Furnaces International Digital December 2023 + Buyers' Guide 2023

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Furnaces International December 2023




GREENER FURNACES In this December edition of Furnaces International, we shine a spotlight on the evolution towards greener furnace technology, steering the industry toward a more sustainable future.

2 Greener news 4 Fives: Efficiency and decarbonisation 10 HTT: Reducing the carbon footprint of your heat treating operations

This issue explores the latest advancements in greener technologies, emphasising their pivotal role in reducing environmental impact while enhancing efficiency and performance.


There is a detailed case study on a furnace upgrade, providing an in-depth look into the tangible benefits and outcomes achieved through strategic technological enhancements. This real-world example offers valuable insights into the practical implementation of sustainable upgrades and their direct impact on operational excellence.

16 Global news 18 Case study: Sorg’s all-electric furnace for Heinz-Glas’ Poland facility 30 Event review: ALUMINUM USA LIFE OF A FURNACE 42 Life of a furnace 44 Revolutionising converter steelmaking 60 Revolutionary oxygen impulse technology for steel production

Editor: Nadine Bloxsome



Jack Homewood

Tel: +44 (0) 1737 855115


Assistant Editor: Zahra Awan

Managing Director: Tony Crinion

We also bring you an extensive review of the recent ALUMINUM USA exhibition and conference, which saw the Furnaces International team travel to Nashville and enjoy the sights and sounds of Music City! I hope you enjoy the issue and wish you all the best for the holiday season and a very Happy New Year. Nadine Bloxsome, Editor, Furnaces International, nadinebloxsome@quartzltd.com

Tel: +44 (0) 1737 855038 zahraawan@quartltd.com

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Production Editor: Annie Baker

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production: Esme Horn


Front cover: Granco Clark

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Furnaces International is published quarterly and distributed worldwide digitally


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Furnaces International December 2023



Four glass industry facilities to start full-scale hydrogen trials Four glass manufacturing facilities will begin full-scale hydrogen trials shortly. The first will be Slovenia’s Steklarna Hrastnik followed by Owens Corning in France, then Zignago Vetro and Vetrobalsamo, both based in Italy. The trials are part of the H2GLASS project which will will begin full-scale hydrogen trials at five plants from 2025. The collaborative project, which brings together glass manufacturers with industrial and research institutions, aims to decarbonise glass manufacturing. The endeavour is part of the Horizon Europe programme, which started in January 2023. The project will see the transition from natural gas to green hydrogen combustion in production facilities, potentially achieving an 80% reduction in CO2 emissions. However, this transformation comes with various challenges, including securing a reliable hydrogen supply for the H2GLASS on-site demonstrations, mitigating NOx emissions, and managing high flame propagation speed all while maintaining product quality and ensuring safety. At the core of this effort lies the implementation of Digital Twin techniques to improve the efficiency and reliability of the glass manufacturing process. The project has made considerable progress by identifying technical requirements and developing test plans for the industrial demonstrators, supported by a robust safety

plan to ensure safe testing. However, the most important milestone achieved is the successful procurement of the electrolyser for the full-scale trials from a reliable European supplier. This achievement is of utmost importance as the integration of hydrogen as a substitute for primary fuel is a major challenge in today’s market due to its limited availability. This means the project can proceed with the permitting process and the design and procurement of equipment for the full-scale trials at the five plants scheduled to start in 2025. The remaining plant will be an aluminium smelting facility in Norway run by Hydro.

‘Hydra’ project drives 100% hydrogen fuelled steel production


Italian consultancy firm RINA has announced the launching of a six-year research project, called Hydra, to build a 100% hydrogen-fuelled steel production pilot plant. The €88 million project is being backed by the European Commission as an IPCEI (Important Projects of Common European Interest) project. The goal of the project consists of the design and construction of a pilot plant that will use hydrogen in every stage of the steel production cycle and is expected to make up to seven tonnes of different grades of steel per hour. Currently aimed for completion by 2025, the facility will include a 30-metre high direct iron ore reduction (DRI) tower using hydrogen as a reducing agent, an electric furnace (EAF) and a reheating furnace. Furnaces International December 2023

According to RINA chairman and chief executive Ugo Salerno, “[Hydra] is not intended or designed to provide a commercial advantage to any one steel producer but rather move the industry and the world forward in the use of 100% hydrogen production with near-zero emissions.” Salerno added: “Beyond the technological advancements, the truly unique nature of this project is its position as an open research fa-

cility. It is not intended or designed to provide commercial advantage to any one steel producer, rather move the industry, and the world, forward in the use of 100% hydrogen production with near zero emissions. This is why the Hydra project has been supported, since its inception, by leading European steel producers, plant suppliers, utilities, and major stakeholders in the sector.”

Japanese glass manufacturer AGC has succeeded in a demonstration test of glass production using hydrogen as fuel. This is the first time the AGC Group has conducted tests using hydrogen in a production furnace. The test was conducted at the electronics float glass manufacturing facility of the Kansai Plant, Takasago Factory (Takasago City, Hyogo Prefecture). This test was conducted with the support of Air Liquide Japan, by implementing its hydrogen combustion burner to an existing conventional combustion process with oxygen using natural gas as fuel. In this test, AGC verified the technological issues for utilising hydro-

gen-fuelled oxygen combustion technology in glass production, including glass quality, effects on furnace materials, flame temperature, furnace temperature, and nitrogen oxide (NOx) emissions control. The NOx concentration in the emitted gas from this test was maintained at the same level as in 100% natural gas, while maintaining the required temperature of the glass melting furnace. Aiming for full-scale deployment, AGC will conduct scaled-up tests of the combustion capacity of the hydrogen combustion burner, and consider demonstration tests at the AGC Group’s global sites to determine the scope of application of hydrogen combustion technology. This test follows the demonstration test using ammonia as fuel conducted in June 2023. The AGC Group will continue to promote sustainability management under its medium-term management plan AGC plus2023, aiming to achieve its target of net-zero carbon emissions by 2050.


AGC successfully uses hydrogen as fuel in glass production test

Indian glass optical company agrees green hydrogen deal India’s glass optical company Sterlite Technologies Ltd (STL) has agreed a deal for the supply of green hydrogen to its manufacturing facility. The company, headquartered in Mumbai, has collaborated with green hydrogen solutions provider Hygenco. In this long-term offtake agreement, Hygenco will build, own and operate the green hydrogen facility for STL for 20 years. This facility will be based on renewable energy and commissioned in the next 15-18 months. It will be the first green www.furnaces-international.com

hydrogen project in India’s optical industry and boost STL’s ‘Net-Zero by 2030’ ambition. This Industry 4.0-powered plant is dedicated to manufacturing Glass Preforms, which are used to draw optical fibre. STL and Hygenco aim at carbon abatement to the tune of ~30% year on year. STL currently uses electrolysers running on conventional energy. Ankit Agarwal, Managing Director, STL, said: “Through this collaboration with

Hygenco, STL embarks on a transformative journey towards sustainability, harnessing the power of green hydrogen, an eco-friendly solution that empowers our Glass plant with clean energy.”




The steel industry is highly competitive and requires constant innovation to remain at the forefront of the market. For reheating furnaces specifically, most steelmakers struggle to produce at maximum performance with manual control because they are affected by inaccurate heating efficiency and unexpected delay management. This makes it challenging to maintain consistent furnace operation. It also risks losing product quality and valuable operating time. Virtuo™-R, a digital solution developed by Fives for reheating furnaces, addresses these pain points using fully automatic control to optimise operation.

4 Furnaces International December 2023



Fives: Efficiency and decarbonisation Virtuo™-R Virtuo™-R is an innovative decarbonisation solution developed for reheating furnaces. Before the development of Industry 4.0 solutions, furnaces were restricted in their operating pace and capacity due to manual intervention. This led to increased downtime and quality inconsistency which forced steelmakers to rely on predetermined systems and to utilise the expertise of inhouse experts. Automation helped address these issues by improving costs and stabilising the process. Virtuo™-R relies on fully automatic control to ensure accurate operations at optimal pace and heating points. This automation is appealing to customers because it: �

reduces energy consumption

lessens carbon emissions

decreases scale loss

maximises productivity

minimises quality deviation

Fives’ reheating solution has been deployed on over 230 reheating furnaces with an observed impact of 10 to 20% decrease in energy consumption. This also allowed for up to 50% improvement of temperature stability at rolling, up to 6% increase in productivity, and from 15 to 20% reduction in scale loss.

Features Virtuo™-R utilises advanced modeling to enhance the reheating furnace’s operating conditions. It also guarantees improved heatwww.furnaces-international.com

5 Furnaces International December 2023


ing quality and productivity of the reheating process while optimising fuel consumption. Advanced modeling includes thermal modeling of products and furnace systems as well as dynamic control to ensure that the heating process is stable no matter the production conditions. Thermal modeling uses physical models to make thermal predictions and issue optimal heating curves. The curves and predictions are determined according to quality and productivity targets with minimised energy consumption. Thermal modeling also keeps homogenous heating across the entire slab and allows for applying of process or product heating constraints to end-user-specific needs. In addition, products are heated up as late as possible to optimise scale loss while upholding thermal stability during heating and discharge. Dynamic control adapts its parameters according to occurring events such as delays, burner efficiency changes, and product

6 Furnaces International December 2023



emissivity changes to maintain optimal furnace operation. The unique active-pacing function adapts to the ideal furnace discharging rate according to mill requirements. Dynamic control also prevents unnecessary downtime or excessive fuel consumption by utilising delay management and fuzzy logic to overcome the limitations of standard PID controllers. Finally, Virtuo™-R includes Artificial Intelligence (AI) models to optimise slab discharge temperature according to product family and roughing mill conditions. AI minimises product temperature deviations before finishing the mill, ensuring a stable hot rolling process.

Advantages Thanks to thermal modeling and dynamic control, Virtuo™-R offers flexible, repetitive, and reliable operation of reheating furnaces. It is applicable to any steel grade, product type, or furnace design and significantly decreases production delays due to downtime or human error. Its added values include: �

Better heating efficiency

Improved temperature stability

Increased product quality

Reduced gas consumption

As the industry trends towards more sustainable solutions, Virtuo™-R improves the furnace’s carbon footprint with less energy consumption, allowing reheating furnaces to become more sustainable. The digital solution is tailored to customer needs and compatible with L1, Mill L2 & MES/L3. In addition to these advantages, it is easily integrated into any existing installation, whether it’s from Fives or any other equipment supplier. 7 www.furnaces-international.com

Furnaces International December 2023


Case study at North American Fives supplied the original reheating furnace to North American Stainless (NAS) in 1997 which produced 200 tons of slabs per hour. It required a high amount of manual intervention for thermal process control and frequent maintenance calls. After years of operation, NAS needed to update the original furnace to level 2 to address these pain points. They chose Fives to commission the upgrade due to their expertise.

8 Furnaces International December 2023



n Stainless The project targets were to: �

increase heat efficiency

improve energy consumption

make the interface more user-friendly

In 2019, a Virtuo™-R system was installed and upgraded during COVID-19 in 2022. The upgrade was completed remotely through Fives’ office in France. It incorporated new features to improve the consistency of discharge temperature, transition between steel grades, and decrease the amount of operator intervention. The upgrade demonstrated a commitment to customised and flexible servicing for customer needs. “This solution has proven to be beneficial for our hot rolling mill at NAS. Virtuo™-R provides better consistency of discharge temperature, gas savings of up to 4%, and faster transitions between different steel grades. We wanted to achieve a stable process and we obtained a great result,” commented Andrea Kent, Process Engineer, HRM at NAS. The system also enables flexible operation, pace optimisation, and bottleneck and delay management. These benefits free up more time for operators to focus on other tasks. “Thanks to Virtuo™-R, furnace operation is under fully automatic control,” said Bryan Bond, Operations Group Leader, HRM at NAS. “It is favorable for operators because it frees up their time for other processes. It also provides us the freedom to adjust settings points on our own. This allows for flexible, repetitive, and reliable operation.” �

9 www.furnaces-international.com

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Furnaces International December 2023



Reducing the carbon footprint of your heat treating operations The need to understand the impact of greenhouse gases (GHGs), especially carbon-based emissions, on climate change is gaining much more interest recently from organisations that have industrial heating processes. Most industrial heating processes are fueled by carbon-based fossil fuels such as natural gas, propane, fuel oil, diesel, or coal. In basic terms, if you have combustion processes in your organisation, you are emitting carbon (CO2). Impacts on climate change due to these carbon emissions have prompted government and corporate actions to reduce carbon are creating unique new opportunities for more sustainable and lower carbon process heating methods.

In this article, we will focus on ways to reduce carbon in typical fossil fuel fired heat treat thermal processes.

FIRST STEP: FIGURE OUT WHERE YOU ARE TODAY. DO YOU KNOW? Assess Your Carbon Footprint More and more companies are interested in understanding their GHG/carbon footprints, so they can determine what processes are their biggest CO2 offenders, and on what assets to focus on in order to have the largest impact on reducing carbon. Whether your thermal processes are being heated by fossil fuels (typically natural gas) or electrically, each will have a carbon footprint. Fuel gases are being burned to provide the heat and produce CO2 as a result. Most electrical power is currently being produced

Published with permission of the Industrial Heating Equipment Association, www.ihea.org. 11


Furnaces International December 2023


by fossil fuels, so electricity will have a CO2 amount associated per kW. What can be done to burn less fuel in your furnaces or ovens, which directly relates to reducing CO2? Tune Your Combustion Systems Over time combustion systems drift and are not at their optimum air/fuel ratio. By simply tuning your burner system on a routine basis, you can fire at the optimum air/fuel ratio for the process and be as efficient as possible. For example, if a furnace is firing on natural gas, operating at 1800°F, and currently operating at 35% excess air, tuning your burners to 10% excess air could save approximately 15% in fuel consumed. The fuel costs will be reduced, but the resulting CO2 will be reduced by that same percentage!

Maintain Your Furnaces/Ovens A simple review of your furnaces or ovens to observe any hot spots, openings, faulty seals, or refractory issues will identify areas that will cause your systems to operate less efficiently, thus using more energy. Repairing these problems and consistently maintaining them will have the systems running more efficiently and producing as little carbon as possible.

Upgrade Your Firing Systems To Be More Efficient Incorporating preheated combustion air into furnace combustion systems can significantly reduce fuel consumption and therefore the resulting carbon. The two main methods for introducing hot air into a combustion system are recuperation and regeneration. The most popular air preheating method in heat treating applications is recuperation. For a direct fired furnace, this can take 12 Furnaces International December 2023



the form of a central stack recuperator or self-recuperative burners. Self-recuperative burners have grown in popularity in recent years as they get rid of the need for hot air piping, recuperator maintenance, and most are often pulse fired, which will not only maximise efficiency but also promote temperature uniformity in the furnace and often be lower in emissions. See image 1. Direct Fired Self-Recuperative Burner For indirect fired (radiant tube) furnaces you can apply/add a

Image 1. Direct fired self-recuperative burner

plug recuperator to an existing cold air fired burner in a furnace that has a U or W-tube to preheat the combustion air or apply self-recuperative burners installed in Single-Ended Radiant (SER) tubes to optimise your furnace firing. See image 2. Radiant Tube Burner with Plug Recuperator in a U-Tube

Image 2. Radiant tube burner with plug recuperator in a U-tube

See image 3. Single Ended Self-Recuperative Radiant Tube Burner The SER tube material can be upgraded to silicon carbide which allows higher temperatures/flux rates that can provide the opportunity to increase throughput and reduce the possible CO2 www.furnaces-international.com

13 Furnaces International December 2023


Image 3. Single ended self-recuperative radiant tube burner

per cycle. Combustion air preheating can result in energy savings of close to 25% over cold air combustion.

Renewable Fuels/Hydrogen Renewable fuels or hydrogen have entered the scene as these are fuels that contain little or no carbon. So, no carbon in the fuel means no CO2! These fuels present an excellent opportunity to significantly reduce carbon. Hydrogen has been of interest because it has the opportunity to be a zero-carbon industrial fuel when produced with renewable energy such as wind, solar, hydro, or nuclear power. As these methods become more prevalent, they bring down the price of hydrogen and increase its availability. This could be a significant driver to greatly reduce CO2 in thermal processes. These topics as well as many others are being discussed in an on-going Sustainability Webinar series hosted by IHEA to provide education and insight into the ever-changing sustainability landscape. �

(Photo Source: Honeywell)

Brian Kelly is manager of Application Engineering for Honeywell Smart Energy and Thermal Solutions (SETS) and current president of the Industrial Heating Equipment Association (IHEA).

Article provided by IHEA Sustainability Initiatives.

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POSCO and Engie collaborate on green hydrogen project Engie and South Korean steelmaker Posco have signed an agreement to collaborate on a major green hydrogen project in the Pilbara region of Western Australia. The two companies have announced plans to conduct a feasibility study into building a ‘significant’ green hydrogen

project – potentially comprising of wind, solar, electrolysers and pipelines–that will supply green hydrogen to POSCO’s proposed Hot Briquetted Iron (HBI) plant in Port Hedland for the production of green iron. Engie is already building one of Australia’s biggest hydrogen electrolyser projects, a 10MW electrolyser at the Yara fertiliser plant near Karratha, supported by 18MW of solar and an 8 MWh battery storage system, which could also lead to a much larger green renewable and hydrogen projects in the Pilbara. Riz de Buyserie, the head of Engie Australia & New Zealand, a joint venture with Japanese giant Mitusi and Co, said developing green hydrogen as a feedstock to reduce heavy manufacturing emissions is key to helping cut emissions.

‘’Australia is a market where ENGIE is actively looking to grow its hydrogen operations, and we’re optimistic that this study will help us progress a second significant hydrogen development in the Pilbara.’’ The head of POSCO’Ss hydrogen business team, Ju-ik Cho. “POSCO will do more than simply produce export-bound hydrogen in Australia. We will add value by investing not only in producing hydrogen but also in developing hydrogen-using industries.” “Producing green steel would make Western Australia a world player in the green industry, with current steel manufacturing generating more than 7% of global carbon emissions,” energy minister Bill Johnston added. The study is expected to be completed in early 2024.

Calls for action to accelerate the decarbonisation of the cement industry Fernando Gonzalez, CEO of Cemex has been elected as the new President of the Global Cement and Concrete Association. Mr. Gonzalez is calling for the industry and governments around the world to establish a “robust regulatory framework” that can further accelerate the cement and concrete sector’s decarbonisation efforts. Mr. Gonzalez has been GCCA Vice President since 2018 and succeeds the outgoing President, Jan Jenisch, whose term of office now ends after two years. Mr. Gonzalez is seeking to galvanize collective efforts to cut emissions, setting out the following priorities for industry and governments: Take decisive action to phase out fossil fuels and promote the use of alternative fuels by encouraging regulation to divert societal waste from landfill to cement kilns. Enact policies to accelerate the extensive adoption of low-carbon construction products. Establish market-driven carbon pricing mechanisms around the world to incentivise industry to decarbonise and further develop technology focused on reducing emissions. Collaborate and provide funding to develop new technologies to de-


carbonise manufacturing processes and help speed up the rollout of carbon capture, utilisation, and storage. Fernando Gonzalez said: “It is a great honour to be President of the GCCA – cement and concrete are the world’s essential building materials. As an industry, we’ve gone beyond the commitment phase to taking decisive action today to reduce our CO2 emissions.” “While we are making important progress today on our 2030 goals, we currently have the opportunity to accelerate even more the pace of our industry’s decarbonization if we can achieve the right regulatory policies and support from governments around the world. That’s why my number one priority, as the new President of the GCCA, is to collaborate closely with governments and industry to facilitate our roadmap levers.” www.furnaces-international.com


SteelWatch urges steelmakers to redline BF relining plans As four prominent steel companies – Cleveland Cliffs, POSCO, Tata and Bluescope – forge ahead with plans to reline their blast furnaces, Steelwatch and Solutions For Our Climate (SFOC) urge them (and other steelmakers) to reconsider and ‘redline’ any plans to reline and not to run counter to their nations’ climate pledges. The global steel industry, argues SteelWatch and SFOC, is still moving in the wrong direction in terms of saving the planet, and while IEA chairman Fatih Birol recently stated that advanced economies have ‘special responsibilities in fighting climate change’ it doesn’t look as if they are taking their responsibilities seriously. As the aforementioned steelmakers invest in relining activities, SteelWatch and SFOC argue that the actions of three of them – POSCO, Tata and Bluescope – ‘fly in the face of commitments already made to align with the Paris climate trajectory as part of their Responsible Steel membership.’ According to Steelwatch/SFOC, the four nations each passed historic climate policies unlocking billions of state funds and/or powerful new regulations that will enable the deep decarbonization necessary for emissions-intensive industries like steel. SteelWatch’s own report, launched in June, highlighted how these planned relining activities crossed a red line. In the report, SteelWatch

called for no relining of existing coal-based steel production by companies operating in or headquartered in OECD countries. “Our report makes clear how reaching the 1.5 degree target is incompatible with coal-based steel production,” says SteelWatch, adding that the planet cannot afford to lock in more coal-based steel. The organisation argues that ‘OECD countries and companies have a responsibility to lead in phasing out coal from steel production due to their ability to make the technological shift faster AND because they have benefitted from the prosperity that has come with up to two centuries of coal-based steel production, enabling the industrialisation of their economies.’

Supplying Aluminum Dynamics facilities Aluminum Dynamics, the newly formed aluminium operations of Steel Dynamics, Inc has contracted Gillespie & Powers Inc. along with their strategic partners Hustler Conveyor Company, American Pulverizer Company, and ETA Engineering for the supply of their furnace equipment, pre-treatment equipment and air pollution control equipment for their recently announced, state-of-the-art facilities in Columbus, Mississippi, Gila Bend, Arizona, and San Luis Potosi, Mexico. This package includes Shredders, Conveyors, Hot and Cold Air Pollution Control Equipment, Melting Furnaces, Holding Furnaces and Treatment Equipment up to the casting table of various www.furnaces-international.com

sizes and configurations and is designed to produce automotive, can and common alloy aluminum sheet of the highest qual-

ity to Aluminum Dynamics demanding specifications.




ase Study

Sorg built a new full electric furnace type VSM that is flexible for opal and flint glass production at Heinz-Glas’ Działdowo, Poland facility. Volker Müller* and Frank Probst** discuss what made the project so successful.

*Head of Electrical Department, **Head of Glass Conditioning Department, Sorg, Lohr am main, Germany www.sorg.de 18 Furnaces International December 2023



Sorg’s all-electric furnace for Heinz-Glas’ Poland facility Opal glass is a special kind of glass because of the way it is manufactured and also because of the design and the product range it is used for. Over the years, the market demand for opal glass has fluctuated with fashion – its market share is reduced but still there. The production of opal glass is not an easy job; it needs experienced specialists and the correct technology. In the past, there have been several producers of opal glass in Europe, but today, Heinz-Glas is one of the remaining that is skilled in the specialist production process. Since market demand for opal glass fluctuates with fashion, it is currently necessary to also produce flint glass with the same furnace to have reasonable utilisation and avoid production gaps. Heinz-Glas produces its opal glass in Działdowo, Poland. The existing all-electric furnace had a capacity of max. 30 t/d and was equipped with two all-electric forehearths and two IS machines. The existing furnace operated well, and the forehearths showed good performance in opal glass but were limited in flint glass manufacture due to blisters formed by electrochemical reboil. Because of a breakdown in March 2020, the furnace needed replacing. To serve the demand of Heinz-Glas customers, the furnace had to be rebuilt quickly. Since the installation space of the old furnace was already very tight and would not have allowed for any future expansion,

Article originally published in Steel Times International

Heinz-Glas decided to extend a warehouse on the other side of 19 www.furnaces-international.com

Furnaces International December 2023


its property to create a second production building and build the new all-electric furnace there. The Sorg Group was asked to develop a flexible furnace concept that was prepared for additional expansion. Nikolaus Sorg provided a turn-key furnace installation, including necessary materials like cooling air and cooling water with their respective piping and cabling. During the engineering phase, this was supported by 3D media design. EME was asked to quote the complete cullet return system of the new plant as well as the extensive batch transport system 20 Furnaces International December 2023




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required to bring the batch from the existing batch house across the site to the new building. SKS delivered the complete furnace steel and platforms, including erection. Also, the refractory erection, including heating up and filling the furnace, was the responsibility of SKS.

Special requirements Since the market demand for high-class cosmetic packaging changes a lot with current fashion, the focus in furnace design was on maximum flexibility. The new furnace was designed for a pull of 35 t/d, feeding two production lines. A later expansion to 50 t/d and a third production line is foreseen. That means all furnace equipment is already prepared for 50 t/d. To react to future market situations, the VSM must have large flexibility in pull (possible low minimum pull and large pull changes per day). The great challenge for Sorg was the requirement to melt opal glass and soda lime flint glass, with the possibility to also run at a high PCR (post-consumer recycling) cullet content, with the highest efficiency and quality: �

Production of high-quality opal glass with high homoge-

neity. �

Production of high-quality flint glass with minimum seeds.

In the past, many attempts were made to melt both glass types in one furnace. However, to melt each glass type with the high output demanded, the furnace design for both is quite different. So, in a furnace designed for opal glass, the output for flint glass was inefficient and vice versa: 22 Furnaces International December 2023



To provide homogeneous opacity, the opal glass coming

from the furnace must have a similar history, meaning a rather short residence time. Stagnating areas in the lower part of the furnace must be avoided. �

To provide a seed-free flint glass, the furnace must, on

the contrary, provide a long residence time to allow for gas release and good refining.

To fulfil the request from Heinz-Glas, Sorg designed a VSM with a carefully selected melting area, specific pull, and depth of melter. The Działdowo furnace is, therefore, in between a pure opal furnace (shallow) and a high-quality flint furnace (deep). When 23 www.furnaces-international.com

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producing opal glass, a set of bottom electrodes is used to generate convection currents in the lower part of the furnace. During flint glass production, these are not active. The furnace steelwork and rotating crown batch charging system are oversized to fit a future expansion to 50 t/d. Another important issue for opal furnaces is the operating life because of the highly aggressive opal glass melt, leading to intense corrosion of the refractory. Whereas the operating life of other all-electric furnaces is only approx. 2-3 years in opal glass, Sorg all-electric furnaces contain a package of several measures. With these measures in place, similar VSM furnaces for opal glass reached a record of almost four to five between cold repairs. For the Działdowo VSM, the main measures to prolong the operating life of the furnace are as follows: several design elements to allow easy installation of future over-coatings, the shape of the tank with large straight surfaces, binding steel that can be easily adjusted, top electrode holders and furnace cooling nozzles that do not block large parts of the tank walls, and, importantly, newly designed and highly effective cooling of the side walls and at precise spots of the furnace. The Sorg rotating crown batch charging system is installed, providing dust-free charging of the furnace and allowing for the extraction of harmful gases from the furnace superstructure. Dust is removed by means of a baghouse filter; hydrogen fluoride is removed by gas sorption; the remaining flue gas is vented outside. The extraction of harmful gases is important and, in this application, more important than normal. The “dual use” of the VSM

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“In the past, many attempts were made to melt both glass types on one furnace. However, to melt each glass type with the high output demanded, the furnace design for both is quite different.

makes two types of gases relevant, which means a careful design of the system is necessary: �

When producing high-quality flint glass, nitrates are often

used for redox control. But as a side effect, the use of nitrates generates harmful nitrous oxide gas, which exists above the batch blanket in high concentrations. �

When producing opal glass, fluor evaporates from the

melt and forms toxic and corrosive hydrogen fluoride.

Besides the furnace, special requirements are needed for the working end and the forehearths. As for the melting process, the flexibility of the furnace also has special demands for the glass conditioning system. In opal glass, evaporation of fluoride must be avoided to prevent glass quality problems. An all-electric forehearth is best suited. In flint glass, all-electric forehearths can lead to electrochemical reboil and blisters. For this purpose, the working end and forehearths were equipped with a hybrid heating system consisting of direct electric heating and indirect gas heating. The key technology here is direct electrical heating by means of electrodes, which is designed to minimise electrode abrasion and reboil bubbles. In addition, a new forehearth concept for high-quality flint glass 26 Furnaces International December 2023



and opal glass was designed. For flint glass production, an additional heating level with direct gas heating was installed. All cooling systems in the working end and forehearths are connected to a central cooling air supply. Both forehearths are equipped with the Sorg Conti-Drain as well as an equalising zone stirrer unit. EME supplied the batch transport system and the cullet preparation, which included the complete hot and cold factory cullet system as well as the feeding and storage of external post-consumer recycled glass.

Scope of supply Nikolaus Sorg provided the furnace and equipment, as well as complete design and engineering, including all piping and cabling. All installation and services are provided on a turn-key basis. For the working end and forehearth, as for the furnace, Sorg provided a turn-key installation including all air cooling equipment, air and gas piping, as well as control and power cabling. EME’s supplies and services are executed on a turn-key basis. SKS has delivered all steelwork and erected the steel and the refractory material. Also, heating up and filling the furnace was an SKS responsibility. Equipment manufacture and furnace construction and commissioning were on a tight schedule for both parties, with a building permit needed before construction of a large new furnace building and all hot and cold end equipment.

Experience Installation and commissioning of the furnace went smoothly and with excellent cooperation between Heinz-Glas and Sorg. 27 www.furnaces-international.com

Furnaces International December 2023


Achieving this while remaining within the agreed time frame is remarkable because of the tight available space and the scope of work that included the close interaction of existing and new equipment. Since the start-up in October 2021, the furnace has already successfully gone through several high-quality flint glass campaigns, several PCR flint glass productions, and also extensive opal campaigns. Fine-tuning of the melting process, raw material usage, and glass chemistry was completed cooperatively with regular meetings between experts from both companies in Działdowo and Kleintettau as well as Sorg’s glass technology, electric melting, and glass conditioning departments. The furnace reached all quality requirements defined in the contract without issue; energy consumption figures were also met. Glass quality and overall furnace operation are both to the full satisfaction of Heinz-Glas. According to previous operating experience, both forehearths produce good to very good glass quality for flint and opal. �

28 Furnaces International December 2023


You truly are appreciated.

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Servicing the World

10/19/23 4:06 PM


Event Review: ALUMINIUM USA By Zahra Awan* The United States has a detailed history of aluminium and music. In the 1930s, Alcoa collaborated Dr. Joseph Maddy, a music teacher and director, in providing 435 aluminium violins and around aluminium 500 double bass instruments to other dealers. [1]

The Nashville Hall of Fame pays tribute to numerous influential artists, such as; Johnny Cash (1932-2003), Kitty Wells (19192012), Chet Atkins (1924-2001). Tennessee could be considered a museum of music, however, upcoming new artists, such as; Miley Cyrus, Kings of Leon, Taylor Swift, and Kesha represent a new generation. Aluminium is similar to this new generation. Bridging the gap between old and new, the metal presents an opportunity for multiple industries to innovate their products at a better, more sustainable level, whilst simultaneously enhancing their prospects for future innovation. The ALUMINUM USA event opened its doors on the 25th October. The two-day event looked at the possibilities for aluminium in the US and Global market. With current global geopolitics, the event provided an opportunity for the industry to catch up and anticipate 2024. “Let’s show the world what the aluminium industry has to offer.” - Reed Exhibitions [1] https://americanhistory.si.edu/collections/search/object/ 30

nmah_606735 Furnaces International December 2023

*Assistant editor www.furnaces-international.com

GLOBAL FURNACES How are you finding the event?

“So far, pretty impressive. The appearance, the location. It a good sized hall. We appreciate it is not as big as some of the bigger events out there, but we have a full hall. We’ve had some quality contacts this morning, so we’ll see.

- John Courtenay, Chairman and owner, MQP Limited.

31 www.furnaces-international.com

Furnaces International December 2023


The Conference Opening the conference, Stephen Williams, CRU welcomed Charles Johnson President & CEO, The Aluminium Association. Mr Johnson provided an overview on the US Aluminum market during and following the COVID years, as well as provided a 12-year outlook for the industry. He noted that the automotive, aerospace, and transport sectors are predicted for growth, but surprisingly it is the “container and packaging sector which is most optimistic.” He went on to emphasise the need for the industry to “race to improve aluminium recycling rates.” “There has been a big divot in the demand for aluminium, but we have seen demand come roaring back” – Charles Johnson The need for recycling was revisited by Matt Meenan, Vice President, External Affairs, The Aluminum Association, in his presentation ‘The Coming U.S. Recycling Crunch: Why We Need Recycling Refunds’. He summarised the topic as a “long pro32 Furnaces International December 2023



How are you finding the event?

“It’s a good event, there is a good array of different people exhibiting, from end users to producers each presenting their different technologies, casting, rolling, et cetera. It is really nice to see. And there have been good conversations so far.

- Grant Shoebridge, General Manager, Head of Downstream UK, Primetals Technologies

cess, a bit of a slog, but it will happen … and benefit us all!” Mr Meenan stressed the importance of having commercial Deposit Return Schemes and noted that industry and manufacturing sectors have developed systems which enforce high recycling processes. However, on a commercial level, recycling is left up to the consumer. With the decision of can recycling left to a consumer, it was noted that it is the industries responsibility to educate, push and enforce consumers to make the right choice. He stated: “The US could save around $800 million each year from recycling aluminium cans.” Moving onto the next steps for can recycling implementation in the US, he noted that whatever the plan, it will have to be addressed “State by State.” Providing figures, Oregon came up on top with the highest can recycling rates. Oregon has a well-known DPS scheme. In contrast, many mid and southern states had recycling levels below 20%. These states did not have 33 www.furnaces-international.com

Furnaces International December 2023


How are you finding the event?

“Pretty good. My target was to get in touch with some new customers, and I think that all the potentials that I had on my list attended here, so for me it

was very good.

- Simon Lojewski, Sales Engineer, August Mossner

34 Furnaces International December 2023


GLOBAL FURNACES How are you finding the event?

“The event has been very, very good for us, so far. We have made a lot of new contacts, as well as caught up with many old contacts. Everybody key to the industry is around here. So, it’s the place to be.

- Paul Hibbe, Sales Manager, Glama

35 www.furnaces-international.com

Furnaces International December 2023


can recycling schemes in place. With 9.834 million km² of land, America houses all five of the major biomes: aquatic, grassland, forest, desert, and tundra. The biome variations seen State to State mean investors and companies have to consider the pros and cons to developing in an area. For example, Aluminium needs access to water; this excludes states in the desert biomes; Great Basin, Mohave, Chihuahuan and Sonora. Looking into this topic was Stephen Williamson, Research Manager, Aluminium, CRU, who hosted a panel session with: Bryan Farlow, Regional Director Economic Development & Site Selection; Thomas & Hutton; and Bill Shannon, SVP, Global Battery Foil Program, Granges Group. “Every two minutes, the energy reaching the earth from he sun is equal to the amount of energy we need to power our activities on earth for a year” – Bill Shannon The panel session also went onto discuss the issues associated with workforce. They concluded that a state-to-state analysis on enhancing and encouraging a specialised workforce for the automotive industry is necessary for industry success. “We have the infrastructure and have overcome the locations, what is lacking is the people.” – Panel Session. To be more specific, the workforce that the panel wished to develop is a high skilled, technology experienced workforce. They agreed that the industry needs personnel who are able to adapt and grow with innovative technology. Moving away from the topic of recycling, and the US, Marius Baader, Managing Director; Aluminium Association, Germany Discussed the ‘European Green Deal and its Sub-plans – Consequences for the Aluminum Industry’. He provided a European outlook and commented on Carbon Border Adjustment Mecha-

36 Furnaces International December 2023


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nism (CBAM). The “European Dream”, to become carbon neutral by 2050 and reduce emissions by 55% by 2030, is an ambitious goal. Mr Baader presented the realistic solutions that need to be implemented for these goals to be met. He also commented on the loopholes and issues that the EU have seen regarding the CBAM, and more positively, discussed the listing of aluminium on the Critical Raw Materials Act. “Sometimes the European Commission don’t think things though enough… it is our responsibility to get behind and encourage people to look at aluminium and support the aluminium industry.” – Marius Baader Discussing the EU and North America, both Marius Baader and Charles Johnson commented on the complex relationship the two have with one another. Mr Baader noted that the European Aluminium Industry are envious of the US industry, whilst the European commission don’t approve of US policies. Charles visited this topic in his opening, discussing Global agreements and Aluminum Import Monitoring (AIM). He also addressed the tensions felt with regards to the US and EU disagreement on tariffs, after they could not come to an agreement. Day Two saw presenters from across the industry. Speakers from; Aluminium Extruders Council, Pyrogenesis, Tecnar, DTE Analyzers, Fives Group, Steinert, Stirweld and Primetals spoke about the latest developments and innovations. In these presentations, speakers offered their latest finds, developments, innovations, and technology to the industry. Presenting alternative Industry 4.0 transition technology, automated designs too improve safety, and announcing pilot project case studies, the industry was able to show off its potential for the highest level of performance.

38 Furnaces International December 2023

THE LATEST FURNACE TECHNOLOGY NEWS Furnaces International is an English language journal dedicated to the production of furnaces. Circulated each quarter in March, June, September and December to our database of over 20,000 readers across the Aluminium, Glass, Furnaces and Steel industries, Furnaces International contains a digest of global news, events, and statistics as well as more detailed technical articles, company and country profiles, and regular regional economic briefings.

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containing a digest of global

speciality glassmaking industry

news, events and statistics,

and is the official media partner

and regions of the international

for Glassman events. In addition

aluminium manufacturing and

to 10 English language issues per

processing industry.

year, it is also published in French

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as well as detailed technical articles, company and country profiles, conference reports and regular regional economic briefings.

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www.furnaces-international.com ALUMINIUM FORUM DIGITAL

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23/03/2023 13:45



The Exhibition Floor The conference was just one aspect of the multifaceted event. On the Exhibition floor, ALUMINUM USA saw numerous booths from across the world, come together.

What are MQPs ambitions, anticipations for 2024, in the US? I was fairly bullish actually for 2024, but there’s so much bad stuff going in the world, it certainly isn’t helping sentimentally. But I think some of the leading financial experts still expect the stock markets to rebound in the next 12 months and predict the formation of another bull cycle. So, we can anticipate economies improving providing that nothing goes seriously wrong with current political affairs. At the moment, the biggest threat is the situation in the Middle East. If that turned into a wider conflict, that would be a problem. But if it can be contained, I think the global economy will be in a Much better shape.

40 Furnaces International December 2023

- John Courtenay, Chairman and owner, MQP Limited

anticipations for 2024, in the US? We have some big projects on the horizon for the US market. The market itself is, is not got, it’s not bad. We will just have to see. Going into 2026, 2027, a lot of new supply will be going


What are Primetals ambitions,

online, and the dynamics with new technology coming in, will change the market dramatically. But these changes are 18 months - two years away. So, we will have to see what 2024 What are Glamas

has in store for us.

ambitions, anticipations

- Grant Shoebridge, General Manager,

for 2024, in the US?

Head of Downstream UK, Primetals

We’re growing rapidly


here in the US; it is a very

What are August

good market for us. That

Mossners ambitions,

What are American Buffalo Metals’

being said, we also aim to

anticipations for 2024,

ambitions, anticipations for 2024?

expand our business in

in the US?

