Riverton Country Club | Ripples Spring 2022 Edition

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From The President's Desk


General Manager's Message


Membership news | Donna


A note from the 1900 foundation


Hear from Hannah


Spring training: Golf course edition | Drew


Find time for more golf | kevin


USGA handicap posting


Omar's corner


spring racquets schedule


celebrating into spring | Alexis


upcoming events

from the editor Welcome to the second edition of Ripples for 2022! What I love most about the promise of spring is that it always delivers. It's hard not to feel the buzz of excitement as the club transforms each spring. The budding and blooming of flowers, the palpable eagerness and joy of the impending golf and racquets season, and the lengthening days remind us that fun-filled summer days are soon ahead-this is the perennial Riverton promise. And this year, that promise comes with an extra shiny bow tied on top: the much-anticipated completion of the Ross Restoration and the grand opening of our stunning, brand-new member patio! Once again, you will find a common theme interweaved throughout this edition; while putting together my colleagues' articles, I could feel their excitement for this new season jump off the pages. You could say there is a definite spring in all of our steps! This bodes to be one of the best spring and summer seasons we've had here at Riverton, and I'm confident it will bring many new, exciting things, even more special memories, and many of those one-of-a-kind magical Riverton moments. Hemingway once wrote, "when spring came...there were no problems except where to be happiest." We may be biased, but there's no question where you'll be happiest this spring (say it with us now)when you're here, you're home, and you're always happy. As always, we thank you for your continued support. Happy reading, and cheers to spring! Casey-Lee Waldron Home is not where you are from, it is where you belong,

FROM THE PRESIDENT'S DESK TOM KEARNS As we come out of hibernation and the winter months, Michele and I are excited to be entering our 15th season here at RCC. As you will see reading through our current Ripples, we continue to have a lot going on here at our club. The Board continues to use our Journey to 2025 Strategic Plan as our roadmap on all strategic decisions and industry practices in playing an advisory role to our operations team. As started a few years back, the Board held our annual strategy planning session in January. In addition to goals & objectives (reviewing last year's and setting new ones for the upcoming year), there was a good discussion regarding our committee structure. As I shared with you in early March, we are implementing a new structure system that will allow many of our members seeking to volunteer the opportunity to serve. Other outcomes of that session will be shared with you all at our upcoming annual meeting on April 25th. Many thanks to you all for your unyielding support and usage of the facilities; we continue to show strong financial performance, and our membership continues to thrive.

Many thanks to you all for your unyielding support and usage of the facilities; we continue to show strong financial performance, and our membership continues to t h r i v e. There's a lot of important information on the following pages, so please take the time to enjoy and review this quarterly update! Also, be sure to stay current with all of our email updates and information posted on our website. I look forward to seeing you all at the club, and, as always, please feel free to drop me a note with any ideas or comments.

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Wh a t a n a b s o l u t e l y e x c i t i n g t i me here at Riverton Country Club. The Ross Restoration of the golf course i s n e a r i n g c o mp l e t i o n , i n f a c t , i t s h o u l d b e c o mp l e t e d b y t h e publishing of this edition, and our new putting greens are following just behind! T h e n e w p a t i o i s mo v i n g a l o n g a n d i s on schedule for a June 1st opening, a n d p o o l c o mp l e x a n d g o l f c e n t e r plans are getting final reviews, p r i c i n g , a n d t w e a k s . Me mb e r s h i p growth and retention are strong, and revenues are significantly up across t h e c a mp u s . A s w e l i k e t o s a y , " Wh e n Y o u ’ r e H e r e , Y o u ’ r e H o me ” , and there is little doubt that me mb e r s a n d s t a f f a l i k e f e e l t h a t way whenever we have outstanding events or even on just a busy s u mme r e v e n i n g . We b e l i e v e t h a t t h i s me s s a g e i s r e s o n a t i n g w i t h those who are not yet part of our f a mi l y , a n d w e h a v e b e c o me t h e attractive location to belong to-this would not happen without your support, so thank you. We c o n t i n u e t o s e e p o s i t i v e t r e n d s o n o u r N e t P r o mo t e r S c o r e s u r v e y s related to food and beverage and will be rolling them out for golf, racquets, and the pool this spring.

