Valentina Fernandez: Print Media Portfolio

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Valentina Fernandez

Valentina Fernandez

Address: 4150 Hardie Ave.

Telephone: (786)503-3331


Cover Letter

To Whom It May Concern,

I am writing to express my interest in applying as an intern at the Miami Herald. The Miami Herald feels like my second home. Born and raised in Miami, Florida, the Herald is the only newspaper I have read since I was a little girl. Constantly updating me on issues/events in my city. It was my first glimpse of true journalism. I have always admired and respected this newspaper based on its detailed reporting and quality journalism. The Herald’s dedication to providing good and unbiased news coverage is inspiring. It would be a privilege to contribute to this legacy as an intern for your company.

Starting hig school as just any other student in the journalism program, I learned many key basics such as working with Indesign and Photoshopp, research, writing articles/storytelling, interviewing, photography, ethics, audience engagement, and most importantly, responsibility and deadlines. This enabled my capabilities of becoming a member of the Yearbook Staff the following year.

Now, with just one year in the staff, I can proudly say that I have enhanced my knowledge in all of these qualities and after a year of hard work, dedication, and experience, I am confident in making complex spreads and covering events through my writing/photography skills. Additionally, I have experience working in a fast- paced environment, meeting deadlines, and collaborating with others. I am positive that these skills would make me a valuable asset to the team. It would be a privilege to work beside experienced professionals in the field and gain a valuable hands-on experience.

I look forward to the possible opportunity to learn from and contribute to the Miami Herald this summer. It would be an honor, thank you for your consideration.

Sincerely, Valentina Fernandez.



Gulliver Preparatory

Class of 2025


Gulliver Preparatory Yearbook Staff (2022-2023)

-Created various complex spreads, including photography, writing, and design.

Robin Hood Summer Camp- Counselor In Training (June, 2022)

-Attended a summer camp where everyday I would take care of little kids. (Put them to bed, played with them, made sure they were ok, etc.) I earned community service hours.

Summer Music Internship- Art House/Abbey Road Institute (July, 2022)

-Completed an internship with a music academy. It enhanced my knowledge and understanding of music as a whole.


HIP Peer Health Educator

-Educate freshmen on how to avoid/cope with dangerous everyday problems to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Student Discipline Committee Member

-Recommend and regard possible consequences towards the student who has performed a major school rule. Work in positive/ preventive ways.

Red Cross Club (2022-2023)

-Avid member/volunteer since freshman year.

Volunteer-Hermanos De La Calle (8 years)

-I have been a loyal member of this non-profit organization since elementary school. I cook/deliver weekly foods for the homeless as well as toiletries and clothes.

National English Honor Society

National French Honor Society

FSPA Excellence Award

FSPA Honorable Mention


JV Lacrosse Team- 9th grade

JV Soccer Team- 9th grade

JV Swimming Team- 10th grade

REFERENCES: Monica Rodriguez

Yearbook Advisor




Reflection 1:

My food spread, “Take Your Pick,” is the spread that I consider my most significant piece of work from the Yearbook this year. This was one of the first spreads I got assigned right when I joined the class and I was very excited knowing I love food. My job was to find a story within the cafeteria showcasing their food. I decided to make a spread illustrating the wide range of different options SAGE has to offer. With little to no knowledge on how to make a good spread, I really struggled. Coming up with templates, I quickly came to the realization that I had to go a different route, it wasn’t looking good. With my editors and teacher, we later thought about doing a modular spread with different plates of food. I loved this idea and I immediately went to work. To make a long story short, many of the rough drafts I created with this new idea once again did not work. Although the layout came out beautiful, the food did not look appealing. Nevertheless, I pushed through and I was able to come up with a spread that today I am very proud of. At the end, I was successfully able to show off all the different options the school cafeteria has to offer in a fun and creative way. After this process, I was more confident in my abilities in making spreads and in my photography: lighting, angles, etc. I am proud of the layout and the writing, knowing it was one of my first. I love how bright the colors look on this spread and how yummy the food looks, (after taking many food pictures). I think it’s safe to say that I will remember this spread as a core experience in my yearbook journey.

Reflection 2:

I was an asset to this staff and publication this year through my time management/organization and my strong work ethic. I have always been a very organized person when it comes to my work, so when I joined the Yearbook, I found it easy to keep track of deadlines and my tasks. I believe that my organization’s skills also exhibited in my spreads as I constantly followed standards. I will acknowledge, towards the beginning I struggled with standards and applying them to my spreads, but when I started getting comfortable with the concept, it slowly started becoming second nature. I also contribute to the staff with my strong work ethic. I am constantly working hard to demonstrate commitment and willingness towards my spreads/overall work in the class. This year, I have improved immensely and this is evident by the evolution of my many spreads since the beginning of the school year.

