New look. Same style.

CONTENTS 4|drinks guide 10Contents How to Use Drinks Guide Online 11 The Drinks Association’s Corporate Responsibility Award INDUSTRY PARTNERS 12 Australian Brewers Association 13 Australian Distillers Association 14 Drinkwise 15 Independent Brewers Association 16 Wine Australia SUPPLIER PARTNERS 18 Accolade Wines 20 Australian Liquor Marketers 21 American Beverage Marketers 22 Asahi Premium Beverages 24 Australian Vintage Limited 26 Bacardi-Martini Australia 28 Brown-Forman Australia 30 Campari Australia 32 Casella Family Brands 34 Coca-Cola Amatil 36 Coles Liquor 38 Constellation Brands 40 Coopers Brewery 42 Iconic Beverages 44 Independent Liquor Group 46 Lion Co. 48 Liquor Barons 50 McWilliam’s Wines Group 52 The Sharp Group 54 Vintage House Wine and Spirits 56 William Grant & Sons 58DIRECTORY Services and Supplies Directory 65 Suppliers Directory

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All enquiries to: The Drinks Association Locked Bag 4100, Chatswood NSW 2067 ABN 26 001 376 423 part,CopyrightandTheviewsexpressedinDrinksTradearethoseoftherespectivecontributorsarenotnecessarilythoseofthemagazineorTheDrinksAssociation.isheldbyTheDrinksAssociationandreproductioninwholeorinwithoutpriorconsent,isnotpermitted. DrinksTrade Online drinkstrade.com.au Drinks Guide drinksguide.com.au
PUBLISHER The Drinks Association
Other Drinks Association publications include:
DrinksYearbook EDITORIAL PUBLISHING EDITOR Ashley Pini ashley@hipmedia.com.au EDITOR Melissa Parker melissa@hipmedia.com.au DIGITAL EDITOR Alana House alanah@drinks.asn.au CONTRIBUTORS Andreas Clark, Jamie Cook ,Stuart Gregor, Brett Heffernan, Simon Strahan. DESIGN SENIOR DESIGNER Racs Salcedo ryan@hipmedia.com.au CONTRIBUTING DESIGNER Evelyn Rueda.............evelyn@hipmedia.com.au ADVERTISING NATIONAL SALES MANAGER Tim Ludlow tim@hipmedia.com.au www.drinkscentral.com.au
Big corporations such as Lion Co., Treasury Wine Estates, Yalumba Wine Company, Diageo, CUB and Asahi Premium Beverages, to name a few, are raising the bar in improving environmental performance.
Saving the planet one drink at a time…
The Australian liquor industry is on the front foot when it comes to issues that matter, and we have learned the same about our focus in this edition, that of sustainability and the environment.
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Other smaller drinks businesses are supporting the cause by investing back into environmental projects through donating some profit margin from sales of product. Research shows that consumers are swayed towards products with a meaningful purpose, particularly younger generations. We believe we will see more of our industry developing products that give back.
For the last Annual Drinks Guide we reported on diversity and inclusion in the drinks business. We looked at pro-active initiatives developed to cultivate a fairer and equitable working environment for our industry. We highlighted that research shows companies with diverse teams outperform those without, and diversity and inclusion increases productivity, creativity and job satisfaction.
Produced and contract published by: ACCOUNTS: accounts@hipmedia.com.au Suite 3, ‘Altura’, 11 Railway Street Chatswood, NSW 2067 Ph: 02 9492 www.hipmedia.com.au7999 | facebook.com/drinksmedia ABN: 42 126 291 914
This year, rather than looking at what is going on within our walls, we are addressing what is happening around us. Whether you believe it is a result of human activity or not, climate change is a hot topic. It is evident the world’s delicate state has been thrown off balance and the forecast consequences are dire if we don’t take action. The alcoholic drinks industry is at the front line with the changes to the climate as it has an immediate effect on the cultivation of grapes and grain. The lifecycle of our products forces us to consider water security and efficiency, energy sources and efficiency, waste output, packaging production, recycling, and the reduction of litter. What we do to improve our carbon footprint is an important step towards a sustainable future, not only for the industry, but also for the planet. The CDP (Carbon Disclosure Project) found that companies that actively plan for climate change report a higher ROE (return on equity) than those that are not. Because we are experiencing the impact of climate change directly, the alcoholic drinks industry, in its most part, is leading the world in developing technologies and creating strategies to mitigate and adapt to climate change.
Some good examples are the Good Beer Co’s Great Barrier Beer assisting the Australian Marine Conservation Society with funds to save the Reef. The Good Beer Co. was also a pioneer of biogradable and marine friendly six-pack holders as an alternative to plastic, an initiative that has been adopted by a string of other beverages companies as an alternative to plastic. Others are developing campaigns to spark awareness and initiate action such as Corona and Parley for the Oceans and recently released, Le Rosé Bleu wine, with their goals to rid our beaches and oceans of plastic waste. It is inspiring what purpose-led business can achieve. Slowly we can start to raise our glasses to a healthier world. Melissa Parker AndEditorthe Hip Media Team.



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From the landing page, click on the green ‘Suppliers Directory’ tab. This will bring up a comprehensive list of beverage suppliers in Australia. Scroll through the Suppliers Directory or refine your search by using the ‘Supplier Search’ engine on the left-hand side of the page. By clicking on the supplier’s name, it will bring up their profile including contact details and information about their brands.Underneath the Supplier Search engine, there is also a link to take you to the ‘Services & Supplies Directory’. This is the most comprehensive list of services and supplies that can help beverage businesses with needs such as POS or licensing.
From the landing page, click on the orange ‘Product Search’ tab. This will bring up product listings of beer, cider, wine, spirits and soft drinks including the size, quantity, units, price and buy now option. You can search by category by clicking the tabs at the top of the page or search by key word, product type, brand or country by using the ‘Filter Current Search’ engine located on the left-hand side of the page.
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NEW PRODUCTS From the landing page, click on the blue ‘New Products and Releases’ tab. This will bring up listings of new products in Australia. You can search by category by clicking the tabs at the top of the page or search by key word, product type, brand or country by using the ‘Filter Current Search’ engine located on the left-hand side of the page.
“Recognising best practice in Corporate Social Responsibility was a rigorous process, with a scoring system that was evidence based and transparent to applicants and judges. This is an important award and I’m proud to be part of the first of its kind from The Drinks Association.”
Endeavour Drinks Group sponsored the Corporate Social Responsibility Award.
The Drinks Association CEO Georgia Lennon agreed that even small acts have a big“Thisimpact.isagrowing industry full of conscientious companies who want to make a difference to the world of alcoholic beverages as well as sustainability,” Lennon noted. “This award highlights the achievements of those companies who are doing great things in this respect.”
Judging has commenced for the 2019 Contribution to Industry category, with the winners announced at the Australian Drinks Awards on August 22. CELEBRATES
Michael Jackson, Director - Merchandising, Marketing & Customer Insights, noted: “It was a pleasure to sponsor and present the first CSR award at the Australian Drinks Awards. The award is a reflection of how all our businesses are changing and how important CSR is now to our curious customer. I look forward to seeing the industry evolve in this space over the coming years.”
The Corporate Social Responsibility Award acknowledges the work drinks companies are doing to promote positive social and environmental change.
An increased focus on social responsibility in the drinks industry lead The Drinks Association to add a Contribution to Industry category to the Australian Drinks Awards in 2018.
“The applicants demonstrated a passion for Corporate Giving that transcends business goals and staff engagement to being more meaningful and sustainable to the broader community. The calibre of entries was impressive and showed that smaller initiatives are as impactful as larger ones.
The Drinks Association received an impressive number of submissions for the new category and the high calibre of entries made choosing the winner a daunting task. “I was honoured to be one of the judges in the CSR category,” said Michelle Phipps.
Pernod Ricard Winemakers won the inaugural Corporate Responsibility Award for its Responsib’All Day initiative, which was created to find ways to get all employees, from directors to line workers, personally engaged in day-to-day corporate sustainability efforts, integrate sustainability into everyone’s job. In 2018, this included Pernod Ricard’s Sydney employees supporting the restoration of Cattai National Park in the Hawkesbury region, alongside charity partner Conservation Volunteers Australia. More than 200 Sydney team members took part in a range of activities, including planting trees, removing waste and weeds, as well as learning about the history of the site.

The new packaging is in market now but it may be a few more weeks before old stock disappears entirely across the country. At Coopers Brewery in Adelaide a 4.4 megawatt natural gas powered cogeneration plant located supplies the maltings and brewery with its power needs, and the excess power is then fed back into the South Australian power grid.
Following reverse osmosis, the waste water is now cleaner than rainwater. It then goes through further sterilisation (including using UV light and chlorine treatment), before it’s ready to store in a two million litre tank. None of the recycled water is used in beer, but it is reused in cooling towers, boilers and for cleaning.
Coopers, Australia’s largest family owned brewer, endeavours to have as high a recyclable content as possible in all packaging material. All glass, corrugated cardboard and stretch wrap used in packaging is 100% recyclable.
Much of this water includes useful organic compounds, like yeasts, beer and other brewing products, which when mixed in a large balance tank are digested by bacteria in a tank, creating biogas.
CUB is the farm’s biggest customer, due to source 74,000 MWh a year of power, which is enough to power 7,500 homes.
In 2018, the plant generated more than 220 million litres, that’s the equivalent of 88 Olympic-sized swimming pools saved.
Water is the most important ingredient in beer. To improve resilience, Lion is exploring innovative ways to improve water management within the communities it operates. In 2009 Lion commissioned a water recycling plant for its Castlemaine Perkins brewery (Queensland) to halve water-use.
A decade ago, Lion began the process of phasing out plastic rings in its beer packaging, with the last removed three years ago.
CUB also recently stopped using plain shrink on slabs of cans brewed at Abbotsford. These will be replaced by cardboard packaging too, meaning 137 tonnes less of plastic will leave the brewery each year.
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The target overall is for Lion to reduce carbon emissions by 30% from FY15 levels by 2026.
All waste water from the site, whether it is waste from brewing, packaging or cleaning, is captured in a collection pit.
The biogas is used as a fuel to offset some of the natural gas usage in the steam boilers. Steam generated by the boilers is supplied across the site as an energy source for heating, cleaning equipment, pasteurisers and boiling the wort kettle.
Lion Beer Australia is investing in numerous renewable energy projects across its sites, including over $2 million in a solar power system at XXXX in Queensland, cutting its annual carbon emissions by approximate 1,260 tonnes – 7% of CO2 emissions from electricity.
The plant generates 50,000 tonnes of steam each year, which is used in the brewing and packaging processes eliminating the need for stand-alone gas-fired boilers, thereby, increasing the brewery’s energy efficiency.
Lion is committed to ensuring 100% of its consumer packaging is recyclable by 2025, and that packaging is made from at least 50% recycled contents in the same time frame.
The plant has been upgraded several times to accommodate the changing needs of the brewery and now has a total treatment capacity of 4.5 Ml per day. The advanced technology of Coopers’ highly efficient mash filter means that less water is used in the brewhouse to produce the beer and extracts. Establishing a Maltings onsite has eliminated malt transportation entirely.
Diversions from landfill is a key priority.
CUB has committed to source 100% of purchased electricity from renewable sources by 2025. In February this year, a major step towards made through the opening of the Karadoc Solar Farm outside Mildura in northern Victoria.
A decade on, the brewery is approaching world-class standards in water management and is continually pushing the boundaries of conservation.
Importantly, the plant enables XXXX Gold to be produced at a ratio of 2.8 litres of water for every litre of beer produced – which is approaching worldleading levels of water efficiency.
The hot water produced in the brewery is used to kiln the malt, reducing gas usage by up to 40%. Aquifers beneath the brewery allow groundwater in the onsite reverse osmosis plant, reducing the reliance on SA’s reticulated water resource. With 70% of the water from the aquifers used in the brewing process, the remaining 30% is then pumped through a 7km dedicated pipeline into the Baker Inlet Wetlands.
Coopers partners with government and industry through the Australian Packaging Covenant Organisation to actively reduce any harmful impacts of packaging on the environment. Since 2005, Coopers has reduced the amount of waste going to landfill by 40%, through segregating all recyclables and non-recyclable waste and staff education.
The small grain from the malting, as well as the spent grains and protein waste from the brewing process, is harvested as a highly-prised bulk animal feed as it is high in fibre and protein. The sales proceeds are given to the philanthropic arm of the brewery, the Coopers Brewery Foundation.
In 2009, Lion partnered with the Queensland Government to install a reverse osmosis plant, to recover waste water and minimise our reliance on mains-fed town water.
The iconic brewer is installing solar panels on the roofs of all its breweries this year to supply its remaining electricity needs. Another sustainability target is a commitment to go either 100% plasticfree or using recycled plastic by 2025. This marked their last ever use by CUB and will save more than 25 million of them from entering the environment each year. The plastic six-pack rings will be replaced by environmentally-friendly cardboard packaging.
Austrailia’s major brewers – Carlton & United Breweries, Coopers Brewery and Lion Beer Australia –are committed to ambitious targets to help create a more sustainable world and help ensure certainty of supply and pricing.

• Almost all of our members are planning to install solar panels as we know we can be an energy hungry industry and we often have pretty large roofs. We anticipate that more than 50% of the power used at around 50% of our distilleries will be solar powered by the end of 2019.
2019 might just be the year of the Australian distillery. Membership of the Australian Distillers Association will top 200 this calendar year and we think there will be more than 140 operating distilleries in every state and territory creating some of the world’s best spirits. Already in 2019 one of our founding members Sullivan’s Cove has been voted the World’s Best Single Malt for the third time, and one of our newest members Never Never Distilling was crowned World’s Best Classic Gin in London, of all places. That’s a pretty good start to the year! And our industry is one that takes its responsibility seriously; our responsibility to our land, our environment and our customers.
• We feed our spent botanicals and spent grain to cows, goats, pigs and even brewers, picklers and jammakers. Anything to re-purpose and re-use delicious ingredients.
• We are minimising our use of plastic – from the packaging of our goods to customers right through to the types of straws we use when we serve a cocktail at our distillery door.
Ours is a pretty efficient industry but we can use quite a bit of water and power and almost every Australian distillery we have contacted has told us of their effortsto reduce their footprint. The stories are many and varied, some frankly are sheer inventive genius. So here’s some highlights of what a few of our great distilleries are planning for 2019:
• We are treating and re-treating water more efficiently, more regularly and more economically – if water is our most treasured natural resource and great spirits depend on great water, we understand probably better than anyone, how we must protect and nurture our limited water resource. Thus there are dozens of distillers using bore water to heat their stills, not mains water, and re-using as much of that as possible. In a few cases they are reducing water use and waste by more than 90%.
• We are sending our dunder (the wash left over from distilling rum) to feed cattle or to be re-purposed - apparently the steers much prefer this to the water running from the taps – we can only wonder why! In fact, it’s such a good story here it is – right from the distiller’s mouth.
• “The recently completed Husk Distillery features a dunder waste system that uses gravity to transfer hot dunder to a cooling tank, here it sits and cools overnight before being transferred, again under gravity, to two 4,000 litre cattle troughs. The property runs 30-40 steers who can choose to drink the diluted dunder or fresh water. However, come harvest time when the dunder is flowing the choice seems pretty straightforward for these steers. They get very excited and lap up the nutritious broth. Their coats shine and they’ve been described by many as the best fed cattle in the valley.”
• And the list goes on. We are a progressive, vibrant conscientious and formidable industry, with a great sense of humour and also a great sense of responsibility. It’s going to be a bloody great year.

Our enhanced Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) Awareness Program, made possible by government grants and additional industry funding, was launched in Canberra by Hon. Greg Hunt, Federal Health Minister. The program uses broad and targeted approaches to remind those who may be pregnant, planning a pregnancy or breastfeeding that it’s safest not to drink while pregnant. Additional funding by key industry producers has allowed this program to be significantly expanded through Australia, including into regional and remote areas. DrinkWise also partnered with the Outdoor Media Association to launch DrinkWise in front of your kids, borne out of research which showed that one in five parents don’t think their current drinking behaviour will influence how their children drink in the future. Pleasingly the ad, which centred around the theme Children can inherit more than your looks resulted in parents reflecting on their behaviour and being more conscious of displaying good role modelling when drinking in front of their children. Highlighting and reinforcing the benefits of the collaborative DrinkWise model was also a focus. This culminated in attending and speaking on a panel at the OECD’s Business at OECD Forum on Health - Digital and Partnerships in Paris. The Forum emphasised the opportunities for digital integration for the advancement of health and allowed DrinkWise to showcase its innovative and market leading approach to partnerships with contributors and members. We commenced 2019 by welcoming Campari as a new funder of DrinkWise. Campari, along with our other industry funders, are taking the lead in showing their commitment to improving the drinking culture in Australia and we are grateful for their support.
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Australian government data and industry trends show the Australian population is continuing to reduce excessive consumption and place an emphasis on moderating their drinking
While better parental role modeling has helped increase the abstinence rates among minors (from 56% in 2007 to 82% in 2016), recent government research shows that of the minority who do drink, parents were the primary source of alcohol. DrinkWise will continue to target parents with our DELAY five point plan and highlight that the longer teenagers delay alcohol use, the less likely they are to develop problems later in life. Better behaviours among young adults are also apparent, with excessive drinking falling from 31% to 21% over the past two years. In an effort to further reduce that number, we’ll continue to provide innovative messages to this cohort via our How to Drink Properly campaign.
Despite advances in awareness about the importance of not drinking while pregnant, our program efforts will increase (along with those of government) in the hope that FASD, which is 100% preventable, can be eliminated.
S ince 2007, DrinkWise has been creating targeted social marketing campaigns to evoke positive behavioural and cultural change around Australians’ consumption of alcohol. Over a decade on, these efforts continue, with 2018 seeing the launch of three additional DrinkWise campaigns and initiatives. This included the augmented reality activation The Internet Remembers - an extension of our How to Drink Properly campaign. Harnessing research insights which showed that young adults see vomiting and looking like a fool as a greater risk than the long-term health effects of excessive drinking, The Internet Remembers serves as a reminder of the potential unintended consequences of drinking too much – including the potentially embarrassing moment that once posted on social media, will live on forever.
While there is a continuing need for DrinkWise messages in the community, the more moderate approach to drinking by Australians illustrates that gains are being made and we are getting closer to the goal of a healthier and safer drinking culture.
Our focus on these key audiences includes event-goers, so we are establishing new partnerships and enhancing existing relationships with industry, sporting codes and music festivals to remind consumers about the importance of moderation at events through our You won’t miss a moment if you DrinkWise initiative.
DrinkWise is an independent, notfor-profit organisation founded in 2005 from alcohol industry and government contributions. DrinkWise is funded by these industry leaders: Aldi, Accolade, Bacardi-Martini, Beam Suntory, BrownForman, Campari, Coca-Cola Amatil, CUB, Coles Liquor, Coopers, Diageo, Endeavour Drinks Group, Lion Beer, Pernod Ricard and Treasury Wine Estates.
Australian government data and industry trends show the Australian population is continuing to reduce excessive consumption and place an emphasis on moderating their drinking, increasingly choosing quality over quantity. DrinkWise recognises that promoting generational change in attitudes towards alcohol is an ongoing endeavor and that these trends do not hold true for everyone, so in 2019 we will continue to encourage Australians to improve their drinking behaviour through our moderation messaging.

The growing consumer demand for locally produced beer has allowed brewers to thrive just by supplying beer to their local communities. In fact, over two thirds of our members serve beer directly from their premises, reducing fossil fuel emissions associated with transporting packaged beer. Bright Brewery takes this concept to new heights, literally. Their water is sourced from the Ovens River, which flows down the mountains and past the brewery, and they source 64% of their malt from Victoria. Furthermore, 80% of their beer is consumed on-site, drastically reducing the environmental impact of transporting the beer.
JAMIE COOK, PRESIDENT Brewing beer is, by its nature, a resource-intensive process. It takes a fair amount of raw material (water, grain, aluminium, glass) to create the beer that ultimately lands in the consumer’s hands. This means, however, that the brewing industry is uniquely positioned to make significant changes and implement sustainable practices that drastically reduce its environmental footprint. The independent brewing industry is at the forefront of innovation – not just in beer, but in sustainable practices. Here are just some of the ways in which the independent brewing industry is reducing its impact on the environment and developing earth-friendly practices.
Helios Brewing Company was named after the sun god in Greek mythology. This is fitting, considering that the sun powers most of what they do. Helios is fitted with 59 x 335 w photovoltaic solar panels, which harness the Queensland sun to both produce power and heat water. Helios uses the sun’s thermal energy in the brewing process itself, pumping cold water through evacuated tube collectors on the brewery roof and heating it to over 90 degrees for the boil.
GOING GREEN These three examples are just some of the highlights of the innovative practices of the brewing industry. Driven by both consumer preferences and a genuine care for the environment, more and more brewers are developing ethical business practices and adopting a sustainable, locally-owned ethos. While the Australian independent brewing industry is still maturing, its transformative potential and ability to innovate and explore sustainable practices cannot be underestimated.
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Depending on style, brewers use malted cereal grain such as barley or wheat to produce the mash. Spent grain is therefore a natural by-product of the brewing process. Rather than discarding this waste, many brewers have taken to recycling and repurposing the spent grain.
WASTE NOT, WANT NOT Depending on style, brewers use malted cereal grain such as barley or wheat to produce the mash. Spent grain is therefore a natural by-product of the brewing process. Rather than discarding this waste, many brewers have taken to recycling and repurposing the spent grain. The Illawarra Brewing Company worked alongside other brewers around the region to donate their spent grain to drought-afflicted farms in the area. As feed grass dried and the price of hay bales rose, donating the spent grain not only recycled the brewery waste back into the food chain, but it also supported the Australian agricultural industry and a community in need.

Among the areas we are investing in are the opportunities that will improve performance to become more sustainable, differentiated and more competitive.
In the winery, current practices include improved water use and wastewater management, energy efficiencies and recycling. For example, after the grapes are pressed and the juice extracted, the remaining skins and seeds (called ‘grape marc’) are processed to produce high value natural food colourants, grape seed oil, tartaric acid, grape spirit and finally, mulch that can be applied on the vineyard or other land to increase humus (organic content).
Sustainability is part of our community’s approach to continued improvement of our practices. Wine Australia’s role is to invest in research and development that will drive our sector’s continued prosperity in the face of the challenges that it may face, and to encourage best practice.
To demonstrate our sector’s sustainability credentials, a new single national program for the Australian grape and wine community that brings together two previous programs has been announced and will commence on 1 July 2019. Sustainable Winegrowing Australia provides a unified sustainability framework for all Australian grapegrowers and winemakers to demonstrate their individual sustainability credentials, benchmark performance and identify opportunities for improvements.
• adopting delayed pruning practices to manage harvest dates to assist in the winery at vintage. Wine Australia’s investments also provide the sector with the information it needs to manage the challenges of short-term climate cycles and long-term climate change, to ensure that grapevine resources are preserved, endemic pests and diseases are better managed and freedom from exotic pests is maintained. This includes the development of new varieties and rootstocks that are best suited to our vineyards, sustainable management of pests and diseases to reduce chemical usage, enhanced technologies and processes to improve vineyard efficiency and practices, and building better understanding of short- and mid-term climate trends to drive vineyard management responses.
Australia’s grapegrowers have adopted practices to improve their sustainability, including: • increasing irrigation efficiency • modifying irrigation practices to better respond to events, such as heatwaves and frosts
• changing soil management practices to retain moisture and encourage improved soil health • changing vineyard management practices to reduce chemical use • modifying vineyard understorey management to improve soil health and increase soil biodiversity
Sustainability is part of our community’s approach to continued improvement of our practices. Wine Australia’s role is to invest in research and development that will drive our sector’s continued prosperity in the face of the challenges that it may face, and to encourage best practice.
Wine reflects the place where the grapes were grown, so much so that the term terroir was coined to encapsulate all of the different elements that influence the characteristics of a wine.
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• planting alternative varieties and using rootstocks that are drought and pest tolerant
• modifying canopy management practices to minimise heat and disease pressure, and
Australia’s grape and wine producers have embraced advances in viticulture and winemaking practices that protect the environment for future generations.

A number of new products hit the shelves this year. Cupio, a dry, Provence-style rosé with a standout bottle shape more reminiscent of the spirits aisle, is designed to appeal to a wide audience - particularly male consumers that have traditionally been overlooked in this fast growing category.
Accolade Wines entered an exciting new chapter in 2018 thanks to the $1bn sale of the business to the Carlyle Group, one of the world’s largest and most successful investment management firms. The move captures both the scale of the successful growth of the company as well as our underlying potential to expand further in key markets, China in particular. We continue to source the majority of our wines from all major New World wine growing regions including Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Chile and the United States, supplying 34m cases of wine per year to customers in 140 countries around the globe. 2018 proved another excellent year on the wine show front for Accolade Wines with a combined total of 32 trophies and 139 gold medals. House of Arras, Grant Burge and Eddystone Point were all top performers, though the standout individual wine proved to be Hardys HRB Pinot Noir 2017, taking Wine of Show, Best Red and Best Pinot Noir at the Royal Hobart Wine Show. In tribute to the heritage and blending traditions of the historic Hardy’s brand, this year we released a luxurious 165th anniversary Cabernet Shiraz crafted from the outstanding 2014 vintage. Featuring a limited release of just 2,148 bottles and 234 magnums, it earned the highest ever Halliday rating of any Accolade Wines product with a score of 99 points and title as “a heart-skipping wine, exquisitely detailed and elegant.” Our head sparkling winemaker, Ed Carr – already Australia’s most decorated sparkling winemaker – again proved himself the unrivalled talent of his generation with a Lifetime Achievement Award at the Champagne & Sparkling Wine World Championships. Ed was the only non-champenois to be awarded the title this year thanks to his contribution to the Australian sparkling sector, chiefly as the driving force behind the multiaward winning House of Arras brand. In fitting tribute to its legendary status as Australia’s most awarded sparkling wine brand, House of Arras also secured a tie-in this year with the prestigious Sydney Symphony Orchestra, a move that will allow patrons at selected events to a enjoy combination of world-class wine and music.
St Hallett’s new Blockhead sub-range was launched to entice a younger (3050 year old) segment of wine drinkers, giving them the confidence to take the next step in their journey and upscale towards higher quality products. A bold, contemporary offering named after a moniker bestowed on the early European settlers of the Barossa Valley region, these Shiraz-based premium wines are ranged within the lucrative $20-30 price segment.
Grant Burge www.twitter.com/grantburgewineswww.facebook.com/grantburgewines Mud House www.twitter.com/mudhousewinewww.facebook.com/mudhousewine
• Platinum Medal Barossa Wine Show Grant Burge Black Apera PX NV
TOP AWARDS Tasmanian Wine Show Eddystone Point Pinot Noir 2016 • Export Wine of Show Eddystone Point Riesling 2016 • Best Riesling House of Arras Blanc de Blancs 2008 Best Late Disgorged Older Vintage Sparkling House of Arras A by Arras
• Wine of Provenance Trophy Decanter World Wine Awards Grant Burge, 20 Year Old Tawny
Tel: 08 8392 2222 Email: accolade-wines.comcorporate.communications@ Web: www.accolade-wines.com
BRANDS DISTRUBUTED Anakena, Banrock Station, Bay of Fires, Berri Estates, Brookland Valley, Croser, Echo Falls, Eddystone Point, Grant Burge, Hardys, Houghton, House of Arras, Knappstein, Kumala, Mud House, Petaluma, Tatachilla, St Hallett, Stonier and Yarra Burn
• Best Non-Vintage Sparkling Royal Hobart Wine Show Hardys HRB Pinot Noir 2017 • Best Wine in Show • Best Red Wine • Best Pinot Noir Houghton The Bandit Shiraz 2015
• Best Shiraz Bay of Fires Pinot Noir 2010, 2014 and 2017
• Platinum Medal Hardys Rare Muscat • Platinum Medal Hardys Eileen Hardy Shiraz 2015
To the existing super-premium Icon range of reds from Grant Burge we added Nebu Cabernet Shiraz, a uniquely Australian blend of signature Barossa varietals that combine for a rich, powerful and complex palate. Created from aged vineyards that have delivered perfect fruit and exceptional vintages, this is a truly luxurious wine that will continue to cellar well for many years.
SOCIAL MEDIA Accolade Wines www.twitter.com/accoladewines Hardys www.twitter.com/hardyswineswww.facebook.com/hardyswinesau
• Best Fortified Wine Grant Burge Shadrach Cabernet Sauvignon 2016 • Best Cabernet Sauvignon
• Best Museum White Fortified Wine

drinks guide|19 PARTNERSSUPPLIERGrant Burge Pinot Rosé 2018 • Best Rosé Clare Valley Wine Show Petaluma Cane Cut Riesling 2018 • Best Sweet Wine • Best Single Vineyard Wine McLaren Vale Wine Show Hardys Tintara Yeenunga Shiraz 2015 • Best Shiraz Three Year Old or Older Royal Sydney Wine Show House of Arras Grand Vintage 2008 • Best Sparkling Royal Adelaide Wine Show Leasingham Classic Clare Shiraz 2005, 2009 and 2016 • Wine of Provenance Royal Perth Wine Show Leasingham Classic Clare Riesling • Wine of Provenance Swan Valley Wine Show Houghton Small Batch Rojo Grande 2017 • Best Non Greater Perth Zone Wine Royal Melbourne Wine Awards Bay of Fires Pinot Noir 2017 • James Halliday Trophy for Best Pinot Noir House of Arras Grand Vintage 2008 • Best EddystoneSparklingPoint 2018 • Best Riesling Wine Show of Western Australia Houghton NV Cellar Reserve Rare Liqueur • Best Fortified or Sweet Wine • Best and Most Distinctive Regional Character TOP BRANDS EchoMudCroserHousePetalumaHoughtonGrantStHardysHallettBurgeofArrasHouseFalls

FY20 will see us explore several new areas of safety activity including trials of wearable technology to assist in reducing muscular skeletal exposure and the introduction of ‘Safer Me - Safer Metcash’, a campaign intended to educate and equip our workforce in adopting safe habits 24/7.
The Team at ALM look forward to playing our role as a responsible contributor to the environmental and sustainability efforts of our industry, and the collective difference we can make for the future…
Waste & Recycling - We work closely with our contractors, building managers and employees to promote better recycling and recovery, and also reduce the volume of material going to landfill at our sites. Approximately 86% of our DC’s waste over the past year was diverted from landfill, with the majority being paper, plastics and cardboard sent for recycling.
Health, Wellbeing & SafetyMetcash maintains a focus on creating a “Zero Harm” environment within the work place, with a commitment to the prevention of work-related injury and illness to employees, visitors, contractors and members of the public in all areas in which we operate.
Metcash has adopted a more disciplined Incident Investigation process utilising the ICAM methodology to deliver an improvement in the investigation process and more robust corrective actions.
1 Thomas Holt Drive, Macquarie Park, NSW 2113 Tel: 02 9741 3000 Web: www.duncans.com.auwww.igaliquor.com.auwww.thebottle-o.com.auwww.cellarbrations.com.au
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Last year, Metcash committed to eliminating the distribution and sale of single use plastic bags, and we continue to work to deliver this commitment right across our retail network. To encourage the transition from single use to environmentally friendly alternatives, we offer a range of reusable bags that are available in stores, with strong take-up across the network. We are also committed to working with our suppliers to reduce plastic packaging as we look to alternatives to single use plastic.
ACT Tel: 02 6239 4290 NSW Tel: 02 8822 3600 NT Tel: 08 8922 5300 QLD Tel: 07 3489 3600 SA Tel: 08 8152 8700 TAS Tel: 03 6274 4000 VIC Tel: 03 8368 6300 WA Tel: 08 9311 6000
The theme of ‘making safety simple’ continues to generate positive engagement and response as we reduce unnecessary complexity and simplify our processes.
Regards, Rod Australian Liquor Marketers (ALM) is part of the Metcash Trading Ltd. Group, and is Australia and New Zealand’s leading broad range liquor wholesaler. ALM operate the Independent Brands Australia (IBA) retail network, representing ~2,700 independently owned retail outlets across Australia.
As more personnel are trained this is expected to deliver further reductions in incident rates particularly in partnership with an increased emphasis placed on leading safety activities such as hazard reporting and rectification, site inspections, communication sessions and safety engagement conversations conducted across all levels of the organisation.
For ALM and the Metcash business at large, our success is underpinned by demonstrating our commitment to corporate responsibility, and the leadership role we play in supporting local communities through our retail network right across the nation.
Emissions & Energy reduction - Metcash reports on annual basis against the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) which facilitates the ability for companies to benchmarks themselves on environmental performance. Over the last twelve months we have reduced our energy consumed by over 8.5%, having reduced energy usage and associated emissions through a number of initiatives, including the retro-fitting of LED lighting across our DC network and the charging of forklifts during non-peak periods. Over the next twelve months, Metcash in conjunction with our Landlords, will review the opportunity to introduce solar power into its DC’s in an effort to further reduce our emissions. We are also exploring the introduction of renewable energy sources within the build of our new Distribution Centre in Gepps Cross, South Australia.
As we operate primarily as a wholesaler (not a manufacturer), the majority of our environmental and sustainability initiatives are focused on the management of our Distribution Centres (DC’s) to ensure we minimise the environmental impacts from these sites.

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In an era of increasing corporate diversification, American Beverage Marketers is proud to focus exclusively on the development, manufacture and marketing of world-class liquid cocktail mixes. This commitment to long-term excellence within the category is the company’s foundational principle.
2018 saw the launch of two additional groundbreaking product families. Master of Mixes Cocktail Essentials was reintroduced in a custom, “Simply Squeeze” bottle featuring an exclusive mixologyminded spout designed for ease of use and super-smooth shutoff action. This family of high-end syrups provides consumers the opportunity to make thousands of unique, scratch-quality cocktails in the convenience of their own home. The launch of Agalima Organic demonstrates the company’s commitment to addressing all major segments within the category. Consisting of three super-premium flavors and beautiful trade dress, the brand is quickly establishing itself as a mainstay within the portfolio.
Finest Call is currently available nationwide and in over 80 countries across the globe. With the launch of Coco Real in 2006, ABM once again solidified its commitment to category leadership. Coco Real is the world’s first gourmet cream of coconut made available in a convenient “Simply Squeeze” bottle, a revolutionary packaging concept that allows for both hassle-free use and easy storage. The overwhelming success of Coco Real gave rise in 2014 to the introduction of Real Cocktail Ingredients - an innovative family of premium fruit-infused syrups offered in similar user-friendly packaging.
The ABM technical team prides itself on the development and implementation of innovative processing techniques and the use of cutting edge ingredients to create truly world-class products.
HEAD OFFICE American Beverage Marketers 810 Progress Blvd, New Albany, IN, USA, 47150 Tel: +1 (812) 944-3585 DISTRIBUTOR Southtrade International Level 4, 15 Blue St, North Sydney, NSW 2060 Tel: +61 (02) 8080 9150 Mobile: +61 (0) 403 546 848 Web: www.southtradeint.com.au BRANDS DISTRUBUTED Finest CocktailRealMasterCallofMixesInfusedSyrupsEssentials
American Beverage Marketers prides itself on better serving the needs of its customers through a philosophy of narrow focus and extreme specialization, concentrating solely on the liquid cocktail mix and syrup category. An uncompromising commitment to innovation has helped the company and its portfolio earn a worldwide reputation for excellence in product formulation, manufacturing methodology, cutting-edge packaging, and brand marketing. With a keen eye on trends within the category, American Beverage Marketers is committed to serving its ever-growing customer base for many years to come. Master of Mixes, the company’s predominant retail brand, has been a category leader for almost 50 years. Currently distributed in every state and over 30 countries, the brand is proud to remain firmly rooted to its classic cocktail heritage. Master of Mixes is synonymous in the consumers’ mind with easy-to-prepare, authentic, one-step cocktails crafted with an abundance of premium fruit. The company is committed to the longterm growth and development of Master of Mixes worldwide. In 1995, American Beverage Marketers showcased its commitment to product leadership within the category with the launch of Finest Call. Finest Call delivers award-winning, innovative packaging concepts, including a patented smooth-pour closure and a unique, easy-to-handle bottle created with the professional bartender in mind. The brand earned many packaging awards at the time of its launch, including the NACD 1996 “Package of the Year” and the 1997 Food & Drug Packaging “Package of the Year.” Finest Call has evolved over the past 20 years to become the top-selling professional cocktail mix brand in the world, offering over 45 distinct flavors and more than 100 SKU’s. The brand features only carefully selected varieties of fruit harvested at peak ripeness in order to maximize the consumers’ overall sensory experience.
The use of high-speed bottling equipment in conjunction with specialized materialhandling equipment serve to minimize production costs and guarantee that the American Beverage Marketers value proposition is unparalleled in the category.
A state-of-the-art manufacturing facility, which includes in-house research and development, is central to the success of American Beverage Marketers. The facility is designed to support the company’s quality commitment by regularly processing over 50 unique varieties of fruit juice from the world’s foremost growing regions.

APB is uniquely positioned to offer customers a great portfolio of alcohol and non-alcohol beverages. Our focus on premium international and craft beers sees us with such strong brands as Asahi Super Dry, Peroni, Cricketers Arms and Mountain Goat. Asahi Super Dry is supported with a new TVC and campaign, ‘Enter Asahi’ which will continue throughout 2019, creating more interest and excitement in this premium brand. Mountain Goat’s newest offer, GOAT Beer, is a very enjoyable beer - an uncomplicated, good value beer targeted at traditional lager drinkers looking for something new and interesting. And with a unique way of promoting it, drinkers are getting on board. Our ready to drink portfolio continues to flourish with loyal consumers loving Vodka Cruiser and Woodstock. In the cider category, Somersby reinvigorated summer with Somersby Watermelon being the #1 flavoured cider of the summer (QTR 3/03/19) and a strong activation calendar which saw the brand partner with The Laneway Festival for 2019. Stay tuned for another exciting activation for summer 2019/20. Our non-alcohol brands include favourites such as Schweppes, Pepsi, Solo and Phoenix organic soft drinks, as well as water brands, Cool Ridge and VOSS. The new Schweppes Signature Series provides a great tasting range of premium soft drinks and mixers, with exotic ingredients perfect for drinking straight up or mixing, and suitable for on-premise and at home consumption. As part of the Asahi Beverages business, APB understands how important it is to be a responsible organisation – to be mindful of the resources we consume, of the messages we send, of the environment we create and the contribution we make to society. This year we will be setting out our commitments in our inaugural sustainability report, which brings together our commitments to consumers, the environment, our people and the communities where we operate. Our products can contribute positively to consumers’ lifestyles. As a manufacturer and marketer of alcohol products, we take our responsibility for marketing our products very seriously. We continually improve our internal processes to ensure that we meet the requirements of marketing our products in a socially acceptable way, educating our teams on what is appropriate, and applying safeguards across social media accounts to ensure we are only advertising to those of legal drinking age. Across our alcohol portfolio we are always exploring opportunities to provide our customers and consumers with more choices and you can expect some exciting new products to be launched in the second half of 2019. We have committed to reducing sugar across our non-alcohol portfolio so that by 2025 90% of our portfolio will be no, low or reduced sugar products. We will achieve this through providing consumers with more choices, reformulating some of our higher sugar products, through new and innovative additions to our portfolio and through responsible marketing and labelling. We aspire to make a valuable contribution to addressing social issues as they relate to our business operations. We are very conscious of the packaging we use across our business, and are actively looking at ways we can reduce our environmental impact, including rethinking and redesigning our packaging, reducing the weight of our packaging, and exploring ways to close the loop.
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Our employees have been involved in many ways, including fundraising at sites, participating in Whitelion fundraising activities, taking on personal commitments to mentor young people, volunteering time and expertise, and providing employment opportunities for young people.
019 promises to be a very exciting year for Asahi Premium Beverages (APB). The alcohol industry continues to face challenges with regulatory, environmental, retailer and consumer pressures. These challenges provide us with opportunities to differentiate our offer and demonstrate how we can add more value to our customers, supporting the growth of their businesses.
From an environmental perspective we measure and monitor our contribution to carbon, water and waste to ensure continuous improvement. We have a long-standing relationship with our community partner, Whitelion.
Whitelion is a not-for-profit organisation that supports and empowers young people at risk to reach their full potential. The organisation delivers prevention programs in schools and provides a range of support services for homeless and disengaged young people, to connect them with the community as well as with education, training and employment opportunities.
We chose to align with Whitelion because we see great merit in providing development opportunities and positive role models to young people, particularly those who have been disadvantaged.
In 2019, our focus will be on delivering exciting new offers for consumers to keep them interested in our categories. For our on-premise customers, it will be about providing exceptional, value added service to ensure that together we deliver an outstanding experience for guests and patrons. And for our company, it will be about enhancing our sustainability and community commitments, while we continue to grow our business.

drinks guide|23 PARTNERSSUPPLIER HEAD OFFICE 58 Queensbridge St, Southbank 3006 VIC Tel: 03 8866 3888 Email: apbcontact@asahipb.com Web: www.asahi.com.au SOCIAL MEDIA asahibeverageswww.linkedin.com/company/ DISTRIBUTOR DETAILS/ OFFICE DETAILS NSW Unit 1/171 Kingsgrove Rd, Kingsgrove, NSW 2208 Tel: 02 9577 1400 QLD Northport Business Park, Unit 5/441 Nudgee Rd, Hendra, QLD 4011 Tel: 07 3868 2388 SA & NT 153 Francis Rd, Wingfield, SA 5013 Tel: 08 8409 1618 VIC 50 Swann Dr, Laverton, VIC 3208 Tel: 03 8369 0300 WA 31 Somersby Rd, Welshpool, WA 6106 Tel: 08 9351 7623 LIST OF RECENT AWARDS Australian Drinks Awards 2018 • Somersby - Brand Award: Fan Favourite of the Year - Cider • Vodka Cruiser - Brand Award: Fan Favourite of the Year – RTD (White) Australian Liquor Industry Awards 2018 • Off-Premise Supplier of the Year • Asahi Super Dry – Premium International Beer Category Winner IWSC 2018 • Vodka O - Bronze Medal • VDKA 6100 - Silver Medal • Untold Rum - Silver Medal • Woodstock Bourbon - Silver Medal • Vodka O - Vodka & Ginger Ale - Silver Medal • Vodka O - Vodka & Tonic - Gold Outstanding Medal • VDKA 6100 - Vodka & Ginger Ale - Silver Medal • VDKA 6100 - Vodka & Tonic - Silver Medal • Untold Rum - Rum & Cola - Silver Medal • Untold Rum - Rum & Ginger Beer - Silver Medal • Untold Rum - Spirits Artwork & Bottle Design - Gold Medal World Tequila Awards 2018 • Tequila Blu - Gold Medal • Tequila Blu - Best Label Design • Tequila Blu - World’s Best Tequila Design Asahi for Enter Asahi: The Monkeys • Silver - Large Format Screens, Individual. Any Length Enter Asahi - Asahi Premium Beverages • Bronze - Television Commercial. Over 30 seconds Enter AsahiAsahi Premium Beverages ALT vfx • Bronze - Film - Digital Visual Effects - Enter Asahi - Asahi - Alt.vfx In The Thicket • Bronze - Film - Production Design - Enter Asahi - Asahi Super Dry - In The Thicket Somersby Global Marketing Awards • Best Off Trade Activation 2018 TOP BRANDS Asahi Super Dry Cricketers Arms Mountain Goat NikkaVodkaUntoldWoodstockVodkaSomersbyPilsnerGrolschPeroniUrquellCruiserRumOWhisky

The business has had a phenomenal year both domestically and internationally, successfully growing our global footprint and strengthening our position at home. Australian Vintage is in great shape, posting profits of $7.7 million last year, which has enabled us to reshape our capital and marketing plans to future-proof the business.
Domestically, the big headlines for us are Tempus Two and Nepenthe, which grew by 38% and 15% respectively –with Tempus Two becoming Australia’s fastest growing wine brand, which is a huge milestone for the brand and with considerable potential locally and abroad.
We have also invested behind solar power and other sustainable initiatives. In November 2018, we became the first Australian winery to sign a landmark Hybrid Renewable Corporate Power Purchase Agreement to ensure that 90% of energy consumption at our Buronga Hill winery – the third biggest in Australia ¬– is met by renewable sources.
HEAD OFFICE 275 Sir Donald Bradman Drive, Cowandilla, SA 5033 Tel: +61 (0)8 8172 8333 Web: www.australianvintage.com.au
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The company’s three core brands ¬– McGuigan Wines, Tempus Two and Nepenthe grew by 14% globally in 2018.
Tempus Two www.facebook.com/tempustwowww.instagram.com/tempustwowines Nepenthe www.facebook.com/NepentheWineswww.instagram.com/nepenthewines
As well as increasing investment behind our brands to grow consumer awareness, we are putting a great deal of focus on our operating infrastructure and invested a record $19 million last year – which marks the largest ever capital investment in the business.
This year will see further upweighted marketing investment to support the portfolio’s on-going strong performance, including the next phase of the ‘Bring a McGuigan’ campaign and the first abovethe-line advertising push for Tempus Two. As well as increasing investment behind our brands to grow consumer awareness, we are putting a great deal of focus on our operating infrastructure and invested a record $19 million last year – which marks the largest ever capital investment in the business. The aim has been to drive efficiencies, enabling us to remain highly competitive and responsive to customers’ needs. We have significantly upgraded our packaging and bottling facilities, opening an $11 million state-of-the-art packaging line in February this year, which will fuel our ambitious NPD pipeline and enable us to respond to trends even faster.
Nepenthe • In 2018 Nepenthe received a total of 230 trophies and medals, including 3 Trophies, 24 Gold and 59 Silver medals. Accolades included Adelaide Pinot Noir Winery of the Year at the Melbourne International Wine Competition.
The move is a major step in our pledge to be increasingly reliant on renewable energy sources and part of a raft of green investments, including installing solar at two further sites in Australia.
TOP AWARDS McGuigan • In 2018 McGuigan received a total of 433 trophies and medals, including 21 Trophies, 79 Gold and 162 Silver medals. Including Australian Winery of the Year at the New York International Wine Competition. Tempus Two • In 2018 Tempus Two received a total of 228 trophies and medals, including 3 Trophies, 33 Gold and 72 Silver medals. Highlights included Best Australian White Wine at the Hong Kong International Wine and Spirits Competition for the 2015 Tempus Two Pewter Semillon.