Your feedback has been invaluable as w e h a v e t w e a k e d me n u d e s i g n s , service techniques, and offerings. Wh i l e w e c o n t i n u e t o i mp r o v e o u r c o n s i s t e n c y , w e b e l i e v e C h e f Mi c h a e l has his team on the right track, and w e w i l l s e e e v e n mo r e g r o w t h i n t h i s space. Our club calendar has been p o p u l a t e d w i t h ma n y o u t s t a n d i n g events, and we continue to look for opportunities to bring you new, exciting events, as well as old s t a n d a r d s t o f i l l o u t t h e r e ma i n d e r o f the year. As always, we thank you for your support of all we do here, from social events, to golf, racquets, and the pool. 2022 will be a banner year at the club, and we cannot wait to see all of you here enjoying the club a n d s p e n d i n g t i me w i t h f a mi l y a n d friends. Finally, we are excited to be planning o u r 2 0 2 2 F i r e w o r k s S p e c t a c u l a r ! Ma r k your calendars for Thursday, June 3 0 t h , a n d j o i n me i n p r a y i n g f o r n o r a i n d e l a y s t h i s y e a r . We k n o w t h e e v e n i n g w i l l b e a ma z i n g , a n d t h e t e a m i s h a r d a t w o r k c r e a t i n g s o me new and exciting additions to this year's event. Here's to a great year ahead, and as always, we look forward to serving you soon!

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we are In the moment of something incredible Donna surrette

Outstanding is how I describe this past year. We are in the moment of something incredible. This past year we stopped the downward trend of House/Social memberships adding 87 new house members, and we have now reinstituted an initiation of $1,500.00. I anticipate the intake of new House/Social members joining will not slow down too much. With having this incredible Master Plan in place, it's hard to tour our beautiful club and not want to be a part of it. While I may mention this each Ripples, the sentiment is sincere: I am so grateful for you all and how you have gone above and beyond in supporting me. So many of you have been referring friends, family, and co-workers; I have given over $32,000 in member referral credits this past year. An extra special appreciation thanks to Ted & Kate Brennan for referring the most since April. I'd also like to thank Membership Committee Chair Dan Giannetto and Committee Members Sean Stoneback, George Shirmer, Tom Hagner, Doug Sell, Cathleen Sabatino, Adam Burke, John Ahn, and Louise Yi. Together, this year we accomplished so much: from creating restricted categories and developing new policies to improving new member orientation and strengthening the Ambassador program, navigating various challenges along the way. We look forward to continuing and sharing membership results with you in each edition of Ripples. I now ask you to join me all in welcoming and celebrating the newest members of our Riverton Family: Anthony & Jennifer Perno (Merchantville) Marty & Karen Ryan (Haddonfield) Dominic & Carol Flamini (Moorestown) Chris & Christy DiCicco (Cherry Hill) Ryan Palombo (Cinnaminson) Christy & Christopher Loringer, (Cinnaminson) Keith & Betsy Rinehart, (Moorestown) John & Maggie Downham (Westmont) Matthew & Mary Elizabeth Gaskill (Merchantville) Blake Norton (Philadelphia) J. Scott & Miskovsky (Palm Beach Gardens) David Gall (Cinnaminson) Andrew & Holly Berry (Philadelphia) Kenneth & Donna Rayca (Cinnaminson) Brandon & Lauren Shade (Cinnaminson) Anthony & Denise DeGerolamo, (Cherry Hill) Brad & Christian Rink (Moorestown) Keane & Patricia Storey (Riverton) John & Lisa Niessner (Pennsauken) Andrew Mogck (Barrington) Stephen & Regina Paluszkiewicz (Delran) Khaled & Carole Kezbari (Cinnaminson) Gerald & Kerri Stokes (Philadelphia) Jack Lilley (Cinnaminson)

House Full Golf Full Golf House Young Pro III House Full Golf Full Golf House Full Golf House Int./Legacy Int./Legacy House House GIW Full Golf House House House GIW Int. Rest. House House GIW Full Golf GIW Jr. Indiv.

