Singidi Magazine 2018

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SINGIDI - 2018


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2018 Philadelphia Telangana Association A 501 (C) (3) - Tax Exempt Non-Profit Entity

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Philadelphia Telangana Association (PTA) 2427 Copper Creek Road Chester Springs, PA 19425, USA PTA is a 501 (C)(3) Tax Exempt, Non-Profit Entity

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SINGIDI - 2018

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Eco-Friendly Pencils Sans Wood - B. Pradeep Citizen Forum, Telangana - V.K. Singh

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SINGIDI - 2018

Eco-Friendly Pencils Sans Wood (The Hindu on 24th March 2018)

- B. Pradeep Choutuppal (Yadadri - Bhuvanagiri), March 24, 2018 Eco-entrepreneur uses recycled paper to make affordable pencils Imagine a pencil that could grow into a sapling after you discard it. Or a pencil made of old newspapers, actually water-resistant. Yes, they are real, and available.

G. Pramod Kumar, an MBA-turned entrepreneur set up Samiksha Enterprises and makes Rainbow Paper Pencils. The idea was born after a reflection on the philosophy of pencils, and a desire to start his own business. Help came from his cousin a machine manufacturer in Mumbai. Now his unit adds to the rhythmic click-clack in the weavers’ colony at Nelapatla village here. The pencils that Mr. Kumar makes have only eco-friendly, natural ingredients – gum, newsprint paper and lead. Moreover, the equipment used is as mundane as the ingredients - pencil roller, polisher and cutter. Probably a first in Telangana, Mr. Kumar says, four 7-inch paper pencils can be produced from a centre-spread of a newspaper. And about 12 kg old newspapers, or a below 50 gsm (grams per square

metre, indicating the lightness or heaviness of the paper) writing and printing paper could produce 2,400 pencils. That is the equivalent to a whole tree’s production when chopped down. Rainbow Paper Pencils are priced between Rs. 5 and Rs. 10 each for a wide range including newspaper pencils, white and rainbow coloured pencils, velvet-finished and plantable seed pencils. Interestingly, plantable seed pencils - a first innovation of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, United States - have a biodegradable capsule filled with seeds at the tip, instead of a rubber. Kumar is replicating the idea. His idea of printing the newsprint with the seven rainbow colours, producing layered pigments when the pencil is sharpened, is his registered Trade Mark. Supported by the Ministry of Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises (MSME), the year-old start-up also encourages local women SHGs (Self Help Groups) to earn a decent income by being part of it. “Using a flocking machine, four pencils can be finished in velvet in 30 seconds. At 60 paise per pencil, women can earn up to Rs. 9,000 a month,” he says. With a capital investment of about Rs. 15 lakh in 2017, and eight staff, Samiksha Enterprises now rolls about a lakh pencils a month, most of it sold in bulk for agencies in Coimbatore, Gulbarga and Maharashtra. In a bid to innovate the eco-friendly pencil further, Mr. Kumar has come out with a hand-made paper pen. Moreover, Mr. Kumar, with his wife and a team of friends are doing R&D to bring down the price of the pen from Rs. 10 to Rs. 4, and to make it a collector’s piece rather than use and throw. That’s something for keeps. 3

SINGIDI - 2018

Citizens Forum, Telangana - V.K. Singh

Every sovereign country in this world aspires to be a great nation. Every citizen of that country wants to be a well-recognized person and a person leading the most peaceful and healthy and wealthy life in the world. We too are no less.

soon the euphoria spreads in the whole village and community is surcharged with information which hitherto was a distant dream …. Friends the challenge is to influence this one citizen….. But how?

Our country with such a rich heritage has every right to be one such nation and her citizens deserve this privilege.

The genius thought process of SHRI V.K. Singh comes in here

It’s been 70+ years and we are still optimistic that this day will come. It’s an irony that whoever sees us will always equate us and relate us to the external world and we too are over enthusiastic to accept that we are inferior the fact has been that we were the leader in the cultural, economic and educational segments in the world.

Citizen forum has no bank account – which means no commercial transaction enhances the credibility of the volunteer

A visionary called V.K. SINGH identified these aspects and wished to voice his opinion with a structured and yet flexible process of transformation. This thought took as avatar which is now internationally known as CITIZENS FORUM. The purview of this AWARENESS The purview of this AWARENESS forum is Unlimited. Every individual is a contributor. Friends, we mean it. We need to FOCUS ON TRANSFORMATION OF OUR CITIZEN’S ATTITUDE. This is no doubt a difficult task but worth its salt. Let’s think aloud. A citizen of a particular village decides to change his routine thinking process (obviously the old routine I am not good and the government is useless) and tries to understand his/ her rights and responsibilities by critically thinking and allowing new thoughts to flow into his intellectual system. The result is obvious … this citizen has discovered something new happening a hidden talent, strength, intellect has evolved and as a social and emotional person starts sharing with near and dear 4

Citizen forum is not a NGO, TRUST OR SOCIETY. So the person has a freedom of choice

Citizen forum has no political or religious agenda – This translates into no bondage. Here relationships are built with pure empathy and rightful thinking for everyone’s well-being. This whole action is strategize as ONE VOICE, ONE PLATFORM ONE GOAL. Now the skeptics question us is it workable … or is it also a wishful thinking. Some laugh, some mock and some ignore the idea as a practical joke on the system. We also leave these set of people to enjoy their sadistic pleasure. For the past 18 months we have been constantly haunted by these oscillating mentalities. We believed that the people who remain are the true change makers and they are going to make a difference to the society. Yes we are right our volunteer’s effort have brought your attention. Don’t you feel a good work will get positive people together? Our recognition by NRI group is a testimony of our right thinking process… We have a had constant up swings and down swings in our systems.But, never did we lose our

SINGIDI - 2018 equilibrium? That’s solely because, whoever were ambiguous in their thought process automatically fizzled out as, their personal agenda was never encouraged by the system. We now proudly claim that we have solid representations of committed volunteers in 31 districts and it translates to catering about 585 Mandals and about 11000 Villages. We have now set our agenda on four fronts: 1. Educate everyone thus empower their future. This is done by counseling school dropouts and bringing them back to schools. 2. Health is the need of the hour and healthy body is healthy mind. Focus on malfunctioning hospitals and health systems. 3. Empower and enable people’s participation to question their rights thus eliminating the need of middlemen and conmen. 4. Create a green environment by planting trees and maintain cleanliness.

