Monthly magazine for industrial sanitization and environmental hygiene
27 years
Let’s talk about S U P P L E M E N T
8 Economy Économie
World Trade in “controlled slowdown” Le commerce mondial en “rallentissement maîtrise”
10 Made in Italy Shaping economy on a human scale to face the future Une économie à dimension humaine pour affronter le futur
66 Pest Control
Control de plagas Mosquitos and viruses… there’s a lot of work to be done Moustiques et virus… il y a tellement de travail à faire FOLLOW
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Monthly magazine for industrial sanitization and environmental hygiene
27 years
Let’s talk about S U P P L E M E N T
2 0 1 9
8 Economy Économie
World Trade in “controlled slowdown” Le commerce mondial en “rallentissement maîtrise”
10 Made in Italy Made in Italy
EventosShaping economy on a human scale to face the future Une économie à dimension humaine pour affronter le futur
66 Pest Control
Control de plagas Mosquitos and viruses… there’s a lot of work to be done Moustiques et virus… il y a tellement de travail à faire FOLLOW
ARCO is a certified chemical company UNI EN ISO Spazio Tre Sas 9001:2000 e ISO 14001 that di Gabriele Marrazzini & C. formulates and produces Piazzale Archinto 9 Milano, Italy products 20159 aimed at the +39 02 69001255 industrial and Fax +39 02 69001277 sanitizing market, the food, industry, the catering sector and communities. Very PUBLISHER important, is its customers Gabriele Marrazzini service, constant updating with operators in the industry, MANAGER offeredEDITORIAL by Arco Informa, with Ornella Zanetti training opportunities.
MADE IN ITALY Shaping economy on a human scale to face the future Une économie à dimension humaine pour affronter le futur
FOCUS ON Short Italian Industry News Nouvelles brèves de l’industrie italienne
CHIMICAL PRODUCTS PRODUITS CHIMIQUES Made in Italy. Chemicals at the centre of a great evolution Made in Italy. Produits chimiques: noveaux scénarios pour le défi de l’exportation
QUINE SRL via G.Spadolini, 7 20141 Milano, Italy Tel. +39 02 69001255 Fax +39 02 69001277 PUBLISHER Marco Zani EDITORIAL MANAGER Ornella Zanetti EDITORIAL OFFICE Chiara Scelsi Loredana Vitulano ADVERTISER DIRECTOR Stefano Busconi LAY-OUT Fabio Castiglioni PRINTING Aziende Grafiche Printing Srl Peschiera Borromeo (MI)
EDITORIAL STAFF AND CONTRIBUTORS 38 Filippo MACHINES Cafiero, Giovanni Carlini, Franco Cesaro, Vanessa Conte, MACHINES Aldo Fiacco, Federica Fiorellini, Chiara Merlini,Made in Italy flyingTozzi, high Diego Pastori, Francesco Loredana Vitulano Satisfaction sur les
marchés étrangers ADVERTISEMENT MANAGER Ornella Zanetti
66 MANAGEMENT ADVERTISING STAFF apart Amazon. A world Stefano Carlin Amazon. Un monde à part Luciano Dorini PEST CONTROL Ornella Simeoni CONTROL DE PLAGAS
Mosquitos and viruses… CIRCULATION Laraa Papetti there’s lot of work ( to be done Sabrina Pavanello ( Moustiques et virus… il y SUBSCRIPTIONS a tellement de travail Alvarado Martinez à Isis faire (
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crisis not only calls into q stion the soundness of banks, but the entire economic system. Glo lisation means that we now all pay more att tion to what is happening on foreign marke The crux of the matter is that the financial sis – and all experts are agreed on this – is d to an increasing desire to speculate: banks k getting bigger thanks to profitable mergers a as a result, continue to issue new shares. It’s come more attractive to think in terms of qu gains by gambling on the stock market rat than in terms of sound responsible econom INDEX OF ADVERTISERS NO. 2/2019The golden age of the free market, high 4CleanPro 4 Kemika 37 and Spival 46 come to an e deals huge profits has now Afidamp - Pulire In 55 Klindex 3 Spival/FPS 47 winner, the ec other (Indeed, the 2001pulito Nobel Prize Amer 19 Orma 31 Joseph Spray Team III Cover omist E. Stieglitz has analysed the P words, even during a son6PlanSTI to save US banks51and claims that Arco I Cover Paperdi goal should C.C.A.G. 59 Parodi&Parodi 7 TMB not be to protect 5 the sharehold crisisCrotti in the global nor their creditors who have Falpi 13 Poli Motoscope 15 TTS 59 made it easie economy, businesses offer venture loans, but to find solutions t Industrie Celtex IV Cover Rubino Chem 1 II26/03/15 Cover pubblicità GSA115x150.pdf 15.27 protect the average citizen). that commit themselves The repercussions of this financial crisis to and believe in their eventually be felt in the manufacturing wo (no one is “immune” from the banks!), desp corporate mission are the easy demagogic promises by those try to make out that things are not as bad as t quite capable of finding seem. Nevertheless, we should not forget t the necessary strength sound businesses will find the strength nee to survive this within themselves, provided t and resources to create they are not on the look-out for a quick g the basis for a new, but face each challenge with the serious co mitment that their corporate mission entai more responsible What is, however, certain according to all financially sound servers is that those businesses that “produ (and this includes us in the cleaning sector) economy. without doubt in the position to find the app priate solutions and resources in order to vive. Of course, these resources must be “health transparent and geared to the traditional consolidated market economy. Not attracted easy speculation, but based on the entrep neurial strengths of those who can face a cr and survive, having become stronger in process, thus reaffirming their superior off
8 ECONOMY ÉCONOMIE World trade in “controlled slowdown” Le commerce mondial en “ralentissement maîtrisé”
Let’s talk about CLEANING he current Supplement to Dimensione Pulito No 2 • March 2019global financial sis is hogging the headline / papers around the world. T
Ornella Zane
Economy World Trade
World trade in “controlled slowdown”
The scenario of world trade appears to be slowing: trade in manufactured goods is estimated to increase by 4.5% in 2018 (0.3 points less than in 2017)
Paola Costa
he year-end – together with the 2019-2020 estimates – “Made in Italy” export snapshot was taken by the Ice-Prometeia report “Evolution of Foreign Trade by Area and Sector”. The report describes a scenario of world trade in “controlled slowdown”. This year it is estimated that trade in manufactured goods will increase at a rate of 4.5% at constant prices, 0.3 points less than the previous year but beyond the average growth of the last five years and of world GDP. The forecasts for the two-year period 2019-2020 confirm the slowing of up to 4.1% for the next year and only starting from 2020 will the trend of international trade grow again. These are figures
that describe a slowdown but they remain positive and above all far removed from the more dramatic scenarios that the reports of recent commercial tensions seem to evoke. The figures of the report remain far from those that characterised other phases of globalisation (in the decade before the crisis the average rate of world trade volume exceeded 7%) but they are not to be attributed exclusively to the uncertainties of commercial policies. A slowdown in trade is often a litmus test of the state of health of the global economy and this is affected by the financial fragility of various markets and by the increasingly restrictive monetary policies in the main currency areas. However, the integration of the world economy and transnational value
march 2019
chains continues, despite the fuss announced publicly and a profile of artificial barriers to increasing trade. At the geographical level, in 2018 all the main areas analysed in the report experienced an increase in imports with growth rates at constant prices of between 3.9% in the neighbouring mature countries (eurozone and other European countries) and 5.9% of nearby emerging countries (Central and Eastern European countries, North Africa and the Middle East). The performance of the United States, with a 5.3% increase in imports, and in China (6.2%) stand out. However, there are plenty of downward risk factors, also related to geopolitics, which could draw a map of internationalisation that is different from the usual one. A cooling of the axis between the United States and China, like the one suggested by the media in recent months, would for example reinforce the already evident approach
Le commerce mondial en “ralentissement maîtrisé”
Le scénario du commerce mondial semble ralentir: en 2018, le commerce de produits manufacturés devrait augmenter de 4,5% (0,3 point de moins qu’en 2017)
image de l’exportation “Made in Italy” à la fin de l’année nomie mondiale. Il est affecté par la fragilité financière de divers - ainsi que les estimations 2019-2020 - a été donnée par le marchés et par les politiques monétaires de plus en plus restrictives rapport Ice-Prometeia “Evolution du commerce extérieur par appliquées dans les principales zones monétaires. Toutefois, l’intézones et secteurs”. Le rapport décrit un scénario de “ralentissement gration de l’économie mondiale et des chaînes de valeur transnacontrôlé” du commerce mondial. Cette année, on estime que le tionales se poursuit, malgré les clameurs des annonces et le profil commerce des produits manufacturés augmentera à un taux de des obstacles artificiels des échanges en hausse. Au niveau géo4,5% à prix constants, soit 0,3 point de moins que l’année précé- graphique, en 2018, toutes les principales zones analysées dans le dente, mais au-delà de la croissance moyenne des cinq dernières rapport ont enregistré une augmentation de leurs importations, avec années et du PIB mondial. Les prévisions pour la période de deux des taux de croissance à prix constants compris entre 3,9% dans les ans 2019-2020 confirment la décélération, qui 4,1% raccontano pays voisins matures (zone euro et autres pays européens) et 5,9% Le devrait quote di atteindre mercato settoriali casi di successo, ma anche pour la prochaine année et, à partir de 2020 uniquement, la tendes pays émergents voisins (pays d’Europe centrale et orientale, potenziali inesplorati, in paesi che le imprese italiane hanno in qualche caso valorizzato con chiffres un certo ritardo rispetto altri competitor. dance du commerce international s’accélérera. Ce sont des Afrique duad Nord et Moyen-Orient). Les performances des États-Unis Negli Stati Uniti colpisce come il guadagno di quota sperimentato negli qui décrivent un ralentissement mais restent positifs et surtout très se démarquent avec une hausse de 5,3% des importations et de la ultimi cinque anni (dall’1,9% al 2,3% del 2017) sia stato un vero e proprio éloignés des scénarios plus dramatiques que la chronique des ré- Chine (6,2%).Cependant, il existe de nombreux facteurs de risque, avanzamento di sistema. Da un lato, le imprese della meccanica hanno saputo peso qui pourraient tracer une carte de centes tensions commerciales semble évoquer. liés également à guadagnare la géopolitique, in avaient quello checaractérisé rimane uno dei benchmark sul fronte différente dell’innova- de celle habituelle. Une escalade Les chiffres du rapport sont loin de ceux qui lesmercati l’internationalisation zione tecnologica; dall’altro i settori del Made in Italy hanno migliorato autres phases de la mondialisation (au cours de la décennie qui a tarifaire entre les deux côtés de l’Atlantique (États-Unis et Union euil proprio posizionamento verso un consumatore tra i più esigenti e soprécédé la crise, le taux moyen du volume des échanges mondiaux pourrait décisive pour définir le rôle de l’Europe fisticati, rafforzando soprattutto ropéenne) la presenza nei canali s’avérer distributivi. Si tratta di un recupero di competitività mercato che d’approvisionnement negli ultimi anni dépassait 7%) mais ne doivent pas être imputés exclusivement aux dansnelles chaînes mondiales et les alliances, dato il maggior contributo alla crescita delle importazioni mondiali ed incertitudes des politiques commerciales.haUn ralentissement des à la lumière des scénarios post-Brexit et des forces centrifuges qui è destinato a ripetersi nel prossimo biennio. Peraltro, il buon andamento échanges est souvent un test décisif de l’état de santé denon l’écoleopportunità débat politique nel recente passato esauriscecaractérisent un potenziale di ancora au sein de l’Union européenne. da valorizzare. Da un lato il livello assoluto della quota (ben al di sotto del posizionamento medio italiano nel mondo), dall’altro il confronto Nuove importazioni per mercato (delta milioni di euro al 2020 rispetto al livello 2018) Fig. D
of the Asian country towards the part of the emerging world that is strategic for Chinese medium-term interests. A tariff escalation between the two sides of the Atlantic (US and EU) could prove decisive in defining the role of Europe within global supply chains and alliances also in light of the post-Brexit scenarios and the centrifugal forces that characterise the internal political debate within the European Union. With regard to the sectors of specialisation, intermediate goods are the most affected by the slowdown in global demand. In the next two years, mechanics, Italy’s leading export sector, will not go beyond a growth rate of 3.3% in 2019 and 3.5% in 2020 and the technology sector in particular will be among the less dynamic. The consumer goods sectors will fare better, showing a less volatile trend, with demand for food products expected to rise steadily from 2.6% in 2018 to 2.8% in 2019 up to 3.8% in 2020. There was
USA and China are the countries with the most growing import rates
con la Germania (la cui quota nel 2017 era del 6,3%) evidenziano spazi di crescita nei prossimi anni. Tanto più che gli Stati Uniti rapprea slight dropulteriore in fashion and furniNew imports sentano, come anticipato, il mercato che genererà le maggiori opportushingsnità compared to 2018: in 2018 per market. dal mondo, in termini di dimensione assoluta di nuove importazioni there oltre will 200 be miliardi a growth in world im- due anni, Delta di euro nei prossimi l’11%billions dei livelliof del 2018. stessaand graduatoria la Cina occupa la seconda ports Nella of 3.8% 4% respectively euros posizione, by 2020 con oltre miliardi di euro di nuove importazioni a prezzi correnti nei prossiand in130 2019 of 3.5% and 3.7%, while compared to 2018 mi due anni (una crescita cumulata del 12%); un valore a cui andrebbe in 2020 thereun should be30% a renewed level. (Source: aggiunto ulteriore per i flussi transitati attraverso Hong Kong in surgemodo in international demand del (thepotenzialePrometeia) da avere una dimensione di domanda finale cinese effettivamente aggredibile. Nel caso forecast being 4.4% and 3.8% fordel più grande importatore asiatico, per l’Italia non è peraltro tanto un tema di crescita di per sé, quanto di the two sectors). Chemicals, conlavorare su un posizionamento ancora decisamente sottodimensionato. struction products theper metals La quota italiana and nel 2017 i manufatti si assestava infatti all’1,3%, di sottogrowth del dato ramedio nel mondo e inferiore sia alla supplydecisamente chain willalrecord Francia (1,9%) sia alla Germania (8,7%), che è di gran lunga il primo parttes of world imports in 2019 lower ner commerciale europeo. Il dettaglio settoriale mostra come il recupero than the average for manufactured di quota registrato negli ultimi anni, per quanto incoraggiante, non sia goods. trenddiffuso of technological un The fenomeno tra i comparti di specializzazione. È proseguito in
goods looks brighter, where above all electronics and products of greater complexity (automotive, nautical, aerospace), while slowing down, are confirmed to be among the most dynamic. In these sectors, the increasingly central role emerges of innovation and new digital technologies in the demand for new investments. Italy can meet this challenge by combining technological upgrading with the traditional flexibility and customisation capabilities that characterise Italian companies to reposition themselves and intercept the needs of increasingly sophisticated markets. The recent history of market shares in the United States and China, the two markets that will offer the greatest opportunities in the next two years, shows how Italy’s positioning has progressively improved. At the same time, the gap with competitors (from French wine to German technology) highlights a potential for Italy that is yet to be fully developed.
particolare il trend calante della meccanica, uno dei settori che ha fatto
Il quadro d’insieme
march 2019
Made in Italy Economy
Shaping economy on a human scale to face the future The dossier “Italy in 10 selfies 2019” gives an account through the wide-angle lens of Italy’s global rankings, which are sometimes little known or undervalued, but able to revive the country’s exports
Paola Costa taly is among the top five countries in the world with a manufacturing surplus of over 100 billion dollars. We are in second place after China for market share in fashion and for trade surplus in furniture wood. We are first in Europe for sustainability in agriculture. The cultural supply chain in Italy produces 92 billion euros, which reach 255 with associated supply industries. Despite some serious problems, we are leaders in the circular economy for waste recovery with 307 tonnes of material per million euros produced. Italy is the world’s
leading make-up manufacturer with 55% of the world market; our country will be the first in the world to ban microplastics in cosmetics from January 2020, while from 1 January 2019 cotton buds with plastic sticks are forbidden. These and other records are collected in the dossier “Italy in 10 selfies 2019”, created by the Fondazione Symbola, which describes the strengths of a country too often devalued that does not highlight its abilities and excellence. Ten examples of how development and employment can be relaunched in respect of green issues, via environmental sustainabili-
march 2019
ty, while at the same time helping to combat climate change and making Italian companies more competitive. To the President of Fondazione Symbola, Ermete Realacci: “Italy gives its best when its ancient chromosomes and identity and the challenges that the future poses cross their paths. Our country can provide a significant contribution to historical challenges such as responding to climate change and development sustainability. A contribution where emphasis is placed on a manufacturing process focused on quality, the environment and human relations. A path leading to a green economy and circular economy that our country has already embarked upon and that goes hand in hand with the all’Italian way of doing business, holding together innovation and tradition, social cohesion, new technologies and beauty, global markets and links with local areas and communities, productive flexibility and competitiveness”.
Une économie à dimension humaine pour affronter le futur Le dossier “L’Italie en 10 selfies 2019” raconte avec un grand angle les records italiens, parfois peu connus ou sous-estimés, mais capables de relancer l’exportation du pays.
Italie figure parmi les cinq premiers pays du monde avec un excédent manufacturier supérieur à 100 milliards de dollars. Nous arrivons à la deuxième place après la Chine en termes de part de marché dans la mode et de surplus commercial dans le bois d’ameublement. Nous sommes les premiers en Europe pour la durabilité dans l’agriculture. Le secteur de la culture en Italie produit 92 milliards d’euros, qui atteint 255 milliards avec les industries induites. Malgré quelques problèmes graves, nous sommes les leaders de l’économie circulaire en matière de valorisation des déchets avec 307 tonnes de matières par million d’euros produits. L’Italie est le premier fabricant mondial de produits de maquillage avec 55% du marché mondial. Notre pays sera le premier au monde à interdire les microplastiques dans les cosmétiques à partir de janvier 2020, tandis qu’à compter du 1er janvier 2019 ce sera le tour des cotons-tiges en plastique. Ces documents et d’autres sont rassemblés dans le dossier “L’Italie en 2019”, produit par la Fondation Symbola, qui décrit les forces d’un pays trop souvent dévalué qui ne met pas l’accent sur ses capacités et son excellence. Dix exemples de la manière dont la voie de la durabilité environnementale peut relancer, dans une clé verte, le développement et l’emploi tout en contribuant à lutter contre le changement climatique et à rendre nos entreprises plus compétitives. Pour le président de Symbola, Ermete Realacci: “L’Italie donne le meilleur d’elle-même lorsqu’elle traverse ses chromosomes anciens, son identité, avec les défis que l’avenir lui pose. Des défis qui peuvent avoir une contribution importante de notre pays: le fait d’une manière de produire attentive à la qualité, à l’environnement, aux relations humaines. Un chemin vers l’économie verte et l’économie circulaire qui a déjà commencé dans notre pays, et qui va de pair avec la manière de faire des affaires entièrement italienne: qui réunit innovation et tradition, cohésion sociale, nouvelles technologies et beauté, marchés mondiaux et liens avec les territoires et communautés, flexibilité productive et compétitivité”.