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A Note From The 1900 Foundation


FRED MORAN | FOUNDATION PRESIDENT Greetings & Happy Spring! The 1900 Foundation Board and committee have been hard at work planning an exciting schedule of fund-raising events for 2022. Hopefully, you had the chance to read my March email highlighting the Foundation’s upcoming mission focused on mental health awareness and suicide prevention. Our first event, the raffle for free use of an electronic golf cart for the entire 2022 season, is underway, and tickets are available in the pro shop through April 8th. With our March email providing an extensive update on Foundation activities, I wanted to take this opportunity to change tack and look outside the Foundation’s operations. A key objective of the Foundation is to promote and support community-based charitable organizations. What better way to start that mission than by highlighting organizations that are near and dear to our RCC family. Our first spotlight organization is Noelle’s Light, launched and operated by fellow RCC members Jodi and Alex Laughlin in honor of their late daughter.

Jodi & Alex joined the club in March 2020 and are excited to bring their philanthropic passion to RCC. In a great example of RCC philanthropic “cross-pollination”, Alex is also currently serving on The 1900 Foundation committee. Jodi and Alex’s experience of starting and running their organization is now being leveraged by the Foundation to develop and grow its impact on our community. Noelle’s Light was inspired by Jodi & Alex’s 2016 journey into parenthood. While Jodi was pregnant with their first child, she received a rare fetal diagnosis that required extensive trips to Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia to undergo multiple in-utero procedures to try to save their daughter’s life. At 30 weeks gestation, Noelle was born via an emergency C-section and sadly passed away 32 minutes later due to complications from her condition. Heartbroken but inspired by the love for their daughter, Alex & Jodi set out to provide hope to other families. One year later, on Noelle’s 1st birthday, they legally incorporated Noelle’s Light as a non-profit corporation whose mission is to provide critical financial support to distressed

families receiving treatment and care following a life-threatening fetal diagnosis. Fast forward to 2022, Noelle’s Light is approaching three years operating as a 501(c )(3) public charity. In that time, they have partnered with the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia and Ronald McDonald House. Noelle’s Light has supported over 60 families from across the United States, providing over $125,000 in emergency financial assistance to help cover costs such as home payments, car payments, travel costs, uninsured medical costs, lost wages from time off work, and far too often, funeral expenses for their baby.

“For expectant parents, starting or growing a family can often lead to emotional, physical, and financial mountains that many are unable to climb alone. Noelle’s Light supports them in their moment of need.” Noelle’s Light is excited to be hosting their inaugural charity golf outing at RCC, The Noelle’s Light Golf Classic, on Monday, May 23rd. Full event tickets, as well as reception-only tickets, will go on sale in April. More information about the organization and the golf outing can be found at www.noelleslight.org or by email at alaughlin@noelleslight.org. For those who haven’t met the Laughlin’s and are fortunate enough to bump into Jodi and/or Alex, please take the opportunity to introduce yourself and welcome them into the RCC family.

The Foundation will revisit these “spotlight charity” forums in the future and via our website, which launches this spring. Ripples | Page 7

Wine, Easter, spring, & Lots of Exciting Things! '

hannah librizzi Spring is in the air, and the F&B team is ready to see everyone back at the club and out of hibernation! We have some exciting events planned for you to kick off the season, starting with our annual Bunny Brunch scheduled for April 10th. Look forward to enjoying a petting zoo, face paint fun, pictures with the Easter Bunny, and, of course, an EGG HUNT! Additionally, we are pleased to share that the Spring Wine Show is BACK on Thursday, April 14th! Don’t forget to sign up on the website or app and get ready to stock up for the Spring. With over 100 wines to taste, you're bound to find a few new favorites. So invite some friends, family members, and neighbors to join you for this great night of wine-sipping, mingling, and live music (lite-bites available). While you have your calendars out, mark down Easter Brunch and Dinner on Sunday, April 17th, and Quizzo with our very own comedian, Jack, on Friday, April 22nd. We are so looking forward to FINALLY getting back to enjoying a normal summer here at Riverton. With the patio renovation underway, there is no question RCC is the place to be this summer. As a friendly reminder, we ask that you please make reservations when planning to dine at the club; reservations allow us to prepare and staff accordingly and ensures that you need not wait for a table.

