Foreign Rights Autumn 2010 Non-Fiction
Blessing ▪ btb ▪ C.Bertelsmann ▪ Diana ▪ DVA Edition Elke Heidenreich ▪ Goldmann ▪ Heyne ▪ Irisiana ▪ Kailash Knaus ▪ Ludwig ▪ Pantheon ▪ Riemann ▪ Siedler ▪ Sphinx
Contents History Conze, Eckart / Frei, Norbert / Hayes, Peter / Zimmermann, Moshe: The Office and the Past Engelberg, Ernst / Engelberg, Achim: The Bismarcks Großbongardt, Annette / Pieper, Dietmar: The Staufer and Their Times Mommsen, Hans: On the History of Germany in the 20th Century Zwecker, Loel: What Has Happened So Far
1 2 3 4 5
Current Affairs Höhler, Gertrud: Twilight of the False Gods Schwägerl, Christian: Human Age
6 7
Social & Cultural Studies Bruhns, Annette / Lakotta, Beate / Pieper, Dietmar: Dementia Montasser, Thomas: The World is Not a Google Sandberg, Vera: Women after the Mating Season Schnabel, Ulrich: Leisure Schreiber, Mathias: The Ten Commandments
8 9 10 11 12
Philosophy & Science Conard, Nicholas J. / Wertheimer, Jürgen: The Venus from the Ice Lesch, Harald: Aliens Are Also Only Human Precht, Richard David: The Art of Not Being an Egoist Vašek, Thomas: Soul, an Immortal Idea
13 14 15 16
Biographies Clough, Patricia: Emin Pascha, Lord of Equatoria Gudmundsson, Halldór: Mamutschka’s Life Recipes Herwig, Malte: Master of the Twilight Krausser, Helmut: Two Unequal Rivals
17 18 19 20
Memoirs Hecht, Martin: Dear Jakob Schollmeyer, Markus: Accusation Sterling, Diane: Sicilian Wedding Stocker, Arno: The Piano Whisperer Todenhöfer, Jürgen: Share Your Happiness … And You Will Change the World Weisse, Ina: The Mistress
21 22 23 24 25 26
General Non-Fiction Langenscheidt, Florian: 1000 Happy Moments Neon: Useless Knowledge 2 Schirrmacher, Frank: Brain Training Wash Echte: I Become a Berliner
27 28 29 30
Contact & Agents
A historical myth crumbles
Eckart Conze / Norbert Frei / Peter Hayes / Moshe Zimmermann The Office and the Past [Das Amt und die Vergangenheit] German diplomats in the Third Reich and in the Federal Republic Blessing 880 pages October 2010
Eckart Conze, born in 1963, is a professor of modern and contemporary history. His publications include works on the history of Federal Germany and international relationships in the 19th and 20th centuries. Professor Norbert Frei holds the chair of Modern and Contemporary History at the University of Jena and has written numerous books on the history of National Socialism and post-war Germany. Peter Hayes was born in 1946 and is professor of history and German at Northwestern University in Evanston, Illinois. In 2010 he coedited The Oxford Handbook of Holocaust Studies. Moshe Zimmermann was born in 1943 and is a professor of modern history at the Hebrew University Jerusalem. His most recent book is Germans against Germans: The Fate of the Jews 1938-1945 (Berlin 2008).
The myth that the Foreign Office was a haven of resistance between 1933 and 1945 is among the longest lasting about the Third Reich. What did members of the German Foreign Service really do after Hitler's rise to power? And what was their attitude to their past in the Federal Republic? From the very first day, the Foreign Office was directly involved in the politics of the NS terror regime. It not only made sure that no one outside the country knew of the Third Reich "Jewish policy" but was also actively involved in all its phases. Everywhere in Europe, German diplomats paved the way for the "Final Solution"; they collaborated in the "registration" of the Jews and in their deportation. Opposition from within the Foreign Office came only from individual members of staff and remained the exception. After the end of World War II, no more than a few civil servants were held accountable for their activities; many of them could count on being reinstated and continued their careers. The shadow of the past hung over foreign policy decisions made by Federal Germany for decades. Basing its conclusions on numerous files that even today are still under lock and key, the book puts an end to old legends and rectifies the historical perception of one of the most important functionary elites in the country. Also available:
Conze, Eckart: Die Suche nach Sicherheit [The Search for Security], 2009 Ahrens, Ralf / Frei, Norbert / Osterloh, Jรถrg / Schanetzky, Tim: Flick [Flick], 2009
US/UK, Southern Europe, South America: Italy, The Netherlands/Belgium, Asia: Eastern Europe, Scandinavia, the Balkans:
The first extensive history of the Bismarck family
Ernst Engelberg / Achim Engelberg The Bismarcks [Die Bismarcks] A Prussian family saga from the Middle Ages to the present day Siedler 400 pages With illustrations October 2010
Ernst Engelberg, born in 1909, is one of the most distinguished historians of the 20th century. His comprehensive biography of Otto von Bismarck, the first volume of which was published simultaneously in West and East Germany in 1985, caused a political and journalistic stir. Exactly twenty years after the second volume was published in 1990, Ernst Engelberg's story of the Bismarck family now appears, edited and with a final chapter added by his son Achim Engelberg, born in 1965, journalist and filmmaker.
With Otto von Bismarck (1815 – 1898) the old Prussian dynasty produced a politician of world-historic format. He was an exceptional person, but he came from a line of nobility that always played an important role at turning points in history: from the Reformation and through the French Revolution and the founding of the German Reich in 1871 right down to the periods after each of the World Wars in the 20th century. Ernst and Achim Engelberg vividly and authentically describe how some of the members of the Bismarck family took up the great ideas of their times and left their stamp on them; how others loaded blame on themselves through their exploitation of or involvement in crimes such as those of National Socialism. This is a grippingly told history of a family, and at the same time gives it deep insights into the politics and culture of Germany from the Middle Ages down to the present day.
