RT&S February 2014

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February 2014 | www.rtands.com

What’s the state of 2014 maintenance



FRA’s new rail inspection rule Friction management Transit maintenance challenges And also

AREMA News p. 37

Contents February 2014




Industry Today 5 Supplier News 10 People

FRA’s revised rail inspection standards FRA issues a final rule governing defective rail and rail inspection standards and adds new standards for detector car operators.




Annual capital spending forecast: Outlook even The railroad CapEx train, which had been moving at an ever-increasing pace, takes on a more steady chug.


Friction management Whether applied via wayside, gauge-face or top-of-rail, railroads and suppliers recognize friction management as a valuable maintenance tool.



Transit maintenance challenges: NCTD North County Transit District keeps north San Diego County riders moving while working with various stakeholders on infrastructure improvements.

What will 2014 budgets bring to the industry?


On Track The importance of a good plan


Norfolk Southern



Photo by Richard Thornton.

NRC Chairman’s Column Let’s get started

Story on page 22.

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Railway Track & Structures

February 2014 1

On Track


Vol. 110, No. 2 Print ISSN # 0033-9016, Digital ISSN # 2160-2514 EDITORIAL OFFICES 20 South Clark Street, Suite 1910 Chicago, Ill. 60603 Telephone (312) 683-0130 Fax (312) 683-0131 Website www.rtands.com Mischa Wanek-Libman/Editor, mischa@sbpub.com Jennifer Nunez/Assistant Editor, jnunez@sbpub.com CORPORATE OFFICES 55 Broad St 26th Fl. New York, N.Y. 10004 Telephone (212) 620-7200 Fax (212) 633-1165 Arthur J. McGinnis, Jr./ President and Chairman Jonathan Chalon/Publisher Mary Conyers/Production Director Wendy Williams/Creative Director Maureen Cooney/Circulation Director Michelle Zolkos/Conference Director RT&S Railway Track & Structures (Print ISSN 0033-9016, Digital ISSN 2160-2514), (USPS 860-560), (Canada Post Cust. #7204654), (Bluechip Int’l, Po Box 25542, London, ON N6C 6B2, Agreement # 41094515) is published monthly by Simmons-Boardman Publ. Corp, 55 Broad St 26th Fl., New York, N.Y. 10004. Printed in the U.S.A. Periodicals postage paid at New York, NY and Additional mailing offices. Pricing, Qualified individual in the railroad employees may request a free subscription. Non-qualified subscriptions printed or digital version: 1 year Railroad Employees (US/ Canada/Mexico) $16.00; all others $46.00; foreign $80.00; foreign, air mail $180.00. 2 years Railroad Employees US/Canada/Mexico $30.00; all others $85.00; foreign $140.00; foreign, air mail $340.00. BOTH Print & Digital Versions: 1 year Railroad Employees US/Canada/Mexico $24.00; all others $69.00; foreign $120.00; foreign, air mail $220.00. 2 years Railroad Employees US/Canada/Mexico $45.00; all others $128.00; foreign $209.00; foreign, air mail $409.00. Single Copies are $10.00 ea. Subscriptions must be paid for in U.S. funds only. COPYRIGHT © Simmons-Boardman Publishing Corporation 2013. All rights reserved. Contents may not be reproduced without permission. For reprint information contact: PARS International Corp., 102 W 38th St., 6th Floor, New York, N.Y. 10018 Phone (212) 221-9595 Fax (212) 221-9195. For Subscriptions & address changes, Please call (800) 895-4389, (402) 346-4740, Fax (402) 346-3670, e-mail rtands@halldata.com or write to: Railway Track & Structures, Simmons-Boardman Publ. Corp, PO Box 1172, Skokie, IL 60076-8172. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Railway Track & Structures, PO Box 1172, Skokie, IL 60076-8172.


The importance of a good plan


he Allen Saunders quote, “life is what happens to you while you’re busy making other plans,” has been rolling around in my head this month. We had a cold January here in Chicago and not just our run of the mill frigidity, but rather, on one morning, it was literally colder than the South Pole. It was so cold that schools and our daycare had to close on four separate weekdays sending my husband and I into a panicked frenzy trying to figure out who could rearrange what in which schedule so one of us could stay home on baby duty. It was a graceless process and one that reminded us that while outside forces interrupted our Plan A, perhaps developing a Plan B is in order. In fact, developing a thorough plan is a common theme throughout our February issue. Having a solid plan can be found at the heart of each of our features, which I have attempted to summarize and pair with, what I think is, an appropriate planning-centric quote. Someone’s sitting in the shade today because someone planted a tree a long time ago.―– Warren Buffett Today’s railroads are not frivolous spenders, especially when it comes to their annual capital spending (2014 capital expenditures strike steady pace, p.22). While some analysts may call this year’s outlook flat, we are looking at it as consistent. North American railroads have consistently reinvested in themselves through well thought out expansion strategies and well-developed core infrastructure maintenance and 2014 will be no different. As Union Pacific’s Jack Koraleski is quoted in the article, “we are making investments today, building the capacity that we need for tomorrow.” Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe. –Abraham Lincoln I have yet to speak to anyone who works within a railroad engineering department who thinks any one maintenance practice has been perfected or any one piece of equipment could not

be improved upon. The same can be said for the supply side, more specifically, those involved in friction modification (Managing friction, p.30). These companies really push their in-house research and development teams to develop a better friction modifier or find a better application method or build a better piece of equipment to up efficiencies and extend rail’s useful life. It does not do to leave a live dragon out of your calculations, if you live near him. –J.R.R. Tolkien, The Hobbit Louis Cerny provides a closer look at the Federal Railroad Administration’s revised standards concerning defective rail and rail inspection on page 18. The new rule is set to take effect at the end of March and Federal Railroad Administrator Joseph Szabo said these new standards will better advance the use of technology and achieve the next generation of safety. In preparing for battle I have always found that plans are useless, but planning is indispensable. –Dwight D. Eisenhower While transit maintenance is not battle, North County Transit District (Transit maintenance takes preparation, collaboration, p.34) shows it does require some pretty adept scheduling to juggle rail traffic, a populated area and system work on both commuter and light-rail lines. In addition, the district has become a top-notch collaborator with neighboring transit agencies in order to accomplish capacity enhancements. Our February issue is a case study in being properly prepared and we are excited to be able to highlight all the companies and products that provide such examples. I leave you with a simple, but relevant, quote from perennial advice giver, Ben Franklin: By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail.

Mischa Wanek-Libman, Editor

Railway Track & Structures

February 2014 3

INDUSTRY TODAY Supplier News Axion International Holdings, Inc., shipped an order to a second European railroad for in track testing that included 700 crossties and three switch sets and will be used on a narrow gauge passenger railway as part of their annual refurbishment and renewal program. Charlotte, N.C., City Council awarded Balfour Beatty/ Blythe Development (Joint Venture) the low-bid contract of nearly $108 million to perform civil work for construction of the LYNX Blue Line Extension Segment A. IntegriCo Composites, Inc., has received an initial 22,000 crosstie order for its composite railroad ties from a Class 1 railroad. Jacobs Engineering Group Inc. was awarded a contract from the Volpe

FCC’s proposed tribal review process may streamline PTC antenna approvals The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) released a draft for comment of a proposed alternative process for Native American tribes to review positive train control (PTC) antennas. The alternate process should streamline approvals of the 22,000 antennas still needed on United States railroads for PTC implementation. Tribal sovereignty among the 565 federally-recognized tribes grants them the right to review FCCregulated towers. According to the FCC, the alternative process is “intended to create an efficient, practical and timely review process that ensures full consideration of the effects of PTC wayside poles on historic properties, including sites of religious and cultural significance to Tribal Nations, in a manner that allows the railroads to complete construction by the congressional deadline.” The tribal review process has been cited as one of many roadblocks railroads have had to contend with in order to implement PTC by the 2015 deadline. The alternative process applies to wayside structures that are no taller than 75 feet (including antenna); do not create a foundation hole greater than 15 inches in diameter; do not require a foundation deeper than 15 feet and must be within the railroad right-of-way. Highlights of the proposed efficiencies include: • Utilizing the FCC’s Tower Construction Notification System and the E106 System to submit applications for review • Allowing railroads to batch submissions by county • Inclusion of a cultural resources report with submissions, prepared by a professional who meets the relevant standards • Tribal Nations may seek recovery of expenses necessary to complete review of PTC facility locations; FCC encourages tribal cultural resource offices to set compensation according to a uniform schedule • Tribal Nationals will have approximately 40 days (subject to specified procedures) in which to identify any wayside poles within a batched submission that may merit further or closer review The FCC also addressed previously constructed PTC poles and said it will “expeditiously establish a process to address PTC facilities that were constructed without Section 106 review” and the process will include provisions for appropriate mitigation. Interested parties may file comment with the FCC regarding the proposed process. Once comments have been considered, a new draft of the process will be submitted to the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation, which then had 45 days to take action.

Canadian Pacific to sell west end of DM&E to GWI Canadian Pacific and Genesee & Wyoming Inc. (GWI) have agreed to the sale of the west end of CP’s Dakota, Minnesota & Eastern (DM&E) line to GWI for $210 million. The west end encompasses approximately 660 miles of CP’s current operations between Tracy, Minn., and Rapid City, S.D.; north of Rapid City to Colony, Wyo.; south of Rapid City to Dakota Jct., Neb.; and connecting branch lines, as well as trackage from Dakota Junction to Crawford, Neb., currently leased to the Nebraska Northwestern Railroad. The asset sale is expected to close by mid-2014,


subject to approval of the U.S. Surface Transportation Board and satisfaction of other customary closing conditions. Upon closing, the new railroad will be named the Rapid City, Pierre & Eastern Railroad. GWI expects to hire approximately 180 employees to staff the new company and anticipates these employees will come primarily from those currently working on the rail line. Canadian Pacific has operated the rail line in this area since it assumed operational control of the DM&E railroad in 2008 and will continue to own and operate approximately 1,900 miles of former DM&E track following the sale of the west end.

Railway Track & Structures

February 2014 5

INDUSTRY TODAY Supplier News National Transportation Systems Center to provide monitoring and technical assistance for the Federal Railroad Administration grant and loan program. Koppers Inc. and Norfolk Southern have agreed to extend their two existing sales contracts to supply railroad crossties and related rail products and services for an additional three years; Koppers also signed an asset purchase agreement to acquire the crosstie treating business and related manufacturing facility of Tolko Industries Ltd., located in Ashcroft, BC, Canada. The Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority awarded a $24-million contract to

NTSB inclues PTC, transit safety in 2014 Most Wanted List The National Transpor tation Safety Board (NTSB) released its 2014 Most Wanted List, the top 10 advocacy and awareness priorities for the agency for 2014, which includes positive train control, bans on portable electronic devices while operating any mode of transportation and, for the first time, improving operational safety in rail mass transit. “Millions of Americans rely on commuter rail, subways and light rail for their daily commute. The NTSB in just the past year has opened investigations into accidents involving MTA Metro-North Railroad, Chicago Transit Authority and the Bay Area Rapid Transit. And there are still open safety recommendations to the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Author ity stemming from its fatal crash in 2009,” the NTSB said in a release concer ning the Most Wanted List. “In numerous accident investigation repor ts on mass transit, the board has repeatedly identified the need for safety improvements, particularly with regard to safety culture and operational practices, in systems providing light, heavy and commuter rail.

Regarding distraction, NTSB said, “Accident investigations and safety studies conducted by the NTSB in all modes of transportation underscore the danger s of using por table electronic devices while operating a car, train, plane or marine vessel. In addition to banning the use of these devices while driving, education and company policies help to reinforce laws and regulations by explaining the danger s of distraction and what companies expect from their employees.” PTC remains on the Most Wanted List as United States railroads continue to work toward the mandate’s 2015 deadline. “The NTSB has long been calling for PTC, which works by monitoring the location and movement of trains, then slowing or stopping a train that is not being operated in accordance with signal systems or operating rules. Just since 2004, the NTSB has completed investigations of 25 train accidents that killed 65, injured over 1,100 and caused millions of dollars in damages, all of which could have been prevented or mitigated by PTC,” said the board.