We have now started to share our ideas with Govt. officials and district administration. Which has resulted in positive trends. THE FUTURE VISION TO HAVE a legal dispute free society. The transformation is thus an inevitable process we just need to push and pursue some more so that we fill in all the gaps. This will enable a corruption free society and also a Bangaru Telangana…… All this is being achieved by our famous IDEOLOGY – DOING WITOUT DOING, RESULTS WITHOUT EFFORTS AND SOCIAL SERVICE WITHOUT SERVICE… We now need a lots of references from various quarters to consolidate and strengthen our movement. Website: Email


Mobile : +917997635752


SINGIDI - 2018

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SINGIDI - 2018

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SINGIDI - 2018

Conservation & Management of Neknampur Lake Madhulika Choudhary & Neeraj Singh 18, Green Space Hill Park, Narsingi, Hyderabad-500089, Ph : 8465034598 Dhruvansh organization Note : A token of gratitude towards Dial Your Village NRI team for Supporting us with funds in Lake restoration Abstract Due to rapid growth of population, industrialization, agricultural practices since 1970’s the aquatic ecosystem is being polluted to an extent which is irreparable which is a problem of concern. The discharge of sewage and industrial waste waters into water bodies is leading to deposition of various pollutants into aquatic ecosystem which may become accumulated, and toxic. These contaminants may make water unsuitable for various purposes and cause threat to human health through bioaccumulation inland water bodies. It shows that various anthropogenic activities, apart from natural sources are causing the environmental degradation. Improvisation of existing treatment facilities to improve the quality of water required to bring awareness among the public about these problems. To conserve Neknampur Lake, an organization Dhruvansh adopted this lake for restoration. However, the main challenges to tackle were constant flow of sewage and re-growth of aquatic weeds. Measures were taken develop a low cost sustainable model to restore lake & treat sewage water without Sewage diversion or sludge treatment plant. Lot of work for the conservation & management of Neknampur Lake was taken like plantation, cleaning, desilting, catchment area treatment, fringe area protection, solid waste management, installation of floating treatment wetlands, implementation of Phytoremediation techniques, removal of aquatic weed system, composting etc. After the successful implementation of the project, it was clearly observed that the water quality of the lake improved considerably, at the same time carrying capacity also 10

enhanced. This increases Eco-tourism. If we take certain water quality parameters like pH, DO, BOD, COD, total nitrogen, and total phosphorous. This clearly shows that dissolved Oxygen concentration was increased considerably during the last two years, while BOD, COD & other nutrient input decreased. Using traditional & technological methods, Neknampur lake has been restored without Sewage diversion and with activation of Self-purification system of Eco-system Introduction: Neknampur Village is smallest village of Gandipet Mandal in Rangareddy District. Being located in an undulating topography of the Deccan Plateau of the Indian subcontinent, this village and its environs were blessed with a number of natural and man-made water bodies locally known as Cheruvus, Kuntas, Water boalis etc. These water bodies acted as water storage reservoirs for irrigation, drinking and groundwater recharge, and have been an inalienable part of the rural ecology of the Village. Gradually, while many lakes & Boalis were encroached and replaced by concrete buildings, now only one left-over lake is severely polluted with the domestic and industrial effluents. With the loss of water bodies and the consequent decline in groundwater table, these village residents are dependent on tankers for whole year which costs around Rs1200 per tanker. This lake is at the border of Hyderabad district and Rangareddy District, opposite to famous Taramati Bardari Resorts, Premamati Mosque, Qutub shahi tombs on one side and hardly 2kms from Golconda fort.

SINGIDI - 2018 Location Map

This lake is in downstream of famous Durgam cheruvu and finally connects to Musi River behind Taramati Bardari. Salient Features of Neknampur Lake • The Location: Latitude – 17.39034"N & Longitude - 78.37605"E • Altitude : 185.02 m above MSL. • Catchment Area : 77 acres • Area of Lake : 97.830 acres • Maximum Depth of the Lake : 20 m • Perimeter of the Lake : 5120 m • Existing Sources of water to the Lake: Through a natural nalla from the Northern side and ground water infiltration. • Av. annual rainfall in the lake catchment area : 592.85 mm Present Status

Over all water quality of this lake has improved considerably as evident from the parameters analyzed. Dissolved oxygen concentration increases in 2018 as compared to 2016. Similarly BOD, COD values decreases considerably. Total nitrogen and total phosphorus concentration also decreases. This is due to installation of fountain & diffusers in the lake at the same time during the implementation of floating treatment Wetland & Phytoremediation techniques. The idol immersion ghat has been shifted. These activities are mainly responsible for the water quality improvement at this Lake. Table 1. Results of Analysis water in Neknampur Lake in year 2018 Sr. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Parameter pH(μmhos/cm) Dissolved Oxygen(mg/L) Nitrates(mg/L) Phosphates(mg/L) BOD (mg/L) COD(mg/L)

Inlet 7.53 nil 32 7.16 76 253

Outlet 7.18 8.3 15 2.6 3.8 56

Hardly, any fish death was recorded at lake after our restoration process and finally lake becomes house of 132 species of plants & Fauna diversity of this lake consists of 178 species of birds like Eurasian Wryneck, 12 species of Mammals especially mongoose & civet cat, 21 species of reptiles (especially Pythons, Monitor Lizards & Terrapins), varied species of insects and approx 20,000 fish population consisting of Rohu, catla, Mrigal & Grass carp. 11


Solid Waste Management

Gathering Historical Information of lake

The Neknampur village town being visited by a considerable floating population, results in to generation of huge quantity of solid waste. As the village doesn’t have adequate storage & collection as well as efficient transportation and subsequent disposal arrangements, at most of the places heaps and piles of the accumulated solid wastes are observed. This solid waste, haphazardly dumped in the lake catchment and premises, ultimately contributes in the lake pollution either through direct littering or by its leachate finding way in to the ground water and lake water.

Ibrahim Quli Qutub Shah was the fourth ruler of the kingdom of Golconda in southern India. He was the first of the Qutb Shahi dynasty to use the title “Sultan”. He ruled from 1550 to 1580.During his reign only; we see the emergence of Hussain Sagar Lake & Ibrahimpatanam lake. He named this lake as Ibrahim bagh Cheruvu whose purpose is to water Ibrahim Bagh, the Royal Garden.Building gardens is an ancient art of Qutub Shahi which includes its very own traditions as a material and spiritual representation. Home to trees of sustenance, flowers of fancy, earth of peace and waters of love, the Persian garden was a complete and harmonious world on its own.This lake bund was raised to 80 meters in height by Ibrahim Quli Qutub Shah to convert lake into tank which leads to constant flow of water from higher level to lower level and provide an ease to water beautiful Garden. This lake was not only used to water Ibrahim Bagh Royal Garden,but also quench the thirst of travelers at Taramati bardari, religious people at Premamati Mosque and Qutub shahi Tombs. Ecological problems faced by lake Inflow of untreated sewage , Reduction of catchment ,Indiscriminate dumping of solid , Storm water drains choked , Non optimal utilization of lake resources like resources for medicinal plants, aquaculture etc, Non utilization of lake as a source of human and live stock biomass requirements , Shrinking of feeder canal ,Siltation in the lake , Algal blooms ,No proper wildlife and biomass management ,Abandonment of recreational activities , Absence of lake water quality monitoring ,Open defecation& mosquito breeding due to presence of aquatic weed.

Sewerage System in the Village Since a major area of the Neknampur village doesn’t have any sewerage system, most of the untreated domestic wastewater finds its way in to the lake either through direct entry or through seepage from surrounding subsoil strata. Revival of Neknampur Lake Water Body and Ecosystem of the Lake It has been observed from scientific investigations of the Neknampur Lake that the water body has sludges and is highly eutrophied showing high algal growth. This is mainly because of the unabated entry of sewage and other wastes over a long period of time into the Lake. The revival of lake could be divided into two different assignments namelya.