SUPPORT OFFICE Bacardí-Martini Australia, Level 8, 201 Kent Street, Sydney, NSW 2000 SOCIAL MEDIA
All contact can be made through our national head office - call 02 8249 0300 for direction to your local BMA representative.
Bacardí-Martini Australia is committed to the development of the industry, customers and the people who work in it. This starts with our own employees or “Primos” (cousins in Spanish). We’re proud of being the world’s largest, privately owned spirits company, nurtured by seven generations of the Bacardí family – and our culture reflects our rich history and heritage; we are fearless, have a founder’s mentality and family to the core.
BRANDS DISTRIBUTED 42Below Vodka, BACARDÍ Rums, Barbaresso Oyzo, Bombay Sapphire Gin, Cazadores Tequila, D’ussé Cognac, De Kuyper Schnapps and Liqueurs, Dewar’s Scotch and Single Malts, Dom Bénédictine Liqueur, Eristoff Vodka, FACUNDO Rums, Grey Goose Vodka, Leblon Cachaça, Mandarine Napoleon, Martini Vermouth and Sparkling Wine, Noilly Prat Vermouth, Patron, Rutte Gin, Santa Teresa Rum and St-Germain Liqueur.
TOP BRANDS Bacardí PatrónGreyBombayRumsSapphireGoose
In 2018/19, 42BELOW continued its work supporting the bartenders and venues who are trying to tread more lightly on this planet. The latest planet saving initiative from 42BELOW, Plastic Island, saw the issue of the Great Pacific Garbage Patch brought to the fore. In a 42BELOW way, we showed that pollution is real, really gross and really close to us all… and we showcased the wonderful ACTION bartenders are taking to address this.
Plastic Island dove-tailed nicely into Bacardí global relationship with Lonely Whale to reduce plastic and remove straws in #thefuturedoesntsuck campaign.
Grey Goose celebrated another year with the brand’s premier media campaign featuring the latest Riviera Limited edition bottle. The trade were educated on, not just the super-premium brand, but the wider vodka category, with Global advocacy platform Vive La Vodka during an exclusive Getaway reminiscent of the brand’s French home. A new partnership with GQ was established and kicked off with Grey Goose sponsoring the aspirational and glamorous Men of The Year Awards with influential Australian and International individuals being recognised. Bombay Sapphire is stirring creativity within experience hungry millennials through a partnership with Australia’s oldest and most visited art gallery, the National Gallery of Victoria. Bringing an innovative and sensory Bombay Sapphire Gin Garden to the renowned NGV across the summer. Continuing our long-standing love affair with great live music and inspiring consumers to ‘Do What Moves You’, the festival season saw the launch of the Bacardí El Coco Tropical Danceteria. The rolling mojito bar, born from a converted 1950s Chevy, served up freshly hand-poured Bacardí Mojitos while a live #SoundOfRum soundtrack brought a taste of the Caribbean to festival-goers over summer. This year we had an exciting addition to our super premium portfolio: Patrón tequila. This 100% pure weber blue agave masterpiece is harvested, roasted, crushed and distilled in the hills of Jalisco, Mexico. It has perfected the art of making tequila to become the world’s largest super premium tequila. Tequila is one of the fastest-growing and most attractive categories in the Australian spirits industry. Super-premium brands are expected to continue to be among the fastest growing categories, so we are excited to invest to build the Patrón brand as the leader. In this transition year we have invested in the Patron Perfectionist Bartender competition and through the line consumer activity such as Patrón Worthy Destinations and digital media. I also had the opportunity to visit the breathtaking Hacienda Patrón where I was able to witness the absolute commitment to craft, excellence and tradition.
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We are in a great position to be building our business through the rise of cocktail culture in Australia. Our portfolio of brands are strengthening as we look into not just this year and next, but the next 10 years. It’s an exciting time to be in premium spirits.

Awards (LSA), ‘Corporate Member of the Year Spirits & RTD’ NSW Team - LSA NSW ‘Supplier of the Year’ award Michael Lawson - ILG ‘Manager of the Year’ PRIDE ERG Australian HR Institute Michael Kirby Award for LGBT+ Inclusion ALIA Awards Dark RTD/RTS, Winner – Jack Daniel’s Double Jack Australian Drink Awards
TOP AWARDS Sandy Christie - LMG, ‘Account Manager of the Year’ Brendan James - FoodWorks & Richies ‘Liquor Supplier of the Year’ WA Team - 2018 Liquor Store
Even the wood waste from nearby mills produces almost three quarters of the energy used across our distillery, further reducing our dependence on fossil fuels. Australians are also beginning to discover tequilas -- and Herradura and el Jimador are well positioned as high quality, great tasting, authentic brands with a deep heritage dating back to the 1800s. We continue to see mixologists mixing up their menus for greater variety. They, too, should feel confident in the sustainability strides we are making with these brands as well. Ensuring that we do our part for the environment is very important within Casa Herradura. Our distillery there now uses a state-of-the-art steam boiler that turns agave plant waste into energy. Utilizing this new boiler has reduced greenhouse gas emissions by 52%. Additionally, Casa Herradura received the “Environmental Excellence Award” from the Mexican Federal Attorney for Environmental Protection. This is the highest honour and is presented to companies that have demonstrated a strong commitment to environmental improvement. And, there are other projects in the pipeline that we hope will become realities in the future that can help even more.
HEAD OFFICE 280 Elizabeth Street, Surry Hills NSW 2010 SOCIAL MEDIA company/brown-forman/https://www.linkedin.com/https://www.instagram.com/BrownForman/https://twitter.com/BrownForman
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• Award: Most Distinctive Brand of the Year RTD (Dark): Jack Daniel’s & Lemonade (Brown-Forman)
Lastly, we know that great people build great sustainable brands. Whether at the distillery, or here in Australia -- People always make the difference. The support of our brands by on-premise operators and retail partners can never be taken lightly. Without their efforts, we cannot reach our consumers. And, we thank them all for their ongoing partnership.
Brown-Forman continued to grow portfolio strength and value over the past year with Jack Daniel’s trademark leading the way in Australia. We have also benefited nicely from increasing consumer interest in whiskeys, overall, especially within the premium segments. Woodford Reserve is just one example and has quite a long runway. Gentleman Jack and Single Barrel, on the other hand, have some nice green shoots within the on-premise and both are developing well. Even our smaller brands that are at the beginning stages of seeding and discovery, such as Old Forester, GlenDronach, and BenRiach are yielding nice growth early on, and provide even more of a reason for continued optimism across the whiskey category. In the area of environmental sustainability for our largest brand, Jack Daniel’s, we have been a leader for quite some time now. It has been a passion for the brand. So much so, that 99% of materials from the distillery are either reused or recycled. Shrink wrap is converted to decking material, spent grain is used as cattle feed, and barrels are resold to other beverage alcohol manufacturers. (Remember, we raise our own barrels and can only use them ONCE to make Jack Daniel’s in Lynchburg, Tennessee!).
• Award: Fan Favourite of the Year Spirits (Dark): Jack Daniel’s (Brown-Forman)
DISTRIBUTED Whiskey • Jack Daniels • Woodford Reserve • Old Forester • Slane
Whiskey • Collingwood Scotch • GlenDronach • Glenglassaugh • Ben Riach Tequila • El Jimador • Herradura Vodka • Finlandia Liquor • Chambord • Jagermeister


– Glen Grant 18 Year Old • Scotch Whiskey of the Year – Glen Grant Aged 18 Years Rare Edition
Estate Grand Marnier SKYY Vodka Wild Turkey Bourbon
DISTRIBUTOR / STATE OFFICE DETAILS QLD - Level 3, 5 Kyabra Street, Newstead, QLD 4006 Tel: +61 7 3253 1800 VIC - 4/111 Coventry Street, South Melbourne, VIC 3205 Tel: +61 3 9249 2700 WA - Unit 24/38 Fielder Street, East Perth, WA 6004 Tel: +61 8 9347 2600
2019 AWARD Awards
• Single Malt of the Year (Multiple Casks) –Glen Grant Aged 18 Years Rare Edition
Finally, we are also working hard to build retailer engagement and have a strong focus on sharing our long-term plans, building joint business plans and leveraging customer assets. In the year ahead, we’ll continue to look more closely at how we can support retailers with their online shopping offerings and making the online shopping experience more attractive to consumers. The key for us is in finding a way to leverage our strengths in building brands and consumer engagement with the retailer’s passion for engaging shoppers.
• Single Malt 16 – 21 Years (Multiple Casks) – Glen Grant Aged 18 Years Rare Edition
This year was another strong year for Campari in Australia. Our business experienced double-digit topline growth, driven by a strong portfolio performance and the support of our partners in both the Off-Trade and On-Trade.
Our Campari Academy continues drive knowledge and education within the bartender community, increasing the love and respect for our exceptional brands. Look out for news in this space as we take bartender engagement to the next level in the year to come.
HEAD OFFICE Level 10, Tower B, 207 Pacific Highway St Leonards NSW 2065 Australia Tel: +61 2 9478 2727 Email: info.australia@campari.com Websites: https://aperolspritz.com.au/http://www.wildturkeybourbon.com.au/https://www.campariacademy.com.au/https://www.camparigroup.com/en
• Third Finest Whiskey in the World
• Single Malt 10 Years and Under (Multiple Cask) – Glen Grant Aged 10 Years
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• Packaging – Skyy Yyes – Bronze BRANDS
Our team at our site in Derrimut, Victoria, have been focused on achieving best practice through a process of continuous improvement with 2018 delivering positive results in electricity, gas, water and waste usage, as well as recycling. Our workplace giving program contributed $40,000 to more than 25 charities and our team gave countless hours of their time helping at events and fundraisers. We offer all our employees, and their families, direct access to the MyCoach program, a program designed to help our people improve their health and wellbeing and from an industry perspective, Campari actively participates in the Women in Drinks Council and promotes the ‘Women in Drinks’ Mentoring Program. We are proud to be a partner of Drinkwise and abide by the ABAC Code in relation to all marketing, sales and trade activities.
Lastly, Glen Grant is fast becoming a favourite in the Single Malt space. As Campari’s business continues to grow in Australia, we are constantly leveraging new opportunities to generate positive economic, social and environmental impacts.
Aperol continues to transform the drinking experience through the Apertif occasion with excellent marketing and activation campaigns contributing to the brand’s growth, the highlight being our continued participation at the Australian Open.
Wild Turkey is driving the bourbon revival. Our creative, featuring Matthew McConaughey, truly resonated with consumers and customers and new innovations, Wild Turkey Longbranch and Wild Turkey Longserves, helped deliver solid growth. Campari, Espolon and Baron Samedi also performed well and represent clear category expansion opportunities for us and our partners.
SOCIAL MEDIA FACEBOOK: @aperolspritz.au@wildturkeyau@CampariAustraliaOfficial INSTAGRAM: aperolspritzauwildturkeyaucampariofficial
TOP AWARDS 2018 Drinks Awards • Winner Emerging Brand of the Year (Aperitif / Liqueur) – Aperol 2018 Alia Awards • Highly Commended Liquor Brand of the Year – Aperol 2018 Popai Marketing at Retail Awards Shopper Experience • Integrated Path to Purchase – Aperol
2018 Independent Brands Australia • Supplier of the Year – Campari Australia 2018 Jim Murray’s Whiskey Bible
As a business, we now turn our focus on the Aperitivo occasion, linked to a lighter style of convivial and discerning cocktail experiences. We will explore opportunities in low-alcohol beverages and bourbon, and will expand our social and digital marketing, leveraging new advances in technology.


[YELLOW TAIL] REMAINS STRONG Whilst the $6-$10 price category is seeing some challenges due to the trend towards premiumisation, 2019 started strongly for [yellow tail] wine as it secured its place as the Most Powerful Wine Brand in the World for the second year running according to Wine Intelligence’s Global Wine Brand Power Index. This is a fantastic achievement as it shows [yellow tail] is a trusted brand that consumers look to for reassurance when navigating such a fragmented and complex category. The continued success of the brand can be attributed to a number of factors; delivering on consumer taste expectations, consistency of quality, a focus on building solid distribution with strong visibility in the off-trade and continued investment in marketing support to ensure the brand remains top of mind amongst consumers. In Australia and the UK, we will be launching a new consumer campaign towards the end of the year and in the US we are seeing strong results from the Super Bowl campaign following our third year of advertising investment. While [yellow tail] remains a core focus and we will continue to invest in the brand, at the same time we’re developing our premium portfolio to meet the evolving needs of wine consumers as they continue to seek out and explore premium wines.
Millennials account for almost one third of total wine spend (and growing) in Australia and as they are still building their wine experience they are drawn to brands that simplify their purchase with bold designs and outstanding experiences.
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As part of our portfolio premiumisation
The launch of Magic Box in Australia has been extremely successful. The brand has experienced double digit growth month on month with all four varietals performing well. The feedback we have received from retailers is that Magic Box has strong appeal amongst Millennials due to its flavoursome, approachable wine style and impactful packaging. We’re very excited about the momentum behind Magic Box and look forward to working with our retail partners to continue building the brand.
The Magic Box Wine Collection is a new range of wines in the $10 - $15 price segment, the number one segment by value* With a dazzling range of spectacular varietals conjured from the finest Australian grapes by a master winemaker known only as ‘the Magician’, Magic Box wines are becoming the premium drop-of-choice amongst the Millennial target audience.
I’d like to thank our trade and industry suppliers and friends for supporting our brands over the years and I look forward to continuing to grow our future together.
019 is a particularly exciting and significant year for Casella Family Brands as we celebrate our 50th anniversary, with Peter Lehmann Wines and Morris Wines also commemorating a very special 40 years and 160 years respectively. It was in 1969 that my family applied for a licence and officially started making wine. The solid open concrete fermenter was constructed by my father on 31 January 1969 and still stands today. In that very first vintage we crushed 8 tonnes of grapes. Fifty years later, in vintage 2019, we have just processed 188,894 tonnes across all 5 sites. It’s incredible to reflect on our growth from a small family winery capable of storing 800 cases, to becoming Australia’s largest family-owned winery shipping almost 13.5 million cases (9LE) every year.

SOCIAL MEDIA [yellow tail]
OFFICEDISTRIBUTOR/STATEDETAILS NSW Units 506-510, 5th floor, 460 Pacific Hwy, St Leonards, NSW 2065 BRAND DISTRUBUTED [yellow tail] wine, Casella Family Wines, Peter Lehmann Wines, Brand’s Laira, Morris Wines, Baileys of Glenrowan, The Magic Box Wine Collection
• 2019 IWC – David Morris shortlisted as Fortified Winemaker of the Year
• James Halliday 100 points - Morris Wines Old Premium Rare Muscat
TOP BRANDS [yellow tail] wine
and the successful launch of Peter Lehmann THE BAROSSAN Shiraz, the range has been extended to include a Cabernet Sauvignon and Grenache.
Peter Lehmann THE BOND Shiraz has also been launched into over 2,000 independent stores across the country with great success.
• 2019 Decanter World Wine Awards –Casella 1919 Cabernet Sauvignon - Gold Peter Lehmann Wines
*Source: IRI MAT 05/05/19
Casella Family Brands leads the way in wastewater management and is proud to have one of the largest wastewater treatment schemes of its type in Australia at the Yenda-based winery. Our treatment scheme is capable of recycling the equivalent of over 160 Olympic-sized swimming pools each year and this means we can retain and reuse rainwater and wastewater. Heavy rainfall is diverted to winery wetlands whenever possible. The impact on the environment and the rise of the conscious consumer are currently huge driving forces in the wine industry and we are committed to championing industry best practice. drinks guide|
• Senior Winemaker Tim Dolan Named Dux of the 2018 Len Evans Tutorial
• 2018 Barossa Wine Show – 7 trophies, 10 gold, 11 silver, 13 bronze medals Morris Wines
Brand’s Laira www.instagram.com/brandslairawww.facebook.com/brandslaira Morris Wines www.instagram.com/morriswineswww.facebook.com/morrisofrutherglen Baileys of Glenrowan www.instagram.com/baileys1870www.facebook.com/baileys1870
Peter Lehmann Wines www.instagram.com/peterlehmannwineswww.facebook.com/peterlehmannwines
• 2019 IWC – 5 trophies, 4 gold and 2 silver medals
Casella Family Wines Peter Lehmann Wines Brand’s Laira Morris Wines of Rutherglen Baileys of Glenrowan The Magic Box Wine Collection
• 2019 Decanter World Wine Awards - One Seven One Cabernet Sauvignon 2015 – Gold
• World’s Most Powerful Wine brand – Wine Intelligence Global Brand Power Index 2019 Casella Family Wines
HEAD OFFICE 1471 Wakley Rd, Yenda, NSW 2681 Tel: 02 6961 3000 Email: info@casellafamilybrands.com Web: www.casellafamilybrands.com
With five winery sites and vineyards across the country, we implement a variety of initiatives that contribute to the sustainability of the environment as well as complying with all relevant codes of practice, legislation and regulations. Our grapes are sourced from a network of growers and our own vineyards across Australia. We only use sustainable viticultural practices with minimal intervention and we continuously review our methods in order to minimise our impact on the environment. The Baileys of Glenrowan vineyard enjoys a unique microclimate that is naturally well suited to organic farming. In 2009 the decision was made to convert the entire vineyard to organic management practices, attaining full certification in 2011. From the 2016 vintage onwards, both the growing and the making of Baileys estategrown wines are certified organic. Non-organic waste is recycled where possible. All organic waste is recycled to make compost that is used by Casella Family Brands owned vineyards as fertiliser to produce wine grapes. We are committed to improving the sustainability of our packaging, which involves initiatives to reduce packaging weight, optimise packaging material efficiency, optimise recycled and renewable content and continuously investigate opportunities to divert waste from landfill.
• 2018 IWSC Trophy - Morris Wines Fortified Producer of the Year Brand’s Laira

• Achieved over 56% of our energy use from renewable or low-carbon energy, against a 2020 target of at least 60%.
The way we do business is fundamental to our success. We believe every one of our team should be proud to work for Amatil, come to work passionate about what they do and inspired by the chance to make a positive difference for Amatil and their team, and for the communities and causes that matter most to us. As we continue to challenge ourselves to look after our people and the environment, and make a positive difference in our communities, I’m proud to share some of our recent progress.
• Completed responsible sourcing assessments on 76 per cent of suppliers, against a target of 80% by 2020
CONSUMER WELLBEING As leaders, it’s on us all to build a culture and industry that our people can be proud to say they’re part of. We should all be able to celebrate the positive role our brands play in building meaningful social connections and memorable experiences.
The 2018 year was another exciting one for Coca-Cola Amatil, as the Alcohol & Coffee business achieved double-digit growth for a fourth successive year, invested heavily in future growth initiatives, and made strong progress against each of our sustainability goals.
ALCOHOL & COFFEE • 41 per cent of all positions are now held by women • 41 per cent of all Sales positions are held by women • 31 per cent of all positionsManagementareheld by women • 33 per cent of all Senior positionsExecutiveareheld by women
Protecting the environment has been one of the areas of greatest concern for our people and the community. Increasingly, our work on sustainable packaging and protecting marine environments are of significant interest to our stakeholders, who are looking for us to harness the power of our system and scale of our supply chain to lead positive change. In 2018 we made significant progress in our focus areas of packaging neutrality, energy and water management, and responsible sourcing.
• Led industry’s involvement and support for Australia’s National Packaging Targets to ensure 100% of our packaging is recyclable by 2025, as well as The CocaCola Company’s industry-first ‘World Without Waste’ global strategy to collect and recycle the equivalent of every bottle or can sold globally by 2030.
• Achieved a 15% reduction in water intensity in our alcoholic beverage operations, against a target of 25% by 2020 (against our 2013 baseline).
Going into 2019, 34% of our management are female, compared to the 23.5% national average for the manufacturing industry. Within Alcohol & Coffee, women account for 41% of all positions, including 41% of sales positions, 31% of management positions and 33% of senior exec roles. Encouragingly, this is replicated at the highest level too - we are the only ASX100 company to have a female Chair and Group Managing Director, and 44% of our Board members are female too. Programs to support female leaders continue to play an important role in future progress, enabling talented women to step up and building a talent pipeline for the future. We also know that flexibility is hugely important to our employees. Programs like our Kids@Work initiative, which encourages employees to bring their children to work in selected weeks during the school holidays, are highly valued by our team. I’m proud that the initiative originated from within the Alcohol & Coffee team. For me this is a great example of how our people take the initiative and own the outcome, which is one of our Amatil values.
• Took a leadership role in working with governments and stakeholders across Australia on container deposit and refund schemes, building on the expertise of running the South Australian container deposit scheme for over 40 years, through our wholly-owned subsidiary Statewide Recycling
None of us want to see our brands or our industry associated with harm. In 2018, we continued our commitment to Alcohol Beverages Australia and DrinkWise to help bring about a healthier and safer drinking culture, including supporting a new DrinkWise educational campaign to highlight the importance of abstaining from alcohol if planning a pregnancy, pregnant or breastfeeding in order to prevent Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD). We remain signatories to the Alcohol Beverages Advertising Code and, through our Group Alcohol Advertising and Marketing Standards, continue to hold ourselves accountable to the highest standards in responsible marketing of our beverages, including in regions where local laws do not require it.
OUR PEOPLE As aspire to empower our people to be their best and to keep them safe to go home to what the love. We strive for a zero-harm workplace.
Since 2012 we’ve achieved a 74 per cent reduction in total injuries, including a five per cent decrease in 2018 compared to 2017. We also continue to focus on programs that support employee health and wellbeing, including mental wellbeing, and to nurture a diverse culture that values inclusion. In 2018, 83% of our people felt our workplace was accepting of diverse backgrounds and ways of thinking. One area where this is particularly evident is our leadership in achieving gender balance.
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6222 Web: ccamatil.com.au Customer ordering: MyCCA.com.au SOCIAL MEDIA LinkedIn: Coca-Cola-Amatil Facebook: @CCAAustralia Twitter: @CocaColaAmatil YouTube: Coca-Cola Amatil TOP BRANDS AustralianRokuRatuMaker’sHibikiLaphroaigCanadianJimBisleriMountCascadeSpriteCoca-ColaFranklinBeamClubMarkRumGinBitters Miller Genuine Draft Miller Chill BlueVonu GrindersRekorderligFeralCoorsYendaMoonCoffee
OUR COMMUNITY We know that the ability to make a positive difference within the community is very important to our people. In 2018, Amatil invested over $6.1M in community programs and facilitated an additional leverage amount of $1.6M. Within this figure, the Alcohol & Coffee business was directly responsible for over $1M, equivalent to 16 per cent of the Group’s total contribution, and 1.85% of the business’ EBIT. As well as making a difference for some 140 communities, the program improved team engagement and satisfaction. Almost 90% of our people see us as socially and environmentally responsible organisation and engagement amongst our North Sydney-based marketing, sales and finance teams is up an average of 20 percentage points on last year. Level Mount Street North Sydney NSW 2060 +61 2 9259
HEAD OFFICE Coca-Cola Amatil Limited Coca-Cola Place
13, 40

The movement towards supporting smaller, bespoke wineries, distilleries and craft brewers continues to grow and our customers expect to find these products in our stores. As a result we work hard to ensure we stock a selection of well-known and loved drinks, as well as supporting emerging boutique products.
As a result we are accelerating work to enhance our online customer experience ensuring that there is a seamless link between online and our bricks and mortar store offering as customer blur the lines and blend the two channels together. Customers have also told us that value is about more than just price. Quality, range, convenience and availability are the cornerstones of the new value equation with trusted pricing now a ticket to play rather than a competitive advantage. In a dynamic market, customers are looking for innovation and exciting new products especially in emerging new categories. They are eager to understand where their beverages come from and the story behind them.
In 2018, 27 wines sold exclusively at Vintage Cellars, First Choice Liquor and Liquorland were acknowledged at the Winestate Best Wines of 2018 Awards, including the Story Bay Semillion Sauvignon Blanc, which was named best wine under $20. As the pace of change accelerates, I am focused on establishing a business cadence that enables us to deliver at pace, imbedding agility into our operating rhythm. This means empowering the business at all levels whilst building a diverse team and inclusive culture reflecting the communities we work in. In Coles Liquor, 50 per cent of our senior leadership team and 50 per cent of our liquor state managers are women.
I am really proud of what Coles Liquor has achieved over the past year and I am very excited about delivering the next evolution of our business.
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The movement towards supporting smaller, bespoke wineries, distilleries and craft brewers continues to grow and our customers expect to find these products in our stores. As a result we work hard to ensure we stock a selection of well-known and loved drinks, as well as supporting emerging boutique products. The customer high demand for new and differentiated products also means that our exclusive brand products continues to grow, particularly in the wine category. In the first half of the financial year we launched more than 50 new exclusive products, with over 80 brands winning awards and medals this year. This is testament to our commitment of working with our suppliers to deliver really great products to our customers.
he Australian market and customer landscape is changing faster than ever before, and the face of retail is being redefined by new customer expectations and the influence of global entrants. Coles Liquor is focused on understanding our customers evolving needs and ensuring that we have a business not only fit for the customer of today but also the customer of tomorrow.
HEAD OFFICE 800 Toorak Road Hawthorn East VIC 3123 Tel: + 61 (0)3 9829 5111 Web: www.coles.com.au


F rom the rise of powerhouse brand Kim Crawford to launching new innovations with our partners, it has certainly been quite a year for us. Constellation Brands is a leading international producer and marketer of beer, wine and spirits with operations worldwide, and we are seeing strong momentum with our recent investments to grow our brands in Australia. The rise of Kim Crawford has been a solid foundation for growing our Australian business. Consistent flavour, award winning wines and standout branding have driven a highly loyal consumer following that has made this brand a global phenomenon. As the most advertised brand in the wine category in the United States, we can leverage that investment locally, such as our partnership with Cirque du Soleil as the official wine sponsor in 2019/2020. Since taking back distribution in 2017, Kim Crawford has grown to a $20 million brand whilst increasing average price in Australia. We are also incredibly excited for innovations we are co-launching with our partners this year. As a business, our aim is to be a value-add partner with every new product development launched with our customers. While we aren’t ready to talk about it just yet, we have some pretty exciting new products on the horizon. We can’t launch new products without our partners – from our growers to our supply chain and, of course, our customers. Therefore, we are excited by one of our key initiatives launched this year, strengthening our supply chain in Australia to streamline our New Zealand-Australia operations. We not only reduced our carbon footprint from 1,200kg of CO2 to 300kg per container, but we’ve also seen the added benefit of cutting down our time to customers by 80%! While consumers enjoy our products, our vineyards and wineries are busy with continuous improvement to drive quality and sustainable operations. In addition to our company vineyards’ accreditation with Sustainable Winegrowing New Zealand, 100% of our growers are also accredited. In the last few years we have developed more than 300 hectares of Sauvignon Blanc in Marlborough to fuel the rise of Kim Crawford globally and as we continue to scale it is important we continually seek out and implement sustainable practices. In our vineyards we have several exciting developments from trials to reduce water waste to switching to recyclable steel posts from wood. With our new developments we are among the first in Marlborough to utilise these steel posts, rather than the traditional treated wooden posts, to avoid leaching byproducts into the soil. This year, we not only saved wooden posts from landfill, but a recycler actually paid us to pick up our excess steel posts! We still have a lot of work ahead from grape to store shelves. We are looking forward to a fantastic year ahead to fulfill our mission of elevating life with every glass raised.
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CONSTELLATION BRANDS JON FOSTER, GENERAL MANAGER, SALES, AUSTRALIA. HEAD OFFICE Constellations Brands New Zealand L2/ 822 George Street Chippendale 2008 BRAND DISTRIBUTED Kim SweatshedYoungTheCraftersCrawfordUnionPeople’sWineandCoWines – Legend & Lies & The Mingler RobertNobilo Mondavi The Prisoner Wine Company Charles Smith MiHighSvedkaRuffinoWestCampo TOP AWARDS Empirical Syrah 2016, Royal Easter Show 2019, Gold/Trophy Empirical Chardonnay 2015, New Zealand Wine of the Year Awards 2018, Gold Charles Smith Kung Fu Girl Riesling 2016, Sydney International Wine Challenge 2018, Gold The People’s Wine, Pinot Noir 2017, Sydney International Wine Challenge 2018, Gold TOP BRANDS Kim SweatshedYoungTheCraftersCrawfordUnionPeople’sWineandCoWines

Also available in the Kim Crawford range, you’ll love the delightfully refreshing Rosé and the crisp Pinot Gris, both of which were also awarded Blue Gold Medals and Top 100 status at the 2017 Sydney International Wine show. Our Winemaker Anthony Walkenhorst (pictured) loves making these wines from the best vineyards across the best regions in New Zealand to create knock-out flavours. Enjoy these delicious wines straight up or with a surprising twist like our Hibiscus Tea-ser. Crawford
T he Sydney International Wine Competition awarded our Marlborough Sauvignon Blanc a Blue Gold medal - a winner to serve friends and family at your next Soiree.
HIBISCUS TEA-SER 12INGREDIENTSTbsploosedriedhibiscusflowerscuphotwater 1/4 cup Kim
Sauvignon Blanc 1 Tbsp sugar INSTRUCTIONS1.Placehibiscus flowers in a tea bag or tea infuser. Steep tea in hot water for 10 minutes. 2. Mix Kim Crawford Sauvignon Blanc with sugar. Combine tea and wine mixture. For more inspiration go to kimcrawfordwines.com

Coopers Brewery at Regency Park is one of the most modern breweries in Australia. We not only produce some of Australia’s favourite beers but do so with the least possible consequence to the environment. In areas such as energy recovery, power generation, water usage, recycling, efficient operation and work practices, Coopers has adopted world-best practices. At the same time, we have been able to maintain the essential character of the fine ales first brewed by our company’s founder, Thomas Cooper, in 1862. Coopers is a signatory to the Federal Government’s Greenhouse Challenge and to the National Packaging Covenant as well as a member of the Beverage Industry Environment Council which seeks to promote consumer responsibilities.
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All Coopers Brewery’s electricity and steam requirements are drawn from a 4.4 Megawatt (MW) natural gas powered cogeneration plant located on site. The plant, built in partnership with AGL, burns natural gas in a gas turbine to drive an electricity generator and uses the waste heat to produce steam used in the brewing process. As a result, the plant achieves an efficiency rate of 80%, approximately 2.5 times greater than a conventional power station. This has reduced carbon dioxide emissions by up to 15,000 tonnes per annum compared with a conventional power plant – the equivalent of taking an estimated 3200 standard vehicles off the road for a year. The cogeneration plant produces 24,000 Megawatt hours (MWh) of power per year for the brewery and the maltings. Any excess power is fed into the South Australian power grid. The plant also generates 50,000 tonnes of steam a year, used for heating in the brewing process. Steam was previously generated at the brewery by gas-fired boilers.
All water used by Coopers originates from aquifers beneath the brewery, reducing the demand on Adelaide’s reticulated water supply. This underground water is clean, but saline and is purified by reverse osmosis. Extraction rates from the aquifers are carefully monitored to ensure they do not exceed the rate of replenishment. Approximately 70% of the water fed into the purification plant is used in the brewing process. The remaining 30% contains salt wastes and is pumped through a dedicated pipeline into the intertidal zone at the Barker Inlet under the terms of a licence with the Environmental Protection Agency.
Excess water from the reverse osmosis plant is mixed with bore water to irrigate the high salt tolerant lawns around the brewery.
The brewery has two 45,000 litre tanks where recaptured water is stored and monitored before use.
OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT Coopers Brewery has extensive monitoring systems in place to maximise efficiency and waste reduction.
In addition, Coopers captures and recycles up to 35 megalitres (35 million litres) of water each year. Water is recovered from three production areas, mainly in the bottling hall and brewhouse, and are recycled for irrigation and other non production uses.
Environmental scientists say the water from the pipeline has a similar salt concentration to the brackish environment produced in the intertidal zone, where seawater mixes with freshwater.
Co-products – the spent grains and trub (protein waste from the brewing process) – are sold as stock feed. A sophisticated brewery-wide SCADA monitoring system collects a wide range

HEAD OFFICE 461 South Road, Regency Park, SA 5010 Tel: 08 8440 1800 Email: coopers@coopers.com.au Web: www.coopers.com.au
PARTNERSSUPPLIERof process information that is used for process control and monitoring. This allows all aspects of brewing and evaporation of product to be optimised. Energy efficiency is further boosted by low grade heat recovery and reuse while vapour condensation at the brew kettle eliminates odours. Energy audits within the brewery have resulted in the installation of high-efficiency low-energy lighting in all areas of the brewery while programs regularly examine machinery to determine if it can be used more efficiently or should be replaced with more modern and efficient equipment. All fluid wastes are monitored for temperature, ph levels and conductivity to ensure they meet appropriate standards as part of Coopers trade waste licence with SA Water. Packaging is recyclable and in combination with optimisation of the packaging process has resulted in a 50% reduction in material to landfill.
NSW/ACT 17/4 Avenue of the Americas, Newington, NSW 2127 Tel: 1300 556 166 QLD 12 Business Street, Yatala, QLD 4207 Tel: 07 3297 2923 VIC/TAS 3/11 Sabre Drive, Port Melbourne, VIC 3207 Tel: 03 9245 1900 WA 2/50 Discovery Drive, Bibra Lak, WA 6163 Tel: 08 9418 3988
BRANDS DISTRIBUTED Coopers, Brooklyn, Carlsberg, Kronenbourg, Mythos, Sapporo, Fix Hellas and Thatchers
Coopers Brewery was recently named equal best maltster in the world at the World Barley, Malt and Beer Conference held in Warsaw.
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Cider TOP AWARDS 2017 ALIA Awards Coopers Original Pale Ale • Australia’s Best Premium Domestic Beer TOP BRANDS Coopers Sparkling Ale Coopers Original Pale Ale Coopers Session Ale Coopers Mild Ale 3.5% Coopers Dark Ale Coopers Stout Coopers Premium Lager Coopers Premium Light Coopers Dry Coopers XPA
• Pre-steeping – Coopers Maltings employs a unique in-house designed barley wetting screw that wets the grain and removes contaminants from barley. The damp grain is then allowed to rest under controlled conditions for two hours, during which time the moisture rises from 10% to 25%, allowing shorter steeping times, more vigorous grain for germination, and may allow single steeping under certain circumstances, saving water.
SOCIAL MEDIA www.twitter.com/coopersbrewerywww.instagram.com/coopersbrewerywww.facebook.com/coopers
MALTING PLANT In 2017, Coopers opened a $65 million malting plant at Regency Park. The 13,000 sq m plant is considered the most technically advanced in the world and can produce around 54,000 tonnes of malt a year. In terms of water usage, process control and automation, this is the most advanced maltings in the world. Water used in production comes from the saline aquifers beneath the brewery which is desalinated before use. Unique in- house designed features have allowed Coopers to reduce steeping times, water usage and kiln- gas during the malting process. Power is mostly drawn from the cogeneration plant, which also provides recovered heat for the kiln:
• Kiln Pre-Heating – Coopers Brewery employs a co-generation unit that generates electricity. Waste heat from this process was historically vented to atmosphere. This waste heat has been captured to heat water and subsequently pre-hear kiln air. This ‘free’ energy results in an energy saving of around 40% of kiln gas.

HEAD OFFICE 1/7 Bay St, Southport QLD 4215 PO Box 418 Chirn Park 4215 Contact: Dean Terranova –Founder / Managing Director Tel: 0477 974 910 Email: dean@iconicbeverages.com.au General Enquiries: info@iconicbeverages.com.au Orders: orders@iconicbeverages.com.au
ased in South East Queensland and founded in 2018, ICONIC Beverages has entered the national liquor market in full force with a strong national sales network and an innovative spirits portfolio. ICONIC Beverages’ exclusive brands include RITTENHOUSE RYE WHISKY (KENTUCKY), MANLY SPIRITS CO. (SYDNEY), LARRIKIN GIN (BALLARAT), QUICK BROWN FOX COFFEE LIQUEUR (NEW ZEALAND), and KINAHANS IRISH WHISKEY. With the continuing growth in premium spirits, Iconic Beverages’ Director, Dean Terranova, saw an opportunity to establish a new company with long-term colleagues and a vision to become Australia’s most ICONIC spirits business. The company’s values are simple, ICONIC people selling ICONIC and innovative brands. Rittenhouse Rye is the founding brand whom the director has a long history with and is a category leading product. The portfolio includes cuttingedge Australian brands such as Manly Spirits Co. and Larrikin Gin. Iconic Beverages are constantly searching for unique brands and experienced drinks professionals to join their team. Producing sustainable craft spirits is an artform. The team at Manly Spirits Co. has this front of mind when selecting wild grown ocean botanicals for their award-winning gins. Australian lemons used for their Zesty Limoncello are later sent to a local juice company to eliminate waste. The team at Kilderkin Distillery (producers of Larrikin Gin) take pride in sustainably selecting native Australian Bush Botanicals to craft their sought-after Sunburnt Country Bush Tucker Gin. Since it’s launch last year, The Kasc Project by Kinahans is shaking up the Whisky category globally. An Irish Whiskey aged in hybrid casks composed of 5 different woods including ex-bourbon cask staves and virgin oaks sourced from sustainable forests in Europe. Kinahans is an Irish Government-approved “Sustainable Producer” and directly involved with reforestation projects in Portugal a key timber supplier for the brand. The ICONIC Beverages Portfolio is available to the trade nationally from all liquor wholesalers.
• Gold Medal San Francisco World Spirits Competition 2019 Kinahans Small Batch Irish Whiskey • Silver Medal San Francisco World Spirits Competition 2019 Larrikin Gin “Buccaneer” Navy Strength Gin
TOP BRANDS Kinahans Irish Whiskey Manly Spirits Australian Dry Gin Rittenhouse Straight Rye Whisky Quick Brown Fox Coffee Liqueur Larrikin Gin Sunburnt Country Bush Tucker Gin Producing sustainable craft spirits is an artform. The team at Manly Spirits Co. has this front of mind when selecting wild grown ocean botanicals for their awardwinning gins.
Kinahans Single Malt 10 YO Irish Whiskey
TOP AWARDS RittenHouse Rye Whisky • Gold Medal San Francisco World Spirits Competition 2019 Manly Spirits Co Australian Dry Gin • Double Gold Medal San Francisco World Spirits Competition 2018
• Silver Medal San Francisco World Spirits Competition 2019 Larrikin Gin “The Scoundrel” London Dry Gin • Bronze Medal San Francisco World Spirits Competition 2019 • Silver Medal Australian Gin Distillers Awards 2019

s an organisation, we are seeing growth in membership and membership retention, which is a good indication that our members are supportive of what we are delivering. Sales result in the first half of the year realised a 4% increase. Super Cellars rebranding has resulted in a value growth of 6 .2% and volume growth of 3.4% year to date. Australia’s liquor retail business has been in an endless phase of change, changes that has brought more challenges. As a co-operative our mission is to provide ongoing support to keep our members commercially viable. The strategic plan behind our retail venture in Victoria is primarily to learn and gain experience in retail operation and understand new age processes that we can share with our members. Over the course of the next few weeks, ILG will be making further announcements on our Victorian strategy. We have embarked on another digital initiative. Over the coming months we are trialling the geo-targeting campaign with a handful of stores. This campaign feeds ads through numerous apps and targets users that fit the demographic we set. Exciting and effective, it will drive additional consumer brand awareness and provide multiple digital touch points throughout the shopper journey. In the first quarter of the 2020 financial year, we will be introducing online training development modules, commencing with a New Member Induction programme. We want our current and new members to be wellinformed of what the co-operative can do for them and to embrace the benefits of their membership to enable them to fully express their point of difference. We will continue offering our training workshops, recently expanded with sessions being held in various locations including member owned venues, to reciprocate the business, as well as supplier premises, where other activities like tastings and production tours have been added. Our largest knowledge exchange platform, ILG’s annual Brands Conference is accentuated by distinguished keynote speakers, as well as, industry presenters affording inspirational messages and shared experiences to learn from. This event also fulfils the ILG Family’s annual reunion and is a very wellattended three day programme. This year’s Board and Management Strategy workshop touched on how we future-proof the co-operative. Our approach in achieving our vision will also focus on supporting environmental policies through various operational frameworks like the LED lighting upgrade, installation of solar panels and a staff recycling initiative. We intend expanding our HR services to share with members and develop resource utilisation through viable procurement and prudent practices. We have also commenced the move to upgrade our Enterprise Resource Planning System (ERP) and will carefully review how we can utilise this system to achieve our goals of sustainability from a corporate social responsibility.
HEAD OFFICE Sydney 16 Tyrone Place, Erskine Park, NSW, 2759 Richlands Unit 3 Boundary Road, Richlands, QLD, 4077 Townsville 677 Ingham Road, Mount St John, QLD, 4818 Tel: Reception – 02 9675 8400 Pat Kenny (NSW) – 0409 308 341 Craig Stephenson (QLD) – 0434 575 589 SOCIAL MEDIA Bottler https://www.facebook.com/l.bottler/ Super Cellars MySuperCellars/https://www.facebook.com/
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For more information contact Pat Kenny 0409 308 341 www.ilg.com.au Craig Stephenson (QLD) 0434 575 589 Operating from three well equipped distribution centres, Each complemented with experienced support staff Be a part of Australia’s largest Liquor Cooperative, servicing the industry since 1975. AT SERVICEYOUR Sydney Brisbane Townsville

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F or us at Lion, sustainability is about doing the right thing for the long term. This extends to all aspects of our interaction with the community, including a deep commitment to being a responsible alcohol producer. This is especially important when it comes to our environmental impact as a large manufacturer. We are exploring innovative ways to better manage water within each of the communities we operate in. Water management is particularly paramount in Queensland, where in 2009 Lion commissioned a water recycling plant for the Castlemaine Perkins Brewery – setting out to halve the water used in brewing XXXX Gold. A decade on, the brewery is approaching world-class standards in water management and is continually pushing the boundaries of conservation.
Lion is also investing in numerous renewable energy projects, including a new $2 million solar power system at the Castlemaine Perkins Brewery in Queensland, which will cut its annual carbon emissions by approximately 1,260 tonnes, and generate enough electricity to power one hundred and fifty Brisbane households. Lion is committed to ensuring 100% of its consumer packaging is recyclable by 2025, and that packaging is made from at least 50% recycled contents in the same time frame. For more than twenty years, Lion has invested in improving our packaging, reducing litter and increasing the recycling of our packaging. We started phasing out plastic rings on beer packaging ten years ago and the last plastic rings were removed from Lion-owned products three years ago. Plastic pollution is a complex, global issue that Lion is tackling on several fronts, both at a supply and demand level. We continue to evaluate alternative packaging technologies to further reduce the reliance on single-use plastic. Secondly, since supply chain changes can take time, we actively support programmes, such as REDcycle, which raise awareness and encourage our customers to ramp up their recycling efforts. Lastly, we are working with industry partners, such as the Australian Packaging Covenant Organisation, to develop broader industry solutions that minimise the impact of our packaging and promote the circular economy to minimise waste in the environment.
As I began, sustainability has a broader definition at Lion than just our environmental program. We have been the single-biggest funder of culture change organisation DrinkWise Australia since its inception, as we are focused on accelerating the improving statistics on alcohol consumption in Australia and targeting those that continue to drink in harmful ways. More recently, we, along with many companies, are focusing on mental and social wellbeing, in terms of both our employees and the community. One of the building blocks of a positive community is social connection, and we believe local pubs and clubs play an important role in bringing people together. The importance of being connected with friends, family, and the wider community in an era of rapid technological change cannot be understated. We recently supported an independent study by professors from Western Sydney University and Oxford University, which found that individuals with a ‘local’ are more trusting and satisfied with life, and have broader support networks within their communities. Solar Installation at XXXX

drinks guide|47 PARTNERSSUPPLIERHEAD OFFICE Level 7, 68 York Street Sydney NSW 2000 SOCIAL MEDIA www.linkedin.com/company/lion-co/www.lionco.com TOP AWARDS TAG (Tertiary Access Group)Strategic Business Partner, 2018 AHA WA Awards 2018 • Best Regional Beer Supplier • Best Bottleshop Promotion – XXXX Gold Cricket • Best NPD – Little Creatures Elsie • Doug May was recognised with the Ross McGovern Hospitality Industry Achievement Award 2018 ALIA • Best New Product of the Year (Iron Jack) • Liquor Brand of the Year (Furphy) 2018 Australian Drinks Awards • Inclusive and Diverse Workplace Award • Supply Chain Partnership Award • 5 Seeds (Emerging Brand of the Year – Cider) • Guinness (Most Distinctive Brand of the Year – Imported Beer) TOP BRANDS HahnJamesHeinekenIronFurphyTooheysXXXXJackSquire