New Brunswick, CN strike deal to keep freight service Freight service on a northern New Brunswick, Canada, line will be preserved thanks to an agreement between the province and Canadian National. Under the agreement, the province of New Brunswick will invest up to CA$25 million (US$22.47 million) in rail infrastructure improvements to the Newcastle subdivision. CN will in turn spend a comparable amount to maintain and operate the line, ensuring continued rail freight service for a 15-year period on the northern and southern sections of the rail line: between Irvco, N.B., and Nepisquit Junction, N.B., in the north and between Catamount, N.B., and Nelson Junction in the south, where there are active rail freight customers. However, CN will seek to discontinue rail operations on the 44-mile middle section of the subdivision, due to lack of traffic and significant investments needed to maintain the line. The province’s investment will be used to rehabilitate and upgrade the rail line to the operating standards required to efficiently and cost-effectively handle current and projected traffic. The work will

6 Railway Track & Structures

February 2014

commence in the spring of 2014. “Freight rail is a critical mode of transportation for industries in northern New Brunswick and it is a vital lifeline for the jobs and communities that rely on these industries,” said Premier David Alward. “Our investment in the rehabilitation of two sections of railway line ensures companies in northern New Brunswick can continue to ship their goods to market efficiently and explore new opportunities for growth. CN, the province and local businesses will continue to work together to increase freight traffic in future years, with benefits to be shared between the two partners. Sean Finn, CN executive vice-president, corporate services and chief legal officer, said, “We thank the provincial government for working with us over the last year to develop this agreement that will preserve rail freight service in northern New Brunswick. This agreement would not have been possible without the commitment of both parties to continuing investments and to the growth of rail freight traffic in the region.”


INDUSTRY TODAY MTA receives first reimbursement for Sandy-related repairs New York Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA) has received more than $886 million in federal aid to help cover costs associated with repairs from Superstorm Sandy and to make New York’s transportation system more resilient to any future storms. This is the first major reimbursement to the MTA for repairs it has undertaken post-Sandy. According to statements from Sen. Charles Schumer (D-NY) and Rep. Nita Lowey (D-Westchester/Rockland), the majority of the funds will be allocated to repairs in the Montague, Greepoint and Steinway tunnels, an estimated $103.5 million will fund projects along Metro-North to guard against high water levels in future storms, including track hardening and signal and power system upgrades and $84.2 million will be used on various resiliency projects throughout the MTA system. “The subway is New York City’s beating heart and Sandy’s floodwaters left severe long-term damage on the system,” said Sen.


Schumer. “Even though most parts of the subway got back up and running after the storm quicker than anyone ever imagined, there are still major repairs underway.” This funding comes from the Federal Transit Administration’s Emergency Relief program, which received $10.9 billion under the Disaster Relief Appropriations Act. MTA was allocated $3.79 billion in total Sandy-relief funds. “This is a welcome and much-needed investment in New York’s transportation infrastructure that will ensure Metro-North is better prepared for future storms,” said Rep. Lowey. “Federal aid has been essential in not only helping communities, businesses and homeowners recover and rebuild, but in ensuring that our region is better prepared to withstand the impact of future disasters.” Hurricane Sandy floodwaters inundated the three major East River subway tunnels with thousands of gallons of water and forced major re-routes of subway lines in the weeks following the storm.

Supplier News repair and rehabilitate three bridges spanning the Merrimack River in Haverhill to JV: LM Heavy Civil Construction and Cooperativa Muratori & Cementisti – CMC di Ravenna. RailComm supplied its blue Flag Indicator Systems to a North American rail yard in Fort Worth, Texas. Stacy and Witbeck, Inc., is now seeking proposals from local contractors and suppliers for construction of the Detroit Michigan Woodward Avenue streetcar project.

Railway Track & Structures

February 2014 7

INDUSTRY TODAY DART, LACMTA kick off construction of transit expansion projects Dallas Area Rapid Transit (DART) celebrated the start of construction of its South Oak Cliff Three Line project, a 2.6-mile extension of the DART Blue Line from Ledbetter Station to the UNT Dallas campus. The project is highlighted by two stations, Camp Wisdom and UNT Dallas and a redesigned Ledbetter Station, currently the southern terminus of the line. The extension is scheduled to open in late 2016, which is three years ahead of the previously scheduled 2019 opening. In other transit news, construction began January 21 on the Crenshaw/ LAX Transit Project, an 8.5-mile, $2.058-billion light-rail line that will run between the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority’s (LACMTA) Expo and Green lines and is expected to open in 2019. The project will also bring LACMTA rail closer to Los Angeles Interna-

8 Railway Track & Structures

tional Airport. The new light-rail line will serve the Crenshaw Corridor, Inglewood, Westchester and the area around Los Angeles International Airport with eight stations, a maintenance facility and parkand-ride lots. The new Crenshaw/LAX Transit Project will be the first rail line to serve Crenshaw Boulevard and the city of Inglewood since the streetcars of the Los Angeles Rail Line stopped running in 1955. In some places, the new light-rail line will use the old alignment for the streetcars. In a separate project, planners at both LACMTA and Los Angeles World Airports officials are working together on the Airport Metro Connector that will link the Crenshaw/LAX Line to the LAX terminals via light rail, a people mover or a combination of the two. The Crenshaw/LAX Transit Project is one of 12 major transit projects funded

February 2014

by Measure R, the half-cent sales tax approved by 68 percent of Los Angeles County voters in 2008. The project is also receiving other state and local funds. The federal Transportation Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Act program provided a $545.9-million loan toward the Crenshaw/LAX Line, which is expected to receive approximately $130 million in other funds from the U.S. Department of Transportation and the Federal Transit Administration. The line will be built by Walsh/Shea Corridor Constructors, a joint venture between Walsh Construction and J.F. Shea Company (WSCC). WSCC expects to first begin construction of the Crenshaw/Exposition underground station, where the tunnel boring machines will be lowered into the ground and then begin working south to 48th Street, where the tracks will rise to street level. “The Federal Transit Administration is proud to join with the city of Los Angeles and the neighboring communities to significantly improve transportation options in one of the most congested regions in the nation,” said Federal Transit Administrator Peter Rogoff. “This project is a huge win for thousands of hard-working families and seniors living in Crenshaw who depend on public transportation every day to get to work, school, medical appointments and elsewhere.” In other LACMTA news, the agency said one of its oldest light-rail lines, the Blue Line, is undergoing a $1.2-billion overhaul replacing power stations, overhead power lines, tracks, rail cars and improvements to station platforms in a multiyear investment to bolster reliability, comfort and safety. To improve reliability and performance, $82 million is being invested to replace all 20 traction power substations with 19 already completed. Overhead power lines (Overhead Catenary System) in downtown Los Angeles and Long Beach are being upgraded at a cost of nearly $13 million. Another $13 million is being spent to replace track in Long Beach that was degraded by moist sea air with completion expected in 2019. www.rtands.com

INDUSTRY TODAY NS, Virginia DRPT to improve infrastructure for passenger service The Virg inia Depar tment of Rail and Public Transportation (DRPT) and Norfolk Southern have entered into an agreement to improve railrelated infrastr ucture between Lynchburg and Roanoke. The improvements will allow passenger rail to once again ser ve the Roanoke Region. “DRPT and Norfolk Souther n continue their strong par tnership to advance intercity passenger rail ser vice in the state of Virg inia,” s a i d f o r m e r V i r g i n i a G o v. B o b McDonnell. “Intercity passenger rail ser vice is central to the comm o n w e a l t h ’s e c o n o m i c g r o w t h , vitality and competitiveness in the region. Now the major population centers will have intercity passenger rail service.” “The historic transportation bill has opened the door for continued

expansion and growth of intercity passenger rail ser vice in the state. The extension of intercity passenger train ser vice from Lynchburg to Roanoke would not be possible without passage of this legislation,” said Virginia Transportation Secretary Sean Connaughton. Included in this agreement are track additions and realignments, signal and communication upgrades along the route, clearance adjustments and a platform and train servicing f acility in downtown Roanoke. Design work will begin immediately. In another effor t funded by the commonwealth and Norfolk Southern, the downtown Roanoke rail connections are currently being reconfigured to improve the flow of train traffic through Roanoke, which is a prerequisite to reintroducing passenger rail service.

PEOPLE CSX appointed Bryan Rhode to regional vice president, state government affairs in Virginia. HNTB Corporation hired Graham Christie, PE, as associate vice president, Southern California rail and transit leader. Koppers named Jamie Skipper as sales manager of the Southeast Region, succeeding John Stahl, who retired. Metra Board of Directors selected Donald Orseno as the next executive director/CEO of the Chicago suburban rail agency. Metro-North Railroad named Joseph Giulietti president, succeeding Howard Permut. Michael Baker Jr., Inc., hired Edward La Guardia, PE, as chief engineer of its Rail and Transit Practice. Morningstar, Inc., named E. Hunter Harrison of Canadian Pacific its 2013 CEO of the Year. Pacific Imperial Railroad named David Arganbright senior vice president of corporate development. Regional Transportation District manager Ashland Vaughn has been named project manager of the RTD FasTracks North Metro Rail Line. South Florida Regional Transportation Authority named Jack Stephens interim executive director, replacing Joseph Giulietti. Union Pacific’s D. Lynn Kelley, vice president of continuous improvement, will take on added responsibility of the company’s supply organization and Joseph O’Connor was named vice president of labor relations.

Obituary John Hunsberger, II, manager of sales at Pandrol USA, died January 10, 2014. 10 Railway Track & Structures

February 2014



Let’s get started

The National Railroad Construction & Maintenance Association, Inc. 500 New Jersey Ave., N. W. Suite 400 Washington D. C. 20009 Tel: 202-715-2920 Fax: 202-318-0867 www.nrcma.org info@nrcma.org

12 Railway Track & Structures

As the incoming chairman of the board of the NRC, I want to introduce myself to everyone. My name is Bill Dorris, I’m a vice presient with RailWorks, based in Chicago. I’ve been married to my wife Diana for 36 years and we have two sons, Will and Dan, both of whom work in the track construction industry, too. I attended my first NRC conference in 2003 and have been on the board since 2005. I am honored and privileged to accept this position within the NRC. I started in the rail industry in 1977 with Railroad Construction Company of South Jersey (RCC) doing track design and quantity take-offs for private industry customers that were looking to add a new rail siding or increase their existing track layout. After a year of working on track design, I wanted to build track and work outside. I started in the field as a track laborer in 1978. I was promoted to a foreman’s position, then to a superintendent’s position in the late 80s. I left RCC in 1995 and went to work for Metroplex as a general superintendent, where I primarily worked on large-scale projects that had me moving around the coutry. In 2000, I was promoted to a project manager, a position that had me reporting directly to John Zuspan. I worked for John until shortly after MPX was purchased by Balfour Beatty Rail in 2001, at which time John left and started his current company, Track Guy Consultants. Prior to John leaving the company, he had assigned me to a project in Joliet, Ill. I was given the “Joliet Arsenal Intermodal Project” to build for BNSF, officially called BNSF Logistics Park – Chicago. When this project started to wind down, John called me and said, “Bill, go out and bid local work, win some and start building a customer base there, we want an office in Chicago.” He promised me that if I could make it work, I could stop moving my family around the country from one project to the next. I made this work and with the help of some great employees and John’s guidance, we built a customer base and I remain in Chicago today. I have worked for and with some very good railroaders in my 37 years in the business, but my time spent working with John, learning from one of the best, was instrumental to me. I left Balfour and went to work for RailWorks in 2005. I have been with RailWorks since and currently oversee the day-today activities of our Chicago office. As chairman over the next two years, I will continue to work closely with the talented NRC Board. We will continue to push forward with current initiatives to increase our membership, create additional safety training videos and maintain a hands-on approach to pending legislation that could affect the railroad February 2013

construction industry. The NRC will continue to be an advocate, a public voice and an educator and will continue to lobby in Washington, D.C., for our membership’s best interests and the interests of the railroad construction industry as a whole. The 2014 NRC Conference recently held in Palm Desert, Calif., was a success, setting another attendance record. Speakers provided exciting overviews of their respective companies’ planned capital spending programs for the coming year these presentations are what our members come to the conference to hear and the attendance during the three days of these sessions was outstanding. People that attended were fortunate enough to travel to a beautiful location with great weather while escaping some of the coldest temperatures that the rest of the country has ever experienced. A much deserved thank you for another great conference goes out to the NRC staff: Chuck Baker, Matt Ginsberg, Ashley Bosch and Alice Post, along with the staff of Chambers, Conlon & Hartwell. A special thank you to all our guest speakers, a great job was done by all. I would like to thank Terry Benton, president of Colo Railroad Builders, for the terrific job he did as chairman over the past two years. The organization has made great strides under Terry’s leadership and is in a strong position. I would also like to introduce everyone to the other members of the Executive Committee: Chris Daloisio, president of Railroad Construction Company of South Jersey, vice chairman and Mike Choat, president of Railroad Controls Limited, secretary-treasurer. Finally, the NRC has two major events coming early this year, both of which are critical to what we do as an association: 1) Railroad Day on the Hill will be held on Thursday, March 13, 2014, in Washington, D.C. All NRC members are encouraged to attend and support the rail industry at this event. We will be advocating for the renewal of rail investment tax credits, arguing against increasing the size and weight of trucks allowed on our roadways, fighting potential increased economic regulation and discussing many other issues that are important to the rail industry as a whole. 2) The annual NRC Equipment Auction. This year’s auction will be held on Thursday, May 1, at Quality Track Equipment, a division of Delta Railroad Construction, 2950 Industrial Park Drive Austinburg, Ohio 44010. All of the details for these two important events can be found on www.nrcma.org. Have a safe day. by Bill Dorris, NRC Chairman www.rtands.com

TTCI R&D Field evaluation of:

A continuous mainline rail turnout under heavy-axle-loads

David Davis, senior scientist and Rafael Jimenez, senior engineer I

TTCI researchers develop a turnout design for low speed, low volume.


ranspor tation Technology Center, Inc. (TTCI), Progress Rail Services and BNSF developed and evaluated a prototype continuous mainline rail turnout as part of the Association of American Railroads’ Strategic Research Initiatives Program. After a short test of performance under 39-ton axle loads in a controlled environment and some minor modifications, the same turnout was installed in revenue service. The turnout is performing well, serving an aggregate shipper located in eastern Texas. The goal of the project was to develop a turnout Figure 1: Left, prototype continuous rail turnout at FAST. Right, schematic of prototype switches, moveable switch points shown in red.

