2017 RT&S Track Buyer's Guide

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Track Buyer’s Guide RT&S 2016 Track Buyer’s Guide




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track buyer ’ s guide




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RT&S Track Buyer’s Guide


Double track along the New River with the New River Gorge Bridge, near Fayetteville, W.V., above. Photo: Shutterstock/ Kenneth Keifer 1


2017 Track Buyer’s Guide EDITORIAL OFFICES 20 South Clark Street Suite 1910 Chicago, Ill. 60603 Telephone (312) 683-0130 Fax (312) 683-0131 Website www.rtands.com Editor Mischa Wanek-Libman mischa@sbpub.com Assistant Editor Kyra Senese ksenese@sbpub.com CORPORATE OFFICES 55 Broad St. 26th Fl. New York, N.Y. 10004 Telephone (212) 620-7200 Fax (212) 633-1165 President and Chairman Arthur J. McGinnis, Jr. Publisher Production Director Creative Director Circulation Director

Jonathan Chalon Mary Conyers Wendy Williams Maureen Cooney

The RT&S Track Buyer’s Guide is pub­ lish­ed annually by Simmons-Boardman Publishing Corp., 55 Broad St. 26th Fl., New York, N.Y. 10004. The Track Buyer’s Guide is an annual supplement to Railway Track & Struc­ tures, print ISSN # 0033-9016, digital ISSN # 2160-2514. The Track Buyer’s Guide single copy price is $28. All subscriptions are payable in advance. Copyright 2016. Third class bulk postage paid at New York, N.Y., and additional mailing offices. Canada Post Cust. #7007632; Agreement #40612608. IMEX, PO Box 25542, London, ON N6C 6B2. POSTMASTER: Send change of address forms to Railway Track and Structures, P.O. Box 3135, Northbrook, IL 60062-3135.

RT&S Track Buyer’s Guide



ith the annual flip of the calendar, many folks are more than happy to be finished with the year that was and are turning with new hope to a new year, new administration and, what we all hope will be, new (or renewed) business. No matter what 2017 brings, myself and the rest of the team at Railway Track & Structures, will work to bring useful articles and informative news to our monthly magazine, as well as to RTandS.com. We have worked to produce the 2017 edition of the RT&S Track Buyer’s Guide (TBG) to serve as a tool and reference resource you return to throughout the year. We have designed the TBG for ease of use, because if it doesn’t help you do your job, than we haven’t done ours. The TBG is a collection of our annual reports, industry news and technical articles concerning the core assets our readers strive to maintain and build day-to-day. The TBG covers key topics affecting rail and rail maintenance; crossties; rail fastening systems; grade crossings; rail and track inspection; contracting; special trackwork; ballast and ballast maintenance and friction modification. In addition to the articles, the TBG includes three special sections designed as a stay-on-your-desk source. The first special section, Supplier Categories, provides a go-to list of railroad engineering products and services broken down into categories, then listed alphabetically within the category. Following the Supplier Categories section is the Supplier Directory, which lists contact information of industry suppliers and manufacturers, as well as a description of what the company offers. The last of the special sections is the Annual Index, which lists all the stories, companies and topics covered and published in the print edition of the magazine from July 2015 through June 2016. Curious about how many times we mentioned Positive Train Control or if we covered a specific merger or acquisition or other industry topic? All you have to do is look it up in the Annual Index and you’ll be directed to the issue and page number. Here’s to new success and continued safety in 2017.

Mischa Wanek-Libman, Editor


rail and rail maintenance

better maintenance processes for

longer rail life Suppliers strive for improved welding and grinding processes to ensure customers gain the maximum life out of their rail.


mproving weld quality is the shared goal of all welding service providers. They reach it by developing new equipment, enhancing techniques and embracing new technology, but the key element needed when pushing toward the next improvement in welding is a responsive, open and collaborative relationship between service provider and customer.

New, safer technology

Holland LP says its customers desire safer technology with increased quality. Russ Gehl, vice president, maintenance-of-way sales, says the company is investing significant resources into researching welding processes using new technologies and notes that several projects are underway to evaluate new technology previously not used for welding in the railroad industry. “We anticipate the outcome will lead to further improvements in quality and efficiency for fixed plant welding as well as mobile rail welding,” said Gehl. “We are also expanding laboratory capabilities to analyze these new technologies and are partnering with 4

rail manufacturers to further evaluate new rail and welding technologies. For instance, Holland in cooperation with Sumitomo, implemented a narrow heat affected zone (HAZ) weld along with a web post weld heat treat process in the Stockton, Calif., long rail plant. The post weld heat treatment relieves web stresses from the narrow HAZ profile improving weld life.” At its plant in Pueblo, Colo., Holland and EVRAZ are working on a post weld heat treatment. The process was developed by EVRAZ and reduces the soft zones of the HAZ in the head of the rail, which improves the life of the weld.

New product combinations

Lincoln Electric Company has expanded into the gas heating and cutting portions of the welding sector, adding new combinations for products that are being used by railroads to increase safety and improve the quality of welds. The Harris Products Group is a wholly owned subsidiary of The Lincoln Electric Company, and plays a major role in the overall railroad product offering for Lincoln Electric.

“On the electric welding side, we have the engine driven welding machine, wire feeder, gun assembly, and welding wire, that is a complete system,” said Brian Meade, Lincoln’s global manager of railroad welding. “We have been able to accomplish the same type of unified system on the heating and cutting side, thanks to the products designed by Harris. We start at the cylinders and provide the most efficient regulators, flashback arrestors, check valves, test gauges, torches, and heating heads. This gives the track welders full control of the parameters, increasing safety and reducing some inconsistencies that can cause defective welds. There are many applications for these products, so we want to develop more safety training materials for our customers to keep them safe while increasing quality and productivity.”

Vetting new processes

Orgo-Thermit Inc. says the railroad industry has a need for improved wear resistance of ther mite welds. Frik Hefer, director of quality and research/ development at Orgo-Thermit, notes the improved surface wear resistance offered by the company’s Head Alloying Thermit® Welding Process, which utilizes a special diverting plug, with a container of micro-alloys below the plug, which are dissolved and distributed in the head of the rail. Hefer says the process gives rise to higher head weld metal hardness and increased wear resistance on the running surface of the weld, while the base of the weld remains softer and more ductile. Hefer also points to the research Transportation Technology Center, Inc. (TTCI), is performing on the mitigaRT&S Track Buyer’s Guide


rail and rail maintenance

OPPOSITE PAGE: Loram’s RGS specialty grinder operating in Penny, B.C., Canada. THIS page: Welds made by Plasser American’s automatic welding robot utilize a fully automatic process.

tion of the HAZ of thermite welds. TTCI engineers are evaluating the overlay treatment in revenue service test welds. Hefer says test welds with the overlay treatment have shown a 45- to 75-percent reduction in the width of the soft HAZ, thereby increasing the overall hardness of the weld’s running surface. Another weld being tested at T T C I i s O r g o - T h e r m i t ’s n e w Ther mit® 2.0 alloying concept. The welds have been tested in the laboratory and are scheduled to be installed at FAST. “This alloying concept for thermite welding of pearlitic premium rail steels has shown considerable increased duc-

RT&S Track Buyer’s Guide


tility and mechanical strength over conventional alloying elements of the weld metal. Enhanced slow bend test-

ing results, in both deflection and break load requirements, with high hardness rails (360-420 BHN) being


rail and rail maintenance

Holland, in cooperation with Sumitomo, implemented a narrow heataffected zone weld along with a web post-weld heat treat process in the Stockton, Calif., long rail plant.

Robot welding

achieved in R&D welds,” said Hefer. “The welding portions are characterized by low visual reactivity with extremely stable weld metal chemistry


and hardness. Significantly reduced susceptibility for welding defects, such as hot tears, has also been observed with R&D test welds.”

Plasser American Corporation has automated the welding process with its APT 1500 R welding robot, which is available on rail bound, hi-rail truck, or container platforms. The company says this automation rules out operator errors and results in high reliability and documented welds of consistent high quality. The welding head automatically aligns the height and running surface, as well as crowns the rail, while the automatic centering device measures rail alignment via distance transducers located in the weld head. Plasser states that a record of each weld is created and stored and the measurements are saved for quality assurance reasons.

RT&S Track Buyer’s Guide


rail and rail maintenance

The company says a feature of this new APT1500R weld head is its working parameters of up to 10 inches stroke with 168 tons of pulling force, which allow closure welds to be made without the use of additional rail pullers. The welder is capable of making conventional and low consumption welds. Another special feature the company points to on the weld head is its utilization of alternating current with a medium frequency of 1,000Hz allowing the use of very small transformers in the weld head. The head runs on direct current, which Plasser says has a positive effect on the weld quality. The built-in welding shear places a load only in the direction of compression utilizing separate hydraulic cylinders. A non-contacting temperature measuring system allows for the precise cooling of high alloy rails with the help of a post heating process. The hydraulic system allows for very fast movements of the weld head, even for closure welds under full load. The design of the clamping jaws eliminates the need to grind off company markings on the rail web, thus, reducing preparation time stated Plasser.

RT&S Track Buyer’s Guide


Performance and quality

Progress Rail Welding Division aims to improve weld performance and quality with every development to its welding programs and equipment. The company’s Weld Data Trending and Analytic Tools was developed to identify variances in material, equipment, and the environment in answer to its customers’ interest in improving equipment utilization and dependability. “ Ou r e nh an c ed s a m p li n g an d cur ve fit routines accurately predicts reactive track forces during forging to ensure the proper forging force is applied to every weld,” said Treavor Franklin, technical services manager. Progress Rail Welding Division installed a fixed plant, autonomous rail-butt preparation and spot polishing system that cleans rust and mill scale from the rail butts and electrode contact areas, without penetrating into the parent material prior to welding. Next on the company’s to-do list is complete the development of a

high-tonnage fully integrated welding head, which will provide closure weld capabilities without the use of a separate puller.

Enhanced rail integrity

Railtech Boutet says there has been interest during the past 10 years on removing defects from the head of the rail and the ability to replace the head made sense in order to extend the life of a particular section of rail. For this reason, the company developed its Head-Wash Repair (HWR) Weld to remove head-only defects with a single weld. “The HWR Weld can now be used to repair defects found in the head in electric flash-butt (EFB) welds by modifying the design to include a felt pad, which can compress against the EFB seam. This new EFB approval offers a big benefit to our customers as our weld kits become more versatile for the changing needs of the railroad,” said Louis Flenner, product manager. Flenner added, “The HWR on EFB’s is a major step in repairing a


rail and rail maintenance

weld with a weld, while at the same time not jeopardizing the integrity of the rail.” To compliment this welding process, Railtech has developed the Railtech Matweld 09300 Head Wash Grinder (HWG), which the company describes as a smaller, lighter, hydraulically powered, track-mounted grinder designed to efficiently grind the head of the rail in preparation for the Railtech HWR Weld. Flenner points out that one feature customers have asked for is a way to make the ignition procedure safer for welders. Railtech Boutet’s answer is the Startwel® Ignition System, which uses a small electric charge, not sparklers, to start the aluminothermic reaction. “A key feature is the Startwel® starter cannot be activated until the grounding pin is removed, making it nonhazardous classification and safe for standard shipping. This element alone allows us to quickly, and safely, ship refills, parts, and Startwel® kits overnight when needed,” said Flenner.


Traffic density is putting pressure on grinding and milling suppliers to provide service in a speedy yet efficient manner. Railroads and transit agencies need machines that are quiet in urban areas, reduce or eliminate dust production, can operate in restrictive environments and perform the job safely. Suppliers of these maintenance services provide a variety of equipment aimed at refining a rail’s profile by the most effective means possible.

Harsco Rail

Harsco Rail’s Dynamic Pattern Generation, now available as part of its grinder technology, shelves canned pattern reliance and provides the grinder with a mechanism to orient grinding motors based on measured rail profile, desired rail shape (template) and resulting metal removal effort. Joe Palese, Harsco Rail’s senior director – engineering and technology, explains that by collecting rail and wheel profile data and applying this simulation technology, Harsco Rail is able to provide customers with desired grinding templates specific to their conditions and operation. In other developments, Harsco Rail and RailWorks Maintenance of Way, Inc., are working together on a new offering where a special team, led by RailWorks operating personnel with technical support from Harsco, provides grinding services to Class 1 customers. RailWorks says its goal with the service is to provide an additional rail grinding solution that is service oriented and customizable.


Loram Maintenance of Way, Inc., offers a diverse grinding product line that includes the RG 400 Series – Heavy Haul, C44 Series – International, RGI – International, RGS – Specialty and the L Series – Mobile/Specialty/Transit. For Loram, efficiency of its grinding process is critical as traffic density continues to increase. “We foresee continued movement toward precision in achieving the desired profile and removing the fatigued metal, all while removing as little metal as is required at the fastest speeds possible. Less metal removed artificially 8

RT&S Track Buyer’s Guide


rail and rail maintenance

through grinding leaves more of the rail head and extends the life of the rail, provided adequate metal is removed to accomplish the objective. Precision is required to ensure this is the case. Less metal removal required allows even faster speeds, fewer passes, less time spent in a block and a lower cost per track mile. Speeds will continue to be limited by the need to provide precise profiling of the rail, as well as line of sight requirements for machine operation,” said Loram.


Orgo-Thermit, Inc. (OTI), operates a VM8000, 12-stone grinding vehicle that is equipped with four-wheel steering. The company says the machine is capable of road driving, which allows for quick on- and off-track movements, as well as the ability to drive to the grinding site without occupying track time. Additionally, the machine’s dust collection system has been upgraded and it can skew its wheels allowing it to slide out of the way of an oncoming train and return to its original position. OTI believes finish goes hand-in-hand with keeping operations quiet and can be a delicate balance especially when it comes to not sacrificing power. The company says its VM8000 leaves tight facets and a scratch mark of three to six micron.

Vossloh Rail Services

Vossloh Rail Services says rail milling makes it possible for customers to fully refurbish and recover even some of the most damaged rail, thereby extending the


rail life. Vossloh’s mobile rail milling is a corrective machining technology developed for full rail refurbishment and elimination of major rail flaws. The company says all defects are removed and the cross profile is restored in a single pass, dependent on the amount of metal removal required. Vossloh also notes that milling does not produce sparks, eliminating all potential fire hazards. “The perceived drawback of milling is the limited working speeds, but with its high metal removal rate, corrective milling is faster than grinding when full rail recovery is considered. We see a great opportunity for North American railroads to supplement their present grinding strategies with milling, especially in areas where grinding cannot recover excessively damaged rail or in areas where grinding is too hazardous or not able to be used at all,” said Ron Martin, general manager and vice president of Vossloh in North America.

Dormer Pramet

Dormer Pramet manufactures a variety of tools for the general engineering sector including disk mills, cartridges and indexable inserts for dynamic rail milling. The company notes that avoiding changing the cutter of a rail mill vehicle during a shift is a safety enhancing practice. The company’s rail milling inserts and cutters have a durability of more than 2.3 miles (3,700 meters) because the company found the distance covered during a standard milling shift to be between 1.8 and 2.2 miles (3,000-3,500 meters).

RT&S Track Buyer’s Guide


rail and rail maintenance

A variety of universal and removable cassettes are also available, with each consisting of a casing, which is identical for left and right hand rails, to support both roughing and finishing applications. These cas-

settes are also used for different rail profiles. The company says when the profile needs to be changed it is only necessary to replace two out of the 11 inserts in each cassette. rail and rail maintenance

A&K Railroad Materials, Inc. Advanced Rail Management Corporation Airtec International Ltd. American Equipment Co. ARCADIS Asplundh Railroad Division Atlantic Track & Turnout Co. Baker & Miller PLLC Ballast Tools Equipment Products Ballast Tools Inc. (BTI) Beena Vision Systems, Inc. Birmingham Rail and Locomotive Co. Brandt Road Rail Corporation Coleman Industrial Construction, Inc. Corrsolve Corrosion Solutions Cosgrave Vergeer Kester, LLP Crown Steel Rail Co. CSR Engineering, Inc. Custom Truck & Equipment Delta Star, Inc. dFuzion, Inc. Dolby and Associates, Inc.

RT&S Track Buyer’s Guide


ESCO Equipment Service Co. EVRAZ Rocky Mountain Steel Fabco Power GENSCO America, Inc. H J SKELTON (CANADA) LTD Harmer Steel Products Co. Harsco Rail Herzog Environmental HiRAIL Corporation Hotstart, Inc. Hulcher Services, Inc. Industry-Railway Suppliers, Inc. L.B. Foster Company L&H Industrial Lanier Steel Products, Inc. Lemke Industrial Machine LLC Loram Maintenance of Way, Inc. Metro Concrete Products Modern Track Machinery Modern Track Machinery Canada, Ltd. Montana Hydraulics, LLC Morrison Metalweld Process Corp.

Nevada Railroad Materials NMC Railway Systems Nord-Lock , Inc. Nordco Rail Services, LLC Omaha Track On-Track Railway Services Ltd. Orgo-Thermit, Inc. Pettibone Plasser American Corp. Polivka International PortaCo, Inc. Power Drives, Inc Propex Operating Company, LLC R.E.L.A.M. Inc. Racine Railroad Products, Inc. RAILQUIP, INC. Railroad Tools and Solutions LLC Railtech Boutet, Inc. RailWorks Corporation Reading Truck Body, LLC Relco Locomotives, Inc. Sargent & Greenleaf, Inc. Skanska USA Civil Inc.

Southeast Railroad Supply Company Stacy and Witbeck, Inc. Stanley Hydraulic Tools Steel Dynamics, Inc. - Structural & Rail Division STV Swing-Lo Suspended Scaffold Co. Swingmaster Taimi Hydraulics The Nolan Company TISEC Inc. Trackmasters Inc. Trak-Star / Hougen Manufacturing, Inc. Unitrac Railroad Materials, Inc. voestalpine Nortrak Vossloh Rail Services Vossloh Track Material Warwood Tool Co. West Rail Construction Company Western-Cullen Hayes Inc. Whiting Corp.



Crosstie market

finding balance Growing inventories, improved treatment methods and ebbing weather woes are fueling optimism across all sectors of the crosstie market.


uppliers of wood ties continued to face low inventories as a result of difficult weather conditions throughout the past few years. However, suppliers across the tie market expressed renewed optimism in the future of the crosstie industry, citing growing inventories and improved preservation techniques.


Jim Gauntt, executive director of the Railway Tie Association (RTA) noted that tie producing regions experienced some of the wettest years on record in 2013 and 2015, which, when coupled with higher demand for other hardwood products, led to supply constraints that drew down wood tie inventories nationwide. However, tie suppliers have worked to rebuild air-dry tie inventories. Gauntt says recent production has been strong because production must remain somewhat higher than demand in order to regain equilibrium in the inventory-to-sales ratio. “It looks like we are approaching that equilibrium with inventories at their highest level since the most recent peak in January of 2013,” he said. “We would expect to see untreated tie production moderate as the supply-demand cycle unwinds and air-dry yards approach capacity.” RTA made headlines with presentations at the Railroad Sustainability Symposium sponsored by BNSF. Gauntt says RTA developed a significant story on the industry’s ability to be the most environmentally sound solution for tie production and the association also continues to emphasize the powerful carbon sequestration story for wood. “Did you know that wood products account for 47 percent of all the raw materials manufactured in the U.S., but use only 4 percent of the total energy consumed by U.S. manufacturers?” he says. “Add in the fact that when we treat wood or produce any wood product that lasts for decades or more, you have effectively taken huge amounts of carbon out of the atmosphere and sequestered it for generations.”


Wood tie supplier Appalachian Timber Services, LLC (ATS), reports it has plenty of inventory but demand has been low, a detail the company hopes will increase as work on bridges and crossings picks up. Business has grown in all sectors of Lonza Wood Protection (LWP), says Tim Carey, product manager, Industrial Business. The company’s growth has correlated with that of the overall economy and the resurgence of the use of treated wood in some applications. 12

Carey says LWP strongly believes wood is the most desirable building material and that the company focuses its research, development, technical and engineering resources on developing new technologies to enhance the performance and longevity of the wood used in their crossties. “We continue to look for ways to improve the preservative systems, treatment processes, performance features, efficiency and quality of our customers’ operations,” Carey said of LWP’s work. Carey also notes the desire for cleaner ties throughout the industry has boosted business for wood tie treaters, adding that he’s identified a growing interest in exporting ties outside of the U.S. LWP expects to see steady growth potential based on agricultural factors, exports and growth in the general economy to drive the building of homes and jobs. Mike Pourney, CEO of Gross & Janes Co., says the company has seen steady growth in the procurement of green crossties, citing drier weather in the nation’s mid-south region as a factor in the trend. A major factor presenting obstacles in the mid-south is getting rid of mixed hardwood lumber—Pourney says there is very little or no market for it, so the mills are cutting “very few” mixed hardwood ties. This is keeping the price of oak timber high as tie prices are dipping, presenting added challenges for sawmills. Pourney added that Gross & Janes’ demand is dictated by that of the Class 1 railroads, which he acknowledged are working through some challenges. “We are hoping those challenges are successfully managed,” he said. “Hardwood crossties continue to be the dominant type of crosstie in the rail industry. We think they will be for the foreseeable future.” For John R. Giallonardo, vice president of Class 1 sales, Koppers, Inc., there is “no question” that the softening of coal, oil and gas markets has affected the railroad industry in its entirety. “The coal industry may never fully recover to its original level, so it will be imperative for other markets to emerge accordingly,” he added. “Intermodal traffic will continue to be an area of primary emphasis for the railroad industry.” Giallonardo says reduced capital spending has forced railroads to be more selective about where to allocate funds and what projects to pursue. Annual maintenance programs remain a necessity, however, he noted it is easier to defer new projects and save added expenditures for later. Giallonardo also says he expects the market to see longterm raw material supply to remain steady moving forward. RT&S Track Buyer’s Guide



Lonza Wood Protection reported an increased interest in treated wood products among customers in the past year.

“Koppers will continue to focus on our core strength of wood preservation,” Giallonardo said. “We want to continue to operate in a safe and reliable manner within the communities where we operate and be a leader to our customers in the treated crosstie industry.” George Caric, vice president of marketing, Stella-Jones Inc., says the company has worked “diligently” to get the company’s air-dried inventories back to reasonable levels, adding that he believes tie production is strong in most of the country, aside from the Southwest regions affected by consistently wet weather. Caric says Class 1 railroads have been performing tie maintenance efficiently, but notes the company did have orders canceled from the commercial side due to projects being cancelled from the crude-by-rail slowdown. Throughout the past two years, the industry has lost several key outlets for scrap tie disposal, Caric says. He explained that this is an issue that needs to be worked out because the current alternatives are not cost-effective. The loss of many cogen locations is due to the low cost of natural gas and other economic factors, Caric said. Caric says Stella-Jones is working with customers to offer Borate-treated switch ties and bridge ties to extend the life of the company’s pricier products. “The railroads have accepted the dual-treated ties as a

RT&S Track Buyer’s Guide


way to extend the life of a tie and are looking for the same benefits for their other treated wood products,” he said. Stella Jones is also pre-plating bridge ties, which Caric says has proven to be a safe and time-saving benefit to the railroads. Going forward, Caric says he believes the industry needs to work together to find a reliable method of scrap tie disposal.


Steve Burgess, president of CXT, Inc., and vice president Concrete Products, L.B. Foster Co., says activity across the



segments the company operates within has been uneven due to reduced capital spending and lower rail traffic. That uncertainty has adversely affected L.B. Foster’s sales as Burgess says most concrete tie consumption by the freight railroads goes toward new construction. Selective port project work continues and L.B. Foster continues to see the design-build projects moving ahead in the transit segment, he added. L.B. Foster is also working to identify the next generation of new concrete ties, according to Burgess, who says the company’s engineers are collaborating with Class 1 railroads to determine a path forward. “We continue to study changes in mix design to improve sustainability and optimize product properties,” Burgess said of L.B. Foster’s future plans. Burgess remains hopeful regarding opportunities for the use of concrete ties in the coming years. “Investment in our transportation infrastructure, whether by freight railroads, transit agencies or other industrial/port activities, has been gaining notice as being critically important to ensure long-term economic progress,” he said. “We feel positive about already identified and new transit projects that will come to fruition and our product development activities with the Class 1 railroads, along with other regional freight rail projects, look promising. Given that, as well as the growing recognition of the life-cycle cost advantage of concrete ties, we believe our products and services will continue to offer significant advantages for our customers in the future.” GIC has adapted to market conditions by targeting emerging markets and working with strategic partners, says Mau-


ricio Gutierrez, general manager of GIC USA. He noted the current economy has created obstacles for all concrete crosstie suppliers, but explained GIC is succeeding by adjusting its business model to fit the current demand while positioning the company for future growth. Gutierrez believes concrete crossties are becoming increasingly competitive with other crosstie types on a first-cost basis. “When total costs of ownership are compared, concrete crossties demonstrate excellent value, more so than any other type of crosstie,” he said. As a newer concrete crosstie supplier, Class 1 railroads, transit authorities and industry track projects are driving GIC to expand its production and delivery abilities, Gutierrez says. Gutierrez says several revenue service installations have helped GIC gain significant momentum and the company’s outlook on the future is bright regarding manufacturing capabilities in the U.S. Rocla Concrete Tie, Inc., experienced a downturn as Class 1 railroads cutback budgets, but production and inventory is steady according to Brett Urquhart, vice president – business development. Urquhart said while transit authorities make up a smaller percentage of the company’s business, it has many such projects underway nationwide and they are moving forward as planned. Urquhart explained, “As always, the spending habits are cyclical, and we expect to see volumes continue to improve.” RAIL.ONE says it is currently collaborating with its partners to develop specialty ties for alternative rail fastening systems and special fixtures on ties, such as derailment devices. Undertie pads have also received a “lively” interest, RAIL.ONE says.

RT&S Track Buyer’s Guide



“More short-term urban transit projects pose an interesting alternative to keep production outputs at reasonable levels,” the company added.


Axion International has been growing steadily, according to William Jordan, vice president, Commercial Development. He says the company has seen this growth as the general acceptance of composite ties has been increasing. Other factors Jordan says have boosted the company’s growth include the increased use of composite ties in highmaintenance zones and special trackwork—primarily road crossings, turnouts and tunnels. Unlike the effects seen in some other markets, Jordan says reduced capital expenditure has not affected the demand for composite ties domestically. Across the industry, Jordan says he has seen the interest in and acceptance of composite ties flourish. He notes that a specific trend of increased requests for pre-plating has risen, as well. Quality and availability of raw material are the key factors affecting the production of composites, he said. The main drivers of Axion’s business are Class 1 railroads and the “accumulated success” of installations throughout North America, he says. “We expect steady, sustained growth domestically and internationally. We foresee a steady increase in demand for composite ties, and we expect more manufacturers to be producing composite ties as the demand for our tie type increases,” Jordan said. Linda Thomas, president of LT Resources, Inc., says qual-

RT&S Track Buyer’s Guide


ity control and product consistency have been major obstacles to the acceptance of composite ties in the past. However, new quality assurance procedures have been implemented by American TieTek to ensure consistency and reliability in the company’s products and business has been healthy. “Composite ties, and in particular American TieTek composite ties, are becoming more accepted in the industry due to our excellent performance history and product consistency,” she said. Customers continue to look for longer-lasting products to minimize material and labor costs associated with tie replacement, Thomas says of current industry trends. Considering downtime and disposal costs, she believes composite ties provide the best life-cycle cost. “American TieTek leads the industry in quality control and product consistency,” Thomas said. “Specific in-house processes have been developed to assure traceability and long-term product performance.” Thomas says business for this year has been good considering budget cuts with most freight railroads and production has been redirected to ports and transits with positive results. Thomas also noted there has been substantial interest in custom sizes and American TieTek plans to continue pursuing that market. “Maintenance and replacement costs associated with other tie products have caused potential customers to seek products that offer the best bottom line cost savings,” Thomas says of American TieTek’s products. “The durability and positive environmental aspects of composite ties help drive our business.”




For railroads, buying and installing a wood or concrete crosstie is not a do it once and forget about it job. They require maintenance and inspection to ensure a given tie meets its expected useful life. There are many options for green tie treatment including the creosote family of formulas, borates, Ammoniacal Copper Zinc Arsenate (ACZA) and copper naphthenate aimed at keeping decay, rot and insects at bay. Once a tie is installed, plate cutting and rail seat abrasion can cause issues, which can be successfully repaired with a variety of methods. RTA’s Gauntt explains, “There are numerous potential wood preservative systems that may not yet have been evaluated for crossties. Some of these systems have little chance of covering all the bases of the existing AWPA standardized preservatives in use. However, I do believe that more studies will follow, and on systems that may not be in test today or even in existence. There will likely be many combinations of preservatives and/or process changes that could lead to further innovation. And, whenever process or other changes ensue, our industry has a long history of rigorously evaluating new ideas and products prior to bringing them to the railroads for use.” Gross & Janes Co. recently received a patent for its dualstep method applied to a green crosstie, which the company calls a TuffTie®. Pourney says the process is more uniform and consistent and notes that the company is quality focused as it strives to duplicate the process on every tie. Lonza Wood Protection says its crossties treated with ACZA have been used from Alaska to Hawaii and everywhere in between, but perform particularly well in high-decay areas. In part, because the treatment has a fixation process that makes it very difficult for the preservative to leave the wood and was designed to protect difficult to treat species, such as white oak and Douglas fir. Additionally, it has been used in marine and tropical environments for more than 30 years proving its robust nature and making it a good treatment choice for those areas where environmental concerns are part of the evaluation process. Carey explains that in addition to the factors above, the ACZA treatment is water based, which allows borates to easily be added to the system for a one-step treating process that drives the preservatives deeply and fully into the wood, economically. Carey explains this water-based system also helps

ACZA to avoid the unstable pricing that has plagued alternative oil-based systems. Dr. Jeff Lloyd, vice president research and development, Nisus Corporation, recommends a crosstie treatment with Cellutret DOT Borate to penetrate and protect the heartwood, an area creosote treatment is unable to reach. Lloyd says leaving the heartwood untreated allows the tie to rot from the center and allows spike kill, as well as compression under the plate, all of which results in loss of gauge and tie failure. For ties treated with a borate process, Lloyd recommends a QNAP copper napthenate over treatment because of its reduced environmental impact, but no significant cost increase. Lloyd asserts Nisus has the best quality control program in the railroad treated tie industry, which begins with testing raw materials before preservative production followed by strict quality control standards on finished products. “In the field we analyze tank samples, treated wood samples and will crosscut and longitudinally (rip saw) entire ties, even bridge ties, to assay penetration and retention of the preservatives. Nisus works with treaters and railroads to provide whatever level of quality control they desire,” said Lloyd. Encore Rail Systems full product offerings of wood tie plugging compounds and concrete rail seat epoxy are designed solely for the purpose of extending the useful life of railroad ties. Encore says a top concern of its customers is the availability of quality equipment and compound. The company notes most requests can be fulfilled same or next day and it is continuously evaluating demands to remain flexible to customer requests. The Willamette Valley Company (WVCO) introduced SpikeFast®, a non-foam polyurethane tie plugging compound that puts new density in the rail seats of wood ties, 16 years ago. Following that, WVCO then formulated a polymer repair compound for concrete ties in order to restore the effects of rail seat abrasion, CTR-100. “Both of these technologies were created because the railroad industry was seeking greater improvements to gauge holding, lateral stability of the rail seats and, in doing so, extend the life of both wood and concrete ties. Our customers today, still maintain their vigilance of requiring superior performance of WVCO’s chemistry in order to achieve their goals,” said John Murray, vice president. ties and tie gang equipment

A&K Railroad Materials, Inc. Acme Wood Preserving Inc., American Equipment Co. American Track Generations, LLC Ameritrack Rail Armond Cassil Railroad Construction, Inc. Atlantic Track & Turnout Co. Ballast Tools Equipment Products Ballast Tools Inc. (BTI) Birmingham Rail and Locomotive Co. BNSF Logistics Brandt Road Rail Corporation Bridge Access Specialties LLC Brown Rail Road Equipment, Inc. CANAC Railway Services Inc. Conrad Machine Inc. E80 PLUS CONSTRUCTORS, LLC East Coast Railroad Services, LLC Encore Rail Systems, Inc. Energy Absorption Systems Inc ESL Power Systems, Inc.


Gerhart Systems & Controls Guzzler Manufacturing H J SKELTON (CANADA) LTD Harsco Rail Hatz Diesel Of America Inc Hetronic USA IntegriCo Composites Intermountain Orient, Inc. International Track Systems, Inc. Iowa Mold Tooling Co. Inc. Iron Horse Engineering Keystone Spikes Corp. Knox Kershaw Inc. Koppers Inc. Koppers Railroad Structures Kraemer North America, LLC L.B. Foster Company Lanier Steel Products, Inc. Lonza Wood Protection, Inc. Loram Maintenance of Way, Inc. LT Resources, Inc.

McCord Tie and Timber, Inc. Mitchell Equipment Corporation MiTek Industries, Inc. Modern Track Machinery Canada, Ltd. National Trackwork, Inc. New York Twist Drill NMC Railway Systems Nordco Rail Services, LLC NorFast Inc. (USA) Nufarm Americas, Inc. Omaha Track On-Track Railway Services Ltd. Pacific Wood Preserving Paktek, Inc. Pettibone/Traverse Lift, LLC Polycorp Ltd. Polystar Containment Presto Geosystems R.E.L.A.M. Inc. R&R Contracting Co. Racine Railroad Products, Inc.

Rail Construction Equipment Co. RAIL.ONE USA RailComm RAILQUIP, INC. Railroad Construction Co. Inc. RailWorks Corporation RedHawk Energy Systems, LLC Rocla Concrete Tie, Inc. Stella-Jones Corporation Sterling Rail Inc. Swingmaster SynTechnics , Inc. T.C. Taylor Company, Ltd. Taimi Hydraulics TransTech Unitrac Railroad Materials, Inc. Warwood Tool Co. Willamette Valley Company William G. Moore & Son, Inc. of Delaware Yangtze Railroad Materials

RT&S Track Buyer’s Guide



Suppliers work closely with customers to make sure new products meet their needs.

Progress Rail’s GageLok fasteners are formed cold, which the company says makes it more shear resistant.

refined systems offer

tight grip on market R

ailway fastening systems’ sole role is to hold track infrastructure together in order to preserve proper geometry and, ultimately, support the safe operation of trains. When something goes wrong among these components, the results can be devastating. While inspection technologies work to improve finding flaws among fastening system components, suppliers of those systems are focused on manufacturing resilient fasteners that can sustain their grip in the harsh environment of railroading.

Alcoa Fastening Systems

Alcoa Fastening Systems & Rings manufactures the Huck 360®, a locking fastener that the company says improves on the traditional HuckBolt® system by providing dependable clamping strength and reliability that HuckBolt fasteners are known for – but with the added benefit of offering quick installation and removal with conventional tools (due to the free-spinning nut design). Alcoa Fastening Systems & Rings says the Huck 360 eliminates the “gap” around the crest of the bolt when tightened to a specific clamp force – preventing transverse vibration by locking the thread flanks in place. With conventional nut-and-bolt systems, clamp load quickly decays under vibration. The company says its own Finite Element Analysis showed that the Huck 360’s shallow thread form results in 27 percent less axial stress in the root compared to conventional bolt threads. The company also notes that the shallow thread allows the effective area of the fastener to be widened by as much as 20 percent, which increases tensile and fatigue strength. The company says the freespinning, swage-able nut design installs up to 300 percent faster than other conventional lock nut solutions. 18

L.B. Foster

L.B. Foster Company says it utilizes its technical and product development expertise to introduce customized product solutions to meet specific customer needs. According to Jason Bowlin, general manager, L.B. Foster Transit Products, “35 different fastening designs have been developed to meet the unique requirements of transit agencies across North America. We closely collaborate with engineering design firms and transit authorities to address critical requirements such as stiffness, adjustability, rail seat width and alternative clip designs.” As examples, he added, “Our design of a resilient tie system, incorporating a concrete tie/boot, elastomeric pad, insulator and clips, has recently been introduced into a West Coast transit system. To grow our position across North America, we continue to focus on evolving customer needs for this type of system. And to enhance the performance of infrastructure components in severe environmental conditions such as tunnels, through the novel use of coatings, solutions involving application to specific elements of the fastener are expected to dramatically reduce corrosion due to stray currents and significantly extend the life of the fastener.”

Lewis Bolt & Nut

Lewis Bolt & Nut Company introduced its patent pending Quick-Set® Hook Bolt System following successful testing at Transportation Technology Center, Inc., in Pueblo, Colo. The company says the new system is designed to be installed from the surface of a bridge deck and does not require holes to be drilled through the bridge ties. The single Quick-Set bolt can be installed in under five minutes by sliding the hook bolt through the associRT&S Track Buyer’s Guide



ated bracket, attach the hex nut and engage the flange. Follow by installing the high strength lag screws through the bracket and into the ties, add the second (lock) nut and installation is complete. The Quick-Set system offers an option to include a builtin continuous guard rail along with a new bracket which the company says offers a wider surface area that allows lags to be installed closer to the center of the bridge ties. Additionally, Lewis Bolt & Nut is offering its Lewis LT-1 drive-on style of rail anchor, which is manufactured at the company’s facility in La Junta, Colo. The company says the new anchor meets all AREMA specifications, has been successfully tested and is currently being purchased by numerous Class 1 railroads. Lewis Bolt together with Nylok® Corporation recently developed the new Everlok™ Nut, which Lewis Bolt notes remains tight when installed to recommended torque values and can be removed and reinstalled.

Pandrol North America

Pandrol North America says it continues to address existing customer needs while working to develop new and safer ideas for future applications. To date, the company has manufactured more than two billion rail fasteners for use on more than 400 railways in 100 countries throughout the world. Pandrol North America uses a three-dimensional printer that allows the company to design, evaluate and review concepts with customers before a final design is produced. Pandrol says use of the printer saves time and money as it reduces lead-time between an idea and read product. Pandrol references the FE1505 rail fastening assembly as an example of this type of development. The FE1505 was created in response to customer requests for a fastening assembly to last the life of rail in heavy-haul applications. The FE1505 is equipped with a recessed rail seat utilizing a FASTCLIP fastener and two-piece integral pad, which the company says significantly extends component life while maintaining a slide-on/slide-off fastening system. Pandrol has also implemented a second production line to meet the growing demand for its customizable Victor tie plates, which utilize standard AREMA rolled steel tie plates in customer-requested sizes that are equipped with the customer’s choice of resilient fastener. Goff notes that the Victor product line includes a “Roll-

RT&S Track Buyer’s Guide

block” version that provides a solid flat bottom eliminating the protrusion created by a bolt head.

Progress Rail

Progress Rail, a Caterpillar Company, has completed the integration of its latest acquisition, Rail Product Solutions (RPS), a provider of fastening systems for both freight and transit customers, into its product line. The latest product offering from Progress Rail’s Fastener Solutions Division are GageLok® screws. The self-drilling GageLok secures rails and tie plates to traditional, wood ties and the company notes that they can be used to replace traditional cut track spikes and screw spikes to prolong tie life and minimize tie splitting during insertion. According to Progress Rail Director of Fastening Engineering Jose Mediavilla, “The unique manufacturing technology allows GageLok screws to be formed cold and that results in a tougher, more shear resistant product that can stand up to the rigors of curved track in heavy-haul environments. The added shear strength and thread grip of our GageLok screws allow them to be used against the rail or as plate holding screws to prevent gauge widening. This improves track safety and minimizes maintenance rail fasteners A&K Railroad Materials, Inc. Alcoa Fastening Systems & Rings Atlantic Track & Turnout Co. Birmingham Rail and Locomotive Co. CMC Rail CMI-Promex Inc. Ditch Witch ESCO Equipment Service Co. Gannett Fleming Transit & Rail Systems Gross & Janes Co. H J SKELTON (CANADA) LTD Hytracker Manufacturing Ltd. Industry-Railway Suppliers, Inc. J. A. Placek Construction Co. L.B. Foster Company Lanier Steel Products, Inc. Lewis Bolt & Nut Co. Master Bolt Master Packing & Rubber Company Natural Wood Solutions, LLC Nordco Rail Services, LLC

NorFast Inc. (USA) North American Equipment Sales Co., Inc. Pandrol USA, LP Parsons Brinckerhoff Press-Seal Corporation Rail Products Progress Rail Corp. PSG Fastener PTMW, Inc. Rails Company Southeast Railroad Supply Company Stage 8 Locking Fasteners Stanley Hydraulic Tools Thomas McGee L.C. TransTech United Steel & Fasteners, Inc. Unitrac Railroad Materials, Inc. voestalpine Nortrak Vossloh Fastening Systems America, Corp. Wiskerchen Truck & Equipment Yangtze Railroad Materials

2017 19


costs. Laboratory and field tests on Class 1 railroads have proven that our GageLok screws can hold track gauge up to three times longer than traditional methods.” Progress Rail Vice President of Engineering & Track Sales Patrick Jansen said, “Our Fastener Solutions Division has taken a systematic approach to develop products adjacent to our core rail anchors and resilient fasteners to provide more complete systems that add customer value by designing systems that are meant to work together. As an example, Progress Rail anchors are used for longitudinal rail restraint and can be paired with GageLok rail screws to help prevent lateral rail movement on wood ties and provide a complete solution to holding rail in place.” Progress Rail says that for concrete ties, gauge restraint is achieved with the ME63 “skl” style fastening system by using the inherent structural strength of the concrete, coupled with advanced design and manufacturing process of the fastening components. The ME63 system was brought to the North American market through Progress Rail’s joint venture with Switzerland-based Schwihag AG, complete with manufacturing in Atchison, Kan., making the ME63 Buy America compliant. The system features the ME1 Clip with the highest fatigue limit of any resilient clip available on the market, along with a rail pad, abrasion plate, screw spikes, dowels and both field and gauge guide plates. All ME63 components work as a system; however, the guide plates set gauge orientation of the rails and transfer the lateral forces into the concrete tie. The guide plates are designed to cover the full width of the tie to prevent point loading and excessive compression of insulators. Progress Rail says that by spreading the load across a wider area and using a proprietary abrasion resistant polymer material, the ME63 guide plates limit wear and prevent gauge widening on concrete ties to maximize the life of the rail seat. Progress Rail’s MACRO Armor is designed to restore gauge on concrete ties with rail seat abrasion. “Progress Rail believes that MACRO Armor can extend the life of repaired ties by at least 10 years, while


delivering significant cost savings when compared to replacing gauge worn concrete ties,” the company said.

Vossloh Fastening Systems

Vossloh Fastening Systems introduced a new fastening solution for high speed and conventional slab track applications: System 300 NG, which stands for new generation. The company says the new system is the evolutionary next step of the company’s System 300 and features design updates that optimize surface geometries and increase material efficiency, thereby reducing the overall volume of material needed to achieve the same performance and safety standards as System 300. “This improved usage not only saves the environment, but also reduces logistics costs. These new components are adapted to the already approved Vossloh Skl 15 tension clamp to ensure the established characteristics of System 300, e.g. high fatigue strength and high toe load. The highly elastic cellentic intermediate plate optimizes load distribution,” said Vossloh. The company also notes that its development and integration of advanced materials in rail fastening systems provide optimal functionality, as well as numerous cost saving attributes, which help railroads maximize economic efficiency, performance and safety. “Many of our systems utilize composite plastics components that are resistant to corrosion and abrasion, while also providing electrical insulation. Compared to steel, these lightweight materials also provided the added benefit of reduced logistical costs as these lighter weight materials are much less expensive to transport to the job site. Examples include, Vossloh fastening systems DFF 21 and DFF 300 UTS for urban transport - both feature a durable nylon baseplate. Many of our systems include our patented cellentic rail pad, an elastomer made of EPDM that serves to increase stability, as well as reduce noise and vibration. Our W40 systems for heavy-haul utilize another type of innovative rail pad geometry that reduces rail tilting and deflection, increasing the life of the components,” said Vossloh.

RT&S Track Buyer’s Guide


grade crossing

grade-crossing surfaces offer

smooth interface Improved crossing surface design helps ensure smooth contact between rails and roads. An Omega crossing being placed on the railroad in the Region of Waterloo, ON, Canada.

Century Group


anufacturers and suppliers of grade-crossing surfaces continue to work to provide the easiest-to-install products for the railroads while keeping safety for all in mind.

American Concrete Products

American/Enterprise Concrete Products (ACP/ECP) manufactures panels for any length of tie and any tie spacing. The company supplies eight-foot and one-and-a-half-inch, nine-foot and 10-foot long panels that are manufactured with a non-slip surface that is sealed to prevent ion mitigation from salt and other chemicals. Buz Hutchinson, railroad sales and service at the company, notes that transit and high-speed rail projects are being constructed at an all-time high pace and many new intermodal yard projects are being constructed now. “Although the oil-by-rail and coal market have fallen off recently, the rail industry recognizes the current rail infrastructure is insufficient to meet future demand. Intermodal facilities are being constructed to help resolve the highway congestion worsened by high truck traffic. Double and triple tracks are being added across the U.S. and our crossing business has dramatically expanded with this growth,” described Hutchinson. American/Enterprise Concrete Products says it is currently working to develop a new crossing panel with a more durable material to facilitate the heavy truck traffic. 22

Century Group Inc. has produced precast concrete gradecrossing panels for more than 25 years and has been in the precast business for 70 years. Century specializes in custom manufacturing panels for various track configurations, such as turnouts, diamond crossovers, wide/narrow gauge, extreme loads, pedestrian and American with Disabilities Act compliant crossings. The company provides personnel that mobilize to project sites to assist customers in the design and development of these custom panels. Century takes “as built” measurements of track structure to ensure an exact fit that meets the customers’ needs and the parameters of site-specific applications. Century continues to batch/mix all of its own concrete at the company-owned and operated facilities versus using ready mix combined with utilizing grade 72 reinforcement rather than the industry standard of grade 60.

HiRAIL Corporation

HiRAIL Corporation manufactures a complete line of rubber grade-crossing surfaces including Hi-Rail, Pede-STRAIL™ and Hi-Rail Rail Seal (RS). HiRAIL says its full-depth rubber crossings are a green product, manufactured from recycled vehicle tires. The crossings can also be recycled at the end of their useful life. HiRAIL full-depth rubber grade-crossing systems provide a smooth, safe and attractive crossing surface for motor vehicles, the company notes. They are manufactured to accommodate most common rail sizes, rail fastenings and wood, concrete or steel ties. HiRAIL full-depth rubber crossing systems are available in both lagged and lagless designs. The company says the lagless design lessens crosstie degradation, as well as allowing for installation on concrete and steel ties. Pede-STRAIL is a pedestrian crossing surface that meets ADA requirements. Pede-STRAIL has all the features of HiRAIL full-depth rubber and comes with a raised diamond surface for pedestrian stability. RT&S Track Buyer’s Guide


grade crossing

HiRAIL RS is a product that works in conjunction with asphalt or poured-in-place concrete crossings and is manufactured to fit most common rail sizes on timber or concrete ties using all types of rail fastening.


Koppers Inc. produces full-depth panels to cover eight-foot six-inch, nine-foot and 10-foot crossties, which are flush at the ends of the tie, as well as gauge and field flangeway panels for use with asphalt or concrete centers between the rails. “Customers are more concerned these days with having the panels flush at the ends of the ties,” explained Kevin Reinhart, sales representative. “In the past, contractors may purchase panels that did not extend to the end of the tie or extended past the end of the tie. That has changed.”

LT Resources

LT Resources, Inc., recently introduced its ENDURANCE® SCP. The company calls the project “an additional durable, long-lasting grade-crossing surface material option to fill our customers’ needs.” ENDURANCE-XL PLUS crossings are manufactured using an engineered plastics formulation and can accommodate all mainline rail profiles and fastening systems. With built-in composite flangeway filler and lifting devices, the panels are said to be quickly and easily installed due to a limited number of parts. Just lay them down, lag them down and go, the company says. Standard ENDURANCE-XL (dowelled) panels are now manufactured in full-depth in six-inch, 7-1/2-inch

RT&S Track Buyer’s Guide


and 8-1/4-inch panel thickness to accommodate most rail sizes for use with both eight-foot six-inch and 10-foot ties. ENDURANCE-XL notched flange material is available in all of these sizes, as well as for use in composite and asphalt applications – an alternative to the traditional timber and asphalt design.

Oldcastle Precast

Oldcastle Precast has worked with its railroad and contractor customers to produce custom StarTrack Crossing Systems for radius track with restraining rail and colored concrete. All of the company’s StarTrack surfaces are one-piece casting precast concrete modules, with embedded Pandrol shoulders and E-clip fasteners, placed on a prepared subgrade with no ties. The 17-foot, six-inch long StarTrack modules are said to be ideal for quick construction through long, straight crossings or street running track applications.


Omega Industries, Inc., is an approved crossing supplier to BNSF, Union Pacific, Canadian Pacific, Canadian National, Kansas City Southern, Alaska Railroad and a host of shortline railroads, transit, industry and port authorities. “Over the years, we have established a reputation for our quality work, quick delivery and customer service,” noted National Sales Manager Mark Mottola. Omega’s product line includes BNSF/UP common standard lag-down panels, Canadian standard lag-down panels, non-lag panels for use on concrete ties, curved panels, custom turnout panels, DF track crossing panels,


grade crossing

ADA-approved pedestrian panels, narrow gauge panels and steel switch point covers.


Omni Rail Products, Inc., offers a variety of grade-crossing solutions, including its TraCastTM tub-style crossing, which is a one-piece concrete design; Full-Depth Heavy Duty Crossing made with virgin rubber; Steel Reinforced Rubber crossings, which is said to work well for small rail sizes; VRA Rail Seal crossing, which is a solid molded product (no holes); ECR Concrete crossing with attached rubber and an Improved Concrete/Full-Depth rubber between rail and concrete crossing.


Rocla’s grade-crossing facility, which is PCI and AAR M-1003 certified, is located in Sciotoville, Ohio. The company’s crossing design is a full-width, full-depth system that accommodates rail sizes from 112-lb. to 141-lb. rail. Rocla’s panels are designed for both timber and concrete crossties. The panels are manufactured with a heavy steel angle frame, high-strength 7,000 psi concrete and come complete with attached rubber flange-way, bearing pads, deflectors and lag screws.

Stella Jones

Stella-Jones Corporation offers a complete line of solid timber crossings. Jim Raines, vice president of sales, says that budgets seem to be decreasing and that crossing business is down slightly.


TRANSPO INDUSTRIES, Inc., says it is excited for the incorporation of a new aggregate surface on its Bodan panels. It is the same aggregate used with the company’s high-friction surface treatments on roadways and polymer bridge deck overlays. TRANSPO notes that this surface exhibits high wear and skid resistance. “Our panels are steel reinforced polymer concrete with a high-friction surface,” explained Rudy Gradishar, midwest regional manager. “The panels are supported by the rails, not the crossties, like most conventional systems.” There is a new trend in grade-crossing safety in the use of dynamic envelopes, which are areas of color pavement to help prevent cars from stopping on or close to the rail crossing, Gradishar says. grade crossing equipment Alleghany Steel Products Enterprise Properties, Inc./American Concrete Products Co., Inc. Applied Rail Research Technologies Inc. (ARRT) Century Group Inc. CMI-Promex Inc. Crown Steel Rail Co. HiRAIL Corporation HMBD Insurance Services, Inc. International Track Systems, Inc. Koppers Inc. Lanier Steel Products, Inc. LT Resources, Inc. MIBA Bearings US. LLC


Morrison Metalweld Process Corp. Oldcastle Precast Omaha Track Omega Industries Inc. OMNI Products, Inc. Omnicom Engineering Limited Polycorp Ltd. Pomeroy Corporation Press-Seal Corporation Rail Products RAIL.ONE USA RGC Rocla Concrete Tie, Inc. TRANSPO INDUSTRIES, INC. voestalpine Nortrak Weedfree on Track Limited

RT&S Track Buyer’s Guide


Flangeway-filler material data Century Type of material Lengths

Virgin material 8’/9’/10’ Std. up to 40’

HiRAIL RS Virgin material to 20’


OMNI Rail-Guard VRA

Performance Polymers Inc. RAILSEAL

Molded, virgin rubber

Extruded, virgin rubber

Extruded, virgin rubber

Extruded, virgin rubber

90” & 96”

to 16’

Optimal=8’ Range=5-16’

Epflex Railseal

Rail-Way Inc.



Flange-Insert System

Rail-Seal System

RFR X-Trac System


Extruded, virgin material

Extruded, virgin material

Extruded, virgin material

Molded, virgin material

to 15’

to 40’

to 40’

Cut to length

Cut to length

Poured-inplace concrete or asphalt, concrete panels timber, panels

Concrete panels or timber planks

Poured-in-place asphalt or concrete

Precast concrete panels

Precast polymer concrete panels

BODAN Level Crossing System

Concrete panels

Poured-inplace concrete or asphalt

Poured-in-place con­crete, or asphalt

Asphalt, poured concrete, concrete panels, timber panels

Poured-inplace concrete or asphalt, concrete panels, timber panels

Sections connected





Yes (Clipped)






Tie spacing



18” or 24”








Special tools required











Retrofit to existing crossings





















Fasteners required


No (optional)


No (optional)

No (are available)

No (optional)





Usable with rail anchors











Adaptability to various rail fasteners











Types of crossing surfaces to be used with


RT&S Track Buyer’s Guide



Grade-crossing surface data The information on pages 25-29 provides dimensional and structural data on highway grade-crossing surface materials, along with flangeway-filler material, available nationally. The data given are intended to help railway and highway engineers in their selection of appropriate materials for specific projects. American Concrete Shuntless Lag/ Lagless

American Concrete Shuntless PFW - Lag/ Lagless

Century Group Inc. Concrete Lag Type

Century Group Inc. Concrete Lagless

HiRAIL Full-Depth Rubber

Koppers Standard Timber

Rocla Full-Depth Reinforced Concrete

LT Resources Endurance® XL Composite Crossing

LT Resources Endurance® XL PLUS Composite Crossing

Omega Lag-Down

Omega Non-Lag

OMNI Improved Concrete (ConcreteRubber)

8’6” w 9’0” w/c 10’0” w/c

8’6” w 9’0” w/c 10’0” w/c

8’-6”/W 9’-0”/W 10’-0”/W

9’-0”/W 10’-0”/W 10’-0”/C

8’-6”/W/C 9’-0”/W/C 10’-0”/W/C

8’0”/W 8’6”/W 9’0”/W

8’-6”/W/C 10’-0”/W 10’-0”/C

8’-6”/W/CP 9’-0”/W/CP 10’-0”W/CP

8’-6”/W/CP 9’-0”/W/CP 10’-0”W/CP

9’-0”/W 10’-0”/W

9’-0”/W/C 10’-0”/W/C 8’-3”/C

9’-0”/W/C or 10’-0”/W/C

19-1/2” or custom

19-1/2” or custom

18” or 19-1/2” 20”

18” or 20” 24”



19-1/2” or 24”

19-1/2” or custom

19-1/2” or custom

Maximum length of tie plates


As required

As required


As required





5/8” x12” H5

5/8” x12” H5




As specified


Size of fasteners

As specified

Type of fasteners






D, L,T


Fasteners furnished







Additional washers necessary






Additional washers furnished





# fasteners per tie - maximum




# fasteners per tie - average



Crossing pads predrilled


Spike holes countersunk Spike hole plugs furnished

Length of ties/type W=wood, C=concrete CP=composite

Tie spacing

18” or 19-1/2” 18” or 19-1/2” or 20” 19-3/16” or 24” C/W or 20” W 24” C

18” or 24”

As required

As required


As specified





















































As specified












As specified














As required

As required




8’ 1 1/2” w 10’ w/c custom

8’ 1 1/2” w 10’ w/c custom

8’ 1 1/2” 9’ 10’

9’ 10’



8’ 1 1/2”

8’ 1 1/2”


6’/8’/8’11/2”/9’/10’/ 12’

8’ or 9’

Length of field panels

8’ 1 1/2” w 10’ w/c custom

8’ 1 1/2” w 10’ w/c custom

8’ 1 1/2” 9’ 10’

9’ 10’



8’-0”, 8’-1 1/2”, 10’-0”, 6’-3”

8’ 1 1/2”

8’ 1 1/2”


6’/8’/8’11/2”/9’/10’/ 12’

Gauge pads # of pieces












Length of gauge panels


8’-0” 8’-1 1/2” 12’-0” 10’-0”

RT&S Track Buyer’s Guide

8’ or 9’

Conc. 1 Rubber 2



= Not Required = Not Applicable

D = Washer head drive spikes L = Lag screws

+ LW 1

= At additional cost T = Timber screws = Lag screws with attached washer TW = Timber screws with attached washers = The degree of curve allowable is proportionable to the length of the crossing.

If a supplier of a nationally-available crossing surface wishes to update or correct any of the data for future revisions or include a product that has been omitted, send the relevant information to: RT&S Grade Crossing Data Sheet, 20 S. Clark Street, Ste. 1910, Chicago, IL 60603. (The material included is modeled on the format originally developed by Cliff Shoemaker, formerly Union Pacific’s director of industry and public projects, for UP’s Grade Crossing Surface Data Sheet.) OMNI Steel Reinforced

OMNI Heavy-Duty Virgin Rubber

OMNI Embedded ConcreteRubber

OMNI Tracast

Polycorp Ltd. Full-Depth Rubber

Polycorp Ltd. Concrete

Premier LRT Modular System

Premier Freight Modular System

Rail-Way Inc. Full-Depth Rubber

Rail-Way Inc. Concrete

9’-0”/W/C 10’-0”/W/C


8’-6”/W/C 9’-0”/W/C

9’0”/W/C 10’ 0”/W/C



8’-6”/W/C 9’-0”/W/C

9’0”/W/C 10’ 0”/W/C



18” or 19 1/2”




Stella-Jones StarTrack Oldcastle Corp. Precast Full-Panel Concrete-HD Timber

StarTrack Oldcastle Precast Concrete

Steel Crossing Inc.


8’-6” 9’-0” 10’0”

8’-6”/W 9’-0”/W 10’/W



8’-6”/W 9’-0”/W

18” or 19 1/2”






As specified

As specified







As specified



























As specified











As specified





















































As specified




















8’ or 8’11/2” or 9’ or 10’

6’ Conc. 6’ Rubber


8’-1 1/2” or 9’0”

4’ or 8’

4’ or 8’


8’-1 1/2” or 9’0”







8’ or 8’11/2” or 9’ or 10’



8’-1 1/2” or 9’0”

4’ or 8’

4’ or 8’


8’-1 1/2” or 9’0”








Conc. 1 Rubber 2











8’-6”/W 9’-0”/W

8’-6”/W or 9’-0”/W or 10’-0”/w








As specified



5/8”x 10-1/2”

3/4”x 7-1/2”

3/4”x 12”


























18” or 19-3/16” or 19-1/2” or 20” or 24”C

RT&S Track Buyer’s Guide















24” or 48”



Grade-crossing surface data LT Resources LT Resources Endurance® Endurance® XL XL PLUS Composite Composite Crossing Crossing

American Concrete Shuntless Lag/ Lagless

American Concrete Shuntless PFW Lag/ Lagless

Century Group Inc. Concrete Lag Type

Century Group Inc. Concrete Lagless

HiRAIL Full-Depth Rubber

Koppers Standard Timber

Rocla Full-Depth Reinforced Concrete

Depth of material









Steel reinforced



Yes Grade 72

Yes Grade 72




Tongue & groove design








Omega Lag-Down

Omega Non-Lag

OMNI Improved Concrete (ConcreteRubber)















3300# 5000#





Rubber 185# 12’ Conc. 4500# 4’Conc.3400#


1750# 2500# 3500#





Rubber 185# 12’Conc. 2400# 9’Conc. 1800#




























As specified

As specified

As specified






As Specified

As Specified Wood Tie, Yes Concrete Tie











As Specified

If specified

Yes +













Type of header material













Header material furnished













Maximum curve allowable



20 +

20 +





















End plates available













End plates furnished







Optional End Plates/Beveled Eds

Optional End Plates/Beveled Eds

Optional End Plates/Beveled Eds



Yes +

Gauge flangeway type/ Flangeway opening



Attached Rubber

Attached Rubber

Rubber/ 2-1/2” or 3”

Timber/ 2-1/2”

Attached Rubber/ 3”

As Specified/ 3”

Composite/ 3”

2 1/2”ADA 3” main line

2 1/2”ADA 3” main line

Rubber/ 2-3/4”













Weight of gauge panels

8’ 1 1/2” 3300#

8’ 1 1/2” 3300#





8’ 1 1/2” 1730#

8’ 1 1/2” 1730#




Shims furnished





Shim material




Shim fasteners furnished



Bearing pads recommended

As specified

Bearing pads furnished Header board required

Weight of field panels

Can materials be ordered, cut or modified for use in switches?

Insulation/Rail Isolation


RT&S Track Buyer’s Guide


StarTrack Oldcstle Precast Concrete

Steel Crossings Inc.