US/UK, Southern Europe, South America: Italy, The Netherlands/Belgium, Asia: Eastern Europe, Scandinavia, the Balkans:
A comprehensive view of the epoch of the High Middle Ages
Annette Großbongardt / Dietmar Pieper (ed.) The Staufers and Their Times [Die Staufer und ihre Zeit] Life in the High Middle Age DVA 300 pages November 2010
Annette Großbongardt, born in 1961, took Romance and German studies at university and has been working for Spiegel since 1993, initially as an editor for German affairs, from 1998 to 2005 as a correspondent in Jerusalem, and until the end of 2007 in Istanbul. Dietmar Pieper, born in 1963, studied literature and has been working for Spiegel since 1989. Between 2001 and 2008 he was one of the heads of the German Politics department, and since then he has been the editor responsible for the Spiegel History and Spiegel Knowledge series.
They were Swabian dukes and became the rulers of the "Holy Roman Empire": the kings and emperors of the House of Hohenstaufen ruled for 130 years, from 1138 to 1268. The legends surrounding such outstanding and charismatic imperial figures as Frederick Barbarossa and Frederick II are still very much alive today. The period of the Staufer dynasty, the High Middle Ages, was the heyday of knights and castles, court life and the Minnesang, booming towns and innovations in science, society, trade and art and the age of Hildegard of Bingen and Francis of Assisi. Daily life, however, was frequently overshadowed by conflicts and wars: pope and emperor, Staufer and Welfs, king and prince all fought for the power in the empire. Together with renowned medievalists, the authors of this book have given insights into this eventful epoch; they have portrayed important Staufer rulers, shown how their subjects lived and asked about the legacy of the Staufer dynasty. Also available:
Bruhns, Annette / Lakotta, Beate / Pieper, Dietmar (ed.): Demenz [Dementia], 2010 Jung, Alexander / Pieper, Dietmar / Traub, Rainer (ed.): Geld macht Geschichte [Money Making History], 2010 Sold to: Korea (Economic Daily & Business Publ.) Pieper, Dietmar / Saltzwedel, Johannes (ed.): Die Welt der Habsburger [The World of the Habsburgs], 2010 Großbongardt, Annette / Pieper, Dietmar (ed.): Jerusalem [Jerusalem], 2009 Wiegrefe, Pieper / Klaus, Dietmar: Die Erfindung der Deutschen [Inventing the Germans], 2007
US/UK, Southern Europe, South America: Italy, The Netherlands/Belgium, Asia: Eastern Europe, Scandinavia, the Balkans:
Key moments in the transition of the Weimar Republic to the Third Reich
Hans Mommsen On the History of Germany in the 20th Century [Zur Geschichte Deutschlands im 20. Jahrhundert] Democracy, dictatorship, resistance DVA 400 pages September 2010
Hans Mommsen, born in 1930, was between 1966 and his retirement in 1996 professor of modern history. Research trips took him to Princeton, Harvard, Berkeley, Jerusalem and Washington, D. C. Hans Mommsen is a member of the British Academy and the Austrian Academy of Science. In 1998 he was awarded the Carl von Ossietzky Prize for Contemporary History and Politics.
Hans Mommsen is one of the most influential contemporary historians in Germany. He has not only written fundamental academic books on 20th century German history; with his dedicated articles he has also decisively enriched public and political debate. In these hitherto largely unpublished essays, Hans Mommsen reviews the focus of his work, the history of Germany between 1918 and 1945. He concisely and discriminately analyses key moments in the transition of the Weimar Republic to the Third Reich, Hitler's rise to power, the crisis of the Third Reich and forms of resistance against National Socialism. This is a must-read for everyone interested in this chapter of German history.
US/UK, Southern Europe, South America: Italy, The Netherlands/Belgium, Asia: Eastern Europe, Scandinavia, the Balkans:
A road movie through the history of the human race
Loel Zwecker What Has Happened So Far [Was bisher geschah] A short history of the world
Rights sold to:
Spain (Crítica) Loel Zwecker was born in 1968 and is an author and translator. He did his Ph.D. on art and politics and has been a lecturer in art history at the Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich. He contributes to various newspapers, including the Süddeutsche Zeitung, Le Monde and the Neue Zürcher Zeitung. His latest book to be published is Picasso's Purple Period (2006).
Pantheon 384 pages 20 b/w illustrations August 2010
Loel Zwecker takes us on a fast-paced journey through the history of the human race – from the beginnings of the written word in Egypt, Mesopotamia and Palestine, passing through ancient European cultures, the advanced civilizations in Asia and the Middle Ages and ending up in the present day. In the process he sheds light on past epochs round the globe in a way that is unique, shrewd and extremely entertaining. By making comparisons with our lives today, Zwecker has succeeded in bringing history to life and making it understandable. Thus he looks at aspects such as the triumph of Jewish monotheism; tells us how the New Testament came to be such a bestseller; how the grass-roots democracy of the North American Indians worked; how Maria Theresia coped with the double responsibility of being the mother of 16 children and at the same time the ruler of a multiethnic state by setting up a modern administration in Austria; and how propaganda, in other words the mother archetype of advertising, was invented. Zwecker's book is not only very informative; it catapults readers directly into a past that is sometimes familiar, sometimes completely strange and fascinating.
US/UK, Southern Europe, South America: Italy, The Netherlands/Belgium, Asia: Eastern Europe, Scandinavia, the Balkans:
Current Affairs
The religion of money as a world religion?
Gertrud Höhler Twilight of the False Gods [Götzendämmerung] The religion of money is devouring its children Heyne 320 pages September 2010
Professor Gertrud Höhler was for 20 years professor of literary science and German. She is now on the board of administrators of international companies and one of the consultants in greatest demand for economics and politics in Germany. The bestselling author has published numerous books on social policy and particularly supports the idea of a committed debate on values.
Big money, quick money – this is the salvation promised by a society that has lost sight of its goals. Money has become a commodity; money sellers provide power in its purest form when they buy and sell packets of money. At a profit, it goes without saying. For the religion of money knows only one goal: to increase money. Money is a mighty drug, but every high comes to an end. And what then? What would new morals cost? Can you buy values? Without noticing it, we have been keeping moral principles instead of the money sellers on a short leash. Only if we unleash moral principles will we be able to make use of the derailed energies for the benefit of society, for every good business deal needs emotions, daring and a thirst for adventure – and money is the mediator and not the goal. A shrewd diagnosis, a convincing therapy for a system of values that has gone haywire.
