Foreign Rights Autumn 2010 Reference
Ansata ▪ Ariston ▪ Arkana ▪ Bassermann Heyne ▪ Integral ▪ Irisiana ▪ Kailash Mosaik bei Goldmann ▪ Südwest
Contents Health & Alternative Healing Groot Landeweer, Gert: Cranio-sacral Therapy for Self-Application Groot Landeweer, Gert: Introduction to Cranio-sacral Therapy Nelting, Manfred: Burn-out – When the Mask Cracks Petzold, Theodor Dierk: The Book of Salutogenesis Schröpel, Andrea: The NAET Programme
1 1 2 3 4
Family, Parenting & Sexuality Hartmann, Ulrike: Mothers’ Guilt Mischke, Thilo / Thornieporth, Dietlind: Sex Zart, Birgit: The Fertility Massage
5 6 7
Fitness & Diet Grillparzer, Marion: Losing Weight Simply with the Carb-100 Formula Ostertag, Sonja: Moving Better Simply Strunz, Ulrich: The Secret of Health Strunz, Ulrich: The New Diet – The Fitness Book
8 9 10 11
Personal Development Ballier, Roland / Wendel, Susanne: Are You Still Thinking, or Was That It? Betz, Robert: The Man Becoming a Man! Hirschi, Gertrud: Table Talk – I Ask, Therefore I Am Kirchner, Steffen: Rules for Winners Komarek, Iris: Learning Simply Lohner, Karin: Get Off Your Duff and Out into Real Life Seiwert, Lothar: My Time Diary Szekely, Dasa: Emotional Inventory Schmitt, Ralf / Voller, Torsten: I’m Completely Spontaneous – If You Give Me Enough Time Zart, Birgit: Children of Happiness
12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
Spirituality Claes, Anouk: Must is in the Past Dahlke, Ruediger: The Shadow Principle Dieckmann, Peter Michael: Bodybuilding for the Soul Fenkart, Kurt: You as Well Are a Shaman Fischinger, Lars A.: Forbidden History Fuezi, Jutta / Rohr, Wulfing von: The Message of Angel Numbers Graf-Khounani, Claudia: The Large Moon Book Hasselmann, Varda / Schmolke, Frank: Archetypes of the Soul Hoppe, Geoffrey and Linda: Adamus Saint-Germain: The Masters of the New Energy Govinda, Kalashatra: In the Light Govinda, Kalashatra: Tantric Massage Kobayashi, Toyo and Petra: T'ai Chi Ch'uan Lim, Jes T.Y. and Julie: The Tao of the New Time Malinowski, Peter: Flourishing – Which Type of Joy Would You Like? Mayer-Gampe, Pia: The Golden Egg Meyer, Hermann: The Script of Your Life Reiland, Christian: Let Go and Find the Joy Inside Riemann, Claus: Twelve Faces of Depression, Twelve Paths of Healing
22 23 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
Spirituality Rรถcker, Anna Elisabeth: Tone as a Way to Attentiveness Schache, Ruediger: The God Secret
41 42
Humour Dresen, Rainer / Moser, Christian: At the Very First Aum, Everything Will Be Different Dresen, Rainer / Schmid, Anne Nina: No Alcohol for Fish under 16
43 44
Contact & Agents
Health & Alternative Healing
Basics for simple and quick self-therapy Gert Groot Landeweer Cranio-sacral Therapy for Self-Application [CranioSacrale Therapie selbst anwenden] Simple manipulations for more energy and health Südwest 96 pages ca. 100 illustrations Format 21.5 x 28.0 cm October 2010
Gert Groot Landeweer is director of the Upledger Institute Germany and has been a renowned cranio-sacral therapist for many years, with extensive practical experience in treating patients. He lives in Freiburg.
The experienced cranio-sacral therapist Gert Groot Landeweer provides here a perfect overview of the fascinating method of cranio-sacral therapy. He describes the basics for self-therapy in a practically oriented, comprehensible, and clearly structured way. Large-format illustrations present in unprecedented clarity the particular regions of the body and explain how the therapy works. The numerous manipulations for the self-therapist gently stimulate the self-healing powers and help with many physical and psychological conditions, such as back problems, migraine, and sleep disorders.
The standard work on cranio-sacral therapy Gert Groot Landeweer Introduction to Cranio-sacral Therapy [Einführung in die CranioSacrale Therapie] How to dissolve physical blockages yourself
Rights sold to:
Czech Republic (Fontana) Spain (Obelisco)
Südwest 288 pages 200 colour photographs and illustrations Format 16.0 x 22.0 cm March 2010
Cranio-sacral therapy is a gentle and effective method. Through softpressure grips on the head and backbone, it stimulates the self-healing energies and thus one’s general health. The brain, spinal cord, and nervous system become strengthened by this, and such conditions as sleep disorders, back pains, and headache can be alleviated. This comprehensive volume offers the perfect introduction to the holistic method of cranio-sacral therapy. It clearly explains the basics and the mechanisms of this method And there are programs for both the self-therapist and for couples. The treatment of small children complements the comprehensive practical section of the book. US/UK, Southern Europe, South America: Italy, The Netherlands/Belgium, Asia: Eastern Europe, Scandinavia, the Balkans:
Health & Alternative Healing
The widespread condition of burn-out – recognizing, preventing, healing
Dr. Manfred Nelting Burn-Out – When the Mask Cracks [Burn-out – Wenn die Maske zerbricht] Mosaik bei Goldmann 416 pages Format 13.5 x 21.5 cm September 2010 ▪ Video available online
Dr. Manfred Nelting is a medical specialist in psychotherapy, general medicine, and homeopathy. He is the medical director and business manager of the Gezeiten Haus Klinik, which he founded in Bonn, Germany.
Burning your energy – until the oven is out. Our society often makes demands on people far beyond their capacities. Nearly no one is up to these demands, and those who become overburdened ultimately exhibit dangerous symptoms: a feeling of being burned out, a sense of despair, and physical illness. Anyone can fall into such a situation – regardless of how healthy one is. With a high level of practical and theoretical competence, the author informs us in a competent and comprehensive way about the symptoms and course of this condition and about the possibilities of medical and psychological treatments, while elucidating for us the clear principles with which we can protect ourselves.
US/UK, Southern Europe, South America: Italy, The Netherlands/Belgium, Asia: Eastern Europe, Scandinavia, the Balkans:
Health & Alternative Healing
Salutogenesis – the alternative approach to the treatment of illness
Theodor Dierk Petzold The Book of Salutogenesis [Praxisbuch Salutogenese] Why health is contagious SĂźdwest 208 pages ca. 40 illustrations Format 16.2 x 21.5 cm September 2010
Theodor Dierk Petzold is a doctor in general medicine and a practitioner of natural healing methods, and has a European Certificate of Psychotherapy (ECP). He teaches general medicine at a medical college as an assistant professor. In 2004, he founded a center for salutogenesis. He gives many lectures, trainings, and seminars, and provides supervision for salutogenetic orientation.
Western medicine concentrates entirely on the origin, development, and treatment of illnesses, or pathogenesis. The exact opposite approach is that of salutogenesis. This perspective investigates the origin and development of health in humans. Rather than search for illnesses and weaknesses, salutogenesis uncovers the physical and in particular psychological strengths of an individual. These strengths, the most essential of which is a sturdy life attitude in confronting the world, can be actively trained and supported. The concepts of salutogenesis appreciably not only influence medicine, psychology, and education. They are also usable in very concrete and practical ways by every person, and are especially appropriate for developing a burn-out prophylaxis. In an easily understandable style, this book describes how the new attitude and ways of thinking of salutogenesis support health, development, and creativity. This knowledge is conveyed here through numerous practical exercises to make it easily applicable in everyday life.
US/UK, Southern Europe, South America: Italy, The Netherlands/Belgium, Asia: Eastern Europe, Scandinavia, the Balkans:
Health & Alternative Healing
The new book about the successful antiallergy program
Dr. Andrea Schröpel The NAET Programme [Das NAET-Programm] Treating allergies successfully Südwest 160 pages Format 16.2 x 21.5 cm October 2010
Dr. Andrea Schröpel is a neurobiologist, traditional healer, and a NAET therapist and instructor. She also has been trained in applied kinesiology. She leads a center for NAET and kinesiology in Munich, has her own practice, and instructs doctors and healers in NAET and kinesiology. She has done innumerable trainings in various European countries, South Africa, and Indonesia. She will shortly take on the management of NAET Europe.
NAET is the new way to alleviate allergies and their often unpleasant side effects. This abbreviation stands for Nambudripad’s Allergy Elimination Technique, which combines methods from TCM, acupuncture, chiropractics, kinesiology, and standard medicine. The name of this therapy derives from the Indian physician Devi Nambudripad, who as a child suffered from massive allergies and intolerances and later searched for years for a method to alleviate these conditions. In the 1980s, Dr. Nambudripad created NAET, which has since had worldwide success. This book shows how, with help of this very successful method, to identify the causes of allergies and their related illnesses and how to gently eliminate them. Painless treatment, appropriate especially for infants and small children: NAET works without unpleasant blood and skin tests or medication.
