QSaltLake Magazine - Issue 316 - October 2020

Page 24


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Qsaltlake.com  |

ISSUE 316  |  OCTOBER, 2020

Would-be governors talk LGBT parents BY CHRISTOPHER KATIS

This November,

Utahns go to the polls to choose a new governor. In memory of my fearless friend, Bob Henline, I reached out to the major candidates running for the state’s highest office to get their stance on issues important to LGBTQ+ parents. Democrat Chris Peterson, a law professor at the University of Utah from Salt Lake, and Libertarian Dr. Daniel Cottam, a weight loss surgeon from North Salt Lake, agreed to answer my questions. Their Republican opponent ignored multiple emails and calls requesting his participation – yet he claims to be an ally. Last year, a boy being adopted by two dads was bullied by his substitute teacher. What steps will you take to ensure it never happens again? Peterson: Teachers bullying LGBTQ students and their family members is completely unacceptable. Utah has anti-bullying laws that prohibit this, require teacher training, and impose reporting obligations on schools. I support and will use authority as governor to fully implement these rules. Cottam: In 1974, the Libertarian party platform included the rights of gay people to marry and adopt children. In your scenario, this child is trapped in a school that is not supportive of the right of gay people to adopt and raise children. I support the right of funding following the child, meaning when incidents like this happen, the parents should have the right to transfer to any public, private, or home school of their choice. What, if any, legislation do you want to pass specifically helping the LGBTQ+ community? Cottam: I believe that LGBTQ rights are human rights. Thus, there should be no need for additional laws passed

to address these issues. If those rights are not being granted, redress should be sought through the court system. A good example of this was gay marriage. Gay marriage was a human right, and it was addressed through the court system. Peterson: I am open to feedback and conversations with the LGBTQ+ community on reform to Utah law. I believe Utah should adopt a public accommodation law that protects Utahns in day-to-day business operations on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity like it protects workers and renters. We should pass legislation prohibiting discrimination against LGBTQ+ individuals in financial services, and prohibit health insurers from discriminating against LGBTQ+ couples and individuals. I also believe Utah should adopt a family medical leave law with an inclusive definition of what it means to be a spouse or child that accommodates LGBTQ+ families, and we should mandate nondiscrimination within jury service. The “Fairness to All” law (aka the Utah Compromise) is seen by some as a national model for balancing religious freedoms and LGBTQ+ rights in housing and employment. Others feel it codifies religious discrimination. Where do you stand on the issue? Peterson: This law provided some important protections for LGBTQ+ Utahns in employment and housing. But it did not extend to other essential issues such as discrimination in public accommodation, finance, and insurance. If I am elected Governor of Utah, I intend to continue to push for broader anti-discrimination laws to protect LGBTQ+ individuals and families. Cottam: Unfortunately, we cannot stop or legislate people from being ignorant, stupid, or irrational. I also believe people

have the right to make bad choices. In this state, there is a lot of religious discrimination all around, but making more laws will not stop that. Again, if an LGBTQ person is denied a human right that is being enjoyed by the majority, redress should be in the court system. Do you support passing a public accommodation law? Cottam: The state must be blind to sexual orientation. Passing laws like this one create special classes of people and by its definition, a special law means special treatment. This is something that should never be done by the state. The state can, and should, pass standards for jobs and contracts that if met should allow anyone regardless of their orientation to participate in government employment or contracts. Peterson: Yes, absolutely. President Trump has turned back many LGBTQ+ rights. What specific steps will you take to protect us? Peterson: I will: (a) meet with and listen to LGBTQ+ advocates; (b) negotiate with and persuade state legislators to pass legislation that explicitly helps the LGBTQ community; (c) appoint a diverse executive branch of government that includes qualified LGBTQ+ individuals in boards, commissions, cabinet positions, and other state administrative roles; (d); make special efforts to provide more mental health and counseling resources for at-risk LGBTQ+ children; and, (e) serve as a positive role model for Utahns by modeling inclusive, open-minded leadership that opposes discrimination against LGBTQ+ community in public or private life. Cottam: As governor of Utah I don’t make laws or appoint the attorney general. As such, I am limited to what I can do in my role as governor to “protect LGBTQ rights.” I can be a voice of

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