dIaF AudfhrnF hn. hux jdoN dsqfvyjL corI kFz qoN prdf AuWT igaf hY qF srkfr dI ieh ijLMmyvfrI hY ik Auh ies mfmly nfl juVy iswDy aqy aiswDy sfry pwKF nUM Aujfgr krky swcfeI lokF sfhmxy rwKy. ies kys nfl sMbMDq sfry ivakqIaF, BfvyN Auh ikMny vI vwzy hox, iKLlfPL sKLq DfrfvF lf ky AunHF nUM kfnUMn anusfr bxdIaF sjLfvF idwqIafN jfx qF jo BivwK ivwc aijhy kFz nf vfprn.

Friday, February 27th, 2015

The Patrika 


bI sI hfeI skUl rYsilMg cYNpIanisLp 28 PrvrI nMU aYbtsPorz ivc

bIqy idnIN 14 PrvrI nMU bI sI hfeI skUl rYsilMg aYsosIeysLn vloN jLon kuaflIPfeI rYsilMg tUrnFmYNt srI sLihr dy iglPorz pfrk sYkMzrI skUl ivKy krvfieaf igaf ijs ivc vWK- vWK skUlF ivc pVHdy lVkIaF aqy lVky pihlvfnF ny bhuq hI AuqsLfh nfl Bfg ilaf. gurU goibMd issMG rYsilMg klWb dy 16 pihlvfn bI sI hfeI skUl rYsilMg cYNpIanisLp leI cuxy gey. bI sI hfeI skUl rYsilMg cYNpIanisLp 27, 28 PrvrI nMU aYbtsPorz dy aYgrI- irk sYNtr ivKy ho rhI hY.


The Patrika


Friday, February 27th, 2015


Water Sustainability Act protects B.C.’s precious resource By Mary Polak, Minister of Environment


hen it comes into force n e x t y e a r, British Columbia’s new Water Sustainability Act (WSA) will ensure our water is properly regulated, protected and conserved for future generations. It will do this by, among other things, regulating groundwater for the first time, knowing how much water is being used and ensuring our streams and waterways remain healthy. And in times of drought, the new law allows government to step in to ensure water is first used to preserve human life and food production. Implementing the new WSA comes with a


price. New staff will be hired and new systems will be developed to bring B.C.’s water law into the 21st century. To pay for these costs we’ve recently amended the water fees and rentals that water users pay. The new fee structure will cover the costs of implementing the new WSA, and not a penny more. Through our public consultation process, which began in 2009 and is among the most thorough consultations government has ever undertaken, people were very clear that they did not want government treating such an essential resource like a commodity to make a profit from. British Columbia has never made of

what it costs government to develop and enforce the new rules within the WSA.

profit from water and we’re not about to start. The fees we’re charging will cover the additional costs incurred by having modern legislation. However it is the new tools within the legislation itself that will allow us to conserve, preserve and protect our water resources. The new fees charged are based on the amount of water to be used and

what it will be used for. For example industrial users such as mining, the oil and gas sector or water botting operations will pay the hightest rate. Agriculture, meanwhile, will pay less. And your typical household served by a municipality will see its water fee rise by just $1 to $2 per year. No one user will subsidize government by paying more than its fair share; more than

and other non-domestic users who will now pay fees and rentals, require a license and have to report their water usTo ensure a sustainable age. They will also have water source for future generations the WSA the same access rights provides various new and responsibilities as tools such as mandatory individuals who obtain reporting, better protec- their water from surtion for fish and aquatic face sources. Household environments, prioritiz- wells, however, will not ing conservation espe- be licenced or charged. cially during drought The new water rates and scarcity, enacting are based on sound area based regulations principles, and attempt to address local needs if to strike a fair balance required and tools that between appropriately can be applied to spe- pricing our water recific areas, to respond to source and supporting local pressures on water economic development. resources. Water is vital for life and For the first time, ground- the new Water Sustainwater users throughout ability Act is essential in British Columbia will be protecting our environregulated. This includes ment for future generaindustrial, agricultural tions.

The Patrika

Friday, February 27th, 2015

Investing in post-secondary education pays off Lifetime earnings figures for post-secondary graduates in British Columbia confirm that it is one of the best investments available. “British Columbians with an undergraduate post-secondary degree can expect to earn an additional $827,000 over the course of their working life,” said Advanced Education Minister Andrew Wilkinson. “A post-secondary education is one of the smartest investments you can make whether it is a diploma, trade or degree.” An analysis in 2014 by BC Stats shows that graduates of post-secondary programs earn a higher income over a working lifetime than they would make with a high-school diploma. BC Stats findings of additional lifetime earnings: •

Registered apprenticeship certificate – $524,000.

Undergraduate degree (all, excluding medicine, dentistry and veterinary medicine) – $827,000.

Undergraduate degree in arts or science – $577,000.

Undergraduate degree in engineering, business or health – more than $1 million.

Trade certificate or diploma (e.g., foundation program) – $266,000.

Certificate or diploma – ranges between $178,000 and $370,000 for a



certificate or diploma below a bachelor degree. •

Master’s degree – more than $1 million.

Medicine, dentistry or veterinary medicine – more than $2 million.

“There are one million job openings anticipated in the province by 2022, twothirds of them driven by retirements and many of them are in-demand careers in the skilled trades and technical occupations,” said Shirley Bond, Minister of Jobs, Tourism and Skills Training and Minister Responsible for Labour. “When you look at the higher lifetime earnings that come with these careers in our diverse, strong and growing economy, it’s clear that these careers that can support families and build communities.” The methodology looked at the level and type of education of people between 19 and 64 years of age and considered the timing of their education. A similar study in 2006 looked at a variety of university programs that produced the single number of $650,000 in additional lifetime earnings. The updated numbers show median earnings to account for extreme high and low results.

UFV Alumni Association launches Chandigarh chapter


esterday evening at the annual awards ceremony for UFV Chandigarh, Justin P. Goodrich, Board Chair of the UFV Alumni Association, announced to a crowd of nearly 500 guests – including students and their parents – the official establishment of the association’s first international chapter. The evening, which was attended by numerous dignitaries including Canada’s Counsel General and Britain’s Deputy High Commissioner, marked the ninth anniversary of UFV’s campus in Chandigarh. To date, the program has nearly onehundred graduates, with approximately sixty-five percent of them remaining in Canada, with the balance returning home to India. Nav Bains, Associate ViceChair, who is also a member of the UFV delegation currently in India noted the importance of ensuring the

association “does all that it can to not only foster lifelong relations between UFV and its alumni, but also the importance of leveraging the experiences of our Chandigarh graduates to help support and invest in future generations of students, regardless of where they end-up in the world.” Looking ahead, the Chandigarh campus is looking forward to exponential growth, with a projected 300% increase in the coming year. “This is exactly the right time to launch an alumni chapter in Chandigarh, as we want to ensure the infrastructure is in place to accommodate our future alumni” said Goodrich. The evening also included the appointment of Mr. Upkar Sharma, Principal of S.D. College – UFV’s local partner in Chandigarh – as an Honorary Lifetime Member of the UFV

Alumni Association. “Mr. Sharma has been a remarkable partner for UFV, and has been a driving force behind initiating an alumni chapter” notes Goodrich who, along with Bains, presented Mr. Sharma with his certificate and the association’s new academic hood. UFV President & ViceChancellor Dr. Mark Evered noted that “we are delighted with the establishment of this new chapter. Our Chandigarh program is continuing to grow in size and quality and we celebrate and appreciate the success and support of our alumni.” Looking ahead, Bains notes that “this is the beginning of not only a Chandigarh chapter, but also the beginning of a new chapter in the growth of our alumni association; one that we believe will not only unite alumni, but created additional support for current students.”

British Columbia has maintained the fourth-lowest average undergraduate annual tuition fees in Canada at $5,118. This is the ninth straight year that the tuition increase has remained below the national average increase. The average collegeprogram base tuition in the province is $3,000 a year. Increases in tuition fees are capped at 2% annually in B.C.

More international visitors come to BC in 2014 British Columbia posted a 5.3% increase in international overnight visitors for 2014, surpassing the 3.2% increase in arrivals to Canada as a whole. This was the third straight year of increased visitation to B.C. Figures released by Statistics Canada show an increase in international overnight visitors across all key markets, including those identified by Destination British Columbia as potential growth markets in its new three-year strategy.

1.4% and 2.2% increases respectively. The numbers reported by Statistics Canada include international visitors who cross Canada Customs in B.C. Actual numbers of visitors to B.C. are higher, as people crossing into the province from elsewhere in the country are not included in these figures.

China led the way with a 26.2% increase, adding an additional 53,217 visitors to B.C. in 2014. Visitors from Japan also grew by 12.2%, partly due to increased air access. A new flight by All Nippon Airways was introduced at the end of March 2014.

Destination British Columbia‘s International Visitor Arrivals publication summarizes customs entry data to B.C. and Canada from select markets of origin. The International Visitor Arrivals include information for both the particular month and the year to-date, and include percentage changes for the same period over the previous year. It is available on the Destination British Columbia website.

The United States and Australia were also up, 3.3% and 5.3% respectively. The growth from the United States, B.C.‘s largest international market, is partly due to economic growth in the USA and strengthening of the US dollar. From Europe, the United Kingdom and Germany posted

Tourism is a one of the eight pillars of the BC Jobs Plan. In 2013, the tourism industry generated $13.9 billion in revenue, an increase of 3.6% from 2012 and a 44% increase since 2003. The industry contributed $7.3 billion in GDP and employed over 132,200 people in 2013.


The Patrika


Friday, February 27th, 2015


axK qy gLYrq dI imsfl jYqo df morcf

avqfr isMG mWkV (pRDfn sLRomxI gurduafrf pRbMDk kmytI)

iswKI axK qy gLYrq df mfrg hY, ijs AuWqy cwlidaF iswKF ny anykF kurbfnIaF kIqIaF. iswK sMGrsL dy ies mfrg ivwc anykF AuqrfacVHfa afey aqy anykF vfr iswK sMGrsL nUM dbfAux aqy KLqm krn dy Xqn hMudy rhy pr hryk jLflm hkUmq nUM ies kMm ivwc asPlqf hI hw Q lw g I. isw K ieiqhfs dy anykF sfky, GwlUGfry aqy morcy iesy sMdrB ivwc vyKy jf skdy hn. gurduafrf suDfr lihr ivwc lwgy moricaF ivwc jYqo df morcf ivsLysL hY. ksbf jYqo afjLfdI qoN pihlf nfBf irafsq df ihwsf sI. aMgryjL srkfr nfBf irafsq dy mhfrfjf irpudmn isMG nUM afpxI qfjposLI smyN iswK rIqI-irvfjF apxfAux krky bfgLI smJx lwg peI sI. sRomxI gurduafrf pRbMDk kmytI ny sRI nnkfxf sfihb dy 1921 dy sfky dy sLhIdF dI Xfd ivwc iswK sMgq nUM isr ‘qy kflIaF dsqfrF aqy dupwty sjf ky QF-QF dIvfn krn aqy gurU gRMQ sfihb dy pfTF dy Bog pfey jfx dI apIl kIqI. mhfrfjf


irpudmn isMG ny vI ies apIl ‘qy aml kIqf. aMgryjL srkfr pihlF hI mhfrfjy dy ivrwuD sI. nfBf aqy pitaflf irafsq dy aksr JgVy cwldy rihMdy sn. aMgryjL hfkmF ny nfBf aqy pitaflf dy rfijaF ko l o N PLYsly lYx dy hwk pRfpq kr ley, ijs dy cwlidaF aMgryjL srkfr ny mhfrfjf nfBf iKLlfPL PLYslf lYNidaF Aus nUM gwdI qoN lfh idwqf. isw K pM Q ivc srkfr dI ies kfrvfeI nfl BfrI ros PYl igaf. sRLomxI gurduafrf pRbMDk kmytI dI 5 agsq nUM iekwqrqf hoeI, ijs ivwc 9 sqMbr nUM sB QFvf ‘qy ‘nfBf idvs’ mnfAux df PLYslf hoieaf. ielfky dIaF iswK sMgqF ny gurduafrf gMgsr sfihb jYqo ivwc 25, 26 aqy 27 agsq, 1923 nUM dIvfn sjf ky mhfrfjy dI bhflI leI mqy pfs kIqy. AuWDr 14 sqMbr 1923 nUM isMGF ny gurduafrf sRI gMgsr sfihb ivwc aKMz pfT afrMB kIqf. srkfr ny hiQafrbMd ispfhIaF ny gurU gRMQ

sfihb dI bIV aqy aKMz pfT kr rhy isMG nUM cwuk ilaf. aKMz pfT dy KMzq hox nfl iswKF ivwc ros dI lihr PYl geI. aKMz pfT afrMB krn leI sLRomxI gurduafrf pRbMDk kmytI ny rojLfnf 25-25 isMGF df jwQf jYqo Byjx df PLYslf ilaf. pihlf jQf sRI akfl qKLq sfihb qoN pYdl rvfnf hoieaf. ijs jQy ny qurn qoN pihlf hI sLFqmeI rihx df pRx ilaf sI. jQf vwK-vwK QFeI pVfa krdf hoieaf jYqo phuMicaf pr gurduafrf sfihb aMdr dfKLl hox qo pihlF hI jQy nUM igRPqfr kr ilaf igaf. ies qrHF 25-25 isMGF dy jQy rojLfnf sRI akfl qKLq sfihb qoN sLFqmeI rvfnf huMdy, ijnHF nUM igRPLqfr kr ilaf jFdf. srkfr ny sRLomxI gurduafrf pRbMDk kmytI aqy sLRomxI akflI dl nMU kfnUMn ivruwD krfr dy idwqf aqy mwuKI iswKF dy igRPqfrI dy vfrMt jfrI kr idwqy. 13-14 akqUbr dI ivckfrlI rfq nUM sRomxI kmytI aqy sLRomxI akflI dl dy mwuK lIzrF nUM igRPqfr kr ilaf igaf, ijnHF dI crcf smwucy dysL ivwc PYl geI.

ies kfrvfeI nfl aMgryjL srkfr ivrwuD ros hor iqwKf ho igaf. hux 500-500 isMGF dy jQy Byjy jfx dy PLYslf ilaf igaf. sRI akfl qKq sfihb qoN 500 isMGF df pihlf jwQf jYqo ivwc KMizq hoey aKMz pfT nUM muV qoN arMB krn leI sRI akfl qKLq sfihb qoN ardfsf soD ky quiraf. rsqy ivwc vwK-vwK QFvf ‘qy pVfa krdf hoieaf ieh jQf 20 PrvrI nUM PLrIdkot dy ipMz brgfVI puwijaf. 21 PrvrI nUM jQy iewQoN jYqo vwl rvfnf hoieaf. jwQy ivwc hjLfrF dI igxqI ivwc sMgq sI, ijs ivwc nOjvfn, bjLurg, bIbIaF aqy bwcy sLfml sn. nfBf rfj dI hwd ivwc dfKLl hox ‘qy jQy nUM rok ilaf igaf. gurduafrf gMgsr sfihb nUM jfx vfly rsqy ‘qy qfrF lwgIaF hoeIaF sn aqy msLIngMnF bIVIaF hoeIaF sn. ieMj lwg irhf sI ik ijvyN jMgI iqafrI kIqI hovy. jQf jdoN itwbI sfihb vwl vD irhf sI qF aMgryjL aPsr ivlsn jfnstn ny golI clfAux df hukm dy idwqf. iqMn pfisaF qoN sMgq AWuqy golI cwl peI. iPr vI golIaF

dy mINh ivwc jQf gurduafrf itwbI sfihb puwj igaf. jQy dy sYNkVy isMG aqy nfl jf rhI sMgq vwzI igxqI ivwc sLhId aqy jKmI ho cwukI sI. jQy dy bcy hoey isMG gurduafrf itwbI sfihb qoN gurduafrf gMgsr sfihb vwl nMU vDx lwgy pr GoVsvfr PLOjI dsiqaF ny AunHF df rfh rok ilaf. bcI hoeI sMgq aqy isMGF nUM igRPqfr kr ilaf igaf. jYqo ivwc vfpry ies duKdfeI kFz dI KLbr cfry pfsy PYl geI. jYqo dy morcy dOrfn vfprI ies iBafnk Gtnf ny iswKF dy mnF ivwc josL nUM hor pRcMz kr idwqf. ies qoN bfad vI sRI akfl qKLq sfihb qoN 500-500 isMGF dy jQy jFdy rhy. jQy Byjx df islislf AudoN qk cwldf irhf, jdoN qwk aMgryjL srkfr ny isMGF nUM aKMz pfT sLurU krn dI iejLfjq nhIN idwqI. aMq srkfr nUM isMGF dy jLjLby awgy Jukxf ipaf aqy 21 julfeI 1925 nUM aKMz pfTF dI lVI afrMB kIqI geI.

Friday, February 27th, 2015

The Patrika 




The Patrika

Friday, February 27th, 2015


B.C. students step up to shut down bullying


he steps of the legislature welcomed the sounds and stories of students taking a stand against bullying as they took part in a Pink Shirt Day variety show. Premier Christy Clark welcomed student performers from Shoreline middle, Glenlyon Norfolk, and Reynolds secondary schools. Performances included an aboriginal welcome, a spoken word poem that explored the relationship between introverts and the internet, and a skit promoting the importance of helpful bystanders. Travis Price, who originally established Pink Shirt Day, spoke about the importance of student safety. “Pink Shirt Day is about standing up against bullying in our schools, communities and online,” said Premier Clark. “It takes courage to do your part to stop it, but by wearing pink, we are sending a clear message that bullying won’t be tolerated.” Two secondary students from the ERASE Student Advisory co-emceed the show and also released social media guidelines to help students, teachers and parents use social media responsibility. The ERASE Student Advisory is made up of 20 students from all over BC, representing public, independent and First Nations schools. They were selected to advise the Ministry of Education on bullying and student

safety issues and develop social media guidelines. “Through social media, today’s young people literally have the world at their thumbs and fingertips,” said Education Minister Peter Fassbender. “There’s no question that it is a powerful educational tool, but social media can also be easily misused. The reality is that these days, using it comes with great responsibility and I want to thank the students for these guidelines because they can be used by everyone.” Wednesday’s Pink Shirt Day was the eighth time the day has been acknowledged in B.C. It brings additional emphasis to B.C.’s ERASE Bullying Strategy (Expect Respect And a Safe Education). ERASE Bullying is a 10-point comprehensive prevention and intervention strategy designed to address bullying and harmful behaviours in schools. Launched in June 2012, the strategy also links with the BC Education Plan and focuses on personalized supports and interventions for students.

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The Patrika

Friday, February 27th, 2015

2015 proclaimed The Year of Sport in British Columbia


n recognition of the central role sport plays in enriching the lives of British Columbians and in celebration of the 2015 Canada Winter Games in Prince George, Coralee Oakes, Minister of Community, Sport and Cultural Development, today proclaimed 2015 The Year of Sport in British Columbia. British Columbia’s proclamation joins jurisdictions and organizations across the country to promote Canada’s position as a leading sport nation. It also upholds sport as a vital part of the cultural fabric of the nation, as asserted in the federal government’s proclamation of the Year of Sport in Canada. In addition to celebrating the 2015 Canada Winter Games taking place in Prince George, the proclamation draws attention to other 2015 sporting events

Alberta and British Columbia share some of the strongest environmental protection regulations in the world. The two provinces are also committed to reducing trade barriers and increasing labour mobility between provinces. This mutual recognition agreement allows for standards and regulations to be reconciled so that trade, investment and labour mobility is not restricted between the provinces. This will allow more economic benefits for both provinces including tax revenues and investment and employment opportunities. The agreement involves changing residency requirements for oil and gas companies operating in Alberta and British Columbia. As a result of the agreement, oil and gas companies operating in one province are not re-


in communities throughout B.C., Question: Everyone always talks about RRSPs, but what is an RRSP including the FIFA Women’s World and why should I contribute? Cup Canada, the IPC Para-Alpine World Cup, 55+ BC Games and the Bharathi Says: That is a very common question! A Registered BC Special Olympics Winter Games.

Everyone always talks about RRSPs, but what is an RRSP and why should I Retirement Savings Plan iscontribute? a savings vehicle that you establish to save The proclamation coincides with the for your retirement. You receive a tax deduction on the amount you


second week of competition of the hatbased is a very common ques-taxhelp finance your lifestyle in retirecontribute on your current bracket. 2015 Canada Winter Games, the largtion! A Registered Retirement ment age, it can help you through The growth of your investment within an RRSP is tax sheltered. est multisport and cultural event ever Savings Plan is a savings difficult financial times and encourare living longer, but they also retire younger. An RRSP can held in northern B.C. The Games Canadians is vehicle that you establish to save age you to save during your higher expected to draw 15,000 fans and help finance your lifestyle in retirement age, it can help you through for your retirement. You receive a income earning years. supporters to the region, generating an difficult financial times and encourage you to save during your higher tax deduction on the amount you estimated economic impact of $70-$90 income earning years. Everyone’s personal financial situcontribute based on your current tax million.

ation is unique. It’s important you Everyone’s bracket. personal financial situation is unique. It’s important you

Team BC had tremendous success understand why youand are contributing understand why you are contributing to an RRSP what you are during the first week of competition The growth of your investment to an RRSP and what you are buying buying within it. Consider sitting down with a qualified financial advisor on home soil, bringing home a total within an RRSP is tax sheltered. within it. Consider sitting down with to help you with your decision making. of 41 medals – 12 Gold, 16 silver and Canadians are living longer, but they a qualified financial advisor to help 13 bronze – and placing third in the with your decision making. also retireSandhu, younger. BBA, An RRSP can you Bharathi Financial Advisor overall standings.

Raymond James Ltd.

B.C.-Alberta deal opens business opportunities A new agreement between British Columbia and Alberta makes it easier for oil and gas companies to operate in both provinces while continuing to ensure the protection of public safety, the environment and resource conservation.



I have some money to spare this year. Do you have a question? Should I put it towards my mortgage, or Email it to me! Bharathi.Sandhu@raymondjames.ca purchase RRSPs? Suite 200-2881 Garden Street, Abbotsford BC V2T 4X1

This is a dilemma that faces many Here in the lower mainland, high Canadians especially with the RRSP housing prices have creating largerlooming! There are several than-average mortgage We aredeadline not tax advisors and we recommend that clients seek independent adviceloads from afor professional With the two provinces standards and Member - Canadian Protection Fund. advisor on tax-related matters. things to consider whenRaymond making James this Ltd., most, which createsInvestor an additional regulations recognized as substantially decision. A few key factors are: level of consideration while allocatequivalent under the agreement, the ing money. former requirements were no longer 1. Your age and how close you are necessary. All companies operating to retirement Everyone’s financial situation is in Alberta and British Columbia will unique. It’s important to understand continue to be required to comply with 2. How large your mortgage is vs. regulations and respond promptly to how much you have put away in how contributing to an RRSP versus paying down your mortgage can afany safety or environmental concerns. RRSPs fect your overall financial situation. “Alberta and British Columbia have 3. Your annual income and your fuConsider sitting down with a qualibeen involved together in oil and gas ture income expectations fied financial advisor to help you development for years. This agree4. Any other debts with your decision making. ment further solidifies our strong quired to be resident or have an agent resident in the other province – so long as certain conditions are met.

relations and helps our economies grow while continuing to protect the environment,” said Alberta Energy Bharathi Sandhu, BBA, Financial Advisor Minister Frank Oberle. “The changes to residency requirements in this agreement will give British Columbia oil and gas companies the flexibility to grow their business to meet market demands, creating new job opportunities and revenue for British Columbians,” said British Columbia Minister of International Trade Teresa Wat.

