Jan. 2020
PURPOSE DRIVEN WOMEN MAGAZINE Often times we fail at connecting to our purpose because we feel inadequate. What we don’t realize is when we were created God placed our purpose inside of us. We already have it. It’s what we were created to do. The obstacle is taking the time to seek God for revelation and instructions of our individual purpose. Once we truly have an understanding of what we were created to be or why we exist there is no force on this earth that can stand in our way. We don’t have to worry about being good enough or if we have what it takes. When we know without a shadow of a doubt who and what we were created to be the rest is history. Purpose Driven Women Magazine is the woman's guide to connecting to their purpose.
ABOUT US PDW is a multi-cultural bi-monthly digital Christian magazine designed with everyday women in mind. We give women a voice and platform to share their story of how they overcame hardship through faith, in the end giving God the glory. We provide support to women on their purpose journey by providing inspiration through testimonies, tools, resources, and informative articles that help them to discover and become all that God created them to be.
@purposedrivenwomenmagazine @pdw_mag
Publisher/Founder Design Director Kimi Johnson
Editor in Chief
For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.� Jeremiah 29:11 NIV
Ann Marie Bryan
Cover Designer Brittany Rockwell
Tarnya Coley Renee Dantzler Christina Malloy Rhoda Whitfield Michele Badie Antoinyce Mathis Chinedu Agwu
Cover Feature Tarnya Coley Vicky Lloyd Lisa Hutt Theresa John
Cover Mention
Asya Watkins, Founder of Women of Project Management
Cover Photo Photographer Chris Clarke Manchester, England
CUSTOMER SERVICE Email pdwmailus@gmail.com JOIN OUR TEAM Visit pdwmag.com or email pdwmailus@gmail.com ADVERTISING Visit pdwmag.com or Email Sales@pdwmag.com
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OUR MISSION Our mission is to spread the good news of Jesus Christ while encouraging women to connect to their purpose. We give everyday women a voice and platform to share their story of how they overcame hardship through faith, in the end giving God the glory. We provide support to women on their purpose journey by providing inspiration through testimonies, tools, resources, and informative articles that help them to discover and become all that God created them to be.
OUR VISION Imagine a world where every woman knew exactly why they were created and despite their economical background, past failures and mistakes, trials and tribulations they all knew they had everything needed to be who God created them to be. Our vision is to create an international publication that creates unification and connection amongst women from different walks of life, giving them an opportunity to uplift each other by sharing their story.pdwag.com
YOUR STORY IS YOUR SUPER POWER MANCHESTER ENGLAND Front to back: Tarnya Coley, Theresa John, Lisa Hutt, Vicky Lloyd Photographed by Chris Clarke
Our Story 14
Letter From the Editor 17
Features 52
56 I am a PDW Manuela Obas
SHARE MY STORY Dhana Sandrine
By: Chinedu Agwu, Manchester, England Guest Contributing Writer
Spiritual 18
Success Tools 36
Love and Relationships 44 MARRIAGE ON A MISSION
Poetic Purpose 50
Health and Fitness 68 PRACTICE SELF CARE
Career Adventures 32
Just Simply Saying 42
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PURPOSE from anywhere.
Follow us on social media today. @pdwmag @purposedrivenwomenmagazine @pdw_mag
January/February 2020 PDWMAG.COM 11
Our Contributors
Antoinyce E. Mathis is a woman of God who is determined to ensure that her life is a beacon light pointing others in the direction of Jesus Christ! She is a proud alumna of Florida A&M University, where she earned her MBA. She is a CPA and is working on several Kingdom projects, geared toward young adults serious about developing and advancing their walk with the Lord. She is the very happy wife of Maurice Mathis, and the two are the parents of miracle twin kingdom expanders, Gordyn and Winston. For more information about Anoinyce visit thejesusbrand.online.
Tarnya Coley is the bestselling author of Open Doors which is rated ‘an inspirational book’ by many readers. It is endorsed by the founder of S A Consulting who is a Leadership Coach and renowned Women in Leadership Speaker. For more information about Tarnya visit ibelieveican.co.uk/home/
Christina Malloy is from
Renee Dantzler was born and raised in Harlem, NY. She is a sought-after certified personal trainer and transformation artist. Renee is passionate about helping others overcome challenges physically, emotionally and spiritually because she has overcome major challenges of her own. Her clients affectionately know her as, Coach Renee. She is married to her high school sweetheart for over 32 years. Both serve side by side in marriage ministry. They have three sons and one granddaughter. For more information about Renee visit reneedantzler.com/
Fayetteville, North Carolina. She enjoys watching basketball and football games. Writing letters and poetry helps her release the stress in her life. A lot of her poems are love letters to God and prayers to help her make it through. For more information about Christina email her at christinamalloy@yahoo.com
Are you interested in being a contributing writer for us? Apply at pdwmag.com
Our Contributors Michele Badie is a columnist for our new section, Career Adventures, which provides tips to help professionals evolve to their professional best. During Michele’s tenure in Career Services, in for-profit higher education, she realized that confidence versus lack of knowledge and skills often stopped many qualified professionals from fully pursuing their career goals and aspirations. That professional experience was the genesis of Michele’s journey to launching Career Tipper. Her efforts with Career Tipper are rooted in wanting to encourage amazing professionals to evolve to their professional best by keeping their skills recharged. Michele is the host of Career Tipper podcast that features interviews of seasoned professionals in different industries sharing their expertise and professional development resources on iTunes, Spotify, and Stitcher Radio. For more about Michele visit careertipper.com/
Rhoda Whitfield is a columnist for Just Simply Saying where she gives raw and relevant straight forward martial advice to help couples cultivate a successful and loving marriage. She is a co-author of the book A Well-rounded Love Affair “More than Between the Sheets,” with her husband Danny Whitfield. Married for over 39 years Rhoda has experienced many bumps and bruises but has stayed on the course of her marital journey. She wishes to see every couple be successful in their marriage by sharing martial nuggets to enrich couple’s lives. For more about Rhoda visit dannyandrhodawhitfield.com/
Chinedu Agwu is a guest contributing writer based in Manchester, England. She is an associate medical writer who recently completed her PhD in obstetric medicine. As a writing enthusiast, she enjoys writing motivational blog posts to encourage and challenge readers however; her passions extend beyond writing as she co-leads a homeless outreach team at her church and enjoys dancing and jogging. For more information about Chinedu visit alittlechinwag.wordpress.com/
January/February 2020 PDWMAG.COM 13
Our Story
Before I decided to launch Purpose Driven Women Magazine, I was a hairstylist working in the beauty industry for over 10 years. I watched women from all walks of life flip through numerous magazines searching for that one style that screamed, “This is you!” While in my salon, I have heard countless jaw-dropping remarks from women, searching for the person they were created to be. These women were physically beautiful yet crying on the inside because they did not understand who they are in Jesus Christ. I saw that no amount of money, friends, or men, could have saved any of them, and me, from reaching this point. The more I listened to these stories, the more I realized how much we all have in common and the strong desire I have to encourage women to be all they were created to be.
Purpose One day while reclining on my sofa at home, I reflected on my purpose. I thought about the things I liked, the things I disliked, and the ways that I could make a difference. As I contemplated, I began to seek the Lord concerning my purpose. However, it wasn’t until I was at the lowest point in my life, when things began to change. I was a single mother; my son was only 6 weeks old and my life was falling apart. While I was thinking how I was going to fix my situation, the Lord was dealing with me about publishing a magazine. A magazine? That was the last thing I thought I was good enough to do. Publish a magazine? This can’t be right. I had absolutely no experience in the magazine industry. I questioned the Lord,
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“Me? Do a magazine? But how, Lord? I’m not good enough? Who is going to buy or read a magazine?” Eventually, I started believing my negative thoughts and insecurities.
Driven Those thoughts carried on for years until one day my pastor walked into my office and said, ‘I’m not sure why I’m showing you these but…’ and he placed a stack of magazines that he had published on my desk. That’s right, you heard me! The Holy Spirit knows how to get your attention! I burst in tears, and that was the day I connected with my PURPOSE! Not long after, I found out, I was more than enough. All I needed to do was step out in faith and God would do the rest. Now, I have embarked on a movement to let women all around the world know they too, are more than enough. Women
Within the stories of Purpose Driven Women Magazine, I pray that you are graced with empowering words of encouragement and motivation to aid you as you travel on life's journey. We believe that testimonies change lives, and when God puts His “super” on our “natural,” we can’t be stopped because we are all Purpose Driven Women.