Full (16”)

Full (14”)


















5’-6370# 7’-6”-9555# 17’-6”-22000#



4’-3500# 8’-7000#




With gauge (one piece)

With gauge (one piece)



































As specified




As specified






Yes +





















































































































Rubber/ 2-3/4”

Rubber/ 2-3/4”

Rubber/ 3”

Rubber/ 2-3/4”

Rubber/ 2-1/2”

Rubber/ 2-3/4”

Rubber/ 2-1/2”

Rubber/ 2-3/4”

As specified



As specified











As specified

As specified



OMNI Steel Reinforced

OMNI Heavy-Duty Virgin Rubber

OMNI Embedded Concrete Rubber

OMNI Tracast

Polycorp Ltd. Full-Depth Rubber

Polycorp Ltd. Concrete

Premier LRT Modular System

Premier Freight Modular System

Rail-Way Inc. Full-Depth Rubber

Rail-Way Inc. Concrete

































9’ - 3550# 12’ - 4730# Modular

6’Conc. 7000# 6’Rubber 150#



4’-1500# 8’-3000#

4’-1500# 8’-3000#

8’6” 130# 9’ 160#


9’ - 1870# 12’ - 2490#




4’-3500# 8’-7000#






















RT&S Track Buyer’s Guide


Conc/ Rubber/ Conc/ Rubber/ 2-1/2” 2-1/2”



Stella-Jones StarTrack Oldcastle Corp. Precast Full-Depth Concrete-HD Timber


track inspection

Track geometry Inspection using a

prototype lidar system TTCI evaluates a noncontact inspection method for detecting track irregularities. by Mehdi Ahmadian, Masood Taheri Andani, Josh Muñoz and Carvel Holton, AAR’s Affiliated Laboratory Program, Virginia Tech and David Davis, TTCI.

Figure 1, above: Velocity Measurement of the right LIDAR sensor used for lateral irregularities (a) top view of the embodiment and right rail, (b) front view of the embodiment and right rail. Figure 2, right: Carbody-mounted configuration of the LIDAR system (the frame supports four LIDAR optics for the purpose of lateral and vertical geometry measurements).


s part of the Association of American Railroads’ (AAR) Affiliated Laboratory Program, Virginia Tech has investigated the applicability of light detection and ranging (LIDAR) technology for track geometry inspection. Transportation Technology Center, Inc. (TTCI), manages the Affiliated Lab program for AAR. LIDAR measurement of track geometry would allow railroads to greatly increase the frequency of track measurements due to the potential improvements of ease of use, portability and lower operating costs such a system may bring. This could result in improved track maintenance planning, lower operating costs and improved safety. This article describes a proof of concept demonstration using a breadboard prototype LIDAR measurement system. Evaluation of the prototype system shows there is potential for development of a field hardened prototype.


Under funding from the AAR and working with various specific railroads, Railway Technologies Laboratory has developed and evaluated a non-contact 30

inspection method for detecting track irregularity variations as extracted from measurements of track speed. Four slightly tilted LIDAR optics are used to measure the vehicle speed and vertical and lateral profiles of the left and right rails simultaneously. Virginia Tech’s LIDAR system, previously shown to be an effective replacement for wheelmounted encoders, 1,2 is now shown to be a reliable instrument to monitor track geometry parameters. LIDAR, as used for speed sensing, is an accurate, non-contact speed measurement technique that uses the Doppler frequency shift imposed on laser radiation reflected from a moving object. Based on the Doppler frequency shift, the speed of a moving object can be determined.

Tilted configuration

A Doppler sensor measures the velocity vector aligned with the axis of the laser beam. The sensor is typically mounted in a way that the laser strikes perpendicular to the moving object. In this case, the object velocity is identical to the velocity measured by the laser. In the proposed embodiment, however, the LIDAR sensor is

not positioned exactly perpendicular to the gauge surface, but the laser strikes the rail at a forward angle of θ. In addition, the lens is not installed at the same height as the gauge surface because of the mounting limitations; thus, the laser direction also has an inclination angle of ϕ relative to the surface of the object (see Figure 1). With this configuration, the sensor’s reading has a vector component of forward track speed, as well as a vector component that represents lateral or vertical track variations that depend on the lens positioning and angles. As an illustration, the lens configuration used for track speed and lateral irregularities of the right rail is shown in Figure 1. In this case, the velocity measured by the right sensor, VmR is related to the right rail forward speed V R and right lateral variations rate vR as:

LIDAR data mapping

LIDAR measurements are made in the time domain. But for the data to be beneficial for track administrators, geometry data must be presented in the spatial domain. A data-mapping algorithm is developed to find the corRT&S Track Buyer’s Guide


track inspection

Figure 3, left: Lateral LIDAR optics used for lateral geometry measurements: (a) beams target the gauge face of the rails, (b) left and right track speeds are measured, (c) rates of left and right lateral geometry are observed by the lateral lenses. Figure 4, right: Vertical LIDAR optics used for vertical geometry measurements: (a) beams target the gauge corner of the rails, (b) left and right track speeds are measured, (C) rates of left and right vertical geometry are observed by the vertical lenses.

rect location of LIDAR measurements. This algorithm includes steps for: a) Obtaining spatial track data for reference use, b) Constructing the LIDAR signature data in the spatial domain to be correlated, c) Dividing the LIDAR track data into spatial segments, d) Comparing the reference data to the measured track LIDAR data segments to identify the location of the segments and e) Stretching or shrinking (rescaling) the LIDAR data to account for local spatial deviations in calibration value(s).

System installation

As shown in Figure 2, the LIDAR frame is body-mounted to the metrology car. This frame supports and orients the four LIDAR lenses. The two lenses primarily employed for measuring train speed are shown in this embodiment enclosed in blue housings. These lenses are oriented toward the gauge corner and point opposite to the forward direction of travel. The two lenses that capture rail lateral variations are installed below the blue housings. As mentioned earlier, they are oriented at a shallow backward and vertical angle to allow for a simultaneous meaRT&S Track Buyer’s Guide


surement of track speed, as well as lateral deformation. Figure 3 illustrates the configuration of these two lenses as used for the lateral measurements. As shown, each lens measures the track speed in addition to left or right lateral deviations from the mean of the track gauge. As the train moves down track, lateral deviations in space are seen as time varying displacements. The time variance gives rise to a lateral velocity component that is sensed by the LIDAR as a Doppler frequency shift. Figure 4 illustrates the orientation of the lenses used for measuring vertical deviations. The LIDAR processing systems are located in the cab of the metrology car and are connected to the lenses below the car via fiber optic cables.


LIDAR data for the current report was collected from a round-trip itinerary between Roanoke and Lynchburg, Va. Wheel-mounted encoder speed data, onboard inertial measurement unit (IMU) spatial data and gauge sensor data were also collected for evaluation of the spatial data derived from the LIDAR data. Data was accumulated over multiple sections of both tangent and curved tracks for analysis. The local alignment variations measured by the lateral LIDAR optics (Figure 3) for the right rail is compared

with IMU’s alignment measurements in Figure 5 for a distance of a 0.7 mile. IMU curvature is also simultaneously plotted in Figure 6 to distinguish the curved rail from tangent rail. The LIDAR data corresponds reasonably with IMU data in measuring the alignment deviation and its trend. However, a perfect correlation is not achieved because the two measuring systems use different sensing, detection and processing techniques. The gauge variations are also computed for the same piece of track and the results are compared with an onboard gauge sensor in Figure 6. A closer match is observed between the two units in assessing the gauge variations. In a manner similar to that used for the lateral geometry parameters, vertical parameter deviations, such as profile and superelevation variation, can be measured by using the vertical LIDAR optics (Figure 4). Figure 7 shows the superelevation variations derived from the LIDAR measurements compared with those from IMU data over a short section of track. Although the two systems monitor the same trend of variations, some discrepancies are evident between the results. A more exact spatial match cannot be achieved using the current data because the measurements were made by asynchronous instruments. The developed data mapping approach was fur ther evaluated over a longer stretch of 12 miles of track. The IMU curvature is used as reference (or “signature”) data. Three LIDAR data segments of different lengths are then analyzed for the purpose of correlation with the asynchronously acquired IMU sig31

track inspection

Figure 5, top, left: Right rail alignment measurements made by lateral LIDAR system and compared with IMU data. Figure 6, top, right: Gauge variations measured by the lateral LIDAR optics are compared with the onboard measurements made by the gauge sensor. Figure 7, bottom, left: Superelevation variations measured by vertical optics are compared with IMU data. Figure 8, bottom, right: LIDAR curvature data is positioned with respect to a set of IMU reference data using the developed mapping algorithm.

can be operated remotely down to below walking speeds.

Acknowledgements nature. The first segment contains a right curve in about two miles of the track. The second segment has two curves, including one right and one left curve over 1.5 miles. The third segment includes four curves of differing radii. The LIDAR data for these three segments are then overlaid on the IMU data in Figure 8. The plots show a comparable measurement accuracy between the two sensors.


A body-mounted LIDAR velocity measurement system was shown to be capable of measuring lateral and vertical spatial deviations of track rails. The method is an adaption of the LIDAR technology developed at Virginia Tech and already proven to be effective for noncontact measurements of track speed and distance. Data from field tests was used to demonstrate the capability of developed signal process-

ing algorithms to identify and separate the different vector speed components to calculate the variations in track geometry. These preliminary results showed a good agreement between LIDAR measurements and other established measurement methods for the segments of track measured.

Future work

Additional efforts are needed to further investigate the integration of the prototype LIDAR system used for this study into an industrially viable platform for the rail geometry cars and/or hi-rail class vehicles operated by U.S. railroads. Recommendations as a result of this investigation are for 1) the prototype architecture to be used to develop a compact and ruggedized system readily accessible to the railroad industry and 2) the feasibility and applicability of using the system to be assessed on board hi-rail trucks or portable units that

The authors greatly acknowledge the financial support provided by AAR through the Technology Outreach Program. The additional funding provided by the Federal Railroad Administration has also been instrumental for performing the field-testing necessary for the results reported herein. The generous support provided by Norfolk Southern’s Research and Testing Department, in particular Brad Kerchof and Scott Hailey, have played a key role in the success of the program. References 1. Muñoz, J., et al. April 18–21, 2013. “Multifunction LIDAR Sensors for Non-Contact Speed Measurement in Rail Vehicles: Part 1: System Installation and Implementation,” Proc. 2013 Joint Rail Conference, Knoxville, Tenn. 2. Wrobel, S.A., et al. April 18–21, 2013. “Multifunction LIDAR Sensors for Non-Contact Speed Measurements in Rail Vehicles, Part 2: Data Collection and Analysis,” Proc. 2013 Joint Rail Conference, Knoxville, Tenn. rail and track inspection

Advanced Rail Management Corporation Alltrack Inc. American Equipment Co. Ameritrack Rail Applied Rail Research Technologies Inc. (ARRT) Atlantic Track & Turnout Co. Balfour Beatty Rail, Inc. Bridge Access Specialties LLC Brown Rail Equipment CANAC Railway Services Inc. CMC Rail


dFuzion, Inc. ENSCO Rail, Inc. ESCO Equipment Service Co. Eurotech Corporation-Kinshofer Fritz-Rumer-Cooke Co., Inc. Georgetown Rail Equipment Company H&H Engineering Construction, Inc. Harsco Rail Herzog Services, Inc. Holland L.P. IAT International, Inc. Knapp Railroad Builders, Inc. L.B. Foster Company

LandRail Inc. Loram Maintenance of Way, Inc. MERMEC Inc. Modern Track Machinery Canada, Ltd. Morrison Metalweld Process Corp. Mountain States Contracting Inc. Musselman & Hall Contractors Nordco Rail Services, LLC PortaCo, Inc. R.E.L.A.M. Inc. Racine Railroad Products Railmark Track Works Inc.

RailPros Inc RAILQUIP, INC. Railroad Construction Co. of South Jersey, Inc. Railroad Tools and Solutions LLC RailWorks Corporation SPENO INTERNATIONAL SA Sperry Rail Service TISEC Inc. Trackmasters Inc. Unitrac Railroad Materials, Inc. Wilson & Company, Inc., Engineers

RT&S Track Buyer’s Guide



NRC project of the year:

increased capacity, focus on safety Herzog Contracting Corp. and Reyes Construction worked to safely build a 345-acre intermodal yard that will help the Port of Long Beach increase capacity and cut air pollution.


alifornia’s Port of Long Beach (POLB) is the second busiest port in the United States and is located in one of the nation’s most populated areas. Capacity matters, but so does efficiency and environmental friendliness. POLB developed a plan that would give it both with the Middle Harbor Redevelopment Project. The project will combine two aging shipping terminals at Pier E and F into the greenest, most technologicallyadvanced container terminal in the world. The new terminal, at full build out, will have more than double the capacity of the two terminals it replaces and cut air pollution by more than half. In 2012, POLB signed a 40-year, $4.6 billion lease with Orient Overseas Container Line and its subsidiary, Long Beach Container Ter minal (LBCT), for the new Middle Harbor property in the largest deal of its kind for any U.S. seaport. POLB and LBCT have been working to progress the nine-year, $1.31 billion project that will upgrade wharfs, water access and container yards, as well as add a greatly expanded on-dock rail yard.


Phase 1 of the project was completed in 2015 and included the development of Pier E, which allowed LBCT to continue operation at its existing terminal on Pier F. The entire project is scheduled for completion by 2019 and will help support thousands of jobs in the area.

The work performed on Pier E is the centerpiece of the Middle Harbor redevelopment efforts and Herzog Contracting Corp. was the managing joint venture partner with Reyes Construction for this portion of the project. According to Herzog Contracting,

RT&S Track Buyer’s Guide



Opposite Page: Top image shows the original configuration of Pier E and F. Bottom rendering illustrates what the completed Middle Harbor Redevelopment Project will look like. Photos courtesy of the Port of Long Beach.

“This intermodal yard spans 345 acres and will handle 10,000 truck trips per day, 2,100 trains, 3.3 million twentyfoot equivalent units per year and will employ nearly 3,000 people. The total linear footage of crane rail foundation and rail installed was 40,982 (almost eight miles). The vehicle traffic areas required the construction of a flexible paving cross-section, which consisted of up to 13-inch thick roller compacted concrete, with a three-inch asphalt wear course. The project also involved the installation of drainage structures, utilities and demolition of the prior site. The contract included the construction of reclaimed land by connecting Pier E to Pier F, which consisted of filling an area of the harbor previously used for ship navigation.” Herzog Contracting’s ability to complete the project on time, on budget and with zero “lost time” accidents helped the company garner the 2015 NRC Project of the Year award. This is a repeat win for Herzog Contracting, which also won the 2014 award for its work on the Port of Los Angeles Berth 200 Rail Yard.

RT&S Track Buyer’s Guide


“One of the many goals of this project was to incorporate our expertise in being environmentally conscious with innovative solutions. Transforming two aging terminals into the greenest and most technologically-advanced container terminal in the world was no small task,” Herzog Contracting wrote in its Project of the Year entry. “The utilization of solar panels, adding shore power for ships and the reuse or recycle of many waste materials were just a few of the ways that we succeeded in delivering a project of the highest quality.”

Challenges and strategies Herzog Contracting notes that the largest challenges of the project were the project’s schedule and accuracy required of the construction process. “The challenge on this project was working over the top of an operating oil field, with an aggressive schedule, promised in the 40-year, $4.6 billion lease agreement between POLB and the Orient Overseas Container Line. Our strategy was to work with the Port and the tenant. This allowed our construction team to sequence and accelerate work so that we could meet important milestones, allowing the tenant to install and test its highly automated container handling equipment,” said Herzog Contracting. The company continued, “The biggest challenge with accuracy was that with the performance characteristics of the automatic stacking cranes, place-

ment of anchor bolts for the direct fixation crane rail track was highly critical. The automatic stacking cranes used at this terminal travel at very high rates of speed, up to 30 miles per hour, while handling loads of up to 45,000 pounds. “Our strategy to ensure complete accuracy of the final product was to use high caliber total station survey equipment to aid in aligning concrete forms and anchor bolts, both vertically and horizontally, prior to pouring concrete. “Immediately after concrete was poured, all of the bolts and forms were checked again to verify no movement. This process, with quality and hold points built in to the Construction Work Plan, provided a positive means for our crews to work in a timely, efficient manner, while maintaining the required accuracy to build the project correct the first time. This kept the project on-time and on-budget.”

Safety: Zero lost time A large component of the NRC’s Project of the Year contest is the safety record of a project. Herzog Contracting accrued 313,046 total man hours on the project with zero “lost time” accidents. “Herzog employed a safety director who was dedicated to the project on a full-time basis. The success of our safety record is attributed to every team member believing a culture of safety was part of everyone’s responsibility,” said Herzog Contracting.



Pier E was connected to Pier F by filling an additional 40 acres of Slip 1. The Herzog Contracting/ Reyes team expanded the on-dock rail yard from 10,000 linear feet to 75,000, creating a single, consolidated container terminal, which includes 55 acres of newly created land. Photo courtesty of the Port of Long Beach.

“Each foreman was tasked with developing an Activity Hazard Analysis (AHA) for each definable feature of work. Every AHA identified the tasks required to complete the work. The AHA outlined potential hazards that might be encountered and identified steps to mitigate every hazard associated with the task. Additionally, if a near miss occurred on the project, there would be a ‘Safety Standown’ for the entire project. All crews would be notified of the near miss and crews would be retrained to ensure a similar event would not reoccur. Herzog is a hard working company that goes above and beyond to not only meet, but also exceed construction safety standards,” said the company. Concerning cost control strategies, Herzog Contracting stuck to a simple, yet effective, formula. “Herzog’s cost control system was fully integrated within the management team, from the foreman to the project manager. Engineers responsible for managing various disciplines of work were tasked with creating very simple man hour budget work sheets

for each of the foremen. These budget sheets were designed in a way that the foreman could fill in the number of hours used to perform each task during the workday. The budget worksheet also allowed foreman to identify how many units of production the crew accomplished. This allowed the foreman to determine the number of man hours required to complete each task on a given day. The foreman could then compare the actual number to the budgeted number, allowing them to better understand their daily estimated goal. This method of cost control proved to be a valuable process for controlling costs in the field. Each month every discipline engineer would

update their units of production in the cost report, as well as verify all of the inputs for accuracy, allowing for a detailed job cost report to be completed for the project manager and company executives. When these techniques indicated the likelihood of a cost overrun, the management team identified potential improvements to be made to the operation, providing increased efficiency or determining whether or not the character of the work had changed,” said Herzog. Herzog Contracting completed its work at Pier E at the end of August 2015. Following successful testing, Pier E accepted its first vessel on April 7, 2016. contracting services

A&B Rail Services Ltd. Alltrack Inc. American Railroad Industries, Inc. Ameritrack Rail Amtrac Railroad Contractors of Maryland Inc. Associated Railroad Contractors Inc. Atlas Company of Lincoln Atlas Railroad Construction Co. Bafour Beatty Rail Brandt Construction Co. Brandt Road Rail Corporation Bullock Construction CANAC Railway Services Inc. Capital Railroad Contracting Inc. Clayton Railroad Construction, LLC Coleman Industrial Construction, Inc. CR Construction Company Crafton Railroad Co., Inc. Crouch Engineering, P.C. D. H. Blattner & Sons, Inc. Delta Railroad Construction, Inc.


Design Nine, Inc. Dolby and Associates, Inc. Frank Tartaglia, Inc. Fritz-Rumer-Cooke Co., Inc. G.A. Fossum & Associates Inc. Garlock Equipment Great Lakes Rail Service, Inc. Georgetown Rail Equipment Company H&H Engineering Construction, Inc. Hamilton Construction Hanson Professional Services Hayward Baker, Inc. HDR Engineering, Inc. Herzog Contracting Corp. Herzog Railroad Services, Inc. Holland L.P. Hulcher Services, Inc. Innovative Foundation Supportworks J. A. Placek Construction Co. J. F. White Contracting Co. James McHugh Construction Co. K.W. Reese, Inc.

Kelly-Hill Co. Kiewit Western Co. LandRail Inc. Lone Star Railroad Contractors, Inc. Mar-John Track Maintenance Inc. Mass. Electric Construction Co. Morrison Metalweld Process Corp. Mountain States Contracting Inc. Musselman & Hall Contractors N & J Railroad Contractors, Inc. Patrick Engineering Inc. Presto Geosystems Queen City Railroad Construction R.E.L.A.M. Inc. R&R Contracting Co. Rail-Trak Railmark Track Works Inc. RailPros Inc Railroad Construction Co. Inc. Railroad Construction Co. of South Jersey, Inc. Railroad Salvage and Restoration, Inc.

RailWorks Corporation Rhinehart Railroad Construction, Inc. Sharp & Fellows, Inc. Skanska USA Civil Inc. Stacy and Witbeck, Inc. Stantec Consulting, Inc. STX Corporation Swanson Contracting Co. Inc. TCR Rail Systems Trackmasters Inc. Tram Construction UMA Group Ltd. Unitrac Railroad Materials, Inc. VAA, LLC Volkmann Railroad Builders Inc. W.M. Brode Co. Weld Management Solutions Inc. Western Railroad Builders Corp. Wilson & Company, Inc., Engineers & Architects Young’s Environmental Cleanup, Inc. Zachry Engineering Corporation

RT&S Track Buyer’s Guide


special trackwork

Better performance, less maintenance for

special trackwork

Suppliers are utilizing enhanced technology to increase manufacturing capacity, lessen maintenance and improve trackwork performance.


pecial trackwork manufacturers are taking advantage of a dip in demand to focus on redesigning components of frogs, turnouts and other trackwork to add resiliency to their products and improve service, as well as life-cycle cost.

Atlantic Track

Atlantic Track says its focus has been on expanding infrastructure to enhance technology and to expand capacity to produce special trackwork. “The company has made significant capital investments as par t of its commitment to maintain its present customer base, as well as meet the demand with better deliver y times,” the company noted. “We have completed the expansion of a 30,000-square-ft. space that now houses our new Advanced Switchpoint Machining Center in Memphis, Tenn.” Atlantic Track anticipates nearterm orders for manufactured goods will be sluggish, but is optimistic that orders should pick up. RT&S Track Buyer’s Guide


Cleveland Track Material

Cleveland Track Material, part of Vossloh North America, is utilizing its in-house resources to soon begin producing Buy America-compliant flash-butt welded frogs. Products will include welded mono-block, conformal and standard profile welded frogs. “We are committed to expanding our product offerings to meet the needs of North American railroads,” explained the company.

L.B. Foster Company

L.B. Foster Co. has been marketing the Tracksure™ range of patented nut locking devices in North America, which the company says can be used in a variety of trackwork applications. The company notes the devices are ideal for large diamond crossings, as the product prevents unintentional bolt loosening due to vibration and settlement. The nut locking devices are designed to minimize railroad maintenance operations and enhance track

voestalpine Nortrak says its Heavy Point Switch is designed to strengthen and substantially extend the life of switch points in Class 1 turnouts.

safety. The company notes that the Tracksure bolt offers significant benefits in maintenance-intensive and safety-critical applications by securing the joint more effectively, thereby reducing railroad downtime, reducing bolt fatigue and allowing for quicker and simpler service where necessary. “It has been extensively tested and approved by many freight and passenger railroads around the world and has just recently been approved for use in The Netherlands and Australia,” the company noted. “In North America, it has been successfully trialed at major transit agencies and is used by Class 1 railroads. It is suitable for OEM applications and can be retro-fitted to existing track.” The locking device consists of a modified bolt with a reverse thread 37

special trackwork

nent in turnouts; Ferromex and Ferrosur are looking to test improved design frogs for mainline traffic.”

Progress Rail

added to the end, which accommodates both the original nut and a Tracksure locking nut. This locking nut is applied to the reverse thread until it tightens against the original nut. A serrated steel locking cap then pushes down over both the original nut and the Tracksure nut, held in place with a spring clip. If the original nut starts to loosen, even microscopically, L.B. Foster says the locking nut tightens on the reverse thread with the locking cover combining both actions, ensuring a fail-safe bolt fixing. “But unlike other fasteners, it can be simply maintained and does not require expensive capital equipment to install,” the company explained.


Nortrak-Damy introduced the WSM spring frog to Ferromex more than a year ago that the railroad used on the its highest traffic lines. Some anti-vandalism features have

been tested and introduced to Ferromex and Ferrosur during the past few years due to the high rate of steel components being robbed from the track. The company is now in process to test an insulator (steel/plastic) to be applied in track curves with high vandalism. Alejandro Damy, chief executive officer, notes that high investments in rolling stock to attend to the increasing demand of the auto manufacturing industry and intermodal in Mexico has decreased demand for special trackwork in the Mexican market. A trend he believes will continue for the short term. He explained. “Basically, railroads are looking for better performance on special trackwork, less maintenance and longer warranties. The major problem in Mexico is the poor maintenance provided by railroads to specialty trackwork after installation. Class 1s rely much on suppliers when a product fails prematurely or shows bad performance. Frogs are still the most demanding compospecial trackwork

A&K Railroad Materials, Inc. Atlantic Track & Turnout Co. Atlas Company of Lincoln Birmingham Rail and Locomotive Co. Brandt Construction Co. Cleveland Track Material HJ Skelton (Canada) Ltd.


L.B. Foster Company L&H Industrial Lanier Steel Products, Inc. McFarren Group NARSTCO Omaha Track Omega Industries Inc. OMNI Products, Inc.

Progress Rail Services Corp. Unitrac Railroad Materials, Inc. voestalpine Nortrak, Inc. Volkmann Railroad Builders Inc. Vossloh Track Material Vulcan Materials Company Young’s Environmental Cleanup, Inc.

Progress Rail, a Caterpillar company, manufactures a full line of track infrastructure products for the railroad, transit and industrial markets, including turnouts, crossing diamonds and replacement components for all sizes and design specifications. “Through efforts to reduce wheel impacts within turnouts and crossing diamonds, we are striving to achieve the railroad industry’s goal of reducing maintenance and overall product lifecycle cost,” said Scot Campbell, director Class 1 sales, engineering and track services at Progress Rail. “We continue to develop and improve on our OneWay Low-Speed (OWLS) and fullflange bearing crossing designs. The OWLS design eliminates the flangeway gap on the mainline run. The fullflange bearing crossing design eliminates the wheel contact at the flange opening, which is an area with tread bearing diamonds that receives high impacts, leading to accelerated maintenance costs and eventual replacement of castings and subcomponents. Our full-flange bearing diamond significantly reduces these impacts.” Progress Rail has also developed a vertical switch that eliminates the traditional interface between the switch point and stock rail. When used along with the company’s lift frog, Progress Rail says the turnout is seamless and invisible to mainline traffic. The company has also designed and tested in track a vertical, double-point switch derail, that when open, is also said to be seamless and invisible to mainline traffic. “Following several years of strong demand for special trackwork from all segments, there has been a slight pull back in the market due to reduced car loadings caused by lower coal and oil shipments,” Progress Rail noted. The company says it is actively pursuing transit and high-speed rail projects. “We work jointly with our trackwork manufacturing and design staff in the United Kingdom and Australia to develop products for the transit and high-speed markets. We now offer a complete system with direct fixation plates, rail fasteners and special trackwork,” Progress Rail commented. RT&S Track Buyer’s Guide


special trackwork

opposite page: Progress Rail’s

vertical derail switch. this page: L.B. Foster’s Tracksure nut locking devices.

voestalpine Nortrak

After the introduction of the thick web moveable point frog (MPFTW), voestalpine Nortrak released its Heavy Point Switch (HPS). The HPS is a stock rail – switch point pair designed to strengthen and substantially extend the life of switch points in Class 1 turnouts. “We have used a patented process called Kinematic Gauge Optimization to thicken the switch point at the most vulnerable area near the tip,” explained Ken Ouelette, vice president marketing. “The HPS can replace existing switch point – stock rail sets as a ‘direct drop in’ without modifications, regardless of the turnout geometry or manufacturer.” Ouelette says that as Class 1 carloads, revenue and capital budgets have decreased, the company has seen a proportional decrease in available capital for special trackwork. “At voestalpine Nortrak, we are fortunate to have the largest engineering team in the industry,” he noted. “We have had design resources dedicated to passenger rail in North America for many years. Beyond North America, we are also part of the voestalpine group, which has extensive experience with high-speed rail turnouts and signaling systems in Europe and Asia. This relationship within voestalpine allows us to draw upon shared experience and IP within the group to develop the right high-speed

RT&S Track Buyer’s Guide


rail products for North America.” He says that he has noticed that railroad managers are demanding optimal value for their special trackwork investments and that the company understands that this means products must be competitively priced and easy to install and maintain. “We also understand that products must be delivered on time,” he noted. “At voestalpine Nortrak, we have rolled out an ‘Operational Excellence’ (OpEx) program to align all of our processes behind fulfilling customer needs. This has already helped us to improve on time delivery and we anticipate many more improvements as the OpEx program permeates our organization.” voestalpine Nortrak’s Welded Boltless Manganese ® frogs are designed specifically for Class 1 heavy-haul

service. The design utilizes explosive depth hardened manganese steel and eliminates all rail joints, which reduces maintenance and leaves the frog unaffected by continuous-welded rail thermal stresses. The company’s Welded Spring Manganese® (WSM) frogs are said to improve performance by using wearresistant manganese steel to replace an assembly of rail, blocks and bolts that can wear and work loose. “WSM Frogs can be welded when worn because of the high solidity casting. The WSM presents a continuous running surface along the mainline route and, when coupled with the Nortrak Spring Wing Controller, the operation of the wing for the diverging route is smooth and controlled,” he explained.


ballast maintenance

ballast maintenance:

aiming for

versatility Suppliers of ballast maintenance equipment continue to develop more flexible solutions to offer quicker, safer to use products.


ffective ballast maintenance is crucial to a safe and useful track for any railroad. Suppliers are continuously developing equipment to better address concerns regarding flexibility, innovation, safety and efficiency.

Brandt Road Rail Corporation says its RTB130 has a complete line of attachments that are able to address any type of spot maintenance that a railway would desire, from undercutting to tie handling and tamping. The company continues the development of the next generation of rail tools, such as a smaller version of the RTB130 based on a John Deere 410 chassis.

effective and productive. The company says its newest product, the BTE HiRail Skid Steer (HRSS), is one of the most versatile pieces of construction equipment with many standard attachments available. The BTE HRSS is a mobile hydraulic power pack, too, and is considered a “workhorse” for completing difficult tasks in short track windows. Hi-rail speeds of more than 10 miles per hour will get the machine to the work site fast, and it will operate quickly both on- and off-track to accomplish ballast maintenance with “excellent operator comfort” and ergonomics and improved safety and productivity, the company says.




Ballast Tools Equipment (BTE) continues to develop ballast maintenance solutions to fit customers’ needs while focusing on spot track maintenance with hi-rail backhoes and excavators that perform efficient tamping, tie handling, ditching, drainage and undercutting. The company also says it is actively working to develop new attachments to make ballast maintenance more safe, 40

DymaxRail continues to develop new products for ballast maintenance to meet the developing needs of the industry, including a single-motor tamper mounted to hi-rail grapple trucks utilizing a new manual quick coupler to safely change grapple truck work tools. Dymax pairs the tamper with its new 180-degree tamper for five-ton excavators. The company says the combina-

tion extends the ballast tamper range from mini-excavators and backhoes to grapple trucks and the largest excavators with the four-motor model.


Georgetown Rail Equipment Company recently introduced its DumpTrain for Curves® as a new solution to eliminate the single belt concept. The DumpTrain for Curves® dedicates an individual belt to each car in the consist, allowing trains to unload in curves of up to 27 degrees and 6 inches of super elevation. Each car has a 104-ton load capacity with a standard train configuration of 15 cars and one stacker. Individual configurations can also be adapted based on customers’ needs, said Nate Bachman, vice president marketing and sales. GREX is working on enhancements to its GateSync® product. With more than 2,000 cars in service, GateSync® has successfully enabled customers to convert their manual ballast cars to automated unloading solutions, Bachman says. The newest ver sion of GateSync allows for longer train lengths, RT&S Track Buyer’s Guide


ballast maintenance

OPPOSITE PAGE: Brandt’s RTB130 can be paired with various attachments, including this BTE undercutter.

includes a more sophisticated communications network and boasts additional software features that enable easy train formation and startup. Together, the two developments provide locations, images, lengths and detailed measurements at grade crossings. This helps track owners determine whether there are potentially dangerous conditions in the slope of the road approaching the crossings, the company says. Additionally, the company’s research and development department is designing a new vehicle capable of recording Aurora Xi® Backscatter and BallastSaver® streams simultaneously, saving track time and increasing productivity.


Herzog Railroad Services, Inc. (HRSI), recently launched the Automated Conveyor Train (A.C.T.). The A.C.T.’s discharge belt reaches 35 feet from the tip of the belt to the track center and the company says it is capable of discharging material at a 90-degree angle from the track and up to 50 feet from the track center. The front of the discharge car has an automated plow, allowing the car to strike off material that is off-loaded in front of the machine and directly in the center of the track. With a super-elevation of up to five inches, the A.C.T. can unload up to a 13-degree curve and meets Plate C specifications, which HRSI says allows for the train to unload on the field side while in motion. The A.C.T. can offload multiple material sizes, such as “B” stone, mainline ballast, sand and walking ballast. The unit’s cars can carry as much as 97 tons each and the company says the A.C.T. can regulate which car is unloaded first, allowing the product to handle multiple material types in one consist.

Knox Kershaw

Knox Kershaw, Inc., says its ballast regulator models are continually reevaluated based on customer feedback and field observations. The company’s recent developments include an improved entryway to the operaRT&S Track Buyer’s Guide


tor’s station, enhanced operator station ergonomics and high visibility labeling for certain machine functions, says President and Chief Operating Officer George Pugh. The company has continued to expand its inventory, offering complete plow and broom assemblies for ballast regulators. The company has added rebuilt components including complete engine assemblies, propel pumps, transmissions and differentials to its inventory to offer customers more options while ensuring timely delivery.


Loram Maintenance of Way, Inc., introduced the UC 1200 and SBC 2400 last August and the company says it has continued to develop the products through active research and development efforts. The company reports that it has been focused on providing superior customer value through increased productivity, as well as improved operational efficiencies and safety. The company says trends continue to show customers are working to optimize their programs through coordinating resources to capitalize on available work windows. Customers leverage the combination of gangs, coupling equipment with similar productivity rates and utilize major track outages to reduce unit cost and maximize productivity.

Miner Enterprises

Miner Enterprises, Inc. says its AggreGate® can effectively deliver ballast inside, outside or on both sides of the rail simultaneously citing the product’s large guillotine door openings designed to stop ballast flow with minimum effort, easily operated toggle-type linkage systems and tapered doors for easy ballast shutoff at switches, crossovers and bridges. The AggreGate is available in pry

bar manual, push-button or remotecontrol operations using pneumatic or electric power to operate the gates. During the past year, Miner has supplied AggreGates to Class 1, shortline and international railroads. The optional remote control with push button override is also available and the company says it has been designed to allow for individual car and gate selection.

Montana Hydraulics

Montana Hydraulics, LLC, made some slight changes to the Center Mounted Bi-Directional Ballast Plow to extend the life of the machinery and further improve the wear parts life. The plow has become popular among ballast crews due to its flexibility with bi-directional self articulating blades, the significant increase in safety features and the single person operation, the company says. Montana Hydraulics also reports that the Grizzly Side Dump Ballast Car prototype continues to post “record performance,” even through harsh winter conditions. The company plans to update several additional cars throughout the next year and to be considered for upcoming new ballast side dump car builds.


Nordco introduced the RoadReady™ surfacing team concept in 2015, consisting of a production switch tamper (RST-1000) and a production ballast regulator (RBR-1000) that are roadlegal and designed to be towed down the highway without requiring permits. The RoadReady surfacing team concept allows customers to move equipment on the highway without having to navigate travel restrictions, the company says. Nordco notes the equipment can now be moved during the day, night, holidays and weekends, enabling the machines to arrive

ballast maintenance equipment American Equipment Co. Ballast Tools Equipment Products Ballast Tools Inc. (BTI) Brandt Road Rail Corporation Brown Rail Road Equipment, Inc. Case Foundation Company Custom Truck & Equipment Georgetown Rail Equipment Company Harsco Rail Herzog Environmental

Herzog Railroad Services, Inc. Knife River Corporation Knox Kershaw Inc. Lanier Steel Products, Inc. Loram Maintenance of Way, Inc. MATISA Materiel Industriel SA Miner Enterprises, Inc. Minuteman Trucks, Inc. Mitchell Equipment Corporation Montana Hydraulics, LLC

Nordco Rail Services, LLC Pettibone Plasser American Corp. Polycorp Ltd. R.E.L.A.M. Inc. Rail Construction Equipment Co. Tensar International Corporation W.M. Brode Co. Western Railroad Builders Corp.


ballast maintenance

GREX’s DumpTrain for Curves can unload in curves up to 27 degrees.

at work sites faster and maximize equipment use without occupying service-critical train paths.

is then returned to the track behind the cutter bar. New ballast can also be added to the cleaned ballast if needed. Plasser says its BDS100/200 Ballast Distribution System persists as the optimal tool to accompany the high-speed 09-3X tampers or multiple tampers working together. The machines are equipped with plows to profile the ballast, as well as hopper and conveyors to distribute ballast as needed. With the use of double brooms, the machines can sweep up and store excess ballast and for final track dressing. MFS Hopper/Conveyor cars can be added to provide increased ballast storage. The company says all of this work is carried out in a “one pass” operation.

Plasser American


Plasser American Corp. offers several products to help customers maintain long-lasting track quality through proper ballast maintenance. The “workhorse” of Plasser’s fleet of ballast cleaning machines is the RM80, which the company says can clean and undercut plain track and switches. Highcapacity double screening units including the RM2003 and the RM802 High Speed Undercutter-Cleaner, which works with pre-dumped ballast, are available. The company also offers various single and double shaker shoulder cleaners, such as the FRM802 Shoulder Cleaner, that operate with endless paddle-type excavation cutter chains and have an adjustable “on the fly” cutting width of 24 inches to 60 inches. The cutting angle can also be adapted to facilitate adequate drainage. Plasser’s latest machine, the URM700, performs ballast undercutting-cleaning on switches and plain track. The URM700’s core component is its excavating unit. In the form of a sword, The URM700’s horizontally rotating excavating chain can cut as wide as 20 feet. The cleaned ballast


Rail Construction Equipment Company (RCE) Equipment Solutions Rail Division has been working to expand its Railavator product line and undercutter bars to enhance the excavator undercutting process. RCE can now supply the 75G, 85G, 135G, 245G, 250G and 350G excavators with undercutter bars ranging from 9 feet to 15 feet in size, compared to the average of 12 feet. The largest machine, the 350G, has more hydraulic power to perform under tough conditions and the longer bar is beneficial for switch undercutting, the company says. Most recently, the 9-foot undercutter bar has been well received as an alternative to the larger options. RCE says its expanded Railavator models have also been accepted well by customers and the company has received several new orders due to their successful performance in the field. Versatility remains a high selling point to RCE customers, the company says, and it plans to continue improving the machine offerings to support added rail maintenance tasks.

RT&S Track Buyer’s Guide


friction management

HOw to optimize

Friction management Suppliers are investing in the development of new products that maximize uptime while reducing total cost of ownership.

Beads of friction modifier from Loram’s GaugeShield product line.


riction management has become an accepted practice to increase efficiencies and safety while lowering maintenance costs. The products and equipment used have evolved to require less material, reduce waste of that material and improve the practice for both top-of-rail and gauge-face applications.

L.B. Foster

L.B. Foster Co. says it continues to focus on optimizing payback and return on investment to its customers with the ultimate goal being to reduce the total cost of ownership (TCO) of friction management products throughout the global rail industry. Jim Tanner, director field services, explained partnering with customers from designing the initial systems to assisting with ongoing maintenance and performance of equipment in the field all help meet specific needs of the company’s end use customers. “Our objective is to maximize equipment uptime so that our customers are able to achieve the expected benefits of their specific friction management programs,” said Tanner. According to Steve Fletcher, general manager, rail technologies, “Our business is vertically integrated across equipment, consumables, service and performance validation worldwide to provide a complete range of the various products and services that our customers need to implement a successful friction management program. And by design, this vertical integration places the pressure of performance directly on L.B. Foster. In addition, some customers have a variety of equipment and materials from various suppliers. We bring the same dedication and commitment to helping all of our customers achieve the benefits of an effective friction RT&S Track Buyer’s Guide


management program.” Fletcher added, “Innovative and robust product development to address customer needs remains a critical, ongoing process at L.B. Foster. For example, power consumption is a major concern with our customers operating friction management equipment in remote locations. In 2016, one of the areas we are focused on is power optimization. Also, we continue to invest in technology development of better performing, more economical consumable products.” Fletcher said the company would continue to invest and develop mobile applications of friction management, as interest in the solution grows among L.B. Foster’s customers. “For example, our AutoPilot™ advanced top-of-rail (TOR) spray application systems continue to gain market acceptance. These systems can be more efficient in product application and are well suited to high traffic commodity 43

friction management

Robolube “Linear” Wayside, Gauge Face Lubricator system.

The GaugeShield can be remotely monitored with Loram’s monitoring and analytics package, which Behrens says provides the ability to quickly audit the uptime and accurately monitor and plan maintenance activities. “Loram’s GaugeShield provides a new and improved method to help railroads reduce rail wear, curving forces, wheel flange noise and conditions that can cause derailments,” said Behrens.

RBL, Inc.

routes, as well as in closed loop utility operations and with shortline railroads,” said Fletcher. Brian Vidler, senior manager product solutions, discussed the 15-year evolution of the company’s KELTRACK® family of TOR products to provide an intermediate coefficient of friction by deploying a dry film friction modifier. “This characteristic delivers excellent performance while mitigating traction and braking issues that are experienced with alternative products. Also, individual friction modifiers are deployed through careful consideration of the amount of material applied over an effective carry down distance. Provided that the application strategy remains within the individual product performance parameters, effectiveness through this carry down zone is maintained. When application rates or carry distances are stretched beyond their limits, inconsistent performance is experienced. This is one of the biggest discrepancies between actual and anticipated performance. Using the L.B. Foster approach we hold ourselves accountable for delivering the results our customers expect to achieve,” he said. Vidler recognized customer concerns surrounding potential material waste at the application site, which he says can come from a combination of the friction management material properties and the efficiency of the application equipment. “Our equipment has evolved over time to be the most efficient equipment available, but we are not satisfied and continue to invest to improve in this area.”


Loram Maintenance of Way, Inc., introduced its GaugeShield product line to efficiently and effectively lubricate the gauge face of the rail. “The GaugeShield design focuses on delivering performance and reliability, while simplifying routine maintenance and operation. The ergonomically-designed tank provides ample space for maintenance and inspection. The removable grease tank insert allows for easy transfer of seasonal and different manufacturers’ greases and the cone shaped design funnels grease to the pump to decrease cavitation, ” said Jon Behrens, general manager - Friction Management at Loram. GaugeShield’s dual output gear pump has fewer moving parts and the grease output is reliable and repeatable at all operating temperatures and can control two tracks with a single controller. The patent pending dispensing bar, which uniformly dispenses grease across the top of the bar, has a removable insert for an inexpensive replacement. 44

RBL, Inc., launched the new Robolube “Linear” Wayside, Gauge Face Lubricator System at Railway Interchange 2015. The system, which duplicates the bead application of a hi-railstyle lubricator, uses less lubricant, which the company says will produce better results on high-density track. “We have designed a stand-alone system that places the grease precisely on the Gauge Corner. This design allows us to achieve the benefits of better lubrication results, better reduction of the coefficient of friction, less grease consumption and eliminates the high expense associated with wasted lubricant,” said Robert Pieper, president. Pieper notes that all of the grease is consumed by the passing train and migrated down the track, depositing the lubricant where the train wheels dictate the need. He says having no contact with the train allows the company’s application assembly to be placed in the track at the apex of the curve for bi-directional lubrication. “The environmentally-friendly Robolube ‘Linear’ Lubricator does not require any catch or hazardous waste mats to be placed on the ties. Waste and castoff of lubricant is virtually eliminated along with the problems associated with inadvertently creating environmental contamination of the lubricator site,” said Pieper. In addition to the new system, RBL offers custom Robolube Model 200-40 Hyrail Lubricators, that offer the flexibility of two separate application systems in a single enclosure. “One tank carries 200 lbs. of curve and flange grease and the other tank carries 40 lbs. of friction modifier. The lubricator can grease gauge face on the low or high rail, as well as apply friction modifier to the top of the low or high rail,” said Pieper.

SKF/Lincoln Lubrication Systems

SKF/Lincoln says it continues to simplify its products to reduce installation and total cost of ownership associated with its rail lubrication portfolio. Examples of this include the company’s new wheel sensor mount, which uses a stud-shim design to enable quicker mounting, a factor the company said is praised by lubricator maintenance personnel that deal with short track time windows. Additionally, the company says it built upon its “brushbar” applicator with the introduction of a new brushless gauge-face applicator and SKF/Lincoln’s solar panel options have been expanded to offer robust, simplified mounts for its lubricators. The company says one of the most important developments for the SKF and Lincoln brands is the opening of the new SKF facility in St. Louis, Mo. The company says the RT&S Track Buyer’s Guide


friction management

facility features state-of-the-art manufacturing and distribution technologies that will optimize product quality and all phases of the supply chain. Eric Nieman, SKF railway portfolio manager, says the company’s pumping and applicator equipment is designed to deliver friction modifiers and lubricants at the right time, at the right location and in the correct quantities. “The consistent, dialed-in quantities of friction modifier applied at the correct location help to eliminate product waste and ensure that customers receive the most value from their chosen friction modifier,” said Nieman.

Whitmore Rail

Whitmore Rail’s top-of-rail friction modifier, TOR Armor®, launched in 2014 to provide optimum friction at the wheelrail interface and, the company says, substantially reducing noise, wear and lateral forces. Today, Whitmore Rail says TOR Armor continues to lead the industry and proactively combats the many challenges faced. Whitmore Rail explains TOR Armor is one of the only friction modifiers designed to precisely control friction at the desired level, it’s readily biodegradable and carry down and retentivity continues to be superior to other “positive friction” products in the market. “To go along with our friction modifier, Whitmore Rail recently introduced a top-of-rail wiping bar, PolyTOR™, that can be used for heavy-haul freight and transit rail applications. Another key part of our comprehensive

RT&S Track Buyer’s Guide


friction management product line includes our high-tech electric trackside lubricators called AccuTrack ®. They deliver consistent output in all temperatures, come in a variety of tank sizes and can be configured for gauge face or top-of-rail applications,” said Bruce Wise, director of railroad sales at Whitmore. “Most of our worldwide customer base continues to see the benefits of a solid rail friction management program and looks to Whitmore Rail for the next breakthrough. Because we make and offer the most comprehensive friction management line of products available, we project our business to grow significantly this year. Plus, our customers are always looking for new efficiencies and ways to lower maintenance costs and increase safety. We are ideally positioned to meet their specific needs because we offer the convenience of ‘one stop shopping’ to the railroads,” said Wise. friction management American Equipment Co. Corrsolve Corrosion Solutions Fuchs Lubritech H J SKELTON (CANADA) LTD International Lubricants, Inc. L.B. Foster Company Lanier Steel Products, Inc. Loram Maintenance of Way, Inc. McHenry Truck Equipment

Midwest Industrial Supply, Inc. Morrison Metalweld Process Corp. Railmark Track Works Inc. Railroad Construction Co. of South Jersey, Inc. Rails Company Robolube Industries, Inc. Trac Lubricants & Coatings LLC Travers Tool Co., Inc. Whitmore Rail


supplier categories Air compressors Aspen Equipment Co. Danella Rental Systems Inc. (See ad page 33) Hertz Equipment Rental Corporation IAT International, Inc. Lone Star Railroad Contractors, Inc. McHenry Truck Equipment Missouri Tie, Inc. National Crane Corp. Railquip, Inc. Rails Company Sunbelt Rentals Inc. Air conditioning MacBone Industries, Ltd. Visionaire, Inc. Associations American Railway Engineering and Maintenance-of-Way Association American Short Line and Regional Railroad Association Association of American Railroads National Railroad Construction and Maintenance Association National Research Council of Canada Railway Tie Association Ballast maintenance equipment American Equipment Co. Ballast Tools Equipment Products (See ad page 42) Ballast Tools Inc. (See ad page 39) Brandt Road Rail Corporation Brown Rail Road Equipment, Inc. R.J. Corman Railroad Group (See ad page 9) Custom Truck & Equipment (See ad page 20) Georgetown Rail Equipment Company Harsco Rail Knox Kershaw Inc. Loram Maintenance of Way, Inc. MATISA Materiel Industriel SA Miner Enterprises, Inc. Mitchell Equipment Corporation Montana Hydraulics, LLC Nordco Inc. (See ad page 11) Pettibone Plasser American Corp. (See ad Cover 2) Polycorp Ltd. R.E.L.A.M. Inc. Rail Construction Equipment Co. Western Railroad Builders Corp. Ballast mats R.J. Corman Railroad Group (See ad page 9) Knife River Corporation Lanier Steel Products, Inc. W.M. Brode Co. Ballast stabilization Ballast Tools Inc. (See ad page 39) Case Foundation Company Montana Hydraulics, LLC Plasser American Corp. (See ad Cover 2) Tensar International Corporation Ballast unloading equipment Brandt Road Rail Corporation Georgetown Rail Equipment Company Herzog Environmental Minuteman Trucks, Inc. Plasser American Corp. (See ad Cover 2) Batteries, battery chargers Action Battery Wholesalers, Inc. Arthur N. Ulrich Company Century Group Inc. Design Nine, Inc.


Gordon Redd Lumber Company, Inc. HDR John Brown & Sons, Inc. Laird Technologies National Research Council of Canada OV Scale & Instruments Power Parts Sign Co. Precision Drilling, Inc. Railway Equipment Co. Redi-Rock International Bridge components Appalachian Timber Services Atlantic Track & Turnout Co. Badger Equipment Company CMI-Promex Inc. COLE-TUVE Inc. CorrSolve Daley Mohan Groble, P.C. ERICO GPS Inventory Solutions, Inc Intermountain Orient, Inc. Knife River Corporation Koppers Inc. Kovalchick Corporation Kovalchick Corporation LT Resources, Inc. National Trackwork, Inc. Polycorp Ltd. Rails Company Swingmaster United Steel & Fasteners, Inc. Unitrac Railroad Materials, Inc. Whiting Corp. Yangtze Railroad Materials Bridge construction, design, inspection and repair American & Ohio Locomotive Crane Co. American Railroad Industries, Inc. ArcelorMittal USA - Steelton Atlantic and Pacific Rail Supply Atlas Company of Lincoln Balfour Beatty Infrastructure, Inc. Ballast Tools Equipment Products (See ad page 42) Bermingham Foundation Solutions Birmingham Rail and Locomotive Co. (See ad page 6) Bridge Access Specialties LLC Brown Rail Equipment C.K. Industries Carolina Sunrock LLC Clayton Railroad Construction, LLC Coastal Timbers, Inc. Collis Craneworks Commercial Insurance Associates LLC Copper State Bolt & Nut Co. Cranemasters, Inc. Crouch Engineering, P.C. CSR Engineering, Inc. Danella Rental Systems Inc. (See ad page 33) Dolby and Associates, Inc. DuPont Land Management Earth Wall Products EMR, Inc. Engineering Systems Inc. Fatigue Technology Inc. Fenton Rigging and Contracting, Inc. FleetServe Rail Fritz-Rumer-Cooke Co., Inc. Fuchs Lubritech Georgetown Rail Equipment Company GKI Cutting Tools Hamilton Construction Harger Lightning & Grounding Harrison Hydra-Gen J.F. Brennan Company, Inc. JK-Co LLC Kelly-Hill Co. Kiewit Western Co.

Knife River Corporation Koppers Railroad Structures Krostrac Lining Group L.B. Foster Company (See ad Cover 4) Lyncole Industries , Inc. McCord Tie and Timber, Inc. Modern Track Machinery Modjeski and Masters Inc. Moley Magnetics N.E. Bridge Contractors, Inc. National Railway Supply Inc National Salvage & Service Corp. Patrick Engineering Inc. PDM Bridge Pelican Products Pennoni Associates, Inc. Polivka International R.E.L.A.M. Inc. RailPros Inc Railroad Construction Co. of South Jersey, Inc. RailWorks Corporation (See ad page 5) RCC Fabricators, Inc. Scully Signal Company Sharma & Associates Inc. Skanska USA Civil Inc. Stage 8 Locking Fasteners Stonepeak Infrastructure Partners Stuart & Branigin LLP STV Swing-Lo Suspended Scaffold Co. The Nolan Company TISEC Inc. TKDA TPSC Transportation Products Sales Company Transpo Industries , Inc. TranSystems TRC Companies, Inc. Tri-State Rail Inc Veolia Transportation Maintenance and Infrastructure, Inc. (VTMI) W.M. Brode Co. Western Railroad Builders Corp. Wilson & Company, Inc., Engineers & Architects Wooster Hydrostatics, Inc. Zachry Engineering Corporation Brush cutting, vegetation control All Railroad Services Corp. Asplundh Railroad Division Associated Railroad Contractors Inc. Ballast Tools Equipment Products (See ad page 42) Brandt Road Rail Corporation Danella Rental Systems Inc. (See ad page 33) Decatur Electronics Inc Gradall Industries, Inc. Herzog Environmental John Deere Power Systems Markel Corp. MERMEC Inc. Metabo Corporation NMC Railway Systems Nordco Inc. (See ad page 11) Oldcastle Precast/Startrack Pettibone R.E.L.A.M. Inc. Rail Construction Equipment Co. (See ad page 8) Railway Signs LLC Relay Systems of America Robolube Industries, Inc. Visionaire, Inc. Weld Management Solutions Inc. Bumping posts Atlantic Track & Turnout Co. H J SKELTON (CANADA) LTD Lanier Steel Products, Inc.

The Nolan Company Unitrac Railroad Materials, Inc. Western-Cullen Hayes Inc. (See ad page 10) C&S contractors Aros Inc Balfour Beatty Infrastructure, Inc. Clark Hill PLC Conrad Forest Products Railmark Track Works Inc. Railroad Heating Solutions RailWorks Corporation (See ad page 5) Republic Drill Corp. thayer-carver, inc. C&S equipment ALSTOM Signaling Inc. Ansaldo STS USA Inc. Arthur N. Ulrich Company Case Foundation Company Condor Signal & Communications Inc. Delta Manufacturing ERICO Exide/GNB Industrial Power Fabricated Metals General Signals Inc. Krostrac Lining Group L&W Industries, LLC MERCIER’S, Inc. Performance Polymers Inc. R.E.L.A.M. Inc. RailComm Railhead Corporation Railroad Controls a Wabtec Company RedHawk Energy Systems, LLC Stanley Hydraulic Tools U.S. Bank Vossloh Signaling, Inc. Cabinets, storage Bullard Abrasives Quality Controls, Inc. Railquip, Inc. Structal-Bridges Cables and accessories Eurotech Corporation-Kinshofer Greenlee / A Textron Co. L&W Industries, LLC Snap-Tite Southeast Railroad Supply Company Catenary materials and inspection equipment Custom Truck & Equipment (See ad page 20) ENSCO Rail, Inc. Gannett Fleming Transit & Rail Systems MacAllister Railroad Machinery MERMEC Inc. Modern Track Machinery Canada, Ltd. Plasser American Corp. (See ad Cover 2) Railquip, Inc. Stanley Hydraulic Tools Cleaning systems Guzzler Manufacturing, Inc. Lawson Products Young’s Environmental Cleanup, Inc. Consultants Advanced Rail Management Corporation Ameritrack Rail BNSF Logistics CAPTRUST Financial Advisors Cardno, Inc. Countermeasures Assessment & Security Experts, LLC Cretcher Heartland, LLC Crouch Engineering, P.C. CTC, Inc.

RT&S Track Buyer’s Guide


supplier categories Custom Truck & Equipment (See ad page 20) dFuzion, Inc. Encore Rail Systems, Inc. (See ad page 14) ENSCO Rail, Inc. Fenton Rigging & Contracting, Inc. GARD Specialists Co., Inc. Georgetown Rail Equipment Company Hanson Professional Services HDR Engineering, Inc. Holland L.P. HyGround Engineering, LLC Industry-Railway Suppliers, Inc. International Track Systems, Inc. James E. Howard, LLC Kenneth Young & Associates McGriff, Seibels & Williams, Inc. Miner Enterprises, Inc. Moffatt & Nichol Mountain States Contracting Inc. On-Track Railway Services Ltd. Owner Resource Group Performance Polymers Inc. Polsinelli P.C. Princeton Consultants Inc. Process Switch Co., LLC Railmark Track Works Inc. RailPros Inc Railway Auditing & Management Services, Inc. Railway Claim Services, Inc. Russell Corrosion Consultants Selco Manufacturing Corp. Sharp & Fellows, Inc. Stantec Consulting, Inc. STX Corporation Tata Steel - Rail Products TCR Rail Systems TKDA Trackmasters Inc. Unitrac Railroad Materials, Inc. VeRail Technologies, Inc. Weld Management Solutions Inc. Wilson & Company, Inc., Engineers & Architects Contact rail and coverboards Atlantic Track & Turnout Co. Atlas Company of Lincoln H J SKELTON (CANADA) LTD L.B. Foster Company (See ad Cover 4) Seneca Railroad & Mining Inc. Southeast Railroad Supply Company Steel Dynamics, Inc. Unitrac Railroad Materials, Inc. Contractors Access Limited Construction All Railroad Services Corp. Alltrack Inc. American Railroad Industries, Inc. Ameritrack Rail Ansaldo STS USA Inc. Atkins, North America Atlas Company of Lincoln Auto Truck Group (See ad page 2) Balfour Beatty Infrastructure, Inc. Brandt Road Rail Corporation Burns White LLC Capital Safety (DBI-SALA & PROTECTA) Cleveland Track Material Collins Engineers, Inc. Craddock Davis & Krause LLP Crafton Railroad Co., Inc. D.S. Brown Delta Railroad Construction/Quality Track Equipment DEUTZ Corporation Frauscher Sensor Technology USA, Inc. Fritz-Rumer-Cooke Co., Inc.

RT&S Track Buyer’s Guide


G.W.Y. Inc. GE - Transportation, Global Signaling Georgetown Rail Equipment Company Greenlee / A Textron Co. H&H Engineering Construction, Inc. Hamilton Construction Hayward Baker Rail services Herzog Environmental Holland L.P. Hydrema Int’l Track Systems Inc J. A. Placek Construction Co. J.F. Brennan Company, Inc. JCB K&L ElectronicsSales & Services, Inc. Kelso Technologies Knife River Corporation LandRail Inc. Lonza Wood Protection, Inc. (See ad page 15) Marden Industries, Inc., dba SuperTrak Master Bolt Morrison Metalweld Process Corp. Mountain States Contracting Inc. Musselman & Hall Contractors N.E. Bridge Contractors, Inc. Queen City Railroad Construction R.E.L.A.M. Inc. R&W Machine Division / Warner Industries, Inc. Rail-Way, Inc. Railmark Track Works Inc. Railroad Construction Co. of South Jersey, Inc. Railroad Controls a Wabtec Company Railroad Tools and Solutions LLC RailWorks Corporation (See ad page 5) Rhinehart Railroad Construction, Inc. Sharp & Fellows, Inc. Stacy and Witbeck, Inc. Sunbelt Rentals Inc. Swing-Lo Suspended Scaffold Co. Trackmasters Inc. Trans Environmental Systems, Inc. United Shortline Insurance Services, Inc. Volkmann Railroad Builders Inc. Wabtec Corporation Weld Management Solutions Inc. West-Ter Oy Young’s Environmental Cleanup, Inc. Cranes, heavy-duty American & Ohio Locomotive Crane Co. American Equipment Co. Aspen Equipment Co. Auto Truck Group (See ad page 2) Balfour Beatty Infrastructure, Inc. Crown Steel Rail Co. Custom Truck & Equipment (See ad page 20) Danella Rental Systems Inc. (See ad page 33) ESCO Equipment Service Co. Hamilton Construction Iowa Mold Tooling Co. Inc. Irathane Systems Island Radar Keenan Cohen & Merrick P.C. McHenry Truck Equipment Mitchell Equipment Corporation Modern Track Machinery Canada, Ltd. Morrison Metalweld Process Corp. National Maintenance and Repair, Inc. NES Rentals Nordco Inc. (See ad page 11) North American Rail Products, Inc. Pettibone Precision Drilling, Inc. Rail Construction Equipment Co. (See ad page 8) Railquip, Inc.

Swingmaster Trak-Star / Hougen Manufacturing, Inc. Western Sling and Supply Crossties Acme Wood Preserving Inc., Atlantic Track & Turnout Co. Birmingham Rail and Locomotive Co. (See ad page 6) Conrad Machine Inc. Crouch Engineering, P.C. East Coast Railroad Services, LLC Guzzler Manufacturing Intermountain Orient, Inc. International Track Systems, Inc. Iron Horse Engineering Koppers Inc. L.B. Foster Company (See ad Cover 4) Lanier Steel Products, Inc. Lonza Wood Protection, Inc. (See ad page 15) LT Resources, Inc. McCord Tie and Timber, Inc. Mitchell Equipment Corporation National Trackwork, Inc. New York Twist Drill Omaha Track Paktek, Inc. Polycorp Ltd. R.E.L.A.M. Inc. RailComm Railquip, Inc. RedHawk Energy Systems, LLC Rocla Concrete Tie, Inc. Stella-Jones Corporation Unitrac Railroad Materials, Inc. Willamette Valley Company (See ad page 17) William G. Moore & Son, Inc. of Delaware Derailers, rerailers Atlantic Track & Turnout Co. Birmingham Rail and Locomotive Co. (See ad page 6) Industry-Railway Suppliers, Inc. Lanier Steel Products, Inc. National Trackwork, Inc. Railquip, Inc. Railroad Tools and Solutions LLC The Nolan Company Unitrac Railroad Materials, Inc. Western-Cullen Hayes Inc. (See ad page 10) Detectors and warning systems ENSCO Rail, Inc. Freeborn & Peters LLP Harmer Steel Products Co. ITT Enidine inc. L.B. Foster Company (See ad Cover 4) MAC Products Maven Engineering Corporation Nordco Inc. (See ad page 11) Proto Industrial Tools RailComm Ditching and drainage American Equipment Co. American Railroad Industries, Inc. Ameritrack Rail Balfour Beatty Infrastructure, Inc. Ballast Tools Equipment Products (See ad page 42) Brandt Road Rail Corporation Georgetown Rail Equipment Company Gradall Industries, Inc. H J SKELTON (CANADA) LTD Herzog Environmental HYTORC Hytracker Manufacturing Ltd. Loram Maintenance of Way, Inc.

