Happy Canada Day
kYnyzf zya dIaF
somvfr, julfeI 1 nUM aYbtsPorz kYnyzf zya pryz sfAUQ PryjLr vya ‘qy svyry 11 vjy qoN dupihr 1 vjy qwk cwlygI. pryz burkuien krYisMt qoN sLurU hovygI aqy sfAUQ PyrjLr vya qoN ho ky moiet zrfeIv kolL smfipq hovygI. svyry 10 vjy qoN duiphr 2 vjy qwk rozF bMd hoxgIaF. pryz dOrfn BfrI kwT aqy rozF bMd hox kfrn vfhn clfAux vfilaF nUM dUjy rsiqaF ‘qy jfx leI ikhf igaf hY. pryz smyN bMd rozF dyKx leI hyT idwqf nksLf dyKo.
pryz dOrfn bMd rozF
sLfm 8 qoN rfq dy 1 vjy qwk, mklur roz trYQvya strIt qoN glYzivn roz qwk ptfikaF (jy mOsm ny iejfjLfq idwqI) kfrn bMd hovygI. ptfikaF smyN bMd rozF dyKx leI hyT idwqf nksLf dyKo. quhfzy sihXog leI DMnvfd. hor jfxkfrI leI a bbo tsf o rd .ca/canada d a y ‘qy jfE.
(NC) Insurance is meant to provide peace of mind when you need it most. Yet, the monthly expense of car and home insurance remains a stressor for many Canadians. If you’re looking for a way to lower your insurance rates, you’re not alone.
Start by exploring all your options to find out which insurer offers the best premium. If you’re renting or own a home, your insurance policy and rates will be different. Whereas, if you’re in the market for a new car, the model of car you’re looking to insure plays a big role in the calculation of the cost.
If you’re a student, your insurer may offer specialized packages tailored to your budget. Whether you’re commuting to school every day, only using your car on the weekends or driving across the country to visit your family on the holidays, there’s an insurance policy fit for you.
Many employee groups, college or university alumni associations, and other professional association members are often eligible for exclusive discounts on car and home insurance.
For families and households with multiple vehicles, consider bundling your home and auto insurance as you may be eligible for better rates, exclusive discounts and savings offered by your insurer.
Make technology your friend and have it remove the guesswork for you. Some insurance providers reward safe driving habits with discounts, such as Belairdirect’s automerit feature which utilizes realtime driving habit assessments, and offers personalized premiums based on safe driving behaviours, empowering policyholders to control their insurance expenses.
klyr kfript Prns klIinMg
A 67-space child care centre and Child and Youth Excellence Hub broke ground on Tunbridge in Cedar Valley this morning. The project is a collaboration between Mission Association for Community Living (MACL), the Province of B.C., and the City of Mission and strives to bring much needed child care spaces for children with extra support needs, as well as important services for local families.
Construction of the child care centre will be funded by grants from the Province’s ChildCareBC New Spaces Fund and UBCM. The City of Mission sold MACL the land at a discounted price and provided project financing.
The first floor will be a child care centre that aligns with Mission Association of Community Living’s mission, which is to support individuals with developmental disabilities, children who require extra support, and their families.
“We are thrilled to partner with the City of Mission and the Province of B.C. to open a 67-space child care centre and Child and Youth Excellence Hub,” said Dawn Hein, CEO of Mission Association for Community Living. “Our goal is to create an inclusive environment that meets the diverse needs of families in our community, ensuring every child has the opportunity to thrive.”
The project came together as a partnership between MACL and the City of Mission, with support from Pam Alexis, MLA for AbbotsfordMission, and Bob D’Eith, MLA for Maple Ridge-Mission.
“Council is extremely proud to see this project moving forward,” said Mayor Paul Horn. “We have heard from our neighbours that there is a dramatic shortage of quality child care, and that there is a need to offer more services in the Cedar Valley area. We are very grateful for the opportunity to work with Mission Association for Community Living to ensure that this is a fully inclusive child care centre. The project would not have come together without the partnership and advocacy of our two MLAs, Pam Alexis and Bob D’Eith. Their help made all the difference in overcoming the many challenges involved in this project.”
“Families in the growing community of Mission will now have increased access to reliable child care, which benefits both parents and children,” said Bob D’Eith, MLA for Maple Ridge-Mission. “Through the partnership with the City of Mission to create these new child care spaces, our government also recognizes that families have diverse needs, and these new spaces meet their need for access to quality, affordable and inclusive child care.”
Construction is expected to be completed next year.
rUipMdr Kihrf rUpI (srHI) – knyzIan pMjfbI klcrl aYsosIeyÈn df slfnf smfgm kytirMg rYstorYNt ivKy hoieaf . ijs ivwc gIqkfr sv: gurdyv isMG mfn dI brsI mnfeI geI . ies mOky “gurdyv isMG mfn mymoiral aYvfrz” nfl AuwGy gIqkfr jsbIr isMG guxfcOrIaf nUM invfijaf igaf . pRDfngI mMzl ivwc pRDfn surjIq isMG mfDopurI, skwqr ipRqpfl igwl, aËIj Elf Éfn “ gMgf sfgr vfly ”, rfjvIr isMG mfn,ÊËl-go kuivMdr cFd styj qy suÈoiBq hoey . styj df sMcfln skwqr ipRqpfl igwl vwloN bfÉUbI inBfieaf igaf . AuprMq cmkOr isMG syKoN dI tIm vwloN ZfzI
vfrF pyÈ kIqIaF geIaF . pRiswD lyKk gurBjn igwl dI pusqk “aKwr-aKwr ” df lok arpx kIqf igaf aqy pusqk bfry prcf kuldIp igwl vwloN piVHaf igaf . pRDfngI mMzl , sBf d mYNbr aqy afey mihmfnF dI hfËrI ivwc gIqkfr jsbIr isMG guxfcOrIaf nUM “ gurdyv isMG mfn mymoiral aYvfrz” nfl invfijaf igaf . mfn sfihb dy spuwqr rfjvIr isMG mfn nUM Éfs qOr qy snmfinq kIqf igaf sBf vwloN mfiek shfieqf leI bldyv isMG bfT aqy mfn sfihb dy byty rfjvIr mfn df qih idloN DMnvfd kIqf igaf .
pMjfbI dy aËIm Èfier surjIq pfqr df ieh Èyar bhuq crcf ivc irhf hY;‘eynf swc nF bol ik ‘kwlf rih jfvyN,cfr ku bMdy rwK lY moZf dyx leI’. ies ivc qF koeI do rfvF nhIN ho skdIaF ik swc dI qfkq hI aijhI huMdI hY ik ies df sfhmxf krn df ijgrf ivrilaF ivc hI huMdf hY. iesy kfrn hI swc dy rfh qurn vfilaF df bhuqy sfQ Cwz jFdy hn. pr swc dI bfq pfAux vfly kdy ies gwl dI prvfh qy icMqf nhIN krdy ik koeI AunHF df sfQ dyx leI bicaf hY jF nhIN. scfeI dIaF pYVF pfAux vfly qF inrMqr afpxf prcm JulfeI qury rihx ivc ivÈvfs krdy hn. pr iewQy qF hux mslf hI hor hY. ajokf smfj qrwkI dIaF mMiËlF qYa krdf hux aijhy moV ’qy phuMc igaf hY ik hux Auh kuJ vfprn lwg ipaf hY, ijs bfry pihlF kdy ikafs vI nhIN kIqf jf skdf sI. Èfier ny qF bhuq vwzI gwl kIqI hY. pr suaflF df suafl qF ieh ik hux arQI nUM moZf dyx leI ‘cfr ku bMdy’ bcy hI ikwQy hn. sfzI rvfieq rhI hY ik mr cuwky ivakqI nUM Gr-pirvfr qy afly-duafly glI-guaFZ dy bMdy, sskfr smyN ÈmÈfn-Gft iljfx leI vfrI vfrI moZf dyxf afpxf PrË smJdy hn. keI vfr ÈmÈfn-Gft ipMz qoN dUr hox kfrn, iek dUjy nUM sfh dvfAux leI,vDyry ivakqI arQI nUM moZf idMdy hn. ipMzF ivc qF ajy BfeIcfrk sFJ dIaF qMdF mËbUq hox kfrn, sfry iek dUjy dy duwK-suwK ivc Èfml huMdy hn. Éfs qOr ’qy koeI mOq hox smyN qF arQI mgr jF aPsos leI jfxf ËrUrI smiJaf jFdf hY. pr arQI nUM moZf dyx vflI siQqI hux ipMzF ivc vI bhuqI nhIN rhI.
