IN THIS ISSUE: ᔢ Green Cleaning An update on what’s happening to enhance the environmental credentials of the cleaning sector.
ᔢ Special Report Helping to mitigate costs…one dry at a time – a look at Savortex and its revolutionary adDryer.
ᔢ Special Report A 12 month miracle - Neil Nixon reports on a rising star - Birkin Cleaning Services.
The UK’s
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Smaller Area to Clean? Use the SD7-R Scrubber Dryer from Victor. Simply engineered for greater reliability and lower repair costs. For a free demonstration or more information please call us on 0121 765 2345.
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The Official Partner of the Cleaning Show
PLUS: • Industry news • People • Contracts • Products
GREEN CLEANING An update on what’s happening to enhance the environmental credentials of the cleaning sector.
Helping to mitigate costs…one dry at a time – a look at Savortex and its revolutionary adDryer.
A 12 month miracle Neil Nixon reports on a rising star - Birkin Cleaning Services. >>> page 33
>>> page 24
>>> page 26
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Ups and downs As this issue of C&M goes to press the news channels are packed
visitors well ahead of forecasts. The seminar programme, which
with tales of woe from within the construction giant, Carillion.
runs for the full two days of the event, has been completed and
Headlines scream of the impact on HS2, the prison sector, and
includes presentations on topics from health and safety to life
landmark buildings across the UK if liquidation is the ultimate
after Brexit, and marketing to contract writing. To ensure you
conclusion, but closer to home we should spare a thought for the
secure your free attendance pass, please log on to
thousands of cleaning operatives that are employed within the
business. Let us hope that they are not disadvantaged financially, and that they find alternative employment without delay.
Regrettably, I must end with two items of very sad news. On 14 December 2017 Michael Poulter passed away at the Florence
Also this month, a cautionary message was received in an EY
Nightingale Hospice in Aylesbury after a short but aggressive
report suggesting that support services and FM companies
illness. He was 77. Michael will be remembered as a positive,
are facing stagnating profitability into 2018 amid increased
proud and cheerful member of the cleaning industry. I had the
competition from SMEs, and rising cost inflation from the
pleasure of working alongside him as a judge for the Cleaning
National Living Wage and Brexit. A review of the available
Show Innovation Awards for many years and always enjoyed his
accounts for 22 FM firms with operations in the UK revealed
company and the positive contribution he made to everything
that average margins have remained stagnant at around 7%
he did.
during the last three years. In comparison, revenues grew at an average of 14% from last year. The report’s author said: “The FM
On 30 December 2017, whilst holidaying with her family, Tina
sector has experienced low margins for some time, with no sign
Marston – wife of ICE’s Darren Marston – tragically died following
of picking up. As we look into 2018, the wider economic and
an accident. She was 43. Tina was well known by the cleaning
geo-political environment will conspire, alongside competition
sector – particularly those of us that are Liverymen within the
and cost inflation, to pile the pressure on FM providers. Our
Worshipful Company of Environmental Cleaners – and always
analysis indicates that FM providers have not been able to take
added a sparkle to any event or occasion she attended.
advantage of scale whilst growing and so we are likely to see new approaches to corporate strategy in the sector.”
The team at C&M and The Cleaning Show send our very best wishes and sincere condolences to the families and friends of
These ‘new approaches to corporate strategy’ will surely include
both Tina Marston and Michael Poulter.
employment – the sector employs a huge number of workers from the European Union and changes to immigration policies resulting
Wishing you a clean, tidy and healthy month ahead.
from Brexit could impact labour availability from EU countries. Let’s hope we start to receive clarity from the government and Brussels in the coming months, enabling employers across the cleaning and FM sectors to start making plans for filling any possible skills or manpower gaps that might exist. In other news, the Manchester Cleaning Show – 11 and 12 April 2018 at Event City in Manchester – continues to exceed
Neil Nixon, Editor
expectations, with the number of exhibitors and pre-registered
Cleaning & Maintenance Magazine
Supported by
In partnership with
WHO SHOULD ATTEND? Anyone who has responsibility for cleaning, hygiene or facilities management should attend this event.
Register now to attend the regional Cleaning
Contract cleaning companies
Show event dedicated to the cleaning and hygiene
Window cleaners
sector. Don’t miss this chance to test and source
Facility/office/business managers from a wide range of industries including:
new products and benefit from the free seminar
educational establishments - schools, universities etc.
finance/insurance - city offices, banks etc.
hospitals and healthcare establishments
industrial, manufacturing and warehouse facilities
The following sessions are free-to-attend to all registered visitors
leisure and hospitality facilities - hotels, restaurants, cinemas etc.
• Health & Safety in the
local and central government
Cleaning Industry
public services - ambulance services, police, fire brigades etc.
residential and nursing homes
retail and shopping centres
transport providers
programme. Registration is free of charge for all relevant professionals
• The British Cleaning Council’s Research Report • Future Ready Workshops
• Business Promotion Workshops
Special Report A 12 month miracle Neil Nixon reports on a rising star - Birkin Cleaning Services.
08 17 18 22 24 26
Industry News In the news this month… Manchester Cleaning Show ‘exceeds expectations’, RP Adam acquired by Ecolab, Diversey to acquire Twister, Investment pays off for Merton Group. People New appointments from across the cleaning and FM sectors. Clear Impressions Sponsored feature from Grundon Waste Management. Contracts
We take a look at all the latest contracts awarded across the industry. Special Report
New Products
Helping to mitigate costs…one dry at a time – a look at Savortex and its revolutionary adDryer.
An overview of some of the new products available on the market this month.
Feature: Green Cleaning An update on what’s happening to enhance the environmental credentials of the cleaning sector.
05 Editor’s Comment
16 BICSc Comment
20 BCC Comment
Looking back at the past month in the cleaning sector.
How clean is your hotel room?
Hit the north - why Manchester is the place to be this April.
21 Making a margin – a contractor’s blog Simon Gasson reports
Manchester Cleaning Show exceeds expectations DETAILS of the second Manchester
Cleaning Council, said: “In 2016
Cleaning Show - being hosted at
we brought The Cleaning Show
Event City in Manchester on 11
to the north for the first time and
and 12 April - have been revealed
we were genuinely overwhelmed
by the event organisers. The
by the enthusiastic support it
Manchester Cleaning Show - along
received from both exhibitors
with the main Cleaning Show in
and visitors. We also saw Steph
London – is owned and organised
McGovern from BBC Breakfast’s
by the British Cleaning Council and
business team broadcast live from
Quartz Business Media, publisher
the show on the first morning,
of C&M.
demonstrating the significance of cleaning to the UK economy. The
Over the two-day event organisers are already anticipating
management industries over the
British Cleaning Council members,
fact that we’ve had to increase the
more visitors than the 2300 which
next five years. This will include key
including the Federation of
size of the exhibition by 25% to
attended the first Manchester
issues such as Brexit, the growing
Window Cleaners and the British
meet demand, together with the
Cleaning Show in 2016. Demand
skills gap, professional standards
Institute of Cleaning Science, will
high number of visitor registrations
for exhibition space is also far
and career progression, health
also be presenting.
we’ve already seen, indicates that
higher than at the inaugural event,
and safety at work, and increasing
and organisers have already
automation within the sector.
Firedog Research - which recently
busier than we initially anticipated.
increased capacity by 25% to
Senior representatives drawn from
conducted the most in-depth
If you want to guarantee securing
accommodate demand from both
both private and public sector
analysis seen in recent years into
a stand, or want to ensure you get
previous and new trade exhibitors.
organisations will participate in
the size, value and future direction
ticket, I’d suggest you do it sooner
A full two-day seminar
the seminar including Sophie
of the UK’s cleaning, hygiene and
rather than later based on the
programme has now been
Ferriggi from Bespoke Cleaning
waste management industries -
interest we’ve had so far.”
finalised and will be themed
Solutions, Dominic Ponniah of
will be sharing insights into the
To register for a free ticket, or for
around the challenges and
Cleanology, Tracy Hamilton from
future of the sector based on its
all exhibitor enquiries, please visit:
opportunities facing the UK’s
the Health & Safety Executive,
research findings.
cleaning, hygiene and waste
and Paul Ridden from Smart Task.
RP Adam acquired by Ecolab
In addition, experts from
Stan Atkins, chair of the British
April’s show will be far bigger and
Diversey to acquire Twister
ECOLAB INC. has acquired
48,000 associates, Ecolab delivers
DIVERSEY has entered into an
expands our offering to our
RP Adam Ltd (Arpal Group),
comprehensive solutions and on-
agreement to acquire Twister
customers and positions us as the
the 126-year-old manufacturer
site services to promote safe food,
Holding AB and its assets for an
leader in providing TCO (total cost
of cleaning and disinfectant
maintain clean environments,
undisclosed amount from private
of ownership) solutions for our
products based in the Scottish
optimise water and energy
equity firm Polaris.
customers globally.”
use, and improve operational
Twister, headquartered in
Robert Kreicberg, CEO of Twister
efficiencies for customers in
Söderköping, Sweden, is the
Cleaning Technology AB, said: “We
footprint in the long-term
the food, healthcare, energy,
owner of the Twister patented
are excited to join Diversey and be
care and commercial catering
hospitality, and industrial markets
system for daily floor cleaning
part of a company with its historic
sectors in the UK and Ireland, as
in more than 170 countries around
using floor pads impregnated with
market leadership and ambitious
well as the thriving hospitality
the world.
billions of microscopic diamonds.
growth plans. We have successfully
Arpal Group has a strong
sector in the Middle East. The
The shared focus is to continue
Dr. Ilham Kadri, president
grown Twister by developing
UK operation, based in Selkirk,
bringing value to end-user
and chief executive Officer
innovative and sustainable
employs 85 factory and field
customers and distributors
of Diversey, said: “Diversey is
floor cleaning and maintenance
personnel and the UAE operation,
through service levels and
committed to being the global
technologies that dramatically
based in Dubai, has 46 employees.
technical excellence. Other than
leader in providing floor owners
reduce the cost of daily cleaning
Annual sales for the group are
the change of ownership, Arpal
with effective, innovative and
up to 50%. We believe that all
approximately $20 million.