Magnum Manufacturing Inc Propex Operating Company, LLC R.E.L.A.M. Inc. Schwihag AG Solid State Sonics & Electronics, Inc. Terrco Inc Education Harsco Rail Ingelligent Solutions (Zeta Tech) RailPros, Inc. Railway Educational Bureau, The Engines, generators, diesel and gas American Equipment Co. Aspen Equipment Co. Avsurance Corporation dFuzion, Inc. Digital Control Incorporated Fabricated Metals Harsco Rail Haynes Corp. Hertz Equipment Rental Corporation Hilman Rollers L&H Industrial National Railroad Safety Services, Inc. NMC Railway Systems Power Engineering Inds. Railquip, Inc. Southeast Railroad Supply Company Trail-Eze Trailers TransTech United Railroad Materials Co. Vector Construction Vermeer Corporation Environmental remediation AAF International (American Air Filter) All Railroad Services Corp. Innovative Foundation Supportworks J&A Industries Inc. Russell Corrosion Consultants TKDA Young’s Environmental Cleanup, Inc. Equipment exporters American Equipment Co. Ballast Tools Equipment Products (See ad page 42) Ballast Tools Inc. (See ad page 39) Brandt Road Rail Corporation Custom Truck & Equipment (See ad page 20) Nordco Inc. (See ad page 11) RailPros Inc Railquip, Inc. Equipment leasing and rental All Railroad Services Corp. Aspen Equipment Co. Ballast Tools Equipment Products (BTE) (See ad page 42) Brandt Road Rail Corporation Custom Truck & Equipment (See ad page 20) Danella Rental Systems Inc. (See ad page 33) Disc-Lock International Encore Rail Systems, Inc. (See ad page 14) Florida East Coast Railway Hertz Equipment Rental Corporation Herzog Environmental Highland Carbide Loram Maintenance of Way, Inc. MacAllister Railroad Machinery NES Rentals Nordco Inc. (See ad page 11) Omaha Track Precision Drilling, Inc. Progress Rail Corp. R.E.L.A.M. Inc.


supplier categories Racine Railroad Products, Inc. (See ad page 7) Rice Lake Weighing Systems Rotobec Sunbelt Turret Steel Teleweld, Inc. The Larry McGee Co. TNT Equipment Sales & Rentals, Inc. V&H, Inc. Trucks (See ad page 6) Equipment maintenance products All-Track Equipment Aspen Equipment Co. Ballast Tools Inc. (See ad page 39) Contech Engineered Solutions Fletcher & Sippel LLC General Signals Inc. HYTORC Interactive Safety Products Inc. Knox Kershaw Inc. L&W Industries, LLC Mass. Electric Construction Co. Nordco Inc. (See ad page 11) Racine Railroad Products, Inc. (See ad page 7) Railquip, Inc. Robolube Industries, Inc. Setliff & Holland, P.C. Southeast Railroad Supply Company Swanson Contracting Co. Inc.

Johnson, Morgan & White Kloeckner Metals Loram Maintenance of Way, Inc. Mitchell Equipment Corporation Modern Track Machinery Canada, Ltd. Nevada Railroad Materials Pettibone R.E.L.A.M. Inc. Rail Construction Equipment Co. (See ad page 8) Fall protection Aros Inc CAPTRUST Financial Advisors GF Protection Canada, Inc. Railroad Tools and Solutions LLC Saint - Gobain Abrasives SPX Hydraulic Technologies Swing-Lo Suspended Scaffold Co. TISEC Inc. TM Track Machines

Equipment servicing All Railroad Services Corp. All-Track Equipment American Equipment Co. Brandt Road Rail Corporation Custom Truck & Equipment (See ad page 20) MacAllister Railroad Machinery Morrison Metalweld Process Corp. Nordco Inc. (See ad page 11) Omaha Track On-Track Railway Services Ltd. PortaCo, Inc. (See ad page 19) Railtech Boutet, Inc. Robolube Industries, Inc. Tata Steel - Rail Products

Fasteners Alcoa Fastening Systems & Rings Atlantic Track & Turnout Co. Birmingham Rail and Locomotive Co. (See ad page 6) CMI-Promex Inc. Consultants F. Drapeau - Rail Ditch Witch ESCO Equipment Service Co. Gannett Fleming Transit & Rail Systems Gross & Janes Co. H J SKELTON (CANADA) LTD Hytracker Manufacturing Ltd. Industry-Railway Suppliers, Inc. J. A. Placek Construction Co. L.B. Foster Company (See ad Cover 4) Lanier Steel Products, Inc. Lewis Bolt & Nut Co. Master Packing & Rubber Company Natural Wood Solutions, LLC Nordco Inc. (See ad page 11) North American Equipment Sales Co., Inc. Pandrol USA, LP Parsons Brinckerhoff Press-Seal Corporation Rail Products Progress Rail Corp. PSG Fastener PTMW, Inc. Rails Company Rocla Concrete Tie, Inc. Southeast Railroad Supply Company Stanley Hydraulic Tools Thomas McGee L.C. TransTech Corporation United Steel & Fasteners, Inc. Unitrac Railroad Materials, Inc. voestalpine Nortrak Vossloh Fastening Systems America, Corp. Wiskerchen Truck & Equipment Yangtze Railroad Materials

Excavators and loaders Aspen Equipment Co. Ballast Tools Equipment Products (See ad page 42) Brandt Road Rail Corporation Coreslab Structures (Kansas) Inc. Custom Truck & Equipment (See ad page 20) Danella Rental Systems Inc. (See ad page 33) Ditch Witch ESCO Equipment Service Co. Gradall Industries, Inc. Hertz Equipment Rental Corporation HyGround Engineering, LLC Hytracker Manufacturing Ltd.

Financial and legal services Arch Insurance Group Arthur N. Ulrich Company Balfour Beatty Infrastructure, Inc. Bentley Systems, Incorporated Burr & Forman LLP Capital Railroad Contracting Inc. CR Construction Company Crafton Railroad Co., Inc. FreightCar Rail Services Railroad Salvage and Restoration, Inc. Railway Claim Services, Inc. Sharma & Associates Inc. Stone Consulting, Inc. Wilson & Company, Inc., Engineers Wirth Rail Corp.

Equipment parts All-Track Equipment American Equipment Co. Ballast Tools Inc. (See ad page 39) Brandt Road Rail Corporation Bullard Abrasives Custom Truck & Equipment (See ad page 20) Industry-Railway Suppliers, Inc. Nordco Inc. (See ad page 11) Omaha Track Railquip, Inc. Railtech Boutet, Inc. Southeast Railroad Supply Company Taimi Hydraulics TM Track Machines voestalpine Nortrak


Geotextiles International Track Systems, Inc. Lanier Steel Products, Inc. Propex Inc. Tensar International Corporation Grade-crossing flangeway fillers American Concrete Products Co., Inc. (See ad page 10) Century Group Inc. CMI-Promex Inc. Crown Steel Rail Co. HiRAIL Corporation (See ad page 24) International Track Systems, Inc. Lanier Steel Products, Inc. LT Resources, Inc. Morrison Metalweld Process Corp. OMNI Products, Inc. (See ad page 25) Polycorp Ltd. Press-Seal Corporation Rail Products Grade-crossing signage, signaling equipment, shelters and protection Ansaldo STS USA Inc. Arthur N. Ulrich Company Central Railway Manufacturing Century Group Inc. CTCI EnerSys FAB-RA-CAST Fabricated Metals Flynn Wirkus Young, P.C. Frauscher Sensor Technology USA, Inc. GE - Transportation, Global Signaling GENSCO America, Inc. L&W Industries, LLC Maintainer Corporation of Iowa, Inc. MERMEC Inc. Perpetuum Power Parts Sign Co. PTMW, Inc. RailComm Railway Equipment Co. RCC Fabricators, Inc. RedHawk Energy Systems, LLC Sperling Railway Services, Inc. Tech Products, Inc. Transpo Industries , Inc. Western-Cullen Hayes Inc. (See ad page 10) Grade-crossing surfaces Alleghany Steel Products Applied Rail Research Technologies Inc. CMI-Promex Inc. HiRAIL Corporation (See ad page 24) HMBD Insurance Services, Inc. LT Resources, Inc. MIBA Bearings US. LLC Morrison Metalweld Process Corp. Omaha Track Omega Industries Inc. (See ad page 23) OMNI Products, Inc. (See ad page 25) Omnicom Engineering Limited Polycorp Ltd. Pomeroy Corporation RAIL.ONE USA TRANSPO® Industries, Inc. voestalpine Nortrak Heating Allmand Bros. Inc. CCI Thermal Technologies Inc. Heatrex Inc Hertz Equipment Rental Corporation Hougen Mfg/Trak-Star Maccaferri Inc. Railroad Protector Plan Southeast Railroad Supply Company Spectrum Technologies, Inc Visionaire, Inc.

Hi-rail equipment All Railroad Services Corp. American & Ohio Locomotive Crane Co. American Equipment Co. Aspen Equipment Co. Auto Truck Group (See ad page 2) Ballast Tools Equipment Products (BTE) (See ad page 42) Brandt Road Rail Corporation Custom Truck & Equipment (See ad page 20) Danella Rental Systems Inc. (See ad page 33) Diversified Metal Fabricators Inc. DLL Inc ESCO Equipment Service Co. Harsco Rail Holland L.P. McHenry Truck Equipment Mitchell Equipment Corporation NARSTCO (See ad page 13) NMC Railway Systems Nordco Inc. (See ad page 11) Omaha Track Pettibone Powerrail Distribution, Inc R.E.L.A.M. Inc. Rail Industry Specialist, Inc. Railquip, Inc. Robolube Industries, Inc. Swingmaster TKDA Zachry Hole drilling services CCI Thermal Technologies Inc. Dillon & Nash, Ltd. Hovey Industries Inc. Trak-Star / Hougen Manufacturing, Inc. Unitrac Railroad Materials, Inc. Impedence bonds Power Engineering Inds. Insurance Commercial Insurance Associates LLC HNTB Liberty International Underwriters Link Company, The MARSH l Global Rail Practice Maschinenfabrik Berner GmbH & Co. KG Meade Industrial Services, Inc. Railroad Risk Management, Inc. Lighting Allmand Bros. Inc. GEISMAR Modern Track Machinery Industry-Railway Suppliers, Inc. Nisus Corporation Pendu Manufacturing Inc. Railmark Track Works Inc. Timber Restoration Services US Machinery for sale All-Track Equipment American & Ohio Locomotive Crane Co. Ballast Tools Equipment Products (BTE) (See ad page 42) Brandt Road Rail Corporation Custom Truck & Equipment (See ad page 20) Danella Rental Systems Inc. (See ad page 33) GENSCO America, Inc. Graham-White Mfg. Co. Hertz Equipment Rental Corporation Mitchell Equipment Corporation Nordco Inc. (See ad page 11) Omaha Track Pettibone R.E.L.A.M. Inc.

RT&S Track Buyer’s Guide


supplier categories Racine Railroad Products, Inc. (See ad page 7) Stinson Leonard Street LLP TM Track Machines U.S. Rail, Inc. Wacker Neuson Magnets ALSTOM Signaling Inc. Braillon Magnetics Custom Truck & Equipment (See ad page 20) ESCO Equipment Service Co. Geomatic Technologies Marden Industries, Inc., dba SuperTrak Momar, Inc. Omaha Track Simplex Maintenance carts Ballast Tools Equipment Products (BTE) (See ad page 42) Custom Truck & Equipment (See ad page 20) Industry-Railway Suppliers, Inc. Knox Kershaw Inc. Press-Seal Corporation Rail Products Racine Railroad Products, Inc. (See ad page 7) Railquip, Inc. The Nolan Company Material handling AAF International (American Air Filter) American Concrete Products Co., Inc. (See ad page 10) Ballast Tools Equipment Products (BTE) (See ad page 42) Braillon Magnetics Brandt Road Rail Corporation Bulkmatic Transport Custom Truck & Equipment (See ad page 20) Danella Rental Systems Inc. (See ad page 33) East Coast Railroad Services, LLC ESCO Equipment Service Co. Georgetown Rail Equipment Company H&H Engineering Construction, Inc. Hertz Equipment Rental Corporation Herzog Environmental IAE Power Products Loram Maintenance of Way, Inc. MATISA Materiel Industriel SA Mitchell Equipment Corporation Omaha Track Orgo-Thermit, Inc. Pandrol USA Pettibone PFL Petroleum Quantum Design, Inc. Robolube Industries, Inc. Rototilt Inc. Schwihag AG Supertrak The Quikrete Companies V&H, Inc. Trucks (See ad page 6) Noise and vibration attenuation Diesel Electrical Equipment Inc Enterprise Concrete Products LLC GF Protection Canada, Inc. International Track Systems, Inc. ITW Shakeproof Group Petrogen Inc. Polycorp Ltd. Southeast Railroad Supply Company TransTech Corporation Overhead maintenance car Harsco Rail Railquip, Inc.

RT&S Track Buyer’s Guide


Padlock, switch locks Industry-Railway Suppliers, Inc. Lewis Bolt & Nut Co. Sargent & Greenleaf, Inc. Stanley Hydraulic Tools Pile driving equipment and services Atlas Company of Lincoln Big R Bridge Brandt Road Rail Corporation Hamilton Construction R.E.L.A.M. Inc. SKIDRIL, INC. Smith Systems Inc. TTX Company Punches and dies American Punch Company Rail–new and relay Atlantic Track & Turnout Co. Birmingham Rail and Locomotive Co. (See ad page 6) CSR Engineering, Inc. Dolby and Associates, Inc. EVRAZ Rocky Mountain Steel H J SKELTON (CANADA) LTD Harmer Steel Products Co. L.B. Foster Company (See ad Cover 4) Lanier Steel Products, Inc. Omaha Track Relco Locomotives, Inc. Steel Dynamics, Inc. - Structural & Rail Division Stella-Jones Corporation Unitrac Railroad Materials, Inc. voestalpine Nortrak Vossloh Track Material Wacker Neuson Wirthwein Group Rail anchor applicators/removers Ballast Tools Equipment Products (BTE) (See ad page 42) Hamilton Construction Industry-Railway Suppliers, Inc. Mitchell Equipment Corporation Nordco Inc. (See ad page 11) PortaCo, Inc. (See ad page 19) Racine Railroad Products, Inc. (See ad page 7) Southeast Railroad Supply Company Sperling Railway Services, Inc. voestalpine Nortrak Rail anchors Atlantic Track & Turnout Co. Birmingham Rail and Locomotive Co. (See ad page 6) H J SKELTON (CANADA) LTD Iron Horse Engineering L.B. Foster Company (See ad Cover 4) Lanier Steel Products, Inc. Lexington Insurance Company Nordco Inc. (See ad page 11) Omaha Track Press-Seal Corporation Rail Products Rail-Trak Rails Company Southeast Railroad Supply Company Unitrac Railroad Materials, Inc. Rail drills, saws and abrasives American Rail Engineers, Inc. Bullock Construction ESAB Welding & Cutting Products ESCO Equipment Service Co. Gensco Equipment GKI Cutting Tools Hertz Equipment Rental Corporation Industry-Railway Suppliers, Inc. J&L Consulting

JCF BRIDGE & CONCRETE, INC. Lanier Steel Products, Inc. Logan Corporation Metabo Corporation Modern Track Machinery Canada, Ltd. Montana Hydraulics, LLC Nightstick by Bayco Products, Inc. Pettibone PortaCo, Inc. (See ad page 19) Precision Rail and Mfg., Inc. Queen City Railroad Construction Racine Railroad Products, Inc. (See ad page 7) Railroad Tools and Solutions LLC Resource Capital Advisors, LLC Rhinehart Railroad Construction, Inc. Sperling Railway Services, Inc. Stanley Hydraulic Tools TRAM Construction Unitrac Railroad Materials, Inc. Wheeler Lumber LLC Rail–flaw detection American Equipment Co. dFuzion, Inc. ESCO Equipment Service Co. Herzog Environmental Herzog Services, Inc. IAT International, Inc. L.B. Foster Company (See ad Cover 4) Nordco Rail Services, LLC Russell Corrosion Consultants Sperry Rail Service Rail grinding Advanced Rail Management Corporation American Equipment Co. Coleman Industrial Construction, Inc. Harsco Rail Loram Maintenance of Way, Inc. Modern Track Machinery Morrison Metalweld Process Corp. Nevada Railroad Materials Orgo-Thermit, Inc. Plasser American Corp. (See ad Cover 2) Racine Railroad Products, Inc. (See ad page 7) Railtech Boutet, Inc. RailWorks Corporation (See ad page 5) Stanley Hydraulic Tools Unitrac Railroad Materials, Inc. Rail grinding equipment and services Advanced Rail Management Corporation Asplundh Tree Expert - Railroad Division Harsco Rail Loram Maintenance of Way, Inc. Metabo Corporation Modern Track Machinery Modern Track Machinery Canada, Ltd. Morrison Metalweld Process Corp. Nevada Railroad Materials Plasser American Corp. (See ad Cover 2) PortaCo, Inc. (See ad page 19) Racine Railroad Products, Inc. (See ad page 7) Railquip, Inc. Railtech Boutet, Inc. RailWorks Corporation (See ad page 5) Saint - Gobain Abrasives Teleweld, Inc. Thales Canada, Inc. Travers Tool Co., Inc. Unitrac Railroad Materials, Inc. Vossloh Rail Services Rail heaters CDL Electric Frank Tartaglia, Inc. Heatrex Inc Modjeski and Masters Inc.

Nordco Inc. (See ad page 11) RailComm Railway Equipment Co. Tensar International Corporation Rail joints Acme Wood Preserving Inc., Airtec International Ltd. Allegheny Rail Products Atlantic Track & Turnout Co. Birmingham Rail and Locomotive Co. (See ad page 6) Cleveland Track Material Coastal Timbers, Inc. H J SKELTON (CANADA) LTD Koppers Inc. L.B. Foster Company (See ad Cover 4) Lanier Steel Products, Inc. Morrison Metalweld Process Corp. Omaha Track Seneca Railroad & Mining Inc. Southeast Railroad Supply Company Unitrac Railroad Materials, Inc. Vossloh Track Material Yangtze Railroad Materials Rail laying Amtrac Railroad Contractors of Maryland Inc. CTLGroup Herzog Environmental Mitchell Equipment Corporation Nordco Inc. (See ad page 11) Qwick Kurb Inc. Tata Steel - Rail Products Trackmasters Inc. Volkmann Railroad Builders Inc. Rail lubrication American Equipment Co. Corrsolve Corrosion Solutions Fusion Babbitting Co Inc H J SKELTON (CANADA) LTD International TechneGroup Incorporated L.B. Foster Company (See ad Cover 4) Lanier Steel Products, Inc. Loram Maintenance of Way, Inc. McHenry Truck Equipment Midwest Industrial Supply, Inc. Morrison Metalweld Process Corp. Rails Company Robolube Industries, Inc. Track Guy Consultants Travers Tool Co., Inc. Whitmore Rail (See ad page 45) Willamette Valley Company (See ad page 17) Rail/track maintenance tools Airtec International Ltd. ARCADIS Atlantic Track & Turnout Co. Ballast Tools Equipment Products (BTE) (See ad page 42) Ballast Tools Inc. (See ad page 39) Brandt Road Rail Corporation Corrsolve Corrosion Solutions Cosgrave Vergeer Kester, LLP Custom Truck & Equipment (See ad page 20) dFuzion, Inc. ESCO Equipment Service Co. EVRAZ Rocky Mountain Steel Fabco Power GENSCO America, Inc. Harsco Rail Herzog Environmental Industry-Railway Suppliers, Inc. L&H Industrial Lanier Steel Products, Inc. Lemke Industrial Machine LLC MEN MICRO Inc.


supplier categories

Modern Track Machinery Canada, Ltd. Montana Hydraulics, LLC Morrison Metalweld Process Corp. NMC Railway Systems Nord-Lock , Inc. Nordco Inc. (See ad page 11) On-Track Railway Services Ltd. Pettibone PortaCo, Inc. (See ad page 19) Racine Railroad Products, Inc. (See ad page 7) Railquip, Inc. Railroad Tools and Solutions LLC Railtech Boutet, Inc. Railtech Boutet, Inc. Sargent & Greenleaf, Inc. Skanska USA Civil Inc. Stacy and Witbeck, Inc. Stanley Hydraulic Tools STV Swing-Lo Suspended Scaffold Co. Swingmaster Taimi Hydraulics The Nolan Company TISEC Inc. Trak-Star / Hougen Manufacturing, Inc. voestalpine Nortrak Warwood Tool Co. Western-Cullen Hayes Inc. (See ad page 10) Whiting Corp. Rail testing and repair Advanced Rail Management Corporation American Equipment Co. Atlantic Track & Turnout Co. Bluejay Advisors, LLC Builtrite Manufacturing CANAC Railway Services Inc. DBi Services Fritz-Rumer-Cooke Co., Inc. Georgetown Rail Equipment Company H&H Engineering Construction, Inc. JMA Rail Supply Co. Kinshofer MERMEC Inc. Morrison Metalweld Process Corp. PortaCo, Inc. (See ad page 19) RailWorks Corporation (See ad page 5) RFR Industries, Inc. TISEC Inc. Travers Tool Co., Inc. Tulsa Winch Group Company Unitrac Railroad Materials, Inc. V&H, Inc. Trucks (See ad page 6) Wausau Equipment Company, Inc. XL Catlin ZTR Control Systems Rail welding equipment and services Asplundh Railroad Division Atlantic Track & Turnout Co. Beena Vision Systems, Inc. Crown Steel Rail Co. Delta Star, Inc. ESCO Corp. ESCO Equipment Service Co. Herzog Environmental HiRAIL Corporation (See ad page 24) Hotstart, Inc. Hulcher Services, Inc. Metro Concrete Products Modern Track Machinery Canada, Ltd. Morrison Metalweld Process Corp. Omaha Track Orgo-Thermit, Inc. Polivka International PortaCo, Inc. (See ad page 19) Power Drives, Inc Propex Operating Company, LLC R.E.L.A.M. Inc.


Railquip, Inc. Railtech Boutet, Inc. RailWorks Corporation (See ad page 5) Reading Truck Body, LLC Southeast Railroad Supply Company The Neel Co. (See ad page 35) Trackmasters Inc. Unitrac Railroad Materials, Inc. West Rail Construction Company Railcar movers American & Ohio Locomotive Crane Co. Brandt Road Rail Corporation Diversified Metal Fabricators Inc. Landoll Corp. (See ad Cover 3) Mitchell Equipment Corporation Nordco Inc. (See ad page 11) Railquip, Inc. RPM Tech, Inc. Sieb Sales & Engineering, Inc. Swingmaster Trackmasters Inc. Traction Motor Services, Inc. Remote controls Cooper Rail Service, Inc. Custom Truck & Equipment (See ad page 20) Hi Rail Leasing Laird Technologies Nordco Inc. (See ad page 11) RailComm Railquip, Inc. Railway Equipment Co. The Lincoln Electric Co. Vossloh Signaling, Inc. Zurich Retaining walls American Equipment Co. ARCON Welding Equipment LLC Control Chief Corp. East Coast Railroad Services, LLC Hanson Professional Services Infinity Rail, LLC Intermountain Orient, Inc. Oldcastle/Startrack Sales PortaCo, Inc. (See ad page 19) Reflective Apparel Factory T.C. Taylor Company, Ltd. Terram Limited The Neel Company, T-WALL® Retaining Wall System (See ad page 35) Thermal-Flex Systems, Inc. Rollers, rail train Hippo MultiPower InfraSteel Loram Maintenance of Way, Inc. Nordco Inc. (See ad page 11) Omaha Track Railroad Tools and Solutions LLC Schwihag AG Walz Scale Safety equipment Dayton T Brown Inc. dFuzion, Inc. GF Protection Canada, Inc. Industrial Search Partners Interform Intermountain Orient, Inc. Kennedy/Jenks Consultants NES Rentals Nordco Inc. (See ad page 11) Orgo-Thermit, Inc. Paktek, Inc. PortaCo, Inc. (See ad page 19) Reforestation Services, Inc. SATEBA

Scott Bridge Co., Inc. Swing-Lo Suspended Scaffold Co. Tech Products, Inc. Vanair Mfg Co Western-Cullen Hayes Inc. (See ad page 10) Sanitation systems Microphor Railquip, Inc. Shoulder ballast cleaners Ballast Tools Equipment Products (BTE) (See ad page 42) Harsco Rail Loram Maintenance of Way, Inc. Nordco Inc. (See ad page 11) Plasser American Corp. (See ad Cover 2) Signs and markers Aldon Company, Inc. Industry-Railway Suppliers, Inc. La Marche PortaCo, Inc. (See ad page 19) Power Team Railroad Tools and Solutions LLC Railway Tie Association SKIDRIL, INC. Tealinc, LTD. Teleweld, Inc. The Nolan Company Snow, ice melting CCI Thermal Technologies Inc. Florail, Inc. HUESKER Inc. Industry-Railway Suppliers, Inc. Midwest Mole, Inc. Nordco Inc. (See ad page 11) Rails Company Railway Equipment Co. WaveTrain Systems AS Spike compound American Equipment Co. Industry-Railway Suppliers, Inc. Kiewit Western Co. Racine Railroad Products, Inc. (See ad page 7) Warwood Tool Co. Willamette Valley Company (See ad page 17) Spill collection pans American Concrete Products Co., Inc. (See ad page 10) Century Group Inc. Polystar Containment Pomeroy Corporation T-RAIL Products Inc. Transco Railway Products, Inc Western Sling and Supply Subgrade soil stabilization Brandt Road Rail Corporation HBL America Inc. Protectowire Co., Inc. Tensar International Corporation Switch blowers and heaters Garlock Equipment Henan Qianqli Machinery Co. Ltd. Railhead Corporation Railtec Tools Railway Equipment Services RR Mergers & Aquisitions Spectrum Technologies, Inc Thiel Tool & Engineering Co., Inc. Switch machines and services Alltrack Inc.

Fabricated Metals GE Lighting Solutions, LLC H J SKELTON (CANADA) LTD Harsco Rail IAT International, Inc. Krostrac Lining Group National Trackwork, Inc. Nordco Inc. (See ad page 11) Precision Railway Equipment Company LLC Progress Rail Equipment Leasing (See ad page 21) RailComm RailWorks Corporation (See ad page 5) Unitrac Railroad Materials, Inc. voestalpine Nortrak Vossloh Signaling, Inc. Western-Cullen Hayes Inc. (See ad page 10) Switch stands Atlantic Track & Turnout Co. Birmingham Rail and Locomotive Co. (See ad page 6) CMI-Promex Inc. ESCO Equipment Service Co. Fatigue Technology Inc. H J SKELTON (CANADA) LTD Lanier Steel Products, Inc. National Trackwork, Inc. Trac Lubricants & Coatings LLC Trinity Products Inc. Unitrac Railroad Materials, Inc. Veolia Transportation Maintenance and Infrastructure, Inc. (VTMI) voestalpine Nortrak Western-Cullen Hayes Inc. (See ad page 10) Tampers, tamping tools Ballast Tools Inc. (See ad page 39) Brown Rail Road Equipment, Inc. Construction Polymers Technologies, LLC Dynamic Air Inc ESCO Equipment Service Co. Harsco Rail Highland Carbide Industry-Railway Suppliers, Inc. Matrix U/E Technologies Limited Mitchell Equipment Corporation Modern Track Machinery Canada, Ltd. NMC Railway Systems Nordco Inc. (See ad page 11) Omaha Track Plasser American Corp. (See ad Cover 2) PortaCo, Inc. (See ad page 19) Press-Seal Corporation Rail Products R.E.L.A.M. Inc. Racine Railroad Products, Inc. (See ad page 7) Rails Company Railway Auditing & Management Services, Inc. Skyline Steel Southeast Railroad Supply Company Stantec Consulting, Inc. TNT Equipment Sales & Rental, Inc. Wasatch Railroad Contractors Tie anti-checking devices Warwood Tool Co. Western-Cullen Hayes Inc. (See ad page 10) Tie-handling equipment American Track Generations, LLC Ballast Tools Inc. (See ad page 39) Bridge Access Specialties LLC Brown Rail Road Equipment, Inc. Datsopoulos, MacDonald & Lind, P.C.

RT&S Track Buyer’s Guide


supplier categories

E80 PLUS CONSTRUCTORS, LLC ESL Power Systems, Inc. Gerhart Systems & Controls Hatz Diesel Of America Inc Hetronic USA Koppers Inc. MiTek Industries, Inc. Norbar Torque Tools, Inc. NorFast Inc. (USA) Omaha Track Pennoni Associates, Inc. Pettibone/Traverse Lift, LLC R.E.L.A.M. Inc. Southeast Railroad Supply Company Stella-Jones Corporation SynTechnics , Inc. Tie pads/plates Armond Cassil Railroad Construction, Inc. Atlantic Track & Turnout Co. BNSF Logistics H J SKELTON (CANADA) LTD IntegriCo Composites Iowa Mold Tooling Co. Inc. IRECO IRSE Koppers Inc. Kraemer North America, LLC Lanier Steel Products, Inc. Nufarm Americas, Inc. Omaha Track Polystar Containment Presto Geosystems R&R Contracting Co. Railroad Construction Co. Inc. SETCO Taimi Hydraulics TransTech Unitrac Railroad Materials, Inc. William G. Moore & Son, Inc. of Delaware Yangtze Railroad Materials Tie plugs Atlantic Track & Turnout Co. Energy Absorption Systems Inc Intermountain Orient, Inc. Koppers Railroad Structures Lanier Steel Products, Inc. McCord Tie and Timber, Inc. Rail Construction Equipment Co. (See ad page 8) Sperry Rail Service Sterling Rail Inc. Unitrac Railroad Materials, Inc. William G. Moore & Son, Inc. of Delaware Williams, Venker & Sanders, LLC Tie preservation Encore Rail Systems, Inc. (See ad page 14) Lonza Wood Protection, Inc. (See ad page 15) Loram Maintenance of Way, Inc. NMC Railway Systems Pacific Wood Preserving Racine Railroad Products, Inc. (See ad page 7) William G. Moore & Son, Inc. of Delaware Tie removal American Equipment Co. Ameritrack Rail Ballast Tools Equipment Products (BTE) (See ad page 42) Brandt Road Rail Corporation CANAC Railway Services Inc. East Coast Railroad Services, LLC Harsco Rail

RT&S Track Buyer’s Guide


Keystone Spikes Corp. Knox Kershaw Inc. Mitchell Equipment Corporation Modern Track Machinery Canada, Ltd. Nordco Inc. (See ad page 11) Omaha Track On-Track Railway Services Ltd. R.E.L.A.M. Inc. RailWorks Corporation (See ad page 5) Stella-Jones Corporation Swingmaster T.C. Taylor Company, Ltd. Warwood Tool Co. William G. Moore & Son, Inc. of Delaware Track design A&B Rail Services Ltd. Ameritrack Rail Balfour Beatty Infrastructure, Inc. CANAC Railway Services Inc. Cranemasters, Inc. Crown Steel Rail Co. Driven Engineering, Inc. Frontier Railroad Services L.L.C. H&H Engineering Construction, Inc. Harcon Corporation Heatrex Inc J. F. White Contracting Co. Musselman & Hall Contractors North American Rail Products, Inc. OMNI Products, Inc. (See ad page 25) RailPros Inc RailWorks Corporation (See ad page 5) Rhinehart Railroad Construction, Inc. Schwihag AG Shuttlewagon, Inc. SKIDRIL, INC. Stafford Bandlow Engineering, Inc. Steel Dynamics, Inc. TCR Rail Systems Tech Products, Inc. Trackmasters Inc. Unitrac Railroad Materials, Inc. Volkmann Railroad Builders Inc. Western Sling and Supply Wilson Elser Law Firm Track geometry cars, equipment and services Advanced Rail Management Corporation dFuzion, Inc. ENSCO Rail, Inc. ESCO Equipment Service Co. Harsco Rail Metabo Corporation Modern Track Machinery Canada, Ltd. Nordco Inc. (See ad page 11) Plasser American Corp. (See ad Cover 2) Railquip, Inc. Swingmaster Track inspection equipment, services Advanced Rail Management Corporation Alltrack Inc. Ameritrack Rail ARC Atlantic Track & Turnout Co. Balfour Beatty Infrastructure, Inc. Ballast Tools Equipment Products (BTE) (See ad page 42) Beijing Yan Hong Da Railway Equipment Co., Ltd. Bridge Access Specialties LLC Brown Rail Road Equipment, Inc. CANAC Railway Services Inc. CMC Rail dFuzion, Inc. ENSCO Rail, Inc. Eurotech Corporation-Kinshofer

Georgetown Rail Equipment Company H&H Engineering Construction, Inc. Holland LP LandRail Inc. Loram Maintenance of Way, Inc. MERMEC Inc. Modern Track Machinery Canada, Ltd. Morrison Metalweld Process Corp. N & J Railroad Contractors, Inc. PortaCo, Inc. (See ad page 19) R.E.L.A.M. Inc. Racine Railroad Products, Inc. (See ad page 7) Railquip, Inc. Railroad Tools and Solutions LLC RailWorks Corporation (See ad page 5) Sperling Railway Services, Inc. Swing-Lo Suspended Scaffold Co. TISEC Inc. Trackmasters Inc. Unitrac Railroad Materials, Inc. Wilson & Company, Inc., Engineers & Architects Track material/services Acme Wood Preserving Inc. Alpine Precision Machine Tool Co. Arch Insurance Group Atlantic Track & Turnout Co. Atlas Copco Compressors Birmingham Rail and Locomotive Co. (See ad page 6) BTE Technologies, Inc. Canadian Association of Railway Suppliers Delta Railroad Construction, Inc. Diesel Service & Supply Exide/GNB Industrial Power GNB Industrial Power H J SKELTON (CANADA) LTD Halfen USA Inc. Harmer Steel Products Co. International Lubricants, Inc. Knox Kershaw Inc. Linsinger Maschinenbau GmbH Lunda Construction Co. McCord Tie and Timber, Inc. Motive Equipment Omaha Track Orr Safety Corporation RCC Fabricators, Inc. Rotobec SafeRack, LLC. Savage Services Corporation Special Trackwork, Inc. SPENO INTERNATIONAL SA TCR Rail Systems Trackmobile Inc Union Tank Car Company United Railroad Services Co. United Steel & Fasteners/ National Trackwork Inc. Unitrac Railroad Materials, Inc. voestalpine Nortrak Vossloh North America Yangtze Railroad Materials Tribometers, track lubrication Advanced Rail Management Corporation American Equipment Co. Diversified Metal Fabricators Inc. L.B. Foster Company (See ad Cover 4) Loram Maintenance of Way, Inc. Trucks Automation Services Inc Brandt Road Rail Corporation Bridge Preservation Colo Railroad Builders D. H. Blattner & Sons, Inc. E.P.P. Track Equipment Ltd.

East Coast Railroad Services, LLC Herzog Contracting Corp. LandRail Inc. MacBone Industries, Ltd. Mar-John Track Maintenance Inc. McHenry Truck Equipment Mitchell Equipment Corporation Omaha Track Pomeroy Corporation Recycle Technologies Industries, LLC Rockford Bolt & Steel Co. Security Locknut Inc VAA, LLC Wooster Hydrostatics, Inc. Turnouts, frogs and special trackwork A&K Railroad Materials, Inc. Atlantic Track & Turnout Co. Atlas Company of Lincoln Birmingham Rail and Locomotive Co. (See ad page 6) Brandt Construction Co. Cleveland Track Material Fay Engineering Corp. H&H Engineering Construction, Inc. Harrington & Cortelyou / BMcD, Inc. L.B. Foster Company (See ad Cover 4) L&H Industrial McFarren Group Omega Industries Inc. (See ad page 23) OMNI Products, Inc. (See ad page 25) Progress Rail Corp. Spectrum Technologies, Inc V&H, Inc. Trucks (See ad page 6) voestalpine Nortrak, Inc. Volkmann Railroad Builders Inc. Vossloh Track Material Vulcan Materials Company Young’s Environmental Cleanup, Inc. Undercutting, ditching equipment Ballast Tools Equipment Products (BTE) (See ad page 42) Bankhead Railway Services, Inc. Brandt Road Rail Corporation Diversified Metal Fabricators Inc. Georgetown Rail Equipment Company Harsco Rail Hilliard Enterprises LT Resources, Inc. Mitchell Equipment Corporation NMC Railway Systems PlasTie LLC Underground boring, piercing machines Ditch Witch Millberg, Gordon & Stewart, P.L.L.C. Valves, motorized EMR, Inc. Hayward Baker Rail services L.B. Foster Company (See ad Cover 4) Quantum Design, Inc. Weighing systems Getzner USA, Inc. Owner Resource Group Railquip, Inc. Robolube Industries, Inc. Warwood Tool Co. Winches McRail, a Borden Perlman Salisbury & Kelly company Postle Industries Inc Tunnel Radio of America Inc. Western Wire Products Company Winter operating systems Midwest Industrial Supply, Inc. Rails Company


supplier directory

S upplier directory & profiles A&B Rail Services Ltd. 200 50 Strathmoor Dr. Sherwood Park, AB T8H 2B6, Canada (800) 661-5645 or (780) 449-7699 Fax: (780) 449-3800 Website: www.abrail.com Specializing in new railway construction and maintenance services for mainlines, secondary lines and industrial yard applications, light-rail transit, signals and communications, flagging services, material supply and design-build applications anywhere in Canada. We have the experience, qualified people, specialized resources and passion to complete your railway project on time and on budget. AAF International (American Air Filter) P.O. Box 35690 9920 Corporate Campus Dr., Ste. 2200 Louisville, KY 40232-5690 (888) 223-2003 or (502) 637-0011 Fax: (888) 223-6500 Website: www.aafintl.com AAF International (American Air Filter) is a name recognized globally for quality, expertise and innovation in the cleanroom industry. As a world leader in filtration products, AAF understands the critical requirements of cleanroom applications. AAF supplies the industry with AstroCel II plenum filters, e-PTFE filters, TM-ducted modules, grid systems, fan filter modules and accessory items. A&K Railroad Materials, Inc. P.O. Box 30076 Salt Lake City, UT 84130 (801) 974-5484 Fax: (801) 972-2041 Website: www.akrailroad.com A&K is a single-source supplier for regional/commuter rail needs. With strategicallylocated inventory and sales locations, A&K is prepared to maintain its position as a leading supplier. A&K maintains a full-service welding plant and provides continuous welded rail processed to specification and delivered on our cwr trains. 52

Acme Construction Co., Inc. 7695 Bond St. P.O. Box 39187 Cleveland, OH 44139-0187 (440) 232-7474 Fax: (440) 232-7477 Contractor. Acme Wood Preserving, Inc. P.O. Box 1717 Princeton, WV 24740-1717 (304) 425-8769 Website: www.acmewoodpreserving.com AWP specializes in providing creosote pressure-treated crossties, switch ties and related material for the railroad industry. Its fabrication shop takes pride in doing the detailed work required for bridge material, crossing panels and other specialty cut timbers for a variety of customers. In addition to the pride in handling details, the company is also extremely proud of the personal service that it provides to its customers. Quotes are typically returned within 24 hours or sooner, because the company says it knows that clients need information quickly in order to get business decisions made quickly. Advanced Machine & Engineering Co. 2500 Latham St. Rockford, IL 61103 (815) 962-6076 Fax: (815) 963-4703 Website: www.ame.com AMSAW® carbide-tipped cutoff saws for highproduction sawing of rails; optional drill units and miter cutting of frogs and switches available. Advanced Rail Concepts, LLC 20105 Broadway Ave. SE Snohomish, WA 98296 (425) 486-8031 Fax: (360) 668-4833 Website: www.advancedrailconcepts.com Contractor. Advanced Rail Management Corporation 507 Latania Palm Dr. Indialantic, FL 32903 (321) 984-1474

Fax: (866) 660-6255 Website: www.arm-corp.com Advanced Rail Management Corp. is a consulting/service company specializing in assessing rail and wheel conditions and designing and supervising rail grinding and wheel truing programs on freight, passenger and rail transit systems. It also provides complete turnkey rail/ wheel maintenance services. AECOM 555 S. Flower St., Ste. 3700 Los Angeles, CA 90071-2300 (213) 593-8000 Fax: (213) 593-8730 Website: www.aecom.com The company provides comprehensive solutions for clients and are experts in water, wastewater, water resources, watershed concepts and wet weather. It offers integrated services for total project delivery, covering everything from initial environmental planning studies to detailed design, construction management and operations and maintenance training. AECOM says it understands its responsibility to the environment and provide services to create, enhance and sustain the world’s built, natural and social environments. Airtec International Ltd. 40 Couper St. Glasgow, UK G4 0DL (44) 141-552-5591 Fax: (44) 141-552-5064 Website: www.airtecinternational.com Gas-driven impact wrench for removing and fitting fasteners and drilling ties. Portable. Proven reliability, low maintenance cost, low noise, vibration and emission levels. Machines, spares and accessories available from stock throughout North America. Alcoa Fastening Systems & Rings A business unit of Alcoa P.O. Box 8117 8001 Imperial Dr. Waco, TX 76714-8117 (800) 388-4825 Website: www.alcoa.com For track and crossing applications, Alcoa RT&S Track Buyer’s Guide


supplier directory Fastening Systems & Rings offers the Huck® C50L®, BobTail® and Huck 360® for strong, never-come-loose joining power and easy, safe installation. Huck fasteners have been proven in track applications ranging from insulated joints and gauge plates to crossing applications that include RBM frogs and diamonds. Aldon Company, Inc. 3410 Sunset Ave. Waukegan, IL 60087 (847) 623-8800 Fax: (847) 623-6139 Website: www.aldonco.com Railway safety and m/w products. Wheel clocks, rail benders, track levels and gauges, car stops. Alert Manufacturing & Supply Co. 2700 Lively Blvd. Elk Grove Village, IL 60007 (847) 350-0460 Fax: (847) 350-0468 Tie pads; rail shims; seal pads; bridge-bearing pads; replacement parts for RTA cars. All Railroad Services Corp. 159 Hampton Point Dr. #3 St. Augustine, FL 32092 (866) 670-3434 or (215) 294-7823 Fax: (904) 296-3432 Website: www.arscorp.org Full service railroad pole line removal and vegetation management company serving Class 1, shortline and transit railroads. Services also include land clearing, herbicide application, yard cleaning services, on- and off-track brush cutting, tree and brush cutting under pole line, rightof-way maintenance, on- and off-track tree trimming and line clearance, tie pick up and disposal. All-State Industries 2651 Carl Blvd. Elk Grove Village, IL 60007 (800) 284-1848 or (847) 350-0460 Fax: (847) 350-0468 All-State provides expert solutions for nonmetallic industrial applications. All-Track Equipment Division of Progress Rail Services 1900 Missouri Ave. P.O. Box 1247 Granite City, IL 62040 (800) 962-2902 Fax: (618) 876-2838 New or reconditioned maintenance-of-way equipment for railroads, contractors and transit systems, including ballast regulators, tie cranes, tampers, spike drivers, spike pullers, scarifiers, rail heaters, tie inserteres, RT&S Track Buyer’s Guide


compactors, brushcutters, anchor machines and many other types of MOW equipment. Alleghany Steel Products 464 Walnut St. Pittsburgh, PA 15238 (412) 820-7030 Fax: (412) 820-7045 See Steel Crossings, Inc. Alliance Financing Group 95 Royal Crest Court, Ste. 3 25 Lindenwood Dr. East Markham, ON, L3R 9X5 Canada (204) 952-6460 Website: www.alliancefinancing.com AFG is a leading independent asset finance company that specializes in helping organizations in nearly every business sector grow since 1989. AFG financial solutions are designed to match industry and asset life cycles. It offers clients an array of financial structures, knowledge and experience and, ultimately, an edge in terms of maximizing the flexibility and managing the cost of their assets. AFG ensures that its clients are able to acquire the equipment they need at the right time and at the right price in a way that is most beneficial to them. AFG’s network includes some of the nation’s leading financial institutions. Allmand Bros., Inc. 1502 W. 4th Ave. Holdrege, NE 68949-3132 (800) 562-1373 or (308) 995-4495 Fax: (308) 995-5887 Website: www.allmand.com Since 1938, Allmand products have been making construction sites brighter, warmer, safer and more efficient. Allmand offers a full line of portable light towers, each one designed to fit clients’ needs. You’ll never see a brighter light than Allmand has to offer with its SHO-HD light fixtures. The company also offers industrial heaters and arrowboards. In its third generation of family ownership, Allmand prides itself in its products and culture. Allpress & Moore R.R. Signal Contractors 9015 N.E. 136 St. Liberty, MO 64068 (816) 781-5734 7759 33rd Ave. Norway, IA 52318 (319) 227-6466 Railroad signal, crossing protection systems. Alltrack Inc. 1241 W. 900 South Pendleton, IN 46064 (765) 778-9500 or (765) 778-9504

Fax: (765) 778-9506 Website: www.alltrackinc.com Track inspections, new track construction, production surfacing, maintenance, highway grade crossings, design-build, tie projects. Almetek Industries, Inc. 2 Joy Dr. Hackettstown, NJ 07840 (800) 248-2080 or (908) 850-9700 Fax: (908) 850-9618 Website: www.almetek.com 3-D embossed railroad brake lever badge plates; catenary structure identification numbers; health and safety signs; identification markers; pressure-sensitive numbers, letters and labels; reflective delineators. Alpine Precision Machine Tool Co. 21925 County Hwy. ZZ Richland Center, WI 53581 (608) 647-6170 Fax: (608) 647-6170 Website: www.sardamagnets.com Supplier of all types of magnets including special combination magnetic and hydraulic clamping fixtures for machining rails, gauge plates and other track components. Heavy gantry milling machines and large mills for rail and track components. ALSTOM Signaling Inc. 1025 John St. West Herrietta, NY 14586 (800) 717-4477 Fax: (585) 274-8777 Website: www.alstomsignalingsolutions.com Railway signaling; electrification systems; telecommunications systems and transportation control for mainline railroads and mass transit authorities. Amec Foster Wheeler 7 Penn Centre 1635 Market St Philadelphia, PA 19103 (215) 656-2517 Website: www.amecfw.com Contractor. American Equipment Co. 4755 Technology Way, Ste. 208 Boca Raton, FL 33431 (561) 997-2080 Fax: (561) 997-2110 Website: www.ameco.net Exports U.S.-manufactured m/w equipment. Representative for Corys T.E.S.S., Little Giant Corp., Tesco, Nordco, Stanley Hydraulic Tools, Track-Weld Industries, IPS World53

supplier directory

wide, TELEWELD and Badger Equipment. American & Ohio Locomotive Crane Co. 811 Hopley Ave. Bucyrus, OH 44820-0511 (800) 993-6446 or (419) 562-6010 Fax: (419) 562-2186 Website: www.aolcrane.com American & Ohio Locomotive Crane Co. is the only OEM for New AMERICAN & OHIO LOCOMOTIVE CRANES and OEM PARTS. Located in Bucyrus, Ohio, since 1909, AOLCrane is a division of ERS Industries Inc., (formally Eastern Railway Supplies Inc.). As the OEM we provide complete machine re-manu­fac­­turing, crane capacity upgrades, onsite re­pairs and OEM locomotive crane inspections. We also have a unit exchange program for both trac­tion motors & traction generators, unit ex­change assemblies, boom repairs, along with en­gineering services. American Punch Company 1655 Century Corners Pkwy. Euclid, Ohio 44132 (800) 243-1492 Fax: (800) 261-6270 Website: www.americanpunchco.com Punches, dies, shear blades, annular cutters, m/t drills; all for heavy steel fabrication. American Railroad Industries, Inc. 2870 Normandy Dr. Atlanta, GA 30305 (770) 393-0110 Fax: (770) 393-0110 Ditching services; rotary dump trucks; hi-rail equipment; flood repairs; rip-rap placement. American Railway Engineering and Maintenance-of-Way Association 4501 Forbes Blvd., Ste. 130 Lanham, MD 20706 (301) 459-3200 Fax: (301) 459-8077 Website: www.arema.org AREMA is the international professional association for railway and transit engineering personnel that offers numerous seminars, educational opportunities and produces and publishes the recommended practices for railway engineering infrastructure including track, structures and communications & signals. AREMA is comprised of over 6,500 members all working together to further the AREMA Mission - the development and advancement of both technical and practical knowledge and recommended practices pertaining to the design, construction and maintenance of railway infrastructure. 54

American Short Line and Regional Railroad Association 50 F St., N.W. Ste. 7020 Washington , DC 20001 (202) 628-4500 Fax: (202) 628-6430 Website: www.aslrra.org Association. American TieTek LLC 429 S Memory Lane Marshall, TX 75670 (972) 569-7511 Fax: (903) 935-6110 Website: www.tietek.net Crossties. American Track Generations, LLC 2488 Golden Triangle Blvd Fort Worth, TX 76177 (817) 439-5693 (866) 498-1542 Fax: (888) 700-6393 Website: www.atgcontractor.com/ ATG is a full service railroad construction & maintenance company. We offer new construction, maintenance, design, engineering, consulting, inspections, rehabilitations, take ups, bridge structures, embedded track, direct fixation, crossings, circle tracks, crane rail, scales, insulated joints and emergency repairs. Our specialty is Design/Build projects with our in-house rail design team of engineers. Ameritrack Rail Division of Railserve, Inc. 655 S. Prairie Ave. P.O. Box 682 Frankfort, IN 46041 (765) 659-2111 Fax: (765) 659-2135 Website: www.ameritrack.biz New construction, maintenance, engineering, rehabilitation, rail design, 24-hour emergency service, road crossing, track accessories. Ames Construction, Inc. 2000 Ames Dr. Burnsville, MN 55306 (952) 435-7106 Fax: (952) 435-7142 Website: www.amesconstruction.com Contractor. Amtrac Railroad Contractors of Maryland Inc. 9436 Earley Dr. Hagerstown, MD 21740-1737 (301) 797-3730

Fax: (301) 797-3740 Contractor. Ansaldo STS USA Inc. 1000 Technology Dr. Pittsburgh, PA 15219 (800) 351-1520 or (412) 688-2400 Website: www.ansaldo-sts.com Ansaldo STS USA is a leader in the design, manufacture and service of signaling automation and control systems for the railroad and mass transit market. Appalachian Railway Services P.O. Box 2368 Mountain Lake Park, MD 21550-0768 (301) 334-1888 Provides a wide variety of track inspection services, track maintenance planning, training and other related special projects. Applied Rail Research Technologies Inc. (ARRT) #2-9446 McLaughlin Rd. North Brampton, ON, L6X 4H9, Canada (905) 454-8339 Fax: (905) 452-1640 Website: www.arrt-inc.com Safety-driven railway engineering consultancy firm. ARCADIS 630 Plaza Dr., Ste. 200 Highlands Ranch, CO 80129 (720) 344-3500 Fax: (720) 344-3535 Website: www.arcadis-us.com Engineering. ArcelorMittal USA - Steelton 215 S. Front St. Steelton, PA 17113 (717) 986-2000 Fax: (717) 986 – 2700 Website: www.arcelormittal.com Rail. Arch Wood Protection, Inc. See Lonza Wood Protection, Inc. ARCON Welding Equipment LLC 2203 Northwood Dr., Bldg. 10 Salisbury, MD 21801 (410) 572-6000 Fax: (410) 572-6027 Website: www.arconweld.com Rugged, portable welders designed for the rail and transit industries. The Ironhorse delivers 300 amps at 60 percent duty cycle using the third-rail or overhead catenary DC power (500-800 VDC) RT&S Track Buyer’s Guide


supplier directory

to provide excellent welding characteristics. Arkansas Steel Associates LLC 2803 Van Dyke Rd. Newport, AR 72112 (870) 523-3693 Fax: (870) 523-4619 Tie plates. Armond Cassil Railroad Construction, Inc. 6403 Rinke St. Warren, MI 48091 (586) 754-4200 Fax: (586) 754-4408 Website: www.armondcassilrr.com Nationwide railroad construction, rehabilitation and repairs, transit construction, railroad equipment rental, track inspection, coal and snow removal, rail, tie and surfacing gangs. Aros Inc. 28 South 400 East Salt Lake City, UT 84111 (801) 531-9279 Fax: (801) 531-9966 Website: www.arossafety.com Fall-protection equipment. Arthur N. Ulrich Company 10340 Palmer Rd., S.W. Pataskala, OH 43062 (800) 848-2090 or (740) 927-8244 Fax: (740) 927-6017 Website: www.anu-co.com Arthur N. Ulrich Company was founded in 1958 and is a third-generation family-owned, operated and managed business. We specialize in the technical application and sales of high integrity prime and backup electrical power systems for the railroad market. We have extensive experience in providing power systems for: positive train control, pole line replacement, track circuit power, intermediate signals, highway crossings, control points, AEI hot box and defect equipment detectors, radio and microwave communication systems. Aspen Equipment Co. 9150 Pillsbury Ave. S Bloomington, MN 55420 (800) 888-7671 or (612) 719-4411 Fax: (952) 656-7159 Website: www.aspenequipment.com With more than 90,000 square feet of production space and locations in Minnesota, Iowa and Nebraska, plus an impressive list of the hardest working brands in truck equipment we’ve got the knowledge to build your truck. But we understand it takes more than that to be your truck upfitter. It takes service, craftsmanRT&S Track Buyer’s Guide


ship and integrity. Since 1926, we have cultivated a reputation for taking care of the needs of our customers. For three generations, our family-owned business has provided outstanding service and stood behind our workmanship and our products. Asplundh Railroad Division 720 County Rd., Ste. 400 Ironton, OH 45638 (800) 826-3379 Fax: (740) 532-2946 Website: www.asplundh.com Vegetation management. Associated Railroad Contractors Inc. P.O. Box 19246 4050 Tower Rd. Louisville, KY 40259-0246 (502) 966-9781 Fax: (502) 966-4063 Website: www.associatedrailroad.com Railroad contractor; specializing in new track design, construction, maintenance and grade crossings. Association of American Railroads 425 3rd St. SW, Ste. 1000 Washingon , DC 20024 (202) 639-2100 Fax: (202) 639-2930 Website: www.aar.org Association. Atlantic and Pacific Rail Supply Division of Argo Tag Inc. 2003 Chemin Stratford Stratford, QC G0Y 1P0, Canada (418) 443-2639 or (866) 343-2639 Fax: (418) 443-2344 Website: www.aprailsupply.com Atlantic & Pacific Rail Supply and its predecessors, manufacture Cedar Tie Plugs meeting Class1 specifications since 1939. According to certain information, softwood tie plugs hold the spike better than hardwood tie plugs. Cedar (soft wood) tie plugs do not have to be treated because they will absorb the treatment that the ties receive. Density of cedar is lighter than hardwood, thus, when the cedar tie plugs are driven in spike holes, it does not damage the ties. We deliver across North America and Mexico. RTA Member. Atlantic Railroad Supply Co. 1478 S.W. Eagleglen Stuart, FL 34977-7167 (772) 219-5946 or (561) 758-8984

Fax: (772) 219-5948 M/w services, equipment and contracting; concrete ties and culvert-cleaning equipment. Atlantic Track & Turnout Co. 400 Broadacres Dr., Ste. 415 Bloomfield, NJ 07003 (800) 631-1274 or (973) 748-5885 Fax: (800) 432-7245 Website: www.atlantictrack.com New rail; relay rail; new turnouts; track accessories; restoration of used switch material; rail removal and inspection; bridge and expansion joints, third rail; cover board; insulators; epoxy grout and weld kits, crane rail and accessories. Atlas Company of Lincoln A Division of Judds Bros. Construction Co. 3835 North 68th St. Lincoln, NE 68505 (800) 497-6327 or (402) 467-3656 Fax: (402) 467-4782 Website: juddsbros.com Contractor. Atlas Railroad Construction, LLC 1370 Washington Pike, Ste. 202 Bridgeville, PA 15017 (724) 228-4500 or (724) 350-5178 Fax: (724) 228-3183 Website: www.atlasrailroad.com Specializing in Class 1, regional and shortline rehabilitation; new railroad construction, complete bridge structure work, public transit, industry, industrial, public works, tunkey, design build and equipment rental. Auto Truck Group 1420 Brewster Creek Blvd. Bartlett, IL 60103 (630) 860-5600 Fax: (630) 860-5631 Website: www.autotruck.com Specialty truck bodies and service accessories; rail gear, cranes, tool storage, custom equipment design, fabrication, installation, parts and service, along with field service. See our ad on page 2 Axion International, Inc. 4005 All American Way Zanesville, OH 43701 (740) 452-2500 Fax: (740) 452-5488 Website: www.axih.com AXION engineers structural polymer solutions for the construction, transportation, and energy industries. AXION’s ECOTRAX® composite railroad ties are the tested, prov55

supplier directory en, and superior choice for railroads from Australia to New York. B&E Industries, Inc. P.O. Box 9156 Louisville, KY 40209-0156 (502) 361-8334 Fax: (502) 367-1290 Remanufactured electromatic/hydra. Tamper vibrators; Jackson electric/ hydra. vibrator motors; stator rewinding and notching; reconditioned equipment wheels, all types of maintenance equipment and components. BADGER Equipment Company 217 Patneaude Dr. Winona, MN 55987 (800) 533-8013 or (507) 454-1563 Fax: (507) 453-6441 Website: www.badgerequipment.com Railroad maintenance and construction equipment. Carrier-mounted lattice boom cranes; rail dedicated cranes; truck-mounted cranes; crawler cranes; rail laying and maintenance equipment, parts, service and tech support for all Burro, Little Giant and Badger models. Rail tongs; panel track lifters and rail threaders. Balfour Beatty Infrastructure, Inc. 1845 Town Center Blvd., Ste. 200 Fleming Island, FL 32003 (904) 378-7100 Fax: (904) 378-7298 Website: www.bbiius.com Balfour Beatty Rail is a rail infrastructure contractor specializing in construction and maintenance services for private and public railroad markets. Ballast Tools Equipment Products (BTE) 15 Goodwin Dr. Festus, MO 63028 (636) 937-0505 Fax: (636) 937-3386 Website: www.btequip.com Ballast Tools Equipment (BTE) designs, builds, sells and leases high-performance, high-durability specialty equipment for railroad track maintenance and construction. BTE’s machines are used throughout North America and internationally, serving both Class 1 railroads, shortlines and contractors. We offer: High-endurance attachments for major brand construction equipment (backhoes, excavators); completely built on track machines; specialty railroaddesigned equipment and attachments and buy or lease options.When speed and performance are critical, time on the track is at a premium and reliability is not just an option, but a neces56

sity. It pays to have premium equipment to see you through. Our value comes from an attention to detail in designing and building machines that perform—and last. See our ad on page 42 Ballast Tools, Inc. (BTI) 34 Goodwin Dr. Crystal City, MO 63019 (636) 937-3326 Fax: (636) 937-3386 Website: www.ballasttools.com Ballast Tools, Inc. (BTI), manufactures highquality, long-lasting tungsten carbide replacement wear parts for railroad maintenance-ofway equipment. Products include: tampers, ballast regulators, ballast undercutters, misc. equipment and more. Because all BTI parts are proudly manufactured in the USA at our facilities in Crystal City, Mo., we control the process from start to finish. We’re ready to put our engineering and manufacturing excellence to work for you with long-lasting, BTI Tungsten Carbide Wear-Parts. BTI has extensive product and equipment knowledge and experience to provide “over-engineered” solutions. See our ad on page 39 Bayco Products, Inc. Nightstick 640 S. Sanden Blvd. Wylie, TX 75098 (800) 233-2155 Fax: (469) 326-9401 Website: www.baycoproducts.com Nightstick is a global brand of professional lighting products including flashlights, headlamps and tactical solutions that exceed the industry standards in performance, quality, user-safety and value. Bayou City Rail Inc. P.O. Box 24280 Houston, Texas 77229 (713) 330-1600 Fax: (713) 330-1605 Website: www.bayoucityrail.com Design, construction, maintenance, site work, civil work, rail materials. Beena Vision Systems, Inc. 600 Pinnacle Ct. Norcross , GA 30071 (678) 597-3156 Fax: (678) 597-0156 Website: www.beenavision.com Wayside train inspection; on-board track measurement; hand-held products. Bentley Systems, Incorporated 27 Siemon CO Dr., Ste. 200w

Exton, PA 19341 (800) 727-6555 or (610) 458-5000 Fax: (203) 597-1488 Website: www.bentley.com Bentley Systems provides software for the lifecycle of the world’s infrastructure. The company’s comprehensive portfolio for the building, plant, civil and geospatial vertical markets spans architecture, engineering, construction (AEC) and operations. Bermingham Foundation Solutions 600 Ferguson Ave. North Wellington St. Marine Terminal Hamilton, ON L8L 4Z9 Canada (800) 668-9432 or (905) 528-7924 Fax: (905) 528-6187 Website: www.berminghammer.com Diesel pile hammers; pile-lead systems; pile-augering (drilling) equipment; other pile-installation and pile-testing equipment. Bidwell Industrial Group, Inc. Power-Dyne 2055 S. Main St. Middletown, CT 06457 (860) 343-6640 Fax: (860) 343-6642 Website: www.bidwellinc.com Hydraulic wrenches for frog, crossing and other track bolt tightening; ultrasonic bolt load systems for bolt-stress; stretch and load measurement. Big R Bridge P.O. Box 1290 Greeley, CO 80632 (970) 356-9600 (800) 234-0734 Fax: (970) 356-9621 Website: www.bigrbridge.com Bridge contractor. Birmingham Rail & Locomotive Co. P.O. Box 530157 Birmingham, AL 35253-0157 (800) 241-2260 or (205) 424-7245 Fax: (205) 424-7436 Website: www.bhamrail.com Rail and rail accessories; locomotives and locomotive parts; turnouts and switch material. See our ad on page 6 Blackwood Railroad Materials 4 May Ave. Sharon, ON L0G1V0, Canada (800) 771-4916 or (905) 478-4500 Fax: (905) 478-8914 Website: www.blackwoodrail.com RT&S Track Buyer’s Guide


supplier directory Railroad contractor specializing in on-track, hi-rail services, rail abandonments, tear ups and the sale of railroad materials. We supply specialized, innovative hi-rail equipment to Class 1 railroads and private shortline companies. Blackwood crews are extensively trained and qualified in the following: CROR rules with special instruction to operate equipment on Class 1 main line railways, Mobile Crane Operators – Ministry of Education and Training, WHIMIS, handling of dangerous goods, hi-rail defensive driving. D. H. Blattner & Sons, Inc. 392 County Rd. 50 Avon, MN 56310 (320) 356-7351 Fax: (320) 356-7392 Website: www.dhblattner.com Construction/project management, construction activities include: bridge construction and repair, railbed grading for new mainlines, siding and spurs, tunnels, emergency work, facility construction, yard construction and environmental remediation. BMG Conveyor and Rubber Corp. 2511 Destiny Way Odessa, FL 33556 (813) 385-1254 Website: www.bmgconveyor.com Conveyors for ballast machines and intermodal facilities. Tie pads, shims and other cut products of all shapes and sizes. BNSF Logistics 1600 Lakeside Pkwy., Ste. 100 Flower Mound, TX 75028 (469) 240-7852 Website: www.bnsflogistics.com Rail car management; fleet optimization; truck/rail multimode moves; over-dimension/overweight; route studies. Braillon Magnetics 2333 Wisconsin Ave. Downers Grove, IL 60515 (312) 912-1355 Website: www.braillon.com/english/ magnetic-clamping-for-rail.html Manufacturer of magnetic clamping systems for rail milling of points. We also manufacture customer magnetic systems for lifting of rail and steel ties. Brandt Construction Co. 700 - 4th St. West Milan, IL 61264 (309) 787-4644 Fax: (309) 787-6344 Contractor. RT&S Track Buyer’s Guide

Brandt Road Rail Corporation 302 Mill St. Regina, SK S4P 3E2 Canada (306) 791-7533 Fax: (306) 791-0363 Website: www.brandt.ca/divisions/roadrail/ Brandt’s superior material handling, maintenance, and construction machines are specifically designed for the rail industry, and will get the job done faster, and more efficiently. Manufacturing top quality, industry leading material handling and rail equipment for the rail industry, Brandt Road Rail products are designed and engineered to provide our customers with durable, reliable and smart rail solutions. J.F. Brennan Co., Inc. 818 Bainbridge St. LaCrosse, WI 54603 (608) 519-5349 Fax: (608) 785-2090 Website: www.jfbrennan.com Marine construction: pier repairs, scour and erosion protection, dive inspections and timber repairs. In general, all below deck and underwater repairs and inspections. BRH Group, Inc. 705-F Lakeview Plaza Blvd. Worthington, OH 43085 (614) 841-9500 Fax: (614) 841-0170 Civil engineering services, including railroad track design, site design, transportation and utilities. Land surveying utilizing GPS technology. N. E. Bridge Contractors, Inc. 2 Lopes Dr. Norton, MA 02766 (508) 238-1941 Fa: (508) 238-2093 Website: www.bridgeriggers.com Bridge Construction. Bridge Preservation 87 Shawnee Ave. Kansas City, KS 66105 (800) 392-1981 or (913) 321-9000 Fax: (951) 781-4997 Website: www.bridgepreservation.com Manufacturer of fast set, spray applied waterproofing membranes and expansion joint systems for application on concrete and steel bridge structures. Products meet AREMA C-29.9.10 for cold applied waterproofing membranes. W.M. Brode Co. 100 Elizabeth St. Newcomerstown, OH 43832


(800) 848-9217 Fax: (740) 498-8553 Complete bridge maintenance; inspection, design, budgeting, repair, rehabilitation and replacement. Brown Rail Equipment 807 East 29th St. Lawrence, KS 66046 (785) 760-7750 (800) 255-6827 Fax: (785) 842-0314 Website: www.bcvi.com Custom truck upfitter. Brown Rail Road Equipment, Inc. 103 W. Lockwood Ave., Ste. 206 Webster Groves, MO 63119 (618) 288-6698 Fax: (618) 288-6877 Website: www.brownrr.com Rail-laying, maintenance equipment; tiegang equipment; fastening systems; ballastmaintenance equipment; track-inspection equipment; m/w equipment parts; appraisals; bilingual service; serving North America, Mexico, Central and South America. John Brown & Sons, Inc. 14 B&B Lane Weare, NH 03281 (888) 227-6686 Website: www.brownbronto.com Brush and small tree mower/ mulchers. “The Brontosaurus” for both on-rail and off-rail brush cutting can be used with many types of carriers. Builtrite Manufacturing 530 Recycle Center Dr. Two Harbors, MN 55616 (218) 834-5555 Fax: (218) 834-5556 Website: www.builtritehandlers.com Builtrite Manufacturing specializes in the design and manufacture of truck mounted, knuckle boom loaders and grapple attachments for maintaining railroad track and bridges. Bullock Construction 32303 Matthewstown Rd. Easton, MD 21601 (410) 763-7250 Fax: (410) 763-7195 Website: www.bullockrailroad.com Building and maintenance of railroad tracks. Bush Construction Inc. 241 CR 176 Gary, TX 75643 (903) 685-2464 Fax: (903) 685-2864 Work Train™ railcar tow truck; railroad 57

supplier directory component distribution and retrieval; railcar unloading; and brush cutting on- and off-rail; also equipped with hi-rail grapple trucks and hi-rail excavators. C&G Surfacing Specialists, Inc. 618 Union St. West Springfield, MA 01089 (413) 773-9860 or (413) 315-0062 Fax: (413) 773-9861 Surface and regulate track – production surfacing Mark IV and Knox Kershaw regulators. All late model equipment. Cable Manufacturing & Assembly Co. (Inc) 10896 Industrial Pkwy. NW P.O. Box 409 Bolivar, OH 44612 (330) 874-2900 Website: www.cmacable.com Cable assemblies. Caliber Industries, Inc. 623 Rains Dr. Gladstone, MI 49837 (906) 428-9405 or (775) 722-3303 Fax: (906) 428-9422 Website: www.caliberindustries.com Rubber molding, direct fixation pads and rail pads. CANAC Railway Services, Inc. 6505 Transcanada Hwy., Ste. 405 Saint Laurent, QC, H4T 1S3, Canada (800) 588-4387 or (514) 734-4700 Fax: (514) 734-4850 Website: www.canac.com Track design and construction, tie replacement, track installation and maintenance, yard capacity analysis, in-plant switching, education and training, consulting, contracting. For more than 35 years, CANAC has been a leading provider of engineering, rail operations, technology and training for the North American rail industry. Use of our comprehensive suite of specialized services has consistently yielded greater productivity, operating efficiencies and increased safety.

