Foreign Rights Autumn 2010
Art – Fashion & Design – Photography Architecture – Interior Design – Gardening – Craft Art for Kids
Contents Interior Design Kottjé, Johannes: Custom Furniture Design Arthen, Katleen: BCN: inside Galinski, Annette: The Pattern Book Benad, Martin: Colour for Interiors
1 2 3 4
Gardening Borstell, Ursel / Hasselhorst, Christa: A Garden for all Seasons Borstell, Ursel / Grothe, Bärbel: A Country Garden for Enthusiasts
5 6
Design / Open Spaces Maier, Fabian: Open-air Lighting
Architecture Drexel, Thomas: New Houses on a Budget Ringsletter, Albert: An architecturally-designed house at a fixed price Gunßer, Christoph / Peter, Theo: building together Kottjé, Johannes: Fifty-five Staircases for Residential buildings Mandl, Roger:Entryways Hartmann, Frank / Siegele, Klaus: Heating Ideas for Housing Construction Knobel, Thomas: Floorcoatings
8 9 10 11 12 13 14
Photography Magnum Archive: A Year in Photography Friedrichs, Horst A.: Or Glory
15 16
Fashion Woolton, Carol: Fashion for Jewels Werle, Simone: Fashionisto
17 18
Art for Kids Erdenberger, Ralph: The Secret Files of Vincent van Gogh Erdenberger, Ralph: The Secret Files of Leonardo da Vinci Feghelm, Dagmar: Pablo Picasso Schümann, Bettina: Gustav Klimt Kretschmer, Hildegard: Adventures in Art Finger, Brad: 13 American Artists Children Should Know Finger, Brad: 13 Modern Artists Children Should Know Roeder, Annette: Colouring Book Marc Chagall Roeder, Annette: Colouring Book Paul Gauguin
19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27
Interior Design
Intelligent solutions in detail Johannes Kottjé
Custom Furniture Design [Individuelle Möbelgestaltung] For offices Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt 144 pages With 160 colour photographs and 120 plans and drawings Format 23,0 x 29,7 cm August 2010
Johannes Kottjé is an architectural engineer who travels throughout Germany in his role as independent expert on building damage and advisor to owner-builders and architects. A regular contributor to specialist magazines, he has also written numerous books on architecture, building construction and interior design, many of which have been published by DVA.
An aesthetically refined office space is the calling card of every selfemployed professional. Whether built-in or as separate pieces, furniture is the most basic component of these offices’ interior design. Custom designed and built furniture makes it possible to design spaces intelligently, in ways often simply not possible with standard furniture. Johannes Kottjé documents more than twenty-five different projects, illustrating and discussing them in the larger context of the interior design as a whole. Architects, interior designers, cabinetmakers, and clients are given a comprehensive introduction to the subject and a wealth of ideas. • Detailed design drawings, high-quality photographs, authoritative texts • Consideration of individually designed furniture within the larger context of interior design and decoration Also available:
55 Treppen für Wohnhäuser [55 Staircases for Residential Buildings], 2010 Modernes Wohnen auf dem Land [Modern Living in the Country], 2009 Bungalows und Atriumhäuser heute [Modern Bungalows and Atrium Houses], 2009 Individuell wohnen in Reihen- und Doppelhäusern [Individually styled semi-detached and terraced houses], 2009 Neues Wohnen in alten Fachwerkhäusern [Modern Living in Old Halftimbered Houses], 2008 Life & Style [Life & Style], 2007 So entsteht ein Holzhaus [How to Construct a Timber-frame House], 2007 Sold to: Czech Republic (GRADA) ECO-Häuser [ECO Houses], 2007 Welches Haus passt zu mir? [Choosing the Ideal House], 2006
Art & Architecture worldwide:
Interior Design
Insights into Barcelona's creative scene Katleen Arthen
BCN: inside [Barcelonas Kreative: ihre Wohnungen, Lofts, Studios] Barcelona's Creative People: Their apartments, lofts, studios Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt 240 pages 300 colour illustrations Format 23,0 x 29,7 cm September 2010
As a scenographer, Katleen Arthen has specialised in the examination and staging of rooms. She has been developing exhibition and room concepts for cultural institutions and companies for many years. Katleen Arthen studied stage design in Graz and Berlin and communication in public space at the Pompeu Fabra University in Barcelona. She has won many awards for her work.
At the moment, Barcelona is one of the most exciting cities in Europe: innovative and lively, a hot spot both for the creative avant-garde and for all those city tourists interested in culture, design and architecture. This book opens up an exclusive view of the many different worlds of living, the many different types of residence of trend-setting designers, architects, artists, photographers, fashion and film makers, galley owners, graphic artists – 26 Catalans and Barceloneses by choice who are now fundamentally influencing and leaving their stamp on that phenomenon that is Barcelona today and tomorrow. Who are these people? How do they live and work? What do they think of their city? How are their ideas reflected in their rooms? From the elegant centres of modernism to the palaces in the old city, from the rebuilt manufactories and lofts to the trendy apartments in the Palo Alto in what used to be the Poble Nou industrial quarter, this book gives us a unique kaleidoscope of a huge variety of living quarters and living styles. This is a view of Barcelona such as you have never before seen! • First-time look behind the façades of a frequently visited and admired city • With insider tips on restaurants, bars, stores, showrooms, hotels • Exclusive photographs by Ralph Baiker
Art & Architecture worldwide:
Interior Design
Courage to use pattern Annette Galinski
The Pattern Book [Das Musterbuch] Fabrics, furniture, walls, floors Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt 192 pages 300 colour illustrations Format 23,0 x 25,0 cm September 2010
Annette Galinski is an architecture graduate from the Bauhaus University in Weimar, and her great passion is interior design. After several years of experience in planning interior architecture, including that of hotels, since 2005 she has presented a variety of themes related to architecture and living in specialist and non-fiction works, newspaper and periodical articles, and conferences through her agency Architekturtext.
