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Why use the Careers Service?
We are dedicated to making employability an unmissable part of the student experience at Queen’s. Our expert team are committed to ensuring every student has access to the right experiences to develop future-ready skills. We work to expose students to the right connections and expertise they need during their time at Queen’s and into their early career. We offer support with all aspects of career-planning and decision-making. We work collaboratively to produce future-ready graduates.
We broaden horizons
Every year we help over 900 Queen ' s students take the opportunity to go outside Northern Ireland to study or gain work-related experience. Students who go abroad are more likely to be in a graduate role after graduation.
*Gone International: Rising Aspirations, 2016-2017
We make vital introductions
We work with employers, locally, nationally and internationally to give Queen’s students access to internship, placement and graduate opportunities.
04 We equip students with the tools to succeed
All Queen’s students have access to MyFuture, Queen’s online career management system which allows them to search and apply for jobs and to browse and book career-enhancing events and activities.
We help students get hired
Students who upload a CV or application to MyFuture are more likely to be in a graduate role after graduation than those who don’t use MyFuture.
*Based on Graduate Outcomes 17/18
We help students build impactful CVs
All Queen’s students have access to VMock, our automated CV checker, which spots simple errors on a CV before an employer does.

We shape global citizens
We are focussed on producing the global leaders of the future and work with international organisations to bring students access to work and study abroad opportunities.
We help students communicate their worth
Students with DegreePlus (now the Future Skills Award) are more likely to be in a graduate role or undertaking further study after graduation than those without the award.
*Based on Graduate Outcomes of AHSS students 17/18
We coach students for success
Students who access 1-2-1 Career Guidance are more likely to be in a graduate role after graduation.
*Based on Graduate Outcomes 17/18
We make students work-ready
The more Careers events and guidance a student accesses, the more likely they are to find a graduate role after graduation.
*Based on Graduate Outcomes 17/18
We make students more employable
Students who attend Careers events and employer workshops are more likely to be in a graduate role after graduation.
*Based on Graduate Outcomes 17/18