Thrive Magazine winter spring 2015

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winter/spring 2015

inside this issue: refine & renew

latest in plastic surgery & aesthetics

Healthy & Happy

health & wellness for men & women

special section

your heart & stroke health

Healthy & Delicious Recipes ...and much more!





Glenn M. Davis, M.D., F.A.C.S. Jeremy W. Pyle, M.D., F.A.C.S. Board-Certified Plastic Surgeons

2304 Wesvill Court :: Suite 360 Raleigh, NC 27607 :: 919.785.1220

in this issue

thrive • table of contents



our thriving 6 community

the effects of sleep apnea

frank green

overcoming cataracts

tami mcgraw

the benefits of a full-service hospital

jim lawson cara o’connell-edwards tinker mcbrayer


refine 19 & renew Abdominoplasty 101 The Latest Innovations in Aesthetics & Plastic Surgery


29 healthy & happy

Putting your best face forward

breast density and your health what you need to know about endometriosis

finding the right 52 grocery store special section: 63 heart & stroke health how obesity really affects your heart the best exercises for your heart

delicious 80 recipes healthy 90 community the organic debate: is organic a better choice? Local restaurants that embrace the local foods movement

health-related events in the 94 triangle

the rise in heart disease in women

signs of a stroke and how to prevent one

thrive magazine

foods your heart needs at every age


thrive • our staff & credits

PUBLISHER/OWNERS Maureen Powell & Robyn Mangrum CREATIVE DIRECTOR Stephanie DuBois ACCOUNT MANAGER Scott Kaiser Graphic design Katie Hatfield SENIOR WRITER Heather Green CONTRIBUTING WRITER Maria Magher Tricia Cotton copy editor Jessica Siciliano For advertising information visit or call: 919-552-7655 Reproduction of copy or artwork is strictly prohibited. All rights reserved. APPLESEED PUBLICATIONS PUBLISHER PAGE CREDITS Photography: Shot on Location at The Grand Ballroom, Raleigh Hair & Makeup: Jewelry: Lulu Avenue, Fine Moissanite & Fashion Jewelry, Ann Machost, Independent Style Advisor.

thrive magazine

Robyn’s dress: Diane Von Furstenberg Maureen’s top: Anthropologie.


Ad content is not the responsibility of Appleseed Publications. Appleseed Publications prints articles and features for entertainment purposes only and does not seek to advise readers on medical problems or decisions. Under no circumstances will Appleseed Publicationsbe liable for any damages that result from reliance on or use of the information provided herein.

are you ready to Ready or not, 2015 is here! It’s hard to believe that Thrive has been “thriving” for two years and has grown into a publication that helps our NC friends and neighbors live healthier, longer lives – what a blessing! When we started Thrive, we wanted to make sure that all bases were covered pertaining to healthy living. Everyone deals with some sort of challenge in life, and being able to provide and guide our readers with the latest breakthroughs in treatments and procedures, from the heart to mental health, has become our mission. Being a Triangle-based magazine gives Thrive an edge that allows us to not only get to know our local readers, but also to share the most up-to-date information about staying in shape from head to toe. Partnering with the top doctors and hospitals in the country, even the world, Thrive is proud to provide life changing tips and advice to help the Triangle stay healthy inside and out. February is heart month, and we are devoting a special section to keeping this amazing organ fit

thrive • from the publishers

and fabulous. From the latest innovations in open-heart surgery, to tips for preventing a heart attack, we have your heart in mind.

Thrive Magazine, and we know that this publication is more than just a publication – it is a reliable resource to get our community on the path to greater lives. Here’s to the best year yet. Thank you for making us your local health resource! And remember: Don’t just live, Thrive.

If you have a story to share with our Thriving Community, please let us know, we would love to hear from you! We continue to look for ways to improve and inspire through

Robyn & Maureen

thrive magazine

This issue focuses on heart health, but also several other areas that have become hot topics in healthy living. Touching on crucial changes such as curing obesity, dealing with migraines, how to handle cataracts, and the breakthroughs and up-to-date techniques that address these common problems are just a few of the subjects that Thrive tackles. Should you bother eating organic? What vaccines are really necessary? Questions that we all want answered are addressed too! We love what we do, and improving lives is the best part of Thrive.

Our Thriving Community has become one of our most popular sections! Getting to know the amazing people who share their experiences and challenges has been an inspiration to so many, and this issue is no exception! Overcoming everything from mysterious illnesses to surviving almost fatal car wrecks – the featured individuals in this issue share their stories and touch the heart, teaching us that with dedication and determination, the human spirit can triumph over anything.



thrive • the big picture

the big picture

When it comes time for family pictures, there is a lot of emphasis on getting “cute” pictures of the children as they grow up. We end up with hundreds of pictures, but we have only a smattering of photos of the ones who helped to raise and to nurture them: their parents and grandparents. Here are just a few of the reasons why your family photos need to feature the entire family, not just those adorable little faces. They Preserve Cherished Memories When your children are older,

they will look back on their childhood with fondness and love. By having photos of themselves with their parents and grandparents, they can preserve those cherished memories a little easier. Memories slowly fade, but photos can help to keep them alive. They Provide a Link to Lost Loved Ones Unfortunately, our loved

ones will not always be with us. If parents or grandparents pass away when children are very young – or even before they are born – these photos can help them to learn about these lost family members, even if they never had the chance to meet them. You WWW.VESIC.COM

can use photos of your children with their grandparents to show them what times were like before they could remember. As sad as it may be to think about the loss of a loved one, it is important to have these photos to help preserve memories.

Get more


They Create a Family History When the children in your family are

older, they will tell their own children about their family memories. Having photos of their parents and grandparents can help them share these memories with their children and bring them to life visually. The photos can serve as a family history, helping to preserve the family legacy generation after generation. Not only can this information serve important genealogical purposes, but it can also help to create a sense of history and belonging for each

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successive generation of children, creating a strong family unit. While it is important to document the fleeting years of childhood in photos, it is just as important to make sure that parents and grandparents are included in the pictures so that their images are preserved as well. The children who quickly become adults with children of their own will cherish these memories, and the photos can serve as important pieces of family history.




“Our thriving community� is a fantastic section of the magazine that focuses on local men and women who are thriving in the Triangle area and have overcome or are living with an issue that has in some way affected their health. This section focuses on the positive outcome for each individual as well as how they continue to live healthy active lives. Each story spotlights the coping skills each individual applied to their situation and what personally worked for them

Would you like to share your story? We would love to hear from you. Email us at and tell us about yourself or a friend or family member who you would like to see in our next issue. Please also submit a low resolution picture with the email. Applicants must be a resident of the Triangle area. If selected, applicants must be available to have their photo taken at a location shoot.

all photos:

in healing.

our thriving community • frank green

it will never happen to me “It will never happen to me.” This is what most people think when it comes to automobile accidents...

the car, I drug myself to the drivers

was trained to allow him to breathe.

side because the roof had caved in and

This saved his life and change each of

I couldn’t find Frank. When I came to

theirs forever.

his side of the car, he was covered in blood and not responding, I knew he

The National Safety Council estimated

was dead and that I probably wouldn’t

that during 2013, 35,200 people died

make it either.”

in US traffic accidents, plus there were about 3.8 million crash injuries re-

Frank had suffered from a broken

quiring medical attention. An agency

...until it happens. This is exactly

neck, orbital blowout, scalp debride-

official blamed most of the accidents

what Frank Green thought before one

ment and almost complete loss of

on human error.

life altering night as he and his wife,

his left hand among other injuries.

Heather, drove a few miles down

Heather had sustained an injured foot

Being a statistic is never something

the road from there home to have

and grapefruit sized hematoma on

anyone thinks they will become, but

dinner together.

her head.

it happens more often than people think. Until you are in an automobile

“We were just coming out of a red

The most amazing part, the woman

accident, there are certain things you

light, not going fast at all, when a

driving directly behind the Green’s

don’t think about. Car safety ratings

driver, coming from the opposite side

was a head trauma nurse. It was actu-

have become top priority in the Green

of the highway, lost control, jumped

ally illegal for her to stop for any type

household. “We have every air bag

the median and plowed into our car.”

of car wreck due to hospital liability,

available in our car, five star ratings

Frank explains, “we rolled and I was

but she knew this case was different

are a must.” Frank shares. “You never

completely out.”

and that if she didn’t, someone would

realize how often you are in your car

likely not make it and she was right.

and when you are driving around with

thrive magazine

Frank’s wife remembers the entire


the things you hold most dear in life,

event. “There was absolutely noth-

The nurse, Lisa Hart, immediately

you have to do everything within your

ing we could have done to avoid the

heard Frank drowning in his own

power to protect them. These days,

accident, it just happened so fast.”

blood when she arrived on the scene

with people texting and emailing

Heather says, “When I crawled out of

and held his head in a way that she

while they drive, you have to basi-

our thriving community • frank green

cally drive for yourself and everyone

but it had to be done and we are just

aches, pains and mental battle with

around you.”

so thankful to be alive.”

help from above. “There is obviously a reason as to why God wanted us to be

Frank, who grew up on a farm in

Today, the Green’s have 2 children,

here on this earth longer” Frank says,

South Georgia was retired Army,

Sutter, 4 and Chloe, 3 – with one

“and if our message can save just one

an avid runner, and in top physical

more on the way. They still feel the

life, then it is worth it.”

condition. He graduated from North

effects of the wreck but deal with the

Georgia College with a degree in Phys-

ics and has worked as an engineer and product manager for large companies for decades. Following the car wreck, everything changed – physically, mentally and emotionally.

“...with people texting and have for yourself and everyone around you.”

“Being Christians, Heather and I know that everything happens for a reason and looking back, we see all of the miracles and blessings that took place that night.” Franks shares. “It took an entire year for me to get back to being able to function day to day.” Heather spent months doing everything from feeding Frank to cleaning wounds round the clock. “He had 5 doctors that we had to visit constanthealing properly, it was exhausting,

thrive magazine

ly to make sure that everything was


our thriving community • tami mcgraw

living with alpha-gal Tami McGraw first noticed that she was having a hard time breathing after working out about a year ago. She started a boot camp program at Crossfit Surmount in Apex, and she said that even though she loved working out and was only in her late 40s, she was soon out of breath and had a lot of coughing fits. Soon, she started having the same problems with breathing and excessive coughing even when she would do volunteer work delivering food with Meals on Wheels. She just thought it was because of the ragweed in bloom, but it was the fumes. McGraw saw her doctor, who told her that the problem was likely asthma or pleurisy. Using a nebulizer helped for a while. This past spring, she was bitten by three ticks (one on her hip and two on her scalp), and her symptoms worsened. She went to urgent care three thrive magazine

different times, each time with heavy


pressure on her chest and problems

our thriving community • tami mcgraw

breathing. But all her tests were nor-

meat or cheese. Those who have this

already took it and found herself having

mal, and there were no problems with

allergy can experience severe anaphy-

difficulty breathing.

her heart. Doctors again told her that

lactic shock if they are exposed to meat

she had either asthma or pleurisy.

products from all mammalian animals.

“My advice for anyone with this is to

Reactions can even lead to death. The

read every label, and call the manu-

“Something in my heart knew that

allergy can cause whole body reactions,

facturer if you aren’t sure,” she says.

there was more than that going on,”

and symptoms may take several hours

“Avoid any new tick bites. Avoid ticks,

McGraw says.

to appear. For some people, like Tami,

and spray your gardening clothes with

even the smell of animal products or

permethin and use deet.”

Tami went to her long time doctor and

faint traces of ingredients can cause a

received a full work up of breathing

severe reaction.

tests and x-rays. They all came back

Now, Tami McGraw is recovering with a good diet and symptoms management.

normal. Then McGraw started doing

“After baking a frozen pepperoni and

For example, she said that she can now

her own research, and she learned

sausage pizza for my family, I was

exercise as hard as she likes. However,

about alpha-gal, an allergy to meat and

covered in hives,” she says. “One of my

she has to be very diligent about read-

animal products that develops after

worst reactions was after standing near

ing labels, and she shies away from

having been bitten by a tick. In the

my sister-in-law while she made cheese

eating out, where cross-contamination

southeast, it is spread by the common

grits, using cream and freshly shredded

is too big a risk.

Lonestar tick.

cheese. I could feel my throat tightening and lots of pressure on my chest.”

“I knew that my three worst episodes

She continues to be an active volunteer, and she focuses her efforts now on her

were on a Saturday, and that’s the only

Tami says she manages her reactions

wine importing company, Conquista

day that I have time to make a big

through medication, such as Benadryl

Imports, which specializes in wines

breakfast for my family, usually includ-

and prednisone. She also read food

from Italy.

ing bacon or sausage,” Tami says. “I had

labels intently to find any traces of

heard about alpha-gal because a friend

whey, casein, milk and gelatin. These

nearby was diagnosed with it. After all

and other animal products can be

my pulmonary tests came back OK, I

labeled differently, making it hard to

went back to my doctor, loaded with

know what products contain them. For

AG material. She agreed, saying,

example, McGraw shares she has had

‘alpha-gal is very real,’ ordered the test

to avoid a specific Colgate toothpaste

and called me three days later with a

she used that contained a beef-derived

positive result.”

glycerin, and she discovered that an Advil liquigel that she took contained a bovine gelatin. She had to call the

inconvenience because you can’t eat

manufacturer to learn that -- after she

Galactose-alpha-1,3-galactose, or Alpha-Gal for short, is a delayed allergy to mammal meat affecting a growing number of the population. This allergy is initially caused by a tick bite. Since the reaction to eating mammal meat is delayed by several hours, the proper diagnosis is often missed or misdiagnosed. People who are afflicted with the Alpha-Gal allergy have to be constantly vigilant about the ingredients they consume, because an allergic reaction can be severe and life-threatening. { }

thrive magazine

Alpha-gal can be much more than an

What is Alpha-Gal?


our thriving community • jim lawson

migraines outside of the head When most people think of migraines, they think of debilitating headaches that can cause extreme fatigue, nausea, and disorientation.

Lawson shares that everything

In addition to the severe pain that

changed after his gall bladder surgery.

Lawson experienced, the symptoms of abdominal migraines can include

“From that point on, I had health

nausea, vomiting, paleness and the

problems,” he explains. “It started off

inability to eat. The exact cause of

almost like clockwork. Every three

abdominal migraines is not known,

years, I would have an attack on my

but some experts suggest that stress

intestines. I had six of these attacks

can play a factor, as can diet and hor-

over a 25-year period. Then the at-

monal changes. The condition is more

tacks started coming sooner -- once a

common in children than adults, and

Many people would be surprised to

year then every six months and then

it is relatively rare.

learn that migraines can actually

every three months.” When Lawson began experienc-

occur in places outside of the head, including in the stomach. James H.

He says that the pain would start as

ing symptoms, he was working in

Lawson learned that lesson the

a small stomach ache that, over the

sales and marketing for technology

hard way.

course of 24 hours, would turn into

companies. He has worked as an angel

heavy cramping “that would result in

investor, a board advisor, a consultant

Lawson, who is now 70, started hav-

such pain that I would pass out with

and more to companies like Agile

ing stomach pain after a gall bladder

my blood pressure going way down.

Software Corporation and Auspex

operation in 1982, when he was in

My whole system would seem to

Systems. He often held high-level

his late 30s. Up until that point, he

shut down.”

positions, including vice president of sales and marketing.

thrive magazine

had enjoyed great health – minus a


few issues from his days as a football

He had to go to the emergency room

player at Auburn University, where he

several times. On a few occasions, an

He was also raising five children with

attended on an athletic scholarship.

ambulance took him there. In most

his wife.

He had to leave school in his second

cases, he took heavy medication for a

year in part due to a knee injury that

few days and then felt back to normal.

Lawson says that he saw multiple doc-

required an operation.

Until the next attack, that is.

tors and specialists about his abdomi-

our thriving community • jim lawson

nal pain, and he had “every kind of

“He said to me one day, ‘I think you

every day,’” Lawson says. “Since that

test, blood work ups, X-rays, cat scans,

are dehydrated. I want you to start

day four years ago, I have not had a

Beryllium dye” and so on. He even had

drinking 90 to 100 ounces of water

single attack – knock on wood.”

an exploratory operation, but doctors found nothing, and no solutions were found for his condition.

“Because the cause of abdonimal migraines is not certain, there is also not a proven treatment.”

“For most of my life, doctors have come and gone without making much of a difference in regard to my problem until I met Dr. James Stevens,” he says. “For the first time, I felt here was a doctor who genuinely cared about me and how I was doing. He would see something that he thought would be worth looking into and we would try it.” Because the cause of abdominal migraines is not certain, there is also not a proven treatment. Some experts say that prescribing antidepressants may produce positive results, and others suggest a change in diet. The solution that Lawson’s doctor found

thrive magazine

was a simple one.


our thriving community • cara o’connell-edwards

eating FREE The gluten-free diet seems to be all the

rage right now. Some adopt the diet because they feel like it’s healthier, while others think that going gluten-free will help them lose weight. However, some – like Cara O’Connell-Edwards and her daughter – have taken on a gluten-free diet because they suffer from a serious autoimmune disorder known as celiac disease. Celiac disease causes the body to attack the small intestine when a person eats gluten, which is a protein found in wheat, rye and barley. Over time, these attacks can limit the body’s ability to absorb nutrients, which can cause a host of other health problems. The Celiac Disease Foundation reports that 1 in 100 people suffer from celiac disease worldwide, but that 2.5 million people in the United States go undiagnosed. Those who have a close relative with the disease, such as a parent, child or sibling, have a 1 in 10 risk of also having the disease, including early onset osteoporosis, nervous system thrive magazine

disorders, intestinal cancers, gall bladder problems and infertility.


our thriving community • cara o’connell-edwards

“It is my strong belief that I may have

Both O’Connell-Edwards and her

O’Connell-Edwards says that she has

never discovered that I was living

daughter had blood testing and an

noticed a significant improvement in

with celiac disease had my daughter

endoscopy to confirm the diagno-

her symptoms since she cut gluten

not received the diagnosis just before

sis of celiac disease, and both were

from her diet.

her third birthday,” O’Connell-

instructed to follow a strict gluten-free

Edwards says.

diet to manage the condition and the

“It is hard to describe, and as I


approach the two year anniversary

“It is recommended that whenever a

of the diagnosis, I know some of the

first-degree relative is diagnosed with

“I remember speaking with a friend of

contrast of before and after diagno-

celiac disease, family members should

a friend who had two children with se-

sis has diminished,” she explains.

undergo a basic blood test screening

vere celiac after our diagnosis. She says

“However, after I was diagnosed, I felt

(serologic testing for antibodies). Ellie

‘no physician will tell you to remove

as if a fog had been lifted, with regard

had several concerning symptoms at

all food containing gluten from your

to energy, focus, concentration, feeling

the time of her diagnosis, but in hind-

house, but that is what we did.’ We did

well rested – it was really quite incred-

sight I think both of our diagnoses

this as well,” O’Connell-Edwards says.

ible. For a long time, I wanted all of my

could have been easily missed.”