Raymond James Ltd. Suite 200-2881 Garden Street, Abbotsford BC V2T 4X1 Do you have a question? Email it to me! Bharathi.Sandhu@raymondjames.ca Bharathi Sandhu is a financial advisor with Raymond James Ltd. The views of the author do not necessarily reflect those of Raymond James. This article is for information only. Raymond James Ltd. member of Canadian Investor Protection Fund. PAGE 27

The Patrika


Friday, February 27th, 2015


ibhfr dI rfjnIqI df dysL ‘qy pRBfv ibhfr ivwc iewk vfr iPr jnqf dl XunfeIitz dy afgU inqIsL kumfr ny swqf sMBfl leI hY aqy ies nfl sfry dysL ivwc rfjnIqk pwK qoN nvIN hlcl df mfhOl bx igaf hY. iksy smyN inqIsL kumfr afpxI pihlI pfrtI jnqf dl ivwc afpxy afgU jfrj PrnFzyjL dy nfl juV ky atwl ibhfrI vfjpfeI srkfr ivwc mMqrI bixaf sI. EdoN Aus df afZf ibhfr dy rfj clf rhy lflU pRsfd dy iKlfPL lwgf irhf sI. hux Auh Esy lflU pRsfd dy nfl KVf hY. smF bdl cwukf hY aqy EdoN vflI koeI vI rfjsI siQqI hux lfgU nhIN huMdI. EdoN lflU pRsfd qy Aus dI pqnI df ibhfr ivwc iBRsLtfcfrI rfj sO muwidaF df muwdf sI qy kyNdr dI vfjpfeI srkfr vwl jnqf dl XU vfilaF df ies leI nrm ruKL sI ik jy Aus df sfQ Cwizaf qF Bfjpf aMdrly kwtVpMQIaF dy rfjnIqI dI vfg sMBfl lYx df Kqrf sI. hux vfjpfeI vflI nrm iDr kI, Aus qoN QoVHf sKq ruKL rwKx vfly


lfl ikRsLn azvfnI vrgy vI guwTy lwg gey hn qy kwtV ihMdUqv dI rfjnIqI dy mudweI mMny jFdy nirMdr modI dI agvfeI vflI Bfjpf asloN nvy rUp ivwc awgy afeI hY. vkq dI bdlI dy nfl lflU pRsfd df ipClf rol bVf ipwCy rih igaf aqy hux isafsI ivroD nvyN rUp ivwc hn. inqIsL kumfr ny nirMdr modI df AuTfx df ivroD kIqf sI qy afpxI kursI vI Kqry ivwc pf leI sI. jdoN nirMdr modI ijwq igaf, Ausy vyly inqIsL ny afpxy isr hfr dI ijLMmyvfrI lYx dy nfl kursI Cwz idwqI aqy iewk bhuq BrosyXog sfQI jIqn mFJI nUM ies kursI AuWqy ieh smJ ky ibTf idwqf sI ik Auh sfzI soc awgy vDfvygf. jIqn rfm mFJI Bfjpf dy nfl sYnq imlf ky Aus dy iesfry AuWqy inqIsL nUM iTwbI lfAux qur ipaf. jy Bfjpf ny idwlI cox ijwq leI hu M d I qF ibhfr aM d r inqIsL kumfr dy pYr nhIN sI lwgx dyxy. hux Auh EQy rok pfAux jogI nhIN rih geI. inqIsL kumfr dy

muV ky mwuK mMqrI vjoN shuM cuwkx vyly pRDfn mMqrI nirMdr modI ny vDfeI ByjI hY. Kud inqIsL ny vI ieh gwl nhIN khI ik pRDfn mMqrI nUM imlFgf nhIN, sgoN ieh ikhf hY ik rfj dy mwuK mMqrI vjoN jdoN aqy ijwQy jfx dI loV peI, EQy jfvFgf aqy pRDfn mMqrI qoN afs rwKFgf ik Auh rfj dy ihwqF leI sihXog dyvy aqy sfQoN lvy. ieh soc kuJ hor vI cyqf krvfAuNdI hY. idwlI ivwc ivDfn sBf cox dy nqIjy afAux dOrfn pRDfn mMqrI nirMdr modI ny afm afdmI pfrtI dy afgU arivMd kyjrIvfl nUM vDfeI dyx dy nfl cfh leI swdf dy idwqf sI. kyjrIvfl bfry ivroDI ieh kihMdy sn ik Auh kI krygf, pr Aus ny afpxf sMquln kfiem rwKdy hoey iewk nvIN lIh pfAux dI pihl kIqI sI. pihlI gwl Aus ny Bulf idwqI ik iewk vfrI gujrfq dy mwuK mMqrI modI ny afpxy dPLqr afey kyjrIvfl nUM imlx qoN nFh kIqI sI. Aus ny nvIN gwl ieh kih idwqI ik pRDfn mMqrI vjoN jdoN Auh bulf rhy hn qF asIN jfvFgy aqy

idwlI dy lokF dy ihwqF dI gwl kr ky Aus qoN suKFvy sihXog dy lYx qy dyx dovF dI gwl khFgy. hux jo kuJ inqIs kumfr ny ikhf hY, ieh kyjrIvfl dy khy sLbdF dI kfpI krn vFg jfpdf hY qy rfjnIqI df nvF rMg hux ieh hI hY. Bfrq ivwc kdy isrP kFgrs pfrtI df rfj huMdf sI. kyrlf ivwc kimAUinstFg dI srkfr bx geI qF EdoN dI kFgrs pRDfn ieMdrf gFDI qoN brdfsLq nhIN sI kIqI geI. Auh iswDF afKdI rhI sI ik ik ieh srkfr sfzy leI cuxOqI hY aqy asIN cwlx nhIN dyxI. iPr Auh qoV idwqI sI. Aus vkq qoN hux qwk pulF hyToN bhuq sfrf pfxI lMG cwukf hY. awj dy dOr ivwc iksy rfj ivc koeI iDr rfj krdI hY qy iksy ivc koeI hor iDr aqy kyNdr ivwc AunHF nfl sFJ vflI srkfr hovy jF nf hovy, keI pRfjYktF aqy skImF leI afps ivwc gwl krnI aqy suxnI pYNdI hY. gwTjoV srkfrF hux kyNdr ivwc vI bx rhIaF hn aqy rfjF ivwc vI aqy keI

vfrI awj dy ivroDI kwlH nUM gwTjoV ivwc sLfml ho ky sihXogI vI bx jFdy hn. nvyN rMg dI rfjnIqI dy pRqIk arivMd kyjrIvfl qy Aus dI pfrtI vfly afpxI phuMc aqy aml vwKry rwK skdy hn, pr dysL aqy rfj dy ihwqF leI AunHF nUM vI kyNdr ivwc asloN vwKrI isafsI phuMc vfilaF nfl qflmyl rwKxf pYxf hY. pRDfn mMqrI nUM inqIsL kumfr dy imlx aqy rfj dy ihwqF dI gwl krn nfl hlcl mwcx df koeI kfrn nhIN, sgoN kfrn ieh hY ik ies nfl idwlI ipwCoN Bfjpf dI dUsrI isafsI hfr ho geI hY. ibhfr hux purfxy ZFcy dy qIsry bdl vfly dlF leI nvIN afs dI ikrn df mwuZ bMnHx vflf bxdf jf irhf hY qy ies mwuZ nfl Bfjpf ivwc hlcl mwcI hY, ijs df asr sfry dysL ivc mihsUs kIqf igaf hyY. inqIsL kumfr hux qIsrI Dur df Durf bx skdf hY. Aus nUM Bfjpf vwloN asl Kqrf smiJaf jfx lwgf hY. ieh vI rfjnIqI df iewk asloN nvF rMg hY.

The Patrika

Friday, February 27th, 2015



Bfrq nUM loV hY swcI Drm-inrpwKqf dI

afp pfrtI dy isDFqkfr XogyNdr Xfdv

idwlI coxF qoN aYn iewk idn pihlF vfpiraf iemfm buKfrI vflf GtnfkRm awj BfvyN hI ibnF mqlb dI nOtMkI njLr afvy pr ies CotI ijhI iKVkI ‘coN ieiqhfs dy kdmF dI afht suxfeI idMdI hY. acfnk ijvyN kuJ hI GMitaF ivwc Drm-inrpwKqf dI rfjnIqI 20vIN sdI qoN 21vIN sdI ivwc dfKl ho geI. ijvyN sMivDfn bxn qoN 65 sfl bfad DrminrpwKqf dy isDFq nUM afpxI guafcI rfjnIqI iml geI hovy. Gtnf CotI ijhI sI. coxF qoN kuJ hI GMty pihlF jfmf msijd dy ‘sLfhI’ iemfm buKfrI pRgt hoey. Kud nUM muslmfnF df Tykydfr mMnidaF AunHF ny musilm votrF nUM afm afdmI pfrtI nUM hmfieq dyx dI apIl kIqI. Byd Bry qrIky nfl kuJ hI imMtF bfad ivwq mMqrI arux jyqlI ny ies apIl dy bdly, ies df ivroD krn vfilaF nUM iekjuwt hox dI apIl kIqI. DruvIkrn aqy pRqI-DruvIkrn dI ieh Kyz nvIN rhI sI. ies Kyz dy jfxkfrF df mMnxf hY ik do v F iKzfrIaF ivckfr imlIBu g q rihMdI hY. afm afdmI pfrtI dy axikafsy jvfb ny ies Gtnf nUM nvF moV dy idwqf. pfrtI dy bulfiraF ny qurMq tYlIivjLn ‘qy af ky ies smrQn nUM Kfrj kr idwqf. myrI XfddfsLq ivwc sLfied ieh pihlf mOkf sI, jdoN musilm vot dI AumId rwKx vflI iksy pfrtI ny iemfm buKfrI dy smrQn nUM Tukrf idwqf. asl gwl ieh hY ik ies nfl afm afdmI pfrtI df lok afDfr Gtn dI QF vD igaf. aOsq ihMdU votr nUM qF ieh kdm TIk jfipaf hI, musilm BfeIcfry ivwc vI ies kdm nUM slfihaf igaf. sI[aYs[zI[aYs[ lok nIqI dy pRmfixk cox srvyKx muqfibk idwlI dy 77 PLIsdI muslmfnF ny afm afdmI pfrtI nUM votF pfeIaF. Bfv ik sfhI iemfm nUM aMgUTf idKfAux qoN bfad vI afm afdmI pfrtI nUM Aus qoN vDyry musilm hmfieq imlI, ijMnI AuWqr pRdysL ivwc smfjvfdI pfrtI aqy ibhfr ivwc rfsLtrI jnqf dl nUM imldI hY. ies ilhfjL nfl ieh CotI ijhI Gtnf Drm-inrpwKqf dI rfjnIqI nUM nvF moV dy skdI hY. Drm-inrpw K qf sfzy sM i vDfn df sB qo N pivwqr isDFq aqy sfzI rfjnIqI df sB qoN nfpfk ZkONslf hY. Bfrq dy sMivDfn ivwc Drm-inrpwKqf sLbd BfvyN hI 1976 ‘c joiVaf igaf pr sMivDfn dI mUl Bfvnf DrminrpwKqf ivwc rcI vsI hY. Bfrq df koeI rfsLtrI Drm nhIN hY. sfry DrmF dy pYrokfrF nUM afpxy Drm df pflx aqy pRcfr-pRsfr krn dI pUrI afjLfdI hY. jy Drm-inrpwKqf dI sMivDfnk gfrMtI nf huMdI qF pqf nhIN Bfrq dI eykqf kdoN qwk kfiem rih pfAuNdI. pr rfjnIqI ny Drm-inrpwKqf dy ies pivwqr isDFq nUM mihjL vot bYNk dI rfjnIqI bxf ky rwK idwqf hY. ijvyN-ijvyN suqMqrqf sMgrfmIaF aqy AunHF dy afdrsLvfd dI ivdfeI hox lwgI, AuNvy-AuNvy Drm-inrpwKqf df nfarf musilm votF hiQafAux dy hwQkMzy ‘c bdl igaf. pihlF kFgrs, iPr smfjvfdI pfrtI aqy rfsLtrI jnqf dl vrgIaF pfrtIaF ny ies dI vrqoN muslmfnF nUM bMDk bxfeI rwKx leI

kIqI. cox rfjnIqI ivwc musilm vot isrP AunHf muwidaF ‘c bwJ ky rih geI, jo muslmfnF qwk sImq sn. msln AurdU, musilm prsnl lfa, bfbrI msijd, vkP bo r z afid. muslmfnF dIaF votF jF qF ienHF PrjLI muwidaF dy afDfr ‘qy ijwqIaF jFdIaF sn jF iPr AunHF nUM dMigaF df zr idKf ky. ies ZkONsly df nqIjf sB dy sfhmxy hY. swcr kmytI ny sfnUM sLIsLf idKfieaf aqy dwisaf ik iswiKaf, ishq aqy rujLgfr vrgy mfmilaF ‘c musilm dilqF vrgI jF AunHF qoN vI bdqr siQqI ivwc hn. swcr kmytI rfhIN swc qF pqf lwgf pr bdilaf nhIN. ipCly sfl swcr kmytI qoN bfad musilm smfj dI dsLf df mulFkx krn vflI kuMzU kmytI ny iPr Ausy kOVI hkIkq dI pusLtI kIqI hY. ipCly 8 sfl ‘c musilm smfj dI siQqI hor vI Krfb hoeI hY.

qjribaF nfl musilm rfjnIqI dy ichry qF bdly pr Aus df cirwqr nhIN bdilaf. ies sMdrB ivwc idwlI ‘c afm afdmI pfrtI df qjrbf iewk Kfs aihmIaq rwKdf hY. afm afdmI pfrtI ny musilm votrF df idl aqy vot, dovyN, ijwqy, pr ibjlI, pfxI, sVk, iswiKaf, rujLgfr aqy ivkfs dy svfl ‘qy. ipClI vfr pfrtI ny ‘gLYr-musilm’ ielfky ivwc musilm AumIdvfrF nUM KVHf krky iewk hor nvIN sLurUafq kIqI sI. iemfm buKfrI nUM Kfrj krnf iesy idsLf ‘c iewk vwzf kdm hY. AumId krnI cfhIdI hY ik pihlI vfr sMivDfn

dI Bfvnf dy anusfr swcI Drm-inrpwKqf rfjnIqI df AuBfr hovygf.

Drm inrwpKqf dI ies ZONgI rfjnIqI df Aultf asr hoieaf. Gwt-igxqI muslmfnF nUM imilaf qF kuJ nhIN, Aultf qusLtIkrn df Twpf jLrUr lwg igaf. kFgrs vrgIaF pfrtIaF dI vot bYNk rfjnIqI nUM dyK ky aOsq ihMdUaF nUM jfpx lwgf ik hovy nf hovy, srkfr muslmfnF dI qrPLdfrI krdI hY. dysL df bhuigxqI smfj iewk Gwt-igxqI vrgI mnodsLf df isLkfr huMdf igaf. ies nfl 50ivaF dy dhfky ivwc Kfrj ho cwukI ihMdUqv dI ivcfrDfrf nUM nvF jIvn imilaf. nqIjf sI rfm jnm BUmI aMdoln aqy uihMdUqv dy nfary ‘qy cwlx vflI rfjnIqI df bolbflf. bhuigxqI smfj dy glby dI ies rfjnIqI df nqIjf 2014 dIaF lok sBf coxF ‘c jLfhr hoieaf. coxF qo bfad vI ‘Gr vfpsI’, igrjf GrF ‘qy hmilaF aqy inwq nvyN AUl-jlUl ibafnF afid kfrn Gwt-igxqI BfeIcfry df zr zUMGf huMdf igaf hY. kFgrs df Gwt-igxqIvfd aqy Bfjpf df bhuigxqIvfd iewk hI iswky dy do pihlU hn. ieh dovyN iewk-dUjy dy ivroDI nhIN hn, sgoN iewk -dUjy dy pUrk hn. ienHF dovF df kuwl imlf ky nqIjf ieh inkilaf hY ik musilm BfeIcfrf pCiVaF hoieaf vI hY aqy njLraMdfjL vI. Bfjpf Aus dI prvfh nhIN krdI, ikAuNik Aus nUM pqf hY ik ieh vot qF Aus nUM imlxI hY ikAuNik Aus nUM Brosf sI ik ienHF dI vot qF ikqy hor jfx qoN rhI. ies juglbMdI rfhIN DrminrpwKqf dy isDFq nUM muslmfnF leI srfp ivc bdl idwqf igaf. bfbrI msijd Zfhy jfx dy bfad qoN muslmfn ies bMDn qoN mukq hox leI Ctptf rhy hn. Auh iemfm buKfrI vrgy ‘Tykydfr’ nUM iewk vfr nhIN keI vfr Kfrj kr cwuky hn. ipCly 20 sflF ‘c musilm rfjnIqI ‘c nvyN moV afey hn-iswiKaf, rujLgfr aqy ivkfs. musilm BfeIcfry dI srbpwKI qrwkI df svfl AuWBiraf hY. muslmfn afpxy purfxy TykydfrF qo mukq hoxf cfhuMdy hn pr Drm inrpwK pfrtIaF AunHF nUM vfps DwkdIaF hn. AunHF nMU vfps mOlfixaF aqy musilm muwidaF vwl DwkdIaF hn. ipCly 10 sflF ‘c Auh Drm-inrpwK pfrtIaF dI igRPq qoN Cwutx leI qrHF-qrHF dy qjrby kr cwuky hn. afsfm ivwc ey[XU[zI[aYP[, AuWqr pRdysL ivwc pIs pfrtI aqy Aulymf kONsl. iesy qrHF hfl hI dOrfn mhfrfsLtr ivc aYm[afeI[aYm[ aijhy hI qjribaF dIaF kuJ imsflF hn. ienHF



The Patrika 

Friday, February 27th, 2015

BC proclaims 2015 as year of sports Keeping in view the importance of sports in the lives of British Columbians Minister of sport and Cultural Development Coralee Oaks proclaimed 2015 as year of sports in B C. She said that BC joins jurisdictions and organisations across the country to promote Canada’s position as a leading sport loving na-

tion. The proclamation coincides with the second week of competition of the 2015 Canada Winter Games being held in Prince George, B C| The event is expected to draw about 15,000 fans of sports, generating economic impact of $70-$90million.

Michael Jong pays tribute to Late Peter Dueck Minister of Finance Michael de Jong , trict of Matsqui. Though he launched a issued the following statement on the successful automobile dealership more than 60 years ago that endures to-day, death of Mr. Peter Dueck. but his contribution to public service is “Abbotsford has lost a leader whose much more significant. I extend deep passion for public service was guided condolence and offer thanks to Peter and by the highest standard of integrity Helen Dueck’s family for all that Peter and ethical conduct. He contributed so gave to our community through his long much to Abbotsford and the –then Dis- and fruitful life.”

Nurses’ union says it will take legal action against abusive patients The head of the B C Nurses’ Union Gayle Duteil says , it will pursue legal action against patients who assault nurses. The union has also created a new policy that includes a range of supports for nurses who are physically or psy-

chologically injured on the job. She says that the union has waited too long for the government and health authorities to take action as nurses continue being hurt and offended.

Investing in post-secondary education pays off An analysis in 2014 by BC Stat shows that graduates of post-secondary programs earn a higher income over a working lifetime than those with just high- school diplomas .For example: Registered apprenticeship certificate -- $524,000. Undergraduate degree in arts or science --$577,000. Master’s degree – more than $1 million. Medicine, dentistry or veterinary medicine—more

than $2 million. Advanced Education Minister Andrew Wilkinson says,” A post-secondary education is one of the smartest investments you can make whether it is a diploma, trade or degree.” British Columbians should take note of this scenario and encourage their children to go in for post-secondary education so they can earn more and thus are able to lead more comfortable life.

Man shot, another stabbed during a violent brawl in Abbotsford Residents of Holly Street in Abbotsford heard shots on Sunday night at about 2 a.m. Police were called who after reaching there found that one man appearing to run away while the other was found injured. According to Const. Ian Macdonald the injured persons were taken to hospital. The incident left some PAGE 30

neighbours rattled as one of them found bullet holes right beside his front door. Such unfortunate incidents are becoming common and are creating a sense of insecurity among people. This doesn’t augur well for peace-loving residents. They get simply horrified.

The Patrika

Friday, February 27th, 2015



Pwgx (kuMB) sMkRFqI


joiqS, Eqy  Eqy 604-832-7859 kro





myK- sQfn bdlx nfl suwK imly. dusLmx kmLjLor hox. acfnk Dn-lfB df Xog hY. nyqr aqy isr-pIVf hovy. pqnI-ksLt. kfrobfr Twp rhy. PrvrI 13, 14, 21, 22; mfrc 2, 3, 12, 13 asLuwB hn.

  ibRK- ibmfrI df zr hY. gwusy ivwc vfDf hovy. sMqfn pwK qoN icMqf. asPl Xojnf. gupq icMqf. kfrobfr TIk rhy. PrvrI 14, 15, 16, 23, 24; mfrc 4, 5 asLuwB hn. 3  imQun- kwPL-vfXU ivkfr hovy. Dn lfB ho ky ivsLysL Krc hovy. nvIN Xojnf aqy suKdfiek Xfqrf qoN lfB hovy. kfrobfr ivwc pRgqI hovy. PrvrI 17, 18, 25, 26; mfrc 6, 7, 8 asLuwB hn. 4  krk- ishq TIk rhy. afriQk pujLIsn kmjLor hovy. inwjI-jn suwK. pqnI aqy sMqfn dI icMqf. kfrobfr ivc bdlfv df ivcfr. mhIny dy aMq ivc acfnk Krc ivwc vfDf hovy. PrvrI 19, 20, 27, 28; mfrc 1, 9, 10, 11 asLuwB hn. 5  isMG- buKfr kfrn prysLfnI hovy. acfnk AuWqm lfB dy hflfq bxn. inwjI lokF df sihXog imly. imwqr nfl axbx hovy. dusLmx kmjLor. kfrobfr TIk rhy. PrvrI 13, 14, 21, 22; mfrc 2, 3, 12, 13 asLuwB hn. 6  kMinaf- kfrobfr AuWqm rhy. inwjI lokF nfl axbx. pqnI-pwK qoN icMqf. Dn-lfB hovy, pr PjUl Krc vI hovy. hONslf bixaf rhy. PrvrI 14, 15, 16, 23, 24; mfrc 4, 5 asLuwB hn. 7  qulf- Audv ivkfr. gupq icMqf. byiewjLqI df zr. Dn-hfnI hovy. Xfqrf ivwc ksLt. kfrobfr TIk rhy. afmdn nfloN Krc ijLafdf hovy. PrvrI 17, 18, 25, 26; mfrc 6, 7, 8 asLuwB hn. 8  ibRsLick- ishq Krfb hovy. inwjI jn ksLt. kfrobfr vfsqy krjLf AuTfxf pvy. dusLmx pRQl. kfrobfr ivwc ivsLysL suDfr dI Xojnf bxy. PrvrI 19, 20, 27, 28; mfrc 1, 9, 10 asLuwB hn. 9  Dn- smF kuJ AulJxF vflf hY. imwqr bMDU qoN shfieqf imly. Xojnf qoN lfB. BfeIvflI qy kfrobfr ivwc DoKf hovy. afriQk sMkt bxy. PrvrI 13, 14, 21, 22; mfrc 2, 3, 12, 13 asLuwB hn. 10  mkr- sLnI cMdr dI pujIsLn. mfnisk AulJxF ivc vfDf krygI. BfeI-bMDU nfl myl hovy. Drm-krm ivwc rucI. kfrobfr TIk rhy. PrvrI 14, 15, 16,23, 24; mfrc 4, 5 asLuwB hn. 11  kuMB- Dn aqy sQfeI sMpdf df lfB hovy. inwjI lokF bfry icMqf rhy. pqnI-pwK qoN mdd imly. kfrobfr ivc kuJ qbdIlI hovy. PrvrI 17, 18, 25, 26; mfrc 6, 7, 8 asLuwB hn. 12  mIn- sLnI aqy bRihspq dI idRsLtI sLwuB kfrjF ivwc rucI bxfey. Dn- dOlq aqy KusLhflI rhy. inwjI lokF nfl ivgfV hovy. pqnI-suwK. kfrobfr TIk rhy. PrvrI 19, 20, 27, 28; mfrc 1, 9, 10, 11 asLuwB hn.

There can be a lot of surprises this week and this will likely involve others. You need to be mindful of optimistically jumping into situations without a lot of thought. What you won’t see are the details attached that you may not be interested in being bothered with for too long. Greater pressure can be applied to you than expected.

Whatever you want to get organised will have strange ways of working themselves out. This could include having to deal with the past in some way. Any previous holdups can suddenly disappear. There is much to gain pleasure from but this is in more of a quiet way, which can include escaping from normal routine for a while.

Someone might be concerned that you are trying to make future plans without having gathered enough information. A third party could help to sort out any missing information or differences. You have likely thought about these things from January and now you will feel it is time to get something established.

You can have more information to deal with than your anticipated. Don’t commit yourself to anything financially on the spur of the moment as you may not like the ongoing commitment later. Be prepared to withstand a high degree of selfishness from someone else. You might need to point out your own future impressions.

Something can become clear, associated with someone else after having gone through previous stages of one way, then another. It could make you realise that you need to accept the differences between you, without allowing it to interfere in any way with what you want to develop for yourself. A future vision can be shared.

The Full Moon this week occurs in your own sign and with this you need to focus on whatever you would like to see fulfilled for you personally. You could feel rather alone when it comes to interest in your matters as others can be highly distracted with their own concerns or what they want you to do to make their life easier.

Activity with others continues to be either busy or intense. In some ways it can feel it is overtaking the things you might want to do for yourself. This is unlikely to follow a smooth path – there can be upheavals and surprises along the way. There is more building up than can be seen right now. Take a sit and wait attitude.

You could feel as though you can’t win, whichever way you go at the moment. There is some sort of togetherness between yourself and others but it is not following normal mode. There is something unpredictable about it. They want to exert the power but are weakened in some way. Something will reach a head.

You could decide that the way something worked in the past could be implemented with success in the future. You are highly creative right now and this can give you a sense that almost anything could be established. In a way it can but you must not overlook the personal commitment this will require of you – it won’t be escaped.

Becoming settled of mind at last in situations where you are dealing with somebody else’s expectations can feel liberating. You will seek a balanced solution in all things without worrying about your own position being threatened. It might make you realise you have gained greater personal strength in dealing with changes.

Something can arise with somebody else this week that can make you realise you have become more secure of mind about where you stand and what is acceptable. This does not have to cause any conflict but will rather allow you to express your own ideas, however out of the ordinary they might be. You are naturally logical.

If you are waiting for a reaction from somebody else, you should get it this week. It is important to stand firm when it comes to your own priorities. The only issue that needs to be dealt with could be finances in some way. If there is any situation you want to change here be sure you don’t overlook important small details in haste.


