Riverton Country Club | Winter 2023 Edition

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R I P P L E S V O L U M E 1 • W I N T E R 2 0 2 3 I S S U E T H E O F F I C I A L N E W S L E T T E R O F R I V E R T O N C O U N T R Y C L U B
03 04 05 07 08 09 10 12 13 15 16 From The Desk of the president General Manager's Message Membership FAQ Welcome, New Members Hear From Hannah Putting the golf course to bed Club champions Chef's table Affairs to Remember Omar's Corner Riverton Wave T A B L E O F C O N T E N T S


Welcome to the first edition of Ripples for 2023!

As we usher in the new year, first, let us thank you for your unyielding support and for making Riverton such a special place to call home And second, let us raise our glasses to yet another exciting chapter we are embarking on, one that promises to be full of new beginnings, new adventures, new friends, and new memories

2022 brought us unforgettable memories and incredible new additions As I began editing this edition of Ripples and putting together our end-of-year recap video, I was overwhelmed with how many extraordinary moments occurred throughout the past year I once wrote, "Riverton is a place where you can transform your life from ordinary to extraordinary," and each passing year, this continues to prove to be true While the how is difficult to articulate in words, the defining moments are experienced here daily They are the excitement of the first drive on our (now fully restored) Donald Ross course and as simple as everyday conversations over drinks while taking in the views on our beautiful new patio They are delightfully warm welcomes, signified by sincere smiles from members and staff alike They are even sweet moments gathered around the table, savoring a meal in our dining room filled with friends, family, laughter, and joy all year long Extraordinary moments like these occur every day here at Riverton, and with the addition of exciting new events, a continued focus on enhancing the member experience, and the unveiling of our new pool complex and two-story golf center, it seems Riverton is once again proving itself to be extraordinary This year bodes to be one of our best, and with so much to look forward to, suffice to say, we are excited and eager to ring in the new year!

I speak for everyone when I say I hope you, too, are as excited as we are heading into this new chapter and look forward to making even more special Riverton memories

As always, happy reading, and cheers to a bright, healthy, and prosperous new year!

Casey-Lee Waldron



I hope this finds you all healthy and that each of you enjoyed a wonderful holiday season with family and friends It is hard to believe that yet another year has flown by, but what an exciting year it has been

As you can see when you visit the club, we are in the midst of the heavy construction phase for our new pool complex and golf center We will publish a full schedule shortly, but we are pleased to share the pool and golf center are tracking to open by Memorial Day weekend

The Board fully understands this is a financially challenging time, and we want to thank you once again for your unyielding support, club usage, and continuing to drive membership growth

While the Board continues to guide the club by utilizing our Journey to 2025 Strategic Plan, we are now beginning to look ahead at h ’ next Well-run organizations should have a look ahead for a few years and map to guide the current work; an al component of this will continue to rong view of our fiduciary nsibilities This will be the key focus Board over the next few months, and l have more to share at our annual ng in April

forward to seeing you all at the club, s always, please feel free to drop me a with any ideas or comments

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It is hard to believe, but another year is in the books Perhaps it is that I am getting older, and therefore a year becomes a smaller percentage of my life, but it sure feels like twelve months only last about eight months these days

As we look back and think of all that we accomplished in 2022, we should be so very excited and proud of where we are today and all that is to come in the future. This year, we completed the longawaited Ross Restoration of the golf course; the Ross Restoration was part of the Golf Course Master Plan put forth in 2004, so this project has been 18 years in the making I believe all can acknowledge the outcome of the restoration is simply spectacular, and have been enjoying playing on the beautifully restored course In addition, we completed a stunning new patio renovation, which members have enjoyed dining on this summer and Fall We are thrilled to take full advantage of the expanded space in the 2023 season Equally exciting, we got to the finish line with plans and funding for the remainder of Phase One of the Facility Master Plan. Substantial progress has been made on the two-story golf center and new resort-style pool complex, and we are excited for you and your guests njoy these new amenities in the coming year

While Riverton has always been a special community, it is truly becoming a home away from home for our ever-growing membership In speaking of membership, we are pleased to share we are on a waitlist for golf, and inquiries and new members are not slowing down. These are indeed exciting times, and there is no doubt the future is bright.