“The obvious downside is that gluten

friends – especially the tired ones – to

free food is expensive, sometimes two

get tested as well.”

While her daughter’s symptoms were

to three times the cost of the original

more severe – weight loss, constipa-

gluten option. Gluten free convenience

tion, and mood changes – O’Connell-

or processed foods often contain more

Edwards shares that she had only

sugar, fat, and calories, which is why I

mild symptoms, such as fatigue and

am always surprised when people ‘go

mental fog.

gluten free’ to lose weight. However, foods in their natural form – fruits,

The Celiac Disease Foundation says

vegetables, fish, poultry, and meat –

that the most common symptoms of

are gluten free, unless they are

celiac disease in adults include unex-


Know your terms: There’s really no such thing as a gluten allergy: medical science doesn’t use the term, and most gluten reactions don’t involve true allergic reactions. So what do people mean when they say they have a gluten allergy? They’re likely using the term as shorthand for one of the recognized medical conditions that involves immune system reactions to gluten. Here are the five conditions that fit the bill:

plained fatigue, anemia, bone or joint She adds, “While you do not have to

ties and infertility. In children, the

ban gluten from your home, if you have

symptoms include bloating, chronic

celiac disease, you will need your own

diarrhea, constipation, vomiting,

toaster, and will probably have to give

weight loss, behavioral issues, atten-

some thought to areas of the kitchen

tion deficit hyperactivity disorder and

you can reserve for food prep to avoid

delayed growth.

cross contamination.”

1– Celiac disease 2– Non-celiac gluten sensitivity 3– Gluten intolerance 4– Dermatitis herpetiformis 5– Gluten ataxia Go to: to learn more about these conditions, and make sure to ask your doctor to test you if you feel any one of these might affect you!

thrive magazine

pain, depression, menstrual irregulari-


our thriving community • tinker mcbrayer

sleeping Soundly with sleep apnea

Tinker McBrayer says that he used to

but that another 10 million may be

McBrayer shares that he consulted

wake up at all hours of the night feel-


Lane and Associates about an oral de-

ing out of breath. It wasn’t because he

vice that would help him with his sleep

was worried about a big presentation

Inadequate sleep can also cause

apnea, and then had a second sleep

at work, or excited about big plans for

excessive fatigue that could lead to an

study to determine its effectiveness.

the next day.

accident on the job or while driving, injuring oneself or others.

“My wife and kids said that my snoring was very loud,” McBrayer says. “I still

Instead, he soon discovered that he had sleep apnea, a condition that af-

McBrayer, who will soon be 55, fortu-

snore (more like a purr now), but my

fects millions of Americans and that

itously discovered his problem early

sleep experience is much better. I don’t

can increase the risk for potentially

and was able to get treatment before

wake up out of breath, and I don’t dis-

life-threatening health conditions.

such risks became a reality.

turb my wife and the rest of the house with my snoring.”

Those who have sleep apnea stop

“I had a sleep study, which verified the

breathing in their sleep, which can

sleep apnea,” he says. “A co-worker of

While McBrayer says he has to see the

wake them up multiple times a night

mine in California recommended that

dentist more frequently to maintain

or cause less restful sleep. Some people

I try an oral sleep device rather than

his device and that cleaning it can be

can stop breathing hundreds of times

a CPAP because he had great success

a challenge, he feels that his quality of

per night, though they may never

with an oral device.”

life (and sleep) is much improved and that he is satisfied with his treatment.

thrive magazine

know it. The American Sleep Apnea


Association says that sleep apnea can

The CPAP, or Continuous Positive Air-

Though life with five children is never

be caused by a blockage in the airway

way Pressure machine, is often used

quiet, the nights are quieter now with-

– because of tonsils, pressure on the

to treat sleep apnea. It forces air into

out his loud snoring.

airway, or even a narrow airway – or

the mouth and nose through a mask.

by miscommunication between the

While it is a common treatment for

He recommends that anyone who ex-

brain and the muscles responsible for

sleep apnea, oral devices can also be

periences the symptoms of sleep apnea

breathing. The association reports

used to help change the position of the

– such as waking out of breath, feeling

that 18 million people suffer from

mouth and jaw to open the airway and

tired and having severe headaches

the condition in the United States,

make breathing easier.

– see a specialist to get a sleep study

our thriving community • tinker mcbrayer

What Is CPAP? CPAP, or continuous positive airway pressure, is a treatment that uses mild air pressure to keep the airways open. CPAP typically is used by people who have breathing problems, such as sleep apnea. CPAP treatment involves a CPAP machine, which has three main parts: n A mask or other device that fits over your nose or your nose and mouth. Straps keep the mask in place while you’re wearing it. n A tube that connects the mask to the machine’s motor. n A motor that blows air into the tube.

to determine if there is a problem. For those who discover that they do have sleep apnea, he wholeheartedly endorses an oral device for treatment and recommends that people contact a dental specialist or other qualified provider.

The problem with sleep apnea isn’t just one of poor sleep. It can also increase the risk of heart disease and cardiovascular problems. Sleep apnea is more common in older men, but it can be a problem for anyone, even children. If you have any of the symptoms, it is important that you speak with your doctor right away to get the necessary diagnosis so that you can find thrive magazine

the right treatment.


refine & renew • aesthetics

lasers enter the mainstream:

Everyone Knows Fraxel® Our e x per t: dr . sue ellen c ox , b oa r d c er t if ied der m at ologic sur geon, a e s t he t ic s olu t ion s

Fine lines, wrinkles, sun damage, brown spots, acne scarring and some pre-cancerous skin conditions can all be treated effectively with lasers. The face, neck, chest and hands are the most commonly treated areas, but skin on the arms, legs and the back also respond to treatment. The name Fraxel comes to mind for many, but what exactly is it?

doesn’t break the surface of the skin.

Fraxel was introduced, it was a non-

Dr. Sue Ellen Cox, a board-certified der-

ablative device, and the word Fraxel

matologist and dermatologic surgeon

became synonymous with fractional

at Aesthetic Solutions in Chapel Hill

non-ablative laser treatments. Fraction-

notes, “Ablative lasers are still used,

al technology has since been applied

but fractionated non-ablative lasers

to other devices, including an ablative

provide many of the same benefits with

CO2 laser made by the same company.

less downtime. The trade-off is that multiple treatments and perhaps more

There are currently two lasers with

cumulative cost is necessary to achieve

Fraxel in the name, and a third laser by

similar results, and there are some

the same company often referred to as a

conditions, such as blood vessels due

‘baby Fraxel.’ It’s very confusing for the

The name “Fraxel” first appeared in

to rosacea and tattoos, which respond

patient.” Cox’s advice is to focus on the

2004 as the trade name for a non-abla-

better to other lasers.”

specific skin condition, and work with your doctor to find the best solution.

thrive magazine

tive fractional laser. It was approved by


the FDA for the treatment of wrinkles

Fractional lasers work by creating

The “right” laser will be the one that

and fine lines, pigmented lesions, acne

small columns of thermal injury, called

works best for you.

and surgical scars and skin resurfacing.

microthermal zones. Destruction of

Prior to the introduction of the Fraxel,

targeted tissue and the body’s healing

If you’re interested in brightening skin

ablative lasers, which removed most of

response produce the beneficial effects.

tone, improving texture and perhaps

the outer skin in the treatment area,

It’s a common misperception that all

getting some reduction of shallower

were used for many of these condi-

fractionated lasers are non-ablative.

lines around the eyes or mouth, the

tions. Alternatively, a non-ablative laser

That’s not true. Cox explains, “When

“baby Fraxel” Clear + Brilliant® laser

refine & renew • aesthetics

may be a good choice. According to

people will experience a sunburn-like

For more pronounced wrinkles, deeper

Cox “the microthermal zones are

response with redness, sandpaper

acne scars or skin tightening, the

more widely dispersed with the 1927

texture and gradual peeling of the

Fraxel® re:pair may be the best solution.

wavelength, and the treatment zone

skin lasting up to 4 days. Three to four

This ablative CO2 laser removes the

shallower with the 1440 wavelength,

treatments, spaced four to eight weeks

top layer of skin, and produces better

making this a no-downtime treatment

apart, are generally required to achieve

results, but generally requires sedation

that is very effective when used as part

maximum results,” says Dr. Cox.

for the procedure and seven to ten days

of a comprehensive skin care program.

of recovery time. It’s a good solution for

I particularly like Clear + Brilliant®

Treatment sessions for both the Clear

patients who want to achieve the best

as a maintenance treatment for older

+ Brilliant® and Fraxel® re:store typi-

possible results in a single treatment.

patients, and a preventive measure for

cally start with application of a numb-

“The ablative CO2 Fraxel® re:store is

younger patients.”

ing gel about an hour before treatment

very effective, treating some conditions

to make the procedure more comfort-

that just don’t respond well to other

If pre-cancerous lesions, pronounced

able. The treatments themselves take

therapies, but the downtime is problem-

brown spots, or acne scarring are the

15 to 20 minutes, depending on the

atic for some people” says Dr. Cox.

concern, the Fraxel® re:store may be

area treated.

recommended. “This is the laser most

The cost of treatments vary. Clear

people associate with the word Fraxel®,

+ Brilliant® treatments are the least

and it’s generally a good choice for sun

expensive, usually priced from $300

damage, pigmentation, pore-size

to $400 for a full face/neck treatment

reduction and scarring, as well

when purchased individually. Multiple

as the improved tone, texture

treatments are always required for

and radiance we associate with

best results, and these treatments are

youthful skin. There’s more sig-

therefore often purchased in pack-

nificant collagen stimulation

ages at a discount. Fraxel® re:store

with this laser, and that can

treatments usually cost $800 to over

lead to wrinkle reduction.”

$1,000 per treatment. Fraxel® re:pair treatments start around $3,000,

The Fraxel® re:store is the

depending on the area treated. Dr. Cox

current version of the original

concludes “Laser procedures offer

non-ablative fractionated laser that

significant benefit to patients

coined the term. It uses the 1927

interested in correcting certain skin

wavelength in a more concentrated

conditions, and delaying the signs

pattern that addresses pigmentation,

of aging. Those of us specializing in

pre-cancers and pore-size improve-

aesthetic medicine couldn’t do

ment, or a 1550 wavelength, which

without them.”

penetrates deeper. “With thrive magazine

Fraxel® re:store, most


your healthy body • are flu shots worth it?

flu shots: are they really worth it? The leaves are falling and the temperatures are dropping. Flu season is upon us.

Though the vaccine is often referred to

getting the shot may make some

as a “flu shot,” it is actually available

think they have a weakened ver-

both as a shot and a nasal spray. Those

sion of the flu. However, this is

who don’t want to or can’t get a shot

just coincidental.

You can bundle up and try to stay

can use the nasal spray. While patients

away from those with stuffy noses and

aged six months and older can get the

Some people may have an

coughs and hope for the best, or you

flu shot, only healthy people between

allergic reaction to the flu

can get a flu shot and give yourself

the ages of 2 and 49 can get the nasal

shot, and these are the peo-

some protection this season.

spray. Pregnant women are only able to

ple who legitimately should

receive the shot, as well.

not get the vaccine. Those who are allergic to eggs also

While doctors recommend that most people get a flu shot, many people have

The Argument Against Some people

shouldn’t get the vaccine

reservations about the shot because of

feel that getting the flu shot is not

since it contains eggs. Talk-

the potential side effects. Here’s what

necessary, and may even be harmful.

ing with your doctor about

you need to know to make the right

However, these arguments are not

your specific risk factors can

decision for you:

backed up by scientific evidence.

help you determine whether to avoid getting the shot.

How It Can Help According to the

Some argue that when the flu shot

Centers for Disease Control and

is developed, researchers are only

The flu vaccine provides a

Prevention, the influenza virus can

guessing about the strain of the virus

powerful defense against

make even healthy adults very sick,

that will be prevalent that season. If

a common illness that can

and can be fatal for some. As much

they guess wrong, the vaccine offers

turn fatal for some people.

as 90 percent of the annual deaths

no protection. However, having some

Talk with

caused by the influenza virus is of the

protection against the flu virus is bet-

your doc-

elderly population. Young children and

ter than having none.

tor about getting the

those who have compromised immune One of the most common myths about

shot or the

the flu shot is that it can actually cause

nasal spray

By getting the flu shot ahead of the flu

the flu because it contains a weakened

to protect

season, you can help your body develop

form of the virus. Experts have shown

yourself this

the antibodies needed to protect

that this is not true. Reactions to


against the influenza virus. Most flu

the vaccine can include a stuffy nose

shots are developed to help your body

and other mild symptoms that may

protect against several strains of the

mimic the flu. In addition, a minor

flu virus.

cold caught around the same time as

thrive magazine

systems are also at risk.


{ refine & renew }

the latest in plastic surgery & aesthetics

refine & renew • abdominoplasty 101



Our e x per t: dr . glen dav i s, b oa r d c er t if ied pl a s t ic sur geon of Dav i s + p y le pl a s t ic sur ger y

Pregnancy may be one of the most

In either scenario, an abdomino-

Davis says that long-acting numbing

wonderful things you experience in your

plasty, or “tummy tuck,” may help you

medications such as Exparel can be

life, but it can radically change your body.

get the shape you want. The American

applied to the muscle layer to help

Even if you did not gain excess weight

Society of Plastic Surgeons reports

speed recovery and improve com-

during your pregnancy, your stomach

that the tummy tuck was the sixth

fort after the surgery. He said that

muscles and skin may have stretched so

most popular cosmetic procedure in

advances in the surgery have also

much during pregnancy that they are not

2013, with 111,986 people getting

improved recovery.

able to rebound after you have the baby.

the surgery that year. Those numbers

No matter how much you diet or exercise,

rose 79 percent since 2000, so the

“Traditionally, drains have been used

your stomach may appear flabby or you

surgery has been gaining quickly

to remove any fluid between the

may have a “pooch” because of relaxed

in popularity.

muscle and fat layer to allow the tissues to heal together,” he shares.

thrive magazine

muscles or sagging, excess skin.


Dr. Glenn Davis of Davis + Pyle Plastic

“We have been sewing these layers

You may experience similar prob-

Surgery explains that an adomino-

together directly for several years,

lems if you lose a lot of weight. Just

plasty helps to tighten the abdomen

which eliminates the need for a drain.

like with having a baby, you may be

“by removing excess skin and fat and

Not only do you benefit from more

very happy that you have lost a lot of

tightening the muscles...The operation

rapid healing and fewer complications,

weight, and it may change your life in

is usually done under general anesthe-

but your recovery is simpler without

positive ways. However, no matter how

sia, but as an outpatient. A full tummy

the drains to deal with for two weeks.”

much you weight you lose, you may

tuck will take about two weeks out of

notice that your stomach never flat-

work while a mini-abdominoplasty

The most common side effect of the

tens out. You may even have folds of

(lower tummy tuck) will require a

tummy tuck is scarring.

sagging skin that refuse to tighten up.

week recovery.”

refine & renew • abdominoplasty

“There is no way to shrink wrap and tighten the skin,” Davis says. “There are no lasers or devices or peels. The only option is to cut away the excess skin and sew the edges together. This, of course, will result in a scar.” Davis explains that it is a misconception that the belly button is moved during the surgery. Instead, he says, the skin is moved around it. He said the other misconception about the surgery is that women who have it can’t get pregnant afterward.

“There is no reason that you cannot get pregnant, but the pregnancy will undo much of what was achieved in an abdominoplasty,” he says. For the best results, patients must already be at a reasonable weight when the tummy tuck is performed. Patients should discuss their options with an experienced plastic surgeon to understand the best choices for their own goals. Other surgeries like liposuction may be recommended, or patients may need to work on losing weight on their own before they return for the surgery. Maintaining a healthy diet and exercise program will also help to tummy tuck.

thrive magazine

protect the results seen from at


At Aesthetic Solutions, all patients are provided with skilled and compassionate care, while utilizing medically advanced techniques to achieve the most desirable results. Dr. Sue Ellen Cox is a board-certified dermatologic surgeon nationally recognized for her expertise in cosmetic dermatology. She specializes in facial rejuvenation through laser treatments, injectable fillers, neuromodulators and the use of other advanced technologies. She is also an expert in non-invasive tissue tightening with Ultherapy, and body contouring with Coolsculpting and tumescent liposuction. Her research has helped facilitate FDA-approval for many popular injectables such as Botox, Juvederm, Dysport, Restylane, Restylane Silk, and Voluma.

Aesthetic Solutions


Aesthetic Solutions is proud to offer miraDry®!

Permanently reduce underarm sweat and odor

thrive magazine

After a lifetime of hiding your sweat, you’ll now have to hide your smile.


Permanent sweat reduction in 1-2 treatments

thrive magazine


refine & renew • latest innovations

The Latest Innovations in Aesthetics

There’s nothing wrong with giving Mother Nature a helping hand when you start to show the signs of aging. As Dolly Parton once famously said, “If I see something sagging, bagging and dragging, I’m going to nip it, tuck it, and suck it!” You don’t have to accept the crow’s feet, the sagging jowls or the furrow in your brow. You can turn back the hands of time with the right treatment.

& Plastic Surgery

New Facials You may have heard about using oatmeal to exfoliate your skin, but what about bird poop? According to the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, a few salons in New York and New Mexico are offering these facials, which claim to exfoliate the skin thanks to an enzyme found in the droppings. You don’t have to worry about bird poop being smeared all over your face. The droppings are dried, ground up and mixed with rice bran before be-

Fortunately, you now have a lot more

ing turned into a cream for the facial.

options than nipping, tucking and

if they get too close to your mouth or

sucking. Innovations in aesthetic treat-

If that doesn’t appeal to you, maybe a

eyes.) The snail slime is said to promote

ments are less invasive and require less

live snail facial will. The society says

new skin growth, which can help heal

down time. With many treatments, you

the treatment is big in Japan, and it

skin and make it appear younger. The

never have to go under the knife at all.

involves allowing five live snails crawl

snails are followed by a facial, but we’re

Here are a few of the latest treatments

all over your face. (Though someone

not sure if any facial would be enough

you might want to know about:

is standing nearby to redirect them

to get the feeling of snails crawling on our face to go away.

Body Contouring Liposuction has long been the surgery of choice for removing fat and reshaping the body. However, a variety of

thrive magazine

noninvasive contouring procedures


is now available. One of the latest is known as “Cellulaze.” The treatment is

refine & renew • latest innovations

designed to eliminate the appearance of


cellulite on the thighs and other parts

half, al-

of the body. A thin tube is inserted in

lowing it

the skin, and a laser is used to melt

to appear

away the fat and to break up the fibers

more like

that can cause the dimpling in cellulite.

a natural

The procedure is also said to stimulate

breast. The

collagen, helping to create a smoother,

implants are

firmer appearance for the skin.

filled with a silicon gel,


which is said to

Did you know that you can exercise

maintain its shape

your lips? Just like you can exercise to

better over the

reduce the appearance of cellulite, you


can also exercise your lips to reduce the appearance of wrinkles.