Group will continue to work
sustainable solutions for cleaning
customers will benefit from the
Ecolab is a global leader
with suppliers, customers and
and maintenance. We are
combination of both companies’
in water, hygiene and energy
distributors as it did before the
therefore excited to welcome the
innovations, application expertise
technologies and services that
Twister team to the Diversey family
and global reach.”
protect people and vital resources.
because of our shared passion
With 2016 sales of $13 billion and
for this mission. Their portfolio
The World’s Number One Pressure Washer Brand. In collaboration with the USA’s National Park Service, Kärcher undertook the monumental task of cleaning the Presidents’ heads on Mount Rushmore in South Dakota. Kärcher pressure washers were used to remove moss, lichen and organic staining to prevent long-term corrosive damage to the underlying rock. For decades, our pressure washers have been helping our customers to clean their vehicles, buildings, tools and equipment – as well as some more unconventional objects and places. Innovation remains at the heart of what we do and we’ve been continuously refining our pressure washers for years to deliver increased performance, less consumption, longer service life and shorter cleaning times. With a range of different options including cold and hot water units powered by electricity or combustion engine, mobile or stationary, there’s a Kärcher pressure washer to suit virtually every cleaning task. To learn more about Kärcher’s iconic monument cleans visit For information about Kärcher pressure washers, accessories or detergents, to find your nearest Kärcher dealer or to request a free site survey, call 01295 752142, email or visit
ABM receives top Report: FM firms face LOY Awards accolade stagnating profitability into 2018 SUPPORT services and FM
A survey by the Social
companies are facing stagnating
Market Foundation suggests
profitability into 2018 amid
that as much as 14% of labour
increased competition from SMEs,
in accommodation and food
rising cost inflation from the
services and 9% in administration
ABM was awarded the Overall Loo
other major UK and Ireland
National Living Wage and Brexit,
and support services were born in
of the Year Award Trophy at the Loo
trophy winners included Asda,
according to a recent EY report.
the EEA. Depending on the terms
of the Year Awards 30th anniversary
Gatwick Airport, McDonald’s,
event in December. This was the
Oxford City Council, Portsmouth
accounts for 22 FM firms with
EU, FM firms could face increased
second time that a cleaning/FM
Historic Dockyard, Thames Water,
operations in the UK, revealed
costs to hire labour.
company has achieved this top
JD Wetherspoon, and Wychavon
that average (EBITDA) margins
award and was in recognition
District Council. The winners
have remained stagnant at
current uncertainty around
of ABM, also in its 30th year,
were selected from entries in
around 7% during the last three
labour rights is threatening to
gaining a platinum award grade
60 entry categories across all
years. In comparison, revenues
place an additional burden on
for 94% of its 34 entries and four
market sectors.
grew at an average of 14% from
a sector which is more reliant
last year.
than others on EU labour. We
national awards for Scotland. The
A new Washroom Service
A review of the available
of the UK’s withdrawal from the
Wainwright continued: “The
company was also awarded the
Provider award was won by Initial.
Tim Wainwright, industrial
expect the industry to be joining
new Washroom Cleaner of the Year
The winner of this award was
products sector leader at EY,
other labour-intensive industries
Award for England in the external
selected based on testimonials
said: “The facilities management
for special visas or deals for EU
contractor sector.
included in nominations from Loo
sector has experienced low
workers in facilities management
of the Year Awards entrants.
margins for some time, with no
in order to mitigate this.”
Awards managing director, Mike Bone, said: “ABM has entered
Nearly 400 guests from
sign of picking up. As we look into
The introduction of the
the Loo of the Year Awards for
throughout the UK, including
2018, the wider economic and
National Living Wage in April
several years, formerly as GBM,
representatives from leading
geo-political environment will
2016 resulted in a cost increase
and has won many awards in
cleaning and FM companies,
conspire, alongside competition
for FM companies since labour
the past 10 years. All of its 2017
attended the awards presentation
and cost inflation, to pile the
is a significant proportion of
entries were exceptionally clean
event at the St Johns Hotel in
pressure on FM providers. Our
their overall cost structure.
and well maintained.”
Solihull. Terry Alderton provided
analysis indicates that facilities
Data from the Office of National
comedy as the after-lunch
management providers have not
Statistics shows that cleaning and
South Pier Bangor public toilet,
entertainment and guests enjoyed
been able to take advantage of
hospitality were the two service
was awarded the new Washroom
the networking opportunities
scale whilst growing and so we are
sectors most impacted by the
Cleaner of the Year - Individual
during the supplier exhibition that
likely to see new approaches to
National Living Wage prior to its
Cleaner National Award for Ireland
forms part of the annual event.
corporate strategy in the sector.”
introduction, with 41.9% and
Maureen Boyle, based at the
and the overall UK trophy. She
The 2017 awards were run
Although the FM sector is
33.2% of the workforce affected. Wainwright said: “Adapting to
has provided an excellent service
in association with associate
not as heavily dependent on
at the South Pier toilets since
sponsors Clos-o-Mat, Dolphin
material imports compared to the
regulatory changes on labour
they opened on 4 April 1994. JD
Solutions, Dyson, Propelair, and
construction sector, for example,
including the National Living
Wetherspoon was presented
Toilet Twinning. Leading suppliers
the lower value of Sterling
Wage, apprenticeships levy
with the In-House Cleaning Team
Danfo, Deb, Eco Breeze, Evolve
following the EU referendum can
and auto-enrolment will add
trophy and ABM gained a second
Security, Hygiene Vision, and
make the UK market less attractive
additional pressure on the cost
trophy - the External Contractor
Willings Services also supported
for labour force from the EU. The
base of facilities providers. For
Team trophy.
this year’s awards.
FM sector also employs a number
an industry so fragmented and
of workers from the European
reliant on labour, new entrants
A Plush Flush, a small and family
Full details of the 2017 results
owned mobile toilet provider, was
are available at
Union and changes to immigration
will have a disproportionate
awarded the Individual Categories
The next Loo of the Year Awards
policies resulting from Brexit could
impact on profit margins for
trophy against strong competition
event will be held on Friday 7
impact labour availability from
FM firms.”
from national companies, and
December 2018.
EU countries.
10 FEBRUARY 2018
CleanTeam Meet the
The familiar, friendly face of Henry brings powerful, professional and “A rated� cleaning to all. His tried, tested and trusted design provides the perfect balance of convenient size with big capacity. Add to this his long reach cable, versatile tool set and on-board storage, and Henry is the ultimate all-rounder.
Everything you love about Henry, just that little bit bigger. A professional, tough and versatile workhorse packed full of innovative features, including unique WS\NNLK JHISL HUK I\ɈLY for wall and door protection. With his huge capacity and long reach cable, there’s no stopping Henry 240.
Everything you love about Henry, but with no cable! Built to the same professional standard as the Henry 200, the NBV190 has the classic Numatic styling and quality, incorporating our specially designed 36V lithium polymer battery pack, providing excellent performance and total freedom of operation.
With the PPT220 on-hand, you have everything you need to get the job done. Its innovative trolley design combines powerful cleaning with convenient features for ease of handling and onthe-move storage. Features include telescopic handle, SHYNL YLHY ^OLLSZ HUK SPM[ VɈ storage caddy, giving you everything you need, as and when you need it.
Henry 240
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Henry 240 On-board tool storage and wand docking
10m cable rewind and storage system
NBV190 36V Battery Power
Henry 200 Great Britain e in ad
See our full range at Numatic International Limited, Chard, Somerset. TA20 2GB Tel: 01460 68600 Š 5\TH[PJ 0U[LYUH[PVUHS 3PTP[LK :WLJPÄJH[PVU Z\IQLJ[ [V JOHUNL ^P[OV\[ WYPVY UV[PJL
NBV190 Quick and easy battery change
Nviro, Mountjoy and Pabulum directors agree MBO THE founders of the Quarr Group have agreed
long term relationship with the Quarr Group
a management buy-out with the directors
as they move forward with this exciting new
of its three subsidiaries - Nviro, Mountjoy,
phase of growth.” The MBO team involves all the executive
and Pabulum. The companies specialise in contract cleaning, building maintenance
directors from the subsidiary companies
and construction, and contract catering
and was led by the three managing
respectively. Operating for over 25 years, the
directors - Brian Warren from Nviro, Nelson From left to right: Simon Ingram, managing director of Mountjoy; Nelson Williams, managing director of Pabulum; and Brian Warren, managing director of Nviro.
Williams from Pabulum and Simon Ingram
healthcare bodies, social housing providers,
Hampshire and Dorset, said: “We have been a
staffing or management structure of the group
and commercial businesses.
Quarr Group provides services for a range of clients, including schools, academies,
from Mountjoy. There will be no change to the existing
colleges, universities, local authorities, banking partner of the Quarr Group for more
which has an annual turnover in excess of £70
The MBO was supported by a finance facility
than 10 years and in that time we’ve seen
million and employs over 3000 staff across
agreed with long-term banking partners, HSBC.
the business go from strength to strength.
London and the south of England.
Anthony Reed, HSBC’s area director for
We look forward to continuing our valued,
The impact of jet air dryers in hospital washrooms – new study published A recent study suggests that
surfaces in two men’s washrooms
floor and the dryer unit more
washrooms with jet air dryers than
hospital washrooms with jet air
in the same hospital: one had
heavily contaminated. On average
in those with paper towels. The
dryers may be at risk of spreading
paper hand towels to dry hands
the bacteria recovered from the
findings could be important for
more germs than those using
after hand washing and the other
air in the jet air dryer room was
hospitals where preventing and
single-use paper towels. The
had a jet air dryer. The washrooms
1.6 times higher than in the paper
limiting the spread of infection is
study, funded by the European
were used by hospital staff,
towel washroom.”
crucial and where patients have a
Tissue Symposium (ETS), was
patients and visitors.
carried out over seven days during
Professor Wilcox, who led
In particular the jet air dryer
lower resistance to infection. “The key issue is whether this
washroom carried higher levels of
a three-month period by leading
the study, said: “We found the
Enterococcus faecalis bacteria which
could expose patients and other
expert Professor Mark Wilcox from
paper towel washroom generally
can spread infection in hospitals
washroom users to infection,”
the microbiology department at
had fewer microorganisms than
and cause sickness in people with
continued Wilcox. “We need further
Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS
the washroom with the jet air
underlying health conditions or a
research to understand more about
Trust and the University of Leeds.
dryer. The number and variety of
weakened immune system.
the risks of infection spreading as a
The experts examined the number
bacteria found in the jet air dryer
of microbes in the air and on the
washroom was higher, with the
The study suggests that microbe levels may be higher in hospital
result of hand-drying methods.” WWW.EUROPEANTISSUE.COM
Investment pays off for Merton Group sales management tier, online
We know a dedicated transport
has reported that its focus
marketing director at MGUK, said:
website functionality and a brand-
solution will be purchased to
on reinvestment is delivering
“It is an impressive list, and given
new trade counter onsite at its
service the London area, and
results. A ‘top 200’ report,
the tight criteria for the sustained
Leicester HQ. The integration of full
we know we will be adding full
compiled by Grant Thornton UK
level of growth required for
EDI capabilities allowing for end
online account management to
LLP, has analysed the financial
companies to be included,
to end data interchange with ASN
our website for all customers.
performance of companies that
we are extremely proud to be
(advance shipping notification)
Our product packaging is being
are run and managed from the
featured. It is a testament to the
and SSCC labelling has also been
overhauled to include a brand-
East Midlands, highlighting the
strength of the regional economy
rolled out, including EAN barcoded
new look and clearer information,
top 200 businesses which have
that so many companies
packaging improvements which
as well as EAN barcoding. 2018’s
delivered the greatest sustained
qualified to be considered and
are being introduced over the next
biggest plans include substantial
growth over a three year period.
fantastic that our performance
6-12 months.
expansion to our production
The top 200 companies listed in the report continue to perform
Michael Maybury, sales and
has been recognised.” Merton Group is continuing to
Maybury continued: “2017 has
capabilities and warehousing
been another big year for us and
facilities too and we will update
strongly and are responsible for
invest in UK manufacturing with
along with everything we had
everyone soon on those
providing around 100,000 jobs, an
its recent development plans
planned, we will see even more
increase of 39% in three years.
including an additional regional
changes as we start the new year.
