PVRA Newsletter July 2019

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J ULY 2019


JULY 2019

Jenny says “who me?? She is the nicest typical female pooch. Noni’s granddaughter said “Grandma please take her or the pitbull will eat her.” So she is living the spoiled life with Naomi Daignault. Submitted by Naomi Daignault

JULY 2019 IN THIS ISSUE: PVRA News / Save the Date /Social Committee............. 3 & President’s Message / Paradise Village Cruisers / Newsletter Committee / Bulletin Boards................................ Words from the Editor / Calendar Highlights......................... Our PV Newsletter / Happy Hour / Best of MB ..................... Safety and Security in Your Homes....................................... Citizens on Patrol / Park Safety Letter ................................. Understanding Different types of Security Cameras............. Wildlife in the Village ............................................................. Old Time Dance .............................................................12 & Volunteers Needed / Craft Show........................................... Singles Potluck ..................................................................... Moving Sale / For Sale / Garage Sale................................... Birthdays & Occasions.......................................................... Joke Du Jour ........................................................................ Hobbyists of Paradise........................................................... Nesting Robins ................................................................... Birds of Paradise................................................................... Gardens of Paradise............................................................. Church Notice / Horseshoes ................................................ Card Scores ......................................................................... Crossword Puzzle ................................................................ Sudoku ................................................................................. Puzzle Answers / Services / Volunteer Drivers .................... Ladies’ Monday Golf / Mixed Golf Thursdays ....................... Word Search ........................................................................ Recipe of the Month ............................................................. Tabs for Wheelchairs / From the Tabman ............................ Education Property Tax Credit Changes............................... Welcome to New Residents ................................................. The Funny Bone ................................................................... My Gift To You ...................................................................... Adult Coloring ...................................................................... Advertiser’s Index / Membership Gift Card Winners ............ Newsletter Team / Ad Rates ................................................. Calendar ..............................................................................

4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 22 23 25 26 27 29 30 31 32 33 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44


2019-2021 Executive Members President: Rob Freeman - 204-422-5803, l_r_freeman@hotmail.com 1st Vice-President: George LeMay - 204-422-5156, gdlemay@hotmail.com 2nd Vice-President: Les Hooper - 204-422-8583, hoopele2001@yahoo.ca Treasurer: Debra Hallett - 204-422-5512, debralhallett@gmail.com Social: Pat Gibson - 204-620-2446 Secretary Edythe Pryor - 204-422-9992 Ottawagirl814@yahoo.ca Membership: Gay LeMay - 204-422-5156, glemay@hotmail.com Editorial: Haze Werner - 204-422-6918, pvranews55@gmail.com Kitchen: Donna Sandelli - 807-938-8241, sandellidonna@gmail.com House: Gene Porte - 204-422-6810

JULY 2019

PVRA Board Meeting The next PVRA Board meeting is July 19th. Anyone that has issues they want brought up at the board meeting, please send in writing, either by email or drop off a signed written request to Rob Freeman.

Next Social Committee Meeting will be on Friday July 22, 2019 at 1:00pm at the Recreation Centre

Save the Dates July 5 Happy Hour at the Hallett’s August 22nd Annual Corn Roast October 19th Thanksgiving Dinner Nov. 17th PVRA Christmas Craft Show & Sale

Newsletter by Email Delivery Option. Are you interested? I am offering email delivery of the newsletter, colour version, on a trial basis. The file is too large to email direct, but it does email with a download link via Google Drive. You receive an email with a link to the newsletter on Google Drive. From there you can either read it, or download it. Once you download it you can choose to print it all, or print select pages, i.e. the Calendar. If you would like to try out email delivery please email pvranews55@gmail.com. You will still receive the printed B&W version delivered to your home until you decide which option you prefer. There is already the option to view the colour version on issuu.com search PVRA. The nice thing about issuu.com is the archives of newsletters going back to 2014. You can sign up for a free account which will save your search as your home page, or you can just go to the site and search every time you want to view it. At issuu.com you can enjoy reading the newsletter in colour, but you can’t download it. I have found I can screen shot the pages on my iPad and print them from there. Haze Werner, Newsletter Editor

Paradise Village History Book There are copies of the Paradise Village History book available for anyone that does not have a copy and would like one, Please contact Gay Lemay if you would like a copy.

PVRA MEMBERSHIPS AND CHANGES TO YOUR INFORMATION CAN BE SUBMITTED BY CONTACTING: Gay Lemay, 6 Lakeview Dr., 204-422-5156 gdlemay@hotmail.com. Thanks so much!