asl ivc ieh smwisaf iksy iek ipMz dI nhIN hY. sfrf pMjfb hI ies qrHF dy sMktF ivcoN guËr irhf hY. byruËgfrI dy sMkt kfrn afpxy BivwK nUM bcfAux leI, mfpy afpxy bwicaF nUM hr hIly ivdyÈF ivc Byjx leI mjbUr hn. hux hflq ieh hY ik
ijhVf iek vfr cly jFdf hY, Auh kdy vfps
nhIN prqdf. mfpy vI bwicaF dy mgr-mgr
afpxIaF ËmInF-jfiedfdF vyc ky pMjfb
nUM KflI krdy jf rhy hn. hux qF AuhI nOjvfn Gr bYTf hY, ijs df ivdyÈ jfx df koeI jugfV nhIN bixaF. iewQy rihx leI
koeI iqafr hI nhIN. hflFik ivdyÈF ivc jf ky iewQoN ikqy vwD sMGrÈ krnf pYNdf hY, qF jf ky bMdf pYrF ‘qy KVf huMdf hY. ibnF Èwk ajoky simaF ivc dyÈ ny qrwkI dIaF
AuwcIaF mMiËlF qYa kIqIaF hn. pdfrQk qrwkI ivc qF koeI kmI nhIN hY, pr mfnvI kdrF-kImqF dy pwKoN asIN ajy vI bhuq pwCVy hoey hF. sVk qy vfpry hfdsy smyN vI koeI ËKmIaF nUM hspqfl phuMcfx leI iqafr nhIN huMdf. iksy byshfrf qy ÊrIb dI byvsI vI sfzy mn ivc koeI hmdrdI pYdf nhIN krdI. Dfrimk asQfnF ivc bQyrf kQf-kIrqn huMdf hY, pr asIN DrmF dy nF ’qy Auwqy hI iek dUjy dy ÉUn dy ipafsy ho jFdy hF. ieh iks qrHF df ivkfs hY, ijhVf rwijaF nUM hI rjfeI jf irhf hY, pr ÊrIb dy drF qwk kdy phuMcdf hI nhIN. gwl qurI sI arQI nUM moZf dyx qoN. pr hux qF ËmfnF ies qrHf df hY ik iksy duKI bMdy dy moZy ’qy vI hwQ rwK ky hOslf dyx vfly ivrly hI bcy hn. lwqF iKwcx vfly qF bhuq hn, pr iksy df hwQ PVn vfly ikqy hI
lwBdy hn. jy pMjfbIaF dy prvfs dI iehI
siQqI rhI qF, afAux vfly ds-vIh sflF dy smyN df ikafs krky mn zr jFdf hY ik
Èfied iewQy qF pMjfbI bMdf ikqy dUr-dUr qwk nf idsy. BivwK ivc ijhVy ipMz ny imRqk-dyhF iljfx leI koeI pRbMD nf kIqf,
AunHF nUM qF sMBv hY ik ‘cfr ku bMdy’ idhfVI ’qy iljfxy pYx. ijvyN ivafh-ÈfdIaF dy sfry kfrj afpxI sOK leI hux Tyky ’qy dy idwqy jFdy hn, iblkul ies qrHF hI kwlH-kloqr nUM afpxI ÌIs lY ky koeI eyjMsI imRqk dy sskfr dI vI sfrI iËMmyvfrI lY ky, Gr vfilaF nUM icMqf ivwcoN kwZ skdI hY.
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a btsP rz df 2024 af rzr, k i mA i n tI c pI an acI vm t, aq k i mA i n tI mf n qf avf rz
jIvn Br dIaF Èfndfr pRfpqIaF, AuWqmqf aqy BfeIcfry pRqI smrpx df snmfn krdy hoey, hux hyT idwqy iqMn istI afÌ aYbtsPorz dy nfgirk mfnqf purskfrF leI nfmËdgIaF svIkfr kIqIaF jf rhIaF hn:
• • • afrzr afP aYbtsPorz kimAUintI cYNpIan acIvmYNt avfrz kimAUintI rYkoginsLn avfrz
2024 avfrz pRfpq krn vfilaF nUM aYbtsPorz dy myar aqy kONsl duafrf Pfl 2024 ivwc iewk smfroh ivwc mfnqf idwqI jfvygI.
purskfrF dy vrxn dyKx leI aqy nfmËdgI pYkyj qwk phuMcx leI abbotsford.ca/awards-recognition 'qy jfE. mukMml hoey nfmËdgI pYkyj ielYktRfink qOr 'qy cityclerk@abbotsford.ca 'qy jmHf kIqy jfxy cfhIdy hn.
ikrpf krky not kro ik sbimÈn dI afKrI qrIk 5 julfeI, 2024 hY.
hor jfxkfrI leI ikrpf krky abbotsford.ca/awards-recognition 'qy jfE jF lYijslyitv syvfvF nUM sMprk krn leI cityclerk@abbotsford. ca eI-myl jF 604-864-5506 Pon kro.
As the sun rises on July 1st, Canadians across the expansive landscape from coast to coast prepare to commemorate their nation's birthday with pride and joy. Canada Day, a celebration deeply ingrained in the nation's cultural fabric, marks the anniversary of the Confederation of Canada, when the provinces united into a single Dominion in 1867. More than just a date on the calendar, this day symbolizes unity, diversity, and resilience for all Canadians.
Parades adorned with maple leaf flags wind through city centers, while families gather for picnics in parks adorned with red and white decorations. The air is filled with laughter and the aroma of barbecues, as Canadians of all backgrounds come together to celebrate their shared heritage and values.
Canada's diversity shines brightly on this day, with cultural performances, art exhibitions, and culinary delights reflecting the mosaic of its people. Indigenous communities play a crucial role in the celebrations, sharing their traditions and histories, reminding everyone of the rich tapestry of First Nations, Métis, and Inuit cultures woven into Canada's identity.
Beyond the festivities, Canada Day is a moment of reflection on the nation's journey. It honors the sacrifices of those who have shaped its history and celebrates the ongoing pursuit of equality, justice, and inclusivity. Canadians take pride in their country's reputation as a global leader in peacekeeping, humanitarian aid, and environmental stewardship, striving always to uphold these values both at home and abroad.
However, Canada Day also prompts introspection, acknowledging the challenges faced by indigenous communities and the ongoing work towards reconciliation. It serves as a reminder of the importance of acknowledging the past while forging a path towards a more inclusive and equitable future for all Canadians.
As the day draws to a close, fireworks illuminate the night sky, casting a glow of unity and optimism over the nation. Canada Day is not just a celebration of a country; it is a celebration of its people, their resilience, and their commitment to building a brighter tomorrow together. It is a reminder that, in Canada, diversity is strength, and unity is achieved through understanding and respect.
Happy Canada Day to all Canadians, near and far!
jy qusIN dMd lvfAuxy hn jF iPr lgvfey hn dMd purfxy hn aqy nvyN lvfAuxy hn quhfzy lvfey dMd iZqly hn jF tuwt gey hn blrfj nfl apfieMtmYNt bxfE aqy Kfxf cMgI qrHF KfE jy quhfzy sfry dMd nhIN inkly pr Kfxf TIk qrHF nhIN Kf huMdf qF blrfj nUM imlo ieh quhfzI syvf leI srI ivwc hn.
All roads led to Burnaby on Saturday as thousands of festival goers attended the Pinoy Festival: Panahon na para Magsaya (Come join the Fun) celebration at Swangard Stadium.
The Pinoy Festival 2024 drew a record-breaking number of visitors of all ages and from as far as Vancouver Island, Kelowna, Alberta and the US - making it the largest Filipino event in British Columbia's history. It provided an unparalleled platform for Filipino community organizations, performers, small businesses, and food establishments to shine, celebrating and strengthening the community's sense of pride and cultural heritage.
It showcased the rich heritage and diverse culture of the Philippines, featuring over 70 Filipino organizations participating in a grand parade and cultural performances representing regions from Luzon, Visayas, and Mindanao. Attendees were treated to traditional dances, modern Filipino
pop music, and an array of culinary delights from local vendors and food trucks, offering a true taste of Filipino hospitality and culture Sammie Jo Rumbaua, Chair of the Mabuhay House Board, expressed her pride in the event's success, stating, "The Pinoy Festival is a testament to the strength and unity of our community.
It serves as a vital platform for representing Filipino culture and community in Canada, bringing us all together to celebrate our heritage and share it with the broader public."
Genaro Bhoy Tamongan, a Board Member of the Pinoy Festival Alliance, highlighted the overwhelming attendance, noting, "We are thrilled to see so many attendees from across British Columbia, Alberta and the USA and from all walks of life. It demonstrated the widespread appeal and significance of our Filipino community and the Pinoy Festival. It's heartwarming to witness such a large gathering of Filipinos and supporters of Filipino culture."
The festival was graced by the presence of various government officials from federal, provincial, and municipal levels. Premier David Eby participated in the festivities with a lively performance of the Sisiwit Dance and reiterated his commitment to the Filipino community.
"We work closely with Mabuhay House to reach out across the community to gather information and put together a new questionnaire on the government website so you can tell us what you want to see in a cultural centre. We will keep working with Mabuhay House to ensure your voice is heard," Premier Eby stated.
One of the event's highlights was the TFC Happy Hour featuring Martin Nievera, the "Concert King" who performed his greatest hits to an enthusiastic crowd of kababayans (fellow Filipinos), adding to the day's festive atmosphere.
The Pinoy Festival was entirely volunteer-run with hundreds of volunteers contributing to its preparation, organization, and execution. The Pinoy Festival is proudly supported by the Provincial Government of British Columbia, Tourism Burnaby, and the Burnaby Grant Program. Pinoy Festival is also grateful for the contributions of our community sponsors, TD Bank, Burnaby Fire Fighters, and the Hospital Employees' Union together with community supporters, Power of Three, Anthem, Alexander College, and Remitly.
The event is presented by the Pinoy Festival Alliance Society and the Mabuhay House Society in cooperation with the Benguet Society, Ateneo Alumni Association, Barangay Burnaby, Inarte Society, BFCS, Pinoy Pride Vancouver, Intercity Basketball League, Bisayan Alliance and the Fraternal Order of Eagles - Vancouver Hinirang Eagles Club.