A Word from Our Editor
Happy New Year! As you head into the New Year, it is important to take a moment to reflect on what you have accomplished last year and to celebrate your victories, even if you did not crush your 2019 goals. Embrace where you are and celebrate. Still, 2020 feels like it holds a special promise—the chance to do things differently with more focus on our purpose. This is an opportunity to set new goals and use the year wisely from the very start. Enjoy the journey as you walk in alignment with your purpose. Our theme for this issue is your story is your super power. It’s a reminder to focus and remember what it is that we’re doing, and why. To that end, we continue to celebrate the powerful testimonies of purpose driven women—intelligent, passionate, compassionate, accomplished, women of God. We know you will be moved by their stories. This year, Purpose Driven Women magazine will continue to provide you with articles that energize and empower you, to help you make life-changing decisions. We thank you for your continued support. All in all, this year promises to be exciting. Have a prosperous New Year. All the very best for 2020 and beyond. Happy reading! Ann Marie Bryan EDITOR IN CHIEF
Ann Marie Bryan is a dedicated, graceful, multi-talented leader with a passion for excellence. She is the CEO & Founder of Victorious By Design, an organization committed to providing top quality professional writing services, comprehensive personal and professional development programs and exceptional performing arts services to meet the unique needs of individuals and organizations. Website: www.annmariebryan.com Facebook: www.facebook.com/authorannmariebryan Instagram: www.instagram.com/authorabryan January/February 2020 PDWMAG.COM 17
By Antoinyce Mathis
“Moreover it is required in stewards, that a man be found faithful.” I Corinthians 4:2 When was the last time you opened the refrigerator or pantry, looked in and said, “ugh, there is nothing to eat!”? Or, looked at your bank account and said, with sadness, “I don’t have any money!” Or, what about looking in your closet frustrated as you try to find a cute outfit for an event because, according to your estimate, “I don’t have anything to wear.” In our everyday lives, we often assess situations before looking at the truth of what lies in front of us.
I admit, I often look in all of those places - my refrigerator, bank account, or closet - and declare them empty, even when I am looking directly at something that could be useful if properly applied. The danger of this habit - the tendency to overlook what you already have while looking for or requesting more is that overlooking what lies in front of you often causes you to fail in stewardship. It breeds ungratefulness. When you view what you have as insignificant and do not embrace the true power that lies in your hand (your current gifts, talents, skills, network, resources, etc.), you inhibit the birth of vision, purpose, clarity, and divine ability. This debilitating trait inevitably causes you to stifle the original intent of God’s gifts to you and cuts off the legs of possibility, paralyzing the potential outcome for success and prosperity. God has given each one of us something to use something to steward - even when your “something” does not seem to possess the obvious usefulness of what others have. Sometimes, it is easier to see what He has given others, while we sit back and waste the goodness that He has given us. I am reminded of one of the best little parables God showed me while in church one Sunday morning. As my husband and I often do during church, we provided our two year old twins with brief technology time, which gave us the space to focus on the Word. When my daughter saw my son grab my husband's iPad, she immediately dropped the cell phone, with which she had
been tirelessly engaged for more than 15 minutes, so that she could become acquainted with the seemingly more attractive device. She did not care that her device had the same functions that she wanted out of the iPad, as well as its own set of unique features. None of that mattered to her, because the size and brightness of the newly presented device lured her away from what was already in her hand. How many times is your attention taken off of your own assignment and the jewels and tools with which God has graced you because of the seemingly magnetic pull of something that seems more attractive? God has already proven and tried the gifts He’s given you. He wanted you to have those specific gifts, and, when properly stewarded, those gifts will grow, and expand, and prove to be far more powerful than you could have ever imagined. I often find that in our society of instant success and overnight wonders, many people want the rewards of faithfulness before they have had an opportunity to be tested in the fires that often create the most successful warriors. Warriors, and successful people alike, understand that what makes the most accomplished players is not necessarily how well you fight or where you begin. The winning strategy is simple: a fearless commitment to stay the course, paired with an awareness of the many tools you have been given to turn your dreams into reality. Successful people do not have the “magic” potion to usher things from the unseen realm into reality. Rather, at the core of every successful person is a deep, unfaltering connection to faithful stewardship. They may not be the smartest, or the brightest, or the most creative, or the most intelligent, or the ones at the top of their class. They may not come from the best families or have been afforded the best opportunities. But, for all the areas where they lack, one thing ALL successful people possess is the ability to steward faithfully. So, my friend, join me in doing inventory. This is not a wishlist inventory. Rather, it is a journey of discovery to see what God has already given us. Ask Him to help you steward faithfully, and watch Him unfold the unimaginable before your eyes. After all, He’s still the God of “exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us.” Ephesians 3:20 (KJV)
January/February 2020 PDWMAG.COM 19
Four women share their story of how having a relationship with God changed their life.
TARNYA COLEY Tarnya is the bestselling author of Open Doors which is rated ‘an inspirational book’ by many readers. She is regarded as a respected and influential speaker. She has over 15 years experience speaking on many platforms.
I am a woman of purpose. Having purpose will lead you in the right direction. Purpose helps you to reach your goals. When you are walking in purpose, there are certain characteristics that you must possess. You must be committed to the task that has been assigned to you. Commitment shows that you are willing to follow through. Having compassion enables you to focus on other people’s needs. In doing this, you are being selfless which can make a difference in someone’s life. When you are a confident woman, you can excel in your purpose. You can be a positive example to others.
The most valuable lesson is to appreciate life, and believe in yourself.
Being courageous will allow you to view your setbacks as opportunities to grow and make a comeback. You will use your challenges as opportunities to learn and you will grow and flourish from these experiences. A key characteristic is to be consistent. This will bring stability in your life and enable you to be more grounded. Even when you do not feel like it, be consistent, focus and take responsibility. Having a clear mind helps you to focus and take the appropriate action. It allows you to have the right perspective and think in a different way. On my journey there have been numerous lessons that I have learned. The most valuable lesson is to appreciate life and believe in yourself. I have faced
January/February 2020 PDWMAG.COM 21
The most valuable lesson I have learned is to appreciate life and value yourself. many challenges and obstacles and fear has been an enormous stumbling block. I also believed the negative words that were spoken to me while I was growing up. I was afraid of failing, and I felt that I was not good enough. I did not want to let people down. I got caught up with what other people thought of me. Going through these struggles has enabled me to learn that there are choices in life. You can choose to let fear cripple you and not move forward. I chose to listen to those negative voices. These damaging words would play over and over in my head; I was unable to think clearly. I pressed the repeat button, not sure how to press stop. For years, I didn’t know who I was. I assumed the identity that other people gave me. I was walking around as an imposter. I had to make life-changing choices in order for me to see positive changes in my life. I decided to get up from that place which was destroying my mindset and giving me a sense of worthlessness. I had to make a decision that I wasn’t going to believe the lies anymore. There were particular tools that enabled me to move from a place of fear, to a place of freedom. I continually repeated the words from the Bible, 2 Timothy 1:7 clearly states, God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of love and of sound mind. Therefore, if you are operating in fear your mindset is clouded. You will make incorrect judgments and your choices will be based on your intellect. This is in direct opposition to trusting in the Lord with all your heart, and not leaning on
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your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will direct your path. (Proverbs 3:5-6) God will order your steps; you have to put your trust and faith in Him. You will experience an abundance of joy when you eradicate fear from your life. When fear creeps upon you and tries to stifle you, speak those positive words of affirmation. Go back to the word of God, there are many promise Scriptures which you can speak and believe. When you know the truth, the truth will set you free. My challenges have allowed me to be a stronger woman. Knowing that I can face anything has allowed me to conquer many situations. I went on a journey of healing, and through the process I found my true worth and identity. Remember that life is a beautiful journey. You must enjoy the process and the results will come.
Tarnya is the bestselling author of Open Doors which is rated ‘an inspirational book’ by many readers. She is regarded as a respected and influential speaker. She has over 15 years of experience speaking on many platforms. Mostly gained working in the educational establishment and church arenas. Tarnya is also a personal development coach & motivational speaker. She’s distinguished for her down to earth approach to empowering women and for helping individuals live a life of purpose.
Vicky is a wife to Paul Lloyd who is the Senior Pastor of Victory Outreach Manchester. One year after our wedding we relocated to Manchester where we have been pastoring in the city of Salford for 15 years.
When I hear the word purpose, I would define it as something that we have been prepared for. It is our reason for living, the reason for which we were born. Purpose is what propels us forward when situations are difficult. It’s what enables us to see differently. Purpose enables us to go beyond. Vision and purpose go hand in hand. When you are purpose-driven, consistency is a foundational quality. It is important to set goals, so you are aiming at something. Self-motivation is key, being able to keep going regardless of your circumstances. A purpose driven woman thinks beyond her needs but recognizes that there is a bigger picture. She knows how to hold her peace.
Purpose is what propels us forward when situations are difficult.
I find it difficult to focus on just one thing that Christ has done in my life. However, the first that comes to mind is transformation. Having come from a broken family and abused in many ways, I was a product of fear and insecurity, which was part of the reason I ended up with years of addiction under my belt. I have been on a journey in my personal relationship with Jesus Christ to transform the patterns in my life, in my mind, in marriage and in parenting. He’s still changing me daily. Nothing else worked for me— rehab, prison, family, relocating, money or relationships. Only God, and that’s a miracle! Transformation is one of God's greatest miracles. I’ve learnt that it’s not all about me. When you live a life of addiction you think the world revolves around you, because of what had happened to you, you fall prey to the belief that the world and the people in it owe you a favor. It’s almost like a childlike viewpoint, and you get stuck emotionally.