US/UK, Southern Europe, South America: Italy, The Netherlands/Belgium, Asia: Eastern Europe, Scandinavia, the Balkans:
Family, Parenting & Sexuality
Liberation for mothers suffering under the daily pressure of expectations
Ulrike Hartmann Mothers’ Guilt [Mutterschuldgefühl] Of the daily demands to always do the best for our children Südwest 256 pages Format 13.5 x 21.5 cm October 2010
Ulrike Hartmann, born in 1966, after her studies worked in various publishing houses and taught as an intercultural trainer in California. Today she is an independent author in Essen, Germany. As the mother of two daughters, she experiences daily the quite common “child-raising insanity.”
There is much concern for the hounded mothers of today. They tirelessly race after the state of perfection for their children, always anxious about not being able to give their best for them. In her book, Ulrike Hartmann shows which mechanisms drive mothers into this stress and what they can do against the incessant state of a bad conscience. A book about the absurd performance delusion of parents and how to get free of this. For all life situations: from pregnancy through pre-school and the school years.
US/UK, Southern Europe, South America: Italy, The Netherlands/Belgium, Asia: Eastern Europe, Scandinavia, the Balkans:
Family, Parenting & Sexuality
What we really think about sex but have not yet dared to talk about
Thilo Mischke, Dietlind Tornieporth Sex [Sex] What arouses us Heyne Paperback 224 pages 4-colour throughout Format 11.8 x 18.7 cm December 2010
Thilo Mischke, born in 1981, studied cultures and Japanology before volunteering for the videogame magazine GEE. In connection with this, he founded a text bureau and developed many magazines. He is a freelance author for such magazines as Neon, DPA, Penthouse, and Cosmopolitan.
Direct and long overdue: the other sex-book! Thilo Mischke and Dietlind Tornieporth reveal what really moves us concerning sex today. What do we desire? What do women talk about that men do not? What is so stimulating about pornos? What is embarrassing? And how bad are sexually transmitted diseases? A look behind the scenes of our media-generated glossy eroticism – pure sex and enlightenment in the best sense.
Dietlind Tornieporth studied American cultural history, politics, economics, and social history. After working in radio, the music business, and advertising, she became a freelance author and journalist, including for Focus magazine. In 2009, her bestseller The Perfect Seductress was published.
US/UK, Southern Europe, South America: Italy, The Netherlands/Belgium, Asia: Eastern Europe, Scandinavia, the Balkans:
Family, Parenting & Sexuality
New hope for an unfulfilled wish
Birgit Zart The Fertility Massage [Die Fruchtbarkeitsmassage] The gentle way to conception Südwest 128 pages Format 16.0 x 22.0 cm August 2010
Birgit Zart has been treating women desiring children for over ten years. She is a qualified alternative practitioner, homoeopathist and hypnosis therapist. She was taught the fertility massage method by the Indian gynecologist Dr. Gowri Motha. Along with her practice, Birgit Zart gives many seminars in Germany and Austria. In 2005, she organized the first “Desire for Children” Congress.
Birgit Zart possesses the special gift of professionally and sensitively processing for others the emotional theme of wanting a child. In this book, she provides a comprehensive introduction to the now wellestablished method of the fertility massage, which she developed in Germany. The numerous photographs and the detailed descriptions make doing this at home easy. This fertility massage facilitates a feeling of holistic well-being, supports feminine self-confidence, and helps the body activate selfhealing energy. It regulates hormonal balance and strengthens the reproductive organs, thus smoothing the path to a gentle conception. More information at Also available:
Glückskinder [Children of Happiness], 2010 Gelassen durch die Kinderwunschzeit [Relaxed Through Maternal Desire], 2006
US/UK, Southern Europe, South America: Italy, The Netherlands/Belgium, Asia: Eastern Europe, Scandinavia, the Balkans:
Fitness & Diet
Losing weight successfully – surprisingly simple and extremely effective Marion Grillparzer Losing Weight Simply with the Carb-100 Formula [Einfach abnehmen mit der Carb100-Formel] Out of the carbohydrate trap – light-hearted, well fed, and pleasurably Heyne Paperback 224 pages Colour illustrations Format 12.5 x 18.7 cm April 2010
Marion Grillparzer has a Ph.D. in ecotrophology (nutrition) and is a journalist. As a freelance author, she writes for various magazines on the subjects of nutrition and health. She has also written several cookbooks and nutrition self-help books, including such bestsellers as The Magical Cabbage Soup, The GLYX Diet, and The GLYX Diet Cookbook.
According to the latest findings, it is not fat that makes us overweight, but carbohydrates. To get rid of unnecessary pounds effectively and healthfully, we should eat more protein (fish, lean meat, and milk products), more vital foods (fruit and vegetables), and more essential fatty acids (nuts and olive oil). Carbohydrates are allowed in measured quantities, but they must be the right ones. This is how Marion Grillparzer’s GLYX Diet functions. The nutrition principle Carb Formula 100 is, in effect, a further development of the GLYX Diet. According to this, 100 grams of carbohydrates per day is enough to feel satisfied, vital, and happy while letting the pounds roll off. Marion Grillparzer shows how to simply, intelligently, and pleasurably escape the carbohydrate trap to become and remain slim. Included here is a carbohydrate guide arranged by nutrition groups and then alphabetically, showing what exactly is in each type of food by specified portion.
US/UK, Southern Europe, South America: Italy, The Netherlands/Belgium, Asia: Eastern Europe, Scandinavia, the Balkans:
Fitness & Diet
The fitness book of simple and effective exercises Sonja Ostertag Moving Better Simply [Einfach besser bewegen] Fit in ten minutes: A short program for the back, muscles, and joints Südwest 176 pages Format 19.5 x 25.5 cm September 2010
Sonja Ostertag, born in 1975, was a competitive athlete (tennis) and has been a physiotherapist since 2000. Since 2007 she has had her own practice. She is further qualified in manual therapy, medical training therapy, manual lymph drainage, and osteopathy. She works in collaboration with the renowned MW Center for Orthopedics and Sports Medicine in Munich, as well as other institutes.
High-quality expert fitness advice: in her book, Sonja Ostertag presents simple and very effective exercises that in only a few minutes per day result in a long-lasting well-being. With the many illustrations and a minimum of text, clear instructions, and numerous combination possibilities, anyone can create his or her own exercise programs. Back pain, stiff joints, and tension will quickly begin to disappear. A special fitness book that is easy to use in everyday life, supported and recommended by soccer pros and sports physicians. • Professional tips for everyone • Each exercise with photographs and clear descriptions • The time-saving training program filled with combination possibilities for every need
US/UK, Southern Europe, South America: Italy, The Netherlands/Belgium, Asia: Eastern Europe, Scandinavia, the Balkans:
Fitness & Diet
Healthy to know – unusual news from the field of medicine
Dr. med. Ulrich Strunz The Secret of Health [Das Geheimnis der Gesundheit] New, astonishing findings from the medical world Heyne Paperback 288 pages Format 11.8 x 18.7 cm October 2010
Dr. Ulrich Strunz is a specialist in molecular medicine, a practicing internist, a gastroenterologist, and a prophet in the area of nutrition research. With Medicine of Joy, he presented his new, extensive health program as a follow up to his best-selling book Forever Young.
Did you know? A substantial and rich breakfast disturbs the appetite centre in the brain. The result: increased weight! So avoid the classical granola for breakfast. For years, Dr. Ulrich Strunz has been analyzing the latest medical research and their possible practical uses in everyday life. Here he presents some of these amazing results, revealing many secrets of health. Included here also are instructions for exercise, recipes, and a variety recommendations, all of which let theory become a helping and healing reality. From A to Z: what is known about health and illness – and what we should know. Also available:
Die neue Diät. Das Fitnessbuch [The New Diet. The Fitness Book], 2010 Die neue Diät. Das Rezeptbuch [The New Diet. The Recipe Book], 2009 Sold to: Czech Repuplic (Computer Press) Die neue Diät. Fit und schlank durch Metabolic Power [The New Diet. Fit and Slim through Metabolic Power], 2008 Sold to: Czech Repuplic (Computer Press), Slovakia (Computer Press) Die forever young-Diät [The Forever Young Diet], 2007 Forever Young – Das Mentalprogramm [Forever Young – The Mental Programme], 2005 Forever Young – Geheimnis Eiweiß [Forever Young – The Secret of Protein], 2004 Frohmedizin [Medicine of Joy], 2004 Fit mit Fett [Fit with Fats], 2004
US/UK, Southern Europe, South America: Italy, The Netherlands/Belgium, Asia: Eastern Europe, Scandinavia, the Balkans:
Fitness & Diet
Fit in two minutes Dr. med. Ulrich Strunz The New Diet – The Fitness Book [Die neue Diät – Das Fitnessbuch] More energy through metabolic power Heyne 176 pages 60 colour illustrations Format 15.0 x 20.5 cm March 2010
Dr. Ulrich Strunz is a specialist in molecular medicine, a practicing internist, a gastroenterologist, and a prophet in the area of nutrition research. With Medicine of Joy, he presented his new, extensive health program as a follow up to his best-selling book Forever Young.
