QSaltLake Magazine - Issue 316 - October 2020

Page 39


OCTOBER, 2020 |  ISSUE 316 | Qsaltlake.com


Wendy Carlos: A Biography BY AMANDA SEWELL C.2020, OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS, $34.95, 264 PAGES

It ain’t none of your beeswax. None of your business, so just keep your nose out of things. You’re on a need-toknow basis, and you don’t need to know. It’s being taken care of, never you mind, it isn’t your concern. In Wendy Carlos: A Biography by Amanda Sewell, some things just aren’t discussed. No one who knew Wendy Carlos as a child should’ve been surprised that she became the musician she did: Carlos’ mother’s family loved to sing

and dance, and Carlos’ parents wanted to make sure she continued the tradition. They gave her piano lessons but they couldn’t afford a piano, so Carlos’ father drew piano keys on a piece of paper so she could practice. Though she was “assigned the male sex at birth,” Carlos knew early in her life that she was a girl, and was baffled that others couldn’t see that. It grew to greatly affect her: somewhat of a prodigy in music and early computing, Carlos won awards and accolades for her studies but her gender identity left her feeling awkward and alone, Sewell says. This was a time when transgender people were largely held up as “freaks.” So Carlos kept her gender identity private, only revealing her truth to one friend with similar passions for music experimentation. Enjoying a spirited mutual challenge, she and Rachel Elkind played

with new sounds until the day Elkind became intrigued by Carlos’ rendition of a Bach composition reproduced with a Moog synthesizer. As it happened, Carlos needed money to continue her work and with Elkind’s help, that composition became an entire album they called Switched-On Bach. It did the trick: Carlos indeed made money from the million-selling album. But it also made her famous, which led to requests for interviews and intrusions about her gender identity, a subject that she felt unnecessarily superseded her musical career. And that was something she absolutely did not want. Over the past 40 years, Wendy Carlos has denied most requests to be interviewed, including an offer extended by author Amanda Sewell for this book. No problem; Sewell used an abundance of other sources to craft this biography, indicating that Carlos’ refusals

were likely due to her ire at reporters who’ve continued to focus on her gender, rather than on her work. The irony is that a good portion of Wendy Carlos: A Biography deals with Carlos’ gender identity and her transitioning. And yet, how could it not? Sewell shows how Carlos’ giftedness and her pioneering use of then-new technology changed music, as a whole; in a way, her respectful reporting on Carlos’ transition, relative to 1960s social perceptions and LGBT history, both occurring at roughly the same time, also shows another aspect to Carlos’ personality and her dogged reach for what was then rather new. Still, one can sympathize with Carlos’ wishes, which makes reading Wendy Carlos: A Biography feel sometimes voyeuristic. Introducing new fans to her wax is important, but check it out: does the rest of the story need to be waxed?  Q


ARIES March 20–April 19

While festivities aren’t quite as wild as you’d like them to be, there is no denying that you’ve needed some downtime. The quiet moments have lead to some real self-discovery and the whole world is making more sense than ever. Just don’t forget to have some excitement sometimes.

TAURUS Apr 20–May 20

Wandering around trying to figure things out isn’t doing you much good. It’s best to spend time with friends and family who distract you from the ideas swimming in your head. Get involved with a group activity that could leave you exhausted but satisfied. Enjoyment is the key to peace.

GEMINI May 21–June 20

Joy can be found in some of the darkest places. Don’t fear getting trapped in a pleasurable place but simply try to give back however you can. The time for festive moments is upon you Gemini so make the best of a scary situation. Even if no one else is

dancing, get out and move.

CANCER June 21–July 22

Everything feels like homework, even the fun stuff. While it’s tempting to take it all seriously, the fact of the matter is that life has been kind of a joke as of late. Learning to laugh is always good advice, but be sure you can tell when the feelings of another are on the line. Tread lightly.

LEO July 23–August 22

Even if poetry is not your thing, there is a sense of song and glee in your heart. Take time to share the sunshine with those who aren’t feeling it. While there is a big job needing to be filled, you are always up to the task. Take control and make a difference. It’s needed more than ever.

VIRGO August 23–Sep. 2

Don’t take charge until you know where you’re going. The path to a better world is bound to be an uphill climb. Even so, there is a lot of great people who you don’t know are looking out for you. Spend time getting to know what the resources are and ask for the help you need.

LIBRA Sept 23–October 22

A work matter is resolving itself so well, it’s almost like a miracle. Don’t be too quick to take good fortune for granted but also enjoy the blessing you are currently experiencing. A key figure in your life is going to becoming even more centric to your plans. Make the best of it.

SCORPIO Oct. 23–Nov. 21

It’s been a weird year because you have never felt more alone despite having much social interaction. It all comes down to the quality of those around you. Invest more time in those who love you back and make quality the major focus of this holiday season. Now is the time.


Nov. 22–December 20.

The best part of getting through a challenge is the satisfaction it gives. It’s better than making love or going on a rollercoaster. This feeling will make you question whether or not you are an adrenaline junkie or simply someone who likes the thrill of the chase. Maybe both.

CAPRICORN Dec 21–Jan 19

While logic and reason are often your guides, this is a good time to follow your heart. The best way to figure out the future is by examining past loves. While this is no time to make a quick and rash decision, a solid decision could leave you feeling focused. Follow through on dreams.

AQUARIUS Jan. 20–Feb. 18

Patience is not on your side right now as a pressing urge to act is driving you crazy. Do what you must to get back to feeling normal by taking matters into your own hand. At the same time, don’t spend too much time alone or being independent as an offer could come anytime.

PISCES Feb 19–Mar 19

Keep focusing on the most crucial part of your plan, which may entail a lot of getting over some previous setbacks. While the world is always in motion, you are not. Do what you must to get back on track and the focus you most crave will lead to a most consequential outcome.  Q

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