The MemoryShape is now the fifth silicone

The “Face Slimmer Exercise Mouth-

gel-based breast implant

piece” is the fancy name for a pair of

approved for the market.

plastic lips designed to exercise the mouth. You insert the device in your

More and more advance-

mouth, and the plastic lips rest on the

ments are made in the field

outside. You work your jaw muscles,

of plastic surgery and aesthetic

and the manufacturer says that you will

treatment every day. We can’t wait to

also tone your skin and help reduce the

find out what the next couple of years

appearance of wrinkles.

will bring!

Breast Implants One of the biggest complaints about breast implants is that they don’t look natural. The breasts are high and unusually round. A new teardrop-shaped implant hopes to change that.

MemoryShape, is more full at the

thrive magazine

The new implant, known as


refine & renew • best face forward


your best face


Our e x per t: j. c h a r le s f inn, md, double BOARD CERTIFIED FACIAL PLASTIC SURGEON of f inn fac i a l pl a s t ic s

Time is always marching forward, and

tions and even skin cancers,” Dr. Finn

a vitamin A derivative, help to boost

sometimes the changes it brings are not

explains. Therefore, it is important to

collagen, which improves fine lines and

the ones we would like to see. Unfortu-

wear a strong sunscreen every day, and

prevents acne breakouts by helping the

nately, as we grow older, some of those

more specifically one that includes a

skin to continually turn over. These

changes appear on our face as fine lines,

physical block like titanium oxide or

prescription medications have the best

wrinkles, sunspots and other blem-

zinc. “It is an inexpensive yet vital part

science behind them, proving real, long-

ishes. They can change the way we feel

of a good skin care routine.”

term benefits. They can also prolong the

about ourselves and the way that others

need to seek rejuvenation options and

see us. Fortunately, we are not helpless

Even with a good sunblock and skincare

to these changes, and there are many

routine, your face will experience struc-

things we can do to prevent or reverse

tural changes over time that can lead to

In addition to these skincare regimens,

the signs of aging.

thinning skin, weakened bone density

it is important not to smoke. Tobacco

and shifting fat deposits, which may

byproducts can cut off oxygen flow to

“The more you prevent now, the less

leave some parts of the face thinner and

the skin, which can deplete collagen

you have to ‘fix’ later!” said Dr. Finn

others more plump or saggy.

and strip skin of the elasticity it needs

of Finn Facial in Chapel Hill. Dr. Finn noted that many of the first signs of aging are brought about by sun damage, including brown spots, broken capillaries and the beginnings of fine lines

to look young and fresh.

“It is...possible to emulate surgical results without going under the knife...”

and wrinkles. These changes are often

thrive magazine

“Along with loose skin, the notorious ‘smoker’s lines’ can form around the mouth due to extended use of specific muscles that only smokers use,” Dr.

“Talk with your doctor about incorpo-

Finn said. “Women have an even harder

rating topical creams that contain in-

time keeping a youthful look post-

“Years of exposure can leave us with

gredients like glycolic acid, antioxidants

menopause when they begin losing col-

skin that is prone to these imperfec-

and peptides,” Dr. Finn says. “Retinoids,

lagen at a faster rate. While we cannot

noticed in a woman’s early 30s.


help to maintain results when you do.”

refine & renew • best face forward

prevent these elements of aging, we can

reduce brown spots or splotchy areas

do our best to preserve it!”

on the skin, helping to even out and brighten the complexion. These

There are many treatments available

treatments can be used on the

to you to help turn back the clock and

face, neck, chest, back and

reduce the signs of aging. Some pos-

hands. The treatments can

sibilities include fillers for fine lines and

also help to stimulate

wrinkles, Botox, and other medications

the production of new

that can help reduce the appearance of

collagen, which can make

wrinkles, tighten the skin or lighten

the skin appear healthier

brown spots.

and more youthful.

“It’s ideal for both women and men

Laser treatments such as

to start Botox or Dysport, which are

Vbeam Perfecta and the

used to relax overactive muscles that

Fractional CO2

cause wrinkles, in their late 20s to early

Resurfacing Laser can be used

30s,” Dr. Finn shared. “However, many

to manage melasma, rosacea

people do start much later. But early

(redness of the skin), broken

use of these medications can prevent

capillaries, raised and red

wrinkles later in life.”

scarring, and even fine lines and wrinkles.

Fillers can be started in your early 30s. They are used to replace depleted col-

The new technology cuts time

lagen to restore elasticity to the skin,

in half without sacrificing the

and they can plump up tissue that has

result. Treatment plans should

atrophied over time.

be tailored to an individual’s needs and must take into account that

“It is even possible to emulate surgical

person’s medical history, the reason for

results without going under the knife,”

his or her skin conditions and the goals

Dr. Finn says. “However, it is imperative

that he or she wishes to achieve. It is

that all of these medications are only

important to meet with a professional

injected by an experienced physician

who can evaluate your condition and

specializing in their use. ”

provide specific suggestions for you. Getting the right treatment can signifi-

Intense pulsed light can be used to

cantly improve your chances of getting

lighten brown spots and even out skin

back or keeping the youthful look that

tone. Chemical peels and microderm-

will make you feel your best.

abrasion can exfoliate the skin to thrive


healthy & happy • joining a gym

so you want to join a gym?

here’s what you need to consider:

Developing a routine exercise program

Look for a gym that includes a large

motivated. Look for gyms that offer a

is about more than just losing or main-

variety of equipment. You don’t want

variety of classes, such as yoga, kick-

taining weight. Though maintaining

just a few treadmills and some free

boxing, spinning or Zumba. You’ll have

the right weight is essential to health,

weights. You want to see several cardio

more options for your workout, and

exercise is important for much more

machines, such as treadmills, exercise

you might even meet a workout buddy.

than that. Regular exercise can lower

bikes and ellipticals. You also want to

your blood pressure, help regulate your

see several different types of weight


blood sugar levels, reduce cholesterol

machines, free weights and exercise

Not everyone can pop over to the gym

and fats in the body, reduce stress and

stations. Also, look for amenities like a

on their lunch break. It’s important

much more -- all of which help to lower

pool or a yoga studio.

that you find a gym that has flexible hours so that you can schedule your

your risk of many diseases. Personal Training Services

workouts before going to work, after

Joining a gym is a good way to get you

If you need a little help getting started

going to work, on the weekends or any

motivated to start an exercise program

or moving your exercise program

time is most convenient for you. Some

or to exercise more regularly. It’s im-

forward, working with a personal

gyms even offer 24-hour access for the

portant that you find the right gym to

trainer can help. You don’t have to

most flexibility. If you are a parent,

help you feel comfortable, make it con-

hire someone to come to your home.

finding a gym that offers childcare will

venient for you to stick to your exercise

The best gyms have personal trainers

give you even more options.

routine, and meet your fitness goals.

on staff that can work with you in the

Here are a few top things you should consider when choosing your new gym:

gym. Some even include a free session

Of course, pricing, policies and service

with a personal trainer when you sign

are all important features of a quality

up for a membership. Even just one

gym. Make sure you consider these

session with a personal trainer can help

and other issues when making

you learn how to use the machines ef-

your selection to ensure that

A Variety of Equipment and Facilities

fectively and to build the right workout

you get the best gym for

You may love running on the treadmill,

program to meet your goals.

the optimal workout

thrive magazine

or your favorite workout may involve



cycling and squats. However, if you


want to create an effective exercise

Not everyone likes to

routine, you need to engage in a variety

work out alone.

of activities to challenge different

Working out with

muscles. Variety will also help you to

others can help

avoid becoming bored so that you stick

you have fun

to your exercise routine.

and keep you

{ healthy & happy }

health &

well-being for men & women


healthy & happy • sleep apnea

the effects of sleep apnea Our e xpert: dr. jamison spencer, director of dental sleep medicine, l ane & associates

thrive magazine

A lot of us feel like we aren’t getting as much sleep as we would like. Many of us brush off that nagging fatigue as the result of too much stress at our jobs, or not having enough hours in the day to get everything accomplished – but the answer may not be that obvious. In fact, you might think that you are getting your full eight hours of sleep, but you may actually be waking up hundreds of times per night.


The National Sleep Foundation reports

Symptoms in children may include

that 18 million Americans suffer from

grinding of the teeth, bed wetting,

sleep apnea, and that another 10 mil-

ADHD, difficulty in school and fre-

lion may be undiagnosed. Dr. Jamison

quent ear aches.

Spencer, the director of dental sleep medicine for Lane and Associates

The problem isn’t just a question of

and a member of the American Board

quality of sleep. Those with sleep

of Dental Sleep Medicine, says that

apnea are at increased risk for high

recent research suggests the problem is

blood pressure, heart disease, gastric

even bigger with as many as 50 percent

reflux, chronic fatigue, weight gain and

of American adults suffering from the


condition. “Sleep apnea doesn’t just affect the “Sleep apnea is more common in older,

person with the problem. It affects

Sleep apnea is a common condition

heavier men, but it also occurs in wom-

their bed partner and their family. If

that affects millions of Americans and

en and even children,” he says. “Typical

they fall asleep at work or at the wheel

greatly diminishes their quality of

symptoms include tiredness or fatigue

of a car, it may negatively affect many

sleep. It causes people to stop breath-

during the day; feeling unrefreshed

other people,” Spencer adds. “Snoring

ing during their sleep, sometimes for

after sleeping; snoring; gasping for

is considered funny. This isn’t funny.

a few seconds and sometimes for as

breath occasionally while sleeping;

People are dying at the rate of thou-

long as a minute. It can be caused by

difficulty staying asleep; morning

sands a day from heart disease. Many

an obstruction of the airway or by

headaches; mood changes; depression;

of these people have untreated sleep

a breakdown in the communication

irritability; and grinding or clenching

apnea. Hundreds of millions of dollars

between the brain and the body.

the teeth at night.”

are lost in low productivity of people who are tired from sleeping poorly.

healthy & happy • sleep apnea

Many couples sleep in different rooms.

are unable to tolerate its discomfort.

Most insurance companies cover these

Commercial boat, train and truck

Lane and Associates Family Dentistry

treatments, as well as the sleep study

drivers have fallen asleep at the wheel,

provides dental appliances that gentle

required for diagnosis.

often resulting in deaths. Snoring isn’t

hold the lower jaw forward, opening

funny. It’s a sign of a potentially life-

the airway. These small, simple to use

Spencer stresses “For most people, the

threatening underlying problem that is

devices are often effective, and most

out of pocket expense is reasonable,

related to many other problems.”

people find them much more conve-

and the positive effects on their quali-

nient and comfortable.

ty of life, not to mention the decreased

Sleep apnea is diagnosed by a sleep

risk of stroke and heart attack, are well

study. If sleep apnea is diagnosed, a

“Treatments for sleep apnea tend to be

CPAP, or Continuous Positive Airway

very effective,” Spencer says. “Obstruc-

Pressure, machine may be used dur-

tive sleep apnea is basically a problem

If you think you may have sleep apnea,

ing sleep to treat the condition. The

of the airway collapsing while we sleep.

talk to your doctor about a possible

machine blows air into the nose, or

The treatments are focused on making

sleep study. If you believe someone you

nose and mouth, through a mask that

the airway less likely to collapse.”

know may have sleep apnea, encourage

an excellent treatment, many people

him or her to seek help.

thrive magazine

is worn during sleep. While CPAP is

worth the minimal expense.”


healthy & happy • the truth about germs

germs: from the good, the bad, When it comes to germs and bacteria, we mostly only think about how to stay away from them. Hand sanitizer has become part of the norm in schools and work places, with sanitization stations popping up everywhere! We also work hard to sanitize the surfaces in our homes to kill outside germs and prevent illness. While there are many types of germs that can make you sick or are otherwise be bad for your health, there are many germs that are actually good for your body. In fact, you need some types of germs to maintain an overall healthy well-being.

Probiotics what it Does

Probiotics refers to a group of bacteria that can improve your digestive health. They can even help to treat irritable bowel syndrome and ulcerative colitis. Common types of probiotics include lactobacillus, acidophilus, and bifidobacteria. transmission

Probiotics are available in a pill form that can be taken daily like a vitamin. They are also available as liquid drops, which can be added to drinks or cereals. They can also be found naturally in cultured foods, such as yogurt and kefir. treatment

Probiotics can be prescribed as “Germs” may actually re-

treatment for digestive issues and

fer to bacteria, parasites

other health problems. It is im-

or viruses. Here’s the

portant to talk with your doctor

truth about what you need

about proper dosage and the right

to know about germs that

kinds of probiotics to take.

thrive magazine

are good or bad for your



healthy & happy • the truth about germs

and the really ugly truth Common Cold



What it Does

What it Does

What it Does

The germs that cause the com-

Streptomyces are a type of bacteria

The norovirus can cause severe

mon cold are perhaps the most

that are used to synthesize anti-

gastrointestinal upset, including

recognizable to most people. Many

biotics, which are used to fight

violent diarrhea and vomiting. If

different types of viruses are re-

bacterial infections.

the person becomes dehydrated,

sponsible for the common cold.

the virus can be fatal, especially in transmission

vulnerable populations like babies


Streptomyces are found naturally

and the elderly.

The common cold can be spread

in soil. They break down sugars, al-

through the air or through in-

cohol, acids and more. The bacteria


fected surfaces. For example, if a

won’t be transmitted just through

Norovirus can be transmitted

person sneezes or coughs near you,

touching dirt. It must be extracted

through infected foods or water,

the virus may be transmitted. If

and synthesized into antibiotics to

as well as through contact with an

you touch a contagious person or

become helpful to human health.

infected person (or the bodily fluids

something the person has touched, you could become infected.

of an infected person). treatment

Different types of Streptomyces



are used to create different types

Unfortunately, there is no treat-

There is no cure for the common

of antibiotics. Doctors will recom-

ment for norovirus. Treatment

cold. The virus simply has to run

mend the best one to treat your

focuses on providing rehydration

its course. You can take

bacterial condition, such as an ear

through replacement of fluids.

medication to treat

infection or a yeast infection.

Rest is also recommended.

the symptoms, such as a sore throat or a stuffy nose. thrive magazine


healthy & happy • stem cell therapy

stem cell


Our e x per t: dr . jay s t e v en s of e s sen t i a l he a lt h & w ellne s s

Stem cell therapy has long been known to be a powerful method for treating all kinds of health issues from spinal cord injuries to heart problems. However, the treatment remained on the fringes of medicine and was not widely used, in part due to controversy surrounding its use and in part due to limitations in research.

here in the Triangle are utilizing the

monary and autoimmune conditions.”


Stevens and his team are part of an international network of physicians

Dr. Jay Stevens of Essential Health

that are working together to investi-

and Wellness explains that the

gate the safety and effectiveness of

therapy involves removing fat tissue

the ADSVF treatment. The work is

from the lower abdomen and flank

being performed with the oversight of

using a mini-liposuction procedure

an institutional review board.

performed under local anesthesia. Fat is removed with some tissue and

“Each site is following a protocol for

blood, which are then processed and

the diseases that are qualified in the

separated. Stromal vascular fraction

study,” he explains. “Orthopedic

(SVF) is retrieved during this separa-

conditions and autoimmune condi-

Recently, the use of stem cell therapy

tion. This fluid contains stem cells

tions are clearly the most common.”

through bone marrow transplants has

and other healing components, which

become more common, and now other

are then used in treatment.

thrive magazine

types of treatments are available.


While the popular notion of stem cell therapy is that it can be used to

“The most common deployments are

duplicate any cells or to treat any

A procedure known as adipose derived

into joints such as knees hips and

health condition, this is not necessar-

stromal vascular fraction (ADSVF)

shoulders,” Stevens says. “We also

ily the case.

deployment is now gaining traction

deploy SVF intravenously. We treat a

for a variety of uses, and doctors right

variety of orthopedic, neurologic, pul-

“It is not a panacea for healing all

healthy & happy • stem cell therapy

diseases,” Stevens shares. “It is also

respond to a deployment and another

over 1,000 procedures but has not had

not a one-size-fits-all treatment.

may not with the same number of

a serious adverse event. He called it

There are many factors that influence

cells deployed. We are uncertain of all

“an exceedingly safe procedure.”

the outcome of ADSVF deployment.

the reasons for this.”

While the procedure is currently be-

An individual’s age, health status and

ing used to treat mostly orthopedic

current disease severity all influence

Of course, there can be risks to the

and autoimmune diseases, it may be

the likelihood of how the deployment

procedure, just as there are with any

possible that it grows to treat other

will succeed.”

medical treatment. However, Stevens

conditions in the future. Between

says that the team studying the safety

ADSVF and other types of stem cell

of ADSVF treatment has performed

therapy treatment, many patients

He adds, “No one knows at this time how many stem cells it takes to re-

may have more options for treating

generate a joint surface that has been

or managing their disease or poor

worn or injured. Also, one person may

health condition.