Website: www.capitalsafety.com Fall-protection equipment. Carson Industries LLC 1160 Nicole Court Glendora, CA 91740 (909) 592-6272 Fax: (909) 592-7971 Website: www.carsonind.com Cable trough-various sizes, lightweight HDPE plastic or polymer concrete, vaults, pull boxes, equipment pads, multiduct. Cattron Group A unit of Laird Technologies 58 W Shenango St. Sharpsville, PA 16150-1198 (724) 962-3571 Fax: (724) 962-4310 Website: www.cattron.com With more than 60 years of radio frequency experience and nearly 10,000 rail-related installations worldwide, Cattron Group is the largest producer of industrial portable radio remote controls (PRRC) in the world. Cattron Group offers ACCUSPEED™, the most technically advanced speed-based locomotive remote control (LRC) available, in addition to a full line of PRRC for locomotives, ballast car doors and yard switching operations. The QC (Quick Connect) LRC system offers an affordable alternative to controlling several locomotives. The QC system can be disconnected in a matter of minutes and moved to another locomotive. In addition, Cattron Group offers PRRCs for MOW equipment and other industrial machinery such as overhead maintenance cranes, ship loaders, hoists and monorails.

Capital Railroad Contracting Inc. 8500 E. Trade Center Dr. Columbia, MO 65201 (573) 474-3588 Fax: (573) 474-3599 Contractor.

CCI Thermal Technologies, Inc. 5918 Roper Rd. Edmonton, AB T6B 3E1 Canada (800) 661-8529 or (780) 466-3178 Fax: (780) 468-5904 Website: www.ccithermal.com CCI Thermal Technologies’ dedication to provide advanced, high-quality heating products for transit and rail applications has resulted in the most widely used and trusted product offering in North America. This trust has been built through the development of custom heating solutions for a long list of major North American rail projects.

Capital Safety Group U.S.A. 3833 Sala Way Red Wing, MN 55066-5005 (800) 328-6146 or (651) 388-8282 Fax: (651) 388-5065

Central Railway Manufacturing 8933 Western Way, Ste. 8 Jacksonville, FL 32256 (904) 647-7783 Fax: (904) 223-8806 Website: www.centralrwy.com/


Electronic equipment manufacturer. Century Group Inc. 1106 W. Napoleon P.O. Box 228 Sulphur, LA 70664 (800) 527-5232 or (337) 527-5266 Fax: (800) 887-2153 Website: www.centurygrp.com Century Group manufactures state-of-theart precast custom railroad grade crossings, grade-crossing signage, such as right-ofway and milepost makers, ADA flangeway fillers, concrete grade-crossing panels for tangent and curved track, along with custom panels for turnouts and other special trackwork applications. These panels can be utilized on timber, steel or concrete crossties. Century also offers spill containment pans in HDPE, steel or concrete. Cleveland Track Material, Inc. 6917 Bessemer Ave. Cleveland, OH 44127 (216) 641-4000 Fax: (216) 641-0882 Website: www.clevelandtrack.com Cleveland Track Material, part of the Vossloh North America group of companies, is a full line manufacturer of special trackwork for heavy haul and freight railroads and transits. We are a trusted partner to Class 1’s for more than 30 years and responsible for many track designs that are now standard. In transit rail, we’ve built a reputation delivering some of the most complex turnouts and crossings in North America. With the support and access to the global expertise of the Vossloh group, we will continue to expand our capabilities to meet the current and future trackwork needs of our customers. CMI-Promex Inc. 7 Benjamin Green Rd. Pedricktown, NJ 08067 (800) 381-5808 or (856) 351-1000 Fax: (856) 351-1659 Website: www.cmi-promex.com Railroad specialty; Ridex®miter rail system for movable bridges; expansion joints; compromise joints; tie pads/shims; machining of metals/plastics; engineering services; emergency services; welding. ProLite™ plastic signal housings for railroad switch and signal applications. Coastal Timbers, Inc. D/b/a Spike–Rite 1310 Jane St. P.O. Box 10537 New Iberia, LA 70562-0537 RT&S Track Buyer’s Guide


supplier directory (337) 369-3017 Fax: (337) 365-0003 Website: www.coastaltimbers.com Automated tie pre-plating services, cut spike and screw spike installation to gauge, + or – 1/16 of an inch. Completely portable units for job site or treating facility use. Affordable, guaranteed gauge and labor reducing system. Coleman Industrial Construction, Inc. P.O. Box 14097 Kansas City, MO 64152 (816) 741-8383 Fax: (816) 741-0542 Website: www.cickc.com Contractor. Colo Railroad Builders 29 Forestwood Ct., Ste. 6 Romeoville, IL 60446 USA (815) 293-0200 Fax: (815) 293-0202 Website: www.colorr.com L.A. Colo, LLC, is a leading contractor providing new construction services, production tie gangs, production rail gangs (cwr and jointed), brushcutting and rehabilitation services for railroads and private industries. Commercial Insurance Associates LLC 103 Powell Ct., Ste. 100 Brentwood, TN 37027 (615) 515-6048 Fax: (615) 515-6048 Website: www.com-ins.com At CIA, our practitioners take time to learn the details about your operations allowing them to provide expert advice so that you can make prudent business decisions. In many ways, this process is more art than science, but our methodology is proven. CIA professionals will provide a thorough, practical assessment of your business’ potential risks and make recommendations to manage them. The end result will be a risk management program that you had a hand in designing and one that carefully balances your economic and risk objectives. Condor Signal & Communications, Inc. 2388 Speers Rd. Oakville, ON L6L 5M2, Canada (905) 469-0226 Fax: (905) 469-0256 Website: www.condorsignal.com Condor provides Signal System Engineering Assembly Installation and Testing Services in both Canada and in the USA through a subsidiary company based in Chicago. Other products include the Train Movement ManRT&S Track Buyer’s Guide


ager A PC-based control office for railway and transit applications. Conrad Forest Products 68765 Wildwood Rd. North Bend, OR 97459 (541) 765-2595 Website: www.conradfp.com Crossties, switchties, beams, piling, timbers, lumber, gluelams and plywood. Conrad Machine Inc. 1627 East 27th St. Terrace Pittsburg, KS 66762 (620) 231-9458 Fax: (620) 231-1967 Manufacturer of m/w equipment parts. Construction Polymers Technologies, LLC 2671 Timberglen Dr. E. Wexford, PA 15090 (440) 591-9018 Fax: (866) 814-1961 Website: constructionpolymerstech.com Construction Polymers Technologies, LLC Constrcution Polymers has experience supplying and installing LVT “rubber booted” slab track systems. In-house systems developed by Constrcution Polymers guarantee a fast, safe and efficient method of construction. Our track alignment services are available for hire and as a sub-contractor. With full in-house resources from track design to rail structures, Constrcution Polymers has extensive capability to deliver all types of track slab systems. We have experience from delivering individual work elements to entire projects. Consultants F. Drapeau - Rail 2005 de L’Industrie St-Mathieu-de-Beloeil, QC J3G 4S5 Canada (514) 943-0136 Fax: (450) 467-5416 Website: www.drapeaucorporation.com Design, develop, manufacture, distribution and marketing of heavy vehicles. Contech Engineered Solutions 9025 Centre Point Dr. #400 West Chester, OH 45069-4987 (513) 645-7000 (800) 338-1122 Fax: (513) 645-7993 Website: www.conteches.com portfolio includes bridges, drainage, erosion control, retaining wall, sanitary sewer, and stormwater management products. Ken Cook Co. 9929 W. Silver Spring Dr. Milwaukee, WI 53225

(414) 466-6060 Fax: (414) 466-0840 Website: www.kencook.com Ken Cook Co. provides technical manuals and training programs. Offers concept-tocompletion management of products and safety information for Web, new media, video and print applications. Copper State Bolt & Nut Co. 3602 N 35th Ave. Phoenix, AZ 85017 (602) 272-2384 (800) 603-6887 Fax: (602) 233-9182 Website: www.copperstate.com Fasteners. R. J. Corman Railroad Group, LLC P.O. Box 788 101 RJ Corman Dr. Nicholasville, KY 40356 (800) 772-9091 or (859) 881-7521 Fax: (859) 885-7804 Website: www.rjcorman.com Rick Corman started his business after graduating from Jessamine County High School in 1973. He borrowed money from his uncle for a backhoe and dump truck and went to work rebuilding/repairing railroad crossings. At the end of four years, he had a dozen backhoes, a few dump trucks and no debt. Today, the R. J. Corman Railroad Group, LLC, serves all seven North American major railroads, many regional and shortline railroads and dozens of industries having rail. Services include owning and operating 10 shortlines, providing emergency rail services associated with derailments and natural disasters, switching, track construction, track material distribution, signal design/construction, aircraft maintenance, building switching locomotives and operating two dinner trains. See our ad on page 9 Countermeasures Assessment & Security Experts, LLC 110 Quigley Blvd. Airport Industrial Center New Castle, DE 19720 (302) 322-9600 Fax: (302) 322-9688 Website: www.caseexperts.com Countermeasures Assessment & Security Experts, LLC, provides public safety and security consulting services. CR Construction Co. 6600 Grant Ave. Cleveland, OH 44105 (216) 641-0030 59

supplier directory Fax: (216) 641-5221 Website: www.crconstructionco.com Contractor. Crafton Railroad Co., Inc. P.O. Box 790 224-2nd Ave. East Andalusia, IL 61232 (309) 798-2050 Fax: (309) 798-2059 Website: www.craftonrr.com Railroad contractor and narrow-gauge specialist. Crossties Unlimited 3349 Executive Pkwy., Ste. H Toledo, OH 43606 (866) 715-8437 Fax: (419) 531-5204 See T.C. Taylor Company, Ltd. Crouch Engineering, P.C. 428 Wilson Pike Cir. Brentwood, TN 37027 (615) 791-0630 Fax: (615) 791-8451 Website: www.crouchengineering.com Based in Brentwood (Nashville), Tenn, and licensed in 48 states, Crouch Engineering offers nationwide coverage to all of our clients. We have successfully completed projects all over the United States, from Washington state to Florida and from New Hampshire and Vermont to Arizona. Crouch Engineering maintains a staff trained and equipped to assist with your railway engineering needs. Our staff is just hours away from most project locations throughout the U.S., either by driving or by economical air travel. From a small survey project to an emergency situation involving the loss of a railway bridge to a complex railyard design, we appreciate you considering Crouch Engineering for your next railroad or civil engineering project.

systems, products and services for both the highway and rail industries. Our firm specializes particularly in highway-rail grade crossings that are interconnected with traffic signals, or preempted signalization. In addition to preemption design, review and remediation, we offer a full array of signal services including: highway-rail grade crossing warning systems, wayside signal solutions, turnkey signal construction, quietzone planning and implementation, forensic reconstruction of signal system operations, and patented signal products. CTLGroup 5400 Old Orchard Rd. Skokie, IL 60077-1030 (847) 965-7500 (800) 522-2285 Fax: (847) 965-6541 Website: www.ctlgroup.com Consultant.

Crown Steel Rail Co. P.O. Box 7203 Birmingham, MI 48012-2703 (248) 593-7100 Fax: (248) 593-7200 Website: www.crownrail.net New rail; railroad accessories; specialty fabricating and rolling; flangeway filler and grade crossings.

Custom Truck & Equipment 7701 Independence Ave. Kansas City, MO 64125 (800) 861-1065 Fax: (816) 241-3710 Website: www.cte-equipment.com We know the ins and outs of the railroad industry that call for rigorous equipment, tough, durable, high-performing, national cranes, crane trucks, aerial platforms, dirt moving machinery and construction equipment. With a full catalog of industry-proven specs from hi-rail pickups to tandem axle material handlers, we provide the abilityto design and build anything you need. CTE is the right choice for all your on- and off-track needs. CTE will work with any budget to supply the right equipment and get the job done, both in sales and rentals. We sell, rent, lease and finance our entire inventory, as well as trade and purchase equipment from our customers, both domestically and globally. We proudly serve the following locations: Kansas City, MO (CTE National Headquarters); Sedalia, MO (Custom Fabrication & Equipment); St. Joseph, MO (CTE-St. Joe); Houston, TX (Hi-Tech Crane/CTE); Fort Worth, TX (CTE-Fort Worth); Midland, TX (CTE-Midland); Denver, CO (CTE-Colorado) and Union Grove, WI (CTE-Wisconsin). See our ad on page 20

CTC, Inc. 9601 Camp Bowie West Fort Worth, TX 76116 (817) 886-8210 Fax: (817) 886-8225 Website: www.ctcinc.com Headquartered in Fort Worth, Texas, CTC, Inc. provides communication and signaling

D. H. Blattner & Sons, Inc. 392 County Rd. 50 Avon, MN 56310 (320) 356-7351 Fax: (320) 356-7392 Website: www.dhblattner.com Construction/project management, construction activities include: bridge construction


and repair, railbed grading for new mainlines, siding and spurs, tunnels, emergency work, facility construction, yard construction and environmental remediation. Dan R. Dalton, Inc. 912 W. Calispell Rd. Usk, WA 99180 (509) 447-3528 Fax: (509) 447-3373 Website: www.danrdaltoninc.com Structural steel flame straightening to repair damaged steel members, shrink I bars and put them back in tension, solve pin problems. David Clark Co. Inc. 360 Franklin St. Worcester, MA 01615-0054 (800) 900-3434 or (508) 751-5800 Fax: (508) 753-5827 Website: www.davidclark.com Vehicle and marine intercom systems with headsets-radio interface at selected locations. Heavy-duty headsets and adapters for portable and mobile radios. Hearing protectors with certified noise reduction ratings. Sound/voice powered communication systems. New magnesium ultralight headsets available. Danella Rental Systems, Inc. 2290 Butler Pike Plymouth Meeting, PA 19462 (610) 828-6200 Fax: (610) 397-1199 Website: www.danella.com Short- and long-term rental of vehicles and construction equipment for the railroad and transit industries. We rent light-, medium- and heavy-duty trucks, as well as many types of construction equipment. Extensive hi-rail fleet. See our ad on page 33 Danella Rental Systems, Inc. - West 14101 E Moncrieff Pl. Aurora, CO 80011 (303) 371-7799 Fax: (303) 371-0908 Website: www.danella.com DBi Services 100 N. Conahan Dr. Hazleton, PA 18201 (800) 360-9333 Fax: (570) 459-0321 Website: www.dbiservices.com DBi Serivces is the industry leader in providing railroads with vegetation management solutions throughout North America. Weed and brush control to roadbeds, yards, crossings and off-track. Cross clearing and RT&S Track Buyer’s Guide


supplier directory maintenance programs, tree trimming and liquid calcium chloride for frozen ballast treatment derailments. Decatur Electronics, Inc. A Sonell NA Company 3433 E. Wood Phoenix, AZ 85040 (888) 428-4315 Website: www.decaturelectronics.com Railmaster-VP hand-held radar gun. Delta Manufacturing 3707 19th Ave. North Escanaba, MI 49829 (906) 233-1500 Fax: (906) 233-1555 Website: www.deltamfg.net Wheel set shop services. Delta Railroad Construction, Inc./ Quality Track Equipment 2648 W. Prospect Rd. Ashtabula, OH 44005 (440) 992-2997 Fax: (440) 992-1311 Website: www.deltarr.com Railroad and transit system construction and maintenance; equipment rental; flash-butt welding; joint elimination; surfacing; crossing repair; equipment remanufacturing; production rail and tie gangs. Delta Star, Inc. 3550 Mayflower Dr. Lynchburg, VA 24501 (434) 845-0921 Fax: (434) 845-7089 Website: www.deltastar.com OCS hardware and systems; Stinger systems. dFuzion, Inc. 21536 Iredell Terrace Ashburn, VA 20148 (703) 946-8961 Fax: (703) 723-0166 Website: www.rmetrix.com rMetrix® is a ride performance assessment system that revolutionizes the way ride quality data is collected, stored, analyzed and displayed. Incorporating cutting edge GPS and accelerometer sensors with an easy-to-use control software interface, rMetrix® is effective in assessing ride quality, comfort and safety in real-time without the need for a dedicated test car or permanently affixed sensor. rMetrix® works with your laptop so that you can perform an inspection at any time on any vehicle. DEUTZ Corporation 3883 Steve Reynolds Blvd. RT&S Track Buyer’s Guide


Norcross, GA 30093 (770) 564-7100 Fax: (770) 564-7222 Website: www.deutzamericas.com Diesel and gas engines with a comprehensive output range from five to 10,000 hp. DISC-LOCK International 6101 W Ceatinela Ave., Ste 280 Culver City, CA 90230 (310) 944-9352 Website: www.disc-lock.com Vibration proof fastening systems: washers, nuts, heavy hex nuts, tension control bolts, shear wrench and sockets. Ditch Witch/ The Charles Machine Works, Inc. P.O. Box 66 Perry, OK 73077 (800) 654-6481 or (580) 336-4402 Fax: (580) 572-3523 Website: www.ditchwitch.com Trenchers; directional drilling units; underground pipe and cable locators; vacuum excavation systems; mini skid steers and excavator tool carriers. Diversified Metal Fabricators Inc. 665 Pylant St., N.E. Atlanta, GA 30306 (404) 875-1512 Fax: (404) 875-4835 Website: www.DMFAtlanta.com Diversified Metal Fabricators is an Atlanta, Georgia, manufacturing company, supplying the railroad industry since 1972. Our product line includes hi-rail conversion kits for trucks from 6,500 lbs GVWR to 125-ton cranes, as well as rotary dump units, remote control stations and other custom-designed products for maintenance-of-way applications. Dolby and Associates, Inc. Consulting Engineers 22183 Sussex Hwy. Seaford, DE 19973 (302) 629-0314 Fax: (302) 629-2872 Website: www.dolbyandassociates.com Track, embankment and drainage design; track inspection; track maintenance planning and track rehabilitation planning. Dow Track Systems 1881 W. Oak Pkwy. Marietta, GA 30062 (678) 269-1276 Fax: (770) 590-3534 Website: www.dowhyperlast.com Manufacturer and supplier of track reinforce-

ment, noise and vibration attenuation solutions for ballasted and concrete track. Also supply rail infrastructure component material. Driven Engineering, Inc. 8005 Morris Hill Rd. Semmes, AL 36575 (251) 649-4011 Fax: (251) 645-0971 Website: www.drivenengineering.com Engineering firm. Dylon Industries Inc. 7700 Clinton Rd. Cleveland, OH 44144 (216) 651-1300 Fax: (216) 651-1777 Website: www.dylon.com Graphite-based switch plate lubricants and anti-seize compounds. Dymax Rail 402 Miller Dr. P.O Box 297 Wamego, KS 66547 (800) 530-5407 or (785) 456-2081 Fax: (785) 456-8328 Website: www.DymaxRail.com Track machine attachments. Dynamic Composites, LLC 2670 South 700 East Columbia City, IN 46725 (260) 625-8652 or (260) 625-8686 Fax: (260) 625-8699 Website: www.dynamic-cci.com Dynamic Composites, LLC, manufactures an engineered composite tie that incorporates steel, concrete, and plastic composite components. Dynamic Composites took many engineering considerations with combining these three “green” materials. E80 PLUS CONSTRUCTORS, LLC 7120 Patton Rd. DeForest, WI 53532 (608) 846-1880 Fax: (608) 846-2225 Website: E80plus.com Nationwide bridge contractor dedicated to the repair, replacement and design of railroad bridges and structures. Easi File Corp. 6 Wrigley Irvine, CA 92618 (949) 855-4121 Fax: (949) 380-0561 Website: www.easifileusa.com Vertical file cabinets. 61

supplier directory East Coast Railroad Services, LLC 42 Argenio Dr. New Windsor, NY 12553 (845) 913-7040 Fax: (845) 401-2541 Website: www.eastcoastrailroadservices.com Services northeast U.S. Removal and disposal of wood and concrete crossties. Relay crosstie and relay track materials sales. Preplate crossties, panelize track, warehousing, handling and transport of railroad materials. E&D Engineering Systems LLC 890 Industrial Dr. Gladwin, MI 48624 (989) 246-0770 Fax: (989) 246-0774 Website: www.edengmachine.com Molded silicone, molded plastic, molds and dies, metal machining. Encore Rail Systems, Inc. 2350 West Midway Blvd. Broomfield, CO 80020 (866) 712-7622 or (303) 936-3641 Fax: (303) 922-6178 Website: www.encorers.com Your single-source supplier of equipment and compounds for the maintenance and repair of wood and concrete crossties. Machines: Sales and leasing of application equipment. Short- and long-term machine lease and tie repair product packages. Largest supplier of tie plugging machines in North America. Rebuild and repair of track maintenance equipment. Encore offers the widest variety of chemical tie plugging machines that are designed for projectspecific applications: The RTP Ride-On machine for high-production steel gangs; TPI-GC for medium- to high-production steel and gauging gangs; the TPI-TG for production tie and gauging gangs and the TPI-PS for small gauging, rail relay and tie repair projects. Compounds: Complete line of machine and manually applied expanding polyurethane foam tie plugging material. Most cost-effective expanding foam material on the market. UV light curing epoxy for light-rail seat abrasion and high viscosity epoxy for heavy-rail seat abrasion. See our ad on page 14 Energy Absorption Systems, Inc. 70 W. Madison St., Ste. 2350 Chicago, IL 60602 (312) 467-6750 Fax: (312) 467-1356 Website: www.energyabsorption.com 62

StopGate™, a crashworthy barrier gate for railroad crossings, posts-retractor and crash cushions to protect structures at railroad crossings. ENSCO Rail, Inc. 5400 Port Royal Rd. Springfield, VA 22151 (703) 321-9000 Fax: (703) 321-7619 Website: www.ensco.com ENSCO Rail has a rich heritage providing the rail industry with innovative track condition monitoring and maintenance planning technologies that empower our customers to optimize and improve the operations and safety of their railroads. ENSCO Rail’s advanced technology solutions and nearly half century of experience can be trusted time and again to ensure the safety and efficiency of your operation. We offer state-of-the-art track geometry measurement vehicles, autonomous track inspection systems, track condition monitoring solutions and machine vision systems. Enterprise Companies, Inc./American Concrete Products Co., Inc. 10220 F St. Omaha, NE 68127 (402) 339-3670 Fax: (402) 339-3836 Website: www.enterprise-companies.com Grade crossings; signal foundations; prestressed box beams for railroad bridges. See our ad on page 10 Environmental Technology, Inc. 1850 N. Sheridan St. South Bend, IN 46628 (800) 234-4239 or (574) 233-1202 Website: www.networketi.com “We Manage Heat™” by offering a full line of intelligent controls for your rail switch deicing applications. E.P.P. Track Equipment Ltd. 30 Queen St. N Thorold, ON L2V 2P8, Canada (800) 646-1397 or (905) 227-0051 Fax: (905) 227-8583 Website: www.epptrack.com Railway tie extractor and inserter; track mobility cart. Equipment International 4833 S Atchison Ct. Aurora, CO 80015 (303) 699-7766 Fax: (303) 699-4548 Website: www.equipint.com Hi-rail excavators, magnets, magnet generators, grapples.

ERICO International Corporation 34600 Solon Rd. Solon, OH 44139 (800) 447-7245 or (440) 248-0100 Fax: (800) 309-8961 Website: www.erico.com ERICO provides reliable solutions for reduced railway maintenance worldwide. ESAB Welding & Cutting Products 6010 Tomken Rd. Mississauga, ON L5T 1X9, Canada (905) 670-0220 Fax: (905) 670-4879 Website: www.esabna.com/canada Complete line of gas apparatus, rail maintenance filler metals and automatic welding equipment for the track welding industry. ESCO Equipment Service Co. 117 Garlisch Dr. Elk Grove Village, IL 60007 (847) 758-9860 Fax: (847) 758-9861 Website: www.escoequipment.com Boutet thermite welding, Matweld hydraulic tools, grinding and cut-off wheels, material-handling devices, mobile flash butt welding, hi-rail cranes, rail-flaw detection, concrete tie handling, switch panel installation, work gloves, flashlights, Rosenquist clip applicator, Vaia Car cranes. Eurotech Corporation-Kinshofer Regional Sales 195 23rd St. Pittsburgh, PA 15215-2814 (800) 966-4530 Fax: (412) 782-6200 Website: www.eurotechcorporation.com Crane and excavator attachments for rail maintenance, construction and demolition. Tie grapples, pallet forks, clamshell buckets, hydraulic rotators, rail shears, rail grapples and other attachments for lifting, loading, sorting and handling. EVRAZ Rocky Mountain Steel P.O. Box 316 Pueblo, CO 81002 (719) 561-6000 Fax: (719) 561-6992 Website: www.evrazna.com/LocationsFacilities/RockyMountainSteelMills/tabid/71/ Standard and premium rail. Exide/GNB Industrial Power 3950 Sussex Ave. Aurora, IL 60504-7932 (630) 862-2200 RT&S Track Buyer’s Guide


supplier directory Fax: (630) 862-2316 Website: www.gnb.com Batteries, chargers, power supplies, solar for track, signals, cable, locomotives and telecommunications equipment. Fabco Power P.O. Box 582 Chester, NY 10918 (845) 469-9151 Fax: (845) 469-7871 Website: www.fabcopower.com Vehicle-mounted, belt-driven generators; hydraulically-driven generators (3 kW to 15 kW) for operating lighting, electrical a.c. tools, etc.; hydraulically-driven d.c. welder/ a.c. generator combination. FAB-RA-CAST® Plant: 6970 W. Jefferson Ave. Detroit, MI 48209 (313) 843-5612 Precast concrete railway-crossing systems; pour-in flange-way filler material for all crossing surfaces. Concrete ties. Signal systems. Fabricated Metals LLC P.O. Box 9535 Louisville, KY 40214 (866) 299-0514 or (502) 363-2625 Fax: (502) 363-2629 Website: fabricatedmetals.com Serves the rail and transit industry by manufacturing products, such as instrument cases and houses, walkout cantilevers, wayside ladder assemblies, steel foundations, signal cantilevers and signal bridges. Faroex, Ltd. 123 Anson St. Industrial Park Gimli, MB, R0C 1B0, Canada (204) 489-0180 or (204) 642-6400 Fax: (201) 642-6404 Website: www.sigmaindustries.com ISO 9001 supplier of custom-designed structural composite pultrusions, for ties, poles, cross bars, barriers, loop wire, bed supports, beams, columns, raceways and chases. Non rot, non corroding, non conductive, high tensile profiles, from simple to complex, Faroex’s art-to-part service is responsive and competitive. Fatigue Technology Inc. 401 Andover Park East Seattle, WA 98188-7603 (206) 246-2010 Fax: (206) 244-9886 Website: www.fatiguetech.com Rail end crack prevention. RT&S Track Buyer’s Guide


Fenton Rigging & Contracting, Inc. 2150 Langdon Farm Rd. Cincinnati, OH 45237 (513) 631-5500 Fax: (513) 631-4361 Website: www.fenton1898.com Bridge reconstruction and concrete masonry restoration. Fite Corporation 1639 E. 9th St. Pomona, CA 91766 (888) FITE-CORP Grade-crossing panels; installation, construction, clean-up; heavy equipment rental. Flink Company 502 N. Vermillion St. Streator, IL 61364 (815) 673-4321 Fax: (815) 672-2678 Website: www.flinkplows.com Snow and ice control, snow plows, salt spreaders. Forrest Technical Coatings P.O. Box 22110 Eugene, OR 97402 (541) 342-1821 Fax: (541) 344-5137 Website: www.forrestpaint.com Forrest is backed by a laboratory consisting of departments in metal, wood and powder. Our chemists and technicians provide quality control, dynamic research and development. Liquid products include UV cured, water reducible, low VOC, low HAPS, epoxies, urethanes, high temperature coatings (1,200°F), primers and alkyd enamel systems and many other products engineered for specific applications. Our powder coatings line includes polyesters, epoxies, hybrids and polyurethanes. G.A. Fossum & Associates Inc. 46813 282nd St. Lennox, SD 57039 (605) 647-2295 Fax: (605) 647-3000 Railroad contractor and consultant. L.B. Foster Co. 415 Holiday Dr. Pittsburgh, PA 15220 (800) 255-4500 or (412-928-3400 Fax: (412) 928-3427 Website: www.lbfoster.com L.B. Foster is a leading manufacturer, fabricator and distributor of products and services for the global rail, construction and energy and utility industries. The company was founded in 1902 and is publicly traded (NASDAQ:

FSTR) with headquarters in Pittsburgh, Pa. The company’s rail products business is a leading, one-source supplier of quality railroad products and services for heavy haul/mainline, shortline, transit and industrial railroads worldwide and can provide professional rail project management. Rail products is focused on a strategy of TOTAL TRACK MANAGEMENT™ that is driven by the customers’ need to improve their safety performance, as well as their operating efficiencies. Rail products is composed of Rail Distribution; Track Components; CXT® concrete railroad ties; Coronet and Allegheny Rail Products; Transit Products; Salient Systems and Friction Management. Rail manufacturing operations are located in the U.S., Canada and UK with sales offices throughout the world. See our ad on Cover 4 Frank Tartaglia, Inc. 5867 E Molloy Rd. Syracuse, NY 13211-2099 (315) 455-0100 Fax: (315) 455-6008 Website: www.franktartaglia.com We provide rail-related services in the Eastern United States including but not limited to Massachusetts, Maine, Connecticut, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont, Virgina, West Virginia and North Carolina. These services include construction and/or rehabilitation of track works, track surfacing, FRA track inspections, as well as emergency and routine rail maintenance. Frauscher Sensor Technology USA. Inc. 300 Carnegie Center, Ste. 320 Princeton, NJ 08540 (609) 285-5492 Fax: (609) 799-5404 Website: www.frauscher.us Frauscher Sensor Technology, a global pioneer in train detection, has established a North American subsidiary: Frauscher Sensor Technology USA, Inc., to help North American railroads face the challenge to retrieve vital information when and where it’s needed. Frauscher North America’s mission is to help railroaders generate more information with less effort with the ultimate goal of making railroading safer and more efficient. Fritz-Rumer-Cooke Co., Inc. 1879 Federal Pkwy. Columbus, OH 43207 (614) 444-8844 Fax: (614) 444-5570 Website: www.fritz-rumer-cooke.com Contractor. 63

supplier directory Frontier Railroad Services L.L.C. 200 Brady Place New Stanton, PA 15672 (724) 914-7637 Fax: (724) 925-9847 Website: frontierrailroad.com/ Contractor. Fuchs Lubritech (A division of Fuchs Lubricants Co.) 2140 S. 88th St. Kansas City, KS 66111 (800) 800-6457 or (913) 422-4022 Fax: (913) 441-2333 Website: www.fuchs-lubritech.com Lithium and calcium trackside greases; bio­ degradeable trackside greases; switch plate, switch-gear mechanism lubricants. Gannett Fleming Transit & Rail Systems P.O. Box 80794 Valley Forge, PA 19484-0794 (610) 650-7730 Fax: (610) 650-7785 Website: www.gftransitrail.com Commuter/heavy rail systems; stations and intermodal facilities; rail yards and shops; maintenance facilities’ automated guideway systems; high-speed rail; intelligent transportation systems; BRT; trolley/ streetcar. Catenary, traction power, signaling and train control, communications, track, operations simulation, operation and control centers. Garland Manufacturing Co. P.O. Box 538 Saco, ME 04072-0538 (207) 283-3693 Fax: (207) 283-4834 Website: www.garlandmfg.com Ultra-high-mo Garland Manufacturing Co. 100 Gardner Expressway Quincy, IL 62305 (800) 543-7736 or (217) 222-5400 Fax: (217) 228-8234 Website: www.gardnerdenverproducts.com Air Compressors. Garlock Equipment 2601 Niagara Lane Plymouth, MN 55447 (763) 553-1935 Fax: (763) 553-1093 Website: www.garlockequip.com Portable and permanent-mount fall protection systems for work areas, roofs, loading docks, flatbed trucks, shipping pits and more. 64

GE - Transportation, Global Signaling 2712 S. Dillingham Rd. P.O. Box 600 Grain Valley, MO 64029 (800) 825-7090 or (816) 650-3112 Fax: (816) 650-3793 Customer Service Department (800) 825-3178, ext. 4112 Website: www.getransportation.com GE - Transportation, Global Signaling is a leading provider of on-board and wayside signaling and communications systems, train inspection systems, crossing warning systems, switch machines, services and information technology solutions for the global railroad and transit industry. General Signals, Inc. 5611 Morgan Ave. Evansville, IN 47715 (812) 474-4256 Fax: (812) 474-4258 Website: www.generalsignals.com Railroad signal lenses, reflectors, gate lights, gate-keepers, electronic crossing bells and cross boxes. GENSCO America, Inc. 5307 Dividend Dr. Decatur, GA 30035 (800) 268-6797 or (770) 808-8711 Fax: (770) 808-8739 Website: www.genscoequip.com Lifting magnets, grabs and clamps; DYNASET hydraulic magnet power systems, generators, washers and welders. Geomatic Technologies P.O. Box 244 Avon, NY 14414 (585) 764-4282 Fax: (585) 438-4214 Website: www.geomatic.net Rail infrastructure survey; alignment and laser clearance surveys; Web mapping services; field workforce asset inspection systems. Georgetown Rail Equipment Co. 111 Cooperative Way, Ste. 400 Georgetown, TX 78626 (800) 582-1803 Website: www.georgetownrail.com Based out of Georgetown, Texas, GREX is a private corporation that creates innovative solutions to help the railroad industry. From our DumpTrain® delivery system to the Aurora® track inspection system, our products stand out among the rest as technologically advanced, safer, more efficient and more productive than traditional methods of getting things done. We work with customers across the globe to deliver custom solutions

designed around their specific needs. Gerhart Systems & Controls 754 Roble Rd., Ste. 140 Allentown, PA 18109 (888) 437-4278 Fax: (610) 266-5775 Website: www.gerhart.com In-motion and static train weighing. AEI tag reading integrated into train weighing with data collection. GF Protection Canada, Inc. 945 B Cambrian Heights Sudbury, ON P3C 5M6, Canada (800) 267-6855 or (705) 521-1115 Fax: 705 521-1005 Website: www.norguard.com Norguard Industries, Inc., is a leading authority in the supply, analysis, education and training of fall protection, confined space and rescue procedures. Designer and manufacturer of fall protection equipment, such as the Norguard SRA, Sliding Rail Anchor, Norguard Kwik Mount Base and Uni-Anchor System, multiple bases and the Norguard Swiss Roll System. Engineering and training services also available. GIC 3333 Lee Pkwy., Ste. 661 Dallas, TX 75219 (214) 665-9487 Website: www.gic-usa.com GIC provides engineering, manufacturing and construction services, specializing in prestressed concrete. The GIC team took a clean-slate approach to combine advanced manufacturing technologies with innovative crosstie designs to produce a new generation of high performance concrete crossties. GKI Cutting Tools 6204 Factory Rd. Crystal Lake, IL 60014 (815) 459-2330 Fax: (815) 459-2432 Website: www.gkitool.com Distributor of carbide bits for rail drilling tools. Repair of bit holders at a saving of 50 percent or more over cost of new holders. Gradall Industries, Inc. 406 Mill Ave. S.W. New Philadelphia, OH 44663 (800) 382-8302 or (330) 339-2211 Fax: (330) 339-8468 Website: www.gradall.com Telescopic boom hydraulic excavators. Grainger 100 Grainger Pkwy. RT&S Track Buyer’s Guide


supplier directory Lake Forest, IL 60045 (847) 535-1470 Fax: (847) 535-9122 Website: www.grainger.com/rail Grainger is North America�s leading broad line distributor of maintenance, repair and operating (MRO) products and provides solutions that help railroaders consolidate spend and increase efficiencies. In addition to offering a wide selection of relevant railway products, Grainger offers solutions that help the railway industry address issues such as safety, inventory management and sustainability. Grainger also provides reliable 24/7 service to ensure railroaders have what they need, when they need it. Great Lakes Rail Service, Inc. 3901 Rockland Circle Millbury, OH 43447 (419) 837-2751 Fax: (419) 837-2766 Contractor. Greenlee / A Textron Co. Greenlee Utility 4455 Boeing Dr. Rockford, IL 61109 (815) 397-7070 Fax: (815) 397-6174 Website: www.greenlee.com Hydraulic tools marketed for railroad, utility, public works and agricultural use. Gross & Janes Co. 157 W. Argonne Dr. St. Louis, MO 63122 (636) 343-8484 Fax: (636) 343-9793 Wood crossties. Guzzler Manufacturing, Inc. 1621 S. Illinois St. Streator, IL 61364 (815) 672-3171 Fax: (815) 672-2779 Website: www.guzzler.com Truck-mounted, hi-rail and stationary vacuum solutions for track and rail yard maintenance. Guzzler Manufacturing, Inc., is a world supplier of vacuum solutions designed especially for rail cleaning and spill recovery operations. Guzzler systems are ideal for cleaning switches, rail yards, rail sidings and locomotive storage areas. Equipped with on-board railgear and creep drive system, the Guzzler can quickly access and vacuum sand, coke, taconite, grain, iron oxide and free-standing liquids from any location in and around rail systems. H&H Engineering Construction, Inc. 212 Industrial Dr. RT&S Track Buyer’s Guide


Stockton, CA 95206-3905 (888) 983-0708 Fax: (209) 983-0715 Website: www.hheng.com Railroad contractor specializing in track construction, maintenance and rehabilitation throughout the western U.S. Track design/ surveying and track inspection service also. Hamilton Construction 2213 South F St. Springfield, OR, 97477 (541) 746-0352 Fax: (541) 746-7635 Website: www.hamil.com Bridge construction and repair, pile driving, bridge inspection, design/build & CM/ GC services. Hanson Pipe & Products Inc. Premier Concrete Railroad Crossings P.O. Box 11305 Portland, OR 97211 (503) 285-8391 Fax: (503) 286-0603 Full line of full-depth modular tieless crossing for industrial and light-rail industries. Hanson Professional Services Inc. 1525 S. Sixth St. Spingfield, IL 62703-2801 (217) 788-2450 Fax: (217) 788-2503 Website: www.hanson-inc.com Hanson specializes in engineering, planning and a range of allied services. Headquartered in Springfield, Ill., we’re a nationally-recognized, award-winning consulting firm with offices across the United States. Since 1954, our clients have known us as a trusted partner, committed to their success and capable of handling challenging projects. From planning and design to construction and completion, we’ll take a hands-on approach to your project with a clear focus on your goals, budget and timeline.When it comes to transportation, Hanson has the capabilities to make sure people get where they need to go. From developing a transportation program to providing on-site construction support services, our staff of engineers, planners, scientists, technicians and support personnel have the experience to understand and address your needs. Regardless of your transportation project’s size or complexity, Hanson can help improve the outcome with efficient, effective solutions. Harger Lightning & Grounding 301 Ziegler Dr. Grayslake, IL 60030 (800) 842-7437 or (847) 548-8700

Fax: (847) 548-8755 Website: www.harger.com Lighting protection, grounding equipment, ultraweld exothermic welding products. Harmer Steel Ltd. 103-801 Belgrave Way Annacis Island New Westminister BC V3M 5R8, Canada (604) 526-1133 329 Oak Point Hwy. Winnipeg MB R2R 1T9, Canada (204) 988-1800 Rail. Harmer Steel Products Co. 9933 N.W. 107th Ave. Portland, OR 97231 (800) 286-3691 or (503) 286-3691 Fax: (503) 286-2097 700 Airport Dr. Chowchilla, CA 93610 (559) 665-2050 Website: www.harmersteel.com New and relay rail; ties; turnouts and accessories. Harrington & Cortelyou / BMcD, Inc. 9400 Ward Pkwy. Kansas City, MO 64105 (816) 421-8386 Fax: (816) 471-6109 Website: www.hcbridges.com Bridge design services for fixed and movable structures. Harsco Rail 2401 Edmund Rd. P.O. Box 20 West Columbia, SC 29171 (803) 822-9160 Fax: (803) 822-8107 Website: www.harscorail.com Harsco Rail is a global supplier for railway track maintenance and construction. With a broad range of high-quality equipment, cutting-edge technology and worldwide support, Harsco Rail takes care of customers’ needs for virtually all major aspects of track maintenance and construction. Delivering innovation and performance, Harsco Rail meets the demands of the track every day. Harsco Rail Intelligent Solutions (Zeta Tech) 1960 Old Cuthbert Rd., Ste. 100 Cherry Hill, NJ 08034 (856) 779-7795 Fax: (856) 779-743 Website: www.harscorail.com/intelligent-solutions.html Technical consulting; software development. 65

supplier directory Hatch & Mott MacDonald See Mott MacDonald HATZ Diesel of America, Inc. W229 N1645 Westwood Dr. Waukesha, WI 53186 (262) 544-0254 Fax: (262) 544-6120 Website: www.hatzusa.com Air-cooled diesel engines, 2 to 80 hp. All are emission compliant. Hayward Baker Inc. 2724 Prestige Rd. Keller, TX 76248 (817) 753-7000 Website: www.haywardbaker.com Hayward Baker’s Rail Services Division reduces or eliminates track down time on structures and rail. Our techniques include subgrade stabilization, ground improvement, earth retention, and deep foundations for the rail industry. Design-build technical solutions to all subsurface issues facing Class I and Shortline Railways. Specialty geotechnical construction techniques keep railway infrastructure on track. Hayward Baker’s Rail Services Division has stabilized hundreds of miles of track throughout the U.S. HDR, Inc. 8404 Indian Hills Dr. Omaha, NE 68114-4411 (800) 366-4411 or (402) 399-1000 Fax: (402) 339-5015 Website: www.hdrinc.com HDR is an employee-owned architectural, engineering and consulting firm that helps clients manage complex projects and make sound decisions. As an integrated firm, HDR provides a total spectrum of services for our clients. Our staff professionals represent hundreds of disciplines and partner on blended teams throughout North America and abroad to provide solutions beyond the scope of traditional A/E/C firms. Heatrex, Inc. P.O. Box 515 Meadville, PA 16335 (814) 724-1800 Fax: (814) 333-6580 Website: www.heatrex.com Electric heating elements for removal of snow and ice from switches and third rail de-icing. Efficient, consistent, reliable heat mounted directly on the switch rails. Hertz Equipment Rental Corporation 225 Brae Blvd. New Castle, DE 19720 66

(888) 777-2700 or (302) 324-0960 Fax: (813) 628-4795 Website: www.hertzequip.com Daily, weekly, monthly and long-term equipment rentals, tools and supplies, as well as new and used equipment for sale. Herzog Contracting Corp. 3760 Kilroy Airport Way, Ste. 120 Long Beach, CA 90806 (562) 426-4414 Fax: (562) 595-7445 Website: www.herzog.com Heavy highway, railroad and all types of rail transit construction and repair. Herzog Environmental 600 South Riverside Rd. St. Joseph, MO 64507-9775 (816) 233-9002 Fax: (816) 233-7757 Website: www.herzogcompanies.com Equipment for material handling, ballast and rail unloading, railcar leasing and repairs, and advanced LIDAR right-of-way imagery, we have the railway track equipment and solutions for nearly all maintenance-of-way needs. Herzog Railroad Services, Inc. 700 S. Riverside Rd. St. Joseph, MO 64502 (816) 233-9002 Fax: (816) 233-9881 Website: www.hrsi.com Ditching and drainange equipment; manufacturers of rail pickup and laying equipment; ballast unloading equipment; contractors; equipment leasing and rental; material handling; rail laying; tie-handling equipment. Herzog Services, Inc. 700 S. Riverside Rd. St. Joseph, MO 64507 (816) 364-3000 Fax: (816) 233-7757 Website: www.herzogservices.com Herzog Services, Inc., performs ultrasonic rail-flaw detection in North America on all Classes of railroads, transit, commuter and privately owned. Herzog Technologies 8216 Northeast Pkwy. North Richland Hills, TX 76182 (817) 514-0755 Fax: (817) 514-0794 Website: www.herzog.com Herzog Technologies provides innovate technology-based solutions to the railroad signal and communications industry. These solutions include design engineering, field con-

struction, installation and maintenance, Positive Train Control integration, data acquisition, advanced surveillance and comprehensive material integration, including pre-wired instrument enclosure services. Highland Carbide 741 Northeast Dr. Irwin, AK 15642 (724) 863-7151 Website: www.highlandcarbide.com Tools. Highway Technologies 880 N. Addison Rd. P.O. Box 7050 Villa Park, IL 60181-7050 (630) 932-4600 Fax: (630) 932-0484 Website: www.hwy-tech.com Track, signal, intermodal, safety and specialty signs; barricades; construction signs; cones and arrowboards posts; lights (rotating, strobe and blue); traffic plans and detours. Hilman Rollers 12 Timber Lane Marlboro, NJ 07746 (732) 462-6277 Fax: (732) 462-6355 Website: www.hilmanrollers.com Manufacturer of low-profile, high-capacity rollers and skidding systems that are used to move heavy weights. Standard capacities from 1-ton up to 1,000-tons and custom solutions up to 5,000-ton capacity. Hippo MultiPower 208 NW Business Park Lane Riverside, MO 64150 (800) 844-0624 or (816) 474-4643 Fax: (816) 474-7447 Website: www.multipower.us Mobile multipower solutions. HiRAIL Corporation 100 Kraiburg Blvd. P.O. Box 38 Lisbon, IA 52253 (800) 274-7245 or (319) 455-2719 Fax: (319) 455-2914 Website: www.hirail.com Hi-Rail® full-depth rubber grade-crossing systems; Pedestrail ® full-depth rubber pedestrian crossing surfaces; Hi-Rail RS rail seal crossing material. See our ad on page 24 Hi Rail Leasing 37 Perini Rd. Elliot Lake, ON RT&S Track Buyer’s Guide


supplier directory P5A 2T1, Canada (866) 572-7314 or (705) 848-0170 Fax: (705) 848 1893 Website: www.hirailleasing.com Rent or buy hi-rail vehicles. Specializing in Hi-Rail crew pick up trucks. We have a large fleet of gas and diesel crew cab 4x4 – oneton trucks. Hi-Rail Grapple Trucks also available with or with­out magnets, train knuckles and material bins. Hi-Rail Track Maintenance Vehicles, in­clud­ing greasers, welding, brushcutter and custom service trucks. Monthly and seasonal rates avail­able. Late model equipment available for sale. Equipment operators available at hourly rate. Serving across Canada from five convenient locations. HMBD Insurance Services, Inc. 3633 E Broadway Long Beach, CA 90803 (800) 272-4594 Website: www.hmbd.com Insurance brokers specializing in railroad contractor and railroad-related manufacturing and supplier. Products include and are not limited to comprehensive general liability, excess liability coverage, railroad protective liability insurance, contractors equipment coverage, workers compensation insurance and commercial automobile insurance. All coverages quoted with A+ Rated Insurance Carriers. HNTB 300 Apollo Dr. Chelmsford, MA 01824 (978) 905-4000 Website: www.hntb.com Bridges, track, signals, communications, and construction services. Intermodal and transit facilities, tranportation and station architecture, corridor planning. Holland L.P. 1000 Holland Dr. Crete, IL 60417 (708) 672-2300 Fax: (708) 672-0119 Website: www.hollandco.com Holland LP is a dedicated engineering-based company servicing the railroad and related industries. We are committed to being the North American rail welding industry leader with our flash-butt, thermite and electric welding technologies. It’s an exciting time at Holland as we look toward incredible growth with rail testing, rail car components and locomotive servicing. Holland continues its commitment to innovation with the addition of our Specialty Vehicles solutions. This new market for Holland capitalizes on our expertise in R & D, Engineering and RT&S Track Buyer’s Guide


Manufacturing. Above all, our commitment to safety is always the number one priority. Hougen Manufacturing, Inc. Trak-Star® 3001 Hougen Dr. Swartz Creek, MI 48473 (800) 426-7818 Fax: (810) 635-8277 Website: www.trak-star.com Trak-Star® rail drills, including gas-, hydraulic- and electric-powered; Trak-Star® Twister™ bits; bonding drills; portable magnetic drills; portable electro-hydraulic hole punchers. Gas and hydraulic rail saws. Hovey Industries Inc. 2793 Fenton Rd. Ottawa, ON, K1T 3T9, Canada (613) 822-1765 Fax: (613) 822-1556 Website: www.hovey.ca Gas, propane and oil-fired switch point heaters, horizontal air curtains (cold ambient air blowers), insulated tie-ducts (patented), and energy management systems to control the operation of heaters. HUESKER Inc. P.O. Box 411529 Charlotte, NC 28241-1529 (800) 942-9418 or (704) 588-5500 Fax: (704) 588-5988 Website: www.HUESKER.com Geosynthetics. HyGround Engineering, LLC P.O. Box 324 Williamsburg, MA 01096 (413) 268-8700 Website: www.hygrnd.com Geotechnical engineering; track substructure maintenance management; geometry analysis; track condition investigations, GPR surveys, track inspection, education programs, Lidar data processing and GIS applications. Emphasis is on ballast, subballast, subgrade and drainage. Hy-Tech Specialized Services Inc. 4201 Sand Hill Rd. Springfield, IL 62702 (217) 528-7616 Fax: (217) 528-7636 Demolition, rigging, heavy haul, hy-rail crane rentals, solid waste transport. HYTORC Division of Unex Corporation 333 Route 17 North Mahwah, NJ 07430

(201) 512-9500 Website: www.hytorc.com/en Equipment maintenance products; fasteners. Hytracker Manufacturing Ltd. 2025 Falcon Rd. Kamloops, BC V2C 4J2, Canada (250) 374-1299 Fax: (250) 372-2976 Website: www.hytracker.com Railway ditching equipment; railway mobilization equipment; railway brush cutting equipment. IAT International, Inc. 555 E. Main St., Ste. 1101 Norfolk, VA 23510 (757) 622-7239 Fax: (757) 622-0893 Website: www.iatint.com IAT International, Inc. was founded in 1985 in Norfolk, Va., by Avraham Ashkenazi. IAT is a major rail supplier with a variety of products in the industry. The company supplies to all seven Class 1 railroads along with many others with a variety of product lines, including: New rail, wheels/axles, ekoslide switch point rollers, USA exports and many other railroad products. Industrial Metrics/Holland L.P. 1000 Holland Dr. Crete, IL 60417 (604) 987-5056 Website: www.industrialmetrics.com or www.hollandco.com Industrial Metrics’ Rangecam software programs provide comprehensive reporting of track geometry, GRMS, rail wear, rail profile, rail and wheel wear analysis, tie planning and budgeting, rail replacement planning, rail grinding and QA, and wheel/rail interface investigations. Data are graphically represented on GPS-derived route maps that can be overlaid on satellite, terrain and street-view maps. Track condition, exception and other reports are generated by menu-driven search tools that can be customized for each user. A Track Analyst Enterprise System, which connects to an Oracle or MS SQL Server database, allows railways to combine and store all of their track test data in a single database. Rangecam’s comprehensive suite of analysis tools enables Enterprise users to analyze and report on wear conditions, and plan systemwide maintenance programs to extend rail and tie life. Rangecam programs’ ability to accommodate track geometry, GRMS, rail and wheel profile and defect data from various sources makes Rangecam an effective tool for all reporting, analysis and maintenance planning needs. 67

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Industry-Railway Suppliers, Inc. 577 West Lamont Rd. Elmhurst, IL 60126 (630) 766-5708 Fax: (630) 766-0017 Website: www.industryrailway.com Track tools; abrasives; fasteners. Insurance Administration Center 3101 W. Martin Luther King, 4th Floor Tampa, FL 33607 (800) 338-1935 Fax: (813) 222-4040 Website: www.rrppins.com Insurance coverage for manufacturing, contracting and wholesale sectors of the railroad industry. $5,000 minimum premium coverage for general liability, automobile, property and excess. IntegriCo Composites, Inc. 4310 Lucius McCelrey Dr. Temple, TX 76504 (254) 743-6400 or (917) 750-5453 Fax: (254) 770-1700 Website: www.integrico.com IntegriCo manufactures high-tech recycled plastic crossties and grade crossings. Our products last 50-plus years in track. Intermountain-Orient, Inc. P.O. Box 8288 1447 Tyrell Dr. Boise, ID 83706 (800) 532-4446 or (208) 384-5600 Fax: (208) 384-5858 Website: www.intermountain-orient.com Supplier of Doug-fir bridge timbers; hardwood and softwood crossties and switchties in the western United States. International Lubricants Inc. P.O. Box 24743 Seattle, WA 98124-0743 (800) 333-5823 Fax: (206) 762-7989 Website: www.lubegard.com LUBEGARDÂŽ biodegradable rail and switch lubricants. International TechneGroup Incorporated 5303 DuPont Circle Milford, OH 45150 (800) 783-9199 or (513) 576-3900 Fax: (513) 576-3900 Website: www.iti-oh.com 68

ITI is the global leader providing reliable interoperability, validation and migration solutions for product data and related systems. International Track Systems, Inc. Railroad/Transit P.O. Box 5189 221 E. Cherry St. (16102) New Castle, PA 16105 (724) 658-5970 or (724) 658-5971 Fax: (724) 658-5975 Website: www.itsrailroadrubber.com Crossties, rail seals, sand pip nozzle, geotextiles, direct fixation fasteners. Iowa Mold Tooling Co., Inc. 500 Highway 18 West Garner, IA 50438 (641) 923-3711 Fax: (641) 923-6063 Website: www.imt.com Manufacturer and supplier of service vehicles, cranes, hydraulic loaders and air compressors. ITT Endine Inc. 7 Centre Dr. Orchard Park, NY 14127 (716) 662-1900 Fax: (716) 662-1909 Website: www.enidine.com and www.vibratech.com Noise and vibration attenuation. Irathane Systems 3516 E. 13th Ave. P.O. Box 276 Hibbing, MN 55746 (218) 262-5211 Fax: (218) 262-4103 Website: www.irproducts.com Polyurethane load-bearing pads; wear liners and bridge pads; spray urethane linings.