We only started two months ago; we

other parts of the globe

We have several plans

just built a new plant, new equipment,

too. We want to push our

going into 2024.

it was an enormous investment. But

presence into markets

We will be focusing more

we also have our eyes on several oth-

where we are not yet

on the American and Ca-

er locations.

present, for example in

nadian market since we

It’s a good time to be in the aluminium

Middle East.

have seen some good

business. So, we are optimistic about

We expect good things

business this year and

2024, unless some crazy geopolitical

for 2024.

last year.

things make the world come to an

- Paul Hibbe, Sales Manager,

- Simon Lojewski, Sales Engi-



neer, August Mossner

- Drew Heideloff, President, American Buffalo Metals �


Primetals to supply ArcelorMittal’s Brazil plant

ArcelorMittal has recently contracted Primetals Technologies for the revamping of two LD converters (BOFs) at its steel plant in Jõao Monlevade, Brazil. The order includes two new 135-ton converters, an upgrade of the primary

dedusting systems, and complete electrics and automation packages. The upgraded wet-type primary dedusting systems capture dust from the converters and send it to a water treatment plant. The resulting emissions will be significantly below the legal limit set by the Brazilian government, says Primetals. Additionally, the new solution will require much less maintenance than the equipment currently in use. Primetals Technologies will supply vessels, trunnion rings, suspension systems, tilting drives, bearings, pedestals, and new off-gas cleaning systems for both new converters. A maintenance-free suspension system, Vaicon Link 2.0 keeps the vessel stable and makes thermal ex-

pansion in all directions possible. Vaicon Stopper, a slag retention system, minimises the amount of slag that enters the ladle during tapping. This system ensures shorter production cycles and higher steel quality compared with conventional slag retention systems. Primetals Technologies will also supply a complete electrics and automation package, including basic (Level 1) automation systems, motors, and drives. The start-up of the new equipment is scheduled for the first quarter of 2025. With a history spanning close to 90 years, ArcelorMittal Monlevade produces wire rod for industrial applications such as steel wool and steel cord. The site is part of ArcelorMittal Brazil’s Long Steel division and has an annual capacity of 1.2Mt.

SECO/WARWICK cooperate with another fortune global 500 company A Chinese aviation company has announced a cooperation with SECO/ WARWICK and placed an order for a Vector® vacuum furnace for carburizing (LPC) and gas quenching. The furnace will be used for the manufacture of hydraulic pump components and other machinery. The vacuum furnace ordered by the aviation company will be used mostly for gas quenching parts sensitive to hardening deformations made from such types of steel as tool steel, stainless steel, structural steel, bearing steel or high-speed steel. The device designed by SECO/

WARWICK plans to feature the LPC option, which will be used for vacuum carburizing. Maciej Korecki, VP, Vacuum Business Segment at the SECO/ WARWICK Group commented on this development, “We are pleased that a Fortune Global 500 company has placed trust in us and commissioned the manufacturing of this technology,… Our furnace is a guarantee of the perfect quality of workpieces and of a highly repeatable and uniform carburizing process. We understand that the aviation industry is certainly very demanding. Meeting the strictest standards allows us to successfully cooperate with the largest companies in the aviation and automotive industries”

42 www.furnaces-international.com

The furnace at Guardian Glass’ Bascharage, Luxembourg plant is on schedule to be operational in Q4 2023 after a cold tank repair. The oven will be the most energy efficient Guardian Glass furnace. Once put into operation, the furnace is expected to be more than 25% more energy efficient. The furnace will also provide extra capacity for the plant to be able to produce both Guardian ExtraClear float glass and Guardian UltraClear low-iron float glass. The installation of a transferred laminated glass line is also expected to be completed in Q4 2023. Guus Boekhoudt, Guardian Glass Executive Vice President said: “We invested in the latest melting technology to provide our customers with the most advanced glass products, while using fewer resources.” The Bascharage plant already hosts a coater that produces Guardian ClimaGuard low-emissivity (low-E) and Guardian SunGuard coated solar control glass for residential and commercial applications.

Boekhoudt added: “Having all these assets consolidated on one site in Luxembourg, close to many of our key customers, will improve our service offering and underlines our long-term commitment to them and the glass industry.” Bernard Gheysen, Guardian Glass Bascharage Plant Manager said: “I am very proud of the team here – everyone has gone the extra mile on this project. We are excited about the new opportunities it opens, as well as grateful for the strong support we have received from the Luxembourg authorities.”


Guardian Glass Bascharage furnace to restart in Q4 2023

Starbar® and Moly-D® elements are made in the U.S.A. with a focus on providing the highest quality heating elements and service to the global market.


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Furnaces International December 2023


Revolutionising converter steelmaking


Furnaces International December 2023



The continuous improvement and optimisation of BOF process automation is essential to cope with operator demands such as high process accuracy, stability, flexibility, short ramp-up time, and low consumption figures. Primetals Technologies is constantly extending its principle equation-based process models and, in parallel, introducing data and rule-based functions, leading to hybrid simulation tools for process control and optimisation. By Anna Mayrhofer* There are various reasons why process optimisation systems are applied for monitoring, control, and optimisation of the converter process in steel plants: To meet the demand and maintain competitiveness, the highest flexibility, productivity, and metallic yield must be achieved. Optimisation of consumption figures resulting in decreased consumption enables the reduction of costs. At the same time, the focus is on consistent quality. Different systems for monitoring and adjusting the process are applied, which support meeting these targets. Furthermore, the generation of know-how and the provision of it is essential. Tools for supervision of the process are developed, enabling data recording, evaluation, visualisation, and reporting, increasing the transparency of the process. Optimisation systems must be continuously improved and adapted with new features to meet market demands. One approach is the expansion of the well-proven first principle process models with data-driven and rule-based functions, leading to Article originally published in Steel Times International


hybrid process models.

*Product manager converter steelmaking automation, Primetals Technologies Austria GmbH

45 Furnaces International December 2023


Figure 1. Visualization of the Process Pre-Calculation

Figure 2. Definition of hot metal scrap strategies

The strengths of different models are used to improve the accuracy of the predictions and obtain a more comprehensive understanding of the process. Hybrid process models enable process control optimisation by identifying the optimal process condition, resulting in improved product quality and reduced costs. These hybrid process models are additionally used to form a Digital Twin – i.e., a virtual representation of a physical system, such as a machine, process, or entire manufacturing facility. They contribute to improving quality by detecting and removing quality-related problems and increase safety by allowing for a better understanding of the behaviour of the physical system. With a Digital Twin, it is possible to simulate and test different scenarios before implementing them in the real world. Three types of Digital Twins are applied in Primetals Technologies’ automation and digitalisation systems: �

Digital Twin Automation: Digital Twins are used as training

46 Furnaces International December 2023





simulators for operators and engineers. Simulations can help im-

Figure a. Process pre-calculation

prove the workforce’s skills and reduce the risk of human errors

Figure b. Hot metal scrap order calculation

during hot commissioning and actual production. �

Digital Twin Process: Digital Twins simulate the steelmak-

ing process and test different configurations with defined parameters to find the optimal settings. In this way, it enables efficient offline development of steel grades. �

Digital Twin Product: Historical view of all heats produced

with detailed analysis options for properties.

In the Process Pre-Calculation figure, the different models of the BOF Optimiser are explained based on the occurrence during the heat from scrap and hot metal preparation until the end of tapping.

Process Pre-Calculation (Figure a) As an integral part of the Digital Twin Process, it simulates the whole process covering all production steps from charging to tapping. �

Calculation and distribution of gas volumes, heating and

cooling agents, alloys, and fluxes to reach the target steel temperature, the target steel weight and analysis, and the target slag basicity 47 www.furnaces-international.com

Furnaces International December 2023


Calculation of ongoing reactions to predict the weight

and analysis of steel, slag, and off-gas, as well as the steel bath temperature after each process step �

Information and warnings for the operator if target values

for a process phase are not reached.

The Process Pre-Calculation can be restarted anytime during the heat with the latest data or before production starts. Process Pre-Calculation enables an adaptation of the process treatment even if the heat is already ongoing. Additionally, it can be used for production planning, simulation, and the development of new steel grades. Figure 1.

48 Furnaces International December 2023



Hot Metal and Scrap Order Calculation (First Charge Calculation FCC) (Figure b) If the situation in the steel plant allows it, especially if a flexible provision of hot metal (HM) and scrap is possible, an optimisation of the amount of HM or scrap, or both, can be done. In this way, the addition of heating and cooling agents is largely reduced, or in the best case, not even necessary. The Hot Metal and Scrap Order Calculation is part of the Process Pre-Calculation and determines the amount of HM and scrap before the treatment starts. A preparation of HM and scrap can be done accordingly. The latest developments focus on the individual specification and selection of different HM-to-scrap strategies for controlling the input ratios of HM and different types of scrap. In this way, it is possible to optimise the mixing ratio depending on the current production philosophy and availability and the costs of HM and scrap. Figure 2.

Standard Melting Practice and Automatic SMP Selection (Figure c) Standard Melting Practices (SMP) define process setpoints covering various input settings to reach target figures. SMPs represent the technological and metallurgical know-how, forming a standardised basis for targeted control to changing initial situations. The main setpoints for the BOF are lance position and oxygen flow rate, bottom stirring, and material addition pattern. With customisable rules, the selection of SMPs is made automatically depending on HM and scrap properties, tapping target values and considering the used lance tip. Figure 3. 49 www.furnaces-international.com

Furnaces International December 2023



Are you passionate about the future of steelmaking and have something to say about it? Then join us as a speaker in Stockholm and share your insights with an international audience of senior level steel industry executives. Contact Matthew Moggridge now on matthewmoggridge@quartzltd.com

Visit our website to discover more about the event www.FutureSteelForum.com FSF24_A4_DPS_Ad.indd 2-3

SPONSOR OR EXHIBIT Do you want to showcase or promote your products and services to over 200+ international steel professionals? Discover what opportunities we currently have available by contacting Paul Rossage on paulrossage@quartzltd.com

To be the first to hear when registration opens for the Future Steel Forum event in Stockholm, please scan this QR code



Join our Future Steel Forum Group

Official Media Partner Since 1866


15/11/2023 11:37



Are you passionate about the future of steelmaking and have something to say about it? Then join us as a speaker in Stockholm and share your insights with an international audience of senior level steel industry executives. Contact Matthew Moggridge now on matthewmoggridge@quartzltd.com

Visit our website to discover more about the event www.FutureSteelForum.com FSF24_A4_DPS_Ad.indd 2-3

SPONSOR OR EXHIBIT Do you want to showcase or promote your products and services to over 200+ international steel professionals? Discover what opportunities we currently have available by contacting Paul Rossage on paulrossage@quartzltd.com

To be the first to hear when registration opens for the Future Steel Forum event in Stockholm, please scan this QR code



Join our Future Steel Forum Group

Official Media Partner Since 1866


15/11/2023 11:37

LIFE OF A FURNACE Figure 3. Definition of an SMP

Figure 4. Visualization of a currently ongoing heat

Second Charge Calculation (Figure d) Once data from charged HM and scrap is available, the Hot Metal and Scrap Order Calculation is updated by the Second Charge Calculation (SCC). Slag formers, heating and cooling materials with timing and portioning, oxygen amount, blowing and stirring pattern, and the resulting steel bath level are determined. The basis for calculation is the target steel analysis and temperature, actual data of charged hot metal and scrap, the selected SMP, and the material availability.

52 Furnaces International December 2023






f Online Supervision (Figure e) First-principle models like mass and heat balance are used for Online Supervision. Ongoing reactions, including melting and scrap dissolution, addition, oxidation, and reduction, are cyclically calculated. In this way, the current steel and slag analysis, weight,

Figure c. Standard melting practice and automatic SMP selection Figure d. Second charge calculation Figure e. Online supervision Figure f. Blow end control

and temperature are provided. Supervision during the whole blowing period is also possible. Visualising essential process parameters enables process diagnostics at a glance and gives the operator a good overview of the current status of the heat. Figure 4.

Blow end control (Figure f) The target window for steel temperature and analysis must be achieved at the end of blowing. The final correction of setpoints for remaining oxygen volume and automatic triggering of blow end based on actual parameters is done via pre-defined strategies. Additional measurements are required to get the current www.furnaces-international.com

53 Furnaces International December 2023


Figure 5. HMI with LOMAS off-gas information

Figure 6. Comparison of measured data with model results calculated with different tuning parameters

condition of the heat. In the case of an inblow measurement system, the amount of cooling or heating agents, fluxes, and remaining oxygen to be blown is determined based on the latest results from this measurement (T, express C). Corrective measures due to influences from the blowing lance hot spot are considered. Alternatively, data from an off-gas analysis system – e.g., Primetals Technologies’ LOMAS (Low Maintenance Gas Analysing System) – is used. The gas components – like CO, CO2, and O2 – are measured, and actual carbon content, decarburisation rate, temperature, and slag FeO content are cyclically determined. These measurements are the basis for determining the remaining necessary amount of oxygen, triggering blow stop, and enabling dynamic process control. In the best case scenario, both systems are installed. Figure 5.

54 Furnaces International December 2023



The Future Aluminium Forum is set to return and will take place in Istanbul on the 21-23 May 2024. The Forum was originally developed to explore the transformational impact of digital technologies in the aluminium manufacturing processes and by hosting this next edition in Istanbul, we will be looking to uncover the potential to revolutionise the industry in Turkey and the surrounding regions. By bringing together major aluminium manufacturers, suppliers of digital and sustainable technologies, and industry experts, the Forum aims to foster collaboration and knowledge-sharing, paving the way for a more efficient, sustainable, and competitive aluminium sector. INTERESTED IN EXHIBITING OR SPONSORING?

Please contact Nathan Jupp, Commercial Sales Director +44 (0)1737 855 027 nathanjupp@quartzltd.com


Please contact Nadine Bloxsome, Content Director +44 (0)7778 688 035 nadinebloxsome@quartzltd.com






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01/11/2023 14:01



h Figure g. Reblow control Figure h. Alloy control

Reblow Control (Figure g) Suppose steel analysis or temperature are not within the specified target limits by the end of blowing. In that case, a pre-defined countermeasures strategy is selected depending on which values are not within the valid range. Actual steel analysis from sample and temperature measurements are used to determine the amounts of cooling or heating agents, fluxes, and oxygen to be blown. The analysis ensures targeted reaction, prompt execution, and standardised selection of correction measures.

Alloy control (Figure h) The necessary types, weights, and timing of deoxidants and alloying materials during tapping are determined to reach the target steel analysis. At the same time, the costs of the used materials are considered. Steel and slag analysis in the converter before tapping, target steel analysis after tapping, material properties and constraints, and, if available, the thermal condition of the teeming ladle are also considered.

Feedback Calculation The tuning of process models is essential to achieve the required accuracy. Current developments focus on Feedback Calculation, 56 Furnaces International December 2023



a tool that uses the measured and calculated data from the heats produced to improve the tuning parameters used for calculation. Completed heats can be recalculated with modified tuning parameters. There are two different methods to select new tuning parameters: �

Sandbox Mode: manual selection and adaption of tuning

parameters �

Optimise Mode: an optimal set of tuning parameters is


The results for a set of completed heats are calculated by the optimisation system with the selected tuning parameters and compared to the temperature and steel analysis measurements of the heats. In this way, it is possible to gradually improve calculation accuracy by selecting more suitable tuning parameters, resulting in reduced deviations between calculated and measured values. Figure 6. Automatically selected tuning parameters from Optimise Mode show an overall better match between measured data (y axis) and calculated values (x axis) for both temperature and carbon. One can see that the calculated values with the optimised parameters (green) are overall closer to the ideal line (blue, measured = calculated) compared to the calculated values with the previous tuning parameters (red). An optimal database must be available for the Optimise Mode of Feedback Calculation to function properly. An evaluation of data of the heats produced ensures this. With Heat Data Evaluation an index is calculated, which gives feedback on the quality of process operation, data, and calculation accuracy. The following information is considered: 57 www.furnaces-international.com

Furnaces International December 2023


Quality of input data, e.g., hot metal weight, chemical

analysis �

Deviation from a standard operation, e.g., material addi-

tions shortly before measurements �

Availability of measurements and sample results for metal

and slag, e.g., complete inblow and endblow measurement �

Matching of model results and measurements

Occurrence of abnormal events, e.g., blowing interrup-

tions, slopping Furthermore, the Heat Data Evaluation supports process metallurgists and engineers in evaluating the heats by providing a fast overview of the right KPIs.

Conclusion Dynamic and accurate process control is enabled by combining first principle models applied over decades with the latest developments containing data-driven and rule-based functions. This results in hybrid process models with the highest hitting rates for carbon and temperature and leads to low reblow rates, ensuring efficient and flexible high-quality carbon steel production. A targeted selection of hot metal, scrap, and materials that are added during the process reduces production costs. Tools are developed focusing on improving the calculation accuracy by selecting more suitable tuning parameters and enabling an even better prediction of the whole process. These tools significantly impact the Digital Twin, perfectly reflecting reality. �

58 Furnaces International December 2023



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07/09/2023 15:23

LIFE OF A FURNACE Dr Rainer Klock from thyssenkrupp AT.PRO tec (right) with Marcel Mokosch from Schubert & Salzer Control Systems (left).

60 Furnaces International December 2023


Revolutionary oxygen impulse technology for steel production


thyssenkrupp AT.PRO tec GmbH is well known for the development of the sequence impulse process. When used on cupola furnaces, it considerably increased their cost-effectiveness in the past. In over 10 years of d evelopment work with Schubert & Salzer as their partner, Dr Rainer Klock and the team at AT.PRO tec succeeded in getting the SIP technology to work on blast furnaces, too, with the help of sliding gate valves. The story of a researcher on the way to becoming a plant manufacturer. By Sandro Caravita*

From experiment to large-scale industrial use… *Marketing Schubert & Salzer Control Systems GmbH 61 www.furnaces-international.com

Furnaces International December 2023


Main image and inset (right) Schwelgern 1 is one of the world’s most modern blast furnaces with a potential output of 10,000 t per day. Over the course of the project, 40 SIP boxes (grey-blue in the photo) were installed on the tuyeres. The boxes inject strong intermittent impulses with technical oxygen into the coke bed in order to achieve the best possible penetration.

The ASIPGO project was intended

three years: firstly, to improve the us

automation and secondly to enable t 62 Furnaces International December 2023



d to pursue two goals over a period of

se of SIP on cupola furnaces through

the use of SIP on blast furnaces.

63 www.furnaces-international.com

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LIFE OF A FURNACE The SIP results in a significant increase in the efficiency of the manufacture of pig iron; it saves costs amounting to several million Euros every year on blast furnace 1 in Schwelgern and has therefore paid for itself in less than 2 years of operation. The annual CO2 savings amount to well over 100,000 tonnes.

The history of the blast furnace process is a long story of great innovations and technical improvements. Again and again, there have been courageous innovators who were willing to question common methods in order to further optimise the production process of pig iron. In the 18th century, for example, Abraham Darby succeeded in using coke instead of charcoal. As a result, blast furnaces became considerably larger and more efficient. In the 19th century, Edward Alfred Cowper managed an innovation leap with the newly emerging blast preheaters. Today the socalled “Cowpers” are part of every blast furnace plant. Utilising the “sequence impulse process with induced shock waves”, the blast furnace has now reached the next stage in its evolution. Behind the SIP are thyssenkrupp AT.PRO tec GmbH and its present managing director, Dr Rainer Klock. As a team, they developed the technology over a period of more than 10 years in such a way that its use at the blast furnace became

64 Furnaces International December 2023


LIFE OF A FURNACE possible at all. Today the employees at AT.PRO tec bundle highly specialised expert knowledge from science and industry for the use of gases in melting processes. The basic concept of the new process is to activate the areas

The SIP system was finally completed in autumn 2020, since when it has been in use. Since then the sliding gate valves have reached the declared goal of a service life of one year with several million switching cycles.

deeper inside the furnace. In the standard process technology, a cone of coke is created - the so-called “dead man”. Incompletely reacted fine particles block this coke bed. The gas flow and heat cannot penetrate deeply enough into the furnace. The solution: strong intermittent impulses to enable the necessary deep penetration of the technical oxygen. This leads to a short-term, local surplus of oxygen and a more complete chemical conversion of the fine particles – even deep inside the coke bed. The shock waves associated with the impulses break open blockages at this point and mix the contents by means of strong turbulences. They ensure a more homogeneous gas distribution and a better flow-off of the molten metal and the slag. www.furnaces-international.com

65 Furnaces International December 2023

LIFE OF A FURNACE Above: The SIP boxes are the result of many years of research and development: from the first tests at the Institute of Ferrous Metallurgy at RWTH Aachen, to the construction and optimisation of a prototype on the blast furnace in Schwelgern, to the installation of the complete SIP system during running operation. Right: View inside an SIP box: Two type-8040 sliding gate valves were further developed over the years so that they are capable of releasing the necessary impulses with strong shock waves and have a minimum service life of one year, i.e. several million switching cycles. Below left: In close cooperation, various design changes were made and then tested in practice in order to adapt the sliding gate valve 8040 to the requirements of the application.

Below right: The intention is for Primetals Technologies to market the SIP technology worldwide and to make it accessible to other steel manufacturers.

66 Furnaces International December 2023



Phase 1: ASIPGO – the collaborative research project of thyssenkrupp and RWTH Aachen (2007-2011) The technology has been working successfully for years on a smaller scale in cupola furnaces and enables a considerable increase in cost-effectiveness. Use on the much larger blast furnaces was, however, still completely unresearched. When AT.PRO tec approached RWTH Aachen and the Institute of Ferrous Metallurgy (IEHK) situated there with the subject, Rainer Klock had just completed his degree thesis. RWTH looked for research associates for the new research project, which was supported by thyssenkrupp as the industrial partner. “That was the perfect opportunity for me. Not only was I able to write my doctorate thesis directly following my degree, the project also offered me the possibility to work on one of the largest blast furnaces in Europe”, said Dr Klock later. “The ASIPGO project was intended to pursue two goals over a period of three years: firstly, to improve the use of SIP on cupola furnaces through automation and secondly to enable the use of SIP on blast furnaces.” Within the framework of his doctorate thesis, Rainer Klock focused on research into use on the blast furnace. First, the physical and chemical processes were examined that made the SIP successful on the cupola furnace. The research group, consisting of employees from thyssenkrupp AT.PRO tec, thyssenkrupp Steel Europe and RWTH Aachen, wanted to understand the processes in the raceway zone of a blast furnace and how they would probably be affected by oxygen impulses in order to be able to transfer the technology from the cupola furnace to the blast furnace with the collected knowledge. Based on these findings at the IEHK, a SIP test system for blast furnaces was finally constructed. Compared to the SIP system for 67 www.furnaces-international.com

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LIFE OF A FURNACE With its crucible diameter of 13.6 m, a total height of approx. 110 m and an internal volume of 4,416 m3, the Schwelgern 1 blast furnace has a potential output of 10,000 t per day. It is one of the world’s most modern blast furnaces.

cupola furnaces, significantly larger nominal diameters and pressures were now used. The system therefore had to be adapted and equipped with suitable components. One of the main focal points was the so-called pulse valves. These had to be capable of generating the strongest possible shock wave. Following a long series of investigations with different types of valves, the sliding gate valve from Schubert & Salzer was selected. The principle of this valve was fascinatingly simple: two slotted discs that slide over each other and seal against each other. A sealing plate, fixed perpendicular to the direction of flow on which another movable disc with the same slot arrangement is moved, changes the flow cross-section. The applied pressure difference presses the movable disc against the fixed disc and thus contributes to leak-tightness. The short opening times achievable by this principle and the pressure resistance with large nominal diameters were ultimately decisive.

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Phase 2: From experiment to large–scale industrial use (2011 – 2020) The first tests with the SIP test system on the Schwelgern 1 blast furnace yielded such promising results that thyssenkrupp Steel Europe decided to further develop the process beyond the research project. With its hearth diameter of 13.6 m, a total height of approx. 110 m and an internal volume of 4,416 m3, the Schwelgern 1 blast furnace has a potential output of 10,000 t per day. The welded steel construction, which is lined inside with refractory material and has a closed cooling water circuit, is one of the most modern blast furnaces in the world. Rainer Klock was to manage the further development of SIP as plant engineer and was appointed by thyssenkrupp Steel Europe towards the summer of 2010. Whilst an industrially operational prototype had to be created on the basis of the SIP test system, this prototype was to be further optimised for the process. “In order to further improve the effect of our process, we began to dedicate ourselves to the shock waves associated with each impulse,” explained Dr Rainer Klock, now a doctor of metallurgy. “We were convinced that, as part of the SIP, it was making an important contribution to the positive effect of the SIP on the process. We wanted to enlarge the raceway zone and break open blockages in the coke bed with strong shock waves. This would increase the permeability and consequently the efficiency of the blast furnace process with larger reaction surfaces.” “At that time the project team at AT.PRO tec sat down with us and explained what they intended to do,” said Marcel Mokosch from Technical Sales at Schubert & Salzer Control Systems. “To generate impulses with even stronger shock waves, the high www.furnaces-international.com

69 Furnaces International December 2023


opening speeds had to be optimised still further in order to achieve extremely short opening times. In principle, sliding gate valves were the perfect choice for this application. The typical stroke between “open” and “closed” is only about 8 mm. This short stroke is accompanied by very small moved masses. For that reason, only small actuating forces are needed. As a result, the valve is ultimately even more compact than most other types of valves.” Following this meeting, the first “SIP box” - the prototype of the new system - ran for four to five years in continuous operation. In this time it was continually, further optimised. Over the years, step by step, the originally selected sliding gate valve design continued to develop together with the system and the process. In close cooperation, the various design changes were made and then tested in practice in order to adapt the valve to the requirements of the application. “Finally, we had managed to optimise the valve to a record opening speed of just 2 ms. This made it possible to generate impulses that reach deep into the coke bed with really strong shock waves,” said Marcel Mokosch. “However, the extremely fast switching speeds combined with high pressures and high switching frequency brought the valve to its load limits. This combination of requirements was really a challenge for us at the time, but we also saw it as a great opportunity for the sliding gate technology to prove itself. In order to achieve valve service lives that were acceptable to In over 10 years of development work with Schubert & Salzer as their partner, Dr Rainer Klock and the team at AT.PRO tec succeeded in getting the SIP technology to work on blast furnaces, too, with the help of sliding gate valves.

the user under these extreme operating conditions, their mechanical limits had to be extended by design changes. The declared goal was a service life of one year, in other words several million switching cycles.”

70 Furnaces International December 2023


is now to enable further auto-

rope and thyssenkrupp AT.PRO tec GmbH began with the devel-

mated process optimisations

opment, installation and operation of a complete oxygen impulse

by linking the SIP technology

process system on blast furnace 1 in Schwelgern. In the years

and the blast furnace process

that followed, the optimisation of the SIP boxes was finalised.

with the help of a Level 2

SIP devices were installed on the 40 tuyeres of the blast furnace

automation system. First of

with the furnace in normal operation.

all, however, our goal will be


In 2015 the moment had finally arrived: thyssenkrupp Steel Eu-

to make the SIP technology a Successful project completion The SIP system was finally completed in autumn 2020. 40 SIP

global success.” When the technology was

boxes were waiting to be used. The boxes were activated step by

fully operational for the first

step over a period of several weeks. The effects on the process

time, thyssenkrupp.AT.PRO

were awaited with excitement.

tec decided that partnering

The SIP system on blast furnace 1 in Schwelgern has paid

with one of the leading blast

for itself in less than 2 years of operation and now saves costs

furnace plant and equipment

amounting to several million Euros every year. Due to the in-

suppliers would be helpful in

crease in efficiency, the total consumption of reducing agents

achieving this goal. In August

(coke and injection coal) has been significantly reduced. This is

2021, after several months

also reflected in the CO2 savings of between 50 and 100 kg per

of negotiations, an exclusive

tonne of pig iron produced, resulting in annual CO2 savings in

worldwide marketing and sales

excess of 100,000 tonnes.

agreement was signed with

The entire project is a great success for thyssenkrupp AT.PRO

Primetals Technologies Ltd.

tec: “After one and a half years of continuous operation, the

“The intention is for our reli-

Schubert & Salzer sliding gate valves have proven to be more

able partner Primetals Technol-

than capable of coping with the extreme conditions of use in

ogies to market this technol-

our application. The many years of joint development work with

ogy worldwide and to make it

Schubert & Salzer has more than paid off. Finding such a per-

accessible to other steel man-

severing and reliable development partner is not a matter of

ufacturers, too.” concludes Dr.

course,” explained Dr Rainer Klock, now the managing director

Rainer Klock. �

of thyssenkrupp AT.PRO tec GmbH. “One of our future projects 71 www.furnaces-international.com

Furnaces International December 2023


ALPHABETICAL LISTING OF COMPANIES A J CHARNAUD & CO (PTY) LTD 1 Pink Street Ezakheni Industrial Estate, Ladysmith KZN South Africa T: +27 (0) 36 634 1534 E: dries@charnaud.co.za W: https://www.charnaud.net ABB METALLURGY PRODUCTS Terminalvägen 24, Bldg. 340, Västerås Sweden T: +46 21 32 50 00 E: metallurgy.seasy@se.abb.com W: https://www.abb.com/metallurgy ACE - RFTS LLC P.O. Box 295 Higganum CT United States T: +1 203 927 6545 E: rftsii@aol.com https://www.linkedin.com/in/ louisnizet Profile: Metallurgical equipment for melting, casting, rolling, processing and packaging, new, used and related spares parts such as: Mill rolls, chocks, bearings, spindles, shears, spindles, High quality thickness gauges, metal strip wiping cleaning/systems ADVANCED ENERGY LUMASENSE TECHNOLOGIES GMBH Kelsterbacher Strasse 14 Raunheim Hesse 65479 Germany T: +49 6142 789 2800 E: stefan.schiepe@aei.com W: https://www.advancedenergy. com https://twitter.com/advenergy https://www.linkedin.com/company/advancedenergy/ Profile: Advanced Energy shapes and transforms the way in which the world’s leading semiconductor and industrial companies can efficiently use, supply and control energy for thermal processes. We

develop and manufacture highly developed precision solutions for energy supply, metrological monitoring and thermal control of business-critical applications and processes. Our power supply solutions enable innovations in complex semiconductor and thin-film plasma processes, high and low voltage applications and in temperature-critical environments. From silicon wafer processing to the production of steel ingots, thermal processes, including general heat treatment, are used everywhere. To convert your materials into reliable, high-quality finished products, you need precise heat control. The Thyro power controllers, Impac optical pyrometers, Mikron thermal imaging cameras, and Luxtron fiber optic sensors from Advanced Energy set the standard for precision, reproducibility and reliability in thermal processing. When our products are integrated into a closed loop control, they provide accurate heat measurement and control. Advanced Energy; Precision. Power. Performance. Trust ADVANCED ENERGY INDUSTRIES GMBH Uracher Strasse 91 Metzingen DE 72555 Germany T: +49 7123 9690 E: info@aei.com W: http://www.advancedenergy. com https://twitter.com/advenergy http://www.linkedin.com/company/advancedenergy/ Profile: See Advanced Energy – Lumasense Technologies GmbH ADWEST TECHNOLOGIES 151 Trapping a Brook Road Wellsville New York United States T: +1 585 593 1405 E: bcannon@cecoenviro.com W: https://www.adwestusa.com

AFC-HOLCROFT 49630 Pontiac Trail Wixom MI 48393 United States T: +1 248 624 8191 E: sales@afc-holcroft.com W: https://www.afc-holcroft.com Profile: For over 100 years, AFC-Holcroft has offered atmosphere-based heat treating equipment built to the highest standards for quality. Our extensive product range includes sealed quench batch-style systems, mesh and cast belt furnaces, continuous pusher furnaces, roller hearth and rotary hearth furnaces, walking beam furnaces, austempering systems, atmosphere generators and more. AFECO HEATING SYSTEMS Plot No. F23 MIDC Area Gokulshirgaon Industrial Area Kolhapur, Maharashtra India T: +91 982 205 6316 E: maladkar@afecoheating.com W: https://www.afecoheating.com AICHELIN HOLDING GMBH Fabriksgasse 3 Moedling Austria T: +43 2236 23646 0 E: marketing@aichelin.com W: https://www.aichelin.com AIF ENGINEERING PRIVATE LTD B-18, Sector IX, Noida Uttar Pradesh India T: +91 120 4208752 E: info@aif.co.in W: https://www.aif.co.in AIR AND ENERGY SYSTEMS INC 921 Matthews-Mint Hill Road Matthews NC United States T: +1 704 562 1163 E: bill@airandenergyinc.com

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ALPHABETICAL LISTING OF COMPANIES AIR PRODUCTS AND CHEMICALS, INC 7201 Hamilton Boulevard Allentown, PA United States T: +1 800 654 4567 E: gigmrktg@airproducts.com W: https://www.airproducts.com/ metals AIRCONTROL INDUSTRIAL, S.L. PS. Sarroeta, 4, San Sebastian Guipuzcoa Spain T: +34 943 44 5080 E: blarrinaga@aircontrol.es W: https://www.aircontrol-metals. com AJZ & ASSOCIATES CONSULTING 7811 Slip Point Ave Las Vegas, NV United States T: +1 978 359 7771 E: al.zonca@gmail.com W: https://www.dazal.com ALLIED MINERAL PRODUCTS, INC. 2700 Scioto Parkway Columbus, Ohio United States T: +1 614 876 0244 E: allied@alliedmin.com W: https://www.alliedmineral.com ALLIED TRADING INTERNATIONAL LTD 1, Makram Ebeid St. City Light Bld. Floor 8, office C4 Nasar City Cairo Egypt T: + 20 2 267 02841 E: info@atiltrading.com W: https://www.atiltrading.com ALLSTATES REFRACTORY CONTRACTORS, LLC 218-B Mechanic Street PO Box 256 Waterville Ohio United States T: +1 419 878 4691 E: info@allstatesrefractory.com W: https://www.allstatesrefractory. com

AMECO USA 4600 W. 160 St. Cleveland OH 44135 United States T: +1 800 822 9402 E: sales@ameco-usa.com W: https://ameco-usa.com/ https://www.linkedin.com/company/880841 Profile: AMECO USA is a custom fabricator specialising in complex and large metal fabrications. We build according to our customer’s specs and drawings and have extensive experience fabricating products for a variety of high-temperature industries and applications including Furnace Rolls, Muffles, Retorts, Radiant Tubes, Furnace Cans and more.