US/UK, Southern Europe, South America: Italy, The Netherlands/Belgium, Asia: Eastern Europe, Scandinavia, the Balkans:
Current Affairs
The epoch of responsibility – why we have to act
Christian Schwägerl Human Age [Menschenzeit] Break or make? The decisive epoch for our planet Riemann 320 pages September 2010 ▪ Online special available
Christian Schwägerl is a science journalist who has been working on environmental matters for 20 years. He has been an editor for Spiegel since 2007, focussing on issues concerning the environment, energy and research policy. Previous to that he worked for the Berliner Zeitung and the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung. Christian Schwägerl has been awarded several prestigious prizes for his work.
The renowned science journalist Christian Schwägerl sets out why we have long been living in the "Anthrocene period", the Human Age – an epoch in which the human race is in the process of changing its planet at a breath-taking pace. The technologies of our epoch have made possible an explosive increase in production, accompanied by a dramatic population growth. Rapid climate change, species dying out and a progressively more fragile ecosystem are hanging like a sword of Damocles over the unchecked rise of a species that has irreversibly altered the Earth. There is no way back into an idealised past but only forward towards a world in which science serves sustainability and selfrestraint is the virtue of a human race of the future living as competent members of the community. A warning to stir us and one that calls for action – so that the next epoch in the Earth's history won't take place without us.
US/UK, Southern Europe, South America: Italy, The Netherlands/Belgium, Asia: Eastern Europe, Scandinavia, the Balkans:
Social & Cultural Studies
A common disease in an aging population
Annette Bruhns / Beate Lakotta / Dietmar Pieper (ed.) Dementia [Demenz] What we know about it, how we live with it DVA 304 pages 14 b/w illustrations October 2010
Annette Bruhns was born in 1966 and has been a Spiegel editor since 1995. At present she looks after and writes special issues on topics relating to science and history. Beate Lakotta was born in 1965 and is a Spiegel science editor. Dietmar Pieper, born in 1963, studied literature sciences and has been working for Spiegel since 1989. Between 2001 and 2008 he was one of the heads of the German Politics department, and since then he has been the editor responsible for the Spiegel History and Spiegel Knowledge series.
In our aging society, there are more and more people with dementia, the unstoppable journey to forgetting. But dementia-related illnesses like Alzheimer's are still taboo subjects. In this volume, which covers many aspects of the subject, people affected describe how they get along with the gradual loss of the familiar world, and relatives explain how difficult and trying living with a dementia patient is. The authors – researchers, care experts, doctors and Spiegel editors – detail the latest scientific findings and report on imaginative ideas and methods from the field of day-to-day care to make it easier for all concerned to cope. An important book that tells of grief, shame and fear; it also tells of optimism and pleasant surprises and contains a lot of useful information and advice. Also available:
Großbongardt, Annette / Pieper, Dietmar (ed.): Die Staufer und ihre Zeit [The Staufer and Their Times], 2010 Alexander Jung / Dietmar Pieper / Rainer Traub (ed.): Geld macht Geschichte [Money Making History], 2010 Sold to: Korea (Economic Daily & Business Publishing) Großbongardt, Annette / Pieper, Dietmar: Jerusalem [Jerusalem], 2010 Pieper, Dietmar / Saltzwedel, Johannes (ed.): Die Welt der Habsburger [The World of the Habsburgs], 2010 Wiegrefe, Klaus / Pieper, Dietmar: Die Erfindung der Deutschen [Inventing the Germans], 2007
US/UK, Southern Europe, South America: Italy, The Netherlands/Belgium, Asia: Eastern Europe, Scandinavia, the Balkans:
Social & Cultural Studies
For those who still know that one can live without cell phones and the Internet
Thomas Montasser The World is Not a Google [Weil die Erde keine Google ist] In praise of analogue life Heyne 240 pages November 2010
Thomas Montasser has been working as a literary agent and writer for over twenty years. He lives in Munich with his wife and their three children, owns several computers and a cell phone, but not an MP3 player nor a games console, doesn't use Facebook and so far has never written a text message in his life. He teaches at the University of Munich and in daily life learns – mainly by analogue means.
Daily life without Internet and cell phones is inconceivable; our life is increasingly shifting into cyberspace. Thomas Montasser, a selfdeclared member of an analogue world, has no choice: even he emails, surfs, chats and googles more and more. But what is left of real life after all this never-ending communication, technicalisation, information and digitalisation and how high is the price we have to pay for it? Entertainingly, but also a little nostalgically he tells of his confrontations with the achievements of the digital world – and of the advantages of an analogue life.
US/UK, Southern Europe, South America: Italy, The Netherlands/Belgium, Asia: Eastern Europe, Scandinavia, the Balkans:
Social & Cultural Studies
Humour and serenity: the keys to a happy relationship for women over 50
Vera Sandberg Women after the Mating Season [Frauen nach der Paarungszeit] Why we want so much now and men offer so little Diana 288 pages September 2010
Vera Sandberg, born in 1952, studied journalism and was for many years an editor for a daily newspaper. She has been an author for Brigitte magazine since 1990, focusing on psychology, relationship, and women and career. She has written several books and is the mother of two grown children.
