Foreign Rights Catalogue Fiction Spring 2010

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Foreign Rights Spring 2010 Fiction

Blanvalet ▪ Blessing ▪ btb ▪ C. Bertelsmann ▪ Diana ▪ DVA Edition Elke Heidenreich ▪ Goldmann ▪ Heyne ▪ Knaus Luchterhand ▪ Limes ▪ Page & Turner ▪ Penhaligon

Contents Literary Fiction Draesner, Ulrike: Preference Gäbel, Julia: Pitty’s Blues Kirsch, Sarah: Crow Gossip Mitgutsch, Anna: When You Come Again Neudecker, Christiane: The Siamese Piano Rothmaier, Beate: Fish Bird Sahl, Hans: The Few and the Many

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Fiction Domian, Jürgen: The Thought Reader Kemmler, Sven: And What Are You Going to Be When I Grow Up? Kruppa, Hans: The Present from the Stars Rüb, Wolfgang: House-share Quartet with Flute Schwartz, Simon: Aunt Ilse Tamm, Philip: One for the Gentleman

8 9 10 11 12 13

Historical Fiction Beerwald, Sina: The Blood-Red Perfume Doubek, Katja: Queen, Rook and King Marcus, Martha Sophie: The Reluctant Mistress Neumann, Simone: The Key Bearer Riebe, Brigitte: The Prophetess from the Rhine Schacht, Andrea: Take, Mistress, this Wreath Schacht, Andrea: The Singer’s Game Walden, Conny: The Amber Merchant Walz, Eric: The Black Pope Walz, Eric: The Poison Mixer Weigand, Karla: The Witches’ Advocate

14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24

Contemporary Women’s Fiction Flint, Emma: Beautiful in All Eternity Leinemann, Susanne: The Love Pact Toman, Claudia: Hunting Season

25 26 27

Thriller & Crime Blum, Arne: Pig Gang d’Este, Gabriele: Heavenly Reward Haff, Peter: The Blue Mirror Kliesch, Vincent: The Purity of Death Puhlfürst,Claudia: Monster Schoenborn, Christian: Operation Ismael Swobodnik, Sobo: Moodoo Thiesler, Sabine: The Kidnapper Winkelmann, Andreas: Little Johnny

28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36

Fantasy Brandhorst, Andreas: Children of Eternity Dierssen, Oliver: Bat Country Fink, Torsten: Nomad Fink , Torsten: Light Bearer Fink, Torsten: Renegade

37 38 39 39 39

Fantasy Hohlbein, Wolfgang: We Are the Night Klassen, Lena: Magyria – The Heart of the Shadow Koch, Boris: The Dragon Whisperer – The Outlaws’ Oath Krouk, Olga: Shadow Souls Krouk , Olga: Night Souls Rehfeld, Frank: Dwarf Blood Schlederer, Victoria: The Devil’s Masquerade

40 41 42 43 43 44 45

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Literary Fiction

“Seldom has a love drama been told with such wit and elegance.” FAZ

Ulrike Draesner Preference [Vorliebe] Novel Luchterhand 256 pages January 2010

Ulrike Draesner was born in 1962 and lives in Berlin as a lyricist, novelist and essayist. She studied English, German and philosophy in Munich and in Oxford and has worked as an academic, translator and editor. She has received numerous awards for her work, including the HölderlinFörderpreis and the Preis der Literaturhäuser.

Harriet, half-Indian and an astrophysicist, is living happily together with her partner Ash and his son from an earlier relationship. But then Ash goes and has a car accident with, of all people, the wife of Harriet’s teenage sweetheart – and Peter, the man she thought she had long since forgotten, comes back into her life. A supposedly harmless love affair begins, and honesty is the name of the game – secrecy and jealousy are antiquated; stereotype emotions don’t seem to stand a chance and all concerned apparently stay cool. But Ulrike Draesner sends the heroes and heroines of her latest novel through a labyrinth of romantic entanglements which one of the characters won’t leave alive. Press:

“Ulrike Draesner, who has said of herself that she was ‘virtually made scientific by the milk of postmodernism’, has a dream: not of flying into space, but rather of reconciling what is known as experimental realistic narrative with what is generally referred to as traditional realistic narrative. Nowhere has she come closer to this objective than in this very special love story.” Die Welt Also Available:

berührte orte [touched places], 2008 gedächtnisschleifen [memory loops], 2008 Kugelblitz [Bolt of Lightning], 2005 Für die Nacht geheuerte Zellen [Cells Hired for the Night], 2001 Selection of poems sold to: Italy (Ipermedium) Spiele [Games], 2005 Hot Dogs [Hot Dogs], 2004 Gina Regina sold to: UK (Oxford UP) Mitgift [Dowry], 2002 Lichtpause [Photostat], 1998

US/UK, Southern Europe, South America: Italy, The Netherlands/Belgium, Asia: Eastern Europe, Scandinavia, the Balkans:


Literary Fiction

A novel like a Bob Dylan song

Julia Gäbel Pitty’s Blues [Pittys Blues] A love story Novel Knaus 192 pages February 2010 ▪ Online special available

Julia Gäbel, born in 1975, started making up stories earlier than her teachers liked. She has studied various subjects, including journalism. Pitty’s Blues is her first novel.

Everything seems to come from nowhere: snow, a missing car, a girl who charms everything and everyone. When Ben is standing horrified in front of Dick’s rusty pick-up, it is the second impossible thing to happen in one day. First of all snow comes to Rickville, where no one can remember there ever having been any snow. Dick’s pick-up, which had inexplicably been missing for years and which is just as inexplicably standing there between the trees, makes not only Dick feel this is an extremely exceptional situation. When he then sees somebody lying in the cab, he feels for a fraction of a second as if he were reliving the worst moment of his life. His scream wakes the girl sleeping in the cab. Nobody knows her; nobody has ever seen her before in these parts, and this is an area where everybody knows everybody else. Pitty is slightly surprised in view of the crowd of people standing around her. In her slow intensity, she investigates what is happening – and what not; feels what is important to the people. More than anything else, she feels what is important to Dick. She follows him quietly; speaks to him; listens to him; looks at him. She tells him, carefully, her observations. Dick does not want to hear anything; the memory of his dead little brother is too much for him, the memory of his fear and his guilt. On no account does he want to allow the stranger to look into his loneliness. But Pitty has long seen everything and is on the way to warming his soul. A debut full of unusual characters, a story told with magical lightness and a pinch of comedy. Julia Gäbel has written a wondrous love story, the original sound of which is reminiscent of the great blues musicians.

US/UK, Southern Europe, South America: Italy, The Netherlands/Belgium, Asia: Eastern Europe, Scandinavia, the Balkans:


Literary Fiction

Everyday observations – poetical, personal, political, by the much praised poet

Sarah Kirsch Crow Gossip [Krähengeschwätz] Prose pieces DVA 176 pages February 2010

Sarah Kirsch, born in 1935, studied biology and literature. Until being expatriated in 1977, she lived in East Berlin before moving to the West. She has won many awards for her poetic works, including the Georg Büchner Prize, the Jean Paul Prize and the Johann Heinrich Voß Prize for Literature.

Sarah Kirsch’s miniature prose shimmers, shines, glows, sometimes dreamily and melancholy, sometimes as an ironic commentator, sometimes joyously. In Crow Gossip she has collected lyrical news from 1985 to 1987 – years during which the author, who emigrated from East Germany in the late 70s, was socially involved. Her prose displays a broken idyll bearing the mark of critical awareness of a contemporary age. Yet again, these notes reveal the author, whose experiences of and reflections on her present as she sees it and on the world in general become a harmonious whole. Also Available (selection):

Regenkatze [Rain Cat], 2007 Gesammelte Prosa [Collected Prose], 2006 Kommt der Schnee im Sturm geflogen. Prosa [There Comes the Snow Flying in a Storm], 2005 Sämtliche Gedichte [Collected Poems], 2005 Sold to: Spain (Ediciones de Aqui) Tatarenhochzeit [Tartar Wedding], 2003 Schwanenliebe. Zeilen und Wunder [Swan Love. Lines and Miracles], 2001 Landaufenthalt [Land Stay], 1999 Luftspringerin. Gesammelte Gedichte und Prosa [Air Jumper. Collected poems and prose], 1997 Bodenlos. Gedichte [Bottomless. Poems], 1996 Das simple Leben. Prosa [The Simple Life. Prose], 1994 Ich, Crusoe. Sechzig Gedichte [I, Crusoe. Sixty Poems], 1994 Erlkönigstochter. Gedichte [Erl-King's Daughter. Poems], 1992 Schwingrasen. Prosa [Waving Lawn. Prose], 1991 Selection of poems sold to: The Netherlands (Point Editions)

US/UK, Southern Europe, South America: Italy, The Netherlands/Belgium, Asia: Eastern Europe, Scandinavia, the Balkans:


Literary Fiction

A sensitive story about death, love and the multi-facetted impossibility of grieving

Anna Mitgutsch When You Come Again [Wenn du wiederkommst] Novel Luchterhand 272 pages March 2010 ▪ Sample translation available ▪ Reader’s report available

Anna Mitgutsch was born in Linz. She has lectured in German and American literature at universities not only in Austria but also in the USA, where she lived and worked for many years. Her latest novels, published by Luchterhand, are House of Childhood, Family Festival, and Two Lives and a Day. She has received numerous awards for her work, including the Solothurner Literaturpreis.

