The Raleigh Court Herald - October 2020

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Raleigh Court Presbyterian Church

Volume 46 / Issue 05 / October

Fall 2020 Service Times 9:00 AM - Sanctuary 11:00 AM - Sanctuary & Livestream Children’s Worship at 11:00 AM Service Commitment Sunday is October 11, 2020. Please plan to turn in or mail your pledge card or fill out the online form at by that date. Generosity Campaign Do you know which way you’re going? How many times since March 2020, have you asked yourself “what’s next?” These days, I find myself having a lot of questions and very few answers. As we approach our annual Generosity Campaign, we need the congregation’s help in “Finding Our Way.” As we’ve traveled through COVID times, RCPC staff and volunteers have worked hard to find a new way to remain united in our love and pursuit of our Lord and Savior. Sometimes that pursuit feels familiar. We are again gathering on Wednesday mornings for worship, but most of the time it has felt new and (possibly) uncomfortable. As you and your household prayerfully consider your participation in the Generosity Campaign for 2021, we ask that you reflect on how RCPC might do things a bit differently in 2021, how planning a budget around so many unknowns might be uncomfortable, and how we might continue to gather together to find our way. We know that everyone’s financial future is uncertain in the midst of the ongoing economic challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic. This year, therefore, we are offering the opportunity to pledge for six months instead of the entire calendar year. If you pledge for six months, we will be contacting you again in May to see if you are able to make a second six-month pledge for the year based on how your income situation has changed or remained the same. As a result of this change, our budget process will be more fluid than usual, with necessary adjustments taking place throughout the calendar year to align with congregational giving. Thank you for your prayerful and generous support of RCPC both this year and in all times.

October Birthdays and Anniversaries 1. Compton Biddle Jr. Sarah Stephenson 2. Ed Reynolds 3. Bruce Long Henry Ward 4. Katelyn Burton Bryce Gannon 5. Courtney Cronin Joe Gray 6. Camilla Cabaniss Jenny McKenzie

7. Haley Arnold 15. Jacob Caldwell Henry Sganga 27. Emily Beverly Oliver Dawn Long Lynn Sperger Mountcastle 8. Fielder MacGibbon 16. Andy Harvey III 21. Alison Allsbrook 28. Alec Travers 9. Lola Landers Caitlin Smith Compton Biddle Sr. 29. David Price Charley Stephenson Sandra Whitt Jeremy Hardison 30. Ruth Whaley 10. Lee Cabaniss III 17. Donn Branch 22. Bill Honeycutt 31. Delaney Smith Josh Williamson 18. Elise Fox Autumn Quinn 12. Donna Britt 19. Emma McGraw Autumn Visser Albert Sganga Bev Stroud 24. J.D. Hansard Jr. 13. Elizabeth Dixon 20. Roger Lovern 25. Brian Marsh Ann-Muir Moomaw Henry Schaefer Evan Sperger Special Anniversary Wishes: Cecilia & Dale Hanslik on celebrating their 55th wedding anniversary on October 16. Cheryl & Gil Lynch on celebrating their 25th wedding anniversary on October 28.

Youth Ministry Updates RCPC Youth Ministry is fully underway for 2020-2021. This month we have our first two Worship & Word Youth Group nights in which Youth will lead us to engage with scripture starting with Abraham’s call story on October 4 and Moses’ reluctance to accept God’s call on October 25. On both of these nights, Youth Bells will take place at 5pm followed by Youth Group which will hold dinner, Worship & Word, and a mission project. On Sunday, October 11, Youth will have their first Small Group which will be hosted outdoors at the home of a small group leader. Details for each group will be dispersed through weekly youth emails. Sunday, October 18 we’re changing things up and having a movie night outdoors at the church for Youth Group. Youth Bells will be at 4:30 PM. Rec event 5:30 PM - 6:00 PM. Youth Group 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM.

Living the Word - Bible Activity Stations for 3 and 4 year olds RCPC is offering outdoor classroom experiences for our 3- and 4-year-olds! On Saturday, October 3 and Saturday, October 17 from 1:00 PM – 4:00 PM come join us in Mrs. Leigh’s backyard for “Living the Word.” The children will rotate through three Bible story stations. At each station they will hear the Bible story come to life with puppets and characters. The children will then participate in an activity that reinforces the concepts of that story. We will wear masks and social distance during our time together. Each child will receive their own set of supplies for activity time. We will not have a snack time, so please be sure your child eats a snack or big lunch before coming to Mrs. Leigh’s house. Please have your child bring their own labeled water bottle. We will have a bathroom break, the bathroom will be cleaned by Mrs. Leigh after each child. Please email Mrs. Leigh if you wish for your child to participate in “Living the Word.” We are all learning new ways to do things in this strange time! Sometimes your church staff has said, “Hey, let’s keep doing this after the pandemic.” We hope “Living the Word” will be one of those things we continue, even when we are back in Sunday School together. We are excited to bring this new ministry to life! If you have any questions about “Living the Word,” please contact Leigh Sackett.

