Phase 1
Phase 2
Route map through and out of the coronavirus crisis Version 2.1 published 24.06.20
Phase 3
Phase 4
Contents Page number
Introduction 3 Services
Health, safety and wellbeing
Quarriers route map
Resources (videos)
Resources (posters, forms and online)
Key contacts
Quarriers route map through and out of the coronavirus crisis • Page 2
Introduction As Scotland enters Phase 2 of the Government’s route map through and out of the crisis, our over-riding priority remains the safety of the people we support, our staff, our volunteers and the communities in which we work.
This policy is designed to limit physical interaction and movement of people in accordance with Scottish Government advice, and to discourage face-to-face meetings and avoid working in proximity wherever we can.
The contribution and dedication of staff who have continued to support people directly has been outstanding. We are grateful to every single one of you.
We recognise though that this will not always be possible, so we are implementing new protocols and guidance regarding physical distancing and stringent hygiene measures to ensure that Quarriers’ workplaces are safe, healthy and in line with recommended hygiene principles and practices.
When Phase 1 was implemented and restrictions eased, we published Quarriers’ own document describing what this meant for our staff and volunteers. We have worked in partnership with our recognised trade union UNISON to develop this Phase 2 document and have shared this with the Care Inspectorate. This document provides details on: •
How services will continue to adapt or resume support while operating safely.
• How we will safely start a process of reopening our buildings. • NEW • •
What each phase means for you and your colleagues. New regulations to help keep you safe.
How your workplace may look on your return.
For those staff whose work can be completed at home, our position remains that you should continue to work safely from your own home wherever possible. This will be for the foreseeable future, so long as business needs can continue to be met.
We are now operating in Phase 2 of the route map, with Phases 3 and 4 to follow when the criteria are met meaning it is safe to do so. As guidance develops and our own knowledge of what is safe and practical grows, so will this document. Quarriers Phase 1 document included our overarching principles and an agreed plan for services and offices returning to operation across all four phases of the Scottish Government plan. Phase 2 is detailed within this document, and we will update the remaining phases as we approach them. We have developed this document for your safety and wellbeing. Please familiarise yourself with the content, ask questions if you are unsure and suggest areas where we could do better. We remain committed to the safety of people we support, staff, volunteers and our communities. Thank you.
Dr. Ronald Culley, Chief Executive Officer
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Quarriers route map through and out of the coronavirus crisis • Page 4
Services Our services and office bases will open in the following phases.
Phase 2
Phase 3
Phase 4
Calvay Centre
Aberdeenshire Carer Support
Coaching For Life (Paisley)
Carer Support Service (Moray) (office base)
Borders Resilience for Wellbeing
Epilepsy Fieldwork group sessions
Clydeside Independent Living (office base)
Carer Support Services (Moray)
The Exchange
Chryston (office base)
East Ayrshire Supported Living (office base)
Epilepsy Fieldwork Service
Homelife Ayr (office base)
Family Support - Stranraer
Homelife Girvan (office base)
Glasgow Regional Office
Johnstone and Paisley Supported Living (office base)
Let’s Talk (school-based support)
Lyssenmore (office base) Renfrewshire Supported Living (office base) The William Quarrier Scottish Epilepsy Centre
Family Support - Dumfries
The Gateway Homelea Head Office Park Street Education Centre (Falkirk services)
Opt-In (school-based support)
Renfrewshire Head Injury Service (The Tannahill Centre) The William Quarrier Scottish Epilepsy Centre conference and meeting rooms Sommerville Weir Hall The Village Store
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Health, safety and wellbeing As we progress through each of the four phases of the Scottish Government’s route map, Quarriers will continue to follow the relevant guidance issued by Government bodies such as Health Protection Scotland and the Health and Safety Executive with regards to the health, safety and wellbeing of staff, people we support and volunteers. To achieve this, we will supply you with as much support and information as is necessary, and will carry out all reasonably practicable measures to ensure the safety of staff, the people we support, volunteers and any visitors to our service or departments.
