Rights Guide Autumn 2010 Picture Books • First Readers Beginning Readers • Children’s Books Children’s Books Series • Girl’s Fiction Young Adults • Non Fiction Art for Kids
Content Picture Books Bunse, Rolf: Where Is Dracula? Schwandt, Susanne: Father Christmas, Where Have You Got To?
1 2
First Readers / Beginning Readers Siegner, Ingo: The Little Dragon Coconut and the Strong Vikings Schröder, Patricia: Let’s Read Together, Vol. 13 – Jan and the Wild Gang Schröder, Patricia: Let’s Read Together, Vol. 14 – Finna, Viking Girl Out At Sea Scheffler, Ursel: Let’s Read Together. Stories & Facts – Knights and Castles Ruwisch, Ulrieke: Let’s Read Together. Stories & Facts – Horses and Ponies Schröder, Patricia: Let’s Read Together. 3 Stories, 1 Topic – Pirate Stories Schröder, Patricia: Let’s Read Together. 3 Stories, 1 Topic – Witch Stories Nahrgang, Frauke: I Can Already Read By Myself, Vol. 1 – Konrad and the Mommy Trick Mai, Manfred: I Can Already Read By Myself, Vol. 2 – A Magical School Day
3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Children’s Books Maar, Paul: Robert and Trebor Maar, Paul: The King in the Box
12 13
Children’s Books Series Banscherus, Jürgen: Jimmi Nightwalker, Vol. 3 – The Secret of No. 7 Banscherus, Jürgen: Jimmi Nightwalker, Vol. 4 – The Sinister Ship Glitz, Angelika: Djinny and the Wishing Machine, Vol. 1 Masannek, Joachim: Honky Tonk Pirates, Vol. 1 – The Promised Land Masannek, Joachim: Honky Tonk Pirates, Vol. 2 – The Forgotten People Press, Julian: Find the Culprit, Vol. 6 – The Secret of the Black Junk
14 15 16 17 18 19
Girl’s Fiction Flegel, Sissi: Winter Dream and Christmas Kiss Dietz, Hanna: My Story. Top Secret, Vol. 9 – Real Songs and False Kisses
20 21
Young Adult – Fantasy Isau, Ralf: The Forbidden Key Nuyen, Jenny-Mai: The Storm Hunters of Aradon, Vol. 2 – Magician Light Blazon, Nina: Ash Heart Wallner, Michael: Blood Hunters
22 23 24 25
Young Adult – Historical Fiction Riebe, Brigitte: The Night of Granada
Young Adult – Thriller Fehér, Christine: Thorn Love Krauß, Irma: Happiness Poison Schindler, Nina: Spider Trap Schlieper, Birgit: Game of Fear
27 27 28 28
Young Adult – Fiction Hennig von Lange, Alexa: Lucy and the Boys, Vol. 1 – Finest Flat Mates Blobel, Brigitte: Into a Coma Theisen, Manfred: Without Fault and Flaw
29 30 31
Non-Fiction Küstenmacher, Werner Tiki (Ed.) / Mai, Klaus-Rüdiger: World Religions Nützel, Nikolaus: 7 Ways of Becoming Rich – 7 Ways of Becoming Poor
32 33
Art for Kids Erdenberger, Ralf: The Secret Files of Vincent Van Gogh Erdenberger, Ralf: The Secret Files of Leonardo Da Vinci Feghelm, Dagmar: Pablo Picasso. The Biography Schümann, Bettina: Gustav Klimt. The Biography Kretschmer, Hildegard: Adventures in Art Finger, Brad: 13 American Artists Children Should Know Finger, Brad: 13 Modern Artists Children Should Know Roeder, Annette: Colouring Book Marc Chagall Roeder, Annette: Colouring Book Paul Gauguin
34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42
Contact and agents
Picture Books
Forget about Transylvania – now Count Dracula goes on a tour of discovery Rolf Bunse Where Is Dracula? [Wo ist Dracula?] The unusual look-and-find picture book cbj 24 pages Format 24.0 x 27.0 cm September 2010 6 plus
Rolf Bunse was born in 1953 and studied graphic design. He has been freelancing as an illustrator for children's book publishers since 1985.
Count Dracula is fed up to the teeth of boring old Transylvania. Why hang around at home when there is so much to discover? So out he goes, out of the four walls of his coffin to plunge into the hustle and bustle of all those people. But careful! After all, the count doesn't want to create a sensation, and so he has hidden himself well away …
Eight colourfully illustrated pages invite children to go on an entertaining and spine-chilling search for the cunning blood-sucker. The carnival in Venice, the Viennese Opera Ball or the Metropolitan Museum in New York – no matter, no place in the world is safe from him! Also available:
Wo ist der Papst? [Where is the Pope?], 2009
Children’s Books worldwide: Eva-Maria.Gold@randomhouse.de
Picture Books / Activity Books
Fun and games and things to make in the Christmas season Susanne Schwandt Father Christmas, Where Have You Got To? [Weihnachtsmann, wo bleibst du nur?] Tales and things to make for Christmas cbj 32 pages Format 25.5 x 24.0 cm September 2010 6 plus
After studying graphic design, Susanne Schwandt devoted herself mainly to illustrating children's books.
24 days can sometimes be a very long time – especially just before Christmas, when children are bursting with excitement! This collection of the best ideas for the weeks in the run-up to Christmas can help make time go a little faster. Here you can find dead easy recipes for yummy cookies, all sorts of ideas for games, instructions for making Christmas decorations, and enthralling Christmas puzzles. Then there are stories and poems to put us in the mood for Christmas Eve, and numerous texts telling us all about Christmas traditions. • with pull-out stencils and a cut-out Christmas puzzle • inter-active Christmas fun: each page with detachable how-to-do-it instructions • a perfect combination: recipes, instructions for games and arts and crafts, puzzles and facts and figures about Christmas • favourite Christmas stories and poems to be read aloud or for children to read themselves
Children’s Books worldwide: Eva-Maria.Gold@randomhouse.de
First Readers / Beginning Readers
The little dragon Coconut gets going Ingo Siegner The Little Dragon Coconut and the Strong Vikings
Series translated into: Brazilian, Castilian, Catalan, Chinese, Czech, Dutch, French, Greek, Icelandic, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Slovenian, Thai, Taiwanese
Ingo Siegner was born in 1965. As he himself admits, after finishing his community service (as an alternative to military service) he studied for a while in a desultory fashion (history and French), spent two years in France as an au pair and as a student and trained as a bank clerk. Siegner presently works for a travel agency specialised in family holidays. He is an autodidact who prefers to always carry his paints with him. He has been writing and drawing for years for neighbours’ children and loves to read them stories. www.ingosiegner.de www.drache-kokosnuss.de
[Der kleine Drache Kokosnuss und die starken Wikinger] Volume 15 cbj 72 pages Format 15.5 x 21.0 cm August 2010 6 plus
Coconut, Matilda and Oscar cannot believe their eyes when they meet a real Viking on Dragon Island. They cautiously approach him and get a surprise: Gudröd is not as wild and dangerous as Vikings are normally made out to be, for right now he himself is in a bit of a tight spot. The Norsemen have left Gudröd high and dry on Dragon Island because he is supposed to have stolen the golden drinking horn belonging to Chief Erik. To make things even worse, that nasty piece of work Brodir is chosen to take Gudröd's place as the deputy chief. Coconut and his friends are convinced there is something fishy going on here and decide to help Gudröd! In a dragon boat they have made themselves, they follow hot on the heels of the Vikings. A wild adventure begins … Also available from the Little Dragon Coconut series (selection): Vol. 1: Der kleine Drache Kokosnuss und seine Abenteuer [… and his Adventures], 2002 Vol. 3: … kommt in die Schule [… Goes to School], 2004 Vol. 5: … und der große Zauberer [… and the Great Sorcerer], 2005 Vol. 6: … – Schulfest auf dem Feuerfelsen [… – School Festival on the Fire Cliffs], 2006 Vol. 7: … und der schwarze Ritter [… and the Black Knight], 2005 Vol. 8: … und die Wetterhexe [… and the Weather Witch], 2007 Vol. 10: … und die wilden Piraten [… and the Wild Pirates], 2008 Vol. 11: … im Spukschloss [… in the Haunted Castle], 2008 Vol. 12: … und der Schatz im Dschungel [… and the Treasure in the Jungle], 2009 Vol. 13: … und das Vampir-Abenteuer [… and the Vampire Adventure], 2009 Vol. 14: … und das Geheimnis der Mumie [... and the Secret of the Mummy], 2010
Children’s Books worldwide: Eva-Maria.Gold@randomhouse.de
First Readers / Beginning Readers
The successful series for first readers: 500,000 copies sold! Patricia Schröder Let's Read Together: Jan and the Wild Gang [Erst ich ein Stück, dann du: Jan und die wilde Bande] Volume 13 cbj 80 pages Format 15.5 x 21.0 cm August 2010 6 plus
Patricia Schröder, born in 1960, studied textile design, working for some years in this occupation. She eventually moved to northern Germany with her family, where they live in the country. At first she missed city life, and so she began to invent stories. Since that time, she has become one of the best-known children’s authors in Germany and has published many children’s and young people’s books.