I want to take this opportunity to thank you, our incredible membership, for your continued support of our team here at Riverton The support shown to everyone who works here is truly inspiring and humbling The Holiday Fund once again was a testament to the fact that no matter what the current financial climate may be, Riverton members will always ensure our team is taken care of and recognized It goes a long way, and we are all beyond grateful,

In closing, I hope everyone enjoyed a wonderful holiday season. We had a blast celebrating with you at our Dinner Dance Masquerade, Brunch with Santa, and many other festive and fun events. We cannot wait to bring you some new and exciting things in 2023; we look forward to making memories with you from holidays to anniversaries, weddings to christenings, birthdays, and everything in between

Happy New Year, everyone, and my best wishes for a joyful, healthy, safe, and prosperous 2023

As always, we look forward to serving you soon!

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As the Membership Director, I am fortunate to have the opportunity to speak with members each day, often answering questions and sharing information. Throughout my tenure here, I have found that many of the same questions are on the minds of members, so along with Membership Chair Dan Giannetto, we compiled a list of frequently asked questions below I hope you find these helpful, and as always, my door is always open for you to stop by and chat!

Q: Is our Golf Membership capped?

A: We are currently at our cap of 360 Golf members and only accepting Golf In Waiting members. Our Restricted Intermediate category is full, and only 11 Restricted Young Professional memberships are available Currently, we have 2 GIW members and 13 Restricted members on our waitlist

Q: Have we grown our House Membership?

A: During the pandemic, our House Memberships had dropped to 146, but we have rebounded nicely and currently have 221 House Members With our beautiful new patio, exciting pool project, and other ongoing facility improvements, we expect considerable growth over the next 12 to 24 months Since there is little room to add new Golf members, growing our House membership will be a top priority.

Q: What are we doing to vet new members?

A: Once a prospective member has applied to join our RCC family, we conduct a thorough background check, and if there are no issues, we post them to solicit feedback from the membership. If no issues arise, the prospective is approved as a member, subject to final approval by the Board. Our goal is to ensure new members are vetted, well-integrated, and have a clear understanding of the club's expectations of members, both on and off the golf course

Q: Beyond new members, what are we doing to recognize our existing members?

A: Glad you asked! On November 9th, we held our first Lifetime of Memories celebration, honoring and thanking members who have been with us for 25 or more years It was a lovely evening and a small token of how grateful I, the Membership Committee, and the entire club are for their loyalty and support over the years We had a blast sharing memories, recalling stories from the past, and celebrating our Riverton family (enjoy some of the pictures below), and look forward to hosting similar events in the future.

Please join us all in welcoming and celebrating the newest members of our Riverton Family. We look forward to embracing them into our community and making them a part of our special home.

Member Names: Membership Category

Ralph & Carol Disibio (Mt. Laurel)

John Poole & Abby Concino (Philadelphia)

Keith Henderson & Paige Allgood (Audubon)

Mark & Jenea Peditto (Maple Shade)

Michael & Sharene Neri (Westampton)

Augustine Isgro Sarno (Merchantville)

Augustine J Isgro Sarno (Haddon Twp)

Michael Isgro Sarno (Haddon Twp)

Chris Michael & Kristen Jacobs (Collingswood)

Joseph Sankovich & Lauren Potter (Delran)

Thomas Jr & Tara Weber (Palmyra)

Chris & Sylvia Wower-Scafario (Moorestown)

Full Golf

Golf In Waiting | Full Golf

Golf In Waiting | Full Golf

Corporate Golf Corporate Golf Corporate Golf Corporate Golf Corporate Golf

Intermediate Restricted WL Young Professional III WL House/Social House/Social

As always, we thank you all for all your continued support!

