PVRA Newsletter January 2014

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January 2014

Words from the Editor The New Year is upon us - it not the time for resolutions we will not keep. When we make resolutions that we don’t keep we just beat ourselves up for not being capable of finishing something. Instead we should just take what comes and make the best of it. Little things such as visits with friends and families can make us happy. There are so many things that one can participate in while living in the village. Walks on the trails in the woods, playing cards, going to the luncheons and breakfasts out of the Park. I’ve read that participating in activities and making new friends makes for a longer and healthier life.

My wish for you all is a Happy and Healthy New Year.




Vice President



Noreen Watt 9 Nature Drive R5H 1H2 204-422-5765

Harry Minter 10 Village Drive R5H 1H4 204-422-9397

Marilyn Henderson 36 Village Drive R5H 1H4 204-422-6290

Jim Squires 31 Nature Drive R5H 1H5 204-422-5059

*********************************************************************** Please, Please will you please submit stories, articles or pictures that you think would interest the residents of the Village. I need to have enough to fill all the pages. If I don’t I will have to cut out the number of pages and due to the format that means four pages have to be cut at a time. That would result in the advertising having to be moved and possibly taking up a whole page. My brain would end up going into overdrive trying to manipulate everything, causing me to regret having volunteered for this job.


January 2014

Pat Porter Active Living Centre offers programs, activities, services and volunteer opportunities, striving to promote healthy and active living for older adults of the southeast region. We invite you to come and pay us a visit and consider participating in some of our programs. For more information call the Centre at 204-3204600. Monday to Friday 8:30-4:30 pm. Or go to www.patporteralc.com.

UP COMING EVENTS ANNUAL FUNDRAISING BANQUET: Thursday January 23rd, 2014 at 6:00 pm. Tickets are $40.00 which includes a $25.00 tax receipt per ticket. Raffle tickets are available at 4 for $5.00 and 10 for $10.00. Many fantastic prizes available to be won. Come down to the Centre and get your tickets!

BINGO: We will are hosting BINGO nights on Tuesday January 7th and 21st. Doors open at 6:30 pm and the games start at 7:00 pm. Please feel free to call the centre at 204-320-4600 for more information.

JANUARY POTLUCK: is on Thursday January 9th. If you know that you would like to attend please call ahead and let us know what you would like to bring. Call 204-3204600. As always needed are: salads, casseroles, desserts and buns. Cost is $5.00. We will be ordering from Chicken Chef for our Potluck.

FITNESS CLASSES: Low impact aerobics and strengthening fitness classes with instructor Shanley on Monday’s and Friday’s from 9:30am to 10:30am. Drop in fee of $4.00.

P.A.C.E. PROGRAM: We are happy to announce that we will be offering the P.A.C.E. fitness program with our Urban Poling class on Thursday mornings. We will be doing a half hour of P.A.C.E. and a half hour of poling. Classes start at 9:30am. For more information call 204-320-4600



FLK Tai Chi Open House: A great opportunity to improve your health! FLK Tai Chi is available, for all ages, at the Pat Porter Active Living Centre, 10 Chrysler Gate, in Steinbach. Have you been considering this form of low impact, stretching, exercise for a while but didn't know where to start? There will be an Open House on Monday January 13th from 7-8 p.m. and another on Wednesday, January 15th from 10-11 a.m. Beginner classes start on Monday, January 20th. The group meets on Monday evenings at 7:00 p.m. and Wednesday mornings at 10:00 a.m. Call 204326-1713 for more information. OLD TIME COUNTRY DANCE: With live Band – Buckskin and Satin – Friday January 31st at 8:00 pm. Tickets available at the center. Advanced tickets are: $10 for members; $12 for non-members and $14.00 at the door. Lunch is served at 10:00pm. COMPUTER CLASSES: We will now be offering computer classes every Wednesday. Classes are 1 hour long at 9:00, 10:00 and 11:00am. Please call 204-320-4600 to make an appointment. MONTHLY PROGRAMS Foot Care – The first Tuesday and Wednesday and third Tuesday of the month from 9:00- 2:00 pm Run by a Professional Foot Care Nurse. Cost $30.00. Call us book an appointment. Computer Lab – Need help with your computer skills? Call the centre and make an appointment. Labs are 1 hour long and available every Wednesday morning from 9:00 am – Noon. Please call the centre at: 204-320-4600. Beltone Hearing – is the third Friday of each month – call 1-800-661-2653 for an appointment. Brain Injury Support Group Meeting – Monday January 27th at 7:00 pm.


