Volume 45
September 2019
Number 9
OPPORTUNITY FOR GENEROSITY: BIG LICK TRAIN TUG The PCC Annual Big Lick Train Tug will be held on Saturday, September 21, at the Virginia Museum of Transportation. Teams will enroll to “tug” the train, competing for distance as well as fundraising efforts. The competition will have two categories: a “Steam Team” consisting of 10 people who must raise a minimum of $1,000; and a “Steam Team Pro” consisting of 5 people who must obtain a minimum of $500. Please sign up in the Gathering Area to be a part of the RCPC Team and/or to make a donation. Contact Ann Rutherford (annsruth@cox.net ) with any questions. Join the fun and support the Presbyterian Community Center.
Presbyterian Women to Host 31st Annual Gathering for Presbytery PW Saturday, September 28 | 9:00 AM to 1:30 PM All Women are invited! The theme of the day is “Reflect, Refresh, Renew”. Don’t we all need that! Every September the women in our Presbytery gather for a business meeting and to have a day of learning and service. Raleigh Court is the host this year. We want to encourage every woman at our church to consider attending. Wondering what will happen on this day? 9:00 AM—Registration and gathering, refreshments and various displays to enjoy. A Fair Trade display with items made by women and men from various countries. A great way to get a few unique gifts for Christmas. We will accept new or used handbags with a few toiletries inside for donation to various charities. 10:00 AM—Brief business meeting. This is a means to learn all the ways that Presbyterian Women seek to support the mission of the church worldwide and work for justice and peace. Our guest speaker will be Jennifer Brothers, a co-founder of House of Bread and a seminary student in her final year of study. Our offering for the day will help House of Bread as they work toward having a newly renovated kitchen in which to bake and hold special events. Following our guest speaker, we will break to enjoy a snack, the displays, and fellowship before we return for our closing worship service with communion and installation of new officers. If you have never been able to participate in PW, this is an event you can attend. If you aren’t sure you what PW is all about, this is an event for you. No strings attached. Just come to “Reflect, Refresh, and Renew!” Email Susan Kessler (skess21@gmail.com) for further information or just come. We’d love to see you there!
CHILDREN’S SUNDAY SCHOOL Frolic (ages 2, 3, and 4): As children grow they become more inquisitive about the complex world around them. They desire to hear the stories of the Bible, but they also desire to learn these stories in relationship to all they encounter through their senses and experiences. The curriculum provides children the opportunity to encounter the stories of the Bible and to explore biblical concepts through role-play, art, dance and music. Spark Activate (Kindergarten & 1st graders): Early Elementary-age children are not only interpreting the world around them, they are sharing with others what they learn and see. The curriculum provides open-ended opportunities for children to interact with the Bible in every lesson, helping kids navigate the story and begin to compare what they learn to their own lives. Our Faith (2nd graders): Second grade is a BIG year of faith milestones at RCPC! They receive their Bibles, they graduate out of Children’s Worship, and they learn all about the Sacrament of Holy Communion. We have incorporated these wonderful milestones and much more into a year-long curriculum exclusively for second graders. This class will prepare them to attend worship by familiarizing them with the Bible; memorizing the books of the Bible, the Lord’s Prayer, and the Apostles Creed; and most importantly giving them a greater understanding of what we believe and why. Bible Depths (3rd—5th graders): Upper Elementary-age children are developing their abstract cognitive skills and are ready for a more intense and deep study of the Bible. We provide a 3-year study of the Bible that allows children the opportunity to develop a thorough understanding of the Bible, which enables them to become better informed disciples who are ready to interpret how they feel called to serve God in the church and world.
YOUTH SUNDAY SCHOOL Echo (Middle School): This group will be utilizing the Sparkhouse curriculum, Echo the Story. Echo shares the biblical narrative through storytelling, creative and contemplative reflection, and dialogue. With a knowledge of the narrative arc of the Bible they then can explore God's design, the ways of Jesus, and their faith. Echo the Story takes the stories they have learned in the past 3 years and shows how they connect into one story of our faith and that we all have a place within! Faith Questions (High School): Together we will be exploring Faith Questions. This curriculum was created by our denomination, the Presbyterian Church (USA), based on faith questions posed by youth. Each session encourages young people to look to Scripture and our faith tradition, in relevant and responsive ways through a discussion-based curriculum. We will share our thoughts and experiences, as well as explore these questions through movies, literature, music, media, and other technologies.