35% less carbs than regular beer

Barons is Western Australia’s fastest growing, independently owned and operated liquor retail co-operative, with over 77 stores statewide. Our presence continues to expand year-on-year as we attract high quality retail sites into the group who share our focus on service and attention to detail. Located across WA, we support each store to drive an optimal, curated, consumerled range that suits their local market. To ensure this expansion continues, we are committed to making retail decisions as a retail business, with the understanding that one size does not fit all. As owners of the co-operative, the Liquor Barons members are the business decision-makers and are therefore highly engaged. Being wholly WA based and operated means we are attuned to the local market. We are not exclusively aligned with any one wholesaler, supplier or product, which gives us the flexibility we need to operate in this way. As the stores are the shareholders, every cent raised at a group level is returned to them either in cash or services. We focus on forging mutually beneficial relationships with all of our suppliers, big and small, which we use to deliver efficient, cost-effective services to our members, who can then pass on competitively priced products to our customers. We operate a high technology business that conducts best-in-class, highly individual innovative marketing campaigns from traditional print to digital media. At over $220 million annualised sales, Liquor Barons is a powerful buying group and can tailor its decisions across suburb lines; what works in Armadale may not work in Swanbourne, so we are constantly seeking innovative ways to operate as a group that best serves our individual members.
HEAD OFFICE Suite 4/40 Churchill Avenue Subiaco, WA 6008 Tel: (08) 93809077 Email: cobrien@liquorbarons.com.au Web: www.liquorbarons.com.au SOCIAL MEDIA www.instagram.com/liquorbaronswww.facebook.com/lliquorbarons
TOP AWARDS Australian Liquor Industry Awards Liquor Retail Group of the Year, 2017, 2015, 2014 and 2011

McWilliam’s Customer Service on 1800 800 584 or customers may contact their McWilliam’s Sales Representative BRANDS DISTRIBUTED McWilliam’s, McW, Mount Pleasant, B-Side, Evans & Tate, Barwang, Framingham, Taittinger, Henkell, Mionetto, Mateus and boutique brands (Catching Thieves, Parlez Vous Rose, Under & Over and Zeppelin).
2017 1880
SOCIAL MEDIA Facebook & Instagram: @McWilliamsWines McWilliam’s Facebook & Instagram: @McWilliamsWines Mount Pleasant Instagram: @mountpleasantwines Mount Pleasant Facebook: @mtpleasantwines Facebook and Instagram: evansandtate Facebook and Instagram: HenkellAU Facebook: TaittingerAustralia Instagram: taittingerAU Mionetto Instagram: @mionettoproseccoaus
Awards •
TOP BRANDS McWilliam’s, McW, Mount Pleasant, Barwang, Mionetto, Henkell, Mateus, Taittinger, Evans & Tate and Deep Woods
HEAD OFFICE Office - Level 1, 55 Murray St, Pyrmont, New South Wales, 2009. Tel: (02) 9722 1200
Framingham Facebook: @FraminghamWines Framingham Instagram: @FraminghamWines Mateus - Facebook: @MateusAus Mateus - Instagram: @mateusrosewine
TOP AWARDS 2019 Sommelier Wine Awards Gold – Mount Pleasant 2009 Elizabeth Cellar Aged Semillon Gold Mount Pleasant 2015 660 Reserve Cabernet Sauvignon Hunter Valley Wine Show Trophy – Mount Pleasant Vines Old Hill Shiraz NSW Wine Show Trophy – Mount Pleasant 2017 Old Paddock & Old Hill Shiraz China Wine & Spirit Trophy – 2018 Hanwood Estate Shiraz 2019 Hunter Valley Wine Show Winemaker of the Year - Adrian Sparks
“With 142 years of winemaking history, a strong family heritage and wealth of amazing stories to share, our sights are firmly set on growing and revitalising the McWilliam’s Wines Group. I’m proud to say our refreshed vision - ‘To pour our heritage into life’s occasions’ - is supported by values that not only resonate with who we are as a company but also with individual team members, all who play an important role in shaping our future success. We are taking a step-by-step approach to rebuilding consumer advocacy, refocusing on our own brands as well as our wider portfolio of consumer lead distributor brands. To strengthen our position as a leading producer of Australian style cool climate, high altitude wines, we’re introducing the new mediumbodied McW 480 Estate and McW Reserve 660 core ranges as well as adding new wine varietals such as Tempranillo through the McW Alternis range to encourage consumers to explore. Our McW Regional Collection has been developed to help consumers rediscover Australia’s iconic wine regions such as The Barossa and Yarra Valley, whilst we bring to life the legend of Maurice O’Shea and sharing the exceptional award-winning wines that form the Mount Pleasant story. We are privileged to distribute some of the world’s major wine brands which are in growth categories including Mateus, the original Rosé, Champagne Taittinger and Henkell Sparkling. With the growth of Prosecco, we are excited to launch Mionetto, the world’s number 1 Italian Prosecco to our customers and consumers. The breadth of the McWilliam’s distributor range also expands to New Zealand’s Marlborough region via Framingham and Western Australia’s Margaret River with Evans & Tate brand alongside the award-winning Deep Woods range. Finally, we are proud of our heritage in fortified wines which the company was founded on and this year sees us re shape the offering for the modern fortified consumer. Organisationally McWilliam’s is evolving and bringing a new culture of accountability to the forefront, fuelled by new talent, passion and capability joining our team. With a stable of strong brands that we are proud to work with, we have heavily invested in our sales teams, to build deeper relationships with our retail partners adding value to their customers.
Award •
Our operations expand across the NSW wine regions inclusive of Australia’s first wine region in the Hunter Valley, down to the Riverina and the altitude of Hilltops and Tumbarumba. With those operations comes a great responsibility in actively contributing to a sustainable environment. We are currently redefining our sustainability program to encompass initiatives such as solar power and a newly commissioned and automated waste water treatment plant as part of our water management strategy, water minimisation and organisationalwide commitment to working towards a paperless environment. McWilliam’s is also a member of the Australian Packaging Covenant Organisation (APCO) and committed to reducing the impact of packaging on the Australian environment.”
50|drinks guide

Discover a contemporary collection celebrating six generations of McWilliam’s winemaking excellence. For more information contact McWilliam’s Wines Group on 1800 800 584 or your McWilliam’s Customer Account Manager. Mc WILLIAMS.COM.AU

Tel: 0408 766 551 Email: CustomerMelindagraeme@thesharpgroup.com.auReiherService&Sales
Tel: 03 5248 6866 Email: mel@thesharpgroup.com.au
Within the Sharp Group are wineries Jack Rabbit Vineyard, Leura Park Estate, Yes said the Seal as well as Flying Brick Cider Co. As a family owned and operated business, we are privileged to own more than 150 acres of vines spanning the spectacular Bellarine Peninsula. As a group, sustainability is a way of life, not a concept. We are continually looking for ways to extend our commitment to the environment. The management of our vineyards is founded on sustainable principles. All vines are hand pruned and many are handpicked and whole bunch pressed - not only to ensure maximum integrity of varietal flavour but also to ensure our environmental footprint is walking with Mother Nature. Wine quality is the monarch here, not volume. We treat and reuse all wastewater on the vineyard minimizing potable water usage. If irrigation is required, a target drip feed system, designed to specifically target the base of each vine is activated.
QLD David CuttingsBoneWine Tel: 0410 700 330 Email: davidb@cuttingswine.com.au
|drinks guide
Jack Rabbit Vineyard 2017 Shiraz • 2018 - Blue Gold - Sydney International Wine Competition • 2018 - Gold - Great Australian Shiraz Challenge • • 2018 – Gold – Geelong Wine Show Jack Rabbit Vineyard 2018 Rose • 2018 – Gold – Royal Melbourne Wine Show Jack Rabbit Vineyard 2017 Chardonnay • 2018 – Gold – Victorian Wine Show Jack Rabbit Vineyard 2017 Pinot Grigio • 2018 – Gold – International Cool Climate Wine Show Yes said the Seal 2017 Sauvignon Blanc • 2018 – Gold – Victorian Wine Show Yes said the Seal 2017 Pinot Noir • 2018 – Gold – Victorian Wine Show Leura Park Estate 2018 Sauvignon Blanc • 2018 – Gold – Victorian Wine Show
THE SHARP GROUP LYNDSAY SHARP, DIRECTOR – MARKETING, SALES & HOSPITALITY Leura Park Estate 2017 Chardonnay • 2018 – Gold – Geelong Wine Show Leura Park Estate 2017 Shiraz • 2018 – Gold – International Cool Climate Wine Show Flying Brick Original Cider • Gold & Champion Cider – 2018 Sydney Royal Beer & Cider Show Flying Brick Draught Cider • Silver – 2018 Cider Australia Awards Flying Brick Pear Cider • Silver – 2018 Sydney Royal Beer & Cider Show
All vineyard clippings and harvest MOG (matter other than grape) is mulched to nourish the vines. One community collaboration involves green waste collection transformed into mulch. We are proud that when we say ‘minimal intervention’, it truly is the case. Any sprays or pesticides are naturally derived – think copper, chicken manure, pyretherum. This follows through in the wine making process. The majority of our wines undergo wild yeast fermentation (yeasts naturally occurring on the fruit itself). A focus on lateral integration extends to more than 800 sheep across all vineyards. This reduces the need for mechanical mowing, fertilises the vineyards and, further down the track, becomes signature local Menu protein. We are currently trialling a system to transform all kitchen food waste into vineyard compost that will improve soil structure, health and water retention. It addition to rigid recycling practices, our Cellar Doors work with a local company which transforms all used cooking oil into biodiesel. We also source as much local produce as possible to showcase the wonderful community bounty and reduce our carbon footprint. On the cider front, our focus is crafting 100 per cent natural ciders. Established in 2010, Flying Brick Cider Co ciders are crafted from real Australian apples and pears, no colourings, concentrates, flavourings or sugars. Our cider maker Nyall Condon has been on the Executive of Cider Australia since foundation. Their focus on educating and inspiring consumers to actively seek out true Australian craft cider is coming to fruition. ‘True craft’ means Australian fruit, not imported - naturally derived flavours from fruit grown in a paddock, not developed in a laboratory. Supporting Australian fruit growers and fostering strong supply chains with good people on the land is a wonderful aspect of this mantra.
ADDRESS WAREHOUSE ADDRESS 51 Leather Breakwater,Street,Geelong VIC Tel: +61 5248 6866 Web: www.thesharpgroup.com.au Email: mel@thesharpgroup.com.au
NATIONAL Lyndsay Sharp Director – National Sales Tel: 0438 541169 Email: lyndsay@thesharpgroup.com.au VIC Tatania VictorianKingState Sales Manager Tel: 0417 198 432 Email: VictorianGraemetatania@thesharpgroup.com.auSimpsonAccountManager

*A voted at the Flaviar 2019 Awards Australian Organic Market Report October 2018 OFFICE Suite Five Dock Plaza, 50 Great North Road, Five Dock, NSW 2046 Tel: 02 8736 3300 Web: www.vhws.com.au Email: sales@vhws.com.au MEDIA Sales Order Centre Tel: 1300 769 266 Fax: 1300 549 266 Email: sales@vhws.com.au BRANDS DISTRIBUTED Angove Family Winemakers,
54|drinks guide
The Angove family has been in the Australian wine industry for 133 years and has over 50 years’ experience representing their own and other wineries and distilleries in the Australian marketplace via their national distribution business, Vintage House Wine and Spirits. Our comprehensive portfolio of premium Australian, New Zealand and international brands provides an extensive range of wine and spirits to the licensed trade, both on and off premise. Key brands include France’s number one selling Champagne, Nicolas Feuillatte, the St Agnes range of premium brandies, Stone’s Original Ginger range, Glenfarclas Highland Malts, the World’s Number One Gin, Drumshanbo*, Australia’s leading Organic wines from Angove and Temple Bruer**, and wines from many of Australia’s key regions. With an eye on the future we are always on the lookout for new partners to join our business and benefit from our success. We have a dedicated, knowledgeable and professional sales team - all WSET qualified - and a national warehousing and distribution facility that covers all Australian states. We are committed and passionate about wine and spirits and strive to be leaders in customer service.
Angove McLaren Vale, Angove Organic, Blind Tiger Organic Gin, Charles Pelletier, Chateau Jean Faux, Drumshanbo Gunpowder Irish Gin, Hollick, Joel Gott, Koonowla, Le Cirque Wine Co, Les Peyrautin, Mount Riley, Napa Cellars, Champagne Nicolas Feuillatte, Palmes d’Or Champagne, Prosper Maufoux, Rivarose, Sausage Tree Pure Irish Vodka, Schild Estate, Temple Bruer, Trinchero Family Estate, Tulloch, Villa Jolanda, Water Wheel, Wicks Estate, Glenfarclas, St Agnes Brandy, Stone’s Green Ginger Wine and Beer, Stone’s Ginger Joe, Quinta do Pego and Bookmark TOP AWARDS Flaviar Awards - Worlds Best Gin, Drumshanbo Gunpowder Irish Gin Angove McLaren Vale Family Crest Shiraz - JAMES HALLIDAY WINE COMPANION - 01.01.19 - 94 POINTS, St Agnes XO 15 YO - Tasting Australia Spirit Award 2019 - GOLD & Best Brandy Angove Organic Shiraz Cabernet - 6TH SAKURA JAPAN WOMEN’S WINE AWARDS 2019 - GOLD TOP BRANDS St Agnes XO Stone’s Ginger Angove McLaren Vale Angove Organic Temple Bruer Wicks DrumshanboEstate Gunpowder Irish Gin We have a dedicated, knowledgeable and professional sales team - all WSET qualified - and a national warehousing and distribution facility that covers all Australian states.
UCksDToOtrwQUzKXxftg65YQwww.youtube.com/channel/www.instagram.com/angovewine/www.facebook.com/AngoveWine OFFICEDISTRIBUTOR/STATEDETAILS National

For distribution enquiries please contact your VHWS Representative Ph: 1300 769 266 Fax: 1300 549 266 Email: sales@vhws.com.au www.vhws.com.au

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SOCIAL MEDIA Glenfiddich: www.glenfiddich.com.au Facebook: GlenfiddichAU Balvenie: www.thebalvenie.com Facebook: TheBalvenie Hendrick’s: www.hendricksgin.com Facebook: HendricksGin Monkey Shoulder: www.monkeyshoulder.com Facebook: MonkeyShoulderAustralia Instagram: @MonkeyShoulderAustralia Sailor Jerry: www.sailorjerry.com Facebook: SailorJerryAus Instagram: @SailorJerryAus
As a family owned spirits business founded in 1887 and traditionally famous for its award-winning whiskies, William Grant & Sons has grown to become one of the leading premium spirits challengers in Australia and around the world. With an exciting portfolio experiencing strong growth across key channels and aligned to broader macro trends for authenticity, sustainability and experience the future remains bright for our business.
2018 was another successful year for the Australian business with record growth of almost twice the spirits category, spearheaded by the performance of our Scotch portfolio which grew by 6.1 per cent MAT* the fastest growth of the top five Scotch manufacturers in market.
The introduction of 150k tattoo inspired tin cups a highlight activation for the brand, replaced all plastic and paper cups that had traditionally been used at festivals and outdoor bar activations, following feedback for more sustainable assets. Summer 2019 will see the introduction of a new to market innovation to capture consumer occasions of moderation and convenience supported through a full 360 marketing plan.
HEAD OFFICE Suite 21.02, Level 21, 111 Pacific Hwy, North Sydney, NSW 2060 Tel: 02 9409 5100 Fax: 02 9409 5128 Email: wgsacustomerservice@wgrant.com Web: www.williamgrant.com
BRANDS DISTRIBUTED Glenfiddich, The Balvenie, Grant’s, Monkey Shoulder, Hendrick’s, Sailor Jerry, Milagro, Reyka, Tullamore D.E.W, Drambuie, Hudson and Solerno TOP AWARDS 2018 International Spirits Challenge • Distiller of the year • Scotch Whisky Producer of the year TOP BRANDS SailorMonkeyHendrick’sGrant’sTheGlenfiddichBalvenieShoulderJerry
Spiced rum, once the darling of the Australian spirits industry has faced tougher conditions in the last 12 months as consumers are more mindful than ever about health and moderation. Sailor Jerry, Australia’s number one spiced rum leveraged the brand passion points of music and tattoos, activating at festivals throughout summer to support a global packaging redesign which went live quarter four 2018.
Glenfiddich, the worlds most awarded Single Malt, maintained its leadership position in Australia. 2018 saw the launch of Glenfiddich Winter Strom, an ice wine finished 21YO Malt, which was supported by an on premise drive across the entire experimental range including a partnership with PS40 to create the perfect highball Sodas to pair with the Glenfiddich range and suite of reusable bar assets including straws and glassware to tap into the growing trend for sustainable bartending. As a business we are committed to supporting our customers with the right tools to unlock category growth. As consumer tastes and motivations evolve, malt whisky is increasingly becoming the entry into Scotch and one of the single biggest opportunities we see is improving consumer knowledge of the category. 2019 sees the launch of a 3 year tour of ‘The Glenfiddich Whisky Wander’ a double decker bus experience aimed at engaging drinkers and demystifying the complex world of Scotch. Monkey Shoulder continues to make headlines, again named the world’s top trending Scotch. Its playful personality is helping break down traditional preconceptions of Scotch to introduce new drinkers to Whisky through the art of accessible cocktails. This approach has seen a shift in the traditional drinker profile, now more gender-balanced than ever with clear evidence that recruitment to the brand is coming from millennial drinkers. For many, 2018 will be remembered as the year of gin, with the category responsible for more than 50 per cent of Australian spirits growth. Leading the original gin revival and continuing to push the boundaries is Hendricks. Hendricks continues to surprise and delight consumers with its quirky personality and experience-led marketing.

Contact William Grants & Sons for further information (02) 9409 5100 or wgsa.customerservice@wgrant.com www.williamgrant.com

ACCESSORIES Great Engineering Labeling Solutions Address:https://www.greatengineering.com/ 7/11 Sabre Drive Port Melbourne VIC 3207 Tel: 03 9646 8688 Fax: 03 9646 3144 Email: sales@greatengineering.com
Chill Address:www.chill.com.au 2/128 Old Pittwater Road Brookvale NSW 2100 Tel: 02 9907 7099 Toll Free: 1300 93 2445 Email: admin@chill.com.au Protech Commercial Kitchens Address:https://protechcommercialkitchens.com.au 23 Tebbutt Street Leichhardt NSW 2040 Tel: 1300 368 911 Tel: 02 8971 4280 Email: equipment@protechhospitality.com.au Quirks Australia Address:www.quirksaustralia.com.au 198 Power Street Glendenning NSW 2761 Tel: 02 8805 2500 Toll Free: 1800 804 627 Skope Refrigeration & Heating Address:www.skope.com 66 Princess Street Riccarton Christchurch NZ 8041 Tel: 1800 121 535 Tel: 03 983 3800 Fax: 1800 121 533 Email: skope@skope.com ASSOCIATIONS, ORGANISATIONS & GOVERNMENT
Contact details current as at 1 April 2019
Australis Drink Company Pty Ltd Address:http://www.australisdrinkco.com.au/ 5/25 Maple Street Maleny QLD 4552 Tel: 07 5494 2068 Email: sales@australisdrinkco.com.au Brewers Association of Australia Address:www.brewers.org.au Level 1, 27 Murray Crescent Griffith ACT 2603 Tel: 02 6295 7199 Email: brewers@brewers.org.au Champagne Bureau Australia Address:www.champagne.com.au GPO Box 461 Sydney NSW 2001 Tel: 02 9698 4403 Mobile: 0413 170 130 Email: info@champagne.com.au Clubs NSW Address:www.clubsnsw.com.au Level 8 51 Druitt Street Sydney NSW 2000 Tel: 02 9268 3000 Toll Free: 1300 730 001 Fax: 02 9268 3066 Email: enquiries@clubsnsw.com.au Clubs QLD Address:www.clubsqld.com.au 55 Holland Street Northgate QLD 4013 Tel: 07 3252 0770 Fax: 07 3252 0971 Email: clubs@clubsqld.com.au DrinkWise Address:www.drinkwise.org.au Level 2, 232 York Street South Melbourne VIC 3205 Tel: 03 9682 8641 Email: info@drinkwise.org.au Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DrinkWiseAU Twitter: https://twitter.com/DrinkWiseAus Food and Beverage Importers Association Address:www.fbia.org.au 181 Drummond Street Carlton VIC 3053 Tel: 03 9867 0197 Email: info@fbia.org.au Food Standards Australia and New Zealand Address:www.foodstandards.gov.au
Twitter: @accomassoc
Level 4, 15 Lancaster Place Majura Park ACT 2609 Tel: 02 6271 2222 Fax: 02 6271 2278 Email: information@foodstandards.gov.au. Facebook: www.facebook.com/Food.Standards Twitter: @fsanznews HOSTPLUS Super Address:www.hostplus.com.au Locked Bag 5046 Parramatta NSW 2124 Toll Free: 1300 467 875 Fax: 1800 467 875 Liquor and Gaming NSW Address:https://www.liquorandgaming.nsw.gov.au/
Level 6 323 Castlereagh Street Haymarket NSW 2000 Tel: 1300 024 720 Email: info.lgnsw@justice.nsw.gov.au Liquor Stores Association of NSW Inc Address:www.lsansw.com.au Suite W3G, Building 2, Sydney Corporate Park 75 O’Riordan Street Alexandria NSW 2015 Tel: 02 8335 3200 Email: info@lsansw.com.au Liquor Stores Association of Western Australia Address:www.lsawa.asn.au Suite 25, Centrepoint Tower 123B Colin Street West Perth WA 6005 Tel: 08 9321 5022 Email: info@lsawa.asn.au Master Grocers Australian and Liquor Retailers Australia Address:www.mga.asn.au Suite 5/1 Milton Parade Malvern VIC 3144 Tel: 03 9824 4111 Toll Free: 1800 888 479 Fax: 03 9824 4022 Email: admin@mga.asn.au Twitter: @MasterGrocers MediaCom Address:http://www.mediacom.com/au Level 17, 65 Berry Street North Sydney NSW 2060 Tel: 02 9463 7000 Fax: 02 9463 7333 Email: georgie.lawrence@mediacom.com National Independent Liquor Wholesalers Association (NILWA) Address:www.nilwa.com.au 39 Stenhouse Drive Cameron Park NSW 2285 Tel: 02 4951 2385 Email: nilwa@nilwa.com.au National Trust of Australia (ACT) Address:www.nationaltrust.org.au/act Unit 3.09, Level 3 Griffin Centre 20 Genge Street Canberra ACT 2601 Tel: 02 6230 0533 Fax: 02 6230 0544 Email: info@nationaltrustact.org.au National Wine Education and Training Centre Address:www.nwetc.com.au National Wine Centre Botanic Road Adelaide SA 5000 Tel: 08 8222 9277 Email: admin@winesa.asn.au Office of Liquor and Gambling Commissioner - SA Address:https://www.cbs.sa.gov.au Consumer and Business Services 9 Grenfell Street Adelaide SA 5001 Tel: 13 18 82 Fax: 08 8226 8512 Office of Liquor and Gaming Regulation QLD www.olgr.qld.gov.au Address: 63 George Street Brisbane QLD 4000 Toll Free: 13 74 68 Fax: 07 3872 0998 Email: OLGRlicensing@justice.qld.gov.au Email: liquorcompliance@justice.qld.gov.au Office of Racing, Gaming and Liquor WA Address:www.rgl.wa.gov.au Gordon Stephenson House, Level 2 140 William Street Perth WA 6000 Tel: 08 6551 4888 Fax: 08 9325 1041 Email: rgl@dlgsc.wa.gov.au Restaurant & Catering Australia Address:www.restaurantcater.asn.au Level 3, 154 Pacific Highway St Leonards NSW 2065 Tel: 1300 722 878 Fax: 1300 722 396 Email: restncat@restaurantcater.asn.au South Australian Wine Industry Association Address:https://www.winesa.asn.au/ Level 1 Industry Offices National Wine Centre Botanic Road Adelaide SA 5000 Tel: 08 8222 9277 Fax: 08 8222 9276 Email: admin@winesa.asn.au Spirits & Cocktails Australia Address:https://www.spiritsandcocktailsaustralia.com.au/ Level 12, Suite 1201 37 Bligh Street Sydney NSW 2000 Tel: 02 8233 6215 Tasmanian Gaming Commission Address:https://www.treasury.tas.gov.au/liquor-and-gaming
The Leather Menu Factory Address:https://theleathermenufactory.com.au/ Level 57, MLC Centre Martin Place Sydney NSW 2000 Tel: 1300 369 384 Email: Sales@theleathermenufactory.com.au
ACCOUNTING BDO Australia Address:www.bdo.com.au BDO Centre Level 7, 420 King William Street Adelaide SA 5000 Tel: 08 7324 6000 Tel: 1300 138 991 Email: info.adelaide@bdo.com.au
AIR-CONDITIONING, REFRIGERATION & HEATING Air Liquide Address:www.airliquide.com.au 43-47 Pine Road Fairfield NSW 2165 Tel: 02 9892 9777 Fax: 02 9892 3353 Orders Fax: 02 9892 1454 Email: ALANSWSales@airliquide.com
Salamanca Building Parliament Square 4 Salamanca Place Hobart TAS 7000 Tel: 03 6166 4040 Fax: 03 6173 0218 Email: licensing@treasury.tas.gov.au Email: gaming@treasury.tas.gov.au Wine Australia Address:www.wineaustralia.com Industry House Corner of Hackney and Botanic Roads Adelaide SA 5000 Tel: 08 8228 2000 Fax: 08 8228 2066 Email: enquiries@wineaustralia.com Email: communications@wineaustralia.com
Australasian Lighting Industry Association Address:www.alia.com.au 7 Glenlee Close Mount Kruing-Gai NSW 2080 Email: cat@alia.com.au Australian Food and Grocery Council Address:www.afgc.org.au Level 2, Salvation Army Building 2-4 Brisbane Avenue Barton ACT 2600 Tel: 02 6273 1466 Fax: 02 6273 1477 Australian Hotels Association Address:www.aha.org.au 27 Murray Crescent Griffith ACT 2603 Tel: 02 6273 4007 Email: communications@aha.org.au
Accommodation Association of Australia Address:www.aaoa.com.au Suite 401, Level 4 105 Pitt Street Sydney NSW 2000 Tel: 02 8666 9015 Toll Free: 1300 304 397 Fax: 02 8666 9017 Email: mail@aaoa.com.au Facebook: facebook.com/AccommodationAssociation
BIRD & PEST CONTROL Monbulk Rural Enterprises Address:www.monbulkrural.com.au
Contact details current as at 1 April 2019
DIRECTORYSUPPLIESANDSERVICES drinks guide|59 Wine Tasmania Address:www.winetasmania.com.au Level 5, 29 Elizabeth St Hobart TAS 7000 Tel: 03 6224 3770 Email: mail@winetasmania.net.au Winemakers’ Federation of Australia Address:www.wfa.org.au Level 1, Industry Offices, National Wine Centre Botanic Road Adelaide SA 5000 Tel: 08 8133 4300 Fax: 08 8133 4366 Email: info@wfa.org.au
Andale Beer Dispensing Equipment Address:www.andale.com.au 5 King Street Airport West VIC 3042 Tel: 03 9339 6666 Email: andalevic@andale.com.au
Address:http://en.seguin-moreau.fr/ 1/257A Hanson Road Wingfield SA 5013 Tel: 08 8406 2000 Fax: 08 8406 2001 Email: admin@seguinmoreau.com.au Twitter: @SeguinMoreauAus
Suite 102 - 112 Talavera Road Macquaire Park NSW 2113 Tel: 0427 721 478 Email: landi@australianwinecellar.com.au Email: wino82go@gmail.com Bovec Address:www.bovec.com.au
Lightsounds www.lightsounds.com.au Address: 31/192A Kingsgrove Road Kingsgrove NSW 2208 Tel: 02 9560 0300 Toll Free: 1800 552 205 Email: wholesale@lightsounds.com.au Facebook: facebook.com/lightsoundshq Limehouse creative Address:www.limehousecreative.com Level 3/48 Chippen Street Chippendale NSW 2008 Tel: 02 9698 5398 Tel: 02 9698 7907 Email: info@limehousecreative.com Phonographic Performance Company of Australia Address:www.ppca.com.au Level 4, 11-17 Buckingham Street Surry Hills NSW 2010 Tel: 02 8569 1100 Fax: 02 8569 1183 Email: ppca.mail@ppca.com.au BARRELL ACCESSORIES Seguin Moreau Australia
AUDIO VISUAL, SOUND, LIGHTING & GAMING Aristocrat Technologies Australia Pty Ltd Address:https://www.aristocrat.com/ Building A, Pinnacle Office Park 85 Epping Road North Ryde NSW 2113 Tel/Fax: 02 9013 6000 Email: natalie.toohey@aristocrat.com Email: reuben.rattos@aristocrat.com Email: rohan.gallagher@aristocrat.com
BOTTLING SERVICES/EQUIPMENT Arvinoil Pty Ltd Address:www.arvinoil.com 64/87-103 Epsom Road Rosebery NSW 2018 Tel: 02 9697 0599 Mobile: 0414 933 012 Fax: 02 9475 4407 Email: info@arvinoil.com Australian Wine Cellar Address:https://www.australianwinecellar.com.au
CELLAR DOOR ACCESSORIES Higher Plane Wines Address:www.higherplanewines.com.au PO Box 425 Bentley WA 6982 Tel: 08 9258 9437 Fax: 08 9458 6015
40 Aster Avenue Carrum Downs VIC 3201 Tel: 0419 647 484 Email: pgcaust@bigpond.net.au Protech Commercial Kitchens Address:https://protechcommercialkitchens.com.au 23 Tebbutt Street Leichhardt NSW 2040 Tel: 1300 368 911 Tel: 02 8971 4280 Email: equipment@protechhospitality.com.au The Facility Address:http://thefacility.com.au/ Rear 2 Chelmsford Street Kensington VIC 3031 Tel: 03 9039 9933 Email: hello@thefacility.com.au Transfusion Ltd Address:www.transfusionltd.com 2/F 17-19 Bridge Street Sydney NSW 2000 Tel: 0419 846 171 Fax: 02 9879 7926 Email: sean@transfusionltd.com
8 Old Emerald Road Monbulk VIC 3793 Tel: 03 9756 6355 Fax: 03 9756 7548 Email: admin@monbulkrural.com.au
Level 38, Tower Three, International Towers Sydney 300 Barangaroo Avenue Barangaroo NSW 2000 Tel: 02 9335 7000 Fax: 02 9335 7001 Profitable Hospitality Address:www.profitablehospitality.com.au
178 Denison Street Queens Park NSW 2022 Head Office Tel: 02 9340 1089 Toll Free: 1800 001 353 StayinFront Group Australia Address:www.stayinfront.com Level 1, Building C 12-24 Talvera Road Macquarie Park NSW 2113 Tel: 02 9900 1100 Fax: 02 9900 1199 WorkForce Software Address:http://wfsaustralia.com Level 4, 69 Regent Street Chippendale NSW 2008 Tel: 02 8399 1688 Email: info@wfsaustralia.com BUSINESS SERVICES Advantage Australia Address:http://www.advantagegroup.com/ Suite 201, The Equinox Centre 18 Rodborough Road Frenchs Forest NSW 2086 Tel: 02 8282 0000 Email: jmcloughlin@advantagegroup.com
2c Hayes Road Rosebery NSW 2018 Freecall: 1800 5347 827 Email: rent@kegstar.com Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/KegstarKegs/ P.G.C. Plastic Glasses Company Address:www.plasticglasses.net.au
Governor Macquarie Tower Level 27, S3 1 Farrer Place Sydney NSW 2000 Email: sales@bovec.com.au Great Engineering Labeling Solutions Address:https://www.greatengineering.com/ 7/11 Sabre Drive Port Melbourne VIC 3207 Tel: 03 9646 8688 Fax: 03 9646 3144 Email: sales@greatengineering.com HBM Plastics & Packaging Technologies Address:www.hbm.com.au 46/5 Inglewood Place Norwest Business Park Baulkham Hills NSW 2153 Tel: 02 8814 3100 Fax: 02 8814 3199 Email: sales@hbm.com.au IBS Systems Group Australia Address:www.ibsaus.com.au 53 Renwick Street Drummoyne NSW 2047 Tel: 02 9719 9242 Fax: 02 9602 8164 Email: sales@ibsaus.com.au Wine in a Glass Address:http://www.wineinaglass.com.au/ 119 Pianta Road Echuca VIC 3564 Mobile: 1300 959 466 Email: info@wineinaglass.com.au BROKERS & REAL ESTATE CST Properties Address:www.cstproperties.com Level 13, 2 Park Street Sydney NSW 2000 Tel: 02 9882 2221 Fax: 02 9882 2622 Email: invest@cstproperties.com Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/cstproperties/ Manenti Quinlan & Associates Pty Ltd Address:www.mq.com.au Suite 101, Level 1, 74-76 Burwood Road Burwood NSW 2134 Tel: 02 9744 8833 Fax: 02 9745 4770 Email: info@mq.com.au BUILDING, SECURITY & MAINTENANCE Camvex Video Surveillance Systems Address:www.camvex.com.au 1856 Dandenong Road Clayton VIC 3168 Tel: 03 9543 4844 Email: info@camvex.com.au CAV Security Address:www.cav.com.au Unit 15 14 Jubilee Avenue Warriewood NSW 2102 Tel: 02 9979 5222 Fax: 02 9979 5300 Email: info@cav.com.au Email: service@cav.com.au Gas Alarm Systems Address:http://www.gasalarm.com.au/ Unit 2/79 Station Road Seven Hills NSW 2147 Tel: 02 9838 7220 Mobile: 0413 330 003 Fax: 02 9838 7664 Email: sales@gasalarm.com.au ISEC Group Address:www.isec.com.au Unit 47, 34-36 Ralph Street Alexandria NSW 2015 Toll Free: 1300 00 4732 Fax: 1300 003 268 Email: security@isec.com.au BUSINESS EQUIPMENT & SOFTWARE barmenus.com Address:http://www.barmenus.com/ Studio 3 Level 2, 50 Holt Street Surry Hills NSW 2010 Tel: 02 9310 2085 Email: info@barmenus.com FSEnet Australasia Pty Ltd Address:www.fsenet.com 403A, 15 Central Avenue Manly NSW 2095 Tel: 02 9977 4967 Email: michael@fsenet.com Impos Point of Sale www.impos.com.au Address: Suite 3, Level 8 616 St Kilda Road Melbourne VIC 3004 Tel: 1300 308 615 Email: hello@impos.com.au Facebook: facebook.com/ImPOShospitality KPMG Address:https://home.kpmg.com/au/en/home.html
FOSS Address:https://www.fossanalytics.com/en# Unit 5, 3-4 Anzed Court Mulgrave VIC 3170 Tel: 02 9888 6788 Email: info@foss.com.au Harbin Australia Address:www.harbinaustralia.com 21-23 Agosta Drive Laverton North VIC 3026 Tel: 03 9317 4200 Email: sales@harbinaustralia.com Kegstar Pty Ltd Address:https://www.kegstar.com/australia
6B Carbon Court Osborne Park WA 6017 Tel: 08 9204 3434 Toll Free: 1300 653 946 Fax: 08 9204 3535 Email: sales@winex.com.au
Address:https://www.coffeeschool.com.au/ 787 George Street Haymarket NSW 2000 Tel: 0420 283 599 Email: info@coffeeschool.com.au EVENTS SERVICES Australis Drink Company Pty Ltd Address:http://www.australisdrinkco.com.au/ 5/25 Maple Street Maleny QLD 4552 Tel: 07 5494 2068 Email: sales@australisdrinkco.com.au
Diversified Communication Australia Address:www.divcom.net.au Level 5 636 St Kilda Rd Melbourne VIC 3004 Tel: 03 9261 4500 Fax: 03 9261 4545 Gault&Millau Address:https://au.gaultmillau.com/ 45 Hume Street Crows Nest NSW 2065 Tel: 02 9437 0438 Email: info@gaultmillau.com.au. Maxit Wholesale Pty Ltd Tel:Address:www.maxitwholesale.com 1300 908 145 Email: info@maxitwholesale.com
H&L Australia Pty Ltd Address:www.hlaustralia.com.au 55 Belair Road Kingswood SA 5062 Sales: 1800 778 340 Email: sales@hlaustralia.com.au Facebook: www.facebook.com/HandLaustralia Worldsmart Retail Address:www.worldsmartfuture.com.au Brisbane Technology Park 33 McKechnie Drive Eight Mile Plains QLD 4113 Tel: 07 3340 2500 Toll Free: 1300 738 324 Fax: 07 3340 2599 Facebook: www.facebook.com/worldsmart Twitter: @WorldSmart_ Zions Address:https://www.zions.com.au/ Unit 1 450 West Botany Street Rockdale NSW 2216 Tel: 02 9597 1766 Tel: 1800 991 999 Fax: 02 9597 4832 Fax: 1300 364 922 Email: info@zions.com.au
JEM Computer Systems Address:http://www.jem.com.au Unit 32, 9 Salisbury Road Castle Hill NSW 2154 Tel: 02 8860 7575 Fax: 02 8860 7515 Email: support@jem.com.au CONSULTANTS Advantage Australia Address:http://www.advantagegroup.com/ Suite 201, The Equinox Centre 18 Rodborough Road Frenchs Forest NSW 2086 Tel: 02 8282 0000 Email: jmcloughlin@advantagegroup.com
FURNITURE AND FURNISHINGS Cafeideas Address:www.cafeideas.com.au 111-113 Regent Street Chippendale NSW 2008 Tel: 02 9690 2116 Toll Free: 1300 22 33 43 Fax: 02 9690 2146 Email: sales@cafeideas.com.au Facebook: www.facebook.com/cafeideasAus The Facility Address:http://thefacility.com.au/ Rear 2 Chelmsford Street Kensington VIC 3031 Tel: 03 9039 9933 Email: hello@thefacility.com.au
Contact details current as at 1 April 2019
FURNITURE, FITOUTS & INTERIOR DESIGN All Table Sports Address:www.alltablesports.com.au Unit 2-5, 20-26 Sullivan Street Moorabbin VIC 3189 Tel: 03 9553 1418 Tel: 1300 036 199 Email: info@alltablesports.com.au Botton & Gardiner Address:www.bottonandgardiner.com.au 53-55 Whiting Street Artarmon NSW 2064 Tel: 1300 762 701 Fax: 1300 762 703 Email: info@bottonandgardiner.com.au Cool Candle Company Address:www.CoolCandles.com.au 6/73 Montague Street North Wollongong NSW 2500 Tel: 02 4229 3668 Tel: 0452 277 886 Fax: 1300 919 088 Email: sales@coolcandles.com.au RBA Group Address:www.rba.com.au Level 1, 32 Frederick Street Oatley NSW 2223 Tel: 02 8567 0300 Toll Free: 1300 788 778 Email: sales@rba.com.au
Address:https://protechcommercialkitchens.com.au 23 Tebbutt St Leichhardt NSW 2040 Tel: 1300 368 911 Tel: 02 8971 4280 Email: equipment@protechhospitality.com.au Wine in a Glass Address:http://www.wineinaglass.com.au/ 119 Pianta Road Echuca VIC 3564 Mobile: 1300 959 466 Email: info@wineinaglass.com.au WineX Address:https://www.winex.com.au/
Jara Consulting Address: 16 Weedon Road Artarmon NSW 2064 Mobile: 0412 412 192 Email: ralphdunning@jaraconsulting.com.au
Alpen Products Pty Ltd Address:www.alpen.com.au Unit 17 9 Dympna Street Cromer NSW 2099 Tel: 02 9931 7600 Fax: 02 9981 2444 Email: reception@alpen.com.au Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/alpenproducts/ Sense 2 Address:www.sense2.com.au 1/20 Military Road Watsons Bay NSW 2030 Tel: 02 9388 7122 Fax: 02 9388 7866 Email: sense2@sense2.com.au Weatherdon Address:www.weatherdon.com.au 1/34-40 Chandos Street St Leonards NSW 2065 Tel: 02 9906 2202 Fax: 02 9906 3466 Email: sales@weatherdon.com.au
Touchstone Executive Search Address:http://www.touchstoneexecsearch.com.au/ Level 33 Australia Square 264 George Street Sydney NSW 2000 Tel: 02 9258 1079 Head Office Tel: 03 8615 9888 Fax: 02 9247 3299 Email: admin@touchstoneexecsearch.com.au Wine Assist Address:www.wineassist.com.au 21 Yeldham Drive Morphett Vale SA 5162 Tel: 08 8382 4920 Mobile: 0408 801 795 Email: wineassist@wineassist.com.au
Oxygen Interactive Marketing Address:http://www.oxygenmarketing.com.au/ 117 Wellington Street St Kilda VIC 3182 Tel: 03 8060 4100 Email: info@oxygenmarketing.com.au
Great Engineering Labeling Solutions https://www.greatengineering.com/ Address: 7/11 Sabre Drive Port Melbourne VIC 3207 Tel: 03 9646 8688 Fax: 03 9646 3144 Email: sales@greatengineering.com
Bormioli Rocco Australasian Representative Office Address:https://www.bormiolirocco.com/en 5 Princes Street Hunters Hill NSW 2110 Tel: 02 9555 2227 Email: malcolm@bormiolirocco.com.au Clean Plus Chemicals Address:www.cleanplus.com.au 16 George Young Street Auburn NSW 2144 Tel: 02 9738 7444 Email: reception@cleanplus.com.au Comcater Pty Ltd Address:www.comcater.com.au 156 Swann Drive Derrimut VIC 3030 Sales: 1800 035 327 Customer Service: 1800 810 161 Email: customerservice@comcater.com.au Miranda Plastics Address:http://www.mplastics.com.au/ Unit 5 60 Box Road Taren Point NSW 2229 Tel: 02 9525 1049 Fax: 02 9525 9114 Email: info@mplastics.com.au Semak Australia Address:www.semak.com.au Factory 18 87-91 Hallam South Road Hallam VIC 3803 Tel: 03 9796 4583 Fax: 03 9796 4586 Email: info@semak.com.au The Menu Company Address:www.menucompany.com.au 2 Cleg Street Artarmon NSW 2064 Tel: 02 9966 4999 Toll Free: 1800 22 33 12 Fax: 02 9966 4945 Email: sales@menucompany.com.au Trenton International Address:www.trenton.com.au St Peters Business Park 4 Burrows Road South St Peters NSW 2044 Tel: 02 8571 9988 Fax: 02 8571 9977 Email: office@trenton.com.au
Protech Commercial Kitchens
Veritas Events Address:www.veritas.com.au Level 7, 1 Pacific Highway North Sydney NSW 2060 Tel: 02 8908 5600 Email: journey@veritas.com.au HOSPITALITY SUPPLIES Bevwizz Group Address:www.bevwizz.com Suite 4.03, Level 4 65 Epping Road Macquarie Park NSW 2113 Tel: 1300 720 660 Fax: 1300 304 866 Email: info@bevwizz.com
INTERIOR DESIGNERS Protech Commercial Kitchens Address:https://protechcommercialkitchens.com.au 23 Tebbutt Street Leichhardt NSW 2040 Tel: 1300 368 911 Tel: 02 8971 4280 Email: equipment@protechhospitality.com.au
Suites 401-402, Level 4 46-48 East Esplanade Manly NSW 2095 Tel: 02 8073 3294 Tel: +44 0870 24 24 608 Mobile: 0419 602 005 Email: info@chilli.uk.com Creative Promotions Address:www.creativepromotions.com.au
The Intermedia Group Address:www.intermedia.com.au 41 Bridge Road Glebe NSW 2037 Tel: 02 9660 2113 Fax: 02 9660 4419 Transfusion Ltd Address:www.transfusionltd.com 2/F 17-19 Bridge Street Sydney NSW 2000 Tel: 0419 846 171 Fax: 02 9879 7926 Email: sean@transfusionltd.com Winetitles Pty Ltd Address:www.winebiz.com.au 630 Regency Road Broadview SA 5083 Tel: 08 8369 9500 Fax: 08 8369 9501 Email: info@winetitles.com.au OFFICE EQUIPMENT AND/OR SERVICES Protech Commercial Kitchens Address:https://protechcommercialkitchens.com.au 23 Tebbutt St Leichhardt NSW 2040 Tel: 1300 368 911 Tel: 02 8971 4280 Email: equipment@protechhospitality.com.au
The Leather Menu Factory Address:https://theleathermenufactory.com.au/ Level 57, MLC Centre Martin Place Sydney NSW 2000 Tel: 1300 369 384 Email: Sales@theleathermenufactory.com.au Zions Address:https://www.zions.com.au/ Unit 1 450 West Botany Street Rockdale NSW 2216 Tel: 02 9597 1766 Tel: 1800 991 999 Fax: 02 9597 4832 Fax: 1300 364 922 Email: info@zions.com.au
21st Century Business Equipment Address:www.21stcenturybusiness.com.au 646 Murray Street West Perth WA 6005 Tel: 08 9321 8902 Fax: 08 9481 5861 Email: sales@21stcenturybusiness.com.au Facebook: tcenturybusinessequipmentwww.facebook.com/21s Australis Drink Company Pty Ltd Address:http://www.australisdrinkco.com.au/ 5/25 Maple Street Maleny QLD 4552 Tel: 07 5494 2068 Email: sales@australisdrinkco.com.au Custom Hospitality Systems Address:www.chspos.com.au Unit 15/538 Gardeners Road Alexandria NSW 2015 Tel: 1300 308 603 Email: sales@chspos.com.au DESS Point of Sale Solutions Address:www.dessbusiness.com 48 Victoria Street Dubbo NSW 2830
Level 2, Building B, 11 Talavera Road Macquarie Park NSW 2113 Tel: 02 8873 7000 Gault&Millau Address:https://au.gaultmillau.com/ 45 Hume Street Crows Nest NSW 2065 Tel: 02 9437 0438 Email: info@gaultmillau.com.au.
Ace Bottle Printers Address:www.acebottleprinter.com.au Unit 1/1-5 Broadhurst Road Ingleburn NSW 2565 Tel: 02 9605 9545 Fax: 02 9605 9282 Email: ace@acebottleprinter.com.au Civic Address:https://civic.org.au/ 103 Cawarra Road Caringbah NSW 2229 Tel: 1300 692 484 Email: enquiries@civic.org.au Facebook: www.facebook.com/CivicDisabilityServices
HIP Media Pty Ltd Address:http://hipmedia.com.au/ 169 Blues Point Road McMahons Point NSW 2060 Tel: 02 9492 7999 Email: info@hipmedia.com.au Liquid Ideas Address:www.liquidideas.com.au
Contact details current as at 1 April 2019
Cork Supply Australia Address:www.corksupply.com.au/au 1/491-499 South Road Regency Park SA 5010 Tel: 08 8241 6700 Fax: 08 8241 6777 Email: info@corksupply.com.au Denomination Address:http://www.denomination.design/ Studio 1.12, 22-36 Mountain Street Ultimo NSW 2007 Tel: 02 9281 5533 Email: rowena@denomination.com
L2 Building 2 75 O’Riordan Street Alexandria NSW 2015 Tel: 02 9667 4211 Fax: 02 9667 4011 Email: info@liquidideas.com.au Moaks Media Mobile:www.moaks.com.au 0420 938 152 Email: rachel@moaks.com.au
The Facility Address:http://thefacility.com.au/ Rear 2 Chelmsford Street Kensington VIC 3031 Tel: 03 9039 9933 Email: hello@thefacility.com.au
PubPack Address:www.pubpack.com.au 13/15 Walsh Street Milton QLD 4064 Tel: 07 3396 1256 Mobile: 0421 994 018 Email: admin@pubpack.com.au Read Label Pty Ltd Address:www.readlabel.com.au 24 Ravenhall Way Ravenhall VIC 3023 Tel: 03 9397 0355 Email: ross@readlabel.com.au S.O.S (Speedy Over Sticking) Address:www.soslabels.com.au Unit 1, 18-28 Gray Street Kilkenny SA 5009 Tel: 08 8244 0255 Mobile: 0418 808 886 Mobile: 0405 353 478 Fax: 08 8244 0355 Email: info@soslabels.com.au Visy Address:https://www.visy.com.au Level 11, 2 Southbank Boulevard Southbank VIC 3006 Tel: 13 84 79 LEGAL & LICENSING SERVICES
Great Engineering Labeling Solutions Address:https://www.greatengineering.com/ 7/11 Sabre Drive Port Melbourne VIC 3207 Tel: 03 9646 8688 Fax: 03 9646 3144 Email: sales@greatengineering.com
Address:www.limehousecreative.com Level 3/48 Chippen Street Chippendale NSW 2008 Tel: 02 9698 5398 Tel: 02 9698 7907 Email: info@limehousecreative.com
Address:https://www.greatengineering.com/ 7/11 Sabre Drive Port Melbourne Victoria 3207 Tel: 03 9646 8688 Fax: 03 9646 3144 Email: sales@greatengineering.com
APRA AMCOS Address:www.apraamcos.com.au 16 Mountain Street Ultimo NSW 2007 Tel: 02 9935 7900 Toll Free: 1800 642 634 Fax: 02 9935 7990 Email: apra@apra.com.au Omond & Co. Address:www.omond.com.au Level 3, 9-17 Raglan Street South Melbourne VIC 3206 Tel: 03 9682 6688 Fax: 03 9682 6466 Email: mail@omond.com.au MARKETING, MEDIA & PUBLIC RELATIONS Chilli Marketing Australasia Pty Ltd Address:www.chilli.uk.com/content/chilli-australia
Trenton International
Unit 10U Chatswood Business Park 175 Lower Gibbes Street Chatswood NSW 2067 Tel: 02 9417 0440 Email: sales@creativepromotions.com.au Nielsen Address:https://www.nielsen.com/au/en.html
Great Engineering Labeling Solutions
Oxygen Interactive Marketing Address:http://www.oxygenmarketing.com.au/ 117 Wellington Street St Kilda VIC 3182 Tel: 03 8060 4100 Email: info@oxygenmarketing.com.au Powerforce Group Address:https://www.powerforce.com.au/ Building C 192 Burwood Road Hawthorn VIC 3122 Tel: 0404 355 274 Email: hr@blueprintgroup.com.au
St Peters Business Park 4 Burrows Road South St Peters NSW 2044 Tel: 02 8571 9988 Fax: 02 8571 9977 Email: office@trenton.com.au WineX Address:https://www.winex.com.au/ 6B Carbon Court Osborne Park WA 6017 Tel: 08 9204 3434 Toll Free: 1300 653 946 Fax: 08 9204 3535 Email: sales@winex.com.au
GS1 Australia Address:www.gs1au.org 8 Nexus Court Mulgrave VIC 3170 Toll Free: 1300 227 263 Fax: 03 9558 9551 Hanna Group Address:www.hanna.com.au 8 Bells Line of Road North Richmond NSW 2754 Freecall: 1300 657 777 Fax: 02 4571 1222 Email: 6591sales@westrock.com Limehouse creative
KITCHEN AND GLASSWARE P.G.C. Plastic Glasses Company Address:www.plasticglasses.net.au 40 Aster Avenue Carrum Downs VIC 3201 Tel: 0419 647 484 Email: pgcaust@bigpond.net.au Transfusion Ltd Address:www.transfusionltd.com 2/F 17-19 Bridge Street Sydney NSW 2000 Tel: 0419 846 171 Fax: 02 9879 7926 Email: sean@transfusionltd.com
The Facility Address:http://thefacility.com.au/ Rear 2 Chelmsford Street Kensington VIC 3031 Tel: 03 9039 9933 Email: hello@thefacility.com.au
PROPERTY & REAL ESTATE VALUATION Layman Property Group Address:www.laymangroup.com.au Suite 101, 991 Whitehorse Road Box Hill VIC 3128 Tel: 03 8394 7508 Orders Email: enquiries@laymangroup.com.au
RECRUITMENT AND TRAINING AGENCIES Core Element Address:www.CoreElement.com.au 43 Victoria Street McMahons Point NSW 2060 Tel: 02 8987 1984 Email: info@coreelement.com.au Mondo Address:https://mondocalibre.com.au/ Suite 8, 7 Bridge Street Sydney NSW 2000 Toll Free: 1300 737 917 Email: info@mondocalibre.com.au Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MondoCalibre/ Twitter: @mondosearch Taruna People Development Mobile:www.taruna.com.au 0414 487 614 Wine & Vine Personnel International Address:www.wineandvine.com.au 119 Willoughby Road Crows Nest NSW 2065 Tel: 02 9956 3811 Fax: 02 9437 3462 Email: chris@wineandvine.com.au Email: ian@wineandvine.com.au
SPECIALIST SERVICES Advantage Australia Address:http://www.advantagegroup.com/ Suite 201, The Equinox Centre 18 Rodborough Road Frenchs Forest NSW 2086 Tel: 02 8282 0000 Email: jmcloughlin@advantagegroup.com
Oxygen Interactive Marketing Address:http://www.oxygenmarketing.com.au/ 117 Wellington Street St Kilda VIC 3182 Tel: 03 8060 4100 Email: info@oxygenmarketing.com.au
Fortitude Valley QLD 4006 Tel: 07 3216 0220 Fax: 07 3216 0223 Email: info@cellartags.com.au DCPayments Address:www.dcpayments.com.au 87 Corporate Drive Heatherton VIC 3202 Tel: 1800 301 100 Email: sales@dcpayments.com.au Equifax Address:www.equifax.com.au PO Box 964 North Sydney NSW 2059 Tel: 13 83 32 Gault&Millau Address:https://au.gaultmillau.com/ 45 Hume Street Crows Nest NSW 2065 Tel: 02 9437 0438 Email: info@gaultmillau.com.au. Gishen Consulting Address:www.gishenconsulting.com.au 15 Ada Street Adelaide SA 5000 Mobile: 0404 833 073 Email: enquiries@gishenconsulting.com.au IRI (Australia) Pty Ltd Address:http://www.iriworldwide.com.au/ Level 3, Building F 1 Homebush Bay Drive Rhodes NSW 2138 Tel: 02 8789 4000 Email: support@iriworldwide.com.au
23 Tebbutt Street Leichhardt NSW 2040 Tel: 1300 368 911 Tel: 02 8971 4280 Email: equipment@protechhospitality.com.au
Aon Hewitt Address:www.aonhewitt.com.au/ Level 33, 201 Kent Street Sydney NSW 2000 Tel: 02 9253 7100 Fax: 02 9253 7103 Email: au.enquiries@aonhewitt.com
SIGNS & SIGNAGE Limehouse creative Address:www.limehousecreative.com Level 3/48 Chippen Street Chippendale NSW 2008 Tel: 02 9698 5398 Tel: 02 9698 7907 Email: info@limehousecreative.com
Advantage Shopper Intelligence Address:http://shopperintelligence.com.au/ 201/18 Rodborough Road Frenchs Forest NSW 2086 Tel: 02 8282 0000 Email: info@shopperintelligence.com.au AMA Collection Services Address:www.amagroup.com.au Level 2, 165 Grenfell Street Adelaide SA 5000 Toll Free: 1800 008 969 Email: amagroup@amagroup.com.au
Limehouse creative Address:www.limehousecreative.com Level 3/48 Chippen Street Chippendale NSW 2008 Tel: 02 9698 5398 Tel: 02 9698 7907 Email: info@limehousecreative.com
Address:http://www.brand.com.au/ Suite 202, 1753 Botany Road Banksmeadow NSW 2019 Tel: 02 8335 2900 Email: info@brand.com.au Gault&Millau Address:https://au.gaultmillau.com/ 45 Hume Street Crows Nest NSW 2065 Tel: 02 9437 0438 Email: info@gaultmillau.com.au. Limehouse creative Address:www.limehousecreative.com Level 3/48 Chippen Street Chippendale NSW 2008 Tel: 02 9698 5398 Tel: 02 9698 7907 Email: info@limehousecreative.com
JEM Computer Systems Address:http://www.jem.com.au Unit 32, 9 Salisbury Road Castle Hill NSW 2154 Tel: 02 8860 7575 Fax: 02 8860 7515 Email: support@jem.com.au
The Facility Address:http://thefacility.com.au/ Rear 2 Chelmsford Street Kensington VIC 3031 Tel: 03 9039 9933 Email: hello@thefacility.com.au
Limehouse creative Address:www.limehousecreative.com Level 3/48 Chippen Street Chippendale NSW 2008 Tel: 02 9698 5398 Tel: 02 9698 7907 Email: info@limehousecreative.com Mill &Turn CNC Engineering Address:http://www.millandturn.com.au Unit 26/37 Hillardt Street Robertson QLD 4109 Tel: 07 3161 0100 Mobile: 0467 698 561 Email: info@millandturn.com.au National Credit Insurance Address:www.nci.com.au Level 2, 165 Grenfell Street Adelaide SA 5000 Tel: 08 8228 4800 Toll Free: 1800 882 820 Fax: 08 8223 4554 Email: info@nci.com.au
Level 3/48 Chippen Street Chippendale NSW 2008 Tel: 02 9698 5398 Tel: 02 9698 7907 Email: info@limehousecreative.com Nupos Solutions Address:www.nupos.com.au Shop 5, 5-11 Boudary Street Rushcutters Bay NSW 2011 Tel: 02 9380 5565 Email: sales@nupos.com.au OrderMate POS Address:www.ordermate.com.au 59 Fennell Street Port Melbourne VIC 3207 Tel: 1300 667 067 Email: sales@ordermate.com.au Facebook: www.facebook.com/OrderMate Protech Commercial Kitchens Address:https://protechcommercialkitchens.com.au
Arrow Scientific Address:www.arrowscientific.com.au Unit 9, 56 Buffalo Road Gladesville NSW 2111 Tel: 02 9808 3735 Tel: 02 8212 4074 Fax: 02 9808 2722 Email: orders@keydiagnostics.com.au Email: info@arrowscientific.com.au BarScan Address:www.barscan.com.au 741 Glenferrie Road Hawthorn VIC 3122 Tel: 03 9818 8202 Email: enquiries@barscan.com.au Bencorp Address:www.bencorp.com.au Unit 1 450 West Botany Street Rockdale NSW 2216 Tel: 02 9567 9166 Toll Free: 1800 882 966 Fax: 1300 362 538 Email: info@bencorp.com.au Cellartags Address:www.cellartags.com.au Level 1 273 Water Street
62|drinks guide Tel: 1300 852 569 Email: sales@desspos.com.au Facebook: www.facebook.com/desspointofsale Hospitality Information Systems Address:www.his.com.au Level 15 390 St Kilda Road Melbourne VIC 3004 Tel: 1300 653 533 Fax: 03 9775 4298 Hybrex Address:www.hybrex.com.au Unit 7, 3 Gibbes Street Chatswood NSW 2067 Tel: 02 9415 0100 Sales: 1800 356 288 Fax: 02 9417 6877 Email: enquiry@hybrex.com.au Hycom Equipment Pty Ltd Address:www.hycom.com.au Unit 1, 24 Paraweena Road Caringbah NSW 2229 Tel: 02 9540 1888 Email: hycom@ozemail.com.au iCandy Creative Address:http://www.icandycreative.com.au/ Level 2 68-72 Waterloo Road Macquarie Park NSW 2113 Tel: 02 8667 4600 Fax: 02 8667 4699 Limehouse creative Address:www.limehousecreative.com
Contact details current as at 1 April 2019
PUBLICATIONS Blue Star Group Address:https://www.ivegroup.com.au/production/ Building B 350 Parramatta Road Homebush NSW 2140 Tel: 02 8020 4400 Email: enquiries@ivegroup.com.au.
drinks guide|63