(816) 256-4499 Fax: (816) 256-4454 Website: www.islandradar.com C&S; four-quadrant gates; train detection systems. ITW Shakeproof Group 2550 S. 27th Ave. Broadview, IL 60155 (708) 681-3891 Website: www.shakeproof.com Track washers. J&A Industries 14 S. Ewing St. Kansas City, KS 66118 (800) 748-7722 or (913) 281-5722 Fax: (913) 281-1401 Website: www.railmart.com/index/html Fault detection systems. J & J Rail Sales, Inc. 6450 W. 66th Place Bedford Park, IL 60638 (800) 677-5180 Fax: (708) 552-4187 Website: www.jjrailsales.com New, relay and crane rail, joint bars, track bolts, track spikes, steel railroad ties. Jacobs Engineering Group Inc. 155 North Lake Ave. Pasadena, CA 91101 (626) 578-3500 Fax: (626) 578-6988 Website: www.jacobs.com We bring value through cost-effective solutions and services ranging from transportation planning, design, engineering and construction management to land development, environmental permitting and support with innovative financing measures and publicprivate partnerships.

Iron Horse Engineering 15567 Main Market Rd. P.O. Box 775 Parkman, OH 44080 (440) 548-2005 Fax: (440) 548-2115 Website: www.ironhorseeng.com Recycled plastic ties; specialized fastenings; rubberized enclosures and fastenings for paved track; construction jigs and form systems for slab and DFF track.

Jannotti Rail Consulting, Inc. P.O. Box 490 Russell, PA 16345 (814) 757-9460 Fax: (814) 757-1491 Track consulting-specializing in track and elaborate special track work design, rehabilitation and maintenance, grantsmanship and appraisals, for shortlines, industrial, regional railroads and the transit industry.

Island Radar 25055 W. Valley Pkwy. Ste. 104 Olathe, KS 66061

JCB Inc. 2000 Bamford Blvd. Pooler, GA 31322 (912) 447-2000 RT&S Track Buyer’s Guide


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Fax: (912) 447-2299 Website: www.jcbna.com Backhoe loaders, loadall telescopic handlers, excavators, wheel loaders, rough terrain forklifts, compact excavators, skid steer loaders, compact track loaders, compaction equipment and Fastrac tractor. JCF Bridge & Concrete, Inc. 1300 E Gatlin Creek Rd. Driftwood, TX 78619 (877) 810-1300 or (512) 858-5668 Fax: (512) 857-0099 Website: www.jcf-bridge.com We provide bridge inspection, maintenance, structural design and construction of all types of bridges and concrete structures for new and renovation type construction projects. J.E.R. Overhaul, Inc. A Nordco Company 107 N. U.S. Hwy. 45 P.O. Box 162 Arcola, IL 61910 (217) 268-4823 Fax: (217) 268-4813 Website: www.nordco.com Electromatic/hydraulic vibrator units rebuilt to factory specifications; exchange units; parts, rebuilt assemblies available; stator rewinding; miscellaneous used parts.Rebuilder of tampers, ballast plows and other miscellaneous maintenance-of-way equipment. All parts for MK I to MK IV tampers in stock. Acres of used parts and equipment. JER Overhaul, Inc./Newman Machinery A Nordco Company 4232 N. 35th St. Phoenix, AZ 85018 (602) 952-0035 Fax: (602) 952-6026 Website: www.newmanmachinery.com New and used m/w equipment. J-Track LLC 14-45 117 St. College Point, NY 11356 (718) 554-2760 Fax: (718) 554-2799 Website: www.jtrackny.com Trackwork; drilling piles; general contractors. Kanza Services, LLC 709 S. Kansas Ave., Room 200 Topeka, KS 66603 (785) 233-5347 Fax: (785) 233-3558 Website: www.kanzagroup.com Kanza Services offers complete remanufacRT&S Track Buyer’s Guide


ture of Pandrol Jackson or HTT Model 6700 switch production tampers. Units are remanufactured to “as new” condition in 60 days or less. Units are covered by a one-year warranty. Kelly-Hill Co. P.O. Box 681464 Riverside, MO 64168 (816) 741-7727 Fax: (816) 587-4123 A full-service railroad contractor providing track construction, rehabilitation, yearly maintenance contracts, track inspection, crossing installation, undercutting, surfacing, tie replacement, bridge work, equipment leasing, sales and repair. Kenneth Young & Associates 12829 Mondavi Dr. Fishers, IN 46037-7419 (317) 567-4067 Website: www.kenyoungassociates.com Appraisal of railroad real estate and track structures for STB requirements, asset financing or donation/sale agreements. Allocation of purchase price for tax issues. KENNEDY/JENKS CONSULTANTS Corporate Headquarters: 303 2nd St., Ste. 300 S San Francisco, CA 94107 (415) 243-2150 Fax: (415) 896-0999 Website: www.kennedyjenks.com Engineering: facilities, buildings, track, structures, yards & terminals; en Keystone Rail Recovery 70 Maryland Ave. Jersey Shore , PA 17740 (570) 873-3354 Fax: (570) 873-3345 Website: www.keysronerailrecovery.com Rail supplier; sorting processing company. Keystone Spikes Corp. 255 N. Lincoln Ave. Lebanon, PA 17046 (717) 270-2700 Fax: (717) 270-2702 Website: www.keystonespikes.com Track spikes; Shim Spikes, mine spikes; boat spikes; track bolts; joint bars; comp bars; switch stands; wheel stops; tie plates; pandrol plates; ties; rail anchors. Kiewit Western Co. 3888 E. Bro­adway Rd. Phoenix, AZ 85040 (602) 437-7878

Fax: (602) 437-7719 Website: www.kiewit.com Full-service general contractor offering expertise in the construction and rehabilitation of commuter, light rail and freight projects. Self-performed work includes grading, utilities, bridges, tunnels, stations, maintenance facilities, demolition, track construction, grade crossings, production tie gangs, production steel gangs, thermite welding, surfacing and emergency services. Klutts Equipment, Inc. P.O. Box 606 Muskogee, OK 74402 (918) 683-8900 Fax: (918) 683-8910 Website: www.klutts.com Rail-laying and maintenance equipment; tiegang equipment; ballast-maintenance equipment; Mark I, Mark II and Mark III tampers. Knapp Railroad Builders, Inc. 4777 W. Lincoln Ave. Milwaukee, WI 53219 (414) 672-4270 Fax: (414) 672-4271 Website: www.knapprailroadbuilders.com Railroad maintenance, construction, repair and design. Knife River Corporation 32260 Old Highway 34 Tangent, OR 97389 (541) 918-5100 Fax: (541) 928-6490 Website: www.kniferiver.com Knife River Corporation mines aggregates and markets crushed stone, sand, gravel and related construction materials, including pre-cast/prestressed concrete railroad bridges, ready-mix concrete, cement, asphalt, liquid asphalt and other value-added products. It also performs integrated construction services. Knox Kershaw Inc. 11211 Trackwork St. Montgomery, AL 36117 (334) 387-5669 Fax: (334) 387-4554 Website: www.knoxkershaw.com Ballast regulators, snow fighters, tie cranes, kribber adzers, bridge cranes, yard cleaners, switch undercutters, personnel carriers and other track maintenance equipment. Koppers Inc. 436 Seventh Ave., Ste. 2050 Pittsburgh, PA 15219 (888) 567-8437 or (412) 227-2001 Fax: (412) 227-2841 69

supplier directory Website: www.koppers.com Koppers is a leading supplier of treated wood products, rail joints and track components. Our crosstie, switch tie, crossing panel, track panel and bridge timber products are dual treated with borate and creosote. Our proprietary pressure treating process ensures verifiable and repeatable preservative retention levels. Koppers’ fieldproven rail joints incorporate innovative technology to provide solutions for your specific applications. We offer Advanced Bonded Insulated Joints (SAP®), Bonded Insulated CENTER LINER®, Kevlar, Field Kits and Factory Bonded Plugs, along with standard and bolted insulated rail joints. Koppers also manufactures track components including anti rail rollover devices, gage plate insulators, switch plate insulators and polyurethane insulated tie plates. Koppers Railroad Structures 4546 Tompkins Dr. Madison, WI 53716 (800) 356-5952 or (608) 395-6600 Fax: (608) 221-0618 Website: www.koppers.com/pages/railroadstructures-contact A full-service providor for the repair of concrete, steel and timber bridges. An industry leader in the inspection of railroad bridges. Complete turnkey engineering and construction for new bridge construction. Kovalchick Corporation 1060 Wayne Ave. Indiana, PA 15701 (724) 349-3300 Fax: (724) 349-6119 Website: www.kovalchickcorp.com Rails - new/used; ties; tie plates; spikes bolts; angle bars; bridge beams. Kraemer North America, LLC One Plainview Rd. P.O. Box 220 Plain, WI 53577 (608) 546-2311 Fax: (608) 546-2130 Website: www.edkraemer.com Railroad bridge replacement and repair, highway and pedestrian bridges, flood control structures, retaining walls, foundations, sheeting, shoring and seismic retrofit. We are experienced in concrete and timber structures and a Certified Advanced Steel Erector. Krostrac Lining Group 1825 First Ave. Silvis, IL 61282 (309) 796-3328 70

Fax (309) 796-3331 Website: www.krostrac.com Mobile railcar movers, sales, lease, service all track materials, trackwork welding frogs, switch points, railends. KYOCERA SOLAR, Inc. U.S. Headquarters 7812 E. Acoma Dr. Scotsdale, AZ 85260 (800) 233-9580 Website: www.kyocerasolar.com Solar power systems and equipment for all railroad and railcar applications. KZCO inc. 23860 KZ Pkwy. Greenwood, NE 68366 (800) 288-1112 or (402) 944-2767 Fax: (402) 944-2402 Website: www.kzvalve.com Manufacturer of low voltage electric ball and butterfly valves used in agriculture, water filtration, fire, spraying to include anti-icing/deicing, agriculture, roadway, turf, irrigation. Valve sizes vary from 1/2-inch to 6-inch. Electric actuators are NEMP 6P rated. L & W Industries, LLC 3850 Mustard Way Springfield, MO 65802 (800) 852-5587 or (417) 864-5411 Fax: (417) 864-4473 Website: www.lwind.com L&W Industries has been a manufacturer and distributor of signal products for more than 40 years, offering our railroad customers a full line of quality signal products and services. All products are manufactured and warehoused at our centrally located 50,000 square foot facility in Springfield, Mo.

on all trailers it manufactures. Landoll trailers also feature standard centralized grease systems. High-resale values and innovative design characterize Landoll trailers. Landoll quality processes are ISO9001 certified. See our ad on Cover 3 LandRail Inc. P.O. Box 161 LaOtto, IN 46763 (260) 897-2796 Fax: (260) 637-6659 Website: www.apiland.net Contractor. Lanier Steel Products, Inc. P.O. Box 412 Commerce, GA 30529 (706) 335-7200 Fax: (706) 335-3410 Website: www.laniersteel.com Rail, joint bars, tie plates, spikes, bolts, weld kits, lubricant, grout, frogs, switches, switch stands, bumping posts, derails. WBE/DBE certified stocking distributor. The Larry McGee Co. 720 Armstrong Dr. Buffalo Grove, IL 60089-1884 (847) 419-9960 Fax: (847) 215-7862 Website: www.lmgee.com Specializing in the design and manufacture of innovative communication and control products, including the Maintainer’s Amp II, Remote Microphone, intercoms, Radio DTMF Activator, Locomotive Conductor Panels and Radio DTMF Decoder.

Laird Technologies 16401 Swingley Ridge Rd., Ste. 700 Chesterfield, MO 16150 (636) 898-6000 Website: www.lairdtech.com Telematics.

Lawson Products 8770 W. Bryn Mawr Ave., Ste. 900 Chicago, IL 60631 (866) 837-9908 or (773) 304-5050 Fax: (800) 942-5260 Website: www.lawsonproducts.com Industrial distributor of maintenance and repair supplies.

Landoll Corp. 1900 North St. P.O. Box 111 Marysville, KS 66508-1271 (800) 428-5655 or (785) 562-5381 Fax: (785) 562-4893 Website: www.landoll.com Landoll Corporation is the leading designer and manufacturer of high-quality, innovative equipment transport trailers from five-to 60ton capacity. Landoll is the only trailer manufacturer to offer standard powder coat paint

Lewis Bolt & Nut Co. Manufacturing Division: 30105 Sixth Ave. La Junta, CO 81050 (800) 328-3480 Fax: (925) 449-9607 Website: www.lewisbolt.com Domestic manufacturer of fasteners, including bridge bolts, drift pins and timber bolts for bridge construction. For track and grade crossings, a full line of screw spikes, including the new Evergrip™ and Permagrip™ spikes, drive spikes, RT&S Track Buyer’s Guide


supplier directory recessed head timber screws and frog and switch bolts. Made-to-order specials encouraged.

Website: www.lonestarrailroad.com Contractor.

Libra Industries, Inc. Libra Safety Products 1951 Arthur Ave. Elk Grove Village, IL 60007 (800) 888-5427 or (773) 276-7500 Fax: (773) 276-3331 Website: www.librasafety.com Specializing in complete PPE recycling programs and sales of safety equipment.

Loram Maintenance of Way, Inc. 3900 Arrowhead Dr. Hamel, MN 55340 (800) 328-1466 or (763) 478-6014 Fax: (763) 478-2221 Website: www.loram.com Since 1954, Loram Maintenance of Way, Inc., has been providing railroad maintenance equipment and services that consistently exceed our customers’ expectations in terms of speed, performance and reliability. Loram machines are both sold and leased, but our company’s reputation rests on our performance as a contractor offering a wide range of track maintenance services to freight, passenger and transit railroads. Loram’s product offerings include: production and specialty rail grinding, ditch cleaning, shoulder ballast cleaning, undercutting, spot undercutting utilizing our Railvac ®, rail handling, top-of-rail management, track lifting and data services.

The Lincoln Electric Co. Railroad Division 22801 St. Clair Ave. Cleveland, OH 44117-1199 (216) 481-8100 Fax: (216) 486-1751 Website: www.lincolnelectric.com Track welding consumables for manganese frogs and carbon steel rails; welding machines, wire feeders and related accessories. Lincoln Industrial One Lincoln Way St. Louis, MO 63120 (314) 679-4286 Fax: (314) 679-4359 Website: www.lincolnlubesrail.com Track welding consumables for manganese frogs and carbon steel rails; welding machines, wire feeders and related accessories. The Link Company Route 1 - Box 48 Jewett, TX 75846 (888) 626-5656 or (903) 626-5656 Fax: (903) 626-7245 Track material. Little Giant Corp. 217 Patneaude Dr. Winona, MN 55987 (507) 454-1563 Fax: (507) 453-6441 Website: www.littlegiantcorp.com Railroad maintenance and construction equipment. Carrier-mounted lattice boom cranes; rail dedicated cranes; truck-mounted cranes; crawler cranes; rail laying and maintenance equipment, parts, service and tech support for all Burro®, Little Giant and Badger models. Rail tongs; panel track lifters and rail threaders. Lone Star Railroad Contractors, Inc. P.O. Box 1150 Ennis, TX 75120 (800) 838-7225 or (972) 878-9500 Fax: (972) 878-9503 RT&S Track Buyer’s Guide


Lonza Wood Protection, Inc. 360 Interstate N Pkwy., Ste. 450 Atlanta, GA 30339 (678) 627-2000 Website: www.chemonite.com As a developer and supplier of wood preservatives, the company offers Chemonite® ACZA-Treated Crossties through a network of licensed producers. Chemonite®-treated ties offer long-term protection, economy, plus advantageous environmental and handling features. Many are warranted for 25 years against fungal decay and termites, subject to meeting certain requirements. Treatment of Chemonite® crossties meets AWPA Standards and AREMA requirements. Borates can be added in an efficient one-step process. See our ad on page 15 LT Resources, Inc. 15814 Champion Forest Dr. #302 Spring, TX 77379 (800) 440-1517 or (281) 444-3494 Fax: (281) 444-3495 Website: www.ltresources.com LT Resources, Inc., develops and supplies innovative, durable, cost-effective composite track materials to the railroad industry. Primary products include LT Resources proprietary ENDURANCE-XL PLUS Highway Rail Grade Crossings manufactured from recycled recyclable materials and engineered composite crossties, switch ties and bridge ties to meet or exceed AREMA standards. Contact us for a complete composite grade- crossing package.

Lunda Construction Co. 620 Gebhardt Rd. P.O. Box 669 Black River Falls, WI 54615 (715) 284-9491 Fax: (715) 284-9146 Minnesota Office: (651) 437-9666 Milwaukee Office: (262) 547-1781 Bridge contractor; pile driving; pipe boring and jacking; steel erection; emergency response; fueling and maintenance facilities. Lyncole Industries, Inc. Lyncole XIT Grounding 3547 Voyager St., Ste. 204 Torrance, CA 90503 (800) 962-2610 or (310) 214-4000 Fax: (310) 214-1114 Website: www.lyncole.com Electrical engineering design services, lightning protection and grounding; XIT ground rods, resistance testing, GPR studies, site surveys and training courses. MacBone Industries, Ltd. 9301 Old Staples Mill Rd. Richmond, VA 23228 (888) MACBONE or (804) 264-3603 Fax: (804) 264-3070 Website: www.macbone.com MacBone Industries manufactures air conditioning products utilized for heating, cooling, ventilating and pressurizing the operator’s cab on railroad maintenance-of-way machines. The MacBone product line includes two air conditioner types, a rooftop model and a vertical model for installation on a cab sidewall, as well as an auxiliary air filter to prefilter outside air before it is brought into the cab and a cab pressurizer, which forces filtered air into the cab, maintaining a positive pressure to keep contaminants out. The rooftop and vertical MacBone air conditioning units are identical except for how they are mounted. Get on board with the MacBone product and eliminate A/C downtime and reduce overall A/C costs. Maccaferri, Inc. 10303 Governor Lane Blvd. Williamsport, MD 21795-3116 (800) 638-7744 or (301) 223-6910 Fax: (301) 223-6134 Website: www.maccaferri-usa.com Maccaferri, Inc., offers a high-performance solution for the technology of fiber reinforced concrete through a complete portfolio of steel and synthetic fibers: WIRAND ® steel fibers, FIBROMAC® synthetic fibers. The WIRAND steel fibers are used to rein71

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force the concrete adding mechanical properties that can be used for structural design purpose. The FIBROMAC synthetic fibers are used as a complement for the concrete to control the first effects of moisture and water lost in the first stage (24 to 72 hours) of the concrete. For 40 years, the fibers were used to add performance for the concrete mix. Steel fibers and synthetics fibers can be used separately or as a blend to complement effects in the concrete mix in terms of shrinkage and long-term structural behavior. Magnum Manufacturing Corp. 575 West 220 South Pleasant Grove, UT 84062 (801) 785-9700 Fax: (801) 785-9701 Website: www.magnum-usa.com Rail and tie-gang maintenance-of-way equipment; impact wrenches, sockets and drill bits, track gauges, concrete panels and rubber flange filler. Mainline Railroad Products, Inc. 12424 Forest Glen Palos Park, IL 60464 (708) 448-2502 Fax: (708) 448-2692 M/w services, equipment. Maintainer Corporation of Iowa, Inc. 1701 S. 2nd Ave. P.O. Box 349 Sheldon, IA 51201-0349 (800) 831-8588 or (712) 324-5001 Fax: (712) 324-3526 Website: www.maintainer.com Heavy-duty service bodies; mobile lubrication bodies; hydraulic cranes. Mar-John Track Maintenance Inc. 1609 49th Avenue N Minneapolis, MN 55430-3734 (800) 344-0504 or (612) 529-6255 Fax: (612) 529-6136 Contractor. Markel Corp. 4521 Highwoods Pkwy. Glen Allen, VA 23060-6148 (800) 446-6671 or (804) 747-0136 Fax: (804) 965-1600 Website: www.markelcorp.com Insurance. Master Bolt 811 Taylor St. Elyria, OH 44035 (440) 323-5529 72

Fax: (440) 323-2468 Website: www.masterbolt.com Bolts, drive spikes and specialty fasteners for railroads and transit systems. MATISA Matériel Industriel SA 2 Rue Arc-en-ciel Case Postale Crissier 1 CH 1023 Switzerland + 41-21-631 21 11 Fax: + 41-21-631 21 68 Website: www.matisa.ch Founded in 1945 in Lausanne, MATISA has the sole object to design, construct, manufacture and deliver railway track maintenance machinery. MATISA machines are worldwide known for their quality, high precision and reliability and also for their long life. McClain & Co. Inc. 19152 Germanna Hwy. Culpeper, VA 22701 (888) 889-1284 or (540) 423-1110 Fax: (540) 423-1066 Website: www.mcclain1.com Contractor. McCord Tie and Timber, Inc. P.O. Box 677 Falkville, AL 35622 (888) 784-6284 Fax: (256) 784-6287 Website: www.mccordtieandtimber.com Creosote wood products. McGladrey LLP 1 S. Wacker Dr., Ste. 800 Chicago, IL 60606-3392 (312) 634-3400 Fax: (312) 634-3410 Website: www.mcgladrey.com Consultants. McHenry Truck Equipment 3838 Cote Brillante St. Louis, MO 63113 (800) 325-0771 Fax: (314) 533-3422 Website: www.mchenrytruck.com Sales and service of new and used maintenance-of-way vehicles and equipment. Specializing in hi-rail trucks, cranes, hydraulic tool circuits, generators, air compressors and custom truck fabrication. Meade Industrial Services, Inc. 1825 Summer St. Hammond, IN 46383

(219) 937-0100 Fax: (219) 933-1209 Rebuilder and OEM of electro-magnets; Hubbell magnet controllers; Bald-R magnet generators; rebuilder and OEM of AC and DC motors. W. R. Meadows, Inc. 300 Industrial Dr. P.O. Box 338 Hampshire, IL 60140-0338 (847) 214-2100 Fax: (847) 683-4544 Website: www.wrmeadows.com Waterproofing membranes and protection panels for bridge deck waterproofings. MEN Micro, Inc. 24 North Main St. Ambler, PA 19002 (215) 542-9575 Fax: (215) 542-9577 Website: www.menmicro.com MEN Micro develops and manufactures board-level solutions for embedded industrial applications and harsh environments. The company also offers highly-reliable embedded computing and I/O solutions. MERCIER’S, Inc. See DBi Services Merichem Chemicals & Refinery Services LLC 5455 Old Spanish Trail Houston, TX 77023 (713) 428-5288 Fax: (713) 688-2626 Website: www.merichem.com CuNap-8™ Wood Preservative. MERMEC Inc. 110 Queen Pkwy. West Columbia, SC 29169 (803) 213-1200 Fax: (803) 798-1909 Website: www.mermecinc.com Non-contact high-speed gauge, rail profile and geometry measuring systems, rail profile measurement for grinders, hi-railmounted geometry and profile systems, portable laser-based rail profile measurements systems and high-speed railcar wheel profile measurement systems. Unattended geometry measurement systems. Metabo Corporation 1231 Wilson Dr. P.O. Box 2287 West Chester, PA 19380 RT&S Track Buyer’s Guide


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(800) 638-2264 Fax: (800) 638-3361 Manufacturer of professional and industrial grade portable electric power tools. Metro Concrete Products 1207 F.M. 1485 Conroe, TX 77301 (936) 756-3500 Fax: (936) 756-4676 Website: www.metroconcreteproducts.com Grade-crossing surfaces. Microphor (A Wabtec company) 452 E. Hill Rd. Willits, CA 95490 (800) 358-8280 or (707) 459-5563 Fax: (707) 459-6617 Website: www.microphor.com Toilets and sanitation systems for bridge tenders and crew cars. Toilet models available using one quart of water per flush. Midwest Industrial Supply, Inc. 1101 3rd St. SE Canton, OH 44707 (800) 321-0699 or (330) 456-3121 Fax: (330) 456-3247 Website: www.midwestind.com Midwest Industrial Supply, Inc., offers a complete line of dust and erosion control, anti-icing and de-icing products and spray systems. Our products and spray systems are designed for superior performance and thoroughly tested in the field, in the laboratory and through extensive industry studies. We also offer our products as part of a complete turnkey system that includes application and installation services; technical and administrative support and a full-range of on-site and laboratory procedures. Midwest Mole, Inc. 6814 West 350 N Greenfield, IN 46140 (317) 545-1335 Fax: (317) 545-1558 Website: www.midwestmole.com Trenchless specialist. Solutions for railway drainage installation. Midwest Railroad Tie Sales (A Division of National Salvage & Service Corp.) P.O. Box 300 Clear Creek, IN 47426 (800) 769-8437 Fax: (812) 331-8235 RT&S Track Buyer’s Guide


National provides demolition and dismantlement for projects of any size and scope, including the removal of buildings, power plants, bridges and railroads. NSSC also specializes in recycling used railroad ties and the sale of new and relay ties and rail material. Mincom Ltd. 9635 Maroon Circle, Ste. 100 Englewood, CO 80112 (303) 446-9000 Fax: (303) 446-8664 Website: www.mincom.com Mincom provides enterprise solutions focused on improving business outcomes for the mining, oil and gas; utilities; transportation; government and defense industries. Miner Enterprises, Inc. 1200 E. State St. Geneva, IL 60134 (888) 822-5334 or (630) 232-3050 Fax: (630) 232-3055 Website: www.minerent.com Railcar components; ballast gate. Mitchell Equipment Corporation 5275 N. Ann Arbor Rd. Dundee, MI 48131 (888) 553-5047 or (734) 529-3400 Fax: (734) 529-3433 Website: www.mitchell-railgear.com Since 1978, Mitchell Equipment has been designing and manufacturing Rail Gear systems for the railroad industry. Our attachment systems are designed to adapt to a wide variety of vehicles. We offer a complete line of retractable Rail Gear systems that can propel vehicles on railroad track. By matching up a specific vehicle with Rail Gear and a series of attachments, a Mitchell Rail Gear system can be created. Mitchell Rail Gear systems work every day moving rail cars, replacing railroad rail or handling materials on specialty configured vehicles. Mitchell offers engineering and application assistance, factory installation, training and customer support through a worldwide dealer network. MiTek Industries, Inc. 14515 N Outer Forty Dr., Ste 300 Chesterfield, MO 63017 (314) 434-1200 Fax: (314) 851-7340 Website: www.mii.com Manufacturer of anti-split end plates and automated end plating equipment for wood crossties, switch ties and bridge timbers.

MK Consulting Associates 170 N. Hickory St. Cortland, IL 60112 (866) 408-4004 or (815) 970-4158 Fax: (815) 758-3762 Website: www.mkconsultingassoc.com Providing a combination of products, including: Amsoil Synthetic Lubricants, Spinner II Centrifugal Oil Filtration, Centri Air Precleaners and PulseTech Battery Maintenance, that will improve equipment maintenance performance while decreasing costs. This is backed by over 25 years of maintenance experience and support for implementation plans and performance strategies. Modern Track Machinery Inc. 1415 Davis Rd. Elgin, IL 60123 (847) 697-7510 Fax: (847) 697-0136 Website: www.geismar.com Manufactures and distributes high-quality railway maintenance equipment. Geismar Group is amongst the world’s leading companies in the design, manufacture and supply of machinery dedicated to track and overhead line installation, maintenance and renewal. Geismar is largely focused on projects abroad as 90 percent of its turnover is achieved with customers from more than 120 countries; a performance which has been acknowledged by several government export awards. Modern Track Machinery Canada, Ltd. 5926 Shawson Dr. Mississauga, ON L4W 3W5, Canada (905) 564-1211 Fax: (905) 564-1217 Website: www.geismar.com See Modern Track Machinery. Modjeski and Masters Inc. 1055 St. Charles Ave., Ste. 400 New Orleans, LA 70005 (504) 524-4344 Fax: (504) 561-1229 Website: www.modjeski.com Planning, design and construction monitoring for fixed and movable railroad bridges; inspection; fatigue analysis; repair; retrofit; emergency response. Moley Magnetics 5202 Commerce Dr. Lockport, NY 14094 (844) 662-4638 or (716) 434-4023 Fax: (716) 434-5893 Website: www.moleymagneticsinc.com 73

supplier directory Manufacturer, supplier and service company that offers a line of magnets, shears, grapples, granulators, track pads, buckets, as well as specialty services such as rebuilding, fabrication and maintenance for the industries of scrap, demolition, railroad, recycling and distribution. Montana Hydraulics, LLC 888 Florence St. Helena, MT 59601 (877) 449-3464 or (406) 449-3464 Fax: (406) 449-3465 Website: www.montanahydraulics.com Montana Hydraulics is a multifaceted manufacturing company offering machine shop services including CNC machining, fabrication, custom manufacturing and specialty equipment, as well as solutions and services for the railroad industry including railroad ballast distribution systems, the center mounted bi directional ballast plow, railcar maintenance and repair and MOW equipment replacement and repair. Morrison Metalweld Process Corp. 3685 Stutz Dr., Ste. 102 Canfield, OH 44406-9155 (330) 702-5188 Fax: (330) 702-5198 Website: www.morrisonmetalweld.com Patented welding process to recondition frogs and switch points; crane rail, gantry and stacker rail; sales representative for Railwel Calorite, Whitmore Lubrication and Track Watch Equipment and Matweld Hydraulic Equipment. Mott MacDonald 111 Wood Ave. South Iselin, NJ 08830-4112 (800) 832-3272 or (973) 379-3400 Fax: (973) 376-1072 Website: www.mottmac.com Mott MacDonald is a global supplier of signal and communication systems design, electric traction design and systems program management. Mountain States Contracting Inc. 4001 S. 34th St. Phoenix, AZ 85040 (800) 827-0743 or (602) 595-1575 Fax: (602) 595-1708 Website: www.mscrr.com Mountain States Contracting Inc. is a railroad design/construction firm with locations throughout the Mountain West. Railroad services offered include consulting, site evaluation, layout and design, inspection, track and yard construction, maintenance, signals, road 74

crossings, production tie, rail and surfacing. MTH PRAHA a.s. Kandertova 1a/1131, 180 00 Prague 8, Czech Republic (420) 2 84093203 Fax: (420) 2 84093281 Website: www.mth.cz Ballast undercutter, cleaner; track stabilizer; conveyor cars; brush cutter; ballast compactor; overhead maintenance car; utility vehicles. Multi-Service Supply Division of The Buncher Co. Ferry St. & Ave. C Building #5 Leetsdale, PA 15056-1384 (412) 741-1500 Fax: (412) 741-3320 Website: www.multiservicesupply.com Ballast sweepers; broom hoses; reconditioned freight car and locomotive air brake systems; reconditioned freight car truck assemblies. Musselman & Hall Contractors 4922 E. Blue Banks Kansas City, MO 64130 (816) 861-1234 Fax: (816) 861-1237 Website: www.mandh.net Railroad contractor: new construction, maintenance, production gangs, emergency track repairs, road construction and maintenance site work, track removal, concrete and asphalt. N & J Railroad Contractors, Inc. P.O. Box 11996 St. Louis, MO 63112 682 St. Charles Rock Rd. St. Louis, MO 63133 (314) 381-2277 Fax: (314) 381-7512 Website: www.tracksolutions.net Contractor, new construction, maintenance, repair, snow removal. NARSTCO 300 Ward Rd. Midlothian, TX 76065 (847) 562-6906 Fax: (972) 775-5514 Website: www.narstco.com NARSTCO is a leading manufacturer of steel crossties and steel tie turnouts. Advantages and benefits of NARSTCO Steel Track and Turnout Tie Sets: Cost-effective (simple and efficient to assemble and install; turnout assembly savings 3 to 1 versus wood; reduces the ballast required by as much as 40 percent

compared to wood ties; extends life of other components, such as frogs, points, etc.; extends life of adjacent wood ties when interspersed); Track Environment (100 percent recyclable; no deterioration in fueling facilities; not prone to insect or bacterial attack; proven derailment survivability and can be repaired in track; no plate cutting or spike kill); Design Qualities (maintains track gauge and cant angle and are often used instead of gauge rods; excellent track stability and lateral load resistance with a track modulus similar to hardwood ties; ideal for tunnels and ballast deck bridges due to low profile and reduced dead load; can be encased in concrete or covered in asphalt; easy to insulate for track circuitry). See our ad on page 13 National Crane Corp. 1565 Buchanan Trail E Shady Grove, PA 17256 (717) 597-8121 Fax: (717) 597-4062 Website: www.manitowoccranes.com Truck-mounted hydraulic cranes. National Railroad Safety Services, Inc. 9808 Windisch Rd. Cincinnati, OH 45069 (877) 984-6777 or (513) 755-4910 Fax: (513) 779-8428 Website: www.nrssinc.net Provider of railroad flagmen, track inspectors and signal maintainers for construction projects that impact a railroad’s right-of-way. We also provide RWP, FRA 213, Contractor Orientation, and other various types of training. National Railway Supply, Inc. P.O. Box 13727 Savannah, GA 31416 (800) 357-3572 Fax: (912) 920-4576 Website: www.nrsga.com Distributor of EnerSys, Inc., lead-acid batteries and industrial chargers for rail signal and communication, locomotive starting, UPS, substation/traction, and telecommunication; Celair primary batteries; ERB-C & NRS battery chargers. Now supplying a complete line of nickel cadmium batteries. National Research Council of Canada Surface Transportation 2320 Lester Rd. Ottawa, ON K1V 1S2, Canada (613) 998-9388 Fax: (613) 957-0831 Website: www.nrc-cnrc.gc.ca The Centre for Surface Transportation TechRT&S Track Buyer’s Guide


supplier directory nology (CSTT) helps railroads and transit systems achieve a high level of performance, durability and affordability for railway track and structure assets. A division of the National Research Council (NRC) of Canada, CSTT has helped improve wheel/ rail systems on major freight, intercity passenger and transit systems worldwide for more than 35 years. In some cases, rail and wheel life has been extended by as much as 150 percent. CSTT’s staff includes the world’s leading experts in wheel/rail interface mechanics and its practical application through rail grinding. Also on the CSTT staff are experts in the analysis of broken rails, the metallurgy of both wheels and rails and in vehicle dynamic modeling. CSTT’s services include wheel/rail system design, both during the project design stage and later after construction; vehicle/ track system optimization; rail and wheel asset life extension, as well as noise reduction and ride quality improvement. CSTT also develops and implements grinding strategies and programs; friction management strategies and programs. CSTT staff provides assistance to railroads in implementing heavy axle loads and in determining the causes of broken rails. National Salvage & Service Corp. P.O. Box 300 Clear Creek, IN 47426 (800) 769-8437 or (812) 339-9000 Fax: (812) 331-8235 Website: www.nssccorp.com Performs railroad track dismantlement; removal of changeout ties and rail along active rights-of-way anywhere in North and South America. NSSC offers competitive prices on relay rail, other track materials and quality crossties. NSSC also offers demolition and environmental remediation, with more than 22 years of experience. National Trackwork, Inc. 1500 Industrial Dr. Itasca, IL 60143 (630) 250-0600 Fax: (630) 250-0220 Website: www.nationaltrackwork.com Switch stands; mechanical switchman; high star stands; connecting rods; switch machines; track and car/locomotive fasteners, solar- and electric-powered switch machines with remote control activation; DBE certified manufacturer. Natural Wood Solutions, LLC P. O. Box 130 Mooreville, MS 38857 (317) 859-8725 Fax: (317) 859-8726 RT&S Track Buyer’s Guide


Website: www.naturalwoodsolutions.com Provider of pressure-treated wood railroad track and bridge products. NedCan Products, Inc. 12168 Northpark Crescent Surrey, BC V3X 2B2, Canada (604) 599-5902 Fax: (604) 599-5961 Website: www.nedcan.com Rail contact clamps, insulated rail joints, induction heaters. The Neel Company, T-WALL® Retaining Wall System 8328-D Traford Lane Springfield , VA 22152 (703) 913-7858 Fax: (703) 913-7859 Website: www.neelco.com The T-WALL® Retaining Wall System is the premier prefabricated concrete retaining wall system in North America. T-WALL is a railroad proven and cost effective solution for all railway applications. The precast reinforced concrete T-WALL units are easily installed and require no bracing, tiebacks or mechanical connections. Recognized as a leading designer and supplier for Railroad projects. The Neel Company provides complete engineering, sales and construction support for owners, consultants and contractors. See our ad on page 35 NES Rentals Holdings, Inc. 5440 N. Cumberland Ave., Ste. 200 Chicago, IL 60656 (773) 695-3999 Fax: (602) 251-0555 Website: www.nesrentals.com NES specializes in rental equipment for the industrial and construction markets with 140 locations, 750 types of equipment and 45,000 pieces of equipment. NES is geared up to deliver your equipment rental needs, including earth moving and mobile storage equipment. Nevada Railroad Materials 917 E. Country Hills Dr. Ogden, UT 84403 (801) 389-2846 Fax: (801) 393-5958 Website: www.nevadarail.com Rail grinding. New York Twist Drill 5368 E. Rockton Rd. Rosco, IL 61073 (800) 645-3830 Fax: (800) 543-0972

Website: www.newyorktwistdrill.com Full line of track maintenance tools including single- and double-end high-speed steel track bits, cobalt spiral flute track bits, cobalt bonding drills and tie bore drills. Nighthawk Systems, Inc. 10715 Gulfdale, Ste. 200 San Antonio, TX 78216 (877) 764-4484 or (210) 341-4811 Fax: (210) 341-2011 Website: www.nighthawksystems.com Designer and manufacturer of wireless remote control “plug and play” products using lowcost, reliable paging services. Ideal for remote start and stop of switch heaters, backup generators and rebooting of remote computers. Reliable paging and satellite services. Nisus Corporation 100 Nisus Dr. Rockford, TN 37853 (800) 264-0870 or (865) 577-6119 Fax: (865) 577-5825 Website: www.nisuscorp.com Nisus Corporation manufactures green wood preservatives including: Cellutreat Liquid Borate DOT, QNAP8 Copper Naphthenate oil borne preservative, QNAP2 for End Cut and Field Cuts and BTX Plugs used to inject borate into bridge ties during the Boulton cycle of pressure treatment with either creosote or QNAP copper naphthenate. NMC Railway Systems 11002 Sapp Brothers Dr. Omaha, NE 68138 (866) 662-7799 or (402) 891-7665 Fax: (402) 891-7745 Website: www.nmcrail.com NMC Railway Systems, a division of NMC Inc, provides maintenance-of-way equipment and specialized equipment solutions to the rail industry. Through decades of working closely with North American rail lines, NMC Railway Systems has developed and supplied highquality, innovative and safe MOW equipment to the railroad. Our diversified product line specializes in on- and off-track and hi-rail. The Nolan Company 1016 Ninth St. S.W. Canton, OH 44707 (800) 297-1383 Website: www.nolancompany.com Heavy-duty axle assemblies; blue flags; bumping posts; car blocks/ stops; wheel chocks; cast replacement wheels; derails; rerailers; push cars; tool and supply carts/ 75

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dollies; rail pullers; rail skates/skids; rail dollies; switch point protectors. Norbar Torque Tools, Inc. 36400 Biltmore Place Willoughby, OH 44094-8221 (866) 667-2272 or (440) 953-1180 Fax: (440) 953-9336 Website: www.norbar.com Manufacturer of a complete line of Hand Torque Wrenches and easy-to-use Electronic Torque Wrench Testers. Norak Corporation 608 Albion Ave. Schaumburg, IL 60193 (847) 301-7878 Fax: (847) 301-9887 Website: www.norakparts.com Attachments for swingloaders; repair parts for Pettibone speedswings, cranes and loaders. Nord-Lock, Inc. 1000 Gregg St. Carnegie, PA 15106 (877) 799-1097 or (412) 279-1149 Fax: (412) 415-1185 Website: www.nord-lock.com Nord-Lock is the world leader in bolt securing systems. Our innovative products and fastening expertise enables us to solve the toughest bolting challenges. Nordco Inc. 245 W. Forest Hill Ave. Oak Creek, WI 53154 (414) 766-2341 Fax: (414) 766-2379 Website: www.nordco.com Nordco is a leading provider of maintenanceof-way equipment, parts and rentals, as well as rail-flaw inspection vehicles services and mobile railcar movers. See our ad on page 11 Nordco Rail Services, LLC 821 NE Columbus St. Lee’s Summit, MO 64081 (816) 600-6220 Fax: (816) 600-6237 Website: www.nordco.com Nordco Rail Services, a Nordco company, offers ultrasonic rail-flaw detection services utilizing premium technology supplied by our sister company Dapco Industries. Our fleet is equipped with our patented Gage Wheel Technology, that has proven to be superior in detecting transverse defects under subsurface shells, especially on the extremely critical gauge corner of the railhead. 76

NorFast Inc. (USA) 86017 Moriches Dr. Fernandina Beach, FL 32034 (904) 607-5415 Fax: (905) 452-1640 NorFast Inc. (Canada) #2-9446 McLaughlin Rd. N. Brampton, ON L6X 4H9, Canada (905) 454-8687 Fax: (905) 452-1640 Website: www.norfast.com NorFast is the designer and manufacturer of elastic fastening systems for wood, steel, concrete, and composite ties. NorFast also launched a new and innovative insulated joint, the NIJ-6 Hercules, which installs in the field and eliminates two welds. It is modular (user replaceable parts), stronger than the rail section, distributes stresses better and lasts longer. North American Equipment Sales Co., Inc. 715 East Southern Ave. P.O Box 71 Bucyrus, OH 44820 (419) 617-7805 Fax: (419) 617-7810 Website: www.noamequip.com Equipment. North American Rail Products, Inc. 7424 Hume Ave., Unit 1 Delta, BC V4G 1C5 Canada North American Rail Products sells rail material, new, relayed or reconditioned. We can supply everything from the ballast up. Northwest Rubber Extruders, Inc. 11155 SW Denney Rd. Beaverton, OR 97008 (866) 643-6878 Website: www.nwreinc.com/ Custom and standard extruded products for the rail industry. Our experience includes the manufacture of numerous products such as rail boot, tie pads for crossings, under tie pads, etc. We are committed to consistently meeting or exceeding our customers’ requirements for products and services, and are pledged to continuous improvement. Nufarm Americas, Inc. 150 Harvester Dr., Ste. 200 Burr Ridge, IL 60527 (630) 455-2000 Fax: (866) 241-0612 Website: www.ag.us.nufarm.com Nufarm manufactures and formulates leading plant protection products for weed and disease control. Dedicated to the professional turf and

specialty professionals, Nufarm serves vegetation management, forestry, aquatic, golf, residential and commercial turf markets. Oldcastle/Startrack Sales 7921 S. Park Plaza, Ste. 200 Littleton, CO 80120 (888) 965-3227 or (303) 902-2745 Fax: (866) 734-7685 Website: www.startrakrail.com The StarTrack ll precast concrete platform grade-crossing system uses no ties and is set on prepared sub-grade to form a self-supporting slab system. This design incorporates one piece construction with Pandrol fasteners and easy access to rail without disturbing the crossing. Standard and heavy- duty models are available. Custom products are available. Omaha Track 8202 F St. Omaha, NE 68127 (402) 339-0332 Fax: (402) 339-4965 Website: www.omahatrack.com Track removal and supply. Omega Industries, Inc. 7304 NE St. Johns Rd. Vancouver, WA 98665 (360) 694-3221 Fax (360) 694-3882 Website: www.omega-industries.com Omega manufactures a high-quality concrete grade-crossing system with an innovative attached rubber flangeway design. Serving main line railroads, shortline railroads, transit, industry and port authorities, Omega has established a reputation for quality, delivery and service. Products include: The BNSF/ UPRR Common Standard Lag-Down Panel, panels for high ADT heavy-duty crossings, curved track, turnouts, DF track and ADA pedestrian crossings. Other products include: Steel switch points covers, steel switch plates, steel track boxes, pre-plated ties and track panels. Omega manufacturing plants are located in Washington, California, Nebraska and Texas. Sales offices are located in Vancouver, Wash., Calgary, Canada and Chicago, Ill. See our ad on page 23 Omimex Engineering, Inc. 15885 E. Orchard Place Centennial, CO 80016 (303) 617-4540 Fax: (303) 617-6310 Track bolts and nuts; screw spikes; drive spikes; railroad fasteners, elastic clips, rail clips, fish plates and joint bar. RT&S Track Buyer’s Guide


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OMNI Products, Inc. 3911 Dayton St. McHenry, IL 60050 (800) 275-9848 or (815) 344-3100 Fax: (815) 344-5086 Website: www.omnirail.com OMNI Products, Inc., is the leading supplier of grade-crossing systems to the U.S. rail industry. Our dedicated team of industry experts is made up of sales, marketing and technical personnel who specialize in grade crossings. Our experienced team of professionals offers the most complete line of surface crossing materials used by the rail industry today. We can help you identify the right product for every application and can help you identify cost savings in the process. We support our product line with superior logistics, along with technical engineering and support before and after the sale. See our ad on page 25 Omnicom Engineering Limited Eboracum House Clifton Park Ave. York, England, Y030 5PB +44 1904-778100 Fax: +44 1904-778200 Website: www.omnieng.co.uk Omnicom is an innovative engineering company specializing in the development and integration of software and hardware platforms for asset survey, fixed and mobile asset monitoring. Over the past 18 years, we have developed a reputation for providing pioneering products and solutions to the transportation sector utilizing the latest available technologies. We deliver products and solutions that align with business requirements enabling our customers to concentrate on their core business: managing their infrastructure assets. On-Track Railway Services Ltd. Duagh Station Grounds R.R. #6, Box 227A Edmonton, AB T5B 4K3, Canada (888) 973-6003 or (780) 973-6003 Fax: (780) 973-2214 Manufacturers of rail car movers and custom track machinery and equipment. Orgo-Thermit, Inc. 3500 Colonial Dr. North Manchester, NJ 08759 (732) 657-5781 Fax: (732) 657-5899 Website: www.orgothermit.com Orgo-Thermit, Inc. is an American based company specializing in the manufacture and RT&S Track Buyer’s Guide


supply of Thermit welding kits and equipment for a comprehensive range of T-rail and crane rail profiles. Included are our Full Head Repair Weld and our Head Alloyed Weld for High Hardness rails. Our Technical Service Division offers welder certification courses, crane rail welding, non-destructive testing, analytical and consulting services. Pacific Wood Preserving P.O. Box 968 850 W. Chambers St. Eloy, AZ 85231 (520) 466-7801 Fax: (520) 466-9149 Website: www.pacificwood.com Crossties: switch, bridge timbers, grade-crossing treatments; creosote and copper napthanate. Paktek, Inc. 7307 82nd St. Ct. SW Lakewood, WA 98498 (253) 584-4914 Fax: (253) 589-1091 Website: www.toolpak.com Maintenance equipment; tool carriers and bags. Pandrol USA, LP P.O. Box 367 501 Sharptown Rd. Bridgeport, NJ 08014 (800) 221-CLIP or (856) 467-3227 Fax: (856) 467-2994 Website: www.pandrolusa.com Rail-fastening systems, including FASTCLIP, SAFELOK I, SAFELOK III, and e Clip, as well as screw spikes, insulators, pads and tie plates. Direct fixation fastening assemblies, including PANGUARD, VIPA and SRS assemblies. Parsons Brinckerhoff One Penn Plaza New York, NY 10119-0021 (212) 465-5000 Fax: (212) 465-5096 Website: pbworld.com Parsons Brinckerhoff (PB) provides multidisciplinary and comprehensive professional services that enable our clients to succeed across a wide range of goals — regardless of size, scope or complexity. Our 13,000 professionals contribute state-of-the-art knowledge of equipment and practices, representing all of the disciplines involved in project development. Our core services include environmental, planning, management consulting, design/engineering, construction management, operations and maintenance, e-busi-

ness and e-media, and — integrating all of the above — program management. With our supervisory skills, global resources and diverse expertise, PB has emerged as one of the world’s top program management firms — seeing projects through their entire life cycles, from cradle to grave. Patrick Engineering Inc. 4970 Varsity Dr. Lisle, IL 60532-4101 (630) 795-7200 Fax: (630) 724-1681 Website: www.patrickco.com Transportation, civil and environmental engineering; geotechnical sciences; structural engineering; bridge design; architectural design; construction engineering; land surveying including GIS and GPS technology. PDM Bridge 2800 Melby St. Eau Claire, WI 54703 (715) 835-2250 Fax: (715) 830-3235 Website: www.pdmbridge.com Supplier of fabricated structural steel for bridges. Pelican Products 23215 Early Ave. Torrance, CA 90505 800-473-5422 or (310) 326-4700 Fax: (310) 326-3311 Website: www.pelican.com Pelican Products is the global leader in the design and manufacture or high-performance protective case solutions and advanced portable lighting. Performance Polymers Inc. 36 Raglin Place Cambridge, ON N1R 7J2, Canada (888) 222-5968 Fax: (519) 622-9892 Website: www.ppi-engproducts.com Designs, manufactures and compounds engineered rubber and elastomeric products for the transportation industry. Petrogen International, Ltd. P.O. Box 75610 Colorado Springs, CO 80970-5610 (877) 888-6184 or (719) 596-1175 Fax: (719) 596-4721 Website: www.petrogen.com Rail sawing; torch cutting; drilling. Pettibone/Traverse Lift, LLC 1100 Superior Ave. 77

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Baraga, MI 49908 (800) GO-PETTIBONE Fax: (906) 353-6325 Website: www.gopettibone.com Rail-laying, maintenance equipment. Picton Technologies, Inc. 1900 Lakeshore Dr. Manson, WA 98831-9625 (509) 687-0769 Fax: (509) 687-0769 Providing track stability monitoring products, such as the Picton Ballast Integrity Sensor. Equipment to detect washouts, sink holes, side-scour and track-buckle. Activation and alarm is then provided with a stand-alone signal system at the existing block signal system. J. A. Placek Construction Co. 12771 E. Imperial Hwy. Santa Fe Springs, CA 90670 (562) 944-7985 Fax: (562) 941-4231 Website: www.japlacek.com Railroad contractor specializing in track construction, maintenance, rehabilitation, track design and track inspection. Plasser American Corp. 2001 Myers Rd. P.O. Box 5464 Chesapeake, VA 23324-0464 (757) 543-3526 Fax: (757) 494-7186 Website: www.plasseramerican.com Plasser American is known for highly-productive and innovative track maintenance machines. With its outstanding technological achievements and solutions for track maintenance problems, Plasser is a reliable long term partner with American railways. Decades of experience, upto-date know-how, excellent track quality and favorable return on investment are reflected in thousands of machines nationwide. See our ad on Cover 2 PlasTie LLC 5420 Dyke St. Pittsburgh, PA 15207 (412) 422-9538 Website: www.plastie.com Crossties-plastic encapsulated. Pointer Smith Contracting Corporation 31093 Terminal Ct. Geismar, LA 70734 (225) 658-2836 Fax: (225) 658-6214 Website: www.pointersmith.com Contractor. 78

Polivka International 13700 Providence Rd., Ste. 200 Weddington, NC 28104 (704) 321-0802 Fax: (704) 321-0805 Website: www.polivkaintl.com Polivka International has completed over 500 construction projects for Class 1, shortline, industrial and port customers across the U.S. and Canada. Polycorp Ltd. 33 York St. Elora, ON N0B 1S0, Canada (800) 265-2710 Fax: (519) 846-2372 Website: www.poly-corp.com Engineered rubber products for grade crossings, embedded rail applications, track bridge and tie pads and ballast regulators. Polycorp has a complete line of Elastomeric products for all rail applications. Epflex Railseal Interface™ and Eplock II™ fasteners, rail enclosures (rail boot), removable rubber interface (for poured concrete applications), an innovative concrete panel crossing system and a complete line of self sealing bridge, track and tie pads provide the ultimate choice for value and safety in grade crossing/track maintenance. Polycorp creates unique solutions with our combination of FEA-designed custom profiles for unique applications, and readily available “off-the-shelf” products. Polystar Containment 2030 Midway Dr. Twinsburg, OH 44087 (330) 963-5100 Fax: (216) 401-7060 Website: www.polystarcontainment.com Spill collection pans. Pomeroy Corporation 2020 Goete Rd. P.O. Box 2020 Perris, CA 92570 (951) 657-6093 Fax: (951) 657-5293 Website: www.pomeroycorp.com Dante Sanguineti, Business Development Prestressed concrete crossties and switch ties; precast prestressed concrete bridge components. Road crossing panels. PortaCo, Inc. 1805 2nd Ave. N. Moorhead, MN 56560 (218) 236-0223

Fax: (218) 233-5281 Website: www.portaco.com Manufacturer of hydraulic power units for a number of industries, as well as hydraulic tools and machines used in railway track construction and maintenance. See our ad on page 21 Postle Industries Inc 5500 W 164th St. Cleveland, OH 44142 (800) 321-2978 or (216) 265-9000 Fax: (216) 265-9030 Website: www.postle.com Welding alloys for hardfacing and overlay, repair welding and specialized fabricating. Products include flux-cored wires, welding electrodes, thermal spray powders and a MIG Carbide System. The MIG Carbide System of hardfacing deposits a wear resistant overlay onto parts that are subject to highly abrasive wear. Power Engineering Inds. 1117 East Janis St. Carson, CA 90746-1306 (310) 763-1524 Fax: (310) 763-8954 Website: www.pwreng.com Impedance bonds and custom propulsion magnetics engineered to meet stringent mechanical and electrical requirements of AREMA, IEE, ANSI, NEMA and UL specifications. Im­p edance bonds to 3,000 amps per rail, tuned or un­tuned. Transformers to 3,000kVA, up to 26kV. Inductors, reactors or chokes to 10,000 LI squared. All magnetics can be either air or iron core, water or air cooled. Qualified and field-proven. Power Engineering Inds. is a manu­fac­turer of custom power conversion products and is a Minority Business Enterprise (MBE/DBE). Power Parts Sign Co. (A Division of Ridel Mfg.) 1754 W. Walnut Chicago, IL 60612 (312) 829-8768 Fax: (312) 829-8770 Signs; markings; decals; blue flags. Power Team (A Division of SPX Corporation) 5885 11th St. Rockford, IL 61109 (815) 874-5556 Fax: (815) 874-7853 Website: www.powerteam.com RT&S Track Buyer’s Guide


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10,000-psi hydraulic rams; pumping units; jacks; special-purpose tools; presses; lifting equipment; wheel and bearing pullers. Precision Drilling, Inc. 277 County Rd. 519 Stockton, N.J. 08559 (908) 996-2200 Website: www.precisiondrill.com Drilling of vertical holes of two-inch to 144inch diameter in rock or dirt to any depth for catenary poles, signal lighting, utility poles, lighting foundations, etc. Concrete placement and setting of anchor bolts. Precision Rail and Manufacturing., Inc. 6960 S. 10th St. Oak Creek, WI 53154 (888) 764-1131 or (414) 764-1131 Fax: (414) 762-0710 Website: www.precisionrailandmfg.com Serving Class 1 Railroads. Product lines: Retarders, Quick Switches, Presence Detectors, Air & Hydraulic Retarder Controls and miscellaneous other products. Precision Railway Equipment Company LLC P.O. Box 1015 825 S. 19th St. Independence, KS 67301 (620) 485-4277 Website: www.precisionrwy.com Remanufacturer. Press-Seal Gasket Fastener Division See Press-Seal Corporation Rail Products Press-Seal Corporation Rail Products 2424 W. State Blvd. Ft. Wayne, IN 46808 (800) 625-6890 Fax: (260) 969-4708 Website: www.psgfastener.com PSG manufactures polymer-based structural inserts for concrete. Product line includes the patented InsulGard® Inserts and Bolts; CoreFast® track-mounted core drilling equipment; InsulFast® anchoring adhesives and rubber/ plastic track pads for rail. Presto Geosystems 670 N. Perkins P.O. Box 2399 Appleton, WI 54914 (800) 548-3424 or (440) 725-5470 Fax: (920) 738-1222 Website: www.prestogeo.com/railroad_industry RT&S Track Buyer’s Guide


GEOWEB®. Solving the railroad industry’s most challenging soil stability problems. ProBuilt Professional Lighting 1170 Allanson Rd. Mundelein, IL 60060 (877) 707-0800 Fax: (847) 577-3875 Website: www.probuiltlighting.com ProBuilt Professional Lighting manufactures lighting products for a wide range of applications. Process Switch Co., LLC P.O. Box 1149 Milton, WA 98254-1149 (206) 255-0688 Fax: (253) 863-1964 Website: www.process-switch.com Automated rail switch machines. Progress Rail Equipment Leasing 15173 North Rd. Fenton, MI 48430 (810) 714-4626 Fax: (810) 714-4680 Website: www.progressrail.com Progress Rail’s Equipment Leasing Division operates as the largest lessor of maintenance-of-way equipment in North America. Our full-service leasing firm offers a host of programs and services specifically tailored to meet our customers’ exact financial needs. With more than 50 years of specialized experience in the railroad industry and over $150 million in equipment leases, Progress Rail professionals develop customized, knowledge-based solutions to fit your current and future needs. Tell us the equipment you want and let our experts evaluate your requirements to deliver a program that works for you. See our ad on page 21 Progress Rail Services Corp. Locomotive and Transit Products Division 1600 Progress Dr. Albertville, AL 35950 (800) 476-8769 Fax: (219) 392-8629 Website: www.progressrail.com Supplies rail, rail anchors and trackwork components, as well as maintenance-of-way equipment, railway signal devices, reconditioned freight car parts, railcar repair facilities and railcar and locomotive leasing. Progress Rail Services has expanded to become one of the largest providers of railway products and services in North America with facilities in 27 states Canada and Mexico.