At a celebration at UFV’s Chilliwack campus today, BMO announced a contribution of $440,000 over five years to support the BMO Collaboratorium. An exciting partnership between BMO and the University of the Fraser Valley’s Peace and Reconciliation Centre (PARC), the BMO Collaboratorium is a program that provides UFV students with research training and practical experience in a way that benefits the communities around them.
anykF bImfrIafˆ dy shI ielfj leI hux sfzy koloˆ nvIˆ Koj nfl iqafr kIqIafˆ dvfeIafˆ lY skogy.
* mfeIgRyn. * joVfˆ dy drd. * koeI vI aMdrUnI bImfrI. * iksy vI qrHfˆ dI ienPYkÈn. * gRihsqI jIvn sbMDI smwisafvfˆ. * AudfsI aqy Gbrfht rog. * cmVI dy rog. * ikwl muhfsy, iÌnsIafˆ afid. * Qfierfz.
Launched as a pilot project in 2021, the BMO Collaboratorium was created by PARC Director Dr. Keith Carlson to provide community organizations access to sophisticated research at a fraction of the cost of a corporate consultant. “We are very proud of the work that’s been done and the partnerships that have been fostered through the BMO Collaboratorium, and we’re excited to celebrate this generous contribution by BMO,” says UFV President and Vice-Chancellor Dr. Joanne MacLean. “This support allows us to build on the solid foundation that’s been set in place, providing more opportunities for UFV students and impactful research with our many community partners.”
The idea for the BMO Collaboratorium came from a series of discussions Dr. Carlson had with not-for-profits, First Nations groups, and municipalities. He found that they had a list of research projects they wanted done, but not the budget.Through the BMO Collaboratorium, at a cost of $12,000, community partners receive 14 weeks of access to a paid student intern who has completed intensive methodology training and has the skills to design and execute a research plan with measurable timelines and outcomes.
“The BMO Collaboratorium is unique with the combination of value and quality research it provides for Indigenous communities and other partners,” Dr. Carlson says, adding that half of the community partnerships have been established with
Indigenous communities like Matsqui First Nation, Sumas First Nation, and Seabird Island First Nation.
The work of Dr. Carlson and the BMO Collaboratorium was recognized in 2023 with Heritage Abbotsford’s Outstanding BC Heritage Award in Indigenous and Diverse Cultures.
“With a coordinator in place, we’ll have the ability to work year-round with our community partners to apply for grant funding and assist with preliminary consultation,” Dr. Carlson says. “We’ll be able to enhance connection and deepen engagement through these partnerships.”
“We’re honoured to support the work of the BMO Collaboratorium, which is meeting a great need within Indigenous communities while creating opportunities for students,” said Michael Bonner, Head, Canadian Personal & Business Banking Distribution, Head, BMO Enterprise Indigenous Strategy, and Co-Chair, BMO Indigenous Advisory Council. “We’ve enjoyed a strong relationship with UFV since 1999, enhancing the student experience and ensuring their long-term success, as part of BMO’s Purpose, to Boldly Grow the Good in business and life.”
To date, BMO has contributed $1.03 million to UFV, including sponsorships, and student awards.
BMO releases an annual Indigenous Partnerships and Progress Report titled wîcihitowin, which is a nehiyawewin/Cree term meaning “helping and supporting each other.” The report highlights BMO's partnerships with and commitment to Indigenous communities and includes inspiring stories from Indigenous customers, employees, and community leaders.
If you, or someone you know, is interested in participating in the 2025 BMO Collaboratorium as a community partner, or would like to learn more, email PARCcollab@ufv.ca.
purfxy Ëmfny dy pflx-poÈx aqy awj dy pflx-poÈx ivwc bhuq bdlfa afieaf hY. ijwQy pihlF mfpy afpxy bwicaF nUM AunHF dIaF ÊlqIaF leI zFt ky pVHfAuNdy sn, awj dy mfpy aijhf nhIN kr rhy hn. AunHF ny smJ ilaf hY ik bwicaF nUM iJVkx aqy kuwtx nfl bhuqf Ìrk nhIN pYNdf, ies leI Auh
AunHF nUM shI gwlF isKfAux aqy TIk krn leI iek hor PfrmUlf apxf rhy hn, jo hY tfeIm afAUt isDFq. iek hor cIË ijs ny shI pflx-poÈx ivc bhuq mdd kIqI hY Auh hY mnoivigafnI aqy bfl mfhrF df smrQn. jo bwicaF df hI nhIN sgoN mfipaF df vI mfrgdrÈn krdy hn. ieMdU rfE, jo ik iewk krIar kfAuNslr hY, df mMnxf hY ik bwicaF nUM AunHF dIaF ÊlqIaF df aihsfs krvfAux ivwc tfeIm afAUt isDFq bhuq pRBfvÈflI huMdf hY. ies nfl bwicaF nUM hI nhIN sgoN mfipaF nUM vI Pfiedf huMdf hY. afE jfxdy hF ikvyN. tfeIm afAUt pyrYNitMg df iewk aijhf qrIkf hY ijs ivwc jdoN bwcf koeI ÊlqI krdf hY qF AusnUM iJVk ky jF
jsivMdr duhrf
iJVk ky qurMq sËf nhIN idwqI jFdI, sgoN kmry ivwc iekwlf Cwz idwqf jFdf hY. ijwQy Aus dy mnorMjn df koeI ivklp nhIN hY aqy pirvfr df koeI mYNbr Aus nfl gwl vI nhIN krdf. aijhI siQqI ivwc bwcy nUM socx df smF imldf hY. Auh shI aqy Êlq dy Ìrk nUM smJdy hn. ÈFq mn nfl ivakqI afpxy afp df ibhqr mulFkx kr skdf hY. ies nfl bwcy mfnisk qOr 'qy mËbUq bxdy hn, jo AunHF dI vDdI Aumr 'c bhuq mddgfr sfbq huMdy hn. zFtx jF kuwtx dI bjfey aijhf krn nfl bwcy jldI hI afpxI ÊlqI smJ jFdy hn, ijs nfl Auh dubfrf ÊlqI krn qoN bcdy hn. ies hwl dI mdd nfl bwcy afpxy mfqf-ipqf df kihxf mMnx lwgdy hn. tfeIm afAUt isDFq bwicaF nUM svY-inrIKx df mOkf idMdf hY. ies kfrn bwicaF dy ivhfr ivwc skfrfqmk bdlfa dyKx nUM imldf hY. Auh afpxy mfqf-ipqf dIaF gwlF nUM iDafn nfl suxdy hn aqy ies dI pflxf krdy hn.
kYlgrI (sqnfm isMG Zfa/ jsvMq isMG syKoN) arpn ilKfrI sBf df sflfnf smfgm 15 jUn 2024 nUM tYNpl kimAUntI hfl ivc muwK mihmfn jsivMdr, sBf dy pRDfn zf[ jogf isMG shoqf aqy kysr isMG nIr dI pRDfngI hyT Brvy iewkT ivc hoieaf. AuprMq kYnyzf aqy Bfrq dy kOmIN gIq gfey gey.pRogrfm dI ÈurUafq pMjfbI kYnyzIan bwicaF vwloN pMjfbI bolI ivc afpo afpxIaF kivqfvF, pMjfbI gIq qy iqMn bwcIaF ny nfc aqy BMgVf pyÈ krky sroiqaF nUM mMqr mugD kr idwqf. sBf vwloN jsivMdr rfhIN AunHF nUM igÌt-kfrz dy ky hOslf aÌjfeI kIqI. ies aOKy aqy ivlwKx kMm leI suKbIr isMG gryvfl vwloN XMgsqfn sMsQF rfhIN bwicaF nUM pMjfbI bolI nfl joVn dy XqnF nUM vI slfihaf igaf.AuprMq zf[ jogf isMG shoqf ny sBf dI sflfnf irport pyÈ kIqI. kYlgrI dy nfmvr Èfier kysr isMG nIr ny jsivMdr bfry jfxkfrI sFJI kridaF ÊËl dy jnm aqy ieiqhfsk ipCokV bfry bhuq hI BfvpUrq jfxkfrI idwqIy. AunHF ieh vI dwisaf ik BfrqI sfihq akYdmI df pihlf pMjfbI ÊËl purskfr zf[ jgqfr nUM imiÜaf sI aqy Aus qoN bfad ieh aYvfrz isrÌ jsivMdr nUM hI imiÜaf hY. nIr ny afiKaf ik jsivMdr nvIN gwl vI kihMdf hY aqy ivlwKx aMdfË ivc kihMdf hY. zf[ jogf isMG ny arpn ilKfrI sBf dI sflfnF rIport pyÈ kridaF pMjfbI BfeIcfry dy kfrobfrIaF df idl dIaF gihrfeIaF qoN DnMvfd kIqf ijnHF dI KwulH-idlI nfl kIqI mfiek shfieqf nfl ieh smfgm kIqf jFdf hY. zf[ jogf isMG shoqf ny jsivMdr dI ÊËl ‘suxIaF ÉudI qoN byÉudI qIkr khfxIaF Pyr vI mYN iËMdgI dIaF rmËF nf jfxIaF.’ sfj (kYÈIE) nfl suxf ky rMg bMinaf.jrnYl qwgV ny iek ÊËl suxfeI. gurdIÈ gryvfl ny afpxI iek pusqk jsivMdr isMG nUM Byt kIqI. vrnn qoN phuMcy Èfier pfl iZwloN ny afpxIaF ÊËlF dy coxvyN
Èyar pyÈ kIqy. suirMdr gIq ny vI kivqf rfhIN sFJ pfeI.