The time of year has arrived when we begin hiring our seasonal employees, so please be patient if you see a new face while we get our new superstars trained! If you know anyone looking for positions such as waiter/waitress, poolside café servers, busser/runner, hostess, or bartender, please have them send their resume over to hlibrizzi@rivertoncc.com. Please keep in mind many of the positions require applicants to be at least 18 years old, and children of members may not be considered for roles within the F&B department. On a final note, it is a bittersweet time for us at Riverton as we say goodbye to Tyler Zust, our Dining Room Manager. Tyler has accepted a position at The Club at Kukui’ula on the south shore of Kauai, Hawaii, where he will be the Assistant Food & Beverage Director; working in Hawaii has long been a goal of his, so this was an opportunity he couldn’t pass up. Please join us in Tyler the best as he embarks on this new adventure, he will be missed.

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SPRING TRAINING: GOLF COURSE EDITION DREW WHITE As a former college athlete, I have always understood and enjoyed the training aspect of sports. Whether weight training before class or evening team meetings to learn the new playbook, I have always looked at it as setting a foundation for success and utilized that mentality throughout my career as a golf course superintendent. Much like pitchers and catchers report earlier than the rest of the team, there are tasks on the golf course done in the winter to set the stage for the upcoming year, mainly enhancing and creating better growing environments. Plants need three things to live: water, sunlight, and air, both in the soil and above it, and there are two ways the Agronomy Team sets the stage to ensure our growing environments have as many of those essential items as possible. A less visible and mostly unnoticed way to better growing environments is the installation of drainage. Drainage moves water from the surface and sub-surface of soil, increasing the amount of open soil pore space that can hold air closer to the roots of the grass. Another way to promote better growing environments is through tree removal. By removing trees, you increase the amount of sunlight and air in the area--a great example of this is the left side of the eighth hole (trees were selected to be removed based on the amount of morning sun the tree was blocking). Tree removal also increases the amount of airflow in the leaf canopy of the grass plants; airflow through the leaf canopy is imperative as it lowers the temperature of the grass plant and removes hot, humid air that favors turf diseases. It is hard to say which is more dreadful, facing Michael Jordan in the NBA finals or golf course aeration when the weather begins to warm up. While dreadful, aeration is the best and most rewarding process on a golf course, and it can also be the most disruptive. There are many types of aeration, and they all have a place in the starting lineup. This year, our leadoff hitter is Drill and Fill: the Drill and Fill process is a contracted service that, you guessed it, drills a twelve-inch-deep hole into the green and fills it with sand. These deep sand channels reduce compaction, add larger soil pore space, and help move water away from the surface and sub-surface. After all the greens have been drilled and filled, the Agronomy Team will aerate with a smaller, shallower tine and then apply sand topdressing; this process creates more sand channels and helps pinch the tops of the larger Drill and Fill holes, speeding up recovery. The aeration process for tees and fairways are the same: the core containing soil, thatch, and grass will be removed, cleaned, and then have sand topdressing applied. There is no doubt that defense wins championships--hey, ask any Steelers fan! And for agronomy teams across the world, that defense is their fertility and chemical programs. Fertility and chemical programs give grass plants the needed nutrition and protection from diseases and allow them to grow healthy and withstand the stress of golf season. Much of our fertility program here at Riverton comes in the form of a slow-release fertilizer engineered to feed slowly throughout the summer. We apply that fertilizer in the spring to give us that seasonlong feeding. Treatments for many turfgrass insects, diseases, and weeds also must happen in the spring when the insects are still young, diseases are still spores, and weeds are still seeds. These pesticide applications are time-sensitive and ensure we meet the desired controls. Suffice to say, spring is an exciting time of year. It's the time to start getting out of the house and office and back onto our course to enjoy the game that we all love. For our Agronomy Team, it is time to shed the extra winter clothes and prepare our course for yet another fantastic year of Riverton golf. Ripples | Page 9


