The Raleigh Court Herald - January 2020

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Volume 46

January 2020

A THEOLOGY READING GROUP: CREATION AND FALL BY DIETRICH BONHOEFFER Facilitated by the Rev. Andrew C. Whaley February 2 - March 1 from 10:00 AM to 10:50 AM in Room 202 Please Register by e-mailing Deadline to register is January 26th Since his martyrdom at the hands of Nazi Germany, Christians have looked to Dietrich Bonhoeffer not only for theological wisdom but as an example of someone who sought fully to embody his beliefs. This winter, join us in an exploration of one on his writings. In Creation and Fall, Bonhoeffer explores those classical categories of Sin and Grace so paramount to Protestant faith as he walks his readers through the first three chapters of the book of Genesis. We are asking that you register for this class. Students will be asked to read approximately 30 pages each week from the book in preparation for discussion. We hope that anyone who registers will be committed to the reading load involved and comeS prepared each week.

Number 1

ALL LIVING THINGS WINTER VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL Saturday, February 8 from 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM God made the most awesome LIVING THINGS … INCLUDING US! Come explore some of God’s strangest and fanciful animals and some of God’s most beautiful and important plants! These living things have a purpose! Come learn how we can celebrate and protect all living things! On Saturday, February 8 from 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM, all 3 year-old through 1st grade age children are invited to attend this one-day Vacation Bible School that interactively explores God’s love for all living things!

PRESBYTERIAN WOMEN WHAT? WHEN? WHERE? REALLY? HOW EXCITING! WHAT: It’s a New Year with Presbyterian Women! An amazing Women’s Bible Study led by Ruth Marple, a delicious luncheon prepared by Lisa Goad, fellowship with other wise and compassionate women, and worthwhile service opportunities….all in one place! WHERE: In our own RCPC Fellowship Hall (Many would travel to retreats for this amazing experience!) WHEN: Tuesday, January 14, 2020 from 10:00 AM to 12:30 PM. WHO: YOU! Join us for Presbyterian Women. We, women, need each other so we can grow and learn from one another, so we can pray for and serve others, so we can be the hands and feet of Christ for each other and in the world! At our December meeting we recognized Barbara Nesmith and Glenna Fisher for their service to the church with an Honorary Life Membership. You will see these two women all around the church from the choir loft to Bible study. Ask them what PW means to them. Our new officers for 2020 are: Co-Moderators: Peggy Martin and Ellen Austin Secretary/Historian: Lola Landers Treasurer: Susan Kessler Mission Coordinator: Cathy Slone Circle Leaders: Lynne Fields, Camilla Cabaniss, and Susan Kessler

TIME CHANGE FOR SECOND FRIDAY SENIOR SINGLES In January, February, and March, the RCPC Senior (fiftyish and up) singles will be at the Roanoker Restaurant (2522 Colonial Avenue, Roanoke) at 12:30 PM for lunch on the second Friday of each month. Please note the time change and join us for lunch and fellowship. No reservation needed. For further info, please contact Anne Latimer or Marilyn Martin.


ANNUAL YOUTH GROUP CHILI LUNCHEON FUNDRAISER ON SUPERBOWL SUNDAY! Come join us Sunday, February 2, following the 11:00 AM worship in the Fellowship Hall. This event is a fundraiser that will help support our youth’s travel expenses for the Montreat Youth Conference in June. We appreciate your donations that assist greatly in making this ministry experience happen for our young people!

MENU: Soup/Chili, Salad, Rolls

Take-out is available for you to serve later in the day for your Super Bowl celebration! Thank you in advance for participating and supporting the youth of RCPC.

MONTREAT WORSHIP & MUSIC CONFERENCE Come join us Sunday, January 26 following the 11:00 AM worship for a Montreat Worship & Music informational meeting. This conference is open to rising 4th graders through adult. Multiple housing options and flex payment plans will be shared at the informational meeting. We are attending Week 1 of the conference, June 21-27, 2020. This conference offers a full week of worship and music for professionals, musicians, clergy, laypersons, choirs, youth groups, and families.