If you want to be fit, you need not sweat. And you can get fit in two minutes! Whether in bed, on the bus, or at the office – just by thinking seven times a day about your muscles will result in much more than just strength and stamina. The new bestseller from the successful author Dr. Ulrich Strunz rejuvenates and stimulates the burning of fat, strengthens the immune system, and even increases mental abilities. And all this without sweating in a health club. Why not awaken your testosterone while in bed at eight in the morning? Strengthen the back for the day while in the shower? Around ten o’clock take a short break, air out your brain, and at the same time stimulate a powerful immune system? And you don’t need any equipment – only your own body. Also available:
Das Geheimnis der Gesundheit [The Secret of Health], 2010 Die neue Diät. Das Rezeptbuch [The New Diet. The Recipe Book], 2009 Sold to: Czech Republic (Computer Press) Die neue Diät. Fit und schlank durch Metabolic Power [The New Diet. Fit and Slim through Metabolic Power], 2008 Sold to: Czech Republic (Computer Press), Slovakia (Computer Press) Die forever young-Diät [The Forever Young Diet], 2007 Forever Young — Das Mentalprogramm [Forever Young – The Mental Programme], 2005 Forever Young – Geheimnis Eiweiß [Forever Young – The Secret of Protein], 2004 Frohmedizin [Medicine of Joy], 2004 Fit mit Fett [Fit with Fats], 2004
US/UK, Southern Europe, South America: Italy, The Netherlands/Belgium, Asia: Eastern Europe, Scandinavia, the Balkans:
Personal Development
Anti-aging for the brain Dr. med. Roland Ballier / Susanne Wendel Are You Still Thinking, or Was That It? [Denkst du noch oder war´s das schon?] 100 unforgettable tips for a fit brain Südwest 224 pages Format 12.5 x 18.7 cm August 2010 ▪ Online special available
Roland Ballier, a doctor of medicine, has been active in emergency medicine since 1972. In 1987 he established an institute for preventative and occupational medicine. Since 2003 he has been the chief physician at the Berlingen Clinic, Bodensee. Susanne Wendel has a doctorate in ecotrophology (home economics and nutrition science) and is a sought-after speaker, trainer, and moderator in the areas of nutrition and fitness. She especially focuses on the influence of nutrition on fitness, well-being, and charisma, as well as the psychological aspects of eating and the topic of weight reduction.
How do I keep my brain fit, so that it keeps working well for the longest time? This book provides entertaining answers to how the brain functions and how we can actively stimulate and optimize it. Included are many easily followed tips for dealing with forgetfulness and depressive moods, advice about mental fitness through nutrition, exercise, and mental work, and much more. Also available:
Lebst Du noch oder stirbst Du schon? [Are You Still Alive, or Are Your Dying Already?], 2009 Sold to: Poland (Interspar)
US/UK, Southern Europe, South America: Italy, The Netherlands/Belgium, Asia: Eastern Europe, Scandinavia, the Balkans:
Personal Development
The contemporary life-advice book for men
Robert Betz The Man Becoming a Man! [So wird der Mann ein Mann!] How men can again take joy in being masculine Integral 416 pages with CD Format 13.5 x 21.5 cm November 2010
Robert Betz is among Germany’s most successful speakers and seminar leaders. This holistic life teacher and doctor in psychology follows his own particular path of therapy and healing. He gives numerous seminars internationally and trains therapists. He is personally known by a large public through his lively lecturing activities.
“When is a man a man?” Inquiring into the life of men is anything but new – but just consider the answers from the bestselling author Robert Betz. Instead of uncertainty and self-doubt, he provides modern men with a feeling of self-worth and the freedom to embrace the true essence of being a man. His new book is indispensable for every man. But any woman as well who reads this will begin to see her man, and all other men, in new ways ... Through this book, readers of both sexes will recognize how men can • step out of their old, stereotyped roles • win back their enthusiasm for being men • understand why women have so much to criticize them about • open their hearts and embrace their feelings • accept their weaknesses and through this process find their strengths • value their past life paths • discover and develop their masculine power in bed • see themselves and women with other eyes Also available:
Zersägt eure Doppelbetten! [Saw Your Bed in Half!], 2010 Wahre Liebe lässt frei! [True Love Liberates!], 2009 Raus aus den alten Schuhen! [Step Out of Those Old Shoes!], 2008 Sold to: Hungary (Sweetwater), Russia (VES)
US/UK, Southern Europe, South America: Italy, The Netherlands/Belgium, Asia: Eastern Europe, Scandinavia, the Balkans:
Personal Development
Box with 111 cards and leporello Gertrud Hirschi Table Talk – I Ask, Therefore I Am [Table Talk – Ich frage, also bin ich] 111 astonishing philosophical questions Ariston Format 10 x 10 cm October 2010
Gertrud Hirschi is known worldwide through the books she has written on the subjects of mudras and Yoga. Her books have been translated into various languages and are even recommended in India. She runs a Yoga school in Zurich and gives seminars in Switzerland and abroad, including one held at the World Economic Forum in Davos.
Where is the profit in wasting money? Do you believe in chance? Is it true that whoever closes others out locks himself in? With her new card set “Philosophy as a Parlor Game: 111 Philosophical Questions,” bestselling author Gertrud Hirschi, modernly trend-setting, guarantees new stimulation for thought and unexpected conversational turns. Perfect for evenings with friends or stimulating table talk for two – never a dull moment! Also available:
Mudras. Die wundervolle Kraft des Finger-Yoga [Mudras. The Wonderful Power of Finger Yoga], 2010 Sold to: India (Kannadhasan Pathippagam) Wie Herzenswünsche wahr werden [How Wishes of the Heart Come True], 2009 Sold to: Italy (E. Punto d'Incontro) Mantra-Praxis. Worte der Kraft für Gesundheit, Erfolg und spirituelle Entwicklung [The Practice of Mantras. Words of Power for Health, Success, and Spiritual Development], 2007 Sold to: Italy (Armenia) Die spirituelle Kraft des Yoga [The Spiritual Power of Yoga], 2005 Sold to: Czech Republic* Mudras I [Mudras I], 2003 Sold to: Croatia*, Estonia (Kirjastus), Hungary (Bioenergetic), Russia (AST) Mudras II [Mudras II], 2003 Sold to: Czech Republic*, Hungary (Bioenergetic), Russia (AST) * rights available again
US/UK, Southern Europe, South America: Italy, The Netherlands/Belgium, Asia: Eastern Europe, Scandinavia, the Balkans:
Personal Development
25 basic laws for success in career and private life Steffen Kirchner Rules for Winners [Spielregeln für Gewinner] Personal optimal achievement through 25 simple principles With a foreword by Kurt Tepperwein Mosaik bei Goldmann Paperback 272 pages Format 12.5 x 18.3 cm June 2010
Steffen Kirchner, born in 1981, after studying sport management, went on to become Germany’s youngest professional sports manager. In his five-year activity in the business management of a professional volleyball club, he won the German championship title. During his successful repositioning of various firms, he devoted himself to working with people directly. Today, as a coach, he supports professional athletes as well as corporations, and gives lectures and workshops.
Being a winner in life does not require any extraordinary talents – this is the encouraging message the mental coach Steffen Kirchner keenly and entertainingly communicates. What is decisive is to be able to recognize the rules for success and put them into effect. This expert trainer reveals here 25 fundamental principles that can open the door to life as a winner, including the law of finding motives, the law of the power of thought, the law of expertness, and the law of selfconfidence. He provides encouraging impetus for recognizing one’s own motives and goals and for putting them into effect. Using case studies from his practice, Steffen Kirchner helps break through the thought patterns that create mental blocks.
US/UK, Southern Europe, South America: Italy, The Netherlands/Belgium, Asia: Eastern Europe, Scandinavia, the Balkans:
Personal Development
The successful holistic learning program
Iris Komarek Learning Simply [Ich lern einfach] The NLP programme for successful learning strategies S端dwest 208 pages Format 16.2 x 21.5 cm August 2010
Iris Komarek studied sociology, psychology, education, and ethnology. She was for many years in communication research at a major television network. Today she works as an NLP trainer, e-trainer, and learning coach, and she heads a successful training and counseling institute.
Learning is given great importance in our society, but the learning process itself is all too rarely in the foreground. The renowned NLP trainer Iris Komarek believes in and supports a holistic learning approach, one that not only presents learning methods and techniques, but also takes into account mental and emotional components. In particular, this book is about quickly putting people into a positive, receptive, and motivated learning attitude, whether it be with NLP, time management, or concentration techniques. With many exercises and practical examples. Also available:
Das NLP-Trainingsprogramm [The NLP Training Programme], 2009
US/UK, Southern Europe, South America: Italy, The Netherlands/Belgium, Asia: Eastern Europe, Scandinavia, the Balkans:
Personal Development
Searching for hidden strengths and talents
Karin Lohner Get Off Your Duff and Out into Real Life [Hintern hoch und rein ins wahre Leben] Discovering your inner truffle pig Ariston 256 pages 12 illustrations Format 13.5 x 21.5 cm September 2010
Karin Lohner, born in 1953, is a coach, lecturer, and seminar leader. She has more than ten years experience as a coach in Germany and the US. Since 1996, she has headed her own practice, Lohner Coaching. She has also developed the study program “Business Coach,” as well as “Das VIP-Prinzip®” (The VIP- Principle – Making Projects Successful), and finally “Das Innere Trüffelschwein®” (The Inner Truffle Pig). She is a lecturer with the German Speakers Association and is a member of the International Coach Federation (ICF).
Our true strengths are often hidden, buried under years of accumulated behavioural patterns, stereotyped assertions, and old prejudices. Yet it is worthwhile to dig for these inner treasures. By finding them, we finally can optimally use and freely develop our abilities – with our inner truffle pig snuffling the way for us. And this also means getting off the couch and into real life, to find our inner truffles: flexibility, creativity, and taking joy in our own achievements.