14 Railway Track & Structures

February 2014

design for low speed, low volume diverging traffic applications in mainline track. The design of the switch configuration differs from conventional design by having both fixed stock rails on the mainline route, thus the name “continuous mainline rail turnout.” The moveable switch points are both on the diverging route. Figure 1 shows the continuous mainline switch configuration. Note that one switch point is located on the gauge side of the left stock rail, whereas the other one is located on the field side of the right stock rail. Because the new design functions by lifting wheels over the mainline rails, instead of providing a gap in the mainline rail for wheel flanges to pass through, it is also called a vertical switch. This switch is the functional counterpart of the lift frog design that has been successfully implemented by North American freight railways. This design strongly favors the mainline in terms of ride quality and allowable speeds. This type of switch has potential applications for set-out tracks and industrial sidings accessed from the mainline. It is expected to significantly improve the performance of this type of turnout in terms of safety, reliability and efficiency. Conventional switches have one fixed stock rail and one moveable switch point on each route. The term “split switch” is applied to this design. Figure 2 shows a conventional split switch. Both routes have running surface discontinuities on one rail. Wheels transition from stock rail to switch point on one rail of each route. The continuous mainline rail concept described here was developed to address the common www.rtands.com

failure modes of a split switch. These failure modes are related to the thin section switch point design used. 1 During the project literature search, several vertical switch concepts were reviewed to develop the basis for the heavy-axle-load service concept. A feasibility study was conducted, using vehicle/track dynamic modeling. 1 Promising results from the simulations led to the development of a prototype by BNSF and Progress Rail Services.

Tests at FAST

The development team conducted a series of tests at the Transportation Technology Center’s Facility for Accelerated Service Testing (FAST), P u e b l o, C o l o. , t o e va l u at e t h e prototype design. These tests consisted of mainline and diverging operations, track strength measurements and running surface wear measurements. Operations consisted of 40 mph mainline trains of 315,000-pound cars. Approximately 20 million gross tons (mgt) was accumulated. Diverging operations consisted of spotting loaded and empty cars in the 350-foot set-out track. These operations were made at speeds ranging from two mph to 10 mph. Approximately 0.06 mgt (275 cars and locomotives) was operated over the switch. The prototype performed very well in most aspects. The dynamic forces, measured using strain-gauged wheelsets, for mainline moves were quite low, similar to what is normally measured on open track. Maximum dynamic forces on diverging moves, as Table 1 shows, were similar to those seen in conventional turnouts. A comparison was made with a nearby split switch turnout. Even though the split switch turnout is larger (No. 20 vs. No. 11), the lateral forces were comparable. Remember, the prototype is intended for low volume, low speed diverging route moves. Maximum vertical loads are somewhat higher (about 15 percent) for the vertical switch because of the ramping in the switch, where wheels are raised above the stock rails (see Figure 3). Also, the wheel climbs a step as it encounters the end of the switch point (which rests on the surface of the stock rail). The measured diverging forces agree well with the modeled forces from the feasibility study. Table 2 lists www.rtands.com

Figure 2, top: Left, conventional split switch turnout at FAST. Right, schematic of conventional switches, moveable switch points shown in red. Figure 3: Vertical ramping in prototype in switch points. Table 1: Comparison of measured wheel/rail forces for diverging moves in the prototype and conventional switches.

the measured maximum dynamic loads for mainline moves through the two turnouts. The data here is split between the switch and the frog on each

turnout. Note that in each location, the continuous rail turnout produced lower maximum lateral forces. There were similar drops in average lateral forces, as Railway Track & Structures

February 2014 15

TTCI R&D Figure 4, top: Facing point view of BNSF continuous mainline rail turnout in Clifton, Texas. Figure 5, middle: View of field side switch point on BNSF continuous mainline rail turnout in Clifton, Texas. Figure 6: Times series of gauge side switch point profiles (12 inches from point of switch).

and short vertical ramps, wore at a much higher rate (per mgt) than the stock rails. Table 3 shows wear rates for each of the four running rails in the prototype switch. The switch point wear rates are two to three orders of magnitude higher. Note, however, that the initial wear in the first measurement interval of 0.22 mgt was about 50 and 90 percent of the total wear of the gauge- and field-side points, respectively. The wear rate is expected to continue decreasing as the points reach shapes that are conformal to wheels. Also note that the stock rail wear rates are similar to tangent track rail wear rates. Thus, if the wear life of the stock rails is expected to be 2,000 to 4,000 mgt, the wear life of the switch points will be at least 20 to 40 mgt. At the revenue service test site, the projected wear lives of the mainline stock rails will be 30 to 60 years and the projected wear lives of the switch points will be 30 to 100 years at the current wear and traffic rates. There are similarities and differences in wear of the two switch points. In both cases, the locations of highest wear rate are at the point ends. This is where the wheel impacts the end of the point as it rolls in a facing point move. Somewhat higher wear is also noted at the top of the point ramps. The effect of running surface profile may explain the higher wear rate (reported as cross section area loss) on the field-side point. Both points started with the same rectangular shape. The running surface available to the wheel on the field-side point is much smaller and perhaps less conformal, as well. In addition, the fieldside point is a composite structure consisting of three pieces. Shifting of the pieces relative to each other may cause some of the reported wear for this switch point. Since the profiles are aligned using the nonwearing surface of the point guard, any relative movement of the tread bearing portion will be interpreted as wear.

Revenue service performance

well. The changes in running surface in the conventional switch and frog generate lateral forces above those seen in open track. Maximum vertical forces at higher speeds should be similar to open track with continuous welded rail. Previous tests of a lift frog at FAST showed 95 percent vertical forces of 47 and 76 kips for lift and railbound manganese frogs, respectively, at 40 mph.2 Wear of the stock rails and switch points was also measured. The switch points, with their nonconformal shapes 16 Railway Track & Structures

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The prototype turnout was modified by Progress Rail Services and BNSF to address the issues found during the tests at FAST. It was then installed in revenue service on BNSF near Clifton, Texas, in March 2013. The Fort Worth subdivision carries about 65 mgt annually. The turnout serves an aggregate shipper that loads about 30 cars per week. Mainline speeds are 75 mph for passenger trains and 55 mph for freight. Figures 4 and 5 show the turnout in service near Clifton. The design team engineers have been monitoring the performance of the turnout in service. In general, it has performed well. Local switching crews have learned its operating characteristics and are satisfied with its performance on diverging moves. The mainline operating performance has been very good, with favorable comments from operating and track maintenance personnel. www.rtands.com

Running surface profiles of the switch points and stock rails were measured in May 2013 and in September 2013 to determine the wear performance of these components in revenue service. A total of 32 running surface cross-section profiles were taken at the same locations they were taken while the turnout was in test at TTC. Thus, the initial wear rates in revenue service were calculated and compared to wear rates under 315,000-pound car traffic at FAST. The results show some changes in wear rate and worn shapes from revenue service traffic. The wear rate has decreased under 286,000pound cars as compared to 315,000pound car traffic at FAST. Figure 6 shows a series of switch point profiles taken at 12 inches from the point of switch on the gauge-side point. The profiles show the switch point r unning surface when new, after approximately 0.02, 0.04 and 0.06 mgt (275 cars weighing 315,000 pounds) and after another 0.04 mgt (240 cars weighing 286,000 pounds loaded and 60,000 pounds empty). Figure 6 shows that the switch point continues to deform to become more conformal in shape to the wheels running over it. There is metal loss above the gauge corner with metal flow down the vertical face of the point near the gauge corner. There is also some metal flow on the laterally unsupported field edge of the point. Figure 7 shows where wheel contact is made by the wear pattern on the painted surface of the switch point and also shows the metal flow on the irregular edge of the point. This can also be seen in the plan view of the field side point shown in Figure 8. Note the shiny flattened area at the unsupported leading edge where wheels first make contact.

Additional observations

Operation of the switch has been successful with few issues from the train crews. One issue reported from FAST tests is the effor t needed to throw the switch. Due to the additional mass of the switch points and the larger than typical throw distance, the points require more effort than a conventional No. 11 switch to throw. The prototype had a new type of roller installed in the plate work. www.rtands.com

Figure7, top: Gauge side point wear and contact locations. Figure 8: Top view of field-side point showing metal flow at leading edge. Table 2, top: Comparison of measured wheel/rail forces for diverging moves in the prototype and conventional switches. Table 3: Comparison of measured wheel/rail forces for mainline moves in the prototype and conventional switch turnouts.

After these experimental rollers failed, the switch was left with no rollers due to the lack of provision for roller travel on the field-side point plate work. The switch heels were reconfigured to reduce the throw resistance.

Conclusions The



rail turnout is performing well in revenue service after a short test at FAST. The prototype has performed successfully in low speed diverging operations with loaded and empty 315,000-pound capacity car s. In mainline operations, train dynamic performance is significantly better than with conventional split switch turnouts. Revenue service operations have been successful dur ing the first six months of operation. The expected long-ter m benefits include lower dynamic loads, longer component ser vice lives and less maintenance for the mainline route of the turnout.


John Bosshar t, for mer director of track standards at BNSF and Russ

Hein, technical director at Progress Rail Services, were instrumental in developing the continuous mainline rail turnout concept into a working prototype. TTCI employees Joseph LoPresti and Xinggao Shu contributed to this article. References 1. Davis, D. and Akhtar, M. May 2010. “Development of a Vertical Switch Design.” Technology Digest TD-10-014, Association of Amer ican Railroads, Transpor tation Technology Center, Inc., Pueblo, Colo. 2. Davis, D., Shu, X. and Jimenez, R. December 2009. “Initial Perfor mance Evaluation of Partial Flange Bearing Frogs for Turnouts in Heavy Axle Load Service.” Technology Digest TD-09-031, Association of Amer ican Railroads, Transpor tation Technology Center, Inc., Pueblo, Colo.

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FRA Revises

Defective Rail and Rail Inspection standards, Adds New Standards for Detector Car Operators

Changes are scheduled for March 25, 2014 Opposite page: A revised Remedial Action Table from Subpart D—Track Structure, of Part 213, published in the Jan. 29 Federal Register. by Louis Cerny, railroad consultant


he Federal Railroad Administration (FRA), in the Federal Register of January 24, has issued revisions to the Track Safety Standards that are scheduled to go into effect March 25, 2014. These revisions were based mostly, but not entirely, on work completed by an FRA Railroad Safety Advisory Committee group in July 2010, in which railroad and labor representatives participated. The changes are to existing sections 213.113, defective rails; 213.237, inspection of rail and 213.214, inspection records. A new section 213.238 has been added on qualified operators for rail defect detection equipment. In addition, the requirements for joint bar fracture reports in 213.119(h) (7)(ii) have been eliminated.

213.113 (defective rails) changes

Changes are made in 213.113 which involve tightening and clarifying remedial actions and which allow a four-hour period to verify many types of defects, so as to get more use out of rail defect detection equipment. The four-hour interval is covered in a new 213.113(b) and will apply to all defects found by detector car indications except those requiring remedial actions A, A2 or B. The language in 213.113(a) also clarifies that rails may be repaired instead of replaced using new methods which remove and repair defects in the head without affecting the web or base. The remedial action table is now designated as 213.113(c). (Note: In the January 24 Federal Register, the table as published did not have all the grouping dividers intended by the FRA. This was corrected on January 29 and the correct table is shown on the next page.) Head defect size groupings for compound fissures remain the same, but those for transverse fissure, detail fracture, engine burn fracture and defective weld have been tightened. A new provision, footnote 2, has been added to the table to indicate that remedial action D applies to a moon-shaped base break, resulting from a derailment, with a length greater than six inches but not exceeding 12 inches and width not exceeding one-third of the rail base width. Regarding footnote 1, the FRA, in its preamble in the Federal Register, 18 Railway Track & Structures

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makes clear that a chipped rail end is not to be considered as a “break out in the rail head.� The remedial actions themselves have been revised and clarified. Remedial action C has been tightened by only allowing 10 days instead of the former 20 to apply joint bars through the outermost holes and in remedial action D the tightening is from 10 to seven days. In both cases a provision has been added that if the joint bars are not applied within the time limits, speed must be reduced to 10 mph. Remedial actions F and G have been clarified as to what happens after the 90- and 30-day periods expire, indicating that the reinspection cycle starts over with each successive inspection and that one single inspection is not sufficient. If not reinspected within the time limits, speeds are restricted to 25 mph. In the 213.113 definitions, a category is added for crushed head, which is distinguished from flattened rail by sagging or drooping visible in the head/wed fillet area. FRA states in the preamble that measurements taken to classify the crushed head defect do not include the presence of localized chips or pitting in the railhead. The compound fissure and damaged rail definition are also altered. It will no longer be necessary to examine both faces of the fracture of a compound fissure.

