Volume 45
December 2019
SUDANESE SUPPORT On our Sudanese support tree you will find names, gifts, and ages of family members of our Sudanese refugees living in Roanoke. Please take a tag and purchase and wrap the gifts. Be sure to place the name and tag on the front of the gift so that it is delivered to the correct child. Bring in your gifts by December 18 so that they will be delivered to our families in time for Christmas. STUFFED ANIMALS Please bring in gently used stuffed animals to place in the “stable” outside the narthex of the sanctuary during December. These stuffed animals will be given to our local police officers to use when meeting with children in difficult times in their lives as an item of comfort and care. Donations need to be made by Christmas Eve. ALTERNATIVE GIVING TREE Please take an envelope from these trees and make your donation in honor or memory of a loved one. Fill out the envelope and place cash or check in it and turn it into the offering plate or the church office. Send the accompanying card to your loved one to know they have been remembered with this mission contribution. Donations may be made to the following Mission Groups and Benevolences of RCPC: FAMILY PROMISE Your contribution supports the “Room in the Inn” fund that houses homeless families in hotels for the week of Christmas, remembering that our Lord was birthed into a family with no place to stay.
Number 12
HUNGER MISSION GROUP Every $6 you contribute provides one weekend food bag for a child at Lincoln Terrance or Hurt Park Elementary School. $24 feeds a child for a month. $96 provides weekend food for a semester. ROANOKE AREA MINISTRIES RAM serves a hot lunch to our homeless neighbors 365 days a year. Every day over 90 people benefit from this meal in the west end of our community. HOUSE OF BREAD $10 provides ServSafe training for one student. $25 is the ingredients for one batch of bread to be sold. $50 provides a weekly stipend for a participating student in this prison-recovery program. HAITI MISSION GROUP Your donations will go to support the salaries of the teachers of St. Timothee’s School in Le Revoir, Haiti. An annual salary for a teacher is $1,000 in US dollars THE PRESBYTERIAN COMMUNITY CENTER (PCC) is ministry designed to help our most needy Roanoke neighbors through prayer and a wide assortment of mission activities. Established in 1967 to provide for the basic human needs of the residents of Southeast Roanoke, the PCC today assists families and individuals living in the eastern quadrants of Roanoke City, eastern Roanoke County and the Town of Vinton.
LESSONS AND CAROLS 2019 "DO NOT BE AFRAID" On Sunday, December 15th at our 11:00 AM Worship service, join us for a service of scripture and song as we tell once more the story of our Lord's coming into the world. We will see how the prophets and the angels reminded those first followers and us today, "Do not be afraid." With many voices around us seeking to use fear to drive our behavior, step into the hope of Christ as our children, youth, adults, and bells present in song a different way, the way of faithfulness and courage. Additionally, we will welcome the Rev. Lisle Gwynn Garrity to worship on this day. During the worship service, Rev. Gwynn Garrity will be live-painting a visual proclamation of the message in the service. Just as music draws us in aurally, this painting will draw us into the sacred story visually. As Rev. Gwynn Garrity expresses it, "When I create visual art for a service, my goals are the same as any preacher. I welcome all to travel with me in the creative process of a visual message as it takes shape. Text and image blend, words and colors interweave, verbal and nonverbal thoughts collide. Attention shifts to focus on the process, not the final product. The art piece, like the sermon, is no longer just a "thing." It becomes part of the living, breathing, beating rhythm of worship." Following worship, congregants will have the opportunity to linger with the artist to hear more about her process and her reflection on this worship form.
St. Lucia Concert and Festival of Lights is Friday, December 13 at 6:00 PM at St. Andrew’s Catholic Church. Our Sanctuary Choir has been invited to participate in the combined mass choir concert. This is a beautiful service and one you will not want to miss.
POINSETTIAS FOR ADVENT If you would like to dedicate a poinsettia in memory or honor of someone special, please complete the envelope in the pew with the name(s) for dedication along with your check, and place it in the offering plate. December 8 will be the deadline for ordering. The cost is $12. The December 15 bulletin will list all memorials and honorariums.
CHRISTMAS GIFT-MAKING WORKSHOP On Saturday, December 7, from 9:00 AM –12:00 PM children ages 4 through 5th grade are invited to attend this festive event that welcomes Advent and focuses on our children’s ability to lovingly prepare creative gifts for their families and reach out to folks in need of love. All are invited to help. A sign-up sheet is available in the Gathering Area for participants and volunteers for the Gift-Making Workshop
HANGING OF THE GREENS Join us on Saturday, December 7, from 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM, to decorate the church for Advent. We need help setting up the Chrismon tree, alternative giving trees, hanging garlands and wreaths, and more. Come for some or all of the time, listen to festive music, and enjoy the company of others. Please mark your calendar for this event. Contact India Atkinson or Sue Basham if you have questions.
WEST END CENTER SOCKS AND UNDERWEAR DRIVE It's time to collect socks and underwear for West End Center Children! You will find the plastic bags with each child's names and sizes in the Gathering Area. Please record your name on the matching line on the list. Return your bag filled with new socks and underwear in the appropriate sizes by Sunday, December 8. If you have any questions, please contact Susan Kessler at skess21@gmail.com.
1. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 10.
12. 14. 17. 18.
Shea Foster Skip Hastings Milee Hoffman Pikea Reynolds-Saint Adria Fox Thom McMahon Jennifer Bryant Joe Kennedy Matt Arnold Kirk Lashley Jimmy Ward Dennis Fisher Paul Sheets Connie Chandler Diane Lawson Clare Crawford Shaylee Marshall April Davis Betsy Henny Barbara Nesmith
19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 30.
Julie Satterwhite Jeanette Cooley Delores Jones Cheryl Gilliland Lydia Goad Michael Hertz Bob Atkinson Cathy Guilfoyle Kate Garden Matthew Watson Heather Flora Debra Abbott Will Mountcastle Bella Pickel
Special Birthday Wishes to Jeanette Cooley celebrating her 102nd birthday on December 19.
STOCKING STUFFING On Sunday, December 8, the youth group will fill approximately 240 stockings for the Hunger Mission Group to provide to the students supported at Hurt Park and Lincoln Terrace Elementary Schools. Youth Group members should bring individually wrapped candy (no nuts), small toys, small school supplies, fun accessories (non-gender specific) for elementary age children. Also, the children would love to receive individual bars of soap. We have a lot of bags to fill so; please bring plenty of items. ***If possible, bring your gifts to church during morning worship and place them in the Fellowship Hall.
CHRISTMAS FELLOWSHIP DINNER & PAGEANT Join us for a Christmas Fellowship Dinner on Wednesday, December 18 at 5:30 PM. Following dinner, come join the God Alive Story Makers. They will share the message of Christmas by presenting a Christmas Pageant in the Chapel from 6:30 PM to 7:00 PM. The God Alive Story Makers invite you to gaze at the stars as you hear and see the Christmas story told from the perspective of two shepherds: a parent shepherd and a child shepherd. As they look out into the night, they reflect on the story of Jesus and his birth. A story passed down through the generations!
Sunday,, December 15 from 5:00 PM to 8:00 PM, is the annual youth progressive dinner. Wear a fun holiday outfit or tacky Christmas sweater as we carol through the neighborhood. The evening begins at 5:00 PM at the Hutchinson home and then progress to the Goad home and finally the Whitehead’s house. Full details and addresses are in upcoming emails.
Start 2020 with the RCPC Book Club! We invite you to join us on Wednesday, January 8 at 11:00 AM in the library to discuss our first book of the New Year: A Gentleman in Moscow by Amor Towles. If you have questions, contact Nancy Ayling at 540-344-5454.
MONDAY 2 10:00 AM—Monday Morning Prayer Group
9 10:00 AM—Monday Morning Prayer Group 6:00 PM—Administration Meeting 7:00 PM—Deacons
16 10:00 AM—Monday Morning Prayer Group 5:30 PM—Stewardship & Finance Meeting
23 10:00 AM—Monday Morning Prayer Group NO Session 7:00 PM—Y’all Come Choir Rehearsal
30 10:00 AM—Monday Morning Prayer Group
SUNDAY 1 FIRST SUNDAY OF ADVENT HOME BOUND COMMUNION 9:00 AM—Worship in Chapel 10:00 AM—Sunday School 11:00 AM—Worship in Sanctuary 1:30 PM Sanctuary Choir Rehearsal 5:00 PM—Bel Canto Youth Choir 6:00 PM—Youth Group
8 9:00 AM—Worship in Chapel 10:00 AM—Sunday School 11:00 AM—Worship in Sanctuary 12:30 PM—Adult Christian Education Meeting 6:00– PM —Youth Group
15 9:00 AM—Worship in Chapel 10:00 AM—Sunday School 11:00 AM—Worship in Sanctuary –Christmas Music Sunday 12:00 PM—Children’s Christian Education Meeting NO Bel Canto Youth Choir 5:00 PM—Youth Group Progressive Dinner
22 9:00 AM—Worship in Chapel 10:00 AM—Sunday School 11:00 AM—Worship in Sanctuary NO Bel Canto Youth Choir NO Youth Group
29 TWO-CENTS-A-MEAL NO 9AM WORSHIP NO SUNDAY SCHOOL 11:00 AM—Worship in Sanctuary NO Bel Canto Youth Choir NO Youth Group
31 NEW YEARS EVE NO Raleigh Court Ringers
WEEKLY SCHEDULE FOR GROUPS Monday-Friday 9:00 AM-12:00 PM RCPC Preschool Monday 10:30 AM New Day AA Meeting Monday 6:30 PM Cub Scout Pack 2 Monday 7:00 PM Boy Scouts Troop 2 Tuesday 10:30 AM AA Primary Purpose
25-CHRISTMAS 26 CHURCH OFFICE CLOSED 10:30 AM—Centering Prayer NO Worship with Communion NO God Alive NO Sanctuary Choir Rehearsal
24-CHRISTMAS EVE 5:00 PM—Christmas Eve Service NO Raleigh Court Ringers 9:30 PM—Choir Call Time 11:00 PM—Christmas Eve Candlelight Service
19 NO RCPC Preschool—Start of Winter Break 10:30 AM—Centering Prayer 11:45 AM—Hunger Mission Packing for Lincoln Terrace 6:30 PM—Christmas Caroling 7:30 PM—Thursday Guy Session