US/UK, Southern Europe, South America: Italy, The Netherlands/Belgium, Asia: Eastern Europe, Scandinavia, the Balkans:
Personal Development
How to win time – Lothar Seiwert’s first year-calendar without an expiration date
Lothar Seiwert My Time Diary [Mein Zeit-Tagebuch] Time management for every day Südwest 240 pages Format 10.0 x 15.5 cm September 2010
Lothar Seiwert is Europe’s leading expert on time and self-management and is Germany’s most sought-after coach on this subject. He is the author of numerous bestsellers, including 1x1 Time Management, More Time for What’s Important, In A Hurry? Slow Down, The Boomerang Principle: More Time for Happiness and, with Tiki Küstenmacher, Simplify Your Life. His books have been translated into many languages. He received awards for Best Business Book of the Year in the USA and France.
With the brand-new time diary from Lothar Seiwert, the leading expert for time and life management, one has a personal time coach at hand for working on long-term time goals. Along with being a perpetual calendar, Seiwert’s time diary also offers the important basics on the subject of time management, and contains checklists and very personal tips of the renowned author. Week after week, one learns how to no longer be steamrolled by the appointment flood and how to deal with time in a relaxed way. Lothar Seiwert proves that we actually have more time than we think for manifesting our personal visions! Also available:
Die Bären-Strategie [Bear Strategy], 2005 Sold to: Brazil (Pensamento), China ( Citic Publ. House), Czech Republic (Noxi), Denmark (Borgen Forlag), Hungary (Trivium Kiado), Italy (TEA), Japan (Kobunsha), Korea (Random House JoongAng), Lithuania (Alma Littera), The Netherlands (Business Contact), Norway (Lille Mane), Portugal (Centro Atlantico), Slovakia (Noxi), Spain (RBA Libros), Taiwan (Faces Publications) Noch mehr Zeit für das Wesentliche [Even More Time for Essentials], 2006 Sold to: China (Citic Publ. House), Hungary (Trivium Kiado), Japan (Diamond Sha), Korea (Jubyuninuigil & Saeronbooks), Taiwan (Wisdom & Knowledge)
US/UK, Southern Europe, South America: Italy, The Netherlands/Belgium, Asia: Eastern Europe, Scandinavia, the Balkans:
Personal Development
The 5-minute-a-day program for selfdiscovery
Dasa Szekely Emotional Inventory [Gefühlsinventur] The book about me Ariston 224 pages Format 12.5 x 20.0 cm August 2010 ▪ Online special available
Dasa Szekely, born in 1964, was trained as an advertising copywriter and strategist and certified in 2005 as a systematic advisor and coach. In 2007 she founded dasacoaching, Germany’s first coaching enterprise, and subsequently, associated with this, the School of Life, for learning about all the topics that play a central role in life: career, love, family, communication, future planning, and meaning. In day seminars or evening workshops, adults learn in a comfortable atmosphere how they can lead fulfilled lives.
Our emotional household looks sometimes like a fully stuffed attic: everything is in disorder, we don’t know who we are, and we don’t know what we actually feel or want. With her innovative concepts, life and business coach Dasa Szekely brings order to our chaos of emotions. By means of tests and small tasks, we can start having a dialogue with ourselves and learn to listen inside and to sense our inner self. It is sufficient sometimes to scrutinize and get to the bottom of the emotions that influence our everyday lives in order to achieve a better feeling for life – because it is the suppressed emotions that have created blockages and induce stress. By means of checklists and questionnaires, this book helps us clear out our emotional environments in order to deconstruct burdens and achieve more quality of life. To this end, Dasa Szekely offers a two-week program requiring a maximum of five minutes per day that helps us in a wonderfully entertaining way to get to know ourselves better.
US/UK, Southern Europe, South America: Italy, The Netherlands/Belgium, Asia: Eastern Europe, Scandinavia, the Balkans:
Personal Development
Spontaneity can be learned! Ralf Schmitt / Torsten Voller I’m Completely Spontaneous – If You Give Me Enough Time [Ich bin total spontan – wenn man mir rechtzeitig Bescheid gibt] On the art of improvising Ariston 256 pages 34 b/w illustrations Format 13.5 x 20.6 cm October 2010
Ralf Schmitt, born in 1975, works as an actor, comedian, moderator, and warm-up act on television. He is a member of one of the best-known German improvisational theaters. Together with Torsten Voller he is a speaker on the topic of spontaneity, where they relate business know-how to improvisational theater.
There it is, the best answer! Fifteen minutes too late, however ... How glad we would be to have been so quick witted! The good news: being spontaneous is learnable. Torsten Voller and Ralf Schmitt are professionals in the field of spontaneity: they tour with their improv show, and in their coachings on the theme of Business Improv they loosen the ties of even the stiffest of managers. In their book, they show how to spice up everyday life with unexpected verbal twists, in which one simply says “yes” and makes decisions from the gut more often. With a surprising mix of unusual exercises, entertaining anecdotes, and the most varied examples of situations, they help dissolve inner blocks and stimulate the ability to think creatively and flexibly.
Torsten Voller, born in 1969, has a PhD in education and training as a banker. Today he is an improvisational actor, a trainer, and an advisor. Since 1997 he has been the business manager of one of the bestknown German improvisational theater groups. He regularly gives workshops and motivation seminars to corporations.
US/UK, Southern Europe, South America: Italy, The Netherlands/Belgium, Asia: Eastern Europe, Scandinavia, the Balkans:
Personal Development
Becoming your own therapist using inner images
Birgit Zart Children of Happiness [Glückskinder] From the desire for a baby to the joy of life Successful work with inner images Ariston 176 pages Format 13.5 x 20.6 cm October 2010
Birgit Zart has been treating women desiring children for over ten years. She is a qualified alternative practitioner, homoeopathist and hypnosis therapist. She was taught the fertility massage method by the Indian gynecologist Dr. Gowri Motha. Along with her practice, Birgit Zart gives many seminars in Germany and Austria. In 2005, she organized the first “Desire for Children” Congress.
“Happiness does not come as a matter of course. It needs to be found, felt, and preserved,” explains Birgit Zart. With this book, she provides readers with her simple and yet highly effective help for confronting small and large difficulties competently, playfully, and quickly – be it the fulfillment of a special wish, the creation of a happy relationship, or professional or personal success. Her longseller Relaxed Through Maternal Desire has helped innumerable couples fulfill their desire for a child. Now, through the method of inner images, she offers support during all crises in life. Working with positive inner images provides stability, encouragement, and a smooth path towards personal joy. This concept, which Birgit Zart has used for decades to accompany her patients into their personal depths, has since become a standard method for every form of crisis management. Also available:
Die Fruchtbarkeitsmassage [Fertility Massage], 2010 Gelassen durch die Kinderwunschzeit [Relaxed Through Maternal Desire], 2006
US/UK, Southern Europe, South America: Italy, The Netherlands/Belgium, Asia: Eastern Europe, Scandinavia, the Balkans:
A revolutionary, spiritual approach to greater quality of life
Anouk Claes Must Is in the Past [Müssen war gestern] How modern life can become the greatest inner source of power Ansata 224 pages with CD Format 13.5 x 21.5 cm October 2010
Anouk Claes was born in Bruges and grew up in Belgium, after which she lived for a long period in China. Today she is a life teacher and therapist in her chosen home city of Basel, Switzerland. Through her collaboration with clinical psychiatrists, her work has become recognized in professional medical circles.
We get plenty of advice that is supposed to improve our lives – and this advice is almost always about improving ourselves. Not only that – it often concerns turning our everyday life upside down: always eliminating anything that is not harmonic, peaceful, healthy, or environmentally friendly! “That is all in the past,” according to life teacher Anouk Claes. “The new lightness makes all of that unnecessary.” There is nothing that is better or worse than anything else! Our world is complete in itself, and we are also complete in ourselves – only we have yet to become conscious of this. For this reason Anouk Claes does not attempt to soften everyday life, to sugarcoat personal misfortune, or to mask pain or illness. On the contrary: she devotes herself to precisely these themes in helpful and practical ways: • Why “negative” emotions such as jealousy, anger, and envy are not negative at all • When we think we need to “embrace” or even “love” such emotions, we are only overburdening ourselves – yet we can gain energy and clarity from them • Why in modern life there cannot be any “evil technologies” or “unhealthy energies” • From everything around us, we can, through lucid perception, download useful information – and, for example, even use mobile communication antennas as a source of energy
US/UK, Southern Europe, South America: Italy, The Netherlands/Belgium, Asia: Eastern Europe, Scandinavia, the Balkans:
A fascinating journey into the shadow realm of the human soul
Ruediger Dahlke The Shadow Principle [Das Schatten-Prinzip] The reconciliation with our hidden sides Arkana 320 pages 2 b/w illustrations with CD Format 13.5 x 21.5 cm August 2010
Dr. med. Ruediger Dahlke, born in 1951, studied medicine and pursued extended training in natural healing and psychotherapy. In 1989 he and his wife founded a natural healing center in Germany. From 1978 to 2003 he worked as a psychotherapist. Since then he has been active as a medical advisor for fasting, a seminar leader, and a lecturer. Present focus: training in “archetypal medicine,” breath therapy and psychotherapy, fasting, and guided meditation; extended medical instruction, corporate trainings, and meditation and fasting seminars.