Joint bar fracture reports eliminated

The controversial and burdensome joint bar fracture reports required by existing 213.119(h)(7)(ii) have been eliminated in the new regulations. FRA states that the reports were providing little useful research data and will be replaced by a new study not requiring regulation.

213.237 (inspection of rail) changes

This section will require that railroads conduct internal rail inspections sufficient to maintain certain service failure rates. A service failure is defined as a broken rail caused by a compound fissure, transverse fissure, detail fracture or vertical split head. Allowable service failure rates vary from 0.08 to 0.1 service failures per year per mile of track, depending on whether www.rtands.com

or not the track carries regularly scheduled passenger trains or is a hazardous materials route. In cases where a single service failure would cause the rate to be exceeded, compliance will be considered achieved unless a second such failure occurs within a designated 12-month period. As at present, internal rail inspection is not required on Class 1 and 2 track. For determining the rail failure rates, railroads will need to designate inspection segments of their lines by March 25. These initial designations will not require FRA approval, but any changes made thereafter will have to have prior approval of the FRA. If the service rates are not achieved, additional provisions come into effect, with the ultimate penalty being that, if the performance rate is not met for two consecutive years, then for the area where the service failures are concentrated, either the tonnage inspection interval must be reduced to 10 mgt or the class of track must be reduced to Class 2 until the target service failure rate is achieved. In addition to requiring keeping service failure rates down, the new rule language tightens up the allowed intervals between inspections regardless of how low the service failure rates are. Whereas now on Class 4 and 5 track and Class 3 track over which passenger trains operate, railroads are allowed to do internal inspection every 40 mgt or once a year, whichever interval is shorter, the 40 mgt figure will now be reduced to 30. For Class 3 track without passenger trains, which previously were required to have internal rail inspection every 30 mgt or once a year, whichever interval is longer (even if the interval for a one mgt track was 30 years), the maximum interval will now be five years, no matter how low the tonnage is. In 213.237(c), new provisions are added on inspection of plug rails, stating that any rail installed as a plug rail after March 25, 2014, must have been inspected for rail flaws not longer than before it has accumulated 30 mgt in previous and new locations since its last internal inspection. The new 213.237 rule language changes include adding the factor of being on a hazardous material route (which is defined in the new rule as a track over which a minimum of 10,000 carloads or intermodal portable tank car loads of hazardous materials as defined in 49CFR 171.8 travel over a period of one calendar year or track over which 4,000 carloads or intermodal portable tank car loads of the hazardous materials specified in 49CFR 172.820 travel, in a period of one calendar year). They also www.rtands.com

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Revised rail defect rule change the meaning of passenger train from just “passenger trains” in the present rule to “regularly-scheduled passenger trains” in the new rule. Many other detailed changes are made.

213.238 (qualified operator ) added

A whole new section, 213.238, has been added covering the qualification of detector car operators. The training, qualification and continuing evaluation of the employees are the responsibility of the employer of the of the detector car operator and the new regulation states that a track owner shall not use a provider of rail-flaw detection that fails to comply with the new regulation. To be qualified, the operator shall be trained and have written authorization from his or her employer to conduct a valid search for internal rail defects utilizing the specific types of equipment for which he or she is authorized and qualified to operate. Training and testing requirements to remain qualified are also given.

213.241 (inspection records) changes

Changes are made to require recording the beginning and end points of each internal rail inspection, to require the recording of the size of defects found (unless removed prior to next train movement) and the recording of the remedial actions taken.

General comments

All the changes in the new regulations apply only to track

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classes up to 5, as corresponding changes have not been made to part G of the Track safety Standards for track classes 6 through 9. FRA states that it “…will consider taking action in a separate, future proceeding as necessary to address the safety of high-speed operation.” As of March 25, then, many regulations will be stricter for Class 4 and 5 than for classes 6 through 9. This situation will also make it cumbersome to test sections of a line where curve or other speed restrictions create situations where track class changes from Class 6 to 5 and back, such as on Amtrak or the Union Pacific Chicago – St. Louis line. These changes are extensive and it will be a challenge for many to meet the new requirements by March 25, only 60 days after their announcement. This article was written to acquaint readers with the type of changes being made by the FRA and should not be used as a substitute for reading the rule language and associated official material themselves. Any legal or technical advice regarding these FRA rule changes should be sought from appropriate officials of the reader’s own employer. While the changes are scheduled to go into effect March 25, it is possible that petitions for reconsideration could be entertained by the FRA and result in a changed date at which the new regulations go into effect or even result in changes to the regulations themselves. The reader should look to sources, such as the RT&S webpage, to see if any such changes occur.


2014 capital expenditures strike

steady pace by Mischa Wanek-Libman, editor


North American railroads plan to spend an equivalent amount to last year on total capital spend. CSX capacity improvements along the S-Line in central Florida.


n 2013, Class 1 North American railroads and Amtrak spent nearly $14 billion on capital expenditures. At press time, only about four of the Class 1s had solid numbers on total 2014 capital expenditures. However, the remaining railroads expected their numbers to be consistent with what was spent in 2013. Because engineering accounts between 50 and 75 percent of expenditures, RT&S expects another robust year for infrastructure investment. Core maintenance will continue to be strong with all railroads continuing to focus on rail, crosstie and bridge work. Additionally, capacity enhancements in terminals to account for increased intermodal and energy traffic can be seen. In our annual RT&S survey, we asked all the major railroads for a breakdown of their expected spending during the next year. In addition to the information gathered from the survey, supplemental sources, such 22 Railway Track & Structures

as earning reports*, industry association presentations and general reporting were used to gain a full picture of what the next year will bring. All dollar figures should be read as estimates and are subject to change.


Amtrak reached agreements in the fall of 2013 with 19 state transportation departments and other entities to increase state control and funding of 28 current passenger rail routes. The agreements fulfill Section 209 of the federal Passenger Rail Investment and Improvement Act of 2008, which required states to share costs with Amtrak under a consistent for-

February 2014

mula for all routes of less than 750 miles, excluding the Northeast Corridor. State partners will pay for approximately 85 percent of operating costs that are attributed to their routes, as well as for capital maintenance costs of the Amtrak equipment they use and for support costs, such as safety programs and marketing. Amtrak will pay about 15 percent for backbone costs, such as centralized dispatching and services and back shops. The agreements allow Amtrak to focus its 2014 engineering budget in improvements needed in the northeast along the New Brunswick to Trenton Line, Springfield Line, Hudson Line, as well as improvements to www.rtands.com

2014 capital forecast

its Michigan Line. Amtrak’s Northeast Corridor work will focus on 300 bridge timers and see close to 65,000 concrete crossties installed, but more than 60,000 of these are to replace defective ties. Amtrak’s New Jersey High Speed Rail Improvement Project between New Brunswick and Trenton will see upgrades to bridge structures, signals and catenary systems, as well as an interlocking turnout replacement and two new interlockings. The passenger carrier’s Springfield and Hudson Lines will see new concrete and wood ties; a combined 520,000 lineal feet of continuous welded rail; bridge and culvert rehab. The Springfield Line will also see 13 improved grade crossings, 27 miles of new double track and station improvements. The Hudson Line will see 29 wood turnouts for station reconfiguration and 19 wood turnouts for


Norfolk Southern

Norfolk Southern’s Charlotte Intermodal Facility was built in between two airport runways.

double track.


BNSF has set another capital program record, committing $5 billion in 2014. The railroad will spend 46 percent of the program, $2.3 billion, on its core

network and related assets. In addition, the program includes about $200 million for continued PTC installation and approximately $900 million for terminal, line and intermodal expansion and efficiency projects. BNSF plans to lay 1,027 miles of

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2014 capital forecast rail relay; install 3.8 million crossties and perform 650 miles of undercutting. BNSF also anticipates a 2014 bridge program that reflects a 15 percent increase over 2013. Currently, the railroad plans 225 bridge projects focused on rebuilds, bridge fills and redecks.

canadian national

Canadian National estimates its 2014

spend on basic and special capital to be approximately $1.18 billion. Efforts to replace crossties and rail will be neckand-neck with the railroad spending 26 percent and 25 percent, respectively, of its capital on those assets. CN will also focus on its bridge and rail-flaw detection efforts. The railroad will complete four-year projects on the Sault Ste. Marie Bridge and Dubuque Bridge.

CN will also work on the second phase of its Edmonton to Winnipeg capacity initiatives, which includes 10.5 miles of double track and an additional two-mile long siding on the Prairie North Line that runs parallel to CN’s mainline and acts as a relief valve for the railroad. Additional special capital projects in 2014 include engineering work on the Ashcroft Rock Shed/Slope Mitigation project; safety initiatives, such as wayside detector work; interlocking and crossing upgrades in Gilman, Ill., and wayside inspection system respacing in both the Western and Southern Regions. PTC will also have its impact on the railroad in 2014. During CN’s Q4 2013 earnings call, Luc Jobin, chief financial officer and executive vice president, said CN has $300 million to “fulfill the full program” and will probably invest $50 million in 2014.

canadian pacific

During Canadian Pacific’s Q4 2013 earnings call, Keith Creel, president and chief operating officer, expects 2014 will be another strong year. The railroad invested heavily in its sidings in 2013 and Creel said the focus would remain on CP’s yards. “…from a capital investment standpoint, we’re going to continue to strategically invest in our network to increase the reliability...we’re investing additional steel, we’re investing in an additional 11 sidings by the end of the year, with a focus instead of bringing all those sidings on toward the end of the year, we’re going to pick the one strategically to give us the most bang for the buck from a velocity standpoint, from a service reliability standpoint and concentrate our assets and resources to bringing them online based on that sequence in priority through the year,” said Creel. Creel pointed to total 2014 capital expenditures to be between $1.2 and $1.4 billion. “It’s more about optimizing the network. It’s more about strategic investments in sidings. On the capital investment side, we’re going to be focused on siding investments and some tweaks to some of the yards finishing out multiyear plans. Some we’re going to spend in St. Paul, as well as a little bit at Chicago,” said Creel. CP’s Chief Operating Officer E. 24 Railway Track & Structures

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2014 capital forecast BNSF

Surfacing work being performed on BNSF’s Bellefontaine Bridge.

Hunter Harrison added, “The biggest call on the capital, right now, and I think that will continue for the next year or two is that we have some -- a few weak links in the network that we’re going to get the basic fiscal plan and propel it to where it ought to be.”

26 Railway Track & Structures


Clarence Gooden, executive vice president, sales and marketing, told listeners to the railroad’s Q4 2013 earnings call that intermodal will continue to be the railroad’s major growth engine and its capital investments will reflect that.

February 2014

More than half of the railroad’s 2014 capital investment of $2.3 billion will be used to maintain core infrastructure. Currently, 90 percent of the railroad’s intermodal traffic moves on double stack cleared lines and that percentage will grow in 2014 with work, such as that taking palce in Washington, D.C., on the Virginia Avenue tunnel clearance project. CSX will also invest in terminal and network capacity with nine bridge projects, a new Montreal terminal, capacity expansion of its northwest Ohio intermodal hub, as well as terminal expansion projects in New Orleans, La., and Savannah, Ga. Capacity improvements on CSX property will include constructing 70,100 lineal feet of new track, 16 turnouts, two, 10,000-lineal-foot sidings and three bridges at locations in New York, Alabama, Quebec and on the Monon Subdivision.


2014 capital forecast

“We are making investments today, building the capacity that we need for tomorrow.” –Jack Koraleski, UP

CSX is also partnering to push forward several public-private projects in Illinois, Florida, New York and Virginia. Concer ning PTC, Fredrik Eliasson, executive vice president and chief financial officer, said CSX is expected to spend $1.7 billion on the mandate, including $300 million in 2014, which leaves the railroad approximately $500 million to be spent to complete the project.