Revival of Lake Peripherals and Lake Body


Revival of the Lake Eco System

Revival of Lake Peripherals and Lake Body Recovery from eutrophication in which essential nutrients are reduced to low concentrations can be a slow process if lake water renewal times are long and nutrient releases from the sediments to the epilimnion are large. Storm water treatment pond: To stop direct input of sludge ,metals & to inactivate phosphorous, a pond is created at inlet in which phosphorous is precipitated by clay and carbonate particles present in water,using gravels sludge is stopped and wetland & aquatic plants absorb good amount of nutrients & heavy metals.


SINGIDI - 2018 Phytoremediation (Using green plants to clean up contaminated soil, ground water and wastewater) an emerging cleanup technology for contaminated soils, groundwater, and wastewater that is both low-tech and low-cost, is defined as the engineered use of green plants (including grasses, herbs, and woody species) to remove, contain, or render harmless such environmental contaminants as heavy metals, trace elements, organic compounds, and radioactive compounds in soil or water. Major advantages reported for phytoremediation as compared to traditional remediation technologies include the possibility of generating less secondary wastes, minimal associated environmental disturbance, and the ability to leave soils in place and in a usable condition following treatment. To execute these phytoremediation techniques, cleaning of lake, pitting, removal of garbage has been executed and around 5000 saplings of various trees like Kanuga, Neem, Gulmohar, Sampangi, Silver Oak Tree, cheeku ,Ravi, Cassia, Kelly, Papaya, Amla, Alstonia ,bougainvillea, Kanner, milli ,hibiscus etc are planted at periphery of lake. Aquatic weed composting Composting effectively reduces the viability of the weeds and allows for the safe re-use of the nutrients and organic matter contained in the weed material. Aquatic weed is removed regularly from lake which is converted into nutritious fertilizer used by farms or nurseries. Revival of the Lake Eco System Aeration of Lake Water Two methods have been employed to aerate water of lakes - artificial circulation and hypolimnetic aeration. Oxygenation can induce precipitation of phosphorous, iron and manganese and lower ammonium content and increase pH. Artificial water circulation by pumps, jets, bubbled air or other gases destratifies the water strata, which reduces the competitive advantages of cyanobacteria. Internal loading of phosphorous often declines from renewed aerobic conditions at the sediment-water interface if adequate iron is present. Otherwise iron has to be added.

De-Sludging of the Lake Shallow areas of eutrophic lakes can often be restored by removal of sediments. This technique simultaneously removes large quantities of nutrients stored in the sediments, increasing the mean depth of the basin and removing toxic substances. Introduced Aquatic Animals Aeration increases amount of dissolved oxygen in lake and hence Fish & Indian Terrapins are introduced in lake to increase ecosystem of lake. Floating Treatment Wetlands (FTW) These are an innovative solution engineered to enhance the natural process that occurs between water, plants, and microorganisms in order to remove contaminants from wastewater and storm water in a passive and natural way. Floating treatment wetlands (FTWs) are manmade ecosystems that mimic natural wetlands. FTWs are created using floating rafts that support plants grown hydroponically. The rafts float on a wet pond water surface and can be used to improve water quality by filtering and consuming nutrients from lake water. FTWs may represent a relatively low cost and sustainable engineered best management practice for reducing pollution in lake water. Potential Advantages of FTWs We Introduced 2500sqft floating Island with 3500 wetland plants floating on this platform. This island platform has been designed using buoyant material, bamboo, gunny bags, coir etc. Wetland plants which are planted in this wetland are: vertivers, Canna, cattails, bulrush, citronella, etc RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The present study is based on the comparison of certain parameter like pH, DO, BOD, COD, Nitrates and Phosphates which are important to assess the water quality of any water body. An


SINGIDI - 2018 attempt was made in the study to assess the water quality changes during period of2016 & 2018. The results obtained are shown in Table 2.

& lake, livelihood for fisherman, livelihood for flower shops and knowledge hub for school & College students.

Table 2. Results of Analysis water in Neknampur Lake No. Parameter

2016 - NOV 2017-June 2018-Jan




2. 3.



Dissolved Oxygen(mg/L) 2.5













BOD (mg/L)









Conclusion The present study clearly reveals that water quality has improved considerably during the period(i.e.2016-2018). This is due to the conservation and management activities performed under the Wetland restoration. The overall impact of all these activities can be very much seen from the water quality improvement of the lake. The main activities which are directly responsible for the water quality improvement are Floating treatment wetlands,catchment area treatment, installation of aerators & fountains, creation of buffer zone, solid waste management and removal of weeds, biological control to weed through aquaculture and public participation and awareness. The present assessment study is also very much helpful for the assessing that without Sewage diversion also, sewage water can be treated and lake ecosystem can be restored using Phytoremediation techniques.

Brief of Dhruvansh Organization Dhruvansh organization is a registered trust from 2014 which is working to protect environment hence protecting future of our forthcoming generations. Following are the Present activities of my organization 1.

School to school awareness about Global warming and Save the Earth. Till now we have covered 80 schools.


College to college awareness about lake restoration measure using frugal Technologies .Till now, we have covered 5 colleges.


Garbage to Garden Solid waste management in communities.


Restoration of Neknampur Lake is under process with HMDA. My organization has adopted eight water bodies -Bhagirathamma cheruvu,Manikonda Cheruvu,Malkam Cheruvu,Mushki Cheruvu, Maisamma Kunta,Neknampur Lake & Ibrahim Cheruvu and Complete Nala from Malkam till Musi.


We are working with Telangana State Biodiversity Board in “Peoples Biodiversity Register” project of Villages.


We also associated with GHMC for Trees Translocation. We have done 102 trees translocation till now in Hyderabad.

Inference of Lake Restoration: Lake restoration of Neknampur Village has proved to be unique idea of restoring our waterbodies.This restoration is not only increasing Biodiversity at lake ,sewage water has been converted into optimum fresh water but also providing jobs to Villagers for taking care of plants 14

SINGIDI - 2018 7.

We also associated with Telangana Pollution control board in Pollution awareness campaigns.

Dhruvansh Mission is to create a low cost sustainable model to develop lakes at least till size

Future Projects:

80 acres and covert sewage water into fresh water


Treatment of Zawahar Nagar Dumpyard Leachate using constructed wetlands with Ramky & GHMC.

using Nature RE-energization Model plus making


Solar subsurface aerators

Dhruvansh vision is to develop this lake as a


Setting up of Wetland Nurseries in Telangana.

knowledge hub for school students, Research


Floating Island using Water Hyacinth platform.

project for college students (like solar subsurface


Establishing of Vertical Gardens & a vegetable farming using Hydroponics technology.

aerators, forth & Foam treatment, floating island of

My organization trying to inculcate “My Earth My Responsibility” among students. Awards: 1.