Progress Rail Services – Fastening Solutions 8400 W. 110th St., Ste. 300 Overland Park, KS 66210 (913) 345-4807 Fax: (913) 345-4808 Website: www.progressrail.com Progress Rail Services - Fastening Solutions, based in Overland Park, KS, with its primary manufacturing located in Atchison, KS, has been serving the rail-fastening marketplace for more than 100 years. Offerings include a complete list of rail anchors, concrete tie fasteners and direct fixation fasteners. Progress Rail serves both domestic and international markets. Propex Operating Company, LLC 1110 Market St., Ste. 300 Chattanooga, TN 37422 (800) 621-1273 or (423) 855-1466 Fax: (423) 899-5005 Website: www.propexglobal.com Woven and non-woven geotextiles. PTMW, Inc. 5040 N.W. U.S. Hwy. 24 Topeka, KS 66618 (785) 232-7792 Fax: (785) 232-7793 Website: www.ptmw.com OEM metal enclosures and fabrication. A leader in prefabricated enclosures, cases and parts. Powdercoating and other optoins available. Quantum Design, Inc. Centro-Metal Cut Division 2730 Eastrock Dr. Rockford, IL 61109 (815) 226-9200 Fax: (815) 226-0661 Website: www.centrometalcut.com Combination rail sawing and drilling systems, rail-cropping systems, miter-sawing of frogs and switches, complete materialhandling systems. Queen City Railroad Construction 2709 Byington-Solway Rd. Knoxville, TN 37931 (865) 692-1902 Fax: (865) 694-6356 Website: www.qcik.com Industrial and transit construction; track rehab. New track construction for industry and transit, rail change, tie change, upgrades, design and project management. 79

supplier directory Quest Corporation 12900 York Rd. North Royalton, OH 44133 (440) 230-3400 Fax: (440) 582-7765 Website: www.2quest.com Products built/sold by Quest are locomotive ditch light pulser controllers, locomotive headlight controllers, lamp burnout monitors, operational annunciator panels, ditch light housings, ditch light kits, handheld train line pressure testers. QWICK KURB®, INC. 1916 US41 South Ruskin, FL 33570 (813) 645-5072 Website: www.qwickkurb.com Median separator system. R & R Contracting, Inc. 5201 N. Washington St. Grand Forks, ND 58203 (800) 872-5975 or (701) 772-7667 Fax: (701) 775-0158 Website: www.rrcontracting.net Contractor. R-Solutions 2650 W. 2nd. Ave. Denver, CO 80219 (877) 619-7584 or (303) 777-9692 Fax: (303) 733-2851 Railroad Solutions offers single- and dualcomponent tie-plugging systems for wood ties and specialized, tested epoxies for concrete tie abrasion repairs; also an epoxy sealant for new concrete ties that improves the life expectancy of the tie. R-Solutions offers a variety of products for the repair of wood and concrete ties, as well as a special repair system for concrete railroad crossings. R-Solutions System 1 is a high-density composite that can be applied with a variety of equipment already used for this type of application. R-Solutions can assist the customer with the proper recommended application system. R-Solutions System 1 provides a superior holding strength and moisture resistance at a cost-effective price per hole. R-Solutions Fast Set 15 epoxy for abrasion repair and Rail Seat Saver penetrating sealer has revolutionized the concrete tie-repair process. Racine Railroad Products 1955 Norwood Ct. Mount Pleasant, WI 53403 (262) 637-9681 Fax: (262) 637-9069 Website: www.racinerailroad.com


Racine anchor machines: apply, remove, spread & squeeze all current rail anchor designs for rail & tie gangs. Racine clip machines apply e-Clips and apply or remove Fast Clips and Safelok Clips on wood, concrete or steel ties. Also, walk-behind machines to work with most styles of clips. Material reclaiming machine. Tie plate Inserter designed to simultaneously slide in two preset tie plates under both rails with one operator. Also a full line of gas & hydraulic hand tools. See our ad on page 7 RailComm P.O. Box 8 Fairport, NY 14450-0008 (877) 724-5266 or (585) 377-3360 Fax: (585) 377-3341 Website: www.railcomm.com RailComm provides railroads with a software-based solution that focuses on train control and railroad management. These solutions automate an expanding network of connected devices that generate real-time information, which is used to coordinate and optimize traffic flow. Rail Construction Equipment Co. 1901 Harrison Ave. Rockford, IL 61104 (866) 472-4570 or (630) 248-5921 Fax: (815) 387-1022 Website: www.rcequip.com RCE designs and builds railroad construction equipment and other rail-related products. RCE adapts conventional John Deere construction equipment, like excavators, wheel loaders and motor graders, to specific railroad maintenance tasks, such as tie-tamping or right-of-way clearing. RCE’s patented hydraulic powered retractable hi-rail system allows machines to operate on and off the tracks. Customizable and emissions compliant, RCE has developed 32 specialized products, all with the worldwide support of the John Deere dealer network. Hi- rail: Excavators, motor graders, swing loaders. On track: Tie crane, mag crane, brush cutters. Third rail: Tie crane, swing loader. Other products: Rail boom, rail clips, carts, attachments (rail threader, undercutters, tie head, backhoe hi-rail, vibratory drivers, tamper heads). Purchase, rental or lease. See our ad on page 8 Rail Industry Specialist, Inc. 10101 S Roberts Rd., Ste. 211 Palos Hills, IL 60465 (630) 660-6020

Fax: (708) 599-4070 Website: www.railindustryspecialist.com Offering railcar leasing and automated ballast cars. RAIL.ONE USA Inc. 2475 S. 59th St. Clinton, IA 52732 (563) 522-2795 Fax: (563) 522-2797 Website: www.railone.com RAIL.ONE USA Inc. is a U.S.-based manufacturer of concrete ties and turnout bearers from high-quality concrete for Class 1 railroads. Logistic expertise allows delivery throughout the U.S. Belonging to the Germany-based RAIL.ONE Group, which was initially established more than 120 years ago, the company stands for complete systems and engineering for the entire field of railway tracks and their many and varied requirements. With engineering spirit, dedication and skilled employees, the group has developed into an internationally leading manufacturer of concrete ties and systems provider for railway track solutions and provides more than 60 years of experience with concrete technology. With its patented RHEDA 2000® ballastless track system, the company has achieved an internationally-leading position in the field of high-speed rail transportation. RailPros, Inc. 1705 W. Northwest Hwy., Ste. 150 Grapevine, TX 76051 (949) 748-8787 Website: www.railpros.com Contractor. Railquip, Inc. 3731 Northcrest Rd., Ste. 6 Atlanta, GA 30340-3415 (800) 325-0296 or (770) 458-4157 Fax: (770) 458-5365 Website: www.railquip.com Railquip supplies maintenance equipment for car and locomotive maintenance shops and maintenance of way equipment and supplies for the railroad and rail transit industry. Additionally, Railquip, Inc. offers a complete line of heavy-duty garage maintenance and lifting equipment primarily for the truck and bus industries. The company also offers turnkey solutions for complete maintenance facilities for light rail transit, metros, commuter railcars and locomotives, including design, installation, commissioning, after sales service and training of operating personnel.

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supplier directory Rail-Trak 5231 Hohman Ave., Ste. 200 Hammond, IN 46320 (219) 933-4100 Fax: (219) 933-4100 Website: www.engineerdco.com Contractor. Rail-Way, Inc. 120 Nixon St. P.O. Box 849 Cascade, IA 52033 (563) 852-7794 Fax: (563) 852-7795 Website: www.rail-wayinc.com Concrete grade crossing surface material accommodating 115-lb to 140-lb. rail on 9-ft. or 10-ft. wood ties. 7,000 psi with preattached flange­way filler. Full-depth rubber grade crossing surface material accommodating 90-lb. to 140-lb. rail sections on 8-ft, 6-in. or 9-ft. wood. The system is de­signed to work equally well on tangent or curved crossings up to and including eight degrees. RailWorks Corporation 5 Penn Plaza, 15th Floor New York, NY 10001 (212) 502-7900 Fax: (212) 502-1865 Website: www.railworks.com RailWorks builds and maintains railway infrastructure that keeps people and goods moving across the United States and Canada. RaiWorks companies have participated in constructing most of the major mass transit systems across North America. We have specific experience constructing the track for public transit systems and providing a complete systems solution, including design support, construction engineering, project management, installation, testing and start-up. Through our work on transit systems across North America, we have expertise in overhead catenary (OCS) and traction power systems (TPS); train control and signals; communications and security, and SCADA systems. See our ad on page 5 Railhead Corporation 12549 S. Laramie Ave. Alsip, IL 60803 (800) 235-1782 or (708) 844-5500 Fax: (708) 884-5559 Website: www.railheadcorp.com Railhead Corp. was founded in 1964 out of Chicago, Ill., and today is the parent company of four subsidiaries which serve the industrial marketplace. Our mission is simple: Help our customer’s improve

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their competitive advantage by saving them money. Railmark Track Works Inc. Corporate Office 50244 Dennis Ct. Wixom, MI 48393 (248) 960-9440 or (309) 370-5160 Fax: (248) 960-9444 Website: www.railmark.com Railmark Track Works provides full-service track construction and maintenance services to the railroad industry, industrial shippers, municipalities and port authorities. RTW is based in the metropolitan Detroit, Mich., area and has current operating capabilities to serve 32 states, although we have no geographic boundaries. RTW performs work throughout the U.S., is equipped to perform both large and small jobs and can offer costeffective maintenance programs. We provide guarantees to our workmanship. Railmark is the industry supplier of the only fully ECO-SAFE, biodegradeable track lubricants which are made from renewable, USA-grown crop oils. Railroad Construction Co. Inc. 75-77 Grove St. Paterson, NJ 07503 (973) 684-0362 Fax: (973) 684-1355 Website: www.railroadconstruction.com Railroad Construction Company, Inc. (RCC) is a major general contractor with experience and expertise in all areas of civil construction, track construction and building construction. Services include but are not limited to excavation, grading, site work, utility installation, structural concrete, building fit-out, building construction and rehabilitation, bridge construction and rehabilitation, roadway construction, railroad track installation, track maintenance and track removal. Our team has the proven experience and capability to design, construct and maintain roads, bridges, utility systems and railroad facilities. Railroad Construction Co. of South Jersey, Inc. 705 Mantua Ave. Paulsboro, NJ 08066 (856) 423-2220 Fax: (856) 423-9389 Website: www.railnj.com Track construction, track maintenance and track design for industries, transit systems, shortlines, regional and Class 1 railroads.

Railroad Controls A Wabtec Company 7471 Benbrook Pkwy. Benbrook, TX 76126 (817) 820-6300 Website: www.railroadcontrols.com Installation of railroad signaling and communication systems. Railroad Maintenance & Service Company of America 2440 Sandy Plains Rd. Bldg. 25, Ste. 100 Marietta, GA 30066 (877) 797-2579 Fax: (770) 874-1984 See T.C. Taylor Company, Ltd. Railroad Protector Plan 655 N. Franklin St., Ste. 1800 Tampa, FL 33602 (800) 338-1935 Fax: (813) 222-4040 Website: www.rrppins.com Insurance coverage for manufacturing, contracting and wholesale sectors of the railroad industry. $5,000 minimum premium coverage for general liability, automobile, property and excess. Railroad Track Contractors, Inc. P.O. Box 745132 Arvada, CO 80006 (303) 335-6703 Fax: (303) 940-9792 Offering full-service track design, construction, repair, inspections, maintenance and demolition. Railroad Tools and Solutions LLC 4729 Red Bank Rd. Cincinnati, OH 45227 (888) 510-3623 or (513) 533-7070 Fax: (513) 533-0042 Website: www.rrtools.com AREMA track tools, lubricants, lubricators, safety and first aid, SpikeFast®, industrial magnets, Cembre rail drills and products. Railroad track gauges. Big Stik® Brake Stick. Rails Company 101 Newark Way Maplewood, NJ 07040 (973) 763-2585 Fax: (973) 763-2585 Website: www.railsco.com Supplier of gas and electric switch heaters and parts and controls. Railtec Tools 1100 G St. Fairmont, NE 68354-9612


supplier directory (402) 268-3221 Fax: (402) 268-3122 Rail/track maintenance tools. Railtech Boutet, Inc. 25 Interstate Dr. P.O. Box 69 Napoleon, OH 43545 (800) 954-0632 or (419) 592-5050 Fax: (419) 599-3630 Website: www.railtechboutet.com Manufacturer of the CJ “One Shot” Crucible and the QP Boutet Thermite Welding Process. Railtech Schlatter, Inc., supplies Schlatter electric flash butt welding products, including fixed welding plants, portable welding plants and the “Supraflex” Mobile Welder. Railtech Contracting Corporation, Inc., provides complete contracting of all your field welded rail needs. Railtech Matweld, Inc. See Railtech Boutet, Inc. Railway Equipment Co. 15400 Medina Rd. Plymouth, MN 55447 (800) 624-5794 or (763) 972-2200 Fax: (763) 972-2900 Website: www.rwy.com Railway Equipment Co. manufactures a complete line of snow clearing devices, crossing gate arms, battery chargers and remote asset monitoring and control systems. We are focused solely on the railroad industry and no other. The Railway Educational Bureau 1809 Capitol Ave. Omaha, NE 68102 (800) 228-9670 or (402) 346-4300 Fax: (402) 346-1783 Website: www.transalert.com or www.railwayeducationalbureau.com For more than 100 years, we’ve offered selfstudy training courses for skilled laborers. Our companion company, Simmons-Boardman Books, produces reference works, some of which are of encyclopedic scope, as well as books reflecting the specialized interests of the company’s other divisions. We offer a variety of training methods including Distance Training, Work Site Training, Customized Training Solutions and Workshops. In addition, we offer training aids to help your organization meet its in-house goals. We can work hand-in-hand with training managers to help them do their jobs more efficiently. Railway Tie Association 115 Commerce Dr., Ste. C


Fayetteville, GA 30214 (770) 460-5553 Fax: (770) 460-5573 Website: www.rta.org Researches crosstie design, treatment, manufacture and use; develops wood crosstie and switch tie quality specifications; provides economic data for the evaluation of the appropriate use of wood crossties; offers information on regulations and policies. Railwel Industries Inc. 175 J.F. Kennedy Blvd. St. Jerome, QC J7Y 4B5, Canada (800) 667-4709 or (450) 565-9100 Fax: (800) 442-9817 or (450) 432-6985 Website: www.railwel.com Provides thermite welding; rail shears; alignment beams. RCC Fabricators, Inc. 2035 Route 206 South Southampton, NJ 08088 (609) 859-9350 Fax: (609) 859-9355 Website: www.rccfabricators.com RCC Fabricators, Inc. is a large scale structural steel fabricator and erector and designer / manufacturer of custom rail equipment. We design and manufacture custom rail equipment including our signature piece, the Tie-Master™, an affordable, American-made hydraulic tie-changer requiring only a single operator. We produce a larger version for use with concrete ties, the TieMaster Gen III™ and the latest advancement in our Tie Master Fleet is the TieMaster XL™ featuring an elctro-hydraulic control assembly. Reading Truck Body, LLC P.O. Box 650 Shillington, PA 19607 (800) 458-2226 or (610) 775-3301 Fax: (610) 775-0982 Website: www.readingbody.com Offering service bodies, enclosed bodies and custom bodies.

(800) 848-2090 or (740) 964-4000 Fax: (740) 927-6017 Website: www.redhawkenergy.net RedHawk Energy was formed as a manufacturing and value added subsidiary of the Arthur N. Ulrich Co., to specifically focus on alternative, renewable and advanced power systems for critical railroad remote site and backup power requirements. Our products, services include photovoltaic (solar) power systems, retractable pole systems, wind generators, fuel cells, thermoelectric generators, extended run generators, hybrid power systems, lightining protection, battery systems, battery chargers, battery testers, battery boxes, battery maintenance and engineering site survey services. K.W. Reese, Inc. Box 298 9486 Buchanan Trail W. Mercersburg, PA 17236 (717) 328-5211 Fax: (717) 328-9541 Website: www.kwreese.com Track construction; rehabilitation and maintenance; road crossing installation and repair; track surfacing; scrap tie removal and disposal; tree trimming and brush control; on-track ditching, storm clean-up, hi-rail and track equipment rentals and sales. R.E.L.A.M., Inc. (Railway Equipment Leasing & Maintenance, Inc.) P.O. Box 204 Northfield, OH 44067 (440) 439-7088 Fax: (440) 439-7088 Website: www.relaminc.com Rental and leasing of high-quality, reliable maintenance-of-way track and rubber-tired equipment from the largest to the smallest of on- and off-track equipment.

Recycle Technologies International, Inc. 1275 Commerce Dr. LaBelle, FL 33935 (877) 612-9266 or (863) 612-9260 Fax: (863) 675-9200 Website: www.permaties2.com Crossties.

Republic Drill Corp. 2058 N. 15th Ave. Melrose Park, IL 60160 (708) 865-7666 Fax: (708) 865-1042 Website: www.republicdrill.com Cutting tools; track drill bits; tie-boring drill bits; bonding drill bits; other cutting tools for general machine shop use.

RedHawk Energy Systems, LLC 10340 Palmer Rd. S.W. Pataskala, OH 43062

RFR Industries, Inc. 901 W. Ennis Ave. Ennis, TX 75119

RT&S Track Buyer’s Guide


supplier directory (972) 875-1406 Fax: (972) 875-8314 Website: www.rfrindustries.com Grade-crossing packages. RGC P.O. Box 681 Buffalo, NY 14240 (800) 742-8665 or (716) 895-1156 Fax: (716) 895-1547 Website: www.rgcproducts.com Portable hydraulic tools and power units: cut-off saws, breakers, drills, trash/water pumps; platform hoists. Rhinehart Railroad Construction, Inc. 1600 Angleside Rd., Ste. A Fallston, MD 21047 (410) 879-1322 Fax: (410) 879-1344 Website: www.rhinehartrailroad.com Railroad construction, maintenance of railroad tracks, design and build, equipment leasing and site development. Ribbon Weld, LLC 13010 F Plaza Omaha, NE 68137 (402) 339-1713 Fax: (402) 991-7046 Website: www.ribbonweld.com Rail welding equipment and services, rollers/rail train. Rice Lake Weighing Systems 230 W Coleman St. Rice Lake, WI 54868-2422 (800) 472-6703 or (715) 234-9171 Fax: (715) 234-6967 Website: www.ricelake.com Rice Lake Weighing Systems, a family-owned ISO 9001 certified corporation, has been manufacturing and distributing weight-based measurement products and supplies since 1946. Today, Rice Lake is at the forefront of the evolution in weight-based measurement and automated process control. RM Railroad Consulting Services 6299 N. Talcrest Place Boise, ID 83713 (208) 890-0198 Website: www.members.aol.com/monteferr/rmconsulting.mtm Railroad Consultants: Railroad evaluation studies, cost estimating for track construction and rapid transit systems, track materials inspection and railroad accident reconstruction.

RT&S Track Buyer’s Guide


Robolube Industries, Inc. 56 Plymouth Ave. N. Minneapolis, MN 55411 (612) 339-9395 Fax: (612) 339-1316 Robolube Hi-Rail Track Lubricators, Maintainer Custom Mechanics, Welder, Fuel/ Lube Trucks and Cranes. Load King Custom Lowboy Rail Trailers. Railkut, hi-rail brush cutter, Robolube Rail Butter track lubricant. Rockford Bolt & Steel Co. 126 Mill St. Rockford, IL 61101 (815) 968-0514 Fax: (815) 968-3111 Rockford Bolt & Steel Co. is a domestic manufacturer of track bolts, drive spikes, frog bolts, switch and clip bolts, U-bolts and structural bolts. We also supply domestic and import lockwashers, along with a full range of imported track bolts, available in 50#, 100# and 200# kegs. Rocla Concrete Tie, Inc. 1819 Denver West Dr., Ste. 450 Lakewood, CO 80401 (303) 296-3500 Fax: (303) 297-2255 Website: www.roclatie.com Rocla Concrete Tie, Inc., manufactures prestressed concrete railroad ties and turnout ties for mainline railroads and transit agencies nationwide. Seven sites provide convenient and economical delivery anywhere in North America. Production facilities are located in Delaware, Ohio, Florida, Colorado, Texas, Arizona and Mexico. RPM Tech, Inc. 2220 Michelin St. Laval, QC H7L 5C3 Canada (450) 687-3280 Website: www.rpmtechgroup.com RPM TECH is a North American leader in the design, manufacturing and export of snow removal equipment for roads, airport runways and railways. The company also produces TOR TRUCK vehicles used for concrete pumps, cranes, aerial ladders, drilling and forestry. RPM TECH also manufactures the Cameleon, a tracked compact vehicle convertible into an articulated four-wheel drive vehicle in less than 4 hours. RR Mergers & Acquisitions 11 The Pines Ct., Ste. D St. Louis, MO 63141 (314) 878-1414, ext. 227 or (314) 504-6320 Fax: (314) 878-1418

Website: www.rrmergers.com Dedicated to the rail industry, RR Mergers & Acquisitions is widely recognized as the premier intermediary in the sale of rail service and supplier companies. Saint - Gobain Abrasives One New Bond St. Worchester, MA 01615-0008 (508) 795-5000 Website: www.nortonabrasives.com Abrasive products for maintenance-of-way grinding requirements; straight-type 01 and flaring cup wheels for weld, surface, frog and web grinding. Raised hub and cut-off wheels. Recessed straight wheels for switch and point profiling. Cones and plugs for joint and connector surface preperation. Sargent & Greenleaf, Inc. One Security Dr. Nicholasville, KY 40356 (800) 826-7652 or (859) 885-9411 Fax: (859) 885-3063 Website: www.sargentandgreenleaf.com Switch locks. SATEBA Siège social Tour Ariane 5 place de la Pyramide 92088 Paris La Défense Cedex France +33 1 46 53 29 02 Fax: +33 1 46 53 29 01 Website: www.sateba.com Reinforced concrete ties “système Vagneux;” prestressed concrete mono-block ties; ties for points and crossings; technology transfer; production lines for manufacturing ties and turnkey plants. Schenck Process 746 E. Milwaukee St. Whitewater, WI 07004-1039 (800) 401-9702 or (262) 473-2441 Fax: (262) 473-6884 Website: www.schenckamericas.com Schenck Process understands how critical it is to maintain a high level of weighing accuracy and safety for owners and operators in the railroad industry. For years, Schenck Process, with its MultiTrain ™, rail industry product line has been supplying precision measuring, monitoring and weighing systems to some of the world’s leading rail companies. Whether it’s legal-fortrade weighing accuracy, wheel impact load detection or accurately weighing railcars before and after loading you can depend on Schenck Process to provide the most eco-


supplier directory nomical and safe solution through a wide range of rail product line offering.

and always made in the USA. ISO 9001: 2008 Certified.

Schwihag AG P.O. Box 152 Lebernstrasse 3 Tägerwilen, 8274 (4171) 666-8800 Fax: (4171) 666-8801 Website: www.schwihag.com Designer and manufacturer of specialty components for railway track and turnouts. Products: Inner bracing system for stock rails in turnouts (IBSR slide plates); Inner bracing system for running rails (IBRRcheck rail plates); Elastic rail fastening systems: SSb2, SSb3 and SSb4; Turnout roller devices integrated in slide plates; Lubrication and maintenance free coatings; Boltless check rail fastening system; Modular tie with integrated switch point operating system.

Selco Manufacturing Corp. 3 Fairfield Crescent West Caldwell, NJ 07006 (973) 244-1177 Fax: (973) 244-9292 Website: www.selcomfg.com Our product line consists of numerous products including items such as 3rd rail components, DC Sectionalizing Switches up to 6000; amps, fuse boxes, brackets, insulators, protection boards, end approaches, direct fixation fasteners, copper connectors, terminals, signal houses, signal cages, customer enclosures, control panels and custom fabrication.

Scott Bridge Co., Inc. P.O. Box 2000 Opelika, AL 36803 (334) 749-5045 Fax: (334) 749-3936 Website: www.scottbridge.com Bridge construction and rehabilitation, emergency response, steel erection, pile driving, marine construction, and design/ construct projects. Sealeze A Unit of Jason Incorporated 8000 Whitepine Rd. North Chesterfield, VA 23237 (800) 787-7325 or (804) 743-0982 Website: www.sealeze.com Sealeze manufactures SnowProtec®, a patent-pending brush system developed to protect rail switches against drifting snow and the effects of snow and ice, while increasing the efficiency of switch heaters. Sealeze provides cost-effective, brush-based solutions for sealing, shielding, guiding, positioning and static dissipation in industrial, weatherseal and pest control applications. Security Locknut, Inc. 999 Forest Edge Dr. Vernon Hills, IL 60061 (847) 970-4050 Fax: (847) 970-4059 Website: www.securitylocknut.com Servicing the railroad industry for more than 25 years, Security Locknut’s unique, allalloy steel locking insert with ATD coating has what it takes to get the job done. Proudly


Sensor Products Inc. 300 Madison Ave. Madison, NJ 07940 (973) 884-1755 Fax: (973) 884-1699 Website: www.sensorprod.com Contact pressure sensor solutions. Seneca Railroad & Mining, Inc. 1075 W. Main St. Bellevue, OH 44811-9419 (419) 483-7764 Fax: (419) 483-5942 Website: www.senecarail.com Insulated rail joints; polyurethane or rubber tie plates; tie pads and replacement insulation for gauge plates and switch rods. SETCO P.O. Box 809 Idabel, OK 74745 (800) 634-2381 Fax: (580) 286-6743 Website: www.setcosolidtire.com Solid tire and wheel assemblies for m/w equipment. Sharma & Associates, Inc. 5810 South Grant St. Hinsdale, IL 60521 (708) 588-9871 Fax: (708) 588-9874 Website: www.sharma-associates.com Engineering services related to railway bridges and track, including design, analysis, Cooper rating, inspections and testing. Also, databases for bridge inspection and inventory. Sharp & Fellows, Inc. 1324 W. 166th St.

Gardena, CA 90247 (310) 323-7784 Fax: (310) 327-1664 Website: www.sharpandfellows.com Railroad construction, maintenance and track removal. SHUTTLEWAGON, Inc. 4116 Dr. Greaves Rd. P.O. Box 777 Grandview, MO 64030 (816) 767-0300 Fax: (816) 763-0705 Website: www.shuttlewagon.com Shuttlewagon® Mobile Railcar Movers. Sieb Sales & Engineering, Inc. 10001 Express Dr. Highland, IN 46322 (877) 924-7548 or (219) 924-3616 Fax: 219-924-3617 Website: www.siebsales.com SIEB has been in the magnetic material handling business since 1967. We specialize in magnet systems for the scrap, steel and railroad industries. What has made us successful is our service to the customer and the well thought out design and quality of our systems. You demand maximum performance, durability and long life. We’ll keep you up and running! Whether you are new to magnet systems or a long time user, SIEB is here for you! Experience counts and we’ve got it! Take a look at what we have to offer and give us a call. We’ll set you up with what’s right for you. We are your magnetic material handling specialists. Siemens Transportation Systems, Inc. 7464 French Rd. Sacramento, CA 95828 (800) 722-8044 or (916) 681-3000 Fax: (916) 681-3006 Website: www.siemens.com/rail-automation Signaling and safety systems; traction electrification; rolling stock for mass transit and mainline; AC locomotives; turn-key system. Simplex 777 Oakmont Ln. Westmont, IL 60559 (800) 323-9114 or (630) 590-6990 Website: www.tksimplex.com Manufacturer of industrial hydraulic and mechanical lifting equipment. Skanska USA Civil Inc. 75-20 Astoria Blvd., Ste. 200 Queens, NY 11370

RT&S Track Buyer’s Guide


supplier directory (718) 340-0777 Website: www.skanska.com Heavy civil contracting for light rail, heavy rail.

Website: www.sopacrail.com New track construction, track maintenance, track removal.

Website: www.sperianprotection.com Horizontal lifeline systems; ladder-climbing systems and rescue/retrieval systems.

H.J. Skelton (Canada) Ltd. 165 Oxford St. E London, ON N6A 1T4, Canada (877) 235-1883 or (519) 679-9180 Fax: (519) 679-0193 Website: www.skelton-metals.com Manganese steel in-street trackwork; fixed and friction bumping posts; elastomeric rail grout; grooved, crane and T-rails; in-tie and transit switch machines; compromise joint bars and insulated joint kits; track fasteners; spring clips; other special trackwork, including expansion joints, screw spikes, standard joint bars. Engineered composite railroad ties.

Southeast Railroad Supply Company P.O. Box 71387 Marietta, GA 30007-1387 (770) 998-5234 Website: www.southeastrrsupply.com Locomotive inspections; Rail and scrap pick up operating on Class 1 railroads, Regional railroads and Shortlines throughout the USA; Rail and OTM sorting and grading.; Rail cutting and drilling to individual requirements.

Sperling Railway Services, Inc. 4313 Southway St. S.W. Canton, OH 44706 (330) 479-2004 Fax: (330) 479-2006 Website: www.sperlingrailway.com Innovative m/w machinery, accessories and railroad signage.

SKIDRIL, INC. P.O. Box 8041 Greensboro, NC 27419 (800) 843-3745 Fax: (336) 674-6690 Website: www.skidril.com, www.signsupports.com Self-contained gasoline-powered tamper/ spiker/ breakers/augers.

Special Trackwork, Inc. 2 Santa Fe Dr. Denver, CO 80223 (720) 355-0664 Website: www.specialtrackwork.com We manufacturer #9 115RE and 136RE AREMA turnouts, with knife point or samson switches. Available for immed i a t e d e l ive r y. We a l s o c a n m a ke custom plates.

Solid State Sonics & Electronics, Inc. 4137 Lower Silver Lake Rd. Topeka, KS 66618 (785) 232-0497 Fax: (785) 232-0498 Ultrasonic rail-flaw inspection products.

Spectrum 800 Resource Dr. #8 Brooklyn Heights, OH 44131 (800) 605-9818 or (440) 951-6061 Fax: (440) 951-6641 Website: www.spectruminfrared.com Since 1965, Spectrum Infrared has been a leading manufacturer of railroad and electric heating solutions offering a complete line of track switch heaters, control cabinets, and rail car thaw shed heating systems. We are dedicated to developing new products that deliver the most energy efficient and lowest life-cycle cost in the industry. Our experienced sales staff listens to customer’s needs and offer solution-based results with a focus on reliability and responsiveness.

Sonneville International Corp. 8109 Tis Well Dr., Ste. 513 Alexandria, VA 22306 (703) 619-1530 Fax: (703) 619-1534 Website: www.sonneville.com Design of track structures and components; concrete ties; rail fastenings; ballastless systems; low-vibration track systems.

SPENO INTERNATIONAL SA 26, Parc Château-Banquet CP 16 1211 Geneva 21, Switzerland 41-22-906 46 00 Fax: 41-22-906 46 01 Website: www.speno.ch Rail grinding, rail surface measuring and analysis and ultrasonic rail-flaw detection.

So Pac Rail Inc. 1450 W. 228th St., #33 Torrance, CA 90501 (310) 326-0022 Fax: (310) 326-0427

Sperian Protection 900 Douglas Pike Smithfield, RI 02917 (800) 343-3411 Fax: (800) 322-1330

Snap-Tite® 926 Baxter Ave. Louisville, KY 40204 (800) CULVERT Website: www.culvert-rehab.com Snap-Tite ® is your no-dig, culvert lining solution.

RT&S Track Buyer’s Guide


Sperry Rail Service 46 Shelter Rock Rd. Danbury, CT 06810 (203) 791-4500 Fax: (203) 797-8417 Website: www.sperryrail.com Rail-flaw detection, non-destructive testing of components, failure anaylsis; specialized hand testing. SPX Hydraulic Technologies 5885 11th St. Rockford, IL 61109-3650 (800) 541-1418 or (815) 874-5556 Fax: (815) 874-7853 Website: www.powerteam.com Supplier. Stacy and Witbeck, Inc. 2800 Harbor Bay Pkwy. Alameda, CA 94502 (510) 748-1870 Fax: (510) 748-1205 General contractor with expertise in lightand heavy-rail construction. Stafford Bandlow Engineering, Inc. 3900 Mechanicsville Rd. Doylestown, PA 18902 (215) 340-5830 Website: sbengineering.net Contractor. Stage 8 Locking Fasteners 4318 Redwood Hwy., Ste. 200 San Rafael, CA 94903 (415) 485-5340 Fax: (415) 485-0552 Website: www.stage8.com E-mail: info@stage8.com Stage 8 offers its patented GrooveLok™ fasteners for critical railway fastening applications. GrooveLok fasteners are easy to install, requiring no special tools. They are manufactured under AREA and ASTM standards and are available in any size and length. Once installed, Stage 8 GrooveLok


supplier directory nuts and bolts are visually inspectable and will never loosen. Stanley Hydraulic Tools 3810 SE Naef Rd. Milwaukie, OR 97267-5623 (800) 231-7047 or (503) 659-5660 Fax: (503) 652-1780 Website: www.stanley-hydraulic-tools.com Gasoline- and hydraulic-powered rail saws, rail drills, impact wrenches, grinders; coachscrew machines; tie exchangers; track jacks; spike drivers/ pullers; tie tampers; weld shears; tie drills; signal/ground cable bonding systems; catenary/third rail measuring services and products; and robotic welder. Steel Crossings, Inc. 464 Walnut St. Pittsburgh, PA 15238 (412) 820-7030 Fax: (412) 820-7045 E-mail: walter@freeportstl.com Grade-crossing surfaces. Steel Dynamics, Inc. 2601 County Rd. 700 East Columbia City, IN 46725 (866) 740-8700 or (260) 625-8100 Fax: (260) 625-8950 Website: www.steeldynamics.com New rail and cwr. Stella-Jones Corporation Two Gateway Center 603 Stanwix Street, #1000 Pittsburgh, PA 15222 (800) 272-8437 or (412) 325-0202 Fax: (412) 325-0208 Website: www.stella-jones.com Crossties, switch ties, timber bridge products, timber highway road crossings, transmission and utility poles. Tie treatments including creosote and a borate duel treatment process. Additional services include preplating and tie removal services. Sterling Rail Inc. 2905 RR 620 North Austin, TX 78734 (512) 263-1953 Fax: (512) 263-9799 Website: www.sterlingrail.com Machinery for sale. Stella-Jones Corporation Two Gateway Center 603 Stanwix St., Ste. 1000 Pittsburgh, PA 15222 (800) 272-8437 or (412) 325-0202 86

Fax: (412) 325-0208 Website: www.stella-jones.com Offering crossties; bridge ties; tie plugs, grade crossings. StormwateRx 122 SE 27th Ave. Portland, OR 97214 (800) 680-3543 Fax: (800) 407-2914 Website: www.stormwaterx.com StormwateRx, LLC manufactures stormwater filtration and treatment systems for industrial sites. Products include the Clara® settling system, Aquip® stormwater filtration system, and AquiPlus™ stormwater polishing system. The company was founded in 2006, building on more than 25 years of experience developing and consulting on water purification systems for the industry. Strong Hold Products P.O. Box 9043 Louisville, KY 40209 (800) 880-2625 or (502) 363-4175 Fax: (502) 363-3827 Website: www.strong-hold.com 12-gauge welded industrial steel storage cabinets. Structal-Bridges A Division of Canam Steel Corp. 1445 Rue du Grand Tronc (Estimating) 386 River Rd. Claremont, NH 03743 (Shop) Quebec, QC, G1N 4G1, Canada (877) 304-2561 or (418) 683-2561 Fax: (418) 688-8512 Website: www.structalbridges.ws Structal Bridges is a leading manufacturer of steel bridges, structural bearings and expansion joints for the highway, railway and forestry industries. STV 205 West Welsh Dr. Douglassville, PA 19518-8713 (610) 385-8200 Fax: (610) 385-8501 Website: www.stvinc.com STV is a leading, award-winning professional firm offering engineering, architectural, planning, environmental and construction management services. We consistently rank among the country’s top 25 firms in education, highways, bridges, rail and mass transit. Throughout the United States, STV’s 1,700 professional, technical and support personnel offer services to a broad and everexpanding client base. We provide planning, environmental, design, program and construction management, and specialty servic-

es for the transportation, design-build, institutional and commercial building, advanced technology, industrial and defense markets. STX Corporation 111 Petrol Point, Ste. 104 P.O. Box 2915 Peachtree City, GA 30269 (770) 487-6100 Fax: (770) 487-1022 Website: www.stxrailroad.com Railroad maintenance, rehabilitation and construction. Sullair Corporation 3700 E. Michigan Blvd. Michigan City, IN 46360 (219) 879-5451 Fax: (219) 874-1267 Website: www.sullair.com Sullair is one of the world’s leading compressor manufacturers and is the only air compressor manufacturer to concentrate exclusively on rotary screw technology. Sullair is a company of Hamilton Sundstrand, which is a division of the United Technologies Corporation. Sullair has been an industry leader and innovator since 1965. With subsidiaries in France, China and Australia, Sullair is also a globally recognized manufacturer of compressed air contaminant removal equipment, vacuum systems and contractors’ air tools. Sunbelt Turret Steel 7930 SW Hunziker St. Portland, OR 97223 (877) 577-4140 Website: www.sunbeltturretsteel.com Sunbelt Turret Steel is a national distributor for carbon and alloy steel bars from 3” to 32” in diameter. We have strategic locations around the USA which allows for fast deliveries on cut pieces or full bars. All orders are prepaid freight with no added surcharges. Prices are competitive since we buy from all major US mills and have DFARS compliant steels. Our sales staff understands specifications and problem solve projects to ensure the greatest cost saving possible. Supertrak 26855 Airport Rd. Punta Gorda, FL 33982 (800) 446-9858 Website: www.supertrak.com Equipment maintenance products. Swanson Contracting Co. Inc. 11701 South Mayfield Ave. Alsip, IL 60803 RT&S Track Buyer’s Guide


supplier directory (800) 622-6850 Fax: (708) 388-9986 Website: www.swansoncontracting.com Surfacing operations team; Welding personnel and products for up-to-date frog and point welding. Swing-Lo Suspended Scaffold Co. P.O. Box 128 Covert, MI 49043 (269) 764-8989 Fax: (269) 764-8897 Website: www.swing-lo.com Design and manufacture of steel suspended scaffolding components for bridge construction and rehabilitation. Swingmaster 11415 Melrose Ave. Franklin Park, IL 60131 (847) 451-1224 Fax: (847) 451-1247 Website: www.swingmastercorp.com Manufacturer of Swingmaster Model 18110,000-pound lift capacity, 180-degree swing tilt cab with HiRail: Swingmaster SL 180-20 - 20,000-pound lift capacity, 180-degree swing tilt cab with HiRail; Swingmaster Model 361-20 - 20,000-pound lift capacity, 360-degree swing with HiRail. Hi-rail attachments; magnet generators; tote hooks; fork assembly; track cleaning buckets, 1-1/4 yard bucket, snow buckets; rail threaders; telescoping hydraulic boom; tie grapples; AAR rear coupler; train air brakes; tie exchanger; air conditioning. Complete remanufactured speedswings. For lease or rent. Complete line of replacement parts for swingloaders.

Fax: (418) 251-1108 Website: www.taimi.ca Rail/track maintenance tools. Tata Steel Projects Meridian House, The Crescent York, YO24 1AW United Kingdom +44 (0) 190-4454600 Fax: +44 (0) 190-4454601 Website: tatasteelprojects.com Rail. TCR Rail Systems 211 East Main St. Simpsonville, KY 40067 (888) TCR-2221 or (502) 405-3004 Fax: (502) 405-3076 Website: www.tcrrailsystems.com Consultant.

SynTechnics, Inc. 700 Terrace Lane Paducah, KY 42003 (270) 898-7303 Fax: (270) 898-7306 Website: www.syntechnics.net Railroad track collector pans.

T.C. Taylor Company, Ltd. 2440 Sandy Plains Rd. Bldg. 25, Ste. 100 Marietta, GA 30066 (877) 797-2579 Fax: (770) 874-1984 T.C. Taylor Company, Ltd., specializes in nationwide tie retrieval and disposal service through its subsidiaries Crossties Unlimited and Ti-Fuel, Ltd. We have the ability to process ties (even ties from Formosa termite infested areas) in an expedited, cost effective and eco-responsible fashion throughout the country. Our patented “Right of Way Handler,” is used to retrieve ties behind Class 1 railroad tie gangs and the “Right of Way Handler” is also available for lease through our subsidiary, Railroad Maintenance & Service Company of America. The “Right of Way Handler,” a single operator, multi-task, on-track machine that can safely and quickly pick-up and transport up to 6,000 ties in a single day. A single operator can safely switch between the following quick-connect attachments; grapple, magnet, bucket, brush hog, weed spray equipment and hydraulic tools.

Frank Tartaglia, Inc. 5867 E. Molloy Rd. Syracuse, NY 13211-2099 (315) 455-0100 Fax: (315) 455-6008 Website: www.franktartagliainc.com Railroad construction; hi-rail equipment; track equipment.

Tech Products, Inc. Signs, tags and markers 105 Willow Ave. Staten Island, NY 10305-1896 (800) 221-1311 or (718) 442-4900 Fax: (718) 442-2124 Website: www.techproducts.com Signs, tags and labels.

Taimi Hydraulics 192 Parc Industriel Saint-Prime, QC G8J 2B1 Canada (418) 686-6868

Teleweld, Inc. 416 N. Park St. Streator, IL 61364 (815) 672-4561

RT&S Track Buyer’s Guide


Fax: (815) 672-5763 Website: www.teleweld.com CWR heater cars; preheaters; grinders; spike retrievers. Tensar International Corporation 2500 Northwinds Pkwy., Ste. 500 Alpharetta, GA 30009 (888) 828-5126 or (770) 344-2090 Fax: (770) 344-2084 Website: www.tensarcorp.com Tensar International Corporation has extensive worldwide experience using Biaxial (BX) Geogrids to reinforce trackbed layers. When applied for “direct ballast reinforcement” Tensar®, BX Geogrids reduce the rate of track settlement, resulting in less maintenance over time. When utilized for “granular sub-ballast reinforcement” they increase the bearing capacity of the track foundation. Terram Limited Mamhilad Park Estate Pontypool, Torfaen NP4 OYR United Kingdom +44 (0) 1495-757722 Fax: +44 (0) 1495-762383 Website: www.terram.com Geotextile and geosynthetic composite solutions for track bed ballast and subgrade separation. Terrco® Inc. 222 First Ave. N.W. Watertown, SD 57201 (605) 882-3888 Fax: (605) 882-0778 Website: www.terrco.com Manufactures three types of flexible shaft rail grinding equipment: skid mount with direct drive clutch, wheelbarrow type with direct drive clutch. Thales Canada, Inc. 105 Moatfield Dr. Toronto, ON M3B 0A4 Canada (416) 742-3900 Website: www.thalesgroup.com CBTC Signalling, SelTrac, automatic train control systems. Thales Rail Signalling Solutions, Inc. 1235 Ormont Dr. Toronto, ON M9L 2W6, Canada (416) 742-3900 Fax: (416) 742-1136 Website: www.thalesgroup.com security-services Signaling, automatic train control systems. 87

supplier directory The Nolan Company 1016 Ninth St. SW Canton, OH 44707 (800) 297-1383 or (330) 453-7922 Fax: (800) 225-0984 Website: www.nolancompany.com The Nolan Company designs, manufactures and sells a complete product line of maintenance of way and track safety products for the rail industry.

TISEC Inc. 601 Rte. 364 Morin Heights, QC J0R 1H0 Canada (450) 226-6804 Website: www.tisec.com TISEC provides a comprehensive range of inspection and engineering services for the railway track and structures industry. The services range from on-site visual and specialized non-destructive testing, including “H”-pile and pipe-pile inspection, ultrasonic rail inspection, phased array ultrasonic bridge pin inspection, acoustic emission monitoring of fracture critical members, vibration and temperature monitoring to engineering assessment of fitness for service. TISEC also provides optical strain measurement systems for monitoring concrete bridges.

Track Services Inc. 810 West Ave. H Griffith, IN 46319 (219) 924-2304 Fax: (219) 924-2541 Website: www.trackservices.net Contractor.

Thiel Tool & Engineering Co., Inc. 4622 Bulwer Ave. St. Louis, MO 63147 (314) 241-6121 Fax: (314) 241-7857 Website: www.thieltool.com Anti-check irons for railroad ties.

TKDA 444 Cedar St., Ste. 1500 St. Paul, MN 55101-2140 (800) 247-1714 Fax: (651) 292-0083 Website: www.tkda.com Railroad civil, mechanical, electrical, environmental and structural engineering for bridges, track and fueling/servicing facilities. Architectural design for maintenance/ repair facilities and other railroad structures.

The Tie Yard of Omaha 8202 F St. Omaha, NE 68127 (402) 339-0332 Fax: (402) 339-4965 Website: www.tieyard.com Track removal and supply.

TNT Equipment Sales & Rentals, Inc. 1850 Unionlanding Rd. P.O Box 2653 Cinnaminson, NJ 08077 (856) 786-7754 Fax: (856) 786-7764 Website: www.tntequipme.com

Trackmobile, Inc. 1602 Executive Dr. LaGrange, GA 30240-5751 (706) 884-6651 Fax: (706) 884-0390 Website: www.trackmobile.com Trackmobile, Inc., invented the mobile railcar mover in 1948 and more than 10,000 units work in 54 countries worldwide. Trackmobile units are adapted to rail gauges from 1,000 mm to 1,676 mm and fitted with couplers, including AAR automatic, UIC center hook, SA3, and a variety of transit couplers.

Thomas McGee L.C. 920 Main, Ste. 1700 P.O. Box 419013 Kansas City, MO 64141-6013 (800) 423-9044 or (816) 842-4800 Fax: (816) 472-5018 Website: www.thomasmcgee.com Insurance, employee benefits, third party administrators, surety bonds, personal lines, risk management, alternative risk.

Trac Lubricants & Coatings LLC 543A Industrial Park Dr. Yeadon, PA 19050 (610) 566-5731 Fax: (610) 622-0695 Website: www.traccoatings.com Switch plate lubricants, lubricants, paints, coatings, cleaners, other.

Thermal-Flex Systems, Inc. 1831 Middletown Ave. Northford, CT 06472 (203) 484-2776 Fax: (203) 208-1615 Website: www.tflexsys.com Thermal-Flex Systems, Inc. is a manufacturer of railroad and transit switch heating systems and controls, including rail heating elements, crib heaters, train stop heaters, hot box detector heaters, dragging sensor heaters, and similar trackside heating products.

TiLights 501 W. Fayette St., Ste. 262 Syracuse, NY 13108 (315) 373-0228 Fax: (315) 373-0231 Website: www.tilights.com TiLights offer solar-powered, industrial quality, safety lighting specifically engineered for night time railyard use.


Track Guy Consultants 934 Royal Ct. Canonsburg, PA 15317 (724) 873-7333 Cell: (973) 222-1300 Website: www.trackguy.com Consultant specializing in track inspection and training for the rail industry. Contractor assistance, cost control management and quality control programs, as well as estimating track construction and maintenance.

Trackmasters Inc. 1825 First Ave. Silvis, IL 61282 (309) 792-2432 Fax: (309) 792-2440 Website: www.trackmastersinc.com Trackmasters, Inc., has offered services for more than 39 years. We specialize in railroad trackwork, design, construction, rehabilitation, maintenance and all track materials needed to keep your trackage in great condition.

TRAM Construction 9279 E KY 8 Garrison, KY 41141 (606) 757-4874 Website: www.tramconstructioninc.com Headquartered in Garrison, KY, TRAM is a family-owned and operated railroad contracting and material sales company that has served clients throughout the Midwest and Southeast for over thirty years. TRAM provides track services such as construction, rehabilitation, inspection, maintenance for both the private and public sectors. Looking for relay rail or OTM for your own project? TRAM also maintains a large inventory of track material. TranSystems Corp. Corporate Headquarters: 2400 Pershing Rd., Ste. 400 Kansas City, MO 64108 (800) 800-5261 Fax: (816) 329-8602 Website: www.transystems.com Integrated rail transportation solutions for

RT&S Track Buyer’s Guide


supplier directory mainline projects, industrial projects, yards and terminals, intermodal facilities, bulk transfer facilities, light rail, siding extensions, highway overpasses, support facilities and automobile facilities. Tranergy, Inc. powered by LORAM 726 Foster Ave. Bensenville, IL 60106 (630) 238-9338 Fax: (630) 238-9264 Website: www.tranergy.com Offering yard lubricators, curve lubricators, switch lubricators, wheel detectors and lubricants. Trans Environmental Systems, Inc. 1363 Wimbledon Way Charlottesville, VA 22901 (800) 220-2466 or (724) 980-4534 Website: www.transenvsys.com Unique, moveable spill containment pans with rolling raincovers. Opens when you need it and closed and locked when not needed. Avoid collecting snow, rainwater and debris. Lower your environmental liability. Transpo® Industries, Inc. 20 Jones St. New Rochelle, NY 10801 (800) 321-7870 or (914) 636-1000 Fax: (914) 636-1282 Website: www.transpo.com Transpo Industries, Inc., manufactures a variety of innovative precast products designed for improved railway and road safety. Transpo has a complete line of precast highway grade-crossing systems, bridge and tunnel panels, ADA tiles and mats and railroad ballast curb. Our color-safe pavement marking material is being used for durable, high-visibility dynamic envelope markings. Transpo proudly maintains an ISO 9001:2008 quality certification at all company facilities. TransTech Corporation 540 Aviator Circle Los Altos, CA 95835 (650) 924-0177 Fax: (650) 204-6212 E-mail: rquigley@transtechrail.com Direct-fixation rail fasteners for heavy- and light-rail applications. TransTech- Power Transfer Systems 709 Augusta Arbor Way Piedmont, SC 29673 (864) 299-3870

RT&S Track Buyer’s Guide


Fax: (864) 277-7100 Website: www.transtech.com Providing engineered systems; transit and industrial electrification. Travers Tool Co., Inc. 128-15 26th Ave. Flushing, NY 11354 (718) 886-7200 Fax: (718) 661-5622 Website: www.travers.com Travers Tool provides the best in quality and price for metal working tools and indutrial supplies. We carry a full line of cutting tools, abrasives, safety products and maintenance supplies. Please contact us for our free 1,500-page catalog. TRAX Engineering & Associates, Inc. 2308 N. Cole Rd., Ste. B Boise, ID 83704 (208) 375-5559 Track design. TRC Companies, Inc. 9685 Research Dr. Irvine, CA 92618 (949) 727-9336 Fax: (949) 727-7311 Website: www.trcsolutions.com Consultants. T.T. Technologies, Inc. 2020 E New York St. Aurora, IL 60502 (630) 851-8200 Fax: (630) 851-8299 Website: www.tttechnologies.com Contractor. Tulsa Winch Inc. P.O. Box 1130 Jenks, OK 74037-1130 (918) 298-8300 Fax: (918) 298-8367 Winches; swing drives; speed reducers for railroad maintenance equipment. Tunnel Radio of America, Inc. 6435 NE Hyslop Rd. Corvallis, OR 97330 (541) 758-5637 Fax: (541) 758-1417 Website: www.tunnelradio.com O ff e r i n g t w o - w a y U H F a n d V H F voice and data communications for the rail industry. Do not let a tunnel stop your communications. UMA Group Ltd. 275 – 3001 Wayburne Dr.

Burnaby, BC V5G 4W3 Canada (604) 689-3431 Fax: (604) 685-1035 Website: www.uma.aecom.com Engineering services, project and construction management to the railway industry in North America. United Railroad Materials Co. 2110 Spectra Dr., Ste. 210 Colorado Springs, CO 80904 (800) 397-7349 Fax: (719) 538-1067 Website: www.unitedrailroad.net Relay crossties and switch ties. United Railroad Services Co. 200 W. Hamilton Place Englewood, CO 80110 (303) 791-9031 Fax: (303) 791-9060 Website: www.urrs.net Track construction and maintenance; used rail. United Shortline Insurance Services, Inc. 8265 North Van Dyke Port Austin, MI 48467 (800) 247-2085 or (989) 738-6400 Fax: (989) 738-6557 Website: www.unitedshortline.com Insurance consultants, railroad protective liability, railroad contractors insurance packages and performance bonding. United Steel & Fasteners, Inc. 1500 E Industrial Dr. Itasca, IL 60143 (630) 250-0900 Fax: (630) 250-0220 Website: www.unitedsteelandfasteners.com Rail, bridge, car/locomotive fasteners; all track fasteners; elastic rail fasteners; frog bolts, switch bolts; washers, nuts and pins. ISO certified manufacturer. Unitrac Railroad Materials, Inc. 2715 Byington Solway Dr. Knoxville, TN 37931 (800) 828-3400 or (865) 693-9063 Fax: (865) 693-9162 Website: www.unitracrail.com UNITRAC is a quality-certified company that specializes in the design, manufacture, distribution of railroad materials, services, and trackwork solutions. Focused on full-service supplier solutions, we bring the advanced knowledge, experience and technology needed to offer comprehensive supplier solutions to the rail industry. UNI-


supplier directory TRAC’s team of experienced professionals work to tailor solutions that fit the specification, sourcing and quality needs for track projects. UNITRAC is ISO 9001.2008 & AARM-1003 quality certified. U.S. Rail, Inc. P.O. Box 25392 Greenville, SC 29616-0392 (877) 987-7245 or (864) 288-8478 Fax: (864) 627-8713 Website: www.usrailinc.com Rail; switches; crossings; crossing frogs; spikes; bolts; R-O-W, scrap pick-up and other track material. V3 Companies 7325 Janes Ave. Woodridge, IL 60517 (630) 724-9200 Fax: (630) 724-9202 Website: www.v3co.com Railroad-related engineering studies; design and construction management for civil, structural, track, environmental, public works, signals and communications and railroad safety training. V&H, Inc. Trucks 1505 South Central Ave. Marshfield, WI 54449 (800) 826-2308 or (715) 486-8800 Fax: (715) 387-1600 Website: www.vhtrucks.com Western Star trucks, Rotobec and Prentice cranes, DMF hi-rails, roto dumps, remote drive systems, magnets, nationwide delivery and warranty. Rentals available. See our ad on page 6 Veolia Transportation Maintenance and Infrastructure, Inc. (VTMI) 1400 W. Lambert Rd., Ste. B Brea, CA 92821 (562) 697-1919 Fax: (562) 697-1155 Website: www.transdevna.com/Rail/ Infrastructure-Maintenance.aspx VTMI utilizes a comprehensive approach that covers everything from planning design, construction and construction oversight, to everyday maintenance and repair. Vermeer Corporation 1210 Vermeer Rd. East P.O. Box 200 Pella, IA 50219


(614) 628-3141 Fax: (641) 621-7773 Website: www.vermeer.com Industrial trenchers; compact excavators; compact skid steers; directional boring systems; brush chippers; stump cutters; grinders; agricultural haying equipment. Visionaire, Inc. 1502 109th St. Grand Prairie, TX 75050 (972) 647-1056 Fax: (972) 606-1076 Website: www.visionaire-inc.com Service and equipment: Visionaire, Inc., designs, manufactures and distributes air conditioning, heating and cab pressurization solutions for rail MOW equipment. voestalpine Nortrak 5500 Parkwood Way Richmond, BC V6V 2M4 Canada (604) 273-3030 Fax: (604) 273-8927 Website: www.voestalpine.com/nortrak voestalpine Nortrak manufactures special trackwork & components for all track enviroments from industrial sidings to Class 1 Railroads, Subway Streetcar & Elevated Systems, Heavy Haul to High Speed Rail. We manufacture to individual railroad & transit specifications or design to Project specific needs. We also manufacture Concrete Turnout ties & have foundry facilities with ductile or manganese steel pouring capabilities & a plastics division providing railway related molded parts. Volkmann Railroad Builders Inc. 14625 West Kaul Ave. Menomonee Falls, WI 53051 (800) 999-3050 or (262) 252-3377 Fax: (262) 252-3393 Website: www.volkmannrr.com Contractor. Vortex Truck & Equipment 12268 Lavender Hill Rd. Moundville, AL 35474 (205) 371-4244 or (205) 233-2015 Fax: (205) 371-4246 Website: www.vortextruck.com Specialized truck equipment. Vossloh Fastening Systems America, Corp. 233 South Wacker Dr., Ste. 9730 Chicago, IL 60606 (312) 376-3200 Fax: (312) 376-3252

Website: www.vossloh-north-america.com Vossloh Fastening Systems America, Corp., part of the Vossloh North America group of companies, manufacture highly elastic rail fastening solutions for ballasted concrete ties and slab tracks. The perfect solution for heavy haul freight, Vossloh rail fastening systems are found in some of the most demanding environments in North America which are characterized by steep curves, gradations, and extreme climates. Our advanced solutions for transit rail maximize safety and comfort, with materials that serve to dampen noise and vibration. And, when it comes to high-speed, Vossloh systems have set global standards. Vossloh North America 2815 Coliseum Centre Dr., Ste. 450 Charlotte, NC 28217 (704) 574-7457 Website: www.vossloh-north-america.com Vossloh is at the forefront of rail infrastructure technology, setting global standards for switch and turnout technology, rail fastening systems, and rail life-cycle solutions. Vossloh is committed to serving North American railroads with a group of companies that are industry leaders including Cleveland Track Material, Inc. (Turnouts & Crossings), Vossloh Track Material, Inc. (Rail & Industrial Trackwork), Vossloh Fastening Systems America,Corp. (Rail Fastening Systems), Vossloh Signaling, Inc. (Switch Machines & Switch Control Solutions). These companies manufacture at several locations throughout North America, with our corporate headquarters located in Charlotte, NC. Together, Vossloh North America offers complete, turnkey solutions for every rail infrastructure project from conventional freight to transit rail, and everything in between. When it comes to expertise in rail infrastructure and the passion to innovate, there is just one name you need to know. Vossloh Rail Services 2815 Coliseum Centre Dr., Ste. 450 Charlotte, NC 28217 (216) 641-4000 Website: vossloh-north-america.com Globally, Vossloh provides solutions to extend the life-cycle of rail and turnouts. Rail is widely considered to be one of the railroad’s most valuable assets, extending rail life and avoiding premature rail replacement is key to profitable operations. Vossloh offers comprehensive portfolio of preventative, and corrective rail maintenance

RT&S Track Buyer’s Guide


supplier directory solutions that demonstrably increase the service life of rail and turnouts, including high-speed rail grinding, high-speed city grinding, high performance milling, and specialized maintenance service for turnouts and crossings. Vossloh Signaling, Inc. 12799 Loma Rica Dr. Grass Valley, CA 76661 (530) 272-9545 Website: vossloh-signaling.com Vossloh Signaling, Inc., part of the Vossloh North America group of companies, designs and manufactures switch control solutions that provide increased operational efficiency through a range of cost effective solutions. We offer solutions for automating switching at flat yards and controlling switches in non-signaled, dark territory. These solutions are comprised of product modules that together provide a low cost control solution. Product modules can include the switch machine (Vossloh TS-4500 hydraulic, VSM-24, M-23 replacement), DTMF/ Data Radio control system, communication system, zone occupancy system, and Vossloh RailMaster (TM) yard management software. Vossloh Signaling products, including switch machines, are also offered as individual units. Additionally, Vossloh Signaling, Inc. offers a line of re-manufactured units which include industry standard switch machines and switch circuit controllers that meet, or exceed the OEM specification. Vossloh Track Material, Inc. 110 Corporate Dr. Reading, PA 19605 (800) 554-0554 or (610) 926-5400 Fax: (610) 926-1897 Website: vossloh-track-material.com Vossloh Track Material is a full service distributor of rail and components used in industrial railroads, overhead cranes & runways systems and at mine sites. We maintain a large inventory of rail sections, from A.S.C.E. to heavy crane rail, as well as fasteners, end stops and splice bars, with multiple yard locations in North America.By sourcing rail rolled domestically and internationally, we are able to fulfill complex orders and meet project requirements. In addition, we are capable of special fabrications, custom drilling and bending. Vulcan Materials Company 1200 Urban Center Dr. Birmingham, AL 35242 (205) 298-3088 Fax: (205) 298-2942 Website: www.vulcanmaterials.com

RT&S Track Buyer’s Guide


Is a producer of construction aggregates: primarily crushed stone, sand and gravel used in nearly all forms of construction. Wacker Neuson Corporation N. 92 W. 15000 Anthony Ave. P.O. Box 9007 Menomonee Falls, WI 53052-9007 (800) 770-0957 or (262) 255-0500 Fax: (262) 255-0550 Website: www.wackerneuson.com Wacker Neuson is a global manufacturer of light and compact equipment offering a complete line for of construction equipment for every phase of the construction process. Wacker Neuson offers a complete line of compact equipment, climate control products, concrete technology products, soil and asphalt compaction equipment, demolition products, and pumps, power and light construction equipment. Warwood Tool Co. P.O. Box 6357 164 N. 19th St. Wheeling, WV 26003 (304) 277-1414 Fax: (304) 277-1420 Website: www.warwoodtool.com Track maintenance tools; crow bars; hammers; mauls; sledges; tongs; wrenches; picks; track chisels; punches. Wasatch Railroad Contractors 422 Parsley Blvd. Cheyenne, WY 82007 (307) 778-7458 Website: www.wrrc.us Contractor.

Computerized monitoring and analysis tool for flash-butt welders. Western-Cullen-Hayes, Inc. 2700 W 36th Place Chicago, IL 60632 (773) 254-9600 Fax: (773) 254-1110 Website: www.wch.com Grade crossing signage, signaling equipment, shelters and protection. See our ad on page 10 Western Railroad Builders Corp. P.O. Box 1544 Ogden, UT 84402 (801) 621-5311 Fax: (801) 393-7733 Website: www.westernrailroadbuilders.com Railroad design, construction and maintenance; switching services; short-line operations; production tie gangs; production surfacing gangs. Emergency repairs. West Rail Construction Company P.O. Box 820626 Vancouver, WA 98682 (360) 260-0668 Website: www.westrailconstruction.com Contractor. Western Sling and Supply 5453 N. Peterson Rd. P.O. Box 208 Sedalia, CO 80135 (800) 748-2651 or (303) 688-0978 Fax: (303) 688-5905 Website: www.westernsling.com Fall protection.

Wayne Tool Co. 274 N. Franklin St. P.O. Box 430 Waynesboro, PA 17268 (800) 670-7181 or (717) 762-7181 Fax: (717) 762-7184 Website: www.waynetoolcompany.com Manufacturer of track bits; track bit inserts; rail reamers; car reamers; bridge reamers; punches; regrinding program for bits; annular cutters. Round, hex and threaded shanks available for use with impact sockets.

Western Wire Products Company 770 Sun Park Dr. Fenton, MO 63026 (800) 325-3770 or (636) 305-1100 Fax: (636) 305-1119 Website: www.westernwireprod.com Ribbed steel “S” irons designed specifically to prolong tie and timber life by retarding cracking and splitting. Also used in logging to preserve logs during transportation prior to processing at the sawmill. Available in 4”, 5” and 6” sizes packaged 250 per box.

