Qsaltlake.com |
ISSUE 322 |
APRIL, 2021
publisher/editor Michael Aaron
ASSISTANT editor Tony Hobday NATIONAL NEWS editor Craig Ogan designer Christian Allred sales Tony Hobday, 801-997-9763 x1 sales@qsaltlake.com Rivendell Media, 908-232-2021 ext 200 sales@rivendellmedia.com
A year ago
today (as I write this), I was sending pages to my press when it was announced that bars, restaurants, coffee shops, libraries, and other locations would be closed to the public. QSaltLake Magazine is largely distributed through bars, restaurants, coffee shops, libraries, and other locations. I sat for several minutes pondering whether we could even print the issue. After many phone calls and emails, we were able to kludge together enough places to distribute enough copies to make it worth printing. We then called my larger advertising clients to make sure they were alright with a smaller run. They said yes. Of course, we thought this would last a month, maybe two. If we’d only known then. As it drew on, it was obvious we weren’t going to be able to print the QPages directory, as the bottom lines of so many of its advertisers were directly affected by the pandemic. I made the painful decision to skip this year and give all advertisers a free listing for the year. Fast forward to today. More and more people are getting vaccinated, and the huge spike that started in October has
waned. Utah Pride announced an in-person Pride event (though different than previous years — look in the News section for more details). Businesses are looking forward to a slow rebuild. With the CDC announcement today that fully vaccinated people can meet face-to-face without the need to wear masks or socially distance, I have great hope for us getting through to the other side of this. Today, I announce that we will move forward with a printed QPages directory to be distributed at Pride. We will start the new season of the Big Gay Fun Bus in October, as usually scheduled. Q Lagoon Day will happen on either the first or second Sunday of August. All of this is dependent on our continued efforts to get past this pandemic. I’m hoping those in our community will get vaccinated, remain vigilant on mask-wearing and other protective measures, and continue to follow medical professionals’ guidelines. Masks will still need to be worn while in large groups, mandated or not by political interests, more concerned about money than human lives. Physical contact will still need to be done safely. But I’ll accept this glimmer of hope that we can move forward. Q
Utah Pride, the Q Pages, the Big Gay Fun Bus, and Q Lagoon Day are all happening in 2021, depending on you
contributors Joshua Adamson Pickett, Diane Anderson-Minshall, Chris Azzopardi, Paul Berge, Jeff Berry, Paul Campbell, Laurie Bennett-Cook, Roger Cox, Stephen Dark, Jennifer Dobner, Mikki Enoch, Jack Fertig, Greg Fox, Oriol Gutierrez Jr., Tony Hobday, Ashley Hoyle, Joshua Jones, Christopher Katis, Rock Magen, Sam Mills, Craig Ogan, Mikey Rox, Terri Schlichenmeyer, Gregg Shapiro, Petunia Pap Smear, Steven Petrow, Ed Sikov, JoSelle Vanderhooft, Ben Williams, D’Anne Witkowski distribution Roger Cox publisher
Q Media Group 222 S Main St, Ste 500 (by appt. only), Salt Lake City, Utah 84101 tel: 801-997-9763
CONTACT EMAILS: general: info@qsaltlake.com editorial: editor@qsaltlake.com ARTS: arts@qsaltlake.com sales: sales@qsaltlake.com
QSaltLake Magazine is a trademark of Salt Lick Publishing, LLC., Q Media Group Copyright © 2021, Salt Lick Publishing, LLC. All rights reserved. No material may be reprinted or reproduced without written permission from the publisher. 8–18,000 copies are distributed free of charge at over 300 locations across the state. Free copies are limited to one per person. For additional copies, call 801-997-9763. It is a crime to dispose of current issues or otherwise interfere with the distribution of this magazine. Printed locally in the USA on recycled paper. Please recycle this copy when done.