The Concept On each double page, a more difficult passage for adults to read to children contains a paragraph for early readers to master alone – with easy words and a simple sentence structure. Taking turns to read aloud makes for a varied and enthralling story. Each book is opulently illustrated. Volume 13 Jan and his friends have had enough of their older brothers and sisters always calling the shots. Surely it would be a piece of cake for them to get their own back on them. First of all, however, they have to hatch out a plan. Together the boys set up the Wild S-Gang! But then all their beautifully laid plans for revenge go thoroughly wrong, and everything they had thought out suddenly starts happening to them. Who could be behind it? Also available from the Let’s Read Together series:
Vol. 1: Ein Drachenfreund für Linus [A Dragon Friend for Linus], 2007 Sold to: Czech Republic (Thovt) Vol. 2: Kleines Pony, großes Glück [Little Pony, Great Happiness], 2007 Vol. 3: Leo und das Mutmachtraining [Leo and the Courage Training], 2007 Vol. 4: Mirella und das Nixen-Geheimnis [Mirella and the Mermaid Secret], 2008 Sold to: Czech Republic (Thovt) Vol. 5: Camillo, ein Hund macht Ferien [Camillo, a Dog Has a Holiday], 2008 Vol. 6: Eine Burg für Ritter Rudi [A Castle for Rudi the Knight], 2008 Vol. 7: Nellie, Piratentochter [Nellie, Pirate Daughter], 2009 Vol. 8: Rivalen auf dem Fußballplatz [Rivals on the Soccer Field], 2009 Vol. 9: Lisa rettet den Zauberwald [Lisa Rescues the Magic Forest], 2009 Vol. 10: Max und die Monsterfamilie [Max and the Monster Family], 2009 Vol. 11: Benni und das Buchstabenmonster [Benni and the Letter Monster], 2010 Vol. 12: Minnie, Detektivin auf vier Pfoten [Minnie, Detective on Four Paws], 2010 Vol. 14: Finna – Wikingermädchen auf großer Fahrt [Finna – Viking Girl Out At Sea], 2010
Children’s Books worldwide: Eva-Maria.Gold@randomhouse.de
First Readers / Beginning Readers
The successful series for first readers: 500,000 copies sold! Patricia Schröder Let's Read Together: Finna – Viking Girl Out At Sea [Erst ich ein Stück, dann du: Finna – Wikingermädchen auf großer Fahrt] Volume 14 cbj 80 pages Format 15.5 x 21.0 cm August 2010 6 plus
Patricia Schröder, born in 1960, studied textile design, working for some years in this occupation. She eventually moved to northern Germany with her family, where they live in the country. At first she missed city life, and so she began to invent stories. Since that time, she has become one of the best-known children’s authors in Germany and has published many children’s and young people’s books.
The Concept On each double page, a more difficult passage for adults to read to children contains a paragraph for early readers to master alone – with easy words and a simple sentence structure. Taking turns to read aloud makes for a varied and enthralling story. Each book is opulently illustrated. Volume 14 Finna is thrilled! Today she is being allowed to go fishing in the sea with her father, Ulfar. But then something terrible happens! They are attacked by a sinister horde of Vikings and only with a lot of luck manage to escape. When Finna's little brother and two other boys from their village suddenly disappear without trace that night, Finna immediately knows who is behind it: the wild Vikings have kidnapped the boys with their dragon ship! Also available from the Let’s Read Together series:
Vol. 1: Ein Drachenfreund für Linus [A Dragon Friend for Linus], 2007 Sold to: Czech Republic (Thovt) Vol. 2: Kleines Pony, großes Glück [Little Pony, Great Happiness], 2007 Vol. 3: Leo und das Mutmachtraining [Leo and the Courage Training], 2007 Vol. 4: Mirella und das Nixen-Geheimnis [Mirella and the Mermaid Secret], 2008 Sold to: Czech Republic (Thovt) Vol. 5: Camillo, ein Hund macht Ferien [Camillo, a Dog Has a Holiday], 2008 Vol. 6: Eine Burg für Ritter Rudi [A Castle for Rudi the Knight], 2008 Vol. 7: Nellie, Piratentochter [Nellie, Pirate Daughter], 2009 Vol. 8: Rivalen auf dem Fußballplatz [Rivals on the Soccer Field], 2009 Vol. 9: Lisa rettet den Zauberwald [Lisa Rescues the Magic Forest], 2009 Vol. 10: Max und die Monsterfamilie [Max and the Monster Family], 2009 Vol. 11: Benni und das Buchstabenmonster [Benni and the Letter Monster], 2010 Vol. 12: Minnie, Detektivin auf vier Pfoten [Minnie, Detective on Four Paws], 2010 Vol. 13: Jan und die wilde Bande [Jan and the Wild Gang], 2010
Children’s Books worldwide: Eva-Maria.Gold@randomhouse.de
First Readers / Beginning Readers
Let's Read Together extended: A selfcontained story and lots of additional factual information Ursel Scheffler Let's Read Together: Knights and Castles [Erst ich ein Stück, dann du: Ritter und Burgen] Stories and facts cbj 72 pages Format 15.5 x 21.0 cm August 2010 6 plus
Ursel Scheffler was born in Nuremberg and studied languages and literature in Munich. She wrote her first book for children in 1975, and since then the best-selling author has published almost 200 children's books which can be read in 20 different languages.
NEW! Let's Read Together: Stories & facts: enthralling stories about popular topics • especially designed for children and adults to read together • written by renowned authors of children's books • contains additional facts specially set out for children in the non-fiction section at the back • texts for early readers in easy writing • with short explanations and illustrations in the non-fiction section • a gripping and fun way of actively encouraging reading and learning Volume 1 When lord of the castle Leopold of Dandelion and his men return from a raid, he decides that his son Jacob should become the squire of a distant castle to learn the trade of being a knight. Jacob, however, would much rather stay in his parents' castle and carry on going to Pater Anselmus's lessons so that he can later become a physician. When Jacob is then caught up in an exciting adventure around some knights and a princess who is being pursued, he can show his father that book learning can be useful even for brave knights … Also available from the Let’s Read Together: Stories & Facts series:
Vol. 2: Ruwisch, Ulrieke: Pferde und Ponys [Horses and Ponies], 2010 Vol. 3: Neumeyer, Gabi: Dinosaurier [Dinosaurs], 2011 Vol. 4: Uebe, Ingrid: Piraten [Pirates], 2011 Vol. 5: N. N.: Wikinger [Vikings], 2011 Vol. 6: N. N.: Ägypten [Egypt], 2011
Children’s Books worldwide: Eva-Maria.Gold@randomhouse.de
First Readers / Beginning Readers
Let's Read Together extended: A selfcontained story and lots of additional factual information Ulrieke Ruwisch Let's Read Together: Horses and Ponies [Erst ich ein Stück, dann du: Pferde und Ponys] Stories & Facts cbj 72 pages Format 15.5 x 21.0 cm August 2010 6 plus
Ulrieke Ruwisch was born in 1958. After leaving university she worked as an editor for various publishers of books for children and young adults and has also been involved in radio and the print media in the field of fiction and cultural history. www.ulrieke-ruwisch.de
NEW! Let's Read Together: Stories & facts: enthralling stories about popular topics • especially designed for children and adults to read together • written by renowned authors of children's books • contains additional facts especially set out for children in the non-fiction section at the back • texts for early readers in easy writing • with short explanations and illustrations in the non-fiction section • a gripping and fun way of actively encouraging reading and learning Volume 2 Amelie is so excited: today, for the first time, she is being taken out on a trail ride with her darling Shetland pony ‘Bumble Bee’. But the big day starts with some bad news: her friend Jonas can't go with them because his horse is limping. That big-headed girl Anne, of all people, is to take his place. Anne not only rides a thoroughbred but is also on ‘quite a high horse’. She makes it clear to Amelie that she doesn't think much of ‘mini-ponies’. But when Anne's thoroughbred bolts, Bumble Bee and Amelie turn out to be Anne's helpers in the hour of need and prove that little horses and little girls can be big heroes … Also available from the Let’s Read Together: Stories & Facts series:
Vol. 1: Scheffler, Ursel: Ritter und Burgen [Knights and Castles], 2010 Vol. 3: Neumeyer, Gabi: Dinosaurier [Dinosaurs], 2011 Vol. 4: Uebe, Ingrid: Piraten [Pirates], 2011 Vol. 5: N. N.: Wikinger [Vikings], 2011 Vol. 6: N. N.: Ägypten [Egypt], 2011
Children’s Books worldwide: Eva-Maria.Gold@randomhouse.de
First Readers / Beginning Readers
Let's Read Together extended: The proved concept now with 3 short stories on one topic. Patricia Schröder Let's Read Together: 3 Pirate Stories [Erst ich ein Stück, dann du: 3 Piratengeschichten] 3 Stories, 1 Topic cbj 96 pages Format 15.5 x 21.0 cm August 2010 6 plus
Patricia Schröder, born in 1960, studied textile design, working for some years in this occupation. She eventually moved to northern Germany with her family, where they live in the country. At first she missed city life, and so she began to invent stories. Since that time, she has become one of the best-known children’s authors in Germany and has published many children’s and young people’s books. www.patricia-schroeder.de
NEW! Let's Read Together: Three Stories, One Topic • an entertaining voyage of discovery to topics that fascinate children • the new concept of bestselling author Patricia Schröder • motivates even children lacking reading experience • actively promote reading, especially for children with little practice • each contains 3 engrossing stories Volume 1 Story One: Perry, Pawel and Pola are roaming the high seas on a boat with their adventure-loving parents when their father lets them into a big secret … Story Two: Julian can't believe his eyes when he meets a little pirate in the bath – the captain of a ship called the Fantastic Teapot. But how is he to get rid of the quarrelsome little fellow again? Story Three: Hanno and Ole are the sons of real pirates and always good for an adventure! The fact that their fathers, however, who in actual fact are much-feared pirate captains, have become the laughing stock of the seven seas because of their eternal quarrels is something they refuse to accept. And they hatch out a super plan … Also available from the Let’s Read Together: 3 Stories, 1 Topic series:
Vol. 2: 3 Hexengeschichten [3 Witch Stories], 2010 Vol. 3: 3 Schulgeschichten [3 School Stories], 2011 Vol. 4: 3 Drachengeschichten [3 Dragon Stories], 2011 Vol. 5: 3 Prinzessinnengeschichten [3 Princess Stories], 2011
Children’s Books worldwide: Eva-Maria.Gold@randomhouse.de
First Readers / Beginning Readers
Let's Read Together extended: The proved concept now with 3 short stories on one topic. Patricia Schröder Let's Read Together: 3 Witch Stories [Erst ich ein Stück, dann du: 3 Hexengeschichten] 3 Stories, 1 Topic cbj 96 pages Format 15.5 x 21.0 cm August 2010 6 plus
Patricia Schröder, born in 1960, studied textile design, working for some years in this occupation. She eventually moved to northern Germany with her family, where they live in the country. At first she missed city life, and so she began to invent stories. Since that time, she has become one of the best-known children’s authors in Germany and has published many children’s and young people’s books. www.patricia-schroeder.de
NEW! Let's Read Together: Three Stories, One Topic • especially designed • an entertaining voyage of discovery to topics that fascinate children • the new concept of bestselling author Patricia Schröder • motivates even children lacking reading experience • actively promote reading, especially for children with little practice • each contains 3 engrossing stories Volume 2 Story One: Lucy, the little witch, can't wait for the Midsummer Night's party, but Lucy's mother won't allow her to go. Cripes! Would Rolfi, the dearest raven in the world, be able to help her? Story Two: Florina hates her brother Simon teasing her. But then Simon has suddenly disappeared. Has she by any chance cast a spell on him? Story Three: Miranda just cannot memorize all the magic witches' spells, the complicated recipes for magic potions and foul curses in her fat school book. How can she possibly ever pass the big exam? Luckily, her teacher has a fantastic idea … Also available from the Let’s Read Together: 3 Stories, 1 Topic series:
Vol. 1: 3 Piratengeschichten [3 Pirate Stories], 2010 Vol. 3: 3 Schulgeschichten [3 School Stories], 2011 Vol. 4: 3 Drachengeschichten [3 Dragon Stories], 2011 Vol. 5: 3 Prinzessinnengeschichten [3 Princess Stories], 2011
Children’s Books worldwide: Eva-Maria.Gold@randomhouse.de
First Readers / Beginning Readers
The ideal addition to the Let's Read Together books for slightly more advanced readers age 7 and up
Frauke Nahrgang I Can Already Read By Myself: Konrad and the Mummy Trick [Ich kann schon alleine lesen: Konrad und der Mama-Trick ] cbj 72 pages Format 15.5 x 21.0 cm August 2010 7 plus
Frauke Nahrgang, an elementary school teacher by profession, began writing because of her children. When they were small, she gladly read to them and finally came to invent stories for them. Her children are now grown, and she has become a successful author of many children’s books. Frauke Nahrgang is also a dedicated and knowledgeable soccer fan. Attending home and away games of her favourite team has been a standard weekend activity of hers for many years.