They wanted to love sensibly, with moderation and respect. Passionately and yet honouring each other’s freedom. It takes Jerome and the narrator in Anna Mitgutsch’s latest novel a whole lifetime to become lovers who can live up to their own ideals. Then Jerome suddenly dies, and with a moving dirge the narrator tries to keep the promise of a new beginning, even beyond death. And indeed, in spite of the often unintentionally amusing mourning rituals of society, in spite of the family, who were never prepared to accept her as Jerome’s partner, and although their love was spared neither disappointment nor hurt, she manages to draw a faithful portrait of a great, lifelong love. Also Available:

Zwei Leben und ein Tag [Two Lives and a Day], 2007 Familienfest [Family Festival], 2003 Haus der Kindheit [House of Childhood], 2000 Sold to: Italy ( La Giuntina), US (Other Press) Ausgrenzung [Exclusion], 1989 Sold to: Spain (Ediciones B), The Netherlands (Van Gennep), Sweden (Forum), US (Harcourt)

US/UK, Southern Europe, South America: Italy, The Netherlands/Belgium, Asia: Eastern Europe, Scandinavia, the Balkans:


Literary Fiction

“Gripping and precisely created” Meike Fessmann

Christiane Neudecker The Siamese Piano [Das siamesische Klavier] Uncanny stories Luchterhand 224 pages February 2010

Christiane Neudecker, born in 1974, is a trained director (Ernst Busch Drama School, Berlin) and has realised numerous productions. Her previously published work includes contributions to literary magazines , the collection of stories A Sound in the Silence and the novel Nowhere Else. She received the Franconian Literature Prize and the Alfred Gesswein Prize, and she held a scholarship from the Klagenfurt Literature Course.

Shadows that drift away from you; children’s games that turn into deadly necromancies; sports opponents who just refuse to be beaten – or too much so … Neudecker’s “uncanny stories” tell of the tiny crack that from time to time appears in our all-too rationalised world. With her skilful use of suspense, she has modernized the genre of literary horror in the tradition of writers from E.T.A. Hoffmann to Daphne du Maurier. Press

“A text that puts the certainties of our perception to the test. A text that does not shout out, ‘More light!’ but rather ‘More shadow!’ A wonderful, a beautiful text, one that works with a high degree of narrative economy and competence. A fascinating piece of art.” Paul Jandl Also Available:

Nirgendwo sonst [Nowhere Else], 2008 In der Stille ein Klang [A Sound in the Silence], 2005

US/UK, Southern Europe, South America: Italy, The Netherlands/Belgium, Asia: Eastern Europe, Scandinavia, the Balkans:


Literary Fiction

A compassionate coming-of-age novel of great psychological precision

Beate Rothmaier Fish Bird [Fischvogel] Novel DVA 224 pages March 2010

Beate Rothmaier, born in 1962, studied German and Romance languages and literature. She has worked for various theatres and publishing houses and also as an advertising copywriter and as a freelance author. For her debut novel Caspar (2005) she received several awards, including the Friedrich Hölderlin promotion prize.

The summer of 1974 is wet and, to Mika, endless. The fourteen-year-old is left to her own devices these summer holidays. She roams through the woods, picks overripe raspberries, goes swimming. Let the brilliantly green river carry her far, far away, from the Neckar right up to the North Sea. No one would notice if she didn’t go home in the evening – all her mother is bothered about is her seriously ill little boy. And her father, a sculptor, is trying to get the better of his fear of his son’s approaching death with work and alcohol. Finally, Mika decides to run away. A moving novel about the last days of childhood. Beate Rothmaier has convincingly and vividly depicted the ambivalent thoughts and emotions of fourteen-year-old Mika. The threatening landscape of woods and lakes subtly reflects the chaos of growing up, the fear of losing a loved one, the longing for love. Press on Beate Rothmaier’s debut novel Caspar

“In Beate Rothmaier’s novel Caspar we meet a genius whose narrative is as original as the superior ease with which she writes. Her poetic realism uses an artistically archaizing language, and yet it goes straight to the heart.” Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung “A brilliant debut.” Die Welt “The novel Caspar rapidly draws the reader into the plot. With its sensuous language, the text casts an irresistible spell on us.” Neue Zürcher Zeitung “Beate Rothmaier can draw on pictures of nature and of life in society; on history and on an imagination that crosses the borders of time – in other words, on accuracy and soul.” Jury of the Friedrich-Hölderlin-Preis

US/UK, Southern Europe, South America: Italy, The Netherlands/Belgium, Asia: Eastern Europe, Scandinavia, the Balkans:


Literary Fiction

One of the most important testimonies of the history of German exile

Hans Sahl The Few and the Many [Die Wenigen und die Vielen] Novel Luchterhand 350 pages April 2010 ▪ Online special available

Hans Sahl (1902-1993), born in Dresden as the son of a Jewish industrialist, was a film, theatre, and literary critic in the 1920s, also writing poetry, stories, and theatre pieces. In 1933 he was forced to flee. After the war he became a culture correspondent for the Zürcher Zeitung and then for the Süddeutsche Zeitung in New York. He translated Thornton Wilder, Tennessee Williams, and Arthur Miller into German.

This autobiographical novel tells the story of a Berlin author on the run through half of Europe. In Paris and Marseille he meets the great artists of the previous century who, like him, are escaping from the Nazis and using all sorts of wondrous and adventurous ways in their attempts to survive. When Hans Sahl’s alter ego in the novel finally ends up in New York after a lot of complications, he is glad to have escaped his tormenters, but at the same time he cannot rid himself of one thought: he will never find his way back again and his exile will last a lifetime. Hans Sahl’s novel was first published in 1959. It tells of the downfall of an entire world. Press

“A novel that describes a dreadful fate, the life of a displaced person. The lonely, dangerous path taken by someone being chased from one continent to the next … An important book to make one think; a moving voice from the chaos; a report full of bitter consequence.” Wolfgang Koeppen “There is a writer to be (re-)discovered, whose skill at creating enlightening snapshots is without parallel, a literary burning glass grinder – stopping just short of laconism; displaying unadorned portraits of contemporaries who join together to make a “gallery of the century” he is a witness of.” Fritz J. Raddatz, Die Zeit Also Available:

Die Gedichte [Poems], 2009 Memoiren eines Moralisten. Das Exil im Exil [Memoirs of a Moralist Exile in Exile], 2008 Sold to: France (Austral), Italy (Sellerio), The Netherlands (Atlas)

US/UK, Southern Europe, South America: Italy, The Netherlands/Belgium, Asia: Eastern Europe, Scandinavia, the Balkans:



What would it be like if we could suddenly hear all of everybody else’s thoughts?

Jürgen Domian The Thought Reader [Der Gedankenleser] Novel Heyne 304 pages March 2010 ▪ Interview available online

Jürgen Domian was born in 1957. After working for various television stations as a writer and reporter, he has been presenting the famous telephone talk show Domian for a public radio station since 1995. In 2003 he was awarded the Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany for the programme.

Arne has a loving wife, a beautiful house, a good job. In other words, his life seems to be perfect. But one moment in time changes everything. Arne is hit by lightning and knocked unconscious. When he comes round again, he can hear what other people are thinking. His wife has never loved him, his friends make fun of him, his boss despises him. Arne’s existence collapses like a house of cards. Without further ado, he leaves everything behind him and sets out to look for a proper life. Press

“Every night, Domian is for me modern literature come alive.” Ulrich Wickert “Domian is my drug.” Walter Bockmeyer, producer “A really cool guy.” Thees Uhlmann, pop singer “Domian’s language and his images are sensitive, at times poignant, but also often soberly analytical. It is too philosophical to be purely moralistic, and is defined by elementary questions of being without a trace of banal science fiction mannerisms. Parable-like, it instead involves the dependency of human existence on other humans.” Recklinghäuser Zeitung about "Der Tag, an dem die Sonne verschwand" Also Available:

Der Tag, an dem die Sonne verschwand [The Day the Sun Disappeared], 2008 Sold to: South Korea (Sigongsa)

US/UK, Southern Europe, South America: Italy, The Netherlands/Belgium, Asia: Eastern Europe, Scandinavia, the Balkans:



The story of a life from 5 to 40 in 32 jobs

Sven Kemmler And What Are You Going to Be When I Grow Up? [Und was wirst du, wenn ich groß bin?] Novel Heyne Paperback 256 pages June 2010

Sven Kemmler has been involved as an author and cowriter in some of the most popular comedy productions for stage and TV in the last decade. He has written two stage plays and a musical and has also successfully been performing in his own cabaret programmes since 2003. And What Are You Going to Be When I Grow Up? is his first novel.