January 2014

Phone: 422-5985

Fax: 422-5325

Weekly Programs Monday

9:30 am - 10:30 am – Low impact fitness class with instructor 12:00 pm – 4:30 pm – Drop in Pool 1:00 pm – 4:30 pm – Model Trains 1:00 pm - Canasta 7:00 pm - Tai Chi Tuesday 9:30 am. - 3:00 pm Circle of friends 12:00 pm – 4:30 pm – Drop in Pool Wednesday 8:30 am – 9:30 am - Urban Poling at Clearspring Mall 12:00 pm – 4:30 pm – Drop in Pool 1:00 pm. - 4:00 pm Cribbage 1:30 pm - Floor curling 7:00 pm –Old Time Country Band Practice Thursday 9:30 am – 10:30 am – P.A.C.E. Program and Urban Poling 12:00 pm – 4:30 pm – Drop in Pool 1:00 pm- 4:00 pm Whist Friday 9:30 am - 10:30 am – Low impact fitness class with instructor 9:30 pm. - 3:00 pm Circle of friends 12:00 pm – 4:30 pm – Drop in Pool Noon meals: available Monday through Friday cost $5.50 Call 320-4605 by 9:00 am to reserve your meal for that day. Purchase your meal ticket at the receptionist desk before noon. Monthly menus are available at the office, online, or in the newsletter. Bring a friend! Volunteer Opportunities include perogy making, decorating and setting tables, birthday party hosts, food preparation and serving, clean up, greeters, receptionists. Membership at Pat Porter Active Living Centre is only $25 per year. Memberships are due in January of each year. Membership is for those 55 years of age and older. Benefits include reduced program rates, a voice in business meetings, voting rights, and eligibility to serve on the board or committees. 6


Additions or Changes to PVRA telephone and address book. Diane Hancocks

26 Paradise Drive


Malcolm Tarry

34 Nature Drive


If there are any additions or changes that you wish to have published please either email to pvra20@yahoo.ca or phone Eileen at 204-422-5059


It was really humid in the woods, so two hiking buddies remove their shirts and shoes. But when they spot a sign saying “Beware of bears”, one of them stops to put his shoes back on. “What’s the point?” the other says, “You can’t outrun a bear.” “Actually,” says his friend, “all I have to do is outrun you.”

Readers Digest


January 2014

Wiener Roast November 30, 2013 - 26 residents enjoyed the day, with lots of good visiting, a good warm fire, and the wiener roast. Mother Nature was in our favour with -5 C temperature. Sorry I forgot my camera. Submitted by Frank Leys ***********************************************

Don’t be a Couch Potato Enjoy the fresh air and the trails. The trails are much better than Beating the roads in the park Submitted by Frank Leys ****************************

JIM or TIM HARMS Steinbach, MB. R5G 0H4 Call for a FREE ESTIMATE

204-346-0325 8


At our Christmas dance there were three squares dancing on the floor. Finger food was served after dancing. At the end of the evening a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year was wished by all. An executive decision was made on Dec 10th that Paradise Squares suspend dancing for January, February and March as there will not be enough dancers wintering to support our club. Start-up date will be April 8th and a Welcome Back dance on April 15th with cake and ice cream. Merry Christmas to all and Good Health in 2014! Submitted by Larry Trush ****************************************************

Editor Note: Since no photos were available, I did the best I could. I hope I got a good likeness of our Paradise dancers.


January 2014

Cranberry - Apple Jellied Salad

1 envelope unflavoured gelatine 2 tbsp sugar 1/4 tsp salt 1/4 cup water 1/2 cup mayonnaise 2 tbsp lemon juice 1 tbsp lemon rind 1 can whole berry cranberry sauce 1 large apple, peeled & chopped 1/4 cup pecans or walnuts chopped

200 Highway 12 North Steinbach, MB, R5G 1T6 Phone: (204) 326-3451

Fax: (204) 326-6486

Toll Free: 1-800-876-6155

Located Next to Clearsprings Mall 10


Method: In a medium saucepan on low heat, add water to gelatine, sugar & salt. Stir till dissolved. Stir in mayonnaise and lemon juice & rind. Remove from heat. Beat until fluffy. Chill about 15 minutes until set around sides. Beat again and then stir in the sauce, apples and nuts. Pour into a 3 or 4 cup mould. Chill 2 hours or overnight. Turn out onto a bed of lettuce. Note: This recipe has been in my family forever. A great aunt used to make it every Christmas. Great with turkey or ham. Enjoy! Submitted by Joy Morrison

Please remember to submit recipes to the newsletter. If I receive more than one in a month-the first one submitted will go in that month’s issue and the other will go in subsequent issues. All recipes printed here will be submitted to the Paradise Cookbook.

Ste. Anne Library 16 rue de l�Eglise


Hours: Monday Closed Tuesday 12:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. Wednesday 12:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. Thursday 12:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Friday 12:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Saturday 10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. Sunday Closed

Gold-N-Memories Ltd. 204-326-3917 Clearspring Centre - Steinbach, MB

Free membership for the residents of Ste. Anne and Paradise Village. More than 22,000 books in English and French.


January 2014

Paradise Village Singles Christmas with the singles group We had our Christmas gathering at Myrna’s on December 2nd. We would like to thank Vida for donating the turkey and Mike H for cooking the bird, stuffing and all. We had a delicious dinner enjoyed by 17 people and later did a gift exchange. Some people get very possessive of gifts received and don’t like trading them for something else. But a good time was had by everyone. Besides Christmas we also celebrated the birthdays of Pat Shaffer and Cynthia Cooke - hope you both had a good birthday. This will be my last report as I’m going to try the snowbird life. But I hope someone else will be sending in reports as they keep people informed where and when the next dinners are to be held. The next dinner will be at Cynthia Cooke’s, 8 Village Dr on Monday January 6th. Hope everyone had a good and happy holiday season. Take care over the winter. Submitted by Carol Stoess

Birthday Girls Did Santa come to visit? 12


Photos submitted by Joy Morrison & Carol Stoess

Some more humour!