President’s Message GREETINGS! The old saying “time flies when you are having fun” must be true....as here it is, almost July. June has always been a favourite month....”school’s out and the days are long”. Only 151 days until the end of the year....we won’t dwell on that, seems we just got rid of winter. The longer daylight hours have produced a flurry of activity.... having lent itself to many upgrades on the road repair, culverts, drainage... all much-needed to enhance the infrastructure throughout our beautiful park. We are thankful to Justin and his hard work on these upgrades. Residents have been busy on their gardens, and flowers are flourishing.... so many folks are definitely blessed with “green thumbs”. Just sit outside and smell the “roses” and delicious other scents of blossoming lilacs and other flowers/shrubs. The birds are so very happy and let us hear about it. We have it all here in Paradise Village - from A to Z, Aquatics, Bingo, Bridge, crafts/coffee, dances, darts, fun golf, horseshoes, line dancing, Mahjong, Walk away the Pounds, newsletter, social events, Texas Hold-Em, Whist, Zumba....where is the “Q” well Quoits of course, or quilting anyone! A big shout-out to all

of the folks who have volunteered to host or arrange these activities for our enjoyment. The Social and kitchen committees work hard to arrange and provide food for the many events that we are able to enjoy for just a nominal fee, and without having to leave the park. SOLD signs mean new residents are arriving...our membership committee will be visiting and welcoming new nesters. My wife recalls back in 1964 when her family moved from Manitoba to Ontario (Kenora) they were visited by the “Welcome Wagon”...and now we have “G’Day Golf Cart”....who will “meet and greet” our new neighbours with lots of information, and hopefully sign them up for memberships in P.V.R.A. Our Newsletter is a treasure trove of info on not only P.V., but the surrounding area. Wishing every resident of our Village a very happy, healthy summer...whether you travel to visit family and friends, load up your camper and spend time near the water; or just enjoy your beautiful homes and surroundings....July will soon be upon us....another reason to party and salute Canada on its 152nd birthday. Stay Safe! Rob Freeman

JULY 2019

Words from the Editor As this second newsletter which I have put together is nearing print, I must admit something. The hardest part of this position, so far, is writing the Words from the Editor. Panic sets in as I think of putting words down. Words that are inspiring and insightful? Nah, not from me! So bear with me, hoping this might get easier as the months progress. (you are allowed to laugh at this point). This month’s newsletter features information on

Home Safety and camera monitor systems. I hope you find this information useful. Because of copyright laws, I could not reprint the article I found most informative. I have included the link to PCMag, google search words so it comes up at the top of the search, and an outline of the article contents. Debbie Griffiths did some research and reports on Citizens on Patrol, Ludwick Jarko has submitted a letter he wrote to management and I have

included information from the RCMP Senior Safety pamphlet. Also in this issue are some great photos taken by Debbie Griffiths and Larry Trush of birds and wildlife seen around the village. They are fabulous in colour, so I hope members take advantage of the new delivery option I am offering….receive the colour pdf of the newsletter in your email inbox! See how to sign up for this on the PVRA News page. As road construction

gets underway at the park entrance I had the opportunity to drive down the back lane of Paradise Drive. I now see why those residents complain about the dust! It is bad! Much worse than the dust we get from the lane on Nature. Please respect your fellow residents and drive SLOW when entering and exiting the park using the Paradise back lane. Until next month, Happy Reading! Haze Werner

Highlights from Calendar of Activities Mah-jong – Thursdays from 1pm to 3pm. “Similar to the Western card game rummy, Mah-jong is a game of skill, strategy, and calculation and involves a degree of chance. The game is played with a set of 144 tiles based on Chinese characters and symbols, although some regional variations may omit some tiles or add unique tiles.” From Wikipedia I popped by the rec centre today to see a Mahjong game in action. Only 3 ladies were playing this fun game, however they have as many as 8 on any

given Thursday. They letters. tact me at 204-422-6918 play American Mah-jong, If you want to know about or email pvranews55@ recently learned Siamese, a certain activity, con- gmail.com or two-person, Mah-jong and some play Marvelous Mah-jong. Come on down and join in! Easy to learn and the regular players have lots of patience to teach new players the ropes. With tile names like Bam, Crack, Dot, Dragons, Winds, Jokers and Flowers what’s not to like? Walkaway the Pounds will stop for the summer and restart in September More activity highlights to follow in future news- Mah-jong


Our Paradise Village Newsletter The Heartbeat of Paradise The first wave of new residents to settle here in 1991 felt a need to record a detailed history, including news of the park, its residents, and the scores of stimulating activities for 55+ seniors. Urgent news needed a messenger. A newsletter was born. What a time this was. Here was an opportunity to take a leap of faith into an exhilarating and totally refreshing new lifestyle for so many retirees who dared to escape to the peaceful woodland forest in Paradise just beyond the perimeter of the big city. Such a huge step into the unknown for those who stayed, made their mark, left their footprints. Back in the day our burgeoning newsletter was initially named “The Paradise Village Chronicle”. It consisted of 4-8 pages, published monthly, and was the primary means of presenting information and local advertising to residents other than the telephone or a walkabout. Circulation at that time rose to 50 copies and was produced on the first editor’s computer and home printer. Across the years eight volunteer editors have guided and expanded the newsletter’s huge success. Moving forward, today’s Paradise Village Newsletter is a volunteer effort by residents with professionals for the desk-top publishing and printing. It’s objective continues to be one of providing a source of information, entertainment, photographs, commercial advertising and news about residents and our village. Advertising revenue helps offset printing costs and provides income to purchase equipment for PVRA issues. It’s safe to speculate that it’s the one piece of park history most likely found on resident’s coffee tables. A highlight of major significance during Debbie Kokil’s tenure as our recent editor is the permanent online, colour archiving of each issue for the last 4 years. Our park’s history will live on. More recently, the immediacy of Facebook presents quick access to local information of value to many residents. In addition, the park’s three billboards at mailbox sites and the rec centre serve to display current event information. Now for a happy parting thought, ask yourself what you can do to support your local newsletter. By Brian Cooper