There will be regular communications as this guidance will change as we progress through each Phase and Government guidance evolves. No single piece of guidance issued will fit all aspects of Quarriers’ services. Therefore, our aim is to adapt any guidance and risk assessment locally, depending on the needs of the people you support and your service’s support model. We will support you in the following areas: • New guidance: From Thursday 25 NEW June, staff on shift will be required to wear medical grade face masks at all times within:
• Quarriers’ adult and children’s care homes • All Quarriers’ respite services • All Quarriers’ HMOs • The William Quarrier Scottish Epilepsy Centre
• PPE: We will continue to invest in and provide essential and approved PPE. •
COVID-19 checklists: These checklists set out actions which need to be completed before services and office bases can reopen, and implemented by those which have remained in operation. Services may already be carrying out several of these checks and this serves as a standardised prompt to ensure good and consistent practice across all services and departments.
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Health, safety and wellbeing (continued)
• Cleaning: Enhanced stock of cleaning supplies will be provided to meet increased hygiene measures. Regularly touched surfaces should be cleaned at least twice daily. Clear measures to be taken should a positive case arise in the workplace. Staff will be required to sign that they have read and understood Quarriers’ COVID-19 protocol, and will adhere to the control measures that have been put in place for the protection of themselves, people we support and volunteers. Those not returning to the workplace during Phases 1 and 2 are encouraged to maintain good work-life balance for your own health and wellbeing. Consider how you can set up your home working arrangements in line with display screen equipment (DSE) guidance, take regular breaks and adhere to regular working hours, as well as referring to the wellbeing links on the Intranet. • Videos: Working Safely During COVID-19. These seven videos show common scenarios such as arriving at work and moving around safely at work. •
Risk assessments and associated guidance: This includes worked examples of service risk assessments with accompanying notes on how to apply these to your service. Guidance will be issued and any necessary adaptations to the internal layout of our buildings and services will be carried out to meet essential physical distancing requirements. This is achievable through a range of measures that will be found in guidance for risk assessing our buildings.
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Quarriers route map - Phase 2 Scottish Government criteria Epidemic status • Virus is controlled but risk of spreading remains. • Focus is on containing outbreaks.
Quarriers response • Quarriers will adhere to all aspects of the Scottish Government Phases for easing coronavirus restrictions. • We will liaise with UNISON to ensure that there is a shared approach to supporting staff back to a safe working environment.
R is consistently below 1 and the number of infectious cases is showing a sustained decline. WHO six criteria for easing restrictions must be met. Any signs of resurgence are closely monitored as part of enhanced community surveillance.
Advised protections • Physical distancing requirements in place. • Frequent handwashing and hygiene measures for all. • Cough etiquette is maintained. Where to get info
Social distancing
Hand washing
Keep 2 metres apart from people not in your household, except when administering care
Use hot water and soap or hand sanitiser and wash for a minimum of 20 seconds
your work email • Face coverings in enclosed public spaces, including public transport. Quarriers intranet, The Bulletin,
All services and departments will be aligned to the Health and Safety Executive 5 Steps to Safer Working Together guide. 1. We have carried out a COVID-19 risk assessment and shared the results with the people who work here. 2. We have cleaning, handwashing and hygiene procedures in line with guidance. 3. We have taken all reasonable steps to help people work from home. 4. We have taken all reasonable steps to maintain a two-metre distance in the workplace. 5. Where people cannot be two metres apart, we have done everything practical to manage transmission risk.
The certificate to confirm this will be published and visible in all services. •
All staff will be equipped with appropriate PPE for the tasks they perform during their working hours, including travelling by public transport or being in enclosed public spaces.
There will be ample supplies within every service and department to accommodate all who reside in, work in or visit the building.
Staff and people we support will be given the opportunity to be tested for COVID-19 in accordance with the current Scottish Government and Health Protection Scotland guidance.
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Scottish Government criteria Seeing family and friends As with previous phase but with the following changes: • Able to meet with larger groups including family and friends outside with physical distancing. 2m
• Meeting people from another household indoors with physical distancing and hygiene measures.