When women grow older, they become shrewder, more relaxed, more self-confident – but when looking for a partner they revert to their old behavioural patters. The man should heal wounds, fulfil every wish, read minds. Expectations are high. Anyone wanting to get tied up with a partner does not want any more shabby compromises. But the men out in the wild also have their problems and are unable and unwilling to play the part of the Prince Charming on a white horse. Love in the middle of life – a dying art? By no means, says Brigitte author Vera Sandberg, but the art consists of remaining independent and approaching the partnership with humour and equanimity. How to do this, how women can go new and exciting ways – this is what she demonstrates in this book. Also available:
Krebs. Und alles ist anders [Cancer. And Everything Is Different], 2009 Und morgen bin ich dich los [And Tomorrow I’m Rid of You], 2008 Cool bleiben! [Stay Cool!], 2006
US/UK, Southern Europe, South America: Italy, The Netherlands/Belgium, Asia: Eastern Europe, Scandinavia, the Balkans:
Social & Cultural Studies
We need it, we look for it, we fear it: the power of leisure
Ulrich Schnabel Leisure [Muße] The science of doing nothing Blessing 250 pages November 2010
Ulrich Schnabel, born in 1962, studied physics and journalism and is a science editor at Die Zeit. He has written highly acclaimed articles on religion and the research into awareness in Die Zeit and GEO. He was awarded the Georg von Holtzbrinck Prize for Scientific Journalism in 2006. Two years later his Measuring Faith was published which was named the "Science Book of the year 2010" by Bild der Wissenschaft. Ulrich Schnabel was also awarded the Werner and Inge Grüter Prize for Knowledge Transfer 2010.
Pressure of work and our fascination for new communication technologies have made us forget how to relax. "More time for myself" is the answer people regularly give when asked by opinion pollsters what they miss most, only then immediately to go straight back to the never-ending exposure to the drumfire of communications and to boldly plunge into the flood of information. Yet brain researchers and neurologists have long since discovered how important phases of doing nothing and planning nothing are, when the circuits in the brain and the nerves can regenerate and renew their strength. Great ideas need time and leisure, as can be seen from untold examples: it was not at his desk while bending over formulae that Isaac Newton had his brilliant idea about gravity, but out in the orchard while he was serenely looking at an apple. The structure of the benzene ring came to the chemist Friedrich Kekulé in a dream. Ulrich Schnabel demonstrates how valuable leisure is and how we can manage to escape the general quickening of the speed of life, at least for a while. Also available:
Die Vermessung des Glaubens [Measuring Faith], 2008 Sold to: Korea (Chackbose Publishing Company), Serbia (Cigoja Stampa)
US/UK, Southern Europe, South America: Italy, The Netherlands/Belgium, Asia: Eastern Europe, Scandinavia, the Balkans:
Social & Cultural Studies
The history of the Ten Commandments and what they mean today
Mathias Schreiber The Ten Commandments [Die Zehn Gebote] Ethics for today DVA 288 pages 3 b/w illustrations September 2010
Mathias Schreiber, born in 1943, was head of the arts and entertainment section of the weekly Spiegel for 14 years and has been writing as a columnist for this magazine for two years. He has published books on lyric theory, ethics, philosophy, modern art and architecture.
For Jews and Christians, the Ten Commandments are the central guiding principle of their behaviour. But even for non-religious people they are still the unshakeable touchstone for humane ethos, for whether someone has character or not. In his latest book, Mathias Schreiber has reconstructed the fascinating history of the Ten Commandments before the backcloth of the cultures of the ancient world and in comparison with similar rules and regulations. In discourse with psychology, sociology, behavioural biology and jurisprudence, he has also attempted to show what relevance the Ten Commandments have today. Summing up, he says that if the human race is to have a future, it is essential for survival always to stick to this codex of common sense. Also available:
Das Gold in der Seele [The Gold in the Soul], 2009 Was von uns bleibt [What Remains of Us], 2008 Sold to: The Netherlands (Forum/de Boekerij)
US/UK, Southern Europe, South America: Italy, The Netherlands/Belgium, Asia: Eastern Europe, Scandinavia, the Balkans:
A sensational archaeological discovery and what it tells us about the invention of art
Nicholas J. Conard / J端rgen Wertheimer The Venus from the Ice [Die Venus aus dem Eis] How our culture came into being 40,000 years ago Knaus 320 pages 30 maps and drawings September 2010
The German-American Nicholas J. Conard was born in Cincinnati, Ohio, in 1961 and has been a professor at the Eberhard Karl University in T端bingen, where he is head of the Department of Early Prehistory at the Institute for Early History.
Nicholas Conard and his team of archaeologists have found things in the caves of Germany that have made the world hold its breath. The Venus, 40,000 years old, is the oldest known depiction of a human being. That, however, is not the only sensation: there are other figurative depictions from prehistory, such as horses, mammoths, a lion man and, finally, a flute made of the wing bones of a vulture, which could be the oldest musical instrument in the world. All this has led archaeologists to speak of an "artistic big bang". A decisive step in anthropogenesis, the invention of art, possibly took place in Germany. Nicholas J. Conard, who was in charge of the excavations, and J端rgen Wertheimer, take a look at important questions concerning how our culture came into being in prehistoric times.
J端rgen Wertheimer studied German, comparative literature, English and the history of art in Munich, Siena and Rome. He has been a professor of modern German literature and comparative literature since 1991.
US/UK, Southern Europe, South America: Italy, The Netherlands/Belgium, Asia: Eastern Europe, Scandinavia, the Balkans:
Nobody explains the world more entertainingly than Harald Lesch
Harald Lesch Aliens Are Also Only Human [Der Außerirdische ist auch nur ein Mensch] Incredibly scientific explanations Knaus 224 pages August 2010 ▪ Online special available
Harald Lesch is a professor of theoretical astrophysics at the Institute of Astronomy and Astrophysics of the University of Munich, a specialist in astrophysics in the DFG (German Research Organisation) and a member of the German Astronomical Society. He has his own television show.
Harald Lesch explains and comments on classic phenomena, the latest discoveries and errors of research – never senselessly but always with humour. From the sock-devouring Bermuda triangle in your own washing machine to new sleeping techniques and fish travelling in space. And even the beer you drank yesterday has more to do with order than your desk, the chaos on which, incidentally, is linked with a different chaos, namely the chaos from which everything – but really everything – comes. You think that's complicated? Well, who said the world was simple? Full of secrets, that's the world – and physics professor Harald Lesch has disclosed some of them in his wittiest book. Also available:
Weißt du, wie viel Sterne stehen? [Do You Know How Many Stars There Are?], 2008 Kosmologie für helle Köpfe [Cosmology for Bright Minds], 2006 Big Bang zweiter Akt [Big Bang, Act Two], 2005 Sold to: Czech Republic*, Hungary (Athenaeum) Kosmologie für Fußgänger [Cosmology for Pedestrians], 2001 Sold to: Korea*, Poland* * rights available again
US/UK, Southern Europe, South America: Italy, The Netherlands/Belgium, Asia: Eastern Europe, Scandinavia, the Balkans:
The new book by the internationally bestselling author
Richard David Precht The Art of Not Being an Egoist [Die Kunst, kein Egoist zu sein] Why we would so like to be good and what is stopping us Goldmann 544 pages October 2010 ▪ Online special available
Richard David Precht, born in 1964, studied philosophy, history of art and German language and literature. He has been writing as a journalist on cultural, media, philosophical and ethical topics for the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, Die Zeit and Literaturen since 1995. He lives as a philosopher, journalist and author in Luxembourg.