What are stem cells, and why are they important? Stem cells have the remarkable potential to develop into many

organ-specific cells with special functions. In some organs, such

different cell types in the body during early life and growth.

as the gut and bone marrow, stem cells regularly divide to repair

In addition, in many tissues they serve as a sort of internal

and replace worn out or damaged tissues. In other organs, how-

repair system, dividing essentially without limit to replenish

ever, such as the pancreas and the heart, stem cells only divide

other cells as long as the person or animal is still alive. When

under special conditions.

a stem cell divides, each new cell has the potential either to remain a stem cell or become another type of cell with a more

Stem cells are important for living organisms for many reasons.

specialized function, such as a muscle cell, a red blood cell, or

In the 3- to 5-day-old embryo, called a blastocyst, the inner cells

a brain cell.

give rise to the entire body of the organism, including all of the many specialized cell types and organs such as the heart, lungs, skin, sperm, eggs and other tissues. In some adult tissues, such

tant characteristics. First, they are unspecialized cells capable

as bone marrow, muscle, and brain, discrete populations of adult

of renewing themselves through cell division, sometimes after

stem cells generate replacements for cells that are lost through

long periods of inactivity. Second, under certain physiologic or ex-

normal wear and tear, injury, or disease.

perimental conditions, they can be induced to become tissue- or

Taken from:

thrive magazine

Stem cells are distinguished from other cell types by two impor-


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healthy & happy • overcoming cataracts



Our e x per t: Dr . tonic a john son, nor t h c a rolin a e y e , e a r , nose , a nd t hroat

As we age, instances of cataracts become more common, as do vision loss and many other types of eye health issues.

graying, we can’t stop cataracts from

news because vision loss due to cata-

developing. However, there are things

racts is easily cured,” Johnson says.

we can do to slow down the process,

“Cataract surgery is the most common

just like there are things we can do to

surgery performed in the country and

age gracefully.”

is extremely safe and immediately effective. With today’s technology,

In fact, the American Academy of Ophthalmology reports that more

Dr. Johnson shares that smoking can

cataract surgery allows patients to see

than half of all Americans will have

accelerate the development of cata-

even better than they did before they

cataracts by the time they reach the

racts, so she encourages her patients

had cataracts, because we are now able

age of 80. The problem is not confined

to quit smoking, as well as to always

to provide good vision without the use

to the elderly. As many as 22 million

wear sunglasses when they go outside.

of glasses afterward.”

people in the United States over the

She also tells patients to eat a variety

age of 40 suffer from cataracts.

of fruits and vegetables of different

Cataract surgery is performed on an

colors each day.

outpatient basis. Typically, patients are at the doctor’s office for about two

Cataracts are easy to spot during an eye exam. They cause the lens of the

“In essence, the habits that are healthy

hours, including the prep time, surgery

eye to become cloudy, and can affect

and protective against aging for your

and checkout procedures. Patients are

vision. The condition can occur in one

body in general are also healthy and

awake during the surgery. They receive

eye, or in both at the same time.

protective for your eyes,” she says.

sedation to make them relaxed, as well

thrive magazine

as topical eye drops to numb their eyes


“Cataracts are a normal part of aging,”

Fortunately, cataracts are easy to

against pain. Johnson explains that it

says Dr. Tonica Johnson of North

correct, unlike some other age-related

is important for patients to be awake

Carolina Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat.

conditions, such as balding. “If you

during the surgery so they can follow

“Just like we can’t stop hair from

find out that your worsening vision is

instructions. Patients do not experi-

due to cataracts, that’s actually good

ence pain during or after the surgery,

healthy & happy • overcoming cataracts

and they leave with a clear shield over the eye, which allows them to see. Johnson says that patients notice an immediate improvement in their vision, which will improve as the inflammation in the eye decreases. “There is very little down time,” she says. “I do surgery on Mondays, and on Wednesday, patients return to work, drive and do what they normally do.” Lifestyle Lens options can help patients see without using glasses. “With newer technology, we can now use lenses that help patients see without glasses by giving them distance and near vision, as well as by correcting their astigmatism,” Johnson said. She added that the surgery can also be performed with a laser so that the surgery is “completely bladeless,” thereby increasing its precision and safety. It is important for patients to learn the symptoms of cataracts and to see a doctor immediately if they experience them. Symptoms include blurry or hazy vision, halos around lights, dimming of vision and colors, difficulty reading even with glasses, and difficulty driving at night because of glare. “If you are having these symptoms, a comprehensive eye exam will let you and your ophthalmologist cataract surgery,” Johnson says.

thrive magazine

know whether you are a candidate for


healthy & happy • breast density & health

breast density and your health

Every breast looks different. A look through any men’s magazine or plastic surgery website can show you that. However, what you might not realize is that the inside of every breast can look different as well.

Typically, breast density increases

Dense breast tissue can affect

with age. Dr. Stacey Vitiello, a leading

mammogram analysis as well. Both

expert in breast imaging, says that

dense breast tissue and the tissue of

about 1/3 of women over the age of

a benign lump or cancerous tumor

fifty have dense breasts, compared to

appear white on a mammogram

about only half of women under

screening, making it harder to detect

age fifty.

cancerous tissue against dense breast tissue. Less dense breast tissue takes on a greyish appearance on a mam-

Sure, below the surface of the skin, Breast Density and Mammograms

mogram, which makes it easier to

lobules and ducts in her breasts.

The reason why breast density is

distinguish from lumps.

But not every woman has the same

significant is that it can impact the

amounts of those materials or has

accuracy of breast cancer screenings,

Dr. Vitiello estimates that up to half

them in the same ratio.

such as manual breast exams and

of breast cancers in women with


dense breasts are not discovered dur-

every woman has fat, breast tissue,

ing mammogram. That means that

thrive magazine

The term “breast density” refers to


how much of those materials you

Because dense breast tissue can feel

the cancer is allowed to progress to

have. Women who have dense breasts

tough or even hard, it can be difficult

later stages, which can make it much

have more fibrous and glandular tis-

to distinguish between healthy tis-

harder to treat and leave patients

sue, but they do not have as much fat.

sue and a lump or a tumor during a

with a worse prognosis for recovery.

Some women may have more dense

manual breast exam. This includes a

Cancers that are not discovered until

breast tissue for reasons that doctors

self-exam that a woman performs at

later stages also require much more

don’t understand.

home or one that a doctor performs

invasive treatments.

during an annual screening.

healthy & happy • breast density & health


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Additional Screening

breast cancer screening for women

potential cancers in their early stages.

When women get a mammogram,

with dense breast tissue.

Simply having dense breast tissue puts

they should also be informed of their


you at a higher risk for developing PANTONE® 576 C

breast density. If this information is

Neither MRI nor ultrasound is a

breast cancer, so these screenings are

not provided to you after a mammo-

perfect choice for detecting breast

very important. The Susan G. Komen

gram, you should request it.

cancer or benign lumps. Both can be

Breast Cancer Foundation reports

expensive, and both can turn up more

that women with dense breast tissue

Should you discover that you have

results other than just cancer. These

are four to five times more likely to

dense breasts, you should ask for

results can cause unneeded stress as

develop breast cancer than those with

additional screening (or your doc-

well as unneeded and invasive testing.

less dense breast tissue.

screening tool available for women

It is important to talk with your doctor

Make sure you take all the precau-

with dense breasts is an MRI, or

about the benefits and risks of such

tions you can by working closely with

medical resonance imaging. Ultra-

testing, as well as the possibility of us-

your doctor to develop the right early

sound may also prove effective at

ing other diagnostic tests to discover

screening measures.

tor should recommend it). The best

thrive magazine


healthy & happy • the full-service hospital

the benefits of a

full-service hospital

Our e x per t: Suze t t e rodr ique z , p ublic r el at ion s spec i a li s t f or john s ton he a lt h

When you think of a full-service busi-

opened as an outpatient center in

heart attack. An outpatient center can

ness, you might bring to mind a hotel or

2009, but it recently completed a $50

offer immediate, emergency care and

a restaurant. But what does it mean for

million expansion that will bring

diagnostic testing that shows that a

a hospital to be full service? After all,

inpatient care.

heart attack occurred. A full-service

you aren’t getting the kind of service you

hospital could do all of that and admit

might expect, for example, in a retail set-

“We put these core services in place

the patient for intensive care or ar-

ting. What you’re really getting is medical

and designed the building so that we

range for a life-saving procedure.


could expand and add inpatient services when the time was right,” says

Johnston Health’s emergency

A full-service hospital means that pa-

Suzette Rodriguez, public relations

departments in Clayton and Smith-

tients have access to a broad range of

specialist for Johnston Health. “It

field are chest-pain accredited,

health care options, from surgery to

was our plan, at first, to add 27 beds

which means they are following best

emergency care to labor and delivery.

for inpatients. But in the five years

practices for the treatment and care of

You may think that all hospitals are

since, the demand for services has

patients who arrive with symptoms of

full service, but some of them focus

grown enough to support 50 beds.”

a heart attack.

dren’s services. Without a full-service

Greater Access to Care

With its new wing, Johnston Health

hospital, residents may have limited

One of the biggest benefits of having

Clayton can now care for patients

health care options.

a full-service hospital in the commu-

recovering from more intensive

nity is that residents have access to

surgeries or suffering from sudden

With the expansion of Johnston

more options for health care. Patients

or chronic illnesses. The hospital will

Health Clayton, residents in Clayton

can get care in one location instead

also provide maternity services.

and the surrounding area will now

of having to be transferred. For

have the benefit of a full-service

example, say a patient comes into the

More Comfortable Facilities

hospital. Johnston Health Clayton

emergency room with symptoms of a

Many patients fear going to the hos-

thrive magazine

on specialties such as cancer or chil-


healthy & happy • the full-service hospital

Great News!

New Hospital! New Services! New Levels Of Care! Johnston Health Is Proud To Open The First Full-Service Hospital In The Clayton Area.

We are proud to open a beautiful, full-service, three story wing with 50 inpatient rooms, as well as a complete women’s center with labor & delivery. In addition, there’s a 24-hour emergency department with chest pain center accreditation and a fully equipped imaging center. All brought to you with the strength and depth of our recent partnership with UNC Health Care.

Healing Neighbors. It’s What We Do. It’s Who We Are!

2138 NC Hwy. 42 W. Clayton 919-585-8000

pital because it can seem clinical and

of having to walk through the hospi-

Twinkling LED lights on the ceiling

detached. A comfortable atmosphere

tal corridors.

will make it feel like you’re looking

can put patients at ease and aid their healing process.

like stars.” The overall hospital design has a sleek look with a stone facade and large

Experienced Staff

Johnston Health Clayton has paid

plate glass windows to let in more

A full-service hospital can attract the

special attention to the design of

natural light, all of which make for an

top talent, which means patients can

its building. For example, the labor

inviting atmosphere.

get the best care from the most experienced staff. While Johnston Clayton

and delivery rooms will also double “Many of our visitors have said the

Health already has experienced staff

wall beds that can be pulled down to

hospital looks like a ski lodge. Archi-

in the lab, radiology and emergency

accommodate family members who

tects have designed the building to

departments, it’s adding even more

want to stay overnight. A private

feel less like an institution and more

talented and experienced health care

entrance to the women’s services

like a resort,” Rodriguez says. “In

employees in the inpatient wing.

department makes it easy for mothers

the atrium of the new wing, visitors

When fully staffed, the hospital will

in labor to enter more quickly, instead

will be able to look up three stories.

employ nearly 400.

thrive magazine

as recovery rooms. They will include


healthy & happy • back to basics

back to basics:

overcoming and dealing with back pain

Our e x per t: W illi a m J. Va n a r t hos, MD Or t hopa edic a nd Sp or t s Im aging R a diologi s t, Wa k e R a diology

After you’ve spent a day at the gym or doing work in the yard, you may feel some discomfort in your back. It may even last several days until your sore muscles heal. However, if you have persistent back pain, either as a result of an injury or not, there may be a bigger problem.

suffer from back pain at some point in

Epidural steroid injections have

their lives.

shown great promise in treating back pain when surgery is not required.

Treatment for back pain depends on

The medication is delivered into the

the cause. The most common causes

epidural space, which is like a sleeve

of back pain include herniated discs,

that surrounds the spine and

degenerative joint and disc disease,

provides cushioning for the nerves

and inflamed muscles. Less common

and spinal cord.

causes of back pain include inflammatory arthritis, fractures, scoliosis

“By delivering long-acting steroids

and neoplasms.

directly into the back, these injections can provide prolonged relief

Many people suffer from ongoing

In some cases, minor treatment like

that lasts 8 to 12 months,” Dr.

back pain as a result of inflamma-

heat therapy can provide relief. In

Vanarthos shares.

tion, disc injuries, bone spurs or other

other cases, medication or even

problems. The American Chiropractic

surgery may be necessary.

thrive magazine

Association (ACA) says that 31 mil-


The epidural space is small (especially in the neck and back where

lion people in the United States suffer

“Many patients can treat back pain

it is directly adjacent to the spinal

lower back pain at any given time, and

with a combination of rest, physical

cord) and can be difficult to access.

that lower back pain is the leading

therapy and anti-inflammatory medi-

However, the space widens in the

cause of disability.

cation,” says Dr. William Vanarthos,

lower back and can be easily accessed

a musculoskeletal radiologist at Wake

to effectively treat people with pain in

Astonishingly, the ACA estimates that

Radiology. “But that certainly doesn’t

their lower back, hips or pelvic region

as many as 80 percent of people may

work for everyone.”

through a canal called the sacral

healthy & happy • back to basics

hiatus, which is located adjacent to the tailbone. To deliver the steroids to the precise location for the most effective results, radiologists often use an imaging technology called C-arm fluoroscopy that allows them to watch closely as the needle is guided into the right spot. “By confirming the exact placement of the needle, C-arm fluoroscopy increases precision and reduces complications,� Dr. Vanarthos says. The procedure generally takes less than five minutes, and it has shown to be very successful at treating pain in a large majority of patients. As with any procedure, there is a range of effectiveness. Dr. Vanarthos reports that many patients experience pain relief for as long as a year, depending on the cause and the severity of the back pain. The injections are nearly pain-free and the risks are low, making it an attractive choice for many to manage non-surgical and unexplained causes of back pain. Not all patients are eligible for epidural injections to treat back pain, but it is worth talking with your physician be right for you.

thrive magazine

about whether this treatment might


healthy & happy • aging from the inside out

solving psoriasis:

the excimer laser Our e x per t: Dr . C at her ine Hr en, MD of c a ry der m at ology

Psoriasis is one of many skin conditions that can be both painful and embarrassing. It appears as patches of red, raised, itchy skin typically on the elbows, knees and scalp.

by physical illness as well as emotion-

riasis, light box therapy is a great way

al trauma and stress. The American

to treat the entire body at once. When

Academy of Dermatology says that

plaques are limited to a few areas,

those with moderate to severe pso-

or when the scalp is involved, the

riasis also have an increased risk for

Excimer laser is a better option.

cardiovascular events, such as heart attack. The older the patient is, the

“Excimer laser is targeted UVB

more pronounced these risks are.

therapy,” Dr. Catherine Hren of Cary

The American Academy of Dermatol-

Dermatology says. “Instead of using

ogy reports that 80 percent of the 7.5

Getting the proper treatment can

a light box, which treats the entire

million Americans who have psoriasis

help produce clearer skin and reduce

cutaneous surface, Excimer delivers

suffer from the plaque form of the

other health risks associated with

light to specific plaques. This allows

disease, which includes silvery-white

the condition. Common treatment

for very personalized treatment, and

scales on top of the raised skin, creat-

options include topical ointments and

higher energy can be delivered to

ing a hardened area.

light therapy.

smaller areas.”

The problem is not just aesthetic.

Light box therapy has long been a

The focused dose of laser light helps

While many people are embarrassed

popular option. Narrowband UVB

to target and destroy the cells causing

by these scaly patches, some also ex-

uses a specific wavelength of light

the plaque psoriasis without harming

perience severe itching and joint pain.

that has been shown to penetrate

the surrounding skin.

thrive magazine

deep enough into the skin to kill the


Psoriasis is an autoimmune disease

immune cells that contribute to the

“The treatment itself is performed

that causes the skin cells to grow too

plaques without causing sunburn.

twice weekly,” Dr. Hren says. “There is

rapidly, and flare-ups can be triggered

When a person has widespread pso-

no pain and no down time.”

healthy & happy • aging from the inside out

Cary Dermatology Center, P. A. 101 S.W. Cary Parkway, Suite 210 Cary, NC 27511 919.467.8556

Some patients may feel warmth from

psoriasis. Many insurance plans

the laser, or they may feel a slight

do cover Excimer laser therapy for

snapping sensation, comparative


to a rubber band snapping against the skin.

“The best patient type for Excimer laser therapy is one with localized patches of psoriasis on the arms and

15 to 30 minutes each, and they are

legs and/or the scalp. Because hair

given twice a week for eight weeks.

covers the scalp, it is difficult to apply

Dr. Hren explains that most patients

topical medications or to get UVB

start to see improvement within

treatment from a light box. The Ex-

10 treatments. However, the exact

cimer laser hand piece delivers energy

results will depend upon the specific

directly to the scalp plaques for ef-

patient and the severity of the plaque

ficient therapy and faster clearance.”

thrive magazine

Excimer laser treatments usually last


healthy & happy • from the b’s to the omegas

outbreak: know diseases and Ebola Ebola is a hemorrhagic fever that can be fatal. It was initially contracted from diseased animals like bats in Africa in the 1970s, but it has spread among humans since then. Outbreaks were once confined to West Africa, but they have begun spreading around the globe. A few years ago, we were worried about the swine flu. Now, Ebola is in the news, and new cases seem to be appearing every day. While only a handful of cases have been confirmed in the United States, the news

how it spreads

how to protect yourself

if you are exposed

Contact with bodily secre-

Stay away from infected

Seek medical treatment

tions, such as blood, saliva,

patients, and use protective

immediately. Rehydration

mucus and semen. Transmis-

gear, such as gloves, when

therapy and medical support

sion is possible if contact is

caring for patients in the

can help promote healing.

made with items that have

home who have Ebola. Wash

No specific medication or

come in contact with these

hands regularly when among

vaccine has been created for

secretions, such as bedding.

the general population.

Ebola, though many are in development.

has sparked conversation about the spread of infectious diseases and how to reduce the risk.

Hepatitis C Hepatitis C impairs the function of the liver. It can affect a person for only a few weeks, or it can become a chronic, lifetime condition.

Fortunately, the spread of

how it spreads

how to protect yourself

if you are exposed

many of these diseases

Contact with the blood of an

Do not share needles or sy-

Acute cases may clear on their

can be prevented through

infected person. It can also

ringes. Make sure to get pierc-

own. Medication and treat-

proper sanitation and

be spread through sexual

ings and tattoos only from

ment is available for chronic

health practices. Here’s


trusted professionals who use


what you need to know

new and sterilized equipment

about how some infectious

for each tattoo or piercing.

diseases are spread and how to prevent



Otherwise known as whooping cough, pertussis is a respiratory illness that results in violent coughing. After a round of coughing, a person might have to take several deep breaths, creating the “whooping”

thrive magazine

sound for which the illness takes its name. The illness can be fatal for young children, especially infants.


healthy & happy • from the b’s to the omegas

how they spread Pertussis, continued how it spreads

how to protect yourself

if you are exposed

Pertussis spreads just like the common

A vaccine is available to greatly reduce

Acute cases may clear on their own.

cold or flu. Being near an infected person

the risk of transmission. Adults who

Medication and treatment is available for

or touching surfaces the person has

will be near young babies should become

chronic cases.

touched can result in transmission.

vaccinated or receive a booster since babies cannot become fully vaccinated for several months. Staying away from those known to have the illness and using good hygiene practices, like hand washing, can also reduce transmission.

MRSA MRSA, or methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus, is a bacterial staph infection that appears on the skin. how it spreads

how to protect yourself

if you are exposed

The bacteria can spread through skin

Keep all wounds covered, and wash your

Antibiotics are used to treat MRSA

contact. The bacteria must enter through

hands regularly. Shower after all sports

infections. Additional treatment may

a cut in the skin, but the cut can be

activities. Sanitize your bed linens and

be needed for advanced cases, including

quite minor. Many people pick up MRSA



infections while in health care settings, personal care facilities (like spas) or locker rooms.

norovirus Norovirus is a foodborne illness that can cause severe diarrhea and vomiting. If left untreated, it can become life-threatening, especially in young children and the elderly. how it spreads

how to protect yourself

if you are exposed

Norovirus is spread through contaminat-

Wash hands regularly, wash all produce

Rehydration therapy may be necessary,

ed food or water. It is also contagious, and

thoroughly and cook all foods completely.

but the virus is usually left to run its

through physical contact (or contact with infected surfaces).


thrive magazine

it can be spread from person to person


healthy & happy • menstral bleeding

how untreated

hearing loss can affect you

thrive magazine

Our e x per t: dr . s t eph a nie ga lloway, a s sur ed audiology & he a r ing s olu t ion s


You may not think it can happen to

hearing loss by the time they are 65,

There are two primary causes of hearing

you. You’re still young. You hear

but that two out of three people who

loss in our typical patients: Aging and

just fine. So what if you have to

suffer from hearing loss are under the

damage from exposure to loud noise.

turn up the TV a little bit? You just

age of 65. Did you know the National

Age-related hearing loss is gradual,

like it that way. Your family says

Institute on Deafness and Other Com-

and the Hearing Loss Association of

that they have to yell to be heard,

munication Disorders says that one

America says that it can be confused

but you don’t know what they mean.

in eight people over the age of 12 has

with other age-related conditions, such

They sound normal to you. If they

hearing loss in both ears? This shows

as dementia. Noise-related hearing loss

would stop mumbling, you would

how hearing loss is a problem that

can also be gradual and even unnotice-

hear them just fine…

truly knows no age limit.

able over many years.

