Volume 46
January 2020
Number 1
ASH WEDNESDAY SERVICE & DINNER STOCK THE PANTRY FOR THE PRESBYTERIAN COMMUNITY CENTER FOR THE HUNGER BUSTER PROGRAM Suggested Items: Canned Chicken, Tuna, Beef Stew, Chili Beans Canned and Dry, Jelly, Peanut Butter Please place your items in the Gathering Area display by Sunday, February 23.
Enter the season of lent with us on Wednesday, February 26 at 6:30 PM in the RCPC Chapel. In this service we will confess our sins before God, remember our frailty as human beings, and take part in the imposition of ashes, a reminder that we came from the earth and we shall return to it at life’s end. Center yourself in this holy season by joining us for this worship service. Plan to join the Fellowship Dinner at 5:30 PM in the Fellowship Hall followed by our Ash Wednesday service at 6:30 PM.
The Hunger Buster Program gives out food for emergency situations only and the food lasts for a couple of days.
PRESBYTERIAN WOMEN A LOVE LETTER FROM GOD! Please join us for an enlightening Bible study where Ruth Marple leads us to delve into the Ten Commandments in a personal way, not to see them as a bunch of rules and regulations unrelated to our lives, but as a love letter from God that can positively impact and direct our lives! WHO are we? A group of women willing to share our struggles and celebrations, who want to be faithful Christians, who strive to learn from one another and who realize that growth comes best when all ages join together to support and love one another. We are women who believe that God has called us to help others so we do so through prayer and by supporting Turning Point and House of Bread. Yes, we are Presbyterian Women! We meet on the second Tuesday of each month from 10:30 AM to 12:30 PM. Our next meeting is Tuesday, February 11, 2020. We are now meeting in room 203 above the chapel where the acoustics are much better for rich discussion. Lisa Goad provides a delicious luncheon each month and the cost is only $5.00. Please join us! -Peggy Martin and Ellen Austin Contact any of our officers if you want additional information. Co-Moderators: Peggy Martin and Ellen Austin Secretary/Historian: Lola Landers Treasurer: Susan Kessler Mission Coordinator: Cathy Slone Circle Leaders: Lynne Fields, Camilla Cabaniss, Susan Kessler
CONGREGATIONAL RETREAT REGISTRATION Join us April 24-26, 2020 for our annual Congregational Retreat. Book your room at Massanetta Springs for the 2020 Congregational Retreat today. Register online on rcpres.org or pick up a paper form in the Gathering Area. Room options and pricing: Richardson Hall (dormitory style, private or shared bathroom) • Single Private Bath $225 • Single Shared Bath $150 • Double Private Bath $300 • Double Shared Bath $250 • Family of 3 Private Bath $320 • Family of 4+ Private Bath $350 Hubler Lodge (hotel style with private bathroom) • Single $300 • Double $400 • Family of 3 $425 • Family of 4+ $450
K’MARI: A WEST END CENTER SUCCESS STORY This story shows what a difference RCPC volunteers make at the West End Center. Our own Louise Morris was able to make a big difference in the life of this child. You never know how your presence or expertise will impact the life of a child. This story appeared in the West End Center Annual Report and is slightly edited for our newsletter. The photo is of K’mari and Joy Parrish, Executive Director of WEC. Meet K’mari, a fifth grader who attends West End Center along with her sister, Zykir. It’s not uncommon to hear K’mari before you see her. Like many fifthgrade girls, K’mari likes crafting, choreographing dances to her favorite songs and making slime. A few years ago, her family lost everything they owned in a tragic house fire at Christmas time, thankfully, neither she nor her family sustained any physical injuries. Last year K’mari began to struggle immensely with reading, and it was evident that she was not reading on grade level. At the same time, K’mari also began to frequently display angry and aggressive behavior and developed a hair-trigger temper. During literacy lessons at the center, K’mari would act out through attention-seeking behavior, rudeness or aggression, or by shutting down completely. Susan Kessler, the literacy teacher at the time, along with staff and the team from Family Service of Roanoke Valley, hypothesized that some of her behaviors were driven by the anxiety and shame she felt from not being able to read on the same level as her peers. Susan reached out to Louise Morris, a member of RCPC and a former teacher who had expressed interest in volunteering to work with one or two children who could benefit from intensive tutoring. Louise graduated from Penn State with a degree in biology, but later found herself working at a nonprofit private school in Edgewater, MD that specialized in helping children in grades 1 – 8 who had dyslexia and other reading difficulties. She worked at this school for 16 years. It was through her experiences at the Summit School that Louise received special training in teaching reading using a method of Phono-Graphix and felt that this method would work well to help a child “catch up” who had fallen behind. Together with K’mari, her mom Shantavia, and the staff at WEC they developed a plan to help K’mari. For the remainder of the year, K’mari would work one-on-one with Louise in Joy’s office during her group’s scheduled literacy time. K’mari was less than thrilled about being separated from her peers; some days she was a willing and cheerful participant, but most often she only begrudgingly crossed the street to work with Louise. Louise didn’t take it personally and didn’t give up. Over time they became friends. Slowly something incredible began to happen; as K’mari’s reading ability increased, so did her positive interactions with peers, staff and volunteers. The better she felt about herself, the better she treated others. The more confident she became in her ability to read, the more confident she became in all other areas of her life. By the end of the school year, K’mari was proudly announcing that she had read a chapter in a book or had volunteered to read out loud at school. The improvement in her demeanor was as significant and impactful as the improvement in her reading skills. At mid-point of the first quarter of the current academic year, K’mari bounded gleefully into the office holding her interim; she had earned an A in reading! K’mari’s story is a remarkable example of what your support accomplishes and is only one of the many small miracles that unfold at West End Center daily. If you would like to volunteer or offer some special gifts to share with the children at the center, please contact Susan Kessler (skess21@gmail.com ) or contact the center directly at 540-342-0902.