AMETEK LAND Stubley Lane Dronfield Derbyshire S18 1DJ United Kingdom T: +44 (0)1246 417691 E: land.enquiry@ametek.com W: https://www.ametek-land.com/ https://twitter.com/landinst https://www.linkedin.com/company/ametekland/ Profile: AMETEK Land (Land Instruments) is a world-leading manufacturer of instrumentation and analysers for non-contact industrial infrared temperature measurements, combustion efficiency and environmental pollutant emissions. ANDRITZ METALS INC 500 Technology Dr. Canonsburg PA United States T: +1 724 597 7823 E: jens.hebestreit@andritz.com W: https://www.andritz.com

ANT FURNACES 1500 Mariner Drive F Oxnard CA United States T: +1 877 367 2025 E: egisonno@antfurnaces.com W: https://www.antfurnaces.com AQUAJET 1144 Village Way Monroe WA United States T: +1 800 621 7856 E: arielle@ironcladmktg.com ARES Hai-Tech Part Tianjin China E: xglmaya@163.com ARKEMA INC. 900 First Avenue King of Prussia Pennsylvania United States T: +1 610 205 7000 E: lisa.chletcos@cldmarcomm.com Profile: Arkema is a global manufacturer of adhesives and sealants products, including binders, rheology modifiers and additives for use in pressure sensitive adhesives, construction products, and structural adhesives. ARUN TECHNOLOGY 16 The Brunel Centre Newton Road Crawley West Sussex United Kingdom T: +44 (0)1293 513123 E: sales@aruntechnology.com W: https://www.aruntechnology. com ASCON TECNOLOGIC NORTH AMERICA 1111 Brookpark Road Cleveland, OH United States T: +1 216 485 8350 E: info@ascontec-na.com W: https://www.ascontecnologic. com

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ALPHABETICAL LISTING OF COMPANIES AVS INC. 60 Fitchburg Road, Ayer, MA United States T: +1 978 772 0710 E: sales@avsinc.com W: https://www.avsinc.com AZTERLAN METALLURGY RESEARCH CENTRE Allendalde 6, Durango Bizkaia 48200 Spain T: +34 94 61 215470 E: azterlan@azterlan.es W: http://www.azterlan.es https://twitter.com/azterlan http://www.linkedin.com/company/azterlan-metallurgy BAJJO GLASS INDUSTRY PO.Box 9425 Bajjo Village Seeta Mukono Uganda T: +256 788 80 1451 E: bajjog@yahoo.com W: https://www.bajjoglass.net BAKELITE SYNTHETICS 1040 Crown Pointe Parkway Suite 250, Atlanta GA 30338 United States T: +1 492 374 925467 E: information@cidmarcomm.com W: http://www.bakelite.com http://www.linkedin.com/company/bakelite-synthetics/about/ Profile: Bakelite is a leading global producer of phenolic specialty resins, aromatic polyols, molding compounds & formaldehyde & derivatives, organised around four end-markets (building materials, industrial applications, transportation & chemical intermediates). BASF CORPORATION 46820 Fremont Blvd Freemont, California, 94538 United States T: +1 510 490 2150 E: mark.foerch@basf.com W: http://www.catalysts.basf.com/ tempsensing https://twitter.com/basf_catalysts http://www.linkedin.com/company/basf-precious-metals-recycling

BCRC - BELGIAN CERAMIC RESEARCH CENTRE Avenue Gouverneur Cornez 4 Mons Belgium T: +32 65 40 34 42 E: c.kermel@bcrc.be BDF INDUSTRIES SPA Viale Dell’Industria 40 Vicenza Italy T: +39 0444 286100 E: a.daltoso@bdf.it BDI COOLING SOLUTIONS Ramsden Court Ramsden Road, Rotherwas Industrial Estate, Hereford Herefordshire United Kingdom T: +44 (0)1432 365000 E: ben.jones@bijurdelimon.co.uk W: https://www.bdicooling.com BECK U. KALTHEUNER FEUERFESTE ERZEUGNISSE GMBH & CO. KG Dieselstrasse 3 Plettenberg North Rhine-Westphalia Germany T: +49 2391 817-0 E: info@beka-feuerfest.de W: https://www.beka-feuerfest.de BEKAERT SOLARONICS Z.I n°3 rue du kemmel Armentières France T: +33 32 010 5949 E: sales.ncdcoating@bekaert.com W: https://drying.bekaert.com BEST - BALIKESIR ELEKTROMEKANIK SANAYI TESISLERI A? OSB -Organize Sanayi Bölgesi 7. Cad. No:1 Balıkesir Turkey T: +90 266 281 10 70 E: best@besttransformer.com W: https://www.besttransformer. com

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ALPHABETICAL LISTING OF COMPANIES BRITISH INDUSTRIAL FURNACE CONSTRUCTORS ASSOCIATION (BIFCA) The NMC 47 Birmingham Road West Bromwich United Kingdom T: +44 (0)121 601 6715 E: enquiry@bifca.org.uk W: https://www.bifca.org.uk

CALDERYS REFRACTORY SOLUTIONS 6th, Fidvi Towers, Mount Road, Nagpur MHR India T: +91 9623452458 E: devendra.singh@calderys.com W: https://www.calderys.com

BROKK INC. 1144 Village Way Monroe Washington United States T: +1 800 621 7856 E: joan@ironcladmktg.com

CALDERYS REFRACTORY TAIWAN NO. 6-6, Hsing-Tien Road, Hsin-Nan Tsun Kao Shu Shiang Ping Tung Hsien Taiwan T: +886 8 796 5562 E: taiwan@calderys.com W: https://www.calderys.com

BUSCH (UK) LTD Hortonwood 30 Telford Shropshire United Kingdom T: +44 (0) 1952 677423 E: amy.jugessur@busch.co.uk BWG BERGWERK- UND WALZWERK-MASCHINENBAU GMBH Mercatorstr. 74-78 Duisburg Germany T: +49 203 99290 E: bwg@bwg-online.de W: https://www.bwg-online.com BWG MACHINERY CORPORATION 111 Haven Ridge Peachtree City Georgia United States T: +770 969 9199 E: joe.heiman@bwgmachinery.com W: https://www.bwgmachinery.com CALDERYS 17/19 place de la Résistance Issy Les Moulineaux Cedex France T: +33(0)1 41 08 11 00 E: info@calderys.com W: https://www.calderys.com

CAN-ENG FURNACES INTERNATIONAL LIMITED 6800 Montrose Road Niagara Falls Ontario L2E 6V5 Canada T: +1 905 356 1327 E: furnaces@can-eng.com W: https://www.can-eng.com https://www.linkedin.com/company/2986973/admin/feed/posts Profile: Established in 1964, CANENG Furnaces International Limited is a leading designer and manufacturer of thermal processing equipment for ferrous and nonferrous metals. CAN-ENG’s rugged furnace designs have served commercial and captive heat treaters, stamping and fastener manufacturers, automotive component producers, the iron and steel industries, aluminium foundries, agricultural, construction and appliance manufacturers for 60 years and we have gained an international reputation for design innovation, quality workmanship and a

dedication to service. CAN-ENG is the industry leader for the supply of Continuous Mesh Belt Atmosphere Furnace Systems. Much of this can be attributed to design innovation, which changed the industry and continues today. CAN-ENG’s equipment leads the industry in up-time reliability, energy efficiency and soft handling features that deliver superior part cosmetics. Standard production capacities are available from 250 lbs/hr up to the largest systems in operation at more than 7500 lbs/hr (100 kgs/hr to 3400 kgs/hr). CAN-ENG systems are usually supplied as totally automated heat-treating lines which include computer-controlled loading systems, pre-was stations, hardening furnaces, quench systems, post washer stations and tempering furnaces. CAN-ENG’s SCADA system is designed especially for the heat-treating industry. It addresses specific needs regarding production efficiency and process quality in heat treat operations and can be included in a CAN-ENG furnace installation or added to others’ equipment. CAN-ENG Furnaces has the depth of experience to custom engineer heat treating equipment for the most demanding applications. CAN-ENG Furnaces is an ISO 9001:2015 certified company. For more information regarding CANENG equipment, contact Tim Donofrio by telephone at 905-356-1327 or send an email to him at tdonofrio@ can-eng.com CARBOLITE GERO LTD Parsons Lane Hope Hope Valley Derbyshire S33 6RB United Kingdom T: +44 (0)1433 620011 E: robert.prior@carbolite-gero.com W: https://www.carbolite-gero.com https://twitter.com/carboliteuk https://www.linkedin.com/company/carbolite/ Profile: The Carbolite Gero brand is synonymous with high quality, leading heat technology in the design

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ALPHABETICAL LISTING OF COMPANIES and manufacture of laboratory and industrial ovens and furnaces ranging from 30 °C to 3000 °C and sold globally to over 100 countries. Carbolite Gero has two manufacturing and sales sites. One is based in Derbyshire, United Kingdom, where Carbolite has been manufacturing laboratory and industrial ovens and furnaces up to 1800 °C since 1938; the second facility is located in Neuhausen, Southern Germany, where high temperature furnaces up to 3000 °C with a large variety of solutions for vacuum and other modified atmospheres have been manufactured since 1982. In addition to the wide range of standard products, Carbolite Gero is an expert in the development of customised equipment for complex heat treatment processes. Solving customers’ individual application requirements has given Carbolite Gero an important place in aerospace, engineering, materials science, medical, bioscience and contract testing laboratories globally to name a few. Not only can we supply products with Standards-compliant furnace and oven designs (eg, Nadcap heat treatment processes (AMS2750F)), but also fully traceable certification for control, measurement, recording and data acquisition devices, issued by an independent UKAS accredited laboratory. CARBON INTERNATIONAL LTD Brigg Road Scunthorpe North Lincolnshire United Kingdom T: +44 (0)1724 280801 E: sales@carboninternational.co.uk W: https://www.carboninternational. co.uk CARBORUNDUM UNIVERSAL LIMITED - ELECTRO MINERALS DIVISION PB No 1, KD Plot PO Ernakulam Kerala India E: Rajankn@cumi.murugappa.com W: https://www.cumi-emd.eu

CARDINAL REFRACTORIES INC. 3385 Harvester Road Suite #240 Burlington Ontario Canada T: +1 419 307 2184 W: https://www.stellarcanadainc. com CASTOLIN EUTECTIC Ch. de la Venoge 7 St-Sulpice Switzerland E: info@castolin.com W: https://www.castoliln.com CELLARIS REFRACTORIES INDIA LIMITED Unit of Carborundum Universal Limited Plot # 8, Cumisez, KD plot,Ernakulam Dt., Kochi, Kerala India T: +91 999 449 1827 E: rajankn@cumi.murugappa.com W: https://www.cumi-murugappa. com/ CELSIAN Achtseweg, Zuid 241-A Building TZ Eindhoven 5651 GW Netherlands T: +31 402 490100 E: infodesk@celsian.nl W: http://www.celsian.nl http://www.linkedin.com/company/celsian CERINNOV GROUP 2 rue Columbia – Parc d’Ester Limoges 87068 France T: +33 5 55 04 24 54 E: contact@cerinnov-group.com W: https://www.cerinnov-group. com/ https://www.linkedin.com/company/cerinnov-group/ Profile: Cerinnov Group designs, manufactures, and markets innovative equipment and services for the ceramic industry in three areas of expertise: robotics & advanced automatic identification tracking

systems, thermal treatment of materials, and laser processes & decoration. Cerinnov is at the heart of the “4th industrial revolution” by offering you state-of-the-art equipment and solutions to propel your activities into the “factory of the future” era. Cerinnov Group develops machines and equipment for the ceramic and glass production and decoration as well as innovative machines and turnkey solutions. CFT CARBON FURNACES TECHNOLOGIES B.V. Curieweg 7 Spijkenisse ZH Netherlands T: +31 181 66 9050 E: vanvarik@carbonft.nl W: https://www.carbonft.nl CHAPMAN BRACK CONTRACTORS LTD Faith Works Club Mill Road Sheffield United Kingdom E: paolo@chapmanbrack.co.uk W: https://www.chapmanbrack. co.uk CHARTER TECH LIMITED Sandford Lane Wareham Dorset United Kingdom T: +44 (0)1929 553000 E: paul.burns@charter-tech.com W: https://www.charter-tech.com CHIZ BROS 2117 Lincoln Blvd Elizabeth PA 15037 United States T: +1 412 384 5220 E: marketing@chizbros.com W: https://www.chizbros.com/ Profile: Chiz Bros supplies ceramic fiber products including Blanket, paper, board and modules along with engineered drawings.

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ALPHABETICAL LISTING OF COMPANIES CIMSAMEX Carretera a laredo Km. 16.5 Col Moises Saenz Apodaca Nuevo Leon Mexico T: +52 (81) 8385 2960 E: sales@chemtool.com W: https://www.cimsamex.com CLAYTON THERMAL PROCESSES LTD Summerton Road Oldbury Birmingham West Midlands United Kingdom T: +44 (0)121 511 1203 E: rk@claytonholdings.com W: https://www.Claytonholdings. com CMB S.R.L. Via Vicenza, 17 San Vito di Leguzzano (VI) Italy T: +39 34 050 20660 E: riccardoz@cmbcilindri.com CMI 38 Bd Paul Cézanne Les Miroirs Guyancourt France T: +33 6 27 010052 E: roland.hequet@cmigroupe.com W: https://www.cmigroupe.com COCKERILL MAINTENANCE & INGENERIE (CMI) Avenue Greiner 1 Seraing Belgium E: luc.malpas@cmigroupe.com W: https://www.cmigroupe.com

CODERE SA Route de Miécourt 12 Alle 2942 Switzerland T: +41 32 465 1010 E: info@codere.ch W: http://www.codere.ch http://coderesa Profile: Specialising in manufacturing a range of customised industrial furnaces controlled under protective atmosphere, CODERE is active worldwide in a number of fields, including the automotive, aeronautic, fastener, tooling, spring, precious-metal, medical, optical, armament and hydraulic industries, as well as serving a number of international contract heat treatment shops. CODERE specialise in the following processes include hardening, case hardening, nitriding, tempering and annealing among various different quenching options oil, salt, water or polymer. Codere have unique advantages against traditional batch furnaces. There has been growth especially in salt quenching processes (ADI, martempering, bainitic hardening), titan treatment, aerospace projects respecting AMS 2750E or Automobile (CQI9) and multi product series (Flexibility needed for temperature & atmosphere) COMBUSTOL Estrada Turística do Jaraguá, 358 São Paulo Brazil T: +55 11 3906-3000 E: faleconosco@combustol.com.br W: https://www.combustol.com.br CONDAT 104, avenue Frederic Mistral Chasse-sur-Rhone France T: +33 47 807 3838 E: nathalie.vidal@condat.fr W: https://www.condat-lubricants. com/ https://www.linkedin.com/company/condat-sa/mycompany

Profile: International specialist in industrial lubricants for 160 years. CONDAT, an independent group of French origin, formulates and produces a very wide range of lubricants for the world of industry. Our expertise and know-how allow us to develop lubricants and other products with high added technical value for a multitude of applications: wire drawing, tunnel boring, forging, glass, machining, industrial maintenance... The breadth of our product portfolio includes, among others: metal-forming lubricants, technical greases, hydraulic oils, cutting fluids, soaps, surface treatments, and many others besides. For industrial heating/process industry, operations are among the most constraining in terms of working temperature and risk of fire. CONDAT offer a wide range of products known and recognised for their highly technical nature, since they answer these constraints perfectly. Our fire-resistant fluids as well as our technical greases are used throughout the world: - in steel making plants: electric arc furnaces, ladle furnaces, continuous casting lines - on hot rolling lines: hydraulics of the stands, greasing of the work roll cylinder bearings - on cold and rolling mills - Alumina plants Primary aluminium with integrated semi-continuous casting or continuous casting (strip casters process) - Aluminium extrusion with casthouse - Foundry with permanent moulds - Refineries for aluminium recycling - Ferro-alloys CONSARC ENGINEERING LTD 9 Woodside Eurocentral Holytown North Lanarkshire United Kingdom T: +44 (0)1698 730430 E: srobertson@consarceng.com W: https://www.consarceng.com

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ALPHABETICAL LISTING OF COMPANIES CONSOLIDATED ENGINEERING COMPANY 1971 McCollum Pkwy NW Kennesaw, GA United States T: +770 422 5100 E: lhoefler@cec-intl.com W: https://www.cec-intl.com CONTEGO SAFETY SOLUTIONS Wearmaster House Malthouse Lane Hurstpierpoint West Sussex United Kingdom T: +44 (0)1273 831800 E: info@contegosafety.co.uk W: https://www.contegosafety. co.uk

CONTINUUS-PROPERZI S.P.A Via Cosimo del Fante, 10 20122 Milano Italy T: +39 02 988492 E: sales@properzi.it W: http://www.properzi.com Profile: Continuus-Properzi world leader in the design and construction of CCR lines, furnaces and fume treatment for copper and aluminium. CONTRACT HEAT TREATMENT ASSOCIATION Federation House. 10 Vyse Street c/o SEA Birmingham United Kingdom T: +44 (0)121 329 2970 E: mail@chta.co.uk CONTROL INSTRUMENTS CORP 25 Law Drive Ste 1 Fairield NJ 07004-3295 United States T: +1 973 575 9114 E: kmoniello@controlinstruments. com

Profile: Since 1969 Control Instruments Corp has dedicated their expertise to the industrial community, providing safe and efficient environments for companies worldwide. Our mission is to engineer and manufacture high quality solutions to both simple and complex gas detection problems, leaving your facility, employees, and environment safe and secure. COUPLINGS COMPANY, INC. 570 Bond St. Lincolnshire IL United States T: +1 847 634 8990 E: mark@couplingscompany.com W: https://www.brassfittings.com DANIELS FANS LTD Dafen Industrial Park Llanelli South Wales United Kingdom T: +44 (0)1554 752148 E: slloyd@danielsfans.com W: https://www.danielsfans.com DATSUN ENGINEERING AND CONSTRUCTION COMPANY C-12, Sai Residency, Vijay Nagar, Kalewadi, Pimpri, Pune Maharashtra India T: +91 956 125 9309 E: datsunprojects@gmail.com W: https://www.facebook.com/datsunprojects DE WINTER ENGINEERING BV Houweg 2 Elst (U) Netherlands T: +31 318 47 1735 E: dewinter@dewinterengineering. com W: https://www.dewinterengineering.com

DEEPAK INDUSTRIES Harmesh Apt, E-10, B-Wing, Borival (W) Poinsor Bhatt Lane Maharashtra India T: +91 983 340 7823 E: coalcoke@yahoo.com W: https://www.pcf.co.in DENCO LUBRICATION LTD Ramsden Court Rotherwas Industrial Estate Hereford Herefordshire United Kingdom T: +44 (0)1432 365000 E: steve.hayward@bijurdelimon. co.uk W: https://www.bijurdelimon.co.uk DEPARTMENT FOR INDUSTRIAL FURNACES AND HEAT ENGINEERING - RWTH AACHEN UNIVERSITY Kopernikusstr. 10 Aachen Germany T: +49 241 80 25935 E: schmitz@iob.rwth-aachen.de DIBENEDETTO APPRAISAL SERVICES, MEMBER TDI GRP. PO Box 38591 700 Blaw Avenue, First Floor Pittsburgh PA 15238 United States T: +1 412 826 4950 E: drd@tdigrp.com W: https://www.tdigrp.com Profile: Providing valuation services to the manufacturing industries performing and related to melting, re-heating, heat treating, sintering. Accreditations American Society of Appraisers, (ASA), Association of Machinery & Equipment Appraisers, (AMEA) & Equipment Appraisers of North America, (EANA). Appraisal services performed in compliance with the current Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice (USPAP).

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ALPHABETICAL LISTING OF COMPANIES DM CONSULTING via IV Novembre 1/A Cervignano D’Adda Lodi Italy E: d.messina.dmconsulting@gmail. com W: https://www.fusiontec.eu DNETWO Speditionstraße 15a Düsseldorf NRW Germany T: +49 0211 976312-11 E: lisa.tanzer@dnetwo.de W: https://www.dnetwo.de DONGYANG A.K 47, Wonhapgang 1-gil Yeondong-myeon Sejong Korea T: +82 10 3638 3727 E: jirungi903@naver.com W: https://www.dyakk.co.kr

DUKHIRAM MAURYA ENGINEERING & REFRACTORY WORKS (INDIA) PVT. LTD. B-304, Universal Business Park, Kamani Oil Mill Road, Chandivali, Sakinaka, Mumbai Maharashtra 400072 India T: +91 982 051 2934 E: rajnath@dukhiram.in W: http://www.dukhiram-enggfurnace.com Profile: Dukhiram – One of the oldest & having more than 40 years’ experience, an Engineering & Contracting Company specialises in Installation of Green Field & Brown Field Projects and Hot Repair of Glass Melting Furnaces in India as well as abroad. Dukhiram have successfully installed more than 300

Nos. Furnaces for Container, Solar, Float, Sheet, Oxy-Fuel, Pharma, Cosmetics, Opal, Tableware, Lighting etc. Glass to Glass Services include: 1. Fabrication, Modification & Erection of - Structural Steels; Metal Line Cooling Ducts & Nozzles; Utilities – Air & Water Piping; Batch House – Structural Steels, Hopper, Silos, Conveyers etc.; 2. Dismantling – Refractories, Structural Steels, Furnace Equipments etc; 3. Installation of Refractories; 4. Heat-up & Cullet Filling; 5. Hot-sealing; And 6. Hot Repair – Melter Side wall Tile Patching, Checker Replacement in Furnace Hot Condition etc. DUOMO UK LTD 5 The Furlong Droitwich Worcestershire, WR9 9AH United Kingdom T: +44 (0)1905 797989 E: jonathan@duomo.co.uk W: https://www.duomo.co.uk https://www.linkedin.com/showcase/76492800/admin/feed/ posts/ Profile: Authorised Distributor for ESA Pyronics, Cofi Ignitions, Delat Elektrogas, Flamonitec, Elco and Ecoflam Combustion Controls, spares, part and complete combustion systems. Projects complete on blended and 100% hydrogen

ECLIPSE, INC 1665 Elmwood Road Rockford, IL United States T: +1 815 877 3931 E: info@eclipsenet.com W: https://www.eclipsenet.com ECO TECHNICAL CERAMICS Units 2 & 3 Waters Meeting Britannia Way Bolton Greater Manchester United Kingdom T: +44 (0)1204 533183 E: graham.bratley@ecotechnicalceramics.com W: https://www.ecotechnicalceramics.com EFFMAG LTD. Tekniikantie 12 Espoo Finland T: +358 407 00 0482 E: sales@effmag.com W: https://www.effmag.com EGB VACUUM LTD Unit 30, Earith Business Park Earith Cambridgeshire United Kingdom T: +44 1(0)487 840123 E: Sales@egb-vacuum.co.uk W: https://www.egb-vacuum.co.uk

EAE TECH INC 3400 Executive Parkway Toledo Ohio 43606 United States T: +1 419 873 0000 W: https://www.eaetech.com Profile: Part of the TECO Group. EAE Tech provides high quality industrial automation engineering services and custom control systems.

EGETRAC ENTREPRISE DE GENIE CIVIL EQUIPEMENT ET TRAVAUX DE TUYAUTERIE & CHAUDRONNERIE 29 Rue Tahrane Quarter Industriel Agadir Souss Massa Daraa Morocco T: +212 (6) 6138 9986 E: egetrac@egetrac.com W: https://www.egetrac.com

EBNER FURNACES, INC. 224 Quadral Drive Wadsworth Ohio United States T: +1 330 335 1600 E: sales@ebnerfurnaces.com W: https://www.ebner.cc

ELBOY INDUSTRIAL SOLUTIONS Germany : Anhaltstr. 30 14943 Luckenwalde Turkey : Elbasan Way Harput Industrial Zone No : 75 B Istanbul, Marmara T: +90 545 545 72 79 E: berkin@elboy.com.tr W: https://www.elboy.com.tr

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ALPHABETICAL LISTING OF COMPANIES ELECTROGLASS LTD 4 Brunel Road Manor Trading Estate Benfleet Essex SS7 4PS United Kingdom T: +44 (0)1268 565577 E: info@electroglass.co.uk W: http://www.electroglass.co.uk https://www.linkedin.com/company/electroglass-ltd/ Profile: Electroglass is an independent specialist in all-electric glass melting, conditioning, electric boosting and related systems. All Electric Furnaces ranging from 200kg to over 250 Tonnes/day. High efficiency Convection Current Control Boost systems. All Electric Forehearths for both volatile and non-volatile glasses. Continuous Control Bubbler Systems, Glass Level Sensors, Throat Heating Systems and Electroglass high quality, insulated, water-cooled electrode holders. ELETTROMIL SRL Via Dei Mestieri 10 Loc. Pineta Castiglione del Lago Perugia Italy T: +39 076 000 0000 E: maccarelli@elettromil.com ELITE THERMAL SYSTEMS LTD 6 Stuart Road Market Harborough Leicestershire United Kingdom T: +44 (0)1858 469834 E: alf@elitefurnaces.com W: https://www.elitefurnaces.com ELKEM CERAMITE PO Box 8126 Vaagsbygd Kristiansand Norway T: +47 7747 601215 E: robert.howard@elkem.no W: https://www.elkem.com

ELNIK SYSTEMS, LLC. 107 Commerce Road Cedar Grove New Jersey United States T: +1 973 239 6066 E: cjoens@elnik.com ELSTER THERMAL SOLUTIONS Unit 9 The Croft Buntsford Drive Bromsgrove United Kingdom T: +44 (0)1527 888820 E: lee.halley@elster.com W: https://www.kromschroder.co.uk EME GMBH Wockerather Weg 45, Erkelenz D-41812 Germany T: +49 9352 507 500 E: contact@eme.de W: www.eme.de www.linkedin.com/compnay/ eme-gmbh/mycompany Profile: EME is a world-leading batch and cullet treatment systems specialist. After more than a century of improving batch plants using the best technology available, we are dedicated to delivering greater reliability, quality, flexibility and longevity. EMERSON AUTOMATION SOLUTION 53 rue de la Beauce BP 30017 Luce 28111 France Profile: Emerson Automation Solution division of Emerson Group provide a wide range of solution for the heat treating industry, including: ASCO Safety shutoff valves, FISHER & TARTARINI pressure regulators, ROSEMOUNT Measurement Technology and DeltaV Burner Management System using DCS technology.

EMERSON AUTOMATION SOLUTIONS 2 Pit Hey Place West Pimbo Road Skelmersdale WN8 9PG United Kingdom T: +44 (0)1695 713600 E: chris.waring@emerson.com W: http://www.emerson.com/en-us Profile: Emerson delivers ASCO high-quality gas and fuel solenoid and motorised valves for consistent, safe function, often in limited spaces, creating more efficient operation with lower operating costs while meeting regulatory compliance. EMG AUTOMATION GMBH Industriestr. 1 Wenden Nordrhein-Westfalen Germany E: info@emg-automation.com W: https://www.emg-automation. com ENERGY ASSOCIATES, P.C. 150 River Road, Suite J4 Montville NJ United States T: +1 973 331 8100 E: danMahr@energy-pc.com ENG. ROSES INTERNATIONAL VIA Monferrato, 23 Cocconato ASTI Italy T: +39 329 779 6779 E: carlos.roses@rosesandwayler. com W: https://www.rosesandwayler. com EPCON INDUSTRIAL SYSTEMS P.O. Box 7060 The Woodlands TX United States T: +1 936 273 300 E: epcon@epconlp.com W: https://www.epconlp.com

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ALPHABETICAL LISTING OF COMPANIES EPIQ MACHINERY 1700, Marie-Victorin Saint-Bruno Quebec J3V 6B9 Canada T: +1 514 687 7678 E: info@epiqmachinery.com W: https://epiqmachinery.com/ https://twitter.com/EPIQMachinery https://www.linkedin.com/company/epiq-machinery/ Profile: EPIQ Machinery is a world class equipment designer invested with the mission to manufacture innovative and effective solutions for the global heavy equipment, vehicles and material handling systems market. We blur the lines between being a technology company and a heavy machinery manufacturer by bringing new technologies onto its equipment portfolio. Leaders in their respective primary and secondary aluminium markets, the founding companies, AD and MECFOR, make EPIQ Machinery a company capable of supplying and improving processes in all sectors of aluminium production: from carbon plant to casting lines. Discover our brands: AD, MECFOR, BROCHOT, EPIQ DTA. Watch our video on EPIQ Machinery YouTube channel. ERNST B WESTMAN LTD 43, Lower Street Merriott, Somerset United Kingdom T: +44 (0)1823 321844 E: ebw@dircon.co.uk W: https://www.ebwestman.co.uk ESOTERMICA SRL Via G. Marconi 39 Cazzago Brabbia, Varese Italy T: +39 033 228 3284 E: stefano.frailis@esotermica.it W: https://www.esotermica.it ESTIVA REFRATÁRIOS Rua Pedro Beni, 3.440 Estiva Gerbi São Paulo Brazil T: +55 19 3868 1800 E: cesar@estivarefratarios.com.br

EUROBOND ADHESIVES LTD Bonham Drive, Eurolink Ind. Estate Sittingbourne, Kent United Kingdom T: +44 (0)1795 427888 E: sales@eurobond-adhesives. co.uk W: https://www.eurobond-adhesives.co.uk

FERCELL ENGINEERING LTD Unit 1 Old Mill Lane, Aylesford Kent United Kingdom T: +44 (0)1622 791414 E: natalie.owen@fercell.com W: https://www.fercell.com

EUROFOIL LUXEMBOURG S.A. ZI Riedgen - BP 91 Dudelange Luxembourg E: bruno.rizoulieres@eurofoil.com W: https://www.eurofoil.com

FEVISA Carretera San Felipe KM 9 Colonia Colorado 1 Mexicali Bajaj California Mexico T: +52 686 9045412 E: fernando.soberanes@fevisa.com W: https://www.fevisa.com

EUROTHERM BY SCHNEIDER ELECTRIC Faraday Close Worthing West Sussex United Kingdom T: +44 (0)1903 268500 E: paul.schinkel@se.com

F.I.C. (UK) LIMITED Longrock Industrial Estate Penzance Cornwall United Kingdom T: +44 (0)1736 366962 E: general@fic-uk.com W: http://www.fic-uk.com Profile: F.I.C. (UK) Limited is a leader in the decarbonisation of the glass industry substituting electricity for fossil fuel. We also design and supply all-electric furnaces, all-electric forehearths as well as boosting systems for a wide range of glass types and manufacturing processes, including cover-glass, float, fibre, container, and borosilicate. FAN SYSTEMS GROUP LTD Witt House, Shelf Mills Wade House Road, Shelf Halifax West Yorkshire United Kingdom T: +44 (0)1274 694999 E: neil.mcalister@fansystems.co.uk W: https://www.fansystems.co.uk

FIVES STEIN 108 avenue de la liberté Maisons Alfort France T: +33 1 45 18 6500 W: https://www.fivesgroup.com http://twitter.com/fives-group http://www.linked.com/company/fives/mycompany FLAMMATEC, SPOL. S R.O. Rokytnice 60 Vsetin Czech Republic T: +420 571 498566 E: jana.chovancova@flammatec. com W: https://www.flammatec.com Profile: FlammaTec, founded by STG and Glass Service in 2008, supplies natural gas and oil delivery systems utilising advanced burner technology for glass furnaces. Over 6,500 burners have been installed on float, container, tableware and special glass furnaces. When replacing conventional burners, FlammaTec’s advanced LoNOx burners improve heat transfer and efficiency, and lower emissions: • Underport Gas Injector, Flex or Freejet • Underport Gas/Oil Dual Injector, Flex or Freejet • Underport Heavy Oil Injector • Sideport Gas Injector, Flex • Oxy/ Gas Burner • New Hydrogen Carbon Free Burner.

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ALPHABETICAL LISTING OF COMPANIES FLUIDTHERM TECHNOLOGY SP 132 III Main Road Ambattur Industrial Estate Chennai 600 058 India T: +91 44 26357390 E: info@fluidtherm.com Profile: Fluidtherm is one of India’s leading manufacturers of industrial furnaces based in Chennai to build world-class furnaces for global Heat Treatment and Powder Metallurgy. Also provide turnkey custom furnace solutions for non-standard applications involving metal components & particulate materials. FLUKE PROCESS INSTRUMENTS - RAYTEK/IRCON/DATAPAQ BRANDS 1201 Shaffer Road Santa Cruz CA United States T: +1 831 458 3900 E: carole.reid@fluke.com W: https://www.flukeprocessinstruments.com

FORGLASS TECHNOLOGY SP. Z O.O. Wadowicka 8a Krakow 30-415 Poland T: +48 123 524222 E: kinga.horodek@forglass.eu W: https://forglass.eu/ https://www.linkedin.com/company/forglass/ Profile: Forglass is a technology company, specialising in the design and construction of glass furnaces and batch plants for producers of all types of glass, including packaging, tableware, sodium silicate and fibreglass. The company’s business activities involve designing, computer modelling and testing of glass furnaces that answer the demands of glass producers, not only today, but decades into the future. Forglass also designs innovative

mechanical systems and automation for batch plants, including their auxiliary equipment. Additionally, the company provides servicing and repairs of furnaces and batch plants. Forglass employs teams of experts that include master engineers with decades of experience and young engineers with the most modern approach. Together, they move the glass industry forward by providing greater efficiency of glass melting, reducing its impact on the environment and allowing more flexibility in production. FREDERICKS COMPANY, THE | TELEVAC 2400 Philmont Avenue Huntingdon Valley Pennsylvania United States T: +1 215 947 2500 E: asteriti@frederickscompany.com W: https://www.frederickscompany. com/televac-vacuum-measurement FUEL APPLICATIONS LIMITED 104 Robert Street Hamilton Ontario Canada T: +1 905 525 9700 E: info@fuelapplications.ca W: https://www.fuelapplications.ca FURNACE ENGINEERING PTY LTD 50 Howleys Road Notting Hill VIC Australia T: +61 3 9544 2922 E: info@furnace.com.au W: https://www.furnace.com.au FURNACE TECHNOLOGY SERVICES (PTY) LTD Plot 25 Bhubesi Street, Varkfontein Petit Gauteng 1020 South Africa T: +27 104 499731 E: info@furnacetechservices.co.za

FURNACES INTERNATIONAL Quartz House 20 Clarendon Road Redhill, Surrey RH1 1QX United Kingdom T: +44 (0)1737 855136 E: esmehorn@quartzltd.com W: https://www.furnaces-international.com https://twitter.com/Furnaces_int https://www.linkedin.com/company/furnaces-international/ FUSED_CAST@TECHNOLOGIST. COM Via Galante, 44 San Vito al Tagliamento PN Italy T: +39 0434 82742 E: pratto@tin.it FUSIONTED S.R.L. Via Mario Carraro, 9/11 Montecchio Maggiore Vicenza Italy T: +39 344 0468762 E: elga.castegnero@revimac.com W: https://www.fusiontec.eu G&G STEEL INC. PO Box 179 15825 Industrial Drive Russellville Alabama, 35653 United States T: +1 256 332 6652 E: bgist@ggsteel.com W: https://www.ggsteel.com/contact_us.htm G&T ASSOCIATES (SERVICES) LTD Unit 5 Tawe Business Village Phoenix Way, Swansea Enterprise Park Swansea United Kingdom T: +0044 (0) 1792 321202 E: ray.jones@gtassociates.co.uk W: https://www.gtassociates.co.uk

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ALPHABETICAL LISTING OF COMPANIES GARDEN CITY FAN COMPANY, DIV OF HOWDEN 1701 Terminal Road Suite B Niles Michigan United States T: +1 269 687 1248 E: john.tiffany@howden.com W: https://www.howden.com GASKETS INC 301 W. HWY. 16 PO BOX 398 Rio WI 53590 United States T: +1 920 992 3137 E: info@gasketsinc.com W: https://www.gasketsinc.com GEA PROCESS ENGINEERING INC. 9165 Rumsey Road Columbia MD United States T: +1 410 997 8700 E: peter.tsai@gea.com W: https://www.gea.com GEFRAN Via Sebina 74 Provaglio d’Iseo (BS) Italy T: +39 030 98881 E: info@gefran.com W: https://www.gefran.com GENERAL GLASS EQUIPMENT COMPANY, INC. P.O. Box 711 Absecon NJ United States T: +1 609 345 7500 E: genglass@generalglassequipment.com W: https://www.generalglassequipment.com GHI SMART FURNACES Galdakao Bizkaia Galdakao Spain T: +34 944 491600 E: acandela@ghihornos.com

GIGASENSE AB Stationsvagen 16 Akersberga Sweden T: +46 8 540 839 00 E: malin.nordin@gigasense.se W: https://www.gigasense.se

defects yearly, and offer melt testing utilising basic and applied research. Headquartered in Czech Rep with offices in Netherlands, USA, Japan and China.

GILLESPIE & POWERS INC. 1699 S Hanley Rd Suite 200 St. Louis MO 63144 United States T: +1 314 971 7102 E: imarsh@gillespiepowers.com W: https://www.gillespiepowers. com

GLASSTECH REFRACTORY Orta Mah, Yalniz Selvi Cad No: 5 B Blok D62 Kartal Istanbul Turkey Branch Address: Distelratherstrasse 24,52351 Düren Germany T: +90 5324 864344 E: ipek@glasstechrefractory.com W: https://www.glasstechrefractory. com

GLAMA MASCHINENBAU GMBH Hornstrasse 19 Gladbeck 45964 Germany T: +49 204 397380 E: sales@glama.de W: http://www.glama.de GLASS SERVICE, A.S. Rokytnice 60 Vsetin Czech Republic T: +420 571 498511 E: jana.chovancova@gsl.cz W: https://www.gsl.cz Profile: Glass Service (GS) is a leading global consultant for glass melting/conditioning furnace and forehearth design, control, operation and troubleshooting. Glass Furnace Modeling (GFM) simulated design optimisation software and Expert System ES III automatic control provide cost savings. The high-resolution infrared/visual camera with unique AI software, paired with ES III, allows furnace operators to tap into Industry 4.0 standards. It provides fully automatic monitoring and control of temperatures and the batch blanket (350 references worldwide). GS labs analyse 4,500+

GLASS STRAND INC 17434 Mesa Street Hesperia CA United States T: +1 760 949 3367 E: fiber1@glass-strand.com W: https://www.glass-strand.com

GLASTON FINLAND OY Vehmaistenkatu 5 Tampere Finland T: +358 10 500500 E: info@glaston.net W: https://www.glaston.net GLOBAL GRAPHITE 405 Logistic Drive Laredo Texas United States T: +1 956 539 7162 E: tech@usglobalgraphite.com GLOBAL OVEN SYSTEMS B.V. Sciene Park Eindhoven 5053 Son Netherlands T: +31 (0)40 2619831 E: a.vd.heijden@gosystems.nl GMC FOR GLASS INDUSTRY 1 B Rue Eugene Marechal Venissieux France E: gmc@gmcforglass.fr W: https://www.gmcforglass.fr

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ALPHABETICAL LISTING OF COMPANIES GRIEVE CORPORATION 500 Hart Road Round Lake, Illinois United States T: +1 847 546 8225 E: sales@grievecorp.com W: https://www.grievecorp.com GNA ALUTECH INC. 9495 Trans Canada Hwy Saint-Laurent Quebec Canada T: +1 514 956 1776 E: tphenix@gna.ca W: https://www.gna.ca

GRANCO CLARK INC. 7298 Storey Road Belding Michigan United States T: +1 616 794 2600 E: sales@grancoclark.com W: https://www.grancoclark.com Profile: “GRANCO CLARK, a global leader in the aluminium extrusion industry that custom designs and manufactures a full range of heating and handling equipment for all aluminium extrusion systems, before and after the press.” Our automated equipment is designed, fully assembled and shop tested to the specific requirements of your extrusion process to deliver exceptional efficiency, productivity and longevity. Our repeat customers know Granco Clark equipment will outperform their expectations, that’s why they continue to choose the proven path. www.grancoclark.com GRAPHITE SALES INC. 16710 West Park Circle Drive Chagrin Falls OH United States T: +1 800 321 4147 E: bapar@graphitesales.com W: https://www.graphitesales.com

GRUPPO PEDERCINI Via Mascagni, 14 Nuvolera I / Brescia Italy E: info@gruppopedercini.com GULF COAST ENVIRONMENTAL SYSTEMS 1689 Hawthorne Dr. Conroe Texas United States T: +1 832 476 9024 E: cparsley@gcesystems.com W: https://www.gcesystems.com/ GULF PLUS - KUWAIT PO box 26996 Safat Kuwait T: +965 222 85545 E: emathew@gulf-plus.com W: https://www.gulf-plus.com GUND COMPANY, THE 2121 Walton Rd. St. Louis, Missouri United States T: +1 314 492 4800 E: jbradlo@thegundcompany.com W: https://www.thegundcompany. com H.C. STARCK 21801 Tungsten Road Euclid OH 44117 United States T: +1 216 692 3990 E: info@hcstarck.com W: https://www.hcstarck.com

HARPER INTERNATIONAL 4455 Genesee St Suite 123 Buffalo New York United States T: +1 716 276 9900 E: info@harperintl.com W: https://www.harperintl.com HATCH ASSOCIATES 5 Place Ville Marie Montreal Quebec Canada T: +1 514 833 6202 E: joe.petrolito@hatch.com W: https://www.hatch.com.ca HAYS CLEVELAND 1111 Brookpark Road Cleveland Ohio United States T: +1 216 398 4414 E: scraig@unicontrolinc.com W: https://www.hayscleveland.com

HEAT APPLICATION GLOBAL 3/13 Bosci Rd Ingleburn NSW 2565 Australia T: +61 (0) 408 229 540 E: contact@heatapp.au W: http://www.heatapp.au

HARBRIDGE SYSTEMS, LLC PO Box 247 North Lake, WI United States T: +1 262 966 2712 E: sgouge@harbridge.com W: https://www.harbridge.com

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HEAT APPLICATION INDIA 801, Iscon Atria – 1 Opp. GEB Training Centre Gotri Road Vadodara 390021, Gujarat India T: +91 8200 196577 E: hal@heatapp.in W: http://www.heatapp.in

HEAT TREAT TODAY 260 McElwain Lane New Castle PA 16101 United States T: +1 724 856 0555 W: https://www.heattreattoday. com/ HEAT TREATMENTS (NORTHAMPTON) LTD Sheaf Close Lodge Farm Industrial Estate Northampton Northamptonshire United Kingdom T: +44 (0)1604 586920 E: sales@heat-treatments.co.uk W: https://www.heat-treatments. co.uk

HEAT UP LATIN AMERICA S. DE R.L. DE CV Calle Sonora S/N, Bodega 19 A, Col Ricardo Flores Magón Cuernavaca Morelos CP 62370 Mexico T: +52 1 777 231 8910, Office +52 7 772 025 333 E: info@heat-up.mx W: http://www.heat-up.mx HELIPEBS CONTROLS LIMITED Sisson Road Gloucester Gloucestershire United Kingdom T: +44 (0)1452 423201 E: sales@helipebs.co.uk W: https://www.helipebs-controls. co.uk HEM ENGINEERING & CONSULTING Manolya 3/17 Daire-6 Istanbul Atasehir Turkey T: +90 532 366 6155 E: huzun@hemtr.com W: https://www.hemtr.com HENCON de Stenenmaat 15 PO Box 16 Ulft Netherlands T: +31 315 683941 E: ghiddink@hencon.com W: https://www.hencon.com HERTWICH ENGINEERING GMBH Weinbergerstr. 6 Braunau Austria T: +43 7722 806-0 E: info@hertwich.com W: https://www.hertwich.com

HEXION INC. 180 East Broad Street Columbus OH 43215 United States T: +1 614 225 4000 E: 4information@hexion.com W: http://www.hexion.com Profile: Hexion Inc. is a global leader in thermoset resins and serves the global adhesive, coatings and industrial markets through a broad range of thermoset technologies and specialty products. HFT INC 3009 Washington Road McMurray PA United States T: +1 724 941 9550 E: customerinquiry@hft.com W: https://www.hft.com HIGH TECH TUBES LTD Unit 15F Wintersells Business Park Byfleet Surrey United Kingdom T: +44 (0)1932-355440 E: sales@hightechtubes.co.uk W: https://www.hightechtubes. co.uk HIGH TEMP MEASUREMENT LLC 228 Cedar Woods Way Canton GA United States T: +1 404 435 4343 E: kcostello@hightempmeasurement.com W: https://www.hightempmeasurement.com HIND HIGH VACUUM CO. (P) LTD 17, Phase-1 Peenya Industrial Area Bangalore Karnataka India T: +91 80 41931000 E: nagarjun@hhv.in W: https://www.hhv.in

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ALPHABETICAL LISTING OF COMPANIES HI-TECH FURNACE SYSTEMS, INC. 13179 West Star Drive Shelby Township Michigan United States T: +1 586 566 0600 E: rkornfeld@hi-techfurnace.com

HOTWORK AUSTRALIA PTY LTD 12/77 Newton Rd Wetherill Pk NSW Australia T: +61 02 9756 1243 E: hotwork@hotwork.com W: https://www.hotwork.com

HOBRA - SKOLNIK S.R.O. Smetanova street Broumov Czech Republic T: +420 491 580 111 E: skolnik.vojtech@hobra.cz W: https://www.hobra.cz HORMESA-CONTICAST Las Marineras 13 Ajalvir, Madrid Spain T: +34 91 887 4039 E: hormesa@hormesa.com W: https://www.hormesa-group. com

HORN GLASS INDUSTRIES AG Bergstrasse 2 Plossberg 95703 Germany T: +49 9636 9204 0 E: info@hornglass.de W: http://www.hornglass.com HORNOS Y METALES SA Las Marineras 13-17 Ajavir Madrid 28864 Spain T: +34 91 887 4039 E: alisetti@hormesa.com W: http://www.hormesa-group. com/hormesa,hornosymetalessa HOTWORK 223 Gold Rush Rd Lexington, Kentucky United States T: +1 859 276 1570 E: sandy.ralsten@hotwork.com W: https://www.hotwork.com

HOTWORK HEAT TREATMENT & SPECIALIZED SERVICES Comércio da Industria 2445-768 Martingança Portugal T: +35 193 227 2147 E: contact@hotworkhts.com W: http://www.hotworkhts.com

HOTWORK INTERNATIONAL AG Romanshornerstrasse 123 Egnach 9322 Switzerland T: +41 716 492090 E: contact@hotwork.ag W: http://www.hotwork.ag

HOTWORK INTERNATIONAL INC Humay-Humay Road Lapu-Lapu City 6015 Cebu Philippines T: Mobile: +63 917 546 8189; Office: +52 7 772 025 333 E: contact@hotwork.ag W: http://www.hotwork.ag

HOWDEN, A CHART INDUSTRIES COMPANY 600 Day Hill Road Windsor CT United States T: +1 860 688 8361 E: webenquiries@howden.com W: https://www.howden.com/ HUTNI PROJEKT FRYDEK MISTEK A.S. 28. Rijna1495 Frydek Mistek Czech Republic T: +420 603278673 E: dpustka@hpfm.cz W: https://www.hpfm.cz

I SQUARED R ELEMENT CO., INC. 12600 Clarence Center Road Akron New York NY 14001 United States T: +1 716.542.5511 W: http://www.isquaredrelement. com Profile: I Squared R is US based world leading manufacturer of Silicon Carbide and Molybdenum Disilicide heating elements. I.LE.S. SRL Via Vittorio Veneto 7 Pianengo CR Italy T: +39 03 737 4937 E: info@iles.it W: https://www.iles.it I.PROCESS SRL Via del Consorzio, 2/b Falconara Marittima IT / Ancona / Marche Italy T: +39 071 9156106 E: m.frascari@iprocess.it W: https://www.iprocess.it

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ALPHABETICAL LISTING OF COMPANIES IAS GMBH Am Großen Teich 27 Iserlohn, NRW Germany E: sales@ias-induction.com W: https://www.ias-induction.com IGE HIGH TEMPERATURE FANS 130 East Quincy Street P.O. Box 316, Westmont, IL United States T: +1 630 968 4440 E: sales@igefans.com Profile: IGE is a specialty manufacturer of custom high temperature fan equipment for the heat treating industry, including atmosphere & vacuum. One of our specialties is air cooled sealed construction. We repair all makes of high temperature fans with quick turnaround. We have a two year warranty.