Quarriers response • All staff will be made aware of the requirement to adhere to current Scottish Government and Health Protection Scotland guidance in relation to self-isolation. •
All staff, people we support, volunteers and visitors will be made aware of the requirement to adhere to current Scottish Government and Health Protection Scotland guidance in relation to physical distancing and meeting friends and family.
• Protocol for professional visitors and contractors within the resource section.
• Protocol for Quarriers staff visitors on page 16.
Getting around • Consistent with the reopening of workplaces set out in this phase, where home working is not possible businesses and organisations are encouraged to manage travel demand through staggered start times and flexible working patterns. • People are permitted to drive locally for leisure purposes. • Public transport operating increased services but capacity still significantly limited to allow for physical distancing.
All staff will be made aware of the current Scottish Government and Health Protection Scotland guidance relating to wearing face coverings when on public transport or in enclosed public spaces.
• All shifts and rotas will be monitored and/or adjusted to accommodate occupancy and service provision while adhering to protection procedures. • All staff will be made aware of the requirement to adhere to the current Scottish Government and Health Protection Scotland guidance on permitted travel.
• Travel at peak times discouraged as far as possible. May be geographical differences depending on circumstances.
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Scottish Government criteria Schools, childcare and other educational settings As with previous phase but with the following changes:
• The nursery at Quarriers Family Resource Centre, Ruchazie, is open for key worker childcare and where possible is utilising its outdoor space only.
• On campus university lab research restarted subject to physical distancing.
• All relevant and appropriate safeguarding in place.
• All Quarriers’ staff who can work from home will be encouraged to continue to do so.
As with previous phase but with the following changes: • Remote working remains the default position for those who can.
Quarriers response
Non-essential indoor non-office-based workplaces resume once relevant guidance agreed – including factories and warehouses, lab and research facilities – to re-open with physical distancing.
• Construction sector to implement remaining stages of phased return.
All Quarriers’ services and departments will be readied for return to an operational setting in the relevant Phase of the Route Map. This will include preparatory work on physical distancing and hygiene measures within offices which will be risk assessed supported by the Health and Safety department.
Quarriers’ staff, people we support and volunteers will adhere to current Scottish Government and Health Protection Scotland guidance when shopping for essential items only and while observing physical distancing measures.
• Relaxation of restrictions on housing moves.
Shopping and eating out As with previous phase but with the following changes: • Previously closed small retail units can reopen with physical distancing. • Outdoor markets can open with with physical distancing, hygiene measures and controls on numbers of people within market. • Pubs and restaurants can open outdoor spaces with physical distancing and increased hygiene routines.
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Scottish Government criteria Sport, culture and leisure activities • Reopening of playgrounds and sports courts.
• Resumption of professional sport in line with public health advice.
Community and public services As with previous phase but with the following changes: • Further scaling up of public services from Phase 1 where it is safe to do so.
Quarriers response •
Quarriers’ staff, people we support and volunteers will adhere to current Scottish Government and Health Protection Scotland guidance relating to any activity in Phase 2 while observing physical distancing measures.
• Respite/short break services across Quarriers will be resumed, but possibly at reduced capacity, and will adhere to physical distancing and hygiene measures. •
Quarriers’ staff, people we support and volunteers will adhere to current Scottish Government and Health Protection Scotland as well as Local Authority guidance relating to accessing any community and public services.
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Scottish Government criteria Gatherings and occasions As with previous phase but with the following changes: • Registration offices open for high-priority tasks.
Quarriers response •
Quarriers’ staff, people we support and volunteers will adhere to current Scottish Government and Health Protection Scotland guidance relating to gatherings and occasions.
Quarriers services identified in Phase 2 list will be operational to some degree - see page 5.
• Places of worship open for private prayer under physical distancing rules and hygiene safeguards. • Allow marriages and civil partnerships and other types of ceremonies to take place with minimal number of attendees.
Health and social care •
Remobilisation plans implemented by Health Boards and Integrated Joint Boards to increase provision for pent up demand, urgent referrals and triage of routine services.