Weld Management Solutions Inc. 001 Wall St., Unit# 316 Vancouver, BC, V5L 5E4 Canada (604) 251-2461 Fax: (604) 251-2491 Website: www.weldms.com

Wheeler Lumber LLC 12127 Whitewood Service Rd. P.O. Box 8 Whitewood, SD 57793 (800) 843-8304 or (605) 269-2215 Fax: (605) 269-2497


supplier directory Website: www.wheeler-con.com Featuring steel or timber construction, Wheeler bridges meet your project’s engineering and aesthetic requirements. Offering innovative bridges for vehicular and recreational use, Wheeler provides structures of enduring beauty and function. J. F. White Contracting Co. P.O. Box 9020 Framingham, MA 01701 (508) 879-4700 Fax: (617) 558-0460 Website: jfwhite.com Contractor. Whitmore Rail 930 Whitmore Dr. Rockwall, TX 75087 (800) 699-6318 or (972) 771-1000 Fax: (972) 722-2108 Website: www.whitmores.com We continue to set the protection standard for the lubrication and reliability industries in the most adverse conditions and demanding environments. Whitmore is a leading provider of innovative products and services, which increase the reliability, performance and lifespan of industrial assets. We manufacture reliability products, highperformance lubricants, friction modifiers, rail lubrication equipment, lubrication management systems, coatings, sealants and cleaners designed to meet the specific needs of each industry and application. Since 1893, relationships with customers, OEMs and our distributor partners have helped maintain our reputation for quality products, dependable service and attention to customer satisfaction. The Whitmore family of quality products and services are sold worldwide through a service-intensive distribution network committed to technical support and total customer satisfaction. Whitmore is an ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 registered company. See our ad on page 45 Willamette Valley Company WVCO Railroad Division 1075 Arrowsmith St. Eugene, OR 97402 (800) 333-9826 or (541) 484-9621 Fax: (541) 284-2096 Websites: www.wcvorailroad.com or www.wilvaco.com SpikeFast® is a tough, high-performance


spike hole filler that is revolutionizing the railway maintenance industry. SpikeFast anchors spikes with comparable strength to that of unspiked hardwood ties. It can be applied in extreme weather conditions such as pouring rain, high humidity, or freezing temperatures. SpikeFast prolongs tie life, eliminates problems inherent in other dual component spike hole filler products, and helps increase rail maintenance efficiency. SpikeFast is easy to apply and offers an application system to fit every job, from motorized chassis and high-rail truck to handheld, canisters. See our ad on page 17 William G. Moore & Son, Inc. of Delaware 218 Schanck Rd. P.O. Box 6309 Freehold, NJ 07728 (732) 303-6049 Fax: (732) 303-6075 Website: www.moorethanwood.com Suppliers of cross and switch ties and OTM. Domestic and imported. Wilson & Company, Inc., Engineers & Architects 11516 Miracle Hills Dr. Omaha, NE 68154 (402) 896-6100 Website: www.wilsonco.com Contractor. Wirth Rail Corp. 740 Notre Dame West, Ste. 1240 Montreal, QC H3C 3X6, Canada (514) 369-7245 Fax: (514) 482-6392 Website: www.wirthrail.com New prime tee, girder, crane, guard and contact rails. Wirthwein Group 901 Industrial Dr. New Bern, NC 28562 (252) 639-2282 Website: www.wirthwein.de Fasteners. Wiskerchen Truck & Equipment S3130 County Highway F Spencer, WI 54479 (888) 405-0110 or (715) 659-2392 Fax: (715) 659-2559 Website: www.wisktrucks.com Truck & Equipment specializes in the sales,

service, rental and leasing of trucks and truck equipment, specializing in the railroad industry. Through our many combined years of experience, we are committed to delivering quality products, as shown in the products we provide to the railroad industry. These include grapple trucks, rotary dumps, mechanics trucks and pickups. WJ Riegel Rail Solutions, LLC 22 Hamilton, Ln. Glenmont, NY 12077 (518) 767-3027 Fax: (518) 767-3067 Website: www.wjriegel.com New construction, design, maintenance and repairs. Wooster Hydrostatics, Inc. 4570 W. Old Lincoln Way Wooster, OH 44691 (330) 263-6555 Fax: (330) 263-4463 Website: www.woosterhydrostatics.com Wooster Hydrostatics is a hydraulic component remanufacturing facility located in Wooster, Ohio. We specialize in hydraulic repair, hydraulic remanufacturing and technical consulting. Customers worldwide rely on us to be their one-stop shop for all of their hydraulic and hydrostatic needs. They trust us to only use OEM parts and to provide our signature White Box Service. Our ISO 90001 facility and certified staff specializes in servicing units from all manufacturers, including Bosch Rexroth, Hagglunds, Denison, Linde and Kawasaki. Wiskerchen Truck & Equipment S3130 County Hwy. F Spencer, WI 54479 (888) 405-0110 or (715) 659-2392 Fax: (715) 659-2559 Website: www.wisktrucks.com Wiskerchen Truck & Equipment specializes in building all types of hi-rail vehicles. We also provide parts, service and rentals. Yangtze Railroad Materials 500 N. North Point Rd. Baltimore, MD 21237 (855) 889-2648 or (410) 501-5318 Fax: (410) 501-5325 Website: www.yangtzeproducts.com At Yangtze Railroad Materials, we have specialized in supplying high quality fasteners and materials solutions since 1989.

RT&S Track Buyer’s Guide


supplier directory We supply standard and custom made ferrous, nonferrous and special alloy fasteners, as well as offering standard and custom-made castings at competitive prices. Our 110,000 square-foot warehouse space provides ample room to store inventory such as, but not limited to: Compromise and worn out joint bars, high crack resistant joint bars, clips, bolts, hot forged and rolled plates. Kenneth Young & Associates 1066 Florida, Ste. 101 Elk Grove, IL 60007 (847) 524-7137 Fax: (847) 524-5985 Website: www.kenyoungassociates.com Appraisal of railroad real estate and track structures for STB requirements, asset financing or donation/sale agreements. Allocation of purchase price for tax issues. Young’s Environmental Cleanup, Inc. G-5305 North Dort Hwy Flint, MI 48505 (800) 496-8647 Fax: (810) 789-3606

Website: www.youngsenvironmental.com Young’s Environmental Cleanup, Inc. provides environmental remediation, emergency response and industrial cleaning. We operate hi-rail vacuum trucks for track and switch cleaning and track mat installation. ZTR Control Systems 8050 County Rd. 101 East Shakopee, MN 55379 (888) 320-8332 or (952) 233-4340 Fax: (952) 233-4375 Website: www.ztr.com Since 1987, ZTR Control Systems LLC, has been an industry leader in intelligent equipment management solutions for locomotive modernization and equipment monitoring. As locomotive modernization experts, ZTR Control Systems helps railroads gain an additional 15-20 service years out of their locomotives. With thousands of installations worldwide, the ZTR Control Systems innovative locomotive modernization solutions in intelligent starting technologies, con-

trol systems, remote monitoring, and enhanced diagnostics, help improve the performance, reliability and efficiency of aging locomotives. Zachry Engineering Corporation 1121 N. 102nd Ct., Ste. 301 Omaha, NE 68114 (402) 548-4929 Fax: (402) 548-4999 Website: www.zhi.com Detailed design, owner’s engineer on railroad facilities and support operations and construction management. Zurich 7045 College Blvd. Overland Park, KS 66211-1523 (800) 840-8842 Website: www.zurichna.com/automotive Zurich has served franchised dealerships since 1922 by offering a wide range of property and casualty and Finance and Insurance solutions designed specifically to meet the changing risks and profitability needs of the industry.

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or call us at (312) 683-0130.

RT&S Track Buyer’s Guide



annual index

12-Month RT&S Index (July 2015 through June 2016) Key to section abbreviations: (EMG) = Equipment & Materials Guide (f) = Feature (OT) = On Track

General Index 91/Perris Valley Rail Extension Officials dedicate Metrolink’s 91/Perris Valley rail extension, Jan 16, 7 ACS Infrastructure Canada Metrolinx, Infrastructure Ontario select consortium as preferred proponent to develop Eglinton Crosstown project, Jul 15, 5 AECOM AECOM selected to design/build Hyperloop test track, Feb 16, 5 LIRR hired JV for environmental review of expansion project, Apr 16, 6 AECOM awarded seven-year advisory contract to two Canadian LRT projects, May 16, 5 AECON Metrolinx, Infrastructure Ontario select consortium as preferred proponent to develop Eglinton Crosstown project, Jul 15, 5 All Aboard Florida All Aboard Florida names construction manager for rail at Orlando airport, Aug 15, 5 All Aboard Florida Rocla enters long-term supply agreement with two Florida railways, Oct 15, 8 Alstom Signaling, Inc. Metrolinx awarded contract for train control system, Oct 15, 5 Communications and signaling equipment and warning devices, (EMG), Jun 16, 25 Switching to the right track, (f), Nov 15, 26 American Business Research, Inc. American Business Research launched its High Speed Railway Division, Aug 15, 5 American Concrete Products Grade-crossing surfaces, (EMG), Jun 16, 22 Communications and signaling equipment and warning devices, (EMG), Jun 16, 25 American Public Transportation Association (APTA) The big push to the finish has started, Aug 15, 12 APTA: American would ride high-speed rail, Oct 15, 4 American Short Line and Regional Railroad Association (ASLRRA) The big push to the finish has started, Aug 15, 12 American/Enterprise Concrete Products 2016 annual grade-crossing report, (f), Jun 16, 14 Amsted Rail Company, Inc. Progress Rail acquires Amsted RPS, Oct 15, 8 Amsted RPS Focus on fasteners, (f), Jul 15, 17 Amtrak Engineers share views on 2015 trends, (f), Aug 15, 16 WSDOT begins landslide mitigation work; details funds needed to bring state shortlines up to par, Sep 15, 14 Amtrak awards concrete casing contract for Hudson Yards site, Oct 15, 10 New Haven-Springfield stakeholders vow progress plan, Oct 15, 4 DEIS for B&P Tunnel released and ready for public view, Jan 16, 4 Amtrak has PTC system active along all owned right-of-way on NEC, Jan 16, 5 How to stop the earth from moving, (f), Feb 16, 26 Getting Amtrak’s ducks to line up, (OT), May 16, 3 Amtrak 188 probable cause: Human error, Jun 16, 4 Anacostia Rail Holdings L&I, CSX, MassDOT and R.J. Corman all move forward with line deals, Jul 15, 5


(P) = Products/Literature (RD) = TTCI Research & Development (sb) = sidebar Andaldo STS Ansaldo awarded contract for West Side Subway Extension, Feb 16, 5 Ansaldo awarded PTC contract for MBTA, Jan 16, 5 Communications and signaling equipment and warning devices, (EMG), Jun 16, 26 Arbutus Corridor Progress marked on several British Columbia rail projects, Aug 15, 4 Arch Wood Protection, Inc. Crosstie annual update 2015, (f), Oct 15, 20 Archer Western Construction All Aboard Florida names construction manager for rail at Orlando airport, Aug 15, 5 Texas Central enters agreement for engineering work for high-speed train, Nov 15, 5 American Railway Engineering and Maintenance-of-Way Association (AREMA) Year in review: Bowman looks back on the past year as AREMA President, (f), Sep 15, 34 AREMA News On atrophy and recommended practices; Call for papers; Upcoming committee meetings; FYI; Getting to know Richard Zaluski; AREMA Publications; 2016 Scholarship Program; AREMA 2015 Conference highlights, Nov 15, 28 Safety and risk management; Professional development; Upcoming committee meetings; FYI; Getting to know Hal Lewandoski, Jr.; AREMA Publications; Announcement of AREMA Board of Governors 2015 Election; AREMA Committee 9 celebrates 20th anniversary, Jul 15, 36 Giving thanks; Professional development; Upcoming committee meetings; FYI; Getting to know Andrew Scott; Student chapter highlight: Brigham Young University; AREMA Publications; Upcoming AREMA online seminar, Aug 15, 37 All roads lead to…Minneapolis; Professional development; Upcoming committee meetings; FYI; Getting to know Brian Lindamood; AREMA Publications; 2016 Scholarship Program; AREMA 2015 Annual Conference & Exposition Schedule, Sep 15, 51 I want YOU to participate in AREMA; Call for papers; Upcoming committee meetings; FYI; Getting to know Gary Noto; AREMA Publications; 2016 Scholarship Program; Student chapter highlight: UW-Madison, Oct 15, 44 Participation is key; Professional development; Upcoming committee meetings; FYI; Getting to know Gary Gaumer; Student chapter highlight: North Carolina State University; AREMA Publications; Call for nominations, Dec 15, 34 Track inspection and risk; Professional development; Upcoming committee meetings; FYI; Getting to know Glen Smith; CSX hosted Committee 14 Yards and Terminals; AREMA Publications; Call for Nominations, Jan 16, 30 Around this time every year; Professional development; Upcoming committee meetings; FYI; Announcing the “Waterford Fellowship; Student Chapter highlight Concordia University; Getting to know Tomasz Gawronski; AREMA Publications; Dr. William W. Hay Award for Excellence, Feb 16, 30 Keeping safety culture current; AREMA 2016 Manual for Railway Engineering coming soon; Upcoming committee meetings; FYI; Getting to know Beth Caruso; AREMA Publications; Dr. William W. Hay Award for Excellence call for entries, Mar 16, 44 Opportunities; Professional development; Upcoming committee meetings; Committee 15 field trip; FYI; Getting to know David Clark; AREMA Publications; Dr. William W. Hay Award for Excellence call for entries; Past student scholarship winner: Tyler Kuzee; AREMA rail reports, Apr 16, 32 Happy anniversary; Professional development; Upcoming committee meetings; Call for mentors; FYI; Getting to know Keith Holt; AREMA

RT&S Track Buyer’s Guide


annual index

Publications; Dr. William W. Hay Award for Excellence call for entries; Ask John Report: Timber connections in railway bridges, May 16, 32 Finding the right talent; Professional development; upcoming committee meetings; Getting to know Kent Shue; Past scholarship winner, now railroader: Lauren Schroedter; AREMA webinar; Call for mentors; FYI; Ask John Report: Timber cap replacement Part 1 of 2; AREMA Publications, Jun 16, 45 Asplundh Battling brush with smart vegetation management programs, (f), Jan 16, 22 Association of American Railroads (AAR) Strides made to implement PTC, but FRA says fines could still be levied, Jul 15, 4 PTC implementation deadline extended three years to Dec. 31, 2018, Nov 15, 5 Simulation of wheel climb at worn switch points, (RD), Jan 16, 12 Old steel spans for new bridge research at FAST, (RD), Jun 16, 10 Astro-Tek Associates Communications and signaling equipment and warning devices, (EMG), Jun 16, 26 Atlantic Track & Turnout Co. Update 2015: Special trackwork, (f), Jul 15, 24 Axion International Inc. Crosstie annual update 2015, (f), Oct 15, 20 B&P Tunnel DEIS for B&P Tunnel released and ready for public view, Jan 16, 4 Balfour Beatty Infrastructure Inc. Denver RTD awards BBII contract for SE rail extension, Aug 15, 5 Companies selected for JV on two RTD projects, Dec 15, 8 Ballast – See Surfacing Ballast Tools Equipment Semi-annual ballast update - part 2, (f), Aug 15, 23 Maintaining healthy ballast through consistent maintenance and upkeep, (f), Mar 16, 21 Battelle MTA awarded Battelle contract for safety assessment and certification to support CBTC, Oct 15, 5 Bay Area Rapid Transit MerMec to supply track inspection vehicle to BART, May 16, 5 Benjamin Franklin Bridge The success of the Benjamin Franklin Bridge rehab project, (f), Feb 16, 22 Blue Line to Cosumnes River College Charlotte opens CityLYNX Gold; SacRT readies Blue Line extension, Aug 15, 6 SacRT, Valley Metro mark openings of light-rail system extensions, Sep 15, 12 Blythe Development Company NCDOT awards contracts for grade separation project and rail connection, Oct 15, 6 BNSF The regulation, innovation link, (OT), Aug 15, 3 Sioux Falls agrees to buy BNSF rail yard, Aug 15, 4 WSDOT begins landslide mitigation work; details funds needed to bring state shortlines up to par, Sep 15, 14 The news makers of 2015, (OT), Dec 15, 3 The silver lining to 2016, (OT), Jan 16, 3 BNSF helps transport big load, Jan 16, 4 Capex is only a number, (OT), Feb 16, 3 BNSF’s Ice named Railway Age 2016 Railroader of the Year, Feb 16, 4 Revenue service evaluation of a continuous mainline rail turnout, (RD), Feb 16, 12 2016 capital expenditures: Don’t panic, (f), Feb 16, 16 How to stop the earth from moving, (f), Feb 16, 26 BNSF outlines $800M in capital plans for six states, Mar 16, 4 Old steel spans for new bridge research at FAST, (RD), Jun 16, 10 Brandt Road Rail Corporation Materials handling with care and accuracy, (f), Apr 16, 14 Battling brush with smart vegetation management programs, (f), Jan 16, 22 Semi-annual ballast update - part 2, (f), Aug 15, 23 Maintaining healthy ballast through consistent maintenance and upkeep, (f), Mar 16, 21

RT&S Track Buyer’s Guide


Bridges and bridge maintenance The success of the Benjamin Franklin Bridge rehab project, (f), Feb 16, 22 NCDOT awards contracts for grade separation project and rail connection, Oct 15, 6 Pennsylvania commits $36M for 31 rail projects across state, Jun 16, 5 Caltrain readies for two bridge replacement projects, Nov 15, 6 INRD opens new White River Bridge near Elnore, Ind., Sep 15, 6 J.F. White awarded MBTA contract to replace drawbridge, Mar 16, 6 First U.S.-Mexico rail bridge in more than a centure opens, Sep 15, 5 Building a bridge in a box, (f), Sep 15, 28 Partnership preserves Palouse rail lines, (f), Oct 15, 40 Work on new Portageville Bridge begins in Letchworth State Park, Nov 15, 7 The news makers of 2015, (OT), Dec 15, 3 GREX acquires SENSR, Jul 15, 6 RTD to build Colorado’s longest bridge, Sep 15, 12 Old steel spans for new bridge research at FAST, (RD), Jun 16, 10 CSX completes annual safety and maintenance “Jamboree”, Aug 15, 5 Continued evaluation of the effects of heavy-axle-loads at the Facility for Accelerated Service Testing, (RD), Dec 15, 14 WisDOT awards freight rail funds, Feb 16, 4 Bridge condition monitoring using track geometry cars, (RD), Mar 16, 11, Buffalo & Pittsburgh Railroad Inc. Pennsylvania commits $36M for 31 rail projects across state, Jun 16, 5 C.M. Lindsay & Sons Inc. NCDOT awards contracts for grade separation project and rail connection, Oct 15, 6 California High-Speed Rail Authority DragadosnUSA/Flatiron JV awarded California high-speed rail construction contract, Jul 15, 5 Jacobs awarded construction contract for California high-speed project, Aug 15, 6 CHSRA approved rail delivery contract, Aug 15, 7 CHSRA awarded contract for engineering and environmental services of Palmdale to Burbank section, Sep 15, 8 STV awarded CHSRA contract for environmental and engineering docs of Burbank to L.A. and L.A. to Anaheim sections, Sep 15, 10 CHSRA awarded HNTB construction management contract, Nov 15, 5 CHSRA identified best bidder for Construction Package 4, Feb 16, 6 California Rail Builders CHSRA identified best bidder for Construction Package 4, Feb 16, 6 Caltrain Caltrain readies for two bridge replacement projects, Nov 15, 6 Canadian National Interim results of HAZ treated thermite weld performance in revenue service, (RD), Jul 15, 12 Progress marked on several British Columbia rail projects, Aug 15, 4 Engineers share views on 2015 trends, (f), Aug 15, 16 Capex is only a number, (OT), Feb 16, 3 2016 capital expenditures: Don’t panic, (f), Feb 16, 16 Technology investments drive CN’s Safety Innovation Program, Apr 16, 6 Evaluation of thermite welds with treated heat-affected-zone, (RD), May 16, 12 Canadian Pacific Progress marked on several British Columbia rail projects, Aug 15, 4 Engineers share views on 2015 trends, (f), Aug 15, 16 Canadian Pacific, Norfolk Southern complete D&H South sale, Oct 15, 6 Broken heel block assembly led to Banff derailment says TSB, Dec 15, 7 2016 capital expenditures: Don’t panic, (f), Feb 16, 16 Old steel spans for new bridge research at FAST, (RD), Jun 16, 10 Carl Ice BNSF’s Ice named Railway Age 2016 Railroader of the Year, Feb 16, 4 Carolina Southern Railroad L&I, CSX, MassDOT and R.J. Corman all move forward with line deals, Jul 15, 5 R.J. Corman completes Carolina Southern acquisition, Sep 15, 6 Cembre Importance of tools cannot be measured in size, (f), Dec 15, 18 Central Mesa Extension SacRT, Valley Metro mark openings of light-rail system extensions, Sep 15, 12 Light rail rolls in Arizona, (f), Sep 15, 44


annual index

Central Oregon and Pacific Railroad (CORP) Service restored along Siskiyou Rail Line following seven-year hiatus, Dec 15, 5 Central Texas & Colorado River Railway, LLC OmniTRAX, Watco take steps to add properties to shortline holdings, Jun 16, 6 Century Group Inc. 2016 annual grade-crossing report, (f), Jun 16, 14 Grade-crossing surfaces, (EMG), Jun 16, 22 CH2M Metrolinx selected CH2M for transit projects, May 16, 6 Charlotte Area Transit System (CATS) Charlotte opens CityLYNX Gold; SacRT readies Blue Line extension, Aug 15, 6 CATS approved for $180-million TIFIA Loan for LYNX extension, Oct 15, 10 Charlotte Gateway Station Track and Safety Improvements Project Rail projects to benefit from more than $230 million in 2015 TIGER awards, Nov 15, 4 Chemetron Railway Products – See Progress Rail Services Chicago Transit Authority (CTA) CTA plans $30M overhaul of Purple Line Express infrastructure, Aug 15, 8 CTA awarded deisgn contract for signal project, Oct 15, 8 CTA awarded 95th Street Terminal construction contract, Nov 15, 5 CityLYNX Gold Line Charlotte opens CityLYNX Gold; SacRT readies Blue Line extension, Aug 15, 6 Communication – See also Signals and controls Communications and signals Communications and signaling equipment and warning devices, (EMG), Jun 16, 25 Amtrak has PTC system active along all owned right-of-way on NEC, Jan 16, 5 Ansaldo awarded contract for West Side Subway Extension, Feb 16, 5 Ansaldo awarded PTC contract for MBTA, Jan 16, 5 In case of emergency, count on Congress, (OT), Oct 15, 3 SEPTA, CSX work through separation anxiety, (f), Oct 15, 36 PTC doomsday approaching?, (OT), Jul 15, 3 Strides made to implement PTC, but FRA says fines could still be levied, Jul 15, 4 Most railroads to miss PTC deadline, Sep 15, 5 FRA accepting applications for PTC, rail infrastructure safety grants, May 16, 5 Lilee Systems deploys PTC system on third Class 1, Dec 15, 7 MTA awarded Battelle contract for safety assessment and certification to support CBTC, Oct 15, 5 Railroad Day on the Hill 2015, a great event, Jul 15, 9 The news makers of 2015, (OT), Dec 15, 3 Metra selects Parsons to install PTC, Oct 15, 8 PTC implementation deadline extended three years to Dec. 31, 2018, Nov 15, 5 Two rail issues make NTSB’s 2016 “Most Wanted” list, Feb 16, 6 Progress Rail acquired signaling firm, May 16, 6 CTA awarded deisgn contract for signal project, Oct 15, 8 MTA awarded CBTC contract for Queens Blvd Line, Oct 15, 10 SEPTA, CSX separate operations, Sep 15, 13 SEPTA could begin Positive Train Control roll out in February, Feb 16, 5 SEPTA launches PTC implementation on Warminster Regional Rail Line, May 16, 7 NYCT rebuilds the Montague Tubes, (f), Dec 15, 24 Thales partners with Ontario on signal solutions development, May 16, 7 Wabtec to provide PTC equipment for Denver transit line, Dec 15, 8 Wabtec signed contract with Metra for PTC equipment, Jan 16, 7 Wabtec signed NICTD PTC contract, May 16, 7 Wabtec to provide PTC system to TRRA, Jun 16, 7 Wesbell Group acquired Advanced Tower Services, May 16, 7 CSX completes annual safety and maintenance “Jamboree”, Aug 15, 5 Communications-Based Train Control MTA awarded Battelle contract for safety assessment and certification to support CBTC, Oct 15, 5


Commuter rail – See also Passenger services and Light rail Metrolinx awarded contract for train control system, Oct 15, 5 SEPTA, CSX separate operations, Sep 15, 13 Funding, pledge to streamline reviews propel Gateway Program forward, Apr 16, 5 LIRR hired JV for environmental review of expansion project, Apr 16, 6 STV awarded contract for LIRR station work, Jun 16, 6 LACMTA approved contract to design Aviation/96th Station, Sep 15, 6 Metra selects Parsons to install PTC, Oct 15, 8 Wabtec signed contract with Metra for PTC equipment, Jan 16, 7 Officials dedicate Metrolink’s 91/Perris Valley rail extension, Jan 16, 7 Tough trudge for transit funds, (OT), Jun 16, 3 MTA Board approved contract for MTA Police radio system, Aug 15, 5 Feds could finance half of new Hudson tunnel under proposal, Oct 15, 11 SEPTA could begin Positive Train Control roll out in February, Feb 16, 5 Wabtec signed NICTD PTC contract, May 16, 7 Consortium selected as preferred porponent for Maryland Purple Line project, Apr 16, 7 Gov. Hogan strips funds but moves Purple Line forward; stops Red Line, Jul 15, 6 Denver RTD awards BBII contract for SE rail extension, Aug 15, 5 Caltrain readies for two bridge replacement projects, Nov 15, 6 SEPTA, CSX work through separation anxiety, (f), Oct 15, 36 Preparing for winter’s return, (f), Jan 16, 27 J.F. White awarded MBTA contract to replace drawbridge, Mar 16, 6 Metra increases its anticipated 2016 capital program by $64.5M, Apr 16, 7 SEPTA launches PTC implementation on Warminster Regional Rail Line, May 16, 7 Rail transit investment needed, must be spent, Jun 16, 9 Congress In case of emergency, count on Congress, (OT), Oct 15, 3 Contracting – See also Engineering; Track design and construction; National Railroad Construction and Maintenance Association; and specific companies listings Metrolinx, Infrastructure Ontario select consortium as preferred proponent to develop Eglinton Crosstown project, Jul 15, 5 LIRR hired JV for environmental review of expansion project, Apr 16, 6 Semi-annual ballast update - part 2, (f), Aug 15, 23 DragadosnUSA/Flatiron JV awarded California high-speed rail construction contract, Jul 15, 5 STV awarded CHSRA contract for environmental and engineering docs of Burbank to L.A. and L.A. to Anaheim sections, Sep 15, 10 CHSRA awarded HNTB construction management contract, Nov 15, 5 CHSRA identified best bidder for Construction Package 4, Feb 16, 6 Metrolinx selected CH2M for transit projects, May 16, 6 CTA awarded 95th Street Terminal construction contract, Nov 15, 5 Metrolinx Eglinton Crosstown construction contract awarded, Dec 15, 6 Dennis Riggs: 2015 NRC Field Employee fo the Year, (f), May 16, 22 Tutor Perini awarded final contract for East Side Access Project, Feb 16, 7 Eurovia finalized acquisition of Rail Cantech, Mar 16, 4 Safety date and book your trip, Sep 15, 19 Consortium selected as preferred porponent for Maryland Purple Line project, Apr 16, 7 SEPTA, CSX work through separation anxiety, (f), Oct 15, 36 GREX acquires SENSR, Jul 15, 6 Maintaining healthy ballast through consistent maintenance and upkeep, (f), Mar 16, 21 Materials handling with care and accuracy, (f), Apr 16, 14 Hatch Mott MacDonald to separate JV into two companies, Jan 16, 6 HART awards contract for three rail stations, Jul 15, 6 NRC Project of the Year: Port of Long Beach, Pier E, (f), May 16, 24 Jacobs awarded construction contract for California high-speed project, Aug 15, 6 Looking into 2016, budgeting for success, Oct 15, 13 Ansaldo awarded PTC contract for MBTA, Jan 16, 5 J.F. White awarded MBTA contract to replace drawbridge, Mar 16, 6 HDR awarded contract for NYCT station, Jun 16, 5 STV awarded contract for LIRR station work, Jun 16, 6 NRC 2016 recap: CapEx, safety and more, (f), Mar 16, 39

RT&S Track Buyer’s Guide


annual index

State of the NRC: Healthy and growing, (f), May 16, 16 2016 capital expenditures: Don’t panic, (f), Feb 16, 16 The big push to the finish has started, Aug 15, 12 Safety date and book your trip, Sep 16, 19 Happy Thanksgiving, Nov 15, 11 Maintaining momentum into the new year, Dec 15, 11 Happy New Year, 2016, Jan 16, 9 Second generation, Feb 16, 9 Railroad Day on the Hill, then on to the auction, Mar 16, 11 Grassroots events, rail equipment auction, Apr 16, 10 Auction in Little Rock, action in D.C., May 16, 11 Oldcastle; Stacy & Witbeck manufacture prototype “floating” rail for Sound Transit, Aug 15, 7 Who you gonna call?, (OT), Apr 16, 3 CHSRA approved rail delivery contract, Aug 15, 7 The success of the Benjamin Franklin Bridge rehab project, (f), Feb 16, 22 Railroad Construction Company celebrates 90 years, (f), May 16, 28 Refining profile and saving face, (f), Apr 16, 25 RailWorks won GCRTA contract, Sep 15, 6 CTA awarded deisgn contract for signal project, Oct 15, 8 OCTA selected RNL to complete conception design of streetcar stations, May 16, 6 MTA awarded contracts for CBTC installation and CBTC development and testing, Sep 15, 8 SKANSKA awarded NYCT contract for station renewal, Sep 15, 10 Companies selected for JV on two RTD projects, Dec 15, 8 Amtrak awards concrete casing contract for Hudson Yards site, Oct 15, 10 Partnership preserves Palouse rail lines, (f), Oct 15, 40 Railroad Day on the Hill 2015, a great event, NRC Chairman’s Column, Jul 15, 9 Denver RTD awards BBII contract for SE rail extension, Aug 15, 5 NCDOT awards contracts for grade separation project and rail connection, Oct 15, 6 Transed Partners finalized contract with Edmonton for first phase of LRT project, Mar 16, 5 Controls – See Signals and controls Cranes – See Lifting and loading equipment or Track and m/w machinery Crosslinx Transit Solutions Metrolinx, Infrastructure Ontario select consortium as preferred proponent to develop Eglinton Crosstown project, Jul 15, 5 Metrolinx Eglinton Crosstown construction contract awarded, Dec 15, 6 Crossties and tie maintenance 2016 capital expenditures: Don’t panic, (f), Feb 16, 16 L&I, CSX, MassDOT and R.J. Corman all move forward with line deals, Jul 15, 5 Tie and fastener system gauge restraint performance at FAST, (RD), Apr 16, 11 Rocla enters long-term supply agreement with two Florida railways, Oct 15, 8 Tie inspection system, (P), Nov 15, 35 KCS Shreveport Terminal Sub to see tie and crossing replacement in March, Mar 16, 7 Tie crane, (P), Jan 16, 35 Crosstie annual update 2015, (f), Oct 15, 20 Rocla acquires KSA, Aug 15, 8 Rocla opened Ft. Pierce, Fla., facility, Apr 16, 7 CSX completes annual safety and maintenance “Jamboree”, Aug 15, 5 CTA plans $30M overhaul of Purple Line Express infrastructure, Aug 15, 8 Canadian Pacific, Norfolk Southern complete D&H South sale, Oct 15, 6 Service restored along Siskiyou Rail Line following seven-year hiatus, Dec 15, 5 Continued evaluation of the effects of heavy-axle-loads at the Facility for Accelerated Service Testing, (RD), Dec 15, 14 Union Pacific details capital plans for 10 state programs, Jun 16, 4 WMATA’s final SafeTrack plant to tackle safety, maintenance holes, Jun 16, 7 Crown Steel Rail Co. Fillers and fasteners, (EMG), Jun 16, 30 CSX PTC doomsday approaching?, (OT), Jul 15, 3

RT&S Track Buyer’s Guide


L&I, CSX, MassDOT and R.J. Corman all move forward with line deals, Jul 15, 5 CSX completes annual safety and maintenance “Jamboree”, Aug 15, 5 SEPTA, CSX separate operations, Sep 15, 13 SEPTA, CSX work through separation anxiety, (f), Oct 15, 36 CSX kicks off construction on Pittsburgh intermodal rail terminal, Jan 16, 4 CSX, NS plan to consolidate operating division to boost efficiencies, Feb 16, 4 CSX eyes Johnston County, N.C., for intermodal terminal, Feb 16, 7 2016 capital expenditures: Don’t panic, (f), Feb 16, 16 Example of true partnership, (OT), Mar 16, 3 South Wind could bring gales of success, (f), Mar 16, 34 Pennsylvania commits $36M for 31 rail projects across state, Jun 16, 5 Protran to supply COMPASS™ systems to CSX, Jun 16, 5 CTC, Inc. Communications and signaling equipment and warning devices, (EMG), Jun 16, 26 Custom Truck and Equipment Materials handling with care and accuracy, (f), Apr 16, 14 CXT, Inc. Crosstie annual update 2015, (f), Oct 15, 20 D.A.S. Rail Enterprises Track indicator, (P), Feb 16, 36 Dallas to Houston Constructors Texas Central enters agreement for engineering work for high-speed train, Nov 15, 5 Dennis Riggs Dennis Riggs: 2015 NRC Field Employee fo the Year, (f), May 16, 22 Dow AgroSciences LLC Battling brush with smart vegetation management programs, (f), Jan 16, 22 Dragados USA DragadosnUSA/Flatiron JV awarded California high-speed rail construction contract, Jul 15, 5 Dymax Inc. Maintaining healthy ballast through consistent maintenance and upkeep, (f), Mar 16, 21 East Side Access Project Tutor Perini awarded final contract for East Side Access Project, Feb 16, 7 Eddy Current Measurement System Trials of a RCF measurement system in revenue service, (RD), Sep 15, 22 Education and training Safety date and book your trip, Sep 15, 19 Happy Thanksgiving, Nov 15, 11 New UIUC lab to focus on advancing rail technologies, Sep 15, 13 Eglinton Crosstown Light Rail Metrolinx, Infrastructure Ontario select consortium as preferred proponent to develop Eglinton Crosstown project, Jul 15, 5 Metrolinx Eglinton Crosstown construction contract awarded, Dec 15, 6 Ellisdon Metrolinx, Infrastructure Ontario select consortium as preferred proponent to develop Eglinton Crosstown project, Jul 15, 5 Encore Rail Systems, Inc. Crosstie annual update 2015, (f), Oct 15, 20 Energy Absorption Systems Communications and signaling equipment and warning devices, (EMG), Jun 16, 26 Engineering – See also Maintenance-of-way; Track design and construction; American Engineering and Maintenance-of-Way Association; and specific companies AECOM selected to design/build Hyperloop test track, Feb 16, 5 Metrolinx, Infrastructure Ontario select consortium as preferred proponent to develop Eglinton Crosstown project, Jul 15, 5 How to stop the earth from moving, (f), Feb 16, 26 Texas Central enters agreement for engineering work for high-speed train, Nov 15, 5 WSDOT begins landslide mitigation work; details funds needed to bring state shortlines up to par, Sep 15, 14 Engineers share views on 2015 trends, (f), Aug 15, 16 LIRR hired JV for environmental review of expansion project, Apr 16, 6 OCTA selected HNTB to design streetcar project, Oct 15, 6


annual index

CHSRA awarded contract for engineering and environmental services of Palmdale to Burbank section, Sep 15, 8 SNC-Lavalin realigned business to integrate rail and transit, Dec 15, 7 STV awarded CHSRA contract for environmental and engineering docs of Burbank to L.A. and L.A. to Anaheim sections, Sep 15, 10 MTA awarded contracts for CBTC installation and CBTC development and testing, Sep 15, 8 HDR awarded contract for NYCT station, Jun 16, 5 Building a bridge in a box, (f), Sep 15, 28 ENSCO Inc. ENSCO to supply track geometry vehicle to Metro-North, Jun 16, 5 Ergodyne Work gloves, (P), May 16, 40 Kneeling pad, (P), Jun 16, 52 ESCO Equipment Service Co. Grade-crossing surfaces, (EMG), Jun 16, 22 Communications and signaling equipment and warning devices, (EMG), Jun 16, 26 Eurovia Eurovia finalized acquisition of Rail Cantech, Mar 16, 4 Exide Technologies Communications and signaling equipment and warning devices, (EMG), Jun 16, 26 FAB-RA-CAST® Fillers and fasteners, (EMG), Jun 16, 30 Fabricated Metals LLC Housings, foundations, (EMG), Jun 16, 32 Facility for Accelerated Service Testing (FAST)–See also Transportation Technology Center, Inc. Interim results of HAZ treated thermite weld performance in revenue service, (RD), Jul 15, 12 Ballast degradation test at FAST, (RD), Aug 15, 13 Development and evaluation of a steering switch under heavy-axle-loads at FAST, (RD), Nov 15, 14 Continued evaluation of the effects of heavy-axle-loads at the Facility for Accelerated Service Testing, (RD), Dec 15, 14 Tie and fastener system gauge restraint performance at FAST, (RD), Apr 16, 11 Old steel spans for new bridge research at FAST, (RD), Jun 16, 10 Fasteners Focus on fasteners, (f), Jul 15, 17 Fastener system, (P), Sep 15, 66 Progress Rail acquires Amsted RPS, Oct 15, 8 Continued evaluation of the effects of heavy-axle-loads at the Facility for Accelerated Service Testing, (RD), Dec 15, 14 Tie and fastener system gauge restraint performance at FAST, (RD), Apr 16, 11 FasTracks Program RTD to build Colorado’s longest bridge, Sep 15, 12 Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) PTC doomsday approaching?, (OT), Jul 15, 3 Strides made to implement PTC, but FRA says fines could still be levied, Jul 15, 4 Google to integrate crossing data into maps, Jul 15, 8 The big push to the finish has started, Aug 15, 12 Most railroads to miss PTC deadline, Sep 15, 5 New UIUC lab to focus on advancing rail technologies, Sep 15, 13 Safety date and book your trip, Sep 15, 19 FRA funds available to improve crossings, track along energy routes, Oct 15, 5 Finding a better way, (f), Nov 15, 21 Maryland SCMaglev project receives franchise approval; federal grant, Dec 15, 8 DEIS for B&P Tunnel released and ready for public view, Jan 16, 4 Omnibus bill extends shortline tax credit; funds TIGER grants, Jan 16, 6 FRA takes steps to enhance grade-crossing safety, Mar 16, 7 FRA names 15 dicey crossings, May 16, 4 FRA accepting applications for PTC, rail infrastructure safety grants, May 16, 5


Federal Transit Administration (FTA) FTA proposes rule to establish new safety program, Sep 15, 10 CATS approved for $180-million TIFIA Loan for LYNX extension, Oct 15, 10 Omnibus bill extends shortline tax credit; funds TIGER grants, Jan 16, 6 Officials dedicate Metrolink’s 91/Perris Valley rail extension, Jan 16, 7 WMATA’s final SafeTrack plant to tackle safety, maintenance holes, Jun 16, 7 Ferrovial Agroman US Corp. Texas Central enters agreement for engineering work for high-speed train, Nov 15, 5 FITE Corp. Grade-crossing surfaces, (EMG), Jun 16, 23 Fixing America’s Surface Transportation (FAST) Act Happy New Year, 2016, NRC Chairman’s Column, Jan 16, 9 Flash-butt welding Extending weld life, (f), Jul 15, 30 Testing of electric flash-butt railhead repair welds under heavy-axle-load traffic at FAST, (RD), Oct 15, 16 Flatiron DragadosnUSA/Flatiron JV awarded California high-speed rail construction contract, Jul 15, 5 Florida East Coast Railway Rocla enters long-term supply agreement with two Florida railways, Oct 15, 8 Rail serves as critical element in two completed port projects on either coast, Oct 15, 4 Fluor Enterprises Inc. Consortium selected as preferred porponent for Maryland Purple Line project, Apr 16, 7 Foothill Gold Line Construction Authority TriMet; Foothill Gold Line LRT projects mark major milestones, Oct 15, 8 FRA Part 243 Minimum Training Standards Safety date and book your trip, Sep 15, 19 Happy Thanksgiving, Nov 15, 11 Framingham Secondary Rail Line L&I, CSX, MassDOT and R.J. Corman all move forward with line deals, Jul 15, 5 Friction management/modification Optimizing friction management, (f), Jun 16, 38 Synthetic lubricant, (P), Jul 15, 44 Switch lubricant, (P), Sep 15, 67 Frogs – See Trackwork Gage Bilt Inc. Importance of tools cannot be measured in size, (f), Dec 15, 18 Gannett Fleming SEPTA, CSX work through separation anxiety, (f), Oct 15, 36 LIRR hired JV for environmental review of expansion project, Apr 16, 6 Gateway Program Funding, pledge to streamline reviews propel Gateway Program forward, Apr 16, 5 GE Transportation GE to power Tampa airport people mover, Mar 16, 4 GE Transportation Digital Solutions to be based in Chicago, May 16, 6 Communications and signaling equipment and warning devices, (EMG), Jun 16, 27 General Signals, Inc. Communications and signaling equipment and warning devices, (EMG), Jun 16, 27 Genesee & Wyoming Living the safety culture, (f), Dec 15, 30 GWI reduces 2016 capital plan by nearly 30 percent, Mar 16, 5 Genesis Technologies Inc. Communications and signaling equipment and warning devices, (EMG), Jun 16, 26 Geogrids – See Surfacing Georgetown Rail Equipment Company GREX acquires SENSR, Jul 15, 6 Semi-annual ballast update - part 2, (f), Aug 15, 23 Tie inspection system, (P), Nov 15, 35

RT&S Track Buyer’s Guide


annual index

Maintaining healthy ballast through consistent maintenance and upkeep, (f), Mar 16, 21 Who you gonna call?, (OT), Apr 16, 3 Materials handling with care and accuracy, (f), Apr 16, 14 GIC Crosstie annual update 2015, (f), Oct 15, 20 GKI Cutting Tools Fillers and fasteners, (EMG), Jun 16, 30 Global Container Terminals Canada GCT Starts Deltaport project; approved for ExpressRail facility, Nov 15, 8 Global Trans Park G&O, R&N to add new operations in North Carolina nad Pennsylvania, Dec 15, 6 Google Google to integrate crossing data into maps, Jul 15, 8 Finding a better way, (f), Nov 15, 21 Gov. Larry Hogan Gov. Hogan strips funds but moves Purple Line forward; stops Red Line, Jul 15, 6 Gradall Industries, Inc. Machine attachments, (P), Oct 15, 52 Gradall enters agreement to include Kinshofer attachments on machines, Dec 15, 6 Grade crossings Grade-crossing surfaces, (EMG), Jun 16, 22 2016 annual grade-crossing report, (f), Jun 16, 14 FRA funds available to improve crossings, track along energy routes, Oct 15, 5 FRA names 15 dicey crossings, May 16, 4 Google to integrate crossing data into maps, Jul 15, 8 KCS Shreveport Terminal Sub to see tie and crossing replacement in March, Mar 16, 7 Finding a better way, (f), Nov 15, 21 WisDOT awards freight rail funds, Feb 16, 4 FRA takes steps to enhance grade-crossing safety, Mar 16, 7 Graham Contracting Companies selected for JV on two RTD projects, Dec 15, 8 Greater Cleveland Regional Transit Authority (GCRTA) RailWorks won GCRTA contract, Sep 15, 6 Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area Metrolinx awarded contract for train control system, Oct 15, 5 GREX – See Georgetown Rail Equipment Company Grinding – See Rail maintenance Gross & Janes Corp. Crosstie annual update 2015, (f), Oct 15, 20 Gruen Association LACMTA approved contract to design Aviation/96th Station, Sep 15, 6 GT Hill Planners Corp. VHB acquired GT Hill Planners Corp., Jan 16, 7 Gulf & Ohio Railways, Inc. G&O, R&N to add new operations in North Carolina nad Pennsylvania, Dec 15, 6 Hanson Professional Services Inc. Hanson awarded exemption from FAA for UAV use, Jan 16, 5 Harris Corporation of Rochester MTA Board approved contract for MTA Police radio system, Aug 15, 5 Harsco Rail Semi-annual ballast update - part 2, (f), Aug 15, 23 Anchor adjuster, (P), Dec 15, 40 Harsco Rail wins two separate transit contracts, Apr 16, 6 Refining profile and saving face, (f), Apr 16, 25 Harsco Rail awarded multi-year Network Rail contract, May 16, 5 Hatch Hatch Mott MacDonald to separate JV into two companies, Jan 16, 6 Hatch Mott MacDonald Hatch Mott MacDonald to separate JV into two companies, Jan 16, 6 Hawaiian Dredging Construction Company HART awards contract for three rail stations, Jul 15, 6 HDR Architecture and Engineering, PC HDR awarded contract for NYCT station, Jun 16, 5

RT&S Track Buyer’s Guide


Head defect repair (HDR) Testing of electric flash-butt railhead repair welds under heavy-axle-load traffic at FAST, (RD), Oct 15, 16 Heart of Texas Railroad OmniTRAX, Watco take steps to add properties to shortline holdings, Jun 16, 6 Heat-Affected-Zone (HAZ) Interim results of HAZ treated thermite weld performance in revenue service, (RD), Jul 15, 12 Evaluation of thermite welds with treated heat-affected-zone, (RD), May 16, 12 Heavy haul BNSF’s Ice named Railway Age 2016 Railroader of the Year, Feb 16, 4 Interim results of HAZ treated thermite weld performance in revenue service, (RD), Jul 15, 12 Canadian Pacific, Norfolk Southern complete D&H South sale, Oct 15, 6 Protran to supply COMPASS™ systems to CSX, Jun 16, 5 Continued evaluation of the effects of heavy-axle-loads at the Facility for Accelerated Service Testing, (RD), Dec 15, 14 Testing of electric flash-butt railhead repair welds under heavy-axle-load traffic at FAST, (RD), Oct 15, 16 South Wind could bring gales of success, (f), Mar 16, 34 Work on new Portageville Bridge begins in Letchworth State Park, Nov 15, 7 Revenue service evaluation of a continuous mainline rail turnout, (RD), Feb 16, 12 Trials of a RCF measurement system in revenue service, (RD), Sep 15, 22 The regulation, innovation link, (OT), Aug 15, 3 Finding a better way, (f), Nov 15, 21 How to stop the earth from moving, (f), Feb 16, 26 First U.S.-Mexico rail bridge in more than a centure opens, Sep 15, 5 SEPTA, CSX work through separation anxiety, (f), Oct 15, 36 KCS bolsters its intermodal WIT, (f), Aug 15, 34 Herbicides – See Vegetation control Herzog Contracting Corp. NRC Project of the Year: Port of Long Beach, Pier E, (f), May 16, 24 Herzog Railroad Services, Inc. (HRSI) Semi-annual ballast update - part 2, (f), Aug 15, 23 Aggregate delivery system, (P), Dec 15, 40 Maintaining healthy ballast through consistent maintenance and upkeep, (f), Mar 16, 21 Materials handling with care and accuracy, (f), Apr 16, 14 Herzog Services, Inc. Ideal rail health, (f), Jan 16, 15 High Tonnage Loop (HTL) Ballast degradation test at FAST, (RD), Aug 15, 13 Trials of a RCF measurement system in revenue service, (RD), Sep 15, 22 High-speed rail WSDOT begins landslide mitigation work; details funds needed to bring state shortlines up to par, Sep 15, 14 KCS Shreveport Terminal Sub to see tie and crossing replacement in March, Mar 16, 7 American Business Research launched its High Speed Railway Division, Aug 15, 5 APTA: American would ride high-speed rail, Oct 15, 4 New Haven-Springfield stakeholders vow progress plan, Oct 15, 4 Jacobs awarded construction contract for California high-speed project, Aug 15, 6 CHSRA awarded contract for engineering and environmental services of Palmdale to Burbank section, Sep 15, 8 CHSRA identified best bidder for Construction Package 4, Feb 16, 6 DragadosnUSA/Flatiron JV awarded California high-speed rail construction contract, Jul 15, 5 CHSRA awarded HNTB construction management contract, Nov 15, 5 Private entity to study Minnesota HSR, Feb 16, 8 CHSRA approved rail delivery contract, Aug 15, 7 Amtrak has PTC system active along all owned right-of-way on NEC, Jan 16, 5 Texas Central enters agreement for engineering work for high-speed train, Nov 15, 5


annual index

STV awarded CHSRA contract for environmental and engineering docs of Burbank to L.A. and L.A. to Anaheim sections, Sep 15, 10 HiRAIL Corporation 2016 annual grade-crossing report, (f), Jun 16, 14 Grade-crossing surfaces, (EMG), Jun 16, 23 Fillers and fasteners, (EMG), Jun 16, 30 HNTB Corporation OCTA selected HNTB to design streetcar project, Oct 15, 6 SEPTA, CSX work through separation anxiety, (f), Oct 15, 36 CHSRA awarded HNTB construction management contract, Nov 15, 5 Holland LP Holland received TTC Excellent Supplier designation, Jul 15, 6 Extending weld life, (f), Jul 15, 30 Testing of electric flash-butt railhead repair welds under heavy-axle-load traffic at FAST, (RD), Oct 15, 16 Honolulu Authority for Rapid Transit (HART) HART awards contract for three rail stations, Jul 15, 6 HART awards contract for three rail stations in West Oahu, Aug 15, 6 Hougen Manufacturing Inc. Importance of tools cannot be measured in size, (f), Dec 15, 18 Hudson Tunnel Project Funding, pledge to streamline reviews propel Gateway Program forward, Apr 16, 5 Hudson Yards Amtrak awards concrete casing contract for Hudson Yards site, Oct 15, 10 Hurontario Light Rail Transit AECOM awarded seven-year advisory contract to two Canadian LRT projects, May 16, 5 Hyperloop AECOM selected to design/build Hyperloop test track, Feb 16, 5 Indiana Department of Transportation INRD opens new White River Bridge near Elnore, Ind., Sep 15, 6 Indiana Rail Road (INRD) INRD opens new White River Bridge near Elnore, Ind., Sep 15, 6 Industry-Railway Suppliers, Inc. Grade-crossing surfaces, (EMG), Jun 16, 23 Infrastructure Ontario Metrolinx, Infrastructure Ontario select consortium as preferred proponent to develop Eglinton Crosstown project, Jul 15, 5 Inspired Systems Pty Ltd Progress Rail acquired signaling firm, May 16, 6 IntegriCo Composites Crosstie annual update 2015, (f), Oct 15, 20 Intermodal – See also Yards and terminals BNSF helps transport big load, Jan 16, 4 Rail projects to benefit from more than $230 million in 2015 TIGER awards, Nov 15, 4 CSX kicks off construction on Pittsburgh intermodal rail terminal, Jan 16, 4 CSX eyes Johnston County, N.C., for intermodal terminal, Feb 16, 7 Rail serves as critical element in two completed port projects on either coast, Oct 15, 4 G&O, R&N to add new operations in North Carolina nad Pennsylvania, Dec 15, 6 KCS bolsters its intermodal WIT, (f), Aug 15, 34 Palmetto Railways proposes 10-mile line; DEIS issued for Navy Base ICTF, May 16, 4 First U.S.-Mexico rail bridge in more than a centure opens, Sep 15, 5 International Track Systems, Inc. Fillers and fasteners, (EMG), Jun 16, 31 Iowa Pacific Holdings IPH selected RailComm’s dispatch system to operate at six locations, Sep 15, 6 Iron Bridge Constructors The success of the Benjamin Franklin Bridge rehab project, (f), Feb 16, 22 Island Corridor Foundation Progress marked on several British Columbia rail projects, Aug 15, 4 J.F. White Contracting Company J.F. White awarded MBTA contract to replace drawbridge, Mar 16, 6 Jacobs Engineering Group Inc.


Jacobs awarded construction contract for California high-speed project, Aug 15, 6 Jerome Marullo Marullo joins Simmons-Boardman Rail Group sales team, Jul 15, 4 Kanawha River Railroad OmniTRAX, Watco take steps to add properties to shortline holdings, Jun 16, 6 Kansas City Southern Engineers share views on 2015 trends, (f), Aug 15, 16 KCS bolsters its intermodal WIT, (f), Aug 15, 34 2016 capital expenditures: Don’t panic, (f), Feb 16, 16 KCS Shreveport Terminal Sub to see tie and crossing replacement in March, Mar 16, 7 Kinder Morgan RailComm completed new switch cutover; installed its yard control system; completed installtion of a shove track protection system and completed negotiations with Kinder Morgan for a SaaS contract, Aug 15, 7 Kinney County Railport UP opens Texas railport, Dec 15, 5 Kinshofer Crane and Excavator Attachments Gradall enters agreement to include Kinshofer attachments on machines, Dec 15, 6 Knox Kershaw Inc. Maintaining healthy ballast through consistent maintenance and upkeep, (f), Mar 16, 21 Semi-annual ballast update - part 2, (f), Aug 15, 23 Koppers Inc. Rocla acquires KSA, Aug 15, 8 Crosstie annual update 2015, (f), Oct 15, 20 2016 annual grade-crossing report, (f), Jun 16, 14 Grade-crossing surfaces, (EMG), Jun 16, 23 Koppers Railroad Structures Partnership preserves Palouse rail lines, (f), Oct 15, 40 KSA Limited Partnership Rocla acquires KSA, Aug 15, 8 KYOCERA Solar, Inc. Communications and signaling equipment and warning devices, (EMG), Jun 16, 27 L.B. Foster Company Focus on fasteners, (f), Jul 15, 17 Looking into 2016, budgeting for success, Oct 15, 13 Crosstie annual update 2015, (f), Oct 15, 20 Steel Dynamics distributes millionth ton of rail, Dec 15, 7 Ideal rail health, (f), Jan 16, 15 Communications and signaling equipment and warning devices, (EMG), Jun 16, 26 Optimizing friction management, (f), Jun 16, 38 Landoll Trailer line, (P), Aug 15, 44 Larson Electronics Explosion proof LED light fixture, (P), Jul 15, 44 Leach International Corp. Communications and signaling equipment and warning devices, (EMG), Jun 16, 27 LeHigh Hanson Inc. Rocla acquires KSA, Aug 15, 8 Leigh Fisher CHSRA approved rail delivery contract, Aug 15, 7 Lewis Bolt & Nut Co. Fillers and fasteners, (EMG), Jun 16, 31 Focus on fasteners, (f), Jul 15, 17 LGS Innovations LGS completes cyber security assessment, Mar 16, 4 Lifting and loading equipment Materials handling with care and accuracy, (f), Apr 16, 14 Battling brush with smart vegetation management programs, (f), Jan 16, 22 Semi-annual ballast update - part 2, (f), Aug 15, 23 Gradall enters agreement to include Kinshofer attachments on machines, Dec 15, 6

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Utility One Source acquired trailer provider, Mar 16, 6 KCS bolsters its intermodal WIT, (f), Aug 15, 34 Light rail AECOM awarded seven-year advisory contract to two Canadian LRT projects, May 16, 5 Companies selected for JV on two RTD projects, Dec 15, 8 CATS approved for $180-million TIFIA Loan for LYNX extension, Oct 15, 10 Charlotte opens CityLYNX Gold; SacRT readies Blue Line extension, Aug 15, 6 Metrolinx, Infrastructure Ontario select consortium as preferred proponent to develop Eglinton Crosstown project, Jul 15, 5 The measured approach to transit expansion, (f), Jun 16, 42 MerMec to supply track inspection vehicle to BART, May 16, 5 Metrolinx Eglinton Crosstown construction contract awarded, Dec 15, 6 Ottawa’s Stage 2 LRT gets big federal funding commitment, Aug 15, 7 Gov. Hogan strips funds but moves Purple Line forward; stops Red Line, Jul 15, 6 RTD to build Colorado’s longest bridge, Sep 15, 12 SacRT, Valley Metro mark openings of light-rail system extensions, Sep 15, 12 Tough trudge for transit funds, (OT), Jun 16, 3 Finding a better way, (f), Nov 15, 21 Transed Partners selected to deliver Valley Line LRT, Dec 15, 8 Transed Partners finalized contract with Edmonton for first phase of LRT project, Mar 16, 5 TriMet; Foothill Gold Line LRT projects mark major milestones, Oct 15, 8 Light rail rolls in Arizona, (f), Sep 15, 44 Rail transit investment needed, must be spent, Jun 16, 9 Lilee Systems Lilee Systems deploys PTC system on third Class 1, Dec 15, 7 Lincoln Electric Company Welders, (P), Apr 16, 40 Extending weld life, (f), Jul 15, 30 Long Island Rail Road (LIRR) LIRR hired JV for environmental review of expansion project, Apr 16, 6 STV awarded contract for LIRR station work, Jun 16, 6 Loram Maintenance of Way, Inc. Semi-annual ballast update - part 2, (f), Aug 15, 23 Materials handling with care and accuracy, (f), Apr 16, 14 Refining profile and saving face, (f), Apr 16, 25 Optimizing friction management, (f), Jun 16, 38 Maintaining healthy ballast through consistent maintenance and upkeep, (f), Mar 16, 21 Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority (LACMTA) LACMTA approved contract to design Aviation/96th Station, Sep 15, 6 Ansaldo awarded contract for West Side Subway Extension, Feb 16, 5 Tough trudge for transit funds, (OT), Jun 16, 3 The measured approach to transit expansion, (f), Jun 16, 42 Louisville & Indiana Railroad L&I, CSX, MassDOT and R.J. Corman all move forward with line deals, Jul 15, 5 Example of true partnership, (OT), Mar 16, 3 South Wind could bring gales of success, (f), Mar 16, 34 LT Resources, Inc. 2016 annual grade-crossing report, (f), Jun 16, 14 Grade-crossing surfaces, (EMG), Jun 16, 23 LYNX Blue Line CATS approved for $180-million TIFIA Loan for LYNX extension, Oct 15, 10 Magnum Manufacturing Corp. Grade-crossing surfaces, (EMG), Jun 16, 23 Fillers and fasteners, (EMG), Jun 16, 31 Maintenance-of-way – See also Track maintenance; Rail maintenance; Crossties and tie maintenace; Surfacing and surfacing maintenance; Track and m/w machinery and equipment L&I, CSX, MassDOT and R.J. Corman all move forward with line deals, Jul 15, 5 Capex is only a number, (OT), Feb 16, 3 2016 capital expenditures: Don’t panic, (f), Feb 16, 16 BNSF outlines $800M in capital plans for six states, Mar 16, 4

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Progress marked on several British Columbia rail projects, Aug 15, 4 Service restored along Siskiyou Rail Line following seven-year hiatus, Dec 15, 5 CSX completes annual safety and maintenance “Jamboree”, Aug 15, 5 Example of true partnership, (OT), Mar 16, 3 Maintaining healthy ballast through consistent maintenance and upkeep, (f), Mar 16, 21 Extending weld life, (f), Jul 15, 30 Semi-annual ballast update - part 2, (f), Aug 15, 23 Trials of a RCF measurement system in revenue service, (RD), Sep 15, 22 Engineers share views on 2015 trends, (f), Aug 15, 16 Focus on fasteners, (f), Jul 15, 17 Metra increases its anticipated 2016 capital program by $64.5M, Apr 16, 7 Battling brush with smart vegetation management programs, (f), Jan 16, 22 G&O, R&N to add new operations in North Carolina nad Pennsylvania, Dec 15, 6 GREX acquires SENSR, Jul 15, 6 Interim results of HAZ treated thermite weld performance in revenue service, (RD), Jul 15, 12 The news makers of 2015, (OT), Dec 15, 3 Evaluation of thermite welds with treated heat-affected-zone, (RD), May 16, 12 Union Pacific details capital plans for 10 state programs, Jun 16, 4 Canadian Pacific, Norfolk Southern complete D&H South sale, Oct 15, 6 Anchor adjuster, (P), Dec 15, 40 The silver lining to 2016, (OT), Jan 16, 3 Simulation of wheel climb at worn switch points, (RD), Jan 16, 12 Preparing for winter’s return, (f), Jan 16, 27 GWI reduces 2016 capital plan by nearly 30 percent, Mar 16, 5 South Wind could bring gales of success, (f), Mar 16, 34 Technology investments drive CN’s Safety Innovation Program, Apr 16, 6 Various cost-effective maintenance practices for conventional track structures, (f), Apr 16, 29 Manitex International Utility One Source acquired trailer provider, Mar 16, 6 MAP-21 – See Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century Act Maryland Department of Transportation Consortium selected as preferred porponent for Maryland Purple Line project, Apr 16, 7 Maryland Transit Administration Consortium selected as preferred porponent for Maryland Purple Line project, Apr 16, 7 Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority Ansaldo awarded PTC contract for MBTA, Jan 16, 5 Preparing for winter’s return, (f), Jan 16, 27 J.F. White awarded MBTA contract to replace drawbridge, Mar 16, 6 Massachusetts Department of Transportation L&I, CSX, MassDOT and R.J. Corman all move forward with line deals, Jul 15, 5 MassDOT – See Massachusetts Department of Transportation Material handling Materials handling with care and accuracy, (f), Apr 16, 14 Gradall enters agreement to include Kinshofer attachments on machines, Dec 15, 6 Trailer line, (P), Aug 15, 44 Utility One Source acquired trailer provider, Mar 16, 6 Rail crane, (P), Jan 16, 35 MAX Orange Line TriMet; Foothill Gold Line LRT projects mark major milestones, Oct 15, 8 Meridiam Infrastructure Purple Line, LLC Consortium selected as preferred porponent for Maryland Purple Line project, Apr 16, 7 MerMec MerMec to supply track inspection vehicle to BART, May 16, 5 Metra Metra selects Parsons to install PTC, Oct 15, 8 Wabtec signed contract with Metra for PTC equipment, Jan 16, 7 Metra increases its anticipated 2016 capital program by $64.5M, Apr 16, 7 Metro-North Railroad


annual index

ENSCO to supply track geometry vehicle to Metro-North, Jun 16, 5 Metrolink Officials dedicate Metrolink’s 91/Perris Valley rail extension, Jan 16, 7 Metrolinx Metrolinx, Infrastructure Ontario select consortium as preferred proponent to develop Eglinton Crosstown project, Jul 15, 5 Metrolinx awarded contract for train control system, Oct 15, 5 Metrolinx awards contract to support modernization of Regional Express Rail, Nov 15, 6 Metrolinx Eglinton Crosstown construction contract awarded, Dec 15, 6 AECOM awarded seven-year advisory contract to two Canadian LRT projects, May 16, 5 Metrolinx selected CH2M for transit projects, May 16, 6 Metropolitan Council Tough trudge for transit funds, (OT), Jun 16, 3 Metropolitan Transportation Authority MTA Board approved contract for MTA Police radio system, Aug 15, 5 MTA awarded contracts for CBTC installation and CBTC development and testing, Sep 15, 8 SKANSKA awarded NYCT contract for station renewal, Sep 15, 10 MTA awarded Battelle contract for safety assessment and certification to support CBTC, Oct 15, 5 MTA awarded CBTC contract for Queens Blvd Line, Oct 15, 10 NYCT rebuilds the Montague Tubes, (f), Dec 15, 24 Tutor Perini awarded final contract for East Side Access Project, Feb 16, 7 HDR awarded contract for NYCT station, Jun 16, 5 STV awarded contract for LIRR station work, Jun 16, 6 Mexico First U.S.-Mexico rail bridge in more than a centure opens, Sep 15, 5 Midwest Industrial Supply Inc. Synthetic lubricant, (P), Jul 15, 44 Miner Enterprises, Inc. Maintaining healthy ballast through consistent maintenance and upkeep, (f), Mar 16, 21 Semi-annual ballast update - part 2, (f), Aug 15, 23 Minnesota Department of Transportation Private entity to study Minnesota HSR, Feb 16, 8 Mitchell Rail Gear Battling brush with smart vegetation management programs, (f), Jan 16, 22 Materials handling with care and accuracy, (f), Apr 16, 14 Mitsubishi Electric Power Products Inc. MTA awarded contracts for CBTC installation and CBTC development and testing, Sep 15, 8 Modern Track Machinery, Inc. Importance of tools cannot be measured in size, (f), Dec 15, 18 Moley Magnetics, Inc. Hydraulic magnet, (P), Apr 16, 40 Montana Hyrdaulics Semi-annual ballast update - part 2, (f), Aug 15, 23 Moorman Yard NS renames Bellevue yard for Moorman, Jul 15, 4 Mott MacDonald Hatch Mott MacDonald to separate JV into two companies, Jan 16, 6 Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century Act (MAP-21) FTA proposes rule to establish new safety program, Sep 15, 10 Nan, Inc. HART awards contract for three rail stations in West Oahu, Aug 15, 6 National Public Transportation Safety Plan FTA proposes rule to establish new safety program, Sep 15, 10 National Railroad Construction and Maintenance Association (NRC) NRC Chairman’s Column Railroad Day on the Hill 2015, a great event, Jul 15, 9 The big push to the finish has started, Aug 15, 12 Safety date and book your trip, Sep 16, 19 Looking into 2016, budgeting for success, Oct 15, 13 Happy Thanksgiving, Nov 15, 11 Maintaining momentum into the new year, Dec 15, 11 Happy New Year, 2016, Jan 16, 9 Second generation, Feb 16, 9