NEW! I Can Already Read By Myself – Enthralling stories for early readers • designed for early readers to read by themselves • short chapters in easy writing guarantee a feeling of achievement • exciting stories plus activity pages double the motivation for reading • wipeable foil on the activity sheets allow the pages to be used over and over again • with an overhead marker! • provides loads of reading and guessing fun Volume 1 Konrad collects everything he might need for his inventions: old batteries, screws, little bits of wire, rusty nails … . His latest project is a homework machine. But unfortunately, as Konrad sees it, his Mummy has a craze for tidying up. She just doesn't see the value of Konrad's utensils and throws them into the garbage bin. Konrad must do something about it! But how is he to keep his Mummy out of his room when he is at school? Perhaps he could utilize Mummy's fear of spiders …? Also available from the I Can Already Read By Myself series:
Vol. 2: Mai, Manfred: Ein magischer Schultag [A Magical School Day], 2010 Vol. 3: Wiese, Petra: Prinzessin Flora rettet das Königreich [Princess Flora Saves the Kingdom], 2011 Vol. 4: Baumbach, Martina: Alles dreht sich um Felix [Everything Revolves Around Felix], 2011 Vol. 5: Matzerath, Christian: Shaun das Schaf [Shaun the Sheep], 2011 Further titles are planned.
Children’s Books worldwide: Eva-Maria.Gold@randomhouse.de
First Readers / Beginning Readers
The ideal addition to the Let's Read Together books for slightly more advanced readers age 7 and up
Manfred Mai I Can Already Read By Myself: A Magical School Day [Ich kann schon alleine lesen: Ein magischer Schultag] cbj 72 pages Format 15.5 x 21.0 cm August 2010 7 plus
Manfred Mai, born in 1949, is a freelance writer. He has published numerous books and is regarded as one of Germany's best known authors of literature for children and young adults. www.manfred-mai.de
NEW! I Can Already Read By Myself – Enthralling stories for early readers • designed for early readers to read by themselves • short chapters in easy writing guarantee a feeling of achievement • exciting stories plus activity pages double the motivation for reading • wipeable foil on the activity sheets allow the pages to be used over and over again • with an overhead marker! • provides loads of reading and guessing fun Volume 2 Yikes, what's that? The lights in the classroom of 3b suddenly start flickering, and then they go out completely – the beginning of an exciting adventure. The little magician, a hand puppet that has already accompanied the children through several lessons, comes to life again and does tricks to his heart's content. After all, the little fellow wants to show everyone what he can do. Hey presto, the children's arithmetic exercises have been done – and it goes without saying that there aren't any mistakes in them. And even the gymnastic exercises go like clockwork! Miss Krüger, the nice teacher, doesn't approve for, when all is said and done, the children should be learning. When the school inspector turns up, however, Miss Krüger is more than happy that her pupils know everything … Also available from the I Can Already Read By Myself series:
Vol. 1: Nahrgang, Frauke: Konrad und der Mama-Trick [Konrad and the Mummy Trick], 2010 Vol. 3: Wiese, Petra: Prinzessin Flora rettet das Königreich [Princess Flora Saves the Kingdom], 2011 Vol. 4: Baumbach, Martina: Alles dreht sich um Felix [Everything Revolves Around Felix], 2011 Vol. 5: Matzerath, Christian: Shaun das Schaf [Shaun the Sheep], 2011 Further titles are planned. Children’s Books worldwide: Eva-Maria.Gold@randomhouse.de
Children's Books
A wonderful story about fantasy playmates and true friendship
Paul Maar Robert and Trebor [Robert und Trebor] cbj 64 pages 30 colour illustrations Format 14.0 x 18.7 cm December 2009 7 plus
Rights sold to: Japan, Korea Paul Maar was born in 1937. He studied art and graphic design, after which he worked as a scene-painter, photographer and art teacher before turning to writing books for children. Paul Maar has written over 40 books, and they have been translated into many different languages. He has illustrated most of his books himself and also writes plays, children's musicals and screenplays for films.
Only Robert knows what it is like with Trebor. The others cannot see him. Trebor is Robert's best friend. And when Trebor climbs down from the jungle wallpaper in Robert's room, they get up to the most exciting things together. Everyone is so mean and nasty to Robert at his new school. Simone is the only child he likes. When one day he rescues her scarf from the clutches of that horrid Frank they become friends – and Trebor stays in the wallpaper … • to be read to children and for children to read themselves • revised edition with new colour illustrations Also available:
Der König in der Kiste [The King in the Box], 2010
Children’s Books worldwide: Eva-Maria.Gold@randomhouse.de
Children's Books
The children's book classic – a revised edition
Paul Maar The King in the Box [Der König in der Kiste]
cbj 160 pages 18 b/w illustrations Format 12.5 x 18.3 cm April 2010 8 plus
Paul Maar was born in 1937. He studied art and graphic design, after which he worked as a scene-painter, photographer and art teacher before turning to writing books for children. Paul Maar has written over 40 books, and they have been translated into many different languages. He has illustrated most of his books himself and also writes plays, children's musicals and screenplays for films.