163,0MLD € (10,5%)
+376,4 +213,0
92 MLD €
- 52,4
255,5MLD € (16,6%)
- 130,4
- 747,4
G20, 2017, $/bn
01. Paesi per surplus commerciale manifatturiero – G20, 2017, mld $
SELFIE 1. ITALY IS ONE OF THE FIVE COUNTRIES IN THE WORLD THAT HAS A MANUFACTURING SURPLUS EXCEEDING 100 BILLION DOLLARS With a foreign manufacturing trade surplus of $107 billion in 2017, Italy confirms its leading role in the industry worldwide. With 905 products out of 5206 surveyed in world trade (Fortis-Corradini Index 2016, last year available), Italy ranks first (228 products), second (364) or third (313) in the world in terms of trade balance with foreign countries.
Con un surplus commerciale manifatturiero con l’estero di 107 mld $ nel 2017, si conferma il ruolo di punta del nostro Paese nell’industria mondiale. Con 905 prodotti sui 5206 censiti nel commercio mondiale (Indice Fortis-Corradini 2016, ultimo anno disponibile), l’Italia è prima (228 prodotti), seconda (364) o terza (313) al mondo per saldo commerciale con l’estero.
Added value of the cultural and creative pipeline (comMultiplier effect on the rest of the economy, 2017
CULTURA, BELLEZZA E CREATIVITÀ ALIMENTANO IL MADE institutions, non-profit organisations). IN ITALYpanies, E VALGONO IL 16,6% DEL PIL
FONDAZIONE SYMBOLA, L’ITALIA IN 10 SELFIE. 2019 FONTE | Elaborazione Fondazione Edison su dati Wto
Alla filiera della cultura l’Italia deve 92 miliardi di €, il 6,1 % della ricchezza prodotta nel Paese nel 2017. Questi oltre 90 miliardi ne mettono in moto altri 163 nel resto dell’economia: 1,8 € per ogni euro prodotto dalla cultura. Si arriva così a 255,5 mld prodotti dall’intera filiera culturale (il 16,6% del Pil), col turismo come principale beneficiario di questo effetto volano. Cultura e creatività danno inoltre lavoro al 6,1% del totale degli occupati in Italia, 1,5 mln di persone. L’Italia si conferma la meta dell’eurozona preferita dai turisti extraeuropei. Nel 2016 è il primo paese per numero di pernottamenti di turisti extra europei, con oltre 60 milioni di notti, saldamente davanti a Spagna (46,5 milioni), Francia (36,6 milioni), e Germania (31,8 milioni). In particolare è molto significativo l’aumento dei turisti stranieri nei borghi italiani.
march 2019
Valore aggiunto della filiera culturale e creati (imprese, istituzioni, non profit).
Effetto moltiplicatore sul resto dell’economia SELFIE 2. CULTURE, BEAUTY AND CREATIVITY DRIVE 2017 MADE IN ITALY PRODUCTS AND ARE WORTH 16.6% OF THE GDP FONDAZIONE SYMBOLA, L’ITALIA IN 10 SELFIE. Italy’s culture industry accounted for € 92 billion, 6.1% of the FONTEwe| Io sono cultura 2018, Fondazione Symbola e Unioncamere alth produced in the country in 2017. This figure set in motion a further € 163 billion in the rest of the economy, i.e. € 1.8 for every euro produced by culture. This brings the total to 255.5 billion produced by the entire cultural pipeline (16.6% of GDP), with
Made in Italy Economy
SELFIE 04. ITALY, A POWERHOUSE IN CIRCULAR ECONOMY With 307 tonnes of raw material per million euros produced, we rank second among the EU countries for efficient use of material, behind the UK (236 tonnes, but with a finance-driven economy) but ahead of France (326 tonnes), Spain (360 tonnes) and Germany (408 tonnes). Italy is the European leader in the dematerialisation of the economy: for every kg of resource used it generates € 4 of GDP, against an EU average of € 2.24 and Germany’s € 2.3. Italy is the European country boasting the highest percentage of recycling of all waste (76.9%), more than double the EU average (36%) and better than France (53.6%), the United Kingdom (43.6%), Germany (42.7%), Spain (36.1%). With 18.5% of secondary materials on the total consumption of materials, Italy is the leader among the major European countries in terms of circularity rate of the economy. A replacement of materials that results in savings totalling 21 million tonnes of oil equivalent and 58 million tonnes of CO2.
tourism as the main beneficiary of this leverage effect. Culture and creativity also provide work for 6.1% of total employment in Italy, 1.5 million people. Italy has proved to be the eurozone destination preferred by tourists from outside Europe. In 2016, it ranked first in terms of number of overnight stays of non-European tourists, with over 60 million nights, firmly ahead of Spain (46.5 million), France (36.6 million), and Germany (31.8 million). In particular, the increase in foreign tourists in Italian villages/ hamlets is most significant. 79%
3 34%
Competitive advantages of manufacturing companies that made green investments between 2014 and 2018. LA GREEN ECONOMY DA’ FORZA ALLE IMPRESE ITALIANE
+ 85,3 + 9,8 + 9,7
SELFIE 3. GREEN ECONOMY PROVIDES MOMENTUM + 5,2 TO ITALIAN COMPANIES Vantaggi competitivi delle aziende manifatturiere che hanno effettuato, tra il 2014 e il 2018, investimenti green Over the past 5 years, 345,000 Italian companies (24.9%% enga- 3,5 ging in non-agricultural endeavours and as much as 30.7% en- 6,7 - 7,0 gaging in manufacturing) have committed themselves to green FONDAZIONE SYMBOLA, L’ITALIA IN 10 SELFIE. 2019 - 7,6 economy. This year alone, around 207,000 firms have FONTE | invested GreenItaly, Fondazione Symbola e Unioncamere - 56,4 in sustainability and efficiency, resulting in a competitive edge in terms of exports (34% of eco-investment manufacturing companies export on a regular basis, compared to 27% of the other companies) and innovation (79% have developed innovation Wood Furniture Industry Trade Balance 2017 ($/bn) activities, compared to 43% of the other companies). Green L’INDUSTRIA ITALIANA DEL LEGNO ARREDO È SECONDA AL MONDO PER SURPLUS COMMERCIALE economy is also faring well from an employment perspective. SELFIE 05. THE ITALIAN WOOD FURNITURE INDUSTRY Our green economy has already provided 2,999,000 green jobs, RANKS SECOND IN THE WORLD IN TERMS OF TRADE Con quasi 10 miliardi di surplus l’industria italiana del Legno Arredo è seconda nella graduatoria i.e. jobs that require ‘green’ skills, accounting for 13% of total SURPLUS internazionale per saldo della bilancia commerciale, preceduta solamente dalla Cina (85,3 miliardi) ma Saldo commerciale 2017 dell’industria del Legno davanti ai competitor polacchi (9,7 miliardi), messicani (6,8 miliardi), vietnamiti (5,2 miliardi, ultimo dato (mld $) disponibile 2016) e tedeschi (-3,5 miliardi). national employment. In 2018, the demand for green jobs reWith a surplus of almost 10 billion, Italy’s woodArredo furniture induL’Italia è la prima nazione esportatrice europea del settore (con il 30% del totale esportato dall’Ue), grazie anche alle scelte ambientali delle imprese. Siamo leader europei nell’impiego di legno riciclato sulted in 473,600 employment agreements being entered into, stry holds the second place in the international trade balance per la produzione di pannelli truciolari, con una quota del 90% di materia da riciclo. Siamo più efficienti consumi energetici per unità di prodotto: 30,5 tonnellate equivalenti di petrolio ogni milione di euro, i.e. 10.4% of the total number of professional profiles sought.nei ranking, behind China (85.3 billion) but ahead of its Polish contro le 68,1 della media Ue e le 63 della Germania (2013). FONDAZIONE SYMBOLA, L’ITALIA IN 10 SELFIE. 2019 Ufficio Studi FederlegnoArredo su (9.7 billion), Mexican (6.8 billion), VietnameseFONTE (5.2| Elaborazione billion, last dati UN COMTRADE figure available 2016) and German (-3.5 billion) competitors. Italy is Europe’s top exporting country in the industry (with 4 30% of the total exported by the EU), with the environmental choices of the manufacturers also playing a role in this respect. We are the European leader in the use of recycled wood for the production of chipboard, with a 90% share of 42,7% recycled material. 36,1% 36,0% We are more efficient in energy consumption per unit of product: 30.5 tonnes of oil equivalent per million euros, compared to 68.1 of the EU average and 63 of Germany (2013). + 6,8
Sono 345.000 le imprese italiane (il 24,9%% dell’imprenditoria extra-agricola, nella manifattura addirittura il 30,7%) che negli ultimi 5 anni hanno scommesso sulla green economy. Solo quest’anno circa 207 mila aziende hanno investito sulla sostenibilità e l’efficienza. Con vantaggi competitivi in termini di export (il 34% delle imprese manifatturiere eco-investitrici esporta stabilmente, contro il 27% delle altre) e di innovazione (il 79% ha sviluppato attività di innovazione, contro il 43%). La green economy fa bene anche all’occupazione. Alla nostra green economy si devono già 2 milioni 999 mila green jobs, ossia occupati che applicano competenze ‘verdi’: il 13% dell’occupazione complessiva nazionale. Nel 2018 c’è stata una domanda di green jobs pari a 473.600 contratti attivati, il 10,4% del totale delle figure professionali richieste.
Recycling rate over total waste, Big EU (2014, latest figure available) ITALIA SUPERPOTENZA NELL’ECONOMIA CIRCOLARE Con 307 tonnellate di materia prima per ogni milione di euro prodotto siamo secondi tra i gradi Paesi Ue per uso efficiente di materia, dietro il Regno Unito (236 t, economia trainata però dalla finanza) ma davanti a Francia (326), Spagna (360) e Germania (408). L’Italia è leader europeo per dematerializzazione dell’economia: per ogni kg di risorsa consumata genera 4 € di Pil, contro una media Ue di 2,24 € e un dato della Germania di 2,3 €. L’Italia con il 76,9% è il Paese europeo con la più alta percentuale di riciclo sulla totalità dei rifiuti, più del doppio della media Ue (36%) e meglio di Francia (53,6%), Regno Unito (43,6%), Germania (42,7%), Spagna (36,1%). Con il 18,5% di materia seconda sui consumi totali di materia l’Italia è leader tra i grandi Paesi europei per tasso di circolarità dell’economia.
04. march 2019
Percentuale di riciclo sulla totalità dei rifiuti, Big Ue (2014, ultimo dato disponibile)
Endurance Manageability Wheels, mounted on ball bearings, are suitable for more challenging paths.
Elegance Simple and modern design enhance a sober and reďŹ ned appearance.
Lightness The plastic and aluminium structure makes the trolleys both light and resistant
Aluminium brackets, screws and accessories are made in stainless steel.
— KUBI trolleys are now EPD certified! Visit
Made in Italy Economy lian pharmaceutical industry cut energy consumption per unit of product by about 70%, compared to 18% of the manufacturing industry as a whole. Moreover, it has reduced CO2 emissions by 66% compared to the average 19% of the manufacturing sector.
6 8 40,4%
World market shares of total fashion, percentage values, 2017
Nell’industria della moda l’Italia ha reagito meglio degli altri Paesi Europei alla crisi degli anni recenti, rafforzando la sua posizione di leadership internazionale. Siamo infatti il secondo paese al mondo per quote di mercato (6,5% complessivamente e il 10% nelle calzature, l’11% nella pelle, il 12% negli accessori), dopo la Cina (40,4%) e davanti a Germania (5,4%), India (4,7%), Hong Kong (3,9%). L’Italia, inoltre, produce oggi oltre 1/3 di tutto il valore aggiunto del settore della moda nell’Ue28, il triplo della Germania, 4 volte quello di Francia e Spagna. Rispetto agli altri leader europei, inoltre, ha saputo mantenere in maggior misura la struttura della filiera produttiva. Tessitura e finissaggi ad esempio, snodi cruciali della filiera tessile, pesano ancora per 1/3 sul valore aggiunto della moda italiana, diversamente che in Francia, caso estremo in senso opposto, dove si sono ridotti al 15%. Risultati ottenuti anche grazie all’impegno ambientale delle imprese: come dimostra il fatto che su 80 imprese che hanno aderito alla campagna Detox di Greenpeace a livello mondiale, 60 sono italiane.
SELFIE 06. FASHION: THE WORLD’S SECOND LARGEST INDUSTRY IN TERMS OF MARKET SHARES In the fashion industry, Italy has proved to be more resilient to the crisis of recent years as compared to other European countries, strengthening its international leading position. Indeed, we are the world’s second largest industry in terms of market shares (6.5% overall and 10% in footwear, 11% in leather, 12% in accessories) after China (40.4%) and ahead of Germany (5.4%), India (4.7%), Hong Kong (3.9%). Italy, moreover, today produces more than 1/3rd of all the added value of the fashion industry in the EU28, three times more than Germany, four times more than France and Spain. In addition, compared to other European leaders, Italy has been able to maintain the structure of the production chain to a greater extent. For example, weaving and finishing — two pivotal elements of the textile chain — still account for 1/3rd of the added value of Italian fashion, unlike France, an extreme case on the other end of the spectrum, where they dropped to 15%. These results were achieved also thanks to the firms’ commitment to environmental issues, as shown by the fact that out of 80 companies that have joined Greenpeace Detox campaign worldwide, 60 are Italian.
Quote di mercato mondiale del totale della moda, valori percentuali, 2017
Number of bicycles exported per country, EU (2017)
SELFIE 08. ITALY IS EUROPE’S LEADING BICYCLE EXPORTER Numero di biciclette esportate per Paese, Ue Italy is the leading European bicycles: we sell L’Italia è il primo esportatore europeo di biciclette: ne vendiamo all’estero 1.758.768 (2017), più di exporter of(2017) Portogallo (1.730.457), Olanda (1.621.774), Germania (921.641), Romania (680.351). Queste bici valgono il 15,2% del totale dell’export europeo, e sono 244.424 in più dell’anno precedente. Se si considera l’intera 1,758,768 bicycles abroad (2017), more than Portugal (1,730,457), filiera (quindi anche componenti e riparazioni), quella della bicicletta conta 3.098 imprese e 7.741 addetti. Un contributo importante alla prospettiva di una mobilità più sostenibile. Germany (921,641), Romania (680,351). TheHolland (1,621,774), se bikes account for 15.2% of total European exports, and increased by 244,424 over the previous year. If we consider the entire chain of production (i.e., including components and repairs), the bicycle industry consists of 3,098 companies and 7,741 employees. An important contribution to the prospect of a more sustainable mobility.
FONDAZIONE SYMBOLA, L’ITALIA IN 10 SELFIE. 2018 FONTE | Elaborazione Ufficio studi Confartigianato su dati Eurostat (Rapporto Artibici)
31,2 30,5
21,7 20,2 15,5
Pharmaceutical turnover, €/bn (2017 estimates)
World market share of make-up products made in Italy,
SELFIE 07. LEADING POSITION IN THE EU IN TERMS SELFIE 9. THE WORLD’S LEADING MANUFACTURER Quota di mercato mondiale del make up L’Italia è il primo produttore mondiale di make up, con quasi il 55% del mercato mondiale prodotto da realizzato in Italia, dato percentuale (2017) OF PHARMACEUTICAL PRODUCTION OFaiMAKE-UP AND THE imprese italiane. Di gran lunga davanti competitor Corea del Sud, Germania, Francia eFIRST Brasile. Nel COUNTRY TO ELIMINATE mercato europeo i cosmetici realizzati in Italia valgono il 67% del mercato. Nel 2018 l’export italiano è cresciuto dell’8%, e il surplus commerciale vale 2,6 mld €. Italy is the leading pharmaceutical producer in the European MICROPLASTICS FROM COSMETICS Siamo primi anche nelle sfide ambientali: elimineremo le microplastiche dai cosmetici dal primo gennaio 2020. Già dal primo gennaio 2019 l’Italia è il primo Paese al mondo a vietare i cotton fioc in plastica non Union. With a turnover of 31,2 31.2 billion, we outperformValore Germany Italy is the world’s leading manufacturer of make-up, with alL’Italia è il primo Paese produttore di farmaci dell’Unione europea. Con miliardi di valore della biodegradabile. della produzione farmaceutica, mld € produzione superiamo la Germania e tutti gli altri grandi Paesi Ue. Questo grazie all’aumento dell’export: 2017) l’Italia, negli ultimi 10 anni, ha registrato la crescita maggioreEU (+107%countries, cumulato) tra i big Ue (+74% the la and all other large with increase (stime in exports most 55% of the world market produced by Italian companies. crescita media). Anche per le imprese del farmaco qualità e sostenibilità ambientale sono importanti fattori di competitività. A cominciarea daikey consumi energetici. In piena crisi past economica, decennio Italy has recorded the playing role: over the 10nelyears, By far ahead of its competitors, including South Korea, Ger2005-2015, l’industria farmaceutica in Italia ha abbattuto i consumi energetici per unità di prodotto di circa il 70%, contro il highest 18% dell’insiemegrowth dell’industria manifatturiera. ha ridotto le emissioniamong di CO del (+107% Eaggregate) the major EU counmany, France and Brazil. In the European market, cosmetics 66% rispetto al 19% medio del comparto manifatturiero. FONDAZIONE SYMBOLA, L’ITALIA IN 10 SELFIE. 2019 FONTE | Elaborazione Farmindustria su dati Efpia (stime tries (+74% average growth). Quality and environmental sustaimade in Italy are worth 67% of the market. In 2018, Italian 2017) nability are also important competitive factors for pharmaceutical exports grew by 8%, while the trade surplus was worth € 2.6 companies, starting with energy consumption. In the midst of billion. the economic crisis, in the decade spanning 2005-2015, the ItaWe also rank first in terms of environmental challenges: we will
FONDAZIONE SYMBOLA, L’ITALIA IN 10 SELFIE. 2019 FONTE | Elaborazione Centro studi Cosmetica Italia
march 2019
eliminate microplastics from cosmetics from 1 January 2020. Effective 1 January 2019, Italy banned non-biodegradable plastic cotton swabs. The first country in the world to do so.