The Patrika


afto-ieMsorYNs -brYNptn sB qoN mihMgf sLihr

aYNtI-tYrr ibwl nfl ingrfnI rwKx ivwc hovygI afsfnI-mlkyar Etfvf, aY n [zI[pI[lIzr tO m mlkyar ny ikhf ik pRsqfivq aYNtI-tyrrIjLm ibwl aDIn aiDkfrF nUM ieMnf ivsLfl Kyqr idw q f igaf hY ik ijs nfl srkfr nUM rfjnIqk dusLmxF dIaF kfrgujLfrIaF ‘qy ingfh rwKx dI sLkqI imlygI. ivroDIaF vwloN ieh dfavf kIqf jf irhf hY ik ies pRcfr nfl Ku P Iaf ey j M s IaF nU M dy s L dI surwiKaf dy nF ‘qy kMjLrvyitvjL dIaF smfijk, afriQk aqy rfjnIqk pflsIaF ‘qy svfl

KVf krn vfilaF ‘qy ingrfnI rwKx dI KuwlH idwqI jf rhI hY. ies ibwl nfl sI[aYs[afeI[aYs[ nUM iksy vI sLwkI awiqvfdI gqIivDI dI Xo j nf nU M Kqm krn leI koeI vI jLrUrI kdm cwukx dI KuwlH imldI hY. ies nfl afr[sI[aYm[pI[ nUM vI iksy sLwkI ivakqI jF igroh iKlfPL kfrvfeI krn leI qurMq sLkqI pRfpq huMdI hY. iksy sLwkI ivakqI nUM ies afDfr ‘qy igRPqfr krn df aiDkfr aqy Aus qoN bfad loVINdy smyN leI ies igRPqfrI nUM kfiem rwKx dI sLkqI imldI hY.

brYNptn: iewk nvyN afey srvyKx qoN bfad ieh gwl sfhmxy afeI hY ik kfr ieMsLorYNs rytF dy mfmly ivwc brYNptn ENtrIE df sB qoN mihMgf sLihr hY. ies sLRyxI ivwc imsIsfgf df sQfn pMjvyN nMbr ‘qy afieaf hY . mM g lvfr nU M kYnyitks zft sI[ey[ vwloN afpxI ieh irport jfrI kIqI geI. ijs ivwc sfhmxy afieaf hY ik brYNptn ivwc ieh ryt sflfnf aOsq nfl 2,393 zflr bxdy hn, ieh sUbfeI pwDr ‘qy drj kIqI geI aOsq 1,538 cflr nfloN lgBg 44 PLIsdI vwDyry hn. imsIsfgf dI aOsq 1,998 hY, jo AuNtfrIE dI aOsq nfloN 26 PLIsdI vwD hY. ies irport anusfr ies rfsLI nUM inrDfirq krn vyly keI qwQF nUM sLfiml kIqf jFdf hY, ijvyN ik gwzI nUM clfAuxf vfl ikwQy rihMdf

hY, iks iksm df vfhn clfAuNdf hY, gwzI dy corI hox dI sMBfvnf, ivakqI df zRfeIivMg irkfrz afid gwlF nUM iDafn ivwc rwiKaf jFdf hY. kY n y i tks zft sI[ey [ vfeIs pRYjIzYNt jYnI vfeIt ny dwisaf ik sLihrI ielfikafN ivwc iesLorYNs ryt ijLafdf hn ikANuik AuWQy vDyry igxqI ivwc kfrF sVkF ‘qy cwldIaF hn, ijs nfl sVk ‘qy vfprn vflIaF durGtnfvF dI sMBfvnf vI vwD jFdI hY. ieMsLorYNs dI rkm klym dI pRikrqI ‘qy inriDrq huMdI hY. iehnF ielfikaF ivwc ijLafdf aYksIzYNt huMdy hn, ies leI ies ielfky ivwc ieMsoLrYNs dy ryt vI vDyry rwKy gey hn. ies dy Ault bYlvIl, ikM g stn kO b o r j aqy nY p nI ieMsLorYNs ryt sB qoN Gwt hn, ijnHF dI aOsq sflfnf 1,104 bxdI hY.,

iqMn pulIs aPLsr ijnsI hmly ‘c cfrj amrIkf pihlF qoN hI Xukryn nUM mhIny torFto dI 15,000 zflr dI jLmfnq qy hiQafr muhweIaf krvf irhf hY : puiqn toiewrkFtoaO: ripCly q Aupr hoey smUihk

mfsko/ rUs: mMglvfr nUM rfsLtrpqI pUiqn hMgrI ivKy buwDpIst pwujy. ipCly awT mhIinaF ivwc rUsI rfsLtrpqI vlfdImIr pu i qn vw l o N pw C mI dysLF vwl pihlf dOrf kIqf igaf. hMgrI ivKy srkfr iKlfPL lokfN df pRdrsLn lgfqfr jfrI hY. pUiqn vwloN hMgyrIan pRDfn mMqrI ivktr Erbn nfl mMglvfr nUM kIqI geI kfnPrMs dOrfn pU i qn nU M iew k svfl pw u i Caf igaf sI ik jykr Xukryn iKlfPL rUsI vwKvfdIaF dI lVfeI ivwc amrIkf vwloN Xukryn nUM hiQafrF df smrQn imlx lwg jfvy qF pUiqn ies siQqI df sfhmxf

ikvy N krngy ? ies svfl dy jvfb ivc rfsLtrpqI pUiqn ny ikhf ik amrIkf vwloN pihlF qoN hI Xukryn nUM hiQafr muhweIaf krvfey jf rhy hn.

AuhnF ikhf ik sfzI sUcnf anusfr ieh hiQafr pihlF qoN hI Xukryn puwj rhy hn, iehnF nUM Xukryn phuMcfAx vflf amrIkf hI hY. AuhnF ieh vI ikhf ik iehnF nvyN hiQafrF dI vrqoN nfl by s L w k mrn vfilaF dI igxqI ivwc hor vfDf vI hovygf pr ies nfl vI ies lVfeI dy iswitaf nUM bdilaf nhIN jf skdf.

ieh Gtnf jnvrI mhIny ivc vfprI sI aqy ieh mfmlf pulIs dI ingfh ivwc AudoN afieaf, jdoN ies bwcy nUM byhosLI dI hflq ivwc hspqfl ivwc BrqI krvfieaf igaf sI. pRfpq jfxkfrI anusfr mYzIkl stfPL vwloN ies bwcy nUM do idnF qwk ieMntYNisv kyar XUint ivwc rwiKaf igaf sI.


ijnsI hmly ivwc 51 izvIjLn dy iqMn pulIs aPsrF nUM cfrj kIqf igaf hY. kFstybl lYslI injLink 38, josLUaf kybYro 28 aqy smIr kfrf 31 nMU ijnsI aqy smUihk hmly dy dosLF ivwc cfrj kIqf igaf hY. ieh sfry puulIs krmI Gtnf vkq kMm ‘qy nhIN sn aqy ienHF nUM pulIs nfl kMm kridaF Cy sfl qoN Gwt df smF hoieaf hY. bIqy vIrvfr nUM ienHF iqMNnF nUM kort ivwc pysL kIqf igaf aqy

mYkilEz vloN PYzirl sIt leI cox nf lVn df PLYslf Etfvf: Etfvf ielfky dI pRogRYisv kMjLrvyitv aYm[pI[pI[ vwloN CyqI hI sfbkf ivdysL mMqrI jOn byarz vwloN KflI kIqI jfx vflI sIt leI lVI jfx vflI cox ivwcoN bfhr hox dI iqafrI kIqI jf rhI hY. iewk ibafn jfrI kridaF mYkilEz ny ikhf ik AuhnF nUM PYzrl coxF lVn leI bhuq sfry lokF vwloN smrQn hfsl hoieaf pr AuhnF afpxy pqI nfl iml ky ieh PY s lf ilaf hY ik ieh coxF AuhnF leI bhuqIaF lfBkfrI nhIN hn. AuhnF PYslf kIqf hY ik Auh

kirmnl kfrvfeI qoN bfad pulIs srivs aYkt vI ies dI CfxbIx krygI aqy vwD qoN vwD ienHF mulfjLmF nUM brKfsq vI kIqf jf skdf hY.

nhIN ik mONtI df ies ivsLy Aupr icMqf jnk hoxf AusdI pfrtI lIzrisLp nUM lY ky hY jF iPr Auh bhuq QoVy lokF dy smUh nfl hn jo bwicaF nUM jfxkfrI idwqy jfx iKlfPL afvfjL Au T fAu x f cfhuMdy hn.

torFto, ikAUbYk ivwc iewk nfbflg lVkI dy kwpVy Auqfr ky mYrovfnf hox sMbMDI leI qlfsLI Auqy keI mfipaF aqy nfgirk aiDkfr kfrku M n vlo N iqw K f pR q Ikrm jLfhr kIqf igaf hY. prOivMs dI iswiKaf mMqrI eIvjL bolzk ny ies dI pRoVqf krdy hoey ikhf ik ieh iewk surwiKaf sMbMDI qlfsLI sI ijs ivwc ividafrQI nUM hwQ nhIN lfieaf igaf aqy aYsy mfmilaF ivwc aiDafpkF nU M mfipaF dI iejL f jq lY x f jLrUrI nhIN. skUl Aupr durivvhfr krn dy dosL lgfey gey hn. kYnyzIan isvl ilbritjL aYsosIeysLn dy aYbI zysLmYn ny ikhf ik ieho ijhf vrqfE mMdBfgf hY aqy kfnUMn dI AulMGxf hY. skUl vwloN kIqy durivvhfr aqy ies nUM kfnMUnn shI sfbq krnf dovyN gwlF nUM ieqrfjLXog hn. AunHf ikhf ik nMigaf krky qlfsLI lYxI iewk bhuq hI afkrmk pRikRaf hY aqy ies bfry puils aqy kurYksLnl aPsr kol vI sImq aiDkfr huMdy hn.

AuhnF ieh PYslf afpxy pirvfr nUM sfhmxy rwK ky kIqf hY. rfjnIqk pRogrfmF ivwc msLrUPL rihx kfrn AuhnF dy pirvfrk jIvn ‘qy pYx vfly pRBfvF nUM mwDm krn leI ieh PLYslf ilaf igaf hY.

mMglvfr nUM idwqy iewk ibafn ivc bolzk ny ikhf sI ik jdoN qwk snmfn sihq kuJ sLrqF qihq kwpVy Auqfr ky qlfsLI leI jFdI hY qF Aus ivc koeI KrfbI nhIN hY. ikAUbYk dy 2010 dy qlfsLI kfnUMn anusfr agr ividafrQI dI qlfsLI lYxI hovy qF Ausy ilMg dy do tIcr qlfsLI lY skdy hn aqy ividafrQI ny prdy ipwCy jf ky afpxy sfry kwpVy Auqfr ky tIcr nUM dyxy huMdy hn. suprIm kort afPL kYnyzf vwloN 1998 ivwc pfs kIqy kfnUMn anusfr skUl kol ividafrQIaF dy lfkwr aqy bYg dI qlfsLI lYx df aiDkfr sLfiml hY. ies mfmly Aupr kYnyzIan aY s L o s Iey s L n afPL ipR M s IpljL jF kYnyzIan skUl borz aYsLosIeysLn vloN koeI vI itwpxI nhIN kIqI geI hY. EntfrIE dI iswiKaf mMqrI ny ikhf ik EntfrIE aMdr ies qrHF dI qlfsLI dI pfbMdI hY. AunHF ikhf ik EntfrIE dy skUlF ivc kwpVy Auqfr ky kdy vI qlfsLI nhIN leI geI.

kYnyzIan jYtF ny AuzfeI bMb PYktrI

ivn ny ikhf ik ividafrQIaF nUM pihly gRyz aMdr ichry dy hfv Bfv jfnx dI iswiKaf jrUrI hY Etfvf: imltrI vwloN ieh qF jo AunHF nuM sihmqI dI Dfrnf jfxkfrI idwqI geI hY ik ipCly hPLqy sI[aYP[-18 PfeItr jYWt bfry jfxkfrI ho sky. ies nvyN sYks islybs ivwc qIjy gRyz dy ividafrQI nUM smilMgI sYks aqy smilMgI ivafh bfry jfxkfrI idwqI jfvygI. gRyz Cy dy ividafrQIaF nUM gBryt avsQf (pubrtI) , hsqmYQun bfry pVfieaf jfvygf. gRyz swq dy ividafrQIaF nUM sYks sMbMDI ibmfrIaF qoN bcfE, mOiKk aqy gudf rfhIN sYks bfry vI jfxkfrI muhweIaf krvfeI jfvygI.

afpxI nON sflF bwcI ivktorIaf nUM dyr rfq qwk cwlx vflIaF kYNpyinMgjL kfrn hox vflIaF prysLfnIaF qoN injLfq idvfAuxgy. mYkilEz pihlI vfr 2006 ivwc EntfrIE lYijslycr ivwc cuxI geI sI.

ikAUbk ivwc kwpVy Auqfr ky ividafrQI dI qlfsLI df mfmlf grmfieaf

Cwizaf igaf hY. torFto pulIs dy bulHfry ny dwisaf ik iqMnF mulfjLmF nUM qnKfh nfl muawql kr idwqf igaf hY. pulIs mulfjLm nUM qnKfh dy nfl hI muawql krdI hY jdoN qwk AusnUM sjLf nf ho jfvy. 15 sflF skUlI ividafrQx vloN

EntorIE ‘c sYks islybs sqMbr qoN

torFto- pRImIar kYQiln ivn ny iewk ibafn ivwc ikhf ik skUlI ividafrQIaF dy mF-bfp nfl gwlbfq df islislf hux mwuk cuwkf hY aqy afAux vfly kuJ hPiqaF ivwc sYks iswiKaf sMbMDI islybs nUM ieMtrnYWt qy ies bwcy dI mF vwloN 911 ‘qy kfl pf idwqf jfvygf qF jo lok ies kIqy jfx qoN bfad ies bwcy nUM nUM dyK skx. hspqfl phuMcfieaf igaf sI. afr[sI[aYm[pI[ vwloN idwqI sUcnf ies msly Au p r kM j L r vy i tv anusfr tOksIkolOjI dy tYst ivc pfrtI dy aY m [ pI[ pI[ mO N t I ieh pqf lwigaf hY ik ies bwcy mwknOtn vloN bfr bfr srkfr dy KUn ivwc vwzI mfqrf ivwc BMg df ivroD kIqf igaf hY aqy AunHF df nsLf imilaf sI. jFc qoN bfad ikhf ik hor mfipaF koloN ies puils nUM ieh jfxkfrI imlI ik sMbMDI rfie lYxI jLrUrI hY. ies bwcy dy ipqf vwlNo BMg vflIaF ivn ny ikhf ik prOivMs aMdr kukIjL iqafr kIqIaF geIaF skUl kONslF ny 5000 skUlF sn, jo bfad ivwc ijLafdf mfqrf qoN ies ivsLy Aupr rfie leI jf ivwc ies bwcy vwloN Kf ley jfx cwukI hY aqy afAux vfly sqMbr kfrx iesdI EvrzojL hox ‘qy mhIny ivwc ieh islybs lfgU kr bwcf byhos ho igaf sI. hfl dI idwqf jfvygf. GVI ies ivakqI nUM pulIs vwloN igRPqfr kIqf igaf hY aqy ies pRsLn kfl dOrfn ivn ny ikhf ‘qy cfrijLjL vI lgfey gey hn. ik AunHF nUM ies gwl df pqf

bwcy nUM BMg vflIaF kukIjL KvfAux ‘qy ipqf igRPLqfr sskYcvn: iewk 20 mhIinaF dy bwcy nUM ijLafdf mfqrf ivwc BMg KvfAux dy dosL ivwc bwcy nUM ipqf nUM igRPqfr kIqf igaf hY. afr[sI[aYm[pI[ vwloN idwqI geI sUcnf anusfr ies bwcy nUM BMg vflIaF kukIjL vDyry mfqrf ivc KvfeIaF geIaF hn.

Friday, February 27th, 2015


jhfjLF vwloN kIqy gey hmly dOrfn ieslfimk styt dI vDyry blsLflI ivsPotkF nUM iqafr krn vflI PLYktrI nUM qbfh kr idwqf igaf hY. nyvI aiDkfrI pOl PLOrgYt vwloN sLuwkrvfr dy idn kIqy gey ies hmly nUM iewk kfmXfb hmlf dw i saf igaf hY. Auhnf ikhf ik sMgiTq rUp ivwc kIqy jf rhy iehnF hvfeI hmilaF aqy jLmInI pwDr ‘qy

ierfk vwloN kIqIaF jf rhIaF kfrvfeIaF nfl ieslfimk styt vwloN kIqIaF jf rhIaF kfrgujLfrIaF nUM kuJ hwd qwk TwlH pfeI jf skI hY. ipCly sfl sLurU hoeI kYnyzIan muihMm qo bfad hux qwk sI[aYP [-18 jYWt jhfjLF vwl oN kuLl 328 hmly kIqy gey hn. kYnyzIan iplrIjL tYNkr vwloN hux qwk 82 AuzfnF BrIaF geIaF hn aqy kul 2 imlIan iklogRfm df ieMDn iehnF eyarkRfPts leI phuMcfieaf igaf hY.

Friday, February 27th, 2015

The Patrika



dyr afey drusq afey ieh gwl Bfrq dy lokF leI, aqy kuJ hwd qwk isrP iqMn sItF imlIaF hn. ies hfr nfl afr aYWs aYWs dy muKI ny afpxy ihMdUqv dy bhuq sohxy dysL ivwc Dfrimk pwKoN sihxsLIlqf sMsfr dy lokF leI vI, hYrfnI vflI ho skdI hY ik pRDfn mMqrI nirMdr modI ny ieh ikhf hY ik Bfrq ivwc iksy dI Dfrimk afjLfdI dy hwk ivwc koeI hor iksy qrHF df dKl nhIN dy skdf. AunHF ny ikhf ik ijhVf Drm koeI rwKx dy inBfAux df mn bxfeI bYTf hY, Aus dI Aus nUM pUrI afjLfdI hovygI. modI sfihb qF ies qoN awgy vD ky dysL dI sdIaF purfxI ies irvfieq nUM Xfd krvfAux qwk vI phuMc gey ik hr Drm leI sihxsLIlqf Bfrq dy swiBafcfr df mwuZF qoN aMg rhI hY. ieh sfrIaF gwlF hYrfnI vflIaF hn. asIN pRDfn mMqrI modI df iewk rUp gujrfq dy dMigaf vyly vyiKaf sI, jdoN pIVq BfeIcfrf kYNpF ivwc gujLrf kr irhf sI aqy modI sfihb ny AunHF lokF dy kYNpF nUM jvfk jMmx dIaF PYktrIaF kih ky icVfieaf sI. iPr jdoN Auh dysL dy pRDfn mMqrI bx gey, keI lokF nUM afs sI ik srkfr dy muwKI vjoN ijvyN kdy atl ibhfrI vfjpfeI ny purfxIaF DfrnfvF Cwz ky Gwt-igxqIaF dI rfKI leI ivsLysL aYlfn kIqy sn, nirMdr modI vI Auh kuJ jLrUr krygf, pr Auh ies ies qrHF df pRBfv hI nhIN sI dy irhf. ipCly sfl pfrlImYNt ivwc bhu-igxqI hfsl kr lYx ipwCoN jdoN Auus dI srkfr bx geI qy Aus dy mMqrI qy pfrlImYNt mYNbr vI Gwt-igxqIaF dy iKlfP jLihr AuglwCx vfly rfh pY gey, pRDfn mMqrI cuwp irhf sI . Aus dI iewk mMqrI bIbI ny idwlI ivwc iewk cox jlsy ivwc gMdI gflH kwZ idwqI, pr nirMdr modI ny cwup nhIN sI qoVI. iewk pfrlImYNt mYNbr ny GWt-igxqIaF bfry jLihr dy qIr clfey. pfrlImYNt ivwc rOlf pYNdf irhf. pRDfn mMqrI ny ies bfry vI koeI pRBfv nhIN sI idwqf, sgoN iewk cwup aqy sO suwK dy PfrmUly AuWqy cldy rhy sn. idwlI ivwc ivDfn sBf coxF dOrfn crcF AuWqy hmly kIqy gey qF nirMdr modI ny iksy nUM iJVikaf qwk nhIN sI. hux hflfq bdl gey lwgdy hn. idwlI ivwc AunHF ijwq dI afs rwKI sI, pr afs dy Ault jf ky isrP hfr nhIN hoeI, AunHF dI pfrtI nUM sLrmnfk siQqI ivwc

keI kuJ bdl igaf hY. Bfjpf lIzrisLp vI nvyN isirEN socx lwgI hY. pRDfn mMqrI hux ies nvyN dOr ivwc nvyN rUp ivwc afAux df Xqn kr irhf lwgdf hY. Aus ny mMglvfr dy idn ijvyN ieh ikhf ik iksy vI Drm nUM mMnx vfilaF dy ivsLvfsLF dI rfKI kIqI jfvygI, Aus qNo sfP ho irhf hY ik Auh idwlI ivwc lwg gey ies Jtky qoN bfad nuksfn GtfAux df Xqn krn lwgy hn.

JMzf brdfrF nUM JfV pfeI hY qF AunHF vI TIk kIqf hY, pr TIk bVI dyr lf ky kIqf hY. ieh kMm bVf icr pihlF kr dyxf cfhIdf sI. amrIkf df rfsLtrpqI brfk Ebfmf vI sfnUM smJfAuxIaF dy ky igaf hY. vfps jf ky iPr Aus ny ieh gwl kih idwqI hY ik Bfrq vrgy

isrP pRDfn mMqrI sfihb nhIN, AunHF dI pfrtI dy ipwCy KVy afr aYWs aYWs vwloN vI hux nvyN dOr ivwc nvyN ZMg nfl bolx dI loV mihsUs kIqI jf rhI hY. ipCly sfl qoN Bfjpf dy keI afgUaF vwloN ieh ikhf jfx afm gwl bx geI sI ik ihMdU Drm nUM Gwt-igxqI bxn qo rokx leI ihMdUaF nUM afpxy GrF ivwc cfr-cfr bwcy pYdf krny cfhIdy hn. iewk sfDvI ny cfr-cfr bwcy khy qF iewk sfDU ny, ijhVf Bfjpf df pfrlImYNt mYNbr vI hY, ieh kihx ivwc sLfn smJI ik cfr kI, ihMdUaF dy ds-ds bwcy hoxy cfhIdy hn. EdoN nf pRDfn mMqrI modI ny iksy nUM ies qrHF dI bolI bolx qoN rokx dI loV smJI qy nf hI afr aYWs aYWs vwloN ies dy muwKI ny koeI dKLl idqf sI. idwlI coxF ivc mfr Kfx ipwCON afr aYWs aYWs nUM vI akl afeI jfpdI hY aqy Aus dy muwKI mohn Bfgvq ny ieh kih ky afpxy cyilaF qy cylIaF nUM JfiVaf hY ik iksy dy ikMny bwcy hox, ieh AunHF df inwjI mfmlf hox krky iksy hor nUM dKl dyx dI loV nhIN. hux AunHF ny ieh vI kih idwqf hY ik cfr-cfr bwcy jMmx dI slfh dyx vfly ieh soc ky bolx ik sfzIaF BfrqI mfvF aOrqF hn, iensfn hn, koeI bwcy jMmx dIaF PYktrIaF nhIN hn. ieh sfrI gwl AunHF swcI afKI hY, pr afKI bhuq dyr nfl hY.

mnuwK dI soc nUM KMB lwg jfx df sMklp aijhf hY ijs qihq Auh kuJ vI kr gujLrn dy kfbl ho jFdf hY. hux qwk df ieiqhfs ieh dwsdf hY ik ijs iksy gwl bfry iksy ivakqI ny kdy soicaf sI, smF pf ky Auh iksy hor ivakqI ny swc kr idwqf. awj kwl iewk aijhf ivcfr crcf ivc hY ijs qihq sfl 2025 qwk mnuwK nUM sdf leI mMgl gRih AuWqy rihx vfsqy iljfieaf jfvygf. ieh suPnf drasl 2011 ivwc bfs lYnszorp aqy afrno vIlzrjL nfmk do zwc ivakqIaF ny ilaf sI. afpxy suPny nUM swc krn leI AuhnF ny Mars One nfmk gYr munfPf sMsQf bxfeI hY. ies sMsQf df tIcf amrIkf dI pulfV Koj sMsQf nfsf qoN vI iewk dhfkf pihlF mnuwKF nUM mMgl AuWqy vsf dyx df hY.