And What Are You Going to Be When I Grow Up? describes in short, amusing episodes largely futile attempts to become something – in other words, professionally and privately to achieve something that is both fulfilling and highly regarded. Kemmler describes a patchwork life story: great visions and expectations on the one hand, absurd jobs just to earn one’s daily bread on the other. Attempts at starting an academic career, going into marketing consultancy or making documentary films alternate with running a youth hostel, working as a sewage works technician or setting up insect traps. The tone is light, offbeat and witty, but there are also serious, emotional passages which, however, are always caught up by the abstrusity of the proceedings. It is all about success and loss, hopes and longings, pride and relationships. Press

“It won’t be long before Sven Kemmler is one of the big names in the scene.” tz

US/UK, Southern Europe, South America: Italy, The Netherlands/Belgium, Asia: Eastern Europe, Scandinavia, the Balkans:



A magical journey through ancient China

Hans Kruppa The Present from the Stars [Das Geschenk der Sterne] Novel Page & Turner 288 pages 46 b/w illustrations February 2010

Hans Kruppa, born in 1952, lives in Bremen as a freelance writer. He has published a number of books containing his poems and aphorisms, novels and fairytales, narratives and short stories.

China in the 3rd century BC: when the influential philosopher Zhuangzi returns home after a walk one day, there is a young man waiting for him with orders to kill him. But Zhuangzi is not in the least afraid of death. This fateful meeting with the wise man is a dramatic turning point in the life of the would-be killer and paves the way for him to find his true self – and the love for a young woman with a mysterious gift awakes in him. The two men set off on an eventful journey, in the course of which vital questions concerning life are asked and, with fascinating clarity, answered. This compelling novel full of wisdom, suspense and poetry, with a story that took place thousands of years ago but which surprises us with a wealth of references to the present day, is a profound and inspiring book that will motivate readers to think about their own attitudes and beliefs. Press

“A deeply wise novel.” Main Post

US/UK, Southern Europe, South America: Italy, The Netherlands/Belgium, Asia: Eastern Europe, Scandinavia, the Balkans:



A witty novel featuring characters that are anything but dull

Wolfgang Rüb House-share Quartet with Flute [Wohnquartett mit Querflöte] Novel Edition Elke Heidenreich 352 pages March 2010

Wolfgang Rüb, born in 1952, is a piano teacher. He has already published short stories and, in 2001, his novel Concerto for Housefly and Orchestra.

Lenz and Renate, two out-of-work East German chemists, have inherited an Art Nouveau villa. Since, however, they would prefer to see the world, they decide to sell the house und move back into their old pre-fab tower block apartment. They quickly find their ideal purchasers in the form of the young and dynamic West German couple Gerrit and Franka. Instead of travelling, however, Lenz and Renate prowl round their old house more and more frequently – and finally climb over the fence to make themselves at home in the garden. Anyway, Gerrit and Franka are very career-minded and hence never there. One day Lenz and Renate are caught red-handed, but instead of calling the police the new owners even offer to pay them for keeping an eye on the villa. When Gerrit and Franka go to Spain to conceive a baby, Lenz and Renate finally move back into the villa and make friends with the quirky person living next door, a gay flautist who hates nothing more than music. In spite of all their cosmopolitanism and being used to success, the couple from West Germany do not achieve everything. The desired pregnancy does not materialise, for Gerrit is infertile. Even in this precarious situation, the ménage à quatre proves to be the solution to the problem. Press on Wolfgang Rüb’s Konzert für Stubenfliege und Orchestra [Concerto for Housefly and Orchestra]

“Witty, caustic, sharp. A profound, eloquent book.” Mitteldeutsche Zeitung “Rüb describes everything with an amazingly intimate wealth of detail and an affectionately ironical view of things.” Dresdner Neueste Nachrichten “What counts is Rüb’s humour, the subtlety of which is second to none.” Sächsische Zeitung “Entertainment in a class of its own.” Freie Presse Chemnitz

US/UK, Southern Europe, South America: Italy, The Netherlands/Belgium, Asia: Eastern Europe, Scandinavia, the Balkans:



A brave aunt and her way through the jungle of eldercare

Simon Schwartz Aunt Ilse [Tante Ilse] Simply out of life Novel btb 192 pages February 2010

Simon Schwartz is the pseudonym of a well-known German writer.

“I happen to look at the poster of a skin-cream ad. An ex-James Bond actor is banging the drum for young skin with the slogan: Growing old – no problem. Slackening the reins – no way. Why not, I wondered. What is so terrible about being old?” One man and two women – stories like this have already been told so many times. This one is different. The man is about to turn fifty; the two women are old, very old. One of them, his mother, dies shortly before his birthday celebrations. He was never really very close to her during her life, let alone while she was dying. Is this why he suddenly takes it upon himself to help an elderly aunt who is full of the joys of life have a better existence in more congenial surroundings than those in the old peoples’ home she has been put into by her family? His journey through the world of eldercare turns into an adventure sometimes bordering on the bizarre – from the barrier-free multigeneration house with a back office lady and entertainer to a sanctuary for animals and humans. Aunt Ilse can and must accept the frailties of old age, but this is certainly no reason for her to let other people determine her fate. She outwits the rule of reason of the eldercare machinery to go her own way – through life and out of it.

US/UK, Southern Europe, South America: Italy, The Netherlands/Belgium, Asia: Eastern Europe, Scandinavia, the Balkans:



After the woman is before the woman.

Philip Tamm One for the Gentleman [Herrengedeck] Novel Heyne Paperback 240 pages April 2010

Philip Tamm, born in 1967, is a travel journalist, screenplay writer and author. He spends several months each year on Majorca.

Stefan Trautmann, 37 years old and a real estate agent, has got it all worked out: his life, his future and all the rest. His girlfriend Katja next to him, a sofa under him, a television in front of him – that ought to be just the ticket for him to look forward to a comfortable and contented old age. Then the unforeseeable happens – Katja leaves him. All of a sudden, Stefan has a problem. What should he do with the rest of his life? And anyway, Stefan realises one thing: he doesn’t just want any woman; he wants Katja. So how can he get her back again? There is only one thing for it – he will have to plan a double strategy. He will try to make Katja jealous with a new girlfriend while at the same time giving his life a thorough turnover. The result: a four weeks’ dating marathon and the odd night out with the chaps. When he sees Katja again after all this, he does not know what he wants. More particularly, he does not know whether he still wants Katja. Also Available:

Billigflieger [Cheap Flights], 2009

US/UK, Southern Europe, South America: Italy, The Netherlands/Belgium, Asia: Eastern Europe, Scandinavia, the Balkans:


Historical novel

Blood-red is the colour of your scent; blood-red shall be the colour of your death.

Sina Beerwald The Blood-Red Perfume [Das blutrote Parfüm] Novel Heyne Paperback 450 pages June 2010

Sina Beerwald was born in 1977, studied scientific librarianship and is now the deputy head of a university faculty library.

France, 1776: Amélie’s marriage is over. All she has now is the treasure of her knowledge of the art of making perfume. Nobody knows the world of sandalwood and lavender as she does. She returns to her home, the Mont Saint Michel, where, very much to the disapproval of the Church, she opens a perfume workshop. When she finds a certain essence at her door, she knows that she is to die as soon as her murderer has completed his deathly perfume for her. Also Available:

Die Herrin der Zeit [The Mistress of Time], 2009 Die Goldschmiedin [The Goldsmith], 2007

US/UK, Southern Europe, South America: Italy, The Netherlands/Belgium, Asia: Eastern Europe, Scandinavia, the Balkans:


Historical Fiction

One single game of chess decides the fate of a young woman.

Katja Doubek Queen, Rook and King [Dame, Turm und Kรถnig] Novel C.Bertelsmann 480 pages March 2010

Katja Doubek, born in 1958, used to contribute to the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung and work for radio and television. She is now a freelance writer and lives in Munich and Italy.