Address:www.oddbins.com.au 8 Mattingley Lane Norwood SA 5067 Tel: 08 8365 4722 Fax: 08 8365 4788 Email: oddbins@oddbins.com.au OnTap Data Address:www.ontapdata.com.au 90 High Street Northcote VIC 3070 Tel: 03 9488 2000 Email: info@ontapdata.com.au Swigg Consulting Pty Ltd Address:www.swigg.com.au Level 1, 741 Glenferrie Road Hawthorn VIC 3122 Tel: 03 9818 8202 Email: andrewthomson@swigg.com.au
Warehousing & Distribution Solutions Pty Ltd Address:http://www.wads.com.au/ Warehouse 8 71-81 Byron Road Yennora NSW 2161 Tel: 02 9643 5200 Fax: 02 9643 5233 Email: customerservice@wads.com.au Email: info@wads.com.au Wine Ark Address:http://www.wine-ark.com.au Warehouse 3 190-192 Bourke Road Alexandria NSW 2014 Tel: 1300 946 327 Tel: 02 8338 8033 Wine in a Glass Address:http://www.wineinaglass.com.au/ 119 Pianta Road Echuca VIC 3564 Mobile: 1300 959 466 Email: info@wineinaglass.com.au
PO Box 288 Menai Central NSW 2234 Tel: 02 9543 9542 Fax: 02 9532 1522 Email: services@abacusstocktaking.com.au
Address:http://www.wads.com.au/ Warehouse 8 71-81 Byron Road Yennora NSW 2161 Tel: 02 9643 5200 Fax: 02 9643 5233 Email: customerservice@wads.com.au Email: info@wads.com.au
STOCKTAKE SERVICES Abacus Stocktaking Services Pty Ltd Address:www.abacusstocktaking.com.au
Barmetrix Address:www.barmetrix.com/contact-us PO Box 320 Annandale NSW 2038 Tel: 02 9569 9992 Fax: 02 9743 0410 Email: troy.kelly@barmetrix.com Email: info@barmetrix.com
The Drinks Industry Show Address:http://www.drinksindustryshow.com.au/ 7/68-72 Lilyfield Road Rozelle NSW 2039 The Facility Address:http://thefacility.com.au/ Rear 2 Chelmsford Street Kensington VIC 3031 Tel: 03 9039 9933 Email: hello@thefacility.com.au tic technologies Address:www.tictechnologies.com PO Box 21002 World Square NSW 2002 Mobile: 0419 992 862 Transfusion Ltd Address:www.transfusionltd.com 2/F 17-19 Bridge Street Sydney NSW 2000 Tel: 0419 846 171 Fax: 02 9879 7926 Email: sean@transfusionltd.com Wine in a Glass Address:http://www.wineinaglass.com.au/ 119 Pianta Road Echuca VIC 3564 Mobile: 1300 959 466 Email: info@wineinaglass.com.au winejobsonline.com Address:www.winejobsonline.com 300 Richmond Road Grey Lynn Auckland NZ 1021 Tel: 09 838 1455 Email: mail@winejobsonline.com
Warehousing & Distribution Solutions Pty Ltd
Touchstone Executive Search Address:http://www.touchstoneexecsearch.com.au/ Level 33 Australia Square 264 George Street Sydney NSW 2000 Tel: 02 9258 1079 Head Office Tel: 03 8615 9888 Fax: 02 9247 3299 Email: admin@touchstoneexecsearch.com.au
Warehousing & Distribution Solutions Pty Ltd Address:http://www.wads.com.au/ Warehouse 8 71-81 Byron Road Yennora NSW 2161 Tel: 02 9643 5200 Fax: 02 9643 5233 Email: customerservice@wads.com.au Email: info@wads.com.au WINE SERVICES Australian Wine Cellar Address:https://www.australianwinecellar.com.au Suite 102 - 112 Talavera Road Macquaire Park NSW 2113 Tel: 0427 721 478 Email: landi@australianwinecellar.com.au Email: wino82go@gmail.com Austwine Address:www.austwine.net.au Unit 5/5-7 Union Street Stepney SA 5069 Tel: 08 8363 5188 Fax: 08 8363 6188 Email: info@austwine.net.au
Bovec Address:www.bovec.com.au Governor Macquarie Tower Level 27, S3 1 Farrer Place Sydney NSW 2000 Email: sales@bovec.com.au Fuse Wine Services Address:www.fusewineservices.com PO Box 162 McLaren Vale SA 5171 Tel: 08 8323 8623 Email: contact@fusewineservices.com Great Engineering Labeling Solutions Address:https://www.greatengineering.com/ 7/11 Sabre Drive Port Melbourne Victoria 3207 Tel: 03 9646 8688 Fax: 03 9646 3144 Email: sales@greatengineering.com Higher Plane Wines Address:www.higherplanewines.com.au PO Box 425 Bentley WA 6982 Tel: 08 9258 9437 Fax: 08 9458 6015 Intervintner Pty Ltd Address:www.intervintner.com 131 Goodwood Road Goodwood SA 5034 Tel: 08 8357 2900 Fax: 08 8357 1155 Email: info@intervintner.com Kennards Wine Storage Address:www.kss.com.au 7 Khartoum Road Macquarie Park NSW 2113 Tel: 02 9764 4555 Toll Free: 1800 658 855 Fax: 02 9764 3444 Email: customer@kss.com.au Stomp Winemaking & Consultancy Address:www.stompwine.com.au 504 Wilderness Road Lovedale NSW 2325 Mobile: 0409 774 280 Email: meredith@stompwine.com.au Vantage Australia Address:http://www.spiritofanation.com/ 62 Albert Street Preston VIC 3072 Tel: 0438 986 693 Email: bill.hargitay@spiritofanation.com
Contact details current as at 1 April 2019
Complete Hospitality Training Address:www.chtmelbourne.com.au Level 3, 28 Elizabeth Street Melbourne VIC 3000 Tel: 03 5213 7977 Fax: 03 9650 3308 Email: info@chtmelbourne.com.au McWilliam’s Wines Academy Address:http://www.mcwilliams.com.au/ Level 1, 55 Murray Street Pyrmont NSW 2009 Tel: 02 9722 1200 Fax: 02 6963 3444 Email: hanwoodcd@mcwilliamswines.com.au
DIRECTORYSUPPLIESANDSERVICES 64|drinks guide Oddbins Wine Auctions
Tourism Training Australia Address:www.tourismtraining.com.au 225 Castlereagh Street Sydney NSW 2000 Tel: 02 9286 3944 Fax: 02 9290 1001 Email: reception@tourismtraining.com.au TRANSPORT & FREIGHT BevChain Address:http://www.bevchain.com.au/ 17-21 Percy Street Auburn NSW 2144 Tel: 1300 224 246 Email: tim.fraser@bevchain.com
Warehousing & Distribution Solutions Pty Ltd Address:http://www.wads.com.au/ Warehouse 8 71-81 Byron Road Yennora NSW 2161 Tel: 02 9643 5200 Fax: 02 9643 5233 Email: customerservice@wads.com.au Email: info@wads.com.au WASTE MANAGEMENT BottleCycler Address:www.bottlecycler.com PO Box 2007 South Melbourne VIC 3205 Toll Free: 1300 306 039 Fax: 03 9646 3738 Email: info@bottlecycler.com SUEZ Address:www.suez.com.au Level 4, 3 Rider Boulevard Rhodes NSW 2138 Tel: 1300 651 116 Tel: 02 8754 0000 Toll Free: 13 13 35 Fax: 02 8754 0199 Email: suez.communications@suez.com
JF Hillebrand Australia Pty Ltd Address:www.jfhillebrand.com/australia/ Level 2, 225 Greenhill Road Dulwich SA 5065 Tel: 08 8352 0200 Fax: 08 8352 0265 Email: adelaide@hillebrandgroup.com Mainfreight Address:https://www.mainfreight.com/au/en/au-home.aspx# 107 Gateway Blvd Epping VIC 3076 Tel: 03 8405 5800 Fax: 03 9930 3099 Email: salesenquiries@mainfreight.com.au Toll Customised Solutions Address:www.tollgroup.com Level 4 390 St Kilda Road Melbourne VIC 3004 Tel: 03 9975 9300
Vinspeak Address:http://cwtranslations.com.au/vinspeak/ Suite 13 3 Runge Place Norwood SA 5067 Tel: 08 7226 0513 Email: office@vinspeak.com.au
Winegrapes Australia Address:www.winegrapes.com.au 725 Chapel Hill Road Blewitt Springs SA 5171 Tel: 08 8323 0056 Fax: 08 8323 7348 Email: admin@winegrapes.com.au
DIRECTORYSUPPLIERS 65Contact details current as at 1 April 2019
4 Pines Brewing Company MANUFACTURER 4 Pines Brewing Company produces 4 Pines Handcrafted Naturally Brewed Multiple Award Winning Beer. Address: 4F/9-13 Winbourne Road Brookvale NSW 2100 Tel: 02 9099 2720 Email: info@4pinesbeer.com.au Web: www.4pinesbeer.com.au Terms: 21 days EOM Brand(s): 4 Pines 919 Wines MANUFACTURER 919 Wines is a family owned winemaker in the Riverland of South Australia. We specialise in table wines from alternative varieties and high quality fortified wines. Our two brands, 919 and Ella Semmler’s Orchard, are certified organic and vegan friendly. 2015 BrandSA Small Business Award 2014 BrandSA Regional Wine Award 2013 Winestate Australian Winemaker of the Year 2011 Adelaide Review Wine of the Year. Address: 39 Hodges Road Glossop SA 5343 Tel: 0408 855 272 Email: wine@919wines.com.au Web: http://www.919wines.com.au/ State Offices: VIC: Four Pours 1/55 Simcock Street Somerville VIC 3912 Tel: 03 5978 0090 Mobile: 0439 084 467 Email: james@fourpours.com.au Web: www.fourpours.com.au VIC: White Kat Beverage Co 35 Eton Road Torquay VIC 3228 Mobile: 0401 769 558 Email: katrina@whitekat.com.au Web: http://whitekat.com.au Terms: 21 days EOM Brand(s): 919 Wines, Ella Semmler’s Orchard Accolade Wines
DISTRIBUTOR, EXPORTER, IMPORTER, MANUFACTURER, WHOLESALER Accolade Wines is the largest wine company by volume in the UK and Australia. Drawing on a proud heritage with one of the first wineries established in Australia, Accolade Wines has evolved into a global wine company with some of the world’s best-known brands sold in over 80 countries. Address: Reynell Road Reynella SA 5161 Tel: 08 8392 2222 Fax: 08 8392 2202 Email: corporate@accolade-wines.com Web: www.accolade-wines.com State Offices: NSW: Level 2, Building E, 40 Lord Street Botany NSW 2019 Tel: 02 9666 5855 Fax: 02 9316 9738 QLD: 43 Murray Street Bowen Hills QLD 4006 Tel: 07 3252 7933 Fax: 07 3252 5619 SA: Reynell Road Reynella SA 5161 Tel: 08 8392 2222 Fax: 08 8392 2101 VIC: 19 Geddes Street Mulgrave VIC 3170 Tel: 03 9558 8322 Fax: 03 9558 8646 WA: 148 Dale Road Middle Swan WA 6056 Tel: 08 9274 9522 Fax: 08 9274 5372 Terms: 21 days EOM Brand(s): Amberley, Banrock Station, Batch X, Bay of Fires, Berri Estates, Brookland Valley, Canti, Croser, David Hook, Days of Rosé, Drift, Dusky Sounds, Eddystone Point, Fishbone, Goundrey, Grant Burge, Hardys, Houghton, House of Arras, Knappstein, Leasingham, Moondah Brook, Mud House, Mud House Estate, Omni, Petaluma, Renmano, Reynella, St. Hallett, STANLEY, Stonier, Ta_Ku, Tatachilla, Terra Sancta, Tessabella, The Busselton Boys, Waipara Hills, Willunga 100, Yarra Burn After Hours Wine
drinks guide|
Alpen Liquor Wholesalers Pty Ltd BROKER, DISTRIBUTOR, EXPORTER, IMPORTER, WHOLESALER Importer and Distributor of quality European beer, wine, cider, gluhwein, schnapps and spirits and top shelf brands Address: 12 Hutcheson Street Albion QLD 4010 Tel: 07 3463 0780 Email: info@germanliquor.com.au Web: www.alpenliquor.com.au Terms: NETT: 30 days from date of invoice Brand(s): Absacker, Affentaler - Black Forest, Aktien Landbier, Altenmunster, Aquavit, Baikal, Bischofliches - Rudesheim, Dooleys, Feingeisterie Organic Spirits, Friesengeist, Gluhwein, Goldwasser, Greizer, Hardenberg, Hot Dragon, Kaptn Flint, Kleiner Feigling, Kustennebel, Maisel & Friends, Maisels Weisse, Miamee Orange, Oberkircher - Black Forest, Oldesloer, Possmann, Radeberger, Rothaus, Scheibel Distillery, Schwartzhog, Specht, Von Hallers, Weissenohe Klosterbrauerei, Weltenburger Kloster, Wikinger Met, Wilthener
Amato Vino MANUFACTURER Amato Vino are small-batch artisan winemakers from Margaret River in West Australia, making lo-fi, minimal input wines. Styles include the classic Margaret River varietals through to some eclectic and unusual grape varieties and unconventional winemaking methods. Established in 2003 by owner/winemaker Brad Wehr, the winery produces wines under three labels: Amato Vino, Mantra, and Brad. Address: 182 Stevens Road Margaret River WA 6285 Tel: 0409 572 957 Email: brad@amatovino.com.au Web: http://amatovino.com.au/ Terms: 21 days EOM Brand(s): Amato Vino ANON Tasmania MANUFACTURER Terms: 21 days EOM Arquilla Bulk Trading Pty Ltd IMPORTER, WHOLESALER Arquilla Bulk Trading Pty Ltd has been in service for 30 years and is one of the leading importers of beer, wines and spirits in Australia. Arquilla services liquor stores, restaurants and cafes specialising in Italian wine varietals. Address: 159 Allen Street Leichhardt NSW 2040 Tel: 02 9560 9733 Web: http://www.arquilla-wine.com/ State Offices: QLD: Bouchon Wine Merchants Mobile: 0407 554 515 VIC: 119 Nicholson Street East Brunswick VIC 3057 Tel: 03 9387 1040 Fax: 03 9380 4015 Terms: 21 days EOM Brand(s): Altesino, Argiolas, Arnaldo Caprai, Bellussi, Berta, Bigi, Blewitt Springs, Bodega Matarromera, Ca De Medici, Ca del Bosco, Ca` Bianca, Candolini, Cantina Terlan, Cantina Tramin, Carpano, Casa Bianca, Casal Bordino, Castellani, Castellare, Castello Beer, Castello Di Cigognola, Cavit, Chateau de Ferrand, Collavini, Collazzi, Collin Bourisset, Don Nicola, Donna Fugata, El Coto De Rioja, Falesco, Fattoria Le Pupille, Feudi del Pisciotto, Feudi di San Gregorio, Francois Labet, Fratelli Branca, Frescobaldi, Guicciardini Strozzi, Gully Wines, Hills View Vineyards, Ichnusa, Ippolito, Janneau, Lamberti, Le Compte, Le Monde, Leone de Castris, Leone di Castris, Librandi, Livio Felluga, Loredan Gasparini, Luce della Vite, Luxardo, Machiavelli, Marenco, Mastri Birrai Umbri, Messina, Mission Estate, Mission Estate Winery, Molinari, Montalbera, Moretti, Nino Negri, Pallini, Parri Estate, Paul de Coste, Pellegrino, Philipponnat, Pieter
MANUFACTURER After Hours Wine is located in the Carbanup/North Jindong area of the pristine Margaret River wine region. Our wines are hand crafted using quality fruit sourced from our own vineyards. After Hours Wine believes in a hands on approach from the vineyard to the bottle. All of the After Hours wines are produced, processed and bottled onsite. This allows us to carefully select only the best parcels of fruit to produce premium award winning wines. Address: 455 North Jindong Road Carbunup WA 6280 Mobile: 0438 737 587 Fax: 08 9758 7788 Email: afterhourswine@bigpond.com Web: http://www.afterhourswine.com.au/ State Offices: WA: Winery Direct Only PO Box 2091 Margaret River WA 6285 Mobile: 0438 737 587 Email: afterhourswine@bigpond.com Terms: 21 days EOM Brand(s): 9 to 5, After Hours Agnew Wines DISTRIBUTOR, EXPORTER, MANUFACTURER Agnew Wines brings together some of the best known and respected wine labels in Australia, to deliver a portfolio of wines representing the very best of the Hunter Valley as well as the very best of regions and varieties from across Australia. Our brands include Pooles Rock, Cockfighter’s Ghost, Audrey Wilkinson and AwardFirestick.winning Chief Winemaker, Jeff Byrne, is dedicated to delivering the highest levels of quality in every bottle of fine wine we make, for your enjoyment.
Address: 750 DeBeyers Road Pokolbin NSW 2320 Tel: 02 4993 3600 Fax: 02 4998 7824 Email: info@agnewwines.com.au Web: www.agnewwines.com.au State Offices: NSW: Contact: Rohan Beale Mobile: 0417 432 302 Email: rbeale@agnewwines.com.au QLD: Contact: Laura Evans Mobile: 0417 659 865 Email: levans@agnewwines.com.au VIC: Contact: Steve Sutera Mobile: 0418 616 562 Email: ssutera@agnewwines.com.au Terms: 21 days EOM Brand(s): Audrey Wilkinson, Cockfighter’s Ghost, Firestick, Poole’s Rock
Alepat Taylor AGENT, DISTRIBUTOR, EXPORTER, IMPORTER, MANUFACTURER Situated in Melbourne, Alepat Taylor has provided unparalleled service to the Australian liquor industry for over 100 years, specialising in: Manufacturing, Bottling, Warehousing, Distribution, Imports & Exports.
Address: 62 Albert Street Preston VIC 3072 Tel: 03 9487 2599 Fax: 03 9487 2588 Email: alepat@alepat.com.au Web: http://www.alepat.com.au/ State Offices: All: Mark Grant Mobile: 0418 322 930 Email: mark.grant@alepat.com.au Terms: 21 days EOM Brand(s): Alberti Strega, Alexander Bottega, Alexander Hill, Alexander’s, Amaro Casauria, Amaro Montenegro, Antica, Averna Flavoured Vodka, Azienda Agricola Castello Del Terriccio, Baitz, Balbi Soprani, Bear Hug, Berneroy, Berville, Bosca, Bottega, Burmester, Camus, Capetta, Carpene Malvolti, Catto’s, Cecchi, Chabot, Champagne CollardPicard, Charles de Granville, Chateau Paulet, Chatelle, Churchview Estate, Coal Valley, Cordero Di Montezemolo, Crystal Head, Cusumano, Czar, Di Giorgio, Divino, Domain Barossa, Don Camillo, Donelli, Duboigalant, Echidna, Fairway, Fantinel, Farnese, Fernando the First, Ferrari, Giori, Hobart No.4, Inver House, Jacqueline, Jerez Xeres Tesoro, Kirsberry, Lancut Distillery, London, Majella, Mancini Vigneron Selection, Mansion House Bay, Marcel Amance, Masi, Menabrea, Mi Amigo, Monteporzio, Montrouge, Nals Margreid, Nardini, Negroni, Pasqua, Pericles, Pierre de Ville, Robert The Bruce, Rosso Antico, Santa Margherita, Sarti, Scarpantoni Estate Wines, Sciandri Family Vineyard, Segnana, Serafino, Singha, Sombero, Southern Blues, Stefani Estate, Sullivans Cove, Taylor Ferguson, Toro Centerba, Toschi, Travaglini, Trentham Springs, Ungava, Vecchia Romagna, Vigna Stefani, Vinaceous, Vinaceous Burlesque, Vinaceous Right Reverend V, Whitehaven, Yeringa Ridge, Zampillo

Address: Level 8 201 Kent Street Sydney NSW 2000 Tel: 02 8249 0300 Toll Free: 1800 846 141 Fax: 02 8249 0399 Email: bmareception@bacardi.com Web: https://www.bacardilimited.com State Offices: NSW,QLD: Level 8 201 Kent Street Sydney NSW 2000 Tel: 02 8249 0300 Fax: 02 8249 0399 SA: 84-86 Hindley Street Adelaide SA 5000 Mobile: 0407 900 331 VIC: Level 1, 481 Burwood Road Hawthorn VIC 3122 Mobile: 0426 127 339 WA: Mobile: 0437 195 705 Terms: 21 days EOM
Address: Suite 102 - 112 Talavera Road Macquaire Park NSW 2113 Tel: 0427 721 478 Email: landi@australianwinecellar.com.au Email: wino82go@gmail.com Web: https://www.australianwinecellar.com.au Terms: 21 days EOM Brand(s): Botanic Hill, Early Explorer, Early Settler, Heratige Estate, Lizard Creek, Old Bush, Perridom, Pitts Hill, Rockbase, Sun View Bacardi-Martini Australia DISTRIBUTOR In 2016 Bacardi-Martini Australia (“BMA”) embarked on a new chapter and established a stand-alone subsidiary of the largest family owned global premium spirits BMAcompany.isan experienced and successful distributor who is shaking things up in true cocktail style to ensure we develop a culture that is entrepreneurial and adds value to our consumers and trade partners.
Balgownie Estate
Bass & Flinders Distillery
MANUFACTURER Asahi Premium Beverages markets and sells alcohol brands in Australia, with many products sold internationally. The range includes premium international and domestic beer brands, craft beers, ciders and a quality ready-to-drink portfolio. Leading brands include Asahi Super Dry, Vodka Cruiser, Woodstock, Somersby Cider and Cricketers Arms. Address: 50 Swann Drive Laverton VIC 3028 Tel: 03 8369 0300 Fax: 03 8369 0349 Web: www.asahipremiumbeverages.com
WHOLESALER Australian Liquor Marketers (ALM), is Australia and New Zealand’s leading broad range liquor wholesaler, supplying more than 14,500 hotels, liquor stores, restaurants and other licensed premises throughout Australia & New Zealand with all their liquor needs. ALM provides retailers with a one stop shop that allows them to receive all their liquor supplies “in one delivery; on one invoice; in full; on time; every time” together with strong marketing support and a wide variety of retail services. ALM provides a specialist on-premise liquor supply and marketing support division to the on-premise sector, including bars, restaurants and hotels, via Harbottle on-Premise (HOP) in Australia and Allied Liquor in New Zealand. ALM will continue to help grow and consolidate key brands in the marketplace, and continue to drive the success of our business with the strong support of Metcash Trading Ltd. Address: 4 Newington Road Silverwater NSW 2128 Tel: 02 9741 3000 Fax: 02 9741 3009 Web: www.almliquor.com.au State Offices: ACT: Corner Nyrang & Mildura Streets Fyshwick ACT 2609 Tel: 02 6239 4290 Fax: 02 6239 4268 NSW: 71 Huntingwood Drive Eastern Creek NSW 2766 Tel: 02 9741 7222 Fax: 02 9741 7290 NT: Lot 3241 College Road Berrimah NT 0828 Tel: 08 8922 5300 Fax: 08 8984 4562 QLD: 111-137 Magnesium Drive Crestmead QLD 4118 Tel: 07 3489 3600 Fax: 07 3489 3960 SA: 600 Main North Road Gepps Cross SA 5094 Tel: 08 8152 8700 Fax: 08 8152 8799 TAS: 17 Pitcairn Street Glenorchy TAS 7010 Tel: 03 6274 4000 Fax: 03 6274 4099
Australian Wine Cellar offers an impressive range of elegant cool-climate and climate adjusted wines with, Cabernet Sauvignon, Shiraz, Merlot, Riesling, Chardonnay, Sauvignon Blanc, Pinot Gris, and Gewurztraminer all grown and produced with excellent results, enjoys an international reputation as a leading producer of some of Australia’s premium and commercial wines.
Contact details current as at 1 April 2019 Van Gent, Pio Cesare, Planeta, Podere Monastero, Re Manfredi, SAM MIRANDA, San Benedetto, Santa Barbara, Snow Road, Tamellini, Tenuta di Valgiano, Tenuta Sella, Tenuta Sette Ponti, Tenute Barone di Valforte, Tenuto Castello Di Nipossano, Theresianer, Toro, Torrevento, Umberto Cesari, Velenosi, Villa Branca, Villa Medoro, Vin de Corse, Whicher Ridge, Zenato Asahi Premium Beverages Pty Ltd
Address: 46 Hermitage Road Maiden Gully VIC 3551 Tel: 03 9730 0785 Email: wineclub@balgownieestatewines.com.au Web: http://www.balgownieestatewines.com.au/ State Offices: NSW: Other States (Kim Dickson) Mobile: 0437 030 400 NSW: NSW Domaine Wine Shippers Building F, Suite 28, Lane Cove NSW 2066 Tel: 02 9427 5222 QLD: QLD Domaine Wine Shippers (Evan Jones) 14 Carlyle Street Red Hill QLD 4059 Mobile: 0409 631 588 VIC: VIC & SA Domaine Wine Shippers (Stephen Simpson) 1/14 Albert Street Blackburn VIC 3130 Tel: 03 8878 9626 Terms: 21 days EOM Brand(s): Balgownie Estate Balmain Brewing Company Pty Ltd MANUFACTURER Balmain Brewing Company was originaly founded in the 1970’s and was well known for its Balmain Bock. In 2010 Balmain Brewing Company relaunched and now produces a range of high quality craft beer. Balmain beer is available in both packaged and keg forms. Our focus is to develop a culture around our brand by offering a range of high quality crafted beers built around the tradition of Balmain Brewing Co. “Tradition Revived”. Address: PO Box 604 Balmain NSW 2041 Tel: 0418 244 658 Email: info@balmainbrewing.com.au Web: www.balmainbrewing.com.au Facebook: Balmain Brewing Company Twitter: @balmainbrewing Terms: 21 days EOM Brand(s): Balmain Brewing Company Baltic Spirit DISTRIBUTOR, IMPORTER, WHOLESALER Importers of premium quality spirits, liqueurs and beers from Latvia, Estonia, and Lithuania. Address: 16 Leslie Avenue Boronia VIC 3155 Tel: 03 9762 0656 Mobile: 0414 374 192 Email: cheers@balticspirit.com.au Web: www.balticspirit.com.au Terms: NETT: 30 days from date of invoice Brand(s): Latgales Dzimtenite, Latvijas Balzams
VIC: 75-79 Fitzgerald Road Laverton North VIC 3026 Tel: 03 8368 6300 Fax: 03 8368 6379 WA: 210 Bannister Road Canning Vale WA 6155 Tel: 08 9455 9000 Fax: 08 9455 9099 Terms: 21 days EOM Australian Vintage Ltd DISTRIBUTOR, EXPORTER, MANUFACTURER, WHOLESALER
Australian Vintage is a leading Australian wine company with capabilities in vineyards, boutique and bulk wine products, packaging, marketing and distribution. Our outstanding and innovative wines are enjoyed worldwide. Address: 2 Queens Place Balmain NSW 2041 Tel: 02 8345 6346 Fax: 02 845 6377 Web: www.australianvintage.com.au Terms: NETT Brand(s): KILKENNY CREAM, McGuigan, MIRANDA, NEPENTHE, SPRING ROCK, SUNNYVALE, Tempus Two Australian Wine Cellar EXPORTER, MANUFACTURER
66|drinks guide
Australian Liquor Marketers Pty Ltd
Brand(s): 42 Below, Aberfeldy, Aultmore, Bacardi, Barbaresso, Bombay Sapphire, Cazadores, Craigellachie, D.O.M. Benedictine, De Kuyper, Deveron, Dewar’s, Dusse, Eristoff Vodka, Grey Goose, Leblon, Martini, Noilly Prat, Patron, Royal Brackla, Rutte, Santa Teresa, St-Germain
MANUFACTURER Balgownie Estate was established in 1969 by local pharmacist and legendary winemaker, Stuart Anderson, and is best known for it’s Estate Range wines - Cabernet Sauvignon, Shiraz & Chardonnay. Brothers and passionate wine lovers Des and Rod Forrester purchased the site in 1999 and their energy and passion invested in the vineyard and winery has been substantial. They have established a sister site in the Yarra Valley, which now successfully contributes classic Yarra varietals to the Balgownie portfolio. Balgownie Estate has a 5 Star Halliday rating (2011 Edition).
Bass & Flinders Distillery was founded in 2009 as an artisanal distillery producing small batch grape based spirits. Using a traditional alembic pot still and a passion for adventure Bass & Flinders set out to create a range of handcrafted spirits including brandies, gins and liqueurs. Address: 40 Collins Road Dromana VIC 3936 Tel: 03 5989 3154 Email: sales@bassandflindersdistillery.com Web: http://www.bassandflindersdistillery.com/ Terms: NETT: 14 days Brand(s): Bass & Flinders Distillery
Terms: 21 days EOM Brand(s): Asahi Soukai, Asahi Super Dry, Asahi Super Dry Black, Cricketers Arms, Estrella Damm, Grolsch, Highland Scotch, Kingfisher, Mist Wood Gin, Mountain Goat, Nikka, NZ Pure, Peroni, Pilsner Urquell, Red Bear, Somersby, Spicebox, TEQUILA BLU, Untold, VDKA 6100, Vodka Cruiser, VODKA O, Wild Moose, Woodstock


