Art Classes

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Art Classes by Anicia Ellis

In a large 5th grade classroom on a sunny day there was a girl named Gabrielle. She was really shy. Gabrielle’s parents got divorced last year. This made her even more shy. She lived with her mom. She sees her dad every weekend. Gabrielle was thinking about her parents and drawing pictures of her family all together. She liked to draw more than anything. The picture was awesome. It looked almost like a photo. Mrs Deeks called on her, “Gabrielle, what is the answer to 18 divided by 6?” Gabrielle lifted her head up quickly. She had no idea what the answer was. She froze. Mrs Deeks asked her to come up and show the class how to solve the problem. Gabrielle walked up slowly with her head with down.

When she got up to the whiteboard the marker squeaked, she turned around and looked at everybody and ran back to her seat, putting her head down on her desk. She was embarrassed. She wished she could just draw all the time instead of learning how to do division. The bell rang and Gabrielle ran quickly out of the room like a cheetah. She ran all the way home. When she got home, she finished her homework and got back to drawing. Her sister, Rebecca, walked over to her and said meanly, “Do you ever do something else than drawing? Because it is really dumb!” Gabrielle said, “That is your opinion. Not mine. I really think I can be an artist when I grow up.” Her sister whispered, “That is never going to happen.” Rebecca had been acting mean towards Gabrielle ever since her dad hung up all the pictures Gabrielle made when she was young, but not hers. Rebecca never told Gabrielle why she was mad. She was jealous and she took it out on her sister. The next day Gabrielle went back to school and her teacher hung one of her pictures up on the board. It was a picture of a birthday cake. Gabrielle had given it to her on her birthday. She was excited that her teacherher really liked it. So her teacher asked, “Did you ever take art classes?”

Gabrielle responded as she quietly walked back to h

er desk, “I wish I did. Everybody asks me that, but I don’t.” Her teacher said, “Then why don’t you ask your mom to sign you up because you are really good at it.” Gabrielle said, “I never thought of that. But I will ask my mom about it. Good idea.” She was feeling fabulous and hopeful that her mother would sign her up for classes. The bell rang, and when Gabrielle got home she asked her mother if she could take art classes. Her mom looked online and said, “Sorry, I can’t afford it. It’s too much money, honey!” When her mom said “It’s too much

money” Gabrielle ran into her room and started to cry like the day she found out her parents were getting divorced. When she come down she started to draw, so she wouldn’t feel so sad. Then the next day she went to school and her teacher bumped into her in the hallway. Then Mrs. Deeks asked, “Did your mom let you go!” Gabrielle said, “No my mom said it is too much money!” Then her teacher said, “Sorry to hear. We should find you a way to go.” That afternoon Miss Deeks looked online to see if she could find a way to get Garielle into art classes. She found an art contest where the prize was free art classes

for a whole year. She printed out all the facts and the next morning was she so excited to give it to Gabrielle. “I’ve found a way to get you into art classes! First you have to ask your parents,” she said as she handed Gabrielle the papers. Gabby shouted, “What is it? What is it!” as she jumped up and down. She was feeling jubilant to think she might actually get to take the class. When gabrielle got home she ran into the kitchen where her mom was and showed her the sheet. Her sister came into the room and saw the papers and her sister said, “ You are never going to win it” Her mom shouted “That is not nice! Take that back. !” Her sister said, “fine I take it back,” but she said it like she did not care. The next day her mom signed the paper and Gabrielle gave it to her teacher. With the best piece of art mailed it to the competition people. The next day the competition people called Gabrielle and said, “YOU ARE IN!!!!! Then Gabrielle went to the competition. She had to draw a picture of a

garden, she only had 10 minutes! When the 10 minutes were up she gave it to the judge. 30 minutes later, the judge announced that she made it to the final round!Gabrielle shrieked with excitement. For the final round, 4 contestants had to draw a flower. They only got 20 minutes to draw the best flower they could. Gabrielle chose to draw a brilliant tropical flower that didn’t exist. It was the prettiest parts from 4 flowers. The buzzer rang and she had to put her pencils down. She gave her drawing to the judges and hoped for the best.

Thirty minutes later, the judges announced the results

. She had won first place! She won free art classes for a year from her favorite studio. Her mother hugged her tightly.Her dad was there too, clapping loudly. When she got home, her sister told her she was proud of her. Gabrielle said, “Why were you so mad at me before, Rebecca?” Rebecca replied, “It was stupid. I was jealous that you were such a good artist.” “That is a silly reason to be mad. I am glad you aren’t

anymore.” Gabrielle replied. And they all lived happily ever after. The end.

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