If this sounds familiar, you could be in

Dr. Stephanie Galloway of Assured

It may seem hard to believe that you

denial about your hearing loss, or you

Audiology explains that “Many times,

wouldn’t notice when you begin to lose

may just not recognize the symptoms.

individuals with hearing loss try to hide

your hearing. Loss can occur by small

However, it is important that you learn

their hearing problems. They may do a

degrees. As the loss worsens over time,

more about hearing loss so you can get

good job of it up to a point, however, it

the individual adapts to that loss. It be-

treatment if you need it as early as pos-

is only a matter of time before friends

comes the person’s reality or their new

sible to help prevent further problems.

and family start to notice the difficul-

“normal.” The most important thing to

ties the hearing loss is causing. For

remember and convey to that person is

According to the Hearing Loss Associa-

example, no one can agree on the

that their “normal” is in fact impaired.

tion of America, about 20 percent of

volume of the television, family and

By the time the person realizes there

U.S. adults report some level of hear-

friends are accused of mumbling all the

is a problem, his or her quality of life

ing loss. While many of those people

time, or the hearing impaired person

could be compromised.

are older, hearing loss is not confined

finds themselves smiling and nodding

to the elderly. The association says that

throughout conversations with no real

Your mental health can also suffer. You

one out of three people suffers from

grasp of what is being said.”

may become anxious about social gath-

healthy & happy • menstral bleeding

Better Hearing is Better Living

DIAGNOSTIC HEARING TESTS • EVALUATIONS FOR HEARING AIDS • HEARING AID PURCHASES & FITTINGS HEARING AID REPAIRS & ADJUSTMENTS • ADVANCED AUDIOLOGY SERVICES Assured Audiology & Hearing Solutions is proud to provide hearing care, hearing aid services, and audiology services for residents of Fuquay-Varina, Holly Springs, Apex, and the surrounding communities. We are committed to educating our patients, so they are able to make well informed decisions about the treatment options and methods to pursue. As a part of this service, we are available to conduct educational programs for organizations throughout the community. Feel free to contact us for more information.

Patient satisfaction is our priority, even extending to lifetime coverage on every hearing aid we fit! 7629 PURFOY ROAD, STE 109 FUQUAY-VARINA, NC 27526 (919) 762-0358


erings or depressed as a result of prob-

noise management algorithms that

tion and treatment to successfully man-

lems that are a result of your hearing

help improve performance in the

age the condition. “As with any other

loss. You may even become physically

presence of background noise as well

health care provider or physician, make

exhausted by trying to participate in

as circuits that help manage feedback,

sure you feel comfortable with your

conversations that are difficult to hear,

or whistling, from the hearing aids.

doctor of audiology,” Dr. Galloway says.

follow, and understand.

The comfort and size of the instru-

“This should be a long-term relation-

ments has also improved drastically,

ship with ongoing care of your hearing

Unfortunately, there is no cure for the

they are much smaller now and fit so

health, as well as your hearing aids. It

hearing losses mentioned above, but

much more discreetly in the ear. “Many

should never be a case of getting hear-

successful treatment is available with

times, I have to really look to make sure

ing aids and then never returning to the

hearing aids. The success and satisfac-

my patients are actually wearing their

office. It is an ongoing process where I

tion rates have increased dramatically

hearing aids,” Galloway says.

continually monitor my patients’ hear-

with the help of technological advances

ing and schedule regular maintenance Choosing the right professional is es-

on their hearing aids, as well. This goes

include directional microphones and

sential to receiving the proper evalua-

on for the life of the hearing aids.”

thrive magazine

in hearing aids over the years. These


healthy community • the right grocery store

Finding the

right grocery store for YOU.

North Carolina is lucky to have a wide selection of grocery stores available, with more being offered all the time. Each of these stores offers different advantages, such as low prices at one or higher quality of foods at another. It is important that you research all the options to find the best grocery store for your family and your budget.

Here’s a breakdown of what you need to know about the most popular grocery stores in your area:

SELECTION: Harris Teeter has a large selection of a wide variety of foods. You can find everything from commercially prepared foods to fresh organic foods made in the deli. The store includes many options for those with special diets, including organic, all-natural and gluten-free foods. These foods are mixed in throughout each aisle instead of being sectioned off in a special area. PREPARED FOODS: The store has both a deli and a bakery, and you can buy everything from fresh sushi to a decadent tart. Many items are available to take and bake, or you can buy ready-to-eat dishes. Most stores also have a fresh salad bar, which includes hot soups and pastas. SPECIALTY: Harris Teeter is best known for its variety of

SELECTION: Kroger is a budget-friendly store that focuses on the basics. You won’t be able to find a lot of exotic or specialty foods here, but you can get everything you need for healthy meals. Some organic and specialty foods are available in a special section, which is growing rapidly. PREPARED FOODS: The store maintains a small deli and bakery section. Some locations also have a fresh salad bar. SPECIALTY: Budget pricing. It also offers discount gas to Kroger card members. PRICING: Low-cost. Most people consider Kroger to be the lower-choice alternative to Harris Teeter. It also maintains a customer loyalty program with regular discounts.

higher quality foods at affordable prices. It also offers online shopping. PRICING: Mid-scale. Harris Teeter offers affordable prices, but certainly not the lowest. Fortunately, the store regularly has “buy two, get three free” sales and other promotions. The store regularly offers double coupon days, and it has a customer reward program known as VIC.

SELECTION: Food Lion is a budget-friendly choice for those looking for the basics, from fresh produce to prepared snacks. Like its budget-friendly counterparts, Food Lion has limited offerings for organic or other specialty food items. PREPARED FOODS: The store maintains a small bakery and

thrive magazine

deli section. Ready-to-eat foods are limited.


SPECIALTY: Budget pricing. PRICING: Low-cost. The store also offers the MVP card.

healthy community • the right grocery store

SELECTION: Whole Foods provides exclusively organic, all-

SELECTION: Lowe’s has been trying to make a name for

natural, ethically sourced and healthy foods. You won’t find

itself recently by adding more fresh foods to its lineup,

any sugary sodas here. But you will find an all-natural ver-

including more organic and all-natural options.

sion with no chemicals or caffeine. You can also find plenty

PREPARED FOODS: Standard deli and bakery counter with a

of specialty diet foods and supplements.

limited selection of prepared foods.

PREPARED FOODS: The store includes an extensive bakery

SPECIALTY: Fresh foods at lower prices than traditional

and deli section, as well as a large hot and cold bar. You can

health food stores.

pick up everything from a freshly blended smoothie to a

PRICING: Mid-price. You will find prices lower than Harris

hot pizza. There are many stations offering a wide variety of

Teeter or Whole Foods but maybe a bit more expensive than

ready-made or ready-to-cook foods.

other low-cost chains.

SPECIALTY: All-natural foods. PRICING: High. Though Whole Foods offers its own generic store brand at a lower cost than some other organic brands, prices are still higher on average than a traditional grocery store. However, many find the extra cost to be worth it for the higher quality food. SELECTION: Publix has a large selection of a wide variety of foods. Comparable to Harris Teeter, Publix carries a nice selection of health and specialty foods in addition to traditionally produced foods. PREPARED FOODS: Publix is well-known for its prepared foods selection, and it has a large deli and bakery counter. SELECTION: Trader Joe’s is a cross between a Whole Foods

You can find everything from fresh salads to roast chickens

and a Harris Teeter. While it carries many traditional foods,


it also has a healthy selection of organic and specialty foods.

SPECIALTY: Prepared foods. Those who grew up with a

PREPARED FOODS: Large selection of hot and cold foods in

Publix nearby rave about the chain’s subs made in the deli, as

its deli and bakery.

well as many of its other fine offerings.

SPECIALTY: The Trader Joe’s brand. The store is well-known

PRICING: Mid-price. Compare it to a Harris Teeter.

for its signature line of foods, which are made with high quality and available for an affordable cost. PRICING: Mid- to higher priced. While some brands are available for very low cost, others are considered “gourmet” thrive magazine

foods and come at a premium.


healthy & happy • menstral bleeding

what you need to know about endometriosis Our e x per t: Dr . a ndr e a s. luk e s, md of t he c a rolin a women’s r e se a rc h a nd w ellne s s c en t er

Most women know to expect pain-

in their lower back, pelvis, intestines

sis may overlap several other disor-

ful cramps during their monthly

or bowels. Some women may have pain

ders, so this may delay the diagnosis.”

menstruation. Yet, some women

during or after sex, and some may have

experience severe pain that is not

it when urinating or defecating.

normal. Some may not even know

Besides the pain, other symptoms of endometriosis may include bleeding

that this pain is abnormal because

“Many women may not know they

or spotting between periods, digestive

it is something they have always

have endometriosis, whereas others

problems such as diarrhea, constipa-

lived with. Others may attribute

learn they have it at an early age,” says

tion, nausea, and infertility.

the pain hormonal changes or

Dr. Andrea S. Lukes of the Women’s

digestive issues. However, what

Wellness Clinic. “This disorder impacts

Lukes says that certain women are

these women may be experiencing

between six and 10 percent of women

at greater risk for developing endo-

is a common condition known as

in their reproductive years.”

metriosis, such as those who started


their menstruation early, have short The Office of Women’s Health with the

menstrual cycles, have cycles that last

Endometriosis occurs when uterine

U.S. Department of Health and Human

more than seven days, have late meno-

tissue grows outside of the uterus,

Services reports that endometriosis

pause, or who have never had children.

such as on the ovaries or the fallopian

affects about 5 million women in the

tubes. In some cases, this tissue can

United States, and that the major-

In contrast, women who start

grow in other parts of the body, such

ity of them are in their 30s and 40s.

menstruation later than 14, have had

as the bladder or rectum. In rare cases,

However, women of any age who are

multiple children, or breastfed for

it can even grow on the lungs or skin.

menstruating can have the disorder.

long periods all have a decreased risk

The most common symptom of endo-

“Endometriosis is a benign disease

metriosis is severe menstrual pain.

that is prone to recurrence,” Lukes

“The gold standard for establishing a

However, others may experience pain

shares. “The symptoms of endometrio-

diagnosis of endometriosis remains

thrive magazine

of endometriosis.


healthy & happy • menstral bleeding

Women’s Wellness Clinic excellence in gynecology

We are dedicated to providing the best of care. Our all female staff combines experience, compassion, and state of the art technology in order to offer you personalized attention.

We consider it a privilege to care for you.

249 E NC Highway 54 Suite 330 Durham, NC 27713 919.251.9223

surgery,” Lukes says. “At the time of

may be found during other surgeries.

surgery, the presence of endometrial

Providers: Andrea Lukes, MD, MSHc, FACOG Amy Stanfield, MD, FACOG Makayla Downs, FNP - BC

also be used. For aggressive treatment, gonadotropin-releasing hormone ago-

glands and stroma at ‘extrauterine’ is

There is no known cause for endo-

nists like Depo Lupron are preferred,

what defines this disorder. Thus, endo-

metriosis. Genetic factor,s problems

and they help to suppress the pituitary

metriotic lesions or endometrium-like

with menstrual flow, a weak immune

gland and hormone production.

tissue is found outside the uterus.”

system, hormonal imbalances, or

Pain medications and anti-

complications from surgery may all

inflammatory medications are used to

have a link.

provide comfort.

symptoms, as well as their frequency.

Treating the endometriosis depends on

Women who suspect that they suffer

Surgery may find only a small number

the severity of the symptoms. Lukes

from endometriosis should work

of lesions, but a woman may experi-

says that progestin-only medica-

closely with their physicians to get

ence debilitating pain. In contrast,

tions like Aygestin or Provera are the

to the heart of the problem, and to

some women may experience little

most common first-choice treatment.

discover the best course of treatment

pain, but a large amount of scar tissue

Combined oral contraceptive pills may

for their symptoms.

Lukes explains that physicians typically focus on the severity of the

thrive magazine


healthy & happy • how to balance your gut

How to Balance your Gut for Good Health

You may not think much about digestion until there’s a kink in the system, such as heartburn after a big meal or painful bloating and gas. However, what is happening in your gut can do much more than give you a case of the toots. The processes in your intestines can influence dozens of other aspects of your health, from how much energy you have to how well you can fight off colds. Poor gut health can even lead to diabetes and other diseases. Key to good gut health is a healthy balance of bacteria in the intestines.

good. Some bacteria help to break

Things that you think may be helpful

down foods, help the body improve the

can actually harm your gut health. For

body’s ability to absorb nutrients, and

example, antibiotics that kill off bad

bolster the immune system.

bacteria that are making you sick can also kill off the good bacteria that of-

Many things can shift the balance of

fers so many other benefits.

good and bad bacteria in the gut. Eating a poor diet that is high in refined

Promoting Good Bacteria

carbohydrates and low in fiber can

Fortunately, there are many things you

lower the amount of good bacteria.

can do to restore the balance of good

Chronic stress can also shift the bal-

bacteria in your gut and to heal your

ance in a negative direction.

digestive tract. Eating a healthy diet that includes plenty of whole foods and fiber is the best place to start. Eat a lot of fruits and veggies, and limit refined carbohydrates, like breads and pastas. Adding fermented foods can also help foster good bacteria in the intestines. Fermented foods include things like yogurt (not the sugary kind), sauer-

Yes, bacteria.

kraut, kimchi and kombucha. You can

You have trillions of bacteria in your

buy these or even make some of them

intestines. (You have ten times more


thrive magazine

bacteria than you have cells in your


body.) While you might think of

Taking probiotics is an easy way to

bacteria as “bad” – the things that

add more good bacteria to your gut.

make you sick, the things you need

Many probiotics are available, but

to be constantly washing your hands

some of the most popular kind are

to avoid – some bacteria are actually

acidophilus and lactobacilis. You can

healthy & happy • how to balance your gut

take them as a pill supplement or in

For those for whom the surgery is

If you are suffering from digestive

liquid form.

not possible – or who are squeamish

upset, such as chronic diarrhea or

about the process – a “poop pill” can

gas, or if you are suffering from other

If yours is a more serious case of

be given. The pill contains frozen

debilitating symptoms such as fatigue

digestive distress, surgery may be

fecal matter that can be digested and

or mood swings, you should talk with

necessary. A fecal transplant takes

promote the growth of good bacteria

your doctor about possible treatment.

stool from a donor (usually a relative)

in the intestines.

Your doctor may first suggest making

and places it in the small intestine

lifestyle changes such as improving Both treatments would be reserved for

your diet or finding ways to reduce

endoscopy or enema can also be used

those suffering from digestive disease,

stress. Without improvement, you may

to transfer the stool. The procedure

such as clostridium difficile infection

need to consider more aggressive treat-

returns good bacteria to the gut and

(CDI), or from autoimmune or meta-

ments. You may finally find the relief

helps promote digestive healing.

bolic diseases.

you have been wanting for years.

thrive magazine

through use of a colonoscopy. A tube,


healthy & happy • hip replacement lawsuits

hip replacement lawsuits:

what you need

to know

Our e x per t: ben w hi t le y, pa r t ner , t he w hi t le y l aw f ir m

Our bones are meant to provide strength and protection for our body, but they are more fragile than we might think. A good fall could break a bone, and disease or poor health can weaken bones further, making them easier to break. If you break an arm, it might be painful and a bit inconvenient. However, if you break a hip, you will be virtually unable to move and your overall health may be at risk.

matic Diseases says that two-thirds of

received these implants, says that com-

those are for people over the age of 65.

mon side effects of the DePuy ASR hip replacement included a loose ASR cup,

Most hip replacements will still be

allergic reaction to metal debris that

going strong after 10 or 20 years. How-

eroded from the device, the formation

ever, certain types and brands of hip

of soft tissue mass, metal poisoning,

replacements have come under scrutiny

fractures in bones surrounding the im-

in recent years because they malfunc-

plant, and dislocation of the hip joint.

tion and cause potentially serious

These side effects can lead to a costly

health problems, sometimes requiring

and difficult revision surgery.

a revision surgery. Some artificial hips have been recalled, and some lawyers

The DePuy Pinnacle hip, which features

are accepting cases from people who

metal on metal components that rub

had these hips implanted and experi-

against each other, also came under

The Food and Drug Administration

enced problems. Most recently, a large

scrutiny for metal debris spreading

says that hip implants can help restore

settlement involving several Stryker

into the blood and surrounding tissues.

mobility and relieve pain after a hip

hip implants was announced due to the

Symptoms included severe pain and

has been broken or to help manage hip

high revision rate of the devices.

swelling at the joint, metal poisoning, and loss of mobility.

thrive magazine

disease or other conditions, such as


osteoporosis or arthritis. The Centers

For example, the DePuy Articular Sur-

for Disease Control and Prevention says

face Replacement (ASR) and the DePuy

Additional metal-on-metal hip im-

that approximately 332,000 total hip

ASR XL were both recalled in August

plants and metal components have

replacement surgeries are performed

2010 after numerous patients reported

been shown to cause similar side ef-

each year, and the Annals of the Rheu-

serious side effects. The Whitley Law

fects. These implants are manufactured

Firm, which represents patients who

by Biomet and Stryker, and include

healthy & happy • hip replacement lawsuits

We are now accepting compensation claims for defective:

HIP IMPLANTS We are accepting claims for metal-on-metal and recalled hip implant devices, including those manufactured by Stryker, Depuy, and Biomet. Contact us immediately as time limitations may be approaching. Visit our website for more information about dangerous drug and defective medical device claims. We are also accepting cases for: • Transvaginal Mesh • Xarelto • Testosterone Therapy • Talcum Powder and Ovarian Cancer

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• Power Morcellator Surgery and Cancer

8 0 0 - 7 8 5-5000

2424 Glenwood Ave. Suite 201, Raleigh NC

the Biomet M2A Magnum and Stryker

easy, and it can be both painful and

“It is important that you contact an at-

Rejuvenate and ABG II. The metal

expensive. The Whitley Law Firm helps

torney as soon as you believe you have

components can rub together, creating

North Carolinians fight for compensa-

a faulty implant,” Mr. Whitley says. “If

small metal shards that can infect the

tion for the injuries they suffered as

you are in the process of scheduling

surrounding tissue and the blood.

a result of receiving these faulty hip

a revision surgery, it is extremely im-


portant to contact an attorney so they

“As these devices deteriorate, it can

can work with you to make sure the

become necessary to perform other sur-

The Whitley Law Firm estimates that

geries to attempt to resolve the condi-

as many as 93,000 people around the

tion, adding further physical stress and

world received the DePuy implants

While getting compensation for your

health risks to a patient,” The Whitley

alone, including many who live in

injuries won’t take away the pain you

Law Firm says on its website.