Telangana State Biodiversity Award 2017


India book Record for Biggest Floating Island of India

lakes self-reliance and job providers.

water hyacinth bed etc) and recreational place for Biodiversity. My organization is trying to inculcate “My Earth, My Responsibility” among students and ensuring importance of Biodiversity among people with various awareness programs.


SINGIDI - 2018

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SINGIDI - 2018

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School Desk Benches

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Youth Empowerment

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SINGIDI - 2018

nyÓT]ø±˝À s¬ +&√ n‹ ∫qï sêhyÓTqÆ &Ó˝≤y˚s˝Y À ñ+≥Tqï ã‘·Tø£eTà eT]j·TT <ädsü ê y˚&TÉ ø£\T : DATA Á|ü‹ @{≤ ìs¡«Væ≤+#˚ uÛ≤s¡rj·T ‘Ó\+>±D eT]j·TT ‘Ó\T>∑T Á|üyêdüT\≈£î eTq dü+düÿè‹ kÕ+Á|ü<ëj·÷˝Ò Á|ü<ëÛ q \ø£´å +>∑ 2015˝À @s¡Œ&çq dü+|òTü {Ï‘· y˚~øπ á &Ó˝≤y˚sY ÁbÕ+‘· ‘Ó\+>±D dü+|òTü + (&Ü{≤) Delaware Area Telangana Association (DATA) 2018 ˝À DATA, 501(C3) øÏ+<ä dü«#·Ã+¤ <ä dü+dü>ú ± USA Á|üuTÑÛ ‘·« ÄyÓ÷<ëìï bı+~+~. ªC…’C…’ C…’C…’ &Ü{≤ ` »q Vü≤è<äjT· |ü⁄ u≤≥μ nqï |ü\T≈£î\qT nDTeDTe⁄Hê Ä#·s¡D˝À ô|{Ϻ dü÷ô|{≤º\qï<˚ &Ü{≤ Á|ü<Ûëq dæ<ëΔ+‘·+. ≈£î\`eT‘·`es¡`Z ÁbÕ+‘· sê»ø°j÷· \ ø£r‘·+>∑, #˚ùd Á|ü‹ |üì˝À bÕs¡<äs¡Ùø£‘·qT, ìC≤sTT‹‘√, Á|ü»\ eT+∫ ø√dü+ ìkÕ«s¡ú+‘√ ‘·|+æ #˚ Á|ü‹ _&É≈¶ î£ DATA >∑T+&Ó >∑÷{Ï˝À m|ü&ÉT #√≥T ñ +≥T+~. n<˚ DATA n_ÛeT‘·+ ≈£L&Ü. e´øÏÔ>∑‘·+>± mìï _Ûqï‘ê«\THêï! &Ü{≤ #˚ùd ø±s¡´Áø£e÷\˝À ìkÕ«s¡úyÓTÆq @ø£‘·« dü÷Œ¤]Ô‘√ q&ÉTyê\qï<˚ n+<ä]øÏ y˚<ä+. Ç<˚ dü÷Œ¤]Ô˝À q&ç#˚ m˝≤+{Ï kÕ+düÿè‹ø£ ø±s¡´Áø£e÷˝…q’ (n~ e´≈£î\Ô T >±ì, ª&Ü{≤μ ˝≤+{Ï dü+dü\ú T >±ì, e´≈£î\Ô düeT÷Vü≤+ >±ì), &Ü{≤ ‘·eTe+‘·T düVü≤ø±s¡+ m\¢|ü&ÉT n+~düTÔ+~ eT]j·TT nedüs¡yÓTÆq|ü&ÉT düV≤ü ø±s¡+ rdüT≈£î+≥T+~. DATA ø=ìï ø±s¡´Áø£e÷\qT nqT≈£îqï Á|üD≤[ø£ Á|üø±s¡+ ìs¡«Væ≤dü÷Ô kÕúìø£+>± ‘·q<Óq’ kÕúHêìï dü+bÕ~+#·T≈£î+~. yê{Ï˝À eTTK´+>± : DATA Cultureal Night (&Ü{≤ kÕ+düÿè‹ø£ ø±s¡´Áø£eT+) : Ç~ s¬ +&˚+&É≈¢ î£ ˇø£ÿkÕ] >=|üŒ>± »s¡T|ü⁄≈£îH˚ ô|<ä› |ü+&ÉT>∑ |æ\\¢ T, ô|<ä\› T eTq dü+düÿèr kÕ+Á|ü<ëj·÷\qT (ø£fi\¯ T, ø£fi≤s¡÷bÕ\T. |ü+&ÉT>∑\T, |ü+≥\T, uÛ≤wü, j·÷dü, Ä≥ bÕ≥\T) Á|ü‹_+_+#˚ $<Û+ä >± ø±s¡´Áø£e÷\T ô|{Ï,º kÕúìø£+>± ñqï |æ\\¢ T, ô|<ä\› ‘√fÒ #˚dTü ≈£îH˚ |ü+&ÉT>∑ Ç~. Ç~ dü«#·Ã+¤ <ä+>± <ë‘·\T Ç∫Ãq, DATA ≈£î≥T+u≤\T düV≤ü ø±s¡+‘√ #˚ùd ø±s¡´Áø£eT+. 2016˝À ‘=*kÕ] ìs¡«Væ≤+∫q ø±s¡´Áø£e÷ìøÏ <ë<ë|ü⁄ 400 es¡≈î£ bÕ˝§ZHêïs¡T.

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SINGIDI - 2018

Anand Balannagari & Family

Seetharam Alladi & Family

Babu Rao & Family

Shankar Reddy Ravula & Family

Bala Krishna Bantu & Family

Shashi Reddy & Family

Giridhar Masireddy & Family

Srinivas Amerisetti & Family

Kiran Kundarapu & Family

Srinivas Karra & Family

Lakshmi Narsimha Reddy Donthireddy & Family

Srinivas Kotthuru & Family

Madhu Papasani & Family

Subhash Seelam & Family

Malla Reddy Valugubelly & Family

Sudheer Pannala & Family

Niranjan Yanamandra & Family

Suresh Bellam & Family

Partha Sarathi Pendota & Family

Suresh Bondugula & Family

Praneeth & Family

Uday Kiran Jonnala & Family

Raja Anugu & Family

Vasu Arjula & Family

Raja Voggu & Family

Vasu Donur & Family

Rajender Dondapati & Family

Venkat Thumula & Family

Rajesh Gajavelli & Family

Venu Enugula & Family

Ram Mohan Reddy Viddam & Family

Venu Sangani & Family

Ramana Reddy Kotha & Family

Venugopal Vallabhu & Family

Ravi Earla & Family

Vijay Thangada & Family

Ravi Musuku & Family

Vikram Reddy & Family

Rohini Mamidi & Family

Vinod Thangada & Family

Sathyanarayana Yasa & Family

Yaadi Paatkula & Family

Srinivas Srikoti & Family


SINGIDI - 2018


SINGIDI - 2018

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SINGIDI - 2018


SINGIDI - 2018

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SINGIDI - 2018


SINGIDI - 2018

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ªª&ÉjT· ˝Ÿ j·TTesY $˝ÒC¢ Ÿμμ facebook *+ø˘, Dial Your Village Team. An NRI Study Group (A Registered 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Entity)