12 FEBRUARY 2018
From oily rags to riches OILY RAGS, overalls and ‘no prospects’ have
debt! As an industry, we have a responsibility
become synonymous with engineering
to start attracting fresh, young talent, and we
and facilities management professionals,
believe that the JEEP is a fantastic first step
despite offering a pathway that promises
towards doing that. But it can’t be a flash in the
no university debt and fantastic earning
pan - making the industry appeal to the next
potential. With a skills gap already a headache
generation of talent is a monumental challenge,
for FM, one company has taken matters in-
and changes won’t happen overnight, which
hand, launching a pilot programme and media
is why we see this as a long-term, industry-
campaign aimed at attracting new talent.
wide campaign.” At the end of the programme the children will
ABM UK recently welcomed 36 West London schoolchildren and their parents to
be awarded a certified qualification from
the launch of its first-ever Junior Engineering
the British Institute of Facilities Management
Engagement Programme (JEEP) at its
(BIFM), which will work as a credit towards an apprenticeship or further course should they
employee training centre in Greenford, Middlesex. At the event, Kate Bellingham - in
apprentice electrician when he was 16-years-
decide to pursue a career in the industry when
her role as an advocate of the campaign, STEM
old. Donnell successfully worked his way up
they leave school.
(science, technology, engineering
the career ladder to oversee the acquisition
and mathematics) ambassador, and former
of Westway Services (now ABM UK) by American
of BIFM, said: “BIFM is absolutely delighted to
Tomorrow’s World presenter - spoke to children
services giant, ABM, and now holds the chief
work alongside ABM UK on this initiative. For
and their parents about the unique opportunity
role at the company. He said: “This industry
many years the demographic time bomb facing
the initiative offers.
has an image problem that we need to
FM has been much lauded and finding ways to
change. People either don’t know about the
encourage young people into FM as a career
despite government initiatives like the
opportunities that facilities management and
of choice has been a long-held ambition
Apprenticeship Levy and the introduction of T
engineering offer or they think it’s about oily
of the Institute. I wish the 36 young people
levels, businesses also have a responsibility to
rags and no prospects. This couldn’t be further
every success with the programme and, who
safeguard the future.
from the truth - in fact, these technical roles are
knows, one day one of them may be heralded
The programme’s vision originated
in such high demand that graduate apprentices
as the ‘FM Newcomer of the Year’ like Conrad
from ABM UK’s group managing director,
are earning between £26,000 and £30,000 just a
Dinsmore was at the BIFM Awards 2017.”
Andy Donnell, who started his career as an
year after qualifying… and they have no
The move recognises that
Linda Hausmanis, chief executive
Clarity wins environmental award CLARITY-THE SOAP CO. has won in the
a leading eco-friendly social enterprise
Environmental Impact category as part of PWC’s
that is establishing best practice in how to
Social Entrepreneurs Club integrated for the
manufacture great products without ever
first time in the annual PwC Building Public
compromising on our environmental ethos.
Trust Awards lunch. The awards recognise
This demonstrates we are on the right track in
PwC Social Entrepreneurs Club members who
both delivering and communicating our vision
are implementing innovative and impactful
for the future. We pride ourselves on having
solutions to society’s challenges. The winner is
a no compromise approach. Our vision is to
selected by a panel of judges and awarded a
make environmentally friendly and socially
trophy and a £5000 prize.
responsible products mainstream. We have
As part of its submission, Clarity-The Soap Co. detailed how it recently became a holder of the
From left: Anja Batista Sonksen, one of Clarity-The Soap Co.’s trustees, and Camilla Marcus-Dew, head of commercial at the organisation, with the PwC award.
enterprise ethos is integrated into our business practices and to sharpen our proposal both
Planet Mark, an internationally-recognised and trusted sustainability certification programme
worked hard to better articulate how our social
100% green energy.
from a marketing and sales perspective. We
In addition, the organisation has just
are currently making real headway with our
committed to reducing its carbon footprint
formulated a new eco range for both of
new eco range and we have already gained
annually by 5% and to improving accountability
its brands. Anja Batista Sonksen, one of
the attention of a number of supermarkets.
in how and from where materials are sourced.
organisation’s trustees, and Camilla Marcus Dew,
In addition, we have launched our brand new
Ingredients, bottles and labels - wherever
head of commercial at Clarity-The Soap Co.,
The Soap Co. luxury Eco and Bee Friendly
possible - come from UK suppliers and they are
received the award from ITN’s Mary Nightingale.
collection that is doing well in what is a hugely
either compostable or recyclable. CLARITY-The
Camilla Marcus-Dew said: “It is so gratifying
in partnership with the Eden Project. It has also
Soap Co. manufactures its products by using 14 FEBRUARY 2018
to be recognised by the PwC judges as
THINK BRIGGS. We’re delighted to announce that Briggs is now the national dealer for Hako in the UK. This appointment revolutionises the customer experience with Briggs’ renowned service offering; • 600 mobile engineers across the UK • 3-hour guaranteed response time to vehicle breakdowns • Fleet management through online portal • In-house financing and contract rental options Choose the market-leading range of Hako industrial cleaning equipment from Briggs and deliver the health and safety compliance and productive, clean working environment that your business demands. See how Briggs can deliver a cleaner solution for your business. Call 03301 23 98 50 or email
Complete Forklift Range; Access and Plant Equipment; Trusted Service Partners; Leading Management Information; Your Unique Solution; Think Briggs.
Robert Scott, taking cleaning seriously since 1925 We’re a family-run business, built on nearly a hundred years of serious cleaning know-how. Over that time, things have changed but our values have stayed the same. We still make traditional and innovative cleaning supplies, all in the heart of Lancashire. When germs aren’t welcome and nothing less than spotless will do, we’re there every day helping Britain and beyond shine that little brighter. Serious cleaning know-how from Robert Scott.
For more information call 01457 819400 email or visit
How clean is your hotel room? the backbone of a brand.
AS thousands of people will make their way to a hotel for a Valentine’s
Studies have shown that the
treat I thought this would be a
average hotel room is dirtier than
floor, change towels and fold toilet roll into a point. • Empty bins.
good time to look at the general
a typical home, school, or aircraft,
• General tidy (if occupied by a guest).
cleanliness of hotels. When
and that for some tested surfaces,
• Plump cushions.
looking for a hotel stay, what are
five-star hotels had a much higher
• Replace used items, such as shoe shine, sewing
the first things we think about?
RFU count than three-star or
Depending on the reason for the
four-star hotels.
stay we might consider things
The places that maybe full of
such as the location, value for
germs in a hotel room could be
kit, shampoo etc. • Vacuum and dust throughout. • Spray air freshener. • Take dirty linens to laundry chute (this
money, ambiance, food, perhaps we look for
the mugs and glasses, light switches, telephones
particular hotel laundered a million pieces of
friendly staff to welcome us. Some of us will stick
and the remote control - all breeding grounds
laundry per year).
to the same well-known chain that is familiar to
for bacteria like E. coli. Bathrooms will tend
us. Above all of this we expect a clean and fresh
to be the cleanest as they will receive a more
room, especially when we are paying for the
‘thorough’ clean with product and water. A colleague once told me that during her time
privilege, right?
• Repeat x 9. Whilst this list doesn’t look extensive, a thorough and more importantly hygienic clean is difficult to achieve when an operative has such
(some 20 years ago) working as a housekeeper at
tight time constraints. In this hotel, the operatives
will set you back a rather wallet crunching sum
a 5-star hotel on London’s Park Lane she had the
were not paid overtime, all 10 rooms had to be
of £560.00 for bed and breakfast on Valentine’s
job of ‘cleaning’ 10 rooms per shift. The following
cleaned no matter what. Incidentally, the salary
night - would we expect a room at this price to
set of tasks had to be completed in each room:
back then was a very humble £9096 per annum
be cleaner than a hotel room that costs £59 per
• Strip and change beds - bottom sheet,
(lunch and uniform provided). I think we would
Some of the finest hotels in Central London
night? Unfortunately, cleaning does not have a
middle sheet, blanket, top sheet, bed throw
all agree this is a big job and not enough time to
star rating - if it did we would want everywhere
and 4 pillows.
do it in.
• Clean bathroom ‘thoroughly’ including the
to have a 5-star rating without exception. As consumers we expect consistency, it is after all
shower, bath, toilet, bidet, basin, mirrors and
Multi-Surface Floor Cleaner
Food for thought when you next check in. For more information visit WWW.BICS.ORG.UK
We’ve cut the cord! Now dancing with Duplex is even easier with our new arrival! From wall to wall and into the tightest corners the Duplex 380B Turbo is ideal for daily maintenance or deep cleaning. Ĭå±Ĺ ƴĜųƋƚ±ĬĬƼ ±ĹƼ āŅŅų Ÿƚųü±ÏåØ including CARPET! Ęå %ƚŞĬåƻ ƐíLj ƚųÆŅ ŅýåųŸ ± combined 4 in 1 action: · Pre sweeping · Scrubbing · Vacuuming · Drying All powered by a lithium Ion battery.