JULY 2019

Safety and Security in Your Homes In light of the recent break-ins and attempted break-ins in our community the PVRA had an RCMP Constable speak to us on neighbourhood safety at the Annual General Meeting. I did not receive a transcript of that presentation so I am sharing the following information from the RCMP Guidebook to Safety and Security. Below is a link to the complete book, and an excerpt that applies directly to our recent situation. I hope you find some valuable information in this. Google search “RCMP senior guidebook”. http://www.rcmp-grc.gc.ca/en/seniorsguidebook-safety-and-security Safety AT Home Most people feel safe in their home. Yet, many Canadians fail to take even fundamental precautions to secure their homes against robbery. There are some precautions you can take that will reduce the opportunities that a burglar is looking for. Prevention tips · Conduct a security check of your home to determine possible entry points and any weaknesses they may have. · Keep all entrances and garages well-lit at night. · don’t leave tell-tale signs that you are away, such as leaving your curtains undrawn at night, an absence of a car in the driveway, dark house (lights off) and

telling your friends and family on social media about an upcoming holiday. · Install good locks and always use them. · Install a wide-angle viewer in your front door which allows you to see visitors before you open the door. · Never open a door to strangers without credentials. · Change your routine often. Burglars often watch activities in a neighbourhood. · Don’t keep large amounts of money in your home. · Mark valuable items for identification. The operation identification program has been developed by police to assist people in marking their property.

· Keep valuables in a safety deposit box at your bank. If this isn’t possible, keep them locked up in a reasonable hiding place in your home Tip: A few inexpensive but rich-looking pieces kept in the jewelry box as a decoy may deter criminals from further damaging your home in search of valuables. Away from home It is important to take extra care in securing your home when you are going to be away for any extended time. Not only should your home be secure but it should also appear lived in. Prevention tips · Lock all windows, doors and garages before you

leave. · Leave a radio playing to show that someone is home. · Leave one or two lights on, if possible operated by timers that turn on according to how dark it is. · Stop mail and newspaper deliveries. · Arrange to have someone pick up any newspapers, mail or flyers left on your doorstep. · Leave a key with someone you trust. · Let a trusted neighbour know you’re going to be away, for how long and where they can contact you if necessary. · Arrange to have someone cut the grass or shovel the snow if you plan to be away for several days.

Be aware of happenings in your neighbourhood and report suspicious activity to the authorities. Check on your neighbours. Call 911 if you suspect a crime is in progress or has occured!

Citizen On Patrol Program (C.O.P.P.) At the last General Meeting I had suggested that we might consider starting a COPP (Citizens on Patrol Program) for our community due to the most recent break-in/ assault in our neighbourhood. The initial step would be to contact the Manitoba COPP Provincial Coordinator or our law enforcement office. A representative would come out to meet with us and provide the necessary information to help us decide whether we want to organize a group for our community. If we decide to organize the program we would then need to get approval from our local law enforcement. Once we get approval we will then need to establish an executive, apply to join the Manitoba COPP, establish policies and procedures, arrange and participate in volunteer training, obtain equipment schedule volunteers and finally patrol. The executive committee would consist of a Police Liaison Officer, Program Coordinator, Assistant Program Coordinator/Co-coordinator, Secretary-Treasurer, etc. As much as I think that we as residents of Paradise Village Community need to feel that we are living in a safe place, setting up a COPP committee might be a bit tasking. I will contact the RCMP in Steinbach to get more information regarding the Rural Crime Watch Program. With the assistance of the RCMP I would hope that we could have a COPP of Paradise Village on a much smaller scale by just doing simple things like watching out for our neighbour, knowing our neighbours vehicles, noting suspicious or unfamiliar vehicles driving in the community at odd hours of the day. I believe we have a lot of residents who walk their pets during different times of the day who could also take note of any unusual activities. Feeling safe in and out of our homes is definitely a priority, so as a community let’s see what we can do for little or no cost to ourselves or Management. I will keep you posted. Submitted by Debbie Griffiths


BELOW IS A LETTER YOUR PAST-PRESIDENT WROTE ADDRESSED TO MANAGEMENT ABOUT SECURITY IN THE PARK May 21, 2019 Paradise Village Management and Owner; At our most recent General Meeting, “Security within the Park” was a major discussion amongst the residents which included a presentation from a representative of the RCMP. Many ways to prevent issues occurring again within the Park were discussed. Suggestions brought up were: closing of the back West gates at nightfall, security cameras placed throughout the Park, fencing along the entire North perimeter as well as the entire West perimeter, residents forming a C.O.P. (Citizens on Patrol) to patrol the grounds during the night, management and owners to supply security personnel during the night. The local RCMP representative was in favour of all these suggestions. We, as your tenants, would appreciate some “feed-back” as to your thoughts regarding this issue, and what suggestions you may have regarding any or all of the ideas brought forward at our meeting We are willing to sit down and discuss these safety issues and perhaps together, we can arrive at a mutual solution that will satisfy our concerns and keep your Park safe from any future incidents. We await your decision regarding any of the solutions brought forward in this letter. Thanking you in advance. As always, I can be reached at 204-4228364 or by email at lrjarco@hotmail.com. Regards, Ludwik Jarco (Past) President, PVRA