Reflection 3:

A big value that I learned while becoming a part of the yearbook staff was discipline. I have always been someone to leave work until the last minute, but everything changed this year. When I got my first spread assignment, I didn’t think it would take me as long as it did to complete it. So, while I thought I could leave everything till the last minute, I quickly was mistaken as I constantly had to remake my spreads, pictures, and writing, while still keeping in mind the deadline date. I learned that I always had to keep working on my assignments, even if I didn’t feel like it at the moment. I always knew that if I didn’t work on it that day, the work would start piling up and I would get more stressed later on. It helped me immensely with my time management skills and contributed to my health and well being. It was a big learning experience because it was my first glimpse of what a real job looks like. It was a huge awakening, and I’m really happy that I got to experience it in highschool and not when I am already out in the real world.


Reflection 4:

In the food spread, “Take Your Pick,” I was responsible for taking all of the pictures. When it came down to the photography of food, I had to be very careful with the lighting of the picture and how the food was placed in the plate in order to look aesthetically pleasing, in addition to the angle. I learned how lighting plays a crucial part in food photography. I had to be mindful of the lighting conditions to capture the colors, textures, and details of the food accurately. Secondly, I learned food styling. I had to pay attention to details like steam, textures, and colors to make the food look as delicious as possible. Lastly, I experimented with different angles and perspectives to find the most appealing view of the food. I took overhead shots, close-ups, and captured the food at eye level that captured interesting results. Although unfortunately I wasted a lot of food, I learned a lot. For example, there was a time when I completed the spread, printed it, and realized the food looked green and unappetizing. I had to start over and make a new layout. Overall, I am now proud to say that I am confident in the tricky skill of food photography and will be prepared if I have to complete this task in the future.

Address: 4150 Hardie Ave.

Telephone: (786)503-3331


Valentina Fernandez

Writing, Design, & Photography



DRIVEN, senior Aria Torretta continues to push hard during her 100-meter breaststroke event. While enjoying her last few meets with the team, Torretta had a good day, while also celebrating her senior day with her teammates. “There is for sure pressure for us to win another state title this year, but everyone has been committed to achieving this goal,” Torretta said. Photo by Carolina Milano

FOCUSING, sophomore Giovanna Musiello prepares to swim down the lane. This was the first race in which the whole team would participate, and Musiello was happily surprised by the performance of the newcomers.

“I am super proud of how the girls did, considering it was some of the swimmers’ first meet,” Musiello said.

Photo by Carolina Milano

COMING UP FOR AIR, sophomore Sofia Moreno continues to stay strong swimming down the lane. With much hard work in previous meets and practices, Moreno proved herself by scoring second place. “I was super excited when saw my score, because it proved that all my hard work had paid off,” Moreno said. Photo by Fox Mar


The seniors took a moment to celebrate their time on the team during their senior ceremony after the Ransom meet. They received flower bouquets and plaques, while also being accompanied by coaches, faculty, teammates, and loved ones. “I was excited to swim my best events and celebrate senior day with all my teammates,” senior Aria Torretta said. Photos by Fox Mar day


to the

The girls swim team dominated Ransom Everglades at their home meet.

hours, then it will all be worth it in the end,” sophomore Giovanna Musiello said. With tremendous support from fellow teammates, the swimmers felt more confident while performing their events. Returning athletes wanted to create a safe space for newcomers. “I love how supportive our team is, because we are always rooting for each other, and it always encourages me personally to do better,” sophomore Julia Fogel said. Many members of the team accomplished their personal goals. “I got second place at this meet, and I was super proud of myself knowing I had been working hard all season,” sophomore Sofia Moreno said.

Sophomore Elyse Wood took a breath as she recharged her energy, aiming to win the 50-meter freestyle race. As her fingertips touched the wall and she finished her event on Oct. 6, she was ecstatic to see that she had won. “I participated in many events this meet, and I was happy with all my results,” Wood said. The girls swimming team dominated Ransom Everglades at their home meet, delivering a strong performance. With many new swimmers competing, returning swimmers were very impressed and proud. “I think they did amazing, considering how some of them started swimming this year, but I am a firm believer that if you put in the

Writing & Design

Goggles, sunblock, swim caps, and towels all consisted of essentials that the swim team brought to every meet. “I always have two goggles in my swim bag at all times,” sophomore Elyse Wood said.

Story by Valentina Fernandez

TO THE FINISH, sophomore Elyse Wood takes a deep breath, eager to finish her lap. No matter how tired she was, she would always do her best to bring the victory home. “I consider myself a very competitive person and will stop at nothing to win,” Wood said.
Swimmers made sure to have these essentials at every meet.
The seniors got celebrated after long years of hard work.

The boys bowling team applied different bowling techniques while fighting for wins.



Players had their own unique styles when throwing the ball. my

The boys all had unique styles that made them stand out from each other and their opponents. They each employed their own techniques and personalities when they took their shots. Even though they are united as a team, they demonstrated their individuality every day at their meets and practices. “All the other teams have the same style, but each of ours are different,” freshman Riley Prescott said. Photos by Fox Mar

to develop their own unique styles, setting them apart. “We sometimes throw the ball over our head and sometimes under our leg,” said freshman Riley Prescott. No matter the unique styles, bowlers showed their teamwork and strength throughout their season, going to to win 4th place at the Youth Fair tournament. They also placed 10th in the district. “The team did great this year; the energy was always positive,” said team captain senior Dario Barrera. Barrera was hopeful that members would return and continue to improve. “I hope the team can be even better next season,” Barrera said.