On walls, floors, or ceilings, on furniture, textiles, or the smallest accessories: patterns emerge in every living space. Together with colour, patterns open up the potential for infinite possibilities in interior design. The Pattern Book presents 150 examples of decorative and striking patterns for interior design: from geometric to playful,objective to abstract, purist to glamorous. Numerous illustrations show each pattern in detail, integrated into a spatial concept that uses it to its best advantage. With practical tips on the selection, use, and combination of patterns as well as an extensive appendix with each manufacturer's information and address, the book is certain to become an inexhaustible source of ideas for your own home. • 150 examples of patterns for every room and every living style • With creative ideas and practical tips for realizing them • With name, collection, manufacturer and contact information for each pattern
Art & Architecture worldwide:
Interior Design
Space – Function – Atmosphere – Style
Martin Benad
Colour for Interiors [Farbgestaltung Innenraum] Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt 176 pages 300 colour illustrations Format 21,5 x 28,0 cm October 2010
Martin Benad and his wife Ursula run the studio Atelier Benad for creative use of colour and wall decoration in Munich. He and his wife develop individual designs for the private homes and also business premises of their clients and offer regular seminars on colour planning, wall decorating and illusionary decoration. Martin Benad also works as a journalist.
Colours shape the atmosphere of a room and contribute significantly to our feeling of well-being. And more, designed coloration is a clear expression of individuality and style. On the basis of inspiring examples, colour designer Martin Benad shows how a cleverly designed coloration simplifies orientation, supports the functionality of a room, and elevates the mood of its users. The book delves into the following questions: • What strategy can be used to develop a meaningful concept of colour? • What are the rules for interpretating an interior space coloristically? • How can colour optimize a room’s desired function? • How can atmosphere and style be translated into concrete tones? All important aspects are systematically represented through detailed 3-D models. The book also presents an introduction to colour psychology. • Space – Function – Atmosphere – Style • Vivid presentation with illustrations of colour concepts • Instructions, checklists, and practical tips for both experts and amateurs • Includes a portfolio with samples of colours and surface patterns Also available:
Italien. Antik und Modern [Italy. Ancient and Modern], 2007 Sold to: US/UK (W. W. Norton) Graumalerei, Scheinarchitektur, Draperien [Trompe l'Oeil Architecture, Draperies], 2005 Sold to: US/UK (W. W. Norton) Himmel und Meer [Sea and Sky], 2004 Sold to: US/UK (W. W. Norton) Illusionsmalerei heute [Illusionary Decorating Today], 2002 Sold to: US/UK (W. W. Norton)
Art & Architecture worldwide:
Astonishing, harmonious, filled with exemplary ideas and inspirations
Ursel Borstell, Christa Hasselhorst
A Garden for all Seasons [Ein Garten für alle Jahreszeiten] Artistic, inspiring, surprising Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt 96 pages 100 colour illustrations Format 19,5 x 25,5 cm August 2010
Ursel Borstell studied photography and graphic design at the prestigious Folkwangschule in Essen. Specialising in garden photography since 1990, she is one of the most sought-after garden photographers in Germany. Christa Hasselhorst is a culture journalist who writes for for newspapers and magazines. She has worked as a radio editor, press secretary for the state opera and for the Thalia Theater in Hamburg. Since 1997 she not only portrays artists in the fields of music and theater, but also kneels in the garden beds, and writes about gardens and their owners. She is the author of several books, and leads tours of Berlin's and Potsdam's private and public gardens.
Whoever thinks that a garden can be enjoyed only from spring to fall will discover in this book that the opposite is true. The garden here, in the raw region of Osnabruck Land in Germany's lower Saxony, is not blessed with some particularly favourable climate. But its gardener has designed her blossoming kingdom in a manner as individual as it is tasteful, with many innovative ideas and unusual combinations of plants. She outwits autumn with ingenious combinations of perennials, bulbs, herbs, and vegetables and enacts atmospheric paintings of green, silver, and her beloved violet. Even in otherwise dreary winter, shaped hedges and woody plants create a scaffolding for impressive sculptures along with evergreen plants. Numerous seating places ranging from the conservatory to pleasurable gatherings underneath ancient trees extend the season. Also available:
Borstell, Ursel / Grothe, Bärbel: Ein Landhausgarten für Genießer [?], 2010 Borstell, Ursel / Balgar, Sabine: Wohnen im Garten [At Home in Your Garden], 2008 Barth, Ursula / Barlo, Nik jr.: Wie es euch gefällt [As you like it], 2008 Timm, Ulrich / Foerster, Marianne: Der Garten meines Vaters Karl Foerster [The Garden of My Father Karl Foerster], 2005
Art & Architecture worldwide:
For anyone who likes to harvest their own fruit, vegetables, and flowers Ursel Borstell, Bärbel Grothe
A Country Garden for Enthusiasts [Ein Landhausgarten für Genießer] Relax, harvest, experiment Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt 96 pages 109 colour illustrations Format 19,5 x 25,5 cm August 2010
Ursel Borstell studied photography and graphic design at the prestigious Folkwangschule in Essen. Specialising in garden photography since 1990, she is one of the most sought-after garden photographers in Germany.