AuprMq arpn ilKfrI sBf dy kfrj-kfrnI mYNbrF vwloN jsivMdr nUM ‘iekbfl arpn XfdgfrI purskfr’ dy ky snmfinq kIqf igaf. jsivMdr ny sBf dy suihrd aqy moZI mYNbr iekbfl Éfn nUM aqy pRiswD kvI
surjIq pfqr nUM Xfd kIqf. AunHF afiKaf sfzy kolo ienHF ÈÉsIaqF dy ivCVn nfl
pMjfbI ÈfierI /pMjfbI iltrycr nUM nf pUiraf jfx vflf Gftf ipaf hY. Auh hmyÈF sfzI Xfd ivc AuWkry rihxgy. jsivMdr ny
Coty bwicaF vwloN pMjfbI Aucfrx dI muhfrq nUM slfhuidaF arpn ilKfrI sBf dy ies
Auprfly nUM vI slfieaf jo nvIN pIVHI nUM
pMjfbI bolI nfl joVn leI AuqÈfihq krdf hY. AunHF afiKaf iekbfl arpn afp iek AuWGy sfihqkfr, smfj syvI aqy pMjfbI bolI dy AupfÈk sn. ies sBf ny AunHF dy pUrinaF qy cwlidaF AunHF dy nF ‘qy sBf bxf ky nfl hI ‘iekbfl arpn XfdgfrI purskfr’ ipCly lMmy smyN qoN dy ky kYnyzf Br dy vwK vwK ÈihrF qoN pMjfbI lyKkF/ sfihqkfrF nUM hor vDIaf sfihq isrjx
leI AuqÈfihq kIqf hY. ienHF nUM ies gwl dI
vDfeI vI idMdf hF. myry iKafl ivc Èfied hI kYnyzf ivc koeI ivrlI sfihq sBf ieh kMm krdI hovygI. AuprMq jsivMdr ny afpxIaF do mkbUl ÊËlF sroiqaF dIaF vfr vfr qlIaF dI gUMË ivc pyÈ kIqIaF
‘suxy koeI qF myrI hUk hY ieh pVHy koeI qF
myrI afrËU hY ik gUVI rfq dy gilafiraF ivc koeI qF jgmgfAuNdI lihr hovy.’ aqy
‘nhIN srnf Klfrf hUMJ ky bykfr socF df isrF ivc Auwsry buwqF df Zihxf ËrUrI hY’.
dUsry dOr ivc bfxI kOr GtOVf aqy gurnUr
kOr KuxKux ny pMjfbI gIqF qy nwc ky
sroiqaF leI pMjfbI siBafcfr dy drÈx krf idwqy. bulMd avfË dy mflk suKivMdr qUr ny jsivMdr dI hI ÊËl ‘ipMz dIaF
mMËlF Audfs kr jFdIaF lMGF srihMd ‘coN
qF awKF Br jFdIaF’ suxf ky sroiqaF qoN vfh vfh KwtI. bI[sI[ qoN afey Èfier hrdm isMG mfn ny afpxI ÊËl dI pyÈkfrI bhuq hI invykÜy aMdfË ‘c kIqI. bI[sI[ qoN hI iek hor nfmvr Èfier ikRÈn Bnot ny ‘smF kdy nf bIiqaF hwQ afvy’ suxf ky ÊËl kihx dI muhfrq df sbUq pyÈ kIqf. bI[sI[ qoN afey Èfier mnpRIq pRIq ny afpxy PMn df bhuq hI invyklf muËfhrf kIqf. zf[ jogf isMG shoqf ny kysr isMG nIr dI iek ÊËl pyÈ krky rMg bMinaF. zf[ kyvl isMG prvfnf ny ‘ikqy phMcux leI do rsqy PVy sn’ ÊËl
pyÈ kIqI. bcn isMG gurm, js cfhl, suirMdr kYNQ, srdUl isMG lwKf, ny afpo afpxy klfm suxf ky smF bMinaf. kYligrI ivc kvIÈrI pRMmprf nUM ijAUNdI rwKx vfly kvIÈrF srUp isMG mMzyr aqy jsvMq isMG syKoN dI joVI ny kvIÈrI rMg ivc ‘klI’ pyÈ kIqI. jrnl skwqr jsvMq isMG syKoN kvIÈrI rMg ivc bfbf bdn isMG jI srfBf aqy sR srfBy dI BYx DMn kOr jI dI ÈhId krqfr isMG srfBf nfl afÉrI mulfkfq df idRÈ pyÈ krky kvIÈrI rMg dIaF rMgxF nUM AucfeIaF qy lY gey. prmjIq BMgU ny afpxI iek kivqf nfl hfËrI lgvfeI nfl hI smfgm dI ivzIEgRfÌI krn dI syvf vI inBfeI. ies sfihqk smfgm ivc styj skwqr dIaF ijMmyNvfrIaF jsvMq isMG syKoN ny bfKUbI inBfeIaF geIaF. aÉIr qy zf[ jogf isMG shoqf ny afey hoey ivdvfn sfihqkfrF, sroiqaF, afpxy BfeIcfry dy kfrobfrIaF, pMjfbI mIzIaf aqy sBf dy vlMtIarF dy idn rfq kIqI imhnq leI smfgm dI sÌlqf leI pfey Xogdfn DMnvfd kIqf. mwuK mihmfn nfl afey ÈfierF/ sfihqkfrF nfl Èfm dy Bojn dy nfl nfl Èfiero ÈfierI df aMnd mfxdy hoey, iesy qrHF agly sfl imlx dI kfmnf kridaF pRogRfm dI smfpqI hoeI.
Abbotsford, BC - June 19, 2024Downtown Abbotsford is gearing up for the 41st Annual Berry Fest, a beloved community event celebrating all things berry! Scheduled for Saturday,
July 6th, from 12 pm to 8 pm, this year’s festival promises a spectacular lineup of activities and entertainment that represents the spirit of summer and our region’s rich agricultural heritage.
Join Us at Downtown Abbotsford’s Berry Fest Whether you’re a berry enthusiast, a supporter of local farmers, or simply looking for a day of family fun, Downtown Abbotsfor’s Berry Fest promises something for everyone. Mark your calendars for July 6th and join us in celebrating all things berry!
The Berry is Back in Berry Fest!
This festival revolves around celebrating Abbotsford as a Berry Capital of Canada. Local berry farms - Neufeld Farms, Blueberry Junction, and BJ Farms - will serve as “Berry Providers,” offering fresh, delicious berries and showcasing their finest products.
Activities Galore
Visitors can expect an array of activities to delight all ages, including:
Vendor Market: Featuring local artisans and vendors.
Rides: Kids Swings & Spinning Tubs of Fun for the thrill seekers
Food Trucks & Vendors: Delectable food options down every block
Live Entertainment: Performances by local talent such as Abby Middle All-Stars, Jam Dance, and a headliner show from Orquesta Tabasko.
Kids Activities: Magic Shows, Happy Panada Rides, hands-on attractions, and face painting.
Berry-tainment Stage: Sponsored by the Rail District, featuring cooking demos with Chef Dez, Mike
Norden’s Magic Show, and the highly anticipated Pie Bake Off.
Berry Delicious
Berry enthusiasts can participate in or enjoy watching the Pie Eating Contest or showcase their best berry pie at the Pie Bake Off. Berry-themed desserts, crafts, festival merchandise, and drinks will also be available throughout the festival site, along with Berry Voucher giveaways on the mainstage and select vendors accepting Berry Bucks.
Local Flavours
Berry Fest proudly features local beverages under a full-site license, highlighting our community's diverse offerings. This includes refreshments for local manufacturers, showcasing Downtown Abbotsford’s commitment to supporting local businesses and products.
Berry Fest is a true community effort, made possible by the dedication of local businesses and volunteers. This collaborative spirit reflects Downtown Abbotsford’s strong sense of community and support for local initiatives.
This event is generously supported by sponsors including TD Bank, Gulf & Fraser, Abby News, The Rail District, Star FM, Country 107.1, BC Blueberries, The Patrika, McDonald's - dba. DME Investments Inc., Neufeld Farms, Berry Hill, Blueberry Junction, and Global BC. Who are all committed to celebrating Abbotsford’s vibrant community and agricultural heritage.
For more information, please visit https://downtownabbotsford. ca/events-landing/berry-fest/ or follow us on social media @ DowntownAbbotsford.