SINGIDI - 2018

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SINGIDI - 2018

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SINGIDI - 2018


SINGIDI - 2018

Healthy Choices = Healthy Life Style - Shriya Srikoti

Imagine it. You are in your doctor’s office and they tell you that you are obese or you have diabetes. What’s your first reaction? That you eat healthy? Well you might want to take a look at what you are eating and go over it with your doctor. Healthy foods should be encouraged to people of all ages. All people should have a balanced diet. Not having a healthy diet might lead to obesity or diabetes, which both are a big issue in today’s world. These two things can lead to major health problems. In fact, obesity can lead to heart disease. Also, diabetes can lead to microvascular or macrovascular disease, if you don’t treat it well. In addition, not having a healthy diet can lead to high blood pressure and an increase in calorie intake. Nevertheless, it is very important to have a healthy, balanced diet to live a hearty, and healthy life. One of the most important reasons that healthy food should be encouraged to people of all ages is that obesity is a big problem in today’s world. If you don’t have healthy eating habits then this might be a problem for you. According to, it states ”In our modern world with increasingly cheap, high calorie food (example, fast food - or junk food), prepared foods that are high in things like salt, sugars or fat, combined with our increasingly sedentary lifestyles, increasing urbanization and changing modes of transportation, it is no wonder that obesity has rapidly increased in the last few decades, around the world.” This supports my thinking because many people in today’s world eat foods that contain an abundance of calories, such as fast food or junk food. Most of these people know that it’s unhealthy. So why are they still eating it? The answer to this is obvious. It’s because people are addicted to unhealthy food. As the website mentioned before, most of the unhealthy foods that people adore have high calories, salt, sugars, fat, and many other things. Now, a little bit of each of these things are good for you. But too much? Uh-oh. Now

you’re in trouble. “ ‘Today’s American children may be the first generation in modern history to live shorter lives than their parents did,’ says Kelly D. Brownell, Ph.D., a Yale University obesity expert, in his book, Food Fight: The Inside Story of the Food Industry, America’s Obesity Crisis, & What We Can Do About It. With such dire warnings, it’s natural for parents to worry: Could this epidemic affect my child?” After reading this what are you thinking? It’s just really disappointing that kids might live shorter than their parents. This calls for action. Many people aren’t taking this warning seriously. Sure it’s on the news, but that’s not enough. Many health-conscious people even attend seminars about healthy eating. Only some people do this. We need all of the people to do this. Our population is slowly decreasing. This is unacceptable. People should really take this seriously. Everyday, the statistics are getting worse. Another reason for why healthy foods should be encouraged to people of all ages, is because diabetes is very common. In fact, according to, “Diabetes was the seventh leading cause of death in the United States in 2015 based on the 79,535 death certificates in which diabetes was listed as the underlying cause of death. In 2015, diabetes was mentioned as a cause of death in a total of 252,806 certificates.” These statistics show that people are really suffering from death due to diabetes. These people’s families will be in loss and these people will try to pay more attention to health problems. But, we don’t need people to die in order for someone to pay attention to their health. All the people in our world today should care about their health. As mentioned before, people know that foods that they are eating are unhealthy, but they can’t stop eating those junk foods. Why? Once again, they’re addicting! Also, from , it mentions “Diabetes may be underreported as a cause of death. Studies have found that only about 35% to 40% of 49

SINGIDI - 2018 people with diabetes who died had diabetes listed anywhere on the death certificate and about 10% to 15% had it listed as the underlying cause of death.” An abundance of people pay attention and contribute to helping people and saving lives. But, in return, what do people do? They don’t even pay attention! Nowadays, being healthy is like standing in the middle of a highway. That’s how uncommon it is to have a healthy diet. The modern American diet contains, an excess in salt, fat, calories, carbohydrates, and more. Sure a little bit of each of these things are good, but too much is not. Further more, people should pay more attention to what they eating. Lastly, one of the most significant reasons for why healthy foods should be encouraged to people of all ages, is because it will ensure a healthy lifestyle and many people will have a balanced diet. So, nowadays many people’s diets contain high calories, sodium, fat, and so on. What’s a balanced diet, you ask? According to , “A balanced diet is one that gives your body the nutrients it needs to function correctly. To get the proper nutrition from your diet, you should consume the majority of your daily calories in: fresh fruits , fresh vegetables , whole grains , legumes , nuts , lean proteins.” So, in order to have a balanced diet, you will have to eat and be healthy. To do that, you will have to eat the foods said above, and you will have to limit your junk food. If you don’t eat too much junk food, then you should be just fine. If you eat a boatload of junk food, then this might be a problem for you. To make a drastic change to your eating habits is hard, but it’s possible. In addition, too much calories are never good for you. A little quantity is fine, so just watch what you’re eating at all times. BE CAUTIOUS! “ High calorie intake will cause stress on your body. High caloric foods are high in fats and sugars and extraordinary intake of these types of foods increase your risk factors for type 2 diabetes , heart disease and cancers. If you eat a large amount of food you will stress your digestive process which can decrease your length of life as well as your quality of living. Keep your calorie intake equal to your calorie output.”, says . This proves that if you digest too many calories, it will be tasty, but the aftereffect won’t be good. As says, a high calorie intake can lead to several types of 50

diseases, including various cancers. Many people think that cancers are no’t caused by eating junkbased foods. But, that’s not true. So, be careful. You don’t want to end up having one of these diseases. According to , it states, “Eating a diet high in calories is yummy, but it can be detrimental if you are not highly active. Some high calorie diets are prescribed for active athletes or people who need to gain weight. However if you have an average metabolism and activity level, high calorie diets will have a disastrous effect – even if you are eating nutritious foods...eating more calories than your body burns causes the body to either excrete the energy or store it in fat cells for the future. When you have adequate supplies of insulin your body chooses to store excess calories in fat cells. The result is weight gain and higher body fat percentages .” This means that many people only eat all of these high calorie foods because it tastes good. So, if we just reduce the amount of calories we eat, it might not taste as good, but it will still have a benefit on many people’s health. We don’t need anymore people in this world to be suffering. It’s time to take a stand and save lives. The opposing side of this argument may say that this is against the freedom of choice. This is because people think that they should have freedom when it comes to choosing which type of food you want to eat—either healthy food or junk food. According to www.banninjunk , “We call it junk food because most of the foods we are discussing is essentially unhealthy. However, as many people have stated it is the mentality of a child to explore things. ‘Freedom of choices should be extended to students’ school dining options. Providing plentiful choices—including the option to select foods that are less healthy—can keep schools from feeling institutional and can help enhance students’ feelings of personal responsibility and satisfaction’, said Margaret Johnson who is a English teacher at West Las Vegas High School.” This is completely unrealistic. Most of the people these days will always pick junk food over healthy food. Why is that, you may ask? The answer is obvious. Junk food contains more sodium, calories, cholesterol, fat, and so much more. These things that an abundance of foods contain, make that food delicious and more lovable. Take french fries, for example—it contains plenty of sodium. How are you