Freshman Riley Prescott took a deep breath as he swung his arm back, ready to roll the ball. Prescott focused on swinging the ball down the middle of the lane, in hopes of scoring a strike . As all ten pins fell down, he was happy to see that his dedication had paid off. “It is always an amazing feeling when you reach your goals,” Prescott said. The boys bowling team beat Belen by almost 500 pins at the meet on Oct. 19. “This is the best we have seen them in five years,” head coach Yaritza Roman said. With a new developed program and returning bowlers, the team was better than ever. Coach Roman put new strategies in place, and bowlers began

by Valentina Fernande z

The bowling team took what they learned in practice into matches.

working for the win


Sophomore Mathew Li senior Connor Gerhart , and freshman John Blakely all prepare to take their shot. They each swung their arms back in hopes of a strike. After a strong game against Belen, the boys continued to work together to deliver a dominating season. Photos by Fox Mar



Three strikes in a row

Four strikes in a row

Two strikes in a row

badge 1 turkey 2 to know

THROWING THE BALL GENTLY, freshman Elijah Leano focuses on hitting the spare. Leano hit above average in the 120s and 130s, an accomplishment that he was very proud of. “I personally feel very happy with this season as a bowler, as had not had any practice before the season started,” said Leano. Photo by Fox Mar

FOCUSING, freshman Thomas Atkins executes what he learned in practice very efficiently in the match against Belen. After performing well at that meet, Atkins looked forward to beating his personal records. “It was a very good day. learned what I need to focus on more in practice,” Atkins said. Photo by Fox Mar

Writing & Design

CONCENTRATING. Freshman Riley Prescott focuses on leaving no pin standing. After he hit a strike, Prescott felt ecstatic to see that his team beat Belen. “It was a fabulous game,” Prescott said. Photo by Fox Mar

Writing & Design

Writing & Design

push i n g

The girls varsity lacrosse team learned lessons after their game against Coral Shores.



Sophomore Adria Davenport fought to catch her breath as adrenaline rushed through her body on the game against Coral Shores on Feb.14. She rushed to the goal, concentrating on not being checked by her defender. With an opponent on her back and with the score neck-to-neck, Davenport knew she had to deliver. “I was super happy when I scored, because knew that one goal could change the whole outcome of the whole game,” Davenport said. The girls varsity lacrosse team had a challenging game against Coral Shores. With a final score of 4-7, the girls were disappointed with their loss. Nevertheless, the girls played really well and put in a good effort, especially in the second half, closing the huge gap between them and their opponent. “We had a game the day before, so the team was really tired. Yet, we still gave it our all and are proud of what we delivered,” sophomore Mills Van Gastel said. The girls believed that in order to overcome this loss and to start doing better, they would need to work on communication and team exercises. In addition, they hoped to improve their stick skills and to work on minor mistakes that could make large impacts on games. Working with a new team, the girls had to learn to work cohesively and learn to trust each other in order to start seeing results.

“I think we were having trouble trusting each other, since it is the beginning of the season. We are all still getting to know each other, our skill sets and abilities,” sophomore Marena Goodman said. Nonetheless, they hoped to finally overcome this bump in the road and start seeing results. The girls thought that they can improve a lot this year than in previous years and are excited for the season ahead of them.

IT THEIR ALL, sophomore Marena Goodman freshman Salome Garcia , and junior Giulia Francez manuever their plays in order to deliver a good performance. They all attempted to assist or score goals throughout the game. “It was definitely a tough game, but we all gave it our greatest effort,” Garcia said. Photos by Fox Mar

“I think we have a really good team this year and the chemistry is definitely there. I think we will be able to win some more games,” junior Giulia Francez said. Story by Valentina Fernandez


junior Nicole Quevedo makes sure to not drop the ball. She cradled the ball and quickly made her way to the goal, in hopes of scoring a goal. Defending herself from her opponent, Quevedo drove into the goal and scored. “I think I can improve my shot placement to increase the amount of goals I make,” Quevedo said. Photo by Fox Mar

STRESSED, junior Fernanda Mazariegos and sophomore Taylor Coxhead quickly make their plays. With a tight score and time running out, the girls made sure to act rapidly in order for their teammates to drive to goal. “We ended up losing that game, but was happy with my performance,” Mazariegos said. Photos by Fox Mar

Players took lessons from the game against Coral Shores to build upon the season.

think that we are going to see better results if we attend practice more consistently and learn to work better as a team.”

Emma Dienes ‘26


Writing & Design

I think we definitely need to improve our communication in our defense and attack.”

I think that if we trust each other more, we will be able to deliver a better performance.”

Milla Van Gastel ‘25

Sonia Cachon ‘23 real

DRIVING TO THE GOAL. Sophomore Adria Davenport fights in order to keep her stick away from her defender. Davenport defended the ball and drove to goal. She was ecstatic to see that she had scored. “I was really happy when I ended up scoring, because we were down by a couple points, so my goal brought our score up,” Davenport said. Photo by Fox Mar

Writing & Design

About Me 15 Address: 4150 Hardie Ave. Telephone: (786)503-3331 Email: Valentina Fernandez

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