IGNITION COMPONENTS LTD Unit A Birchills Industrial Estate Walsall West Midlands WS2 8LF United Kingdom T: +44 (0)1922 613071 E: admin@ignitioncomponents. co.uk W: http://www.ignitioncomponentsintl.com/en Profile: Specialising in low volume, obsolete and bespoke ignition electrodes and flame probes, Ignition Components can replicate existing electrodes or help develop new solutions to your ignition or flame detection problems. IGR INSTITUT FUER GLAS- UND ROHSTOFFTECHNOLOGIE GMBH Else-Krengel-Straße 9 Göttingen Niedersachsen 37079 Germany T: +49 172 294 7939 E: d.diederich@igrgmbh.de W: http://www.igrgmbh.de https://www.linkedin.com/in/ dirk-diederich-0327bbb3/

Profile: The IGR is an internationally recognised, accredited service provider for the glass production, raw material technology and food industry. Our Managing Director Mr. Diederich also works as a sworn expert for insurance groups and courts. In addition, we also deal with areas outside the glass industry, such as ceramics, refractories, building materials, metals and waste, as well as REACH and RoHS. The team uses the most recent technology for the analyses. Concerning glass we provide a broad range of chemical and physical services, among others: - chemical analyses of glass and raw materials by use of ICP-OES, trace elements inclusive, - heavy metal analyses, - OH- and boron-analyses, - physical analyses of glass as density, homogeneity, viscosity, blisters, seeds, and colour, - analyses of glass defects as inclusions, streaks, cat-scratches and fractures, among others by use of SEM-EDX, - analyses of found objects like glass or plastics in food, among others by use of FT-IR and micro-analytical-methods, - analyses of the contents of blisters and seeds including interpretation, - analyses of chemical resistance (grain, acid, lye, USP 1660, interior surface acc. ISO 4802-2), migration anaylses, - resistance of items to dishwashing accordance to DIN EN 12875, - determination of Fe2+-amount and redox number of molten glass, colour streaks in amber glass and determination of the COD (chemical oxygen demand) of cullet, - detection of heavy minerals as corundum and also heavy metals as lead in raw materials and recycled glass, - glass coatings (HEC, CEC and interior chemical surface treatment), - volume determination and serving measures, - applied research, development of glass and consulting, - data logger for inspection of filling lines (one-time, directly in the bottle, also with filling material, inexpensive and with free software), - raw material consulting, e.g. cullets, low iron sands and limestone.

INDUCTOTHERM CORP. 10 Indel Avenue P.O. Box 157 Rancocas NJ United States T: +1 609 267 9000 E: sales@inductotherm.com W: http://www.inductotherm.com INDUCTOTHERM HEATING & WELDING Thermatool House Crockford Lane Basingstoke Hampshire, United Kingdom T: +44 (0)1256 335 533 E: atarbart@inductothermhw.co.uk W: http://www.inductothermhw. com INDUSTRIAL GAS ENGINEERING Industrial Gas Engineering Co., Inc. P.O. Box 316 130 East Quincy Street Westmont Illinois 60559-0316 United States T: +1 630 968 4440 E: dhk@igefans.com W: http://www.igefans.com Profile: IGE is a specialty manufacturer of custom high temperature fan equipment for the heat treating industry, including atmosphere & vacuum. One of our specialties is air cooled sealed construction. We repair all makes of high temperature fans with quick turnaround. We have a two year warranty. INDUSTRIE CBI S.P.A Via della Taccona, 77 Monza Italy T: +39 039 739 4223 E: martinez@industriecbi.it W: https://www.cbifans.com INFICON 2 Technology Place East Syracuse NY United States T: +1 315 434 1100 E: naomi.kisseljohns@inficon.com W: https://www.inficon.com

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ALPHABETICAL LISTING OF COMPANIES INISMA Avenue Gouverneur Cornez 4 Mons Belgium T: +32 65 40 3424 E: c.kermel@bcrc.be W: https://www.bcrc.be/en/ INNOVAL TECHNOLOGY Beaumont Close Banbury Oxon United Kingdom T: +44 (0)1295 702800 E: enquiries@innovaltec.com W: https://www.innovaltec.com INSPECTAHIRE Badentoy Road Badentoy Industrial Estate Portlethen Aberdeen Aberdeen City AB12 4YA United Kingdom T: +44 (0)1224 789692 E: caileanforrester@inspectahire. com W: http://www.inspectahire.com INSULCON B.V Zilverhoek 4 Steenbergen Noord Brabant 4651 SP Netherlands T: +31 167 56 5750 E: info@insulcon.com W: http://www.insulcon.com http://twitter.com/insulcon http://www.linkedin.com/company/insulcon-b-v INTEC ENGINEERING GMBH John-Deere-Str. 43 Bruchsal Baden-Württemberg 76646 Germany T: +49 7251 93243 12 E: christian.daniel@intec-energy.de W: https://www.intec-energy.de https://www.linkedin.com/company/12316975 Profile: Since its foundation in 1995, INTEC Engineering GmbH is a family owned, globally operating company having its headquarters and workshop in Germany and a dense network of offices, representations and partners all over the world.

INTEC designs, manufactures and supplies customised plants and individual components for industrial process heat supply and renewable power generation covering a wide range of applications in many different industries and also provides for commissioning, aftersales and maintenance services. INTEC offers: - Fired HTM heaters for thermal oil and molten salt heating - Water tube boilers for steam and hot water - Natural circulation boilers for high pressure steam High pressure steam generators for open circuits - Systems for waste heat recovery - Secondary control loops - Heat exchangers, steam generators, economisers - Plant ancillaries, tanks, flash tanks - ORC modules for power generation Biomass and solid fuel combustion systems - Complete energy plants for heat, power or CHP - Drying and incineration of industrial and municipal sewage sludge. For further information please contact Mr. Christian Daniel (head of sales and marketing) via e-mail (christian.daniel@intec-energy.de) or telephone (+49 7251 93243 -12). We are looking forward to hearing from you. INTEGRATED GLASS SYSTEMS BV Draaibank 12 Zaandam NH Netherlands T: +31 653 213277 E: info@valkema.com W: http://www.valkema.com INTERNATIONAL THERMAL SYSTEMS 3000 N 114th Street Wauwatosa WI 53222 United States T: +1 414 748 0331 E: sales@itsllcusa.com W: https://www.internationalthermalsystems.com/ https://www.linkedin.com/company/international-thermal-systems-llc

ISTRABENZ PLINI D.O.O. Sermin 8a Koper Slovenia T: +386 5 6634600 E: andrej.dezjot@istrabenzplini.si W: https://www.istrabenzplini.si ITC COATINGS 13001 Old Denton Road Fort Worth, TX United States T: +1 561 702 7466 E: justen@itccoatings.com W: https://www.itccoatings.com JAIDEEP ISPAT & ALLOYS PVT LTD Plot No 808E Sector III Pithampur Dhar MP, Indore, Madhya, Pradesh, 454773 India T: +91 888 991 4382 W: https://moirasariya.com/ JASPER GMBH Boenninghauser Str. 10 Geseke, NRW Germany E: info@jasper-gmbh.de W: https://www.jasper-gmbh.de JSC KERAMMASH Sverdlova Str 1A Slavyansk Donetsk region 84116 Ukraine T: +380 502 156106 E: info@kerammash.com W: http://www.kerammash.ua JSW STEEL LTD Suraja Yekkar, Sandur Taluk Bellary Karnataka India T: +91 944 82 86227 E: suraja.yekkar@jsw.in W: http://www.jsw.in JTF MICROSCOPY SERVICES, LLC 9064 Wixson Road Hammondsport New York United States T: +1 607 292 6808 E: terry@jtfmicroscopy.com W: https://www.jtfmicroscopy.com

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ALPHABETICAL LISTING OF COMPANIES KAHN INSTRUMENTS, INC. 885 Wells Road Wethersfield CT United States T: +1 860 529 8643 E: hygros@kahn.com W: https://www.kahn.com KANDI ENGINEERING PVT LTD F-301 Remi Bizcourt, Shah Industrial Estate Off Veera Desai Road Andheri West Maharashtra India T: +91 22 267 31083 E: sanjay@kandi.co.in W: https://www.kandi.co.in KANTHAL Sorkvarnsvagen 3 Hallstahammar Vastmanland 73440 Sweden T: +46 220 211 93 E: patrick.a.johansson@kanthal.com W: http://www.kanthal.com KENNEDY EUROTECH 4 Oak Point Newnan GA United States T: +1 770 304 1000 E: alkennedy@usa.net W: https://www.alkennedy.com KILNS AND FURNACES LTD Cinderhill Trading Estate Weston Coyney Road Longton Stoke on Trent Staffodshire United Kingdom T: +44 (0)1782 344270 E: sales@kilns.co.uk W: https://www.kilns.co.uk KTG ENGINEERING 60 Savile Street East Sheffield South Yorkshire S4 7UQ United Kingdom T: +44 (0)114 275 9955 E: sales@ktgengineering.com W: http://www.ktgengineering.com

Profile: Part of the TECO Group. Glass plant equipment manufacturers. Electrode holders, boost systems, bubbler systems, controllable drain systems, spy hole covers, level control systems, screw batch chargers, molybdenum electrodes, tin oxide electrodes, forehearth stirrers, on-site installation and engineering services. KTG SYSTEMS Stonewood Commons I, Suite 110, 101 Bradford Road Wrexford Pennsylvania 15090-6909 United States T: +1 724 940 0330 E: sales@ktgsi.com W: http://www.teco.com Profile: Part of the TECO Group. Glass plant engineers and contractors. Specialising in the design and supply of electric, fossil fuel and oxy-fuel furnaces, including forehearths and electric boost systems. Providing melting technology, engineering, contracting and consulting to all sectors of the glass industry. KUETTNER GMBH & CO. KG Alfredstr. 28 Essen NRW Germany T: +49 201 7293422 W: https://www.kuettner.com L&L SPECIAL FURNACE CO., INC. 20 Kent Road Aston PA United States T: +1 610 459 9216 E: nancy@llfurnace.com W: http://www.llfurnace.com LENOX INSTRUMENT COMPANY, INC. 265 Andrews Road Trevose PA United States T: +1 215 322 9990 E: richp@lenoxinst.com W: http://www.lenoxinst.com

LEWCO, INC. 706 Lane Street Sandusky Ohio United States T: +1 419 502 2780 E: cwatson@lewcoinc.com W: https://www.lewcoinc.com LIAS INDUSTRIAL LTD Suite 8 Rockfield House 512 Darwen Road, Bromley Cross Bolton Lancashire United Kingdom T: +44 (0)1204 594941 E: garethcotton@liasindustrial.co.uk W: https://www.liasindustrial.co.uk LIMAB UK Unit 3L Westpark 26 Wellington Somerset United Kingdom T: +44 (0)1823 668633 E: sales@limab.co.uk W: http://www.limab.co.uk Profile: LIMAB UK Ltd is a specialist supplier of non-contact measurement instrumentation for use in thermal processing applications. They provide a wide range of products for the precise control and measurement of temperature including the Impac range of pyrometer and AE thyristors. LINN HIGH THERM GMBH Heinrich-Hertz-Platz 1 Eschenfelden Germany T: +1 49 966 59 1400 E: roessler@linn.de W: https://www.linn.de LIZMONTAGENS THERMAL TECHNOLOGIES Av. Almirante Gago Coutinho, 56 10th Dt/Ft Lisboa Portugal T: +351 218 429 270 E: jorge.alves@lizmon.com W: https://www.lizmontagens.com

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ALPHABETICAL LISTING OF COMPANIES LOGISTICA COMERCIAL BRIGMADI SA DE CV Tomillo 63 Col. Victoria de las Democracias Ciudad de Mexico Mexico T: +52 555 526 2582 E: gerardo.fernandez@lcb.com.mx W: https://www.lcb.com LOI THERMPROCESS GMBH Am Lichtbogen 29 Essen Germany T: +49 (0)201 1891-1 E: loi@tenova.com W: https://www.tenova.com LSA ENERGY RESOURES SDN BHD 20 A, Jalan TKK 2/2 Taman Puncak Kinrara Puchong Selangor DE Malaysia T: +603 80718844 E: Shivas@Lsaenergy.com W: https://www.Lsaenergy.com LUBISOL LTD MLADOST-1 BL 27 AP 120 PO BOX 99 Sofia 1784 Bulgaria T: +359 2 88 444 87 W: https://www.lubisol.com/ LUBITECH ENTERPRISES 233, Mastermind IV, Royal Palms Aarey Colony, Goregaon(E). Mumbai Maharastra India T: +91 22 287 90050 E: info@lubitechenterprises.com W: https://www.lubitechenterprises. com LUM’ART CERAMICA Avenida Imperador Pedro II, 1190 AP51 S Bernardo do Campo SP Brazil T: +11 962 044329 E: lumar.paim@gmail.com

LUMETRICS, INC. 1565 Jefferson Rd, #420 Rochester, NY United States T: +1 585 214 2455 E: skelly@lumetrics.com W: https://www.lumetrics.com M H DETRICK COMPANY LTD Unit 14 Gorsey Place East Gillibrands Skelmersdale Lancashire United Kingdom T: +44 (0)1695 589540 E: phil@mhdetrick.co.uk W: https://www.mhdetrick.co.uk M.E.SCHUPP INDUSTRIEKERAMIK GMBH & CO. KG Neuhausstr. 4-10 Aachen North Rhine-Westphalia Germany T: +49 (0)241 93677-0 E: info@schupp-ceramics.com W: https://www.schupp-ceramics. com M/S AJAY FOUMDRY LINKERS (R) E-15, A, Arya Samaj Road, Uttam Nager, Nr. Grover Sweet New Delhi India T: +91 921 220 2084 E: aluminiumconsultant@yahoo. com W: https://www.aluminiumconsultant.com MACH ONE (INTERNATIONAL) LIMITED Norfolk Bridge Business Park Sheffield, Yorkshire United Kingdom T: +44 (0)114 2700545 E: martin@mach-int.com W: http://www.mach-int.com MACHINERY INTERNATIONAL CORP 20 Commerce Dr North Branford Connecticut United States T: +1 203 484 0400 E: steve@machyintl.com W: https://www.machyintl.com

MACHTOOLS TECHNOSERVE PRIVATE LIMITED B 207 Okhla Industrial Area Phase I New Delhi Delhi India T: +91 981 061 5463 E: praveengoyal@machtools.in W: https://www.machtools.in MAGMA CERAMICS & CATALYSTS Low Road Earlsheaton Dewsbury West Yorkshire United Kingdom T: +44 (0)1924 468201 E: enq@magmaceramics.com W: https://www.magmaceramics. com MAGNECO/METREL, INC. 223 W Interstate Rd. Addison Illinois United States T: +1 630 543 6660 E: kristieantosz@gmail.com W: https://www.magneco-metrel. com MAGUIN S.A.S. 2 rue Pierre Sémard Charmes France T: +33 03 23 56 63 10 W: https://www.maguin.com MAJOR ENGINEERING GROUP 92 Fairbank Road Clayton South Victoria Australia T: +61 3 85581800 E: major@majoreng.com.au W: https://www.major@majoreng. com.au Profile: Operating since 1912, Major supplies thermal, air pollution and filtration technology to casthouses and melt shops, heavy industrial, mining, grain, timber and utilities sectors both in Australia and Internationally. Major also supplies a wide range of build to print services utilising its large, heavy engineering workshop with heavy plate

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ALPHABETICAL LISTING OF COMPANIES rolling, high-definition plate cutting, machining to 7m in diameter and fabrication and assembly. Major has its own refractory division providing both in-house and on-site refractory lining and refurbishment works. We provide a ‘one stop shop’ for customers by maintaining the resources necessary to complete contracts from concept through to routine maintenance, component sales and after sales support. MAM THERMAL CERAMICS Thermal Ceramics España S.L. c/ Juan Pablo II nº6 2º-A Castellon de la Plana Castellon Spain E: juan.pastor@morganplc.com W: https://www.morganthermalceramics.com MANSELL AND ASSOCIATES, LLC 102 Maryland Street Colbert Industrial Park Tuscumbia, AL 35674 United States T: +1 256 366 9325 E: Emansell@mansellandassociates.net W: http://www.mansellandassociates.net Profile: Mansell and Associates, llc. Engineers, Designs and Manufactures Foundry Equipment to meet Customer Requirements including Rotary Furnaces, Reverb Furnaces, Charge Machines, Crucibles, Preheaters, Sow Casters, Conveyors, etc. Owner of the Patented “SuperMelt” Rotary Furnace mounted on a Swivel Base that allows the Furnace to Swivel around the perimeter of the Furnaces base to Charge and Pour to Various Locations. This option Increases Productivity while reducing Processing Time, Gas Consumption, Labor and Equipment. MARATHON MONITORS AND CONTROL SYSTEMS CORPORATION LIMITED #11 Shennan Rd, 501 Nong, 3rd Fl Minhang District, Shanghai China T: +86 21 34680719 W: https://www.mmichina.cn

MARINA TEXTIL Carrer Llobateres, 25-27 Pol. Industrial Santiga Barberà del Vallès Barcelona Spain T: +34 93 719 5379 E: candreo@marinatextil.net W: https://www.marinatextil.net MAYFLOWER ENGINEERING LTD Coleridge Road Sheffield South Yorkshire United Kingdom E: rallen@mayflower-engineering. co.uk W: https://www.mayflower-engineering.co.uk MCGI Hassya Industrial City Homs 963 Syria T: +963 31 537 97610 E: m.husaini@mcgi.com W: http://www.mcgiglass.com MCGILL AIRCLEAN, LLC One Mission Park Groveport,OH United States T: +1 161 482 91373 E: kbeckett@themcgillcorp.com W: http://www.mcgillairclean.com MECHATHERM INTERNATIONAL LTD Hampshire House High Street Kingswinford West Midlands DY6 8AW United Kingdom T: +44 (0)1384 279132 E: sales@mechatherm.co.uk W: http://www.mechatherm.com http://www.linkedin.com/in/mechatherm-international-ltd MELTECH Bonsall Street Mill Hill Blackburn Lancashire United Kingdom T: +44 (0)1254 691488 E: sales@meltech.co.uk W: https://www.meltech.co.uk

MERKLE INTERNATIONAL, INC 9567 US Route 20 West Galena IL United States T: +1 815 777 2100 E: kmackey@merkleintl.com W: https://www.merkleintl.com MERSEN 41 avenue Jean Jaurès Gennevilliers France E: calcarb@mersen.com W: https://www.mersen.com MERSEN HOLYTOWN UK 11 Woodside Eurocentral Holytown North Lanarkshire United Kingdom T: +44 (0)1698 838 710 E: george.law@mersen.com W: http://www.mersen.co.uk METALLEMPORIKI THOMAS MAKRIS S.A. 6th KM Larissa Silurio Road Larisa Greece T: +30 697 700 0000 E: makris@metallemporiki.gr W: https://www.metallemporiki.gr MICROPYRETICS HEATERS INTERNATIONAL 750 Redna Terrace Cincinnati OH United States T: +1 513 772 0404 E: sales@mhi-inc.com W: https://www.mhi-inc.com MIDLAND ELEMENTS LIMITED 58 Sutherland Road Longton Stoke on Trent Staffordshire United Kingdom T: +44 (0)1782 333377 E: sandra@midlandelements.co.uk W: http://www.hightemperatureelements.co.uk

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ALPHABETICAL LISTING OF COMPANIES MID-MOUNTAIN MATERIALS, INC. 2731 - 77th Ave SE Ste 100 Mercer Island Washington United States T: +1 206 762 7600 E: gkr@mid-mountain.com W: https://www.mid-mountain.com MILLENNIUM TECHNOLOGY Via das magnólias 1000, casa27 Jardim Colibri Cotia São Paulo Brazil E: hawkins@uol.com.br W: https://www.uol.com.br MOLTEN METAL EQUIPMENT INNOVATIONS, INC. 15510 Old State Road Middlefield OH United States T: +1 440 632 9119 E: info@mmei-inc.com W: https://www.mmei-inc.com MOLYNEUX INDUSTRIES - RAILS & RAIL CLIPS 621 Cliff Mine Road Coraopolis PA United States T: +1 630 866 2992 E: cmiller@molyneuxindustries.com W: https://molyneuxindustries. com/ MOMENTIVE PERFORMANCE MATERIALS INC. 260 Hudson River Road Waterford NY United States T: +1 614 986 2495 E: lisa.chletcos@cldmarcomm.com W: http://www.momentive.com/ en-us MONOMETER HOLDINGS LIMITED Monometer House Rectory Grove Leigh on Sea Essex United Kingdom T: +44 (0)1702 472201 E: davidhall@monometer.co.uk

MORGAN ADVANCED MATERIALS - THERMAL CERAMICS Tebay Rd Bromborough Wirral United Kingdom T: +44 (0)151 334 4030 W: https://www.morganthermalceramics.com MTAG TECHNOLOGY AG Bösch 67 Hünenberg Switzerland T: +41 41 781 0993 E: dragos.preda@mtag-technology. com W: https://www.mtag-technology. com MUGOYA LIMITED 3rd Floor, Prudential Building, Wabera Street P O Box 47011-00100 Nairobi Kenya T: +254 (0)722864262 E: info@mugoyagroup.com W: https://www.mugoyagroup.com MUNIMULA TECHNOLOGY P/L Unit 308, 215 Pacific Highway Charlestown N.S.W. Australia T: +61 412 080 526 TIANJIN NEW CENTURY REFRACTORIES (NCR) No.59, ICTC, Machang Rd Hexi, Tianjin 300203 China T: +86 22 855 89019 E: info@ncr-solutions.com W: https://www.ncr-solutions.com https://www.linkedin.com/company/tianjin-new-century-refractories-co-ltd?trk=top_nav_home Profile: New Century Refractories was found in 2003 as a specialty refractories producer headquartered in Tianjin, China with two manufacturing facilities in Yingkou, Liaoning and Xinyi, Jiangsu, China. Servicing Industries range from iron & steel to waste incineration. State of art equipment to produce products

range from bricks, monolithic, and precast shape products. A team of highly qualitied engineers offering customised products and solutions to meet customers’needs. Reliability, Quality and Service defines New Century Refractories’core values. N G JOHNSON (NORTHERN) LTD Unit 24-25 Canal Bridge Enterprise Centre Meadow Lane Ellesmere Port United Kingdom T: +44 (0)151 356 5888 E: g.wilkinson@ngjnorthern.com W: https://www.ngjnorthern.com NABERTHERM GMBH Bahnhofstr. 20 28865 Lilienthal Germany T: +49 4298 922 0 E: contact@nabertherm.de NADIR FIGUEIREDO IND E COM SA Av Nadir Dias de Figueiredo, 496 Suzano Sao Paulo Brazil E: comunicacao@nadir.com.br W: https://www.nadir.com.br NATIONAL BASIC SENSOR 4921 Carver Ave Trevose, PA United States T: +1 215 322 4700 E: sales@nationalbasicsensor.com W: https://www.nationalbasicsensor.com NEL HYDROGEN 10 Technology Dr Wallingford Connecticut United States T: +1 203 949 8697 E: cvanname@nelhydrogen.com W: http://www.nelhydrogen.com Profile: Nel Hydrogen delivers optimal solutions to produce, store and distribute hydrogen. Our pattented electrolysis systems enable us to provide solutions that meet hydrogen requirements for thermal processing applications worldwide.

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ALPHABETICAL LISTING OF COMPANIES NEONICKEL BLACKBURN Walker Industrial Park Guide Blackburn Lancashire United Kingdom T: +44 (0)1254 582 999 E: SalesBlackburn@neonickel.com W: https://www.neonickel.com NEXT TEAM CONSULTING SRL Str Dimo 21/1, 113 Chisinau MDIII Moldova, Republic of T: +39 335 749 0150 E: bc@nextconsulting.pro W: http://www.nextconsulting.pro NITREX COLMEGNA SRL Km. 8.440 Via Melegnano Siziano PV 27010 Italy T: +39 0382 617964 E: commercial@colmegna.com W: https://www.colmegna.com Profile: NITREX is the only fully integrated global player in the surface treatment industry. With a presence in more than 20 countries, our portfolio of innovative solutions and unrivaled expertise are helping customers daily to achieve greater tolerances, meet the highest standards, and become more profitable along the way. With over 40 years of experience under our belt, we are the preferred choice of blue-chip customers around the globe for turnkey heat-treat systems, reliable technologies with over 4,000 proven formulas, proprietary high-end instrumentation, failsafe digital controls, and surface treatment services that consistently outperform industry standards. Our commitment to quality and compliance ensures that our customers’ critical components will perform under the conditions required for the end-use application. At NITREX, we assist customers in selecting the right solution by leveraging our deep knowledge of the industry, metallurgy, heat-treat processes, upstream and downstream manufacturing operations, and component requirements. By working closely with customers, we

identify areas where our solutions can make the biggest impact, optimising accuracy, achieving compliance, and delivering maximum application performance, longevity, and cost-efficiency. NITREX INC. – CHICAGO OPERATIONS 1900 Plain Avenue Aurora IL United States T: +1 630 851 5880 E: paul.gofas@nitrex.com W: https://www.nitrex.com Profile: See NITREX COLMEGNA SRL NITREX INC. – INDIANA OPERATIONS 350 Blue Chip Court Franklin IN United States T: +1 317 346 7700 E: paul.gofas@nitrex.com W: https://www.nitrex.com Profile: See NITREX COLMEGNA SRL NITREX INC. – MICHIGAN OPERATIONS 822 Kim Dr. P.O. Box 155 Mason MI United States T: +1 517 676 6370 E: paul.gofas@nitrex.com W: https://www.nitrex.com Profile: See NITREX COLMEGNA SRL NITREX METAL INC. 3474 Poirier Boulevard Montreal QC Canada T: +1 514 335 7191 E: paul.gofas@nitrex.com W: https://www.nitrex.com Profile: See NITREX COLMEGNA SRL

NITREX METAL SP. Z O.O. ul. Jednosci 48 Sosnowiec Poland T: +48 32 296 66 30 E: paul.gofas@nitrex.com W: https://www.nitrex.com Profile: See NITREX COLMEGNA SRL NITREX THERMAL TECHNOLOGY (WUXI) CO., LTD. Antai Industrial Park #1096 Antaisanlu, Anzhen Wuxi Jiangsu China T: +86 510 8878 8627 E: paul.gofas@nitrex.com W: https://www.nitrex-ntt.cn Profile: See NITREX COLMEGNA SRL STT NITREX QUERÉTARO, S. DE R.L. DE C.V. Calle De Lluvia No. 8 Fraccionamiento Industrial La Noria, El Marqués Querétaro Mexico T: +52 442 221-5243 E: paul.gofas@nitrex.com W: https://www.nitrexheattreat.com Profile: See NITREX COLMEGNA SRL UNITED PROCESS CONTROLS INC 6724 South 13th Street Oak Creak WI 53154 United States T: +1 414 462 8200 E: sales.na@upc-marathon.com W: https://www.nitrex.com Profile: See NITREX COLMEGNA SRL UNITED PROCESS CONTROLS SARL Zone Industrielle des Tilleroyes 7 Rue Lavoisier Besancon 25000 France T: +33 (0)3 81 48 37 37 E: fr@upc-marathon.com W: https://www.nitrex.com Profile: See NITREX COLMEGNA SRL

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ALPHABETICAL LISTING OF COMPANIES NK TECHNOLOGIES 3511 Charter Park Drive San Jose CA United States T: +1 408 871 7510 E: wdelsman@nktechnologies.com W: https://www.nktechnologies. com NORTH WEST FIRE PROTECTION LTD 21 Glendale Rd Worsley Manchester United Kingdom T: +44 (0)7887767741 E: david.obrien33@ntlworld.com W: https://www.northwestfireprotectionlimited.co.uk NOVA ANALYTICAL SYSTEMS (A TENOVA COMPANY) 1925 Pine Avenue Niagara Falls New York United States T: +1 800 295 3771 E: mary.kneebone@tenova.com W: http://www.nova-gas.com NOVAMET SÀRL Route de Vallaire 4a St-Sulpice Vaud Switzerland E: info@novamet.ch W: http://www.novamet.ch OBNINSK THERMOELECTRIC COMPANY, LTD 30 Krasnykh Zor street Obninsk Kaluga 249031 Russia T: +7 484 39 442 90 E: otc-market@otc-obninsk.ru W: https://www.otc.obninsk.com OHIO SEMITRONICS, INC. 4242 Reynolds Drive Hilliard OH United States T: +1 614 777 1005 E: Sales@ohiosemi.com W: https://www.ohiosemitronics. com

OMEGAVAC VACUUM PRODUCTS LLC 16045 Valley View Ave Santa Fe Springs, CA United States T: +1 562 404 1511 E: Ronbruckel@aol.com W: https://www.omegavacinc.com ONEJOON GMBH Leinetal / Auf der Mauer 1 Bovenden Niedersachsen 37120 Germany T: +49 (0) 551 820830 - 0 E: info@onejoon.de W: https://www.onejoon.de/en/ https://de.linkedin.com/company/onejoon-gmbh Profile: ONEJOON GmbH is a German-based thermal processing equipment manufacturer with locations in Bovenden and Böblingen. We are part of the ONEJOON Group that employs approximately 300 people worldwide and look back on over 125 years of experience in kiln technology. ONEJOON is the technology and market leader for oxidation ovens and carbonisation furnaces used in the production of carbon fiber. We have developed a very strong position in the markets for cathode and anode material production for lithium-ion batteries as well. Other key target markets include the following: Hardening of blades and saw bands; Sintering of metals and ceramics; Heat treatment of aluminium wheels; Powder chemistry and advanced materials. ONEJOON supplies not only customised furnace technology but can also provide all supporting equipment and services as well. This includes the application of automation equipment, material flow expertise, process integration and system optimisation. ONEJOON GmbH grew out of Eisenmann Thermal Solutions in January 2020. The latter company was acquired by ONEJOON Co. Ltd. – a mechanical engineering company based in Suwon, South Korea. All operations in Germany, USA, China and Poland are subsidiaries of ONEJOON Group.

OTTO JUNKER GMBH Jägerhausstraße 22 Simmerath 52152 Germany T: +49 247 360 1530 E: jolina.muellejans@otto-junker. com

PALMER WAHL INSTRUMENTS, INC. 234 Old Weaverville Road Asheville North Carolina 28804 United States T: +1 828 658 3131 E: sales@palmerwahl.com W: http://www.palmerwahl.com http://www.linkedin.com/in/ palmerwahlsalessteam Profile: Manufacturer of precision fixed and hand-held infrared thermometers; custom RTD and thermocouple probes and sensor assemblies; tube skin thermocouples and mineral insulted sensors for temperature critical applications; pressure and temperature chart recorders and accessories; industrial digital, bimetal, and filled system thermometers; thermowells; temperature recording labels; RTD and thermocouple meters and probes; ISO9001:2015 certified. PATHAKIT CO., LTD. 69/131 Moo 5, Bueng Khamproi Lam Lukka Pathumthani Thailand T: +81 8135479 E: engsteel@hotmail.com W: http://www.pathakit.com

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ALPHABETICAL LISTING OF COMPANIES PCI 12201 Magnolia Ave. Riverside MO United States T: +1 951 479 0860 E: insidesales@pcigases.com W: https://www.pcigases.com PENTAGENI CO. INC Fatih Sultan Mahallesi; 2365. Sokak No:30 Ankara Etimesgut Turkey T: +90 312 217 1065 E: kaaneralp@pentageni.com W: https://www.pentageni.com PERMATECH 911 East Elm Street Graham NC United States T: +1 336 578 7728 E: sam.paguaga@permatech.net W: https://www.permatech.net PHOENIX TEMPERATURE MEASUREMENT 25 Earith Business Park Earith Cambridgeshire PE28 3QF United Kingdom T: +44 (0)7890 197636 E: steve.offley@phoenixtm.com W: https://phoenixtm.com https://www.linkedin.com/company/phoenixtm-ltd Profile: PhoenixTM manufacture ’thru-process’ monitoring systems for TUS, temperature, and optical profiling. Eliminates the need for trailing thermocouples. Industry software provides comprehensive analysis and reporting to AMS2750G and CQI-9. A two-way RF telemetry option offers real time logger and TUS management. Standard systems are used to monitor processes including carburising, nitriding, brazing, annealing, paint / powder coating and others. Even for demanding applications the PhoenixTM team can design bespoke custom solutions.

PLANSEE USA LLC 115 Constitution Blvd. Franklin MA United States T: +1 508 918 1276 E: furnace.construction@plansee. com W: https://www.plansee.com

you with system design as well as commissioning. The Precimeter Group includes offices and production in Sweden (HQ), Germany and USA and a sales office in China. With representation in more than 35 countries as well, the Precimeter Group offers excellent service and support to its customers worldwide.