Request an onsite demonstration 01227 771276 Fax 01227 770220 Unit 27 Joseph Wilson Ind. Est Whitstable, Kent, CT5 3PS.
16 FEBRUARY 2018
Its quality of design guarantees you high performance cleaning.
Christian Berenger takes the helm at Ezitracker
Senior appointments at Cordant Guy Pakenham, managing
GLOBAL provider of remote
monitoring, mobile audits, payroll
CORDANT Cleaning has
workforce management software,
automation, and management
strengthened its senior team with
director of Cordant Cleaning,
Ezitracker has named Christian
reporting to cleaning and facilities
two key appointments as it pushes
said: “Both Colin and Stuart
Berenger as managing director
management companies, security
ahead with ambitious growth
are high calibre appointments
with a view to evolving the brand
companies and temporary
plans for 2018. Colin Marshall
that will make an immediate
within the FM, security and
workforce agencies.
joins the company as director
impact across the organisation.
of UK operations, whilst Stuart
Cordant Cleaning continues to
temporary workforce sectors.
Group marketing director, Simon Rider, said: “We are
Cunningham has been named
go from strength to strength and
Ezitracker team in September, has
pleased to welcome Christian
business development director.
it is important that we have the
already rolled out a new interface
to the Ezitracker team. With
In his new role, Marshall will
right people in place to help the
and enhanced user experience to
his valuable expertise in the
oversee day-to-day operations
the company’s 80,000 global users.
workforce management sector
across Cordant Cleaning’s
He brings a wealth of experience
as well as his experience in
sites with overall responsibility
Cleaning has a fantastic reputation
in the time and attendance sector
delivering strategic growth in
for resourcing, budgeting and
across the industry and I’m
and the facilities management
both direct and channel markets,
performance. He joins the business
looking forward to building on the
market. He will be responsible for
he is a perfect fit for guiding
from AGS One, where he was key
excellent work carried out by the
the development and execution
Ezitracker through the next stage
account director, and previously
company over the last few years in
of a robust sales and marketing
of development. He’s an excellent
worked for Mitie as director of
order to further cement its position
strategy for the remote worker
leader and will help us to further
sectors and strategic accounts.
as a market leader.”
software platform and its ancilliary
establish our leading position
hardware products.
in the field of remote worker
Cordant Cleaning after spending
“I’m pleased to be joining such
management solutions.”
four years as head of sales at Mitie
an accomplished team that
Transport. As part of his remit, he
is committed to delivering
will continue to build and develop
exceptional levels of service to
the company’s portfolio of clients
a range of different clients. It is
by identifying new opportunities,
an exciting time to be joining
whilst overseeing the
Cordant Group, following the
management of tender processes
organisation’s recent decision to
Berenger, who joined the
Ezitracker provides web-based solutions for time and attendance
CHSA raises record-breaking amount for RNIB
Stuart Cunningham joins
business grow even further.” Colin Marshall added: “Cordant
Stuart Cunningham concluded:
from pre-qualification to contract
become a social enterprise.”
award and mobilisation.
Salisbury Group enjoys record-breaking year SALISBURY Group has announced that 2017 has been its most
largest retailers. Ed Swales, CEO of Salisbury
THE Cleaning and Hygiene
which are available free of charge
successful year since its inception
Group, said: “This has been a
Suppliers Association (CHSA)
to blind and partially sighted
five years ago. During 2017
fantastic year for our company.
has raised £14,000 to donate to
people, can be a lifeline. With this
Salisbury Group secured a raft
Not only have we won exciting
the chairman’s charity, the Royal
donation we will be able to record
of contracts with FTSE 100, FTSE
contracts with household
National Institute of Blind People
five or six more books.”
250 and NYSE listed companies
names, we have also secured
(RNIB), thanks to the generosity of
Stephen Harrison, chairman of
in transport, logistics, hospitality,
agreements with organisations
CHSA members.
the CHSA and managing director
and recruitment, as well as
that are critically important to UK
“We’re very grateful for the support
of Harrison Wipes, said: “We’re
growing its public sector contract
infrastructure. As we celebrate
of the CHSA,” said Harry Meade,
delighted to have raised so much
base. To cap the record-breaking
our five-year anniversary, we
RNIB corporate partnerships
for the Royal National Institute
year, it signed a UK-wide contract
look forward to enjoying another
manager. “We estimate there are
of Blind People. RNIB is a charity
to deliver maintenance services at
bumper year in 2018.”
more than two million people in
close to my heart. I have been
430 stores for one of the country’s
the UK today with serious sight
inspired by a friend who has sight
problems, many of whom don’t
loss and who cycles with our group
Inspired by his determination I
to make such a significant
get the support they need. In
on the back of a tandem, and I am
wanted to do something more
donation, which is all thanks to the
particular, sight loss can lead
now training with him, as his guide
for the charity that has given him
generosity of our members.”
to isolation. Our Talking Books,
runner, to run a half marathon.
so much support. It’s wonderful
FEBRUARY 2018 17
Proof of the (eco-friendly) pudding ‘If you can see it and touch it, and you know where it came from, it all starts to make sense’ - Steve Hill of Grundon Waste Management says using recycled materials and environmentally-friendly technologies as part of your waste management strategy can deliver real benefits.
Engaging employees in the benefits of recycling and environmental performance can be one of the biggest challenges in terms of achieving success. One of the issues is how hard it often is for people to see tangible evidence of the benefits. While senior managers will welcome statistics around increased tonnage of material sent for recycling or the special recognition of an award, for staff living the sustainability message every day it’s not always easy to
18 FEBRUARY 2018
experience the results first-hand. One way to make a difference is to include recycled products as part of an organisation’s waste management strategy and, where opportunity exists, to introduce carbon neutral or solar powered technologies. At Grundon, our view is that if staff can touch and feel environmental success stories then they are much more likely to buy into the messages we’re trying to spread. That’s why we’ve recently introduced our customers to the new 100% recycled plastic uBin, the first bin in the world made from recycled UK post-consumer plastic. It’s both smart and user-friendly and can be modified to meet customer requirements. It is literally a recycling bin made from plastic that was once a yoghurt pot or a margarine tub in your fridge and we believe using it helps drive home the recycling message, demonstrating that segregation of waste streams really does make sense and delivers workable new products.
Solar power Another option now available through our sister company, PDE Waste Technologies, is that of both static and portable solar-powered compactors. Compactors are incredibly useful in terms of the job they do on-site for customers, quickly and easily compacting various types of waste to save space and create efficiencies. As well as more traditional locations, static solar compactors are ideal for areas where no electricity
supply exists, making them very simple to use, saving on start-up costs and ongoing energy-related bills and reducing the carbon footprint. A typical solar compactor configured with a bin tipping device will comfortably compact approximately 15 to 20 wheelie bins per day, and on a typical application, processing 175 tonnes per annum, the pure energy cost savings are likely to be around £160 per annum. And for those customers who need portability - such as event or festival
Be aware of what you wear The advent of recycled clothing has also been adopted by the celebrity culture - chart-topping music star Pharrell Williams is the face of G-Star Raw for the Oceans, a clothing line made out of recycled polyethylene terephthalate (PET) bottles. Last year, Adidas launched three new editions of one of its trainer ranges, made using plastic debris found in the ocean, while Ecoalf produces shoes, bags and clothing made from discarded fishing nets and flip flops from recycled used rubber tyres.
organisers - there are even solarpowered portable compactors which avoid the need for a generator and decrease the carbon footprint. Leading from the front Where possible, we always try to lead from the front by adopting the use of recycled or sustainable materials in our own day-to-day activities. For example, when we visit businesses as part of our Waste Awareness Days, we provide pens made from recycled plastic and cardboard and pencils made from recycled denim - helping to capture the imagination and engage employees in the recycling debate. All the paper we use is 100% recycled and we now use carbon neutral refuse and recycling sacks. These are made from a carbon neutral bio-based polythene solution which is created from the waste product of sugarcane extraction. It’s always a real positive when we hand these to our customers and tell them where they come from. We also do everything we can to reduce our carbon footprint and help customers do the same. Our vehicle fleet is officially certified CarbonNeutral, which means every mile the vehicles travel, whether on waste collection rounds or when staff
visit customers in company cars, the journey is officially carbon neutral and does not add to your own carbon footprint. Taking environmental efficiency one step further, some London customers can also take advantage of collections with our ground-breaking new hybrid hydrogen/diesel waste wheeler vehicle. We’ve had one of our waste wheelers converted to dual fuel, underlining our strategic commitment to carbon neutrality and, given the potential for the production of hydrogen from our waste treatment processes, to the circular economy. While these might be relatively small steps in the wider scheme of things, if everyone embraces these new technologies then, little by little, we can all make a difference. And while the ideas outlined here may be just a drop in the ocean, they can all help to turn the tide. For more information about Grundon’s wide range of services, please visit or call us on 01753 686 777. WWW.GRUNDON.COM
FEBRUARY 2018 19
Hit the north - why Manchester is the place to be this April Paul Thrupp, deputy chair of the British Cleaning Council, reports. McGovern will once again be zipping
IT’S hard to believe that we are
round Event City on a ride-on
fast approaching the second
scrubber dryer, I’m delighted to
Manchester Cleaning Show,
(FWC), and the British Institute of Cleaning Science (BICSc), will also be presenting, as will our partners at the Health & Safety Executive. In addition, analysts from Firedog Research
being held again at Event City
report that the 2018 Manchester
in early April, as it doesn’t
Cleaning Show is absolutely
- who recently conducted the most in-depth
seem long since we were
flying, and we’ve already
study seen in recent years into the size, value
increased the capacity by 25% to
packing up our stand from the
accommodate the demand from
first event in 2016.
new and returning exhibitors.
I remember how the BCC agonised
So, if you make the trip to Event City on
over the initial decision to move the show
and future direction of the UK’s cleaning, hygiene and waste management industries will be sharing insights into the future of the sector based on their findings. When you combine all of that with the 70
to London in 2015, and then again had to
11-12 April what can you expect? As you
wrestle with the idea of creating a second
may have read in Cleaning & Maintenance
exhibition stands already booked - which
show in the north, evaluating all of the
magazine, the show’s conference programme
will see top firms showcasing their latest
commercial and reputational risks which
has been built around the theme of the
products, services and innovations - it’s easy
come with such a choice.
challenges and opportunities facing the UK’s
to see why the Manchester Cleaning Show is a
cleaning, hygiene and waste management
must-attend event for the whole of the sector,
show in Manchester will know, we really
industries over the next five years. We’ve got
regardless of which side of the Watford gap
had nothing to fear, selling out every stand
seminars set to discuss key issues such as
you are on.
space and welcoming nearly 2500 visitors
Brexit, the growing skills gap, professional
over the two days (which was substantially
standards and career progression, health and
free pass, head to
above our target). BBC Breakfast’s business
safety at work, and increasing automation -
team also broadcast live from the show on
within the sector - and over 20 senior
and we look forward to seeing you there.
the first morning, highlighting the importance
representatives drawn from both the private
of the cleaning sector to the whole of the
and public sector will be taking part.