As we start the new golf season, there is so much to look forward to! The Club has completed the Donald Ross Restoration, we are in the first steps in a large-scale master plan, and membership growth is at an alltime high! There hasn't been a start to the season as exciting as this one, and I know there is so much I am looking forward to this year! With the world nearly fully reopened after the pandemic, we undoubtedly will be pulled in many different directions and have more activities competing for our valuable time. It’s right around this time that the weather starts changing, daylight savings time hits, and we get excited to play as much golf as we possibly can. Inevitably, life gets in the way, the season flies by, and we didn’t get to play as much as we had hoped. This is the year you can stop that cycle! I firmly believe one of the best ways to play more golf is to schedule it into your week! If you’re anything like me, if something doesn’t make it to my calendar, there is a good chance I am going to get busy doing something else. Conversely, if it’s on my calendar, I’m committed to making it happen. Make this year the year that you schedule golf into your week, whether playing 9 holes or an hour on the range, mark it on your calendar and allow yourself to make time for golf (and yourself) – you deserve it! 2022-23 Guest Passes Guest Passes are a unique offering from that allow you to share our beautiful golf course with your friends at an extremely discounted rate. Guest Passes are an optional program offered to all members. Prepaid Guest Passes are sold at the beginning of each season at a nearly 40% discount from the regular greens and cart fee. These passes can only be purchased for a limited time and can be used anytime throughout the fiscal year. Here are a few important notes on the Guest Pass program to keep in mind: Each Guest Pass costs $70 and includes the greens and cart fee. Based on your membership classification, a certain number of Guest Passes will be issued to your account. If you'd like to decline these passes, simply let the Golf Shop or Office know by the end of May. Members have the ability to purchase as many or as few Guest Passes as they'd like. This decision must be made by 5/31. Guest Passes for the current year will be issued and billed to your account on 4/1/22. In the past they were billed in June, but with the new system implemented in 2021, to issue them to your account, they must be billed. This system offers the ability for members to see how many Guest Passes they have outstanding on the bottom of each monthly statement. As a reminder, all Guest Passes from last year have been extended until April 30th to give you a few more weeks to use any outstanding passes! To learn more about the Guest Pass program, please visit the Golf section of the website or stop in the Golf Shop. Golf Tournament Calendar The Golf Tournament Calendar was sent out a few weeks ago, but if you missed it, here are a few key dates. Please take a moment to mark your calendars! Registration for most events opens three weeks in advance and you can always register on the website, app, or in the Golf Shop. Men’s Member-Guest – June 10th & 11th Ladies Member-Guest – June 14th Men’s Club Championship – July 9th, 10th, 16th & 17th Ladies Club Championship – July 16th & 17th Men’s Member-Member – September 9th – 11th Ladies Member-Member – September 16th – 18th Cure SPG47 “Golf for a Cure” – September 20th The 1900 Invitational – September 30th & October 1st Ripples | Page 10

USGA HANDICAP POSTING One of the most important parts of your round is taking a moment to post your score after your round. To post scores from your mobile device this year, you’ll need to download the “GHIN” app from the app store on your phone and setup an online profile with the USGA. If you need help with this, simply give us a call in the Golf Shop and we can have the link sent right to your email address. To ensure your handicap is as accurate as possible, your score must be posted before midnight on the day the round was played. This is important not only for your handicap, but for the handicaps of everyone else who played on the same day. The reason for this is the Playing Conditions Calculation (PCC). When abnormal course or weather conditions impact scoring for the day, a PCC will adjust scoring differentials to better reflect your performance each day. If all scores are not submitted, the PCC may not be accurately adjusted for everyone who played that day. To help you remember to get your scores posted on the same day, you will receive an email reminder to post your score each night around 9:00pm if you played but did not yet post a score. This gentle reminder will allow us to make sure that all handicaps are as accurate as possible.

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If you have never kept a handicap in the past but would like a great way to track your improvement this year, let us know and we’d be happy to help you establish a USGA Handicap!