1. 3. 4. 5.
7. 8. 9. 10. 11.
12. 14.
Andrew Bond Charles Crawford III Jason Burton Al Sganga 4. Susan Honeycutt Rob Crittenden Henry Flowers Sidney Poole Repp Robbie Whitehead Riley Newman Lauren Davis Jaye Harvey Wellons Craig Favor Jeff Highfill Ruth Marple Dorothy Barranger Glenna Fisher Forrest Moorman Daniel MacGibbon Hunter Manning Moore Garland Parry Sarah Grace Stanley Jackie Dodson Eric Lawson
15. 16. 17. 18. 19.
21. 22.
24. 25. 26. 27. 28.
Peggy Martin Jerry Wertz Kathy Grove Christopher Shaver Mary Alcoke Sophie Elizabeth Franklin Brad Kennedy Susan Lovern Blake Hardison Darlene Kennedy Deborah Walkiewicz Omri Dietz Alex Bryant Sheldon Johnson Dick Jones Daniel Pugh Harriet G. Vance Chuck Gilliland Betty Lacy Legard Will Smith Susan Currie Dane Hardison Katie Highfill Bill Dodson
FEBRUARY -- PERFECT TIME FOR AN EARTH CARE WORKSHOP Taking care of God’s magnificent creation can be practical and fun, with an impact on your congregation. Earth Care Workshop is Saturday, February 15 from 10:00 AM – 2:00 PM at Covenant Presbyterian, Roanoke. Blacksburg Presbyterian will join us to share their experiences with Earth Care activities. Practical advice and lively resources for worship, education, facilities, and outreach will be ready for you. The workshop is free but reservations are needed by Wednesday, February 12. Reservations are made by calling 540 989-1979. A homecooked lunch will be available for an $8 donation. Encourage a fellow church member to attend with you. “The Earth is the Lord’s…” - Psalm 24
We invite you to join us on Wednesday, February 12 at 11:00 AM in the library to discuss our second book of 2020: The Second Mountain by David Brooks. On March 11, we will meet to discuss Don’t You Ever by Mary Bishop with the author herself! If you have questions, contact Nancy Ayling at 540-344-5454.