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Event cancellations continue another topic of concern We require you to notify the club hours before the event to avoi event fee Often as we reach our targeted attendance goal for the event, we can add additional expenses to enhance the membership experience Additionally, should an event be sold out, last-minute cancelations do not allow us to fill those places

To that end, dining reservations are equally important. We have begun tracking our business in terms of reservations vs walk-ins and have seen a significant increase in dining satisfaction, reduced wait time, and overall experience on nights when the majority of diners have made reservations. Currently, 57% of our nightly business is walk-ins Which means we do over double the amount of business we plan for daily. Although we understand we are not like most restaurants, we kindly ask that you make a dinner reservation when coming to the club You can either call, email, or register on the app



code continues to be a common concern Riverton members. To not hinder your and w members' experience at the club, if seen tside the guidelines, you will receive a letter l notifying you of your violation Continued will be addressed with the disciplinary e Out of respect for your fellow RCC when dining at the club or bringing a guest,



Our busy season is officially behind us, but that doesn’t mean things slow down at RCC! We have some outstanding events planned this winter, and I look forward to seeing everyone there. I strongly encourage you to continue providing us with your feedback regarding events, dining, and anything else that will enhance your experience while visiting the club. Many of the events we host, our weekly specials, and even the liquor brands we carry come from ideas you have shared with us-after all, ‘when you ’ re here, you ’ re home.

During this off-season, we look forward to preparing for the busy spring and summer months As a reminder, during January and February, the clubhouse is open Thursday through Sunday We will reopen on Wednesdays in March and resume our Wine Down Wednesday, Buck-a-shuck, or $1 wing night The kids club will be open Thursday through Saturday from 5 to 9 PM, with staff ready to entertain our youngest RCC members

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PSA: We have several Wine Lockers available!

And there is no better time to get one! Wine Locker Memberships are $350, but if you buy right now, you can purchase a Wine Locker and receive the many exclusive benefits that come with it for just $175! Wine Locker memberships run from July 1st through June 30th. But by purchasing a Wine Locker now, you are automatically enrolled in the 2023-2024 locker membership. In addition, we are in the process of

Program Outline:

All wine purchased through the club will be at cost + 10% (often cheaper than a liquor store).

Wine Locker Members plus one guest receive a complimentary wine dinner as an appreciation for being a valued locker member

Locker Members receive regular emails with specials, trending wines, and/rare or limited quantity wines available Here you will be able to stock up on some great deals while supplies last.

Members have the opportunity to sign up for wine dinners before the rest of the membership

A custom wine locker nameplate will be assigned to the wine locker member

$10 corkage fee for wine locker members when dining at the club $25 corkage fee for non-locker/nonsociety members This corkage fee goes directly to the server as


Locker Members can stock their cellars with wine suggestions from our knowledgeable staff & expert vendors based on varietal preferences & price range Trusting us to work with our vendors to locate specific wines of your liking will allow you the opportunity to purchase wines you may not think about trying

are you putting your course to bed?"

I'm sure this phrase brings to mind an image of superintendents across the country spreading large quilts over their courses while they read a bedtime story, and in some respects, you're not far off

Although turf is not actively growing, there are several things we do to help stay healthy over winter and prepare for spring green-up Putting a course to bed varies from course to course and superintendent to superintendent At Riverton, our process is as follows: first, we turn off, drain, and blow out the irrigation system by hooking a large air compressor to the irrigation pipes and using air to push out the majority of the water Blowing out the irrigation system helps to lower the risk of pipes and sprinklers rupturing Next, our fairways, tees, and roughs receive one last fertilizer feeding before grass enters dormancy Fertilizer delivers nitrogen, potassium, phosphorous, and other nutrients that the plant needs to stay healthy throughout the winter Fertilizer also allows nutrients to be stored to feed the plant as it breaks its dormancy in the spring, aiding in faster and thicker growth Liquid fertilizers are applied to greens in late fall and early spring to achieve similar results Fungicides are also applied to the fairways, tees,

and greens to help prevent diseases that turf is susceptible to in the winter The final piece of this “bedtime” routine is covering; farther north, courses often use plastic covers on their greens, similar to what we use on our range tee Here at Riverton, we use multiple layers of sand Sand protects the crown, or growing point, of grass from the wind and helps to move water down the soil profile and retain heat There is no question that winter is a challenging time for turfgrass and superintendents Unfortunately, there is not one correct answer or procedure that is hundred percent effective, so we do our best to lessen the risks of winter damage wherever we can

While our course may be tucked in and put to rest for its long winter nap, our Agronomy Team remains energized and focused! Last winter, we kept busy with the exciting completion of the Ross Restoration, but we still have plenty to look forward to this winter, including creating a tree management program, pruning trees, installing drains, upgrading our irrigation system, and preparing for an incredible season of golf in 2023 Until then, we'll bundle up and see you soon!