PONY INTERNATIONAL TECHNOLOGIES, LTD. Unit 52906, 29th Floor, Sultan Hotel Complex II jL. Jend Gatot Subroto Jakarta Indonesia T: +62 215 705610 E: info@floatprojects.com W: https://www.ponyinternational-ltd.com

PRECISION METAL PRODUCTS 850 west Bradley El Cajon California United States T: +1 619 448 2711 E: tracym@pmp-elcajon.com W: https://www.pmp-elcajon.com

PRECIMETER 2215 South 48th Street Suite C Tempe AZ United States T: +1 480 829 1923 E: jerry.wilkins@precimeter.com W: https://www.precimeter.com PRECIMETER CONTROL AB Ruskvädersgatan 22 Gothenburg SE-42735 Sweden T: +46 317 645520 E: sales@precimeter.com W: https://www.precimeter.com https://www.linkedin.com/company/precimeter-control-ab/about/ Profile: The Precimeter Group is continuously growing, developing new solutions and serving customers in the molten metal industry. With more than 25 years of experience within the industry and with the highest level of knowledge about molten metal level control - Precimeter is the brand that can be trusted to deliver the solutions you need. Precimeter specialises in automated level control solutions for molten metal casting processes. All our products are specially designed for the harsh conditions in a casthouse environment. We can also offer our expertise to assist

PROCTOR BIOMASS SYSTEMS Unit 16, Churchill Way Lomeshaye Ind Estate Nelson Lanacashire United Kingdom T: +44 (0)1282 617212 E: info@proctorbiomass.co.uk W: https://www.jamesproctor.com PROLIND Rodovia Presidente Dutra, Km 138 Eugênio de Melo Sao Jose dos Campos Sao Paulo Brazil T: +55 12 3908 5999 E: vanessa.lemes@prolind.com.br W: https://www.prolind.com.br PROSAW LIMITED Unit 15 Telford Way Telford Way Industrial Estate Kettering Northants United Kingdom T: +44 (0)1536 410999 E: sales@prosaw.co.uk W: https://www.prosaw.co.uk PUREFLO Helmet Integrated Systems Ltd Unit 3, Focus 4, Fourth Avenue Letchworth Hertfordshire United Kingdom T: +44 (0)1462 478000 E: sales@helmets.co.uk W: https://www.helmets.co.uk

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ALPHABETICAL LISTING OF COMPANIES PYROGENESIS CANADA INC 1744 Rue William Suite 200 Montreal QC H3J 1R4 Canada T: +1 514 937 0002 E: sales@pyrogenesis.com W: http://www.pyrogenesis.com PYROMATION, INC. 5211 Industial Road Fort Wayne IN United States T: +1 260 484 2580 E: sales@pyromation.com W: https://www.pyromation.com QATAR ALUMINIUM LTD Industrial Area Mesaieed Doha Qatar E: navin.indraj@qatalum.com W: https://www.qatalum.com QUAKER CHEMICAL B.V. Industrieweg 7 1422 AH Netherlands T: +31 297 544 644 E: begovice@quakerchem.com W: https://www.quakerchem.com RAD-CON, INC. 13001 Athens Ave., Ste. 300 Lakewood Ohio United States T: +1 440 871 5720 E: andrea.johnston@rad-con.com W: https://www.RAD-CON.com RADIR (RAYTEK IRCON) INFRA-RED SYSTEMS Douglas House Simpson Road Milton Keynes Buckinghamshire United Kingdom T: +44 (0)1908 370000 E: peterc@radir.com W: https://www.radir.com

RADQUIM Calzada de la viga no 2040 DF Mexico E: info@radquim.com W: https://www.radquim.com RADYNE CORPORATION 211 W. Boden Street Milwaukee, WI United States T: +1 414 481 8360 E: sales@radyne.com W: https://www.radyne.com RAFAEL VALADEZ Villa Ahumada 219 Col Villas de Anahuac San Nicolas Nuevo Leon 66422 Mexico T: +52 181 104 45243 E: orva.cas@etorv.com RAGHAV RAMMING MASS LTD 436, Alankar Plaza Vidhyadhar Nagar Jaipur, Rajasthan India T: +91 982 901 9963 E: rammingmass@gmail.com W: https://www.rammingmass.com RALOID TOOL COMPANY INCORPORATED Route 146 & Farm To Market Road P.O. Box 551, Mechanicville New York United States T: +1 518 664 4261 E: rbrownell@raloidtool.com W: https://www.raloidtool.com

RAPIDFLAME LTD UK 11 Gleneagles Road Heald Green Stockport, Cheshire United Kingdom T: +44 (0)1422 311244 E: jad@rapidflame.com W: http://www.rapidflame.com

RATH AG Walfischgasse 14 Vienna Austria T: +43 1 513 44 27-0 E: info@rath-group.com W: https://www.rath-group.com REEISA Km 2.5 via Duran Tambo .Solares 15 y 16 . Cooperativa San Enrique Duran, Guayas Ecuador T: +593 98 406 1504 E: milverespinoza@reeisa.services REFRACONSULTING INDUSTRIAL TECHNOLOGIES Hradni, 27/37 Ostrava Czech Republic T: +420 596 11 0179 E: info@refraconsulting.com W: https://www.refraconsulting.cz REFRACTORY SPECIALTIES, INC.A UNIFRAX COMPANY 230 West California Avenue P. O. Box 189 Sebring, Ohio United States T: +1 330 938 2101 E: dsciaretta@unifrax.com W: https://www.rsifibre.com REINTECH GMBH Niels-Bohr-Strasse 5 Bitterfeld Germany E: karsten.kleinert@reintech.de W: https://www.reintech.de RFTS LLC P.O. Box 295 Higganum CT 6441 United States T: +1 203 927 6545 E: rftsii@aol.com Profile: Metallurgical equipment for melting, casting, rolling, processing and packaging, new, used and related spares parts such as: Mill rolls, chocks, bearings, spindles, shears, spindles, High quality thickness gauges, metal strip wiping cleaning/ systems

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ALPHABETICAL LISTING OF COMPANIES RIA CAST HOUSE ENGINEERING Walter-Köhn-Str. 6A, Leipzig 4356 Germany T: +49 341 697 688 70 E: service@ria-che.de W: https://www.ria-casthouse-engineering.de

RIEDHAMMER GMBH, INDUSTRIAL KILN PLANTS Klingenhofstr. 72 Nuremberg 90411 Germany T: +49 911 5218 395 E: thomas.janousch@riedhammer. de W: https://www.riedhammer.de/ Profile: Riedhammer (RH) is the leading technology supplier of industrial kilns and delivers innovative technologies for various industries. For the carbon industry, RH only offers complete solutions and its proven furnace technologies for baking anodes, cathodes, electrodes, and special carbon products. Today, Riedhammer gives you the perfect answer for rebuilding and modernisation demands, up to turn-key plants based on the most advanced technology. We combine as best your needs with our experience. RJM METAL CONSULTANCY LTD Worksop United Kingdom T: +44(0)7795 624712 E: richard@rjm-metalconsultancy. co.uk ROCKWELL AUTOMATION, INC. 1201 South Second Street Milwaukee, WI United States T: +1 414 382 2000 E: lisa.chletcos@cldmarcomm.com W: http://www.rockwellautomation. com

RUBIG ENGINEERING 2503 Latham Street Rockford IL United States T: +1 978 399 8326 E: at.office@rubig.com W: https://www.rubig.com SACOMET LIMITED Burnside, Station Road, Barry, Carnoustie Burnside, Station Road, Barry Carnoustie Angus United Kingdom T: +44 (0)7850 720582 E: sc@sacomet.com W: http://www.economelt.com/contact.html SAFTI 325 Newhall St. San Francisco CA United States E: wfo@safti.com W: https://www.safti.com SANDVIK HEATING TECHNOLOGY UK Ruthvenfield Road Inveralmond Industrial Estate Perth Scotland United Kingdom T: +44 (0)1738 493 300 E: info@kanthal.com W: https://www.kanthal.com SANGALLI TECHNOLOGIES ESCO S.R.L. Via Roveredo 20/b Pordenone Italy T: +39 (0)438 502721 E: info@sangallitechnologies.com W: https://www.sangallitechnologies.com SANGRAF INTERNATIONAL S.A. Les Champs Blanc, 67 Chavannes de Bogis Switzerland T: +41 22 776 0131 E: geneva@sangrafintl.com W: https://www.sangrafintl.com

SANSHIN SANWA GROUP 5-11-1 Toranomon 505 Holland Hills Mori Tower Mintao ku Tokyo Japan W: https://sanshinsanwa.com/ SARGEANT & WILBUR, INC. 20 Monticello Place Pawtucket Rhode Island United States T: +1 401 7260013 E: info@sargeantandwilbur.com W: https://www.sargeantandwilbue. com SARNES INGENIEURE GMBH Industriestr 10 Stutnesee Germany T: +49 7249 951708 E: fsarnes@sarnes.de W: https://www.sarnes.de SBP CHEMICALS Suite 4, 571 Finchley Road. London United Kingdom T: +44 (0)20 76920597 E: sbpchemicals@yahoo.com SCHAEFER GROUP, INC., THE 1300 Grange Hall Rd Dayton Ohio United States T: +1 937 253 3342 E: richie.humphrey@theschaefergroup.com W: http://www.theschaefergroup. com SCHUPP CERAMICS M.E. SCHUPP Industriekeramik GmbH & Co. KG Neuhausstr. 4-10 Aachen North Rhine-Westphalia Germany T: +49 (0)241 93677-0 E: info@schupp-ceramics.com W: https://www.schupp-ceramics. com

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ALPHABETICAL LISTING OF COMPANIES SECO/WARWICK CORP. 18360 Technology Drive 3rd, Floor Meadville PA 16335 United States T: +1 814 332 8400 E: info-usa@secowarwick.com W: https://www.secowarwick.com SECO/WARWICK S.A. Sobieskiego 8 Świebodzin Poland T: +48 68 38 20 500 E: info-poland@secowarwick.com W: https://www.secowarwick.com SEGRIF Rue Neuvice 115 Saint-Nicolas Belgium E: segrif@ingrif.com W: https://www.segrif.com SET LININGS BRASIL Rua Jose Pietro Garcia, 51 Capuava Maua São Paulo Brazil T: +55 11 2254 0704 E: n.martins@setlinings.com W: https://www.setlinings.com SEVEN REFRACTORIES D.O.O. Poslovna cona Risnik 40 Divača Slovenia T: +386 5 739 57 60 E: martina.Krapez@sevenrefractories.com W: https://www.sevenrefractories. com SHIVANG FURNACES AND OVENS INDUSTRIES 483 Jalaram Estate, Opp Bluecorn Winding Works Narol - Vatva Road, Narol Ahmedabad Gujarat India T: +91 932 701 3773 E: shivangfurnace@gmail.com W: https://www.shivangfurnace. co.in

SIAD S.P.A. Via S. Bernardino, 92 Bergamo Italy E: siad@siad.eu W: https://www.siad.com SIEMENS PROCESS INDUSTRIES AND DRIVES 100 Technology Drive Alpharetta GA United States T: +1 770 740 3000 E: lisa.chletcos@c-ginc.com W: https://www.usa.siemens.com/ industry SILICON POWER CORPORATION 280 Great Valley Parkway Malvern PA United States T: +1 610 407 4700 W: https://www.siliconpower.com SIMULLEX GMBH Tohmastrasse 7 Altenstadt AW Bavaria Germany T: +49 9602 920 5891 E: moaveni@simullex.com W: http://www.simullex.com SISTEM MAKINA INDUSTRIAL FURNACES Mermerciler OSB. 1. cd. 26. sk. No:5 Koseler, Kocaeli, Dilovasi Turkey E: bulent@sistemmakina.com W: http://www.sistemmakina.com SK ENVIRONMENTAL LTD 28 Moss Lane Hesketh Bank Preston Lancashire United Kingdom T: +44 (0)1695 714600 E: sales@skenvironmental.com SMS GROUP GMBH Eduard-Schloemann-Strasse 4 Düsseldorf Germany E: fritz.bruehl@sms-group.com W: https://www.sms-group.com

SMS GROUP S.P.A. via Udine, 103 Tarcento (UD) Italy T: +39 043 300 0000 E: roberta.delpino@sms-group.com SOL SPA Via Gerolamo Borgazzi 27 Monza MB Italy E: r.sala@sol.it W: https://www.solworld.com/en SOLO SWISS SA Grandes Vies 25 Porrentruy Switzerland T: +41 32 465 96 00 E: contact@soloswiss.com W: http://soloswiss.com Profile: SOLO Swiss SA, founded in 1924 in Switzerland, manufactures advanced industrial furnaces for the heat treatment of metals. SOLO Swiss is one of the oldest furnaces manufacturers in Europe and exports its equipment all over the world.

NIKOLAUS SORG GMBH & CO. KG Stoltestr. 23 Lohr am Main 97816 Germany T: +49 935 250 7229 E: kaiser@sorg.de W: https://www.sorg.de https://www.linkedin.com/company/nikolaus-sorg-gmbh-&-cokg/ Profile: For more than 150 years, Nikolaus SORG has designed and manufactured advanced glass furnaces and technologies that deliver performance, endurance, efficiency and sustainability. A leader in the industry, we represent security and stability to glassmakers in over

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ALPHABETICAL LISTING OF COMPANIES 80 countries and our continuous innovation has led to more than 100 patents. Our Services: • Design, engineering and delivery of glass melting furnaces and conditioning systems • Equipment around the furnace and conditioning systems • Installation & commissioning • Optimisation and auditing • Remote service • Training & aftersales service • Lifecycle services. SORG KERAMIK SERVICE GMBH Stoltestraße 23 Lohr am Main 97816 Germany T: +49 9352 507 600 E: info@sks.net W: https://www.sks.net Profile: Construction and rebuilds of glass melting furnaces as well as maintenance and special hot repairs. SPACO TECHNOLOGIES LTD 203, 2nd Floor, Shriram Centre Opp. Punit Nagar Soc off Old Padra Road Vadodara Gujarat India T: +91 982 400 8442 E: enquiry@spacoind.com W: https://www.spaco.co.in SPECIAL CERAMICS (P) LTD 906, 9th Floor, Gopal Heights Netaji Subhash Place Pitampura New Delhi 110034 India T: +01 11 477 01151 E: sales@specialceramics.in W: http://www.specialceramics.in http://www.linkedin.com/company/special-ceramics-india SPECNOW LTD Unit 30, Earith Business Park Earith Cambs United Kingdom T: +44 (0)1487 840123 E: sales@specnow.com W: https://www.specnow.com

SPECTRO ANALYTICAL UK 2 New Star Road PO Box 36 Leicester Leicestershire United Kingdom T: +44 (0)116 246 2949 E: steve.allott@ametek.com STAS INC. 1846 Rue des Outardes Chicoutimi QC Canada T: +1 418 696 0074 E: vezina.dominic@stas.com W: https://www.stas.com

SUN ELECTRONIC SYSTEMS, INC 1845 Shepard Drive Titusville, FL United States T: +1 321 383 9400 E: info@sunelectronics.com W: http://www.sunelectronics.com SUNROCK CERAMICS COMPANY 2625 S. 21st Avenue Broadview IL United States T: +1 708 344 7600 E: dthurman@sunrockceramics. com W: https://www.sunrockceramics. com

STAZIONE SPERIMENTALE DEL VETRO SCPA via Biati 10 Venice 30141 Italy T: +39 041 127 37011 E: spevetro@spevetro.it W: http://www.spevetro.it https://it.linkedin.com/company/ stazione-sperimentale-del-vetro STOLZLE FLACONNAGE Stolzle Flaconnage Weeland Road Knottingley West Yorkshire United Kingdom T: +44 (0)1977 607124 E: steve.clayton@stoelzle.com W: https://www.stoelzle.com STORK TECHNICAL SERVICES (COOPERHEAT PODUCT LINE) Unit 21-24 Slaidburn Crescent Southport Merseyside United Kingdom T: +44 (0)1704 215600 E: nigel.bleackley@stork.com W: https://www.stork.com SUG SCHMELZ- UND GIESSANLAGEN GMBH & CO. KG Ziegeleistr. 19 Herten NRW Germany T: +49 (0)209 35 80 51 E: info@suggmbh.de W: http://www.suggmbh.de

SURFACE COMBUSTION, INC. 1700 Indian Wood Circle P.O. Box 428 Maumee OH 43537-0428 United States T: +1 419 891 7150 E: bbernard@surfacecombustion. com W: https://www.surfacecombustion. com/ https://www.linkedin.com/company/2153375 Profile: Surface Combustion is an original equipment manufacturer of rugged, reliable thermal processing equipment that includes standard controlled atmosphere, vacuum furnace designs, and custom-engineered heat treat equipment. Surface Combustion is family-owned. SWP REFRACTORIES Ollerton Road Tuxford, Newark Nottinghamshire United Kingdom T: +44 (0)1777 874500 E: martin@swpuk.com W: https://www.swpuk.com

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ALPHABETICAL LISTING OF COMPANIES SWS ALLOYS AND METALS LTD Progress Drive Cannock Staffs United Kingdom T: +44 (0)1543572149 E: john@swsalloys.co.uk W: https://www.swsalloys.co.uk TAHA INTERNATIONAL S.A. 40-42, Rue De La Gare L-1610 Luxembourg T: +49 1736184310 E: patrick@tahacorp.com W: http://www.tahacorp.com TANTEK FURNACES LTD Tantek Furnaces Ltd 27 Selstone Crescent Sleights, Whitby North Yorkshire United Kingdom T: +44 (0)1947 810694 E: sales@tantekfurnaces.co.uk W: https://www.tantekfurnace.co.uk TDI GROUP LLC PO Box 38657 700 Blaw Aveneue Pittsburgh PA 15238 United States T: +1 412 826 4950 E: drd@TDIgrp.com W: https://www.tdigrp.com TECALEX Ctra. de Banyoles, 31 Sant Julià de Ramis Girona Spain T: +34 972 172 090 E: tecalex@tecalex.net W: https://www.tecalex.com TECHICAL GLASS PRODUCTS, INC. 881 Callendar Blvd Painesville Ohio 44077 United States T: +1 440 639 6399 E: jluptak@tgpohio.com W: https://technicalglass.com/ Profile: Technical Glass Products, Inc. was founded in 1990 as a fabricator of Fused Quartz Glassware

and offers fused quartz tubing in a variety of sizes. We excel in technical product assistance of all types including design, temperature ranges, UV transmission, and purity level qualifications. Because of our stateof-the-art equipment and methods, we are capable of achieving the industry’s most stringent standards and tolerances. Our products are always fully guaranteed for workmanship and quality. Technical Glass Products is proud of its expertise, and we welcome the opportunity to supply all of your quartz needs. TECOGLAS 60 Savile Street East Sheffield South Yorkshire S4 7UQ United Kingdom T: +44 (0)114 275 9020 E: sales@tecoglas.com W: http://www.tecoglas.com Profile: Part of the TECO Group. Glass plant engineers and contractors. Specialising in the design and supply of electric, fossil fuel and oxy-fuel furnaces. Providing melting technology, engineering, contracting and consulting to all areas of the glass industry. TELLUS-CERAM La briqueterie Tellus-Ceram Rue Beausoleil Monsempron-Libos Lot et Garonne France T: + 33 553 719173 E: jonathan.communaud@tellus-ceram.com W: https://www.tellus-ceram.com TEMPERATURE MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS PTY LTD 42 Ceramic Curve Alton Richards Bay South Africa T: +27 829 012406 E: richard.harris@alucouple.com W: http://www.alucouple.com Profile: Manufacture of temperature sensors and related equipment

TENOVA GOODFELLOW INC. 6711 Mississauga Road Suite 200 Mississauga Ontario Canada T: +1 905 567 3030 E: goodfellow.ca@tenova.com W: http://www.tenova.com TENOVA SPA Via Gerenzano 58 Castellanza VA Italy E: marina.carrea@tenova.com W: https://www.tenova.com TERMIA TECHNOLOGY 1310 Park Central Blvd South E02 Pompano Beach FL United States T: +1 786 319 9935 E: chg@termia.net W: https://www.termia.net TESTO LIMITED Testo Limited Newman Lane Alton Hampshire United Kingdom T: +44 (0)1420 544 433 E: info@testo.co.uk W: https://www.testolimited.com THERELEK ENGINEERS PVT LTD 70-71, 3rd Phase, Peenya Industrial Area, Bangalore Karnataka India T: +91 802 839 5101 E: sales@therelek.com W: https://www.therelek.com THERMAL DETECTION LTD. Unit 6 Ordewingate Way Primrose Hill Industrial Estate Stockton on Tees Cleveland United Kingdom T: +44 (0)1642 602878 E: tdl@thermal-detection.com W: https://www.thermal-detection. com

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ALPHABETICAL LISTING OF COMPANIES THERMAL ENGINEERING & CONTROLS 48, First Floor, Cinewonder Mall Kapurbavadi, Ghodbunder Road Thane Maharashtra India T: +91 982 007 2930 E: koulgi.thermalengineering@ gmail.com W: https://www.thermalfurnaces. com THERMAL TRANSFER CORPORATION 50 North Linden Street Duquesne PA United States T: +1 412 265 2798 E: tking@wabtec.com W: https://www.thermaltransfercorp.com

THERMCON Jägerhausstraße 22 Simmerath 52152 Germany T: +49 247 360 1530 E: jolina.muellejans@otto-junker. com W: http://www.otto-junker.com/en THERMCRAFT, INC. 3950 Overdale Road Winston Salem NC United States E: dwilson@thermcraftinc.com W: https://www.thermcraftinc.com THERMETAL ENGINEERING LTD C/O Sealy Shaw Ltd, Pride Park 11 Mallard Way United Kingdom T: +44 (0)7766 104576 E: sales@thermetal.com W: https://www.thermetal.com

Profile: Project Engineering, Design & Consultancy for Metallurgical Furnaces. Technical & Commercial Evaluations Batch & Continuous, New installations & Revamping of Older Equipment. Ferrous and Non-Ferrous Applications for Customers World-Wide. THERMO FISHER SCIENTIFIC En Vallaire Ouest C Chemin de Verney 2 Ecublens, VD Switzerland T: +41 216 947111 E: nathalie.keng@thermofisher.com W: http://www.thermofisher.com THERMOFAX LTD HEAT TREATMENT SPECIALISTS Block 2, Grazebrook Industrial Park, Peartree Lane, Dudley West Midlands United Kingdom T: +44 (0)1384 230214 E: tombullock@thermofax.co.uk W: http://www.thermofax.co.uk THERMO-KINETICS CO LTD 5417 Vanden Abeele St-Laurent Quebec Canada T: +1 514 856 0370 E: nbellisario@thermo-kinetics.com W: http://www.thermo-kinetics.com

TMS EUROPE LTD Unit 10, Stretfield Mill Bradwell Hope Valley Derbyshire United Kingdom T: +44 (0)1433 620535 E: james@tmseurope.co.uk W: https://www.tmseurope.co.uk TMS SA 42 Ceramic Curve Richards Bay KZN South Africa T: +27 35 7511471 E: danie.bothma@alucouple.com W: https://www.alucouple.com TNI SPRING TECHNOLOGIES, LLC 87 Amlajack Way Newnan GA United States T: +1 770 502 0687 E: info@tnispring.com W: https://www.tnispring.com TOGNI S/A MATERIAIS REFRATARIOS Av Antonio Togni 2439 Pocos de Caldas MG Brazil E: togni@togni.com.br W: http://www.togni.com.br TOKAI CARBON EUROPE Roway Lane Oldbury West Midlands United Kingdom T: +44 (0)7793 650691 E: carl.daughters@tokaicarboneurope.com W: https://www.tokaicarboneurope. com

THORPE TECHNOLOGIES INC 449 W Allen Avenue Suite 119 San Dimas CA 91773 United States T: +1 562 903 8230 E: sales@thorpetech.com W: http://www.thorpetech.com

TOLEDO ENGINEERING CO., INC (TECO) 3400 Executive Parkway PO Box 2927 Toledo OH 43606-0927 United States T: +1 419 537 9711 E: sales@teco.com W: https://www.teco.com

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ALPHABETICAL LISTING OF COMPANIES Profile: Toledo Engineering Co., Inc. (Part of the TECO Group) specialises in the design and construction of glass melters of all types, including fuel-fired regenerative and recuperative furnaces, oxy-fuel furnaces, electric melters, electric boost systems and forehearths and distributors/working end. TECO also provides batch plants, emission control systems and process control systems on a turnkey basis. TOYO TANSO FRANCE SA 9-10 rue Eugène Hénaff Trappes France T: +33 130 663535 E: contact@toyotansofrance.com W: https://www.toyotansofrance. com TRI-MER CORPORATION 1400 Monroe Street Owosso MI United States T: +1 989 723 7838 E: salesdpt@tri-mer.com W: https://www.tri-mer.com TURLA EXTRUSION PLANTS RFK SRL Via Caradosso 18 Milano (MI) Milian 202123 Italy T: +39 030 6857 555 W: https://rfk-extrusion.com/ UNICOM Cerska 69 Belgrade Serbia T: +381 112 835635 E: slobodan.manic@unicom.rs W: https://www.unicom.rs UNIFOUR B.V. Nijverheidsweg 3 Ulft Netherlands T: +31 315 641352 E: info@unifour.nl W: https://www.unifour.nl

UNIFRAX Mill Lane Rainford St Helens United Kingdom T: +44 (0)1744 887600 E: sharon.darlington@unifrax.co.uk W: https://www.unifrax.com VACUUM & ATMOSPHERE SERVICES LTD Unit 13, Credenda Road West Bromwich West Midlands United Kingdom T: +44 (0)121 544 4385 E: aaronlong@vacat.co.uk W: https://www.vacat.co.uk VACUUM RESEARCH CORPORATION 100 Chapel Harbor Drive, #4 Pittsburgh PA United States T: +1 412 261 7630 E: vrc@vacuumresearch.com W: https://www.vacuumresearch. com VAIL RUBBER WORKS 521 Langley Avenue St. Joseph MI United States T: +1 269 983 1595 E: matt.hanley@vailrubber.com W: https://www.vailrubber.com VENTILATORENFABRIK OELDE GMBH Robert-Schuman-Ring 21 Oelde 59302 Germany T: +49 2522 75-0 E: info@venti-oelde.de W: https://www.venti-oelde.com Profile: Air is the medium we work with. Research and development, planning and consulting, manufacturing and service, whatever we do, the emphasis is on innovative air technology. Venti Oelde plants and components are used for collecting, handling and filtering of air, vapours, gases, dust and airborne solids. An enthusiastic, experienced and knowledgeable team, numbering

250, ensure that individual customer requirements are implemented under economically expedient aspects. The resulting solutions are innovative, efficient, cost-effective and forward-looking. They are appreciated all over the world and underline the claim to technological leadership. As long ago as 1930 Venti Oelde was planning, developing and manufacturing in their North-Rhine-Westphalian location, Oelde. Apart from industrial fans, their manufacturing programme includes dust collection and process gas cleaning plants, exhaust air treatment plants, ventilating, heating and air-conditioning plants, recycling and waste treatment plants as well as plants for surface technology. Maintenance, servicing, inspection, repairs as well as plant upgrading, rationalisation and enlargement complete the available services. Experienced specialists in a large number of outside offices and agents ensure expert support all round the world and quick contact to all business partners. VESUVIUS 68 rue Paul Deudon Feignies France T: +33 327 691019 W: https://www.vesuvius.com VESUVIUS 1 Midland Way Barlborough Derbyshire United Kingdom E: jennifer.white@vesuvius.com W: https://www.vesuvius.com VESUVIUS USA 753 Enterprise Road SC 29501 United States T: +1 843 632 4075 E: marcus.bancroft@vesuvius.com W: https://www.vesuvius.com

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ALPHABETICAL LISTING OF COMPANIES VIBRA-PRO COMPANY INC. 3629 Banner Street Boise Idaho United States T: +1 800 658 3812 E: joroisum@vibrapro.com W: https://www.vibrapro.com VITRO ENVASES SA DE C.V Carretera Mexico-Toluca KM 57..5 Ex Rancho El Coecillo Santa maria Totoltepec Toluca CP 50200 Mexico W: https://vitroenvases.com/ WALL COLMONOY AEROBRAZE ENGINEERED TECHNOLOGIES Alloy Industrial Estate Pontardawe Swansea United Kingdom T: +44 (0)1792 860642 E: sales@wallcolmonoy.co.uk W: https://www.wallcolmonoy.co.uk WALLWORK CAMBRIDGE LTD. Buckingway Business Park Swavesey Cambridge Cambridgeshire United Kingdom T: +44 (0)1954 233700 E: peter.carpenter@wallworkht.com W: https://www.wallworkht.com WALLWORK CAST ALLOYS Wallwork Heat Treatment Ltd Lord Street Bury Lancashire United Kingdom T: +44 (0)161 797 9111 E: foundry@wallworkht.com W: https://www.wallworkcastalloys. com WALLWORK GROUP Wallwork Heat treatment Ltd. Lord Street Bury Lancashire United Kingdom T: +44 (0)161 797 9111 E: peter.carpenter@wallworkht.com W: https://www.wallworkht.co.uk

WALLWORK HEAT TREATMENT GROUP Wallwork Heat Treatment Ltd Lord Street Bury Lancashire United Kingdom T: +44 (0)161 797 9111 E: simeon.collins@wallworkht.com W: https://www.wallworkht.com WALTERS & WALTERS LTD Unit 16, Orchard Road Royston Hertfordshire United Kingdom T: +44 (0)1763 245445 E: sales@waltersandwalters.co.uk W: https://www.WaltersandWalters. co.uk WATLOW PLASMATECH GMBH Brennhoflehen-Kellau 156 Kuchl 5431 Austria T: +49 643 129 8113 E: mascha.fleischer@watlow.com W: https://www.watlow.com/ https://www.linkedin.com/company/watlow/ Profile: We solve the world’s toughest and most important thermal problems. As a world-class industrial technology and thermal products leader, Watlow designs and manufactures heating solutions consisting primarily of electric resistive heaters, temperature sensors, temperature and power controllers and supporting software – all the components of a thermal system. We partner with our customers to optimise thermal performance, decrease design time and improve the efficiency of products and applications. We bring 100 years of experience to numerous industries, including semiconductor processing, clean environmental technology, energy generation, diesel emissions, medical and food service equipment.

WELLMAN FURNACES Units 9-11 Hale Industrial Estate Lower Church Lane Tipton United Kingdom T: +44 (0)121 522 2522 W: https://www.wellman-furnaces. co.uk WESTLAKE COMPANY 12650 Directors Drive Suite 100 Stafford TX 77477 United States T: +1 614 986 2484 E: service@hexion.com W: https://www.westlakeepoxy.com Profile: Westlake Epoxy is a global manufacturer and supplier of epoxy resin systems: lighter weight, durable, mass-producible composite parts to components that protect from fire, smoke and toxicity to lowVOC coatings. WHIZZ ENGINEERING SERVICES PVT LTD S no 15/1, Gujarwadi Road Mangadewadi, Katrajnagar Pune Maharashtra India T: +91 986 070 6792 E: admin@wespl.com W: https://www.wespl.co.in WILLIAMSON CORPORATION 70 Domino Drive Concord Massachusetts United States T: +1 978 369 9607 E: thuff@williamsonir.com W: https://www.williamsonir.com WOLTZ GMBH Alfred-Zippe-Str. 1 Wertheim BW Germany T: +49 9342 92960 E: info@woltz.de W: https://www.woltz.de

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ALPHABETICAL LISTING OF COMPANIES WS THERMAL PROCESS TECHNOLOGY INC. 8301 W. Erie Avenue Lorain OH United States T: +1 440 385 6829 E: wsinc@flox.com W: https://www.FLOX.com

YORK LININGS INTERNATIONAL LTD Millfield Industrial Estate Wheldrake, York North Yorkshire United Kingdom T: +44 (0)1904 449777 E: YorkHQ@capeplc.com W: https://www.capeplc.com

XIANGXI FENGDA ALLOYS ILT 1 Fengda Road, Ji Feng Economic Development Zone, JIshou Hunan province China E: celinafu@xxminmetals.com W: http://www.en.fengda-alloys. com

YS TECH CO LTD 40-11 Minamiseiwwaen - cho Suita Osaka Japan T: +81 06 4860 7711 W: https://www.ys-tech.jp/

ZEDTEC LIMITED 60 Savile Street East Sheffield, South Yorkshire S4 7UQ United Kingdom T: +44 (0) 114 275 1248 E: sales@zedtec.com W: http://www.zedtec.com Profile: Part of the TECO Group. Glass conditioning technology. Design, manufacture, installation and commissioning of tailor-made forehearths and working ends including refractories, combustion and cooling equipment, instrumentation and control. ZIRCAR REFRACTORY COMPOSITES, INC. P.O. Box 489, Florida, NY United States T: +1 845 651 2200 E: bvh@zrci.com

Other Publications




Furnaces International is an English language journal dedicated to the production of furnaces. Circulated each quarter in March, June, September and December.

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GUIDE TO FURNACE PLANT EQUIPMENT, MATERIALS & SERVICES ANALYTICAL TESTING EQUIPMENT Advanced Energy - Lumasense Technologies GmbH Advanced Energy Industries GmbH Ametek Land Arun Technology Bajjo Glass Industry Calderys CelSian Cerinnov Group Control Instruments Corp Emerson Automation Solution Esotermica Srl FEVISA Hornos Y Metales Sa IGR Institut Fuer Glasund Rohstofftechnologie GmbH Inisma Jasper GmbH JSW Steel Ltd JTF Microscopy Services, Llc Kahn Instruments, Inc. Linn High Therm GmbH Lumetrics, Inc. M/S Ajay Foumdry Linkers (R) Marina Textil MCGI Nova Analytical Systems (Tenova) Onejoon GmbH Palmer Wahl Instruments, Inc. Pathakit Co., Ltd. Radir (Raytek Ircon) Infra-Red Systems Rockwell Automation, Inc. Siemens Process Industries & Drives Spectro Analytical UK Stazione Sperimentale Del Vetro Scpa Techical Glass Products, Inc. Testo Limited Thermo Fisher Scientific TMS SA Watlow Plasmatech GmbH BASKETS & TRAYS, HEAT TREATMENT Ameco USA Bajjo Glass Industry Carbon International Ltd Clayton Thermal Processes Ltd Dibenedetto Appraisal Services, Member TDI Grp. Ernst B Westman Ltd Estiva Refratários FEVISA Global Graphite

Graphite Sales Inc. H.C. Starck Hexion Inc. Hi-Tech Furnace Systems, Inc. Hornos Y Metales Sa JSW Steel Ltd Neonickel Blackburn North West Fire Protection Ltd Pagnotta Termomeccanica Industrial Furnaces Pathakit Co., Ltd. Pentageni Co. Inc Plansee USA Llc Precision Metal Products Raloid Tool Company Incorporated Spaco Technologies Ltd SWS Alloys and Metals Ltd Tecalex Techical Glass Products, Inc. Thermetal Engineering Ltd Tokai Carbon Europe Vacuum & Atmosphere Services Vesuvius Wallwork Cast Alloys Wallwork Heat Treatment Group Wellman Furnaces BILLET HEATERS Bajjo Glass Industry Can-Eng Furnaces International Ltd CMI Consolidated Eng Company Dibenedetto Appraisal Services, Member TDI Grp. Dongyang A.K Effmag Ltd. Furnace Engineering Pty Ltd Granco Clark Inc. Gulf Plus - Kuwait Hornos Y Metales Sa IAS GmbH Inductotherm Heating & Welding Meltech Merkle International, Inc Otto Junker GmbH Pathakit Co., Ltd. Pentageni Co. Inc Precision Metal Products Radyne Corporation Rapidflame Ltd UK RFTS LLC Seco/Warwick S.A. SMS Group S.P.A. Surface Combustion, Inc. TDI Group Llc Tecalex Thermcon Unifour B.V.

BURNERS Aichelin Holding GmbH AIF Engineering Private Limited Air Products and Chemicals, Inc Allstates Refractory Contractors, Llc Ares Bajjo Glass Industry BDF Industries Spa Bloom Engineering British Industrial Furnace Constructors Association (BIFCA) Dongyang A.K Duomo UK Ltd Ebner Furnaces, Inc. Eclipse, Inc Elster Thermal Solutions Eng. Roses International Esotermica Srl FEVISA Flammatec, Spol. S R.O. Fuel Applications Limited Furnace Engineering Pty Ltd Furnace Technology Services (Pty) Fusionted S.R.L. Glass Service, A.S. Glass Strand Inc Gruppo Pedercini Gulf Plus - Kuwait Harbridge Systems, Llc Heat Application Global Heat Application India Heat Up Latin America S. De R.L. De Cv Hormesa-Conticast Horn Glass Industries Ag Hornos Y Metales Sa Hotwork Heat Treatment & Specialized Services Hotwork International Ag Hotwork International Inc Intec Engineering GmbH Integrated Glass Systems Bv Istrabenz Plini D.O.O. Jasper GmbH JSW Steel Ltd LSA Energy Resoures Sdn Bhd M/S Ajay Foumdry Linkers (R) Magneco/Metrel, Inc. Monometer Holdings Limited Nadir Figueiredo Ind E Com Sa Neonickel Blackburn

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Furnaces International December 2023


Nikolaus Sorg GmbH & Co. Kg Pagnotta Termomeccanica Industrial Furnaces Pathakit Co., Ltd. PCI Pentageni Co. Inc Proctor Biomass Systems Rafael Valadez Raloid Tool Company Incorporated Rapidflame Ltd UK Reeisa Refraconsulting Industrial Technologies Refractory Specialties, Inc.A Unifrax Company Reintech GmbH Riedhammer GmbH, Industrial Kiln Plants Safti Schaefer Group, Inc., The Siad S.P.A. SOL Spa Stork Technical Services (Cooperheat Poduct Line) SWS Alloys and Metals Ltd Thermal Engineering & Controls Thermetal Engineering Ltd Wellman Furnaces Whizz Engineering Services Pvt Ltd WS Thermal Process Technology CALIBRATION & TEST EQUIPMENT Advanced Energy - Lumasense Technologies GmbH Ametek Land Bajjo Glass Industry BASF Corporation CMB S.R.L. FEVISA Fluke Process Instruments Raytek/Ircon/Datapaq Brands Fredericks Company, The | Televac Gigasense Ab High Temp Measurement Llc IGR Institut Fuer Glasund Rohstofftechnologie GmbH Inisma Inspectahire Kahn Instruments, Inc. Lumetrics, Inc.