SINGIDI - 2018 supposed to know that? Well, if you just touch it, after you let go of it, there will be salt on your fingertips. Have you ever noticed that? What about how oily it is? French fries are deep fried. These types of foods will negatively affect your health. French fries are only one of the many junk foods that exists in today’s world. According to, it states, “Many children in America eat large amounts of junk food, and this can cause health problems. In fact, junk food is even sold in the vending machines of many schools.” This proves that no matter what, if you eat junk food frequently, it can and will cause health problems. It’s time for a change! To conclude, healthy foods should be encouraged to people of all ages. Whether it’s a baby, toddler, child, kid, teenager, adult, or senior, it is exceedingly important to eat healthy foods instead of junk food. No matter what, there will be a result in eating bad foods—health problems. Take it as a lesson from the unfortunate people, who suffer with these health problems just because they had a bad eating habit. Don’t develop or be those people. This world doesn’t need more people to suffer. We have had enough of this. It’s time for a change! We need it to stop now. Otherwise, it’s going to keep continuing on and on, and it will never stop. One by one, people are dying because of this pandemic. Take care of yourself! Be healthy! Be a good influence on others! Try to get people to join you on this. Be a leader, not a follower. Be the person who stands out of the crowd, and promotes good eating habits. As Joel Fuhrman said, “We have these weapons of mass destruction on every street corner, and they’re called donuts, cheeseburgers, french fries, potato chips, junk food. Our kids are living on a junk food diet. This needs to be changed.” 51

SINGIDI - 2018

In its inaugural (2012) year, the food drive collected 1,700 pounds of food for local families in need. Last year, participants collected a whopping 56,400 pounds. This year, the goal is raise 100,000 pounds. Nukiranti, of Chester Springs, said he is confident the drive will surpass this year’s goal and credits a drastic increase in participating families and young people. What leaders says about Diwali Food Drive:

- Kiran Nukiranti,

“We have seen a tenfold increase in the number of participants each year,” he said. “Every year I get calls from more and more families that want to get involved.”

Chester Springs, PA

6th Diwali Food Drive collected and donated 56,400 LBS of food to local food banks, include, Chester County Food Bank, West Chester University Pantry, Kennett Area Community Service, Lords Pantry, Phoenixville Area Community Services Diwali Food Drive tradition started by Kiran Nukiranti, a Chester Springs resident, back in 2012 with likeminded friends. Nukiranti believes, Diwali celebration is an opportunity not only to give back to the community, but also to teach our young people about the value and importance of community service and to educate others about our culture.” The food drive has grown in recent years to include hundreds of families and 15 additional area communities.


Senator Bob Casey said, “I commend everyone for their tireless and selfless efforts to collect and donate an incredible amount of food during Diwali, the Hindu festival of lights. Too many Pennsylvanians struggle with hunger, but your work will help ensure than many Chester County residents have access to healthy and nutritious food.” State Senator Andy Dinniman said “I am routinely amazed by the amount of supporters who have gotten involved in the highly successful community partnership.” For more information about the food drive, interested readers may visit http:// or http:// or email

SINGIDI - 2018

Technology and Generation - Sadasmi Mamidi 12 Grade, Henderson High School th

Generation Z has lived its entire existence in a technologically advanced society where mountains of information are at the fingertips of its population.Due to the instantaneousness and advancement of current technology, this generation is becoming more and more interconnected within it.Our tech-dominated world is continuously improving, offering easier and faster access to everything in our society; however, this access – that is available simply through one’s phone – is creating a bigger dependence on technology than anything else is. Technology is causing teens to give more attention and importance to social media and entertainment rather than face-to-face interaction and education. This is corrupting how Generation Z thinks in the real world. To Generation Z, social media, texting, status updates, and follower count is the only thing of importance in today’s society. Technology is keeping them from interacting with each other and meeting new people in person rather than through their profile. Nielsen Research found that the average American teenager sends or receives 3,339 texts a month.That is about 6 texts per hour for every hour they are awake.Unfortunately, Generation Z thinks it is acceptable to use phones in public social situations, and will connect socially through them; they believe there is no harm in interacting through technology although itincreasingly diminishes their social skills. Social media has replaced almost all types of other interaction. Today, a teen goes to a party and meets a new friend, and then they go home and immediately look up their profile on Instagram. Our social media profiles express more about us than our own selves do. Due to over-reliance on social media, Generation Z is losing social interaction; they are too involved with their phones and technology that soon, going outside to hang out with friends won’t even be a conversational topic.

Going outside and playing with friends all the time is something unfamiliar to Generation Z. Now, if we have free time, we go on our phones, check social media, text friends, watch Netflix, or doanything else that does not involve exploring the world outside of phone screens.Our devices provide information, entertainment, and advice; they are like one big window to the world.With technology, young people are able to communicate with their friends, get the latest news, listen to their idols’ music, watch their favorite dramas and shows, and arrange their social calendar all through their phones and laptops.Teens have all these devices like smartphones, touchscreens, iPhones, iPads, ‘iEverything.’ It would be hard for them to spend their energy on things like volunteering if you have all these distractions. Sure, some of Generation Z still play outside with their friends on a nice summer day, but they are also very used to accessing the internet and now mobile apps to satisfy their desire to play. Now, no one calls each other up and says, “Hey, want to hang outside today?”It’s more like, “Hey, want to come over and play video games?”What Generation Z doesn’t know is that sitting around texting or playing video games can lead to negative effects for teens who would rather stay inside and use their electronics than play outside.Unlike previous generations where much of the engagement with the world was one passive observance, these days teenagers take for granted the ability to interact and shape the world while they are observing it. Surprisingly, the web is also the location for where today’s teens learn. Technology has now become an even bigger dependence, that even schools have implemented the use of devices into Generation Z’s education. Now, with constant access to the internet, teens know a lot, but lack the wisdom that maturity brings to put that information into 53

SINGIDI - 2018 context.This is the generation of headline readers. No one in our society today stops to process information anymore to determine its significance or importance.When faced with a question, teens’ automatic response is to “Google” it.Learning is not just about gaining information, it’s about arranging, remaking, reinterpreting, and making sense of it. However, technology has changed what learning means for Generation Z. According to Vivek Pandit’s work, the over-reliance on portable technology devices is becoming a major distraction for students and teachers. There is an undeniable lack of situational awareness, with students disconnected from their surroundings.Findings indicate that today’s teens are more connected to remote parts of the world, but not necessarily better informed.Generation Z is also often portrayed as less engaged in politics; they don’t care about the weighty issues that confront their generation and are more interested in technology than staying active in their communities and


schools.With this type of ideology, Generation Z will suffer to interact and thrive in a society that expects them to be more of what they are now. Technology is the black hole of endless, unimportant streams of information that is devouring everyone in Generation Z.Today, teens are so distracted by the wonders technology brings to them, that they are becoming increasingly blind to the definite damage their devices construct for them and their future. With our tech-depended society, fundamental skills have become threatened and communicating face-to-face and interacting outside of social media is being viewed as a more burdensome activity. For Gen Z, our technologically advanced world is fun, entertaining, and useful. It provides information, entertainment, and advice – which offers teens to engage with technology across all parts of their everyday life. The future of our society is leading a sedentary lifestyle and some worry that Generation Z is too lazy and unprepared for the real world.