Media Contact: Ashleigh Watters, Events & Marketing Manager, Downtown Abbotsford
Phone: 778-666-2794; Email: ashleigh@downtownabbotsford.com
aYbtsPorz, bI[sI[ - zfAUntfAUn aYbtsPorz 41vyN slfnf byrI PYst dI iqafrI kr irhf hY, jo byrI df jÈn mnfAuNdf hY iewk ipafry kimAUintI eIvYNt nfl! ÈnIvfr, 6 julfeI, dupihr 12 vjy qoN rfq 8 vjy qwk inXq kIqf igaf, ies sfl df iqAuhfr gqIivDIaF aqy mnorMjn dI iewk Èfndfr lfeInawp df vfadf krdf hY jo grmIaF dI Bfvnf aqy sfzy Kyqr dI amIr KyqIbfVI ivrfsq nUM drsfAuNdf hY. zfAUntfAUn aYbtsPorz dy byrI PYst ivwc sfzy nfl Èfml hovo
BfvyN qusIN byrI dy ÈOkIn ho, sQfnk iksfnF dy smrQk ho, jF isrÌ pirvfrk mnorMjn dy idn dI qlfÈ kr rhy ho, zfAUntfAUn aYbtsPor df byrI PYst hr iksy leI kuJ nf kuJ pRdfn krdf hY. afpxy kYlMzrF qy 6 julfeI nUM insLfn mfro aqy byrI dIaF
sfrIaF cIËF df jÈn mnfAux ivwc sfzy nfl Èfml hovo!
byrI byrI PYst ivwc vfps af geI hY!
ieh iqAuhfr aYbtsPorz nUM kYnyzf dI byrI rfjDfnI vjoN mnfAux dy afly-duafly GuMmdf hY. sQfnk byrI Pfrm - inAUPIlz Pfrm, blUbyrI jMkÈn, aqy bI[jy[ Pfrm - "byrI pRdfqf" dy qOr 'qy kMm krngy, jo qfËIaF aqy suafdI byrIaF dI pyÈkÈ krdy hn.
bhuq sfrIaF gqIivDIaF
hr Aumr dy lokF nUM KuÈ krn leI gqIivDIaF dI AumId kro, ijs ivwc Èfml hn:
vYNzr mfrkIt: sQfnk kfrIgrF aqy ivkryqfvF dI ivÈyÈqf
rfeIzF: bwicaF dy July aqy GuMmdy twb
PUz trwk aqy vYNzr: hr blfk ‘qy suafdI Bojn ivklp
lfeIv aYNtrtynmYNt: sQfnk pRiqBf ijvyN ik aYbI imzl afl-stfrs, jYm zFs, aqy ErkYstf qbfsko qoN iewk hYWzlfeInr Èoa pRdrÈn
bwicaF dIaF gqIivDIaF: mYijk Èoa, hYpI pnfzf rfeIzs, aqy Pys pyNitMg
byrI-tYnmYNt styj: ryl izsitRkt duafrf spFsr kIqf igaf, ijs ivwc ÈYWP zyË,
mfeIk nOrzn df mYijk Èoa, aqy bhuq iËafdf AumId kIqI pfeI byk afP dy nfl kuikMg zYmo Èfml hn.
byrI suafdI
byrI dy ÈOkIn pfeI Kfx dy mukfbly ivwc ihwsf lY skdy hn jF dyKx df afnMd lY skdy hn jF pfeI byk-afP ivwc afpxI sB qoN vDIaf byrI pfeI df pRdrÈn kr skdy hn. byrI-QIm vflIaF imwTIaF Kfx vflIaF cIjLF, krfPt, iqAuhfr df vpfrk smfn, aqy pfxI/jUs pUry smfgm dy eyrIey ivwc AuplbD hoxgy. byrI vfAUcr mynstyj ‘qy idwqy jfxgy aqy cuxvyN vYNzr byrI bks svIkfr krngy.
sQfnk suafd
byrI PYst mfx nfl iewk pUrI-sfeIt lfiesYNs dy aDIn sQfnk pIx vfly pdfrQF nUM pyÈ krdf hY, jo afpxI BfeIcfry dIaF iviBMn pyÈkÈF vfry sfnUM Aujfgr krdf hY. ies ivwc sQfnk mYnUPYkcr leI irPrYÈmYNt Èfml hY, jo ik sQfnk kfrobfrF aqy AuqpfdF df smrQn krn leI zfAUntfAUn aYbtsPorz dI vcnbwDqf nUM drsfAuNdf hY.
BfeIcfrk shfieqf
byrI PYst iewk swcf BfeIcfrk Xqn hY, jo sQfnk kfrobfrF aqy vflMtIarF dy smrpx duafrf sMBv hoieaf hY. ieh sihXogI Bfvnf zfAUntfAUn aYbtsPorz BfeIcfry dI mËbUq Bfvnf aqy sQfnk pihlkdmIaF leI smrQn nUM drsfAuNdI hY.
ies ievYNt nUM ieh spFsrF duafrf KuwlHy idl nfl smrQn pRfpq hY: tI[zI[ bYNk, glP aYNz PryjLr, aYbI inAUjL, ryl izsitRkt, stfr aYP[aYm[, kMtrI 107[1, bI[sI[ blUbyrIjL, pwiqRkf, mkzfnlz, zI[aYm[eI[ ienvYstmYNts ieMk[, inAUPIlz PfrmË, byrI ihwl, blUbyrI jMkÈn, aqy globl bI[sI[ jo sfry aYbtsPorz dy jIvMq BfeIcfry aqy KyqIbfVI ivrfsq nUM mnfAux leI vcnbwD hn.
hor jfxkfrI leI, ikrpf krky https:// downtownabbotsford.ca/events-landing/berry-fest/ 'qy jfE jF soÈl mIzIaf @DowntownAbbotsford 'qy jfE.
Increased BC Family Benefit payments arriving in bank accounts this summer will help families with rising expenses due to inflation.
“With global inflation and high interest rates driving up daily costs, we know families are being hit hard right now,” said Premier David Eby. “We’re increasing support to lowand middle-income British Columbians through an expanded BC Family Benefit. Getting a little extra money to families for the basics is one of the ways we’re helping people who are feeling squeezed right now.”
Families will receive on average $445 more than last year with a one-year bonus added to BC Family Benefit payments.
About 340,000 families with children, which is 66,000 more than last year, will receive the benefit through monthly deposits in their bank accounts or mailed cheques starting in mid-July. The 25% increase through the bonus means a family of four could potentially receive as much as $3,563 annually, while a single parent with one child could receive as much as $2,688.
“With rising costs of food, clothes, childcare and housing, parents are struggling to get by,” said Katie Bartel, a parent from Chilliwack. “Families are looking for support from their schools, communities and the government. By investing in the well-being of children, the B.C. government can help alleviate financial burdens and create more opportunities for all families to thrive, ensur-
ing a more equitable and inclusive society.”
The BC Family Benefit is a payment from the Government of B.C. delivered to people by direct deposit or cheque as a payment from the Canada Revenue Agency and arrives as a combined payment with the federal Canada Child Benefit.
“We know people are feeling the effects of high prices and stretched budgets,” said Katrine Conroy, Minister of Finance. “That’s why we’re increasing this year’s BC Family Benefit payments to help lighten the burden. I encourage people to file their taxes to ensure they’re receiv ing the supports they’re eligible for.”
Find out more at this one-stop online resource with clear steps on what people need to do to access govern ment benefits and programs: https:// gov.bc.ca/BCBenefitsConnector
he Province is continuing to take action to help people with cost of living, including: a fourth ICBC rebate; keeping hydro rates low and providing the BC Electricity Afford ability Credit; making prescription birth control free;making transit for kids free; and making one round of in-vitro fertilization (IVF) free.
Many of the benefits and credits are available automatically for eligible people when they file their taxes.
The Province will not contact people by text message. A text message about a tax credit may be fraudulent. If unsure, contact: ITBTaxQues tions@gov.bc.ca
All types of catering:
• Mobile Catering
• Temple Catering
• Wedding Catering
• Big or Small occasions We
• mobfeIl kytirMg
• tYNpl kytirMg
• ivafh qy kytirMg
• Coty jF vwzy mOikaF qy kytirMg
Grade 12 2023-2024
5930 Riverside St. Abbotsford
Jaspal S Dhaliwal Principal
Congratulations to our Graduating Class of 2024! Your dedication leading up to this day has finally paid off. You have achieved this reward because of your immense hard work. We are delighted that you have successfully completed all graduation requirements. We wish you the best of luck in all your future endeavours. As Dasmesh alumni, we hope you continue to serve the community well. We cannot wait to see what the future holds for each one of you. Keep smiling!
#2-191 Hollywood Rd.S.,Kelowna, BC, V1X 0B9
Who: For children from Kindergarten to Grade 5. Children in Grade 6 & higher may volunteer.
What: A camp full of learning and excitement! Camp will include Gatka, Punjabi, Sikh Videos, Arts & Crafts, Seva Time, Sakhi Time as well as Sports & Games!
Where: Gurdwara Sahib Kalgidhar Darbar (30640 Blueridge Drive, Abbotsford, BC)
When: TIME:
9:00 a.m. - 2:45 p.m.
SESSION 1 (Limited Spots Available) Monday, July 8 - Thursday, July 18, 2024 (9 Days)
SESSION 2 (Limited Spots Available) Monday, July 22 - Thursday, August 1, 2024 (9 Days)
Why: This camp will allow young Sikh children to grow emotionally, mentally, socially, and spiritually. Other opportunities include making friends, interaction with positive role models, Gurmat & Sikh history education, and lots of fun!
Fee: $20/day
SESSION 1: $180 (9 days) SESSION 2: $180 (9 days)
· Campers are required to bring their own snack, lunch, and water bottle.
· If families would like to sponsor pizza lunch for a specific day or special occasion like a child’s birthday, please contact the office.
SESSION 1 SESSION 2 - Sunday, June 23, 2024 - Sunday, July 7, 2024
Applications will be screened on a first come- first served basis. Therefore, spots may fill up prior to the deadlines. Apply early!
(NC) For many people who work outside, high temperatures and heat waves pose a danger to their health – and their ability to work.
Know the risk: Heat can hurt everyone’s health, particularly people who work outside, older adults, young children and people with health conditions are at greater risk for heat illness.
Heat illnesses such as heat exhaustion or heatstroke can come on quickly and have lasting health effects. Some heat illnesses, such as heatstroke, can even be deadly. Taking some simple precautions when it is hot outdoors can save you and your co-workers’ lives.
Watch for symptoms: Symptoms of heat illness include dizziness, extreme thirst and rapid heartbeat. Watch yourself and your co-workers for these symptoms. If symptoms are spotted, get to a cool place and hydrate.