The enthusiast’s garden surrounds a carefully renovated farmhouse in eastern Westphalia. Its heart is a classical cottage garden with boxwood borders, wayside Cross, and lush beds of vegetables, fruit, and flowers. But it also includes espalier fruit on the walls, a greenhouse, an extensive assortment of potted plants with a ledge of herbs, an English border and cozy seating area, as well as a large area of land for keeping animals and a meadow with scattered fruit trees. These elements are realized with a remarkable respect for nature mixed with Mediterranean flair.
A trained landscape gardener, Bärbel Grothe studied landscape architecture and worked for many years as the editor of a prominent garden magazine. She presently works as a free-lance author for several book and magazine publishers.
Also available:
Borstell, Ursel / Hasselhorst, Christa : Ein Garten für alle Jahreszeiten [A Garden for all Seasons], 2010 Borstell, Ursel / Balgar, Sabine: Wohnen im Garten [At Home in Your Garden], 2008 Barth, Ursula / Barlo, Nik jr.: Wie es euch gefällt [As you like it], 2008 Timm, Ulrich / Foerster, Marianne: Der Garten meines Vaters Karl Foerster [The Garden of My Father Karl Foerster], 2005
Art & Architecture worldwide:
Design / Architecture
Instructions and inspiration for architects, landscape architects, development and city planners Fabian Maier
Open-air Lighting [Beleuchtung im Freiraum] Lighting Design for Gardens and Urban Spaces Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt 136 pages 50 b/w illustrations, 200 colour illustrations Format 25,0 x 28,0 cm October 2010
Fabian Maier, born in 1971, studied architecture at the University of Karlsruhe. His development into a lighting designer began during his studies; his first individual projects originated during a stay abroad in Sao Paulo. On 2003 he founded a lighting planning office in Karlsruhe; three years later he expanded the practice Licht+Partner through the collaboration of business partner Fatih Yetgin. Fabian Maier teaches lighting planning at the Architecture Department at the college in Karlsruhe.
Gardens and squares are places of regeneration. With the help of the right lighting, these “interior spaces without roofs” can create a stimulating expansion of architecture and of urban and domestic life, especially at night. Using contemporary examples, lighting-planner Fabian Maier presents a wide range of design possibilities, the lighting techniques required to achieve them, various kinds of products, and the effects that can be created with them. Private houses with roof patios, front yards, and gardens of every size are introduced as well as examples of successful open-air architecture. The author explains the tools of the lighting planner such as visualization and light refractions, and provides information on products and how to solve potential problems. Also available:
Mader, Günther / Zimmermann, Elke: Mauern [Walls], 2008 Sold to: USA/UK (W.W. Norton) Mader, Günther / Zimmermann, Elke: Zäune und Tore [Gates And Fences], 2006 Mader, Günther / Zimmermann, Elke: Freiraumplanung [Planning and Designing Open Spaces], 2004
Art & Architecture worldwide:
The perfect guidebook for your own economical home
Thomas Drexel
New Houses on a Budget [Neue Low-Budget-Häuser] Building for under 225,000 euros Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt 160 pages 180 colour illustrations Format 21,5 x 28,0 cm September 2010
Thomas Drexel worked in an architect’s studio for several years and now writes on the subject of building, renovating, interior design and decorating, as well as photographing fine examples of architecture.
Is it even possible to build a house well and also economically? This frequent question can be answered with an emphatic yes, if you go about your construction project as carefully as the examples in this book do. Building your house economically can only succeed with a detailed plan for realizing the building project, a plan that is that is consistent and followed carefully. For each project in the book, the total costs remain under 225,000 euros—from excavation of the foundation pit to the final stroke of the paintbrush, including all work, fees, additional costs, and value added tax. The examples presented here are not “small cottages” but fullfledged single-family homes, and some of them even high-energyefficiency homes such as the KfW- certified energy saving houses. • With detailed information on cost-saving construction, detailed dating information for construction, planning and reference addresses Also available:
Lowest Budget [Budget Building], 2007 Sold to: Spain (Acanto) Low Budget [Low Budget], 2005 Sold to: Spain (Acanto)
Art & Architecture worldwide:
Highly up-to-date in uncertain economic times
Albert Ringlstetter
An architecturallydesigned house at a fixed price [Ein individuelles Architektenhaus zum Festpreis] Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt 144 pages 120 colour illustrations Format 17,0 x 24,0 cm November 2010
Albert Ringlstetter, architect, studied at the University of Technology in Munich, and has had his own office since, specializing in houses built in brick; he is the author of several popular guidebooks for clients and architects.