My sight impaired friend was in the grocery store with her guide dog when the manager came up to her and asked “Is that a blind dog?” My friend said “ I hope not, or we’re both in trouble.”


Tourists come to Yellowstone National Park armed with a lot of questions. As someone who works nearby, I don’t always have answers. Like the time when one earnest woman wanted to know “ At what elevation do deer turn into elk?”

************************************************ Once more courtesy Reader’s Digest


January 2014

Walking Trails PLEASE Help keep our walking trails clean.


This will be a permanent addition to the newsletter, so all submissions will be welcome. Hints on care of pet Some of the dog walkers are not removing dog waste off the walking path Submitted Frank Leys *****************************************************

Unusual pictures of Paradise Pets. Traveling with pets Are only a few suggestions



Wanted - For Sale or Buy

This column will be available to the residents for anything they wish to sell or buy, but should you wish to have the ad run in more than one issue than there will be a nominal charge.


A little bit of humour On the way home from a Cub Scout meeting a young boy asked his father the question. “Dad, I know that babies come from mommies tummies, but how do they get in the first place?” he asked innocently. After his father hemmed and hawed awhile, the young boy finally spoke up in disgust. “You don’t have to make something up, Dad. It’s okay if you don’t know the answer”

Reader’s Digest’s Laughter really is the best medicine


January 2014

Eighty today, dear Lord I am 80 and there’s much I haven’t done I hope dear Lord you’ll let me live until I’m 81. But if I haven’t finished all I want to do Would you please let me stay awhile until I’m 82? So many places I want to go, so much I want to seeDo you think you could manage to make it 83? But there’s so much left in store, I’d like it very much to live to 84. And if by then I’m still alive Then I’d like to stay to 85 The world is changing very fast, so I’d really like to stick And see what happens to the world when I am 86 I know dear Lord it’s a lot to ask, and it will be nice in Heaven. But I’d really like to stay around until I’m 87. I know by then I won’t be fast, and sometimes I’ll be late But it would be oh so pleasant to be around at 88. I will have seen so many things and had a wonderful time, So I’m sure that I’d be willing to leave at 89 (Well Maybe) Submitted by Julian DeGrave *********************************************************************

Canada Geese in Steinbach by Museum Submitted by Larry Trush



A wonderful Christmas Lunch was enjoyed by 50 residents. Big thanks to Manager Celine Petit and her wonderful staff: Charles Tetrault, Karen Lindsay, and Jessie Sigurdson-Chicken Chef, Lorrette. Submitted Frank Leys

Lunch out of the Village

Wed Feb 19, 2014 MJ’s Kafe Steinbach Keep these dates in mind. Further information will be published in the next issues of the newsletter. February -

Submitted by Doreen Leys ************************************** 17

January 2014

Deer was taken near Calgary while the elk picture was taken near Banff in Alberta. Thank you Larry Trush for sending us these pictures so that we could all enjoy them.

net 18


Alcohol’s Effect on the Body People drink alcoholic beverages to socialize, to celebrate a special occasion or to relax when under pressure or stress. The effects of one or two drinks are likely minimal and the effects of those two drinks will vary from person to person. Such factors as how much and how often you drink, your age, your general health status and your family history may all impact the effects alcohol have on you. If you drink too much on a single occasion or over time, serious health effects may occur. Alcohol interferes with the brain’s communication pathways and such disruptions may change mood and behavior, and make it harder to think clearly and move with co-ordination. Heart damage can occur with too much drinking. Arrhythmias (irregular heart beat) may occur; your blood pressure may be affected and could lead to a stroke. Heavy drinking takes a toll on the liver and may lead to a variety of problems such as cirrhosis, a condition where the liver is so heavily scarred that it is unable to function. Alcohol causes the pancreas to produce toxic substances that may eventually lead to pancreatitis which is a dangerous inflammation and swelling of the blood vessels in the pancreas that prevent proper digestion. Cancer sites linked to alcohol use include the mouth, throat, voice box, esophagus, liver, breast and colorectal region. Cancer risk rises even higher if one is a smoker. Alcohol may play a role in developing gout which is caused by the formation of uric crystals in the joints. Gout can be largely hereditary but alcohol and dietary factors seem to play a role. Alcohol may also aggravate existing cases of gout. Some may use alcohol when they are depressed thinking it may ease their emotional pain however, in the long run may only add to their symptoms. Drinking too much can weaken your immune system, making your body a much easier target for other diseases. One tends to associate alcohol problems with binge drinkers and those dependent on alcohol. But really no level of alcohol consumption is risk free and regularly exceeding the sensible drinking guidelines could have a negative effect on your health without you even realizing it. Submitted by Gail Tulloch **********************************************************************************

Quote of the Day: "People often say that motivation doesn’t last. Well, neither does bathing. That’s why we recommend it daily. Zig Ziglar - Author (1926 - 2012) Quote submitted by Frank Leys 19