God Alive

Second Grade Bible Class and Presentation

Our RCPC second graders have many faith milestones that they typically experience through their “Our Faith” Sunday School class. This year things have to be a little different, but Wednesday, Oct. 7 | 3:45 – 5:30 PM at Roanoke Mountain we will find ways to learn together, encounter God together, Theme: “The Promised Land” and keep our loved traditions! Our second graders are invited to participate in a “Learning Wednesday, Oct. 14 | 3:45 – 5:30 PM at Roanoke River to Use Your Bible” class on Sundays, October 25, November Greenway, Theme: “Water in our Wilderness” 1, and November 8 in the Fellowship Hall from 12:15 PM 1:15 PM, following the 11:00 AM worship service. We will wear Wednesday, Oct. 21 | 3:45 – 5:30 PM at Tinker Creek Greenway masks and practice social distancing. Then on November 15 (at Carvins Cove) in the 11:00 AM worship service our second graders will be Theme: “40 days and 40 nights at Carvins Cove” presented with their Bibles! Second grade parents have been contacted, if you have not Wednesday, Oct. 28 | 3:45 – 5:30 PM at Explore Park received an email or have not responded and want your child Theme: “Wilderness and the Garden” to participate, please contact Leigh Sackett. God Alive Hiking Schedule

Book Club

Blood Drive

Book Club is back this fall with a new time and location! Join the Book Club on Wednesday, October 14 at 9:30 AM in the Commons (take the elevator to BR) as they discuss A Spark of Light by Jodi Picoult.

RCPC Hike & Optional Camping Trip On Saturday, October 24, Liz and Chad Heddleston will lead a group hike at Roaring Run Falls, a 2-mile waterfall hike in Botetourt County. This is a great hike for kids and hikers of all levels. We have a group campsite reserved at nearby Craig Creek Recreation Area for those wishing to stay out and camp after the hike. Join us for an evening of hot dogs, s’mores and campfire fellowship. We will meet in the church parking lot at noon. To RSVP or if you have questions, email Liz at lizcbarry@

RCPC’s Fall Blood Drive will be held Tuesday, October 20th from 1:30 PM until 6 PM. As was the practice for our two previous blood drives, the following precautions will be implemented: - Face masks are required - Only donors will be admitted - Social distancing protocols will be observed Also, The American Red Cross is testing all blood, platelet and plasma donations for COVID-19 antibodies, providing donors insight into whether they have been exposed to this coronavirus. The Red Cross is not testing donors to diagnose illness, referred to as a diagnostic test. If you have any questions or want to schedule an appointment please call Lillian Alexander at 540-343-0705 or email at You may also schedule an appointment online at REDCROSSBLOOD.ORG or by calling 1-800-RED-CROS (1-800-733-2767).

October Fellowship Opportunities Lunch Under the Oaks October 7 and 28 at 12:30 PM Parking Lot Picnics October 14 at 6:00 PM Registration is required by noon on Tuesday the week of the event either using the online link in the This Week @ RCPC or by calling the church office, 540-343-5541 x 111 and leaving Anne Currin a message. There will NOT be a paper sign up sheet in the Gathering Area. Meals are a suggested donation of $7 for an individual 12 years and up, $5 for children ages 4-11, and free for 3 and younger, with is a max of $20 for a family. Please bring the following: - chair, blankets, or whatever you and your group wish to sit on - wear a mask - drinks for you and your group - donation in a sealed envelope with your name and # attending - groups/families must sit at least 6-feet apart The Fellowship Committee will be wearing masks, gloves, and socially distancing to get the food into individual or family boxes. Plastic utensils and napkins will be provided. We ask that you place all trash in the provided garbage cans. We always welcome new volunteers!. Please contact Maureen Guelzow at or 540-529-5347 if you are interested.

9:00 AM - Worship 11:00 AM - Worship 5:00 PM - NO Youth Bells 6:00 PM - Youth Group


9:00 AM - Worship 11:00 AM - Worship 12:30 PM - Discover RCPC 5:00 PM - Youth Bells 6:00 PM - Youth Group

4 World Communion Sunday


9:00 AM - Preschool 1:00 PM - Small Group: Whaley 7:00 PM - Mill Mountain Ringers 7:00 PM - Deacons


9:00 AM - Preschool 1:00 PM - Small Group: Whaley 7:00 PM - Mill Mountain Ringers



9:00 AM - Preschool 12:15 PM Preschool Board 12:30 PM - Open Door Prayers 5:00 PM - Small Group: Dixon 6:30 PM - BSA Lion & Tigers 7:30 PM - C.A.R.E. 8:00 PM - Small Group: Bryant