Bfrq ivwc hr Drm, jfq, hr rMg aqy hr nsl dy lok rihMdy hn aqy eyQy iksy Drm dy nfl vI ivqkrf keI smwisafvF pYdf kr skdf hY. ies leI ibhqr ieho hY ik Drm dy bhfny hyT lokF nUM pfVn vfly lokF df iswDf qy iqwKf ivroD kIqf jfvy. pRDfn mMqrI nirMdr modI hux boly hn qF TIk kIqf hY aqy jdoN

dI Gft rVkdI hY. ijhVI cwup nirMdr modI qy mohn Bfgvq ny hux qoVI hY, jy Auh AudoN qoVI huMdI, jdoN qoVn dI loV sI qF brfk Ebfmf qoN ieh imhxf nhIN sI suxnf pYxf aqy idwlI ivwc ijhVf rfjsI pwK qoN nuksfn Bfjpf ny krvf ilaf hY, sLfied Auh vI Enf nhIN sI hoxf.

mMgl AuWqy mnwuK 62 aqy rUs dy 52 lok sn. iehnF ivwcoN 705 ny ieMtrivAU pfs kIqI aqy mYzIkl hox qoN bfad hux 100 lokF dI ilst bxfeI geI hY. isKr AuWqy afAux vfly 100 ivwcoN kYnyzf dy 6 ivakqI hn ijhnF ivwcoN sB qoN vwzI Aumr df 60 sflf rYjInflz jOrj torFto qoN hY. sB qoN CotI Aumr df kYnyzIan vfrtlU df rihx vflf 28 sflf zynIal bYNjfimn irgr hY. isKrly 100 ivwc iewk iswK qrnjIq isMG BftIaf vI sLfml hY. isKrly 100 ivwcoN CFtI krky 40 lokF dI tIm bxfeI jfvygI ijhnF nUM 8 sfl mMgl AuWqy jfx dI tryinMg idwqI jfvygI. 2025 ivc ijhVy cfr lok mMgl gRih AuWqy jfxgy AuhnF dI cox tYlIivjLn dy drsLkF vwloN pfeIaF votF muqfibk kIqI jfvygI. iehnF lokF AuWqy qjurbf krn AuWqy 6 iblIan zflr Krc hox df anumfn hY. ies Krc nUM sMsQf dfn, spFsrF aqy tYlIivjLn qoN hox vflI afmdn qoN pUrf krn dI socdI hY. kI ieh pRojYkt kdy amlI rUp lvygf, ies bfry hfl dI GVI kuwJ nhIN afiKaf jf skdf. cyqy rhy ik sfl 2009 ivwc nfsf vwloN mnuwK nUM mMgl AuWqy lY jfx dI gwl afKI geI sI. nfsf ny ikhf sI ik aijhf pRojYkt pUrf hox nUM 18 sfl lwg skdy hn ijs AuWqy 100 iblIan zflr Krc afAux dI sMBfvnf hY. mfrjL vn vfilaF 6 iblIan dy ihsfb ikqfb nfloN nfsf df 100 iblIan df anumfn kfPI iBMn jfpdf hY.

sMsQf df mMnxf hY ik mnwuK nUM mMgl gRih AuWqy lY jfx dy smwucy Gtnf kRm nUM lfeIt tYlIivjLn AuWqy ivKfieaf jfvygf ijsqoN kfPI lfB hox dI AumId hY. ies Xfqrf dy hr pVfa nUM irkfrz kIqf jfvygf ijsdf ivsLv Br ivwc iswDf pRsfrx kIqf jfvygf. pRbMDkF df XkIn hY ik ieh Xfqrf mihjL sYr spftf nhIN sgoN mnwuKqf leI nvIN idsLfvF vwl iewk vwzI pulFG hovygI. mMgl AuWqy mnuwK dy jfx qoN bfad sfnUM solr isstm dy bxn dy mwuZ, mnuwKI jIvn ikvyN hod ivwc afieaf aqy ies bRihmMz ivwc mnuwK df kI sQfn hY, vrgy guMJldfr suaflF dy jvfb socx vflI gwl ieh vI hY ik kI mfrjL vn imlx dI afs bwJ jfvygI. pRojYkt swcmwuc mnuwKqf dy BlfeI leI kfrgr mMgl AuWqy jfx swdy dy huMgfry ivc 2013 ivwc sfbq hovygf? ies bfry kfPI lokF nUM sLMky hn. 2782 lokF ny arjLIaF idwqIaF sn. iehnF sLMky KLfs krky ies pRojYkt dy mukMml hox leI ivwcoN 1058 dUjy gyV dI ieMtrivAU leI sPl loVINdy sfDn muhweIaf hox aqy mMgl AuWqy jfx hoey. dUjy gyV ivwc puwjx vfilaF ivc sB qoN vwD vfilaF dy muV ky DrqI AuWqy vfps nf afAux amrIkf dy 149 lok sn. kYnyzf dy 75, Bfrq dy dy suaflF nUM lY ky vDyry hn.



The Patrika 

Friday, February 27th, 2015

UFV hoopsters ­­Wierks, Moedt and Parchment named Canada West all-stars

University of the Fraser Valley basketball players Sarah Wierks, Jasper Moedt and Kevon Parchment have been named to the Canada West conference all-star teams.


eading the list is Wierks, who became the first Cascades women’s basketball player to earn a first team all-star nod since UFV joined Canada West in 2006. The 6’2” fifth-year centre from Chilliwack put together a sparkling campaign, leading the conference in scoring at 19.2 points per game while also authoring the greatest rebounding season in Canada West history. She set single-season conference records for total rebounds (307) and rebounding average (15.4), and tied the record for double-doubles with 18 in 20 games. She also established single-game marks for offensive rebounds (12),


defensive rebounds (20) and total rebounds (31). Wierks led the nation in rebounding by a huge margin (she finished 4.1 boards per game ahead of her closest competitor) and was fourth in the CIS in scoring.

“She’s had an unbelievable year,” Cascades head coach Al Tuchscherer said of Wierks, who finishes her career second on the conference’s all-time rebounding list with 1,049 boards. “She did things that nobody in our program has ever done, and not a lot of people in the history of Canada West have ever done. She’s left a huge mark on Canada West, and she leaves our program as one of the all-time greats.” Moedt, a 6’7” fifth-year centre with the UFV men’s basketball team, is a member of the conference’s second all-star team for the second straight season.

A graduate of Abbotsford’s Yale Secondary, Moedt led Canada West and was second in the nation in rebounding at 10.7 per game. He also averaged 11.6 points per contest, third-best on the Cascades, and registered nine double-doubles. Over his five-year career, Moedt’s 27 double-doubles are seventh-most in conference history. “To have Jasper finish off with an all-star is a great accomplishment for him,” UFV head coach Adam Friesen said. “He’s come a long way during his career, and he really prides himself on rebounding. So the fact he was finally able to win the rebounding title I know means a lot to him.” Parchment was named a third team allstar, marking the first career Canada West all-star nod for the 6’3” fourthyear guard from Toronto. Parchment paced the Cascades with 14.7 points per game, and was second

on the squad in both rebounding (6.2) and assists (3.0). He also tied for first in the nation in steals (51), which is indicative of his key role in UFV’s excellent defence. The Cascades ranked second in the conference this season in points allowed per game at 69.7. “We can’t win without him on the floor,” Friesen said of Parchment. “He defends the other team’s best player, he rebounds at a high level, and he led the country in the steals. And we’re not even talking about his offensive game and what he gives us at that end of the floor.” The Cascades men’s basketball team hosts a playoff series at home this weekend. The Calgary Dinos are their opponent in the Canada West quarterfinals, and the best-of-three series runs Friday (6 p.m.), Saturday (6 p.m.) and Sunday (2 p.m., if necessary) at UFV’s Envision Athletic Centre.

Friday, February 27th, 2015

The Patrika 


UFV benefits from new trades training equipment The University of the Fraser Valley (UFV) will receive $325,274 to buy new trades training equipment that supports students entering in-demand occupations critical to the economy. UFV is using the funds to keep up with industry and curriculum requirements. New trades training equipment includes a steam cleaner, HVAC recovery program, and drill press for heavy duty mechanic trades students; a saw for carpentry students; a power threading machine for plumbing students; and new technology welding machines for welding students.

Government based funding for new equipment on consultations with educational institutions and the Industry Training Authority, as well as the mostrecent labour-market data. The trades training equipment funding for 2014-15 is part of a B.C.’s Skills for Jobs Blueprint commitment of $185 million over three years for trades training infrastructure and equipment at public post-secondary institutions. It builds on the announcement in July 2014 of 194 additional critical trades training seats for UFV.


The Patrika


post sYkMzrI aYjUkysLn ivc kIqf invysL lfhyvMd srkfrI pRkfs ivc dwisaf igaf hY ik post-sYkMzrI gRYjUeytF dI jIvn Br dI kmfeI dy aMkiVaF qoN ies qwQ dI pusLtI huMdI hY ik post sYkMzrI aYjUkysLn ivc kIqf jfx vflf invysL sB qoN vDIaf invysL hY| ies bfry Auwc isiKaf dy mM q rI aY N z irAU iviknsn ny ikhf,” aMzrgRYjUeyt postsYkMzrI izgrI vflf ivakqI afpxy jIvn-kfl dOrfn $827,000 dI kmfeI krn dy smrwQ hY|” 2014 dy bI sI stYt df ivsLlysLn vI Auprokq dfavy dI hfmI Brdf hY aqy kihMdf hY kyvl hfeI skUl dy izplomy

nflo post-sYkMzrI aYjUkysLn dy izplomy jF izgrIaF kmfeI krn pwKoN kfPI awgy hn| srkfr vwloN ieh vI dfavf kIqf igaf hY ik po s t-sY k M z rI izgrIaF aqy izploimaF dI pVHfeI ktfAuz vflIaF sMsQfvF ivc ieMnHF korsF dIaF sflfnf PIsF ivc $5,118 df vfDf hoieaf hY jo kYnyzf Br ivc hoey vfDy dy anukUl hI hY| bI sI jOb mMqrI sLrlI bONz df kihxf hY ,” afs hY ik 2022 qwk sUby ivc iek imlIan jObF pYdf hoxgIaF ijMnHF vfsqy postsYkMzrI izgrI jF izplomf pRfpq lokF dI loV hovygI|

aYbtsPorz ivc hoey ihMsk lVfeI 22 PrvrI , aYqvfr dy qVky 2 vjy holI stRIt dy vfsIaF ny golIaF dIaF afvfjF suxIaF| puils nUM vI ies df pqf lwgf qF AuMnHF nUM AuwQy phuMc ky pqf lwgf ik iek afdmI Bwjf jf irhf sI aqy dUsrf jKmI hoieaf ipaf sI| puils aiDkfrI ieafn

mYkzfnlz df kihxf hY ik 20ku sfl dy donoN ivakqIaF dI hflq siQr hY; puils AunHF nUM jfxdI hY| aFZI guaFZI bVy prysLfn njLr afey| mYkzfnlz df kihxf hY ik ies ihM s k Gtnf dI pVqfl kIqI jf rhI hY jo AuMnHF nUM kuJ gMJldfr jfp rhI hY|

aYbtsPorz dI PYzrl jylH df kYdI nUM vwjf Curf;jylH nUM mfiraf igaf jMdrf 20 PrvrI nUM aYbtsPorz ivclI PYzrl jyl nUM AudoN jMdrf mfr idwqf igaf jdoN Aus ivclf iek kYdI CurybfjL df isLkfr ho igaf| jy l nfl sbM D q ku r Y k sL n l aiDkfrI gorz rfbrtsn ny ikhf ik ieh qflf bM d I 12 PrvrI dI rfq qwk jfrI rhI| AuMnHF ieh vI ikhf ik kYdI burI

qrF jKmI ho igaf sI ijs krky Aus nUM hvfeI aYNbUlYNs rfhIN hspqfl phuMcfieaf igaf| hmlf krn vfly nUM hor jylH ivc qbdIl kr idwqf igaf| mYskueI jylH mIzIam-sikAuirtI vflI jylH hY jo vYnkUvr dy pUrb ivc qoN 70 iklomItr dI dUrI ‘qy siQq hY|

byqrqIbI pfrtI nUM bMd krfAux geI puils dI kfr dI BMn-qoV kYnyzf-XU aYs dI hwd nyVy vIrfn ijhy eyrIey( mYjUbf ihwl) ivc 500 dy krIb nOjvfnF vwloN kIqI jf rhI byqrqIbI ijhI pfrtI qoN Gbrf ky AuwQoN dy rihx vfilaF ny 21 PrvrI dI rfq dy 10ku vjy aYbtsPorz puils nUM bulfieaf| AuQy drjnF kfrF pfrk kIqIaF hoeIaF sn| aYbtsPorz puils aiDkfrI ieafn mYkzfnlz df kihxf hY ik iclfvYk dI afr sI aYm pI vI dy 25 aPsr vI AuwQy phuMc gey sn| sLfied iksy ny AuMnHF nUM vI sUicq kr idwqf sI|


Friday, February 27th, 2015


AuQy jf ky AuMnHF vyiKaf ik sYkVy nOjvfn Ksqf ijhI kyibn ivc pfrtI kr rhy sn| AunHF dy kihx anusfr Auh QF suMnI ijhI durfzI QF hY ijwQy iksy aYNbUlYNs df CyqI phuMcxf sOKf nhIN| AuMnHF ieh vI ikhf ik kuJ ku KrUdIaF qoN ibnF bfkI qF sfAU jfp rhy sn| iPr vI AuMnHF ivcoN keIaF ny puils dI kfr df kfPI nuksfn kr idwqf| hYrfnI dI gwl ieh hY ieh kuJ ho jfx ‘qy vI koeI igRPqfrI nhIN kIqI geI|

bI sI-albrtf ivckfr smJoqyvpfr vDx dI afs bI sI aqy albrtf ivckfr hoey nvyN smJOqy kfrn qyl aqy gYs kMpnIaF leI donF sUibaF ivc vpfr krnf sOKf ho jfvygf prMqU AuMnHF nUM pbilk aqy vfqfvrn dI surwiKaf XkInI bnfAuxI hovygI| ies surwiKaf bfry donoN sUibaF dy kfnUMn lgBg iewko ijhy hn| sfrIaF kMpnIaF nUM ieMnHF kfnUMnF dI pflxf krnf lfjLmI hovygf| Xfdrhy ik ieMnHF vpfrk KyqrF

ivc ieMnHF sUibaF dI sFJ bhuq purfxI hY| ies smJOqy dy nqIjy vjoN iek sUby ivc kMm kr rhI kMpnI leI jLrUrI nhIN hovygf ik Auh jF Aus df koeI eyjYNt dUsry sUby df invfsI hovy| bI sI dI aMqrfsLtrI tRyz dI mMqrI tYrIsf vft df kihxf hY ik irhfiesL dI sLrq lfjLmI nf hox nfl bI sI nUM afpxy vpfr dy ivsqfr krn ivc sOK ho jfvygI|

2015 nUM bI sI ivc KyzF df sfl aYlfinaf igaf lokF dy jIvn ivc KyzF dI BUimkf dI mhwqqf nUM muK rKidaF aqy ipR M s jO r j ivKy ho x vflIaF kYnyzf pwDr dIaF srd ruwq dIaF KyzF dy jsLnF nUM muK rKidaF bI sI dI Kyz mMqrIO korlI Eks vwloN sfl 2015 nUM KyzF df sfl aYlfinaf igaf hY| afs kIqI jf rhI hY ik srd ruwq dIaF KyzF ivc 15,000 Kyz pRymI aqy hmfieqI hfjLr hoxgy aqy ieMnHF KyzF rfhIN $70-$90 imlIan df afrQk pRBfv pvygf| bI sI dy

iKzfrIaF nUM afpxI Kyz-smrWQf dy pRgtf df mOkf imlygf| ipRMs jOrj dI ivDfiek sLrlI bONz ny ikhf ik srd ruwq dIaF KyzF df mIjLbfn bxnf bI sI leI mfx vflI gwl hY| AuMnHF nUM ies krky vDyry mfn hY ik Auh ipRMs jOrj dy ivDfiek hn| Xfd rhy ik ieh aYlfn kYnyzf Br dIaF Kyz sMsQfvF dy KyzF nUM hor Auqsfihq krn aqy kYnyzf nUM iek mohrI Kyz-pRymI dysL vjoN AuBfrn dy XqnF nUM hor bl pRdfn krdf hY|

iek ipitsLnr vwloN bI sI PYrIjL nUM srkfrI bxfAux dI mMg stRYQkonf rIjn dy muKI ijMm abrfhm nfmI ivakqI vw l o N 20,000ku hjLfr lokF qoN hsqfKr krvf ky iek ipitsLn iqafr kIqI geI hY ijs ivc mMg kIqI geI hY ik srkfr bI sI PYrIjL nMU srkfrI kMtrol ivc lvy| Aus df qrk hY ik bI sI PYrIjL dI 2003 qoN pihlF vflI siQqI bhfl kIqI jfvy jdoN ies

kRfAUn kfrporysLn nUM pRfeIvyt kMpnI ivc bdl idwqf igaf sI pr ies nUM tYs sbiszI iml rhI hY| Aus dy ivcfr anusfr bI sI PYrIjL df vrqmfn pRbMD asPlL sfbq ho irhf hY| ieh ipitsLn zYltf dI ivDfiek ivwkI hMitMgtn vwloN ivDfn sBf ivc pysL kIqf jf irhf hY|

iek aOrq vwloN afr sI aYm pI ivruwD mukwdmf dfier pwCmI vYnkUvr dI aOrq mumqfjL lwDf nUM adflq ny ijnsI vpfr krn dy dosL qoN mukq kr idwqf| afr sI amYM pI ny Aus ‘qy dosL lfieaf sI ik Aus ny qnjLfnIaf qoN afeI iek aOrq nUM bMdI bxf ky rwiKaf hoieaf sI pr afr sI aYm pI ies dosL nUM adflq ivc shI sfbq nf kr skI aqy lwDf nvMbr 2013 ivc brI ho geI| hux mumqfjL lwDf ny afr sI aYm pI ivruwD mukwdmf dfier kIqf hY ik Aus nUM JUTy mukwdmy

ivc ikAuN Psfieaf igaf| Aus df qrk hY ik Aus mukwdmy nfl Aus dI sfK nUM Dwkf lwgf hY ; Aus dI bdnfmI hoeI hY | lwDf dy vkIl zyivz mfritn dI dlIl hY ik afr sI aYm pI ny afpxI pVqfl ivc axgihlI vrqI ijs krky Aus ny mumqfjL ivruwD JUTy ‘qy inrfDfr dosL lf idwqy| vyKx vflI gwl ieh hY ik hux adflq mu m qfjL dI mfnisk prysLfnI dI qlfPI ikvyN krygI

mrIjLF vwloN mYzIkl suwKf kfnUMn nUM cxOqI vYnkUvr dy vkIl jOn knrfie ny cfr mrIjLF dI qrPoN mYzIkl suwKf dy kfnUMn nUM cxOqI idwqI geI hY| vkIl df kihxf hY ik ieh kfnUMn Gr ivc suwKf AugfAux dI mnfhI krdf hY aqy suwKy nUM vpfr leI AugfAux dI afigaf idMdf hY| mrIjLF df kihxf hY ik nvyN kfnUMn qihq suwKf muwl lYxf AuMnHF dy ivqoN bfhrf ho igaf hY| dUjI gwl ieh ik Auh Aus iksm df suwKf pRfpq nhIN kr skdy ijho

ijhf Auh vrqx dy afdI ho cuwky hn| vkIl df qrk hY ik ieMnHF mrIjLF nUM afpxI loV ijMnf suwKf AugfAux dI afigaf idwqI jfvy nhIN qF AuMnHF df jIxf muhfl ho jfvygf| AuDr srkfrI vkIl dI dlIl hY ik purfxy isstm qihq mrIjLF nUM suwKf AugfAux dI KulH surwiKaq nhIN | Aus qihq AuMnHF nUM cMgI kuafiltI df suKf nhIN imldf|

myar jOn torI vwloN ilbirlF ‘qy aYn[zI[pI nfl slfhF Etfvf: bIqy buwDvfr nUM ieMPRfstRkcr, kimAUintIjL aqy ieM t r gvrnmY N t l aPy a rjL dy minstr zYins lybyl nfl mIitMg qoN bfad myar jOn tOrI dI do rojLf Etfvf PyrI smfpq ho geI. ieh mIitMg ilbrl lIzr jsitn trUzo, aYn[zI[pI lIzr Qfms mlkyar aqy minstr afPL tRFsportysLn lIjLf rOaq nfl mMglvfr nUM hoeI mIitMg qoN bfad kIqI geI. buwDvfr nUM muV torFto leI rvfnf hox qoN kuJ hI smyN pihlF torI vwloN mIzIaf nfl iehnF mIitMgjL bfry sMKyp gwlbfq vI kIqI geI

. AuhnF ikhf ik Auh iksy pihlF qoN inrDfirq pRsqfv nfl iewQy nhIN afey sn aqy AuhnF nUM ieh aihsfs hoieaf hY ik torFto dI tRYiPk smwisaf leI sB icMqq hn. AuhnF ikhf ik mYN sfrIaF pfrtIaF dy aYm[pIjL nfl iml ky ieh suinsLicq krnf cfhuMdf sI ik torFto ivwc sfhmxy af rhI tRYiPk dI smwisaf leI asIN sfry hI smfn rUp nfl cyqMn rhIey. mYN chFgf ik iqMny pfrtIaF iml ky ies smwisaf nUM dUr krn nfl sfzy nfl XqnsLIl hox. ijs nfl sLihr ivwc pbilk tRFsport ivc suDFr kIqf jf sky.

pIl irjLn dy bjt ‘c tYksF ‘c vfDf pIl: vIrvfr nUM pIl dy kfAuNslr vwloN 2015 leI bjt pfs kr idwqf igaf. ijs ivwc ies sfl aOsq homEnrF nUM afpxy pRfprtI tYks ibwl ivc 1[9 PLIsdI vDyry adf krny pYxgy. rIjnl cyar PRYNk zyl ny ies bjt ‘qy afpxI rfey idMidaf ikhf ik ies bjt ivwc kfAuNsl ny rIjn dIaF loVF nUM pUrf krn leI kIqy gey tYks vfDy ivwc brfbr vMz kIqy jfx df iDafn rwiKaf hY. zyl vwloN ieh ibafn idwqf igaf sI ik pIl rIjn pRsLfsink pwDr ‘qy kuJ mhwqvpUrn XojnfvF dI

axhoNd mihsUs kr irhf hY. jo kimAUintI nUM pRBfivq kr skx aqy 2015 dy bjt ivwc iewQoN dy bisLMidaF dIaF loVF aqy AuhnF dIaF mM g F df iDafn rw i Kaf jfvygf. tYks ivwc kIqy gey ies vfDy nfl pIl dy hr Gr nUM aOsqn 33 zflr vDyry Krcxy pYxgy. 2015 leI pIl rIjn leI iqafr kIqI geI ivwqI Xojnf ivwc 2 imlIan zflr df EpryitMg bjt aqy lgBg 400 imlIan zflr qoN vI vwD df kYpItl vrk bjt sLfiml kIqf igaf hY.

aYNtI-tYrr ibwl nfl ingrfnI rwKx ivwc hovygI afsfnI-mlkyar Etfvf, aY n [zI[pI[lIzr tO m mlkyar ny ikhf ik pRsqfivq aYNtI-tyrrIjLm ibwl aDIn aiDkfrF nUM ieMnf ivsLfl Kyqr

idw q f igaf hY ik ijs nfl srkfr nUM rfjnIqk dusLmxF dIaF kfrgujLfrIaF ‘qy ingfh rwKx dI sLkqI imlygI.