His previous books have sold more than one million copies and are being translated into more than 25 languages! Is the human race good or bad? Are human beings in their heart of hearts egoists or helpful? And why is it that almost everybody thinks of themselves as being more or less "good" and there is still so much bad in the world? This book makes no attempt to dictate our moral qualities. Rather – counter to our established world view – it examines the question of how we really behave in our daily lives and why we are as we are: egoists and altruists, selfish and selfless, competitive and cooperative, begrudging and forgiving, short-sighted and responsible. The better and more honestly we know our true nature, the more precisely we will be able to alter and improve our society. A book to make us see ourselves in a new light! Also available (selection):
Liebe – Ein unordentliches Gefühl [Love – A mixed-up feeling], 2009 Sold to: Brazil (Leya), China (Shanxi People's Publishing House), Czech Republic (Euromedia), France (Belfond), Greece (Patakis), Israel (Matar), Italy (Garzanti), Korea (Book 21), Poland (Zysk), Russia (AST), The Netherlands (Scriptum), Slovenia (Ucila), Spain (Siruela), Taiwan (Business Weekly Publications), Turkey (Pegasus) Wer bin ich – und wenn ja, wie viele? [Who Am I – And if so, how many?], 2007 Sold to: Brazil (Ediouro), China (China Youth Press), Czech Republic (Euromedia), Denmark (Borgens), Finland (WSOY), France (Belfond), Greece (Patakis), Israel (Matar), Italy (Garzanti), Japan (Yushokan), Korea (Book 21), Kroatia (VBZ), Lithuania (Alma Littera), The Netherlands (Nieuw Amsterdam), Norway (Cappelen Damm), Poland (ZYSK), Portugal (Dom Quixote), Russia (AST), Slovakia (Ikar), Slovenia (Ucila), Spain (Ariel), Sweden (Norstedts), Taiwan (Apocalypse), Turkey (Pegasus), UK (Constable&Robinson), USA/North America (Spiegel&Grau), Vietnam (V-Point, Lêquang & Partners) US/UK, Southern Europe, South America: Italy, The Netherlands/Belgium, Asia: Eastern Europe, Scandinavia, the Balkans:
Philosophy & Science
Answers to the question about the makeup of the soul
Thomas Vašek Soul, an Immortal Idea [Seele. Eine unsterbliche Idee] Why we are more than the sum of our parts Ludwig 352 pages October 2010
Thomas Vašek, born in 1968, is a journalist. Among other things, he has been the editorin-chief of the German edition of Technology Review, the magazine of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and, most recently, of P.M. Magazin. At present Thomas Vašek freelances as a journalist and author.
Immortal or non-existent? The question of the soul has been occupying the minds of people for thousands of years and is more urgent today than ever, for in our cold, high-tech world there is a growing need for sense and spirituality. The thought of a soul existing independently of a body is in view of frailty and death a comforting one – even if many scientists are convinced that all spiritual and psychic processes are based on physiological activities in the brain. Thomas Vašek's book is about the attempts to uncover the mystery of the soul. His excursion through the centuries and disciplines – from ancient philosophy to modern neuroscience – has brought to light many a surprise, for example that the ancient ideas of Buddhism and modern brain research are amazingly close to one another. Thomas Vašek sets off on the enthralling search for an organ about the character of which even today philosophy and religion, psychology and science still cannot agree, and in the process he gives us a brief introduction to philosophy.
US/UK, Southern Europe, South America: Italy, The Netherlands/Belgium, Asia: Eastern Europe, Scandinavia, the Balkans:
A fascinating mixture of biography, colonial history and adventure story
Patricia Clough Emin Pascha, Lord of Equatoria [Emin Pascha, Herr von Äquatoria] An eccentric German doctor and the race for Africa DVA 336 pages 17 b/w illustrations September 2010
Patricia Clough, born in 1938, worked for many years as a correspondent in Germany, reporting for such journals as the Times and the Independent.
Born as Eduard Schnitzer in Silesia in 1840, this unusal man discontinued his studies of medicine, for he was longing to go out into the world. He then made his way to Africa via the Ottoman Empire, where he became the governor of the province of Equatoria. When, after the Mahdist Revolt, Equatoria was cut off from the outside world, the general public in Europe were worried about the fate of Pascha, and two relief expeditions were sent out. A race to rescue him started. Best-selling author Patricia Clough tells the fascinating story of the life of this explorer of Africa and in doing so unfolds an informative piece of colonial history. Also available:
Aachen — Berlin — Königsberg [Aachen — Berlin — Königsberg], 2007 In langer Reihe über das Haff [Across the Vistula Lagoon in Single File], 2004
US/UK, Southern Europe, South America: Italy, The Netherlands/Belgium, Asia: Eastern Europe, Scandinavia, the Balkans:
Everyone was gathered round her stove – from Ray Charles to the Rolling Stones
Halldór Gudmundsson Mamutschka's Life Recipes [Mamutschkas Lebensrezepte] I'm not crazy — but extravagant btb 280 pages 12 b/w illustrations November 2010
Halldór Gudmundsson was born in Reykjavik in 1956. He studied literature in Iceland and Copenhagen and was the manager of Iceland's largest literary publishing company Mál og Menning for a long time. His biography about Halldór Laxness was awarded the Literary Prize of Iceland and selected by Icelandic booksellers for the biography of the year.