ADULT SUNDAY SCHOOL Parent is a Verb: It is the most challenging job and is continuous so it is more apt to be called a career that also has rewards and joy that reach beyond any other life pursuit. Parenting is not one that we walk through alone. We have family, friends, our church, experts in the field, and a Lord who loves us, who can guide us in this endeavor. Together we will explore the world of parenting in this Sunday School class. We will explore various topics in parenting, such as discipline, Multiple Intelligences, faith traditions in the home, boundaries and choices, screen time, bullying, child psychology, and topics on your heart and mind as you navigate being a parent. Seekers: The Seekers Class is a discussion-based Sunday school class of all ages. The class is named “Seekers” because this group recognizes that no one holds the corner on truth and that all are seeking in their life of faith with God. We will begin the fall with the study of the book Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis. The Seekers will explore how seventy years later after on the radio, it still holds relevance to our world today.
1. 2. 5. 6. 8. 9. 10. 11. 14. 15. 16.
Virginia Smith Pat Wade Lauren Britt Linda Brundrett Debbie Reynolds Jane Powell Betty Walker Carole Banks Mila Reynolds-Saint South Edwards Crawford Kathleen Carroll Susan Clark Daniel Owen-O’Quill Sue Basham Mary Frances Donnelly Alton L. Knighton Jr. Lillian Alexander
17. 18. 19. 21. 22. 23. 27. 28. 29.
Lado Moja Henry Fox Hannah Hertz Megan Brown Carter Lee Naff Colton Thomas Naff Frank Plecity James W. Graves II David Hollingsworth Sara Catherine Knappe Mac Snead Alex Abbott Emma Kate Shaver Anna Faor Tyler Andrew Gray Bill Haynie Laura Jane St. Clair
Special Birthday Wishes to Betty Walker celebrating her 92nd birthday on September 8th.
PRESBYTERIAN WOMEN Did you know Presbyterian Women meet every 2nd Tuesday, September through May for fellowship, Bible Study, and lunch? We support Turning Point and sponsor several events throughout the year. Our first meeting of the upcoming church year is Tuesday, September 10 th starting at 10:00 AM and again at 7:00 PM that evening. We are studying God’s Promise (I Am With You) this semester. We are inviting all women of RCPC to join us for this special time. Call Cathy Slone at 540-330-2157 or Ruth Marple at 704-527-3181 for
Fall is right around the corner and so is the return of the RCPC Book Club! We invite you to join us on Wednesday, September 11, at 11:00 AM to discuss our first book of the season: Becoming by Michelle Obama. If you have questions, please contact Nancy Ayling at 540-344-5454 Mark your calendars for these future dates and book discussions: October 9 at 11:00 AM Dopesick by Beth Macy November 13 at 11:00 AM Where the Crawdads Sing by Delia Owens Stepping Through the Bible: During this year the class will be asking, pondering, and exploring the questions of our faith. We will do this together using “The Work of the People” website which explores questions surrounding the nature of God, justice, humanity, divinity, death, salvation, and much more. These questions are explored through scripture, videos, art, and discussions. Discover RCPC: Discover RCPC is a class for those interested in learning what it means to be a “member” of Christ’s body at RCPC. The class explores some basics of Christian History, Reformed Theology, Presbyterian Polity and the Story of Raleigh Court Presbyterian Church.
16 10:00 AM—Monday Morning Prayer Group 5:30 PM—Stewardship & Finance Meeting 6:00 PM—RCPC Preschool Ice Cream Party 7:30 PM—Mill Mountain Ringers
23 10:00 AM—Monday Morning Prayer Group 7:00 PM—NO Session 7:30 PM—Mill Mountain Ringers
15 9:00 AM—Worship in Chapel 10:00 AM—Sunday School & New Member Class #1 11:00 AM—Worship in Sanctuary 5:00 PM—Bel Canto Youth Choir 6:00 PM—Youth Group
22 9:00 AM—Worship in Chapel 10:00 AM—Sunday School & New Member Class #2 11:00 AM—Worship in Sanctuary 12:00 PM—Communion Training for new Elders 5:00 PM—Bel Canto Youth Choir 6:00 PM—Youth Group
29 TWO-CENTS-A-MEAL 30 9:00 AM—Worship in Chapel 10:00 AM—Monday Morning 10:00 AM—Sunday School Prayer Group 11:00 AM—Worship in Sanctuary 7:30 PM—Mill Mountain with Children’s Choir Ringers 5:00 PM—Bel Canto Youth Choir 6:00 PM—Youth Group