During its Q4 2013 earnings call, Kansas City Southern addressed a dip in its maintenance-of-way spending. KCS says it is not deferring maintenance, but rather, has invested so heavily during the past five years that the condition of its mainline demands a more cyclical approach to maintenance. In his annual State of the Railroad letter, Kansas City Southern’s President and CEO David Starling said KCS is operating well over solid infrastructure and that the company is seeing unprecedented new business growth. In 2014, Starling says the railroad’s focus will continue to be executing its strategic plan, specifically concentrating on those areas of fastest growth, including automotive, frac sand, cross-border intermodal and crude oil. Starling said 2014 will be another big year for track, capacity and capital projects tied to new business development. Domestically, major projects include replacing 650,000 ties across the U.S. network including major rehabilitation projects; replacing 40 miles of rail across the U.S. network; adding three R&D tracks at Jackson, Miss., and an intermodal facility expansion at Kendleton, Texas, as well as the start of construction of a new intermodal facility in Wylie, Texas. Additional projects planned for KCS’ Mexico property in 2014 are 28 Railway Track & Structures

a continuation of the Monterrey to Nuevo Laredo track upgrade with new rail and ties and additional expansions at Sanchez Yard, Interpuerto San Luis Potosi and the continued development of the double track corridor between Sanchez and Nuevo Laredo.

Norfolk Southern

Norfolk Southern has planned a $2.2-billion 2014 capital investment budget, which is 12 percent above its 2013 numbers. Of those funds, $1.2 billion will be spent on engineering, including PTC work. During the railroad’s fourth quarter earnings call, Marta Stewart, chief financial officer and executive vice president said roughly two-thirds of the 2014 spend will be invested in replacement and core projects, a quarter of the budget will support traffic growth or productivity projects and 10 percent, roughly $214 million, will be spent on PTC. Specific highlights from the engineering side of the capital spend includes 501 miles of new or relay rail, 2.42 million crossties and 2.6 million tons of ballast. NS will spend $806 million on system level maintenance, such as crossings, tie unloading and cleanup and plate handling. The railroad will also continue its in house panel turnout construction work, thermite welding, using 14 trucks for rail defect testing, rail grinding, vegetation management and bridge work. The railroad will continue to invest in its intermodal facilities by spending $487 million on six major projects scheduled in 2014.

Union Pacific

Union Pacific’s Board of Directors is scheduled to approve its 2014 capital spend at its February meeting, but Lance Fritz, executive vice president operations, told attendees on the

February 2014

railroad’s Q4 2013 earnings call that 2014’s numbers “will likely exceed last year’s spending.” UP spent $3.6 billion on its network in 2013 with more than $2.1 billion in replacement capital. On the same earnings call, Jack Koraleski, chief executive officer and president, said “Our capital investment strategy will be another key part of UP’s success going forward. We are making investments today, building the capacity that we need for tomorrow. Longer term, we remain bullish on our future prospects. We’ll continue our unrelenting focus on both safety and service to our customers.” “At the end of [2013], over 99 percent of our network was free of slow orders. Spending for service growth and productivity totaled around $1 billion, driven by investments in capacity, commercial facilities and equipment. Major projects included are $400 million investment in our Santa Teresa, N.M., facility and more than $200 million of capacity work in the south to support our diverse and growing book of business in that region. In addition, we invested another $420 million in positive train control during the year, bringing our cumulative PTC investment to $1.2 billion of our estimated $2 billion projected spend. Although it’s unlikely the industry will meet the 2015 deadline, we’re making a good-faith effort to do so and are working closely with regulators as we implement this new technology,” said Fritz. He continued, “For 2014…we’ll continue to make capacity investments in our southern region while also advancing capacity projects across other parts of our network. Although some buckets will fluctuate year-overyear, our core investment thesis will not, which is to maintain a safe, strong and resilient network and invest in service growth and productivity projects that meet our aggressive return thresholds.” The railroad is expected to continue its strong replacement capital in 2014, with a strong focus on crosstie and rail replacement. Its growth capital is expected to target operational bottlenecks and new commercial opportunities, specifically in the southern United States to support traffic generated by the crude and gas industries. *2013 Fourth Quarter earnings call transcripts provided by SeekingAlpha.com.


Friction management methods, products and equipment continue to improve in 2014.

Robolube linear rail application assembly.



by Jennifer Nunez, assistant editor


anufacturers and suppliers were hard at work in 2013 making improvements to greases and lubriction systems for the railroads. A number of new solutions and equipment are now available for use in providing optimal management of wear and tear on the rails.


Elecsys introduced its RFM-100 remote monitoring system for use on top-of-rail (TOR) and gauge-face lubricators in 2013. The monitoring system continually monitors tank levels, pump status, material disbursement, wheel/axle count and power availability. Alarm thresholds may be applied to the monitored parameter s for immediate notification of equipment failure or operational anomalies, the company notes. The data is accessed by authorized personnel via any web-enabled device, which allows the operator to respond rapidly to equipment failures and Elecsys says this greatly increases maintenance efficiency. “We expect that the recent trend towards increased focus on monitoring of both existing and new lubrication equipment will continue during the next year,” explained Jamey Hilleary, director of M2M products. “We currently have active projects with several suppliers of lubrication 30 Railway Track & Structures

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equipment to equip new and existing installations on major rail systems in the U.S.”

L.B. Foster

L.B. Foster Rail Technologies says it has seen rapid growth over the past two years with the introduction of new types of consumable friction control materials. The industry has widely accepted the value of proper friction management of both the gauge-face and the TOR to improve overall capital and operational costs, the company says. L.B. Foster notes that focus from the industry has shifted to reducing the costs of implementing and maintaining a friction management program and says efforts to improve the railroads’ return on investment has been focussed on two aspects, reducing both the number of applicators required to treat a section of track and the application rate required. Brian Vidler, senior manager product solutions stated, “We have approached this oppor tunity to increase product value by pursuing two parallel product paths. First, we continue to develop advanced chemistry for our KELTRACK ® family of products that will provide extended carrydown, up to four miles, while maintaining the performance and rigorous safety requirements expected by the industry. Second, L.B. Foster has expended significant www.rtands.com

development efforts to understand the application of TOR oils and other lubricant materials and has now developed a TOR oil product that can provide benefits at up to eight miles. These advances in products are going to translate into significant performance gains for our customers.” Vidler says the focus isn’t only on product development, but also on r unning r igorous field tr ials to scientifically validate product performance benefits and the safe operation of customers’ railroads. “We are proud of our ability to collaborate with our customers, as well as to have our work reviewed and published within the technical community,” he said. “This work provides our customers with solid, verifiable proof of our product performance.” TOR materials are only effective when they are applied efficiently and with the highest possible uptime and to achieve this goal, L.B. Foster says it continues to advance its line of PROTECTOR® IV applicators. “Benefits of TOR and gauge-face application can only be realized when the material is applied to the rail,” explained Vidler. “Our PROTECTOR IV systems are robust and when maintained by our customers, or by L.B. Foster’s field service team, we are able to demonstrate more than 90 percent unit uptime. We continue to focus on improvements in control algor ithms, remote perfor mance monitoring and design simplification to further enhance the efficiency and reliability of our systems.” KELTRACK is a water-based friction modifier that controls the fr iction levels at the wheel/rail interface to intermediate coefficients of friction. The company says that significant efforts went into verifying that KELTRACK not only provided the fuel and rail savings, but also facilitated safe operations regarding traction, braking and impact on rolling contact fatigue. Use of L.B. Foster’s line of AutoPilot™ Mobile TOR spray systems continues to expand within the industry with the introduction of hi-rail based systems, the company says and notes that these application systems incorporate automated controls to www.rtands.com

allow track inspectors to focus on their jobs while providing effective friction control at the same time. “Mobile systems can be more efficient in product application and are well suited to high commodity routes such as coal, as well as closed loop utility operations and shortline railroads,” noted Vidler. “The key is providing effective and consistent application of friction modifiers to achieve strong returns. Our technical solutions and applications engineering team focuses on understanding each customer’s unique needs for friction control and then custom designing a solution to provide a strong positive retur n. We refer to this as Total Friction Management ™, which goes well beyond supplying a product, to developing the maintenance and performance monitoring tools and systems to actually achieve the benefits of these products.”


“Product development continues to be a primary focus of Loram’s friction management services,” explained Jon Behrens, general manager, friction management services. “Loram continues to explore customized solutions to serve the needs of its customers while growing its footprint in the friction management marketplace. Development of application and delivery systems, as well as modifier advancements, will continue to occur at a rapid pace to ensure the reliability and effectiveness of its friction management solutions and the complete satisfaction of its customers.” In the past two year s, Loram has installed more than 1,000 TOR deliver y systems on Class 1 railroads and says it expects its installed equipment base to increase significantly in the upcoming year. The company notes proper friction management practices allow the railroads to improve the stress state of their infrastructure by controlling track forces and friction and says its patented systems utilize customizable controllers and the dual positive displacement pumps to ensure that the precise amount of friction modifier is applied to each rail. The company further noted that its

system has flexibility, so a customer can adapt the same system to everchanging friction modification, based on specific site demands. During 2013, Loram introduced a remote monitoring and analytics service program. The service includes h a r d wa r e a n d s o f t wa r e t h at i s integrated with the wayside controller. This technology has the ability to report system operating diagnostics, such as pump revolutions, modifier level, batter y voltage and many other items for each system. Loram analyzes this data for its customers and communicates when and where maintenance is needed. The remote monitoring system also allows remote functionality, such as updating software, turning the system on and off and adjusting settings and modifier disbursement. Loram says this provides customers the needed tools and service to increase the up-time of the friction modifier units and realize the predicted return on investment. “Railroads continue to explore ways to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of their rail assets,” said Behrens. “Friction management is a key cost-effective solution that provides increased rail life and reduced fuel consumption. We believe the fr iction management market will continue to grow as it provides benefits to the railroads.”


Railmark Track Works Inc. has launched its own branded line of bio-based rail lubricants with a new manuf actur ing and distr ibution arrangement and says it is now able to offer customers a 25 percent to 33 percent discount over the company’s previous products. The company’s bio-based rail lubricant meet the Environmental Protection Agency’s Environmental Preferable Purchasing criteria and is a USDA BioPreferred product; is manufactured in the USA from renewable USA-grown crop-based oils and a lithium-based thickener and doesn’t contain zinc, chlorine or harsh odors. Railmark offers a variety of product applicators in the form of manual pump, hand/shoulder carry, wheeled

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friction management

railroads and rail transit operations continue to look for ways to extend equipment life, both wheel and rail wear, reduce equipment maintenance and improve fuel efficiencies,” noted Allen Brown, CEO. “Railmark’s lubrication products offers strong results while safe for the environment.”


Above, the Elecsys RFM-100 webenabled monitoring system. Installed near Kansas City, Mo., this SKF/Lincoln Lubrication Systems solar panel kit protects panels from weather damage and vandalism.

and electric units and truck bed use spot sprayers. “Railmark sees rail lubrication continuing to gain importance as all

32 Railway Track & Structures

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Robolube Industries, Inc. (RBL), introduced the Robolube Linear Wayside Lubricator concept and prototype at Railway Interchange in 2011. Since that time, the company has been conducting extensive testing of the product before releasing the unit to the market. “Our experiences with our other products have taught us well in this time-consuming and sometimes frustrating process,” explained Robert Pieper, president. “However, this is a very necessary process for an industry t h at h a s h i g h e x p e c t at i o n s a n d


friction management

The Loram TracShield installed along the rails.

demands in difficult environments. We at RBL share these same expectations with our customers. We will continue to perform these essential and necessary steps so that our unit will meet and exceed the expectations of both the railroads and RBL in performance, dependability and serviceability. Our testing has gone well and I am optimistic that we may release the unit by third quarter or fourth quarter of this year.” The linear lubricator was designed to provide application of lubricant to the gauge face in the middle of the curve; have no contact with the train; virtually eliminate product waste and reduce cost while increasing lubrication effectiveness; provide environmental stewardship by eliminating hazardous materials requirements and use a new technology that allows for heated grease, heated oil and heated rail application system (The Robolube Linear has operated at 27 degrees below zero). “I believe that indications are that the railroads are becoming more sophisticated in addressing this area and will increase their programs to include all facets of rail lubrication with hi-rail, wayside, TOR, friction modifiers, etc.,” noted Pieper. “We have designed, built and supplied a few units to one of the Class 1 railroads that encompasses our standard, Robolube hi-rail lubricator for lubricating gauge face. Not only does this lubricate rail with our traditional method and lubricant, but we now can also apply the popular friction modifiers to the TOR.

and, because SKF/Lincoln has offices worldwide that support regional preferences, we are positioned to provide effective solutions using our vast offering of lubrication equipment products.”