January 2014

The Annual Paradise Village Christmas Party. December 14, 2013 It will be a night to remember as it was not at its usual place .Seventy four of us travelled to Richer at the Young at Heart Club for the celebration. Santa arrived to greet us all and gave out candy canes and mints. With a mighty Ho! Ho! Ho! Before dinner he gave out some gifts. I would like to thank all the ladies that helped putting the food on the tables for the meal. Also helping to clean up afterwards Greatly Appreciated Ladies. Grace was said by Mr. Bob Werry. Bob thank you so much. The Pot Luck supper was fantastic. Everything was so well prepared, presented and very tasty. After Dinner and Dessert we had a special Christmas carolling with everyone joining in. I would like to recognize and thank the following: Jerry MacNeil, Ragnar Erlendson and Martha Werry for being so kind in accepting my invitation to play and sing for us. Also to Margaret Erlendson for making extra copies of the Carols. Hopefully everyone enjoyed themselves. The 50/50 draw was won by Ron Carruthers $112.50 The Beautiful Food Basket and Turkey was won by Murray McDonald ( which was subsequently donated by the McDonalds to the Richer Food Bank). Murray McDonald, John Perreault, Elsie and John Bordyniuk, Jerry and Linda Ferguson for staying and helping to clean up at the end of the evening Thank you. Last but not least I would like to acknowledge the person who devoted a lot of time and effort to put on this fantastic event. Rose McDonald - You are a very special Lady. If it had not been for you this evening would not have happened. I for one know how much time and effort you have given to make this a very special event. You have a talent that is greatly appreciated. It is not easy to organize and see to it that everything goes well. Well done. A profit of $251.95 was made. PVRA Treasurer has complete financial report.

To Everyone a Very Merry Christmas and the Very Best in the New Year.

Submitted by Rolande Perreault



Photos submitted by Eileen Squires


January 2014 Christmas Basket Drive 2013 The spirit of Christmas is in the air. It is heart warming to see the support that continues to surround us. The Friends Who Care and Paradise Village Fellowship committee coordinated the annual Christmas Basket drive for Richer and Rural area. With Santa's helpers and your generosity we were able to distribute 21 baskets to needy families this Christmas Season. A total of 20 children will enjoy Santa 's gifts of fuzzy P'J and socks that Mrs Clause chose for them. We wish to extend our sincere appreciation to the RM of Ste Anne, the residents of Paradise Village for their monetary support, Richer Fellowship Church and Richer School for their non perishable drive. Thanks goes out to Doreen Pchajek for organizing a fundraiser during the month of November at Bingo nights, Dr Hein office for the dental pacs, the businesses and individual donations and your support for a successful Christmas Basket Drive. We would like to especially thank the following persons for sharing their resources, time and talents; Thanks goes out to Anna Praymayer our knitter of toques, mitts and scarves for the Richer School children and for the baskets. Special thanks to the special ladies who shopped for the gifts, wrapped and distributed them in time for the special day. Cont’d page 23



Santa's helpers are Co chair- Heather Burnell,Erna and Neil Martens, Anna and John Praymayer, Edie Grier, George and Rachelle Laurin, Terri and Jim Mc Kerchar, Susan McEwen, Rick Webb, Pauline Fontaine. These are the people that physically spent the last two months making the basket drive happen, but without the continued support of the people in the community, it would not exist. Thanks for the beautiful lunch shared by all and prepared by the ladies of Paradise Village Fellowship committee. Our sincere and heartfelt thanks to all. We Wish you all a very Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year. Submitted by Yvonne Fontaine Godard- co chair


January 2014

Special Notice If your name is missing off the birthday list, please call: Noreen Watt

January Birthdays


Shirlee Christensen 204-422-9501

1 Jim Robertson 2 Steve Klowak 3 Larry Johnston 4 Martha Werry 7 Gordon Mills 7 Estelle Cook 8 Efie Lowing 9 Rene Brule 9 Lou LaBerge 11 Ron Gunn 12 James L'Esperance 14 Gary Foster 14 Doug Sheridan 16 Shirlee Christensen 15 Dolores Jolicoeur 16 Donna Mateychuk 16 Vida Bowyer 17 Doreen Bilyk 17 Emmy Grywacheski 18 Ruth Cunningham 19 Lynne Burns 19 Irene Kereluk 19 Cliff Smith 21 Heather Burnell 21 Joyce Coyle 21 Diane Vandal 25 Keith Purdom 25 Anna DeGrave 26 John Praymayer 28 Donna MacNeil 29 Dufresne, Raynard 29 Tedd Vidler 30 Jean Malazdrewicz 30 Linton Pointor 31 Lionel Meilleur



Special Birthday

Cards were sent to Bob Werry

Jim Robertson John Praymayer Jean Malazdreicz

Don Lorentz

Thank You We wish to thank all the wonderful people in Paradise Village who have given us cards, baking and all the words of encouragement. Your visits have been greatly appreciated as well. Please feel free to knock on our door anytime you are passing by, as we certainly enjoy your visits. We continue to recovery and look forward to the day Karen will be able to walk again.