If you happen to eavesdrop on a group of golf course superintendents talking, you'll likely hear various topics and questions discussed. This time of year, the most common question is:
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Let's hear it for our champs

RCC has a long-standing tradition of competitive golf, and each year members tee it up with the hopes of earning one of the top honors-- winning one major member event and placing their name in Riverton Country Club history! With that said, please join me in congratulating our 2022 Champions!

Men’s Club Championship - Chris Lawler

Ladies Club Championship – Louise Yi

Mixed Club Championship – Andrea & Matt Klaus

Senior Club Championship – Mickey O’Hara

Junior Club Championship – Sam Morris

Junior-Junior Club Championship – Jackson Lane

Men’s Member-Member – Austin McCormick & Vince Corbi

Ladies Member-Member – Amy Diemer & Linda Destefano

Men’s Board of Governors – Jeff Long

Ladies Secretary’s Cup – Amy Diemer & Rachel Cohen

Men’s Better Ball of Partners Match Play – Brady Marrone & Adam Watson

Men’s President’s Cup Match Play - Eric Sury

Regripping is a relatively simple and inexpensive process that can make a big difference in how your clubs feel and perform. New grips can improve your grip pressure and lead to more consistent shots and better control New grips can also make your clubs more comfortable to hold and swing, which helps to reduce hand fatigue and improve your overall enjoyment of the

starting to feel

Opening Day Tournament | April 15 Men's Member-Guest | June 9-10 Ladies Member-Guest | June 13 Men’s Club Championship | July 15-16, 22-23 Ladies Club Championship | July 22-23 Men's Member-Member | Sept. 9-10 Ladies Member-Member | Sept. 16-17 The 1900 Invitational | Oct. 6-7 As we turn the page into 2023, our calendars are already starting to fill up, and I wanted to pass along a few key dates to make sure you get them on your calendar now and don't miss out!
on the course
A frequently overlooked aspect of maintaining your golf clubs is how important it is to regrip regularly Over time grips can become worn, slippery, and uncomfortable
negatively affect
assist you! Give your clubs a new feel in 2023
game We recommend regripping your clubs at least once a year However, if you play frequently or notice your grips are
slippery or uncomfortable, we recommend regripping more often Stop into the Golf Shop to discuss regripping this off-season, and we will be happy to
Kevin duffy

Stay loose this off-season to lower your Spring scores

While many of us have put the clubs away for the winter and won't pick them back up until April, now is a great time to improve your flexibility and ensure your body is ready to start swinging the club when the weather warms up!

Here is a simple stretching routine that can be done at home or at the gym to improve flexibility and range of motion for golfers:

Wrist Stretches

Hold your arm straight out in front of you with your hand open & fingers pointed up Using your other hand, gently pull back your palm until you feel a good stretch (hold for 10-15 seconds) Next, rotate your arm, fingers pointed down, & use your other hand to gently pull on back your hand (hold for 10-15 seconds & repeat both arms)

Arm Circles

Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart & extend your arms to the sides Slowly make small circles with your arms, gradually increasing the size of the circles Do 10-15 reps of forward & backward circles

Torso Twists

Stand with feet shoulder-width apart, get into your golf posture and extend both arms to the side While maintaining straight arms, twist your upper body to the right so your left arm points to where the golf ball would be (hold for a few seconds) Then twist to the left so your right arm points to where the golf ball would be (repeat 10-15 times)

Shoulder Rolls

Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart & gently roll your shoulders forward & backward (10-15 times in each direction)

Chest, Shoulder, & Upper Back Stretches

Stand with feet shoulder-width apart & interlace your fingers behind your back. Lift arms up & back while stretching your chest & upper back (hold for 10-15 seconds, then release)

Hip Stretches

Begin by sitting on the edge of a chair Cross one leg over the other so that your ankle rests on your knee Lean forward and gently push down on your crossed knee, feeling the stretch in your hips and lower back (hold for 10-15 seconds, switch legs, and repeat with other leg).

Chef's Tip

Kitchen Knives:

You should invest in a good kitchen knife, “Good” does not mean expensive Every knife serves a purpose and every cook has his/her own likes My favorite knife is an offset serrated knife It’s the perfect knife for cutting vegetables, bread all around utility work in the kitchen This is my work horse and the least expensive knife in my set For more precise work, I use my Porsche 305 chefs knife It keeps a sharp edge and is ergonomically designed for long tedious jobs Regardless of what your preference is, remember to always keep your knives sharp You have a much higher chance of being injured by dull knife than a sharp one!