SKF/Lincoln Lubrication Systems

Whitmore Rail

“Because 95 percent of all lubricators utilize solar panels for power, SKF Lincoln is introducing a new solar panel kit designed for durability and security,” explained Drew Welch, national account manager, railroad, at SKF Lincoln Lubrication Systems. “Developed to protect the panels from weather damage and vandalism, the kit includes everything required for quick mounting on either the reservoir or at a remote location.” The panel is secured to a steel frame and protected by clear thermoplastic. Three five-foot-long, three-inchsquare steel tubes are fitted together to keep the panel more than 10 feet above the ground and the tubes are secured through either welding or using breakaway bolts. The completed pole can be set and filled with concrete for increased security, SKF/Lincoln notes. The kit features an oversized 190-watt panel to provide sufficient power, even in limited-light areas. The power wire is protected inside the pole and designed to be buried underground for added security and safety. “In conversations with key customers, they have indicated their intention to increase the number of wayside lubrication systems purchased in 2014,” Welch said. “This is especially relevant for TOR projects. We currently are working on a number of major projects. We continue to see increased interest in our rail lubrication products globally www.rtands.com

For more than 20 years, Whitmore Rail has been developing petroleum and biodegradable rail curve and switch plate lubricants. The company’s recent push to become more vertically integrated in the rail sector now includes the launch of a new TOR friction modifier called TOR Armor™. It provides friction at the wheel-rail interface and is said to reduce lateral creep. “Wear, noise and lateral forces are all reduced saving customers time and money,” explained Bruce Wise, director of railroad sales. “It’s formulated for use on heavy-haul freight and transit rail applications. Another comprehensive friction management product we’ve introduced is our new line of high-tech electric trackside lubricators called AccuTrack™. The technological advancements designed into these lubricators include delivery of consistent output in all temperatures. They are available in multiple tank sizes, all include a flooded suction inlet and are made in the USA.” Whitmore expects lubrication programs to be about the same as 2013 and projects its business to grow significantly this year. “2014, in general, looks like it will be a growth year for our overall rail business,” he said. “Our core rail curve lubricants business continues to flourish as we add new products and services that complement our traditional offering.” Railway Track & Structures

February 2014 33

Transit maintenance takes

preparation, collaboration NCTD knows the indispensability of a good plan and of being a good partner. by Mischa Wanek-Libman, editor


he North County Transit District (NCTD) is responsible for moving more than 12 million riders a year around north San Diego County on its various modes of transportation, which include COASTER commuter rail, SPRINTER light-rail service and BREEZE bus service. In addition to planning and maintaining passenger rail service on two lines, NCTD must liaise with eight municipalities in its service area, the San Diego Metropolitan Transit System (San Diego MTS), the San Diego Association of Governments (SANDAG), as well as freight and other passenger rail service providers. To those unfamiliar, NCTD’s operational parameters may come across as confusing: NCTD co-owns with San Diego MTS the coastal railroad that hosts COASTER, Metrolink, Amtrak and BNSF traffic and NCTD has the lead role for implementing transit operations, routine capital projects and state of good repair projects, while SANDAG, the San Diego region’s planning organization, is responsible for development and construction activities related to capacity enhancing projects. All of this results in making NCTD a case study in well- ex34 Railway Track & Structures

ecuted collaboration.

Maintenance planning

Nick Freeman, deputy chief operations officer, Rail Operations at NCTD, says the district’s rail maintenance planning consists of two parts: regular routine maintenance and capital enhancement projects. “Our regular routine maintenance is determined by Federal Railroad Administration regulations, territory specific maintenance plans, and track inspections. It is then scheduled and prioritized by the MOW manager and entered into a database for record keeping, which our contractor, TransitAmerica Services, Inc., (TASI) is responsible for maintaining,” said Freeman. “The replacement of rail assets is scheduled according to different factors, such as useful life expectancy of an asset, the current condition of the rail and the increase in million gross tons on the rail. All of which is done on a five-year ‘look-ahead’ and scheduled accordingly. NCTD staff members work closely together with TASI throughout the entire maintenance planning process.” In Fiscal Year 2014, NCTD has a

February 2014

capital budget of $31 million and $14 million is budgeted for rail operations and maintenance. NCTD currently has $9.7 million approved for maintenanceof-way projects that include crossing renewal, crosstie renewal, grinding, rail replacement, drainage improvements, turnout renewal and bridge work. NCTD estimates its bridge repair and replacement needs will increase to around $4.3 million beginning in Fiscal Year 2016. “NCTD maintains over 60 bridge structures within its coastal and inland rail corridors. The bridges within the inland corridors are newer and require far less maintenance since the rail line was improved to support the SPRINTER light-rail service in 2008. In general, the coastal bridges are older and require additional maintenance and inspection,” said Peykan Abassi, chief development officer at the agency. “The yearly bridge inspections help the district to prioritize and allocate resources. The district strives to replace bridges that near their design life and rehabilitate bridges with accelerated deterioration.” As far as more general challenges are concerned, NCTD runs into a familiar www.rtands.com

transit m/w: NCTD Opposite page: Crews digging for fiber optic cable needed for PTC installation. This page: Top, rail maintenance being performed at night. Bottom, bridge work being performed near Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton.

obstacle in the transit industry: obtaining work windows. “The reason for this is simple; NCTD has an obligation to provide a reliable, on-time service to its customers, both passengers and freight. NCTD is in the process of upgrading its infrastructure to provide enhanced service that will provide customers with an even more reliable on-time performance. The challenge of obtaining a work window is tough, but not impossible,” explained Freeman. “Project managers submit work plans to a diverse committee that includes representatives from multiple departments within NCTD. That begins the review and comment period, which will clarify the work to be performed. Follow up meetings may be scheduled depending on the complexity of the project. Finally, schedules are checked and the AWW may then be scheduled.” NCTD is also advancing its positive train control (PTC) work to meet the mandate’s 2015 deadline. The district has budgeted $87.3 million, consisting of federal, state and local funds, for the project. The project will be completed in two phases, the first phase, system development, which included field surveys, mapping, radio propagation and spectrum studies, system design and development work was completed in July 2012. A Notice to Proceed has been given to NCTD’s contractor for Phase 2 – Procurement/Installation/Testing. The agency says Phase 2 is 43-percent complete and NCTD is on schedule to meet the implementation deadline.

Maintenance partnering

The second part of NCTD’s rail capital program includes the projects SANDAG is responsible for managing. Currently, SANDAG has 16 capital projects under development or under construction and has completed six additional projects along the rail corridor between Orange County and Santa Fe Depot in San Diego at an estimated program cost of $998 million, of which $467 million has www.rtands.com

been identified. “Since SANDAG began the doubletracking program in late 2009, completed projects have added five miles of double-track to the corridor in San Diego County. There are four major capital projects under construction, which will add over seven miles of double-track, replace existing bridges and upgrade signal systems. The completed and in-progress projects will increase the percentage of the corridor that is double-tracked from 51 percent to 66 percent,” said Abassi. “Additionally, there are 12 projects in planning and design that will add over 12 miles of additional double-track and replace over 30 aging bridges. In addition to adding capacity, these projects provide operational flexibility, reduce future maintenance costs and enhance safety and reliability of the overall system.” Another aspect of maintenance partnering is being a good neighbor and NCTD does this by first, focusing on

keeping its employees and the community safe and second, developing successful community outreach efforts. Frances Schnall, NCTD marketing representative says the district follows FRA regulations when it comes to its roadway worker protection program and also has an extensive rail safety outreach program focusing on certain “hotspots” where safety issues are more prevalent. Additionally, NCTD is in the beginning stages of creating a series of safety videos to educate its passengers about safety, security and emergency response procedures. When it comes to reaching out to the public concerning project impact, Schnall says, “[NCTD and SANDAG] proactively engage the general public to inform them of a particular project’s regional benefits, which may include increasing train capacity, reducing environmental impacts or creating sustainable transit options.”

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Transit M/W: NCTD One of the SANDAG-managed construction projects that enhances NCTD’s system was the completion of the new double-track Santa Margarita rail bridge that was opened for service Nov. 18, 2013.

Schnall notes the district’s efforts in working with the community have been enhanced by the practice of embedding outreach staff in the project teams. “The close coordination of maintenance and engineering staff with outreach staff benefits our customers and neighbors by ensuring that they receive the most current and accurate information,” said Schnall. “Being a good neighbor to local residents and businesses near the railroad is important to NCTD. Maintenance and construction projects may have temporary impacts and NCTD has an active notification program for affected communities. We work with residents, businesses and our city partners to reduce those impacts as much as possible and to ensure neighbors are aware of impacts that could affect their daily (and nightly) routines.”

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“The close coordination of maintenance and engineering staff with outreach staff benefits our customers and neighbors by ensuring that they receive the most current and accurate information.”


AREMA NEWS Professional Development Upcoming seminars

Introduction to practical railway engineering April 28-30, 2014 UNLV Las Vegas, Nevada

Message from the President

Groundhogs, valentines and presidents By Joe Smak

Sign up for IPRE and TADS and SAVE $100 on your registration fee.

track alignment design May 1-2, 2014 UNLV Las Vegas, Nevada

Introduction to practical railway engineering July, TBA Montreal, Canada railroad bridge load rating - steel structures September 15, 2014 New Orleans, LA Introduction to Practical Railway Engineering September 26-28, 2014 Chicago, IL In conjunction with the AREMA 2014 Annual Conference & Exposition

For additional information please contact Desirée Knight at dknight@arema.org


Joe Smak AREMA President 2013-2014

As I glanced at the February 2014 calendar, three highlighted dates caught my eye. February 1 is known as Groundhog Day, February 14 is Valentine’s Day and February 17 is Presidents' Day here in the United States. So, let me start with Presidents' Day. It is a holiday in the U.S. where we honor our first president, George Washington, along with our former presidents. But I would like to take this opportunity to talk about other presidents. Each year, Railway Age presents the “Railroader of the Year” award and for 2014 the president and chief executive officer of Amtrak, Joseph Boardman, has been chosen for this honor. I, along with my Amtrak colleagues, congratulate Mr. Boardman for this prestigious award. Under his direction, he has led Amtrak through some difficult times and has proven that Amtrak is truly "America’s Railroad." We continue to break ridership records, month after month, year after year. We continue to operate smoothly and safely and have proven that Amtrak is worthy of continued federal and state funding. There is much to be done and under Joe Boardman’s leadership, Amtrak will continue to serve as the nation’s passenger railroad. As president of AREMA, I am following in the footsteps of great leaders before me. AREMA Past Presidents Carter, Verhelle, Unsworth, Van Trump, Boileau, Etherton, Dodge, Abbott, Heide, Nash, Keller, Armstrong, Roney, Kelly, Cantrell and Ogden are all notable figures in our industry. They have led the AREMA organization well and I have quite a job ahead of me to live up to their standards. And there were presidents of our predecessor organizations (AREA, Roadmasters, B&B and C&S) that forged the way for the great organization that we have today. Without all these great leaders of the past, AREMA would not be the world leader in railroad engineering. The presidents of our affiliated organizations should be recognized, as well. Bill Dorris of NRC, John Fox of REMSA, Patti jon Goff of RSSI and Fred Sasser of RSI are the presidents of these organizations and are deserving of our recognition. Without their leadership, our great industry would not be where it is today. Next is Valentine’s Day. It is a day to show our love and appreciation to our spouses or significant others. I personally want to thank my wife, Pam, for her love and support for all these years. Without her, I would not have been able to do what I have accomplished. I think that railroad spouses need to be recognized and I think that railroaders will agree with me. Our jobs are demanding and we need all the support we can get. We are away from our homes for long periods of time and our spouses are left to care for the home and raise our families. It takes a special person to tolerate the long hours, days and weeks away from home. For this we are all thankful. Last is Groundhog Day. Although it is largely centered in Pennsylvania, Groundhog Day is noted in North America for the weather prediction of the continuance of winter. Folklore has it that there will be Continued on page 38 Railway Track & Structures

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2014 Upcoming Committee Meetings Feb. 10-11 Feb. 12-13 Feb. 20 Feb. 21-22 March 4-5 March 5-6

Committee 1 - Roadway & Ballast Committee 7 - Timber Structures Committee 28 - Clearances Committee 24 - Education & Training Committee 39 - Positive Train Control Committee 38 - Information, Defect Detection & Energy Systems

Ft. Worth, TX San Antonio, TX Pensacola Beach, FL Jacksonville, FL Overland Park, KS Overland Park, KS

March 6 Committee 27 - Maintenance of Way Work Equipment March 31 Committee 11 - Commuter and Intercity Rail Systems March 31 Committee 17 - High Speed Rail Systems April 2-4 Committee 37 - Signal Systems April 3-4 Committee 4 - Rail April 21-22 Committee 16 - Economics of Railway Engineering & Operations

Las Vegas, NV Pueblo, CO Pueblo, CO Harrisburg, PA Pueblo, CO Chicago, IL

Negotiated airline discount information for AREMA Committee Meetings can be found online at http://www.arema.org/meetings/airlines.aspx.