In Sympathy

Neil Martens (Loss of his brother)

Hugs to All Jack and Karen Whitfield


January 2014

COUNCIL CORNER Submitted by Councillor Laurie Evans R.M. of Ste Anne Ward 6 December, 2013 With the onset of winter the usual questions regarding road clearance and sanding occur. The municipality has two snowplows and over 200 miles of roads that require plowing on both sides or 400 miles effectively. School bus routes are given priority followed by the most heavily used routes. Paradise Road falls into the second category. Our three operators are allowed to work a maximum of 14 consecutive hours without a rest break. The time required to clear roads depends on the amount of snow and wind conditions. Normally the plows wait until the snow has stopped, check to see where the worst drifting is and then decide where to start. Usually all roads are cleared in less than 20 hours but every situation is different. Sanding is done by a private contractor with Paradise Road having highest priority particularly at the intersections. The contractor has several contracts so does his best to alternate where he starts. Care and patience are essential during winter driving. The recycling at the mail boxes has been improved by having the “blue box”. Collections still occur on the 2nd and 4th Saturday of each month with the truck being on site from 1:30pm to 3:30pm on these days. We have arranged to have the box emptied an extra time if filled between pick ups. We are still getting too much garbage and we do not handle electronics waste. NO MORE TV’s – PLEASE! If you have any questions or concerns, please call our office ( 9:00am – 4:30pm) at 204-422-5929 or give me a call at 204-422-9327 at any time.



Florida Calling: Seasons Greetings to all our Paradise friends from Ila and Brian Cooper. What fun it is to get away every winter to enjoy the Florida Sunshine and 80 degree heat. We get a kick out of enjoying golf ($12 a round with cart), Caribbean cruising, outdoor swimming, cycling, BBQ’s, dinner theatres, shuffleboard...or just kicking back with a cool brewski and feeling the warm breeze across our foreheads. So much fun sharing thoughts and ideas with our Canadian and American friends...we’re so much alike. Loved watching our NHL Winnipeg Jets lay a beating on the Lightning at the Tampa Bay Forum in December-Tickets $12 US ..yeah! Wishing we could bundle all the Paradise residents up and fly you here for the festivities and relaxation. Guess for the time being you’ll just have to keep shovelling. Hugs to all in 2014.

Submitted by Brian & Ila Cooper

Editor note: All of us stuck here in our houses because of cold and snow are jealous as all get out-at least I am!


January 2014

Paradise Village News Village News Team: Editor


Distribution (Summer)

Eileen Squires 31 Nature Drive St. Anne MB. R5H 1H2 Phone: 204-422-5059

Les Hooper 12 Harmony St. Anne MB. R5H 0A2 Phone: 204-422-8583

Gail Tulloch 14 Sunset Drive Ste. Anne, MB. R5H 1H2 Phone 204-422-9981

You can contact us via e-mail: pvra20@yahoo.ca : Drop off articles for the newsletter, pictures, etc. at 31 Nature Dr.


Whist Results Nov 8 1st-Larry Menec 2nd-Julian Degrave


Cribbage Results 144

Nov 13 1st-Lionel Meilleur



2nd-Rick Mushrow


3rd-June Wyville


3rd-Jean Mushrow


Nov 15 1st-John Perrault


2nd-Barb Prior


2nd-Edie Grier


Nov 20 1st- June Wyville


2nd-Marilyn Verch


3rd-Jakob Harms


Nov 22 1st-Les Hooper


2nd-Larry Menec


3rd-Edie Grier


3rd-Jean Mushrow


Nov 29 1st-Eileen Squires


2nd-Les Hooper


3rd-Jim L’Esperance


3rd-John Perrault


Nov 27 There was cribbage on that evening but somehow the score sheets became misplaced. Congratulations to whoever the winners were. Dec 4 1st-Lionel Meilleur



2nd-Larry Menec


1st-Russ Prior


3rd-Vida Bowyer


3rd-Edie Grier


Dec 13 1st-Jim L’Esperance

Dec 10 1st-Lionel Meilleur



2nd-John Perreault


2nd-Julian DeGrave


3rd-Larry Menec


3rd-Barb Prior


Dec 20 1st-Larry Menec


Dec 18 1st-Jim L’Esperance


2nd-John Perrault


2nd-Wayne Johanesson


3rd-Julian DeGrave


3rd-Marilyn Verch


3rd-Les Hooper


Dec 6 1st-Barb Prior

Dec 27 1st-Eileen Squires


2nd-Larry Menec


3rd-June Wyville


Bridge has temporarily been suspended as most of the players are away for the winter. For the few that are still in the Village we will try to get together for a friendly game or two.

No cribbage on Christmas and New Years Day.

New location Coming soon

181 Central Ave Ste Anne MB (next door to grocery store)



January 2014

New Residents

Malcolm Tarry - 34 Nature Drive. - took possession of his new home on September 16, 2013, but didn't really move in until a few days ago. He comes all the way from Montreal. He seems very content and happy and now he will be closer to his 2 young granddaughters aged 2 & 4. Malcolm has lived in big cities most of his life and just felt it was time to get out of all that noise and traffic and chose to move to Paradise Village. . Malcolm, I know you have made the right choice. He thoroughly enjoys the peace, the quiet and the friendly people he has already met. He was previously employed with Air Canada. He has a daughter and 2 grandchildren in Montreal and a son and 2 granddaughters living close by. His interests are golfing and travelling. Welcome to Paradise Village and hope to see you at the many activities we talked about. ******************************************************************