The Patrika

Friday, February 27th, 2015



amrIkf nUM nwQ pfAux ‘c XUrp dI BUimkf zf[ svrfj isMG ijAuN-ijAuN pwCm df afriQk sMkt zUMGf ho irhf hY aqy ies ivcoN inklx df Aus nUM koeI hwl njLr nhIN af irhf, iqAuN-iqAuN amrIkf hor hmlfvr ruK aKLiqafr krI jf irhf hY. amrIkf inrfsqf aqy mjbUrI nfl sMsfr ‘qy pwCmI pRblqf kfiem rwKx dy Xqn kr irhf hY, Auh sMsfr dy vsIilaF aqy KLfs krky qyl ‘qy pwCmI kMtrol brkrfr rwKxf cfhuMdf hY. sIrIaf vI pwCmI hmly df isLkfr bxn jf irhf hY. amrIkf sIrIaf ivc aiq drjy dIaF kwtV, jnUMnI aqy mUlvfdI ieslfimk sLkqIaF nUM bdmfsLF, corAucwikaf, gwdfrF aqy BfVy dy twtUaF dy nfl-nfl BVkf irhf hY qF jo AuQy ihMsf nUM Auqyijq kIqf jfvy aqy sIrIaf ‘qy pwCmI dysLF dy hmly leI bhfnf bxfieaf jf sky, pr sIrIaf ivwc amrIkf nUM rUs aqy cIn dI sKLq ivroDqf d sfhmxf krnf pY irhf hY. ies leI sIrIaf ‘qy hmlf krnf ilbIaf ‘qy hmlf krn nfloN bhuq aOKf sfbq ho irhf hY. ies qoN vI Kqrnfk nIqI amrIkf dwKx-pUrbI eysLIaf ivwc apxf irhf hY. ieh nIqI hY cIn nUM Gyrn dI. amrIkf cIn nUM Aus dy ipCvfVy ivwc hI Gyrn dI nIqI apxf ky iek qrHF nfl sLyr nUM Aus dI guPf ivwc hI cuxOqI dy irhf hY. amrIkf Bfrq nUM cIn nUM Gyrn dI nIqI ivc sLfml krn leI hr qrHF dIaF kOVIaF cflF vrq irhf hY. AunHF ivc iewk ieh vI hY ik mUlvfdI, kwtVvfdI aqy jnUMnI ihMdUvfd nUM Auksfieaf jfvy. BfvyN sIrIaf ivwc aijhy muslmfn hox jF Bfrq ivwc aijhy ihMdU hox jF iksy hor Drm nfl sMbMDq sLkqIaF hox, ieh sLkqIaF aMq ivwc pwCmI swiBaqf nUM qbfh krn ivc ihwsf pf skdIaF hn, pr ies qoN vwzf pwCmI swiBaqf nUM qbfh hox df Kqrf ies gwl qoN hY ik amrIkf rUs, cIn qy AunHF dy sfQIaf ivrwuD qIjf ivsLv XuwD CyV skdf hY. aijhy XuwD ivwc amrIkf, pwCm aqy Aus dy sfQIaF dI hfr insLcq hY aqy aijhI hfr nfl pwCmI srmfeydfrI ‘qy afDfrq mOjUdf pwCmI swiBaqf qbfh ho jfvygI. afKLr ikAuN amrIkf aqy pwCmI dysL qIjf ivsLv XuwD ijwq nhIN skdy? ies df sB qoN vwzf kfrn mnwuKI pwK hY, ieh TIk hY ik lVfeI ivwc mnwuKI pwK hI sB qoN vwD qwQ hY jo ik lVfeI dI idsLf bdldf hY. afDuink pwCmI swiBaqf pwCmI srmfeydfrI dIaF kdrF-kImqF ‘qy afDfirq hY. pwCmI srmfeydfrI ny mnuwK nUM aiq drjy df KudgrjL, inwjvfdI, bysbr, asihxsLIl, Gbrfieaf hoieaf, ziraf hoieaf, icMqf aqy asurwiKaf dIaf BfvnfvF df isLkfr bxf idwqf hY. aijhy mnuwK iewk lMbI aqy isrVI lVfeI lVn qoN smrwQ nhIN hn. Auh qF aijhIaF lVfeIaf hI lV skdy hn, ijnHf ivwc qyjLI nfl ijLafdf qfkq aqy hiQafrF aqy qknflojI dI Aucqf dy isr ‘qy ijwq hfsl ho jFdI hY. jy lVfeI lMmI pY jfvy qF iPr ienHF qwQF ‘qy mnuwKI pwK ijLafdf mhwqvpUrn ho jFdf hY. mnwuKI pwK ivwc iewk hor pwK vI hY ik pwCmI srmfeydfrI ny aOrqF dI mukqI dy nF hyT aOrq qy mrd dy irsLqy nUM gLYr-kudrqI bxf idwqf hY. huxyhuxy hoey srvyKxF ny sfbq kr idwqf hY ik mrdF dy sLukrfxUaF ivwc bhuq igrfvt afeI hY. bhuq sfry pwCmI dysL ivwc mrdF dI bwcf pYdf krn dI sLkqI GWwt geI hY. ho skdf hY ik ieh qwQ pwCmI POjIaF dI XuwD krn dI smrwQf nUM vI pRBfivq kr irhf hovy. huxy-huxy hoey iewk srvyKx anusfr ipCly sfl ivwc KudkusLI krky ieMny amrIkn POjI mry hn, ijMny ik lVfeIaF ivc nhIN mry. ieh qwQ iksy qoN Cuipaf nhIN ik amrIkn POjIaF ivwc lMmI

AudfsI aqy hor mfnisk ibmfrIaF bhuq ijLafdf vD cwukIaF hn. iewk hor smwisaf df vI amrIkn POj nUM sfhmxf krnf pY irhf hY. Auh ieh hY ik POjI BrqI krn leI cMgy jvfn nhIN iml rhy. afm qOr ‘qy hux POj ivwc sB qoN vMicq vrg BrqI ho rhy hn. AunHF df POj ivwc BrqI hox df kfrn dysL BgqI nhIN, sgoN ijAux df jIvn ivwc sfDn nf lwB skxf hY. jdoN aijhy ispfhI lVfeI ivwc Byjy jFdy hn qF AunHf dI sB qoN vwzI icMqf ieh hI huMdI hY ik asIN ijAuNdy vfps af jfeIey, bdiksmqI nfl huMdf ies qoN Ault hY. jfpfn dy pRMprfgq lVfkU ijnHF nUM sfmUrfey ikhf jFdf sI, kihMdy sn ik jy koeI lVfeI ivwc sLhId hox dI Bfvnf nfl jFdf hY qF Aus dy bcx dIaF sMBfvnfvF ijLafdf hn, jdoN koeI ies Bfvnf nfl jFdf hY ik ijAuNdf bc ky af jfvF qF lVfeI ivwc Aus dy mfry jfx dIaF sMBfvnfvF ijLafdf hn. pwCmI ispfhIaF dy mukfbly Aus dy ivroDIaf kol lVfeI lVn df jLjbf ijLafdf hY. ruUsIaF ivwc ieh Bfvnf hY ik sovIaq XUnIan dy tuwtx vyly pwCm aqy Kfs krky amrIkf ny AunHF dI bhuq byiewjLqI kIqI. cIn ivwc vI ieh Bfvnf pRbl hY ik ipClIaF do sdIaF ivwc pwCm ny Aus nfl bhuq vDIkIaF kIqIaF. AuqrI korIaF ivc vI aijhIaF BfvnfvF hn. ierfn aqy pfiksqfn vrgy dysLF ivwc vI ieh Bfvnf pRbl hY ik pwCmI swiBaqf ieslfimk swiBaqf nUM KLqm krnf cfhuMdI hY. ieh dysL afqmGfqI bMb bxn dy sMklp nUM pRmfxU hiQafrF ‘qy vI lfgU kr skdy hn. ies leI iejLrfiel aqy Bfrq vrgy dysLF ‘qy aijhy hmly hox dI sMBfvnf hY. huxy-huxy PrFs aqy hor XUrpIn dysLF ivc smfjvfdI pfrtIaF dI ijwqF ieh sMkyq dy rhIaF hn ik XUrp ivc ieh Bfvnf vDI jf rhI hY ik amrIkf dI KLpqkfrI srmfeydfrI ivvsQf AunHF leI TIk nhIN hY. ies qrHF lwg irhf hY ik amrIkf qy XUrp ivwc pfVf vD jfvygf. XUrp ny do ivsLv XuwDF dI lVfeI hMZfeI hY. ies leI Auh iewk qIjy ivsLv XwuD leI Auqsuk nhIN hY. XUrp ivwc nvyN AuBr rhy nyqf amrIkn hmlfvr nIqIaF dy ivroD ivwc KVy ho skdy hn. jy aijhf ho igaf qF amrIkf qIjf ivsLv XwuD nhIN CyV skygf aqy pwCmI swiBaqf qbfh hox qoN bc skygI. ieh gwl XkInI hY ik XUrp kol qIjf ivsLv XuwD rokx dI smrwQf hY ikAuNik XUrp dI shfieqf ibnF amrIkf aijhf XuwD nhIN CyV skdf. XUrp kol do hI rsqy hn jF qF amrIkf df sfQ dy ky afpxI sRysLTqf kfiem rwKx dy Xqn ivwc qIjy ivsLv XwuD ivwc pwCmI swiBaqf nUM qbfh krn df KLqrf mwul ley jF iewk bhuDruvI ivsLv ivvsQf, jo ik brfbrqf aqy iensfP ‘qy afDFrq hoey, df pYrokfr bxy.


The Patrika


Friday, February 27th, 2015


pKMzI lok kulbIr isMG zfnsIvfl

gIqF dy vfrs mrhUm sMq rfm ‘AudfsI’

asIN ibjLns bVy vDf ley ny, pr ipafr vDfieaf nI asIN zflr bVy kmf ley ny, koeI aml kmfieaf nI ijLdgI df pMD mukf ilaf, asIN kMm mukFidaF ny sfh sfry asIN mukf ley, hMkfr mukfieaf nI pVH bfxI nMU mMinaf nhIN, jo kihMdI pWly bMinHaf nI asIN mMdr bVy bxf ley, pr mn bxfieaf nI hWk grIb df mfiraf, luWt- luWt kfmf Kf ilaf asIN lMgr bVy lgf ley, koeI BuWKf rjfieaf nI inWq DUP bWqIaF jldIaF, lWK agrbWqIaF bldIaF pfTF dIaF lVIaF cldIaF, koeI suxn afieaf nI asIN mWQy tykIey bMidaF nMU, cuMmIey sfD dy pMijaF nMU asIN bfby bVy iDaf ley, pr gurU iDafieaf nI Drm bxfieaf bMdy ny, DrmF dy nF ‘qy dMgy ny sB dy vWKry JMzy ny, kdy ieWk bxfieaf nI DIaF kuWK ivc mfr ky, asIN rWb qoN muMzy mMgdy aF Gr ivc afeIaF nMUhF nMU, asIN DIaF bxfieaf nI vfihgurU rojL iDafAuny aF, isr nMU bVf GumfAuny aF hykF bhuq lgfAuny aF, kdy iDafn lgfieaf nI Gt- Gt dy ivc vWisaf ey, hr ikxky- ikxky ivc ricaf ey zfnsIvflIaf sfnMU vI rWb lWBxf afieaf nI

pfxI hrmyl pRIq afK ipqf vizafvy ijs nUM, gurbfxI vy lokf. Aus pfxI dI kdr nf Borf, qUM jfxI vy lokf. ibn socy hI DrqI ivwcoN, jl kwZI jfvy qUM, afpxy hwQIN afpxI afpy, jVH vwZI jfvy qUM. ml mUqr sLihrF df hY ivwc, dirafvF pf idwqf, kl kl vgdy pfxI nUM qUM, hY musLkx lf idwqf.

af myry gIqF dy vfrs, af myrI kuwJ vft vMzf. mYN hMB cwilaf hF BMvrF `coN iksLqI kMiZaF nyV iljf. ies ivwc sUhy sfvx ijhIaF lwdIaF kuwJ swDrF ny ho jF kuJ ivafj vIrF dy isr df cfa jy qfr skF vy ho af myry gIqF dy vfrs af myrI… ies ivwc sLihd AuhnF bwicaF leI jo pwqlF cwtdy ny ho Aus bsqI df cfnx ijs qoN cMn pfsf vwtdy ny ho kuJ moieaF dy KUn dy dIvy ies ivwc ilaf itkf af myry gIqF dy vfrs af myrI… KfxF dy ivwc iGiraF dy leI ies ivwc ijAUx dIaF swDrF Aus cogI dI pq ju cfhuMdI bypq nf Gr nUM prqF ijs dI mwisaf pUrnmfsLI Bfly KIr kVHfh af myry gIqF dy vfrs af myrI… mgrmwCF qy qMdUaF ny hn rfh ivwc jfl qxy vy ho pr iksLqI mYN isrV shfry iKwc leI jfl sxy vy ho sfzy mn dy ivwc lokF dy leI sdIaF qoN eI irhf sLudf af myry gIqF dy vfrs af myrI kuJ vft vMzf

gLjLl mlkIq mIq


rxjIq ikMgrf aYbtsPorz

gurdrsLn ‘bfdl’ srI myrI pING df hulfrf iek lY jf, vy rfhy-rfhy jfx vfilaf. myrI sux jf qy afpxIaF kih jf, vy rfhy-rfhy jfx vfilaf. pING df hulfrf hOlI, ho igaf ey bVf vy, ibwt-ibwt vyKdf eyN, dws qUM kI KVHf vy? qUM ipwplF dI CfvyN afky bihjf, vy rfhy-rfhy jfx vfilaf. rhI sI AuzIkdI, shylIaNf dy nfl mYN, Bwj KusLI ivwc AuWTI, vyK Kflo-Kfl mYN, af ky rFJy vFgUM idl ivwc lih jf, vy rfhy-rfhy… qUM tfl nf mtol kr, gwlF nf bxf vy, ipafr vflI vMJlI `qy, gIq koeI suxf vy, ies AuWTdI jvfnI nfl Kihjf, vy rfhy-rfhy… sfrI hI Aumr qyrf, BulUM aihsfn nf, idl qyry AuWqy sfzf, BfvyN qUM pCfx nf, gwl ‘bfdlf’ qUM ieho myrI sih jf, vy rfhy-rfhy…


mrhUm drsLn isMG ‘afvfrf’ icrF qoN suwiqaF ipafrF nUM nf CyV, ienHF jMgflIaF qfrF nUM nf CyV. nf khu kuJ pr JVy prvfinaF nUM, qy nokF Bur cuwky KfrF nUM nf CyV. ivsfrn vfilaF df Cwz KihVf, Bulfvx vfilaF XfrF nUM nf CyV. kdy mMinaf ienHF ivwc grmIaF sn, suafhI hoey aMigafrF nUM nf CyV. ijnHF bwdlF `c hux kxIaF nhIN hn, AunHF dy kIqy iekrfrF nUM nf CyV. ieh rwK bYTy ny KMBF hyT cuMJF, ienHF cfvF dIaF zfrF nUM nf CyV.

bhuqy isafxy bMdy kI kI, cMd cVHf idwqy ny,

bysLwk jIvn pMD kdy ieksfr nhIN huMdf.

aMimRq vrgf pfxI sI, ivwc jLihr imlf idwqy ny.

rukxf pr dirafvF nUM drkfr nhIN huMdf.

kudrq dI dfq amuwlI df, nf qUM siqkfr kryN,

lwK cfihaF nf bx skdy hmsPr hvfvF dy,

Jwlpuxy dI hr sImf nUM, rojL ipaf pfr kry.

sB kuJ hI qF bMdy dy aKLiqafr nhIN huMdf.

pfxI ivcly jLihrF ny hux, rMg idKf idwqy ny,

sB cqurfeIaF vfly zuwbdy dyKy afKr nUM,

kuMdn dyhF vfly lokI, mrIjL bxf idwqy ny.

jo huisLafr khfAuNdy, Auh huisLafr nhIN huMdf.

kYNsr dI Gr Gr mfr peI, bwcy jMmx afrHy,

sfrI dunIaf ijwq lvy BfvyN bysLwk, qF vI,

hfly vI nf smJo Xfro, asloN akloN hfry.

bMdf, bMdf huMdY prvrdgfr nhIN huMdf.

ibdur dy Gr kdy vV qF shI.

sFB lY bMidaF vylf qUM, jfvy ikrdf hwQoN,

iesLk ‘c vsl judfeI dovyN rfs ny sfnUM qF,

bfl koeI sLmHF nHyrI koTVI dy ivwc,

huMdf jFdf mUloN hux qF, mslf bfhr vwsoN.

ikAuNik imlx srIrF df hI ipafr nhIN huMdf.

bx prvfnf AuuWQy sV qF shI.

ibn pfxI nf jIvn rihxf, ho jfAU KLqm khfxI,

jo sLbdF qoN kih nf hovy, cwup kih idMdI hY,

jo hwQ hwk ny bygfnf KFvdy,

mihMgI pYxI qYnUM qyrI, kIqI ieh nfdfnI.

isrP boilaf qoN hI qF iejLhr nhIN huMdf.

EnI hwQIN hwQkVI jV qF shI.


jd pMjfbI bolIdI

njLm rfijMdr isMG rfjn swc idaF sUrjf qUM cVH qF shI. swicaF lokF df pwlf PV qF shI. JUT dIaF kuMdrF ‘c jf CuipaY, swc dy snyhIaF leI lV qF shI. vwizaF amIrF nfl rhy hwsdf

BfvyN lwK aMgryjLI afAuNdI ey, mihPl ivwc tOhr bxfAuNdI ey. rIs krU kI izsko vwKrI bIt hY ZolI dI. nsLf ijhf cVH jFdf jd pMjfbI bolIdI. mihlF vrgy Gr ny KuwlHIaF KUb rsoeIaF ny. aftomYitk qvy mfeIkro lwgIaF hoeIaF ny. vwKrI gwl sI kwcy cwulHy aqy kMDolI dI. nsLf ijhf cVH jFdf jd pMjfbI bolIdI. sLOipMg sYNtr ipMzF qoN vI vwzy vwzy ny. ivwc cwldIaF iLlPtF pUry CMz pey kwZy ny. Pyr vI ikAuN nhIN BuwldI ipMz ivwc hwtI pohlI dI. nsLf ijhf cVH jFdf jd pMjfbI bolIdI. gih gwzvIN qF hyk nirMdr bIbf lfAuNdI sI. gUMjdIaF sI kMDF jd KfVy ivwc gfAuNdI sI. rI imksF kr kr ky awj EdI hyk mDolIdI. nsLf ijhf cVH jFdf jd pMjfbI bolIdI. imwqrF dy nfl qwKqUpury dy myly jFdy sI. kfgjL dy tukVy qy rwK jlybIaF KFdy sI. awK mcolI nhIN BuwldI mYnUM hmjolI dI. nsLf ijhf cVH jFdf jd pMjfbI bolI dI. inMdIey nf pRdys dys nUM idloN BulfeIey nf. ipMz ckr dy ikMgry bhuqy Xfr bxfeIey nf. imwqrF dI gwl gLYrF kolo nhIN ProlIdI. nsLf ijhf cVH jfdf jd pMjfbI bolIdI.

jLKLm Br lYx idAu rxjIq jtfxf jLKLm Br lYx idAu myry rMgly pMjfb dy, Pt rhy pMny Xfrf ipafr dI ikqfb dy . jKLm Br lYx idAu[[[[ iewQy kfmy ikrqI iPrdy DfhF mfrdy, inwq inwq ivwc rul ky jfnF ieh vfrdy. nf msly hwl hoey ieh AulJy ihsfb dy. jKLm Br lYx idAu[[[[ DIaF mfrn lwg pey kfhdI imlI afjLfdI, Bgq isMG dy suPinaF dI kIqI brbfdI. kdoN sur suxngy iPr mrdfny dI rbfb dy? jKLm Br lYx idAu[[[[ gLrIbF dy nYxF ivwcoN mihMgfeI hMJU zolHy, tYkIaF ‘qy cVH ky byrujLgfrI inwq boly. vMzy gey pfxI kfhqoN rfvI qy cnfb dy. jKLm Br lYx idAu[[[[ DrmF dI CF Qwly hux Twg bVy bih gey, bVy hI pMjfbI duwK idlF AuWqy sih gey. GrF ivwc Tyky ‘jtfxy’ Kuwl gey sLrfb dy. jKLm Br lYx idAu myry rMgly pMjfb dy, Pt rhy pMny Xfrf ipafr dI ikqfb dy.

The Patrika

Friday, February 27th, 2015




myrf gIq

hrBjn isMG mFgt

hrBjn isMG huMdl

gjLl kyvl isMG inrdosL

Kudf nUM pUjdf mYN nf, KudfeI df pujfrI hF

ieh ngmf jo AuWcf hoieaf, hr drvfjLy jfvygf

gjLl Bfly krfr idl df, kMzy iKlfr ky.

inrflf eys DrqI qy, mYN qF swc df vpfrI hF

iek idn ieh ivsLvfs bxygf, prcm bx lihrfeygf

jd vI hY imldf, imldf, kMzy iKlfr ky.

kdy nf socxf eydF, ik munkr hF Kudf qoN mYN

rosLnIaF dI gwl qurygI, KyqF, swQF, imwlF qy

jLrf qUM dyK idl aMdr iqry bYTf murfrI hF

glIaF df ieh kwK inqfxf, klgI nUM hwQ pfvygf

buwqF nUM jo kry isjdf, qlfsLy pwQrF ivwcoN, khy AusnUM Kudf eydF, “mYN KfkI hF nf nfrI hF.”

jLMjLIrF, hwQ kVIaF, Qfxy, cwkI, AuuWcIaf kMDF vI,

lgdf aMgUr jd vI afAuNdf nfsUr ‘qy, by- ikrk ho ky iCldf, kMzy iKlfr ky.

mhfrfxI ijMdF vwloN s: sLfm isMG nUM icwTI hfkm isMG sfgr

byvws hoeI ijMd kOr, icwTI ilKx lwgI lfcfr. nfl DoKy jMgF hfrIaF, jd afgU bxy gLwdfr.

corI jF cUrI koeY rFJy nMU hIr dyNdI,

ibn vPLdfr jrnYl qoN, hY POj KFvdI hfr.

kYdoN df ichrf iKldf, kMzy iKlfr ky.

ies ibpqf dI GVI ivwc, lY kOx skygf sfr.

jLmfnf jf irhY awgy, iksy nUM vihl hI ikwQy?

sfrf kuJ ieh gIq-gurIlf, ipMzy ‘qy sih jfvygf

imldI jdoN vI QoVI, ikDry jy ivhl Aus nMU,

idl df drd ibafndI, DUa pfAuNdI ilKI pukfr.

ik mYN qF rfktF dI dosqo krdf svfrI hF.

awj ieh gIq muljLmF vFgUUM, ikMJ qrIkfN Bugq irhf

lYNdf njLfrf iZWl df, kMzy iKlfr ky.

iknfrf krky bYiTE, isMGF Cwz gieE rfj drbfr.

mnf! Cz quM bihs kfhdI, khy ‘mFgt’ hY gwl swcI,

kwlH nUM kOmI gIq bxygf qy hr bwcf gfvygf

afeI nF smJ mYnMU, inrdosL hfly qIkr,

lukfeI nfl hY XfrI, mYN lokF df ilKfrI hF!

sMGrsLF ivwc ieh hY pY ky, imwqr, vYrI jfx igaf ieh imwqr dy nfl qurygf, vYrI sMg tkrfvygf


idwlI qIkr gUMj suxygI, ies dy sur sMgIqF dI XoDy vFgUM XuwD lVygf, pYr nf ipwCy pfvygf

gurmyl bIroky

KusLbU Gul ky ivwc hvfvF, sUhf rMg vtfvygI ‘huMdl’ df hr isLar quhfnUM, kuJ qklIP pucfvygf.

nrmF sfzy ipafr df kfrporysLnF dI mfr nfl

AY kwdr! AY krqw!

krMz ho igaf, aPLsrsLfhI dI pMjflLI

gjLLl igwl morFvflI vYnkUvr

awj bx geI BIV pMjfb qy, juVI qfr siqlujoN pfr. vfh qygF Drq pMjfb dI, isMjI KUn zol, lwK vfr. iewQy Psl afjLfdI bIj ky, peI CwzxI awD ivckfr. awj vfV Kyq nUM Kf rhI, KOrU pfey sfnHF dI zfr. corF ny kuwqI gMZ leI, lfeI jfx sMnH pihrydfr. rfKy dusLmx bx gey rfj dy, krF iks AuWqy ieqbfr.

msqI Biraf sLbfb ncdf hY. KusLbU bxky gulfb nwcdf hY. iesLk pI ky sLrfb ncdf hY. husn lY ky nkfb ncdf hY. cfa koeI nhIN iksy KsLI df, pr, dyKo dyKI jnfb ncdf hY.

rUh qVPy sLyry pMjfb dI, pMj afb rhy Dfh mfr. iswK POjF afp muhfrIaF, rx ivwc vfhux qlvfr. awj bfJ quhfzy sLfm isMG, nhIN lwgxI byVI pfr. hfkm isMG aikRqGx, kr jfxgy gwdfrF vflI kfr.

sqvMq kOr pMDyr

rfjnIqI df hlL irsLvqKorI dI cO nfl hflLI df bld zMg ho igaf, mYnsYNto df jYnyitk mOzIPfeIz bIj hr sfl nhIN AuWgdf afriQk gulfmI df JMzf bulMd ho igaf,

sUrj auT KVHdw dyKW cMdrmW cVHdw dyKW b`dl nUM g`jdy dyKW mINh nUM vHrdy dyKW[ pwxI nUM ruVHdy dyKW swgr sMg juVdy dyKW lihrW nUM cVHdy dyKW iknwry jw KVHdy dyKW[

smfj KVHy pfxI df CwpV ivwc AuWgI ijlLb AuWqy iliKaf qyrf

ruqW nUM jWdy dyKW ruqW nUM AwauNdy dyKW ru`KW nUM coLy dw mY rMg vtwauNdy dyKW[

“afeI lv XU” plF ivwc byrMg ho igaf, krMz PuwtygI Es idn jd bYWzrUm ivwc bxI lfiebryrI rotI vfly Cfby kol ikqfbF df iCwkU tMg ho igaf

Pu`lW nUM iKVdy dyKW klIAW nUM h`sdy dyKW h`s h`s hwl hwey hvwvW nUM d`sdy dyKW[ AY kwdr! AY krqw! mYN i``j`Dr vI dyKW jl ivc, Ql ivc, hr QW, hr pl ivc, idsdI hY mYnUM mYjUdgI qyrI[

kI swgr, kI prbq kI ndIAW kI nwly idnyN AMbr nIly rwqIN AMbrW qy qwry[ dyK ky AYsI klwkwrI qyrI icqrkwrW icqrI icqrkwrI qyrI[

gLjLl mrhUm isLv kumfr ‘btflvI’

iek bu`lw vgweIey kI zu`rAq hY swfI, hvwvW dw vgxW qW rihmq hY qyrI[

mYnUM qyrf sLbfb lY bYTf rMg gorf gulfb lY bYTf idl df zr sI ikqy nf lY bYTy lY hI bYTf jnfb lY bYTf

kI hY Aus nMU imldf, kMzy iKlfr ky.

ikMnI bIqI qy ikMnI bfkI hY mYnUM ieho ihsfb lY bYTf

ivhl jd vI imlI hY PrjLF qoN isLv nUM iek gLm qy hI Brosf sI gLm qoN korf jvfb lY bYTf qyry muwK dI ikqfb lY bYTf

sdky sqvMq qyrI sirStI qoN sWeIAW! mYN koeI rcnW ilKW ieh qW bKiSS hY qyrI!!