Tons of greenhouse gases emitted per million euro of L’ITALIA È IL PAESE(2016, PIÙ SOSTENIBILE IN AGRICOLTURA product latest figure available) Con 569 tonnellate per ogni milione di euro prodotto l’agricoltura italiana emette il 46% di gas serra in meno della media UE-28, e fa decisamente meglio di Spagna (+25% rispetto al nostro Paese), Francia (+91%), Germania (+118%) e Regno Unito (+161%). L’Italia ha il minor numero di prodotti agroalimentari con residui di pesticidi (0,48%), inferiore di sette volte rispetto ai prodotti francesi e di quasi 4 volte di quelli spagnoli e tedeschi. Con 64.210 produttori biologici il nostro Paese è campione del settore, seguito da Spagna (36.207) e Francia (32.264). Ed è sesto al mondo per ampiezza delle superfici a biologico (1,8 milioni di ettari). Anche per questi primati il valore aggiunto per ettaro in Italia è più del doppio della media Ue28 e di Germania, Francia e Spagna, e quattro volte quello del Regno Unito. Risultati che si devono anche ai giovani: sono 55.331 le imprese agricole condotte da under 35, dato che pone l’Italia al vertice in Europa. Rispetto alla media, le aziende agricole dei giovani hanno fatturati più elevati (+75%) e più occupati (+50%).
SELFIE 10. ITALY IS THE MOST SUSTAINABLE COUNTRY Tonnellate di gas serra emesse per ogni milione di Euro di prodotto (2016, ultimo dato IN AGRICULTURE disponibile) With 569 tonnes per million euros produced, Italian agriculture emits 46% less greenhouse gases than the EU28 average, and fares much better than Spain (+25% compared to Italy), France (+91%), Germany (+118%) and the United Kingdom (+161%). Italy has the lowest number of food products with pesticide residues (0.48%), seven times lower than French products and almost four times lower than Spanish and German products. With 64,210 organic producers, our country is an industry champion, followed by Spain (36,207) and France (32,264). It is the sixth largest organic farm in the world (1.8 million hectares). As far as these records too is concerned the added value per hectare in Italy is more than double in respect to the EU28 average and the national added value of Germany, France and Spain and is four times higher than that in the UK. Young people also played a role in achieving these results: 55,331 farms are run by people who are aged under 35, placing Italy at the top of Europe. Young people’s farms have higher turnover (+75%) and more employees (+50%) than the average. Source: Fondazione Symbola, L’Italia in 10 selfie 2019.
FONDAZIONE SYMBOLA, L’ITALIA IN 10 SELFIE. 2019 FONTE | 10 verità sul made in Italy, Coldiretti e Fondazione Symbola (2018)
Focus on italian companies
Quality without frontiers Qualité frontièrsans es
MIRA, SMALL SIZE, BIG EFFICIENCY Compact yet robust, Mira, the new walk-behind scrubber dryer, has a stainless steel frame with 410 mm working width, offers 3-liter tank capacity solution but with a cleaning capacity of 100 square meters with its ‘eco’ feature. The 13 Ah lithium ion batteries of 36 volts allow one hour of battery life to about 800 square meters. It has a pivoting drawbar, different types of brushes or pad holders and is a multipurpose machine: thanks to the wiper that raises itself and the pressure on the ground, it is also indicated for specific treatments, to remove wax or polish, just like a single brush. High performance is also guaranteed by the variable rotation speed of the brushes - (two counter- rotating brushes of 210mm in diameter. From 140 rev / min to 210 / min). MIRA, DIMENSIONS RÉDUITES, GRANDE EFFICACITÉ Compact mais robuste, Mira, le nouveau auto-laveuses, a un inoxydable cadre en acier de 410 mm de largeur de travail, offre une solution de capacité de réservoir de 3 litres, mais avec une capacité de nettoyage de 100 mètres carrés avec sa fonctionnalité «eco». Les batteries au lithiumion 13 Ah de 36 volts permettent une heure de vie de la batterie à environ 800 mètres carrés. Il a une barre d’attelage pivotante, différents types de brosses ou porte-patins et est une machine polyvalente: grâce à l’essuieglace qui se soulève et la pression sur le sol, il est également indiqué pour des traitements spécifiques, pour enlever la cire ou polir, comme une seule brosse. La haute performance est également garantie par la vitesse de rotation variable des brosses - (deux brosses rotatives de 210mm de diamètre. De 140 rev / min à 210 / min).
march 2019
GAIA Compact scrubber dryer and strongly designed because of the steel frame and big wheels of 250mm make this machine able to work on any different kind of floor. A simple concept in order to be used friendly and full accessibility to the main component for an easy maintenance. The stainless steel squeegee and polyethylene tanks grant for a long life of our equipment.
he Company was born in 2010, thanks to the ability of the owners, who have above more than 20 years experience in producing cleaning equipment for professional purpose. Because of this experience, they realized that the real needs of the professional market has changed a lot during the last past 20 years. Above all, they realized that on-
GAIA Autolaveuse compact et très solide, grâce au châssis en acier et surtout les deux roues de transports de 250 mm de diamètre permettent a cet machine d’être utilisé sur tous les type de sols. Notre concept est la simplicité pour que cet machine soit facile a utiliser et surtout une pleine accessibilité au différents composant qui rend cette machine aussi facile a entretenir. Le suceur en acier INOX aisi 304 et le réservoir de grande capacité en polyéthylène ainsi que tous les composant sont d’excellente qualité pour garantir une longue utilisation pour de nombreuse années.
WHAT MEANS OF SUPPORT CAN YOUR RETAILERS AVAIL OF IN THEIR COMMERCIAL DEALINGS? «4CleanPro marketing strategy is customer oriented, we provide our dealers with all the best marketing tools they need to increase sales. We organize commercial and technical training classes for each 4CleanPro machine, directly on-site. In Italy, we also organize some demonstration with our new products».
ly few of the main producers of cleaning equipment are able to propose new solution or technology in order to follow the evolution of the cleaning technics, which are today absolutely important for the cleaning world. The aim of the Company is being able, today, to give costumers what they need and understand their need in order to develop together what they will need tomorrow.
QUELS INSTRUMENTS VOUS METTEZ À DISPOSITION DE VOS DÉTAILLANTS POUR LES SOUTENIR DANS LEUR ACTION COMMERCIALE? «4CleanPro stratégie de marketing est orientée vers le client, nous fournissons à nos concessionnaires tous les meilleurs outils de marketing dont ils ont besoin pour augmenter les ventes. Nous organisons des cours de formation commerciale et technique pour chaque machine 4CleanPro, directement sur place. En Italie, nous organisons également des démonstrations avec nos nouveaux produits».
LEILA Ride on scrubber dryer, to increase the performance of your cleaning operation. Build in steel chassis this model is available in 2 different versions: traditional disk plate of 66 cm up to 85 cm working width, or with cylindrical brush head that allow a pre-sweeping action during cleaning operation. Traction Motor on the front wheel by direct motorisation wheel, and extremely silent vacuum motor. Stainless steel squeegee bar with Lainatex blade, made to work longer without need to be replace. LEILA Auto-laveuse auto-porté, pour accroître les performances de vos opérations de lavage de maintenance. Construite avec un châssis en acier, ce modèle est disponible en plusieurs largeur de travail: avec plateaux brosses traditionnel a disque pour une largeur de travail de 66 cm, 75 cm jusqu’à 85 cm. La possibilité d’y monter un plateau de brosse avec brosses cylindriques pour obtenir aussi un pré balayage des déchets solide sur une largeur de travail de 65 cm. Le moteur de traction est monté sur la roue avant et a une puissance de 700 watt permettant de gravir les rampe de 12 %. Le suceur est complètement en acier inox aisi 304. Le moteur d’aspiration silencieux pour pouvoir travailler en milieux ou le bruit est bannis.
march 2019
Focus on -
italian companies
Une histoire d passion ete d’innovatio n
A story of passion and innovation
MER SpA since 40 years as an international player of industrial Cleaning is part of AMER GROUP: a team of Italian companies offering complete solutions for Cleaning machines worldwide. Motors, Gearmotors, a wide range of drive systems, electronics, linear actuators: by a passion born high technology products ready for the complete operation of the machines, totally tailored.
MTR11 DRIVE WHEELS High performance, high efficiency, high strength, low maintenance Amer Group presents the latest path in the range MTR11 drive wheels. By far the most evolved solution for man on board machines. Designed and tested to last with heavy duty loads under unconfortable environments. The high efficiency of the system ensure a considerable reduction of the battery consumption under the best performance. Available with permanent magnet DC motor, Ac and Brushless technology the drivewheel can be custom made according to your request, following the “Tailor-made” concept of AMER SPA.
ROUE MOTORISÉE MTR11 350 Performance élevée, maintenance réduite, haute efficacité, robuste Amer Group présente la dernière-née dans la gamme des roues motorisées MTR11. En absolu la solution la plus évoluée pour machines avec operateur à bord. Projetée et réalisée pour supporter charges de travail importants en environnements difficiles, la haute efficacité du système garantit une grande amélioration des temps de travail. Disponible avec moteur à aimants permanents DC, courant alternatif, brushless, la roue motorisée est personnalisée et équipée selon les exigences du client – comme toujours dans la conception sur mesure de AMER SPA
march 2019
Efficiency Efficiency Rating Rating
Focus on italian companies
Arco, at the service of innovation
WITH ALADIN CLEANING BECOMES EVERYDAY GREENER Aladin systems manufactured by AR-CO Chimica optimize detergents’ dilution and usage, thus reducing the impact on the environment. All systems are WIFI connected in order to provide constantly updated information about detergents’ consumption. The systems are available in two different versions: Aladin pack, which dispenses unit-doses of concentrated products, and Aladin GT5, which dispenses ready to use or concentrated products. With Aladin GT5 the concentration and dilution of the products are fully customizable and constantly monitored. The systems are equipped with a software which calculates and sets in advance the required type and quantity of detergent (either diluted or in unit-dose) for every operator. AVEC ALADIN CLEANING DEVIENT PLUS VERTE AU QUOTIDIEN Le système Aladin fabriqués par AR-CO Chimica optimise la dilution et l’utilisation des détergents, réduisant ainsi l’impact sur l’environnement. Tous les systèmes sont connectés au WIFI afin de fournir des informations constamment mises à jour sur la consommation de détergents. Les systèmes sont disponibles en deux versions différentes: Aladin Pack, qui distribue des doses unitaires de produits concentrés, et Aladin GT5, qui distribue des produits prêts à l’emploi ou concentrés. Avec Aladin GT5, la concentration et la dilution des produits sont entièrement personnalisables et surveillées en permanence. Les systèmes sont équipés d’un logiciel qui calcule et définit à l’avance le type et la quantité de détergent requis (dilués ou en doses unitaires) pour chaque opérateur; Cet outil permet de calculer à l’avance la consommation globale de détergents pour chaque installation, pour chaque opération et pour chaque opérateur. Les systèmes Aladin offrent de nombreux avantages: ils réduisent la quantité de stock de détergents; ils réduisent le nombre de livraisons de fournitures; ils constituent un outil efficace de suivi de la consommation de détergents.
march 2019
ENZYMATIC SC: THE SUPER LAUNDRY DETERGENT Enzymatic SC is the revolutionary super-concentrated enzymaticbased laundry detergent for washing machine produced by AR-CO Chimica. This powerful liquid cleaner has an enzymatic system which acts on protein (blood, grass), fat (oil, lard, sebo) and starchy (pasta, potatoes, rice and foods for the infancy) stains. It is recommended a contact time with the detergent, in the washing solution, of 10-15 minutes. It is possible to use an alkaline additive, without exaggerating with the dosing, in fact the maximum pH of the washing solution is 10.5. Enzymatic SC is effective at low and medium temperatures (30°C - 40°C) and it has a pleasant floral scent.
Arco Chimica
Arco, au service d l’innov e ation
he mission of AR-CO Chimica develops through a project voted to innovation which considers fundamental the development of products able to satisfy the needs of customers always more demanding and highly professional, concentrating above all on after sale service, on continuous training and on the cooperation with stakeholders. AR-CO Chimica was able to create exclusive and with a highly technological added
ENZYMATIC SC: LE SUPER DÉTERGENT DE LINGE Enzymatic SC est le détergent à lessive enzymatique super concentré révolutionnaire pour lave-linge, produit par la chimie AR-CO. Ce puissant nettoyant liquide possède un système enzymatique qui agit sur les taches de protéines (sang, herbe), de graisses (huile, saindoux, sébum) et de féculents (pâtes, pommes de terre, riz et aliments pour la petite enfance). Il est recommandé de mettre en contact le détergent, dans la solution de lavage, pendant 10-15 minutes. Le pH maximum de la solution de lavage est de 10,5 Il est possible d’utiliser un additif alcalin sans exagérer avec le dosage. Enzymatic SC est efficace à des températures basses et moyennes (30 ° C à 40 ° C) et dégage un agréable parfum floral.
value products, such as Aladin and Infyniti system. AR-CO guided its customers to their correct employment through a series of initiatives that gave life to a real “green system” and that allowed the company to be always in the vanguard in its field. Besides during the last four years the firm has been modifying its own methodology for at least 95%, passing from a classical productive system to one specifically finalized to the development, production and sale of green products.
TAILOR IS THE NEW TABLET APPLICATION Tailor is the new tablet application for calculating the cost of the equipment and detergents needed by any facility. According to the sector, this cost is expressed in two measure units: room cost (for hotels) or cost per sqm. Created by AR-CO Chimica in partnership with Kärcher Italia, Tailor provides an highly innovative selling method within the professional cleaning market. It is based on the concept of the cleaned square meter, rather than on the traditional proposal of products (either machines, equipment or detergents). The clear cost (either room cost or sqm cost) ties the concept of product with the one of service.
TAILOR EST LA NOUVELLE APPLICATION POUR TABLETTES Tailor est la nouvelle tablette permettant de calculer le coût du matériel de nettoyage nécessaire pour tout établissement. Tailor est la nouvelle tablette permettant de calculer le coût du matériel de nettoyage nécessaire pour tout établissement. Selon le secteur, il est exprimé en deux unités de mesure: le coût de la chambre (pour les hôtels) ou le coût au m². Créé par Arco Chimica en partenariat avec Kärcher Italy, Tailor fournit une méthode de vente très innovante sur le marché du nettoyage professionnel. Il est basé sur le concept du mètre carré propre, plutôt que sur la proposition traditionnelle de produits (machines, équipements ou détergents). Le coût clair (pièce ou coût) lie le concept de produit à celui de service.
march 2019
Focus on
Une équ jeune et ipe b motivéeien
italian companies
A young and well motivated
alpi was founded in 1987 and it is located in Ponzone, Trivero (North of Italy). Since the beginning, the company wanted to bring innovations into the
world of professional cleaning equipment. Thanks to a young and well motivated team, after 30 years Falpi is still improving and it added a precious quality: experience in “cleaning problems”, which are solved
KUBI 2 PRO BIG-FOOT TROLLEY Kubi is our concept of closed trolley. It has been designed paying great attention to details and features, it uses plastic without compromising quality. A new arrival which enriches and completes our offer joining the traditional sturdiness of our inox trolley with a beauty that is suitable for new challenges. Kubi is simple, compact and modular... in one word: beautiful! We wanted it to be aesthetically refine, suitable for schools, offices and commercial centres, but, at the same time safe, efficient, resistant and eco-friendly in order to integrate it into a green-certified philosophy. KUBI 2 PRO BIG-FOOT CHARIOT Kubi est notre idée de chariot fermé. Il a été projeté en prêtant beaucoup d’attention aux détails et aux techniques caractéristiques, en utilisant le plastique sans compromettre la qualité. Une nouvelle arrivée qu’il enrichit et complète notre offre qui en unit la robustesse traditionnelle de nos chariots inox avec une raffinée apte esthétique à nouveaux défis. Kubi est simple, compact et modulaire... dans un mot: beau! Nous voulions qu’il fût raffiné esthétiquement, apte pour écoles, bureaux et centres commerciaux, mais en même temps sûr, performante, résistant et écho-friendly afin de l’intégrer dans notre philosophie green certifié.
march 2019
in the fastest and best way. Falpi products are designed for cleaning companies, hospitals, communities, schools and they are completely Made in Italy. The choice of best raw materials guarantees the high quality
ULTRARAPID HONEYCOMB 3D WET-MOP Ultrarapid Honeycomb 3D wet-mop is the winner of the 25th Ecolabel award during the exhibition Pulire Verona in May. Thanks to its performances, it has become the best quality reference point on the market. The fixing Honeycomb 3D fabric also guarantees an excellent washing endurance and the wet-mop yarn is made up of microfibre (80% polyester, 20% polyamide). Falpi range of products for washing floors satisfies every requirement of the “cleaning professionals”. The different type of flooring, different sectors of application, grade of dirt, types of detergent and frequency of cleaning are the fundamental elements which determine the choice of the right equipment.
FALPI ANDREA LORO PIANA, CEO WHAT MEANS OF SUPPORT CAN YOUR RETAILERS AVAIL OF IN THEIR COMMERCIAL DEALINGS? «At Falpi we offer for our retailers first of all more than 30 years of experience in the market of professional cleaning, and, secondly, all the necessary documentation to do their job properly. We ensure that standard products and materials are always in our stock, to meet the needs of all types of distributors. We also provide ad-hoc solutions for individual customers, remaining flexible in terms of deadlines and technical solutions. In the last year we have updated and innovated our website through which the retailers with access credentials will be able to obtain in autonomy all the necessary information of every single product».
team and longer life cycle. Finally, the total recyclability of the products testifies the environmental responsibility of the company which is ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and SA8000 certified.