Diane Hancocks - 26 Paradise Drive. Diane moved to Paradise Village from Woodridge, Manitoba on November 29, 2013. She wasn't quite unpacked when I went to welcome her but was happy to take a little break and tell me a bit about herself. Diane was a School Bus Driver and Driver Ed instructor, and she knows people in the Park who were also in the same employment. She told me the reason she moved here was to be closer to family. She has 4 children and 6 grandchildren. Diane likes the quietness and friendliness in the Park. She feels she has made the right choice by moving here and I certainly agree with her. She loves reading, ATVing and has really gotten into genealogy. I would like to again Welcome you to our beautiful Paradise Village and hope to see you at some of the activities offered here ********************************************************************* Submitted by Olga Baschak doug.rempel@century21.ca doug.rempel@century21.ca




For all you crafty pet owners. Turning the old T-shirts Into play toys for your playful dogs. Submitted by Diana McInnes

Continuous Eaves Troughs 31

January 2014

Resting on my lawn chair overlooking Sosua Bay I see in the distance on a mountain top a large statue of Jesus. He is standing there with outstretched arms overlooking the Atlantic ocean. I am reminded of the Jesus of history who beckons humanity to attach themselves to philosophy for life. As we are looking at the closure of another year and the about to enter another new year. Jesus is still the Christ and His call has not softened toward humanity. The life He offers is the only life that has true eternal value. Eternity without Jesus is unimaginable particularly in light of the continuing trauma we experience in our world. This trauma seems to be intensifying as time goes on. The peace and freedom that humanity is looking for can be found in no other but Jesus the Christ. As you view this new year I hope each reader has the ability to view it with optimism and enthusiasm. If not, take another look at Jesus and I am convinced you will experience the optimism and enthusiasm that you are looking for in life. Have a blessed New Year everyone. May the peace of Christ be truly yours.

Pastors Ben and Marjorie Funk.




January 2014

Travel News

Best Apps for Travelling Posted on November 25, 2013 by Goway Travel By Tracey Wallace, posted to mashable.com.

In our world of technology it only stands to reason that this would apply to the world of travel as well. I found this article that I would like to share as there are several apps here that could be very handy while travelling. We all know how much time can be spent finding something in a foreign country. Hope you find this useful and at the very least informative! 1.


Finding a public restroom in an unfamiliar city can be seriously stressful. It’s easy enough to stop in a Parisian cafe for a quick espresso that will buy your way into the bathroom, or some ceviche down in Ecuador — but what if you’re not so lucky? Cue SitOrSquat, the crowd sourced public restroom finder app that will show you public restroom options and ratings in your geographic area. For now, the app works best in major metropolitan cities, but the results will improve as more expats use them. SitOrSquat is free for download on iOS (Apple) or Android. 2. AroundMe AroundMe takes on the daunting task of finding a good nearby restaurant, movie theater and ATM location all in one fell swoop (close down each of the separate apps that were doing that for you). The app is free on iOS and Android, and is available is almost any language including English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Russian, traditional and simplified Chinese, Portuguese and Spanish. 3. XE Currency XE Currency allows you monitor up to 10 different currencies and calculates prices using an in-app currency converter. You can simply shake your phone to reset and reveal the current exchange rates (in Internet-free zones). The app also provides a minute-by-minute update of global stock markets. XE Currency is free on iOS and Android. 4. Wi-Fi Finder Never search the streets longingly for a coffee shop with Wi-Fi again. The Wi-Fi Finder, which alerts you to more than 650,000 locations with Wi-Fi in 144 countries, uses a GPS function to find the closest availability. It also informs you whether or not the Wi-Fi is free or not and provides the quickest directions to that location, after filtering by location types like cafe or hotel. You can also download all Wi-Fi locations for your city for reference later on, when you may be offline. The free download is available on iOS and Android devices. 5. Doctoralia You will undoubtedly need a doctor during your stay in a foreign country, and you can’t always rely on smiling ads on buses and park benches around town. This is where Doctoralia comes in. It’s a global platform for making doctors’ appointments that works in 21 countries. Each doctor on the platform has an associated phone number, location and starred review to help you make the most informed choice. The app is available on iOS and Android. Cont’d page 35 34


6.Smart Traveler Smart Traveler, created by the U.S. Department of State, is a necessary and free app that helps you out during international emergencies by sending travel alerts and warnings, vaccination information and details on the embassy. The app works on iOS and Android, and offers non-emergency functionality, like the ability to create an itinerary and “Know Before You Go” information about a specific destination, including road and public transit maps 7. HiConverter Conversion abroad isn’t just required when you’re figuring out currency; it also is necessarily to measure your shoe size and tell the temperature (among other things). HiConverter, a $0.99 app for iOS, does all the mind-bending calculation for you. 8. iTranslate The app translation market is saturated with many reliable options, and one we particularly like is iTranslate. The app translates more than 70 languages, provides extensive translation dictionaries and translates from text-tospeech and vice versa. It also romanizes characters in Chinese, Hindi, Russian, Thai, Korean and Greek. Another helpful feature offered is translating your emails, texts or tweets before hitting send. The app is free for iOS and Android. 9. HeyWire HeyWire offers something different: a meme generator. That means you can take a photo of the Eiffel Tower or the Great Wall of China, add a witty caption and send it off to your friends back home — without paying a penny (or whatever currency you’re using). The recipients don’t need the app to view your creation; you just need their phone numbers, and can send it directly for free. Apply filters to your memes, attach songs and even tweet them out from text to Twitter with no additional hassle. The app is free on IOS and Android and is available in English, Portuguese, simplified Chinese and SpanishFrench, Submitted by Shirley Noel PROUD TO BE A VIRTUOSO TRAVEL ADVISOR


January 2014

Pharmacie Seine Ste-Anne 422-8226 Dry Mouth and Aging

Researchers now know that healthy older adults do not produce less saliva. When older people do experience dry mouth, it is because they suffer from diseases that cause the condition, or because they take medications that produce dry mouth.

