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Candyland Craze By: Ella

Crystal ran out her front door, fat wet tears rolled down her cheeks like a waterfall. “Life stinks only if you make it,” her mom had said to her a million times, but Crystal had not tried to make it stink, all she wanted was change. “Hey, I’ve been waiting over in my backyard for like 20 minutes and I­ wait, what's wrong?” asked Crystal’s best friend, Paige. “Fight with Nick and Jake,” said Crystal, her voice was quivering and tears were about to burst out of her eyes. “Let’s go to the lake and take a swim to get your mind off the fight,” Paige suggested hopefully, helping Crystal up off the ground and walking her into the house.

Crystal was sitting on the sand of the beach when Paige ran over. “Crystal! Crystal, come quick I found something,” she yelled. Despite wanting to stay out of the water, her friend’s sense of adventure boosted her energy level making her get up and walk to the dock where Paige was standing. “Look at that rock,” Paige exclaimed. “I was just standing here and then it caught my eye and I was like, I need that rock, just look at it, it’s red and white striped and just look at it gleaming in the water. It would be a great addition to my room, you know ‘cause its pink and I­,” “Then go down and get it,” Crystal said in an annoyed tone because she was still upset about the fight with her brothers. “OMG, that is a great idea, I’ll be right back,” bubbled Paige, she dove into the water like a swan, but then karate chopped her way to the bottom. As she grabbed the rock Crystal sighed, she longed for something exciting to happen to get her mind off the fight. “Paige, let’s go home­” Crystal moaned, but Paige was nowhere to be seen. Crystal frantically paced around the dock, wondering what had just happened. Then the red and white striped rock caught her eye, it was glowing brighter than ever. “What did you do with Paige?!” huffed Crystal. After thinking for about a minute she knew what to do, Then Crystal immediately put her plan to action. She jumped in the water and snatched the rock, but the moment she touched it her hand went numb and everything went red and white striped.

Crystal woke up gasping for breath. A million thoughts swirled through her head while she adjusted her eyes to the brightness of the room. “Oh my gosh,” she whispered. The room was made of candy, everything. The walls were made of sugar cubes and candy canes. The beds were made of cotton candy with gumdrop pillows, and the windows were made crystal clear rock candy with twizzler curtains. Across the room there was another bed, and lying in it was Paige. “PAIGE!” screamed Crystal “Wake up, Wake up please Paige, PLEASE!” Tears sprang from Crystals eyes, blurring her vision. “She’s gone forever,” cried Crystal. “Who’s gone?” yawned Paige. “Oh thank god you're okay,” but right after the words escaped Crystal’s mouth the window flew open and a gust of frosty wind blew in. A woman in an ice blue dress glided in, her white hair was in a french braid that traveled down her back, “Greetings girls and welcome to Candyland, I’m Queen Frosty. You're probably wondering why you're here, well I need your help making things right with my sister,” Thoughts poured into Crystal’s head, “I’m so confused, why do you need to make things right with your sister?” “18 years ago when I was 12 I threw my big sister Pepper out of our kingdom. Pepper was 16 and since she is older she would inherit the throne. The thing is I wanted to have it so bad so I ….. kicked her out into the forest, and now she plans on putting a curse on Candyland,” confessed Queen Frosty. “You are one sick person Queen Frosty and I am leaving. How could you kick her out she was your sister. She loved you!” exclaimed Paige. “Ya,” Crystal said sternly “We are not gonna help you were leaving!”

“I’m very sorry, but I cannot allow you to leave,” Queen Frosty said in a fake sympathetic voice. “You help me, I help you. If not I know of a great orphanage near here that you can go to, your choice.” Crystal frowned, she knew that she was not going let Queen Frosty send them to a Candyland orphanage, so it left her with one choice. “Fine, we’ll come on you're stupid adventure,” groaned Crystal. “Noooooooo,” Paige said sassily “I’m not going anywhere with evil witchy!” Crystal elbowed Paige in the rib. “We most definitely are,” muttered Crystal. “Good, we leave in 10 minutes. I’ll be back,” exclaimed Queen Frosty, she turned around and glid“Lets get ready,” moaned Crystal.

10 minutes passed by like greased lightning. As promised Queen Frosty came, and soon enough they set out on their adventure. “Girls, there will be a couple obstacles before we get to Pepper’s Palace, she calls it Veggie Valley. The first obstacle we will go through is Mud Mountain,” Queen Frosty said as she motioned them toward something that looked like an abandoned castle made out of mud. “Why can’t you fly us over it?” asked Paige. “My powers don’t work when I’m this far from Candyland,” Mumbled Queen Frosty in an embarrassed way. As they entered the palace they heard snoring as loud as lion’s roar. “That’s Master Mudpie, he’s asleep 9/10 of the day. If you wake him up he will be furious,” whispered Queen Frosty. Slowly they walked through the palace climbing over and under lumps of mud. “Uh, this is soo har­ AHHHHHHHH,” Crystal screamed as she slipped into a mud pool. Slowly but surely she was getting sucked in. “HELP,” yelled Paige, as Queen Frosty look through her spelltionary. “Found it. Crystal fell, into the mud, of Master mud pie, who’s not my bud. I cast this spell, to make her well, so you better get going, or my mad attitude will start flowing!”