A purpose driven woman thinks beyond her needs and recognizes that there is a bigger picture. She knows how to hold her peace. I had gone through fifteen years of addiction and abuse before I began my relationship with Jesus Christ and a five-year battle with bone cancer in my journey with Christ. The addiction caused me to have compassion and mercy which has enabled me to work with women and some men consistently for nineteen years. It is not easy to work with people who are addicted to something. Hurting people hurt people. However, having gone through a lot in life, I will not give up on them, because of this I have seen hundreds of men and women changed through Christ and discipleship. Bone cancer seemed to be one of my biggest obstacles. It is common knowledge to those who know me that I had a 23-cm tumor removed from my body. It then returned which was something I did not make known publicly. I was told that my leg needed to be amputated so as not to endanger my life and prevent the tumor from spreading. During that season, I was faced with the possibility of dying which brought all kinds of thoughts and questions with it. I had a choice of how I responded to the sickness. I had to choose not to be bitter because of the months in hospital, the medication, being bed bound, being in a wheelchair, having half of my leg removed and learning to walk again. In the midst of these challenging times, I was taking care of my two young children and pastoring. Still pastoring a church takes its toll. My husband and I began to search ourselves to see if there were any hidden sin or wrongdoing in our lives that caused the struggles we were facing. Nevertheless, I became convinced that I should just stand in faith, believe His word and wait for a miracle. I sought wisdom from my pastors, and they reminded me that God could do this through the doctors. God had healed me once from
Hepatitis and I knew He could heal me again. It was clear God wanted me to go through this process and that He was able to sustain and restore me. If I could inspire anyone in just a few words I would say that the Lord never promised that we wouldn’t have trouble, but He reminded us that He had overcome. We can take courage that He will meet us right at the point of our need. Sometimes, He removes things. Sometimes, He allows us to go through it. Whatever it is, find Him in your situation and ask Him for a word to stand on. Vicky Lloyd is the wife of Paul Lloyd, Senior Pastor of Victory Outreach, Manchester, England. A year after getting married, they relocated to Manchester where they have been pastoring in the city of Salford for 15 years. Vicky works alongside her husband in leading the church in Manchester and also overseeing the work of churches across Europe. Vicky is a woman who believes in seeing other people fulfill their potential in life. She works closely with many of the women in the church to help them develop their identities and purpose in Jesus Christ. One of her biggest passions in life is family. She is the mother of two wonderful children whom she loves parenting even with the challenges of adolescence. Being a wife to her husband and mother to her children is one of her greatest achievements. Vicky also feels very strongly about leadership and desire to help raise up Godly leadership in this generation— people of all ages and backgrounds. She’s a champion of believing the best in anyone regardless of where they have come from and honestly believe that God can transform anyone who is willing.
LISA HUTT Lisa has a politics and law degree. She has attended bible college and completed the Mission Shaped Ministry Course. She is a prophetic intercessor with the Ask Prayer Network. She works part time for the Neighborhood Prayer Network. She is a member of the Maranatha Community and Aglow International. She has a passion to mobilize prayer for London.
I have been a Christian for thirty years. I thank God for everything that he has done. In 2011, I established a blog because I felt an urgency to share my faith as I was going to have brain surgery. Afterwards, I continued to add to what I had written. It has been anonymous up to now so I’m trusting God as I step into this new season. My life purpose is to follow Jesus. Who do you follow? We all have things we follow. It may be a football team or a pop band. It may be an author or a political party. It maybe someone on twitter or social media. It maybe people we aspire to be like.
My life’s purpose is to follow Jesus.
When I was about fifteen years old, my parents had a guest from America who was a businessman. He looked at me and then asked me, ‘are you a leader or a follower, a winner or a loser?’ I was quite thrown by this question and did not know how to respond. He then shared a story about how he had worked for a company and one day he was told his boss was in the building. His boss found him in his office with his feet on his desk. His boss said to him, “I don’t pay for you to put your feet up on your desk.” He replied, “No, you pay me to increase sales and this is what I have done.” Our guest then said after that incident he realised he could not work for anyone else. I have often pondered over this conversation. As a Christian, I love how Jesus turned everything upside down and the right way up. Yes, He said, “follow me”
The thing about following Jesus is it is not a selfish thing it is something that leads you to care for others and share what He has done for you. but he also washed his disciples’ feet. He came to serve but yet had authority. He said the least would be the greatest in heaven. People followed Him because they had questions, they had pain, they were tormented, they had heard good reports about Him, they were burdened by their sins and He met them where they were and ministered to their needs. He was concerned about the condition of their hearts. He addressed their need for forgiveness and the importance of having a relationship with the Father, but He also dealt with their physical, intellectual and emotional needs. He came not to condemn but to save.
www.signatureloungetally.com I have followed many things and people in my life but the one thing that continues to draw me and move me, change me and challenge me, turn everything upside down and the right way up, exposing my hidden motives and bringing me into unchartered waters of faith and dependence on him in all the shakings of life, has been my faith in Jesus. He has never let me down. There have been times when people have but He has never let me down. As I have been honest with Him, He has both carried me and helped me follow His ways and apply the counsel of His word into my life and this has kept me in the storms. I have found myself meeting people I would never have met and learning so much from them. People may come and go but the love of God remains. His love never fails. What’s the point? I had asked that question, years ago. During that season, I felt so alone. I was frustrated by my own failures and the failures of others. Into that vacuum of disillusionment, Jesus revealed himself and I encountered His love and word. I knew that this love was everything I had
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ever wanted or looked for and this was who I wanted to follow. It is good to have many interests but there is the danger of putting things or people we follow on a pedestal and when they are not able to maintain our expectations, we find ourselves disappointed. The thing about following Jesus is, it is not a selfish thing. It is something that leads you to care for others and share what He has done for you. It has a cost but in it there is the sweetness of knowing you are loved, and that God has a plan and a purpose for you with all the giftings, experience and positions you have. To live a life of integrity and service that prefers others. I leave you with the question, “who do you follow?” Lisa Hutt has a politics and law degree. She has attended bible college and completed the Mission Shaped Ministry Course. She is a prophetic intercessor with the Ask Prayer Network. She works part time for the Neighbourhood Prayer Network. She is a member of the Maranatha Community and Aglow International. She has a passion to organize prayer for London.
Theresa is a part of a fantastic ministry who specialize in working with people from broken backgrounds such as crime and drug addiction.
My name is Theresa and I love what I get to do. I am a part of a fantastic ministry who specialize in working with people from broken backgrounds such as crime and drug addiction. I have the privilege of working as a personal assistant to my pastor, Paul Lloyd and his wife, Vicky Lloyd. I have three wonderful children, a daughter and twin boys. Although my children do not live with me, I have regular contact with them and am grateful for our relationship. I grew up in the east end of London and relocated to Manchester in 2013. I moved to Salford to attend a Christian Sober Living Facility called Victory Homes, where God set me free from drug addiction. Aside from my role as personal assistant, I also help with the Victory Homes in the U.K.
The most valuable lesson is to appreciate life, and believe in yourself.
When I hear the word purpose, it brings to mind identity, goals and targets. When you know who you are and have a goal or a target there is something to aim at, that for me defines purpose. It is knowing what you are aiming for, it’s what drives you. Purpose is more than something you do, it's who you are, what you were created for. When you know what you are called to do and when you understand what your purpose is, it’s like a bow in an arrow, you pull back, aim for the target and send the arrow towards your purpose. For example, I have a desire to inspire and encourage others about the transforming power of Christ, it’s what gets me out of bed in the mornings, it’s more than a job, it’s what makes me tick, it’s not about getting an income but seeing an outcome. The characteristics of a purpose-driven woman is someone who is determined, reliable and able to move towards her goals regardless of emotions,
A woman driven by purpose will find it extremely difficult to quit because she understands that her aims are bigger than and beyond herself. hormones or what her kids are doing. In good or bad situations, she is someone who remains steadfast and faithful. A woman driven by purpose will find it extremely difficult to quit because she understands that her assignments are bigger than the current situation. She is someone who has learned to be content whatever her circumstances because she sees the bigger picture. A woman with purpose will set goals and will not stop until she gets there regardless of timescales and hiccups along the way. She is flexible enough to readjust the route when life throws up inevitable challenges. It’s so hard to testify about just one thing that the Lord has done for me but right now something that I believe was a big challenge was being set free from shame. For many years, I was addicted to crack cocaine and heroin. This lifestyle led to crime and prostitution. In 2013, I was in prison when I was diagnosed with HIV. It was a shock but honestly not a great surprise as I hadn’t been careful out on the streets and had shared needles with other intravenous drug users. God set me free almost instantly of drug addiction but coming to terms with the HIV diagnosis was a longer process. I came to the understanding through prayer that I didn’t want to talk about it because I was so ashamed and considered myself dirty and unlovable. One evening in prayer, God said that He wanted me to start to break the stigma and begin to bring awareness about HIV. To do this, it meant being completely open about it so I started a blog. It was both scary and exciting but through the blog God has not only healed me but is using what was considered a death sentence to communicate life
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to others who feel hidden in shame. A valuable lesson I have learned is that after my diagnosis, I had actually stigmatized myself. God showed me so much love and care through other people when I started blogging that I learned I was my biggest enemy; I was my biggest critic. My mind had become so consumed with assuming other people’s thoughts about HIV that I became bound by a lie I had created. I learned that speaking up and being honest and vulnerable was a key to my freedom. This may sound strange to some, but I am grateful for the obstacles in my life. I am grateful for challenges because without them I wouldn’t be who I am today. God never gave me HIV, but I truly believe without that diagnosis it’s doubtful that I would have turned my life around. One of my biggest obstacles became my biggest blessing because I became aware of my responsibility to others. I couldn’t sleep around and share needles knowing I could pass this on. I always struggled with not knowing exactly how or where I had caught it. So much so, I became determined I wouldn’t be the reason someone else would go through the same situation I was facing. If I could inspire anyone today, I want to keep it simple. God specializes in taking a people who were not a people to portray His glory. I am nothing special, but I have a revelation of God's transforming power. There were many people who would have had me believe I had no purpose, but through Christ, I know that we all have a purpose in knowing Him and walking in His ways. There is nothing too hard for the Lord so be encouraged, delight in Him and trust Him to order your steps.