Hyacinth and Alabaster rule over the little kingdom of Hyabasterland. The people living there are very fond of their two kings and everyone is jolly and happy – except for one person. Only one of them is always cross and badtempered and imagines he is cleverer than the two majesties: Chief Court Minister Krätzeklein. In an attempt to bring discipline to the country, Krätzeklein enlists the help of a wicked witch … • revised by the author • illustrated by Michaela Heitmann Also available:
Robert und Trebor [Robert and Trebor], 2010 Sold to: Japan, Korea
Children’s Books worldwide: Eva-Maria.Gold@randomhouse.de
Children's Books Series
The next hint leads JoJo, Murat, Mai Lyn and Jimmi on board of a creepy ship ... Jürgen Banscherus Jimmi Nightwalker: The Secret of No. 7 [Jimmi Nightwalker: Das Geheimnis von Nr. 7] Volume 3 cbj 112 pages Format 15.5 x 21.0 cm August 2010 8 plus
Jürgen Banscherus, born in 1949, studied humanities and social science before working as a journalist, editor and lecturer in adult education. He has been writing books for children and teenagers for over twenty years; many of them have won awards and been translated into several languages. He lives with his wife and two children. www.juergen-banscherus.de
The Series JoJo, Murat and Mai Lyn are members in the same secret book club. One day, a strange boy – Jimmi Nightwalker – slithers into their midst. Jimmi knows neither who he is nor where he comes from, but has some unusual abilities. Moreover, two mysterious gentlemen in black suits are after him. And of course the friends are helping Jimmi to learn more about his identity … Volume 3 The mystery of his true identity takes Jimmi and his friends to Hamburg. Hot on their heels: the Kakamura Brothers! Only by means of a trick do they manage to shake them off. But on the bewildering terrain the search for the red ship shown on Jimmi's map is difficult, even without the Kakamuras – until they come across the cranky dock worker Winnetou, who takes them straight to their destination. But hardly on board of the ship, the trap closes behind them … Also available from the Jimmi Nightwalker series:
Vol. 1: Das Rätsel der schwarzen Herren [The Mystery of the Black Gentlemen], 2010 Vol. 2: Der Verrat [The Betrayal], 2010 Vol. 4: Das unheimliche Schiff [The Sinister Ship], 2010 Vol. 5: Die Spur der 9 Zeichen [The Trail of the 9 Signs], 2011 Vol. 6: N.N. [N.N.], 2011
Children’s Books worldwide: Eva-Maria.Gold@randomhouse.de
Children's Books Series
At the last second, the friends are able to escape from their prison. However, the next challenge is already waiting for them ... Jürgen Banscherus Jimmi Nightwalker: The Sinister Ship [Jimmi Nightwalker: Das unheimliche Schiff] Volume 4 cbj 112 pages Format 15.5 x 21.0 cm August 2010 8 plus
Jürgen Banscherus, born in 1949, studied humanities and social science before working as a journalist, editor and lecturer in adult education. He has been writing books for children and teenagers for over twenty years; many of them have won awards and been translated into several languages. He lives with his wife and two children. www.juergen-banscherus.de
The Series JoJo, Murat and Mai Lyn are members in the same secret book club. One day, a strange boy – Jimmi Nightwalker – slithers into their midst. Jimmi knows neither who he is nor where he comes from, but has some unusual abilities. Moreover, two mysterious gentlemen in black suits are after him. And of course the friends are helping Jimmi to learn more about his identity … Volume 4 Locked up in the hold of the ‘Wega’, the children suddenly feel the ship starting to move. Could the mysterious black box that Jimmi, JoJo, Murat and Mai Lyn found a short while ago possibly have anything to do with it? But they don't have any time to find out for the ship gets caught in a violent storm and soon after capsizes! It is only in the nick of time that the children manage to swim through the icy waves to safety on land. Suddenly, a sinister stranger appears on the scene who offers to help them. Can they really trust him? Also available from the Jimmi Nightwalker series:
Vol. 1: Das Rätsel der schwarzen Herren [The Mystery of the Black Gentlemen], 2010 Vol. 2: Der Verrat [The Betrayal], 2010 Vol. 3: Das Geheimnis von Nr. 7 [The Secret of No. 7], 2010 Vol. 5: Die Spur der 9 Zeichen [The Trail of the 9 Signs], 2011 Vol. 6: N.N. [N.N.], 2011
Children’s Books worldwide: Eva-Maria.Gold@randomhouse.de
Children’s Book Series
Witty, and cheeky and with the makings of a blockbuster
Angelika Glitz Djinny and the Wishing Machine [Dschinny und die Wunschmaschine] Volume 1 cbj 160 pages Format 15.5 x 21.0 cm August 2010 9 plus
Angelika Glitz was born in 1966, studied business management and spent several years working in advertising. She lives with her husband and their three children near Frankfurt and can now at last do what she has always wanted to do – write books for children. She also thinks up stories for the theatre, radio and television.
Djinn Man is a real Water Djinn who lives in the deepest of the depths of the oceans, likes drinking alga soup best of all and is always up to mischief. It is hardly surprising that as a punishment for his improper behaviour he has to sail across the sea in a hot water bottle – until he is rescued by 9-year-old Nick. But that is only the beginning of the adventure! After all, before Djinn Man can go back to his watery mates, he has to make three of Nick's wish points come true. And that is easier said than done, for the question of how many wishes there are in a wish point is determined by a mysterious wish box … Also available from the Djinny series:
Volume 2 is planned for August 2011
Children’s Books worldwide: Eva-Maria.Gold@randomhouse.de
Children's Books Series
Pirates of the Caribbean meet The Wild Soccer Bunch – the action-packed pirate adventure by bestselling author Joachim Masannek!
Joachim Masannek Honky Tonk Pirates: The Promised Land [Honky Tonk Pirates: Das verheißene Land] Volume 1 cbj 192 pages Format 13.5 x 21.5 cm October 2010 10 plus
Joachim Masannek studied German and philosophy before turning to the study of film direction at the University of Film and Television. This was followed by three years as a set decorator and cameraman for various film and television productions. His breakthrough came with his highly successful The Wild Soccer Bunch [Die wilden Fußballkerle] series for children and teenagers. Joachim Masannek has made motion pictures of five of the 13 volumes of the series. www.joachim-masannek.com
It is the year 1760 in Berlin. The cunning orphan boy Will is struggling for daily survival as a crafty master thief, in the process running off with many a thaler from the corrupt nobility. Yet all the time he has only one objective in mind – to become a pirate in the Caribbean. When one day he pinches a mysterious amulet from the grim Baron de Talleyrand, it seems that his wish immediately comes true: Will and his friend Jo are dragged off to the pirate island of New Nassau! But not only the baron is looking for the second half of the amulet, which is supposed to lead to a legendary treasure, but also a wild horde of pirates. Will, Jo and their ally, Moses, throw themselves into the midst of the breath-taking chase – until they meet the dauntless female pirate Hannah. She not only turns Will's life upside down; she also has her very own plans for the mysterious amulet! • powerful heroes and a historic setting: The hunt for four mysterious amulets takes the reader to the Caribbean, right to the centre of the Libertalia pirates' nest • big UFA Cinema motion picture in preparation, with Joachim Masannek as the screenwriter and director, film release planned for spring 2012 • to date, more than 4,700,000 copies of the Wild Soccer Bunch [Die Wilden Fußballkerle] have been sold in Germany alone • the Wild Soccer Bunch has been translated into 31 languages Also available from the Honky Tonk Pirates series:
Vol. 2: Das vergessene Volk [The Forgotten People], 2010 Volume 3 and 4 are planned for 2011 Volume 5 and 6 are planned for 2012
Children’s Books worldwide: Eva-Maria.Gold@randomhouse.de
Children's Books Series
Pirates of the Caribbean meet The Wild Soccer Bunch – the action-packed pirate adventure by bestselling author Joachim Masannek!
Joachim Masannek Honky Tonk Pirates: The Forgotten People [Honky Tonk Pirates: Das vergessene Volk] Volume 2 cbj 192 pages Format 13.5 x 21.5 cm October 2010 10 plus
Joachim Masannek studied German and philosophy before turning to the study of film direction at the University of Film and Television. This was followed by three years as a set decorator and cameraman for various film and television productions. His breakthrough came with his highly successful The Wild Soccer Bunch [Die wilden Fußballkerle] series for children and teenagers. Joachim Masannek has made motion pictures of five of the 13 volumes of the series. www.joachim-masannek.com
Hannah, Will, Jo and Moses have done it: they are now in possession of the valuable amulet! But the treasure hunt has turned out to be much trickier than expected – and not only because Talleyrand and the crew of pirates he has hired are hot on their heels! To top it all, Aweiku, the queen of the treasure island, has her very own plans: she wants to use the amulet to make the island disappear for ever into a different world – thus rescuing the secret treasure, which gives its owner undreamed-of power, from the human race. But in no way can Hannah and Will, as true pirates, let this treasure slip away from them! When Talleyrand and the horde of pirates attack the island, the all-decisive showdown begins … • powerful heroes and a historic setting: The hunt for four mysterious amulets takes the reader to the Caribbean, right to the centre of the Libertalia pirates' nest • big UFA Cinema motion picture in preparation, with Joachim Masannek as the screenwriter and director, film release planned for spring 2012 • to date, more than 4,700,000 copies of the Wild Soccer Bunch [Die Wilden Fußballkerle] have been sold in Germany alone • the Wild Soccer Bunch has been translated into 31 languages Also available from the Honky Tonk Pirates series:
Vol. 1: Das verheißene Land [The Promised Land], 2010 Volume 3 and 4 are planned for 2011 Volume 5 and 6 are planned for 2012
Children’s Books worldwide: Eva-Maria.Gold@randomhouse.de
Children's Books Series / Activity Books
First-class entertainment to keep children occupied for hours Julian Press Find the Culprit: The Secret of the Black Junk [Finde den Täter: Das Geheimnis der schwarzen Dschunke] Volume 6
Rights sold to: Norway (Fortellerforlaget), Sweden (Fortellerforlaget) Julian Press, born 1960, is the son of the famous Black Hand author, Hans Jürgen Press. Julian Press studied graphics and illustration, trained in a publishing house specializing in literature for young people and later worked for young people’s magazines. Even at an early age he followed in his father’s footsteps and began writing and drawing for children. His readings are very popular in Germany and France.
cbj 128 pages Format 17.0 x 24.0 cm September 2010 10 plus
Philip, Flo, Caro, Leo and Inspector Lars all share one passion: unsolved crime cases! This time, they have to put a stop to the activities of thieves and diamond smugglers, retrieve a valuable stamp and solve the case of the abduction of a famous scientist. The aim is for eagle-eyed readers to search the look-and-find pictures with criminological discernment in order to spot the decisive clues before the thrilling chase after the crooks can continue. A generous layout, short texts and wonderful look-and-find pictures mean that even less practiced readers will have enormous fun in joining in to solve the puzzles. Also available from the Find the Culprit series: Vol. 1: Aktion Gelber Drache [Operation Yellow Dragon], 2000 Sold to: Brazil, China, France, Greece, Italy, Japan, Korea, Norway, Slovakia, Spain (Castilian), Spain (Catalan), Thailand, USA Vol. 2: Operation Goldenes Zepter [Operation Golden Sceptre], 2001 Sold to: Brazil, China, Czech Republic, France, Greece, Italy, Korea, Norway, Slovakia, Spain (Castilian), Spain (Catalan), Thailand, USA Vol. 3: Tatort Krähenstein [ The Treasure of Blackbird Rock], 2003 Sold to: China, Czech Republic, France, Greece, Italy, Korea, Norway, Spain (Castilian), Spain (Catalan), Sweden, Thailand, USA Vol. 4: Der Fluch des Schwarzen Schützen [The Curse of the Black Marksman], 2005 Sold to: China, France, Greece, Italy, Spain (Catalan), USA Vol. 5: Geheimbund Rote Koralle [Red Coral Secret Society], 2007 Sold to: France
Children’s Books worldwide: Eva-Maria.Gold@randomhouse.de
Girl’s Fiction
Cute love story in 24 chapters
Sissi Flegel Winter Dream and Christmas Kiss [Wintertraum und Weihnachtskuss] A love story in 24 chapters cbj 296 pages Format 13.5 x 21.5 cm September 2010 11 plus
Sissi Flegel comes from a large family, went to a girls’ boarding school, studied languages and worked as a teacher before writing stories based on her own experiences. Her witty books for girls are bestsellers, and her following is steadily growing. She usually writes on site in order to get a better feel for her heroines.