FRANGE ULTRARAPID HONEYCOMB 3D WET-MOP La frange Ultrarapid Honeycomb 3D est le vainqueur du 25esimo prix Ecolabel pendant l’exposition Pulire qu’il a eu lieu à Vérone en le 2017. Le tissu de fixation Honeycomb 3D garantit une résistance excellente aux lavages et la partie nettoyant il est en microfibra, 80% poliester, 20% poliammide. La gamme Falpi pour le lavage des planchers satisfait tous les besoins des experts du cleaning. Le type différent de pavage, les différents secteurs d’application, le degré de saleté, le type de détergent et la fréquence de propreté sont éléments fondamentaux qui déterminent le choix de l’équipement juste.
QUELS INSTRUMENTS VOUS METTEZ À DISPOSITION DE VOS DÉTAILLANTS POUR LES SOUTENIR DANS LEUR ACTION COMMERCIALE? «Nous de Falpi mettons à disposition de nos détaillants avant tout l’expérience de 30 ans dans le secteur du nettoyage professionnel, et, en second endroit, toute la documentation nécessaire pour dérouler leur travail correctement. Nous assurons une disponibilité constante de produits standard et de matériel à magasin pour satisfaire les exigences de chaque type de distributeur et nous cerclons solutions créées à-hoc sur le client, en maintenant une grande souplesse sur timing et solutions techniques. Dans le dernier an nous avons ajourné et innové notre site web à travers qui le détaillant, avec l’accès à la zone réservée, il pourra tirer tous les renseignements nécessaires pour chaque produit unique».
MICROTECH HR INOX TROLLEY Microtech HR “High Risk” inox is a service trolley which has been designed for the healthcare sector. It has been specifically projected to clean the operating rooms, where a particular cleaning procedure and a compact trolley are required. Its structure in round stainless steel tubolar is mounted on nylon wheels which make the trolley very sturdy, easy to handle and its innovative design complies with the new concept of ergonomics, reducing the physical effort of the operators. Microtech HR has the buckets made in recycled plastic (at minimum 50%) and it complies with the GPP (Green Public Procurement) rules imposed by the European Union. CHARIOT MICROTECH HR INOX Microtech HR “High Risk” inox est un chariot de service qu’il a été projeté pour le domaine sanitaire et, plus spécifiquement, pour la propreté des salles opératoires qui demandent une procédure spéciale et où il est, donc, nécessaire un chariot compact. Sa structure en inox rond tubulaire est montée sur roues en nylon qu’ils rendent le chariot très robuste, facile à manier et son design innovant s’adapte aux nouvelles idées d’ergonomie en réduisant l’effort physique des opérateurs. Microtech HR a les seaux en plastique recyclé, avec une blanche pour cent de 50%, et, donc, il satisfait les standards du GPP, Green Public Procurement imposé par la communauté européenne.
march 2019
Innovati connai on et ssance
Focus on italian companies
Innovation and knowledge FORMATIC, FOR HIGH TURNOUT The renewed Formatic dispenser permits a perfect hand drying with only two sheets of 23 cm. Thanks to a dispensing capacity of 1.300 sheets, it is particularly recommended for premises with high turnout. The latest update guarantees an elevated reliability thanks to a more fluid traction, fast refill system, reducing maintenance cost.
FORMATIC, POUR HAUTE FRÉQUENTATION Le nouveau distributeur Formatic permet un essuyage parfait des mains avec seulement 2 feuilles de papier de 23 cm de longueur. Grâce à sa capacité d’offrir jusqu’à 1.300 essuie mains, est particulièrement indiqué pour les locaux à haute fréquentation. Le dernier développement garantit une meilleure fiabilité grâce à une traction encore plus fluide, un remplacement du rouleau plus rapide et une réduction des coûts de maintenance.
march 2019
FLUTECH® FORMULA On average, Celtex toilet papers dissolve within 9 seconds. Tests carried out by accredited laboratory in compliance with “Standard AFNOR: NF Q 34-020 Sanitary and Domestic articles. Toilet Paper. Measurement of disintegration”. 9 seconds is the perfect balance between flushability and optimal use of the toilet paper. Flutech® formula prevents clogs without use of enzymes.
LA FORMULE FLUTECH® En moyenne, les papiers hygiéniques Celtex se délitent dans les 9 secondes. Tests effectués par un laboratoire accrédité en conformité avec «Norme AFNOR: NF Q 34-020 Articles sanitaires et domestiques. Du papier toilette. Mesure de délitation». 9 secondes est l’équilibre parfait entre la délitation et l’utilisation optimale du papier hygiénique. La formule Flutech® évite les colmatages sans utilisation d’enzymes.
ndustrie Celtex is the synthesis of innovation, knowledge, and expertise in the tissue, TNT and dispensing system products for the professional market. A vertical integrated process from paper mill to converting lines offers specific solutions for all areas of use: washroom and workplace, food and catering, medical and healthcare. Industrie Celtex proposes distinct sub-brands to accomplish all business demands. EU Ecolabel, the ecological quality label that guarantees the respect of severe criteria for the protection of the environment required at a European level: low water and air pollution, low greenhouse gas emission and electricity use. FSC® is a non-governmental international organization which promotes the responsible use of forestry resources. PEFCTM, the forest certification that guarantees the correct environmental management of forest from which cellulose comes. ISEGA, the declaration of no objection for food industry. It guarantees the harmlessness of the certified product in contact with food.
WHAT MEANS OF SUPPORT CAN YOUR RETAILERS AVAIL OF IN THEIR COMMERCIAL DEALINGS? «We support our sales team providing marketing material, free samples, market updates, training and coaching activities». QUELS INSTRUMENTS VOUS METTEZ À DISPOSITION DE VOS DÉTAILLANTS POUR LES SOUTENIR DANS LEUR ACTION COMMERCIALE? «Afin de soutenir notre équipe commerciale nous fournissons du matériel marketing, des échantillons gratuits, des mises à jour du marché, des activités de formation et de coaching».
REVOLVER, IS A REVOLUTIONARY TOILET PAPER SYSTEM Revolver is a revolutionary toilet paper system created to ensure autonomy and functionality without waste. A “Patent Pending” dispenser designed to guarantee over 300 m of authonomy, compared to a maxi jumbo. The system holds three rolls of soft toilet paper anchored to a center drum that allows the finished roll to revolve by force of gravity. The Magnum 100 toilet paper is perfected with FLUTECH®, the innovative formula that permits all pure cellulose Celtex toilet paper to dissolve in 9 seconds, guaranteeing a safe use and clog-free plumbing.
REVOLVER, UN SYSTÈME POUR PAPIER TOILETTE RÉVOLUTIONNAIRE Revolver est un système pour papier toilette révolutionnaire idéal pour autonomie et fonctionnalité sans gaspillage. Un distributeur “Patent Pending” étudié pour garantir plus de 300 m d’autonomie égale à celle d’un maxi jumbo. Le système incorpore 3 rouleaux de papier toilette doux autour d’un tambour central, lequel permet le remplacement par gravité du rouleau terminé. Le papier hygiénique Magnum 100 respecte la technologie FLUTECH®, l’innovante formule qui permet à tous les papiers hygiéniques Celtex en pure ouate de se déliter en 9 secondes, garantissant ainsi une utilisation sereine des tuyaux d’évacuation sans dangers de bouchons.
march 2019
Focus on italian companies
Research at the service of consumers
EMIKA, since1976, produces and sells chemical specialties and equipments for professional cleaning and for the market. It proposes a complete range of machines too, sold with the brand Nova. The chemical specialties and the dosing systems for swimming pools are sold by the company Controlchemi. The group can give to dealers whatever is needed to
cover all needs from the floors treatment to the products for the kitchens of restaurants, from the hygiene in the hospitals to the sanitary and swimming pool water treatment, from the wellness centers to the automotive cleaning. Kemika is a leader in the Italian contract cleaning market and it’s well known also in other European countries and in the Mediterranean area. Certified company UNI EN ISO 9001:2008
DOUBLE CROSSLINKED METALLIZED FLOOR POLISH Metallized floor polish with an extremely high resistance to the traffic. Very resistant to detergents, disinfectants and alcohol. Suitable for high speed machines maintenance. MEGA can be used on all types of floors (PVC, linoleum, marble, terrazzo, etc.) even in high traffic areas and in hospitals. Suitable for the protection of conductive floors (it doesn’t insulate the floor and allows the electric dispersion).
WAX STRIPPER DETERGENT FOR MEGA ECSTRA is a low foam detergent and wax remover for all types of metallized floor polishes. It is particularly formulated for the highly crosslinked floor polish MEGA. It can be used on PVC, marble, terrazzo.
CIRE METALLISEE A DOUBLE RETICULATION Cire métallisée résistante au trafic et aux lavages même avec des détergents puissants. La double réticulation fusionne tous les composants du film ce qui lui confère une longue durée et permet un entretien facile des marques de trafic par le biais d’un simple lavage ou d’un lustrage avec une machine à haute vitesse. Peut être utilisé pour la protection des sols en PVC, linoléum, pierres assimilées dans les locaux à fort trafic ainsi qu’en milieux hospitaliers, maison de retraite.
Recherc au servi he consomm ce des ateurs
march 2019
KEMIKA MATTEO MARINO, CEO WHAT MEANS OF SUPPORT CAN YOUR RETAILERS AVAIL OF IN THEIR COMMERCIAL DEALINGS? «Kemika has a network of dealers for the sale of its products on the market. Our dealers have the important task of proposing and explaining the right product to the final user and they often determine the final choice. For this reason, they must know the qualities and the features of the formulations characterizing them favorably compared to the competitors. A constant and professional dialogue with them, a continuous training and a commercial support, are the basis of the success of our company and of our dealers». QUELS INSTRUMENTS VOUS METTEZ À DISPOSITION DE VOS DÉTAILLANTS POUR LES SOUTENIR DANS LEUR ACTION COMMERCIALE? «Kemika bénéficie d’un réseau de distributeurs pour la vente de ses produits sur le marché. Nos distributeurs ont la tâche importante de conseiller et d’expliquer le bon produit à l’utilisateur final et ce sont souvent eux qui déterminent le choix final. Pour cette raison, ils doivent connaître les qualités et les spécifications des formulations qui les caractérisent favorablement, par rapport à la concurrence. Un entretien constant et professionnel avec eux, une formation continue et un support commercial, sont la base du succès de notre société et
DETERGENT DECAPANT POUR MEGA ECSTRA est un détergent multi-action décapant peu moussant pour le lavage de fond et la remise en état de n’importe quel type de cire métallisée. Il est particulièrement indiqué pour le décapage des films de protection de cire MEGA. Son action en profondeur permet d’attaquer tous les composants présents dans les films de protection des cires métallisées.
ANTISCALING DEODORANT DETERGENT FOR TOILETS SANOCIT is an organic acid based perfumed detergent, formulated for sanitary fittings, water taps, tubs, showers, sinks, ceramic tiles. SANOCIT removes water marks, soap scum, and leaves the surfaces sparkling clean and long lasting perfumed. It is particularly suitable for the routine maintenance of bathrooms in hotels, clinics, offices.
DETERGENT ANTICALCAIRE DESODORISANT POUR SANITAIRES SANOCIT est un détergent contenant des acides faibles, spécialement étudié pour l’entretien journalier des appareils sanitaires, robinetterie, lavabos, parois et sols. Il enlève les traces d’eau, les résidus de savons et laisse la surface propre, brillante et parfumée. C’est le produit idéal pour l’entretien des installations sanitaires des restaurants, hôtels, cliniques, bureaux, etc. SANOCIT dégage un parfum agréable et très persistant.
march 2019
Focus on italian companies
Un poin de référ t e européennce
A European wide point of reference
lindex was founded in 1988 with the plan to launch a new system for grinding and polishing floors. In a short time the new Klindex system for marble polishing has be-
come popular all over the world. After a few years, the company launches another innovative machine for polishing wooden floors. Even this machine quickly achieve the most important international markets. Finally, Klindex develops large-sized ma-
EXPANDER 1000 Expander 1000 with the best quality/price relation is the best fully automatic 6 headed grinding machines. With the included remote control it is possible to adjust working functions such as: Speed and directions of the machine. Speed of the planetary. Planetary turning directions. Drift control. Emergency safety stop. Main features: One button system to rotate the planetary of 90° to allow a fast and easy change of tools. Strong gear box with thermo-hardened steel gears for a longer life. Adjustable working pressure from 500 up to 1250 kg. Adjustable inclination of the Planetary to allow a bigger frontal cutting. No noise during the work. Third insertable front wheel for easy transport and to load into
EXPANDER 1000 Expander 1000 ponceuse avec 6 têtes rotative décalés qui assure la planéité de la surface et l’équilibre parfait de la appareil. Les fonctions comme la régulation de la tête de pression et de la vitesse d’avancement ainsi que le système facile de changement d’outil sont standard. La transmission est entièrement construit avec des engrenages thermos-durci, roulements à rouleaux coniques, le puissant moteur, le châssis robuste, la troisième roue avant et la facilité d’utilisation en font Expander 1000 voiture plus fiable pour les gros travaux de meulage et de polissage même sur des sols très inégaux.
marzo march 2019
chines for “floor preparation” and for polishing concrete surface. Now the Klindex machines as well as its “floor polishing systems” are recognized to be the best the world market can offer. Customers all over the world continually attend the floor
HERCULES 800 PROPANE Unique propane powered grinding and polishing machine with geared planetary and 4 headed DCS system. DCS system allows short time in surface preparation, even in the most severe environments. With its DCS system Hercules 800 Propane is considered as the most efficient surface preparation grinding machine in the market. Hercules 800 Propane combines performance and reliability of Klindex grinding and polishing machines with the flexibility of propane motor. Propane Hercules 800 allows independence from generators or power lines. This robust grinder combines hits weight with a working section of 800mm, providing high productivity rates and constant performances.
KLINDEX ERCOLE BIBIANO, MANAGING DIRECTOR WHAT MEANS OF SUPPORT CAN YOUR RETAILERS AVAIL OF IN THEIR COMMERCIAL DEALINGS? « Basically these are the instruments that we offer to our dealers: training courses at our Academy to deepen all the techniques for surface treatment and floor polishing. Our technicians ready to go directly to their customers’sites to help them carry out their work in the best ways and to solve any problems they encounter. Any dealer, everywhere in the world, can take advantage of this free service. In cases of important work we can also provide a “staff of experts” that can be hired for the period necessary to start the work and to train the customer’s staff».
e polishing courses that Klindex offers every week to learn the best way to polish floors. In the meantime the company still continue in research in order to be always one of the best player in the market of grinding and polishing surface.
HERCULES 800 PROPANE La seule ponceuse à propane avec un planétaire à engrenages et un système DCS à 4 têtes. Le système DCS garantit des temps beaucoup plus courts pour la préparation des surfaces et pour les travaux plus lourds. Grâce au système DCS 4 têtes, HERCULES 800 Propane est considérée comme étant la ponceuse la plus efficace pour la préparation de surfaces sur le marché. Hercules 800 Propane allie les performances et la fiabilité d’une ponceuse Klindex avec la flexibilité d’un moteur à propane, idéale pour travailler à l’extérieur ou également à l’intérieur, mais en ayant une bonne ventilation. Avec Hercule 800, vous ne devrez plus dépendre des générateurs ou du réseau électrique. Grâce à la combinaison du poids et de la section de travail de 800 mm, elle offre des niveaux de productivité élevés et des performances constantes.
QUELS INSTRUMENTS VOUS METTEZ À DISPOSITION DE VOS DÉTAILLANTS POUR LES SOUTENIR DANS LEUR ACTION COMMERCIALE? «Voici ce que nous proposons à nos revendeurs: des cours de formation dans notre usine pour approfondir toutes les techniques de traitement de surface et de polissage de sol. Nos techniciens prêts à se rendre directement sur les sites de leurs clients pour les aider à effectuer leur travail de la meilleure façon possible et à résoudre les problèmes qu’ils rencontrent. Tout revendeur, partout dans le monde, peut profiter de ce service gratuit. En cas de travail important, nous pouvons également fournir une “équipe d’experts” qui peut être embauchée pour la période nécessaire au début du travail et à la formation du personnel du client».
HURRIKANE High Speed Burnishing machine, Hurricane is a powerful electric machine for polishing and buffing large areas. Advantages compared with propane buffing machines: easy to start, just plug it and work; no problem for safety, in many countries the “propane machines” are not allowed for indoor use. Hurrikane can be used indoor our outdoor everywhere. No problem to work in any altitude like the propane machines. No need “to use and to transport propane”. No need ADR for transport.
HURRIKANE Machine de polissage haute vitesse. Équipés de puissants électromoteur pour le lissage et le polissage des grandes surfaces. Facile à utiliser. Quelques-uns des nombreux avantages par rapport aux machines de propane sont faciles à mettre en marche, simplement en le connectant au réseau électrique. Il ne nécessite pas achat et transport de propane. Pas de problème de sécurité. Autonomie illimitée. Dans de nombreux pays machines propane ne sont pas autorisés pour un usage intérieur. Hurrikane peut être utilisé dans le monde entier, aussi bien à l’extérieur et l’intérieur. Aucun problème à travailler à n’importe quelle altitude contrairement aux machines de propane. Ne nécessite pas d’ADR pour le transport.
march 2019
Focus on italian companies
Solution innova s ntes
Innovative solutions AIROSTAR The first news of 2019 in the professional equipment range of Orma, is Airostar: a nebulizer at Ultra Low Volume powered with a lithium ion battery. Practical and maneuverable, Airostar allows to make treatments in all the environments where an electrical plug is not present without carrying with you tens of meters of electric cable. With an autonomy of 50 minutes, Airostar complies with professional standards, allowing located applications, without any waste of product or time.
SATURN Last born in the range of ORMA UV light fly traps it blends functionality and design. 30 Watt of pure strength in compact dimensions, Saturn hides catches from the sight showing only itself. Designed for being used in reselling points and more in general in public spaces, it can be hanged to the wall in vertical or horizontal position. Entirely Made in Italy, Saturn adds to the mere functionality an aesthetic value with attention to every detail for an efficient control of flying insects.
AIROSTAR La premier entre les nouveautés 2019 dans la gamme des équipements professionnels offerte par ORMA est Airostar: un pulvérisateur à Ultra Bas Volume alimenté par une batterie aux ions de litio. Pratique et maniable, il permet d’effectuer applications en tous les milieux dépourvus de raccordement à la ligne électrique sans devoir transporter dizaines de mètres de câble électrique. Avec une autonomie de 50 minutes, Airostar répond aux standards professionnels, en permettant applications visées sans gaspillage de produits ou de temps.