North Carolina. The numbers are

suffered, it can help you pay for medical

much higher when all the potentially

bills to replace the faulty device and

Ben Whitley of the Whitley Law Firm

faulty hip replacement devices are

to get treatment for any side effects

says that replacing these devices is not

considered together.

you suffered.

explained device is preserved.”

thrive magazine


healthy & happy • coping with cancer

the UNIQUE role of a medial family therapist in helping families COPE with cancer Our e x p er t: Dr . c he y enne c or be t t, a dmini s t r at i v e dir ec t or of sup p or t i v e c a r e ser v ic e s, duk e c a nc er in s t i t u t e

After most people find out that they have cancer, they focus on how to fight the disease. Maybe they change their diets, maybe they take certain medications, and maybe they begin a course of chemotherapy or even schedule surgery.

even issues related to parenting with cancer.” According to Corbett, “The cancer experience can vary so

thrive magazine

greatly by type


A cancer diagnosis can add addi-

of cancer, stage

tional stressors in a person’s life. Dr.

of disease at

Cheyenne Corbett, administrative

time of detec-

director of supportive care services, at

tion, the type of

the Duke Cancer Institute, says that

treatment used

“medical family therapists (MedFTs)

on the cancer,

can help patients and their family

the patient’s and

members cope with the unique chal-

family’s history,

lenges that facing a cancer diagno-

and the patient’s and

sis can present. At Duke, we have

family’s situation at the

MedFTs that work with patients and

time of care. Given that,

their families to address these con-

we partner with our clients to

cerns, such as marital conflict, self-

understand the issues as they

and body-image issues, sexual health

are experiencing them.

and intimacy, spiritual concerns and

healthy & happy • coping with cancer

Some of these issues may arise for

“One of the most important things

The team at Duke takes a collab-

patients and families during their

that our therapists do is listen.

orative approach, which involves the

experience with cancer, or they may

While this may sound like a cliché,

patient’s medical team, family, and

have been challenges prior to the

I don’t mean listening passively like

members of their larger community.

diagnosis and be exacerbated by the

the therapists in movies, but rather

cancer and its treatment. Much of the

actively listening and being curious

While therapists also use a personal-

time, the issues are related to com-

to get to know the patient and/or the

ized approach that focuses on what

munication: with loved ones, their

family members, their concerns and

each individual needs to cope with

friends, their colleagues, or their

challenges, and their strengths and

personal challenges and fears. Thera-

medical caregivers.”

resources” Corbett says.

pists seek to understand these challenges from the patient’s perspective before making recommendations. “Unfortunately, many people do not get the help that they need, either because they don’t know that it is available or because they feel that something is “wrong” with them if they seek counseling.” Corbett says that her team strives to help patients understand that experiencing challenges is normal and that it is important to reach out for help. “MedFTs can help mitigate many issues by working with patients and/or family members to help prevent problems from arising or worsening.” She encourages people to discuss these issues with their medical providers, who can connect them with the right therapists. For more information about medical family therapy services at the Duke Cancer Institute, contact the Duke Cancer Patient Support Program at 919-684-4497. thrive magazine


M a k i n g a d if f e re n c e f o r c a n c e r pa t i e nt s a n d t h e i r fa m i l i e s All proceeds benefit the Duke Cancer Patient Support Program. At the DCPSP, we believe in treating the whole person, not solely the cancer. We provide comprehensive support services for patients and their loved ones facing cancer.

Race Details Saturday, March 28, 2015 Registration begins at 7:00am Race begins at 8:00am

The Streets at Southpoint 6910 Fayetteville Rd. Durham, NC 27713 Du ke Can c er Pati en t Su ppo rt

20 Duke Medicine Circle Durham, NC 27710 919-684-4497

keep pumping

a thrive special section devoted to

your heart & stroke HEALTH

THRIVE SPECIAL SECTION: your heart & stroke health


how obesity really affects your heart

We keep hearing about the “obesity

risk of high blood pressure and the build up

Eating a healthy diet and getting consis-

epidemic,” but the real impact of this

of arterial accumulation.

tent exercise are the best ways to control

phrase may not really sink in. The

your weight, as well as to keep your heart

concept is abstract, boiled down to a

Excess body fat alone can also increase

healthy. A healthy diet includes not only

catch phrase that a lot of people use

your risk of heart disease. In particular,

the right kinds of foods, but also the right

without really understanding. The

excess fat inhibits your body’s metabo-

amount. That means that you need to eat

facts paint a sobering picture.

lism and its ability to regulate insulin. If

a diversity of fruits, vegetables, whole

your body is not able to properly regulate

grains and lean meats, as well as to stay

Around the world, about 400 million adults

insulin, you can develop diabetes, which is

within the right number of calories for

are considered obese, while a staggering

a significant risk factor for heart disease.

your target weight and your activity level.

1 billion around the world are overweight.

These risks only increase as you get older.

Working with a doctor or nutritionist can help you determine the right number of

Those are only the adults. Just looking at children under the age of 5, there are another 17.6 million who are overweight. The American Heart Association reports that one in three children in the United States is either overweight or obese.

thrive magazine

The issue is not just aesthetic. Being over-


Being overweight or obese can significantly impact your health, including increase your rish for diabetes and heart disease, both of which can be fatal.

calories for your daily intake. In some cases, medication may be helpful to control your weight or to manage your risk factors for heart disease. For example, metabolic disorders may lead to weight problems, and medications can help con-

weight or obese can significantly impact

Managing Obesity and Heart Disease

trol these. Heart medications may help to

your health, including increase your risk for

Fortunately, there are steps that you can

lower blood pressure, lower cholesterol or

diabetes and heart disease, both of which

take to reduce your risk of becoming obese

reduce the risk of blood clots.

can be fatal.

and of developing heart disease. The best thing you can do to reduce your risk

Working with your doctor can help you

Obesity and Heart Health

of heart disease is to maintain a healthy

determine the best course of action or to

The same risk factors for obesity can be

weight. Your body mass index should

select the right medications. Managing

risk factors for heart health. For example,

be below 25, which is determined by a

your weight can have a huge impact on

a diet high in saturated fat and trans fats

comparison of your height and weight.

your health – most importantly your heart

can cause your fat and cholesterol levels

Those with a body mass index over 30 are


to rise, which can cause you to put on

considered obese.

excess body fat, as well as increase the

THRIVE SPECIAL SECTION: your heart & stroke health


genetics and your heart – what’s the connection?

You may notice a pattern in your family

Heart attack and heart disease may not

Working with Your Doctor

health history. Perhaps your dad died

always be properly diagnosed, so these

Your doctor can help you identify your risk in

of a heart attack, and so did his brother

signs can tell you that heart disease may be

one of two ways: By reviewing a thorough

and so did his father and his grandfa-

a culprit. When trying to determine family

family history or by getting a blood test

ther. Maybe they all died around the

history, it is important that you look beyond

which can identify known genetic varia-

same age. Or maybe they all suffered

the typical signs and consider events and

tions that are tied to risk factors for heart

problems with their heart, but they

symptoms that might have suggested an

disease. Genetic testing can be expensive,

didn’t all suffer a heart attack.

underlying problem, as well.

so it is important to review family history to confirm the potential risks before testing.

Genetics were likely the culprit. Just like

Preventing Heart Disease

you can inherit your brown eyes or your

There are hundreds of genes that can

After you identify your risk, you and your

height, you can also inherit a higher risk of

contribute to your risk for heart disease.

doctor can develop a treatment plan

developing heart disease.

However, they don’t guarantee that you will

together. This might include more frequent

inherit the disease, or that it will become

monitoring of your risk factors, such as


blood pressure or cholesterol levels, or it

Signs of a Family History

could include medication. Many medica-

You may have a family history of heart disease and not even realize it. Some of

The same strategies can help you reduce

tions are available that can thin your blood,

the warning signs are not as apparent as a

your risk of heart disease, whether you

control your cholesterol levels, and reduce

diagnosed heart attack.

have a family history or not. Those include

your risk of blood clots.

adopting a healthy diet that includes plenty Some signs of a family history of heart

of fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains

A family history of heart disease is not

disease may include:

and fatty fish. Heart-healthy strategies

a death sentence. You can identify and

n Sudden cardiac death at a young age

also include quitting smoking, developing a

manage your risk factors, and you may

n Unexplained death at a young age

consistent exercise plan, getting plenty of

not develop heart disease at all. Other ge-

n Heart failure at a young age

sleep and finding ways to reduce stress.

netic traits can also protect you from heart disease, so it is important that you get a

n Abnormal heart beat at a young age n Fainting and seizures not able to be

controlled with seizure medication n Unexplained death by drowning or car

during swimming or driving)

thorough family history to understand what

disease, you can minimize or even eliminate

you need to do.

your risk by adopting these strategies. thrive magazine

accident (likely caused by a heart attack

Even if you have a genetic risk for heart


THRIVE SPECIAL SECTION: your heart & stroke health


the best exercises for your heart

Regular exercise is one of the best

Exercise recommendations vary according

to burn fat. It can include walking, jogging,

ways to reduce your risk of heart dis-

to your age and overall health level. How-

running, cycling, swimming, boxing and

ease. Exercise can help to lower your

ever, the Centers for Disease Control and

more. Any exercise that gets your heart rate

blood pressure, your cholesterol and

Prevention recommends 30 minutes of exer-

up is aerobic exercise.

your blood lipids. Exercise paired with

cise a day five days a week for most people.

a healthy diet can also help you to keep

You can even break those 30 minutes down

Interval training can help you get the most

your weight at an appropriate level,

into 10-minute intervals, three times a day

out of your exercise program in the shortest

which can reduce your risk for heart

if that makes it more manageable.

amount of time. For example, you can alter-


native walking for five minutes with running You can do any type of exercise that you

for five minutes. As you become more fit,

like, but you should include aerobic exercise,

you can reduce the interval time slowly, so

stretching and strength training as part of a

that you are alternating more frequently.

total heart health plan. Circuit training puts you through several Aerobic Exercise

exercises very quickly, which keeps your

Walking can be aerobic exercise for those

heart rate high while also helping keep your

who have otherwise led a sedentary life-

workouts interesting. Many gyms have

style. Instead of focusing on a specific type

circuits set up already for your convenience.

of exercise for heart health, it is important that you choose the right exercise for your fitness level. If you are already

The key is to find aerobic exercise that you enjoy so that you will stick with it.

somewhat active, you may be able to start with light jogging, or even running.

Stretching Stretching doesn’t directly impact your heart health, but it is an important compo-

Aerobic exercise helps to build your cardiovascular

thrive magazine

strength and


nent of your exercise plan. If your body is not flexible, you will not be able to properly perform the exercises you need to do to protect your heart health.

THRIVE SPECIAL SECTION: your heart & stroke health

Include stretching at the beginning and end

Strength Training

You should include strength training in

of your exercise routine. You’ll keep your

Strength training helps to build and

your exercise routine two to three times

body limber while also helping your body to

preserve your muscle mass, which can help

per week. You can lift weights if you like,

warm up and cool down before and after

you burn fat more efficiently and to better

or you can incorporate resistance training

a workout session, which will help you

regulate insulin. The better your body is

or yoga into your routine. Just like with

recover and reduce your risk of injury.

able to regulate insulin, the lower your risk

cardiovascular exercise, the key to success

of diabetes and heart disease.

is developing a routine that you enjoy so that you will stick with it. Exercise need not be difficult or unenjoyable to be effective. Incorporating these exercises into a simple yet consistent exercise routine can help you to significantly reduce your risk of heart disease.

thrive magazine


THRIVE SPECIAL SECTION: your heart & stroke health


breakthroughs in open heart surgery

Open heart surgery has long been used

procedure is concerned with aortic stenosis,

Another catheter is guided to just outside

to give patients suffering from heart

which causes the aortic valve to narrow or

the heart. A small “lasso” is looped around

disease a second chance and add

to close.

the pouch, sealing it off and ensuring that

years to their lives. Open heart surgery

no clots escape and threaten a stroke.

includes procedures such as valve

With the new procedure, a guide wire is

replacements, arterial bypass, as well

threaded through a vein in the leg to the

Another procedure uses a catheter to

as other life-saving surgeries. The term

heart. Doctors can slowly widen the veins

insert a tiny umbrella-like device. Once the

“open heart surgery” is derived from

and arteries, making way for a catheter

umbrella is opened, it seals off the chamber,

the fact that the procedure requires

that is used to deliver a new valve to the

ensuring that clots do not escape.

opening the patient’s chest to access

heart. Doctors never have to open the

the heart.

patient’s chest, which minimizes the risks.

Atrial Septal Defects

Meanwhile, a camera is used to guide the

A small hole in the heart can disrupt the

procedure inside the body.

flow of blood, which can cause abnormal

While open heart surgery can give some

heartbeat and other problems. This is called

patients a new lease on life, it can also be risky for some. Older patients, especially,

Doctors pioneering the procedure say that it

an atrial septal defect. A new treatment

are often considered too weak to undergo

could help up to 25,000 to 50,000 patients

allows doctors to thread a mesh patch

open heart surgery, as the procedure can be

per year in the United States.

through a catheter to place over the hole and correct the defect.

quite taxing on the heart and the body. Treatment for Atrial Fibrillation Advancements in open heart surgery strive

Atrial fibrillation affects 3 million people

Doctors may also be able to use the pro-

to minimize this risk to patients and to open

in the United States, and it can cause an

cedure to treat PFO, which is a hole in the

up new treatment options for heart disease.

irregular heartbeat. If the heart beats too

heart caused by a birth defect.

The nature of some of these breakthroughs

fast or too slow, blood can collect in a

could make the term “open heart surgery”

pouch off one of the chambers of the heart.

Many more advances have been made in

a misnomer.

That may lead to clotting and could cause

the treatment of heart disease, and many

a stroke.

more are expected. It is important to talk with your doctor about the latest advances

thrive magazine

Sapien Transcatheter Aortic Valve



New breakthroughs in heart surgery allow

to find the treatment that will be most ef-

Doctors at the Henry Ford Hospital in

doctors to treat atrial fibrillation through

fective for your particular condition and for

Detroit released information last year about

catheters threaded to the heart. A catheter

your overall health.

a new procedure they are developing to

is threaded through a blood vessel and

treat heart valve disease. In particular, the

into the pouch where blood has collected.

THRIVE SPECIAL SECTION: your heart & stroke health

spotlight: the rise in heart disease in women and a look at the causes

Heart disease has long been consid-

are not known, but experts have identified

caring for families (sometimes while also

ered a health concern almost exclu-

some potential contributing factors.

working outside the home).

people are learning the dangers of

Stress is one of the leading risk factors

Women who are stressed out or are putting

heart disease in women thanks to in-

for both men and women. Everyone seems

others’ needs before their own may also be

creased education and awareness pro-

to be too busy and too short on time. Our

eating more convenience foods, which can

grams such as the Red Dress campaign

fast-paced society values hard work over

be high in sugar and fat, both of which can

by the American Heart Association.

rest, and many people are working or

increase risk factors for heart disease.

sively relegated to men. However, more

checking e-mail even when they are home Over the last few years, we have learned

in the evenings and on the weekends.

It is important that women understand the growing risk of heart disease and to take

that not only is heart disease a problem for women as well as men, but the risk has

Though both sexes may experience the

steps to combat it. The best ways to do

actually been on the rise. In fact, the risk

same high levels of stress, women may

this are to learn techniques for managing

of heart disease in women is almost as

respond to it in a different way. Women

or reducing stress and adopting healthy

high as it is for men. Harvard University

have certain hormones, such as oxytocin,

lifestyle habits, such as a healthier diet

reports that more than 6.5 million women

which cause them to handle stress differ-

and a routine exer-

have heart disease, and that many will

ently. Fluctuations in sex hormones can also

cise program.

die from it or become debilitated within

make stressful situations seem more acute.

Regular health

six years.

A stress response can then increase blood

checkups can

pressure, diminish the immune response

also catch

A study comparing heart disease in men

and wreak havoc on blood

risk factors

and women found that 2.5 percent of men

sugar levels.

before they become bigger

ages 35 to 54 had a heart attack between 1988 and 1994, compared with only 0.7

Another potential cause of rising heart dis-

percent of women. From 1999 to 2004,

ease in women is the tendency of women

2.2 percent of men had a heart attack,

to be the nurturers in the family, which

compared with 1 percent of women.

means that they put the needs of family


before their own. Many women may delay getting the medical care they need or may

The potential causes of the rising rates of

not take the time to eat a healthy diet or

heart disease and heart attacks in women

get consistent exercise because they are

thrive magazine

Potential Causes


THRIVE SPECIAL SECTION: your heart & stroke health

spotlight: symptoms related to heart disease you can’t ignore

Heart disease can be a fatal condi-



tion. In fact, it kills more people in the

We all seem to feel like we can’t get enough

Cough is a common symptom of the cold

United States every year than any other

sleep these days. Most of us can’t get

and flu. If your cough isn’t accompanied

disease. Understanding the symptoms

through our day without a few strong cups

by any other symptoms of illness, such as

of heart disease can help you get the

of coffee. We have limited time but increas-

a runny nose, it could be a sign of heart

treatment you need and reduce your

ing responsibilities. However, fatigue isn’t

failure. Coughing could be accompanied

risk of heart attacks and other fatal

just a sign that you aren’t getting enough

by wheezing, which is the result of fluid

side effects of the condition.

sleep. Fatigue can also be a sign of heart

gathering in your lungs.

failure. If you are getting enough sleep but Sometimes, the symptoms can be subtle,

feel more fatigued than usual, it’s time to

Dizziness or Weakness

or they might mirror the symptoms of other

talk to your doctor.