Whoever goes to an architect expects a good and individuallydesigned plan for their house. But a realistic estimate of costs is just as important, paving the way to a clearly-defined fixed price. What use is the most beautiful home when the client is massively in debt afterwards? The author presents the planning tools with which an architect, in close consultation with the client, can really build according to a fixed price—why accept design compromises with building developers? • Concepts proven in the author's practice
Art & Architecture worldwide:
Building in a group: Living ideas for the Future
Christoph Gunßer, Theo Peter
building together [miteinander bauen] Architecture for good neighbors, building groups, cooperatives Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt 144 pages 220 colour illustrations Format 21,5 x 28,0 cm October 2010
Christoph Gunßer, born in 1963, is a freelance specialist author with a focus on sustainable planning and building. He studied architecture and after several years as a practicing architect became academic assistant at the institute for city planning, housing, and regional planning at the University of Hannover. From 1992 to 1997 he was editor of db. Theo Peter, born in 1948, is a banker and director of the network BauZEIT. For twentyfive years he has been occupied with sustainable, climate-friendly housing construction with good design, construction qualities, and alternative financing. His projects have been distinguished with several architectural and environmental awards.
Building in a group: In building their own four walls, more and more people are choosing new and unconventional paths. By building a house together with like-minded people, it is possible not only to save money, but to create a living environment that is tailored to your individual needs much more closely than the usual housing offerings. Architects are often involved in the planning: inspiring and moderating construction groups is an exciting, challenging task, and offers a promising sphere of activity. The receptiveness to new ideas becomes mirrored in the architecture; this is why houses built by cooperatives are frequently buildings with remarkable innovations in terms of design, ecology, and energy balance. Christoph Gunßer and Theo Peter, versed architectural journalist and experienced initiator of group building projects, introduce around twenty new houses and residential spaces in the text and descriptive photos and drawings, and provide valuable information for planning and realization. • Valuable ideas for planning and practice • Selected collection of projects: project organization, design, ecology, and the energy footprint of the houses
Art & Architecture worldwide:
Design/ Architecture
Fifty-five stairways in a great variety of materials and constructions
Johannes Kottjé
55 Staircases for Residential Buildings [55 Treppen für Wohnhäuser] Materials - Construction – Spatial Effects Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt 128 pages 165 colour illustrations Format 17,0 x 24,0 cm September 2010
Johannes Kottjé is an architectural engineer who travels throughout Germany in his role as independent expert on building damage and advisor to owner-builders and architects. A regular contributor to specialist magazines, he has also written numerous books on architecture, building construction and interior design, many of which have been published by DVA.
Stairways are more than just the connection between two floors. Their materials and construction shape the interior of a house in crucial ways. Often located centrally in modern architecture, staircases can create a sculptural effect, or become practical components of the interior architecture when they serve as decorative room-dividers or for the storage of countless objects. The book shows fifty-five staircases, ranging from intentionally simple wooden stairs to multifunctional stairway-furniture, from the space-saving stairway to the imposing, apparently floating design object. • Fifty-five stairways in a great variety of materials and constructions • An extensive group of examples, helpful for communication between clients, architects, and craftsmen • All project include photos of the rooms, explanations, and technical information Also available:
Individuelle Möbelgestaltung [Custom Furniture Design], 2010 Modernes Wohnen auf dem Land [Modern Living in the Country], 2009 Bungalows und Atriumhäuser heute [Modern Bungalows and Atrium Houses], 2009 Individuell wohnen in Reihen- und Doppelhäusern [Individually styled semi-detached and terraced houses], 2009 Neues Wohnen in alten Fachwerkhäusern [Modern Living in Old Halftimbered Houses], 2008 Life & Style [Life & Style], 2007 So entsteht ein Holzhaus [How to Construct a Timber-frame House], 2007 Sold to: Czech Republic (GRADA) ECO-Häuser [ECO Houses], 2007 Welches Haus passt zu mir? [Choosing the Ideal House], 2006
Art & Architecture worldwide:
High-quality examples for contemporary entryway design Roger Mandl
Entryways [Eingänge] Contemporary, Practical, Perfect in Form Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt 144 pages 40 b/w illustrations, 160 colour illustrations Format 21,5 x 28,0 cm October 2010
Roger Mandl, born in 1961, studied interior decoration and furniture design. He lectures at art schools and technical colleges as well as working as an interior designer. His articles appear regularly in various trade journals.
First impressions matter. Whether in houses, hotels, or public buildings, the entryway awakens expectations of what lies inside. It should be designed just as carefully. Roger Mandl presents a contemporary selection of aesthetic, functional, and practicallydesigned entry situations in numerous photos, informative texts, and consistently drawn plans. The book offers valuable ideas for planning as well as up-to-date information on materials and techniques for architects as well as quality-conscious clients. An essay, illustrated with photographs by Klaus Kinold, introduces the subject matter. • Projects: singly-family homes, duplexes, and townhouses, apartment buildings, commercial, event/hotel, and public buildings • Informative photos, consistent plan drawings of all examples Also available:
Individuelle Bäder [Customised Bathrooms], 2009 Individuelle Küchen [Kitchens for Individuals], 2006
Art & Architecture worldwide:
Residential warmth for new buildings — efficient and environmentally-friendly Frank Hartmann, Klaus Siegele
Heating Ideas for Housing Construction [Wärmekonzepte für den Wohnungsbau] Installation engineering for architects Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt 192 pages 90 b/w illustrations, 60 colour illustrations Format 21,5 x 28,0 cm September 2010
Frank Hartmann is trained in three areas of residential electrical and plumbing systems: gas and water installation, heating and ventilation, and electrical installation. Among others he worked as a customer service technician and construction supervisor, led the Department of Renewable Energy in a large construction company and works as a consultant and planner in the field of energy efficient systems technology. Klaus Siegele is a carpenter and an architect and also works as an editor for a construction and architectural magazine. He has already published several titles with DVA.