As any of you who attended the inaugural
British Cleaning Council members,
UK economy. While we cannot promise that Steph
including the Federation of Window Cleaners
To find out more, or to register for your
The Professional Independent Registered Trade Association for
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20 FEBRUARY 2018
The need for transparency in window cleaning Simon Gasson, joint managing director of So Clean Cleaning and Support Services, reports.
Many of our clients
our teams to take a sample of before-and-after
are reaching the end
photographs on their
of their financial
smartphones. With
years and fixing their spend for the following 12 months. In line with the trend towards
sharing technology, this means our admin teams can attach images to completion notes and
using the workplace environment
our area managers can point out
as a way of attracting and retaining
to clients where we are facing
staff, we’re asking FMs to - at the
particular challenges.
very least - maintain the frequency
At first I thought this could
of our window cleaning visits, if not
potentially lead to friction with
to actually increase them. After all,
clients, but I’ve come to realise
as an office worker there’s nothing
over the years that the more
more dispiriting than to look up
we can support clients with
from your desk and not be sure
information and feedback, the
whether it’s dull outside or just that
easier it is for them to do their own
the windows haven’t been cleaned
jobs and justify our own service.
for six months.
I know from speaking to them on
As it happens, we do most of
a regular basis that FMs often get
our window cleaning in central
earache from staff about problems
London and there are two forces
in a building and nowhere more so
at work making our job harder at
than in a multi-tenanted building,
the moment. One is the increasing
where service contracts between
level of pollution, particulates and
building manager and tenant are
all, leaving a grubby film on the
reliant on maintaining satisfaction
city’s buildings. The other is the
levels. So, if our own feedback
pressure on budgets. Like many
can help our clients manage their
other companies, we have taken
budgets and demonstrate the
to using traffic film remover to
value of cleaning, that’s got to help
deliver a more effective service, but
everyone in the chain.
ultimately, the longer you leave
Like so much in cleaning, it’s
it between cleans, the dirtier the
about adding value and not being
windows become and the longer
embarrassed to either discuss
it takes to clean them, so reducing
problems or let people know when
frequencies is not even financially
you’ve done a good job. Sometimes
justifiable in some cases.
the simplest things can deliver the
And that’s where the transparency
A safe yet de-mountable tank system for window cleaning Fitted to and removed from your van in just a couple of minutes
FMVSS-208 Cast Mounting Brackets
Available as filtrated or delivery only systems
Sizes 400, 600 & 800 litres available
biggest benefits, and in what is
comes in, if you’ll forgive the obvious
sometimes a challenging area of
pun. We deliver all window cleaning
our service, I want clients to know
in-house, with our own IRATA-
how much effort goes into making
registered abseilers and our own
their glass sparkle when the sun
fleet of reach and wash vehicles.
finally starts shining.
Whenever we do a job, we instruct
IT’S now February.
01793 871 386 FEBRUARY 2018 21
NJC wins with BNP Paribas NJC has won a contract with BNP
high quality office accommodation
Paribas, one of the world’s leading
over 17 floors.
property management companies,
Ensuring high service levels and safety at Foyleside
Matt Hammond, general
to deliver cleaning of the internal
manager BNP Paribas Real
common areas, the building
Estate, said: “We were impressed
exterior and the surrounding
by NJC’s service reputation,
estate. The three year contract
passion and technology, and the
covers One Creechurch Place,
innovations that they presented
which comprises 272,500 sq ft of
to support the efficient operation of this key new building.” Paul Crilly, managing director of NJC, said: “We are delighted to have been awarded this contract, which builds on our strength in major London buildings. We look forward to delivering the
FOYLESIDE Shopping Centre, the
forms, including photographic
high quality services required
premier shopping destination
evidence, to report any problems.
to support major brands and to
in the north west of Ireland, has
PWP Complete Maintenance’s
developing our services as the new
adopted workforce management
onsite control room uses SmartTask
tenants move in.”
tool SmartTask to ensure high
to monitor all activity, ensuring
levels of public safety and to meet
that contracted levels of service are
its duty of care commitments.
achieved and any raised alerts are
New cleaning solution on track
Derry-based PWP Complete
responded to.
THE trial of a new deep cleaning
software solution to monitor
Complete Maintenance said: “We
process for trains has proved
onsite cleaning and maintenance,
needed a workforce management
a success at Bombardier
while enabling staff members to
solution that guaranteed high levels
Transportation’s Central Rivers
quickly report any spills, hazards or
of reliability to avoid any issues
depot in the Midlands. The
other safety concerns at the retail
with data loss. If we are unable
company has joined forces with
to prove that work took place or
Arrow Solutions to introduce a new product to its operations
From left, Colin Dunn (Bombardier), Alex Campbell (Arrow Solutions), Graham Bartlett (Bombardier), Jon Williams (CrossCountry), and James Lomas (Arrow Solutions).
Maintenance has rolled out the
SmartTask has replaced a
Emmett Page from PWP
actions were taken to resolve a
previous system that was no
safety issue, it potentially increases
longer meeting the needs of
liability in the event of an accident.
Foyleside Shopping Centre and
Foyleside Shopping Centre is
also brought hard to clean areas
PWP Complete Maintenance in
committed to protecting all visitors,
back to a much more acceptable
terms of reliability and accuracy.
so it’s a priority that the retail site is
made up of four and five carriages
appearance. This includes the
Following a successful trial period,
managed in the most responsible
each, being subjected to a
door buttons, steps, sole bar
the cloud-based SmartTask was
way possible. SmartTask has given
20-hour exterior bodyside clean
and vestibule ends… these are
selected as the preferred workforce
us the added visibility and control
with Thickened Oxalwash, which
notoriously difficult to clean, but this
management option. This was
we needed.”
removes iron and rust deposits
Arrow product offers the solution.”
based on its ability provide
and has just completed the first deep clean of the entire fleet of CrossCountry Voyager trains. This has involved 57 trains,
that aren’t normally eliminated
Jon Williams, fleet and
Paul Ridden, CEO of SmartTask,
complete visibility of all FM activity
said: “An increasing number
with daily cleaning solutions. The
contract manager (Voyagers)
in internal and external public
of security, cleaning and FM
change has resulted in significantly
for CrossCountry, continued:
areas, as well as peace of mind that
operations are using our proven
cleaner trains, helping improve the
“External cleanliness of the train
any safety issues are being resolved
software solution to performance
passenger experience and boost the
is a critical aspect of creating
in a fast and efficient manner.
manage staff, improve employee
CrossCountry brand in the process.
a positive first impression for
“I believe the results speak for
our customers. The Oxalwash
using SmartTask-enabled mobile
incident reporting. This is
themselves - you only have to see
programme has lifted the overall
devices to scan more than 700 RFID
helping them to achieve reliable,
the difference in the train after we
presentation of the Voyager fleet
tags located around the shopping
efficient and high quality service
have applied Thickened Oxalwash,”
with significant improvement in
centre when work has been
delivery through improved
said Colin Dunn, train presentation
the appearance of harder to clean
completed or checks undertaken. In
communications, increased
manager at Bombardier Central
areas and removal of ingrained
addition, SmartForm functionality
management control and added
Rivers. “It not only gives the train
dirt along the bodyside.”
allows employees to quickly
a much cleaner finish, but has
complete and submit electronic
22 FEBRUARY 2018
Cleaners and engineers are now
accountability and enhance
Measured dosing system. Fixed measured dose for liquids. No over dosing.
• Simple tip and pour action • Concentrates, and chemicals • All products European made • Stock items available • Low MOQ T. 02920 473147 E. Unit 92 Portmanmoor Road Ind. Est., Cardiff, CF24 5HB
INTRODUCING THE NEW MOTORSCRUBBER STAIR BRUSH A must have for any facility with stairs, this brush helps improve the hygiene of high ɽɨƃǹˎƺ ƃɨljƃɰ ƹʰ ɨljǁʍƺȈȶǼ ǁȈɨɽ ƃȶǁ ƹƃƺɽljɨȈƃ ɽɨƃʤljȢȢȈȶǼ ɽȃɨɁʍǼȃ ƃ ƹʍȈȢǁȈȶǼӝ ěȃȈɰ ʍȶȈɧʍlj іљѕȴȴ ǁljljɥ ƹɨʍɰȃ ƺȢljƃȶɰ ɽȃlj ʍɥɨȈɰlj ƃȶǁ ɽȃlj ɰɽljɥ ɰȈȴʍȢɽƃȶljɁʍɰȢʰ ʥȃȈȢlj ɽȃlj ǁȈǹǹljɨljȶɽ ȢljȶǼɽȃ ƹɨʍɰȃ ˎȢƃȴljȶɽɰ ǼȈʤlj ƃȶ ljʯƺljɥɽȈɁȶƃȢ ǁljljɥ ƺȢljƃȶ ɽɁ ƃȢȢ ȃƃɨǁ ːɁɁɨɰ ȈȶƺȢʍǁȈȶǼ ʍȶljʤljȶ ƃȶǁ ɽljʯɽʍɨljǁ ɰʍɨǹƃƺljɰӝ
Helping to mitigate costs‌one dry at a time Syed Ahmed, CEO at Savortex, reports. operational resource savings. Each of the dryers in the range share the same features and benefits as the EcoCurve 550A, including its sleek design and a depth of just 134 mm. Using a patented energy recovery and curved air delivery technology, this results in a 66% energy saving compared to any other dryer on the market and a 97% saving in comparison to paper towels. Self-cleaning, with a unique brushless design that promotes sustainability, the dryer delivers a lifespan of 20,000 operational hours. For clients that wanted the additional benefits of improved building management and labour utilisation, we created the EcoCurve 550D smart dryer. This uses the ONE of the biggest challenges businesses face is a constant pressure to reduce costs and
them to meet green targets. At Savortex we have been working
Internet of Things to deliver substantial energy and waste savings. The dryer
improve their carbon footprint. However, these
extremely hard to create an innovative
incorporates four additional sensors. This
two challenges are contradictory as, in order to
solution that will help companies achieve
enables the provision of meaningful data
improve CO2 levels, a company tends to have
this. Our EcoCurve range of hand dryers has
regarding live usage and footfall via an
to spend more money. Therefore, businesses
been carefully designed to transform the
online portal which can be used to advertise
are more frequently looking for cost effective
washroom market by delivering unrivalled
and promote the product to attract new
solutions that will improve efficiency and help
levels of sustainability, energy savings and
customers. It also facilitates wireless alerts to
24 FEBRUARY 2018
washroom operatives based on
chose to install the EcoCurve 550A
real-time requirements.
when the company refurbished
Our newest product is the
its headquarters in Leatherhead,
adDryer. We have partnered with
Surrey. This building houses
Intel to add this revolutionary
more than 350 employees so a
dryer to the range. With all the
key focus of the redevelopment
same features and benefits of
was to improve the building’s
the other models, the adDryer is
sustainability and efficiency.
connected to the IoT and includes
The Wates Group is one of
a digital screen that can be used
the largest privately-owned
to engage users with real time
construction, development and
and one-to-one, high-definition
property services companies
video messages. This can be used
in the UK. With a strong
to replace parts was also reduced
impressed with the Savortex
for internal marketing or as an
commitment to corporate social
by a factor of more than two.