Heart attack and abnormal heart rhythm can both cause you to become

issues, such as heartburn or muscle fatigue. It’s important that you know the symptoms


lightheaded, dizzy or weak. As with

and that you talk with your doctor about

You should work up a good sweat when

other symptoms of heart disease,

them right away.

you’re on getting your exercise. However,

it is important that you evaluate

if you are sweating during your normal

all your symptoms together. You

Here are a few of the symptoms

activities or when it’s not especially hot

could be weak or dizzy as a result

related to heart disease that you

outside, there may be a problem. If you are

of strenuous activity, but if you

can’t ignore:

sweating when you’re just sitting in a chair

are feeling dizzy or weak for no

or watching the television, it’s time to call

explainable reason, it could be a

your doctor.

sign of heart disease.

nies a heart attack or precedes one. You


The classic signs of heart attack and

may not realize that you are having a heart

Heart failure can cause abdominal swelling,

other heart problems are chest pain and

attack, but you may start feeling more ner-

which can make you feel nauseous. You can

pain in your arms, shoulders and back. If

vous or worrisome. If you have unexplained

also feel nauseous after intense activity or

you experience any of these symptoms, it

anxiety – not related to, say, stress at work

after eating certain foods, but if you feel

is important that you talk to your doctor

– for several days, you may want to talk

nauseous without any known cause, it could

as quickly as possible. Early treatment

with your doctor.

be a sign of heart disease.

is the best way to improve your

Anxiety A sense of dread or doom often accompa-

thrive magazine



THRIVE SPECIAL SECTION: your heart & stroke health

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THRIVE SPECIAL SECTION: your heart & stroke health

heart disease:

getting this killer under control Heart disease kills more people every

Get Enough Exercise

Cut Out Bad Habits

year than any other disease. It can af-

You don’t have to be an Iron Man to have a

Smoking and drinking increase your risk for

fect people of every age, and it affects

strong heart. Just exercising 30 minutes a

all kinds of health problems, including heart

both men and women. While heart

day five days a week is enough to keep your

disease. One of the most important things

disease can be genetic, it can also be

body in good health. You don’t even have to

you can do for your health is to stop smok-

managed or even prevented by making

exercise for 30 minutes in succession. If you

ing entirely and to minimize your drinking.

better lifestyle choices and getting the

take three, 10-minute walks per day, you’ll

Smoking cessation programs are available

appropriate medical treatment.

satisfy your requirement.

to help you, as are certain medications.

Here are a few things you can do to reduce

The key to establishing a good exercise

See Your Doctor Regularly

your risk of developing heart disease or to

routine is to find something you enjoy doing

Preventive health care is much more effec-

manage the condition if you already have it:

and to stick with it.

tive than treating a disease. It is important that you see your doctor at least once a

Adopt a Healthy Diet

Maintain a Healthy Weight

year for a general checkup. However, if you

Diet can be one of the biggest influences on

If you are already eating a healthy diet and

have risk factors for heart disease, your

your heart health. While your risk for devel-

getting regular exercise, you probably have

doctor can also more closely monitor factors

oping heart disease may not increase until

a healthy weight. However, many other fac-

like your cholesterol levels, your blood pres-

you are older, you can establish healthy

tors can influence your metabolism and your

sure, and your blood sugar. Your doctor can

habits even in childhood that will influence

weight, which may make it more difficult.

even perform tests to measure the health

your heart health later in life.

Getting your weight to a healthy level is one

and strength of your heart.

of the most important things you can do for The basics of a heart healthy diet are

heart health. If diet and exercise prove inef-

The saying is true that an ounce of preven-

the same as any well-balanced diet. You

fective, talk with your doctor about other

tion is worth a pound of cure. Taking these

need to eat plenty of fresh fruits and

recommendations. Your doctor may discover

steps can help you to control your heart

vegetables, whole grains and healthy fats

other health conditions that could be af-

disease if you already have it, but they can

from oily fish like salmon or flaxseed. You’ll

fecting your weight and can be managed

also help you to reduce your risk significant-

want to limit sodium and saturated fats,

through medication.

ly so that you never have to deal with the

and you should completely eliminate trans fats, which are found in processed goods thrive magazine

and baked treats.


burden of this potentially fatal disease.

THRIVE SPECIAL SECTION: your heart & stroke health

stress & your heart:

what you need to know

The clock is ticking on your deadline

stress and heart disease, but that studies

Developing a regular exercise routine can

at work, but you just don’t see the end

have shown a correlation. Other studies

also help you to reduce stress. Exercise

in sight for your project. Meanwhile,

have also shown some improvement in the

helps to regulate your hormones and

you’re behind on the mortgage, you’re

treatment of heart disease after patients

process all that adrenaline and cortisol

fighting with your wife and your daugh-

embarked on a program to manage stress.

that stress produces. These hormones are

ter is getting ready to start college. It

The AHA recommends that patients who

responsible for the “fight or flight” response,

all feels like too much to handle.

are feeling anxious or stressed after having

and exercise helps to simulate the “fight.”

a heart attack or stroke should talk with Pay attention to your body. What do you

their doctors to manage the risk.

Your doctor may also be able to prescribe medication that can help you manage

notice? Your heart is racing fast. You feel a pit in your stomach. You may even feel

How to Manage Stress

nauseous or a bit sweaty.

Fortunately, you are not a victim of

anxiety and stress.

circumstance, and there are many ways to Stress has a powerful impact on your body.

manage stress. Removing stressors is the

It affects your physical health, as well as

most important thing you can do. If your job

your mental health. In particular, it plays a

involves long hours or includes a high-pres-

big role in your heart health.

sure situation, you may want to consider a career move. If finances have you stressed,

How Stress Affects Your Heart

it is worth re-examining your budget to find

When you feel stress, a number of changes

ways to alleviate the burden.

Your doctor may also be able to prescribe medication that can help you manage anxiety and stress.

It is important that you find ways to manage

take place in your body. Your blood vessels constrict, your blood pressure goes up, and

You can’t always remove stressors,

stress that work for you, and that you talk

your body is flooded with hormones like

however. Life has a way of throwing many

with your doctor about the amount of stress

cortisol and adrenaline. Chronic stress can

surprises at us that aren’t always good

you are experiencing. Your doctor may want

lead to ongoing problems with high blood

ones, like a car accident or a broken air

to monitor you more closely if you have

pressure and can cause other health prob-

conditioner. What you can do is develop

other risk factors for heart disease, or may

lems including ulcers and irritable bowel

methods for alleviating stress. Some people

want to put you on medications that can


find meditation to be helpful, while others

help you manage those risk factors.

use simple practices in the moment, such as The American Heart Association states that

thrive magazine

the research is unclear on the link between

deep breathing or visualization.


THRIVE SPECIAL SECTION: your heart & stroke health

spotlight: foods your heart needs at every age

Heart disease remains the number one

as part of a heart-healthy diet. Fruits and

Omega-3 fatty acids help to lower choles-

killer of both men and women. Taking

vegetables are loaded with fiber, which can

terol and blood pressure, and they become

active steps to prevent heart disease

help to move fat and cholesterol through

especially important when you hit your 40s

or to manage the symptoms can help

the body and out the digestive tract. They

and these numbers start rising thanks to

reduce your risk of a potentially deadly

are also naturally low in fat and high in

other changes in the body.

heart attack or stroke, and one of the

vitamins and nutrients. Flaxseed

most important steps you can take is to eat a healthy diet. Generally speaking, a healthy diet for a

You cannot eat too many fruits and veg-

Flaxseed is an important source of both

etables. Include as many as you like, but

omega-3 fatty acids and fiber. You can buy

make sure you reach the minimum.

foods that contain flaxseed, such as certain types of bread or cereal. You can also buy

20-year-old is the same as a healthy diet for a 60-year-old. While some things may

Oily Fish

whole flaxseeds to include in your cooking,

change a bit as you age, the fundamentals

Not all fats are bad fats. You should cer-

or ground flaxseed to sprinkle on cereals

of a healthy diet remain the same. Here are

tainly limit the amount of saturated fats in

or toast. You can mix flaxseed into most

a few of the top foods that your heart needs

your diet, and you should completely elimi-

baking recipes, such as for bread, muffins or

at every age:

nate trans fats, but you should eat healthy

even cakes.

amounts of the omega-3 fatty acids, which Fruits and Vegetables

are found primarily in oily fish. You should

Nuts, Legumes and Seeds

The American Heart Association recom-

eat at least two servings of fishes such as

The AHA recommends that you get at least

mends that you eat at least four and a half

salmon or tuna per week.

four servings of nuts, legumes and seeds

cups of fruits and vegetables every day


per week. They are rich in protein, healthy

THRIVE SPECIAL SECTION: your heart & stroke health

fats, fiber and many essential nutrients. However, it’s important that you choose nuts and seeds that are not salted or coated in flavorings, especially sugar. Too much salt can increase blood pressure, and too much

Avoid trans fats, which are found in

sugar can wreak havoc on blood

processed foods like commercial baked

While these recommendations for a

sugar levels.

goods and crackers. Trans fats can appear

healthy diet apply to people of all ages, they

as hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated

become even more important as you get

Overall, your diet should be low in salt and

oils. These fats can clog your arteries and

older. Hormonal and other changes in your

added sugars and high in fiber and nutrients.

significantly increase your chance of heart

body can increase your risk for higher blood

You can get the nutrition you need from

attack and stroke.

pressure and blood sugar imbalances, both

whole foods, including fruits, vegetables,

of which can threaten your heart health.

whole grains and fresh fish. Processed

Likewise, saturated fats can also increase

Make sure you adopt these guidelines for

foods – even processed “healthy foods” –

your risk. Saturated fats are found in fried

your diet and engage in a regular exercise

are high in salt, sugars and preservatives.

foods and red meats.

plan to keep your heart healthy through the years.

thrive magazine


THRIVE SPECIAL SECTION: your heart & stroke health

spotlight: signs of a stroke and how to prevent one

According to the American Stroke

Confusion. You may not understand

You can reduce your risk of a stroke by

Association, almost 800,000 people

what people are saying to you, or you

taking medications that lower your risk of

suffer from a stroke every year in the

may be confused about what’s happening

clotting, as well as by making changes to

United States. Someone has a stroke

around you.

your lifestyle. These changes include eating

once every 40 seconds, and almost



one-fifth of those people will die as

Vision problems. You may have blurred vision, see spots or have other issues.

a result. n

Trouble walking or maintaining balance.

It is not always apparent to those having

a healthier diet and getting consistent exercise. These adjustments will also help you to reduce your risk of diabetes, to maintain a healthy weight and to lower your blood pressure, which will further reduce your

a stroke that this is what is happening. It



risk of a stroke. It is also important to quit

is important to learn the signs of a stroke


Severe headache not associated

smoking and to drink less alcohol (or to quit

with any other cause.

drinking it completely).

so that you can take action quickly and get the medical treatment that you or another person may need. Some symptoms of a stroke may include: n

Drooping face. You may notice that the skin and muscles on one side of the face droops, or you may notice a more subtle unevenness in the smile. This is caused by weakness in the muscles.


thrive magazine



If you notice any of these signs of a stroke in yourself, it is important that you call 911 or seek help immediately if you are able. If you notice these signs in someone else, you should also act quickly by calling 911. Immediate medical treatment can make the difference between life and death. Preventing a Stroke

Weakness in the arm or leg. You may

Many of the risk factors for a stroke are the

notice the weakness on only one side of

same as those for a heart attack, such as

your body.

high blood pressure and blood clotting. An

Speech problems. Speech may be

ischemic stroke can occur when blood ves-

slurred, or you may have trouble saying

sels become blocked, either by blood clots

what you want, such as forgetting words

or arterial plaque. A hemorrhagic stroke is

or repeating words.

caused by a ruptured blood vessel, leading to bleeding in the brain.

Regular health care visits are also important since your doctor can monitor key risk factors, such as blood pressure and cholesterol levels. Your doctor can give you additional recommendations about how to reduce the risk of a stroke based on your specific health history and can prescribe you medications, if necessary. A stroke can happen to anyone at any time. It is important that you take the necessary steps to reduce your risk, as well as to learn the symptoms so that you can get immediate medical treatment.

THRIVE SPECIAL SECTION: your heart & stroke health

spotlight: five ways to prevent a heart attack Most of us never think that a heart

ally, but they shouldn’t take up the majority

linked. The AHA says that cardiovascular

attack will happen to us until we’re

of your diet, and they shouldn’t push your

disease is the leading cause of death in

lying on the ground clutching our chest

daily caloric intake too high. Quantity and

those with diabetes. Controlling your dia-

or being wheeled into the emergency

quality count.

betes also means lowering your weight and

room. The American Heart Association

controlling your blood pressure and blood

says that heart disease is the num-

Get Enough Exercise

sugar – all things that are also necessary

ber one cause of death in the United

You don’t have to be a marathon runner

for controlling cardiovascular disease.

States, and almost 380,000 people die

to keep your heart in top health. The AHA

from it each year. Heart attacks are a

says that you need as little as 30 minutes

Take Medications

common result of heart disease. The

of exercise a day for five days a week to

If you know you have heart disease or you

AHA reports that about 720,000 people

lower blood pressure and cholesterol.

have risk factors for a heart attack such

have a heart attack in the United States

However, if you don’t have time to exercise

as high blood pressure or high cholesterol,

each year, and of those, 122,000 die

for 30 minutes, or 30 minutes seems too

you can take medications to lower your

from them.

overwhelming, you can engage in short

risk. Blood thinners, beta blockers (to lower

bouts of exercise for 10 minutes at a time.

heart rate and blood pressure), ACE inhibi-

Because many heart attacks can be fatal, it

Take a walk around the block. Play with

tors (to encourage blood flow), and medica-

is important to focus on prevention rather

your children. Work in the garden. Just keep

tions to lower cholesterol are all options,

than treatment. Here are a few of the best


depending on your specific risk factors. It’s important that you discuss the best options

ways to prevent a heart attack, as recommended by the AHA and other top medical

Stop Smoking

institutions, such as the Mayo Clinic:

Smoking can significantly increase your

for you with your doctor.

risk of heart disease and heart attack. It

Don’t wait until it’s too late to start think-

Eat a Healthy Diet

infulences cholesterol and blood pressure,

ing about how to prevent a heart attack.

What you eat can affect everything from

and it can contribute to arterial plaque. One

Taking these proactive measures can help

your cholesterol to your blood pressure and

of the best things you can do for your heart

you reduce your risk of both heart attack

your blood sugar, all of which can impact

health – and your overall health – is to stop

and heart disease, which can lead to other

your cardiac health. It is important that


health problems.

you not only choose foods that are high in Manage Diabetes

right proportions. For example, you can have

You might think of diabetes as seperate

treats that are high in fat or sugar occasion-

from heart disease, but the two are closely

thrive magazine

quality nutrition, but also that you eat the


healthy & happy • finding hobbies after 50

finding hobbies

after the age of fifty

You’re never too old to learn something new. Taking on new hobbies is a great way to learn something new, to stay active, and to have some fun.

Disc Golf

Antique Cars

Disc golf is like golf, but it is played

If you have the budget for it, you can

with a weighted disc like a Frisbee

collect antique and classic cars. If you

instead of a club and ball. You throw

have the time and the know-how, you

the disc and try to get it into a wired

can even restore these cars to their

basket hanging on a pole or a tree. The

former glory. This can become an

After you hit 50, you’re starting to look

goal is the same as with golf: To get

expensive hobby, so it’s one you will

at a number of big life changes. You may

the disc in the basket (like the ball in

want to take slow. Start with one car

have to start thinking more seriously

the hole) in the shortest number of

and build from there.

about retirement planning, and you may

“strokes,” or throws. You can join clubs to meet with other

have children who have left home. You may suddenly have a lot more time on

Disc golf makes a nice hobby for older

antique car collectors and enthusiasts.

your hands, and you don’t know what

people because it is physically active

These clubs will provide information

to do with it. Taking on a new hobby is

without requiring a lot of training.

about local car shows in which you

a good way to fill that time and maybe

You’ll get some exercise but won’t feel

can see other fantastic antique cars or

even to meet some new people.

like you’ve run a marathon.

show off your own. You can also meet other collectors to get the informa-

Here are a few hobbies you might want

Check out the Triangle Chain Posse

tion you need to find your next car or

to consider taking up after age fifty:

( to meet

to restore it.

with other disc golf enthusiasts and to find local courses, or go to the Tri-

In the Triangle, you can join the

angle Disc Golf Meet-up Group (www.

Antique Automobile Club of America The Profes-

– Triangle NC Chapter (www.ncregio-

sional Disc Golf Association (www. or the Triangle

Thunder Cruisers (

triangle-sports-area) also reviews disc

clubs/682844643.html). Some clubs are

golf courses in the Triangle.

available for collectors of specific car

thrive magazine

types, like Mustangs.


healthy & happy • finding hobbies after 50

Book Clubs


Book clubs are a great option for

Getting in shape is the best hobby of

people of any age, but they are an es-

all – no matter how old you are. How-

pecially good choice for those over 50

ever, after 50, fitness becomes more

because they provide ongoing intel-

important than ever so you can keep

lectual stimulation and offer a great

your body strong and healthy.

social outlet. You can stay engaged in current events and meet people who

Fortunately, there are many groups

share your interests.

in the Triangle that are dedicated to people over 50 who want to enjoy

You can join a book club that focuses

working out together.

on specific types of books, such as contemporary science fiction, or you

For example, Cary Fitness Friends

can join a club that reads books of all


kinds. Make sure you look for a club

Cary) is a group for women in their

that is designed for those over 50 to

40s, 50s and 60s who want to exercise

ensure that you meet people with sim-

together, whether it be taking Zumba

ilar interests. For example, the 40 and

classes or going for bike rides in the

Over Durham County Library Book

park. Field of Dreams (www.meetup.

Club meets at the East Regional Dur-


ham library on Tuesdays to discuss a

ball) is dedicated to those in their 40s

different book each month.

and 50s who want to enjoy a game of baseball together (playing, not watching). Look around and find a group that enjoys the kind of activity you’d like to try. What new hobby would you like to take up this year? thrive magazine


healthy community • recipes

Chicken Brunswick Stew with Roasted Garlic Serves 4

ingredients n 1 3lb chicken, cut into pieces n 24 pearl onions

cooking instructions Preheat oven to 400°F.

n 3 medium potatoes n 2 ears of corn

Cut 6-inch square piece of aluminum foil.

Stir in tomatoes with juice and broth;

n 2 garden tomatoes, chopped

Slice 1/2-inch off top of garlic and set head

replace chicken. Bring to simmer over

n 1 small yellow squash

on foil. Drizzle garlic with 1 teaspoon olive

high heat; reduce to low and let stew for

n 1 red bell pepper, cut into chunks

oil; wrap in foil and bake for 40 minutes,

15 minutes. While stew is simmering, peel

n 1 yellow bell pepper, cut into chunks

until soft. Remove and set aside to cool.

pearl onions and potatoes. Cut potatoes

n 1 orange bell pepper, cut into chunks

into 1-inch chunks and cut corn into 2-inch

n 1 head garlic

Season chicken parts with garlic salt,

chunks; slice squash. Stir onions, potatoes,

n 1 14.5-ounce can no-salt chicken broth

oregano and 1/4 teaspoon pepper. In large

corn, squash and sage into stew; cook for

n 2 tablespoons olive oil + 1 teaspoon

soup pot over medium-high heat, warm 2

15 more minutes. Season with salt and re-

n 1 tablespoon fresh sage, chopped

tablespoons olive oil. Add chicken and sauté

maining pepper; serve immediately in wide,

n 1/4 teaspoon salt

until browned, about 5 minutes per side. Re-

shallow bowls.

n 1/2 teaspoon freshly ground pepper

move chicken and set aside. Pour off all but

n 1/8 teaspoon oregano

1 tablespoon of liquid. Add bell peppers and

n 1/8 teaspoon garlic salt

sauté for 2 minutes. Open foil and squeeze

thrive magazine

garlic out of skin, adding to pot.


healthy community • recipes

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thrive magazine

healthy community • recipes


healthy community • recipes

Fresh Grape, Pear, Almond-Stuffed Sweet Potatoes cooking time: 20 minutes prep / 1 1/2 hrs cook Serves 8

nutrition per serving


Calories: 211

n 4 medium sweet potatoes

Melt butter in skillet over medium-high

Protein: 3 grams

n 3/4 cup sliced almonds

heat. Add pears and grapes; sauté 2 to

Fat: 10 grams

n 1/4 cup butter

3 minutes or until pear is tender. Stir in

Sodium: 64 milligrams

n 1 red barlett pear, chopped

brown sugar, honey, and cinnamon. Re-

Cholesterol: 15 milligrams

n 1/2 cup halved grapes

move from heat.