All around the world women from different walks of life are letting their light shine by sharing their story and encouraging women.
Let’s Stand Together! Join the movement by sharing your story with us.
We Asked and You Answered
How do you define a purpose driven woman?
A purpose driven woman is one who says F-IT. F-IT meaning she walks in Faith, Faces her fears and challenges with grace and is determined to Fulfill her purpose because she knows someone is waiting on her to stand up, show up and speak up.
I define being a purpose driven woman as being very intentional in what she does, being focused on the prize, and she doesn’t compare herself with others because she knows her lane is uniquely designed by God.
@trasettaalexander Every action she takes is in total alignment with the assignment God has given her.
30 PDWMAG.COM January-February 2020
Want to get in on the conversation? Tag @pdw_mag on Instagram with your definition of a purpose driven woman.
Career Adventures
onsistency By Michele Badie
Mastering consistency is an adventure that sharpens our purview and confidence. We can experience a range of emotions while strengthening our consistency muscle. Being consistent is a choice that requires stamina. Consistency gifts valuable lessons. Those lessons often reveal the need to upgrade our accountability to our goals. They showcase the growth and evolution of improvement. Most importantly, consistency validates our abilities to be a tangible example of the success of our choosing. If we want to be taken seriously in the workplace, we must be consistent in our timely actions of support and follow through. Lack of consistency breeds distractions, defeat, doubt, and outcomes that are subpar. Consistency establishes credibility, builds trust, and can fortify our professional voice as an industry expert. Our reliability, impact, and communication with colleagues, business partners, and vendors strengthen in value and receptiveness when consistency is the foundation for seeking and sharing quality vetted knowledge and professional resources appropriately. When leaning in and bringing the chairs that we boldly constructed ourselves to decision making tables and engaging in governing conversations, we have to remember that the consistency of our efforts was the foundation of the invite to be heard. We must keep the focus on understanding and mastering processes. In time the progress of our results will strongly speak for themselves. Sometimes the victory only being visible to ourselves needs to be sufficient. It is our actions of consistency that will keep us leading and positioning us to win on our terms. Our daily rituals of setting intentional wellness (ex. healthy eating and exercising) and self-care (ex. thoughts, self-talk, and time management) will impact how we carry out consistency routines in our professional work as well. Properly caring for your mind, body, and spirit daily through reading or listening to words of faith and empowerment will keep you fueled along the way. No matter your place on your consistency journey, remember to write down your consistency goals. Post complimentary consistency reminders on stickie notes. Set calendar alerts on your phone. Display affirmation artwork
November/ December 2019 PDWMAG.COM 33
Career Adventures
throughout your home or office. Allowing consistency to dwell in our lives as a temperamental mood will not serve us well in any area of our lives. Consistency demands us to honor and practice patience with ourselves. Try practicing these four consistency reminders.
Focus on mastering the process versus the outcome. Develop a comprehensive understanding of the business strategy of your employer versus seeking accolades for the work that you produce. The reward and recognition will come. Stay the course.
Affirm your consistent steps by saying, "I am..."(ex. I am a process master). Choose your words wisely, whatever you say after, "I am" will shape your reality. Plus, increases productivity and improves your self-esteem. Try "I am a worthy hire "during a job search. "I am thriving" works as you navigate a challenging situation.
Be fully present when reviewing and retaining content. Dismiss distractions. Refrain from gossip and unproductive communication that deters you from being solution-orientated. Being fully present is being respectful to others and ourselves. Every moment personally and professionally leaves us with next steps clarity, a lesson, or a confirmation, don't miss it.
Set tracking dates to celebrate the progress made. Consider starting with seven days and lead up to 100 days of consistency. Never forget how wildly capable you are. Learn to celebrate your wins without needing or seeking validation from others.
34 PDWMAG.COM January-February 2020
Success Tools
By: Tarnya Coley
Wow! 2020 is here! At this time of year, we usually get excited about our goals and what we want to achieve. We are ready and eagerly anticipating what lies ahead. If you’re anything like me, you have a checklist:
New journal Renewed gym membership Healthy eating Daily affirmations
And the list goes on…
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All these things are great. Let us start as we mean to go on. Be that purpose driven woman, and live life on purpose. Never forget, there is room at the table for you. There is room for your gifts, your talents and abilities. Do not discount or discredit yourself. Do not compare yourself to others. Only you can do what you do, and in the way you do it. On your personal development journey, it does not have to be dark and dismal. Surround yourself with like-minded people, the bible clearly states, “Iron sharpens iron…” Proverbs 27:17 (NIV) It doesn’t matter how you started; you can only change where you are going. There is no scope for mediocrity, you were created to be a woman
Success Tools
of greatness, value and worth. “For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope.” Jeremiah 29:11 (NIV) Whatever your plans are for 2020, allow God to order your steps. Put God first in all you do. Without God your activities will be meaningless. Let Him lead and guide you. Are you ready to have an awesome year? Take the limits off, step into the unknown and be dazzled because remarkable things are going to take place. At this time of year, it is a great idea to create an action plan, set goals and
determine how you will take action to achieve them. This process is part of investing in yourself, you are worth the investment. When you invest in yourself, you can manage yourself more effectively, regardless of the valley experiences. Never forget that personal development is a lifelong process, we must always be developing. We must never stop learning as it helps to build self-confidence and self-worth. Do not wait for things to happen, be proactive and go for it. Six key benefits to personal development.
You will be able to make clear goals. You will be motivated. You will have a better work-life balance. It will improve your prospects. You will be more self-aware. You will have a sense of direction.
Do you have a personal development plan? If you don’t, why not work on it today! You'll be glad that you started today. Personal Development is the key to making positive changes. This is the year to have 2020 vision.
Asya Watkins FOUNDER OF WOMEN OF PROJECT MANAGEMENT How do you define Project Management? Project management is the discipline of using established principles, procedures and policies to successfully guide a project from conception through completion. The beautiful thing about Project Management is that there are project management professionals in just about every industry.
40 PDWMAG.COM January-February 2020
Why did you start the Women of Project Management Membership? How has it helped to connect you to your purpose? I started the Women of Project Management Membership to bridge a gap that I desperately needed in a male dominated industry – to connect women and women of color in the project management industry worldwide.
show up confident and be authentic. Know Enough To Be Dangerous. If you’re in technology, you don’t have to be a coder, that’s not your job, however, as the IT Project Leader, it’s always necessary to know a little bit about each role of the project team you manage in order to be a great project leader. Get A Support Squad. Life becomes a lot easier when you have support from people who understand the hurdles you face in your career and they can support you and help you avoid some of the pitfalls. How could the Women of Project Management Membership benefit someone who is not currently apart of the industry but interested in transitioning? The beautiful thing about this community is that it was built for women at any stage of their careers, including women that may just be “thinking” of transitioning into the project management industry.
Creating Women of Project Management has connected me with my purpose. It’s made me reevaluate how I can be of service to others. It’s hard to create a space where you service others in any capacity without digging deep to make sure all of your efforts are authentic and helpful to others. This helped me refine how I can use my talents to support women worldwide. How has the journey to self-discovery helped you live in a space where you can be unapologetically you? I created this space for women to globally support one another only because I needed it for myself—and women started showing up. They showed up for themselves, they showed up to support one another, and they showed up to support me as well. Surprisingly, I didn’t expect the overwhelming amount of genuine support and love that is shown to me from this community. I get to witness women in this community grow and it’s a direct reflection of how I’m growing with the women of this community. I’ve been able to open up more because we’ve all created this safe space where we’re vulnerable and you can’t grow without being vulnerable. What are the top three things you feel every project manager should do to better their career? Be Confident. You may be the only woman on the project. You may be the only woman of color. Always
We have members that are college students majoring in project management as well as women starting a second career who are curious about the project management industry.
How are women supported as members? When I created this community, I ensured that it would include the resources and support that I wished I had in my career. So, even now, as I evolve, I’m putting all that I am learning in this community. I leverage my 20 years of experience in the project management industry to provide career coaching to support women to get to the next level of their career. We have a Member Directory to connect with members one-on-one and we have a private Facebook group where we support one another. Members also gain access to PMP® Coaching, an on-demand Masterclass series (think Jada Pinkett-Smith’s Red Table Talk, but with women of project management). Further, we partner with organizations to provide industry job opportunities.
How can becoming a certified PMP help me level up my career?
PMP® Certified Professionals typically earn thirty percent more than Non-PMP® Certified Professionals. Being a PMP® Certified professional benefits your company because you have a global certification that shows your employer and your clients that you are an expert and PMP® professionals are employed in just about every industry. Once I became a PMP® Certified Professional, more career opportunities opened up for me and I gained more confidence as a professional. That was one of the reasons that I wanted to make sure I offered PMP® Coaching to this community.