SATURN La dernière née ORMA dans la gamme des pièges à la lumière UV, condense fonctionnalité et design. 30 watts de puissance en dimension contenue, Saturn cache les captures à la vue. Pensée pour l’utilisation dans les points vente et en général dans les endroits publics, elle peut être installée au mur en vertical ou en horizontal. Entièrement Made en Italy, Saturn ajoute à la fonctionnalité pure une esthétique soignée en chaque moindre détail pour un contrôle efficace des insectes volants.
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RMA is a company that has been dealing with products for air fresheners and pest control since 1983. For years ORMA has been constantly engaged in expanding their knowledge in these two areas, to propose effective and innovative solutions to their customers. Passion, expertise, reliability and flexibility are the principles that guide Orma in becoming a partner of their customers and not just a simple supplier.
ORMA SALVATORE MANGOGNA, EXPORT MANAGER WHAT MEANS OF SUPPORT CAN YOUR RETAILERS AVAIL OF IN THEIR COMMERCIAL DEALINGS? «We always strive to establish with our customers not only a simple supplier-client relationship but a real partnership where our partner can rely on our 35 years expertise on the market. We follow our customers at 360° suggesting which products can best fit their market, helping them with the all the custom procedures and after that giving them a world class after-sales service, our will is to have customers who will remain with us forever. Some of the services we can provide are the private label on almost every product of our range, a consultancy service on regulatory problems and very fast lead times». QUELS INSTRUMENTS VOUS METTEZ À DISPOSITION DE VOS DÉTAILLANTS POUR LES SOUTENIR DANS LEUR ACTION COMMERCIALE? «Nous nous efforçons de bâtir avec nos clients bien plus qu’une simple relation “fournisseur-client”, mais un véritable partenariat actif en mettant à leur disposition nos 35 années d’expertise sur le marché de la lutte anti-nuisibles. Nous accompagnons constamment nos clients partenaires à travers une offre globale de services “à 360°” : suggestion de gamme de produits adaptée à leur marché, assistance aux formalités douanières, support après vente de haute qualité. Notre volonté est de construire une relation durable et pérenne avec nos clients. Parmi les autres services fournis: fabrication à marque client sur la quasi-totalité de la gamme de produits, consulting en matières d’affaires règlementaires, et des délais opérationnels très réduits».
Focus on
italian companies
Au service l’hygiènede
At the service of hygiene
ince 1989 Paperdi has been producing high-quality paper “tissue” for disposable products for hygienic and food uses at its facility in Caserta. The company, thanks to its agreements suppliers, selects high quality raw materials for the manufacturing of industrial jumbo rolls, kitchen towels, paper couch rolls, jumbo toilet paper rolls, fold hand towels. High quality coupled with a consumer-oriented policy have made Paperdi the leading company in the National market. Paperdi mission is to pursue a model of development that can reconcile business growth with the fundamental principles of customer satisfaction, value creation and economic and environmental protection.
THE QUALITY TISSUE The range of Paperdi’s products is composed of industrial rolls, medical bed sheets, jumbo toilet paper, hand towels rolls and folded hand towels (folded “C”,“V”,“W”and “Z”), produced not only in pure cellulose, but also in mixed cellulose and recycled paper, aimed at satisfying traditional hygiene needs of the professional market (Away from Home).
LE TISSU DE QUALITÉ La gamme des produits de Paperdi est composée de rouleaux industriels, de draps médicaux, de papier de toilette géant, de rouleaux de serviettes et de serviettes pliées (pliés « C », « V », « W » et « Z »), produits non seulement en cellulose pure, mais aussi en mélanges de cellulose et de papier recyclé, visant à satisfaire les besoins d’hygiène traditionnels du marché professionnel (Away from Home).
march 2019
Focus on
italian companies
Toujours l a solution juste
Always the right solution
arodi & Parodi is an Italian company born in 1969 as manufacturer of cleaning pads. Soon, its funder Giuseppe Parodi patented a special plunger for sinks, a product which made the history of Parodi & Parodi. The company has been growing all over the years with Leonardo Parodi until becoming a well-known reality, especially for the national market but now opening to foreign ones as well. Most of the products are “Made in Italy” preserving high standards of quality over all. Service is also a distinctive features of our job: we have a strong network of agents distributing our products and spreading our brand efficiently. Foreign markets and online selling are our new boundaries, together with the continuous development of new products and services.
WHAT MEANS OF SUPPORT CAN YOUR RETAILERS AVAIL OF IN THEIR COMMERCIAL DEALINGS? «We usually listen each specific demand of our customers and collaborators and try to give them all the instruments the need to support sales. We have printed and digital catalogues showing all our products in detail, an updated website in 4 languages and we supply all the IT devices they need to send easily their orders of goods. Finally, any kind of advertising support can be developed according to the customer’s needs». QUELS INSTRUMENTS VOUS METTEZ À DISPOSITION DE VOS DÉTAILLANTS POUR LES SOUTENIR DANS LEUR ACTION COMMERCIALE? «D’habitude nous écoutons nos clients et nos collaborateurs en leur donnant tous les instruments qu’ils nécessitent pour ses ventes. Nous avons des catalogues imprimés et digitales qui montrent nos produits dans le détail, un site internet en 4 langues et nous donnons les instruments technologiques pour envoyer facilement les commandes. Enfin, chaque type de matériel informatif et de publicité peut être fourni spécifiquement sur demande du client».
SUPER IGIENIK A concentrated detergent totally natural and biodegradable. It’s convenient in terms of weight to take home, place it take, ecology (you reduce plastics waste and it is 100% natural). Moreover it has a wonderful scent and it works perfectly.
SUPER ASCO An innovative plunger patented in 1959 by Giuseppe Parodi and still the only superefficient sink plunger. Ecologic, because it doesn’t need any chemical product, it is made of a spring and a movable part that allow you to make pression and suck in every direction. Super powerful and useful to clean totally your sink for long, it is a long lasting product.
SUPER ASCO Un plongeur innovant breveté en 1959 par Giuseppe Parodi et toujours le seul plongeur d’évier superefficace. Écologique, parce qu’il n’a pas besoin de produit chimique, il est fait d’un ressort et une partie mobile qui vous permettent de faire pression et sucer dans toutes les directions. Super puissant et utile pour nettoyer totalement votre évier pour longtemps, il est un produit durable.
march 2019
SUPER IGIENIK Un détergent concentré totalement naturel et biodégradable. Il est pratique en termes de poids et ecologique (vous réduisez les déchets plastiques et il est 100% naturel). En outre, il a une odeur merveilleuse et il fonctionne parfaitement.
Made in Italy chemical products
Chemicals at the centre of a great evolution Although the domestic market data in terms of revenue and volumes in general are not exactly promising, Italian companies in the chemical sector are increasingly inclined to face the challenge of foreign markets with great determination Maurizio Pedrini
Giancarlo Bernieri
Luca Cocconi
Alessandro Fioretto
march 2019
he chemical products sector is marked by stability: the figure emerges by analysing the numbers supplied by AfidampFAB - the Italian association of manufacturers of machines and products for professional cleaning - in the usual statistical surveys for 2017. The segment represented 20% of the total revenue with 208,119,305 euros with an essentially interior market and a share equal to 18% deriving from the foreign market. The total revenue is essentially stable, with a slight decrease of 0.4% compared to 2016, while a total of 110,929 tonnes of products were produced, with a slight decrease of around 5,000 tonnes compared to the previous year. The record, both in terms of production and values, is firmly in the hands of pro-
Vincenzo Magni
Matteo Marino
Produits Chimiques: Nouveaux scénarios pour le défi de l’exportation Si les données du marché intérieur en termes de chiffre d’affaires et de volumes en général ne sont pas passionnantes, les entreprises italiennes du secteur chimique sont de plus en plus portées à relever avec détermination le défi des marchés étrangers.
e secteur des produits chimiques est un secteur marqué par la stabilité : ce chiffre ressort de l’analyse des chiffres fournis par AfidampFAB - l’association italienne des fabricants de machines et de produits pour le nettoyage professionnel - dans les enquêtes statistiques habituelles pour 2017. Le segment représente 20% du chiffre d’affaires total avec 208 119 305 euros avec un marché essentiellement intérieur et une part égale à 18% provenant du marché étranger. Le chiffre d’affaires total est sensiblement stable, avec une légère baisse de 0,4% par rapport à 2016, tandis qu’un total de 110 929 tonnes de produits ont été produits, avec une légère diminution d’environ 5 000 tonnes par rapport à l’année précédente. Le record, à la fois en termes de production et de valeurs, est fermement entre les mains des produits pour les sols et environnements, avec un chiffre d’affaires de 181 836 065 euros et 92 826 tonnes de produits fabriqués. Dans cette catégorie, les détergents et les solvants détersifs se distinguent clairement avec
ducts for floors and rooms, with a turnover of 181,836,065 euros and 92,826 tonnes of products made. Within this category, detergents and detersive solvents clearly stand out with 56,945 tonnes produced (a decrease of about 2,000 tonnes compared to 2016) and 93,478,593 euros of turnover (with a decrease of about 2,500,000 euros). In this scenario, companies question the market and the role they are called upon to play to improve performance and competitiveness, of course not ignoring the difficulties and challenges of a complex transition phase, which involves significant economic investments in terms of production efficiency, even in the face of the most recent regulations. All this in full awareness that detergent is, by its very nature, a poor product, which can only be enriched
Michele Pagani
56 945 tonnes produites (une diminution d’environ 2 000 tonnes par rapport à 2016) et un chiffre d’affaires de 93 478 593 euros (avec une diminution d’environ 2 500 000 euros). Dans ce contexte, les entreprises s’interrogent sur le marché et le rôle qu’elles sont appelées à jouer pour améliorer leurs performances et leur compétitivité, sans oublier les difficultés et les défis d’une phase de transition complexe, qui implique des investissements économiques considérables en termes d’efficacité productive, même face aux dernières réglementations. Tout en sachant que le détergent est, de par sa nature même, un produit simple, qui ne peut être enrichi que par un savoir-faire et des solutions commerciales ciblées, axées sur l’innovation pour réduire les coûts, améliorer l’efficacité et l’éco-durabilité environnementale. D’un point de vue général, qui stagne sensiblement depuis un an, on a le sentiment que les exportations sont pratiquées avec une détermination toujours plus grande de la part de la majorité des producteurs.
by a know-how and targeted sales solutions, which hinge on innovation to reduce costs, improving its efficiency and environmental eco-sustainability.
of revenue and volumes in general, particularly in the ecological area. As far as international markets are concerned, it does not seem to me that our sector is to be credited among those export drivers, on the contrary. In any case, for us – at present – foreign countries are very marginal.’ ‘The turnover of our Group’, specifies Matteo Marino, Managing Director of Kemika, ‘has been stable in recent years. We are trying to expand our percentage of exported products with the aim of growing in more dynamic markets. It is not easy for those of us who sell low-value products, for which the cost of transport often does not allow us to be competitive.’ ‘Ours’, says Giancarlo Bernieri, Food & Beverage manager AEB Group, ‘is a company that can be considered to be bucking
NEW SCENARIOS FOR THE CHALLENGE OF EXPORT, WHICH HAS BECOME INCREASINGLY INTERESTING From the general stagnant general framework relating to the year just ended, there emerges the feeling that export is practiced with increasing determination by the majority of producers. ‘We think’, says Michele Pagani, managing director and sales and innovation manager of ICEFOR S.p.a., ‘that in 2018 all the major Italian manufacturers in the I&I sector enjoyed a positive “wind” in their sails. The Italian market has therefore shown comforting signs in terms
Antonio Picascia
Michele Ramundo
march 2019
Andrea Righi
Luigi Rubino
Made in Italy chemical products
the trend, given that it maintains growth levels that are certainly above the market average, and this is also thanks to constant research & development which, in addition to seeking product performance improvements, is particularly attentive to environmental problems. The good growth levels on the Italian market are accompanied by decidedly more significant results by the foreign subsidiaries.’ The countertrend, in the direction of a greater vocation of companies in the export sector compared to the past, is also confirmed by the other interviewees. ‘Our figures’, says Vincenzo Magni, head of the Allegrini Horeca & Facilities division, ‘are also positive on the international market. In particular, the demand from the Asian market is increasingly growing: the made in Italy brand is especially valued where, instead, it is thought that the choice of products with the PRC label prevails.’ ‘2018’, states Antonio Picascia, towner of Cleprin – Italian Chemicals, ‘closed
with a small increase in revenue, thanks also to new collaborations with foreign markets, such as Ireland, Albania and Ghana’. Michele Ramundo, sole director of Raro S.r.l. also reports good news in this regard: ‘On the European and non-European markets’, he says, ‘we have developed significant business volumes, considering that 2018 was the first year in which we set up an office abroad’. The mission of Luca Cocconi, CEO of ARCO Chimica - Arco Chemical Group, is definitely focued on export in 2019: ‘Exports now make up 21% of our global revenues, so we have already exceeded the goal we set ourselves only five years ago. For the years to come we have decided to invest a lot in foreign markets, aiming to be present at important international fairs such as Berlin and Amsterdam, two events at which we will present with many new proposals.’ ‘Our company’, specifies Alessandro Fioretto, CEO of Italchimica, ‘recorded a total increase in value of
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11% compared to 2018. As regards development abroad, growth was 28.81%.’ ‘The producers of the sector’, explains Luigi Rubino, administrator of Rubino Chem, ‘have lived a very complex period because of the difficulty of supply and the increase in production costs, within an asphyxiated market. The situation has in fact benefited large companies that are structurally able to better withstand market shocks; unfortunately many SMEs have failed because they are no longer able to compete. Others, like ours, have invested in technology and research, achieving good results in terms of penetration into new markets and consolidation of sales.’ ‘MK’, specifies Andrea Righi, general manager of MK, ‘has grown in 2018, both in value and in terms of volume, thanks to a renewed approach to the market and the strengthening of the relationship with our customers and partners. We are very proud of the quality of our products and of being able to bring Made in Italy to where it is recognised and appreciated.’
Made In Italy Machines
Made in Italy flying high The excellence of Italian production of machines for professional and industrial cleaning is universally recognized, as evidenced by the high volumes of exports Paola Costa
ne of the companies most active in the export market is TMB, historical company in the Cleaning sector. Service and consultancy are both central elements in the TMB offer, as confirmed by Managing Director Giampaolo Ruffo: «Attention to the customer is an important aspect that has always played a big part in our access to international markets as Italian
producers. Then we have the innovation factor, a strategic field of development on which our companies (Comac, Fimap, TMB) have always focused their effort and continue investing consistent resources even in times of crisis, in this way somewhat mitigating the effects of the price wars going on around the world. Research and innovation and the offer of machines more suited to the needs of the clients are the distinctive factors
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Giampaolo Ruffo
of our offer». Director Ruffo continued: «Also other factors have established the excellence of our cleaning technologies in recent years: the conviction of our opening to the Green Economy is well worth noting, as is our vocation for craftsmanship and its felicitous combination with creativity and design, our search for intelligent solutions and applications, and a certain flexibility in approach to the professional cleaning world under the banner of quality, all of which enhance our reputation for the know-how branded Made in Italy that never fails to be highly appreciated abroad». Also for Dante Rossetti, Marketing Manager at Lavorwash S.p.A,
Satisfaction sur les marchés étrangers L’excellence de la production italienne de machines de nettoyage professionnelles et industrielles est universellement reconnue, comme le montre le volume élevé des exportations
«The fact that our machines are created with particular regard to the environment rewards us abroad. We have recently opened up new markets and have had satisfactory answers from the Middle East, China, Russia, Romania, Korea, Thailand, Japan and Indonesia». Attention to environmental policies is also a plus for Michele Massaro, CEO of Lindhaus: «The success of our business abroad is also based on our attitude towards a Green production too, both in terms of machines created with greater attention to the environment both for the same production methods, with development models that have little or nothing to envy to the economies that are traditionally considered greener. Our machines are based on quality that lasts in time: the average life-
e service et le conseil sont au cœur de l’offre de la TMB, comme l’a confirmé le PDG Giampaolo Ruffo: «le service à la clientèle est un aspect important qui a toujours caractérisé notre accès aux marchés internationaux. Il y a ensuite le facteur innovation, un domaine de développement stratégique dans lequel nos sociétés (Comac, Fimap, TMB) se sont toujours beaucoup concentrées, continuant à investir des ressources substantielles même en temps de crise. Recherche et innovation, des machines plus adaptées aux besoins des clients sont les facteurs qualificatifs de notre offre ». Pour Dante Rossetti, responsable marketing de Lavorwash SpA, «le fait que nos machines soient conçues avec un respect particulier pour l’environnement nous récompense à l’étranger. Récemment, nous avons pénétré de nouveaux marchés et obtenu des réponses satisfaisantes du Moyen-Orient, de la Chine, de la Russie, de la Roumanie, de la Corée, de la Thaïlande, du Japon et de l’Indonésie». Centrale est la vocation artisanale de Lindhaus, qualifiée pour les petites et moyennes productions à des prix compétitifs, des modèles différenciés et des livraisons rapides. Lindhaus propose toute la gamme prête à être livrée en Europe; ce qui signifie des investissements beaucoup moins importants chez les détaillants et des commandes et livraisons plus fréquentes. Laura Passuello, de STI Industry, qui fabrique des moteurs à vapeur, est une entreprise qui a un ADN très vert: « Les contenus écologiques, dans nos segments de marché, sont une condition sine qua non: un préalable à l’accès aux clients les plus exigeants, qui utilisent de la vapeur plutôt que des détergents traditionnels, faisant preuve d’une attention particulière pour l’environnement, sans aucun doute plus marquée que ceux qui se dégraissent avec d’autres systèmes». «Nous ne pouvons vraiment pas nous plaindre de l’accueil des marchés étrangers - explique Patrick Vangestel, propriétaire de 4 Clean Pro - en effet, très souvent, nos prévisions de croissance dans les nouveaux pays sont sous-estimées, avec des rendements plus que satisfaisants». 4 Clean Pro est une société très jeune qui a consolidé son succès avec un petit laveur-laveur, Mira, qui remplace progressivement le chiffon et le serpillière. Klindex est également une entreprise prospère, qui exporte l’essentiel de sa production, avec une tendance à la hausse. Le directeur général Ercole Bibiano confirme: «nous sommes reconnus dans le monde entier comme un leader du segment de niche des machines de polissage du marbre. Nos produits sont commercialisés avec des services de formation, une assistance spécifique pour le démarrage de nouveaux chantiers».
