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The Future Skills Award
DegreePlus (rebranding as the Future Skills Award in line with Strategy 2030), is an employability award that allows students to gain formal recognition and a certificate for the extracurricular experience they gain during their time at Queen’s.

Articulating skills
Students can gain this award by completing an accredited activity. Added to a CV, the award signals to a potential employer that a student has worked hard to develop the skills they need to succeed in the workplace, and enables students to better articulate their skills and experience. In addition, the award gives students the opportunity to receive a certificate at graduation, on top of their degree, with the achievement verified on their QSIS Student Record.
Get involved, get rewarded
We have over 100 accredited activities. These include extracurricular work experiences, community and voluntary work, global opportunities to work or study abroad, as well as early professional development activities. From trips to China and the USA to employerled challenges, there are so many fun and rewarding activities for students to get involved in on campus. Students can complete an activity (or more than one activity), at any time, fitting them in alongside their studies and tracking their Higher Education Achievement Record (HEAR) progress via QSIS. Taking part in the award is free of charge, (although some activities might have costs involved), and allows students to add valuable skills and experience to their CV all while having fun, making new friends or travelling abroad.