DISTRIBUTOR, EXPORTER, MANUFACTURER Buller Wines is 100% Australian owned. Established in 1921 we offer quality and integrity in every bottle. Address: 2804 Federation Way Rutherglen VIC 3685 Tel: 02 6032 9660 Fax: 02 6032 8005 Email: adrianmccormack@bullerwines.com.au Web: www.bullerwines.com.au Terms: NETT: 30 days Brand(s): Buller Wines
MANUFACTURER Campari is a popular bitter aperitif produced in Italy. A unique and unmistakable recipe has characterized Campari, the aperitif par excellence, for over 150 years.
Burleigh Brewing Co MANUFACTURER Burleigh Brewing Co is a regional brewer, with all brewing and packaging operations based at its facility in Burleigh Heads. All beers in their extensive line-up have won world championship medals and in 2013 Burleigh Brewing Co was named Telstra Queensland Business of the Year. Address: 2 Ern Harley Drive Burleigh Heads QLD 4220 Tel: 07 5593 6000 Fax: 07 5593 4440 Email: specialhops@burleighbrewing.com.au Web: www.burleighbrewing.com.au Terms: NETT: 14 days Brand(s): 28 Pale Ale, Bighead, Burleigh Black Giraffe, Burleigh Blonde, Burleigh Mid-Tide, FIGJAM IPA, My Wife’s Bitter, Twisted Palm Callipari Wine / Ned Kelly Red EXPORTER, MANUFACTURER, WHOLESALER Boutique Winery located in Mildura, producing excellent boutique wines, fortifieds, traditional method Blanc de Blanc. Known for their famous Ned Kelly Red - Red Wine Spritzer, Ned Kelly Red Tawny, Ned Kelly Pink Moscato as well as their Tawny & Fortified White. Address: PO Box 4051 Mildura VIC 3502 Tel: 03 5023 4477 Fax: 03 5021 0988 Email: info@callipari.com Web: http://www.callipari.com/ Terms: 21 days EOM Brand(s): Callipari, Ned Kelly Pink, Ned Kelly Red, Ned Kelly White Campari Australia
Contact details current as at 1 April 2019 Beach Avenue Wholesalers Pty Ltd EXPORTER, IMPORTER, WHOLESALER Importers and Exporters of International and Australian Fine Wines, Beer & Spirits Address: 38 - 42 Ordish Road Dandenong South VIC 3175 Tel: 03 8791 1400 Sales: 03 8791 1400 Fax: 03 9706 9809 Email: sales@baw.com.au Web: www.baw.com.au Terms: 30 days from statement Brand(s): 50 Degree, Ahornberger, Asbach, Aussie Cider, Bacchus, Barenjaeger, Barone Ricasoli, Bats Blood, Berentzen, Bergfeuer, Bitburger, Boabrisa, Bommerlunder, Brogsitter, Budvar Budejovicky, Carden’s, Castle, Chateau d’Ampuis, Chateau De Villeneuve, Chateau Du Seuil, Chateau Dubreuil, Clausthaler, Con Un Par, Conde De Valdemar, Cramele Recas, DAB, Danziger Goldwasser, Deinhard, Delirium Tremens, Dogarina, Dolmo, Domaine Des Vieux Pruniers, Duvel, Eiffel Tower, Erdinger, Floris, Fruh, Fusta Nova, Gagliole Rubiolo, Gandia, Glacier Ice, Gluhwein, Gold Edition, Gran Barquero, Grand Vitae, Grande Vitae, Grasovka, Haan, Hans Wirsching, Hansen Dranken, Henkell, Horst Sauer, Hoya De Cadenas, Hutter, Jagdtraum, Jean Marc Bernhard, John B Stetson, Kapai, Katlenburger, Kostritzer, Kremlyovska, Kupferberg, La Chouffe, La Guillotine, Lageder, Lenz Moser, Liebfrauenmilch, Lindenhof, Louis Perdrier, Marques Del Turia, Moonday, Mr Jekyll, Muscadet De Sevre Et Maine, Nebla, Niersteiner, Old St Andrews, Olivier Tricon, Orval, Particuliere, Patriarche, Plaza Real, Puschkin, Radeberger, Reverchon, Rochefort, Ron Burgundy, Sasse, Schloss Johannisberg, Schnitzer, Schofferhofer, Schwarze & Schlitze, Sito Moresco, Stift Klosterneuberg, Stonsdorfer, Stroh, Teruzzi & Puthod, Teufels Krauter, Tucher, Underberg, Val de Rance, Vanhonsebrouk, VICENTE GANDIA, Vielles Vignes, Von Mumm, Weis, Westlake, Westmalle, Whispering Sisters, Whitebox, Zenzen Beer Importers & Distributors AGENT, DISTRIBUTOR, IMPORTER, WHOLESALER Importers and Distributors of Premium Beer from sources worldwide Address: Unit 5/20-28 Ricketty Street Mascot NSW 2020 Tel: 02 9667 3755 Fax: 02 9667 3017 Email: info@bidbeer.com Web: www.bidbeer.com State Offices: QLD: Beer Importers & Distributors QLD Pty Ltd Unit 8, 209 Robinson Road East Geebung QLD 4034 Mobile: 0412 123 088 Email: mike@bidbeer.com Web: www.bidbeer.com SA,WA: Beer Importers & Distributors Pty. Ltd. WA PO Box 155 Applecross WA 6953 Mobile: 0429 099 121 Email: pippa@bidbeer.com Web: www.bidbeer.com TAS,VIC: Beer Importers & Distributors Pty. Ltd. VIC 2/39 Barrie Road Tullamarine VIC 3034 Tel: 02 9667 3755 Fax: 02 9667 3017 Email: info@bidbeer.com Web: www.bidbeer.com Terms: NETT: By 14th day of month following delivery Brand(s): Abita Brewing Co., Belhaven Brewery, Bosteels Brewery, Brasserie des Sources, Charles de Cazanove, Chimay, Duvel, Frenchies, Greene King, Hoess Brau, La Brasserie de St. Sylvestre, La Chouffe, Liefmans, Maredsous, MC Chouffe, Old Speckled Hen, Samuel Smith, Veltins Bootleggers DISTRIBUTOR, WHOLESALER Bootleggers travel to remote towns and villages throughout the world to source the best wines and spirits that aren’t currently available in Australia. Some may well be known among their locale. Others are hidden treasures. But either way, only the chosen few return with BootleggersBootleggers.dedicatedand knowledgeable team of wine professionals then provide the highest levels of customer service to bring these wines to you in the way they deserve to be treated. Address: Level 10 67 Castlereagh Street Sydney NSW 2000 Mobile: 0423 400 288 Web: www.bootleggers.com.au Terms: 21 days EOM Brand(s): Alves de Sousa, Aphros Wines, Barbara Fores, Barranco Oscuro, César Principe, Charles Joguet, Dal Forno Romano, Domaine Schoffit, Ettore Germano, Finca Allende, Finca Nueva, Henriot, Hirsch Vineyards, iClivi, Il Paradiso di Manfredi, Kante, Kesner Wines, Kiralyudvar, Kusuda, La Castellaccia, Montenidoli, Ramey Wine Cellars, Raul Perez, Robert Biale Vineyards, Rodrigo Mendez, Sao del Coster Brown Family Wine Group MANUFACTURER Brown Brothers Milawa Vineyard (often referred to as simply Brown Brothers or Browns) is a family-owned wine company based in Milawa, Victoria, Australia. Now trading under the name Brown Family Wine Group. Address: 239 Milawa Bobinawarrah Road Milawa VIC 3678 Tel: 03 5720 5500 Fax: 03 5720 5511 Web: www.brownbrothers.com.au State Offices: NSW: Suite 1.01, 32 Delhi Road North Ryde NSW 2113 Tel: 02 9429 3200 QLD: Unit 6/9 Archimedes Place Murarrie QLD 4172 Tel: 07 3305 2800 Fax: 07 3305 3305 VIC: 85 High Street Kew VIC 3101 Tel: 03 9817 0005 Fax: 03 9817 0011 Terms: 21 days EOM Brand(s): Brown Brothers, Devil’s Corner, Innocent Bystander, Moonstruck, Pirie, Tamar Ridge Brown-Forman Australia IMPORTER, MANUFACTURER Brown-Forman is a producer of fine quality alcoholic beverages, founded in 1870 by George Garvin Brown in Louisville, KY, U.S. Today Brown-Forman employs over 4,440 people worldwide and is among the top 10 largest global spirits companies. Address: Level 6 280 Elizabeth Street Surry Hills NSW 2010 Tel: 02 9764 8777 Orders: 1300 656 593 Fax: 02 9764 8999 State Offices: QLD: Level 2, Logan House South 25 Donkin Street West End QLD 4101 Tel: 07 3010 2000 Fax: 07 3010 2050 SA: 1st Floor 14 Ebenzer Place Adelaide SA 5000 Tel: 08 8418 7111 Fax: 08 8418 7171 VIC: Level 8, 468 St Kilda Road Melbourne VIC 3004 Tel: 03 8866 5676 Fax: 03 8866 5658 WA: Level 1, 9 Havelock Street West Perth WA 6005 Tel: 08 9480 3444 Fax: 08 9226 2717 Terms: NETT: 6 weeks cyclic billing Brand(s): BenRiach, Chambord, Collingwood, El Jimador, Finlandia, Gekkeikan, GlenDronach, Glenglassaugh, Herradura, Jack Daniels, Jagermeister, Old Forester, Slane, Woodford Reserve
Buller Wines
Address: 77 Southbank Boulevard Southbank VIC 3006 Tel: 03 9633 2000 Orders Tel: 13 23 37 Fax: 03 9633 2002 Orders Fax: 13 22 82 Web: www.cub.com.au State Offices: NSW: 5 Rider Boulevard Rhodes NSW 2138 Tel: 02 9217 1200 Fax: 02 9217 1201 NT: 14 Winnellie Road Winnellie NT 0820 Tel: 08 8984 1900 Fax: 08 8941 1369 QLD: 90 Bowen Terrace Fortitude Valley QLD 4006 Tel: 07 3212 0311 Fax: 07 3212 0336 SA: 78 Penfold Road Magill SA 5072 Tel: 08 8301 5400 Fax: 08 8332 9978 TAS: 131 Cascade Road South Hobart TAS 7004 Tel: 03 6221 8300 Fax: 03 6221 8379
Address: Level 10, Tower B 207 Pacific Highway St Leonards NSW 2065 Tel: 02 9478 2727 Fax: 02 9478 2700 Email: info.australia@campari.com Web: www.campari.com Terms: 60 days Brand(s): Aperol, Appleton Estate, Averna, Baron Samedi, Bulldog, Campari, Cinzano, Coruba, Cynar, Espolon, Frangelico, Glen Grant, Grand Marnier, Ouzo 12, Riccadonna, Sagatiba, Skyy, Wild Turkey
Carlton & United Breweries
MANUFACTURER Carlton & United Breweries (CUB) brew some of Australia’s most famous beers, including Victoria Bitter, Carlton Draught, Cascade, Crown Lager, Melbourne Bitter, Pure Blonde, Foster’s, Matilda Bay, as well as ciders including Strongbow, Mercury, and Bulmers.

Address: 764 Fernbank Creek Road Port Macquarie NSW 2444 Tel: 02 6582 8377 Fax: 02 6582 8378 Email: accounts@cassegrainwines.com.au Web: www.cassegrainwines.com.au
drinks guide|69Contact details current as at 1 April 2019 WA: 130 Stirling Highway North Freemantle WA 6159 Tel: 08 9430 0777 Fax: 08 9430 5344 Terms: NETT: Payment on or before due date Brand(s): 4 Pines, Akropolis, Beck’s, Belle-Vue, Black Douglas, Bonamy’s, Budweiser, Bulimba, Bulmers, Carlton, Cascade, Continental, Corona Extra, Corona Ligera, Cougar, Coyote, Crown Lager, Fosters, Goose Island, Great Northern, Hoegaarden, Karloff, Kent Old Brown, Leffe, Little Green, Matilda Bay, Melbourne Bitter, Mercury, Negra Modelo, Pacific Radler, Pacifico, Powers Gold, Prince Albert, Pure Blonde, Reschs, Sheaf Stout, Stella Artois, Strongbow, Tooth’s, Victoria Bitter Casa de Vinos DISTRIBUTOR, IMPORTER, WHOLESALER Exclusive importers of Clase Azul tequila for Australia and Asia, Also import, wholesale, and retail high end craft spirits. Address: 227 Bay Street Port Melbourne VIC 3207 Tel: 03 9681 8006 Email: sales@casadevinos.com.au Web: http://www.casadevinos.com.au/ Terms: Direct or charge thru with all major wholesalers Brand(s): Chalong Bay, Clase Azul, Iochiros Malt, La Pinta, Maccarthys, Mombasa Club Gin, Signatory Vintage, Sonoma County Rye Whisky Casa Mexico Group DISTRIBUTOR, IMPORTER, WHOLESALER Casa Mexico Group’s mission is to enable consumers around the globe to discover, experience and enjoy authentic Mexican artisan products - including Artisan mezcal and agave spirits. Address: PO Box 214 Coogee NSW 2034 Mobile: 0450 602 020 Email: amigos@casamexico.com.au Web: www.casamexico.com.au Terms: NETT Brand(s): Banhez, Coralillo Casella Family Brands
Address: Unit 7 200 Turner Street Port Melbourne VIC 3207 Tel: 03 9646 8022 Fax: 03 9646 8033 Email: cerbaco@cerbaco.com.au Web: www.cerbaco.com.au Terms: 21 days EOM Brand(s): Adrien Camut, Alfred Lamb, Amrut, Applewood, Arcane, ArteNOM, Bally, Barbancourt, Bass & Flinders Distillery, Beer La Verte, Bertrand, Bielle, Bollenberg Alsace, Brana, Brillet, Brocken Spectre, Caroni, Castarede, Chairmans Reserve, Chapoutier, Chateau de la Nerthe, Chateau du Tariquet, Clase Azul, Compagnie Des Indes, Comte de Lamaestre, Comte de Lauriston, Comte Louis de Lauriston, Dad’s Hat, Damoiseau, Delord, Depaz, Dillon, Distillerie De Provence, Distillerie Deniset-Klainguer, Distillerie Du Plessis, Distillerie Pernot, Distillerie Peureux, Dolin, Domaine Boingneres, Domaine de Severin, Domaine Des Hautes Glaces, Don Amado, Dos Maderas, Dudognon, Dumangin, Elie Arnaud Denoix, Ferme de Labouc, Floc de Gascogne, Fortin, Fournier Freres, Francis Darroze, Francois Gontier, Francois Voyer, Fuentesca, Gelas, Germana, Grosperrin Selection, Habitation St Etienne, Henri Bardouin, Henri Vallet, J.M, Jacques Tissot, Jean Boyer, Jean Fillioux, Jean Grosperrin, Kamm & Sons, La Cigogne, La Diablada, La Salamandre, Lacourtoisie, Lauriston, le Pere Jules, Les Antiquaires du Cognac, Lillet, Macchu Pisco, Macvin Du Jura, Maidenii, Manoir Du Kinkiz, Massenez, Matusalem, Mette, Michel Couvreur, Mina Real, Normandin Mercier, Paul Giraud, Peter Watson, Pineau Des Charentes, Pommeau De Normandie, Prohibition, Ratafia De Bourgogne, Renier, Rhum Rhum, Roger Groult, Salers, St James, Summum, The Melbourne Gin Company, The Pogues, The Ten Single Malt, Vedrenne, Védrenne, Victor Gontier, West Cork, White Oak Distillerie, Whitley Neil Clairault Streicker DISTRIBUTOR, EXPORTER, MANUFACTURER, WHOLESALER Clairault | Streicker Wines is a family of premium wines, crafted from grapes harvested from our privately owned vineyards in the Margaret River Wine Appellation of Western Australia. Since 1976 we have grown from a modest planting of just 4 hectares of vines to nearly 200 hectares of premium vineyards. Our continuous commitment to quality vineyard management and sound ecological practices, combined with our unparalleled geographic advantages have led to a catalogue of wines that are Fromexceptional.Clairault’s pristine undulating property with bountiful creek-lines, natural springs and some of the oldest native forests in the southwest, to Streicker Wines’ deeply-rooted old vines, ample dams and exceptional soil quality, our properties are truly unique in their quality. Our vineyards’ history, pedigree and forward-thinking approach have established Clairault | Streicker Wines’ reputation as a leader in Margaret River. Address: 3277 Caves Road Wilyabrup WA 6280 Tel: 08 9755 6225 Fax: 08 9755 6229 Email: wine@clairaultstreicker.com.au Web: http://www.clairaultstreickerwines.com.au/ State Offices: NSW,QLD,VIC: Zenith Wine Agencies - Clairault Wines Only 34 James Craig Road Rozelle NSW 2039 Tel: 1300 883 056 Fax: 02 9352 3261 Email: info@zenithwineagencies.com.au Web: www.zenithwineagencies.com.au WA,All: Clairault | Streicker 3277 Caves Road Wilyabrup WA 6281 Tel: 08 9755 6225 Email: sales@clairaultstreicker.com.au Web: www.clairaultstreickerwines.com.au Terms: TRADING Terms: Please refer to prime distributors listed in Price Guide Brand(s): Clairault, Streicker Coca-Cola Amatil DISTRIBUTOR, MANUFACTURER Coca-Cola Amatil is involved in the manufacture, distribution and marketing of beverages.
IMPORTER, MANUFACTURER Coopers Brewery is an Australian, family-owned brewer of hand-crafted ales, stouts, lagers and homebrew kits. It is the last remaining family owned Australian Brewery of stature. Address: 461 South Road Regency Park SA 5010 Tel: 08 8440 1800 Fax: 08 8440 1888 Email: coopers@coopers.com.au Web: www.coopers.com.au State Offices: ACT,NSW,QLD,TAS,VIC: Premium Beverages Unit 2 11 Sabre Drive Port Melbourne VIC 3207 Tel: 03 9245 1900 Email: reception@premiumbeverages.com.au Web: www.premiumbeverages.com.au Terms: 21 days EOM Brand(s): Brooklyn, Carlsberg, Carlsberg Elephant, Coopers, Fix Hallas, Holsten, Kronenbourg 1664, Mythos, Sapporo, THATCHERS
EXPORTER, MANUFACTURER Casella Family Brands is a multi-beverage, family owned company based in Yenda, NSW. Led by Managing Director, John Casella, the company was propelled to the forefront of the export arena in mid2001 by its hugely successful [yellow tail] brand which has since grown to be the Most Powerful Australian Wine Brand in the World (Intangible Business UK) and the fifth Most Powerful Wine Brand globally (The Drinks Business Power Brands Report 2015). Today Casella Family Brands is proud to present its portfolio which alongside [yellow tail] brings together Peter Lehmann Wines, a legend of Australian winemaking, and the Casella premium range of wines. Address: Wakley Road Yenda NSW 2681 Tel: 02 6961 3000 Fax: 02 6961 3099 Orders Email: info@casellafamilybrands.com Web: www.casellafamilybrands.com
Terms: NETT: 30 days from end of invoice month (settlement discount for 14 days) Brand(s): Cassegrain Wines Cerbaco Distribution IMPORTER, WHOLESALER ARMAGNAC COGNAC CALVADOS MARC FRUIT SPIRIT LIQUEUR RUM AGRICOLE PASTIS. “Non Commercial” Confidential Authentic Age Specific origin Our products are found exclusively in the best Restaurants & Bars in Europe & through us in all the best ones in Australia.
Terms: 21 days EOM Brand(s): Casella, Magic Box, Peter Lehmann, Sovereign Point, yellow tail Cassegrain Wines Pty Ltd DISTRIBUTOR, EXPORTER, MANUFACTURER, WHOLESALER Cassegrain Wines are a family owned and operated winery based on the Mid North Coast of NSW. With a 350 year French winemaking heritage, our Multi-regional approach to winemaking is simple - source the best fruit from the best regions around Australia. That heritage of winemaking skills, combined with modern Australian technology is practiced today by John Cassegrain, who produces a range of wines that are full flavoured, yet soft and elegant.
Address: Level 8 40 Mount Street North Sydney NSW 2060 Tel: 13 26 53 (13 COKE) Fax: 1300 552 653 (1300 55 COKE) Web: www.ccamatil.com State Offices: NSW: 128 Briens Road Northmead NSW 2152 Tel: 02 9259 6000 Call Centre NT: Lot 5013 Tivendale Road Berrimah NT 0828 QLD: 260 Orchard Road Richlands QLD 4077 SA: 33-43 Port Road Thebarton SA 5031 VIC: 45 Keys Road Moorabbin VIC 3189 WA: 19-21 Miles Road Kewdale WA 6105 Terms: 21 days EOM Brand(s): ALEHOUSE, Ardmore, Auchentoshan, AUSTRALIAN BITTERS COMPANY, Bakers, BASIL HAYDEN, BATI, BLACK ISLE, BLUE MOON, BOLS, Bookers, Bounty, Bowmore, Canadian Club, CHITA, Connemara, Coors, Courvoisier, Cruzan, EFFEN VODKA, FERAL, Fiji Bitter, Galliano, Hakushu, Hibiki, Jim Beam, JIM BEAM BLACK LABEL, JIM BEAM BONDED, JIM BEAM DEVILS CUT, JIM BEAM DOUBLE OAK, Jim Beam Rye, JIM BEAM SINGLE BARREL, JIM BEAM SMALL BATCH, JIM BEAM WHITE LABEL, KARINA, Kilbeggan, Knob Creek, Laphroaig, Larios, Lejay, Magners, MAKERS MARK, Midori, Miller Chill, Miller Genuine Draft, Paraiso, Pavan, PRESSMANS, RATU, Rekorderlig, ROKU, Russian Standard, Samuel Adams, Sauza, SIPSMITH, Suntory, TEACHERS, Toki, Tyrconnell, VAILIMA, VONU, VOX, Yamazaki, YENDA Coopers Brewery

VIC: Wholesale Sales Nick Whitwell Tel: 0418 178 864 Email: winebias@hotmail.com Terms: 30 days from statement Brand(s): Achille Princier, Amiral de Beychevelle, Chateau Beychevelle, Chateau Bouissel, Chateau Clinet, Chateau Crabitey, Chateau D’Aiguilhe, Chateau de Fontenille, Chateau de la Bouyere, Chateau de Labrie, Chateau de Saurs, Chateau Greysac, Chateau Haut Lariveau, Chateau Haut-Monplaisir, Chateau Jolys, Chateau la Rayre, Chateau Pibran, Chateau Rollan de By, Chateau Tour des Gendres, Chateau Tour Seran, Chateau Truquet, Domaine Bellegarde, Domaine de Fregate, Domaine de I’Ancienne Cure, Domaine de la Croix, Domaine du Crampilh, Domaine Roche-Audran, Jeeper Grand Assemblage, Jeeper Grande Reserve, Jeeper Grande Rôse, Les Cles de Pape Clement, Les Tourelles de Longuevilles, Lupé-Cholet, Maison Sichel, Producteus Plaimont, Tour des Gendres, Villebois
as at 1 April 2019
VIC: Level 2, 16 Palmer Parade Richmond VIC 3121 Tel: 03 9947 7100 Fax: 03 9429 2535 WA: 441 Stirling Highway Claremont WA 6010 Tel: 08 9285 4400 Fax: 08 9284 7429 Terms: NETT Brand(s): Baileys, Bulleit, Bundaberg, Captain Morgan, Cardhu, Ciroc, CLYNELISH, Cragganmore, Crown Royal, Dalwhinnie, Dimple, Don Julio, George Dickel, GILBEYS, Gordons, Haig, J&B, Jeremiah Weed, Jinzu, Johnnie Walker, Johnnie Walker Black Label, Johnnie Walker Red Label, Ketel One, Lagavulin, McCallums, Mortlach, Oban, Pampero, Pimms, Ruski, Smirnoff, Talisker, Tanqueray, The Singleton, UDL, Vat 69, Zacapa
QLD: Wholesale Sales Dean Moulds Mobile: 0421 114 984 Email: dean@discovervin.com.au SA: Wholesale Sales Kate Giles Tel: 0413 602 023 Email: kate@claritasmarketing.com.au
Domaine Wine Shippers IMPORTER Domaine Wine Shippers (D.W.S.) was started in 1977 by Gary and Yvonne Steel. In these early years of inception, the company, based out of Victoria, was known as the Importer of Champagne BILLECART-SALMON and of other premium quality French wine; primarily from the great Domaine’s of Burgundy. During these years Gary was also an Airline Captain with Ansett until 1989, when the Pilot’s Dispute ended his successful 18 year career. Declining offers to fly out of Singapore or Dubai for the sake of keeping the three children in schooling in Australia, Gary decided with the total support of Yvonne and the family, to relinquish flying and concentrate on D.W.S. This career refocus required reassessing the business as a whole and coming to the realisation that the company needed to broaden the portfolio to include the highest quality Australian Wines to help make it a viable and reputable company within the wine wholesaling educated trade. Today D.W.S. represents over 25 Australian Vineyards
DiscoverVin DISTRIBUTOR, IMPORTER, WHOLESALER DiscoverVin specialises in wines from Bordeaux and the South West of France. We have also added a small selection of great quality wines from Provence, Rhone, Champagne and Burgundy. We bring you a range of great value for money and award winning wines from these superb wine regions.
70|drinks guide Contact
Cuttings Wine Merchants AGENT, DISTRIBUTOR, WHOLESALER Cuttings Wine Merchants (NSW) brings together the expertise and experience of a series of highly regarded and long standing wine industry personnel. Featuring an exciting portfolio of wine producers from leading Australian and international wine regions our desire is to create exceptional wine experiences and excellence in wine distribution. Address: 2 Bruce Street Crows Nest NSW 2065 Tel: 02 9967 5900 Fax: 02 9967 5944 Web: http://www.cuttingsnsw.com/
WHOLESALER Delegat proudly produces two Super-Premium wine brands - Oyster Bay and Barossa Valley Estate. By focusing on a limited stable of brands that uniquely meet the rational and emotional needs of today’s Super-Premium consumer, we have been able to build a rapidly-growing global market for our wines and a rapidly-growing reputation for New Zealand as one of the world’s great wine-growing regions. We now have the opportunity to bring the Barossa Valley to the world like never before. Delegat Australia Pty Limited is owned by Delegat Limited. Address: 5G/12 Lord Street Botany NSW 2019 Tel: 02 9317 9800 Fax: 02 9669 4677 Email: info@oysterbaywines.com.au Web: www.oysterbaywines.com State Offices: ACT,NSW: Salvatore Margiotta, State Sales Manager 5G/12 Lord Street Botany NSW 2019 Tel: 02 9317 9800 Email: salvatore.margiotta@delegat.com NT,SA,WA: Patricia Old, State Sales Manager 7/178 Great Eastern Highway Ascot WA 6104 Tel: 08 9277 2323 Email: patricia.old@delegat.com QLD: Sam O’Sullivan, State Sales Manager Unit 2, 67 Depot Street Banyo QLD 4014 Tel: 07 3635 8900 Email: sam.osullivan@delegat.com TAS,VIC: Shane McEwan, State Sales Manager G65/63-85 Turner Street Port Melbourne VIC 3207 Tel: 03 9646 3493 Email: shane.mcewan@delegat.com Terms: NETT Brand(s): Barossa Valley Estate, E&E, Oyster Bay Diageo Australia MANUFACTURER Diageo is the world’s leading premium drinks business with an outstanding collection of beverage alcohol brands including Australian-made Bundaberg Rum, Smirnoff vodka, Johnnie Walker Scotch whisky, Baileys Original Irish cream liqueur and Guinness beer. Address: 162 Blues Point Road McMahons Point NSW 2060 Tel: 02 9126 7000 Fax: 02 9386 1548 Web: www.diageo.com State Offices: NSW: 162 Blues Point Road McMahons Point NSW 2060 Tel: 02 9126 7000 Fax: 02 9386 1549 QLD: Unit 2B Centro on James 19 James Street Fortitude Valley QLD 4006 Tel: 07 3257 0800 Fax: 07 3250 3133 SA: Building 2, 2-4 Adam Street Hindmarsh SA 5007 Tel: 08 8245 9300 Fax: 08 8340 2955
Address: PO Box 44 Ebden VIC 3691 Tel: 02 6020 6016 Email: info@discovervin.com.au Web: http://www.discovervin.com.au/ State Offices: HelenAdministrationUnderhill Tel: 02 6020 6016 Mobile: 0414 596 395 Email: info@discovervin.com.au ACT,NSW: Wholesale Sales Mauro Ribeiro Mobile: 0406 808 915 Email: mr@expeditiontrade.com
Terms: 21 days EOM Brand(s): Astrolabe, Flametree, Helen’s Hill, Hutton Vale, Ingram Rd, Laurenz V, Nova Vita, Paxton Wines, Prinz Von Hessen, Pulenta Estate, Round Two By Mute Vinters, Skimstone, Teusner, Three Ponds De Bortoli Wines DISTRIBUTOR, EXPORTER, IMPORTER, MANUFACTURER, WHOLESALER De Bortoli Wines is a third generation family wine company established by Vittorio and Giuseppina De Bortoli in 1928. Address: De Bortoli Road Bilbul NSW 2680 Tel: 02 6966 0100 Fax: 02 6966 0199 Email: marketing@debortoli.com.au Web: www.debortoli.com.au State Offices: NSW: De Bortoli Wines Pty Limited 24 Cox Place Glendenning NSW 2761 Tel: 02 8887 6800 Fax: 02 8887 6888 QLD: De Bortoli Wines Pty Limited 2 Emeri Street Stapylton QLD 4207 Tel: 07 3287 2500 Fax: 07 3287 1133 SA: De Bortoli Wines Pty Limited PO Box 333 Marleston SA 5033 Tel: 08 8345 4044 Fax: 08 8345 5655 VIC: De Bortoli Wines Pty Limited 6-8 Research Drive Croydon VIC 3136 Tel: 03 9761 4100 Fax: 03 9761 4492 WA: De Bortoli Wines Pty Limited Unit 55, 15 Labouchere Road Perth WA 6151 Tel: 08 9474 7400 Fax: 08 9474 7499 Terms: NETT Brand(s): 3 Tales, De Bortoli Wines, Divici, Finbar O’Leary, Jean Pierre, PHI, Riorret, Rumba, San Bernadino, Sheep Shape, The Accomplice, Trevi, Veuve Fourny & Fils, William’s Deep Woods Estate DISTRIBUTOR, EXPORTER, MANUFACTURER, WHOLESALER Deep Woods Estate was established in 1987 and is one of Margaret River’s most awarded and highly regarded wineries. With its state-of-the-art winery, Deep Woods Estate is at the frontline of producers leading a new wave in Margaret River. With a talented team that combines traditional and modern winemaking techniques, Deep Woods has become the biggest producer of Rosé in Western Australia, as well as arguably Australia’s best and most consistent producer of Cabernet Sauvignon. Address: 889 Commonage Road Yallingup WA 6282 Tel: 08 9756 6066 Web: http://www.deepwoods.com.au/ State Offices: All: Fogarty Wine Group Level 1, 5 Ord Street West Perth WA 6005 Email: enquiries@deepwoods.com.au Web: www.deepwoods.wine Terms: Direct or charge thru with all major wholesalers Brand(s): Deep Woods Estate Déjà Vu Wine Company DISTRIBUTOR A fine wine distributor for NSW, ACT, VIC and QLD. Address: PO Box 387 Abbotsford VIC 3067 Tel: 1300 655 732 Fax: 1300 656 166 Email: sales@dejavuwines.com.au Web: www.dejavuwines.com.au Terms: 21 days EOM Brand(s): Alma Mora, Amanoto, Amisfield, Argyros, Bluemark, Bocelli Family Wines, Bodegas Valderiz, Bruno Giacosa, Ca’Di Alte, Cedalion, Chateau de L’Escarelle, Chateau La Lagune, Chateau Salettes, Ciabot Berton, Clarence Dillon, Dewazakura, Domaine Paul Jaboulet, Douloufakis, Enter. Sake, Fattori, Finca Las Moras, Francois Crochet, Fukuju, Gaia, Gemtree, Golden Child, Grahams, Grey Sands, Hesketh, Hombo Shuzo, Houraisen, In Praise of Shadows, Kalleske, Katsunuma Jyozo, Kenbishi, Koshinoiso Brewery, Ktima Gerovassiliou, Kumeu River, Kunizakari, La Prova , Lake Hayes, Lighthouse, Louis Latour, Luigi Pira, Margan, Mars, Mesta, Mora Negra, Nietschke, Nigl, NK Selections, Pacha Mama (NSW & QLD), Papagiannakos, Parker Coonawarra Estate, Patrizi, Pepper Tree, Pike & Joyce, Pirathon, Prats & Symington, Prima Alta, Regal Rogue, Rock of Wisdom, Russian Jack, Samos, Sangervasio, Scott Wines , Sensale, Serra da Estrela, Shichida, St. John’s Road, Stanton & Killeen, Stefano Massone, Sunnycliff, Te Kairanga, Tengumai, The Bone Line, Thymiopoulos, Tsukinokatsura, Vavasour, Vickery, Voyager Estate, White Stripes, Yoshinogawa, Zafeirakis, Zardetto Delegat Australia Pty Limited
MANUFACTURER East 9th Brewing is boutique brewing company located in Melbourne, Australia. Our three master brands- Doss Blockos, Fog City, and Lick Pier are available nationally through all major liquor wholesalers. Our innovative product offering, combined with our on-premise focus has helped us to achieve strong brand awareness and equity across the liquor industry and consumers alike. Address: 14-16 Punt Road Street Kilda VIC 3182 Tel: 03 9510 7760 Email: info@e9thbrewing.com Web: e9thbrewing.com State Offices: ACT,NSW,QLD: ILG ACT,NSW,TAS,VIC: ALM NSW: Goulburn Wines NSW: Gateway Liquor NSW: Novocastrian Liquor NT: Oz-North QLD: Liquid Specialty Beverages QLD: River City Wholesale SA: Festival City Wines TAS: Polkadot Liquor VIC: Paramount Liquor VIC: Festival Liquor VIC: Beverage Masters WA: Liquid Mix Terms: TRADING Terms: Please refer to prime distributors listed in Price Guide Brand(s): Doss Blockos, Fog City, Future Memoirs Of A Root Beer, Lick Pier
Dowie Doole DISTRIBUTOR, EXPORTER, MANUFACTURER At Dowie Doole we believe that wine is a form of Art. For more than 20 years, our boutique McLaren Vale winery has been committed to producing rich premium wine that is well loved and remembered. Our philosophy has always been to use only the finest parcels of fruit from select vineyards. Dowie Doole has been recognised as a 5 star winery and one of the ‘Ten Dark Horses’ to watch in James Halliday’s Wine Companion, 2016 Edition. Dowie Doole distributes directly within Australia and exports to the major markets of the world.
East Coast Liquor DISTRIBUTOR, WHOLESALER Wholesaler of Fine Spirits. Address: 79 McMichael Street Maryville NSW 2293 Tel: 02 8005 4963 Orders Email: orders@eastcoastliquor.com.au Web: http://www.eastcoastliquor.com.au/ Terms: NETT: 14 days Brand(s): Clairin, Hampden Estate, Transcontinental Rum Line, Velier Rum, Zafra Rum Edenvale Beverages DISTRIBUTOR, EXPORTER, WHOLESALER
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Producer of Edenvale Alcohol Removed Wines, made from the finest quality South Eastern Australian wine grapes. These non-alcoholic wines contain less than 0.5% alcohol by volume. Address: Offices 16 & 17, 14 Narabang Way Austlink Business Park Belrose NSW 2085 Tel: 02 9477 7346 Email: info@edenvale.com.au Terms: 21 days EOM Brand(s): Edenvale Edgemill Group DISTRIBUTOR, EXPORTER, IMPORTER, MANUFACTURER, WHOLESALER Edgemill Group is a 100% family owned and operated business operating within multiple beverage markets both internationally and domestically. This business has grown from a retailing and wholesaling business beginning over 40 years ago into a leading organisation that produces, blends and bottles wines, spirits and liqueurs. Edgemill Group has access to many wineries throughout the key wine regions of Australia and to compliment this, has recently built a state of the art facility incorporating bottling plant, research and development laboratory, warehousing and offices.
The business has a labelling arm trading under Australian Wine Packaging that offers a portfolio of non-commercial labels to accommodate custom order requirements.
Drinkworks IMPORTER Drinkworks is a sales and marketing company focused on the development of a carefully selected portfolio of premium beer and cider brands within the Australian market. We are not a brewer or a wholesaler but rather a company created to capitalise on the continued growth of the premium segment and specifically the opportunity for developing medium to large ‘niche brands’. We offer a national sales and marketing team who have been closely involved in the development of the premium beer category since its inception. Consequently our team has strong relationships with the trade and knows how to get the best out of our brands. Drinkworks provides its brands with a level of focus and development potential that is otherwise unavailable. Ultimately this enables us to provide retailers and consumers with credible and competitive alternatives to the standard product offering.
Address: Suite 704, Level 7 45 Jones Street Ultimo NSW 2007 Tel: 02 8383 0600 Fax: 02 9389 7344 Email: orders@drinkworks.com.au Web: www.drinkworks.com.au Terms: 21 days EOM Brand(s): Bintang, Monteith’s, Old Mout, Tiger, Tui East 9th Brewing
VIC: Domaine Wine Shippers Head Office Suite 1 14 Albert Street Blackburn VIC 3130 Tel: 03 9878 7848 Fax: 03 9878 7812 Web: www.domainewineshippers.com.au WA: Contact: MICHAEL LEE PO Box 86 Leederville WA 6902 Fax: 08 9204 5824 Mobile: 0438 858 758 Email: michaell@domwineship.com.au Terms: 21 days EOM Brand(s): B3 Wines, Babich Wines, Balgownie Estate, BillecartSalmon, Buckshot Vineyard, Clarendon Hills, Domaine A, Domaine Laroche, Fraser Gallop, Gabriel Boudier, Juniper Estate, Maude Wines, Maverick Wines, Maxwell, Maxwell Mead, Meerea Park, Paul Conti, Pressing Matters, Quarisa, Ross Hill, Sevenhill, Seville Estate, Skillogalee, Stanton & Killeen, Star Lane, Swinney Vineyards, Underground, Woodstock Wines, Zepher Douglas Lamb Wines DISTRIBUTOR, IMPORTER Douglas Lamb Wines is run by the fifth and sixth generation Lamb’s with a substantial portfolio of quality (mainly) European wines. Address: PO Box 24 Woollahra NSW 1380 Tel: 1300 667 812 Fax: 02 9225 9741 Email: bureau@douglaslambwines.com.au Web: http://douglaslambwines.com.au/
Address: 598 Bayliss Road McLaren Vale SA 5171 Tel: 08 7325 6280 Email: orders@dowiedoole.com Web: http://www.dowiedoole.com Terms: 21 days EOM Brand(s): Dowie Doole Drink Scene DISTRIBUTOR Drink Scene is Sydney’s premier wholesale supplier of spring water, soft drink & juice to trade customers in NSW/ACT.
Address: Unit 1, 2 Bronti Street Mascot NSW 2020 Tel: 02 9667 0044 Fax: 02 9667 0043 Web: www.drinkscene.com.au Terms: NETT Brand(s): Add Water, Angostura, Arizona, Beyond, Bundaberg, Capi, Chill, Coca Cola, Emma & Tom’s Water, Fallen Coconut Co., Gatorade, Jiva, Juice Guys, Juicy Isle, Lipton Ice, Naked Life, Oracle Organic, Original Springs, Popart, Rainforest, Red Bull, S. Pellegrino, Simple, Splitrock, Teagardens, Teza, Thankyou, Tiro, V Energy, Ypura Spring Water
Terms: NETT Brand(s): Andre & Michel Quenard, Argyros Winery, Chateau de Moncontour, Chateau du Courlat, Chateau Ducasse, Chateau Roumieu-Lacoste, Cooperative of Samos, Domaine de Durban, Domaine de la Chauviniere, Domaine de la Citadelle, Domaine Gerovassiliou, Domaine Karanika, Domaine Saint Sylvestre, Domaine Zafeirakis, Douloufakis Winery, Gaia, Ktima Kir Yianni, Louis Sipp, Lucien Aviet, Lucien Crochet, Lupe-Cholet, Papagiannakos, Thymiopoulos
Address: 37-39 William Angliss Drive North Laverton VIC 3026 Tel: 03 9982 8700 Fax: 03 9982 8799 Email: info@edgemill.com.au Web: http://www.edgemill.com.au/ State Offices: ACT: Icon Beverages - Travis Moule Mobile: 0408 496 154 Email: travis@iconbeverages.com.au NSW: Vicki Farnsworth Mobile: 0404 132 263 Email: vicki@edgemill.com.au Web: www.edgemill.com.au QLD: Ilaria Di Dio Mobile: 0451 136 604 Email: ilaria@edgemill.com.au Web: www.edgemill.com.au SA: Michael Wright Mobile: 0417 750 186 Email: michaelwright59@yahoo.com Web: www.edgemill.com.au TAS,VIC: Edgemill Group 37-39 William Angliss Drive Laverton North VIC 3026 Tel: 03 9982 8700 Fax: 03 9982 8799 Email: info@edgemill.com.au Web: www.edgemill.com.au WA: Exclusive Beverages - Craig Gurney PO Box 167 Greenwood WA 6924 Mobile: 0447 806 744 Email: craigg@exclusivebeverages.com.au Web: www.edgemill.com.au Terms: NETT: 30 days from date of invoice Brand(s): Arktika, Baboushka, BeGin, BeGin Pink, Black Bart, Bond Seven, Chateau Chantelle, Fiorini, Fiorini Pink, Gleneffer, Hidden Brook, Lightning Creek, Matildas Ghost, Misty Bay, Old # 15, Rare Penny, Zeus
71Contact details current as at 1 April 2019 and many wines from France. We are responsible for distributing Champagne BILLECART- SALMON as well as being the sole Australian Importer of Domaine’s from Burgundy; such as Domaine de VOGUE, Domaine Armand ROUSSEAU, Domaine RAVENEAU, Domaine BLAIN-GAGNARD and Domaine BOUCHARD Pere et Fils. Address: Unit 1/14 Albert Street Blackburn VIC 3130 Tel: 03 9878 7848 Fax: 03 9878 7812 Email: dws@domwineship.com.au Web: www.domainewineshippers.com.au State Offices: NSW: Contact: TOM STANFORD Level 2, Building 2 75 85 O’Riordan Street Alexandria NSW 2015 Tel: 02 8338 1024 Mobile: 0418 989 598 QLD: Contact: BRAD NANKERVIS Mobile: 0409 001 577 Email: bradn@domwineship.com.au SA: Contact: ANDREW THOMAS Mobile: 0400 797 523 Email: andrewt@domwineship.com.au
The business was first established in 1978 as a commission agency operation representing pioneering “Southern Vales” wineries. Since October 2000 the business has traded as Empire Liquor and proudly operates as a privately owned South Australian wholesale beverage distributor and importer under Owner and Managing Director Brenton Quirini. As a small family owned business, we value long term relationships with our customers, brand owners and employees. We are very proud to have represented wineries like d’Arenberg since 1978 and Paulett Wines since 1987. We have a long history in wine, but since 1995 began to develop our imported and boutique beer range to add additional interest and value to our product offer. Our enthusiastic team of passionate employees provides us with many years of experience in our field. Supported by a dedicated and passionate sales, administration and warehousing teams, Empire Liquor services the Licensed Liquor Trade in South Australia and strives to exceed expectations in quality products and first-class service. Address: Unit 5 900 South Road Edwardstown SA 5039 Tel/Fax: 08 8371 0388 Head Office Tel: 08 8371 0088 Orders Email: sales@empireliquor.com.au Facebook: empire.1iquor Web: www.empireliquor.com.au Terms: NETT: Payable 14th of month following invoice Brand(s): 333 Premium, Alkoomi, Asbach, Barossa Valley Brewing, Baumann, Berentzen, Bitburger, Bodegas Lagarde, Bodriggy Brewing, Bommerlunder, Calvados Brandy, Caves Saint-Pierre, Chase Distillery, Chateau L’Oasis, Chimay, Clausthaler, DAB, dÁrenberg, Delamere Vineyards, Delirium Tremens, Domaine de Castelnau, Duvel, Eldredge Vineyards, Elysian Springs, Erdinger, Floris, Founders Brewing Co, Fuller’s, Ginger Kid, Grasovka, Hobbs, Hofbrau Brewery, Isfjord, Jacques Picard Champagne, Jumping Goat, Kingston Estate Wines, La Chouffe, Lindenhof, Lowburn Ferry, Marley Farm, Mike Press Wines, Mornington Peninsula Brewery, Mr. Riggs, Old St Andrews, Paulett Wines, Quiet Deeds, Rochefort, Saigon Lager, Sauce Brewing Co, Schnitzerbrau, Schofferhofer, Sensi Vini, Stockade Brew Co, Stonsdorfer, Stroh Austria GmbH, Taj Mahal, Teufelskrauter, The Arnold Brothers, Tokar Estate, Trentham, Underberg, Weis, Wilde, Zonte’s Footstep
Flying Brick Cider Co EXPORTER, MANUFACTURER, WHOLESALER Established 2010. Innovative traditionally crafted cider producer. 100% Natural. Address: 1251 Bellarine Highway Wallington VIC 3222 Tel: 03 5250 6577 Fax: 03 5250 6570 Email: info@flyingbrickciderco.com.au Web: http://www.flyingbrickciderco.com.au/ State Offices: All: Luke Holland (National Sales Manager) Mobile: 0408 766 551 Email: luke@thesharpgroup.com.au All: Melinda Reiher (Customer Service & Sales) Tel: 03 5248 1135 Email: mel@thesharpgroup.com.au VIC: Tatania King (Victorian Account Manager) Mobile: 0417 198 432 Email: tatania@thesharpgroup.com.au Terms: 21 days EOM Brand(s): Flying Brick Cider, Jack Rabbit Vineyard, Leura Park Estate, MC Cider, NINE YARDS and counting, Yes said the Seal Fogarty Wine Group DISTRIBUTOR, MANUFACTURER, WHOLESALER
72|drinks guide Contact details current as at 1 April 2019
Address: PO Box 1982 West Perth WA 6872 Tel: 08 9282 5405 Web: www.fogarty.wine State Offices: WA: Fogarty Wine Group Po Box 1982 West Perth WA 6872 Tel: 08 9282 5405 Mobile: 0400 566 725 Email: brians@fogarty.wine Web: www.fogarty.wine Terms: 21 days EOM Gage Roads Brewing Co MANUFACTURER Gage Roads Brewing brews and sells craft brewed beer. Its product range includes Single Fin Summer Ale, Gage Small Batch Lager, Gage 3.5%, Sleeping Giant IPA, Atomic Pale Ale, Breakwater Pale Ale, Little Dove New World Pale Ale & Narrow Neck 3.5% Pale Ale Address: 14 Absolon Street Palmyra WA 6157 Tel: 08 9314 0002 Fax: 08 9331 2400 Email: info@gageroads.com.au Web: www.gageroads.com.au Terms: NETT: 30 days Brand(s): Alby, Atomic, Breakwater, Little Dove, Narrow Neck, Pils 3.5, Single Fin, Sleeping Giant Gapsted Wines DISTRIBUTOR, WHOLESALER Gapsted Wines is situated in the heart of the King Valley and Alpine Valleys regions of Victoria’s High Country. Our team of wine makers are committed to producing wines of exceptional quality. Our extensive portfolio of Cool Climate Wines includes such unique varieties such as the Russian Saperavi and the French Petit Manseng through to the classics such as Chardonnay, Sauvignon Blanc, Cabernet Sauvignon and Shiraz, plus many more inbetween. Along with an extensive portfolio of wines, Gapsted Wines also offers many different price points from entry level wines to premium wines. Address: 3897 Great Alpine Road Gapsted VIC 3737 Tel: 03 5751 9100 Email: admin@gapstedwines.com.au Web: http://gapstedwines.com.au/ Terms: NETT: 30 days from date of invoice Gibson BarossaVale Wines
MANUFACTURER Variety selection is expertly matched to the available vineyard sites and simple winemaking techniques are complemented by good blending of resultant small wine parcels. Address: 190 Willows Road Light Pass SA 5355 Tel: 08 8562 3193 Sales: 08 8562 3193 Fax: 08 8562 4490 Email: sales@gibsonwines.com.au Web: www.gibsonwines.com.au State Offices: ACT,NSW: Decante This Leigh and Daryl Mobile: 0450 924 445 Email: daryl@decantethis.com QLD: The Wine Guy Mobile: 0403 617 781 SA,VIC,WA: Carol Moore, Gibson Wines Mobile: 0448 885 606 Email: cmoore@gibsonwines.com.au Terms: NETT: 30 days Brand(s): Australian Old Vine Collection, Gibson Wines
ENDEAVOUR Vintage Beer Co. MANUFACTURER ENDEAVOUR is the World’s Only Dedicated Vintage Beer Company, founded in 2010 in launching high quality traditional ales created using the finest ingredients, all carefully selected from growing regions that experienced the best vintage conditions and presented the truest expression of variety and place. Whilst we change our recipe’s every year, we have won a medal in every competition we’ve entered, including the 2012 and 2014 World Beer Cup competitions. Address: 4/11 Chaplin Dr Lane Cove NSW 2066 Tel: 1300 289 233 Email: contact@ENDEAVOURbeer.com Web: www.ENDEAVOURbeer.com
Terms: 21 days EOM Fermoy Estate MANUFACTURER Fermoy Estate is a premium boutique winery situated in the South West corner of Western Australia in the prestigious Margaret River region. Address: 838 Metricup Road Wilyabrup WA 6280 Tel: 08 9755 6593 Email: cellardoor@fermoy.com.au Web: www.fermoy.com.au State Offices: VIC: Twelve Bottles Pty Ltd, Contact: Ian Deiana 39 Leveson Street North Melbourne VIC 3051 Tel: 03 9417 1255 Fax: 03 9417 1277 Mobile: 0413 195 588 Email: ian@twelvebottles.com.au Web: www.twelvebottles.com.au Terms: NETT: 30 days Fesq & Company DISTRIBUTOR, IMPORTER, WHOLESALER Fesq & Company are fine wine distributors established in 1848. Today the firm is still owned by the family and the fifth and sixth generations work in the business. The portfolio includes some of Australia and New Zealand’s foremost wine producers. Fesq & Company operates in New South Wales, Queensland and Victoria and has a track record of successful brand-building. Tel: 02 9313 1888 Fax: 02 8316 6071 Email: info@fesq.com.au Web: www.fesq.com.au Terms: 21 days EOM Brand(s): Alex Gambal, Bella Modella, Best’s, Between Five Bells, Brave Souls, Bream Creek, Campo Flores, Champagne Brimoncourt, Charly Thévenet, Claude Riffault, Coin des Coquins, Coriole, De Iuliis, Domaine Auvigue, Domaine Château de Grand Pré, Domaine de Cala, Domaine de la Vieille Julienne, ELDERTON, Félicette, Hidalgo-La Gitana, Highfield, Jean-Paul Thévenet, Juliane EllerJuWel, Katnook, La Clef du Récit, Le Bon, Leeuwin Estate, Lethbridge, Mandala Wines, Maximin Grünahus, Mont Rocher, Montsablé, Moss Wood, Mr. Riggs, Nik Weis St. Urbans-Hof, Pegasus Bay, Pierro, Portsea Estate, Seresin, Skipjack, SOHO Wines, Sons of Eden, Thistledown, Tim Gramp, Torre Solar, Two Tails, Zilzie Flox Wines & Spirits Pty Ltd DISTRIBUTOR, IMPORTER, WHOLESALER Imports niche spirits and wines from 16 countries. Award winning products include Yeni Raki,Jacques Senaux Absinthe,Teichenne Schnapps Range,Vergina Beer ,Tsantali Wines,Loukatos Mastic, ,Badel, Maraska, Sokolova and the list continues.
Address: 377 Settlement Road Thomastown VIC 3074 Tel: 03 9464 7299 Fax: 03 9464 7599 Email: info@floxwines.com.au Web: www.floxwines.com.au Terms: NETT: 30 days from date of invoice Brand(s): Anchor Bay, Anglias, Badel, Castellargo, Chateau Chivedeau, Chateau Fongrave, Chateau Kefraya, Constance, Demazet, Domaine Wardy, Duncan Taylor, Etko St Nicholas, Flores, Franciacorta, Gantous & Abou Raad, Guerrero, Il Bastardo, Jacques Senaux, Kayra, Kimerud, Kinross, Krakus, La Bastarda, Latinae, LEVEL, Loukatos, Mad Cat, Malamatina, Maraska, Masi Renzo, Olave, Parthenon, Patrick Clerget, Piave, Prokupac, Rancho Mi Consuelo, Rocamar, Ron Barcelo, Santo, Stara Sokolova, Stumbras, Teichenne, Tekirdag, Tres Ochos, Tsantali, Vergina, Villeclary, Windspiel, Wratislavia, Yeni, Yeni Raki
Terms: 21 days EOM Brand(s): ENDEAVOUR Euro Concepts Sydney DISTRIBUTOR, IMPORTER, WHOLESALER Importers and distributors of Italian and Australian wines. Euro Concepts represents internationally renowned brands such as Dezzani, Il Colle, Mionetto, Volpe Pasini, Provenza, Frecciarossa, Vineyards V8+, La Delizia, Borgo Magredo, Kupelwieser, Enrico Serafino and Blo Nardini Grappa. Address: PO Box 403 Concord NSW 2137 Tel: 1300 104 060 Email: info@euroconceptssydney.com.au Web: http://www.euroconceptssydney.com.au/ Terms: NETT: 15 days Brand(s): Azienda Agricola Provenza, Borgo Magredo, Bredasole Franciacorta, Dezzani, Faliero, Frecciarossa, Gobillard, Gooree Park, Il Colle, Kupelwieser, La Delizia, Majolini M Series, Nardini, Nicolis, Poggio Ridente, Rocca, Vineyards V8+, Volpe Pasini