The Patrika


Friday, February 27th, 2015


aMbIaF nUM qrsyNgI vflf krnYl igwl pMjfbI lok gfiekI ivwc bhuq sfry gfiek bVy jLor-sLor nfl pRvysL krdy hn aqy kuJ smF afpxf jlOa idKf ky iPr lop ho jFdy hn pr kuJ sKLsL Auh vI huMdy hn jo afpxI klf dy isr ‘qy lMmf smF sroiqaF dy idlo-idmfg ‘qy Cfey rihMdy hn. aijhy icr-sQfeI gfiekF ivwcoN hI iewk sI krnYl igwl. pMjfbI dy ies mkbULl gfiek df jnm 13 PrvrI 1942 nUM ijLlHf lfielpur dy ipMz gurUsr cwk nM: 259 (pfiksqfn) ivwc sRI myhr isMG dy Gr mfqf guridafl kOr dI kwuKoN hoieaf. cfr BrfvF ivwc sB qoN vwzf hox kfrn krnYl nUM mfqf-ipqf vwloN aMqF df ipafr imilaf. jnm qoN kuJ sfl bfad hI vMz kfrn krnYl nUM afpxI jnm BUmI Cwz ky pirvfr nfl luiDafxy ijLlHy dy ipMz bulfry afAuxf ipaf. kuJ smF bfad hI luiDafxf

dIaF jVHF ‘c vsy ipMz jmflpur ivwc AunHF nUM pwkI alftmYNt ho geI. iewQy rihMidaF hI krnYl ny ZMzfrI klF qoN dsvIN qk dI pVHfeI kIqI. krnYl df pirvfr iksfnI hox nfl sbMD rwKdf hox krky Gr ivc gfiekI nfl iksy df dUr df vI vfsqf nhIN sI. gfAux vwl ruJfn bfry Auh dwsdf sI ik AunHF df iewk sFJI sI, jo qfrU isMG df pRsMg gfAuNdf huMdf sI. Aus qoN krnYl ny ieh pRsMg jLubfnI Xfd kr ilaf aqy gurpurb vfly idn gfieaf qF lokF ny kfPLI srfhnf kIqI. bs, iewQoN hI sLurUafq hoeI Aus dy gfiekI dy sPr dI. pRiswD gfiek hrcrn gryvfl vI AunHF dy ipMz df hI sI. krnYl ny Aus nfl lokF dy ivafhF ‘qy cly jfxf aqy icmtf vjfieaf krnf. iewk vfr gryvfl ipMz nhIN sI aqy

iekwly krnYl nUM hI jfxf ipaf. ies qrHF kdm dr kdm Auh awgy vDdf igaf. hrcrn gryvfl nUM hI krnYl afpxf Ausqfd mMndf sI pr sMgIqkfr jsvMq BMvrf qoN vI Aus ny sMgIq dIaF bfrIkIaF bfry jfixaf aqy rfmlIlf dIaF styjF ‘qy gf ky afpxy sPLr nUM awgy qoiraf. sMn 1962 ivwc gryvfl, krnYl nMU lok sMprk ivBfg ivwc lY igaf. lgpg 8 sfl Auh ies ivBfg ivwc syvf inBfAuNdf irhf pr iewk afjLfd pMCI nUM bhuqI dyr qk ieh nOkr rUpI ipMjr kYd nf rwK sikaf. ies leI 1970 ivwc Aus ny ies ipMjry nUM qoV ky gfiekI nUM ikwqy vjoN apxf ilaf. aslI rUp ivwc krnYl dI gfiekI df sPr AudoN sLurU hoieaf jdoN 1964 ivwc aYc[aYm[vI kMpnI vwloN dyv QrIky vfly dy gIq ‘gwzI cVdI Bnf ley gozy, cfa muklfvy df[[[[[, Aus dI afvfjL ivwc irkfrz hoieaf. ies qoN bfad ‘mylxy nwc lY nI, dy dy sLONk dy gyVy’ aqy ‘aMbIaF nUM qrsyNgI , jy qUM Cwz geI dys duafbf’ afid irkfrzF ny igwl nUM pMjfbIaF dy idlF dI DVkx bxf idwqf aqy ihMdusqfn dIaF sfrIaF msLhUr kMpnIaF Aus nUM irkfrz krn lwgIaF. sMn 1973 qoN afl ieMzIaf ryzIE qoN Aus dy lok gIq lgfqfr vwjdy af rhy hn. krnYl dy suirMdr kOr, nirMdr bIbf, svrn lqf, jgmohn kOr, rxjIq kOr, gulsLn koml, kuldIp kOr, pRIqIbflf, hrnIq nIqU, mohnI nrUlf, AUsLf ikrn, sucyq bflf, suKvMq swuKI afid nfl dogfxy irkfrz hoey, ijnHF dI igxqI pMj ku sO dy lgpg hY. Aus dy kuJ mkbUl gIq hnaf vy idAurf bih vy idAurf[[[ luwdyafxy izptI dy kr dyAUNgI kys srkfrU[[[[ mYnUM rysLmI rumfl vFgUM rwK muMizaf[[[[ lwBdf iPry kI idAurf rUp dIaF mMzIaF coN[[[[ CtIaF dI awg nf bly[[[[ kfhnUM tokdY jwtf vy jwtI sYr nUM cwlI[[[[ myry rUp ‘qy iQVikaf iPrdf nIN[[[[ mfVy huMdy nf trwkF vfly sfry[[[[ ies qoN ibnF Aus dy gfey Dfrimk gIq ‘ieh kIhny kYd kry, bwcy srdfr kuVy’ aqy “mYN jfck dr afieaf KflI moVI nf’ bhuq hI hrmnipafry hoey hn. krnYl igwl dI isPLq ieh hY ik Aus ny keI kuVIaF nUM pMjfbI gfiekI ivwc pRvysL krfieaf, jo bfad ivwc gfiekI dy Kyqr ivwc isKr ‘qy phuMcIaF. mrhUm gfiekf primMdr sMDU nMU krnYl hI ihsfr qoN pMjfb lY ky afieaf sI. amrjoq nUM luiDafxy ies ny sYWt kIqf aqy rxjIq kOr, pRIqIbflf, hrnIq nIqU afid sfrIaF Aus dy Gr pirvfr dy mYNbrF dI qrHF rhIaF hn. sMn 1968 ivwc krnYl igwl, rfijMdr kOr nfl gRihsQ dy bMDn ivwc bwJ igaf . AunHF dy Gr do DIaF qy iewk puwq ny jnm ilaf.


The Patrika

Friday, February 27th, 2015



Ajay Devgn is ready to don a new look for Drishyam remake!

Shraddha Kapoor May Steal Katrina Kaif And Alia Bhatt's Thunder

Tiger Shroff’s new look in his superhero flick? Tiger Shroff is all geared up to star in Remo D’souza’s next. And not many know that the actor will be seen as a superhero in the film. Tiger, who is very active on Twitter, posted a picture of himself in a superhero costume. Along with the picture he tweeted, “Can't wait to get into the costume :) time to fly!” Even though he did not mention the look being of his superhero flick, it sure seems like this is it. Let's wait for the official statement till then...

Shraddha Kapoor is striking down her contemporaries one by one with her impressive work! She is gaining newer film projects and endorsements by the day! One of them being, Katrina Kaif’s endorsement of a hair removal cream! This petite actress has managed to woo the decision makers of the brand and will ‘replace’ Kat who was associated with them since the past SEVEN YEARS! On her recent win, Shraddha says, “I am thrilled to endorse a brand that I have used since my teenage years.” On the other hand, Shraddha has also managed to triumph over Alia Bhatt and scored an entry as the lead actress in Rock On 2! Shraddha said, “I am extremely excited to be a part of Rock On 2. I am a big fan of the first part and love the character I am playing in the sequel. It is a role that involves singing and live performances and that very few roles give you the chance to do.” Way to go, girl!

Patch-Up of theYear: Imran Khan and Ekta Kapoor After the epic fall out of Imran Khan and Ekta Kapoor over the ill fate of her film Once Upon A Time in Mumbaai Dobaara, the two are back on talking terms. Imran is now back in her Tigmanshu Dhulia directed Milan Talkies, renamed Bhoole Se Naam Na Lo Pyaar Ka! Speaking on the patch-up, Imran says, “Recently, we bumped into each other and out of politeness we started talking. Baat kartekarte, we left all the unpleasantness behind us. She explained how she felt, I explained how I felt and we were able to come to a common ground and decided to go ahead with the film.” Furthermore, Imran believes they should have spoken much earlier to avoid the unnecessary loss of a year-and-ahalf. Nevertheless, all is well that ends well!

A lot has been happening on Ajay Devgn's front, from his film Shivaay being rescheduled to him preparing for the remake of Drishyam. But one thing that has stayed constant is his dedication towards changing his look for his upcoming movies. He had to lose a lot of weight and muscle to look the part for the Drishyam remake, but one thing we know about Ajay Devgn is that he delivers! We cannot wait to see his new sinewy look before he beefs up again for Shivaay. Well, that's what we call dedication!

Katrina Kaif still the face of Veet While rumors did the rounds that Shraddha Kapoor has replaced Katrina Kaif as the brand ambassador of a beauty and cosmetic range , the brand recently issued a clarification putting all speculation to rest. Official sources confirm that Katrina Kaif is still the face of Veet and will drive the campaign, whereas Shraddha was signed on to establish the brand on the social media platform. Said the company’s spokesperson, “Our association with Katrina is the most vital one as she leads innovation and equity on the brand. As per the current plan in April we release a big news on celebration 10 years. The media is very well aware that she (Shraddha) is the addition to the roaster for the brand and is in not a replacement”


The Patrika


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Friday, February 27th, 2015


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Friday, February 27th, 2015

The Patrika 



The Patrika


sfry pfpV vylx dy bfvjUd pRDfn mMqrI nirMdr modI aqy Bfjpf dy kOmI pRDfn aimq sLfh dI joVI idwlI df morcf ijwqx ivwc kfmXfb nhIN ho skI. Au n H F nU M co x F dI hfr vI hoeI hY, rfjsI pwKoN vI qy ieKlfkI hfr vI. coxF dI hfr qF iblkuwl spwsLt hY. idwlI dIaF swqr ivwcoN isrPL iqMn sItF Bfjpf dy pwly peIaF hn. ipClI vfrI bwqI sItF ijwq ky srkfr bxfAux dy nyVy phuMcx vflI Bfjpf ies gwloN duKI huMdI sI ik isrPL cfr sItF Gwt hn qy ies vfrI ies gwloN iTwT hoeI hY ik sItF chuM qoN vI Gwt hn.BgvMq mfn kfmyzIan qoN rfjsI afgU bx ky vI ivaMg krnoN nhIN htdf qy iesy leI Bfjpf nUM icVfAux leI kihMdf hY ik ‘Xy idwlI kI rfjnIqI bVy ajIb sy gm dyqI hY, kBI iksI ko srkfr bnfny sy cfr sIt km dyqI hY aOr kBI cfr sIt sy BI km dyqI hY.’ rfjsI pwKoN isrPL Esy dI nhIN, kFgrs pfrtI dI vI hfr hoeI hY. sB qoN purfxI kFgrs pfrtI dI iewk vI sIt nhIN af skI qy Bfjpf dIaF eynIaF Gwt afeIaF ik kFgrs df iewk afgU mjLfk

idwlI qF ijwqI geI pr prK amlF ‘qy

krdf sI ik ‘bhuqf Prk nhIN, sfzIaF Bfjpf qoN isrPL iqMn sItF Gwt hn.’ nirMdr modI ny kdI kFgrs nUM CyiVaf sI ik ‘ ienHF dy eyny QoVHy pfrlImYNt mYNbr hn ik iewk imMnI bws ivwc afAux nfl sr skdf hY.’ hux afm afdmI pfrtI df iewk afgU mjLfk krdf hY ik ‘asIN motr sfeIkl dI qIhrI svfrI dI afigaf dy idaFgy, Bfjpf vfly iqMn ivDfiek iewko skUtr AuWqy af skdy hn.’ vwzI hfr Bfjpf leI ieKlfkI pwKoN hY. iewk purfxf ikwsf Xfd krn dI loV hY. kyjrIvfl ny jdoN gujrfq dy dOry dOrfn EQoN dy mwuK mMqrI nirMdr modI nUM imlxf cfihaf qy Aus dy dPqr igaf sI, nirMdr modI ny imlx qoN nFh krky Aus nUM drF qoN moV idwqf sI. bfhr pwqrkfrF ny ies bfry kyjrIvfl dI pRqIikiraf pwuCI qF Aus ny ikhf sI ik mYnUM koeI Prk nhIN pYNdf, jdoN modI ny afp bulfieaf, EdoN imlx clf jfvFgf. ds PrvrI nUM jdoN ruJfn hI afAuNdy pey sn, nqIjf iksy sIt df nhIN sI afieaf aqy Bfjpf dy bulfry ieh kihMdy sn ik aMiqm nqIjy ivwc asIN ijwqxf hY, EdoN

kyjrIvfl nUM pRDfn mMqrI df vDfeI df Pon af igaf qy nfl Aus ny ieh vI kih idwqf ik myry nfl cfh df kwp pIx df smF kwiZE. gujrfq ivc kyjrIvfl ny ieho ikhf sI ik jdoN modI sfihb afp bulfAuxgy, EdoN jfvFgf, hux afp bulfieaf qF kyjrIvfl ny hF kr idwqI. ies nfl ieKlfkI hfr nirMdr modI qy Bfjpf dI hoeI hY. ieh swt ikMnI mfrU sI, ies dI Jlk Esy sLfm iml geI. idwlI dy cox nqIjy vfly idn Bfjpf dy pRDfn aimq sLfh dy muMzy df ivafh sI. bfkI iqafrIaF nfl ieh iqafrI vI ho rhI sI ik eyQy igafrF mwuK mMqrI afAuxgy aqy idwlI dI ijwq df jsLn vI asIN eyQy mnfvFgy. mfVy nqIjy EdoN afey, jdoN muMzf GoVI cVHn dI iqafrI kr irhf sI qy idwlI ivwc Bfjpf df jlUs inkl igaf sI. ies dy pRBfv hyT GoVI moV idwqI geI, bYNz vfjy vwjx nhIN idwqy gey qy iewk gwl hor ho geI. ijhVf vI mihmfn afAuNdf, ivafh dI vDfeI dyx vyly ieh kih dyNdf, ‘jy ikqy awj idwlI ivwc ijwq jFdy qF mjLf duwgxf ho jfxf sI, pr qusIN koeI icMqf nf kirE.’

hfr df suPnf Bfjpf dy hyTly pwDr dy afgUaF nUM afieaf hovy jF nf, nirMdr modI qy aimq sLfh nM agfAUN afAux lwg ipaf sI. ipCly sfl ijs vI rfj dI ivDfn sBf dI cox hoeI, Bfjpf dI votF dI PIsdI GtdI geI qy isvfey hirafxy qoN, bfkI srkfrF gwTjoV dy afsry hI bxfeIaF sn. Auh ies mMdy hfl nUM lukfAux df Xqn krdy rhy. iPr jdoN idwlI ivwc hflq mfVI hox dI sUh lwgI qF AunHF ny ikrn bydI nUM awgy lY aFdf, pr ikrn dy afAux nfl pfrtI dy purfxy afgUaF nUM buKfr cVH igaf. ikrn iksy dI pRvfh nhIN sI krdI, isrP QfxydfrI krI jFdI sI, purfxy Bfjpf afgU Aus dI koeI pRvfh nhIN sI krdy qy ijwqx dI QF hfr XkInI bxfAux nUM afpo afpxy GoVy BjfAuNdy suxy jf rhy sn. pihlF Bfjpf vfly ieh kihMdy sn ik sfry dysL ivwc modI-rwQ awgy aiVwkf lfAux dI koeI ihMmq nhIN kr skdf, iPr ieh suixaf ik kyjrIvfl ny qF aiVwkf lfAuxf hI sI, Bfjpf ny afpxy aMdroN vI hux modI ivroD dy spIz brykr AuWBrn lwgy hn, Auh pfr nhIN lwgx dyxgy. nirMdr modI ieh kihMdf sI ik Aus df sfrI dunIaF ivwc zMkf vwj irhf hY, pr idwlI ivwc BFzy mUDy vwjx dI nObq afAuNdI rok skx jogf Auh sfbq nhIN ho sikaf. BfrqI jnqf pfrtI afpxy ijwq dy vihm nUM kfiem rwKx leI afpxI hr kmjLorI bfry lokF qoN Ehlf rwKx df Xqn krdI rhI. Aus nUM kuJ Jfk Drm dy nFa AuWqy kqfrbMdI qoN sI. iesy Jfk ivwc Aus nfl juVy sfDF qy sfDvIaF ny bd-jLbfnI krn vflI hwd krI rwKI. jdoN bfhlf rO l f pY N d f qF pR D fn mM q rI nirMdr modI iksy ivrly-tFvy nUM swd ky mfVf-motf TrMHmy nfl cwlx nUM kih Cwzdf, pr AuNj Auh cwup sihmqI nfl cwldf irhf. cwldI cox ivwc iewk idn Bfjpf pfrlImYNt mYNbr XogI aidiqaf nfQ ny vfrfnsI ivwc jf ky ieh vI afiKaf ik jdoN eyQy asIN isLv Bgvfn dy mMdr jFdy hF qF sfnUM igafnvfpI msijd dy koloN lMGxf pYNdf hY, Auh msijd sfnUM icVfAuNdI hox krky asIN Aus nUM ijLafdf dyr brdfsLq nhIN kr skdy. ieh iewk qrHF nfl aXuwiDaf vFg ies msijd bfry bhu-igxqI BfeIcfry nUM AuksfAux dI koisLsL sI. modI nUM aXuwiDaf dy smyN dI iPrkU kqfrbMdI qy Aus dy rfjsI lfB df cyqf sI. ies


Friday, February 27th, 2015


jiqMdr pnUM

krky Aus ny XogI nUM vI roikaf nhIN sI. idwlI ivwc votF pYx qoN iewk idn pihlF Bfjpf df iewk kyNdrI afgU isrsy jf ky swcy sOdy dy bfbf gurmIq rfm rhIm isMG nUM imilaf. bfby ny EQy Bfjpf dI mdd df aYlfn dfg idwqf. cfl ieh Bfjpf dI sI, pr akflI vI cuwp rhy ik Aus bfby dIaF cfr votF iml jfx qF sOdf ieh mfVf nhIN. ieh Kyz vI pwuTI pY geI qy akflI hux Bfjpf lIzrF nUM kosdy iPrdy hn. iqMn gwlF hor sn, ijhVIaF idwlI ivwc Bfjpf dy iKlfPL lfmbMdI df kfrn bxIaF. iewk qF ieh ik ijhVf nirMdr modI kihMdf hY ik mYN bcpn ivwc cfh dy kwp vycdf irhf hF, Auh amrIkf dy rfsLtrpqI brfk Ebfmf nUM imlx vyly ds lwK rupey df kot pfeI iPrdf sI qy mfx nfl ieh vI dwsdf sI ik ieh kot iksy vwloN qohPy ivwc afieaf hY. idwlI dy lok smJ gey ik ijs lIzr nUM koeI ds lwK rupey vflf kot idMdf hY, Auh Aus qoN ds kroV df lfB kmfeygf qy ieh aiswDy iBRsLtfcfr df qmfsLf hY. dUsrI gwl nirMdr modI dI pqnI df ivvfd sI. hirafxy dIaF Kfp pMcfieqF dy mfVy PYsilaF dI nukqfcInI huMdI rhI hY qy hoxI vI cfhIdI sI, pr iewk cMgI gwl ieh ho geI ik jINd ijLlHy dI ijLlHf pRIsLd dI cyarprsn dI pR D fngI hy T bIbIaF ny mIitMg krky pRDfn mMqrI vwl iewk icwTI ilK idwqI. AunHF ny iliKaf ik BfrqI swiBafcfr ivc pqnI nUM pqI dy nfl hoxf cfhIdf hY, modI sfihb afpxI pqnI XsLodf nUM Aus df bxdf hwk dyx qoN afpxy nfl rwKx, qy jy Auh nhIN ilafAuNdy qF Auh hr hPLqy eydF dI iewk icwTI iliKaf krngIaF., ieh crcf idwlI ivwc vI pRDfn mMqrI bfry ivDfn sBf coxF dOrfn cwldI rhI, ijs df asr ipaf sI. afKrI gwl ieh ik Bfjpf dy afgUaF ny arivMd kyjrIvfl bfry bVI BwdI cox muihMm clfeI, ijs qoN lokF ivc kyjrIvfl dy leI hmdrdI dI BFvnf bxdI geI aqy Auh cox ijwqx ivwc kfmXfb irhf. hux svfl awgy df hY. kyjrIvfl nUM Bfjpf ny BfvyN nkslI ikhf qy BfvyN kimAUinst afiKaf hovy, Auh nf smfjvfdI hY qy nf hI kimAUinst hY. Aus ny kdy vI jmfqF ivcfly sMGrsL dI gwl nhIN kIqI, sgoN ieh kihMdf

hY ik ijhVf isstm ies dysL ny iewk vfr apxf ilaf hY, Aus dy asUlF qy inXmF dI AulMGxf nhIN hoxI cfhIdI qy iBRsLtfcfr nhIN hoxf cfhIdf. eynI gwl nfl dysL dI grIbI dUr krn jF imhnqI afdmI dy muVHky dI lwut rokx dI afs koeI nhIN kr skdf. iksy vI purfxy kfnUMn nUM bdl ky ikrq krn vfly lokF dy pwK df bxfAux dI gwl Auh iblkuwl nhIN krdf, isrPL AunHF inXmF dI pflxf dI gwl krdf hY. eynf kuJ kfPLI nhIN. dysL dI syvf leI ies dysL ivwc ikrq krky vI kIVy -mkOVy dI jUn hMZfANNudy lokF bfry socx dI loV pYxI hY. rhI gwl kyjrIvfl aqy afm afdmI pfrtI dI kfrgujLfrI bfry aMdfijLaF dI, ajy qwk sfrI idwlI nUM Aus df cMgf pwK idwsdf hY, qy asIN chFgy ik ieh cMgf hI rhy, pr inbyVy kihx qoN nhIN, amlF qoN hoxy hn. imwqrF dI mihPl ivwc bYTy sfry jfxy jdoN afpo afpxI aOlfd dy duwK dws rhy sn, iewk jxy ny ikhf sI, ‘mYN qF beI sOKf hF, myrf pwuqr nf kdy nsLf krdf hY, nf iksy nfl afZf lYNdf hY, afrfm nfl Gr mF kol rihMdf hY.’ dUsiraF ivwcoN iksy ny puwC ilaf, ‘qyrf muMzf ikMny sfl df ho igaf? Aus ny sInf cOVf krdy hoey ny ikhf, ‘afAuNdI lohVI nMU Auh do sfl df ho jfvygf’. eynf Cotf jvfk iksy nUM AulFBy df mOkf nhIN dy skdf. Aus dI srkfr Cy mhIny cwlx idE, ijhVy BFq-BFq dy sqfhT ivDfiek ijwq ky afey hn, Blk nUM AunHf ivcoN koeI jxf ivnod kumfr ibMnI inkl skdf hY qy koeI hor aYWm aYWs DIr vrgf vI, ijhVf svf sfl spIkrI krn ipwCoN coxF vyly Bfjpf dy kol clf igaf aqy afpxI mF-pfrtI ivruwD AumIdvfr bx igaf sI. lokF nMU afsF afpxI QF hn, pr Blk nUM kI hoxf hY, ies bfry awj koeI nhIN dws skdf. isrPL afs kIqI jf skdI hY.