National Basic Sensor Palmer Wahl Instruments, Inc. Phoenix Temperature Measurement Radir (Raytek Ircon) Infra-Red Systems Rockwell Automation, Inc. Safti Segrif Siemens Process Industries and Drives Specnow Ltd Spectro Analytical UK Stazione Sperimentale Del Vetro Scpa Testo Limited Thermo Fisher Scientific TMS Europe Ltd Vacuum & Atmosphere Services Vacuum Research Corporation Walters & Walters Ltd Watlow Plasmatech GmbH Wellman Furnaces COATINGS (PVD, CVD, PA-CVD) Arkema Inc. Avs Inc. Bajjo Glass Industry Bakelite Synthetics Cerinnov Group Egetrac Entreprise De Genie Civil Equipement Et Travaux De Tuyauterie & Chaudronnerie FEVISA Global Oven Systems B.V. Gulf Coast Environmental Systems Hexion Inc. Hi-Tech Furnace Systems, Inc. ITC Coatings Jasper GmbH M/S Ajay Foumdry Linkers (R) Marina Textil Momentive Performance Materials Inc. North West Fire Protection Ltd Pathakit Co., Ltd. Qatar Aluminium Ltd Raghav Ramming Mass Ltd Refraconsulting Industrial Technologies Rubig Engineering SBP Chemicals Wall Colmonoy Aerobraze Engineered Technologies Wallwork Cambridge Ltd. Wallwork Cast Alloys Wallwork Group Wallwork Heat Treatment Group Westlake Company

COMBUSTION SYSTEMS Adwest Technologies AIF Engineering Private Limited Air and Energy Systems Inc Air Products and Chemicals, Inc Allstates Refractory Contractors, Llc Ametek Land Andritz Metals Inc Ares Bajjo Glass Industry BDF Industries Spa Bloom Engineering British Industrial Furnace Constructors Association (BIFCA) BWG Machinery Corporation Can-Eng Furnaces International Limited Combustol Datsun Engineering and Construction Company De Winter Engineering Bv Dukhiram Maurya Engineering & Refractory Works (India) Pvt. Ltd. Duomo UK Ltd Ebner Furnaces, Inc. Eclipse, Inc Elboy Industrial Solutions Elettromil Srl Elster Thermal Solutions Emerson Automation Solutions Epcon Industrial Systems Esotermica Srl Falorni Tech - Glass Melting Technology FEVISA Fives Stein Flammatec, Spol. S R.O. Forglass Technology Sp. Z O.O. Fuel Applications Limited Furnace Engineering Pty Ltd Furnace Technology Services (Pty) Ltd Fusionted S.R.L. Gillespie & Powers Inc. Glass Service, A.S. Global Oven Systems B.V. Gruppo Pedercini Gulf Coast Environmental Systems Harbridge Systems, Llc Hays Cleveland Heat Application Global Heat Application India Heat Up Latin America S. De R.L. De Cv Hem Engineering & Consulting Horn Glass Industries Ag Hornos Y Metales Sa Hotwork Heat Treatment & Specialized Services

35 Furnaces International December 2023


GUIDE TO FURNACE PLANT EQUIPMENT, MATERIALS & SERVICES Hotwork International Ag Hotwork International Inc Intec Engineering GmbH Integrated Glass Systems Bv Istrabenz Plini D.O.O. Jasper GmbH JSW Steel Ltd Kuettner GmbH & Co. Kg Lenox Instrument Company, Inc. Lias Industrial Ltd M/S Ajay Foumdry Linkers (R) Mechatherm International Ltd Metallemporiki Thomas Makris S.A. Munimula Technology P/L

Nikolaus Sorg GmbH & Co. Kg Nitrex Metal Inc. Pagnotta Termomeccanica Industrial Furnaces Pathakit Co., Ltd. PCI Pentageni Co. Inc Proctor Biomass Systems Rafael Valadez Rapidflame Ltd UK Reeisa Sarnes Ingenieure GmbH Schaefer Group, Inc., The Siad S.P.A. SMS Group S.P.A. SOL Spa Stolzle Flaconnage Stork Technical Services (Cooperheat Poduct Line) Tantek Furnaces Ltd Thermal Engineering & Controls Thermal Transfer Corporation Thermetal Engineering Ltd Thorpe Technologies Inc Whizz Engineering Services Pvt Ltd CONTROL & INSTRUMENTATION Advanced Energy Industries GmbH AIF Engineering Private Limited Air and Energy Systems Inc Ametek Land Arkema Inc. Ascon Tecnologic North America Avs Inc. Bajjo Glass Industry BDF Industries Spa

Bloom Engineering Calderys Can-Eng Furnaces International Limited CelSian Cerinnov Group Charter Tech Limited CMB S.R.L. Codere Sa Control Instruments Corp Dnetwo Duomo UK Ltd EAE Tech Inc Eclipse, Inc Elettromil Srl Emerson Automation Solution EMG Automation GmbH Esotermica Srl Eurotherm By Schneider Electric FEVISA Fives Stein Fluke Process Instruments Raytek/Ircon/Datapaq Brands Forglass Technology Sp. Z O.O. Fredericks Company, The | Televac Fuel Applications Limited Fusionted S.R.L. Gefran General Glass Equipment Company, Inc. Gillespie & Powers Inc. Hays Cleveland Heat Application Global Heat Application India Heat Up Latin America S. De R.L. De Cv High Temp Measurement Llc Horn Glass Industries Ag Hotwork Heat Treatment & Specialized Services Hotwork International Ag Hotwork International Inc I.Process Srl Integrated Glass Systems Bv Jasper GmbH JSW Steel Ltd Lenox Instrument Company, Inc. Lias Industrial Ltd Limab UK M/S Ajay Foumdry Linkers (R) Marathon Monitors and Control Systems Corporation Limited Mechatherm International Ltd MTAG Technology Ag Munimula Technology P/L National Basic Sensor Nitrex Metal Inc. NK Technologies

Nova Analytical Systems (A Tenova Company) Ohio Semitronics, Inc. Palmer Wahl Instruments, Inc. Pathakit Co., Ltd. PCI Phoenix Temperature Measurement Pony International Technologies, Ltd. Precimeter Precimeter Control Ab Radir (Raytek Ircon) Infra-Red Systems Raloid Tool Company Incorporated Rapidflame Ltd UK Refraconsulting Industrial Technologies Rockwell Automation, Inc. Safti Schaefer Group, Inc., The Segrif Siemens Process Industries and Drives SK Environmental Ltd Specnow Ltd Spectro Analytical UK Stazione Sperimentale Del Vetro Scpa Stolzle Flaconnage Stork Technical Services (Cooperheat Poduct Line) Surface Combustion, Inc. Tecalex Temperature Management Systems Pty Ltd Testo Limited Thermetal Engineering Ltd Thermo Fisher Scientific Thermo-Kinetics Co Ltd Thorpe Technologies Inc TMS Europe Ltd TMS SA Toledo Engineering Co., Inc (TECO) UNICOM United Process Controls Inc Watlow Plasmatech GmbH YS Tech Co Ltd CRUCIBLES Ameco USA Bajjo Glass Industry Brasco International Carbon International Ltd Cardinal Refractories Inc. Cimsamex Eco Technical Ceramics Ernst B Westman Ltd Estiva Refratários 36


Furnaces International December 2023

GUIDE TO FURNACE PLANT EQUIPMENT, MATERIALS & SERVICES Furnace Technology Services (Pty) Ltd Global Graphite Graphite Sales Inc. H.C. Starck Hornos Y Metales Sa M/S Ajay Foumdry Linkers (R) Magma Ceramics & Catalysts Magneco/Metrel, Inc. Mansell and Associates,Llc Millennium Technology Momentive Performance Materials Morgan Advanced Materials Thermal Ceramics Munimula Technology P/L Pathakit Co., Ltd. Permatech Plansee USA Llc Qatar Aluminium Ltd Raghav Ramming Mass Ltd Refractory Specialties, Inc.A Unifrax Company Sacomet Limited Schaefer Group, Inc., The Spaco Technologies Ltd Special Ceramics (P) Ltd SUG Schmelz- und Gießanlagen GmbH & Co. Kg Sunrock Ceramics Company Techical Glass Products, Inc. Thermcraft, Inc. TMS Europe Ltd TMS SA Vesuvius DECARBONISATION TECHNOLOGY Bloom Engineering Emerson Automation Solutions DUST EXTRACTION Ametek Land CelSian Dibenedetto Appraisal Services, Member TDI Grp. Eco Technical Ceramics Emerson Automation Solution Fercell Engineering Ltd Fives Stein Furnace Technology Services (Pty) Major Engineering Group Pyrogenesis Canada Inc SBP Chemicals Stazione Sperimentale Del Vetro Scpa TDI Group Llc Ventilatorenfabrik Oelde GmbH

ELECTRIC FURNACE REPAIRS ABB Metallurgy Products Afeco Heating Systems Aichelin Holding GmbH AIF Engineering Private Limited Allstates Refractory Contractors, Llc Bajjo Glass Industry BDI Cooling Solutions Brasco International Calderys Calderys Refractory Taiwan Carbolite Gero Ltd Carborundum Universal Limited Electro Minerals Division Cerinnov Group Chapman Brack Contractors Ltd CMB S.R.L. CMI Datsun Engineering and Construction Company Dukhiram Maurya Engineering & Refractory Works (India) Pvt. Ltd. Electroglass Ltd Epcon Industrial Systems Esotermica Srl Estiva Refratários Fives Stein Forglass Technology Sp. Z O.O. Furnace Technology Services (Pty) Ltd Glass Service, A.S. Global Oven Systems B.V. Gruppo Pedercini Gund Company, The HFT Inc Hi-Tech Furnace Systems, Inc. Hormesa-Conticast Hornos Y Metales Sa I.Le.S. Srl Inductotherm Corp. JSC Kerammash Kanthal Kilns and Furnaces Ltd Lizmontagens Thermal Technologies LSA Energy Resoures Sdn Bhd Mechatherm International Ltd Meltech Merkle International, Inc Metallemporiki Thomas Makris S.A. Midland Elements Limited Nadir Figueiredo Ind E Com Sa

Nikolaus Sorg GmbH & Co. Kg Onejoon GmbH Pagnotta Termomeccanica Industrial Furnaces Rafael Valadez Raghav Ramming Mass Ltd Reeisa Reintech GmbH Sandvik Heating Technology UK Schaefer Group, Inc., The Set Linings Brasil Shivang Furnaces and Ovens Industries Sorg Keramik Service GmbH Stork Technical Services (Cooperheat Poduct Line) Temperature Management Systems Pty Ltd Thermal Engineering & Controls Thermcraft, Inc. Thermetal Engineering Ltd TMS SA Vacuum & Atmosphere Services Ltd Walters & Walters Ltd Wellman Furnaces ELEMENTS, ELECTRIC HEATING Advanced Energy - Lumasense Technologies GmbH Afeco Heating Systems Allstates Refractory Contractors, Llc Avs Inc. Bajjo Glass Industry BEST - Balikesir Elektromekanik Sanayi Tesisleri A Carbon International Ltd Dongyang A.K Eco Technical Ceramics Electroglass Ltd Elettromil Srl Ernst B Westman Ltd Esotermica Srl Estiva Refratários Fives Stein Furnace Technology Services (Pty) Ltd Gefran Global Oven Systems B.V. GMC For Glass Industry

37 Furnaces International December 2023


GUIDE TO FURNACE PLANT EQUIPMENT, MATERIALS & SERVICES Graphite Sales Inc. H.C. Starck Hi-Tech Furnace Systems, Inc. Horn Glass Industries Ag I Squared R Element Co., Inc. Kanthal Kilns and Furnaces Ltd LSA Energy Resoures Sdn Bhd M.E.Schupp Industriekeramik GmbH & Co. Kg Metallemporiki Thomas Makris S.A. Micropyretics Heaters International Midland Elements Limited Millennium Technology Nabertherm GmbH Plansee USA Llc Precision Metal Products Rafael Valadez Safti Sandvik Heating Technology UK Schaefer Group, Inc., The Schupp Ceramics Shivang Furnaces and Ovens Industries Stork Technical Services (Cooperheat Product Line) Temperature Management Systems Pty Ltd Therelek Engineers Pvt Ltd Thermal Engineering & Controls Thermcraft, Inc. Thermetal Engineering Ltd TMS SA Vacuum & Atmosphere Services Wall Colmonoy Aerobraze Engineered Technologies Watlow Plasmatech GmbH Wellman Furnaces ENERGY TECHNOLOGY Advanced Energy Industries GmbH Afeco Heating Systems Aircontrol Industrial, S.L. Ares Ascon Tecnologic North America Bajjo Glass Industry BDF Industries Spa BDI Cooling Solutions British Industrial Furnace Constructors Association (BIFCA) BWG Machinery Corporation Celsian Cerinnov Group CFT Carbon Furnaces Technologies B.V. CMI Effmag Ltd. Egetrac Entreprise De Genie Civil

Equipement Et Travaux De Tuyauterie & Chaudronnerie Elettromil Srl Fives Stein Forglass Technology Sp. Z O.O. Gefran Glass Strand Inc Harbridge Systems, Llc Hatch Associates HFT Inc Hornos Y Metales Sa I.Process Srl Intec Engineering GmbH Istrabenz Plini D.O.O. ITC Coatings Jasper GmbH JSW Steel Ltd Kandi Engineering Pvt Ltd Kennedy Eurotech LSA Energy Resoures Sdn Bhd M/S Ajay Foumdry Linkers (R) Metallemporiki Thomas Makris S.A. Millennium Technology MTAG Technology Ag Nadir Figueiredo Ind E Com Sa Ohio Semitronics, Inc. PCI Pentageni Co. Inc Rafael Valadez Rapidflame Ltd UK Sangalli Technologies Esco S.R.L. Siad S.P.A. Siemens Process Industries and Drives Silicon Power Corporation Stazione Sperimentale Del Vetro Scpa Stolzle Flaconnage Testo Limited Thermetal Engineering Ltd Watlow Plasmatech GmbH WS Thermal Process Technology ENGINEERING, SERVICES & CONSULTANCY ABB Metallurgy Products ACE - Rfts Llc Afeco Heating Systems Ajz & Associates Consulting Allstates Refractory Contractors, Llc Andritz Metals Inc Avs Inc. Bajjo Glass Industry BCRC - Belgian Ceramic Research Centre BDI Cooling Solutions Busch (UK) Ltd BWG Bergwerk- und

Walzwerk-Maschinenbau GmbH BWG Machinery Corporation Calderys Can-Eng Furnaces International Limited CelSian Cerinnov Group CFT Carbon Furnaces Technologies B.V. CMB S.R.L. CMI Cockerill Maintenance & Ingenerie (CMI) Codere Sa Combustol Datsun Engineering and Construction Company De Winter Engineering Bv Denco Lubrication Ltd Department for Industrial Furnaces and Heat Engineering RWTH Aachen University DM Consulting Dnetwo Dukhiram Maurya Engineering & Refractory Works (India) Pvt. Ltd. Duomo UK Ltd Eclipse, Inc Electroglass Ltd Elster Thermal Solutions EMG Automation GmbH Energy Associates, P.C. Epcon Industrial Systems Esotermica Srl F.I.C. (UK) Limited Fives Stein Forglass Technology Sp. Z O.O. Fuel Applications Limited Furnace Engineering Pty Ltd Furnace Technology Services (Pty) Fused_Cast@Technologist.Com Fusionted S.R.L. G&T Associates (Services) Ltd Gea Process Engineering Inc. Gefran General Glass Equipment Company, Gillespie & Powers Inc. Glass Service, A.S. Glass Strand Inc Glasstech Refractory Global Oven Systems B.V. GMC For Glass Industry Gruppo Pedercini Gulf Coast Environmental Systems Harper International Hatch Associates Helipebs Controls Limited Hem Engineering & Consulting

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Furnaces International December 2023

GUIDE TO FURNACE PLANT EQUIPMENT, MATERIALS & SERVICES HFT Inc Hi-Tech Furnace Systems, Inc. Horn Glass Industries Ag Hornos Y Metales Sa Hutni Projekt Frydek Mistek A.S. I.Process Srl IGR Institut Fuer Glasund Rohstofftechnologie GmbH Inisma Innoval Technology Inspectahire Insulcon B.V Intec Engineering GmbH International Thermal Systems Jasper GmbH JSC Kerammash JSW Steel Ltd Kennedy Eurotech KTG Engineering KTG Systems Kuettner GmbH & Co. Kg Lizmontagens Thermal Technologies Logistica Comercial Brigmadi Sa De LSA Energy Resoures Sdn Bhd M H Detrick Company Ltd Machtools Technoserve Private Limited Mechatherm International Ltd Metallemporiki Thomas Makris S.A. Millennium Technology Molyneux Industries - Rails & Rail Clips MTAG Technology Ag Mugoya Limited Munimula Technology P/L Next Team Consulting Srl

Nikolaus Sorg GmbH & Co. Kg Novamet Sàrl Onejoon GmbH Pagnotta Termomeccanica Industrial Furnaces Pentageni Co. Inc Plansee USA Llc Pony International Technologies, Precimeter Control Ab Pyrogenesis Canada Inc Radir (Raytek Ircon) Infra-Red Systems Rafael Valadez Rath Ag Reintech GmbH

Riedhammer GmbH, Industrial Kiln Plants Rockwell Automation, Inc. Safti Sangalli Technologies Esco S.R.L. Segrif Siemens Process Industries and Drives Simullex GmbH SOL Spa Spaco Technologies Ltd Stazione Sperimentale Del Vetro Scpa SUG Schmelz- und Gießanlagen GmbH & Co. Kg Tecalex Tecoglas Tenova Goodfellow Inc. Termia Technology Thermal Engineering & Controls Thermetal Engineering Ltd Thorpe Technologies Inc TNI Spring Technologies, Llc Toledo Engineering Co., Inc (TECO) Unifour B.V. Vacuum & Atmosphere Services Vesuvius Wall Colmonoy Aerobraze Engineered Technologies Watlow Plasmatech GmbH Wellman Furnaces Whizz Engineering Services Pvt Ltd Woltz GmbH Zedtec Limited ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGY Adwest Technologies Ajz & Associates Consulting Allstates Refractory Contractors, Llc Ametek Land Ascon Tecnologic North America Bajjo Glass Industry BDI Cooling Solutions CelSian CFT Carbon Furnaces Technologies B.V. CMB S.R.L. Epcon Industrial Systems Esotermica Srl Falorni Tech - Glass Melting Technology FEVISA Fives Stein Gea Process Engineering Inc. Gefran General Glass Equipment Company, Gruppo Pedercini Gulf Coast Environmental Systems

Hatch Associates Hornos Y Metales Sa IGR Institut Fuer Glasund Rohstofftechnologie GmbH ITC Coatings Jasper GmbH JSW Steel Ltd Kuettner GmbH & Co. Kg Lenox Instrument Company, Inc. Lizmontagens Thermal Technologies Maguin S.A.S. McGill Airclean, Llc Nadir Figueiredo Ind E Com Sa Onejoon GmbH Pentageni Co. Inc Pyrogenesis Canada Inc Radquim Rafael Valadez Refraconsulting Industrial Technologies Rockwell Automation, Inc. Sanshin Sanwa Group Siad S.P.A. Siemens Process Industries and Drives Stazione Sperimentale Del Vetro Scpa Tenova Goodfellow Inc. Testo Limited Thermetal Engineering Ltd Tri-Mer Corporation Whizz Engineering Services Pvt Ltd FANS, COMBUSTION AIR AIF Engineering Private Limited Ameco USA Bajjo Glass Industry BDF Industries Spa BDI Cooling Solutions Can-Eng Furnaces International Limited Castolin Eutectic Daniels Fans Ltd Datsun Engineering and Construction Company Dukhiram Maurya Engineering & Refractory Works (India) Pvt. Ltd. Eclipse, Inc Fan Systems Group Ltd Fercell Engineering Ltd FEVISA Forglass Technology Sp. Z O.O. Fusionted S.R.L. Garden City Fan Company, Div of Howden Horn Glass Industries Ag Hornos Y Metales Sa

39 Furnaces International December 2023


GUIDE TO FURNACE PLANT EQUIPMENT, MATERIALS & SERVICES Howden, A Chart Industries Company IGE High Temperature Fans Industrial Gas Engineering Industrie CBI S.P.A JSW Steel Ltd LSA Energy Resoures Sdn Bhd Pagnotta Termomeccanica Industrial Furnaces Pentageni Co. Inc Rafael Valadez Reeisa Refraconsulting Ind Technologies Safti Sarnes Ingenieure GmbH Schaefer Group, Inc., The SMS Group S.P.A. Stork Technical Services (Cooperheat Product Line) Surface Combustion, Inc. Vacuum & Atmosphere Services Ventilatorenfabrik Oelde GmbH FASTENINGS Bajjo Glass Industry Couplings Company, Inc. Mach One (International) Limited Molyneux Industries - Rails & Rail Clips Pentageni Co. Inc Plansee USA Llc Raloid Tool Company Incorporated Spaco Technologies Ltd FLAME TREATMENT Rapidflame Ltd UK FLAME-FAILURE EQUIPMENT Bajjo Glass Industry Charter Tech Limited Eclipse, Inc Elster Thermal Solutions Hays Cleveland Ignition Components Ltd Lenox Instrument Company, Inc. Lias Industrial Ltd LSA Energy Resoures Sdn Bhd Marina Textil Pagnotta Termomeccanica Industrial Furnaces Rapidflame Ltd UK FUEL & ENERGY SUPPLY Air Products and Chemicals, Inc Bajjo Glass Industry BDF Industries Spa Deepak Industries

Egetrac Entreprise De Genie Civil Equipement Et Travaux De Tuyauterie & Chaudronnerie Emerson Automation Solutions Esotermica Srl Intec Engineering GmbH Istrabenz Plini D.O.O. JSW Steel Ltd LSA Energy Resoures Sdn Bhd Metallemporiki Thomas Makris S.A. PCI Refraconsulting Industrial Technologies Stolzle Flaconnage FUME EXTRACTION Adwest Technologies Bajjo Glass Industry Castolin Eutectic De Winter Engineering Bv Esotermica Srl Eurofoil Luxembourg S.A. Fercell Engineering Ltd Fives Stein Flammatec, Spol. S R.O. Forglass Technology Sp. Z O.O. Hornos Y Metales Sa JSW Steel Ltd Major Engineering Group Mechatherm International Ltd Metallemporiki Thomas Makris S.A. Pagnotta Termomeccanica Industrial Furnaces Sacomet Limited Sarnes Ingenieure GmbH TDI Group Llc TMS SA Westlake Company Whizz Engineering Services Pvt Ltd FURNACE CHARGING MACHINES ACE - Rfts Llc Afeco Heating Systems AIF Engineering Private Limited Andritz Metals Inc Bajjo Glass Industry BDF Industries Spa British Industrial Furnace Constructors Association (BIFCA) BWG Machinery Corporation Can-Eng Furnaces International Ltd Datsun Engineering and Construction Company De Winter Engineering Bv Dibenedetto Appraisal Services, Member TDI Grp. Ebner Furnaces, Inc. EPIQ Machinery

Esotermica Srl FEVISA Flammatec, Spol. S R.O. Forglass Technology Sp. Z O.O. Fusionted S.R.L. G&G Steel Inc. General Glass Equipment Company, GHI Smart Furnaces Gillespie & Powers Inc. Glama Maschinenbau GmbH GNA Alutech Inc. Gruppo Pedercini Hencon Hertwich Engineering GmbH Horn Glass Industries Ag Hornos Y Metales Sa Jasper GmbH JSC Kerammash JSW Steel Ltd Kuettner GmbH & Co. Kg M/S Ajay Foumdry Linkers (R) Mansell and Associates,Llc Mayflower Engineering Ltd Mechatherm International Ltd Meltech Millennium Technology Munimula Technology P/L

Nikolaus Sorg GmbH & Co. Kg Otto Junker GmbH Pagnotta Termomeccanica Industrial Furnaces Pentageni Co. Inc Qatar Aluminium Ltd RFTS LLC Sarnes Ingenieure GmbH Stolzle Flaconnage SUG Schmelz- und Gießanlagen GmbH & Co. Kg Surface Combustion, Inc. TDI Group Llc Thermcon Thermcraft, Inc. Thermetal Engineering Ltd Thorpe Technologies Inc Vibra-Pro Company Inc. Wellman Furnaces Westlake Company Woltz GmbH

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Furnaces International December 2023

GUIDE TO FURNACE PLANT EQUIPMENT, MATERIALS & SERVICES FURNACE CONTROLLERS & INSTRUMENTATION Advanced Energy Industries GmbH AIF Engineering Private Limited Ametek Land Ascon Tecnologic North America Bajjo Glass Industry BASF Corporation BDF Industries Spa Borel Swiss British Industrial Furnace Constructors Association (BIFCA) Carbolite Gero Ltd CelSian CMB S.R.L. Combustol Dongyang A.K Elettromil Srl EMG Automation GmbH Esotermica Srl Eurotherm By Schneider Electric FEVISA Fives Stein Fluke Process Instruments Raytek/Ircon/Datapaq Brands Furnace Engineering Pty Ltd Furnace Technology Services (Pty) Fusionted S.R.L. Gefran Glass Service, A.S. Gruppo Pedercini Hem Engineering & Consulting Hi-Tech Furnace Systems, Inc. Horn Glass Industries Ag Hornos Y Metales Sa I.Process Srl International Thermal Systems Jasper GmbH JSW Steel Ltd Lenox Instrument Company, Inc. Limab UK LSA Energy Resoures Sdn Bhd M/S Ajay Foumdry Linkers (R) Marathon Monitors and Control Systems Corporation Limited Mechatherm International Ltd Micropyretics Heaters International Nabertherm GmbH Nadir Figueiredo Ind E Com Sa Nitrex Metal Inc. Pagnotta Termomeccanica Industrial Furnaces Palmer Wahl Instruments, Inc. PCI Pentageni Co. Inc Phoenix Temperature Measurement Pony International Technologies Precimeter Control Ab

Radir (Raytek Ircon) Infra-Red Systems Raloid Tool Company Incorporated Riedhammer GmbH, Industrial Kiln Plants Rockwell Automation, Inc. Safti Schaefer Group, Inc., The Siemens Process Industries and Drives SK Environmental Ltd Spectro Analytical UK Stolzle Flaconnage Tenova Spa Termia Technology Therelek Engineers Pvt Ltd Thermal Engineering & Controls Thermcraft, Inc. Thermo Fisher Scientific Thermo-Kinetics Co Ltd TMS Europe Ltd TMS SA UNICOM United Process Controls Inc Vacuum & Atmosphere Services Wellman Furnaces Xiangxi Fengda Alloys Ilt

JSW Steel Ltd Kilns and Furnaces Ltd Magneco/Metrel, Inc. Mechatherm International Ltd Meltech Millennium Technology Morgan Advanced Materials Thermal Ceramics Neonickel Blackburn Pagnotta Termomeccanica Industrial Furnaces Plansee USA Llc Refractory Specialties, Inc.A Unifrax Company Sangalli Technologies Esco S.R.L. Special Ceramics (P) Ltd Sunrock Ceramics Company Techical Glass Products, Inc. Tellus-Ceram Thermcraft, Inc. Vacuum & Atmosphere Services Vesuvius Vesuvius USA Wallwork Cast Alloys Wallwork Group Wallwork Heat Treatment Group Wellman Furnaces

FURNACE FURNITURE Afeco Heating Systems Ant Furnaces Bajjo Glass Industry BDF Industries Spa Borel Swiss British Industrial Furnace Constructors Association (BIFCA) Carbolite Gero Ltd Carbon International Ltd Carborundum Universal Limited Electro Minerals Division Cellaris Refractories India Limited Cerinnov Group CMB S.R.L. CMI Codere Sa Elettromil Srl Ernst B Westman Ltd Esotermica Srl Estiva Refratários FEVISA Fives Stein Gaskets Inc Graphite Sales Inc. Gruppo Pedercini H.C. Starck Hi-Tech Furnace Systems, Inc. Hornos Y Metales Sa Insulcon B.V

FURNACE LINING MACHINERY Allied Trading International Ltd Bajjo Glass Industry Borel Swiss British Industrial Furnace Constructors Association (BIFCA) Calderys Cerinnov Group Datsun Engineering and Construction Company Dukhiram Maurya Engineering & Refractory Works (India) Pvt. Ltd. Esotermica Srl FEVISA Gruppo Pedercini Hornos Y Metales Sa JSW Steel Ltd Lizmontagens Thermal Technologies Millennium Technology Pagnotta Termomeccanica Industrial Furnaces Pentageni Co. Inc Raghav Ramming Mass Ltd Schaefer Group, Inc., The Set Linings Brasil Vacuum & Atmosphere Services Vesuvius Vesuvius USA

41 Furnaces International December 2023


GUIDE TO FURNACE PLANT EQUIPMENT, MATERIALS & SERVICES FURNACE THERMAL SURVEYS Advanced Energy Industries GmbH Afeco Heating Systems Allied Trading International Ltd Allstates Refractory Contractors, Llc Bajjo Glass Industry BDF Industries Spa British Industrial Furnace Constructors Association (BIFCA) Calderys Can-Eng Furnaces International Limited CelSian Cerinnov Group CMI Dongyang A.K Esotermica Srl FEVISA Fluke Process Instruments - Raytek/Ircon/Datapaq Brands Gefran Inspectahire JSW Steel Ltd Kandi Engineering Pvt Ltd Lenox Instrument Company, Inc. Lizmontagens Thermal Technologies Mechatherm International Ltd Novamet Sàrl Pagnotta Termomeccanica - Industrial Furnaces Phoenix Temperature Measurement Radir (Raytek Ircon) Infra-Red Systems Rafael Valadez Refraconsulting Industrial Technologies SMS Group S.P.A. Stazione Sperimentale Del Vetro Scpa Stolzle Flaconnage Thermetal Engineering Ltd TMS Europe Ltd Toledo Engineering Co., Inc (TECO) Vacuum & Atmosphere Services FURNACES, HEAT TREATMENT ACE - Rfts Llc Advanced Energy Industries GmbH AFC-Holcroft Afeco Heating Systems Aichelin Holding GmbH AIF Engineering Private Limited Air and Energy Systems Inc Allied Trading International Ltd Andritz Metals Inc Arkema Inc. Avs Inc.

Bajjo Glass Industry BDI Cooling Solutions Bekaert Solaronics Borel Swiss British Industrial Furnace Constructors Association (BIFCA) BWG Bergwerk- und Walzwerk-Maschinenbau GmbH BWG Machinery Corporation Can-Eng Furnaces International Limited Carbolite Gero Ltd Carbon International Ltd Cerinnov Group Clayton Thermal Processes Ltd CMI Cockerill Maintenance & Ingenerie (CMI) Codere Sa Combustol Consarc Engineering Ltd Consolidated Engineering Company Dibenedetto Appraisal Services, Member TDI Grp. Dongyang A.K Ebner Furnaces, Inc. EGB Vacuum Ltd Elettromil Srl Elnik Systems, Llc. Epcon Industrial Systems Esotermica Srl Eurofoil Luxembourg S.A. FEVISA Fluke Process Instruments - Raytek/Ircon/Datapaq Brands Furnace Engineering Pty Ltd Furnace Technology Services (Pty) GHI Smart Furnaces Gillespie & Powers Inc. Glaston Finland Oy Global Oven Systems B.V. GMC For Glass Industry GNA Alutech Inc. Grieve Corporation Gruppo Pedercini Gulf Coast Environmental Systems Gulf Plus - Kuwait Harper International Heat Treatments (Northampton) Ltd Hertwich Engineering GmbH High Tech Tubes Ltd Hind High Vacuum Co. (P) Ltd Hi-Tech Furnace Systems, Inc. Hornos Y Metales Sa I.Le.S. Srl Intec Engineering GmbH International Thermal Systems

Jasper GmbH JSC Kerammash JSW Steel Ltd Kilns and Furnaces Ltd L&L Special Furnace Co., Inc. Lewco, Inc. Linn High Therm GmbH Lizmontagens Thermal Technologies LOI Thermprocess GmbH M.E.Schupp Industriekeramik GmbH & Co. Kg Major Engineering Group Mansell and Associates,Llc Marina Textil Mechatherm International Ltd Meltech Mersen Micropyretics Heaters International Midland Elements Limited Millennium Technology Morgan Advanced Materials - Thermal Ceramics MTAG Technology Ag Nabertherm GmbH Nel Hydrogen Nitrex Colmegna Srl Nitrex Metal Inc. Nitrex Metal Sp. Z O.O. Novamet Sàrl Otto Junker GmbH Pagnotta Termomeccanica - Industrial Furnaces Pentageni Co. Inc Phoenix Temperature Measurement Plansee USA Llc Precision Metal Products Prolind Rad-Con, Inc. Radyne Corporation Raghav Ramming Mass Ltd Refraconsulting Industrial Technologies Reintech GmbH RFTS LLC Riedhammer GmbH, Industrial Kiln Plants Rubig Engineering Sandvik Heating Technology UK Sangalli Technologies Esco S.R.L. Sargeant & Wilbur, Inc. Sarnes Ingenieure GmbH Schupp Ceramics Seco/Warwick Corp. Seco/Warwick S.A. Shivang Furnaces and Ovens Industries SMS Group GmbH

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Furnaces International December 2023

GUIDE TO FURNACE PLANT EQUIPMENT, MATERIALS & SERVICES SMS Group S.P.A. SOL Spa Solo Swiss Sa Specnow Ltd Stas Inc. Stork Technical Services (Cooperheat Poduct Line) Surface Combustion, Inc. Tantek Furnaces Ltd Tecalex Tenova Spa Therelek Engineers Pvt Ltd Thermal Engineering & Controls Thermcon Thermcraft, Inc. Thermetal Engineering Ltd Thermofax Ltd - Heat Treatment Specialists Thorpe Technologies Inc TMS Europe Ltd Toledo Engineering Co., Inc (TECO) Toyo Tanso France Sa Unifour B.V. Vacuum & Atmosphere Services Wall Colmonoy Aerobraze Engineered Technologies Walters & Walters Ltd Wellman Furnaces Westlake Company FURNACES, REHEAT ACE - Rfts Llc Afeco Heating Systems Andritz Metals Inc Avs Inc. Bajjo Glass Industry BDI Cooling Solutions Borel Swiss British Industrial Furnace Constructors Association (BIFCA) BWG Bergwerk- und Walzwerk-Maschinenbau GmbH Can-Eng Furnaces International Limited Carbolite Gero Ltd Clayton Thermal Processes Ltd CMI Cockerill Maintenance & Ingenerie (CMI) Combustol Consarc Engineering Ltd Consolidated Eng Company Dibenedetto Appraisal Services, Member TDI Grp. Dukhiram Maurya Engineering & Refractory Works (India) Pvt. Ltd. Epcon Industrial Systems Esotermica Srl

FEVISA Flammatec, Spol. S R.O. Furnace Technology Services (Pty) GHI Smart Furnaces Gillespie & Powers Inc. Global Oven Systems B.V. Gruppo Pedercini Gulf Coast Environmental Systems Gulf Plus - Kuwait Hornos Y Metales Sa I.Le.S. Srl Integrated Glass Systems Bv International Thermal Systems JSW Steel Ltd Kilns and Furnaces Ltd L&L Special Furnace Co., Inc. Linn High Therm GmbH Lizmontagens Thermal Technologies Magneco/Metrel, Inc. Mechatherm International Ltd Meltech Merkle International, Inc Millennium Technology Morgan Advanced Materials Thermal Ceramics Otto Junker GmbH Pagnotta Termomeccanica Industrial Furnaces PCI Pentageni Co. Inc Phoenix Temperature Measurement Pony International Technologies, Ltd. Precision Metal Products Prolind Raghav Ramming Mass Ltd Raloid Tool Company Incorporated Reeisa RFTS LLC Sarnes Ingenieure GmbH Seco/Warwick Corp. Seco/Warwick S.A. Shivang Furnaces and Ovens Industries SMS Group GmbH SMS Group S.P.A. Surface Combustion, Inc. Tantek Furnaces Ltd TDI Group Llc Tenova Spa Thermcon Therelek Engineers Pvt Ltd Thermcraft, Inc. Thermetal Engineering Ltd Thorpe Technologies Inc TMS Europe Ltd TNI Spring Technologies, Llc

Toledo Engineering Co., Inc (TECO) Vacuum & Atmosphere Services Wall Colmonoy Aerobraze Engineered Technologies Wellman Furnaces Westlake Company FURNACES, BRAZING Afeco Heating Systems Aichelin Holding GmbH Ant Furnaces Avs Inc. Bajjo Glass Industry Borel Swiss British Industrial Furnace Constructors Association (BIFCA) Carbolite Gero Ltd Consarc Engineering Ltd EGB Vacuum Ltd Elnik Systems, Llc. Epcon Industrial Systems FEVISA Flammatec, Spol. S R.O. Furnace Engineering Pty Ltd Global Graphite Hind High Vacuum Co. (P) Ltd Hi-Tech Furnace Systems, Inc. I.Le.S. Srl L&L Special Furnace Co., Inc. Linn High Therm GmbH Meltech Micropyretics Heaters International Nabertherm GmbH Nel Hydrogen Nitrex Metal Inc. Pentageni Co. Inc Phoenix Temperature Measurement Plansee USA Llc Radyne Corporation Sandvik Heating Technology UK Sargeant & Wilbur, Inc. Seco/Warwick Corp. Seco/Warwick S.A. Shivang Furnaces and Ovens Industries Solo Swiss Sa Specnow Ltd Surface Combustion, Inc. TDI Group Llc Therelek Engineers Pvt Ltd TMS Europe Ltd Vacuum & Atmosphere Services Wall Colmonoy Aerobraze Engineered Technologies Wellman Furnaces Westlake Company

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GUIDE TO FURNACE PLANT EQUIPMENT, MATERIALS & SERVICES FURNACES, ELEVATOR Afeco Heating Systems Avs Inc. Bajjo Glass Industry British Industrial Furnace Constructors Association (BIFCA) Can-Eng Furnaces International Ltd Carbolite Gero Ltd Cerinnov Group Elite Thermal Systems Ltd Hornos Y Metales Sa L&L Special Furnace Co., Inc. Linn High Therm GmbH Nabertherm GmbH Otto Junker GmbH Pagnotta Termomeccanica Industrial Furnaces Pentageni Co. Inc Prolind Raloid Tool Company Incorporated Sandvik Heating Technology UK Sargeant & Wilbur, Inc. Seco/Warwick Corp. Seco/Warwick S.A. Shivang Furnaces and Ovens Industries Therelek Engineers Pvt Ltd Thermcon Thermcraft, Inc. Vacuum & Atmosphere Services Wellman Furnaces FURNACES, SURFACE TREATMENT Afeco Heating Systems Aichelin Holding GmbH Air and Energy Systems Inc Allied Trading International Ltd Ant Furnaces Arkema Inc. Avs Inc. Bajjo Glass Industry BDI Cooling Solutions Borel Swiss British Industrial Furnace Constructors Association (BIFCA) Carbolite Gero Ltd Cerinnov Group Clayton Thermal Processes Ltd Consarc Engineering Ltd Datsun Engineering and Construction Company Elboy Industrial Solutions Elnik Systems, Llc. Epcon Industrial Systems Eurobond Adhesives Ltd FEVISA Furnace Engineering Pty Ltd

Furnace Technology Services (Pty) Gillespie & Powers Inc. Global Graphite Global Oven Systems B.V. Gulf Plus - Kuwait Harper International Heat Treatments (Northampton) Ltd Hind High Vacuum Co. (P) Ltd Hi-Tech Furnace Systems, Inc. Hornos Y Metales Sa I.Le.S. Srl International Thermal Systems Jasper GmbH L&L Special Furnace Co., Inc. Linn High Therm GmbH Lizmontagens Thermal Technologies LOI Thermprocess GmbH M.E.Schupp Industriekeramik GmbH & Co. Kg Meltech Micropyretics Heaters International Millennium Technology Nabertherm GmbH Nel Hydrogen Nitrex Metal Inc. Nitrex Metal Sp. Z O.O. Pagnotta Termomeccanica Industrial Furnaces Pentageni Co. Inc Phoenix Temperature Measurement Radyne Corporation Raghav Ramming Mass Ltd Raloid Tool Company Incorporated Rubig Engineering Sarnes Ingenieure GmbH SBP Chemicals Schupp Ceramics Seco/Warwick Corp. Seco/Warwick S.A. Shivang Furnaces and Ovens Industries SMS Group S.P.A. Surface Combustion, Inc. Tecalex Tenova Spa Therelek Engineers Pvt Ltd Thermcraft, Inc. Thorpe Technologies Inc Unifour B.V. Vacuum & Atmosphere Services Ltd Wall Colmonoy Aerobraze Engineered Technologies Wallwork Cambridge Ltd. Walters & Walters Ltd Wellman Furnaces Westlake Company

FURNACES, LABORATORY Afeco Heating Systems Ant Furnaces Avs Inc. Bajjo Glass Industry BCRC - Belgian Ceramic Research Centre Borel Swiss British Industrial Furnace Constructors Association (BIFCA) Carbolite Gero Ltd Carborundum Universal Limited Electro Minerals Division Cerinnov Group CFT Carbon Furnaces Technologies B.V. Clayton Thermal Processes Ltd Codere Sa Combustol Consarc Engineering Ltd EGB Vacuum Ltd Elite Thermal Systems Ltd Elnik Systems, Llc. FEVISA Flammatec, Spol. S R.O. Furnace Engineering Pty Ltd Glass Service, A.S. Global Oven Systems B.V. Harper International Hind High Vacuum Co. (P) Ltd Hornos Y Metales Sa I.Le.S. Srl IGR Institut Fuer Glasund Rohstofftechnologie GmbH International Thermal Systems Jasper GmbH Kilns and Furnaces Ltd L&L Special Furnace Co., Inc. Linn High Therm GmbH M.E.Schupp Industriekeramik GmbH & Co. Kg Major Engineering Group Micropyretics Heaters International Nabertherm GmbH Nadir Figueiredo Ind E Com Sa Pagnotta Termomeccanica Industrial Furnaces Qatar Aluminium Ltd Radyne Corporation Raloid Tool Company Incorporated Sacomet Limited Sandvik Heating Technology UK Schupp Ceramics Seco/Warwick Corp. Seco/Warwick S.A. Shivang Furnaces and Ovens Industries Solo Swiss Sa 44


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GUIDE TO FURNACE PLANT EQUIPMENT, MATERIALS & SERVICES Specnow Ltd Spectro Analytical UK Stork Technical Services (Cooperheat Product Line) TDI Group Llc Techical Glass Products, Inc. Therelek Engineers Pvt Ltd Thermcraft, Inc. Thermo Fisher Scientific TMS Europe Ltd TMS SA Vacuum & Atmosphere Services Ltd Walters & Walters Ltd Wellman Furnaces FURNACE METAL TREATMENT ACE - Rfts Llc AFC-Holcroft Afeco Heating Systems Bajjo Glass Industry BDI Cooling Solutions Borel Swiss Can-Eng Furnaces International Limited Carbolite Gero Ltd Cerinnov Group CMI Consarc Engineering Ltd Consolidated Engineering Company Elboy Industrial Solutions Elettromil Srl Epcon Industrial Systems FEVISA Flammatec, Spol. S R.O. Furnace Engineering Pty Ltd GHI Smart Furnaces Gruppo Pedercini Heat Treatments (Northampton) Ltd Hi-Tech Furnace Systems, Inc. Hornos Y Metales Sa International Thermal Systems Jasper GmbH JSW Steel Ltd L&L Special Furnace Co., Inc. Lewco, Inc. Linn High Therm GmbH M/S Ajay Foumdry Linkers (R) Major Engineering Group Mechatherm International Ltd Millennium Technology Nabertherm GmbH Nitrex Metal Inc. Novamet Sàrl Pagnotta Termomeccanica Industrial Furnaces Pathakit Co., Ltd.