Pace yourself: Do not assume you can work at your normal pace during a heat wave. Slow down and take more frequent breaks in the shade to drink water. Although it may feel like lost time on the job, it will help you stay healthy enough to get more done overall.
Drink up: Drink plenty of liquids, especially water, during a heat wave. Do this before you feel thirsty to decrease the risk of becoming dehydrated. Thirst is not a good indicator of dehydration.
Dress for the weather: Wear loosefitting, breathable clothing and a wide-brimmed hat if you can. If you wear heavy safety gear on the job, your breaks are even more important. Make sure to remove your gear while you take breathers in a safe location.
A few simple steps like these can go a long way to protecting you during a heat event.
It is a time for celebration, but also the perfect time to reflect on how privileged we are to live in an independent, glorious, and growing nation. It is time to think about the heritage of our indigenous communities and the contributions they have made and continue to make in leading our country to prosperity.
As we gather with Canadians from coast to coast to coast to celebrate our great nation, I wish all Abbotsford citizens a very Happy Canada Day!
Dave Sidhu
Councillor, City of Abbotsford dsidhu@abbotsford.ca
2024 kYnyzf df 157vF jnm idn hY.
ieh jsLn mnfAux df smF hY, aqy ieh drsfAux df vI shI smF hY ik asIN iewk suqMqr, sLfndfr, aqy vD rhy rfsLtr ivwc rihx leI ikMny BfgF vflLy hF. ieh smF hY ik asIN afpxy ieMzIjInIas BfeIcfiraF dI ivrfsq bfry socIey aqy sfzy dysL nUM KusLhflI vwl iljfx ivwc AunHF vwloN pfey Xogdfn bfry socIey aqy DMnvfd pRgtfeIey.
kYnyzf dy iqMnF qwqF qoN kYnyzIan lok ies mOky nUM mnf rhy hn. mYN aYbtsPorz dy sfry nfgirkF nUM kYnyzf zya idvs dIaF bhuq-bhuq mubfrkF idMdf hF!
dyv iswDU kONslr, iswtI afP aYbtsPorz
As we celebrate the birth of our great nation, I extend my warmest wishes to each and every one of you. Canada Day is a time to reflect upon the values that define us as a diverse and inclusive society. It is a day to commemorate the rich tapestry of cultures, traditions, and languages that make up the fabric of our great nation.
On behalf the Punjabi Patrika Newspaper, I wish you a joyful and memorable Canada Day. May the spirit of this remarkable day ignite a sense of pride and unity within each of us as we continue to work towards a brighter future for our beloved Canada.
Happy Canada Day!
kYnyzf iewk bhuswiBak aqy bhu-BfsLfeI dysL hY aqy iewQy rih rhy lokF df ivrsf qy bolI afpsI BfeIcfrk sFJ qy iewk dUsry nfl pRym aqy imlvrqx dI BfvnfvF df pRgtfvf krdf
hY. mYN adfrf pMjfbI pwiqRkf dI qrPoN sfiraF nMU kYnyzf idvs dI mubfrkvfd idMdf hoieaf kfmnf krdf hF ik hr kYnyzf vfsI qrwkI kry aqy KusLhfl hovy.
Canada Day festivities kick off with a parade starting from Bourquin Crescent, proceeding along South Fraser Way on Monday, July 1st at 11:00 AM. Get up close to enjoy the community's remarkable floats, emergency vehicles, vintage cars, and street performers!
pryz svyry 11 vjy somvfr 1 julfeI nUM svyry 11:00 vjy sfAUQ PryËr vya dy nfl-nfl borkuien kRysYNt qoN ÈurU hox vflI pryz dy nfl kYnyzf zya dI ÈurUafq hovygI. kimAUintI dy kmfl dy Plots, aYmrjYNsI vfhnF, ivMtyj kfrF, aqy stRIt prPfrmrF df afnMd lYx leI afE!
Join us at Abbotsford Exhibition Park (32470 Haida Drive) for the Canada Day Family Festival! Rotary Stadium will be filled with family-oriented activities and experiences, programmed by the community! Don't miss out on thrilling activities such as hay rides, car show, mini golf, slip n’ slide, and so much more.
pirvfrF leI mylf dupihr 1 vjy qoN sLfm 5 vjy qwk kYnyzf zya PYimlI PYstIvl leI aYbtsPorz aYgËIibÈn pfrk (32470 hfeIzf zrfeIv) ivwc sfzy nfl Èfml hovo. rotrI styzIam pirvfr-muKI gqIivDIaF aqy qËribaF nfl Biraf hovygf, jo ik BfeIcfry duafrf iqafr kIqf igaf hY. romFck gqIivDIaF ijvyN ik hya rfeIz, kfr Èoa, imMnI golP, silwp aqy slfeIz aqy hor bhuq kuJ leI afE.
| 1:00 - 10:00 PM
Coordinated by the Greater Vancouver Food Truck Festival, make sure to swing by Rotary Stadium for a delicious selection of multi-cultural themed food trucks.
PUz trwk dupihr 1 vjy qoN rfq dy 10 vjy qwk gRytr vYnkUvr PUz trwk PYstIvl duafrf sMXoijq, BFq-BFq dy bhu-swiBafcfrk QImz PUz trwkF leI rotrI styzIam afE.
The Canada Day Main Stage, programmed by the Abbotsford Arts Council, will showcase performances by local musicians, dancers, and cultural programming. Don't miss out on an incredible lineup!
myn styj dupihr 1 vjy qoN rfq dy 10 vjy qwk aYbtsPorz afrts kONsl duafrf pRogrfm kIqy gey kYnyzf idvs df myn styj, sQfnk sMgIqkfrF, zFsrF aqy swiBafcfrk pRogrfmF df pRdrÈn krygf.
Make sure you catch the fireworks finale at Abbotsford Exhibition Park to wrap up Canada Day in style!
ptfky rfq dy 10 vjy qusIN kYnyzf idvs nUM pUrf krn leI aYbtsPorz aYgËIibÈn pfrk phuMc ky afiqÈbfËI dy PfeInl df anMd mfixE!
hor jfxkfrI leI skYn kro jF ies vYbsfeIt’qy jfE: tourismabbotsford.ca/canada-day
We’re a local Abbotsford, British Columbia florist delivering courteous, professional service and the
quality flowers in Abbotsford. We pride ourselves in an inviting shop. Our experienced designers can create floral arrangements that will complement any occasion and meet your budget and style expectations as well. We also offer daily delivery to all local funeral homes and hospitals.
smUh mYNbrj sfihbfn nMU sUicq kIqf jFdf h Yik ies sfl sInIarj df tUr ivktorIaf jfvygf. smUh sInIarj nMU sUicq kIqf jFdf hY ik smyN isr afpxI sIt buk krvf lvo jI. ies sfl iewk hI bws jf rhI hY. bfad ivwc koeI ieqrfj nhI krygf.
1. bws rvfnF hox df smF rotrI styzIam qoN TIk svyry 6 vjy df hY. 9 julfeI 2024.
2 ID aqy kyar kfrz hoxf jrUrI hY. not : Krcf pRqI mYbr $85 mohn isMG igwl (pRDfn) 604-300-1929 suKdyv isMG mwlI (jnrl skwqr ) 778-344-2832
goibMdr isMG srF mIq KjfnjI 778-344-2620
ipMz dI svyr
ajYb isMG ilwdV 6048253131
kdy BuwldI nI mYnUM myry ipMz dI svyr
cwly gurU Gr bfxI inwq cVdI svyr
AuwT qVky hI nhf inwq gurU Gr jfxf
qF hI BuwldI nI mYnUM myry ipMz dI svyr
AuwT cfr vjy mF ny pfAuxI cftI c mDfxI
pYÜI vfAux qur jfxf bfpU lYky bldF dI joVI
bVI imwTI lwgdI sI pfeIaF twlIaF dI tuxkfr
qFhI BuwldI nI mYnUM myry ipMz dI svyr iewkTy ho ky
jdo pVn skUl ivwc jfxf sfiekl iksy koly
bfkI sB qur ky hI jfxf iewko ijhI vrdI c ikMny
sohxy lwgdy sI bwcy qFhI
BuwldI nI mYnUM myry
ipMz dI svyr af ky dojI ny sI jdo GMtI
sfiekl dI vjfAuxI cuwk duwD vflI bfltI
jf dojI nUM PVfAuxI ajYb ilKy Xfd afvy
inafVy vfly ipMz dI purfxI qFhI
BuwldI nI mYnUM myry ipMz dI svyr
Byxo vIro kro
iqafrI byrI
sIjLn afieaf
mulK rfj bjfj ‘pRymI’ golyvflf
ipCly sfl keIaF qoV ky byrI, ieMzIaf gyVy lfey
mihMgf huMdf isAunf dyK, jyvr nvyN bxfey
muMzy kuVIaF ivafhy hf ky Prj afpxf lfieaf
Byxo vIro kro iqafrI byrI
sIjLn afieaf
keI ipMz’c pfT rKfAuNdy, puMn dfn hn krdy
keI krfAuNdy KyzF jf ky, vfh vfh ipMz dI Ktdy
grIb kuVIaF df ivafh, rcf ky, jg’c nfm bxfieaf
Byxo vIro kro iqafrI byrI
sIjLn afieaf
sfl Br dI kIqI imhnq, iksfn Psl AuzIkI jFdy
Kfd, dvfeI spry krky, PslF isr lgfAuNdy
loV ipwkrF dI kfsLqkfrF, pyprF ivwc kZfieaf
Byxo vIro kro iqafrI byrI
sIjLn afieaf
ijs dy jfxf qoVn byrI, pihlF ryt mkf lo
jykr jfxf kfr qy iswQy, gyVf Kyq lgf lo
krn ijnHf kMm kYnrI, irsLmf AunHf mMgfieaf
Byxo vIro kro iqafrI byrI
sIjLn afieaf
Gfty vfly sOdf KyqI, ijMmIdfr hux kihMdf
spry, dvfeI Krcy vD gey, mOsm TIk nf rihMdf
pUrf muwl nf imly iksfnF, sbiszI jor lgfieaf
Byxo vIro kro iqafrI byrI sIjLn afieaf
knyzf vrgf mulk nf koeI, dunIaF sfrI kihMdI
bI[sI[ sUbf sB qoN vDIaf, qot koeI nf rihMdI
vDIaf ryt, lybr Gwt pRymI qoVn df mn bxfieaf
Byxo vIro kro iqafrI byrI sIjLn afieaf
muKiqafr isMG `ËÌr`
Cwzgy jy iswKo iswKI dy asUlfˆ nMU, krMU ieqbfr nfgurU dsmyÈ sI
sucyq krdy iswKfˆ pYrokfrfˆ nMU.