9:00 AM - Preschool 12:30 PM - Open Door Prayers 5:00 PM - Small Group: Dixon 6:30 PM - BSA Wolf & Bears 8:00 PM - Small Group: Bryant



7:00 AM - Worship with Communion 9:00 AM - Preschool 9:30 AM - Book Club 3:45 PM - God Alive Hiking 5:00 PM - Youth Group Check-In 6:00 PM - Parking Lot Picnic 6:30 PM - BSA Webelo 2 7:00 PM - Small Group: Sackett 7:15 PM - Bell Choir


7:00 AM - Worship with Communion 9:00 AM - Preschool 12:30 PM - Lunch Under the Oaks 3:45 PM - God Alive Hiking 5:00 PM - Youth Group Check-In 7:00 PM - Small Group: Sackett 7:15 PM - Bell Choir




9:00 AM - Preschool 6:30 PM - AA Hip Sober Chicks 6:30 PM - BSA Webelo 1 8:00 PM - Virtual Evening Prayer Service


9:00 AM - Preschool 10:00 AM - Small Group: Hansard



9:00 AM - Preschool 10:00 AM - Small Group: Hansard



9:00 AM - Preschool 9:00 AM - Preschool 6:30 PM - AA Hip 10:00 AM - Small Sober Chicks Group: Hansard 6:45 PM - Cub Scout Roundtable 8:00 PM - Virtual Evening Prayer Service


9:00 AM - Preschool 6:00 PM - BSA Council Meeting 6:30 PM - AA Hip Sober Chicks 6:30 PM - BSA Webelo 1 8:00 PM - Virtual Evening Prayer Service


October 2020

1:00 PM - Living the Word @ Mrs. Leigh’s House


8:00 AM - General Federation of Women’s Club


9:00 AM - Chamber Choir Recording 1:00 PM - Living the Word @ Mrs. Leigh’s House



9:00 AM - Preschool 1:00 PM - Small Group: Whaley 7:00 PM - Mill Mountain Ringers 7:00 PM - Session



9:00 AM - Worship 11:00 AM - Worship 5:00 PM - Youth Bells 6:00 PM - Youth Group

9:00 AM - NO Preschool 1:00 PM - Small Group: Whaley 5:30 PM Stewardship & Finance 7:00 PM Administrative Committee 7:00 PM - Mill Mountain Ringers



9:00 AM - Worship 11:00 AM - Worship 4:30 PM - Youth Bells 6:00 PM - Youth Group



9:00 AM - Preschool 12:30 PM - Open Door Prayers 5:00 PM - Small Group: Dixon 6:30 PM - BSA Lions & Tigers 6:30 PM - C.A.R.E. 8:00 PM - Small Group: Bryant


9:00 AM - Preschool 12:30 PM - Open Door Prayers 1:30 PM - Blood Drive 4:15 PM - Worship & Music 5:00 PM - Small Group: Dixon 5:30 PM Endowment Board 6:30 PM - BSA Wolf & Bears 8:00 PM - Small Group: Bryant



7:00 AM - Worship with Communion 9:00 AM - Preschool 12:30 PM - Lunch Under the Oaks 3:45 PM - God Alive Hiking 5:00 PM - Youth Group Check-In 6:30 PM - Webelo 2 7:00 PM - Small Group: Sackett 7:15 PM - Bell Choir


7:00 AM - Worship with Communion 9:00 AM - Preschool 12:30 PM - Lunch Under the Oaks 3:45 PM - God Alive Hiking 5:00 PM - Youth Group Check-In 7:00 PM - Small Group: Sackett 7:15 PM - Bell Choir




9:00 AM - Preschool 6:30 PM - AA Hip Sober Chicks 6:30 PM - BSA Webelo 1 8:00 PM - Virtual Evening Prayer Service


9:00 AM - Preschool 6:30 PM - AA Hip Sober Chicks 8:00 PM - Virtual Evening Prayer Service


October 2020

9:00 AM - Preschool 10:00 AM - Small Group: Hansard


9:00 AM - Preschool 10:00 AM - Small Group: Hansard






Raleigh Court Presbyterian Church 1837 Grandin Road SW Roanoke VA 24015 Change service requested.


The Raleigh Court Herald is a monthly publication of Raleigh Court Presbyterian Church 1837 Grandin Rd. Roanoke VA 24015 540 343-5541 ~ 540 345-8359 FAX Worship Services Sundays - 9:00 AM and 11:00 AM Wednesday Morning Communion - 7:00 AM Submit articles for the Herald by the third Wednesday of the month for publication the following month. The Rev. Andrew C. Whaley Pastor and Head of Staff

The Rev. Isabella Fagiani Associate Pastor

Leigh Sackett Mitchell R. Weisiger Director of Christian Education Director of Music Ministries and Organist David Dixon, MD, Episcopal Deacon Betsy Prillaman Minister of Care Preschool Director Abbi French Director of Children’s Music Connect with RCPC Online

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