JULY 2019


Understanding Different Types of Security Cameras There are a few essential specifications to look for when choosing a security camera. If you’re leaning towards a monitored system, start by comparing providers and offers to pick the perfect one for your home. Wireless vs. wired security cameras Wireless cameras are easy to install and reposition, but you’ll want to check the battery levels periodically to ensure they’re fully powered. Some battery-operated outdoor security cameras require a small hole to mount the camera outside. Other wireless surveillance cameras come with adhesive mounting tools free from drilling and easy to remove from rental properties. Wired security cameras may require professional installation and drilling to connect it to a power outlet to power the security camera recording system. DIY vs. monitored security camera systems Do-it-yourself (DIY) home security system can be cost-effective and convenient with online portals and smart technology. But, keep a few facts in mind. Most DIY surveillance systems don’t automati-

cally connect 24/7 monitoring services to always keep you alert. Some come with limited support and may be more expensive in the end. Monitored home security system from leading providers offer automatic emergency notifications and services even when you’re away. Your home is always connected to a service to control and support your safety concerns with ease. Article taken from https:// www.safety.com/surveillance-systems where there are also reviews of specific camera models.

Another Great Article: See https://www.pcmag.com/roundup/366149/ the-best-outdoor-home-security-camera In Google search enter “PCMAG Best Outdoor Home Security 2019” and the link will be at the top. Scroll down past the list of camera reviews to the article. It includes information on: · What Is the Best Security Camera for Outside? · How Do Outdoor Security Cameras Work? · What Type of Weather Can Outdoor Security Cameras Handle? · What Resolution Do You Want? · Do You Need Motion and Sound Detection? · How Is Video Stored? · What Else Do Outdoor Security Cameras Work With? · How Much Should You Spend on an Outdoor Security Camera?



Wildlife in the Village We have all heard, if not seen, the deer, the bears, the rabbits. There is lots of wildlife in and around the Village. Here are just a few. (Photos taken by Debbie Griffiths and by Larry Thrush)

JULY 2019

“Old Timers� Burn UP the Floor Mr. Ray Belisle, our resident video DJ, belted out a steady stream of non-stop golden oldies music from years gone by that kept the Rec Centre dance floor hopping with 75 party-goers on June 15th. This was a time for celebration and libation as residents who were snowbound here all winter reignited their friendships and laughter with the return of the snowbirds. So much chatter, storytelling and camaraderie ensued. Amid the festivities the Social Committee served up a light lunch, while Sharon Freeman won the door prize of a lovely petunia basket and DarquiseCrotenko walked away with the 50/50 prize of $100 cold cash. Another thumbs-up even by your PVRA. By Brian Cooper




JULY 2019


V0LUNTEER NEEDED!! NEEDED – A VOLUNTEER TO COORDINATE THE WINTER DELIVERY OF THE NEWSLETTER! (pick-up sorted newsletter delivery bags and drop off at the delivery person for each street)



Singles Potluck May 2019

The weather man cooperated as the rain stopped just prior to our meeting at the home of Silvia Steinhilber. Consequently, Sylvia hurriedly moved the meeting place on to the deck. It was a perfect location for the crowd of 21 plus 3 dog guests! A newcomer, Ray McAdam attended for the first He was accompanied by his delightful Maltese dog “Bunny� They both really fit in. Thank you to Silvia for hosting this event. There was a surprise appearance of Vic Loewen as he drove up on his scooter

accompanied by Darlene. It was super to see both of them. Victor shared birthday honours with Joy and they were presented with a luscious cake which, of course, was shared with the crowd. Plans for miniature golf and the trip to Assiniboia Downs will be discussed at our next gathering. The Next Singles Potluck will be on Monday July 8th, 5 pm at the home of Gerry Kiyan 69 Nature Drive. Please call 204 930 7579 if you plan to attend.

JULY 2019


MOVING SALE 45 Nature Drive. For information call Lou Small at 204-422-6102


GARAGE SALE I would like to thank all the volunteers who helped me with the garage sale. Hot dog sales raised $300.00 that was donated to the Ste. Anne Food Bank. Thank You, Barb Millman


Kellee Reid, a Certified (Diabetic) Foot Care Nurse is ready to come to your home if you are in need of this service. Offered every 6 weeks. For more information please contact the Resource Coordinator, Juliette Rowan @ 204424-5285 to register and become a client.




July Birthdays 1 Ragnar Erlendsen 2 Stephen Davidge 2 Shirley Kozielec 4 Liz Sluis 5 Barb Coltman 6 Doreen Kruger 6 Art Davis 7 Craig Ross 8 Garry Dirr 8 Paul Ratte 8 Aline Green Cotnoir 10 Carrie Cascagnette 10 Ken Watt 11 Sharon Zappe 13 JoAnne Danielson 14 Joyce Lindsay 14 Doug Kosheluk 14 Karen Whitfield 14 Frank Koltalo 16 Sherran Ross

16 Ernie Obirek 17 Judy Burnell 17 Rene Gautron 17 John Heide 18 Jerry MacNeil 19 Lea Main 19 Jackie Herner 20 Ila Cooper 23 Flo Bergeron 24 Pat Purdom 25 Gail Baldwin 25 Rose-Anna Fiola 26 Diane Hancocks 27 Ken Hause 28 Joe Droux 29 Elvira Wiens 29 June Moyle 31 Linda LaBerge 31 Patricia Simister 31 John Gara

July Milestone Birthdays 1 – Ragnar Erlendson 12 – Gaylene Prutts 14 – Joyce Lindsay 18 Gerry MacNeil 23 Flo Bergeron 28 Joe Droux

11 Leonard and Dora Friesen

7 Willie and Edith Pryor

Thinking of you... John DeGueldre Condolences to the Family & Friends of Verna Robertson. Verna passed away on May 18, 2019 Condolences to the Family & Friends of Victor Loewen. Vic passed away on Thursday June 27. Our Prayers and thoughts are with all of you.