• Reintroduce some chronic disease management which could include pain services, diabetic services. • All dental practices open to see patients with urgent care needs. • Urgent care centres provide urgent aerosol generating procedures. • Prioritise referrals to secondary care begin.
• Protocols for the advised protections will be in place in all services and departments •
All services and departments will display the signed off certificate 5 Steps to Safer Working Together.
• All appropriate risk assessments will be in place and subject to ongoing review. •
Project Managers will complete COVID-19 checklists daily. These will be signed, dated and stored in a COVID-19 folder for the relevant service or department on the intranet.
Quarriers will continue to update information on Quarriers Intranet to keep all staff aware of the current guidance around COVID-19 and of steps to take
to aid their mental health and wellbeing. Categories include:
Frequently Asked Questions PPE Hub External Guidance Mental Health and Wellbeing
• If queries cannot be answered locally, staff can ask any coronavirus-related queries via workingpractice@quarriers. • All Quarriers services and departments will have a protocol for visitors, and these will be shared with all personal and professional visitors. •
All Quarriers service and department buildings will be reconfigured to accommodate all aspects of coronavirus restrictions. This will comprise signage, restricted use of desks, equipment, reduced population in communal areas, physical distancing and hygiene measures.
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Resources Videos
Working safely during COVID-19
Working safely during COVID-19
Working safely during COVID-19
Working safely during COVID-19
Coming to work and leaving work
Hygiene - handwashing, sanitation facilities and toilets
Moving around the building
Keeping the workplace clean
Moving around the building
Keeping the workplace clean
Coming to work and leaving work
Hygiene - handwashing, sanitation facilities and toilets
Working safely during COVID-19
Working safely during COVID-19
Working safely during COVID-19
Managing and greeting visitors
Physical distancing at work
Protocol for kitchen and food preparation areas within buildings
Managing and greeting visitors
Physical distancing at work
Protocol for kitchen and food preparation areas within buildings
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Resources Posters CV-19 Workplace actions posters
Poster 2
Poster 5
Poster 7
Poster 10
Poster 26
Poster 33
Poster 38
Poster 44
Poster 83
Poster 88
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Resources Posters
COVID-19 Safe Practice in Care Homes poster
Staying COVID-19 secure poster
Working safely during COVID-19
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Resources Forms
Example 5 step risk assessment
Guidance and questionnaire for visits
COVID-19 checklists
NEW Preparing for a Visit To keep everyone safe and adhere to current guidance the following should be considered: • • • • • • •
What PPE will be required? What needs to be in place to ensure that physical distancing is observed? Do you need to strategically situate garden furniture or will the communication be from either side of an open window? What does the environment already provide to aid physical distancing? (walls, hedges, fences etc.) There is safe access for the visitor The visitor has been allocated an agreed scheduled time for the visit and this is not flexible. The visitor has been made aware of the measures in place and of their requirement to adhere to them Review after each visit to ensure the measures have worked and address any that have failed.
Use the additional measures section for anything that is not already in place that you need to arrange to ensure the safety of the person we support, visitors and staff.
Revision date:
Protocol for all staff visits
Protocol for all external visits
Operational compliance and visit timeline
Example Visitors Risk Assessment
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Key contacts For all operational queries, please contact your line manager or Head of Service in the first instance. Heads of Services Head of Adult Services Carol Russell
For assistance with: Risk assessments: PPE supplies: Safeguarding: Out of hours on call: 07812 228 410
Head of Children and Families Services Fiona Nicolson
For all other queries, please email
Head of Epilepsy Services Ian Williams
Employee assistance programme: LifeWorks Tel: 0800 169 1920 Web:
Human Resources Health and Safety E: T: 07837 122599 Corporate Services E: T: 01505 616091
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Version 2.1 published 24.06.20
Registered and Head Office: Quarriers, Quarriers Village, Bridge of Weir PA11 3SX Call 01505 616000/612224 Email Quarriers is a registered Scottish Charity No SC001960 and is a company limited by guarantee and registered in Scotland No 14361. VAT registration No 263 5009 75.