COME PUMP A PINT ON TUESDAY, JANUARY 28 The American Red Cross will be in the Fellowship Hall for our Winter Blood Drive on Tuesday, January 28 from 1:00 PM—5:30 PM. Schedule an appointment now by going to or use the sign-up sheet in the Gathering Area. Walk-ins are always welcome and we encourage you to bring a friend! Before donating make sure you have eaten, are well hydrated, and bring a valid ID or Red Cross Donor Card with you!. If you have questions, contact Lillian Alexander at or 540-343-0705. And mark your calendars now for the next blood drives on April 28, and July 7. Thank you for your continued support! -The Pump-a-Pint Mission Group

Jacquelyn Blakeman Cathy Slone 2. Mark Derbyshire Nancy Farthing Cindy Phelps 3. Mary Hampton 6. Adelaide Clare Crawford Michelle Johnson Jill Wood 7. Beth Crittenden 8. Bob Rutherford Anna Sganga Andy Travers 9. Lonnie Myers Caroline Stephenson 10. Richard Fishwick 12. Sophia Cundiff Sibyl Newton 13. Marian Stanley Anne D. Totten

Hannah Ruth Wellons 14. Sue Garrett CaCa Highfill Jonathan Mitchell 15. Bill Gordge Bill Johnson 16. Don Coombs Bobby Cooper Randy Sperger 17. David Eberhard 18. Carol Hahn 19. Shirley Fletcher 20. Avery Reynolds 22. Lilian Lacroix 23. Caroline Bullington Rebecca Whaley Heather Wilson 30. Austin Frantz Maggie Jarrett Kristin Pickel

Special Birthday Wishes to Jill Wood celebrating her 91st birthday on January 6. Sibyl Newton celebrating her 93rd birthday on January 12. Anne D. Totten celebrating her 91st birthday on January 13. Bill Gordge celebrating his 92nd birthday on January 15.

Start 2020 with the RCPC Book Club! We invite you to join us on Wednesday, January 8 at 11:00 AM in the library to discuss our first book of the New Year: A Gentleman in Moscow by Amor Towles. On February 12 we will be discussing The Second Mountain by David Brooks. If you have questions, contact Nancy Ayling at 540-3445454.


21 5:30 PM—Endowment Board 7:15 PM—Raleigh Court Ringers

20 CHURCH OFFICE CLOSED 9:00 AM—NO Preschool 10:00 AM—NO Monday Morning Prayer Group 7:00 PM—Mill Mountain Ringers

27 10:00 AM—Monday Morning Prayer Group 7:00 PM—Mill Mountain Ringers 7:00 PM—Session

19 9:00 AM—Worship in Chapel 10:00 AM—Sunday School 11:00 AM—Worship in Sanctuary 12:00 PM- Stewardship & Finance 5:00 PM—Bel Canto Youth Choir 6:00 PM—Youth Group

26 YOUTH SUNDAY 9:00 AM—Worship in Chapel 10:00 AM—Sunday School 11:00 AM—Worship in Sanctuary 12:00 PM—Montreat Worship & Music Interest Meeting 5:00 PM—NO Bel Canto Youth Choir 6:00 PM—NO Youth Group

28 1:00 PM-5:30 PM—Blood Drive 7:15 PM—Raleigh Court Ringers

14 10:30 AM—PW Meeting/ Lunch, Memorial Service 12:15 PM—Preschool Board 7:15 PM—Raleigh Court Ringers

13 10:00 AM—Monday Morning Prayer Group 5:30 PM—Stewardship & Finance 6:00 PM—Administration 7:00 PM—Mill Mountain Ringers 7:00 PM—Deacons

12 9:00 AM—Worship in Chapel 10:00 AM—Sunday School 11:00 AM—Worship in Sanctuary 12:00 PM—Officer Nominating Committee 12:15—Visitor Committee 5:00 PM—Bel Canto Youth Choir 6:00 PM—Youth Group

7 10:00 AM—PW Coordinating Team 5:00 PM—Historical Committee 7:15 PM—Raleigh Court Ringers

6 9:00 AM—RCPC Preschool Resumes 10:00 AM—Monday Morning Prayer Group 7:00 PM—Mill Mountain Ringers