Linda Burfoot

Please contact Doreen Leys 204-422-8273 or Shirlee Christensen 204-422-9501 to let us know about any birthday mistakes, anniversaries, illnesses or loss of a loved one. We apologize if you have been forgotten... it probably was because we were unaware. Sincerely Doreen and Shirlee

JULY 2019


Joke Du Jour DEAR DIARY - DAY 1 All packed for the cruise ship -- all my nicest dresses, swimsuits, shortsets. Really, really exciting. Our local Ladies Bowls Club – ‘The Late Bloomers’ decided on this “all-girls” trip. It will be my first one - and I can’t wait! DEAR DIARY - DAY 2 Entire day at sea, so beautiful. Saw whales and dolphins. Met the Captain today -- seems like a very nice man. DEAR DIARY - DAY 3 At the pool today. Did some shuffleboard, hit golf balls off the deck. The Captain invited me to join him at his table for dinner. Felt honored and had a wonderful time. He is very attractive and attentive. DEAR DIARY - DAY 4 Won £800 in the ship’s Casino. The Captain asked me to have dinner with him in his own cabin. Had a scrumptious meal complete with caviar and champagne. He asked me to stay the night, but I declined. Told him I could not be unfaithful to my husband. DEAR DIARY - DAY 5 Pool again today. Got really sunburned, and I went inside for a drink at the piano-bar and to cool down; stayed there for rest of day. The Captain saw me, bought me several large drinks. Really is quite charming. Again asked me to visit his cabin for the night. Again, I declined. He told me, if I did not let him have his way with me, he would sink the ship... I was shocked. DEAR DIARY - DAY 6 Today I saved 2600 lives. Twice !



Hobbyists of Paradise

Harold’s favourite trains are a 1956 diesel, and a 1967 CP Rail train.

Harold in his train room

Hi everyone, Haze, our new editor, was looking for some new material to publish monthly; and as a group we decided to feature some of our residents and their very unique and interesting hobbies. This month I went over to visit Harold and Judy. This is Harold’s Hobby. The Railroad Room Harold and Judy have lived in Paradise for over 11 years, and surprisingly tucked neatly behind their garage is an amazing room dedicated to “The Railroad Room” Harold worked for CP Rail for over 31 years, which lead to his passion for trains, so 14 years ago after his retirement he began collecting and building replicas of model trains and railways. He has built an N Scale Model Railroad, with the scale ratio being 1:160. Harold built almost everything on his display by hand. The mining mountain is made from newspaper,

glue and putty. The trees are made from wire and green foam. His railroad table display is made from various products. He uses plywood and wooden doors to build the bench and supporting structure for his trains and tracks. He also uses Styrofoam and cork board to create a platform and the terrain. Styrofoam is also used to make the scenery. He buys sand from a hobby shop and or makes his own to create a base for the tracks. The tracks are glued down and once they are laid he covers them with a glue spray. Each section of track is controlled by a switch. He also has the whole railroad registered into a computer so he can run up to 10 trains at the same time. Most of the trains were purchased at hobby shops in Winnipeg, with some costing as much as $360.00. Everything in this room is dedicated to the railroad. Their walls are covered with posters, pictures and puzzles

Replica of Port Churchill Grain Elevator.

The Mining Mountain is made from newspaper, glue and putty.

of different trains. In the corner is an original signal lantern which once ran off kerosene (this has since been converted to electrical). Harold has a put a lot of

time and energy into building his hobby into something truly spectacular. Thank you for sharing your hobby with the rest of us. By Jo Kehler

JULY 2019




JULY 2019


Nesting Robins In May a pair of Robins nested in a poplar tree in our yard. The strange part of the nesting pair was that a third Robin joined in and helped with the feeding, etc. I contacted a couple of birders and they both agreed it was a strange thing indeed. A couple of theories they threw back at me, it could have been an “interloper’ &/ or an offspring from the previous year. It had the markings of a male Robin, but with a few white splotches here and there. It helped with the feeding, etc., but did not sit on the eggs or the fledglings. The tree was only about eight feet from one of our rooms and was able to capture the little ones progress right through the window. Mother Nature provided us with a great experience. Larry Trush



Birds of Paradise

In June Leo Langlois spotted a Red-headed Woodpecker in Paradise. It has been added to the Birds of Paradise list. Anyone observing a bird not on the list, contact me at 204293-7697 and it will be added. Larry Trush