Just Simply Saying
Taking Your Marriage into the New Year to be Renewed By Rhoda Whitfield
What makes a marriage lose its zest to become stale and boring? How can you get sparks back in your relationship with your spouse? Take the time to think about planting flowers. After putting them in the ground, for them to grow into the beautiful flowers that they can become, you need to nurture them. You will need to fertilize and water them daily. The attention these flowers need daily to survive, is the same attention that your marriage will need daily to be successful. Many times, we become so consumed with everything around us that we neglect to nurture our marriages. We need to nurture our marriages with love, kindness and forgiveness. It is also good when couples work on their ability to communicate with each other. It’s hard to work on these things when the husband works hard at being a good provider, which in some cases can cause him to not be available for his wife. The wife on the other hand, can become so overly involved with work, seeing that the children get to
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extracurricular activities, doing homework, preparing dinner and getting everything done in preparation for the next day. The chance of her having any energy for her husband is probably equivalent to zero. Let's look at this scenario about a couple. They have been married for fourteen years and have three children. The marriage is closer to being on the rocks than they think. Most of their conversations are centered on work, chores needing to be done around their home, their kid’s activities and simple mundane aspects of their marriage. They never talk about their love for each other, intimacy, or what makes each of them happy. They love each other but they lack passion. Let’s put a pin in right at that point—passion. Now, it may be common for a couple's passion intensity to change but it should not completely fade from their relationship. You don’t want to get into a sexual rut. We may not be able to identify
the purpose kissing serves in our marriage, but kissing is critical. Kissing keeps you calm and decreases stress. It helps you through disagreements. It keeps your romance going and it keeps you on your toes with sparks and connection to your spouse. Finally, it causes you to daydream about your spouse when you're apart. Passion! The couple in the scenario above was passionate early in their marriage but now their sex life has dwindled. So how do we resolve these kinds of issues? How do we get back to where we were? Regardless of what our day entails, we still need to have a designated time to interact with our spouse. Let's start afresh.
Start each day touching and agreeing with your spouse in prayer.
Give your spouse a passionate kiss when you depart and when you greet in the afternoon.
Be spontaneous. Plan date nights that don't include the children.
Express your love verbally and in action.
Rediscover your sexual pleasure.
Have fun and laugh together.
These are the things that are going to help you through difficult disagreeable times. Set aside time to talk about your likes and dislikes, what makes you happy, and how you can meet each other’s needs. Be transparent. Your spouse won’t truly understand how you feel unless you are transparent. Put your marriage in God's hand and allow him to become intertwined with you and your spouse.
Redirect your attention.
Rebuild your foundation.
Rekindle your flame.
Reconnect your hearts.
Renew your love.
Restore your marriage.
Rejuvenate your relationship by making your love fresh and lively.
I’m sure you're wondering why so many words beginning with “re”. Re- means to do again. So do it! I’m Just Simply Saying.
November/ December 2019 PDWMAG.COM 37
Marriage on a Mission By Chinedu Agwu
Love & Relationship What do I see when I think of my marriage? What does the Lord envision for me? Those are questions that I ask myself, even as a single person. It seems bizarre that I’m thinking about this in such depth when my ‘Boaz’ has not arrived …yet. As I pondered over these questions, they highlight the importance of the partner we choose to yoke ourselves with. In a microwave generation, it is easy to compromise and settle. To yield to cultural or societal pressures at the expense of our souls. Our impatience and restlessness should not overshadow the will of God for our lives. You are worth the wait. And so is he. What is marriage? Secular: According to the Encyclopaedia Britannica, “…it is a legally and socially sanctioned union, usually between a man and a woman, that is regulated by laws, rules, customs, beliefs, and attitudes that prescribe the rights and duties of the partners and accords status to their offspring (if any).” Biblical: An intimate and complementing union between a man and a woman in which the two become one physically, in the whole of life. The purpose of marriage is to reflect the relationship of the Godhead and to serve him (Bible Study Tools). It’s funny because whilst marriage is between a man and woman who love one another, in the grand scheme of things, it’s not just about them. The kingdom mind set must remain. The race still needs to be set except you have a partner running alongside you, cheering you on and supporting you when you grow weary. “Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and they shall become
one flesh,” Genesis 2:24 (NKJV) Marriage on Mission – what does that look like? A key example in the Bible is that of Priscilla and Aquila, who are mentioned first in the book of Acts and in later parts of the New Testament. Key points about them include: They were one in marital bliss: fully devoted to one another and often seen together when mentioned in Scripture. They were one in the Lord: they were both firmly established in the Christian faith. They were one in secular occupation: both were tent makers and toiled together whilst honoring the Lord. They were one in their friendship with the Apostle Paul: with a united mindset, they supported him selflessly. They were one in profound knowledge of Scripture: together they humbly yet directly corrected Apollos (privately) in his teaching of the gospel (Acts 18:25-46). They were one in their service to the church: opening their home for prayer and gathering of believers.
The story of Priscilla and Aquila really challenged me to ask myself, what do I expect from my marriage? What will I expect of my husband? What will he expect of me? What will God expect of us? Therefore, I ask you… what is the calling on your life and how will your husband complement you? When you’re dating, it is important to remember your husband will not only be a life companion but also a partner in building the
kingdom of heaven. Whilst individually your light will shine bright, together, you want to be luminous. We can avoid a lot of pain and disappointment by asking these questions early and avoid being trapped in relationships or marriages that God never intended for us. BUT you may ask… What if I choose wrongly?
It is possible to choose a husband that God didn’t assign to you – but He can still bless you like He blessed Abraham despite Abraham acting out of God’s will. What if I choose correctly? A fruitful marriage, aka the Priscilla and Aquila life But how will I know? Sincere prayer and discernment through the Holy Spirit Wise counsel from trusted friends and mentors Knowing the Word of God and knowing the calling on your life So what now? Sit and reflect … If single, what do you want your marriage to look like? Are you opening yourself to the right people for this? If engaged, what do you want your marriage to look like? Are you both heading in the same direction? If married, how does your marriage look now and how do you want it to look in the future? Finally, this cannot be done by flesh but by the grace of God throughout. “Not by might nor by power, but by My Spirit, says the Lord of hosts,” Zechariah 4:6 (NKJV)
What inspires you to write? I am definitely inspired by my readers who send emails, messages, and comments about how they look forward to the next book. I feel if I only reach one reader who desires something fresh from me, then I have done my job as an author. How many books you have written? Currently, I have twenty books in print and have been involved in three anthologies. What is the name of your latest series and what inspired it? My latest series is A Louisiana Christmas. It is a two-book series. Both books. Love Me Again and Never Looking Back, were released December 2019. Both set in Louisiana during the month of December and highlights two special things close to my heart…The Shriners Children’s Hospital and PlayTime EDventures, a company created by my children’s cousin who I feel so proud to know. We are pleased to feature author Danyelle Scroggins. We had the privilege of chatting with Danyelle about her author life and in particular her new two-book series, A Louisiana Christmas. Danyelle is the Senior Pastor of New Vessels Ministries North in Shreveport, Louisiana. She is a dynamic author of both Christian fiction and non-fiction books. She studied Theology at Louisiana Baptist University, has a Psychology Degree from the University of Phoenix, an interdisciplinary Degree in Psychology /Biblical Studies, and a Masters in Religious Education from Liberty University. She owns Divinely Sown Publishing LLC.
Do you have any unusual writing habits? I love writing late at night. So, while everyone is sleeping at 3 am, I’m usually writing, working on something pertaining to books, or praying. What authors or books have influenced you? I have definitely been influenced by the Bible. I love self-help books, and have been inspired by authors like Brenda Barrett, Ava Miles, Rhonda McKnight, Marion Ueckermann, and so many more. Who are your favorite authors? Some of my favorite old school authors are the late Francis Ray, Brenda Barrett, Marion Ueckermann, Danielle Steel and Jacqueline Thomas. My new school authors who I buy are Rhonda McKnight, Ann Marie Bryan, Liz Isaacson and Dani Collins. I love to read but not as much as I love to write, so 2019 was limited reading and a whole lot of writing and 2020 will be the same. I’m going to try to catch up on some reading after October.
What are you working on now?
I am presently working on A Louisiana Valentines, Book 1: The Right Choice. What is your best method or website when it comes to promoting your books? Like most authors, I use social media a lot for promoting but I found out I had to reach out to other outlets because I was not getting the results I wanted. The best method is to do it daily. You write the book, publish the work, but if you do not promote the book...how will anyone know you wrote and published the book? See, promotions is just that important and as an author, I had to learn this. Do you have any advice for new authors? Thinking about writing a book is good but actually writing the book is better. Stop allowing the outside fake hindrances to stop you from doing what you are meant to do. What is the best advice you have ever heard? Be you because no one can tell you if you are right or wrong because no one knows how to be you except you.
What’s next for you as a writer?
What has inspired you and your writing style? My writing style has definitely been influenced by the book I love, The Bible. I still write romance, but I made a mental note to always write books that will give someone else hope and show them just how important love is. How well do you work under pressure? I could not honestly answer this because my entire life is built around pressure. I have learned to just do it. No matter what it is I’m facing, I know that God will grace me to see it through. So, whenever there is more pressure than usual, I use a method handed down from my grandmother, I pray while I work, and work while I pray. How do you decide what tone to use with a particular piece of writing? I typically allow the characters to flow in their own unique energy. It’s like they decide their own tone and I just go with their flow. I know to someone who might not write, that sounds crazy, but think about it as a reader. You know how you read a book and somehow that character just sticks in your head, and you remember it through all the other books you read. They affect the writer the same way. How did you decide how to publish your books?