Signs and Symptoms Associated with Dry Mouth

Signs and Symptoms Saliva

Decreased amount


Foamy, thick and/or ropy Dry Rough or raw Red and sore


Tingly or burning sensation Altered or loss of taste


Difficulty with chewing and swallowing


Acid reflux Sensitivity to acidic, salty and spicy foods


Dental decay


Dry Cracked


Sores or split skin at the corners of the mouth Increased occurrence of bad breath Sulphur-like smell

Other signs not related to the mouth that are frequently observed include: Dry eyes Dry nose


Jim L’Esperance’s Adventure


After my wife and I retired in 1997 we bought a motor home to spend the winter in the USA (I was searching for an old car to restore). After travelling for 5 months from California to Alabama-with many stops in Vegas- we were heading back to Canada. We were travelling through Sioux City and I suggested we should stop and rent a room. That way we get a nice rest before finishing our trip back into Canada the next day. My wife agreed so we pulled into a nice motel with a great parking lot for our motor home, trailer and car. When I went in to book a room, they only had two available - the Honeymoon suites. I asked what was special about these rooms and they told me they had a Jacuzzi hot tub in the center of the room as well as a huge big screen TV. The price was right and after spending 5 months with me in the motor home, my wife deserved a break, so I booked the room. We decided to get a bucket of KFC Chicken at a nearby outlet and relax. Important details you need to know. We had a lot of laundry and we planned to wash it when we got home. Linda had bought me sweats at Walmart. They had a sale on and all that was left was one pair of xxl (much too big for me. So she bought me some suspenders to hold them up. I only needed them for one night so no one would see me in them. I had also dropped my upper set of false teeth in the sink and broke off one tooth in the front. I was going to get it fixed when we got home. When we got back to our room I put on my sweats and was sitting on the bed. Linda turned on the hot water in the Jacuzzi and started filling it. I was eating a piece of chicken when she got up and pushed a button on the hot tub. Suddenly water started shooting all over the room, it hit the TV first and then me on the bed. It was hot and Linda yelled “do something”. Between shots of water I got to the Jacuzzi and tried pushing buttons but I could not stop it. I then ran down the hall to the front desk (in my soaked sweats with suspenders, no shirt and broken tooth). There were several people trying to book a room and everyone ran back to our room with me, including several people we ran past in the hall. It was like a stampede and as we entered the room the Jacuzzi shut off. The manager then said ”didn’t you read the directions?” “ What directions?” I asked (there were none). The tub was not full when Linda put it on and the air was hitting the water that was just above the air outlet and and shooting it all around the room. Linda was standing near the Jacuzzi in her soaking wet nightgown while the manager and all the people who had come into the room were standing around the tub when it started shooting water again. It was on a timer. Boy , that water was hot and it was something watching them trying to get out of the room. Our bucket of chicken was full of water as well as our open suitcases. The bed was soaked so that they gave us the other room for the night. Contd on page 40…….


January 2014

9-1-1 EMERGENCY INFORMATION “Municipal Road 39E” “Civic Number 45084” Your street address (Example - “8 Paradise Drive”)



Ste. Anne Police


Hours: Mon - Fri

8:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.

Weekends - same number but calls are referred to Winnipeg and re-directed to Steinbach. Emergency Fire or Ambulance


Health Links


Ste. Anne Hospital


Doctor on Call


Seine Medical Centre


Seine Pharmacy


South Eastman Health


Paradise Village Phone Numbers Office


Office - Fax


Emergency Number


Rec Centre




Handy Persons to Call Wayne Pierce

Gerald Prairie

Commissioner For Oaths



Home levels, skirting, siding, repairs

Paradise Residences only Rob Edwards - 204-444-5733 Penn-Lite Electrical & Mechanical

Clean eaves trough, indoor or outdoor


maintenance, trim trees, etc.

Heating, Air Conditioning & Electrical Gil Ross - Ross Water Conditioners Ste. Marie Plumbing - Jim



Sales, Service & Installation

Cell - 204-371-6897

Cell - 204-371-6147

Plumbing, Water Softener, drains Jon Funk - Jons Deck Aid Les Whatford - Jock of All Trades


Cell: 204-381-1387

New & Refurbished Decks; Home Repair

Home Maintenance & Repairs Water Doctor Plumbing Services Inc. Gerry Craig

Call Les 24 hours

204-422-8245 Cell: 371-9165

Cell: 204-381-1387

Electrician & Furnace Servicing Total Package Moving - Jim Harms



Paul Gauthier 204-422-9099

Depot 204-422-5970 39

January 2014

Cont’d from page 37…… When we were leaving in the morning, I went to the front desk to offer to pay for any damages. There were people having a continental breakfast talking about the Jacuzzi incident and when I said that it was our room, they all started to laugh. I think we have a life time ban from Motel 6. As we were leaving, I heard someone say “it looks like they are deporting all the hillbillies to Canada from Arkansas and Kentucky these days” Submitted by Jim L’Esperance **Editor’s Note- This story was published a number of years back but there are now some newer residents who might enjoy the story. ************************************************************************

A lonely woman buys a parrot for companionship. After a week the parrot hasn’t uttered a word, so she goes back to the pet store and buys it a mirror. Nothing. The next week, she brings home a little ladder. Polly is still incommunicado, so the week after that she gives it a swing, which elicits not a peep. A week later she finds the parrot on the floor of its cage, dying. Summoning up its last breath, the bird whispers, Don’t they have any food at the pet store?”