nykI qy igafn ivwc QozI iËMdgI, ikhf isr vfrfˆ nMU.
vihm qy Brm vflyL vwZy Psqy, hox dUjI vfr nf.
Cwzgy jy iswKo iswKI dy asUlfˆ nMU,
krMU ieiqbfr nf.hukm akfl `c
quhfnMU sfijaf, akl ÉËfinAuˆ.
QonMU nflL ÈuB guxfˆ dy invfijaf, nf mVHI mwT mfinAuˆ.
sMgl srfDfˆ, vrqfˆ dy kwtqy, igafn qlvfr nf.
Cwzgy jy iswKo iswKI dy asUlfˆ nMU, krMU ieqbfr nf.
pUjxfˆ akfl qy iddfr krnf, Éflsy `coN rwb df.
Cwzxf nI hwk, nf iksy df mfrnf, Blf kro sB df.
krnI ikrq aqy vMz Ckxf, sB nUM ipafrnf.
Cwzgy jy iswKo iswKI dy asUlfˆ nMU,
krMU ieqbfr nf.qoqy rwt lfAuxI nf,
gurU dI bfxI nUM iËMdgI `c Zflxf.
mirafˆ qoN kdy nf imlx inafmqfˆ, nf vkq gflLxf. afpxy kMmfˆ nUM Éud afp krnf,
hovxf Kuafr nf.
Cwzgy jy iswKo iswKI dy asUlfˆ nMU, krMU ieqbfr nf.
AUc nIc CUq Cfq qfeIN Cwzky, hY guxfˆ nUM pUjxf.
gurU dy ivcfr mMn swc Kojxf, swc dy leI jUJxf.
pYdf hoxf ieko vyr sMsfr `qy, kdy dUjI vfr nf.
Cwzgy jy iswKo iswKI dy asUlfˆ nMU, krMU ieqbfr nf.
smJ mnuwK qfˆeIˆ rUp rwb df, mno siqkfrnf.
bx rihxf ZflL duKI qy ÊrIb dI, Ëflm vMgfrnf.
‘ËÌr` mnuwKqf df mn ijwqxf, suwcy ikrdfr nf.
Cwzgy jy iswKo iswKI dy asUlfˆ nMU, krMU ieqbfr nf.
‘knyzf zy’ mubfrk
mulK rfj pRymI knyzf vrgf mulk nf koeI, dunIaF sfrI kihMdI
kMm qF sB nUM krnf pYNdf qot koeI nf rihMdI
ijwQy rhIey ijwQy KfeIey, Aus dI suK mnfAu mF bolI pMjfbI klcr,
imwtI nf Bwul jfAu
ivwc knyzf af pMjfbI, imhnq kIqI BfrI, gYs, storF, imwlF mflk
keI bxy ivAupfrI
isafsI dKl , nf cwly iewQy, nf koeI sInf jorI iBRsLtfcfr, nf vwZI KorI, nf koeI TwgI-TorI istIjLn lE knyzf dI, sB suwK shUlqF pfAu ivwc kfnUMnI dfiery rih ky, tYks qfrI jfAu
‘kYnyzf zya’sfry BfeIcfry rl ky
‘pRymI’ ‘knyzf zy’ mnfE
E kYnyzf! avr hom aYNz nyitv lYNz!
trU pytrIat lv
ien afl dfeI snjL kMmyNz ivd gloieMg hfrts vUeI sI dI rfeIjL
dI trU nfrQ stRFg aYNz PRI! Prfm Pfr aYNz vfeIz, E kYnyzf, vI stYNz afn gfz Por dI gfz kIp avr lYNz glorIas aYNz PRI!
E kYnyzf, vUeI stYNz afn gfrz Pfr dI,
E kYnyzf, vI stYNz afn gfrz Pfr dI.
jgdyv isMG jtfxf
zyilafˆ vwty nf jIhnUM koeI sI isafxdf
buwkÜ knyzf dI `c Auh vI mOjfˆ mfxdf.
inafˆ qy aËfdI kI aY ieQy af ky qwkIafˆ
ijAuˆdf rhy knyzf rhy krdf qrwkIafˆ.
hwk nf koeI mfry mwul imÜy kIqy kMm df
iewko ijhf mfx imÜy, Ìrk nf cMm df
AuwcI jfq mfVy dIafˆ sykdI nf vwKIafˆ
ijAuˆdf rhy knyzf rhy krdf qrwkIafˆ.
siqkfr qy hlImIˆ gux eyQoˆ dy ivÈyÈ ny
rihx leI cMgyrf pfieaf ruqbf hY dyÈ ny
imhnq jo kry Auh AuzfeI jfvy ÌwkIafˆ
ijAuˆdf rhy knyzf rhy krdf qrwkIafˆ.
afvy qMg kIqf koeI mnuwKI aiDkfr df
gwÜ lf knyzf pRbMD kry ruËgfr df
duKI mËlUmfˆ leI ivCfeI rwKy awKIafˆ
ijAuˆdf rhy knyzf rhy krdf qrwkIafˆ.
kMn kr suxo gwl dsfˆ iek Byd dI
geI suDr knyzf af ky jUn jgdyv dI
AuwzdIafˆ nhIˆ sI AuzfeIafˆ mUMhoˆ mwKIafˆ
ijAuˆdf rhy knyzf rhy krdf qrwkIafˆ.
kYnyzIan pI afr jWt iswK Aumr 37 sfl kWd 5’7 ibnF bWcy qo qlfksLudf, afpxf Gr qy vDIaF nOkrI kr rhy lVky vfsqy pirvfirk lVkI dI loV hY. ibnF bwcy qo qlfksLudf lVkI qy vI ivcfr kIqf jf skdf hY
sMprk kro : 604-832-3013
kYnyzf jwt PR lVky 26 sfl Aumr leI lVkI cfhIdI hY. Auh hI sMprk krn jo ivjtr vIjLy qy gey 23 sfl dy lVky leI PR lVkI df irsLqf krfAx. sMprk kro: +91 7527891439
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gurdvfrf nfnk invfs ivKy pMjfbI klfsF
dI smfpqI (blvMq isMG sMGyVf-ircmMz,
ieMzIaf klcrl sYMtr afP kYnyzf gurdvfrf nfnk invfs, nbMr pMj roz ircmMz ivKy ipCly sqMbr qoN pMjfbI klfsF cl rhIaF sn. 23 jUUUn ies skUl vrHy dIaF afKrI klfsF sn. bwicaF dI hOslf aPjfeI leI gurUu Gr dy nMbr do dIvfn hfl ivKy bwicaF nUM srtIPIkyt, kuJ qohPy aqy hor ienfm idwqy gey. gurdvfrf sfihb dy cyarprsn bIbI kÈmIr kor jOhl ny ieh rsm adf
kIqI. AunF dy hQoN ienfm lY ky bwcy bhuq KuÈ hoey. ies mOky gurUu Gr dI pRbMDk kmytI dy kuJ mYNbr, biwcaF dy mfpy aqy sMgq BI Èfml hoeI. ienfm lYx qoN AuprMq
kuJ dyr bfad bwcy aqy
AuhnF dy mfpy myn drbfr
hfl ivc phuMcy aqy BfeI hrI nfm isMG Kflsf dy
gurbfxI ivcfr df afnMd
mfixaf. BfeI sfihb dy pRogrfm qoN bfad bwicaF ny bhuq hI rhsmeI ÈbdF
nfl sMgqF nUM inhfl kIqf. skwqr blvMq isMG sMGyVf ny iehnF bicwaF, iehnF dy mfipaF, aiDafipkF aqy shfieqkfrF df DMnvfd
kIqf aqy sqMbr 8 nUM nvIaF
ÈurU hox vflIaF klfsF ivc
Bfg lYx leI swdf idwqf. ieho ijhy AuprfilaF nfl
bwicaF nUM afpxI mF bolI
pMjfbI, afpxy ivrsy aqy
iswK Drm nfl joVn leI kfPI lfBdfiek sfbq ho skdy hn.