Building residential buildings from the ground up offers the chance to take energy efficiency and renewable sources of heating into account already in the planning stage. In this way it is possible to realize individual ideas for heating, ranging from the greatest comfort to the lowest operating costs. Frank Hartmann and Klaus Siegele provide architects and planners with everything they need to know on the subject of heating residential spaces in new buildings, in a detailed, understandable, and practice-oriented way: from installation techniques, to supply systems that use renewable energy, up-to-date construction and building materials, to integrated planning. Examples of recent buildings show how technical knowledge can be united with high-quality architecture. Selected contents: - Trends in new building construction - Fundamentals of heat engineering - Thermal shell and solar construction - Designing warmth for residences, and thermal comfort - Air quality in rooms and ventilation - Techniques for storage and supply source - Solar heating, warm pumps, and burning wood - Multivalent supply systems • Systematic explanations of the various energy concepts • Practical explanation of how various unit components function • Prepared for architects and planners Also available:
Hartmann, Frank / Siegele, Klaus: Heizungsmodernisierung in Wohngebäuden [Heating System Modernizing for Residential Buildings], 2009
Art & Architecture worldwide:
Technique and surface design
Thomas Knobel
Floorcoatings [Bodenbeschichtungen] Technique and design Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt 128 pages 200 colour illustrations Format 21,5 x 28,0 cm September 2010
Born in 1964, Thomas Knobel is a trained painter and varnisher. From 1993 to 2008 he taught as a specialist subject teacher at the city Meisterschule für das Deutsche Malerhandwerk and since 2008 at the Städtische Berufsschule für Farbe und Gestaltung (College of Applied Arts for Colour and Design) in Munich. Since 1995 he has worked as a colour consultant to several manufactures of paint and varnishes.
From preparing the subsurface to the final coat, Thomas Knobel describes in detail all the important working steps in applying flooring coatings. Optimal solutions for different uses, such as living spaces, offices, and medical or commercial spaces, balconies and patios, are introduced in detail. The problems and dangers of working with various materials, and especially difficult processes are demonstrated. The book is also a source of inspiration for floor-coverings; classical examples are shown side-by-side with new and experimental applications. • Technique and surface design • A great number of new applications that have never been demonstrated
Art & Architecture worldwide:
365 images from the greatest photojournalists of today and yesterday A Year in Photography [Magie der Bilder] Magnum Archive
English edition available
Magnum Photos is an international photographic cooperative owned by its photographer-members, with offices located in New York, Paris, London, and Tokyo.
Prestel Verlag 736 pages 365 colour illustrations Format 22,3 x 22,3 September 2010
Founded by Henri Cartier-Bresson, Magnum Photos is an iconic international photographic cooperative whose members have captured the major historical events of their times, as well as private and intimate moments. A year’s worth of these images is offered in this beautiful book that features full page reproductions organized to reflect what CartierBresson himself declared a “community of thought, a shared human quality, a curiosity about what is going on in the world, a respect for what is going on and a desire to transcribe it visually.� Nearly 70 photographers are represented with five to six images and the current Magnum members have selected the photographs that they consider to best represent their own output. Opposite each photograph is a page reserved for special dates, reflections, and notes. Published in an appealing and impressively-sized format, running more than 700 pages, this book includes images that make history both individual and universal.
Art & Architecture worldwide:
Bikes and birds – a portrait of England's Rocker subculture
Horst A. Friedrichs Or Glory [Or Glory] 21st century rockers Prestel Verlag 176 pages 60 b/w illustrations, 100 colour illustrations Format 19,3 x 27 cm July 2010
English edition available
Horst Friedrichs’ photographs have appeared in Stern, The Independent, and The New York Times. He is the author of I’m One: 21st Century Mods (Prestel). He lives in London.
With their tattoos, leather jackets, slicked-back hair, and beloved British motorbikes—BSAs, Triumphs, Nortons, and Royal Enfields— Rockers are the nemesis and antithesis of the fastidiously groomed Mods. Elvis, James Dean, and Marlon Brando made rocker style synonymous with rebellion, sparking a global cult. Friedrichs follows the British rocker tribe as its members congregate in parking lots, pubs, cafes, dance and pool halls, as well as huge gatherings at Jacks Hill and the Ace Café. Alternating between rich, vibrant colour and gritty black and white, these photographs capture a spirit of unapologetic defiance in clothing as well as attitude, every bit as strong today as it was sixty years ago. Trenchant and revealing commentary from Friedrichs’ subjects sheds light on the impulses, yearnings, and motivations of this enduring international rebel chic subculture. Also available:
I'm one. 21st century mods [I'm One. 21st Century Mods], 2009
Art & Architecture worldwide:
The links between fashion and jewelry a renowned editor at British Vogue examines
Carol Woolton
Fashion for Jewels [Seide und Geschmeide] 100 years of styles and icons
English edition available
Carol Woolton is Jewellery Editor of British Vogue. Before that she was Tatler magazine’s first jewellery editor. She has written widely on antique and contemporary jewellery and watches for publications such as the London Times, the Financial Times, and Art Quarterly.