Some of the attendees at our Christmas party at Richer.


January 2014

Please patronize your advertisers in the

Paradise Village News Advertisers Name


Advertisers Name


Access Mobility & Healthcare Supplies


Penner Performance Centre Ltd.


A.H. Glass Service Ltd.


Pet Vet


Amber Auto Service


Pharmacie Seine


Anni Markmann Financial Services


Pic n’ Pay Shoes


B. Vermette Back-Hoe Service Ltd.


Pro Hardware


Barkman Appliance Service


Royal LePage Riverbend Realty - Paul Hiebert


Century 21 - Doug Rempel


Reenders Square Eye Centre


Classy Cut ‘N Curls


Richer Inn


Fiola Insurance Agency / Ste. Anne Sundries


Ross water Conditioners


Fresh Looks


Sainte Anne Physiotherapy


G.P. Mobile Home Services


Seine River Motors




Simply Connected


Harvest Insurance Agency


Slimline Sun Rooms


Jock of All Trades




Jon’s Deck Aid


Ste. Anne Auto Body Ltd.


Keating Mechanical Service


Ste. Anne Chiropractic Clinic




Ste. Anne Co-op Oil Ltd.


Ledingham GM


Ste. Marie Plumbing


Oakwood Golf Course


Taelor Made Nails


Paws Aux Spa


Ti-Beauville Inn


Penn-Lite Electrical & Mechanical


Total Package Moving


Penner Paint & Body Works


Travel Professionals International - Shirley Noel


Uncle Jake’s Restaurant


Waldenway Canine & Kitty Camp Inc.


Water Doctor




Volunteer Drivers


There are residents in Paradise Village who

Bob & Hazel Hicks 204-422-5790

may need assistance to get to a medical

John Sluis

204-422-4111 (summer)

appointment in Ste. Anne, Lorette, Steinbach Norm Cunningham 204-422-9177 (summer) Al Wastle 204-422-5275 (summer) or Winnipeg. Arrangements as to times and donations towards gas and/or parking are


between the resident requiring assistance


and the resident driver. If you require assistance, you may call a driver directly or

Ragner Erlendson 204-422-5844


Laurie Evans


Doreen Leys


Syd Henderson


Because drivers are not always available, we

Victor Loewen


need to increase the number of volunteers.

Ursula Schlichter 204-422-4139

Pat Shaffer 204-422-5051

If you could help with this service, please call Pat or sign up at the Rec Centre.







1:00 pm Bowling At Steinbach


1:00 pm Bowling At Steinbach


1:00 pm Bowling At Steinbach


1:00 pm Bowling At Steinbach


January 2014


28 8:30 am- Coffee In Woodworking Shop until further notice 1:00 pm-Curling Richer Curling Club 7:00 pm-Woodcarving In Woodworking Shop

21 8:30 am- Coffee In Woodworking Shop until further notice 1:00 pm-Curling Richer Curling Club 7:00 pm-Woodcarving In Woodworking Shop

14 8:30 am- Coffee In Woodworking Shop until further notice 1:00 pm-Curling Richer Curling Club 7:00 pm-Woodcarving In Woodworking Shop

7 8:30 am- Coffee In Woodworking Shop until further notice 1:00 pm-Curling Richer Curling Club 7:00 pm-Woodcarving In Woodworking Shop

Garbage Day

Dec 31


Garbage Day

Garbage Day

7:00pm- Cribbage In Woodworking Shop until further notice

29 Garbage Day

7:00pm- Cribbage In Woodworking Shop until further notice


7:00pm- Cribbage In Woodworking Shop until further notice


7:00pm- Cribbage In Woodworking Shop until further notice

Garbage Day

Happy and Healthy New Year




1:00 pm Mahjong in homes until further notice


1:00 pm Mahjong in homes until further notice


8:30 am- Coffee 7 pm - Whist

1:00 pm Mahjong in homes until further notice

Both in Woodworking shop until further notice

8:30 am- Coffee 7 pm - Whist


Both in Woodworking shop until further notice

8:30 am- Coffee 7 pm - Whist


Both in Woodworking shop until further notice


Both in Woodworking shop until further notice

8:30 am- Coffee 7 pm - Whist


Both in Woodworking shop until further notice

3 8:30 am- Coffee 7 pm - Whist



1:00 pm Mahjong in homes until further notice


1:00 pm Mahjong in homes until further notice



1:15 pm - 3:00 pm Eastman Recycling At mailboxes 39N & 45E in La Coulee



1:15 pm - 3:00 pm Eastman Recycling At mailboxes 39N & 45E in La Coulee




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