It is the time of the last Crusades, and young Amadore von Askenburn has a perilous odyssey after she has been abducted from Cronstein castle in the German state of Hesse. She joins a band of robbers and is rescued by a travelling jester. During all these escapades, she is helped by the fact that she can play chess as no other, for she is fearlessly able to take on the sultan of the Ottoman Empire. Katja Doubek has created a magnificent and colourful panorama featuring the adventures of an intelligent young woman. Also Available:

Kรถnigin der Meere [Queen of the Seas], 2009

US/UK, Southern Europe, South America: Italy, The Netherlands/Belgium, Asia: Eastern Europe, Scandinavia, the Balkans:


Historical Fiction

Love and intrigue in the Thirty Years’ War

Martha Sophie Marcus The Reluctant Mistress [Herrin wider Willen] Novel Goldmann Paperback 384 pages December 2009

Martha Sophie Marcus, born in 1972, studied German, sociology and education. She has done thorough research into the historical background and everyday life in the time of the Thirty Years’ War. The Reluctant Mistress is the first historical novel she has published.

Lüneburg in the Thirty Years’ War. In order to avoid an arranged remarriage, the young widow Ada marries Lenz, the son of an earl and a soldier she does not know. They are both aware that he will not survive the next day’s battle. In spite of that, however, they enjoy a passionate wedding night. Lenz miraculously is not killed during the fighting but he is seriously injured, and Ada goes with him to live on his estate. Before long, Lenz feels like a prisoner in his marriage and decides to leave Ada alone as the mistress of the manor. Then the estate is invaded…

US/UK, Southern Europe, South America: Italy, The Netherlands/Belgium, Asia: Eastern Europe, Scandinavia, the Balkans:


Historical Fiction

The illicit love between a young widow and a monk

Simone Neumann The Key Bearer [Die Schlüsselträgerin ] Novel Goldmann Paperback 448 pages June 2010

Simone Neumann, born in 1977, studied history and Slavonic literature and languages, and after her final examinations worked as a publisher’s editor. Since the birth of her two children she has been working from home as a freelance editor and author and can now at last fulfil her childhood dream of writing historical novels.

Saxony in the year 825. Against the will of her parents, Inga has become the wife of Rothger, with whom the family has quarrelled. When one evening Rothger does not return home after a boozing spree, Inga finds him in the forest with his neck broken. Shortly afterwards, Rothger’s pregnant concubine Uta is also killed. An uneasy feeling creeps over Inga. She is worried that by indulging in heathen rituals she might have caused their deaths. She turns with her anxiety to the severe monk Brother Agius. The monk gives her a penance but also assures her that she did not cause the two deaths. Even at their very first meeting, Inga realises she likes being near Agius. Before long, there develops between the monk and the young woman a very special relationship that must obviously be kept secret. Also Available:

Des Teufels Sanduhr [The Devil’s Hourglass], 2009

US/UK, Southern Europe, South America: Italy, The Netherlands/Belgium, Asia: Eastern Europe, Scandinavia, the Balkans:


Historical Fiction

A novel about the courageous abbess Hildegard of Bingen and her protégé, the young midwife Theresa

Brigitte Riebe The Prophetess from the Rhine [Die Prophetin vom Rhein] Novel Diana 560 pages January 2010 ▪ Online special available

Brigitte Riebe holds a doctorate in history and spent many years working as a publisher’s editor. Her most successful works to date are her historical novels Palace of the Blue Dolphins, Road of the Stars and The Seven Moons of Jacobus.

1148: She is forever in conflict with the powerful men of her day, and so Hildegard of Bingen has other worries to occupy her mind than thinking about young Theresa, who has come to her convent seeking refuge. But the abbess grows fonder of the girl more quickly than she would have expected. Theresa is emotional and not made for life in a nunnery, for she falls in love with the merchant’s son Willem and has to leave the nuns. She eventually finds her vocation with midwife Eva, who gives her the necessary training for this profession. But Theresa cannot forget Willem. Blind with love, she does not realise that he belongs to a dangerous sect of heretics. The only person who can help her is Hildegard, but it looks as if she is to become her greatest adversary. Also Available (selection):

Schwarze Frau vom Nil [Black Woman from the Nile], 2009 Sold to: France (Archipel / France Loisirs), Greece (Konidaris), Czech Republic (Euromedia), Netherlands (Archipel) Die Hexe und der Herzog [The Witch and the Duke], 2008 Sold to: Czech Republic (Euromedia) Pforten der Nacht [Gates of Night], 2008 Sold to: Czech Republic (Euromedia), Hungary (General Press), The Netherlands (Archipel) Auge des Mondes [Eye of the Moon], 2007 Sold to: Czech Republic (Euromedia) Palast der blauen Delphine [Palace of the Blue Dolphins], 2007 Sold to: Czech Republic (Euromedia), Greece (Nea Synora), Turkey (Yurt) Die Hüterin der Quelle [The Keeper of the Source], 2005 Sold to: Russia (Family Leisure Club)

US/UK, Southern Europe, South America: Italy, The Netherlands/Belgium, Asia: Eastern Europe, Scandinavia, the Balkans:


Historical Fiction

Smart young Alyss solves another case

Andrea Schacht Take, Mistress, this Wreath [Nehmt Herrin diesen Kranz] Novel Blanvalet Paperback 416 pages June 2010

Andrea Schacht, born in 1956, worked for a long time as an industrial engineer and management consultant before giving in to her childhood dream of becoming a writer. Her novels are all bestsellers.

1402: At the time of the grape harvest, Alyss has to face trouble at home. Her husband, Arndt, has sold her vineyard behind her back; and Kilian, the son of an influential merchant Alyss has taken in for a while, turns out to be a veritable rascal. Then Kilian is abducted – and Alyss discovers that her valuable bridal crown, part of her dowry, is also missing. Who is behind it and why? Alyss refuses to give up until, with persistence and cunning, she has solved both cases. Also Available:

Das Spiel des Sängers [The Singer’s Game], 2010 Pantoufle – Ein Kater zur See [Pantoufle – A Cat at Sea], 2009 Gebiete sanfte Herrin mir [Bid Me, Gentle Mistress], 2009 Goldbrokat [Golden Brocade], 2009 Göttertrank [Nephenthe], 2008 Sold to: Lithuania (Gimtasis Zodis) Das brennende Gewand [The Burning Robe], 2008 MacTiger – Ein Highlander auf Samtpfoten [MacTiger – A Highlander on Velvet Paws], 2008 Die elfte Jungfrau [The Eleventh Virgin], 2007 Kreuzblume [The Nun’s Daughter], 2007 Die Lauscherin im Beichtstuhl [The Eavesdropper in the Confessional], 2006 Die Sünde aber gebiert den Tod [Sin Is the Parent of Death], 2005 Das Werk der Teufelin [The Work of the She-Devil], 2004 Sold to: Hungary (Opus) Der dunkle Spiegel [The Dark Mirror], 2003 Sold to: Hungary (Opus)

US/UK, Southern Europe, South America: Italy, The Netherlands/Belgium, Asia: Eastern Europe, Scandinavia, the Balkans:


Historical Fiction

A great, sensuous epic from the time of Walther von der Vogelweide

Andrea Schacht The Singer's Game [Das Spiel des Sängers] Novel Blanvalet 640 pages June 2010

Andrea Schacht, born in 1956, worked for a long time as an industrial engineer and management consultant before giving in to her childhood dream of becoming a writer. Her novels are all bestsellers.

The year is 1404. Ever since the violent death of Eberhard, the lord of the castle, the question of who will take over his estate has still to be solved. Knight Ulrich von der Arken wants to reassign the castle. An illustrious society is now gathered together, and each one of the guests is laying claim to the fiefdom. In the evening, minnesinger Hardo Lautenschläger has the task of entertaining everyone with his art until an agreement has been reached. Nobody realises what secret there is linking Hardo with Langel Castle – and with the fair but sharp-tongued Angel van Dyke, who does not seem to find any pleasure in Hardo’s evening singing. Also Available:

Nehmt Herrin diesen Kranz [Take, Mistress, This Wreath], 2010 Pantoufle – Ein Kater zur See [Pantoufle – A Cat at Sea], 2009 Gebiete sanfte Herrin mir [Bid Me, Gentle Mistress], 2009 Goldbrokat [Golden Brocade], 2009 Göttertrank [Nephenthe], 2008 Sold to: Lithuania (Gimtasis Zodis) Das brennende Gewand [The Burning Robe], 2008 MacTiger – Ein Highlander auf Samtpfoten [MacTiger – A Highlander on Velvet Paws], 2008 Die elfte Jungfrau [The Eleventh Virgin], 2007 Kreuzblume [The Nun’s Daughter], 2007 Die Lauscherin im Beichtstuhl [The Eavesdropper in the Confessional], 2006 Die Sünde aber gebiert den Tod [Sin Is the Parent of Death], 2005 Das Werk der Teufelin [The Work of the She-Devil], 2004 Sold to: Hungary (Opus) Der dunkle Spiegel [The Dark Mirror], 2003 Sold to: Hungary (Opus)

US/UK, Southern Europe, South America: Italy, The Netherlands/Belgium, Asia: Eastern Europe, Scandinavia, the Balkans:


Historical Fiction

A young merchant’s daughter between duty and desire, between freedom and intrigues

Conny Walden The Amber Merchant [Die Bernsteinhändlerin] Novel Goldmann Paperback 416 pages June 2010

Conny Walden is the pseudonym of Alfred and Silke Bekker. Alfred Bekker writes fantasy, historical novels and books for children and young adults. His wife Silke Bekker mainly publishes humorous and short stories. Together they write historical novels under the pseudonym Conny Walden.