EcoCurve range and the savings it
additional revenue stream. Once
responsibility and sustainability,
the adDryer is installed, we evaluate
the company is keen to ensure
technology services manager at
the demographic of the building to
that its buildings leave a positive
Wates, said: “Wates is committed
continue to strive to deliver
create an audience value and use
legacy. The existing dryers in the
to the long-term future of the built
operational savings and meet
this information to sell the space
facilities had a power rating of
environment. Businesses are facing
green targets, many are looking for
to media partners. As soon as the
1200 watts, over double that of
increasing pressures to improve
innovative and new technologies,
content has been sold, building
the EcoCurve range. As a result,
their carbon footprint and, as a
such as our EcoCurve smart
owners and companies will start to
the EcoCurve dryer will deliver a
result, are looking for solutions that
dryer range, to help them
see a return on the investment.
saving of 77.10 tonnes of CO2 and
can save both energy and operating
achieve this. At Savortex, we
an energy saving of £14,630 over
costs. It was important to us that
are committed to helping
our range can bring is through a
the seven-year period. In addition,
our Leatherhead headquarters
companies meet these targets and
recent case study with a new client,
due to an industry leading
building reflected our company
fundamentally reduce costs.
The Wates Group. The company
warranty of seven years, the need
ethos and we were extremely
A good example of the benefits
Dr. Zainab Dangana, sustainable
can deliver.” To conclude, as businesses
BIGGER CAN BE BETTER The new i-mopXXL delivers a 40%* productivity increase
*40% more productive than the standard i-mopXL. I-mopXL - scrubbing width 46cm, i-mopXXL - scrubbing width 62cm.
FEBRUARY 2018 25
How cleaning can embrace the green agenda in 2018 George Hand, sales manager for cleaning, hygiene and catering at Office Depot UK & Ireland, reports. When looking for ways to green-up cleaning
THE issue of sustainability has never been higher up on the corporate agenda.
processes, it is important to remember that
With businesses across the supply chain
improving sustainability is not simply a case of
increasingly demanding evidence of ‘green
choosing the right products and processes. A
credentials’ from their suppliers, organisations
business’s carbon footprint has become one of
which do not adopt a proactive approach to
the most commonly-used measurements of its
mitigating their environmental impact can
overall eco credentials, therefore it is vital that
significantly damage their brand’s reputation.
organisations give due consideration to how
With environmental issues frequently coming
cleaning products are procured. Through supply chain consolidation,
under the spotlight, simply complying with
cleaning professionals not only realise the
regulations is no longer enough.
environmental benefits of fewer deliveries but
While green cleaning products have historically proven expensive and difficult to
also save money by reducing delivery costs
source, increased demand for sustainable
of each shipment. Other benefits of better
chemicals and equipment in recent years
streamlined supply chains include a reduction
has improved accessibility, affordability and
in the time needed for organisations to
driven technological developments. With these
monitor and track orders and the opportunity
improvements in mind, there is no longer any
to build strong and trusting relationships with
excuse for businesses not to deliver on their
supply partners. Over time this could well help
eco-friendly responsibilities.
businesses to drive further value by leveraging more favourable deals with suppliers.
Reviewing internal processes is often
With the digital revolution meaning that
the first step for organisations looking
supply chains are now more transparent
to meet environmental targets, but it is important not to forget the crucial role supplier relationships play. When choosing
truly informed choice. While in previous years the majority of
and easier to monitor than ever, it is simply no longer enough for businesses to focus
procurement partners, businesses should
businesses relied solely on ready-to-use
sustainability efforts internally. The activities
consider not only which suppliers offer green
chemicals, ‘smart dosing’ now offers many
of suppliers can have an important impact
products but also the range of available
organisations the opportunity to reduce
on a business’s overall output, therefore
products and their affordability.
wastage as well as providing cost-saving
initial talks with sellers should stress their
The cleaning industry is recognising that
opportunities. In contrast to the manual
individual responsibility to support corporate
innovation is central to driving sustainability
method of diluting chemicals, automatic
environmental targets and regular checks
and product developments across the
dispensers provide cleaning professionals
should be high on the agenda.
board and is allowing access to a greater
with an exact, highly-controlled amount of
number of eco-friendly products than ever
concentrate prior to dilution. This reduces the
urgent need for businesses across the world
before. Take microfibre cloths as an example
amount of chemical used for each cleaning
to take responsibility for their environmental
- improvements in this area are helping
task, providing better value for money whilst
impact. Cleaning manufacturers are
cleaning professionals better engage with the
ultimately reducing pressure on supply chains
increasingly addressing this heightened
green agenda, allowing smaller amounts of
through lower amounts of packaging and less
demand by offering a wider range of
chemicals and water to be used to achieve a
frequent deliveries.
affordable green products, and many
similar standard of cleaning.
Newer models of dispensers no longer
It is impossible not to be aware of the
suppliers are allowing businesses to reduce
need to be plumbed in, making them highly
their carbon footprint through consolidation.
cutting through the ‘eco jargon’ and finding
portable and allowing easy transportation
There has never been a better time to
the right one can sometimes be a challenge.
around the workplace. Moreover, the fact that
capitalise on the industry-wide push to ‘go
Environmental labelling can often be
these systems are also fully sealed rather than
green’, and the time is now for organisations
surprisingly cryptic and it is worth businesses
requiring bottles of chemicals to be constantly
to boost their eco credentials, reaping the
opting for suppliers who are able to provide
opened and closed means that they have
rewards of cost savings along the way.
clear explanations for these in order to make a
obvious health and safety benefits.
With so many products on offer, however,
26 FEBRUARY 2018
How to turn recycling into a mission – in 10 easy steps Roger Green, CEO of Spotless Commercial Cleaning and its sister company, Brightwaste Office Recycling, reports. LET’S face it, office recycling can be a chore.
from Spotless for all businesses who want to do
neat cardboard bins. Sometimes really smart,
You have your meal deal lunch at your desk.
office recycling correctly.
airport-style bins for segregated waste. 4. Do away with bins under desks. 20 years
1. Understand the benefits of recycling.
You know you can recycle the plastic bottle, but you’re not really sure about the crisp packet
Recycled waste costs about 25% less than
ago every office had desk bins whereas now
and the half-cardboard, half-perspex sandwich
general waste. Why? Because recycled waste
60% of offices use central bins, often reducing
wrapper. You need to get on with your work, so
does not have an inbuilt landfill levy. Instead,
their office cleaning costs. Place the recycling
you just find the nearest bin, throw it all in and
the waste can be sold as a commodity and this
bins strategically around the office. Keep them
focus on more pressing matters.
discounts the collection costs.
in areas where most of the waste is generated
2. Set a recycling target. We recommend that
But here’s the thing. By law offices have to recycle. The Scottish government has set a
you align with the government target of seven
70% target for recycling, and the pressure at
bags of recycling waste for every three sacks of
work is going to get greater and greater for
general waste.
5. Get free help. Ask your waste company Office Recycling offers this service for free.
commercial cleaning company should help and
works with (actually owns) Brightwaste which
encourage you to do the right thing.
can supply free bins and give free recycling
So, here’s the 10 point office recycling plan
rooms, as well as cafes. to come in and talk to your staff. Brightwaste
3. Get great bins to help you. Spotless
easy, instinctive recycling systems. And your
such as photocopying, meeting and breakout
6. Launch and promote your recycling initiative to staff. Hold a launch event to share
advice for your office. Sometimes this will be
Continued on Page 28.
OUR PRODUCTS ARE: Free of VOCs Child and pet friendly Natural ingredients Micro bead free Selby: 01757 291 111
Community House, Portholme Rd. Selby, North Yorks, YO8 4QQ FEBRUARY 2018 27
to bin it - print less and on both sides, reuse plastic containers, and maintain and upgrade computers to extend their lives. You may not know that methane is produced in landfill from biodegradable waste, and methane is 23 times as potent a greenhouse gas compared to carbon dioxide. You may not be aware that making new products from recycled materials requires much less energy than manufacturing from virgin materials. For example, recycling aluminium into new cans needs 95% less energy than processing the raw material, bauxite ore, into aluminium. If you get the recycling basics right, it doesn’t
Continued from Page 27.
with your waste company. Would you prefer
the value and objectives. It’s worth including
kerbside collection or car park collection? And
need to be a chore. Instinctively you will learn
helpful (and humorous) messages using posters
if car park, what size of bin suits you best? Make
what to recycle and what not to. Eventually
and stickers with gentle reminders on the
sure you’re not being miss-sold a bin that is too
you’ll find that the cost savings are not the
benefits and desired outcomes.
big for your needs.
motivation. It’s not even the fact that you are
7. Motivate your staff by linking recycling
9. Obtain data from your waste company. Ask
legally compliant. It’s simply the fact that you
with valued charitable causes. Electronic
it for a carbon report to show comparatives on
know you are doing the right thing for the
products like PCs, laptops and mobile phones,
your recycling between any two dates.