Prestel Verlag 176 pages 250 colour illustrations Format 23 x 28 August 2010
For as long as we’ve been dressing ourselves, we’ve been adorning ourselves with embellishments for ears, hands, wrists, waist and fingers. And as fashion trends evolve, so do trends in jewelry. Here jewelry expert Carol Woolton demonstrates how the worlds of fashion and jewelry have become increasingly integrated over the last century. From the corset-bound silhouettes of the turn of the century, with their elegant drop earrings and delicate chokers, to the free-flowing kaftans of the 1970s, adorned with chunky, earthy bangles and beads— major trends and designers are featured in double-page spreads that offer endlessly fascinating and informative texts and illustrations. Profiles of icons from Coco Chanel and Harry Winston to Princess Diana and Michelle Obama reveal the interplay of personality and history in the world of fashion. And as jewelry from Chanel, Boucheron, Van Cleef & Arpels and others was shown for the first time alongside haute couture in this year’s Paris Fashion Week, Woolton explores how brands have made the most of this trend. Gorgeous photography from the archives of Condé Nast, Sotheby’s, and many fine jewelers bring precious metal and twinkling gems to glorious life on the pages of this book.
Art & Architecture worldwide:
He's got the look! How clothes can make the man. Simone Werle
Fashionisto [Men in Style] A century of style icons Prestel Verlag 176 pages 50 b/w illustrations, 150 colour illustrations Format 19,5 x 24,0 cm September 2010
English edition available
Simone Werle is a fashion writer and designer based in Munich. Her most recent book is Fashionista (Prestel).
What makes a man a fashionisto? Swagger, elegance, daring, perhaps a really well cut suit. The actors, designers, crooners and legends portrayed in this collection are fashion forward men who possess some or all of the above—and they have it in spades. Fred Astaire and Bryan Ferry, Truman Capote and Che Guevara, George Clooney and Boy George all find a place in this fun and fascinating exploration of what makes a man into an icon. From Oscar Wilde’s penchant for velvet to Don Johnson’s Miami style, the cool aloofness of Johnny Depp and Kurt Cobain, or the characters of Ziggy Stardust and James Bond— all are featured in double page spreads with glossy full colour pictures and Simon Werle’s acute observations, anecdotes, and historical insight. As fun as it is informative, this glossy, smart book will attract anyone interested in how the clothes can make the man. Also available:
Fashionista [Fashionista], 2009
Art & Architecture worldwide:
Art for Kids
Join the art detective on his search and find out about the most fascinating artists of all time!
Ralph Erdenberger
The Secret Files of Vincent van Gogh [Geheimakte Vincent van Gogh] Volume 1 Prestel Verlag 112 pages Format 16.0 x 23.5 cm September 2010 10 plus
Ralph Erdenberger is a freelance journalist for the WDR and other ARD radio stations. Among other projects, he works for the children's radio programme Lilipuz and the historical series Zeitzeichen. In Prestel's series Bilder im Ohr he set artworks from famous museums to sound for children.
The art detective investigates: He has to find out about this mysterious Vincent van Gogh, on whom Theo is supposed to do a school presentation. He starts out on the trail of the famous artist. His search leads him to Holland and Southern France, where the unexplained death of the artist raises puzzling questions, and he encounters a secretive potato eater ... The books in this series compile everything the detective could find out about the person in question, his life, and his art, in dossier form: in these works (not only) children will learn a great many interesting things about the artists from very different perspectives. They can read thrilling reports, and follow hot on the artists' trails; they accompany the detective to the scenes of the artist's life, air the secrets of his works, and visit the places where his art can be found now. • with many documents, original quotations, photos, authentic material • outstanding reproductions of important works • with many interactive elements • the detective's report runs through the entire book and connects the individual parts • easily portable paperback with elastic closure • includes art cards to collect Also available from the Secret Files series:
Geheimakte Leonardo da Vinci [The Secret Files of Leonardo da Vinci], 2010
Art & Architecture worldwide:
Art for Kids
Join the art detective on his search and find out about the most fascinating artists of all time!
Ralph Erdenberger
The Secret Files of Leonardo da Vinci [Geheimakte Leonardo da Vinci] Volume 2 Prestel Verlag 112 pages Format 16.0 x 23.5 cm October 2010 10 plus
Ralph Erdenberger is a freelance journalist for the WDR and other ARD radio stations. Among other projects, he works for the children's radio programme Lilipuz and the historical series Zeitzeichen. In Prestel's series Bilder im Ohr he set artworks from famous museums to sound for children.
The art detective investigates: He has to find out about this mysterious Leonardo da Vinci, who supposedly invented the first airplane. We'll join him on his search. The trail leads from Florence to Milan and even to France ... The books in this series compile everything the detective could find out about the person in question, his life, and his art, in dossier form: in these works (not only) children will learn a great many interesting things about the artists from very different perspectives. They can read thrilling reports, and follow hot on the artists' trails; they accompany the detective to the scenes of the artist's life, air the secrets of his works, and visit the places where his art can be found now. • with many documents, original quotations, photos, authentic material • outstanding reproductions of important works • with many interactive elements • the detective's report runs through the entire book and connects the individual parts • easily portable paperback with elastic closure • includes art cards to collect Also available from the Secret Files series:
Geheimakte Vincent van Gogh [The Secret Files of Vincent van Gogh], 2010
Art & Architecture worldwide:
Art for Kids
This series entices the reader to travel through time and get to know some of the most fascinating figures in history
Dagmar Feghelm
Pablo Picasso [Pablo Picasso] The Biography Prestel Verlag 112 pages 5 b/w illustrations, 16 colour illustrations Format 13.0 x 20.0 cm July 2010 12 plus
Dagmar Feghelm studied art history and has taught at the University of Munich. She works as an author and editor and possesses the special talent of bringing art to life through words. Among other works she has published I, Raphael, I, Goya and Ruben's Pictures of Love with Prestel.