OMAR'S CORNER I am very excited to announce our Spring 2022 programs! In my 3rd year as Director of Tennis, I have had the chance to assess members' needs and have designed a fun and challenging program for both adult and junior players. No matter what your level may be, from beginner to advanced, I assure you, there's something for everyone! On the Pickleball front, the awesome Riverton Racquet Committee has worked hard to put together an exciting schedule of events. We will be offering clinics for beginners to learn the game and provide plenty of opportunities for open play at all levels. In addition, we're thrilled to add Ryder Cup tournaments to the schedule this year, as well! I'd like to give a big thank you to all the members who joined me indoors this winter. My amazing group of Beginner Ladies came out to improve their games and grew their friendships with wine and dinner nights at the club. To my incredibly hard-working, Intermediate Ladies, I am very proud of you as I have witnessed an incredible improvement in your tennis skills and devotion to the sport-way to go!

Additionally, a special thanks to Andy Bowers for challenging me physically, on this my 60th year, and challenging me mentally to bring the best of my coaching to match his high level of play. And to my Juniors, it is hard to adequately express how proud I am of each and every one of you. Over the last two years, I have launched an Elite Tennis Program here at Riverton and have watched our young players improve and develop their skills. I can proudly say that Riverton is on the map as having one of the best junior tennis programs in South Jersey. Recently, our juniors won across the board in all levels at the MTC Club Championship, and 2 of our girls are top 5 players in all of South Jersey. Our junior program has a great future with talented kids participating in every program we offer. I'd like to give a big thanks to the parents of our juniors for their support and confidence in me; together, we can empower your children to be the best they can be. In closing, I want to welcome all our new members and extend a warm invitation to come out and join our racquets program; I'm looking forward to meeting you and hope to see you on the court! Ripples | Page 12

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CELEBRATING OUR WAY INTO SPRING ALEXIS RYAN We are just a few short weeks away from being back in full swing! I am looking forward to another busy season with events. Currently, we are completely booked for April, May, and June with proms, weddings, showers, outings, family events, and more. On the member event side of things, this month, we are excited to bring back our annual bunny brunch, Ladies Night Out: Designer Bag Bingo, and of course, Opening Day! Our team has been working hard to come up with fun, exciting events for everyone. With our growing membership, I look forward to meeting all the new faces while they enjoy their time here at the club. As always, if you are planning an event or know someone looking to do so, please send them my way and let us bring the event you imagined to life! Ripples | Page 16

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RIVERTON POMODORO SAUCE 4 c. San Marzano Tomatoes, puree

1 lb. Ground Beef 1 Whole Eggs 1/4 c. Onions, finely minced 1/2 tbsp. Garlic, finely minced 3/4 c. Plain Breadcrumbs 1/4 c. Heavy Cream 2 tbsp. Fresh Parsley, chopped 1/2 c. Parmesan, grated 1 tsp. Black Pepper 1/2 tsp. Salt

2 tbsp. EVOO 1/2 c. Onions, diced 2 tbsp. Garlic, sliced thin 1/5 c. Red Wine 1 1/2 c. Basil, chiffonade Salt to taste

Line sheet tray with parchment paper & lightly grease with olive oil In large bowl, add all ingredients & use hands to mix thoroughly until combined. Measure & roll ground beef mixture into ⅓ cup (3 ounces) rounds, about the size of an egg. Evenly space the pieces on the baking sheet, there should be about 5 to 7 meatballs. Broil meatballs until the surface is browned, about 10 to 12 minutes. Turnover and cook for an additional 2 to 3 minutes to lightly brown the other side. Transfer meatballs to tomato sauce. Cover pot with lid slightly ajar, simmer on low heat for at least 1 ½ hours, checking & stirring every 20 minutes, or as needed. The meatballs should be fork tender when sliced.

Heat large sauce pot & add EVOO & garlic, sauté until lightly toasted Add onions & sauté for 5 min. on medium heat Add Red Wine Add tomatoes and bring to a simmer Cook for 30-45 min. & stir occasionally to prevent burning the sauce. Season with salt and add basil.


when you' re here, you' re home. 1416 highland avenue | cinnaminson, new jersey 08077 856.829.5500 | rivertoncc.com

@riverton country club



@riverton country club

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