environment, and you are doing it well. If you
as well as ink cartridges, can be donated to
10. Lastly, find ways to reduce your waste
genuinely get your staff on board, you’ll turn
charities. Redundant office furniture can also
and recycling output before it hits the bins. A
recycling into a mission.
go to charities.
creative team review will allow you to find more
ways to reduce waste so that you don’t have
8. Discuss and agree the collection strategy
Putting steam behind your environmental ambitions Thomas Stuecken, chairman of OspreyDeepclean, reports. THERE is a certain expectation on companies
Nothing else is required - no need for non-
chewing gum could be just the tip of the iceberg
today to not only have environmentally friendly
eco-friendly chemicals nor labour intensive
for the cleaning industry. It has the potential
products and services but to be kinder to
cleaning methods. Dirt, grime and bacteria are
to re-write the cleaning rules and completely
the environment through their policies and
simply removed using an integrated vacuum
change the current state of the cleaning industry.
procedures too. The terms ‘green’ or ‘sustainable’
or a microfibre cloth, leaving no scope for any
There is the potential that cleaners will no longer
are meant to refer to products and services that
antimicrobial resistance either.
have to work antisocial hours nor for their work
are not harmful to environment but, with a little
The green credentials of dry steam don’t end
to be ‘seen and not heard’ - and without the
help from some savvy marketeers and a need for
there either. The ongoing quest for innovative
need for heavy, cumbersome machines with
every product to have a competitive advantage,
technology to achieve even better results saw the
trailing cables. Daytime cleaning could actually
product labelling is not always indicative that a
introduction of the world’s first battery powered
become a mainstream approach. Simplistic
product is truly green. As with anything, though,
dry steam unit - the GB1. Part of the GumBusters
controls, cordless and virtually silent, battery
there is always an exception to the rule and for
range, the GB1 busts gum one deposit at a time
powered steam units could be coming to a
the cleaning industry that exception is dry steam.
and costs as little as £2.50 per hour to operate
workplace near you.
It’s one of the very few cleaning tools that can
- including consumables. The GB1 operates
Discarded gum and graffiti are probably
truly shout from the roof tops of its green status.
for up to six hours on a single battery charge
always going to be an anti-social issue yet we
Dry steam keeps things simple. Cold clean
and its silent operation means it can be used
can be confident that - with the evolution of
tap water is superheated to approximately
in populated areas with minimal disruption.
innovative technology such as the GB1 - we can
180°C and with minimal effort by the operator
The technology has been so successful that the
keep instilling the positive ‘see it clean, keep it
surfaces are left sanitised and deep cleaned.
company has already introduced a smaller version
clean’ mantra to minimise any negative impacts
Dry steam is not limited to where it can be used
of the battery technology - the GB Compact.
and it can (and does) clean virtually anything. 28 FEBRUARY 2018
Cordless, battery technology for removing
Saving you more than just water It’s easy to take the water you use for granted, but sustainability and environmental awareness are at the top of the agenda. Paul Jakeway, marketing director at Deb Group, reports. SCARCITY of water is of global concern. Saving diminishing resources is a responsible strategy for every commercial organisation. It is also a strategy that can make sound economic sense. Hand hygiene should be a key part of any company’s environmental audit. Making the change from liquid soap to a foam alternative for hand washing can deliver significant savings in water consumption. It might appear a simple change, but once implemented it can be the catalyst for significant environmental benefits. As well as enhancing sustainability, it can also potentially impact on your bottom line. Is the washroom draining your resources?
are not needed to thicken the product, foaming
In an average office-based business without
soap biodegrades more easily [7].
Foaming soap dispensers release less soap than regular liquid soap dispensers. But does using less soap equate to less efficacy? Research
a canteen, 65% of water use occurs in the washroom. Independent industry studies have
Can you afford to wash your hands of the
shows that there is no significant difference in
revealed that people who wash their hands
the cleaning ability between 0.7ml of foam soap
with foaming hand soap use 16% less water to
The financial benefits are equally satisfying.
as compared to 1.1ml of lotion soap [8].
lather and rinse than those using a liquid soap
If your current liquid soap order comprises
counterpart [1]. If you also educate your employees
three cases (six litres of product per case), how
the European Union Ecolabel Certificate.
in the right handwashing technique of dispense,
many individual hand washes might you expect
This is good to know in terms of reduced
lather, tap on, rinse, water consumption can be
before you need to order again? The total is an
environmental impact, but also underlines their
reduced by up to 45% [2]. The efficiency of this
initially impressive 18,000.
continued efficiency and comfort in use.
method is clear when the only water involved is
A range of foam formulations also carry
Order just two cases of foam soap instead and your employees will enjoy a total of 17,148
A sustainable case
hand washes. For one third less product
In a world where water restrictions are
by the Waste and Resources Action Programme
ordered, you will achieve almost the same total.
becoming commonplace, every business is
(WRAP), which estimates that water savings
With each hand wash requiring less soap, the
feeling the pressure to respond responsibly.
same amount lasts longer and at less cost.
Switching to the use of foam soap is one key
used to rinse the soap away. The advantages of foam soap are endorsed
can be achieved of up to 50% . For every 100
step you can take immediately - one where
people employed, this can equate to an annual water reduction of up to 56,000 litres [4]. As
Less is more
significant financial and environmental savings
handwashing typically involves the choice of
The environmental impact reveals more than just
can be achieved simultaneously.
warm water, savings can also be achieved in
numbers. If you order one less box this equates
energy use and CO2 emissions.
to six less cartridges, six less labels and six
for hand hygiene mirror the reduction of
litres less chemical. It means a reduction in the
emissions in transportation, packaging for
Foam spreads environmental benefits
diesel being used - and emissions produced - in
distribution, and the chemicals involved in
The consistency of foam soap delivers a range
transportation. Manufacturers also need to make
manufacture. For any commercial organisation
of benefits. Each hand wash requires 36% less
less soap per unit they sell. As for the distributor,
this is a clean ethical choice. But it is also a
product on average [5]. Foam soap is eight times
there is less space taken up in warehousing.
choice where less is decidedly more.
more spreadable than lotion soap [6]. It also
Using a foam hand wash translates to
spreads more rapidly which, when combined
approximately one-third more washes in the
with the feel of the product, delivers a satisfying
same amount of packaging, meaning that the
experience. The bubbles of air forced into
cartridge has to be replaced less often, which
the product provide its softness and natural
ultimately saves time and money. In contrast to
lathering, requiring less effort from the user. Less
bulk systems, there are many sealed cartridge
soap is used per wash, therefore less soap ends
dispensers that are particularly robust and
up in the environment. Also, because chemicals
some manufacturers offer a guarantee for life.
30 FEBRUARY 2018
Reductions in the use of soap and water
WWW.DEBGROUP.COM [1] uk/20120823131012/ detail?itemId=1082914518&type=RESOURCES. [2] Independent research carried out on behalf of the Deb Group. [3] Consumption_0.pdf. [4] Independent research carried out on behalf of the Deb Group. [5] Independent research carried out on behalf of the Deb Group. [6] [7] [8] Independent research carried out on behalf of the Deb Group.
Eco friendly Zero3 system deployed in airport deal 2017 has been a period of growth for TomCat across a wide range of sectors. A recent
changed in seconds without the use of tools.
healthier work environment. The clever part of TomCats Zero3 system
The same is true for all wear and tear items on the machines within the range.
airport cleaning contract, with typical yearly
is that ozone is produced on the machine
footfalls in the order of 20 million, demanded
itself and on demand. This helps to ensure
performance, speed and versatility from a
it’s always freshly produced and fully effective
machines, TomCat’s school based in Eastleigh
scrubber dryer. The TomCat Edge Zero3 was
when dispensed onto the floor. For larger
provides a relaxed and informative environment
equal to the challenge.
facilities, it brings the added convenience as
to learn about the concept and its benefits.
the onboard system can be refilled simply
The benefits of ozone, aside from cleaning performance, within a cleaning regime are
from any tap without having to return to a wall
many. No chemicals means no manual
mount location.
handling, no spill dangers and no allergen
In keeping with the design ethos throughout
risks. No chemical also provides an in use
the range, TomCat believes in providing added
cost saving potential and with reduced
value through simplicity of operation and
packaging and transport miles it’s more
maintenance, and the Zero3 aqueous ozone
beneficial for the environment.
system in no different. Switched on and off
Typically, scrubber dryers can suffer from foul
If you would like to find out more about the
at the main operator control panel, the only
odours if they have not been fully cleaned after
operator maintenance required is a visual
usage. The antimicrobial effect of ozone can
check to the air dryer. A simple colour change
help to reduce or eliminate these issues for a
indicates when replacement is required and its
q 0800 243 919
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A 12 month miracle Neil Nixon reports on a rising star - Birkin Cleaning Services. TO buy a cleaning business and add 32% to its
joined the company, adding factories and
philosophy based on trust and integrity - a
£8 million turnover in year one is impressive in
builders’ cleans to the service offering. Although
‘we care and can do’ attitude - employing
today’s over crowded, cost conscious contract
Bruce retired in 2013, Gordon - who eventually
a passion to be the best by setting high but
cleaning market. But that’s precisely what
controlled the daily office cleaning and window
deliverable service levels.
Birkin Cleaning Services of Welwyn Garden City
cleaning divisions - has remained with Birkin,
achieved after its acquisition by Paul Ashton
actively working as a consultant.
The secret to this success – according to the
through a recent client survey. 86% said they were happy to recommend Birkin and
(CEO) and Dan Gardner (development director) one year ago.
Current success has been highlighted
The inside story
confirmed that the company delivers ‘very
Gardner and Ashton analysed the company’s
good’ or ‘excellent’ service levels. Today the business employs over 1500 staff
company - is a combination of a professional
strengths and weaknesses, client and staff
customer care attitude based on high client
needs, business direction and the necessary
across the UK, and has a turnover of more
service levels, determination, and a ‘can do’ mind
investment. A conscious decision was made not
than £13 million. Proof that the business
set, coupled with good people management and
to implement any marketing activities before
philosophy is working is highlighted by the
training programmes, all supported by the best
‘back of house’ systems were upgraded.
number of awards is has collected. The latest
in office management systems. Birkin was founded in 1972 when Tony Birkin,
The new team set out its working
recognition of Birkin’s desire to continually raise the bar is evidenced by the European
who originally worked for Pritchard contract
Cleaning Awards 2017, where Birkin was a
cleaners, set up his own cleaning business. Whilst
finalist in four categories.