This book tells the adventurous life story of Marianne Kowalew, who came from a humble background on the border to Belarus, ran away from home, fell in love with the offspring of a wealthy industrialist's family and fled with her husband to Frankfurt at the end of World War II, where she was arrested by the Germans. She was early widowed soon after the birth of her only son Peter. Mamutschka, as everyone calls her, opens her first restaurant in Frankfurt, the "Gräfin Mariza", with her then-lover in 1955. Within no time at all, she and her boyfriend have squandered all their wealth and she has to make ends meet by working as a kitchen maid. In the late 1960s she and her son open the legendary "Scarlet Pimpernel". To begin with, it is frequented mainly by students and artists; later – the bar is famous for its Polish festivals – celebrities from the world of business and music come along, from Ray Charles to the Rolling Stones. Also available:
Wir sind alle Isländer [We Are All Icelanders], 2009 Sold to: The Netherlands (Cossée)
US/UK, Southern Europe, South America: Italy, The Netherlands/Belgium, Asia: Eastern Europe, Scandinavia, the Balkans:
Handke – the first comprehensive biography
Malte Herwig Master of the Twilight [Meister der Dämmerung] Peter Handke. A biography DVA 400 pages With numerous illustrations November 2010
Malte Herwig was born in 1972 and studied German, history and politics in Mainz, Harvard and Oxford, where he did his PhD in 2002 with a thesis on Thomas Mann. He was an editor for cultural affairs with Spiegel for several years and now freelances as a journalist. His reports and essays appear in Die Zeit, Weltwoche, and New York Times. For his book on Thomas Mann, Bildungsbürger auf Abwegen, he was awarded the first-ever Thomas Mann Promotion Prize in 2004.
Peter Handke, whose books have been translated into 36 languages, is one of today's most controversial and productive authors. His public image is that of extremes: high priest of art, lonely monk, supporter of Serbia. How much truth is there behind these ideas? His life, too, appears to be a permanent tight-rope walk between extremes: between loneliness and love, fear of people and thirst for fame, language and politics, dream and reality. The journalist and literary critic Malte Herwig has laid bare the roots of the author's work, roots that go deep down into his life, as no other biographer before. He had long conversations with the poet, his relatives, colleagues, friends and rivals. He was also given access to Handke's notebooks and correspondence. A revealing and controversial biography – as controversial as Handke himself. With numerous photographs, facsimiles of diary pages as well as drawings and sketches.
US/UK, Southern Europe, South America: Italy, The Netherlands/Belgium, Asia: Eastern Europe, Scandinavia, the Balkans:
The double biography of two brilliant musicians and bons vivants
Helmut Krausser Two Unequal Rivals [Zwei ungleiche Rivalen] Puccini and Franchetti Edition Elke Heidenreich 200 pages November 2010 ▪ Online special available
Helmut Krausser, born in 1964, writes novels, short stories, poems, diaries, audio plays, drama, screenplays and musical works for which he has been given a host of awards. His novels The Great Bagarozy and Fat World have been made into films for the cinema.
Baron Alberto Franchetti was Giacomo Puccini's greatest rival. With his operas like Asrael, Cristoforo Colombo and Germania he was internationally successful and regarded as Verdi's successor. As far as his erotomania and his love of automobiles was concerned, he surpassed Puccini by far. While Puccini himself was born in poverty, Franchetti came from one of the wealthiest families in Italy. His duels, car races and scandalous marriages filled the gossip columns of the Italian press. Whereas Puccini's fame grew, Franchetti's lucky star suddenly sank for no apparent reason. Was it because the fascists would not allow his works to be performed? Or was it the sinister compositions so reminiscent of Wagner that put him out in the cold while Puccini's lucid operas were being performed all over the world? A fascinating search for evidence that reads like a novel. Press
"With a lightness of pen and a love of telling stories, unsentimental, brilliant. The novel is highly entertaining and therefore riveting. Right on the mark." Kölner Stadtanzeiger on The Little Gardens of Maestro Puccini "Helmut Krausser is a passionate storyteller, a genius in the art of temptation." Süddeutsche Zeitung on Eros "Contemporary history and masterly narration in one text – you cannot ask for much more." Financial Times on Eros Also available:
Auf weißen Wüsten [On White Deserts], 2009 Thanatos [Thanatos], 1996 Sold to: The Netherlands (De Geus), Italy* * rights available again US/UK, Southern Europe, South America: Italy, The Netherlands/Belgium, Asia: Eastern Europe, Scandinavia, the Balkans:
A moving document about the loss of a loved one
Martin Hecht Dear Jakob [Lieber Jakob] Letter to my son about the life and death of his mother DVA 280 pages November 2010
Martin Hecht, PhD, was born in 1964. He freelances for Psychologie heute, the Frankfurter Rundschau and the SĂźddeutsche Zeitung and has written several books.
In October 2007, Martin Hecht starts a diary recording the last months together with his wife, who is sick with cancer. The result is a long letter to his son Jakob – a letter that describes the sometimes hopeful, sometimes desperate fight against the incurable illness right up until her death and beyond and the ensuing grief. It is also a letter that erects a memorial to the little family, to the happiness of the parents and, above all, to Jakob's mother. Dear Jakob is a document of a father's love for his son and his wife. And it is an homage to life, for it shows that in spite of human loss life goes on, especially when you are a child. Also available:
Wahre Freundschaft [True Friendship], 2006
US/UK, Southern Europe, South America: Italy, The Netherlands/Belgium, Asia: Eastern Europe, Scandinavia, the Balkans:
The shocking report about the world of law from an insider
Markus Schollmeyer Accusation [Anklage] In the name of justice Irisiana 224 pages September 2010 â–Ş Trailer available online
Markus Schollmeyer, born in 1969, studied jurisprudence and psychology. He has been working as a lawyer since 1998 and, since 2007, as a coach. He is deeply involved in the psychology of testimony, a branch of forensic psychology, and makes use of it in his work. He is a specialist in selfassertion in situations of confrontation and crisis.