Holly's life has been turned topsy-turvy: why oh why did Mummy's partner have to move in with them, complete with bag and baggage – and that includes daughter Nell, with whom, to cap it all, Holly has to share her room! That is the end of her dream of a homey Christmas with just the two of them. But then Holly is given a present without a sender – and promptly forgets her annoyance. After all, who could the mysterious Father Christmas be? That cute Matteo from next door perhaps? But there is a rub there – their families have hated each other's guts for more than 50 years! Could the festival of love bring about any changes …?
Also available:
• one chapter for each day from December 1 through Christmas Eve • with perforated pages to pull out and illustrations by Tina Schulte
Christine Fehér: Weihnachtsflirt und Winterliebe [Christmas Flirt and Winter Love], 2009
Children’s Books worldwide: Eva-Maria.Gold@randomhouse.de
Girl’s Fiction
Turbulent romantic comedy with a happy ending
Hanna Dietz Real Songs and False Kisses [Echte Songs und falsche Küsse] My Story. Top Secret Volume 9 cbj 224 pages Format 13.5 x 21.5 cm October 2010 11 plus
Hanna Dietz was born in 1963 and has been freelancing since 1993 as a journalist for television, radio and various magazines and has also published several bestselling novels. She lives with her family in Bonn. Real Songs and False Kisses is her first novel for teenagers.
FunFive are giving a concert in town and Lea and Sarah have got tickets! But why does Lea have to drag along that stupid Vanessa of all people? No matter, Sarah makes it to the first row. And John, the FunFive singer, her big heartthrob, looks her straight in the eye and sings just for her. Vanessa and Lea say she is just imagining things. So Sarah decides to show everyone what's what. She does things no one would ever have thought her capable of; actually does end up in the boy group's VIP lounge; makes new friends; and finally gets her first kiss – not, however, from John … Also available from the My Story. Top Secret series: Vol. 1: Sissi Flegel: Doppelt verliebt hält besser [Double Love – Just to Be on the Safe Side], 2008 Vol. 2: Corina Bomann: Verrückt nach Mark [Crazy about Mark], 2008 Vol. 3: Beatrix Mannel: Traumtänzer gesucht [Dream Dancer Wanted], 2008 Vol. 4: Brigitte Melzer: Kein Kuss für Finn [No Kisses for Finn], 2008 Vol. 5: Sandra Ziegler: Verliebt in einen Cowboy [In Love with a Cowboy], 2009 Vol. 6: Lara Anders: Sechs Küsse für Lulu [Six Kisses for Lulu], 2009 Vol. 7: Sissi Flegel: Aller guten Jungs sind drei [All Good Boys Come in Threes], 2009 Vol. 8: Julia Jenner: Zwölf Rosen für ein Herz [Twelve Roses for a Heart], 2010
Children’s Books worldwide: Eva-Maria.Gold@randomhouse.de
Young Adult – Fantasy
"Some things are better left for ever undiscovered."
Ralf Isau The Forbidden Key [Der verbotene Schlüssel] Novel cbj 500 pages Format 15.0 x 22.7 cm November 2010 12 plus
Ralf Isau was born in 1956. His enthusiasm for fantasy tales was awakened when he was still very young, but his interest in science and technology first took him to computing science. He was still working in the field of IT when he wrote and published several novels for children, teenagers and adults. He then gave up computing in 2002 to devote himself entirely to writing and is now regarded as one of the big names in fantasy literature in Germany. Ralf Isau has published over 30 books, which have been translated into 15 languages and awarded numerous prizes.
Only very briefly does 14-year-old Sophia think of this advice when she accepts her enigmatic grandfather's legacy. The old man, whom she herself never knew, has left her a complicated little machine that looks like a clockwork mechanism full of cog wheels and hemispheres. And a key to go with it – which a letter from her grandfather urgently warns her about. The forbidden key – Sophia just cannot resist it. She winds up the clockwork and finds herself in a bizarre and dangerous realm. Mekanis, the perfect, feelingless country, wakes through her to new life. Neither is Sophia by any means alone: Theo, a boy who is as enigmatic as he is attractive, has been caught in this world for centuries. And the dark ruler of this strange realm has spent at least as long lying in wait for the fateful opportunity Sophia has now opened up for him.
www.isau.de (author’s website also available in English and Japan)
Children’s Books worldwide: Eva-Maria.Gold@randomhouse.de
Young Adult – Fantasy
The sequel to the spectacular fantasy saga for all ages by bestselling author Jenny-Mai Nuyen
Jenny-Mai Nuyen The Storm Hunters of Aradon: Magician Light [Sturmjäger von Aradon: Magierlicht] Volume 2 cbt 480 pages Format 13.5 x 21.5 cm October 2010 12 plus
Jenny-Mai Nuyen was born of German-Vietnamese parents in Munich in 1988. She has been writing stories since she was five and finished her first novel at the age of thirteen. As a great fantasy fan, she devoured all famous examples of the genre: from Tolkien to Tamora Pierce to Christopher Paolini. She started writing Nijura – The Legacy of the Elf Crown at the age of sixteen. After studying film and cinema at the New York University, Jenny-Mai Nuyen now lives in Berlin and devotes herself fully to writing. www.jenny-mai-nuyen.de
There is a magic war of elusive dimensions raging in the Living Land, and the young storm hunter Hel gets caught up between all the fronts. The thing is, the guild of magicians, at whose behest she is out hunting for demons, suspects that Hel herself is the bearer of a death light – one of the lights that is instrumental in causing the downfall of the human race. Magician Olowain wants to put her to a perilous test. But in the nick of time rescue appears in the form of Mercurin, the demon with eyes full of eternity who she is supposed to be fighting against. But when the elves, guardians of the power in Hellesdim, take her best friend Nova captive, Hel has to make a decision. Should she follow the call of the elves or should she rescue Nova and everything that has hitherto been important to her? Also available:
Die Sturmjäger von Aradon, Bd. 1: Feenlicht [The Storm Hunters of Aradon, Vol.1 : Fairy Light], 2009 Nijura: Das Erbe der Elfenkrone [Nijura: The Legacy of the Elf Crown], 2006 Sold to: Czech Republic (Euromedia), Denmark (Aschehoug), Japan (Kashiwa), Poland (Nasza Ksiergarnia), Slovenia (Ucila), Spain (Santillana/Alfaguara), Turkey (Pegasus), Vietnam (Kim Dong) Das Drachentor [The Dragon Gate], 2007 Sold to: Czech Republic (Euromedia), Greece (Kedros), Italy (Armenia), Japan (Kashiwa), Spain (RH Mondadori) Nocturna: Die Nacht der gestohlenen Schatten [Nocturna: The Night of Stolen Shadows], 2007 Sold to: Spain (RH Mondadori) Rabenmond – Der Magische Bund [Raven Moon – The Magic Alliance], 2008 Sold to: Poland (Nasza Ksiergarnia)
Children’s Books worldwide: Eva-Maria.Gold@randomhouse.de
Young Adult – Fantasy
A girl without a memory, a heart of ashes, a love stronger than death
Nina Blazon Heart of Ashes [Ascheherz] Novel cbt 500 pages Format 15.0 x 22.7 cm January 2011 13 plus
Nina Blazon, born in 1969 in Koper, Slovenia, studied German language and literature. Even as a youngster she read fantasy literature with great enthusiasm. She started writing – stage plays and short stories – while at university, before authoring the teenage fantasy novel for young adults Under the Spell of the Curse Carrier, which was awarded the 2003 Wolfgang Hohlbein Prize. She lives in Stuttgart, where she works as a journalist, translator and advertising copywriter. www.ninablazon.de
Ever since the accident, it is as if Summer's memory has been extinguished. There is only one thing she knows: the blood man stalking her in her dreams has now entered her life and wants to kill her. Neither does he seem to be the only person pursuing her. The mysterious, angelically beautiful Anzej saves her life. While fleeing together to the faraway Northland, Summer realises what terrible betrayal she committed centuries ago: she used to belong to the Zorya, whose kiss brings death to mortals. But she gave eternity to a man with gentle eyes who was to die in her arms. Now Lady Mar, the Mistress of Death, is demanding to get back the life she was cheated out of. Can Summer outsmart death a second time, or will she have to sacrifice her love in order to escape Lady Mar's deathly kiss? Lady Mar and the female hunter Moira had their first appearance in Nina Blazon's dark romantic fantasy novel Faunblut. Also available:
Faunblut [Faun Blood], 2008 Sold to: France (Albin Michel), Italy (Salani), Spain (RH Mondadori), Turkey (Pegasus)
Children’s Books worldwide: Eva-Maria.Gold@randomhouse.de
Young Adult – Fantasy
Adventure, action and emotion: the breathtakingly gripping sequel to Blood Heart, Michael Wallner's big vampire novel.