Tony’s wife Beryl managed the office, he took
Active corporate membership of professional
the Tube early each morning into London to
associations and compliance with standards
clean offices and nightclubs for clients including
is extremely important at Birkin. Memberships
Stringfellows, The Hippodrome, Lex Brooklands,
include BICSc, BIFM and CSSA where Gardner
Kodak, and the National Westminster Bank.
and Ashton, together with technical consultant/
It wasn’t long before sons Bruce and Gordon
Continued on Page 34.
FEBRUARY 2018 33
engineering, compliance checks, service
department is not only equipped to provide all
level agreements, writing key performance
internal Birkin training needs, but is also able to
indicators, internal governance, auditing
create and deliver tailor made training packages
methodology, procurement, and training.
for external organisations.
Client expansion
Implementing best in class technology has
Since acquisition, the Birkin client portfolio
been essential for achieving all-round high
and service offering has been enhanced and
standards of service delivery and for optimising
both Birkin Consult and the commercial
customer satisfaction. Consequently, during
division are growing. Naturally clients vary in
2017 significant investment was made in
size, needs and business sectors, but with the
technology – for example, Sage 200 software
implementation of the new systems Birkin
is in place to provide detailed and accurate
can now develop and expand further in a
financial reporting, Telelog time and
controlled manner.
attendance software has been extensively
Although well-known for its specialism in
upgraded to enable accurate reporting of
education, Birkin now has a wide-ranging
hours and provide improved operational
and diverse portfolio of clients, for example
impact and cost focus, electronic auditing has
Edmonton Green shopping centre, Whitbread
Continued from Page 33.
been implemented throughout to deliver real
Premier Inn, the Young Vic Theatre, the Girls’ Day
director Soo Bartholomew, are represented
time auditing and enable client access via a
School Trust, Kier Construction, Metropolitan
on the industry panel for innovation and
dedicated portal, biometric scanning systems
Housing Trust, G-Live, London Borough of
technology, compliance/training, HR, health
(fingerprint and facial recognition) have been
Merton, and numerous ‘blue chip’ companies.
and safety at work, and marketing. In fact, Paul
introduced, and, most recently, ‘uAuthenticate’
Ashton has recently been appointed chairman
- a mobile application - has been purchased
The way ahead
for the CSSA’s innovation and technology group.
to significantly speed up the vetting process of
Paul Ashton said: “With our goal to be the
new employees.
best, it is essential that we continue to focus
Ashton is also involved in the Worshipful
on continuous improvement initiatives and
Company of Environmental Cleaners and has joined existing members Soo Bartholomew and
People management and training
work hard to increase standards within our
Sandra Parr, sales director
CEO Paul Ashton believes that none of his
industry. It is also important that we keep our
changes and plans would have been as
eyes and ears open to recognise opportunities,
Divisional specialists
successful without the buy-in from Birkin’s
and strategically develop and promote new
Setting up specialist business divisions has
staff. He said: “We have a genuine passion to
divisions and services. Above all, we must
been an important move and Birkin is currently
be the best. We’re not perfect, but you will
always focus on looking after our clients and
active in six core business sector divisions:
always find us to be positive, enthusiastic and
our staff.”
education, leisure, hospitality, construction,
helpful, and at all times we use our extensive
commercial, and window cleaning.
experience to overcome challenges and work
In 2017, the window cleaning division won
in a collaborative partnership with our clients.
the Whitbread Premier Inn national contract. A
We also understand that our employees are the
large and diverse contract covering more than
foundation of our business. Consequently, we
1200 sites throughout the UK, the work includes
place great emphasis on providing benchmark
rope, abseiling, static cradles and specialist
training at all levels - undoubtedly a major
access platforms and involves buildings up
factor for why we have over 40 staff with more
to 19 storeys high. Success at this contract is
than 15 years’ service.”
evidenced by Birkin achieving 95% in a recent client satisfaction survey.
Ashton continued: “We possibly have the highest personnel retention level in the industry - currently 95%. As a service business, and
Filling a market need
therefore reliant on our people to deliver our
Identifying a gap in the market resulted in the
promises, our people are without question
launch of Birkin Consult in 2017. Managed by
our greatest asset. As a result, it is extremely
Soo Bartholomew, who has worked in senior
important that we treat each and every one
posts for several large FM companies over
with respect and dignity and that we recognise
the past 30 years, Birkin Consult is a business
their contribution to our success. In this regard,
unit with its own client portfolio. It provides
we are London Living Wage accredited and offer
independent specialist advice from industry
apprenticeships and a career path.”
experts, and offers a range of services to clients
Birkin has a comprehensive BICSc accredited
and FM companies who need assistance or
training programme, overseen by Soo
advice with benchmarking, contract re-
Bartholomew and Steve Dove. The training
34 FEBRUARY 2018
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The Voice of the Cleaning Industry
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THE Duplex 380B Turbo has been developed by Duplex. When its development engineers were asked to design a battery powered 380mm wide unit they were given one brief - make sure it has the same cleaning capability as the rest of the range but with at least one added innovation. From wall to wall and into the tightest corners the Duplex 380B Turbo is ideal for daily maintenance or deep cleaning. According to the company, the 380B is unique - there is nothing else on the market that is battery operated, sweeps and scrubs all hard floors, dries with two different systems, and cleans and dries carpets. The 380B not only benefits
Cutting the cord
from the mechanical pick up utilised by the existing Duplex machines but it also incorporates an eco-friendly vacuum. On hard floors the combination of twin brush mechanical pick-up, vacuum and twin squeegees ensures that surfaces are left dry. The squeegee can be easily lifted and the vacuum turned off when cleaning carpets. WWW.DUPLEX-CLEANING.COM
2018 dates for industry-recognised one and two-day cleaning courses from Prochem Europe are now available. Courses are held at the company’s national training
Prochem announces 2018 training course dates
academy in Chessington, and cover carpet, hard floor, upholstery cleaning, and stain removal. Clear and practical, each course includes face-to-face instruction and step-by-step demonstrations by dedicated Prochem trainers, enabling attendees to gain the knowledge and confidence to clean to the highest professional standards. For further details and a list of dates please visit: WWW.PROCHEM-UK.COM
PULLCLEAN, a door handle that sanitises your hands, is claimed to triple the rate of hand sanitisation rates and provide feedback on usage through a monitoring system. Invented by Altitude Medical UK co-founders, Dr Alex Oshmyanksy and Dr Jake McKnight when they were students at the University of Oxford, PullClean encourages people to clean their hands every time they enter and exit a room, making hand hygiene simple and trackable. PullClean encourages people to clean their hands simply by placing the sanitiser in a more direct position and replacing two separate actions
Smart door handle sanitises hands
(sanitising and then opening a door) into one seamless movement. A tube-shaped cartridge is placed in the centre of a hollow door handle, which releases a small amount of sanitiser when a blue paddle button is pressed. Each handle also includes a monitoring system that records a variety of data, from how much sanitiser is left in the handle and when the cartridge should next be changed, to hourly usage stats compared to how frequently doors are opened. For healthcare settings this can include hand sanitisation rates across wards, shifts and even entire hospitals. WWW.ALTITUDEMEDICAL.COM
36 FEBRUARY 2018
SPINACLEAN is to unveil a range of new commercial window cleaning equipment in Q1 2018. It is realeasing a range of water fed poles reaching heights up to 65ft (6 Storey’s high). Features include a quick release mechanism allowing the
Spinaclean to launch window cleaning range
brush to be removed in seconds, a carbon fibre neck available in 6-26 inches and a unique water shut off located on the butt end of the pole. WWW.SPINACLEAN.COM
Vanessa Van Santen-Smith 01737 855041 BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT MANAGER
THE latest line-up of powerful and effective premier cleaning
Colourful new premier range cleans to the Maximum
Neil Nixon 07957 71316
chemicals from Greyland has a palette that not only bursts with colour, but also packs a powerful cleaning punch - hence the Maximum tag. First colour off the palette is the Green-Maximum Biological Cleaner/Deodoriser 750ml spray bottle to remove organic staining and maintain a clean, odour free washroom. Next comes the 5 litre Cherry-Maximum Extraction Carpet Cleaner/ Deodoriser, a low foaming product suitable for use in either hot
or cold water carpet cleaning machines. This is followed by the 5L Blu-Maximum Highly Concentrated Multi-Purpose Cleaner and Degreaser designed for the food industry, and the 5L Lemon-Maximum Floor Gel , formulated to remove even the heaviest
Michelle Andrews 01737 855086 PRODUCTION MANAGER
Carol Baird 01923 437619 MANAGING DIRECTOR
Steve Diprose CEO
Elizabeth Barford 01737 855028
deposits of oil, grease and grime from hard floor surfaces. Finally, PurpleMaximum is the 4 Way Toilet Descaler that cleans, descales, deodorises, and is stainless steel safe. WWW.GREYLAND.CO.UK
NSS’S new ride-on scrubber is joystick controlled, allowing the operator to work in a very natural position - no steering wheel or standing required. Additionally, the scrubber features a ‘conservation mode’ which uses less water and less energy, and a ‘max power mode’ that temporarily boosts scrubbing power when needed. In addition, it features a squeegee positioned directly behind the scrub brushes which recovers all the
eForce scrubber with joystick control
Quartz Business Media Quartz House 20 Clarendon Road Redhill, Surrey RH1 1QX 01737 855086
solution, even in tight turns. WWW.NSS.COM
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ISSN: 1473 723X © Quartz Business Media, 2018 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form or by any means, without prior permission of the copyright owner. Printed by Pensord Press Ltd, Cardiff, UK
FEBRUARY 2018 37
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Products & Services Directory To reach your potential customers advertise in C&M’s new Products and Services Directory. Contact us today to discuss your requirements: Michelle Andrews • 01737 855086 •
FEBRUARY 2018 39
YOU CLEAN. WE’LL TAKE CARE OF EVERYTHING ELSE. With JUST ADD WATER from Kärcher, floor cleaning couldn’t be more simple. For a fixed weekly cost, which includes all detergent and consumable parts plus planned service visits and a 3 year manufacturer’s warranty, JUST ADD WATER enables you to get the floor cleaner you need, not just the one you can afford – so you can focus on cleaning and we’ll take care of everything else. Every customer is unique. That’s why Kärcher offers free site surveys and demonstrations of its award-winning cleaning solutions, to ensure you get exactly the right combination of machine, brushes and detergent to suit your needs. To find out more about JUST ADD WATER from Kärcher visit and tell us about your cleaning challenges – we’d love to help.
Model shown, B 80 Walk-behind Scrubber Drier