It was his calling to become a lawyer. Markus Schollmeyer set out as an idealistic novice to fight for justice. But the further he climbed up the career ladder as a defence lawyer, the more he found himself surrounded by a quagmire of corruptibility. Justice, it seems, is a question of money. He went along with this game until one day he decided to do an about-turn. The author tells the gripping story of his life, giving us unbelievable views behind the scenes of and in German law courts, of the way law firms work, of jurisdiction. The descriptions of his extraordinary and gripping cases read like a thriller. As a one-time defence lawyer, he makes the accusation that justice can be had for money. He has not become stuck in the cynicism of many of his colleagues but makes a plea for more values and more true liberty on the basis of mutual trust. Also available:
Fight for Yourself [Fight for Yourself], 2009 Sold to: Korea (Book 21)
US/UK, Southern Europe, South America: Italy, The Netherlands/Belgium, Asia: Eastern Europe, Scandinavia, the Balkans:
The moving story of a woman who escapes from the clutches of a despotic Sicilian don
Diane Sterling Sicilian Wedding [Sizilianische Hochzeit] A life between love and hell Diana 272 pages September 2010
Diane Sterling is a journalist and writer. The story she tells here, which she went through as the wife of a Sicilian in the 1970s, has never before been recounted nor brought to paper, and although her husband later let her and her daughter go to Germany, she still fears reprisals, even today. Protection of the author has made it necessary to change the names of people and places and publish the book under a pseudonym.
The young Englishwoman Diane Sterling meets Tancredi Di Lorenzo in Rome, where she is being hailed for her skills as a costume designer. Tancredi's dark aura, his elegant manners, the passion with which he courts her all fascinate Diane, and before long she follows him to Sicily as his wife. But the beautiful Di Lorenzo estate gradually turns into a prison. As the only son of one of the most influential families on the island, Tancredi won't tolerate a self-willed wife and threatens her with his violent outbursts and jealousy. Years go by during which Diane's only happiness is her daughter, Giulia. From an unthinking remark she discovers a terrible and long-guarded family secret which is also the cause of Tancredi's unbridled jealousy. From that moment on, Diane knows that her only chance is to run away.
US/UK, Southern Europe, South America: Italy, The Netherlands/Belgium, Asia: Eastern Europe, Scandinavia, the Balkans:
A moving story: healing through music and a belief in one's own destiny
Arno Stocker The Piano Whisperer [Der Klavierflüsterer ] The true story of an improbable life Kailash/Sphinx 320 pages September 2010
Arno Stocker, a victim of spastic paralysis since his birth in 1956, is an internationally renowned piano tuner and restorer. He trained with wellknown piano makers and was invited by Maria Callas to go the Juilliard School of Music in New York. He has tuned instruments for pianists such as Vladimir Horowitz and worked in the USA for Steinway. He and his wife have chosen to live in Bavaria, and they set up the Enrico Caruso Agency to restore pianos for clients from all over the world.
"I wanted to sing like Caruso and play like Horowitz." For a child born a spastic in the 1950s, this was a somewhat hopeless wish. Arno's legs, hands and tongue were paralysed, and he was almost blind. In The Piano Whisperer Arno Stocker tells of the ups and downs in his extraordinary life: how he learned to speak with the help of a Caruso record and took singing lessons from Maria Callas. He also describes what it means to want to train as a piano tuner and survive in America with 300 dollars in your pocket when you are disabled. His life is marked by moments of failure and moments of elation at gaining recognition – such as when he is allowed to tune grand pianos for pianists such as Horowitz. Not infrequently at the end of his tether, Arno keeps on finding fresh courage to defy fate. This book is a moving testimony to a tremendous will to live and the necessity of surpassing oneself. But The Piano Whisperer is also a story to give us the courage to overcome our own limits and to find a meaning in everything standing in our way. Press
"An extraordinary life story." Wochenanzeiger München "Arno Stocker, the maker of the Caruso grand piano, is at least as unusual as his instrument." Münchner Wochenblatt "The piano maker has invested his entire knowledge and sacrificed a great deal of his lifeblood for the piano reminding him of the great heroic tenor Caruso. Arno Stocker has a lot to thank the singer for." Süddeutsche Zeitung
US/UK, Southern Europe, South America: Italy, The Netherlands/Belgium, Asia: Eastern Europe, Scandinavia, the Balkans:
A dedicated globetrotter shares his experience
Jürgen Todenhöfer Share Your Happiness … And You Will Change the World [Teile dein Glück ] Findings of an adventurous journey C.Bertelsmann 320 pages October 2010
Jürgen Todenhöfer, born in 1940, studied law in Munich, Paris, Bonn and Freiburg. For almost two decades he was a CDU member of the Bundestag, where he specialised in armaments control and development aid policy. Today he is deputy chairman of the board at the Hubert Burda Media, while also remaining active in the field of politics. His book Who Would Cry for Abdul and Tanaya? became a best seller and generated a powerful response in the media. He uses the royalties from his books to fund a home for war-wounded children in Kabul and an educational centre for street children in Baghdad. Further such initiatives are planned for the future.
Jürgen Todenhöfer, the former cabinet minister and corporate board member has with his controversial books about the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and the human suffering they have caused won himself a loyal readership. He now tells us his views and precepts, adding autobiographic reminiscences and anecdotes from his life as a globetrotter. This is a book with many facets, a book to make you sit up and think, a book by a bestselling author very much aware of his own fallibility but who would nevertheless like to venture to pass on how he has experienced success and happiness. Also available:
Warum tötest du, Zaid? [Why Do You Kill, Zaid?], 2008 Sold to: Brazil (Lobmaier), Egypt/Arabia (Al Dar Al Masriah), Pakistan (Ilqa Creative Workshop) Andy und Marwa [Andy and Marwa], 2005 Sold to: Japan (Iwanami), The Netherlands*, Turkey (Erko) * rights available again
US/UK, Southern Europe, South America: Italy, The Netherlands/Belgium, Asia: Eastern Europe, Scandinavia, the Balkans:
A man, a woman, a taboo
Ina Weisse The Mistress [Die Geliebte] The story of a passion Goldmann 224 pages September 2010
Ina Weisse was born in 1955 and studied philosophy and literature. She initially worked as a bookseller and as a literary critic and author and is now a freelance journalist.