American Coot American Goldfinch American Kestrel American Redstart American Robin American Tree Sparrow American White Pelican American Woodcock Bald Eagle Baltimore Oriole Barn Swallow Barred Owl Black & White Warbler Belted Kingfisher Blue Jay Blue-winged Teal Bohemian Waxwing Brewer’s Blackbird Brown Creeper Brown Thrasher Bufflehead Duck Canada Goose Cape May Warbler Catbird Cedar Waxwing Chickadee Chipping Sparrow Clay-colored Sparrow Common Egret

Common Flicker Common Merganser Common Nighthawk Common Redpoll Common Sandpiper Common Snipe Common Yellowthroat Warbler Cooper’s Hawk Cowbird Crow Double-crested Cormorant Downy Woodpecker Eastern Bluebird Eastern Kingbird European Starling Evening Grosbeak Fox Sparrow Grackle Gray Jay Great Blue Heron Great Grey Owl Hairy Woodpecker Harris’ Sparrow Hermit Thrush Hoary Redpoll Hooded Merganser House Sparrow House Wren

Indigo Bunting Junco Killdeer Lesser Scaup Loggerhead Shrike Magpie Mallard Duck Meadowlark Mourning Dove Northern Cardinal Northern Hawk Owl Northern Waterthrush Oven Bird Peregrine Falcon Pied-billed Grebe Pileated Woodpecker Pine Grosbeak Pine Siskin Purple Finch Purple Martin Raven Red-bellied Woodpecker Red-breasted Merganser Red-breasted Nuthatch Red-eyed Vireo Red-headed Woodpecker Red-winged Blackbird Ring-necked Pheasant Rose-breasted Grosbeak

Ross’ Goose Ruby-crowned Kinglet Ruby-throated Hummingbird Ruffed Grouse Sandhill Crane Sharp-shinned Hawk Screech Owl Sharptail Grouse Snowy Owl Song Sparrow Spotted Sandpiper Spruce Grouse Tree Swallow Trumpeter Swan Whip-poor-will White-breasted Nuthatch White-throated Sparrow Wilson’s Phalarope Wood Duck Wood Thrush Yellow-rumped Warbler Yellow Warbler Yellow-bellied Sapsucker

JULY 2019




GARDENS IN PARADISE Well here we are June 20th... where has spring gone? Tomorrow (June 21st) will be the 1st day of summer and by the looks of things, our gardeners are well ahead of the game. Hi, I am Debbie Griffiths from Nature Drive. Haze Werner has had a couple of residents mention how lovely our community looks for the outstanding gardens and manicured lawns. So, as a new feature to our monthly newsletter I will be talking about those beautiful gardens. I have already been out walking and I am taking pictures (with the permission on the resident) of what the Village has to offer. As I am an amateur myself in gardening I will not only be able to meet some new and longtime residents, I think I will definitely pick up some of my own gardening tips. Who knows maybe my garden will be featured somewhere along the line (I won’t get too excited, as it won’t be happening for quite some time). Not only will I be featuring some of our floral gardens but also some of our wonderful vegetable gardens. So let’s get things started by featuring some of the community gardens in the Village. As you many know these gardens were planted by

Main Entrance garden

Jill and her group of volunteers. They did a great job at the main entrance to the Village welcoming not only residents but visitors and prospective buyers. Just past the entrance on the north side of Nature Drive we have another beautiful garden with a variety of plants and if you are picking up your mail at the west end of Nature stop and smell the variety of flowers the group has planted there. Not only do we have the beautiful plants that we are all planting but we have some beauty in our pond that Mother Nature herself has given us. No fuss with these plants just let them do their thing – the lily pad. How gorgeous. On my journey through the park I was surprised to see the variety of lilac bushes and trees. Next month I will have an interesting story to tell you about the lilac flower.

Nature Drive West Garden

So this is just the start for residents to have the opportunity to enjoy the beauty of the Gardens in Paradise. If you are interested in showcasing your garden or you have a neighbour who might have an interesting garden you can email me at dlgriff2@shaw.ca or call Debbie at 204781-0463. Who knows maybe your garden will be in our next newsletter.

Nature Drive East Garden

Lily Pad on Nature pond)

JULY 2019


Horseshoes begin It’s here, Spring! Horseshoes on Thursdays at 10:00 am. Learn how to play. We welcome both men and women. Weather permitting. See you there! 3 points for a ringer 2 points for a leaner 1 point closest to the peg

Join us for a

Coffee Gathering Sunday July 7th & 21st 10:30 AM at the Rec Hall For more info call: Jean Mushrow 204-972-0381



June Playing Card Scores

JULY 2019





JULY 2019


Sudoku PET SITTING Services

No Overnights At My Home Call Marilyn 204-422-6290




Resident Services Residents who wish to provide other residents with professional business support. Contact the newsletter email pvranews55@gmail.com to pass along your information if you want to be on this list. Thank you. Commissioner for Oaths Wayne Pierce Free to Paradise Residents Call: 204-422-9116 Repair and Regrip Golf Clubs Dennis Michaud $6.00 and up. Call or text 204-392-4157 The PVRA provide only this list of services provided by residents in the community but are not responsible for any disputes between parties if you choose to use the services.