The Patrika

Friday, February 27th, 2015



kfrporyt dI kflK Bfrq srkfr dy pYtrolIam mMqrfly ivcoN kuJ dsqvyjLF dy lIk hox df pqf lwgdy sfr piuls ny do k u drjn lokF nUM igRPqfr kIqf hY. ienHF ivwc iewk koeI pwqrkfr vI suxINdf hY qy iewk irlfieMs ieMzstrIjL df kfirMdf hY, jd ik bfkI lok mMqrfly ivc vwK-vwK qrHF dy kMmF nfl sMbMDq krmcfrI hn. puils dy muqfbk ieh mfmlf iqMn ku sfl purfxf hY. irlfieMs nfl sMbMDq ijs kMpnI nUM ieh kfgjL idwqy jFdy rhy sn, Auh kMpnI ies kfrporyt Grfxy vwloN qyl dy Kyqr ivwc Bfrq dy pbilk sYktr dy adfiraF nfl mukfblybfjLI ivc hY. ies dy nfl Aus kMpnI bfry keI vfrI ieh crcf cwl cwukI hY ik Auh Bfrq srkfr ivcly afpxy sroq vrq ky qyl aqy gYs dIaF kImqF vDfAux leI vI cfbIaF GuMmfANudI hY aqy ieh dosL iswDy qOr AuWqy vI keI vfrI lfieaf jf cwukf hY. zfktr mnmohn isMG dI srkfr dy vkq arivMd kyjrIvfl ny ieh dosL lfieaf sI ik ies adfry dy dbfa hyT Bfa vDfey jf rhy hn, pr EdoN srkfr ies gwl qo ienkfr krdI rhI sI. iPr jdoN coxF isr AuWqy sn aqy srkfr nUM sMBl ky cwlx dI loV sI, Aus ny EdoN ies Grfxy dy dbfa hyT kImqF vDfAux nMU mMnjLUrI dy idwqI sI. mMqrfly ivcoN ijhVy lok ies cwkr ivwc hux Psy hn, AunHF ivwc syvfdfr aqy kwcy stfP dy kuJ krmcfrI vI hn. syvfdfr kihx nUM sB qoN hyTF df purjLf hn, pr Auh eyny kMm dy bMdy hn ik keI sflF qoN iewko izAUtI AuWqy ies leI lwgy hoey sn ik ik kfrporyt GrfixaF leI AunHF df eyQy hoxf jLrUrI sI qy dlflF ny lgvfey hoey sn. ijnHF kMmF qoN kfrporyt Grfxy leI kroVF nhIN, arbF dI kmfeI huMdI sI. Aus dy kfgjL corI kr ky dyx vfilaF nUM isrPL pMj-swq hjLfr ruupey dy ky srdf rihMdf sI. Psx vyly gLrIb Psy hn, aslI cor pfsy rih gey hn. jdoN vI ieho ijhf koeI kys bfhr inkldf hY, kfrporyt GrfixaF dy mflk ies jFc qoN bfhr rih jFdy hn aqy Auh nvyN kfirMdy lwB ky afpxf kMm cwldf rwKdy hn.

bxvfAux leI dl-bdlIaF krvfeIaF geIaF qF ies Grfxy df nFa AuWCilaf sI. tU-jI tYlIkfm vfly mfmly aqy kolf skYNzl ivc vI crcf huMdI rhI. ienkm tYks dy iek aiDkfrI sMdIp tMzn vwloN ies Grfxy AuWqy mfry gey Cfpy qy iPr tMzn nMU gMZ ky Aus dy puwqrF nUM vwzy ahudy dyx dI Kyz ivwc vI ies Grfxy dI crcf hoeI. ipCly idnI sivtjLrlYNz puils ny aYc[ aYWs[ bI[ sI[ bYNk ivwc Cfpy mfry sn, Aus qoN pihlF ijhVI ilst bfhr afeI qy ijs nMU Bfrq dy KLjLfnf mMqrI ny vI mMinaf, Aus ivwc vI ies Grfxy dy dovF BrfvF df nFa sI. dysL df koeI skYNzl vI AuWTdf hY qF isrPL qIh ku sflF ivwc AuWBiraf ieh Grfxf Aus dI crcf ivwc sLfml huMdf hY. rfjDfnI idwlI, qy hr rfj dI srkfr dy skwqryq ivc kMm krdy lok ijhVI gwl sihj nfl kih dyNdy hn, Auh ieh hY ik srkfrF bdl jFdIaF hn, dlfl nhIN bdldy qy dlflF dy rwK hoey kfirMdy vI srkfrF ivwc kfiem rihMdy hn. AunHF dy jy PLrk pYNdf hY qF Es dPLqr dI iewk kursI qoN AuTf ky dUsrI AuWqy ibTf idwqf jFdf hY aqy ieh vI QoVHy icr leI huMdf hY, bhuqf smF gvfey ibnF Auh pihlI kursI AuWqy afx bYTdy hn. afpxy lYx-dyx dy DMdy dI muhfrq df lohf mMnvf cuwky ieho ijhy bMdy hr srkfr dI loV bx jFdy hn qy srkfr dI qnKLfh lY ky Auh kfrporyt GrfixaF dy leI kMm krn vflf Tykf df kfirMdf huMdy hn. ieh kih skxf aOKf hY ik srkfrF jF mMqrIaF nUM ies df pqf nhIN hMudf, sgoN asl gwl ieh hY ik AunHF nUM sB igafn huMdf hY, pr Auh ieh kMm cwldf qy bMdy itky hoey ies leI rwKdy hn ik Blk nUM ieNnHF dI loV sfnUM vI pY skdI hY. hux jo kuJ sfhmxy afieaf hY, ieh iesy df nmUnf hY.


Furniture Mfg. Ltd.

sfnUM PrnIcr PYktrI ivwc kMm krn vfilaF dI loV hY.

ijvyN: • msLIn Eprytr,pRI-sYNzr,pyNtr (styn qy lYkur spryar ) • PrnIcr jVn dy mfhr hox • qnKfh Xogqf qy qjLrby anusfr aqy sfry Bwqy aqy kvryjL imlygI.

hor jfxkfrI leI pfl jF prl nUM PLon kr skdy ho jF afp afky imlo.

PLon nMbr: 604-855-0309 aYzrYs hyTF iliKaf hY. Canadian Furniture Mfg. Ltd. 30552 Progressive Way, Abbotsford

iPr vI ies nUM srkfrF aMdr jLmIrF vyc ky not kmfAux vfly srkfrI krmcfrIaF qwk sImq rwKxf byiensfPI hovygI. ienHF qoN ieh kMm krvfAux vfly asl dosLI hn. Auh dosLI hr vfrI ies leI bc jFdy hn ik afpxI kfrporyt kflK df itwkf hr loVvMd ijs vwzy Grfxy df ies skYNzl ivwc nUM lfeI jFdy hn. hux vI kfrporyt kflK nFa AuWCilaf hY qy AunHF df iewk mulfjLm byprd hoeI hY. ieh kMm krn vfilaF dI igRPqfr kIqf igaf hY, AunHF leI ieho QF krvfAux vfilaF nMU hwQ pfieaf jfxf ijhy skYNzlF ivwc nFa AuWClxf koeI nvIN vwD jLrUrI hY. koeI srkfr eyQoN qwk nhIN gwl nhIN hY. jFdI. jy pRDfn mMqrI nirMdr modI lokF iewk vfrI pRDfn mMqrI vI[ pI[ isMG dI df ivsLvfs ijwqxf cfhuMdy hn qF AunHF nUM srkfr dI QF cMdr syKLr dI srkfr kfrporyt kflK dI sPLfeI krn dI loV hY. PAGE 45

The Patrika


Friday, February 27th, 2015


Matrimonial zfeIinMg tybl ivkfAU

Employment FARM LABOURERS WANTED Deol Farms, located at 1354 272nd St., Aldergrove, BC V4W 2P9, is looking for seasonal employment for field maintenance and harvesting raspberries and blueberries from March 15th till winter 2015 for $10.49 per hour, 45 to 60 hours per week. Individuals must be prepared to work long hours outdoors in conditions that are physically demanding. This position requires the ability to work repetitive tasks in various weather conditions. Fax resume to (604) 607-0841.

Employment cont’d

kfimaF dI loV

hoeI bysmYNt ikrfey leI 1 mfrc qoN KflI hY| hor jfxkfrI leI Pon kro: Mount Lehman Fruit Growers, 604-615-9777

Workers Needed

workers for 6 months starting May 01, 2015. Duties include weighing, sorting, picking and packing fresh berries. Other general farm labour is needed as well. Wages are $10.50/hr 40-50hrs/week. Fax Resume to 604-852-3979 or email to info@arjunaberries.com or apply in person at 32320 Huntingdon Rd, Abbotsford.

Berry farm workers required to plant, prune, weed, irrigate, harvest and sort blueberries and related farm duties. $10.49/hr; min. 4050 hrs. per week Starting mid May through Nov. 2015. Job location - Five River Farms, 2296 - 240 street, Langley, BC. No formal education/work experience is required. Fax resume to 604-534-0319, kfimaF dI loV email johal.45@hotmail.com or contact Parminder Johal at 604- aY b tsPo r z dI lo k l zrfeIvfl kMpnI nUM kfimaF dI qurMq loV hY| 825-1308. nvyN kfimaF nUM $14 pRqI GMtf aqy qjLrbykfr nUM qjLrby anusfr| hor Workers Wanted jfxkfrI leI Pon kro: 778-552Farm Workers required for 8 6269 months starting May & June. Duties include harvesting berries & vegetables, weed & maintain kfimaF dI loV crops, prune & tie berries, as well as other general farm duties. sfnUM PryimMg kMpnI leI kfimaF dI Wage $10.49 per hour, 45 to 60 loV hY| nvyN vrkrF nUM $13 pRqI GMtf hours per week. Fax resume to aqy tryinMg vI idWqI jf skdI hY| 604-850-7597. Townline Growers Ltd, 340 Townline Rd, Abbotsford, aYbtsPorz aqy srHI qoN rfeIz df pRbMD hY| Pon: 604-825-0763 BC V2T 6C9.


For Rent

nrsrI, Pfrm aqy grIn hfAUs leI bysmYNt ikrfey leI kfimaF dI loV hY| rfeIz df pUrf pRbMD hovygf| kMm GMitaF df hovygf| 2 bY z rU m aqy 1 vfsL r U m vflL I , hor jfxkfrI leI Pon kro: 604- grfAUNz lYvl ‘qy, sfP suQrI, skUlF 855-1065 jF 604-556-8686 aqy sfLipMg sYNtr dy nyVy, rYnovyt kIqI

28349, 0 Ave, Abbotsford, BC, requires workers for 8 months starting April 1, 2015. Duties include planting, weeding, pruning, harvesting of berries as well as other general farm work duties. Should be able to work with farm machinery and be able to work in cold and wet conditions. Wages $10.49 per hour, 40 to 50 hours per week. Fax Workers Wanted resume to 604-853-9625 or Call: Seasonal employment from July 604-807-4170 01, 2015 till December 2015 harvesting and pruning raspberries kfimaF dI loV and blueberries. Must be prepared pI[bI[aY n nrsrI nUM kfimaF dI qurMq to work in an environment that is physically demanding and work loV hY| trYktr aqy trWk zrfievr repetitive tasks in a wide range of dI vI loV hY| cMgI qnKfh idwqI outdoor weather conditions. Hours jfvygI| Pon: 604-832-8381 jF range from 45 – 60 hours per week, 604-850-5465 $10.49 per hour. Please apply in person at Boparai Farm, 390 Workers Needed Hamm Rd., Abbotsford, BC, V2T Arjuna Berry Farms Ltd. requires 6B5 or call 778-552-5439.

Workers Wanted

cMgI hflq ivWc 4 kursIaF vflLf zfeIinMg tybl ivkfAU hY| kImq $150, hor jfxkfrI leI Pon kro: 778-908-2880

For Sale House for Sale 5 Bedroom Rental House on a huge lot in Central Abbotsford. The lot is 10,296 sq ft, perfect size to build a big dream house. There is currently an old rental house on the property rented out at $1600 a month. House is located on Grant Street, Abbotsford BC. Motivated to sell asking $390,000. For more info Call 604-807-7218.

Services Computer Repair kMipAUtr irpyar asIN kMipAUtr qy lYptop irpyar krdy hF| Virus Removal, Speed Increase, Old computer sale and purchase. $39.99 Phone: 604-300-0732

nsLy Cwzx leI jy qusIN sLrfb jF zrWg dy kfrn musIbq ivWc ho, aqy Cwzx leI mWdd dy cfhvfn ho qF jOhn nUM Pon kro: 604-859-8244 jF 778-7791337 jF jjt.fvu@gmail.com

Services cont’d  isvl  101.7 EYP.EYm. h I   Eqy somv`r nUM 4-5 vjy S`m q@k E`pxI E`v`j surjIq klsI n`l|   Noor Appliances Repair / Tent Rental $25 Service Charge

Epl`ieMs irpyEr Epl`ieMs       

Friday, February 27th, 2015

The Patrika


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For all your plumbing, heating or gas fitting needs call us first!


(Manpreet) 604-751-3536 PAGE 47

The Patrika The Patrika   


pRBfrq o[pUrndIisMaËfdI G (1881-1931) dy 67 sfl vIhvIN bIqx sdI df drvysL iswK-icMqk hY. ies sdI dy bfvjUd mulk dy bhuqy lok dy pUrbI icMqkF ivwc Aus df nfm ivsLysL lIafˆ shU qfˆ leI qrs qOmurwZ‘qy afAuNd f hYl . ivsL v-sfihq Ausrhy dI hn. dy È dI iËafdfqr jnqf kivqf, vfrqk, icMqn aqy anuvfd nfl grIbI, g feI amIr hoieafbyhYr.u Ë AugfrI, s duafrfmihM iswK kfivsLqyfsqr, drsLndI , swiiÈkfr Bafcfr,hYrfjnIqI, BuwKmrI . ienHfˆ smfjk ieiqhfskfrI lokfˆ nUM vrqfry jIvn , ijAU x leI ËrUaqy rI ivigafn afid dy Ky q r c iswho kybeMdy . sfDn vI Au p lbD ivwnhIN idsLfvF dI insLfndyhI aqy sQfpnf afriQk ivkfs dy dfavy krn kIqI geI hY.

vflIafˆ srkfrfˆ nU M ieh sB

pRo[pUrn nUM nËr nhINisMG af krqfrI irhf. AujIvn nHfˆ nUM qfˆ isrjxfqmk ilKq nflo N pR m w u K qf idM dy kyvl vwzIafˆ-vwzIafˆ iemfrqfˆ hohIey nËr inry sfihq M mnwhn uKI pr cyqnfiksy dI afAuNdnUIafˆ grIbI hI mMndy hn. ies leI Aus dIaF grIb dI kuwlI vwl kdy AunHfˆ dI rcnfvF nUM smJx leI Aus duafrf bsr nËrgeI nhINijLMdgeI. N vI ko eqf I jn kIqI gI iewjdo k aihm nuk hY. smw i safvfˆ dI gw l krdf hY Aus dI mOldI hoeI ijLMdgI ivwc vwKqfˆ ovfDyrdI vwsrkfr Kro AuWcafriQk y dYvI anuivkfs BvF dI dyieksu qf spsL t idKfeI idMdIkrn hY. pdfrQk dr df gux-gfx lwg pYˆdiKwIchYF aqy h sfrI AumrabfdI dUr irhf jdoBtkxf N ik mulqokN AudI iËafdf nUM hYaw. j ies krky Au s du a frf ricaf igaf vI pIx vflf sfP pfxI aqy sfihq pfTkF nUM nyk, suihrd, ivsmfdI ishq shUlqfˆ pRfpq nhIN hn. aqy dYvI pYNizaF dI Xfqrf krvfAuNdf kroVfˆ lokfˆ kol awj vI rihx hY. Aus dI qbIaq ivc bRihmMz dy mOldy Auh holeI ey anumkfn Bv hn,nhIN ijs hn krkyaqy Auh iksy PuwtqpfQfˆ aqyaqy rylPlsPy vy stydIaF Ènfˆ jitl afid KVo , kwtVqf `qyMJrfqfˆ tx AuleI mjbU hn. -gu lF ivwckwnhIN lJdf, sgoNrdrsL n aqy icM q n dIaF gihr-gM B Ir prqF nU ivkisq dyÈfˆ dI lVI ivwc ÈfmlM DrqI inwkBfrq I qoN inwkivw I DVkx ivwcaqy vI hox jfdIrhy c aOrqfˆ mObwlcdfy ku idKfeI idM d f hY . pR o [ pU r n isM G dy poÈx df iÈkfr hn. keI


Friday, February 27th, 2015 Friday, August 22nd, 2014


anuBvI suhj é±df§ Á÷ÅçÆ icMqk- Õç¯ pRo [pU rn × isMÆ? G ÁÅî ÁÅçîÆ º Çîñ¶

sfihq-drsL n df icMqndfsurpyqtqoN pflx sLbdF aOrqfˆ nUM pirvfr dy pYNzy vflf hY, ijs ivc Aus sfihq nUM leI ijsm qwk vycxy pYd ˆ y hn. hr pUrbI icMqn ivwc ivwc punr-isrjq sfl lw K fˆ tn anfj gu c krdf hoieaf pihlf pUrbI dicMfmfˆ qkivw hox sVdf srkfrI ies df mfx hY vI pr rwKdf hY. Auh nIqIafˆ afpxy drsL n ivw ‘hMkgrIb fr’ dy PLdy lsPI ktcnUnhIN M surqpYqo nUMciksy mUMhsMivw xN sLidM bd dy PlsPL I rfh frf isDFqIkrn dIafˆ . ieMn f hIduanhIN anfj dI krdf hY. mYN do isDFqIkrn nfl pRo[pUrn Gft dws ky bfhrly dyÈfˆ qoN anfj isMG ny pUrbI icMqn dy vrqfry nUM iksy afXfqbkIqf kimÈn ‘mhf-kM xI nfljfˆkMdbff hY ky aqy ‘gur-avqfr iqjOrIafˆ BrIafˆ sunfl rq’ afpxIafˆ dy crnI lfieaf hY ijs ivwc jfˆdN jF IafˆpRbhn. hAu l-iewgrIb Cf dy mOivakqI jUdf drsLidn n dy isDFqF rn lwBy qykrky vfcy jf Br, hwivwzcBMkeI nvINpYtimhnq do skdy hn. Au s dy sfihq drsL n nfl ivwc vkq dI rotI vI bVI muÈikl sONdrX-sLfsqr dy isDFqF df inrMqr Kfˆdf hY. dUjy pfsy bhuqy srkfrI isDFqIkrn huMdf rihMdf hY. Aus ny AunHF qoN ivw qnKfh vI nyaPsr afpxy aMsrkfr qrIv aqy kfl c ibnsdI, lYˆdy hndyhaqy fˆ dyBUiqk kMmanukrn ivgsdI dy rhwloskanu BvF dudyabdly frf sfihq drsLvI n lY dy ˆdprf-BO qk irÈvq y hn. idy È mMivw zc lF kfnU dI isDFqkfrI aqy ivafiKaf Mn ies qrHfˆ lfgU kIqf kIqI. pRo[pUrn isMG dy sfihq-drsLn jf irhf hY ik amIr jurm krky ivwc ieh nukq aiq-mhwqvpUrn hY ik prdIgrIb cyvIqnfbc dy sMjfˆ pUrdnf PYhYlfvF prvfjLibnfˆ ivwc aprfD PssLbjfˆddvwflhYjf. aw j Au h afpxIqosuN rhI q dI rhI jnqf AuWqy aMivwgcryibafndy Ëfˆ nfloN qodIr pu nUl M PLIs lsPL y dy isDFq hn sfihq hY dIaF vI ijs vwD ivw juclAu mhkrdI . vwK-vwK ivDfvF nfl iewksur huMdy hoey(ijs ivwc mMnqHF rI afpxy nUrIv M kfnU qoN Au dI idsL f DrmFafp dy aMq qwqMnnfl AuWpr smJdy ieh KfˆKbf-vfsqf hY aqy Auhn. h DrqI dy vwlw K-vw iKw i qaF ‘qy rih rhy lo k F dy sFJy rU h fnI kroVfˆ dy Gutfly krky vI afËfd qflF dI sfr aqy afpxI rU h ‘qy dY vI GuMmdy hn aqy kfnUMn df mËfk anuBv dIaF ivsmfdI lorF nfl sfihq-

AuzfAuNdy hn. grIb awj vI isr

drsL n livwZo caPlsPL I sUqr iZw pYd krdy `qy mY ky afpxf zf Brdy hn ijs ivc Auh qrk aqy insLicqqf hn. bwcy kUVy dy Zyrfˆ qoN kfgË duafrf jVHq ho cwukI mfnisk iekfeI nUM iekwT y kridafˆ bcpn BfeI vIr isMG dy sLb d anuBgu vIËmOfrdy ldy hn. igrigt vfˆgBvIrMidsL g bdldy ismrn hyT sMgq-anu fvF nfl afgUhn. rfjnIiqk lfB lYx pRisafsI sfirq krdy

leI Boly-Bfly lokfˆ nUM nfl lY

pRo[pUrn isMG ieiqhfskfrI dy PLlsPy ky ros pRdrÈn krdy hn. ieh pRqI iswkybMd sUqrF dI sQfpqI krdy afgUAuaksr dl bdlI vI krdy hn. nHF dI jIvn smyN bsqIvfdI hn rfqohy-Trfq iewafpxy k nMbmOrilk dI icM qnaqy dy asr eysLIaf duqÈnmx È dyivro icM nUM Cwaqy z bygdy fngI icMqDnI dIpfrtI cmk ivw c Au ukf sI. icMg qx n ienH fˆ lnUJM cw jfn qoN bsqIvfdI ipafrI lw dI iew k ihrI prq pR o [ pU r n isM G dy lw g jfˆ d I hY . bhu q y pirvfrfˆ icM nhIN ivwqcn dyqfˆhfx vwKdI-vw K sI. mYˆbieiqhfskfrI r vwK-vwK dI smJ ivwc muwK nukqf bsqIvfdI rfjnIiqk pfrtIafˆ ivwc bYTy icMqn hY ijsdf mwuK afDfr XUrp df y hn aqy loV hYqy. smy sqfrI puhoner-jfigR qI kfl punrˆ anu jfigR afpxf Au W l U isw D f kr lY ˆ d y hn. kfl ny mfnvvfd nMU sQfpq krn leI dyÈ ivwc PYlIafˆ sYˆkVy smfijk qfrikkqf/vsqU -prkqf/ivigafnk ivafiKaf q y kyˆ N djfq irq pR kIqf, ijs kurIqIafˆ Auijvy Qf, dfj ivw F, GtnfvF kfrnFpRQ dIf,vDy ry pRcQf,qwQbfl ivafh,qy sqI bfl aihmIaq bx jFdI hY . ienH F sM G xIaF mËdUrI, Drm aqy jfq dy nfm lVIaF duafrf hI bsqIvfdI icMqn ny, AuWqy kIqy jf rhy awiqafcfr bhuqy pr nUM aDIn krn dI isafsq kIqI. rfjnIiqkisrjkF afgUanyfˆ XUleI cox bsqIvfdI rp isrP qoN alihdf mu w d f hI rihM d y hn. isw i Kaf df dysLF ‘qy bsqIvfd dI ivsQfpnf aqy aiDkfr lfgU jIvn nhIN sQfeI kbjLhkIkq y leI AuWQivw oN c dy afm ho gqI irhflYhYkyaqy bwcqwy skU jfx dI dI igafn k dylpsfrF nUM aDIngI ‘c lY igaf ijs nfl Au n Qfˆ rotI dI Bfl ivwc kMm krdyHF nyhn. gulieh fm dysB sLF dykuigafn-gR MQFafgU nUM afp J isafsI afˆ GVI ivafiKaf dy mu Q fj kr idw q f. ies nUM nËr nhIN af irhf. ivDfn

Dfrnf sQfpnf leI Aunaqy HF ny muusM wK s qOr sBfvfˆdI dy ivDfiek d ‘qy punr jfigRqI kfl dOrfn sQfpq ivwc bYTy sMsd mYˆbr afpxIafˆ kIqI geI ivigafn aqy drsL n IshUlqfˆnUleI iewbxfieaf. kmuwT ho ies jfˆdicMy hn iviKafn M afDfr qn jdogihrI N ik lo kfˆ PrFjL dIafˆ PYshU dI smJ nn,lhoqfˆ mI vfly Bfbf aqy zvrzqwkseId dIaFrihM ilKqF qoN ibwlaYsflfˆ ltkdy dy hn. pRdyfpq hu M d I hY . bsqIvfdI sM s QfpkF ny È ivwc awj vI bhuqy mnuwKfˆ dI ivigafnk ivafiKaf dy joLr nfl lokiËMdgI dI aihmIaq jfnvrfˆ mnF ‘qy kbjLf kr, AunHF nUM AunHF dy hI nflo N vI GwwktqyhYiGR . jfnvr mrn `qy gR MQF pR qI sL xq kr idw qf, ijs bhuAuqh vI vfr bvfl df hY pr nf afpxy gRMQF Au dIWT“ivigafnk afm ivakqIafˆ dy mrn `qyckoieh eI ivafiKaf” vwl qur pey . ies ivw vI mM d Bfgf irhf ik Au n H F ny afpxy gR aPsos vI pRgt nhIN kIqf jfˆdMQf.F nUies M pwCmdyduÈaivw frfcGVIaF Koj-ivDIaF mMqrIafˆ nUM GutleI fly sroq-pusqkF qwk sImq kr ilaf. iesy krn, srkfrI krmcfrIafˆ hI vrqfry kfrn iswK ieiqhfskfrI aPsrfˆ nU M aqy irÈvq x, nyaqy afpxf lMbf smF AUrjf lYiesy imlfvtKo nUM idwimlfvt aiBafs ivwcrfˆlgf qf, bsLrqykrn ieh ivafiKaf df koenUI Mafpxf pRbMDdI Ausfrdy , zfktrfˆ mrIËfˆ jfn, jonfl ik isw K x, icMqpu n ldIIsmUl coN Kyz nUM afqmf jnqfivw`qy Aujfgr huMdf Auprokq soc-pRbMD nUM iswK awiqafcfr krn qy Tykydfrfˆ nUM ieiqhfskfrI ny 19vIN sdI dy ipCly awD m krn dI kIqf afËfdI imlI qoGtIaf N isLwdq kMnfl svIkfr hY, jo ik hojeIvIhYrvF . hY. pRo[pUrn isMG dy icMqn aw ivw mcO jieh U d f mhw sqrvpU k rf rn fnuˆ ksqff rhY fikkAuu hJ ivafiKaf sLfsqr dy sMdrB ivwc ‘sfKI’ pRfeIvyt krky afpxIafˆ dy isDFqIkrn nfl ivafiKaf dy aink m y v frIafˆ qo N mu k q pYsfrIafˆ trn vflIiËM ivafiKaf df isDFqIkrn ho x f hn. cfhuAuM d krdy h Iafˆ BfeI hn. kfnH isMsrkfrI G ricq hm ihMdU nhINnU, M mu vflI iswKr bxfieaf ivafiKaf mihkimafˆ nfPfKo nUjfM nhIN , sgo s dytvwhwKQo-fˆ irhfsvIkfrdy hY. sVkfˆ nUMN pRrhw feIvy vwivw Kc ry dy mOlky dy afm anuBlo vFknUfˆ M dI iswKsVkfˆ anuBqo vN

zf[jsivMdr isMG ivw vyKdy hn.Koiesy leI geI Aus lMcGxricaf dI afËfdI h leI nuM muhMmd sfihb dy anuXfeI, vflt hY. jnqk adfirafˆ nUM pRfeIvyt ivtmYn aqy rFJf iswK ivKfeI idMdy hn. loKkfˆivafiKaf kol kOzsLIafˆ dy dIBfa vyicaf isw fsqr AusfrI leI jfh irhf hY. ienH M KrIdx Au jIvnI-icM qn fnUˆ nU M iew k nukqy vfly vjoN mMqrIafˆ irÈqy dfr aqy pyvI sL krdy hn, jo dy ik isw K ieiqhfskfrI leI iewk hI aihm qrÈ hYivw .c bwuDbfl Gos sMgIvIsfQI hn.sUdy dumËdU afrfrricq bw u D dIaF jIvn sfKIaF fˆ dI gMBIr smwisaf hY. aqy n dIBr inafeI pRo[pUrjfˆ n disMf G AunHficM ˆ qoqN idn kMm ilaf hY pUrbI icMqn ivcly anuBv dI inrMqrqf pr mËdUrI bhuq Gwt idwqI jfˆdI krvfAuNdy hoey sfKI dy dYvI anuBv aqy hY. dyÈ ivwc kfnUMn dy bfvjUd bfl coj nUM sfihq ivwc punr-prIBfsLq krn ivafh dI NdpR Qf kfiem . ieh df qfx lfAu y hn. Auh gurU hY jIvn dy ikho afËfdI hY anu ijsBvivwducadyfrfÈ idR sLF ijhI nUM sfKI rmjL dy ilKdy jo ik isw qnmr df rhI iewk dI awDhn, I abfdI BuwKK-icM nfl aihm nu k qf hY ijs rfhIN isw K anu Bv, hY aqy rsUKvfn mËy lY rhy hn. ivsL ivafiKaf sqr dy icMsfirafˆ qn ivwc dyÈvafËfd hoxsLfqo N bfad afpxf icMqn sLfml krygf.

nUM brfbrI df hwk imlxf cfhIdf pRsI o[pUpr rn isM sLn mIr ijLhuhMdnf awGj vrgy amIr‘roho r-jL amIr DrqIaF musLwkq nflgrIb. imldy jf irhfnUMhYsdIaF aqy dI grIb hor hn. ies dy nfl ieh vI ko e I kfl ijMnI dyr qwk sfry nfgirkfˆ df nUM hI vrqfrf hY ik ieMnf ijLafdf inrfdr brfbrI df aiDkfr pRfpq nhIN aqy gusqfKI pMjfb dy lokF ny afpxy ies huMdf AudoN qwk aijhI afËfdI df jInIas dI kIqI hY, EnI DrqI dy iksy koekoInyÌfiedf dyÈN phfVF leI vI ‘qy nhIN nhIN hoeI. aqy pr ijvy ku r bfn ho x vfly ÈhIdfˆ dy su pny dI ihwk ‘coN Aug pYx vfly Puwl nUM sgl aDUry rihxgy pnyF kfienfq df Byd .pY ÈhIdfˆ jFdf hY, dy Aussu y qrH spq-isM frfafm awj AudoN hI DpUU dy ry ividafrQIaF hoxgy jdoN dyduÈadf dyivakqI smyN ivwcsmfijk, afpxI jInIas dI pCfx afriQk aqy kr lYxf suBfgI GVI hY. rfjnIiqk qOr `qy afËfd hovygf.