Michael Wallner Blood Hunters [Blutjäger] Volume 2 cbt 320 pages Format 13.5 x 21.5 cm September 2010 14 plus
Rights sold to: Turkey (Artemis)
Michael Wallner was born in Austria in 1958. He has worked as an actor and director and now lives in Berlin. In 2006, Luchterhand published his bestselling April in Paris, which was also a big international success, with translation rights being sold into more than 20 countries.
Against the will of the powerful vampire Taddeusz Kóranyi, who she both loves and hates, Samantha flies to Mexico with her son John to liberate the oppressed ‘Disciples of Fortrius’. The journey, however, turns out to be a trap: Dunoon, one of Taddeusz' henchmen, has command over the ‘Disciples of Fortrius’, and it was he who enticed Sam to Mexico. Using the blood of halfvampire John, he hopes to develop a serum that will make him, Dunoon, immortal. When Taddeusz sets out to rescue Sam from Dunoon's clutches, a dangerous power struggle breaks out between the two undead … • with fascinating scenes of action: Scotland, Mexico and the Amazon • exciting mixture of highly modern action thriller and a classical vampire novel Press
"Among the huge assortment of vampires and other such related topics so beloved of today's teenagers, this book must surely be of the more intelligent variety by far." dnd-Gate.de "Wallner … can build novels, draw figures and evoke tension; he can also create atmosphere and mood. (…) There is no doubt about it, Wallner knows what he is doing." Westdeutsche Allgemeine Also available:
Blutherz [Blood Heart], 2009 Sold to: Hungary (Egmont), Turkey (Artemis) Zeit des Skorpions [Time of the Scorpion], 2008 Sold to: Italy (Bompiani), The Netherlands (Mozaiek)
Children’s Books worldwide: Eva-Maria.Gold@randomhouse.de
Young Adult – Historical Fiction
Forbidden love in Granada at the time of the Reconquista – the latest novel by bestselling author Brigitte Riebe
Brigitte Riebe The Night of Granada [Die Nacht von Granada] Historical Novel cbj 416 pages Format 13.5 x 21.5 cm September 2010 12 plus
Brigitte Riebe holds a doctorate in history and spent many years working as a publisher’s editor. Her most successful works to date are her historical novels Palace of the Blue Dolphins, Road of the Stars and The Seven Moons of Jacobus.
Grenada in 1499. Ever since she was a child, 16-year-old Lucia, the daughter of goldsmith Antonio, has been friends with Nuri, the daughter of stone grinder Kamal. And she falls in love with Rachid, Nuri's brother. Such a relationship, however, becomes unthinkable: after driving out the Jews, the Spanish royal couple then turn against the Moors, who have been living peacefully in Grenada with Jews and Christians. Kamal gets caught up in the clutches of the Inquisition, which now stretches out its feelers for Antonio. Lucia is desperate. Then Miguel appears on the scene – a young stone grinder who turns Lucia's feelings all topsy-turvy …
Also available:
Der Kuss des Anubis [The Kiss of Anubis], 2009 Sold to: Czech Republic (Svoboda)
Children’s Books worldwide: Eva-Maria.Gold@randomhouse.de
Young Adult – Thriller
Pathological jealousy …
Christine Fehér Thorn Love [Dornenliebe] cbt 350 pages Format 13.5 x 21.5 cm September 2010 14 plus
Christine Fehér was born in 1965. She has taught religion at the school of a psychiatric clinic for children and young adults, and is at present working at an elementary school. She also writes books for children and teenagers.
Luna can hardly believe her luck: at a party right on her very first evening in Berlin she meets the attractive Falk – and he of all people, the heartthrob of all the girls, he who is so unapproachable, falls in love with her! It is only gradually that Luna notices that Falk is pathologically possessive. He keeps an eye on her every step and jealously observes like a hawk all the contacts she has with other people. When Luna makes friends with her fellow student, Jaron, and Falk finds out, he goes so ballistic that Luna and Jaron are in danger …
Young Adult – Thriller
A fatal love affair …
Irma Krauß Happiness Poison [Glücksgift] cbt 350 pages Format 13.5 x 21.5 cm September 2010 14 plus
Irma Krauß was born in 1949 and, after studying education, she worked as a teacher and started to write. Since then, she has published numerous books for children and teenagers. In 1998, Irma Krauß was awarded the Peter Härtling Prize for Literature for Children and Teenagers. www.irma-krauss.de
One night, in a luxury hotel, a body is discovered. It has been laid out in the bar and is surrounded by fourteen mysterious presents. Was it murder for love? To begin with the police are baffled – but soon come across the story behind it. The strange presents lead to Bravo and Amanda and directly to the beginning of a passionate love – a love that came suddenly and is intense and wild, beautiful and radical. But this love is a happiness that gradually poisons itself. Amanda is possessed by perfection, addicted to perfection. For her there is only everything or nothing and never a middle course. She expects the impossible from Bravo, and this is her undoing. When a pernicious act of betrayal is committed, there is no stopping Amanda. She carefully staged love, and now she just as carefully stages death. Children’s Books worldwide: Eva-Maria.Gold@randomhouse.de
Young Adult – Thriller
A diabolical plan of revenge …
Nina Schindler Spider Trap [Spinnenfalle] cbt 304 pages Format 13.5 x 21.5 cm September 2010 14 plus
Nina Schindler worked as a teacher. She gave up teaching in the early ’90s to devote herself to writing. Since then, she has written numerous books for all age groups. She also works as a translator from English and French.
Everything in Alexandra's world is fine – super family, nice friends and a cool new guy in her class. At least it is until au-pair girl Ljuba moves in with her family. To begin with, the pretty girl seems to be ideal, making herself as she does indispensable to everybody. Alex alone feels uneasy, has nightmares, stays away from home more and more frequently. Ljuba seems to have sinister intentions with one objective: getting rid of Alex, at all costs …
Young Adult – Thriller
A psychopathic admirer …
Birgit Schlieper Game of Fear [Angstspiel] cbt 350 pages Format 13.5 x 21.5 cm September 2010 14 plus
Birgit Schlieper studied American, Romance and English language and literature, but left university when she was offered a newspaper internship. She also writes for news agencies and for the Süddeutsche Zeitung.
It began quite harmlessly: Linda meets a guy from the student chat room – polite, unobtrusive, pleasant. Linda obviously does not tell him her private data; after all, she's not stupid. But she has underestimated how cunning the unknown man is: irksome e-mails and kitschy bunches of flowers culminate in a spiteful smear campaign. Linda feels she is being observed, pursued, almost goes crazy from fear. And the stalker doesn't let up – quite the contrary, in fact: he is deathly close …
Children’s Books worldwide: Eva-Maria.Gold@randomhouse.de
Young Adult – Fiction
The new 4-volume series by Alexa Hennig von Lange about real love, true friendship & deep feelings
Alexa Hennig von Lange Lucy and the Boys: Finest Flat Mates [Lucy und die Jungs: Traum-Raum-Wohnung] Volume 1 cbt 256 pages 30 b/w illustrations Format 13.5 x 21.5 cm August 2010 13 plus
Alexa Hennig von Lange was born in 1973 and began writing when she was only eight years old. Her debut novel Relax was published in 1997, and overnight it made her into one of today’s most successful writers and the voice of her generation. For I’m Just Lucky, her first novel about her young protagonist Lelle, she was awarded the German Youth Literature Prize in 2002. This was followed by many novels both for adults and children, as well as short stories and plays. www.alexahennigvonlange.de
Child prodigy Lucy is fed up of playing the violin. Instead of kissing boys, she is forced to practice, practice, practice – how can she stop life passing her by? Radically, unrelentingly and single-mindedly, the sixteen-year-old tries to find the answer to precisely that question and, from one day to the next, escapes from Mummy's ambitious clutches and moves into an apartment shared by four cool guys. With Tom, Ruben, Andie and Jeremy, life at last gets going – making dreams come true, having parties, true friendship and boundless love and freedom … But if Lucy thought everything would now be a piece of cake, she has another think coming. For Andie makes a fatal decision and this is when problems really begin. Press
"Alexa Hennig von Lange's novels are young-adult literature both in the best sense of the word and in more ways than one: they are books for young people – all girls aged between 13 and 17 will devour them and are sure to recognize themselves in them." Süddeutsche Zeitung "What has really made the writer cult are her inner monologs that are so true to life that you can positively feel the teenagers standing there in front of you in their T-shirts and flip-flops." Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung Also available from the Lucy and the Boys series: Vol. 2: Herzverrückt [Crazy Heart], to be published in Spring 2011 Also available from the Lelle series: Vol. 1: Leute, ich fühle mich leicht! [Hi Guys, I Feel Light!], 2008 Vol. 2: Leute, mein Herz glüht! [Hi Guys, My Heart is aglow!], 2008 Vol. 3: Leute, die Liebe schockt! [Hi Guys, Love Shocks!], 2009 Vol. 4: Leute, das Leben ist wild! [Hi Guys, Life is Crazy], 2010
Children’s Books worldwide: Eva-Maria.Gold@randomhouse.de
Young Adult – Fiction
A riveting and at the same time sensitive young-adult novel focussing on the subject of alcohol abuse among teenagers
Brigitte Blobel Into a Coma [Bis ins Koma] cbj 288 pages Format 13.5 x 21.5 cm August 2010 12 plus
Brigitte Blobel, born in Hamburg in 1942, works freelance as a journalist and screenplay writer; she has also written numerous books for teenagers and adults, many of which have been given awards.