9 10:00 AM—Monday Morning Prayer Group 5:30 PM—Administration Meeting 7:00 PM—Deacons 7:30 PM—Mill Mountain Ringers
8 RALLY DAY 9:00 AM—Worship in Chapel 10:00 AM—Sunday School/Rally Day Breakfast 11:00 AM—Worship in Sanctuary 5:00 PM—Bel Canto Youth Choir 6:00 PM—Youth Group Kickoff and Parent Meeting
24 7:15 PM—Raleigh Court Ringers
17 5:30 PM—Endowment Board Meeting 7:15 PM—Raleigh Court Ringers
10 10:30 AM—PW Meeting/Lunch 7:00 PM—PW Evening Circle 7:15 PM—Raleigh Court Ringers
MONDAY TUESDAY 2 CHURCH OFFICE CLOSED 3 10:00 AM—NO Monday 9:00 AM—PW Coordinating Morning Prayer Group Team 10:00 AM—Preschool Orientation 5:00 PM—Historical Committee 7:15 PM—Raleigh Court Ringers
SUNDAY 1 COMMUNION SUNDAY 10:00 AM—Worship in Sanctuary
Thursday Thursday Thursday Friday Friday
10:30 AM 5:45 PM 6:30 PM 10:30 AM 11:45 AM
27 12:00 PM—Hunger Mission Packing at Hurt Park ES
20 12:00 PM—Hunger Mission Packing at Hurt Park ES
13 12:00 PM—Hunger Mission Packing at Hurt Park ES 5:30 PM—Second Friday Singles Supper
26 10:30 AM—Centering Prayer 12:00 PM—Hunger Mission Packing for Lincoln Terrace 7:30 PM—Thursday Guy Session
19 10:30 AM—Centering Prayer 12:00 PM—Hunger Mission Packing for Lincoln Terrace 12:15 PM—Preschool Board Meeting 5:30 PM—College of Elders Dinner
Monday-Friday 9:00 AM-12:00 PMRCPC Preschool Monday 10:30 AM New Day AA Meeting Monday 7:00 PM Boy Scouts Troop 2 Tuesday 10:30 AM AA Primary Purpose Tuesday 3:00 PM Tai Chi
25 7:00 AM—Worship with Communion 8:00 AM—Fellowship Time 4:00 PM—God Alive 6:15 PM—Fellowship Dinner 7:15 PM—Sanctuary Choir Rehearsal
18 7:00 AM—Worship with Communion 8:00 AM—Fellowship Time 12:15 PM—Preschool Staff Meeting 4:00 PM—God Alive 6:15 PM—Fellowship Dinner 7:15 PM—Sanctuary Choir Rehearsal
12 10:30 AM—Centering Prayer 12:00 PM—Hunger Mission Packing for Lincoln Terrace 4:00 PM—Worship & Music Meeting 7:30 PM—Thursday Guy Session
5 10:30 AM—Centering Prayer 11:00 AM—RC Rehab Glad Tidings
4 7:00 AM—Worship with Communion 8:00 AM—Fellowship Time 9:00 AM—Preschool First Day 6:30 PM—Sanctuary Choir Dinner 7:15 PM—Sanctuary Choir Rehearsal 11 7:00 AM—Worship with Communion 8:00 AM—Fellowship Time 11:00 AM—Book Club 5:30 PM—God Alive Kickoff at Mrs. Leigh’s House 7:15 PM—Sanctuary Choir Rehearsal
AA Primary Purpose Tai Chi AA Meeting New Day-AA Meeting Al-Anon
21 9:00 AM—PCC Big Lick Train Tug at Virginia Museum of Transportation
Raleigh Court Presbyterian Church
1837 Grandin Road SW
Roanoke VA 24015
The Raleigh Court Herald is a monthly publication of Raleigh Court Presbyterian Church 1837 Grandin Rd. Roanoke VA 24015 540 343-5541 ~ 540 345-8359 FAX www.rcpres.org The Rev. Andrew C. Whaley Leigh Sackett Mitchell R. Weisiger Abbi French Betsy Prillaman
Pastor and Head of Staff Director of Christian Education Director of Music Ministries and Organist Director of Children’s Music Preschool Director
Worship Services 9:00 AM and 11:00 AM Sunday School at 10:00 AM At both worship services after Children’s Time, children age four through 1st grade may leave for Children’s Worship, an age-appropriate service. Immediately following the service, parents may call for their children downstairs in Room 11. Communion is served on the first Sunday of each month. Morning prayer with communion each Wednesday morning at 7 am. Submit articles for The Herald by the third Wednesday of the month for publication for the following month. julie@rcpres.org
The Presbyterian Peacemaking Program of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), in collaboration with the Presbyterian Peace Fellowship, offers Standing Our Holy Ground, a year-long webinar series that challenges the faith community to stand up against this far-reaching crisis of our day. Touching on a large variety of topics and utilizing those at the forefront of the work and research, this comprehensive webinar series delves deeply into the epidemic of gun violence and explores ways in which people of faith and communities to which they belong can respond and act to bring about change. Each 1-hour webinar is free to view. Registration information online at presbyterianmission.org/standingourholyground PC(USA) Policy and Theology on Guns September 25 at 2:00 PM Mental Health, Suicide, and Media Coverage of Gun Violence October 22 at 2:00 PM What Can Churches Do to Address Gun Violence? Active and Creative Strategies November 12 at 2:00 PM