Over the course of his long life Pablo Picasso (1881-1973) invented not one, but several styles of art, and made more than one woman unhappy. The Spanish-born artist was hot-tempered, a genius full of charm and inspiration. With his intense personality and inexhaustible inventiveness, Picasso has shaped modern art like no other artist. • colour reproductions of the most important works • time line with important dates in the artist's life and contemporary events • 16 pages of colour reproductions and around five black-and-white Also available from the Biography series:
Frida Kahlo. Die Lebensgeschichte [Frida Kahlo. The Biography], 2010 Leonardo da Vinci. Die Lebensgeschichte [Leonardo da Vinci. The Biography], 2010 Gustav Klimt. Die Lebensgeschichte [Gustav Klimt. The Biography], 2010 Paul Klee. Die Lebensgeschichte [Paul Klee. The Biography], 2011
Art & Architecture worldwide:
Art for Kids
This series entices the reader to travel through time and get to know some of the most fascinating figures in history
Bettina Schümann
Gustav Klimt [Gustav Klimt] The Biography Prestel Verlag 112 pages 5 b/w illustrations, 16 colour illustrations Format 13.0 x 20.0 cm July 2010 12 plus
Bettina Schümann, herself the mother of two children, works as an author and editor. Her title 13 Künstlerinnen, die du kennen solltest (13 Women Artists Children should Know) is also published by Prestel.
The idiosyncratic artist Gustav Klimt (1862-1918) has shaped our image of turn-of-the-century Vienna like no one else. In her biography, Bettina Schümann brings to life the day-to-day society of Vienna in which the famous Art Nouveau artist lived and worked, and paints a lively portrait of this artist, a favorite among the ladies of Viennese society, whom he clothed in glittering gold and precious stones in his paintings. • colour reproductions of the most important works • time line with important dates in the artist's life and contemporary events • glossary explaining specialist terms • 16 pages of colour reproductions and around five black-and-white Also available from the Biography series:
Frida Kahlo. Die Lebensgeschichte [Frida Kahlo. The Biography], 2010 Leonardo da Vinci. Die Lebensgeschichte [Leonardo da Vinci. The Biography], 2010 Pablo Picasso. Die Lebensgeschichte [Pablo Picasso. The Biography], 2010 Paul Klee. Die Lebensgeschichte [Paul Klee. The Biography], 2011
Art & Architecture worldwide:
Art for Kids
Art history as a fascinating adventure: Basic knowledge of art made appropriate for children
Hildegard Kretschmer
Adventures in Art [Das Abenteuer Kunst] The History of Painting Revised edition Prestel Verlag 224 pages 150 colour illustrations Format 16.5 x 24.0 cm August 2010 10 plus
Hildegard Kretschmer studied art history in Salzburg. She teaches art history. In addition to Adventures in Art, Prestel has also published her How Noah saved the Animals: Famous Artists illustrate the Bible, distinguished with the Catholic Childen's and Youth Book Award in 2004.
Hildegard Kretschmer invites you to take the time to look closely at paintings and discover their secrets. Over 100 works of art by over 90 artists offer a superb overview of the history of art from its beginnings to the Modern era. In the appendix a time line with explanations of epochs and styles provides historical context. Outstanding explanations of technical terms, techniques, the workshop and art market, as well as a map provide valuable information. The ultimate book for anyone interested in understanding the history of art! • the standard work for art fans and those who want to be • adventures in Art – revised and redesigned edition of the popular title • thematic approach to art history • outstanding reproductions of famous works of art • short biographies of numerous artists • informative appendix
Art & Architecture worldwide:
Art for Kids
This lively introduction to some of the towering figures in American art will inspire children to dream, create, and think. Brad Finger
13 American Artists Children Should Know [13 amerikanische Künstler, die du kennen solltest]
English edition available
Brad Finger is an art historian based near Chicago, Illinois. He is the author of 13 Modern Artists Children Should Know and 13 American Artists Children Should Know.