PSA: We are very excited for our Chef’s Dinner tasting coming this March! Stay tuned for more information to come on what will be both an amazing meal and intimate, exclusive culinary experience.


Chef JC's Spicy Korean Beef Stew

4 lbs beef stew meat, cubed

1 small bunch scallions, trimmed & roughly chopped

1 cup gochujang (Korean chili paste)

1½ cups soy sauce

¼ cup chopped fresh ginger

1 small yellow onion, roughly chopped

½ cup garlic cloves, peeled (about 2 heads)

½ cup granulated sugar

½ cup mirin

½ cup fresh orange juice

½ cup apple juice

½ pound shiitake mushrooms (reserve stems for other use) halved or quartered if large

1 cup taro, peeled & cut into large dice (about a 3-inch segment)

1 cup carrots, peeled & cut into large dice (about 2 carrots)

1 cup butternut squash, peeled and cubed (about half a squash)

Step 1 | In a blender or food processor, combine gochujang, scallions, soy sauce, ginger, onion, garlic, sugar, mirin, orange juice and apple juice, then pulse to purée Add a little water if you need to thin out the sauce so it combines

Step 2 | In a heavy bottomed Dutch oven pot with lid, on high flame, add ½ cup of canola oil and sauté your mushrooms Once cooked remove from pot

Step 3 | Season cubed beef with salt and pepper In a heavy bottomed Dutch oven with lid, sear beef cubes to a dark caramel color You might need to do this in batches

Step 4 | Place all seared beef cubes and mushrooms back in pot and add puréed sauce and 3 cups of beef broth Stir to combine Bring pot to a boil over high heat, then lower flame until stew is at a simmer Cover pot

Step 5 | Cook ribs over low for at least 2 hours. Add vegetables, cover and simmer, 30 minutes more or so, until meat is tender and vegetables are cooked through. Serve hot over rice and garnish with sesame seeds and sliced scallions


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Affairs to remember

alexis ryan

It has been another great year here at Riverton for catering and events In addition to the many exciting member events, we had the pleasure of hosting a number of beautiful showers, birthdays, engagements, weddings, proms, anniversaries, mitzvahs, and even business meetings! Our priority is to always create a warm environment and enjoyable experience for guests and members alike when hosting or attending an event at the club, and with the addition of Banquet Chef Chris Kuhn this summer, we have added an additional wow factor to the event experience In 2020, we released new wedding packages to grow our wedding business We are pleased to continue to book more and more weddings as each year passes, with a total of seven weddings for 2022 and nine weddings booked for 2023 With the help of Executive Chef JC and Banquet Chef Chris Kuhn, we will be putting together new banquet packages in January with some fun and exciting new additions! If you weren't aware, Riverton members have the added benefit of no room fees when booking private events here at the club So don't think twice about where to hold your next event, and reach out to me to begin planning!

Stop by my office or contact me to make your dream event come true. Email | aryan@rivertoncc com

Phone | 856-829-5500 x 16 Ripples | 13

Philling the GAP is a monthly series that highlights the many services provided by the Association to its membership Visit www.gapgolf.org and click the “News” tab. Scroll down and click “Philling the GAP” in the green box on the left side of the screen It’s the perfect refresher

New year, same you?

Or is it?

Did you move recently Change your email address perhaps?

Take a minute to update your profile with GAP Simply visit www gapgolf org and click the “My GAP Locker” tab. Members can make any necessary changes here. Oh, and they can also opt to receive GAP Magazine a free member benefit moving forward


I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday season celebrating with family and friends and that 2023 is already off to a fantastic start!

In this new year, we have several new and exciting events planned for the racquets program, and we look forward to continuing our popular Margarita Night and Kids' Pizza Party events. For our pickleball enthusiasts, I am thrilled to share we will be starting the year with four new professional-level nets! I thank Joe Mendez and the Riverton board for this significant and exciting addition to our club. If you're not yet a pickleball player, I invite you to join us on the courts and take part in the fastest-growing sport in the world. It's fun and a great workout, so try something new in 2023!