span of our machine for domestic use is 15-20 years, and 8-10 years for our professional use machines; this means that there is much less material to eliminate». A central factor for Lindhaus is its Vocation for Craftsmanship: small-medium productions of differentiated models at competitive prices with quick delivery - Lindhaus offers its entire range of machines for Europe just in time which translates in terms of much lower investments for the dealers and mo-
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Michele Massaro
re frequent orders and deliveries. One company that may be said to be green at heart is Laura Passuello’s STI Industry that produces steam cleaning machines: «In our segment of the market, respect for the environment is a conditio sine qua non: a pre-requisite for accessing today’s more demanding clients who want to use steam instead of traditional detergents and for such reason demonstrate unquestionably much higher levels of attention to the environment than users of other systems; moreover we also propose the use of natural disinfectants, such as Tea-Tree or
Ercole Bibiano
Plastics packaging
Eucalyptus oil that cost more than chemical products but make much lower environmental impact. In addition to the guaranteed reliability and constructive quality of our machines, our clients abroad are always impressed by our productive unit’s location in the middle of the countryside and our production methods and rules that demand the greatest attention to cleanliness and order in our workplaces, which more closely resemble precious metalwork than mechanical machinery workshops. We are consistent in everything we do». «We have no complaints about the welcome our export markets have given us - affirmed Patrick Vangestel, the owner of 4 Clean Pro -, in fact we very often find that we have underestimated our forecasts for growth in nations we have just entered, and then obtain returns that are more than satisfying». 4 Clean Pro is a very young company, has consolidated success with a small scrubber dryer, Mira, that is progressively replacing cloth and mop». In operating since 2010, 4 Clean Pro continues breaking its own records year after year with growth rates of up to 100%. «We recently signed a contract with a large distribution chain that serves the United States and Canada with thousands of machines every year, and we are aiming at Eastern Europe and Russia in the future without neglecting Southern Europe, Slovenia and Croatia. Therefore we plan to make more investments in our distribution structure and double our foreign dealers». A successful company is also Klindex that exports a large part of its production, and at a constantly growing pace. The General Manager Ercole Bibiano confirms: «The world acknowledges our leadership in the niche market segment of marble polishing machines,
Laura Passuello
and we have no competitors in the market’s higher quality product sector. Our products are sold with training services; we provide specific assistance for start-ups at new worksites, we can send one of our technicians to the site, and can even provide works supervisors for two or three months at a time. International clients recognize our long-term reliability and efficiency; our machines are considered the top of the line, and so our clients accept the fact
Patrick Vangestel
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that our prices are higher than the standard offer. Our machines are ergonomic and easier to use, as Autopilot machine, for example, can even work without an operator. Our research and development is oriented to the offer of concrete polishing machines, a segment in strong expansion in which we now offer machines suited to even the largest areas, such as those in industrial hangars, airports, and shopping centers that choose flooring of this kind».
Focus on
italian companies
Puissance efficacitéet
Power and efficiency
stablished in1968, Poli produces and sells a complete range of motorsweepers, all equipped with powerful suction, strenght and reliability. The motorsweepers have been implemented and diffused through the years, with customers and clients. Sweepers are made of steel and are easy to maintain. Poli motorsweepers models can be choosen on different function systems: manual motorsweepers, battery motorsweepers, petrol motorsweepers, man on board motorsweepers and hydraulic discharge motorsweepers.
SWEEPER IN TWO TYPES Gemma is a sweeper with 80 cm of main brush, produced in two different typologies: the first one with manual unloading of dust container; the second, named ‘DSA’, with hydraulic discharge of dust container, high 145cm from the ground (115 liters) and with the possibility to equip it with one pocket filter (5,5 sm) or nr. 8 cartridge filters (6,4sm). Four types of motorizations: battery, petrol, diesel and petrol/LPG. Strong and ergonomic machine designed to facilitate the work of the operator and ensure long lasting performance with remarkable quality/ price relation. Entirely projected and manufactured with components Made in Italy.
BALAYEUSE EN DEUX VERSIONS Gemma est une balayeuse avec 80 cm de brosse principale, produit dans deux typologies différentes: la première avec déchargement manuel du récipient à poussière; la seconde, appelée ‘DSA’, avec décharge hydraulique du récipient à poussière, haut 145 cm du sol (115 litres) et avec la possibilité de l’équiper d’un filtre de poche (5,5 cm) ou nr. 8 filtres à cartouche (6,4sm). Quatre types de motorisations: batterie, essence, diesel et essence/GPL. Machine forte et ergonomique conçue pour faciliter le travail de l’opérateur et assurer des performances durables avec une qualité / rapport prix remarquable. Entièrement projeté et fabriqué avec des composants Made in Italy.
march 2019
Focus on italian companies
Hygiene and special fragrances
OLEZ ESSENZA 750 ML AVAILABLE IN 19 FRAGRANCES Olez Essenza is not just a detergent. There are 19 innovative formulas for a daily use on environments and surfaces. Each fragrance evokes a different nature’s aroma. The continuous use of Olez Essenza guarantees a result that doesn’t go unnoticed. Olez has two lines whose names come from a range of colours: the Original Classic Line and the Original Luxury Line. Each colour will turn your day under a different light thanks to its long-lasting highly perfumating action. Moreover, it will wipe away dust from every type of surface and its most hidden corners with a decisive anti-static action. The removal of bad odours and the cleaning-up of the most used environments follows accondingly. To wash hard surfaces, just spray a small quantity of product into five litres (one gallon) of water.
OLEZ ESSENZA 750 ML DISPONIBLE EN 19 PARFUMS Olez Essenza n’est pas seulement un détergent. Il y a 19 formules innovantes à utiliser quotidiennement dans les environnements et les surfaces. Les parfums évoquent des saveurs naturelles. L’utilisation constante d’Olez Essenza garantit un résultat parfait qui ne passe pas inaperçu. Olez a deux lignes inspirées par les couleurs, la ligne classique originale et la ligne de luxe originale. Chaque couleur transformera votre journée sous un jour différent grâce à son longe action parfumante. De plus, il éliminera la poussière de chaque surface et de ses coins les plus cachés avec une action antistatique décisive. L’enlèvement des mauvaises odeurs et le nettoyage des environnements les plus utilisés suivent en conséquence. Pour laver les surfaces dures, vaporisez simplement une petite quantité de produit dans cinq litres d’eau. Pour laver les surfaces dures quotidiennes, vaporiser une petite quantité dans cinq litres (un gallon) d’eau.
march 2019
OLEZ SANIESSENZA IGIENIZZANTE 750 ML AVAILABLE IN 3 FRAGRANCES Olez Saniessenza Igienizzante is an innovative multi-use sanitizer for a daily use made of organic essential oils; with its excellent performance, it can be used on every surface. Thanks to its four different functions: it sanitizes, perfumes, wipes away dust and removes smell from indoor spaces. On the other hand, its unique, original and long-lasting fragrances will impart a pleasant and intimate atmosphere to your environments.
OLEZ SANIESSENZA IGIENIZZANTE 750 ML DISPONIBLE EN 3 PARFUMS Olez Saniessenza Igienizzante est un désinfectant innovant multi-usage pour un usage quotidien à base d’huiles essentielles biologiques. Avec ses excellentes performances, il peut être utilisé sur toutes les surfaces. Grâce à ses quatre fonctions différentes: il assainit, parfume, élimine la poussière et supprime les odeurs des espaces intérieurs. D’autre part, ses parfums uniques, originaux et durables donneront une atmosphère agréable et intime à vos environnements.
Rubino Chem
Hygiène et parfu spéciaums x
ubino Chem was founded in 2002 by Luigi Rubino, after inheriting Rubino Detergenti and half a century of experience and innovation. Among the most important companies in the Italian chemical industry, Rubino Chem produces a wide range of high-quality products for industrial and professional use in the chemical sector. The efficiency and the impact
MAGICA SANIESSENZA IGIENIZZANTE 750 ML AVAILABLE IN 3 FRAGRANCES Magica Saniessenza Igienizzante is an innovative sanitizer derived from organic essential oils with an excellent performance recommended for cleaning professionals. It can be used in any environment: hotels, houses, communal spaces, resorts and wellness centres, sport centres, nursing homes and rest homes, hospitals, schools, offices, railroad-motor-cars. With its four different functions: it sanitizes, perfumes, removes odours from indoor spaces, removes dust from surfaces. The unique, original and long-lasting fragrances are planned to impart pleasant aromatic notes and create the right atmosphere in your indoor environments.
MAGICA SANIESSENZA IGIENIZZANTE 750 ML ML DISPONIBLE EN 3 PARFUMS Magica Saniessenza Igienizzante est un désinfectant innovant dérivé d’huiles essentielles biologiques aux performances excellentes, recommandé aux professionnels du nettoyage. Il peut être utilisé dans n’importe quel environnement: hôtels, maisons, espaces communs, centres de villégiature et de bien-être, centres sportifs, maisons de repos et de retraite, hôpitaux, écoles, bureaux, voitures de chemin de fer. Avec ses quatre fonctions différentes: il assainit, parfume, élimine les odeurs des espaces intérieurs, élimine la poussière des surfaces. Les fragrances uniques, originales et durables sont conçues pour conférer des notes aromatiques agréables et créer la bonne atmosphère dans vos environnements intérieurs.
on the environment are monitored continuously to find environmentally friendly solutions that are safe for users; for that reason, during production processes exclusively high-quality raw materials with international certifications are used. We take care to listen to our customers during the sale, and afterward, we suggest the correct usage of products, providing all the technical and safety information for performance optimization.
BIOLÀ ESSENZASSOLUTA 250 ML AVAILABLE IN 3 FRAGRANCES A concentrated perfumer for laundry with softner effect, anti-felting and ironing facilitator. Can be used by hand and in the washing machine on all types of fabrics. Complementary product for washing machine detergent and softener substitute. That’s the result of the advanced research carried out in our laboratories, environmentally friendly, thanks to its non-aggressive formula, it is suitable for all types of garments and fabrics (cotton, wool, silk, synthetics, etc.). After pouring the right quantity it in the softener tray, it will release an intense long-lasting and refreshing fragrance. Moreover, with its antifelting technology it gives the freshly washed items a soft and very pleasant feel to the touch.
BIOLÀ ESSENZASSOLUTA 250 ML DISPONIBLE EN 3 PARFUMS Un parfumeur concentré pour le linge, avec effet adoucissant, facilitant le repassage et le feutrage. Peut être utilisé à la main et en machine sur tous les types de tissus. Produit complémentaire pour les détergents et substituts d’assouplissant pour lave-linge. C’est le résultat des recherches avancées menées dans nos laboratoires, respectueuses de l’environnement. Grâce à sa formule non agressive, il convient à tous les types de vêtements et aux tissus (coton, laine, soie, synthétiques, etc.). Après avoir versé la quantité appropriée dans le plateau de l’adoucisseur, il dégagera un parfum intense, durable et rafraîchissant. De plus, avec sa technologie anti-feutrage, il donne aux articles fraîchement lavés une sensation douce et très agréable au toucher.
march 2019
Focus on italian companies
Wide range of cleaning accessories HE, VACUUM CLEANER NOZZLE With more than 60 year of experience, Spival created an high quality tool to satisfy all the most performance demanding customers: the new line of vacuum cleaner nozzle HE. The HE nozzle has been conceived to be completely customizable on the cover and button shape without losing any score on ERP testing on carpet and hard floor. This new product, like every time at Spival, has been developed and manufactured in Italy and heavily tested during the production process to guaranty maximum quality, performances and long lasting. Main characteristics are: very high efficiency; rubber over molded wheels to prevent floor scratching; turning joint available in several size and parking; one pedal to switch between carpet and hard floor; cover and pedal completely customizable (even in two over molded materials or colors); very low noise. The HE nozzle is available in 2 versions: the HE 1.0 with closed suction channel sides to get the highest performances on ERP testing even with low power vacuum cleaners; the HE 1.1 with opened suction channel sides to get the best performance-usability ratio even on long hair carpets.
HE, BUSE D’ASPIRATEUR Avec plus de 60 ans d’expérience, Spival a créé un outil de haute qualité pour satisfaire tous les clients les plus performants exigeants : la nouvelle ligne de buse d’aspirateur HE. La buse HE a été conçue pour être entièrement personnalisable sur la forme du couvercle et du bouton sans perdre de score sur les tests ERP sur le tapis et le plancher dur. Ce nouveau produit, comme à chaque fois chez Spival, a été développé et fabriqué en Italie et fortement testé au cours du processus de production pour garantir une qualité maximale, des performances et de longue durée. Caractéristiques principales sont: très haute efficacité; caoutchouc sur les roues moulées pour empêcher les rayures de plancher; rotule disponible en plusieurs dimensions et parking; une pédale pour passer entre le tapis et le plancher dur; couvercle et la pédale complètement personnalisable (même en deux sur des matériaux ou des couleurs moulées); très faible bruit. La buse HE est disponible en 2 versions: la HE 1.0 avec les côtés fermés du canal d’aspiration pour obtenir les plus hautes performances sur les tests ERP même avec des aspirateurs de faible puissance; la HE 1.1 avec les côtés ouverts du canal d’aspiration pour obtenir les meilleures performancesrapport de convivialité même sur les tapis à cheveux longs.
march 2019
PLASTIC/ALUMINUM VACUUM CLEANER EXTENSION TUBES A revolution from Spival line of accessories for vacuum cleaners for household and commercial use. The perfect blend between metal and plastic tubes. The aluminium core tube gives the nice anodized aluminium appeal and the strength of a metal tube with the lightness of aluminium alloy. The plastic cones have several advantages: they don’t scratch the delicate surfaces and do not bend if the tube fold down, they don’t stick together forever, like the metal one do, after an intensive use, if used in the cold places they grant a good handling feeling and they can also be easily customized with logos and connection systems. Available in all standard sizes within September and in the Ø32 telescopic version later this year.
Vaste gamme d’access d’entre oires tien PAOLO SPINELLI, SALES AND R&D DIRECTOR
pival reached its “first” 65th year in which, Spinelli family that founded and still lead the company, created a very wide range of cleaning accessories. Today the company has a R&D department that in junction with the internal plastic mold making workshop provide new products to
TUBES D’EXTENSION D’ASPIRATEUR EN PLASTIQUE/ ALUMINIUM Une révolution de la gamme d’accessoires Spival pour les aspirateurs à usage domestique et commercial. Le mélange parfait entre les tubes en métal et en plastique. Le tube à âme en aluminium donne la belle allure en aluminium anodisé et la force d’un tube en métal avec la légèreté de l’alliage d’aluminium. Les cônes en plastique ont plusieurs avantages: ils n’égratignent pas les surfaces délicates et ne se plient pas si le tube se rabat, ils ne collent pas ensemble pour toujours, comme le métal, après une utilisation intensive, s’ils sont utilisés dans les endroits froids, ils donnent une bonne sensation de manipulation et ils peuvent également être facilement personnalisés avec des logos et des systèmes de connexion. Disponible dans toutes les tailles standard en septembre et dans la version télescopique Ø32 plus tard cette année.
the molding department that counts on 30 injection machineries and a brush making department with 16 tufting machineries and 4 strip brush machineries. Spival has as much catalogue products as OEM ones. In the last years a new line of innovative and competitive mop frames and mop called FPS Pulito was created using the previous experiences.
TECH FLAT MOP: ALUMINIUM/PLASTIC FRAMES Tech Flat Mop Frame has been conceived with the aim to create a new cleaning equipment for the commercial cleaning based on 65 years of experience of Spival in cleaning accessories. The idea was to make a modern full feature flat mop frame in one piece, over molding plastic on aluminium. Tech is a Patented Aluminium Mop Frame in 3 width (40, 50 and 60 cm long) with over molded velcro® like plastic hooks for long lasting performances at an affordable price. Disposable cloth locking system, no need to replace the hook stripes, soft plastic bumper on sides. Moreover the Advanced Connection for the metal handle gives many new possibilities to this tool with the vertical wall position and the parking position foot activated.
TECH FLAT MOP: CADRES EN ALUMINIUM/PLASTIQUE Tech Flat Mop Frame a été conçu dans le but de créer un nouvel équipement de nettoyage pour le nettoyage commercial basé sur 65 ans d’expérience de Spival dans les accessoires d’entretien. L’idée était de faire un cadre de vadrouille plat moderne en une seule pièce, sur le plastique de moulage sur l’aluminium. Tech est un cadre de vadrouille breveté en aluminium de 3 largeurs (40, 50 et 60 cm de long) avec des crochets velcro® moulés comme des crochets en plastique pour des performances durables à un prix abordable. Système de verrouillage en tissu jetable, pas besoin de remplacer les rayures de crochet, pare-chocs en plastique souple sur les côtés. En outre, la connexion avancée pour la poignée métallique donne beaucoup de nouvelles possibilités à cet outil avec la position verticale de la paroi et le pied de la position de stationnement activé.
march 2019
FROM R&D TO PRODUCTION DALLO SVILUPPO ALLA PRODUZIONE Since 1953 Spival develops and manufactures cleaning tools and has the complete production chain inside: • an R&D dept. that works directly with the mold worshop for mold and new products development and manufaturing • a modern molding department with 30 machinaries and all up to tade technologies • a brush making department with 14 latest generation machines • an assembling department and a big warehouse to guarantee fastest deliveries Spival is the ideal partner to develop and manufacture your new products. Spival da 65 anni sviluppa e produce accessori per la pulizia e dispone al suo interno di tutta la filiera produttiva: •
un reparto di ricerca e sviluppo per la creazione di nuovi prodotti e un’officina stampi interna specializzata
un reparto stampaggio con 30 presse e con le più recenti tecnologie di stampaggio
un reparto per la produzione di spazzole con 14 macchine di ultima generazione
un reparto di assemblaggio e un magazzino che garantiscono la massima efficienza
La Spival è quindi un partner ideale per lo sviluppo e la produzione dei vostri nuovi prodotti.