Prestel Verlag 48 pages 60 colour illustrations Format 24.0 x 28.0 cm July 2010 8 plus
American art is as varied as the giant country itself with its 50 states: Historical paintings from the 19th century narrate the story of this country; Mary Cassatt, Sargent create captivating impressionistic pictures; Americans like O' Keefe, Cornell, Pollock or Calder pave the way for all of modern art. With a selection of 13 of the most famous artists and their works, young readers receive an introduction to American art. A clearly arranged chronology serves to provide historical orientation. Games, puzzles and inspiration for creative work awaken an enthusiasm for art in children. Each artist is featured in double-page spreads that are as unique as their subjects. Fascinating biographical portraits, interesting sidebars, and ideas to spark the imagination enhance exquisite reproductions of well-known works. Presented chronologically, these profiles are strung together by a continuous timeline that highlights world events that impacted the artists’ work. Also available from the 13, Children Should Know series: 13 Künstler, die du kennen solltest [13 Artists Children Should Know]*, 2008 Sold to: Korea (Sigongsa) 13 Skulpturen, die du kennen solltest [13 Sculptures Children Should Know]*, 2009 13 Bilder, die du kennen solltest [13 Paintings Children Should Know]*, 2009 13 Bauwerke, die du kennen solltest [13 Buildings, Children Should Know]*, 2009 Sold to: Korea (Sigongsa) 13 Burgen und Schlösser, die du kennen solltest [13 Castles and Palaces, Children Should Know]*, 2009 13 Künstlerinnen, die du kennen solltest [13 Women Artists Children Should Know]*, 2009 13 Götter und Helden, die du kennen solltest [13 Gods and Heroes Children Should Know], 2009 *English edition available
Art & Architecture worldwide:
Art for Kids
From Cubism to cartoons, this book of eyepopping art and engaging activities introduces young readers to modern art. Brad Finger
13 Modern Artists Children Should Know [13 moderne Künstler, die du kennen solltest]
English edition available
Brad Finger is an art historian based near Chicago, Illinois. He is the author of 13 Modern Artists Children Should Know and 13 American Artists Children Should Know.
Prestel Verlag 48 pages 60 colour illustrations Format 24.0 x 28.0 cm July 2010 8 plus
This book introduces 13 famous modern artists, who appeal particularly to children. Cleverly formatted information, illustrations of the works of art, and a child-friendly glossary convey knowledge about the works of art and their creators. A timetable allows for easy historical orientation. Find the difference games, puzzles, and colouring exercises encourage participation and help children have fun discovering art. Picasso, Chagall, Calder, Lichtenstein, Hockney—these artists and the others profiled here offer a world of interest to children. This exciting exploration of modern, Pop, and postmodern art is designed to appeal to young minds. Large illustrations brimming with colour; fascinating explanations and biographical information; do-it-yourself activities, quizzes and a helpful glossary and timeline are all part of the vibrant book. Children will be drawn to the stories and interactive opportunities as they discover these important artists who changed the world. Also available from the 13, Children Should Know series: 13 Künstler, die du kennen solltest [13 Artists Children Should Know]*, 2008 Sold to: Korea (Sigongsa) 13 Skulpturen, die du kennen solltest [13 Sculptures Children Should Know]*, 2009 13 Bilder, die du kennen solltest [13 Paintings Children Should Know]*, 2009 13 Bauwerke, die du kennen solltest [13 Buildings Children Should Know]*, 2009 Sold to: Korea (Sigongsa) 13 Burgen und Schlösser, die du kennen solltest [13 Castles and Palaces Children Should Know]*, 2009 13 Künstlerinnen, die du kennen solltest [13 Women Artists Children Should Know]*, 2009 13 Götter und Helden, die du kennen solltest [13 Gods and Heroes Children Should Know], 2009 *English edition available
Art & Architecture worldwide:
Art for Kids
Art and creativity for young children! Annette Roeder
Colouring Book Marc Chagall [Kunst-Malbuch Marc Chagall] Prestel Verlag 32 pages 16 b/w illustrations 16 colour illustrations Format 28.0 x 24.0 July 2010 6 plus
English edition available
Annette Roeder, architect and mother of three children, is the successful illustrator and author of numerous children's books. In addition to many colouring books, she has published 13 Buildings Children Should Know with Prestel.
Fantasy and creativity are encouraged in this colouring book. Apart from pictures to colour there are also numerous motifs which allow plenty of freedom for creating colourful works of art. Children will quickly discover and enjoy the fascinating pictorial universe of Marc Chagall, whose images often refer to Chagall’s rural origin, depict biblical incidents or episodes from the circus. Next to paintings the painter-poet also designed mosaics, window panes and backdrops for the theater. He is known as one of the most important artists from the 20th century: The Marc Chagall Coloring Book is dedicated to him. Also available from the Coloring Book series: Birdman Blue Rider* Salvador Dali* Edward Hopper* Friedensreich Hundertwasser* Impressionists Islamic Art Frida Kahlo* Wassily Kandinsky* Gustav Klimt Franz Marc Henri Matisse* Claude Monet Vincent van Gogh Jan Vermeer Andy Warhol* Worpswede London Munich Sisi * additional artist’s rights
Art & Architecture worldwide:
Art for Kids
Art and creativity for young children! Annette Roeder
Colouring Book Paul Gauguin [Kunst-Malbuch Paul Gauguin] Prestel Verlag 32 pages 16 b/w illustrations 16 colour illustrations Format 28.0 x 24.0 cm July 2010 6 plus
English edition available
Annette Roeder, architect and mother of three children, is the successful illustrator and author of numerous children's books. In addition to many colouring books, she has published 13 Buildings Children Should Know with Prestel.
Big art for little hands: These enchanting activity books allow young artists to explore the world's masterpieces on their own terms with plenty of space to colour outside the lines. Also available from the Coloring Book series: Birdman Blue Rider* Salvador Dali* Edward Hopper* Friedensreich Hundertwasser* Impressionists Islamic Art Frida Kahlo* Wassily Kandinsky* Gustav Klimt Franz Marc Henri Matisse* Claude Monet Vincent van Gogh Jan Vermeer Andy Warhol* Worpswede London Munich Sisi * additional artist’s rights
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