Railroad Day on the Hill, then on to the auction, Mar 16, 11 Grassroots events, rail equipment auction, Apr 16, 10 Auction in Little Rock, action in D.C., May 16, 11 Rail transit investment needed, must be spent, Jun 16, 9 NRC Safe Contractor of the Year Awards State of the NRC: Healthy and growing, (f), May 16, 16 NRC/RT&S/Commercial Insurance Associates Contractor Safety Awards NRC 2016 recap: CapEx, safety and more, (f), May 16, 42 NRC/RT&S/Commercial Insurance Associates Contractor Safety Awards NRC Annual Membership Directory Railroad & Transit Buyer’s Guide 2016, May 16, NRC 8 NRC 2016 recap: CapEx, safety and more, (f), Mar 16, 39 State of the NRC: Healthy and growing, (f), May 16, 16 Dennis Riggs: 2015 NRC Field Employee fo the Year, (f), May 16, 22 NRC Annual Membership Directory Railroad & Transit Buyer’s Guide 2016, May 16, NRC 1 National Railway Supply, Inc. Communications and signaling equipment and warning devices, (EMG), Jun 16, 28 National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) Two rail issues make NTSB’s 2016 “Most Wanted” list, Feb 16, 6 Getting Amtrak’s ducks to line up, (OT), May 16, 3 Amtrak 188 probable cause: Human error, Jun 16, 4 WMATA’s final SafeTrack plant to tackle safety, maintenance holes, Jun 16, 7 Navy Base Intermodal Container Facility Palmetto Railways proposes 10-mile line; DEIS issued for Navy Base ICTF, May 16, 4 Network Rail Consulting CHSRA approved rail delivery contract, Aug 15, 7 New Haven-Hartford-Springfield New Haven-Springfield stakeholders vow progress plan, Oct 15, 4 New Jersey Transit Funding, pledge to streamline reviews propel Gateway Program forward, Apr 16, 5 New Starts Program – See Federal Transit Administration New York & Atlantic Railway Building a bridge in a box, (f), Sep 15, 28 New York City Transit SKANSKA awarded NYCT contract for station renewal, Sep 15, 10 NYCT rebuilds the Montague Tubes, (f), Dec 15, 24 HDR awarded contract for NYCT station, Jun 16, 5 Nisus Corporation Crosstie annual update 2015, (f), Oct 15, 20 NMC Railway Systems Semi-annual ballast update - part 2, (f), Aug 15, 23 Battling brush with smart vegetation management programs, (f), Jan 16, 22 Tie crane, (P), Jan 16, 35 Maintaining healthy ballast through consistent maintenance and upkeep, (f), Mar 16, 21 Materials handling with care and accuracy, (f), Apr 16, 14 Nordco Inc. Semi-annual ballast update - part 2, (f), Aug 15, 23 Ballast regulator, (P), Sep 15, 67 Maintaining healthy ballast through consistent maintenance and upkeep, (f), Mar 16, 21 Ideal rail health, (f), Jan 16, 15 Norfolk Southern NS renames Bellevue yard for Moorman, Jul 15, 4 Engineers share views on 2015 trends, (f), Aug 15, 16 Trials of a RCF measurement system in revenue service, (RD), Sep 15, 22 Year in review: Bowman looks back on the past year as AREMA President, (f), Sep 15, 34 Canadian Pacific, Norfolk Southern complete D&H South sale, Oct 15, 6 Work on new Portageville Bridge begins in Letchworth State Park, Nov 15, 7 CSX, NS plan to consolidate operating division to boost efficiencies, Feb 16, 4 2016 capital expenditures: Don’t panic, (f), Feb 16, 16 Old steel spans for new bridge research at FAST, (RD), Jun 16, 10

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annual index

North Carolina Department of Transportation NCDOT awards contracts for grade separation project and rail connection, Oct 15, 6 G&O, R&N to add new operations in North Carolina nad Pennsylvania, Dec 15, 6 North Metro Rail Line RTD to build Colorado’s longest bridge, Sep 15, 12 Wabtec to provide PTC equipment for Denver transit line, Dec 15, 8 Northeast Corridor – See also Amtrak Amtrak has PTC system active along all owned right-of-way on NEC, Jan 16, 5 Northern Indiana Commuter Transportation District Wabtec signed NICTD PTC contract, May 16, 7 Northgate Link Extension Finding a better way, (f), Nov 15, 21 Nortrak-Damy Update 2015: Special trackwork, (f), Jul 15, 24 O-Train Ottawa’s Stage 2 LRT gets big federal funding commitment, Aug 15, 7 OC Streetcar OCTA selected HNTB to design streetcar project, Oct 15, 6 Oldcastle Precast Oldcastle; Stacy & Witbeck manufacture prototype “floating” rail for Sound Transit, Aug 15, 7 Finding a better way, (f), Nov 15, 21 2016 annual grade-crossing report, (f), Jun 16, 14 Omaha Track Materials handling with care and accuracy, (f), Apr 16, 14 Omega Industries, Inc. 2016 annual grade-crossing report, (f), Jun 16, 14 Grade-crossing surfaces, (EMG), Jun 16, 24 Omni Rail Products, Inc. 2016 annual grade-crossing report, (f), Jun 16, 14 Grade-crossing surfaces, (EMG), Jun 16, 24 Fillers and fasteners, (EMG), Jun 16, 31 OmniTRAX OmniTRAX, Watco take steps to add properties to shortline holdings, Jun 16, 6 On Track, column by Mischa Wanek-Libman PTC doomsday approaching?, (OT), Jul 15, 3 The regulation, innovation link, (OT), Aug 15, 3 No clear solution for security, (OT), Sep 15, 2 In case of emergency, count on Congress, (OT), Oct 15, 3 Infrastructure’s funding problem, (OT), Nov 15, 3 The news makers of 2015, (OT), Dec 15, 3 The silver lining to 2016, (OT), Jan 16, 3 Capex is only a number, (OT), Feb 16, 3 Who you gonna call?, (OT), Apr 16, 3 Getting Amtrak’s ducks to line up, (OT), May 16, 3 Tough trudge for transit funds, (OT), Jun 16, 3 Orange County Transportation Authority OCTA selected HNTB to design streetcar project, Oct 15, 6 OCTA selected RNL to complete conception design of streetcar stations, May 16, 6 Orgo-Thermit, Inc. Refining profile and saving face, (f), Apr 16, 25 Extending weld life, (f), Jul 15, 30 Ottawa Stage 2 Ottawa’s Stage 2 LRT gets big federal funding commitment, Aug 15, 7 Palmetto Railways Palmetto Railways proposes 10-mile line; DEIS issued for Navy Base ICTF, May 16, 4 Palouse River & Coulee City Railroad Partnership preserves Palouse rail lines, (f), Oct 15, 40 Pandrol USA Focus on fasteners, (f), Jul 15, 17 Parson Brinckerhoff, Inc. CHSRA approved rail delivery contract, Aug 15, 7 Parsons

RT&S Track Buyer’s Guide


Metra selects Parsons to install PTC, Oct 15, 8 Part 243 – See FRA Part 243 Minimum Training Standards Paschen Milhouse Joint Venture IV CTA awarded 95th Street Terminal construction contract, Nov 15, 5 Passenger service – See also Light rail; Commuter rail; High-speed rail; Streetcars; Passenger stations; and specific cities/agencies All Aboard Florida names construction manager for rail at Orlando airport, Aug 15, 5 Amtrak awards concrete casing contract for Hudson Yards site, Oct 15, 10 Getting Amtrak’s ducks to line up, (OT), May 16, 3 DEIS for B&P Tunnel released and ready for public view, Jan 16, 4 Denver RTD awards BBII contract for SE rail extension, Aug 15, 5 CTA plans $30M overhaul of Purple Line Express infrastructure, Aug 15, 8 CTA awarded deisgn contract for signal project, Oct 15, 8 L&I, CSX, MassDOT and R.J. Corman all move forward with line deals, Jul 15, 5 Texas Central enters agreement for engineering work for high-speed train, Nov 15, 5 Maryland SCMaglev project receives franchise approval; federal grant, Dec 15, 8 Omnibus bill extends shortline tax credit; funds TIGER grants, Jan 16, 6 WMATA’s final SafeTrack plant to tackle safety, maintenance holes, Jun 16, 7 TriMet; Foothill Gold Line LRT projects mark major milestones, Oct 15, 8 Gov. Hogan strips funds but moves Purple Line forward; stops Red Line, Jul 15, 6 MTA awarded CBTC contract for Queens Blvd Line, Oct 15, 10 Tutor Perini awarded final contract for East Side Access Project, Feb 16, 7 FTA proposes rule to establish new safety program, Sep 15, 10 Amtrak 188 probable cause: Human error, Jun 16, 4 New Haven-Springfield stakeholders vow progress plan, Oct 15, 4 SKANSKA awarded NYCT contract for station renewal, Sep 15, 10 Rail transit investment needed, must be spent, Jun 16, 9 Tough trudge for transit funds, (OT), Jun 16, 3 Wabtec to provide PTC equipment for Denver transit line, Dec 15, 8 Amtrak has PTC system active along all owned right-of-way on NEC, Jan 16, 5 Rocla enters long-term supply agreement with two Florida railways, Oct 15, 8 Charlotte opens CityLYNX Gold; SacRT readies Blue Line extension, Aug 15, 6 APTA: American would ride high-speed rail, Oct 15, 4 Progress marked on several British Columbia rail projects, Aug 15, 4 Metrolinx awards contract to support modernization of Regional Express Rail, Nov 15, 6 SEPTA, CSX separate operations, Sep 15, 13 Private entity to study Minnesota HSR, Feb 16, 8 LACMTA approved contract to design Aviation/96th Station, Sep 15, 6 RailWorks won GCRTA contract, Sep 15, 6 NYCT rebuilds the Montague Tubes, (f), Dec 15, 24 Ansaldo awarded PTC contract for MBTA, Jan 16, 5 Ansaldo awarded contract for West Side Subway Extension, Feb 16, 5 How to stop the earth from moving, (f), Feb 16, 26 The measured approach to transit expansion, (f), Jun 16, 42 Passenger stations Charlotte opens CityLYNX Gold; SacRT readies Blue Line extension, Aug 15, 6 LACMTA approved contract to design Aviation/96th Station, Sep 15, 6 HDR awarded contract for NYCT station, Jun 16, 5 HART awards contract for three rail stations, Jul 15, 6 HART awards contract for three rail stations in West Oahu, Aug 15, 6 SKANSKA awarded NYCT contract for station renewal, Sep 15, 10 CTA awarded 95th Street Terminal construction contract, Nov 15, 5 Progress marked on several British Columbia rail projects, Aug 15, 4 Rail projects to benefit from more than $230 million in 2015 TIGER awards, Nov 15, 4 STV awarded contract for LIRR station work, Jun 16, 6 Light rail rolls in Arizona, (f), Sep 15, 44 OCTA selected RNL to complete conception design of streetcar stations, May 16, 6


annual index

Performance Polymers Inc. Fillers and fasteners, (EMG), Jun 16, 31 Pettibone Rail crane, (P), Jan 16, 35 Pittsburgh Intermodal Rail Terminal CSX kicks off construction on Pittsburgh intermodal rail terminal, Jan 16, 4 Plasser American Corp. Extending weld life, (f), Jul 15, 30 Semi-annual ballast update - part 2, (f), Aug 15, 23 Maintaining healthy ballast through consistent maintenance and upkeep, (f), Mar 16, 21 PolyCorp Ltd. Fillers and fasteners, (EMG), Jun 16, 31 Pop® Advel® Fastener system, (P), Sep 15, 66 Port Authority of New York and New Jersey Feds could finance half of new Hudson tunnel under proposal, Oct 15, 11 GCT Starts Deltaport project; approved for ExpressRail facility, Nov 15, 8 Funding, pledge to streamline reviews propel Gateway Program forward, Apr 16, 5 Port Authority Transit Corporation The success of the Benjamin Franklin Bridge rehab project, (f), Feb 16, 22 Port of Long Beach Rail serves as critical element in two completed port projects on either coast, Oct 15, 4 NRC Project of the Year: Port of Long Beach, Pier E, (f), May 16, 24 Port of Los Angeles BNSF helps transport big load, Jan 16, 4 PortaCo, Inc. Importance of tools cannot be measured in size, (f), Dec 15, 18 PortaCo hosted delegation at Moorhead facility, Mar 16, 4 Portageville Bridge Work on new Portageville Bridge begins in Letchworth State Park, Nov 15, 7 PortMiami Rail serves as critical element in two completed port projects on either coast, Oct 15, 4 Positive Train Control - See also Communications and signals PTC doomsday approaching?, (OT), Jul 16, 3 Strides made to implement PTC, but FRA says fines could still be levied, Jul 15, 4 Most railroads to miss PTC deadline, Sep 15, 5 Metra selects Parsons to install PTC, Oct 15, 8 PTC implementation deadline extended three years to Dec. 31, 2018, Nov 15, 5 The news makers of 2015, (OT), Dec 15, 3 Lilee Systems deploys PTC system on third Class 1, Dec 15, 7 Wabtec to provide PTC equipment for Denver transit line, Dec 15, 8 Amtrak has PTC system active along all owned right-of-way on NEC, Jan 16, 5 SEPTA could begin Positive Train Control roll out in February, Feb 16, 5 Two rail issues make NTSB’s 2016 “Most Wanted” list, Feb 16, 6 FRA accepting applications for PTC, rail infrastructure safety grants, May 16, 5 Wabtec signed NICTD PTC contract, May 16, 7 Precisions Quincy Corp. Housings, foundations, (EMG), Jun 16, 32 Premier Concrete Railroad Crossings Grade-crossing surfaces, (EMG), Jun 16, 24 Progress Rail Corporation Battling brush with smart vegetation management programs, (f), Jan 16, 22 Revenue service evaluation of a continuous mainline rail turnout, (RD), Feb 16, 12 Progress Rail hosts Rep. Goodlatte for tour, Mar 16, 5 Maintaining healthy ballast through consistent maintenance and upkeep, (f), Mar 16, 21 Progress Rail acquired signaling firm, May 16, 6 Communications and signaling equipment and warning devices, (EMG), Jun 16, 28 Update 2015: Special trackwork, (f), Jul 15, 24


Extending weld life, (f), Jul 15, 30 Semi-annual ballast update - part 2, (f), Aug 15, 23 Progress Rail acquires Amsted RPS, Oct 15, 8 Protran Technology Protran to supply COMPASS™ systems to CSX, Jun 16, 5 PTMW, Inc. Housings, foundations, (EMG), Jun 16, 32 Purple Line (CTA Chicago) CTA plans $30M overhaul of Purple Line Express infrastructure, Aug 15, 8 Purple Line (Maryland) Gov. Hogan strips funds but moves Purple Line forward; stops Red Line, Jul 15, 6 Purple Line Express Track Improvement Project CTA plans $30M overhaul of Purple Line Express infrastructure, Aug 15, 8 Purple Line Transit Partners Consortium selected as preferred porponent for Maryland Purple Line project, Apr 16, 7 Quest Corporation Communications and signaling equipment and warning devices, (EMG), Jun 16, 28 QwikLine™ Thread chaser, (P), Aug 15, 44 QWICK KURB®, Inc. Communications and signaling equipment and warning devices, (EMG), Jun 16, 28 R.J. Corman Carolina Lines R.J. Corman begins eastern Carolinas service following upgrades, May 16, 6 R.J. Corman Railroad Company L&I, CSX, MassDOT and R.J. Corman all move forward with line deals, Jul 15, 5 R.J. Corman completes Carolina Southern acquisition, Sep 15, 6 R.J. Corman begins eastern Carolinas service following upgrades, May 16, 6 Racine Railroad Products, Inc. Importance of tools cannot be measured in size, (f), Dec 15, 18 Ragnar Benson Construction LLC CTA awarded deisgn contract for signal project, Oct 15, 8 Rail – See Rail maintenance and replacement Rail Construction Equipment Company Semi-annual ballast update - part 2, (f), Aug 15, 23 Battling brush with smart vegetation management programs, (f), Jan 16, 22 Maintaining healthy ballast through consistent maintenance and upkeep, (f), Mar 16, 21 Materials handling with care and accuracy, (f), Apr 16, 14 Rail maintenance and replacement – See also Friction management/modivication; Maintenance-of-Way; Rail testing; Track maintenance; Track and m/w machinery and equipment; Welding CHSRA approved rail delivery contract, Aug 15, 7 Evaluation of thermite welds with treated heat-affected-zone, (RD), May 16, 12 2016 capital expenditures: Don’t panic, (f), Feb 16, 16 Interim results of HAZ treated thermite weld performance in revenue service, (RD), Jul 15, 12 Finding a better way, (f), Nov 15, 21 Refining profile and saving face, (f), Apr 16, 25 Ideal rail health, (f), Jan 16, 15 Testing of electric flash-butt railhead repair welds under heavy-axle-load traffic at FAST, (RD), Oct 15, 16 L&I, CSX, MassDOT and R.J. Corman all move forward with line deals, Jul 15, 5 WMATA’s final SafeTrack plant to tackle safety, maintenance holes, Jun 16, 7 Trials of a RCF measurement system in revenue service, (RD), Sep 15, 22 Extending weld life, (f), Jul 15, 30 CTA plans $30M overhaul of Purple Line Express infrastructure, Aug 15, 8 R.J. Corman begins eastern Carolinas service following upgrades, May 16, 6 Oldcastle; Stacy & Witbeck manufacture prototype “floating” rail for Sound Transit, Aug 15, 7 Steel Dynamics distributes millionth ton of rail, Dec 15, 7 The news makers of 2015, (OT), Dec 15, 3

RT&S Track Buyer’s Guide


annual index

CSX completes annual safety and maintenance “Jamboree”, Aug 15, 5 Building a bridge in a box, (f), Sep 15, 28 FRA funds available to improve crossings, track along energy routes, Oct 15, 5 Canadian Pacific, Norfolk Southern complete D&H South sale, Oct 15, 6 Service restored along Siskiyou Rail Line following seven-year hiatus, Dec 15, 5 WisDOT awards freight rail funds, Feb 16, 4 South Wind could bring gales of success, (f), Mar 16, 34 Union Pacific details capital plans for 10 state programs, Jun 16, 4 Rail Product Solutions, Inc. Progress Rail acquires Amsted RPS, Oct 15, 8 Importance of tools cannot be measured in size, (f), Dec 15, 18 Rail Safety Improvement Act (RSIA) PTC doomsday approaching?, (OT), Jul 15, 3 Rail testing Trials of a RCF measurement system in revenue service, (RD), Sep 15, 22 Ideal rail health, (f), Jan 16, 15 Continued evaluation of the effects of heavy-axle-loads at the Facility for Accelerated Service Testing, (RD), Dec 15, 14 Rail Transportation and Engineering Center (RailTEC) New UIUC lab to focus on advancing rail technologies, Sep 15, 13 Rail-Way, Inc. Grade-crossing surfaces, (EMG), Jun 16, 25 Rail.One USA Crosstie annual update 2015, (f), Oct 15, 20 RailComm RailComm completed new switch cutover; installed its yard control system; completed installtion of a shove track protection system and completed negotiations with Kinder Morgan for a SaaS contract, Aug 15, 7 IPH selected RailComm’s dispatch system to operate at six locations, Sep 15, 6 RailComm will provide DOC® system to Class 1 yard, Feb 16, 7 Railinc Corp. LGS completes cyber security assessment, Mar 16, 4 Railmark Switch lubricant, (P), Sep 15, 67 Railroad Construction Co. of Souther Jersey, Inc. Dennis Riggs: 2015 NRC Field Employee fo the Year, (f), May 16, 22 Railroad Construction Co., Inc. The success of the Benjamin Franklin Bridge rehab project, (f), Feb 16, 22 Railroad Construction Company celebrates 90 years, (f), May 16, 28 Railroad Controls Limited, a Wabtec Company Communications and signaling equipment and warning devices, (EMG), Jun 16, 28 Railroad Day on Capitol Hill Railroad Day on the Hill 2015, a great event, Jul 15, 9 Railroad Day on the Hill, then on to the auction, Mar 16, 11 Railroad Signal International Communications and signaling equipment and warning devices, (EMG), Jun 16, 28 Railroader of the Year BNSF’s Ice named Railway Age 2016 Railroader of the Year, Feb 16, 4 Rails Company Fillers and fasteners, (EMG), Jun 16, 31 Railtech Boutet Extending weld life, (f), Jul 15, 30 Railtech Matweld Importance of tools cannot be measured in size, (f), Dec 15, 18 Railway Equipment Co. Communications and signaling equipment and warning devices, (EMG), Jun 16, 28 Railway Interchange 2015 The regulation, innovation link, (OT), Aug 15, 3 Railway Tie Association (RTA) Crosstie annual update 2015, (f), Oct 15, 20 RailWorks Maintenance of Way, Inc. Refining profile and saving face, (f), Apr 16, 25 RailWorks Track Servcies, Inc.

RT&S Track Buyer’s Guide


RailWorks won GCRTA contract, Sep 15, 6 Ralph L. Wadsworth Construction Compnay, LLC Companies selected for JV on two RTD projects, Dec 15, 8 Randy Bowman Year in review: Bowman looks back on the past year as AREMA President, (f), Sep 15, 34 Ravenswood Loop Connector Signal Project CTA awarded deisgn contract for signal project, Oct 15, 8 RBL, Inc. Optimizing friction management, (f), Jun 16, 38 Reading Blue Mountain & Northern Railroad G&O, R&N to add new operations in North Carolina nad Pennsylvania, Dec 15, 6 Pennsylvania commits $36M for 31 rail projects across state, Jun 16, 5 Ready Road Repair Fillers and fasteners, (EMG), Jun 16, 31 Red Line (Baltimore) Gov. Hogan strips funds but moves Purple Line forward; stops Red Line, Jul 15, 6 Reference LLC GREX acquires SENSR, Jul 15, 6 Regional Transportation District of Denver Denver RTD awards BBII contract for SE rail extension, Aug 15, 5 RTD to build Colorado’s longest bridge, Sep 15, 12 Companies selected for JV on two RTD projects, Dec 15, 8 Research and development The regulation, innovation link, (OT), Aug 15, 3 Oldcastle; Stacy & Witbeck manufacture prototype “floating” rail for Sound Transit, Aug 15, 7 Interim results of HAZ treated thermite weld performance in revenue service, (RD), Jul 15, 12 Ballast degradation test at FAST, (RD), Aug 15, 13 Trials of a RCF measurement system in revenue service, (RD), Sep 15, 22 Development and evaluation of a steering switch under heavy-axle-loads at FAST, (RD), Nov 15, 14 Continued evaluation of the effects of heavy-axle-loads at the Facility for Accelerated Service Testing, (RD), Dec 15, 14 Simulation of wheel climb at worn switch points, (RD), Jan 16, 12 Revenue service evaluation of a continuous mainline rail turnout, (RD), Feb 16, 12 Bridge condition monitoring using track geometry cars, (RD), Mar 16, 11 Tie and fastener system gauge restraint performance at FAST, (RD), Apr 16, 11 Evaluation of thermite welds with treated heat-affected-zone, (RD), May 16, 12 New UIUC lab to focus on advancing rail technologies, Sep 15, 13 Testing of electric flash-butt railhead repair welds under heavy-axle-load traffic at FAST, (RD), Oct 15, 16 Research and Innovation Laboratory (RAIL) New UIUC lab to focus on advancing rail technologies, Sep 15, 13 Reyes Construction NRC Project of the Year: Port of Long Beach, Pier E, (f), May 16, 24 RFR Industries, Inc. Fillers and fasteners, (EMG), Jun 16, 31 RNL Interplan OCTA selected RNL to complete conception design of streetcar stations, May 16, 6 Roberts Bank Rail Corridor Progress marked on several British Columbia rail projects, Aug 15, 4 Robotec Rail grapples, (P), May 16, 40 Rocla Concrete Tie, Inc. Rocla acquires KSA, Aug 15, 8 Rocla enters long-term supply agreement with two Florida railways, Oct 15, 8 Crosstie annual update 2015, (f), Oct 15, 20 Rocla opened Ft. Pierce, Fla., facility, Apr 16, 7 2016 annual grade-crossing report, (f), Jun 16, 14 Grade-crossing surfaces, (EMG), Jun 16, 25


annual index

Rolling Contact Fatigue (RCF) Trials of a RCF measurement system in revenue service, (RD), Sep 15, 22 S&C Distribution Co. Communications and signaling equipment and warning devices, (EMG), Jun 16, 29 Sacramento Regional Transit District (SacRT) Charlotte opens CityLYNX Gold; SacRT readies Blue Line extension, Aug 15, 6 SacRT, Valley Metro mark openings of light-rail system extensions, Sep 15, 12 Safe Transportation of Energy Products by Rail Program FRA funds available to improve crossings, track along energy routes, Oct 15, 5 Safe-crossings Communications and signaling equipment and warning devices, (EMG), Jun 16, 29 Safety and safety equipment The big push to the finish has started, Aug 15, 12 Engineers share views on 2015 trends, (f), Aug 15, 16 WSDOT begins landslide mitigation work; details funds needed to bring state shortlines up to par, Sep 15, 14 Amtrak 188 probable cause: Human error, Jun 16, 4 Communications and signaling equipment and warning devices, (EMG), Jun 16, 26 MTA awarded Battelle contract for safety assessment and certification to support CBTC, Oct 15, 5 The regulation, innovation link, (OT), Aug 15, 3 How to stop the earth from moving, (f), Feb 16, 26 Technology investments drive CN’s Safety Innovation Program, Apr 16, 6 Google to integrate crossing data into maps, Jul 15, 8 FRA takes steps to enhance grade-crossing safety, Mar 16, 7 FTA proposes rule to establish new safety program, Sep 15, 10 Living the safety culture, (f), Dec 15, 30 LGS completes cyber security assessment, Mar 16, 4 Dennis Riggs: 2015 NRC Field Employee fo the Year, (f), May 16, 22 Two rail issues make NTSB’s 2016 “Most Wanted” list, Feb 16, 6 Getting Amtrak’s ducks to line up, (OT), May 16, 3 Battling brush with smart vegetation management programs, (f), Jan 16, 22 NCDOT awards contracts for grade separation project and rail connection, Oct 15, 6 Finding a better way, (f), Nov 15, 21 State of the NRC: Healthy and growing, (f), May 16, 16 NRC 2016 recap: CapEx, safety and more, (f), May 16, 42 No clear solution for security, (OT), Sep 15, 2 The silver lining to 2016, (OT), Jan 16, 3 Metra selects Parsons to install PTC, Oct 15, 8 FRA accepting applications for PTC, rail infrastructure safety grants, May 16, 5 Protran to supply COMPASS™ systems to CSX, Jun 16, 5 FRA funds available to improve crossings, track along energy routes, Oct 15, 5 Progress marked on several British Columbia rail projects, Aug 15, 4 Broken heel block assembly led to Banff derailment says TSB, Dec 15, 7 Union Pacific reaches two safety milestones, Aug 15, 4 UP marks safety milestones, Apr 16, 5 WMATA’s final SafeTrack plant to tackle safety, maintenance holes, Jun 16, 7 CSX completes annual safety and maintenance “Jamboree”, Aug 15, 5 Safety date and book your trip, Sep 15, 19 MTA awarded CBTC contract for Queens Blvd Line, Oct 15, 10 Preparing for winter’s return, (f), Jan 16, 27 NRC 2016 recap: CapEx, safety and more, (f), Mar 16, 39 FRA names 15 dicey crossings, May 16, 4 Rail transit investment needed, must be spent, NRC Chairman’s Column, Jun 16, 9 Salient Systems – See L.B. Foster Company San Mateo Bridges Replacement Project Caltrain readies for two bridge replacement projects, Nov 15, 6 SEDA-Council of Governments Joint Rail Authority


Pennsylvania commits $36M for 31 rail projects across state, Jun 16, 5 Sener CHSRA awarded contract for engineering and environmental services of Palmdale to Burbank section, Sep 15, 8 SENSR GREX acquires SENSR, Jul 15, 6 Shielded metal arc welding Interim results of HAZ treated thermite weld performance in revenue service, (RD), Jul 15, 12 Shortline and regional railroads Rocla enters long-term supply agreement with two Florida railways, Oct 15, 8 South Wind could bring gales of success, (f), Mar 16, 34 The big push to the finish has started, Aug 15, 12 GWI reduces 2016 capital plan by nearly 30 percent, Mar 16, 5 Partnership preserves Palouse rail lines, (f), Oct 15, 40 L&I, CSX, MassDOT and R.J. Corman all move forward with line deals, Jul 15, 5 Example of true partnership, (OT), Mar 16, 3 Canadian Pacific, Norfolk Southern complete D&H South sale, Oct 15, 6 G&O, R&N to add new operations in North Carolina nad Pennsylvania, Dec 15, 6 OmniTRAX, Watco take steps to add properties to shortline holdings, Jun 16, 6 Palmetto Railways proposes 10-mile line; DEIS issued for Navy Base ICTF, May 16, 4 R.J. Corman completes Carolina Southern acquisition, Sep 15, 6 R.J. Corman begins eastern Carolinas service following upgrades, May 16, 6 IPH selected RailComm’s dispatch system to operate at six locations, Sep 15, 6 Pennsylvania commits $36M for 31 rail projects across state, Jun 16, 5 Service restored along Siskiyou Rail Line following seven-year hiatus, Dec 15, 5 Wabtec to provide PTC system to TRRA, Jun 16, 7 Omnibus bill extends shortline tax credit; funds TIGER grants, Jan 16, 6 WSDOT begins landslide mitigation work; details funds needed to bring state shortlines up to par, Sep 15, 14 INRD opens new White River Bridge near Elnore, Ind., Sep 15, 6 WisDOT awards freight rail funds, Feb 16, 4 Building a bridge in a box, (f), Sep 15, 28 Rail serves as critical element in two completed port projects on either coast, Oct 15, 4 Living the safety culture, (f), Dec 15, 30 Shreveport Terminal Subdivision KCS Shreveport Terminal Sub to see tie and crossing replacement in March, Mar 16, 7 Siemens MTA awarded CBTC contract for Queens Blvd Line, Oct 15, 10 Software solutions, (P), Mar 16, 52 Siemens Industry Inc. MTA awarded contracts for CBTC installation and CBTC development and testing, Sep 15, 8 Siemens Rail Automation Communications and signaling equipment and warning devices, (EMG), Jun 16, 29 Housings, foundations, (EMG), Jun 16, 32 Signals and controls Communications and signaling equipment and warning devices, (EMG), Jun 16, 25 Strides made to implement PTC, but FRA says fines could still be levied, Jul 15, 4 Progress marked on several British Columbia rail projects, Aug 15, 4 PTC doomsday approaching?, (OT), Jul 15, 3 GE to power Tampa airport people mover, Mar 16, 4 IPH selected RailComm’s dispatch system to operate at six locations, Sep 15, 6 RailComm completed new switch cutover; installed its yard control system ; completed installtion of a shove track protection system and completed negotiations with Kinder Morgan for a SaaS contract, Aug 15, 7

RT&S Track Buyer’s Guide


annual index

Ansaldo awarded contract for West Side Subway Extension, Feb 16, 5 Metrolinx awarded contract for train control system, Oct 15, 5 MTA awarded contracts for CBTC installation and CBTC development and testing, Sep 15, 8 Most railroads to miss PTC deadline, Sep 15, 5 Software solutions, (P), Mar 16, 52 Wabtec acquired Track IQ, Nov 15, 6 Google to integrate crossing data into maps, Jul 15, 8 RailComm will provide DOC® system to Class 1 yard, Feb 16, 7 Thales partners with Ontario on signal solutions development, May 16, 7 Siskiyou Rail Line Service restored along Siskiyou Rail Line following seven-year hiatus, Dec 15, 5 SKANSKA SKANSKA awarded NYCT contract for station renewal, Sep 15, 10 SKF/Lincoln Lubrication Systems Optimizing friction management, (f), Jun 16, 38 SkyTrain Progress marked on several British Columbia rail projects, Aug 15, 4 Skyway Bridge RTD to build Colorado’s longest bridge, Sep 15, 12 SNC-Lavalin Metrolinx, Infrastructure Ontario select consortium as preferred proponent to develop Eglinton Crosstown project, Jul 15, 5 SNC-Lavalin realigned business to integrate rail and transit, Dec 15, 7 Sound Transit Oldcastle; Stacy & Witbeck manufacture prototype “floating” rail for Sound Transit, Aug 15, 7 WSDOT begins landslide mitigation work; details funds needed to bring state shortlines up to par, Sep 15, 14 Finding a better way, (f), Nov 15, 21 South Dakota Department of Transportation Rail projects to benefit from more than $230 million in 2015 TIGER awards, Nov 15, 4 South Dakota Freight Capacity Expansion Project Rail projects to benefit from more than $230 million in 2015 TIGER awards, Nov 15, 4 Southeast Rail Extension Denver RTD awards BBII contract for SE rail extension, Aug 15, 5 Southeastern Pennsylvania Transportation Authority (SEPTA) SEPTA, CSX separate operations, Sep 15, 13 SEPTA, CSX work through separation anxiety, (f), Oct 15, 36 SEPTA could begin Positive Train Control roll out in February, Feb 16, 5 SEPTA launches PTC implementation on Warminster Regional Rail Line, May 16, 7 Tough trudge for transit funds, (OT), Jun 16, 3 Sperry Rail Service Ideal rail health, (f), Jan 16, 15 Stacy & Witbeck Oldcastle; Stacy & Witbeck manufacture prototype “floating” rail for Sound Transit, Aug 15, 7 Finding a better way, (f), Nov 15, 21 Stanley Hydraulic Tools Horizontal grinders, (P), Nov 15, 35 Importance of tools cannot be measured in size, (f), Dec 15, 18 Horizontal grinders, (P), Mar 16, 52 Star America Purple Line, LLC Consortium selected as preferred porponent for Maryland Purple Line project, Apr 16, 7 StarTrack Railroad Crossings Grade-crossing surfaces, (EMG), Jun 16, 25 Steel Crossings, Inc. Grade-crossing surfaces, (EMG), Jun 16, 25 Steel Dynamics, Inc. Steel Dynamics distributes millionth ton of rail, Dec 15, 7 Stella-Jones Corporation 2016 annual grade-crossing report, (f), Jun 16, 14 Grade-crossing surfaces, (EMG), Jun 16, 25 Crosstie annual update 2015, (f), Oct 15, 20

RT&S Track Buyer’s Guide


Sterling Construction Company, Inc. Companies selected for JV on two RTD projects, Dec 15, 8 Streetcars Charlotte opens CityLYNX Gold; SacRT readies Blue Line extension, Aug 15, 6 OCTA selected HNTB to design streetcar project, Oct 15, 6 OCTA selected RNL to complete conception design of streetcar stations, May 16, 6 STV Inc. STV awarded contract for LIRR station work, Jun 16, 6 STV awarded CHSRA contract for environmental and engineering docs of Burbank to L.A. and L.A. to Anaheim sections, Sep 15, 10 Superstorm Sandy NYCT rebuilds the Montague Tubes, (f), Dec 15, 24 Supertrak Battling brush with smart vegetation management programs, (f), Jan 16, 22 Surfacing and surfacing maintenance – See also Maintenance-of-Way; Track maintenance; Track and m/w machinery and equipment; Track design and construction Semi-annual ballast update - part 2, (f), Aug 15, 23 Maintaining healthy ballast through consistent maintenance and upkeep, (f), Mar 16, 21 Ballast degradation test at FAST, (RD), Aug 15, 13 L&I, CSX, MassDOT and R.J. Corman all move forward with line deals, Jul 15, 5 Ballast regulator, (P), Sep 15, 67 WSDOT begins landslide mitigation work; details funds needed to bring state shortlines up to par, Sep 15, 14 CSX completes annual safety and maintenance “Jamboree”, Aug 15, 5 Canadian Pacific, Norfolk Southern complete D&H South sale, Oct 15, 6 Aggregate delivery system, (P), Dec 15, 40 Union Pacific details capital plans for 10 state programs, Jun 16, 4 Switches, switch stands, switch machines Switching to the right track, (f), Nov 15, 26 Simulation of wheel climb at worn switch points, (RD), Jan 16, 12 Broken heel block assembly led to Banff derailment says TSB, Dec 15, 7 Development and evaluation of a steering switch under heavy-axle-loads at FAST, (RD), Nov 15, 14 Update 2015: Special trackwork, (f), Jul 15, 24 Taimi Hydraulics Swivels, (P), Oct 15, 52 Tampa International Airport Automated People Mover GE to power Tampa airport people mover, Mar 16, 4 Techno Metrica APTA: American would ride high-speed rail, Oct 15, 4 Terminal Railraod Association Wabtec to provide PTC system to TRRA, Jun 16, 7 Texas Central Partners Texas Central enters agreement for engineering work for high-speed train, Nov 15, 5 Thales Thales partners with Ontario on signal solutions development, May 16, 7 Thales Transport & Security MTA awarded contracts for CBTC installation and CBTC development and testing, Sep 15, 8 Thermite welding Interim results of HAZ treated thermite weld performance in revenue service, (RD), Jul 15, 12 Extending weld life, (f), Jul 15, 30 TIGER grant – See Transportation Investment Generating Economic Recovery grant Track and m/w machinery, equipment and tools Maintaining healthy ballast through consistent maintenance and upkeep, (f), Mar 16, 21 Battling brush with smart vegetation management programs, (f), Jan 16, 22 Engineers share views on 2015 trends, (f), Aug 15, 16 2016 capital expenditures: Don’t panic, (f), Feb 16, 16 Importance of tools cannot be measured in size, (f), Dec 15, 18 ENSCO to supply track geometry vehicle to Metro-North, Jun 16, 5


annual index

Who you gonna call?, (OT), Apr 16, 3 Machine attachments, (P), Oct 15, 52 Anchor adjuster, (P), Dec 15, 40 Harsco Rail awarded multi-year Network Rail contract, May 16, 5 Aggregate delivery system, (P), Dec 15, 40 Optimizing friction management, (f), Jun 16, 38 Preparing for winter’s return, (f), Jan 16, 27 Hydraulic magnet, (P), Apr 16, 40 PortaCo hosted delegation at Moorhead facility, Mar 16, 4 Rail grapples, (P), May 16, 40 Horizontal grinders, (P), Nov 15, 35 Horizontal grinders, (P), Mar 16, 52 Ballast regulator, (P), Sep 15, 67 Harsco Rail wins two separate transit contracts, Apr 16, 6 Grassroots events, rail equipment auction, NRC Chairman’s Column, Apr 16, 10 Auction in Little Rock, action in D.C., May 16, 11 Track design and construction – See also Crossties; Fasteners; Surfacing; Trackwork; Bridges; Research and development; Engineering; Contracting All Aboard Florida names construction manager for rail at Orlando airport, Aug 15, 5 The silver lining to 2016, (OT), Jan 16, 3 NCDOT awards contracts for grade separation project and rail connection, Oct 15, 6 Light rail rolls in Arizona, (f), Sep 15, 44 Harsco Rail wins two separate transit contracts, Apr 16, 6 OCTA selected HNTB to design streetcar project, Oct 15, 6 SEPTA, CSX work through separation anxiety, (f), Oct 15, 36 AECOM selected to design/build Hyperloop test track, Feb 16, 5 2016 capital expenditures: Don’t panic, (f), Feb 16, 16 NYCT rebuilds the Montague Tubes, (f), Dec 15, 24 RTD to build Colorado’s longest bridge, Sep 15, 12 Capex is only a number, (OT), Feb 16, 3 Rail serves as critical element in two completed port projects on either coast, Oct 15, 4 Companies selected for JV on two RTD projects, Dec 15, 8 New UIUC lab to focus on advancing rail technologies, Sep 15, 13 Denver RTD awards BBII contract for SE rail extension, Aug 15, 5 Rail projects to benefit from more than $230 million in 2015 TIGER awards, Nov 15, 4 Sioux Falls agrees to buy BNSF rail yard, Aug 15, 4 Jacobs awarded construction contract for California high-speed project, Aug 15, 6 KCS bolsters its intermodal WIT, (f), Aug 15, 34 CHSRA awarded contract for engineering and environmental services of Palmdale to Burbank section, Sep 15, 8 Work on new Portageville Bridge begins in Letchworth State Park, Nov 15, 7 Transed Partners selected to deliver Valley Line LRT, Dec 15, 8 CSX kicks off construction on Pittsburgh intermodal rail terminal, Jan 16, 4 Transed Partners finalized contract with Edmonton for first phase of LRT project, Mar 16, 5 Track inspection – See also Maintenance-of-way; Rail testing MerMec to supply track inspection vehicle to BART, May 16, 5 Track indicator, (P), Feb 16, 36 ENSCO to supply track geometry vehicle to Metro-North, Jun 16, 5 Track IQ Wabtec acquired Track IQ, Nov 15, 6 Track maintenance/repair/replacement – See also Maintenance-of-Way Progress marked on several British Columbia rail projects, Aug 15, 4 RailWorks won GCRTA contract, Sep 15, 6 Update 2015: Special trackwork, (f), Jul 15, 24 CTA plans $30M overhaul of Purple Line Express infrastructure, Aug 15, 8 L&I, CSX, MassDOT and R.J. Corman all move forward with line deals, Jul 15, 5 New UIUC lab to focus on advancing rail technologies, Sep 15, 13 Pennsylvania commits $36M for 31 rail projects across state, Jun 16, 5 CSX completes annual safety and maintenance “Jamboree”, Aug 15, 5 FRA funds available to improve crossings, track along energy routes, Oct 15, 5


Service restored along Siskiyou Rail Line following seven-year hiatus, Dec 15, 5 Union Pacific details capital plans for 10 state programs, Jun 16, 4 WMATA’s final SafeTrack plant to tackle safety, maintenance holes, Jun 16, 7 Trackwork and track accessories Update 2015: Special trackwork, (f), Jul 15, 24 Revenue service evaluation of a continuous mainline rail turnout, (RD), Feb 16, 12 Hanson awarded exemption from FAA for UAV use, Jan 16, 5 Focus on fasteners, (f), Jul 15, 17 Swivels, (P), Oct 15, 52 Development and evaluation of a steering switch under heavy-axle-loads at FAST, (RD), Nov 15, 14 Transed Partners Transed Partners selected to deliver Valley Line LRT, Dec 15, 8 Transed Partners finalized contract with Edmonton for first phase of LRT project, Mar 16, 5 TransLink Progress marked on several British Columbia rail projects, Aug 15, 4 Transpo Industries, Inc. 2016 annual grade-crossing report, (f), Jun 16, 14 Grade-crossing surfaces, (EMG), Jun 16, 25 Transport Canada Progress marked on several British Columbia rail projects, Aug 15, 4 Transportation Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Act (TIFIA) CATS approved for $180-million TIFIA Loan for LYNX extension, Oct 15, 10 Transportation Investment Generating Economic Recovery (TIGER) grant SEPTA, CSX separate operations, Sep 15, 13 TIGER awards, (sb), Nov 15, 4 Infrastructure’s funding problem, (OT), Nov 15, 3 Maintaining momentum into the new year, Dec 15, 11 Investment Generating Economic Recovery (TIGER) grant Omnibus bill extends shortline tax credit; funds TIGER grants, Jan 16, 6 Transportation Safety Board of Canada Broken heel block assembly led to Banff derailment says TSB, Dec 15, 7 Transportation Technology Center, Inc. Interim results of HAZ treated thermite weld performance in revenue service, (RD), Jul 15, 12 The regulation, innovation link, (OT), Aug 15, 3 Ballast degradation test at FAST, (RD), Aug 15, 13 Trials of a RCF measurement system in revenue service, (RD), Sep 15, 22 Development and evaluation of a steering switch under heavy-axle-loads at FAST, (RD), Nov 15, 14 Continued evaluation of the effects of heavy-axle-loads at the Facility for Accelerated Service Testing, (RD), Dec 15, 14 Simulation of wheel climb at worn switch points, (RD), Jan 16, 12 Revenue service evaluation of a continuous mainline rail turnout, (RD), Feb 16, 12 Bridge condition monitoring using track geometry cars, (RD), Mar 16, 11 Tie and fastener system gauge restraint performance at FAST, (RD), Apr 16, 11 Evaluation of thermite welds with treated heat-affected-zone, (RD), May 16, 12 Old steel spans for new bridge research at FAST, (RD), Jun 16, 10 TranSystems Corporation TranSystems celebrated its 50th anniversary, Jun 16, 6 Trimble Tag reader, (P), Feb 16, 36 TriMet TriMet; Foothill Gold Line LRT projects mark major milestones, Oct 15, 8 Tunnels DEIS for B&P Tunnel released and ready for public view, Jan 16, 4 Funding, pledge to streamline reviews propel Gateway Program forward, Apr 16, 5 NYCT rebuilds the Montague Tubes, (f), Dec 15, 24 Finding a better way, (f), Nov 15, 21 Tutor Perini awarded final contract for East Side Access Project, Feb 16, 7 Feds could finance half of new Hudson tunnel under proposal, Oct 15, 11

RT&S Track Buyer’s Guide


annual index

Turner & Townsend Metrolinx awards contract to support modernization of Regional Express Rail, Nov 15, 6 Tutor Perini Corporation Amtrak awards concrete casing contract for Hudson Yards site, Oct 15, 10 Tutor Perini awarded final contract for East Side Access Project, Feb 16, 7 U.S. Department of Transportation New UIUC lab to focus on advancing rail technologies, Sep 15, 13 Rail projects to benefit from more than $230 million in 2015 TIGER awards, Nov 15, 4 Union Pacific Interim results of HAZ treated thermite weld performance in revenue service, (RD), Jul 15, 12 Union Pacific reaches two safety milestones, Aug 15, 4 Finding a better way, (f), Nov 15, 21 The news makers of 2015, (OT), Dec 15, 3 UP opens Texas railport, Dec 15, 5 2016 capital expenditures: Don’t panic, (f), Feb 16, 16 UP marks safety milestones, Apr 16, 5 Evaluation of thermite welds with treated heat-affected-zone, (RD), May 16, 12 Union Pacific details capital plans for 10 state programs, Jun 16, 4 Union Railroad Company Pennsylvania commits $36M for 31 rail projects across state, Jun 16, 5 United Rentals Highway Technologies Communications and signaling equipment and warning devices, (EMG), Jun 16, 30 Unitrac Railroad Materials, Inc. Update 2015: Special trackwork, (f), Jul 15, 24 University of Illinois at Ubrana-Champaign (UIUC) New UIUC lab to focus on advancing rail technologies, Sep 15, 13 Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Hanson awarded exemption from FAA for UAV use, Jan 16, 5 Utility One Source Utility One Source acquired trailer provider, Mar 16, 6 V&H Inc., Trucks Materials handling with care and accuracy, (f), Apr 16, 14 Vaia Car Materials handling with care and accuracy, (f), Apr 16, 14 Valley Metro SacRT, Valley Metro mark openings of light-rail system extensions, Sep 15, 12 Light rail rolls in Arizona, (f), Sep 15, 44 Vanair Manufacturing Compressor, (P), Jun 16, 52 Vegetation control Battling brush with smart vegetation management programs, (f), Jan 16, 22 VelCorp/GEMS® Communications and signaling equipment and warning devices, (EMG), Jun 16, 30 VHB VHB acquired GT Hill Planners Corp., Jan 16, 7 voestalpine Nortrak Development and evaluation of a steering switch under heavy-axle-loads at FAST, (RD), Nov 15, 14 Switching to the right track, (f), Nov 15, 26 Update 2015: Special trackwork, (f), Jul 15, 24 Vossloh Fastening Systems Focus on fasteners, (f), Jul 15, 17 Vossloh Rail Services Refining profile and saving face, (f), Apr 16, 25 Vossloh/Global Rail Systems Communications and signaling equipment and warning devices, (EMG), Jun 16, 30 Wabtec Corporation Wabtec acquired Track IQ, Nov 15, 6 Wabtec to provide PTC equipment for Denver transit line, Dec 15, 8 Wabtec signed contract with Metra for PTC equipment, Jan 16, 7 Wabtec signed NICTD PTC contract, May 16, 7 Wabtec to provide PTC system to TRRA, Jun 16, 7

RT&S Track Buyer’s Guide


Washington Metropolitan Transportation Authority (WMATA) WMATA’s final SafeTrack plant to tackle safety, maintenance holes, Jun 16, 7 Washington State Department of Transportation WSDOT begins landslide mitigation work; details funds needed to bring state shortlines up to par, Sep 15, 14 Partnership preserves Palouse rail lines, (f), Oct 15, 40 How to stop the earth from moving, (f), Feb 16, 26 Watco Transportation Services Partnership preserves Palouse rail lines, (f), Oct 15, 40 OmniTRAX, Watco take steps to add properties to shortline holdings, Jun 16, 6 Welding Finding a better way, (f), Nov 15, 21 Testing of electric flash-butt railhead repair welds under heavy-axle-load traffic at FAST, (RD), Oct 15, 16 Interim results of HAZ treated thermite weld performance in revenue service, (RD), Jul 15, 12 Evaluation of thermite welds with treated heat-affected-zone, (RD), May 16, 12 Welders, (P), Apr 16, 40 Extending weld life, (f), Jul 15, 30 Wesbell Group of Companies Inc. Wesbell Group acquired Advanced Tower Services, May 16, 7 West Rail Bridge First U.S.-Mexico rail bridge in more than a centure opens, Sep 15, 5 West Rail Bridge The news makers of 2015, (OT), Dec 15, 3 First U.S.-Mexico rail bridge in more than a centure opens, Sep 15, 5 West Trenton Regional Rail Line SEPTA, CSX separate operations, Sep 15, 13 West Trenton Separation Project SEPTA, CSX work through separation anxiety, (f), Oct 15, 36 Western-Cullen-Hayes Inc. Switching to the right track, (f), Nov 15, 26 Communications and signaling equipment and warning devices, (EMG), Jun 16, 30 Wick Moorman NS renames Bellevue yard for Moorman, Jul 15, 4 White River Bridge INRD opens new White River Bridge near Elnore, Ind., Sep 15, 6 Whitmore Rail Optimizing friction management, (f), Jun 16, 38 Willamette Valley Company Crosstie annual update 2015, (f), Oct 15, 20 Willets Point Station HDR awarded contract for NYCT station, Jun 16, 5 Wisconsin and Southern Railroad Company WisDOT awards freight rail funds, Feb 16, 4 Wisconsin Department of Transportation (WisDOT) WisDOT awards freight rail funds, Feb 16, 4 Wylie Intermodal Terminal KCS bolsters its intermodal WIT, (f), Aug 15, 34 Xplore Technologies Corp. Xplore to provide tablet computers to U.S. railroad transportation company, Jun 16, 7 Yards and terminals Sioux Falls agrees to buy BNSF rail yard, Aug 15, 4 GCT Starts Deltaport project; approved for ExpressRail facility, Nov 15, 8 G&O, R&N to add new operations in North Carolina nad Pennsylvania, Dec 15, 6 Amtrak awards concrete casing contract for Hudson Yards site, Oct 15, 10 NS renames Bellevue yard for Moorman, Jul 15, 4 CSX kicks off construction on Pittsburgh intermodal rail terminal, Jan 16, 4 Rail serves as critical element in two completed port projects on either coast, Oct 15, 4 RailComm completed new switch cutover; installed its yard control system; completed installtion of a shove track protection system and completed negotiations with Kinder Morgan for a SaaS contract, Aug 15, 7


annual index

RailComm will provide DOC® system to Class 1 yard, Feb 16, 7 NRC Project of the Year: Port of Long Beach, Pier E, (f), May 16, 24 Pennsylvania commits $36M for 31 rail projects across state, Jun 16, 5 Rail projects to benefit from more than $230 million in 2015 TIGER awards, Nov 15, 4 UP opens Texas railport, Dec 15, 5 KCS bolsters its intermodal WIT, (f), Aug 15, 34 Simulation of wheel climb at worn switch points, (RD), Jan 16, 12 CSX eyes Johnston County, N.C., for intermodal terminal, Feb 16, 7 Palmetto Railways proposes 10-mile line; DEIS issued for Navy Base ICTF, May 16, 4 Zacha KCS bolsters its intermodal WIT, (f), Aug 15, 34 Zip Rail Private entity to study Minnesota HSR, Feb 16, 8

Authors Index Archuleta, Megan Interim results of HAZ treated thermite weld performance in revenue service, Jul 15, 12 Testing of electric flash-butt railhead repair welds under heavy-axle-load traffic at FAST, Oct 15, 16 Evaluation of thermite welds with treated heat-affected-zone, May 16, 12 Baillargeon, Jay Trials of a RCF measurement system in revenue service, Sep 15, 22 Banerjee, Ananyo Evaluation of thermite welds with treated heat-affected-zone, May 16, 12 Basye, Colin Ballast degradation test at FAST, Aug 15, 13 Cakdi, Sabri Simulation of wheel climb at worn switch points, Jan 16, 12 Cummings, Scott Simulation of wheel climb at worn switch points, Jan 16, 12 Daloisio, Chris NRC Chairman’s Column Second generation, Feb 16, 9 Railroad Day on the Hill, then on to the auction, Mar 16, 11 Grassroots events, rail equipment auction, Apr 16, 10 Auction in Little Rock, action in D.C., May 16, 11 Rail transit investment needed, must be spent, Jun 16, 9 Davis, David Revenue service evaluation of a continuous mainline rail turnout, Feb 16, 12 Development and evaluation of a steering switch under heavy-axle-loads at FAST, Nov 15, 14 Dorris, Bill NRC Chairman’s Column Railroad Day on the Hill 2015, a great event, Jul 15, 9 The big push to the finish has started, Aug 15, 12 Safety date and book your trip, Sep 15, 19 Looking into 2016, budgeting for success, Oct 15, 13 Happy Thanksgiving, Nov 15, 11 Maintaining momentum into the new year, Dec 15, 11 Happy New Year, 2016, Jan 16, 9 Gutscher, Daniel Interim results of HAZ treated thermite weld performance in revenue service, Jul 15, 12 Testing of electric flash-butt railhead repair welds under heavy-axle-load traffic at FAST, Oct 15, 16 Jimenez, Rafael Development and evaluation of a steering switch under heavy-axle-loads at FAST, Nov 15, 14 Revenue service evaluation of a continuous mainline rail turnout, Feb 16, 12 Kalay, Semih Continued evaluation of the effects of heavy-axle-loads at the Facility for Accelerated Service Testing, Dec 15, 14 Kerchof, Brad Trials of a RCF measurement system in revenue service, Sep 15, 22 Li, Dingqing Ballast degradation test at FAST, Aug 15, 13


LoPresti, Joseph Interim results of HAZ treated thermite weld performance in revenue service, Jul 15, 12 Testing of electric flash-butt railhead repair welds under heavy-axle-load traffic at FAST, Oct 15, 16 Continued evaluation of the effects of heavy-axle-loads at the Facility for Accelerated Service Testing, Dec 15, 14 Tie and fastener system gauge restraint performance at FAST, Apr 16, 11 Evaluation of thermite welds with treated heat-affected-zone, May 16, 12 McHenry, Mike Tie and fastener system gauge restraint performance at FAST, Apr 16, 11 Nunez, Jennifer Update 2015: Special trackwork, Jul 15, 24 Semi-annual ballast update - part 2, Aug 15, 23 Year in review: Bowman looks back on the past year as AREMA President, Sep 15, 34 Crosstie annual update 2015, Oct 15, 20 Switching to the right track, Nov 15, 26 Living the safety culture, Dec 15, 30 Importance of tools cannot be measured in size, Dec 15, 18 Battling brush with smart vegetation management programs, Jan 16, 22 The success of the Benjamin Franklin Bridge rehab project, Feb 16, 22 Maintaining healthy ballast through consistent maintenance and upkeep, Mar 16, 21 Materials handling with care and accuracy, Apr 16, 14 Dennis Riggs: 2015 NRC Field Employee fo the Year, May 16, 22 Railroad Construction Company celebrates 90 years, May 16, 28 2016 annual grade-crossing report, Jun 16, 14 Ostby, David Partnership preserves Palouse rail lines, Oct 15, 40 Otter, Duane Bridge condition monitoring using track geometry cars, Mar 16, 11 Old steel spans for new bridge research at FAST, Jun 16, 10 Prasad, Avinash Various cost-effective maintenance practices for conventional track structures, Apr 16, 29 Rakoczy, Anna Bridge condition monitoring using track geometry cars, Mar 16, 11 Read, David Ballast degradation test at FAST, Aug 15, 13 Shu, Xinggao Development and evaluation of a steering switch under heavy-axle-loads at FAST, Nov 15, 14 Tournay, Harry Trials of a RCF measurement system in revenue service, Sep 15, 22 Walker, Russel Simulation of wheel climb at worn switch points, Jan 16, 12 Wanek-Libman, Mischa On Track, all issues Focus on fasteners, Jul 15, 17 Extending weld life, Jul 15, 30 Engineers share views on 2015 trends, Aug 15, 16 KCS bolsters its intermodal WIT, Aug 15, 34 Building a bridge in a box, Sep 15, 28 Light rail rolls in Arizona, Sep 15, 44 SEPTA, CSX work through separation anxiety, Oct 15, 36 Finding a better way, Nov 15, 21 NYCT rebuilds the Montague Tubes, Dec 15, 24 Preparing for winter’s return, Jan 16, 27 Ideal rail health, Jan 16, 15 2016 capital expenditures: Don’t panic, Feb 16, 16 How to stop the earth from moving, Feb 16, 26 NRC 2016 recap: CapEx, safety and more, Mar 16, 39 South Wind could bring gales of success, Mar 16, 34 Refining profile and saving face, Apr 16, 25 Optimizing friction management, Jun 16, 38 The measured approach to transit expansion, Jun 16, 42 Wu, Huimin Simulation of wheel climb at worn switch points, Jan 16, 12

RT&S Track Buyer’s Guide


Ad Index Company Auto Truck Group

Phone #




e-mail address

Page #



Ballast Tools Equipment Products


Ballast Tools, Inc.



Birmingham Rail & Locomotive Co.

R.J Corman Railroad Group











Custom Truck & Equipment



Danella Rental Systems, Inc.





Encore Rail Systems, Inc.







Enterprise Properties, Inc./American Concrete Products Co., Inc. L.B. Foster Co.







Cover 4

HiRAIL Corporation





Landoll Corp.




Cover 3

Lonza Wood Protection, Inc.






Neel Company, The















Omega Industries, Inc.


OMNI Products, Inc.

Nordco Inc.


Plasser American Corp. PortaCo, Inc.

Progress Rail Equipment Leasing Racine Railroad Products, Inc.

Rail Construction Equipment Co. RailWorks Corporation V&H Inc., Trucks










Cover 2





















Western-Cullen-Hayes, Inc.





Whitmore Manufacturing Company





Willamette Valley Company





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