A NEW BRAND FROM A LONG TRADITION UN NUOVO BRAND DA UNA LUNGA ESPERIENZA FPS Pulito born as a new project of Spival with the aim of manufacturing cleaning systems with something new. Our patented over molded mop frames and all the related accessories are a great solution with nice features for high performances at an affordable price. FPS Pulito nasce come nuovo progetto di Spival con lo scopo di produrre nuovi sistemi di pulizia con qualcosa in piÚ. Le nostri basi mop brevettate con tutti i relativi panni e accessori rappresentano un’ottima soluzione con caratteristiche tali da avere ottime prestazioni ad un prezzo contenuto.
Spival S.p.A. Via Marconi, 214 51036 Larciano PT Italia Tel. +39 0573 859001-3
Toujour solutiosnla juste
Focus on italian companies
Always the right solution SCOUT 14S-300 SPECIAL This machine has small sizes (90x130x145 cm.) and lightweight (only 275 kg.) and for these reasons is particular recommended to be mounted on a pick-up like Fiat Strada, Fiorino, Porter, Ape car and similars. The Spray Team machine becomes a “complete mobile stations” able to make disinfection in urban areas like parks, avenues, gardens, canals, dumps, drainages and so on. Thanks to the wide range of fittings, like motorised or manual hand-operated hose-reel from 50, 80 or 100 m., metering pump unit, radiocommand, kit for electrostatics, television camera, thermofogger unit, these equipments are suitable for any kind of treatment.
ELITE 14S-300 The model ELITE 14S-300 thanks to its small sizes (130x105x130) and its lightweight (only 260 kg.), is particularly indicated for the application on pick-up with useful capacity of 650 - 700 kg. The Spray Team machine becomes a “complete mobile station” able to make disinfection in urban areas like parks, avenues, gardens, canals, dumps, drainages and so on. Thanks to the wide range of fittings, like motorised or manual handoperated hose-reel, metering pump unit, remote control, kit for electrostatics, television camera, termofogger unit, these equipments are suitable for any kind of treatment.
SCOUT 14S-300 SPÉCIAL Cette machine a de petites tailles (90x130x145 cm.) et léger (Seulement 275 kg.), pour ces raisons est particulièrement recommandé pour être monté sur des petits pick-up comme Fiat Strada, Fiorino, Porter, APE CAR et similaires. Les machines Spray Team devient des «stations mobiles complètes» capables de désinfecter en zones urbaines comme des parcs, avenues, jardins, canaux, décharges, égouts etc. Grâce à la large gamme d’accessoires comme les enrouleurs électriques ou à manivelle manuel à partir de 50, 80 ou 100 mètres, les pompes doseuses, radiocommandes professionnels, la charge électrostatique, kit caméra, kit thermo-brouillard, ces équipements sont utilisé pour tous les types de traitement.
march 2019
pray Team is a company specialized in manufacturing machinery for urban sanitation and the treatment of public and private green. All its products have been designed to meet the needs of workers while taking into account the three key factors: the effectiveness, practicality, the safe use. The element that unites them all is the quality that leaves the choice of materials
ELITE 14 S 300 Le modèle ELITE 14S-300 grâce à ses petites dimensions (130x105x130) et son poids léger (seulement 260Kg), est particulièrement indiquée pour l’application sur pick-up avec une capacité utile de 650 à 700 kg. Cette machine Spray Team devient une station mobile capable de désinfecter les zones urbaines comme les parcs, les avenues, les jardins, les canaux et les égouts. Grâce à la large gamme d’accessoires, comme les enrouleurs motorisés ou manuels, les pompes doseuses, les radiocommandes professionnelles sans fils, la charge électrostatique, les caméras à infrarouges et le kit Thermo-brouillard, ces équipements peuvent être utilisés pour tous les types de traitement.
through the production cycle and reach a final product of high performance and secure life, making these machines the real pieces. As a matter of fact Spray Team as a certified company, intends to implement and continuously improve its Quality Management System company, referring to UNI EN ISO 9001:2015. In addition, all facilities meet the requirements of the CE and D.L. for operator safety.
FOGGY ST 75 This machine is a stand alone thermo-mist generator on trolley, a small but powerful piece of equipment that combines great ease of use with an effective hot mist generating capacity. These are its main characteristics: engine, mono cylinder by 2 times; power, 5 hp/sae a 6000 rpm; cilindrate; 70 cc.; speed, 6000 rpm; consumption, 0,9 liters/h. ca.; fuel tank, 1,4 liters; starting, with self winding cable; ignition, electric; chimica product tank, by pressure, double use, capacity 9 liters in stainless steel, with mini compressor 12 V, programmable, nebulizer spear with interchangeable nozzle, for both the capacity to the desiderate nebulization; equipment, flexible probe from 2 m, for insertion into the sewer system. Distance of spray in sewer over 500 meters; size: width 46 cm, length 50 cm, height: 76 cm, weight: 22 kg / 42 kg - version ULV.
FOGGY ST 75 Cette machine est un Générateur thermo-brouillard complètement autonome sur chariot. Un petit mais puissant équipement qui combine une grande facilité d’utilisation avec une grande production de brouillard chaude. Ses caractéristiques principales sont: moteur, monocylindrique à 2 temps, Puissance 5 CV / SAE à 6000 tr / min, 70 cc, consommation 0,9 Litres / h, réservoir du carburant de 1,4 litres, démarrage avec corde, réservoir du produit chimique de 9 ou 18 litres en acier inoxydable avec mini compresseur 12 V pour le mettre en pression, lance-nébuliseur avec buse interchangeable pour avoir la nébulisation désirée, sonde flexible de 2 mètres pour traiter dans les égouts ou on peut arriver à plus que 800 mètres de distance. Dimensions: largeur 46 cm, longueur 50 cm, hauteur 76 cm, poids 34 kg (40 kg la version ULV).
march 2019
Focus on italian companies
La vape votre me ur, illeur allié
Steam is your best ally COMBY 3500 IS A COMPLETE EQUIPMENT FOR ANY KIND OF CLEANING This steam generator with vacuum can eliminate in a few seconds the 99% of the bacteria on surfaces, thanks to its steam at 180°C. The compact body is in stainless steel and the powerful boiler has 8 bars. You can face long and hard cleaning, since it has an automatic refilling of the boiler and two new functions called “hydrojet” and “detergent”. The new software allows choosing the level of water and/or detergent to spray with steam, according to the surface to clean. Just one machine to clean, disinfect and dry all types of surfaces. You can really change your way of cleaning, making it easier, faster and cheaper with Comby 3500.
GAISER 4000+ The Gaiser 4000+ is a steam cleaner suitable for any sort of cleaning and sanitation. This machine is part of our professional line and is equipped with a new detergent function. Its 8 bar permits to produce steam at 180°C assuring a complete sanitation. It has an automatic refilling boiler that allows to continuously add water and keep working without having to stop. The detergent function, with a dedicated tank on the outside of the machine, allows users to choose and change the most indicated detergent for the surface they are cleaning. In this way detergent and steam come out at the same time: even the most persistent dirt won’t resist.
COMBY 3500 EST UN ÉQUIPEMENT COMPLET POUR TOUT TYPE DE NETTOYAGE Ce générateur de vapeur avec aspiration peut éliminer en quelques secondes les 99% de bactéries présentes sur les surfaces, grâce à sa vapeur à 180 ° C. Le corps compact est en acier inoxydable et la puissante chaudière a 8 bars. Vous pouvez faire face à un nettoyage long et difficile, car il dispose d’un remplissage automatique de la chaudière et de deux nouvelles fonctions appelées «hydrojet» et «détergent». Le nouveau logiciel permet de choisir le niveau d’eau et/ou de détergent à vaporiser à la vapeur, en fonction de la surface à nettoyer. Une seule machine pour nettoyer, désinfecter et sécher tous les types de surfaces. Avec Comby 3500, vous pouvez vraiment changer votre méthode de nettoyage en la rendant plus facile, plus rapide et moins chère.
GAISER 4000+ Le Gaiser 4000+ est un nettoyeur à vapeur adapté à tout type de nettoyage et d’assainissement. Cette machine fait partie de notre gamme professionnelle et est équipée d’une nouvelle fonction de détergent. Ses 8 bars permettent de produire de la vapeur à 180 ° C assurant un assainissement complet. Il dispose d’une chaudière à remplissage automatique qui permet d’ajouter de l’eau en continu et de continuer à fonctionner sans avoir à s’arrêter. La fonction de détergent, avec un réservoir dédié à l’extérieur de l’appareil, permet aux utilisateurs de choisir et de changer le détergent le plus indiqué pour la surface à nettoyer. De cette façon, le détergent et la vapeur sortent en même temps: même la saleté la plus persistante ne résistera pas.
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TI is a leading manufacturer of steam cleaning machines for domestic and professional use. These two lines, designed and produced by a qualified and experienced team, are an example of the excellence of Made in Italy. Our products are entirely designed and manufactured in the plant of over 3,000 square meters in Fara Vicentino and distributed in Italy and all over the world. STI is used to work in closed partnership with its customers, trying to satisfy their requests by creating well-advanced products, even with specially-made customizations. LAURA PASSUELLO, CEO WHAT MEANS OF SUPPORT CAN YOUR RETAILERS AVAIL OF IN THEIR COMMERCIAL DEALINGS? «The support that we offer to our national and international clients is diversified according to the costumer type. In fact, the help we can give them depends on their way of doing business. Among the things that we usually do, we give them a constant technical support and we offer everything we have relating to the field of products promotion, such as videos, brochures and other advertising materials so as to help our distributor to realize as much sales as possible. Moreover, we are open to specifically made customizations of the machines so we can offer our clients a unique version of the product that will help them to stand out». QUELS INSTRUMENTS VOUS METTEZ À DISPOSITION DE VOS DÉTAILLANTS POUR LES SOUTENIR DANS LEUR ACTION COMMERCIALE? «Le support que nous offrons à nos clients nationaux et internationaux est diversifié en fonction du type de client. En fait, l’aide que nous pouvons leur apporter dépend de leur manière de faire des affaires. Parmi les tâches que nous accomplissons habituellement, nous leur apportons un soutien technique constant et nous offrons tout ce que nous avons concernant le domaine de la promotion des produits, tels que des vidéos, des brochures et d’autres supports publicitaires, afin d’aider notre distributeur à réaliser autant de ventes que possible. De plus, nous sommes ouverts à la personnalisation spécifique des machines afin de pouvoir offrir à nos clients une version unique du produit qui les aidera à se démarquer».
2019 STI srl - The Steam Industry
Focus on italian companies
A customer oriented Company
MB was founded in 1980 as manufacturer of wet & dry vacuum cleaners and carpet extractors. Giancarlo Ruffo, the successful entrepreneur and charismatic owner of Comac, became interested in the company and acquired it in September 2000. In September 2011, the company was finally relocated from Lodi to the Ruffo family’s historical manufacturing site in San Giovanni Lupatoto, just outside Verona. This was a long awaited, stra-
Une entrepr dévouée ise à clients ses
tegic choice that marks an important milestone: TMB’s full integration into the Ruffo family’s brands both from a logistics and manufacturing point of view. In recent years TMB has developed several products in the commercial, professional and industrial field. The range includes industrial and commercial vacuum cleaners, wet&dry vacuum cleaners and single disc machines. A wide selection of accessories allows to customize each model to have always the most effective answer to any cleaning needs.
TOR43 ORBITAL SINGLE DISC MACHINE The TOR43 orbital single disc machine uses a high frequency oscillating action to tackle even the most challenging jobs while drastically reducing operator fatigue.The TOR43 is extremely versatile, and is suitable for a wide range of applications in different situations. The roto-orbital action maximizes efficacy, for excellent results in less time on any type of floor, even in more delicate materials such as marble, stone, stoneware, terracotta, cement, wood and parquet. A wide range of accessories is available for applications such as heavy duty scrubbing, wax removal, crystallization, polishing and micro-polishing. A specific spray kit may be fitted when needed to distribute water or cleaning solution on carpet floors. The Velcro pad holder is suitable for heavy duty pads, for deep cleaning of hard floors and carpet floors. MONOBROSSE TOR43 Exploitant le principe des oscillations à haute fréquence, la monobrosse orbitale TOR43 est en mesure d’affronter les travaux les plus difficiles tout en réduisant considérablement l’effort de l’opérateur. La TOR43 est extrêmement polyvalente dans ses applications, elle est donc indiquée pour différents types d’environnement. Le mouvement rotatif orbital amplifie le rendement dans la mesure où il permet d’atteindre d’excellents résultats en moins de temps sur tout type de sol, même les plus délicats comme le marbre, la pierre, le grès, la terre cuite, le ciment, le bois et le parquet. Elle est disponible avec une vaste gamme d’accessoires qui permettent d’effectuer des traitements de lavage en profondeur, décapage, cristallisation, polissage et micro-polissage. Un kit spray spécifique pour la distribution d’eau ou de détergent sur les sols en moquette peut être installé si nécessaire. Le disque entraîneur en velcro est indiqué pour les tampons résistants, pour le nettoyage en profondeur des sols durs et des moquettes.
march 2019
QUICK PROFESSIONAL VACUUM CLEANER QUICK 60 is a professional wet & dry vacuum cleaner. Thanks to the Quick Clean system, the filter can be thoroughly cleaned with no need to switch off the appliance. Since the class M filter is located on the head, it does not reduce the tank’s capacity, and allows dust and liquids to be vacuumed with no need to remove the filter itself.It therefore speeds up the cleaning operations as it is able to deal with any wet zones which may be encountered within the areas to be treated.
TMB GIAMPAOLO RUFFO, GENERAL MANAGER WHAT MEANS OF SUPPORT CAN YOUR RETAILERS AVAIL OF IN THEIR COMMERCIAL DEALINGS? «We support our dealers with our catalogues and website, where all machine’s technical and commercial information are constantly updated. Especially in the latest catalogues, we focused more on the accessories of the new machines, highlighting their benefits in different environments and their ability to meet specific cleaning tasks. Moreover, in TMB, an area of 400 sq.m. is specifically equipped for the training of our dealers, technicians and Key Clients. Our staff support the network on both technical and commercial matters related to the machines, form their main strengths to use and maintenance. Inside TMB, the complete range of machines is displayed in a showroom, available for our Area Managers for demonstrations during customers visits, in order to give them the possibility to see and try our products». QUELS INSTRUMENTS VOUS METTEZ À DISPOSITION DE VOS DÉTAILLANTS POUR LES SOUTENIR DANS LEUR ACTION COMMERCIALE? «Nous assistons nos concessionnaires avec nos catalogues et notre site web, où toutes les informations techniques et commerciales des machines sont constamment mises à jour. Surtout dans les derniers catalogues, nous nous sommes concentrés davantage sur les accessoires des nouvelles machines, en soulignant leurs avantages dans les différents environnements et leur capacité à répondre à des tâches de nettoyage spécifiques. En outre, dans TMB, une zone de 400 m2 est équipée spécifiquement pour la formation de nos concessionnaires, techniciens et clients clés. Notre personnel soutient le réseau sur les questions techniques et commerciales liées aux machines, en formant leurs principales forces d’utilisation et d’entretien. À l’intérieur de TMB, la gamme complète des machines est affichée dans un showroom, disponible pour nos responsables de secteur pour des démonstrations lors des visites de clients.
ASPIRATEUR PROFESSIONNEL QUICK Le QUICK 60 est un aspirateur professionnel pour poussières et liquides. Grâce au système Quick Clean, il est possible de nettoyer parfaitement le filtre sans éteindre l’appareil. Le filtre de classe M est positionné dans la tête, il n’influe donc aucunement sur la capacité du bidon et permet d’aspirer les poussières et les liquides sans devoir retirer le filtre. D’où une plus grande rapidité des opérations de nettoyage en présence de zones humides dans l’espace à traiter.
BAT 15 UPRIGHT VACUUM CLEANER BAT 15 is the perfect upright vacuum cleaner for the everyday vacuuming of carpets and carpet floors in hotels, convention centers, and offices. It’s durable and reliable, with components that have been tried and tested with over 5,000 hours of operation. The bristle height can be adjusted at three levels to adapt the brush to different types of carpets. The soft brush is also available for vacuuming particularly fine carpets. The particular distribution (“cusp shaped”) of the bristles on the brush improves its dirt collecting ability; furthermore, the brush can replaced without any need to use tools. The 10 meter power cable offers enough freedom of movement for working in long corridors and wide rooms. ASPIRATEUR À TAPIS BAT 15 Le BAT 15 est un aspirateur à tapis idéal pour l’aspiration quotidienne de tapis et de moquettes dans les hôtels, les centres de congrès et les bureaux. Il est fiable et résistant, en effet ses composants sont testés avec plus de 5 000 heures de travail. La hauteur des brins est réglable sur trois niveaux pour adapter la brosse aux tapis de différents types. Une brosse souple est également disponible pour l’aspiration de tapis particulièrement délicats. La distribution particulière des brins sur la brosse (« en pointe ») améliore l’efficacité de ramassage de la saleté ; de plus, la brosse peut être remplacée sans utiliser aucun outil. Le câble de 10 m permet de travailler commodément même le long des couloirs ou dans des pièces très vastes.
march 2019
Events PULIRE 2019
After two years, Verona will once again host one of the premiere events in the world for professional cleaning: the 24th edition of PULIRE 2019, held from 21 to 23 May
PULIRE 2019 the quality of cleaning takes center stage
he trade fair is a snapshot of the market and the territory. It aims to make participation by exhibitors and professionals as useful as possible for their work. From this perspective, “for nearly ten years, we have invested in the logic of 2.0 to leverage important information from the trade show in real time using smartphones and tables. In accordance with ISSA this year, we are experimenting with geo-locating visitors which will allow us to better study the flow of the meetings, which are the litmus test of the quality of the show itself” remarked Toni D’Andrea, CEO of Afidamp Servizi. “To gain a better understanding of the industry as well as for more information, which has always been the goal, we involved a variety of stakeholders who use cleaning services, such as hotel chains, hospitals, schools, banks, etc. We did it with Forum Pulire and we want to replicate it here with PULIRE 2019”. Hygiene is an essential need and represents an expanding area in the work environment. Information and curiosities, about the segment in general and the trade show in particular,
reach a diversity of stakeholders. In order to support and recognize their interest as well as the research conducted by the companies that work in the professional cleaning industry, and the effectiveness of the products brought to the market, the organisers of the international Verona PULIRE 2019 event have included a new award, called the “PULIRE 2019 Product of the Year”. Participation is reserved exclusively to companies that are taking part in the Pulire 2019 event as exhibitors and co-exhibitors: Italian and international companies that produce machinery, accessories, mechanical, electrical and electronic equipment, tools, chemical, paper, and fibre products, cloths, and systems and services for professional cleaning. The selection criteria include: quality, reliability, environmental protection, efficiency, ergonomics and economics that distinguish the winning product. A new and key element will be the market, as a yardstick to measure the effectiveness of the public response to nominated products (introduced onto the market from 1 January 2018 to 31 December 2018). Information and a registration form are available on the
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event website The attention of the cleaning sector is one of the leading trends in television: in February and March, the show “Mi manda Raitre”, hosted by Salvo Sottile, invited as a guest Roberto Galli, the president of AfidampCOM, the Italian Association of Professional Cleaning Equipment Distributors. Galli discussed the many materials, objects and products that clean surfaces better than others and focussed on the concept of cleaning, which “signifies removing soils from surfaces without damaging them. Indeed, proper cleaning should keep them new longer”. Galli also discussed the industries and development in the sector. “We are delighted to have participated in this RAI broadcast which, despite being directed toward residential cleaning, has allowed us to discuss the industry and offers high tech solutions specific to the surfaces to clean. The goal is always to achieve the very best result”, he added at the end of the show. To learn more, plan on attending PULIRE 2019, the best venue to meet professionals, experts and suppliers who have expertise in the industry.