Lübeck, Danzig, the Baltics in the 15th century. A big banquet marks the engagement of Barbara, the daughter of the Riga king of amber, Heinrich Heusenbrink, with the wealthy patrician’s son Matthias. Although Barbara does not love Matthias, she agrees to this marriage of convenience. Soon afterwards, she meets the adventurer Erich von Belden and is magically attracted to him. Both of them realise, however, that their love does not have a chance. And then Barbara is abducted to Danzig by amber smugglers wanting to blackmail her father.

US/UK, Southern Europe, South America: Italy, The Netherlands/Belgium, Asia: Eastern Europe, Scandinavia, the Balkans:


Historical Fiction

A new medieval crime novel featuring the young glass painter Antonia and the Jesuit priest Sandro

Eric Walz The Black Pope [Der schwarze Papst] Novel Blanvalet Paperback 448 pages September 2009

Rights sold to:

Spain (Algaida) Eric Walz, born in 1966, started writing short stories after taking a business training, but his passion has always been for historical subjects. Eric Walz lives in Berlin, working as a freelance personal trainer and author.

Rome in 1552. Why does one of the students die during the opening of the Collegium Germanicum, the German school of the Jesuits – poisoned? And who has pushed Carlotta out of the window? The young Jesuit Sandro Carissimi investigates, assisted by the vivacious glass painter Antonia Bender, who, like him, got to know Carlotta in Trieste. Enquiries are tricky, for they lead to the holiest of holy chambers in the Vatican, where the secrets of the Church are more important to those in power than God’s commandments. Press

“The Black Pope is a colorful and thrilling mosaic of people, crime, politics, the church, and an aspiring power … Enthralling, with some witty dialogue and richness of detail of the protagonists that make the novel convincing and an absolute reading pleasure.” Also Available:

Die Giftmeisterin [The Poison Mixer], 2010 Die Hure von Rom [The Whore of Rome], 2008 Sold to: Spain (Algaida) Die Glasmalerin [The Glass Painter], 2007 Sold to: Lithuania (Gimtasis Zodis) Die Sternjägerin [The Star Huntress], 2006 Sold to: Lithuania (Alma Littera) Die Schleier der Salome [Salome’s Veils], 2005 Die Herrin der Päpste [Mistress of the Popes], 2003 Sold to: Lithuania (Gimtasis Zodis)

US/UK, Southern Europe, South America: Italy, The Netherlands/Belgium, Asia: Eastern Europe, Scandinavia, the Balkans:


Historical Fiction

Death is on the prowl at Charlemagne’s court, and an unusual woman starts to investigate.

Eric Walz The Poison Mixer [Die Giftmeisterin] Novel Blanvalet Paperback 416 pages April 2010

Eric Walz, born in 1966, started writing short stories after taking a business training, but his passion has always been for historical subjects. Eric Walz lives in Berlin, working as a freelance personal trainer and author.

It is Aachen in the year 799. Countess Ermengard is going through hell in her marriage with Arnulf, the captain of Charlemagne’s body guard and his companion of many years’ standing. Then a crime is committed at the Karlsburg in Aachen: one of Gerold’s, the King’s quartermaster, sons is found murdered – only a few days before the Pope is due to arrive for a visit. Ermengard’s husband is asked by the King to investigate. Distrust of her husband makes her uneasy and she decides to start clandestine investigations of her own. In the process, she makes the acquaintance of Fionee, a stranger whose origin is known to no one and who has an intimate knowledge of all kinds of herbs. Ermengard’s search takes her to what is known as the “Women’s House” at the Aachen Karlsburg, where the King’s daughters and his concubines reside. Was the murder personally motivated or was there indeed, as feared by the King, a political background? Was Hugo the intended victim anyway or had the murderer really wanted to kill Mathilda, Charles’ Roman concubine? The mesh of suspicions, intrigues and murder closes in, also endangering Ermengard’s life. She makes a bold and dark plan, for which she needs Finoee’s help. Also Available:

Der schwarze Papst [The Black Pope], 2009 Sold to: Spain (Algaida) Die Hure von Rom [The Whore of Rome], 2008 Sold to: Spain (Algaida) Die Glasmalerin [The Glass Painter], 2007 Sold to: Lithuania (Gimtasis Zodis) Die Sternjägerin [The Star Huntress], 2006 Sold to: Lithuania (Alma Littera) Die Schleier der Salome [Salome’s Veils], 2005 Die Herrin der Päpste [Mistress of the Popes], 2003 Sold to: Lithuania (Gimtasis Zodis) US/UK, Southern Europe, South America: Italy, The Netherlands/Belgium, Asia: Eastern Europe, Scandinavia, the Balkans:


Historical Fiction

A young countess fighting superstition and intrigue at Duke Maximilian’s court

Karla Weigand The Witches’ Advocate [Die Hexenadvokatin] Novel Heyne Paperback 500 pages June 2010

Karla Weigand, born in 1944 in Munich, worked for 20 years as a teacher before turning to writing. The Witches’ Advocate is her fifth historical novel.

It is the year 1610 in Munich. In order to hush up the wretched death of her brother, Alberta, Countess of Mangfall-Pechstein, embarks on a dangerous game. She takes on his identity, becoming a “Privy Councillor” at Maximilian’s court. Before long, she has to hold witch trials and learns to fear the cruelty of the hypocritical duke. One single mistake or even just a slight hesitation could betray her secret – with unforeseeable consequences. Alberta’s position becomes more desperate still when she falls in love. Also Available:

Im Dienste der Königin [In the Queen’s Service], 2009 Die Heilerin des Kaisers [The Emperor’s Healer], 2008 Die Hexengräfin [The Witch Countess], 2007 Die Kammerzofe [The Lady’s Handmaid], 2006 Sold to: Brazil (Publishing House Lobmaier), Russia (Mir Knigi)

US/UK, Southern Europe, South America: Italy, The Netherlands/Belgium, Asia: Eastern Europe, Scandinavia, the Balkans:


Contemporary Women’s Fiction

A humerous vampire story with a special spin

Emma Flint Beautiful in All Eternity [HĂźbsch in alle Ewigkeit] Novel Heyne Paperback 240 pages May 2010

Emma Flint, born 1975, lives as a freelance journalist in Cologne. Beautiful in All Eternity is her first novel.

What would it be like to be always twenty? Leni and Vivian know and they find it very cool, for their favourite pastime is fashion, makeup and wild parties. Luckily, since they are nocturnal creatures, no one has noticed that they are dead or, rather, undead. But Leni has to pay a price for her eternal vampire youthfulness: She is stuck with her 1980s perm and hairdo. What is worse is her mortal archenemy Sandra, who is getting dangerously close to the secret of the two friends.

US/UK, Southern Europe, South America: Italy, The Netherlands/Belgium, Asia: Eastern Europe, Scandinavia, the Balkans:


Contemporary Women’s Fiction

A witty novel about an attempt to save a marriage

Susanne Leinemann The Love Pact [Der Liebespakt] Novel Diana 384 pages March 2010

Susanne Leinemann was born in Hamburg and grew up in Washington D.C., Bonn and Puerto Rico. After leaving school, she spent a year touring through half of Europe with a travelling theatre troupe and then studied contemporary history in Bochum, Mexico City and Jena. She then went to the German School of Journalism and worked as an editor for television, newspapers and magazines.