Registration is now open for the AREMA 2014 Annual Conference & Exposition. You may now book your hotel reservations at https://resweb.passkey.com/go/AREMA2014. Please see the alert announcement on Page 40 warning exhibitors about the telephone and email scam. Online dues renewal is now available. To pay online, log into www.arema.org then select “Dues Renewal” from the “Membership” drop-down menu. Print renewal invoices have been mailed. Exhibit with AREMA in Chicago at the 2014 Annual Conference and Exposition being held September 28 - October 1, 2014. Please contact Christy Thomas at cthomas@arema.org to book your space today. For more information, including the live expo hall floor plan, please visit www.arema.org/meetings/2014/2014_expo. Interested in sponsorship for the AREMA 2014 Annual Conference and Exposition? Please contact Lindsay Hamilton at lhamilton@arema.org or 1.301.459.3200, ext. 705, for more information.

Continued from page 37 six more weeks of winter if the awakened groundhog sees his shadow. And who can forget the 1993 movie classic "Groundhog Day" starring Bill Murray as Pittsburgh newsman Phil Connors who travels to Punxsutawney, Pa., to cover this famous event? Have you ever been woken up by a radio alarm clock playing “I’ve Got You, Babe” by Sonny and Cher? Have you ever had a deja’ vu moment, where you have this eerie feeling that you have been in a situation in a place that is all too familiar? Sometimes on the railroad, we have a "Groundhog Day". We do things over and over again, the same way, because that’s how we have always done it, for the past hundred years. And surprise, we get the same results. But even in the movie, Bill Murray wakes up one morning, after hearing “I’ve Got You, Babe” morning after morning, but things are different. He finally is able to escape the continuous loop with a better, planned result. So, don’t get caught in a “Groundhog Day." Yes, many of the things we do on the railroad are the best way, having proved themselves over the past hundred years, with good results. But maybe, just maybe, with careful analysis and planning, a slight difference in a procedure or process can make a difference, with a better result. One quick ending thought. Congratulations to North Carolina State University, our latest AREMA Student Chapter. That brings the total to 17 AREMA Student Chapters. Welcome, Wolfpack. Be safe in all that you do. Put your career on the right track with AREMA’s Railway Careers Network. Services are free and include confidential resume posting, job search and e-mail notification when jobs match your criteria. http://www.careers.arema.org.

Call for entries for the 2014 Dr. William W. Hay Award for Excellence. The selection process for the sixteenth W. W. Hay Award has begun. Entries must be submitted by May 30, 2014. Please visit www.arema.org for more information. AREMA’s Official Facebook Page Become a fan of the official AREMA Facebook Page and stay up-to-date on the most recent AREMA information. The Official AREMA LinkedIn Group Join the official AREMA LinkedIn Group by visiting www.linkedin.com and searching groups for “American Railway Engineering and Maintenance-of-Way Association.”

Not an AREMA Member? Join today at www.arema.org 38 Railway Track & Structures

February 2014


Getting to know Karen Horiszny Each month, AREMA features one of our committee chairs. We are pleased to announce that the February featured chair is Karen Horiszny, chair of Committee 5 - Track. AREMA: Why did you decide to choose a career in railway engineering? HORISZNY: I attended Bucknell University in Lewisburg, Pa., and studied civil engineering. Bucknell offers a twosummer program called the Institute for Leadership in Technology and Management. The program consists of approximately 18-24 students taken from both the management and engineering disciplines. I applied to be a part of the program and was accepted. We spent the first summer on campus studying how management and engineering interact at major companies and learning how to integrate both disciplines to solve complex corporate and industry problems. The second summer of the program consisted of securing an internship to practice what had been learned. Thanks to a professor at Bucknell that had a contact at BNSF and to my willingness to live anywhere for a summer, I ended up with an internship in the Intermodal Department at BNSF in Fort Worth, Texas. While working as an intern, I discovered that there were a lot of opportunities within the railroad where I could use my engineering background and leadership skills at the same time. I also learned that working for the railroad would be an opportunity to live in several different locations and explore the country. I was hired the following year for a full-time management trainee position in the Engineering Department. AREMA: How did you get started? HORISZNY: I started as a management trainee in the Environmental Department in Topeka, Kan. I was sent out to the Pacific Northwest to spend some time with the track department and learn what they do. During a long hi-rail trip over the Stevens Pass on the Scenic Subdivision, the roadmaster and division engineer talked me into switching from Environmental to the Track Department. I am not sure if it was their plan, but I ended up working for them less than a year later as an assistant roadmaster on that division. AREMA: How did you get involved in AREMA and your committee? HORISZNY: I was active with SWE and ASCE in college, so it just seemed right to join AREMA when I started working for the railroad. I first joined Committee 24 because I was interested in improving the transition young railroaders make from a college curriculum with little to no railroad engineering to becoming a productive employee with the right knowledge to be successful in the Track Department. In 2003, I became the manager, track standards at BNSF and joined Committee 5 since it applied to what I was working on. I didn’t have time for two committees, however, so I had to say goodbye to the good folks in Committee 24 (and I am not sure that they have all forgiven me for that yet). I have continued with Committee 5 even though I have long been out of the standards position. The leadership at Committee 5 asked if I wanted to take on more responsibility and I became a subcommittee chair. www.rtands.com

Karen Horiszny Chair, Committee 5 - Track Manager Best Way Engineering BNSF Railway

AREMA: Outside of your job and the hard work you put into AREMA, what are your hobbies? HORISZNY: Spending time walking my dogs, playing volleyball, running and doing triathlons. I have been playing volleyball since junior high school and I still really enjoy the sport. I am currently playing on a league team two nights a week when my work travel schedule permits. I also enjoy participating in running events, such as half or full marathons. By signing up and paying for an event, I end up with a goal and a deadline to work towards. I ran my first marathon last year in St. Louis, Mo., and I am currently training for another one in February 2014. Don’t get the wrong impression – I’m not very good at running and I am very slow. I’m only competing against myself to see if I can really do it. I did my first triathlon in 2007 when a friend said she was going to try one and had not done another one until a different friend asked if I would do one with her in 2010. Since then, I have been hooked. After competing Railway Track & Structures

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in sprint distance events all last summer, I tried my first Olympic distance triathlon in August. It didn’t go as well as I had hoped, so I have a lot of work to do this summer. AREMA: Tell us about your family. HORISZNY: My dogs are my kids. I have an eight-yearold golden retriever/lab mix named Lucky and a really old bulldog/pitbull mix named Judy. According to Judy’s paperwork from the shelter, she is 18 years old. I don’t think she is quite that old, but she is no spring chicken. Lucky is my running partner and Judy patiently waits for us to get back so I can feed her. Judy’s specialty is napping, not running. But Judy has taught me that you see a lot more in life if you stop to sniff everything. I am fortunate to have a good support system to help take care of my dogs when I am traveling. My parents and siblings live in Pennsylvania and New York and I usually get to see them a few times a year. I have four nephews and one niece, so I occasionally get recruited to help clean up toy train derailments. AREMA: If you could share one interesting fact about

yourself with the readers of RT&S, what would it be? HORISZNY: Starting with my move from Pennsylvania to Kansas right out of college, I moved seven times in the first 11 years of my railroad career. It wasn’t always easy being in a new town and a new job, but I wouldn’t trade the experiences I had and the people I have met for anything. AREMA: What would you say is your biggest achievement? HORISZNY: Becoming the first female division engineer at BNSF. There still aren’t very many women in engineering supervisor positions on the railroads so I am proud that I have shown that it can be done. It was very fulfilling to make a difference not only in the track that I was responsible for, but also in the lives of the people that were working for me. AREMA: What advice would you give to someone who is trying to pursue a career in the railway industry? HORISZNY: I would tell them to go for it. The railroad industry can be challenging, but it will provide you with a lot of opportunity. If you want a job where every day is different and exciting, then the railroad industry is right for you.

University of Toledo Student Chapter Our Track Crew is busy helping restore a 1930’s Pullman Coach with the Toledo Lake Erie and Western Railway and is planning a summer co-op program with ACME Construction. The chapter also recently welcomed guest speaker Andrew Brock, a UT alumni and roadmaster in training for CSX. Do you have any upcoming events? UT AREMA will be holding several seminars and classes for UT students this semester. These will include sections on Track Safety, Railroading 101, Track Structure 101 and Basic Welding. A few field trips and guest speakers will also be on our agenda. To keep up to date with our chapter, please check out our website: http://sites.google.com/site/utaremaswebpage/.

UT AREMA Student Members at CSX’s North Baltimore Intermodal Facility in December 2012.

When was the UT AREMA Student Chapter established and how many members does this student chapter currently have? The University of Toledo AREMA Student Chapter started as an interest group in September of 2012 and was made official by AREMA in February 2013. We currently have 39 active members representing four engineering disciplines, as well as other majors, such as business, theater and pre-med. Who is your chapter president? Our chapter president is Steve Berish, a sophomore civil engineering student. In September of 2012, he initiated a project that has become the present day UT AREMA, including the development of our Track Speeder Team (TST), Track Crew, the UT AREMA Librar y and numerous connections with the railroad industry. Has the UT AREMA student chapter had any recent exciting events occur that you would like to share with the readers of RT&S? TST is finalizing the purchase of our third track speeder and is hard at work restoring two tie inserters via a lease agreement with ACME Construction of Cleveland, Ohio. 40 Railway Track & Structures

February 2014


AREMA staff appointment

AREMA Publications Reflections on a Half Century of Railway Engineering and Some Related Subjects©

Railway Memoirs by William G. Byers, PE

2013 Manual for Railway Engineering© There have been numerous updates to more than 5,000 pages of the Manual for Railway Engineering. The chapters are grouped into four general categories, each in a separate volume: • Track • Structures • Infrastructure & Passenger • Systems Management. The Manual is an annual publication, released every April. It is available in four-volume loose-leaf format, CD-ROM, revision set (loose-leaf only) and individual chapters (hard copy and downloadable formats). Downloadable Chapters Available Online.

AREMA Bridge Inspection Handbook© The AREMA Bridge Inspection Handbook provides a comprehensive source of information and criteria for bridge inspections for engineers engaged in the assessment of railway bridges. This handbook is published as a guide to establishing policies and practices relative to bridge inspection. It covers such topics as confined spaces, site conditions, loads & forces, nomenclature, bridge decks, timber, concrete & steel bridges, movable bridges, tunnel and culvert inspections, and emergency & postearthquake inspections. Also included are many color photographed examples in several chapters, as well as a glossary in the back of the book. To order any of the AREMA publications, please visit www.arema.org or contact Beth Caruso at +1.301.459.3200, ext. 701, or bcaruso@arema.org.


2014 Communications & Signals Manual of Recommended Practices© The Communications & Signals Manual is a manual of recommended practices written by AREMA technical committees in the interest of establishing uniformity, promoting safety or efficiency and economy. The Communications & Signals Manual of Recommended Practices is an annual publication. Downloadable Sections Available Online.

Practical Guide to Railway Engineering© This guide provides a comprehensive overview and understanding of the railway system. Whether you are new to the rail industry or a long-time contributor wanting to learn more, this bound book and CD-ROM offer in-depth coverage of railway fundamentals and serve as an excellent reference. (Also available in a CD-ROM version only.)

2012 Portfolio of Trackwork Plans© The Portfolio of Trackwork Plans consists of plans and specifications that relate to the design, details, materials and workmanship for switches, frogs, turnouts and crossovers, crossings, rails and other special trackwork. This is a companion volume to the Manual for Railway Engineering.

Lindsay Hamilton has been appointed manager of marketing and communications at AREMA, effective January 2, 2014. She will be replacing Lisa Hall, who is leaving in February after seven years with AREMA to get married and relocate to New Jersey. Hamilton comes to AREMA with more than three years of experience with the for-profit subsidiary of a newspaper association in Pennsylvania. She has earned a bachelor's and a master's degree in marketing from York College of Pennsylvania. Hamilton also had an opportunity to be part of the AREMA group at the recent NRC Conference where she was able to meet many industry leaders. The appointment was announced by Dr. Charles Emely, executive director/CEO of AREMA. Emely said, "We welcome Lindsay to the AREMA staff team and look forward to her contributions to our marketing and promotion programs."

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February 2014



Safety illumination

ION-intel offers StepGlow 速, a natural light absorbing hybrid crystal that captures and stores natural and artificial light, slowly releasing a high-intensity glow providing a bright, sustained, light safety egress. StepGlow provides up to 30 hours of visible guidance from only a few hours of sunlight or artificial light. Manufactured on flat and curved aluminum ribbed supports, StepGlow resists heavy daily foot traffic, impacts and abrasion providing more than 20 years of functional night guidance. Custom signs are available with natural glow illumination for equipment and building guidance. Phone: 888-906-9327.