I am releasing new books for June and July, so I will be doing a write-aton again this summer. This is so challenging, but it is so rewarding. What is your biggest weakness? Oh my, I almost hate to say it. But SWEETS! Like growing up, my mom never allowed us to eat sweets like candy. She always bought cookies, fruit, and but never chocolate. So now, I’m a complete chocoholic.
I am a self-published and I absolutely enjoy having creative freedom. I like so many authors would send in query letters to traditional publishers and after being turned down, I decided my book was worth the investment. I look at self-publishing as making an investment in yourself. I think I work extra hard to get the books perfected and promoted, but that comes with the territory.
Connect with Danyelle: Website: http://www.danyellescroggins.com Twitter: https://twitter.com/PastorDanyelle Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/authordanyellescroggins Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/pastordanyelle Pinterest: http://www.pinterest.com/authordanyellescroggins/ Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Danyelle-Scroggins/e/B004513RVY
Goodreads: http://www.goodreads.com/danyellescroggins
A Louisiana Christmas Series Book 1: Love Me Again Everyone knows the hardest thing to do is stay in the place where you’ve been hurt the most. And Jade does what so many of us do, run. She left Louisiana with hopes of healing her heart, but she soon realizes pieces of her heart was left in the place she abandoned. Jasper Booth Jr. has never stopped loving Jade, but he’s no longer waiting on her to make up her mind to come home. Hopefully, a letter from an attorney will get her back to Louisiana, where she belongs. Jessica Booth is planning the event of the century right on the field of one of Shreveport’s most phenomenal schools. She’s not only ushering in help for the children of a prominent hospital, but she also ushered in an atmosphere of love for her children. If you know anything about the people and families of Louisiana, you know they love easy, eat good food, and party hard. See, what happens in Love Me Again, because you just may find yourself longing to have yourself A Louisiana Christmas.
Book 2: Never Looking Back Jade Bishop left the home she grew up in, and the man she’s loved since childhood when her grandmother MiMi passed away. She thinks the move was to heal her heart, but she finds out that healing was waiting right in the place that she left.
Now, that she is back home, she’s pleased with how everything, seemingly, went right back to normal. Jasper loves her, she loves him, but the only problem is… he’s not happy leaving her at night. So in Booth-Fashion, Jasper is planning the surprise of her life. Love is on the horizon for the Jackson/Booth gang. Kane, Uncle James, and Jasmine are getting a triple dose of the Kimbrels, whiles Jasper Jr. is praying that Jade is all in, and, Never Looking Back. This is definitely going to be an unforgettable Louisiana Christmas.
Poetic Purpose Matter By: Christina “Truchrissy� Malloy
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Does my prayers Matter? Going Every where but Up and I'm ready To give up. Because My prayers are lost In the wind going Every where but up. I've done all I Known to do Pray, fast, and believe. Father I'm not asking Can You hear me, I'm asking when.
52 PDWMAG.COM January-February 2020
Tag us in your next Instagram or Facebook post sharing how you are rocking out in your purpose for a chance to be featured in our next issue.
@pdwmag #IamaPDW
Realtor Kim Stanley THERE IS JOY IN BENG A PURPOSE DRIVEN WOMAN Kim Stanley, Realtor How would you define your purpose? I have been blessed with the heart of a giver. There is nothing better than knowing that your hands have not only touched the home where a beautiful family will lay their heads each night, but to know that you were chosen to stand beside someone as they make the biggest transaction of their life - buying a home! I put my heart into each transaction that I am blessed to be a part of, paying attention to the smallest of details. My purpose is to make others believe there are still honest, genuine people in the world, through real estate. What does being a purpose driven woman mean to you? Being a purpose driven woman to me means that there is a fire inside that burns naturally. I subconsciously find myself wanting to make someone smile through my work as a real estate agent. Living and working for my purpose, I wake up each morning thinking of what exciting things are happening with each home transaction that I have, and counting down to closing day, not for the money, but for the lifelong memory that I get to be a part of.
“Being a purpose driven woman to me means that there is a fire inside that burns naturally.” What makes your business different from the rest? When I began my career as a real estate agent, I promised myself that I would always get excited for all of the little things. I love watching the property get cleared. I love putting on my snake-boots and cleaning what will soon be the new homesite. I love meeting after-hours at the flooring company to help pick flooring, and most of all, I love that incredibly excited look my new homeowners get when they touch their keys for the first time. This is what sets me apart - I love the smallest of details and I do my absolute best to make sure that buying a home is one of the most fun and exciting times of your life. Describe the moment when you realized you were connected to your purpose. From the time I was fifteen years old, I have worked in a customer service-based job. Over the years, the level of excitement I received from helping others has only increased. I enjoy customer service—helping a toddler try on his/her first pair of shoes, assisting a young athlete to find the perfect sports gear, and helping the sweet elderly lady on a walker find shoes that will help her back and feet. I realized after years of customer service-related positions that I wanted to go to the “big leagues.” I wanted to help find everyone the perfect home! I can think of nothing greater than the ultimate customer service position - a real estate agent.
How has your life changed since you committed to being purpose driven? I live each day with enthusiasm and purpose. I get up and send surprise sunrise photos of a home that just got its new roof installed. I get the first glance at the beautiful light fixtures that have been installed and I get to walk through a home and help a little one to decide what color his/her room could be painted. How amazing and fulfilling is that? My life has become so much happier knowing that I am making life-long connections with people and their families; the trust put in me is truly heart-warming. What do you enjoy most about what you do? That's easy! The smiles. I love making people smile. A smile is the universal sign of happiness. A newborn baby smiles when they have sweet dreams and an adult that just bought a home smiles the same way. Sheer happiness on the faces of homebuyers is the best part of my job. What encouraging words would you share with our readers? I encourage you to chase your dreams. Think about what makes you happy and become the best at it. Set goals, crush them and make new goals. Be yourself, be authentic and put your heart and soul into the passion that sets you on fire. I promise, when you do, your life will forever be changed.
About Kim Stanley I was born and raised in the small town of DeFuniak Springs. Growing up my mom showed me pictures of getting a bath in a bucket as a baby because we didn't have running water. We didn't have much, but we sure had love. After a few years, my mom met a wonderful man who turned our whole life around. From then on, my sister, brother and I were raised to work hard and always do our best in school and be appreciative of everything we had. I received my first full-ride scholarship in the 8th grade and receiving two additional scholarships by high school graduation in 2008. I received an Associate of Arts degree from Tallahassee Community College and then went on to gain my Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration from Flagler College in 2013. Today, I am a proud employee of the State of Florida and I also practice my true passion of real estate. Great values were instilled in me, so I have never forgotten my roots. I am beyond blessed with where I am now in my personal and professional life and there is no end in sight. I am purpose driven.
Kim Stanley, Realtor BlueWater Realty Group 850-519-8349
Facebook.com/ BlueWaterKimStanley
Manuela Obas is a servant of God and licensed preacher. Her walk of faith began at age sixteen and through all her battles, God has shaped and molded her into a powerful tool to reach out to the world with the message of Hope and reconciliation to God. Her focus and desire is to be more, to do more and make a lasting positive impression on people’s lives, which is one of the reasons she created and runs her Blog - The Fights Within. The platform seeks to inspire people not to quit in their journeys, but to instead keep moving forward and keep fighting regardless of the obstacles that may be in their way. Tell us a little about your book, "The Fight Within." The Fight Within is a book that talks about learning to let go my will or better put as our individual will and accepting all of God’s will (not part or some of God’s will). It chronicles the journey of how I tried running away from God's call and then talks about the fights we have within us as individuals when there's a call of God on our lives. In general, The Fight Within lets you understand that in your journey with God, you will have struggles and it's okay because you're not alone and you'll definitely overcome if you don't quit.
What inspired you to write this book? My life, my journey, the struggles I had in responding to God's call and the victories God has given to me inspired me to write this book. Also, I was inspired to write this book to encourage someone out there who is going through different seasons in their life because of their decision to follow and serve God. I want to share my story with them, how far God has brought me through my journey and let them know that God has never failed or abandoned those who follow him diligently. At the age of nineteen, I heard God clearly tell me that He wants me to preach the Gospel, but I thought about the life I had and how this will affect me. Eventually, I tried to run away and live my life as I wanted. But then, God still brought me back to His Purpose and here I am fully yielded to Him despite the struggles and fights I had. Were there any personal fights you had to overcome while writing your book? Yes. The first fight was the fight of writing this book. You won't believe that it actually took me ten years to write this book. It has taken me this long because I had faced different kinds of discouragement. At some point, I felt I was not good enough to put out this book. I struggled with believing in myself and also in
yielding totally to God. And then there were other challenges—finances, job loss, moving, family illnesses and so many other challenges. But I got to a point where I made the decision to finish writing and publish this book. And here we are today. What is your favorite part of "The Fight Within?" The entire book speaks to me… since after publishing, I would pick up my book to read and the words there starts speaking new things to me. It’s almost like I am reading someone else’s book for the first time. I go through the chapters and I’m so inspired to keep up on this journey. I am still on this journey and my destination is very certain and so every part of this book will remain my favorite because it all speaks to me. What do you hope readers gain from reading your book? Just as I read my book and found the courage to continue and never give up every time, it is my prayer that anyone who reads my book will find courage to continue in their walk with God. For those who are still running away from God’s call just like I did, I hope that they find reasons from my book to yield completely to God’s call. Truth is, there are thousands of destinies tied to our calling. If we don’t answer God’s call,
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these destinies might never find fulfilment. And also, when we yield to God’s call, He makes available platforms through which we’ll express our ministry. One of the greatest fear I had was the feeling of being inadequate. I felt nobody will hear or listen to me. I felt I won’t have access to platforms to reach out to people but here am I, just few weeks after the release of my book, God keeps giving me platforms to reach out to people and my story encourages people when they hear it. How has writing "The Fight Within" connected you to your purpose? I am able to reach out to people with my story and as people read, they will be connected back to God and will respond to their calling. Writing this book has given me platforms to reach out and encourage people in their walk with God. Many times, when we go through our seasons, we often feel like we're the only ones ever to go through such. Writing this book gives me the opportunity to share in their story, encourage them and let them know they should not give up. But more importantly, it has helped me to preach the Gospel of Christ and reconcile men back to God.