5 COMMUNION SUNDAY 9:00 AM—Worship in Chapel 10:00 AM—Sunday School 11:00AM—Worship in Sanctuary 5:00 PM—Bel Canto Youth Choir 6:00 PM—Youth Group

Tuesday 2:30 PM Tai Chi Thursday 10:30 AM AA Primary Purpose Thursday 5:45 PM Tai Chi Thursday 6:30 PM AA Meeting Friday 10:30 AM New Day-AA Meeting Friday 11:45 AM Al-Anon


WEEKLY SCHEDULE FOR GROUPS Monday-Friday 9:00 AM-12:00 PM RCPC Preschool Monday 10:30 AM New Day AA Meeting Monday 6:30 PM Cub Scout Pack 2 Monday 7:00 PM Boy Scouts Troop 2 Tuesday 10:30 AM AA Primary Purpose


29 7:00 AM—Worship with Communion 8:00 AM—Fellowship Time 4:00 PM—God Alive 6:15 PM—Fellowship Dinner 7:15 PM—Sanctuary Choir Rehearsal

22 7:00 AM—Worship with Communion 8:00 AM—Fellowship Time 4:00 PM—God Alive 6:15 PM—Fellowship Dinner 7:15 PM—Sanctuary Choir Rehearsal

15 7:00 AM—Worship with Communion 8:00 AM—Fellowship Time 12:15 PM—Preschool Teacher Workday 4:00 PM—God Alive 6:15 PM—Fellowship Dinner 7:15 PM—Sanctuary Choir Rehearsal

8 7:00 AM—Worship with Communion 8:00 AM—Fellowship Time 11:00 AM—Book Club 4:00 PM—God Alive 6:15 PM—Fellowship Dinner 7:15 PM—Sanctuary Choir Rehearsal

1 CHURCH OFFICE CLOSED 7:00 AM—NO Worship 8:00 AM—NO Fellowship Time 4:00 PM—NO God Alive 7:15 PM—NO Sanctuary Choir




30 10:30 AM—Centering Prayer 11:45 AM—Hunger Mission Packing for Lincoln Terrace 7:30 PM—Thursday Guy Session

23 10:30 AM—Centering Prayer 11:45 AM—Hunger Mission Packing for Lincoln Terrace 7:30 PM—Thursday Guy Session

16 10:30 AM—Centering Prayer 11:45 AM—Hunger Mission Packing for Lincoln Terrace 7:00 PM—Raleigh Court Neighborhood Association 7:30 PM—Thursday Guy Session

9 10:30 AM—Centering Prayer 11:45—Hunger Mission Packing for Lincoln Terrace 4:00 PM—Worship & Music 7:30 PM—Thursday Guy Session

31 9:00 AM—Hunger Mission Packing for Hurt Park

24 9:00 AM—Hunger Mission Packing for Hurt Park

17 9:00 AM—Hunger Mission Packing for Hurt Park

25 10:00 AM—Youth Sunday Rehearsal


10 11 9:00 AM—Hunger Mission Packing for Hurt t Park 12:30 PM Second Fridays Singles Lunch

——-——————-Montreat College Conference January 2-5—————————

2 10:30 AM—Centering Prayer 7:30 PM—NO Thursday Guy Session


Raleigh Court Presbyterian Church 1837 Grandin Road SW Roanoke VA 24015 Change service requested.

The Raleigh Court Herald is a monthly publication of Raleigh Court Presbyterian Church 1837 Grandin Rd. Roanoke VA 24015 540 343-5541 ~ 540 345-8359 FAX The Rev. Andrew C. Whaley Pastor and Head of Staff Leigh Sackett Director of Christian Education The Rev. David Dixon, MD, Episcopal Deacon Minister of Care Mitchell R. Weisiger Director of Music Ministries and Organist Abbi French Director of Children’s Music Betsy Prillaman Preschool Director Worship Services 9:00 AM and 11:00 AM Sunday School at 10:00 AM At both worship services after Children’s Time, children age four through 1st grade may leave for Children’s Worship, an age-appropriate service. Immediately following the service, parents may call for their children downstairs in Room 11.

Communion is served on the first Sunday of each month. Morning prayer with communion each Wednesday morning at 7:00 AM. Submit articles for The Herald by the third Wednesday of the month for publication the following month.


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