Why is it that we can’t stand some people and are filled with admiration for others? Why do some people love romance films, while others prefer the nerve-tingling suspense of thrillers? What motivates us to learn a particular sport, and what is it that we can truly laugh about? Everything that disturbs us or especially fascinates us about others demonstrates that we are carrying these things within ourselves, whether it be a dark, repressed side of ourselves or an unrealized desire. In order to be complete and whole, we must accept these shadow aspects and integrate them into ourselves. Otherwise we will repeatedly experience how they intrude into our lives in the form of illness, failure, or misadventure. The renowned author Ruediger Dahlke takes us on a journey into the shadow realm of the human soul. Profoundly, often uncomfortably, but unbelievably enlighteningly, he shows how we can attain the reconciliation of our shadow sides and thus experience the full realization of our potential. With numerous exercises, meditations, and rituals. Also available (Selection):
Schicksalsgesetze [The Laws of Fate], 2009 Sold to: Czech Republic (Euromedia), Hungary (Sweetwater), Italy (Edizioni Mediterrranee), Japan (Kashiwa Shobo), Korea (Dong-A-Ilbo) Mein Programm für mehr Gesundheit [All Good Things Come in Threes], 2009 Sold to: Hungary (Bioenergetic) Krankheit als Sprache der Kinderseele [Illness as the Language of the Child’s Soul], 2009 Sold to: Brazil (Pensamento-Cultrix), Czech Republic (Valuskova/Fontana), Hungary (M-érték), Italy (Edizioni Mediterranee), Korea (Sodam & Taeil) Meine besten Gesundheitstipps [My Best Health Tips], 2008 Sold to: Brazil (Pensamento-Cultrix), Czech Republic
US/UK, Southern Europe, South America: Italy, The Netherlands/Belgium, Asia: Eastern Europe, Scandinavia, the Balkans:
(Euromedia), Hungary (M-érték), Russia (VES), Slovakia (Eugenika) Das große Buch vom Fasten [The Book of Fasting], 2008 Sold to: Czech Republic (Valuskova), Hungary (Sweetwater), Italy (Mediterranee), Russia (VES) Depression [Depression], 2006 Sold to: Brazil (Pensamento-Cultrix), Czech Republic (Valuskova/Fontana), Hungary (Sweetwater), Italy (Apogeo), Russia (VES), Spain (Robinbook) Schlaf. Die bessere Hälfte des Lebens [Sleep. The Better Part of Life], 2005 Sold to: Brazil (Pensamento-Cultrix), Hungary (Sweetwater), Italy (Mediterranee), Russia* Fasten Sie sich gesund [Get well with Fasting], 2004 Sold to: Brazil (Pensamento-Cultrix), Czech Republic*, Hungary (Sweetwater), Estonia (Olion), France (Courrier du Livre), Italy (Mediterranee), Poland (Dom Kos), Russia (VES), Slovenia* Aggression als Chance [Aggression as Opportunity], 2003 Sold to: Brazil*, Bulgaria*, Czech Republic*, Hungary*, Italy*, The Netherlands (Ankh-Hermes), Spain (Robinbook) Entschlacken, Entgiften, Entspannen [Purify, Detoxify, Relax], 2003 Sold to: Brazil (Pensamento-Cultrix), Czech Republic (Euromedia), Hungary*, Russia (VES), Spain (Robinbook) Woran krankt die Welt? [Why Is the World Ill?], 2001 Sold to: Brazil (Pensamento-Cultrix), Czech Republic*, Hungary*, The Netherlands*, Spain* Frauen-Heil-Kunde [Natural Healing for Women] (with Margit Dahlke and Volker Zahn, 1999) Sold to: Brazil (Pensamento-Cultrix), Czech Republic (Valuskova/Fontana), Bulgaria*, France*, Hungary (Bioenergetic), Italy*, Spain (Robinbook) Krankheit als Symbol [Illness as a Symbol], 1996 Sold to: Brazil (Pensamento-Cultrix), Bulgaria (Kibea), Czech Republic*, Hungary (Sweetwater), Italy (Mediterranee), The Netherlands (Uitgeverij Elmar), Romania (Adevar Divin), Russia*, Spain* Lebenskrisen als Entwicklungschancen [Life Crises and Opportunities for Developing], 1995 Sold to: Brazil (Pensamento-Cultrix), Bulgaria*, Hungary*, Italy*, The Netherlands*, Russia (VES), Spain*, US* Krankheit als Sprache der Seele [Illness as the Language of the Soul], 1992 Sold to: Brazil (Pensamento-Cultrix), Bulgaria*, Czech Republic (Valuskova/Fontana), Greece*, Hungary (M-érték), Italy (Mediterranee), Korea (Sodam & Taeil), The Netherlands (AnkhHermes), Romania (Trei), Russia (VES), Slovakia*, Spain* Krankheit als Weg [The Healing Power of Illness], 1983 (with Thorwald Dethlefsen) Sold to: Brazil (Pensamento-Cultrix), Bulgaria (Kibea), China (Contemporary China Publishing House ), Czech Republic*, France (Ambre), Greece (Pyrinos Kosmos), Hungary (M-érték), Israel*, Italy (Mediterranee), Japan (Kashiwa Shobo), Korea (Esien), The Netherlands (Ankh-Hermes), Portugal (Pergaminho), Romania (Adevar Divin), Russia (VES), Spain (Random House Mondadori), Taiwan*, Turkey*, UK (Anova Books) * rights available again
US/UK, Southern Europe, South America: Italy, The Netherlands/Belgium, Asia: Eastern Europe, Scandinavia, the Balkans:
The way to emotional and spiritual growth
Peter Michael Dieckmann Bodybuilding for the Soul [Bodybuilding für die Seele] Training our spiritual and emotional abilities Arkana Paperback 320 pages Format 12.5 x 18.3 cm December 2010
Peter Michael Dieckmann, born in 1961, is a chief detective with the police and was for many years involved in search operations. As part of the core of a mobile deployment unit, what counted for him was not only hard facts but sometimes hard fists. Thus, it was all the more surprising when during a Reiki course he discovered his inner sensitivity. He now gives seminars and workshops as a Reiki teacher.
Muscles atrophy when they are not used. According to the Reiki master Peter Michael Dieckmann, this is also true in a holistic sense for the powers of our soul. In a rousing but also lightly humorous style, Dieckmann shows how we can respect, cultivate, and train our mental and spiritual powers and how gratitude, confidence, and love can develop from them. By way of examples from everyday life, the author demonstrates how to enhance spiritual energy. Through the author’s great personal authenticity, this powerful positive attitude is imparted directly to readers. Meditation texts and suggestions for various exercises enhance the practical applicability and relevance of these concepts. Also available:
Ich bin berührt — Reiki oder die Schule des Lebens [I’m Touched – Reiki, or the School of Life], 2009 Wenn zwei sich treffen in meinem Namen [When Two Come Together in my Name], 2004
US/UK, Southern Europe, South America: Italy, The Netherlands/Belgium, Asia: Eastern Europe, Scandinavia, the Balkans:
Making the life energy flow
Kurt Fenkart You as Well Are a Shaman [Auch du bist ein Schamane] Visions. Soul powers. Healing. Ansata 304 pages 9 b/w illustrations with CD Format 13.5 x 21.5 cm October 2010
Kurt Fenkart works for wellknown corporations and institutions as a coach for management and employees. His preference for the healing techniques and rituals of natural peoples led him to traditional shamans in Peru, the USA, Canada, India, Ladahk, Nepal, and Bali. In 2005 he made his calling into a career, founding with his wife an academy for teaching shamanism in a form that can be practiced by Western people.
For confronting the hectic conditions and the stress of modern everyday life and to find the balance between tension and excitement, the age-old techniques of shamanism are highly effective. Those who want to alter their life and who want to be more in harmony with their inner being, with the divine powers, and with their deepest nature will find the necessary inspiration here. Kurt Fenkart’s book reads in part as a suspenseful travel report about the shamans of various places on earth and the world of transcendental visions and healing dreams. But it is also a practical introduction for beginners to become familiar with the worldview, the healing system, and the trance techniques of shamanism through personal experience. The included CD of drums, rattles, and various rituals leads listeners on a shamanic journey through the inner world.
US/UK, Southern Europe, South America: Italy, The Netherlands/Belgium, Asia: Eastern Europe, Scandinavia, the Balkans:
Puzzling phenomena and dark secrets of human history
Lars A. Fischinger Forbidden History [Verbotene Geschichte] The great secrets of humanity and what science has been keeping from us Ansata 320 pages Format 13.5 x 21.5 cm November 2010 16 pages of colour illustrations
Lars A. Fischinger has been dealing with the greatest riddles of humanity for over twenty years. He is the author of numerous successful nonfiction books, which have been translated into many languages.
