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Leveraging our Data
We are committed to using a data-driven approach to understand and better support our students. We work with colleagues at School and Faculty level to review relevant qualitative data and qualitative feedback comments and use this to make joint decisions regarding targeting of appropriate interventions and to inform the continuous improvement of the student experience at Queen’s.
Student surveys
Our Business Operations team are working to enhance the student experience at Queen’s by managing and analysing institution-wide surveys including the Graduate Outcomes survey, The National Student Survey, the 1st and 2nd Year Experience Survey and the Postgraduate Taught and Postgraduate Research Experience Surveys. Using comparative year on year analysis, alongside national and international benchmarking, we use survey data to develop an Institution-wide understanding of the experience of groups of students and inform careers service provision.


Careers registration data
During registration, all students are asked to complete two Careers-focused questions designed to gather relevant data on Careers experience and to track student experiences as they progress through Queen’s. We use this data to inform a targeted approach to student engagement and service provision.
Integrated systems
We provide quality integrated systems including MyFuture (see page 28) to promote student and employer engagement and facilitate the development of a data driven approach across the Careers Service.

Engagement data by School
Working with colleagues in School, we provide and discuss student experience, graduate outcomes feedback data and employability engagement data (via the MyFuture careers management portal). This includes year on year summarised comparisons of event attendances and newsletter open rates e.g. by School, discipline and year group. We also analyse engagement with Vmock (Queen’s automated CV checker) producing reports by School discipline. Additional analysis of job posting and sector trends on the careers management system, alongside analysis of employer information is also available, as is Degree Plus (Future Skills Award) QSIS accreditation statistics by School/year and discipline.

Graduate Outcomes

93% of Queen ' s undergraduates are in work or further study 15 months after graduation.
(HESA Graduate Outcomes 2019/20) The percentage of Queen’s graduates who are in a graduate job has risen 3%, despite the COVID pandemic
(HESA Graduate Outcomes 2019/20)