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Giesen Wines DISTRIBUTOR, MANUFACTURER The Giesen brothers have been producing wine for 30 years and their four ranges offer premier wines for all Theoccasions.Giesen Brothers range expresses the best of the Giesen vineyards transporting the drinker on a journey of taste sensation. The range offers various reds, white and dessert wines for all occasions.
Higher Plane Wines MANUFACTURER
DIRECTORYSUPPLIERS guide Contact details current as at 1 April 2019
The Hedonist wines adopt a minimalistic approach to winemaking, believing that good wines are made in the vineyard. Great care is taken in the estate grown certified biodynamic vineyard. Address: PO Box 398 McLaren Vale SA 5171 Tel: 08 8323 8818 Fax: 08 8323 8610 Email: sales@hedonistwines.com.au Web: http://www.hedonistwines.com.au/ Terms: NETT: 30 days Brand(s): The Hedonist Hellyers Road Distillery MANUFACTURER Hellyers Road Distillery produces a range of single malt whiskies, vodka and liqueurs. The distillery is situated in Burnie Tasmania and is Australia’s largest boutique whisky distillery with capacity to produce 100,000 litres of pure spirit each year and bottling capability of 9000 per week. It is the Nation’s highest selling locally made whisky with distribution throughout Europe and Japan. Address: 153 Old Surrey Road Burnie TAS 7320 Tel: 03 6433 0439 Fax: 03 6433 1094 Email: sales@hellyersroaddistillery.com.au Web: http://www.hellyersroaddistillery.com.au/ Terms: 21 days EOM Brand(s): Hellyers Road Distillery
ACT,NSW: Combined Wines and Foods 70 Belmore Road North Riverwood NSW 2210 Tel: 02 9533 7955 Email: info@combinedwines.com.au Web: www.combinedwines.com.au QLD: Global Food and Wine 81 Lawrence Drive Nerang QLD 4211 Tel: 07 5554 2000 Email: goldcoast@globalfw.com.au Web: globalfw.com.au SA: Festival City Wines South Australia (Contact Joe Carbone) 982-992 Port Road Albert Park SA 5014 Tel: 08 8349 1200 VIC: Festival City Wines Victoria (Contact Joe Marsico) VIC On Premise 1053 Western Highway Deer Park VIC 3023 Tel: 03 9361 1681 WA: Musca Liquor Agencies (Contact Sam Musca) 50 Castleton Street Balcatta WA 6021 Mobile: 0417 903 582 Terms: 21 days EOM Brand(s): Haselgrove Wines Hawthorn Brewing Co. EXPORTER, MANUFACTURER, WHOLESALER An Australian owned producer of award wining craft beers of distinction. All our beer are handcrafted and all natural, with no preservatives or additives. Beers like our well balanced Pale Ale, our English style Amber Ale, Czech style Pilsner, refreshing and zesty Witbier, highly hopped and flavoursome Australian IPA and our easy drinking Golden Ale with tropical fruit hops. We have a simple goal...to bring great tasting Australian craft beer to the thirsty masses. Join us on the journey. Address: 111 Victoria Avenue Albert Park VIC 3206 Tel: 1300 422 233 Email: hello@hawthornbrewing.com.au Web: www.hawthornbrewing.com.au Terms: NETT Brand(s): Hawthorn Brewing Co Hedonist Wines EXPORTER, MANUFACTURER, WHOLESALER
The Higher Plane property is located in the Forest Grove locality of the Margaret River wine region, 15km south of the Margaret River town site. It was established in 1997 and in 2006 was purchased by the late Roger Hill and his wife Gillian Anderson. The property has ideal exposure and gravelly duplex soils (and adjoins the Devil’s Lair vineyard). The varieties planted were carefully selected clones and closely-planted to produce low yields and increase fruit intensity, with defined varietal expression. Our aim is to produce the highest possible quality wine from this exceptional vineyard site through using sustainable farming techniques and a noninterventionist approach to winemaking. Address: PO Box 425 Bentley WA 6982 Tel: 08 9258 9437 Fax: 08 9458 6015 Web: www.higherplanewines.com.au State Offices: NSW: Crush Fine Wines C/O Pier 35-8B / 263-329 Lorimer Street Port Melbourne VIC 3207 Tel: 03 9681 8224 Fax: 03 9681 8229 Mobile: 0426 251 342 Email: steve@crushfinewines.com.au Web: www.crushfinewines.com.au SA: Crush Fine Wines C/O Pier 35-8B / 263-329 Lorimer Street Port Melbourne VIC 3207 Tel: 03 9681 8224 Fax: 03 9681 8229 Mobile: 0412 605 187 Email: carmine@crushfinewines.com.au Web: www.crushfinewines.com.au VIC: Crush Fine Wines Pier 35-8B / 263-329 Lorimer Street Port Melbourne VIC 3207 Tel: 03 9681 8224 Fax: 03 9681 8229 Mobile: 0434 710 960 Email: admin@crushfinewines.com.au Web: www.crushfinewines.com.au WA: The Vintner Mobile: 0408 649 633 Email: langdon@thevintner.com.au Web: http://thevintner.com.au/ Terms: 21 days EOM Brand(s): Higher Plane House of Fine Wines DISTRIBUTOR House of Fine Wine is a unique collaboration, celebrating the best of old and new world wine regions, by the joining of three family owned wineries: Société Jacques Bollinger of France, Henschke of Australia, and Villa Maria of New Zealand. Established in 2017, together we are proud to represent a focused portfolio of fine wine and champagne around Australia from these founding families. Address: Suite 208, 54 Foveaux Street Surry Hills NSW 2010 Tel: 02 9211 5882 Toll Free: 1800 845 526 Fax: 1800 845 525 Email: enquiries@hofw.com.au Orders Email: orders@hofw.com.au Web: http://www.hofw.com.au/ Terms: 21 days EOM Brand(s): Ayala, Bollinger, Delamain, Henschke, Villa Maria, Vidal
Hungerford Hill MANUFACTURER, WHOLESALER Established in 1967, Hungerford Hill is a boutique estate in the Hunter Valley. Australia’s oldest wine region. For over a decade, the Kirby family has worked tirelessly to build on the winery’s proud reputation for distinguished wines and to create a memorable cellar door experience. Guided by accomplished Winemaker Adrian Lockhart, Hungerford Hill’s able team produce authentic wines, packed with character and interest, with a focus on New South Wales’ cool climate regions.
Hungerford Hill’s winery is a landmark of the Hunter Valley region, with its unique barrel-shaped tasting room and underground working cellar. The much acclaimed Muse Restaurant offers some of the finest food in the Valley amidst spectacular views across the vineyards to the Brokenback Ranges.
Address: 26 Rapaura Road RD3 Blenheim, New Zealand Sales: NSW 1300 443 736 Email: sales@giesen.com.au Web: https://giesen.co.nz/home/ Terms: 21 days EOM Brand(s): Giesen Global Beverage Brands EXPORTER, IMPORTER, MANUFACTURER We are an Australian multi beverage company dedicated to a strong focus on innovation, across wine, spirits and other beverages. Research and development is one of the pillars of our success, and all our projects stem from a commitment to ensuring our product offering is correct from the outset. Address: Level 2, 35 Cotham Road Kew VIC 3101 Tel: 03 8320 0500 Orders Email: orders@globalbev.com.au Web: https://www.globalbeveragebrands.com.au/ Terms: 21 days EOM Brand(s): Bareksten, Bumbu, Double Dutch, U’Luvka Global Fine Wines DISTRIBUTOR, IMPORTER, WHOLESALER Global Fine Wines is a wholesale distributor of premium hand made wines focusing on representing small producers from Australia, New Zealand, Italy and France. We distribute primarily to On-Premise (Restaurants etc.), but also to specialist fine wine retailers. Address: 6/14 Narabang Way Belrose NSW 2085 Tel: 02 8006 0013 Fax: 02 8211 5226 Email: sales@globalfinewines.net.au Web: http://www.globalfinewines.com.au/ Terms: 21 days EOM Brand(s): Casaloste, Ciabot Berton, Corte Moschina, Domaine Chante Cigale, Domaine Fougery de Beauclair, Domaine Le Colombier, Domaine St Francois Xavier, Pelissero, Tenimenti Angelini, Tommaso Bussola, Trevor Jones Fine Wines Goulburn Wines & Spirits IMPORTER, WHOLESALER Large Importer of European Beers, Wines and Spirits with many specials from the Czech Republic and Russia as well as Australia’s first importer of Absinthe. Specializing in both wholesale and retail. Address: 9 Brisbane Street Darlinghurst NSW 2010 Tel: 02 9264 8459 Fax: 02 9264 8941 Email: sales@goulburnwines.com.au Web: http://goulburnwines.com.au/ Terms: 21 days EOM Brand(s): Aalborg, Absinth, Ararat, Balatoni Szurkebarat, Baltic Mist, Bernard, Bohemian Kirsch, Budvar Czech Premium, Bulls Blood Bikaver, Carlsbad Becher, carvo, casino, Cherry Herring, Debroi Harslevelu, Disaronno, ELITE, Fernet, Gammel Dansk Bitter, Golden, Green Fairy, Hobe Tea Rum Liqueur, Jansen, Jelinek, Kadarka, Kahlua, Korona, Kozel, Moldavian Brandy, Moravska, Myers, Nemiroff, Olas Riesling, Pecsetes, Polish, ponchos, Praded, Sabra, saros, Smirnoff, Solnechnyi, Soproni Kekfrankos, sour monkey, Stolichnaya, Surprise, Tiras, Tokaji Aziu 5 Puttonyos, Tokaji Furmint, Tokaji Sweet, Torley, Tuzemak, Urquell Pilsner, Warka, William, Wishniowka, ypioca, zwack, Zywiec Haselgrove Wines
Address: 2450 Broke Road Pokolbin NSW 2320 Head Office Tel: 02 4998 7666 Email: wines@hungerfordhill.com.au Web: www.hungerfordhill.com.au Terms: TRADING Terms: Please refer to prime distributors listed in Price Guide Brand(s): Hungerford Hill
MANUFACTURER Established in 1981, Haselgrove is surrounded by over 10 hectares of Shiraz, Cabernet Sauvignon and Mataro vines – with the Shiraz and Cabernet Sauvignon vines dating back more than 60 years. We also work with a group of dedicated McLaren Vale and Adelaide Hills growers. Although renowned for producing rich and robust award winning reds from McLaren Vale, our whites are also making ripples with wine writers and on the wine show circuit. Address: 187 Sand Road McLaren Vale SA 5171 Tel: 08 8323 8706 Fax: 08 8323 8049 Email: winery@haselgrove.com.au Web: www.haselgrove.com.au State Offices:
Lark Distillery
MANUFACTURER Lark is an Australian Single Malt Whisky, proudly unique in character and style, crafted in small batches exclusively from pure Tasmanian ingredients, matured in small barrels, hand-bottled by whisky lovers in Tasmania for whisky lovers world-wide. Lark Distillery was the first licensed distillery in Tasmania since 1839. It was established in 1992 to produce Australian malt whisky, rich in character with a big finish using Tasmanian ingredients.
Lark Distillery is very proudly a boutique Tasmanian owned distillery dedicated to maintaining its proven high quality malt whisky and other unique Tasmanian spirits.
Address: 14 Davey Street Hobart TAS 7000 Tel: 03 6231 9088 Fax: 03 6231 9082 Email: orders@larkdistillery.com.au Web: http://www.larkdistillery.com Terms: 30 days from statement Brand(s): Forty Spotted, Lark Distillery
DIRECTORYSUPPLIERS Contact details current as at 1 April 2019
Lion Beer Australia DISTRIBUTOR, IMPORTER Lion is a leading alcoholic beverages business with operations in Australia and New Zealand and marketleading brands in beer and spirits.
Address: Level 7, 68 York Street Sydney NSW 2000 Tel: 02 9320 2200 Toll Free: 1300 659 066 Fax: 02 9320 2264 Email: credit@lion-nathan.com.au Web: www.lionco.com State Offices: NSW: LION New South Wales (Tooheys Brewery) 29 Nyrang Street Lidcombe NSW 2141 Tel: 13 15 13 QLD: LION Queensland (Castlemaine Perkins Brewery) 185 Milton Road Milton QLD 4064 Tel: 13 15 13 SA: LION South Australia (South Australian Brewing) 107 Port Road Thebarton SA 5031 Tel: 13 15 13 TAS: James Boag & Son 142 Macquarie Street Hobart TAS 7000 VIC: LION Victoria 1320 Malvern Road Malvern VIC 3144 Tel: 13 15 13 WA: LION Western Australia (Swan Brewery) 25 Baile Road Canning Vale WA 6155 Tel: 13 15 13 Terms: NETT: Payment on or before due date Brand(s): 5 Seeds, Boags, Byron Bay Brewing, Emu, Furphy, Guinness, Hahn, Heineken, James Squire, Kilkenny, Kirin, Kosciuszko, Legendary Brewing Co., Little Creatures, Moretti, Panhead, Pipsqueak, Southwark, Steinlager, Swan, Tooheys, West End, White Rabbit, XXXX
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Address: Unit 11 15 Fullarton Road Kent Town SA 5067 Tel: 08 8243 3700 Fax: 08 8243 3777 Web: www.kingstonestatewines.com State Offices: NSW: Young & Rashleigh Wine Merchants 2 Bruce Street Crows Nest NSW 2065 Tel: 02 9967 5900 Fax: 02 9967 5944 Web: www.youngandrashleigh.com QLD: Crush Wine Distribution Pty Ltd Pier 35-8B, 263-329 Lorimer Street Port Melbourne VIC 3207 Tel: 03 9681 8224 Fax: 03 9681 8229 Web: www.crushfinewines.com.au/ SA: Empire Liquor PO Box 299 Edwardstown SA 5039 Tel: 08 8371 0088 Fax: 08 8371 0388 Web: www.empireliquor.com.au
Husk Distillers DISTRIBUTOR, MANUFACTURER A small plantation distillery in Northern NSW producing innovative Australian spirits that challenge convention using premium native & organic botanicals. Address: McAuleys Road Tumbulgum NSW 2490 Mobile: 0406 063 040 Email: sales@huskdistillers.com Web: http://www.huskdistillers.com/ Terms: 21 days EOM Brand(s): Husk Rum, Ink Gin, Pure Cane Independent Liquor Group (ILG)
TAS: Fine Drop Wines 38b Sunderland Street Moonah TAS 7009 Mobile: 0428 379 877 VIC: Sante Wines Suite 8 8 Bromham Place Richmond VIC 3121 Tel: 03 9429 1990 Email: kris@santewines.com.au Web: www.santewines.com.au WA: Fine Wine Wholesalers 31-32 Parkinson Lane Kardinya WA 6163 Tel: 08 9314 7133 Fax: 08 9314 7134 Web: www.fww.com.au Terms: 21 days EOM Brand(s): Kingston Echelon Collection, Kingston Estate Kollaras Trading Company DISTRIBUTOR, EXPORTER, IMPORTER Beverage supplier to retailers, wholesalers, cruise, duty free, export & hospitality sector Address: 9 Durgadin Drive Albion Park Rail NSW 2527 Tel: 02 4230 8000 Orders Email: info@kollaras.com.au Web: www.kollaras.com State Offices: QLD: Kollaras Trading Company - Karl Terms: NETT: 14 days Brand(s): 33 South, Arana, Axelvar, Briar Ridge, Cape to Cape, Captain, Celtic Honey, Chatsworth Estate, Comte de Noiron, Crystal Aqua, Dailys, Dos Mexicanos, Faustino, Feather & Hound, Finca 10, Flyka, Followers Bay, Folonari, Geisweiler, Godet, Gran Torino, Ground Work, Harpoon, Ice Vodka, Indie, K by Kirrihill, Kamana, Kensington, Kentucky Gentleman, Kroftmans, Krombacher, Los Arango, Maison Castel, Manyara, Mashio Dei Cavalieri, Miasa, Molly’s, Mouku, Mr Bostons, Muirheads, Only, R&R Reserve, Riunite, Roa Boat, Rodell Napoleon, Ruffled Feather, Saint Mihal, Seahorse Bay, Southern Creek, Southern Mills, St Augustus, St Louis, Tanns, Tovaritch, Two Truths, Uppercut, Valentino Sambuca, Veras, Vintense, Volare, Wai Hua, West Cork, Xenta
WHOLESALER Australia’s largest liquor co operative, The Independent Liquor Group is a member owned organisation of licensed liquor stores, hotels, registered clubs and restaurants working collectively to obtain the best service and benefits whilst maintaining their own autonomy and independence. Address: 16 Tyrone Place Erskine Park NSW 2759 Tel: 02 9675 8450 Email: trading@ilg.com.au Web: https://www.ilg.com.au/ Terms: 21 days EOM Inglewood Wine Merchants
WHOLESALER Inglewood Wine Merchants is a wholesale wine company specializing in the sale and distribution of quality regional wines to licensed outlets in the New South Wales & ACT wine market. Address: 50 Frenchs Road Willougby NSW 2068 Tel: 02 9958 0466 Fax: 02 9958 0499 Email: sales@inglewoodwines.com.au Web: www.inglewoodwines.com.au Terms: 21 days EOM Brand(s): Borambola, Castle Rock Estate, d’Arenberg, Enchantment, Forrest, Fratelli Nistri, Hamelin Bay, Hemera Estate, La Casse Noix, Le Casse Noix, Lindsay Wine Estate, Optimiste, Palazzo del Mare, Paracombe, Shut the Gate, Stony Bank, TattyBogler, Terra Felix, Tuckerbox, Two Rivers, Yarrawood Jane Brook Estate Wines MANUFACTURER The first Australian winery on-line, and one of the premium wine producers of Western Australia. Address: 229 Toodyay Road Middle Swan WA 6056 Tel: 08 9274 1432 Fax: 08 9274 1211 Email: liz@janebrook.com.au Web: www.janebrook.com.au State Offices: ACT,NSW,QLD: Broadway Liquor Distributors 96 -98 Glebe Point Road Glebe NSW 2037 Tel: 02 9817 4564 Fax: 02 9817 3268 Email: dean@broadwayliquor.com.au Web: www.broadwayliquor.com.au Terms: 21 days EOM Brand(s): Jane Brook Juniper, Margaret River MANUFACTURER Nestled in the valley of the Wilyabrup Brook, Juniper Estate is one of the oldest Margaret River vineyards, planted in 1973. Juniper Estate has twelve hectares of vines which are hand harvested, all dry grown on the Wilyabrup gravely loam soil. Address: 98 Tom Cullity Drive Cowaramup WA 6284 Tel: 08 9755 9000 Fax: 08 9755 9100 Email: cellar@juniperestate.com.au Web: www.juniperestate.com.au State Offices: NSW: Bacchus Wine Merchant Contact: Jo Newton, Unit 2, 7-9 Orion Road Lane Cove NSW 2066 Tel: 1300 309 773 Fax: 02 9420 0866 Email: jo@baccuswinemerchant.com.au QLD: Bacchus Contact: BJ Jull Mobile: 0416 255 707 Email: bj@bacchuswinemerchant.com.au SA: DWS Tel: 1300 397 397 Email: TomS@domwineship.com.au Web: http://www.domainewineshippers.com.au/ VIC: DWS Contact: Andrew Hedderwick, Suite 1/14 Albert Street Blackburn VIC 3130 Tel: 03 9878 7848 Fax: 03 9878 7812 Email: Andrewh@domwineship.com.au WA: DWS Contact: Michael Lee PO Box 86 Leederville WA 6902 Mobile: 0438 858 758 Email: michaell@domwineship.com.au Terms: 21 days EOM Brand(s): Juniper Crossing, Juniper Estate, Juniper Small Batch Kingston Estate Wines Pty Ltd MANUFACTURER Kingston Estate celebrates passion for the premium quality of SA wine by sourcing fruit from the regions that best display the true qualities of each varietal. Creating wines that capture the attention of wine lovers who seek the perfect regional balance.

Address: Level 1/ 55 Murray Street Pyrmont NSW 2009 Tel: 02 9722 1200 Fax: 02 9707 4408 Email: customerservice@mcwilliamswines.com.au Web: http://www.mcwilliams.com.au State Offices: QLD: Unit 31, 28 Burnside Road Yatala QLD 4207 Tel: 07 3441 9600 Fax: 07 3801 8567 VIC: Unit 17 / 663 Victoria Street Abbotsford VIC 3067 Tel: 03 8420 9500 Fax: 03 8420 9599 WA: Unit 7, 8 Booth Place Balcatta WA 6021 Tel: 08 9240 2400 Fax: 08 9240 1182 Terms: NETT Brand(s): Barwang, Catching Thieves, Chant Du Midi, essenze, Fontanafreddo, Henkell, Last Horizon, Mateus, McWilliam’s, Mount Pleasant, Partisan, Taittinger, Tightrope Walker, Under & Over, Zeppelin
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Address: PO Box 6543 Wetherill Park NSW 2164 Tel: 02 9756 5098 Tel: 0411 128 344 Toll Free: 1800 997 028 Fax: 02 9756 5097 Email: info@mediterraneowines.com.au Web: https://www.mediterraneanwines.com.au/ State Offices: VIC: Mediterraneo Wines (Contact: Luana Fabiani) Mobile: 0404 274 680 Email: luana@mediterraneowines.com.au Terms: 21 days EOM Brand(s): Az Ag Bernardi, Birra Dell’Eremo, Borgogno, Ca’ dei Mardorli, Cantina Produttori San Paolo, Cantine di Marco, Cherchi, Colletonno, Destro, Dolomia, Fattoria Lavacchio, Fazio Wines, Gerardo Cesari, Gomba, I Feudi di Romans, La Giustiniana, Le Marchesine, Levantino, Lucchetti, Lungarotti, Mastroberardino, Miceli, Mormoraia, Solaria, Tenute del Cerro, Tenute del Cerro (Colpetrone), Terenzi Mezzanine Wines DISTRIBUTOR Progressive, passionate and pro-active today, committed to be leaders in wine tomorrow. Address: Level 3, 436 Johnston Street Abbotsford VIC 3067 Tel: 03 8413 8310 Toll Free: 1300 555 821 Fax: 03 8413 8312 Orders Fax: 1300 555 837 Email: sales@mezzaninewine.com.au Web: www.mezzaninewine.com.au State Offices: NSW: Mezzanine NSW Contact: Jenny Butcher, Suite 302 12 Waters Street Neutral Bay NSW 2089 Tel: 1300 136 561 Fax: 1300 780 076 Email: sales@mezzaninewine.com.au Web: www.mezzaninewine.com.au QLD: Mezzanine QLD Contact: Gae Grant, Suite 2 47 Park Road Milton QLD 4064 Tel: 1300 555 821 Fax: 1300 555 837 Email: sales@mezzaninewine.com.au Web: www.mezzaninewine.com.au SA: Mezzanine SA Contact: Matthew Turnbull, 99 Maud Street Unley SA 5061 Tel: 1300 555 821 Fax: 1300 555 837 Email: sales@mezzaninewine.com.au Web: www.mezzaninewine.com.au TAS: Mezzanine TAS Contact: Brad Morgan, 215 Liverpool Street Hobart TAS 7000 Tel: 03 6231 6227 Fax: 03 6231 6299 Mobile: 0417 337 024 Tollfree: 1300 555 821 Email: sales@mezzaninewine.com.au Web: www.mezzaninewine.com.au VIC: Mezzanine VIC Contact: Hilary Fordham, Level 3 436 Johnston Abbotsford VIC 3067 Tel: 1300 555 821 Email: sales@mezzaninewine.com.au Web: www.mezzaninewine.com.au WA: Mezzanine WA Contact: Troy Denham, 45 LaBouchere Road South Perth WA 6151 Tel: 08 6104 1000 Fax: 08 9368 2477 Email: sales@mezzaninewine.com.au Web: www.mezzaninewine.com.au Terms: NETT: Payable 14th of month following invoice Brand(s): 42 Degrees South, Alexander Laible, All Saints Estate, Alta, Bandini, Bibbiano, Black Chook, Black Cottage, Bodegas Patrocinio, Borgo Maragliano, Breganze Savardo, Brothers in Arms, Bruno Rocca, Burlotto, Caledonia Australis, Canaletto, Canard Duchene, Cape Barren, Cascina Fontana, Contesa, Cool Woods, Crabtree, Craggy Range, Credaro, D.Louis Claude Desvignes, D.Schlumberger, Decelle-Villa, Domaine Heresztyn-Mazzini, Domenica, Dourthe, Duval Leroy, Eden Trail, Fattoria di Bagnolo, Formby & Adams, Frogmore Creek, Garnier & Fils, In Dreams, Jean Dauvissat Pere & Fils, La Mura, Lavau, Maison Saint Aix, Mountadam, Nanny Goat Vineyard, Penny’s Hill, Pierre Jean Villa, Quartz Reef, Rimapere, Sanglier, Seven Canoes, Side by Side, Super Nanny, Tar & Roses, The Aardvark, The Black Chook, The Other Wine Co., Thorn Clarke, Tim Smith, Totara, Trust, Two Cells, Verduno, Whistler, Wild Rock, Yangarra Estate Vineyard Millbrook Winery MANUFACTURER Web: www.millbrook.wine Terms: 21 days EOM Moët-Hennessy Australia Pty Ltd DISTRIBUTOR Moët Hennessy Australia is a division of the wine and spirit subsidiary of LVMH- the worlds largest luxury Boastingconglomerate.oneof the finest luxury portfolios in Australia, Moët Hennessy Australia are a leading supplier of luxury champagnes, wines and spirits direct to on and off premise accounts. For over 8 years Moët Hennessy Australia has excelled at creating accessibility and relevance for some of the worlds finest wines and spirits within the Australian consumer market. Address: Level 7, 201 Coward Street Mascot NSW 2020 Tel: 02 8344 9900 Fax: 02 8344 9999 Web: www.moet.com State Offices: QLD: Suite 7, 36 Agnes Street Fortitude Valley QLD 4006 Tel: 07 3257 1630 Fax: 07 3257 2975 SA: 6/191 Melbourne Street North Adelaide SA 5006 Tel: 1300 136 590 VIC: Level 1, 22 Albert Road South Melbourne VIC 3205 Tel: 03 8606 4500 Fax: 03 8606 4599 WA: Suite 2, 183 Scarborough Beach Road Mount Hawthorne WA 6016 Tel: 08 9443 9418 Fax: 08 9443 9480 Terms: 21 days EOM Brand(s): Ao Yun, Ardbeg, Belvedere, Cape Mentelle, Chandon, Cheval des Andes, Cloudy Bay, Dom Perignon, Domaine Chandon, Glenmorangie, Hennessy, Krug, Moet & Chandon, Numanthia, Ruinart, Terrazas, Veuve Clicquot Molly’s Cradle Wines Pty Ltd EXPORTER, MANUFACTURER, WHOLESALER Molly’s Cradle, the brand, is family owned and 100% Australian, the Skidmore family are generational wine growers, with a commitment and vision to provide our customers with handcrafted yet affordable premium wines. The brand is built on a simple premise - from the best grapes comes the best wine. Address: 17/1 Jubilee Avenue Warriewood NSW 2102 Tel: 02 9979 1212 Fax: 02 9979 1240 Email: orders@mollyscradle.com.au Web: www.mollyscradle.com.au Terms: 30 days from statement Brand(s): Cradle, Mollys Cradle Moppity Vineyards DISTRIBUTOR, MANUFACTURER At Moppity Vineyards we believe that a strong, profitable independent sector is vital for the future of the Australian wine industry. By providing the independent sector with a diverse, unique and margin making range of wines, we hope to free them from the price wars, and allow them to be a voice for the countless passionate artisans crafting small batch wines with a singular focus on quality. While benefiting the outlet and the consumer, this also enables wineries to push the boundaries to showcase their uniqueness, excellence and terroir. Address: 2800 Moppity Road Young NSW 2594 Tel: 02 6382 7997 Fax: 02 6382 6222 Email: orders@moppity.com.au Web: www.moppity.com.au
Address: 29 Junction Drive Coolum QLD 4573 Tel: 07 5440 2000 Toll Free: 1300 668 736 Fax: 1300 734 228 Email: orders@liquidsb.com.au Web: www.liquidsb.com.au Terms: 21 days EOM Lou Miranda Estate DISTRIBUTOR, WHOLESALER Lou Miranda Estate is a family owned boutique winery based in the Barossa Valley, South Australia. Lou, his wife Val and their daughters Lisa and Victoria produce premium quality wines under the Leone and Lou Miranda Estate brands using fruit from their own Barossa Valley vineyards.
as at 1 April 2019
Mediterraneo Wines
DISTRIBUTOR, EXPORTER, IMPORTER, MANUFACTURER McWilliam’s Family Winemakers have an award winning tradition that draws on six generations of experience. With a winemaking philosophy that centres on sourcing quality fruit and creating wines that balance elegance and power, McWilliam’s remain one of Australia’s most respected and awarded wineries. As well as remaining one of Australia’s most popular and iconic wineries, McWilliam’s continues to be recognised by wine critics and at wine shows across the world.
DISTRIBUTOR, IMPORTER, WHOLESALER Mediterraneo Wines is a specialty importer and distributor of quality Italian wines, craft beers, mineral water and other food product.
Liquid Specialty Beverages WHOLESALER Liquid Specialty Beverages is a family owned company established in 1992, supplying a wide range of spirits, wines, beers, waters, soft drinks and juices.
Address: 1876 Barossa Valley Way Rowland Flat SA 5352 Tel: 08 8524 4537 Fax: 08 8524 4066 Email: Lou@LouMirandaEstate.com.au Web: http://www.loumirandaestate.com.au/ Terms: 21 days EOM Brand(s): Lou Miranda Estate McLaren Vale Beer Company MANUFACTURER A 100% Family Owned South Australian beer company that brews the award-winning portfolio of VALE ALE, VALE IPA and VALE AMBER, VALE LAGER and the newest addition VALE GOLDEN as well as a few experimental and limited edition brews. Address: 6 Jay Drive Willunga SA 5172 Tel: 1300 MVBEER (682 337) Tel/Fax: 08 8219 9910 Email: cheers@mvbeer.com Web: http://valebrewing.com.au/ Terms: NETT: 14 days Brand(s): Dr Pilkington’s, Fox Hat Brewing, VALE Brewing McWilliam’s Wines