3 10:00 AM—Monday Morning Prayer Group 7:00 PM—Mill Mountain Ringers
10 10:00 AM—Monday Morning Prayer Group 6:00 PM—Administration 7:00 PM—Mill Mountain Ringers 7:00 PM—Deacons
17 9:00 AM—NO Preschool 10:00 AM—Monday Morning Prayer Group 5:30 PM—Stewardship & Finance 7:00 PM—Mill Mountain Ringers
24 10:00 AM—Monday Morning Prayer Group 7:00 PM—Mill Mountain Ringers 7:00 PM—Session
2 COMMUNION SUNDAY 9:00 AM—Worship in Chapel 10:00 AM—Sunday School 11:00AM—Worship in Sanctuary 12:00 PM—Youth Chili Luncheon 2:00 PM—Bel Canto Youth Choir
9 9:00 AM—Worship in Chapel 10:00 AM—Sunday School 11:00 AM—Worship in Sanctuary 12:00 PM—Adult CE Meeting 5:00 PM—Bel Canto Youth Choir 6:00 PM—Youth Group
16 9:00 AM—Worship in Chapel 10:00 AM—Sunday School 11:00 AM—Worship in Sanctuary 12:00 PM- - Children’s CE Meeting 5:00 PM—Bel Canto Youth Choir 6:00 PM—Youth Group
23 TWO CENTS A MEAL 9:00 AM—Worship in Chapel 10:00 AM—Sunday School 11:00 AM—Worship in Sanctuary 5:00 PM—NO Bel Canto Youth Choir 6:00 PM— Youth Group
25 7:15 PM—Raleigh Court Ringers
18 4:15 PM—Worship & Music 5:30 PM—Endowment Board 7:15 PM—Raleigh Court Ringers
11 10:30 AM—PW Meeting/ Lunch 12:15 PM—Preschool Board 7:15 PM—Raleigh Court Ringers
4 10:00 AM—PW Coordinating Team 5:00 PM—Historical Committee 7:15 PM—Raleigh Court Ringers
Tuesday 5:30 PM Tai Chi Thursday 10:30 AM AA Primary Purpose Thursday 5:45 PM Tai Chi Thursday 6:30 PM AA Meeting Friday 10:30 AM New Day-AA Meeting Friday 11:45 AM Al-Anon
WEEKLY SCHEDULE FOR GROUPS Monday-Friday 9:00 AM-12:00 PM RCPC Preschool Monday 10:30 AM New Day AA Meeting Monday 6:30 PM Cub Scout Pack 2 Monday 7:00 PM Boy Scouts Troop 2 Tuesday 10:30 AM AA Primary Purpose
26 ASH WEDNESDAY 7:00 AM—Worship with Communion in Chapel 8:00 AM—Fellowship Time 9:00 AM—Preschool Conferences 4:00 PM—God Alive 5:30 PM—Fellowship Dinner 6:30 PM—Ash Wednesday Service in Chapel 7:30 PM—Sanctuary Choir Rehearsal
19 7:00 AM—Worship with Communion 8:00 AM—Fellowship Time 4:00 PM—God Alive 6:15 PM—Fellowship Dinner 6:45 PM—Sectionals Tenor 7:15 PM—Sanctuary Choir Rehearsal
12 7:00 AM—Worship with Communion 8:00 AM—Fellowship Time 11:00 AM—Book Club 4:00 PM—God Alive 6:15 PM—Fellowship Dinner 6:45 PM—Sectionals Alto 7:15 PM—Sanctuary Choir Rehearsal
5 7:00 AM—Worship with Communion 8:00 AM—Fellowship Time 4:00 PM—God Alive 6:15 PM—Fellowship Dinner 6:45 PM—Sectionals Soprano 7:15 PM—Sanctuary Choir Rehearsal
27 10:30 AM—Centering Prayer 11:45 AM—Hunger Mission Packing for Lincoln Terrace 7:30 PM—Thursday Guy Session
20 10:30 AM—Centering Prayer 11:45 AM—Hunger Mission Packing for Lincoln Terrace
13 10:30 AM—Centering Prayer 11:45 AM—Hunger Mission Packing for Lincoln Terrace 7:30 PM—Thursday Guy Session
6 10:30 AM—Centering Prayer 11:00 AM—RC Rehab Glad Tidings 11:45—Hunger Mission Packing for Lincoln Terrace
28 9:00 AM—Hunger Mission Packing for Hurt Park
21 9:00 AM—Hunger Mission Packing for Hurt Park 4:00 PM—Youth to Camp Bethel
14 9:00 AM—Hunger Mission Packing for Hurt Park 9:00 AM—NO Preschool 12:30 PM—Second Friday Singles Luncheon
7 9:00 AM—Hunger Mission Packing for Hurt Park
22 4:00 PM—Pickup from Youth at Camp Bethel
8 9:00 AM—Winter VBS
Raleigh Court Presbyterian Church 1837 Grandin Road SW Roanoke VA 24015 Change service requested.
The Raleigh Court Herald is a monthly publication of Raleigh Court Presbyterian Church 1837 Grandin Rd. Roanoke VA 24015 540 343-5541 ~ 540 345-8359 FAX www.rcpres.org The Rev. Andrew C. Whaley Pastor and Head of Staff Leigh Sackett Director of Christian Education The Rev. David Dixon, MD, Episcopal Deacon Minister of Care Mitchell R. Weisiger Director of Music Ministries and Organist Abbi French Director of Children’s Music Betsy Prillaman Preschool Director Worship Services 9:00 AM and 11:00 AM Sunday School at 10:00 AM At both worship services after Children’s Time, children age four through 1st grade may leave for Children’s Worship, an age-appropriate service. Immediately following the service, parents may call for their children downstairs in Room 11. Communion is served on the first Sunday of each month. Morning prayer with communion each Wednesday morning at 7:00 AM. Submit articles for The Herald by the third Wednesday of the month for publication the following month. julie@rcpres.org