Ward 6 Councillor, RM of Ste. Anne Randy Eros 204-371-2959

Volunteer Drivers DRIVERS WHO WILL USE EITHER THEIR OWN OR THE RESIDENT’S VEHICLE: Ragnar Erlendson 204-422-5844 Syd Henderson 204-422-6290 Herb Inch 204-422-5849 Doreen Leys 204-422-8273 Leo Langlois 204-422-9496 DRIVERS WHO PREFER TO USE THEIR OWN VEHICLE: Al Wastle 204-422-5275 John Sluis 204-422-4111

JULY 2019

Paradise Ladies Monday Golf Thank you to all the lovely ladies who turned out on Monday, May 13th to enjoy the beautiful weather and our opening day for our Paradise Ladies Monday Golf at Oakwood. Our opening day was a scramble which was won by the team of Joy Morrison, Carol Somerville and Connie Delyea. Congratulations ladies. We encourage you to come out and enjoy a game of golf with our group of lady golfers. Our t-times are every Monday (except holidays) at 1:00 pm. For further information please contact Ruth Jarco at 422-8364 or Joy Morrison at 422-8080. We would love to hear from you.


Paradise Village Thursday Mixed Golf All men and women golfers are invited to join us every Thursday afternoon for a weekly game of golf at the Oakwood Golf and Country Club. Our t-time is 2:00 pm, BUT please be at the club house by 1:30pm to sign up. For further information call Kerry Fulford at 837-9662 or Ralph Brooke at 422-5860




JULY 2019




Recipe of the Month Lemon Lasagna

JULY 2019


Looking Forward to presenting these two young men with their specialized wheelchairs in June 2020 Jasper is 5 years old and will be attending Kindergarten in the fall at Riverview School in Brandon. He was born with HIE (hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy). This is a type of brain damage that occurs when an infant’s brain doesn’t receive enough oxygen and blood at birth and this leads to cerebral palsy. Jasper was also diagnosed with epilepsy, has hearing aids and is non-verbal. He doesn’t ambulate and currently depends on family for mobility. Despite these challenges, he is a very delightful little boy who loves books, being read to, swimming and spending time with his grandparents.

He is extremely bright, understands a lot of what is being said to him, and can navigate really well on an iPad. He is looking forward to receiving a Power Wheelchair.

Isaac is 8 years old and is presently in Grade 3 at Luxton School in Winnipeg. He was born with spina bifida. Isaac is a fan of sports and the arts. He loves watching all kinds of sports, especially the Winnipeg Jets. He’s also active in sledge hockey & wheelchair basketball. Isaac loves a good musical as well and takes piano and acting lessons. He greatly enjoys acting and played Tiny Tim in the play “A Christmas Carol” at the Manitoba Theatre Centre two years ago. His wish is to have his very own sport wheelchair.

A Reminder from the Tabman! I went to crush cans and found a lot of garbage in the bags also plastic water bottles. We only collect pop cans and beer cans and tabs. Please remove the tabs from the cans.They are worth 10c per pound more than cans.



JULY 2019


Welcome New Residents to Paradise Village JUne 2019 Allan and Christine Martin 16 Paradise Drive Ph: 204-422-4093 Allan and Christine moved into Paradise Village on May 21, 2019. They moved here from Winnipeg. Allan worked for Waverly Chrysler as the chief controller (accountant) for 15 years. Christine worked for Boeing in customs and traffic for 14 years. They both enjoy golfing and reading and Allan also likes fishing. They have a trailer at River Hills to relax at. They have two children, a boy and a girl. Their daughter lives in England and their son lives in Mitchell. Both of their children are single. We welcome you to Paradise Village and hope you enjoyed living here.

Ray Wentz and Sharon Freeman 8 Lakeview Drive Ph: 345-3875/ Please welcome Carla 431-998-1243 to Paradise Village. She moved her on April 25, Ray and Sharon purchased 2019 from Lockport, MB, their home in Oct 2018 but mainly to be closer her didn’t move in until April 1, 2019. Ray moved from family. Employment: Carla re- Lac Du Bonnet and Shatired in 2013 from Atomic ron from Winnipeg. Energy where she was Ray and Sharon are both a Chemical Technolo- still working. Ray is the gist. She previously had general manager of Suworked at Standard Aero, perior Walls and has been and at a Cosmetic Manu- there for 5 years. Previously he owned Bonfacturer. Hobbies & Interests: Car- netwood Homes buildla likes fishing, reading, ing timber frame and log swimming, walking and homes. Sharon is the seyoga. She also loves gar- nior blind/shade designer dening, so pretty much, at Home Depot. Before just being outdoors. She has one son living in Oak Bank, (who has recently been stationed in Ste Anne), one grandson who is 6, and a granddaughter who is expected to arrive around June 10, 2019. Welcome Carla, we hope that you enjoy living here in Paradise. Carla Provencal 31 Sunset Drive PH: 204-422-6001

“Reflections” Photo taken by Debbie Griffiths

that she owned a chain of restaurants in Medicine Hat, Alberta. Ray’s hobbies are woodworking and quading. Sharon likes public speaking and has been involved in Toastmasters for 41 years. She is a self-confessed news “junkie”. Ray has 2 daughters one living in Winnipeg and one in Lac Du Bonnet. He also has 3 grandchildren. Sharon and Ray are enjoying Paradise Village so far and will be getting married in the Rec Centre in August. Join me in welcoming them to the village and wishing them all the best in their married life



The Funny Bone Travel To Heaven An 85 year old couple, having been married almost 60 years, had died in a car crash. They had been in good health the last ten years mainly due to her interest in health food, and exercise. When they reached the Pearly Gates, St. Peter took them to their mansion which was decked out with a beautiful kitchen and master bath suite and Jacuzzi. As they “oohed and aahed” the old man asked Peter how much all this was going to cost. “It’s free,” Peter replied, “this is Heaven.” Next they went out back to survey the championship golf course that the home backed up to. They would have golfing privileges everyday and each week the course changed to a new one representing the great golf courses on earth. The old man asked, “what are the green fees?”.