Address: 195 Grote Street Adelaide SA 5000 Tel: 08 8112 4212 Web: www.negociantsaustralia.com State Offices: NSW: Negociants Australia G01. 90-96 Bourke Road Alexandria NSW 2015 Tel: 02 8344 8288 QLD: Negociants Australia 120 Factory Road Oxley QLD 4075 Tel: 07 3373 5777 SA: Negociants Australia 205 Grote Street Adelaide SA 5000 Tel: 08 8112 4200 VIC: Negociants Australia 109-113 Hyde Street Footscray VIC 3011 Tel: 03 9268 1700 WA: Negociants Australia 114 Radium Street Welshpool WA 6106 Tel: 08 9333 4222 Terms: 21 days EOM Brand(s): Agricola Allegrini, Alamos, Alasia, Antinori, Antipodes Mineral Water, Ata Rangi, Barringwood, Bleasdale Vineyards, Bodega Catena Zapata, Bodegas Valdemar, Bowen Estate, Cantine Pra, Champagne Pol Roger, Collector Wines, Corte Giara, Dandelion Vineyards, Deviation Road, Famille Hugel, Freycinet, Fromm La Strada, Georges Duboeuf, Greywacke, Guigal, HaHa, Hay Shed Hill, Heathcote Winery, Heirloom, John Duval Wines, Kanta, Kooyong, Langmeil Winery, Lark Hill Winery, Louis Bouillot, mesh, Napoleone Cider, O’Leary Walker, Palliser
Noble Spirits DISTRIBUTOR, IMPORTER, WHOLESALER Noble Spirits is an Australian based company that imports and distributes fine authentic spirits and wine in Australia and New Zealand. The company was established in late 2013 in recognition of the growing aspiration of Australian consumers to appreciate more genuine and higher quality alcoholic Webeverages.areayoung and innovative company positioned at the high end of alcohol brands. Our mission is to enrich alcohol brand choices for consumers and bring greater value to customers. Address: 338 Oxford Street Sydney NSW 2021 Email: info@noblespirits.com.au Web: http://www.noblespirits.com.au/ State Offices: All: Noble GrégoireSpiritsBertaud Email: gregoire@noblespirits.com.au NSW: Noble PierrickSpiritsFayoux Email: p.fayoux@noblespirits.com.au NSW: Jussel Acosta Email: jussel@noblespirits.com.au QLD: Noble ConstantSpiritsBeguin Email: constant@noblespirits.com.au SA: Noble CharlotteSpiritsJennings-sewell Email: charlotte@noblespirits.com.au TAS,VIC: Noble Spirits Jacob Davey Email: jacob@noblespirits.com.au WA: Jodie J Chatfield Email: jodie@noblespirits.com.au Terms: Direct or charge thru with all major wholesalers Brand(s): Artisan Drinks, Château Les Mesclances, FAIR., Fishers, Frerejean Freres, Garden Grown Gin, Hong Kong Baijiu, KOVAL, Marionette, Old Sport, Sassy, Stache House
Address: Level 3, Tower 1 205 Queen Street Auckland NZ 1010 Tel: +64 9 215 6650 Fax: +64 9 379 0141 Email: info@otuwines.com Web: otuwine.com Terms: 21 days EOM Brand(s): Music Bay, O:TU
The Oatley family is proud to announce the rebranding of its Australian wine distribution business, Robert Oatley Vineyards, as Oatley Fine Wine Merchants, effective 3rd August. Our new trading name Oatley Fine Wine Merchants better represents our role as a leading distributor of outstanding family owned wineries from across Australia and many other leading wine regions from around the world.
Address: Level 3, 100 Pacific Highway St Leonards NSW 2065 Tel: 02 9433 3255 Email: friends@robertoatley.com.au Web: www.robertoatley.com.au State Offices: ACT: Contact: Ron Molloy PO Box 220 Artarmon NSW 1570 Tel: 0437 898 453
The exciting and growing range of producers includes Ara Wines (Marlborough); Champagnes Piper-Heidsieck and Charles Heidsieck (France); Chateau de Sours & Clos Cantenac (France); Cherubino Wines (WA); Cumulus Wine Estates (Orange); Clover Hill (Tasmania); Derwent Estate (Tasmania); Hancock & Hancock (McLaren Vale); Joseph Drouhin (France); La Gioiosa (Italy); Ricasoli (Chianti); Robert Oatley Vineyards (Australia); Rockburn (Central Otago); Santi (Italy); Taltarni (Vic); The Lane (SA).
Address: 2B Chapel Street St Kilda East VIC 3183 Tel: 03 9261 1800 Toll Free: 1300 888 664 Fax: 02 9332 3625 Email: orders@wholesalewines.com.au Web: http://www.nelsonwineco.com.au/ Terms: 21 days EOM Brand(s): Bellvale, Champagne Devaux, Fire Drum, Jericho Family Wines, Kangarilla Road, Lana, Le Grand Cros, March’s Very Own, Mount Langi Ghiran, Paul Louis, The Habitat, Vigna Sancol, Xanadu, Yarrabank, Yering Station, Yering Station Village Nevis Bluff Wines AGENT, MANUFACTURER Nevis Bluff wines are sourced from their vineyard in Central Otago, New Zealand; a region famed for long, hot summer days and cool nights. A slow ripening period produces intense fruit flavours, resulting in wines with rich aromatics, concentrated complexity and dense fruit sweetness. With a philosophy to only select premium grapes and to age their wine before release Nevis Bluff has, since 1998, earned a reputation as Pinot specialists with a dedication to excellence. It is this passion, combined with their unique terroir and natural winemaking approach that produces their premium wines. Address: PO Box 1443 Rozelle NSW 2039 Tel: 0403 431 470 Email: julia@nevisbluff.co.nz Web: www.nevisbluff.co.nz Terms: 21 days EOM Brand(s): Nevis Bluff Nick Haselgrove Wines
Murray’s Brewing Company
Terms: 21 days EOM Brand(s): Mt Jagged Wines
Mt Jagged Wines is situated at the highest point on the Victor Harbor Road, only 20 minutes from Mclaren vale and Victor Harbor. Established in 1989, the cellar door is surrounded by panoramic views of the vineyards flowing down the hillside with Lake Alexandrina gleaming over the hilltops, the Coorong and its sandhills and a large sweep of the Southern Ocean. At 320 metres above sea level, Mt Jagged is classified as a cool climate winery typified by warm days and cooling evening breezes flowing from the Southern Ocean and up the Currency Creek valley. This provides for a longer ripening period, creating wines of deep complexity with real varietal and regional characteristics.
DISTRIBUTOR, IMPORTER, WHOLESALER Nelson Wine company are Wholesale Distributors of Premium Australian and International Fine Wines with an enviable portfolio of quality producers from all the major wine growing regions of Australia and a small international selection of key producers from France, New-Zealand, Italy, Spain and Germany.
We are a winery that brings together a unique and beautiful place with a small group of passionate people drawn from around the world of wine. We are proudly Awatere; champions for a Marlborough style that isn’t a follower but offers a genuine difference.
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77Contact details current as at 1 April 2019
Address: 3191 Victor Harbor Road Mount Jagged SA 5211 Tel: 08 8554 9520 Email: sales@mtjaggedwines.com.au Web: http://www.mtjaggedwines.com.au/
DISTRIBUTOR, EXPORTER, MANUFACTURER Murray and the team have been brewing unique and off-beat naturally crafted beers since 2006, and in the process have won a bunch of awards and accolades – including Australia’s Brewer of the Year last year. The craft beer bug bit Murray a few years before this, when he was on a trip to America. Legend has it he tried a Sierra Nevada Pale Ale at a roadside diner in California – and thought he’d died and gone to beer heaven! This experience inspired him to open his own brewery, so he could brew and enjoy the beers he wanted to drink back home in Australia. The birthplace of Murray’s Craft Brewing Co was the tiny hamlet of Taylors Arm (population 50) on the NSW North Coast. Murray bought the iconic Pub With No Beer (of Slim Dusty fame), and quickly solved the supply problem by installing a microbrewery on site. Address: 3443 Nelson Bay Road Bobs Farm NSW 2316 Tel: 02 4982 6411 Email: greatbeer@murraysbrewingco.com.au Web: http://www.murraysbrewingco.com.au/ Terms: 21 days EOM Brand(s): Murrays Negociants Australia DISTRIBUTOR Negociants Australia was established in 1984 to import and represent the finest wines of the world.
DISTRIBUTOR, EXPORTER, MANUFACTURER, WHOLESALER Nick Haselgrove Wines is home to the best that Australian wine has to offer – value, quality, providence and alluring appeal for wine drinkers. We produce a diverse collection of sturdy wine brands, each having its roots in great vineyard sites with distinctive personality and rich stories about terroir. This is no virtual wine company; Nick Haselgrove Wines is emblematic of outstanding South Australian wine production, driven by clever, committed wine professionals. It tells a simple story: One destination – many personalities. Nick Haselgrove Wines has a rich winemaking history and is a gathering of strong existing labels. Incorporated in August 2010 and housed in McLaren Vale, Nick Haselgrove Wines provides the strong framework that brings together great brands that have been developed and nurtured. This includes Blackbilly, established in 2001; Old Faithful, established in 2005; Clarence Hill, established in 1990; James Haselgrove, a trophy-winning brand since 1981. Address: 281 Tatachilla Road Tatachilla SA 5171 Tel: 08 8383 0886 Email: hello@nhwines.com.au Web: http://www.nhwines.com.au State Offices: ACT,NSW,NT,QLD,TAS,VIC: AIWW - Michael Angelides Tel: 07 5474 5567 Mobile: 0411 561 643 Email: info@aiww.com.au Web: http://www.aiww.com.au/ SA: Options Wines 15 Richard Street Hindmarsh SA 5007 Tel: 08 8346 9111 Fax: 08 8346 8666 Web: www.optionswines.com.au SA: Nick Haselgrove Wines - Tony Morgan 281 Tatachilla Road Tatachilla SA 5171 Mobile: 0414 734 360 Email: tony@nhwines.com.au Web: www.nhwines.com,au Terms: NETT: 30 days from date of invoice Brand(s): Blackbilly, Clarence Hill, The Old Faithful
Nelson Wine Company
Terms: 21 days EOM Brand(s): Chalice Bridge, Coppabella, Hex & Heyson, Kokori, Moppity Vineyards, Single Step Mt Jagged Wines
Estate, Pierre Gimonnet & Fils, Pitchfork, Primo Estate, Redbank, Saint Clair Family Estate, Seppeltsfield, Sister’s Run, Smith & Hooper, TarraWarra Estate, Tiefenbrunner, Torres, Triennes, Two Paddocks, Valdespino, Veuve D’Argent, West Cape Howe, William Fevre
Address: 451 King Street West Melbourne VIC 3003 Tel: 03 9329 4243 Fax: 03 8672 3502 Email: enquiries@pinotnow.com.au Email: sales@pinotnow.com.au Web: www.pinotnow.com.au Terms: 21 days EOM Brand(s): A to Z, Byron, Carrick, Chehalem, Cristom, Domaine Jean Marc Millot, Domaine Philippe Livera, Drappier, Edmeades, Elk Cove, Evesham Wood, Eyrie, Haden Fig, Hartford Court, Kings Ridge, Lallier, Ponzi, Providence, Rex Hill
Address: 8/10 Dewar Street Morley WA 6062 Tel: 08 9275 0955 Fax: 08 9275 0178 Email: sales@phoenixbeers.com.au Web: www.phoenixbeers.com.au Terms: NETT: 14 days Brand(s): Brasserie Du BOCQ, Brasserie Dupont, Brewdog, Charles Wells, Daintons Family Brewery, Gueuzerie Tilquin, Lindemans, Napoleone Cider Co., Schlenkerla, Sierra Nevada, St Bernardus, Sunner, Theakston, Timothy Taylor, Weihenstephan Pindarie Wines MANUFACTURER Pindarie a family business owned and operated by Wendy Allan and Tony Brooks is set on the Barossa’s Western Ridge in Australia’s most famous wine regionthe Barossa Valley. Situated less than an hour’s drive from Adelaide. Pindarie cellar door was once the relic of an old chaff store and stable. Renovated and hand built by Tony Brooks using hefty, recycled timber and stone quarried on the property, it is now a spectacular home for the Pindarie wine label. Set above the contoured farm, the Cellar Door view back across the valley to the ranges is one of the Barossa’s most stunning settings. To add to the stunning vistas visitors can taste, graze, relax and absorb the passion we have for our region.
Address: PO Box 181 Glenside SA 5065 Tel: 08 7160 1120 Tel: 0418 839 339 Email: sean@portiavalley.com.au Email: reception@portiavalley.com.au Email: chris@portiavalley.com.au Web: http://portiavalleywines.com.au/ Terms: 21 days EOM Brand(s):
With a focus on sustainability, Portia Valley Wines specialize in growing organic grapes and producing organic wine in the Riverland in South Australia.
QLD: Contact: Kathryn Brassington Tel: 1800 628 539 SA: Contact: John Kammerman Mobile: 0488 497 616 VIC: Contact: John Monkhouse PO Box 222 South Melbourne VIC 3201 Mobile: 0439 598 104 Email: jmonkhouse@robertoatley.com.au WA: Contact: Fiona Patmore Tel: 1800 628 539 Mobile: 0416 244 809 Terms: 21 days EOM Brand(s): Ad Hoc, Anchor, ARA, Argento, Aurelia, Barefoot, Barone Ricasoli, Bay & Barnes Block, Beach Hut, Bill Byron Wines, Bremerton, Chain of Fire, Charles Heidsieck, Château de Sancerre, Chateau de Sours, Circa 1858, Clos Cantenac, Clover Hill, Copia, Craigmoor, Derwent, Esquinas, Fiore, Four In Hand, Giesen, Hancock & Hancock, Joseph Drouhin, La Gioiosa, Montrose, Pikorua, Piper Heidsieck, pocketwatch, Robert Oatley, Rockburn, Rymill, Santi, Taltarni, The Lane, Veuve Tailhan, Wild Oats
Phoenix Beers
78|drinks guide Contact details current as at 1 April 2019
Paradox Wines DISTRIBUTOR, IMPORTER Good Things come to those who wait… JJ’s (Jean-Jacques) extensive wine industry knowledge and experience complements his lifelong passion for wine. His career, spanning from 30 years of working in the Hospitality and Wine Industry, consisting of 10 years in Hospitality and 20 years in the Wine industry have ultimately led him to where he is today. This year is the launch of his wonderful venture into the foray of wine distribution with a point of difference, Introducing Paradox Wines. Your brand is your story. If it doesn’t come authentically from the heart, it will fail to inspire. If it isn’t creative and engaging, it won’t get noticed. If you’re not looking through your customer’s eyes, your competitors will be one step ahead. Each link in the marketing process - the heart, the mind, and creativity - communicates your story to the world. Paradox Wines provides a service in premium wine sales, such as; sourcing European wines, branding, wine list compilation, staff training, tasting, public speaking and wine assessment. We enable wineries to compete and differentiate in an often crowded global wine industry by equipping them with our creative business techniques, innovative and emerging brands and by building our brand equity. Above all, we deliver our services with professionalism, honesty and with integrity. JJ’s core extensive knowledge lies within the ‘on and off-premise’ trade and corporate management, which is where our business strategy will reside. Besides his professional accomplishments, JJ is the proud father of two sons with his wife and partner Paula. He has been known to spend many hours both falling off surfboards across the country, and confusing Australians with his French accent. Paradox Wines aims not to be the biggest but rather to provide a comprehensive suite of services to enhance your business. All of our imported wines are collected, and then shipped in temperature controlled containers “reefer” to ensure quality control. Address: 1 Ayr Close Westlake QLD 4074 Tel: 07 3376 9192 Orders Email: orders@paradoxwines.com.au Web: www.paradoxwines.com.au
Our flagship range of wines from the Coonawarra vineyards include our Grande Reserve Cabernet Sauvignon, Home Block Cabernet Sauvignon & Aged Riesling. Our Wrattonbully vineyards are made up of six grape varieties, and are fast becoming known for producing outstanding wines, including trophy winning PatrickRieslings.of Coonawarra is also home to Coonawarra’s only cider, Applelation Apple Cider, made by winemaker Luke Tocaciu.
Portia Valley Wines
Address: Cellar Door, 68 Wheaton Road McLaren Vale SA 5171 Tel/Fax: 08 8323 9131 Email: wine@paxtonvineyards.com Web: www.paxtonvineyards.com Terms: NETT: Payment on or before due date Brand(s): PAXTON Pernod Ricard Australia DISTRIBUTOR Pernod Ricard Australia is the Australian subsidiary of Pernod Ricard, the co-leader of the global Wines and Spirits industry. Pernod Ricard Australia distributes a distinguished portfolio of premium wine, spirits, readyto-drink and non-alcoholic products.
Brand(s): Aberlour, ABSOLUT, AVION, Ballantine’s, Bay of Stones, Beefeater, Brancott Estate, Campo Viejo, Chivas Regal, Church Road, Deadbolt, Deutz, Goerge Wyndham, Graffigna, Gramp’s, Havana Club, J.P. WISERS, Jacaranda Ridge, Jacob’s Creek, Jameson, Kahlúa, Lawsons, Lillet Blanc, Longmorn, Malibu, Martell Cognac, Midleton, Monkey, MUMM Champagne, Olmeca, Pernod, Perrier-Jouët, Plymouth, Poets Corner, Red Breast, Richmond Grove, Royal Salute, Saint Range, Soho, Stoneleigh, Strathisla, The Glenlivet, The Lone Fig, West Coast, White Heather, Wyborowa
State Offices: NSW: 7/39 Hill Road Wentworth Point NSW 2127 Terms: 21 days EOM Patrick of Coonawarra
AGENT, BROKER, DISTRIBUTOR, IMPORTER, WHOLESALER Phoenix Beers is an importer and distributor of boutique beers and ciders. Our main office is in Perth but stock is held and distributed in SA, WA, NSW, VIC and QLD.
Address: Riddoch Highway Coonawarra SA 5263 Tel: 08 8737 3687 Fax: 08 8737 3689 Email: sales@patrickofcoonawarra.com Web: www.patrickofcoonawarra.com State Offices: NSW,QLD,VIC: Zenith Wine Agencies Units 5-9, 5 Roseberry Place Balmain NSW 2041 Tel: 1300 883 056 Fax: 02 9818 6614 Email: info@zenithwineagencies.com.au Web: www.zenithwineagencies.com.au Terms: 21 days EOM Brand(s): Patrick of Coonawarra Paxton Wines Pty Ltd DISTRIBUTOR, EXPORTER, MANUFACTURER, WHOLESALER For 4 decades Paxtons have nurtured their vineyards in McLaren Vale, South Australia. During this time their philosophy and reputation has been built on growing grapes of exceptional quality. Their mission now is to showcase quality, varietal expression and natural regional diversity within a range of wines that will indulge lovers of the finest drop. Their wines are super premium and biodynamic/organic.
The Prancing Pony Brewery is a producer and seller of Craft Beers located in the Adelaide Hills. The Prancing
Pinot NOW is a handcrafted portfolio specializing in pinot family wines. The range is based upon the famous, elusive pinots from Oregon, USA. From this base, we are increasingly dealing with great wines from Australia, New Zealand and France. Shipped in small volumes, these are exciting and exclusive wines.
DISTRIBUTOR, EXPORTER, WHOLESALER Patrick of Coonawarra was established by celebrated winemaker Patrick Tocaciu. During a decorated career spanning more than three decades, he has celebrated international accolades while working as chief winemaker for several major labels. The focus then switched to fulfilling a more personal goal in the establishment of the family owned and operated Patrick of Coonawarra, in 2004. Patrick’s eldest son, Luke, has now taken over the family business and continues to produce highly regarded wines. Only the highest quality fruit is sourced from their estate owned and managed vineyards, ensuring an unwavering commitment to quality and delivering hand crafted, premium wines with Regionality and Personality.
Portia Valley Wines Pty Ltd EXPORTER, MANUFACTURER
Terms: NETT: By 14th day of month following delivery Brand(s): Alpha Crucis, Amalia, Ant Moore, Bel Air, Belisario, Canal Grando, Cantina Di Gallura, Cascina Galasso, Castelnau, Chalk Hill, Champagne Palmer, Chateau Cotes de Blaignan, Chateau de Brigue, Domain Road, Domaine Roux, Fasoli Gino, Grafetta, Ingram Road, LaMothe, Monteliania, Nautiqa, Palama, Plan B, Renato Corino, Reschke, Robert Cantin, Rocca Di Castagnoli, San Biagio, Sidewood, Terroir, Tre Monti, Vini dei Cardinali, Wild Duck Creek Paramount Liquor WHOLESALER Paramount Liquor is a family owned Victorian based company that provides a wide range of wholesale liquor, wines and beverages to the licensed industry. Address: 54 Hunter Road Derrimut VIC 3030 Tel: 03 9361 4800 Fax: 03 9361 4899 Email: orders@paramountliquor.com.au Web: www.paramountliquor.com.au
Address: 16 Byfield Street North Ryde NSW 2113 Tel: 02 8874 8222 Toll Free: 1300 363 153 Fax: 02 8874 8223 Web: www.pernod-ricard-pacific.com State Offices: NT,SA: Pernod Ricard Australia Level 3/167 Fullarton Road Dulwich SA 5065 Tel: 08 8131 2400 Fax: 08 8131 2403 TAS,VIC: Pernod Ricard Australia Level 16, Suite 16.03, 390 St Kilda Road Melbourne VIC 3004 Tel: 03 9207 2300 WA: Pernod Ricard Australia Suite 4, Level 1, 27 Railway Road Subiaco WA 6008 Tel: 08 9472 2805 Terms: NETT
Address: 946 Rosedale Road Gomersal SA 5352 Tel: 08 8524 9019 Email: pindarie@pindarie.com.au Web: http://pindarie.com.au/ Terms: 21 days EOM Brand(s): Pindarie Pinot NOW IMPORTER, WHOLESALER
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Brand(s): Amarula Cream, Angostura, Boodles, Broker’s, Bunnahabhain, Bushmills, Deanston, Gordon Graham, Jeffersons, Jose Cuervo, Kraken, Ledaig, San Miguel, Stolichnaya, Tobermory
Address: Level 3 436 Johnston Street Abbotsford VIC 3067 Tel: 03 8413 8333 Freecall: 1300 780 074 Fax: 03 8413 8312 Email: national@redandwhite.com.au Web: www.redandwhite.com.au State Offices: NSW: Suite 302, 12 Waters Road Neutral Bay NSW 2089 Tel: 1300 780 074 Fax: 1300 780 076 Tollfree: 1300 780 074 Email: customerservicensw@casama.com.au Web: www.redandwhite.com.au QLD: Suite 2 47 Park Road Milton QLD 4064 Tel: 1300 780 074 Fax: 1300 780 076 Tollfree: 1300 780 074 Email: customerserviceqld@casama.com.au Web: www.redandwhite.com.au SA: 99 Maud Street Unley SA 5061 Tel: 08 8124 9020 Fax: 08 8232 9466 Tollfree: 1300 780 074 Email: customerservicewa@casama.com.au Web: www.redandwhite.com.au TAS: 215 Liverpool Street Hobart TAS 7000 Tel: 03 6231 6255 Fax: 03 6231 6299 VIC: Level 3 436 Johnston Abottsford VIC 3067 Tel: 03 8413 8333 Fax: 03 8413 8334 Tollfree: 1300 780 074 Email: customerservicevic@casama.com.au Web: www.redandwhite.com.au WA: 45 LaBouchere Road South Perth WA 6151 Tel: 08 6104 1000 Fax: 08 9368 2477 Tollfree: 1300 780 074 Email: customerservicewa@casama.com.au Web: www.redandwhite.com.au Terms: NETT: By 14th day of month following delivery Brand(s): Abellio, Alois Lageder, Amelia Park, Aquilani, Badoit, Barossa Babe, Bennetts Lane, BiancaVigna, Bruichladdich, Cake Wines, Campbells, Cana Rio, Cape Bernier, Castillo Labastida, Catalina Sounds, Chartreuse, Chateau De Pez, Chateau Haut-Beausejour, Chateau La Lagune, Clover Hill, Cointreau, Craigie Knowe, Crowded House, Curlewis, D.Ott, Dal Zotto, Deakin Estate, Debussy, Delamere, Derwent Estate, Dog Point, Dom Zind-Humb, Domaine Christian, Domaine Vincent Paris, Dourthe Chateau, Edwards, Endless, Escarpment, Evian, Fat Bastard, Felton Road, Fiorente, Fire Gully, First Creek, Foster e Rocco, Four Sisters, Giant Steps, Gin Mare, Glenrothes, Graci Etna, Heathcote, Hickinbotham, Highland Park, House of Plantagenet, Kendall Jackson, Kir-Yianni, Kreglinger, La Crema, La La Land, La Linea, Lalla Gully, LAS Vino, Leeuwin Estate, Licor 43, Loimer, Lokoya, Lopez Cristobal, Louis Jadot, MACALLAN, Mademoiselle L, Martin Millers, Mazzei, Metaxa, Mitchell, Mojo, Monte Tondo, Moores Hill, Mount Brave, Mount Gay, Mozart, Nannup Estate, Nick Spencer, Nigl, Ninth Island, Nocton Vineyard, Norfolk Rise, Olivers Taranga, Opal Nera, Pierro, Pink Claw, Pipers Brook, Plantagenet, Poliziano, Rameau d’Or, Ramos Pinto, Red Claw, Reichsgraf Von Kesselstatt, Remy Martin, Republic, Rising, Robert Oatley, Robert Stein, Roberto Voerzio, RockBare, Roederer, Shaw & Smith, Sierra, Sigalas, Silkman, Silver Palm, Simboli, Snake & Herring, St Remy, Sticks, Stonestreet, Storm Bay, Tahbilk, Tainui, Taltarni, Te Mata, The Botanist, The Edge, The Famous Grouse, The Irishman, Three Lions, Tolpuddle, Trediberri, Twelftree, Two Hands, TYRRELL’S, Vallone, Veuve Ambal, Vietti, Willow Bridge, Writers Tears, Yabby Lake, Zubrowka
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Terms: Direct or charge thru with all major wholesalers Brand(s): Alhambra, Brothers, Chase Distillery, Founder’s Brewing Co, Isfjord, Jumping Goat, Mahou, Quiet Deeds, Quilmes red+white DISTRIBUTOR red+white is a national wine distribution company. Our role within the industry is to provide strong representation and assist in the marketing process of brands we represent. We pride ourselves on delivering high quality and effective distribution. Our focus channels are the on-premise and fine wine retail. We provide them with an extensive portfolio that is varied and premium in its offering.
QED Artisan Wine Merchant DISTRIBUTOR, WHOLESALER Quality Estate Distributors (NSW, Victoria and Queensland) are a fully owned Australian & family operation who are passionate about wine and the people we work with. We provide quality wines to the trade through being professional, honest & reliable through all our business dealings and transactions. Market competiveness is achieved by not compromising our core values and business vision. We work closely with our vineyards to fully understand their vision and hard work so as a company we can explain their direction & passion to fellow wine lovers. Experience, passion & commitment are the key to our core business dealings & ethics. With over twenty five years in the hospitality industry both in Australia and Abroad our aim as a business is too offer the type of service I would expect to receive when dealing with a fine wine wholesaler. With many years spent cooking in kitchens and working the front of house in the service of food or wine I would like to think I understand restaurants. Food and Wine matching is defiantly a passion. Address: PO Box 7447 Bondi Beach NSW 2026 Tel: 02 9387 6550 Orders Tel: 1800 637 776 Fax: 02 9387 5482 Email: sales@qedwines.com.au Web: http://qedwines.com.au/ Terms: NETT: 30 days Brand(s): Ansted&Co., Brackenwood Vineyard, Caledonia Australis, Champagne Deutz, Chateau Canadel Bandol, Chateau de la Roche en Loire, Croft Port, Domaine Barmes Buecher, Domaine de Souch, Domaine Saint Andrieu, Freeman Vineyards, Garce Wine, Hans Herzog, Head Wines, Highbank, Kelley Fox Wines, Lino Ramble, Matewai, O’Cuirc, Rippon, Schulz Wines, Secret Spot Wines, Silent Way, Soumah, Tablas Creek, Te Mania, Willow Creek, Woodlands
Contact details current as at 1 April 2019 Pony beers are distributed nation-wide in Australia and can be found in independently owned bottles stores and Craft beer venues in Australia, London, Hong Kong and Germany. Address: 42 Mt Barker Road Totness SA 5250 Tel: 08 8398 3881 Email: info@prancingponybrewery.com.au Web: www.prancingponybrewery.com.au State Offices: ACT,NSW: Prancing Pony Brewery Thomas Wamsler Mobile: 0427 057 374 Email: thomas@prancingponybrewery.com.au Web: www.prancingponybrewery.com.au NT,SA,WA: Prancing Pony Brewery Head Office, 42 Mt Barker Road Totness SA 5250 Tel: 08 8398 3881 Email: info@prancingponybrewery.com.au Web: www.prancingponybrewery.com.au TAS,VIC: Prancing Pony Brewery Nouha Toure Mobile: 0437 391 032 Email: nouha@prancingponybrewry.com.au Web: www.prancingponybrewery.com.au Terms: 21 days EOM Brand(s): Prancing Pony Brewery Premium Beverages DISTRIBUTOR Premium Beverages distribute the finest quality beers. Their portfolio includes the Coopers range of hand crafted brews. Address: 2/11 Sabre Drive Port Melbourne VIC 3207 Tel: 03 9245 1900 Email: reception@premiumbeverages.com.au Web: http://premiumbeverages.com.au/ Terms: 21 days EOM Proximo Australia DISTRIBUTOR, EXPORTER, IMPORTER PROXIMO is a global innovator of quality spirits that create excitement with every sip. Always on the lookout for what’s next, PROXIMO builds brands and invents new products to meet the world’s changing tastes and trends in memorable new ways. PROXIMO has seen rapid growth in all core categories, particularly in its owned brands – The Kraken Black Spiced Rum, Jose Cuervo Tequila, 1800 Tequila and Bushmills Irish Whiskey. Jose Cuervo, the world’s number #1 selling Tequila continues to lead the category in awareness, education and advocacy and Kraken Black Spiced Rum has more than tripled in size since its launch to become one of Australia’s fastest growing spiced PROXIMO’srums.key agency partners are Angostura, Stoli, Distell and San Miguel. They strengthen our offering in this market and in core categories. The future of spirits is coming. Enjoy what’s next. Address: Unit 1, 11 Packard Avenue Castle Hill NSW 2154 Tel: 02 9672 6440 Fax: 02 9672 6450 Web: https://proximospirits.com/lite State Offices: NSW: Contact: Lisa Russell Unit 1 11 Packard Avenue Castle Hill 2154 Tel: 02 9672 6440 Fax: 02 9672 6450 QLD: Contact: Daniel Vinson Unit 2 191 Hedley Avenue Hendra 4011 Tel: 07 3268 4522 Fax: 07 3268 5033 SA: Contact: Claude Scorsonelli 117C Tapley’s Hill Road Hendon 5014 Tel: 08 8244 2212 Fax: 08 8244 2202 VIC: Contact: Simon Anderson Unit 19 Omnico Business Park 270 Ferntree Gully Road Notting Hill VIC 3168 Tel: 03 9543 9600 Fax: 03 9543 5067 WA: Contact: Duncan Burrows Unit 5 14 Merino Entrance Cockburn Central WA 6164 Tel: 08 9414 9947 Fax: 08 9417 1019 Terms: NETT: 30 days
Address: Unit 2 11 Salmon Street Port Melbourne VIC 3207 Tel: 1300 673 362 Fax: 03 8640 0526 Email: info@redisland.com.au Web: www.redisland.com.au
Address: Rear 568 Chapel Street South Yarra VIC 3141 Tel: 03 9001 9205 Email: info@rebellowines.com.au Web: http://rebellowines.com.au/ Terms: 21 days EOM Brand(s): Cheeky Rascal Cider, Rebello Wines Red Island DISTRIBUTOR, IMPORTER, WHOLESALER Established for over 11 years and responsible for successfully launching and growing the brands; Quiet Deeds, Founder’s Brewing Co, Quilmes, Alhambra, Mahou, Jumping Goat Craft Spirits,Chase Craft Spirits and Isfjord Spirits.
Quittin’ Time Pty Ltd DISTRIBUTOR, IMPORTER Quittin’ Time Pty Ltd imports rum from the Caribbean, Mascarene Islands and South America. We are proud of our growth and our company is dedicated to ‘bringing home the world’s finest rums and selected spirits.’ It’s Quittin’ Time. Let’s Enjoy! Address: 2/23 Amsterdam Circuit Wyong NSW 2259 Tel: 02 9525 8668 Web: www.quittintime.com.au Terms: 21 days EOM Brand(s): Bache - Gabrielsen, Brinley Gold Shipwreck, Bristol Classic, Cherry Rocher, Distillerie Du Peyrat, Doorlys, El Dorado, John D. Taylor’s, La Mauny, Organic Spirits, Riviere Du Mat, RL Seale, Trois Rivieres
Rebello Wines MANUFACTURER Innovation underpins everything we do, and the result is quality sparkling fruit wines, liqueurs and ciders unlike anything on the market. In fact, we are behind Australia’s first 100% real fruit blended cider – Cheeky Rascal Cider. And when we say 100% we mean it – we only use local in-season apples and pears and real strawberries, raspberries and blueberries from our family farm in Mornington Peninsula, Sunny Ridge. There are no artificial colours, flavours or preservatives in our drinks.
Bill Mason has been working in the wine scene in Canberra and Southern NSW since 2004. He established Regional Wine and Beverage Merchants so he could pursue his passion; to personally select some of the best wines available in Australia and internationally. Bill continues to develop his own brands, Zane Hills and Z4. Address: PO Box 57 Campbell ACT 2612 Tel: 02 6248 6445 Mobile: 0417 036 436 Email: Bill.Mason@rwbm.net.au Web: www.rwbm.net.au Terms: NETT: 30 days from date of invoice Brand(s): Amesbury, Bathe, Beechworth, Beechworth Estate, Ben Potts , Castellani, Chateau la Galante, Cofield , Crianza Burgo Viejo, Due South, Frescobaldi, Gallagher, Gipsie Jack, Haan, Happs, Hirsch Hill Estate, Indigo, Jirra at Jeir Station, Lamberti, Lychee Gold, Mission Estate, Opera, Stockman’s Ridge, Sunshack, Three Hills, Trois Mouline, Tuckerbox, Willandra Estate, Yilgarnia, Z4, Zane Hills, Zenato Valpolicella Rivercity Wholesale Liquor WHOLESALER Rivercity Wholesale Liquor is Queensland owned and operated. Centrally located in the Brisbane suburb of Yeerongpilly, our modern warehouse is designed to efficiently supply the ever growing licensed restaurant trade with a much needed wholesale service. Address: 43 Railway Parade Rocklea QLD 4106 Tel: 07 3875 2636 Fax: 07 3875 2661 Email: info@rivercity.com.au Web: http://www.rivercity.com.au/ Terms: NETT RMV Imports Pty Ltd IMPORTER, WHOLESALER RMV Imports Pty Ltd is an Importer & Wholesaler.
Address: 850-938 Mount Cotton Road Mount Cotton QLD 4185 Tel: 07 3260 2999 Fax: 07 3822 0623 Email: wines@sirromet.com Web: www.sirromet.com Terms: 21 days EOM Brand(s): Sirromet Wines
MANUFACTURER Address: Smithbrook Road Pemberton WA 6260 Tel: 08 9482 5480 Orders Email: enquiries@smithbrookwines.com.au Web: www.smithbrook.wine Terms: 21 days EOM Sofi Spritz
‘Open Up’ with Sirromet and experience wines from Queensland’s most awarded wine region.
Redoak MANUFACTURER Brewed locally since 2004, World class beers full of flavour and aroma. Let your customers taste the difference. Brewed with passion, full grain, traditional brewing methods and not even any sugars; preservatives or additives. Terrific enjoyed on their own or matched to food! Address: 201 Clarence Street Sydney NSW 2000 Tel: 02 9262 3303 Fax: 02 9262 3304 Email: info@redoak.com.au Web: http://www.redoak.com.au/ Terms: 21 days EOM Brand(s): Redoak Regional Wine and Beverage Merchants DISTRIBUTOR, MANUFACTURER, WHOLESALER
MANUFACTURER Sofi Spritz is an all-Australian take on the Italian Aperitivo. Our three Italian flavours are Blood Orange & Bitters, Lemon & Elderflower and White Peach & Ginger - all over locally sourced white wine and sparkling water. With no added sugar and a lower alcohol
Address: 3 Stump Road McLaren Vale SA 5171 Tel: 08 8323 7388 Fax: 08 8323 7336 Email: wine@shingleback.com.au Web: www.shingleback.com.au Terms: 21 days EOM Brand(s): Shingleback Single Vineyard Sellers DISTRIBUTOR Single Vineyard Sellers is a full service Australian wine business offering a premium range of wines from some of the most exciting regions in Australia. Our portfolio is our strength, displaying the exciting diversity, regionality and quality that premium Australian wines are known Ourfor. domestic portfolio is matched by a portfolio of New Zealand, Italian, French, Spanish, Portuguese and Argentinean wines that we are very proud of. SVS has a strong track record of successful brand development for our winemaking partners and with our own labels. At SVS, we understand retail and on trade markets plus we bring a capability to develop and deliver bespoke wine label projects (BOB) for customers. Suppliers to all major supermarket and retail groups in Australia, supported by great relationships with the best in the Australian restaurant trade SVS knows the wine trade as a result of over 150 years of combined experience within the business. We also represent both our own and agency brands in export markets around the world. Address: 14 Holt Street McMahons Point NSW 2060 Tel: 02 9460 3177 Orders: orders@singlevineyards.com Web: www.singlevineyards.com Terms: 21 days EOM Brand(s): A.T. Richardson, Altos Las Hormigas, Bartholomews Meadery, Bibliotheque, Bosque De Matasnos, Buglioni, Clos Bellane, Col d’Orcia, Colonia Las Liebres, Dominique Roger, Feudo Arancio, Gardners Ground, Harewood Estate, Highgate, Holm Oak, I Giusti E Zanza, Jacopo Poli, Jacquart, Jeannine Boutin, La Ferme Du Mont, Le Colture, Manzoni, Mezzacorona, Michele Chiarlo, Paddy Borthwick, Pighin, Pujanza, Quinta do Portal, Rafael Palacios, Rotari, San Fabiano Calcinaia, The Little Wine Company, Venica & Venica, Zonte’s Footstep Sirromet Wines DISTRIBUTOR, EXPORTER, MANUFACTURER, WHOLESALER Sirromet has again been recognised as a 5-star winery by James Halliday, Australia per-eminent wine critic. We are proud to have collected over 790 prestigious national and international wine awards since opening in 2000. For most of us, letting a wine ‘Open Up’ means allowing it to breathe and release its often complex flavours and aroma. Since quality wines begin on the vine, Sirromet attributes the flavour and quality of our wines to the exceptional fruit grown in our Granite Belt vineyards. With 100 hectares under vine, Sirrromet’s vineyards are located in the high altitude of Queensland’s renown Granite Belt region. The area is unique in Australia for its combination of high altitude, cool weather and decomposed granite soils and is known for varietals including Chardonnay, Cabernet Sauvignon, Shiraz and Merlot however in recent times have enjoyed success with different, lesser known varietals including Viognier.
Address: 10/26 Wattle Road Brookvale NSW 2100 Tel: 02 9905 0694 Fax: 02 9905 0384 Email: rmvimports@bigpond.com Web: http://www.rmvimports.com.au Terms: TRADING Terms: Please refer to prime distributors listed in Price Guide Brand(s): Jans Sam Miranda King Valley MANUFACTURER The Sam Miranda range is devoted to a selection of premium wines handcrafted by winemaker Sam Miranda and exclusive to the cellar door. Address: 1019 Snow Road Oxley VIC 3678 Tel: 03 5727 3888 Fax: 03 5727 3853 Email: sales@sammiranda.com.au Web: www.sammiranda.com.au State Offices: ACT,NSW: World Wine Estates Unit 4 207-229 Young Street Waterloo NSW 2017 Tel: 02 9380 8808 Email: orders@worldwineestates.com.au Web: www.worldwineestates.com.au VIC: Woods Wines 22 Wood Street North Melbourne VIC 3051 Tel: 03 9381 2263 Email: info@woodswines.com.au Web: www.woodswines.com.au VIC: Sam Miranda King Valley (NE Victoria) 1019 Snow Road Oxley VIC 3678 Tel: 03 5727 3888 Fax: 03 5727 3853 Mobile: 0429 122 009 Email: sales@sammiranda.com.au Web: www.sammiranda.com.au Terms: NETT: 30 days Brand(s): SAM MIRANDA, Snow Road Samuel Smith & Son DISTRIBUTOR, IMPORTER, MANUFACTURER, WHOLESALER Samuel Smith & Son is a well respected, family-owned wine merchant established in 1923, servicing the liquor industry of Australia with a blue chip portfolio of national and international wines, spirits and premium ales. Address: C/-195 Grote Street Adelaide SA 5000 Orders Tel: 1300 615 072 Toll Free: 1800 424 383 Orders Email: orders@samsmith.com Web: http://www.samsmith.com State Offices: NSW: Samuel Smith & Son G01. 90-96 Bourke Road Alexandria NSW 2015 Tel: 02 8344 8244 QLD: 120 Factory Road Oxley QLD 4075 Tel: 07 3373 5777 Fax: 07 3373 5799 SA: 205 Grote Street Adelaide SA 5000 Tel: 08 81124200 Fax: 08 81124280 VIC: 109-113 Hyde Street Footscray VIC 3011 Tel: 03 9268 1700 Fax: 03 9687 7261 WA: 114 Radium Street Welshpool WA 6106 Tel: 08 93334222 Fax: 08 94587198 Terms: NETT: 30 days Brand(s): Angas Brut, Antipodes, Brokenwood, Cantina Viticoltori Sensi Aretini, Chaffey Bros Wines Co., Chateau de Beaucastel, Dalrymple, Domaine Francois Feuillet, Domaine Vincent Latour, Dunes & Greene, Famille Perrin, Forest Hill Vineyard, Grasshopper Rock, Heggies Vineyard, Hill-Smith Estate, Jansz, Jim Barry, La Maschera, La Vieille Ferme, Lord Nelson Brewery, Martinborough Vineyard, Mismatch, Moo Brew, Mt Difficulty, Nautilus Estate, Opawa, Oxford Landing Estates, Parish Vineyard, Paulaner, Pewsey Vale Vineyard, Pol Roger, Radford Dale, Ringbolt, Rogers & Rufus, Running with Bulls, The Hills Cider Company, The Winery of Good Hope, The Winesmiths, Thelema Mountain Vineyards, Twin Islands, Vasse Felix, Villacampa Roble, Vinum, William Downie, Wirra Wirra Vineyards, Yalumba Scotchmans Hill DISTRIBUTOR, EXPORTER, IMPORTER, MANUFACTURER
Smithbrook Wines
drinks guide|Contact details current as at 1 April 2019
Established in 1982, Scotchmans Hill winery is a producer of regionally distinct wines. Beginning with wines sourced solely from the Bellarine Peninsula, we have evolved into a company that produces wine from key winemaking regions of Australia and New Zealand. Modern and traditional winemaking techniques are utilised at our winery to produce wines of quality and typicity, with characteristics typical of the various regions. Address: 190 Scotchmans Road Drysdale VIC 3222 Tel: 03 5251 3176 Fax: 03 5253 1743 Email: info@scotchmans.com.au Web: www.scotchmans.com.au State Offices: All: Scotchmans Hill Pty Ltd PO Box 124 / 190 Scotchmans Road Drysdale VIC 3222 Tel: 03 5251 3176 Fax: 03 5254 1743 Tollfree: 1800 248 055 Email: info@scotchmans.com.au Web: www.scotchmans.com.au Terms: NETT: 14 days Brand(s): Charlotte Sound, Cornelius, Estella, Ferryman, Henry Frost, Hill, Jack & Jill, Pebble Bay, Scotchmans Hill, Single Vineyard, Swan Bay Shingleback Wine Pty Ltd MANUFACTURER Internationally awarded, family owned & operated, Shingleback Wine is known for handcrafting wines of exceptional quality and character: lush, fruit forward and food friendly wines that capture and express the essence of McLaren Vale.
The roots of the Clare Valley’s winemaking history have been growing for more than 150 years, making it one of Australia’s oldest wine-producing regions. The unique combination of geography, geology and climate results in terroir that is perfect for producing world-class wine. It’s little wonder that our forefathers chose this little corner of South Australia to stake their name upon.
Address: 205 Rosa Brook Road Margaret River WA 6285 Tel: 08 9758 5000 Fax: 08 9757 6022 Email: wines@stellabella.com.au Web: http://www.stellabella.com.au/ Terms: 60 days Brand(s): Stella Bella Wines Stockade Brew Co MANUFACTURER Hailing from South West Sydney, Stockade Brew Co began life in October 2015. Offering a core line-up of 5 sessionable beers and an ambitious roster of bi-monthly limited edition brews, all coupled with striking artwork, there’s never a dull moment when it comes to Stockade beers. The team’s persevering ethos is to challenge the status quo and in the process continue to explore the world of beer. The line-up throughout 2016/17 have seen them win in excess of 50 awards across the likes of the Australian International Beer Awards (AIBAs), the Craft Beer Awards (CBAs), the Sydney Royal Beer and Cider Show and World Beer Awards (WBA’s) where they won the title of “World’s Best Imperial Stout”. In 2016 they started exporting to Singapore and in 2017 have begun their expansion into other South East Asian countries such as Korea and Thailand. To keep up with the latest happenings, check out @ StockadeBrewCo on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter Address: 41 Topham Road Smeaton Grange NSW 2567 Tel: 02 4606 1016 Email: info@stockadebrewco.com.au Web: https://stockadebrewco.com.au/ Terms: 21 days EOM Brand(s): Stockade Brew Co Stockman’s Ridge Wines MANUFACTURER Situated in Orange and Bathurst producing cool climate wines. Address: 21 Boree Lane Lidster NSW 2800 Tel: 02 6365 6212 Mobile: 0419 255 275 Fax: 02 6365 6270 Email: enquiry@stockmansridge.com.au Web: www.stockmansridge.com.au Facebook: facebook.com/StockmansRidge Twitter: twitter.com/StockmansRidge Web: www.stockmansridge.com.au Terms: 30 days from statement Brand(s): Stockman’s Ridge Wines Strangelove Beverage Co. DISTRIBUTOR, MANUFACTURER, WHOLESALER
We are an exclusive online store, weaving the essence of nature into peoples’ joyously messy lives, via the world’s finest aromatic spirits.
Steel City Beverage Company DISTRIBUTOR, IMPORTER, WHOLESALER Importer, Wholesaler and Distributor of soft drinks. Address: 53-55 Military Road Port Kembla NSW 2505 Tel: 02 4274 7444 Email: orders@steelcitybevco.com.au Web: http://steelcitybevco.com.au/ Terms: 21 days EOM Stella Bella Wines MANUFACTURER Stella Bella is a small boutique wine producer located in the Margaret River GI in the beautiful south west of Western Australia.
Address: 11/11 Mary Street Cygnet TAS 7112 Tel: 0423 142 486 Email: info@spirit-people.net Web: http://spirit-people.net Terms: 21 days EOM Spirits Platform DISTRIBUTOR, IMPORTER Liquor Importer & Distributor Address: Level 1 40 Lord Street Botany NSW 2019 Tel: 1300 460 403 Orders: orders@spiritsplatform.com.au Web: https://spiritsplatform.com.au/ Terms: 21 days EOM Brand(s): Bruichladdich, Cana Rio, Chartreuse, Cointreau, Disaronno, Finsbury, Fiorente, Highland Park, Licor 43, Martin Millers, Metaxa, Mount Gay, Mozart, Octomore, Opal Bianca, Opal Nera, Passoa, Port Charlotte, Remy Martin, Sierra, St Remy, The Botanist, The Famous Grouse, The Irishman, The Macallan, Tia Maria, Villa Massa Limoncello, Zubrowka, Zucca
82|drinks guide Contact details current as at 1 April 2019 content than most wines, Sofi Spritz is the perfect summer drink. Address: Level 10, 269 Wickham Street Fortitude Valley QLD 4006 Tel: 02 8007 3383 Email: sales@sofispritz.com Web: http://www.sofispritz.com/ Terms: 21 days EOM Brand(s): Bone Dry Rose, Sofi Spritz SouthTrade International DISTRIBUTOR, IMPORTER At SouthTrade, our aim is to broaden the drinking choice for people that appreciate the finer tastes, by seeking out the world’s most unique and hard to get spirits and liquors. Address: Suite 1, Level 4 15 Blue Street North Sydney NSW 2060 Tel: 02 8080 9150 Fax: 02 8080 9151 Email: info@southtradeint.com.au Web: www.southtradeint.com.au State Offices: WA: Jimmy Houston Mobile: 0422 418 803 Terms: 21 days EOM Brand(s): Adelaide Hills Distillery, Agwa, Alize, Armand De Brignac, Bittermens, Bloom, Buffalo Trace, Dictador, Dubliner, Eagle Rare, EH Taylor, Fever Tree, Finest call, Fireball, Francoli, George T Stagg, Green Fairy, Haymans, Kurayoshi, Marie Brizard, Monte Alban, Mr. Black, Old Rip Van, Opihr, Pappy Van Winkle, Paul John, Peychauds, Pusser’s, Rampur, Rittenhouse, Sazerac, Scapegrace, Southern Comfort, Stagg Junior, Starward, The Arran, Thomas H Handy, Tito’s, Tofka, TUACA, William L Weller, William Larue Weller Spirit People DISTRIBUTOR, IMPORTER, WHOLESALER
Tel: 0409 137 142 Email: vorn@netspace.net.au WA: Musca Liquor Agencies 50 Castelton Street Balcatta WA 6021 Tel: 0417 903 582 Email: sammusca@hotmail.com Terms: 21 days EOM Brand(s): D’Entrecasteaux, Hobart No.4, Salamanca, Storm Bay, Sullivans Cove Taylors Wines Pty Ltd MANUFACTURER
Address: Shed 72 4F Huntley Street Alexandria NSW 2015 Tel: 02 8585 3555 Fax: 02 8585 3599 Email: info@taylorswines.com.au Web: www.taylorswines.com.au State Offices: NSW: NSW Company Head Office Suite 2, Shed 72 The Woolstores, 4F Huntley Street Alexandria NSW 2015 Tel: 02 8585 3555 Fax: 02 8585 3599 Email: info@taylorswines.com.au QLD: Suite 1.1, 4 Clunies Ross Court Eight Mile Plains QLD 4113 Tel: 07 3375 9055 Fax: 07 3217 0506 SA: TaylorsWinery Road Auburn SA 5451 Tel: 08 8849 1111 Fax: 08 8849 1199 VIC: South Park Industrial Estate 22-28 Bam Wine Court Dandenong VIC 3175 Tel: 03 9771 3000 Fax: 03 9771 3050 WA: Unit 2, 49 Cedric Street Abernethy Road Stirling WA 6021 Tel: 08 9345 0974 Fax: 08 9345 4183 Terms: NETT Brand(s): TAYLORS EIGHTY ACRES, Taylors Estate, Taylors Jaraman, Taylors Promised Land, Taylors St Andrews, Taylors Taylor Made, Taylors The Pioneer, Taylors The Visionary Tegusta Spirits DISTRIBUTOR, IMPORTER Importer of premium and quality spirits from the Canary Islands, including Blat Vodka and Arehucas Rums. Address: 215 North Bank Road Bellingen NSW 2454 Web: http://www.tegusta.com.au/ Terms: 30 days from statement Brand(s): Arehucas, Blat Terroir Selections DISTRIBUTOR, IMPORTER, WHOLESALER TERROIR SELECTIONS is committed to unearthing the most dedicated and exclusive fine wine producers from the greatest regions in the world. The producers we search for are passionate preachers of TERROIR, creating wines that are a pure expression of both place and winemaker. Address: 15 Spring Gully Road Piccadilly SA 5151 Fax: 08 8272 5734 Email: terroir@terroir-selections.com.au Web: http://www.terroir-selections.com.au Terms: 21 days EOM Brand(s): Arrivo, Bodegas Tradicion, Ceretto Azienda Vitivinicole, Chateau de Campuget, Chateau Le Tertre Roteboeuf, Chateau Pierre Bise, Chateau Sainte Roseline, Chateau Villa Bel Air, Clos de Tart, Daosa, Domaine Chanson Pere et fils, Domaine de Courcel, Domaine de la Grange des Peres, Domaine de Terrebrune, Domaine du Clos de Tart, Domaine Jean Luc Colombo, Domaine Marcel Deiss, Domaine Mas Jullien, Domaine Pascal Cotat, Domaine Trapet Alsace, Domaine Trapet Pere et fils, Maison Langlois Chateau, Suavia Azienda Agricola, Tapanappa, Terre a Terre, Tunkalilla Vineyard, Twinwoods
We produce an eclectic range of four premium, organic sodas – Ginger Beer/Blood Orange & Chilli/ Bitter Grapefruit/Smoked Cola. Our drinks contain loads of organic fruit, plants and spices, and we don’t use any preservatives or chemicals in our beverages. Most impressively, our beverages have won over 50 international awards at the annual StrangeLove International Beverage Awards. Address: 787 Rathdowne Street Carlton North VIC 3054 Email: info@strangelove.com.au Web: http://www.strangelove.com.au/ Terms: 30 days from statement Brand(s): StrangeLove Tasmania Distillery Pty Ltd MANUFACTURER Tasmania Distillery produces Sullivans Cove, Tasmania’s multi award winning, luxury single malt along with a portfolio of whisky based liqueurs, gin and vodka. Sullivans Cove is Tasmania’s most highly awarded whisky, recently named Australasian Distiller of the Year and Southern Hemisphere Whisky of the Year in Jim Murray’s prestigious 2013 Whisky Bible. Address: Suite 1/10 Lamb Place Cambridge TAS 7170 Tel: 03 6248 5399 Fax: 03 6248 5741 Email: office@tasmaniadistillery.com.au Web: www.sullivanscovewhisky.com State Offices: ACT,NT,QLD,VIC: Alepat Taylor 62 Albert Street Preston VIC 3072 Tel: 03 9487 2599 Fax: 03 9487 2588 Email: mark.grant@alepat.com.au Web: www.alepat.com.au NSW: Combined Wine and Food 17 Belmore Road North Riverwood NSW 2210 Tel: 02 9533 7955 Fax: 02 9533 7966 Email: info@combinedwines.com.au Web: www.combinedwines.com.au SA: Festival City Wines and Spirits Tel: 08 8349 1200 Fax: 08 8349 1288 Mobile: 0417 833 539 Email: joec@fetivalcitywines.com.au Web: www.festivalcitywines.com.au TAS: Domiane Wine Shippers 33 Federal Street Hobart TAS 7000
The Fine Wine Specialist DISTRIBUTOR, WHOLESALER The Fine Wine Specialist has cultivated fine wine distribution in Australia for 18 years. We represent Australia’s finest wineries and manage their on and off-premise market in NSW and ACT. Our devotion is to professional, unequivocal service. Address: Level 3 12 Waters Road Neutral Bay NSW 2089 Orders Tel: 1300 130 181 Fax: 1300 302 772 Email: sales@tfws.com.au Web: www.tfws.com.au Terms: NETT: By 14th day of month following delivery Brand(s): Ashbrook, Botobolar, Chambers, Grosset, Keith Tulloch, Mount Horrocks, Riposte, Skillogalee
Tomarata Group Pty Ltd MANUFACTURER Tomarata Group Pty Ltd is a family owned and operated company based on the Fraser Coast, Queensland and one of the larger suppliers and the only commercial manufacture of lychees in Australia. We are passionate about keeping Lychees on the table all year round with our Award winning Liqueurs, Balsamic Vinegars, Sauces and Ice-cream. We are now working on a sparkling Red Dragon Lychee Wine and a still Red wine. Our range includes: Lychee Liqueur, Red Dragon Lychee Liqueur, Lychee & Ginger Liqueur, Lychee & Ginger with extra Ginger. We continue taking awards whenever we enter them. We are champion Trophy winners at the Royal Queensland Show, Royal Perth Show and Gold medal winners at the Australian Fruit Awards and many more.
The Apple Thief EXPORTER, MANUFACTURER, WHOLESALER Craft cider producers from the beautiful town of Batlow,NSW. Specialising in single varietal ciders showcasing the quality apples & pears from Batlow Address: PO Box 89 Jerrabomberra NSW 2619 Mobile: 0491 206 359 / David Purcell Web: www.theapplethief.com.au State Offices: ACT,NSW,SA,VIC: Australian Liquor Marketers Tel: 02 9741 7222 Web: www.almliquor.com.au NT: Thomas Chin Pty Ltd Tel: 08 8941 1153 QLD: Crafty Ranga Mobile: 0419 125 956 Email: frosty@craftyranga.com.au Web: www.craftyranga.com VIC: Paramount Liquor 54 Hunter Road Derrimut VIC 3030 Tel: 03 9361 4800 Web: www.paramountliquor.com.au WA: Liquid 215-217MixBannister Road Canning Vale WA 6155 Tel: 08 9434 8555 Email: orders.wa@liquidmix.com.au Web: www.liquidmixwa.com.au Terms: NETT: 30 days from date of invoice Brand(s): APPLE THIEF CIDER
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The Vintry was created with a single vision in mind, to offer a complete wine experience. Address: 780 De Beyers Road Pokolbin NSW 2320 Tel: 02 4998 6825 Mobile: 0414 641 838 Email: greg@thevintry.com Web: www.vintry.com.au Terms: 21 days EOM Brand(s): Firetruck®, Vintry® The Wine Company Pty Ltd DISTRIBUTOR The aim of The Wine Company is to have a broad portfolio of brands attractive to all segments of the market with a selection of Australian regional wines and varieties at a range of price points and an offering of high profile international products and styles from some of the best known overseas producers in order to meet all requirements. Address: 6 Expo Court Mount Waverley VIC 3149 Tel: 03 9562 3900 Orders: orders@wineco.com.au Toll Free: 1800 677 443 Fax: 03 9562 3839 Email: wineco@wineco.com.au Web: www.wineco.com.au State Offices: NSW: Toll Free: 1800 677 443 QLD: Toll Free: 1800 855 577 Terms: 21 days EOM Brand(s): Ackerman, Alkoomi Wines, Beronia, Bethany Wines, Blessington Road, Blue Pyrenees, Castello Banfi, Crittenden Estate, Crossroads, Dalfarras, d’Arenberg, Dow’s Port, Echo Beach, Finca Constancia, Four Sisters, Geoff Merrill, Gonzalez Byass, Hand Crafted by Geoff Hardy, Henry’s Drive, Insignis, K1 by Geoff Hardy, Marquis de la Tour, Matakana, Mataora, McHenry Hohnen, McPherson Wine Co., Miles From Nowhere, Nocton Vineyard, Paulett, Pazos De Lusco, Pertaringa, Ra Nui, Redman Wines, Rise Vineyards, Sanguine Estate, Shottesbrooke, Silver Fern, Step by Step, Swings and Roundabouts, Tahbilk, Trout Valley, Tuck’s Ridge, Tyrrell’s Wines, Vallate, Vilarnau, Vinas Del Vero, Vollereaux, Wise Guys, Yealands Estate
Think Spirits Pty Ltd DISTRIBUTOR, IMPORTER THINKSPIRITS has a very successful approach to the business of liquor and mixology. Success is attributed to the unique ability to listen and work with the best bars and retail outlets, especially with bartenders and staff who work in them.
Our mission is to bring you only authentic artisanal tequila and mezcal which is exclusviely produced using traditional methods. We respect the ancient processes of tequila and mezcal making, as they were back in the 16th century, and for good reason. Email: info@topshelftequila.com.au Web: https://www.topshelftequila.com.au/ Terms: NETT: 14 days Brand(s): 4 COPAS, ADICTIVO, CAVA DE ORO, CHULPA PARRANDA, DON ALBERTO, DON CAYO, FINO, Hacienda Navarro, RAYGOZA, RIAZUL, TIERRA SAGRADA Treasury Wine Estates DISTRIBUTOR, MANUFACTURER Treasury Wine Estates is an Australian-based global winemaking and distribution business. Treasury Wine Estates (TWE) is a leading international wine business with a portfolio of luxury, premium and commercial wines, selling approximately 32 million 9LE cases of wine and generating net sales revenue of approximately $1.6 billion in the year ended 30 June 2012.
Terms: NETT: 30 days Brand(s): The Little Brewing Company The Odd Whisky Coy DISTRIBUTOR, IMPORTER, WHOLESALER Purveyors of Odd, Rare & Downright Drinkable Single Malt Whiskies. Australia’s only specialist on-line whisky retailers. Address: 33 Sunbeam Road Glynde SA 5070 Tel: 08 8365 4722 Tel: 0417 852 296 Fax: 08 8365 4788 Email: graham@theoddwhiskycoy.com.au Web: www.theoddwhiskycoy.com.au State Offices: SA: The Odd Whisky Coy PO Box 2045 Glynde SA 5070 Tel: 08 8365 4722 Fax: 08 8365 4788 Mobile: 0417 852 296 Email: graham@theoddwhiskycoy.com.au Web: www.theoddwhiskycoy.com.au Terms: 21 days EOM Brand(s): Aberlour, An Cnoc, Ardbeg, Arran, Bakery Hill, Balblair, Blackadder, Bruichladdich, Bunnahabhain, Bushmills, Cadenhead, Campbeltown, Caol Ila, Cardhu, CLYNELISH, Duthies, Experimental Spirits, Four Roses, Glen Garioch, GlenDronach, Glendullan, Glenfarclas, Glenkinchie, Glenmorangie, GM Cognac, GM Connoisseurs Choice Glen Albyn, GM Glen Albyn, GM MacPhails, GM Old Pulteney, Hazelburn, Heartwood, Heaven Hill, Island 2 Island, Kilchoman Machir Bay, Kilkerran, Lagavulin, Lark, Ledaig, Limeburners, Longrow, MACALLAN, Old Pulteney, Paul John, Penderyn, Port Ellen, Redbreast, Rosebank, Royal Lochnagar, Spencer Collings, Springbank, Talisker, Tamnavulin, Tobermory, White Oak Akashi, Writers Tears
THINKSPIRITS have achieved strong credibility and growth by focusing on delivering to both trade and consumer the best products in their respective category. Recognising the worldwide trend towards premium spirits and liqueurs, THINKSPIRITS offers a small but select range of contemporary liquor brands backed by continual year round support and consumer promotions that will excite and engage.
DIRECTORYSUPPLIERS Contact details current as at 1 April 2019
Address: 77 Ballandinas Drive Tiaro QLD 4650 Tel: 07 4121 7757 Email: contactus@tomarata.com Web: http://www.lycheedivine.com.au/ State Offices: QLD: Contact: Kerry Pool Mobile: 0407 652 646 Email: kerry@tomarata.com Terms: NETT: 7 Days Brand(s): Lychee Divine Top Shelf International DISTRIBUTOR, MANUFACTURER, WHOLESALER Manufacturers and Distributors of NED Whisky product range. RTD cans and 700ml Bottled product. Address: 7 Wall Street Richmond VIC 3121 Web: http://topshelf.company/ Terms: 21 days EOM TopShelfTequila.com.au DISTRIBUTOR, IMPORTER
The Little Brewing Company DISTRIBUTOR, MANUFACTURER TLBC is a multi medal winning craft brewery that is owned and operated by the people who brew the beer and which has quickly established a reputation for uncompromising flavour and quality. The beer is hand crafted from the freshest, all natural ingredients available and doesn’t contain preservatives or additives. The beer is not pasteurised so it retains the full flavour and aroma the brewer meant it to have. Address: 58 Uralla Road Port Macquarie NSW 2444 Tel: 02 6581 3949 Web: www.thelittlebrewingcompany.com.au
Australia’s number one supplier of premium pisco from Peru Address: 2/420 Collins Street Melbourne VIC 3181 Tel: 03 8687 2195 Email: info@thepiscopeople.com.au Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thepiscopeople/ Web: www.thepiscopeople.com.au Terms: 21 days EOM Brand(s): Cuatro G’s, De Carral, Pancho Fierro, Pisco Porton, Vinas De Oro The Vintry® MANUFACTURER
The THINKSPIRITS portfolio is distributed Australia wide and boasts local representation in all States of Australia. For Premium Spirits and Liqueurs, THINKSPIRITS.
Address: 8/30 Park Road Mulgrave NSW 2756 Tel: 02 4577 7800
Fax: 02 4577 7870 Email: sales@thinkspirits.com Web: www.thinkspirits.com State Offices: ACT,NSW: Think Spirits Contact: Michael Szalay Mobile: 0497 440 002 Email: m.szalay@thinkspirits.com NT,SA: Contact: Nick Marsden Mobile: 0477 500 221 Email: n.marsden@thinkspirits.com QLD: Contact: Tony Ivastchenko Mobile: 0499 098 011 Email: t.ivastchenko@thinkspirits.com TAS,VIC: Contact: Kylie Ryan Mobile: 0477 555 207 Email: k.ryan@thinkspirits.com WA: Contact: Sacha Delfosse Mobile: 0499 900 733 Email: s.delfosse@thinkspirits.com Terms: 21 days EOM Brand(s): 666 Pure, Agua Luca, Ambra, Branca International, Cargo Cult, Domaine de Canton, East Imperial, Elijah Craig, English Harbour, Esprit De Figues, Evan Williams, Fee Brothers, Glayva, Goslings, Hpnotiq, Hpnotiq Harmonie, Joseph Cartron, JURA, La Fee, Little Drippa, Martin Miller’s, Matusalem, PAMA, Pikesville, Santiago Queirolo, Stolen, Teichenne, The Dalmore
Address: Unit 4 706 Mowbray Road Lane Cove NSW 2066 Tel: 02 9420 5088 Fax: 02 9420 5099 Email: operations@vintageandvine.com Web: www.vintageandvine.com State Offices: QLD: Bouchon Wines Pty Ltd (QLD) PO Box 1458 Brown Plains QLD 4118 Tel: 07 3800 9744 Fax: 07 3800 9766 Email: bouchon@bigpond.net.au
DISTRIBUTOR, EXPORTER, MANUFACTURER, WHOLESALER From unlikely beginnings almost 120 years ago, the Tulloch story continues today as one of the most truly authentic and generational wine dynasties of modern Intimes.1895, John Younie Tulloch owned the Branxton General Store and accepted an unusual settlement of a debt – a 43 acre property in nearby Pokolbin. Tulloch took an immediate liking to the property and the five acres of neglected Shiraz vines it contained and so began the accidental winemaking tradition that continues today.
Contact details current as at 1 April 2019
Now under the guidance of the 3rd generation, Jay Tulloch and 4th generation Christina Tulloch, who is CEO of the company, it is a contemporary Australian brand loved and revered for its philosophy of crafting premium wines for all generations of wine drinkers. With each generation that passes through the company ranks, the vision and vigour of the brand has remained relevant and contemporary while maintaining the sense of pride and tradition that has been the cornerstone of its success. In 2003 JYT’s youngest daughter Christina joined the company and is tasked with leading it into a new era. With a focus on sales and marketing and ensuring Tulloch continues to thrive for generations that follow, Tulloch is a labour of love and a lifelong career for her.
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Address: 136 Hall Street Spotswood VIC 3015 Tel: 03 9762 0000 Email: info@twobirdsbrewing.com.au Web: http://www.twobirdsbrewing.com.au/ Terms: NETT Brand(s): Two Birds Brewing Two Eights (Australia) Pty Ltd T/A DMG Fine Wine EXPORTER, IMPORTER, MANUFACTURER, WHOLESALER DMG Fine Wine has two brands of great wines: HANDPICKED WINES and TWO EIGHTS, bringing together a global team of renowned winemakers and grape growers to produce a diverse portfolio of high quality wines from the world’s signature wine regions. Our goal is to craft wines that reflect our shared passions for wine. Wines of distinction that are not only true to their varietal, but which capture the distinctive characteristics and nuances that express the “terroir” from which they came. Address: Level 33 31 Market Street Sydney NSW 2000 Tel: 02 9475 7888 Sales: sales@dmgfinewine.com.au Fax: 02 9264 5555 Email: wineclub@dmgfinewine.com.au Web: www.dmgfinewine.com.au State Offices: NSW: DMG FINE WINE Level 18 2 Park Street Sydney NSW 2000 Tel: 02 9475 7888 Email: wineclub@dmgfinewine.com.au Web: www.handpickedwines.com.au Terms: NETT: 30 days from date of invoice Brand(s): HANDPICKED WINES, Kweichow Moutai, Two Eights
TAS: Wine Profile 31 Jacobsens Place Kingston TAS 7050 Tel: 03 6229 1444 Fax: 03 6229 1999 Email: peterd@wineprofile.com.au
Address: Unit 3/225 Ingles Street Port Melbourne VIC 3207 Tel: 03 9676 9663 Fax: 03 9676 9665 Email: enquiries@untappedwines.com Web: www.untappedwines.com.au Terms: 21 days EOM Brand(s): AALTO, Achaval Ferrer, Altanza, Alto de la Ballena, Altocedro, Amayna, Ànima Negra, Aquitania, Bouza, Caelum, Camilo Castilla, Carrau, Casa Marín, Castaño, Castell d’Encus, Castillo Viejo, Celler Credo, Conde de San Cristóbal, Contador, Durón, El Porvenir, Enrique Foster, Ferrer Bobet, Finca Egomei, Gimenez Mendez, Giró Ribot, Gramona, Grifoll-Declara, Juan Carlos Sancha, Juvé y Camps, Lagarde, Loma Larga, Luna Beberide, Maquis, Marichal, Marqués de Vargas, Martinez Corta, Mas Doix, Mas Perinet, Mauricio Lorca, Mendel, Mi Terruño, Monte Amán, Narbona, Neo, Nestares Eguizábal, O. Fournier (Argentina), O. Fournier (Chile), O. Fournier (Spain), Ossian, Paco García, Pagos de Galir, Pazo San Mauro, Pizzorno, Quintas de Ave, Recaredo, Renacer, Sant Josep, Solar de Samaniego, Tamaya, Terra de Falanis, TRICÓ, Tukma, Viña Haras de Pirque, Viña Quintay, Viñedo de los Vientos, Vivanco, Vizcarra, Yzaguirre
Two Birds Brewing MANUFACTURER, WHOLESALER Two Birds Brewing is Australia’s first female-owned brewery, and proud of it. But we’re more proud of what we’ve created as Australia’s first female brewery. Because for us it’s all about our passion for the beer. We set out to create beers with a twist. Beers that we wanted to drink. And as it turns out, beers that others do too.
VIC: The Wine Company 254 O’Neills Road Tabilk VIC 3607 Tel: 03 9562 3900 Fax: 03 9562 3839 WA: West Coast Wine Cellars 56 King Edward Road Osborne Park WA 6017 Tel: 08 9446 3565 Fax: 08 9446 2545 Terms: 21 days EOM Brand(s): Dow’s, Ra Nui, Trout Valley, TYRRELL’S Untapped Fine Wines DISTRIBUTOR, IMPORTER, WHOLESALER Untapped Fine Wines imports Argentinian and Spanish wines for distribution in Australia. With a sales focus on wholesale to on and off premises and direct retail sales through www.untappedwines.com.au Untapped Fine Wines aims to ‘untap’ fine wines from around the world and make them accessible to the Australian market.
Address: 161 Collins Street Melbourne VIC 3000 Tel: 03 8533 3000 Orders Tel: 13 48 93 Fax: 03 8626 2002 Orders Fax: 1300 094 575 Orders Email: Orders@tweglobal.com Web: www.tweglobal.com State Offices: NSW: Level 4, 601 Pacific Highway St Leonards NSW 2065 Tel: 02 9217 1200 Fax: 02 9217 1201 NT: Unit 13, 14 Winnellie Road Winnellie NT 0820 Tel: 08 8984 1900 Fax: 08 8941 1369 QLD: Unit 2 / 76 Doggett Street Newstead QLD 4006 Tel: 07 3666 4400 Fax: 07 3852 6643 SA: 78 Penfold Road Magill SA 5072 Tel: 08 8301 5400 Fax: 08 8332 9978 TAS: 131 Cascade Road South Hobart TAS 7004 Tel: 03 6221 8300 Fax: 03 6221 8379 VIC: 58 Queensbridge Street Southbank VIC 3006 Tel: 03 8533 3000 Fax: 03 9685 8001 WA: 130 Stirling Highway North Freemantle WA 6159 Tel: 08 9430 0777 Fax: 08 9430 5344 Terms: NETT: Payment on or before due date Brand(s): 19 Crimes, 821 South, Abel’s Tempest, Angel Cove, Annie’s Lane, A’Tivo, Baileys of Glenrowan, Black Grape Society, Blossom Hill, Castello di Gabbiano, Chateau St Jean, Coldstream Hills, Devil’s Lair, Distant Cousins, Etude, Fickle Mistress, Georg Jensen, Hartog’s Plate, Heemskerk, Ingoldby, Jamiesons Run, Killawarra, Lands and Legends, Leo Buring, Lindemans, Little Penguin, Maglieri of McClaren Vale, Maison De Grand Espirit, Matua, Metala, Mildara, Morgans Bay, Penfolds, Pepperjack, Rosemount, Rosemount Estate, Rothbury Estate, The, Rouge Homme, Saltram Wines, Seaview Wines, Secret Stone, Seppelt, Squealing Pig, St Huberts, Stags Leap, Sterling, T’Gallant, Upside Down, Valley of the Giants, Wolf Blass Wines, Wynns Coonawarra Estate, Yarra Ridge, Yellowglen Tulloch Wines
Vanguard Luxury Brands P/L DISTRIBUTOR, IMPORTER, WHOLESALER Vanguard Luxury Brands is proud to represent Four Pillars gin, MR BLACK cold drip coffee liqueur, Crawley’s Bartender Syrups, Calle 23 tequila, Aviation gin, Flor de Caña rum, Laird’s applejack, Bittermens and Dr Adam’s bitters, Square One organic vodka, Michter’s bourbon, Del Maguey mezcal, Ocho tequila, the 86 Co spirits and Fortaleza tequila.
Address: 57 Bream Street Coogee NSW 2034 Tel: 1300 374 657 Fax: 02 9315 8873 Email: admin@vanguardluxurybrands.com Web: http://vanguardluxurybrands.com.au/home/ Terms: Direct or charge thru with all major wholesalers Brand(s): Aviation, Aylesbury Duck, BarSol, Becherovka, Calle 23, Cana Brava, Coco Lopez, Crawley’s Bartender, Death’s Door, Del Maguey, Flor de cana, Fords, Fortaleza, Four Pillars, GLENALLACHIE, Heering Cherry liqueur, Herno, HINE, Ilegal, Laird’s, Michter’s, Ocho, Suze, Tempus Fugit, Tequila Cabeza Vintage & Vine Pty Ltd IMPORTER, WHOLESALER Vintage & Vine is a small specialist importer and wholesaler of wines and spirits based in Sydney.
Facebook: www.facebook.com/tullochwines Twitter: www.twitter.com/tullochwines For Distribution phone: 1300 769 266 Web: www.tullochwines.com State Offices: All: Vintage House Wines & Spirits Toll Free: 1300 769 266 Email: sales@angove.com.au Web: http://www.angove.com.au/wines/agency-wines/ Terms: 21 days EOM Brand(s): Tulloch
Proudly pragmatic about wine styles and creating a future proof business, she is most at home at the cellar door talking to customers and living the brand. A passion for wine styles made for the Australian culture and lifestyle, combined with an unwavering commitment to quality and authenticity, has seen Tulloch endure for over a century as wine brand people are proud to put on their table. Handed down from generation to generation, the Tulloch story is equal parts pride and passion and remains as the true heritage of the Hunter Valley and Australia’s wine making history. Address: Corner of McDonalds & DeBeyers Roads Pokolbin NSW 2320 Tel: 02 49987 580 Email: webenquiry@tullochwines.com
Tyrrell’s Vineyards DISTRIBUTOR, MANUFACTURER Tyrrell’s Wines was established in 1858 in the Hunter Valley. Today more than 150 years on, Tyrrell’s is still in family hands and is a truly national wine company with their premium vineyards extending from their legendry home in the Hunter Valley to other distinguished grape growing regions of Australia. Address: Building 3, Unit 13A, Level 2 2 Eden Park Drive Macquarie Park NSW 2113 Tel: 02 9028 7300 Toll Free: 1800 045 501 Fax: 02 9028 7398 Web: www.tyrrells.com.au State Offices: NSW: Tyrrell’s Winery 1838 Broke Road Pokolbin NSW 2320 Tel: 02 4993 7000 Fax: 02 4998 7723 Toll Free: 1800 045 504 Email: sales.orders@tyrrells.com.au QLD: The Wine Tradition 24 Collingwood Street Albion QLD 4010 Tel: 07 3262 1455 Fax: 07 3262 1277 SA: George Street Wines 53 George Street Thebarton SA 5031 Tel: 08 8351 7116 Fax: 08 8351 7226 Web: www.georgestreetwines.com.au
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SA: Decant Wines (SA) PO Box 23 Fullarton SA 5152 Tel: 02 9750 2500 Email: hq@decantwines.com TAS: Gulp Wines (TAS) PO Box 112 Sandy Bay TAS 7005 Fax: 03 6492 3229 Mobile: 0424 141 232 Email: mbancal@hotmail.com WA: Liquid Library (WA) 1/1142 Hay Street Perth WA 6005 Tel: 08 9321 5522 Fax: 08 9321 5533 Email: liquidlibraryorders@ozemail.com.au Terms: NETT: 14 days Brand(s): Andre Kientzler, Andre Metrat, Battely, Champagne Gosset, Chateau Bouscasse, Chateau du Cedre, Chateau Fontpinot, Chateau Maucamps, Chateau Mont-Redon, Chateau Montus, Chateau Riotor, Chateau St Georges, Christian Moreau, David Reynaud, Denis Pommier, Domaine des Baumard, Domaine du ors Nore, Domaine Pichot, Domaine Pierre-Yves-Colin-Morey, Domaine Reverdy, Frapin, Gerard Chavy, Gilles Robin, Grande Maison, Gros Nore, Henri Bonneau, Jasper Hill, Jean Luc Mader, Lengs & Cooter, Lucien Muzard, Monmousseau, Paul Bara, Philippe Collotte, Pierre de la Grange, Salomon Estate, Salomon Undhof, Serge Dagueneau et Filles, Trimbach, Villeneuve, Vincent Pinard, Yannick Amirault Vintage House Wine and Spirits DISTRIBUTOR, MANUFACTURER Vintage House Wine and Spirits is a national sales, marketing and distribution business owned by the Angove Family. Our comprehensive portfolio of premium Australian, New Zealand and International brands provides a superior range of wines and spirits to the licenced trade, both on and off premise.We are committed and passionate about wine and spirits and strive to be leaders in customer service.
Address: 162 Cross Keys Road Salisbury SA 5106 Tel: 08 8182 1890 Fax: 08 8182 1899 Email: vok@vok.com.au Web: www.vok.com.au State Offices: NSW: C7, 3 Burbank Place Baulkham Hills NSW 2153 Tel: 02 8824 8990 Fax: 02 8824 7155 QLD: 142 Distillery Road Eagleby QLD 4207 Tel: 07 3807 3737 Fax: 07 3807 2516 VIC: Level 1, 11 Business Park Drive Notting Hill VIC 3168 Tel: 03 8588 6555 Fax: 03 8588 6599 WA: 15/28 Belmont Avenue Belmont WA 6104 Tel: 08 9277 4733 Fax: 08 9277 5044 Terms: 21 days EOM Brand(s): Andrew Garrett, Aqua Pura, Bearded Lady, Beenleigh, Beresford, Bickford’s, Black Bottle, Boronia, Cawseys, Galway Pipe, Half Mile Creek, Hi NRG, Infused Rush, Inner Circle Rum, Kilt, Lemon Ed, Olympus Ouzo, Queen Adelaide, Real McCoy, Rebellion Bay, Step Rd, Three Oaks Cider Co., Tolley’s, Vicker’s Gin, VOK
Address: 630 Riversdale Road Camberwell VIC 3124 Tel: 03 9428 9125 Fax: 03 9428 9128 Email: info@westwoodwines.com.au Web: www.westwoodwines.com.au Terms: NETT: 30 days from date of invoice Brand(s): Alan & Veitch, Barbeito Madeira, Byrne Vineyards, Claymore, Criminal Minds, Dennis Vale, Eppalock Ridge, Goaty Hill, Hemera Estate, Heritage Wines, Indented Head, Kokori, Moppity Vineyards, Politini Wines, Richard Hamilton, Robert Johnson, Seabrook Wines, Single Step, Syn, Tallarida, Te Mania Estate, Thievin’ Devlin, Twelve Signs, Wine x Sam, Yarrawood, Zema Estate
Address: 555 The Parade Magill SA 5072 Tel: 08 8397 7170 Email: vhws@vhws.com.au Web: www.vhws.com.au State Offices: NSW: Suite 1, Five Dock Plaza 50 Great North Road Five Dock NSW 2046 Tel: 02 8736 3300 Email: nswadmin@vhws.com.au QLD: Unit 5/30 Morley Street Coorparoo QLD 4151 Tel: 07 3870 6600 Email: qldadmin@vhws.com.au SA: 555 The Parade Magill SA 5072 Tel: 08 8397 7100 Email: saadmin@vhws.com.au VIC: Unit 3/15 Ricketts Road Mount Waverley VIC 3149 Tel: 03 9541 3500 Email: vicadmin@vhws.com.au WA: Unit 3/228 James Street Northbridge WA 6003 Tel: 1300 769 266 Email: waadmin@vhws.com.au Terms: NETT: 30 days Brand(s): Alternatus, Angove Family Winemakers, Angove McLaren Vale, Blind Tiger, Charles Cimicky, Charles Pelletier, Chateau Jean Faux, Drumshanbo, Estandon, Finca Sobreno, Glenfarclas, Hollick, Joel Gott, Koonowla, Le Cirque Wine Co, Mt Riley, Napa Cellars, Nicolas Feuillatte, Paladino, Prosper Maufoux, Quinta Do Pego, Rivarose, Schild Estate, St Agnes, Stone’s, Temple Bruer, Tulloch, Villa Jolanda, Water Wheel, Wicks Estate
World’s Exclusive Import’s sources only the best quality and most unique spirits and wines for the Australian market. Address: 122 Yarrbat Avenue Melbourne VIC 3103 Tel: 08 9205 0983 Mobile: 0419 871 607 Web: http://weimport.com.au/ Terms: 21 days EOM Brand(s): AnestasiA, Decada, Kors Westons Australia Pty Ltd DISTRIBUTOR, IMPORTER, MANUFACTURER Westons World Brands – we produce, we innovate, we market and we sell. As a leading international drinks importer, marketer and distributor within Australia, our premier beverage portfolio includes, premium ciders, crafted beers and ales selected from around the world Westons World Brands Australia was created in October 2012 after UK based, Westons Cider, purchased World Brands Australia. Address: 5/531 Hay Street Subiaco WA 6008 Tel: 08 9381 2613 Fax: 08 9381 2161 Email: orders@westonswb.com.au Web: http://www.westonswb.com.au Terms: 21 days EOM Brand(s): Innis & Gunn, Royal Jamaican, Sidra Del Verano, Tennent’s, WESTONS Westwood Wine Agencies DISTRIBUTOR, WHOLESALER In 1977, after a long career with several of the best known names in the wine industry, Ronald Westwood established Westwood Wine Agencies.
Wangolina MANUFACTURER Wangolina is a boutique vineyard & wine brand located in Mt Benson, within the Limestone Coast region of South Australia. Owned, operated and crafted by Winemaker Anita Goode, Wangolina produces wines that are regionally focused & predominantly estate grown. Address: 8 Limestone Coast Road Wangolina SA 5275 Tel: 08 8768 6187 Email: info@wangolina.com.au Web: http://www.wangolina.com.au/ State Offices: NSW: Trenoweth Wine Company Contact: Sean Trenoweth Mobile: 0400 888 925 Email: sean@twco.com.au SA: Wangolina Contact: Anita Goode Mobile: 0407 615 057 Email: anita@wangolina.com.au Web: www.wangolina.com.au VIC: David Hardcastle Fine Wine Contact: David Hardcastle Mobile: 0400 332 006 Email: dhfw@tpg.com.au Terms: NETT: 30 days Brand(s): Wangolina Warburn Estate EXPORTER, MANUFACTURER Warburn Estate (formerly Riverina Wines Pty Ltd) is located at the centre of the Riverina in New South Wales, an agricultural region known for its rich wine producing area. Address: 700 Kidman Way Tharbogang NSW 2680 Tel: 02 6963 8300 Fax: 02 6962 4628 Email: info@warburnestate.com.au Web: www.warburnestate.com.au State Offices: NSW: National Sales Office 700 Kidman Way Tharbogang NSW 2680 Tel: 02 6963 8300 Fax: 02 6962 4628 Email: info@warburnestate.com.au Web: www.warburnestate.com.au Terms: 21 days EOM Brand(s): 1164 Family Reserve, Brass Razu, Coolabah, Gossips, Kooba, Rumours, Sweet Lips Infusions, Warburn Estate
Vittoria Food & Beverage DISTRIBUTOR, EXPORTER, IMPORTER, MANUFACTURER, WHOLESALER Address: 118 Wetherill Street Silverwater NSW 2128 Tel: 02 9748 0299 Fax: 02 9748 1915 Orders Fax: 02 9748 1915 Web: www.vittoriafandb.com State Offices: NZ: Compass House, Ground Floor 162 Grafton Road Auckland NZ 1001 Tel: +64 9 984 5675 Fax: +64 9 984 5677 QLD: 1/48 Eagleview Place Eagle Farm QLD 4009 Tel: 07 3268 2466 Fax: 07 3268 4512 SA: 184 Cormack Road Wingfield SA 5013 Tel: 08 8244 1455 Fax: 08 8243 0690 VIC: 8-12 Trevi Crescent Tullamarine VIC 3043 Tel: 03 9310 4344 Fax: 03 9330 4688 WA: 14 Meares Way Canning Vale WA 6155 Tel: 08 6253 8100 Fax: 08 6253 8071 Terms: NETT: 30 days Brand(s): Bolla, Luigi Cavalli, Mellini, Santa Vittoria Vodka+ MANUFACTURER We are a Vodka Pre Mix company. Address: PO BOX 462 Port Melbourne VIC 3207 Web: www.vodkaplus.com.au Terms: 21 days EOM VOK Beverages Pty Ltd DISTRIBUTOR, MANUFACTURER Vok Beverages was established in August 2002 as an independently owned and operated alcoholic beverage company and has consistently been one of the fastest growing companies in alcohol. Over the last decade Vok has built its reputation on breathing life into neglected brands like Vickers Gin and Vok Liqueurs as well as developing new brands such as Three Oaks Cider, launched in 2008 and the VOK Cocktail Ready To Serve Cask range in 2011. Today Vok Beverages owns an impressive portfolio of brands across the Spirits and Ready to Drink category such as Infused Rush, VOK Liqueurs, Rebellion Bay Spiced Rum, Real McCoy Bourbon, Bearded Lady Bourbon, Black Bottle & XO Brandy. Vok Beverages also distributes a world class wine portfolio of brands including Andrew Garrett, Queen Adelaide, Minchinbury and Half Mile Creek.
MANUFACTURER William Grant & Sons Ltd. is an independent, familyowned Scottish company which distills Scotch whisky and other selected categories of spirits. Address: Suite 21.02, Level 21 111 Pacific Highway North Sydney NSW 2060 Tel: 02 9409 5100 Fax: 02 9409 5128 Web: www.williamgrant.com Terms: NETT: 30 days from date of invoice Brand(s): Balvenie, Drambuie, Glenfiddich, Grant’s Family Reserve, Hendrick’s, Hudson, Milagro, Monkey Shoulder, Reyka, Sailor Jerry, Solerno, Tullamore Dew
Willie Smith & Sons
WIAG - Wine In A Glass is the premium Australian nonglass, single-serve, pre-filled wine. We are convenience in a cup! Our business supports rural Australians.
William Smith & Sons is Australia’s first certified organic Cidery, built at the farm in the Huon Valley, where William Smith first started orcharding in 1888. The orchard is currently run by Andrew, the 4th generation of Smith family to farm in the Huon. All our ciders use apples grown on our farm and the fruit is all crushed, fermented, aged and bottled at the farm!
Wild Hibiscus Flower Company Pty Ltd
Terms: 21 days EOM Wildbrumby | Thredbo Valley Distillery MANUFACTURER Wildbrumby distillery produces purely Australian schnapps, gin and vodka made from Australian fruits and botanicals, grown on the south west slopes of New South Wales. Fruit is sourced from local producers in the snowy mountains region and are of the highest quality with rich flavours especially suited to making schnapps. Address: Corner Wollondibby Road & The Alpine Way Jindabyne NSW 2627 Tel: 02 6457 1447 Fax: 02 6457 1407 Email: info@wildbrumby.com Web: www.wildbrumby.com Terms: 21 days EOM Brand(s): Wildbrumby William Grant & Sons Australia Ltd
VIC: William Smith & Sons Mobile: 0429 354 144 Email: brent@williesmiths.com.au WA: The Wine Gang Mobile: 0434 726 165 Email: aevans@thewinegang.com.au Terms: 21 days EOM Brand(s): Willie Smiths Windowrie EXPORTER, MANUFACTURER, WHOLESALER Celebrating 25 years in the Australian Wine Industry the family owned and operated company is well known for the high quality affordable wines they produce. The Windowrie ranges include The Mill, Pig In The House (Organic range) and the Family Reserve. Much awarded and competitively priced the O’Dea family invite you to “Share Our Wine” with your family and friends.
Address: 2064 Huon Highway Grove TAS 7019 Tel: 03 6266 4339 Email: sales@williesmiths.com.au Web: http://www.williesmiths.com.au/ State Offices: ACT,NSW: William Smith & Sons Mobile: 0474 474 399 Email: josh@williesmiths.com.au QLD: Calibre Craft Beer Trading Co. PO Box 470 Carina QLD 4152 Mobile: 0407 736 663 Email: info@calibrebeer.com Web: www.calibrebeer.com SA: William Smith & Sons Mobile: 0429 640 004 Email: mike@williesmiths.com.au TAS: Polkadot Liquor Tel: 03 6228 1174 Mobile: 0459 028 334 Email: mark@polkadotliquor.com
Address: Windowrie Road Canowindra NSW 2804 Tel: 02 6344 3264 Fax: 02 6344 3227 Email: wine@windowrie.com.au Web: www.windowrie.com.au Terms: NETT: 30 days from date of invoice Brand(s): Family Reserve, Pig In The House, The Mill
Address: 119 Pianta Road Echuca VIC 3564 Mobile: 1300 959 466 Email: info@wineinaglass.com.au Web: http://www.wineinaglass.com.au/ Terms: 21 days EOM Brand(s): Juice In A Glass, Wine In A Glass Winestock Fine Wines DISTRIBUTOR, WHOLESALER Winestock distributes wine in NSW and the ACT specialising in supplying to restaurants, hotels and premium retail outlets. We provide our wineries with an enthusiastic and professional wine sales, marketing and distribution network. Established in 1998, Winestock has created an exciting portfolio of high quality, regionally focussed wines. We aim to promote wine in a manner that enhances the brand in the market place without engaging in discounting as the major sales tool. For us it’s the quality that speaks the volume.
WHOLESALER Wild Hibiscus Flowers In Syrup & Extracts Address: 2/68 Industry Road McGraths Hills NSW 2756 Tel: 02 4577 8711 Email: info@wildhibiscus.com Web: www.wildhibiscus.com Terms: NETT: 30 days from date of invoice Wild River Mountain Distillery
Address: 41 Riley Street Woolloomooloo NSW 2011 Tel: 02 9331 3671 Orders: orders@winestock.com.au Fax: 08 9332 3625 Web: http://winestock.com.au Terms: 21 days EOM Brand(s): Dutschke, First Drop, Geoff Weaver, Glaetzer, Heartland, Krinklewood, Laurent Perrier, Mahi, Man O’ War, Mitolo, Mr Mick, Paringa Estate, Pizzini, Rob Dolan, Roustabout, Spring Vale, Stella Bella, Tim Adams
MANUFACTURER, WHOLESALER Small batch, Hand crafted Distillery situated on the Atherton Tablelands. Address: Lot 1/29 Harding Rd Wondecla QLD 4887 Tel: 0447 698 238 Email: sales@wildrivermountaindistillery.com.au Web: http://www.wildrivermountaindistillery.com.au/
Contact details current as at April 2019