Interior designer Toni is a modern woman, and she is successful. The life of the 34-year-old seems to be a happy one until she discovers that her husband George is having an affair. George asks her to play the role of a happy wife for another four months, for he is about to be appointed Germany’s youngest CEO. In return, he offers her 25,000 euros. Toni agrees to the deal, but it is not the money she is interested in: she wants to use the remaining four months to save her marriage. Thus begins a marital feud, with reciprocal hurt interspersed with brief spells of harmony. While George is celebrating his last big success by signing a contract for the company, behind the scenes his private marriage scandal is exposed – the deceived wife being bought off for money; a pregnancy nothing but a lie; and then an affair with the fiancée of one of his board colleagues. Will the couple ever be able to make up again? Also Available:

Warteschleife [Waiting Loop], 2007

US/UK, Southern Europe, South America: Italy, The Netherlands/Belgium, Asia: Eastern Europe, Scandinavia, the Balkans:


Contemporary Women’s Fiction

Young writer Olivia enters the world of magic…

Claudia Toman Hunting Season [Jagdzeit] Novel Diana Paperback 320 pages May 2010 ▪ Trailer available online

Claudia Toman, born in 1978, has worked as a stage manager, assistant director, director and librettist in Vienna, Tokyo and Tel Aviv. She published short stories and poems in a number of anthologies before writing Witches Three Times Three, her first novel. Author’s homepage

Olivia Kenning, an unmarried writer, is struggling with a writer’s block and goes to look for inspiration in a mysterious village. Before long, she has a sneaky feeling she can’t throw off that the villagers are hushing something up. One of the inhabitants, Adrian Alt, keeps on letting out dubious warnings and, when she begins to view the few village “sights” there are, seems to be following her. It is also Adrian who points out to Olivia that the village inhabitants, almost without exception, live to an unnaturally ripe old age. Olivia finds all this extremely fascinating – but she stupidly can’t put it together to make a novel. When she hears that in a nearby wood there is a mystifying spring that is said to fulfil your one and every wish, she is as if electrified. Finding this spring would be the very thing! She does not realise that the search for it will expose her to great danger. For the wood is full of nasty surprises: hunters follow in her tracks; witches perform dark rituals; and a hungry wolf takes up her trail. Also Available:

Hexendreimaldrei [Witches Three Times Three], 2009

US/UK, Southern Europe, South America: Italy, The Netherlands/Belgium, Asia: Eastern Europe, Scandinavia, the Balkans:


Thriller & Crime

An amusing crime story about the abysses of avarice, greed and human vices – and why pigs are the better humans…

Arne Blum Pig Gang [Saubande] A piggy crime story Novel Limes 352 pages March 2010

Arne Blum has been working in the field of publishing for many years and writes bestselling crime stories. With Pig Gang featuring Kim, the cunning investigator, he not only comes out as a lover of all pigs; the book was also reason for him to find a pseudonym for this other side of his creative work.

Kim has indeed been a lucky sod – she has just cocked a snoot at death, and now she has found a new home with the painter Munk and his better half, Dörthe. What’s more, Kim is in love … And then this happens: with a knife in his back, her protector falls dead to the ground. Just one word passes his lips – “Klee …”. Kim is baffled. Moreover, what makes it all a bit more complicated is the fact that Kim is a pig. Neither are her fellow species of any help – neither Che with his grand ideas of changing the world, nor the voracious Brunst, nor the frail Doctor Pik. That only leaves the rakish fellow who has been making eyes at Kim for days and who is only ever called Lunke by everyone else, a wild boar who is never averse to a fight. Together, they both follow their snouts and in the process dig up all-too human dregs consisting of cover-up, avarice, blackmail and murder …

US/UK, Southern Europe, South America: Italy, The Netherlands/Belgium, Asia: Eastern Europe, Scandinavia, the Balkans:


Thriller & Crime

Riveting crime story set in Rome

Gabriele d’Este Heavenly Reward [Gotteslohn] Novel btb Paperback 240 pages March 2010

Gabriele d’Este is the pseudonym of a well-known author.

Nineteen-year-old Teresa Zanotti is blessed with drive if not beauty – quite the opposite of her mother Floria, in fact, to whose erotic charisma not even the clergy in Rome are completely immune. On his death bed, Teresa’s father let her into a secret concerning money – a lot of money. Floria doesn’t want to have anything, doesn’t want to know anything, but Teresa is determined at least to get hold of the capital. Neither of them can possibly know how deeply the deceased baker was involved in the Vatican’s extraordinary financial affairs. The whole business doesn’t become any less complicated when Commissario Tancredi Frasca takes a closer look at the Zanotti bakery because a young priest was found there murdered and dreadfully mutilated. He does not remain the only ordained victim.

US/UK, Southern Europe, South America: Italy, The Netherlands/Belgium, Asia: Eastern Europe, Scandinavia, the Balkans:


Thriller & Crime

Murder in the glamourous world of art

Peter Haff The Blue Mirror [Der blaue Spiegel] Novel Luchterhand 350 pages June 2010

Peter Haff, born in 1938, studied economics and history. Besides his books he creates pictures, collages and sculptures, and has shown his works in gallery exhibitions at home and abroad since 1988.

The wealthy art dealer Harry Warburk is found dead in his apartment, blinded and with his head in an aquarium. Not only the police wonder why this death has been so conspicuously staged. The art dealer’s son, Robert Warburk, himself a talented comicstrip artist, sets out to look for the murderer, although his reasons are very different from those of the police. All his life he had a very distant relationship to his father and would at least like to find out after his death who this man really was. They stray deeper and deeper into the world of artists and moneyed collectors and are forced to ask themselves what they can believe and trust in the first place and what risking your life is really worth. Also Available:

Acht Stockwerke Ăźber der Wirklichkeit [Eight Stories Above Reality], 2006

US/UK, Southern Europe, South America: Italy, The Netherlands/Belgium, Asia: Eastern Europe, Scandinavia, the Balkans:


Thriller & Crime

A serial killer who clinically cleans the crime scene – will the legendary investigator stop him from killing?

Vincent Kliesch The Purity of Death [Die Reinheit des Todes] Thriller Blanvalet Paperback 320 pages June 2010

Vincent Kliesch spent several years working in the field of gastronomy, and it was during this time that he had the idea for his first thriller, The Purity of Death . When Vincent Kliesch is not writing, he can be found on the stage as a moderator and stand-up comedian. This thriller is the first of a series of books featuring investigator Julius Kern.

There is a serial killer on the loose in Berlin. His third victim, an elderly lady, is found dressed in a white linen shirt and lying in state on her dining table. The apartment has been clinically cleansed – a nightmare for any crime scene unit looking for evidence. The Berlin police place their final hope of finding the “house-proud murderer” on Julius Kern. He has already once caught a mass murderer, and it almost destroyed him. While he is but gradually returning to his old self, his enemy has already cast his eyes on his next victim …

US/UK, Southern Europe, South America: Italy, The Netherlands/Belgium, Asia: Eastern Europe, Scandinavia, the Balkans:


Thriller & Crime

He is out for young women. Will Lara be the next victim?

Claudia Puhlfürst Monster [Ungeheuer] Thriller Blanvalet Paperback 352 pages April 2010

Claudia Puhlfürst, born in 1963, has already had several thrillers published by small publishing houses. She is also an organizer of the “Crime Days”, a member of the “Syndikat” and the German branch of the American “Sisters in Crime”.

Nightmares keep tormenting journalist Lara Birkenfeld. Fragments of scenes in which she is being chased through the woods by a pervert. Then, in the newspaper offices, she stumbles across a crime that throws a completely new light on her nightmares. And it is not the only murder like this. The victims are all female, young and fair-haired. Together with psychologist Mark Grünthal, Lara follows the trail of the serial killer. Until Lara Birkenfeld herself is targeted by the mad “Doctor Nex”.

US/UK, Southern Europe, South America: Italy, The Netherlands/Belgium, Asia: Eastern Europe, Scandinavia, the Balkans:


Thriller & Crime

The global crusade of the 21st century has begun.

Christian Schoenborn Operation Ismael [Operation Ismael] Thriller Heyne Paperback 352 pages December 2009 ▪ Trailer available online

Christian Schoenborn studied theology and also trained as a librarian before establishing himself as a music producer. Users of his arrangements and compositions include Walt Disney and television stations. He wrote his debut novel Operation Ismael after spending seven months in India.

Islamist terrorists have started a smallpox epidemic with biological weapons. Thousands are dead. After a Boeing 777 belonging to Saudi Arabian Airlines has been shot down over Frankfurt, it is clear for antiterror expert Deek Miller that it can only be an act of revenge. As yet he does not realise that the “Soldiers of the Holy Crusade” have long since armed themselves for a big global war of religions. Terrifyingly relevant – a thriller in a class of its own.

US/UK, Southern Europe, South America: Italy, The Netherlands/Belgium, Asia: Eastern Europe, Scandinavia, the Balkans:


Thriller & Crime

“Crime, comedy – magnificent!” Bild am Sonntag

Sobo Swobodnik Moodoo [Kuhdoo] Novel Heyne Paperback 416 pages May 2010

Sobo Swobodnik trained as an actor and has worked as a radio editor and theatre director. He has published several novels and also makes films.