SINGIDI - 2018

My Trip to Disney - Eshani Nallu 1 Grade , East Ward Elementary School st

It was a Early morning on November 26th 2017 and it was on Sunday. I was super exicited to go Florida. I went to the Aiport to catch our flight with my Mom and Dad. We went to the hotel and stayed there for 7 days. The first day i went to Magic Kingdom and my first ride was Splash mountain. It was scary in the begining then it was so much fun. I met mickey and he was super cool. I watched the fire works at night. Next day I went to Animal kingdom. Liked the Kali river rafting and I did it for three times and it was so cool. Avatar ride was the scary ride of all. I went to animal saffari ride and saw tigers and elephants. Epcot was the last place we visited. I saw different country people and dance. I met Anna & Elsa I love Disney and will be going again this year. Friends please visit Disney with your family and enjoy.


SINGIDI - 2018

Endangered Animals - Rishitha Musuku 3rd Grade, Pickering Valley Elementary School

D o you know what endangered means? It means an animal or plant is at risk of becoming extinct. The climate you like is turning warmer or colder, the food you like is gone, your waters were polluted and your wild life is ruined. If you are endangered your friends and families would be at risk too. Your property would lessen and you would not be protected.No one is like to be endangered neither do animals. Today I would like to talk about an endangered species, the orangutan. It is critically endangered they are lessening because they are being hunted and they are being illegally traded.They are important because they are the gardeners of the forest which means after they eat food, they plant seeds around the forest so they make more food for everyone in that habitat. I talked about orangutans because they are very important. They make food chain bigger when they eat food. If they become extinct they could break the food chain. All kinds of animals that live with the orangutan use that food chain for their survival. We can save them by not destroying their forests and by not littering. Do not have orangutans as pets because they die in this process of being forced. Our contribution is that we do not litter and we do not let our water be polluted. If you save the orangutans, you can make the food chain bigger. After the orangutans are not endangered anymore, you could start helping other animalssuch as giant pandas, snow leopards or sea turtles. Start helping endangered animals save a hundred lives and make earth even more beautiful.


SINGIDI - 2018

The love and care of my family - Nakshathra Pathkula 3 Grade, Thurgood Marshall Elementary, Newark, DE rd

Hi, my name is Nakshathra Pathkula.

I have question for you; whenever you talk to your grandparents, aunt and uncles, how do you feel? I feel really happy. My grandparents and uncles and aunts always care about me and love me. One day when I was going to India for vacation, I was really excited. After the flight trip, my uncle brought me to his house, later, I went my mom’s mom house. I saw my great grandma and my grandma. They were really nice. They did so much for me they made sweets and my favorite dishes. They also kept my toys from when I was a baby. My grandma showed me where the shop was. Whenever she needed something she would give me some money and tell me to get it all by myself. Even my dad’s mom cares about me. Every time, I call her on the phone, she would ask me “BAAGUNNAVA AMMA?” THINNAVA AMMA?” and “THAMMUDU ELA VUNNADU AMMA? and those are the first things she would ask me. When I went to her house, I saw a picture of me near her TV. I also love my 2 aunts.They are funny and whenever they talk to me they talk to me really happy. One time my aunt was sick and we were bringing her to her house from the hospital, I felt tiered and I wanted to sleep, but I had no space. Even though my aunt was sick she said I could sleep on her lap. On the way back to America, I notice that I had a family who loved and cared about me. So, you might have of thought no one cares about you or no one loves you, but if you observe and look closely you can see that everyone loves you. Even if you can not see the love they love you with all of their heart.


SINGIDI - 2018

Telangana Bonalu - Sriadithi Mamilla 3 Grade, Thurgood Marshall Elementary rd

Bonalu is an annual festival celebrated in Telangana state. Goddesss Mahankali is worshiped on this special day. This sacred festival is celebrated in Ashada masam, in the month of July/August. I have been to India for summer holidays and have had the opportunity to be a part of this festival two times. When I saw my first Bonalu, I was 4 years old. On that day, I wore a yellow pattu langa. My grandmother made two Bonalu, one big and one small. My grandmother decorated a pot with goddess Mahankali’s face on it. The Goddess face was made of turmeric, vermilion and colorful glitters. The pot was filled with annam, koyigura, pachi pulusu, and perugu. Neem leaves were also kept on the pot. On the top of the pot there was a deepam. A rolled cloth was placed on my head, and the Bonam was placed on top of the cloth. Before we started to Temple my mom poured water on my feet and my grandmother’s feet as we were carrying the Bonam. Then we walked to Goddess Pochamma temple with Bonam on our heads. The Bonam was little heavy for me, so my Uncle helped me carry it. After reaching the temple, we offered the Bonam to goddess. We then worshiped Goddess Mahankali, took prasadam, and came home. I felt really proud of myself for participating for the first time. On the second time , I was 8 years old. This time, my Bonam was bigger since I was bigger. On that night, I saw “ Ghatam “, it is a chariot decorated for Goddess Mahankali. It was very very beautiful. I also saw “Potharajulu” with a rope in their hands, dancing infront of the Ghatam. This time, I’m going to do Bonalu for the third time. I’m very happy and excited that I will be able to do Bonalu this time as well. I can’t wait to hear all the songs that play in the temple. My favorite two songs are “Mayadhari Maisammo Maisamma”, and “Nuvvu pedha puli nekki naavammo gandipeta gandi maisamm”. I love Bonalu! - Jai Mahankali -


SINGIDI - 2018

I am a Daughter - Lahari Amirisetti 5 Grade, East Ward Elementary School Downingtown, PA th

I am a kid that loves my mom. I wonder what my mom looked like when she was young. I hear my mom saying bye to me when I leave for school. I see my beautiful mom. I want my mom to be with me forever. I am a daughter I pretend to be a mom. I feel safe when I’m with my mom. I touch my mom’s hand when I curl my fingers around her. I worry when my mom’s sad. I cry when I miss my mom. I am daughter I understand that my mom cares about me. I say “I love you” to my mom every night. I dream of my mom and I. I hope she’s healthy. I am a daughter


SINGIDI - 2018

Elephant Poaching - Nandini Muddasani 6 Grade, Upper Merion Middle School th

The elephant population is decreasing due to poaching. Poachers kill elephants to sell their tusks illegally. Just in three years poachers have killed 100,000 African elephants for their 250 pound tusks. One pound of ivory can be sold for $1,500. Poachers resort to killing elephants because it is a fast way to make money. Many poachers are very poor and money they make poaching is higher than their average job salary. 50,000 elephants that roamed Cameroon’s Bouba Ndjida National Park were ambushed and now there is barely two percent left. An orphaned calf saw his own herd die and he was the only one left found standing next to his dead mother. Soon after a rescuer found him, Gary Roberts, he lured him into airplane and rescued him. Sadly the calf died ten days after due to stress. We should stop poaching now because soon elephants will be extinct.