Marvin drinks. When he is drunk he feels cool, strong and self-confident – that that little bit of puking the next morning ain't nothing compared to the neverending quarrels of his divorced parents, stress at school, his inferiority complex with girls. Marvin is proud that he can tolerate so much. With alcohol, he can party all night, has super mates and sex with girls. But this one night he drinks a bottle of vodka too many … Press
"Brigitte Blobel is the grande dame of the realistic young-adult novel in Germany." Taz Also available:
Herz im Gepäck [Her Heart in Her Luggage], 2005 Roter Zorn [Red Anger], 2006 Sold to: Australia/British Commonwealth/Asia (Allen & Unwin), Canada/North America (Annick Press), Czech Republic (Vikend), Lithuania (Gimtasis Zodis) Zwischen Bagdad und Nirgendwo [Between Baghdad and Nowhere], 2007 Böses Spiel [Malicious Game], 2008 Sold to: Korea (Prunsoop)
Children’s Books worldwide: Eva-Maria.Gold@randomhouse.de
Young Adult – Fiction
"A moving theme book on the euthanasia that was practiced in the nursing homes during the Nazi-Regime"
Manfred Theisen Without Fault and Flaw [Ohne Fehl und Makel] A boy in a Lebensborn home cbj 288 pages Format 12.5 x 18.3 cm October 2010 13 plus
Manfred Theisen was born in 1962. He studied German, English and politics, and is a journalist for a daily paper. He lives near Cologne with his family.
"Born in German means spring. And spring means life. But what they really do is kill everything that is not as they would like …" 1944: Fritz lives in a Lebensborn home in Luxembourg, where his father is the Medical Director. It is from him that Fritz knows what's what – that Jews are bad and that the Aryan race must expand quickly. But then he gradually begins to have his doubts, for after all Maria, the girl he loves more than any other, has a totally different opinion. When Aniela, Maria's older sister, is expected to give away her disabled child after its birth, Fritz must make a momentous decision … • with an epilogue, glossary and important background information • suitable for the classroom Press
"No one who has read the book can remain unmoved." Frankfurter Rundschau on Checkpoint Jerusalem "A brilliantly narrated book for young adults that has condensed direct observations with enviable ease." Saarländischer Rundfunk on Checkpoint Jerusalem Also available:
Checkpoint Jerusalem [Checkpoint Jerusalem], 2004 Sold to: Czech Republic Amok [Amok], 2005 Together with Christoph Wortberg: König der Welt [King of the World], 2006 Täglich die Angst [Every Day This Fear], 2007
Children’s Books worldwide: Eva-Maria.Gold@randomhouse.de
Everything you need to know about the world religions: competently and vividly told and full of suspense Klaus-Rüdiger Mai / Werner Tiki Küstenmacher (ed.) World Religions [Weltreligionen] What people believe in cbj 320 pages With colour illustrations Format 17.0 x 24.0 cm October 2010 10 plus
Klaus-Rüdiger Mai, PhD, studied German, history and philosophy and spent many years working as a screenwriter, dramatic advisor and producer of television productions. He is the biographer of Pope Benedict XVI and has also written a history of the Vatican and several historical novels. Werner Tiki Küstenmacher is a theologian, Lutheran pastor and journalist, as well as a bestselling author and illustrator. He has long been inspiring his many fans with his successful publications, delightful cartoons, and rousing public appearances. His books Simplify your Life and Simplify your Love were on bestseller lists for many years running. He and his wife Marion Küstenmacher are joint editors-in-chief of the online advisory service Simplify your Life. Read more on www.simplify.de
Belief has always been a determining factor in the lives of human beings. Our principles and values are based on the teachings of the religions. But how did the world religions come into being? What distinguishes them from each other? And why do billions of people adhere to them? Werner Tiki Küstenmacher and Klaus-Rüdiger Mai cautiously approach the beginnings of belief in order to give an authentic and comprehensive insight into the philosophies of the great religions of the world, what they have in common and what makes each one special. This is a clearly written reference book that provides youngsters and adults alike with informative and enthralling answers to such questions. • with abundant colour photographs and illustrations, info boxes and clear maps • an informative reference book and an engrossing journey to the world of belief and religion
Children’s Books worldwide: Eva-Maria.Gold@randomhouse.de
Economics journalist Nikolaus Nützel uses easy-to-understand examples to explain complex economics issues to children Nikolaus Nützel 7 Ways of Becoming Rich – 7 Ways of Becoming Poor [7 Wege reich zu werden – 7 Wege arm zu werden] The slightly different book about economics cbj 224 pages Format 17.0 x 24.0 cm August 2010 12 plus
Nikolaus Nützel, born in 1967, is a multilingual secretary, interpreter, journalist and expert in Romance languages and literature. He works freelance as a journalist for radio and the print media and writes books. www.nikolaus-nuetzel.de Felix Görmann, alias Flix, was born in Münster in 1976 and studied communication design in Saarbrücken and Barcelona. He is now one of Germany's most sought-after comic artists and is also a lecturer at the Saar University of Fine Arts. www.der-flix.de
How do bank crises come about? Why are there people starving when the world is getting wealthier? Can I save the world? The renowned journalist Nikolaus Nützel wittily and entertainingly explains basic facts and economic issues. He takes a critical look at the current economic situation and political decisions and their social effects. He also asks awkward questions in view of horrendous managerial salaries and the financial crisis. Is there a way out of the economic disaster? Yes, there is! For economics is by no means a closed book. It is a topic everyone can understand, and everyone can help make sure that the right path is chosen with this aim in mind – an economy without madness! • a critical analysis of the economic situation: competent, ironic and comprehensive • economics made easy: complex economic issues illustrated by easy-tounderstand examples • entertainingly put in a nutshell by Nikolaus Nützel – award-winning economics journalist and author • illustrated by Felix Görmann alias Flix Also available:
Sprache oder Was den Mensch zum Menschen macht [Language or What makes humans human], 2009 Sold to: Korea (Sallim)
Children’s Books worldwide: Eva-Maria.Gold@randomhouse.de
Art for Kids
Join the art detective on his search and find out about the most fascinating artists of all time!
Ralph Erdenberger The Secret Files of Vincent van Gogh [Geheimakte Vincent van Gogh] Volume 1 Prestel Verlag 112 pages Format 16.0 x 23.5 cm September 2010 10 plus
Ralph Erdenberger is a freelance journalist for the WDR and other ARD radio stations. Among other projects, he works for the children's radio programme Lilipuz and the historical series Zeitzeichen. In Prestel's series Bilder im Ohr he set artworks from famous museums to sound for children.
Volume 1 The art detective investigates: He has to find out about this mysterious Vincent van Gogh, on whom Theo is supposed to do a school presentation. He starts out on the trail of the famous artist. His search leads him to Holland and Southern France, where the unexplained death of the artist raises puzzling questions, and he encounters a secretive potato eater ... The series The books in this series compile everything the detective could find out about the person in question, his life, and his art, in dossier form: in these works (not only) children will learn a great many interesting things about the artists from very different perspectives. They can read thrilling reports, and follow hot on the artists' trails; they accompany the detective to the scenes of the artist's life, air the secrets of his works, and visit the places where his art can be found now. • with many documents, original quotations, photos, authentic material • outstanding reproductions of important works • with many interactive elements • the detective's report runs through the entire book and connects the individual parts • easily portable paperback with elastic closure • includes art cards to collect Also available from the Secret Files series:
Geheimakte Leonardo da Vinci [The Secret Files of Leonardo da Vinci], 2010
Children’s Books worldwide: Eva-Maria.Gold@randomhouse.de
Art for Kids
Join the art detective on his search and find out about the most fascinating artists of all time!
Ralph Erdenberger The Secret Files of Leonardo da Vinci [Geheimakte Leonardo da Vinci] Volume 2 Prestel Verlag 112 pages Format 16.0 x 23.5 cm October 2010 10 plus
Ralph Erdenberger is a freelance journalist for the WDR and other ARD radio stations. Among other projects, he works for the children's radio programme Lilipuz and the historical series Zeitzeichen. In Prestel's series Bilder im Ohr he set artworks from famous museums to sound for children.
Volume 2 The art detective investigates: He has to find out about this mysterious Leonardo da Vinci, who supposedly invented the first airplane. We'll join him on his search. The trail leads from Florence to Milan and even to France ... The series The books in this series compile everything the detective could find out about the person in question, his life, and his art, in dossier form: in these works (not only) children will learn a great many interesting things about the artists from very different perspectives. They can read thrilling reports, and follow hot on the artists' trails; they accompany the detective to the scenes of the artist's life, air the secrets of his works, and visit the places where his art can be found now. • with many documents, original quotations, photos, authentic material • outstanding reproductions of important works • with many interactive elements • the detective's report runs through the entire book and connects the individual parts • easily portable paperback with elastic closure • includes art cards to collect Also available from the Secret Files series:
Geheimakte Vincent van Gogh [The Secret Files of Vincent van Gogh], 2010
Children’s Books worldwide: Eva-Maria.Gold@randomhouse.de
Art for Kids
This series entices the reader to travel through time and get to know some of the most fascinating figures in history
Dagmar Feghelm Pablo Picasso [Pablo Picasso] The Biography Prestel Verlag 112 pages 5 b/w illustrations 16 colour illustrations Format 13.0 x 20.0 cm July 2010 12 plus
Dagmar Feghelm studied art history and has taught at the Unviersity of Munich. She works as an author and editor and possesses the special talent of bringing art to life through words. Among other works she has published I, Raphael, I, Goya and Ruben's Pictures of Love with Prestel.