Pentageni Co. Inc Phoenix Temperature Measurement Prolind Pyrogenesis Canada Inc Raghav Ramming Mass Ltd SOL Spa Solo Swiss Sa Stas Inc. Stork Technical Services (Cooperheat Product Line) TDI Group Llc Tenova Spa Termia Technology Therelek Engineers Pvt Ltd Thermal Engineering & Controls Thermetal Engineering Ltd Thermofax Ltd - Heat Treatment Specialists TMS Europe Ltd TMS SA Vacuum & Atmosphere Services Ltd Westlake Company FURNACES, MELTING & HOLDING ACE - Rfts Llc Afeco Heating Systems AIF Engineering Private Limited Allied Trading International Ltd Andritz Metals Inc Ant Furnaces Avs Inc. Bajjo Glass Industry BDI Cooling Solutions Borel Swiss Brasco International British Industrial Furnace Constructors Association (BIFCA) Carbolite Gero Ltd Cerinnov Group Combustol Consarc Engineering Ltd Continuus-Properzi S.P.A De Winter Engineering Bv Dongyang A.K Duomo UK Ltd Elettromil Srl Epcon Industrial Systems Esotermica Srl Eurofoil Luxembourg S.A. Falorni Tech - Glass Melting Technology FEVISA Fives Stein Flammatec, Spol. S R.O. Furnace Engineering Pty Ltd G&G Steel Inc. GHI Smart Furnaces

Gillespie & Powers Inc. GNA Alutech Inc. Gruppo Pedercini Harper International Hem Engineering & Consulting Hertwich Engineering GmbH HFT Inc Hind High Vacuum Co. (P) Ltd Hormesa-Conticast Horn Glass Industries Ag Hornos Y Metales Sa Inductotherm Corp. Jasper GmbH JSC Kerammash JSW Steel Ltd Kilns and Furnaces Ltd Kuettner GmbH & Co. Kg L&L Special Furnace Co., Inc. Linn High Therm GmbH Lizmontagens Thermal Technologies LOI Thermprocess GmbH Lubitech Enterprises M.E.Schupp Industriekeramik GmbH & Co. Kg M/S Ajay Foumdry Linkers (R) Magneco/Metrel, Inc. Major Engineering Group Mansell and Associates, Llc Mechatherm International Ltd Meltech Merkle International, Inc Monometer Holdings Limited Morgan Advanced Materials Thermal Ceramics Munimula Technology P/L Nabertherm GmbH Novamet Sàrl Otto Junker GmbH Pathakit Co., Ltd. PCI Pentageni Co. Inc Permatech Phoenix Temperature Measurement Pony International Technologies, Ltd. Prolind Pyrogenesis Canada Inc Qatar Aluminium Ltd Raghav Ramming Mass Ltd Reintech GmbH Riedhammer GmbH, Industrial Kiln Plants Sacomet Limited Sandvik Heating Technology UK Schaefer Group, Inc., The Schupp Ceramics Seco/Warwick Corp.

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GUIDE TO FURNACE PLANT EQUIPMENT, MATERIALS & SERVICES Seco/Warwick S.A. Shivang Furnaces and Ovens Industries Simullex GmbH SOL Spa Solo Swiss Sa Spaco Technologies Ltd Stolzle Flaconnage SUG Schmelz- und Gießanlagen GmbH & Co. Kg TDI Group Llc Thermcon Termia Technology Therelek Engineers Pvt Ltd Thermetal Engineering Ltd Thorpe Technologies Inc TMS SA Wellman Furnaces Westlake Company FURNACES, SEALED-QUENCH AFC-Holcroft Aichelin Holding GmbH Allied Trading International Ltd Avs Inc. Bajjo Glass Industry BDI Cooling Solutions Borel Swiss British Industrial Furnace Constructors Association (BIFCA) Carbolite Gero Ltd Codere Sa Combustol Epcon Industrial Systems FEVISA Furnace Engineering Pty Ltd Heat Treatments (Northampton) Ltd Hind High Vacuum Co. (P) Ltd I.Le.S. Srl International Thermal Systems Jasper GmbH JSC Kerammash L&L Special Furnace Co., Inc. Linn High Therm GmbH M.E.Schupp Industriekeramik GmbH & Co. Kg Nabertherm GmbH Pentageni Co. Inc Phoenix Temperature Measurement Qatar Aluminium Ltd Sandvik Heating Technology UK Schupp Ceramics Seco/Warwick Corp. Seco/Warwick S.A. Solo Swiss Sa Surface Combustion, Inc. Therelek Engineers Pvt Ltd Vacuum & Atmosphere Services

FURNACES, SINTERING Afeco Heating Systems Ant Furnaces Avs Inc. Bajjo Glass Industry BCRC - Belgian Ceramic Research Centre BDI Cooling Solutions Borel Swiss Brasco International British Industrial Furnace Constructors Association (BIFCA) Carbolite Gero Ltd Cerinnov Group Clayton Thermal Processes Ltd Cockerill Maintenance & Ingenerie (CMI) Combustol Elettromil Srl Elnik Systems, Llc. Esotermica Srl FEVISA Flammatec, Spol. S R.O. Furnace Engineering Pty Ltd Furnace Technology Services (Pty) Ltd Global Oven Systems B.V. Grieve Corporation Harper International Hind High Vacuum Co. (P) Ltd Hornos Y Metales Sa I.Le.S. Srl International Thermal Systems Jasper GmbH Kilns and Furnaces Ltd L&L Special Furnace Co., Inc. Linn High Therm GmbH M.E.Schupp Industriekeramik GmbH & Co. Kg Meltech Micropyretics Heaters International Nabertherm GmbH Nel Hydrogen Nitrex Metal Inc. Pagnotta Termomeccanica Industrial Furnaces Plansee USA Llc Qatar Aluminium Ltd Raghav Ramming Mass Ltd Raloid Tool Company Incorporated Riedhammer GmbH, Industrial Kiln Plants Sandvik Heating Technology UK Sargeant & Wilbur, Inc. Sarnes Ingenieure GmbH Schupp Ceramics Seco/Warwick Corp. Seco/Warwick S.A.

Shivang Furnaces and Ovens Industries Solo Swiss Sa TDI Group Llc Therelek Engineers Pvt Ltd Thermcraft, Inc. TMS Europe Ltd Vacuum & Atmosphere Services Ltd Wall Colmonoy Aerobraze Engineered Technologies Wellman Furnaces Westlake Company FURNACES, SOAKING PITS Afeco Heating Systems Andritz Metals Inc Bajjo Glass Industry Borel Swiss British Industrial Furnace Constructors Association (BIFCA) Cockerill Maintenance & Ingenerie (CMI) Combustol Datsun Engineering and Construction Company Ebner Furnaces, Inc. Esotermica Srl FEVISA G&G Steel Inc. I.Le.S. Srl International Thermal Systems JSC Kerammash JSW Steel Ltd Mechatherm International Ltd Morgan Advanced Materials Thermal Ceramics Otto Junker GmbH Pagnotta Termomeccanica Industrial Furnaces PCI Pentageni Co. Inc Prolind Seco/Warwick Corp. Seco/Warwick S.A. Shivang Furnaces and Ovens Industries SMS Group S.P.A. Tantek Furnaces Ltd Thermcon Therelek Engineers Pvt Ltd Wellman Furnaces

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GUIDE TO FURNACE PLANT EQUIPMENT, MATERIALS & SERVICES FURNACES, TILT ROTARY Afeco Heating Systems AIF Engineering Private Limited Air and Energy Systems Inc Andritz Metals Inc Avs Inc. Bajjo Glass Industry British Industrial Furnace Constructors Association (BIFCA) Carbolite Gero Ltd Continuus-Properzi S.P.A Elite Thermal Systems Ltd Flammatec, Spol. S R.O. Furnace Engineering Pty Ltd Furnace Technology Services (Pty) GHI Smart Furnaces GNA Alutech Inc. Gruppo Pedercini Gulf Plus - Kuwait Harper International Hormesa-Conticast Hornos Y Metales Sa International Thermal Systems Jasper GmbH JSC Kerammash Kilns and Furnaces Ltd Kuettner GmbH & Co. Kg Linn High Therm GmbH Lubitech Enterprises M/S Ajay Foumdry Linkers (R) Magneco/Metrel, Inc. Major Engineering Group Mansell and Associates,Llc Mechatherm International Ltd Meltech Merkle International, Inc Monometer Holdings Limited Morgan Advanced Materials Thermal Ceramics Munimula Technology P/L Nabertherm GmbH Novamet Sàrl PCI Pentageni Co. Inc Pyrogenesis Canada Inc Schaefer Group, Inc., The Seco/Warwick Corp. Seco/Warwick S.A. SOL Spa SUG Schmelz- und Gießanlagen GmbH & Co. Kg Tantek Furnaces Ltd TDI Group Llc Therelek Engineers Pvt Ltd Thermcraft, Inc. Vacuum & Atmosphere Services Wellman Furnaces Westlake Company

FURNACES, USED EQUIPMENT ACE - Rfts Llc Afeco Heating Systems Avs Inc. BDI Cooling Solutions British Industrial Furnace Constructors Association (BIFCA) Cerinnov Group Clayton Thermal Processes Ltd Dibenedetto Appraisal Services, Member TDI Grp. Esotermica Srl Flammatec, Spol. S R.O. Gruppo Pedercini High Tech Tubes Ltd Hornos Y Metales Sa I.Le.S. Srl JSW Steel Ltd Linn High Therm GmbH M/S Ajay Foumdry Linkers (R) Machinery International Corp Pagnotta Termomeccanica Industrial Furnaces Precision Metal Products Raloid Tool Company Incorporated Reeisa RFTS LLC Riedhammer GmbH, Industrial Kiln Plants Safti Solo Swiss Sa Specnow Ltd SUG Schmelz- und Gießanlagen GmbH & Co. Kg TDI Group Llc Thermal Detection Ltd. Thermcraft, Inc. Vacuum & Atmosphere Services Ltd Wellman Furnaces Westlake Company FURNACES, VACUUM ACE - Rfts Llc Afeco Heating Systems Ant Furnaces Avs Inc. Bajjo Glass Industry BDI Cooling Solutions British Industrial Furnace Constructors Association (BIFCA) Busch (UK) Ltd Carbolite Gero Ltd Carbon International Ltd Cerinnov Group Combustol Consarc Engineering Ltd Dibenedetto Appraisal Services,

Member TDI Grp. Dongyang A.K EGB Vacuum Ltd Elettromil Srl Elnik Systems, Llc. Flammatec, Spol. S R.O. Furnace Engineering Pty Ltd Global Graphite Gulf Coast Environmental Systems High Tech Tubes Ltd Hind High Vacuum Co. (P) Ltd Inductotherm Corp. Jasper GmbH Linn High Therm GmbH Millennium Technology MTAG Technology Ag Nabertherm GmbH Nel Hydrogen Nitrex Metal Inc. Omegavac Vacuum Products Llc Pentageni Co. Inc Phoenix Temperature Measurement Plansee USA Llc RFTS LLC Rubig Engineering Seco/Warwick Corp. Seco/Warwick S.A. Specnow Ltd Surface Combustion, Inc. TDI Group Llc Techical Glass Products, Inc. Therelek Engineers Pvt Ltd Tokai Carbon Europe Toyo Tanso France Sa Vacuum & Atmosphere Services Ltd Wall Colmonoy Aerobraze Engineered Technologies Wellman Furnaces Westlake Company FURNACES, VACUUM COATING Avs Inc. Bajjo Glass Industry BDI Cooling Solutions British Industrial Furnace Constructors Association (BIFCA) Busch (UK) Ltd Carbolite Gero Ltd Consarc Engineering Ltd Dongyang A.K Gulf Coast Environmental Systems Gulf Plus - Kuwait Hind High Vacuum Co. (P) Ltd Linn High Therm GmbH Metallemporiki Thomas Makris S.A. Millennium Technology Nitrex Metal Inc.

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GUIDE TO FURNACE PLANT EQUIPMENT, MATERIALS & SERVICES Pentageni Co. Inc Rubig Engineering Seco/Warwick Corp. Therelek Engineers Pvt Ltd Vacuum & Atmosphere Services Wall Colmonoy Aerobraze Engineered Technologies Wallwork Cambridge Ltd. FURNACES, WATER-COOLING SYSTEMS Afeco Heating Systems Bajjo Glass Industry BDF Industries Spa BDI Cooling Solutions British Industrial Furnace Constructors Association (BIFCA) BWG Bergwerk- und Walzwerk-Maschinenbau GmbH Can-Eng Furnaces International Limited Datsun Engineering and Construction Company De Winter Engineering Bv Denco Lubrication Ltd Dongyang A.K Elettromil Srl Forglass Technology Sp. Z O.O. Furnace Technology Services (Pty) GHI Smart Furnaces Horn Glass Industries Ag Hornos Y Metales Sa Inductotherm Corp. International Thermal Systems Jasper GmbH Mechatherm International Ltd Meltech Millennium Technology Nadir Figueiredo Ind E Com Sa Nitrex Metal Inc. Pentageni Co. Inc Pony International Technologies Prolind Qatar Aluminium Ltd Radyne Corporation Sarnes Ingenieure GmbH Stolzle Flaconnage Therelek Engineers Pvt Ltd Vacuum & Atmosphere Services GAS ANALYSERS Advanced Energy - Lumasense Technologies GmbH Ametek Land Bajjo Glass Industry Cerinnov Group Control Instruments Corp Dibenedetto Appraisal Services,

Member TDI Grp. Emerson Automation Solutions Furnace Technology Services (Pty) Heat Application Global Heat Application India Heat Up Latin America S. De R.L. De Cv Hotwork Heat Treatment & Specialized Services Hotwork International Ag Hotwork International Inc IGR Institut Fuer Glasund Rohstofftechnologie GmbH Inficon Kahn Instruments, Inc. Marathon Monitors and Control Systems Corporation Limited MTAG Technology Ag Nadir Figueiredo Ind E Com Sa Nitrex Metal Inc. Nova Analytical Systems (A Tenova Company) Refraconsulting Industrial Technologies RFTS LLC Rockwell Automation, Inc. Siemens Process Industries and Drives SK Environmental Ltd Stazione Sperimentale Del Vetro Scpa Stolzle Flaconnage Tenova Spa Testo Limited Thermo-Kinetics Co Ltd Unicom United Process Controls Inc Vacuum & Atmosphere Services GAS GENERATORS, ATMOSPHERE AFC-Holcroft Afeco Heating Systems Aichelin Holding GmbH Air Products and Chemicals, Inc Bajjo Glass Industry Can-Eng Furnaces International Limited Cerinnov Group Combustol Istrabenz Plini D.O.O. Kandi Engineering Pvt Ltd Marathon Monitors and Control Systems Corporation Limited Nel Hydrogen Nitrex Metal Inc. PCI Pentageni Co. Inc Sargeant & Wilbur, Inc.

Sarnes Ingenieure GmbH Seco/Warwick Corp. Seco/Warwick S.A. Siad S.P.A. Surface Combustion, Inc. Thermetal Engineering Ltd United Process Controls Inc Vacuum & Atmosphere Services Wellman Furnaces GAS METERS Bajjo Glass Industry BDF Industries Spa Cerinnov Group Elster Thermal Solutions Emerson Automation Solutions Fuel Applications Limited Furnace Technology Services (Pty) Gulf Coast Environmental Systems LSA Energy Resoures Sdn Bhd Marathon Monitors and Control Systems Corporation Limited Rockwell Automation, Inc. Schaefer Group, Inc., The Siemens Process Industries and Drives Spaco Technologies Ltd Vacuum & Atmosphere Services GAS REGULATORS & VALVES BDF Industries Spa British Industrial Furnace Constructors Association (BIFCA) Cerinnov Group CMB S.R.L. Duomo UK Ltd Elster Thermal Solutions Emerson Automation Solutions Flammatec, Spol. S R.O. Fuel Applications Limited Furnace Technology Services (Pty) Fusionted S.R.L. Gefran Gruppo Pedercini Hornos Y Metales Sa LSA Energy Resoures Sdn Bhd Rapidflame Ltd UK Schaefer Group, Inc., The Siemens Process Industries and Drives UNICOM Vacuum & Atmosphere Services

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GUIDE TO FURNACE PLANT EQUIPMENT, MATERIALS & SERVICES GASES, INDUSTRIAL Air Products and Chemicals, Inc Bajjo Glass Industry Cerinnov Group Istrabenz Plini D.O.O. Millennium Technology Nadir Figueiredo Ind E Com Sa Nel Hydrogen PCI Siad S.P.A. SOL Spa GRAPHITE PRODUCTS ACE - Rfts Llc Bajjo Glass Industry Carbon International Ltd Cimsamex Eurobond Adhesives Ltd FEVISA Global Graphite Graphite Sales Inc. Hi-Tech Furnace Systems, Inc. Jasper GmbH Mersen Mersen Holytown UK Metallemporiki Thomas Makris S.A. Millennium Technology Molten Metal Equipment Innovations, Inc. Morgan Advanced Materials Thermal Ceramics Qatar Aluminium Ltd Sacomet Limited Sangraf International S.A. Tokai Carbon Europe Vacuum & Atmosphere Services HEAT & CORROSION-RESISTING ALLOYS ACE - Rfts Llc Afeco Heating Systems Ameco USA Bajjo Glass Industry Egetrac Entreprise De Genie Civil Equipement Et Travaux De Tuyauterie & Chaudronnerie Hi-Tech Furnace Systems, Inc. Hornos Y Metales Sa Kanthal Mach One (International) Limited Neonickel Blackburn Plansee USA Llc Techical Glass Products, Inc. Temperature Management Systems Thermetal Engineering Ltd Wall Colmonoy Aerobraze Engineered Technologies

Wallwork Cast Alloys Wallwork Group Wallwork Heat Treatment Group Walters & Walters Ltd HEAT EXCHANGERS Adwest Technologies Afeco Heating Systems AIF Engineering Private Limited Allstates Refractory Contractors, Llc Ameco USA Andritz Metals Inc Ant Furnaces Bajjo Glass Industry BDI Cooling Solutions Cimsamex Denco Lubrication Ltd Duomo UK Ltd Eclipse, Inc Elboy Industrial Solutions Elster Thermal Solutions Forglass Technology Sp. Z O.O. Global Graphite Gruppo Pedercini Gulf Coast Environmental Systems Harbridge Systems, Llc Hornos Y Metales Sa Intec Engineering GmbH Jasper GmbH JSW Steel Ltd Kuettner GmbH & Co. Kg M/S Ajay Foumdry Linkers (R) Nadir Figueiredo Ind E Com Sa Onejoon GmbH Pagnotta Termomeccanica Industrial Furnaces Pentageni Co. Inc Sarnes Ingenieure GmbH Schaefer Group, Inc., The Stolzle Flaconnage Tenova Spa Thermal Transfer Corporation Thermetal Engineering Ltd United Process Controls Sarl Vacuum & Atmosphere Services Wall Colmonoy Aerobraze Engineered Technologies Wellman Furnaces HEAT-TREATMENT, CONTRACT SERVICES Bajjo Glass Industry BDI Cooling Solutions Bekaert Solaronics Combustol Contract Heat Treatment Association Datsun Engineering and

Construction Company Dongyang A.K Gruppo Pedercini Gulf Plus - Kuwait Heat Treatments (Northampton) Ltd Lizmontagens Thermal Technologies Millennium Technology Nitrex Inc. – Chicago Operations Nitrex Inc. – Indiana Operations Nitrex Inc. – Michigan Operations Nitrex Metal Inc. Nitrex Metal Sp. Z O.O. Nitrex Thermal Technology (Wuxi) Co., Ltd. Raghav Ramming Mass Ltd SMS Group S.P.A. Stork Technical Services (Cooperheat Poduct Line) STT Nitrex Querétaro, S. De R.L. De C.V. Thermofax Ltd - Heat Treatment Specialists United Process Controls Sarl Vacuum & Atmosphere Services Wall Colmonoy Aerobraze Engineered Technologies Wallwork Cambridge Ltd. Wallwork Cast Alloys Wallwork Group Wallwork Heat Treatment Group Watlow Plasmatech GmbH Wellman Furnaces HIGH EMISSIVITY COATINGS Arkema Inc. Bajjo Glass Industry Cardinal Refractories Inc. Eco Technical Ceramics Eurobond Adhesives Ltd Gulf Plus - Kuwait Hexion Inc. ITC Coatings Millennium Technology Refraconsulting Industrial Technologies SBP Chemicals Unifrax Westlake Company IGNITION ELECTRODES AIF Engineering Private Limited Bajjo Glass Industry Cimsamex CMB S.R.L. Duomo UK Ltd Elster Thermal Solutions FEVISA

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GUIDE TO FURNACE PLANT EQUIPMENT, MATERIALS & SERVICES Fives Stein Fuel Applications Limited Hornos Y Metales Sa Ignition Components Ltd Jasper GmbH JSW Steel Ltd LSA Energy Resoures Sdn Bhd M/S Ajay Foumdry Linkers (R) Rapidflame Ltd UK Reintech GmbH Temperature Management Systems Pty Ltd Vacuum & Atmosphere Services Walters & Walters Ltd INDUCTION EQUIPMENT ABB Metallurgy Products Aichelin Holding GmbH Bajjo Glass Industry British Industrial Furnace Constructors Association (BIFCA) Consarc Engineering Ltd Effmag Ltd. EMG Automation GmbH Furnace Engineering Pty Ltd Hormesa-Conticast Hornos Y Metales Sa IAS GmbH Inductotherm Heating & Welding JSW Steel Ltd Linn High Therm GmbH M/S Ajay Foumdry Linkers (R) Pathakit Co., Ltd. Pentageni Co. Inc Precision Metal Products Radyne Corporation Sacomet Limited Silicon Power Corporation TDI Group Llc Walters & Walters Ltd Westlake Company INDUCTION STIRRING DEVICES ABB Metallurgy Products ACE - Rfts Llc Bajjo Glass Industry Hertwich Engineering GmbH Hormesa-Conticast Hornos Y Metales Sa Kandi Engineering Pvt Ltd Mechatherm International Ltd Munimula Technology P/L RFTS LLC

INSULATION, HIGH TEMPERATURE Allstates Refractory Contractors, Llc Bajjo Glass Industry Brasco International Carborundum Universal Limited Electro Minerals Division CFT Carbon Furnaces Technologies B.V. Eco Technical Ceramics Esotermica Srl Estiva Refratários Furnace Technology Services (Pty) Ltd Fusionted S.R.L. Gaskets Inc Global Graphite Graphite Sales Inc. Gulf Plus - Kuwait Gund Company, The Hobra - Skolnik S.R.O. Hornos Y Metales Sa Insulcon B.V JSW Steel Ltd Lizmontagens Thermal Technologies Logistica Comercial Brigmadi Sa De Cv LSA Energy Resoures Sdn Bhd M H Detrick Company Ltd M.E.Schupp Industriekeramik GmbH & Co. Kg Mam Thermal Ceramics Marina Textil Mersen Holytown UK Mid-Mountain Materials, Inc. North West Fire Protection Ltd Pagnotta Termomeccanica Industrial Furnaces Permatech Plansee USA Llc Raghav Ramming Mass Ltd Refractory Specialties, Inc.A Unifrax Company Sacomet Limited Schupp Ceramics Stolzle Flaconnage SWP Refractories Tellus-Ceram Thermetal Engineering Ltd Togni S/A Materiais Refratarios Toyo Tanso France Sa Unifrax Vacuum & Atmosphere Services Vesuvius Zircar Refractory Composites, Inc.

KILNS Allstates Refractory Contractors, Llc Ameco USA Ascon Tecnologic North America Bajjo Glass Industry Cerinnov Group CFT Carbon Furnaces Technologies B.V. Datsun Engineering and Construction Company Elite Thermal Systems Ltd Falorni Glass Service - The Art of Glass Division of Falorni Gianfranco Srl Furnace Technology Services (Pty) Gillespie & Powers Inc. Global Graphite Gulf Plus - Kuwait Harper International HFT Inc Integrated Glass Systems Bv Jasper GmbH Kilns and Furnaces Ltd Kuettner GmbH & Co. Kg L&L Special Furnace Co., Inc. Linn High Therm GmbH LSA Energy Resoures Sdn Bhd M.E.Schupp Industriekeramik GmbH & Co. Kg Magneco/Metrel, Inc. Major Engineering Group Merkle International, Inc Micropyretics Heaters International Midland Elements Limited Millennium Technology Morgan Advanced Materials Thermal Ceramics Nabertherm GmbH Neonickel Blackburn Pagnotta Termomeccanica Industrial Furnaces PCI Pentageni Co. Inc Proctor Biomass Systems Riedhammer GmbH, Industrial Kiln Plants Sandvik Heating Technology UK Sarnes Ingenieure GmbH Schupp Ceramics Spaco Technologies Ltd Therelek Engineers Pvt Ltd Thermcraft, Inc. Thorpe Technologies Inc TMS SA Wellman Furnaces

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Furnaces International December 2023

GUIDE TO FURNACE PLANT EQUIPMENT, MATERIALS & SERVICES LADLES ACE - Rfts Llc AIF Engineering Private Limited Allied Mineral Products, Inc. Ameco USA Bajjo Glass Industry Brasco International CMB S.R.L. Esotermica Srl Furnace Technology Services (Pty) Ltd G&G Steel Inc. Gillespie & Powers Inc. Hornos Y Metales Sa JSW Steel Ltd Magneco/Metrel, Inc. Millennium Technology Morgan Advanced Materials Thermal Ceramics MTAG Technology Ag Munimula Technology P/L Otto Junker GmbH Pathakit Co., Ltd. Pentageni Co. Inc Permatech Precimeter Control Ab Qatar Aluminium Ltd Refractory Specialties, Inc.A Unifrax Company RFTS LLC Riedhammer GmbH, Industrial Kiln Plants Schaefer Group, Inc., The Spaco Technologies Ltd SUG Schmelz- und Gießanlagen GmbH & Co. Kg TDI Group Llc Thermcon Thorpe Technologies Inc TMS SA Unicom Westlake Company LADLES PREHEAT Bajjo Glass Industry Cardinal Refractories Inc. Duomo UK Ltd GNA Alutech Inc. Gruppo Pedercini Heat Application Global Heat Application India Heat Up Latin America S. De R.L. De Cv Hornos Y Metales Sa Hotwork Heat Treatment & Specialized Services Hotwork International Ag Hotwork International Inc

Kanthal Magneco/Metrel, Inc. Mansell and Associates,Llc Millennium Technology PCI Pentageni Co. Inc Qatar Aluminium Ltd Rapidflame Ltd UK Sandvik Heating Technology UK Schaefer Group, Inc., The Shivang Furnaces and Ovens Industries SOL Spa Spaco Technologies Ltd SUG Schmelz- und Gießanlagen GmbH & Co. Kg TDI Group Llc TMS SA Westlake Company Whizz Engineering Services Pvt Ltd LUBRICANTS Arkema Inc. Bajjo Glass Industry Carbon International Ltd Cimsamex CMB S.R.L. Condat EMG Automation GmbH Esotermica Srl Global Graphite JSW Steel Ltd Millennium Technology Precision Metal Products Quaker Chemical B.V. SBP Chemicals Zircar Refractory Composites, Inc. LUBRICATION SYSTEMS Bajjo Glass Industry BDI Cooling Solutions Condat Denco Lubrication Ltd EMG Automation GmbH Fusionted S.R.L. Major Engineering Group Millennium Technology Precision Metal Products MAGNETIC HEATING SYSTEMS UNIFORM Bajjo Glass Industry Effmag Ltd. Elettromil Srl Pathakit Co., Ltd. Sarnes Ingenieure GmbH

MATERIALS TESTING EQUIPMENT Advanced Energy Industries GmbH Ant Furnaces Arun Technology Bajjo Glass Industry CMB S.R.L. EMG Automation GmbH Hertwich Engineering GmbH IGR Institut Fuer Glasund Rohstofftechnologie GmbH Lumetrics, Inc. M/S Ajay Foumdry Linkers (R) Machtools Technoserve Private Limited MTAG Technology Ag Onejoon GmbH Prosaw Limited Radir (Raytek Ircon) Infra-Red Systems SBP Chemicals Siemens Process Industries and Drives Spectro Analytical UK Stazione Sperimentale Del Vetro Scpa Thermcraft, Inc. Thermo Fisher Scientific METALLURGICAL & TECHNICAL LABORATORY SERVICES ABB Metallurgy Products Bajjo Glass Industry Codere Sa Harper International High Temp Measurement Llc Hornos Y Metales Sa IGR Institut Fuer Glasund Rohstofftechnologie GmbH Innoval Technology JTF Microscopy Services, Llc Kanthal M/S Ajay Foumdry Linkers (R) MTAG Technology Ag Neonickel Blackburn Nitrex Metal Sp. Z O.O. Novamet Sàrl Sacomet Limited Seven Refractories D.O.O. SOL Spa Solo Swiss Sa Spectro Analytical UK Thermo Fisher Scientific Wallwork Cambridge Ltd. Wallwork Heat Treatment Group Walters & Walters Ltd

51 Furnaces International December 2023


GUIDE TO FURNACE PLANT EQUIPMENT, MATERIALS & SERVICES OVENS ACE - Rfts Llc AIF Engineering Private Limited Ascon Tecnologic North America Bajjo Glass Industry BWG Bergwerk- und Walzwerk-Maschinenbau GmbH BWG Machinery Corporation Can-Eng Furnaces International Limited Carbolite Gero Ltd Cerinnov Group CFT Carbon Furnaces Technologies B.V. Clayton Thermal Processes Ltd Consolidated Engineering Company Datsun Engineering and Construction Company Ebner Furnaces, Inc. Elboy Industrial Solutions Elettromil Srl Elite Thermal Systems Ltd Elnik Systems, Llc. Epcon Industrial Systems Fercell Engineering Ltd Fuel Applications Limited Furnace Engineering Pty Ltd Furnace Technology Services (Pty) Ltd Garden City Fan Company, Div of Howden Gaskets Inc Gillespie & Powers Inc. Global Oven Systems B.V. Granco Clark Inc. Grieve Corporation Gruppo Pedercini Gulf Coast Environmental Systems Harbridge Systems, Llc Harper International HFT Inc Hutni Projekt Frydek Mistek A.S. I.Le.S. Srl International Thermal Systems Kilns and Furnaces Ltd Kuettner GmbH & Co. Kg L&L Special Furnace Co., Inc. Lewco, Inc. Logistica Comercial Brigmadi Sa De Cv LSA Energy Resoures Sdn Bhd M.E.Schupp Industriekeramik GmbH & Co. Kg Major Engineering Group Mechatherm International Ltd Meltech Merkle International, Inc

Micropyretics Heaters International Midland Elements Limited Nabertherm GmbH Onejoon GmbH Otto Junker GmbH Pagnotta Termomeccanica Industrial Furnaces Pentageni Co. Inc Phoenix Temperature Measurement Safti Sarnes Ingenieure GmbH Schupp Ceramics Shivang Furnaces and Ovens Industries Solo Swiss Sa Stork Technical Services (Cooperheat Poduct Line) Sun Electronic Systems, Inc Tecalex Therelek Engineers Pvt Ltd Thermcon Thermcraft, Inc. TMS Europe Ltd TMS SA Unifour B.V. Vacuum & Atmosphere Services Wellman Furnaces POWER SOURCES, INDUCTION MELTING/HEATING ABB Metallurgy Products Advanced Energy - Lumasense Technologies GmbH Advanced Energy Industries GmbH Bajjo Glass Industry BDI Cooling Solutions Consarc Engineering Ltd Elettromil Srl Eurotherm By Schneider Electric Furnace Engineering Pty Ltd Gruppo Pedercini Gulf Plus - Kuwait Inductotherm Heating & Welding Otto Junker GmbH Radyne Corporation Reintech GmbH Rockwell Automation, Inc. Silicon Power Corporation Thermcon Xiangxi Fengda Alloys Ilt PRESSES, HIGH PRESSURE ISOSTATIC Bajjo Glass Industry Cerinnov Group CMB S.R.L. Helipebs Controls Limited Mugoya Limited

PYROMETERS & TEMPERATURE MONITORING Advanced Energy - Lumasense Technologies GmbH Advanced Energy Industries GmbH Ametek Land Bajjo Glass Industry BDF Industries Spa Esotermica Srl Fluke Process Instruments Raytek/Ircon/Datapaq Brands Gefran GMC For Glass Industry Limab UK M.E.Schupp Industriekeramik GmbH & Co. Kg Mam Thermal Ceramics MTAG Technology Ag National Basic Sensor Pagnotta Termomeccanica Industrial Furnaces Palmer Wahl Instruments, Inc. Phoenix Temperature Measurement Radir (Raytek Ircon) Infra-Red Systems Rockwell Automation, Inc. Safti Schupp Ceramics Spaco Technologies Ltd Stazione Sperimentale Del Vetro Scpa Stolzle Flaconnage SUG Schmelz- und Gießanlagen GmbH & Co. Kg Temperature Management Systems Pty Ltd Testo Limited Thermo-Kinetics Co Ltd Unicom Vacuum & Atmosphere Services Williamson Corporation QUARTZ Momentive Performance Materials Raghav Ramming Mass Ltd SBP Chemicals Techical Glass Products, Inc. QUENCHING EQUIPMENT/MEDIA Bajjo Glass Industry BDI Cooling Solutions BWG Bergwerk- und Walzwerk-Maschinenbau GmbH Can-Eng Furnaces International Ltd Granco Clark Inc. Hutni Projekt Frydek Mistek A.S. I.Le.S. Srl

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GUIDE TO FURNACE PLANT EQUIPMENT, MATERIALS & SERVICES JSW Steel Ltd L&L Special Furnace Co., Inc. M/S Ajay Foumdry Linkers (R) Mayflower Engineering Ltd Otto Junker GmbH Pentageni Co. Inc Sarnes Ingenieure GmbH SMS Group GmbH SMS Group S.P.A. Solo Swiss Sa Surface Combustion, Inc. Tecalex Thermcon Thermetal Engineering Ltd TNI Spring Technologies, Llc Toyo Tanso France Sa Vacuum & Atmosphere Services Wellman Furnaces RECUPERATORS Adwest Technologies Allstates Refractory Contractors, Llc Ameco USA Bajjo Glass Industry Bloom Engineering Datsun Engineering and Construction Company De Winter Engineering Bv Dukhiram Maurya Engineering & Refractory Works (India) Pvt. Ltd. Duomo UK Ltd Esotermica Srl Gruppo Pedercini Harbridge Systems, Llc JSW Steel Ltd Kuettner GmbH & Co. Kg Lubitech Enterprises M/S Ajay Foumdry Linkers (R) PCI Pentageni Co. Inc Sarnes Ingenieure GmbH Schaefer Group, Inc., The SMS Group S.P.A. Surface Combustion, Inc. Thermal Transfer Corporation Thermetal Engineering Ltd Vacuum & Atmosphere Services RECYCLING Allstates Refractory Contractors, Llc Bajjo Glass Industry BASF Corporation BCRC - Belgian Ceramic Research Centre CFT Carbon Furnaces Technologies B.V. Clayton Thermal Processes Ltd Continuus-Properzi S.P.A

De Winter Engineering Bv EPIQ Machinery Fercell Engineering Ltd FEVISA Furnace Engineering Pty Ltd Glasstech Refractory Gruppo Pedercini Hormesa-Conticast Hornos Y Metales Sa IGR Institut Fuer Glasund Rohstofftechnologie GmbH JSW Steel Ltd Kandi Engineering Pvt Ltd LOI Thermprocess GmbH M/S Ajay Foumdry Linkers (R) Mechatherm International Ltd Monometer Holdings Limited Munimula Technology P/L Novamet Sàrl Otto Junker GmbH Pathakit Co., Ltd. Sanshin Sanwa Group SOL Spa Stazione Sperimentale Del Vetro Scpa TDI Group Llc Thermcon REFRACTORIES AIF Engineering Private Limited Allied Mineral Products, Inc. Allied Trading International Ltd Allstates Refractory Contractors, Llc Ant Furnaces Ascon Tecnologic North America Bajjo Glass Industry BCRC - Belgian Ceramic Research Centre Beck U. Kaltheuner Feuerfeste Erzeugnisse GmbH & Co. Kg Brasco International British Industrial Furnace Constructors Association (BIFCA) Calderys Calderys Refractory Solutions Calderys Refractory Taiwan Carborundum Universal Limited Electro Minerals Division Cardinal Refractories Inc. Cellaris Refractories India Limited Cerinnov Group CFT Carbon Furnaces Technologies Chapman Brack Contractors Ltd Clayton Thermal Processes Ltd Combustol DM Consulting Dukhiram Maurya Engineering & Refractory Works (India) Pvt. Ltd.

