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Meet the Employer Engagement Team
We are committed to connecting employers to our student and graduate talent. We proactively develop relationships with employers across all industries and sectors to create internship, placement, work-related learning and graduate opportunities for Queen’s students and graduates.
Relationship Management of the University’s Key Employers We work closely with employers to deepen relationships with the University, providing route information to the correct academic department and ensuring all opportunities are visible to our students. Support for staff in Schools We source and promote employer vacancies and work-related learning opportunities through Queen’s MyFuture portal (see page 28). To further support our students and University colleagues, we offer access to a tailored job board for each School. A tailored embeddable jobs widget for each School or Faculty site is also available on request. Go.qub.ac.uk/jobboards
Careers Fairs Our Careers Fairs are an opportunity for employers from all industries to talk to our students about graduate, placement, and work experience opportunities. We encourage all our students to attend the fairs to find out about the options available to them.
Employer Events We coordinate dedicated employer events held during the academic year. These provide an opportunity for students to talk directly to employers to understand the skills recruiters are looking for and to gain exposure to the career options available to them.
Embedded School activity We source, brief and facilitate embedded School activities across the University, ranging from business games and challenges to employer-led skills and employability sessions.
Real-world experience Through our Real-World Projects, students get an opportunity to work with an employer on a specific work project for 100 hours and receive a bursary. They are designed for students in courses under-represented in the labour market. Our internship programme enables students to work in local SMEs on a specific project for 8 weeks and receive a salary. Work Shadowing Opportunities Work Shadowing is a great way to try a career on for size to see if it fits. Shadowing a professional can help bring a job to life for a student. We facilitate work shadowing experiences offering students access to a wide range of industry areas. Our students get the opportunity to spend a day in a workplace to gain an understanding of different industries that they may be interested in or perhaps hadn’t thought of.
Market intelligence We gather market intelligence from employers to focus student skills development activity. Working directly with employers to gain insights into the personal attributes and workplace skills required, we aim to ensure that this is reflected in our development activity – with a strong focus on transferable skills and work-related learning. We share this information with staff in Schools and help shape employer-led activities in Schools.
Widening Participation We operate a student mentoring programme annually, which is available for all students from a Widening Participation background. We invite industry employers to act as mentors who support, advise and guide students across a range of discussion areas. The programme is designed to help talented University students from underrepresented groups succeed in their early careers.