SINGIDI - 2018

Education in Rural India - Meera Mayreddy, 7 Grade, Lionville Middle School th

“If we want to reach real peace in the world, we should start by educating our children�- Mahatma Gandhi.

Last year, I visited India where I witnessed dozens of children without proper schooling facilities. These children are struggling to get the education that they deserve while expected to take care of household chores. When I went to my dad’s village in India, I saw a girl without legs sitting under the burning hot sun. Although she had disabilities, she amazed me with her beautiful singing voice. These students truly have the potential to change the world, but they are not provided with the right materials to do so. Education is not about studying or being smart, it is about learning, understanding, and having determination. These children have put forth great effort to accomplish their goals, but are not given opportunities to complete them. In US, we should be thankful to be provided with such great opportunities to showcase our talent. In US, children are complaining about receiving Ipads instead of computers for schooling, while these children are struggling just to buy a simple notebook. This worldwide problem will not resolve itself. Both children and parents should motivate these children to understand their full potential through providing better education, inspiring speeches by important people, and better teaching facilities. These children should be given the same opportunities as us. As Mahatma Gandhi said, educating our children is the first step we need to take towards world peace.


SINGIDI - 2018

I Rescued a Cat - Tanvi Papagari Marsh Creek 6th Grade Center In India, I played with seven cats. The mother was Hazel; the first litter was Mari and Frozen; and the second litter was Ash, Alex, Alice, and Andy. One day all the cats except Mari, Ash and Frozen were missing. (Hazel was always off finding food and basically never home). Back then the kittens had still drunk milk from Hazel. My friends Keerthi, Nayanika, Moksha, and I were so scared. We decided to search for them but couldn’t find them anywhere. Then we remembered Last Lane, the dangerous place where all the cow manure was. We checked in a pasture there. Nope. We checked near the farm. Nothing. We were about to give up when I heard something. It sounded like a meow and I stopped to listen. I knew that I needed help to find the source it, so I quickly cycled after my friends and told them about what I heard. We went back and tried to listen. Unfortunately, there was a construction site. It made a lot of noise and it was impossible to hear anything. After a few moments the construction noise stopped and we heard a faint meow. We looked near the brick pile but couldn’t find it. I wandered over to a huge tree and heard the meowing sound, but louder. I yelled for my friends and they came over, running. After making a gap in the tangle of tree branches, I saw a muscular kitten. Alex. I showed my friends the gap and they tried to get Alex out. I told Keerthi to climb under the branches, but the gap was too small. Moksha then screamed out in terror and said that Alex’s paw was bleeding. We started screaming and shouting and going into hysterics. I then calmed down to understand what I needed to do. There was a gap and if what Moksha said was true, Alex was bleeding. I decided to slowly get on my knees and ease Alex out. My plan worked and there was soon a meowing Alex cuddled against me. It turned out that she wasn’t bleeding and my group of friends got mad at Moksha. We calmed down when we realized that Alex was probably hungry. Mari was feeding Ash when last checked on her. Hazel was on a trip and she probably wouldn’t be back soon. Mari was the best option since she was motherly and provided food for the kittens when Hazel wasn’t there. I carried Alex halfway to her home, then handed Alex over to Keerthi. My house was right there and my family couldn’t see me with cats or they would get mad. When we brought Alex to Mari, Alex wouldn’t leave us alone and kept circling around our feet. We played with the cats for sometime and I felt so accomplished. I felt so happy, it felt like there was a balloon was inside of me. That night I thought to myself, “How would I feel if I didn’t bring even just one of the kittens back home?”


SINGIDI - 2018

- Nishi Enugula 7th Grade, Odyssey Charter School, Wilmington DE


SINGIDI - 2018

Ode to the Seasons - Ramya Mamidi 9 Grade, Henderson High School th

As a white blanket falls over the city The children stare in awe Endless hills to explore and Frozen lakes to skate. Like Animals, the people scurry into Warm burrows set to seventy degrees. In the afternoon darkness, the trees Stand bare and covered by firn. The flakes thin into tiny rivers Flowing into the roots. Lighted by the sun and rain The trees grow tiny buds. The bear awakens with its cubs. It sprightly shakes the stalk Making the petals of the Fresh bloomed flowers jump down. As the waves come and go, People stare in awe like birds at the Bright blue mass affront of them. Above the heavy, fiery glow


Does not seem to subside. It beats down of their backs, Warms the sand like Hades Ignites the underworld. Again something falls like rain; It is from the dormant trees. The leaves bright yellow, red And orange make piles of joy For the children still at home. The bear without its cubs Prepares shelter to seek for When the blanket drops again. Regardless of weather, You have the evergreens. Alive almost everywhere, Except chilly Antarctica. As the mornings brighten And darken through the year, Children grow older and Plants sprout new vegetation.

SINGIDI - 2018

A Brief History of Telangana - Shashank Kankati, 9 Grade, Downingtown East High School th

Even though the state of Telangana is relatively new state, it has centuries of culture building in the state. Before we get to the important date of June 2, 2014, there are many years to explain. The Telangana area has been occupied by the Mauryan Empire and also the Satavahana, Chalukya and Kakatiya Dynasties. All these different Dynasties further developed Hindu culture in the region. Then came the Delhi and Bahmani sultanate, Qutb Shahi and Asaf Jahi Dynasties, then lastly and the most popular Mughal Dynasty. This occupation of the Muslim empires also led to a flurry of Arabic culture introduced into the Telangana region. Then, after the imperialism of the British, Telangana and Andhra Pradesh conjoined into one state. Due to the difference in culture and traditions, many people from Telangana wanted a new state, and they started protests for it. After many different protest and lives lost, the state of Telangana was declared on June 2, 2014.


SINGIDI - 2018

Colorism - Sindhu Muddasani 11 Grade , Upper Merion High School th

From a young age people from all over India are told by their parents to stay inside, away from the sun’s glare so they don’t tan. What’s so wrong about being tan? Why isn’t dark skin beautiful? In India skin tones range from dark brown to white. The large diversity in skin color has led to a beauty standard, one where the lighter your skin the more beautiful you are. Children grow up watching advertisements from brands like Fair & Lovely, and are told by their favorite actors that dark skin is ugly. Young children are told they will never get to follow their dreams because they are dark, and are sometimes forced to use these creams, which are thought to lighten the skin. Colorism is a deep rooted issue in Indian society. The color of a bride or groom can dictate whether or not they get married. In Bollywood mostly all actors are light skinned. The fact that skin color can limit an opportunity for someone who is perfectly capable is pitiful. We have learned time and time again throughout different civilizations that color does not dictate ability, which makes lighter skin a pointless beauty standard. It’s time that children are taught that all colors are equal and they all deserve equal opportunities because darker skin is no different from lighter skin because beauty comes from within.


SINGIDI - 2018


PTA-Volunteers at MLK-Day

PTA-Donates Sports Material to School

PTA-Volunteers at Philadelphia-Ganesh Festival


PTA Volunteers at Be The Match 5K Run



PTA Donates $1200 to Cradles & Crayons





SINGIDI - 2018


My People - Pulse - Power

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