Eco Technical Ceramics Elkem Ceramite Esotermica Srl Estiva Refratários FEVISA Fives Stein Fused_Cast@Technologist.Com Fusionted S.R.L. Gaskets Inc Gillespie & Powers Inc. Glasstech Refractory Gruppo Pedercini Gulf Plus - Kuwait Hobra - Skolnik S.R.O. IGR Institut Fuer Glasund Rohstofftechnologie GmbH Inisma Insulcon B.V JSW Steel Ltd Lizmontagens Thermal Technologies Logistica Comercial Brigmadi Sa De Cv Lubitech Enterprises M H Detrick Company Ltd M/S Ajay Foumdry Linkers (R) Magma Ceramics & Catalysts Magneco/Metrel, Inc. Mam Thermal Ceramics Merkle International, Inc Mersen Micropyretics Heaters International Millennium Technology Munimula Technology P/L Nadir Figueiredo Ind E Com Sa Next Team Consulting Srl Pagnotta Termomeccanica Industrial Furnaces Pathakit Co., Ltd. Pentageni Co. Inc Permatech Qatar Aluminium Ltd Raghav Ramming Mass Ltd Rath Ag Refraconsulting Ind Technologies Refractory Specialties, Inc.A Unifrax Company Sacomet Limited Schaefer Group, Inc., The Schupp Ceramics Seven Refractories D.O.O. Sorg Keramik Service GmbH Special Ceramics (P) Ltd Stas Inc. Stazione Sperimentale Del Vetro Scpa Stolzle Flaconnage Sunrock Ceramics Company

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GUIDE TO FURNACE PLANT EQUIPMENT, MATERIALS & SERVICES Surface Combustion, Inc. SWP Refractories Tellus-Ceram Therelek Engineers Pvt Ltd Thermetal Engineering Ltd Thorpe Technologies Inc Tianjin New Century Refractories (NCR) Togni S/A Materiais Refratarios Vesuvius Vesuvius USA Wellman Furnaces York Linings International Ltd Zircar Refractory Composites, Inc. REFRACTORY ANCHORS Allied Trading International Ltd Allstates Refractory Contractors, Llc Bajjo Glass Industry Beck U. Kaltheuner Feuerfeste Erzeugnisse GmbH & Co. Kg Brasco International Calderys Calderys Refractory Solutions Calderys Refractory Taiwan Carborundum Universal Limited Electro Minerals Division Cardinal Refractories Inc. CFT Carbon Furnaces Technologies B.V. Chapman Brack Contractors Ltd Furnace Technology Services (Pty) Fusionted S.R.L. Hornos Y Metales Sa Insulcon B.V JSW Steel Ltd Lizmontagens Thermal Technologies Logistica Comercial Brigmadi Sa De Cv M/S Ajay Foumdry Linkers (R) Mach One (International) Limited Magneco/Metrel, Inc. Millennium Technology Morgan Advanced Materials Thermal Ceramics Neonickel Blackburn Pentageni Co. Inc Raghav Ramming Mass Ltd Schaefer Group, Inc., The Seven Refractories D.O.O. Special Ceramics (P) Ltd SWP Refractories Togni S/A Materiais Refratarios Vesuvius

REFRACTORY APPLICATION EQUIPMENT Allied Mineral Products, Inc. Allied Trading International Ltd Allstates Refractory Contractors, Llc Bajjo Glass Industry Beck U. Kaltheuner Feuerfeste Erzeugnisse GmbH & Co. Kg Brasco International Bricking Solutions, Inc. Calderys Calderys Refractory Solutions Cardinal Refractories Inc. Dukhiram Maurya Engineering & Refractory Works (India) Pvt. Ltd. Furnace Technology Services (Pty) Glasstech Refractory Gulf Plus - Kuwait Heat Application Global Heat Application India Heat Up Latin America S. De R.L. De Cv Hornos Y Metales Sa Hotwork Heat Treatment & Specialized Services Hotwork International Ag Hotwork International Inc JSW Steel Ltd Logistica Comercial Brigmadi Sa De Cv M/S Ajay Foumdry Linkers (R) Millennium Technology Pathakit Co., Ltd. Pentageni Co. Inc Permatech Raghav Ramming Mass Ltd Schaefer Group, Inc., The Set Linings Brasil Seven Refractories D.O.O. Toyo Tanso France Sa Vesuvius REFRACTORY BLANKETS Allied Trading International Ltd Allstates Refractory Contractors, Llc Bajjo Glass Industry Beck U. Kaltheuner Feuerfeste Erzeugnisse GmbH & Co. Kg Brasco International Calderys Calderys Refractory Solutions Cardinal Refractories Inc. Chapman Brack Contractors Ltd Eco Technical Ceramics Furnace Technology Services (Pty) Hornos Y Metales Sa Insulcon B.V JSW Steel Ltd

LSA Energy Resoures Sdn Bhd M.E.Schupp Industriekeramik GmbH & Co. Kg Mam Thermal Ceramics Mid-Mountain Materials, Inc. Millennium Technology Morgan Advanced Materials Thermal Ceramics Pagnotta Termomeccanica Industrial Furnaces Permatech Qatar Aluminium Ltd Raghav Ramming Mass Ltd Refractory Specialties, Inc.A Unifrax Company Sacomet Limited Safti Schaefer Group, Inc., The Schupp Ceramics Seven Refractories D.O.O. Special Ceramics (P) Ltd SWP Refractories Unifrax Vesuvius Zircar Refractory Composites, Inc. REFRACTORY CUTTING MACHINES Allied Trading International Ltd Allstates Refractory Contractors, Llc Bajjo Glass Industry Brasco International Calderys Refractory Solutions Dukhiram Maurya Engineering & Refractory Works (India) Pvt. Ltd. Insulcon B.V JSW Steel Ltd Kandi Engineering Pvt Ltd Logistica Comercial Brigmadi Sa De Cv Millennium Technology Pentageni Co. Inc Prosaw Limited Seven Refractories D.O.O. REFRACTORY ENGINEERING SUPPLY & INSTALLATION Air and Energy Systems Inc Allied Mineral Products, Inc. Allied Trading International Ltd Allstates Refractory Contractors, Llc Ant Furnaces Avs Inc. Bajjo Glass Industry Beck U. Kaltheuner Feuerfeste Erzeugnisse GmbH & Co. Kg Brasco International Calderys 54


Furnaces International December 2023

GUIDE TO FURNACE PLANT EQUIPMENT, MATERIALS & SERVICES Calderys Refractory Solutions Calderys Refractory Taiwan Cardinal Refractories Inc. Cerinnov Group CFT Carbon Furnaces Technologies B.V. Chapman Brack Contractors Ltd Dukhiram Maurya Engineering & Refractory Works (India) Pvt. Ltd. Eco Technical Ceramics Elkem Ceramite Estiva Refratários Falorni Tech - Glass Melting Technology Forglass Technology Sp. Z O.O. Fusionted S.R.L. Gillespie & Powers Inc. Glass Strand Inc Glasstech Refractory GNA Alutech Inc. HFT Inc Hi-Tech Furnace Systems, Inc. Horn Glass Industries Ag Hornos Y Metales Sa Hutni Projekt Frydek Mistek A.S. Insulcon B.V Integrated Glass Systems Bv JSW Steel Ltd Lizmontagens Thermal Technologies Logistica Comercial Brigmadi Sa De Cv Lubitech Enterprises M H Detrick Company Ltd M/S Ajay Foumdry Linkers (R) Major Engineering Group Mam Thermal Ceramics Merkle International, Inc Mersen Millennium Technology Morgan Advanced Materials Thermal Ceramics

Nikolaus Sorg GmbH & Co. Kg Pagnotta Termomeccanica Industrial Furnaces Pentageni Co. Inc Permatech Pony International Technologies, Ltd. Prosaw Limited

Raghav Ramming Mass Ltd Rath Ag Riedhammer GmbH, Industrial Kiln Plants Set Linings Brasil Seven Refractories D.O.O. Tellus-Ceram Thorpe Technologies Inc TNI Spring Technologies, Llc Togni S/A Materiais Refratarios Vesuvius Vesuvius USA Woltz GmbH York Linings International Ltd REFRACTORY, RAW MATERIALS Allied Trading International Ltd Ant Furnaces Bajjo Glass Industry Beck U. Kaltheuner Feuerfeste Erzeugnisse GmbH & Co. Kg Calderys Calderys Refractory Solutions Carborundum Universal Limited Electro Minerals Division Cellaris Refractories India Limited Chapman Brack Contractors Ltd Dongyang A.K Eco Technical Ceramics Elkem Ceramite Gaskets Inc Gillespie & Powers Inc. Glasstech Refractory Hem Engineering & Consulting Hornos Y Metales Sa IGR Institut Fuer Glas- und Rohstofftechnologie GmbH Inisma Insulcon B.V JSW Steel Ltd M/S Ajay Foumdry Linkers (R) Millennium Technology Nadir Figueiredo Ind E Com Sa Neonickel Blackburn Pagnotta Termomeccanica - Industrial Furnaces Permatech Qatar Aluminium Ltd Raghav Ramming Mass Ltd Rath Ag SBP Chemicals Tellus-Ceram Thorpe Technologies Inc Togni S/A Materiais Refratarios Toyo Tanso France Sa Unicom Vesuvius Zircar Refractory Composites Inc.

REFRACTORY METALS Allied Trading International Ltd Allstates Refractory Contractors, Llc Ant Furnaces Avs Inc. Bajjo Glass Industry Beck U. Kaltheuner Feuerfeste Erzeugnisse GmbH & Co. Kg Calderys Refractory Solutions Cardinal Refractories Inc. Egetrac Entreprise De Genie Civil Equipement Et Travaux De Tuyauterie & Chaudronnerie Ernst B Westman Ltd Glasstech Refractory H.C. Starck Hornos Y Metales Sa JSW Steel Ltd M/S Ajay Foumdry Linkers (R) Millennium Technology Permatech Plansee USA Llc Qatar Aluminium Ltd Raghav Ramming Mass Ltd Thermetal Engineering Ltd Wallwork Cast Alloys Wallwork Group Wallwork Heat Treatment Group REFRACTORY REMOVAL EQUIPMENT Allied Trading International Ltd Allstates Refractory Contractors, Llc Aquajet Bajjo Glass Industry Beck U. Kaltheuner Feuerfeste Erzeugnisse GmbH & Co. Kg Brasco International Bricking Solutions, Inc. Brokk Inc. Calderys Calderys Refractory Solutions Dukhiram Maurya Engineering & Refractory Works (India) Pvt. Ltd. Egetrac Entreprise De Genie Civil Equipement Et Travaux De Tuyauterie & Chaudronnerie Furnace Technology Services (Pty) L Glasstech Refractory Hornos Y Metales Sa JSW Steel Ltd Kandi Engineering Pvt Ltd Logistica Comercial Brigmadi Sa De Cv Millennium Technology Set Linings Brasil Seven Refractories D.O.O.

55 Furnaces International December 2023


GUIDE TO FURNACE PLANT EQUIPMENT, MATERIALS & SERVICES REPAIRS - FURNACE MAINTENANCE, ENGINEERING ACE - Rfts Llc Air and Energy Systems Inc Allied Mineral Products, Inc. Allied Trading International Ltd Allstates Refractory Contractors, Llc Ant Furnaces Aquajet Avs Inc. Bajjo Glass Industry Beck U. Kaltheuner Feuerfeste Erzeugnisse GmbH & Co. Kg Bricking Solutions, Inc. Brokk Inc. Busch (UK) Ltd Calderys Calderys Refractory Solutions Cardinal Refractories Inc. Castolin Eutectic Cerinnov Group CFT Carbon Furnaces Technologies B.V. Chapman Brack Contractors Ltd Clayton Thermal Processes Ltd CMB S.R.L. Cockerill Maintenance & Ingenerie (CMI) Combustol Consarc Engineering Ltd Datsun Engineering and Construction Company De Winter Engineering Bv Dukhiram Maurya Engineering & Refractory Works (India) Pvt. Ltd. Duomo UK Ltd Eco Technical Ceramics EGB Vacuum Ltd Egetrac Entreprise De Genie Civil Equipement Et Travaux De Tuyauterie & Chaudronnerie Elkem Ceramite Epcon Industrial Systems Esotermica Srl Falorni Glass Service - The Art of Glass Division of Falorni Gianfranco Srl Falorni Tech - Glass Melting Technology FEVISA Forglass Technology Sp. Z O.O. Fuel Applications Limited Furnace Technology Services (Pty) Fusionted S.R.L. Gaskets Inc Gillespie & Powers Inc. Glasstech Refractory GNA Alutech Inc.

Gulf Coast Environmental Systems Gulf Plus - Kuwait Hatch Associates Heat Application Global Heat Application India Heat Up Latin America S. De R.L. De Cv HFT Inc Horn Glass Industries Ag Hornos Y Metales Sa Hotwork Hotwork Australia Pty Ltd Hotwork Heat Treatment & Specialized Services Hotwork International Ag Hotwork International Inc I.Le.S. Srl Insulcon B.V International Thermal Systems ITC Coatings Jasper GmbH JSW Steel Ltd Kandi Engineering Pvt Ltd Kanthal Lizmontagens Thermal Technologies LSA Energy Resoures Sdn Bhd Lubitech Enterprises Lum’art Ceramica M.E.Schupp Industriekeramik GmbH & Co. Kg Magneco/Metrel, Inc. Major Engineering Group Mechatherm International Ltd Meltech Merkle International, Inc Mersen Midland Elements Limited Millennium Technology Morgan Advanced Materials Thermal Ceramics Munimula Technology P/L Nadir Figueiredo Ind E Com Sa Neonickel Blackburn

Nikolaus Sorg GmbH & Co. Kg Otto Junker GmbH Pagnotta Termomeccanica Industrial Furnaces Pentageni Co. Inc Pony International Technologies,

Raghav Ramming Mass Ltd Rath Ag Refraconsulting Industrial Technologies Reintech GmbH RFTS LLC Riedhammer GmbH, Industrial Kiln Plants Sandvik Heating Technology UK Schupp Ceramics Set Linings Brasil Shivang Furnaces and Ovens Industries Simullex GmbH Sorg Keramik Service GmbH Stork Technical Services (Cooperheat Poduct Line) SUG Schmelz- und Gießanlagen GmbH & Co. Kg Surface Combustion, Inc. SWS Alloys and Metals Ltd Thermetal Engineering Ltd Thermcon Thorpe Technologies Inc TMS SA TNI Spring Technologies, Llc Unifour B.V. Unifrax Vacuum & Atmosphere Services Vail Rubber Works Vesuvius Vesuvius Wellman Furnaces Woltz GmbH RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT Allied Mineral Products, Inc. Ametek Land Ant Furnaces Avs Inc. Azterlan Metallurgy Research Centre Bajjo Glass Industry BCRC - Belgian Ceramic Research Centre Calderys Cerinnov Group CFT Carbon Furnaces Technologies B.V. Codere Sa Department for Industrial Furnaces and Heat Engineering RWTH Aachen University Dukhiram Maurya Engineering & Refractory Works (India) Pvt. Ltd. FEVISA Forglass Technology Sp. Z O.O. Fusionted S.R.L. 56


Furnaces International December 2023

GUIDE TO FURNACE PLANT EQUIPMENT, MATERIALS & SERVICES Gefran Hatch Associates Hornos Y Metales Sa IGR Institut Fuer Glasund Rohstofftechnologie GmbH Inisma Innoval Technology JSW Steel Ltd JTF Microscopy Services, Llc Kanthal M/S Ajay Foumdry Linkers (R) Marina Textil Mechatherm International Ltd Nadir Figueiredo Ind E Com Sa

Nikolaus Sorg GmbH & Co. Kg Onejoon GmbH Otto Junker GmbH PCI Pentageni Co. Inc Pony International Technologies, Ltd. Radquim Raghav Ramming Mass Ltd Rath Ag Refractory Specialties, Inc.A Unifrax Company Riedhammer GmbH, Industrial Kiln Plants RJM Metal Consultancy Ltd Rockwell Automation, Inc. Sacomet Limited Siemens Process Industries and Drives Spaco Technologies Ltd Stazione Sperimentale Del Vetro Scpa SUG Schmelz- und Gießanlagen GmbH & Co. Kg Techical Glass Products, Inc. Tellus-Ceram Tenova Goodfellow Inc. Thermcon TMS SA TNI Spring Technologies, Llc Wall Colmonoy Aerobraze Engineered Technologies Wallwork Cambridge Ltd. Wallwork Heat Treatment Group

SAFETY EQUIPMENT A J Charnaud & Co (Pty) Ltd Bajjo Glass Industry Bricking Solutions, Inc. CMB S.R.L. Contego Safety Solutions Control Instruments Corp Duomo UK Ltd Emerson Automation Solutions FEVISA Fluke Process Instruments Raytek/Ircon/Datapaq Brands Gaskets Inc Hornos Y Metales Sa JSW Steel Ltd Logistica Comercial Brigmadi Sa De Cv M/S Ajay Foumdry Linkers (R) Marina Textil MTAG Technology Ag Precimeter Control Ab Prolind Pureflo Quaker Chemical B.V. Refraconsulting Industrial Technologies Rockwell Automation, Inc. Sarnes Ingenieure GmbH Siemens Process Industries and Drives Spaco Technologies Ltd Testo Limited SCRAP PREHEATERS ACE - Rfts Llc Bajjo Glass Industry Dibenedetto Appraisal Services, Member TDI Grp. Dongyang A.K Gillespie & Powers Inc. GNA Alutech Inc. Hertwich Engineering GmbH Hornos Y Metales Sa JSW Steel Ltd M/S Ajay Foumdry Linkers (R) Major Engineering Group Mechatherm International Ltd Otto Junker GmbH PCI Pentageni Co. Inc Thermcon Thorpe Technologies Inc SIPHON SYSTEMS Bajjo Glass Industry Beck U. Kaltheuner Feuerfeste Erzeugnisse GmbH & Co. Kg

GNA Alutech Inc. Hencon JSW Steel Ltd Major Engineering Group Munimula Technology P/L Pentageni Co. Inc SUBCONTRACT SERVICES Allstates Refractory Contractors, Llc Bajjo Glass Industry Brasco International CFT Carbon Furnaces Technologies B.V. Chapman Brack Contractors Ltd Clayton Thermal Processes Ltd CMB S.R.L. Datsun Engineering and Construction Company Dukhiram Maurya Engineering & Refractory Works (India) Pvt. Ltd. Innoval Technology JSW Steel Ltd JTF Microscopy Services, Llc North West Fire Protection Ltd Pentageni Co. Inc Stas Inc. Stazione Sperimentale Del Vetro Scpa Stork Technical Services (Cooperheat Poduct Line) Thermofax Ltd - Heat Treatment Specialists Vacuum & Atmosphere Services Vail Rubber Works Vesuvius Wall Colmonoy Aerobraze Engineered Technologies TEMPERATURE CONTROLS Advanced Energy - Lumasense Technologies GmbH Advanced Energy Industries GmbH Ametek Land Ascon Tecnologic North America Bajjo Glass Industry BASF Corporation BDF Industries Spa CFT Carbon Furnaces Technologies De Winter Engineering Bv Dongyang A.K Emerson Automation Solutions Eurotherm By Schneider Electric Fives Stein Fluke Process Instruments Raytek/Ircon/Datapaq Brands Fuel Applications Limited Gefran GMC For Glass Industry

57 Furnaces International December 2023


GUIDE TO FURNACE PLANT EQUIPMENT, MATERIALS & SERVICES GNA Alutech Inc. Gruppo Pedercini Hays Cleveland Hornos Y Metales Sa LSA Energy Resoures Sdn Bhd M.E.Schupp Industriekeramik GmbH & Co. Kg Marathon Monitors and Control Systems Corporation Limited Mechatherm International Ltd Millennium Technology MTAG Technology Ag Nadir Figueiredo Ind E Com Sa Novamet Sàrl Obninsk Thermoelectric Company, Ohio Semitronics, Inc. Pagnotta Termomeccanica Industrial Furnaces Permatech Phoenix Temperature Measurement Prolind Radir (Raytek Ircon) Infra-Red Systems Refraconsulting Ind Technologies Rockwell Automation, Inc. Schupp Ceramics Siemens Process Industries and Drives Specnow Ltd Stas Inc. Stork Technical Services (Cooperheat Poduct Line) SUG Schmelz- und Gießanlagen GmbH & Co. Kg Sun Electronic Systems, Inc Temperature Management Systems Thermal Engineering & Controls Thermcraft, Inc. Thermo-Kinetics Co Ltd TMS Europe Ltd TMS SA Unicom United Process Controls Inc Vacuum & Atmosphere Services Watlow Plasmatech GmbH TEMPERATURE INDICATING PAINTS/CRAYONS Bajjo Glass Industry JSW Steel Ltd Metallemporiki Thomas Makris S.A. Millennium Technology Pagnotta Termomeccanica Industrial Furnaces Radir (Raytek Ircon) Infra-Red Systems SBP Chemicals Walters & Walters Ltd

THERMOCOUPLES Advanced Energy - Lumasense Technologies GmbH Advanced Energy Industries GmbH Allstates Refractory Contractors, Llc Ascon Tecnologic North America Bajjo Glass Industry BASF Corporation Carbolite Gero Ltd Cardinal Refractories Inc. De Winter Engineering Bv Dongyang A.K EGB Vacuum Ltd Esotermica Srl FEVISA Fluke Process Instruments Raytek/Ircon/Datapaq Brands Fredericks Company, The | Televac Furnace Technology Services (Pty) GMC For Glass Industry Hays Cleveland High Temp Measurement Llc Hi-Tech Furnace Systems, Inc. Hornos Y Metales Sa IAS GmbH JSW Steel Ltd Kanthal LSA Energy Resoures Sdn Bhd Metallemporiki Thomas Makris S.A. Morgan Advanced Materials Thermal Ceramics National Basic Sensor Obninsk Thermoelectric Company, Pagnotta Termomeccanica Industrial Furnaces Palmer Wahl Instruments, Inc. Pathakit Co., Ltd. Permatech Phoenix Temperature Measurement Pyromation, Inc. Radir (Raytek Ircon) Infra-Red Systems Raloid Tool Company Incorporated Rockwell Automation, Inc. SK Environmental Ltd Spaco Technologies Ltd Stolzle Flaconnage Stork Technical Services (Cooperheat Product Line) Tecalex Techical Glass Products, Inc. Temperature Management Systems Therelek Engineers Pvt Ltd Thermal Detection Ltd. Thermcraft, Inc. Thermo-Kinetics Co Ltd TMS Europe Ltd UNICOM Vacuum & Atmosphere Services

Watlow Plasmatech GmbH Wellman Furnaces VACUUM COMPONENTS Bajjo Glass Industry Busch (UK) Ltd Carbon International Ltd Consarc Engineering Ltd Emerson Automation Solutions Fredericks Company, The | Televac Global Graphite Hind High Vacuum Co. (P) Ltd Howden, A Chart Industries Company Inficon Mam Thermal Ceramics MTAG Technology Ag Omegavac Vacuum Products Llc Pathakit Co., Ltd. Rockwell Automation, Inc. Techical Glass Products, Inc. Therelek Engineers Pvt Ltd Toyo Tanso France Sa Vacuum & Atmosphere Services Vacuum Research Corporation Wall Colmonoy Aerobraze Engineered Technologies VACUUM PUMPS Bajjo Glass Industry Busch (UK) Ltd Hind High Vacuum Co. (P) Ltd M/S Ajay Foumdry Linkers (R) Metallemporiki Thomas Makris S.A. MTAG Technology Ag Omegavac Vacuum Products Llc Refraconsulting Industrial Technologies Rockwell Automation, Inc. Therelek Engineers Pvt Ltd Vacuum & Atmosphere Services Vacuum Research Corporation WEIGHING EQUIPMENT Allstates Refractory Contractors, Llc Bajjo Glass Industry Forglass Technology Sp. Z O.O. Hornos Y Metales Sa MCGI Millennium Technology Pentageni Co. Inc Rockwell Automation, Inc. Segrif Siemens Process Industries and Drives SUG Schmelz- and Gießanlagen GmbH & Co. Kg

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COUNTRY LISTINGS 2023 AUSTRALIA Furnace Engineering Pty Heat Application Global Hotwork Australia Pty Ltd Major Engineering Group Munimula Technology P/L

CZECH REPUBLIC Flammatec, Spol. S R.O. Glass Service, A.S. Hobra - Skolnik S.R.O. Hutni Projekt Frydek Mistek A.S. Refraconsulting Industrial Technologies

AUSTRIA Aichelin Holding GmbH Hertwich Engineering GmbH Rath Ag Watlow Plasmatech GmbH


BELGIUM BCRC - Belgian Ceramic Research Centre Cockerill Maintenance & Ingenerie (CMI) Inisma Segrif

FINLAND Effmag Ltd. Glaston Finland Oy

BRAZIL Combustol Estiva Refratários Lum’art Ceramica Millennium Technology Nadir Figueiredo Ind E Com Sa Prolind Set Linings Brasil Togni S/A Materiais Refratarios BULGARIA Lubisol Ltd CANADA Brasco International Can-Eng Furnaces International Ltd Cardinal Refractories Inc. EPIQ Machinery Fuel Applications Limited GNA Alutech Inc. Hatch Associates Nitrex Metal Inc. Pyrogenesis Canada Inc Stas Inc. Tenova Goodfellow Inc. Thermo-Kinetics Co Ltd CHINA Ares Marathon Monitors and Control Systems Corporation Limited Nitrex Thermal Technology (Wuxi) Co., Ltd. Tianjin New Century Refractories (NCR) Xiangxi Fengda Alloys Ilt


EGYPT Allied Trading International Ltd GTG

FRANCE Bekaert Solaronics Calderys Cerinnov Group CMI Condat Emerson Automation Solution Fives Stein GMC For Glass Industry Maguin S.A.S. Mersen Surface Combustion Tellus-Ceram Toyo Tanso France Sa United Process Controls Sarl Vesuvius GERMANY Advanced Energy - Lumasense Technologies GmbH Advanced Energy Industries GmbH Beck U. Kaltheuner Feuerfeste Erzeugnisse GmbH & Co. Kg Bock Energietechnik GmbH BWG Bergwerk- und Walzwerk-Maschinenbau GmbH Department For Industrial Furnaces and Heat Engineering RWTH Aachen University Dnetwo Elboy Industrial Solutions EMG Automation GmbH Glama Maschinenbau GmbH Horn Glass Industries Ag IAS GmbH IGR Institut Fuer Glas- und Rohstofftechnologie GmbH Intec Engineering GmbH

Jasper GmbH Kuettner GmbH & Co. Kg Linn High Therm GmbH LOI Thermprocess GmbH M.E.Schupp Industriekeramik GmbH & Co. Kg Nabertherm GmbH Onejoon GmbH Otto Junker GmbH Reintech GmbH RIA Cast House Engineering GmbH Riedhammer GmbH, Industrial Kiln Plants Sarnes Ingenieure GmbH Schupp Ceramics Simullex GmbH SMS Group GmbH

Nikolaus Sorg GmbH & Co. Kg Sorg Keramik Service GmbH Sug Schmelz- und Gießanlagen GmbH & Co. Kg Thermcon Ventilatorenfabrik Oelde GmbH Woltz GmbH GREECE Metallemporiki Thomas Makris S.A. INDIA Afeco Heating Systems AIF Engineering Private Limited Calderys Refractory Solutions Carborundum Universal Limited Electro Minerals Division Cellaris Refractories India Limited Datsun Engineering and Construction Company Deepak Industries Dukhiram Maurya Engineering & Refractory Works (India) Pvt. Ltd. Fluidtherm Technology Heat Application India Hind High Vacuum Co. (P) Ltd Jaideep Ispat & Alloys Pvt Ltd JSW Steel Ltd Kandi Engineering Pvt Ltd Lubitech Enterprises M/S Ajay Foumdry Linkers (R) Machtools Technoserve Private Limited

59 Furnaces International December 2023


COUNTRY LISTINGS 2023 Raghav Ramming Mass Ltd Shivang Furnaces and Ovens Industries Spaco Technologies Ltd Special Ceramics (P) Ltd Therelek Engineers Pvt Ltd Thermal Engineering & Controls Whizz Engineering Services Pvt Ltd INDONESIA Pony International Technologies ITALY BDF Industries Spa CMB S.R.L. Continuus-Properzi S.P.A DM Consulting Elettromil Srl Eng. Roses International Esotermica Srl Fused_Cast@Technologist.Com Fusionted S.R.L. Gefran Gruppo Pedercini I.Le.S. Srl I.Process Srl Industrie CBI S.P.A Nitrex Colmegna Srl Sangalli Technologies Esco S.R.L. Siad S.P.A. SMS Group S.P.A. SOL Spa Stazione Sperimentale Del Vetro Scpa Tenova Spa TURLA Extrusion Plants RFK Srl JAPAN Sanshin Sanwa Group YS Tech Co Ltd KENYA Mugoya Limited KOREA Dongyang A.K

MEXICO Cimsamex FEVISA Heat Up Latin America S. De R.L. De Cv Logistica Comercial Brigmadi Sa De Cv Radquim Rafael Valadez STT Nitrex Querétaro, S. De R.L. De C.V. Vitro Envases Sa De C.V MOLDOVA Next Team Consulting Srl MOROCCO Egetrac Entreprise De Genie Civil Equipement Et Travaux De Tuyauterie & Chaudronnerie NETHERLANDS CelSian CFT Carbon Furnaces Technologies B.V. De Winter Engineering BV Global Oven Systems B.V. Hencon Insulcon B.V Integrated Glass Systems BV Quaker Chemical B.V. Unifour B.V. NORWAY Elkem Ceramite PHILIPPINES Hotwork International Inc POLAND Forglass Technology Sp. Z O.O. Nitrex Metal Sp. Z O.O. Seco/Warwick S.A.

KUWAIT Gulf Plus – Kuwait

PORTUGAL Hotwork Heat Treatment & Specialized Services Lizmontagens Thermal Technologies

LUXEMBOURG Eurofoil Luxembourg S.A. TAHA International S.A.

QATAR Qatar Aluminium Ltd

MALAYSIA LSA Energy Resoures Sdn Bhd

RUSSIA Obninsk Thermoelectric Company, Ltd

SERBIA Unicom SLOVENIA Istrabenz Plini D.O.O. Seven Refractories D.O.O. SOUTH AFRICA A J Charnaud & Co (Pty) Ltd Furnace Technology Services (Pty) Ltd Temperature Management Systems Pty Ltd TMS SA SPAIN Aircontrol Industrial, S.L. Azterlan Metallurgy Research Centre GHI Smart Furnaces Hormesa-Conticast Hornos Y Metales Sa Mam Thermal Ceramics Marina Textil Tecalex SWEDEN ABB Metallurgy Products Gigasense Ab Kanthal Precimeter Control Ab SWITZERLAND Borel Swiss Castolin Eutectic Codere Sa Hotwork International Ag MTAG Technology Ag Novamet Sàrl Sangraf International S.A. Solo Swiss Sa Thermo Fisher Scientific THAILAND Pathakit Co., Ltd. TURKEY BEST - Balikesir Elektromekanik Sanayi Tesisleri Glasstech Refractory Hem Engineering & Consulting Pentageni Co. Inc Sistem Makina Industrial Furnaces UGANDA Bajjo Glass Industry UKRAINE JSC Kerammash

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Furnaces International December 2023

COUNTRY LISTINGS 2023 UNITED KINGDOM Ametek Land Arun Technology BDI Cooling Solutions British Industrial Furnace Constructors Association (BIFCA) Busch (UK) Ltd Calderys Refractory Taiwan Carbolite Gero Ltd Carbon International Ltd Chapman Brack Contractors Ltd Charter Tech Limited Clayton Thermal Processes Ltd Consarc Engineering Ltd Contego Safety Solutions Contract Heat Treatment Association Daniels Fans Ltd Denco Lubrication Ltd Duomo UK Ltd Eco Technical Ceramics EGB Vacuum Ltd Electroglass Ltd Elite Thermal Systems Ltd Elster Thermal Solutions EME Emerson Automation Solutions Ernst B Westman Ltd Eurobond Adhesives Ltd Eurotherm By Schneider Electric F.I.C. (UK) Limited Fan Systems Group Ltd Fercell Engineering Ltd

Furnaces International G&T Associates (Services) Ltd Heat Treatments (Northampton) Ltd Helipebs Controls Limited High Tech Tubes Ltd Ignition Components Ltd Inductotherm Heating & Welding Innoval Technology Inspectahire Kilns and Furnaces Ltd KTG Engineering Lias Industrial Ltd Limab UK M H Detrick Company Ltd Mach One (International) Limited Magma Ceramics & Catalysts Mayflower Engineering Ltd MCGI Mechatherm International Ltd Meltech

Mersen Holytown UK Midland Elements Limited Monometer Holdings Limited Thermal Ceramics N G Johnson (Northern) Ltd Neonickel Blackburn North West Fire Protection Ltd Pagnotta Termomeccanica Industrial Furnaces Phoenix Temperature Measurement Proctor Biomass Systems Prosaw Limited Pureflo Radir (Raytek Ircon) Infra-Red Systems Rapidflame Ltd UK RJM Metal Consultancy Ltd Sacomet Limited Sandvik Heating Technology UK SBP Chemicals SK Environmental Ltd Specnow Ltd Spectro Analytical UK Stolzle Flaconnage Stork Technical Services Cooperheat Product Line) SWP Refractories SWS Alloys and Metals Ltd Tantek Furnaces Ltd Tecoglas Testo Limited Thermal Detection Ltd. Thermetal Engineering Ltd Thermofax Ltd - Heat Treatment Specialists TMS Europe Ltd Tokai Carbon Europe Unicom Unifrax Vacuum & Atmosphere Services Ltd Vesuvius Wall Colmonoy Aerobraze Engineered Technologies Wallwork Cambridge Ltd. Wallwork Cast Alloys Wallwork Group Wallwork Heat Treatment Group Walters & Walters Ltd Wellman Furnaces York Linings International Ltd Zedtec Limited UNITED STATES ACE - Rfts Llc Adwest Technologies AFC-Holcroft Air and Energy Systems Inc Air Products and Chemicals, Inc

AJZ & Associates Consulting Allied Mineral Products, Inc. Allstates Refractory Contractors, Llc Ameco USA Andritz Metals Inc Ant Furnaces Aquajet Arkema Inc. Ascon Tecnologic North America Avs Inc. Bakelite Synthetics BASF Corporation Bloom Engineering Bricking Solutions, Inc. Brokk Inc. BWG Machinery Corporation Chiz Bros Consolidated Engineering Company Control Instruments Corp Couplings Company, Inc. Dibenedetto Appraisal Services, Member Tdi Grp. EAE Tech Inc Ebner Furnaces, Inc. Eclipse, Inc Elnik Systems, Llc. Energy Associates, P.C. Epcon Industrial Systems Fluke Process Instruments Raytek/Ircon/Datapaq Brands Fredericks Company, The | Televac G&G Steel Inc. Garden City Fan Company, Div of Howden Gaskets Inc Gea Process Engineering Inc. General Glass Equipment Company, Inc. Gillespie & Powers Inc. Glass Strand Inc Global Graphite Granco Clark Inc. Graphite Sales Inc. Grieve Corporation Gulf Coast Environmental Systems Gund Company, The H.C. Starck Harbridge Systems, Llc Harper International Hays Cleveland Heat Treat Today Hexion Inc. HFT Inc High Temp Measurement Llc Hi-Tech Furnace Systems, Inc. Hotwork Howden, A Chart Ind Company I Squared R Element Co., Inc.

61 Furnaces International December 2023


COUNTRY LISTINGS 2023 IGE High Temperature Fans Inductotherm Corp. Industrial Gas Engineering Inficon International Thermal Systems ITC Coatings JTF Microscopy Services, Llc Kahn Instruments, Inc. Kennedy Eurotech KTG Systems L&L Special Furnace Co., Inc. Lenox Instrument Company, Inc. Lewco, Inc. Lumetrics, Inc. Machinery International Corp Magneco/Metrel, Inc. Mansell and Associates, Llc McGill Airclean, Llc Merkle International, Inc Micropyretics Heaters International Mid-Mountain Materials, Inc. Molten Metal Equipment Innovations, Inc. Molyneux Industries Rails & Rail Clips Momentive Performance Materials Inc.

National Basic Sensor Nel Hydrogen Nitrex Inc. – Chicago Operations Nitrex Inc. – Indiana Operations Nitrex Inc. – Michigan Operations NK Technologies Nova Analytical Systems (A Tenova Company) Ohio Semitronics, Inc. Omegavac Vacuum Products Llc Palmer Wahl Instruments, Inc. PCI Permatech Plansee USA Llc Precimeter Precision Metal Products Pyromation, Inc. Rad-Con, Inc. Radyne Corporation Raloid Tool Company Incorporated Refractory Specialties, Inc.A Unifrax Company Rfts Llc Rockwell Automation, Inc. Rubig Engineering Safti Sargeant & Wilbur, Inc.

Schaefer Group, Inc., The Seco/Warwick Corp. Siemens Process Industries and Drives Silicon Power Corporation Sun Electronic Systems, Inc Sunrock Ceramics Company Surface Combustion, Inc. TDI Group Llc Techical Glass Products, Inc. Termia Technology Thermal Transfer Corporation Thermcraft, Inc. Thorpe Technologies Inc TNI Spring Technologies, Llc Toledo Engineering Co., Inc (TECO) Tri-Mer Corporation United Process Controls Inc Vacuum Research Corporation Vail Rubber Works Vesuvius USA Vibra-Pro Company Inc. Westlake Company Williamson Corporation WS Thermal Process Technology Inc. Zircar Refractory Composites, Inc.

ADVERTISE IN FURNACES INTERNATIONAL Furnaces International brings readers a selection of technical features focusing on all aspects of the international furnaces market, as well as industry news and events. Providing a portfolio for companies to communicate and learn about one another, Furnaces International offers a range of advertorial opportunities, online and in the magazine, for companies who are influential to the furnace market. Please contact: Esme Horn, Sales Manager & Directory Co-ordinator T: +44 (0) 1737 855136 E: esmehorn@quartzltd.com Zahra Awan, Assistant Editor E: zahraawan@quartzltd.com

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