Saturated Fat: 4 grams Fiber: 4 grams

n 1/4 cup firmly packed brown sugar n 1 tbsp honey

Cut potatoes in half lengthwise; scoop pulp

n 1/4 tsp ground cinnamon

into a large bowl, leaving shells intact. Add

recipe from the chilean fresh

pear mixture to pulp in bowl; gently stir

fruit association

cooking instructions

until blended. Spoon mixture into shells. Place on baking sheet.

Place potatoes on an aluminum foil-lined baking sheet. Bake at 425º for 1 hour to 1

Bake at 350º for 15 minutes or until

hour and 15 minutes or until tender.

thoroughly heated. Top with nuts.

Heat almonds in a nonstick skillet over medium/low heat, stirring often, 5 to 7 minutes or until toasted. Remove from skillet.

thrive magazine


healthy community • recipes

Slow-Cooked Beef Risotto cooking time: 2 to 2 1/2 hours Serves 4-6

ingredients n 2 lbs beef stew meat, cut into 1 to 1-1/2 inch pieces

cooking instructions Combine beef, water and garlic in stockpot; bring to a boil. Reduce heat; cover tightly and simmer 1-3/4 hours.

n 2 cups water n 2 cloves garlic, minced

Stir in contents of risotto mix package omitting butter or oil; continue

n 2 tablespoons chopped fresh cilantro

simmering, covered, 18 to 20 minutes or until rice is tender and beef is

n 1/4 teaspoon salt

fork-tender. Stir in peas; remove from heat. Let stand 5 minutes.

n 1 package mushroom or cheese risotto mix

Stir in cheese. Serve with additional cheese, if desired.

n 1 cup frozen peas n 1/3 cup shredded parmesan cheese

nutrition per serving 277 calories; 8 g fat (3 g saturated fat; 3 g monounsaturated fat) 64 mg cholesterol 556 mg sodium 23 g carbohydrate 1.3 g fiber 26 g protein 3.3 mg niacin 0.3 mg vitamin B6 thrive magazine

1.9 mcg vitamin B12


2.7 mg iron 16.7 mcg selenium 5.2 mg zinc.

healthy community • recipes

thrive magazine

This recipe is an excellent source of protein, vitamin B12, selenium and zinc; and a good source of niacin, vitamin B6 and iron.


thrive magazine

healthy community • recipes


healthy community โ ข recipes

Maple Roasted Brussels Sprouts with Chilean Grapes & Pecans cooking time: 20-30 minutes Serves 4


cooking instructions

n 1 pound Brussels sprouts, halved

Preheat oven to 400ยบF. Place Brussels

n 2 cups fresh Chilean red seedless

sprouts and grapes in a large bowl. In


a small bowl, whisk together olive oil,

n 1 tablespoon olive oil

maple syrup, salt and black pepper. Toss

n 1-2 tablespoons maple syrup

oil mixture with sprouts and grapes. Place

n 1/2 cup halved grapes

mixture on a rimmed baking sheet and

n 1/2 teaspoon salt

roast for 20-30 minutes, or until Brussels

n 1/4 teaspoon black pepper

sprouts are tender and grapes have begun

n 1/2 cup pecans

to shrivel. Let cool.

Created by Matthew Kady Msc., RD for Chilean Fresh Fruit Association Chilean grapes are available in North America from December through May.

n 2 ounces soft goat cheese, crumbled Meanwhile, heat a heavy duty skillet over medium heat. Add pecans and heat for 4 minutes, or until browned and fragrant, shaking the pan often to prevent burning. Let cool. In a serving bowl, toss together sprout-grape mixture, toasted pecans and top with goat cheese.

thrive magazine


thrive magazine

healthy community • recipes


healthy community • recipes

lowri turner’s Pan-fried salmon with

radish, avocado and pumpkin seed salad prep time: 10 minutes cooking time: 15 minutes

Serves 1


cooking instructions

for the salad:

Mix together the dressing ingredients in a screw top jar. Shake

n 8 mixed radishes, cut into quarters

and set aside.

n 1 Little Gem lettuce, broken into leaves n 1 tbsp frozen peas, defrosted

Assemble the salad onto a plate. Squeeze the lemon juice over the

n ½ avocado, peeled and sliced

avocado to prevent it browning and set aside.

n 1 tbsp pumpkin seeds, toasted in a dry frying pan n Squeeze of lemon juice

Season the salmon. Spritz a non-stick frying pan with cooking

n 1 quarter lb. salmon filet

spray. When it is smoking, add the salmon, skin side down and

n Squeeze of lemon juice

cook for 3 – 5 minutes, until the skin is brown but not burned. Flip

n Salt & pepper

over and continue cooking from 2 – 4 minutes until all the flesh

n Olive oil cooking spray

has turned a paler pink.

for the dressing:

Place the salmon on top of the salad. Sprinkle with a few more

n 1 tbsp extra virgin olive oil

pumpkin seeds, drizzle over the dressing and serve.

n ½ tsp Dijon mustard n 2 tsp lemon juice n salt & pepper

thrive magazine

“This is a quick and easy, but incredibly nutritious midweek supper. Salmon, avocado and pumpkin seeds are all packed full of healthy omega 3 fats which are great for your heart, skin and brain.The crisp, pepperiness of the radishes are a great contrast to silky texture of the salmon and avocado. Plus, if you use a good non-stick pan and a spray oil, you keep the unhealthy saturated fat down and the salmon stays succulent.”


healthy community • the great organic debate

The Organic Debate is organic a better choice? As more people make the decision to adopt a healthy diet, choices that are more wholesome are becoming readily available. You can now find gluten-free foods, low-fat foods, low-sugar foods, whole-grain foods and more, all at your local grocery store. Naturally, all of the new buzzwords and food labels may start to become confusing.

of growth hormones or antibiotics.

from Stanford University and other

However, not all organic livestock may

research. However, the long-term

be raised using methods you prefer.

negative health effects of pesticides

For example, chicken can still be

and other growth chemicals on the

organic if it is grown in a small cage

people who eat conventionally grown

with thousands of other chickens. Pork

foods have not been confirmed. More

can still be organic if the pigs were

research will be necessary.

manually stuffed with corn feed. Even if you choose organic meat, you may

Some research also suggests that

still want to look for humane-practice

organic foods have more nutrients in

terms like “grass fed,” “free range” or

them since the plants produce more


vitamins and antioxidants to protect

thrive magazine

themselves from pests and fungi that


One label you are likely to see more

Benefits of Organic Foods

often than all the others is “organic,”

Many who choose to eat organic foods

but you may be confused about what it

claim that there is a health benefit

Is It Worth It to Buy Organic?

is or whether you should be including

to doing so, because the foods do not

Most experts say that the decision to

organic foods in your diet. Here’s what

contain harmful pesticides and other

buy organic comes down to a matter

you need to know:

chemicals. In addition, many advo-

of choice. While these foods can offer

cates of organic foods point out that

many benefits, they can also be expen-

What is Organic?

these foods have even more environ-

sive, and it is possible to get the same

“Organic” describes a number of

mental benefits. Pesticides and other

nutritional value from conventionally

practices used to grow food. Organic

chemicals can build up in the soil,

grown foods. Most health experts rec-

fruits and vegetables are those that

which can be harmful for wildlife

ommend buying organic when you can

have been grown without the use of

populations and can infect water sup-

afford to do so, but say not to sweat it

pesticides, petroleum-based fertilizers

plies. They also can harm the workers

if you can’t.

or genetically modified seed. Organic

who grow and harvest the produce

livestock includes cows, chicken, tur-

treated by these chemicals.

If cost is a major concern, you should focus on buying organic foods from

keys and pigs that have been raised with organic feed and without the use

could threaten them.

These benefits are confirmed by a study

the so-called “Dirty Dozen,” which are

healthy community • the great organic debate

foods that are typically treated with



Otherwise, eating a diet that includes

the highest number of pesticides and


Cherry tomatoes

plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables

other chemicals.



and a variety of foods is the best way



to maintain health. Talk with a nutri-


The Dirty Dozen includes:

tionist if you are unsure of the best



Bell peppers

choices for your health needs





and goals.




Snap peas



thrive magazine




healthy community • local restaurants

local restaurants that embrace

the local foods movement The local foods movement has been growing in the Triangle in recent years. Many restaurants have opened or begun offering foods made with ingredients sourced from farms right here in the Triangle. Some focus exclusively on a farm to table menu, while others supplement their offerings with these locally grown foods. Some focus on simply offering foods that are closer to their natural state, including dishes made with whole and organic ingredients.

to-table cuisine. With an ever-changing menu, Little Hen takes prides in keeping customers coming back for more. From mouth-watering artisan cheeses to

Irregardless Cafe and Catering

unique and creative dips and sauces, this

Irregardless Cafe has been offering fresh

is a must-visit eatery.

and locally sourced food since 1975 – long before it was a trendy choice. When the

information 919-363-0000

restaurant started, all menu items were vegetarian. Now there are more choices on the menu, but they all feature farmfresh ingredients. Vegetarian, vegan and gluten-free meals are still featured prominently. The Vegan Eggplant Mous-

The Humble Pig This barbecue busi-

saka is exceptional, and meat eaters will love the Pesto Penne Chicken. You can

When you go to these restaurants, you

ness in Cary started as a labor of love for

can feel good about eating out since your

a husband and wife team but became a

meal will be more like what you make at

full-time business for them after they

home. Here are a few local restaurants for

experienced layoffs. Not technically a


you to try that are embracing the local

restaurant, The Humble Pig serves up

919-833-8898 |

and whole foods movement:

locally sourced barbecue in a traveling

also enjoy live music every night at the cafe. Catering is also available.

food truck or through catering. All pork, chicken and beef are purchased from local suppliers, and produce, sides and desserts are purchased from local farmer’s

Watts Grocery Chef Amy Tornquist

markets. Their pulled pork plate is their

takes the helm at Watts Grocery in

Little Hen Little Hen has created quite

specialty, but their banana pudding can’t

Durham. Tornquist has created a menu

a stir in the community when it comes to

be missed.

that is built around local and seasonal ingredients, and the restaurant is com-

getting the word about local foods out! Developed by a husband and wife team,

thrive magazine

The Stachlers, this dynamic duo strongly


information 919-616-1852 |

mitted to sustainable agriculture. Almost all the ingredients are “caught, smoked,

believe in meeting the demands of diners

picked or cured” from suppliers within

for accountable and sustainable farm-

two hours of the restaurant. Watts is open for lunch, dinner and brunch. A late

healthy community • local restaurants

night menu is also available with wine and desserts. The low-country seafood gumbo cannot be missed! Information 919-416-5040 |

Tribeca Tavern Locally brewed beers and dishes made from some locally

Lilly’s Pizza Who says pizza has to be

sourced ingredients are served up at this

bad for you? All pizzas at Lilly’s are made

Raleigh restaurant. The menu features

from scratch from locally sourced and or-

standard pub fare, such as pizzas, wings,

ganic ingredients. Vegetarian, vegan and

burgers and sandwiches. The bison burger

gluten-free pizzas are available. All pizzas

is exceptional, and the beer battered fish

are piled high with toppings, and all are

and chips are a delicious classic.

so delicious you won’t believe they’re made from wholesome ingredients. The

Burger Fi Burger Fi in Raleigh aims to produce a distinctly flavorful burger by using all-natural Angus beef raised ethi-

Information 919-465-3055 |

Five Point pizza is amazing, but you can’t go wrong with any of the choices.

cally and without the use of hormones. Information

All burgers are cooked fresh, and no fro-

919-797-2554 |

zen patties are used. Local and seasonal ingredients are used wherever possible. Come for the burgers, but make sure to come back and try the dogs, including the Chicago-style or New York-style dog. In addition to the menu, the restaurant itself is stocked with environmentally sustainable furniture, such as tables and chair made from recycled Coke bottles and recycled wood. All the restaurant’s business practices are focused on reducing its carbon footprint, right down to how much electricity is used to cool the space. information 919-659-8700 | Cary 919-999-3700 | Raleigh

Bull City Burger & Brewery The local foods movement has been growing in Durham, and Bull City Burger was one of the early leaders. The menu is simple:

Scratch Baking Just like its name

Burgers and hot dogs. Hoever, everything

suggests, Scratch Baking makes all its

in the restaurant is made of locally raised

pies from scratch and from wholesome,

and produced meats and vegetables. All

locally sourced ingredients. The bakery

meats are grass fed and raised without

has relationships with local farmers

the use of hormones or antibiotics. All

to supply all its ingredients. The menu

produce is local and organic. If it’s not in

changes seasonally to match the supply.

season, it’s not served. Even the sodas

This isn’t just a dessert shop. Sure, you

on tap are organic. Of course, beers are

can get a great apple pie here, but you can

locally crafted at this brewery.

also enjoy savory fare like pickled egg salad or heirloom cheese grits.

Information Information

thrive magazine



healthy community • local health events

health-related events february The Chocolate 5K Run February 7 | Duke East Campus | $40 Cornucopia Cancer Support Center provides nourishment for anyone

The holidays are a time to celebrate – which for

touched by cancer, to help them find

many also means a time to feast. You stayed holed

living a fully rewarding life.

up inside all winter to keep warm and cozy, so you

Run for the Roses February 8 | Dorothea Dix, Raleigh | $30

aren’t exercising as much. Then you dine on rich

This 5K raises money for Canines for

foods and indulge in delicious treats. Most people

dogs for disabled people. The run is

really pack on the pounds over just a few months.

support and excellent resources for

Service, a group that trains service celebrating its 34th year. Krispy Kreme Challenge February 14 | Downtown Raleigh | $45 Run 2.5 miles through historic

You can recommit yourself to fitness and get back on

downtown Raleigh, eat a dozen glazed Krispy Kreme donuts, then run 2.5 miles back to the start line. It’s like a

the right track for your health by attending one of

nice transition between your holiday gluttony and your jumpstart back to

the many health and fitness events that are held in the Triangle between February and July.

fitness. You’re running, but you’re also enjoying delicious sweets. Cupid’s Undie Run Feb 14 | Natty Greene’s, Raleigh | $55 Be a part of something great. Last year Cupid’s raised over $2.8 Million for the

thrive magazine

Children’s Tumor Foundation, and you


can make this year better!

healthy community • local health events

in the triangle St. Paddy’s Kilt Run March 7 | Moore Square, Raleigh | $40 American Cancer Society 5K Feb 28 | Brier Creek, Raleigh | $49

Celebrate St. Patrick’s Day with this fun


8k race and world-record kilt run.

NCRC Classic Half Marathon & 10k May 17 | Cary | $55

March Madness March 15 | Neuse River Greenway | $50

The North Carolina Roadrunners Club

Held to support the American Cancer Society.


sponsors this annual half marathon

Instead of chugging beer and eating

and 10K that benefits several local

Florence Forth 10K/5K March 7 | 9th Street, Durham | $35

nachos while you watch your favorite

charities, including the Jimmy V

teams play off in the NCAA, get out and

Foundation and The American Red

This 10K race and 5K walk/fun run

run for your favorite team. Run a full or


benefits the Autoimmune Encephalitis

half marathon.


Alliance. The race was named in honor of Florence Forth, who died in March 2012 after a battle with AE.

Umstead 100 Mile Endurance Run March 28 | Umstead Park, Raleigh | $180

Race 13.1 Midtown Raleigh June 6 | North Hills, Raleigh | $59

Serious health enthusiasts can take on

The 13.1-mile race is a USATF-certified

Umstead Trail Marathon March 7 | Umstead Park, Raleigh | $70

the ultimate challenge with this 100-

course, so runners can gain qualifying

mile run through the beautiful Umstead

miles for future races.

This annual marathon is a milestone

State Park. A 50-mile option is also

event in the Triangle. Run 26.2 miles


Komen Triangle Race for the Cure June 13 | Downtown Raleigh | TBD

Park, including hills, dirt paths and


This 5K race raises money for the

beautiful forests.

Rock n’ Roll Raleigh Marathon April 12 | Raleigh | $115

Susan G. Komen foundation for

Get Your Rear in Gear March 7 | Raleigh | $35

Run a full or half marathon through


Proceeds apply to defeating colon

of rock’s greatest legends. The festive

cancer and will be used locally.

atmosphere makes it easier to pass the

through the beautiful Umstead State

research and education for breast

downtown Raleigh to the tunes of some

miles and commit yourself to fitness.

thrive magazine


thrive • directory of advertisers

directory of advertisers / winter-spring 2015 HEALTH SERVICES

Davis Plastic Surgery . . . . . .ins front cvr



Finn Facial Plastics . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

Wake Radiology . . . . . . . . .ins back cvr



cancer care

Essential Health & Wellness . . . . . . . 36

law firms

Duke Cancer Patient Support . . . . . . 57

Johnston Health . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43

Whitley Law Firm . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59

NCEENT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37

NCEENT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 dental health


Lane and Associates . . . . . . . . back cvr

Vesic Photography . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

WOMENS HEALTH services hearing services

Blue Ridge OBGYN . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65

Assured Audiology and Hearing

Essential Health & Wellness . . . . . . . 51

Solutions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51

Wake Radiology . . . . . . . . .ins back cvr Womens Wellness Clinic . . . . . . . . . 55


Aesthetic Solutions . . . . . . . . . . . . 22


Cary Dermatology . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47


3D MAMMOGRAPHY • GREATER ACCURACY • REDUCED ANXIETY • NOW AT WAKE RADIOLOGY Let’s have a frank discussion. You can’t treat what you can’t detect. And 3D mammography, along with your regular 2D exam, is revolutionizing breast cancer detection. How? By significantly improving clarity for earlier detection and fewer false positives. Which, of course, reduces recall rates and the anxiety that comes with additional tests. To learn more about 3D mammography or to schedule an appointment, visit Like we said, you can’t treat what you can’t see. And now we’re seeing better than ever. Wake Radiology | North Hills Breast Center | 919-232-4700 | Daily, evening and Saturday appointments | 20 minutes from check-in to exam completion

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