After 20 years, Paul Plotek, an out-of-work actor with a special relationship to alcohol, ends up back in the village of his childhood. The reason: his father has died, found dead in his chaff-cutter. Plotek is hoping for a really big inheritance, but forget it! Instead of an inheritance there are all sorts of dead bodies. The first mishap is at the funeral, when Plotek, one of the pall-bearers, slips into the grave and drops the coffin, making the lid spring open and revealing – surprise, surprise! – not only his dead father but a naked baby as well. Also dead. The police are obviously called in and things get moving. The result: dismembered bodies in the village pond, a maid gone missing, and Plotek right in the middle of the mess. And in moodoo, which is a bit like voodoo, only with cows. A quirky crime novel that is not only about dying but enough to make you laugh. Press

“With a lot of black humour he has told a grimly gloomy story.” Münchner Merkur “Swobodnik’s style is pithy, he is a talented observer, and he cheerfully faces the world and its chasms.” Süddeutsche Zeitung “Plotek is Germany’s coolest and most melancholy fictional hero!” Bild am Sonntag

US/UK, Southern Europe, South America: Italy, The Netherlands/Belgium, Asia: Eastern Europe, Scandinavia, the Balkans:


Thriller & Crime

A desperate father wants revenge

Sabine Thiesler The Kidnapper [Der Menschenr채uber] Novel Heyne 450 pages May 2010

Sabine Thiesler, raised in Berlin, lives in Tuscany. She has worked as an actress, cabaretist and dramatic advisor, and is the author of numerous theatre pieces and screenplays for various television series. Her books are bestsellers and have been translated into numerous languages.

The young and highly talented painter and art student Giselle is knocked down in broad daylight at some traffic lights by a drunken car driver and fatally injured. Her father Jonathan, a successful photographer and media manager, cannot get over her death and drifts into alcoholism, depression and neglect. His inability to mourn also destroys his marriage. One November night, Jonathan simply drives off in the car, without a destination, without any money and with no hope. He ends up in a dilapidated holiday cottage belonging to a farming family in Tuscany. When Jonathan meets Sophia, their blind daughter, he is terribly shocked, for there is an uncanny resemblance between Sophia and his dead daughter. Jonathan stays in Italy, finds a new will to face life and marries Sophia. The two of them convert the rundown farmhouse into a luxurious holiday home. One day, however, some people from Germany spend their holidays there, and when Jonathan realises who has moved in, his hate and thirst for revenge awake to new life. Also Available:

Die Totengr채berin [The Grave Digger], 2009 Sold to: Italy (Corbaccio), The Netherlands (Karakter), Russia (FLC) Hexenkind (Witch Child), 2007 Sold to: The Netherlands (Karakter), Taiwan (trans+/Locus Publishing), Russia (FLC) Der Kindersammler (The Collector of Children), 2006 Sold to: Czech Republic (Euromedia), Hungary (Sz처), Italy (Baldini & Castoldi), Japan (Hayakawa), Korea (ChangHae), The Netherlands (Karakter), Poland (Gruner+Jahr), Russia (FLC), Slovakia (Ikar), Taiwan (trans+/Locus Publishing)

US/UK, Southern Europe, South America: Italy, The Netherlands/Belgium, Asia: Eastern Europe, Scandinavia, the Balkans:


Thriller & Crime

A brilliant and shocking psycho thriller – utterly spine-chilling

Andreas Winkelmann Little Johnny [Hänschen klein] Thriller Goldmann Paperback 416 pages February 2010

Andreas Winkelmann, born in 1968, was already writing spine-chilling stories when he was still very young. With this vocation in mind, he never stuck it out at any one job for very long, and although he did things like being a soldier, teaching sport and driving taxis, he was only ever true to writing. “The human mind creates hell on earth, and that’s what I know about” is how he describes his fascination for the genre of evil.

One day, the young lawyer Sebastian Schneider receives a strange letter containing the first verse of the nursery rhyme “Little Johnny” and the fervent promise of a woman that she and her John will soon be united again. Sebastian thinks there has been a mistake. He does not realise that he is holding a love letter that will destroy his life: the letter from a mother who – ignored, presumed dead, mad – is on the hunt for her son. And who, for the sake of her little Johnny, is prepared to go over more than one dead body. Also Available:

Tief im Wald und unter der Erde [Deep in the Wood and Down in the Ground], 2009

US/UK, Southern Europe, South America: Italy, The Netherlands/Belgium, Asia: Eastern Europe, Scandinavia, the Balkans:



“Andreas Brandhorst writes space operas that leave nothing to be desired!” Wolfgang Hohlbein

Andreas Brandhorst Children of Eternity [Kinder der Ewigkeit] Novel Heyne Paperback 704 pages April 2010 ▪ Online special available

Andreas Brandhorst is the new shooting star of German science fiction. He is one of the authors of the famous Perry Rhodan science fiction series and has also written several fantasy novels.

The time is in the future. Human beings have spread out in their galaxy and forged many an alliance with extraterrestrials. And – using highly developed biotechnology – they have conquered death. So you would think that these were hardly good times for our hero, who is, after all, a professional killer. But then he is unexpectedly given a job to do – a job that will forever change the universe. As epic as Iain Banks, as packed with fantasy as Sergej Lukianenko – Andreas Brandhorst is one of the big names in German science fiction! Also Available:

Äon [Aeon], 2009 Sold to: Italy (Armenia) From the Grake trilogy: Feuervögel [Fire Birds], 2006 Feuerstürme [Fire Storms], 2007 Feuerträume [Fire Dreams], 2007

US/UK, Southern Europe, South America: Italy, The Netherlands/Belgium, Asia: Eastern Europe, Scandinavia, the Balkans:



Have you ever met a bat naked? – An incredible road trip through the night

Oliver Dierssen Bat Country [Fledermausland] Novel Heyne 448 pages December 2009

Oliver Dierssen, born in 1980, has been working as a doctor in a psychiatric clinic since 2007. He likes buying and alphabetically arranging books, occasionally travelling free of stress and listening to off-beat rock music.

Sebastian Schatz, in his early twenties, is drifting aimlessly around his home town. His girlfriend Kim may be a divine beauty, but she is still keeping her distance. So Sebastian’s number one priority is to get Kim entirely for himself. All of a sudden, however, strange things start happening. First of all he must defend himself against a bat – naked. Then a vampire goes and messes up his eagerly awaited date with Kim. When finally he is abducted by a sinister house ghost and a few corrupt dwarfs, it gradually dawns on Sebastian that he has stumbled into something. Has the world gone completely crazy, or is it just him? This is the beginning of the longest and wildest night in the life of Sebastian Schatz. He has to defend not only his own life but also Kim’s – and in the end nothing is as it was before …

US/UK, Southern Europe, South America: Italy, The Netherlands/Belgium, Asia: Eastern Europe, Scandinavia, the Balkans:



The new trilogy about the young seer Awin and a magical stone Torsten Fink Nomad Light Bearer Renegat The Son of the Seer Novel Blanvalet Paperback 400 pages June, August & October 2010

As the child of a seafaring family, Torsten Fink, born in 1965, spent the first years of his life on the North Sea. He is now a freelance journalist, literary cabaret artist and author.

Nomad (Vol. 1): The young seer Awin is desperately fighting to be recognised as a warrior by his people, the desert nomads Hakul. But his jealous master is robbing him of his self-esteem, although Awin has long since become the better prophet. Then the Light Stone is stolen, the greatest Hakul treasure, and Awin at last gets the chance to prove himself. For it is he who is told to bring back the amulet – an order that will take him to places and bring him into contact with enemies he couldn’t have imagined existed, not even in his wildest dreams. Light Bearer (Vol. 2): Against all probabilities, the young seer Awin has succeeded in getting back the Light Stone. When, however, he returns to his tribe’s tents, Slahan, the goddess of the desert, has abducted his clan. Awin immediately sets out to save his family, but intrigues, envy and old enemies stand in his way. When Awin at last realises what the cruel Slahan is really planning, it seems to be far too late to stop her … Renegat (Vol. 3): The Light Stone was stolen no sooner than Awin – the rightful bearer of the artefact – had overcome Slahan, the goddess of the desert, with his power. But Awin’s mission is by no means completed. He has to return the Light Stone to its original place to prevent giants and demons from overrunning the world of humans. But the Stone’s thief has long since succumbed to the influence of supernatural beings … Also Available:

Die Tochter des Magiers Trilogie [The Magician’s Daughter Trilogy], 2009 Sold to: Czech Republic (Zoner Press)

US/UK, Southern Europe, South America: Italy, The Netherlands/Belgium, Asia: Eastern Europe, Scandinavia, the Balkans:



The new big mystery novel by bestselling author Wolfgang Hohlbein

Wolfgang Hohlbein We Are the Night [Wir sind die Nacht] Novel Heyne 448 pages May 2010

Wolfgang Hohlbein, born in 1953 in Weimar, has merited a large readership through the most varied genres – thriller, horror, science fiction, and historical novel – and is one of the most successful German authors overall.