This year, Cherry Hill RC opened its doors to our members for our indoor winter racquets program. In working with their Tennis Director, I arranged that Riverton members are able to participate without having to register as members of their club. So until we can back out on the courts, reach out to me to be a part of our winter programs.

I'd like to recognize two Riverton Juniors who have achieved great successes this year: Layla Joshi, the Number 1 Female Middle School Tennis Player at Penn Charter for the second year in a row, and Jack Cranmer, who made the varsity team at Moorestown Friends School! Join me in congratulating Layla and Jack on their outstanding achievements; I am so proud of their hard work and excited to see all that is come in their futures! I also wish to congratulate all beginner, intermediate and advanced program participants for their remarkable progress this past season. I would be remiss not to recognize several players who have worked tirelessly to advance in their categories: Mara Katsakis, for her dedication and effort to be better every day; Andrea Bowers, for her strength and dedication against adversity in USTA competitions; and Steve Foley, for his dedication to the game of pickleball, he is making quite the impact as a competitive player in the area.

As always, I thank you for your continued support and look forward to seeing old and new faces on the courts this year!

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Chris and Matt Ade presented Ginny Blaskovich with the first annual Sue Ade Pride in Volunteering Award This year, we lost one of the of Wave’s biggest supporters in Sue Ade. Sue’s dedication to the team knew no boundaries even well after her children Stephanie and Matt had moved on from both swimming and even coaching (Stephanie) This award was created to honor Sue and her commitment to volunteerism

Sue Ade Pride in Volunteering Award: Ginny Blaskovich

The Riverton Wave Swim Team celebrated their division championship with a banquet on October 21st There was dinner and dancing, award presentations, and lots of fun! If you’d like to be a part of this unique swim team, be on the lookout next spring for information on registration The Wave is for all ages (6-18), with a winning combination of competition and summer fun in the pool more information can be found on their website tri-county qualifiers: (From left) Eleni Waldhauser, Ian Polaneczky, Brenden Fratto, Jack McGuckin, Eddie Curcie, Hadley Morris, Maddie Ho
2022 wave award winners Wave Award: Liam McConnell Marvin Ellis Award: Ryan Curcie Sean Fischel Award: Stephanie Renouf Most Improved Award: Levi Jander & Paige Mancine
Swim Team Mom’s friends on and off the pool deck!


Chris and Matt Ade presented Ginny Blaskovich with the first annual Sue Ade Pride in Volunteering Award This year, we lost one of the of Wave’s biggest supporters in Sue Ade. Sue’s dedication to the team knew no boundaries even well after her children Stephanie and Matt had moved on from both swimming and even coaching (Stephanie) This award was created to honor Sue and her commitment to volunteerism

Sue Ade Pride in Volunteering Award: Ginny Blaskovich

The Riverton Wave Swim Team celebrated their division championship with a banquet on October 21st There was dinner and dancing, award presentations, and lots of fun! If you’d like to be a part of this unique swim team, be on the lookout next spring for information on registration The Wave is for all ages (6-18), with a winning combination of competition and summer fun in the pool more information can be found on their website tri-county qualifiers: (From left) Eleni Waldhauser, Ian Polaneczky, Brenden Fratto, Jack McGuckin, Eddie Curcie, Hadley Morris, Maddie Ho
2022 wave award winners Wave Award: Liam McConnell Marvin Ellis Award: Ryan Curcie Sean Fischel Award: Stephanie Renouf Most Improved Award: Levi Jander & Paige Mancine
Swim Team Mom’s friends on and off the pool deck!
w h e n y o u ' r e h e r e , y o u ' r e h o m e . 1416 highland avenue | cinnaminson, new jersey 08077 856 829 5500 | rivertoncc com @riverton country club @rivertoncc @rivertoncc @riverton country club
events January 12 Joseph Phelps Wine Dinner 20 Puttle 27 Father-Daughter Dance 29 Brunch February 3 Mixology With Amanda 11 Valentine's Prix Fixe 18 Quizzo 26 Character Brunch March 2 Chef's Table Dinner Experience 17 St Patty's Day Party
Notice of cancellations must be provided at least 48 hours in advance to not be charged
Dates/Events Subject To Change*

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