Management supply chain
Although in its distribution centres Amazon uses logics and equipment that are difficult to replicate, it is interesting for those involved in logistics, as well as others, to organise a guided tour. There are plenty of interesting ideas and indications
A World Apart
o observe how Amazon, the online distribution giant, manages the flow of goods and the information handled daily in Italy, it is possible to book a guided tour at the distribution centre that the company has in Castel San Giovanni on the company website ( And that’s what we did. As soon as you enter, you feel as though you’re entering a unique “world”, which has little to do with traditional logistics centres. The receptionist welcomes us and, after signing us in, explains the details of the visit, making us sign the access regulations for visitors and the associated rules that prevent us from bringing anything inside. The same applies to employees, whose access to the warehouses is regulated by turnstyles - equipped with metal detectors - which are little different from those found at airport gates. MXP LOGISTICS The entrance to the facility is very im-
pressive: once you pass the entrance barriers, the surface that opens up in front of us is enormous, in anybody’s eyes. On the sides of the structure there are 80 loading stations intended for receiving the goods and the same number for shipments. The warehouse is structured by functional areas: the goods entry and product sorting areas, the designated areas for the storage and picking of products, composed of four towers on three levels where all the products are stored in a completely random way, an area intended for the stocks of high-rotation products, this time managed with pallet racks and three-sided trolleys with guidewire system, and the areas dedicated to packaging and identification of packages for shipping. The first two elements that stand out are the almost total absence of trolleys for handling and the massive presence of conveying systems (conveyor belts, roller conveyors) and automatic sorting of parcels. Both elements are consistent with the concept
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Marco Barbetti – Logicà of bringing goods to the operatives and not vice versa, thus limiting the walking distance of the workers as much as possible. INCOMING GOODS All the products delivered by the suppliers must be provided with a barcode, a requisite condition for a logistical organisation where the barcode is, in fact, the main driver for all operations, and all the logistic attributes, in particular weights and dimensions, which will then be used for the numerous “quality” checks within the various processes. The packages are opened by the operatives in charge of the initial receipt and placed on a conveyor belt that transports them to the bays dedicated to analytical control. Here, every single product is verified (quality control), identified using optical readers, and sorted into two different containers - yellow boxes for products that will stay in the warehouse in Piacenza and into grey boxes for products that are to go to other warehouse in the European network. Again via the belts, all the containers are then transported to the various sections, where the goods allocation
Un monde à part Malgré le fait que ses centres de distribution Amazon utilisent une logique et des équipements difficiles à reproduire, il est intéressant pour ceux qui sont impliqués dans la logistique - et pas seulement - de pouvoir «jeter un coup d’œil». Il y a beaucoup d’idées et d’indications intéressantes
our observer comment Amazon, le géant de la distribution en ligne, gère le flux de marchandises et les informations traitées quotidiennement en Italie, il est possible de réserver une visite guidée au centre de distribution situé à Castel San Giovanni sur le site Web de la société. C’est ce qu’on a fait. L’entrée de la structure est très impressionnante: une fois que les barrières d’entrée sont passées, la surface qui s’ouvre devient objectivement énorme. Sur les côtés de la structure, il y a 80 embouchures de chargement destinées à recevoir les marchandises et le même nombre pour les envois. L’entrepôt est structuré par zones fonctionnelles: les zones d’entrée des marchandises et de tri des produits, les zones destinées au stockage et à la préparation des produits, composées de quatre tours sur trois niveaux, dans lesquelles tous les produits sont stockés dans une logique absolument aléatoire, une zone destinée aux stocks de produits à forte rotation, gérés cette fois avec des rayonnages à palettes et des chariots à trois côtés avec système de guidage, ainsi que les zones dédiées à l’emballage et à l’identification des colis à expédier.
operations begin. As anticipated, the storage criterion is completely randomised. Consequently the positioning of the goods is not constrained/conditioned by commodity-type criteria, but is substantially based on the common sense of the operatives: the nearest free place is used, considering both its dimensions and the products to be stored (usually of limited dimensions and 10 kg in weight), while heavier and bulkier products are managed exclusively by the Vercelli platform. The allocation of individual products takes place subsequently
Les deux premiers éléments qui se démarquent sont l’absence quasi totale de chariots de manutention et la présence massive de systèmes de transport et de tri des colis. Les deux éléments sont compatibles avec le concept d’apporter des marchandises aux opérateurs et non l’inverse. Tous les produits livrés par les fournisseurs doivent être munis d’un code à barres, condition obligatoire pour une organisation logistique où le code à barres est en fait le moteur principal de toutes les opérations et de tous les attributs logistiques, en particulier le poids et les dimensions, qui seront ensuite utilisés pour les nombreux contrôles de «qualité» au sein des différents processus. Les marchandises sont collectées pour une seule commande, même si celle-ci peut être divisée entre plusieurs opérateurs. La préparation, dans ce cas manuel, a lieu à l’intérieur des quatre tours de stockage et s’effectue avec des lecteurs optiques capables de guider l’opérateur vers les différents emplacements. Une fois la commande terminée, passez à la suivante en plaçant les produits collectés sur des bandes transporteuses qui transportent les colis dans la zone d’emballage de la commande.
History and Structure of Amazon Italy Amazon began its activity in Italy in 2011 first with one warehouse, located within the logistics centre of Castel San Giovanni with an area of 25,000 square metres and about 150 employees. Faced with the continuous and exponential growth of the volumes handled, between 2013 and 2014 the company moved to its current warehouse premises (covering an area of 100,000 square metres), located on the opposite side of the motorway, which currently employs approximately 1,650 permanent employees. The historic warehouse in Piacenza was later joined by that of Vercelli, which deals exclusively with “bulky” goods, and the most recent warehouse in Passo Corese (RI), the first to use a robotic system for moving goods to operaties, used for deliveries to southern Italy. The central warehouses are flanked by eleven delivery stations, i.e. warehouses located in the main cities that have the function of dividing the orders (products) from the distribution centres by post code, in order to speed up the operations of loading and delivery by the localcarriers. In Milan, on the other hand, there are the so-called retail offices, in charge of vendor management activities ranging from purchases to the management of goods in the broadest sense. These employ around 500 employees, along with a customer service centre based in Cagliari with 400 dedicated employees. Finally, next year a new distribution warehouse will be opened in Torrazza (TO).
WORLDWIDE LOGISTICS CENTRES The reason why Amazon manages to deliver anything to its customers’ doorstep in two days, often even less, is the growing worldwide distribution of its logistics centres. For any other e-commerce company it has become impossible to compete with Amazon’s speed in deliveries
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supply chain
Amazon’s business is essentially based on 3 elements: • Sale of Amazon-owned products: purchased, managed and sold in full by Amazon. • Sale of non-proprietary products: these are articles supplied by an external entity (manufacturer, distributor) that make use of Amazon’s web platform and logistics, which takes care of all stages of the sale except for the purchase. • Market place: use of the Amazon platform. In this case, the seller uses the payment window for the sale, dealing directly with all the logistics phases, from the receipt of customer orders to the delivery of the products.
GROWING EMPLOYMENT Today Amazon employs 566,000 people. There are two reasons for this large employee base: the evolution of the company due to the enormous expansion of its range of action in the world and the speed of this growth
through the use of an optical reader, to declare the location of the product, associating the barcode of the item and the location.The only distinctions of product types are found in the food products sector, as they have much stricter traceability requirements. Randomised allocation assumes that the same product can be present in more independent warehouse locations. GOODS COLLECTION, PACKAGING AND DELIVERY Goods are collected for a single order, although one order can be divided between several operatives. The picking, in this case manual, takes place inside the four storage towers and is carried out with optical readers that are able to guide the operative to the different locations.
Once the order has been completed, the next stage involves placing the collected products on conveyor belts that carry the packages to the order packaging area. The internal procedure requires that orders consisting of a single item have a different workflow compared to multi-item ones. It is not known what this amounts to as a percentage of the total (industrial secrecy), nor how many orders are processed on average daily. What is known is that during the last Black Friday, more than 2 million orders were processed in one day from the Castel San Giovanni platform. Once the orders have been made up, they are packaged. Each product is individually boxed using 20 different box sizes and some envelope formats. The box is then completed with paper inserts to avoid movement and
INCREASED SALES Sales on the platform increased by 30.8% in 2017 compared to the previous year
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damage to the products and positioned in turn on the belt that will convey it to the containers used for shipping. Each package is automatically weighed and rejected if the weight does not fall within the parameters entered in the computer system. The preparation times are defined by the logistics cut-off by individual delivery guideline, or through rigid and precise transport planning. THE EMPLOYEES Personnel management is one of the constituent elements of the Amazon model. As mentioned, the Piacenza warehouse employs approximately 1,650 employees with indefinite-term contracts, necessary to cover the various work shifts, generally of eight working hours and a 30-minute break. The average age of the personnel is 31 years with an annual turnover of 2.3%. The operatives are allocated shifts by a job rotation system on the different processes; therefore they could change the task assigned even several times during their shift. Conceptually, employees are divided into teams and supervised by a manager who monitors their performance and interacts with the team both through daily briefings and during daily operations. The organisation, in line with the practices of the parent company, provides a reward system that is displayed at the entrance to the warehouses, where there are panels that indicate the awarded employees.
Pest Control mosquitoes
Mosquitoes and viruses... there’s a lot of work to be done Surveillance and monitoring remain basic methods of study and investigation to understand the dynamics and future evolutionary scenarios of the West Nile virus Alex Pezzin*
n 2018, the transmission of the West Nile virus in Italy and Southeast Europe began earlier than in previous years. On 16th June, the first confirmed human infection occurred in our country and, as of 5th September 2018, 365 confirmed cases of infection (both symptomatic and asymptomatic) were reported in endemic provinces of Veneto, Emilia-Romagna, and Lombardy, Piedmont, Friuli-Venezia Giulia and Sardinia. In Italy, 148 cases wi-
th neuro-invasive signals (WNND) were reported, including 19 deaths, 169 cases of fever (WNF - West Nile Fever), and 48 cases in asymptomatic blood donors. This is what emerges from the confirmation of the activities related to the Integrated Surveillance Plans of the West Nile and Usutu viruses and from the data published in the periodic bulletins by the Infectious Diseases Department of the Istituto Superiore di SanitĂ (ISS), in collaboration with the Centre for Exotic Diseases Studies (CESME) of the Zoologo In-
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stitute of Teramo. The West Nile virus (WNV) is transmitted mainly, but not only, through the bite of the Culex, complex, although it is also possible through the donation of infected blood and tissues. Most infected people do not show any symptoms (asymptomatic virology). Among the symptomatic cases, about 20% have mild symptoms: fever, headache, muscle pain, generalised fatigue, nausea, vomiting, swollen lymph nodes and occasionally, rashes. These cha-
Moustiques et virus ... il y a tellement de travail à faire La surveillance et le suivi restent des méthodes d’étude et d’investigation de base pour comprendre la dynamique et les scénarios d’évolution futurs du virus du Nil occidental
n 2018, la transmission du virus du Nil occidental en Italie et dans le sud-est de l’Europe a commencé plus tôt que les années précédentes. En Italie, 148 cas avec des signaux de nature neuro-invasive (WNND) ont été signalés, dont 19 décès, 169 cas de fièvre (WNF-West Nile Fever) et 48 cas de donneurs de sang asymptomatiques. Si l’été 2018 est passé, d’un point de vue virologique, comme une période de circulation intense, que pouvons-nous attendre de l’été 2019 ? De nombreuses réunions ont déjà été organisées par les régions à travers de véritables tables techniques qui ont eu ou auront pour but de définir les phases d’opération nécessaires et inévitables qui devront être décrites dans ce contexte, qui semble désormais devenir un changement systématique visant une nouvelle approche dans la lutte anti moustiques, mais une chose est certaine : surveillance et suivi restent des méthodes préventives de recherche et d’étude fondamentales pour comprendre la dynamique future et les scénarios d’évolution futurs. Un exemple est fourni par l’une des nombreuses études réalisées ces dernières années: au cours de l’été 2011, dans une étude comparative, différents types de pièges à moustiques ont été testés en Émilie-Romagne pour vérifier l’efficacité de la capture. Cette
racteristic symptoms can last up to a few days and in rare cases, a few weeks, and can also vary greatly depending on the age of the person concerned: in children, a light fever is more frequent; in young people the symptomatology is characterised by a moderately high fever, redness of the eyes, headaches and muscle pains. In the elderly and in debilitated people (generally alongside a weakened immune system or one that is compromised by other factors and physiological parameters), the symptoms can be more serious when presented in the neuro-invasive form with symptoms of meningitis or encephalitis. To reduce the risk of transmission of WNV, the most effective preventive measure is to avoid mosquito bites. In particular, the approach to prevention is influenced by the level of concentration of the vectors. In some cases, it may be necessary to adopt more preventative measures such as: when outdoors,
étude a été réalisée en identifiant trois sites ruraux tels que des oasis naturelles ou des vallées avec la présence de marais dans les provinces de Bologne, Ferrare et Modène. Sur chaque site, plusieurs répliques de captures ont été réalisées. Après chaque nuit, les pools de moustiques capturés ont été collectés et emmenés au laboratoire pour être déterminés. Une analyse particulièrement importante concerne l’observation de l’état physiologique des moustiques femelles capturées, notant en particulier l’état de gestation éventuel avec la présence d’œufs ou établissant l’état si des cycles de production d’œufs ont été réalisés ou non (ceci pour tenter de comprendre des informations sur le potentiel vectoriel des moustiques contre cet arbovirus). Certains pools de moustiques capturés ont été envoyés à des laboratoires spécialisés pour évaluer la présence possible du virus du Nil occidental. Comprendre quel est le meilleur piège pour capturer les espèces de moustiques affectés en tant que vecteurs de virus dans les environnements de surveillance est un sujet de première importance afin de mieux optimiser l’efficacité de la surveillance elle-même. La recherche, à travers de nouveaux essais, nous permettra de mieux comprendre ce qui nous est encore inconnu aujourd’hui.
use skin repellents for topical use moderately, scrupulously following the rules indicated on the product information sheets and, from dusk on, wear light-coloured clothing that covers most of the body
(long-sleeved shirts, long trousers or skirts and tights). Indoors, it is advisable to stay in rooms equipped with air conditioning or, failing this, fitted with mosquito nets on the windows and entrance doors,
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Pest Control mosquitoes
taking care to check that they are intact and well closed and, only in the case of presence of mosquitoes in indoor environments, it is advisable to use pyrethrum-based spray or other insecticidal biocides for domestic use, or electric insecticide diffusers, airing the environment before staying there. HOW TO FIGHT WEST NILE VIRUS? From an operational point of view, during the summer of 2018, the different regions involved (Veneto, Emilia Romagna, Friuli Venezia Giulia, Lombardy and Piedmont in particular) took action by drafting special plans for specific “health emergencies� and throughout the summer the Environmental Hygiene Companies (which perform services in the municipal area) worked hard in cooperative synergy with the technical departments of the various environment offices, often having to face sudden programmatic changes imposed by higher-level competent bodies, such as for example the local health authorities (USLs) or the regional technical offices. Although summer 2018 passed, from a virological point of view, like a period of intense circulation (this is not a novelty since it seems even that the WNV is taking the ap-
pearance of a virological endemic presence in our territory) - which turned into a typical summer media frenzy with use and abuse of often inadequate and confusing information from the media about the case, thus leading to disproportionate concerns and, what is worse, inducing inappropriate behaviour, what can we expect from the summer of 2019? Numerous regional meetings have already been held, involving very technical discussions that have had or will have the role of defining the necessary phases of operation that must be outlined in this context, and which now seems to have become a systematic change aimed at a new approach in the fight against mosquitoes. However, one thing is certain: surveillance and monitoring remain fundamental precautionary methods of study and investigation for understanding future dynamics and scenarios. An example is given by one of the many studies carried out in recent years: during summer 2011, in Emilia-Romagna, different types of mosquito traps were tested in a comparative study to verify their effectiveness at capturing. This study was carried out by identifying three rural sites such as natural oases or valleys with the presence of marshes in the provinces of
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During a comparative study, different types of mosquito traps were tested to verify capturing effectiveness.
Bologna, Ferrara and Modena. At each site, several replicas of a means of capturing have been made. After each night, the pools of captured mosquitoes were collected and taken to the laboratory to be studied. One particularly important analysis concerns the observation of the physiological state of the captured female mosquitoes, in particular noting any pregnant mosquitoes with the presence of eggs or establishing the condition of whether egg-production cycles have taken place or not (this is to try to understand information on the vector potential of mosquitoes against this arbovirus). Some pools of captured mosquitoes were sent to specialised laboratories to assess the possible presence of the West Nile Virus. Understanding the best trap to capture the species of mosquitoes which are virus vectors in surveillance areas is a matter of prime importance, so that we can continue optimising the efficiency of the surveillance itself. The research, by means of new tests, will allow us a better understanding of what is still partly unknown to us today. * Naturalist with a PhD in Agricultural, Environmental and Food Sciences and Technologies. Biblion technical-scientific manager.