CASE STUDY ONE: REGATTA HOTEL, QLD “By using Finest Call, we increased our rate of sale, minimized staff costs on prep time and lowered our fresh produce cost. In total, we saved over $60,000 in a year.”
DECREASE WASTAGE INCREASE PROFIT SAVE TIME 1 - 7 DAYS Peak freshness of fruit VS 18 MONTHS+ Finest Call shelf life 30 LIMES $25-$30: approx 15-18 cocktails VS FINEST CALL SINGLE PRESSED LIME $10: 20-22 cocktails 90 SECONDS Juicing a lime by hand VS UNDER 30 SECONDS Using ournippurpose-designedpourer
“The greatest thing to happen to our bars in a number of years! Finest Call increased our cocktail revenue by approximately $75,000 over the 4 days whilst saving $30,000 on ingredients and prep. The quick service potential of the product doubled cocktail sales from 5000 to 10,000, and profit margin and staffing prep savings equated to about $2-3 per drink.”
“The greatest thing to happen to our bars in a number of years! Finest Call increased our cocktail revenue by approximately $75,000 over the 4 days whilst saving $30,000 on ingredients and prep. The quick service potential of the product doubled cocktail sales from 5000 to 10,000, and profit margin and staffing prep savings equated to about $2-3 per drink.” TIME Peak $25-$30: SINGLE $10: UNDER Using
REGATTA HOTEL, QLD “By using Finest Call, we increased our rate of sale, minimized staff costs on prep time and lowered our fresh produce cost. In total, we saved over $60,000 in a year.”