aYbtsPorz (gurdIp isMG gryvfl) KUn kudrq dI
vwzmulI dfq hY qy KUndfn krky iksy ivakqI nUM
ijMdgI df anmol qohPf
idwqf jf skdf hY. KUndfn dI mhwqqf df aihsfs sfnUM
AudoN huMdf hY jdoN asIN Kud jF
sfzf koeI afpxf KUn leI
ijMdgI qy mOq dy ivckfr
ltk irhf huMdf hY. KUn iksy
PYktrI ivwc iqafr nhIN
kIqf jf skdf. kYnyzf dy sLihr aYbtsPorz invfsI
56 sflf pMjfbI jgjIvn isMG igwl hux qwk 146
vfr KUndfn kr cuwkf hY qy
bIqy iewk sfl qoN hr hPqy
afpxf plfjLmf dfn krdf hY. ijlLf iProjLpur df jLIrf qihsIl dy ipMz kwsoafxf dy jMmpl jgjIvn isMG igwl ny dwisaf ik sMn 1987’c jdoN Auh pMjfb aYgrIklcr
XUnIvristI luiDafxf ivKy
bI[aYs[sI[ aYgrIklcr df ividafrQI sI qF ipMglvfVf dy bfnI Bgq pUrn isMG XUnIvristI afey sn qF Aunf qoN pRBfivq ho ky Ausy sfl luiDafxf ivKy pihlI vfr KUndfn kIqf sI. jgjIvn isMG igwl df kihxf hY ik Aus df jIvn hI KUndfn nUM smripq hY. kYnyzIan blwz srivsjL
aYbtsPorz (gurdIp isMG gryvfl) swcKMz sRI hirmMdr sfihb aMimRqsr dy sfbkf hYz gRMQI isMG
sfihb igafnI jgqfr
isMG afpxI sMKyp kYnyzf PyrI qy vYnkUvr phuMcy ijwQy iswK sMgqF vloN AunHf df inwGf svfgq kIaf igaf. gurduafrf sfihb Kflsf dIvfn susfietI swuK sfgr inAUvYsminstr dy pRDfn hrBjn isMG atvfl ny dwisaf ik sLhIdf dy isrqfj sRI gurU arjn dyv jI dy sLhIdI idvs nUM smripq gurduafrf sfihb vloN 23 jUn nUM ngr kIrqn df
kYnyzf’c iswK ividafrQI
aYbtsPorz (gurdIp isMG gryvfl) kYnyzf dI gvrnr jnrl mYrI sfeImn ny aYbtsPorz invfsI hoxhfr pMjfbI ividafrQI aMimRq isMG nUM iswiKaf dy Kyqr ivwc AuWc snmfn ‘gvrnr jnrl islvr mYzl’ nfl snmfinq kIqf hY. kYnyzf dy gvrnr jnrl vloN iswiKaf dy Kyqr ivwc ieh vkfrI snmfn hr sfl AunHf hoxhfr ividafrQIaF nUM idwqf jFdf hY ijMnHy ny pVHfeI
ny 146 vfr KUndfn krn krky jgjIvn isMG igwl nUM awj KUndfnI hIro df iKqfb idwqf hY. jgjIvn isMG keIaF leI pRyrnf sroq bx igaf hY.
afXojn kIqf igaf sI. isMG sfihb igafnI jgqfr isMG, BfeI srbjIq isMG rMgIlf durg vfly, qy BfeI ieMdrjIq isMG bMby vfly ivsLysL qOr qy ngr kIrqn ivwc sLfiml hoey. 28 jUn qy 5 julfeI nUM gurduafrf sfihb ivKy dsqfr qy dumflf sjfAux df kYNp lfieaf jf irhf hY ijs ivwc aMqrrfsLtrI koc gurjIq isMG sfhpur dsqfr qy dumflf sjfAux dI isKlfeI dyxgy.
ivwc AuWc drjy dy aMk pRfpq kIqy hox. aYbtsPorz dI XUnIvristI afP PryjLr vYlI ivKy bI[aYs[sI bfieElojI dI pVHfeI kr irhf aMimRq isMG bcpn qoN hI pVHn ivwc bhuq huisLafr hY qy Aus df supnf zfktr bxn df hY. aMimRq isMG ny dwisaf ik 5 sfl pihlF
Aus dy ipqf jI dI nfmurfd ibmfrI kYNsr kfrn mOq
ho geI sI qy ies pIVHf ny
Aus aMdr zfktr bxn dI
aYbtsPorz (gurdIp isMG gryvfl) kYnyzf dy ieiqhfs ivwc awqvfd dy iGnfAuxy kfrnfmy vjoN drjL 23 jUn
1985 nUM kYnyzf qoN Bfrq jf rhy eyar ieMzIaf dy kinsLk nfmk jhfj 182 afierlYNz
dy asmfn ivwc bMb Dmfky nfl qbfh ho igaf sI ijs
ivwc amly dy mYNbrF smyq
svfr sfry 329 musfPrF dI
mOq ho geI sI. kinsLk kFz
dI 39vIN vrygMz mOky kYnyzf
dI rfjDfnI Etvf ivKy
siQq eyar ieMzIaf jhfj
Gtnf dI Xfdgfr qy phuMc
ky BfrqI hfeI kimsLnr sMjy kumfr vrmf ny srDFjlI ByNt kIqI qy vYnkUvr dy stynlI pfrk ivKy siQq Xfdgfr qy vYnkUvr siQq
BfrqI kONsl jnrl mskUeI ruMgsuMg sMsd mYNbr tko vn poptf, ibRitsL kolMbIaf dy ishq mMqrI aYzrIn izks, ivDfiek ijMnI ismjL, sfbkf sMsdI skwqr dyv hyar, vYnkUvr pfrk borz dI kimsLnr aYNjlf hyar, myjr isMG iswDU qy hornf vloN srDFjlI ByNt kIeI geI. ies mOky keI pIVq
icxg jgfeI. aMimRq isMG df kihxf hY ik Auh zfktr bx ky kYNsr dI rokQfm qy kMm krnf cfhuMdy hY. aMimRq isMG rYz krfs kYnyzf nfl vflMtIar syvfvF vI inBfAuNdf hY.
pirvfr vI hfjLr sn. 23 jUn 1985 nUM bMb Dmfky nfl qbfh kIqy gey ‘kinsLk’ jhfj dy imqRkF’c 268 kYnyzIan, 24 BfrqI, 27 ibRitsL, 22 amrIkn, qy 13 sfl qoN Gwt Aumr dy 88 bwcy sn. vrxnXog hY ik kinsLk kFz kfrn kYnyzf’c 23 jUn nUM awqvfd df isLkfr hoey lokF dI Xfd mnfAux dy idn vjoN mfnqf hY.
Fraser Health treats more than 4,000 stroke patients every year and that number is expected to rise to 5,7000 patients per year within the next decade.
Getting patients to a hospital as quickly as possible and starting treatment to prevent brain cell starvation gives patients a better chance of recovery.
Now, Fraser Health is adding Tenecteplase (TNK) as a front-line treatment for ischemic stroke—a stroke that occurs when a blood clot blocks the flow of blood and oxygen to the brain. “Tenecteplase is a game-changer for ischemic stroke care and stroke unit optimization,” says Trudy Robertson, clinical nurse specialist, neurosciences and stroke lead, Fraser Health.
When a patient suffers an ischemic stroke and arrives at a CT-equipped Fraser Health hospital, Tenecteplase is administered intravenously in one five second dose. Previously, the commonly used medication required a one-hour intravenous infusion and a special crew to monitor the infusion in the event the patient required transfer to another hospital. “With Tenecteplase, the medication is getting into the patients faster because less set-up
is required by the care team,” says Robertson. “We know that when it comes to stroke, time is brain and every minute of oxygen starvation of the brain kills two million brain cells.”
On April 19, 2024 the first patient in Fraser Health received Tenecteplase for an ischemic stroke at Royal Columbian Hospital. The Tenecteplase was provided to the patient within 22 minutes of their arrival, well below the national standard of 30 minutes.
“It’s the efforts of a great team which lead to improving patient care. I am very proud of them,” says Dr Jaskiran Brar, Stroke Neurologist, Fraser Health.
By Julie Yeros
Canada Day is a national holiday celebrating the country’s independence from Great Britain in 1867. The new nation, still loyal to Great Britain, was called the Dominion of Canada and consisted of only four provinces ((Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Ontario, and Quebec).
Now, there are 10 provinces and 3 territories. At first, the holiday was called Dominion Day, but in 1982 Canada gained complete independence from Great Britain and it was renamed Canada Day.
It is a day for Canadians everywhere to show pride in their country’s history and culture.
While it may be referred to as Canada’s birthday, it is important to acknowledge and celebrate the country’s indigenous culture and its important role in its rich history before 1867.
Canada Day celebrations take place throughout the country and across the globe. Parades, outdoor concerts, barbecues, fireworks, festivals, flag displays, and wearing red and white – the national colors of Canada, are all popular ways the day is celebrated. It is also a day for citizenship ceremonies for the country’s newest citizens. Concerts and cultural displays are held on Parliament Hill in Ottawa, Ontario -the nation’s capital.
Jasbir Bhogal
Sales & Lease Consultant
Phone: 604-300-2885
Email: jbhogal@murraygmabbotsford.com
Rushal Chawla
Financial Services Manager
Phone: 604-300-7015
Email: rchawla@murraygmabbotsford.com
Sunil Desai
Sales Manager
Phone: 778-868-5757
Email: sdesai@murraygmabbotsford.com
Ned Bhatti
Sales & Lease Consultant
Phone: 604-308-4944
Email: nbhatti@murraygmabbotsford.com