The Patrika

Friday, February 27th, 2015


mfq-BfsLf aqy ivigafn du a frf ieh nvF ku J eIjfd krdf hY. ieho kridaF ies ny hvfeI jhfjfN, rfkytF, prmfxU bMbF, prmfxU ibjlI-GrF aqy koeI vI sLbdfvlI pwKoN nf amIr pulfVI vfhnF df inrmfx kIqf. huMdI hY aqy nf kMgfl. Ausy BfsLf ivigafn bfry koeI BfvyN kuJ vI ‘coN mnmohk mihk AuWTx lwgdI smJy pr ieho sfnUM BuwK qoN bcf hY ijhVI ivcfrF df BMzfr aqy skdf hY, sfzI grIbI df Aupfa igafn df jLKIrf hY. sfzI afpxI kr skdf hY aqy sfnUM BrmFBfsLf ‘c Aus igafn dI gMBIr vihmF dI ijlHx ‘c KuwBxoN rok Gft hY ijs ny mfnvI jIvn nUM skdf hY. awj vI bhuiqaF df shUlqF bKLsLIaF hn aqy ijhVf ieho ivsLvfs hY ik sUrj ipRQvI bRihmMz, jIvn aqy sfzy Kud pRqI duafly cwkr kwZdf hY, mnwuK df hkIkq nUM sihjy-sihjy AuGfVI pRfxI sMsfr nfl koeI sMbMD nhIN jf irhf hY. ies igafn dI Gft aqy afqmf amr hY. ies vMngI kfrn asIN BrmF-BulyiKaF ‘c dy hor vI anykF vihm asIN pfl iGry ivcr rhy hF aqy ikMnf rwKy hn ijnHF df hkIkq nfl koeI kuJ ax-priKaf sfzI soc ‘c vfsqf nhIN hY. smfieaf hoieaf sfzy jIvn nUM krUp kr irhf hY. spwsLt hY ik mu n hsr mrny py ho ijs kI asIN nf qF ivigafnk soc apxf AumId, sky hF aqy nf hI ivigafnk nfAumIdI Aus kI dyKf cfhIey. vqIrf sfzy ivcrn df afDfr ikMinaF ku nUM lwgdf hY ik sfzy bx sikaf hY. ‘coN hr iewk isrPL iewko-iewk sYWl ivigafn bfry afm ivcfr ieh nfl afpxf jIvn afrMB krdf vI hY ik ieh jo kuJ dwsdf hY hY, ijhVf iewk dy do, do dy cfr jF smJfAuNdf hY, Auh rOck nhIN qy iPr awT bxdf hoieaf KrbF sgoN iPwkf aqy nIrs hY. ieh dI igxqI nUM pwuj ky sfzy srIr gwl shI nhIN hY. ivigafn aqy dI rcnf krdf hY. sfzf srIr ies du a frf drsfeI jf rhI KrbF sYWlF df smUh hY ijnHF ‘coN hkIkq iPwkI aqy nIrs nhIN hr iewk aMdr sfzy mF aqy ipE sgoN iPwky aqy nIrs ivigfan nUM df awDo-awD zI aYWn ey smfieaf smJy ibnF Aus bfry gwl krn hoieaf hY. iekwly mnuwKI idmfg vfly hn. bRihmMz, jIvn aqy ‘c hI 86arb sYWl hn ijnHF ‘coN mnwuK bfry ivigafn vwloN kIqIaF lgfqfr lgrF PuwtdIaF rihMdIaF jIvn AuhI vDIaf bIqdf hY ijs sfzI soc ies dy iblkuwl Ault geIaF KojF sfzy soc skx nfloN hn. ienHF dI igxqI df iswDf sbMD df moh aqy hmdrdI afDfr hovy hY. asIN qF EprI BfsLf ‘c hI vI ikDry vwD rhwsmeI aqy sfzI gRihx kIqy jf rhy igafn nfl hY. aqy ijs dI agvfeI sUJvfn ilKdy-pVHdy aqy socdy-ivcfrdy Auqsukqf nUM tuMbx vflIaF hn. mwD Aumr dy ivakqI dy idmfgL igafn kry . vfkeI BfvnfvF hF. EprI BfsLf jfxnf BYV nhIN, bRihmMz dI ivsLflqf, guMJlF ‘c aMdrlIaF lgrF nUM iewk-dUjI aqy sUJ dy sumyl ibnF jIvn BYV hY qF ies nUM mfq-BfsLf df plcy jIvn aqy hr pRkfr dy nfl joV ky ienHF dI lMbfeI mfpI kumlfieaf aqy izwk-zoly KFidaF sQfn arpx kr Cwzxf. EprI jIvn dy mUl zI aYn ey bfry jo jfvy qF ieh 1,70,000 iklomItr kuJ vI ivigafn sfzy iDafn bxdI hY. dUjy pfsy mfnvI srIr asMquln ivwc bIqdf hY. BfsLf iKVkI vFg huMdI hY ijs gocrf krvf irhf hY, Auh iksy aMdrlIaF CotIaF-vwzIaF rgF sfzy siwBafcfr dy do mwuK Bfg rfhIN qfjLI hvf kmry ‘c pRvysL vI imiQhfsk gfQf jF kflpink nfVIaF dI lMbfeI mfpI jfvy qF koml klf aqy ivigafn hn. krdI rihMdI hY pr ies iKVkI anuBv nfloN ikDry vwD idlcsp ieh 80 iklomItr dy lgpg hY. sMgIq, sfihq aqy pyitMg Aupr nUM pRvysL duafr bxf dyxf TIk aqy adBwuq hY. ivigafn sfzy ieh ivigafn dy Kojy qwQ hn aqy inrBr koml klf jIvn nUM mDurqf nhIN . igafn df pfsfr krdy vqIry bfry ieh vI spwsLt krdf kI ieh rOck nhIN? bKLsLdI hY jdoNik ivigafn jIvn ijnH F sM s QffnF ‘c mfq-BfsL f hY ik Drm, sdfcfr aqy kfnUMn nU M ijAU x Xo g bxf irhf hY . leI iqR s kfr hY , Au h igafn dy mfry jf rhy sFJy hMBilaf dy ivigafn df Koijaf igafn iPwkf sMqusLt ibqfey jf rhy jIvn ‘c df pRsfr krn nfloN, izgrIaF bfvjUd bxmfns dI sMqfn hox nhIN. iPwkf AunHF df ivigafn pRqI dovF dI BUimkf hY aqy iksy iewk nUM dIaF Auqpfdk tksflF vwD bxy kfrn Aus vfly kuJ lwCx Aus smyN anuBv hY ijhVy ies dy pfsfr kr rhy hn. ieh aiDafpk vI vI axizwT kIiqaF jIvn nIrs hoey hn. sfzy vqIry ‘coN ivKfeI idMdy hn, ho skdy hn aqy pusqkF dy rcyqf aqy iekqrPLf bIqdf hY. dyKx ‘c sfzy idmfg dI bxqr kuJ ies jdoN asI afpxy afp qoN ibgfny vI. ienHF dy aijhy vrnx ny hI afAuNdf hY ik sfzy apxfey jIvnpRkfr dI hY ik mfq-BfsLf dy ho ky sfvDfnI iqafg bYTdy hF. ivigafn nUM aipRX bxf rwiKaf ZMg ‘c sUJvfn igafn dI cuBvIN AupXog ibnF igafn nfl gMBIr ivigafn krfmfq nhIN aqy nf hI hY. ivigafn aMdr Zyr sfrf kuJ Gft hY aqy nfl hI sUJ duafrf rfbqf bxf skxf sihl nhIN hY. ieh kudrqI inXmF dI AulMGxf AuqsLfh pRyrk Biraf ipaf hY inBfey jfx vfly kfrjF leI vI Bfvnfqimk anuBv dI agvfeI igafnvfn hoxf sfihl aqy EprI krn Xog hY. kudrqI inXmF dI ijs nUM axAuqsLfihq ZMg nfl svIkfr kIqI jf rhI hY. bRihmMz, BfsLf duafrf kiTn hY. ies leI Koj AuprMq ienHF dI suXog vrqoN drsfieaf jf irhf hY. ipRQvI, jIvn aqy sfzy afpxy bfry, ijhVy afm ivcfr hn, AunHF ‘c hkIkq df quwC dKLl hY. sfzI hrcMd ho musLfhd-ey-hwk kI afpxI BfsLf ‘c rcy jf rhy sfihq guPLqgU dI vI ieho siQqI hY. ies dI bnqI nhIN hY bfd-E-sfgr khy vI sUJvfn igafn nfl iJjkvIN bgYr. sFJ hY. ieh vI vDyry jLjLbfqF dI Kyz Kyzdf hoieaf pRPuwlq ho sUJ-smJ bfry ikMnI vI crcf irhf hY. sfihqk rcnfvF jd huMdI rhy pr afnMd arpx qwk sUJvfn nUM pRqIibMbq nhIN krdIaF BfvnfvF dI gwl hI hor krngIaF AudoN qk asIN hnyry hY. sUJ-smJ nfloN sfzf ikDry ttoldy hoey, rosLnI leI qrsdy vwD mfnisk Aulfr BfvnfvF vwl rhFgy. qd qk nf asIN Zukvy ZMg hY. ieho kfrn hY ik ivsLvfs nfl inBxf sfnUM sihl jfpdf hY jdoNik nfl soc skFgy aqy nf Auh kuJ qrksLIl soc nfl inBxf kiTn. Kf-pI ky hMZf skFgy ijhVf sfnUM arog rwKx leI jLrUrI hY aqy afnUMd, rMj, mihkdf KyVf, iesy kfrn asIN sMqusLt jIvn AudfsI, sLrDf, ivsLvfs, iGRxf, nhIN Bog skFgy. zr, kRoD afid sB Bfvnfqimk pRgtfvy hn. ieh jIvn mfxn CoVf nf rsLk ny ik qyry Gr kf leI qF Auicq hn pr aslIaq nfm lMU, Prolx leI ienHF df afsrf lYxf hr iek sy pUCqf hUM, jfAUN ikDr Bw u l hY . ivafpk siQqI ies ko mYN. dy TIk Ault hY: ijs gwl nfl ivakqI dIaF BfvnfvF sMqusLt sfDfrn ivakqI leI Aus dI huMdIaF hn, Aus nUM Auh Jwt mMn mfq-BfsLf ‘c rcy jf rhy sUJvfn lYNdf hY, BfvyN hkIkq nfl ies igafn df hI mhwqv hY. ijs Bfsf df sMbMD nf vI hovy. gLfilb df nUM ivakqI jfxdf/smJdf nhIN, iewQy idwqf isLar afpxI QF aqy Auh igafn nfl BfvyN afPLrI vI sfzf BfvnfvF vwl Aulfr afpxI rhy, Aus df koeI lfB ies nUM QF pr scwujf jIvn ijAUx leI nhIN puwj skdf. brnfrz sLfa sUJ-smJ dI loV pYr-pYr ‘qy df mfq-BfsLf pRqI ieh anuBv hY. pYNdI hY. AuWGy dfrsLink brtrMz mfq -BfsLf nUM axizwT kr ky hwsl df jIvn-ZMg apxfAux hor iksy BfsLf ‘c inpuMn hoxf bfry suJfa hY: asMBv hY. gLfilb ny awj qoN qkrIbn 150 vrHy pihlF ikhf sI:

sUJvfn igafn dI asrdfr svIikRqI leI ieh mfq-BfsLf ‘c ricaf jfxf cfhIdf hY.

PAGE 49 surjIq isMG iZwloN keI aijhy vI hn ijhVy ivigafn dy ies leI ivroDI hn ik ieh sUKm BfvnfvF df inrfdr kr irhf hY. klpnf dIaF AuzfrIaF ‘c inpuMn jfn kIts, inAUtn nUM ies kfrn kosdf irhf ik Aus ny sqrMGI pING dI hkIkq Koj ky Aus nfl juVIaF sUKLm BfvnfvF pRqI nIrsqf AupjfeI pr sqrMGI pING pihlF vFg hI AunHF leI mnmohk bxI rhI ijhVy sUKm anuBv leI sMvydnsLIl hn aqy ienHF leI Puwl vI pihlF vFg hI tihk aqy mihk rhy hn, bfvjUd ies dy ik ivigafn Koj bYTf hY ik Pwul ikAuN iKVdy hn. jdoN kudrq pRqI koeI rhws KuwlHdf hY qF ies dI vI afpxI hI anoKI iKwc huMdI hY. inAUtn, zfrivn, afeInstfeIn aqy vftsn ikRwk dIaF afKIaF gwlF dI pRoVHqf hox AuprMq ivigafnk Koj ny nvyN rfh apxfey. pulfVI Xfqrf afrMB hoeI, rogF pRqI jfxkfrI vDI aqy sfzy jIvn nfl juVIaF shUlqF ‘c vfDf hoieaf. nvF kuJ Kojx leI ivigafn ijhVf ZMg vrqdf hY, Aus nUM vI hux ivakqIgq smwisafvF sulJfAux leI vriqaf jf irhf hY. aijhf krn vfly afpo-afpxy ikwqy ‘c hornF nfloN vwD sPLl ho rhy hn. ivigafn ijs bRihmMz nfl sfzI pCfx krf irhf hY Au h aiq ivsLfl hY, Aus dI nvyklI Pwbq hY aqy Auh sfzy soc skx nfloN sjIlf aqy rhwsmeI hY. ivafpk siQqI ieh hY ik aijhy sfihq dI Gwt kdr pY rhI hY ijhVF bRihmMz aMdrly qfxy-bfxy dI hkIkq AuGfV irhf hY jdoNik isqfiraF gR i haF nU M lo k F dI qkdIr nfl jo V dIaF ilKqF dI vwD puwCigwC hY. ieho hfl hI jIvn aqy jIv sMsfr pRqI igafn df psfr krdy sfihq df hY. jfpdf hY ik asIN hkIkq nfloN vihmF BulyiKaf nfl prcy rihx leI hr vyly iqafr rihMdy hF. cfhy hr iewk nUM inBxf CykV hkIkq nfl hI pYNdf hY, ieh BfvyN axsuKfvIN aqy asih hI ikAuN nf hovy. hkIkq pRqI shI sUcnf isrPL ivigafn dy skdf hY. mfq-BfsLf ivwc hI ivigafnk sU c nf sfDfrn ivakqI leI ZuwkvIN hY. PAGE 49

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Friday, February 27th, 2015

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The Patrika 

Friday, February 27th, 2015


losing day is the day when all the parts of buying and selling a home come together. Each party’s lawyer will have successfully completed the details required to ensure all legal aspects are covered. On this day, you will take possession of the home, get the keys and perhaps even move in. It is also a busy time for the seller, as they will likely be in the midst of moving. However, before that day arrives, there are closing details to complete to ensure the smooth transfer of the property. Lawyer review A lawyer represents your interests, and ensures that the legal documentation is properly completed. Your lawyer receives a copy of the offer. He or she reviews the conditions of the sale, the contract and the information

Behind the scenes of closing day for title transfer and registration. Every condition on the offer must be met by closing date. It is your lawyer’s responsibility to search the title of the property (at the registry office) to ensure that the home is purchased without any legal problems and that there are no liens on the home or the personal property of the seller that forms part of the agreement. Your lawyer also needs to contact the municipality for taxes, zoning compliance (permits, use, setbacks, pool, fencing, compliance with subdivision agreements, etc.) and public utilities (hydro, gas, etc.) within the time stated in the offer, to ensure that no taxes are outstanding and the home meets with established guidelines.

Preparing a statement of adjustment is also part of your lawyer’s duties. This confirms the selling price, adjustments and the balance (less the deposit you provided with the offer). The lending institution will also draw up a certified cheque for your lawyer to be held in trust. With the purchase price of a resale home, the closing is always “subject to usual adjustments.” This means that any amount that the seller has already prepaid will be adjusted so that the home buyer pays the excess amount back to the seller and vice versa. These adjustments can include: municipal property and school taxes, monthly condominium maintenance fees, first and last month's rental for rental properties that may be in the home, utilities, such as hydro and water including GST. Your lawyer will prepare

a statement of these settlement charges. Surveys and Inspections Your lender requires an up-todate land survey. This document records the location of the home on the lot as prepared by a certified land surveyor. It records any changes to the exterior of the home since construction. Any additions such a deck or building additions could affect your taxes, property assessments and zoning restrictions. Inspections If a home inspection was part of the conditions, it should be completed by the date specified in the contract. You should also be satisfied with the report, and any repairs requested as a result of the report results. If you were planning to purchase a resale

car, you would want to avoid the headaches of choosing a lemon. You would most likely have it inspected by a mechanical service or a mechanic you know. When you are purchasing a home, why take a chance on unexpected headaches and money? You will want to make a careful tour of the home, not only yourself, but with a professional inspector. Spending $400-600 is money well spent, as the inspector will conduct a thorough inspection of the home, and provide you with a report detailing any potential problems. Based on workmanship, average length of time for operating efficiency, the inspector can give you a good idea of the condition of mechanical items of the home and cont’d on page R11




The Patrika 

Friday, February 27th, 2015

Friday, February 27th, 2015

The Patrika 





The Patrika 

Friday, February 27th, 2015

Friday, February 27th, 2015

The Patrika 





The Patrika 

Friday, February 27th, 2015

Friday, February 27th, 2015

The Patrika 





The Patrika 

Friday, February 27th, 2015

Friday, February 27th, 2015

The Patrika 



The Patrika



hen you are buying or selling a home, naturally, your most important concern is getting the best price. As a seller, you may have lived in your home for years. You have contributed towards the mortgage each month. You have maintained your home. And now, it is only right that you should reap the rewards of your efforts. As a buyer, you want to ensure you are paying fair value for a home. How then, do you get fair market


Friday, February 27th, 2015


What is fair market value?

value for your home? In this article we will explain, specific house, present condition and 30 to 90 days, the three factors that influence market value. In this article, we refer to market value, as it applies to single-family homes only. Evaluation methods are different for condominiums and commercial properties. The term, "market value," is a broad and confusing term. Consumers shop in a store and pay the price indicated on the price tag. A book is worth $18.95 according to the tag.

A car is worth $15,000 because the price tag says it is. We rarely question the value or worth placed on these items. We just pay the price. At the end of the season, if an item did not sell, its value changes. The $18.95 book did not attract enough buyers. Therefore, the store puts the book on sale to entice people to buy the unsold books.

Initially, the market value of the book was $18.95. However, when new titles arrive on the shelf, or the subject of the book is no longer

popular, the market value could drop to $9.95.

Three criteria make up this definition;

Therefore, market value is the price that an item will sell for, within a reasonable time period. When considering real estate, "reasonable" refers to one to three months.

1. Specific house

When it comes to determining fair market value on a home, the following definition is helpful: "Market value is the price at which a particular house, in its current condition, will sell within 30 to 90 days."

2. Present condition 3. 30 to 90 days To determine a home's value, most people use an appraisal or comparative market evaluations. An appraisal, conducted by a certified appraiser, is a professional opinion of a property's market value, based on recent sales of com-

cont’d on page R14

The Patrika

Friday, February 27th, 2015



cont’d from page R1

repair costs down the road. An inspector will not pass or fail the home. Rather, he will give you an unbiased opinion of its condition. Financial matters Financial details should be finalized and ready for implementation on the closing date. Utility services Contact utility, cable and phone companies to ensure connections are in place on your moving day.

Insurance Update your insurance policy so coverage begins on your new home and property upon closing. Your lawyer also needs a copy of the policy before closing. Completing the contract On closing day your lawyer pays the vendor, registers the home in your name and delivers the title and keys. Be sure you have all the keys, including side door, garage door, shed, mailbox, garage door opener, etc. You may want to change the locks or have them re-keyed.




The Patrika 

Friday, February 27th, 2015

Friday, February 27th, 2015

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cont’d from page R10 parable properties, location, square footage, construction quality, floor plan, shopping, schools, transportation, etc. On average, this type of evaluation costs $300 - $500. Lenders require an appraisal as part of the mortgage application process. A comparative market evaluation (CMA), performed by a Real Estate Professional is a free, informal estimate of market value, based on sales of comparable properties. Specific house Market value is limited to your specific house. The location and neighbourhood of your particular


Friday, February 27th, 2015


home is the starting point for this determination. The exact same house in another city, or another neighbourhood across town, does not matter for your determination. For example, a house in St. Albert could be worth $375,000. But if the exact same home was located in Edmonton, it may only be valued at $300,000. Home prices also fluctuate significantly from city to city and from neighbourhood to neighbourhood. Therefore, when considering the market value of your home, it must be compared to similar homes in the same or adjoning neighbourhoods.

Present condition The second factor in determining market value is the condition of your home. Is it in "showing" condition? Does it need some improvements? The condition of your home determines the number of buyers who may want to view and purchase the property. This relates to the time your home will remain on the market before it sells. Most home buyers want a reasonably priced home, in good condition. They may look less favourably on a home that requires major work. Some people determine a market value by subtracting the amount of

estimated fix-up costs from the selling price. This may not be the best way to evaluate a home. A home in good condition sells for $80,000. A home you may like needs $4,000 in repairs. This may not equate to a market value of $76,000 ($80,000 - $4,000). Why not? Homes that require work take longer to sell. To attract more buyers, the price may have to be reduced beyond the cost of the repairs. it is all a matter of how much someone is willing to pay for these repairs. Additionally, determining market value for a home that needs some work, is not an exact science. Some Real Estate Professionals suggest

subtracting approximately two to three times the amount of the fixup costs. 30 to 90 days In most markets, a home will sell within 30 to 90 days. If it does not, the price is probably too high. Even homes that are "perfect" will not sell in this time, if the price is too high. On the opposite end: if a house sells within a short period, perhaps the asking price was too low or it could be a hot market. When there are housing shortages or fear of rising prices, many homes are purchased within a matter of days of the listing.

Friday, February 27th, 2015

The Patrika 





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Friday, February 27th, 2015

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