Crystal suddenly levitated out of the mud. Queen Frosty grabbed her hand and pulled her through the mud obstacles. “My dear Queen Frosty come out to play!” called Master Mudpie in a deep gravely voice. “Run Faster girls,” whispered Queen Frosty. The wind whipped Crystal’s brown hair out of her eyes, and she could now clearly see the cliff they were approaching. The three of them stopped abruptly at the edge of the cliff. “What now?” asked Paige, “We jump,” Queen Frosty replied. “There has to be a way around,” Crystal cried. “No, you can look, but by the time you come back Master Mudpie will be here.” Thoughts raced through Crystal’s head. There was only one option, jump. “On three, 1,2,3!!!!!!!” Queen Frosty yelled, grabbing Paige and Crystal’s hands, and yanking them off the cliff.

“AHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” Crystal screamed, right before she hit the hard concrete at 50 miles per hour. “OW!” moaned Paige who was rolling on the ground holding her left ankle. Queen Frosty ran over and examined her ankle. “It’s broken, I’ll call the pearamedics,” Queen Frosty said sadly, “You’ll need an x­ray to make sure, but you can’t go on,” “No, we can’t go on without her, if shes leaving I’m leaving,” Crystal exclaimed. “Crystal, you are going on without me. Save Candyland, please,” begged Paige. “Please,” But as soon as she finished talking the pearamedics pulled up. “She’ll be fine,” said one of the pearamedics, lifting Paige onto the stretcher, “We’ll get her fixed up by the time they go home,” “Thank you,” Queen Frosty said graciously, then she turned to Crystal, “We must go on, we don’t have long until she casts the curse,” Crystal thought about what to do. She could go with Paige and be a supportive friend. Or she could save Candyland. “Let’s go!” she exclaimed. Crystal and Queen Frosty creeped around the field under the cliff, but they were hopeless to find anything. But then something sparked Crystal’s eye, it was an old beat up sign that said Carrot’s Catwalk. It was a long path that connected to Veggie Valley. “Queen Frosty, this way,” Crystal whispered, grabbing Queen Frosty by the hand. They quietly tiptoed across the catwalk trying not to make a noise. “We’re almost there I’m so­ssnnaapp,” Queen Frosty froze, realizing she stepped on a branch. “TROT,TROT TROT,” Carrot was riding towards them on his chariot. “RUN!” Queen Frosty screamed. They ran down the rest long narrow path as fast as they could, but soon they came to the gate of Veggie Valley. “What do we do now?” Asked Crystal.

“We go in,” answered Queen Frosty, who was trembling in fear. They quietly tiptoed through the gate and climbed behind the nearest bush. Crystal was so glad they had made it to Veggie Valley, yet she felt a tang of fear bouncing around inside her. “Queen Frosty, you really didn't think you could enter my fortress without me finding out,” said a cold unfamiliar voice, “Did you come to try and save your desperate little Candyland? Or to sacrifice yourself, either way you're not leaving alive. Hahaha!” Crystal gathered all her courage and walked out from behind the bush. “Queen Frosty came to apologize, and throughout this whole time all she talked about was the good times she spent with you. She’s changed and you should realize that, she loves you,” Crystal exclaimed, “Do the right thing forgive her,” Queen Frosty came out of the bush, “I’m sorry Pepper. I did a bad thing, but I’ve changed,” This brought tears to Princess Pepper’s eyes “I forgive you,” she said bursting out in tears. She ran over and hugged Queen Frosty so tight that it looked like she couldn’t breathe. “Not to ruin the moment, but I need to get home and fix my own problems now,” Crystal called.

2 hours later……… “Come on Paige they're probably wondering where we are!” called Crystal, walking up the steps to her house dripping wet. “Coming!” Paige called back. They had just been transported back to Miami Beach, Florida, and Crystal was ready to make up with her brothers. She stepped through the front door. “NICK! JAKE! Where are you!” she yelled, “We’re right behind you brattypants,” Nick sneered, “Where have you been for the past 6 hours? We’ve been looking for you everywhere.” “I bet she ran away to try and get us in trouble,” Jake said bluntly. “I’m sorry, for real. Please forgive me,” Crystal whispered fighting back tears. Nick and Jake looked at each other. “We forgive you,” they said in unison giving Crystal a high five. “I told you they’d forgive you,” said Paige smiling. Crystal walked over to Paige and gave her a big hug. “You saved Candyland,” whispered Paige “You really did.”

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