Over the course of his long life Pablo Picasso (1881-1973) invented not one, but several styles of art, and made more than one woman unhappy. The Spanish-born artist was hot-tempered, a genius full of charm and inspiration. With his intense personality and inexhaustible inventiveness, Picasso has shaped modern art like no other artist. • colour reproductions of the most important works • time line with important dates in the artist's life and contemporary events • 16 pages of colour reproductions and around five black-and-white Also available from the Biography series:
Frida Kahlo. Die Lebensgeschichte [Frida Kahlo. The Biography], 2010 Leonardo da Vinci. Die Lebensgeschichte [Leonardo da Vinci. The Biography], 2010 Gustav Klimt. Die Lebensgeschichte [Gustav Klimt. The Biography], 2010 Paul Klee. Die Lebensgeschichte [Paul Klee. The Biography], 2011
Children’s Books worldwide: Eva-Maria.Gold@randomhouse.de
Art for Kids
This series entices the reader to travel through time and get to know some of the most fascinating figures in history
Bettina Schümann Gustav Klimt [Gustav Klimt] The Biography Prestel Verlag 112 pages 5 b/w illustrations 16 colour illustrations Format 13.0 x 20.0 cm July 2010 12 plus
Bettina Schümann, mother of two children, works as an author and editor. Her title 13 Künstlerinnen, die du kennen solltest (13 Women Artists Children should Know) is also published by Prestel.
The idiosyncratic artist Gustav Klimt (1862-1918) has shaped our image of turn-of-the-century Vienna like no one else. In her biography, Bettina Schümann brings to life the day-to-day society of Vienna in which the famous Jugendstil artist lived and worked, and paints a lively portrait of this artist, a favorite among the ladies of Viennese society, whom he clothed in glittering gold and precious stones in his paintings. • colour reproductions of the most important works • time line with important dates in the artist's life and contemporary events • glossary explaining specialist terms • 16 pages of colour reproductions and around five black-and-white Also available from the Biography series:
Frida Kahlo. Die Lebensgeschichte [Frida Kahlo. The Biography], 2010 Leonardo da Vinci. Die Lebensgeschichte [Leonardo da Vinci. The Biography], 2010 Pablo Picasso. Die Lebensgeschichte [Pablo Picasso. The Biography], 2010 Paul Klee. Die Lebensgeschichte [Paul Klee. The Biography], 2011
Children’s Books worldwide: Eva-Maria.Gold@randomhouse.de
Art for Kids
Art history as a fascinating adventure: Basic knowledge of art made appropriate for children
Hildegard Kretschmer Adventures in Art [Das Abenteuer Kunst] The History of Painting Revised edition Prestel Verlag 224 pages 150 colour illustrations Format 16.5 x 24.0 cm August 2010 10 plus
Hildegard Kretschmer studied art history in Salzburg. She presently teaches art history. In addition to Adventures in Art, Prestel has also published her How Noah saved the Animals: Famous Artists illustrate the Bible, distinguished with the Catholic Childen's and Youth Book Award in 2004.
Hildegard Kretschmer invites you to take the time to look closely at paintings and discover their secrets. Over 100 works of art by over 90 artists offer a superb overview of the history of art from its beginnings to the Modern era. In the appendix a time line with explanations of epochs and styles provides historical context. Outstanding explanations of technical terms, techniques, the workshop and art market, as well as a map provide valuable information. The ultimate book for anyone interested in understanding the history of art! • the standard work for art fans and those who want to be • revised and redesigned edition of the popular title • thematic approach to art history • outstanding reproductions of famous works of art • short biographies of numerous artists • informative appendix
Children’s Books worldwide: Eva-Maria.Gold@randomhouse.de
Art for Kids
This lively introduction to some of the towering figures in American art will inspire children to dream, create, and think. Brad Finger 13 American Artists Children Should Know [13 amerikanische Künstler, die du kennen solltest]
English edition available
Brad Finger is an art historian based near Chicago, Illinois. He is the author of 13 Modern Artists Children Should Know and 13 American Artists Children Should Know.
Prestel Verlag 48 pages 60 colour illustrations Format 24.0 x 28.0 cm July 2010 8 plus
American art is as varied as the giant country itself with its 50 states: Historical paintings from the 19th century narrate the story of this country; Mary Cassatt, Sargent create captivating impressionistic pictures; Americans like O' Keefe, Cornell, Pollock or Calder pave the way for all of modern art. With a selection of 13 of the most famous artists and their works, young readers receive an introduction to American art. A clearly arranged chronology serves to provide historical orientation. Games, puzzles and inspiration for creative work awaken an enthusiasm for art in children. Each artist is featured in double-page spreads that are as unique as their subjects. Fascinating biographical portraits, interesting sidebars, and ideas to spark the imagination enhance exquisite reproductions of well-known works. Presented chronologically, these profiles are strung together by a continuous timeline that highlights world events that impacted the artists’ work. Also available from the 13…, Children Should Know series:
13 Künstler, die du kennen solltest [13 Artists Children Should Know]*, 2008 Sold to: Korea (Sigongsa) 13 Skulpturen, die du kennen solltest [13 Sculptures Children Should Know]*, 2009 13 Bilder, die du kennen solltest [13 Paintings Children Should Know]*, 2009 13 Bauwerke, die du kennen solltest [13 Buildings Children Should Know]*, 2009 Sold to: Korea (Sigongsa) 13 Burgen und Schlösser, die du kennen solltest [13 Castles and Palaces Children Should Know]*, 2009 13 Künstlerinnen, die du kennen solltest [13 Women Artists Children Should Know]*, 2009 13 Götter und Helden, die du kennen solltest [13 Gods and Heroes Children Should Know], 2009 *English edition available
Children’s Books worldwide: Eva-Maria.Gold@randomhouse.de
Art for Kids
From Cubism to cartoons, this book of eyepopping art and engaging activities introduces young readers to modern art. Brad Finger 13 Modern Artists Children Should Know [13 moderne Künstler, die du kennen solltest]
English edition available
Brad Finger is an art historian based near Chicago, Illinois. He is the author of 13 Modern Artists Children Should Know and 13 American Artists Children Should Know.
Prestel Verlag 48 pages 60 colour illustrations Format 24.0 x 28.0 cm July 2010 8 plus
This book introduces 13 famous modern artists, who appeal particularly to children. Cleverly formatted information, illustrations of the works of art, and a child-friendly glossary convey knowledge about the works of art and their creators. A timetable allows for easy historical orientation. Find the difference games, puzzles, and colouring exercises encourage participation and help children have fun discovering art. Picasso, Chagall, Calder, Lichtenstein, Hockney—these artists and the others profiled here offer a world of interest to children. This exciting exploration of modern, Pop, and postmodern art is designed to appeal to young minds. Large illustrations brimming with colour; fascinating explanations and biographical information; do-it-yourself activities, quizzes and a helpful glossary and timeline are all part of the vibrant book. Children will be drawn to the stories and interactive opportunities as they discover these important artists who changed the world. Also available from the 13…, Children Should Know series:
13 Künstler, die du kennen solltest [13 Artists Children Should Know]*, 2008 Sold to: Korea (Sigongsa) 13 Skulpturen, die du kennen solltest [13 Sculptures Children Should Know]*, 2009 13 Bilder, die du kennen solltest [13 Paintings Children Should Know]*, 2009 13 Bauwerke, die du kennen solltest [13 Buildings Children Should Know]*, 2009 Sold to: Korea (Sigongsa) 13 Burgen und Schlösser, die du kennen solltest [13 Castles and Palaces Children Should Know]*, 2009 13 Künstlerinnen, die du kennen solltest [13 Women Artists Children Should Know]*, 2009 13 Götter und Helden, die du kennen solltest [13 Gods and Heroes Children Should Know], 2009 *English edition available
Children’s Books worldwide: Eva-Maria.Gold@randomhouse.de
Art for Kids
Art and creativity for young children! Annette Roeder Colouring Book Marc Chagall [Kunst-Malbuch Marc Chagall] Prestel Verlag 32 pages 16 b/w illustrations 16 colour illustrations Format 28.0 x 24.0 July 2010 6 plus
English edition available
Annette Roeder, architect and mother of three children, is the successful illustrator and author of numerous children's books. In addition to many colouring books, she has published 13 Buildings Children Should Know with Prestel.
Fantasy and creativity are encouraged in this colouring book. Apart from pictures to colour there are also numerous motifs which allow plenty of freedom for creating colourful works of art. Children will quickly discover and enjoy the fascinating pictorial universe of Marc Chagall, whose images often refer to Chagall’s rural origin, depict biblical incidents or episodes from the circus. Next to paintings the painter-poet also designed mosaics, window panes and backdrops for the theater. He is known as one of the most important artists from the 20th century: The Marc Chagall Colouring Book is dedicated to him. Also available from the Colouring Book series:
Birdman Blue Rider* Salvador Dali* Paul Gauguin Dennis Hopper* Friedensreich Hundertwasser* Impressionists Islamic Art Frida Kahlo* Wassily Kandinsky* Gustav Klimt Franz Marc Henri Matisse* Claude Monet Vincent Van Gogh Jan Vermeer Andy Warhol* Worpswede London Munich Sisi * additional artist’s rights
Children’s Books worldwide: Eva-Maria.Gold@randomhouse.de
Art for Kids
Art and creativity for young children! Annette Roeder Colouring Book Paul Gauguin [Kunst-Malbuch Paul Gauguin] Prestel Verlag 32 pages 16 b/w illustrations 16 colour illustrations Format 28.0 x 24.0 cm July 2010 6 plus
English edition available
Annette Roeder, architect and mother of three children, is the successful illustrator and author of numerous children's books. In addition to many colouring books, she has published 13 Buildings Children Should Know with Prestel.
Big art for little hands: These enchanting activity books allow young artists to explore the world's masterpieces on their own terms with plenty of space to colour outside the lines. Also available from the Colouring Book series:
Birdman Blue Rider* Marc Chagall Salvador Dali* Dennis Hopper* Friedensreich Hundertwasser* Impressionists Islamic Art Frida Kahlo* Wassily Kandinsky* Gustav Klimt Franz Marc Henri Matisse* Claude Monet Vincent Van Gogh Jan Vermeer Andy Warhol* Worpswede London Munich Sisi * additional artist’s rights
Children’s Books worldwide: Eva-Maria.Gold@randomhouse.de
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Children’s Books worldwide: Eva-Maria.Gold@randomhouse.de
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