Hard hat brim with shade

Ergodyne has expanded its heat stress solutions to include the Chill-Its速 6660 Hard Hat Brim with Shade. The hard hat brim with shade fits around the outside of a hard hat, providing both sun and UV protection for the face and neck. The had is said to be ideal for workers who are exposed to the sun and its harmful UV rays. Phone: 800-225-9238. www.rtands.com

Railway Track & Structures

February 2014 43

CALENDAR FEBRUARY 12-16. Transportation Research Board 93rd Annual Meeting. Connecticut Avenue Collection. Washington, D.C. Phone: 202-334-3504. Website: www.trb.org. 23-24. 10th Annual Southwestern Rail Conference. Holiday Inn - SMU/Park Cities. Dallas, Texas. Website: http://tms.us/tra.html. MARCH 3-5. Railroad Track Construction Project Management. Hilton Garden Inn - Chicago O’Hare Airport. Des Plains, Ill. Contact: Dave Peterson. Phone: 800-4620876. E-mail: peterson@epd.engr.wisc.edu. Website: http://epdweb.engr.wisc.edu/Courses/Course. lasso?myCourseChoice=N892 13. Railroad Day on Capitol Hill. Renaissance Washington. Washington, D.C. Contact: Kathy Cassidy. Phone: 202 585-3443. E-mail: kcassidy@aslrra.org. Website: http://www.aslrra.org. APRIL 1-2. 19th Annual AAR Research Review. Cheyenne Mountain Resort. Colorado Springs, Colo. Transportation Technology Center, Inc. Pueblo, Colo. Phone: 719-584-0544. E-mail: annualreview@aar.com. Website: www.aar.com. 8-11. Track Safety Standards Part 213 Clases 1-5 Workshop. DoubleTree by Hilton Omaha Downtown. Omaha, Neb. Phone: 800-228-9670 . E-mail: studentservices@sb-reb.com. Website: http://www. railwayeducationalbureau.com/TrkInspWrkShp.html. MAY 5-7. Engineering Fundamentals of Rail Freight Terminals, Yards, and Intermodal Facilities. Hilton Chicago/Oak Lawn. Oak Lawn, Ill. Contact: Dave Peterson. Phone: 800-462-0876. E-mail: peterson@epd.engr.wisc.edu. Website: http://epdweb.engr.wisc.edu/Courses/Course. lasso?myCourseChoice=N895. 20-22. RSSI 54th Annual C&S Exhibition. Gaylord Opryland Resort & Convention Center. Nashville, Tenn. Phone: 502-3277774. Fax: 502-327-0541. E-mail: Sharon@rssi.org. Website: www.rssi.org. AUGUST 3-8. Global Level Crossing and Trespass Symposium. Illini Union, University of Illinois. Urbana, Ill. Website: http://ict. uiuc.edu/railroad/GLXS/overview.php. SEPTEMBER 23-26. InnoTrans 2014. Messe Berlin Convention Center. Berlin, Germany. Phone: +49(0)30 3038-2376. E-mail: innotrans@messe-berlin.de. Website: http://www. innotrans.de/. 44 Railway Track & Structures

February 2014


Ad Index Company

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e-mail address

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AREMA Marketing Department




Cover 3

Brandt Road Rail Corporation

306-79 1-7533




512-869-1542 ext.228




Harsco Rail





Herzog Railroad Services, Inc.





Herzog Services, Inc.





Hougen Manufacturing, Inc.





L.B. Foster Co.





Loram Maintenance of Way, Inc.




Cover 2

Neel Company, The





Nordco Inc.





Osmose Railroad Services, Inc.




Pandrol USA, LP


Postle Industries








Railway Age Crude By Rail





Railway Educational Bureau, The




RailWorks Corporation









voestalpine Nortrak Inc.



gord.weatherly@voestalpine.com 2

Vossloh North America


00-49-239-252-274 claudia.brandt@vc.vossloh.com


Willamette Valley Company



Cover 4

Georgetown Rail Equipment Co.

Progress Rail Services Corp.

Unitrac Railroad Materials, Inc.





43, 44

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February 2014 45

Professional Directory

WEED & BRUSH SPRAYING Specialized fleet of computer operated sprayers

Tree Trimming/Brush Cutting

Line Clearance-Hazardous Trees-Whole tree chipping


#9 115RE & 136RE AREMA Turnouts available for immediate delivery. 2 Santa Fe Drive – Denver Colorado 80223 – 720-355-0664 www.Specialtrackwork.com

A variety of on/off track removal equipment

Road Crossing Site Safety Maintenance Re-cut & Herbicide Programs 800.822.9246 www.merciers.com



Brand newBrand Western or Freightliner hi rail newStar Western Star Grapple trucks for sale or rent or Freightliner hi rail

trucks for sale or rent Brand newGrapple Ford F350 hi rail pick-ups for sale or rent Brand new Ford F350 hi rail

Manypickups used hifor rail trucks for sale sale or rent Andy Wiskerchen Contact (5) 2005 Ford F350 hi rail pickups for sale Omaha Track Equipment Contact Andy Wiskerchen for Pricing 715-570-8885 Omaha Track Equipment andy@omahatrack.com 715-570-8885 andy@omahatrackequipment.com

Products and services

REESE WHAT CAN WE DO FOR YOU? • Track construction and maintenance • On-track ditching and rotary dump service • On-track tree trimming and brushcutting

Larry Schamber

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K. W. Reese, Inc.

Box 298 • Mercersburg, PA 17236

(717) 328-5211 • fax (717) 328-9541 • www.kwreese.com

RT&S Classified Section Jeanine Acquart 212-620-7211 jacquart@sbpub.com


46 Railway Track & Structures

February 2014




NEW & USED EQUIPMENT Some things never change. Quality, Service, and Dependability. Since 1910.


Grapple Truck

Rotary Dump

R. E. L. A. M. INC.

E-Mail: RelamCFE@aol.com Tel: 440-439-7088 Fax: 440-439-9399

EQUIPMENT FOR SHORT OR LONG TERM LEASE HARSCO AND NORDCO TAMPERS 6700S, SJ, SJ2, Mark IV Switch and Production Tampers Grapple Truck Hirail Crew Cab Rotary Dump Elevated Platform 3300 and HST Chase Tampers Hirail Gradall w/opt. LEASE Also: ■ Heavy Duty Push Carts 3000 Tampers w/Raise & Line or Chase Tampers Brush Cutter ■ 900 Hytracker, Cars, Pettibone 2400 Tampers w/Raise & Line, TampersStone w/Jacks Crew Cab Boom Truck or ■ DMF & Fairmont parts, TIE INSERTERS/EXTRACTORS Est. 1910 service, installation Nordco TRIPPs Phone: 315-455-0100 • Fax: 315-455-6008 TR-10s • Syracuse, NY • Please visit our website www.franktartaglia.com BUY & TKOs Hirail Gradall w/opt. Brush Cutter Hirail Service/Maintainers Truck 925 S/Ss, Standards, KTR-400s Custom Build New or Used Chassies. KNOX KERSHAW REGULATORS, KRIBBER/ADZERS, TIE CRANES, Also: Hirail Boom Dump Trucks PLATE BROOMS, BRUSH CUTTERS, & SNOW FIGHTERS P. O. Box 162 • Arcola, IL 61910 Hirail Mechanics Trucks KBR-850-925-940 Ballast Regulators & Snow Fighters Hirail Section Trucks KTC-1200 Tie Cranes Hytracker for moving equipment (1)KKA-1000 Jackson 6700Kribber/Adzers Complete Re-build, John Deere power . . . . . . . . . . . . . FOR SALE Hudson Ballast Cars DMF & Harsco parts, service and installation 2001 Mark IV Tamper, 2004 System V, V4.10, Smart I/O, Laser . . . . . . . . . . . . . CALL! KPB-200 Plate Brooms 1999 Mark IV Tamper, 2003 APPLICATORS, System V, V4.10, Surface fit, Smart I/O, Laser . . . . . . . CALL! NORDCO ANCHOR SPIKERS & GRABBERS 1997 Mark IV System V,and V4.10, Surface fit, Smart I/O, Laser . . . . . . . CALL! R A I L R O A D S E R V I C E S Est. 1910 Model F Tamper, Anchor2003 Machines BAAMs 1995 Mark IV Tamper, 2007 System V, V4.10, Surface fit, Smart I/O, Laser . . . . . . . CALL! Models CX and SS Spikers (4) 1993 Mark IV Tampers, System V, 4.10, Smart I/O, Surface fit, Laser . . . . . . . . CALL! Ph: 315-455-0100 • Fax: 315-455-6008 • Syracuse, NY • www.franktartaglia.com Model SP2R Dual Grabbers Remanufactured Mark III ECTR-130G Tamper, four wheel drive, combo clamp . . . . . CALL! RACINE RAILROAD PRODUCTS (5) 1996 - 1983 Mark III, ECTR-130G Tampers, combo clamp, 4 wheel drive, AC . . . CALL! Dual Anchor Spreaders, Squeezers, Knockers (Removers), (2) STM Switch Tampers, no jacks. Enclosed cabs. Nice machines! . . . . . . . . . . . CALL! Anchor Applicators, DAACs (Dual Anchor Adjuster Cribber), Hi-Rail trucks engineered (16) Fairmont Tamper Mark I, II, ES, ES-TDAG, EA, EAS, JRM Tampers available! . . . . CALL! Dual Clip Applicators, Ride-on Regauge Adzers, TPIs, for your applications (5) Harsco TR-10/TR-1’s Tie Remover/Inserters, 1998,1996,1991 Models & Older . . CALL! with nationwide deliveries Tie Straighteners, OTM Reclaimers, SAFELOK IIIs (SAR IIIs) (2) Kershaw / RTW Tie Cranes & Bridge Cranes. Enclosed cabs, GM 3-53 engines . . CALL! and warranties... HI-RAIL CRANES, SPEEDSWINGS & RAIL HEATERS (3) Kershaw Model 35-13 Tie Plate Sweepers, diesel engines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CALL! Pettibone Model 445E Speedswings w/Multiple Attachments (3) Nordco Auto-lifts (one new 2008 unit!) Hatz diesel engines . . . . . . . . . . FOR SALE! Geismar 360 Hi-Rail Excavators w/Cold Air Blowers & Brush Cutters Racine Dual Anchor Spreaders and Dual Anchor Adjusters . . . . . . . . . . . . . FOR SALE! Badger 30 Ton Cranes w/Hi-Rails (3) Teleweld Rail Heaters w/vibrators, self propelled . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CALL! Rail Heaters - Single Sided, Dual Sided, Self-propelled w/Vibrators (1) Speed Swing 441-D . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CALL! HI-RAIL TRUCKS, EXCAVATORS, & CARTS (1) Nordco model “C” Spike driver with PLC upgrade . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CALL! Gradalls, XL3300 (2)Hi-Rail Nordco model “C” Spike driversSeries . . . .III. w/Digging . . . . . . . Buckets . . . . . & . . Brush . . . . Cutters . . CALL! CAT 320B Excavator onabove Hytracker Platform (All of the equipment is locatedw/Gondola in Illinois) Hi-Rail Rotary Various Hi-Rail Pickups JER Dumps, OVERHAUL INC. / NEWMAN MACHINERY Grapple Trucks Equipment Website: www.newmanmachinery.com Hi-Rail Grapple Trucks Magnets & Self Propelled Eric Headrick, eheadrick@jeroverhaul.com (Magnet,EMAIL: Rail Racks & Wireless Remote Optional) JER Website: www.jeroverhaul.com 25-ton Hudson Ballast 25-ton Rail 259-4823 and OTM Carts SALES Cars, & RENTAL Tel# (217) PARTS & SERVICE: Tel# (217) 268-4823 • Fax# (217) 268-4813 5-ton Tie Carts & Hytracker Gondolas

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Section Trucks Telescoping & Articulating Cranes

ALSO AVAILABLE Hi-Rail Pickup Trucks Hi-Rail Mechanics Trucks Hi-Rail Aerial Devices Hi-Rail Welder Trucks

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Phone: (330) 479-2004 Fax: (330) 479-2006 4313 Southway Street, S.W. Canton, Ohio 44706 Web Site: www.sperlingrailway.com E-mail: info@sperlingrailway.com

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QUADRILL® Rail Scrap Retriever OTM Retriever Tie Plugger Carriers Plate Picker Personnel Carriers Powered Cart Tie Marking Machine Bulk Material Loader Heavy Duty Material Carts Wheel & Axle Assemblies Hitch Pins/Tow Bars Railroad Signs Crossbucks/Switch Targets

Railway Track & Structures


April 2011 49



www.railwayequipment services.net 2/12/13 MOW Equipment – Lease & Sale Track Surfacing – Tamp & Reg Brushcutting – Dual side Kershaw Specialized Hauling – Low Boys with Rail 318-995-7006 or 318-469-7133 “A full service company with over 20 yrs exp!”

2:57 PM

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February 2014 47


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February 2014


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