Who spends hours guarding the telephone because it just won't ring – who splits up thousands of times only to go back again full of remorse ten minutes later – who never says "we" but only ever "I"? The mistress. The mistress is also the person who takes the liberty of leading a life of independence – who instead of everyday life and routine is on the search for intoxication and passion – who celebrates romance as a lifestyle of tension and turmoil. In her latest book, Ina Weisse tells of the great love linking a woman and a married man. And she tells of two people who disregard everything in order to find their very own form of happiness in an impossible relationship. Also available:
Die Töchter der Weber [The Daughters of the Weavers], 2009
US/UK, Southern Europe, South America: Italy, The Netherlands/Belgium, Asia: Eastern Europe, Scandinavia, the Balkans:
General Non-Fiction
A revised edition of the bestseller with many new marvellous happy moments
Florian Langenscheidt 1000 Happy Moments [1000 Glücksmomente] Heyne 160 pages August 2010
Rights sold to:
Korea (Woongjin Think Big) Florian Langenscheidt, born in 1955, is a publisher, TV presenter and author of many successful books. Langenscheidt, who travels the world as a “messenger of the heart” and lectures at universities and to renowned audiences on the meaning of life, is the founder of Children for a Better World as well as as a member of the board of trustees of the WWF.
▪ More than 80,000 copies sold
You don't have to reach for the stars; it is very often the little things that bring joy to life and make it happier. The smile of a child; croissants for breakfast; a hot bath; a loving embrace – happiness is lurking everywhere; you only have to notice it. Florian Langenscheidt has caught hold of the best moments for you and compiled a personal dictionary of happiness. Also available:
Wörterbuch des Optimisten [The Optimist’s Dictionary], 2008 Sold to: Arabic World (Abu Dhabi Authority for Culture and Heritage), Italy (Armenia), Korea (Wisdomhouse)
US/UK, Southern Europe, South America: Italy, The Netherlands/Belgium, Asia: Eastern Europe, Scandinavia, the Balkans:
General Non-Fiction
Facts you will remember although you don't have to
Neon Useless Knowledge 2 [Unnützes Wissen 2] Another 1,374 bizarre facts you'll never forget Heyne Paperback 192 pages December 2010
▪ More than 250,000 copies sold of Volume 1 Neon is one of the most successful magazines for readers aged 20 to 30.
There is more sugar in bitter lemon than in Coke; Isabel Allende starts every new novel on January 8; and the colour of the Eiffel Tower gets lighter towards the top to make the tower look taller. After the phenomenal success of the first volume of useless knowledge, we now have More Useless Knowledge 2. Perhaps it will raise a smile, put you in a pensive mood or make you want to share it with someone else – useless knowledge at its most useful! Also available:
200 Tricks für ein besseres Leben [200 Tricks for a Better Life], 2009 Unnützes Wissen [Useless Knowledge], 2008
US/UK, Southern Europe, South America: Italy, The Netherlands/Belgium, Asia: Eastern Europe, Scandinavia, the Balkans:
General Non-Fiction
Meditation, making music, doing arithmetic – how to jog your brain along
Frank Schirrmacher (ed.) Brain Training [Gehirntraining] On using your mind Blessing 144 pages November 2010
Frank Schirrmacher, born in 1959, received his doctorate at Cambridge and Heidelberg. He has been the co-editor-inchief of the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung since 1994 and has numerous publications to his name. His bestseller The Methuselah Conspiracy received several awards and has been translated into many languages.
Can you think better when you are getting some exercise? Does listening to music make you cleverer? Do brain cells die when you hit a ball with your head? And what about the famous gentle bangs on the back of your head? There are still all manner of legends going around on the way our "grey cells" are made and function. In spite of popular myth, for example, the development of the brain never really comes to an end. Specific training also alters the brain physically, and life-long learning helps to keep the brain working efficiently right up to a ripe old age. This book both tells readers what the present state of our knowledge about the brain is and suggests some practical exercises with surprising effects. Also available:
Payback [Payback], 2009 Sold to: China (Science Press), Italy (Codice) Minimum. Vom Vergehen und Neu-Entstehen unserer Gemeinschaft [Minimum. The Fading and Re-emergence of Our Community], 2006 Sold to: Korea (Thoughts of a Tree), Taiwan (Goodness Publishing House) Das Methusalem-Komplott [The Methuselah Conspiracy], 2004 Sold to: Brazil (Campus), China*, Czech Republic*, France (Laffont), Hungary (Scolar), Italy (Mondadori), Japan*, Korea*, The Netherlands*, Norway (Ganesa), Slovenia*, Spain (Taurus), Taiwan (Commercial Press) *rights available again
US/UK, Southern Europe, South America: Italy, The Netherlands/Belgium, Asia: Eastern Europe, Scandinavia, the Balkans:
General Non-Fiction
"A story that reads as if Nick Hornby had suddenly become a good writer again and secretly moved to Berlin."
Wash Echte I Become a Berliner [Ich werde ein Berliner] How to be a really hip German Goldmann Paperback 288 pages November 2010 ▪ Text available in English
All that Wash Echte will ever say about his identity is that he works for an international multi but spends his free time in the famously infamous Berlin scene. Since late 2008, he has been using the blog I Become a Berliner to write about what he has found out there.
You find them watching TV crime series at the in-pubs; sorting through their record collections in their apartments in shabby old buildings; celebrating the digital Bohème with their iPads in the "Fair Trade Café"; or dancing frenziedly at the after-show party – the hip city dwellers. Their idyll was always perfect until now. Then Wash Echte came on the scene. This is the pseudonym of an English-speaking new Berliner who exposes with sarcastic humour German hipsters and their quirks. And he hits the nail on the head so well that he has even been sent threatening letters.
"Wash Echte is one of the most talented pop literary figures in Germany, in the best Anglo-Saxon sense of the word." "An amusing Internet diary that sounds like an instruction manual for newly arrived foreigners wanting to belong to the hip section of the population as quickly as possible." Tagesspiegel
US/UK, Southern Europe, South America: Italy, The Netherlands/Belgium, Asia: Eastern Europe, Scandinavia, the Balkans:
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