No wrinkles, no getting older, no Monday morning! The three vampires Louise, Nora and Charlotte are up to no good in Berlin at night. One night, in a posh disco, Louise comes across Lena, who is on a thieving spree round town, and in the ladies’ toilette bites her. Lena’s body changes and she has to accept the fact that she has turned into a vampire. To begin with, she enjoys the luxury, the parties, the boundless freedom; but then she finds it increasingly difficult to cope with her companions’ lust to kill and their thirst for blood. At the same time, Lena’s heart-throb Tom and the police are hot on the heels of the vampire women. Lena confides in Tom, whose love is stronger than his sense of duty - something Louise observes with jealousy … Also Available:

The Nibelungs series: Vol. 1: Der Ring der Nibelungen [The Ring of the Nibelungs], 2004 Sold to: Korea (Wisdomhouse Publishing), Russia (FLC), Taiwan (Fantasy Foundation) Vol. 2: Die Rache der Nibelungen [The Revenge of the Nibelungs], 2007 Sold to: Russia (FLC) Vol. 3: Das Erbe der Nibelungen, will be published in August 2010 The Templar Woman series: Vol. 1: Die Templerin [The Woman Templar], 2000 Vol. 2: Der Ring des Sarazenen [The Ring of the Saracen], 2003 Vol. 3: Die Rückkehr der Templerin [The Return of the Woman Templar], 2006 Vol. 4: Das Wasser des Lebens [The Water of Life], 2008

US/UK, Southern Europe, South America: Italy, The Netherlands/Belgium, Asia: Eastern Europe, Scandinavia, the Balkans:



Among vampires – a year au-pairing in Budapest

Lena Klassen Magyria – The Heart of the Shadow [Magyria – Das Herz des Schattens] Novel Penhaligon 560 pages December 2009 Rights sold to:

Turkey (Pegasus) Lena Klassen was born in Moscow in 1971 and grew up in Germany. She studied literature, English language and literature and philosophy. She has a PhD.

▪ Online special available

One night, Hanna, an 18-year-old German au-pair, meets Mattim. The strange young man tells her of shadows, of a mysterious gateway and a city existing parallel to Budapest. And he tells her about Kunun, his brother who, like he himself, is a shadow – a vampire – but who, unlike Mattim, devotes himself entirely to the cause of darkness. Mattim, on the other, is trying to hold on to the good in himself. If, however, he is not to be overpowered by the darkness within him, he needs some strong support from the side of light – which only Hanna can give him. Kunun’s plans, however, are further-reaching and more evil than they could ever have imagined. It is not long before Hanna is forced to wonder whether she is prepared to give up everything for her love for Mattim. Even her humanity … Press

“Compact, romantic, and convincing – the best debut of recent years.” Petra “Stephenie Meyer has now finally found a worthy successor, one who entrances and captivates her readers.”

US/UK, Southern Europe, South America: Italy, The Netherlands/Belgium, Asia: Eastern Europe, Scandinavia, the Balkans:



The dragon whisperer returns – the brilliant sequel to the big success.

Boris Koch The Dragon Whisperer – The Outlaws’ Oath [Der Drachenflüsterer – Der Schwur der Geächteten] Novel Heyne Paperback 400 pages April 2010

Boris Koch, born in 1979, studied classical history and modern German literature and now lives in Berlin. He was awarded the Hansjörg Martin Prize in 2008 for his crime story for teenagers Fire in the Blood.

This story tells of the adventures of young Ben, who meets the first wild dragon of his life in the vastness of the Great Tirdish Empire – and is made to realise that dragons are completely different to what legends claim. He also discovers that he has a magic gift … Boris Koch tells with great humour a riveting tale of friendship, first love and unintentional heroism. A magnificent mixture of Buddy Movie, Huckleberry Finn and classical fantasy! Also Available:

From the Dragon Whisperer Series: Der Drachenflüsterer [The Dragon Whisperer], 2008 Gebissen [Bitten], 2009 Der Königsschlüssel [The King’s Key], 2009 Die Anderen [The Others], 2007

US/UK, Southern Europe, South America: Italy, The Netherlands/Belgium, Asia: Eastern Europe, Scandinavia, the Balkans:



A new mystery trilogy about the sinister struggle between Nachzehrer, Metamorphs and witches Olga A. Krouk Shadow Souls Night Souls Novel Heyne Paperback approx. 500 pages December 2009 & July 2010 ▪ Online Special available ▪ Trailer available online

Olga A. Krouk, born in Moscow in 1981, moved as a child first to the Ukraine and later to St. Petersburg, where she wrote her first poems as a teenager. She lives in Berlin since 2001.

Shadow Souls (Vol. 1): The energetic and single-minded Evelyn Behrens works in the casualty department of a hospital. One day, she tries to save the life of a motorcycle accident victim, but the young man dies. Directly after his death, he attacks one of the doctors who then dies of the bubonic plague. The young man, on the other hand, is as bouncy as a tennis ball. When Evelyn is abducted by this uncanny man, she gradually finds out more, not only about him but also about herself – like him, she is a Nachzehrer: After her death she will devour the vitality of the people she loved. Night Souls (Vol. 2): Every night Alba is tormented by distressing nightmares. When her grandfather is murdered these dreams become terrifyingly real: Alba is suddenly standing in the middle of a dangerous fight between Nachzehrer, Metamorphs and witches – Finn, a Metamorph, is the only one to stand by her. But can she trust him? Also available soon:

Hexenseelen [Witch Souls], 3rd volume

US/UK, Southern Europe, South America: Italy, The Netherlands/Belgium, Asia: Eastern Europe, Scandinavia, the Balkans:



The finale of the great dwarf saga

Frank Rehfeld Dwarf Blood [Zwergenblut] Novel Blanvalet Paperback 400 pages June 2010

Frank Rehfeld started writing in the 1980s, and since then he has published a number of books on television series, including the fantasy twoparter The Legend of Arcana and Giants, the dinosaur novel he wrote together with Wolfgang Hohlbein. The saga of Garth and Torian was also produced in teamwork with Wolfgang Hohlbein. Finally, Frank Rehfeld co-authored and edited the successful series featuring sorcerer Robert Craven.

Barlok and his dwarves, helped by the high elves, have driven the dark elves out of their mines. For the time being at least – for the number of dark elves seems to be immeasurable. Barlok and his companions can see only one way of saving their people. They will have to penetrate to the heart of the subterranean empire of the dark elves and destroy the root of the evil. Will they succeed? Also Available:

Volume 1: Zwergenfluch [Dwarf Curse], 2009 Sold to: Czech Republic (Fantomprint), Italy (Armenia) Volume 2: Zwergenbann [Dwarf Spell], 2009

US/UK, Southern Europe, South America: Italy, The Netherlands/Belgium, Asia: Eastern Europe, Scandinavia, the Balkans:



Prague 1909. The Bureau for Occult Affairs investigating

Victoria Schlederer The Devil’s Masquerade [Des Teufels Maskerade] Novel Heyne Paperback 544 pages 10 b/w illustrations November 2009 ▪ Online Special available ▪ German text and illustrations online

Victoria Schlederer was born in 1985 and lives in Rotterdam. She is studying political science and Slavic languages and literature and freelances as a journalist. The Devil’s Masquerade is her first novel.

We are in Prague in the final years of the k. & k. monarchy. Dejan Sirco, baron and retired army captain, runs a “Bureau for Occult Affairs”. And for very good reason, too, for a wide variety of the most improbable creatures inhabit the City of Gold. Dejan is helped by prostitute Esther, the one-time street boy Mirko and an earl who, as the result of a chain of unfortunate magic entanglements, lives in the body of an otter. The quartet’s latest case is proving to be a tricky one: their task is to look into a murderous curse which has been holding an ancient noble dynasty in its spell for centuries. In the course of their investigations, it becomes apparent to Dejan that there is more at stake than just the fate of one family, for behind the scenes of the known world, secret societies and fantastic beings have long been planning a rebellion that is threatening to spill over onto the stage of world politics. The key to all this lies in the hands of a secret agent of his imperial majesty, of all people, who commissioned the “Bureau” with the investigation. Press

“Des Teufels Maskerade is a devilish book: this riveting story, in which the characters fascinate the reader from the very first line, is bursting with originality! And all in a wonderfully vivid language.” Christoph Marzi

US/UK, Southern Europe, South America: Italy, The Netherlands/Belgium, Asia: Eastern Europe, Scandinavia, the Balkans:


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