Did you know that in Rumania, an artificial tunnel system exists that could be 65 million years old? That ancient Indian texts describe space ships and nuclear wars? Is it possible that in the jungles of the Congo dinosaurs still exist? What about the worldwide findings of what seem to be extraterrestrial bodies? And was Juri Gagarin really the first man in space? Following his bestseller Historia Mystica, Lars A. Fischinger here documents more utterly unbelievable phenomena, mysterious evidence, and puzzling discoveries. His worldwide research has led him to where the standard explanatory models of science no longer hold and the borders of our normal world-view break down. With courage for even very unconventional explanations, he opens readers’ eyes to the hidden chapters of human history that according to established science cannot possibly even exist – the forbidden history of our world. Also available:
Historia Mystica [Historia Mystica], 2009 Sold to: Czech Republic (Euromedia)
US/UK, Southern Europe, South America: Italy, The Netherlands/Belgium, Asia: Eastern Europe, Scandinavia, the Balkans:
How angel powers function in numbers
Jutta Fuezi / Wulfing von Rohr The Message of Angel Numbers [Die Botschaft der Engelzahlen] Heavenly numerology Heyne Paperback 192 pages Format 11.8 x 18.7 cm April 2010
Jutta Fuezi is one of the leading German-speaking angel experts. She is known through her many lectures and seminars on the topic of angel work and through her popular column in ENGELmagazin. She is a successful book author and leads the seminar “Engellicht” [Angel Light] in Eisenstadt, Austria.
Numbers exist not just for counting: concealed in them are powerful energies. This book reveals the hidden relationships between the powers of numbers and the angel world: • Birth dates and life age: the possibility for discovering our personal angel energies • The soul number: evidence for character, developmental chances, and karmic tasks • Numbers in everyday life: the hidden messages of house and telephone numbers, license plates, store receipts, etc. The heavenly energy of angels combined with practical numerology: valuable inspiration and concrete advice for all important life questions. Also available:
Wulfing von Rohr is a nonfiction author, journalist, and television producer, and he is also active as a business advisor and continued education and seminar leader. He is a yoga teacher and an expert on spirituality, meditation, and intercultural and inter-religious exchange. He has written numerous books on natural healing, spirituality, and secret wisdom.
Hoppe, Geoffrey and Linda: Adamus Saint-Germain: Die Meister der Neuen Energie [Adamus Saint-Germain: The Masters of the New Energy], 2010 Sold to: Italy, Korea, Poland, Romania Rohr, Wulfing von: Einführung in die Horoskopdeutung [Introduction to Astrology Reading], 2008 Kraaz, Ingrid/Rohr, Wulfing von: Die richtige Schwingung heilt. Das Praxisbuch für Bach-Blüten, Schüßlersalze und Farben [The Right Vibration Heals. The Hands-on Book for Bach Flowers, Schüssler Salts, and Colours], 2007
US/UK, Southern Europe, South America: Italy, The Netherlands/Belgium, Asia: Eastern Europe, Scandinavia, the Balkans:
Living with the moon Claudia Graf-Khounani The Large Moon Book [Das große Mondbuch] Gardening and living with the moon With easy-to-use moon calendar to the year 2016. Bassermann 192 pages With numerous colour photographs and illustrations Format 16.5 x 21.5 cm December 2010
Claudia Graf-Khounani is a journalist and a regular contributor to garden, women’s, and esoteric magazines. She is the author of five successful books about the moon.
In this comprehensive moon book, the author explains clearly and understandably for every reader how to make use of the moon: for household, love, career, nutrition and cooking, family planning, beauty, fitness and health – and, especially, the garden. A clear calendar up through the year 2016 provides information of the lunar quality of each day and reveals the most propitious times for garden work and many other activities of everyday life. With a detailed garden calendar with room for personal entries. Also available:
Gärtnern mit dem Mond [Gardening with the Moon], 2003 Leben mit dem Mond [Living with the Moon], 1997
US/UK, Southern Europe, South America: Italy, The Netherlands/Belgium, Asia: Eastern Europe, Scandinavia, the Balkans:
Revised edition of the bestseller Varda Hasselmann / Frank Schmolke Archetypes of the Soul [Archetypen der Seele] The basic pattern of the psyche – An introduction to the matrix Arkana Paperback 512 pages Format 13.5 x 20.6 cm November 2010
Rights sold to:
More than 80,000 copies sold
Brazil* Italy (Tecniche Nuove), Russia*
▪ Interviews available online
Born in 1946, Dr. Varda Hasselmann majored in literature and in medieval studies in preparation for a university career, but a different calling beckoned. She chose to follow it and turned her talent as a medium into a profession. Since 1983 she has worked as a trance medium, hosting seminars and holding lectures. Born in 1944, Frank Schmolke went into teaching after majoring in German studies, English studies and in art history. Concurrently he researched matters of the spirit and trained in numerous medical and psychological fields. He is a non-medical practitioner specialising in homeopathy.
Each person has an archetypically predetermined soul-plan – an individual matrix. This book of the fundamentals describes the seven times seven ground energies of the matrix, energies that account for the absolute uniqueness, distinctiveness, inimitability, and life task of every person. Recognizing these furthers our understanding for our own potential and brings us nearer to consciousness and love – not only in relating to other people, but also to our own self. This psychological system has become not only an instrument for selfrealization but also one that is proven to be of great use in therapeutic practice. Also available:
Die sieben Archetypen der Angst [The Seven Archetypes of Fear], 2009 Seelen-Elixiere [Soul Elixirs], 2005 Sold to: Hungary (Sweetwater) Wege der Seele [Ways of the Soul], 2002 Die Seele der Papaya [The Soul of the Papaya], 1999 Weisheiten der Seele [Wisdom of the Soul], 1995 Sold to: Brazil* Welten der Seele [Worlds of the Soul], 1993 Sold to: Brazil*, Italy* * rights available again
US/UK, Southern Europe, South America: Italy, The Netherlands/Belgium, Asia: Eastern Europe, Scandinavia, the Balkans:
Adamus Saint-Germain on the consciousness of the new age Geoffrey and Linda Hoppe Adamus Saint-Germain: The Masters of the New Energy [Adamus Saint-Germain: Die Meister der Neuen Energie] Wisdom and inspiration for a changing world Ansata 192 pages Format 12.5 x 18.7 cm March 2010
Rights sold to:
Italy, Korea, Poland, Romania Geoffrey Hoppe worked for a time at the NASA Ames Research Center in California. He went on to found a consulting firm catering to an international clientele from industry and high technology, which he still successfully manages. In 1999, together with his wife, Linda, he founded the Crimson Circle, an association for the development of consciousness on the Earth, presently involving hundreds of local groups and receiving over 30,000 international website visits every month.
We are living in an exciting time of transition, one that presents us with great opportunities but also with great challenges. How will we be able to avoid falling into our old and trusted, yet often petrified and deadened ways of thinking and behaving? How can we overcome unconscious mental blocks, familial entanglements, and social limits? What are the new values, and what are the new paths and goals? The ascended light-master Adamus Saint-Germain is the greatest inspiration for humanity in these crucial times. Channeled by Geoffrey and Linda Hoppe, he shows spiritually engaged people the path to selfempowerment and mastery in life. Adamus Saint-Germain is very direct in his revelations. His messages are not soft and fuzzy; instead, they are challenges for each person to take responsibility and to create his or her own reality in a light-filled manner. This is the “Mastery of the New Energy” – living and acting within the new consciousness. A book for those interested in spirituality and seeking deep insights and practical help from higher dimensions. Press
“Geoffrey and Linda Hoppe are a glowing example of advancing the transformation of consciousness.” Engelmagazin
US/UK, Southern Europe, South America: Italy, The Netherlands/Belgium, Asia: Eastern Europe, Scandinavia, the Balkans:
The full wisdom of Kalashatra Govinda: chakra work, meditation techniques, mudras
Kalashatra Govinda In the Light [Im Licht] Spiritual leadership towards mastery Südwest 240 pages Format 16.2 x 21.5 cm July 2010
Kalashatra Govinda is a master of ancient Indian yoga philosophy and a successful author. He has made a name for himself as an author through his well-received books Tantra: Secrets of Eastern Erotic Arts and Chakras: Spiritual Exercises for Health, Harmony, and Inner Energy.
Functioning as a spiritual life coach, In the Light supports and accompanies readers in their inner, spiritual development. By way of numerous tests, exercises, and tips, spiritual abilities are trained step by step. Readers can here learn how to measure their own spiritual intelligence and the activities of the chakras. Through practical instructions – such as in the form of yoga exercises, chakra work, meditation technique, mudras, and mantras – this spiritual coach instructs practitioners how to grow from the basic level to the intermediate level, and then on towards mastery. This book reveals the way that leads from the surface into the depths and from the darkness into the light. By way of the many tests, readers can individually recognize at which level they currently find themselves. Kalashatra Govinda has succeeded in a unique way in creating an impressively practice-oriented structure for imparting his knowledge. Also available:
Tantra Massage [Tantric Massage], 2009 Sold to: Czech Republic (Valuskova/Fontana), Russia (Premiere) Das Chakra Praxisbuch [The Chakra Handbook], 2005 Sold to: The Netherlands*, USA (Konecky & Konecky) Atlas der Chakras [The Chakra Atlas], 2003 Sold to: Croatia*, Czech Republic (Valuskova/Fontana), France*, Italy (Macro), Lithuania (Jotema), Slovenia*, The Netherlands* * rights available again
US/UK, Southern Europe, South America: Italy, The Netherlands/Belgium, Asia: Eastern Europe, Scandinavia, the Balkans:
The secrets of spiritual eroticism
Kalashatra Govinda Tantric Massage [Tantra Massage] The High Art of Erotic Touch Rights sold to:
S端dwest 112 pages Format 21.5 x 28.0 cm July 2010
Czech Republic (Valuskova/Fontana), Russia (Premiere) Kalashatra Govinda is a master of ancient Indian yoga philosophy and a successful author. He has made a name for himself as an author through his well-received books Tantra: Secrets of Eastern Erotic Arts and Chakras: Spiritual Exercises for Health, Harmony, and Inner Energy.