12 10:30 AM—Centering Prayer 11:45 AM—Hunger Mission Packing for Lincoln Terrace 7:15 PM—Raleigh Court Ringers 7:30 PM—Thursday Guy Session
THURSDAY 5 10:30 AM—Centering Prayer 11:00 am—RC Rehab-Glad Tidings 11:45 AM—Hunger Mission Packing for Lincoln Terrace 3:00 PM—Family Services Setup for Friday 7:30 PM—Thursday Guy Session
18 7:00 AM—Worship with Communion 8:00 AM—Fellowship Time 9:30 AM—RCPC Christmas Program 12:30 PM—Hunger Mission Packing 4:00 PM—God Alive 5:30 PM—Christmas Fellowship Dinner 6:00 PM—Christmas Pageant NO Sanctuary Choir Rehearsal
11 7:00 AM—Worship with Communion 8:00 AM—Fellowship Time 12:15 PM—Preschool Staff Meeting/Planning 4:00 PM—God Alive 6:15 PM—Fellowship Dinner 7:15 PM—Sanctuary Choir Rehearsal
WEDNESDAY 4 7:00 AM—Worship with Communion 8:00 AM—Fellowship Time 4:00 PM—God Alive 6:15- Fellowship Dinner 7:15 PM—Sanctuary Choir Rehearsal
17 7:15 PM—Raleigh Court Ringers
10 10:30 AM—PW Meeting/Lunch 12:15 PM—Preschool Board Meeting 7:00 PM—PW Evening Circle 7:00 PM—St. Lucia Rehearsal at St. Andrews 7:15 PM—NO Raleigh Court Ringers
TUESDAY 3 10:00 AM—PW Coordinating Team 5:00 PM—Historical Committee Meeting 7:15 PM—Raleigh Court Ringers
14 10:00 AM—Christmas Music Sunday Rehearsal
SATURDAY 7 9:00 AM—Gift Making Worship 9:00 AM—Hanging of the Greens 12:00 PM—Bel Canto Youth Choir
Tuesday 2:30 PM Tai Chi Thursday 10:30 AM AA Primary Purpose Thursday 5:45 PM Tai Chi Thursday 6:30 PM AA Meeting Friday 10:30 AM New Day-AA Meeting Friday 11:45 AM Al-Anon
20 9:00 AM—Hunger Mission Packing for Hurt Park ES
13 9:00 AM—Hunger Mission Packing for Hurt Park ES 6:00 PM—Saint Lucia Festival at St. Andrews
FRIDAY 8 9:00 AM—Hunger Mission Packing for Hurt Park ES 9:00 AM—Family Services Christmas Party
Raleigh Court Presbyterian Church 1837 Grandin Road SW Roanoke VA 24015 Change service requested.
The Raleigh Court Herald is a monthly publication of Raleigh Court Presbyterian Church 1837 Grandin Rd. Roanoke VA 24015 540 343-5541 ~ 540 345-8359 FAX www.rcpres.org The Rev. Andrew C. Whaley Pastor and Head of Staff Leigh Sackett Director of Christian Education The Rev. David Dixon, MD, Episcopal Deacon Minister of Care Mitchell R. Weisiger Director of Music Ministries and Organist Abbi French Director of Children’s Music Betsy Prillaman Preschool Director Worship Services 9:00 AM and 11:00 AM Sunday School at 10:00 AM At both worship services after Children’s Time, children age four through 1st grade may leave for Children’s Worship, an age-appropriate service. Immediately following the service, parents may call for their children downstairs in Room 11. Communion is served on the first Sunday of each month. Morning prayer with communion each Wednesday morning at 7:00 AM. Submit articles for The Herald by the third Wednesday of the month for publication the following month. julie@rcpres.org
PRESBYTERIAN WOMEN Did you know that the Presbyterian Women established a scholarship fund for the Preschool to honor Barbara Carter, our former church secretary, following her retirement? Barbara loved the preschool. She brought her grandsons to work with her in the morning so they could attend the school during those years and took them home during her lunch break. This went on for several years when the boys were young. The Presbyterian Women have been contributing to this fund regularly. This scholarship helps families in need and those who find themselves in need due to an unfortunate circumstance. Being able to attend a preschool experience has been proven to help children be more successful in school. Perhaps you also would like to contribute to this Scholarship to help others in need of help to attend our preschool. Presbyterian Women will begin a new Bible Study in January. If you would like to join us, this is a perfect time! Our new study will be "Love Carved in Stone: A Fresh Look at the 10 Commandments." What would it mean to consider the Ten Commandments not as a harsh list of what not to do but, instead, as a “love letter” from a loving God? Please join us any month for Bible study, fellowship and a wonderful hot lunch! Presbyterian Women meet 2nd Tuesday of each Month 10:30 AM to 12:30 PM in the Fellowship Hall. Contact Cathy Slone at 540-815-0750 or Ruth Marple 540-344-1854 with questions.