What advice would you give someone who is struggling with sharing their story? I’d ask them to first think of the millions of people who’d learn from their experience and get motivated by their story. Often times we are “unconsciously selfish” with our decisions, when instead of thinking about how many persons will be transformed by our story, we think more about ourselves in the picture. The struggle to share our stories most of the time is hinged on how we see ourselves in the light of the public and how we imagine the public will react to our story. I was there and that was one reason it took me ten years to finally put this out. So, I would say to anyone struggling to share their story to first remember the people out there who needs to be encouraged by the fact that someone has also gone through their present challenge and survived. Then I’d advise them to take one step at a time. Don’t rush or try to get results too quickly. You can start by sharing your story among your friends, in social or religious groups or gatherings. By doing so, you grow your confidence and boldness and then you could publish a book and increase your audience. Just do something daily towards sharing your story and not stay idle.
Book Synopsis: “For everything, there is a season.” Ecclesiastes 3:1 Seasons do not last forever; the same can be said for the phases of your life as well. God created cycles to shape us in the hopes of molding us into who He wills us to be. In this current age where much is in jeopardy, it is easy to doubt the plan He has for us, especially when the darker cycles keep turning and we cry out ‘Why me God?’ and so caught up in our problems that we lose sight of what God intends for us. No one knows the struggles behind your eyes, the weight bearing down your soul. In The Fight Within, these pages serve as a guiding hand to help find God, seek Him out and advise you with the strength of Scriptures and Psalm to let go of worldly woes and place your faith entirely in God’s hands. Trouble shapes and defines us – but if you ask from God, you will receive. “I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life.” John 14:6 Links to Purchase The Fight Within Book:
Amazon Link: https://www.amazon.com/Fight-Within-Learning-Your-Will/ dp/1794761535/ref=sr_1_31? crid=19HJIJFUCFWHE&keywords=rwg+publishing&qid=157487297 5&s=books&sprefix=RWG+P%2Cstripbooks%2C344&sr=1-31 Barnes & Noble: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/the-fight-within-manuelaobas/1135143712?ean=9781794761537 The Fights Within Blog Website: https://thefightswithin.com/news-events-2/
1. I used to walk in disobedience BUT now I walk in obedience by operating in my purpose as a Career Transitionist by positioning and empowering individuals, UNHAPPY at work, who are READY to make a drastic employment change RIGHT NOW! 2. I discovered my passion and purpose through my pain experienced at the beginning of my career. I had a career tragedy at the beginning of my career but by God’s grace I was able to OVERCOME by developing strategies needed to excel in my career...it’s been 9 years since my career tragedy which I realize now it was just God’s way of gracefully breaking me to walk into the path he has for me.
3. I’m one of few that can say I worked in Corporate America and actually loved it! I truly experienced my version of career prosperity! I have truly OVERCOME challenges in my career but I’m glad my testimony can now serve as a blueprint for someone else to authentically excel in their careers! 4. I’m a wife to a very loving and supportive husband!! He’s my best friend and boo thang for life. 5. I’m a mother to a very beautiful and intelligent 1 year old daughter who brings me pure joy everyday!
6. I write poetry that will ignite your soul! Hosted my first poetry jam in November and it was! Maybe I’ll perform for you one day...may even drop a poetry book in 2020! 7. I graduated from 2 illustrious HBCUs (shout out to North Carolina A&T: Accounting Major and Morgan State University: MBA). Additionally, I’m a life long learner because I simply believe education is a key to thriving in all areas of life. 8. I LOVE Jesus!!! I am led by God in ALL I do! By no means am I perfect BUT who is? 9. I’m originally from Chesapeake, VA but now I reside in Upper Marlboro, Maryland! Seeking Divine Connections!
10. I absolutely love TV!!! Every time I watch TV now I pretty much have a revelation afterwards!
*Bonus: I am the President and Founder of a nonprofit entitled The First Suit Project! @thefirstsuitproject
Denise Parker
THE FACES OF CHANGE @itry2frog1st #IamaPDW Allowing the Holy Spirit to work Submitting to His will for my life Having that He, God, knows what's best for me Learning to love me, because He loves me no matter what. Top left: High in my 22 year addiction Middle: Sober about 1 year Top right: Sober about 3 1/2 years Bottom: Sober 5 years The changes outside are amazing to me, but the inner change blows my too! As he is changing me from the inside, it is now showing on the outside. It's hard to believe that I once hated me so much that I tried to rid the
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earth of my existence. Satan had a hold on my. I am learning that I was created on purpose for a purpose and while I may not know exactly what that looks like in full yet, I can enjoy the freedom it provides in a day to day life. Living a life of worship to the Saviour of my soul and my life here on earth.
Forever grateful & thankful for Him who never gave up on me. I know many of my family & friends wanted to, but thankful you didn't & for you praying me home. Thankful for a wonderful husband who is always by my side cheering me on and pushing me to
be a better version of myself. So thankful we got through this all together and we are stronger for it! In just a little over 6 years we are no longer homeless and now own a wellness company. Living a life of worship in all areas. It isn't always easy building a business while rebuilding a life, but it sure feels good. How can I pray for you? Are you on the journey to become the? How can I encourage you today? Do you know that you were created on purpose for a purpose? You were!
SallyAnn Gray
PUSHING PAST ILLUSION TO PURPOSE @SallyAnnSpeaks #IamaPDW To understand my reason, you must understand my story. My biological mother gave me away at the age of three months. She was walking along a street in Kingston, Jamaica as she tried to get to a radio station. She wanted to make an announcement or ask someone to help her. She had a baby and was unable to care for her. As she walked toward the radio station, a man stopped his car and asked if she needed help or a ride. My biological mother made the decision to get in the car. As she explained her plight, the man revealed that he and his wife had been praying for a baby. Eventually, they came to an agreement, and she handed me over. That kind man and his wife became my parents. As I grew older, my Mom and Dad explained the incidents that lead to them becoming my parents. I struggled as I tried to understand how a mother could give her child away to total strangers. It completely crushed
my self-concept. It made me feel like I was not important. As a high school student, my low self-esteem morphed, and I became a wayward teenager. Many people told my mother I would never amount to anything in life. Despite the heart-breaking comments, my parents never gave up on me. They prayed hard, and with much intervention; I was able to achieve academic and professional success. During much of my adulthood, outward success masked the fact that there was little inner fulfillment. I started to think about why these feelings were plaguing me so often. I asked many times, is this it? Is this life? Work hard to pay bills, get home from work, feed the kids and go to bed. There just had to be more. My life had to have more meaning than this. I started to realize that the fallacy presented to us as children to complete college, get a “good” and “stable” job, buy a house and live happily ever after, somewhat
created an illusion of happiness and fulfillment for me. On the outside, others saw confidence, academic achievement, professional accomplishment, a happy marriage and two beautiful children. What I discovered, is that appearances serve as distractions from your true purpose. They help to create the illusion to everyone including you that everything in your life is okay. I thank God that He never left me. I surrendered to His will and my life has never been the same. My complete surrender to God led to a greater quality of life. It did for me, and it will improve your life, too. Whether you accept it or not, before you were born, your purpose was already established. You owe it to yourself to actualize it. If nothing in this article has given you a reason, believe that you deserve a fulfilled and purpose filled life. Start there and make that a reason until you uncover your own.
HEALTH & FITNESS Practice Self-Care Life’s distractions, particularly those from work and family, make it easy to neglect taking care of ourselves. Self-care is an absolute must – not negotiable, right? So, why do so many of us neglect taking care of ourselves? Take Care of You Some people are so busy helping or taking care of others that they often forget to refuel and replenish themselves. You cannot pour from an empty cup. You cannot drive anyone anywhere on an empty tank. You only have one of you. Take care of yourself because wherever you go, there you are. You cannot get away from you! I have discovered in training women, men, teens, athletes, and seniors that most women tend to put
others before themselves. We put children, spouses’ parents, friends, jobs, careers and even pets first. Learning to treat yourself with love, respect, kindness, and discipline is practicing self-care and can transform your life. Emotional Care Another area of practicing self-care is learning to say, “No.” Identify the times when it is prudent to say yes and those when you should simply just say no. Many times, when we say yes to help someone we are taking away an opportunity for them to learn and to grow. Sometimes, you just do not have the time and space, physically or mentally! Learn the art of saying “No.” I am learning in this journey called life that we
Health & Fitness cannot be all things to all people. I cannot tell you how many times I have overextended myself because I was afraid to just say, “No.” I was afraid to hurt someone’s feelings or disappoint someone at the expense of my own. Practicing self-care includes keeping it real and setting boundaries. There is only one art of saying no. One of my favorite slogans is “Just Do It.” There is no other way to say no; you just must do it. The suggestion here is not for you to be mean or rude, but to be true to yourself and others and clearly say no. By saying no, to one thing you are saying yes to something else, in some cases, this is saying yes to your emotional well-being.