Tantric massage is distinguished by sensuous touch, attentiveness exercises and ayurvedic applications in the atmosphere of beguiling scents. Along with the chakras, other energy zones are stimulated as a way to increase vitality and sexual desire. The book presents uncomplicated massage techniques made especially clear by high quality, aesthetically pleasing illustrations specially produced for this edition. These techniques offer possibilities for partners to experience new and deeper forms of intimacy and selfdiscovery. This transformative power of sexual energy for spiritual growth, deriving from the ancient knowledge of the East, is now available to all. Also available:
Im Licht [Insight the light], 2010 Das Chakra Praxisbuch [The Chakra Handbook], 2005 Sold to: The Netherlands*, USA (Konecky & Konecky) Atlas der Chakras [The Chakra Atlas], 2003 Sold to: Croatia*, Czech Republic (Valuskova/Fontana), France*, Italy (Macro), Lithuania (Jotema), Slovenia*, The Netherlands* * rights available again
US/UK, Southern Europe, South America: Italy, The Netherlands/Belgium, Asia: Eastern Europe, Scandinavia, the Balkans:
The reference work for beginners and advanced in T’ai Chi Ch’uan
Toyo and Petra Kobayashi T’ai Chi Ch’uan [T'ai Chi Ch'uan] Becoming one with the Tao Südwest 192 pages ca. 100 b/w photographs Format 18.5 x 24.5 cm July 2010
Rights sold to:
Hongkong (Periplus), Lithuania (Alma Littera), USA (Tuttle/Periplus) Toyo and Petra Kobayashi have been living and teaching in Germany since 1978. They teach the classical Yang style of T’ai Chi Ch’uan, and are considered international experts of this. Along with years of continuing study in Asia and their teaching activities, they are the authors of numerous books and give seminars and workshops.
Toyo and Petra Kobayashi have made the now-widespread technique of T’ai Chi Ch’uan well known in Germany, and are two of the most experienced and respected teachers in this discipline. In this book of the fundamentals, they describe the high art of classical T’ai Chi Ch’uan. In the practice-oriented part of the book, over 160 photographs clearly illustrate the steps of the movements, facilitating ease of learning. An important book for all who want to engage in this Far Eastern breath and movement discipline. With numerous photographs and graphics of the positions of the movements. Also available:
Tai Chi leicht gemacht [Tai Chi with Ease], 2006 Die Schwertkunst des T'ai Chi Ch'uan [Swordmanship of T'ai Chi Ch'uan], 1995
US/UK, Southern Europe, South America: Italy, The Netherlands/Belgium, Asia: Eastern Europe, Scandinavia, the Balkans:
Making age-old wisdom useful in modernday life
Jes T.Y. Lim / Julie A. Lim The Tao of the New Time [Das Tao der neuen Zeit] Vital powers and harmony for humanity and the Earth Lotos 288 pages 30 b/w illustrations , 1 colour illustration Format 13.5 x 21.5 cm October 2010
Dr. Jes T. Y. Lim, born in China and raised in Borneo, lives today in Australia and Europe: truly a cosmopolitan being. He works as a medial healing, feng-shui expert, and successful author. Julie A. Lim comes from a family of Chinese Mandarins which upholds traditional forms of healing, Chinese poetry and the art of calligraphy. She and her husband Jes T.Y. Lim pass on this knowledge in seminars in all parts of the world.
Humans being rooted in their “inner middle” and leading lives in harmony with their environment make up the cornerstone of the Taoist philosophy. Today, since the energies of the modern everyday life subject us to enormous stress, the Taoist life practices can be a valuable aid in transforming negative energies into positive forces. For Dr. Jes T. Y. Lim and Julie A. Lim, health applies not just to humanity alone, but also to those environments that our lives exist in a close interdependency with. In this practical handbook, they present for the first time the whole spectrum of their immense wisdom to Western readers: • How vital energy can be strengthened – for a harmonic, healthy life • How happiness can be attracted by the equilibrium of yin and yang • Taoist prosperity consciousness – and how inner and outer riches mutually increase each other • Numerous practical tips and advice on nutrition, meditation, and good feng shui, as well as protection from illness and lack of energy
US/UK, Southern Europe, South America: Italy, The Netherlands/Belgium, Asia: Eastern Europe, Scandinavia, the Balkans:
Develop your potential for a fulfilled life
Peter Malinowski Flourishing – Which Type of Joy Would You Like? [Flourishing – Welches Glück hätten Sie gern?] Cultivating positive personal traits and mastering difficulties Irisiana 224 pages Format 13.5 x 21.5 cm November 2010
Peter Malinowski, with a PhD in psychology, has worked as a lecturer in psychology and neuroscience at the John Moores University in Liverpool, England, since 2002. As a practicing Buddhist, he has for some 15 years taught Buddhist themes and the meditation practices of the Karma Kagyü School of the Diamond Path. His primary goal is to impart meditation practices from a psychologicalscientific perspective and removed from any religious aspects.
The new trend in the pursuit of happiness is called “Flourishing.” At its core is the development of human potential and of what makes a fulfilled life. Flourishing means that there is a balance between good and bad emotions. The idea is to cultivate positive qualities such as joy and contentment in order to remain psychologically fit. There are various ways for bringing oneself to a flourishing state, one example being through meditation. The internationally renowned psychologist and meditation teacher Peter Malinowski shows in this book just what is behind Flourishing and how you can use it for your and others’ benefit. He makes connections between the traditional wisdom of Buddhism and the latest findings of psychology and neuroscience, and his easily understood explanations are illuminated by practical exercises and stories.
US/UK, Southern Europe, South America: Italy, The Netherlands/Belgium, Asia: Eastern Europe, Scandinavia, the Balkans:
An amazing model linking fairytales and myths with science to explain the world
Pia Mayer-Gampe The Golden Egg [Das goldene Ei] The matrix of reality in fairytales Riemann 352 pages With numerous 4-c illustrations Format 17.0 x 24.0 cm October 2010
Pia Mayer-Gampe, the daughter of the deceased writer Carl Amery, was born in 1955. She has a PhD in forestry and freelanced as a writer. She spent some time in Bhutan, where she intensively studied the Tibetan form of Buddhism and was involved in matters concerning development aid.
As a rainbow opens up its colours according to the very nature of light, so the human mind develops its structure in the game of imagination according to its own hidden rules. Since the beginning of time, fairytales and myths have been telling us of this “fantastic matrix” on which forms the basis of our reality. Do these old stories still have a message for us today? Is it possible to discover a structure in them that allows us to understand how mind and cosmos work? Pia Mayer-Gampe takes us on a journey through the magic world of fairytales and myths – a world she has put in relationship to the logics of the sciences and the laws governing the modern global world of business. She shows us what lies behind the frontiers of thought and emotions and finally leads us back – to ourselves. The author has succeeded in creating nothing less than a chart of the DNA of archetypical powers which apparently effortlessly overcome the duality of mind and material and in which Mother Hulda and Luke Skywalker are just as entitled to be as Charles Darwin and John Maynard. A magnificent book that unites perspicacity and analysis with poetry and allows us to see the world in a new light.
US/UK, Southern Europe, South America: Italy, The Netherlands/Belgium, Asia: Eastern Europe, Scandinavia, the Balkans:
Becoming the director of your own life
Hermann Meyer The Script of Your Life [Das Drehbuch des eigenen Lebens] Recognizing and transforming life patterns Arkana Paperback 300 pages Format 13.5 x 20.6 cm December 2010
Hermann Meyer is a partnership and fate researcher. After his studies in psychology and natural healing, he dedicated himself to psychosomatic research and was long a member of the board of the psychosomatic research center IPSE. Today he heads an institute for psychological astrology, gives personal and group consulting, offers instruction, and regularly holds weekend seminars on the subjects of relationship and selfdevelopment.
The course of our lives follows an unconscious script. Parental influences and the “family scenery” are a part of this. We ourselves are the main actors, while our unconscious is the director, determining whether we see ourselves as unlucky or lucky, or respected and loved, and whether our life is a comedy or tragedy. Bestselling author Hermann Meyer helps us become aware of this personal script. Only when we are aware can we free ourselves from those old scenes and dialogues, readjust the focus, develop a positive psychosomatic being, and with more joy in life form new arrangements and constellations, ones that were not possible in the family of our childhood. Also available:
Jeder bekommt den Partner, den er verdient – ob er will oder nicht [Everyone ends up with the partner that they deserve – if you want it or not], 2010 Der Jackpot des Lebens [The Jackpot of Life], 2009 Die Gesetze des Schicksals [Laws of Fate], 2008
US/UK, Southern Europe, South America: Italy, The Netherlands/Belgium, Asia: Eastern Europe, Scandinavia, the Balkans:
A journey to the wellsprings of our inner power
Christian Reiland Let Go and Find the Joy Inside [Lass los und finde das Glück in dir] Arkana 320 pages 20 b/w illustrations with CD Format 12.5 x 20.0 cm July 2010
Christian Reiland, born in 1961, is a natural healer in psychotherapy and a specialist in the area of energetic psychology. Following extended training in NLP and psychokinesiology, in 2002 he came to know and value energetic psychology and, especially, the Emotional Freedom Technique. He is the editor of a quarterly newsletter on the subject of energetic psychology and the co-founder of the EFT Trainers Network in Germany.