Peter’s reply, “This is heaven, you play for free.” Next they went to the club house and saw the lavish buffet lunch with the cuisines of the world laid out. “How much to eat?” asked the old man. “Don’t you understand yet? This is heaven, it is free!” Peter replied with some exasperation. “Well, where are the low fat and low cholesterol tables?” the old man asked timidly. Peter lectured, “That’s the best part...you can eat as much as you like of whatever you like and you never get fat and you never get sick. This is Heaven.” With that the old man went into a fit of anger, throwing down his hat and stomping on it, and shrieking wildly. Peter and his wife both tried to calm him down, asking him what was wrong. The old man looked at his wife and said, “This

is all your fault. If it weren’t for your blasted bran muffins, I could have been here ten years ago!

the hole in. After a while I had to ask, “Why do you dig a hole, only to have your partner follow behind and fill it up again?” Stick To The Plan The hole digger wiped his brow and sighed, I was observing two “Well, I suppose it probmen that were working ably looks odd because for the public works de- we’re normally a threepartment. person team. One would dig a hole But today the lad who and the other would fol- plants the trees called in low behind him and fill sick.”

JULY 2019

My Gift To You

Submitted by Frank Leys “One day I had lunch with some old friends. Jim, a short, balding golfer type, about 85-years old, came along with them; all in all, it was a pleasant bunch. When the menus were presented, my friends and I ordered salads, sandwiches, and soups, except for Jim who said, “A large piece of home-made apple pie, heated please.” I wasn’t sure my ears heard him right, and the others were aghast, when Jim continued, completely unabashed ... “along with two large scoops of vanilla ice cream.” We tried to act quite nonchalant, as if people did this all the time, but when our orders were brought out, I didn’t enjoy eating mine. I couldn’t take my eyes off of Jim as I watched him savoring each bite of his pie a-la-mode. The

40 other guys just grinned in disbelief as they silently ate their lunches. The next time I went out to eat, I called Jim and invited him to join me. I lunched on a white meat tuna sandwich, while he ordered a chocolate parfait. Since I was chuckling, he wanted to know if he amused me. I answered, “Yes, you certainly do, but you also confuse me. How come you always order such rich desserts, while I feel like I must be sensible in my food choices?” He laughed and said, “I’m tasting all that is possible for me to taste. I try to eat the food I need and do the things I should in order to stay healthy, but life’s too short, my friend. I hate missing out on something good. This year I realized how old I was.” He grinned. “I’ve never been this old before, so, while I’m still here, I’ve decided it’s time to try all those things that, for years, I’ve been

ignoring.” He continued, “I haven’t smelled all the flowers yet. There are too many trout streams I haven’t fished. There’s more fudge sundaes to wolf down and kites to be flown overhead. There are too many golf courses I haven’t played. I’ve not laughed at all the jokes. I’ve missed a lot of sporting events and potato chips and Cokes. “I want to wade again in water and feel ocean spray on my face. I want to sit in a country church once more and thank God for His grace. I want peanut butter every day spread on my morning toast. I want un-timed long distance calls to the one I love the most. “I haven’t cried at all the movies yet, or walked in the morning rain. I need to feel wind on my face. So, if I choose to have dessert, instead of having dinner, then should I die before night fall, I’d say I died a winner, because I missed out on nothing. I

filled my heart’s desire. I had that final piece of pie before my life expired.” With that, I called the waitress over. “I’ve changed my mind,” I said. “I want what he’s having, only add some more whipped cream!” This is my gift to you: - We need an annual Friends Day! If you get this twice, then you have more than one friend. Live well, love much, & laugh often - Be happy and enjoy doing whatever your heart desires. You only go around once on this crazy planet. SHARE THIS WITH YOUR FRIENDS including me, if I’m lucky enough to be counted among them. Be mindful that happiness isn’t based on possessions, power, or prestige, but on relationships with people we like, respect, and enjoy spending time with. Remember that while money talks, ICE CREAM SINGS!

Adult Coloring



JULY 2019




2019-2021 NEWSLETTER TEAM Editor: Haze Werner, 19 Nature Drive R5H 1H2 204-422-6918 Advertising: Les Hooper 12 Harmony Lane R5H 0A2 - 204-422-8583 Distribution (Sum): Brian Fulmore 9 Harmony Lane R5H 0A2 - 204-422-9190 Distribution (Win): Volunteer Needed! You can contact us via e-mail: pvranews55@gmail.com and drop off any submissions to 5 Parkview Drive by the 15th of each month for the following issue. We are always looking for advertisers in our monthly newsletter! Please contact Les Hooper at 204-422-8583 for prices and quotes

JULY 2019


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