Take Care Time Have you ever thought, or said to yourself, “I wish I had more time?” If only I had more time I would. We all have said this at one time or another. The same 24 hours a day you had 10, 15, 20 years ago you still have today. The issue with time is not that there isn’t enough of it, it is that we do not prioritize the amount of time we have. The day is often jam-packed with a bunch of activities that do not add value to our lives. Self-care doesn’t have to cost money, but it will cost you some time. It is just making sure that you take the time to ensure you are well, physically, emotionally and spiritually. Take time to exercise, to soak in a nice hot bath, to get proper rest and sleep. Give yourself a “Me” day. Sometimes you may have to fight for it, but make it a priority. Set aside a day or some time out of a day that is just for you. This doesn’t mean that it cannot include someone else. Just make sure it is time that will add strength, peace, energy, and enjoyment to you. Having a “Me” day will create balance in your life. When setting priorities, make sure that you are included on the list. Schedule time to kick back to read a book, soak in the tub with some relaxing Epsom salts, go to see a movie, etc. Do what is prudent and profitable for a replenished and refilled you. In other words, fill your cup first. Then you can pour out from you on to others. Self-care is necessary for you to be of any use to anyone else. As the safety announcements on airplanes say, “The oxygen mask will drop from the overhead compartment. To start the flow of oxygen, pull the mask towards you, and place it firmly over your nose and mouth. Put your oxygen mask on before assisting small children or anyone else.” How are you going to help someone breathe if you can barely catch your breath? You cannot effectively help others if you are not well. Your car can not run on an empty tank, so why should you? Refuel and replenish your tank regularly. Be mindful of when you are running on empty. Be self-aware and practice self-care.
Dhana Sandrine Location: Manchester, England
As a coach and social media manager, I am in a position to hear and read people's stories and struggles all the time. I have always felt called by God to share my experiences because I am a real-life proof that with God, nothing is impossible. And, if there's anyone out there struggling with loneliness, lack of friendships, family issues, battling with their character differences and feelings of inadequacy, they should know that across continents and language barriers, God just does not fail. Ever. I believe that this magazine provides the platform for me to share my experiences. Originally, I’m from the French Caribbean island of Martinique. Shortly before turning eighteen years old, and after passing my last college exams, I escaped a life of abuse by my father. I faced homelessness and sofa-surfing for two months before I could put together the necessary resources to fly to France where I had enrolled for a degree in Psychology. My dream at the time was to become a Careers Psychologist which my family and friends didn't particularly understand or approve of. To them, it was closer to witchcraft than being a real job. But
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“With God nothing is impossible!” our school’s Careers Psychologist always encouraged me to dream beyond the familiarity of my island. For him, I was a deep thinker – for everyone else, I was weird.
Living on a continent for the first time, cashless, immature and alone, was more challenging than I expected… I very quickly got in a relationship with someone who reminded me of “home” and slowly started to drift away from my course in order to work and support both of us. The relationship after a short while became abusive and by the age of nineteen, I was pregnant, single and homeless again. My university’s social worker suggested that I return to Martinique to raise my child. But I couldn’t contemplate satisfying those who did not believe in me. Against all odds, I stayed and started my course all over again. I graduated three years later and found it was time to start a new life with my daughter in a country where no one knew us and where I could create my own opportunities. We have now been living in England for fourteen years. I'm a successful Careers Coach and Social Media Consultant. Today, everything I do supports those who were born against the odds - who live against the odds - who believe they cannot succeed with those odds. Now, I was raised a Catholic, but only answered the call of Christ a year after I moved to England. From calling me in English when I only could speak French, to opening doors to jobs, financing the rest of my studies when I did not deserve it, to furnishing my first house, God has had so much consistency in my life that I could write a book about all the times he delivered, obviously guided or clearly closed doors for myself and my daughter. To this day, whenever I contemplate how lonely this journey is or ponder on my weirdness, I am reminded of His consistency to comfort and provide.
“Everything I do today is to walk with and to support those who were born against odds - who live against odds - who believe they cannot succeed with those odds”
Fiona Myles Location: Manchester, England
I’ve been a Christian for nearly 24 years. I was saved from a life of drugs, alcohol, prostitution and crime. God lifted me from that lifestyle and carried me through many years of growth and development. My family didn’t understand my conversion so most of them refused to speak to me. I knew God had done something incredible, so I carried on without their support, even though, I found it weird they preferred the old me. God moved me from Scotland to London as He had called me to Victory Outreach Ministry. There God continued to use and develop me in an alien environment. God has used me to speak to many people about my life and how He had intervened and changed my life. Jumping ahead a bit, I was given a word from God that I would have a child at 50. I had been unable to have children. I lost a little boy at 20 weeks through a violent attack when I was 17 years old. I lost twins through an IVF attempt at age twenty-nine. I had also lost another baby after that. I was given this word when I was 44 years old and had started menopause. In the background, God was moving. My sister received the gift of salvation and she and I reconciled our
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“Saved from a life of drugs, alcohol, prostitution and crime, God lifted me from that lifestyle and carried me through many years of growth and life.” relationship. During this time, I found out that my nephew was on drugs and his baby girl was going to be put up for adoption. To make a long story short, we petitioned the court to take care of Georgie, my nephew’s child as kinship carers. Georgie was placed in our care six weeks before my 51st birthday. In the midst of this, Brian, my husband, was fighting cancer and we had to move with nothing. On the very same day that we met Georgie for the first time, my Dad was found dead. Although God had moved and ensured that we had a child by I was fifty years old, my faith and relationship with Him took a real hit. I felt like God had left me completely after giving us our greatest gift ever. I struggled and couldn't seem to get up. Then, I lost three very close friends in a very short space of time, two to suicide. On the home front, we were struggling financially. Some days, we only had enough to feed Georgie, though not many like that, because out of the blue, someone would give us something to fill the gap. Brian had not been working as chemo had hit him hard. Just as he got well, I was found to have pre-cancerous cells in my womb and had to have a full hysterectomy. Despite all my situations, recently I have managed to reconnect with God and saw how He has kept us together and kept the roof over our heads. My husband started a 30-hour a week job in the new year, and I have launched an Etsy shop while working part time. Things are finally looking up. 2020 will be a great year where all our blessings will come together.
Makisha James Location: Manchester, England
My name is Makisha James and I'm 36 years old. I am a wife and a mother to four amazing children. I came to know the Lord at the age of 11 but somewhere along the journey, I lost my way. However, like the prodigal son when I eventually came back, Jesus welcomed me with open arms, and I have never looked back. It all started with a stiff neck! I woke up one morning in 2018 after falling asleep next to my 3-year-old son. I had settled him down for the third time that night and we both fell asleep. When I awoke, I couldn't move my neck and the pain radiating down my right side was almost unbearable. I assumed it was the way I had fallen asleep or maybe the position I had been sitting in the night before while breastfeeding. After the fourth day of pain, my sister-in-law urged me to go to the doctor. I don’t have time for the doctor, I thought. I had just given birth to my daughter and all I wanted to do was sleep. However, I decided to go to the doctor. I never thought that one trip to the doctor would lead to a series of events that would challenge me in a way I had never imagined.
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“Jesus not only restored my body, He restored my mind.” “Makisha, how did you get here?” the doctor asked.
“I drove," I replied. “Well, you’re going to have to get someone to pick you up,” he said. “You need to go to the emergency room right away because your blood pressure is through the roof. You could have a stroke.” Those words pierced me in a way that my doctor would not have realized, and it opened up a can of worms that I did not realize was there. Panic set in as I called my husband to let him know that I wouldn't be able to come home. I also called my mom to ask her to come with me to the hospital. A month after being on blood pressure medication and trying to control my panic attacks, I found myself back in the emergency room, this time it was a blood clot lodged in my lungs. A week after that I was told I had a tumor growing in my knee that they felt may be cancerous. Boom! My whole world felt like it had caved in and the anxiety that I suppressed all those years when my gran had died came up like a fountain over me. Anxiety is an awful thing. I had to cope with sleepless nights, sweating, calculating every ache and pain (as my body became hyper-sensitive) and feeling as if I couldn't breathe. On top of all of that, I was frantically googling symptoms. I received prayers, counselling and words of encouragement but nothing helped. I just couldn't get myself out of the pit of panic. One day a lady from church told me I needed to get on my knees before the Lord and she was right. The more I prayed, the better I became. Now, I am totally set free. Jesus not only restored my body, He restored my mind. Fast forward to 2020, I no longer suffer from any panic attacks or anxiety and the trauma from my childhood no longer haunts me. I’ve been set free! I'm now running my own business and I am planning on starting a new venture in the future that supports people who suffer from undealt- with childhood trauma.