“True joy lies within”. We are familiar with this folk wisdom, yet we often do not know how to reach this wellspring of happiness inside ourselves. For Christian Reiland, this lies deep in our inner being and possesses a tremendous power. But the way inside is often obstructed by negative emotions, limiting belief structures, and fears and anxieties. Christian Reiland shows that the first steps towards joy involve dismantling these blocks. With his practice-proven program, in which he combines the proven EFT techniques with the law of attraction, we learn step by step to let go of all that is hindering us from attaining our personal power. And so we will ultimately experience our archetypal potential, which not only increases our feelings of joy, but also offers the opportunity for personal and spiritual growth. Also available:
LOA [LOA – The Law of Attraction], 2008 Sold to: Russia (VES) EFT [EFT – Emotional Freedom Technique], 2006
US/UK, Southern Europe, South America: Italy, The Netherlands/Belgium, Asia: Eastern Europe, Scandinavia, the Balkans:
The 12 archetypical forms of depression and ways to heal them
Claus Riemann Twelve Faces of Depression, Twelve Paths of Healing [12 Gesichter der Depression, 12 Wege der Heilung] Arkana 192 pages Format 12.5 x 18.3 cm August 2010
Claus Riemann, born in 1951, was strongly influenced by his father, the psychologist Fritz Riemann. Claus Riemann studied psychology, turned to family therapy, and practiced with “pro Familia� and in women’s refuges. Since 1976 he has taught astrology. He took part in the International Depth Psychology conferences in Lindau for many years as a guest lecturer, and gave papers on the link between the signs of the zodiac, myths and fairytales.
Claus Riemann, psychotherapist and astrologist, understands depression quite literally as life energy that is being pressed down. Essential parts of a personality remain buried because of blocks, repression, and falsely understood self-discipline. The powers that strive towards development are quite diverse, depending on which zodiac sign one is born under. While depressive Sagittarius can lack meaning in life, a Scorpio suffers by offending other people with his or her penetrating intensity. Through developmental psychology, fairytale interpretation, traditional wisdom, and spirituality, Claus Riemann discovers and discloses the true causes of despondency and depression while describing the individual healing paths for the various zodiac signs. Also available:
Der tiefe Brunnen [The Deep Well], 2006 Sold to: Czech Republic*, Hungary*
US/UK, Southern Europe, South America: Italy, The Netherlands/Belgium, Asia: Eastern Europe, Scandinavia, the Balkans:
A sound journey to inner wisdom Anna Elisabeth Röcker Tone as a Way to Attentiveness [Klang als Weg zur Achtsamkeit] Exercises for developing one’s potential through music Südwest 128 pages with CD Format 17.2 x 23.5 cm October 2010
Anna Elisabeth Röcker is a natural healer, music therapist, and yoga teacher. She completed a 3-year training in Guided Imagery and Music in the U.S. and Germany, and furthered her education in analytical psychology at the C.G. Jung Institute. For the past ten years she has been training yoga teachers and giving seminars at home and abroad. She has a music therapy practice in Munich and is the author of successful health and life-help books.
The Buddhist principle of attentiveness has long been current in the West, for the attentive lifestyle is a beneficial enrichment for body, mind, and spirit alike. Those who are attentive are able to focus on the present moment and have expanded perceptual abilities. Attentiveness strengthens the self-healing powers, allows for an improved judgment ability, activates creative resources, facilitates access to the inner voice, and leads to more composure when confronting the challenges of everyday life. With this practical advice book, the popular music therapist and yoga teacher Anna Elisabeth Röcker clearly shows how anyone, through the appropriate exercises, can learn attentiveness and integrate this into everyday life, and thus develop his or her personal potential. The step-bystep instructions are accompanied by music pieces on the included 60-minute CD, which range from simple tones and chords to classical and world music. Under the gentle direction of the author, they make possible through a variety of ways a journey to inner wisdom. Also available:
Yoga [Yoga], 2009 Yoga jeden Tag [Everyday Yoga], 2008 Trimurti [Trimurti], 2008 Sold to: Russia (VES Publishing) Ganzheitlich heilen zum richtigen Zeitpunkt [Holistic Healing at the Best Point in Time], 2007 Beckenboden. Das ganzheitliche Übungsprogramm [Pelvic Floor. The Holistic Practise Programme], 2007 Die Spiritualität des Körpers [Spirituality of the Body], 2007 Das Geheimnis der Selbstheilungskräfte [The Secret of the Power of Self-Healing], 2006 Sold to: Croatia*, The Netherlands (Ankh-Hermes), Slovenia*, Russia (Popurri) Beckenboden-Training [Pelvic Floor Training], 2006 Sold to: Belgium (ZNU), France (Trédaniel), The Netherlands (ZNU) Atlas des ganzheitlichen Heilens [Atlas of Holistic Healing], 2005 Musik-Reisen als Heilungsweg [Musical travelling as a way of healing], 2005
US/UK, Southern Europe, South America: Italy, The Netherlands/Belgium, Asia: Eastern Europe, Scandinavia, the Balkans:
Revealing knowledge of the origin of the soul
Ruediger Schache The God Secret [Das Gottgeheimnis ] The journey of your soul through creation Arkana 272 pages Format 13.5 x 17.5 cm December 2010
Ruediger Schache is a coach, consciousness researcher, and book author. After many years of activity in marketing and advertising, he became an independent journalist and book author. During numerous travels through Asia, Mexico, and Brazil, he experienced a series of trainings and initiations. Today he imparts his knowledge of inner and outer interrelationships in seminars, lectures, and counseling sessions. Ruediger Schache’s bestseller The Secret Behind the Heart Magnet (2008) has been translated into 20 languages.
In his bestseller The Secret Plan of Your Life, Ruediger Schache revealed how we can recognize the plan for our soul. His new book goes a step further: he poses the question concerning the origin of the soul, and through this comes to focus on the ageless but always contemporary theme of What is God? With great vividness, Ruediger Schache sketches out the design of creation, from the ocean of pure consciousness – God – to the various levels of manifestations and on to the material world. He shows how the human soul developed out of the primeval divine and passed through the five levels of creation. When we can recognize and know what experiences the soul has had, we will receive answers to many central questions: What actually is God? What is behind the much sworn-by concept love? What happens when we die? Why is there suffering? Will I see my loved ones again after death? Does prayer help? Encountering the challenges of the here and now with a deep composure achieved through knowledge of the origin of the soul. Also available:
Der geheime Plan Ihres Lebens [The Secret Plan of Your Life], 2009 Sold to: Czech Republic (Euromedia), Italy (Macro), Korea (Yeuleumsa), Slovakia (Ikar)
US/UK, Southern Europe, South America: Italy, The Netherlands/Belgium, Asia: Eastern Europe, Scandinavia, the Balkans:
The world of Yoga from a male perspective – self-ironic and humorous
Rainer Dresen At the Very First Aum, Everything Will Be Different [Beim ersten Om wird alles anders] The art of learning Yoga and remaining a man SĂźdwest 192 pages 35 b/w illustrations by Christian Moser Format 12.5 x 18.7 cm October 2010
Rainer Dresen is a lawyer, corporate attorney in publishing, technical author, and lecturer on many topics concerning book publishing. As a columnist for a specialized magazine, he writes about interesting and curious aspects of the publishing industry. Most of his free time is spent in the hand- and head-stand postures.
For years, the author had smiled down at yoga and the women who practiced it. But when he met more and more people who in discernable ways were at peace with themselves and who gave as the reason their regular practice of yoga, he became curious and began a self-experiment. Ever since that time, he feels that something is missing when he cannot practice yoga at least once a week. With self-irony and a great sense of humor, the author describes his career as a yogi, beginning with the purchase of a pink yoga mat and his attending a yoga seminar where there was kirtan singing, all the way to ultimately meeting personally with the guru himself. Also available:
Dresen, Rainer/Schmid, Anne Nina: Kein Alkohol fĂźr Fische unter 16 [No Alcohol for Fish under 16], 2010
US/UK, Southern Europe, South America: Italy, The Netherlands/Belgium, Asia: Eastern Europe, Scandinavia, the Balkans:
The most spectacular cases, lawsuits and judgments from the world of legal justice
Anne Nina Schmid / Rainer Dresen No Alcohol for Fish under 16 [Kein Alkohol für Fische unter 16] The oddest laws, lawsuits and judgments Bassermann 144 pages Format 11.5 x 19.0 cm July 2010
Rainer Dresen is a lawyer, corporate attorney in publishing, technical author, and lecturer on many topics concerning book publishing. As a columnist for a specialized magazine, he writes about interesting and curious aspects of the publishing industry. Anne Nina Schmid is a lawyer and a legal advisor in publishing. She has worked in various ways in the media branch.
A book between financial compensation and spitefulness, between law and the judge, plaintiff and the prosecutor. Including a quiz on jurisprudence (which won’t help pass the exam, but will pass the time with laughter). Excerpt Instructions for Buckling An American woman sued the Mazda Motor Company for $150,000. She injured herself in an accident because she was not buckled into her seatbelt. Her grounds for suing: She didn’t know how to put it on and had not been adequately informed by the company how to do it. Also available:
Dresen, Rainer: Beim ersten Om wird alles anders [At the Very First Aum, Everything Will Be Different], 2010
US/UK, Southern Europe, South America: Italy, The Netherlands/Belgium, Asia: Eastern Europe, Scandinavia, the Balkans:
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